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['>>{dukbcaaj} : ‘Trump Could Be the Next Hitler!’ Says the Increasingly Fascist Left', ">>{barbe_du_cou} : Sorry OP, but /r/politics has strict criteria for upvoting brietbart, in that it must be sufficiently focused on Hilary Clinton. And before you comment about how it isn't fair, know that this is the same standard used for upvoting Iranian, Russian and Venezuelan propaganda articles.", '>>{strikes_again_haha} : I dont get this. Pol pot, stalin, mao, hitler were all leftists. When the right goes full retard its a marriage of elite class, business class, and religion which perfectly describes the current breed of globalists....who have been pushed out of the gop and exist only on the left.', ">>{Fuckoutmyface} : You have been temporarily banned from participating in /r/politics. This ban will last for 1 days. You can still view and subscribe to /r/politics, but you won't be able to post or comment. Note from the moderators: You have been banned for not being in love with our Communist Lord, Bernie Sanders. Please take some time to read the rules before your ban expires.", ">>{tenparsecs} : DUMP TRUMP!! TRUMP WILL FUCKING KILL ALL THE MINORITIES DEATH SQUADS DEATH CAMPS GENOCIDE!!!!! HE'S FUCKING HITLER!!!! HE'S FUCKING HITLEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!!!! Wait wait stop violently protesting against him!! Be more rational about how I talked about Trump to you, I mean, I totally condone violence, cmon, that's not right, guys! ;)", ">>{Fenrir-Greyback} : Didn't Ben Carson talk about how Hitler would never have gotten to power if the Jews had been armed.", '>>{aledlewis} : Trump, has all the makings of a tremendous dictator. The best.', '>>{aledlewis} : Yeah. Which sounds like an endorsement of violence against Trump.', ">>{aledlewis} : Hitler was a leftist? LOL. All of the communists he hunted down and killed would be surprised. Love this right-wing revisionism. Just own him. He's yours.", '>>{strikes_again_haha} : National socialism was the creed of the nazi party. Communism is different from socialism...technically. socialism is the people own the means of manufacture, communism is the state owning the means of manufacture.', '>>{ChomskysChekist} : I see the new tactic is to make terms up and hope that it sticks. No shame to breitbarts game I suppose.', ">>{liberationation} : They see the regressive left as their own form of fascism, instead of Secret Police and prison camps, you have PC Police and safe spaces. Which is why they so love Trump, because he's the ultimate troll.", ">>{ChomskysChekist} : Ironically it's only the right wing actually using the state to suppress individual freedom and free speech.", '>>{liberationation} : Eh the left is using other institutions (particularly schools), even Obama has spoken out against it. I think this will be one positive takeaway (not that it negates all the negative…), that PC hysteria is pretty much dead, especially if Trump wins.', ">>{ChomskysChekist} : Not that I disagree but a common fallacy with right wingers is that they are so obsessed with the left, they can't see the monster under their own bed. You guys want to pass laws and use the legal process to repress free speech. That eventually involves the ever growing police and surveillance State. I don't like regressive and intersectionalist liberals but clean up the authoritarian monster under your bed before worrying about some PC nuts", ">>{liberationation} : I'm not right wing, and I recognize their problems to.", '>>{trcsteve} : What are you talking about...have you SEEN the videos of people just losing their minds trying to shut down free speech on campuses that host Milo Yiannopolous? That is the left going increasingly fascist.', '>>{trcsteve} : How is the right using the state to suppress free speech?', ">>{trcsteve} : No he's not. The state owned manufacturing. That is socialism and therefore leftist. You have been taught that fascism=right wing. When in truth, fascism is neither left nor right. In the case of Hitler, the political ideology was socialist.", '>>{ChomskysChekist} : State owned manufacturing is called State capitalism. Socialists do bot believe in capitalism period. You are used to authoritarian state capitalist regimes call themselves socialist in name only.', '>>{ChomskysChekist} : The pledge of allegiance, mad about merry Christmas, enhanced surveillance state against "code" language. Just to name a few.', '>>{trcsteve} : > The pledge of allegiance I see no reference to Congress passing legislation forcing anyone to cite the pledge of allegiance. There are local fights about people wanting to remove God from it, but those originate on the left, and the left is using the courts(the state) to change that. > Mad about merry Christmas. I see no referance to any state involvement when I do a search on this subject. > enhanced surveillance state against "code" language. Now this one is a beauty, because "code" language is a term used by both sides to imply either racism or intent. I am unaware of some sort of "Code" word surveillance unless you are talking about the system put in place to flag red if words like "assasinate" and "president" are said in the same paragraph. And I\'m sorry to tell you, enhance surveillance was bipartisan. The ones that railed against it most were the liberetarians which mostly lean right.', '>>{trcsteve} : Oh, no...in fact he is doing the world a great service by illustrating how bat shit insane some on the left go when you say something they disagree with. How they hate the idea of free speech and will do anything to shut it down because sticks and stones may break my bones but names are MURDER! (your words are murder is an actual claim by a college activist)', '>>{trcsteve} : > Milo isn\'t "doing the world a great service," he\'s fear-mongering. How is Milo fear mongering?', ">>{trcsteve} : Interesting. I think it's rather good journalism to point out that college professors and upper administration officials are being forced out of their positions by some of these students. And a lot of what he does is mocking and trolling because what these kids need is a little sunlight and a little ridicule to maybe prepare some of them for some kind of non-protestor job after college.", ">>{z9nine} : That's business. Don't like how your board does it? Get support, vote them out, and put yours in. Just don't get butthut when someone does it to you.", ">>{trcsteve} : Students have much freedom when it comes to who is teaching them. They can transfer, they can choose a college they like. But when you let the students control the curriculum, you have lost control of your institution. You can't compare a college to a fortune 500 company, and students are not employees.", '>>{trcsteve} : > Colleges aren\'t the government, neither are the students. Colleges are business that provides a service to the students. If those that pay for said service don\'t want certain things supported or said they can boycott the business. The students are doing this by protesting. First of all, many colleges are supported by taxpayer dollars so they are not all free entities. Second, you boycott a business by not buying their stuff. So transfer to a place you like and take your money with you if you want to boycott. It\'s a false comparrison. > They are not violating anyone\'s speech. Yes, yes they are. The Supreme court has long held that a scheduled speaker\'s right to speak supercedes the rights of ANYONE who wants to shut that person up as long as their words are not enciting a riot...like... "burn this bitch down." You block the doors to an event, it\'s illegal (and before you take the argument about campus, many of these events happen off campus). If it is proven that you entered an auditorium with the expicit intention to disrupt the speaker, it is illegal. If you steal someone\'s hat and burn it, it is illegal. Get your facts straight before you start whipping out free speech as justification for the actions of these grown adults who are acting like children. BTW, you\'re reacting like I triggered you. Did I trigger you, pumpkin?', ">>{z9nine} : No, students are stakeholders. Which are more important. Without them a entity won't function. They have more power over how it's run than anyone else. The adage The Customer Is Always Right is true. If your customers don't like what you offer you either change or fall aside. The problem is that we have run our state schools like a business instead of a learning institution. Because of that the customers make the decisions. As someone that deals with customers in a daily basis, 98% of them a fucking idiots that can't tell there asshole from teir elbow.", ">>{trcsteve} : > No, students are stakeholders. Which are more important. Nope...you completely misunderstand business and boycotts. If you don't like what apple is doing, don't buy an Iphone. If you are an allumn, and you buy a building...great, you get your name on it and maybe negotiate before the grant. But students are not stockholders. They are consumers. They have absolutely NO say in how the college is run. They get to go elsewhere or have their voices heard if that is the stucture of the college. [As someone that deals with customers in a daily basis, 98% of them a fucking idiots that can't tell there asshole from teir elbow.] Do you have any idea how much you sound like a jaded elitist prick? No wonder you empathize with those who are professional victims. You ARE one! Suck it up and grow a pair. Stop blaming your decisions on everyone else.", ">>{z9nine} : I didn't say the were Stockholders I said they were Stakeholders. There is a difference. You may think that just not buying a product will change, it doesn't always work like that. Sometimes you have to disrupt the system to create change. If you always try to change the system from within, eventually the system changes you. >[As someone that deals with customers in a daily basis, 98% of them a fucking idiots that can't tell there asshole from teir elbow.] Do you have any idea how much you sound like a jaded elitist prick? No wonder you empathize with those who are professional victims. You ARE one! Suck it up and grow a pair. Stop blaming your decisions on everyone else. I am not a professional victim. I deal with the general public 10-12 hours a day 5 days a week. Try doing that for a while a see how you feel. I don't call them out on it most of the time because I want to keep my job. But believe me, they are idiots."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{dukbcaaj} : ‘Trump Could Be the Next Hitler!’ Says the Increasingly Fascist Left', ">>{barbe_du_cou} : Sorry OP, but /r/politics has strict criteria for upvoting brietbart, in that it must be sufficiently focused on Hilary Clinton. And before you comment about how it isn't fair, know that this is the same standard used for upvoting Iranian, Russian and Venezuelan propaganda articles.", '>>{strikes_again_haha} : I dont get this. Pol pot, stalin, mao, hitler were all leftists. When the right goes full retard its a marriage of elite class, business class, and religion which perfectly describes the current breed of globalists....who have been pushed out of the gop and exist only on the left.', ">>{Fuckoutmyface} : You have been temporarily banned from participating in /r/politics. This ban will last for 1 days. You can still view and subscribe to /r/politics, but you won't be able to post or comment. Note from the moderators: You have been banned for not being in love with our Communist Lord, Bernie Sanders. Please take some time to read the rules before your ban expires.", ">>{tenparsecs} : DUMP TRUMP!! TRUMP WILL FUCKING KILL ALL THE MINORITIES DEATH SQUADS DEATH CAMPS GENOCIDE!!!!! HE'S FUCKING HITLER!!!! HE'S FUCKING HITLEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!!!! Wait wait stop violently protesting against him!! Be more rational about how I talked about Trump to you, I mean, I totally condone violence, cmon, that's not right, guys! ;)", ">>{Fenrir-Greyback} : Didn't Ben Carson talk about how Hitler would never have gotten to power if the Jews had been armed.", '>>{aledlewis} : Trump, has all the makings of a tremendous dictator. The best.', '>>{aledlewis} : Yeah. Which sounds like an endorsement of violence against Trump.', ">>{aledlewis} : Hitler was a leftist? LOL. All of the communists he hunted down and killed would be surprised. Love this right-wing revisionism. Just own him. He's yours.", '>>{strikes_again_haha} : National socialism was the creed of the nazi party. Communism is different from socialism...technically. socialism is the people own the means of manufacture, communism is the state owning the means of manufacture.', '>>{ChomskysChekist} : I see the new tactic is to make terms up and hope that it sticks. No shame to breitbarts game I suppose.', ">>{liberationation} : They see the regressive left as their own form of fascism, instead of Secret Police and prison camps, you have PC Police and safe spaces. Which is why they so love Trump, because he's the ultimate troll.", ">>{ChomskysChekist} : Ironically it's only the right wing actually using the state to suppress individual freedom and free speech.", '>>{liberationation} : Eh the left is using other institutions (particularly schools), even Obama has spoken out against it. I think this will be one positive takeaway (not that it negates all the negative…), that PC hysteria is pretty much dead, especially if Trump wins.', ">>{ChomskysChekist} : Not that I disagree but a common fallacy with right wingers is that they are so obsessed with the left, they can't see the monster under their own bed. You guys want to pass laws and use the legal process to repress free speech. That eventually involves the ever growing police and surveillance State. I don't like regressive and intersectionalist liberals but clean up the authoritarian monster under your bed before worrying about some PC nuts", ">>{liberationation} : I'm not right wing, and I recognize their problems to.", '>>{trcsteve} : What are you talking about...have you SEEN the videos of people just losing their minds trying to shut down free speech on campuses that host Milo Yiannopolous? That is the left going increasingly fascist.', '>>{trcsteve} : How is the right using the state to suppress free speech?', ">>{trcsteve} : No he's not. The state owned manufacturing. That is socialism and therefore leftist. You have been taught that fascism=right wing. When in truth, fascism is neither left nor right. In the case of Hitler, the political ideology was socialist.", '>>{ChomskysChekist} : State owned manufacturing is called State capitalism. Socialists do bot believe in capitalism period. You are used to authoritarian state capitalist regimes call themselves socialist in name only.', '>>{ChomskysChekist} : The pledge of allegiance, mad about merry Christmas, enhanced surveillance state against "code" language. Just to name a few.', '>>{trcsteve} : > The pledge of allegiance I see no reference to Congress passing legislation forcing anyone to cite the pledge of allegiance. There are local fights about people wanting to remove God from it, but those originate on the left, and the left is using the courts(the state) to change that. > Mad about merry Christmas. I see no referance to any state involvement when I do a search on this subject. > enhanced surveillance state against "code" language. Now this one is a beauty, because "code" language is a term used by both sides to imply either racism or intent. I am unaware of some sort of "Code" word surveillance unless you are talking about the system put in place to flag red if words like "assasinate" and "president" are said in the same paragraph. And I\'m sorry to tell you, enhance surveillance was bipartisan. The ones that railed against it most were the liberetarians which mostly lean right.', '>>{trcsteve} : Oh, no...in fact he is doing the world a great service by illustrating how bat shit insane some on the left go when you say something they disagree with. How they hate the idea of free speech and will do anything to shut it down because sticks and stones may break my bones but names are MURDER! (your words are murder is an actual claim by a college activist)', '>>{trcsteve} : > Milo isn\'t "doing the world a great service," he\'s fear-mongering. How is Milo fear mongering?', ">>{trcsteve} : Interesting. I think it's rather good journalism to point out that college professors and upper administration officials are being forced out of their positions by some of these students. And a lot of what he does is mocking and trolling because what these kids need is a little sunlight and a little ridicule to maybe prepare some of them for some kind of non-protestor job after college.", ">>{z9nine} : That's business. Don't like how your board does it? Get support, vote them out, and put yours in. Just don't get butthut when someone does it to you.", ">>{trcsteve} : Students have much freedom when it comes to who is teaching them. They can transfer, they can choose a college they like. But when you let the students control the curriculum, you have lost control of your institution. You can't compare a college to a fortune 500 company, and students are not employees.", '>>{trcsteve} : > Colleges aren\'t the government, neither are the students. Colleges are business that provides a service to the students. If those that pay for said service don\'t want certain things supported or said they can boycott the business. The students are doing this by protesting. First of all, many colleges are supported by taxpayer dollars so they are not all free entities. Second, you boycott a business by not buying their stuff. So transfer to a place you like and take your money with you if you want to boycott. It\'s a false comparrison. > They are not violating anyone\'s speech. Yes, yes they are. The Supreme court has long held that a scheduled speaker\'s right to speak supercedes the rights of ANYONE who wants to shut that person up as long as their words are not enciting a riot...like... "burn this bitch down." You block the doors to an event, it\'s illegal (and before you take the argument about campus, many of these events happen off campus). If it is proven that you entered an auditorium with the expicit intention to disrupt the speaker, it is illegal. If you steal someone\'s hat and burn it, it is illegal. Get your facts straight before you start whipping out free speech as justification for the actions of these grown adults who are acting like children. BTW, you\'re reacting like I triggered you. Did I trigger you, pumpkin?', ">>{z9nine} : No, students are stakeholders. Which are more important. Without them a entity won't function. They have more power over how it's run than anyone else. The adage The Customer Is Always Right is true. If your customers don't like what you offer you either change or fall aside. The problem is that we have run our state schools like a business instead of a learning institution. Because of that the customers make the decisions. As someone that deals with customers in a daily basis, 98% of them a fucking idiots that can't tell there asshole from teir elbow.", ">>{trcsteve} : > No, students are stakeholders. Which are more important. Nope...you completely misunderstand business and boycotts. If you don't like what apple is doing, don't buy an Iphone. If you are an allumn, and you buy a building...great, you get your name on it and maybe negotiate before the grant. But students are not stockholders. They are consumers. They have absolutely NO say in how the college is run. They get to go elsewhere or have their voices heard if that is the stucture of the college. [As someone that deals with customers in a daily basis, 98% of them a fucking idiots that can't tell there asshole from teir elbow.] Do you have any idea how much you sound like a jaded elitist prick? No wonder you empathize with those who are professional victims. You ARE one! Suck it up and grow a pair. Stop blaming your decisions on everyone else.", ">>{z9nine} : I didn't say the were Stockholders I said they were Stakeholders. There is a difference. You may think that just not buying a product will change, it doesn't always work like that. Sometimes you have to disrupt the system to create change. If you always try to change the system from within, eventually the system changes you. >[As someone that deals with customers in a daily basis, 98% of them a fucking idiots that can't tell there asshole from teir elbow.] Do you have any idea how much you sound like a jaded elitist prick? No wonder you empathize with those who are professional victims. You ARE one! Suck it up and grow a pair. Stop blaming your decisions on everyone else. I am not a professional victim. I deal with the general public 10-12 hours a day 5 days a week. Try doing that for a while a see how you feel. I don't call them out on it most of the time because I want to keep my job. But believe me, they are idiots."]]
classify and reply
['>>{pilihansesaat} : How much does Trump claim his golf courses are worth? It depends who needs to know.', '>>{0ne_Word} : All I could think of as I read that title was this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX3bN5YeiQs', '>>{Altwaal} : Even Dems freaked about Bill getting female interns if Hillary wins.', ">>{drucifer27} : She's also had a nonstop whirlwind of mostly negative press over the past 3 weeks, and she's still maintaining leads in almost every poll. But that storm is subsiding and she's got a powerhouse lineup of speakers at the convention next week who will be making her out to be the greatest leader in a generation, while the RNC is looking to be an unmitigated disaster. Look for her numbers to rebound heartily in the coming weeks.", ">>{axelrods_shoe} : She's collapsing. If she doesn't rebound shortly, she will lose", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : I mean they should be he took advantage of Monica it would be sad to see other young women taken advantage of like that. But that's probably not why.", '>>{heuheu} : Had consensual sex with most powerful man in the world. "taken advantage of."', '>>{turtledan87} : That\'s generally how being a business man works? "Everything is worth what it\'s purchaser will pay for it"', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Do you have a point at all. You're aware of course that Monica herself has said he took advantage of her.", '>>{KopOut} : And her lead in the swing states (according to this article) has grown by 2 points, up 40% over last month...', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Trump just fucked himself. Taxman is gonna come a knockin'.", '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : Censorship sucks. Why do you wanna be a censor?', ">>{jpmon} : I can't believe how White this convention crowd is. It's ridiculous", ">>{janzeera} : Just ask him. Unless, of course, you're an accessor...", '>>{Mizukiiii} : This is common for pretty much every business. There is a calculated valuation for tax purposes and a different valuation for prospective buyers in case of a merger/acquisition.', '>>{trogon} : Yeah, it looks like some counties need to do some property reassessments.', ">>{johnthebold2} : Maybe if Trump didn't say so much dumb shit he wouldn't get beatbup on so much.", '>>{Ddog312} : Not to mention she outspent him 7 to 1!', '>>{Agedwithaview} : TIL Donald is much more skilled at talking out of both sides of his mouth than I gave him credit. I think I agree that nothing illegal is involved but you have to give props to him for pushing the envelope..... I am curious which numbers he uses when talking to lenders....', '>>{DrewChambersDC} : Powerhouse lineup like the mother of Michael Brown 😂', ">>{Byzantine279} : But for the love of god don't let the tax guy see the 2nd one.", '>>{Mizukiiii} : Is it really pushing the envelope if everyone does it? The past 3 companies I have worked for all have two separate books.', '>>{Kissing_Toast} : And she increased her lead from 5 points to 7 in those states that she is outspending him in. So basically she is losing some votes in Texas and Alabama?', ">>{Kissing_Toast} : > The old joke is that Hillary's poll numbers never go up Except for those [four times her numbers went up during primary polling](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/2016_democratic_presidential_nomination-3824.html) and [four times during general election polling](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html)", ">>{whatnowdog} : I would like to see the tax laws changed so that a company's tax filing is what they show in their financial statements to shareholders. Trump must be a bad businessman if he paid $150 million plus a lot of money for improvements for the Doral but now says it is only worth $75 million. To all the Trump supporters this is why you pay more taxes because the rich get out of paying their fair share.", '>>{drucifer27} : And like...Bill Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, President Obama, and Michelle Obama.', ">>{Stuart98} : Because daily caller articles are worthless? Salon, breitbart, redstate, etc are also worthless. HuffPo's been banned before. The sub already bans blogs.", '>>{bobnojio} : That\'s not how any of this works You need to realize that goodwill style pricing/additives aren\'t taxable You buy a company? It has 3 million in assets (computers, desks, etc). Then you pay for the goodwill - customer accounts/information, staff, and "profit" Nobody would want to sell for pure asset value, because that\'s what they have now. Goodwill is priced, but not taxable', ">>{_tx} : Goodwill doesn't even exist in IFRS only US GAAP. That said, the simplest difference is that book value generally is historically based and adjusted for depreciation.", ">>{drucifer27} : Jesus, the persecution complex is strong with this one. Can't handle a dissenting argument? Don't post. >The problem is she isn't blowing him away. Exactly. See my original post. She's been battered by a constant stream of negative press for several weeks. That'll take a toll on your ratings. But that shitstorm has subsided somewhat and the convention is next week. She'll more than likely be leading him by blowout margins by the first week of August if historical polling trends hold true.", ">>{Kissing_Toast} : Clinton's 2 points are statistical noise, Trump's 3 points aren't?", '>>{boogietime} : But I thought she was going with the "I\'m a political outsider" routine? Or is that over since Sanders bent a knee?', '>>{heuheu} : http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2014/05/monica-lewinsky-speaks >> Maintaining that her affair with Clinton was one between two consenting adults, >> But I will always remain firm on this point: it was a consensual relationship.', ">>{Kissing_Toast} : That makes no sense on several levels. RCP doesn't care how many polls there are to make an average. If there aren't any new polls coming out, they keep using the old ones.", ">>{bobnojio} : Exactly It's not on the books, but it's STILL something you pay when you buy the company", '>>{OhGreatItsHim} : he cant break 40%. The last few weeks was Trumps chance to make a break out and he did nothing with it. If he cant make gains after the last few weeks she has had then I dont really know how he can in the future.', ">>{OhGreatItsHim} : she's built a campaign infrastructure that can help her and down ballet people while trump hasnt opened many campaign offices.", ">>{_tx} : Kinda. But more if the other way around. When you buy a company you're buying the pv of some period of future cash flows which if you're buying it, should be more than book. We create goodwill to account for the excess of price over book. The way you worded it makes it sound like goodwill is created by the selling company which isn't technically correct. And accountants like to be technically correct", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Same with me. If its the IRS asking than it ain't worth shit!", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Yes, he didn't rape her, he just took advantage of her. It's different, but still sad.", ">>{StoopKidLeavingStoop} : I would rather go with someone who has no charisma than someone who would probably destroy our country's reputation and relationships with other countries should they be elected.", '>>{heuheu} : How did he take advantage of her? Explain.', '>>{KalpolIntro} : Do you only pay attention when the post is about a "silver bullet"?', '>>{squidbillie} : Dem checking in. I\'m not "freaked".', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : He was in a position of power over her. He convinced her to have sex with him and then threw her under the bus by lying about it and disavowing their romance. Or what she thought was their romance. What he lead her to believe was their romance. It's about the power differential. Do you not understand this dynamic and why it is immoral?", '>>{heuheu} : Ah, I see, so your reasoning for "taken advantage of" was taken from a page right out of the 3rd wave feminist playbook in which grown women are children and not adults capable of making their choices. I see.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : It's not about grown women being children. It's about it being unethical to have sex with people with whom you have a vast power differential and a position of authority over... I really hope you can think about that a bit.. Even if you want to pretend to not understand or something. Are you a trumper? You're talking like a trumper.", '>>{Kissing_Toast} : The trendline since September is Clinton -1 and Trump -4 See, I can also pick two random points in time and declare that the "trendline".', ">>{AfroMidnite} : It's not radical feminism to say that when someone in a position of power has sex with their direct subordinates it's an abuse of that power. If a general is banging one of his soldiers, the general will get in more trouble no matter how consensual it is. Duh.", '>>{heuheu} : Dude, unethical does not = "taken advantage of" this is where your mistake is. Listen, 3rd wave feminism is in rapid decline and nobody takes it seriously for a reason. And this is exactly why. This argument that women don\'t want/like to sleep with powerful men is fucking absurd. This idea that a woman sleeping with a man with a higher social status than her is being "taken advantage of" is even more absurd. So yeah, exactly as I suspected you\'re using 3rd wave feminist arguments which literally nobody even slightly educated takes seriously. That\'s all I wanted to confirm.', ">>{Kissing_Toast} : > down ballet people Now I'm imagining Evan Bayh in a tutu", '>>{OhGreatItsHim} : This isnt the UK. This election isnt the Brexit. The polls dont show a razor thin margin.', ">>{SanDiegoDude} : I saw a comment from a previous intern on another subreddit regarding that picture. All of those internships are unpaid, so virtually all of those interns' living expenses are being paid for by rich parents, including paying for their kiddos to live in or near DC, a very pricey area to rent in.", '>>{18544920} : Good thing Bernie is still in the race, if Hillary number is still dropping then these super delegates better fucking do what it is necessary to beat Trump', '>>{eamus_catuli} : On July 18, 2012, Barack Obama held a 2.6% lead on Mitt Romney in national polling. On July, 18, 2008, Obama held a 4.1% national polling lead on John McCain. On July 18, 2004, George W. Bush *trailed* John Kerry by 2%. A 4% lead this early is actually a great position to be in.', ">>{18544920} : He only endorsed Hillary to be able to speak at the convention, Hillary is still presumptive nominee, it's not delusional to think there is still possibility Bernie could end up becoming the next Democratic nominee. It's all up to supers, if they knew what is good for America, they'd use their brains.", ">>{Wetzilla} : A large portion of the ads purchased with that money haven't run yet, since they made the ad buys early to save some money.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : It's been wrong to sexually take advantage of people you have authority over since long before third wave feminism.", '>>{eamus_catuli} : >It should be a landslide. I disagree with anybody who thinks a landslide is possible in a national election nowadays. The electorate is just far too polarized for that to happen and far too many people simply vote along party lines. Democrats or Republicans could nominate a gorilla for President, and I firmly believe that the ape would immediately get the support of 33% of the voting public. Not to mention the fact that the media hates a landslide - as it attracts fewer eyeballs to the "horserace". They\'d do anything in their power to make the ape look somewhat respectable so as to keep it close. Gotta get ratings!', '>>{heuheu} : It comes directly from the 3rd wave feminist playbook, along with every other bullshit social theory you can find floating around. Back during the early days of 3rd wave feminism feminists started looking for a wave to expand the definition of rape//sexual assault and this is one piles of shit born out of that. Along with "stare rape" and a few other crazy things. Again, nobody takes it seriously. Unethical and he should have known better? Yes, she was taken advantage of? No, not in a million years.', ">>{heuheu} : It's wrong if you used that power to coerce someone to have sex with you. Bill didn't coerce her, as she's said multiple times. Meaning no, you are wrong and will remain wrong.", ">>{Borigrad} : Yes, it's incredibly unethical for a person in a position of power to have sex with subordinate, there is no one with more power than the President. There is absolutely no way to determine what would of happened to Monica Lewinsky had she said no, she could be fired, black balled, given extra stressful jobs or be punished in other ways. The fact you can't understand that, is hilarious.", ">>{heuheu} : Again, unethical? Yes, taken advantage of? No. She's said multiple times she was not coerced or forced in any way. This isn't tumblr, this argument isn't going to work here.", '>>{kstinfo} : That Billy has had his willy in a knot since Monica is beyond belief.', ">>{eamus_catuli} : >There is no other explanation than that she is a fucking terrible candidate. There's actually a quite good explanation - the race has just begun, for christ's sake! You're comparing a final result after months of campaigning, stumping, debates, etc. to a race where we haven't even had party conventions yet. I just showed you that Obama led McCain by 4% on this very same date in 2008. By your own logic, he was a terrible fucking candidate.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Sigh. You should really think about this more. Seriously. There's a reason nobody but MRAs think the way you do. You've been hanging around redpillers too much. I can't explain it any more really.. Don't have sex with people you have immense authority over. It's wrong. It's like coercion, just because of the power differential. They might not even feel like they can say no. They might be afraid to. Afraid they would lose their job or suffer other consequences. Plus on top of all that he lied to her.", ">>{heuheu} : Not an MRA, but solid attempt at that ad hominem because your argument is horrible. So let me just repeat this one more time. Unethical? Yes, taken advantage of? Absolutely not. This is not tumblr, your arguments do not work here. She has said multiple times she was not coerced or forced in any way, and you throwing out a string of labels and strawmen isn't going to change these basic facts. Your cult has no power here. You don't even know what a redpiller is, which tells me everything I need to know about you.", '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : Why do you think it was unethical? You seem hung up on the language "taken advantage of" what does that mean to you? What does it mean to you to take advantage of someone or be taken advantage of? I haven\'t made any strawmen and I\'m not making any ad Homs either. I did call you an MRA but I can\'t make an ad him because you haven\'t made any arguments really other than calling me a 3rd wave feminist.. Just tell me why you think it was unethical and what "taken advantage of" means to you.', '>>{heuheu} : >> Why do you think it was unethical? Because he was the president and a married man. >> You seem hung up on the language "taken advantage of" what does that mean to you? What does it mean to you to take advantage of someone or be taken advantage of? I reject literally every single attempt by feminism to expand or change the definitions of rape or sexual assault or anything related to consent. >> I haven\'t made any strawmen and I\'m not making any ad Homs either. I did call you an MRA but I can\'t make an ad him because you haven\'t made any arguments really other than calling me a 3rd wave feminist.. Didn\'t call you a 3rd waver, I said your argument was from 3rd wave feminism. >> Just tell me why you think it was unethical and what "taken advantage of" means to you. I explained what unethical is. Taken advantage of to me means coerced or put in a position where she could not refuse. A consensual sexual relationship is not being taken advantage of.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : I didn't describe it as sexual assault or rape though. Why is it wrong for the President to have sex with a young intern? What if she was afraid of saying no? Anyone can always say no. By your definition there's no such thing as taking advantage of anyone ever. Is that not taking advantage of a position of authority?", ">>{heuheu} : >> Why is it wrong for the President to have sex with a young intern? Because he is her superior, you seem to be misunderstanding me. I'm not saying the potential for being taken advantage of isn't there, I'm saying it does not apply to this case and she's already said this. >> What if she was afraid of saying no? Anyone can always say no. By your definition there's no such thing as taking advantage of anyone ever. Again, she has soundly refuted this argument and confirmed this wasn't the case. I am not saying the potential isn't there, I am saying this case is not an example of that. >> Is that not taking advantage of a position of authority? No, it's not unless you can prove she was coerced in any way, which she's already refuted.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : No, she said he DID take advantage of her. That's her own words.", ">>{heuheu} : She's talking about the fucking aftermath, dude. Read the next fucking line. He absolutely scapegoated and took advantage of his position in the aftermath.", ">>{heuheu} : She very, very clearly is. Even so, I'd argue she was an adult capable of making her own choices, she knew what she was doing and she is every bit as much to blame as he was.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Learn to read. You're not serious at all I'm done.", ">>{turtlewink} : i thought the resident redditors liked to complain about how reddit doesn't represent the majority. You types are making this too easy, c'mon...", '>>{cynicallad} : It\'s not a feminist argument. I\'m a straight guy. If my sexy, powerful lady boss hit on me I\'d be flattered, probably down, but the thought of "If I don\'t do this my career might be fucked" would also occur to me. The whiff of coercion makes it questionable. It\'s got nothing to do with me being a child.', '>>{Neglectful_Stranger} : He apparently took advantage of more women than just Monica.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : It seems very likely that he did. I just think maybe just looking on this one very public very obvious case we can see a big problem with how the Clintons treat people. Bill pretended to care about Monica and tossed her aside like a used condom. She's human and that's fucking awful. Even if ALLLLL of the other accusations are false.. Hillary never did say a word of support for Monica. She stood by Bill in his treating Monica this way. Bill's treatment of Monica was very public and it seems to me like he should also have made a public apology for it. This is how a Clinton treats someone he is supposedly FOND of. How do they treat everyone else, then? It's awful to think this will be the way the President will treat Americans. They have shown no remorse. We are so fucked.", '>>{HolyRomanPrince} : I mean... does his gear even work properly anymore?', '>>{jonnyp11} : >Mr Clinton "took advantage of her", she said, but she insisted that the relationship was completely consensual. >She said: "Sure, my boss took advantage of me, but I will always remain firm on this point: it was a consensual relationship. >"Any \'abuse\' came in the aftermath, when I was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position That\'s your own citation disagreeing with you, and agreeing with him. You indeed do have severe reading comprehension issues if you can\'t understand these simple statements. The relationship was immoral and unprofessional, but consensual, and the advantage was taken by throwing her under bus to protect himself.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Not at all, no. But you'll just believe whatever you want anyway that's the way the Clinton cult works.", ">>{jonnyp11} : I like how you responded to being told you have reading comp issues by answering a question that doesn't exist. Says the guy who doesn't believe/understand the article he linked as a source", '>>{blancs50} : PDE5 inhibitors work wonders, assuming his heart is healthy enough for sex.', '>>{jonnyp11} : Great ~~rebuild~~ rebutle (autocorrect), I applaud your debate skills, and reading comprehension', '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : Are you still talking? Why? Do you have no shame?', ">>{jonnyp11} : Coming from the guy disagreeing with his own sources? I'm having fun laughing as you squirm", ">>{gaeuvyen} : Just give Bill male interns, or Rosie O'donnel.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : He should really ask his doctor if his heart is healthy enough for sex.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{pilihansesaat} : How much does Trump claim his golf courses are worth? It depends who needs to know.', '>>{turtledan87} : That\'s generally how being a business man works? "Everything is worth what it\'s purchaser will pay for it"', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Trump just fucked himself. Taxman is gonna come a knockin'.", ">>{janzeera} : Just ask him. Unless, of course, you're an accessor...", '>>{Mizukiiii} : This is common for pretty much every business. There is a calculated valuation for tax purposes and a different valuation for prospective buyers in case of a merger/acquisition.', '>>{trogon} : Yeah, it looks like some counties need to do some property reassessments.', '>>{Agedwithaview} : TIL Donald is much more skilled at talking out of both sides of his mouth than I gave him credit. I think I agree that nothing illegal is involved but you have to give props to him for pushing the envelope..... I am curious which numbers he uses when talking to lenders....', ">>{Byzantine279} : But for the love of god don't let the tax guy see the 2nd one.", '>>{Mizukiiii} : Is it really pushing the envelope if everyone does it? The past 3 companies I have worked for all have two separate books.', ">>{whatnowdog} : I would like to see the tax laws changed so that a company's tax filing is what they show in their financial statements to shareholders. Trump must be a bad businessman if he paid $150 million plus a lot of money for improvements for the Doral but now says it is only worth $75 million. To all the Trump supporters this is why you pay more taxes because the rich get out of paying their fair share.", '>>{bobnojio} : That\'s not how any of this works You need to realize that goodwill style pricing/additives aren\'t taxable You buy a company? It has 3 million in assets (computers, desks, etc). Then you pay for the goodwill - customer accounts/information, staff, and "profit" Nobody would want to sell for pure asset value, because that\'s what they have now. Goodwill is priced, but not taxable', ">>{_tx} : Goodwill doesn't even exist in IFRS only US GAAP. That said, the simplest difference is that book value generally is historically based and adjusted for depreciation.", ">>{bobnojio} : Exactly It's not on the books, but it's STILL something you pay when you buy the company", ">>{_tx} : Kinda. But more if the other way around. When you buy a company you're buying the pv of some period of future cash flows which if you're buying it, should be more than book. We create goodwill to account for the excess of price over book. The way you worded it makes it sound like goodwill is created by the selling company which isn't technically correct. And accountants like to be technically correct", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Same with me. If its the IRS asking than it ain't worth shit!", '>>{KalpolIntro} : Do you only pay attention when the post is about a "silver bullet"?'], ['>>{Altwaal} : Even Dems freaked about Bill getting female interns if Hillary wins.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : I mean they should be he took advantage of Monica it would be sad to see other young women taken advantage of like that. But that's probably not why.", '>>{heuheu} : Had consensual sex with most powerful man in the world. "taken advantage of."', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Do you have a point at all. You're aware of course that Monica herself has said he took advantage of her.", '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : Censorship sucks. Why do you wanna be a censor?', ">>{Stuart98} : Because daily caller articles are worthless? Salon, breitbart, redstate, etc are also worthless. HuffPo's been banned before. The sub already bans blogs.", '>>{heuheu} : http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2014/05/monica-lewinsky-speaks >> Maintaining that her affair with Clinton was one between two consenting adults, >> But I will always remain firm on this point: it was a consensual relationship.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Yes, he didn't rape her, he just took advantage of her. It's different, but still sad.", '>>{heuheu} : How did he take advantage of her? Explain.', '>>{squidbillie} : Dem checking in. I\'m not "freaked".', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : He was in a position of power over her. He convinced her to have sex with him and then threw her under the bus by lying about it and disavowing their romance. Or what she thought was their romance. What he lead her to believe was their romance. It's about the power differential. Do you not understand this dynamic and why it is immoral?", '>>{heuheu} : Ah, I see, so your reasoning for "taken advantage of" was taken from a page right out of the 3rd wave feminist playbook in which grown women are children and not adults capable of making their choices. I see.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : It's not about grown women being children. It's about it being unethical to have sex with people with whom you have a vast power differential and a position of authority over... I really hope you can think about that a bit.. Even if you want to pretend to not understand or something. Are you a trumper? You're talking like a trumper.", ">>{AfroMidnite} : It's not radical feminism to say that when someone in a position of power has sex with their direct subordinates it's an abuse of that power. If a general is banging one of his soldiers, the general will get in more trouble no matter how consensual it is. Duh.", '>>{heuheu} : Dude, unethical does not = "taken advantage of" this is where your mistake is. Listen, 3rd wave feminism is in rapid decline and nobody takes it seriously for a reason. And this is exactly why. This argument that women don\'t want/like to sleep with powerful men is fucking absurd. This idea that a woman sleeping with a man with a higher social status than her is being "taken advantage of" is even more absurd. So yeah, exactly as I suspected you\'re using 3rd wave feminist arguments which literally nobody even slightly educated takes seriously. That\'s all I wanted to confirm.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : It's been wrong to sexually take advantage of people you have authority over since long before third wave feminism.", '>>{heuheu} : It comes directly from the 3rd wave feminist playbook, along with every other bullshit social theory you can find floating around. Back during the early days of 3rd wave feminism feminists started looking for a wave to expand the definition of rape//sexual assault and this is one piles of shit born out of that. Along with "stare rape" and a few other crazy things. Again, nobody takes it seriously. Unethical and he should have known better? Yes, she was taken advantage of? No, not in a million years.', ">>{heuheu} : It's wrong if you used that power to coerce someone to have sex with you. Bill didn't coerce her, as she's said multiple times. Meaning no, you are wrong and will remain wrong.", ">>{Borigrad} : Yes, it's incredibly unethical for a person in a position of power to have sex with subordinate, there is no one with more power than the President. There is absolutely no way to determine what would of happened to Monica Lewinsky had she said no, she could be fired, black balled, given extra stressful jobs or be punished in other ways. The fact you can't understand that, is hilarious.", ">>{heuheu} : Again, unethical? Yes, taken advantage of? No. She's said multiple times she was not coerced or forced in any way. This isn't tumblr, this argument isn't going to work here.", '>>{kstinfo} : That Billy has had his willy in a knot since Monica is beyond belief.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Sigh. You should really think about this more. Seriously. There's a reason nobody but MRAs think the way you do. You've been hanging around redpillers too much. I can't explain it any more really.. Don't have sex with people you have immense authority over. It's wrong. It's like coercion, just because of the power differential. They might not even feel like they can say no. They might be afraid to. Afraid they would lose their job or suffer other consequences. Plus on top of all that he lied to her.", ">>{heuheu} : Not an MRA, but solid attempt at that ad hominem because your argument is horrible. So let me just repeat this one more time. Unethical? Yes, taken advantage of? Absolutely not. This is not tumblr, your arguments do not work here. She has said multiple times she was not coerced or forced in any way, and you throwing out a string of labels and strawmen isn't going to change these basic facts. Your cult has no power here. You don't even know what a redpiller is, which tells me everything I need to know about you.", '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : Why do you think it was unethical? You seem hung up on the language "taken advantage of" what does that mean to you? What does it mean to you to take advantage of someone or be taken advantage of? I haven\'t made any strawmen and I\'m not making any ad Homs either. I did call you an MRA but I can\'t make an ad him because you haven\'t made any arguments really other than calling me a 3rd wave feminist.. Just tell me why you think it was unethical and what "taken advantage of" means to you.', '>>{heuheu} : >> Why do you think it was unethical? Because he was the president and a married man. >> You seem hung up on the language "taken advantage of" what does that mean to you? What does it mean to you to take advantage of someone or be taken advantage of? I reject literally every single attempt by feminism to expand or change the definitions of rape or sexual assault or anything related to consent. >> I haven\'t made any strawmen and I\'m not making any ad Homs either. I did call you an MRA but I can\'t make an ad him because you haven\'t made any arguments really other than calling me a 3rd wave feminist.. Didn\'t call you a 3rd waver, I said your argument was from 3rd wave feminism. >> Just tell me why you think it was unethical and what "taken advantage of" means to you. I explained what unethical is. Taken advantage of to me means coerced or put in a position where she could not refuse. A consensual sexual relationship is not being taken advantage of.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : I didn't describe it as sexual assault or rape though. Why is it wrong for the President to have sex with a young intern? What if she was afraid of saying no? Anyone can always say no. By your definition there's no such thing as taking advantage of anyone ever. Is that not taking advantage of a position of authority?", ">>{heuheu} : >> Why is it wrong for the President to have sex with a young intern? Because he is her superior, you seem to be misunderstanding me. I'm not saying the potential for being taken advantage of isn't there, I'm saying it does not apply to this case and she's already said this. >> What if she was afraid of saying no? Anyone can always say no. By your definition there's no such thing as taking advantage of anyone ever. Again, she has soundly refuted this argument and confirmed this wasn't the case. I am not saying the potential isn't there, I am saying this case is not an example of that. >> Is that not taking advantage of a position of authority? No, it's not unless you can prove she was coerced in any way, which she's already refuted.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : No, she said he DID take advantage of her. That's her own words.", ">>{heuheu} : She's talking about the fucking aftermath, dude. Read the next fucking line. He absolutely scapegoated and took advantage of his position in the aftermath.", ">>{heuheu} : She very, very clearly is. Even so, I'd argue she was an adult capable of making her own choices, she knew what she was doing and she is every bit as much to blame as he was.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Learn to read. You're not serious at all I'm done.", ">>{turtlewink} : i thought the resident redditors liked to complain about how reddit doesn't represent the majority. You types are making this too easy, c'mon...", '>>{cynicallad} : It\'s not a feminist argument. I\'m a straight guy. If my sexy, powerful lady boss hit on me I\'d be flattered, probably down, but the thought of "If I don\'t do this my career might be fucked" would also occur to me. The whiff of coercion makes it questionable. It\'s got nothing to do with me being a child.', '>>{Neglectful_Stranger} : He apparently took advantage of more women than just Monica.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : It seems very likely that he did. I just think maybe just looking on this one very public very obvious case we can see a big problem with how the Clintons treat people. Bill pretended to care about Monica and tossed her aside like a used condom. She's human and that's fucking awful. Even if ALLLLL of the other accusations are false.. Hillary never did say a word of support for Monica. She stood by Bill in his treating Monica this way. Bill's treatment of Monica was very public and it seems to me like he should also have made a public apology for it. This is how a Clinton treats someone he is supposedly FOND of. How do they treat everyone else, then? It's awful to think this will be the way the President will treat Americans. They have shown no remorse. We are so fucked.", '>>{HolyRomanPrince} : I mean... does his gear even work properly anymore?', '>>{jonnyp11} : >Mr Clinton "took advantage of her", she said, but she insisted that the relationship was completely consensual. >She said: "Sure, my boss took advantage of me, but I will always remain firm on this point: it was a consensual relationship. >"Any \'abuse\' came in the aftermath, when I was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position That\'s your own citation disagreeing with you, and agreeing with him. You indeed do have severe reading comprehension issues if you can\'t understand these simple statements. The relationship was immoral and unprofessional, but consensual, and the advantage was taken by throwing her under bus to protect himself.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Not at all, no. But you'll just believe whatever you want anyway that's the way the Clinton cult works.", ">>{jonnyp11} : I like how you responded to being told you have reading comp issues by answering a question that doesn't exist. Says the guy who doesn't believe/understand the article he linked as a source", '>>{blancs50} : PDE5 inhibitors work wonders, assuming his heart is healthy enough for sex.', '>>{jonnyp11} : Great ~~rebuild~~ rebutle (autocorrect), I applaud your debate skills, and reading comprehension', '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : Are you still talking? Why? Do you have no shame?', ">>{jonnyp11} : Coming from the guy disagreeing with his own sources? I'm having fun laughing as you squirm", ">>{gaeuvyen} : Just give Bill male interns, or Rosie O'donnel.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : He should really ask his doctor if his heart is healthy enough for sex.'], ['>>{0ne_Word} : All I could think of as I read that title was this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX3bN5YeiQs', ">>{drucifer27} : She's also had a nonstop whirlwind of mostly negative press over the past 3 weeks, and she's still maintaining leads in almost every poll. But that storm is subsiding and she's got a powerhouse lineup of speakers at the convention next week who will be making her out to be the greatest leader in a generation, while the RNC is looking to be an unmitigated disaster. Look for her numbers to rebound heartily in the coming weeks.", ">>{axelrods_shoe} : She's collapsing. If she doesn't rebound shortly, she will lose", '>>{KopOut} : And her lead in the swing states (according to this article) has grown by 2 points, up 40% over last month...', ">>{jpmon} : I can't believe how White this convention crowd is. It's ridiculous", ">>{johnthebold2} : Maybe if Trump didn't say so much dumb shit he wouldn't get beatbup on so much.", '>>{Ddog312} : Not to mention she outspent him 7 to 1!', '>>{DrewChambersDC} : Powerhouse lineup like the mother of Michael Brown 😂', '>>{Kissing_Toast} : And she increased her lead from 5 points to 7 in those states that she is outspending him in. So basically she is losing some votes in Texas and Alabama?', ">>{Kissing_Toast} : > The old joke is that Hillary's poll numbers never go up Except for those [four times her numbers went up during primary polling](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/2016_democratic_presidential_nomination-3824.html) and [four times during general election polling](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html)", '>>{drucifer27} : And like...Bill Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, President Obama, and Michelle Obama.', ">>{drucifer27} : Jesus, the persecution complex is strong with this one. Can't handle a dissenting argument? Don't post. >The problem is she isn't blowing him away. Exactly. See my original post. She's been battered by a constant stream of negative press for several weeks. That'll take a toll on your ratings. But that shitstorm has subsided somewhat and the convention is next week. She'll more than likely be leading him by blowout margins by the first week of August if historical polling trends hold true.", ">>{Kissing_Toast} : Clinton's 2 points are statistical noise, Trump's 3 points aren't?", '>>{boogietime} : But I thought she was going with the "I\'m a political outsider" routine? Or is that over since Sanders bent a knee?', ">>{Kissing_Toast} : That makes no sense on several levels. RCP doesn't care how many polls there are to make an average. If there aren't any new polls coming out, they keep using the old ones.", '>>{OhGreatItsHim} : he cant break 40%. The last few weeks was Trumps chance to make a break out and he did nothing with it. If he cant make gains after the last few weeks she has had then I dont really know how he can in the future.', ">>{OhGreatItsHim} : she's built a campaign infrastructure that can help her and down ballet people while trump hasnt opened many campaign offices.", ">>{StoopKidLeavingStoop} : I would rather go with someone who has no charisma than someone who would probably destroy our country's reputation and relationships with other countries should they be elected.", '>>{Kissing_Toast} : The trendline since September is Clinton -1 and Trump -4 See, I can also pick two random points in time and declare that the "trendline".', ">>{Kissing_Toast} : > down ballet people Now I'm imagining Evan Bayh in a tutu", '>>{OhGreatItsHim} : This isnt the UK. This election isnt the Brexit. The polls dont show a razor thin margin.', ">>{SanDiegoDude} : I saw a comment from a previous intern on another subreddit regarding that picture. All of those internships are unpaid, so virtually all of those interns' living expenses are being paid for by rich parents, including paying for their kiddos to live in or near DC, a very pricey area to rent in.", '>>{18544920} : Good thing Bernie is still in the race, if Hillary number is still dropping then these super delegates better fucking do what it is necessary to beat Trump', '>>{eamus_catuli} : On July 18, 2012, Barack Obama held a 2.6% lead on Mitt Romney in national polling. On July, 18, 2008, Obama held a 4.1% national polling lead on John McCain. On July 18, 2004, George W. Bush *trailed* John Kerry by 2%. A 4% lead this early is actually a great position to be in.', ">>{18544920} : He only endorsed Hillary to be able to speak at the convention, Hillary is still presumptive nominee, it's not delusional to think there is still possibility Bernie could end up becoming the next Democratic nominee. It's all up to supers, if they knew what is good for America, they'd use their brains.", ">>{Wetzilla} : A large portion of the ads purchased with that money haven't run yet, since they made the ad buys early to save some money.", '>>{eamus_catuli} : >It should be a landslide. I disagree with anybody who thinks a landslide is possible in a national election nowadays. The electorate is just far too polarized for that to happen and far too many people simply vote along party lines. Democrats or Republicans could nominate a gorilla for President, and I firmly believe that the ape would immediately get the support of 33% of the voting public. Not to mention the fact that the media hates a landslide - as it attracts fewer eyeballs to the "horserace". They\'d do anything in their power to make the ape look somewhat respectable so as to keep it close. Gotta get ratings!', ">>{eamus_catuli} : >There is no other explanation than that she is a fucking terrible candidate. There's actually a quite good explanation - the race has just begun, for christ's sake! You're comparing a final result after months of campaigning, stumping, debates, etc. to a race where we haven't even had party conventions yet. I just showed you that Obama led McCain by 4% on this very same date in 2008. By your own logic, he was a terrible fucking candidate."]]
classify and reply
['>>{kae7} : This notification popped up suddenly. What does it means? Which sensor ?', ">>{pmrr} : These are badly used placeholders the developer had intended to be proper messages that would tell you the problem. Googling for those constants doesn't come back with much, which would suggest it's a new issue and possibly a bug that has/will be fixed with an iOS point update (I'm assuming it's Apple). Is it happening frequently?", ">>{NotSwedishBacon} : It's the sensor which detects which sensor has failed /s", ">>{Damnmorrisdancer} : I agree. It's bad software practice from the developers. Nothing to do with your physical iPhone.", '>>{Notcow} : It appears that you may need to recalibrate some sensors. Apparently there is a way to do this within the Compass app. http://www.macworld.com/article/2055384/how-to-recalibrate-the-motion-sensors-in-your-iphone-5s.html >You can try to fix...by force-quitting and relaunching Compass to trigger the calibration screen, and you’ll have the best luck if you calibrate at least several feet away from any other magnetic or electronic devices Let me know the result.', ">>{Iammattieee} : Looks like something you would see if you're in the iOS beta.", ">>{dojomann} : But surely it needs a sensor sensor sensor? It's sensors all the way down...", ">>{squarefrog} : It's common to use these as references to a string localisation file. If for some reason the file is not included, then the references are used instead. Very easy to overlook unfortunately as the compiler doesn't flag it up.", ">>{ChadMoran} : There's a good chance these are keys for an I18n/L10n file that is filled up by someone else for localization. Chances are whoever was supposed to fill out the localization file didn't do so. Developer did the right thing here.", ">>{FictionaI} : I don't have any info on your problem, but was just curious if you would link your wallpaper? Thank you.", '>>{xtrumpclimbs} : Cars have this kind of double checks in the sensors, for instance for the exhaust (lambda sensor has a sensor that usually gives errors in VAG cars).', ">>{codevil} : I know that Google is known to have better engineering than Apple but I didn't know that Apple engineering was *this* bad.", '>>{NotSwedishBacon} : Haha VAG cars, makes me chuckle every time.', ">>{LastGuardianStanding} : It's the assistive touch you have active. Try disabling and re-enabling the feature.", ">>{mrtherapist} : Or turn the phone off then back on instead of doing a bunch of troubleshooting for a random glitch that probably happened because the phone hasn't been rebooted in a month.", '>>{dilln} : Maybe the developer is responsible for updating the localization file', ">>{emersonlakeandlagoon} : It's so bad that people fill up the stores to buy equipment that costs twice as much as the competition. I'm posting this from a two and a half year old 6+ and I also have a six year old MacBook Air.", '>>{exjr_} : Wait, OP, is this a 7? Some 7 and 7+ actually tell you when the home button fails, and is most likely telling you that', '>>{SimShade} : Might get downvoted since my comment offers no help, which I truly apologize for... but, wallpaper?', '>>{branvan859} : *someone dies in the street after being run over by a bus* "That\'s so sad. That\'s a cute dress though. I wonder where she got that."', ">>{LeCroqueMitaine} : Go to Apple store they will fix it for free. It's not normal !", '>>{SimShade} : lmao Damn, miscellaneous notifications now equate to demises. Have an upvote for making me chuckle.', '>>{apanopticon} : It looks like artwork associated with the last Radiohead album. Check out their instagram.', ">>{jeremec} : It's just a missing localized string. Not a placeholder per say. That's probably the string lookup key.", '>>{dilln} : How come? A lot of devs just update it themselves with new strings in the copy deck', '>>{mrcaptncrunch} : Buggy software with memory leaks actually can cause issues and just rebooting helps. Let me guess, user?', '>>{AlexMeanberg} : I work in IT, and I was making a joke. Sorry you did not like 🙇', '>>{mrtherapist} : Development actually. Nothing worse than someone demanding server length uptimes from a phone they play Clash of Clans on. Reboot and give the system a refresh then talk to me about bugs. Why bug fix some fringe problem relating to having the device on for a month without rebooting when there are more important bugs?', '>>{Notcow} : He didn\'t ask how to fix it, he asked "what does it mean." I like to know the cause of errors too, in case it happens again. If the solution I posted solves the problem, great, was just a problem with the Compass app. If it doesn\'t, back to looking for solutions. Maybe his phone storage is going bad. Or his SD card is about to kick it.', ">>{mrcaptncrunch} : 😓 So many people complain with the same thing, it's hard sometimes.", ">>{AlexMeanberg} : I agree. Chances are, you're already putting out several other fires, when silly bugs like that pop up.", '>>{DanBennett} : Unlikely, as that error has language strings. OPs error does not.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{kae7} : This notification popped up suddenly. What does it means? Which sensor ?', ">>{pmrr} : These are badly used placeholders the developer had intended to be proper messages that would tell you the problem. Googling for those constants doesn't come back with much, which would suggest it's a new issue and possibly a bug that has/will be fixed with an iOS point update (I'm assuming it's Apple). Is it happening frequently?", ">>{NotSwedishBacon} : It's the sensor which detects which sensor has failed /s", ">>{Damnmorrisdancer} : I agree. It's bad software practice from the developers. Nothing to do with your physical iPhone.", '>>{Notcow} : It appears that you may need to recalibrate some sensors. Apparently there is a way to do this within the Compass app. http://www.macworld.com/article/2055384/how-to-recalibrate-the-motion-sensors-in-your-iphone-5s.html >You can try to fix...by force-quitting and relaunching Compass to trigger the calibration screen, and you’ll have the best luck if you calibrate at least several feet away from any other magnetic or electronic devices Let me know the result.', ">>{Iammattieee} : Looks like something you would see if you're in the iOS beta.", ">>{dojomann} : But surely it needs a sensor sensor sensor? It's sensors all the way down...", ">>{squarefrog} : It's common to use these as references to a string localisation file. If for some reason the file is not included, then the references are used instead. Very easy to overlook unfortunately as the compiler doesn't flag it up.", ">>{ChadMoran} : There's a good chance these are keys for an I18n/L10n file that is filled up by someone else for localization. Chances are whoever was supposed to fill out the localization file didn't do so. Developer did the right thing here.", ">>{FictionaI} : I don't have any info on your problem, but was just curious if you would link your wallpaper? Thank you.", '>>{xtrumpclimbs} : Cars have this kind of double checks in the sensors, for instance for the exhaust (lambda sensor has a sensor that usually gives errors in VAG cars).', ">>{codevil} : I know that Google is known to have better engineering than Apple but I didn't know that Apple engineering was *this* bad.", '>>{NotSwedishBacon} : Haha VAG cars, makes me chuckle every time.', ">>{LastGuardianStanding} : It's the assistive touch you have active. Try disabling and re-enabling the feature.", ">>{mrtherapist} : Or turn the phone off then back on instead of doing a bunch of troubleshooting for a random glitch that probably happened because the phone hasn't been rebooted in a month.", '>>{dilln} : Maybe the developer is responsible for updating the localization file', ">>{emersonlakeandlagoon} : It's so bad that people fill up the stores to buy equipment that costs twice as much as the competition. I'm posting this from a two and a half year old 6+ and I also have a six year old MacBook Air.", '>>{exjr_} : Wait, OP, is this a 7? Some 7 and 7+ actually tell you when the home button fails, and is most likely telling you that', '>>{SimShade} : Might get downvoted since my comment offers no help, which I truly apologize for... but, wallpaper?', '>>{branvan859} : *someone dies in the street after being run over by a bus* "That\'s so sad. That\'s a cute dress though. I wonder where she got that."', ">>{LeCroqueMitaine} : Go to Apple store they will fix it for free. It's not normal !", '>>{SimShade} : lmao Damn, miscellaneous notifications now equate to demises. Have an upvote for making me chuckle.', '>>{apanopticon} : It looks like artwork associated with the last Radiohead album. Check out their instagram.', ">>{jeremec} : It's just a missing localized string. Not a placeholder per say. That's probably the string lookup key.", '>>{dilln} : How come? A lot of devs just update it themselves with new strings in the copy deck', '>>{mrcaptncrunch} : Buggy software with memory leaks actually can cause issues and just rebooting helps. Let me guess, user?', '>>{AlexMeanberg} : I work in IT, and I was making a joke. Sorry you did not like 🙇', '>>{mrtherapist} : Development actually. Nothing worse than someone demanding server length uptimes from a phone they play Clash of Clans on. Reboot and give the system a refresh then talk to me about bugs. Why bug fix some fringe problem relating to having the device on for a month without rebooting when there are more important bugs?', '>>{Notcow} : He didn\'t ask how to fix it, he asked "what does it mean." I like to know the cause of errors too, in case it happens again. If the solution I posted solves the problem, great, was just a problem with the Compass app. If it doesn\'t, back to looking for solutions. Maybe his phone storage is going bad. Or his SD card is about to kick it.', ">>{mrcaptncrunch} : 😓 So many people complain with the same thing, it's hard sometimes.", ">>{AlexMeanberg} : I agree. Chances are, you're already putting out several other fires, when silly bugs like that pop up.", '>>{DanBennett} : Unlikely, as that error has language strings. OPs error does not.']]
classify and reply
['>>{JuanFutbol} : Results slow in Puerto Rico as voters face long lines: "But the local party told MSNBC that the Sanders campaign had requested fewer stations."', '>>{dirk-41} : Shameful hypocrisy on the part of the Sanders campaign. This kind of voter suppression by a campaign should not be tolerated.', '>>{xspace_ghostx} : *mic drop* Even Demorats are jumping ship and drowning in this disaster.', ">>{Clgrv} : I've had a similar type of protector with those button things and it was a complete piece of shit. I might've had a dodgy one, so it's purely anecdotal, but it put me off ever trying them again.", ">>{iameatingwatermelon} : Poor Clinton. Everyone seems to be getting tired of being thrown under the bus. Why can't they just be more patient with her?", '>>{thisxisxlife} : I did use one of them. They were so so. It may have been the particular screen that I used, but the buttons would work like 85% of the time. However, the area of the screen that the buttons were supposed to trigger, wouldn\'t work if I actually tapped it. If I\'m not being clear: for example the bottom left corner of the phone would emulate the top left hand corner of the screen. If the bottom left didn\'t work (that 15% of the time) I would give up and tap the actual top left hand corner of the screen, but for whatever reason that part of my screen was kind of "disabled" or just very unresponsive. Tl;dr my experience was that it was shoddy at best. It\'s fun for a while, but if it\'s not functional it\'s not a huge deal to live without.', '>>{Funkbass} : Idea: you should be able to force touch a ringing alarm notification to choose the amount of time to snooze for.', '>>{Bronson15} : I liked mine when I had it. Only issue was every time I pressed the "123" button it would trigger the back button.', ">>{dmd} : I've never used a screen protector on an iPhone since 3, and have never had a single scratch. I'm not sure what the point of them is any more.", ">>{rdevaughn} : Time to test the limits of the Clintonistas' cognitive dissonance, in 3... 2... 1...", ">>{third_najarian} : Except Earnest also said: >He's in a tough spot, and he's the one who will be in a position to defend his actions in the face of significant criticism from a variety of legal experts, including individuals who served in senior Department of Justice positions in administrations led by presidents in both parties. Which means it's possible Obama just thinks Comey is inept.", '>>{Simoni_Deo} : The only station needed is the one with the truth.', ">>{WithoutCaution} : I'm not coherent enough to operate the alarm functions as they are now when I wake up. If I were alert enough to use force touch to change the snooze time, I'd just turn the damn thing off and get up.", '>>{suseu} : The Problems With Using The Terrorist Watch List To Ban Gun Sales', '>>{Sevigor} : Oh the shills are trying their hardest to downvote this.', ">>{vswr} : This is what I was thinking. I'm barely able to push the lock button to snooze it....can't even pick it up to see the screen to snooze.", ">>{TheEarsHaveWalls} : It still needs a snooze time adjuster for when I set it in the first place. Current snooze is like 9 minutes right? I'd like to change it to 5 or 10 if I wanted to.", '>>{yee12367222} : Does Trump have a nickname for Sanders yet? Might I suggest Suppressor Sanders?', ">>{IbanezDavy} : It's because they are sexists. That must be the only logically conclusion anyone anywhere can draw ^^^/s", ">>{kiarra33} : It's a pretty big deal when Obama turns on you, he's probably finally getting tired if her dragging his legacy threw the mud...", '>>{treyhunna83} : Lol. Nah we like our stable fully updated phones. 😂', '>>{IbanezDavy} : Or competent enough...and Obama apparently is confident enough in Comey not to have to defend him much.', '>>{FThumb} : We\'ll accuse him of what we\'re guilty of. Let\'s see if anyone runs with it. "It\'s too crazy. No one is that stupid!" MSNBC: BREAKING: Sanders Hates Democratic Process - Asks Officials To Cut Polling Stations By 2/3rds!!', ">>{fer_d} : Funny, because the other 99.99% of the Hill's anti-CLinton articles are just stellar.", '>>{ronnieww3} : I think he went with Crazy Bernie. He could have done better but it works.', '>>{iameatingwatermelon} : They are also all child rapists who work for Russia.', '>>{Sevigor} : > dragging his legacy threw the mud... It honestly is getting to the point where she really is doing that.', ">>{tryingtobeobjective3} : Reports from the ground completely contradict the claim just aired on MSNBC, and say that the Hillary campaign was the one that didn't have enough poll workers More background info http://heavy.com/news/2016/06/puerto-rico-primary-election-fraud-voter-suppression-polling-places-workers-certified-bernie-sanders/ *edited to add pics from one of the polling places http://imgur.com/kELRsg5 http://imgur.com/a/WbIj4 from @KurtHackbarth and @RamonFebus", ">>{regalager1986} : Doesn't really look any different than the $25 tempered glass I just got from the Verizon store when I bought my 6S", '>>{Engineer_daddy91} : Find a way to do it without taking away due process.', '>>{ltrout99} : My 7+ is jailbroken and just as stable as it was before I jailbroke it.', '>>{Kallure} : Not hyper glass. However, as a former Zagg user who switched over to a TechArmor tempered glass protector, I can speak to at least those and say I will never go back to Zagg.', ">>{deeprogrammed} : It's an idea that sounds good at first but doesn't make sense when you look at the specifics. I hope Trump backs away from this idea", ">>{AgoraiosBum} : The letter itself is pretty bland. The media and everyone's reaction to it is what is way out of proportion.", ">>{treyhunna83} : Debatable. Its cool til it 'breaks'. 😂", '>>{AreWeNotDoinPhrasing} : Because most people don’t sit at home and leave their phone on a desk all day. If it ever goes into a pocket it will get micro scrathes.', '>>{ltrout99} : I legit read that twice and i kept reading it as stable. Thanks for pointing that out. 😂', ">>{third_najarian} : If Obama openly criticized Comey everyone would say he's interfering with an ongoing investigation.", '>>{mclumber1} : Hard to do. If a person is dangerous enough to take away their right to own a gun, then they should be arrested and charged with a crime.', '>>{yourconscienceondrug} : Disposition Matrix Terrorist Watch List No Fly List WTF is all this bullshit? Why are we simply saying, ok obama, we know you do not have evidence to convict or even indict these people, but go right ahead and skip due process and take away their rights or kill them regardless - that is *exactly* what is happening.', '>>{rrobe53} : What if we just make people promise super hard to be cool.', ">>{Hailtothething} : It's not that anything is wrong with Zagg. It's just that tech armor does the same thing, maybe even better, for a 1/3rd the price.", ">>{Engineer_daddy91} : Bingo. You can't just arbitrarily put people on a secret list and take away their rights.", '>>{Kallure} : Nothing particularly wrong with them. I just prefer the tempered glass one I picked up from TechArmor. It was actually considerably cheaper and has held up beautifully. I never used the glass Zaggs though, only the "stickers". So I guess more what I\'m saying is I prefer the glass over the stickers.', '>>{AreWeNotDoinPhrasing} : Oh okay, that makes sense. I ways lazy when I bought my new 6s+ and just got a zagg from verizon. I know I overpayed but didn’t know if the was something better.', '>>{NexusCoder} : Lmaoo yeah im sure sanders wants to suppress votes sounds like propaganda if you ask me but from who I wonder. Hillary or Trump?', '>>{its_richard1} : Been jailbreaking since iphone 4 and none of my devices have fucked up lol you just install stupid shit', '>>{Jas9191} : Honest question - is preventing a sale for a short, reasonable period of time such as 7 days violating the constitution or due process? I see it as a pretty reasonable compromise. Law enforcement could get a notice saying "such and such from this list or this program just attempted to buy a gun" and theyd have 7 days to process that info and act or move on.', ">>{IbanezDavy} : *ssshhh...I don't think there are correct answers in this scenario. People will be butt hurt regardless...shhhhhhhh...*", ">>{JuanFutbol} : It's not that he wants to suppress votes. He doesn't have the staff in place to work at all the polling stations. Hypocritical of his campaign to preemptively claim fraud though if this is true.", '>>{treyhunna83} : Thaz a lie. U dont even have to install "stupid shit" things break and fuck up with any tweak. reputable or not. I had issues with well known tweaks Like tiny bar, paid tweaks like callbar and etc. random Tweaks for modding icons to notifications would fuck with each other and fuck up my phone. My jb stint wasnt all bad. But it definitely wasnt that great either. Its overrated to me. Never again.', ">>{kiarra33} : Yep but he really wanted her president to preserve his legacy lol... Now if she wanted to nominate Obama for a supreme court positions of even better head of the UN (he's be so good) It would make sense. Right now though the scales are tipping to the reputation of the 90s, scandals and corruption from the Clinton dragging Obama down. Like the Lewinsky scandal all over again...", ">>{kiarra33} : They seem like good friends but threw wiki leaks I learned that apparently Obama is jealous of Bill Clinton ( I thought it would be the other way around) and holds Hillary in contempt. I have no idea why he's jealous of Bill but that's what it said.", '>>{Jas9191} : Who did he kill? I know about drone strikes and all that but were talking about gun buyers and it seems like you just threw that in there.', '>>{Espryon} : Yes, making sure that Hillary Clinton and her campaign don\'t defraud another so called "Democratic Process" is "Hating the Democratic Process". Considering all the voter fraud and corruption that surrounds HRC and her campaign even working polling stations, I\'m not suprised that Bernie requested this. i am surprised that he didn\'t say anything about it or that the media didn\'t report on it. In my county in PA, we had 15 people that were turned away illegally and/or given provisional ballots in my county by polling workers that supported Hillary Clintons Campaign. My local Bernie group doubts that they will ever have their votes recorded because of HRC and her corrupt campaign. They were planning to vote for Bernie Sanders.', ">>{tryingtobeobjective3} : Funny how Roberto Plats didn't mention anything about the Bernie camp wanting less polls when he announced the poll reduction a week ago", ">>{IbanezDavy} : From Clinton staffers. Personally, Bill's economy was better, but I still like Obama more. He has that swag you gotta appreciate.", ">>{Engineer_daddy91} : I believe yes it is, whether a court would agree is debateable. A waiting period just makes it harder for a law abiding citizen to exercise a right. I'm against waiting periods for the same reason I'm against voter id's, literacy tests and poll taxes. While they don't outright take away the right to vote they make it unnecessarily difficult.", ">>{kiarra33} : But is that why Obama's jealous of Bill? You can't try and have the same economy as the 90s, the worlds different now. Obama seems like a way nicer guy then Bill, in so many ways. I mean Bill was better friends with Donald then Barack that says enough for me, he just hang around really sleazy people.", ">>{JuanFutbol} : Right, I'm not sure why anyone would think that cutting polling stations helps either candidate, especially Clinton since both AZ and PR are primaries where she was winning by a lot going into the election. I just found it interesting considering his team was claiming fraud over the polling stations.", '>>{Wallach} : This seems to match up with reports from his own campaign that were warning Sanders about their staffing resource issues in PR last month: http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc-quick-cuts/watch/sanders-faces-criticism-from-pr-staffers-686810179995', ">>{mclumber1} : If they really were a terrorist trying to buy a weapon, wouldn't the fact they were just (temporarily) denied the gun sale tip them off?", ">>{IbanezDavy} : > But is that why Obama's jealous of Bill? I don't think a couple of emails between Clinton campaign officials are the best source to even judge this.", ">>{CircularFileWorthy} : It's been submitted repeatedly to this place today, but it keeps getting buried or deleted. They don't want anyone to know. Instead it's all Russia this and Russia that, like it's 1982.", '>>{JuanFutbol} : It actually lines up with reports that he was under staffed in PR.', ">>{ivsciguy} : It *was* terrorism. It just wasn't Islamic terrorism.", ">>{Maculate} : It doesn't matter. Everybody should be upset about people making it hard to vote. There was a lot of evidence in this election that higher turnouts favored Sanders, correct or not. But really instead of focusing on, oh, but it affects both parties, can we please just be upset about people fucking with our democracy? Jesus Christ.", '>>{yourconscienceondrug} : Who did he kill? He\'s killed thousands. [Here are a few.](http://dronecenter.bard.edu/the-disposition-matrix/) The [Disposition Matrix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposition_Matrix) >The Disposition Matrix, informally known as a kill list, is a database of information for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the United States government. Developed by the Obama Administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists and is intended to become a permanent fixture of American policy. The process determining criteria for killing is not public, but has been heavily shaped by presidential counterterrorism adviser and CIA director John Brennan.', ">>{Espryon} : Because Bernie isn't funded by big banks, special interests, and people that want to get bills passed to ciphon jobs, taxes, etc to foreign countries and defraud our Democratic Process? (Jeez, I don't know). When was Bernies last Wall St. Speaking engagement or speech to a big bank during the campaign?", '>>{Esteway} : Man the Sanders campaign must be making some good Kool Aid.', '>>{ImJustAPatsy} : This is a great way to accomplish what needs to be done without violating due process. In fact, the Republicans put a bill on the floor with a 72 hour delay that would notify the FBI and allow them to investigate and go to the courts to block the sale if need be, and the Democrats voted it down in 2015.', '>>{Espryon} : Is Bernie funded by big banks, special interests, private corporations, and multi-million dollar celebrities?', ">>{cjorgensen} : And if you know someone is a bad guy, you still might want to wait for proof before arresting him. Or even if you have proof, you might want to see if he can lead you to someone bigger. Making sure he can't get a gun just lets him know the jig is up.", ">>{kiarra33} : This was from a progressive writer who worked on the Obama campaign and has connections within the white house. I will find the email it's pretty horrible. Essentially he says people just use the Clinton's for money. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/36689", ">>{SingularityCentral} : A few thousand American citizens on the list? The NRA and gun rights advocates are really taking a hard line. How many of those few thousand citizens are on the list by mistake? A few hundred or less? How many of those mistaken additions try to buy a firearm? A few dozen or less? We are talking about inconveniencing a few dozen or less citizens? Holy shit, this argument couldn't possibly be more academic.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : Uh... restraining orders? People lose their right to a firearm all the time when a restraining / protective order is issued but no crime has occurred.', ">>{Esteway} : Bernie wants everyone to be able to vote as long as they're voting for him.", '>>{1989Batman} : No. Nor is he supported by like ten million viewers, either.', '>>{Zukb6} : Please ask the people who attended the NV Democratic Convention how accurate/honorable the reporting from MSM was. Go ahead. Ask me.', '>>{SingularityCentral} : That is silly. If you are not planning some attack or crime why would you need a gun right now this second? Plenty of self defense weapons are not firearms, like blades, and you can always postpone the hunting trip that you should have planned ahead for anyway. If a law abiding citizen cannot wait a few days they are just impatient. Besides, waiting periods have been upheld repeatedly by the courts, it is a reasonable restriction on the right. Just like time, place, and manner restrictions on free speech are routinely upheld as reasonable.', '>>{Espryon} : Is Bernie rigging elections, breaking federal law, or paying Super-PACS to censor reddit?', ">>{Espryon} : Those who count the votes decide everything Joseph Stalin It doesn't matter that she appears to have more votes. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin had more votes than his opponent. Does that make it a democratic process?", ">>{dkliberator} : Just like he didn't believe republicans in Congress weren't trying to obstruct him.", '>>{1989Batman} : Bread lines are a good thing Bernie Sanders.', ">>{drpetar} : This already exists.....except for 3 days. The NICS check (run by the FBI) is allowed to delay the approval for 72 hours is something looks fishy. I've had mine delayed in the past for an unknown reason.", ">>{SingularityCentral} : And they wouldn't have the gun they are looking for. And the FBI would be tipped off to them. And they may freak out and try to run for it. I don't see a big downside here. If they are buying the gun they would be close to carrying out an attack anyway, so if they freak out and try to carry it out without their weapons they are much more likely to botch it.", '>>{Espryon} : But Putin, who captured a reported 64 percent of the vote, finds himself in unfamiliar circumstances. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/russians-voting--and-watching/2012/03/04/gIQA3j6CqR_story.html I wonder if HRC will get close to Vladimir Putin totals.. hmm', '>>{suseu} : [Quite a lot probably.](http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/07/politics/no-fly-mistakes-cat-stevens-ted-kennedy-john-lewis/index.html)', '>>{SingularityCentral} : This story lists 3-4 anecdotal accounts of mistaken no-fly list snafus, several from ten years ago which is the timeframe 538 cited as being the most problematic for the list. It provides zero hard numbers. And these anecdotes are about boarding planes, not buying guns.', '>>{loondawg} : It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is, that people are lining up for food. That is a good thing! In other countries people don’t line up for food: the rich get the food and the poor starve to death. - Bernie Sanders', ">>{KennyCanHe} : Their internal polls, poll precincts. If there is a heavily supported Bernie Precinct trouble happens with the voting system but when there is a heavily supported Hillary Precinct it's smooth sailing. It's not hard to rig a party vote when no one gets majorly punished(kicked off-site + bickering at worst) for it, even after getting caught.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : The courts, and it is incredibly easy to get a restraining order against someone. Yes, it is due process in the strictest sense, but a temporary restraining order is insanely easy to have imposed. Lots of judges just impose it out of course because they want to be better safe than sorry. And a lot of judges just see that parties do not like each other and impose it as an adult version of sending children to separate rooms for time out.', '>>{suseu} : Sorry, I skimmed your comment + had this article at hand as it popped in my rss feed as "updated"... Yeah, hard data for your question probably does not exist. You can try digging through sources for [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Fly_List#Weapons_purchases_by_listed_persons) but I doubt it will be any useful.', '>>{Jas9191} : I see the voting thing as cimpletely different because the ONLY time that right matters is when you go to vote so its infringed then its completely undermined whereas the right to bear arms is useable all day every day.', ">>{JuanFutbol} : Did you even read the explanation? He didn't have the staff in place to observe all the polling locations. He's out of money and low on staff.", ">>{JuanFutbol} : That's actually not true. The big reason Sanders has been competitive is because of caucuses, the lowest turnout election format.", ">>{tryingtobeobjective3} : here's a picture from the scene http://imgur.com/kELRsg5 from the twitter of @kurthackbarth he was actually there", '>>{Zukb6} : Yes but that does not prove that the Sanders campaign was responsible for the decrease in polling locations.', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >That is silly. If you are not planning some attack or crime why would you need a gun right now this second? The issue isn't what constitutionally guaranteed right(s) is/are being infringed on it's that they are being infringed on at all. The due process of law needs to be followed. If these individuals are truly a clear and present threat why are they allowed to roam free in society at all? Warrants need to be issued, arrests made, charges formally brought to court. We don't need to encourage McCarthyism style witch hunts. >Plenty of self defense weapons are not firearms, like blades, A knife even in skilled hands is not a very good tool for self defense. Anything to do with hand to hand combat almost always defaults victory to the larger combatant. It takes a whole lot of skill and ability to defeat and opponent with 50lbs on you. This is why there are weight classes in combat sports. Besides that pepper spray and mace is highly ineffective as are stun gun. Police style tazers can be effective but are single shot and both prongs must make good contact to work. >and you can always postpone the hunting trip that you should have planned ahead for anyway. If a law abiding citizen cannot wait a few days they are just impatient. A right delayed is a right denied. Once again if these people are legitimately dangerous they need to be arrested. >Besides, waiting periods have been upheld repeatedly by the courts, it is a reasonable restriction on the right. Just like time, place, and manner restrictions on free speech are routinely upheld as reasonable. That's true. But these are wait periods longer than current ones. Not to mention there is no clear way to remove yourself from the list nor have I heard of any one being able to remove themselves from it.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : It would take me longer to get a permit to exercise my first amendment right to protest than it would for me to get an AR 15. A right delayed is not a right denied. That might be a nice sound bite line but it is horseshit. The second amendment is not an unlimited license to acquire a firearm on demand. Besides, we are talking about inconveniencing a minute fraction of people, maybe a few dozen or less in a year, if that. Drawing a line in the sand here is so hard line and academic that it defies understanding.', ">>{JuanFutbol} : Ok, so you are actually a conspiracy theorist then? Good to know it's not worth actually trying to discuss with you. You also didn't refute the point that higher rumor doesn't actually hurt Hillary.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : I mean, I would not be very worried if we inconvenienced 10k citizens a year with mistaken addition to the list. That is such a small fraction of people in a country of 330 million it is silly. And besides, we are only talking about an inconvenience, not a lifelong jail sentence. And I bet more people each year are falsely sentenced to long prison terms than are accidentally placed on the terror watch list.', ">>{tryingtobeobjective3} : they weren't, just trying to add context it defies logic that the candidate in need of a big comeback would want less people to vote", '>>{Zukb6} : I agree also since when do they listen to Sanders? This is ludicrous.', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : Once you open the door to these rights be violated shutting it again will be very hard. We've seen how our government and it's agencies have abused the recently given powers from the Patriot Act so why would we expect any less from this?", ">>{KennyCanHe} : https://www.reddit.com/r/WashingtonForSanders/comments/4c44k9/today_my_precinct_committee_officer_left_our/ Just read the story they didn't punish her at all even though she gave up her position because she knows she's in the wrong, and doesn't even get punished for what she did.", ">>{KennyCanHe} : I've heard of a similar case in Hawaii as well, but Bernie supporters don't make a fuss when they've won a state.", '>>{Downbound92} : Which campaign do you think is more likely to want to have volunteers monitoring every vote counting? Who needs the 60 delegates in Puerto Rico more?', ">>{SingularityCentral} : Slippery slope is what you are hanging your hat on? That argument can be trotted out for any restriction on gun rights or any other right whatsoever. It was made when automatic weapons were banned and has not materialized in a forced round up of all American firearms. Reasonable restrictions need to be imposed and stopping suspected terrorists from purchasing AR 15's and FAL's and the like is reasonable on its very face. Btw, the appeals and high courts seem to think assault weapons bans are reasonable given today's denial of cert and the earlier appeals decision.", '>>{fer_d} : Nothing on this site is believable. But I am not sure if Hillary benefits with low turnout. Bernie generally wins on Caucus, which have the lowest turnout from all types of primaries. And Clinton had the clear and large advantage there. Polls were about 70% to 30%.', '>>{fer_d} : Are they committing fraud on the polls too? Because the results are very consistent with them with one big surprise, and that was one that Bernie won, not Clinton.', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >Slippery slope is what you are hanging your hat on? >That argument can be trotted out for any restriction on gun rights or any other right whatsoever. It was made when automatic weapons were banned and has not materialized in a forced round up of all American firearms. We have already seen this happen for the 4th Amendment with the Patriot Act and the use of Prism and Stingray. We've seen this in action in New York, California, and Connecticut for the 2nd Amendment. And now you want it for the 5th and 14th Amendments...? >Reasonable restrictions need to be imposed and stopping suspected terrorists from purchasing AR 15's and FAL's and the like is reasonable on its very face. Should be now begin to treat all suspects as guilty until proven innocent? Should we arrest anyone with drug paraphernalia on their social media? If these individuals are actually dangerous shouldn't we arrest them? Beyond that the San Bernardino shooters bypassed these laws already set in place in California. The attackers in Paris and Brussels did the same. >Btw, the appeals and high courts seem to think assault weapons bans are reasonable given today's denial of cert and the earlier appeals decision. Or they didn't want to attempt a ruling on such a heavy issue without a full bench. Bottom line is these are assaults on the fundamental civil rights of every American protected by the Constitution and it's Amendment’s. If you are in favor of civil right you should be against them if only for the defense of due process and the 5th and 14th Amendments.", ">>{fer_d} : This is an article *from 2012*, so not biased from the current election. It explains why exit pools have many problems with sampling bias. Basically, you cannot get an accurate sampling of all voters due to a number of factors. In any case, even if pretend exit polls were perfect, according to them, Bernie would still be losing. >Response bias is a more intuitive problem. Sometimes people just don't want to take your test. So while sampling bias occurs because of the survey administrator, response bias occurs because of the voter. During that same exit poll I helped with in rural Minnesota, a lot of people declined to take my test. I think, though I'm not sure, that part of it was that it was obvious I was from the college and many conservatives in town did not like the college. So then, this would result in fewer conservatives in the survey pool, messing up the final results. Bernie voters are clearly more enthusiastic, so they would be more likely to agree on answering pools. These pools are also usually done by young people, and they would likely attract more younger people to answer than older ones. https://www.quora.com/How-are-exit-polls-done-and-how-reliable-are-the-results-of-the-exit-poll I wanted Bernie, but will not delude myself and pretend he lost because of fraud.", '>>{JuanFutbol} : Yes, the people in charge of these decisions ARE a great source.', ">>{The_Brass_Dog} : So the government can just arbitrarily limit rights? I guess you'd be okay with the government making disagreeing with them illegal? I mean, you could just apply for a permit to say what you want about them, but there is a 5 year wait and a $100 application fee.", ">>{The_Brass_Dog} : We only want to violate the rights of a *few* people, what the hell are you guys getting mad at anyway? It's just some asshole gun owners.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : Very nice distillation of my points. I can play that game as well. "C\'mon guys, the suspected terrorists have just as much right to get a firearm on demand as anyone else. They should be allowed to buy a gun unless they are actually incarcerated at the time. Freedom!"', '>>{SingularityCentral} : That is a nicely constructed strawman you got there. Does it scare the crows away? There is nothing arbitrary about the proposed legislation. And yes, you already need permits to exercise free speech rights. Try having a protest in front of any government building at any level of government without one and see what happens.', '>>{SingularityCentral} : We already stop people who do not have a conviction from buying or even possessing weapons. Restraining orders get handed out to accused criminals and non-criminals in civil cases as a matter of routine. They almost always require someone relinquish the firearms they have and prohibit someone from purchasing or acquiring new ones. It may come from the court, but judges issue the orders without thinking and without anything that looks like due process until well after the fact, and only if the order is challenged. This is not an assault on American freedoms, it is an extension of a law enforcement tool, the need for which is becoming clearer by the day.', ">>{The_Brass_Dog} : So you believe that people suspected of a crime should have their rights taken away? So if the government accuses you of being 'anti-american' it should have the right to strip away your right to due process and throw you in a internment camp?", ">>{vegetarianrobots} : Then revise it to function like restraining orders. These lists aren't even publicly available. Anything that denies any rights based on secret lists outside of a court of law are bad news.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : Yes I definitely think that should be the case. That is the next logical step from preventing people on the terrorist watch list from buying a semi automatic rifle, internment camps for un-American behavior. Keep throwing up the sensationalism and strawman arguments', '>>{SingularityCentral} : Restraining orders are difficult to fight and given out ex parte all the time. They are far more draconian and effect far more people than your fears about the terrorist watch list. We will never agree on gun legislation obviously, but it is painfully clear to quite a few Americans that the current regime is woefully inadequate to impede violent crime or terrorist attacks. Tighter gun restrictions is going to have to be a necessary element in shoring up our law enforcement and counter terrorism capabilities. If we have a Paris style attack with coordinated shooters holy hell is going to rain down on the NRA and Republican party for impeding efforts like this.', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >Restraining orders are difficult to fight and given out ex parte all the time. They are far more draconian and effect far more people than your fears about the terrorist watch list. Our whole Justice and law enforcement system needs an overhaul. I that I think we agree. >We will never agree on gun legislation obviously, but it is painfully clear to quite a few Americans that the current regime is woefully inadequate to impede violent crime or terrorist attacks. Tighter gun restrictions is going to have to be a necessary element in shoring up our law enforcement and counter terrorism capabilities. Our violent crime and homicide rates have been in decline for over two decades. [Looking at the trends in violent crime rates and homicide rates we see that America has been experiencing a decline in violent crimes and homicides for over 20 years.](https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/1tabledatadecoverviewpdf/table_1_crime_in_the_united_states_by_volume_and_rate_per_100000_inhabitants_1994-2013.xls) [Further more if we look at the historical data we see that America is currently at the lowest violent crime and homicide rates in over 40 years.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_the_United_States) [And of this decline is occurring despite record gun sales in America adding millions of guns each year to the mix.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/01/05/gun-sales-hit-new-record-ahead-of-new-obama-gun-restrictions/) >If we have a Paris style attack with coordinated shooters holy hell is going to rain down on the NRA and Republican party for impeding efforts like this. But that attack occurred despite France having these measures you're fighting for in place.", ">>{The_Brass_Dog} : You believe that the federal government should be able to strip someone of their rights because they are on a watchlist... A list compiled by the government stripping people of their rights. It's not a strawman, it's literally what you're arguing.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : US violent crime rates are down over the last two decades, which is great. But they are still far above other similarly situated industrialized nations. Many factors play into this reality: societal, economic, cultural, legal, and yes access to firearms is a factor in our inflated rate of homicides when compared to other nations. And yes, it did happen in France despite the controls, which proves that a foolproof security apparatus is not possible, as no one should think it is. The intelligence failure in that attack was pretty impressive. Now how many mass shootings have happened in France in the last 8 years? Because in the US we have had more than 20. Now, if a true sleeper cell of paramilitary trained terrorists was operating in the United States they might be able to do some unbelievable damage with a lot less effort as the ability to get guns in the United States is so wide open. Kudos to our counterterrorism forces for stopping such efforts, but just like in France, they are far from perfect and will miss one of these plots sooner or later. If / when that happens the political hellstorm will be unbelievable.', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >US violent crime rates are down over the last two decades, which is great. But they are still far above other similarly situated industrialized nations. Many factors play into this reality: societal, economic, cultural, legal, and yes access to firearms is a factor in our inflated rate of homicides when compared to other nations. Firearms is the least of these. When you compare crime rates among nations poverty is consistently the key factor. Rich nations with guns have little crime while poor nations without gun have a lot of crime. Even in America we see this when comparing communities or even states. Gun control does not equal crime control. >And yes, it did happen in France despite the controls, which proves that a foolproof security apparatus is not possible, as no one should think it is. The intelligence failure in that attack was pretty impressive. Now how many mass shootings have happened in France in the last 8 years? Because in the US we have had more than 20. >Now, if a true sleeper cell of paramilitary trained terrorists was operating in the United States they might be able to do some unbelievable damage with a lot less effort as the ability to get guns in the United States is so wide open. Kudos to our counterterrorism forces for stopping such efforts, but just like in France, they are far from perfect and will miss one of these plots sooner or later. If / when that happens the political hellstorm will be unbelievable. I'll agree that our law enforcement are not prepared for a real coordinated event. However by your own argument say that nothing is fool prove. Where there is a *will* there is a *way*. If we leave the *will* but remove the *way* then a new *way* will be found. We need to attack the *will* not the *way*. If we take away our citizens civil rights out of fear that terrorist and their ilk will abuse them then we are simply sending the message that their tactics work."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{suseu} : The Problems With Using The Terrorist Watch List To Ban Gun Sales', '>>{Engineer_daddy91} : Find a way to do it without taking away due process.', ">>{deeprogrammed} : It's an idea that sounds good at first but doesn't make sense when you look at the specifics. I hope Trump backs away from this idea", '>>{mclumber1} : Hard to do. If a person is dangerous enough to take away their right to own a gun, then they should be arrested and charged with a crime.', '>>{yourconscienceondrug} : Disposition Matrix Terrorist Watch List No Fly List WTF is all this bullshit? Why are we simply saying, ok obama, we know you do not have evidence to convict or even indict these people, but go right ahead and skip due process and take away their rights or kill them regardless - that is *exactly* what is happening.', '>>{rrobe53} : What if we just make people promise super hard to be cool.', ">>{Engineer_daddy91} : Bingo. You can't just arbitrarily put people on a secret list and take away their rights.", '>>{Jas9191} : Honest question - is preventing a sale for a short, reasonable period of time such as 7 days violating the constitution or due process? I see it as a pretty reasonable compromise. Law enforcement could get a notice saying "such and such from this list or this program just attempted to buy a gun" and theyd have 7 days to process that info and act or move on.', '>>{Jas9191} : Who did he kill? I know about drone strikes and all that but were talking about gun buyers and it seems like you just threw that in there.', ">>{Engineer_daddy91} : I believe yes it is, whether a court would agree is debateable. A waiting period just makes it harder for a law abiding citizen to exercise a right. I'm against waiting periods for the same reason I'm against voter id's, literacy tests and poll taxes. While they don't outright take away the right to vote they make it unnecessarily difficult.", ">>{mclumber1} : If they really were a terrorist trying to buy a weapon, wouldn't the fact they were just (temporarily) denied the gun sale tip them off?", ">>{ivsciguy} : It *was* terrorism. It just wasn't Islamic terrorism.", '>>{yourconscienceondrug} : Who did he kill? He\'s killed thousands. [Here are a few.](http://dronecenter.bard.edu/the-disposition-matrix/) The [Disposition Matrix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposition_Matrix) >The Disposition Matrix, informally known as a kill list, is a database of information for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the United States government. Developed by the Obama Administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists and is intended to become a permanent fixture of American policy. The process determining criteria for killing is not public, but has been heavily shaped by presidential counterterrorism adviser and CIA director John Brennan.', '>>{ImJustAPatsy} : This is a great way to accomplish what needs to be done without violating due process. In fact, the Republicans put a bill on the floor with a 72 hour delay that would notify the FBI and allow them to investigate and go to the courts to block the sale if need be, and the Democrats voted it down in 2015.', ">>{cjorgensen} : And if you know someone is a bad guy, you still might want to wait for proof before arresting him. Or even if you have proof, you might want to see if he can lead you to someone bigger. Making sure he can't get a gun just lets him know the jig is up.", ">>{SingularityCentral} : A few thousand American citizens on the list? The NRA and gun rights advocates are really taking a hard line. How many of those few thousand citizens are on the list by mistake? A few hundred or less? How many of those mistaken additions try to buy a firearm? A few dozen or less? We are talking about inconveniencing a few dozen or less citizens? Holy shit, this argument couldn't possibly be more academic.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : Uh... restraining orders? People lose their right to a firearm all the time when a restraining / protective order is issued but no crime has occurred.', '>>{SingularityCentral} : That is silly. If you are not planning some attack or crime why would you need a gun right now this second? Plenty of self defense weapons are not firearms, like blades, and you can always postpone the hunting trip that you should have planned ahead for anyway. If a law abiding citizen cannot wait a few days they are just impatient. Besides, waiting periods have been upheld repeatedly by the courts, it is a reasonable restriction on the right. Just like time, place, and manner restrictions on free speech are routinely upheld as reasonable.', ">>{drpetar} : This already exists.....except for 3 days. The NICS check (run by the FBI) is allowed to delay the approval for 72 hours is something looks fishy. I've had mine delayed in the past for an unknown reason.", ">>{SingularityCentral} : And they wouldn't have the gun they are looking for. And the FBI would be tipped off to them. And they may freak out and try to run for it. I don't see a big downside here. If they are buying the gun they would be close to carrying out an attack anyway, so if they freak out and try to carry it out without their weapons they are much more likely to botch it.", '>>{suseu} : [Quite a lot probably.](http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/07/politics/no-fly-mistakes-cat-stevens-ted-kennedy-john-lewis/index.html)', '>>{SingularityCentral} : This story lists 3-4 anecdotal accounts of mistaken no-fly list snafus, several from ten years ago which is the timeframe 538 cited as being the most problematic for the list. It provides zero hard numbers. And these anecdotes are about boarding planes, not buying guns.', '>>{SingularityCentral} : The courts, and it is incredibly easy to get a restraining order against someone. Yes, it is due process in the strictest sense, but a temporary restraining order is insanely easy to have imposed. Lots of judges just impose it out of course because they want to be better safe than sorry. And a lot of judges just see that parties do not like each other and impose it as an adult version of sending children to separate rooms for time out.', '>>{suseu} : Sorry, I skimmed your comment + had this article at hand as it popped in my rss feed as "updated"... Yeah, hard data for your question probably does not exist. You can try digging through sources for [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Fly_List#Weapons_purchases_by_listed_persons) but I doubt it will be any useful.', '>>{Jas9191} : I see the voting thing as cimpletely different because the ONLY time that right matters is when you go to vote so its infringed then its completely undermined whereas the right to bear arms is useable all day every day.', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >That is silly. If you are not planning some attack or crime why would you need a gun right now this second? The issue isn't what constitutionally guaranteed right(s) is/are being infringed on it's that they are being infringed on at all. The due process of law needs to be followed. If these individuals are truly a clear and present threat why are they allowed to roam free in society at all? Warrants need to be issued, arrests made, charges formally brought to court. We don't need to encourage McCarthyism style witch hunts. >Plenty of self defense weapons are not firearms, like blades, A knife even in skilled hands is not a very good tool for self defense. Anything to do with hand to hand combat almost always defaults victory to the larger combatant. It takes a whole lot of skill and ability to defeat and opponent with 50lbs on you. This is why there are weight classes in combat sports. Besides that pepper spray and mace is highly ineffective as are stun gun. Police style tazers can be effective but are single shot and both prongs must make good contact to work. >and you can always postpone the hunting trip that you should have planned ahead for anyway. If a law abiding citizen cannot wait a few days they are just impatient. A right delayed is a right denied. Once again if these people are legitimately dangerous they need to be arrested. >Besides, waiting periods have been upheld repeatedly by the courts, it is a reasonable restriction on the right. Just like time, place, and manner restrictions on free speech are routinely upheld as reasonable. That's true. But these are wait periods longer than current ones. Not to mention there is no clear way to remove yourself from the list nor have I heard of any one being able to remove themselves from it.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : It would take me longer to get a permit to exercise my first amendment right to protest than it would for me to get an AR 15. A right delayed is not a right denied. That might be a nice sound bite line but it is horseshit. The second amendment is not an unlimited license to acquire a firearm on demand. Besides, we are talking about inconveniencing a minute fraction of people, maybe a few dozen or less in a year, if that. Drawing a line in the sand here is so hard line and academic that it defies understanding.', '>>{SingularityCentral} : I mean, I would not be very worried if we inconvenienced 10k citizens a year with mistaken addition to the list. That is such a small fraction of people in a country of 330 million it is silly. And besides, we are only talking about an inconvenience, not a lifelong jail sentence. And I bet more people each year are falsely sentenced to long prison terms than are accidentally placed on the terror watch list.', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : Once you open the door to these rights be violated shutting it again will be very hard. We've seen how our government and it's agencies have abused the recently given powers from the Patriot Act so why would we expect any less from this?", ">>{SingularityCentral} : Slippery slope is what you are hanging your hat on? That argument can be trotted out for any restriction on gun rights or any other right whatsoever. It was made when automatic weapons were banned and has not materialized in a forced round up of all American firearms. Reasonable restrictions need to be imposed and stopping suspected terrorists from purchasing AR 15's and FAL's and the like is reasonable on its very face. Btw, the appeals and high courts seem to think assault weapons bans are reasonable given today's denial of cert and the earlier appeals decision.", ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >Slippery slope is what you are hanging your hat on? >That argument can be trotted out for any restriction on gun rights or any other right whatsoever. It was made when automatic weapons were banned and has not materialized in a forced round up of all American firearms. We have already seen this happen for the 4th Amendment with the Patriot Act and the use of Prism and Stingray. We've seen this in action in New York, California, and Connecticut for the 2nd Amendment. And now you want it for the 5th and 14th Amendments...? >Reasonable restrictions need to be imposed and stopping suspected terrorists from purchasing AR 15's and FAL's and the like is reasonable on its very face. Should be now begin to treat all suspects as guilty until proven innocent? Should we arrest anyone with drug paraphernalia on their social media? If these individuals are actually dangerous shouldn't we arrest them? Beyond that the San Bernardino shooters bypassed these laws already set in place in California. The attackers in Paris and Brussels did the same. >Btw, the appeals and high courts seem to think assault weapons bans are reasonable given today's denial of cert and the earlier appeals decision. Or they didn't want to attempt a ruling on such a heavy issue without a full bench. Bottom line is these are assaults on the fundamental civil rights of every American protected by the Constitution and it's Amendment’s. If you are in favor of civil right you should be against them if only for the defense of due process and the 5th and 14th Amendments.", ">>{The_Brass_Dog} : So the government can just arbitrarily limit rights? I guess you'd be okay with the government making disagreeing with them illegal? I mean, you could just apply for a permit to say what you want about them, but there is a 5 year wait and a $100 application fee.", ">>{The_Brass_Dog} : We only want to violate the rights of a *few* people, what the hell are you guys getting mad at anyway? It's just some asshole gun owners.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : Very nice distillation of my points. I can play that game as well. "C\'mon guys, the suspected terrorists have just as much right to get a firearm on demand as anyone else. They should be allowed to buy a gun unless they are actually incarcerated at the time. Freedom!"', '>>{SingularityCentral} : That is a nicely constructed strawman you got there. Does it scare the crows away? There is nothing arbitrary about the proposed legislation. And yes, you already need permits to exercise free speech rights. Try having a protest in front of any government building at any level of government without one and see what happens.', '>>{SingularityCentral} : We already stop people who do not have a conviction from buying or even possessing weapons. Restraining orders get handed out to accused criminals and non-criminals in civil cases as a matter of routine. They almost always require someone relinquish the firearms they have and prohibit someone from purchasing or acquiring new ones. It may come from the court, but judges issue the orders without thinking and without anything that looks like due process until well after the fact, and only if the order is challenged. This is not an assault on American freedoms, it is an extension of a law enforcement tool, the need for which is becoming clearer by the day.', ">>{The_Brass_Dog} : So you believe that people suspected of a crime should have their rights taken away? So if the government accuses you of being 'anti-american' it should have the right to strip away your right to due process and throw you in a internment camp?", ">>{vegetarianrobots} : Then revise it to function like restraining orders. These lists aren't even publicly available. Anything that denies any rights based on secret lists outside of a court of law are bad news.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : Yes I definitely think that should be the case. That is the next logical step from preventing people on the terrorist watch list from buying a semi automatic rifle, internment camps for un-American behavior. Keep throwing up the sensationalism and strawman arguments', '>>{SingularityCentral} : Restraining orders are difficult to fight and given out ex parte all the time. They are far more draconian and effect far more people than your fears about the terrorist watch list. We will never agree on gun legislation obviously, but it is painfully clear to quite a few Americans that the current regime is woefully inadequate to impede violent crime or terrorist attacks. Tighter gun restrictions is going to have to be a necessary element in shoring up our law enforcement and counter terrorism capabilities. If we have a Paris style attack with coordinated shooters holy hell is going to rain down on the NRA and Republican party for impeding efforts like this.', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >Restraining orders are difficult to fight and given out ex parte all the time. They are far more draconian and effect far more people than your fears about the terrorist watch list. Our whole Justice and law enforcement system needs an overhaul. I that I think we agree. >We will never agree on gun legislation obviously, but it is painfully clear to quite a few Americans that the current regime is woefully inadequate to impede violent crime or terrorist attacks. Tighter gun restrictions is going to have to be a necessary element in shoring up our law enforcement and counter terrorism capabilities. Our violent crime and homicide rates have been in decline for over two decades. [Looking at the trends in violent crime rates and homicide rates we see that America has been experiencing a decline in violent crimes and homicides for over 20 years.](https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/1tabledatadecoverviewpdf/table_1_crime_in_the_united_states_by_volume_and_rate_per_100000_inhabitants_1994-2013.xls) [Further more if we look at the historical data we see that America is currently at the lowest violent crime and homicide rates in over 40 years.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_the_United_States) [And of this decline is occurring despite record gun sales in America adding millions of guns each year to the mix.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/01/05/gun-sales-hit-new-record-ahead-of-new-obama-gun-restrictions/) >If we have a Paris style attack with coordinated shooters holy hell is going to rain down on the NRA and Republican party for impeding efforts like this. But that attack occurred despite France having these measures you're fighting for in place.", ">>{The_Brass_Dog} : You believe that the federal government should be able to strip someone of their rights because they are on a watchlist... A list compiled by the government stripping people of their rights. It's not a strawman, it's literally what you're arguing.", '>>{SingularityCentral} : US violent crime rates are down over the last two decades, which is great. But they are still far above other similarly situated industrialized nations. Many factors play into this reality: societal, economic, cultural, legal, and yes access to firearms is a factor in our inflated rate of homicides when compared to other nations. And yes, it did happen in France despite the controls, which proves that a foolproof security apparatus is not possible, as no one should think it is. The intelligence failure in that attack was pretty impressive. Now how many mass shootings have happened in France in the last 8 years? Because in the US we have had more than 20. Now, if a true sleeper cell of paramilitary trained terrorists was operating in the United States they might be able to do some unbelievable damage with a lot less effort as the ability to get guns in the United States is so wide open. Kudos to our counterterrorism forces for stopping such efforts, but just like in France, they are far from perfect and will miss one of these plots sooner or later. If / when that happens the political hellstorm will be unbelievable.', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >US violent crime rates are down over the last two decades, which is great. But they are still far above other similarly situated industrialized nations. Many factors play into this reality: societal, economic, cultural, legal, and yes access to firearms is a factor in our inflated rate of homicides when compared to other nations. Firearms is the least of these. When you compare crime rates among nations poverty is consistently the key factor. Rich nations with guns have little crime while poor nations without gun have a lot of crime. Even in America we see this when comparing communities or even states. Gun control does not equal crime control. >And yes, it did happen in France despite the controls, which proves that a foolproof security apparatus is not possible, as no one should think it is. The intelligence failure in that attack was pretty impressive. Now how many mass shootings have happened in France in the last 8 years? Because in the US we have had more than 20. >Now, if a true sleeper cell of paramilitary trained terrorists was operating in the United States they might be able to do some unbelievable damage with a lot less effort as the ability to get guns in the United States is so wide open. Kudos to our counterterrorism forces for stopping such efforts, but just like in France, they are far from perfect and will miss one of these plots sooner or later. If / when that happens the political hellstorm will be unbelievable. I'll agree that our law enforcement are not prepared for a real coordinated event. However by your own argument say that nothing is fool prove. Where there is a *will* there is a *way*. If we leave the *will* but remove the *way* then a new *way* will be found. We need to attack the *will* not the *way*. If we take away our citizens civil rights out of fear that terrorist and their ilk will abuse them then we are simply sending the message that their tactics work."], ['>>{Funkbass} : Idea: you should be able to force touch a ringing alarm notification to choose the amount of time to snooze for.', ">>{WithoutCaution} : I'm not coherent enough to operate the alarm functions as they are now when I wake up. If I were alert enough to use force touch to change the snooze time, I'd just turn the damn thing off and get up.", ">>{vswr} : This is what I was thinking. I'm barely able to push the lock button to snooze it....can't even pick it up to see the screen to snooze.", ">>{TheEarsHaveWalls} : It still needs a snooze time adjuster for when I set it in the first place. Current snooze is like 9 minutes right? I'd like to change it to 5 or 10 if I wanted to.", '>>{treyhunna83} : Lol. Nah we like our stable fully updated phones. 😂', '>>{ltrout99} : My 7+ is jailbroken and just as stable as it was before I jailbroke it.', ">>{treyhunna83} : Debatable. Its cool til it 'breaks'. 😂", '>>{ltrout99} : I legit read that twice and i kept reading it as stable. Thanks for pointing that out. 😂', '>>{its_richard1} : Been jailbreaking since iphone 4 and none of my devices have fucked up lol you just install stupid shit', '>>{treyhunna83} : Thaz a lie. U dont even have to install "stupid shit" things break and fuck up with any tweak. reputable or not. I had issues with well known tweaks Like tiny bar, paid tweaks like callbar and etc. random Tweaks for modding icons to notifications would fuck with each other and fuck up my phone. My jb stint wasnt all bad. But it definitely wasnt that great either. Its overrated to me. Never again.'], ['>>{xspace_ghostx} : *mic drop* Even Demorats are jumping ship and drowning in this disaster.', ">>{iameatingwatermelon} : Poor Clinton. Everyone seems to be getting tired of being thrown under the bus. Why can't they just be more patient with her?", ">>{rdevaughn} : Time to test the limits of the Clintonistas' cognitive dissonance, in 3... 2... 1...", ">>{third_najarian} : Except Earnest also said: >He's in a tough spot, and he's the one who will be in a position to defend his actions in the face of significant criticism from a variety of legal experts, including individuals who served in senior Department of Justice positions in administrations led by presidents in both parties. Which means it's possible Obama just thinks Comey is inept.", '>>{Sevigor} : Oh the shills are trying their hardest to downvote this.', ">>{IbanezDavy} : It's because they are sexists. That must be the only logically conclusion anyone anywhere can draw ^^^/s", ">>{kiarra33} : It's a pretty big deal when Obama turns on you, he's probably finally getting tired if her dragging his legacy threw the mud...", '>>{IbanezDavy} : Or competent enough...and Obama apparently is confident enough in Comey not to have to defend him much.', '>>{iameatingwatermelon} : They are also all child rapists who work for Russia.', '>>{Sevigor} : > dragging his legacy threw the mud... It honestly is getting to the point where she really is doing that.', ">>{AgoraiosBum} : The letter itself is pretty bland. The media and everyone's reaction to it is what is way out of proportion.", ">>{third_najarian} : If Obama openly criticized Comey everyone would say he's interfering with an ongoing investigation.", ">>{IbanezDavy} : *ssshhh...I don't think there are correct answers in this scenario. People will be butt hurt regardless...shhhhhhhh...*", ">>{kiarra33} : Yep but he really wanted her president to preserve his legacy lol... Now if she wanted to nominate Obama for a supreme court positions of even better head of the UN (he's be so good) It would make sense. Right now though the scales are tipping to the reputation of the 90s, scandals and corruption from the Clinton dragging Obama down. Like the Lewinsky scandal all over again...", ">>{kiarra33} : They seem like good friends but threw wiki leaks I learned that apparently Obama is jealous of Bill Clinton ( I thought it would be the other way around) and holds Hillary in contempt. I have no idea why he's jealous of Bill but that's what it said.", ">>{IbanezDavy} : From Clinton staffers. Personally, Bill's economy was better, but I still like Obama more. He has that swag you gotta appreciate.", ">>{kiarra33} : But is that why Obama's jealous of Bill? You can't try and have the same economy as the 90s, the worlds different now. Obama seems like a way nicer guy then Bill, in so many ways. I mean Bill was better friends with Donald then Barack that says enough for me, he just hang around really sleazy people.", ">>{IbanezDavy} : > But is that why Obama's jealous of Bill? I don't think a couple of emails between Clinton campaign officials are the best source to even judge this.", ">>{CircularFileWorthy} : It's been submitted repeatedly to this place today, but it keeps getting buried or deleted. They don't want anyone to know. Instead it's all Russia this and Russia that, like it's 1982.", ">>{kiarra33} : This was from a progressive writer who worked on the Obama campaign and has connections within the white house. I will find the email it's pretty horrible. Essentially he says people just use the Clinton's for money. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/36689", ">>{dkliberator} : Just like he didn't believe republicans in Congress weren't trying to obstruct him."], ['>>{JuanFutbol} : Results slow in Puerto Rico as voters face long lines: "But the local party told MSNBC that the Sanders campaign had requested fewer stations."', '>>{dirk-41} : Shameful hypocrisy on the part of the Sanders campaign. This kind of voter suppression by a campaign should not be tolerated.', '>>{Simoni_Deo} : The only station needed is the one with the truth.', '>>{yee12367222} : Does Trump have a nickname for Sanders yet? Might I suggest Suppressor Sanders?', '>>{FThumb} : We\'ll accuse him of what we\'re guilty of. Let\'s see if anyone runs with it. "It\'s too crazy. No one is that stupid!" MSNBC: BREAKING: Sanders Hates Democratic Process - Asks Officials To Cut Polling Stations By 2/3rds!!', ">>{fer_d} : Funny, because the other 99.99% of the Hill's anti-CLinton articles are just stellar.", '>>{ronnieww3} : I think he went with Crazy Bernie. He could have done better but it works.', ">>{tryingtobeobjective3} : Reports from the ground completely contradict the claim just aired on MSNBC, and say that the Hillary campaign was the one that didn't have enough poll workers More background info http://heavy.com/news/2016/06/puerto-rico-primary-election-fraud-voter-suppression-polling-places-workers-certified-bernie-sanders/ *edited to add pics from one of the polling places http://imgur.com/kELRsg5 http://imgur.com/a/WbIj4 from @KurtHackbarth and @RamonFebus", '>>{NexusCoder} : Lmaoo yeah im sure sanders wants to suppress votes sounds like propaganda if you ask me but from who I wonder. Hillary or Trump?', ">>{JuanFutbol} : It's not that he wants to suppress votes. He doesn't have the staff in place to work at all the polling stations. Hypocritical of his campaign to preemptively claim fraud though if this is true.", '>>{Espryon} : Yes, making sure that Hillary Clinton and her campaign don\'t defraud another so called "Democratic Process" is "Hating the Democratic Process". Considering all the voter fraud and corruption that surrounds HRC and her campaign even working polling stations, I\'m not suprised that Bernie requested this. i am surprised that he didn\'t say anything about it or that the media didn\'t report on it. In my county in PA, we had 15 people that were turned away illegally and/or given provisional ballots in my county by polling workers that supported Hillary Clintons Campaign. My local Bernie group doubts that they will ever have their votes recorded because of HRC and her corrupt campaign. They were planning to vote for Bernie Sanders.', ">>{tryingtobeobjective3} : Funny how Roberto Plats didn't mention anything about the Bernie camp wanting less polls when he announced the poll reduction a week ago", ">>{JuanFutbol} : Right, I'm not sure why anyone would think that cutting polling stations helps either candidate, especially Clinton since both AZ and PR are primaries where she was winning by a lot going into the election. I just found it interesting considering his team was claiming fraud over the polling stations.", '>>{Wallach} : This seems to match up with reports from his own campaign that were warning Sanders about their staffing resource issues in PR last month: http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc-quick-cuts/watch/sanders-faces-criticism-from-pr-staffers-686810179995', '>>{JuanFutbol} : It actually lines up with reports that he was under staffed in PR.', ">>{Maculate} : It doesn't matter. Everybody should be upset about people making it hard to vote. There was a lot of evidence in this election that higher turnouts favored Sanders, correct or not. But really instead of focusing on, oh, but it affects both parties, can we please just be upset about people fucking with our democracy? Jesus Christ.", ">>{Espryon} : Because Bernie isn't funded by big banks, special interests, and people that want to get bills passed to ciphon jobs, taxes, etc to foreign countries and defraud our Democratic Process? (Jeez, I don't know). When was Bernies last Wall St. Speaking engagement or speech to a big bank during the campaign?", '>>{Esteway} : Man the Sanders campaign must be making some good Kool Aid.', '>>{Espryon} : Is Bernie funded by big banks, special interests, private corporations, and multi-million dollar celebrities?', ">>{Esteway} : Bernie wants everyone to be able to vote as long as they're voting for him.", '>>{1989Batman} : No. Nor is he supported by like ten million viewers, either.', '>>{Zukb6} : Please ask the people who attended the NV Democratic Convention how accurate/honorable the reporting from MSM was. Go ahead. Ask me.', '>>{Espryon} : Is Bernie rigging elections, breaking federal law, or paying Super-PACS to censor reddit?', ">>{Espryon} : Those who count the votes decide everything Joseph Stalin It doesn't matter that she appears to have more votes. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin had more votes than his opponent. Does that make it a democratic process?", '>>{1989Batman} : Bread lines are a good thing Bernie Sanders.', '>>{Espryon} : But Putin, who captured a reported 64 percent of the vote, finds himself in unfamiliar circumstances. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/russians-voting--and-watching/2012/03/04/gIQA3j6CqR_story.html I wonder if HRC will get close to Vladimir Putin totals.. hmm', '>>{loondawg} : It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is, that people are lining up for food. That is a good thing! In other countries people don’t line up for food: the rich get the food and the poor starve to death. - Bernie Sanders', ">>{KennyCanHe} : Their internal polls, poll precincts. If there is a heavily supported Bernie Precinct trouble happens with the voting system but when there is a heavily supported Hillary Precinct it's smooth sailing. It's not hard to rig a party vote when no one gets majorly punished(kicked off-site + bickering at worst) for it, even after getting caught.", ">>{JuanFutbol} : Did you even read the explanation? He didn't have the staff in place to observe all the polling locations. He's out of money and low on staff.", ">>{JuanFutbol} : That's actually not true. The big reason Sanders has been competitive is because of caucuses, the lowest turnout election format.", ">>{tryingtobeobjective3} : here's a picture from the scene http://imgur.com/kELRsg5 from the twitter of @kurthackbarth he was actually there", '>>{Zukb6} : Yes but that does not prove that the Sanders campaign was responsible for the decrease in polling locations.', ">>{JuanFutbol} : Ok, so you are actually a conspiracy theorist then? Good to know it's not worth actually trying to discuss with you. You also didn't refute the point that higher rumor doesn't actually hurt Hillary.", ">>{tryingtobeobjective3} : they weren't, just trying to add context it defies logic that the candidate in need of a big comeback would want less people to vote", '>>{Zukb6} : I agree also since when do they listen to Sanders? This is ludicrous.', ">>{KennyCanHe} : https://www.reddit.com/r/WashingtonForSanders/comments/4c44k9/today_my_precinct_committee_officer_left_our/ Just read the story they didn't punish her at all even though she gave up her position because she knows she's in the wrong, and doesn't even get punished for what she did.", ">>{KennyCanHe} : I've heard of a similar case in Hawaii as well, but Bernie supporters don't make a fuss when they've won a state.", '>>{Downbound92} : Which campaign do you think is more likely to want to have volunteers monitoring every vote counting? Who needs the 60 delegates in Puerto Rico more?', '>>{fer_d} : Nothing on this site is believable. But I am not sure if Hillary benefits with low turnout. Bernie generally wins on Caucus, which have the lowest turnout from all types of primaries. And Clinton had the clear and large advantage there. Polls were about 70% to 30%.', '>>{fer_d} : Are they committing fraud on the polls too? Because the results are very consistent with them with one big surprise, and that was one that Bernie won, not Clinton.', ">>{fer_d} : This is an article *from 2012*, so not biased from the current election. It explains why exit pools have many problems with sampling bias. Basically, you cannot get an accurate sampling of all voters due to a number of factors. In any case, even if pretend exit polls were perfect, according to them, Bernie would still be losing. >Response bias is a more intuitive problem. Sometimes people just don't want to take your test. So while sampling bias occurs because of the survey administrator, response bias occurs because of the voter. During that same exit poll I helped with in rural Minnesota, a lot of people declined to take my test. I think, though I'm not sure, that part of it was that it was obvious I was from the college and many conservatives in town did not like the college. So then, this would result in fewer conservatives in the survey pool, messing up the final results. Bernie voters are clearly more enthusiastic, so they would be more likely to agree on answering pools. These pools are also usually done by young people, and they would likely attract more younger people to answer than older ones. https://www.quora.com/How-are-exit-polls-done-and-how-reliable-are-the-results-of-the-exit-poll I wanted Bernie, but will not delude myself and pretend he lost because of fraud.", '>>{JuanFutbol} : Yes, the people in charge of these decisions ARE a great source.'], [">>{Clgrv} : I've had a similar type of protector with those button things and it was a complete piece of shit. I might've had a dodgy one, so it's purely anecdotal, but it put me off ever trying them again.", '>>{thisxisxlife} : I did use one of them. They were so so. It may have been the particular screen that I used, but the buttons would work like 85% of the time. However, the area of the screen that the buttons were supposed to trigger, wouldn\'t work if I actually tapped it. If I\'m not being clear: for example the bottom left corner of the phone would emulate the top left hand corner of the screen. If the bottom left didn\'t work (that 15% of the time) I would give up and tap the actual top left hand corner of the screen, but for whatever reason that part of my screen was kind of "disabled" or just very unresponsive. Tl;dr my experience was that it was shoddy at best. It\'s fun for a while, but if it\'s not functional it\'s not a huge deal to live without.', '>>{Bronson15} : I liked mine when I had it. Only issue was every time I pressed the "123" button it would trigger the back button.', ">>{dmd} : I've never used a screen protector on an iPhone since 3, and have never had a single scratch. I'm not sure what the point of them is any more.", ">>{regalager1986} : Doesn't really look any different than the $25 tempered glass I just got from the Verizon store when I bought my 6S", '>>{Kallure} : Not hyper glass. However, as a former Zagg user who switched over to a TechArmor tempered glass protector, I can speak to at least those and say I will never go back to Zagg.', '>>{AreWeNotDoinPhrasing} : Because most people don’t sit at home and leave their phone on a desk all day. If it ever goes into a pocket it will get micro scrathes.', ">>{Hailtothething} : It's not that anything is wrong with Zagg. It's just that tech armor does the same thing, maybe even better, for a 1/3rd the price.", '>>{Kallure} : Nothing particularly wrong with them. I just prefer the tempered glass one I picked up from TechArmor. It was actually considerably cheaper and has held up beautifully. I never used the glass Zaggs though, only the "stickers". So I guess more what I\'m saying is I prefer the glass over the stickers.', '>>{AreWeNotDoinPhrasing} : Oh okay, that makes sense. I ways lazy when I bought my new 6s+ and just got a zagg from verizon. I know I overpayed but didn’t know if the was something better.']]
classify and reply
['>>{advancedfurniture91} : Good for that fucker. I hate his stupid ass.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : His entire existence revolves around using his wealth to buy politicians and influence the country.', '>>{satosaison} : I mean, OSF helps support the spread of democracy around the world, but sure, whatever the alt right blogs have led you to believe is probably true.', '>>{satosaison} : His pro-democracy education programs throughout Eastern Europe and Asia are bad for Putin.', ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : Give it up. She's practicing the oath of office already.", '>>{advancedfurniture91} : This x 1,000,000 Soros is a bigger PoS than Putin. He has been using Hillary Clinton/USA to further his interests all over the world', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : A lot of billionaires do this to varying degrees. What is it about Soros that's different?", ">>{the92jays} : Because Russia hates George Soros > Russia has banned a pro-democracy charity founded by hedge fund billionaire George Soros, saying the organization posed a threat to both state security and the Russian constitution. http://www.cnbc.com/2015/11/30/russia-bans-george-soros-charity-as-security-threat.html EDIT: oh, and in case there's any confusions, Russia is behind DCLeaks (which these are part of), just like the DNC leaks. [ThreatConnect Identifies DCLeaks As Another Russian-backed Influence Outlet](https://www.threatconnect.com/blog/does-a-bear-leak-in-the-woods/)", ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : How is Soros like Putin? If he was, you'd think Trump and Soros would be best pals. Are they?", '>>{Sidwill} : A foreign government is actively carrying out espionage for the Trump campaign. Amazing.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : Is there anything from legit sources on Soros being perhaps sinister? Or is everything against him coming from the alt-right? I'm growing confused on the alt-right's take on him, since he's apparently against certain elites, but somehow for an unnamed global elite at the same time? I don't get it.", '>>{satosaison} : Since the 90\'s he has been a favorite boogeyman for the Republican Party, since he is sort of the liberal equivalent of the Koch brothers, however, in more recent times, a lot of the negative focus has come from the alt-right, with him being variously described as part of the New World Order, or part of a global Jewish conspiracy (in overtly anti-Semitic tones). Most people don\'t know anything about him or his organization, except that they are somehow "evil" in a vague sense. I have a ton of friends at OSF (or formerly of OSF) and I think they are amazing people, and that the work they do effects positive change around the globe.', '>>{satosaison} : The friends that I have working with the organization basically travel around Eastern Europe and Asia working with local governments or political groups to help promote free democratic elections. You can imagine who that would rub the wrong way.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : > a lot of the negative focus has come from the alt-right, with him being variously described as part of the New World Order, or part of a global Jewish conspiracy (in overtly anti-Semitic tones). This is what I don't get. How could he be both part of this conspiracy while at the same time taking heat for his own [apparently anti-Semitic advocacy?](http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Politics-And-Diplomacy/Hacked-Soros-e-mails-reveal-plans-to-fight-Israels-racist-policies-464149) More direct question: At what point does the alt-right's mountain of bullshit cave in on itself?", '>>{satosaison} : I want to make sure we are clear here, no one accuses him of "anti-Semitic" advocacy. Many conservative Israelis have criticized him for being insufficiently pro-Israel. He is pro-Israel in a general sense, however, has raised challenges to the some anti-democratic Israeli practices, and is generally anti-Netanyahu.', '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : I\'ve read plenty of commentary that accuses him of this, but perhaps that\'s also coming from the alt-right. I think the term "anti-Semitic" gets thrown around too much for sure, and if he\'s anti-Netanyahu, well, isn\'t that a bit justified? Benji seems like a bit of a whackjob at the best of times. But does this mean the alt-rights are owned by Benji as part of an alter-conspiracy? Or am I reaching?', '>>{satosaison} : The problem is that has always been the political ploy of the Israeli conservatives, to claim that criticism of Israel is "anti-Israeli" rather than encouraging debate about their policies.', ">>{ihavesensitiveknees} : One thing I've learned throughout this election is that good network security people are sorely needed.", '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : This is pretty much what I thought. This discussion deserves at least one of [these.](http://49yzp92imhtx8radn224z7y1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Netanyahu-300x170.png)', '>>{vvingnut} : ...good suicidal network security people with poor ethics.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : From Ann Coulter? Yeah, 'nuff said.", ">>{basedOp} : Isn't this interesting. A benign, but important story that has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton, Trump, or any presidential candidate again downvoted. Look at all the downvotes. More evidence of vote brigading in r/politics by those affiliated with CTR and the Soros organization.", '>>{Uktabi68} : This should be interesting. A reported dem. who also funded the carlisle group with all the neocons.', '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : Does it really matter who the alt-right pundit is?', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : No it's pretty clear since he said it all himself, however it's a definite spin job to turn him, a jewish holocaust survivor, 14yrs old at the time, into a nazi sympathizer. But we're living in an era where the conservative conscience has all but vanished, so context.", '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : To see how deep the alt-right conspiracy goes. /s', '>>{SpeedflyChris} : Yep, I now only browse /r/politics by "controversial" as it\'s mostly a list of all the interesting stories CTR want buried.', '>>{i_called_that_shit} : Exactly this. Controversial is the new Hot now that Sanders supporters no longer give af and CTR has greater numbers.', ">>{Halfrich} : 59% upvoted. Other 41% protecting Soros' corrupt ass. These are the same lefty nuts who complain about money in politics. lol. soulless and conscience free."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{advancedfurniture91} : Good for that fucker. I hate his stupid ass.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : His entire existence revolves around using his wealth to buy politicians and influence the country.', '>>{satosaison} : I mean, OSF helps support the spread of democracy around the world, but sure, whatever the alt right blogs have led you to believe is probably true.', '>>{satosaison} : His pro-democracy education programs throughout Eastern Europe and Asia are bad for Putin.', ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : Give it up. She's practicing the oath of office already.", '>>{advancedfurniture91} : This x 1,000,000 Soros is a bigger PoS than Putin. He has been using Hillary Clinton/USA to further his interests all over the world', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : A lot of billionaires do this to varying degrees. What is it about Soros that's different?", ">>{the92jays} : Because Russia hates George Soros > Russia has banned a pro-democracy charity founded by hedge fund billionaire George Soros, saying the organization posed a threat to both state security and the Russian constitution. http://www.cnbc.com/2015/11/30/russia-bans-george-soros-charity-as-security-threat.html EDIT: oh, and in case there's any confusions, Russia is behind DCLeaks (which these are part of), just like the DNC leaks. [ThreatConnect Identifies DCLeaks As Another Russian-backed Influence Outlet](https://www.threatconnect.com/blog/does-a-bear-leak-in-the-woods/)", ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : How is Soros like Putin? If he was, you'd think Trump and Soros would be best pals. Are they?", '>>{Sidwill} : A foreign government is actively carrying out espionage for the Trump campaign. Amazing.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : Is there anything from legit sources on Soros being perhaps sinister? Or is everything against him coming from the alt-right? I'm growing confused on the alt-right's take on him, since he's apparently against certain elites, but somehow for an unnamed global elite at the same time? I don't get it.", '>>{satosaison} : Since the 90\'s he has been a favorite boogeyman for the Republican Party, since he is sort of the liberal equivalent of the Koch brothers, however, in more recent times, a lot of the negative focus has come from the alt-right, with him being variously described as part of the New World Order, or part of a global Jewish conspiracy (in overtly anti-Semitic tones). Most people don\'t know anything about him or his organization, except that they are somehow "evil" in a vague sense. I have a ton of friends at OSF (or formerly of OSF) and I think they are amazing people, and that the work they do effects positive change around the globe.', '>>{satosaison} : The friends that I have working with the organization basically travel around Eastern Europe and Asia working with local governments or political groups to help promote free democratic elections. You can imagine who that would rub the wrong way.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : > a lot of the negative focus has come from the alt-right, with him being variously described as part of the New World Order, or part of a global Jewish conspiracy (in overtly anti-Semitic tones). This is what I don't get. How could he be both part of this conspiracy while at the same time taking heat for his own [apparently anti-Semitic advocacy?](http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Politics-And-Diplomacy/Hacked-Soros-e-mails-reveal-plans-to-fight-Israels-racist-policies-464149) More direct question: At what point does the alt-right's mountain of bullshit cave in on itself?", '>>{satosaison} : I want to make sure we are clear here, no one accuses him of "anti-Semitic" advocacy. Many conservative Israelis have criticized him for being insufficiently pro-Israel. He is pro-Israel in a general sense, however, has raised challenges to the some anti-democratic Israeli practices, and is generally anti-Netanyahu.', '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : I\'ve read plenty of commentary that accuses him of this, but perhaps that\'s also coming from the alt-right. I think the term "anti-Semitic" gets thrown around too much for sure, and if he\'s anti-Netanyahu, well, isn\'t that a bit justified? Benji seems like a bit of a whackjob at the best of times. But does this mean the alt-rights are owned by Benji as part of an alter-conspiracy? Or am I reaching?', '>>{satosaison} : The problem is that has always been the political ploy of the Israeli conservatives, to claim that criticism of Israel is "anti-Israeli" rather than encouraging debate about their policies.', ">>{ihavesensitiveknees} : One thing I've learned throughout this election is that good network security people are sorely needed.", '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : This is pretty much what I thought. This discussion deserves at least one of [these.](http://49yzp92imhtx8radn224z7y1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Netanyahu-300x170.png)', '>>{vvingnut} : ...good suicidal network security people with poor ethics.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : From Ann Coulter? Yeah, 'nuff said.", ">>{basedOp} : Isn't this interesting. A benign, but important story that has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton, Trump, or any presidential candidate again downvoted. Look at all the downvotes. More evidence of vote brigading in r/politics by those affiliated with CTR and the Soros organization.", '>>{Uktabi68} : This should be interesting. A reported dem. who also funded the carlisle group with all the neocons.', '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : Does it really matter who the alt-right pundit is?', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : No it's pretty clear since he said it all himself, however it's a definite spin job to turn him, a jewish holocaust survivor, 14yrs old at the time, into a nazi sympathizer. But we're living in an era where the conservative conscience has all but vanished, so context.", '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : To see how deep the alt-right conspiracy goes. /s', '>>{SpeedflyChris} : Yep, I now only browse /r/politics by "controversial" as it\'s mostly a list of all the interesting stories CTR want buried.', '>>{i_called_that_shit} : Exactly this. Controversial is the new Hot now that Sanders supporters no longer give af and CTR has greater numbers.', ">>{Halfrich} : 59% upvoted. Other 41% protecting Soros' corrupt ass. These are the same lefty nuts who complain about money in politics. lol. soulless and conscience free."]]
classify and reply
[">>{ktwebb2} : Scarborough: Giuliani would be 'disastrous' pick for State", '>>{Ovedya2011} : The Clintons have always been slimy and corrupt. Yet for some reason people like them.', ">>{sl600rt} : but it's ok for people to keep saying trump is illegitimate, or that hillary should be president because popular vote? you didn't read, did you? for the article also contains criticism of trump.", ">>{sl600rt} : Clinton's spend a lot of time and money on PR. They even did polls and focus groups on what time of the year Bill should take a vacation while he was president.", '>>{mhwtexplode} : Secretary of State?, the one that deals with other countries? oh god no', ">>{whitepeoplerules} : Come on, I'm pretty sure we all know Giuliani isn't happening. Him and Christie both are going to get the cold shoulder. I like this new rumor about Huntsman Jr as SoS.", '>>{WorldNeedsSaddam} : When r/politics stops calling Trump an "illegitimate" while simultaneously saying that Hillary deserves to be president, we will stop revealing facts about her.', '>>{LeviathanfromMars} : Who is Scarborough by the way? Never mind.', '>>{ktwebb2} : Former GOP congressman and current host of a morning show on MSNBC.', '>>{Solario_ff14} : Because neither of the things in your first sentence are true.', '>>{ktwebb2} : Do you think Romney will be cold shouldered as well?', '>>{Solario_ff14} : The closure of the CGI was announced months ago, well before the election. But of course facts have never mattered for people who hate the Clintons.', ">>{PapaBat} : Honestly I hope you keep going. Keep abusing a woman who will never return to politics. That's a smart strategy for 2018 and 2020.", '>>{whitepeoplerules} : I hope he is. He lacks character. I would MUCH rather see Huntsman, as he is experienced and very moderate compared to most republicans.', ">>{DickButtwoman} : My bet is that Conway is going to win this one. And Conway was seen with Quayle, walking into Trump tower. A former VP, no matter how idiotic, will Trump all the rest. My bet is on Quayle, even though no one's talking about it.", ">>{PapaBat} : People think Trump is illegitimate because he lost the popular vote by millions. It wasn't even close like it was in Bush v. Gore. The massive amounts of circumstantial evidence that he is a traitor only adds fuel to the fire. If the situation were reversed, and Trump won the popular vote by 4 million, Hillary was appointed president instead, and foreign intelligence agencies (more than one in this case -- not just the UK) found evidence suggesting she was committing treason...you would be O.K. with that?", '>>{sl600rt} : the article talks about that. yes, of course they would have announced closing it, before the election when they thought they would win. too many conflicts of interest and too little time. yet... they have nothing but time now. if they really believed in what the CGI was doing. Why would they still go ahead with closing it? Jimmy Carter has been working for Habitat for Humanity for over 30 years. Even with him being 92, surviving brain cancer, and not being that rich. Carter believes in his work.', '>>{ktwebb2} : Quayle??? I guess you can count out a dark horse.', '>>{DickButtwoman} : Especially when that horse has terribly lost their mind.', '>>{ktwebb2} : Rudy! Can I interest you in ambassador to venezula?', ">>{black_krim} : It's gonna be Rohrabacher. Putin's very own congressman.", '>>{versusgorilla} : >The Trumps have always been slimy and corrupt. Yet for some reason people like them.', '>>{deaduntil} : I mean, I supported Romney as SOS among available candidates, but Huntsman is my favorite Mormon.', '>>{Guitata} : blowviator extrodinaire! He will stick up for anything his party proposes, while constantly bragging about his time in congress (which he had to disgracefully leave) and interrupting anyone on a panel on the show that speaks for more than 7 seconds. another narcissist.', '>>{Gonzanic} : Listen, the people have spoken (well, 40-something percent in any case) and they clearly want to burn the motherfucker down. And who better to oversee a calamity of historical proportions than the man who compounded a certain tragedy fifteen or so years ago, by having denied the reasonable requests of those people who do the actual "hero" work?', ">>{sl600rt} : Trump won the election according to the rules and if you take out california, he wins pop vote too. there is no evidence of trump collusion with the Russians on the elections. trump has some business interests in russia and with some russians. the russians allegedly wanted trump to win and showed some campaign staff emails. at no point did trump try to undermine the government, overthrow the government, or give aid to an enemy nation. let us not forget about the Clinton's and their foreign entanglements with the sunni monarchies of the middle east.", '>>{ktwebb2} : When I used to watch he always brought up his time in congress, lol.', '>>{mindlessrabble} : Giuliani could do to diplomacy what Scarborough has done to journalism! /s', '>>{staringinto_space} : i am definitely pulling for a moderate like huntsman or romney. It would drive the alt-right people crazy.', ">>{PapaBat} : >Yet for some reason people like them. I wouldn't go that far. People elected an insane bigot who supports our Putin over Clinton. Having said that, I already miss the days of having slimy and corrupt politicians lead us over this Orange Abortion we have now. At least they had basic levels of competence and intelligence.", '>>{PapaBat} : > and if you take out california, he wins pop vote too. LOL so Californians don\'t count as Americans anymore? It\'s better run than any of the welfare queen Trump states. Love how you have to completely remove the most populous state in the country in order for Trump to win. >there is no evidence of trump collusion with the Russians on the elections Yes there is. His team was in contact with the Russians during the election. According to the Guardian (the ones who broke the Snowden story and frequent U.S. critic): >The Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. Why the fuck were they talking to them at all? Insane. >at no point did trump try to undermine the government, overthrow the government, or give aid to an enemy nation. Remains to be seen as the investigation continues. One thing we do know for sure, Trump is publicly promoting Russian interests over our own. Like abandoning NATO, turning on Merkel, abandoning the sanctions for Russia\'s illegal invasion of Crimea, Trump kissing Putin\'s ass every chance he gets, etc. >let us not forget about the Clinton\'s and their foreign entanglements with the sunni monarchies of the middle east. I don\'t remember Clinton gushing over any dictators on social media (i.e. "Will he be my best friend?" -- actual Trump comment about Putin from 2013). Please correct me if I\'m wrong.', '>>{10390} : What was going on within Clinton Inc. stank.... We hope the incoming adminstration realizes that such fetid arrangements are unworthy of people who hold high public office, and are likely to do them irreparable political harm.', ">>{sl600rt} : instead of gushing over dictators. Clinton helped shape foreign policy that benefits sunni monarchs at the expense of Shias and the Western world. Bahrain's(sunni monarchs ruling over a shia majority) brutal crack down on their arab spring protests. the USA response under clinton and obama, was a 1 year delay in arm sales. while the bahrain crown prince can walk into Hillary's secstate office on a whim. they talked big about how hillary once went to china to talk about women's rights, and hillary is a champion of women's rights. yet has she ever told her sunni arab muslim donors to give women equality? no. crimea is gone, the time to have done something was before the vote to join russia happened. Obama's sanctions were more symbolic than effective. the proxy war on ukraine is basically a loss for Russia. as a lot of people died, but no land changed hands. a lot of people in europe don't like merkel. since they view her as the reason millions of illegal immigrants have flooded into europe. Germany isn't pulling their weight in NATO either. they're a rich nation, but their military is a joke. NATO is effectively the USA, UK, and France. There are a bunch of other nations, some too poor and small to be able to defend themeslves, and others only capable of defending themselves for a while. Only the UK and France could actually send military power to the USA's aid in North America or the Pacific. NATO members need to be less dependent on the USA.", ">>{sl600rt} : slimy is a matter of perspective, and there have always been people that view the clinton's as slimy since the 90s. corrupt is a matter of perspective, and legal standing. a lot of people view the clintons as corrupt, even though they have always just managed to skirt the threshold of getting into lasting legal trouble.", '>>{sl600rt} : trump never did it while in public office, so far. it is more acceptable to be slimy and corrupt while a private citizen. people in public office, elected or appointed, should be held to a high standard.', ">>{PapaBat} : So basically you're taking the Putin/Trump acolyte route and completely ignoring the overwhelming amount of experts and U.S. intelligence agencies actually sworn to protect us. Got it. Best of luck to you and that Chinese Hoax of a climate change too.", '>>{ScannerBrightly} : So you are going to base your actions off of an anonymous horde of internet users and their upvotes? Good luck with that!', ">>{ScannerBrightly} : > people to keep saying trump is illegitimate That's a currently hotly debated topic. It is ALSO orthogonal to anything to do with Hillary. Hillary could be dead right now and it would still be an active question as to if Trump is legitimate or if he colluded with Russia.", ">>{sl600rt} : trump is legitimate unless someone can prove he, or a third party acting independently, changed election results. trump isn't the first president to be accused of being in collusion to foreign interests. Jefferson with the French and Kennedy with the pope, for examples. hillary is/was a politician. the CGI was active while she was active in politics. it being closed is current event. so it deserves mentioning on r/politics, or just rename the subreddit r/wehatetrump or r/democrat"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{ktwebb2} : Scarborough: Giuliani would be 'disastrous' pick for State", '>>{mhwtexplode} : Secretary of State?, the one that deals with other countries? oh god no', ">>{whitepeoplerules} : Come on, I'm pretty sure we all know Giuliani isn't happening. Him and Christie both are going to get the cold shoulder. I like this new rumor about Huntsman Jr as SoS.", '>>{LeviathanfromMars} : Who is Scarborough by the way? Never mind.', '>>{ktwebb2} : Former GOP congressman and current host of a morning show on MSNBC.', '>>{ktwebb2} : Do you think Romney will be cold shouldered as well?', '>>{whitepeoplerules} : I hope he is. He lacks character. I would MUCH rather see Huntsman, as he is experienced and very moderate compared to most republicans.', ">>{DickButtwoman} : My bet is that Conway is going to win this one. And Conway was seen with Quayle, walking into Trump tower. A former VP, no matter how idiotic, will Trump all the rest. My bet is on Quayle, even though no one's talking about it.", '>>{ktwebb2} : Quayle??? I guess you can count out a dark horse.', '>>{DickButtwoman} : Especially when that horse has terribly lost their mind.', '>>{ktwebb2} : Rudy! Can I interest you in ambassador to venezula?', ">>{black_krim} : It's gonna be Rohrabacher. Putin's very own congressman.", '>>{deaduntil} : I mean, I supported Romney as SOS among available candidates, but Huntsman is my favorite Mormon.', '>>{Guitata} : blowviator extrodinaire! He will stick up for anything his party proposes, while constantly bragging about his time in congress (which he had to disgracefully leave) and interrupting anyone on a panel on the show that speaks for more than 7 seconds. another narcissist.', '>>{Gonzanic} : Listen, the people have spoken (well, 40-something percent in any case) and they clearly want to burn the motherfucker down. And who better to oversee a calamity of historical proportions than the man who compounded a certain tragedy fifteen or so years ago, by having denied the reasonable requests of those people who do the actual "hero" work?', '>>{ktwebb2} : When I used to watch he always brought up his time in congress, lol.', '>>{mindlessrabble} : Giuliani could do to diplomacy what Scarborough has done to journalism! /s', '>>{staringinto_space} : i am definitely pulling for a moderate like huntsman or romney. It would drive the alt-right people crazy.'], ['>>{Ovedya2011} : The Clintons have always been slimy and corrupt. Yet for some reason people like them.', ">>{sl600rt} : but it's ok for people to keep saying trump is illegitimate, or that hillary should be president because popular vote? you didn't read, did you? for the article also contains criticism of trump.", ">>{sl600rt} : Clinton's spend a lot of time and money on PR. They even did polls and focus groups on what time of the year Bill should take a vacation while he was president.", '>>{WorldNeedsSaddam} : When r/politics stops calling Trump an "illegitimate" while simultaneously saying that Hillary deserves to be president, we will stop revealing facts about her.', '>>{Solario_ff14} : Because neither of the things in your first sentence are true.', '>>{Solario_ff14} : The closure of the CGI was announced months ago, well before the election. But of course facts have never mattered for people who hate the Clintons.', ">>{PapaBat} : Honestly I hope you keep going. Keep abusing a woman who will never return to politics. That's a smart strategy for 2018 and 2020.", ">>{PapaBat} : People think Trump is illegitimate because he lost the popular vote by millions. It wasn't even close like it was in Bush v. Gore. The massive amounts of circumstantial evidence that he is a traitor only adds fuel to the fire. If the situation were reversed, and Trump won the popular vote by 4 million, Hillary was appointed president instead, and foreign intelligence agencies (more than one in this case -- not just the UK) found evidence suggesting she was committing treason...you would be O.K. with that?", '>>{sl600rt} : the article talks about that. yes, of course they would have announced closing it, before the election when they thought they would win. too many conflicts of interest and too little time. yet... they have nothing but time now. if they really believed in what the CGI was doing. Why would they still go ahead with closing it? Jimmy Carter has been working for Habitat for Humanity for over 30 years. Even with him being 92, surviving brain cancer, and not being that rich. Carter believes in his work.', '>>{versusgorilla} : >The Trumps have always been slimy and corrupt. Yet for some reason people like them.', ">>{sl600rt} : Trump won the election according to the rules and if you take out california, he wins pop vote too. there is no evidence of trump collusion with the Russians on the elections. trump has some business interests in russia and with some russians. the russians allegedly wanted trump to win and showed some campaign staff emails. at no point did trump try to undermine the government, overthrow the government, or give aid to an enemy nation. let us not forget about the Clinton's and their foreign entanglements with the sunni monarchies of the middle east.", ">>{PapaBat} : >Yet for some reason people like them. I wouldn't go that far. People elected an insane bigot who supports our Putin over Clinton. Having said that, I already miss the days of having slimy and corrupt politicians lead us over this Orange Abortion we have now. At least they had basic levels of competence and intelligence.", '>>{PapaBat} : > and if you take out california, he wins pop vote too. LOL so Californians don\'t count as Americans anymore? It\'s better run than any of the welfare queen Trump states. Love how you have to completely remove the most populous state in the country in order for Trump to win. >there is no evidence of trump collusion with the Russians on the elections Yes there is. His team was in contact with the Russians during the election. According to the Guardian (the ones who broke the Snowden story and frequent U.S. critic): >The Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. Why the fuck were they talking to them at all? Insane. >at no point did trump try to undermine the government, overthrow the government, or give aid to an enemy nation. Remains to be seen as the investigation continues. One thing we do know for sure, Trump is publicly promoting Russian interests over our own. Like abandoning NATO, turning on Merkel, abandoning the sanctions for Russia\'s illegal invasion of Crimea, Trump kissing Putin\'s ass every chance he gets, etc. >let us not forget about the Clinton\'s and their foreign entanglements with the sunni monarchies of the middle east. I don\'t remember Clinton gushing over any dictators on social media (i.e. "Will he be my best friend?" -- actual Trump comment about Putin from 2013). Please correct me if I\'m wrong.', '>>{10390} : What was going on within Clinton Inc. stank.... We hope the incoming adminstration realizes that such fetid arrangements are unworthy of people who hold high public office, and are likely to do them irreparable political harm.', ">>{sl600rt} : instead of gushing over dictators. Clinton helped shape foreign policy that benefits sunni monarchs at the expense of Shias and the Western world. Bahrain's(sunni monarchs ruling over a shia majority) brutal crack down on their arab spring protests. the USA response under clinton and obama, was a 1 year delay in arm sales. while the bahrain crown prince can walk into Hillary's secstate office on a whim. they talked big about how hillary once went to china to talk about women's rights, and hillary is a champion of women's rights. yet has she ever told her sunni arab muslim donors to give women equality? no. crimea is gone, the time to have done something was before the vote to join russia happened. Obama's sanctions were more symbolic than effective. the proxy war on ukraine is basically a loss for Russia. as a lot of people died, but no land changed hands. a lot of people in europe don't like merkel. since they view her as the reason millions of illegal immigrants have flooded into europe. Germany isn't pulling their weight in NATO either. they're a rich nation, but their military is a joke. NATO is effectively the USA, UK, and France. There are a bunch of other nations, some too poor and small to be able to defend themeslves, and others only capable of defending themselves for a while. Only the UK and France could actually send military power to the USA's aid in North America or the Pacific. NATO members need to be less dependent on the USA.", ">>{sl600rt} : slimy is a matter of perspective, and there have always been people that view the clinton's as slimy since the 90s. corrupt is a matter of perspective, and legal standing. a lot of people view the clintons as corrupt, even though they have always just managed to skirt the threshold of getting into lasting legal trouble.", '>>{sl600rt} : trump never did it while in public office, so far. it is more acceptable to be slimy and corrupt while a private citizen. people in public office, elected or appointed, should be held to a high standard.', ">>{PapaBat} : So basically you're taking the Putin/Trump acolyte route and completely ignoring the overwhelming amount of experts and U.S. intelligence agencies actually sworn to protect us. Got it. Best of luck to you and that Chinese Hoax of a climate change too.", '>>{ScannerBrightly} : So you are going to base your actions off of an anonymous horde of internet users and their upvotes? Good luck with that!', ">>{ScannerBrightly} : > people to keep saying trump is illegitimate That's a currently hotly debated topic. It is ALSO orthogonal to anything to do with Hillary. Hillary could be dead right now and it would still be an active question as to if Trump is legitimate or if he colluded with Russia.", ">>{sl600rt} : trump is legitimate unless someone can prove he, or a third party acting independently, changed election results. trump isn't the first president to be accused of being in collusion to foreign interests. Jefferson with the French and Kennedy with the pope, for examples. hillary is/was a politician. the CGI was active while she was active in politics. it being closed is current event. so it deserves mentioning on r/politics, or just rename the subreddit r/wehatetrump or r/democrat"]]
classify and reply
[">>{MysticRay} : Days of Moderate Democratic Party 'Are Over,' Analyst Declares", ">>{MysticRay} : >This idea that we're going to be this moderate party that's going to move in this direction, that's going to throw blacks under the bus for criminal justice reform, or for prison expansion, that's going to throw workers under the bus for NAFTA—those days are over.", '>>{FUCK_REPUBLICANS1776} : Good, lets swing left as fuck and finally make this country into a place worth being arrogant about', '>>{tasslehawf} : Eh. It will be hard to unite. At least the republicans have racism and bigotry to unite them.', '>>{LackingLack} : I hope both parties DO get more sharply ideologically defined it would be a sign of political maturation in this country.', ">>{NotYouTu} : You do know that independent doesn't mean middle, right?", '>>{lebowskisfarmhand} : independents are a myth that takes up at most 12%. Yes, lets push moderate Reds to choosing sanity or insanity.', '>>{ricjames2016} : Wow, as a Republican I would love for Dems to go even further left. More landslide election wins!', '>>{P0NYP0UNDER} : Let\'s stop referring to it as "moderate" and call it what it is/was. Conservative. The Party has been center-right ever since Bill Clinton remade it. It may have been the correct move at the time but times have changed.', '>>{Burn_it_all_down} : I mean really who gives a flying fuck about other people?! who could rally behind them?', '>>{OhLookANewAccount} : Giving republicans any sense of relevancy in modern society has backfired horrifically.', ">>{OhLookANewAccount} : Yes, like Obama's landslide election win. Trump barely managed to get the 70k votes he needed to win... and he had to *beg* Russia to help him to do so. Imagine how much further America will go when it joins the rest of the first world in progress, united under Democratic ideals. Landslide wins that bury the regressive caveman republican ideals in the footnote of history. I can't wait.", ">>{EagenVegham} : I forgot, anyone that doesn't want full socialism is a conservative in the eyes or those on the far-left aren't they?", ">>{madcorp} : Moving farther left would be the death of the Democratic Party. The progressive left has already marginalized large swatches of moderates in swing states because they don't agree with everything they stand for.", '>>{drtoszi} : Nothing, the Hil-crats just trying to hype up their next Hillary by trying to hit every minority point possible. The sane Dems are too busy trying to save the party while these guys go to interviews.', '>>{OhLookANewAccount} : Luckily there are men and women who stand in the way. 3 million more men and women than the ones supporting the worst regressive policies of criminals and madmen. We stand and fight.', ">>{OhLookANewAccount} : Luckily there are 3 million more people who stand against that elimination. If it comes to destroying the foundations of America then American's will tear down the gold towers in which these traitors live and spill their blood in the streets. We are a nation of misbehaving patriots. We stand for human rights, and we are founded on the destruction of governments that seek to limit those rights. That is the blood in all of our veins, and is what will stop these criminals and madmen from tearing our country apart.", '>>{P0NYP0UNDER} : Not many people were advocating for socialism. Certainly not Bernie or his wing of the Party. Though that may be our future since millennials prefer socialism to capitalism. If you embrace an agenda that is conservative by modern standards (strengthening the military and using it often, support more oil pipelines, support trade agreements that greatly favor corporations at the expense of all else, etc) and swear off a liberal agenda such as single-payer health care, tax funded K-college public education, strengthening our unions and lessening our use of the military, then it stands to reason that you may be a conservative or a moderate conservative.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{MysticRay} : Days of Moderate Democratic Party 'Are Over,' Analyst Declares", ">>{MysticRay} : >This idea that we're going to be this moderate party that's going to move in this direction, that's going to throw blacks under the bus for criminal justice reform, or for prison expansion, that's going to throw workers under the bus for NAFTA—those days are over.", '>>{FUCK_REPUBLICANS1776} : Good, lets swing left as fuck and finally make this country into a place worth being arrogant about', '>>{tasslehawf} : Eh. It will be hard to unite. At least the republicans have racism and bigotry to unite them.', '>>{LackingLack} : I hope both parties DO get more sharply ideologically defined it would be a sign of political maturation in this country.', ">>{NotYouTu} : You do know that independent doesn't mean middle, right?", '>>{lebowskisfarmhand} : independents are a myth that takes up at most 12%. Yes, lets push moderate Reds to choosing sanity or insanity.', '>>{ricjames2016} : Wow, as a Republican I would love for Dems to go even further left. More landslide election wins!', '>>{P0NYP0UNDER} : Let\'s stop referring to it as "moderate" and call it what it is/was. Conservative. The Party has been center-right ever since Bill Clinton remade it. It may have been the correct move at the time but times have changed.', '>>{Burn_it_all_down} : I mean really who gives a flying fuck about other people?! who could rally behind them?', '>>{OhLookANewAccount} : Giving republicans any sense of relevancy in modern society has backfired horrifically.', ">>{OhLookANewAccount} : Yes, like Obama's landslide election win. Trump barely managed to get the 70k votes he needed to win... and he had to *beg* Russia to help him to do so. Imagine how much further America will go when it joins the rest of the first world in progress, united under Democratic ideals. Landslide wins that bury the regressive caveman republican ideals in the footnote of history. I can't wait.", ">>{EagenVegham} : I forgot, anyone that doesn't want full socialism is a conservative in the eyes or those on the far-left aren't they?", ">>{madcorp} : Moving farther left would be the death of the Democratic Party. The progressive left has already marginalized large swatches of moderates in swing states because they don't agree with everything they stand for.", '>>{drtoszi} : Nothing, the Hil-crats just trying to hype up their next Hillary by trying to hit every minority point possible. The sane Dems are too busy trying to save the party while these guys go to interviews.', '>>{OhLookANewAccount} : Luckily there are men and women who stand in the way. 3 million more men and women than the ones supporting the worst regressive policies of criminals and madmen. We stand and fight.', ">>{OhLookANewAccount} : Luckily there are 3 million more people who stand against that elimination. If it comes to destroying the foundations of America then American's will tear down the gold towers in which these traitors live and spill their blood in the streets. We are a nation of misbehaving patriots. We stand for human rights, and we are founded on the destruction of governments that seek to limit those rights. That is the blood in all of our veins, and is what will stop these criminals and madmen from tearing our country apart.", '>>{P0NYP0UNDER} : Not many people were advocating for socialism. Certainly not Bernie or his wing of the Party. Though that may be our future since millennials prefer socialism to capitalism. If you embrace an agenda that is conservative by modern standards (strengthening the military and using it often, support more oil pipelines, support trade agreements that greatly favor corporations at the expense of all else, etc) and swear off a liberal agenda such as single-payer health care, tax funded K-college public education, strengthening our unions and lessening our use of the military, then it stands to reason that you may be a conservative or a moderate conservative.']]
classify and reply
['>>{ki_no_akuma} : The Democrats’ inept resistance: Party leaders want Bernie Sanders to save them from angry activists', '>>{BearsNecessity} : Trump promised an official voter fraud investigation. Then he delegated it to a guy on Twitter.', ">>{Soleimsen} : Isn't this the same guy that have claimed voter fraud several times, and have been debunked every time?", ">>{paulinbc} : I have twitter. Maybe I should head up the investigation. -spoiler alert- it'll be a short one.", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : There's no time for disunity. We need to team up!", '>>{ki_no_akuma} : Against what? Republicans banning bills to import drugs from Canada or the neo-liberal policies that lost the democrats this election?', '>>{VGtheory} : Trump deserves an award for spectacular incompetence in a public position. Melania deserves an award for most degradations suffered in a sexual position', ">>{zpedv} : Yep. Let's travel back in time to [November 18th last year](http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2016/nov/18/blog-posting/no-3-million-undocumented-immigrants-did-not-vote-/) > As evidence of its claim, InfoWars’ headline refers to a report from VoteFraud.org and tweets from Gregg Phillips, whose Twitter profile says he’s the founder of VoteStand, a voter fraud reporting app. > There is no report from VoteFraud.org, however, and Phillips told PolitiFact he is not affiliated with that website. The information comes from tweets made by from Phillips on [Nov. 11](https://twitter.com/JumpVote/status/797218284034752512?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) and [Nov. 13](https://twitter.com/JumpVote/status/797843232436748288?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw).", '>>{zpedv} : Also the one tweet from the 13th says "we are joining True The Vote" of which Phillips is a board member. The [True The Vote organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_the_Vote) and [their founder Catherine Engelbrecht](http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2013/05/30/why-you-should-care-that-the-u-s-government-has-targeted-catherine-engelbrecht-and-her-organizations/#7e773ed7e262) don\'t really have good histories either.', ">>{ianrl337} : Single position, or throughout the session? If we're going to give awards we need to be sure we have specifics.", ">>{Th3Carter3} : https://twitter.com/JumpVote/status/800504943643766788 This is his pinned tweet on Twitter. I'm sure this will be a very fair, thorough and non-partisan investigation.", '>>{bombingwinger} : >Phillips notably claimed that he “verified” the illegal votes four days before any states certified their election results (Vermont was the first). Nonetheless, his tweet went viral in certain right-wing spheres. This is too funny. This guy Phillips is about to get screwed.', '>>{zpedv} : > [Completed analysis of database of 180 million voter registrations. Number of non-citizen votes exceeds 3 million. Consulting legal team.](https://twitter.com/JumpVote/status/797218284034752512) I like how it implies they somehow figured out exactly who in the database of voter registrations voted, and of those that voted who were non-citizens all within a few days after Election Day. *Totally sounds legit*', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Fascism. When autocrats are in play, you drop everything and handle the emergency immediately. That's actually what we needed to do during the election. I'm sorry, you wanted to say something about democracy. Tell me all about how Putin teaming up with war criminal Bashar al-Assad to hang more innocent men, women, and children is a good thing. I would like to know the luminaries that drive your preferred form of government. But you likely never heard of John Locke or John Stuart Mill. Or possibly Thomas Jefferson.", '>>{Soleimsen} : Just goes to show how bad the new administration is going to be.', ">>{PolyhedralZydeco} : He's basically as qualified as a deeply patriotic and conservative Nate Silver. I saw that compelling image on Twitter of a fan and a jumble of wires. It seemed particularly suspicious from the way it was, as I couldn't see all the wires and the nefarious RecordCorrector™ that was surely hidden nearby. I bet he has used a reliable and sober analysis to identify all the brown people, and found the results\u200b alarming: above zero!", '>>{Kenatius} : WTF are you talking about? How did you drag "*Putin teaming up with war criminal Bashar al-Assad*" into this? You ARE calling for unity - right?', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : It sounds like we have some things to discuss. I'm going to be blunt with you, so hang in there. I'm only saying words. What are we doing in Syria? Are we going to let a Baathist authoritarian get away with war crimes or not? And what was Tulsi Gabbard foolishly doing in Syria? What are your thoughts on Tulsi visiting al-Assad?", '>>{Kenatius} : >Rather than crafting an agenda to appeal to angry voters, Democrats make harebrained plans to hide from them SEIU International Leadership was all in for HRC before the first primary. They never actually tried to find out what the rank and file in my local wanted. The local wanted to wait till after the primaries. The local wanted their concerns addressed. The local wanted a democratic process in the union. The local wanted an agenda that would appeal to angry voters. The Democratic Party elites need to get out of their bubble and go LISTEN to their constituents. The arrogance and hubris of the Democratic Party elites gave the election to Trump.', '>>{ki_no_akuma} : What a broad stoke.... Making the Democratic party into a party that actually stands up for everyday people is how you fight fascism. Unless you are going to explain to me how Party unity is somehow going to end fascism?', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Hardly. We're left with a lingering question that you must address if you want the moral high ground. Is Trump moral for defending al-Assad or not? Will he ally with those who hang women and children?", ">>{Kenatius} : I'm going to be blunt with you. None of this will matter to rank and file Democratic Party voters in the next election. Listen to the constituents. Stop pushing agendas. Win elections.", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : >I'm going to be blunt with you. That's a cute line. Mind if I steal it? >None of this will matter to rank and file Democratic Party voters in the next election. Excuse me? How do foreign relations and our international duty to uphold the Geneva Conventions irrelevant to Democratic Party voters? And pray tell me what do they care about, since you're the *elected speaker of the proletariat?* Who are the philosophers that will drive the upcoming populist rising and unify the party? I need you to be specific, because your buckshot-accurate points are leaving me with more questions, not less. So please specify the kind of government you want if you want your agenda in government. And yes, I want you to be as detailed as possible.", ">>{ki_no_akuma} : Assad is a shitty human being but the number one issue in syria is ISIS not the Oil... Neo-liberals (Like hillary) wanted to overthrow assad so they can the grip on that sweet oil money... I don't know what instance you are talking about; trump defending Assad, but i do know America other throwing governments creating political vacuums.... Is a failing strategy.. Now you answer my question... with democrats voting on bills that screw over millions of people... Democrats like Joe Manchin that is a racial slur away from being a republican.. Why is Party unity so important? and what does party unity have a thing to do with foreign policy?", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : > Neo-liberals (Like hillary) Thank you for helping me make the connection. >wanted to overthrow assad so they can the grip on that sweet oil money... 19.5% of Rosneft shares went where? Trump and Co's pockets? Additionally, Russia cares deeply about money and oil, more so than the United States, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to conquer the Ukraine and disrupt our elections. Also, Russia tried invading Afghanistan before. But on the current point, do you want to talk sins of the West versus Big Brother Putin? Frankenstalin? >I don't know what instance you are talking about; trump defending Assad, but i do know America other throwing governments creating political vacuums.... You didn't address my question. You instead pivoted to Iraq. You dodged my argument. Is Trump right or wrong in defending a war criminal? Are you okay with a man who orders soldiers to suck the life out of an innocent child? Imagine an innocent boy's screams as he's hauled away from a kangaroo court, dangling from a rope, his eyes glazed over. Is that the future you want? Do you have the stomach for that kind of evil? >Is a failing strategy.. You lack a subject to go with that predicate. I've spotted the жирный тролль! I kid, I kid. Either way, you spout lies. Iraq is pushing handily back against ISIS. The strongest thing we can say came out of the Iraq War (as ugly and evil as it was) is that we toppled Saddam Hussein, another war criminal Baathist/Fascist. >Why is Party unity so important? For your agenda, it's clearly not. You just want to see us flounder while we lose civil rights under Trump. The Democrats need to join forces and beat the Nazis. Why? Because America will not tolerate a Nazi. (Minor edits for clarification.)", '>>{Kenatius} : I speak for myself. I am advocating for the Democratic Party to **Listen**.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : They are. Now please tell me what you have to say. Chances are I already agree with your policy points (except I defend the UN for the sake of international order). I voted for Sanders.', ">>{data2dave} : Better than supporting Isis as Hillary inadvertently did while Sec of State while collecting big bucks from Saudi Arabia. Tulsi does need to explain herself better but there is a battle between Putin and Iran vs. Saudi Arabia and both Russia and Iran have far better records on freedom of religion and women's rights than Hillary's favored ally Saudi Arabia who gave the most to the Clinton's slush fund.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : We need to focus here. Who are the fascist players on the board? Please tell me. I want to make sure we agree on who is a dangerous anti-democratic authoritarian and who is not.', ">>{Kenatius} : Debating international politics is not a winning strategy to get votes from voters who are concerned about paying their rent. Moral high ground be damned. Google Maslow's *Hierarchy of Needs*.", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : I need to repeat my point, and I am insisting you answer it. *Please tell me what the populist progressives need out of the Democratic Party.* Chances are I agree with you. >Maslow Everyone with an 8th-Grade education has heard of Maslow's food pyramid. >Moral high ground be damned. If we cannot get along, and therefore creating a moral agreement, then our rights will be damned. It is critical that we communicate. Please see my italicized statement.", '>>{Kenatius} : Food pyramid? Really? You should of paid attention in 8th grade.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : I did. Self-actualization really means that you should only eat sweets and desserts sparingly, no? (Do I need explain my /s?)', '>>{data2dave} : You are overly worried about weak Russia as Obama called it. We shit on Russia for giving us a peace dividend and then you expect them to play nice? Hillary lost the election without Russia\'s help but she\'s had a pro Islamist agenda ever since the US helped Kosovo ethnic cleanse Serbs out of there. Yes, the Serbs as Russia\'s allies acted awful but to take only one side on the issue (the Islamic side) reveals an anti Western bias on Clintonoid side. Alas. You conflate USSR with oligarchic Putin which has similar oligarchs as ours (Trump, Tech Barrons, et al). I also think there is some truth to the "Crisis of Civilizations" argument even as a Democrat. The Islamic Reactionary impulse matches Christian and Orthodox Jewish Reactions to modern values combined are all a much more dangerous threat to Enlightenment Western Values than weak Putintate.', ">>{ki_no_akuma} : God i want to tell you how 100% wrong you are, but i am not very convinced i am having an actual conversation here... so... Fuck what was your question? >Is Trump right or wrong in defending a war criminal? Fuck i don't care if he is defending a War criminal.. Is he wrong... sure i guess... What about Hillary Clinton defending Netanyahu? what about Henry Kissenger wining a noble peace prize? It's obviously not a real issue to you... **edit** You know that inept ressistance the article was talking about??? I think that is you.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : >You are overly worried about weak Russia as Obama called it. Either Trump himself (not proven) or one of his goons (much more evidence for this right now) took money from Russia. It\'s only a matter of time before the murder weapon is found. >We shit on Russia for giving us a peace dividend How? By blocking the UN from acting, therefore letting Assad get away with war crimes and kangaroo courts in jails? Is this the peace dividend you are talking about? >You conflate USSR with oligarchic Putin I\'m doing the contrary. Putin is not the USSR. He\'s all of the thuggery from the KGB mixed with corrupt, crony capitalism and fascism. There isn\'t an ounce of Lenin in him. Or am I to believe that Putin is as popular as his polls say? >I also think there is some truth to the "Crisis of Civilizations" argument even as a Democrat. The Islamic Reactionary impulse matches Christian and Orthodox Jewish Reactions to modern values combined are all a much more dangerous threat to Enlightenment Western Values than weak Putintate. I disagree. Russia is proving successful in turning neighboring governments and our own into "zombie governments," debilitated states who lack either the will or the power to move against Putin. Goodbye, Ukraine! And we can blame our lack of unity for allowing a fascist to rise to prominence. I hate to tell you this, but it\'s extremely difficult to remove an autocrat once he consolidates power. Forget Single Payer or student loan reform. The First Amendment may be on the butcher\'s table, if Trump can seize on a Reichstag Fire moment.', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : >but i am not very convinced i am having an actual conversation here... so... Fuck what was your question? Have you tried Adderall? >Fuck i don't care if he is defending a War criminal.. Is he wrong... sure i guess... Your tepidness in the face of clear and present dangers remains your weakness. The side you need to be on is clear. >What about Hillary Clinton defending Netanyahu? You shift back to Clinton because you have no argument. >what about Henry Kissenger wining a noble peace prize? Kissinger is evil like Assad, mostly for extending the Vietnam War and his adventures in Cambodia. I agree that he should rot in jail the rest of his life. You correctly identify a failure of the West by identifying someone flying contrary to democratic values. >You know that inept ressistance the article was talking about??? I think that is you. What a riposte! You stuck me. (Could you try rephrasing this please?)", ">>{data2dave} : I agree on fighting Trump, but to trade off truth and principles to defeat Trump is wrong too. The Oligarchs of America gave more to Hillary than to Trump but they are even more happy with him ..., a shocking victory due to Democrats ineptitude. Until we deal with the Democratic Party's ineptitude we will be running in a hampster's wheel. Round and round. The protests are examples of a beginning, being led from below and linking of the two factions requires New leadership somewhere between Hillary and Sanders. And we need new ideas other than tired Third Way pro CEO policies.", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : > but to trade off truth and principles to defeat Trump is wrong too. Wrong. When fascists are on the board, they will do whatever they can to erode free inquiry. Roosevelt didn't have the luxury to go back in time and stop Wounded Knee from happening, but guess what event in history Hitler used to counter Roosevelt's denunciation of his military actions? We don't have time to pretend that Iraq didn't happen. Democracy has been infected, and we need to cure it.", '>>{schloemoe} : Unifying behind the party that has lost 1000 seats in the past 10 years will not solve anything. We need to be unified behind a changed party that actually represents the voters rather than the big money donors. So team up behind the progressives. We are the ones that are out front fighting against Trump and are actually doing something rather than putting out "We are concerned" messages.', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : >Unifying behind the party that has lost 1000 seats in the past 10 years will not solve anything. If Karl Marx himself won the Democratic ticket in 2020, I would vote for him. You already have my unity. Now we need yours, if you want a quid pro quo. I give some, you give some. That's fair, right? What if *Clinton Milquetoast Kerry Dukakis* earned the nomination? Would you vote for him/her? Don't you want to be fair? (Minor edits for clarification.)", '>>{data2dave} : I have no idea where you\'re coming from? Iraq? Recent immigrant with very good English? Chronology is suspicious as we\'re talking about decades of US politics which has little to do with Russia (a neglected subject in the early 90\'s when it should have been front and center). Bill Clinton had an expression that his wife and Obama neglected, "It\'s the economy, stupid!" Meaning economic issues are what is most important and the income inequality issue is destroying Democracy more than Putin.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : >"It\'s the economy, stupid!" James Carville is a libertarian hack like many of the big names at the top of the Democratic ziggurat. >Meaning economic issues are what is most important and the income inequality issue is destroying Democracy more than Putin. This statement illustrates a severe disconnect with political reality. The autocrats, nationalists, and racists on Team Trump will destroy the very concept of democracy, assuming that our institutions cannot hold together during the storm. Forget your economic comfort: we run the risk of losing our civil rights when fascists are on the move. You seek to change the way we run business in the building, but if the fascists light the business on fire, you have to call the fire department! Please understand the emergency we face right now.', ">>{schloemoe} : At this point the Republicans have gone so far right that I can't imagine any non-Republican that wouldn't be miles better so of course I'll support and fight for any Dem at this point. My support alone won't win though. Something we are doing is losing us elections at every level of government.", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : >At this point the Republicans have gone so far right that I can't imagine any non-Republican that wouldn't be miles better so of course I'll support and fight for any Dem at this point. Agreed, agreed. We need to find our allies and speak out. Your point on democratic presence in our legislature is a dire situation indeed. I suspect that Democrats have a core problem: they are not very good at defending Roe v. Wade. We need to aggressively defend abortion rights and make a case for the immorality of the anti-abortion political position, from all angles.", ">>{rjfos} : The strongest RESISTance I'm seeing these days is that of the Democratic Party's leaders. They're trying their damnedest to prevent the party from reverting to the bottom-up power structure that constituents want. And they're using the same, infuriating top-down tricks like this to do it. Power to the people.", '>>{rjfos} : This dose of reality and introspection is clearly too real for /r/politics, hence the onslaught of downvotes.', '>>{zikabolaGOGOGO} : I just don\'t get it. I have a lot of lefty friends. Not one of them has thought "Why did we lose? What do we need to change?" They\'re all just getting angrier and angrier and protesting a hodgepodge of bullshit every weekend. 2018 and 2020 will be a bloodbath...', ">>{schloemoe} : My wife's grandmother, a die-hard southern conservative nurse who was shocked and dismayed that the Dems put forth both a black and a woman as candidates, told stories of how terrible things were before Roe V. Wade and the number of women dying or sterilized by illegal abortions. Unfortunately that generation is dying off so people just don't know how horrific it used to be. There is a reason there was such strong support for abortion rights then.", ">>{75962410687} : If we were so concerned with upholding the Geneva convention, we'd do something about our own war criminals.", '>>{rjfos} : I\'m in the same boat. My conclusion is that most of these "lefties" are actually just partisans who toe (edit: not "tow") the party line as it\'s fed to them in the "news" and social media. Anti-Trump/Russia hysteria is a much easier than reforming the Democratic Party\'s platform and operational structure. It also means those who control the party don\'t have to relinquish any power. I\'m convinced that some higher-ups know the real solution, but have purposely chosen this route instead. But you\'re right - it\'s too bad that this seems to be the chosen approach, since it failed in 2016 and will surely fail again in 2018 and 2020.', '>>{Kenatius} : To be fair; Trump is pushing a "hodgepodge of bullshit" agenda.', '>>{SnoopsDrill} : Right, you are more than entitled to think that, but the solution is to go fucking WIN.', '>>{eohorp} : Not to be nitpick but it\'s "toe" the line. I always thought it was "tow" as well until recently. Like toeing the line at the start of the race, everyone lines up on the same line, a unified front.', '>>{Supercrat} : We want your votes, not your voice', ">>{RiverSnake412} : Think so? I think Dems will do fair in 2018 and win the White House in 2020, then lead us in tepid neoliberal style towards greater inequality, warfare, environmental calamity and alienation... until some student of Trump only with more preparation and discipline takes over, and basically checkmates humanity's aspirations for a bright future, ever.", '>>{Supercrat} : We cant be bothered putting forth ideas you like right now, we just need your votes because *imaginary crisis*. Stop bitching and vote for the prowar corporate left or we will never get TPP or the invasion of Syria done! If they had done things to earn votes, the Democrats wouldnt be bombed out and depleted. Does Bernie have any dignity left to lose?', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : >prowar corporate left And you dive on the pro-war, fascist, anti-news, anti-Jewish Right? Good call, comrade!* *(The Marxist kind, not the Putin kind.)', ">>{zikabolaGOGOGO} : There are 33 seats up for grabs in the Senate in 2018. 23 are seats currently held by Democrats. Republicans are defending 8 (2 independent). Out of the 23 seats Democrats are defending... they need to defend: Florida (Trump won), Indiana (Trump won by almost 20 points), Michigan (Trump), Missouri (Trump by 18), Montana (Trump by 21), North Dakota (Trump by 35), Ohio (Trump), Pennsylvania (Trump), West Virginia (Trump by 42), and Wisconsin (Trump). Those 8 Republican's that need to defend? Alabama, Arizona, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wyoming. All Trump states. For the house, our districts are so gerrymandered I can't imagine the Democrats winning in a mid-term (the Democratic base - the youth, minorities - tend to only vote every 4 years and skip the midterms. The Republican base - the elderly, the white, business-people - tend to vote every year). 2018 will be a bloodbath for Democrats. I guess I can't really speak to 2020 yet...", '>>{d0397} : Many of my fellow "lefty" friends were like this. Even though they knew I planned to vote for Clinton, they treated any critique of the candidate as a serious offense. They would just parrot back talking points. I\'m all for supporting a candidate, but I still think it\'s critical to hold them accountable and question them. 2016 was... frustrating.', '>>{data2dave} : I am not enjoying economic comfort nor are a lot of other people but the low voting rate reflects that apolitical attitude of money first then civil liberties. So many people give up their freedom to work in a corporation or even less freedom joining the military for only economic reasons.... many do just to avoid those burger flipping types of jobs only available to those without connections or an Ivy League education.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : > many do just to avoid those burger flipping types of jobs only available to those without connections or an Ivy League education. This is about building a path to social progress. My goals are the same as yours. However, if we lose our democratic fundamentals by allowing authoritarians like Trump destroy them, then we risk never getting there. Gerrymandering does way more damage than any bullying the DNC could did to Bernie Sanders, I assure you.', '>>{couchbutt} : Clintonism is dead... or at least it should be. It will no longer win elections for the Democrats.', ">>{TRUMP-PENCE-2020} : No way the Dems are pulling off a win in 2018. As for 2020: [It's the economy, stupid.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_the_economy,_stupid) If Trump can bring about significant economic growth in the next 4 years (and that's something he's been successfully doing for 50 years), he'll get reelected easily.", '>>{ki_no_akuma} : I apologize. In my defense.. the subject was "why is party unity important" a conversation that is **deprived** on this sub but their rebuttal was assad / putin / trump..', ">>{bitfriend} : It's disheartening because all they have to do in the short term (ie, the next 47 months) is dump the superdelegates. That alone will be a very good first step in rebuilding confidence in the party itself.", '>>{bitfriend} : The idea is that they can do what the Tea Party did in 2010 and base their entire platform off of just saying "no" to the sitting President. Which won\'t work because the TP got far because of the decline of American manufacturing and the open contempt Democrats displayed for their own blue collar base. One hopes that after Trump\'s administration levels off by summer we\'ll see the Democratic party reform itself and begin holding Trump accountable on Tariffs (an issue which the GOP is split on and which Dems can find downballot success with if they get them passed).', '>>{CommunismWillTriumph} : >The arrogance and hubris of the Democratic Party elites gave the election to Trump. No, obviously it was the super mean Russians who stole the election! The Democrats are perfect as is! /s', ">>{CommunismWillTriumph} : They won't do that. At this point the corruption of monopolized capital has completely and irreversibly corrupted the Democratic Party.", '>>{CommunismWillTriumph} : And the kicked is, rather than trying to revamp their platform, the Democrats resorted to scapegoating Russia for losing the election. When in reality, there is literally no empirical evidence that Russia (at least the Russian government) had anything to do with the hacks. The Democratic leadership has been completely hijacked by the corporate deep state. At this point there is no hope in reviving the party. It is a complete lost cause.', ">>{CommunismWillTriumph} : The Democrats answer to the same corporate sponsors as the Republicans so they will never change their platform. The best thing they'll do is pander to social issues in order to gain votes and differentiate themselves from Republicans.", ">>{CommunismWillTriumph} : OP was being sarcastic. I don't think he was talking about the Democrats *practically* taking Senate in 2018. He was more so alluding to the fact that *even if the Dems did get the senate* it would essentially change nothing - because the Democrats follow a toxic neoliberal agenda that exists solely for the benefit of their corporate deep state masters.", ">>{Kenatius} : >and that's something he's been successfully doing for 50 years LoL https://theconversation.com/white-house-in-turmoil-shows-why-trumps-no-ceo-72393", '>>{TRUMP-PENCE-2020} : Your "source" is a shamelessly partisan leftist blog that feeds you the nonsense you want to believe? Yawn.', '>>{Kenatius} : The Conversation is a "*shamelessly partisan leftist blog*? WoW! I guess if you can not challenge the FACTS in the article you might as well attack the source. Is there anything in the article that is not **factually** true?', '>>{TRUMP-PENCE-2020} : >Instead of a “fine-tuned machine,” however, the opening weeks of the Trump administration have revealed a White House that’s chaotic, disorganized and anything but efficient. Examples include rushed and poorly constructed executive orders, a dysfunctional national security team and unclear and even contradictory messages emanating from multiple administrative spokespeople, which frequently clash with the tweets of the president himself. >Senator John McCain succinctly summed up the growing sentiment even some Republicans are feeling: “Nobody knows who’s in charge.” That short paragraph features 5 links, 4 of which go to the NYT which is an outspoken anti-Trump outlet. "Poorly constructed" and "dysfunctional" are not even **"factually"** determinable- they\'re subjective. I can call literally anything dysfunctional if I deem it so. Close it with some comment from McCain- who is obviously not a fan of Trump, to say the least- and there you go: you\'ve got yourself a narrative! The White House is in disarray and Trump is incompetent!   Honestly, it\'s embarrassing that you even fall for these grade school manipulation tactics. Be a little smarter. >The Conversation is a "shamelessly partisan leftist blog? Yes.', ">>{Kenatius} : LoL! Of course,. of course,.. you are right! The Trump white house is running like a well tuned machine! I want to know if you can find anything FACTUALLY wrong,.. not your perceived bias. What evidence do you have to counter the unmitigated series of Trump failures? Factual evidence. Factual evidence that supports your argument. One thing that would clear this up would perhaps be Trump releasing his tax returns. If he was really successful wouldn't you think he would be proud to show what a smart boy he is by bragging up his tax returns? Yeah,.. the coward is hiding something and some people are so stupid that they fall for these grade school manipulations tactics. Trump needs to put-up or shut-up. Release the returns.", '>>{TRUMP-PENCE-2020} : >The Trump white house is running like a well tuned machine! Glad to see you\'re catching on. Considering President Trump has already accomplished more in less than a month than Barry has in 8 years, I\'d say he\'s doing just fine. The facts simply say that the president is an outstanding businessman. Some colored article on a liberal blog does not change that reality. You can spout the word "factual" all you want- doesn\'t make you less wrong, unfortunately.', '>>{Kenatius} : What is it like to live in a "fact free" world? Where are his tax returns?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ki_no_akuma} : The Democrats’ inept resistance: Party leaders want Bernie Sanders to save them from angry activists', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : There's no time for disunity. We need to team up!", '>>{ki_no_akuma} : Against what? Republicans banning bills to import drugs from Canada or the neo-liberal policies that lost the democrats this election?', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Fascism. When autocrats are in play, you drop everything and handle the emergency immediately. That's actually what we needed to do during the election. I'm sorry, you wanted to say something about democracy. Tell me all about how Putin teaming up with war criminal Bashar al-Assad to hang more innocent men, women, and children is a good thing. I would like to know the luminaries that drive your preferred form of government. But you likely never heard of John Locke or John Stuart Mill. Or possibly Thomas Jefferson.", '>>{Kenatius} : WTF are you talking about? How did you drag "*Putin teaming up with war criminal Bashar al-Assad*" into this? You ARE calling for unity - right?', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : It sounds like we have some things to discuss. I'm going to be blunt with you, so hang in there. I'm only saying words. What are we doing in Syria? Are we going to let a Baathist authoritarian get away with war crimes or not? And what was Tulsi Gabbard foolishly doing in Syria? What are your thoughts on Tulsi visiting al-Assad?", '>>{Kenatius} : >Rather than crafting an agenda to appeal to angry voters, Democrats make harebrained plans to hide from them SEIU International Leadership was all in for HRC before the first primary. They never actually tried to find out what the rank and file in my local wanted. The local wanted to wait till after the primaries. The local wanted their concerns addressed. The local wanted a democratic process in the union. The local wanted an agenda that would appeal to angry voters. The Democratic Party elites need to get out of their bubble and go LISTEN to their constituents. The arrogance and hubris of the Democratic Party elites gave the election to Trump.', '>>{ki_no_akuma} : What a broad stoke.... Making the Democratic party into a party that actually stands up for everyday people is how you fight fascism. Unless you are going to explain to me how Party unity is somehow going to end fascism?', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Hardly. We're left with a lingering question that you must address if you want the moral high ground. Is Trump moral for defending al-Assad or not? Will he ally with those who hang women and children?", ">>{Kenatius} : I'm going to be blunt with you. None of this will matter to rank and file Democratic Party voters in the next election. Listen to the constituents. Stop pushing agendas. Win elections.", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : >I'm going to be blunt with you. That's a cute line. Mind if I steal it? >None of this will matter to rank and file Democratic Party voters in the next election. Excuse me? How do foreign relations and our international duty to uphold the Geneva Conventions irrelevant to Democratic Party voters? And pray tell me what do they care about, since you're the *elected speaker of the proletariat?* Who are the philosophers that will drive the upcoming populist rising and unify the party? I need you to be specific, because your buckshot-accurate points are leaving me with more questions, not less. So please specify the kind of government you want if you want your agenda in government. And yes, I want you to be as detailed as possible.", ">>{ki_no_akuma} : Assad is a shitty human being but the number one issue in syria is ISIS not the Oil... Neo-liberals (Like hillary) wanted to overthrow assad so they can the grip on that sweet oil money... I don't know what instance you are talking about; trump defending Assad, but i do know America other throwing governments creating political vacuums.... Is a failing strategy.. Now you answer my question... with democrats voting on bills that screw over millions of people... Democrats like Joe Manchin that is a racial slur away from being a republican.. Why is Party unity so important? and what does party unity have a thing to do with foreign policy?", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : > Neo-liberals (Like hillary) Thank you for helping me make the connection. >wanted to overthrow assad so they can the grip on that sweet oil money... 19.5% of Rosneft shares went where? Trump and Co's pockets? Additionally, Russia cares deeply about money and oil, more so than the United States, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to conquer the Ukraine and disrupt our elections. Also, Russia tried invading Afghanistan before. But on the current point, do you want to talk sins of the West versus Big Brother Putin? Frankenstalin? >I don't know what instance you are talking about; trump defending Assad, but i do know America other throwing governments creating political vacuums.... You didn't address my question. You instead pivoted to Iraq. You dodged my argument. Is Trump right or wrong in defending a war criminal? Are you okay with a man who orders soldiers to suck the life out of an innocent child? Imagine an innocent boy's screams as he's hauled away from a kangaroo court, dangling from a rope, his eyes glazed over. Is that the future you want? Do you have the stomach for that kind of evil? >Is a failing strategy.. You lack a subject to go with that predicate. I've spotted the жирный тролль! I kid, I kid. Either way, you spout lies. Iraq is pushing handily back against ISIS. The strongest thing we can say came out of the Iraq War (as ugly and evil as it was) is that we toppled Saddam Hussein, another war criminal Baathist/Fascist. >Why is Party unity so important? For your agenda, it's clearly not. You just want to see us flounder while we lose civil rights under Trump. The Democrats need to join forces and beat the Nazis. Why? Because America will not tolerate a Nazi. (Minor edits for clarification.)", '>>{Kenatius} : I speak for myself. I am advocating for the Democratic Party to **Listen**.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : They are. Now please tell me what you have to say. Chances are I already agree with your policy points (except I defend the UN for the sake of international order). I voted for Sanders.', ">>{data2dave} : Better than supporting Isis as Hillary inadvertently did while Sec of State while collecting big bucks from Saudi Arabia. Tulsi does need to explain herself better but there is a battle between Putin and Iran vs. Saudi Arabia and both Russia and Iran have far better records on freedom of religion and women's rights than Hillary's favored ally Saudi Arabia who gave the most to the Clinton's slush fund.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : We need to focus here. Who are the fascist players on the board? Please tell me. I want to make sure we agree on who is a dangerous anti-democratic authoritarian and who is not.', ">>{Kenatius} : Debating international politics is not a winning strategy to get votes from voters who are concerned about paying their rent. Moral high ground be damned. Google Maslow's *Hierarchy of Needs*.", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : I need to repeat my point, and I am insisting you answer it. *Please tell me what the populist progressives need out of the Democratic Party.* Chances are I agree with you. >Maslow Everyone with an 8th-Grade education has heard of Maslow's food pyramid. >Moral high ground be damned. If we cannot get along, and therefore creating a moral agreement, then our rights will be damned. It is critical that we communicate. Please see my italicized statement.", '>>{Kenatius} : Food pyramid? Really? You should of paid attention in 8th grade.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : I did. Self-actualization really means that you should only eat sweets and desserts sparingly, no? (Do I need explain my /s?)', '>>{data2dave} : You are overly worried about weak Russia as Obama called it. We shit on Russia for giving us a peace dividend and then you expect them to play nice? Hillary lost the election without Russia\'s help but she\'s had a pro Islamist agenda ever since the US helped Kosovo ethnic cleanse Serbs out of there. Yes, the Serbs as Russia\'s allies acted awful but to take only one side on the issue (the Islamic side) reveals an anti Western bias on Clintonoid side. Alas. You conflate USSR with oligarchic Putin which has similar oligarchs as ours (Trump, Tech Barrons, et al). I also think there is some truth to the "Crisis of Civilizations" argument even as a Democrat. The Islamic Reactionary impulse matches Christian and Orthodox Jewish Reactions to modern values combined are all a much more dangerous threat to Enlightenment Western Values than weak Putintate.', ">>{ki_no_akuma} : God i want to tell you how 100% wrong you are, but i am not very convinced i am having an actual conversation here... so... Fuck what was your question? >Is Trump right or wrong in defending a war criminal? Fuck i don't care if he is defending a War criminal.. Is he wrong... sure i guess... What about Hillary Clinton defending Netanyahu? what about Henry Kissenger wining a noble peace prize? It's obviously not a real issue to you... **edit** You know that inept ressistance the article was talking about??? I think that is you.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : >You are overly worried about weak Russia as Obama called it. Either Trump himself (not proven) or one of his goons (much more evidence for this right now) took money from Russia. It\'s only a matter of time before the murder weapon is found. >We shit on Russia for giving us a peace dividend How? By blocking the UN from acting, therefore letting Assad get away with war crimes and kangaroo courts in jails? Is this the peace dividend you are talking about? >You conflate USSR with oligarchic Putin I\'m doing the contrary. Putin is not the USSR. He\'s all of the thuggery from the KGB mixed with corrupt, crony capitalism and fascism. There isn\'t an ounce of Lenin in him. Or am I to believe that Putin is as popular as his polls say? >I also think there is some truth to the "Crisis of Civilizations" argument even as a Democrat. The Islamic Reactionary impulse matches Christian and Orthodox Jewish Reactions to modern values combined are all a much more dangerous threat to Enlightenment Western Values than weak Putintate. I disagree. Russia is proving successful in turning neighboring governments and our own into "zombie governments," debilitated states who lack either the will or the power to move against Putin. Goodbye, Ukraine! And we can blame our lack of unity for allowing a fascist to rise to prominence. I hate to tell you this, but it\'s extremely difficult to remove an autocrat once he consolidates power. Forget Single Payer or student loan reform. The First Amendment may be on the butcher\'s table, if Trump can seize on a Reichstag Fire moment.', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : >but i am not very convinced i am having an actual conversation here... so... Fuck what was your question? Have you tried Adderall? >Fuck i don't care if he is defending a War criminal.. Is he wrong... sure i guess... Your tepidness in the face of clear and present dangers remains your weakness. The side you need to be on is clear. >What about Hillary Clinton defending Netanyahu? You shift back to Clinton because you have no argument. >what about Henry Kissenger wining a noble peace prize? Kissinger is evil like Assad, mostly for extending the Vietnam War and his adventures in Cambodia. I agree that he should rot in jail the rest of his life. You correctly identify a failure of the West by identifying someone flying contrary to democratic values. >You know that inept ressistance the article was talking about??? I think that is you. What a riposte! You stuck me. (Could you try rephrasing this please?)", ">>{data2dave} : I agree on fighting Trump, but to trade off truth and principles to defeat Trump is wrong too. The Oligarchs of America gave more to Hillary than to Trump but they are even more happy with him ..., a shocking victory due to Democrats ineptitude. Until we deal with the Democratic Party's ineptitude we will be running in a hampster's wheel. Round and round. The protests are examples of a beginning, being led from below and linking of the two factions requires New leadership somewhere between Hillary and Sanders. And we need new ideas other than tired Third Way pro CEO policies.", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : > but to trade off truth and principles to defeat Trump is wrong too. Wrong. When fascists are on the board, they will do whatever they can to erode free inquiry. Roosevelt didn't have the luxury to go back in time and stop Wounded Knee from happening, but guess what event in history Hitler used to counter Roosevelt's denunciation of his military actions? We don't have time to pretend that Iraq didn't happen. Democracy has been infected, and we need to cure it.", '>>{schloemoe} : Unifying behind the party that has lost 1000 seats in the past 10 years will not solve anything. We need to be unified behind a changed party that actually represents the voters rather than the big money donors. So team up behind the progressives. We are the ones that are out front fighting against Trump and are actually doing something rather than putting out "We are concerned" messages.', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : >Unifying behind the party that has lost 1000 seats in the past 10 years will not solve anything. If Karl Marx himself won the Democratic ticket in 2020, I would vote for him. You already have my unity. Now we need yours, if you want a quid pro quo. I give some, you give some. That's fair, right? What if *Clinton Milquetoast Kerry Dukakis* earned the nomination? Would you vote for him/her? Don't you want to be fair? (Minor edits for clarification.)", '>>{data2dave} : I have no idea where you\'re coming from? Iraq? Recent immigrant with very good English? Chronology is suspicious as we\'re talking about decades of US politics which has little to do with Russia (a neglected subject in the early 90\'s when it should have been front and center). Bill Clinton had an expression that his wife and Obama neglected, "It\'s the economy, stupid!" Meaning economic issues are what is most important and the income inequality issue is destroying Democracy more than Putin.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : >"It\'s the economy, stupid!" James Carville is a libertarian hack like many of the big names at the top of the Democratic ziggurat. >Meaning economic issues are what is most important and the income inequality issue is destroying Democracy more than Putin. This statement illustrates a severe disconnect with political reality. The autocrats, nationalists, and racists on Team Trump will destroy the very concept of democracy, assuming that our institutions cannot hold together during the storm. Forget your economic comfort: we run the risk of losing our civil rights when fascists are on the move. You seek to change the way we run business in the building, but if the fascists light the business on fire, you have to call the fire department! Please understand the emergency we face right now.', ">>{schloemoe} : At this point the Republicans have gone so far right that I can't imagine any non-Republican that wouldn't be miles better so of course I'll support and fight for any Dem at this point. My support alone won't win though. Something we are doing is losing us elections at every level of government.", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : >At this point the Republicans have gone so far right that I can't imagine any non-Republican that wouldn't be miles better so of course I'll support and fight for any Dem at this point. Agreed, agreed. We need to find our allies and speak out. Your point on democratic presence in our legislature is a dire situation indeed. I suspect that Democrats have a core problem: they are not very good at defending Roe v. Wade. We need to aggressively defend abortion rights and make a case for the immorality of the anti-abortion political position, from all angles.", ">>{rjfos} : The strongest RESISTance I'm seeing these days is that of the Democratic Party's leaders. They're trying their damnedest to prevent the party from reverting to the bottom-up power structure that constituents want. And they're using the same, infuriating top-down tricks like this to do it. Power to the people.", '>>{rjfos} : This dose of reality and introspection is clearly too real for /r/politics, hence the onslaught of downvotes.', '>>{zikabolaGOGOGO} : I just don\'t get it. I have a lot of lefty friends. Not one of them has thought "Why did we lose? What do we need to change?" They\'re all just getting angrier and angrier and protesting a hodgepodge of bullshit every weekend. 2018 and 2020 will be a bloodbath...', ">>{schloemoe} : My wife's grandmother, a die-hard southern conservative nurse who was shocked and dismayed that the Dems put forth both a black and a woman as candidates, told stories of how terrible things were before Roe V. Wade and the number of women dying or sterilized by illegal abortions. Unfortunately that generation is dying off so people just don't know how horrific it used to be. There is a reason there was such strong support for abortion rights then.", ">>{75962410687} : If we were so concerned with upholding the Geneva convention, we'd do something about our own war criminals.", '>>{rjfos} : I\'m in the same boat. My conclusion is that most of these "lefties" are actually just partisans who toe (edit: not "tow") the party line as it\'s fed to them in the "news" and social media. Anti-Trump/Russia hysteria is a much easier than reforming the Democratic Party\'s platform and operational structure. It also means those who control the party don\'t have to relinquish any power. I\'m convinced that some higher-ups know the real solution, but have purposely chosen this route instead. But you\'re right - it\'s too bad that this seems to be the chosen approach, since it failed in 2016 and will surely fail again in 2018 and 2020.', '>>{Kenatius} : To be fair; Trump is pushing a "hodgepodge of bullshit" agenda.', '>>{SnoopsDrill} : Right, you are more than entitled to think that, but the solution is to go fucking WIN.', '>>{eohorp} : Not to be nitpick but it\'s "toe" the line. I always thought it was "tow" as well until recently. Like toeing the line at the start of the race, everyone lines up on the same line, a unified front.', '>>{Supercrat} : We want your votes, not your voice', ">>{RiverSnake412} : Think so? I think Dems will do fair in 2018 and win the White House in 2020, then lead us in tepid neoliberal style towards greater inequality, warfare, environmental calamity and alienation... until some student of Trump only with more preparation and discipline takes over, and basically checkmates humanity's aspirations for a bright future, ever.", '>>{Supercrat} : We cant be bothered putting forth ideas you like right now, we just need your votes because *imaginary crisis*. Stop bitching and vote for the prowar corporate left or we will never get TPP or the invasion of Syria done! If they had done things to earn votes, the Democrats wouldnt be bombed out and depleted. Does Bernie have any dignity left to lose?', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : >prowar corporate left And you dive on the pro-war, fascist, anti-news, anti-Jewish Right? Good call, comrade!* *(The Marxist kind, not the Putin kind.)', ">>{zikabolaGOGOGO} : There are 33 seats up for grabs in the Senate in 2018. 23 are seats currently held by Democrats. Republicans are defending 8 (2 independent). Out of the 23 seats Democrats are defending... they need to defend: Florida (Trump won), Indiana (Trump won by almost 20 points), Michigan (Trump), Missouri (Trump by 18), Montana (Trump by 21), North Dakota (Trump by 35), Ohio (Trump), Pennsylvania (Trump), West Virginia (Trump by 42), and Wisconsin (Trump). Those 8 Republican's that need to defend? Alabama, Arizona, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wyoming. All Trump states. For the house, our districts are so gerrymandered I can't imagine the Democrats winning in a mid-term (the Democratic base - the youth, minorities - tend to only vote every 4 years and skip the midterms. The Republican base - the elderly, the white, business-people - tend to vote every year). 2018 will be a bloodbath for Democrats. I guess I can't really speak to 2020 yet...", '>>{d0397} : Many of my fellow "lefty" friends were like this. Even though they knew I planned to vote for Clinton, they treated any critique of the candidate as a serious offense. They would just parrot back talking points. I\'m all for supporting a candidate, but I still think it\'s critical to hold them accountable and question them. 2016 was... frustrating.', '>>{data2dave} : I am not enjoying economic comfort nor are a lot of other people but the low voting rate reflects that apolitical attitude of money first then civil liberties. So many people give up their freedom to work in a corporation or even less freedom joining the military for only economic reasons.... many do just to avoid those burger flipping types of jobs only available to those without connections or an Ivy League education.', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : > many do just to avoid those burger flipping types of jobs only available to those without connections or an Ivy League education. This is about building a path to social progress. My goals are the same as yours. However, if we lose our democratic fundamentals by allowing authoritarians like Trump destroy them, then we risk never getting there. Gerrymandering does way more damage than any bullying the DNC could did to Bernie Sanders, I assure you.', '>>{couchbutt} : Clintonism is dead... or at least it should be. It will no longer win elections for the Democrats.', ">>{TRUMP-PENCE-2020} : No way the Dems are pulling off a win in 2018. As for 2020: [It's the economy, stupid.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_the_economy,_stupid) If Trump can bring about significant economic growth in the next 4 years (and that's something he's been successfully doing for 50 years), he'll get reelected easily.", '>>{ki_no_akuma} : I apologize. In my defense.. the subject was "why is party unity important" a conversation that is **deprived** on this sub but their rebuttal was assad / putin / trump..', ">>{bitfriend} : It's disheartening because all they have to do in the short term (ie, the next 47 months) is dump the superdelegates. That alone will be a very good first step in rebuilding confidence in the party itself.", '>>{bitfriend} : The idea is that they can do what the Tea Party did in 2010 and base their entire platform off of just saying "no" to the sitting President. Which won\'t work because the TP got far because of the decline of American manufacturing and the open contempt Democrats displayed for their own blue collar base. One hopes that after Trump\'s administration levels off by summer we\'ll see the Democratic party reform itself and begin holding Trump accountable on Tariffs (an issue which the GOP is split on and which Dems can find downballot success with if they get them passed).', '>>{CommunismWillTriumph} : >The arrogance and hubris of the Democratic Party elites gave the election to Trump. No, obviously it was the super mean Russians who stole the election! The Democrats are perfect as is! /s', ">>{CommunismWillTriumph} : They won't do that. At this point the corruption of monopolized capital has completely and irreversibly corrupted the Democratic Party.", '>>{CommunismWillTriumph} : And the kicked is, rather than trying to revamp their platform, the Democrats resorted to scapegoating Russia for losing the election. When in reality, there is literally no empirical evidence that Russia (at least the Russian government) had anything to do with the hacks. The Democratic leadership has been completely hijacked by the corporate deep state. At this point there is no hope in reviving the party. It is a complete lost cause.', ">>{CommunismWillTriumph} : The Democrats answer to the same corporate sponsors as the Republicans so they will never change their platform. The best thing they'll do is pander to social issues in order to gain votes and differentiate themselves from Republicans.", ">>{CommunismWillTriumph} : OP was being sarcastic. I don't think he was talking about the Democrats *practically* taking Senate in 2018. He was more so alluding to the fact that *even if the Dems did get the senate* it would essentially change nothing - because the Democrats follow a toxic neoliberal agenda that exists solely for the benefit of their corporate deep state masters.", ">>{Kenatius} : >and that's something he's been successfully doing for 50 years LoL https://theconversation.com/white-house-in-turmoil-shows-why-trumps-no-ceo-72393", '>>{TRUMP-PENCE-2020} : Your "source" is a shamelessly partisan leftist blog that feeds you the nonsense you want to believe? Yawn.', '>>{Kenatius} : The Conversation is a "*shamelessly partisan leftist blog*? WoW! I guess if you can not challenge the FACTS in the article you might as well attack the source. Is there anything in the article that is not **factually** true?', '>>{TRUMP-PENCE-2020} : >Instead of a “fine-tuned machine,” however, the opening weeks of the Trump administration have revealed a White House that’s chaotic, disorganized and anything but efficient. Examples include rushed and poorly constructed executive orders, a dysfunctional national security team and unclear and even contradictory messages emanating from multiple administrative spokespeople, which frequently clash with the tweets of the president himself. >Senator John McCain succinctly summed up the growing sentiment even some Republicans are feeling: “Nobody knows who’s in charge.” That short paragraph features 5 links, 4 of which go to the NYT which is an outspoken anti-Trump outlet. "Poorly constructed" and "dysfunctional" are not even **"factually"** determinable- they\'re subjective. I can call literally anything dysfunctional if I deem it so. Close it with some comment from McCain- who is obviously not a fan of Trump, to say the least- and there you go: you\'ve got yourself a narrative! The White House is in disarray and Trump is incompetent!   Honestly, it\'s embarrassing that you even fall for these grade school manipulation tactics. Be a little smarter. >The Conversation is a "shamelessly partisan leftist blog? Yes.', ">>{Kenatius} : LoL! Of course,. of course,.. you are right! The Trump white house is running like a well tuned machine! I want to know if you can find anything FACTUALLY wrong,.. not your perceived bias. What evidence do you have to counter the unmitigated series of Trump failures? Factual evidence. Factual evidence that supports your argument. One thing that would clear this up would perhaps be Trump releasing his tax returns. If he was really successful wouldn't you think he would be proud to show what a smart boy he is by bragging up his tax returns? Yeah,.. the coward is hiding something and some people are so stupid that they fall for these grade school manipulations tactics. Trump needs to put-up or shut-up. Release the returns.", '>>{TRUMP-PENCE-2020} : >The Trump white house is running like a well tuned machine! Glad to see you\'re catching on. Considering President Trump has already accomplished more in less than a month than Barry has in 8 years, I\'d say he\'s doing just fine. The facts simply say that the president is an outstanding businessman. Some colored article on a liberal blog does not change that reality. You can spout the word "factual" all you want- doesn\'t make you less wrong, unfortunately.', '>>{Kenatius} : What is it like to live in a "fact free" world? Where are his tax returns?'], ['>>{BearsNecessity} : Trump promised an official voter fraud investigation. Then he delegated it to a guy on Twitter.', ">>{Soleimsen} : Isn't this the same guy that have claimed voter fraud several times, and have been debunked every time?", ">>{paulinbc} : I have twitter. Maybe I should head up the investigation. -spoiler alert- it'll be a short one.", '>>{VGtheory} : Trump deserves an award for spectacular incompetence in a public position. Melania deserves an award for most degradations suffered in a sexual position', ">>{zpedv} : Yep. Let's travel back in time to [November 18th last year](http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2016/nov/18/blog-posting/no-3-million-undocumented-immigrants-did-not-vote-/) > As evidence of its claim, InfoWars’ headline refers to a report from VoteFraud.org and tweets from Gregg Phillips, whose Twitter profile says he’s the founder of VoteStand, a voter fraud reporting app. > There is no report from VoteFraud.org, however, and Phillips told PolitiFact he is not affiliated with that website. The information comes from tweets made by from Phillips on [Nov. 11](https://twitter.com/JumpVote/status/797218284034752512?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) and [Nov. 13](https://twitter.com/JumpVote/status/797843232436748288?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw).", '>>{zpedv} : Also the one tweet from the 13th says "we are joining True The Vote" of which Phillips is a board member. The [True The Vote organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_the_Vote) and [their founder Catherine Engelbrecht](http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2013/05/30/why-you-should-care-that-the-u-s-government-has-targeted-catherine-engelbrecht-and-her-organizations/#7e773ed7e262) don\'t really have good histories either.', ">>{ianrl337} : Single position, or throughout the session? If we're going to give awards we need to be sure we have specifics.", ">>{Th3Carter3} : https://twitter.com/JumpVote/status/800504943643766788 This is his pinned tweet on Twitter. I'm sure this will be a very fair, thorough and non-partisan investigation.", '>>{bombingwinger} : >Phillips notably claimed that he “verified” the illegal votes four days before any states certified their election results (Vermont was the first). Nonetheless, his tweet went viral in certain right-wing spheres. This is too funny. This guy Phillips is about to get screwed.', '>>{zpedv} : > [Completed analysis of database of 180 million voter registrations. Number of non-citizen votes exceeds 3 million. Consulting legal team.](https://twitter.com/JumpVote/status/797218284034752512) I like how it implies they somehow figured out exactly who in the database of voter registrations voted, and of those that voted who were non-citizens all within a few days after Election Day. *Totally sounds legit*', '>>{Soleimsen} : Just goes to show how bad the new administration is going to be.', ">>{PolyhedralZydeco} : He's basically as qualified as a deeply patriotic and conservative Nate Silver. I saw that compelling image on Twitter of a fan and a jumble of wires. It seemed particularly suspicious from the way it was, as I couldn't see all the wires and the nefarious RecordCorrector™ that was surely hidden nearby. I bet he has used a reliable and sober analysis to identify all the brown people, and found the results\u200b alarming: above zero!"]]
classify and reply
[">>{roundwhole} : Woman Who Took 'Chance' Pic With Hillary In Woods Has Sick History With Her", '>>{eyecandigit} : I see this election as a revolution against the power elites. That is why Trump scares so many people. His election could spell the end for the Washington power people, king-makers and the pay to play gang that has been running this country for about 100 years. The stakes are so high that the power-elite will do ANYTHING to keep him from winning.', ">>{wittyname83} : No, reports on Clinton's health are not conspiracy theories", ">>{FatLadySingin} : Nope. It's the slime the GOP has cooked for years coming home. Now, they don't know what the hell to do with it. It's like the democrats are always having to clean up their messes.....", '>>{Thatbegreat} : Rosie O’Donnell calls for ‘imposing martial law’ to stop Trump’s inauguration', ">>{bingbonggonghongkong} : Is it okay to not like Trump orrrr Rosie O'Donnell?", ">>{Thefriendlyfaceplant} : Why are Hillary supporters not concerned about Hillary's health? I mean, apart from really wanting to know the health of the race horse you're betting on, isn't she also someone you'd feel the slightest sense of sympathy for in case she was truly dealing with some serious issues? I don't care about Trump's health. I wouldn't shed a tear if he dropped dead tomorrow. But the people that champion my values, I'd definitely want to be kept up to speed on how they're faring.", ">>{mdm_eh} : Why can't we rein in America's ridiculous military spending?", ">>{roundwhole} : Hillary's entire life revolves around lies and posturing. Has Hillary ever had a genuine moment in her life? Besides when she fainted and was dragged into that black van on 9/11.", ">>{axelrods_shoe} : That's how it's designed to be. It only seems normal now because everyone copies us. Elections weren't a thing in 1776", ">>{JebWasRobbed} : I'd love to hear people actually defend this. Textbook fascism.", '>>{thegoodvibe} : Because we have a factual letter from a physician that tells us what we need to know.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Because people like Trump have convinced the US population that our military is weak.', ">>{TheBlackMark} : Indeed. The title is kind of like saying that reports about the JFK assassination are not conspiracy theories. Yeah they might not be, but some reports about the JFK assassination are full of conspiracy theories. And likewise, a shitload of the reports about Clinton's Health are full of stupid baseless shit.", '>>{moxy801} : Because its one of the major ways the powers that be launder taxpayer dollars into their own pockets?', '>>{TheBlackMark} : Because even if her health was shit like these conspiracy theories claim, then we would have president Kaine, who is still a reasonable and likeable guy.', ">>{TheThemeSong} : Why the fuck do you care big guy? The election is over. Everyone is allowed to go back to not thinking she's a demon infested gremlin.", '>>{dolphins3} : Holy shit, two people who live in the same, smaller New York town have met before! It must be a Clinton conspiracy! We better form a special House committee and spend a few years investigating!', '>>{hafadava} : I like to think of the US military as the greatest US welfare program. One of the few ways that almost anyone can afford college.', ">>{elliott_stabler} : You know why I don't really care? If Hillary gets elected and has to resign or died because of some health issue, Tim Kaine becomes president. If trump gets elected #1, we get Trump, which in itself is unacceptable, #2 if something happens to trump, or he steps down cause he's bored or annoyed, we get mike pence, which is even more unacceptable than trump in my opinion.", ">>{aaronchi} : it's comforting to know that our country dodged a bullet by not electing a liar into office Haha", '>>{Shiny-And-New} : Questions are not, reports are not, wild speculation based on rumors from the opposition are', '>>{Mff_newbie} : Here\'s my problem with this argument: Why isn\'t this article entitled "Trump needs to see a real doctor and get a full evaluation done?" Hillary has already done much more than Trump in releasing an actual medical evaluation. Why should she potentially give Trump more ammo when he has shown with his taxes that he won\'t engage in quid pro quo? In "normal" politics, if Trump had wanted to put pressure on Hillary, he gets a full physical and releases his full history. The she\'s under pressure to do the same. This is what she did with her taxes. However, in this cycle, all we have to do is make up bizarre conspiracies and demand she shows proof they\'re not true. There\'s nothing to gain here.', ">>{Lyre_of_Orpheus} : Because these people's problem with Hillary goes beyond policy. It's a deep, abiding, pathological hatred that won't abate just because she's not in the limelight.", ">>{FletchedUp} : I'm not a fan of the guy but this is ridiculous. This is why left leaning celebrities get a bad wrap...", ">>{yhwhx} : Remember when all us libs got together and unanimously decided that Rosie O'Donnell speaks for all of us?", '>>{SolemnVigilante} : Clinton is allowed to have her medical condition "broached." When the first time it was broached is a bunch of idiots on the internet faking gifs and trying to say she was having a stroke, then they do turn their side into conspiracy theory.', ">>{kescusay} : Oh yeah! I totally remember that! She's totally our spokeswoman and not just some random person with her own opinions!", ">>{axelrods_shoe} : Believe me, they will do anything. They'll stop trump. It's the next trump they're worried about.", '>>{1000000students} : lol i guess this is now a facebook conspiracy, man for a bunch of people who claim that the economy has left them behind, republicans sure do have a lot of time to repost some nonsense', ">>{OrbisPax} : Preventing potential fascism with actual fascism? That's brilliant!", ">>{kescusay} : Why the hell would anyone feel the need to defend that? Why do you think liberals give a shit about Rosie O'Donnell's opinions?", '>>{drsjsmith} : /u/thegoodvibe said a *factual* letter.', '>>{mhwtexplode} : Military, Industrial, Political Complex and building and replacing weapons is BIG Business.', ">>{edbro333} : It's not like they had beef or anything before...", '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : It\'s only 3.5% of our GDP. Not bad for a century of Pax Americana. Emphasis on the "Pax". As in, millions of Anericans aren\'t dying defending our country.', ">>{reluctant_qualifier} : We need to set up a support group for people addicted to hating on Hillary. She's going to disappear from the public eye, and the withdrawal is going to be really tough for some.", ">>{AgoraiosBum} : Because every 4 years a candidate runs on 'our military is weak and we should spend more' so we can't cut without someone getting attacked. We did cut military spending after the end of the cold war - it was bipartisan. Didn't stop W Bush from attacking Clinton and Gore on that same issue.", '>>{Dsalter123} : Actually makes me happy when even liberals are saying she should shutup.', '>>{CommanderArcher} : *looks over DNC\'s shoulder as they hide a mountain of corruption* "Nope, DNC dont have any problems at all, none what-so-ever"', '>>{aveydey} : >"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." >-Thomas Jefferson', ">>{amnesiac2323} : About Amanda Shea (3540 Articles) Amanda Shea is a political aficionado and curator of current events, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. She brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. She writes with unfiltered truth, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that **journalism shouldn't be censored**. *Holy fuck, she might be backing the wrong horse then*", ">>{FoFoAndFo} : He's imploding. This would be a real lifeline to Mr. Trump.", ">>{orangesarenotnasty} : They also feed on hate. They need a villain at all times or they can't function. Now that the GOP controls two of the three, and soon all three, branches of the government, they will turn on each other to get their hate fix. Some of the right wing conspiracy peddlers are already prepping their audiences for the cannibalism.", '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : Then why does she refuse to release her medical records?', ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : I explained my feelings on this in another thread. You can't appease people like this, because they already have their minds made up. They're like moon landing hoaxers, you don't bother presenting them with evidence because they'll just add it to the mountain their overlooking to find nits to pick. We're dealing with people who believe that a 70 year old stumbling is proof of brain damage. I'm literally half that age, and I stumble sometimes too, the difference is I'm not being followed by camera's 24/7 and no one gives a shit about me. So she releases a detailed health report. Clearly a fake. Doctor is in the bag obviously. So she goes to a different doctor, a neutral one. Obviously that doctor is afraid for their life, haven't you heard of Seth Rich and Vince Foster? Clinton could literally live stream a check up by a doctor from each state, and they would think they were actors. There are people who honestly believe she faked opening a fucking pickle jar. There is no reason to prove these people wrong, because they won't believe what you give them anyway. You simply walk away and let them rant like the lunatics they are.", ">>{CrookedRPoliticsMod} : It's only going to get worse with Crooked Hillary the Iraq War supporter", '>>{dagwood222} : Are you kidding? They are going to go after her harder now. They really meant it when they said they wanted her in jail.', '>>{Roseking} : Is that why his economic advisors are his donors?', ">>{farcetragedy} : it's pretty sad. they can't let go of their rage.", '>>{Chemaz} : A [list of all US politicians receiving cash from military/defense industry lobbyists](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/recips.php?ind=D). Note, Hillary is the top recipient. Trump is #16.', ">>{Discoberry1} : Which /r/Conspiracy username is actually Rosie O'Donnell?", ">>{enephon} : Time to move on folks. Can't redirect criticisms of Trump back to Clinton's shortcomings. He'll have to stand on his own now.", ">>{RHS59} : Because our military spending isn't rediculous. First, the primary cost of our military comes from salary. We actually pay our soldiers, give them good healthcare, free college and pensions and that isn't to forget the senior level people who make bank. This is the primary cause of the cost of the US military. We actually take care of our veterans. After that, maintaining the status quo (see world peace) requires a rather large military. Our navy maintains the oceans being open to any peaceful vessel. Our army and airforce keep nations like Russia/NK/Iran in check. This also costs money, but it creates jobs in the economy. It isn't as if this money suddenly evaporates into thin air. Those who claim our military budget is too much are Putin's buttbuddies and people too ignorant of the benefit the USM gives.", '>>{Kvetch__22} : Uh, she released the exact same thing every candidate had ever released. The same thing Trump tried to release.', ">>{FatLadySingin} : Yawn. Trust me, one day you'll get over the butt hurt. I didn't like them talking mean about Bernie either but I guess I heal faster.", ">>{spaceghoti} : Is someone under the impression that Rosie O'Donnell speaks for liberals? It must be really frustrating to have no central target now that Secretary Clinton has stepped down from public life.", ">>{czarnuchy} : Even in loss she can't be real, can she?", '>>{noelsusman} : You people are sad. She previously took a picture with Hillary at a dinner and you guys are convinced the whole thing was a plant and they have a "sick history" together (what the fuck does that mean?). Then you bring up the fact that the woman is hiding her social media history as evidence of her guilt. She\'s probably hiding it so she doesn\'t get harassed by mentally ill people like yourself.', ">>{newbieveteran} : Or, we could be worried about Trump because he's trying to bring us back to blut und boden.", ">>{TheBlackMark} : I don't see why. It is realistic. I don't want Clinton to die in office, but I'm willing to consider the fact that it might happen. And if it does then we get president kaine, who is still far far better than trump", ">>{Bernerberry} : Your candidate can't speak for 5 minutes without lying.", '>>{viccar0} : What about the rest of America that is not a "power elite" who are scared of a Trump presidency?', ">>{SvenHudson} : He scares me because he's a colossal idiot who's convinced he's such a genius that he blows off experts who disagree with him, and because he's so emotional it wouldn't surprise me if he started wars out of pure spite. I welcome change if it's not objectively worse than what exists.", ">>{Medici01} : How is he imploding? This Sub is a Serious bubble. I'm not trying to be offensive but the narrative of the world created by this Sub is not reality. His Base loves him more then ever. And most of the people who voted for Hillary have moved on and wish him the best. It's just a tiny percentage of the population screaming social media and rioting. They are so loud it feels like there is more.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Of course they do. That doesn't somehow make the GOP less of a cesspool of corruption, hate and rot.", ">>{CarmineFields} : He scares me because he's a hateful bigot and conspiracy-theory-spewing fascist...", '>>{99PercentTruth} : > I see this election as a revolution against the power elites. I guess Trump is in serious trouble then, considering he\'s one of them. It still amazes me that someone that\'s on record bragging about bribing politicians is somehow considered anti-establishment. The old saying, "there\'s a sucker born every minute" comes to mind here. [The ‘Anti-Establishment’ Candidate Boasts about His History of Bribing Politicians](http://www.nationalreview.com/article/430266/donald-trump-bribery-politicians-hillary-clinton-robert-menendez-solomon-melgen)', '>>{bijan4187} : I would like to see clinton and debbie wasserman schultz in jail for election fraud.', '>>{newbieveteran} : please god tell me you just mean in the US, and also, just in the context of the colonized US and also just the non-native members of the colonized US.', ">>{Undigestion} : Trump isn't part of the power elite? Can i have some of what you're smoking?", '>>{CommanderArcher} : I basically just said that towards your Original comment. the Democrats are not above reproach.', '>>{CommanderArcher} : Probably wont, blatant corruption is one of those things that sticks.', ">>{SolemnVigilante} : The ones I've seen were either looped or strategically slowed down to make it look like Clinton was having a stroke or something.", ">>{BadTimeSkeleton} : Trump's entire life revolves around lies and posturing. Has Trump ever had a genuine moment in his life?", '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : ["First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother\'s eye." Matthew 7:5](http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hypocrite)', ">>{DreddFett} : I agree on the Pax Americana, but in 2015: $598 billion spent on military, $550 billon deficit. We need to cut spending unless we want more debt. Maybe it's time to default on our debt??? Kind of scary....", '>>{dudeguypal} : Defaulting would absolutely absurd. It would not only fuck us, it would send the world economy into a tailspin.', ">>{DreddFett} : 1 trillion dollars more debt every two years...buckle up - it's going to be a bumpy ride...", '>>{The_Real_Adam_West} : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMHOcmDVBP0 The clips show real time, and real weird behavior. edit: looks like there was a loop in the first vid. I found a raw one (first shot in this video), which is even more concerning... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzCQg94oOmk', '>>{Jorrissss} : There really are tons of uses for the military that people don\'t consider. I like the "our navies mains the oceans" one in particular. Fuck off pirates.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : The military also puts out an insane amount of research. The navy is involved is a lot of very advanced research.', ">>{TheRealDL} : Isn't it overwhelmingly likely that this was a simple throat drop for someone doing a great deal of public speaking?", ">>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : Please source your claims, because the headlines yesterday indicated Trump's approval rating is nosediving from already unprecedented low numbers.", '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : I would support it, if Obama immediately set up a new election.', ">>{cyclopsrex} : Like I am not concerned about my father's health. He is in good health and we will deal with it when that changes.", '>>{Medici01} : The same Polls that said Hillary would win? Also How exaclty is having a low approval rating the same as imploding? He has 4 years to bring it up. Finally not approving of him is much different then hoping he fails like the majority of this Sub (Which has been wrong at least 95% of the time this year) wants.', '>>{wakaswag} : There is no precedent to indicate that she needs to release her records', ">>{dagwood222} : I'd like to have a President who didn't rip off the students at a school with his name on it. Looks like we'll both be disappointed.", '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : Precedent? I thought she was unprecedented? What if she has serious brain trauma? Or what if the rumors she sleeps 18 hours a day are true?', ">>{sherrinford_holmes} : His pre-inaugural approval rating is by far the lowest in the history of polling. His base may love him, but his base is shrinking by the day. If he's above thirty percent by summer it would be a miracle.", ">>{sherrinford_holmes} : Literally no one *except* for Donald Trump gives a shit about Rosie O'Donnell.", '>>{kingoffortlauderdale} : I remember in 2000 listening to Bush say exactly what Trump is saying about the military being in shambles and needing to be rebuilt again. All we got from Bush was $2 trillion spent on a war, 3000 Americans killed, and 13,000,000 emails which might have information about the lies what got those Americans killed deleted.', '>>{TheMenI} : McCain did, leftists made sure that he had no other choice.', ">>{hard_dazed_knight} : >3.5% of US gdp spent on military -- >absolute minimum required by NATO is 2% of gdp People who think the US military is too big don't understand how astronomically large America's economy, and gdp, is.", '>>{chuck354} : We could just as easily divert some of those funds into a civilian force that strives to be as effective logistically as our military while "waging war" on failing infrastructure, schools, etc. Also, you\'re just kind of hand waving away some of the glaring issues like unused tanks that keep getting ordered and projects like the f-35 whose rollout was designed to weave as many states as possible into its wev, making cuts politically unviable.', ">>{The_Real_Adam_West} : So... it's neither confirmed or denied? That leaves it up to personal opinion. IMO, it's weird, out of character, and concerning...", ">>{Medici01} : Approving of him isn't the same as wanting him to fail. Also you are cherry picking one poll. Finally the Polls all said that Hillary would win my home state by 7 points and we all know what happened there.", '>>{sherrinford_holmes} : Look, liberals don\'t "want him to fail" any more than we "want" a rotten old bridge we\'re walking on to fail. Rather, we\'re terrified of the bridge failing because it\'s rotten and old. It\'s actually a completely different feeling.', '>>{wakaswag} : And that was equally as wrong as what people are demanding of Clinton. Both situations are bad', ">>{mapoftasmania} : Our ridiculous military spending is a sign that our democracy is broken. If we can't get together and agree when there is such an obvious need to make a reduction, there really is no hope.", '>>{wakaswag} : Unprecedented? The hell are you talking about? And if every government official had to respond to RUMORS there would have to be press conferences annually to confirm that no one in the government is a lizard person. Completely useless', ">>{Medici01} : I said it was only a small percentage of Hillary voters that want him to fail. You can't deny though that most people on this Sub want him to fail. Politics aren't discussed on this Sub anymore. It's just Hit pieces against Trump", '>>{HubFlyer} : Yes, I think it was the same day that "us libs" decided that one aggressive Trump supporter spoke for all Trump supporters.', ">>{SolemnVigilante} : If you're gonna say Clinton had a seizure and it isn't confirmed by the video, then don't be surprised when you get called an idiot or a conspiracy theorist.", '>>{mapoftasmania} : Yep, massive military waste. Tanks that go straight off the production line into storage. Huge surpluses of MRAPs. Light weapons made in the millions.', '>>{legendarybreed} : This is the same sub that posts links to David Duke and everyone in the comments are like "SEE I TOLD YOU TRUMP IS EVIL"', ">>{CpnStumpy} : It's corporate welfare, the soldiers are the tiniest expenditure. Most our military spend is on huge corporations", ">>{peyote_the_coyote} : Hillary hasn't had a real press conference in 280 days. How can the media let her get away with that? I thought she was the most transparent candidate in American history? Not really sure what concern about a potential future presidents health has to do with lizard people. That's just silly.", '>>{SowingSalt} : Pence has a history of Sharia law style governance.', ">>{legendarybreed} : >now that Secretary Clinton has stepped down from public life. I'm crying just reading this", '>>{FoFoAndFo} : His favorability ratings and other poll numbers have gotten worse since November while this is usually a honeymoon period where presidents-elect are able to improve their images.', ">>{SolemnVigilante} : It is a problem if the president has health problems and the public should know about it. Clinton has done exactly what she should do and rational people shouldn't think that she will get into the white house and then go senile, but in general it is a reasonable inquiry.", ">>{RHS59} : >civilian force that strives to be as effective logistically as our military So if it would be the same, why divert the funds? Remember, our military is civilian voluntary >infrastructure, schools You don't take money from something you need to pay for (rent) and then use it for something else you need to pay for (car). The F35 and Abrams situation are not a major part of the 600b budget.", ">>{Hobo_Taco} : Do you happen to know why NATO believes that a country's GDP should determine its military expenditures?", '>>{wakaswag} : Have you been paying attention to media members online? Every CNN, NYT, and Washington Post political reporter has been shitting on Clinton for not being transparent and not holding press conferences. They can\'t force her, but they are trying their best to hold her accountable. So your "media coddles Hillary" narrative is a farce.', '>>{chuck354} : I disagree with your premise that our current levels of military spending fall in the need category, and that is why I would divert the funds. My suggestion is more akin to replacing your Corvette with a Nissan, and then using the freed up money to perform badly needed repairs on your house (whose deferment would only end up costing more in the long run). Also, with the F35 and Abrams situation, I was merely naming prominent expenditures that are seen as not necessary; those are just the top of a long list of items that could use some budgetary trimming. Add enough of those items up and you get real savings, dismissing them as not being a major part of the budget is a red herring that ignores the cumulative effects of finding those cost overruns since the overall budget is so huge in comparison to any single cost outside of personnel.', '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : > Keep voting until we get it "right" huh? Yep. We are right and they are being conned. We should not allow this country\'s future to be stolen by an illegitimate authoritarian.', ">>{The_Real_Adam_West} : lol... OK. I didn't say she had a seizure. I said it was out of character and concerning. You are very defensive over this.", '>>{RHS59} : The thing is, the world status quo is protected because we have Lamborghinis and audis when the rest of the world, at best has corvettes and at worst have pintos.', '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : So you have no source then? Maybe you should keep your fact free opinions to yourself.', ">>{Medici01} : Yeah the same Polls that gave Hillary a 90% chance of winning. Half the country just voted for him. And he is coming through on his campaign promises on his campaign promises and he isn't even President yet. This narrative that you are pushing is the dumbest one to come out of this Sub in a long time.", ">>{SpiffShientz} : There are so many more issues than just the TPP. Pence is in support of gay conversion therapy, overturning Roe v. Wade, and is widely despised by his state. Tim Kaine is a moderate democrat who doesn't let his religion affect his choices, fought against racial housing discrimination, and was largely beloved by both sides of the aisle during his time as governor. It's not even a competition, man.", '>>{chuck354} : Maybe at one point, but I feel that is a vast oversimplification that completely negates the economic codependency that exists between so many countries because of globalization', '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : They shield her from serious criticism all the time.', '>>{RHS59} : While there is codependence, China would prefer to control waters near China than them be open. Russia would rather control Europe than Germany, etc', ">>{hotpotamus} : That's idiotic, it's clear that she's having trouble taking her medication to keep her from rejecting her human skin.", '>>{elliott_stabler} : The fact that we, as a country, have nominated two of the oldest people to ever seek the office of president and now we are "really" concerned about their health is hilarious to me.', ">>{TheRealDL} : Next you'll be telling me you saw her swallow a live Guinea Pig.", ">>{SolemnVigilante} : Well the emergency transfer of power isn't something we ever want to do, and it would be even trickier if the President had a medical issue and it wasn't clear if he/she should transfer power or if she was still fit to be president. Transfer of power and the legitimacy of the president is a pretty dangerous area to start messing with. It's OK to elect people in their late 60's/70's as long as they have no know medical issues that would make us concerned that their would be issues in the presidency (which is exactly what is happening - one of the rare things I think we actually did right in this election).", ">>{FreeThinkingMan} : You don't know what falls into the need category or not. You are making assumptions just like every other person on this thread.", '>>{wakaswag} : Based on what? How you feel? The media has been shitting on Clinton for multiple weeks now about her lying and even bought into the whole "shut down the Clinton foundation" trope. You are living in a fantasy world if you don\'t see that.', '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Why did Trump only give us a clearly bullshit letter written in 5 minutes by a wacko doctor?', ">>{FreeThinkingMan} : Note, Bernie Sanders is number two, so we know that doesn't mean anything.", ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Sarah Palin was a heart beat away from being president. I think it wasn't that unfair to ask for McCains records.", ">>{druuconian} : You're right, they could never be on par with youtube rando conspiratards", ">>{Ls777} : Why should we be concerned about her health? There's no evidence anything is wrong with her. Internet diagnoses from armchair doctors made from watching youtube videos aren't very compelling.", ">>{peyote_the_coyote} : I don't think he deserves a pass for that either. I think Trump is an idiot. But I also believe Hillary is hiding her medical problems.", ">>{druuconian} : > So... it's neither confirmed or denied? Which you could say about lots of things. The existence of unicorns, for example. Unless you can prove to me right now that unicorns do not exist, then clearly we must do more investigation into this unicorn issue, until we can figure out what's going on.", ">>{Population-Tire} : It almost makes you think that she needs a cough drop. But no, that couldn't be it. Cough drops are used by people with sore throats from things like giving frequent speeches. I just don't know if Hilary is currently involved in anything that would have her give a bunch of speeches in a short amount of time.", '>>{Chemaz} : I love that guy, but [this is one of his major weaknesses.](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/02/09/bernie-sanders-loves-this-1-trillion-war-machine.html)', '>>{Clovis69} : I don\'t think it can really be considered "ridiculous" as 3.3% of GDP isn\'t that high. That puts the US on par with Morocco and just above Singapore.', ">>{GTFErinyes} : > It's corporate welfare, the soldiers are the tiniest expenditure. Most our military spend is on huge corporations That's patently untrue. Personnel pay alone is over 24% of our defense budget. When you factor in benefits and maintaining those benefits, its nearly 50% of the defense budget. Acquisitions is < 19% of the annual budget This is all easily researchable stuff: http://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/Documents/defbudget/fy2016/FY2016_Budget_Request_Overview_Book.pdf", ">>{KillerBeesRedux} : Would Clinton releasing detailed medical reports convince you otherwise or might you still believe that she's hiding something?", '>>{The_Real_Adam_West} : ...and if I saw a horse with a horn, I would say that would be weird, out of character, and concerning...', '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : If I saw a detailed medical report, the first thing I would be is surprised. But it would depend on the results right? I mean we all know she had head trauma. So that should be in the report for sure. I would be less inclined to believe she is hiding something.', ">>{druuconian} : You still haven't proved to me that unicorns don't exist. We need more investigation! Let's get Congress in on it!", ">>{KillerBeesRedux} : > But it would depend on the results right? That's kind of my point. Even if she releases detailed medical reports there will be plenty of people who continue to believe she's hiding something.", ">>{peyote_the_coyote} : I mean for example if her head trauma was not in her released medical report, that would be suspicious right? People are going to think whatever they want regardless. That doesn't mean she shouldn't release them. Like people believe Obama is a secret Muslim. He probably isn't though. But that didn't stop the Clinton campaign from releasing this photo in 2008. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/feb/25/barackobama.hillaryclinton", ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : You can't pretend to not like the_donald while still using all the exact same talking points. It's too obvious.", '>>{Silent_Hysteria} : Yea..THAT was not a seizure... but her lack of public appearances, limited availability, and other things...paints a picture of someone hesitant to be on camera for an extended period of time under stress. It will be interesting to see if she does the debates.', ">>{death_by_chocolate} : I like how you refute the idea that it's a looped clip by showing a looped clip.", ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I think a lot of the Hillary supporters are defensive about this issue because they know it's a huge problem. Hillary has seizures. She has a history of blood clots. The neurological complications from her fall down go boom lasted for a long time.", ">>{ltbadpuppy} : It's the same as usual people, Clinton sucks but Trump is worse. Clinton's health records raises concerns about her health due to the delicacy of the medicine she is on and the concussion she suffered, Trump's fake health records raises concerns about how stupid he is.", '>>{The_Real_Adam_West} : found the raw one (first shot in this video). this one comes off even more alarming. very weird behavior... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzCQg94oOmk', '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : Where in my entire r posting history have I ever posted something positive about Trump?', ">>{babblesalot} : Don't kid yourself, it's the same on both sides. Nobody listens to anything they don't agree with. But you know that, you *are* commenting in r/politics after-all.", ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : Of course, why do you think I made a throwaway? I'm here for kicks and the occasional discussion.", '>>{babblesalot} : A fellow traveler! Watching this election as an Independent has been fun so far, hope it stays this way through November.', '>>{forgeofgod} : If you saw the medical report, you would find some other scandal. Just like Republicans did with Obama\'s Birth Cert. "Oh, but but but... it\'s not the long form". lol', ">>{peyote_the_coyote} : Well, that's just you putting words in other peoples mouths and being divisive.", ">>{Bab2385} : Am I the only one who doesn't care about either candidate's health? FDR was able to be president and he had polio. People can overcome a good deal of health issues. There are a lot of things I'm concerned about, but this isn't one of them.", ">>{gruntznclickz} : Silly you, don't you know? If you aren't worshipping at the altar of Clinton then you are a Trump disciple. /s", '>>{escalation} : > two blood clots she\'s been diagnosed with in the past. "The very fact that she\'s having these clots and she\'s had two bouts of thrombosis is disconcerting, to say the least." >"For example, she\'s on Coumadin, a medication to prevent blood clots," he continued. "You have to monitor that and it says she\'s being monitored regularly, I\'d like to know how well she\'s being controlled. That\'s a difficult drug to use."', ">>{KidUniverse} : there is definitely something wrong with hillary clinton. just watch the videos. she's having a seizure or something.", '>>{Literally_A_Shill} : Throughout this entire thread you\'ve done nothing but spout copy/pasted The_Donald level comments. You\'re even using a variation of their famous, "Post a single thing ~~he\'s~~ I\'ve said that\'s ~~racist~~ positive about Trump" line. It\'s easy to hide out in comment sections with minimal upvotes but you should be a bit more subtle in the future if you want to reach a wider audience.', '>>{righty} : Did you read the article? I think the opinions of the doctors were measured, well reasoned opinions.', ">>{EncasedMeats} : But they aren't opinions; they're questions, which they can certainly ask but no presidential candidate should be expected to answer.", '>>{AssCalloway} : Did you think this complaint up all by yourself?', ">>{AssCalloway} : We know_nothing_ about trumps health condition. He eats fast food all the time for cripes sake. Never seen without a jacket? His belly big as Newt's", ">>{SadMunkey} : what medications do you take? PSA: Deflection isn't an answer to a question. What medication Trump takes is slightly relevant, but within this conversation it would be more relevant if you had some information instead of deflecting questions.", '>>{nycola} : I hate Trump, but even if he took 50 medications, it wouldn\'t make Hillary\'s health less of an issue, it would simply mean both have questionable health issues. You guys need to stop with the fucking "BUT TRUMP" for deflection.', '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : I think by the downvotes you received that no one agrees with you.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{mdm_eh} : Why can't we rein in America's ridiculous military spending?", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Because people like Trump have convinced the US population that our military is weak.', '>>{moxy801} : Because its one of the major ways the powers that be launder taxpayer dollars into their own pockets?', '>>{hafadava} : I like to think of the US military as the greatest US welfare program. One of the few ways that almost anyone can afford college.', '>>{mhwtexplode} : Military, Industrial, Political Complex and building and replacing weapons is BIG Business.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : It\'s only 3.5% of our GDP. Not bad for a century of Pax Americana. Emphasis on the "Pax". As in, millions of Anericans aren\'t dying defending our country.', ">>{AgoraiosBum} : Because every 4 years a candidate runs on 'our military is weak and we should spend more' so we can't cut without someone getting attacked. We did cut military spending after the end of the cold war - it was bipartisan. Didn't stop W Bush from attacking Clinton and Gore on that same issue.", ">>{CrookedRPoliticsMod} : It's only going to get worse with Crooked Hillary the Iraq War supporter", '>>{Chemaz} : A [list of all US politicians receiving cash from military/defense industry lobbyists](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/recips.php?ind=D). Note, Hillary is the top recipient. Trump is #16.', ">>{RHS59} : Because our military spending isn't rediculous. First, the primary cost of our military comes from salary. We actually pay our soldiers, give them good healthcare, free college and pensions and that isn't to forget the senior level people who make bank. This is the primary cause of the cost of the US military. We actually take care of our veterans. After that, maintaining the status quo (see world peace) requires a rather large military. Our navy maintains the oceans being open to any peaceful vessel. Our army and airforce keep nations like Russia/NK/Iran in check. This also costs money, but it creates jobs in the economy. It isn't as if this money suddenly evaporates into thin air. Those who claim our military budget is too much are Putin's buttbuddies and people too ignorant of the benefit the USM gives.", ">>{DreddFett} : I agree on the Pax Americana, but in 2015: $598 billion spent on military, $550 billon deficit. We need to cut spending unless we want more debt. Maybe it's time to default on our debt??? Kind of scary....", '>>{dudeguypal} : Defaulting would absolutely absurd. It would not only fuck us, it would send the world economy into a tailspin.', ">>{DreddFett} : 1 trillion dollars more debt every two years...buckle up - it's going to be a bumpy ride...", '>>{Jorrissss} : There really are tons of uses for the military that people don\'t consider. I like the "our navies mains the oceans" one in particular. Fuck off pirates.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : The military also puts out an insane amount of research. The navy is involved is a lot of very advanced research.', '>>{kingoffortlauderdale} : I remember in 2000 listening to Bush say exactly what Trump is saying about the military being in shambles and needing to be rebuilt again. All we got from Bush was $2 trillion spent on a war, 3000 Americans killed, and 13,000,000 emails which might have information about the lies what got those Americans killed deleted.', ">>{hard_dazed_knight} : >3.5% of US gdp spent on military -- >absolute minimum required by NATO is 2% of gdp People who think the US military is too big don't understand how astronomically large America's economy, and gdp, is.", '>>{chuck354} : We could just as easily divert some of those funds into a civilian force that strives to be as effective logistically as our military while "waging war" on failing infrastructure, schools, etc. Also, you\'re just kind of hand waving away some of the glaring issues like unused tanks that keep getting ordered and projects like the f-35 whose rollout was designed to weave as many states as possible into its wev, making cuts politically unviable.', ">>{mapoftasmania} : Our ridiculous military spending is a sign that our democracy is broken. If we can't get together and agree when there is such an obvious need to make a reduction, there really is no hope.", '>>{mapoftasmania} : Yep, massive military waste. Tanks that go straight off the production line into storage. Huge surpluses of MRAPs. Light weapons made in the millions.', ">>{CpnStumpy} : It's corporate welfare, the soldiers are the tiniest expenditure. Most our military spend is on huge corporations", ">>{RHS59} : >civilian force that strives to be as effective logistically as our military So if it would be the same, why divert the funds? Remember, our military is civilian voluntary >infrastructure, schools You don't take money from something you need to pay for (rent) and then use it for something else you need to pay for (car). The F35 and Abrams situation are not a major part of the 600b budget.", ">>{Hobo_Taco} : Do you happen to know why NATO believes that a country's GDP should determine its military expenditures?", '>>{chuck354} : I disagree with your premise that our current levels of military spending fall in the need category, and that is why I would divert the funds. My suggestion is more akin to replacing your Corvette with a Nissan, and then using the freed up money to perform badly needed repairs on your house (whose deferment would only end up costing more in the long run). Also, with the F35 and Abrams situation, I was merely naming prominent expenditures that are seen as not necessary; those are just the top of a long list of items that could use some budgetary trimming. Add enough of those items up and you get real savings, dismissing them as not being a major part of the budget is a red herring that ignores the cumulative effects of finding those cost overruns since the overall budget is so huge in comparison to any single cost outside of personnel.', '>>{RHS59} : The thing is, the world status quo is protected because we have Lamborghinis and audis when the rest of the world, at best has corvettes and at worst have pintos.', '>>{chuck354} : Maybe at one point, but I feel that is a vast oversimplification that completely negates the economic codependency that exists between so many countries because of globalization', '>>{RHS59} : While there is codependence, China would prefer to control waters near China than them be open. Russia would rather control Europe than Germany, etc', ">>{FreeThinkingMan} : You don't know what falls into the need category or not. You are making assumptions just like every other person on this thread.", ">>{FreeThinkingMan} : Note, Bernie Sanders is number two, so we know that doesn't mean anything.", '>>{Chemaz} : I love that guy, but [this is one of his major weaknesses.](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/02/09/bernie-sanders-loves-this-1-trillion-war-machine.html)', '>>{Clovis69} : I don\'t think it can really be considered "ridiculous" as 3.3% of GDP isn\'t that high. That puts the US on par with Morocco and just above Singapore.', ">>{GTFErinyes} : > It's corporate welfare, the soldiers are the tiniest expenditure. Most our military spend is on huge corporations That's patently untrue. Personnel pay alone is over 24% of our defense budget. When you factor in benefits and maintaining those benefits, its nearly 50% of the defense budget. Acquisitions is < 19% of the annual budget This is all easily researchable stuff: http://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/Documents/defbudget/fy2016/FY2016_Budget_Request_Overview_Book.pdf"], ['>>{eyecandigit} : I see this election as a revolution against the power elites. That is why Trump scares so many people. His election could spell the end for the Washington power people, king-makers and the pay to play gang that has been running this country for about 100 years. The stakes are so high that the power-elite will do ANYTHING to keep him from winning.', ">>{FatLadySingin} : Nope. It's the slime the GOP has cooked for years coming home. Now, they don't know what the hell to do with it. It's like the democrats are always having to clean up their messes.....", ">>{axelrods_shoe} : That's how it's designed to be. It only seems normal now because everyone copies us. Elections weren't a thing in 1776", ">>{axelrods_shoe} : Believe me, they will do anything. They'll stop trump. It's the next trump they're worried about.", '>>{CommanderArcher} : *looks over DNC\'s shoulder as they hide a mountain of corruption* "Nope, DNC dont have any problems at all, none what-so-ever"', '>>{aveydey} : >"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." >-Thomas Jefferson', '>>{Roseking} : Is that why his economic advisors are his donors?', ">>{FatLadySingin} : Yawn. Trust me, one day you'll get over the butt hurt. I didn't like them talking mean about Bernie either but I guess I heal faster.", ">>{newbieveteran} : Or, we could be worried about Trump because he's trying to bring us back to blut und boden.", '>>{viccar0} : What about the rest of America that is not a "power elite" who are scared of a Trump presidency?', ">>{SvenHudson} : He scares me because he's a colossal idiot who's convinced he's such a genius that he blows off experts who disagree with him, and because he's so emotional it wouldn't surprise me if he started wars out of pure spite. I welcome change if it's not objectively worse than what exists.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Of course they do. That doesn't somehow make the GOP less of a cesspool of corruption, hate and rot.", ">>{CarmineFields} : He scares me because he's a hateful bigot and conspiracy-theory-spewing fascist...", '>>{99PercentTruth} : > I see this election as a revolution against the power elites. I guess Trump is in serious trouble then, considering he\'s one of them. It still amazes me that someone that\'s on record bragging about bribing politicians is somehow considered anti-establishment. The old saying, "there\'s a sucker born every minute" comes to mind here. [The ‘Anti-Establishment’ Candidate Boasts about His History of Bribing Politicians](http://www.nationalreview.com/article/430266/donald-trump-bribery-politicians-hillary-clinton-robert-menendez-solomon-melgen)', '>>{newbieveteran} : please god tell me you just mean in the US, and also, just in the context of the colonized US and also just the non-native members of the colonized US.', ">>{Undigestion} : Trump isn't part of the power elite? Can i have some of what you're smoking?", '>>{CommanderArcher} : I basically just said that towards your Original comment. the Democrats are not above reproach.', '>>{CommanderArcher} : Probably wont, blatant corruption is one of those things that sticks.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : ["First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother\'s eye." Matthew 7:5](http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hypocrite)'], [">>{roundwhole} : Woman Who Took 'Chance' Pic With Hillary In Woods Has Sick History With Her", ">>{roundwhole} : Hillary's entire life revolves around lies and posturing. Has Hillary ever had a genuine moment in her life? Besides when she fainted and was dragged into that black van on 9/11.", ">>{TheThemeSong} : Why the fuck do you care big guy? The election is over. Everyone is allowed to go back to not thinking she's a demon infested gremlin.", '>>{dolphins3} : Holy shit, two people who live in the same, smaller New York town have met before! It must be a Clinton conspiracy! We better form a special House committee and spend a few years investigating!', ">>{aaronchi} : it's comforting to know that our country dodged a bullet by not electing a liar into office Haha", ">>{Lyre_of_Orpheus} : Because these people's problem with Hillary goes beyond policy. It's a deep, abiding, pathological hatred that won't abate just because she's not in the limelight.", '>>{1000000students} : lol i guess this is now a facebook conspiracy, man for a bunch of people who claim that the economy has left them behind, republicans sure do have a lot of time to repost some nonsense', ">>{reluctant_qualifier} : We need to set up a support group for people addicted to hating on Hillary. She's going to disappear from the public eye, and the withdrawal is going to be really tough for some.", ">>{amnesiac2323} : About Amanda Shea (3540 Articles) Amanda Shea is a political aficionado and curator of current events, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. She brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. She writes with unfiltered truth, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that **journalism shouldn't be censored**. *Holy fuck, she might be backing the wrong horse then*", ">>{orangesarenotnasty} : They also feed on hate. They need a villain at all times or they can't function. Now that the GOP controls two of the three, and soon all three, branches of the government, they will turn on each other to get their hate fix. Some of the right wing conspiracy peddlers are already prepping their audiences for the cannibalism.", '>>{dagwood222} : Are you kidding? They are going to go after her harder now. They really meant it when they said they wanted her in jail.', ">>{farcetragedy} : it's pretty sad. they can't let go of their rage.", ">>{enephon} : Time to move on folks. Can't redirect criticisms of Trump back to Clinton's shortcomings. He'll have to stand on his own now.", ">>{czarnuchy} : Even in loss she can't be real, can she?", '>>{noelsusman} : You people are sad. She previously took a picture with Hillary at a dinner and you guys are convinced the whole thing was a plant and they have a "sick history" together (what the fuck does that mean?). Then you bring up the fact that the woman is hiding her social media history as evidence of her guilt. She\'s probably hiding it so she doesn\'t get harassed by mentally ill people like yourself.', ">>{Bernerberry} : Your candidate can't speak for 5 minutes without lying.", '>>{bijan4187} : I would like to see clinton and debbie wasserman schultz in jail for election fraud.', ">>{BadTimeSkeleton} : Trump's entire life revolves around lies and posturing. Has Trump ever had a genuine moment in his life?", ">>{dagwood222} : I'd like to have a President who didn't rip off the students at a school with his name on it. Looks like we'll both be disappointed."], ['>>{Thatbegreat} : Rosie O’Donnell calls for ‘imposing martial law’ to stop Trump’s inauguration', ">>{bingbonggonghongkong} : Is it okay to not like Trump orrrr Rosie O'Donnell?", ">>{JebWasRobbed} : I'd love to hear people actually defend this. Textbook fascism.", ">>{FletchedUp} : I'm not a fan of the guy but this is ridiculous. This is why left leaning celebrities get a bad wrap...", ">>{yhwhx} : Remember when all us libs got together and unanimously decided that Rosie O'Donnell speaks for all of us?", ">>{kescusay} : Oh yeah! I totally remember that! She's totally our spokeswoman and not just some random person with her own opinions!", ">>{OrbisPax} : Preventing potential fascism with actual fascism? That's brilliant!", ">>{kescusay} : Why the hell would anyone feel the need to defend that? Why do you think liberals give a shit about Rosie O'Donnell's opinions?", ">>{edbro333} : It's not like they had beef or anything before...", '>>{Dsalter123} : Actually makes me happy when even liberals are saying she should shutup.', ">>{FoFoAndFo} : He's imploding. This would be a real lifeline to Mr. Trump.", ">>{Discoberry1} : Which /r/Conspiracy username is actually Rosie O'Donnell?", ">>{spaceghoti} : Is someone under the impression that Rosie O'Donnell speaks for liberals? It must be really frustrating to have no central target now that Secretary Clinton has stepped down from public life.", ">>{Medici01} : How is he imploding? This Sub is a Serious bubble. I'm not trying to be offensive but the narrative of the world created by this Sub is not reality. His Base loves him more then ever. And most of the people who voted for Hillary have moved on and wish him the best. It's just a tiny percentage of the population screaming social media and rioting. They are so loud it feels like there is more.", ">>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : Please source your claims, because the headlines yesterday indicated Trump's approval rating is nosediving from already unprecedented low numbers.", '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : I would support it, if Obama immediately set up a new election.', '>>{Medici01} : The same Polls that said Hillary would win? Also How exaclty is having a low approval rating the same as imploding? He has 4 years to bring it up. Finally not approving of him is much different then hoping he fails like the majority of this Sub (Which has been wrong at least 95% of the time this year) wants.', ">>{sherrinford_holmes} : His pre-inaugural approval rating is by far the lowest in the history of polling. His base may love him, but his base is shrinking by the day. If he's above thirty percent by summer it would be a miracle.", ">>{sherrinford_holmes} : Literally no one *except* for Donald Trump gives a shit about Rosie O'Donnell.", ">>{Medici01} : Approving of him isn't the same as wanting him to fail. Also you are cherry picking one poll. Finally the Polls all said that Hillary would win my home state by 7 points and we all know what happened there.", '>>{sherrinford_holmes} : Look, liberals don\'t "want him to fail" any more than we "want" a rotten old bridge we\'re walking on to fail. Rather, we\'re terrified of the bridge failing because it\'s rotten and old. It\'s actually a completely different feeling.', ">>{Medici01} : I said it was only a small percentage of Hillary voters that want him to fail. You can't deny though that most people on this Sub want him to fail. Politics aren't discussed on this Sub anymore. It's just Hit pieces against Trump", '>>{HubFlyer} : Yes, I think it was the same day that "us libs" decided that one aggressive Trump supporter spoke for all Trump supporters.', '>>{legendarybreed} : This is the same sub that posts links to David Duke and everyone in the comments are like "SEE I TOLD YOU TRUMP IS EVIL"', ">>{legendarybreed} : >now that Secretary Clinton has stepped down from public life. I'm crying just reading this", '>>{FoFoAndFo} : His favorability ratings and other poll numbers have gotten worse since November while this is usually a honeymoon period where presidents-elect are able to improve their images.', '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : > Keep voting until we get it "right" huh? Yep. We are right and they are being conned. We should not allow this country\'s future to be stolen by an illegitimate authoritarian.', '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : So you have no source then? Maybe you should keep your fact free opinions to yourself.', ">>{Medici01} : Yeah the same Polls that gave Hillary a 90% chance of winning. Half the country just voted for him. And he is coming through on his campaign promises on his campaign promises and he isn't even President yet. This narrative that you are pushing is the dumbest one to come out of this Sub in a long time."], [">>{wittyname83} : No, reports on Clinton's health are not conspiracy theories", ">>{Thefriendlyfaceplant} : Why are Hillary supporters not concerned about Hillary's health? I mean, apart from really wanting to know the health of the race horse you're betting on, isn't she also someone you'd feel the slightest sense of sympathy for in case she was truly dealing with some serious issues? I don't care about Trump's health. I wouldn't shed a tear if he dropped dead tomorrow. But the people that champion my values, I'd definitely want to be kept up to speed on how they're faring.", '>>{thegoodvibe} : Because we have a factual letter from a physician that tells us what we need to know.', ">>{TheBlackMark} : Indeed. The title is kind of like saying that reports about the JFK assassination are not conspiracy theories. Yeah they might not be, but some reports about the JFK assassination are full of conspiracy theories. And likewise, a shitload of the reports about Clinton's Health are full of stupid baseless shit.", '>>{TheBlackMark} : Because even if her health was shit like these conspiracy theories claim, then we would have president Kaine, who is still a reasonable and likeable guy.', ">>{elliott_stabler} : You know why I don't really care? If Hillary gets elected and has to resign or died because of some health issue, Tim Kaine becomes president. If trump gets elected #1, we get Trump, which in itself is unacceptable, #2 if something happens to trump, or he steps down cause he's bored or annoyed, we get mike pence, which is even more unacceptable than trump in my opinion.", '>>{Shiny-And-New} : Questions are not, reports are not, wild speculation based on rumors from the opposition are', '>>{Mff_newbie} : Here\'s my problem with this argument: Why isn\'t this article entitled "Trump needs to see a real doctor and get a full evaluation done?" Hillary has already done much more than Trump in releasing an actual medical evaluation. Why should she potentially give Trump more ammo when he has shown with his taxes that he won\'t engage in quid pro quo? In "normal" politics, if Trump had wanted to put pressure on Hillary, he gets a full physical and releases his full history. The she\'s under pressure to do the same. This is what she did with her taxes. However, in this cycle, all we have to do is make up bizarre conspiracies and demand she shows proof they\'re not true. There\'s nothing to gain here.', '>>{SolemnVigilante} : Clinton is allowed to have her medical condition "broached." When the first time it was broached is a bunch of idiots on the internet faking gifs and trying to say she was having a stroke, then they do turn their side into conspiracy theory.', '>>{drsjsmith} : /u/thegoodvibe said a *factual* letter.', '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : Then why does she refuse to release her medical records?', ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : I explained my feelings on this in another thread. You can't appease people like this, because they already have their minds made up. They're like moon landing hoaxers, you don't bother presenting them with evidence because they'll just add it to the mountain their overlooking to find nits to pick. We're dealing with people who believe that a 70 year old stumbling is proof of brain damage. I'm literally half that age, and I stumble sometimes too, the difference is I'm not being followed by camera's 24/7 and no one gives a shit about me. So she releases a detailed health report. Clearly a fake. Doctor is in the bag obviously. So she goes to a different doctor, a neutral one. Obviously that doctor is afraid for their life, haven't you heard of Seth Rich and Vince Foster? Clinton could literally live stream a check up by a doctor from each state, and they would think they were actors. There are people who honestly believe she faked opening a fucking pickle jar. There is no reason to prove these people wrong, because they won't believe what you give them anyway. You simply walk away and let them rant like the lunatics they are.", '>>{Kvetch__22} : Uh, she released the exact same thing every candidate had ever released. The same thing Trump tried to release.', ">>{TheBlackMark} : I don't see why. It is realistic. I don't want Clinton to die in office, but I'm willing to consider the fact that it might happen. And if it does then we get president kaine, who is still far far better than trump", ">>{SolemnVigilante} : The ones I've seen were either looped or strategically slowed down to make it look like Clinton was having a stroke or something.", '>>{The_Real_Adam_West} : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMHOcmDVBP0 The clips show real time, and real weird behavior. edit: looks like there was a loop in the first vid. I found a raw one (first shot in this video), which is even more concerning... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzCQg94oOmk', ">>{TheRealDL} : Isn't it overwhelmingly likely that this was a simple throat drop for someone doing a great deal of public speaking?", ">>{cyclopsrex} : Like I am not concerned about my father's health. He is in good health and we will deal with it when that changes.", '>>{wakaswag} : There is no precedent to indicate that she needs to release her records', '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : Precedent? I thought she was unprecedented? What if she has serious brain trauma? Or what if the rumors she sleeps 18 hours a day are true?', '>>{TheMenI} : McCain did, leftists made sure that he had no other choice.', ">>{The_Real_Adam_West} : So... it's neither confirmed or denied? That leaves it up to personal opinion. IMO, it's weird, out of character, and concerning...", '>>{wakaswag} : And that was equally as wrong as what people are demanding of Clinton. Both situations are bad', '>>{wakaswag} : Unprecedented? The hell are you talking about? And if every government official had to respond to RUMORS there would have to be press conferences annually to confirm that no one in the government is a lizard person. Completely useless', ">>{SolemnVigilante} : If you're gonna say Clinton had a seizure and it isn't confirmed by the video, then don't be surprised when you get called an idiot or a conspiracy theorist.", ">>{peyote_the_coyote} : Hillary hasn't had a real press conference in 280 days. How can the media let her get away with that? I thought she was the most transparent candidate in American history? Not really sure what concern about a potential future presidents health has to do with lizard people. That's just silly.", '>>{SowingSalt} : Pence has a history of Sharia law style governance.', ">>{SolemnVigilante} : It is a problem if the president has health problems and the public should know about it. Clinton has done exactly what she should do and rational people shouldn't think that she will get into the white house and then go senile, but in general it is a reasonable inquiry.", '>>{wakaswag} : Have you been paying attention to media members online? Every CNN, NYT, and Washington Post political reporter has been shitting on Clinton for not being transparent and not holding press conferences. They can\'t force her, but they are trying their best to hold her accountable. So your "media coddles Hillary" narrative is a farce.', ">>{The_Real_Adam_West} : lol... OK. I didn't say she had a seizure. I said it was out of character and concerning. You are very defensive over this.", ">>{SpiffShientz} : There are so many more issues than just the TPP. Pence is in support of gay conversion therapy, overturning Roe v. Wade, and is widely despised by his state. Tim Kaine is a moderate democrat who doesn't let his religion affect his choices, fought against racial housing discrimination, and was largely beloved by both sides of the aisle during his time as governor. It's not even a competition, man.", '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : They shield her from serious criticism all the time.', ">>{hotpotamus} : That's idiotic, it's clear that she's having trouble taking her medication to keep her from rejecting her human skin.", '>>{elliott_stabler} : The fact that we, as a country, have nominated two of the oldest people to ever seek the office of president and now we are "really" concerned about their health is hilarious to me.', ">>{TheRealDL} : Next you'll be telling me you saw her swallow a live Guinea Pig.", ">>{SolemnVigilante} : Well the emergency transfer of power isn't something we ever want to do, and it would be even trickier if the President had a medical issue and it wasn't clear if he/she should transfer power or if she was still fit to be president. Transfer of power and the legitimacy of the president is a pretty dangerous area to start messing with. It's OK to elect people in their late 60's/70's as long as they have no know medical issues that would make us concerned that their would be issues in the presidency (which is exactly what is happening - one of the rare things I think we actually did right in this election).", '>>{wakaswag} : Based on what? How you feel? The media has been shitting on Clinton for multiple weeks now about her lying and even bought into the whole "shut down the Clinton foundation" trope. You are living in a fantasy world if you don\'t see that.', '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Why did Trump only give us a clearly bullshit letter written in 5 minutes by a wacko doctor?', ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Sarah Palin was a heart beat away from being president. I think it wasn't that unfair to ask for McCains records.", ">>{druuconian} : You're right, they could never be on par with youtube rando conspiratards", ">>{Ls777} : Why should we be concerned about her health? There's no evidence anything is wrong with her. Internet diagnoses from armchair doctors made from watching youtube videos aren't very compelling.", ">>{peyote_the_coyote} : I don't think he deserves a pass for that either. I think Trump is an idiot. But I also believe Hillary is hiding her medical problems.", ">>{druuconian} : > So... it's neither confirmed or denied? Which you could say about lots of things. The existence of unicorns, for example. Unless you can prove to me right now that unicorns do not exist, then clearly we must do more investigation into this unicorn issue, until we can figure out what's going on.", ">>{Population-Tire} : It almost makes you think that she needs a cough drop. But no, that couldn't be it. Cough drops are used by people with sore throats from things like giving frequent speeches. I just don't know if Hilary is currently involved in anything that would have her give a bunch of speeches in a short amount of time.", ">>{KillerBeesRedux} : Would Clinton releasing detailed medical reports convince you otherwise or might you still believe that she's hiding something?", '>>{The_Real_Adam_West} : ...and if I saw a horse with a horn, I would say that would be weird, out of character, and concerning...', '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : If I saw a detailed medical report, the first thing I would be is surprised. But it would depend on the results right? I mean we all know she had head trauma. So that should be in the report for sure. I would be less inclined to believe she is hiding something.', ">>{druuconian} : You still haven't proved to me that unicorns don't exist. We need more investigation! Let's get Congress in on it!", ">>{KillerBeesRedux} : > But it would depend on the results right? That's kind of my point. Even if she releases detailed medical reports there will be plenty of people who continue to believe she's hiding something.", ">>{peyote_the_coyote} : I mean for example if her head trauma was not in her released medical report, that would be suspicious right? People are going to think whatever they want regardless. That doesn't mean she shouldn't release them. Like people believe Obama is a secret Muslim. He probably isn't though. But that didn't stop the Clinton campaign from releasing this photo in 2008. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/feb/25/barackobama.hillaryclinton", ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : You can't pretend to not like the_donald while still using all the exact same talking points. It's too obvious.", '>>{Silent_Hysteria} : Yea..THAT was not a seizure... but her lack of public appearances, limited availability, and other things...paints a picture of someone hesitant to be on camera for an extended period of time under stress. It will be interesting to see if she does the debates.', ">>{death_by_chocolate} : I like how you refute the idea that it's a looped clip by showing a looped clip.", ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I think a lot of the Hillary supporters are defensive about this issue because they know it's a huge problem. Hillary has seizures. She has a history of blood clots. The neurological complications from her fall down go boom lasted for a long time.", ">>{ltbadpuppy} : It's the same as usual people, Clinton sucks but Trump is worse. Clinton's health records raises concerns about her health due to the delicacy of the medicine she is on and the concussion she suffered, Trump's fake health records raises concerns about how stupid he is.", '>>{The_Real_Adam_West} : found the raw one (first shot in this video). this one comes off even more alarming. very weird behavior... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzCQg94oOmk', '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : Where in my entire r posting history have I ever posted something positive about Trump?', ">>{babblesalot} : Don't kid yourself, it's the same on both sides. Nobody listens to anything they don't agree with. But you know that, you *are* commenting in r/politics after-all.", ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : Of course, why do you think I made a throwaway? I'm here for kicks and the occasional discussion.", '>>{babblesalot} : A fellow traveler! Watching this election as an Independent has been fun so far, hope it stays this way through November.', '>>{forgeofgod} : If you saw the medical report, you would find some other scandal. Just like Republicans did with Obama\'s Birth Cert. "Oh, but but but... it\'s not the long form". lol', ">>{peyote_the_coyote} : Well, that's just you putting words in other peoples mouths and being divisive.", ">>{Bab2385} : Am I the only one who doesn't care about either candidate's health? FDR was able to be president and he had polio. People can overcome a good deal of health issues. There are a lot of things I'm concerned about, but this isn't one of them.", ">>{gruntznclickz} : Silly you, don't you know? If you aren't worshipping at the altar of Clinton then you are a Trump disciple. /s", '>>{escalation} : > two blood clots she\'s been diagnosed with in the past. "The very fact that she\'s having these clots and she\'s had two bouts of thrombosis is disconcerting, to say the least." >"For example, she\'s on Coumadin, a medication to prevent blood clots," he continued. "You have to monitor that and it says she\'s being monitored regularly, I\'d like to know how well she\'s being controlled. That\'s a difficult drug to use."', ">>{KidUniverse} : there is definitely something wrong with hillary clinton. just watch the videos. she's having a seizure or something.", '>>{Literally_A_Shill} : Throughout this entire thread you\'ve done nothing but spout copy/pasted The_Donald level comments. You\'re even using a variation of their famous, "Post a single thing ~~he\'s~~ I\'ve said that\'s ~~racist~~ positive about Trump" line. It\'s easy to hide out in comment sections with minimal upvotes but you should be a bit more subtle in the future if you want to reach a wider audience.', '>>{righty} : Did you read the article? I think the opinions of the doctors were measured, well reasoned opinions.', ">>{EncasedMeats} : But they aren't opinions; they're questions, which they can certainly ask but no presidential candidate should be expected to answer.", '>>{AssCalloway} : Did you think this complaint up all by yourself?', ">>{AssCalloway} : We know_nothing_ about trumps health condition. He eats fast food all the time for cripes sake. Never seen without a jacket? His belly big as Newt's", ">>{SadMunkey} : what medications do you take? PSA: Deflection isn't an answer to a question. What medication Trump takes is slightly relevant, but within this conversation it would be more relevant if you had some information instead of deflecting questions.", '>>{nycola} : I hate Trump, but even if he took 50 medications, it wouldn\'t make Hillary\'s health less of an issue, it would simply mean both have questionable health issues. You guys need to stop with the fucking "BUT TRUMP" for deflection.', '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : I think by the downvotes you received that no one agrees with you.']]
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['>>{OozeNAahz} : Milo Yianopoulos...yeah, not about to click that link...', ">>{beencotstealin} : Forget him, he's hardly someone to fact check anyone...", ">>{viccar0} : The fact he won't use www as his subdomain is ridiculous. He won't even forward it to his stupid milo subdomain: https://www.yiannopoulos.net/2017/03/snopes-fake-fact-check/ (don't click it, it's a 404 anyways) This should be grounds on it's own for banning the domain. That's why I'm not a moderator, though.", '>>{DragonPup} : Better that than Milo fucking a 13 year old.', ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : I'm worried it will automatically sign me up for NAMbLA's newsletter.", ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : You know he wouldn't. Milo doesn't like guys who are postpubescent,", '>>{OozeNAahz} : When even Breitbart wants nothing to do with you, you know you fucked up...', ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : He doesn't check facts. He's too busy checking out middle schoolers.", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Personal blog; not affiliated with a news source (since he got shit canned from Breitbart). Anyone know if he's self deported yet? Lock him up.", '>>{Whaddaulookinat} : You can avoid that by checking out his twitter account.', '>>{Replay1986} : Because OP is a poster in The Sub That Shall Not Be Mentioned?', '>>{MrRoyalScotsman} : Thought this nazi pedophile had his 15 minutes of fame? Still clinging I see. Whatever, have fun continuing the slide down to obscurity.', ">>{altrightdragoneater} : suck it Milo - oh right, you're too busy sucking yourself off", '>>{sleazus_christ} : in *defence* ? wouldn\'t it be "in defense"?', ">>{DragonXV} : Let me check Milo's twitter for verification. Oooh....too bad.", ">>{avatar_of_internet} : Never gets old, but I didn't expect this joke on this sub."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{OozeNAahz} : Milo Yianopoulos...yeah, not about to click that link...', ">>{beencotstealin} : Forget him, he's hardly someone to fact check anyone...", ">>{viccar0} : The fact he won't use www as his subdomain is ridiculous. He won't even forward it to his stupid milo subdomain: https://www.yiannopoulos.net/2017/03/snopes-fake-fact-check/ (don't click it, it's a 404 anyways) This should be grounds on it's own for banning the domain. That's why I'm not a moderator, though.", '>>{DragonPup} : Better that than Milo fucking a 13 year old.', ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : I'm worried it will automatically sign me up for NAMbLA's newsletter.", ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : You know he wouldn't. Milo doesn't like guys who are postpubescent,", '>>{OozeNAahz} : When even Breitbart wants nothing to do with you, you know you fucked up...', ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : He doesn't check facts. He's too busy checking out middle schoolers.", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Personal blog; not affiliated with a news source (since he got shit canned from Breitbart). Anyone know if he's self deported yet? Lock him up.", '>>{Whaddaulookinat} : You can avoid that by checking out his twitter account.', '>>{Replay1986} : Because OP is a poster in The Sub That Shall Not Be Mentioned?', '>>{MrRoyalScotsman} : Thought this nazi pedophile had his 15 minutes of fame? Still clinging I see. Whatever, have fun continuing the slide down to obscurity.', ">>{altrightdragoneater} : suck it Milo - oh right, you're too busy sucking yourself off", '>>{sleazus_christ} : in *defence* ? wouldn\'t it be "in defense"?', ">>{DragonXV} : Let me check Milo's twitter for verification. Oooh....too bad.", ">>{avatar_of_internet} : Never gets old, but I didn't expect this joke on this sub."]]
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['>>{leviflds} : Evan McMullin Voters in Utah Warned of ‘Mormoncaust’ By Pro-Trump PAC', '>>{leviflds} : Nothing makes me want to change my vote to Trump more than threatening to kill my people ...', '>>{Dvrrell} : Yeah, this was disgusting to read. If Clinton wins overall because someone other than Clinton or Trump wins Utah, the equivalent of the Holocaust will come to Mormons. And who exactly will be leading this charge?', '>>{KEK555} : Executive Order: Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Justice', '>>{Fatandmean} : Am I missing something...why did this need to be an EO? There is already a succession for this...or does this now bypass confirmation hearings?', '>>{leviflds} : well, he is listed as the CIO of a Pro Trump pac and all .. but who cares about facts when we can say stupid things to obfuscate them right?', ">>{H-townwx91} : If he was on my ballot in Michigan, i'd vote for this guy", ">>{helpmesleep666} : >And who exactly will be leading this charge? In the world these people live in? They're probably blame the Jews...", ">>{CandiKaine} : > (T)he following officers, in the order listed, shall act as and perform the functions and duties of the office of Attorney General during any period in which the Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the Associate Attorney General, and any officers designated by the Attorney General pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 508 to act as Attorney General, have died, resigned, or otherwise become unable to perform the functions and duties of the office of Attorney General, until such time as at least one of the officers mentioned above is able to perform the functions and duties of that office: > (a) United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia; > (b) United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois; and > (c) United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri. That's oddly specific. Why those three states?", '>>{aubonpaine} : It apparently revoked [this EO](https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-19/pdf/2017-01487.pdf). Trump switched two of the lines of succession to Eastern District of Virginia and Western District of Missouri. (Formerly District of Columbia and Central District of California).', ">>{0ne_Word} : No doubt there is a reason. It'll come to light eventually.", '>>{leviflds} : so, debunk the article then. (side note he did just get fired from his real job which lists his actual PAC on the we fired him notice) But hey thanks for playing.', ">>{aubonpaine} : For comparison, this was the line of succession in [Obama's EO](https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-19/pdf/2017-01487.pdf) that this one revoked: >(a) United States Attorney for the District of Columbia; >(b) United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois; and >(c) United States Attorney for the Central District of California.", '>>{leviflds} : He is a certified write in for your state. https://www.evanmcmullin.com/vote', ">>{H-townwx91} : Didn't know that! Thanks, looks like I got my candidate!", '>>{leviflds} : Trump fans, defending the indefensible. Gets given information (not in the article, by me in the last post) comes back with >mfw ... failed at debate prep in high school eh?', '>>{leviflds} : so, I gave you that the guy just lost his actual job. And the article has his name. I stated that the notice from where he lost his job clearly lists why. And you come back with a bunch of crap that only proves you are either full of crap, or just ignorant enough to actually believe the crap you say. I am going to go with willfully ignorant.', '>>{Mazhurg} : Housekeeping. Just updates a previous EO that also did the same. https://twitter.com/gregorykorte/status/826235985247739904', ">>{Cypher_Blue} : No, that's established by law and cannot be undone by an EO. This just changes which US Attorney becomes acting attorney general prior to confirming a new AG.", ">>{CandiKaine} : Well again, that's oddly specific. I wonder what the reasoning is behind their selection.", '>>{aubonpaine} : Presumably the Virginia and Missouri districts have more conservative leadership.', ">>{THIS_BOT} : Sorry, I had deleted the comment once I researched the history a bit but I hadn't seen your reply yet. Thanks for the info", '>>{hetellsitlikeitis} : Yeah of all the things flying around this is that rare "not really an issue" event, it\'s just pointing the succession in a more ideologically-friendly direction. That said I *do* wonder how long it would\'ve taken the Trump team to realize this was a thing they could do if Sally Yates hadn\'t stepped up as she did.', '>>{KEK555} : No need to come to such baseless conclusions. Instead of "guessing", how about "researching".']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{KEK555} : Executive Order: Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Justice', '>>{Fatandmean} : Am I missing something...why did this need to be an EO? There is already a succession for this...or does this now bypass confirmation hearings?', ">>{CandiKaine} : > (T)he following officers, in the order listed, shall act as and perform the functions and duties of the office of Attorney General during any period in which the Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the Associate Attorney General, and any officers designated by the Attorney General pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 508 to act as Attorney General, have died, resigned, or otherwise become unable to perform the functions and duties of the office of Attorney General, until such time as at least one of the officers mentioned above is able to perform the functions and duties of that office: > (a) United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia; > (b) United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois; and > (c) United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri. That's oddly specific. Why those three states?", '>>{aubonpaine} : It apparently revoked [this EO](https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-19/pdf/2017-01487.pdf). Trump switched two of the lines of succession to Eastern District of Virginia and Western District of Missouri. (Formerly District of Columbia and Central District of California).', ">>{0ne_Word} : No doubt there is a reason. It'll come to light eventually.", ">>{aubonpaine} : For comparison, this was the line of succession in [Obama's EO](https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-01-19/pdf/2017-01487.pdf) that this one revoked: >(a) United States Attorney for the District of Columbia; >(b) United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois; and >(c) United States Attorney for the Central District of California.", '>>{Mazhurg} : Housekeeping. Just updates a previous EO that also did the same. https://twitter.com/gregorykorte/status/826235985247739904', ">>{Cypher_Blue} : No, that's established by law and cannot be undone by an EO. This just changes which US Attorney becomes acting attorney general prior to confirming a new AG.", ">>{CandiKaine} : Well again, that's oddly specific. I wonder what the reasoning is behind their selection.", '>>{aubonpaine} : Presumably the Virginia and Missouri districts have more conservative leadership.', ">>{THIS_BOT} : Sorry, I had deleted the comment once I researched the history a bit but I hadn't seen your reply yet. Thanks for the info", '>>{hetellsitlikeitis} : Yeah of all the things flying around this is that rare "not really an issue" event, it\'s just pointing the succession in a more ideologically-friendly direction. That said I *do* wonder how long it would\'ve taken the Trump team to realize this was a thing they could do if Sally Yates hadn\'t stepped up as she did.', '>>{KEK555} : No need to come to such baseless conclusions. Instead of "guessing", how about "researching".'], ['>>{leviflds} : Evan McMullin Voters in Utah Warned of ‘Mormoncaust’ By Pro-Trump PAC', '>>{leviflds} : Nothing makes me want to change my vote to Trump more than threatening to kill my people ...', '>>{Dvrrell} : Yeah, this was disgusting to read. If Clinton wins overall because someone other than Clinton or Trump wins Utah, the equivalent of the Holocaust will come to Mormons. And who exactly will be leading this charge?', '>>{leviflds} : well, he is listed as the CIO of a Pro Trump pac and all .. but who cares about facts when we can say stupid things to obfuscate them right?', ">>{H-townwx91} : If he was on my ballot in Michigan, i'd vote for this guy", ">>{helpmesleep666} : >And who exactly will be leading this charge? In the world these people live in? They're probably blame the Jews...", '>>{leviflds} : so, debunk the article then. (side note he did just get fired from his real job which lists his actual PAC on the we fired him notice) But hey thanks for playing.', '>>{leviflds} : He is a certified write in for your state. https://www.evanmcmullin.com/vote', ">>{H-townwx91} : Didn't know that! Thanks, looks like I got my candidate!", '>>{leviflds} : Trump fans, defending the indefensible. Gets given information (not in the article, by me in the last post) comes back with >mfw ... failed at debate prep in high school eh?', '>>{leviflds} : so, I gave you that the guy just lost his actual job. And the article has his name. I stated that the notice from where he lost his job clearly lists why. And you come back with a bunch of crap that only proves you are either full of crap, or just ignorant enough to actually believe the crap you say. I am going to go with willfully ignorant.']]
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['>>{relevantlife} : California families on welfare would receive a $50 monthly diaper voucher for young children under a bill sent to the governor Tuesday.', '>>{ipoop4xaday} : $50 would cover a box and a half of diapers.', '>>{2ndprize} : That is actually a huge help. Diapers are expensive.', ">>{SweetZombieJebus} : I'd argue more that any modern camera can take great photos when you have an eye for composition, lighting and interesting subjects. Your major limits with phone cameras are low lighting situations and just how big you intend to view it at a reasonably close distance. Obviously I prefer my full frame 5D mk ii, but it's nice having a passable camera for any nice photo opportunity always in your pocket. And no photo from any camera isn't first going through photoshop or Lightroom etc. before you get to see it online or printed somewhere. Post processing is as old as photophraphy itself. It will always be the eye of the photographer that takes the noteworthy photo, not the camera. And sure, any one of these photos would turn out better with a dedicated camera, but they might not have been taken at all if that person didn't want to lug a dedicated camera along with them.", '>>{2ndprize} : We pay about $40 or so a box depending on sales. That is probably close to a months worth. I think it would be a little more than $50 for newborns but I the lack of sleep made everything from that time period fuzzy.', ">>{crashing_this_thread} : If these photo's are edited, it is very subtle. You don't know what you are talking about.", ">>{lizard_king_rebirth} : It's the lesser of two evils thing, over and over. The evils are just shittier and more evil now.", ">>{Stern3D} : Anyone else think they've compressed those photos at all? They seem to look a bit odd", '>>{mastaa} : Subtle? You can tell all Lightroom adjustment to each image. Wether be black and white, sharpness, color gradients and color adjustments. iPhone pictures are way too washed out to render such bokeh and color rendition without the aid of a computer. They are great images and composition are good, but are heavily edited. Just like pictures from dslr are.', '>>{TyroneSlothrop-} : [And here they are from the original source and without compression.](http://www.ippawards.com)', '>>{ipoop4xaday} : yeah. My memory is a little fuzzy on it too. All I know is when diapers were involved with my Target trip my total would go from $40 to $80 real quick. Babies are expensive.', '>>{2ndprize} : Yeah add on some formula, wipes, $8 for rash cream $12 for baby wash, it always was a triple digit trip. Then they get older and I find myself hit up for soccer, gymnastics, and a seemingly never ending parade of birthday parties', ">>{ipoop4xaday} : That's where I am. $200 for soccer (and that's just to get him signed up and registered). Then hockey....holy fuck hockey. $1450 to sign up and register plus the equipment! Then I have to get him to practice by 5:30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's a damn nightmare. I blame my wife for talking me into it.", ">>{DarkResurgence} : These people can make all the posts they want, there's no way I'm voting for Clinton or anyone who has anything to do with Clinton.", ">>{MagicComa106} : Well if your account name is accurate, at least you're staying regular.", '>>{ipoop4xaday} : I poop because of my bills...they make me poop...4 times a day.', ">>{2ndprize} : They are about to finish the hockey rink by my house. Till then it is ministick in front of the tv. But I plan to get my son started on it right away. My daughter decided she didn't want to play, instead she is doing swimming. I can't believe how much swimming costs considering we live in friggen Florida.", '>>{arcxa} : Wow "We are really not desperate. Really!"', '>>{celica18l} : They look so much better on this site than the original link.', ">>{HoffAmazing} : Take personal responsibility and don't have kids? Or am I insane?", ">>{fuzeebear} : It's easy! All you have to do is never fall on hard times.", '>>{basedOp} : The Fear mongering water carriers are getting paid overtime.', ">>{crashing_this_thread} : Adjusting light and contrast is just subtle tweaking. Any drastic editing would absolutely wreck the quality with noise. Why are such adjustments a bad thing? It's about how you use it and it's used excellently in these images.", '>>{SoonerCD} : >Take personal responsibility and don\'t have kids? Or am I insane? No you\'re not insane but consider this: The most fun a poor person could have is sex, coupled with the fact that humans have a tendency to be short-sighted and selfish. Throw in the fact that, being poor, they might not be able to afford condoms and/or contraceptives. Then on top of that, consider the constant push for "abstinence education". It\'s easy to see how people lack personal responsibility.', '>>{cl33t} : Amazon is [doing a deal right now](http://www.simplemost.com/amazon-55-off-diapers-deal-right-now/) for a month of Huggies for $36 if you subscribe and then there is a coupon to get it down to $22. I have no idea how common that kind of pricing is, but their one-off price seems to be $47.', ">>{sircool099} : The right fear-mongers others, the left fear-mongers people inside the country. Tell me who'll unite the country more please?", '>>{noxwei} : They have to, it\'s very low quality images on the winning screen even on the "page without compressions"', ">>{HoffAmazing} : I mean I'm not exactly rich, I've made life choice to make sure I don't have children. Why am I the one that's special and can do this?", ">>{HoffAmazing} : Right, so don't have kids and your chances of getting out of poverty increase dramatically.", ">>{Volerikan} : These pictures inspire me. I think the next couple times I go out to do some photography, I'll leave my DSLR at home and see what I can do with my iPhone.", ">>{TwerkingRiceFarmer} : Then blame goes to Killary and her DNC cronies for handing over the presidency to Trump. She is responsible for driving voters away to everywhere but DNC. Don't try to hang Trump over our head and sell fear of what ifs. DNC could have chosen to listen to the voters but instead chose Killary. She is responsible for what happens from now on.", ">>{fx09} : Such bigotry. The Dems or Republicans don't deserve a monopoly on Democracy. Who ordained those two parties the sole dictators of American government? Shame.", ">>{SoonerCD} : > Why am I the one that's special and can do this? Well you're certainly not the only one.", ">>{HoffAmazing} : Never said that. I'm just saying if you can't afford a child and need government subsidizing, maybe the best idea is to not have that child. Or is that crazy talk?", '>>{frausting} : Or, you know, any level of post-processing like any other photograph.', ">>{Phromatic} : Ok, I'll be a sheep and vote Hillary. Nice try.", '>>{Trumpicana} : Coming from the people who covered trump in the entertainment section for almost a year.', '>>{pi22seven} : Just like semi-pro and pro photogs used to do in the darkroom before DSLRs.', ">>{HoffAmazing} : Right but don't you think we should teach more personality responsibility instead of acting like I'm some type of evil person because I don't want to pay for other peoples kids.", ">>{SoonerCD} : >Right but don't you think we should teach more personality responsibility instead of acting like I'm some type of evil person because I don't want to pay for other peoples kids. Never said you were evil nor was i attempting to vilify you for your position. Just merely pointing out something that people in general might not consider. We should teach people proper sex education (and would it hurt to allow people access to cheap contraception?). I also believe that the Abortion issue needs to be closed for good (people have the right to abortion, Period.) We should also find a solution to the issue of education in general that doesn't involve allowing states to institute creationism/religious education.", ">>{lunaprospect} : THESE are the winners? I have hundreds of pictures on my phone that look like professional DSLR camera shots. And I know people on Instagram who are even better at iPhone photography than I am. Seriously I can't believe a single one of these made the cut. How do I submit next time?", ">>{Maggie_A} : I expect this will get downvoted, but, no, I don't think people should be getting disposable diapers on the taxpayers dime. I could see buying them cloth for diapers and diaper pins. Many, many, many generations of babies wore cloth diapers. (Including my generation as I was born a few years before disposable diapers became the norm.) Just because disposable diapers are more convenient doesn't mean the current generation of parents is *entitled* to disposable diapers when they can't pay for them. I'd be fine with supplying them with cloth diapers which they can wash and reuse. If they want disposable diapers they can pay for them on their own.", '>>{dracorojas27} : Yeah, 4 diaper change a day was rough on my wallet', '>>{2ndprize} : 4 sounds like an alright day. whoever invented that little blue line thing to torture new parents is a dick', '>>{BrandNewMoshiMoshi} : I thought we were only 75% done with 2016', '>>{OrionSouthernStar} : Sorry but you cannot scare me into voting for someone nor can you shame me from voting my conscience.', ">>{ithasanh} : Guys the fear mongering isn't working! Next idea on the list is... Louder and more frequent fear mongering!", ">>{AirwaveRanger} : I admit, if I lived in anything close to a battleground state, I would be voting Clinton in November, and with that said it's my hope that Trump's candidacy ends in defeat. If my state were to end up close, then it'd be a blowout win for Trump anyway. So yeah, I'm voting third party with the hope that I'll live to see the United States abandon first-past-the-post elections. Sorry to those who'll have to really wrestle with the decision, and sorry for being the jerk who hopes you'll swallow that bitter pill for us all while I try to have my cake and eat it too.", '>>{Freezman13} : Maybe then the DNC will get their heads out of their asses. Nothing will change otherwise.', ">>{duckconference} : Ahahaha they charge you to enter? Hat's off to them for coming up with a damn clever ~~scam~~ business.", ">>{sedemon} : Was gonna go third party but this article said not to. So I'm stuck voting for trump then?", '>>{vuxanov} : There is a fine line between tastefully processing a phot and fake HDR kitsch. They crossed that line...with a golden tank.', ">>{toadfan64} : Is Bernie gonna be the Democratic nominee? No? Okay, thought about, and I'm still voting 3rd party.", '>>{dracorojas27} : I remember that. Funny thing is newborns either shit and pissed those diapers full or nothing happens. At least that was my experience.', ">>{cater2222} : is anyone else dissapointed that the iPhone only shoots in 4:3 aspect ratio instead of widescreen like any other phones? sure it's great for portraits but landscape photos need widescreen...", '>>{talones} : 4:3 is industry standard for photo sensors. If you want 16:9 then just crop your picture.', ">>{NotJustAmy} : Not very practical if you don't have a washer and dryer in your home and have to take your shit stained diapers on the bus to the laundromat.", ">>{Mister_Kurtz} : Fullscreen was the standard. All modern TV's and monitors are now 16:9. Who would purchase a fullscreen Bluray today?", '>>{SweetZombieJebus} : Yup. The most successful photographer I know said, "It\'s not the arrow, it\'s the Indian". That guy sold one of his prints for a million dollars and has 2 busy galleries in places that everyone has heard of so I\'m inclined to agree. Lol', '>>{southsideson} : But, wait. Did you think really, really, super hard?', '>>{skyrmion} : thoroughly impressed until we got to that blurry-ass "portrait" of the kid', '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : What do you use to view your digital pics? Is it a full screen aspect ratio device?', '>>{ilostmyoldaccount} : 3:2 is by far more popular for still cameras, both for full frame and aps. There are, and were, many other ratios in use, of course.', ">>{JungleLegs} : It's even all on 1 page, not 3.", '>>{wtf_yoda} : She received impressive plaudits for her policy acumen, preparation, and willingness to collaborate And how about her decisions? Everything from the paid speeches (which we still don\'t have the transcripts of), to the email server, to her big "fuck you, we don\'t need you" message to Bernie supporters suggests a highly flawed personality when it comes to her choices.', ">>{insidethesun} : Why didn't the guy who captured lightning in the colored clouds submit!", ">>{talones} : You're correct. Just saying that it's definitely not widescreen.", '>>{talones} : But if you use a widescreen monitor to view a 9:16 portrait picture, it would only take up 30% of the screen.', '>>{LetsGoBohs} : What is the very last one a photo of?', ">>{Hadiya72} : But scare tactics work best for the DNC, you have to focus on that the Russians hacked the DNC not on the evidence of unethical, possible criminal DNC activity, focus on the Russians. I'm voting my conscience and the DNC should stop nominating people with a history of being too big to jail.", '>>{thatguy4243} : I think the average 3rd party voter thought harder than the average major party voter.', ">>{14bikes} : I won't reward corruption out of fear. DNC has a couple more days to decide: does it want my vote? Hillary won't get it.", '>>{Sock_of_Ir_Yut} : So you want camera sensors to adapt to whatever random format your screen happens to be? Idiot.', ">>{NotJustAmy} : No form of birth control is 100% effective even when used correctly. There's something to keep you awake at night.", ">>{NotJustAmy} : Easy peasy! Unless you were raped. Or your birth control failed. Or you're a teenager and no one taught you about birth control. Or a million other reasons why life ain't always straight forward,", '>>{Espryon} : Shes a Wall St. puppet, her foundation took donations from the country who orchestrated the 911 attacks, she was on the board of Wallmart, she gave speeches to the big banks of which she still won\'t disclose for untold sums of money, and she was part of deregulating the banks with her husband in the 1990\'s. I thought about it and I\'d rather vote for Voldemort, Mussolini, Ronald Reagan, or Emperor Hirohito over her; I couldn\'t sleep at night if I voted for Hillary or Trump. O and she and her husband corrupted the DNC and the Justice System to the point where it practically rigged the primary process and allowed her to get off with leaking classified negligently and committing perjury. I\'m voting 3rd party, fuck Hillary and fuck Trump. If Trump gets elected, I think it would be as bad as Hillary because in reality, she doesn\'t stand for any of her policy emulation or her touted "Most Progressive Democratic Platform in history" bullshit.', '>>{politicsuck} : I don\'t know, the RNC looked a LOT like "FEAR MINORITIES, FEAR THE OUTSIDE, FEAR OTHER AMERICANS VOTE ME ILL KEEP YOU SAFE" Acting as if the right doesn\'t fear monger in the slightest. Did you even WATCH the RNC? It was pure "Immigrants are evil, Minorities kill and the average white american is a holy saint" lol For fucks sake they had a "Here\'s some pictures of Americans killed by Immigrants, this is why we need them out!" Despite the fact that more Americans kill each other than Immigrants do.', '>>{UncleDan2017} : Shame the Democratic Party went hard into the tank for a candidate with Hillary\'s massive negatives, as well as the EMail scandal and Benghazi scandal (at the time they were selecting candidates) just because it was "her turn". I suppose they thought they could whitewash all of her problems in the general, but Hillary was always a terrible candidate for November.', '>>{sircool099} : as I said, they said fear immigrants, fear the outside world, unpredictable, etc. Not your fellow countrymen or your country, they were shitting american flags (Unlike the DNC stage, not a single flag on stage) Meanwhile, the DNC has named trump nearly half as many times as the entire RNC named clinton, with the DNC on day one. I said the right-wing fear-mongers "The other" while the left-wing fear-mongers "The self" basically.', ">>{OdinSQL} : They only way I won't is if it's close in my state, and in that case I'll vote for Trump.", ">>{Maggie_A} : >Not very practical if you don't have a washer and dryer in your home and have to take your shit stained diapers on the bus to the laundromat. Must be terrible that they're living in a place without running water. Wash it in a tub and dump the water down the toilet. And then hang the diapers to dry.", '>>{keeb119} : i think maybe clinton needs to look into why people might have pause before voting for her.', '>>{NotJustAmy} : Have you ever washed a diaper? That would take all day and be disgusting and really unsanitary.', '>>{Maggie_A} : >Have you ever washed a diaper? That would take all day and be disgusting and really unsanitary. And yet................generations of mothers have done this. Right up until the 1960s and 1970s. **Wake up.** What in the hell did you think people did before there were disposable diapers? Use the cloth ones once and throw them away? People have been hand washing diapers a lot longer than disposable diapers have been in existence.', ">>{Mister_Kurtz} : What the hell are you talking about? I'm saying the vast majority of devices we use to view digital pictures are landscape oriented. LOL.", '>>{HoffAmazing} : So not having sex is ineffective at birth control? Crazy.', '>>{Sock_of_Ir_Yut} : And we are telling you it is the camera sensor that matters. Maybe you should stop arguing about things you have no knowledge of.', '>>{WinstonWolf77} : A 3rd party vote was a vote for Trump anyway....', ">>{sedemon} : No, it's a vote for a 3rd party.", '>>{00Spartacus} : Ah, all of these articles are going to make another epic collage when Trump becomes President * "Trump will never become President" * "So Trump is doing slightly better, he\'s still losing in the RCP averages" * "Ok, Trump got a slight post convention bump, no biggie" * "Well, this is getting awkward" * "Think really, really hard before voting for a Third part candidate. Every non Hillary vote is a vote for Trump"', '>>{ewillyp} : all those quotes in support of her were Republican war mongers? Newt? Condaleeza? Jeb? this article is supposed to convince me? they should have saved all that space & just wrote: "Come on guys?!" in Comic Sans font.', '>>{-uberboob-} : Vote for the candidate that is the closest match to your opinions. Whoever wins. So be it.', ">>{mathiastodd21} : Alright, if a vote for third party is a vote for Trump then it's also a vote for Clinton, so you're welcome. I refuse to vote for someone I don't believe in. It's my vote, my right, and I'm not going to waste it by giving it to someone by default.", '>>{SallyGreens} : Hopefully one of the good things that comes out of this election cycle is an increased number of independent voters. People who don\'t blindly think "well he\'s the Republican candidate and I\'m a Republican so I\'ll vote for him" or "you know I\'m a Democrat and so is she". Candidates don\'t always line up with your individual political opinions. Telling someone that they\'re voting for the wrong person because it takes away votes from "the other guy" is middle school bully logic. No one should dismiss the idea of voting for someone who you feel best represents your views. Vote for the person you believe would make the best President.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{relevantlife} : California families on welfare would receive a $50 monthly diaper voucher for young children under a bill sent to the governor Tuesday.', '>>{ipoop4xaday} : $50 would cover a box and a half of diapers.', '>>{2ndprize} : That is actually a huge help. Diapers are expensive.', '>>{2ndprize} : We pay about $40 or so a box depending on sales. That is probably close to a months worth. I think it would be a little more than $50 for newborns but I the lack of sleep made everything from that time period fuzzy.', '>>{ipoop4xaday} : yeah. My memory is a little fuzzy on it too. All I know is when diapers were involved with my Target trip my total would go from $40 to $80 real quick. Babies are expensive.', '>>{2ndprize} : Yeah add on some formula, wipes, $8 for rash cream $12 for baby wash, it always was a triple digit trip. Then they get older and I find myself hit up for soccer, gymnastics, and a seemingly never ending parade of birthday parties', ">>{ipoop4xaday} : That's where I am. $200 for soccer (and that's just to get him signed up and registered). Then hockey....holy fuck hockey. $1450 to sign up and register plus the equipment! Then I have to get him to practice by 5:30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's a damn nightmare. I blame my wife for talking me into it.", ">>{MagicComa106} : Well if your account name is accurate, at least you're staying regular.", '>>{ipoop4xaday} : I poop because of my bills...they make me poop...4 times a day.', ">>{2ndprize} : They are about to finish the hockey rink by my house. Till then it is ministick in front of the tv. But I plan to get my son started on it right away. My daughter decided she didn't want to play, instead she is doing swimming. I can't believe how much swimming costs considering we live in friggen Florida.", ">>{HoffAmazing} : Take personal responsibility and don't have kids? Or am I insane?", ">>{fuzeebear} : It's easy! All you have to do is never fall on hard times.", '>>{SoonerCD} : >Take personal responsibility and don\'t have kids? Or am I insane? No you\'re not insane but consider this: The most fun a poor person could have is sex, coupled with the fact that humans have a tendency to be short-sighted and selfish. Throw in the fact that, being poor, they might not be able to afford condoms and/or contraceptives. Then on top of that, consider the constant push for "abstinence education". It\'s easy to see how people lack personal responsibility.', '>>{cl33t} : Amazon is [doing a deal right now](http://www.simplemost.com/amazon-55-off-diapers-deal-right-now/) for a month of Huggies for $36 if you subscribe and then there is a coupon to get it down to $22. I have no idea how common that kind of pricing is, but their one-off price seems to be $47.', ">>{HoffAmazing} : I mean I'm not exactly rich, I've made life choice to make sure I don't have children. Why am I the one that's special and can do this?", ">>{HoffAmazing} : Right, so don't have kids and your chances of getting out of poverty increase dramatically.", ">>{SoonerCD} : > Why am I the one that's special and can do this? Well you're certainly not the only one.", ">>{HoffAmazing} : Never said that. I'm just saying if you can't afford a child and need government subsidizing, maybe the best idea is to not have that child. Or is that crazy talk?", ">>{HoffAmazing} : Right but don't you think we should teach more personality responsibility instead of acting like I'm some type of evil person because I don't want to pay for other peoples kids.", ">>{SoonerCD} : >Right but don't you think we should teach more personality responsibility instead of acting like I'm some type of evil person because I don't want to pay for other peoples kids. Never said you were evil nor was i attempting to vilify you for your position. Just merely pointing out something that people in general might not consider. We should teach people proper sex education (and would it hurt to allow people access to cheap contraception?). I also believe that the Abortion issue needs to be closed for good (people have the right to abortion, Period.) We should also find a solution to the issue of education in general that doesn't involve allowing states to institute creationism/religious education.", ">>{Maggie_A} : I expect this will get downvoted, but, no, I don't think people should be getting disposable diapers on the taxpayers dime. I could see buying them cloth for diapers and diaper pins. Many, many, many generations of babies wore cloth diapers. (Including my generation as I was born a few years before disposable diapers became the norm.) Just because disposable diapers are more convenient doesn't mean the current generation of parents is *entitled* to disposable diapers when they can't pay for them. I'd be fine with supplying them with cloth diapers which they can wash and reuse. If they want disposable diapers they can pay for them on their own.", '>>{dracorojas27} : Yeah, 4 diaper change a day was rough on my wallet', '>>{2ndprize} : 4 sounds like an alright day. whoever invented that little blue line thing to torture new parents is a dick', '>>{dracorojas27} : I remember that. Funny thing is newborns either shit and pissed those diapers full or nothing happens. At least that was my experience.', ">>{NotJustAmy} : Not very practical if you don't have a washer and dryer in your home and have to take your shit stained diapers on the bus to the laundromat.", ">>{NotJustAmy} : No form of birth control is 100% effective even when used correctly. There's something to keep you awake at night.", ">>{NotJustAmy} : Easy peasy! Unless you were raped. Or your birth control failed. Or you're a teenager and no one taught you about birth control. Or a million other reasons why life ain't always straight forward,", ">>{Maggie_A} : >Not very practical if you don't have a washer and dryer in your home and have to take your shit stained diapers on the bus to the laundromat. Must be terrible that they're living in a place without running water. Wash it in a tub and dump the water down the toilet. And then hang the diapers to dry.", '>>{NotJustAmy} : Have you ever washed a diaper? That would take all day and be disgusting and really unsanitary.', '>>{Maggie_A} : >Have you ever washed a diaper? That would take all day and be disgusting and really unsanitary. And yet................generations of mothers have done this. Right up until the 1960s and 1970s. **Wake up.** What in the hell did you think people did before there were disposable diapers? Use the cloth ones once and throw them away? People have been hand washing diapers a lot longer than disposable diapers have been in existence.', '>>{HoffAmazing} : So not having sex is ineffective at birth control? Crazy.'], [">>{lizard_king_rebirth} : It's the lesser of two evils thing, over and over. The evils are just shittier and more evil now.", ">>{DarkResurgence} : These people can make all the posts they want, there's no way I'm voting for Clinton or anyone who has anything to do with Clinton.", '>>{arcxa} : Wow "We are really not desperate. Really!"', '>>{basedOp} : The Fear mongering water carriers are getting paid overtime.', ">>{sircool099} : The right fear-mongers others, the left fear-mongers people inside the country. Tell me who'll unite the country more please?", ">>{TwerkingRiceFarmer} : Then blame goes to Killary and her DNC cronies for handing over the presidency to Trump. She is responsible for driving voters away to everywhere but DNC. Don't try to hang Trump over our head and sell fear of what ifs. DNC could have chosen to listen to the voters but instead chose Killary. She is responsible for what happens from now on.", ">>{fx09} : Such bigotry. The Dems or Republicans don't deserve a monopoly on Democracy. Who ordained those two parties the sole dictators of American government? Shame.", ">>{Phromatic} : Ok, I'll be a sheep and vote Hillary. Nice try.", '>>{Trumpicana} : Coming from the people who covered trump in the entertainment section for almost a year.', '>>{OrionSouthernStar} : Sorry but you cannot scare me into voting for someone nor can you shame me from voting my conscience.', ">>{ithasanh} : Guys the fear mongering isn't working! Next idea on the list is... Louder and more frequent fear mongering!", ">>{AirwaveRanger} : I admit, if I lived in anything close to a battleground state, I would be voting Clinton in November, and with that said it's my hope that Trump's candidacy ends in defeat. If my state were to end up close, then it'd be a blowout win for Trump anyway. So yeah, I'm voting third party with the hope that I'll live to see the United States abandon first-past-the-post elections. Sorry to those who'll have to really wrestle with the decision, and sorry for being the jerk who hopes you'll swallow that bitter pill for us all while I try to have my cake and eat it too.", '>>{Freezman13} : Maybe then the DNC will get their heads out of their asses. Nothing will change otherwise.', ">>{sedemon} : Was gonna go third party but this article said not to. So I'm stuck voting for trump then?", ">>{toadfan64} : Is Bernie gonna be the Democratic nominee? No? Okay, thought about, and I'm still voting 3rd party.", '>>{southsideson} : But, wait. Did you think really, really, super hard?', '>>{wtf_yoda} : She received impressive plaudits for her policy acumen, preparation, and willingness to collaborate And how about her decisions? Everything from the paid speeches (which we still don\'t have the transcripts of), to the email server, to her big "fuck you, we don\'t need you" message to Bernie supporters suggests a highly flawed personality when it comes to her choices.', ">>{Hadiya72} : But scare tactics work best for the DNC, you have to focus on that the Russians hacked the DNC not on the evidence of unethical, possible criminal DNC activity, focus on the Russians. I'm voting my conscience and the DNC should stop nominating people with a history of being too big to jail.", '>>{thatguy4243} : I think the average 3rd party voter thought harder than the average major party voter.', ">>{14bikes} : I won't reward corruption out of fear. DNC has a couple more days to decide: does it want my vote? Hillary won't get it.", '>>{Espryon} : Shes a Wall St. puppet, her foundation took donations from the country who orchestrated the 911 attacks, she was on the board of Wallmart, she gave speeches to the big banks of which she still won\'t disclose for untold sums of money, and she was part of deregulating the banks with her husband in the 1990\'s. I thought about it and I\'d rather vote for Voldemort, Mussolini, Ronald Reagan, or Emperor Hirohito over her; I couldn\'t sleep at night if I voted for Hillary or Trump. O and she and her husband corrupted the DNC and the Justice System to the point where it practically rigged the primary process and allowed her to get off with leaking classified negligently and committing perjury. I\'m voting 3rd party, fuck Hillary and fuck Trump. If Trump gets elected, I think it would be as bad as Hillary because in reality, she doesn\'t stand for any of her policy emulation or her touted "Most Progressive Democratic Platform in history" bullshit.', '>>{politicsuck} : I don\'t know, the RNC looked a LOT like "FEAR MINORITIES, FEAR THE OUTSIDE, FEAR OTHER AMERICANS VOTE ME ILL KEEP YOU SAFE" Acting as if the right doesn\'t fear monger in the slightest. Did you even WATCH the RNC? It was pure "Immigrants are evil, Minorities kill and the average white american is a holy saint" lol For fucks sake they had a "Here\'s some pictures of Americans killed by Immigrants, this is why we need them out!" Despite the fact that more Americans kill each other than Immigrants do.', '>>{UncleDan2017} : Shame the Democratic Party went hard into the tank for a candidate with Hillary\'s massive negatives, as well as the EMail scandal and Benghazi scandal (at the time they were selecting candidates) just because it was "her turn". I suppose they thought they could whitewash all of her problems in the general, but Hillary was always a terrible candidate for November.', '>>{sircool099} : as I said, they said fear immigrants, fear the outside world, unpredictable, etc. Not your fellow countrymen or your country, they were shitting american flags (Unlike the DNC stage, not a single flag on stage) Meanwhile, the DNC has named trump nearly half as many times as the entire RNC named clinton, with the DNC on day one. I said the right-wing fear-mongers "The other" while the left-wing fear-mongers "The self" basically.', ">>{OdinSQL} : They only way I won't is if it's close in my state, and in that case I'll vote for Trump.", '>>{keeb119} : i think maybe clinton needs to look into why people might have pause before voting for her.', '>>{WinstonWolf77} : A 3rd party vote was a vote for Trump anyway....', ">>{sedemon} : No, it's a vote for a 3rd party.", '>>{00Spartacus} : Ah, all of these articles are going to make another epic collage when Trump becomes President * "Trump will never become President" * "So Trump is doing slightly better, he\'s still losing in the RCP averages" * "Ok, Trump got a slight post convention bump, no biggie" * "Well, this is getting awkward" * "Think really, really hard before voting for a Third part candidate. Every non Hillary vote is a vote for Trump"', '>>{ewillyp} : all those quotes in support of her were Republican war mongers? Newt? Condaleeza? Jeb? this article is supposed to convince me? they should have saved all that space & just wrote: "Come on guys?!" in Comic Sans font.', '>>{-uberboob-} : Vote for the candidate that is the closest match to your opinions. Whoever wins. So be it.', ">>{mathiastodd21} : Alright, if a vote for third party is a vote for Trump then it's also a vote for Clinton, so you're welcome. I refuse to vote for someone I don't believe in. It's my vote, my right, and I'm not going to waste it by giving it to someone by default.", '>>{SallyGreens} : Hopefully one of the good things that comes out of this election cycle is an increased number of independent voters. People who don\'t blindly think "well he\'s the Republican candidate and I\'m a Republican so I\'ll vote for him" or "you know I\'m a Democrat and so is she". Candidates don\'t always line up with your individual political opinions. Telling someone that they\'re voting for the wrong person because it takes away votes from "the other guy" is middle school bully logic. No one should dismiss the idea of voting for someone who you feel best represents your views. Vote for the person you believe would make the best President.'], [">>{SweetZombieJebus} : I'd argue more that any modern camera can take great photos when you have an eye for composition, lighting and interesting subjects. Your major limits with phone cameras are low lighting situations and just how big you intend to view it at a reasonably close distance. Obviously I prefer my full frame 5D mk ii, but it's nice having a passable camera for any nice photo opportunity always in your pocket. And no photo from any camera isn't first going through photoshop or Lightroom etc. before you get to see it online or printed somewhere. Post processing is as old as photophraphy itself. It will always be the eye of the photographer that takes the noteworthy photo, not the camera. And sure, any one of these photos would turn out better with a dedicated camera, but they might not have been taken at all if that person didn't want to lug a dedicated camera along with them.", ">>{crashing_this_thread} : If these photo's are edited, it is very subtle. You don't know what you are talking about.", ">>{Stern3D} : Anyone else think they've compressed those photos at all? They seem to look a bit odd", '>>{mastaa} : Subtle? You can tell all Lightroom adjustment to each image. Wether be black and white, sharpness, color gradients and color adjustments. iPhone pictures are way too washed out to render such bokeh and color rendition without the aid of a computer. They are great images and composition are good, but are heavily edited. Just like pictures from dslr are.', '>>{TyroneSlothrop-} : [And here they are from the original source and without compression.](http://www.ippawards.com)', '>>{celica18l} : They look so much better on this site than the original link.', ">>{crashing_this_thread} : Adjusting light and contrast is just subtle tweaking. Any drastic editing would absolutely wreck the quality with noise. Why are such adjustments a bad thing? It's about how you use it and it's used excellently in these images.", '>>{noxwei} : They have to, it\'s very low quality images on the winning screen even on the "page without compressions"', ">>{Volerikan} : These pictures inspire me. I think the next couple times I go out to do some photography, I'll leave my DSLR at home and see what I can do with my iPhone.", '>>{frausting} : Or, you know, any level of post-processing like any other photograph.', '>>{pi22seven} : Just like semi-pro and pro photogs used to do in the darkroom before DSLRs.', ">>{lunaprospect} : THESE are the winners? I have hundreds of pictures on my phone that look like professional DSLR camera shots. And I know people on Instagram who are even better at iPhone photography than I am. Seriously I can't believe a single one of these made the cut. How do I submit next time?", '>>{BrandNewMoshiMoshi} : I thought we were only 75% done with 2016', ">>{duckconference} : Ahahaha they charge you to enter? Hat's off to them for coming up with a damn clever ~~scam~~ business.", '>>{vuxanov} : There is a fine line between tastefully processing a phot and fake HDR kitsch. They crossed that line...with a golden tank.', ">>{cater2222} : is anyone else dissapointed that the iPhone only shoots in 4:3 aspect ratio instead of widescreen like any other phones? sure it's great for portraits but landscape photos need widescreen...", '>>{talones} : 4:3 is industry standard for photo sensors. If you want 16:9 then just crop your picture.', ">>{Mister_Kurtz} : Fullscreen was the standard. All modern TV's and monitors are now 16:9. Who would purchase a fullscreen Bluray today?", '>>{SweetZombieJebus} : Yup. The most successful photographer I know said, "It\'s not the arrow, it\'s the Indian". That guy sold one of his prints for a million dollars and has 2 busy galleries in places that everyone has heard of so I\'m inclined to agree. Lol', '>>{skyrmion} : thoroughly impressed until we got to that blurry-ass "portrait" of the kid', '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : What do you use to view your digital pics? Is it a full screen aspect ratio device?', '>>{ilostmyoldaccount} : 3:2 is by far more popular for still cameras, both for full frame and aps. There are, and were, many other ratios in use, of course.', ">>{JungleLegs} : It's even all on 1 page, not 3.", ">>{insidethesun} : Why didn't the guy who captured lightning in the colored clouds submit!", ">>{talones} : You're correct. Just saying that it's definitely not widescreen.", '>>{talones} : But if you use a widescreen monitor to view a 9:16 portrait picture, it would only take up 30% of the screen.', '>>{LetsGoBohs} : What is the very last one a photo of?', '>>{Sock_of_Ir_Yut} : So you want camera sensors to adapt to whatever random format your screen happens to be? Idiot.', ">>{Mister_Kurtz} : What the hell are you talking about? I'm saying the vast majority of devices we use to view digital pictures are landscape oriented. LOL.", '>>{Sock_of_Ir_Yut} : And we are telling you it is the camera sensor that matters. Maybe you should stop arguing about things you have no knowledge of.']]
classify and reply
['>>{MistaMxyzptlk} : Is he too stupid to know we do that daily.', '>>{GuitarsAndCameras} : Why? The guy who did it was an American gun nut.', ">>{SchuminWeb} : It's Official: ‘Redskins Rule’ Predicts Clinton Victory", '>>{goedonald} : Elizabeth Warren, who has railed against predatory banks and heartless foreclosures, took part in about a dozen Oklahoma real estate deals that netted her and her family hefty profits through maneuvers such as “flipping” properties, records show.', '>>{USModerate} : flipping properties is much different that evicting people for excess profits. Thats what the article misses', ">>{wextippler} : So the rule is perfect when the incumbent isn't running.", '>>{CapedCrusader117} : Can we, for the love of god, not bomb the shit out of someone for 1 day, just one fucking day? Is Congress filled with nothing but insecure children who want to show off the size of their missile everyday of the week to scare the enemy?', ">>{backpackwayne} : So I see it's now time to start smearing Warren.", ">>{Bodomknight} : This. The US is operating bombing runs daily. The problem that occured in Orlando hasn't spawned from the Middle East, it's a problem with US firearm restrictions.", ">>{return2ozma} : Don't worry everyone, it'll all be over soon once Russia nukes us with the uranium Hillary sold them.", '>>{KeyzerSozee} : You do know that we air strike ISIS targets literally every day and that ISIS is losing ground in Iraq, right?', '>>{KeyzerSozee} : What firearm restriction that respects due process would have stopped a bigoted and confused individual from carrying out that attack?', '>>{stevebeyten} : What if I told you those two things are about as related as saying "Elizabeth Warren claims to be against predatory lending... but our research shows... she LOVES ice cream!!!"', '>>{119-92-6734} : Her family bought and sold some properties in Oklahoma. That totally discredits her and what she said about Trump. We all know if you bought and sold a house, that precludes you from criticizing Trump.', '>>{DrunkenGenie} : I do love superstitions, but all superstitions fail at some point, not this year, but at some point. Republicans have not won the Whitehouse since 1928 since without a Bush or Nixon on the ticket.', '>>{9001_Dalmatians} : Madam President? I know that she was "Madam Secretary," so that might apply to addressing a female President as well. We need a formality wonk, stat!', ">>{slapadastic} : It's unprecedented, but I think they decided on Baby Gurl.", '>>{janzeera} : Yeah, his comment struck me as kinda stupid. On the other hand, maybe he means Orlando.', ">>{RichardMHP} : Yeah, 'cause that's the only place you'll find *that* hereabouts.", ">>{20WPM} : I'm not surprised that Elizabeth Warren is not involved with predatory banks and heartless foreclosures.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Lets just go spend another trillion dollars in a costly drawn out ground war because some people got shot up. Ill pass.', ">>{thatpj} : So it begins. Can't say I'm surprised. She did just campaign with Clinton and like her, is a former Republican.", '>>{greenareureal} : Why? This was a hate crime. It was not terrorism.', ">>{9001_Dalmatians} : Ignoring the fact that you're a troll, why would Russia risk a nuclear exchange when their man Trump is doing a great job tearing us apart for them?", '>>{conservativeliberals} : Giving someone shit for buying property low and fixing said property and then putting it back on the market is pretty idiotic. The headline of the article is "Prof profited by buying, selling homes." The Herald is the Boston version of the NYpost, it\'s a sports paper that minors in gossip.', ">>{facepalminghomer} : I bet aluminum foil company's stocks have skyrocketed since Trumps run began due to a large sales spike.", '>>{slapadastic} : Russia...do you still check your closet for the bogeymen before you jump in your racecar bed and zoom off to dreamland?', '>>{IAMAconcernedparent} : Luckily for the GOP, I hear that Billy Bush is looking for a job.', '>>{RidleyScotch} : > Republicans have not won the Whitehouse since 1928 since without a Bush or Nixon on the ticket. wow', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : In the 24 hours following Orlando, [US and Britain conducted 34 strikes against Daesh in Iraq and Syria](https://airwars.org/daily-reports-jun16/). Likely ISIS casualties were in the 100-150 range given the targets hit.', ">>{Bodomknight} : There's absolutely zero reason why anyone should be allowed to own 30 round magazines. That's a simple start.", '>>{kutwijf} : Her win could have been predicted months before the primary. Probably earlier.', '>>{DrunkenGenie} : I think George P. Bush is next in line.', '>>{19683dw} : Just think, if Jeb had won the nomination, he might have actually won (Trump is one of few that can actually lose to her), making that still true.', '>>{sadrobotsings} : How can you say this? ISIS puts out a statement at the beginning of Ramadan asking Muslims in America to carry out attacks. Omar Mateen does just that and pledges himself to ISIS in the process. Seems like it spawned in the Middle East to me.', ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : You can nit pick the other details to your blue in the face . This type of person , that group of people , etc etc. the actors will change but one thing remains constant. Easy access to high powered weapons with high capacity . No matter what you do there will always be angry disillusioned individuals that decide the best course of action is to kill. But let's just stay the course cause you know, freedom or whatever", ">>{ShaunaDorothy} : I'm no fan of Warren, but she seems to have been helping people in her family who were out of work rehab modest houses to sell thus getting paid for the work they put in the houses. Most of the properties where small single family homes. She helped put relatives to work doing something good that made a modest profit.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : Yeah I fail to see how buying property legally, fixing it up, then reselling it somehow makes her bad and hypocritical.', '>>{guthepenguin} : > Giving someone shit for buying property low and fixing said property and then putting it back on the market is pretty idiotic. Agreed.', '>>{alienuser006} : Buying it legally, from like a foreclosure done by a heartless bank?', '>>{PM_Me_Labia_Pics} : Virginia Tech was done with handguns, do you want to ban handguns as well?', ">>{stevebeyten} : The article doesn't miss it. The article is aware of it and purposefully remains silent on the point relying on low information readers to come to a conclusion. And apparently youre no longer allowed to point out that this sort of journalism is meant to prey on low information readers or you will be blamed for the UK leaving the EU.", '>>{Persephoneve} : Their vice-presidents were Nixon and H. W., respectively', '>>{wamsachel} : Influenced by revenge, but almost no one is talking about that http://www.univision.com/univision-news/united-states/orlando-massacre-was-revenge-not-terrorism-says-man-who-claims-he-was-gunmans-lover', '>>{Koulditreallybeme} : Nixon was VP of Eisenhower and HW was Veep of Reagan', ">>{wamsachel} : Take them away from the cops, then maybe we'll talk", '>>{OompaLoompaMAGA} : We got things to overkill, or just many, many different things to kill. It all makes sense.', ">>{BroboxylicAcid} : True, she was always the betting market's [favorite to win.](https://electionbettingodds.com/WIN_chart_maxim_lott_john_stossel.html)", '>>{DrunkenGenie} : On the ticket, Nixon was Eisenhowers VP, Bush Reagans.', '>>{OompaLoompaMAGA} : Plenty of people in this world deserve a bombing. Stop acting like world peace is at hand.', '>>{alienuser006} : She smears herself when she lies about her ethnicity to get a job...', '>>{PM_Me_Labia_Pics} : You have a problem with bombing an ISIS camp in Syria?', ">>{Klever81} : Flipping properties?! Oh noes! How could any one, in good conscious, purchase something crappy, make it better, and then sell it for a profit! ALL WEALTH AND IT'S ACQUISITION IS EVIL!", ">>{guthepenguin} : There's something inherently evil with taking a rundown place that people aren't living in, employing people to fix it, and selling it to someone looking for a nice home. /s", ">>{conservativeliberals} : I doubt most people read the article but this is also mostly shit from the early 90's in Oklahoma. God forbid you buy something then improve it and sell it for more.", '>>{throwawayainteasy} : >all superstitions fail at some point Only the wrong ones, duh. My dirty underwear say the Chiefs are winning the Super Bowl.', '>>{backpackwayne} : **Breaking news:** ***Elizabeth Warren is a big fat poo poo face.*** You know you guys only smear yourself when you do this. But by all means..., please continue. It makes it easier to know who I am wasting my time talking to.', '>>{alienuser006} : LOL! Yes, by calling a clear fraud out, I am only smearing myself. Typical Hilltard logic! Can you explain to me why you Hilltards hate Donald Trump for being an absolute fraud but defend to the death your queen and her allies who are also absolute frauds, does the D vs R really mean that much to you? Sniper fire! Duck!', '>>{goedonald} : the point is that is what she gave Trump shit for', '>>{DrunkenGenie} : Meh, live in Kansas, they may make it, but they wont win it.', '>>{SchuminWeb} : Madam President sounds correct, as Nancy Pelosi was called "Madam Speaker" during her tenure as house speaker.', ">>{elbiot} : And this one guy stabbed someone with a screwdriver once, so clearly there's no problem with people being able to buy assault rifles with high capacity magazines. Makes perfect sense.", ">>{PM_Me_Labia_Pics} : I have a Constitutional right to an assault rifle. Amend the Constitution if you don't like it :) edit: Add in the high capacity magazine as well.", ">>{elbiot} : Oh. I didn't catch that you were part of a well regulated militia. Carry on.", '>>{Bodomknight} : You should probably educate yourself beyond your local news. Americans with firearms are the leading cause of death in the US. Not ISIS, not terrorists from the Middle East; Americans with firearms.', '>>{sadrobotsings} : You should probably not be such a condescending prick. Also, if we\'re keeping score, the "leading cause of death in the US" is not "American\'s with firearms," it\'s heart disease you dumb shit.', ">>{totallyclips} : what's really terrifying, is how little the people who are supposed to be representing the people, know so little about the world they inhabit", ">>{Bodomknight} : You're actually attempting to use gluttony as... You know what, forget it.", '>>{elbiot} : I know! I say that about the constitution all the time!', '>>{PM_Me_Labia_Pics} : It is a new era. Everyone is allowed to believe what they want :)']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{goedonald} : Elizabeth Warren, who has railed against predatory banks and heartless foreclosures, took part in about a dozen Oklahoma real estate deals that netted her and her family hefty profits through maneuvers such as “flipping” properties, records show.', '>>{USModerate} : flipping properties is much different that evicting people for excess profits. Thats what the article misses', ">>{backpackwayne} : So I see it's now time to start smearing Warren.", '>>{stevebeyten} : What if I told you those two things are about as related as saying "Elizabeth Warren claims to be against predatory lending... but our research shows... she LOVES ice cream!!!"', '>>{119-92-6734} : Her family bought and sold some properties in Oklahoma. That totally discredits her and what she said about Trump. We all know if you bought and sold a house, that precludes you from criticizing Trump.', ">>{20WPM} : I'm not surprised that Elizabeth Warren is not involved with predatory banks and heartless foreclosures.", ">>{thatpj} : So it begins. Can't say I'm surprised. She did just campaign with Clinton and like her, is a former Republican.", '>>{conservativeliberals} : Giving someone shit for buying property low and fixing said property and then putting it back on the market is pretty idiotic. The headline of the article is "Prof profited by buying, selling homes." The Herald is the Boston version of the NYpost, it\'s a sports paper that minors in gossip.', ">>{ShaunaDorothy} : I'm no fan of Warren, but she seems to have been helping people in her family who were out of work rehab modest houses to sell thus getting paid for the work they put in the houses. Most of the properties where small single family homes. She helped put relatives to work doing something good that made a modest profit.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : Yeah I fail to see how buying property legally, fixing it up, then reselling it somehow makes her bad and hypocritical.', '>>{guthepenguin} : > Giving someone shit for buying property low and fixing said property and then putting it back on the market is pretty idiotic. Agreed.', '>>{alienuser006} : Buying it legally, from like a foreclosure done by a heartless bank?', ">>{stevebeyten} : The article doesn't miss it. The article is aware of it and purposefully remains silent on the point relying on low information readers to come to a conclusion. And apparently youre no longer allowed to point out that this sort of journalism is meant to prey on low information readers or you will be blamed for the UK leaving the EU.", '>>{alienuser006} : She smears herself when she lies about her ethnicity to get a job...', ">>{Klever81} : Flipping properties?! Oh noes! How could any one, in good conscious, purchase something crappy, make it better, and then sell it for a profit! ALL WEALTH AND IT'S ACQUISITION IS EVIL!", ">>{guthepenguin} : There's something inherently evil with taking a rundown place that people aren't living in, employing people to fix it, and selling it to someone looking for a nice home. /s", ">>{conservativeliberals} : I doubt most people read the article but this is also mostly shit from the early 90's in Oklahoma. God forbid you buy something then improve it and sell it for more.", '>>{backpackwayne} : **Breaking news:** ***Elizabeth Warren is a big fat poo poo face.*** You know you guys only smear yourself when you do this. But by all means..., please continue. It makes it easier to know who I am wasting my time talking to.', '>>{alienuser006} : LOL! Yes, by calling a clear fraud out, I am only smearing myself. Typical Hilltard logic! Can you explain to me why you Hilltards hate Donald Trump for being an absolute fraud but defend to the death your queen and her allies who are also absolute frauds, does the D vs R really mean that much to you? Sniper fire! Duck!', '>>{goedonald} : the point is that is what she gave Trump shit for'], ['>>{MistaMxyzptlk} : Is he too stupid to know we do that daily.', '>>{GuitarsAndCameras} : Why? The guy who did it was an American gun nut.', '>>{CapedCrusader117} : Can we, for the love of god, not bomb the shit out of someone for 1 day, just one fucking day? Is Congress filled with nothing but insecure children who want to show off the size of their missile everyday of the week to scare the enemy?', ">>{Bodomknight} : This. The US is operating bombing runs daily. The problem that occured in Orlando hasn't spawned from the Middle East, it's a problem with US firearm restrictions.", '>>{KeyzerSozee} : You do know that we air strike ISIS targets literally every day and that ISIS is losing ground in Iraq, right?', '>>{KeyzerSozee} : What firearm restriction that respects due process would have stopped a bigoted and confused individual from carrying out that attack?', '>>{janzeera} : Yeah, his comment struck me as kinda stupid. On the other hand, maybe he means Orlando.', ">>{RichardMHP} : Yeah, 'cause that's the only place you'll find *that* hereabouts.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Lets just go spend another trillion dollars in a costly drawn out ground war because some people got shot up. Ill pass.', '>>{greenareureal} : Why? This was a hate crime. It was not terrorism.', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : In the 24 hours following Orlando, [US and Britain conducted 34 strikes against Daesh in Iraq and Syria](https://airwars.org/daily-reports-jun16/). Likely ISIS casualties were in the 100-150 range given the targets hit.', ">>{Bodomknight} : There's absolutely zero reason why anyone should be allowed to own 30 round magazines. That's a simple start.", '>>{sadrobotsings} : How can you say this? ISIS puts out a statement at the beginning of Ramadan asking Muslims in America to carry out attacks. Omar Mateen does just that and pledges himself to ISIS in the process. Seems like it spawned in the Middle East to me.', ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : You can nit pick the other details to your blue in the face . This type of person , that group of people , etc etc. the actors will change but one thing remains constant. Easy access to high powered weapons with high capacity . No matter what you do there will always be angry disillusioned individuals that decide the best course of action is to kill. But let's just stay the course cause you know, freedom or whatever", '>>{PM_Me_Labia_Pics} : Virginia Tech was done with handguns, do you want to ban handguns as well?', '>>{wamsachel} : Influenced by revenge, but almost no one is talking about that http://www.univision.com/univision-news/united-states/orlando-massacre-was-revenge-not-terrorism-says-man-who-claims-he-was-gunmans-lover', ">>{wamsachel} : Take them away from the cops, then maybe we'll talk", '>>{OompaLoompaMAGA} : We got things to overkill, or just many, many different things to kill. It all makes sense.', '>>{OompaLoompaMAGA} : Plenty of people in this world deserve a bombing. Stop acting like world peace is at hand.', '>>{PM_Me_Labia_Pics} : You have a problem with bombing an ISIS camp in Syria?', ">>{elbiot} : And this one guy stabbed someone with a screwdriver once, so clearly there's no problem with people being able to buy assault rifles with high capacity magazines. Makes perfect sense.", ">>{PM_Me_Labia_Pics} : I have a Constitutional right to an assault rifle. Amend the Constitution if you don't like it :) edit: Add in the high capacity magazine as well.", ">>{elbiot} : Oh. I didn't catch that you were part of a well regulated militia. Carry on.", '>>{Bodomknight} : You should probably educate yourself beyond your local news. Americans with firearms are the leading cause of death in the US. Not ISIS, not terrorists from the Middle East; Americans with firearms.', '>>{sadrobotsings} : You should probably not be such a condescending prick. Also, if we\'re keeping score, the "leading cause of death in the US" is not "American\'s with firearms," it\'s heart disease you dumb shit.', ">>{totallyclips} : what's really terrifying, is how little the people who are supposed to be representing the people, know so little about the world they inhabit", ">>{Bodomknight} : You're actually attempting to use gluttony as... You know what, forget it.", '>>{elbiot} : I know! I say that about the constitution all the time!', '>>{PM_Me_Labia_Pics} : It is a new era. Everyone is allowed to believe what they want :)'], [">>{SchuminWeb} : It's Official: ‘Redskins Rule’ Predicts Clinton Victory", ">>{wextippler} : So the rule is perfect when the incumbent isn't running.", ">>{return2ozma} : Don't worry everyone, it'll all be over soon once Russia nukes us with the uranium Hillary sold them.", '>>{DrunkenGenie} : I do love superstitions, but all superstitions fail at some point, not this year, but at some point. Republicans have not won the Whitehouse since 1928 since without a Bush or Nixon on the ticket.', '>>{9001_Dalmatians} : Madam President? I know that she was "Madam Secretary," so that might apply to addressing a female President as well. We need a formality wonk, stat!', ">>{slapadastic} : It's unprecedented, but I think they decided on Baby Gurl.", ">>{9001_Dalmatians} : Ignoring the fact that you're a troll, why would Russia risk a nuclear exchange when their man Trump is doing a great job tearing us apart for them?", ">>{facepalminghomer} : I bet aluminum foil company's stocks have skyrocketed since Trumps run began due to a large sales spike.", '>>{slapadastic} : Russia...do you still check your closet for the bogeymen before you jump in your racecar bed and zoom off to dreamland?', '>>{IAMAconcernedparent} : Luckily for the GOP, I hear that Billy Bush is looking for a job.', '>>{RidleyScotch} : > Republicans have not won the Whitehouse since 1928 since without a Bush or Nixon on the ticket. wow', '>>{kutwijf} : Her win could have been predicted months before the primary. Probably earlier.', '>>{DrunkenGenie} : I think George P. Bush is next in line.', '>>{19683dw} : Just think, if Jeb had won the nomination, he might have actually won (Trump is one of few that can actually lose to her), making that still true.', '>>{Persephoneve} : Their vice-presidents were Nixon and H. W., respectively', '>>{Koulditreallybeme} : Nixon was VP of Eisenhower and HW was Veep of Reagan', ">>{BroboxylicAcid} : True, she was always the betting market's [favorite to win.](https://electionbettingodds.com/WIN_chart_maxim_lott_john_stossel.html)", '>>{DrunkenGenie} : On the ticket, Nixon was Eisenhowers VP, Bush Reagans.', '>>{throwawayainteasy} : >all superstitions fail at some point Only the wrong ones, duh. My dirty underwear say the Chiefs are winning the Super Bowl.', '>>{DrunkenGenie} : Meh, live in Kansas, they may make it, but they wont win it.', '>>{SchuminWeb} : Madam President sounds correct, as Nancy Pelosi was called "Madam Speaker" during her tenure as house speaker.']]
classify and reply
['>>{BeowulfShaeffer} : /u/myellabella you are a posting *machine*!', '>>{lomeri} : Wow, classy move Donald. So, is Broaddrick admitting to lying under oath?', '>>{myellabella} : Yea... I am... I have too much free time. 😕', '>>{braintrustinc} : Ah, yes. The go to tactic this year. [*Tu quoque*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque) >Tu quoque (/tuːˈkwoʊkwiː/; Latin for, "you also") or the appeal to hypocrisy is an informal logical fallacy that intends to discredit the validity of the opponent\'s logical argument by asserting the opponent\'s failure to act consistently in accordance with its conclusion(s).', '>>{icedpickles} : >"These four very courageous women have asked to be here," Trump said. Yep, I\'m sure Trump didn\'t seek them out in any way', '>>{fuibanidoevoltei} : Donald, when you are in a hole, stop digging', '>>{unusedmonitor2} : What\'s Latin for "your husband did something bad so that disqualifies you too"?', '>>{dispelthemyth} : This debate is gonna be goooood, Hillary will tear him apart.', ">>{Reason4Ever} : **Not** a Donald Trump fan (I'm voting for Hillary), but daaaammmnnn!!! Gotta give it to Donald on this one. Dude will totally one-up you. Makes me think what he'd do to a foreign leader who burned him. lolol", ">>{TrumpsFight} : Hillary is done. Bill Clinton's pussy grabbin has been exposed.", ">>{Blahokblahwhat} : How's this for a one-upper: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/flashback-donald-trump-called-bill-clintons-accusers-terrible/story?id=42686582 Daaaaaaammmnnnn this.", '>>{Reason4Ever} : I just wrote that I am voting for Hillary and that I do "not" support Donald Trump. I even bolded the word "not" to make this point. Buh-bye.', ">>{sohetellsme} : Yeah, that's why 538 has Trump's odds of winning at an all-time low of 12%? Do you not understand basic math?", ">>{Blahokblahwhat} : I don't think I was being discourteous. Lol. But it's beyond me why anyone would want to give that evil monster props."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{BeowulfShaeffer} : /u/myellabella you are a posting *machine*!', '>>{lomeri} : Wow, classy move Donald. So, is Broaddrick admitting to lying under oath?', '>>{myellabella} : Yea... I am... I have too much free time. 😕', '>>{braintrustinc} : Ah, yes. The go to tactic this year. [*Tu quoque*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque) >Tu quoque (/tuːˈkwoʊkwiː/; Latin for, "you also") or the appeal to hypocrisy is an informal logical fallacy that intends to discredit the validity of the opponent\'s logical argument by asserting the opponent\'s failure to act consistently in accordance with its conclusion(s).', '>>{icedpickles} : >"These four very courageous women have asked to be here," Trump said. Yep, I\'m sure Trump didn\'t seek them out in any way', '>>{fuibanidoevoltei} : Donald, when you are in a hole, stop digging', '>>{unusedmonitor2} : What\'s Latin for "your husband did something bad so that disqualifies you too"?', '>>{dispelthemyth} : This debate is gonna be goooood, Hillary will tear him apart.', ">>{Reason4Ever} : **Not** a Donald Trump fan (I'm voting for Hillary), but daaaammmnnn!!! Gotta give it to Donald on this one. Dude will totally one-up you. Makes me think what he'd do to a foreign leader who burned him. lolol", ">>{TrumpsFight} : Hillary is done. Bill Clinton's pussy grabbin has been exposed.", ">>{Blahokblahwhat} : How's this for a one-upper: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/flashback-donald-trump-called-bill-clintons-accusers-terrible/story?id=42686582 Daaaaaaammmnnnn this.", '>>{Reason4Ever} : I just wrote that I am voting for Hillary and that I do "not" support Donald Trump. I even bolded the word "not" to make this point. Buh-bye.', ">>{sohetellsme} : Yeah, that's why 538 has Trump's odds of winning at an all-time low of 12%? Do you not understand basic math?", ">>{Blahokblahwhat} : I don't think I was being discourteous. Lol. But it's beyond me why anyone would want to give that evil monster props."]]
classify and reply
[">>{BigBossu} : Should just be the red pin on a white background so it's consistent with the other designs.", '>>{Intellectuallygifted} : Don Cheadle To Trump After Dwyane Wade Comment: “You Truly Are A POS”', ">>{Cdwollan} : Citing Dunning-Kruger is like citing something from the Wikipedia list of argumentative fallacies. Ultimately it just seems childish. Either there are other things you can use to shoot holes in somebody's argument so what's the point or there's nothing else to use so there isn't a leg to stand on.", ">>{clone822} : Donald Trump as president makes exactly as much sense as Rick Perry heading the Dept of Energy. I'm sure Trump would agree.", ">>{drparton21} : I don't know what he is, other than correct.", '>>{joker68} : POS is Presidential as fuck. Hillary is counting on it.', '>>{justiceslade} : Except this is from the lead psychiatrist of the study, Dr. Dunning himself, not some random anonymous internet troll.', ">>{worff} : Let's not mince words. Trump is an idiot. Everyone can understand that and everyone can see how having an idiot as President could be dangerous.", ">>{TrizzaElemental} : I hate google apps for the opposite reason. The white edge is terrible and looks cheap next two well designed icons. The drive icon would be perfect if the background was transparent. The Google Maps app is the only one that doesn't stick out for poor design to me.", ">>{shhhhquiet} : It's almost as if OP thought he knew more about the article than he did because he was missing crucial information!", '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : Yup. I agree. Rahm Emanuel is a seriously corrupt piece of shit.', '>>{thefirstandonly} : Trump attacked back: "Don Cheadle is a 6 at best, a lightweight. I\'m hearing he isn\'t even black, look this guy parades around using only his skin color, which look, he\'s a mix at best. The blacks love me, this guy doesn\'t love me, he\'s not black"', '>>{Cdwollan} : Regardless of the source, there is plenty of fodder for the Trump denouncement machine. Throwing around the "diagnosis" is overused to the point of being a joke (which the piece and Dunning actually acknowledge).', '>>{Jorgesarcos} : This exactly! LOL the least of my worries is the icon.', ">>{justiceslade} : He acknowledges its overused and usually used incorrectly, then goes on to say trump seems to be a classic example of it. Just because it's often misused, we shouldn't shy away from Dunning-Kruger when the description is apt. I would take Dunning's word over pretty much anyone else's as to when that's the case.", ">>{Cdwollan} : But there are simply far more creative ways to go about it. And so, attempting to be clinical in this context comes off as the readers acting like a child that so yearns to be seen as a responsible adult. Ultimately it's cute and silly but means little.", ">>{StewPedidiot} : He's not trying to make as ny sense. He's just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.", '>>{cjsenecal} : Find one more app like the others (if there is one) and put Maps in the center. Would look better at least.', ">>{fuzeebear} : Why does he have to be creative? He's not aiming for theatrics or prose.", '>>{PANSIES_FOR_ALL} : The icon for Street View is also well designed.', ">>{WakaiSenshi} : Yeah last night I needed directions to a friends house and decided to give maps another go. While it was giving directions I looked at the way it was taking me and noticed it was making me take a huge detour for no reason. I then opened up google maps and it just basically said go straight until I hit a certain road then make a right and I'm there.", ">>{fuzeebear} : Damn, if only there was an apt description for such a proclivity to overestimate one's knowledge while failing to see expertise in others.", '>>{Trumpicana} : but what does ja rule think? A Culture of idiots looks to celebrities for moral guidance.', ">>{StewPedidiot} : Last I heard Trumps losing the college educated white demographic. A group that's been voting republican for years.", ">>{Qruk} : Nah, they should follow google maps' design; going to a white background with icon in middle is horrendous.", ">>{123gogogogo} : Woah, that's some next level commentary there chief! Do you use the word libtard in sentences on a regular basis?", '>>{Intellectuallygifted} : Hey genius, Trump is a celebrity. It was called The Apprentice. LMAO!!!!', ">>{shhhhquiet} : Based on my extensive knowledge of the subject (I mean how hard can it be? I'm basically already an expert) I am absolutely sure it hasn't already been described and named. Let's call this brand new thing we just discovered the fuzeebear-shhhhquiet effect.", '>>{DeathVoxxxx} : Put the Google Maps icon in the middle. A little tip I got from this sub.', '>>{Ninjewx} : Googles maps is far superior in every way to every other mapping app. I am not sure why so many people argue against this fact.', '>>{D-Juice} : > “Dunning-Kruger should cause people to reflect on themselves, not to throw epithets at others.” This is the important point. Dunning-Kruger doesn\'t apply to individuals, it applies to circumstances. Very highly educated people are extremely susceptible to it because they\'re used to thinking of themselves as smart and don\'t always appreciate the complexity of things they\'ve never seen fit to study. Dunning-Kruger probably does apply to Trump - as second fiddle to the insecure narcissism of the rich kid who\'ll never live up to daddy\'s expectations - but it applies at least as much to the smug liberals who can only explain their loss as "too many stupid people". Apolitical nonsense.', '>>{JanP3000} : Apple Maps is a great app, but the actual information is mostly just horrible. Same with weather, great app, bad information.', '>>{russellalbert} : Yes but a map app no matter how good is only as good as the data in it', '>>{yuhche} : Get why they call it **Google** Maps as just Maps could cause confusion and finding it in the App Store could be difficult but their other apps go without Google in their name.', '>>{Sallytoo} : Unfortunately, roughly 43% of the country cannot see this.', '>>{Trumpicana} : He was a business man who built things long before he was a celebrity.', '>>{lecturermoriarty} : I cant tell if you made this up or he actually said it.', '>>{Fendahl_core} : I agree. Apple Maps is a great app apart from the fact that it sucks. Kind of like the way Siri is a great virtual assistant, except for not working well at all.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Celebrities like Trump? He has zero political experience. He's just a loudmouth reality star. Let's elect Jessica Simpson or Puck.", '>>{Sallytoo} : I mean, empirically the best predictors of support for Trump are how racist you are and how uneducated you are.', ">>{Eradicator_1729} : Lol. Trump is by his own admission a *brand*. He's no leader.", '>>{hecate37} : the horrific part, the more you know, the more you know what you don\'t know. and that truth thing, if it really exists or is a dynamic sort of wonderful thing to build on forever until the end of time. sudden conclusions without research based on emotions is dangerous, we know that now. but how to stop it? it\'s like some sort of frenzy is going on ... at fb in particular. these people have been going at it non-stop for a decade now. making posts that never change anybody\'s opinion ever, but generate so much anger and animosity over absolutely nothing - between "images" of people. we have to talk about it ... i\'m not the only one who sees it. i know that.', '>>{TheBr0fessor} : I relate, but I keep mine in the "dock" so that it matches phone, messages, and email. It\'s the only Google app that "fits in" there (and as you noted, the only Google app that doesn\'t fit in with the other Gapps).', '>>{D-Juice} : Urban vs rural was the strongest predictor IIRC: places where investment happens vs everywhere else. But regardless, Trump did not win because large numbers of people voted for him, he won on a low turnout because large numbers of people did not vote Democrat. For many, that was precisely because the Democrats could not come up with anything more reflective than "only ignorant racists could fail to see how fucking amazing we are". For the rest, it was down to the Dems spending the last fortnight screaming "it\'s OK, we got this, she can\'t lose - stay home reluctant anti-Trump voters, we don\'t need you." Stupid, stupid, stupid. And totally Dunning-Kruger. Too smug to question their own ridiculously ignorant assumptions let alone listen to anyone trying to tell them. Brexit gave them more than 4 months to think it through properly but they still didn\'t fucking listen.', '>>{Cdwollan} : True but an eloquent and quick wit is far more effective than shouting the same tired phrase at convincing people.', '>>{Trumpicana} : So were just going to ignore that he became a celebrity because hes a rich business man?', ">>{yuhche} : Yes and I was talking about their names. It's a discussion platform and goes further to show Google's inconsistencies.", ">>{Yo_2T} : I find Google Maps to be less accurate with new highway systems. There's this bundle of highways in my area (495-395-95 meet together), there's exits left and right with over passes and ramps everywhere. Google Maps always makes me take the exit that will make me immediately have to cut across 4 lanes for another exit, while I can just take the appropriate exit to gp straight there. These exits aren't exactly new (2+ years) already so I don't know why it's still like that. I find Waze to be much better for heavy traffic too. Google Maps doesn't react to road closures as quickly since Waze is crowd sourced.", ">>{el-toro-loco} : I don't really care about celebrity opinions, but baseless name-calling is a Trump tactic", '>>{formeraide} : It\'s a fact that Trump scores better with people of lower education, especially men. http://www.businessinsider.com/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-polls-2016-8 ""The main factor behind the current GOP nominee\'s underperformance among white voters is his lack of support among white women with a college degree. Trump holds sizable leads among white men without a college degree (31 points; 56% to 25%), white men with a college degree (11 points; 45% to 34%), and white women without a college degree (17 points; 49% to 32%)." White men without a college degree is by far his best demographic. Romney won white women with a degree by 6%, while Trump is losing with them by 30%.', ">>{Ninjewx} : Interesting. I believe you, but when I used to drive around DC a lot I found Google Maps to be much easier to follow than Waze. Waze just looks confusing sometimes, and it also told me to get into an EZ-Pass only lane and I didn't have one at the time. Also isn't Waze connected to Google Maps? I thought they shared the crowd sourcing reports of accidents and closures.", ">>{canadian_eskimo} : I've heard some really smart people talking about Trump saying this. I didn't hear but the smart people are talking about it.", '>>{Yo_2T} : Hah EZ-Pass. The default setting on Google Maps has "No toll roads" set to off, so Google Maps always directs us to take the 495 or 95 Express lanes. My not so tech savvy dad got a few charges cuz he had no idea. And not sure about Google Maps utilizing Waze\'s traffic reports. That one time Route 123 NB was closed (and still is), GM kept making me go back to the closed road, while Waze figured out a detour immediately. Don\'t know if they delay the reports a bit to make sure they were legit or something.', '>>{zherok} : No shortage of vacuous rich celebrities famous solely because of their prior wealth. What makes Trump worth listening to, exactly?', '>>{formeraide} : You do realize that someone with learning impairment would write comments that look a lot like yours?', '>>{YungShemaleToes} : Don Cheadle is an embassador for the U.N. It is very disingenuous to compare him to Ja Rule and label him as just a celebrity.', '>>{Intellectuallygifted} : By "built" do you mean inheriting a large sum of money?', '>>{machocamacho88} : Hehe I was about to go look for this.', ">>{Peepsandspoops} : Cheadle will never recover from such witty and well thought out insults! I'm sure he's crying into a big pile of money as we speak. Good job, Trump is surely going to win now! You've won the internet!", ">>{Phuck-n-a} : You're right and it started when republicans elected Reagan because he was an actor. He didn't have a clue what was going on but the GOP new they could manipulate him easily.", ">>{kiwisrkool} : He's an ambassador of the UN, because he's a celebrity, I assume", '>>{JathonVoorheeth} : He chants it like a mantra every night while he cleans his guns and smears lipstick all over his face.', ">>{kiwisrkool} : Yep, let's take the vote away from dumb people", ">>{zherok} : He runs a successful brand: himself. Again, no shortage of those among the vacuous rich. Kim Kardashian does much the same thing, and I'm not about to go seeking her out on political advice. At some point, the fame becomes recursive, famous for being famous. That these individuals are savvy enough to make money off it doesn't suddenly mean their opinions should carry weight elsewhere.", ">>{Hear_that_Cricket} : You gave stats for Republicans. Thanks for the research. What were Obama's stats for educated black voters?", ">>{Scarletyoshi} : So does Kim Kardashian. Difference is Kim isn't a racist piece of shit.", '>>{Blue_Team4President} : I doubt Drumpf could even nail 2 boards together. He "builds" nothing.', ">>{Hans_Brickface} : > Don Cheadle is smart, he knows white people are responsible for what's happening in places like Chicago, with respect to the inner city violence and destruction and calls them out for it. And people say the alt-right crowd are the racists ... What kind of fucking comment is that? I am white, and I assure you I had nothing to do with inner city violence. Edit: And right on cue, here comes the SJW censorship brigade. I call somebody out for making a racist comment and **I'm** the one getting downvoted? You people are pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.", ">>{Hear_that_Cricket} : Could be. It is such a weird year. Trump seems to be inching up on Clinton over the past few weeks. I'm done thinking about it until the debates. The debates will most likely be the most watched TV events in the last decade. Anything and everything could happen.", ">>{YungShemaleToes} : Yes because they just pick any celebrity to be a UN ambassador. Let's just ignore the social work Cheadle has done. Celebrities shouldn't be allowed prestigious jobs or opinions. Fuck all rich people. Am I right?", ">>{kiwisrkool} : Loads of non celebrity's do good work and font become UN ambassadors. They only get picked because of their fame", ">>{StewPedidiot} : I know, September 26th can't come fast enough.", ">>{AnotherDawkins} : Damn. I've been saying that Trump is working for the Clintons for a while now. Glad to see I am not the only one thinking that.", ">>{NateGrey} : > JohnDelmont: Dumb libs think retarded Cheadle knows politics Not very civil. Why does Cheadle's opinion bother you so much?", '>>{I_Sit_When_I_Pee} : Don Cheadle has more Political Experience than Donald Trump.', '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : It will be a unique moment in history. Most people will not switch sides unless there is a huge controversy. This election will be decided by a very small number of votes. I predict a recount.', ">>{Aeschylus-} : Whereas your lot have literally elected an actor to the office and are now considering this clown. But no it's us who have an unhealthy obsession with celebrity", '>>{fuzz_ds} : Anyone who disagrees or criticizes Trump is a liberal, typical Trump supporter tactic.', ">>{gres06} : Did he say it or something worse? I don't know, you tell me!", '>>{JathonVoorheeth} : He talks like the Hulk. Trump smash puny Cheadle. Why puny Cheadle not leave Trump alone?', '>>{Abe_Fro-man} : This is interesting, but I think a more effective way is simply to focus on the legislation aspect first. A lot of these genetic markers are most likely triggered by epigenetic influences that are determined by characteristics of life such as socioeconomic status and how worried are you about dying. Its definitely a cycle, and rather than trying to map the genomes of millions of people and rapidly advance our understanding of epigenetics and population modelling, lets just break the cycle by focusing on things we do understand such as stricter background checks for purchasing firearms (particularly in the areas outside of Chicago) or reducing inequality and unemployment.', ">>{userknamework} : > Trump seems to be inching up on Clinton over the past few weeks [No he hasn't.](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html) Last week RCP average Trump vs Clinton was +5.3 points on average. Today she's +6.3. Two weeks ago, she was +6.3.", ">>{PerniciousPeyton} : You said that completely unironically, didn't you? Wow...", '>>{JathonVoorheeth} : They applauded an elderly fake cowboy for yelling at a chair.', ">>{Gargatua13013} : Either that or he's the GOP's establishment tool to weed out and disgrace the fringe elements which came in with the tea party.", '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : We was kangs memes. I tried to stay subtle=)', ">>{JathonVoorheeth} : It's not the SJW people downvoting you, it's Trump's people.", ">>{Ahab_Ali} : He has sent his best investigators to study Cheadle's blackness and they cannot believe what they are finding.", ">>{Tarkmenistan} : Chicago / Illinois politics for you. At least the Mayor's are good at avoiding jail unlike the last 4 governors.", ">>{formeraide} : Hell no, but maybe they should be a little less confident about what they don't know.", ">>{NateGrey} : > Mods tell it's OK to use 'dumb libs' and 'retarded' as long as it's not directed at another user. So just throwing a tantrum? Not that you had much credibility but you aren't doing yourself any favors by using those words. > Because he's retarded and a dumb lib. If anyone speaks ill of your God emperor they are dumb or do you have a specific example of Cheadle that shows he is dumb?", '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : Not the dreams I have. They involve ex girlfriends and me falling and drowning.', ">>{GoblinDiplomat} : He's a greasy con man bro. It's a little depressing you haven't figured that out yet.", '>>{mikeyriot} : Hard to hold a hammer with such small hands.', ">>{Arasin89} : He means the white people in power in Chicago are responsible, not all white people (yes there are people who *do* say that, no that is not what *he* was saying). It was needlessly inflammatory in a forum such as this where obviously white people participate and might be offended, and it was a silly overgeneralization, but the point he was making wasn't really racist as much as it was just lacking in nuance.", ">>{fuckyoubarry} : I'm just waiting to hear what Ja Rule has to say about all this.", ">>{recursion8} : Came in? They've been there all along, like cockroaches. Trump is just the one ripping up the floorboards.", '>>{aboveandbeyond27} : But what does Ja have to say about all this?', '>>{Intellectuallygifted} : Probably about the same as most rational people say about Trump.', '>>{BlindLemonLars} : Actually, a culture of idiots nominates a TV celebrity as their presidential candidate.', '>>{sfanetti} : Yeah - white people shot that lady. They are so sneaky.', '>>{sfanetti} : You are now a racist because you disagreed. Welcome to the club.', ">>{sfanetti} : Yeah - when a white person in power goes and forces someone to fuck a girl and have a kid out of wedlock then proceeds to ignore the kid's parenting for years as the kid fails through school - then ignores the kid getting into a gang -- let me know. Do you think that black people are mindless automatons that have no responsibility for anything in their life?", '>>{mrjaguar1} : > A Culture of idiots looks to celebrities for moral guidance. [Like this idiot celebrity?](http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0874339/)', ">>{BlindLemonLars} : > Do you use the word libtard in sentences on a regular basis? I'm guessing he frequently wakes up in a cold sweat, shouting it out.", '>>{BlindLemonLars} : The entire Trump campaign is nothing but a giant tantrum. Thankfully, the adults in the room will prevail.', '>>{The_Real_AzorAhai} : Dumb libs think celebrities are fit to comment on politics, cons just think they should run the country', '>>{thinly_veiled_alt} : Sighed. For there were no more shills to buy.', '>>{Alejandro_Last_Name} : His ego is way too big for that, which is also his Achilles heel.', '>>{Arasin89} : Well first of all, I sort of feel like you sped through my comment and made alot of assumptions about my views, since I actually didn\'t say I agreed with OP at all, simply tried to parse his words in a way that seemed more sensible than some of the assumptions others were making about him. So there\'s that. Secondly, yes, I kind of do think that black people, along with white people and brown people and everybody else are as a mass very close to something like automatons, although I would use the words "find it likely" rather than "think", since as far as I can tell I\'m mostly just accepting current scientific research. Although individuals sometimes break trends and rise out of bad circumstances, on the whole it certainly seems like circumstances, whether that be outside circumstances like poverty, radiation, emotional abuse, war, etc or individual circumstances like genes (which are closer to what we consider our "selves" but over which we have no control) or mental disorders or the like, have a colossal amount of influence on the results of our lives and which actions we "choose" to take. Even individuals who seem to rise above such things, it seems fair to conclude, are no less the products of a set of individual circumstances that allowed them to rise above the circumstances controlling most everyone else.', '>>{Arasin89} : And more to the point, as such, when people in power who happen to be white enact policies that, to the best of our abilities to analyze, seem to cause negative results in communities of color, it does not seem incorrect, with certain important qualifications, to assert that to some extent certain "white people" may be held responsible for the damage done to the lives of some "black people", though if blacks were in power the reverse would of course hold just as true.', '>>{Arasin89} : Also, and this is entirely unrelated, how do you do that double space formatting thing?', ">>{sfanetti} : I suppose your perspective was informed by research done by people that had personal autonomy to undertake such research. Your vocabulary implies you had enough autonomy to learn to read at a functional level. Your choices in life that place you in a relatively secure economic context are also a result of your personal autonomy. Otherwise you could argue that something like race predisposes people of some races to be more barbaric and crime prone than others because obviously they have no personal control over their criminality. You could also argue that people of the violent race should not be held accountable for their crimes because they are a product of their genetics and environment. You could argue for genocide of said race because they do not have sentience and are not independent agents capable of acting outside of their programming. This view implies that voting should not be allowed for these people because they do not have agency. It implies that these people cannot sign contracts and thus should not be able to own property. It implied that these people should not be allowed their own private choices because they obviously cannot control their behavior. You are arguing for the relegation of black people to second class citizenship permanently because you think they cannot be held responsible for their actions or choices. Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations. I realize people are a product of their environment. But that does not remove culpability for people's actions. Any person can break the cycle of abuse and poverty and change their patterns of behavior for the better --- regardless of race. I do not accept that people are any different fundamentally. I do not accept that black people cannot be responsible for their own successes and failures. I think all men are created equal and have an equal chance to make something of themselves in America. I cannot accept your surrender to bigotry.", ">>{AnotherDawkins} : Ok then, look at it from his ego's point of view. He is deciding who is the next president. And he is doing incredible harm to the Republican party while doing so. And he is getting a national podium for everyone to see him do it. I'd say all that would suit his ego just fine.", '>>{mathiastodd21} : War Machine in the Marvel Movies. Main guy in Hotel Rwanda.', '>>{Arasin89} : Not gonna help me out with the double space thing huh? That\'s fine. Apologies for the wall of text. As far as your response, no, I kind of don\'t think the research that was done was done by people with the kind of autonomy you\'re referring to. Nor do I think that I had the autonomy to learn to read at a functional level, I think that both of those things were done by people (including myself) interacting with their environment and having their brains execute certain functions as a result. Obviously this sounds weird, because of course I *feel* like I have autonomy, and I\'m open to the notion that I and everybody else do in fact have some, although to what extent I would have to see evidence to really judge. But nonetheless it sure seems like the idea of total autonomy regardless of circumstance doesn\'t have much basis in fact. As far as a "surrender to bigotry" I\'m not sure if you saw where I said that it seems like this is just as true for white people as for blacks, Browns, Asians, and whatever else. When you say that you are aware that people are the product of their environment but then in the next breath go on to say that anyone can just do anything, it seems like you don\'t really believe one or the other. When I say people are the product of their environment (which, remember, includes their outside environment as well as things like their genes, any mental disabilities they may have been born with, any mental illnesses like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder they may have inherited from a parent, any physical limitations) I say that as a result of both what I consider logical (ie, brains are made of atoms and so are chairs, we don\'t expect the atoms of a chair to take action in ways not in accordance with the influence of the atoms that surround it, why expect such a thing of brains) and as a result of observation (ie statistically it is not difficult to show that people who start out poor on average do worse than people who start out rich. Do we think this is just coincidence? If it is because poor people have an inferior culture where do we think that inferior culture is coming from? And why does this happen to almost all poor people and almost no rich people? Inference: poverty results in circumstances that contribute to an inferior culture as well as inferior outcomes). So when asked the question of whether this means that one race is inferior to another, I would ask, what do the facts say? And the facts universally indicate that race has essentially nothing to do with almost anything, not inherently at least. ie If I take a group of white people and blind them because I hate white people, those white people will do badly at soccer, but it won\'t be because they are white, it will be because I blinded them and their whiteness will be a coincidence. As far as we know there is simply no reason to believe that race is determinant of superiority or inferiority, and so that is why we would not commit genocide against any one race, or keep them from voting or signing contracts, because there is no evidence to support that this would be a good idea. (because it would, essentially, be stupid)', ">>{sfanetti} : Obviously we come from very different perspectives. I see things like the introduction of welfare and its perverse incentive of rewarding single motherhood with government support as a system designed to breed dependence. You probably see it as a beautiful example of government helping the underclass. I see people selling drugs and prostituting women and I think those societal ills should be fought through government intervention. You might look at the same thing and think these are business opportunities unfairly delegitimized by the state. . I see guns in the hands of law abiding citizens as a necessity given the masses of well armed criminals in America. You may think criminals are only dangerous because of the guns and removing guns from everyone's hands is your solution. Your perspective implies both a powerlessness and a dependency on government at every level to combat the self interest of people with money. My perspective demands everyone take personal responsibility for their own wellbeing - which implies agency and self-reliance. Human nature dictates that people that receive things they do not earn do not value those things as much as the fruits of their efforts. This is certainly true of the people dependent on government assistance for survival. Humans will freeload if they can. They will take the easy path if they can. They will coast when they can. Creating a false safety net is great for people that fall on temporary hard times but for many this is life. For the people that shoot each other in inner cities - welfare is what fed their family growing up. And now 3 generations of people raised dependent on the system are told that they are powerless not because they are not contributing to society --- but because the white man is holding them down. How is the white man holding them down? A banker pursuing his rational self interest chooses not to lend money to a person with a FICO score of 458. An insurance company increases rates for insurance in a neighborhood that has been plagued with violence. Schools in bad neighborhoods are not well funded because violence causes people with money and minds to leave areas. Crime skyrockets as the darwinian effects of survival in a shitty area continue to have their effect and rather than recognizing and fixing these societal ills that are bound to the behavior of residents -- outsiders are blamed.", '>>{sfanetti} : It seemed to me when you said that white people were the ones causing the problems in the black community that you were implying all white poverty to be caused by something other than the scourge of the evil whites.', '>>{sfanetti} : I think that culture is the driver for poverty. If you have a culture that promotes a strong work ethic and frugal spending you have a much lower likelihood of remaining poor. If you combine that with a respect for learning and ambition - its unlikely to result in the powerless poverty of some of the people about whom we are speaking.', '>>{sfanetti} : In the previous comment you indicated that you did think people were a product of their environments to the point where they did not bear responsibility for their outcomes. You rightly recognize culture as the primary driver for this. You do not assert that poverty in white communities is the result of intentional disruption by outsiders. But you assert that poverty in the black communities is the result of intentional disruption by white people in power. This implies that white poor people are inferior to black poor people because white poor people do not have the barrier of evil white oppression on them all the time - but they are still poor. When you look at the decisions and family lives of white poor people and black poor people, though, you see that same poverty culture and learned helplessness. You see "it takes money to make money" surrender to lack of ambition. You see people that do not try in school and do not try at work. You see people that choose vice as escapes instead of working to better their lives. This is to be expected of poor people. This is human nature. I simply do not accept that the policies of the evil white people are geared toward destroying these powerless poor. I think the evil white people are just trying to do their jobs with rational self interest in mind. The side effect might be that a trade deal goes through that makes a factory job leave a community. But is that the result of racism? Or is it just that a white person deciding to do something for their self interest is inherently racist?', ">>{fuzeebear} : I fully expect Trump to demand release of Cheadle's long-form freedom papers", '>>{Arasin89} : I\'m not going to respond here to most of what you said (apologies) because you\'ve made alot of assumptions about my political positions based on a discussion that, as far as I can see, isn\'t really about political questions. It\'s clear that you basically just went down the list of cliche liberal positions and assumed I hold them dearly, which, besides not being the case, is really outside of the scope of anything I\'ve said. Of course I can see how you made the jump from "he thinks people are products of their environments" to "he probably thinks government should be in control of that environment" bit I would caution you to remember that both government intervention as well as a lack of that intervention are both "environments," and neither is definitionally better than the other. For the answer to that question we would have to rely on evidence from observation of how both work, and that is a project that the human race is still very much in the middle of figuring out.', '>>{Arasin89} : Ah, I can see where the misunderstanding occurred. I said that hypothetically *in an instance where white people in power enacted policies that were detrimental to blacks, that those white people could in a sense be said to have been responsible for (to some extent) the problems within that affected community.* As far as "evil whites" and poor white people not having evil whites to blame and what not, not sure where that came from. White, black, brown, whatever, anyone can have a negative effect on the communities they serve through bad policies. Of course, historically there really were people who could be justifiably referred to as "evil whites" in the sense of their being people in power over black communities who purposefully oppressed them (because of their inaccurate beliefs about them ie bigotry) who were nearly exclusively white, but that is simply an indictment of those specific people and the political and power structures they put in place, not some mystical "all white people" It does seem that in some cases there are certainly people currently in power who whether through malice or apathy have knowingly or unknowingly enacted policies that have negatively affected poor people of all races, and perhaps some more than others, though whether they are racist or not would in my mind be a function of their beliefs about race rather than the results of their actions with regard to minorities. Edit: And to be clear, it would seem definitional that poverty, crime, culture, etc in all communities would be a product of both intentional forces external to that community as well as the exigencies of the swirl of interactions that takes place within that community, whatever the race, income level, location etc of that community.', '>>{Arasin89} : And thanks you, btw for the formatting stuff.', ">>{Hans_Brickface} : > If it is because poor people have an inferior culture where do we think that inferior culture is coming from? And why does this happen to almost all poor people and almost no rich people? I am not a researcher, but I spent nearly 30 years in poverty before getting out, so I think I can speak with some authority on this matter. Poverty, just like genetic diseases, is usually passed down from parent to child. The typical scenario is that you have a guy who impregnates some naive young woman who believes him when he tells her he loves her. And of course, he usually either goes MIA, or to jail. So now she's working long hours to take care of her kids (there's usually at least two) or is too wasted to give a shit, leaving the kids to fend for themselves, which is how they often end up in gangs, or running with a bad crowd. Fast forward to when one of these kids is 18; by the time they get out of high school, they have no idea how to live like a responsible adult and can barely wipe their own ass without help. Hence, they're dysfunctional. And so this dysfunctional person goes on to have their own kids, and the cycle repeats itself indefinitely. Meanwhile, these people are coddled by the Left, and told that their situation is hopeless and blame every bad decision they ever made on those goddamn, greedy rich people. And if you throw in welfare, now you've got generations of people in poverty, hopelessly dependant on the government to survive. Now, conservatives (of which I am NOT), will tell you that this is all done on purpose by the Democrats in order to keep these people dependent on the system and voting Democrat, but I really do think Democrats are genuinely trying to help. They're just doing a piss-poor job at it. As for how I got out myself, I came to learn through time that the reason I was still in poverty in my mid-20's was because of the choices I was making, so I started to make different choices. Small changes at first, but these small changes stacked on top of each other can have a MASSIVE impact on the way your life turns out. So I really think we need to get this message to the people, and hold them accountable to change once they are shown how. And yes, I do think we should help them along the way, but I DON'T think we should simply throw free shit at them indefinitely with zero accountability, unless you want these people to be in poverty forever. Edit: I will also say that I've never really been challenged on this line of thinking. Usually all I get is downvoted. People don't want to hear about personal responsibility, perseverance, and self-determination. (You REALLY want to make America great again? Bring that shit back.) They only want to sit around and argue about who has the most privilege.", '>>{Arasin89} : Sounds pretty reasonable to me, although it seems to me that personal responsibility is no less an effect of the environment (both external and "internal") than anything else. Not that I see you arguing against this, of course, but it does seem that people often imagine a disconnect between the notion of personal responsibility (as a trait a human can acquire and maintain) and the reality that we are shaped by the things around us. I would imagine that this might have something to do with the fact that it is pleasing to imagine that while our obstacles and even some of the things that benefit us come from an external source, in the end it is some kind of soul or spirit that we can have exclusive ownership of that actually *makes* the choices that bring us out of dark places. In other words, we want to believe that our choices matter, and we ensure this perception by mentally separating our choices from the influences of the environment, when in reality, as it seems to me, our choices as the thought processes produced by our brain as well as the actions that we then take are no less (or perhaps not *much* less) a product of the reality of physical processes that we are a part of than hurricanes and rainbows. That being said, certainly a culture that places importance on empowering the individual to at the very least feel that they are able to make choices that direct their future would, I\'d think, be preferable, in terms of the progress of a society, to one which promotes a melancholy feeling of powerlessness based on determinism, no matter how strictly accurate that might be. Luckily, I don\'t think there is such a need for the acknowledgement of a relatively deterministic reality to necessarily undercut a sense of agency and personal determination, but that\'s at this point straying rather far afield from the topic at hand. I\'d caution that, as far as what "the left" may be guilty of in terms of coddling or, as another commenter put it, the bigotry of low expectations, much of what you mentioned comes from young people with little understanding of the world and the nuances of society and culture. I very much do not see, for instance, Obama as a figure who has promoted the notion of dependence on handouts etc. Nor does Hillary or Tim Kaine seem likely to emphasize that as an ideal. Rather, an emphasis on providing a break in cycles of poverty through increased access to early childhood education and better funding for inner city cultural programs, as well as, of course, attempts to organize our tax burden in such a way as to take more from those who can afford it so as to be able to provide the aforementioned cycle breaking services to those at the bottom (services which, by the way, tend to place quite alot of emphasis, in my experience, on personal potential and responsibility rather than on blaming ones problems on others) has seemed to be at the forefront of the current admin\'s ideas regarding the poor etc. (although, of course, the reality is much more complex than that simplistic picture)', ">>{Hans_Brickface} : I'm not saying that we aren't products of our environment, because we very much are. In fact, before I started to make my transition, I was just as dysfunctional as everyone around me. (And in some ways, I still am.) For whatever reason though, I was able to see an escape route where almost none of the others did. In that sense, I guess you could say I was lucky. But the good news is, although we are products of our environment, we aren't _slaves_ to it. We can decide to make different choices than we have in the past and forge a new direction for ourselves. That's what makes us different from animals. If I had known this information at age 18, I could've gotten out of poverty 7-8 years sooner than I actually did. But nobody ever told me. I had to figure it out for myself. The only thing I was ever told is that the State was my only salvation. > Obama as a figure who has promoted the notion of dependence on handouts etc. Nor does Hillary or Tim Kaine seem likely to emphasize that as an ideal. I know that's not what they intend, but five decades of the poor voting Democrat, and where has that gotten them? Answer: nowhere. I **DO** think there is room for social programs, and in fact things have gotten so screwed up that they're going to be necessary in order to undo the mess that has been created. But I also think they should be reserved for the people who are ready to work hard and turn their lives around, which will hopefully encourage the others to do same eventually. In other words, we should be rewarding people for effort, not for doing stupid shit like having kids they can't afford to raise. I guess the tl;dr version of my posts here is that conservatives say they need to exercise some personal responsibility and a paradigm shift in thinking, while liberals say they need handouts. IMO, they're both right. You can't really have one without the other."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Cdwollan} : Citing Dunning-Kruger is like citing something from the Wikipedia list of argumentative fallacies. Ultimately it just seems childish. Either there are other things you can use to shoot holes in somebody's argument so what's the point or there's nothing else to use so there isn't a leg to stand on.", ">>{clone822} : Donald Trump as president makes exactly as much sense as Rick Perry heading the Dept of Energy. I'm sure Trump would agree.", '>>{justiceslade} : Except this is from the lead psychiatrist of the study, Dr. Dunning himself, not some random anonymous internet troll.', ">>{worff} : Let's not mince words. Trump is an idiot. Everyone can understand that and everyone can see how having an idiot as President could be dangerous.", ">>{shhhhquiet} : It's almost as if OP thought he knew more about the article than he did because he was missing crucial information!", '>>{Cdwollan} : Regardless of the source, there is plenty of fodder for the Trump denouncement machine. Throwing around the "diagnosis" is overused to the point of being a joke (which the piece and Dunning actually acknowledge).', ">>{justiceslade} : He acknowledges its overused and usually used incorrectly, then goes on to say trump seems to be a classic example of it. Just because it's often misused, we shouldn't shy away from Dunning-Kruger when the description is apt. I would take Dunning's word over pretty much anyone else's as to when that's the case.", ">>{Cdwollan} : But there are simply far more creative ways to go about it. And so, attempting to be clinical in this context comes off as the readers acting like a child that so yearns to be seen as a responsible adult. Ultimately it's cute and silly but means little.", ">>{fuzeebear} : Why does he have to be creative? He's not aiming for theatrics or prose.", ">>{fuzeebear} : Damn, if only there was an apt description for such a proclivity to overestimate one's knowledge while failing to see expertise in others.", ">>{shhhhquiet} : Based on my extensive knowledge of the subject (I mean how hard can it be? I'm basically already an expert) I am absolutely sure it hasn't already been described and named. Let's call this brand new thing we just discovered the fuzeebear-shhhhquiet effect.", '>>{D-Juice} : > “Dunning-Kruger should cause people to reflect on themselves, not to throw epithets at others.” This is the important point. Dunning-Kruger doesn\'t apply to individuals, it applies to circumstances. Very highly educated people are extremely susceptible to it because they\'re used to thinking of themselves as smart and don\'t always appreciate the complexity of things they\'ve never seen fit to study. Dunning-Kruger probably does apply to Trump - as second fiddle to the insecure narcissism of the rich kid who\'ll never live up to daddy\'s expectations - but it applies at least as much to the smug liberals who can only explain their loss as "too many stupid people". Apolitical nonsense.', '>>{Sallytoo} : Unfortunately, roughly 43% of the country cannot see this.', '>>{Sallytoo} : I mean, empirically the best predictors of support for Trump are how racist you are and how uneducated you are.', '>>{hecate37} : the horrific part, the more you know, the more you know what you don\'t know. and that truth thing, if it really exists or is a dynamic sort of wonderful thing to build on forever until the end of time. sudden conclusions without research based on emotions is dangerous, we know that now. but how to stop it? it\'s like some sort of frenzy is going on ... at fb in particular. these people have been going at it non-stop for a decade now. making posts that never change anybody\'s opinion ever, but generate so much anger and animosity over absolutely nothing - between "images" of people. we have to talk about it ... i\'m not the only one who sees it. i know that.', '>>{D-Juice} : Urban vs rural was the strongest predictor IIRC: places where investment happens vs everywhere else. But regardless, Trump did not win because large numbers of people voted for him, he won on a low turnout because large numbers of people did not vote Democrat. For many, that was precisely because the Democrats could not come up with anything more reflective than "only ignorant racists could fail to see how fucking amazing we are". For the rest, it was down to the Dems spending the last fortnight screaming "it\'s OK, we got this, she can\'t lose - stay home reluctant anti-Trump voters, we don\'t need you." Stupid, stupid, stupid. And totally Dunning-Kruger. Too smug to question their own ridiculously ignorant assumptions let alone listen to anyone trying to tell them. Brexit gave them more than 4 months to think it through properly but they still didn\'t fucking listen.', '>>{Cdwollan} : True but an eloquent and quick wit is far more effective than shouting the same tired phrase at convincing people.'], ['>>{Intellectuallygifted} : Don Cheadle To Trump After Dwyane Wade Comment: “You Truly Are A POS”', ">>{drparton21} : I don't know what he is, other than correct.", '>>{joker68} : POS is Presidential as fuck. Hillary is counting on it.', '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : Yup. I agree. Rahm Emanuel is a seriously corrupt piece of shit.', '>>{thefirstandonly} : Trump attacked back: "Don Cheadle is a 6 at best, a lightweight. I\'m hearing he isn\'t even black, look this guy parades around using only his skin color, which look, he\'s a mix at best. The blacks love me, this guy doesn\'t love me, he\'s not black"', ">>{StewPedidiot} : He's not trying to make as ny sense. He's just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.", '>>{Trumpicana} : but what does ja rule think? A Culture of idiots looks to celebrities for moral guidance.', ">>{StewPedidiot} : Last I heard Trumps losing the college educated white demographic. A group that's been voting republican for years.", ">>{123gogogogo} : Woah, that's some next level commentary there chief! Do you use the word libtard in sentences on a regular basis?", '>>{Intellectuallygifted} : Hey genius, Trump is a celebrity. It was called The Apprentice. LMAO!!!!', '>>{Trumpicana} : He was a business man who built things long before he was a celebrity.', '>>{lecturermoriarty} : I cant tell if you made this up or he actually said it.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Celebrities like Trump? He has zero political experience. He's just a loudmouth reality star. Let's elect Jessica Simpson or Puck.", ">>{Eradicator_1729} : Lol. Trump is by his own admission a *brand*. He's no leader.", '>>{Trumpicana} : So were just going to ignore that he became a celebrity because hes a rich business man?', ">>{el-toro-loco} : I don't really care about celebrity opinions, but baseless name-calling is a Trump tactic", '>>{formeraide} : It\'s a fact that Trump scores better with people of lower education, especially men. http://www.businessinsider.com/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-polls-2016-8 ""The main factor behind the current GOP nominee\'s underperformance among white voters is his lack of support among white women with a college degree. Trump holds sizable leads among white men without a college degree (31 points; 56% to 25%), white men with a college degree (11 points; 45% to 34%), and white women without a college degree (17 points; 49% to 32%)." White men without a college degree is by far his best demographic. Romney won white women with a degree by 6%, while Trump is losing with them by 30%.', ">>{canadian_eskimo} : I've heard some really smart people talking about Trump saying this. I didn't hear but the smart people are talking about it.", '>>{zherok} : No shortage of vacuous rich celebrities famous solely because of their prior wealth. What makes Trump worth listening to, exactly?', '>>{formeraide} : You do realize that someone with learning impairment would write comments that look a lot like yours?', '>>{YungShemaleToes} : Don Cheadle is an embassador for the U.N. It is very disingenuous to compare him to Ja Rule and label him as just a celebrity.', '>>{Intellectuallygifted} : By "built" do you mean inheriting a large sum of money?', '>>{machocamacho88} : Hehe I was about to go look for this.', ">>{Peepsandspoops} : Cheadle will never recover from such witty and well thought out insults! I'm sure he's crying into a big pile of money as we speak. Good job, Trump is surely going to win now! You've won the internet!", ">>{Phuck-n-a} : You're right and it started when republicans elected Reagan because he was an actor. He didn't have a clue what was going on but the GOP new they could manipulate him easily.", ">>{kiwisrkool} : He's an ambassador of the UN, because he's a celebrity, I assume", '>>{JathonVoorheeth} : He chants it like a mantra every night while he cleans his guns and smears lipstick all over his face.', ">>{kiwisrkool} : Yep, let's take the vote away from dumb people", ">>{zherok} : He runs a successful brand: himself. Again, no shortage of those among the vacuous rich. Kim Kardashian does much the same thing, and I'm not about to go seeking her out on political advice. At some point, the fame becomes recursive, famous for being famous. That these individuals are savvy enough to make money off it doesn't suddenly mean their opinions should carry weight elsewhere.", ">>{Hear_that_Cricket} : You gave stats for Republicans. Thanks for the research. What were Obama's stats for educated black voters?", ">>{Scarletyoshi} : So does Kim Kardashian. Difference is Kim isn't a racist piece of shit.", '>>{Blue_Team4President} : I doubt Drumpf could even nail 2 boards together. He "builds" nothing.', ">>{Hans_Brickface} : > Don Cheadle is smart, he knows white people are responsible for what's happening in places like Chicago, with respect to the inner city violence and destruction and calls them out for it. And people say the alt-right crowd are the racists ... What kind of fucking comment is that? I am white, and I assure you I had nothing to do with inner city violence. Edit: And right on cue, here comes the SJW censorship brigade. I call somebody out for making a racist comment and **I'm** the one getting downvoted? You people are pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.", ">>{Hear_that_Cricket} : Could be. It is such a weird year. Trump seems to be inching up on Clinton over the past few weeks. I'm done thinking about it until the debates. The debates will most likely be the most watched TV events in the last decade. Anything and everything could happen.", ">>{YungShemaleToes} : Yes because they just pick any celebrity to be a UN ambassador. Let's just ignore the social work Cheadle has done. Celebrities shouldn't be allowed prestigious jobs or opinions. Fuck all rich people. Am I right?", ">>{kiwisrkool} : Loads of non celebrity's do good work and font become UN ambassadors. They only get picked because of their fame", ">>{StewPedidiot} : I know, September 26th can't come fast enough.", ">>{AnotherDawkins} : Damn. I've been saying that Trump is working for the Clintons for a while now. Glad to see I am not the only one thinking that.", ">>{NateGrey} : > JohnDelmont: Dumb libs think retarded Cheadle knows politics Not very civil. Why does Cheadle's opinion bother you so much?", '>>{I_Sit_When_I_Pee} : Don Cheadle has more Political Experience than Donald Trump.', '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : It will be a unique moment in history. Most people will not switch sides unless there is a huge controversy. This election will be decided by a very small number of votes. I predict a recount.', ">>{Aeschylus-} : Whereas your lot have literally elected an actor to the office and are now considering this clown. But no it's us who have an unhealthy obsession with celebrity", '>>{fuzz_ds} : Anyone who disagrees or criticizes Trump is a liberal, typical Trump supporter tactic.', ">>{gres06} : Did he say it or something worse? I don't know, you tell me!", '>>{JathonVoorheeth} : He talks like the Hulk. Trump smash puny Cheadle. Why puny Cheadle not leave Trump alone?', '>>{Abe_Fro-man} : This is interesting, but I think a more effective way is simply to focus on the legislation aspect first. A lot of these genetic markers are most likely triggered by epigenetic influences that are determined by characteristics of life such as socioeconomic status and how worried are you about dying. Its definitely a cycle, and rather than trying to map the genomes of millions of people and rapidly advance our understanding of epigenetics and population modelling, lets just break the cycle by focusing on things we do understand such as stricter background checks for purchasing firearms (particularly in the areas outside of Chicago) or reducing inequality and unemployment.', ">>{userknamework} : > Trump seems to be inching up on Clinton over the past few weeks [No he hasn't.](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html) Last week RCP average Trump vs Clinton was +5.3 points on average. Today she's +6.3. Two weeks ago, she was +6.3.", ">>{PerniciousPeyton} : You said that completely unironically, didn't you? Wow...", '>>{JathonVoorheeth} : They applauded an elderly fake cowboy for yelling at a chair.', ">>{Gargatua13013} : Either that or he's the GOP's establishment tool to weed out and disgrace the fringe elements which came in with the tea party.", '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : We was kangs memes. I tried to stay subtle=)', ">>{JathonVoorheeth} : It's not the SJW people downvoting you, it's Trump's people.", ">>{Ahab_Ali} : He has sent his best investigators to study Cheadle's blackness and they cannot believe what they are finding.", ">>{Tarkmenistan} : Chicago / Illinois politics for you. At least the Mayor's are good at avoiding jail unlike the last 4 governors.", ">>{formeraide} : Hell no, but maybe they should be a little less confident about what they don't know.", ">>{NateGrey} : > Mods tell it's OK to use 'dumb libs' and 'retarded' as long as it's not directed at another user. So just throwing a tantrum? Not that you had much credibility but you aren't doing yourself any favors by using those words. > Because he's retarded and a dumb lib. If anyone speaks ill of your God emperor they are dumb or do you have a specific example of Cheadle that shows he is dumb?", '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : Not the dreams I have. They involve ex girlfriends and me falling and drowning.', ">>{GoblinDiplomat} : He's a greasy con man bro. It's a little depressing you haven't figured that out yet.", '>>{mikeyriot} : Hard to hold a hammer with such small hands.', ">>{Arasin89} : He means the white people in power in Chicago are responsible, not all white people (yes there are people who *do* say that, no that is not what *he* was saying). It was needlessly inflammatory in a forum such as this where obviously white people participate and might be offended, and it was a silly overgeneralization, but the point he was making wasn't really racist as much as it was just lacking in nuance.", ">>{fuckyoubarry} : I'm just waiting to hear what Ja Rule has to say about all this.", ">>{recursion8} : Came in? They've been there all along, like cockroaches. Trump is just the one ripping up the floorboards.", '>>{aboveandbeyond27} : But what does Ja have to say about all this?', '>>{Intellectuallygifted} : Probably about the same as most rational people say about Trump.', '>>{BlindLemonLars} : Actually, a culture of idiots nominates a TV celebrity as their presidential candidate.', '>>{sfanetti} : Yeah - white people shot that lady. They are so sneaky.', '>>{sfanetti} : You are now a racist because you disagreed. Welcome to the club.', ">>{sfanetti} : Yeah - when a white person in power goes and forces someone to fuck a girl and have a kid out of wedlock then proceeds to ignore the kid's parenting for years as the kid fails through school - then ignores the kid getting into a gang -- let me know. Do you think that black people are mindless automatons that have no responsibility for anything in their life?", '>>{mrjaguar1} : > A Culture of idiots looks to celebrities for moral guidance. [Like this idiot celebrity?](http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0874339/)', ">>{BlindLemonLars} : > Do you use the word libtard in sentences on a regular basis? I'm guessing he frequently wakes up in a cold sweat, shouting it out.", '>>{BlindLemonLars} : The entire Trump campaign is nothing but a giant tantrum. Thankfully, the adults in the room will prevail.', '>>{The_Real_AzorAhai} : Dumb libs think celebrities are fit to comment on politics, cons just think they should run the country', '>>{thinly_veiled_alt} : Sighed. For there were no more shills to buy.', '>>{Alejandro_Last_Name} : His ego is way too big for that, which is also his Achilles heel.', '>>{Arasin89} : Well first of all, I sort of feel like you sped through my comment and made alot of assumptions about my views, since I actually didn\'t say I agreed with OP at all, simply tried to parse his words in a way that seemed more sensible than some of the assumptions others were making about him. So there\'s that. Secondly, yes, I kind of do think that black people, along with white people and brown people and everybody else are as a mass very close to something like automatons, although I would use the words "find it likely" rather than "think", since as far as I can tell I\'m mostly just accepting current scientific research. Although individuals sometimes break trends and rise out of bad circumstances, on the whole it certainly seems like circumstances, whether that be outside circumstances like poverty, radiation, emotional abuse, war, etc or individual circumstances like genes (which are closer to what we consider our "selves" but over which we have no control) or mental disorders or the like, have a colossal amount of influence on the results of our lives and which actions we "choose" to take. Even individuals who seem to rise above such things, it seems fair to conclude, are no less the products of a set of individual circumstances that allowed them to rise above the circumstances controlling most everyone else.', '>>{Arasin89} : And more to the point, as such, when people in power who happen to be white enact policies that, to the best of our abilities to analyze, seem to cause negative results in communities of color, it does not seem incorrect, with certain important qualifications, to assert that to some extent certain "white people" may be held responsible for the damage done to the lives of some "black people", though if blacks were in power the reverse would of course hold just as true.', '>>{Arasin89} : Also, and this is entirely unrelated, how do you do that double space formatting thing?', ">>{sfanetti} : I suppose your perspective was informed by research done by people that had personal autonomy to undertake such research. Your vocabulary implies you had enough autonomy to learn to read at a functional level. Your choices in life that place you in a relatively secure economic context are also a result of your personal autonomy. Otherwise you could argue that something like race predisposes people of some races to be more barbaric and crime prone than others because obviously they have no personal control over their criminality. You could also argue that people of the violent race should not be held accountable for their crimes because they are a product of their genetics and environment. You could argue for genocide of said race because they do not have sentience and are not independent agents capable of acting outside of their programming. This view implies that voting should not be allowed for these people because they do not have agency. It implies that these people cannot sign contracts and thus should not be able to own property. It implied that these people should not be allowed their own private choices because they obviously cannot control their behavior. You are arguing for the relegation of black people to second class citizenship permanently because you think they cannot be held responsible for their actions or choices. Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations. I realize people are a product of their environment. But that does not remove culpability for people's actions. Any person can break the cycle of abuse and poverty and change their patterns of behavior for the better --- regardless of race. I do not accept that people are any different fundamentally. I do not accept that black people cannot be responsible for their own successes and failures. I think all men are created equal and have an equal chance to make something of themselves in America. I cannot accept your surrender to bigotry.", ">>{AnotherDawkins} : Ok then, look at it from his ego's point of view. He is deciding who is the next president. And he is doing incredible harm to the Republican party while doing so. And he is getting a national podium for everyone to see him do it. I'd say all that would suit his ego just fine.", '>>{mathiastodd21} : War Machine in the Marvel Movies. Main guy in Hotel Rwanda.', '>>{Arasin89} : Not gonna help me out with the double space thing huh? That\'s fine. Apologies for the wall of text. As far as your response, no, I kind of don\'t think the research that was done was done by people with the kind of autonomy you\'re referring to. Nor do I think that I had the autonomy to learn to read at a functional level, I think that both of those things were done by people (including myself) interacting with their environment and having their brains execute certain functions as a result. Obviously this sounds weird, because of course I *feel* like I have autonomy, and I\'m open to the notion that I and everybody else do in fact have some, although to what extent I would have to see evidence to really judge. But nonetheless it sure seems like the idea of total autonomy regardless of circumstance doesn\'t have much basis in fact. As far as a "surrender to bigotry" I\'m not sure if you saw where I said that it seems like this is just as true for white people as for blacks, Browns, Asians, and whatever else. When you say that you are aware that people are the product of their environment but then in the next breath go on to say that anyone can just do anything, it seems like you don\'t really believe one or the other. When I say people are the product of their environment (which, remember, includes their outside environment as well as things like their genes, any mental disabilities they may have been born with, any mental illnesses like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder they may have inherited from a parent, any physical limitations) I say that as a result of both what I consider logical (ie, brains are made of atoms and so are chairs, we don\'t expect the atoms of a chair to take action in ways not in accordance with the influence of the atoms that surround it, why expect such a thing of brains) and as a result of observation (ie statistically it is not difficult to show that people who start out poor on average do worse than people who start out rich. Do we think this is just coincidence? If it is because poor people have an inferior culture where do we think that inferior culture is coming from? And why does this happen to almost all poor people and almost no rich people? Inference: poverty results in circumstances that contribute to an inferior culture as well as inferior outcomes). So when asked the question of whether this means that one race is inferior to another, I would ask, what do the facts say? And the facts universally indicate that race has essentially nothing to do with almost anything, not inherently at least. ie If I take a group of white people and blind them because I hate white people, those white people will do badly at soccer, but it won\'t be because they are white, it will be because I blinded them and their whiteness will be a coincidence. As far as we know there is simply no reason to believe that race is determinant of superiority or inferiority, and so that is why we would not commit genocide against any one race, or keep them from voting or signing contracts, because there is no evidence to support that this would be a good idea. (because it would, essentially, be stupid)', ">>{sfanetti} : Obviously we come from very different perspectives. I see things like the introduction of welfare and its perverse incentive of rewarding single motherhood with government support as a system designed to breed dependence. You probably see it as a beautiful example of government helping the underclass. I see people selling drugs and prostituting women and I think those societal ills should be fought through government intervention. You might look at the same thing and think these are business opportunities unfairly delegitimized by the state. . I see guns in the hands of law abiding citizens as a necessity given the masses of well armed criminals in America. You may think criminals are only dangerous because of the guns and removing guns from everyone's hands is your solution. Your perspective implies both a powerlessness and a dependency on government at every level to combat the self interest of people with money. My perspective demands everyone take personal responsibility for their own wellbeing - which implies agency and self-reliance. Human nature dictates that people that receive things they do not earn do not value those things as much as the fruits of their efforts. This is certainly true of the people dependent on government assistance for survival. Humans will freeload if they can. They will take the easy path if they can. They will coast when they can. Creating a false safety net is great for people that fall on temporary hard times but for many this is life. For the people that shoot each other in inner cities - welfare is what fed their family growing up. And now 3 generations of people raised dependent on the system are told that they are powerless not because they are not contributing to society --- but because the white man is holding them down. How is the white man holding them down? A banker pursuing his rational self interest chooses not to lend money to a person with a FICO score of 458. An insurance company increases rates for insurance in a neighborhood that has been plagued with violence. Schools in bad neighborhoods are not well funded because violence causes people with money and minds to leave areas. Crime skyrockets as the darwinian effects of survival in a shitty area continue to have their effect and rather than recognizing and fixing these societal ills that are bound to the behavior of residents -- outsiders are blamed.", '>>{sfanetti} : It seemed to me when you said that white people were the ones causing the problems in the black community that you were implying all white poverty to be caused by something other than the scourge of the evil whites.', '>>{sfanetti} : I think that culture is the driver for poverty. If you have a culture that promotes a strong work ethic and frugal spending you have a much lower likelihood of remaining poor. If you combine that with a respect for learning and ambition - its unlikely to result in the powerless poverty of some of the people about whom we are speaking.', '>>{sfanetti} : In the previous comment you indicated that you did think people were a product of their environments to the point where they did not bear responsibility for their outcomes. You rightly recognize culture as the primary driver for this. You do not assert that poverty in white communities is the result of intentional disruption by outsiders. But you assert that poverty in the black communities is the result of intentional disruption by white people in power. This implies that white poor people are inferior to black poor people because white poor people do not have the barrier of evil white oppression on them all the time - but they are still poor. When you look at the decisions and family lives of white poor people and black poor people, though, you see that same poverty culture and learned helplessness. You see "it takes money to make money" surrender to lack of ambition. You see people that do not try in school and do not try at work. You see people that choose vice as escapes instead of working to better their lives. This is to be expected of poor people. This is human nature. I simply do not accept that the policies of the evil white people are geared toward destroying these powerless poor. I think the evil white people are just trying to do their jobs with rational self interest in mind. The side effect might be that a trade deal goes through that makes a factory job leave a community. But is that the result of racism? Or is it just that a white person deciding to do something for their self interest is inherently racist?', ">>{fuzeebear} : I fully expect Trump to demand release of Cheadle's long-form freedom papers", '>>{Arasin89} : I\'m not going to respond here to most of what you said (apologies) because you\'ve made alot of assumptions about my political positions based on a discussion that, as far as I can see, isn\'t really about political questions. It\'s clear that you basically just went down the list of cliche liberal positions and assumed I hold them dearly, which, besides not being the case, is really outside of the scope of anything I\'ve said. Of course I can see how you made the jump from "he thinks people are products of their environments" to "he probably thinks government should be in control of that environment" bit I would caution you to remember that both government intervention as well as a lack of that intervention are both "environments," and neither is definitionally better than the other. For the answer to that question we would have to rely on evidence from observation of how both work, and that is a project that the human race is still very much in the middle of figuring out.', '>>{Arasin89} : Ah, I can see where the misunderstanding occurred. I said that hypothetically *in an instance where white people in power enacted policies that were detrimental to blacks, that those white people could in a sense be said to have been responsible for (to some extent) the problems within that affected community.* As far as "evil whites" and poor white people not having evil whites to blame and what not, not sure where that came from. White, black, brown, whatever, anyone can have a negative effect on the communities they serve through bad policies. Of course, historically there really were people who could be justifiably referred to as "evil whites" in the sense of their being people in power over black communities who purposefully oppressed them (because of their inaccurate beliefs about them ie bigotry) who were nearly exclusively white, but that is simply an indictment of those specific people and the political and power structures they put in place, not some mystical "all white people" It does seem that in some cases there are certainly people currently in power who whether through malice or apathy have knowingly or unknowingly enacted policies that have negatively affected poor people of all races, and perhaps some more than others, though whether they are racist or not would in my mind be a function of their beliefs about race rather than the results of their actions with regard to minorities. Edit: And to be clear, it would seem definitional that poverty, crime, culture, etc in all communities would be a product of both intentional forces external to that community as well as the exigencies of the swirl of interactions that takes place within that community, whatever the race, income level, location etc of that community.', '>>{Arasin89} : And thanks you, btw for the formatting stuff.', ">>{Hans_Brickface} : > If it is because poor people have an inferior culture where do we think that inferior culture is coming from? And why does this happen to almost all poor people and almost no rich people? I am not a researcher, but I spent nearly 30 years in poverty before getting out, so I think I can speak with some authority on this matter. Poverty, just like genetic diseases, is usually passed down from parent to child. The typical scenario is that you have a guy who impregnates some naive young woman who believes him when he tells her he loves her. And of course, he usually either goes MIA, or to jail. So now she's working long hours to take care of her kids (there's usually at least two) or is too wasted to give a shit, leaving the kids to fend for themselves, which is how they often end up in gangs, or running with a bad crowd. Fast forward to when one of these kids is 18; by the time they get out of high school, they have no idea how to live like a responsible adult and can barely wipe their own ass without help. Hence, they're dysfunctional. And so this dysfunctional person goes on to have their own kids, and the cycle repeats itself indefinitely. Meanwhile, these people are coddled by the Left, and told that their situation is hopeless and blame every bad decision they ever made on those goddamn, greedy rich people. And if you throw in welfare, now you've got generations of people in poverty, hopelessly dependant on the government to survive. Now, conservatives (of which I am NOT), will tell you that this is all done on purpose by the Democrats in order to keep these people dependent on the system and voting Democrat, but I really do think Democrats are genuinely trying to help. They're just doing a piss-poor job at it. As for how I got out myself, I came to learn through time that the reason I was still in poverty in my mid-20's was because of the choices I was making, so I started to make different choices. Small changes at first, but these small changes stacked on top of each other can have a MASSIVE impact on the way your life turns out. So I really think we need to get this message to the people, and hold them accountable to change once they are shown how. And yes, I do think we should help them along the way, but I DON'T think we should simply throw free shit at them indefinitely with zero accountability, unless you want these people to be in poverty forever. Edit: I will also say that I've never really been challenged on this line of thinking. Usually all I get is downvoted. People don't want to hear about personal responsibility, perseverance, and self-determination. (You REALLY want to make America great again? Bring that shit back.) They only want to sit around and argue about who has the most privilege.", '>>{Arasin89} : Sounds pretty reasonable to me, although it seems to me that personal responsibility is no less an effect of the environment (both external and "internal") than anything else. Not that I see you arguing against this, of course, but it does seem that people often imagine a disconnect between the notion of personal responsibility (as a trait a human can acquire and maintain) and the reality that we are shaped by the things around us. I would imagine that this might have something to do with the fact that it is pleasing to imagine that while our obstacles and even some of the things that benefit us come from an external source, in the end it is some kind of soul or spirit that we can have exclusive ownership of that actually *makes* the choices that bring us out of dark places. In other words, we want to believe that our choices matter, and we ensure this perception by mentally separating our choices from the influences of the environment, when in reality, as it seems to me, our choices as the thought processes produced by our brain as well as the actions that we then take are no less (or perhaps not *much* less) a product of the reality of physical processes that we are a part of than hurricanes and rainbows. That being said, certainly a culture that places importance on empowering the individual to at the very least feel that they are able to make choices that direct their future would, I\'d think, be preferable, in terms of the progress of a society, to one which promotes a melancholy feeling of powerlessness based on determinism, no matter how strictly accurate that might be. Luckily, I don\'t think there is such a need for the acknowledgement of a relatively deterministic reality to necessarily undercut a sense of agency and personal determination, but that\'s at this point straying rather far afield from the topic at hand. I\'d caution that, as far as what "the left" may be guilty of in terms of coddling or, as another commenter put it, the bigotry of low expectations, much of what you mentioned comes from young people with little understanding of the world and the nuances of society and culture. I very much do not see, for instance, Obama as a figure who has promoted the notion of dependence on handouts etc. Nor does Hillary or Tim Kaine seem likely to emphasize that as an ideal. Rather, an emphasis on providing a break in cycles of poverty through increased access to early childhood education and better funding for inner city cultural programs, as well as, of course, attempts to organize our tax burden in such a way as to take more from those who can afford it so as to be able to provide the aforementioned cycle breaking services to those at the bottom (services which, by the way, tend to place quite alot of emphasis, in my experience, on personal potential and responsibility rather than on blaming ones problems on others) has seemed to be at the forefront of the current admin\'s ideas regarding the poor etc. (although, of course, the reality is much more complex than that simplistic picture)', ">>{Hans_Brickface} : I'm not saying that we aren't products of our environment, because we very much are. In fact, before I started to make my transition, I was just as dysfunctional as everyone around me. (And in some ways, I still am.) For whatever reason though, I was able to see an escape route where almost none of the others did. In that sense, I guess you could say I was lucky. But the good news is, although we are products of our environment, we aren't _slaves_ to it. We can decide to make different choices than we have in the past and forge a new direction for ourselves. That's what makes us different from animals. If I had known this information at age 18, I could've gotten out of poverty 7-8 years sooner than I actually did. But nobody ever told me. I had to figure it out for myself. The only thing I was ever told is that the State was my only salvation. > Obama as a figure who has promoted the notion of dependence on handouts etc. Nor does Hillary or Tim Kaine seem likely to emphasize that as an ideal. I know that's not what they intend, but five decades of the poor voting Democrat, and where has that gotten them? Answer: nowhere. I **DO** think there is room for social programs, and in fact things have gotten so screwed up that they're going to be necessary in order to undo the mess that has been created. But I also think they should be reserved for the people who are ready to work hard and turn their lives around, which will hopefully encourage the others to do same eventually. In other words, we should be rewarding people for effort, not for doing stupid shit like having kids they can't afford to raise. I guess the tl;dr version of my posts here is that conservatives say they need to exercise some personal responsibility and a paradigm shift in thinking, while liberals say they need handouts. IMO, they're both right. You can't really have one without the other."], [">>{BigBossu} : Should just be the red pin on a white background so it's consistent with the other designs.", ">>{TrizzaElemental} : I hate google apps for the opposite reason. The white edge is terrible and looks cheap next two well designed icons. The drive icon would be perfect if the background was transparent. The Google Maps app is the only one that doesn't stick out for poor design to me.", '>>{Jorgesarcos} : This exactly! LOL the least of my worries is the icon.', '>>{cjsenecal} : Find one more app like the others (if there is one) and put Maps in the center. Would look better at least.', '>>{PANSIES_FOR_ALL} : The icon for Street View is also well designed.', ">>{WakaiSenshi} : Yeah last night I needed directions to a friends house and decided to give maps another go. While it was giving directions I looked at the way it was taking me and noticed it was making me take a huge detour for no reason. I then opened up google maps and it just basically said go straight until I hit a certain road then make a right and I'm there.", ">>{Qruk} : Nah, they should follow google maps' design; going to a white background with icon in middle is horrendous.", '>>{DeathVoxxxx} : Put the Google Maps icon in the middle. A little tip I got from this sub.', '>>{Ninjewx} : Googles maps is far superior in every way to every other mapping app. I am not sure why so many people argue against this fact.', '>>{JanP3000} : Apple Maps is a great app, but the actual information is mostly just horrible. Same with weather, great app, bad information.', '>>{russellalbert} : Yes but a map app no matter how good is only as good as the data in it', '>>{yuhche} : Get why they call it **Google** Maps as just Maps could cause confusion and finding it in the App Store could be difficult but their other apps go without Google in their name.', '>>{Fendahl_core} : I agree. Apple Maps is a great app apart from the fact that it sucks. Kind of like the way Siri is a great virtual assistant, except for not working well at all.', '>>{TheBr0fessor} : I relate, but I keep mine in the "dock" so that it matches phone, messages, and email. It\'s the only Google app that "fits in" there (and as you noted, the only Google app that doesn\'t fit in with the other Gapps).', ">>{yuhche} : Yes and I was talking about their names. It's a discussion platform and goes further to show Google's inconsistencies.", ">>{Yo_2T} : I find Google Maps to be less accurate with new highway systems. There's this bundle of highways in my area (495-395-95 meet together), there's exits left and right with over passes and ramps everywhere. Google Maps always makes me take the exit that will make me immediately have to cut across 4 lanes for another exit, while I can just take the appropriate exit to gp straight there. These exits aren't exactly new (2+ years) already so I don't know why it's still like that. I find Waze to be much better for heavy traffic too. Google Maps doesn't react to road closures as quickly since Waze is crowd sourced.", ">>{Ninjewx} : Interesting. I believe you, but when I used to drive around DC a lot I found Google Maps to be much easier to follow than Waze. Waze just looks confusing sometimes, and it also told me to get into an EZ-Pass only lane and I didn't have one at the time. Also isn't Waze connected to Google Maps? I thought they shared the crowd sourcing reports of accidents and closures.", '>>{Yo_2T} : Hah EZ-Pass. The default setting on Google Maps has "No toll roads" set to off, so Google Maps always directs us to take the 495 or 95 Express lanes. My not so tech savvy dad got a few charges cuz he had no idea. And not sure about Google Maps utilizing Waze\'s traffic reports. That one time Route 123 NB was closed (and still is), GM kept making me go back to the closed road, while Waze figured out a detour immediately. Don\'t know if they delay the reports a bit to make sure they were legit or something.']]
classify and reply
[">>{baba_khor} : Donald Trump's administration kills funding for California's clean energy electric rail project", '>>{Borkenstien} : >“It is about the modernization of an outdated commuter system that is the spine of the transportation system of the Peninsula and the Silicon Valley region.” Pretty sure modernization is a trigger word for the GOP.', '>>{Perge192} : >Ms Eshoo, whose district includes Palo Alto, which contains numerous Caltrain stations, said that Caltrain electrification “is a shovel-ready project which would create thousands of jobs in the Bay Area and employ thousands in other states. It would be built by American workers and built with American products.” Oh, you mean something that would actually help our country? Get it out of here! #MAGA /s', '>>{undeadslime} : the Koch brothers have a war on all rail in the USA... China has better rail then we do..', '>>{Youdontknowjack900} : Pretty much every developed country has better rail than we do.', '>>{Cylinsier} : This was personal. California has been pushing back on Trump policy from day one and the Trump administration saw an opportunity for petty retribution and took it.', ">>{wraithtek} : Oil pipeline going right under Native American tribe's only water source? Sure, go nuts! Funding for modernizing highly-used commuter train system? No way!", '>>{RyunosukeKusanagi} : that actually depends, we have a fairly decent heavy freight rail system. Our light rail/commuter rail system however... is almost non-existent.', '>>{DrPlacehold} : California should stop paying their federal taxes and redistribute that money into their own state goals. Its what all states should do. Lets just defend the Fed until they cannot do shit without our consent. Money rules this world so we keep the money for ourselves and the Fed loses all authority because they will be financially crippled. It would also help individual states get these kinds of progressive projects done a lot faster because asking the Fed for money just takes fucking forever anyways.', ">>{TheBreakRoom} : Well of course, don't you want to back to the **good old days** with the steel and coal industry booming? Oh and the World War, and the lack of rights for women, oh and for African-Americans as well. Gosh the 40's were great. Something that really, *really* bothers me. Is that do you know why the coal and steel were so important in the 40's? Because those were the new, front lines of technology, and America was taking it by storm. America has always stood as the frontman for technology and progress. Breaking barriers and showing the world what the human race can achieve. But we are now taking steps backwards. And it's sad to see.", ">>{redditor_02948745637} : It would also force the welfare-states to pull themselves up by the bootstraps, which they're so fond of everyone *else* doing.", '>>{undeadslime} : you dont think Big Oil has anything to do with it.,.', ">>{Youdontknowjack900} : It's not just big Oil, it's fossil fuels as a whole.", '>>{DrPlacehold} : I hate that fucking saying so much lol Our generation works WAY more hours than they did and for peanuts compared to what they made so every time I hear old boomer fuck say that it just makes me cringe. An entire generation of greedy self absorbed hypocrites fucked us all over and still find a way to blame us lol What a bunch of assholes lol']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{baba_khor} : Donald Trump's administration kills funding for California's clean energy electric rail project", '>>{Borkenstien} : >“It is about the modernization of an outdated commuter system that is the spine of the transportation system of the Peninsula and the Silicon Valley region.” Pretty sure modernization is a trigger word for the GOP.', '>>{Perge192} : >Ms Eshoo, whose district includes Palo Alto, which contains numerous Caltrain stations, said that Caltrain electrification “is a shovel-ready project which would create thousands of jobs in the Bay Area and employ thousands in other states. It would be built by American workers and built with American products.” Oh, you mean something that would actually help our country? Get it out of here! #MAGA /s', '>>{undeadslime} : the Koch brothers have a war on all rail in the USA... China has better rail then we do..', '>>{Youdontknowjack900} : Pretty much every developed country has better rail than we do.', '>>{Cylinsier} : This was personal. California has been pushing back on Trump policy from day one and the Trump administration saw an opportunity for petty retribution and took it.', ">>{wraithtek} : Oil pipeline going right under Native American tribe's only water source? Sure, go nuts! Funding for modernizing highly-used commuter train system? No way!", '>>{RyunosukeKusanagi} : that actually depends, we have a fairly decent heavy freight rail system. Our light rail/commuter rail system however... is almost non-existent.', '>>{DrPlacehold} : California should stop paying their federal taxes and redistribute that money into their own state goals. Its what all states should do. Lets just defend the Fed until they cannot do shit without our consent. Money rules this world so we keep the money for ourselves and the Fed loses all authority because they will be financially crippled. It would also help individual states get these kinds of progressive projects done a lot faster because asking the Fed for money just takes fucking forever anyways.', ">>{TheBreakRoom} : Well of course, don't you want to back to the **good old days** with the steel and coal industry booming? Oh and the World War, and the lack of rights for women, oh and for African-Americans as well. Gosh the 40's were great. Something that really, *really* bothers me. Is that do you know why the coal and steel were so important in the 40's? Because those were the new, front lines of technology, and America was taking it by storm. America has always stood as the frontman for technology and progress. Breaking barriers and showing the world what the human race can achieve. But we are now taking steps backwards. And it's sad to see.", ">>{redditor_02948745637} : It would also force the welfare-states to pull themselves up by the bootstraps, which they're so fond of everyone *else* doing.", '>>{undeadslime} : you dont think Big Oil has anything to do with it.,.', ">>{Youdontknowjack900} : It's not just big Oil, it's fossil fuels as a whole.", '>>{DrPlacehold} : I hate that fucking saying so much lol Our generation works WAY more hours than they did and for peanuts compared to what they made so every time I hear old boomer fuck say that it just makes me cringe. An entire generation of greedy self absorbed hypocrites fucked us all over and still find a way to blame us lol What a bunch of assholes lol']]
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['>>{Politx} : What if we just eliminated all exemptions and tax people based on their income. I have never understood how someone can receive more money back as a "refund" than they contributed during the year - that\'s not tax that\'s welfare.', ">>{_PresidentTrump} : No record of ‘faithless elector' Chris Suprun as a 9/11 first responder", '>>{p_giguere1} : I do believe the price is alright for the specs. Considering this has 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, a latest-gen ULV CPU and a 1080p IPS display. Your typical $500 laptop will have a less efficient CPU, spinning mechanical hard drive and a crappy 1366x768 TN display, be made out of creaky plastic and likely have a worse battery life. You have to look at the whole package, not just CPU/GPU performance. I believe the price is in line with the rest of the market for that hardware.', '>>{TheBernFather} : This is a mod submitting this stupid crap. Well done', '>>{sorry_I_said_that} : I know they said "over a thousand dollars," but Acer\'s [Aspire E](http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834315303) gives you a NVIDIA 940M and 2.5GHz i7 at just under an inch thick and just over 5 pounds for $569. Some people prioritize cost and performance, some prioritize weight and space. Maybe someday ultrabooks will satisfy both crowds, but we\'re not quite there yet.', ">>{SaltHash} : Coincidentally, there is no record that Trump's claims about 9/11 are true. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/nov/22/donald-trump/fact-checking-trumps-claim-thousands-new-jersey-ch/", '>>{edbro333} : Ugh. I thought the MacBook air as it was perfect thinness. The new MacBook is just uncomfortably thin. And this is probably worse', ">>{Slim_Calhoun} : There's no record that i took a dump this morning either, but it happened.", '>>{Tridamos} : Incidentally, I find that about as interesting as knowing what Chris Suprun did on 9/11.', '>>{communistcooter} : My MBP is sufficiently thin. I race to the thinnest would be the race for the reasonably thin and great battery life.', ">>{getridofappleskitle} : so you're saying you pooping and someone being a first responder during 9/11 is of the same importance?", ">>{MrHand1111} : Americans urged to 'buy a gun, get trained, carry it always'", '>>{getridofappleskitle} : what does that have to do with this guy potentially lying? if trump lies about something, that means you can lie too?', ">>{Slim_Calhoun} : No I'm saying that many things happen that don't necessary leave records behind", ">>{CatalyticDragon} : Of course. Why change something that clearly isn't working. How about we double-down on the same old nonsense. Let's get some more supply side economic policy while we're at it and perhaps invade somewhere.", '>>{truthhurts4444} : I love this idea. Make the rich jump through the same hoops poor people have to do. I hate the Republican war on the poor', ">>{AdalineMaj} : Shouldn't japan, the uk, and Australia be rife with homocides and gun deaths if this were true?", '>>{dyzo-blue} : There is an epidemic of gun violence in the US, unseen in other wealthy countries. Over the course of an average lifetime, 1 in 40 Americans get shot. Got 400 FB friends? Comfortable with 10 of them getting shot? If you think that is just the price of freedom, you are wrong. There are countries with almost zero gun violence, where the people are every bit as free as Americans are. (Downvoting me wont change any of these facts.)', '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : Or a cell phone. One with a camera. It could save your life.', ">>{foyeldagain} : More people armed won't prevent mass shootings but might help reduce the death tolls. People who want to kill, especially those willing to die while doing so, will kill. They will always have the element of surprise on their side and knowing that others are armed will just change the way they engage. That said, more people being armed surely also comes with unintended negative circumstances. Note, I'm not a proponent of increased gun control much less the banning of guns.", ">>{Crivens1} : Clickbaited the title of a story that's been all over the front page for a week. Great.", '>>{dearlordiamhigh} : And here is my equally unbiased source saying his claims are true. http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/trumps-claims-about-muslims-after-911-confirmed-video/', ">>{SiegfriedKircheis} : For the price, it should at least have an i5/i7. M-chips with no 4k screen, no LPDDR4, no touchscreen, no convertibility... Acer isn't even recognized for making quality products. This is like LG's V20 without the screen nor camera and all the price.", '>>{ColonelSanders_1930} : Good. We should also drug test people on welfare', '>>{EllisHughTiger} : Its coming from the same people who think allowing you to *keep* your own money, is also welfare.', ">>{Mitt_Romney_USA} : There's no record that I ate a whole moose in under 4 seconds. That's because it took me 8 :-( srsly though, sometimes stories that support or enrich our worldview aren't true. Remember that Towelie guy? Turns out, most of his story was falsified, and he's just a really annoying stoner.", ">>{PurpleBanner} : >Shouldn't japan, the uk, and Australia be rife with homocides and gun deaths if this were true? I guess people in those counties are not as eager to kill each other as in the U.S..", '>>{Plays-in-the-rain} : I always leave the house with at least 28 rounds. I never know when I might run into a black person, a Mexican, Muslim, or Obama supporter.', ">>{KingPickle} : > What if we just eliminated all exemptions and tax people based on their income. Because that's a simplistic view that only applies to single people, who rent, with no children, who don't run a business or have business expenses, who didn't lose money in the stock market, who don't have to drive for work, etc. Don't get me wrong. There are way too many exemptions for rich people. I don't think people should pay a lower tax rate for making millions off of investments, than people who earn a paycheck do. And so on. But there are real reasons why it's not as simple as you'd think it could/should be.", '>>{jooes} : Yup, same here. I sent a laptop into them for repairs once. They did nothing and sent it back with a note that said "Everything is working perfectly" even though my issues were still there. They made me pay for shipping too, which normally would be fine but all that meant was that the whole experience cost me like 2 weeks without a laptop *and* $25. All to end up still with a broken laptop. I wasn\'t too impressed.', '>>{veedubbin} : Better to have them and not need them, than need them and not have them.', ">>{Politx} : You lost me, why does it only apply to certain people? No exemptions means no exemptions. What's hard about that? For everyone -no exemptions. Create your progressive tax rates accordingly. There is no magic there.", '>>{lurk_n_throw} : Number of times "Acer" is mentioned in the body copy: 4 Number of times "Apple" is mentioned in the body copy: 4 Make of that what you will, but if you want to beat Apple you\'re going to need more than just hardware.', ">>{fizzlemcdizzle} : I'd only companies could realize this, honestly, they come out with rugged phones and huge batteries but no luxury phones with giant battery, same with laptops and tablets. What's the point. Dell killed it tho with the new baby lake and added battery.", '>>{thats_illuminati} : You can get an XPS 15 with a quad core i5 and a dedicated nvidia 960m GPU for $1100.', '>>{magus-21} : The XPS 15 is the same size and weight as a MacBook Pro 15". That\'s not an ultrabook.', '>>{KingPickle} : Not sure where I lost you. Are you familiar with how writing off business expenses works?', ">>{Politx} : Im not sure what you're misunderstanding - no exemptions Why do you cling to the idea that exemptions are mandatory,", ">>{thats_illuminati} : I think it's pretty great for its specs. What's the official definition for an ultrabook?", '>>{BoringSupreez} : All three are very different demographically and culturally compared to the US. Additionally, all three are surrounded by water.', '>>{InsideYourSoul} : To some degree im all about fuck it, have a gun. Then i remember how people are assholes and dont think straight when angry and the last thing i want is for that irrationally angry emotional person to have a gun with them. Imagine how bad road rage can be, now add a gun to that.', ">>{enfier} : The government uses the tax code to incentivize behavior that it considers better for society. You'd like to take away that ability.", '>>{magus-21} : I don\'t think there\'s an "official" one per se, but the MacBook Air is the prototypical ultrabook. The XPS 15 is probably thin enough, but it\'s almost 5 lbs. I\'d say ~3 lbs is the heaviest a laptop can be to still be considered an ultrabook, since that\'s the weight of the first MacBook Air, and that\'s what every other ultrabook has pegged itself against. Also, 15-in laptops are generally not considered ultrabooks because of their screen size, anyway. Ultrabooks are generally 13-in and smaller. To give you an idea, the Retina MacBook Pro 13-in is not really considered to be an ultrabook because it\'s 3.5lbs. Some people might consider it an ultrabook, but it\'s definitely on the bigger/heavier side of what ultrabooks can be.', ">>{CountPanda} : That's a good argument for having a gun, but it doesn't diminish the good argument for gun control that if we really tackled gun reform in this country, like other countries, we might have less of a need for them.", '>>{Frogfacedduck} : I feel like there are two possible way for a civil society to handle guns: One is the European way of prohibiting as much as possible. Idiots can no longer get guns, but organized crime still can and some criminals get far more confident. Random gangs picking on people and then beating them to death is not that seldom in cities like Berlin. There is nothing to fear from the average citizen if you are stronger. Some goes for Burglary. Why care if somebody is home if you can just beat him up and rob the place. The other one is the American way of allowing guns. Idiots can do a lot of damage, as long as they were not previously conviced. But every law-abiding citizen has the freedom to protect himself from criminals. More freedom, but more responsibility for your own safety. I feel like a lot of Americans want to change their system to the European way, but the transition might be very hard.', '>>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > How about we double-down on the same old nonsense. You mean gun control?', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > Then i remember how people are assholes and dont think straight when angry and the last thing i want is for that irrationally angry emotional person to have a gun with them. I mean do you have any evidence that this a statistically significant issue? Pretty much every state has adopted carry policies in the last 20-30 years and I don't think there is any evidence that it has caused any significant problems. In fact stats from states like Texas kind of suggest that the people who bother to go through the effort are under represented in crime stats.", ">>{RockemSockemRowboats} : Hit job to silence patriots. Don't back down Chris!", ">>{KingPickle} : Because if you run a business, there's a difference between gross profits and net profits. Being taxed on gross profits (aka income) is, I think, an absurd proposition. Same thing if you're an investor, or do some investing on the side. Or if you buy real estate and rent that out. There are lots of scenarios where you receive money (income) but then also pay money back out. Being able to deduct those things is what lets you pay taxes on your net take-home profit.", ">>{kidneystonejones} : Well i think the point is, you can't remove the faithless elector, so this is just about swaying public opinion against any dissent. If you care about this person's character and his lies, you should most definitely care about the president elect's lies.", ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > the good argument for gun control that if we really tackled gun reform in this country, like other countries, we might have less of a need for them. That isn't a good argument. That argument seems to operate under an unsupported assumption that gun availability drives overall homicide rates. The US has experienced historic declines and there is no reason to believe that those declines won't continue with or without gun control.", '>>{Worldchampionbeard} : Tax deductions do not equal welfare. This woman is a moron.', '>>{kidneystonejones} : I feel sorry for you if you think that is an unbiased source.', '>>{messed_up_marionette} : I think that anyone who holds national office should be subject to drug tests instead.', ">>{Mcf82} : True or not I don't give a shit. Why is this being reported today? Seems like something easily checked much earlier than this. Timed news releases are as much an issue as fake news.", ">>{CountPanda} : I don't disagree with this specific point. And the world as a whole has experienced a decline in homicide rates. **BUT** there's no reason to believe reducing the number of guns or their availability *won't* reduce *gun-based violence.* In fact, all evidence points to the contrary that it will.", ">>{kidneystonejones} : Nope. You know how I know? There isn't anything on your site that is critical of trump or conservative politics. I can find plenty on politifact that is critical of liberals and clinton.", '>>{CatalyticDragon} : You are thinking of places with virtually no gun violence.', '>>{dearlordiamhigh} : You do realize the video in the article is from CNN?', '>>{kidneystonejones} : What does that have to do with the point we are arguing? The point is that your site has absolutely NO objectivity while politifact has at least some.', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : No I am thinking of the US and several of its states. They have tried gun control for several decades now and can't claim any additional reduction in overall homicide rates attributable to those laws. Some even continue to maintain assault weapons bans despite the DOJ already determining that such laws would have no meaningful impact.", '>>{The_Actual_Pope} : Conservative dictionary: Bias (*n*): any time anyone in the media says something you don\'t like, whether true or false. "Politifact says Trump didn\'t win the popular vote because they\'re **biased**."', '>>{eazyirl} : Can we not drug test anyone, please? That shit is dumb.', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > BUT there's no reason to believe reducing the number of guns or their availability won't reduce gun-based violence There is no reason to believe that it will reduce overall homicide rates. If it doesn't do that then there is no point to pursue as it is simply shifting numbers from one column of death and violence to another. In fact I don't even buy into it reducing just the subset of violence that is gun violence as there is strong criminal demand for firearms in the US. This may cause the situation to become similar to Brazil or Australia with illegal importation and manufacture of firearms to supply demand.", ">>{BoSnowKnows} : Since when do the poor have to drug test? I don't get the reference.", '>>{BoSnowKnows} : I think we can all agree, airline pilots should be the first ones exempt from intoxicant testing.', ">>{eazyirl} : It doesn't seem to help, anyway. Unless they are giving breathalyzers to pilots right before takeoff, it's worthless.", ">>{BoSnowKnows} : They should be able to just get alcohol right off of the drink cart. They'd have to pay for it bc getting complimentary cocktails is just too much.", '>>{fuzeebear} : It means "look at me, I\'m an edgy teen who is too scared to go to 4chan, so I spread my zesty memes on reddit instead"', '>>{oamlsdraterscitilop} : CNN is a joke. Politifact is owned by the Tampa Bay Times who of course endorsed Clinton.', ">>{kidneystonejones} : Stop trying to change the subject. None of this has anything to do with CNN, this is about Politifact being compared to thepoliticalinsider. One has an editorial board and actual research, the other buys articles off of constant content. I'm not arguing that politifact is completely objective and the best source for all information, I'm simply arguing that I can demonstrate it's much more objective than thepoliticalinsider.", ">>{kidneystonejones} : He used the word 'equally' which is what I'm talking about. Politifact has way more credibility than thepoliticalinsider, even if it's not the best single source to use.", '>>{CatalyticDragon} : Where in the US will we find gun control at any level approaching what we find in EU/UK/AU/JPN/KR?', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : IDK. New Jersey and California are pretty strict. Oh and until recently you couldn't even really own firearms in Washington DC.", ">>{archamedeznutz} : Wow, this thread is just embarrassing. The guy you want to be a hero may not be so r/politics' answer is scream about Trump louder so everyone will ignore it.", '>>{lookupmystats94} : Warning: Incoming hate facts ahead. Proceed reading with caution. [You do realize a group of Muslims were arrested for cheering 9/11 on the rooftop of a building in Jersey City?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3auKMHkZJnQ) Once this video evidence was found, the media conveniently stopped covering the story all together. The video garnered over 1 million views in under 3 days. CBS themselves claimed to have no record of Muslims cheering 9/11 in their archives. Some patriot posted this video about a week later. This incident is when I realized how deceitful the media is.', '>>{CountPanda} : Except that everywhere that significant gun reform is instituted, there is less gun violence, like Australia.', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : Except the US experienced similar downward trends as Australia and the US essentially did the opposite by massively increasing gun availability since the 90's. It is dubious that the downward trends from the 90's onward can be attributed to gun control policies.", ">>{BoSnowKnows} : Only in ten states. Hardly a pitchfork platform for the rich. I like the idea, but I would have them pay for it out of their benefits. I'd also test them three times weekly at random intervals. Their benefit would be based on their success rate. Great idea!", '>>{lookupmystats94} : That Politifact article is garbage, though. It was debunked after a televised news story from CBS was found that covered the arrests of a group of Muslims who cheered 9/11 on top of a Jersey City rooftop. Politifact opted to not update their article afterwards. The media as a whole actually quietly stopped covering the story.', '>>{CatalyticDragon} : I\'m more aware of California laws than New Jersey and since CA laws are generally considered some of the strictest I think that\'s a good example. So here they are in brief form; - All firearm sales must be completed through a dealer - Private party transfers of firearms must be conducted though a licensed dealer - There is no comprehensive system of firearms registration in California - All handgun (and now longgun) serial numbers and sales are recorded by the state in the Department of Justice\'s Automated Firearms System - There is no requirement for California residents to register previously owned handguns or firearms with law enforcement - It is not required that long gun owners register their firearms and it is not a crime to be in possession of an un-registered firearm - Assault weapons, short-barreled shotguns, silencers and .50 BMG rifles are illegal - Large-capacity magazines are illegal - Conceal carry permits are issued and valid statewide - Long guns may be carried in unincorporated rural areas where open carry is permitted by local ordinance - California has a ten (10) day waiting period for all firearm purchases - Dealers are required by federal law to conduct a background check Now let\'s compare to the most gun friendly country out of the EU/UK/AU/JPN/KR.. Good old Switzerland where a third of the population has a firearm; - Only pistols, revolvers, rifles, pump guns, lever-action rifles, self-loading guns (shotguns and rifles) are legal under following provisions. - Automatic firearms such as machine guns, etc are illegal (note, this means "assault" weapons) - If you did military service you can keep your automatic weapon but it is converted to semi-auto when you leave the military - Automatic knifes, throwing knives, daggers and butterfly knives are illegal - Brass knuckles, Shock rods, Throwing Stars are illegal - Stun guns are illegal - Weapons that imitate an object of utility as shooting phones, etc are illegal - Purchases must be carried out through a licensed dealer - Firearm purchasers must obtain a weapon acquisition permit (providing valid official identification or passport copy, residence address, criminal record copy not older than 3 months) - Permits only granted to persons over the age of 18; -- who are not psychiatrically disqualified -- not identified as posing security problems -- who have a clean criminal record - Both parties of a sale must keep records for 10 years - The same laws also apply to ammunition - A buyer can only buy munition for guns that he/she legally owns and must provide the following information to the seller - Buying ammunition requires - valid official identification or passport, residence address, criminal record copy not older than 3 months, weapon acquisition permit not older than 2 years, or a weapon carrying permit not older than 5 years - The following types of ammunition are illegal; - Ammunition with armor-piercing bullets - Ammunition with projectiles containing an explosive or incendiary device - Ammunition with one or more floors to the release of substances which damage the health of people in the long run - Ammunition, missiles and missile launchers for military explosive - Ammunition with projectiles for transmitting electric shocks - Ammunition for handguns with deformation effect - No open carry - No conceal carry So pretty much the strictest laws in the US don\'t come close to the most relaxed laws in the EU.', '>>{BoSnowKnows} : I agree. I like hyperbole almost as much as I like using absolutes.', ">>{obeseredditadmin} : Welfare v. Tax cut One is giving people other people's money, the other is keeping money you own. Totally fair.", ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : Several of those laws don't seem relevant in the comparison as they aren't even firearms. And a permit that is good for 3 months for background checks is much better than California. Also the fact that they don't have an assault weapons ban. California also doesn't allow open carry, and functionally in many parts of California they don't allow conceal carry either. I would go as far as to say that Switzerland is actually more lax than California as there are no waiting periods, no assault weapons bans, no safe handgun roster, etc.", ">>{ae_syn89} : You know the net benefit (the money saved from not paying out to drug users) is way less than the net cost of drug testing those on welfare. So if you want to drug test those on welfare, then fine. But don't claim to be a small government, conservative while you do it and waste resources.", '>>{seanosul} : Unless you are black, because if you are black, the Washington Examiner for one and just about every Conservative publication will say you deserve to die because you had a gun. At the moment [there is little to no difference between r/whiterights, r/conservative and r/the_donald](https://np.reddit.com/r/conservative+whiterights+the_donald)', '>>{toekknow} : > "We\'re urging all of our customers, including members of law enforcement and civilians, to stay vigilant. The best defense against a mass shooting is to buy a gun, get trained to use that gun, and carry it all the time," said Justin Anderson, the **marketing director of Hyatt Guns of Charlotte, N.C., one of the nation\'s biggest sellers.** This is major news folks -- a salesman urging people to buy his wares.', ">>{ChildishGambeanbro} : We're gonna build a great big drug test for the rich! And the rich will pay for it!", ">>{BoSnowKnows} : What, like with a cloth? What difference does it make? It's this vast rich-wing conspiracy!", ">>{growyurown} : This logic doesn't support the gun lobby. Aside from the fact a gun in most cities throughout the US is a necessity, you never know when a wild animal is going to attack.", '>>{Thedummies} : Except all the stats say just having it highly increases the likelihood of getting shot or shooting somebody vs. not having one', '>>{CatalyticDragon} : 1. I\'ll edit and clarify on "assault weapons". 2. The "other" laws that don\'t seem relevant are to illustrate how strictly weapons are controlled. 3. California has partial open carry. See §26350. Switzerland has none.', '>>{Stthads} : No they were. They just passed gun laws and people had to use less deadly inanimate objects to do the killing .', '>>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > California has partial open carry. California has no open carry, they got rid of it. It is what precipitated the lawsuit over may issue conceal carry licenses and initial win in the 9th circuit court.', '>>{Tvc3333} : Correlation is not causation. Having a car increases the chance of dying in a car accident, having a pool increases your chance of drowning, and going outside increases your chances of getting skin cancer.', ">>{Tvc3333} : If you're anyone carrying a firearm during s traffic stop you need to take extra care and keep your hands where the officer can see them at all times. DO NOT reach for your belt, pockets, or anywhere the officer can't see exactly what you are doing.", ">>{VolFan98} : There are countries with less gun violence, but are far worse off in other areas. Europe has pretty strict gun laws as a whole, and they're dealing with an epidemic of rape. Switzerland has very lax laws compared to the rest of Europe, and they're pretty well off for it. When you remove guns from the equation, the number of deaths caused by them lowers... And the total of other crimes increases. I don't like the fact that people die when guns are involved, but it's better than nobody having the ability to defend themselves when the need arises.", '>>{vegetarianrobots} : >Except that everywhere that significant gun reform is instituted, there is less gun violence, like Australia. Australia is not the success story it is painted to be. For the same time frame America experienced a greater reduction in the homicide rate with a decrease in the violent crime rate. While Australia had a lesser reduction in their homicide rate paired with an **increase** in the violent crime rate. Australia had a murder rate of 1.9 in 1990 which has declined to 1.1 in 2013, a 42.1% reduction. America had a 9.4 murder rate in 1990 which has reduced to 4.5 in 2013, a 52.1% reduction. That data give us 145,902 violent crimes in Australia for 1996 in which Australia had a population of about 18.31 million. That gives us a violent crime rate of 796.8 per 100k. In 2007 Australia had 215,208 violent crimes with a population of about 20.31 million giving it a crime rate of 1059.61. An increase of 24.7%. Meanwhile the US violent crime rate in 96 was 636.63 which dropped to 471.8 in 2007. A 25.9% decrease. http://www.aic.gov.au/statistics/homicide.html http://www.aic.gov.au/statistics/violent%20crime/victims.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_the_United_States https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/1tabledatadecoverviewpdf/table_1_crime_in_the_united_states_by_volume_and_rate_per_100000_inhabitants_1994-2013.xls Even the [Melbourne University\'s report "The Australian Firearms Buyback\xa0 and Its Effect on Gun Deaths"](https://www.melbourneinstitute.com/miaesr/publications/working-paper-series/abstract-178.html) Found, "Homicide patterns (firearm\xa0 and nonfirearm) were not influenced by the NFA. They therefore concluded that the gun buy back and restrictive legislative changes\xa0 had no influence on firearm homicide in Australia." [This paper has also been published in a peer reviewed journal.](http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1465-7287.2009.00165.x/abstract)', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >**BUT** there's no reason to believe reducing the number of guns or their availability *won't* reduce *gun-based violence.* In fact, all evidence points to the contrary that it will. The historical evidence in America points to the contrary of your opinion. [Gun related homicides are in decline.](https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/expanded-homicide-data/expanded_homicide_data_table_8_murder_victims_by_weapon_2010-2014.xls) [Looking at the trends in violent crime rates and homicide rates we see that America has been experiencing a decline in violent crimes and homicides for over 20 years.](https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/1tabledatadecoverviewpdf/table_1_crime_in_the_united_states_by_volume_and_rate_per_100000_inhabitants_1994-2013.xls) [Further more if we look at the historical data we see that America is currently at the lowest violent crime and homicide rates in over 40 years.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_the_United_States) [And of this decline is occurring despite record gun sales in America adding millions of guns each year to the mix.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/01/05/gun-sales-hit-new-record-ahead-of-new-obama-gun-restrictions/)", '>>{DBDude} : Do you have a lot of criminal and gang friends? Then your stat may be valid, because most homicide victims have prior criminal history. Otherwise, the risk is much lower.', '>>{MrHand1111} : No one should be allowed to nullify the second amendment to the constitution because of NAZi Germany and England. Disarming the population always ends in millions rounded up by tyrannical governments.', '>>{dyzo-blue} : [You mean like this guy?](http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/texas-man-shoots-armadillo-bullet-ricochets-back-into-his-face-1.3176390) [Or more like this woman?](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3484064/Pro-gun-poster-girl-shot-four-year-old-son-driving-Florida-boy-pistol-seat-truck.html)', '>>{DBDude} : You talked about averages, "Got 400 FB friends? Comfortable with 10 of them getting shot?" This would only be true if most of your friends are criminals. Otherwise, you\'re left with a relatively low risk. People will still get shot, but then people still die of accidents related to other things far more than with guns.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : > This would only be true if most of your friends are criminals. Otherwise, you're left with a relatively low risk. That simply is not true. 100,000 Americans get shot each year. Not even half of those shot are criminals.", ">>{DBDude} : The percentage varies with location, but in some places [86% of non-fatal shooting victims had criminal records](http://www.politifact.com/wisconsin/statements/2012/mar/19/edward-flynn/85-percent-shooting-suspects-and-victims-milwaukee/). There's no reason to believe other large cities, where most shootings are concentrated, would be much different."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{_PresidentTrump} : No record of ‘faithless elector' Chris Suprun as a 9/11 first responder", ">>{SaltHash} : Coincidentally, there is no record that Trump's claims about 9/11 are true. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/nov/22/donald-trump/fact-checking-trumps-claim-thousands-new-jersey-ch/", ">>{Slim_Calhoun} : There's no record that i took a dump this morning either, but it happened.", '>>{Tridamos} : Incidentally, I find that about as interesting as knowing what Chris Suprun did on 9/11.', ">>{getridofappleskitle} : so you're saying you pooping and someone being a first responder during 9/11 is of the same importance?", '>>{getridofappleskitle} : what does that have to do with this guy potentially lying? if trump lies about something, that means you can lie too?', ">>{Slim_Calhoun} : No I'm saying that many things happen that don't necessary leave records behind", '>>{dearlordiamhigh} : And here is my equally unbiased source saying his claims are true. http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/trumps-claims-about-muslims-after-911-confirmed-video/', ">>{Mitt_Romney_USA} : There's no record that I ate a whole moose in under 4 seconds. That's because it took me 8 :-( srsly though, sometimes stories that support or enrich our worldview aren't true. Remember that Towelie guy? Turns out, most of his story was falsified, and he's just a really annoying stoner.", ">>{RockemSockemRowboats} : Hit job to silence patriots. Don't back down Chris!", ">>{kidneystonejones} : Well i think the point is, you can't remove the faithless elector, so this is just about swaying public opinion against any dissent. If you care about this person's character and his lies, you should most definitely care about the president elect's lies.", '>>{kidneystonejones} : I feel sorry for you if you think that is an unbiased source.', ">>{Mcf82} : True or not I don't give a shit. Why is this being reported today? Seems like something easily checked much earlier than this. Timed news releases are as much an issue as fake news.", ">>{kidneystonejones} : Nope. You know how I know? There isn't anything on your site that is critical of trump or conservative politics. I can find plenty on politifact that is critical of liberals and clinton.", '>>{dearlordiamhigh} : You do realize the video in the article is from CNN?', '>>{kidneystonejones} : What does that have to do with the point we are arguing? The point is that your site has absolutely NO objectivity while politifact has at least some.', '>>{The_Actual_Pope} : Conservative dictionary: Bias (*n*): any time anyone in the media says something you don\'t like, whether true or false. "Politifact says Trump didn\'t win the popular vote because they\'re **biased**."', '>>{oamlsdraterscitilop} : CNN is a joke. Politifact is owned by the Tampa Bay Times who of course endorsed Clinton.', ">>{kidneystonejones} : Stop trying to change the subject. None of this has anything to do with CNN, this is about Politifact being compared to thepoliticalinsider. One has an editorial board and actual research, the other buys articles off of constant content. I'm not arguing that politifact is completely objective and the best source for all information, I'm simply arguing that I can demonstrate it's much more objective than thepoliticalinsider.", ">>{kidneystonejones} : He used the word 'equally' which is what I'm talking about. Politifact has way more credibility than thepoliticalinsider, even if it's not the best single source to use.", ">>{archamedeznutz} : Wow, this thread is just embarrassing. The guy you want to be a hero may not be so r/politics' answer is scream about Trump louder so everyone will ignore it.", '>>{lookupmystats94} : Warning: Incoming hate facts ahead. Proceed reading with caution. [You do realize a group of Muslims were arrested for cheering 9/11 on the rooftop of a building in Jersey City?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3auKMHkZJnQ) Once this video evidence was found, the media conveniently stopped covering the story all together. The video garnered over 1 million views in under 3 days. CBS themselves claimed to have no record of Muslims cheering 9/11 in their archives. Some patriot posted this video about a week later. This incident is when I realized how deceitful the media is.', '>>{lookupmystats94} : That Politifact article is garbage, though. It was debunked after a televised news story from CBS was found that covered the arrests of a group of Muslims who cheered 9/11 on top of a Jersey City rooftop. Politifact opted to not update their article afterwards. The media as a whole actually quietly stopped covering the story.'], [">>{MrHand1111} : Americans urged to 'buy a gun, get trained, carry it always'", ">>{CatalyticDragon} : Of course. Why change something that clearly isn't working. How about we double-down on the same old nonsense. Let's get some more supply side economic policy while we're at it and perhaps invade somewhere.", ">>{AdalineMaj} : Shouldn't japan, the uk, and Australia be rife with homocides and gun deaths if this were true?", '>>{dyzo-blue} : There is an epidemic of gun violence in the US, unseen in other wealthy countries. Over the course of an average lifetime, 1 in 40 Americans get shot. Got 400 FB friends? Comfortable with 10 of them getting shot? If you think that is just the price of freedom, you are wrong. There are countries with almost zero gun violence, where the people are every bit as free as Americans are. (Downvoting me wont change any of these facts.)', '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : Or a cell phone. One with a camera. It could save your life.', ">>{foyeldagain} : More people armed won't prevent mass shootings but might help reduce the death tolls. People who want to kill, especially those willing to die while doing so, will kill. They will always have the element of surprise on their side and knowing that others are armed will just change the way they engage. That said, more people being armed surely also comes with unintended negative circumstances. Note, I'm not a proponent of increased gun control much less the banning of guns.", ">>{PurpleBanner} : >Shouldn't japan, the uk, and Australia be rife with homocides and gun deaths if this were true? I guess people in those counties are not as eager to kill each other as in the U.S..", '>>{Plays-in-the-rain} : I always leave the house with at least 28 rounds. I never know when I might run into a black person, a Mexican, Muslim, or Obama supporter.', '>>{veedubbin} : Better to have them and not need them, than need them and not have them.', '>>{BoringSupreez} : All three are very different demographically and culturally compared to the US. Additionally, all three are surrounded by water.', '>>{InsideYourSoul} : To some degree im all about fuck it, have a gun. Then i remember how people are assholes and dont think straight when angry and the last thing i want is for that irrationally angry emotional person to have a gun with them. Imagine how bad road rage can be, now add a gun to that.', ">>{CountPanda} : That's a good argument for having a gun, but it doesn't diminish the good argument for gun control that if we really tackled gun reform in this country, like other countries, we might have less of a need for them.", '>>{Frogfacedduck} : I feel like there are two possible way for a civil society to handle guns: One is the European way of prohibiting as much as possible. Idiots can no longer get guns, but organized crime still can and some criminals get far more confident. Random gangs picking on people and then beating them to death is not that seldom in cities like Berlin. There is nothing to fear from the average citizen if you are stronger. Some goes for Burglary. Why care if somebody is home if you can just beat him up and rob the place. The other one is the American way of allowing guns. Idiots can do a lot of damage, as long as they were not previously conviced. But every law-abiding citizen has the freedom to protect himself from criminals. More freedom, but more responsibility for your own safety. I feel like a lot of Americans want to change their system to the European way, but the transition might be very hard.', '>>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > How about we double-down on the same old nonsense. You mean gun control?', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > Then i remember how people are assholes and dont think straight when angry and the last thing i want is for that irrationally angry emotional person to have a gun with them. I mean do you have any evidence that this a statistically significant issue? Pretty much every state has adopted carry policies in the last 20-30 years and I don't think there is any evidence that it has caused any significant problems. In fact stats from states like Texas kind of suggest that the people who bother to go through the effort are under represented in crime stats.", ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > the good argument for gun control that if we really tackled gun reform in this country, like other countries, we might have less of a need for them. That isn't a good argument. That argument seems to operate under an unsupported assumption that gun availability drives overall homicide rates. The US has experienced historic declines and there is no reason to believe that those declines won't continue with or without gun control.", ">>{CountPanda} : I don't disagree with this specific point. And the world as a whole has experienced a decline in homicide rates. **BUT** there's no reason to believe reducing the number of guns or their availability *won't* reduce *gun-based violence.* In fact, all evidence points to the contrary that it will.", '>>{CatalyticDragon} : You are thinking of places with virtually no gun violence.', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : No I am thinking of the US and several of its states. They have tried gun control for several decades now and can't claim any additional reduction in overall homicide rates attributable to those laws. Some even continue to maintain assault weapons bans despite the DOJ already determining that such laws would have no meaningful impact.", ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > BUT there's no reason to believe reducing the number of guns or their availability won't reduce gun-based violence There is no reason to believe that it will reduce overall homicide rates. If it doesn't do that then there is no point to pursue as it is simply shifting numbers from one column of death and violence to another. In fact I don't even buy into it reducing just the subset of violence that is gun violence as there is strong criminal demand for firearms in the US. This may cause the situation to become similar to Brazil or Australia with illegal importation and manufacture of firearms to supply demand.", '>>{CatalyticDragon} : Where in the US will we find gun control at any level approaching what we find in EU/UK/AU/JPN/KR?', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : IDK. New Jersey and California are pretty strict. Oh and until recently you couldn't even really own firearms in Washington DC.", '>>{CountPanda} : Except that everywhere that significant gun reform is instituted, there is less gun violence, like Australia.', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : Except the US experienced similar downward trends as Australia and the US essentially did the opposite by massively increasing gun availability since the 90's. It is dubious that the downward trends from the 90's onward can be attributed to gun control policies.", '>>{CatalyticDragon} : I\'m more aware of California laws than New Jersey and since CA laws are generally considered some of the strictest I think that\'s a good example. So here they are in brief form; - All firearm sales must be completed through a dealer - Private party transfers of firearms must be conducted though a licensed dealer - There is no comprehensive system of firearms registration in California - All handgun (and now longgun) serial numbers and sales are recorded by the state in the Department of Justice\'s Automated Firearms System - There is no requirement for California residents to register previously owned handguns or firearms with law enforcement - It is not required that long gun owners register their firearms and it is not a crime to be in possession of an un-registered firearm - Assault weapons, short-barreled shotguns, silencers and .50 BMG rifles are illegal - Large-capacity magazines are illegal - Conceal carry permits are issued and valid statewide - Long guns may be carried in unincorporated rural areas where open carry is permitted by local ordinance - California has a ten (10) day waiting period for all firearm purchases - Dealers are required by federal law to conduct a background check Now let\'s compare to the most gun friendly country out of the EU/UK/AU/JPN/KR.. Good old Switzerland where a third of the population has a firearm; - Only pistols, revolvers, rifles, pump guns, lever-action rifles, self-loading guns (shotguns and rifles) are legal under following provisions. - Automatic firearms such as machine guns, etc are illegal (note, this means "assault" weapons) - If you did military service you can keep your automatic weapon but it is converted to semi-auto when you leave the military - Automatic knifes, throwing knives, daggers and butterfly knives are illegal - Brass knuckles, Shock rods, Throwing Stars are illegal - Stun guns are illegal - Weapons that imitate an object of utility as shooting phones, etc are illegal - Purchases must be carried out through a licensed dealer - Firearm purchasers must obtain a weapon acquisition permit (providing valid official identification or passport copy, residence address, criminal record copy not older than 3 months) - Permits only granted to persons over the age of 18; -- who are not psychiatrically disqualified -- not identified as posing security problems -- who have a clean criminal record - Both parties of a sale must keep records for 10 years - The same laws also apply to ammunition - A buyer can only buy munition for guns that he/she legally owns and must provide the following information to the seller - Buying ammunition requires - valid official identification or passport, residence address, criminal record copy not older than 3 months, weapon acquisition permit not older than 2 years, or a weapon carrying permit not older than 5 years - The following types of ammunition are illegal; - Ammunition with armor-piercing bullets - Ammunition with projectiles containing an explosive or incendiary device - Ammunition with one or more floors to the release of substances which damage the health of people in the long run - Ammunition, missiles and missile launchers for military explosive - Ammunition with projectiles for transmitting electric shocks - Ammunition for handguns with deformation effect - No open carry - No conceal carry So pretty much the strictest laws in the US don\'t come close to the most relaxed laws in the EU.', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : Several of those laws don't seem relevant in the comparison as they aren't even firearms. And a permit that is good for 3 months for background checks is much better than California. Also the fact that they don't have an assault weapons ban. California also doesn't allow open carry, and functionally in many parts of California they don't allow conceal carry either. I would go as far as to say that Switzerland is actually more lax than California as there are no waiting periods, no assault weapons bans, no safe handgun roster, etc.", '>>{seanosul} : Unless you are black, because if you are black, the Washington Examiner for one and just about every Conservative publication will say you deserve to die because you had a gun. At the moment [there is little to no difference between r/whiterights, r/conservative and r/the_donald](https://np.reddit.com/r/conservative+whiterights+the_donald)', '>>{toekknow} : > "We\'re urging all of our customers, including members of law enforcement and civilians, to stay vigilant. The best defense against a mass shooting is to buy a gun, get trained to use that gun, and carry it all the time," said Justin Anderson, the **marketing director of Hyatt Guns of Charlotte, N.C., one of the nation\'s biggest sellers.** This is major news folks -- a salesman urging people to buy his wares.', ">>{growyurown} : This logic doesn't support the gun lobby. Aside from the fact a gun in most cities throughout the US is a necessity, you never know when a wild animal is going to attack.", '>>{Thedummies} : Except all the stats say just having it highly increases the likelihood of getting shot or shooting somebody vs. not having one', '>>{CatalyticDragon} : 1. I\'ll edit and clarify on "assault weapons". 2. The "other" laws that don\'t seem relevant are to illustrate how strictly weapons are controlled. 3. California has partial open carry. See §26350. Switzerland has none.', '>>{Stthads} : No they were. They just passed gun laws and people had to use less deadly inanimate objects to do the killing .', '>>{Glblwrmingisfak} : > California has partial open carry. California has no open carry, they got rid of it. It is what precipitated the lawsuit over may issue conceal carry licenses and initial win in the 9th circuit court.', '>>{Tvc3333} : Correlation is not causation. Having a car increases the chance of dying in a car accident, having a pool increases your chance of drowning, and going outside increases your chances of getting skin cancer.', ">>{Tvc3333} : If you're anyone carrying a firearm during s traffic stop you need to take extra care and keep your hands where the officer can see them at all times. DO NOT reach for your belt, pockets, or anywhere the officer can't see exactly what you are doing.", ">>{VolFan98} : There are countries with less gun violence, but are far worse off in other areas. Europe has pretty strict gun laws as a whole, and they're dealing with an epidemic of rape. Switzerland has very lax laws compared to the rest of Europe, and they're pretty well off for it. When you remove guns from the equation, the number of deaths caused by them lowers... And the total of other crimes increases. I don't like the fact that people die when guns are involved, but it's better than nobody having the ability to defend themselves when the need arises.", '>>{vegetarianrobots} : >Except that everywhere that significant gun reform is instituted, there is less gun violence, like Australia. Australia is not the success story it is painted to be. For the same time frame America experienced a greater reduction in the homicide rate with a decrease in the violent crime rate. While Australia had a lesser reduction in their homicide rate paired with an **increase** in the violent crime rate. Australia had a murder rate of 1.9 in 1990 which has declined to 1.1 in 2013, a 42.1% reduction. America had a 9.4 murder rate in 1990 which has reduced to 4.5 in 2013, a 52.1% reduction. That data give us 145,902 violent crimes in Australia for 1996 in which Australia had a population of about 18.31 million. That gives us a violent crime rate of 796.8 per 100k. In 2007 Australia had 215,208 violent crimes with a population of about 20.31 million giving it a crime rate of 1059.61. An increase of 24.7%. Meanwhile the US violent crime rate in 96 was 636.63 which dropped to 471.8 in 2007. A 25.9% decrease. http://www.aic.gov.au/statistics/homicide.html http://www.aic.gov.au/statistics/violent%20crime/victims.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_the_United_States https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/1tabledatadecoverviewpdf/table_1_crime_in_the_united_states_by_volume_and_rate_per_100000_inhabitants_1994-2013.xls Even the [Melbourne University\'s report "The Australian Firearms Buyback\xa0 and Its Effect on Gun Deaths"](https://www.melbourneinstitute.com/miaesr/publications/working-paper-series/abstract-178.html) Found, "Homicide patterns (firearm\xa0 and nonfirearm) were not influenced by the NFA. They therefore concluded that the gun buy back and restrictive legislative changes\xa0 had no influence on firearm homicide in Australia." [This paper has also been published in a peer reviewed journal.](http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1465-7287.2009.00165.x/abstract)', ">>{vegetarianrobots} : >**BUT** there's no reason to believe reducing the number of guns or their availability *won't* reduce *gun-based violence.* In fact, all evidence points to the contrary that it will. The historical evidence in America points to the contrary of your opinion. [Gun related homicides are in decline.](https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/expanded-homicide-data/expanded_homicide_data_table_8_murder_victims_by_weapon_2010-2014.xls) [Looking at the trends in violent crime rates and homicide rates we see that America has been experiencing a decline in violent crimes and homicides for over 20 years.](https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/1tabledatadecoverviewpdf/table_1_crime_in_the_united_states_by_volume_and_rate_per_100000_inhabitants_1994-2013.xls) [Further more if we look at the historical data we see that America is currently at the lowest violent crime and homicide rates in over 40 years.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_the_United_States) [And of this decline is occurring despite record gun sales in America adding millions of guns each year to the mix.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/01/05/gun-sales-hit-new-record-ahead-of-new-obama-gun-restrictions/)", '>>{DBDude} : Do you have a lot of criminal and gang friends? Then your stat may be valid, because most homicide victims have prior criminal history. Otherwise, the risk is much lower.', '>>{MrHand1111} : No one should be allowed to nullify the second amendment to the constitution because of NAZi Germany and England. Disarming the population always ends in millions rounded up by tyrannical governments.', '>>{dyzo-blue} : [You mean like this guy?](http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/texas-man-shoots-armadillo-bullet-ricochets-back-into-his-face-1.3176390) [Or more like this woman?](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3484064/Pro-gun-poster-girl-shot-four-year-old-son-driving-Florida-boy-pistol-seat-truck.html)', '>>{DBDude} : You talked about averages, "Got 400 FB friends? Comfortable with 10 of them getting shot?" This would only be true if most of your friends are criminals. Otherwise, you\'re left with a relatively low risk. People will still get shot, but then people still die of accidents related to other things far more than with guns.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : > This would only be true if most of your friends are criminals. Otherwise, you're left with a relatively low risk. That simply is not true. 100,000 Americans get shot each year. Not even half of those shot are criminals.", ">>{DBDude} : The percentage varies with location, but in some places [86% of non-fatal shooting victims had criminal records](http://www.politifact.com/wisconsin/statements/2012/mar/19/edward-flynn/85-percent-shooting-suspects-and-victims-milwaukee/). There's no reason to believe other large cities, where most shootings are concentrated, would be much different."], ['>>{p_giguere1} : I do believe the price is alright for the specs. Considering this has 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, a latest-gen ULV CPU and a 1080p IPS display. Your typical $500 laptop will have a less efficient CPU, spinning mechanical hard drive and a crappy 1366x768 TN display, be made out of creaky plastic and likely have a worse battery life. You have to look at the whole package, not just CPU/GPU performance. I believe the price is in line with the rest of the market for that hardware.', '>>{sorry_I_said_that} : I know they said "over a thousand dollars," but Acer\'s [Aspire E](http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834315303) gives you a NVIDIA 940M and 2.5GHz i7 at just under an inch thick and just over 5 pounds for $569. Some people prioritize cost and performance, some prioritize weight and space. Maybe someday ultrabooks will satisfy both crowds, but we\'re not quite there yet.', '>>{edbro333} : Ugh. I thought the MacBook air as it was perfect thinness. The new MacBook is just uncomfortably thin. And this is probably worse', '>>{communistcooter} : My MBP is sufficiently thin. I race to the thinnest would be the race for the reasonably thin and great battery life.', ">>{SiegfriedKircheis} : For the price, it should at least have an i5/i7. M-chips with no 4k screen, no LPDDR4, no touchscreen, no convertibility... Acer isn't even recognized for making quality products. This is like LG's V20 without the screen nor camera and all the price.", '>>{jooes} : Yup, same here. I sent a laptop into them for repairs once. They did nothing and sent it back with a note that said "Everything is working perfectly" even though my issues were still there. They made me pay for shipping too, which normally would be fine but all that meant was that the whole experience cost me like 2 weeks without a laptop *and* $25. All to end up still with a broken laptop. I wasn\'t too impressed.', '>>{lurk_n_throw} : Number of times "Acer" is mentioned in the body copy: 4 Number of times "Apple" is mentioned in the body copy: 4 Make of that what you will, but if you want to beat Apple you\'re going to need more than just hardware.', ">>{fizzlemcdizzle} : I'd only companies could realize this, honestly, they come out with rugged phones and huge batteries but no luxury phones with giant battery, same with laptops and tablets. What's the point. Dell killed it tho with the new baby lake and added battery.", '>>{thats_illuminati} : You can get an XPS 15 with a quad core i5 and a dedicated nvidia 960m GPU for $1100.', '>>{magus-21} : The XPS 15 is the same size and weight as a MacBook Pro 15". That\'s not an ultrabook.', ">>{thats_illuminati} : I think it's pretty great for its specs. What's the official definition for an ultrabook?", '>>{magus-21} : I don\'t think there\'s an "official" one per se, but the MacBook Air is the prototypical ultrabook. The XPS 15 is probably thin enough, but it\'s almost 5 lbs. I\'d say ~3 lbs is the heaviest a laptop can be to still be considered an ultrabook, since that\'s the weight of the first MacBook Air, and that\'s what every other ultrabook has pegged itself against. Also, 15-in laptops are generally not considered ultrabooks because of their screen size, anyway. Ultrabooks are generally 13-in and smaller. To give you an idea, the Retina MacBook Pro 13-in is not really considered to be an ultrabook because it\'s 3.5lbs. Some people might consider it an ultrabook, but it\'s definitely on the bigger/heavier side of what ultrabooks can be.'], ['>>{Politx} : What if we just eliminated all exemptions and tax people based on their income. I have never understood how someone can receive more money back as a "refund" than they contributed during the year - that\'s not tax that\'s welfare.', '>>{TheBernFather} : This is a mod submitting this stupid crap. Well done', '>>{truthhurts4444} : I love this idea. Make the rich jump through the same hoops poor people have to do. I hate the Republican war on the poor', ">>{Crivens1} : Clickbaited the title of a story that's been all over the front page for a week. Great.", '>>{ColonelSanders_1930} : Good. We should also drug test people on welfare', '>>{EllisHughTiger} : Its coming from the same people who think allowing you to *keep* your own money, is also welfare.', ">>{KingPickle} : > What if we just eliminated all exemptions and tax people based on their income. Because that's a simplistic view that only applies to single people, who rent, with no children, who don't run a business or have business expenses, who didn't lose money in the stock market, who don't have to drive for work, etc. Don't get me wrong. There are way too many exemptions for rich people. I don't think people should pay a lower tax rate for making millions off of investments, than people who earn a paycheck do. And so on. But there are real reasons why it's not as simple as you'd think it could/should be.", ">>{Politx} : You lost me, why does it only apply to certain people? No exemptions means no exemptions. What's hard about that? For everyone -no exemptions. Create your progressive tax rates accordingly. There is no magic there.", '>>{KingPickle} : Not sure where I lost you. Are you familiar with how writing off business expenses works?', ">>{Politx} : Im not sure what you're misunderstanding - no exemptions Why do you cling to the idea that exemptions are mandatory,", ">>{enfier} : The government uses the tax code to incentivize behavior that it considers better for society. You'd like to take away that ability.", ">>{KingPickle} : Because if you run a business, there's a difference between gross profits and net profits. Being taxed on gross profits (aka income) is, I think, an absurd proposition. Same thing if you're an investor, or do some investing on the side. Or if you buy real estate and rent that out. There are lots of scenarios where you receive money (income) but then also pay money back out. Being able to deduct those things is what lets you pay taxes on your net take-home profit.", '>>{Worldchampionbeard} : Tax deductions do not equal welfare. This woman is a moron.', '>>{messed_up_marionette} : I think that anyone who holds national office should be subject to drug tests instead.', '>>{eazyirl} : Can we not drug test anyone, please? That shit is dumb.', ">>{BoSnowKnows} : Since when do the poor have to drug test? I don't get the reference.", '>>{BoSnowKnows} : I think we can all agree, airline pilots should be the first ones exempt from intoxicant testing.', ">>{eazyirl} : It doesn't seem to help, anyway. Unless they are giving breathalyzers to pilots right before takeoff, it's worthless.", ">>{BoSnowKnows} : They should be able to just get alcohol right off of the drink cart. They'd have to pay for it bc getting complimentary cocktails is just too much.", '>>{fuzeebear} : It means "look at me, I\'m an edgy teen who is too scared to go to 4chan, so I spread my zesty memes on reddit instead"', ">>{BoSnowKnows} : Only in ten states. Hardly a pitchfork platform for the rich. I like the idea, but I would have them pay for it out of their benefits. I'd also test them three times weekly at random intervals. Their benefit would be based on their success rate. Great idea!", '>>{BoSnowKnows} : I agree. I like hyperbole almost as much as I like using absolutes.', ">>{obeseredditadmin} : Welfare v. Tax cut One is giving people other people's money, the other is keeping money you own. Totally fair.", ">>{ae_syn89} : You know the net benefit (the money saved from not paying out to drug users) is way less than the net cost of drug testing those on welfare. So if you want to drug test those on welfare, then fine. But don't claim to be a small government, conservative while you do it and waste resources.", ">>{ChildishGambeanbro} : We're gonna build a great big drug test for the rich! And the rich will pay for it!", ">>{BoSnowKnows} : What, like with a cloth? What difference does it make? It's this vast rich-wing conspiracy!"]]
classify and reply
['>>{lovely_sombrero} : I think people in the military are fucked with either Clinton or Trump...', '>>{89cats} : The Selfly is a photo-taking drone that doubles as a phone case', '>>{drakeb55} : Congress Rep ‘Mystified’ by Dairy Pride Bill Aimed at Suppressing Plant-Based Foods', '>>{Shiny-And-New} : Military communities support trump less than any republican in generations is an equally accurate headline', '>>{89cats} : This one is only $100. The $600 one they list is a competitor', '>>{jeffinRTP} : The beef, pork industries could lose billions of dollars if people start eating plant base foods.', '>>{intarwebzWINNAR} : That\'s not at all what the bill (or article) are about. It\'s about the dairy industry shouting and stamping its feet that they should be able to sell the only thing in the grocery store called, "milk." They\'d probably prefer they called it Soy Juice or Almond Juice, or something else equally unappealing, although it isn\'t juice, either.', '>>{TR1912} : A growing movement would force presidential candidates to release tax returns', ">>{makinembacon} : it's a no brainer, kickstarter drones always work out", ">>{travio} : Back when margarine was gaining traction there were laws that it could not be dyed to the yellow color of real butter. The companies then sold the tub of margarine with a small vial of dye so that the consumer could do it themselves. Some of the major Dairy states went further and required margarine to be dyed pink. That's how I'd do this if I were the dairy guys. Make the producers dye almond milk a putrid green color.", '>>{Derock85} : He did promise the American people that he would release them himself. Be a man of your word. This is why your businesses suck.', '>>{Sussay} : All candidates for president should also pass a mental competency exam and release their medical records. No records, full exam at the Naval Hospital.', ">>{Three__14} : It'll be interesting to see how, if at all, this number will change after the CIC forum", '>>{walter_neft} : One of Trump’s Responses to Women’s Marches Didn’t Quite Sound Like Him', '>>{Huck77} : I think his pr people probably begged him to let them get one or two tweets in there. They might as well copy the @maturetrumptwts account. It will be interesting to see a human tweet popping up every third or fourth tweet.', '>>{KungFuSnafu} : Everyone is going to describe the udder bullshit this is way better than I could, so I just want to take a minute to say that progress bar is the shit! Excellent design!', ">>{4SAO} : I'm sure Monsanto will soon figure out how to grow almonds with teats, so it'll be fine. Only trump with have hands small enough to milk the almonds, though; but reports indicate he welcomes the job opportunity for when he's fired from his current position.", '>>{Ozwaldo} : This has gotta be some of the stupidest shit... "We\'ve gotta stop this almond milk craze! Quick, let\'s make it illegal for them to call it milk!" Like people who drink almond milk are going back to dairy over the fucking name.', '>>{GasMasktoTask} : Are we sure we dont want to redo that poll in a few days after that?', ">>{vanceco} : If it becomes a requirement for the 2020 election, der trumpenführer simply won't run for re-election, even if he's still potus at the time.", ">>{pwomptastic} : You would think they'd have the good sense to at least misspell something for plausible deniability.", '>>{terminalcomputer} : Can we stop posting Kickstarter drones please? Post once they are available for purchase. So many never work out.', '>>{agentanaranjado} : Because it clearly wasn\'t. It wasn\'t vindictive or self-aggrandizing and it didn\'t end with "Sad!" or "WIN!". That\'s his artistic style.', '>>{Zeplar} : I wish we would focus on the hundreds of objectionable things our candidates do/say rather than focus on invading privacy for one more of said things. Do people really think tax returns would have changed anything?', '>>{coulson83} : It was extremely close. Did you already forget?', ">>{terminalcomputer} : * Bulky phone case * 5 minute flight time * Too small/light to hold steady in a breeze * Camera not on gimbal, can't aim down... Must fly forward to get a picture when above you * Kickstarter We have a winner.", '>>{SchlangeHatRecht} : Watching the CIC forum, they appear to take the Clinton breaches of classified material very serious.', ">>{thewhitedeath} : > artistic style. Nothing stylish or artistic about it. It's moronic.", ">>{DragoneerFA} : It's not like anybody who legitimately likes milk is going to confuse almond milk with regular milk. No one has ever bought Silk thinking it was 2% cow juice, only to be fooled when pouring it onto their favorite breakfast cereal. This is stupid. And yeah, I totally understand why they'd be mystified as well.", ">>{frankenshotdog} : >Trump has built his campaign on appealing to white voters without a bachelor's degree, and polling has shown he's done well with them, even at the expense of losing college-educated whites. >First, America's military post counties have been reliably Republican in previous elections. And in the meantime, the Republicans - only the Republicans - have been gutting Veteran benefits. Republicans hate our troops but yet our troops support them. I don't get it.", '>>{floridalegend} : Or let people do whatever the fuck what they want because free market...', '>>{Felinomancy} : It\'s all Trump. The one that sounds "off" is just alt-Trump.', '>>{randolph51} : Will they replace my phone when it falls out of the sky?', ">>{qdez000} : This is not a shock. Most are conservative to begin with mainly because they get bigger pay raises under republican leaders. Add in the Benghazi thing (the ones who make a big deal and those who let that slide actually funnily is based on the jobs they have) and the classifaction and security leak of course they will prefer Trump until they realize he won't give them pay raises, they end up fighting another war that they find pointless and more people die for stupid reasons.", ">>{radicalelation} : >What happened in between 7:47 and 9:23 this morning? Dude had his breakfast and coffee. I know I'm super cranky in the morning before getting my grub n' joe on.", '>>{Hyperion1144} : Like how Tesla gets to bypass dealerships and sell straight to the consumer? Please. Legislating your competition out of business is as American as apple pie. It worked pretty well on hemp.', ">>{mellcrisp} : It is kind of interesting that they were allowed to get this tweet through though. Up until that, I was relatively certain it was he and he alone behind the tweets. The idea he's got someone else writing them now has some kind of significance.", ">>{Zeplar} : He had like 4 scandals in the last two weeks. If sexual assault didn't do it, I don't see how a tax return would. It's not a good precedent. And it's not even helpful.", ">>{net_403} : Maybe there is a reason he is choosing to *hide* his tax returns, and take so much heat for it, rather than just make everyone go away by showing them. Obviously there is something in them he finds damaging enough that he would rather suffer constant pressure. My bet is more than likely he has business relationships and money coming from sources far more shady than anything Hillary was accused of, more than likely Russian entities, and who knows, that's almost a given though imo. But the bottom line is there has to be a reason he is willing to take so much abuse for hiding his taxes instead of just releasing them and shutting everyone up. I kind of think it's to the extent it would cause major turmoil if they were released. He also personally assured us he would release them to prove to us there is nothing to worry about, so on top of those other reasons he should stick to his word. The longer he goes against this the more suspicious it is.", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : It was common during the campaign. Some people even did an analysis. The most obvious ones where when his tweets were sent from iPhones, when he doesn't use one.", ">>{starienite} : My local supermarket doesn't even stock them in the same part of the store. I don't drink plant based milk, if I want it, I have to go to the hippie section. On the other side of the store. People aren't confused about what kind of milk they are buying.", ">>{billtopia} : I don't think there should be a committee that decides who can or cannot run for president. However, it's perfectly within reason for candidates to be required to be examined by an independent board of certified mental health professionals. And the findings of said board to be public information. Once candidacy is declared, full transparency should be required to even be on the ballot.", '>>{agentanaranjado} : It is definitely moronic and written with all the maturity of a 12 year old. I will say that this Tweet is just so goddamn over the top, however, that I laugh every single time. Such a jackass: http://i.imgur.com/vFJYCCQ.jpg', ">>{mellcrisp} : Huh. I missed that. Too busy deluding myself into thinking I'd never have to think about it.", ">>{Sir_cire} : I mean, I agree it's totally stupid, but I'm sure there are a lot of people who have accidentally bought Silk not realizing it wasn't cow milk. It probably happens daily. But that is entirely their fault for not reading the big, bold letters on the middle of the carton that say SOYMILK. Non-dairy milks shouldn't have to rebrand just because some people don't pay attention to what they are putting in their baskets.", ">>{Sip_of_Sunshine} : Probably the single greatest thing that will come out of Trumps presidency is new rules regarding who can run for office. 35 and born in the US is a low bar to clear, but we haven't had much of an issue in recent history because presidents tend to be smart, reasonable, and genuinely want to serve their country. Republican or Democrat, most presidents in recent history clearly loved their country, not some fantasy version of it that never existed. We certainly have never had a president with another country's interests equally at heart. Until now, tradition was enough but Trump proved it won't be any longer. We need rules to prevent someone we don't know from taking an office they don't deserve and using it to serve a country that does not like us.", '>>{ExpressRabbit} : I support ford and gm bypassing dealerships as well.', '>>{ja734} : I mean, theyre not wrong on that issue. Stuff like almond milk really isnt milk and shouldnt be called milk. Its not the dairy industries problem that those products would be unappealing if they were named accurately.', ">>{SantaHickeys} : Peanut butter isn't really a butter, but the word butter conveys fatty/creamy blend in the same way soy milk conveys a creamy white blend of fats... The consumer isn't confused or misled by the word soy-milk. This is only about dairy trying to preserve market share", ">>{Sip_of_Sunshine} : It's not an invasion of privacy. The president should have a low expectation of privacy, so anyone aspiring to hold that position should expect the same. Tax returns are relevant, it should not be either or.", '>>{Sip_of_Sunshine} : KAC wanted trump to release his returns and iirc prior to joining the team she said she would get him to release them. Then she joined the team, presumably learned why he had not released them, pulled a 180 and fervorantly defended the choice to keep them hidden from that point on. When someone completely changes their opinion after seeing new information, one should assume that the new information seriously challenged their previous position. Trump loves talking about how rich and smart he is. If his returns were clean, he would have been the first to release them.', '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : More information is needed to bring context here. Romney won the military vote basically 70/30 in 2012. So even though 20% seems like a huge number, it should be WAAAAAAAYYYYYYY bigger than that.', ">>{kindredfold} : The product is crap, but right in the photo about they show the drone separated from the case, so I'm guessing no.", '>>{agentanaranjado} : Definitely. Bannon or his son-in-law had to have told him that Dictators don\'t call people "losers" in misspelled sentence fragments. I wonder if anyone on here has text analysis software to compare his Tweets? I mean, I already know it wasn\'t him but it would be cool to have linguistic proof, haha.', '>>{N8Tross} : Yeah, nobody would totally snatch that out of the air and run off with it.', '>>{AgoraiosBum} : Also: tons of military families from rural areas and the south. Correlation...', ">>{Shasta-Daisies} : It will be interesting to learn how their impressions change after tonight and Upcoming debates. He was awful tonight. Never actually answered any question, corrected a vet (incorrectly) on suicide stats, and disrespected military and its leadership. I'm from an active military family, and we've been Army many generations back. Trump was just incoherent at times, arrogant at others and completely ignorant most of the time. Sexual assault is happening because women serve with and lead other women and men? His simplistic victim blaming is disgusting. To my ears, he doesn't sound like he has a single clue what vets and military face, believe and go through. Total BS. He isn't qualified to be commander of the local dog kennel.", ">>{agentanaranjado} : I didn't even see those analyses! Glad someone else already took care of it. Unfortunate that it slid off him like Teflon, just like everything else.", '>>{mellcrisp} : Someone else pointed out it happened during the campaign, notably ones that said they were sent from an iPhone.', ">>{makinembacon} : Yeah, i put it over in r/shittykickstarters, it seems to be getting along great with it's other drone buddies there", '>>{shenanigansintensify} : The way it markets a drone to people who might never otherwise want a drone is a good idea, but that\'s about it. The funniest part is deciding it could double as a phone case. "Hmm I need something to protect my small and very expensive gadget in case I drop it - hey, how about this other very expensive gadget?"', ">>{DarrenEdwards} : Wouldn't stop him from campaigning. So far he is the only one actively seeking campaign funds.", '>>{Anunkash} : The look on some basic bitches face as his/her phone is hacked and proceeds to fly away to some unknown destination will be priceless.', ">>{venator82} : Isn't that how cases work? You double down on the risk of dropping your phone so you're extra careful. After all, you don't want to damage both your phone and your brand new $10-dollar case.", ">>{Hillarys_shart} : I'll be that is a recurring theme in your life. You just don't get it.", ">>{razrielle} : > 5 minute flight time This isn't uncommon. Most quads (even racing ones) are around 5 minutes. To get more than that, you have to get a Phantom like quad or custom make it.", ">>{vanceco} : he'll campaign/raise money right up until the point that he has to either turn in the forms or drop out. or until he resigns or gets impeached.", ">>{terminalcomputer} : I fly racing quads and yep, 5-10 minutes is common. But the thing is when you are trying to take photos you don't want to have to rush to get a photo in 5 minutes before it becomes a paperweight. Anyway... Just one of the issues with this project.", '>>{Granny_Weatherwax} : Also Mike Pence is now claiming more than half the march were Trump supporters.', ">>{webbedgiant} : Am I the only one that thinks this is actually kind of cool and not badly priced if you're an early adopter? I mean battery cases cost upwards of $100 if they're apple branded, this is 79 for a drone built in to your phone... EDIT: Ended up cancelling my pledge after seeing the camera photo quality, but I still think it's a cool idea that I'd pick up once it's refined.", ">>{puck2} : Someone got a hold of his phone... and posted the most wooden response to 2.5 million protesters I can imagine. The old 'I respect free speech' non-reply reply.", ">>{mommy2libras} : Yes, I'm waiting for this new headcount myself.", '>>{aryan_by_chance} : About a month ago there was pretty much identical, but better quality project on Kickstarted with the same concept. I think it was called AirSelfie.', ">>{LittleNoteBlue} : To be fair there's inadequate attention paid to our vets from both sides.", ">>{tagged2high} : This seems more appropriate. I've heard more anti-Trump rumblings in my military community than I've heard about Clinton in the passed few months.", ">>{SupersonicJaymz} : Excuse me? Hi. This is a thread about the military community, and I can't help but notice you've used the term mirderers, by which I must assume you mean murderers. If you would like to straight up call serving military members murderers, you can go fuck yourself. Politeness automod be damned.", ">>{CisWhiteMealWorm} : In actuality, I use to be like that when I was a heavy coffee drinker. Thank God I'm not working midnight anymore.", ">>{LoganLinthicum} : Never in my life have a felt like 5 minutes was a restrictive length of time in which to take a photo. It feels like you're really reaching on this point.", '>>{GoldenCheeto} : Dear Military Communities: Donald J. Trump is the only candidate in the race promising to send your loved ones into Syria to die in a pointless war. Why, exactly, do you support him, again?', '>>{data2dave} : Sounds like Kelly... after she noogied him with that massive mandible of hers.', ">>{Shiny-And-New} : It's hard to find exact numbers but I had read about 60% supported romney and more for mccain, if you got a better source hit me up.", '>>{bearrosaurus} : Way worse than that. He said he would have left soldiers in Iraq to defend oil fields so we could pump oil.', '>>{agentanaranjado} : Jesus... they are clearly just going with a "wet spaghetti" approach to whatever problems they encounter: have a bunch of different Administration officials throw out a bunch of lies and see what sticks. If their supporters believe it: good. If they don\'t believe it: they aren\'t going to know what to think anyway because they just heard 20 different excuses from the same group of people.', ">>{Ralphdraw3} : Trump a Chickenhawk Draft-dodger * Donald Trump's Draft Deferments: Four for College, One for Bad Feet - The New York Times The New York Times › politics › donald-... Aug 1, 2016 - But after he graduated from college in the spring of 1968, making him eligible to be drafted and sent to Vietnam, he received a diagnosis that would change his path: bone spurs in his heels. ... The deferment was one of five Mr. Trump received during Vietnam. ... He said he had visited a ... You visited this page on 8/2/", ">>{SupersonicJaymz} : I don't. Please be advised, if you're making a joke, it isn't translating. If you aren't joking, please refer to my prior statement.", ">>{ewillyp} : exactly, he's out of his mind. we all know or have known someone off, & this POTUS is waaaaaaaay OFF", ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : Can't forget how he also promises to order them to torture captives and deliberately target non-combatant family members for death.", '>>{terminalcomputer} : Have you ever owned a camera with a 5 minute battery life? Say you want to take several photos...', ">>{the_other_50_percent} : And don't dare get captured, because then you're a loser POS.", ">>{Alue13} : My first thought exactly, you can't really use it because there are so many dumb people out there", '>>{emaw63} : Yeah, people in the military have no clue how to handle classified info, right?', '>>{reallyjay} : Really? I have to see this! Link or media I could look up?', '>>{snarkdiva} : I was sure it wasn\'t him. There\'s no way the word "hallmark" is in his vocabulary.', ">>{iloveamericandsocanu} : Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. And I know this from personal experience because I was the one cleaning up their mess when I was in the Air Force. CMI's happen daily in the military.", '>>{Ralphdraw3} : The military supporting a Draft-dodger like Trump? Well they supported Draft-dodgers Romney and Bush43 and Cheney too..!!!', ">>{rhetorical-mice2} : Most important comment here. Without the context of previous years' votes, these numbers aren't very informative.", '>>{emaw63} : Here you go. Johnson at 38, Trump at 30, Clinton at 14 http://thehill.com/policy/defense/288546-poll-libertarian-johnson-beating-trump-clinton-among-active-duty-troops', '>>{sneaking60} : [poll] which was conducted via the popular military personality Doctrine Man. **Although the survey was not a scientific poll with a margin of error**, it provides a snapshot of the preferences of about 3,500 active duty, reservists, retired and former members of the military and their family members, 95.7 percent of which were registered voters. ', '>>{Burrito_nap} : Does him "not getting it" somehow make it logical?', '>>{ackmon} : The sad truth is a good portion of the military community wants war. It keeps them in business and the money flows...']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{lovely_sombrero} : I think people in the military are fucked with either Clinton or Trump...', '>>{Shiny-And-New} : Military communities support trump less than any republican in generations is an equally accurate headline', ">>{Three__14} : It'll be interesting to see how, if at all, this number will change after the CIC forum", '>>{GasMasktoTask} : Are we sure we dont want to redo that poll in a few days after that?', '>>{SchlangeHatRecht} : Watching the CIC forum, they appear to take the Clinton breaches of classified material very serious.', ">>{frankenshotdog} : >Trump has built his campaign on appealing to white voters without a bachelor's degree, and polling has shown he's done well with them, even at the expense of losing college-educated whites. >First, America's military post counties have been reliably Republican in previous elections. And in the meantime, the Republicans - only the Republicans - have been gutting Veteran benefits. Republicans hate our troops but yet our troops support them. I don't get it.", ">>{qdez000} : This is not a shock. Most are conservative to begin with mainly because they get bigger pay raises under republican leaders. Add in the Benghazi thing (the ones who make a big deal and those who let that slide actually funnily is based on the jobs they have) and the classifaction and security leak of course they will prefer Trump until they realize he won't give them pay raises, they end up fighting another war that they find pointless and more people die for stupid reasons.", '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : More information is needed to bring context here. Romney won the military vote basically 70/30 in 2012. So even though 20% seems like a huge number, it should be WAAAAAAAYYYYYYY bigger than that.', '>>{AgoraiosBum} : Also: tons of military families from rural areas and the south. Correlation...', ">>{Shasta-Daisies} : It will be interesting to learn how their impressions change after tonight and Upcoming debates. He was awful tonight. Never actually answered any question, corrected a vet (incorrectly) on suicide stats, and disrespected military and its leadership. I'm from an active military family, and we've been Army many generations back. Trump was just incoherent at times, arrogant at others and completely ignorant most of the time. Sexual assault is happening because women serve with and lead other women and men? His simplistic victim blaming is disgusting. To my ears, he doesn't sound like he has a single clue what vets and military face, believe and go through. Total BS. He isn't qualified to be commander of the local dog kennel.", ">>{Hillarys_shart} : I'll be that is a recurring theme in your life. You just don't get it.", ">>{mommy2libras} : Yes, I'm waiting for this new headcount myself.", ">>{LittleNoteBlue} : To be fair there's inadequate attention paid to our vets from both sides.", ">>{tagged2high} : This seems more appropriate. I've heard more anti-Trump rumblings in my military community than I've heard about Clinton in the passed few months.", ">>{SupersonicJaymz} : Excuse me? Hi. This is a thread about the military community, and I can't help but notice you've used the term mirderers, by which I must assume you mean murderers. If you would like to straight up call serving military members murderers, you can go fuck yourself. Politeness automod be damned.", '>>{GoldenCheeto} : Dear Military Communities: Donald J. Trump is the only candidate in the race promising to send your loved ones into Syria to die in a pointless war. Why, exactly, do you support him, again?', ">>{Shiny-And-New} : It's hard to find exact numbers but I had read about 60% supported romney and more for mccain, if you got a better source hit me up.", '>>{bearrosaurus} : Way worse than that. He said he would have left soldiers in Iraq to defend oil fields so we could pump oil.', ">>{Ralphdraw3} : Trump a Chickenhawk Draft-dodger * Donald Trump's Draft Deferments: Four for College, One for Bad Feet - The New York Times The New York Times › politics › donald-... Aug 1, 2016 - But after he graduated from college in the spring of 1968, making him eligible to be drafted and sent to Vietnam, he received a diagnosis that would change his path: bone spurs in his heels. ... The deferment was one of five Mr. Trump received during Vietnam. ... He said he had visited a ... You visited this page on 8/2/", ">>{SupersonicJaymz} : I don't. Please be advised, if you're making a joke, it isn't translating. If you aren't joking, please refer to my prior statement.", ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : Can't forget how he also promises to order them to torture captives and deliberately target non-combatant family members for death.", ">>{the_other_50_percent} : And don't dare get captured, because then you're a loser POS.", '>>{emaw63} : Yeah, people in the military have no clue how to handle classified info, right?', ">>{iloveamericandsocanu} : Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. And I know this from personal experience because I was the one cleaning up their mess when I was in the Air Force. CMI's happen daily in the military.", '>>{Ralphdraw3} : The military supporting a Draft-dodger like Trump? Well they supported Draft-dodgers Romney and Bush43 and Cheney too..!!!', ">>{rhetorical-mice2} : Most important comment here. Without the context of previous years' votes, these numbers aren't very informative.", '>>{emaw63} : Here you go. Johnson at 38, Trump at 30, Clinton at 14 http://thehill.com/policy/defense/288546-poll-libertarian-johnson-beating-trump-clinton-among-active-duty-troops', '>>{sneaking60} : [poll] which was conducted via the popular military personality Doctrine Man. **Although the survey was not a scientific poll with a margin of error**, it provides a snapshot of the preferences of about 3,500 active duty, reservists, retired and former members of the military and their family members, 95.7 percent of which were registered voters. ', '>>{Burrito_nap} : Does him "not getting it" somehow make it logical?', '>>{ackmon} : The sad truth is a good portion of the military community wants war. It keeps them in business and the money flows...'], ['>>{TR1912} : A growing movement would force presidential candidates to release tax returns', '>>{Derock85} : He did promise the American people that he would release them himself. Be a man of your word. This is why your businesses suck.', '>>{Sussay} : All candidates for president should also pass a mental competency exam and release their medical records. No records, full exam at the Naval Hospital.', ">>{vanceco} : If it becomes a requirement for the 2020 election, der trumpenführer simply won't run for re-election, even if he's still potus at the time.", '>>{Zeplar} : I wish we would focus on the hundreds of objectionable things our candidates do/say rather than focus on invading privacy for one more of said things. Do people really think tax returns would have changed anything?', '>>{coulson83} : It was extremely close. Did you already forget?', ">>{Zeplar} : He had like 4 scandals in the last two weeks. If sexual assault didn't do it, I don't see how a tax return would. It's not a good precedent. And it's not even helpful.", ">>{net_403} : Maybe there is a reason he is choosing to *hide* his tax returns, and take so much heat for it, rather than just make everyone go away by showing them. Obviously there is something in them he finds damaging enough that he would rather suffer constant pressure. My bet is more than likely he has business relationships and money coming from sources far more shady than anything Hillary was accused of, more than likely Russian entities, and who knows, that's almost a given though imo. But the bottom line is there has to be a reason he is willing to take so much abuse for hiding his taxes instead of just releasing them and shutting everyone up. I kind of think it's to the extent it would cause major turmoil if they were released. He also personally assured us he would release them to prove to us there is nothing to worry about, so on top of those other reasons he should stick to his word. The longer he goes against this the more suspicious it is.", ">>{billtopia} : I don't think there should be a committee that decides who can or cannot run for president. However, it's perfectly within reason for candidates to be required to be examined by an independent board of certified mental health professionals. And the findings of said board to be public information. Once candidacy is declared, full transparency should be required to even be on the ballot.", ">>{Sip_of_Sunshine} : Probably the single greatest thing that will come out of Trumps presidency is new rules regarding who can run for office. 35 and born in the US is a low bar to clear, but we haven't had much of an issue in recent history because presidents tend to be smart, reasonable, and genuinely want to serve their country. Republican or Democrat, most presidents in recent history clearly loved their country, not some fantasy version of it that never existed. We certainly have never had a president with another country's interests equally at heart. Until now, tradition was enough but Trump proved it won't be any longer. We need rules to prevent someone we don't know from taking an office they don't deserve and using it to serve a country that does not like us.", ">>{Sip_of_Sunshine} : It's not an invasion of privacy. The president should have a low expectation of privacy, so anyone aspiring to hold that position should expect the same. Tax returns are relevant, it should not be either or.", '>>{Sip_of_Sunshine} : KAC wanted trump to release his returns and iirc prior to joining the team she said she would get him to release them. Then she joined the team, presumably learned why he had not released them, pulled a 180 and fervorantly defended the choice to keep them hidden from that point on. When someone completely changes their opinion after seeing new information, one should assume that the new information seriously challenged their previous position. Trump loves talking about how rich and smart he is. If his returns were clean, he would have been the first to release them.', ">>{DarrenEdwards} : Wouldn't stop him from campaigning. So far he is the only one actively seeking campaign funds.", ">>{vanceco} : he'll campaign/raise money right up until the point that he has to either turn in the forms or drop out. or until he resigns or gets impeached."], ['>>{89cats} : The Selfly is a photo-taking drone that doubles as a phone case', '>>{89cats} : This one is only $100. The $600 one they list is a competitor', ">>{makinembacon} : it's a no brainer, kickstarter drones always work out", '>>{terminalcomputer} : Can we stop posting Kickstarter drones please? Post once they are available for purchase. So many never work out.', ">>{terminalcomputer} : * Bulky phone case * 5 minute flight time * Too small/light to hold steady in a breeze * Camera not on gimbal, can't aim down... Must fly forward to get a picture when above you * Kickstarter We have a winner.", '>>{randolph51} : Will they replace my phone when it falls out of the sky?', ">>{kindredfold} : The product is crap, but right in the photo about they show the drone separated from the case, so I'm guessing no.", '>>{N8Tross} : Yeah, nobody would totally snatch that out of the air and run off with it.', ">>{makinembacon} : Yeah, i put it over in r/shittykickstarters, it seems to be getting along great with it's other drone buddies there", '>>{shenanigansintensify} : The way it markets a drone to people who might never otherwise want a drone is a good idea, but that\'s about it. The funniest part is deciding it could double as a phone case. "Hmm I need something to protect my small and very expensive gadget in case I drop it - hey, how about this other very expensive gadget?"', '>>{Anunkash} : The look on some basic bitches face as his/her phone is hacked and proceeds to fly away to some unknown destination will be priceless.', ">>{venator82} : Isn't that how cases work? You double down on the risk of dropping your phone so you're extra careful. After all, you don't want to damage both your phone and your brand new $10-dollar case.", ">>{razrielle} : > 5 minute flight time This isn't uncommon. Most quads (even racing ones) are around 5 minutes. To get more than that, you have to get a Phantom like quad or custom make it.", ">>{terminalcomputer} : I fly racing quads and yep, 5-10 minutes is common. But the thing is when you are trying to take photos you don't want to have to rush to get a photo in 5 minutes before it becomes a paperweight. Anyway... Just one of the issues with this project.", ">>{webbedgiant} : Am I the only one that thinks this is actually kind of cool and not badly priced if you're an early adopter? I mean battery cases cost upwards of $100 if they're apple branded, this is 79 for a drone built in to your phone... EDIT: Ended up cancelling my pledge after seeing the camera photo quality, but I still think it's a cool idea that I'd pick up once it's refined.", '>>{aryan_by_chance} : About a month ago there was pretty much identical, but better quality project on Kickstarted with the same concept. I think it was called AirSelfie.', ">>{LoganLinthicum} : Never in my life have a felt like 5 minutes was a restrictive length of time in which to take a photo. It feels like you're really reaching on this point.", '>>{terminalcomputer} : Have you ever owned a camera with a 5 minute battery life? Say you want to take several photos...', ">>{Alue13} : My first thought exactly, you can't really use it because there are so many dumb people out there"], ['>>{walter_neft} : One of Trump’s Responses to Women’s Marches Didn’t Quite Sound Like Him', '>>{Huck77} : I think his pr people probably begged him to let them get one or two tweets in there. They might as well copy the @maturetrumptwts account. It will be interesting to see a human tweet popping up every third or fourth tweet.', ">>{pwomptastic} : You would think they'd have the good sense to at least misspell something for plausible deniability.", '>>{agentanaranjado} : Because it clearly wasn\'t. It wasn\'t vindictive or self-aggrandizing and it didn\'t end with "Sad!" or "WIN!". That\'s his artistic style.', ">>{thewhitedeath} : > artistic style. Nothing stylish or artistic about it. It's moronic.", '>>{Felinomancy} : It\'s all Trump. The one that sounds "off" is just alt-Trump.', ">>{radicalelation} : >What happened in between 7:47 and 9:23 this morning? Dude had his breakfast and coffee. I know I'm super cranky in the morning before getting my grub n' joe on.", ">>{mellcrisp} : It is kind of interesting that they were allowed to get this tweet through though. Up until that, I was relatively certain it was he and he alone behind the tweets. The idea he's got someone else writing them now has some kind of significance.", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : It was common during the campaign. Some people even did an analysis. The most obvious ones where when his tweets were sent from iPhones, when he doesn't use one.", '>>{agentanaranjado} : It is definitely moronic and written with all the maturity of a 12 year old. I will say that this Tweet is just so goddamn over the top, however, that I laugh every single time. Such a jackass: http://i.imgur.com/vFJYCCQ.jpg', ">>{mellcrisp} : Huh. I missed that. Too busy deluding myself into thinking I'd never have to think about it.", '>>{agentanaranjado} : Definitely. Bannon or his son-in-law had to have told him that Dictators don\'t call people "losers" in misspelled sentence fragments. I wonder if anyone on here has text analysis software to compare his Tweets? I mean, I already know it wasn\'t him but it would be cool to have linguistic proof, haha.', ">>{agentanaranjado} : I didn't even see those analyses! Glad someone else already took care of it. Unfortunate that it slid off him like Teflon, just like everything else.", '>>{mellcrisp} : Someone else pointed out it happened during the campaign, notably ones that said they were sent from an iPhone.', '>>{Granny_Weatherwax} : Also Mike Pence is now claiming more than half the march were Trump supporters.', ">>{puck2} : Someone got a hold of his phone... and posted the most wooden response to 2.5 million protesters I can imagine. The old 'I respect free speech' non-reply reply.", ">>{CisWhiteMealWorm} : In actuality, I use to be like that when I was a heavy coffee drinker. Thank God I'm not working midnight anymore.", '>>{data2dave} : Sounds like Kelly... after she noogied him with that massive mandible of hers.', '>>{agentanaranjado} : Jesus... they are clearly just going with a "wet spaghetti" approach to whatever problems they encounter: have a bunch of different Administration officials throw out a bunch of lies and see what sticks. If their supporters believe it: good. If they don\'t believe it: they aren\'t going to know what to think anyway because they just heard 20 different excuses from the same group of people.', ">>{ewillyp} : exactly, he's out of his mind. we all know or have known someone off, & this POTUS is waaaaaaaay OFF", '>>{reallyjay} : Really? I have to see this! Link or media I could look up?', '>>{snarkdiva} : I was sure it wasn\'t him. There\'s no way the word "hallmark" is in his vocabulary.'], ['>>{drakeb55} : Congress Rep ‘Mystified’ by Dairy Pride Bill Aimed at Suppressing Plant-Based Foods', '>>{jeffinRTP} : The beef, pork industries could lose billions of dollars if people start eating plant base foods.', '>>{intarwebzWINNAR} : That\'s not at all what the bill (or article) are about. It\'s about the dairy industry shouting and stamping its feet that they should be able to sell the only thing in the grocery store called, "milk." They\'d probably prefer they called it Soy Juice or Almond Juice, or something else equally unappealing, although it isn\'t juice, either.', ">>{travio} : Back when margarine was gaining traction there were laws that it could not be dyed to the yellow color of real butter. The companies then sold the tub of margarine with a small vial of dye so that the consumer could do it themselves. Some of the major Dairy states went further and required margarine to be dyed pink. That's how I'd do this if I were the dairy guys. Make the producers dye almond milk a putrid green color.", '>>{KungFuSnafu} : Everyone is going to describe the udder bullshit this is way better than I could, so I just want to take a minute to say that progress bar is the shit! Excellent design!', ">>{4SAO} : I'm sure Monsanto will soon figure out how to grow almonds with teats, so it'll be fine. Only trump with have hands small enough to milk the almonds, though; but reports indicate he welcomes the job opportunity for when he's fired from his current position.", '>>{Ozwaldo} : This has gotta be some of the stupidest shit... "We\'ve gotta stop this almond milk craze! Quick, let\'s make it illegal for them to call it milk!" Like people who drink almond milk are going back to dairy over the fucking name.', ">>{DragoneerFA} : It's not like anybody who legitimately likes milk is going to confuse almond milk with regular milk. No one has ever bought Silk thinking it was 2% cow juice, only to be fooled when pouring it onto their favorite breakfast cereal. This is stupid. And yeah, I totally understand why they'd be mystified as well.", '>>{floridalegend} : Or let people do whatever the fuck what they want because free market...', '>>{Hyperion1144} : Like how Tesla gets to bypass dealerships and sell straight to the consumer? Please. Legislating your competition out of business is as American as apple pie. It worked pretty well on hemp.', ">>{starienite} : My local supermarket doesn't even stock them in the same part of the store. I don't drink plant based milk, if I want it, I have to go to the hippie section. On the other side of the store. People aren't confused about what kind of milk they are buying.", ">>{Sir_cire} : I mean, I agree it's totally stupid, but I'm sure there are a lot of people who have accidentally bought Silk not realizing it wasn't cow milk. It probably happens daily. But that is entirely their fault for not reading the big, bold letters on the middle of the carton that say SOYMILK. Non-dairy milks shouldn't have to rebrand just because some people don't pay attention to what they are putting in their baskets.", '>>{ExpressRabbit} : I support ford and gm bypassing dealerships as well.', '>>{ja734} : I mean, theyre not wrong on that issue. Stuff like almond milk really isnt milk and shouldnt be called milk. Its not the dairy industries problem that those products would be unappealing if they were named accurately.', ">>{SantaHickeys} : Peanut butter isn't really a butter, but the word butter conveys fatty/creamy blend in the same way soy milk conveys a creamy white blend of fats... The consumer isn't confused or misled by the word soy-milk. This is only about dairy trying to preserve market share"]]
classify and reply
['>>{S9c9clark} : Never used an iOS device before, I have a few questions.', '>>{AwfulLandlord} : There are 3.4 million Filipinos in the United States. Which ethnic minority will he alienate next?', ">>{ecs0013} : 1. The SE is definitely worth buying - plenty fast and capable, and the only real caveat is the smaller screen size. It should see a few years of software update support, and some are not thinking that Apple will replace it every year, but keep it as a low-end device and let it age out. 2. The SE is looks like a 5/5S, but has the internals of the 6S (so slightly slower than a 7). The rear camera is the same as the 6S, but the front camera and display are like that of the 5S. It also has the older Touch ID found on the 5S and 6. Capability-wise, it can do just about everything the 6S does except 3D Touch (it does do Live Photos and Apple Pay). This will help play the spec-comparison game: http://www.apple.com/iphone/compare/ 3. iOS is quite secure since all apps come from the App Store (unless you jailbreak...don't unless you're really comfortable and understand the risks), and Apple manages all OS updates, not carriers. This means every iPhone can access every software update at the same time. 4. They're all siloed by their app (Phone, Messages, Mail, or a third party communication app) - BlackBerry was very ambitious with that method centered around people. 5. Battery life is about a day per charge on most devices - the SE is actually the best in the lineup (behind maybe the 7 Plus, 6S Plus) in real-world usage. I can't speak to the bigger phones, but my SE lasts the day with plenty to spare when I go to bed. I used to have a 6 and it was pretty good, too. Personally, I like iOS from the standpoint that it can be quick and efficient and simple. Some tech folks don't like the limitations of iOS (much like BB's limitations years ago) because it cuts down on tinkering and the ability to do everything and anything they could dream up. Android certainly has its place (the Nexus and Pixels are what I'd look at if I went the Android route), but for me, I prefer iOS for its appliance-like nature.", ">>{CaptNemo131} : * Yes, it has the internals of the 6s, it only lacks the 3D Touch feature. I'd say it's worth buying, but others may have another opinion. * See above. * Not sure, but I think iPhones are encrypted and I feel it's secure enough for my everyday uses. * No familiarity with Hub, but notifications and their management leave something to be desired when compared to newer Android. * The SE, with a small screen, has some phenomenal battery life. The Plus models have great battery life as well.", ">>{myellabella} : Conway: Meryl Streep 'inciting people's worst instincts'", ">>{SponTen} : Out of curiosity, why do you find Android too inefficient? How do BBs do it better? I definitely miss features from older phones, especially profiles that were so prevalent in Nokias, but I'd be surprised if they'd surpass modern Androids/iPhones in total efficiency.", ">>{e0rt} : Regarding your third question, I'd refer you to [this document](https://www.apple.com/business/docs/iOS_Security_Guide.pdf) Apple released in regards to iOS security. It goes quite in depth and gives me assurance that the company is dedicated to provide security for its users.", '>>{ScaryRaebbit} : Most flagship Android phones are now encrypted. You fail to mention sandboxing or the timely security updates.', '>>{Creddit999} : KAC: "I\'m concerned that somebody with a platform like Meryl Streep\'s is inciting people\'s worst instincts" How very rich. And ironic.', '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"', ">>{S9c9clark} : There are quite a few things that I find better on BBs. Some things the Bold series does better even than BB10. * Suppose, on a Bold, that I am on the home screen and want to text Roger. I type CR and press enter, and now I am typing a message to Roger. It took 0.2 seconds to do that, and I could do it without looking at the screen. On Android, I have to open the messenger app, click compose, click Roger's name. That took at least 2 seconds, or 10 times longer. And I definitely had to look at what I was doing. * If I come back to my phone after leaving it unattended, the red blinker tells me that I have a message. Many Android devices have this as well, but the notifications can be cleared by anybody without unlocking the device. In such a case I would never know I got a notification. * More control over password locking. On any BlackBerry device I can turn off the screen without password locking it, and it will stay unlocked until it times out. I can also lock it on demand by pressing K. Making an Android device lock **only** on demand or after X minutes, but not when turning off the screen, is not straightforward. Not a huge deal with a fingerprint sensor though. * Notifications don't get accidentally cleared on BB. On Android I might swipe away a notification. What if I didn't mean to, and I forget what app it was? Now I have no idea if it was an updated app, a Whatsapp message, or a missed call. On a BB Bold notifications stay until you click on them. On BB10 they are tracked forever in the Hub. * Lockscreen control is excellent on BB10. I can look at my locked device and know who an email is from. The content is hidden, but the sender is visible - this seems to be impossible on Android, where it's an all or nothing option. These points are important to me because I frequently leave my phone unattended with other people, and I am extremely sensitive to security and privacy. The way I use my phone is very, very different from most people. I also have no idea how iPhones compare to these points.", '>>{S9c9clark} : I will definitely read through that. A company saying they "will not" access your data is different from "we cannot."', '>>{SponTen} : That\'s a very extensive list, and you have very specific and well-thought-out requirements. I like that; thank you for writing it. Very few people need anything more than "the basics" these days though. I miss when tech catered to techies :( I think you\'ll find most, if not all (and more) of those issues will occur on iOS too. Not defending Android here, just saying that both OSs seem to be trying to cater to the everyman these days, and a lot of that is too complicated for people to even think about. So moving to iOS *may* not be the answer for you, unless you\'re willing to forego those benefits for some other requirements. On an Android, I think you *could* solve most of those issues for you by flashing a custom rom and modding the shit out of it, but it would be a lengthy process with potential downsides. I know with custom launchers though you could somewhat sold your 4th point; notification badges can be set to remain on apps until you actually open that app, even after clearing the notification in the lockscreen. Notification history would be pretty useful to have though. I have a Xiaomi Mi5, and you can set notifications to not display on the lockscreen at all. Since you can unlock the phone with a fingerprint in under 0.5 seconds, you could then swipe down for your notifications. No one else could do this unless they had their fingerprint registered. And as mentioned above, I\'m certain this level of customisation is possible if you flash and/or mod. For iPhones though, you may have to look into jailbreaking, if that\'s even possible any more (I don\'t have a lot of experience with iPhones sorry).', '>>{d_mcc_x} : Telling people to be resolute and good to each other - bad Mocking a disabled reporter - good.', '>>{HarlanCedeno} : Is that a rhetorical question or did you actually want to get a betting pool going?', '>>{Solterlun} : It\'s beyond ironic at this point. Beyond projection. It\'s weaponized obfuscation. Conway is the fucking best at it. She\'s really the perfect "face" of Trump outside of Trump. That we have people at master-levels of this craft is not a good indication of our societies organization.', ">>{ElCaminoInTheWest} : Of all the significant public figures in America today, the one who is 'inciting people's worst instincts' is...Meryl Streep. Satire is dead. Long live our brutal post modern reality.", '>>{SSJ4MajinGogetenks} : It seems most of the terrorist attacks in Europe are from immigrants from destabilized countries, which Trump cites as his reason for stopping immigration from those countries.', '>>{-masterbaiter-} : What is bad is spreading a lie and shitting on one of the most progressive sports in today´s era.', ">>{S9c9clark} : I run Cyanogenmod and Xposed on my Galaxy S4, and it solves many of my problems, including the lock-on-demand requirement. Some problems persist, and some new ones crop up. Running a custom rom requires unlocking the bootloader. As I understand it, an unlocked bootloader will allow someone to dump the memory of the device, giving unrestricted access to my (encrypted) data. I would need to use a very long password to protect against a brute force attack, and enter this password dozens of times per day. Android's Remote Wipe feature would be useless because the data could already be copied. I can probably solve some of my concerns with a stock, non-rooted rom, but even then there is the concern of how Google and Apple treat user privacy. I use a minimal amount of Google services because I am uncomfortable with the data they track and how they store it. I expose as little data as possible to my Galaxy S4. It still has a lot of my data because it's the only device I have that can run apps. Reading about Apple's approach to security, and assuming they are 100% truthful, non-jailbroken iPhones seem to be inherently more secure. Apple does not track user data, and cannot possibly decrypt any data or iMessage on my device. The iPhone's memory cannot be extracted or brute-forced. This is more than can be said for BlackBerry, which gave the BBM encryption key to the Canadian RCMP (and who knows what other police agencies.) Not that I have anything to hide, but I am *extremely* protective of my privacy, to the point that I do not bring my phone when I cross the Canadian border. (I saw the Canadian border guards arrest someone for not telling their phone password.)", '>>{SponTen} : Sounds like you\'re very unique then. In this day and age, the world will not be kind to you for consumer products; pretty much everything big is targeted at the common denominator in order to maximise potential profit. But I\'m sure you already know that. I really do wish more people thought this deeply about their products and morals. iOS is, from what I understand, more secure than Android mainly due to the fact that it\'s not open sourced. That being said... > Apple... cannot possibly decrypt any data or iMessage on my device. The iPhone\'s memory cannot be extracted or brute-forced. Did you see everything that happened with the San Bernardino FBI/iPhone case? iOS is super secure from the looks of it, but it\'s still possible. I don\'t think it\'s possible to 100% prevent decryption/hacking/extraction/etc on any device, at least not with current technology. But yeah Apple definitely have a better stance on privacy than BB, from the sounds of it. I guess iPhones are the only way to go for what you truly want. Maybe Windows Phones would be "more secure" just by the fact that so few people use them, that there will be fewer people trying to break into them. But with either of these, you will not have the customisation of Android/BB. And with Android, you likely will not have the security of the others. Good luck, regardless!', ">>{HarlanCedeno} : 7 to 1. I'm gong to go with New Zealanders, just because I could see him thinking the Hobbit films were a shot against him.", '>>{Deadcharacter} : What the heck is happening in this world. Up is down and down is up. Conway is like: how dare you incite empathy! This is one of the worst instincts. Pathetic really.', ">>{Writerhaha} : Damn, that's deep. Is that from the Wonder Woman script? /s", ">>{ScaryRaebbit} : Just because something is open source, doesn't make it less secure.", '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Wow, she did it. She basically said "you over rated losers gotta come together to support me."', ">>{big_hey_22} : I can't think of a White House official who had as much disdain for the people as Kellyanne Conway. Campaigning is one thing, but governing to totally different and she's way too arrogant to understand that. Compared to her, Donald Rumsfeld seemed honest and relatable. People are going to get sick of her so quickly.", ">>{darrensilk3} : Nations aren't monoliths. They don't behave like hive minds. Often the government is a poor reflection of the nation. Even in North Korea the population tries to subvert the will of its dictator and often paying with their lives. So to say an entire nation is a 'Terrorist Nation' is absurd a concept as someone being inherently 'good' or 'evil'. Have *some* Americans learnt nothing since the Berlin Wall fell?", ">>{ScaryRaebbit} : Coming from Android Nougat to iOS 10, your quibbles with notifications will definitely not go away. iOS's notification setup is worse. For instance, you can't even hide sensitive information on notifications unless it is Mail or Messages. It's either you want lock screen notifications with the information shown or nothing.", ">>{AtlantanKnight7} : Filipino here... Trump is an asshat bigot. Please don't vote for him. Vote for anyone but him (ideally Gary Johnson, but anyone really).", ">>{ScaryRaebbit} : If you flashed GApps then Google is still vacuuming a lot of your data. If you are truly concerned about your privacy, I'd look into something like CopperHead OS.", ">>{CaptNemo131} : Ah you're right. It's been a while since I switched, I'd forgotten. Thanks for pointing it out", ">>{Penguin236} : Yeah! Vote for Gary Johnson instead of the candidate that actually has a chance to beat Trump. Also, I'm guessing about 3 minutes before someone calls me a CTR shill.", '>>{Captain_Who} : She will be remembered as the greatest enabler of all time.', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : From now on I'm going to refer to Conway as 'Madam Goebbels'.", '>>{KopOut} : Most of the terrorist attacks in Europe are from citizens of Europe with roots in former European colonies... Most of the "destabilization" of those former colonies is a result of colonization and its aftermath...', '>>{gabrielquilez} : It\'s actually equally fast as the iPhone 7! I tested out my SE and a buddy\'s 7 with opening apps and they are on par. The main "downsides" of the SE is the small screen, the front facing camera isn\'t a huge wow factor and no 3D touch.', '>>{a2raya83} : So there has been no uptick in terrorism after the Arab spring or the Syrian Civil War?', '>>{AustinTxTeacher} : Calling MMA not arts - bad. Mocking a disabled reporter - good.', ">>{One_more_username} : He said during the debates that India has a lot of Muslims, but doesn't have problems with Muslims. So, the two obvious points: 1. He is wrong. Islamic extremesim is an issue. It has been quiet fir a while, but there are issues. 2. He is obviously going to do a 180 with this along with everything else. In two weeks, H1B good, Indians are all terrorists.", ">>{ecs0013} : Yeah - I haven't done much with any of the 7/7 Plus devices, but Apple's marketing has said that it's faster (I'm guessing under load in certain circumstances) - but the A10 adds a few more operating modes to find the perfect balance of performance and power efficiency: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_A10 Still, the SE and 6S are plenty fast for opening apps and daily use to the point that a few extra points on a Geekbench score won't really be noticeable in daily use.", '>>{HelperBot_} : Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_A10 *** ^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^31812', '>>{epchipko} : KAC needs to start realizing it is just getting started. Streep showed how to do it with some class. Most of us are not nearly so classy.', ">>{fuzeebear} : How many are left? He's alienated Filipinos, Japanese, Chinese, Black, Mexican, Arab, etc. Maybe it's time for him to insult India and Korea.", ">>{fuzeebear} : Trump isn't dumb enough to go after any white ethnicities, that's where all his votes are.", ">>{krazyates} : Hey man, I just wanted to stop in and say that my only complaint about iOS is the notifications. I have a BB Passport, an iPhone 7+, and an HTC 10 with Nougat. The notifications on iOS are trash compared to the other two platforms. Honestly, it's what keeps me from using my 7+ as my daily driver. Like I said, that's really my only complaint. Everything else is great. Security, battery, etc.", ">>{SponTen} : Not in and of itself, no. But it *generally* means that people trying to break into the device/OS can do so a lot easier because they have access to all the source code, and can much more easily identify weaknesses. Though, this is from what I've researched, been informed, and been taught very briefly at uni; I don't have any experience with security so I could be completely wrong :P", '>>{-masterbaiter-} : Calling mma not a sport with foreign participation - lie Saying Trump mocked a disabled reporter - lie', ">>{thesquash707} : Jeez dude let it go, MMA is a sport or art or who cares. The point she was making was that people on the left make most all the art other than MMA or football (sports in general). Maybe she shouldn't have said football and MMA aren't art but who cares, plus you're right and alot of MMA stars are foreigners. Do you want Trump to deport or make it so hostile that Brazilians don't want to come here? If you agree with everything else she has to say just ignore the MMA part.", ">>{takeashill_pill} : Oh my god the whole team is running with this. They're fucking insane. No one is going to rein in Trump, they're all enablers. We're so beyond fucked.", ">>{rrrrrig} : well i mean you can keep notifications from showing up on the lock screen, and keep them from doing the badge or banner thing. but then you have to pull down the notifications center to see if those apps were replied to or turn on badge icons. i think you can also turn off being able to pull the notifications center down on the lock screen but i'm not 100% sure. maybe that could make sensitive information more secure since you can't exactly customize what's in the notification?", ">>{fuzeebear} : You made it an hour so far, I'm honestly very surprised that you haven't been called a shill yet.", ">>{radale} : Trump denigrates just about every minority/marginalized group humanly possible, and has white supremacists literally endorse him. Trump does next to nothing to denounce these people, and even goes so far as to retweet them. This apparently does not incite people's worst instincts. Meryl Streep essentially says it is our job as people to support one another, and not let bullies win. THIS incites people's worst instincts. Just... ugh. Fuck Kellyanne Conway. I cannot express my thoughts towards her in any sort of eloquent way. Clearly, for her, and every single person who's aligned themselves with Donald Trump, positions of power and being able to associate themselves with power is far more important than *BASIC. FUCKING. HUMAN. DECENCY.* I have no idea what else to say. I have no patience for these people and their supporters. Just none.", ">>{takeashill_pill} : She called it not one of the arts, and it's not. And he's on a very, very well publicized video mocking that reporter, you can't gaslight your way out of this one.", ">>{SandraLee48} : Even if the Trump team was squeaky clean they'd be running into major head winds due to the 74% of us who didn't vote for him.", '>>{dudettte} : or is he? he lost many polish votes because of all Russia sympathies and nato comments.', ">>{fuzeebear} : Let me revise. Trump isn't dumb enough to purposefully go after white ethnicities, but he is ignorant enough to do it accidentally.", ">>{dudettte} : asking me? I think he's going senile. my gran gran had Alzheimer's it sucks. we all wanted her to make sense.", '>>{Penguin236} : My comment is actually being upvoted (for now). I am very surprised.', '>>{isikorsky} : >Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency? There comes a point in every crusade like this when power corrupts. Trump had a choice after he won to become a voice for the people, representing citizens outside the Washington establishment. Instead he has chosen to keep the persona he showed during the election, a thin skinned lying bully who tolerates no dissent.', ">>{-masterbaiter-} : >She called it not one of the arts, and it's not She said it was a sport without foreign participation and that is a lie. And calling it not an art is just your opinion. >And he's on a very, very well publicized video mocking that He is mocking the reporter but not because he is disabled. He uses that gesture talking about Cruz and other people....i dont think Cruz is disabled.", ">>{howdoesilogin} : We dont really give a shit about that. its more of a fact check thing. Now if he continues to say how cool Putin is and how nato members should pay for protection. Well I'll just say we're not too keen on having a longer border with Russia", ">>{Unicorn_Tickles} : Cubans. They're conservative and the only Latinos that probably support him a little. If trump is looking to really handicap his campaign, he's gotta piss off those Cubans.", '>>{whatnowdog} : All a Cuban government terrorist has to do is step on soil in the US. They should be mad because many Cubans are using Latin American counties and finally Mexico to get in the country. How will they do that with the wall.', '>>{whatnowdog} : When are his supporters going to force him to bring jobs to America to make all his Trump stuff that is now made overseas.', ">>{AustinTxTeacher} : God you Trumpsters are shitty debaters. Can't even get what's said right.", '>>{whatnowdog} : I think Trump is going to beat Trump if he keeps it up like he did last week.', '>>{NarcolepticMan} : I see /r/t_d is leaking again.', '>>{Penguin236} : The election is still over 90 days away. Anything could happen between now and November. We still have the debates ahead of us, and it is entirely possible that something unpredictable happens.', '>>{whatnowdog} : It is not over until Nov 9th or when the Supreme Court rules after that. The real vote is the Electoral College vote in December that determines the election.', ">>{PantsMcGillicuddy} : Proof he mocks other people the same way? I've only see the video for the disabled reporter.", ">>{Penguin236} : >The real vote is the Electoral College vote in December That's in November. On the day of the election.", '>>{thesquash707} : Instinct definition- an innate, typically fixed pattern of behavior in animals in response to certain stimuli. So because an actress points out a "man" mocking a disabled person she\'s inciting my worst instincts of empathy and outrage? I think those are our best instincts and qualities as human beings and I wish more people incited those feelings in one another.', ">>{AustinTxTeacher} : I'm saving my breath. They live in an alternate universe. It's taking me a long time and it has worn me the hell out, but I'm starting to learn to not even engage.", ">>{zm34} : Why import other countries' problems? What benefit does that have for the American people?", '>>{zm34} : The motives of these attackers may never be known!', '>>{gnomeimean} : >and has white supremacists literally endorse him https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_fallacy If Hitler endorsed Fanta as the official "Nazi soda", it wouldn\'t make you a Nazi for drinking it.', ">>{MadeinStars} : In my opinion KAC is an even worse person than Trump. Trump is just... Trump. He can't really help it, he is just the idiot he is. KAC on the other hand is the most cynical of opportunists. She is a truely terrifying person and the fact that she has the influence she does is a threat to the very fabric of our society.", '>>{whatnowdog} : The November vote decides the Electoral College electors but those electors are the people that vote for the President and VP. Most if not all are bound to vote for a certain person but there could be a mass revolt and they could throw the election. That would be hard to pull off because they meet in the State Capitols instead of one big group. If someone does not vote right they may be removed as an elector.', '>>{OnlyForF1} : Nobody is going to listen to a single word you have to say if you refuse to get your facts right.', '>>{Penguin236} : >If someone does not vote right they may be removed as an elector. Exactly. None of them are stupid enough to not vote based on their state.', '>>{-masterbaiter-} : >Do you want Trump to deport or make it so hostile that Brazilians don\'t want to come here? Why would he? they are here legally and they are working. And it is not just Brazilians, there are Europeans, Hyspanics, Jews, Muslims etc in the UFC (just singling out UFC because it is the biggest promotion). Every athlete is celebrated, they are only judged by their skill, we have gay champions and Muslim #1 contenders and they are pretty much loved by all the community. Why would she "bully" a community when she is making a speech about inclusion and being good to each other? I dont know if it is because she is with the CAA and the Ufc was bought by the WME, but it seemed uncalled.', ">>{d_mcc_x} : Him mocking other people that way doesn't make it ok, and it certainly shouldn't be used by people to defend him.", '>>{zm34} : If that was the immigration policy being pushed by the Democrats, I would be *far* more likely to vote for them.', ">>{MSFmotorcycle} : 1) they bring qualified workers 2) they prevent America from having the same aging work force problem that every other developed nation has Then of course, there's what you mentioned", ">>{jaxative} : At least it'll keep those pesky Irish out. Also the [Japanese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_Red_Army), the [Spanish and French](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ETA_(separatist_group) the [Greeks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Organization_17_November) the [Italians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Brigades#New_assassinations_by_new_BR_generation) the [Chinese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_China) the [Indians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_India), in fact I can't find information on just about *any* nation that hasn't had a recent history of terrorism caused by a variety of groups from wide ranging ideologies. Of course, for the average American, their number one fear of terrorism should be [in the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_the_United_States) because that is one seriously long history of terrorism. Even my country, Australia, has a long history of [terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_Australia) from neo-nazis, Croatian separatists, Muslims, Armenians, anti-nuclear protesters, christians and even true-blue Aussie [gold miners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eureka_Rebellion).", '>>{crackills} : Im also a bit worried about a 3rd party spoiler but its hard to suggest to a conservative to vote for HRC. At the very least we should encourage them to send a message by not voting for Trump and choosing any other candidate that fits their ideology. Now ex-Bernie and other liberal voters are another story, theres no excuse. If we repeat the 2000 election and hand Trump the election, well, counterproductive just isnt a strong enough word.', ">>{d_mcc_x} : I mean... are you saying she hurt the feelings of the MMA community by ascribing a description that didn't take in to account the intricacies of the sport? You are upset over a generalization?", '>>{-masterbaiter-} : Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners,” she said. “And if you kick ’em all out, you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts say what dummy? Also, lets watch Trump mocking Cruz because he is disabled: https://youtu.be/5aYFC_7ZIn4?t=76', ">>{reallyjay} : KAC brings out my worst instincts. I have never hit anyone in my entire life. I tried watching the MTP interview with her yesterday, and could only get through a few minutes. I wanted to rip off those fake eyelashes, and bash her with a wooden board right in those pointy little teeth. I'm ashamed of myself for feeling this way. I'm also so very, very worried about how we got to this point, and where we're going. Please stop this episode of the Twilight Zone, I want to get back to reality.", '>>{Metro42014} : [Gaslighting. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting) A perfect example of it.', '>>{thesquash707} : I seem to remember a ban on all Muslims entering this country and how do you think Nurmagomedov feels about that? Or Cain Velasquez when the president elect is calling women miss housekeeping? Just because a direct law doesn\'t effect someone the atmosphere they are entering does and maybe they will enter a fight promotion in a different country. But what Meryl was saying was take out all the sensative people, foreigners, artist types and all you have left are the meat heads bashing each other\'s brains in for "art". Though I don\'t agree entirely with what she is saying I get the overall gist. I really don\'t think she gives a fuck bout MMA either way it just help fit her art joke, cause MMA is filled with meatheads and ends in art.', '>>{MET1} : How to tell the good guys from the bad guys? Think only the good ones want to get out? The bad ones probably want to get out, too.', ">>{Twilight_Error} : > I can't think of a White House official who had as much disdain for the people as Kellyanne Conway. I wonder where the upcoming President of the United States falls on that scale.", ">>{MET1} : But isn't that the current situation? Its just that it isn't enforced. The Boston bombers' family for example. Need to include enforcement in the equation.", ">>{TheLetter10} : What fine presidential material! I'll be sure to tell my children that if they mock, insult and demean others their whole life that maybe someday they too can become President!", '>>{j2kal} : Yeah, T-Rump had her beat long ago, and he is infinitely more overrated.', '>>{MET1} : Emma Lazarus - a poem that won a contest and is dedicated to the statue of liberty.', ">>{sirrahsar_a} : >“I didn’t hear her even use her platform last night to give a shout out to the mentally challenged boy who last week was tortured live on Facebook for half an hour by four young African-American adults who were screaming racial and anti-Trump expletives and forcing him to put his head in toilet water,” Conway said. Hmm, maybe, Mrs. Conway, maybe that's because those four young African-American's have not been elected co-President's of the United States and therefore do not have the power and audience that Mr. Trump has. You know, maybe.", ">>{Nomandate} : doublethink in its purest form here. It's really happening.", '>>{ballstein} : I wonder if she actually believes what she says?', '>>{Three__14} : The ring of destiny was too big for his little fingers', '>>{sir_denis_eton-hogg} : It has become politically naive to show empathy. Thanks Trump!']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{myellabella} : Conway: Meryl Streep 'inciting people's worst instincts'", '>>{Creddit999} : KAC: "I\'m concerned that somebody with a platform like Meryl Streep\'s is inciting people\'s worst instincts" How very rich. And ironic.', '>>{d_mcc_x} : Telling people to be resolute and good to each other - bad Mocking a disabled reporter - good.', '>>{Solterlun} : It\'s beyond ironic at this point. Beyond projection. It\'s weaponized obfuscation. Conway is the fucking best at it. She\'s really the perfect "face" of Trump outside of Trump. That we have people at master-levels of this craft is not a good indication of our societies organization.', ">>{ElCaminoInTheWest} : Of all the significant public figures in America today, the one who is 'inciting people's worst instincts' is...Meryl Streep. Satire is dead. Long live our brutal post modern reality.", '>>{-masterbaiter-} : What is bad is spreading a lie and shitting on one of the most progressive sports in today´s era.', '>>{Deadcharacter} : What the heck is happening in this world. Up is down and down is up. Conway is like: how dare you incite empathy! This is one of the worst instincts. Pathetic really.', '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Wow, she did it. She basically said "you over rated losers gotta come together to support me."', ">>{big_hey_22} : I can't think of a White House official who had as much disdain for the people as Kellyanne Conway. Campaigning is one thing, but governing to totally different and she's way too arrogant to understand that. Compared to her, Donald Rumsfeld seemed honest and relatable. People are going to get sick of her so quickly.", '>>{Captain_Who} : She will be remembered as the greatest enabler of all time.', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : From now on I'm going to refer to Conway as 'Madam Goebbels'.", '>>{AustinTxTeacher} : Calling MMA not arts - bad. Mocking a disabled reporter - good.', '>>{epchipko} : KAC needs to start realizing it is just getting started. Streep showed how to do it with some class. Most of us are not nearly so classy.', '>>{-masterbaiter-} : Calling mma not a sport with foreign participation - lie Saying Trump mocked a disabled reporter - lie', ">>{thesquash707} : Jeez dude let it go, MMA is a sport or art or who cares. The point she was making was that people on the left make most all the art other than MMA or football (sports in general). Maybe she shouldn't have said football and MMA aren't art but who cares, plus you're right and alot of MMA stars are foreigners. Do you want Trump to deport or make it so hostile that Brazilians don't want to come here? If you agree with everything else she has to say just ignore the MMA part.", ">>{takeashill_pill} : Oh my god the whole team is running with this. They're fucking insane. No one is going to rein in Trump, they're all enablers. We're so beyond fucked.", ">>{radale} : Trump denigrates just about every minority/marginalized group humanly possible, and has white supremacists literally endorse him. Trump does next to nothing to denounce these people, and even goes so far as to retweet them. This apparently does not incite people's worst instincts. Meryl Streep essentially says it is our job as people to support one another, and not let bullies win. THIS incites people's worst instincts. Just... ugh. Fuck Kellyanne Conway. I cannot express my thoughts towards her in any sort of eloquent way. Clearly, for her, and every single person who's aligned themselves with Donald Trump, positions of power and being able to associate themselves with power is far more important than *BASIC. FUCKING. HUMAN. DECENCY.* I have no idea what else to say. I have no patience for these people and their supporters. Just none.", ">>{takeashill_pill} : She called it not one of the arts, and it's not. And he's on a very, very well publicized video mocking that reporter, you can't gaslight your way out of this one.", ">>{SandraLee48} : Even if the Trump team was squeaky clean they'd be running into major head winds due to the 74% of us who didn't vote for him.", '>>{isikorsky} : >Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency? There comes a point in every crusade like this when power corrupts. Trump had a choice after he won to become a voice for the people, representing citizens outside the Washington establishment. Instead he has chosen to keep the persona he showed during the election, a thin skinned lying bully who tolerates no dissent.', ">>{-masterbaiter-} : >She called it not one of the arts, and it's not She said it was a sport without foreign participation and that is a lie. And calling it not an art is just your opinion. >And he's on a very, very well publicized video mocking that He is mocking the reporter but not because he is disabled. He uses that gesture talking about Cruz and other people....i dont think Cruz is disabled.", ">>{AustinTxTeacher} : God you Trumpsters are shitty debaters. Can't even get what's said right.", '>>{NarcolepticMan} : I see /r/t_d is leaking again.', ">>{PantsMcGillicuddy} : Proof he mocks other people the same way? I've only see the video for the disabled reporter.", '>>{thesquash707} : Instinct definition- an innate, typically fixed pattern of behavior in animals in response to certain stimuli. So because an actress points out a "man" mocking a disabled person she\'s inciting my worst instincts of empathy and outrage? I think those are our best instincts and qualities as human beings and I wish more people incited those feelings in one another.', ">>{AustinTxTeacher} : I'm saving my breath. They live in an alternate universe. It's taking me a long time and it has worn me the hell out, but I'm starting to learn to not even engage.", '>>{gnomeimean} : >and has white supremacists literally endorse him https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_fallacy If Hitler endorsed Fanta as the official "Nazi soda", it wouldn\'t make you a Nazi for drinking it.', ">>{MadeinStars} : In my opinion KAC is an even worse person than Trump. Trump is just... Trump. He can't really help it, he is just the idiot he is. KAC on the other hand is the most cynical of opportunists. She is a truely terrifying person and the fact that she has the influence she does is a threat to the very fabric of our society.", '>>{OnlyForF1} : Nobody is going to listen to a single word you have to say if you refuse to get your facts right.', '>>{-masterbaiter-} : >Do you want Trump to deport or make it so hostile that Brazilians don\'t want to come here? Why would he? they are here legally and they are working. And it is not just Brazilians, there are Europeans, Hyspanics, Jews, Muslims etc in the UFC (just singling out UFC because it is the biggest promotion). Every athlete is celebrated, they are only judged by their skill, we have gay champions and Muslim #1 contenders and they are pretty much loved by all the community. Why would she "bully" a community when she is making a speech about inclusion and being good to each other? I dont know if it is because she is with the CAA and the Ufc was bought by the WME, but it seemed uncalled.', ">>{d_mcc_x} : Him mocking other people that way doesn't make it ok, and it certainly shouldn't be used by people to defend him.", ">>{d_mcc_x} : I mean... are you saying she hurt the feelings of the MMA community by ascribing a description that didn't take in to account the intricacies of the sport? You are upset over a generalization?", '>>{-masterbaiter-} : Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners,” she said. “And if you kick ’em all out, you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts say what dummy? Also, lets watch Trump mocking Cruz because he is disabled: https://youtu.be/5aYFC_7ZIn4?t=76', ">>{reallyjay} : KAC brings out my worst instincts. I have never hit anyone in my entire life. I tried watching the MTP interview with her yesterday, and could only get through a few minutes. I wanted to rip off those fake eyelashes, and bash her with a wooden board right in those pointy little teeth. I'm ashamed of myself for feeling this way. I'm also so very, very worried about how we got to this point, and where we're going. Please stop this episode of the Twilight Zone, I want to get back to reality.", '>>{Metro42014} : [Gaslighting. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting) A perfect example of it.', '>>{thesquash707} : I seem to remember a ban on all Muslims entering this country and how do you think Nurmagomedov feels about that? Or Cain Velasquez when the president elect is calling women miss housekeeping? Just because a direct law doesn\'t effect someone the atmosphere they are entering does and maybe they will enter a fight promotion in a different country. But what Meryl was saying was take out all the sensative people, foreigners, artist types and all you have left are the meat heads bashing each other\'s brains in for "art". Though I don\'t agree entirely with what she is saying I get the overall gist. I really don\'t think she gives a fuck bout MMA either way it just help fit her art joke, cause MMA is filled with meatheads and ends in art.', ">>{Twilight_Error} : > I can't think of a White House official who had as much disdain for the people as Kellyanne Conway. I wonder where the upcoming President of the United States falls on that scale.", ">>{TheLetter10} : What fine presidential material! I'll be sure to tell my children that if they mock, insult and demean others their whole life that maybe someday they too can become President!", '>>{j2kal} : Yeah, T-Rump had her beat long ago, and he is infinitely more overrated.', ">>{sirrahsar_a} : >“I didn’t hear her even use her platform last night to give a shout out to the mentally challenged boy who last week was tortured live on Facebook for half an hour by four young African-American adults who were screaming racial and anti-Trump expletives and forcing him to put his head in toilet water,” Conway said. Hmm, maybe, Mrs. Conway, maybe that's because those four young African-American's have not been elected co-President's of the United States and therefore do not have the power and audience that Mr. Trump has. You know, maybe.", ">>{Nomandate} : doublethink in its purest form here. It's really happening.", '>>{ballstein} : I wonder if she actually believes what she says?', '>>{sir_denis_eton-hogg} : It has become politically naive to show empathy. Thanks Trump!'], ['>>{AwfulLandlord} : There are 3.4 million Filipinos in the United States. Which ethnic minority will he alienate next?', '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"', '>>{HarlanCedeno} : Is that a rhetorical question or did you actually want to get a betting pool going?', '>>{SSJ4MajinGogetenks} : It seems most of the terrorist attacks in Europe are from immigrants from destabilized countries, which Trump cites as his reason for stopping immigration from those countries.', ">>{HarlanCedeno} : 7 to 1. I'm gong to go with New Zealanders, just because I could see him thinking the Hobbit films were a shot against him.", ">>{Writerhaha} : Damn, that's deep. Is that from the Wonder Woman script? /s", ">>{darrensilk3} : Nations aren't monoliths. They don't behave like hive minds. Often the government is a poor reflection of the nation. Even in North Korea the population tries to subvert the will of its dictator and often paying with their lives. So to say an entire nation is a 'Terrorist Nation' is absurd a concept as someone being inherently 'good' or 'evil'. Have *some* Americans learnt nothing since the Berlin Wall fell?", ">>{AtlantanKnight7} : Filipino here... Trump is an asshat bigot. Please don't vote for him. Vote for anyone but him (ideally Gary Johnson, but anyone really).", ">>{Penguin236} : Yeah! Vote for Gary Johnson instead of the candidate that actually has a chance to beat Trump. Also, I'm guessing about 3 minutes before someone calls me a CTR shill.", '>>{KopOut} : Most of the terrorist attacks in Europe are from citizens of Europe with roots in former European colonies... Most of the "destabilization" of those former colonies is a result of colonization and its aftermath...', '>>{a2raya83} : So there has been no uptick in terrorism after the Arab spring or the Syrian Civil War?', ">>{One_more_username} : He said during the debates that India has a lot of Muslims, but doesn't have problems with Muslims. So, the two obvious points: 1. He is wrong. Islamic extremesim is an issue. It has been quiet fir a while, but there are issues. 2. He is obviously going to do a 180 with this along with everything else. In two weeks, H1B good, Indians are all terrorists.", ">>{fuzeebear} : How many are left? He's alienated Filipinos, Japanese, Chinese, Black, Mexican, Arab, etc. Maybe it's time for him to insult India and Korea.", ">>{fuzeebear} : Trump isn't dumb enough to go after any white ethnicities, that's where all his votes are.", ">>{fuzeebear} : You made it an hour so far, I'm honestly very surprised that you haven't been called a shill yet.", '>>{dudettte} : or is he? he lost many polish votes because of all Russia sympathies and nato comments.', ">>{fuzeebear} : Let me revise. Trump isn't dumb enough to purposefully go after white ethnicities, but he is ignorant enough to do it accidentally.", ">>{dudettte} : asking me? I think he's going senile. my gran gran had Alzheimer's it sucks. we all wanted her to make sense.", '>>{Penguin236} : My comment is actually being upvoted (for now). I am very surprised.', ">>{howdoesilogin} : We dont really give a shit about that. its more of a fact check thing. Now if he continues to say how cool Putin is and how nato members should pay for protection. Well I'll just say we're not too keen on having a longer border with Russia", ">>{Unicorn_Tickles} : Cubans. They're conservative and the only Latinos that probably support him a little. If trump is looking to really handicap his campaign, he's gotta piss off those Cubans.", '>>{whatnowdog} : All a Cuban government terrorist has to do is step on soil in the US. They should be mad because many Cubans are using Latin American counties and finally Mexico to get in the country. How will they do that with the wall.', '>>{whatnowdog} : When are his supporters going to force him to bring jobs to America to make all his Trump stuff that is now made overseas.', '>>{whatnowdog} : I think Trump is going to beat Trump if he keeps it up like he did last week.', '>>{Penguin236} : The election is still over 90 days away. Anything could happen between now and November. We still have the debates ahead of us, and it is entirely possible that something unpredictable happens.', '>>{whatnowdog} : It is not over until Nov 9th or when the Supreme Court rules after that. The real vote is the Electoral College vote in December that determines the election.', ">>{Penguin236} : >The real vote is the Electoral College vote in December That's in November. On the day of the election.", ">>{zm34} : Why import other countries' problems? What benefit does that have for the American people?", '>>{zm34} : The motives of these attackers may never be known!', '>>{whatnowdog} : The November vote decides the Electoral College electors but those electors are the people that vote for the President and VP. Most if not all are bound to vote for a certain person but there could be a mass revolt and they could throw the election. That would be hard to pull off because they meet in the State Capitols instead of one big group. If someone does not vote right they may be removed as an elector.', '>>{Penguin236} : >If someone does not vote right they may be removed as an elector. Exactly. None of them are stupid enough to not vote based on their state.', '>>{zm34} : If that was the immigration policy being pushed by the Democrats, I would be *far* more likely to vote for them.', ">>{MSFmotorcycle} : 1) they bring qualified workers 2) they prevent America from having the same aging work force problem that every other developed nation has Then of course, there's what you mentioned", ">>{jaxative} : At least it'll keep those pesky Irish out. Also the [Japanese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_Red_Army), the [Spanish and French](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ETA_(separatist_group) the [Greeks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Organization_17_November) the [Italians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Brigades#New_assassinations_by_new_BR_generation) the [Chinese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_China) the [Indians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_India), in fact I can't find information on just about *any* nation that hasn't had a recent history of terrorism caused by a variety of groups from wide ranging ideologies. Of course, for the average American, their number one fear of terrorism should be [in the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_the_United_States) because that is one seriously long history of terrorism. Even my country, Australia, has a long history of [terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_Australia) from neo-nazis, Croatian separatists, Muslims, Armenians, anti-nuclear protesters, christians and even true-blue Aussie [gold miners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eureka_Rebellion).", '>>{crackills} : Im also a bit worried about a 3rd party spoiler but its hard to suggest to a conservative to vote for HRC. At the very least we should encourage them to send a message by not voting for Trump and choosing any other candidate that fits their ideology. Now ex-Bernie and other liberal voters are another story, theres no excuse. If we repeat the 2000 election and hand Trump the election, well, counterproductive just isnt a strong enough word.', '>>{MET1} : How to tell the good guys from the bad guys? Think only the good ones want to get out? The bad ones probably want to get out, too.', ">>{MET1} : But isn't that the current situation? Its just that it isn't enforced. The Boston bombers' family for example. Need to include enforcement in the equation.", '>>{MET1} : Emma Lazarus - a poem that won a contest and is dedicated to the statue of liberty.', '>>{Three__14} : The ring of destiny was too big for his little fingers'], ['>>{S9c9clark} : Never used an iOS device before, I have a few questions.', ">>{ecs0013} : 1. The SE is definitely worth buying - plenty fast and capable, and the only real caveat is the smaller screen size. It should see a few years of software update support, and some are not thinking that Apple will replace it every year, but keep it as a low-end device and let it age out. 2. The SE is looks like a 5/5S, but has the internals of the 6S (so slightly slower than a 7). The rear camera is the same as the 6S, but the front camera and display are like that of the 5S. It also has the older Touch ID found on the 5S and 6. Capability-wise, it can do just about everything the 6S does except 3D Touch (it does do Live Photos and Apple Pay). This will help play the spec-comparison game: http://www.apple.com/iphone/compare/ 3. iOS is quite secure since all apps come from the App Store (unless you jailbreak...don't unless you're really comfortable and understand the risks), and Apple manages all OS updates, not carriers. This means every iPhone can access every software update at the same time. 4. They're all siloed by their app (Phone, Messages, Mail, or a third party communication app) - BlackBerry was very ambitious with that method centered around people. 5. Battery life is about a day per charge on most devices - the SE is actually the best in the lineup (behind maybe the 7 Plus, 6S Plus) in real-world usage. I can't speak to the bigger phones, but my SE lasts the day with plenty to spare when I go to bed. I used to have a 6 and it was pretty good, too. Personally, I like iOS from the standpoint that it can be quick and efficient and simple. Some tech folks don't like the limitations of iOS (much like BB's limitations years ago) because it cuts down on tinkering and the ability to do everything and anything they could dream up. Android certainly has its place (the Nexus and Pixels are what I'd look at if I went the Android route), but for me, I prefer iOS for its appliance-like nature.", ">>{CaptNemo131} : * Yes, it has the internals of the 6s, it only lacks the 3D Touch feature. I'd say it's worth buying, but others may have another opinion. * See above. * Not sure, but I think iPhones are encrypted and I feel it's secure enough for my everyday uses. * No familiarity with Hub, but notifications and their management leave something to be desired when compared to newer Android. * The SE, with a small screen, has some phenomenal battery life. The Plus models have great battery life as well.", ">>{SponTen} : Out of curiosity, why do you find Android too inefficient? How do BBs do it better? I definitely miss features from older phones, especially profiles that were so prevalent in Nokias, but I'd be surprised if they'd surpass modern Androids/iPhones in total efficiency.", ">>{e0rt} : Regarding your third question, I'd refer you to [this document](https://www.apple.com/business/docs/iOS_Security_Guide.pdf) Apple released in regards to iOS security. It goes quite in depth and gives me assurance that the company is dedicated to provide security for its users.", '>>{ScaryRaebbit} : Most flagship Android phones are now encrypted. You fail to mention sandboxing or the timely security updates.', ">>{S9c9clark} : There are quite a few things that I find better on BBs. Some things the Bold series does better even than BB10. * Suppose, on a Bold, that I am on the home screen and want to text Roger. I type CR and press enter, and now I am typing a message to Roger. It took 0.2 seconds to do that, and I could do it without looking at the screen. On Android, I have to open the messenger app, click compose, click Roger's name. That took at least 2 seconds, or 10 times longer. And I definitely had to look at what I was doing. * If I come back to my phone after leaving it unattended, the red blinker tells me that I have a message. Many Android devices have this as well, but the notifications can be cleared by anybody without unlocking the device. In such a case I would never know I got a notification. * More control over password locking. On any BlackBerry device I can turn off the screen without password locking it, and it will stay unlocked until it times out. I can also lock it on demand by pressing K. Making an Android device lock **only** on demand or after X minutes, but not when turning off the screen, is not straightforward. Not a huge deal with a fingerprint sensor though. * Notifications don't get accidentally cleared on BB. On Android I might swipe away a notification. What if I didn't mean to, and I forget what app it was? Now I have no idea if it was an updated app, a Whatsapp message, or a missed call. On a BB Bold notifications stay until you click on them. On BB10 they are tracked forever in the Hub. * Lockscreen control is excellent on BB10. I can look at my locked device and know who an email is from. The content is hidden, but the sender is visible - this seems to be impossible on Android, where it's an all or nothing option. These points are important to me because I frequently leave my phone unattended with other people, and I am extremely sensitive to security and privacy. The way I use my phone is very, very different from most people. I also have no idea how iPhones compare to these points.", '>>{S9c9clark} : I will definitely read through that. A company saying they "will not" access your data is different from "we cannot."', '>>{SponTen} : That\'s a very extensive list, and you have very specific and well-thought-out requirements. I like that; thank you for writing it. Very few people need anything more than "the basics" these days though. I miss when tech catered to techies :( I think you\'ll find most, if not all (and more) of those issues will occur on iOS too. Not defending Android here, just saying that both OSs seem to be trying to cater to the everyman these days, and a lot of that is too complicated for people to even think about. So moving to iOS *may* not be the answer for you, unless you\'re willing to forego those benefits for some other requirements. On an Android, I think you *could* solve most of those issues for you by flashing a custom rom and modding the shit out of it, but it would be a lengthy process with potential downsides. I know with custom launchers though you could somewhat sold your 4th point; notification badges can be set to remain on apps until you actually open that app, even after clearing the notification in the lockscreen. Notification history would be pretty useful to have though. I have a Xiaomi Mi5, and you can set notifications to not display on the lockscreen at all. Since you can unlock the phone with a fingerprint in under 0.5 seconds, you could then swipe down for your notifications. No one else could do this unless they had their fingerprint registered. And as mentioned above, I\'m certain this level of customisation is possible if you flash and/or mod. For iPhones though, you may have to look into jailbreaking, if that\'s even possible any more (I don\'t have a lot of experience with iPhones sorry).', ">>{S9c9clark} : I run Cyanogenmod and Xposed on my Galaxy S4, and it solves many of my problems, including the lock-on-demand requirement. Some problems persist, and some new ones crop up. Running a custom rom requires unlocking the bootloader. As I understand it, an unlocked bootloader will allow someone to dump the memory of the device, giving unrestricted access to my (encrypted) data. I would need to use a very long password to protect against a brute force attack, and enter this password dozens of times per day. Android's Remote Wipe feature would be useless because the data could already be copied. I can probably solve some of my concerns with a stock, non-rooted rom, but even then there is the concern of how Google and Apple treat user privacy. I use a minimal amount of Google services because I am uncomfortable with the data they track and how they store it. I expose as little data as possible to my Galaxy S4. It still has a lot of my data because it's the only device I have that can run apps. Reading about Apple's approach to security, and assuming they are 100% truthful, non-jailbroken iPhones seem to be inherently more secure. Apple does not track user data, and cannot possibly decrypt any data or iMessage on my device. The iPhone's memory cannot be extracted or brute-forced. This is more than can be said for BlackBerry, which gave the BBM encryption key to the Canadian RCMP (and who knows what other police agencies.) Not that I have anything to hide, but I am *extremely* protective of my privacy, to the point that I do not bring my phone when I cross the Canadian border. (I saw the Canadian border guards arrest someone for not telling their phone password.)", '>>{SponTen} : Sounds like you\'re very unique then. In this day and age, the world will not be kind to you for consumer products; pretty much everything big is targeted at the common denominator in order to maximise potential profit. But I\'m sure you already know that. I really do wish more people thought this deeply about their products and morals. iOS is, from what I understand, more secure than Android mainly due to the fact that it\'s not open sourced. That being said... > Apple... cannot possibly decrypt any data or iMessage on my device. The iPhone\'s memory cannot be extracted or brute-forced. Did you see everything that happened with the San Bernardino FBI/iPhone case? iOS is super secure from the looks of it, but it\'s still possible. I don\'t think it\'s possible to 100% prevent decryption/hacking/extraction/etc on any device, at least not with current technology. But yeah Apple definitely have a better stance on privacy than BB, from the sounds of it. I guess iPhones are the only way to go for what you truly want. Maybe Windows Phones would be "more secure" just by the fact that so few people use them, that there will be fewer people trying to break into them. But with either of these, you will not have the customisation of Android/BB. And with Android, you likely will not have the security of the others. Good luck, regardless!', ">>{ScaryRaebbit} : Just because something is open source, doesn't make it less secure.", ">>{ScaryRaebbit} : Coming from Android Nougat to iOS 10, your quibbles with notifications will definitely not go away. iOS's notification setup is worse. For instance, you can't even hide sensitive information on notifications unless it is Mail or Messages. It's either you want lock screen notifications with the information shown or nothing.", ">>{ScaryRaebbit} : If you flashed GApps then Google is still vacuuming a lot of your data. If you are truly concerned about your privacy, I'd look into something like CopperHead OS.", ">>{CaptNemo131} : Ah you're right. It's been a while since I switched, I'd forgotten. Thanks for pointing it out", '>>{gabrielquilez} : It\'s actually equally fast as the iPhone 7! I tested out my SE and a buddy\'s 7 with opening apps and they are on par. The main "downsides" of the SE is the small screen, the front facing camera isn\'t a huge wow factor and no 3D touch.', ">>{ecs0013} : Yeah - I haven't done much with any of the 7/7 Plus devices, but Apple's marketing has said that it's faster (I'm guessing under load in certain circumstances) - but the A10 adds a few more operating modes to find the perfect balance of performance and power efficiency: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_A10 Still, the SE and 6S are plenty fast for opening apps and daily use to the point that a few extra points on a Geekbench score won't really be noticeable in daily use.", '>>{HelperBot_} : Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_A10 *** ^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^31812', ">>{krazyates} : Hey man, I just wanted to stop in and say that my only complaint about iOS is the notifications. I have a BB Passport, an iPhone 7+, and an HTC 10 with Nougat. The notifications on iOS are trash compared to the other two platforms. Honestly, it's what keeps me from using my 7+ as my daily driver. Like I said, that's really my only complaint. Everything else is great. Security, battery, etc.", ">>{SponTen} : Not in and of itself, no. But it *generally* means that people trying to break into the device/OS can do so a lot easier because they have access to all the source code, and can much more easily identify weaknesses. Though, this is from what I've researched, been informed, and been taught very briefly at uni; I don't have any experience with security so I could be completely wrong :P", ">>{rrrrrig} : well i mean you can keep notifications from showing up on the lock screen, and keep them from doing the badge or banner thing. but then you have to pull down the notifications center to see if those apps were replied to or turn on badge icons. i think you can also turn off being able to pull the notifications center down on the lock screen but i'm not 100% sure. maybe that could make sensitive information more secure since you can't exactly customize what's in the notification?"]]
classify and reply
['>>{AnthroPoBoy} : Longest-Serving Woman in the House Sticks by Sanders, For Now', ">>{aledlewis} : This pressure from the media now for Sanders super delegates to abandon him is part of the Clinton campaign's effort to completely isolate him. Why must these super delegates back Clinton if she's already won the nomination? Isn't this meant to be a choice based on principle?", '>>{violentintenttoday} : YOU ARE A TRAITOR TO FEMINISM AND IDENTITY POLITICS! /s', '>>{aledlewis} : Hahaha. Thanks for your thoughts. I would be inclined to agree.', ">>{vootator} : Good for her. It's refreshing to see a courageous and principled human being stick to her decision even amid party pressure.", ">>{dionthesocialist} : And she's perfectly welcome and within her right to do so. That's what being a superdelegate means: you vote for who you think is best for the party and the people.", ">>{TeamStark31} : From my also possibly retarded understanding of this: The supers are basically there to do what is best for the party, to nominate the strongest candidate. I think everyone, whomever you support, thinks AP jumped the gun by saying Clinton won early. But, I'm guessing what happened is the supers (the ones polled anyway) looked at the race, saw where Clinton and Sanders where at, and decided Clinton was further ahead so she's the most electable candidates of the two. So, to answer your question, again as I understand it, the supers are there to back the party, not pick who they think is the better candidate like we do when voting in the primary.", '>>{majorchamp} : I mention this in another thread but typically the super delegates will back the strongest candidate because the strongest candidate tend to also have the most votes and elegance. I would say this year in particular we have two Frontrunner that have negatives in the 60% range and are both actually week candidates from a principal and policy perspective. In my opinion Donald won the nomination because he had week candidates himself to go against but on top of that the environment and atmosphere has left many angry and he also has world-renowned name recognition. I believe most of Hillary success Rests not on what she can do for America and her policies and more on who she is. Hillary literally could have not campaign, done no interviews, and never left her home in New York and she would have won the delegates and superdelegates to win the nomination. I truly believe that. Edit talking into a phone', ">>{screenslaver} : I'm sure that's how all the lobbyist superdelegates made their decision /s", ">>{BadPumpkin87} : I wish more Bernie supporters could follow her lead. She's still supporting Bernie but not trashing Hillary. Hillary has it won so if some of the supers want to still show their support for Bernie without overthrowing the will of the voters, I'm okay with that. We can unify and still show support for both of them without fighting.", ">>{SunriseSurprise} : > Why must these super delegates back Clinton if she's already won the nomination? She'll put them on her shit list. Because that's the type of person she is.", ">>{SunriseSurprise} : > So, to answer your question, again as I understand it, the supers are there to back the party, not pick who they think is the better candidate like we do when voting in the primary. I somewhat agree with you, except of course the supers that backed Hillary before she even had an opponent, but you're probably right on the latest supers, but that's what makes it rather odd that they only committed to her anonymously and here we are, 3 days later and we still don't know who they are, except Nancy Pelosi which was an obvious one that'd support Hillary anyways.", ">>{TeamStark31} : Yeah, that was mostly meant for the latest supers, the really early ones couldn't have that info because there were no elections yet, so, IDK how they could tell that, but that's how it should work in theory.", ">>{mrdilldozer} : Yeah I'm sure the Clinton campaign spent millions to bribe AP so that they can spoil it the night before the millions of dollars were spent for a victory ralley. Clinton even admitted last week that they had contacted supers and told them not to endorse before NJ closed. AP just cared about breaking the story first", '>>{mrdilldozer} : I actually thought this whole thing happening was pretty funny. Everyone knew the result and AP just jumped to ruin it.', ">>{mrdilldozer} : I'm saying that AP totally could have held it and it would have been better for both campaigns of they did.", ">>{2015MVP} : Apparently Bernie acts the same way according to that recent article. I guess it's something they share?", '>>{h34dyr0kz} : Well if Clinton admitted it then she must be telling the truth.', ">>{mrdilldozer} : No clue. I'd go with the fact that their story was probably shared millions and millions of times. That does help the organization stay extremely relevant. And they broke it first.", ">>{kingralph7} : It's not like there are tons of emails with Clinton aides coordinating with and dictating to all sorts of media what to say and/or report in the news or anything. except many many many instances of it.", ">>{carolined1} : You believers in the unsullied virtue of Clinton and no voter suppression are the ones wearing the tinfoil hats. You can't see what is happening right in front of your own eyes.", '>>{mrdilldozer} : My eyes are wide open, how else will I avoid chairs thrown at me?', ">>{carolined1} : Guess you didn't watch the footage of the incident in question. Some people are blind even with their eyes open.", '>>{dyegored} : This just defies all logic. As has been said many times before by people with knowledge of the situation, the AP\'s call was wanted by nobody. Obviously Bernie didn\'t like it but neither did Hillary. She wanted to be taken over the top with pledged delegates and *before* the call came there were reports that the Clinton camp was specifically asking unpledged superdelegates *not* to declare. She was one day away from ascending to a historic nomination 8 years to the DAY of her conceding the race with her famous "18 million cracks" speech. The AP\'s call one day earlier put a damper in this. It was like spoiling the end of a TV show even though we all knew where it was headed. And there\'s no way to tell who\'s turnout calling the race would hurt more. Personally, I\'d think it\'d hurt her\'s more since Bernie supporters would be more eager to prove the media wrong while Clinton supporters would be more likely to just care about the win... but I have no proof of this. There really is no way of knowing how the call affected Tuesday\'s primaries and to claim otherwise is disingenuous. And the Politico article surfaced AFTER the results of the primaries were mostly reported and so could not affect any primary results. The only thing *convenient* about the timing was that it was an article about the end of his campaign and it was published near the end of his campaign. When did you expect this to be published? I\'ve saved this comment so that when Bernie endorses Hillary and fights for a Democratic win in November (which *all* current signs point to him doing this) I can remind you']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{AnthroPoBoy} : Longest-Serving Woman in the House Sticks by Sanders, For Now', ">>{aledlewis} : This pressure from the media now for Sanders super delegates to abandon him is part of the Clinton campaign's effort to completely isolate him. Why must these super delegates back Clinton if she's already won the nomination? Isn't this meant to be a choice based on principle?", '>>{violentintenttoday} : YOU ARE A TRAITOR TO FEMINISM AND IDENTITY POLITICS! /s', '>>{aledlewis} : Hahaha. Thanks for your thoughts. I would be inclined to agree.', ">>{vootator} : Good for her. It's refreshing to see a courageous and principled human being stick to her decision even amid party pressure.", ">>{dionthesocialist} : And she's perfectly welcome and within her right to do so. That's what being a superdelegate means: you vote for who you think is best for the party and the people.", ">>{TeamStark31} : From my also possibly retarded understanding of this: The supers are basically there to do what is best for the party, to nominate the strongest candidate. I think everyone, whomever you support, thinks AP jumped the gun by saying Clinton won early. But, I'm guessing what happened is the supers (the ones polled anyway) looked at the race, saw where Clinton and Sanders where at, and decided Clinton was further ahead so she's the most electable candidates of the two. So, to answer your question, again as I understand it, the supers are there to back the party, not pick who they think is the better candidate like we do when voting in the primary.", '>>{majorchamp} : I mention this in another thread but typically the super delegates will back the strongest candidate because the strongest candidate tend to also have the most votes and elegance. I would say this year in particular we have two Frontrunner that have negatives in the 60% range and are both actually week candidates from a principal and policy perspective. In my opinion Donald won the nomination because he had week candidates himself to go against but on top of that the environment and atmosphere has left many angry and he also has world-renowned name recognition. I believe most of Hillary success Rests not on what she can do for America and her policies and more on who she is. Hillary literally could have not campaign, done no interviews, and never left her home in New York and she would have won the delegates and superdelegates to win the nomination. I truly believe that. Edit talking into a phone', ">>{screenslaver} : I'm sure that's how all the lobbyist superdelegates made their decision /s", ">>{BadPumpkin87} : I wish more Bernie supporters could follow her lead. She's still supporting Bernie but not trashing Hillary. Hillary has it won so if some of the supers want to still show their support for Bernie without overthrowing the will of the voters, I'm okay with that. We can unify and still show support for both of them without fighting.", ">>{SunriseSurprise} : > Why must these super delegates back Clinton if she's already won the nomination? She'll put them on her shit list. Because that's the type of person she is.", ">>{SunriseSurprise} : > So, to answer your question, again as I understand it, the supers are there to back the party, not pick who they think is the better candidate like we do when voting in the primary. I somewhat agree with you, except of course the supers that backed Hillary before she even had an opponent, but you're probably right on the latest supers, but that's what makes it rather odd that they only committed to her anonymously and here we are, 3 days later and we still don't know who they are, except Nancy Pelosi which was an obvious one that'd support Hillary anyways.", ">>{TeamStark31} : Yeah, that was mostly meant for the latest supers, the really early ones couldn't have that info because there were no elections yet, so, IDK how they could tell that, but that's how it should work in theory.", ">>{mrdilldozer} : Yeah I'm sure the Clinton campaign spent millions to bribe AP so that they can spoil it the night before the millions of dollars were spent for a victory ralley. Clinton even admitted last week that they had contacted supers and told them not to endorse before NJ closed. AP just cared about breaking the story first", '>>{mrdilldozer} : I actually thought this whole thing happening was pretty funny. Everyone knew the result and AP just jumped to ruin it.', ">>{mrdilldozer} : I'm saying that AP totally could have held it and it would have been better for both campaigns of they did.", ">>{2015MVP} : Apparently Bernie acts the same way according to that recent article. I guess it's something they share?", '>>{h34dyr0kz} : Well if Clinton admitted it then she must be telling the truth.', ">>{mrdilldozer} : No clue. I'd go with the fact that their story was probably shared millions and millions of times. That does help the organization stay extremely relevant. And they broke it first.", ">>{kingralph7} : It's not like there are tons of emails with Clinton aides coordinating with and dictating to all sorts of media what to say and/or report in the news or anything. except many many many instances of it.", ">>{carolined1} : You believers in the unsullied virtue of Clinton and no voter suppression are the ones wearing the tinfoil hats. You can't see what is happening right in front of your own eyes.", '>>{mrdilldozer} : My eyes are wide open, how else will I avoid chairs thrown at me?', ">>{carolined1} : Guess you didn't watch the footage of the incident in question. Some people are blind even with their eyes open.", '>>{dyegored} : This just defies all logic. As has been said many times before by people with knowledge of the situation, the AP\'s call was wanted by nobody. Obviously Bernie didn\'t like it but neither did Hillary. She wanted to be taken over the top with pledged delegates and *before* the call came there were reports that the Clinton camp was specifically asking unpledged superdelegates *not* to declare. She was one day away from ascending to a historic nomination 8 years to the DAY of her conceding the race with her famous "18 million cracks" speech. The AP\'s call one day earlier put a damper in this. It was like spoiling the end of a TV show even though we all knew where it was headed. And there\'s no way to tell who\'s turnout calling the race would hurt more. Personally, I\'d think it\'d hurt her\'s more since Bernie supporters would be more eager to prove the media wrong while Clinton supporters would be more likely to just care about the win... but I have no proof of this. There really is no way of knowing how the call affected Tuesday\'s primaries and to claim otherwise is disingenuous. And the Politico article surfaced AFTER the results of the primaries were mostly reported and so could not affect any primary results. The only thing *convenient* about the timing was that it was an article about the end of his campaign and it was published near the end of his campaign. When did you expect this to be published? I\'ve saved this comment so that when Bernie endorses Hillary and fights for a Democratic win in November (which *all* current signs point to him doing this) I can remind you']]
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['>>{Jig5} : Why not just buy the SIM free iPhone from Apple?', '>>{TravelLove88} : North Dakota authorities plan to pursue charges against Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein', '>>{cam94509} : ND authorities plan to make martyr out of Jill Stein! (Seriously, this is stupid, ND.)', '>>{LeftistPropagandist} : Wow, these childish fools think that any sort of talk against them is vile huh? Trying to silence any and all opposition by threatening them with jail sentences is nothing else works. This will get thrown out of any court in a second', '>>{ecs0013} : SIM free either full-price or through the iPhone Upgrade Program is the way to go, as this doesn\'t really involve the carriers at all, so your porting process is completely independent. If you get a SIM free phone, it will be unlocked and work on Verizon and T-Mobile. Apple maintains the iPhone lock/unlock database and so if you buy from them, have all the records of purchase, you\'ll be less likely to have any sort of issue. This is also good if you have a warranty swap, it will ensure the replacement is also unlocked. In terms of porting, it\'s a matter of ordering the SIMs or visiting a T-Mobile store and that process should take a couple of hours at most. The nice thing about having the S6 and iPhone at the same time is that you can leave the S6 on Verizon and the iPhone on T-Mobile when you\'re in "mixed service" (calls may come and go from both during the port process) and then eventually the S6 will have no service. You could sell it or keep it as a backup (no Band 12 isn\'t great in some areas, but for other areas it\'s certainly tolerable). I can\'t speak to this from personal experience, but I\'m guessing if you do anything through Verizon, there\'s a chance you might get hit with an upgrade fee or something else. Personally, I\'ve really become a fan of avoiding any carrier for things other than the service itself, and going through Apple for my devices.', ">>{MntyBntz} : You can get the sim free (unlocked) version at Apple. Those phones work on both GSM and CDMA and will stay unlocked no matter what carrier you use, although you might wanna check this thread: T-Mobile locked my factory unlocked iPhone 7 and won't unlock it. Apple does not care. https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/5y9m8k/tmobile_locked_my_factory_unlocked_iphone_7_and/ You can also get the Verizon variant which comes with the Qualcomm processor. All Verizon phones come unlocked out of the box so you should be able to just pop your T-mobile sim card in and you're good to go.", '>>{NotLawrence} : > Verizon variant which comes with the Snapdragon processor. Not everything that Qualcomm makes is called snapdragon.', ">>{NotLawrence} : It's really more of a radio than a processor.", ">>{MntyBntz} : Dude I don't want to get into technicalities. I'm just trying to help.", '>>{frackpot} : it\'s called "Law and Order" son.../S', ">>{Aliwithani} : I saw that post when doing a search on the topic. I don't think I saw where it was confirmed that tmobile improperly locked it. I dont doubt the seller said it was unlocked but I didn't recall seeing a model number posted that could have confirmed what was actually sold. It'seems probably an unpopular opinion but if iit was a universal model that locked to the first sim used per it's programming, the error is with the seller and not tmobile.", '>>{LeftistPropagandist} : Were halfway there. They just need their boot real shiny.', ">>{AsiaToGo} : They'll do this, but stand silently as dogs were released onto children and protestors? Is the main skill to become an ND authority incompetence?", ">>{NotLawrence} : I know you're just trying to help, but you were putting out completely incorrect information.", ">>{Aliwithani} : I didn't think you could sign up for the turn in plan on a similar free phone. I'm not a big fan of the financing as I've gotten used to having to pay out of pocket for a phone to keep u limited data after the last time verizon Killdeer the plan before bring back their newest version. I was more interested in streamlining the upgrade process and not having to deal with selling old devices.", ">>{Aliwithani} : Thank you! I had totally forgot the possibility of having verizon add on activation fees to the phone. There has to be a way around that since people buy them as gifts. I mean you can't activate a Christmas gift on black Friday or add fees to someone's plan and ruining the surprise. Will they let you adapt sim free device to the apple upgrade plan? I thought it was full purchase price only.", ">>{ecs0013} : I didn't even realize that - it looks like it might be carrier-specific, so if you aren't going full-price, getting it while on Verizon may make sense. At worst, you could always ask someone at the Apple Store what can and cannot be done. (I bought my SE outright at the Apple Store after selling an iPhone 6, so I can't speak about the upgrade program - they just handed me the sealed box and sent me on my way.)", ">>{Aliwithani} : It does look like that model is excluded from the website but who knows what may happen in store. They can get commission on it if they don't tie it to a plan so that's probably why it's excluded. I don't mind doing paying outright for a verizon or unlocked phone as it will be mine and I can switch between however many carriers I want without having to switch phones. I also like the upgrade plan since it simplifies the upgrade process and it means I don't have to deal with selling the old device. I would even pay a small premium if the offered the unlocked device on the turning plan.", '>>{TravelLove88} : Well...I mean it was defacing private property?', '>>{LeftistPropagandist} : Big tough men afraid of a little woman with some color in a can.', ">>{TravelLove88} : I don't think it has anything to do with that, I think it has to do with the fact that there are laws in place that prevent you from tampering with, damaging, or destroying private and/or personal property. Unless you're arguing that private property laws are somehow sexist?", ">>{Sam_Munhi} : They might very well be anti-native American in this case... It's like everyone forgets this country was built on brutal genocide or something.", ">>{rsmseries} : How long ago did you have your iPhone on T-Mobile? They'll unlock it for you after it's been on a plan for a certain amount of days if the phone is paid off (which technically it is since you didn't get it from them). I want to say 40 days but I don't remember off the top of my head.", ">>{aperfectmouth} : > It's like everyone forgets this country was built on brutal genocide or something. No one has forgotten, it's just that no one is advocating giving it back.", '>>{iamjacksprofile} : > North Dakota authorities plan to pursue charges against Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein for spray-painting construction equipment at a Dakota Access Pipeline protest. > A spokeswoman for Stein says that activists invited her to leave a message at the protest site. She says Stein wrote "I approve this message" in red spray paint on the blade of a bulldozer. Yeah.....you can\'t do that, that\'s private property.', '>>{Yo_2T} : The OP in that thread later said that the seller might have bought it at one of the retailers and was just under the impression that it was factory unlocked.', ">>{aperfectmouth} : Martyr?....Jill Stein? That's stupid! Maybe another word.", ">>{iamjacksprofile} : > North Dakota authorities plan to pursue charges against Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein for spray-painting construction equipment at a Dakota Access Pipeline protest. You can't spray paint private property. Why wouldn't they charge her for this? Nobody's going to buy that Stein is a martyr because she got arrested for spray painting a bulldozer.", ">>{iamjacksprofile} : Dogs released onto children and protestors? I don't see that anywhere in the article. What are you talking about?", '>>{talofox} : Buy it from Best Buy, find a friend/family member on Verizon and put their sim in first.', ">>{idiotsavant419} : I'm surprised that ND doesn't have laws on the books about using dogs to attack children and pregnant women./s", '>>{idiotsavant419} : That the company hired a security company that used dogs to attack the protesters, and there are images available of the dogs with fresh blood in their mouths.', '>>{TravelLove88} : I find it hard to believe that any of these "protestors" were children or pregnant women, but keep drinking the kool-aid']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Jig5} : Why not just buy the SIM free iPhone from Apple?', '>>{ecs0013} : SIM free either full-price or through the iPhone Upgrade Program is the way to go, as this doesn\'t really involve the carriers at all, so your porting process is completely independent. If you get a SIM free phone, it will be unlocked and work on Verizon and T-Mobile. Apple maintains the iPhone lock/unlock database and so if you buy from them, have all the records of purchase, you\'ll be less likely to have any sort of issue. This is also good if you have a warranty swap, it will ensure the replacement is also unlocked. In terms of porting, it\'s a matter of ordering the SIMs or visiting a T-Mobile store and that process should take a couple of hours at most. The nice thing about having the S6 and iPhone at the same time is that you can leave the S6 on Verizon and the iPhone on T-Mobile when you\'re in "mixed service" (calls may come and go from both during the port process) and then eventually the S6 will have no service. You could sell it or keep it as a backup (no Band 12 isn\'t great in some areas, but for other areas it\'s certainly tolerable). I can\'t speak to this from personal experience, but I\'m guessing if you do anything through Verizon, there\'s a chance you might get hit with an upgrade fee or something else. Personally, I\'ve really become a fan of avoiding any carrier for things other than the service itself, and going through Apple for my devices.', ">>{MntyBntz} : You can get the sim free (unlocked) version at Apple. Those phones work on both GSM and CDMA and will stay unlocked no matter what carrier you use, although you might wanna check this thread: T-Mobile locked my factory unlocked iPhone 7 and won't unlock it. Apple does not care. https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/5y9m8k/tmobile_locked_my_factory_unlocked_iphone_7_and/ You can also get the Verizon variant which comes with the Qualcomm processor. All Verizon phones come unlocked out of the box so you should be able to just pop your T-mobile sim card in and you're good to go.", '>>{NotLawrence} : > Verizon variant which comes with the Snapdragon processor. Not everything that Qualcomm makes is called snapdragon.', ">>{NotLawrence} : It's really more of a radio than a processor.", ">>{MntyBntz} : Dude I don't want to get into technicalities. I'm just trying to help.", ">>{Aliwithani} : I saw that post when doing a search on the topic. I don't think I saw where it was confirmed that tmobile improperly locked it. I dont doubt the seller said it was unlocked but I didn't recall seeing a model number posted that could have confirmed what was actually sold. It'seems probably an unpopular opinion but if iit was a universal model that locked to the first sim used per it's programming, the error is with the seller and not tmobile.", ">>{NotLawrence} : I know you're just trying to help, but you were putting out completely incorrect information.", ">>{Aliwithani} : I didn't think you could sign up for the turn in plan on a similar free phone. I'm not a big fan of the financing as I've gotten used to having to pay out of pocket for a phone to keep u limited data after the last time verizon Killdeer the plan before bring back their newest version. I was more interested in streamlining the upgrade process and not having to deal with selling old devices.", ">>{Aliwithani} : Thank you! I had totally forgot the possibility of having verizon add on activation fees to the phone. There has to be a way around that since people buy them as gifts. I mean you can't activate a Christmas gift on black Friday or add fees to someone's plan and ruining the surprise. Will they let you adapt sim free device to the apple upgrade plan? I thought it was full purchase price only.", ">>{ecs0013} : I didn't even realize that - it looks like it might be carrier-specific, so if you aren't going full-price, getting it while on Verizon may make sense. At worst, you could always ask someone at the Apple Store what can and cannot be done. (I bought my SE outright at the Apple Store after selling an iPhone 6, so I can't speak about the upgrade program - they just handed me the sealed box and sent me on my way.)", ">>{Aliwithani} : It does look like that model is excluded from the website but who knows what may happen in store. They can get commission on it if they don't tie it to a plan so that's probably why it's excluded. I don't mind doing paying outright for a verizon or unlocked phone as it will be mine and I can switch between however many carriers I want without having to switch phones. I also like the upgrade plan since it simplifies the upgrade process and it means I don't have to deal with selling the old device. I would even pay a small premium if the offered the unlocked device on the turning plan.", ">>{rsmseries} : How long ago did you have your iPhone on T-Mobile? They'll unlock it for you after it's been on a plan for a certain amount of days if the phone is paid off (which technically it is since you didn't get it from them). I want to say 40 days but I don't remember off the top of my head.", '>>{Yo_2T} : The OP in that thread later said that the seller might have bought it at one of the retailers and was just under the impression that it was factory unlocked.', '>>{talofox} : Buy it from Best Buy, find a friend/family member on Verizon and put their sim in first.'], ['>>{TravelLove88} : North Dakota authorities plan to pursue charges against Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein', '>>{cam94509} : ND authorities plan to make martyr out of Jill Stein! (Seriously, this is stupid, ND.)', '>>{LeftistPropagandist} : Wow, these childish fools think that any sort of talk against them is vile huh? Trying to silence any and all opposition by threatening them with jail sentences is nothing else works. This will get thrown out of any court in a second', '>>{frackpot} : it\'s called "Law and Order" son.../S', '>>{LeftistPropagandist} : Were halfway there. They just need their boot real shiny.', ">>{AsiaToGo} : They'll do this, but stand silently as dogs were released onto children and protestors? Is the main skill to become an ND authority incompetence?", '>>{TravelLove88} : Well...I mean it was defacing private property?', '>>{LeftistPropagandist} : Big tough men afraid of a little woman with some color in a can.', ">>{TravelLove88} : I don't think it has anything to do with that, I think it has to do with the fact that there are laws in place that prevent you from tampering with, damaging, or destroying private and/or personal property. Unless you're arguing that private property laws are somehow sexist?", ">>{Sam_Munhi} : They might very well be anti-native American in this case... It's like everyone forgets this country was built on brutal genocide or something.", ">>{aperfectmouth} : > It's like everyone forgets this country was built on brutal genocide or something. No one has forgotten, it's just that no one is advocating giving it back.", '>>{iamjacksprofile} : > North Dakota authorities plan to pursue charges against Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein for spray-painting construction equipment at a Dakota Access Pipeline protest. > A spokeswoman for Stein says that activists invited her to leave a message at the protest site. She says Stein wrote "I approve this message" in red spray paint on the blade of a bulldozer. Yeah.....you can\'t do that, that\'s private property.', ">>{aperfectmouth} : Martyr?....Jill Stein? That's stupid! Maybe another word.", ">>{iamjacksprofile} : > North Dakota authorities plan to pursue charges against Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein for spray-painting construction equipment at a Dakota Access Pipeline protest. You can't spray paint private property. Why wouldn't they charge her for this? Nobody's going to buy that Stein is a martyr because she got arrested for spray painting a bulldozer.", ">>{iamjacksprofile} : Dogs released onto children and protestors? I don't see that anywhere in the article. What are you talking about?", ">>{idiotsavant419} : I'm surprised that ND doesn't have laws on the books about using dogs to attack children and pregnant women./s", '>>{idiotsavant419} : That the company hired a security company that used dogs to attack the protesters, and there are images available of the dogs with fresh blood in their mouths.', '>>{TravelLove88} : I find it hard to believe that any of these "protestors" were children or pregnant women, but keep drinking the kool-aid']]
classify and reply
['>>{Always_BSI} : Forgive me if this has been asked recently but I wanted to see what everyones lock and home screen setup is like?', '>>{Sichroteph} : I love my SE too :) Here is my lockscreen (with jailbreak) http://imgur.com/a/ibxO9', ">>{Always_BSI} : Wow that is beautiful. Sadly I'm scared to jailbreak mine lol.", '>>{Sichroteph} : The only risk by making a mistake is to restore and loose the jailbreak. You need to be on iOS 10.2 tho if you upgrade you won be able to do it anymore.', '>>{howtodoit} : http://i.imgur.com/6hAKjBL.jpg http://i.imgur.com/VeH1jfm.jpg I took the lock screen photo this week while on holiday. :)', '>>{King_Baratheon} : [Lockscreen](http://i.imgur.com/p0FRZlB.jpg) [Homescreen](http://i.imgur.com/o5zP9G5.jpg) iPhone 6s Plus, latest iOS', '>>{Skiiney} : [Here you go, home&lockscreen](https://imgur.com/a/dHqPx)', '>>{Lysergh} : The lock screen is from [this thread](https://reddit.com/r/TowerofGod/comments/623623/fanart_light_that_collides/) (has slight Tower of God spoiler). The home screen is from [this album](https://imgur.com/gallery/grfGD).', ">>{theblackveil} : [Here's mine!](https://imgur.com/gallery/GcDZx) I dig it. Got the background from a post on Reddit a few days back. It looks great on the Lock screen, imho, but less so on the main screens.", '>>{Always_BSI} : It looks dope on the lock screen. Out of curiosity what podcast do you listen to on overcast? I have the app as well and try to listen everyday on my commute to and from work.', ">>{theblackveil} : Haha, we must be commute clones, man. I listen to a lot of roleplaying discussion/AP podcasts, because I'm a huge tabletop rpg fan/nerd. I sometimes listen to Stuff You Should Know, Lore, The Message/LifeAfter, Tall Tales and Travel, and Improvised Star Trek, though with varying frequency. My GF just told me about a podcast called, like... Sword and Scale, I believe, that's kind of a discussion-oriented FRONTLINE as far as I can tell from her description. She came home almost in tears the other day because they had a really in-depth discussion about the realities of human-, and specifically child-, sex-trafficking and ways to combat it.", ">>{Always_BSI} : That's interesting! I listen to stuff you should know, mo money, the minimalist, star talk, and unexplained. I find it better to occupy my time listening to podcast rather than to listening to crappy music on the radio.", '>>{chrisrathjen} : Also device security is somewhat compromised. If that makes a difference IRL ... who knows', ">>{theblackveil} : Totally agree, my man. If you haven't listened to The Message / LifeAfter, I cannot recommend them strongly enough. Just make sure you start with The Message, episode 1 and move forward as you have time. The episodes are short enough that you'll wind up rapidly devouring by the midway point, most likely.", ">>{ReptarIsTheShit} : On 10.1.1 with jailbreak. Not nearly as involved as the top comment, however, because I enjoy my battery life (although I do have the music skinning tweak because it's just gorgeous). [Lock screen](http://i.imgur.com/jUZFMRy.jpg) [Home screen](http://i.imgur.com/os2WgYs.jpg)", '>>{AGirlNamedRoni} : This is my lock screen. My dog Shelby when she was just a puppy. She would have been 11 this year. My home screen is nothing special. http://i.imgur.com/QzDCbWq.jpg', ">>{GloomyJD} : [Here's mine](http://imgur.com/a/7LHJz), pretty simple. Lock screen someone posted to /r/imaginarydragons IIRC and the home screen is Bliss from WinXP.", '>>{Heywood_Floyd} : [Lock screen](http://i.imgur.com/aHw7W1t.jpg) and [home screen](http://i.imgur.com/FARQRe3.jpg). Edit: I wanted to add that I keep all my less used apps on the [second page](http://i.imgur.com/sD6cRjv.jpg) to reduce clutter (most are in a folder).', ">>{Always_BSI} : Alright brother I'm going to have to ask for that background please and thanks!", ">>{Always_BSI} : What's that headphone/meter next to the alarm icon I have never seen that before?", '>>{McInnis7} : Bluetooth headphone indicator. I use the jaybird x3, which I love.', ">>{Skeuomorphic_} : Here's my setup on the iPhone 6 [Lock screen](http://i.imgur.com/EVtF9WI.jpg) [Homescreen](http://i.imgur.com/Ef09g8e.png)", ">>{insideoutcast} : Here's mine. https://imgur.com/a/zlmb9 Lock screen is just a photo of my wife and I so I'm passing on that.", '>>{TheTurqmelon} : I like to keep everything on just one page. http://imgur.com/eg0Ic1c http://imgur.com/MTwoYqJ', ">>{Need_4_Weed} : Here's mine: [Lock screen](http://i.imgur.com/trSjOYK.jpg) [Home screen](http://i.imgur.com/pWXiPjb.jpg) [Link to wallpaper](http://i.imgur.com/7srW2ha.jpg )", '>>{TrizzaElemental} : I find some of your app choices interesting and some I have no idea what they are. These are the ones I wish I could go through app by app and ask what you have each for and what some even are.', '>>{Lysergh} : The GBA4iOS and 2 first apps in "Entertainment" (they are for watching movies via torrent) are from BuildStore. The rest are all from normal app store. If something pique your interest, feel free to ask.', ">>{avtiu} : Also using an SE - I'm pretty sparse with apps and organize it into a few folders Lock: http://i.imgur.com/vL2HbSC.jpg Home: http://i.imgur.com/FTeIead.jpg", ">>{Heywood_Floyd} : It's probably my favorite background I've ever used. Here is a link to the reddit post for it, and the original artist actually links a high res version in the top comment. [http://reddit.com/r/Art/comments/62jtfj](http://reddit.com/r/Art/comments/62jtfj)", ">>{TheGreatestRedditor} : Pretty basic but I'm always looking for ways to improve it [Image](http://i.imgur.com/SaD5klH.jpg)", ">>{colin0_o} : I'm also in a SE, but anyways, here mine [link 1](https://imgur.com/a/QFOWU) [link 2](https://imgur.com/a/QFOWU) [link 3](https://imgur.com/a/QFOWU) [link 4](https://imgur.com/a/QFOWU) *all the same link for easy pressing on mobile.", '>>{IEatPizza} : [Nothing special ](https://imgur.com/gallery/Xkasz) Still have to organize some apps', ">>{Always_BSI} : Wow that's nice I would love that background in blue! Can anyone here work some magic?", '>>{Sr_Navarre} : Second picture, third row down, last two icons. What apps are those, please?', '>>{Always_BSI} : Honestly thought it would be something else haha. Cheers man and happy pounding!', '>>{chrisrathjen} : Its the definition of a jailbreak. Certain security aspects of the phobe are disabled so the phone does not notice it was tempered with. Ever bit of code you install from cydia or other sources gets quite afew access rights on the phone. Who knows what these apps do with that lvl of access', '>>{colin0_o} : Good point - that\'s why I\'m careful with mine and only install trusted items. I\'m a "genius" on the Discord, and I see so many people screwing there device into a boot loop or whatever.', '>>{nikhild__} : Does eclipse make your phone open apps slower? Does that for me', ">>{Sichroteph} : I read that before and that restrained me from buying it. But with these last versions I don't notice a difference with before, everything is very fast to me.", ">>{Atomsk7991} : Here's mine [iPhone 7 plus ](https://imgur.com/a/gCfFb)", '>>{_clever_reference_} : It makes me happy to see that every time I pick up my phone.', ">>{cloaak} : Yeah wouldn't you be a little worried about someone at work or in public seeing it tho?", ">>{_clever_reference_} : Neither of us care if anyone sees her (she posts pics here on reddit anyway) and if I'm around someone that shouldn't see it I just won't open it facing them.", ">>{nikhild__} : Like before I open every app it's just a solid colour screen of the main theme colour then the app opens ugh I really wanted to use it too", '>>{mysticportal} : http://imgur.com/a/se1mI Basic setup since I have a habit of erasing my devices every once in a while. Pumpkin picture was taken in October and edited in the stock photos app.', ">>{tydak60} : [Here's mine.](https://imgur.com/a/X4h0b) I like to keep it pretty simple personally.", '>>{Sichroteph} : Try to go to the eclipse advanced option and look for "color loading screens" then choose night and respring', ">>{Always_BSI} : Need your help brother there's a lot of the life after podcast idk which one to choose can you screenshot?", ">>{TheTurqmelon} : Can't find the original. :( It's just our company logo that our artist did for us a few months back.", '>>{theblackveil} : [Here you go, my man. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/TOMm3) I always forget that The Message and Life/After are actually in the same podcast title. So, if you see the icon for it there, it will contain both The Message and Life/After. Remember to start with The Message!', '>>{tetroxid} : Viens nous rejoindre en r/Switzerland! Nous avons besoin de plus des romands.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Always_BSI} : Forgive me if this has been asked recently but I wanted to see what everyones lock and home screen setup is like?', '>>{Sichroteph} : I love my SE too :) Here is my lockscreen (with jailbreak) http://imgur.com/a/ibxO9', ">>{Always_BSI} : Wow that is beautiful. Sadly I'm scared to jailbreak mine lol.", '>>{Sichroteph} : The only risk by making a mistake is to restore and loose the jailbreak. You need to be on iOS 10.2 tho if you upgrade you won be able to do it anymore.', '>>{howtodoit} : http://i.imgur.com/6hAKjBL.jpg http://i.imgur.com/VeH1jfm.jpg I took the lock screen photo this week while on holiday. :)', '>>{King_Baratheon} : [Lockscreen](http://i.imgur.com/p0FRZlB.jpg) [Homescreen](http://i.imgur.com/o5zP9G5.jpg) iPhone 6s Plus, latest iOS', '>>{Skiiney} : [Here you go, home&lockscreen](https://imgur.com/a/dHqPx)', '>>{Lysergh} : The lock screen is from [this thread](https://reddit.com/r/TowerofGod/comments/623623/fanart_light_that_collides/) (has slight Tower of God spoiler). The home screen is from [this album](https://imgur.com/gallery/grfGD).', ">>{theblackveil} : [Here's mine!](https://imgur.com/gallery/GcDZx) I dig it. Got the background from a post on Reddit a few days back. It looks great on the Lock screen, imho, but less so on the main screens.", '>>{Always_BSI} : It looks dope on the lock screen. Out of curiosity what podcast do you listen to on overcast? I have the app as well and try to listen everyday on my commute to and from work.', ">>{theblackveil} : Haha, we must be commute clones, man. I listen to a lot of roleplaying discussion/AP podcasts, because I'm a huge tabletop rpg fan/nerd. I sometimes listen to Stuff You Should Know, Lore, The Message/LifeAfter, Tall Tales and Travel, and Improvised Star Trek, though with varying frequency. My GF just told me about a podcast called, like... Sword and Scale, I believe, that's kind of a discussion-oriented FRONTLINE as far as I can tell from her description. She came home almost in tears the other day because they had a really in-depth discussion about the realities of human-, and specifically child-, sex-trafficking and ways to combat it.", ">>{Always_BSI} : That's interesting! I listen to stuff you should know, mo money, the minimalist, star talk, and unexplained. I find it better to occupy my time listening to podcast rather than to listening to crappy music on the radio.", '>>{chrisrathjen} : Also device security is somewhat compromised. If that makes a difference IRL ... who knows', ">>{theblackveil} : Totally agree, my man. If you haven't listened to The Message / LifeAfter, I cannot recommend them strongly enough. Just make sure you start with The Message, episode 1 and move forward as you have time. The episodes are short enough that you'll wind up rapidly devouring by the midway point, most likely.", ">>{ReptarIsTheShit} : On 10.1.1 with jailbreak. Not nearly as involved as the top comment, however, because I enjoy my battery life (although I do have the music skinning tweak because it's just gorgeous). [Lock screen](http://i.imgur.com/jUZFMRy.jpg) [Home screen](http://i.imgur.com/os2WgYs.jpg)", '>>{AGirlNamedRoni} : This is my lock screen. My dog Shelby when she was just a puppy. She would have been 11 this year. My home screen is nothing special. http://i.imgur.com/QzDCbWq.jpg', ">>{GloomyJD} : [Here's mine](http://imgur.com/a/7LHJz), pretty simple. Lock screen someone posted to /r/imaginarydragons IIRC and the home screen is Bliss from WinXP.", '>>{Heywood_Floyd} : [Lock screen](http://i.imgur.com/aHw7W1t.jpg) and [home screen](http://i.imgur.com/FARQRe3.jpg). Edit: I wanted to add that I keep all my less used apps on the [second page](http://i.imgur.com/sD6cRjv.jpg) to reduce clutter (most are in a folder).', ">>{Always_BSI} : Alright brother I'm going to have to ask for that background please and thanks!", ">>{Always_BSI} : What's that headphone/meter next to the alarm icon I have never seen that before?", '>>{McInnis7} : Bluetooth headphone indicator. I use the jaybird x3, which I love.', ">>{Skeuomorphic_} : Here's my setup on the iPhone 6 [Lock screen](http://i.imgur.com/EVtF9WI.jpg) [Homescreen](http://i.imgur.com/Ef09g8e.png)", ">>{insideoutcast} : Here's mine. https://imgur.com/a/zlmb9 Lock screen is just a photo of my wife and I so I'm passing on that.", '>>{TheTurqmelon} : I like to keep everything on just one page. http://imgur.com/eg0Ic1c http://imgur.com/MTwoYqJ', ">>{Need_4_Weed} : Here's mine: [Lock screen](http://i.imgur.com/trSjOYK.jpg) [Home screen](http://i.imgur.com/pWXiPjb.jpg) [Link to wallpaper](http://i.imgur.com/7srW2ha.jpg )", '>>{TrizzaElemental} : I find some of your app choices interesting and some I have no idea what they are. These are the ones I wish I could go through app by app and ask what you have each for and what some even are.', '>>{Lysergh} : The GBA4iOS and 2 first apps in "Entertainment" (they are for watching movies via torrent) are from BuildStore. The rest are all from normal app store. If something pique your interest, feel free to ask.', ">>{avtiu} : Also using an SE - I'm pretty sparse with apps and organize it into a few folders Lock: http://i.imgur.com/vL2HbSC.jpg Home: http://i.imgur.com/FTeIead.jpg", ">>{Heywood_Floyd} : It's probably my favorite background I've ever used. Here is a link to the reddit post for it, and the original artist actually links a high res version in the top comment. [http://reddit.com/r/Art/comments/62jtfj](http://reddit.com/r/Art/comments/62jtfj)", ">>{TheGreatestRedditor} : Pretty basic but I'm always looking for ways to improve it [Image](http://i.imgur.com/SaD5klH.jpg)", ">>{colin0_o} : I'm also in a SE, but anyways, here mine [link 1](https://imgur.com/a/QFOWU) [link 2](https://imgur.com/a/QFOWU) [link 3](https://imgur.com/a/QFOWU) [link 4](https://imgur.com/a/QFOWU) *all the same link for easy pressing on mobile.", '>>{IEatPizza} : [Nothing special ](https://imgur.com/gallery/Xkasz) Still have to organize some apps', ">>{Always_BSI} : Wow that's nice I would love that background in blue! Can anyone here work some magic?", '>>{Sr_Navarre} : Second picture, third row down, last two icons. What apps are those, please?', '>>{Always_BSI} : Honestly thought it would be something else haha. Cheers man and happy pounding!', '>>{chrisrathjen} : Its the definition of a jailbreak. Certain security aspects of the phobe are disabled so the phone does not notice it was tempered with. Ever bit of code you install from cydia or other sources gets quite afew access rights on the phone. Who knows what these apps do with that lvl of access', '>>{colin0_o} : Good point - that\'s why I\'m careful with mine and only install trusted items. I\'m a "genius" on the Discord, and I see so many people screwing there device into a boot loop or whatever.', '>>{nikhild__} : Does eclipse make your phone open apps slower? Does that for me', ">>{Sichroteph} : I read that before and that restrained me from buying it. But with these last versions I don't notice a difference with before, everything is very fast to me.", ">>{Atomsk7991} : Here's mine [iPhone 7 plus ](https://imgur.com/a/gCfFb)", '>>{_clever_reference_} : It makes me happy to see that every time I pick up my phone.', ">>{cloaak} : Yeah wouldn't you be a little worried about someone at work or in public seeing it tho?", ">>{_clever_reference_} : Neither of us care if anyone sees her (she posts pics here on reddit anyway) and if I'm around someone that shouldn't see it I just won't open it facing them.", ">>{nikhild__} : Like before I open every app it's just a solid colour screen of the main theme colour then the app opens ugh I really wanted to use it too", '>>{mysticportal} : http://imgur.com/a/se1mI Basic setup since I have a habit of erasing my devices every once in a while. Pumpkin picture was taken in October and edited in the stock photos app.', ">>{tydak60} : [Here's mine.](https://imgur.com/a/X4h0b) I like to keep it pretty simple personally.", '>>{Sichroteph} : Try to go to the eclipse advanced option and look for "color loading screens" then choose night and respring', ">>{Always_BSI} : Need your help brother there's a lot of the life after podcast idk which one to choose can you screenshot?", ">>{TheTurqmelon} : Can't find the original. :( It's just our company logo that our artist did for us a few months back.", '>>{theblackveil} : [Here you go, my man. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/TOMm3) I always forget that The Message and Life/After are actually in the same podcast title. So, if you see the icon for it there, it will contain both The Message and Life/After. Remember to start with The Message!', '>>{tetroxid} : Viens nous rejoindre en r/Switzerland! Nous avons besoin de plus des romands.']]
classify and reply
['>>{Cheeriodarlin} : The Steve Bannon-Jared Kushner Holy War Is Tearing the Trump White House Apart', ">>{Silospek} : Huh, that's weird. I thought raging anti-semites and Jewish people usually got along great...", ">>{SandraLee48} : Nice! The more chaos between them, the less harm they'll do to us.", ">>{EnigmaticeEnigma} : Let's televise it and give trump the executive producer credit. Let him watch tv while someone else governs.", '>>{SAT0725} : Roadside drug testing pilot program created under new Michigan law: "A one-year pilot program that will allow law enforcement officers trained as Drug Recognition Experts (DREs) to administer a saliva test to drivers suspected of being under the influence of drugs like heroin, marijuana and cocaine"', ">>{Crunkbutter} : I'm pretty sure the swab tests can detect weed even up to a day or two after use. Is this a reasonable method to deter drug use?", ">>{luis_correa} : I'm sure they will be trained, but I doubt they will really become experts in drug recognition.", ">>{Phroneo} : Australia is doing this. People are getting punished days, even 1 week after smoking weed. It's a huge injustice by our corrupt government that is ruining lives (they take your license for 3 months after a first offence, and fines rise to financially crippling levels on subsequent offences ~$40k in some cases). Just like sniffer dogs and strip searches at music festivals. Conveniently, they never test for cocaine while driving or deploy sniffer dogs outside banks and their parties.", '>>{burmieee} : No. Of course it\'s not. It\'s a top down decision that\'s meant to exploit the poor and to extract money from them all the while it perpetuates the prison industrial complex. It\'s a racket to keep the poor and minorities down, under burden with court fees and fines and jail. The law enforcement officials then turn around and announce "progress" bcause they are "catching more criminals. But, they justify their raise in pay and budget by showing data to show a rise in crime, when really they\'re just occupying a neighborhood and putting them under intense scrutiny. It\'s not meant to deter drug use, it\'s meant to enrich the police state and keep minorities and poor down. In fact, they have no interest in solving the drug crisis, it\'s all money to them.', '>>{MBAMBA0} : Bets on how long it will be before Kushner converts to Christianity', ">>{sthlmsoul} : The supremacist clashing with the OJ? Say it ain't so?", '>>{i-am-sancho} : Remember all of the drama and infighting in the Obama White House? No? Me neither.', ">>{Makke93} : Trump: Bannon is making even me look worse but then again Kushner is fucking my daughter and I'd rather be doing that.", ">>{donnyradwell} : I love it. It's a literal representation of the divide amongst Trump voters who voted solely in the name of alt-reich anti-globalist pro-Russia propaganda and those who think the racists and Nazis are hurting Trump and America.", ">>{Melonlemon99} : Exactly I live here, and Republicans have just hollowed out the state for their corporate bed buddies, leaving pretty much everyone else behind. Michiganders rarely trust politicians anymore (except for Rebekah Warren as far as I know). I want to start a third party here because the democrats could have so much ammo (gerrymandering, dark money, FLINT, infrastructure) but they don't use it, they just sit around and play with a doorstop.", ">>{VROF} : Who could have predicted that two people who don't know anything about politics are fucking us up beyond belief?", '>>{JustinBilyj} : Right after the Supreme decided blood tests were against the 4th amendment...Michigan has gone full retard.', ">>{i_am_soooo_screwed} : Fucking seriously? We've got Flint water, we've got Detroit schools, and we're putting money into THIS shit? For the love of all that's holy.", ">>{indyaj} : I'm not a Constitutional scholar but isn't there a 4th amendment issue with this?", ">>{slakmehl} : It's so beautiful. And Jared Kushner and Gary Cohn were registered democrats literally right up to 2016, so the Breitbart narrative writes itself. He's going to pick Kushner and Ivanka, 'pedes. Your god-emperor would sell you out for a nickel, and they are *family*.", ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : If there isn't a 4th amendment issue with roadside sobriety tests, then probably no. Granted it all comes down to the particulars, there's easy arguments on both sides as to why this is or is not similar to a breathalyzer test, and it will really depend on where those particulars fall.", '>>{bassististist} : They can vote people out of the White House weekly! Think of the ratings!!', '>>{nychuman} : The subject matter is interesting but God is this article horribly written.', ">>{indyaj} : I was thinking about the dna in the saliva. You don't have to give dna with a breathalyzer, walking the line or touching your nose.", ">>{lolnopound} : Yea dude, who cares if a driver kills innocent people because he's high", ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : And that could easily be managed by saying the swab can't be used for DNA purposes. You're leaving your spit behind on the breathalyzer, it wouldn't be hard to get it, they just don't.", '>>{oohhh} : The guy who introduced this legislation is the same guy who wrote thevlaw to drig test welfare applicants in MI. Which has had no positive testsl results to date.', ">>{zacdenver} : I guess we can safely assume Kushner will NOT be inviting Bannon to his family's Passover Seder on Monday evening.", '>>{zacdenver} : After all, who do you think paid for those tits?', ">>{Cheeriodarlin} : No, but only because it's not kosher to have a pig at your dinner table.", ">>{oneDRTYrusn} : You know these tests don't actually prove whether or not someone is high at the time, right?", ">>{EasyLightfoot} : Was there? I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. I genuinely don't know the answer to this. I can say I don't remember any major news cycles about that sort of thing but...doesn't mean I missed that.", '>>{i-am-sancho} : I was being sarcastic. There was never and drama coming out of that administration, hence the name No Drama Obama. I miss the days of a calm, sane president who know what he was doing and was surrounded by people who did too.', ">>{swiftb3} : Whew, there's layers in that one. The 2nd surprise when the background comes into focus, haha. I almost jumped.", '>>{Searchlights} : > This is, to use a technical term, some wild **shit**. Another GQ article and another opportunity to play a little game I call find the SHIT. The first thing I do every time I see a GQ article is search the page for the word "shit". They make sure [to use it somewhere in every article](http://imgur.com/a/VOXpg), just so you know that they\'re not snooty journalist types. They\'re hip. They\'re cool. They swear like you do.', '>>{toekknow} : Seems Bannon took his "deconstructing the state" shtick a **bit** too literally.', '>>{indyaj} : The intent is opposite. Dna from a breathalyzer is incidental. Dna from a swab is intentional. You would need either a warrant or, at the very least, permission from the swabee.', ">>{counteringyou} : The look on his face is priceless. That's the look of someone who knows a dark, dirty secret.", '>>{Invisiblechimp} : Bannon is gonna lose. Trump loves Ivanka in his own sick, twisted way and by extension, Jared.', ">>{scorpionmintred} : Such an excellent state of affairs! Can't wait until Bannon is ousted and runs straight back to Breitbart to turn the alt-right against the Trumps (et al). It's the one time rabid antisemitism is going to work *for* me. **Edit:** Whoops, apparently it's already starting. There's an article a little lower down on my feed that's tertiary reporting on this: http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/04/05/roger-stone-jared-kushner-leaking-anti-bannon-stories-msnbcs-joe-scarborough/ And please be responsible with that link: Don't visit breitbart.com without an ad blocker. :)", '>>{Budge-O-Matic} : This was my thought as well. How can this stand given the recent SC ruling?', ">>{Budge-O-Matic} : The SC just ruled on this a week ago and said breath tests were fine, but anything like blood or saliva (where the gov't could get and potentially retain a DNA sample) is too invasive.", ">>{scorpionmintred} : Anyone gone full rule 34 with that yet? I'm too afraid to google it.", '>>{powderizedbookworm} : He was known as "No Drama Obama." There were disagreements, of course, sometimes very public ones, but they were generally civil and reasonable. The difference is that not everything has an agenda, and Obama made sure his staff knew it. He kept Robert Gates on because Robert Gates was good at running the Defense Department, which is largely independent of party affiliation. When Robert Gates disagreed with administration policy he generally did so cordially.', ">>{ViolaNguyen} : > Don't visit breitbart.com ~~without an ad blocker.~~ Done. (I don't want my computer to get cyber-syphilis.)", '>>{base2media} : The word "expert" doesn\'t mean much anymore. For example, everyone on FOX news is supposedly an "expert". It seems like anyone can take an 8 hour training class, and get a certificate that says "I\'m an expert!"', ">>{Little_Duckling} : Maybe if Kushner took up heavy day-drinking they'd have more in common to bond over", ">>{medep} : It's like when 2 teams you don't like are playing and you're rooting for injuries", '>>{base2media} : I wonder if his brother-in-law owns the company that provides the drug tests?', '>>{hell_kat} : Bullshit. The President has created this mess. He likes chaos. He likes to pit his staff against each other. He brought in all these people without any plans or forethought. This mess is 100% on him. Neither Bannon nor Jared is qualified for the positions they hold. Their dispositions, opportunistic inclinations and power issues are secondary to the fact that their boss is a fucking lunatic.', '>>{not_djslinkk} : According to the president of AAA, driving while high is about as dangerous as driving with a noisy child in the backseat. [Source](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/tests-for-driver-impairment-by-marijuana-flawed-aaa/)', '>>{not_djslinkk} : I posted this in another comment, but I think it bears repeating on its own. According to the president of AAA, driving while high is about as dangerous as driving with a noisy child in the backseat. [Source](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/tests-for-driver-impairment-by-marijuana-flawed-aaa/)', ">>{Rollakud} : I'm rooting for Kushner, people don't realize how unhinged Bannon really is.", '>>{getFrickt} : But how will you learn about the sweet deals on gold you can buy?', '>>{GonzoVeritas} : The ruling specified "without a warrant" and noted that many jurisdictions can issue a warrant to the field in 5-10 minutes now. [BIRCHFIELD v. NORTH DAKOTA](http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/15pdf/14-1468_8n59.pdf)', '>>{BassBeerNBabes} : I mean, they can keep the plastic tip on a breathalizer for DNA.', '>>{BassBeerNBabes} : Even on a swab the DNA is a secondary "purpose", so it\'s incidental there as well.', ">>{indyaj} : I guess we'll have to wait and see what the pro's have to say. I'm certainly not one.", '>>{Bhill68} : https://archive.fo/7qJM8 For those that want to use archive as well.', ">>{ishould} : Even a 12-hour window is waaay too long. If someone gets high at 10pm before going to bed to help them sleep, they'll be sober at 8am while driving to work and if they get pulled over they'll test positive even though they're completely sober", ">>{Hoo_dunnit} : I'm not proud of it, but I found [this](http://imgur.com/a/dydGs), and I'm pretty sure that's the worst I came across.", ">>{47847279} : I also live in Michigan and the democrats seem very timid here. Governor Snyder should have been forced out of office by now; it's amazing that he's been able to get away with so much.", ">>{Melonlemon99} : It's bullshit. The democrats should have dragged him through the mud by now.", ">>{rusopuppeteer} : I love that Trump thanks Kushner has the secret sauce that's going to fix everything. Kushner is at best a self-satisfied Jewish ivy league dumbass. There's no better way to completely and finally lose Trump's base of dumb male forever-alones then to bring in a fancy pants Urban elitist slickster like Kushner. Sub-20% approval ratings coming soon.", '>>{its_a_me_garri_oh} : *Tommy Wiseau voice* "You\'re tearing me apaaaht, Kushna!"', ">>{inittowinit3785} : I can't help but feel like if the swabs were widely used that the next time a big crime is committed where they can't find DNA that people would be calling for the swabs to be used.", ">>{NPR_is_not_that_bad} : For any who think this is good... If the police give you a DNA swab, even if you're clean, do you really think they'll give it back...", '>>{ialsohaveadobro} : This headline made me realize how much this administration has in common with The Room.', '>>{RickTitus} : T_D is doubling down on siding with bannon right now. If this infighting keeps escalating, it is going to be quite a show. Bannon will most likely lose that fight, and it will force T_D into either supporting trump and kushner, or supporting bannon and going against trump.', ">>{slakmehl} : They are...and I am on a troll account fomenting Kushner hate over there :D I've never gotten so many upvotes. I hope I'm not actually helping Bannon, but I just can't imagine that he wins the battle for Trump's soul against a guy married to Ivanka.", '>>{cmpxchg8b} : So well oiled they keep having to add more oil.', ">>{abandonnnship} : It's an ongoing process, like keeping an evil robot well fed.", '>>{RepublicanDeathPanel} : Trump is also shallow. Bannon looks homeless and Jared is decent looking and has the whole family under his spell', ">>{redditortoo} : > but I just can't imagine that he wins the battle for Trump's soul against ~~a guy married to Ivanka~~ Ivanka's first husband.", '>>{KingGilgamesh1979} : Is they really any different than what is going on now?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Cheeriodarlin} : The Steve Bannon-Jared Kushner Holy War Is Tearing the Trump White House Apart', ">>{Silospek} : Huh, that's weird. I thought raging anti-semites and Jewish people usually got along great...", ">>{SandraLee48} : Nice! The more chaos between them, the less harm they'll do to us.", ">>{EnigmaticeEnigma} : Let's televise it and give trump the executive producer credit. Let him watch tv while someone else governs.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : Bets on how long it will be before Kushner converts to Christianity', ">>{sthlmsoul} : The supremacist clashing with the OJ? Say it ain't so?", '>>{i-am-sancho} : Remember all of the drama and infighting in the Obama White House? No? Me neither.', ">>{Makke93} : Trump: Bannon is making even me look worse but then again Kushner is fucking my daughter and I'd rather be doing that.", ">>{donnyradwell} : I love it. It's a literal representation of the divide amongst Trump voters who voted solely in the name of alt-reich anti-globalist pro-Russia propaganda and those who think the racists and Nazis are hurting Trump and America.", ">>{VROF} : Who could have predicted that two people who don't know anything about politics are fucking us up beyond belief?", ">>{slakmehl} : It's so beautiful. And Jared Kushner and Gary Cohn were registered democrats literally right up to 2016, so the Breitbart narrative writes itself. He's going to pick Kushner and Ivanka, 'pedes. Your god-emperor would sell you out for a nickel, and they are *family*.", '>>{bassististist} : They can vote people out of the White House weekly! Think of the ratings!!', '>>{nychuman} : The subject matter is interesting but God is this article horribly written.', ">>{zacdenver} : I guess we can safely assume Kushner will NOT be inviting Bannon to his family's Passover Seder on Monday evening.", '>>{zacdenver} : After all, who do you think paid for those tits?', ">>{Cheeriodarlin} : No, but only because it's not kosher to have a pig at your dinner table.", ">>{EasyLightfoot} : Was there? I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. I genuinely don't know the answer to this. I can say I don't remember any major news cycles about that sort of thing but...doesn't mean I missed that.", '>>{i-am-sancho} : I was being sarcastic. There was never and drama coming out of that administration, hence the name No Drama Obama. I miss the days of a calm, sane president who know what he was doing and was surrounded by people who did too.', ">>{swiftb3} : Whew, there's layers in that one. The 2nd surprise when the background comes into focus, haha. I almost jumped.", '>>{Searchlights} : > This is, to use a technical term, some wild **shit**. Another GQ article and another opportunity to play a little game I call find the SHIT. The first thing I do every time I see a GQ article is search the page for the word "shit". They make sure [to use it somewhere in every article](http://imgur.com/a/VOXpg), just so you know that they\'re not snooty journalist types. They\'re hip. They\'re cool. They swear like you do.', '>>{toekknow} : Seems Bannon took his "deconstructing the state" shtick a **bit** too literally.', ">>{counteringyou} : The look on his face is priceless. That's the look of someone who knows a dark, dirty secret.", '>>{Invisiblechimp} : Bannon is gonna lose. Trump loves Ivanka in his own sick, twisted way and by extension, Jared.', ">>{scorpionmintred} : Such an excellent state of affairs! Can't wait until Bannon is ousted and runs straight back to Breitbart to turn the alt-right against the Trumps (et al). It's the one time rabid antisemitism is going to work *for* me. **Edit:** Whoops, apparently it's already starting. There's an article a little lower down on my feed that's tertiary reporting on this: http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/04/05/roger-stone-jared-kushner-leaking-anti-bannon-stories-msnbcs-joe-scarborough/ And please be responsible with that link: Don't visit breitbart.com without an ad blocker. :)", ">>{scorpionmintred} : Anyone gone full rule 34 with that yet? I'm too afraid to google it.", '>>{powderizedbookworm} : He was known as "No Drama Obama." There were disagreements, of course, sometimes very public ones, but they were generally civil and reasonable. The difference is that not everything has an agenda, and Obama made sure his staff knew it. He kept Robert Gates on because Robert Gates was good at running the Defense Department, which is largely independent of party affiliation. When Robert Gates disagreed with administration policy he generally did so cordially.', ">>{ViolaNguyen} : > Don't visit breitbart.com ~~without an ad blocker.~~ Done. (I don't want my computer to get cyber-syphilis.)", ">>{Little_Duckling} : Maybe if Kushner took up heavy day-drinking they'd have more in common to bond over", ">>{medep} : It's like when 2 teams you don't like are playing and you're rooting for injuries", '>>{hell_kat} : Bullshit. The President has created this mess. He likes chaos. He likes to pit his staff against each other. He brought in all these people without any plans or forethought. This mess is 100% on him. Neither Bannon nor Jared is qualified for the positions they hold. Their dispositions, opportunistic inclinations and power issues are secondary to the fact that their boss is a fucking lunatic.', ">>{Rollakud} : I'm rooting for Kushner, people don't realize how unhinged Bannon really is.", '>>{getFrickt} : But how will you learn about the sweet deals on gold you can buy?', '>>{Bhill68} : https://archive.fo/7qJM8 For those that want to use archive as well.', ">>{Hoo_dunnit} : I'm not proud of it, but I found [this](http://imgur.com/a/dydGs), and I'm pretty sure that's the worst I came across.", ">>{rusopuppeteer} : I love that Trump thanks Kushner has the secret sauce that's going to fix everything. Kushner is at best a self-satisfied Jewish ivy league dumbass. There's no better way to completely and finally lose Trump's base of dumb male forever-alones then to bring in a fancy pants Urban elitist slickster like Kushner. Sub-20% approval ratings coming soon.", '>>{its_a_me_garri_oh} : *Tommy Wiseau voice* "You\'re tearing me apaaaht, Kushna!"', '>>{ialsohaveadobro} : This headline made me realize how much this administration has in common with The Room.', '>>{RickTitus} : T_D is doubling down on siding with bannon right now. If this infighting keeps escalating, it is going to be quite a show. Bannon will most likely lose that fight, and it will force T_D into either supporting trump and kushner, or supporting bannon and going against trump.', ">>{slakmehl} : They are...and I am on a troll account fomenting Kushner hate over there :D I've never gotten so many upvotes. I hope I'm not actually helping Bannon, but I just can't imagine that he wins the battle for Trump's soul against a guy married to Ivanka.", '>>{cmpxchg8b} : So well oiled they keep having to add more oil.', ">>{abandonnnship} : It's an ongoing process, like keeping an evil robot well fed.", '>>{RepublicanDeathPanel} : Trump is also shallow. Bannon looks homeless and Jared is decent looking and has the whole family under his spell', ">>{redditortoo} : > but I just can't imagine that he wins the battle for Trump's soul against ~~a guy married to Ivanka~~ Ivanka's first husband.", '>>{KingGilgamesh1979} : Is they really any different than what is going on now?'], ['>>{SAT0725} : Roadside drug testing pilot program created under new Michigan law: "A one-year pilot program that will allow law enforcement officers trained as Drug Recognition Experts (DREs) to administer a saliva test to drivers suspected of being under the influence of drugs like heroin, marijuana and cocaine"', ">>{Crunkbutter} : I'm pretty sure the swab tests can detect weed even up to a day or two after use. Is this a reasonable method to deter drug use?", ">>{luis_correa} : I'm sure they will be trained, but I doubt they will really become experts in drug recognition.", ">>{Phroneo} : Australia is doing this. People are getting punished days, even 1 week after smoking weed. It's a huge injustice by our corrupt government that is ruining lives (they take your license for 3 months after a first offence, and fines rise to financially crippling levels on subsequent offences ~$40k in some cases). Just like sniffer dogs and strip searches at music festivals. Conveniently, they never test for cocaine while driving or deploy sniffer dogs outside banks and their parties.", '>>{burmieee} : No. Of course it\'s not. It\'s a top down decision that\'s meant to exploit the poor and to extract money from them all the while it perpetuates the prison industrial complex. It\'s a racket to keep the poor and minorities down, under burden with court fees and fines and jail. The law enforcement officials then turn around and announce "progress" bcause they are "catching more criminals. But, they justify their raise in pay and budget by showing data to show a rise in crime, when really they\'re just occupying a neighborhood and putting them under intense scrutiny. It\'s not meant to deter drug use, it\'s meant to enrich the police state and keep minorities and poor down. In fact, they have no interest in solving the drug crisis, it\'s all money to them.', ">>{Melonlemon99} : Exactly I live here, and Republicans have just hollowed out the state for their corporate bed buddies, leaving pretty much everyone else behind. Michiganders rarely trust politicians anymore (except for Rebekah Warren as far as I know). I want to start a third party here because the democrats could have so much ammo (gerrymandering, dark money, FLINT, infrastructure) but they don't use it, they just sit around and play with a doorstop.", '>>{JustinBilyj} : Right after the Supreme decided blood tests were against the 4th amendment...Michigan has gone full retard.', ">>{i_am_soooo_screwed} : Fucking seriously? We've got Flint water, we've got Detroit schools, and we're putting money into THIS shit? For the love of all that's holy.", ">>{indyaj} : I'm not a Constitutional scholar but isn't there a 4th amendment issue with this?", ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : If there isn't a 4th amendment issue with roadside sobriety tests, then probably no. Granted it all comes down to the particulars, there's easy arguments on both sides as to why this is or is not similar to a breathalyzer test, and it will really depend on where those particulars fall.", ">>{indyaj} : I was thinking about the dna in the saliva. You don't have to give dna with a breathalyzer, walking the line or touching your nose.", ">>{lolnopound} : Yea dude, who cares if a driver kills innocent people because he's high", ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : And that could easily be managed by saying the swab can't be used for DNA purposes. You're leaving your spit behind on the breathalyzer, it wouldn't be hard to get it, they just don't.", '>>{oohhh} : The guy who introduced this legislation is the same guy who wrote thevlaw to drig test welfare applicants in MI. Which has had no positive testsl results to date.', ">>{oneDRTYrusn} : You know these tests don't actually prove whether or not someone is high at the time, right?", '>>{indyaj} : The intent is opposite. Dna from a breathalyzer is incidental. Dna from a swab is intentional. You would need either a warrant or, at the very least, permission from the swabee.', '>>{Budge-O-Matic} : This was my thought as well. How can this stand given the recent SC ruling?', ">>{Budge-O-Matic} : The SC just ruled on this a week ago and said breath tests were fine, but anything like blood or saliva (where the gov't could get and potentially retain a DNA sample) is too invasive.", '>>{base2media} : The word "expert" doesn\'t mean much anymore. For example, everyone on FOX news is supposedly an "expert". It seems like anyone can take an 8 hour training class, and get a certificate that says "I\'m an expert!"', '>>{base2media} : I wonder if his brother-in-law owns the company that provides the drug tests?', '>>{not_djslinkk} : According to the president of AAA, driving while high is about as dangerous as driving with a noisy child in the backseat. [Source](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/tests-for-driver-impairment-by-marijuana-flawed-aaa/)', '>>{not_djslinkk} : I posted this in another comment, but I think it bears repeating on its own. According to the president of AAA, driving while high is about as dangerous as driving with a noisy child in the backseat. [Source](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/tests-for-driver-impairment-by-marijuana-flawed-aaa/)', '>>{GonzoVeritas} : The ruling specified "without a warrant" and noted that many jurisdictions can issue a warrant to the field in 5-10 minutes now. [BIRCHFIELD v. NORTH DAKOTA](http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/15pdf/14-1468_8n59.pdf)', '>>{BassBeerNBabes} : I mean, they can keep the plastic tip on a breathalizer for DNA.', '>>{BassBeerNBabes} : Even on a swab the DNA is a secondary "purpose", so it\'s incidental there as well.', ">>{indyaj} : I guess we'll have to wait and see what the pro's have to say. I'm certainly not one.", ">>{ishould} : Even a 12-hour window is waaay too long. If someone gets high at 10pm before going to bed to help them sleep, they'll be sober at 8am while driving to work and if they get pulled over they'll test positive even though they're completely sober", ">>{47847279} : I also live in Michigan and the democrats seem very timid here. Governor Snyder should have been forced out of office by now; it's amazing that he's been able to get away with so much.", ">>{Melonlemon99} : It's bullshit. The democrats should have dragged him through the mud by now.", ">>{inittowinit3785} : I can't help but feel like if the swabs were widely used that the next time a big crime is committed where they can't find DNA that people would be calling for the swabs to be used.", ">>{NPR_is_not_that_bad} : For any who think this is good... If the police give you a DNA swab, even if you're clean, do you really think they'll give it back..."]]
classify and reply
['>>{iddy93} : yeah, im currently having the same issue, im running it on an iphone 5s though', '>>{sandeepdhayal} : Donald Trump to publish list of crimes committed by immigrants', '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : About time to round them up and throw them out', '>>{FatherEvo} : Nothing like demonizing a group of people to try and make people see from your point of view. Where have I heard this before...? Oh, right, WW2 era Germany.', '>>{OBAMA_LEAF} : A Male Trump Supporter Punched A Woman Eating Dinner In The Face', ">>{hungerofpine} : I've got the same issue, and I've only had my iPhone since December. I already had slight issues beforehand updating so I hoped that the 10.3. update would solve this but it seems like in made it even worse 🙄", ">>{CRUTD} : I've read on other forums the first few days after you upgrade to 10.3, because of the new file system, initial battery drain might be due to indexing. The implication is that once the indexing is complete battery life will go back to normal, or it will improve. Is anyone seeing that, the improvement, going back to normal? I have not yet upgraded, still on 10.1.1, iP6. Of course we have no idea how long indexing takes, and we don't have any indication of when it's complete.", '>>{triforcelinkz} : i would really like that to be the case! happen to have a link to that forum by chance?', '>>{Slick424} : That attitude is the reason why...oh wait, never mind.', '>>{TheBrianJ} : Aw, that video doesn\'t show the best part of that whole promo. Where they put up a "We apologize for Diaz\'s language" disclaimer at the bottom, then it went away and Diaz immediately swore again, so they just put it up and left it there the entire rest of the time.', ">>{spazz720} : Yes...Round up all the Mexicans; when they're gone we'll be happy Round up the Puerto Rican's, Cubans, Hondurans, Chileans, Guatemalans, Brazilians, too...when they're gone we'll be happy Then lets get rid of the Catholics, Mormons, Jews, Scientologists, Muslims, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses as well. After that lets go for the Democrats, Independents, Green Voters, Libertarians, & Populists. Lets remove everyone not like us...Then we truly can be happy", '>>{OBAMA_LEAF} : By beating women? Trump voters confirmed woman beaters and cowards.', ">>{Tragicanomaly} : What is wrong with the phones? The article doesn't say.", ">>{J5D1C7} : there's a slight problem with the batteries. they can explode.", '>>{kilingangel} : They can either melt the phone away or explode in your face. This is due to the battery maker though. Not a Samsung problem.', '>>{Justinokay} : 1st day on 10.3 I experienced significant drain. Day two has been slightly better on standby. Still too early to tell. iPhone battery life to performance ratio peaked at iOS 9.3.3.', '>>{TheBatman2007} : Remind me again why they did away with removable batteries??', '>>{charging_bull} : By sucker punching middle aged women in the face in restaurants?', ">>{triforcelinkz} : that's what i think i'm experiencing as well.. at least that's what i'm telling myself. fingers crossed", ">>{deaconstevew} : My battery life has improved on 10.3 not that it wasn't good before. Even better now.", '>>{TM_WE} : It is a Samsung problem though. They have the batteries in their phones.', '>>{dedlockcandyshop} : Do you think the feds should roll over the bodies of Americans to accomplish that goal?', '>>{sandeepdhayal} : So, lets all get this straight, we are going to be spending billions of tax payer dollars to keep out maybe, 250K immigrants? Wow.', '>>{Bxrwheel} : How about a trump supporter punched someone in the face? Or someone got punched in the face over an arguemebt?', ">>{lapotronic} : The implant in your hip failed while you were going downstairs, therefore it's your fault you fell and broke your face. No, it's not your fault. It's the fault of whoever made your implant.", '>>{charging_bull} : It says "dinner." Bar Tabac is more of a Cafe/Bistro. It is really nice in the summer and spring because of its outside seating.', ">>{DC25NYC} : Wow he's finally uniting us! This is really gonna bring us together now. I'm sure no one is going to start using this to promote an even more racist agenda Fuck you donald", '>>{DC25NYC} : A GOP safe space for the special snowflakes they are. Scared of the world.', ">>{MorallyDeplorable} : You're not contracting and reselling and presumably doing quality control on that hip before it goes into you, Samsung does. Samsung's QA should have caught this months ago. Those batteries have Samsung's logo on them, they're sold by Samsung, and they go into Samsung devices exclusively. Samsung is responsible for them. Samsung seems to agree, judging by how they're handling this. I mean, I'm not down on Samsung, my last 3 phones have been Samsung and so far I'm impressed with how they're handling this, but to say that they have *no* responsibility is asinine.", ">>{uhuhuhu} : Hitler did not throw the jews out. He killed them. Also, illegal immigrants don't have a long history of living in the US, and they are not even allowed to live here.", ">>{dedlockcandyshop} : He tried to throw them out first, actually. Many left, but a lot couldn't.", '>>{uhuhuhu} : He did not. He thought about it, but he never attempted it.', '>>{JPN2214} : It is the manufacturers problem if their parts fail.', ">>{JPN2214} : Removable adds issues that you need to work around. It's easier to design a phone with the extra space without having to create an access route to the battery. Also, it's much much easier to make it waterproof, which Samsung obviously thought was a more marketable feature than replaceable batts", ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : Quakers in the late 1650's ignored anti-immigration laws in the colonies and still came over.", ">>{Rupperrt} : Yeah, that's gonna unite the country. That all reminds me a lot of the early 1930s in Germany.", '>>{sglville} : Its been 2 days, the first day was partial charging, no comment. Last night I charged to 100% and today I have 3hr 28min usage, 22hr 9min standby with 65% battery left. No complaints.', ">>{TheBatman2007} : Interesting. But fail right? Didn't we all used to go out and spend MORE money on a bigger capacity battery?? Just like the missing micro SD cards?", ">>{SaltHash} : >Because, it's time they stood up for themselves. Afraid of unarmed women?", '>>{OBAMA_LEAF} : The billionaires and banksters that are robbing you blind are laughing at you.', ">>{ipoop4xaday} : uhhh....the Scientologists I'm ok with being rounded up.", ">>{stoicsmile} : That would have been slightly better, the alternative was that we killed them. In Massachusetts, Quakers were hanged. But if you value religious freedom, jury nullification, separation of church and state, womens' suffrage, etc., you should be thankful that Quakers were able to settle in West Jersey colony and eventually Pennsylvania. Edit: [Some background on an incident of Quakers being executed, tortured, and banished for their religious beliefs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_martyrs).", '>>{Dreams-In-Digital} : Battery has been great for me. Went to bed at 95% and woke up with it at 95%. 👍', ">>{triforcelinkz} : interesting the battery doesn't drain much on standby but significant drops are noted when the phone is on", ">>{JPN2214} : I'm sorry, I don't understand anything you are saying in this comment.", '>>{OBAMA_LEAF} : > It is not like they have a genetic propensity to rob the proletariat. Ask Steve Bannon how he feels about that.', '>>{CRUTD} : Sorry mate, don\'t have the link, something I probably read quickly while "sitting on the throne."', '>>{WalkingDad} : > (...) after she expressed disappointment about the election of President-elect Donald Trump. -- >The man asked the manager to kick the women out of the restaurant.', ">>{BretticusWins} : That's a meme at this point. People have used the indexing excuse since before 10.3.", ">>{bananasantos} : OP above you doesn't realize that America was founded by Illegal Immigrants", ">>{CRUTD} : That's what I was afraid of. Honestly I haven't upgraded past 10.1.1. I'm running an iPhone 6. I usually don't upgrade unless I have a reason to, don't fix ain't broken.", '>>{Jack_of_derps} : The white, working class is oppressed? Exactly how?', '>>{trickx1991} : Hope the first crime is the assassination of Trump.', ">>{Shandlar} : The note 7 has micro SD. It's water proof, the first phone with a stylus to manage that. It's 7 grams lighter than the Note 4, while still increasing battery capacity by 8.6%. There was quite a bit gained in the trade off of losing the removable battery. It appears about 0.0024% of the cells they purchased are defective and it's going to cost them a couple hundred million dollars to properly recall 2.5 million phones.", '>>{Crivens1} : As long as you sort them out and rescue the innocent.', '>>{TheTrueLordHumungous} : and now for the money quote: >The woman did not suffer any visible injuries and refused medical attention. No arrests have been made in the case. Sounds like another bullshit story to me.', ">>{dedlockcandyshop} : It was one of the goals of [anti-Jewish legislation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Jewish_legislation_in_prewar_Nazi_Germany#Second_wave_of_anti-Jewish_legislation.2C_1938-1939) in prewar Nazi Germany. And the early plans explored for relocation were more than just Hitler's passing thoughts.", ">>{MAGA-MEMES} : Democrats attack FEMALE Trump supporter: [1.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB91BBPt8g4) - [2.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8aCkoq5wBE) - [3.](http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/11/report-man-attacks-female-trump-supporter-florida-polling-station/) Democrats attack an ELDERLY Trump supporter [1.](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3718228/Hillary-Clinton-supporter-23-attacks-elderly-pro-Trump-protester-67-man-tries-stop-burning-American-flag-outside-Pittsburgh-rally.html) Democrats attack CHILDREN of a Trump supporter: [1.](http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/kids-splashed-pepper-spray-donald-trump-rally-calif-article-1.2615652) Democrats attack MALE Trump supporter: Let's be honest, there's probably hundreds so let's just do a compilation. [Compiliation 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywDvXmeVfoE) - [Compilation 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2qpQjoBKY8) - [Compilation 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMux_UHmpvc) Ha and those are just before the election. Democrats have only gotten angrier since then.", ">>{stuartall} : I'm upset mainly because I was looking to upgrade my note 3 with one of these", ">>{Graviteesh} : It wasn't. Plenty of witnesses. Trump supporters just have weak upper body strength, I'm afraid.", '>>{SpookyKid94} : By other groups having rights. Used to be white people had to try to fail in this country, now they have to put in an effort not to be poor. Equal rights hurt their fee fees.', ">>{Jack_of_derps} : For reals. They need safe spaces because they can't compete if they are expected to actually work for it.", '>>{i-am-sancho} : Are we going to keep posting every article from ever attack done by and against Trump supporters? It\'s shitty, yes. But now it\'s just going to be a tit-for-tat on posting these stories. "Oh yeah, we\'ll here\'s an article about a WHITE Trump supporter who was attacked by BLACK THUGS!". Are we going to do this for the next four years?', ">>{lurkeronebillion} : and gay people, and persians, and hispanics, and jews...well, pretty much anyone who isn't a straight white male christian", ">>{COMRADE_DRUMPFOSKY} : He's just afraid of the future. Give him a chance!", '>>{South_in_AZ} : Damn, not following directions ...... it was supposed to be grab them bu the pussy, hot punch them in the face. Better luck next time.', ">>{skimble-skamble} : I don't know why it's was necessary to point out that the dinner she was eating was going in her face. Where else would she be putting it?", ">>{smileedude} : Yes, it's almost as if there is a severe problem with the system when so many people on both sides of politics are resorting to violence.", ">>{____yourcouch} : well, there are a multitude of attacks by trump supporters against liberals, muslims, and latinos whereas there is a multitude of submissions about a single attack on a trump supporter who told the police the attack was due to a traffic incident and the attackers couldn't have known he was a Trump voter. However, if you want to pretend they're both the same, don't let facts get in the way. believe what you feel!", ">>{Xelif} : It's almost as if one of the candidates spewed hateful, divisive rhetoric for the past year, and when his supporters turned violent he gave them the ol' nod and wink while promising to shield them from legal consequences. But remember, both sides are exactly the same!", '>>{Xelif} : Yo, just in case you missed it, the whole "all the violence and hatred is just economic anxiety" bit is satire.', ">>{i-am-sancho} : I know they're not the same, but the articles will be produced and posted and shared at the same clip either way.", ">>{____yourcouch} : fair enough, maybe we need an official counter. something tells me it won't be even-matched.", '>>{JoJoWiCo} : This is clearly the most sensible way to demonstrate your concerns about the economy.', '>>{cannonfunk} : If he\'s having "economic anxiety" maybe he shouldn\'t be eating at a restaurant that has $20 minimum entrees.', '>>{Shanashy} : Not necessarily. I know some very fine, upstanding citizens that, sadly, voted for Trump.', '>>{Mutoid} : Why, because naming the genders of the people involved gives it some sort of spin? "Facts have a well-known liberal bias"', '>>{Triapod} : Not a single use of "knuckle sandwich". Journalism is dead.', '>>{Final_Senator} : This is why Trump won! /s (not /s? idk anymore)', '>>{tinderphallus} : Will we keep track of false flag attacks and unverified claims on this counter as well?', '>>{onod32} : Watch a low information voter try to spin this off as a George Soros Inside job', '>>{SonicSasquatch} : 60 million people. Id hope a few were decent!', ">>{getridofappleskitle} : > “The guy who punched the girl was pro-Trump for sure,” he said. > > Well geez now I'm sold. This evidence is undeniable!", ">>{CPargermer} : I don't know where you're from, but I don't feel there are 60m people walking around throwing fists. I mean sure call this type of individual a typical Trump supporter, but then don't be appalled when someone calls the violent rioters typical liberals.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : You'd be a real hit at the rape crisis center.", '>>{MEsniff} : The filthy regressive right hate women. Dozens of stories like this have come out since the election, Trump supporters really do like assaulting women.', ">>{morbidexpression} : uh yes, because it's fucking horrible and should be reported.", ">>{OBAMA_LEAF} : Why would we keep track of Trump's presidential campaign on the counter?", ">>{libsmak} : Weren't we fighting for equality all of these years? We can now denigrate women just as much as we do men.", ">>{libsmak} : I'm guessing you're talking about the Chicago dude who was almost killed. [The NYC ABC channel tonight had a story about a white Trump supporter who was beat up on the train.](http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/subway-rider-attacks-trump-fan-america-great-hat-article-1.2870597) I was quite surprised they even aired it. He then went on to talk about because he wears his MAGA hat he has been denied service at several places in NYC. That guy needs to wear a hidden camera.", '>>{Comms} : TIL "supporter" and "voter" mean exactly the same thing.', ">>{Comms} : >Police describe the man as standing 5-foot-6 Oh, he's pocket-sized. That's cute.", ">>{thebeavertrilogy} : Funny, but seriously, the majority are good people who want to see a better economy, more jobs and cheaper healthcare. I think they will be very let down by Trump, but this narrative that Trump voters are all driven by hate is asinine. Don't misunderstand - I think we are screwed, but it the Paul Ryans in the government who will deliver the real screwing.", ">>{CPargermer} : Anyone that voted for Trump **is** a supporter. You may not agree with everything they have to say, but you supported their candidacy over their opponent. If you didn't support either candidate over the other you could choose to not vote either candidate and just focus on the down-ballot elections below it.", '>>{yaosio} : We are allowed to put food into any orifice we want, the US supreme court ruled on it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_v._Texas', ">>{ihorse} : > economic ~~anxiety~~ eugenics FTFY. Brought to you by Trumpland. /s To be honest, I don't really know if this is sarcasm or the truth anymore.", ">>{spaetzele} : Not exactly acting like someone who was on the winning side. Why is that? I get the feeling that a lot of Trump supporters were saving up some serious aggression for an election loss but they've won and they don't know what to do with all the rage they've been bottling up.", '>>{HanJunHo} : If you want sarcasm to land, there needs to be some element subtly indicating that.', '>>{4D_MemeKing} : did he grab her pussy too? We have to let them. They won.', '>>{Northcarlston} : They just got their *upstanding citizen* card revoked.', '>>{r1chard3} : Ryan is already talking about "reforming" Social Security and Medicare. How this brings factory jobs back to the Midwest is unclear.', '>>{ShyBiDude89} : Also, we can put food on our family.', ">>{thebeavertrilogy} : I don't suggest that this was done on purpose ([although maybe!](http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-11-11/rebekah-mercer-daughter-of-major-donor-named-to-trump-role)) but Trump is providing great theater to preoccupy the media while all the rest of this shitty selling out of America is going down.", ">>{Ut_Prosim} : Joke's on you, it was actually George Soros who punched this woman!", '>>{NovaInitia} : A female Hillary supporter took a shit this morning. So what? We knew long ago his base consists of some uneducated fucking morons ages ago.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Tragicanomaly} : What is wrong with the phones? The article doesn't say.", ">>{J5D1C7} : there's a slight problem with the batteries. they can explode.", '>>{kilingangel} : They can either melt the phone away or explode in your face. This is due to the battery maker though. Not a Samsung problem.', '>>{TheBatman2007} : Remind me again why they did away with removable batteries??', '>>{TM_WE} : It is a Samsung problem though. They have the batteries in their phones.', ">>{lapotronic} : The implant in your hip failed while you were going downstairs, therefore it's your fault you fell and broke your face. No, it's not your fault. It's the fault of whoever made your implant.", ">>{MorallyDeplorable} : You're not contracting and reselling and presumably doing quality control on that hip before it goes into you, Samsung does. Samsung's QA should have caught this months ago. Those batteries have Samsung's logo on them, they're sold by Samsung, and they go into Samsung devices exclusively. Samsung is responsible for them. Samsung seems to agree, judging by how they're handling this. I mean, I'm not down on Samsung, my last 3 phones have been Samsung and so far I'm impressed with how they're handling this, but to say that they have *no* responsibility is asinine.", '>>{JPN2214} : It is the manufacturers problem if their parts fail.', ">>{JPN2214} : Removable adds issues that you need to work around. It's easier to design a phone with the extra space without having to create an access route to the battery. Also, it's much much easier to make it waterproof, which Samsung obviously thought was a more marketable feature than replaceable batts", ">>{TheBatman2007} : Interesting. But fail right? Didn't we all used to go out and spend MORE money on a bigger capacity battery?? Just like the missing micro SD cards?", ">>{JPN2214} : I'm sorry, I don't understand anything you are saying in this comment.", ">>{Shandlar} : The note 7 has micro SD. It's water proof, the first phone with a stylus to manage that. It's 7 grams lighter than the Note 4, while still increasing battery capacity by 8.6%. There was quite a bit gained in the trade off of losing the removable battery. It appears about 0.0024% of the cells they purchased are defective and it's going to cost them a couple hundred million dollars to properly recall 2.5 million phones.", ">>{stuartall} : I'm upset mainly because I was looking to upgrade my note 3 with one of these"], ['>>{OBAMA_LEAF} : A Male Trump Supporter Punched A Woman Eating Dinner In The Face', '>>{Slick424} : That attitude is the reason why...oh wait, never mind.', '>>{TheBrianJ} : Aw, that video doesn\'t show the best part of that whole promo. Where they put up a "We apologize for Diaz\'s language" disclaimer at the bottom, then it went away and Diaz immediately swore again, so they just put it up and left it there the entire rest of the time.', '>>{OBAMA_LEAF} : By beating women? Trump voters confirmed woman beaters and cowards.', '>>{charging_bull} : By sucker punching middle aged women in the face in restaurants?', '>>{Bxrwheel} : How about a trump supporter punched someone in the face? Or someone got punched in the face over an arguemebt?', '>>{charging_bull} : It says "dinner." Bar Tabac is more of a Cafe/Bistro. It is really nice in the summer and spring because of its outside seating.', ">>{SaltHash} : >Because, it's time they stood up for themselves. Afraid of unarmed women?", '>>{OBAMA_LEAF} : The billionaires and banksters that are robbing you blind are laughing at you.', '>>{OBAMA_LEAF} : > It is not like they have a genetic propensity to rob the proletariat. Ask Steve Bannon how he feels about that.', '>>{WalkingDad} : > (...) after she expressed disappointment about the election of President-elect Donald Trump. -- >The man asked the manager to kick the women out of the restaurant.', '>>{Jack_of_derps} : The white, working class is oppressed? Exactly how?', '>>{TheTrueLordHumungous} : and now for the money quote: >The woman did not suffer any visible injuries and refused medical attention. No arrests have been made in the case. Sounds like another bullshit story to me.', ">>{MAGA-MEMES} : Democrats attack FEMALE Trump supporter: [1.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB91BBPt8g4) - [2.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8aCkoq5wBE) - [3.](http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/11/report-man-attacks-female-trump-supporter-florida-polling-station/) Democrats attack an ELDERLY Trump supporter [1.](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3718228/Hillary-Clinton-supporter-23-attacks-elderly-pro-Trump-protester-67-man-tries-stop-burning-American-flag-outside-Pittsburgh-rally.html) Democrats attack CHILDREN of a Trump supporter: [1.](http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/kids-splashed-pepper-spray-donald-trump-rally-calif-article-1.2615652) Democrats attack MALE Trump supporter: Let's be honest, there's probably hundreds so let's just do a compilation. [Compiliation 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywDvXmeVfoE) - [Compilation 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2qpQjoBKY8) - [Compilation 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMux_UHmpvc) Ha and those are just before the election. Democrats have only gotten angrier since then.", ">>{Graviteesh} : It wasn't. Plenty of witnesses. Trump supporters just have weak upper body strength, I'm afraid.", '>>{SpookyKid94} : By other groups having rights. Used to be white people had to try to fail in this country, now they have to put in an effort not to be poor. Equal rights hurt their fee fees.', ">>{Jack_of_derps} : For reals. They need safe spaces because they can't compete if they are expected to actually work for it.", '>>{i-am-sancho} : Are we going to keep posting every article from ever attack done by and against Trump supporters? It\'s shitty, yes. But now it\'s just going to be a tit-for-tat on posting these stories. "Oh yeah, we\'ll here\'s an article about a WHITE Trump supporter who was attacked by BLACK THUGS!". Are we going to do this for the next four years?', ">>{lurkeronebillion} : and gay people, and persians, and hispanics, and jews...well, pretty much anyone who isn't a straight white male christian", ">>{COMRADE_DRUMPFOSKY} : He's just afraid of the future. Give him a chance!", '>>{South_in_AZ} : Damn, not following directions ...... it was supposed to be grab them bu the pussy, hot punch them in the face. Better luck next time.', ">>{skimble-skamble} : I don't know why it's was necessary to point out that the dinner she was eating was going in her face. Where else would she be putting it?", ">>{smileedude} : Yes, it's almost as if there is a severe problem with the system when so many people on both sides of politics are resorting to violence.", ">>{____yourcouch} : well, there are a multitude of attacks by trump supporters against liberals, muslims, and latinos whereas there is a multitude of submissions about a single attack on a trump supporter who told the police the attack was due to a traffic incident and the attackers couldn't have known he was a Trump voter. However, if you want to pretend they're both the same, don't let facts get in the way. believe what you feel!", ">>{Xelif} : It's almost as if one of the candidates spewed hateful, divisive rhetoric for the past year, and when his supporters turned violent he gave them the ol' nod and wink while promising to shield them from legal consequences. But remember, both sides are exactly the same!", '>>{Xelif} : Yo, just in case you missed it, the whole "all the violence and hatred is just economic anxiety" bit is satire.', ">>{i-am-sancho} : I know they're not the same, but the articles will be produced and posted and shared at the same clip either way.", ">>{____yourcouch} : fair enough, maybe we need an official counter. something tells me it won't be even-matched.", '>>{JoJoWiCo} : This is clearly the most sensible way to demonstrate your concerns about the economy.', '>>{cannonfunk} : If he\'s having "economic anxiety" maybe he shouldn\'t be eating at a restaurant that has $20 minimum entrees.', '>>{Shanashy} : Not necessarily. I know some very fine, upstanding citizens that, sadly, voted for Trump.', '>>{Mutoid} : Why, because naming the genders of the people involved gives it some sort of spin? "Facts have a well-known liberal bias"', '>>{Triapod} : Not a single use of "knuckle sandwich". Journalism is dead.', '>>{Final_Senator} : This is why Trump won! /s (not /s? idk anymore)', '>>{tinderphallus} : Will we keep track of false flag attacks and unverified claims on this counter as well?', '>>{onod32} : Watch a low information voter try to spin this off as a George Soros Inside job', '>>{SonicSasquatch} : 60 million people. Id hope a few were decent!', ">>{getridofappleskitle} : > “The guy who punched the girl was pro-Trump for sure,” he said. > > Well geez now I'm sold. This evidence is undeniable!", ">>{CPargermer} : I don't know where you're from, but I don't feel there are 60m people walking around throwing fists. I mean sure call this type of individual a typical Trump supporter, but then don't be appalled when someone calls the violent rioters typical liberals.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : You'd be a real hit at the rape crisis center.", '>>{MEsniff} : The filthy regressive right hate women. Dozens of stories like this have come out since the election, Trump supporters really do like assaulting women.', ">>{morbidexpression} : uh yes, because it's fucking horrible and should be reported.", ">>{OBAMA_LEAF} : Why would we keep track of Trump's presidential campaign on the counter?", ">>{libsmak} : Weren't we fighting for equality all of these years? We can now denigrate women just as much as we do men.", ">>{libsmak} : I'm guessing you're talking about the Chicago dude who was almost killed. [The NYC ABC channel tonight had a story about a white Trump supporter who was beat up on the train.](http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/subway-rider-attacks-trump-fan-america-great-hat-article-1.2870597) I was quite surprised they even aired it. He then went on to talk about because he wears his MAGA hat he has been denied service at several places in NYC. That guy needs to wear a hidden camera.", '>>{Comms} : TIL "supporter" and "voter" mean exactly the same thing.', ">>{Comms} : >Police describe the man as standing 5-foot-6 Oh, he's pocket-sized. That's cute.", ">>{thebeavertrilogy} : Funny, but seriously, the majority are good people who want to see a better economy, more jobs and cheaper healthcare. I think they will be very let down by Trump, but this narrative that Trump voters are all driven by hate is asinine. Don't misunderstand - I think we are screwed, but it the Paul Ryans in the government who will deliver the real screwing.", ">>{CPargermer} : Anyone that voted for Trump **is** a supporter. You may not agree with everything they have to say, but you supported their candidacy over their opponent. If you didn't support either candidate over the other you could choose to not vote either candidate and just focus on the down-ballot elections below it.", '>>{yaosio} : We are allowed to put food into any orifice we want, the US supreme court ruled on it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_v._Texas', ">>{ihorse} : > economic ~~anxiety~~ eugenics FTFY. Brought to you by Trumpland. /s To be honest, I don't really know if this is sarcasm or the truth anymore.", ">>{spaetzele} : Not exactly acting like someone who was on the winning side. Why is that? I get the feeling that a lot of Trump supporters were saving up some serious aggression for an election loss but they've won and they don't know what to do with all the rage they've been bottling up.", '>>{HanJunHo} : If you want sarcasm to land, there needs to be some element subtly indicating that.', '>>{4D_MemeKing} : did he grab her pussy too? We have to let them. They won.', '>>{Northcarlston} : They just got their *upstanding citizen* card revoked.', '>>{r1chard3} : Ryan is already talking about "reforming" Social Security and Medicare. How this brings factory jobs back to the Midwest is unclear.', '>>{ShyBiDude89} : Also, we can put food on our family.', ">>{thebeavertrilogy} : I don't suggest that this was done on purpose ([although maybe!](http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-11-11/rebekah-mercer-daughter-of-major-donor-named-to-trump-role)) but Trump is providing great theater to preoccupy the media while all the rest of this shitty selling out of America is going down.", ">>{Ut_Prosim} : Joke's on you, it was actually George Soros who punched this woman!", '>>{NovaInitia} : A female Hillary supporter took a shit this morning. So what? We knew long ago his base consists of some uneducated fucking morons ages ago.'], ['>>{sandeepdhayal} : Donald Trump to publish list of crimes committed by immigrants', '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : About time to round them up and throw them out', '>>{FatherEvo} : Nothing like demonizing a group of people to try and make people see from your point of view. Where have I heard this before...? Oh, right, WW2 era Germany.', ">>{spazz720} : Yes...Round up all the Mexicans; when they're gone we'll be happy Round up the Puerto Rican's, Cubans, Hondurans, Chileans, Guatemalans, Brazilians, too...when they're gone we'll be happy Then lets get rid of the Catholics, Mormons, Jews, Scientologists, Muslims, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses as well. After that lets go for the Democrats, Independents, Green Voters, Libertarians, & Populists. Lets remove everyone not like us...Then we truly can be happy", '>>{dedlockcandyshop} : Do you think the feds should roll over the bodies of Americans to accomplish that goal?', '>>{sandeepdhayal} : So, lets all get this straight, we are going to be spending billions of tax payer dollars to keep out maybe, 250K immigrants? Wow.', ">>{DC25NYC} : Wow he's finally uniting us! This is really gonna bring us together now. I'm sure no one is going to start using this to promote an even more racist agenda Fuck you donald", '>>{DC25NYC} : A GOP safe space for the special snowflakes they are. Scared of the world.', ">>{uhuhuhu} : Hitler did not throw the jews out. He killed them. Also, illegal immigrants don't have a long history of living in the US, and they are not even allowed to live here.", ">>{dedlockcandyshop} : He tried to throw them out first, actually. Many left, but a lot couldn't.", '>>{uhuhuhu} : He did not. He thought about it, but he never attempted it.', ">>{PopcornInMyTeeth} : Quakers in the late 1650's ignored anti-immigration laws in the colonies and still came over.", ">>{Rupperrt} : Yeah, that's gonna unite the country. That all reminds me a lot of the early 1930s in Germany.", ">>{ipoop4xaday} : uhhh....the Scientologists I'm ok with being rounded up.", ">>{stoicsmile} : That would have been slightly better, the alternative was that we killed them. In Massachusetts, Quakers were hanged. But if you value religious freedom, jury nullification, separation of church and state, womens' suffrage, etc., you should be thankful that Quakers were able to settle in West Jersey colony and eventually Pennsylvania. Edit: [Some background on an incident of Quakers being executed, tortured, and banished for their religious beliefs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_martyrs).", ">>{bananasantos} : OP above you doesn't realize that America was founded by Illegal Immigrants", '>>{trickx1991} : Hope the first crime is the assassination of Trump.', '>>{Crivens1} : As long as you sort them out and rescue the innocent.', ">>{dedlockcandyshop} : It was one of the goals of [anti-Jewish legislation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Jewish_legislation_in_prewar_Nazi_Germany#Second_wave_of_anti-Jewish_legislation.2C_1938-1939) in prewar Nazi Germany. And the early plans explored for relocation were more than just Hitler's passing thoughts."], ['>>{iddy93} : yeah, im currently having the same issue, im running it on an iphone 5s though', ">>{hungerofpine} : I've got the same issue, and I've only had my iPhone since December. I already had slight issues beforehand updating so I hoped that the 10.3. update would solve this but it seems like in made it even worse 🙄", ">>{CRUTD} : I've read on other forums the first few days after you upgrade to 10.3, because of the new file system, initial battery drain might be due to indexing. The implication is that once the indexing is complete battery life will go back to normal, or it will improve. Is anyone seeing that, the improvement, going back to normal? I have not yet upgraded, still on 10.1.1, iP6. Of course we have no idea how long indexing takes, and we don't have any indication of when it's complete.", '>>{triforcelinkz} : i would really like that to be the case! happen to have a link to that forum by chance?', '>>{Justinokay} : 1st day on 10.3 I experienced significant drain. Day two has been slightly better on standby. Still too early to tell. iPhone battery life to performance ratio peaked at iOS 9.3.3.', ">>{triforcelinkz} : that's what i think i'm experiencing as well.. at least that's what i'm telling myself. fingers crossed", ">>{deaconstevew} : My battery life has improved on 10.3 not that it wasn't good before. Even better now.", '>>{sglville} : Its been 2 days, the first day was partial charging, no comment. Last night I charged to 100% and today I have 3hr 28min usage, 22hr 9min standby with 65% battery left. No complaints.', '>>{Dreams-In-Digital} : Battery has been great for me. Went to bed at 95% and woke up with it at 95%. 👍', ">>{triforcelinkz} : interesting the battery doesn't drain much on standby but significant drops are noted when the phone is on", '>>{CRUTD} : Sorry mate, don\'t have the link, something I probably read quickly while "sitting on the throne."', ">>{BretticusWins} : That's a meme at this point. People have used the indexing excuse since before 10.3.", ">>{CRUTD} : That's what I was afraid of. Honestly I haven't upgraded past 10.1.1. I'm running an iPhone 6. I usually don't upgrade unless I have a reason to, don't fix ain't broken."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Trombosaurus} : Perfect. > Friday morning, Obama turned the heckler into a prop, representing a perfect symbol of the flimsy campaign Trump is running. >“If you’re confident about the other guy, just go to his rallies,” Obama said. “You don’t have to spend time over here. Go knock on doors for your guy.” >He smiled as the security worked its way through the crowd to get to the man. >“Unless you\'re getting paid to be here,” he said. “Everybody’s gotta make a living."', ">>{Baltorussian} : I'm really going to miss the Duo in office. Guess I'll have to keep my Cup of Joe at work, and my Obama Birth Certificate as primary at home.", '>>{tomhanks23} : A Donald Trump presidency would be a much greater shock to global finance than Brexit', '>>{MiketheMover} : More scare tactics. What has been a shock is what the globalists have been doing to the average person for the past 25 years, and will continue to do under Hillary. Trump 2016', ">>{saywuuuh} : I'm more and more on the Jill Stein train...likely won't win but she just seems more genuine than any other candidate, and to be running for the right reasons. Plus, she is pretty intelligent and I imagine if Congress would support her (if elected) some positive would come out of it.", '>>{ABadUseOfTime} : And I trust her because there were no leaked secrets when she held her highest political position: Co-Chair of the Lexington Recycling Committee. #Ready2Lead', ">>{waalchastazoor} : I wonder why Cheryl Mills and John Podesta discussed not providing the FBI with emails to and from Obama, hours after they were issued a subpoena. We don't have a functioning government anymore. Obama's the perfect figurehead for a sham.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : Didn't she say she'd like to appoint Snowden to her Cabinet, though?", '>>{ZenProZen} : At this stage; voting Trump is an embarrassment t to democracy and education.', '>>{rastertaster} : Accusing others of scare tactics? Quick shit your pants a Muslim might be close too you. :-D', ">>{thefatoldman} : Goodman, I thought he'd be on suicide watch.", '>>{BoloBouncer} : [This is basically how Donald Trump is going out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj4adAAHa68) if he goes through with the third debate.', '>>{txstoploss} : Stand by to get removed. How dare you question "Her Turn" *and* "The One" in one sentence?', ">>{SANDERS_NEW_HAIRCUT} : Stop trying to make Jill Stein happen, Jill Stein isn't going to happen", ">>{saywuuuh} : Trump hasn't held too many high ranking political postions either though, and I hear he's up there in the polls :/", '>>{ronbag} : Is it? 99% of our media pushes people toward the democrats. The DNC leaks prove that the DNC controls the narrative of NBC CNN and many other major NEWS networks. This is very anti-democratic, and more like soviet propaganda. Talk to any Trump supporter and they will tell you this.', ">>{Malphael} : > Talk to any Trump supporter and they will tell you this. Are you being sarcastic? I honestly can't tell.", ">>{d00ns} : Doesn't matter who wins. Raising interest rates is going to be the biggest shock we've ever seen.", ">>{FujofTg} : Two Obamas are Clinton's best weapon. They both will be missed no matter who wins in November.", ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : Stein and the Green party are corrupt. They don't hold any primaries, they don't hold any caucuses, they don't hold any debates between the five members running for nomination. They are probably the most undemocratic party in the US, a bunch of party insiders get together and pick a candidate that promises them the most favors. Stein doesn't care about anyone but herself. Even Bernie knows this and that is why he ignores her.", ">>{pm_me_ankle_nudes} : Trump supporter comparing stuff to Soviet propaganda... It's not like the Donald constantly praises Putin, legitimizes the annexation of Crimea, calls for more Russian hacks. Oh god the irony", '>>{richielaw} : You can question it. It is just ridiculous.', '>>{TimIsWin} : I like when ppl say "globalist" cuz I don\'t have to guess anymore I just know they\'re straight up fucking racist.', '>>{thefatoldman} : She is not on the ballot in 27 states, she cannot win. http://www.jill2016.com/ballot_access', ">>{waalchastazoor} : It's my pleasure. If the US is around long enough to look back on this moment in history, they will view these astroturfers as the lowest of the low.", ">>{saywuuuh} : Didn't she graduate from Harvard Medical School, teach Medicine there, and work as a Doctor? Even if not Einstein intelligent, that's still pretty legit", ">>{noshore4me} : Well, she graduated magna cum laude from Harvard and then earned a MD from Harvard Med School. But don't let that interrupt your snark.", ">>{waalchastazoor} : Our laws aren't being enforced on our lawmakers. There is clear evidence of that. We can't even link to the evidence in this subreddit it's so damning.", ">>{waalchastazoor} : https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/9272#efmA-NA_IBEnBHeBI2BOJBOXBTe Here's an easy one, discussion of Hillary deleting 16 e-mails personally. Collusion between the State Department, Hillary aides, and the Associated Press.", '>>{iamthemachine1776} : Even though the federal reserve has been focusing on keeping interest rates down for the past 8 years?', ">>{richielaw} : I mean, I don't see anything wrong with that. There are explanations for why the emails weren't originally produced. Further, that seems to indicate that they were discussing with state how to respond to the subpoena. I didn't see any collusion there. Also, in regards to the press issue, that is politics. I fully expect politicians to abuse the press and the news cycle for their own gain and purposes.", ">>{waalchastazoor} : What's the explanation for why they weren't produced? This is e-mail shows that the State Department, to aid Hillary while she was no longer in the State Department, sought out a friendly journalist in the AP and prepared an article to play down the fact that she'd deleted these e-mails before the info could even reach the committee that had issued a subpoena.", ">>{d00ns} : Yeah that's the point, they can't raise them because then the whole thing comes crashing down.", '>>{thajoker456} : Why does Jill Stein want a Trump presidency so badly?', ">>{t-poke} : I am going to miss him when he leaves office. I'm going to be selfish and hope he stays in the public eye, even though I know he probably wants nothing more to retire to a beachfront house in Hawaii and be miles away from the nearest camera for awhile.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : They actually held primaries, but not many people bothered to vote in them because none of their candidates were credible. Stein's next closest challenger was Bill Kreml, a retired nutjob of a professor whose campaign site didn't even list a platform, won the Green Party's SC primary.", '>>{IAMTHEWALLS} : How many states were these "primaries" held?', ">>{richielaw} : That she didn't have them. At least that is what I got from the email chain.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : The Electoral College doesn't vote until January!", '>>{saywuuuh} : uninterrupted kind sir. Still though, not so bad ya?', '>>{ronbag} : Obama was actually the one that let Russia do that while he was a weak leader and just talked shit about it after the fact.', ">>{thejoshu} : That's exactly the sort of in-depth, nuanced, well informed foreign policy discussion that keeps me coming back to Reddit.", '>>{thejoshu} : They might even vote! And pay taxes! Maybe they even... *openly practice their faith* on occasion! The horror.', ">>{taint_a_chode} : LMAO, yeah, it's gotta be far better to spend millions and millions in a corrupt process like the Dems just had. They decided at the onset HRC was their gal, not the best democratic process in itself.", '>>{ABadUseOfTime} : Oh, for sure there are two total jokes running in this election. I hope no one ever takes my criticism of Jill Stein as any sort of endorsement for Donald Trump.', '>>{ronbag} : What kind of strong leader lets Russia do that? Obama is basically letting Putin run the show. While you guys sit on this forum hating on Putin, doing so much to stop him. Lol', '>>{speaktodragons} : Trump his entire life he spent associating himself with the wealthy and celebrities becomes the president for the poor, African American, Latinos, women, and the middle class, "come on man!"', '>>{iamtheCircus} : I like when people call anybody with different views as racist...never gets old.', '>>{ThatGuyMiles} : Weren\'t you just referring to Obama and now you have switched topics to Clinton. And you also said that you will get "banned" if you post these links, yet these are the same links that were all over the front page for months after the story broke? I\'m not a big fan of Clinton, I just comprehend that Trump isn\'t fit to be President, but sometimes you Trumpets are nuts. You have adapted Trump fantasy world to your own where you make up your own "facts". I\'m specifically referring to people apparently being mass banned for anything negative Clinton yet the front page was constantly negative about her when the email scandal broke, and EVERYONE kept touting that Trump was going to win. I\'m guess you didn\'t see the 100 threads per day? Also, you forgot to link your Obama evidence, you know the original person you were talking about before you switched gears to Clinton evidence that\'s been posted here a thousand times.', ">>{waalchastazoor} : What a moronic response. Obama and Clinton are in the same boat. I just brought up how Obama is likely implicated in e-mails we've yet to see and that Cheryl Mills (granted immunity) and John Podesta (Hillary's campaign manager) discussed withholding the e-mails that included President Obama only hours after being issued a subpoena. Clinton is completely incompetent when it comes to her stances, everything in these e-mails suggests she is against every policy she's put forward. She couldn't even keep her dishonesty under wraps because she surrounds herself with people who have no regard for securing national secrets or their own skeletons. These e-mails came out today, this story is still breaking. You can't play it off like these have been around. These were literally provided by Wikileaks today. Of course you need to deflect, project, ask for evidence and then ignore the evidence once it's provided. I don't care what you think. I'm here to give out info to those wondering what the hell happened to this sub. But let's be real, everyone knows what's happened here.", '>>{taint_a_chode} : The question should be why do the Dems want a Trump presidency so badly?', ">>{Charybdiss} : You're right. Obama needs to put Putin in time out. That will show him.", ">>{PM_ME_YR_PANTYHOSE} : Come on man Man I'm gonna miss Barry-O", '>>{CrookedRPoliticsMod} : It would be like when Trump pops some tic-tacs in his mouth and randomly grabs an unwilling female by her pussy', ">>{kijib} : if you haven't noticed, ppl are sick of the establishment, this is a plus", ">>{Sidwill} : I think i will vote for Stein, sure in essence it's casting half a vote for Trump since she doesn't have any chance whatsoever of winning but I'm willing to trade guaranteeing a liberal Supreme Court in exchange for feeling superior and righteous. Yep, I will trade another 20-25 years of a conservative court for feeling smug and superior when I fill in the ballot for Jill.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : 37 contests in total, but some of them were held online. My home state of Illinois had 119 voters. Delaware had 14 voters, and South Carolina had 13. They held primaries, debates, and the process was open, but it doesn't change that they're hacks without credibility.", '>>{nakkh} : Biden is a force to be reckoned with as well.', ">>{kornian} : We haven't even seen the worst of Brexit. The British government is dragging their feet, as was expected. The real test will come when other major Eurozone countries decide whether to exit. Also, it's congress that controls spending. Trump could be president, but not king.", ">>{nakkh} : Trump at this point in the campaign, is fighting his political 'Battle of the Bulge' Not much left to do but 'Hunker in the Bunker' and wait for the end.", ">>{ownersinc} : Everyone is expecting it to happen in December. They even said they would raise it throughout the year but haven't following less than stellar macro results. Every investor worth her/his salt (which exempts /r/wsb) knows this", '>>{IAMTHEWALLS} : Better than the Greens. And much more accomplished in helping society with things like civil rights, healthcare, environmental protection.', '>>{thefatoldman} : 19 states cannot vote on the ballot or write her in. 43 States allow Write in, 35 require registration to be a write in candidate. Of the states shes not on the ballot in, she can be written in the following states w/o reg Indiana, Vermont, Wyoming, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Iowa, Delaware, and Alabama. So the current math is 23 ballot + DC + 8 write-in = 19 states no votes will count. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/7/21/1404380/-The-Write-In-Vote', '>>{mr_shortypants} : Darryl Cherney and Bill Kreml never had a chance. The GNC decided at the onset that Stein was their gal.', ">>{politicalanalysis} : That's not true at all. They will keep adjusting interest rates to try and keep inflation at their desired 2%. If they do that, interest rates will eventually begin to rise again. Here's the thing with interest rates, you can keep them low forever if the economy is still growing at the right speed and we still have modest inflation. It literally only hurts people who want to own gov. bonds. Once inflation starts to go down and we start falling to 1% or 0% inflation, then it'll be time and the fed will slightly increase interest rates. At that point, the economy will be healthy enough that higher rates won't hurt.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : As a gay man from Chicago, with a boyfriend who immigrated from Mexico, I welcome people voting Stein! Even though I have so much to lose in this election cycle, I'll *totally* understand when people want a self-righteous vote for a hack who doesn't have credible positions or a chance of actually winning. The smug feeling is all that counts, really, and not the millions of people affected by a Trump Presidency. I remember when President Gore sent us to Iraq, anyway.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : That's why they've been praising Trump at their convention, right?", '>>{applesauce91} : Just substitute "globalist" for "Jews" and you\'ve got a pretty good picture of their views.', ">>{taint_a_chode} : They've been doing everything they can to drive off all but their myopic core.", '>>{taint_a_chode} : Too much info for my little brain. Are you saying she has a prayer or not?', '>>{freudian_nipple_slip} : The Economist compiled their top 10 threats to the global economy and Trump becoming President was tied at #4', ">>{livecono} : Tied with the threat of [increasing terrorist attacks](https://gfs.eiu.com/Article.aspx?articleType=gr&articleId=2946) which Hillary's planned escalation in Syria is likely to worsen.", '>>{taint_a_chode} : I thought we were talking about the nomination process.', ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : Oh please, that's laughable. Yes, Hillary wanting a no fly zone is THE reason for increased terrorist attacks. Do you even know the state of Syria, how the US supports the rebels, Russia supports Assad, but they're teaming up to try to defeat ISIS but Russia's been going off the rails the past week.", ">>{J0E_SpRaY} : I like when racists can't accept that they're racist and instead make excuses for why they're being labeled so.", '>>{PM_ME_TACO_TITS} : Russia has been off the rails? Who broke the cease fire?', ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : A no fly zone means open warfare against Assad, who is backed by China and Russia. If the saudi coalition could somehow accomplish that, the jihadists will probably win the war, turning Syria into another Sunni extremist failed state like Libya. Does that sound like terrorism will be reduced? > ...Russia's been going off the rails the past week. Yeah, especially when they bombed Syrian troops in accidental coordination with an Isis attack, helping Isis overrun government positions. Oh wait, that was the US. Russia is trying to stop Isis and so Qaeda, which makes them the bad guys.", ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : Jill Stein will never reveal the secrets she's never going to be told", '>>{YourBlogSucksToo} : And Clinton graduated from Yale. I guess that means all her sins are forgiven?', ">>{livecono} : Russia is [not going to allow](http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1271YO) a US no fly zone, first of all. It's not possible without declaring war on both Syria and Russia just like General Dunford said. More importantly, terrorist attacks are retaliation for civilian casualties and foreign troop presence. If these two factors increase the likelihood of terrorist attacks increase. It doesn't really matter which side is helping who or doing what. If Assad is forced out the surviving regime elements could form a terrorist group and then they could attack the US. And the US could fight them under the same legal authority established after 9/11 because it is all the same thing.", ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : The myopic core that overwhelmingly selected the current nominee? Why didn't Progressives care enough to go to the polls?", '>>{thefatoldman} : She cannot win, unless she gets on more states ballots or write in list.', '>>{freudian_nipple_slip} : I feel like this is a trick question but... Russia? Things deteriorated rapidly after the UN convoy was attacked in Aleppo. Russia was responsible for that', ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : You're right they cannot get nominated so they cannot accomplish anything.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : Yeah. The UK has a competent government. They may not even leave the Single Market, which would mean hardly any economic disruption (obviously there's still geopolitical issues re Russia and such), although that seems less likely now. Trump is completely incoherent, talks about using nukes, firing on Iranian ships over taunting etc. Much scarier.", '>>{freudian_nipple_slip} : And you have a better solution for Syria? Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Overthrowing him might be a positive or he might be replaced by something worse Back to the election. Does Trump even have a Syria plan?', ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : Putin's playing a game of chicken he can't win. He's trying to reassert Russian influence so they seem more important in the world. Syria, Ukraine, same thing. He's trying to return to Soviet ways. Just no one has challenged him where he'll blink. I'm not suggesting we do this, but it's pretty clear the game he's playing. Those are two reasons for terrorist attacks yes, but acting like somehow the cause of them is rational, it's not. It's not like if we completely pulled out of the Middle East and became as isolationist as can be, terrorist attacks would suddenly end. Assad's a really bad guy. Would whatever replaces it be worse? Who knows.", '>>{3rd_Party_2016} : Yes, Trump is your best chance at getting some changes in Washington...', ">>{noshore4me} : I don't see what one has to so with the other when I was answering a question about a citation, but if you want to absolve anyone of sins, do whatever floats your boat.", ">>{saywuuuh} : nah, there's 100 different ways to skin a cat. There's probably some decent methods of alternative medicine if you really research it...ya know, like when village people from the jungle actually do go in to town to get medicine.", ">>{scoob-a-doob} : Didn't Ben Carson graduate from Yale and University of Michigan? As you say even if not Einstein intelligent, that's still pretty legit.", ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : > It literally only hurts people who want to own gov. bonds. Or people who want to save money. Or insurance funds, pensions, any group that needs safe returns. They are all being forced into risky investments to get yield, which is a wonderful recipe for disaster. Not to mention punishing savers makes it extremely difficult to ever get the economy restarted, due to lack of savings. > Once inflation starts to go down and we start falling to 1% or 0% inflation, then it'll be time and the fed will slightly increase interest rates. Raising rates because of low inflation? I thought they lowered rates to spur inflation and raised rates to reign in inflation? Regardless, every market in recorded history has sought a mean. Low rates will be followed by high rates. When rates return to historic norms, which is inevitable, the markets, overall economy, and US government are all facing enormous damage.", ">>{MAGwastheSHIT} : Unfortunately, many of the disaffected losers that support Trump would see this as a plus. They're miserable trash and they want everyone else to feel their pain too.", '>>{TommyOKe} : So fiscal expansionary policy with large deficits is supposed to make our economy contract now?', ">>{saywuuuh} : I think he was a nuerosurgeon too wasn't he? Pretty legit. I wasn't as much a fan of him as a possible candidate though", ">>{politicalanalysis} : Yeah. Sorry, I flipped the two. It's increasing interest rates when inflation goes too high and decreasing interest rates as inflation decreases, you are right. Also, you are correct that US gov bond markets have an impact on interest rates of other investment tools.", ">>{TommyOKe} : You're in denial. Who supports Israel more, Trump supporters or Hillary supporters?", '>>{ja734} : > A no fly zone means open warfare against Assad do you know what open warfare means? Assad does not have the ability to attack us really anywhere. If by open warfare, you mean that they\'ll shoot at the planes we use to control the airspace, then sure of course hell do that. But thats a lot less scary than "open warfare" makes it sound. The US military can afford to have a few planes shot at.', '>>{hlycia} : > Does Trump even have a Syria plan? Yes, I think it\'s called "Let Russia have it".', ">>{flukz} : That doesn't mean she doesn't espouse truly ridiculous ideas. He bona fides do not qualify her to be president. Just like I don't go to the stock broker that's made me money to ask about a mole.", ">>{DefaultProphet} : Has Jill Stein ever handled classified Intel in her life? I mean she was a doctor then a town council member, I don't think either is getting s security briefing.", '>>{spoiled_generation} : Trump is the globalist. Which other candidate manufactures in Gyna?', ">>{realpsych22} : She's also in the pocket of big healing crystal.", ">>{terriblehuman} : And Trump attacking foreign ships for making rude gestures wouldn't?", '>>{relationshipdownvote} : Brexit was the biggest hype bust since Y2K. Nothing happened. Probably the same thing when trump gets elected.', '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : The funniest thing is that the leavers all thought that they were going to be further ahead. *HAAAAAA-Hahahahaha!*', ">>{Brontosaurusplex} : Because it's a multi year process. They weren't instantly kicked out of the EU. And if you look at their currency, it's pretty clear there has been a reaction.", ">>{kovacskalliszto} : How unfortunate, given that 'global finance' is working out so great for most people...", ">>{YouandWhoseArmy} : I'd say the solution is to stay out of another quagmire where a win will almost be impossible to get. The American people would see more benefit cracking down on crony capitalism and rebuilding our infrastructure than from any Middle East war.", ">>{ray1290} : It seems you've forgotten that Brexit hasn't actually happened yet.", '>>{relationshipdownvote} : The market prices immediately irrelevant to when they are actually out of the EU. And yes there has been a reaction, but it was barely a bump.', ">>{iamtheCircus} : You saying it doesn't make it true. Watch this... You can't accept that the lefts identity politics is actually more racist than Trump and his supporters, making you racist. You didn't know that you were racist bc racist don't know they are racist. Pretty easy stuff", '>>{Jryan721} : Adolf Hitler could make some changes in Washington to.', ">>{linkns86} : > Yes, Hillary wanting a no fly zone is THE reason for increased terrorist attacks. You don't think 'accidentally' killing 70 some people might create some terrorists? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/20/us-airstrike-allegedly-kills-56-civilians-in-northern-syria", ">>{kyrus_arem} : Compared to Trump, anything and everything looks sane. Even Nigel Farage looks put together and competent compared to Trump. Though to add my two cents, I wouldn't call the current government in the UK, or May at the least, *competent*.", ">>{kyrus_arem} : But if/when the UK triggers that part of the Lisbon Treaty (the May gov't has said they expect to start the process by March I think?), there will certainly be another downturn in the British markets, especially since triggering this Article would show that the UK *wants* to leave.", ">>{Jryan721} : Russia's currency's value was cut in half since Crimea's annexation. I know it's hard to understand retaliation in ways that don't involve dropping bombs and firing nukes, but they work.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : I'm Irish, I have a very solid idea of what's going on over there and my opinion of them is low, I assure you. That said, it's a relatively competent government. Worse than Brown/Blair competency wise? Sure. But not GWB level. Not PiS 2015/16 level.", '>>{freudian_nipple_slip} : The article says allegedly. Has there been confirmation? And I may have missed this, but what was this alleged US screwup have to do with a no fly zone?', ">>{tomhanks23} : To use Trump's dirty words made more than 10 years ago when he was a private citizen to disqualify his POTUS effort is ridiculous. It's a shame for the US or West PC and democracy", '>>{post_button_account} : Um....pound has already lost around 20% value and Brexit hasnt even happened yet. The worst is yet to come.', ">>{relationshipdownvote} : If you knew the U.K. Economy was going to go down, why wouldn't everyone be selling? Are you just smarter than the market?", ">>{linkns86} : It was confirmed by https://airwars.org/civcas-2016/ who gave the names of victims and tracks these things. This is indicative of Obama and Clinton's overall pro-war policy in Syria. We arm religious rebels and bomb indiscriminately, like that has never backfired before...", '>>{terriblehuman} : I think you\'re supposed to say "wroooong!" while putting a microphone in your mouth.', ">>{cool_hand_luke} : That's not how this works. That's not how *any* of this works.", ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : I mean as opposed to putting soldiers on the ground and US military lives will be lot, or pull out all together and we've seen how the Syrian Civil War just completely ravaged everything, the number I recall seeing like a year or so ago was 1 in 4 living in Syria was a casualty, and Assad has used chemical weapons on his own people. There are no good options here, just ones that are relatively less shitty, and how much less shitty isn't something we will know for years. I didn't support invading Iraq but I think most would agree Saddam was a bad guy who should have been removed from power. But the end game was fucked up so much, you leave this vacuum that allows ISIS to grow.", ">>{ray1290} : Because there's no signs of Brexit happening anytime soon, and no one knows how the negotiations will turn out (they haven't even invoked article 50). The markets started faltering right before the Brexit vote, not a few or several months prior. You can't bring up the markets as an argument until Britain *actually leaves*. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jul/19/government-awaits-first-legal-opposition-to-brexit-in-high-court#comments", '>>{tejmuk} : which in all honesty is the only realistic solution. please go to /r/syriancivilwar and educate yourself.', '>>{tejmuk} : > Would whatever replaces it be worse? Who knows. the people fighting him are ISIS, Al-Quaeda and "moderate rebels" [who behead children on camera.](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3697770/US-backed-Nour-al-Din-al-Zenki-behead-boy-accused-al-Quds-spy-Assad.html) The US aren\'t "the good guys" this time.', ">>{linkns86} : That's exactly what is happening in Syria. We support the removal of a brutal dictator and that created a power vacuum and rise the ISIS. We should extend humanitarian aid, political sanctuary, and refugee status to those who want it. But that is where our involvement needs to end. Playing world police is why the world hates us.", ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : I don't disagree with that sentiment, but there are a lot of things we could have done differently after Saddam's overthrow that would have made the rise of ISIS far less likely. For one, they got rid of all Baath party members. This included people like schoolteachers. They got rid of the only people who knew how to run the government. The West didn't even force that on Germany with Nazi party members after World War II (other than the very top ranking members). Syria is becoming a proxy war, and you'd rather just Assad take all the Russian weapons, influence and support and make the humanitarian crisis exponentially worse?", ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : So [Assad's the good guy?](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/syria-assad-obama-united-nations-227385)", ">>{linkns86} : >They got rid of the only people who knew how to run the government. The only way that government ran was through fear and terror. It was a cork on a bottle. That country was never meant to be a unified whole. >Syria is becoming a proxy war, and you'd rather just Assad take all the Russian weapons, influence and support and make the humanitarian crisis exponentially worse? Assad is a brutal dictator. Is he better than a massive civil war and violence? I don't know. I'm not a Syrian. And that's the whole point.", ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : I think we both agree it's a very complex situation, just have different approaches. When you hear stories of Syrian refugees, yeah, I do think the US should intervene. Like we did with NATO in '99, like we should have in Rwanda in '94.", '>>{tejmuk} : For *that* to be the only message you take out of my comment would suggest you have a very binary, comicbook "black and white" understanding of morality. No, he\'s not a "good guy" by any means. But he is a known and predictible actor with rational goals who can be reasoned and compromised with (not to mention his lack of sectarianism and support for ethnic and religious pluralism - a rarity in the middle east). His main source of influence, Russia, is (despite their expansionism/brinksmanship in E.Europe) a responsible world power with obligations to the international community which can hold him accountable to their promises, and help the rest of the world make sure that what happened in Iraq post-Saddam doesn\'t happen in Syria - which otherwise would almost certainly be the case, given the existing sectarian, ethnic and regional tensions.', ">>{linkns86} : Our intervention is part of the reason there are refugees. Let's start by opening our borders and helping those in need instead of being presumptive enough to believe we can fix their country for them.", '>>{freudian_nipple_slip} : > His main source of influence, Russia, is (despite their brinksmanship in E.Europe) a responsible world power with obligations to the international community which can hold him accountable to their promises My sides! Ukraine would like a word', ">>{tejmuk} : I've acknowledged that their actions in Eastern Europe are certainly dubious (but once again, the western-backed Kiev coup and the sentiments of ethnic Russians that make up the majority in Crimea and Donbass mean that Ukraine isn't a black-and-white issue either.) But Ukraine has literally nothing to do with Syria. At all. Imposing a NFZ in Syria means that: If America succeeds, a pluralistic, tolerant and secular (albeit harshly authoritarian) strongman and source of regional stability gets toppled by ISIS and AQ client militias, and the Syrian Arab Republic becomes an Emirate or Caliphate. If America fails, WW3 begins because actually enforcing said NFZ would entail shooting down Russian fighters.", ">>{kyrus_arem} : To me I view it as there being a difference between the people saying they want something (the referendum) and the govt following up on it (triggering the article). To most businesses and corporations, it means and says a lot more when the govt follows up on something as big as Brexit, especially since any U-turn or future British reentry into the EU probably won't happen for a decade or so.", ">>{kyrus_arem} : Well as an American, my level of awareness of the British government is mostly limited to HIGNFY and Mock the Week so I know to take it all with a pinch of salt >> But when Theresa May was in the cabinet it seems like she was near Farage-level with how much she didn't want immigrants coming into the country. And yeah, no European politician could even approach Dubya's level of incompetency. And what's PiS?", ">>{CatsHaveWings} : PiS is the party currently in charge of Poland's government and very VERY conservative. Just 3 days ago Polish women went on massive strikes to prevent lawmakers from almost [totally banning abortions](http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37573938). They've also [replaced](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/feb/29/polands-changes-to-court-system-risking-democracy) 5 of 15 judges on their version of the Supreme Court with judges of their own liking. Just last week there was some trouble between France and Poland over the [cancellation](http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSL5N1CA5DK) of a multi billion euro military helicopter deal between AirBus and Poland, with Poland claiming they'd rather have Polish built helicopters or another supplier. France's president Hollande was needless to say angry about it all, [cancelling](http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1271ZB) intergovernmental talks scheduled for next week. Stuff like that. Could give some more examples probably. Not Polish myself but am Dutch though.", ">>{Devam13} : Dude. Wtf? Pound is like on a 30 year low right now. There have been blatantly racist and nationalist politicians talking about removing all the Europeans living in UK. This is currently the most interesting period for British Politics. They want to remove/deport all the EU doctors from the NHS but they realized they can't because there are not many qualified UK doctors. Economists say when the article to leave passes, there's still a lot of value in GBP yet to fall.", ">>{kyrus_arem} : I wanna say I've heard something about strikes in Poland within the past few days. Also a reason I'm glad it's very hard to replace judges on the Supreme Court here in America. Neither party here wants to be seen as trying to influence the courts.", ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : > And you have a better solution for Syria? Yes, stay out and let them handle it. Russia got assad to give up his chemical weapons, and they want him to crush Isis and al qaeda. Between Russia, China, Iran, and Syria, they could easily crush the jihadists if we stopped supporting our coalition partners. Be honest: do you really think that saudi Arabia and Qatar have dumped billions into this rebellion from day one because they are worried about democracy and human rights? Why does no one talk about the fact that we joined two of the world's worst regimes, who openly support terrorism, commit war crimes, and promote an extremist version of Islam? Do you honestly think that there is any chance Syria will be better off if they win?? Why any candidate would need a Syria plan is baffling. We want to defeat Isis and al qaeda. Great! Stop letting the extremist regimes in saudi Arabia and Qatar give billions to terrorists in Syria, and stop helping them. This is just an extension of the idea that supporting terrorists is a bad thing. I'm pretty sure most of the candidates are solid on that, with the exception of one. She already showed willingness to work with terrorists to effect regime change in Libya. The result was a failed state and a massive ethnic slaughter. If we help the extremist regimes and their terrorist proxies succeed in Syria, we will see the exact same result. Sunni extremists will be slaughtering the Shiites, Christians, and other minorities that side with the government.", ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : > do you know what open warfare means? Assad does not have the ability to attack us really anywhere. You can have open warfare against an army of Quakers. Of course Assad can't hurt us. Just because we can attack at will doesn't make it a good idea. Please keep in mind that the Syrian government coalition includes Iran, Russia. China, and is now cooperating with Turkey. They might be unhappy if the saudi regime succeeds in destroying Syria, creating a failed state overrun by Sunni terrorists. That is what you will accomplish with a no fly zone: an extremist regime and their proxies, al Qaeda and Isis, will be victorious. Do you think the government coalition will just walk away and leave all the religious minorities to be slaughtered by Sunni extremists, like what happened after our big success in Libya? > The US military can afford to have a few planes shot at. Wow, that is really big of you. I guess attacking nations that have zero capability to attack the US has made Americans very brave. I'm not so sure that the US could walk away from handing Syria over to the jihadists without a scratch. A no fly zone means we also have to destroy Russian AA installations and planes. One general estimated we would need 70,000 troops, and this was in 2012, only to deal with assad's air force, before Russia brought in troops, jets, and missiles!", '>>{nebuchadrezzar} : No worries, I appreciate your considerate response! Usually people just call me a @#!$ and move on:)', '>>{nebuchadrezzar} : At least they are getting out now. They will suffer a little as the EU tries to scare other countries into staying in their failed scheme, but when Italy leaves the EU is dead. Maybe then they could stop torturing Greece.', ">>{politicalanalysis} : No. I mean you are correct. There are concerns (although I don't think they are a huge deal) with keeping rates low. I just think many people over low their concerns.", '>>{nebuchadrezzar} : The likelihood of that happening is minimal. He could very easily be impeached (like bush and Obama should have been) for acting against the interests and safety of Americans. A trump presidency would be checked by a hostile public and congress. Under Hillary, the likelihood of full scale invasion of Syria, against Russia, China, and Iran, is about 99.9%', ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : It may be possible to keep rates low for years, but it causes huge distortions. Beyond bond markets, rate normalization would mean that government debt could reach over $60 trillion while baby boomers are trying to enjoy retirement. Rates have been at historic lows for an extended period of time, which means there will very possibly be higher than normal rates on the way. It's hard to believe that they can continue to make markets defy thousands of years of precedence for much longer. It is such an incredibly massive experiment affecting so many trillions in assets that I can't believe there won't be equally massive problems when rates correct.", '>>{politicalanalysis} : I can definitely see that argument and how that could be a bit scary for sure.', '>>{ja734} : Thats nonsense. A no fly zone would protect countless civilians. Russia has no discretion when it comes to civilian lives. They also dont even care about isis. Theyll bomb anyone opposed to isis if they even suspect they are also anti assad. Libya WAS a success. Look at the death toll in libya vs syria. 15k vs 500k+. We saved countless civilians there. Also, we can establish a no fly zone without ground troops. Russia doesnt have any significant aa presence in syria (why would they?). We would dominate that airspace incredibly easily.', ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : > Libya WAS a success. The war in Libya is ongoing. The various jihadist factions we assisted didn't all join with the new, weakened government. Libya is a failed state involved in an ongoing war. I wouldn't call that a success. > Also, we can establish a no fly zone without ground troops. Russia doesnt have any significant aa presence in syria (why would they?). We would dominate that airspace incredibly easily. How exactly would that be accomplished? Blow up russian and Syrian weapons installations, shoot down russian planes, sink the Russian and Iranian ships providing missile and air support? All without ground troops being used? Do you really want the US to have to openly coordinate attacks with al Qaeda and Isis ground troops? I'm not sure the Kurds would support destroying russian and Iranian systems, as Assad defeat would mean that they are now trapped between turkey, al Qaeda, and Isis. Not an appealing proposition. And of course nearly all moderates support the Syrian government, as Isis and al Qaeda as the two most powerful rebel groups doesn't represent much hope for Syria's future. Anyway, as for incredibly easy, take a look at what happened to Russia in Ukraine and Georgia: nothing. There is a good reason why the US tries to avoid confronting other nuclear powers."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{saywuuuh} : I'm more and more on the Jill Stein train...likely won't win but she just seems more genuine than any other candidate, and to be running for the right reasons. Plus, she is pretty intelligent and I imagine if Congress would support her (if elected) some positive would come out of it.", '>>{ABadUseOfTime} : And I trust her because there were no leaked secrets when she held her highest political position: Co-Chair of the Lexington Recycling Committee. #Ready2Lead', ">>{mr_shortypants} : Didn't she say she'd like to appoint Snowden to her Cabinet, though?", ">>{thefatoldman} : Goodman, I thought he'd be on suicide watch.", ">>{SANDERS_NEW_HAIRCUT} : Stop trying to make Jill Stein happen, Jill Stein isn't going to happen", ">>{saywuuuh} : Trump hasn't held too many high ranking political postions either though, and I hear he's up there in the polls :/", ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : Stein and the Green party are corrupt. They don't hold any primaries, they don't hold any caucuses, they don't hold any debates between the five members running for nomination. They are probably the most undemocratic party in the US, a bunch of party insiders get together and pick a candidate that promises them the most favors. Stein doesn't care about anyone but herself. Even Bernie knows this and that is why he ignores her.", '>>{thefatoldman} : She is not on the ballot in 27 states, she cannot win. http://www.jill2016.com/ballot_access', ">>{saywuuuh} : Didn't she graduate from Harvard Medical School, teach Medicine there, and work as a Doctor? Even if not Einstein intelligent, that's still pretty legit", ">>{noshore4me} : Well, she graduated magna cum laude from Harvard and then earned a MD from Harvard Med School. But don't let that interrupt your snark.", '>>{thajoker456} : Why does Jill Stein want a Trump presidency so badly?', ">>{mr_shortypants} : They actually held primaries, but not many people bothered to vote in them because none of their candidates were credible. Stein's next closest challenger was Bill Kreml, a retired nutjob of a professor whose campaign site didn't even list a platform, won the Green Party's SC primary.", '>>{IAMTHEWALLS} : How many states were these "primaries" held?', ">>{mr_shortypants} : The Electoral College doesn't vote until January!", '>>{saywuuuh} : uninterrupted kind sir. Still though, not so bad ya?', ">>{taint_a_chode} : LMAO, yeah, it's gotta be far better to spend millions and millions in a corrupt process like the Dems just had. They decided at the onset HRC was their gal, not the best democratic process in itself.", '>>{ABadUseOfTime} : Oh, for sure there are two total jokes running in this election. I hope no one ever takes my criticism of Jill Stein as any sort of endorsement for Donald Trump.', '>>{taint_a_chode} : The question should be why do the Dems want a Trump presidency so badly?', ">>{kijib} : if you haven't noticed, ppl are sick of the establishment, this is a plus", ">>{Sidwill} : I think i will vote for Stein, sure in essence it's casting half a vote for Trump since she doesn't have any chance whatsoever of winning but I'm willing to trade guaranteeing a liberal Supreme Court in exchange for feeling superior and righteous. Yep, I will trade another 20-25 years of a conservative court for feeling smug and superior when I fill in the ballot for Jill.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : 37 contests in total, but some of them were held online. My home state of Illinois had 119 voters. Delaware had 14 voters, and South Carolina had 13. They held primaries, debates, and the process was open, but it doesn't change that they're hacks without credibility.", '>>{IAMTHEWALLS} : Better than the Greens. And much more accomplished in helping society with things like civil rights, healthcare, environmental protection.', '>>{thefatoldman} : 19 states cannot vote on the ballot or write her in. 43 States allow Write in, 35 require registration to be a write in candidate. Of the states shes not on the ballot in, she can be written in the following states w/o reg Indiana, Vermont, Wyoming, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Iowa, Delaware, and Alabama. So the current math is 23 ballot + DC + 8 write-in = 19 states no votes will count. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/7/21/1404380/-The-Write-In-Vote', '>>{mr_shortypants} : Darryl Cherney and Bill Kreml never had a chance. The GNC decided at the onset that Stein was their gal.', ">>{mr_shortypants} : As a gay man from Chicago, with a boyfriend who immigrated from Mexico, I welcome people voting Stein! Even though I have so much to lose in this election cycle, I'll *totally* understand when people want a self-righteous vote for a hack who doesn't have credible positions or a chance of actually winning. The smug feeling is all that counts, really, and not the millions of people affected by a Trump Presidency. I remember when President Gore sent us to Iraq, anyway.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : That's why they've been praising Trump at their convention, right?", ">>{taint_a_chode} : They've been doing everything they can to drive off all but their myopic core.", '>>{taint_a_chode} : Too much info for my little brain. Are you saying she has a prayer or not?', '>>{taint_a_chode} : I thought we were talking about the nomination process.', ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : Jill Stein will never reveal the secrets she's never going to be told", '>>{YourBlogSucksToo} : And Clinton graduated from Yale. I guess that means all her sins are forgiven?', ">>{YourBlogSucksToo} : The myopic core that overwhelmingly selected the current nominee? Why didn't Progressives care enough to go to the polls?", '>>{thefatoldman} : She cannot win, unless she gets on more states ballots or write in list.', ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : You're right they cannot get nominated so they cannot accomplish anything.", ">>{noshore4me} : I don't see what one has to so with the other when I was answering a question about a citation, but if you want to absolve anyone of sins, do whatever floats your boat.", ">>{saywuuuh} : nah, there's 100 different ways to skin a cat. There's probably some decent methods of alternative medicine if you really research it...ya know, like when village people from the jungle actually do go in to town to get medicine.", ">>{scoob-a-doob} : Didn't Ben Carson graduate from Yale and University of Michigan? As you say even if not Einstein intelligent, that's still pretty legit.", ">>{saywuuuh} : I think he was a nuerosurgeon too wasn't he? Pretty legit. I wasn't as much a fan of him as a possible candidate though", ">>{flukz} : That doesn't mean she doesn't espouse truly ridiculous ideas. He bona fides do not qualify her to be president. Just like I don't go to the stock broker that's made me money to ask about a mole.", ">>{DefaultProphet} : Has Jill Stein ever handled classified Intel in her life? I mean she was a doctor then a town council member, I don't think either is getting s security briefing.", ">>{realpsych22} : She's also in the pocket of big healing crystal."], ['>>{Trombosaurus} : Perfect. > Friday morning, Obama turned the heckler into a prop, representing a perfect symbol of the flimsy campaign Trump is running. >“If you’re confident about the other guy, just go to his rallies,” Obama said. “You don’t have to spend time over here. Go knock on doors for your guy.” >He smiled as the security worked its way through the crowd to get to the man. >“Unless you\'re getting paid to be here,” he said. “Everybody’s gotta make a living."', ">>{Baltorussian} : I'm really going to miss the Duo in office. Guess I'll have to keep my Cup of Joe at work, and my Obama Birth Certificate as primary at home.", ">>{waalchastazoor} : I wonder why Cheryl Mills and John Podesta discussed not providing the FBI with emails to and from Obama, hours after they were issued a subpoena. We don't have a functioning government anymore. Obama's the perfect figurehead for a sham.", '>>{BoloBouncer} : [This is basically how Donald Trump is going out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj4adAAHa68) if he goes through with the third debate.', '>>{txstoploss} : Stand by to get removed. How dare you question "Her Turn" *and* "The One" in one sentence?', ">>{FujofTg} : Two Obamas are Clinton's best weapon. They both will be missed no matter who wins in November.", '>>{richielaw} : You can question it. It is just ridiculous.', ">>{waalchastazoor} : It's my pleasure. If the US is around long enough to look back on this moment in history, they will view these astroturfers as the lowest of the low.", ">>{waalchastazoor} : Our laws aren't being enforced on our lawmakers. There is clear evidence of that. We can't even link to the evidence in this subreddit it's so damning.", ">>{waalchastazoor} : https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/9272#efmA-NA_IBEnBHeBI2BOJBOXBTe Here's an easy one, discussion of Hillary deleting 16 e-mails personally. Collusion between the State Department, Hillary aides, and the Associated Press.", ">>{richielaw} : I mean, I don't see anything wrong with that. There are explanations for why the emails weren't originally produced. Further, that seems to indicate that they were discussing with state how to respond to the subpoena. I didn't see any collusion there. Also, in regards to the press issue, that is politics. I fully expect politicians to abuse the press and the news cycle for their own gain and purposes.", ">>{waalchastazoor} : What's the explanation for why they weren't produced? This is e-mail shows that the State Department, to aid Hillary while she was no longer in the State Department, sought out a friendly journalist in the AP and prepared an article to play down the fact that she'd deleted these e-mails before the info could even reach the committee that had issued a subpoena.", ">>{t-poke} : I am going to miss him when he leaves office. I'm going to be selfish and hope he stays in the public eye, even though I know he probably wants nothing more to retire to a beachfront house in Hawaii and be miles away from the nearest camera for awhile.", ">>{richielaw} : That she didn't have them. At least that is what I got from the email chain.", '>>{speaktodragons} : Trump his entire life he spent associating himself with the wealthy and celebrities becomes the president for the poor, African American, Latinos, women, and the middle class, "come on man!"', '>>{ThatGuyMiles} : Weren\'t you just referring to Obama and now you have switched topics to Clinton. And you also said that you will get "banned" if you post these links, yet these are the same links that were all over the front page for months after the story broke? I\'m not a big fan of Clinton, I just comprehend that Trump isn\'t fit to be President, but sometimes you Trumpets are nuts. You have adapted Trump fantasy world to your own where you make up your own "facts". I\'m specifically referring to people apparently being mass banned for anything negative Clinton yet the front page was constantly negative about her when the email scandal broke, and EVERYONE kept touting that Trump was going to win. I\'m guess you didn\'t see the 100 threads per day? Also, you forgot to link your Obama evidence, you know the original person you were talking about before you switched gears to Clinton evidence that\'s been posted here a thousand times.', ">>{waalchastazoor} : What a moronic response. Obama and Clinton are in the same boat. I just brought up how Obama is likely implicated in e-mails we've yet to see and that Cheryl Mills (granted immunity) and John Podesta (Hillary's campaign manager) discussed withholding the e-mails that included President Obama only hours after being issued a subpoena. Clinton is completely incompetent when it comes to her stances, everything in these e-mails suggests she is against every policy she's put forward. She couldn't even keep her dishonesty under wraps because she surrounds herself with people who have no regard for securing national secrets or their own skeletons. These e-mails came out today, this story is still breaking. You can't play it off like these have been around. These were literally provided by Wikileaks today. Of course you need to deflect, project, ask for evidence and then ignore the evidence once it's provided. I don't care what you think. I'm here to give out info to those wondering what the hell happened to this sub. But let's be real, everyone knows what's happened here.", ">>{PM_ME_YR_PANTYHOSE} : Come on man Man I'm gonna miss Barry-O", '>>{nakkh} : Biden is a force to be reckoned with as well.', ">>{nakkh} : Trump at this point in the campaign, is fighting his political 'Battle of the Bulge' Not much left to do but 'Hunker in the Bunker' and wait for the end."], ['>>{tomhanks23} : A Donald Trump presidency would be a much greater shock to global finance than Brexit', '>>{MiketheMover} : More scare tactics. What has been a shock is what the globalists have been doing to the average person for the past 25 years, and will continue to do under Hillary. Trump 2016', '>>{ZenProZen} : At this stage; voting Trump is an embarrassment t to democracy and education.', '>>{rastertaster} : Accusing others of scare tactics? Quick shit your pants a Muslim might be close too you. :-D', '>>{ronbag} : Is it? 99% of our media pushes people toward the democrats. The DNC leaks prove that the DNC controls the narrative of NBC CNN and many other major NEWS networks. This is very anti-democratic, and more like soviet propaganda. Talk to any Trump supporter and they will tell you this.', ">>{Malphael} : > Talk to any Trump supporter and they will tell you this. Are you being sarcastic? I honestly can't tell.", ">>{d00ns} : Doesn't matter who wins. Raising interest rates is going to be the biggest shock we've ever seen.", ">>{pm_me_ankle_nudes} : Trump supporter comparing stuff to Soviet propaganda... It's not like the Donald constantly praises Putin, legitimizes the annexation of Crimea, calls for more Russian hacks. Oh god the irony", '>>{TimIsWin} : I like when ppl say "globalist" cuz I don\'t have to guess anymore I just know they\'re straight up fucking racist.', '>>{iamthemachine1776} : Even though the federal reserve has been focusing on keeping interest rates down for the past 8 years?', ">>{d00ns} : Yeah that's the point, they can't raise them because then the whole thing comes crashing down.", '>>{ronbag} : Obama was actually the one that let Russia do that while he was a weak leader and just talked shit about it after the fact.', ">>{thejoshu} : That's exactly the sort of in-depth, nuanced, well informed foreign policy discussion that keeps me coming back to Reddit.", '>>{thejoshu} : They might even vote! And pay taxes! Maybe they even... *openly practice their faith* on occasion! The horror.', '>>{ronbag} : What kind of strong leader lets Russia do that? Obama is basically letting Putin run the show. While you guys sit on this forum hating on Putin, doing so much to stop him. Lol', '>>{iamtheCircus} : I like when people call anybody with different views as racist...never gets old.', ">>{Charybdiss} : You're right. Obama needs to put Putin in time out. That will show him.", '>>{CrookedRPoliticsMod} : It would be like when Trump pops some tic-tacs in his mouth and randomly grabs an unwilling female by her pussy', ">>{kornian} : We haven't even seen the worst of Brexit. The British government is dragging their feet, as was expected. The real test will come when other major Eurozone countries decide whether to exit. Also, it's congress that controls spending. Trump could be president, but not king.", ">>{ownersinc} : Everyone is expecting it to happen in December. They even said they would raise it throughout the year but haven't following less than stellar macro results. Every investor worth her/his salt (which exempts /r/wsb) knows this", ">>{politicalanalysis} : That's not true at all. They will keep adjusting interest rates to try and keep inflation at their desired 2%. If they do that, interest rates will eventually begin to rise again. Here's the thing with interest rates, you can keep them low forever if the economy is still growing at the right speed and we still have modest inflation. It literally only hurts people who want to own gov. bonds. Once inflation starts to go down and we start falling to 1% or 0% inflation, then it'll be time and the fed will slightly increase interest rates. At that point, the economy will be healthy enough that higher rates won't hurt.", '>>{applesauce91} : Just substitute "globalist" for "Jews" and you\'ve got a pretty good picture of their views.', '>>{freudian_nipple_slip} : The Economist compiled their top 10 threats to the global economy and Trump becoming President was tied at #4', ">>{livecono} : Tied with the threat of [increasing terrorist attacks](https://gfs.eiu.com/Article.aspx?articleType=gr&articleId=2946) which Hillary's planned escalation in Syria is likely to worsen.", ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : Oh please, that's laughable. Yes, Hillary wanting a no fly zone is THE reason for increased terrorist attacks. Do you even know the state of Syria, how the US supports the rebels, Russia supports Assad, but they're teaming up to try to defeat ISIS but Russia's been going off the rails the past week.", ">>{J0E_SpRaY} : I like when racists can't accept that they're racist and instead make excuses for why they're being labeled so.", '>>{PM_ME_TACO_TITS} : Russia has been off the rails? Who broke the cease fire?', ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : A no fly zone means open warfare against Assad, who is backed by China and Russia. If the saudi coalition could somehow accomplish that, the jihadists will probably win the war, turning Syria into another Sunni extremist failed state like Libya. Does that sound like terrorism will be reduced? > ...Russia's been going off the rails the past week. Yeah, especially when they bombed Syrian troops in accidental coordination with an Isis attack, helping Isis overrun government positions. Oh wait, that was the US. Russia is trying to stop Isis and so Qaeda, which makes them the bad guys.", ">>{livecono} : Russia is [not going to allow](http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1271YO) a US no fly zone, first of all. It's not possible without declaring war on both Syria and Russia just like General Dunford said. More importantly, terrorist attacks are retaliation for civilian casualties and foreign troop presence. If these two factors increase the likelihood of terrorist attacks increase. It doesn't really matter which side is helping who or doing what. If Assad is forced out the surviving regime elements could form a terrorist group and then they could attack the US. And the US could fight them under the same legal authority established after 9/11 because it is all the same thing.", '>>{freudian_nipple_slip} : I feel like this is a trick question but... Russia? Things deteriorated rapidly after the UN convoy was attacked in Aleppo. Russia was responsible for that', ">>{AtomicKoala} : Yeah. The UK has a competent government. They may not even leave the Single Market, which would mean hardly any economic disruption (obviously there's still geopolitical issues re Russia and such), although that seems less likely now. Trump is completely incoherent, talks about using nukes, firing on Iranian ships over taunting etc. Much scarier.", '>>{freudian_nipple_slip} : And you have a better solution for Syria? Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Overthrowing him might be a positive or he might be replaced by something worse Back to the election. Does Trump even have a Syria plan?', ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : Putin's playing a game of chicken he can't win. He's trying to reassert Russian influence so they seem more important in the world. Syria, Ukraine, same thing. He's trying to return to Soviet ways. Just no one has challenged him where he'll blink. I'm not suggesting we do this, but it's pretty clear the game he's playing. Those are two reasons for terrorist attacks yes, but acting like somehow the cause of them is rational, it's not. It's not like if we completely pulled out of the Middle East and became as isolationist as can be, terrorist attacks would suddenly end. Assad's a really bad guy. Would whatever replaces it be worse? Who knows.", '>>{3rd_Party_2016} : Yes, Trump is your best chance at getting some changes in Washington...', ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : > It literally only hurts people who want to own gov. bonds. Or people who want to save money. Or insurance funds, pensions, any group that needs safe returns. They are all being forced into risky investments to get yield, which is a wonderful recipe for disaster. Not to mention punishing savers makes it extremely difficult to ever get the economy restarted, due to lack of savings. > Once inflation starts to go down and we start falling to 1% or 0% inflation, then it'll be time and the fed will slightly increase interest rates. Raising rates because of low inflation? I thought they lowered rates to spur inflation and raised rates to reign in inflation? Regardless, every market in recorded history has sought a mean. Low rates will be followed by high rates. When rates return to historic norms, which is inevitable, the markets, overall economy, and US government are all facing enormous damage.", ">>{MAGwastheSHIT} : Unfortunately, many of the disaffected losers that support Trump would see this as a plus. They're miserable trash and they want everyone else to feel their pain too.", '>>{TommyOKe} : So fiscal expansionary policy with large deficits is supposed to make our economy contract now?', ">>{politicalanalysis} : Yeah. Sorry, I flipped the two. It's increasing interest rates when inflation goes too high and decreasing interest rates as inflation decreases, you are right. Also, you are correct that US gov bond markets have an impact on interest rates of other investment tools.", ">>{TommyOKe} : You're in denial. Who supports Israel more, Trump supporters or Hillary supporters?", '>>{ja734} : > A no fly zone means open warfare against Assad do you know what open warfare means? Assad does not have the ability to attack us really anywhere. If by open warfare, you mean that they\'ll shoot at the planes we use to control the airspace, then sure of course hell do that. But thats a lot less scary than "open warfare" makes it sound. The US military can afford to have a few planes shot at.', '>>{hlycia} : > Does Trump even have a Syria plan? Yes, I think it\'s called "Let Russia have it".', '>>{spoiled_generation} : Trump is the globalist. Which other candidate manufactures in Gyna?', ">>{terriblehuman} : And Trump attacking foreign ships for making rude gestures wouldn't?", '>>{relationshipdownvote} : Brexit was the biggest hype bust since Y2K. Nothing happened. Probably the same thing when trump gets elected.', '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : The funniest thing is that the leavers all thought that they were going to be further ahead. *HAAAAAA-Hahahahaha!*', ">>{Brontosaurusplex} : Because it's a multi year process. They weren't instantly kicked out of the EU. And if you look at their currency, it's pretty clear there has been a reaction.", ">>{kovacskalliszto} : How unfortunate, given that 'global finance' is working out so great for most people...", ">>{YouandWhoseArmy} : I'd say the solution is to stay out of another quagmire where a win will almost be impossible to get. The American people would see more benefit cracking down on crony capitalism and rebuilding our infrastructure than from any Middle East war.", ">>{ray1290} : It seems you've forgotten that Brexit hasn't actually happened yet.", '>>{relationshipdownvote} : The market prices immediately irrelevant to when they are actually out of the EU. And yes there has been a reaction, but it was barely a bump.', ">>{iamtheCircus} : You saying it doesn't make it true. Watch this... You can't accept that the lefts identity politics is actually more racist than Trump and his supporters, making you racist. You didn't know that you were racist bc racist don't know they are racist. Pretty easy stuff", '>>{Jryan721} : Adolf Hitler could make some changes in Washington to.', ">>{linkns86} : > Yes, Hillary wanting a no fly zone is THE reason for increased terrorist attacks. You don't think 'accidentally' killing 70 some people might create some terrorists? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/20/us-airstrike-allegedly-kills-56-civilians-in-northern-syria", ">>{kyrus_arem} : Compared to Trump, anything and everything looks sane. Even Nigel Farage looks put together and competent compared to Trump. Though to add my two cents, I wouldn't call the current government in the UK, or May at the least, *competent*.", ">>{kyrus_arem} : But if/when the UK triggers that part of the Lisbon Treaty (the May gov't has said they expect to start the process by March I think?), there will certainly be another downturn in the British markets, especially since triggering this Article would show that the UK *wants* to leave.", ">>{Jryan721} : Russia's currency's value was cut in half since Crimea's annexation. I know it's hard to understand retaliation in ways that don't involve dropping bombs and firing nukes, but they work.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : I'm Irish, I have a very solid idea of what's going on over there and my opinion of them is low, I assure you. That said, it's a relatively competent government. Worse than Brown/Blair competency wise? Sure. But not GWB level. Not PiS 2015/16 level.", '>>{freudian_nipple_slip} : The article says allegedly. Has there been confirmation? And I may have missed this, but what was this alleged US screwup have to do with a no fly zone?', ">>{tomhanks23} : To use Trump's dirty words made more than 10 years ago when he was a private citizen to disqualify his POTUS effort is ridiculous. It's a shame for the US or West PC and democracy", '>>{post_button_account} : Um....pound has already lost around 20% value and Brexit hasnt even happened yet. The worst is yet to come.', ">>{relationshipdownvote} : If you knew the U.K. Economy was going to go down, why wouldn't everyone be selling? Are you just smarter than the market?", ">>{linkns86} : It was confirmed by https://airwars.org/civcas-2016/ who gave the names of victims and tracks these things. This is indicative of Obama and Clinton's overall pro-war policy in Syria. We arm religious rebels and bomb indiscriminately, like that has never backfired before...", '>>{terriblehuman} : I think you\'re supposed to say "wroooong!" while putting a microphone in your mouth.', ">>{cool_hand_luke} : That's not how this works. That's not how *any* of this works.", ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : I mean as opposed to putting soldiers on the ground and US military lives will be lot, or pull out all together and we've seen how the Syrian Civil War just completely ravaged everything, the number I recall seeing like a year or so ago was 1 in 4 living in Syria was a casualty, and Assad has used chemical weapons on his own people. There are no good options here, just ones that are relatively less shitty, and how much less shitty isn't something we will know for years. I didn't support invading Iraq but I think most would agree Saddam was a bad guy who should have been removed from power. But the end game was fucked up so much, you leave this vacuum that allows ISIS to grow.", ">>{ray1290} : Because there's no signs of Brexit happening anytime soon, and no one knows how the negotiations will turn out (they haven't even invoked article 50). The markets started faltering right before the Brexit vote, not a few or several months prior. You can't bring up the markets as an argument until Britain *actually leaves*. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jul/19/government-awaits-first-legal-opposition-to-brexit-in-high-court#comments", '>>{tejmuk} : which in all honesty is the only realistic solution. please go to /r/syriancivilwar and educate yourself.', '>>{tejmuk} : > Would whatever replaces it be worse? Who knows. the people fighting him are ISIS, Al-Quaeda and "moderate rebels" [who behead children on camera.](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3697770/US-backed-Nour-al-Din-al-Zenki-behead-boy-accused-al-Quds-spy-Assad.html) The US aren\'t "the good guys" this time.', ">>{linkns86} : That's exactly what is happening in Syria. We support the removal of a brutal dictator and that created a power vacuum and rise the ISIS. We should extend humanitarian aid, political sanctuary, and refugee status to those who want it. But that is where our involvement needs to end. Playing world police is why the world hates us.", ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : I don't disagree with that sentiment, but there are a lot of things we could have done differently after Saddam's overthrow that would have made the rise of ISIS far less likely. For one, they got rid of all Baath party members. This included people like schoolteachers. They got rid of the only people who knew how to run the government. The West didn't even force that on Germany with Nazi party members after World War II (other than the very top ranking members). Syria is becoming a proxy war, and you'd rather just Assad take all the Russian weapons, influence and support and make the humanitarian crisis exponentially worse?", ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : So [Assad's the good guy?](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/syria-assad-obama-united-nations-227385)", ">>{linkns86} : >They got rid of the only people who knew how to run the government. The only way that government ran was through fear and terror. It was a cork on a bottle. That country was never meant to be a unified whole. >Syria is becoming a proxy war, and you'd rather just Assad take all the Russian weapons, influence and support and make the humanitarian crisis exponentially worse? Assad is a brutal dictator. Is he better than a massive civil war and violence? I don't know. I'm not a Syrian. And that's the whole point.", ">>{freudian_nipple_slip} : I think we both agree it's a very complex situation, just have different approaches. When you hear stories of Syrian refugees, yeah, I do think the US should intervene. Like we did with NATO in '99, like we should have in Rwanda in '94.", '>>{tejmuk} : For *that* to be the only message you take out of my comment would suggest you have a very binary, comicbook "black and white" understanding of morality. No, he\'s not a "good guy" by any means. But he is a known and predictible actor with rational goals who can be reasoned and compromised with (not to mention his lack of sectarianism and support for ethnic and religious pluralism - a rarity in the middle east). His main source of influence, Russia, is (despite their expansionism/brinksmanship in E.Europe) a responsible world power with obligations to the international community which can hold him accountable to their promises, and help the rest of the world make sure that what happened in Iraq post-Saddam doesn\'t happen in Syria - which otherwise would almost certainly be the case, given the existing sectarian, ethnic and regional tensions.', ">>{linkns86} : Our intervention is part of the reason there are refugees. Let's start by opening our borders and helping those in need instead of being presumptive enough to believe we can fix their country for them.", '>>{freudian_nipple_slip} : > His main source of influence, Russia, is (despite their brinksmanship in E.Europe) a responsible world power with obligations to the international community which can hold him accountable to their promises My sides! Ukraine would like a word', ">>{tejmuk} : I've acknowledged that their actions in Eastern Europe are certainly dubious (but once again, the western-backed Kiev coup and the sentiments of ethnic Russians that make up the majority in Crimea and Donbass mean that Ukraine isn't a black-and-white issue either.) But Ukraine has literally nothing to do with Syria. At all. Imposing a NFZ in Syria means that: If America succeeds, a pluralistic, tolerant and secular (albeit harshly authoritarian) strongman and source of regional stability gets toppled by ISIS and AQ client militias, and the Syrian Arab Republic becomes an Emirate or Caliphate. If America fails, WW3 begins because actually enforcing said NFZ would entail shooting down Russian fighters.", ">>{kyrus_arem} : To me I view it as there being a difference between the people saying they want something (the referendum) and the govt following up on it (triggering the article). To most businesses and corporations, it means and says a lot more when the govt follows up on something as big as Brexit, especially since any U-turn or future British reentry into the EU probably won't happen for a decade or so.", ">>{kyrus_arem} : Well as an American, my level of awareness of the British government is mostly limited to HIGNFY and Mock the Week so I know to take it all with a pinch of salt >> But when Theresa May was in the cabinet it seems like she was near Farage-level with how much she didn't want immigrants coming into the country. And yeah, no European politician could even approach Dubya's level of incompetency. And what's PiS?", ">>{CatsHaveWings} : PiS is the party currently in charge of Poland's government and very VERY conservative. Just 3 days ago Polish women went on massive strikes to prevent lawmakers from almost [totally banning abortions](http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37573938). They've also [replaced](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/feb/29/polands-changes-to-court-system-risking-democracy) 5 of 15 judges on their version of the Supreme Court with judges of their own liking. Just last week there was some trouble between France and Poland over the [cancellation](http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSL5N1CA5DK) of a multi billion euro military helicopter deal between AirBus and Poland, with Poland claiming they'd rather have Polish built helicopters or another supplier. France's president Hollande was needless to say angry about it all, [cancelling](http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1271ZB) intergovernmental talks scheduled for next week. Stuff like that. Could give some more examples probably. Not Polish myself but am Dutch though.", ">>{Devam13} : Dude. Wtf? Pound is like on a 30 year low right now. There have been blatantly racist and nationalist politicians talking about removing all the Europeans living in UK. This is currently the most interesting period for British Politics. They want to remove/deport all the EU doctors from the NHS but they realized they can't because there are not many qualified UK doctors. Economists say when the article to leave passes, there's still a lot of value in GBP yet to fall.", ">>{kyrus_arem} : I wanna say I've heard something about strikes in Poland within the past few days. Also a reason I'm glad it's very hard to replace judges on the Supreme Court here in America. Neither party here wants to be seen as trying to influence the courts.", ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : > And you have a better solution for Syria? Yes, stay out and let them handle it. Russia got assad to give up his chemical weapons, and they want him to crush Isis and al qaeda. Between Russia, China, Iran, and Syria, they could easily crush the jihadists if we stopped supporting our coalition partners. Be honest: do you really think that saudi Arabia and Qatar have dumped billions into this rebellion from day one because they are worried about democracy and human rights? Why does no one talk about the fact that we joined two of the world's worst regimes, who openly support terrorism, commit war crimes, and promote an extremist version of Islam? Do you honestly think that there is any chance Syria will be better off if they win?? Why any candidate would need a Syria plan is baffling. We want to defeat Isis and al qaeda. Great! Stop letting the extremist regimes in saudi Arabia and Qatar give billions to terrorists in Syria, and stop helping them. This is just an extension of the idea that supporting terrorists is a bad thing. I'm pretty sure most of the candidates are solid on that, with the exception of one. She already showed willingness to work with terrorists to effect regime change in Libya. The result was a failed state and a massive ethnic slaughter. If we help the extremist regimes and their terrorist proxies succeed in Syria, we will see the exact same result. Sunni extremists will be slaughtering the Shiites, Christians, and other minorities that side with the government.", ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : > do you know what open warfare means? Assad does not have the ability to attack us really anywhere. You can have open warfare against an army of Quakers. Of course Assad can't hurt us. Just because we can attack at will doesn't make it a good idea. Please keep in mind that the Syrian government coalition includes Iran, Russia. China, and is now cooperating with Turkey. They might be unhappy if the saudi regime succeeds in destroying Syria, creating a failed state overrun by Sunni terrorists. That is what you will accomplish with a no fly zone: an extremist regime and their proxies, al Qaeda and Isis, will be victorious. Do you think the government coalition will just walk away and leave all the religious minorities to be slaughtered by Sunni extremists, like what happened after our big success in Libya? > The US military can afford to have a few planes shot at. Wow, that is really big of you. I guess attacking nations that have zero capability to attack the US has made Americans very brave. I'm not so sure that the US could walk away from handing Syria over to the jihadists without a scratch. A no fly zone means we also have to destroy Russian AA installations and planes. One general estimated we would need 70,000 troops, and this was in 2012, only to deal with assad's air force, before Russia brought in troops, jets, and missiles!", '>>{nebuchadrezzar} : No worries, I appreciate your considerate response! Usually people just call me a @#!$ and move on:)', '>>{nebuchadrezzar} : At least they are getting out now. They will suffer a little as the EU tries to scare other countries into staying in their failed scheme, but when Italy leaves the EU is dead. Maybe then they could stop torturing Greece.', ">>{politicalanalysis} : No. I mean you are correct. There are concerns (although I don't think they are a huge deal) with keeping rates low. I just think many people over low their concerns.", '>>{nebuchadrezzar} : The likelihood of that happening is minimal. He could very easily be impeached (like bush and Obama should have been) for acting against the interests and safety of Americans. A trump presidency would be checked by a hostile public and congress. Under Hillary, the likelihood of full scale invasion of Syria, against Russia, China, and Iran, is about 99.9%', ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : It may be possible to keep rates low for years, but it causes huge distortions. Beyond bond markets, rate normalization would mean that government debt could reach over $60 trillion while baby boomers are trying to enjoy retirement. Rates have been at historic lows for an extended period of time, which means there will very possibly be higher than normal rates on the way. It's hard to believe that they can continue to make markets defy thousands of years of precedence for much longer. It is such an incredibly massive experiment affecting so many trillions in assets that I can't believe there won't be equally massive problems when rates correct.", '>>{politicalanalysis} : I can definitely see that argument and how that could be a bit scary for sure.', '>>{ja734} : Thats nonsense. A no fly zone would protect countless civilians. Russia has no discretion when it comes to civilian lives. They also dont even care about isis. Theyll bomb anyone opposed to isis if they even suspect they are also anti assad. Libya WAS a success. Look at the death toll in libya vs syria. 15k vs 500k+. We saved countless civilians there. Also, we can establish a no fly zone without ground troops. Russia doesnt have any significant aa presence in syria (why would they?). We would dominate that airspace incredibly easily.', ">>{nebuchadrezzar} : > Libya WAS a success. The war in Libya is ongoing. The various jihadist factions we assisted didn't all join with the new, weakened government. Libya is a failed state involved in an ongoing war. I wouldn't call that a success. > Also, we can establish a no fly zone without ground troops. Russia doesnt have any significant aa presence in syria (why would they?). We would dominate that airspace incredibly easily. How exactly would that be accomplished? Blow up russian and Syrian weapons installations, shoot down russian planes, sink the Russian and Iranian ships providing missile and air support? All without ground troops being used? Do you really want the US to have to openly coordinate attacks with al Qaeda and Isis ground troops? I'm not sure the Kurds would support destroying russian and Iranian systems, as Assad defeat would mean that they are now trapped between turkey, al Qaeda, and Isis. Not an appealing proposition. And of course nearly all moderates support the Syrian government, as Isis and al Qaeda as the two most powerful rebel groups doesn't represent much hope for Syria's future. Anyway, as for incredibly easy, take a look at what happened to Russia in Ukraine and Georgia: nothing. There is a good reason why the US tries to avoid confronting other nuclear powers."]]
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['>>{bonercollexor} : Due for an upgrade. How is the 7 different from the 6s?', '>>{Positive_pressure} : Stein & Baraka to Bernie Sanders Supporters: Vote Green & Abandon the Party of War and Wall Street', ">>{alphonse_schilling} : I don't remember JS supporting Sanders in the primary.", ">>{Positive_pressure} : > I don't remember JS supporting Sanders in the primary. Seriously? Anti-Stein smear campaign is thick with lies and half-truths as it is, but to deny something that was popping up on front pages almost every week for months is a little too much.", '>>{mr_shortypants} : She had her own Green Party primaries to worry about and ~~rig~~ win.', '>>{9548736} : Improved camera, new colors (jet black/matte black), better home button IMO (solid state, uses haptic engine and less chance for mechanical failure), "improved" screen, ("" because I\'ve compared and never saw any difference really - maybe 7 is a little brighter), A10 processor, water resistant. Basically that\'s it. If any of that is big to you, upgrade. Otherwise I\'d hold out for the 7S this year, honestly the 6S/6S Plus are still great devices, much better than the android flagships from the same year and IMO on par with the ones from this year in most areas.', ">>{TheUkrainianGnome} : There are probably hundreds of articles on Google and thousands of videos on YouTube explaining this, but wide colour gamut display, bigger Taptic Engine, A10 Fusion processor, no headphone jack, dual speakers, solid state home button (doesn't physically move), f1.8 camera. Probably a few things I missed but yeah that's most of the big changes.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : If Sanders were the Democratic nominee, Stein would still be the Green Party nominee, and she'd still be running her own campaign.", '>>{alphonse_schilling} : I trust it shall be a trivial exercise for you to produce a Sanders endorsement in the primary from JS.', '>>{DoctorMarinus} : If I remember correctly, Stein offered to give up her position as the Green party candidate in order to let Bernie take over. EDIT: fwiw, I think stein is a joke candidate, but fair is fair. EDIT 2: Never mind; http://www.jill2016.com/statement_clarifying_sanders_offer', '>>{atchijov} : She offered to give up her spot (as a Green Party nominee) to Sanders. I think this is as good as endorsements go.', '>>{mr_shortypants} : And completely disregard the results of the Green Party primaries, if I remember correctly.', ">>{bobjrdudes} : I literally upgraded yesterday. It is so much faster. Less bugs, and the OS runs so much better as a whole. I'd recommend the 7 to anyone. The haptic engines take a bit to get used to but it comes quick. Currently in love!", '>>{bonercollexor} : I keep hearing about the haptic engine, I have no clue what that is.', '>>{gamjar} : Has Stein ever endorsed a piece of national legislation?', '>>{Thames_CDN} : Its the little vibrating motor that gives you tactile feedback', ">>{alphonse_schilling} : I don't believe JS endorsed Sanders as a Democratic presidential nominee running against Clinton. I shall be in your debt if you can correct me.", ">>{0A18} : Other commenters have mentioned all the changes. I think saying the iPhone 7 is *much* faster than the 6s is a little too generous. Yes it is faster, but absolutely not worth the price tag if you already have a 6s. I could not recommend the iPhone 7 to any iPhone 6s user unless they have a 16gb and need the extra storage. Yes I have owned both devices. I've had my 7 since it released, so the honeymoon phase is over", ">>{maglevwholphin} : I'm torn. On one hand I want to write in Sanders, but on the other I want to vote for Jill. It would be easy if I had two votes.", '>>{bonercollexor} : So now that the "ooh, shiny" has worn off, what do you think of it? I\'m upgrading from a 6, and I\'m still not sure if I should just wait and get the 6s', ">>{BooBee} : I'd keep 6S if you have no real reason to upgrade. No huge difference in my opinion. I had the 6S and was happy with it. The only reason I upgraded to 7 was because I dropped the 6S phone & put a deep dent on the corner of the phone. I was able to trade it in for an early upgrade with the dent and now my phone is mint again. Dumb reason on my part to upgrade but heck I was pissed I dropped phone and the dent annoyed me. Haha!", '>>{janachovich} : Interesting since Baraka has said of Sanders supporters “found a way to be comfortable collaborating with imperialism” and had decided “that lives in the White West matter more than others.” He said in this interview "we wanted Bernie Sanders to understand that he didn’t have to embrace the aggressive policies of the Obama administration. He didn’t have to embrace the drone warfare. He didn’t have to be silent on the Saudis and Yemen." Such nonsense. Sanders has given several speeches in congress about decreasing our military spending which at times was for literally an empty room and spoke out in opposition to our interventions and shady "alliances" throughout his whole campaign. Every time I hear something new from the Green candidates I lose more respect for them.', ">>{0A18} : Sorry for the late reply. It's a fantastic phone, best iPhone ever made. I have an iPhone 6 in my collection and it's noticeably slower than the 7 (and 6s) so I understand why you want an upgrade. I would go for the 6s from your carrier or refurbished from Apple at this point. I just don't think the 7 is worth its asking price UNLESS you plan on keeping it for 3+ years or like to keep phones until they fall apart. If you're the type of person to upgrade every other year save your money and go with the 6s", ">>{mr_shortypants} : IIRC, Stein wasn't the nominee at that point, and doing so would disregard the results of the Green Party primaries.", ">>{bonercollexor} : I've still got all of my old flip phones haha, so I'll definitely be keeping it. Thanks for responding, I think I can make an informed decision now.", ">>{MakeAmericaGravyGun} : > we’re not afraid of Donald Trump or anybody else, because, you know what, we believe in the ability of the American people to resist, to defend democracy. Does this idiot not realize that a substantial number of Americans are voting for Trump? This isn't something that is being foisted upon us that we'll unite as Americans to resist.", ">>{NumberT3n} : Hey now, why all of a sudden does taking huge contributions and making millions of dollars off of speeches from Wall Street and the military industrial complex mean that a candidate is a proponent for wall street and war? What? Always? No, no that can't be right can it? I mean, but Trump has taken donations to pay himself too or this source is propaganda or something right?", ">>{MakeAmericaGravyGun} : Funny enough, while she was criticizing Clinton for acting like she was entitled to the nomination, Stein was talking about giving up the Green Party nomination that she hadn't yet won. How's that for hypocrisy?", ">>{FatLadySingin} : [Harambe](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Co8-CHvVMAAXBC4.jpg) is amused at [Jilly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ldAQ6Rh5ZI). Be a [friend](http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/210549/friends-dont-let-friends-vote-for-jill-stein) and don't give into the [WiFi](http://boingboing.net/2016/08/01/jill-stein-is-a-fearmongering.html) hype. Maybe if she wasn't a [slave](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2016/08/26/jill-steins-foul-language-on-race/?utm_term=.3b6d5bc9f58b) to big crystal.... Besides, she doesn't want you [dumb Bernie voters](http://wonkette.com/605128/jill-stein-didnt-want-you-dumb-old-bernie-voters-anyway)", '>>{alphonse_schilling} : According to Republicans voting twice is a piece of cake.', '>>{ozabelle} : vote green because bernie sucks and so do you.', ">>{donglol} : Trump is still polling above 40%. He still has a real shot at the white house. I'm still afraid of Donald Trump. Also sorry Jill, American democracy is first past the post. Get some Greens in legislature roles, change FPTP (it'll be brutally hard), then go after the presidency... Not this every 4 year protest candidate nonsense. Does she realize that if she actually succeeded it'd give us President Trump... fucking the environment, womens rights, education, etc.", ">>{janachovich} : Oh my bad. Didn't realize Trump was a socialist pacifist. How did I miss that one", '>>{NumberT3n} : you trying to get that record money too? who do i contact about gettin that sweet sweet corruption of public discourse money from?', ">>{NumberT3n} : I don't see where that is said, so I'm not sure how you could miss it... so a little confused here, but let me correct the record for you, trump is not a socialist pacifist but is actually a hunk of leather with surgically implanted tendrils (that shit he calls hair) covering a racist robot.... in summation, trump is a fucking clown, hillary is bought and paid for (yes yes i know, trump is too but his defining characteristic is being a clown)", '>>{queso_fresco_} : That\'s because she doesn\'t give a fuck, she just wants to wag her dick out for Harambe. But no seriously, until the late 90s Jill was a Democrat. At some point she pushed for an election reform law in Massachusetts which got passed, but eventually the majority Dem legislature repealed it. So then she got all pissy and quit the party and became a Green, running against Dems purely out of spite ever since. It\'s literally not about "activism" for "causes", or for "giving the people another choice", or for "fighting for the greater good", or any of that shit. It\'s a decades-long temper tantrum, stomping her feet and wanting to "punish" actual liberals by trying to spoil elections and get Republicans in office, because the Big Bad Dems hurt her fee-fees once. And she has the financial ability to waste her time having these entitled little temper tantrums against the Big Bad Dems because she and her husband are multimillionaires from their years of medical practice. Jill Stein doesn\'t give a shit about you or me or anyone else or the country or the earth or anything, she cares about Jill Stein and Jill Stein\'s feelings. A real piece of shit.', '>>{queso_fresco_} : What about her homeopathic remedies? I heard those are bottles of evian water though.', ">>{queso_fresco_} : No it's okay, the bottles are made out of non-GMO healing crystals.", ">>{Nosterana} : Either is a vote for Trump, so I guess Sanders because he has actually been elected to federal positions before and it doesn't really matter either way.", '>>{wearywarrior} : Do not do this. Do not let these fucking morons destroy our country through their ignorance and desire to win. if Donald trump wins this election, it will be through the help of people such as these.', ">>{_CASE_} : First I'm hearing that Baraka is a member of the green party. I assumed Reptile was the only one.", '>>{jaybird117} : Bonkers Baraka also is an MH17 truther, whatever that means.', '>>{maglevwholphin} : How is it a vote for Trump? Keep in mind here that I would literally never vote for Hillary Clinton yet the chances of my voting for trump are non-zero. Ok, now explain.', ">>{butbutPOLITIFACT} : I can help you! We require a small registration fee (yoursoul) and then you're set. Pay is 5cents per comment or post with a 1cent bonus for every insult or personal attack (with a limit of 10 per comment.) So if you're like a lot of us and not so good at maths that means you could be raking in 15 cents per comment! Which, depending how fast you type, basically means you're gonna be yas queen level speaking fees.", '>>{NumberT3n} : Does it matter if my soul is damaged/blackened by years of justifying shutting out others opinions out for a self important greater good? Or do I get a signing bonus for that shit?', '>>{butbutPOLITIFACT} : We greatly prefer experience in the field. How does a free Rolodex with all of our favorite lies sound?', '>>{NumberT3n} : Oh that sounds just peachy, surely people in a subreddit will not notice if all the opinions and spins are parroted off of a concise set of talking points as if they were distributed to suit an evolving news cycle.... nah? no probably not, certainly not in /r/politics', ">>{maglevwholphin} : It's not at all stupid. Maybe if you don't understand something you should try asking about it before you apply your euphoric and truly legendary intellect to judging it from a position of ignorance. Prejudice is stupid.", '>>{zachw69gumby} : It\'s actually incredibly stupid. If you cared at all about what Sanders preached in his run, you would absolutely never vote for someone like Trump. A Trump presidency means no liberal Supreme Court, more inequality, less healthcare, destabilization with the world, no combating on climate change, the list goes on. Does any of that matter to you or are you too stubborn and "pure" to be able to compromise in a way that actually makes political sense? Keep in mind that your flawed mentality is what helped get Bush into office for 8 years and is also why we\'re in this kind of mess in the first place.', ">>{maglevwholphin} : Trump would have to have major and lasting reversals in his positions on some of those things for me to vote for him. Wow that salt though. Don't drown now.", ">>{zachw69gumby} : Well you did say his chances were non-zero of getting your vote. Sorry, I may be a progressive, but I'm also a realist, and Trump getting in that office would regress so much progress we've made the past 50 years. And it'll be on you Busters that didn't do anything to actually stop it. You can either clear your conscience or actually accomplish something. If you really want to vote for Stein, fine I can't stop you. Writing in is really pointless as your vote will literally not count. Just understand the consequences we could potentially face because of it and the amount of lives that'll be at risk.", '>>{maglevwholphin} : Basically everything you said here is wrong so mostly I\'m not even going to bother, except to say: Yes, it\'s non-zero. If trump basically said "haha, i was joking I\'m still a liberal like I always was." (Which he seems as if he may have begun doing lately) I would absolutely consider voting for him. You can\'t just say "I was kidding" after you\'ve done the the things Hillary has done though. That\'s why I _could possibly still_ vote for Trump but would literally never vote for Hillary. I was never going to vote for Hillary and that has absolutely nothing to do with Bernie.', '>>{zachw69gumby} : Holy fuck, you know Trump is just pandering for votes don\'t you? You\'re not actually ignorant enough to believe that he\'s any more honest than Clinton is? And ah great deflection, "everything you said is wrong" and then don\'t even explain why I\'m wrong. Typical pseudo-liberals. You don\'t care about the country, you only care about your pride. You are actually the worst kind of people this election. I think it\'s fucking hilarious that you actually think Stein will accomplish anything or has any sort of qualification, or that she gives a shit about any of her voters. There\'s a reason you guys are barely polling at 2% consistently. No one takes you seriously. You\'re being ridiculous.', '>>{maglevwholphin} : Trump is not "pandering" any more or less than Clinton is. Ever heard of a Gish gallop? I have better things to do than explain to outraged and insolent moderates who think they are progressive why they are wrong when they are outputting falsehoods at such an astronomical rate as yourself. Imagine! If you stop saying things you have no idea about you won\'t run into this problem. I don\'t think you\'ll do that, but that\'s what you\'d need to do.', ">>{zachw69gumby} : Lol. I was a Bernie supporter, pal. A pretty rabid one at that, and I'm pretty sure I engaged in the campaign a lot more than you probably did. Yeah, you have better things to do like telling me I'm wrong over and over again without backing up your arguments in any meaningful way. That's real progressive. Sorry I prefer to be a logical and sound mind than live in an alternate reality within an echo chamber. Have fun accomplishing nothing.", '>>{maglevwholphin} : >I\'m pretty sure I engaged in the campaign a lot more than you probably did. You didn\'t. >rabid I believe it. Thanks for being the reason we lost. Google "gish gallop." It\'s literally all you do. I really hope you learn proper argumentation and how to think clearly one day. You seem like your heart is in the right place.', ">>{zachw69gumby} : I'm the reason you lost. Lol. Okay. Act like you know everything from this one conversation we've had. How am I not thinking clearly? You're the one ignoring everything I've said thus far and not providing any useful counterargument. Then again I'm not expecting a Buster to know what he/she is talking about. It really is not a fallacy, hon. Gore lost by 537 votes in Florida in 2000. 97,000 people who were too pure to vote for him voted Nader, and that's what caused a split in the votes. Voting for someone who has absolutely no chance is throwing your vote away. It's literally common sense. And you're just gonna be another contribution to a mad man possibly taking office.", '>>{maglevwholphin} : http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Gish_Gallop I wish you luck. Bernie lost because of his rabid supporters. Don\'t make that mistake again, because this time you won\'t have good progressives behind you. You really don\'t know your shit very well. Read a lot more. You\'ll be fine. You strike me as in your late teens and if most kids were as passionate and well intentioned as you we would be in a much better place as a nation politically speaking. But do, please, learn to think clearly, or you will only ever spin your wheels. Here\'s a hint: the way you try to make so many different points in your comments while being so "rabid" (as you described yourself) only makes people who know better not want to engage. It\'s a lot of effort to correct people who are as wrong as you are, and your superior and indignant tone makes it seem as if it will probably wasted time to try.', ">>{zachw69gumby} : Yeah, I already read your pointless article. I only bring it up over and over because you still didn't do anything to debunk my points. Rabid was probably a radical choice of words, but you're probably just gonna continue to tout it as your source of winning this argument because you can't back up anything else you claim. Actually I do know it pretty well. It's not hard to understand common sense. It may not have been Nader's fault entirely for Bush being elected, but he still helped create it and you can't argue that no matter how desperately you want to. And doing so with Stein will only create that opportunity. So please be wise. This already pretty much has been a waste of time considering you're not very good at articulating yourself or explaining why I'm wrong. So I guess I'll see you around. Hope you grow out of your idealist mindset and come to reality. P.S. downvoting every comment I make doesn't make you right either.", '>>{maglevwholphin} : I just downvote the comments that are a waste of my time. It\'s not "idealism" to refuse to vote for a war criminal. Cya.', ">>{atchijov} : Can you name any of her opponents for nomination? Can you tell how many were running for nomination? I can't... so for Jill to act as De-facto nominee does not look nearly as arrogant as what HRC did from day one."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{bonercollexor} : Due for an upgrade. How is the 7 different from the 6s?', '>>{9548736} : Improved camera, new colors (jet black/matte black), better home button IMO (solid state, uses haptic engine and less chance for mechanical failure), "improved" screen, ("" because I\'ve compared and never saw any difference really - maybe 7 is a little brighter), A10 processor, water resistant. Basically that\'s it. If any of that is big to you, upgrade. Otherwise I\'d hold out for the 7S this year, honestly the 6S/6S Plus are still great devices, much better than the android flagships from the same year and IMO on par with the ones from this year in most areas.', ">>{TheUkrainianGnome} : There are probably hundreds of articles on Google and thousands of videos on YouTube explaining this, but wide colour gamut display, bigger Taptic Engine, A10 Fusion processor, no headphone jack, dual speakers, solid state home button (doesn't physically move), f1.8 camera. Probably a few things I missed but yeah that's most of the big changes.", ">>{bobjrdudes} : I literally upgraded yesterday. It is so much faster. Less bugs, and the OS runs so much better as a whole. I'd recommend the 7 to anyone. The haptic engines take a bit to get used to but it comes quick. Currently in love!", '>>{bonercollexor} : I keep hearing about the haptic engine, I have no clue what that is.', '>>{Thames_CDN} : Its the little vibrating motor that gives you tactile feedback', ">>{0A18} : Other commenters have mentioned all the changes. I think saying the iPhone 7 is *much* faster than the 6s is a little too generous. Yes it is faster, but absolutely not worth the price tag if you already have a 6s. I could not recommend the iPhone 7 to any iPhone 6s user unless they have a 16gb and need the extra storage. Yes I have owned both devices. I've had my 7 since it released, so the honeymoon phase is over", '>>{bonercollexor} : So now that the "ooh, shiny" has worn off, what do you think of it? I\'m upgrading from a 6, and I\'m still not sure if I should just wait and get the 6s', ">>{BooBee} : I'd keep 6S if you have no real reason to upgrade. No huge difference in my opinion. I had the 6S and was happy with it. The only reason I upgraded to 7 was because I dropped the 6S phone & put a deep dent on the corner of the phone. I was able to trade it in for an early upgrade with the dent and now my phone is mint again. Dumb reason on my part to upgrade but heck I was pissed I dropped phone and the dent annoyed me. Haha!", ">>{0A18} : Sorry for the late reply. It's a fantastic phone, best iPhone ever made. I have an iPhone 6 in my collection and it's noticeably slower than the 7 (and 6s) so I understand why you want an upgrade. I would go for the 6s from your carrier or refurbished from Apple at this point. I just don't think the 7 is worth its asking price UNLESS you plan on keeping it for 3+ years or like to keep phones until they fall apart. If you're the type of person to upgrade every other year save your money and go with the 6s", ">>{bonercollexor} : I've still got all of my old flip phones haha, so I'll definitely be keeping it. Thanks for responding, I think I can make an informed decision now."], ['>>{Positive_pressure} : Stein & Baraka to Bernie Sanders Supporters: Vote Green & Abandon the Party of War and Wall Street', ">>{alphonse_schilling} : I don't remember JS supporting Sanders in the primary.", ">>{Positive_pressure} : > I don't remember JS supporting Sanders in the primary. Seriously? Anti-Stein smear campaign is thick with lies and half-truths as it is, but to deny something that was popping up on front pages almost every week for months is a little too much.", '>>{mr_shortypants} : She had her own Green Party primaries to worry about and ~~rig~~ win.', ">>{mr_shortypants} : If Sanders were the Democratic nominee, Stein would still be the Green Party nominee, and she'd still be running her own campaign.", '>>{alphonse_schilling} : I trust it shall be a trivial exercise for you to produce a Sanders endorsement in the primary from JS.', '>>{DoctorMarinus} : If I remember correctly, Stein offered to give up her position as the Green party candidate in order to let Bernie take over. EDIT: fwiw, I think stein is a joke candidate, but fair is fair. EDIT 2: Never mind; http://www.jill2016.com/statement_clarifying_sanders_offer', '>>{atchijov} : She offered to give up her spot (as a Green Party nominee) to Sanders. I think this is as good as endorsements go.', '>>{mr_shortypants} : And completely disregard the results of the Green Party primaries, if I remember correctly.', '>>{gamjar} : Has Stein ever endorsed a piece of national legislation?', ">>{alphonse_schilling} : I don't believe JS endorsed Sanders as a Democratic presidential nominee running against Clinton. I shall be in your debt if you can correct me.", ">>{maglevwholphin} : I'm torn. On one hand I want to write in Sanders, but on the other I want to vote for Jill. It would be easy if I had two votes.", '>>{janachovich} : Interesting since Baraka has said of Sanders supporters “found a way to be comfortable collaborating with imperialism” and had decided “that lives in the White West matter more than others.” He said in this interview "we wanted Bernie Sanders to understand that he didn’t have to embrace the aggressive policies of the Obama administration. He didn’t have to embrace the drone warfare. He didn’t have to be silent on the Saudis and Yemen." Such nonsense. Sanders has given several speeches in congress about decreasing our military spending which at times was for literally an empty room and spoke out in opposition to our interventions and shady "alliances" throughout his whole campaign. Every time I hear something new from the Green candidates I lose more respect for them.', ">>{mr_shortypants} : IIRC, Stein wasn't the nominee at that point, and doing so would disregard the results of the Green Party primaries.", ">>{MakeAmericaGravyGun} : > we’re not afraid of Donald Trump or anybody else, because, you know what, we believe in the ability of the American people to resist, to defend democracy. Does this idiot not realize that a substantial number of Americans are voting for Trump? This isn't something that is being foisted upon us that we'll unite as Americans to resist.", ">>{NumberT3n} : Hey now, why all of a sudden does taking huge contributions and making millions of dollars off of speeches from Wall Street and the military industrial complex mean that a candidate is a proponent for wall street and war? What? Always? No, no that can't be right can it? I mean, but Trump has taken donations to pay himself too or this source is propaganda or something right?", ">>{MakeAmericaGravyGun} : Funny enough, while she was criticizing Clinton for acting like she was entitled to the nomination, Stein was talking about giving up the Green Party nomination that she hadn't yet won. How's that for hypocrisy?", ">>{FatLadySingin} : [Harambe](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Co8-CHvVMAAXBC4.jpg) is amused at [Jilly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ldAQ6Rh5ZI). Be a [friend](http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/210549/friends-dont-let-friends-vote-for-jill-stein) and don't give into the [WiFi](http://boingboing.net/2016/08/01/jill-stein-is-a-fearmongering.html) hype. Maybe if she wasn't a [slave](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2016/08/26/jill-steins-foul-language-on-race/?utm_term=.3b6d5bc9f58b) to big crystal.... Besides, she doesn't want you [dumb Bernie voters](http://wonkette.com/605128/jill-stein-didnt-want-you-dumb-old-bernie-voters-anyway)", '>>{alphonse_schilling} : According to Republicans voting twice is a piece of cake.', '>>{ozabelle} : vote green because bernie sucks and so do you.', ">>{donglol} : Trump is still polling above 40%. He still has a real shot at the white house. I'm still afraid of Donald Trump. Also sorry Jill, American democracy is first past the post. Get some Greens in legislature roles, change FPTP (it'll be brutally hard), then go after the presidency... Not this every 4 year protest candidate nonsense. Does she realize that if she actually succeeded it'd give us President Trump... fucking the environment, womens rights, education, etc.", ">>{janachovich} : Oh my bad. Didn't realize Trump was a socialist pacifist. How did I miss that one", '>>{NumberT3n} : you trying to get that record money too? who do i contact about gettin that sweet sweet corruption of public discourse money from?', ">>{NumberT3n} : I don't see where that is said, so I'm not sure how you could miss it... so a little confused here, but let me correct the record for you, trump is not a socialist pacifist but is actually a hunk of leather with surgically implanted tendrils (that shit he calls hair) covering a racist robot.... in summation, trump is a fucking clown, hillary is bought and paid for (yes yes i know, trump is too but his defining characteristic is being a clown)", '>>{queso_fresco_} : That\'s because she doesn\'t give a fuck, she just wants to wag her dick out for Harambe. But no seriously, until the late 90s Jill was a Democrat. At some point she pushed for an election reform law in Massachusetts which got passed, but eventually the majority Dem legislature repealed it. So then she got all pissy and quit the party and became a Green, running against Dems purely out of spite ever since. It\'s literally not about "activism" for "causes", or for "giving the people another choice", or for "fighting for the greater good", or any of that shit. It\'s a decades-long temper tantrum, stomping her feet and wanting to "punish" actual liberals by trying to spoil elections and get Republicans in office, because the Big Bad Dems hurt her fee-fees once. And she has the financial ability to waste her time having these entitled little temper tantrums against the Big Bad Dems because she and her husband are multimillionaires from their years of medical practice. Jill Stein doesn\'t give a shit about you or me or anyone else or the country or the earth or anything, she cares about Jill Stein and Jill Stein\'s feelings. A real piece of shit.', '>>{queso_fresco_} : What about her homeopathic remedies? I heard those are bottles of evian water though.', ">>{queso_fresco_} : No it's okay, the bottles are made out of non-GMO healing crystals.", ">>{Nosterana} : Either is a vote for Trump, so I guess Sanders because he has actually been elected to federal positions before and it doesn't really matter either way.", '>>{wearywarrior} : Do not do this. Do not let these fucking morons destroy our country through their ignorance and desire to win. if Donald trump wins this election, it will be through the help of people such as these.', ">>{_CASE_} : First I'm hearing that Baraka is a member of the green party. I assumed Reptile was the only one.", '>>{jaybird117} : Bonkers Baraka also is an MH17 truther, whatever that means.', '>>{maglevwholphin} : How is it a vote for Trump? Keep in mind here that I would literally never vote for Hillary Clinton yet the chances of my voting for trump are non-zero. Ok, now explain.', ">>{butbutPOLITIFACT} : I can help you! We require a small registration fee (yoursoul) and then you're set. Pay is 5cents per comment or post with a 1cent bonus for every insult or personal attack (with a limit of 10 per comment.) So if you're like a lot of us and not so good at maths that means you could be raking in 15 cents per comment! Which, depending how fast you type, basically means you're gonna be yas queen level speaking fees.", '>>{NumberT3n} : Does it matter if my soul is damaged/blackened by years of justifying shutting out others opinions out for a self important greater good? Or do I get a signing bonus for that shit?', '>>{butbutPOLITIFACT} : We greatly prefer experience in the field. How does a free Rolodex with all of our favorite lies sound?', '>>{NumberT3n} : Oh that sounds just peachy, surely people in a subreddit will not notice if all the opinions and spins are parroted off of a concise set of talking points as if they were distributed to suit an evolving news cycle.... nah? no probably not, certainly not in /r/politics', ">>{maglevwholphin} : It's not at all stupid. Maybe if you don't understand something you should try asking about it before you apply your euphoric and truly legendary intellect to judging it from a position of ignorance. Prejudice is stupid.", '>>{zachw69gumby} : It\'s actually incredibly stupid. If you cared at all about what Sanders preached in his run, you would absolutely never vote for someone like Trump. A Trump presidency means no liberal Supreme Court, more inequality, less healthcare, destabilization with the world, no combating on climate change, the list goes on. Does any of that matter to you or are you too stubborn and "pure" to be able to compromise in a way that actually makes political sense? Keep in mind that your flawed mentality is what helped get Bush into office for 8 years and is also why we\'re in this kind of mess in the first place.', ">>{maglevwholphin} : Trump would have to have major and lasting reversals in his positions on some of those things for me to vote for him. Wow that salt though. Don't drown now.", ">>{zachw69gumby} : Well you did say his chances were non-zero of getting your vote. Sorry, I may be a progressive, but I'm also a realist, and Trump getting in that office would regress so much progress we've made the past 50 years. And it'll be on you Busters that didn't do anything to actually stop it. You can either clear your conscience or actually accomplish something. If you really want to vote for Stein, fine I can't stop you. Writing in is really pointless as your vote will literally not count. Just understand the consequences we could potentially face because of it and the amount of lives that'll be at risk.", '>>{maglevwholphin} : Basically everything you said here is wrong so mostly I\'m not even going to bother, except to say: Yes, it\'s non-zero. If trump basically said "haha, i was joking I\'m still a liberal like I always was." (Which he seems as if he may have begun doing lately) I would absolutely consider voting for him. You can\'t just say "I was kidding" after you\'ve done the the things Hillary has done though. That\'s why I _could possibly still_ vote for Trump but would literally never vote for Hillary. I was never going to vote for Hillary and that has absolutely nothing to do with Bernie.', '>>{zachw69gumby} : Holy fuck, you know Trump is just pandering for votes don\'t you? You\'re not actually ignorant enough to believe that he\'s any more honest than Clinton is? And ah great deflection, "everything you said is wrong" and then don\'t even explain why I\'m wrong. Typical pseudo-liberals. You don\'t care about the country, you only care about your pride. You are actually the worst kind of people this election. I think it\'s fucking hilarious that you actually think Stein will accomplish anything or has any sort of qualification, or that she gives a shit about any of her voters. There\'s a reason you guys are barely polling at 2% consistently. No one takes you seriously. You\'re being ridiculous.', '>>{maglevwholphin} : Trump is not "pandering" any more or less than Clinton is. Ever heard of a Gish gallop? I have better things to do than explain to outraged and insolent moderates who think they are progressive why they are wrong when they are outputting falsehoods at such an astronomical rate as yourself. Imagine! If you stop saying things you have no idea about you won\'t run into this problem. I don\'t think you\'ll do that, but that\'s what you\'d need to do.', ">>{zachw69gumby} : Lol. I was a Bernie supporter, pal. A pretty rabid one at that, and I'm pretty sure I engaged in the campaign a lot more than you probably did. Yeah, you have better things to do like telling me I'm wrong over and over again without backing up your arguments in any meaningful way. That's real progressive. Sorry I prefer to be a logical and sound mind than live in an alternate reality within an echo chamber. Have fun accomplishing nothing.", '>>{maglevwholphin} : >I\'m pretty sure I engaged in the campaign a lot more than you probably did. You didn\'t. >rabid I believe it. Thanks for being the reason we lost. Google "gish gallop." It\'s literally all you do. I really hope you learn proper argumentation and how to think clearly one day. You seem like your heart is in the right place.', ">>{zachw69gumby} : I'm the reason you lost. Lol. Okay. Act like you know everything from this one conversation we've had. How am I not thinking clearly? You're the one ignoring everything I've said thus far and not providing any useful counterargument. Then again I'm not expecting a Buster to know what he/she is talking about. It really is not a fallacy, hon. Gore lost by 537 votes in Florida in 2000. 97,000 people who were too pure to vote for him voted Nader, and that's what caused a split in the votes. Voting for someone who has absolutely no chance is throwing your vote away. It's literally common sense. And you're just gonna be another contribution to a mad man possibly taking office.", '>>{maglevwholphin} : http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Gish_Gallop I wish you luck. Bernie lost because of his rabid supporters. Don\'t make that mistake again, because this time you won\'t have good progressives behind you. You really don\'t know your shit very well. Read a lot more. You\'ll be fine. You strike me as in your late teens and if most kids were as passionate and well intentioned as you we would be in a much better place as a nation politically speaking. But do, please, learn to think clearly, or you will only ever spin your wheels. Here\'s a hint: the way you try to make so many different points in your comments while being so "rabid" (as you described yourself) only makes people who know better not want to engage. It\'s a lot of effort to correct people who are as wrong as you are, and your superior and indignant tone makes it seem as if it will probably wasted time to try.', ">>{zachw69gumby} : Yeah, I already read your pointless article. I only bring it up over and over because you still didn't do anything to debunk my points. Rabid was probably a radical choice of words, but you're probably just gonna continue to tout it as your source of winning this argument because you can't back up anything else you claim. Actually I do know it pretty well. It's not hard to understand common sense. It may not have been Nader's fault entirely for Bush being elected, but he still helped create it and you can't argue that no matter how desperately you want to. And doing so with Stein will only create that opportunity. So please be wise. This already pretty much has been a waste of time considering you're not very good at articulating yourself or explaining why I'm wrong. So I guess I'll see you around. Hope you grow out of your idealist mindset and come to reality. P.S. downvoting every comment I make doesn't make you right either.", '>>{maglevwholphin} : I just downvote the comments that are a waste of my time. It\'s not "idealism" to refuse to vote for a war criminal. Cya.', ">>{atchijov} : Can you name any of her opponents for nomination? Can you tell how many were running for nomination? I can't... so for Jill to act as De-facto nominee does not look nearly as arrogant as what HRC did from day one."]]
classify and reply
['>>{wonderingsocrates} : Trump says he’s ‘honered’ to serve in misspelled tweet', ">>{wonderingsocrates} : 'I am ~~honered~~ *horny* to serve you, ftfy", '>>{kescusay} : Oh god... Our unpresident is honered, ladies and gentlemen.', ">>{relax_live_longer} : Not the worst thing he has ever done but still stands in contrast to his 'I have a very good brain and high IQ' statements.", '>>{awesomeness0232} : >He will likely delete the tweet and repost it with correct spelling, as he has done in the past after similar misspellings. The ~~Commander~~ Moron in Chief', ">>{EndoShota} : He's just like the average American: obsessed with social media and possessing a fifth grade reading level.", '>>{VinoEvolved12} : And I am ~~honered~~ *horrified* to have him be president.', '>>{NovaStubble} : He has the best words. It is us who spelling them wrong.', ">>{perenoelsecret} : Oh that Trump and his silly misspelled tweets. Ha ha ha! What's that, he just made home ownership unaffordable for the middle class and gutted the health care law that millions depend on to survive and violated half the ethics norms and the US constitution? Ho ho ho! He wrote 'honer'. Hee hee hee!", ">>{TheGreatSilence} : No, it's the spellcheck who's wrong. Sad! - Trump, probably", '>>{donronaldson} : [This seems to be a recurring thing](http://i.imgur.com/KKhGqvh.jpg)', ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : Guys, our POTUS made a spelling error in a tweet, let's talk about it at length about how it's indicative of something!", '>>{efosmark} : Yup, you hit the nail on the head. We need to stop having his dumb tweets cover up his dumb decisions.', ">>{In_my_opinion_} : Poppop horny Michael. Want to have some fun? Bring up a list of Trump's most ridiculous quotes and try to figure out which Arrested Development character would have said it. -------------------------------------------------------------- Lucille: I think I'm much more humble than you could understand. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Tobias: She's ugly on the inside and the outside... I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Gob: I will build a great, great wall on our southern border Narrator: He won't. Gob: and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Narrator: They won't. Gob: Mark my words. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucille: Our great African-American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Gob: All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.", ">>{AmazingAnytime} : You know, it is possible to focus on his shitty policies as well as the lighter side of his buffoonery. These things are not mutually exclusive. It's not like we have only one channel that can be saturated by only one message. I read the news, but I also read satire. Just because I enjoy the satire does not mean that I'm avoiding the news.", ">>{ChrisFromLongIsland} : He really can't be this stupid. At this point don't you think he would run it by someone first. I am a terrible speller and I am smart enough to know to have someone check my work before submitting it", '>>{007meow} : The sad thing is that his supporters will actually find this endearing, as it shows he\'s "one of them" and a "man of the people" and not one of "them hoity toity edumacated folk"."', ">>{Rupperrt} : He's not an English language buff is the indication I get from his tweets. But that's the least of the problems.", '>>{007meow} : We went from a *magna cum laude* Constitutional law scholar to a man who has an "unpresidented" lack of understanding of what exactly the Presidency is about.', '>>{Dingus-ate-your-baby} : Sometimes that\'s all you can do. Cry about falsified reports of yellow cake uranium while laughing about "what is our children learning?" It\'s just a little bit of history repeating.', ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : You're making this judgement based off what facts exactly?", '>>{perenoelsecret} : The art scene in Berlin in the 30s and the early years of the Third Reich was ruthless in satirizing the NSDAP and its buffoonish leader with his ridiculous accent and his penchant for pageantry. Plenty a sensible laugh was had at the expense of the fat cats getting top jobs in the party and the bumbling idiots who seemed to be running the show.', ">>{shabby47} : You don't have to run it by somebody. You just need to realize what the red line under just one of the words you typed means. Unless he is drafting his tweets with WordPerfect 1.0 then it is hard to understand how that can happen.", '>>{omeow} : No wonder he is " *.....like a smart man*".', ">>{coleary11} : IQ aside, you'd think a president would know how to spell honor by now. Must not have any because he clearly doesn't know what it is.", ">>{Edgy_McEdgyFace} : He's showing solidarity with the uneducated. He loves the uneducated. Loves them.", ">>{AmazingAnytime} : I think many a sensible laugh were made about George W. Bush in the 2000s as well, and that's what helped motivate such a sweep by the Democrats in 2008.", '>>{007meow} : The education credentials are open source. But as for not quite understanding how the Presidency works: > an Army veteran and current Marquette University student asked an important, albeit simple question, "What are the top three functions of the United States government?" > Trump was stumped. With the exception of national security, he couldn\'t seem to think of what other key duties were within the federal government\'s purview. [Source](http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/opinion-blog/articles/2016-03-31/donald-trump-doesnt-understand-the-us-political-system-or-government) > The President-elect was “surprised by the scope” of what he would have to do in his new job, according to inside sources cited by the Wall Street Journal. [Source](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-president-barack-obama-help-doesnt-know-how-it-works-scope-a7415806.html) Furthermore, he\'s also never held a position in the government nor the military. How can we expect someone who has held neither to understand how to skillfully lead both? Especially the military, which is vastly different than the civilian government with potentially disastrous consequences - doubly so, when his arrogance seems to have already gotten the better of him, proclaiming that he knows "better than the generals" who have been military officers for most of their lives.', ">>{bigbybrimble} : You're right, he is both stupid and evil and we must laugh to keep from crying.", ">>{kescusay} : The thing is, the misspellings aren't intentional. He really is that person. He's not playing triple-backflip-upside-down-underwater-4D-chess. And it's reasonable to discuss both the horrible crap he's been convinced to sign by his puppeteers **and** the clear signs that he's a singularly unintelligent and intellectually incurious man.", ">>{deathtotheemperor} : Well, it's indicates that he doesn't know how to use Twitter's spell-check and auto-correct tools and that he doesn't check over what he's written before he hits send. To me that's indicative that he has a poor grasp of technology, he doesn't pay attention to details, and he isn't conscientious about his work. All of which seem to be bad traits in a President.", '>>{perenoelsecret} : There are other emotions besides laughing and crying. Rage. Determination. Courage.', ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : Okay, so he is less qualified than most, if not all, that have come before him. Well, I imagine he's learning as he's going right now about everything the POTUS does and says.", '>>{cheerio_knickers} : For example, today he learned how to spell "honor."', ">>{007meow} : Relevant username is relevant. I'd like to think so as well, but since he's been President Elect, I haven't seen that touted pivot to being Presidential yet. He's still in full on campaign mode - and I think that he both doesn't know how to get out of it nor realizes that being President isn't just the campaign/campaigning.", '>>{reprogrammedtrumpkin} : Is how is spelt now. Glorious leader has spoken.', '>>{simbunch} : All of which do not and need not exclude laughter.', ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : Well, like I've said for months now, we shall see. So far he's been POTUS for a whopping 24 hours. He did manage to swear in the SecDef last night though which is a positive sign.", '>>{In_my_opinion_} : :) Turn it in to a drinking game by drinking while you do it... No rules, just drink.', '>>{perenoelsecret} : All I am saying is that laughing at Trump is singularly pointless. He and his coterie are utterly immune to it, having no shame to speak of. He has been a fractally stupid punchline his entire life.', '>>{koolaid_snorkeler} : To be fair, "honor" is not a word that has played a big role in the presidents life. Now "disaster" , "stupid", "weak", "slob", "lying", "crooked" , etc... these he can spell.', '>>{motorsizzle} : But he speaks it as his primary language, and this is literally 3rd grade level.', ">>{simbunch} : I don't think people laugh at trump to hurt him. I laugh at him cus he amuses me.", ">>{Robvicsd} : It's ok, a good portion of his supporters can't spell or read regardless.", '>>{Rupperrt} : Yep. Still, I find his view on policies, trade, environment and women more alarming.', '>>{donaldtrumpstact} : I miss Bushisms edit: Whats the over under on having another gaffe a day calendar before the term is up?', ">>{Spirited_Cheer} : The campaign showed that Trump is semi-illiterate. Trump doesn't know anything, so who is actually running things; whose ideas are being put into effect?", '>>{Ruval} : To be fair, translating from Cyrillic is a bitch...', '>>{the_enginerdd} : People keep falling into this mindset. The whole reason he won is because every one of his opponents tried to attack his character and completely ignored his vague and inconsistent policies. He has given no details on any plan of his whatsoever and somehow that got absolutely zero media coverage or zero exposure in any debate.', '>>{dcatalyst} : You guys are so pedantic. It\'s obvious that he meant to say "bonered."', '>>{sir_denis_eton-hogg} : You know, easy mistake. He wanted to say we were all "bonered" for electing him.', '>>{hazpat} : I would bet he couldnt even count to his IQ.', ">>{arcadiaware} : Don't do this bullshit, we can be better. Yes it's important to call him out on his fallings, but if we start going after every spelling mistake and grammatical error then we've lost. I understand the need to vent our frustrations with this administration, and while I have no faith in him going in, I hope he will do well. I don't want us giving him ammunition though by focusing on petty shit. It drowns out the stuff we really should be looking out for.", ">>{n0xz} : He doesn't know how to spell it, because he doesn't have any. Anyhow, that thing is overrated. It's a word he knows deeply about and used it plenty.", '>>{Corner10} : No muppet. No muppet. Yore the muppet.', ">>{Sherm} : Yeah, the fact that he crushed the economy and spent billions on war under false pretenses had nothing to do with it. Nor did the Dems running one of the most skilled politicians of the past few decades. It was people making stupid jokes about GW Bush. That's why he lost in 2004 to John Kerry.", ">>{AmazingAnytime} : >I think many a sensible laugh were made about George W. Bush in the 2000s as well, and that's what **helped** motivate such a sweep by the Democrats in 2008. Not a big fan of reading?", '>>{Tenocticatl} : He was made sharper on a whetstone in order to be a better president?', '>>{DrXaos} : Almost always, the funnier and taller candidate wins. Al Franken could sweep him in 2020.', ">>{Sherm} : No, just not a fan of bullshit. People were laughing at Bush for his entire term of office. It made no difference. Not in 2000 when he won, not in 04 when he was reelected. Pointing out the truth of his policies made the difference. Ridicule didn't beat Trump, either. Laugh if you want. It can be healthy to do. But don't sit here and act like your laughter is some kind of revolutionary act. Taking that perspective is just going to lead to more failure.", ">>{AmazingAnytime} : >But don't sit here and act like your laughter is some kind of revolutionary act. >>I think many a sensible laugh were made about George W. Bush in the 2000s as well, and that's what **helped** motivate such a sweep by the Democrats in 2008. Again, you should really work on that reading comprehension. It might come in handy for you at some point.", ">>{jftitan} : But will he UN us, to stop the Nazi t-rex's from conquering the world from Charlie Chaplin", ">>{jftitan} : you should see my rage laughter, nothing compared to my courage charge laughter. I don't laugh when I'm determined.", '>>{jftitan} : I saw this used back when Bush Jr took office. He was like ridiculed for years for having bad grammar and spelling problems. By his second term, Bush v2.0 was up graded to v2.1 We have Trump v.01.5.2a.b.c.5 check and do the needful', '>>{jftitan} : FUCK!, i seriously felt like what you said was only a Kim Jun Un reference... but now can be applied to Trump', '>>{Tumbleweed48} : I think what he meant was " I\'m on her to serve you".', '>>{jftitan} : Love comedy like you too, and seriously hate it when the best comedy gold is during Republican reigns of Presidency. This time, I seriously feel like this is a major downgrade to Bush Sr v1.0 (And 1.0 was pretty good as a honorable man) to Bush Jr v2.0 then v2.1 where they fixed him for public use. Now we have Trump who is like v.01.2.3b.c.a please contact developers and do the needful. Its sad. The Comedy gold we will see. TV sitcoms like "That\'s My Trump!" IN "Where\'s my pants!"', '>>{Augsust} : Call out everything. His shoe could be untied. Report it.', ">>{Thecactigod} : Wasn't it George that wanted to build the wall?", '>>{In_my_opinion_} : Yeah, but the overconfident tone I found to be more Gobian.', ">>{FlightlessKiwiFruit} : You don't even have to know how to spell. All modern phones have spell checking as a feature. You literally just tap the word and your phone will fix it.", ">>{ranaparvus} : True. But coupled with Priebus having to point out where Trump should sign his orders yesterday evening, I'm losing faith that this guy is compos mentis.", '>>{fillinthe___} : I just don\'t get it. Phones have autocorrect. How does that even happen? Was he like "honored? Wrong. You\'re wrong phone. It\'s spelled honered. I know it, you know it, everybody knows it."', ">>{Inukii} : You know, I get someone to proof read my important emails I need to send. Checking for any simple English errors but also just to make sure what I'm saying is clear and to the point. Apparently I have more resources at hand than this guy...", '>>{11122233334444} : watching the President of the United States misspell "honored" is so sad.', ">>{torontotemporary} : - Mr president, the squiggly line under that word means it's spelled wrong. - My mistake, sir, of course any word *the president* spells is spelled correctly - Yes, the phone appears to have a liberal bias", ">>{AssCalloway} : He's got a new phone and is still trying to master it's use. .... ?", ">>{fillinthe___} : That's even worse! At least he's made the typo before on his old phone, so in theory the phone could have learned his mistakes. The new phone shouldn't have learned that yet, so he moved on that misspelling like a bitch.", '>>{6060gsm} : FFS dude... all you have to do is have ONE PERSON look at your copy before posting. You\'re the freaking PRESIDENT, you don\'t want the world to think you can\'t even spell "honor."', ">>{AttackSkunk} : We shouldn't be surprised. It's not like these errors are unpresidented or anything.", '>>{siouxsie_siouxv2} : They must have fixed it because it is spelled correctly in the /r/PresidentTrumpTwitter post', ">>{Sherm} : Take your own advice. I pointed you to two elections where laughter did jack to help, and you responded by insisting that it somehow managed to start helping in a different election, against a different guy and with different strategies. Which is more likely; that you laughing didn't work in two elections, but did work in the third even though you didn't change anything, or, it never worked, and the assertion that it did is just self-aggrandizing slactivism?", ">>{AmazingAnytime} : >and you responded by insisting that it somehow managed to start helping in a different election, against a different guy and with different strategies. Yes. That's called a counterexample. Perhaps you've heard of that term before.", ">>{cbbuntz} : I think you can tell he's not a big reader by the way he talks. His vocabulary is smaller than his hands.", '>>{Slavir_Nabru} : Well, you all spell honoured wrong anyway, just because he spells it a different kind of wrong...', '>>{Slavir_Nabru} : The red line comes up every time I spell Honoured correctly though!', ">>{DurtyKurty} : I feel like the comic jibes only dilute the heinous shit that he is doing. This isn't really funny anymore.", '>>{RubyBlye} : We all tweet and comment enough that we occasionally misspell. We have bigger things to hold Trump accountable for than a typo.', ">>{evildonky} : I feel like if you have to say that, you're deflecting.", ">>{Marsftw} : It's going to be a long 4 years isn't it", '>>{Breaking-Good} : Not at all really. The presidency is a detail-oriented job. These sorts of things tell us that Trump is not focused enough on the details to get 140 characters right.', ">>{bobby_hill_swag} : Who the hell cares? The website is posting click bait like this and making you people think it's important.", ">>{TrynnaFindaBalance} : It's also just reminding everyone that our president is a fucking moron.", ">>{Monalisa9298} : God the man can't even fucking spell typical words.", ">>{Consumer451} : People hope he will start to listen to his advisors... good luck with that, the guy doesn't even take advice from his autocorrect.", ">>{DesinasIneptire} : Actually, onere in Italian (and maybe in other Latin-derived languages) is weigh. So he feels the weight, and that's kind of a Freudian lapsus then.", '>>{DialsMavis} : As long as you define "all you can do" as doing absolutely nothing and upholding the status quo then yes exactly that.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{wonderingsocrates} : Trump says he’s ‘honered’ to serve in misspelled tweet', ">>{wonderingsocrates} : 'I am ~~honered~~ *horny* to serve you, ftfy", '>>{kescusay} : Oh god... Our unpresident is honered, ladies and gentlemen.', ">>{relax_live_longer} : Not the worst thing he has ever done but still stands in contrast to his 'I have a very good brain and high IQ' statements.", '>>{awesomeness0232} : >He will likely delete the tweet and repost it with correct spelling, as he has done in the past after similar misspellings. The ~~Commander~~ Moron in Chief', ">>{EndoShota} : He's just like the average American: obsessed with social media and possessing a fifth grade reading level.", '>>{VinoEvolved12} : And I am ~~honered~~ *horrified* to have him be president.', '>>{NovaStubble} : He has the best words. It is us who spelling them wrong.', ">>{perenoelsecret} : Oh that Trump and his silly misspelled tweets. Ha ha ha! What's that, he just made home ownership unaffordable for the middle class and gutted the health care law that millions depend on to survive and violated half the ethics norms and the US constitution? Ho ho ho! He wrote 'honer'. Hee hee hee!", ">>{TheGreatSilence} : No, it's the spellcheck who's wrong. Sad! - Trump, probably", '>>{donronaldson} : [This seems to be a recurring thing](http://i.imgur.com/KKhGqvh.jpg)', ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : Guys, our POTUS made a spelling error in a tweet, let's talk about it at length about how it's indicative of something!", '>>{efosmark} : Yup, you hit the nail on the head. We need to stop having his dumb tweets cover up his dumb decisions.', ">>{In_my_opinion_} : Poppop horny Michael. Want to have some fun? Bring up a list of Trump's most ridiculous quotes and try to figure out which Arrested Development character would have said it. -------------------------------------------------------------- Lucille: I think I'm much more humble than you could understand. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Tobias: She's ugly on the inside and the outside... I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Gob: I will build a great, great wall on our southern border Narrator: He won't. Gob: and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Narrator: They won't. Gob: Mark my words. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucille: Our great African-American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Gob: All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.", ">>{AmazingAnytime} : You know, it is possible to focus on his shitty policies as well as the lighter side of his buffoonery. These things are not mutually exclusive. It's not like we have only one channel that can be saturated by only one message. I read the news, but I also read satire. Just because I enjoy the satire does not mean that I'm avoiding the news.", ">>{ChrisFromLongIsland} : He really can't be this stupid. At this point don't you think he would run it by someone first. I am a terrible speller and I am smart enough to know to have someone check my work before submitting it", '>>{007meow} : The sad thing is that his supporters will actually find this endearing, as it shows he\'s "one of them" and a "man of the people" and not one of "them hoity toity edumacated folk"."', ">>{Rupperrt} : He's not an English language buff is the indication I get from his tweets. But that's the least of the problems.", '>>{007meow} : We went from a *magna cum laude* Constitutional law scholar to a man who has an "unpresidented" lack of understanding of what exactly the Presidency is about.', '>>{Dingus-ate-your-baby} : Sometimes that\'s all you can do. Cry about falsified reports of yellow cake uranium while laughing about "what is our children learning?" It\'s just a little bit of history repeating.', ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : You're making this judgement based off what facts exactly?", '>>{perenoelsecret} : The art scene in Berlin in the 30s and the early years of the Third Reich was ruthless in satirizing the NSDAP and its buffoonish leader with his ridiculous accent and his penchant for pageantry. Plenty a sensible laugh was had at the expense of the fat cats getting top jobs in the party and the bumbling idiots who seemed to be running the show.', ">>{shabby47} : You don't have to run it by somebody. You just need to realize what the red line under just one of the words you typed means. Unless he is drafting his tweets with WordPerfect 1.0 then it is hard to understand how that can happen.", '>>{omeow} : No wonder he is " *.....like a smart man*".', ">>{coleary11} : IQ aside, you'd think a president would know how to spell honor by now. Must not have any because he clearly doesn't know what it is.", ">>{Edgy_McEdgyFace} : He's showing solidarity with the uneducated. He loves the uneducated. Loves them.", ">>{AmazingAnytime} : I think many a sensible laugh were made about George W. Bush in the 2000s as well, and that's what helped motivate such a sweep by the Democrats in 2008.", '>>{007meow} : The education credentials are open source. But as for not quite understanding how the Presidency works: > an Army veteran and current Marquette University student asked an important, albeit simple question, "What are the top three functions of the United States government?" > Trump was stumped. With the exception of national security, he couldn\'t seem to think of what other key duties were within the federal government\'s purview. [Source](http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/opinion-blog/articles/2016-03-31/donald-trump-doesnt-understand-the-us-political-system-or-government) > The President-elect was “surprised by the scope” of what he would have to do in his new job, according to inside sources cited by the Wall Street Journal. [Source](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-president-barack-obama-help-doesnt-know-how-it-works-scope-a7415806.html) Furthermore, he\'s also never held a position in the government nor the military. How can we expect someone who has held neither to understand how to skillfully lead both? Especially the military, which is vastly different than the civilian government with potentially disastrous consequences - doubly so, when his arrogance seems to have already gotten the better of him, proclaiming that he knows "better than the generals" who have been military officers for most of their lives.', ">>{bigbybrimble} : You're right, he is both stupid and evil and we must laugh to keep from crying.", ">>{kescusay} : The thing is, the misspellings aren't intentional. He really is that person. He's not playing triple-backflip-upside-down-underwater-4D-chess. And it's reasonable to discuss both the horrible crap he's been convinced to sign by his puppeteers **and** the clear signs that he's a singularly unintelligent and intellectually incurious man.", ">>{deathtotheemperor} : Well, it's indicates that he doesn't know how to use Twitter's spell-check and auto-correct tools and that he doesn't check over what he's written before he hits send. To me that's indicative that he has a poor grasp of technology, he doesn't pay attention to details, and he isn't conscientious about his work. All of which seem to be bad traits in a President.", '>>{perenoelsecret} : There are other emotions besides laughing and crying. Rage. Determination. Courage.', ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : Okay, so he is less qualified than most, if not all, that have come before him. Well, I imagine he's learning as he's going right now about everything the POTUS does and says.", '>>{cheerio_knickers} : For example, today he learned how to spell "honor."', ">>{007meow} : Relevant username is relevant. I'd like to think so as well, but since he's been President Elect, I haven't seen that touted pivot to being Presidential yet. He's still in full on campaign mode - and I think that he both doesn't know how to get out of it nor realizes that being President isn't just the campaign/campaigning.", '>>{reprogrammedtrumpkin} : Is how is spelt now. Glorious leader has spoken.', '>>{simbunch} : All of which do not and need not exclude laughter.', ">>{CynicalYetOptimistic} : Well, like I've said for months now, we shall see. So far he's been POTUS for a whopping 24 hours. He did manage to swear in the SecDef last night though which is a positive sign.", '>>{In_my_opinion_} : :) Turn it in to a drinking game by drinking while you do it... No rules, just drink.', '>>{perenoelsecret} : All I am saying is that laughing at Trump is singularly pointless. He and his coterie are utterly immune to it, having no shame to speak of. He has been a fractally stupid punchline his entire life.', '>>{koolaid_snorkeler} : To be fair, "honor" is not a word that has played a big role in the presidents life. Now "disaster" , "stupid", "weak", "slob", "lying", "crooked" , etc... these he can spell.', '>>{motorsizzle} : But he speaks it as his primary language, and this is literally 3rd grade level.', ">>{simbunch} : I don't think people laugh at trump to hurt him. I laugh at him cus he amuses me.", ">>{Robvicsd} : It's ok, a good portion of his supporters can't spell or read regardless.", '>>{Rupperrt} : Yep. Still, I find his view on policies, trade, environment and women more alarming.', '>>{donaldtrumpstact} : I miss Bushisms edit: Whats the over under on having another gaffe a day calendar before the term is up?', ">>{Spirited_Cheer} : The campaign showed that Trump is semi-illiterate. Trump doesn't know anything, so who is actually running things; whose ideas are being put into effect?", '>>{Ruval} : To be fair, translating from Cyrillic is a bitch...', '>>{the_enginerdd} : People keep falling into this mindset. The whole reason he won is because every one of his opponents tried to attack his character and completely ignored his vague and inconsistent policies. He has given no details on any plan of his whatsoever and somehow that got absolutely zero media coverage or zero exposure in any debate.', '>>{dcatalyst} : You guys are so pedantic. It\'s obvious that he meant to say "bonered."', '>>{sir_denis_eton-hogg} : You know, easy mistake. He wanted to say we were all "bonered" for electing him.', '>>{hazpat} : I would bet he couldnt even count to his IQ.', ">>{arcadiaware} : Don't do this bullshit, we can be better. Yes it's important to call him out on his fallings, but if we start going after every spelling mistake and grammatical error then we've lost. I understand the need to vent our frustrations with this administration, and while I have no faith in him going in, I hope he will do well. I don't want us giving him ammunition though by focusing on petty shit. It drowns out the stuff we really should be looking out for.", ">>{n0xz} : He doesn't know how to spell it, because he doesn't have any. Anyhow, that thing is overrated. It's a word he knows deeply about and used it plenty.", '>>{Corner10} : No muppet. No muppet. Yore the muppet.', ">>{Sherm} : Yeah, the fact that he crushed the economy and spent billions on war under false pretenses had nothing to do with it. Nor did the Dems running one of the most skilled politicians of the past few decades. It was people making stupid jokes about GW Bush. That's why he lost in 2004 to John Kerry.", ">>{AmazingAnytime} : >I think many a sensible laugh were made about George W. Bush in the 2000s as well, and that's what **helped** motivate such a sweep by the Democrats in 2008. Not a big fan of reading?", '>>{Tenocticatl} : He was made sharper on a whetstone in order to be a better president?', '>>{DrXaos} : Almost always, the funnier and taller candidate wins. Al Franken could sweep him in 2020.', ">>{Sherm} : No, just not a fan of bullshit. People were laughing at Bush for his entire term of office. It made no difference. Not in 2000 when he won, not in 04 when he was reelected. Pointing out the truth of his policies made the difference. Ridicule didn't beat Trump, either. Laugh if you want. It can be healthy to do. But don't sit here and act like your laughter is some kind of revolutionary act. Taking that perspective is just going to lead to more failure.", ">>{AmazingAnytime} : >But don't sit here and act like your laughter is some kind of revolutionary act. >>I think many a sensible laugh were made about George W. Bush in the 2000s as well, and that's what **helped** motivate such a sweep by the Democrats in 2008. Again, you should really work on that reading comprehension. It might come in handy for you at some point.", ">>{jftitan} : But will he UN us, to stop the Nazi t-rex's from conquering the world from Charlie Chaplin", ">>{jftitan} : you should see my rage laughter, nothing compared to my courage charge laughter. I don't laugh when I'm determined.", '>>{jftitan} : I saw this used back when Bush Jr took office. He was like ridiculed for years for having bad grammar and spelling problems. By his second term, Bush v2.0 was up graded to v2.1 We have Trump v.01.5.2a.b.c.5 check and do the needful', '>>{jftitan} : FUCK!, i seriously felt like what you said was only a Kim Jun Un reference... but now can be applied to Trump', '>>{Tumbleweed48} : I think what he meant was " I\'m on her to serve you".', '>>{jftitan} : Love comedy like you too, and seriously hate it when the best comedy gold is during Republican reigns of Presidency. This time, I seriously feel like this is a major downgrade to Bush Sr v1.0 (And 1.0 was pretty good as a honorable man) to Bush Jr v2.0 then v2.1 where they fixed him for public use. Now we have Trump who is like v.01.2.3b.c.a please contact developers and do the needful. Its sad. The Comedy gold we will see. TV sitcoms like "That\'s My Trump!" IN "Where\'s my pants!"', '>>{Augsust} : Call out everything. His shoe could be untied. Report it.', ">>{Thecactigod} : Wasn't it George that wanted to build the wall?", '>>{In_my_opinion_} : Yeah, but the overconfident tone I found to be more Gobian.', ">>{FlightlessKiwiFruit} : You don't even have to know how to spell. All modern phones have spell checking as a feature. You literally just tap the word and your phone will fix it.", ">>{ranaparvus} : True. But coupled with Priebus having to point out where Trump should sign his orders yesterday evening, I'm losing faith that this guy is compos mentis.", '>>{fillinthe___} : I just don\'t get it. Phones have autocorrect. How does that even happen? Was he like "honored? Wrong. You\'re wrong phone. It\'s spelled honered. I know it, you know it, everybody knows it."', ">>{Inukii} : You know, I get someone to proof read my important emails I need to send. Checking for any simple English errors but also just to make sure what I'm saying is clear and to the point. Apparently I have more resources at hand than this guy...", '>>{11122233334444} : watching the President of the United States misspell "honored" is so sad.', ">>{torontotemporary} : - Mr president, the squiggly line under that word means it's spelled wrong. - My mistake, sir, of course any word *the president* spells is spelled correctly - Yes, the phone appears to have a liberal bias", ">>{AssCalloway} : He's got a new phone and is still trying to master it's use. .... ?", ">>{fillinthe___} : That's even worse! At least he's made the typo before on his old phone, so in theory the phone could have learned his mistakes. The new phone shouldn't have learned that yet, so he moved on that misspelling like a bitch.", '>>{6060gsm} : FFS dude... all you have to do is have ONE PERSON look at your copy before posting. You\'re the freaking PRESIDENT, you don\'t want the world to think you can\'t even spell "honor."', ">>{AttackSkunk} : We shouldn't be surprised. It's not like these errors are unpresidented or anything.", '>>{siouxsie_siouxv2} : They must have fixed it because it is spelled correctly in the /r/PresidentTrumpTwitter post', ">>{Sherm} : Take your own advice. I pointed you to two elections where laughter did jack to help, and you responded by insisting that it somehow managed to start helping in a different election, against a different guy and with different strategies. Which is more likely; that you laughing didn't work in two elections, but did work in the third even though you didn't change anything, or, it never worked, and the assertion that it did is just self-aggrandizing slactivism?", ">>{AmazingAnytime} : >and you responded by insisting that it somehow managed to start helping in a different election, against a different guy and with different strategies. Yes. That's called a counterexample. Perhaps you've heard of that term before.", ">>{cbbuntz} : I think you can tell he's not a big reader by the way he talks. His vocabulary is smaller than his hands.", '>>{Slavir_Nabru} : Well, you all spell honoured wrong anyway, just because he spells it a different kind of wrong...', '>>{Slavir_Nabru} : The red line comes up every time I spell Honoured correctly though!', ">>{DurtyKurty} : I feel like the comic jibes only dilute the heinous shit that he is doing. This isn't really funny anymore.", '>>{RubyBlye} : We all tweet and comment enough that we occasionally misspell. We have bigger things to hold Trump accountable for than a typo.', ">>{evildonky} : I feel like if you have to say that, you're deflecting.", ">>{Marsftw} : It's going to be a long 4 years isn't it", '>>{Breaking-Good} : Not at all really. The presidency is a detail-oriented job. These sorts of things tell us that Trump is not focused enough on the details to get 140 characters right.', ">>{bobby_hill_swag} : Who the hell cares? The website is posting click bait like this and making you people think it's important.", ">>{TrynnaFindaBalance} : It's also just reminding everyone that our president is a fucking moron.", ">>{Monalisa9298} : God the man can't even fucking spell typical words.", ">>{Consumer451} : People hope he will start to listen to his advisors... good luck with that, the guy doesn't even take advice from his autocorrect.", ">>{DesinasIneptire} : Actually, onere in Italian (and maybe in other Latin-derived languages) is weigh. So he feels the weight, and that's kind of a Freudian lapsus then.", '>>{DialsMavis} : As long as you define "all you can do" as doing absolutely nothing and upholding the status quo then yes exactly that.']]
classify and reply
['>>{k-sci} : Hundreds Of Scientists Urge Trump To Pull Out Of A 25-Year-Old UN Environmental Treaty', '>>{Imnaha2} : DNC chair Donna Brazile: Russian hackers attacked daily until end of the election', ">>{analyticheir} : Hah. It's like sour milk, you've just gotta take a wif. Here's where the title and reality differ > Hundreds of scientists **and policy experts** sent a letter to President Donald Trump asking him to withdraw from a major United Nations environmental treaty ratified during the Bush administration. So I'll bet they got that group of hacks which haven't published in a decade to sign something, then tacked on enough 'policy experts' to round out the numbers.", ">>{omg_stuff} : This woman should slink off into a dark corner somewhere and stfu. She has no credibility and is just hurting the Dem's cause.", '>>{gizmotech012} : And thousands, if not millions of (unpaid)scientists support environmental protection. <http://issues.org/25-1/susskind/> I say we go with the unbiased majority.', ">>{helemaalnicks} : Wow, hundreds of scientists, that's like, 0.001%, must be true therefor. /s", '>>{k-sci} : Your post suggests confirmation bias. The reasoning you offer is flawed since it is only hundreds in the letter. The article doesn\'t say that these were all scientists with that view. It would be better if we went with the scientists that are right, which could even be part from both. As someone who works with client scientists the \'street knowledge" doesn\'t match up with what the actual scientists say. Good models have not yet been developed.', '>>{FlyingSquid} : And the number of those scientists who study the environment for a living is...?', ">>{papabearincali} : They still don't have any solid proof that the Russians did anything. Liberals think the American people are stupid. This lady needs to shut the fuck up.", ">>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : Same with Hillary. It's like they have no self-awareness whatsoever.", ">>{FlyingSquid} : It would be better if scientists didn't give opinions out of their field as if they were experts in that subject.", '>>{TheHairyManrilla} : Sorry dude, but every scientific institution in the world agrees that human-caused climate change is real and a major problem.', '>>{Solidarieta} : More importantly, how many of those scientists are named Steve? Inquiring minds want to know!', ">>{FlyingSquid} : Yeah, that's actually less important than whether or not these scientists are giving an expert opinion or just a regular one...", '>>{KingTrumpTheFirst} : I think you will find that CNN is the very fake news', ">>{Gargatua13013} : I'm an Earth Scientist, and verified as such on /r/askscience. This is bullshit.", '>>{AleppoMoment} : it\'s actually almost sad that they haven\'t just fabricated some "proof" by now.', '>>{k-sci} : It would also be better if people that are not in science would hold a degree of skepticism rather than accepting political memes without question. Climate change is real, but it is also normal and we cannot prevent it without severe planetary hardship. There is no reason to assume that the current climate state of affairs is optimal. Historically global cooling has caused global famine (See Wikipedia famine for basic info.). Global cooling is VERY BAD. Global warming and higher C0@ may both be beneficial due to the acceleration of biological processes. We should be looking at how to respond to climate change rather than assuming we can stop it with any amount of money. The hypothesis that claimate chanve man made cannot be scientifically tested.', '>>{TheHairyManrilla} : NASA, national Academy of Sciences, every university with a climate program, the Royal Society, NOAA. The list goes on. Number of scientific institutions that deny climate change: 0', ">>{k-sci} : You seem to be calling the outcome based on a hunch. You may be right, but it is confirmation bias to decide that without having the data, especially given the NOAA scientist that blew the whistle on NOAA releasing unvetted data a few weeks ago and how the political class tends to report things as fact that are demonstrably unknowable given current technology. One such fact is that global warming is man-made. Correlation doesn't show causality, a experiment with the environment is obviously impossible, no model has demonstrated predictive accuracy, variables can't be held constant, and the systems respond dynamically.", '>>{zag83} : Still no mention of an internalization of the blame for the content of the emails and a continued blame on Russia as a scapegoat for the modality of the emails being leaked.', '>>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : Brazile is probably confusing "Russian hackers attacked daily" with "getting angry tweet notifications daily"', ">>{analyticheir} : What's interesting is the lack of a link to the letter. Not, the normal conceptual provisos that go along with any exercise in mathematical modeling.", '>>{kiwisrkool} : What she knows about this you can write on the back of a postage stamp with a crayon', '>>{k-sci} : Just out of curiosity what degrees do you have and what is your field of specialization?', '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Shut up Donna you corrupt piece of trash. No one wants you in the DNC.', '>>{krackers} : Lololol The same Donna Brazile who leaked questions to the DNC?', ">>{radicalelation} : For you, doesn't matter. It doesn't get you off the hook and any member of the Dem party needs to get up and do something about it. All of us have to worry about Russia, but the Democratic party needs some restructuring as well.", ">>{truthhurts4444} : Maybe if she deflects at the big bad scary Russians enough, people won't pay attention to her own history of shady behavior", ">>{YoungJump} : How do you know they're Russian? As far as we know, the DNC emails were leaked by [an insider](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4034038/Ex-British-ambassador-WikiLeaks-operative-claims-Russia-did-NOT-provide-Clinton-emails-handed-D-C-park-intermediary-disgusted-Democratic-insiders.html) and John Podesta fell for an e-mail phishing scam and didn't have a two factor authentication. Had the same password on most of his accounts (even /pol/ managed [to hack his Twitter](http://archive.is/OJjlI)) and even [lost his phone on a cab](https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/25708) But no... Russia. People had a problem with Trump taking a phone call from Taiwan cause it angered China but we don't mind blaming Russia with no proof?", '>>{raised_by_wolves__} : Like a thief in the darkness, they stole donnas Christian persecution.', '>>{Narcisisyphus} : Why is this woman still employed? Because Russia. But seriously, the fact that she still holds DNC is a testament to their corruption and arrogance.', '>>{FreshHotTakes} : A lot of us really like HRC. She should be front and center for the progressive fight over the next couple of years.', ">>{FreshHotTakes} : I want her in the DNC. She worked to get information for our candidates during the primary. She's the best.", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : I guess you are one of those right wing democrats without integrity.', ">>{FreshHotTakes} : No, I am one of those left wing democrats who wants to win. The children who don't vote can start their own circle jerk party. Or just join the greens.", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Or we can stop you from winning until you become a progressive party. Enjoy Trump :)', ">>{FreshHotTakes} : So you call me right wing, but you're happy trump is around. This is why 3rd way democrats win. I hope you enjoy a moderate running in 2012. Thanks to you guys doing nothing but crying in the cereal your mom bought for you is why we're going back to the right.", ">>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : No. even if you are so deluded as to think she is anything but grotesquely corrupt, self interested , and incompetent, even if you are one of her biggest fans with whom she can do no wring, it doesn't even matter. Bottom line: Hillary is a divisive figure, and not a leader: she's more of a wonk. If she is involved at all it should be behind the scenes. Preferably she just goes away. She's done enough damage.", ">>{FreshHotTakes} : You don't get to dictate who I think is a progressive leader. She is someone I rally around. You want to build a big tent, include her. If you try and knock out people like HRC because of purity tests you can take your loser coalition somewhere else.", '>>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : Do you think we should include DWS, too? And blumenthal?', ">>{FreshHotTakes} : Absolutely include DWS. I loved that she called out bernie for lying and stealing from HRC. She's not someone who lets people push her around. A good progressive voting record. We need people like her.", ">>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : See now I just think you're not being serious. Your vision is a losing one, if you are being serious. But you can't be serious. nobody is that tone deaf.", '>>{FreshHotTakes} : I am being serious. DWS is a great progressive who attempts to pass legislation. I am not going to apologize to people for liking her.', ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : I actually voted for Hillary because I hate Trump so much... if the party doesn't go left for real like Bernie Sanders did then we will continue to lose. You can replace all those moderate republican votes with the hungry left that the modern democrat party forgot about. With the working class that the democrats also forgot about. There are millions of young people waiting for that, waiting for honest politicians who are truly on their side. The only good thing about the horror of Trump is that it might wake our side up to reality. Doesn't look like its working yet.", ">>{FreshHotTakes} : You don't know how this works. We're not going far left. Hillary was far left and she lost to trump. We're not going back that way for a long time. Working class white people voted for trump. Going more left will only alienate them more. It worked with Obama/Bill Clinton. It never worked with the other leftist we've run in the last 60 years. You should learn some modern history.", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Hillary was right wing. Trump will be a giant failure. The party will go left or continue to lose.', ">>{FreshHotTakes} : Oh buddy, if you think HRC is right wing you're going to think that the person democrats put up next is George HW Bush.", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : and you will have half the democrat party fighting you and hating you, just like the election that just happened...', ">>{Gottts} : As a conservative, I seriously hope the DNC shares your view. Let's keep the worst leadership in history at their head.", '>>{FreshHotTakes} : Certainly not worse than the democrats running the party during the civil war?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Imnaha2} : DNC chair Donna Brazile: Russian hackers attacked daily until end of the election', ">>{omg_stuff} : This woman should slink off into a dark corner somewhere and stfu. She has no credibility and is just hurting the Dem's cause.", ">>{papabearincali} : They still don't have any solid proof that the Russians did anything. Liberals think the American people are stupid. This lady needs to shut the fuck up.", ">>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : Same with Hillary. It's like they have no self-awareness whatsoever.", '>>{AleppoMoment} : it\'s actually almost sad that they haven\'t just fabricated some "proof" by now.', '>>{zag83} : Still no mention of an internalization of the blame for the content of the emails and a continued blame on Russia as a scapegoat for the modality of the emails being leaked.', '>>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : Brazile is probably confusing "Russian hackers attacked daily" with "getting angry tweet notifications daily"', '>>{kiwisrkool} : What she knows about this you can write on the back of a postage stamp with a crayon', '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Shut up Donna you corrupt piece of trash. No one wants you in the DNC.', '>>{krackers} : Lololol The same Donna Brazile who leaked questions to the DNC?', ">>{radicalelation} : For you, doesn't matter. It doesn't get you off the hook and any member of the Dem party needs to get up and do something about it. All of us have to worry about Russia, but the Democratic party needs some restructuring as well.", ">>{truthhurts4444} : Maybe if she deflects at the big bad scary Russians enough, people won't pay attention to her own history of shady behavior", ">>{YoungJump} : How do you know they're Russian? As far as we know, the DNC emails were leaked by [an insider](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4034038/Ex-British-ambassador-WikiLeaks-operative-claims-Russia-did-NOT-provide-Clinton-emails-handed-D-C-park-intermediary-disgusted-Democratic-insiders.html) and John Podesta fell for an e-mail phishing scam and didn't have a two factor authentication. Had the same password on most of his accounts (even /pol/ managed [to hack his Twitter](http://archive.is/OJjlI)) and even [lost his phone on a cab](https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/25708) But no... Russia. People had a problem with Trump taking a phone call from Taiwan cause it angered China but we don't mind blaming Russia with no proof?", '>>{raised_by_wolves__} : Like a thief in the darkness, they stole donnas Christian persecution.', '>>{Narcisisyphus} : Why is this woman still employed? Because Russia. But seriously, the fact that she still holds DNC is a testament to their corruption and arrogance.', '>>{FreshHotTakes} : A lot of us really like HRC. She should be front and center for the progressive fight over the next couple of years.', ">>{FreshHotTakes} : I want her in the DNC. She worked to get information for our candidates during the primary. She's the best.", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : I guess you are one of those right wing democrats without integrity.', ">>{FreshHotTakes} : No, I am one of those left wing democrats who wants to win. The children who don't vote can start their own circle jerk party. Or just join the greens.", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Or we can stop you from winning until you become a progressive party. Enjoy Trump :)', ">>{FreshHotTakes} : So you call me right wing, but you're happy trump is around. This is why 3rd way democrats win. I hope you enjoy a moderate running in 2012. Thanks to you guys doing nothing but crying in the cereal your mom bought for you is why we're going back to the right.", ">>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : No. even if you are so deluded as to think she is anything but grotesquely corrupt, self interested , and incompetent, even if you are one of her biggest fans with whom she can do no wring, it doesn't even matter. Bottom line: Hillary is a divisive figure, and not a leader: she's more of a wonk. If she is involved at all it should be behind the scenes. Preferably she just goes away. She's done enough damage.", ">>{FreshHotTakes} : You don't get to dictate who I think is a progressive leader. She is someone I rally around. You want to build a big tent, include her. If you try and knock out people like HRC because of purity tests you can take your loser coalition somewhere else.", '>>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : Do you think we should include DWS, too? And blumenthal?', ">>{FreshHotTakes} : Absolutely include DWS. I loved that she called out bernie for lying and stealing from HRC. She's not someone who lets people push her around. A good progressive voting record. We need people like her.", ">>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : See now I just think you're not being serious. Your vision is a losing one, if you are being serious. But you can't be serious. nobody is that tone deaf.", '>>{FreshHotTakes} : I am being serious. DWS is a great progressive who attempts to pass legislation. I am not going to apologize to people for liking her.', ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : I actually voted for Hillary because I hate Trump so much... if the party doesn't go left for real like Bernie Sanders did then we will continue to lose. You can replace all those moderate republican votes with the hungry left that the modern democrat party forgot about. With the working class that the democrats also forgot about. There are millions of young people waiting for that, waiting for honest politicians who are truly on their side. The only good thing about the horror of Trump is that it might wake our side up to reality. Doesn't look like its working yet.", ">>{FreshHotTakes} : You don't know how this works. We're not going far left. Hillary was far left and she lost to trump. We're not going back that way for a long time. Working class white people voted for trump. Going more left will only alienate them more. It worked with Obama/Bill Clinton. It never worked with the other leftist we've run in the last 60 years. You should learn some modern history.", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Hillary was right wing. Trump will be a giant failure. The party will go left or continue to lose.', ">>{FreshHotTakes} : Oh buddy, if you think HRC is right wing you're going to think that the person democrats put up next is George HW Bush.", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : and you will have half the democrat party fighting you and hating you, just like the election that just happened...', ">>{Gottts} : As a conservative, I seriously hope the DNC shares your view. Let's keep the worst leadership in history at their head.", '>>{FreshHotTakes} : Certainly not worse than the democrats running the party during the civil war?'], ['>>{k-sci} : Hundreds Of Scientists Urge Trump To Pull Out Of A 25-Year-Old UN Environmental Treaty', ">>{analyticheir} : Hah. It's like sour milk, you've just gotta take a wif. Here's where the title and reality differ > Hundreds of scientists **and policy experts** sent a letter to President Donald Trump asking him to withdraw from a major United Nations environmental treaty ratified during the Bush administration. So I'll bet they got that group of hacks which haven't published in a decade to sign something, then tacked on enough 'policy experts' to round out the numbers.", '>>{gizmotech012} : And thousands, if not millions of (unpaid)scientists support environmental protection. <http://issues.org/25-1/susskind/> I say we go with the unbiased majority.', ">>{helemaalnicks} : Wow, hundreds of scientists, that's like, 0.001%, must be true therefor. /s", '>>{k-sci} : Your post suggests confirmation bias. The reasoning you offer is flawed since it is only hundreds in the letter. The article doesn\'t say that these were all scientists with that view. It would be better if we went with the scientists that are right, which could even be part from both. As someone who works with client scientists the \'street knowledge" doesn\'t match up with what the actual scientists say. Good models have not yet been developed.', '>>{FlyingSquid} : And the number of those scientists who study the environment for a living is...?', ">>{FlyingSquid} : It would be better if scientists didn't give opinions out of their field as if they were experts in that subject.", '>>{TheHairyManrilla} : Sorry dude, but every scientific institution in the world agrees that human-caused climate change is real and a major problem.', '>>{Solidarieta} : More importantly, how many of those scientists are named Steve? Inquiring minds want to know!', ">>{FlyingSquid} : Yeah, that's actually less important than whether or not these scientists are giving an expert opinion or just a regular one...", '>>{KingTrumpTheFirst} : I think you will find that CNN is the very fake news', ">>{Gargatua13013} : I'm an Earth Scientist, and verified as such on /r/askscience. This is bullshit.", '>>{k-sci} : It would also be better if people that are not in science would hold a degree of skepticism rather than accepting political memes without question. Climate change is real, but it is also normal and we cannot prevent it without severe planetary hardship. There is no reason to assume that the current climate state of affairs is optimal. Historically global cooling has caused global famine (See Wikipedia famine for basic info.). Global cooling is VERY BAD. Global warming and higher C0@ may both be beneficial due to the acceleration of biological processes. We should be looking at how to respond to climate change rather than assuming we can stop it with any amount of money. The hypothesis that claimate chanve man made cannot be scientifically tested.', '>>{TheHairyManrilla} : NASA, national Academy of Sciences, every university with a climate program, the Royal Society, NOAA. The list goes on. Number of scientific institutions that deny climate change: 0', ">>{k-sci} : You seem to be calling the outcome based on a hunch. You may be right, but it is confirmation bias to decide that without having the data, especially given the NOAA scientist that blew the whistle on NOAA releasing unvetted data a few weeks ago and how the political class tends to report things as fact that are demonstrably unknowable given current technology. One such fact is that global warming is man-made. Correlation doesn't show causality, a experiment with the environment is obviously impossible, no model has demonstrated predictive accuracy, variables can't be held constant, and the systems respond dynamically.", ">>{analyticheir} : What's interesting is the lack of a link to the letter. Not, the normal conceptual provisos that go along with any exercise in mathematical modeling.", '>>{k-sci} : Just out of curiosity what degrees do you have and what is your field of specialization?']]
classify and reply
[">>{Joe_Kavalier} : Of course he is. No surprises here. He can't afford to have his shit business practices described in a courtroom.", ">>{Grown_Man_Poops} : I don't settle. - Donald Trump Lyin' Donald.", ">>{Red_Vienna} : It's an obstruction of justice to see him getting away with all these lawsuits. Even though they are civil lawsuits, the damage that Trump U did to families is extensive. He shouldn't be able to settle and get away Scot free just because he has enough money to do so.", '>>{SwissT0E} : FBI director warns of ‘terrorist diaspora out of Syria like we’ve never seen before’', ">>{Alejandro_Last_Name} : Of course he did. He'll do anything to avoid having to admit he is a con artist and huckster. Great job America.", '>>{Alejandro_Last_Name} : Friend of the common man donald trump can totally empathize with the economic anxiety of the rust belt.', ">>{Red_Vienna} : Is that sarcastic? It's hard to hear tone through a screen.", '>>{ElPlywood} : If Trump tries to get the victims to sign ironclad non-disclosure/gag agreements as part of the settlement (which he no doubt will), then Schneiderman should say no deal, and take this shit to trial.', '>>{DataLythe} : [**Trump, in March**](http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/Trump-University-Lawsuit-Settle/2016/03/03/id/717221/) >"It would be easy for me to settle the case, it\'s a simple civil case," he continued. "Probably I should, but I don\'t want to because I give them a great soundbite, but I don\'t settle cases. I don\'t get sued because I don\'t settle cases, I win in court." **LOSER**', ">>{loki0008} : Terrorists are our friends. Empress Cankles wants to import millions of them. It' *Russian hackers* who are chopping your heads off and taking your jobs ;)", '>>{Saltmineinspector} : Pffft thats JV stuff. Obama assured me that ISIS was contained and Hillary Clinton says its safe to bring in 550% more refugees from Syria. James Comey is a racist.', ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : I'd hold out for enough to actually hurt him.", ">>{Brad_Wesley} : Don't worry, none of them will be among Hillary's 65000 that she lets in.", '>>{IrishJoe} : If history is any indication, he will agree to pay them and then not pay.', ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : Remember when /r/The_Donald was telling us how settling a lawsuit is 100% proof that you were guilty? But oh, if it's daddy God emperor all is forgiven. I wonder how long it will take hem to figure out they've been conned.", ">>{losjoo} : The best part is when you hear the audio of his sales pitch for his snake oil university, it is EXACTLY the same sales pitch he gave on the campaign trail. Same vague empty promises, same cadence, same shit. Guess what we're in for America...", '>>{dbSterling} : When you turn on the lights cockroaches are going to scatter', ">>{Hear_that_Cricket} : We are better together! Don't be afraid. Love overcomes all.", '>>{TheYearTwentySixteen} : \\#LOVE TRUMPS HATE \\#IMWITHHER Say it loud, say it clear #REFUGEESAREWELCOMEHERE', ">>{Nrussg} : The vast majority of the refugees that Hillary let's in are already living peacefully in refugee camps in Jordan and Northern Iraq given how long the vetting process takes for refugee status their submissions weren't sent in months if not years ago.", ">>{ltbadpuppy} : HAHAHAHAHAHA, peaceful. Those camps aren't great man. Just go visit any refugee camp. Crime runs pretty rampant and they make do because they have nothing mostly. But peaceful. God, please be a joke.", ">>{Nrussg} : I mean I work with the refugee populations in the area (primarily IDPs in Kurdistan region of Iraq.) Not saying it's perfect, but it's not filled with hoards of ISIS extremists who have been waiting there for years for the slight chance of being brought to the US as a refugee.", ">>{ltbadpuppy} : Oh god no. They are not the violent, blow everything up type. More the, my life sucks, I'm taking this fruit cause my kid is hungry, violent. To say any refuge camp is peaceful just rubs me the wrong way. Most camps suck.", ">>{Nrussg} : Oh well yea, but that's a whole different thing. Right now the Chritisn IDP camps are run entirely off private donations because international aid isn't reaching them, you're going to have the same issues you have with any community that is in severe poverty. Saying you should not let refugees in for that reason is like saying you shouldn't let people move out of West Baltimore.", ">>{ltbadpuppy} : No, I'm with you there. Refugees have never been a problem in the US, we honestly need to let in more, maybe starting with those we already promised to let in. Though what Europe is fucking up though is not integrating them into their society. We need to make sure were not just creating essentially an Arabic 'Chinatown', need to force everyone into the mixing bowl. Also have you been to Baltimore man, might be safer to not let them move out./s", ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : If only we could have foreseen what deposing Saddam and creating a power vacuum in the region would mean before we did it for WMD's that never existed.", '>>{Nrussg} : Haha yeah I agree with basically all that. And yea I lived in Baltimore, I love the city but definitely a rough place.', '>>{eightdx} : ...does he even know what "diaspora" means? A quick, detailed definition: >A\xa0diaspora\xa0(from\xa0Greek\xa0διασπορά, "scattering, dispersion")[1]\xa0is a scattered population whose origin lies within a smaller geographic locale. Diaspora can also refer to the movement of the population from its original homeland.[2][3]Diaspora has come to refer particularly to historical mass dispersions of an involuntary nature, such as the\xa0expulsion of Jews from Judea, the fleeing ofGreeks\xa0after the fall of\xa0Constantinople, the African Trans-Atlantic slave trade, the southern Chinese or Hindus of\xa0South Asia\xa0during the\xa0coolie trade, the\xa0Irishduring and after the\xa0Irish Famine, the\xa0displacement of Palestinians in the 20th century[3][4]\xa0and the exile and deportation of\xa0Circassians. From Wikipedia. So, we usually use it to refer to -involuntarily- displaced populations. You know, like the hundreds of thousands of refugees that have tried to flee the region. That\'s the "Syrian diaspora", even if we don\'t call it that just yet. It\'s that little lack of attention to detail in parsing language that pisses some of us writerly folk off. May as well have just gone for broke and called it an invasion or insurgency or something else... But diasporas are, historically, not loosely planned invasions of surrounding areas and target countries. ...and now I\'ve put more effort into that sentence than he did by far. Dammit.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{SwissT0E} : FBI director warns of ‘terrorist diaspora out of Syria like we’ve never seen before’', ">>{loki0008} : Terrorists are our friends. Empress Cankles wants to import millions of them. It' *Russian hackers* who are chopping your heads off and taking your jobs ;)", '>>{Saltmineinspector} : Pffft thats JV stuff. Obama assured me that ISIS was contained and Hillary Clinton says its safe to bring in 550% more refugees from Syria. James Comey is a racist.', ">>{Brad_Wesley} : Don't worry, none of them will be among Hillary's 65000 that she lets in.", '>>{dbSterling} : When you turn on the lights cockroaches are going to scatter', ">>{Hear_that_Cricket} : We are better together! Don't be afraid. Love overcomes all.", '>>{TheYearTwentySixteen} : \\#LOVE TRUMPS HATE \\#IMWITHHER Say it loud, say it clear #REFUGEESAREWELCOMEHERE', ">>{Nrussg} : The vast majority of the refugees that Hillary let's in are already living peacefully in refugee camps in Jordan and Northern Iraq given how long the vetting process takes for refugee status their submissions weren't sent in months if not years ago.", ">>{ltbadpuppy} : HAHAHAHAHAHA, peaceful. Those camps aren't great man. Just go visit any refugee camp. Crime runs pretty rampant and they make do because they have nothing mostly. But peaceful. God, please be a joke.", ">>{Nrussg} : I mean I work with the refugee populations in the area (primarily IDPs in Kurdistan region of Iraq.) Not saying it's perfect, but it's not filled with hoards of ISIS extremists who have been waiting there for years for the slight chance of being brought to the US as a refugee.", ">>{ltbadpuppy} : Oh god no. They are not the violent, blow everything up type. More the, my life sucks, I'm taking this fruit cause my kid is hungry, violent. To say any refuge camp is peaceful just rubs me the wrong way. Most camps suck.", ">>{Nrussg} : Oh well yea, but that's a whole different thing. Right now the Chritisn IDP camps are run entirely off private donations because international aid isn't reaching them, you're going to have the same issues you have with any community that is in severe poverty. Saying you should not let refugees in for that reason is like saying you shouldn't let people move out of West Baltimore.", ">>{ltbadpuppy} : No, I'm with you there. Refugees have never been a problem in the US, we honestly need to let in more, maybe starting with those we already promised to let in. Though what Europe is fucking up though is not integrating them into their society. We need to make sure were not just creating essentially an Arabic 'Chinatown', need to force everyone into the mixing bowl. Also have you been to Baltimore man, might be safer to not let them move out./s", ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : If only we could have foreseen what deposing Saddam and creating a power vacuum in the region would mean before we did it for WMD's that never existed.", '>>{Nrussg} : Haha yeah I agree with basically all that. And yea I lived in Baltimore, I love the city but definitely a rough place.', '>>{eightdx} : ...does he even know what "diaspora" means? A quick, detailed definition: >A\xa0diaspora\xa0(from\xa0Greek\xa0διασπορά, "scattering, dispersion")[1]\xa0is a scattered population whose origin lies within a smaller geographic locale. Diaspora can also refer to the movement of the population from its original homeland.[2][3]Diaspora has come to refer particularly to historical mass dispersions of an involuntary nature, such as the\xa0expulsion of Jews from Judea, the fleeing ofGreeks\xa0after the fall of\xa0Constantinople, the African Trans-Atlantic slave trade, the southern Chinese or Hindus of\xa0South Asia\xa0during the\xa0coolie trade, the\xa0Irishduring and after the\xa0Irish Famine, the\xa0displacement of Palestinians in the 20th century[3][4]\xa0and the exile and deportation of\xa0Circassians. From Wikipedia. So, we usually use it to refer to -involuntarily- displaced populations. You know, like the hundreds of thousands of refugees that have tried to flee the region. That\'s the "Syrian diaspora", even if we don\'t call it that just yet. It\'s that little lack of attention to detail in parsing language that pisses some of us writerly folk off. May as well have just gone for broke and called it an invasion or insurgency or something else... But diasporas are, historically, not loosely planned invasions of surrounding areas and target countries. ...and now I\'ve put more effort into that sentence than he did by far. Dammit.'], [">>{Joe_Kavalier} : Of course he is. No surprises here. He can't afford to have his shit business practices described in a courtroom.", ">>{Grown_Man_Poops} : I don't settle. - Donald Trump Lyin' Donald.", ">>{Red_Vienna} : It's an obstruction of justice to see him getting away with all these lawsuits. Even though they are civil lawsuits, the damage that Trump U did to families is extensive. He shouldn't be able to settle and get away Scot free just because he has enough money to do so.", ">>{Alejandro_Last_Name} : Of course he did. He'll do anything to avoid having to admit he is a con artist and huckster. Great job America.", '>>{Alejandro_Last_Name} : Friend of the common man donald trump can totally empathize with the economic anxiety of the rust belt.', ">>{Red_Vienna} : Is that sarcastic? It's hard to hear tone through a screen.", '>>{ElPlywood} : If Trump tries to get the victims to sign ironclad non-disclosure/gag agreements as part of the settlement (which he no doubt will), then Schneiderman should say no deal, and take this shit to trial.', '>>{DataLythe} : [**Trump, in March**](http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/Trump-University-Lawsuit-Settle/2016/03/03/id/717221/) >"It would be easy for me to settle the case, it\'s a simple civil case," he continued. "Probably I should, but I don\'t want to because I give them a great soundbite, but I don\'t settle cases. I don\'t get sued because I don\'t settle cases, I win in court." **LOSER**', ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : I'd hold out for enough to actually hurt him.", '>>{IrishJoe} : If history is any indication, he will agree to pay them and then not pay.', ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : Remember when /r/The_Donald was telling us how settling a lawsuit is 100% proof that you were guilty? But oh, if it's daddy God emperor all is forgiven. I wonder how long it will take hem to figure out they've been conned.", ">>{losjoo} : The best part is when you hear the audio of his sales pitch for his snake oil university, it is EXACTLY the same sales pitch he gave on the campaign trail. Same vague empty promises, same cadence, same shit. Guess what we're in for America..."]]
classify and reply
['>>{TheMexicanJuan} : Trump plans to block visas from seven Muslim-majority countries. The US is currently bombing five of them', '>>{Theocletian} : Trump says Chicago must seek U.S. help if no progress cutting murders', '>>{theLusitanian} : Hmm no Saudi Kingdom... not a serious proposal.', '>>{ipoop4xaday} : Cutoff...NO. Transferred to a willing an able recipient....yes. Bill Gates could pick it up. The foundation does amazing work and to force it to halt would be negatively impacting many, many lives.', '>>{TinyBaron} : The problem was exacerbated by *McDonald v Chicago.* Amateur solutions like "stop and frisk" won\'t accomplish anything. Neither will shooting unarmed people.', '>>{hhhgr3} : BUSTED: Chelsea Clinton Caught Spreading Multiple FAKE NEWS Stories -', '>>{ambientlozenge} : Breitbart is essentially re-hosted content by a site not associated with a news source.', ">>{Breitbart_bot} : The executive chairman for [Breitbart News Network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breitbart_News), [Stephan Bannon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Bannon), is currently the Chief Executive Officer for Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential Campaign. This creates a severe conflict of interest; articles and expressed opinions from Breitbart sources **should not** be assumed credible. Furthermore, Breitbart was conceived as a far-right leaning publication to counter the perceived overly left-leaning media. Many of its articles push xenophobia, homophobia, racism/racialism, misogyny, and conspiracy theorist view points in opposition of moderate and left leaning trends.", '>>{themadmex} : liberals - drumming up sexism / racism when it has nothing to do with the issue at hand. this is an article about a charity foundation in the name of the clintons, nothing else.', '>>{CTR_SHILL9372} : Ah NOW you have problem with conflict of interest, but the CF was trading money for power it was fine.', ">>{ZachAtttack} : Say it with me: She's👏 Not👏 A👏 Politician👏", '>>{Theocletian} : Not sure if this is the type of crazy that just might work or just crazy. I have to admit though, it is good that they are re-assessing the situation. The article calls out stricter **federal** gun laws but in typical reporter-vague fashion makes it unclear whether Trump himself is promoting that idea. If Trump and Emmanuel are really sincere about working together, it will be another page in an increasingly strange narrative where we all can say that Trump will definitely not be a typical Republican president for better or for worse.', '>>{Huckleberry_Win} : What exactly are you even trying to defend here? This is about one of the most progressive members of congress saying Clinton should get rid of distractions so she can get more done. Do you disagree with him? Do you think she should keep a potential attack point alive? Or are you more interested in just attacking the messenger? In which case, do you have a problem with MSNBC which is the real source of this interview?', '>>{goody_heggety} : Must ask? Watch out, Rahm, here come the tanks.', '>>{Huck77} : This move is entirely designed to protect [completely irrational fears](https://theballastonline.com/2017/01/27/trumps-muslim-ban-will-only-protect-our-irrational-fears/).', ">>{illuminutcase} : I'm with you. There are programs that are fantastic and are truly saving lives. Don't cut it off, if she wins, transfer the duties and funding to other charities capable of handling programs of that nature.", ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : ? I didn't say there was an article. I said there was an interview.... which their was. It's right there in the link.", '>>{UA_Hammer} : >Amateur solutions like "stop and frisk" won\'t accomplish anything. Murders are up massively after proactive policing was dialed back 80% because of blm', '>>{Laudato_si} : I sort of hope Chelsea runs for President one day. :)', '>>{spicediver} : If they are allowed to leave, bombing them would not work. Duh', '>>{HansEmbiid} : What is that emoji supposed to represent? I see this thing all the time. Is it someone clapping with each word?', ">>{WienerNuggetLog} : Over indulgence of national powers? That's called fascism boys and girls", '>>{FatLadySingin} : There was an interview? All I see is RacistBart link.... weird huh?', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Anybody else sick of this guy yet? He talked to the mayor and they agreed to work together. So why does he have to tweet making it sound like he offered help and they mayor told him to go fuck himself? And saying it was record setting? Wrong', ">>{GrandPumba} : They're down in other cities where BLM also operated. Doesn't sound like it's related to anything BLM.", '>>{TinyBaron} : If you actually look at the statistics, it rose after *McDonald v Chicago*. Massively is not the term to use unless you watch Fox News.', '>>{team_satan} : >Murders are up massively Source? >after proactive policing was dialed back 80% because of blm Are you saying that BLM actions resulted in a decrease in civil rights violations by law enforcement?', ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : sigh.... a shame you can't discuss real content from an msnbc interview with a Clinton supporter simply because a conservative outlet had the audacity to link it. It's this exact attitude on both the left and right that is ruining the ability of our country's leaders to make any compromises at all.", ">>{Youdontknowjack900} : Too many princes that could be staying in trump's gaudy hotels.", ">>{FatLadySingin} : Ridiculous. That's like saying if the Klan is holding a discussion on global warming - we all should go because it's a valid discussion.", '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Has Trump already forgotten his secret plan to stop allChicago violence in a week?', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Everyone knows #WhiteGenocide has a marvelous peer review process.', ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : So let me get this straight... There's an interview from a site that you approve of, but if a site you don't approve of links to it, there can't be discussion of the interview because it's somehow tainted the content of the interview despite the fact that the link goes back to the site you approve of?", '>>{UA_Hammer} : Chicago Tribune http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-chicago-police-violence-2015-met1-20160101-story.html 2015 total 470 http://crime.chicagotribune.com/chicago/homicides 2016 total 779 Year over year increase: 65% Inb4fakenews', ">>{UA_Hammer} : >Source? Chicago Tribune http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-chicago-police-violence-2015-met1-20160101-story.html 2015 total 470 http://crime.chicagotribune.com/chicago/homicides 2016 total 779 Year over year increase: 65% >Are you saying that BLM actions resulted in a decrease in civil rights violations by law enforcement? Yup. I'm also saying that civil rights violations resulted in a reduction in shootings and murders", '>>{Ireallydontlikereddi} : Doublespeak url title: check Republican: Check Possibly Russian run: check', ">>{Another-Chance} : Trump and his crew do that a lot, and you and i know that for a fact. What chelsea does doesn't matter. Grow up.", '>>{mclumber1} : Is there a rash of lawfully owned weapons being used in Chicago in the commission of a crime?', ">>{ZachAtttack} : Yeah, it's meant to be like you're walking someone through a simple concept.", '>>{HansEmbiid} : Trump👏 Tower👏 Taco👏 Bowls👏! I👏 Love👏 Hispanics👏!', ">>{BarronIsArtistic} : but I'm sure the sweet little liberals think we should just let all the islams pour in with no control, because hey, they blindly oppose whatever President Trump supports because they think that somehow makes them enformed", '>>{billslovechild} : Not sure why research is so difficult for liberals. Guess they are just used to hearing what their masters want them to hear. http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/02/us/chicago-murder-rate-2016-visual-guide/', '>>{Theocletian} : Note to all: Please do not down-vote the topic simply if you do not agree with the tone of the title. That is not what the article is about and it only discourages discourse.', ">>{Rupperrt} : And it's allied with Iraq who just had done lot of the dirty work fighting Isis in Mosul.", ">>{HansEmbiid} : Thanks! Internet culture passed me by since I don't use Twitter. Things don't make sense to me anymore and I'm not even that old...", ">>{MikkyfinN} : But if the murder rate in Chicago drops, how will Conservatives CONTINUOUSLY remind the rest of us that gun regulations don't work?", ">>{WestCoastDweller} : The user hhhgr3 has already been deleted. I'm thinking a spam bot.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Didn't he get substantial loans from a Saudi Prince one of the many times he ran his business into the ground?", ">>{SaltHash} : She is not a politician. Right-wingers seem desperate to distract from their side's fake news that includes bull crap about terrorist coverage and crime. http://www.npr.org/2017/02/06/513777052/trump-says-media-fail-to-report-terrorist-attacks-white-house-promises-list https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/02/the-trump-administrations-illusory-answers-to-imaginary-problems/516162/", ">>{Ireallydontlikereddi} : It's where your sassy black female friend strongly states her point by clapping between each word. It's also a gay night club with a midget. The clapback in new york.", ">>{BoomerTX} : How would stricter federal gun laws help Chicago? I have yet to see any statistics showing where guns used in Chicago's murders originate from. Are they legally purchased, illegally purchased, or stolen? Maybe the news should report this when they arrest murder suspects or report murder convictions. Unfortunately, I'm not yet convinced stricter federal gun laws will help the situation.", '>>{lobst3rclaw} : is it just me or is this make perfect logical sense? you dont exactly want to bomb someone and then let them into your country. they probably wont be too happy with you', '>>{Loffler} : Jesus Christ man, learn some subtlety. You\'re shitting up my "Controversial" section', ">>{reluctant_qualifier} : Because he's a douchebag. That's kind of the ruling principle of Trumpland: when presented with a variety of options, always choose choose the douchiest one.", ">>{TheMexicanJuan} : The US isn't even making it easier for translators who worked with the USMC to get asylum in the US.", ">>{InFearn0} : He can't even. /s Edit: OP's user link doesn't seem to lead anywhere. Already deleted?", '>>{pivolover} : But Chicago is a "sanctuary city" so...you were going to pull all funding, right Don?', '>>{TheMexicanJuan} : Muslims* Informed* Yeah, not wasting my time with this one.', ">>{Tridamos} : Well, you can only repeat Benghazi and e-mails so many times. Unfortunately they don't really have much else to use, so they'll take whatever they can find.", ">>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : Hey statistics are interesting aren't they? I mean in 2014 and 15 Chicago had some of the lowest rates of homicide they've had in thirty years. Now I'll hazard a guess that you don't attribute those historic lows to BLM, right?", ">>{ZachAtttack} : It's okay, my stupid emogi don't belong on reddit anyway", '>>{SUPER_BIGOT} : I read that on Salon a while back, yeah. He did.', ">>{Neglectful_Stranger} : Didn't they declare bankruptcy and their state had to rush in with a provisional government just to stabilize them? Or was that Detroit?", ">>{team_satan} : It's weird that you make year on year comparisons rather than making a comparison that has statistical or historical relevance.", ">>{Claritypleas} : Why haven't the mods removed this? It is NOT about American politics.", ">>{Manateekid} : So she sees a story from whatever source that reinforces what she already believes, and she sends it on down the line by social media. In other words, she's just like millions of other modern Americans.", '>>{i_am_bullitt} : And nobody from the San Bernadino shooting or 9/11 attacks are from any of those seven countries.', '>>{anthonyfg} : That\'s not the point being made. "proactive policing was dialed back" as being the cause not that BLM operated there.', ">>{tau-lepton} : The poster was likely a spam bot https://www.reddit.com/user/hhhgr3 But sure it's all true, and Clinton leaked more secrets than anyone ever.", '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > Trump plans to block visas from seven Muslim-majority countries. This strikes me as bigoted and crass given our contributions to the devastation in Muslim majority countries. > The US is currently bombing five of them Thanks Obama!', '>>{LuckyNo13} : The people you want to bomb are not ones that would be coming here as legitimate refugees. Our bombing creates reasons for innocent people to leave their homes.', ">>{liebkartoffel} : I have to say that it's pretty hilarious that you guys are reduced to making Chelsea fucking Clinton your boogey(wo)man now. You won, Trump's in charge. You don't have anyone else to blame.", '>>{Tridamos} : Uh, okay... Not sure how that makes whatever Chelsea does relevant to anything in US politics though. No one in their family holds an office or is running for one to my knowledge.', '>>{Dixie_Flatlin3} : **fakenewsmatters.org:** Oneandone Private Registration Registrant Organization **1&1 Internet Inc** Registrant Phone **+1.8772064254** Registrant Email privacy@1and1.com Name Server ***NS-US.1AND1-DNS.COM*** Name Server ***NS-US.1AND1-DNS.US*** Name Server ***NS-US.1AND1-DNS.ORG*** Name Server ***NS-US.1AND1-DNS.DE*** Type Domain Name **IP Address** NS ns-us.1and1-dns.com **** NS ns-us.1and1-dns.de **** NS ns-us.1and1-dns.org **** NS ns-us.1and1-dns.us **** **IP GeoLocates to = Germany, Baden-Wurttemberg, Karlsruhe** So this registers to a German address and people in America who are inept about how the internet works will believe that this is an American website. Way to go, people. **DISCLAIMER: THIS IS ALL PUBLIC, SEARCHABLE INFORMATION.**']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ipoop4xaday} : Cutoff...NO. Transferred to a willing an able recipient....yes. Bill Gates could pick it up. The foundation does amazing work and to force it to halt would be negatively impacting many, many lives.', '>>{ambientlozenge} : Breitbart is essentially re-hosted content by a site not associated with a news source.', ">>{Breitbart_bot} : The executive chairman for [Breitbart News Network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breitbart_News), [Stephan Bannon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Bannon), is currently the Chief Executive Officer for Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential Campaign. This creates a severe conflict of interest; articles and expressed opinions from Breitbart sources **should not** be assumed credible. Furthermore, Breitbart was conceived as a far-right leaning publication to counter the perceived overly left-leaning media. Many of its articles push xenophobia, homophobia, racism/racialism, misogyny, and conspiracy theorist view points in opposition of moderate and left leaning trends.", '>>{themadmex} : liberals - drumming up sexism / racism when it has nothing to do with the issue at hand. this is an article about a charity foundation in the name of the clintons, nothing else.', '>>{CTR_SHILL9372} : Ah NOW you have problem with conflict of interest, but the CF was trading money for power it was fine.', '>>{Huckleberry_Win} : What exactly are you even trying to defend here? This is about one of the most progressive members of congress saying Clinton should get rid of distractions so she can get more done. Do you disagree with him? Do you think she should keep a potential attack point alive? Or are you more interested in just attacking the messenger? In which case, do you have a problem with MSNBC which is the real source of this interview?', ">>{illuminutcase} : I'm with you. There are programs that are fantastic and are truly saving lives. Don't cut it off, if she wins, transfer the duties and funding to other charities capable of handling programs of that nature.", ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : ? I didn't say there was an article. I said there was an interview.... which their was. It's right there in the link.", '>>{FatLadySingin} : There was an interview? All I see is RacistBart link.... weird huh?', ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : sigh.... a shame you can't discuss real content from an msnbc interview with a Clinton supporter simply because a conservative outlet had the audacity to link it. It's this exact attitude on both the left and right that is ruining the ability of our country's leaders to make any compromises at all.", ">>{FatLadySingin} : Ridiculous. That's like saying if the Klan is holding a discussion on global warming - we all should go because it's a valid discussion.", ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : So let me get this straight... There's an interview from a site that you approve of, but if a site you don't approve of links to it, there can't be discussion of the interview because it's somehow tainted the content of the interview despite the fact that the link goes back to the site you approve of?"], ['>>{TheMexicanJuan} : Trump plans to block visas from seven Muslim-majority countries. The US is currently bombing five of them', '>>{theLusitanian} : Hmm no Saudi Kingdom... not a serious proposal.', '>>{Huck77} : This move is entirely designed to protect [completely irrational fears](https://theballastonline.com/2017/01/27/trumps-muslim-ban-will-only-protect-our-irrational-fears/).', '>>{spicediver} : If they are allowed to leave, bombing them would not work. Duh', ">>{Youdontknowjack900} : Too many princes that could be staying in trump's gaudy hotels.", ">>{BarronIsArtistic} : but I'm sure the sweet little liberals think we should just let all the islams pour in with no control, because hey, they blindly oppose whatever President Trump supports because they think that somehow makes them enformed", ">>{Rupperrt} : And it's allied with Iraq who just had done lot of the dirty work fighting Isis in Mosul.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Didn't he get substantial loans from a Saudi Prince one of the many times he ran his business into the ground?", '>>{lobst3rclaw} : is it just me or is this make perfect logical sense? you dont exactly want to bomb someone and then let them into your country. they probably wont be too happy with you', '>>{Loffler} : Jesus Christ man, learn some subtlety. You\'re shitting up my "Controversial" section', ">>{TheMexicanJuan} : The US isn't even making it easier for translators who worked with the USMC to get asylum in the US.", '>>{TheMexicanJuan} : Muslims* Informed* Yeah, not wasting my time with this one.', '>>{SUPER_BIGOT} : I read that on Salon a while back, yeah. He did.', '>>{i_am_bullitt} : And nobody from the San Bernadino shooting or 9/11 attacks are from any of those seven countries.', '>>{_JohnTheSavage_} : > Trump plans to block visas from seven Muslim-majority countries. This strikes me as bigoted and crass given our contributions to the devastation in Muslim majority countries. > The US is currently bombing five of them Thanks Obama!', '>>{LuckyNo13} : The people you want to bomb are not ones that would be coming here as legitimate refugees. Our bombing creates reasons for innocent people to leave their homes.'], ['>>{hhhgr3} : BUSTED: Chelsea Clinton Caught Spreading Multiple FAKE NEWS Stories -', ">>{ZachAtttack} : Say it with me: She's👏 Not👏 A👏 Politician👏", '>>{Laudato_si} : I sort of hope Chelsea runs for President one day. :)', '>>{HansEmbiid} : What is that emoji supposed to represent? I see this thing all the time. Is it someone clapping with each word?', '>>{Ireallydontlikereddi} : Doublespeak url title: check Republican: Check Possibly Russian run: check', ">>{Another-Chance} : Trump and his crew do that a lot, and you and i know that for a fact. What chelsea does doesn't matter. Grow up.", ">>{ZachAtttack} : Yeah, it's meant to be like you're walking someone through a simple concept.", '>>{HansEmbiid} : Trump👏 Tower👏 Taco👏 Bowls👏! I👏 Love👏 Hispanics👏!', ">>{HansEmbiid} : Thanks! Internet culture passed me by since I don't use Twitter. Things don't make sense to me anymore and I'm not even that old...", ">>{WestCoastDweller} : The user hhhgr3 has already been deleted. I'm thinking a spam bot.", ">>{SaltHash} : She is not a politician. Right-wingers seem desperate to distract from their side's fake news that includes bull crap about terrorist coverage and crime. http://www.npr.org/2017/02/06/513777052/trump-says-media-fail-to-report-terrorist-attacks-white-house-promises-list https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/02/the-trump-administrations-illusory-answers-to-imaginary-problems/516162/", ">>{Ireallydontlikereddi} : It's where your sassy black female friend strongly states her point by clapping between each word. It's also a gay night club with a midget. The clapback in new york.", ">>{InFearn0} : He can't even. /s Edit: OP's user link doesn't seem to lead anywhere. Already deleted?", ">>{Tridamos} : Well, you can only repeat Benghazi and e-mails so many times. Unfortunately they don't really have much else to use, so they'll take whatever they can find.", ">>{ZachAtttack} : It's okay, my stupid emogi don't belong on reddit anyway", ">>{Claritypleas} : Why haven't the mods removed this? It is NOT about American politics.", ">>{Manateekid} : So she sees a story from whatever source that reinforces what she already believes, and she sends it on down the line by social media. In other words, she's just like millions of other modern Americans.", ">>{tau-lepton} : The poster was likely a spam bot https://www.reddit.com/user/hhhgr3 But sure it's all true, and Clinton leaked more secrets than anyone ever.", ">>{liebkartoffel} : I have to say that it's pretty hilarious that you guys are reduced to making Chelsea fucking Clinton your boogey(wo)man now. You won, Trump's in charge. You don't have anyone else to blame.", '>>{Tridamos} : Uh, okay... Not sure how that makes whatever Chelsea does relevant to anything in US politics though. No one in their family holds an office or is running for one to my knowledge.', '>>{Dixie_Flatlin3} : **fakenewsmatters.org:** Oneandone Private Registration Registrant Organization **1&1 Internet Inc** Registrant Phone **+1.8772064254** Registrant Email privacy@1and1.com Name Server ***NS-US.1AND1-DNS.COM*** Name Server ***NS-US.1AND1-DNS.US*** Name Server ***NS-US.1AND1-DNS.ORG*** Name Server ***NS-US.1AND1-DNS.DE*** Type Domain Name **IP Address** NS ns-us.1and1-dns.com **** NS ns-us.1and1-dns.de **** NS ns-us.1and1-dns.org **** NS ns-us.1and1-dns.us **** **IP GeoLocates to = Germany, Baden-Wurttemberg, Karlsruhe** So this registers to a German address and people in America who are inept about how the internet works will believe that this is an American website. Way to go, people. **DISCLAIMER: THIS IS ALL PUBLIC, SEARCHABLE INFORMATION.**'], ['>>{Theocletian} : Trump says Chicago must seek U.S. help if no progress cutting murders', '>>{TinyBaron} : The problem was exacerbated by *McDonald v Chicago.* Amateur solutions like "stop and frisk" won\'t accomplish anything. Neither will shooting unarmed people.', '>>{Theocletian} : Not sure if this is the type of crazy that just might work or just crazy. I have to admit though, it is good that they are re-assessing the situation. The article calls out stricter **federal** gun laws but in typical reporter-vague fashion makes it unclear whether Trump himself is promoting that idea. If Trump and Emmanuel are really sincere about working together, it will be another page in an increasingly strange narrative where we all can say that Trump will definitely not be a typical Republican president for better or for worse.', '>>{goody_heggety} : Must ask? Watch out, Rahm, here come the tanks.', '>>{UA_Hammer} : >Amateur solutions like "stop and frisk" won\'t accomplish anything. Murders are up massively after proactive policing was dialed back 80% because of blm', ">>{WienerNuggetLog} : Over indulgence of national powers? That's called fascism boys and girls", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Anybody else sick of this guy yet? He talked to the mayor and they agreed to work together. So why does he have to tweet making it sound like he offered help and they mayor told him to go fuck himself? And saying it was record setting? Wrong', ">>{GrandPumba} : They're down in other cities where BLM also operated. Doesn't sound like it's related to anything BLM.", '>>{TinyBaron} : If you actually look at the statistics, it rose after *McDonald v Chicago*. Massively is not the term to use unless you watch Fox News.', '>>{team_satan} : >Murders are up massively Source? >after proactive policing was dialed back 80% because of blm Are you saying that BLM actions resulted in a decrease in civil rights violations by law enforcement?', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Has Trump already forgotten his secret plan to stop allChicago violence in a week?', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Everyone knows #WhiteGenocide has a marvelous peer review process.', '>>{UA_Hammer} : Chicago Tribune http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-chicago-police-violence-2015-met1-20160101-story.html 2015 total 470 http://crime.chicagotribune.com/chicago/homicides 2016 total 779 Year over year increase: 65% Inb4fakenews', ">>{UA_Hammer} : >Source? Chicago Tribune http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-chicago-police-violence-2015-met1-20160101-story.html 2015 total 470 http://crime.chicagotribune.com/chicago/homicides 2016 total 779 Year over year increase: 65% >Are you saying that BLM actions resulted in a decrease in civil rights violations by law enforcement? Yup. I'm also saying that civil rights violations resulted in a reduction in shootings and murders", '>>{mclumber1} : Is there a rash of lawfully owned weapons being used in Chicago in the commission of a crime?', '>>{billslovechild} : Not sure why research is so difficult for liberals. Guess they are just used to hearing what their masters want them to hear. http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/02/us/chicago-murder-rate-2016-visual-guide/', '>>{Theocletian} : Note to all: Please do not down-vote the topic simply if you do not agree with the tone of the title. That is not what the article is about and it only discourages discourse.', ">>{MikkyfinN} : But if the murder rate in Chicago drops, how will Conservatives CONTINUOUSLY remind the rest of us that gun regulations don't work?", ">>{BoomerTX} : How would stricter federal gun laws help Chicago? I have yet to see any statistics showing where guns used in Chicago's murders originate from. Are they legally purchased, illegally purchased, or stolen? Maybe the news should report this when they arrest murder suspects or report murder convictions. Unfortunately, I'm not yet convinced stricter federal gun laws will help the situation.", ">>{reluctant_qualifier} : Because he's a douchebag. That's kind of the ruling principle of Trumpland: when presented with a variety of options, always choose choose the douchiest one.", '>>{pivolover} : But Chicago is a "sanctuary city" so...you were going to pull all funding, right Don?', ">>{Louisthefuckenlawyer} : Hey statistics are interesting aren't they? I mean in 2014 and 15 Chicago had some of the lowest rates of homicide they've had in thirty years. Now I'll hazard a guess that you don't attribute those historic lows to BLM, right?", ">>{Neglectful_Stranger} : Didn't they declare bankruptcy and their state had to rush in with a provisional government just to stabilize them? Or was that Detroit?", ">>{team_satan} : It's weird that you make year on year comparisons rather than making a comparison that has statistical or historical relevance.", '>>{anthonyfg} : That\'s not the point being made. "proactive policing was dialed back" as being the cause not that BLM operated there.']]
classify and reply
[">>{nirad} : 'I want to die,' 2-year-old refugee said during hours-long walk to Manitoba from U.S.", ">>{DebussySIMiami} : > he's going to run this country just like he ran his businesses So the jobs will be sent overseas and the US is going to file for bankruptcy?", ">>{Jay_Sharp} : Running government like a business is a terrible idea. A well run business seeks efficiently profit. Unfortunately, there are many social programs that most Americans, that contribute to the quality of our live, which don't produce a profit. Not everything that is profitable is of social value and not everything of social value is profitable. Reality TV, pornography, fashion, sports, and gambling are all of questionable social value, but each is quite profitable and exists in the private sector. Meanwhile, few would argue that the military, police, fire department, libraries, parks, and public schools are of no social value, and yet they could not exist if they were required to be profitable.", '>>{content_gator} : Do you think that word gives you power over me?', '>>{bigdogblast} : No problem, he will reduce welfare fraud. That should even it all out right?', ">>{AGooDone} : The logic is... I'm voting for the crook, scam artist, race baiting, incoherent, sexist, jerk because he has an R next to his name.", ">>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : I don't think you understand the implications of the United States declaring bankruptcy", '>>{FakeNewsMcTrumpVoter} : Yes, I do. Hillary told me to call you that.', ">>{content_gator} : oh fugg I don't wanna get sent to her pizza dungeon", ">>{Herr_Freiheit} : Haven't liberal economists been telling me that debt is no big deal for 8 years now? Shouldn't this be a non-issue for them?", '>>{WNxVampire} : Exactly. As sympathetic as I am to the plight of refugees, this amounts to a "Kids say the darndest things" bit. 2 year olds are incapable of understanding the true implications of their speech. Even if they eerily resonate with the truth. Let me know when a *2*2 year old says the same.', ">>{JimFromSunnyvale} : You could switch parties but then you're still voting for a crook.", ">>{TrumpVotersAre2Blame} : Trump collaborators don't care if kids die. They lack basic human empathy. They're sociopaths.", '>>{max91023} : Well if we stay out of wars it balances out.. ..right?', '>>{seabass4507} : They have at least [One Great City](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xLlsjEP7L-k)', ">>{mehzine} : At least it's not [Winnipeg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrD-OYuEkyY)", '>>{max91023} : So was Bill Clinton, he gutted our military to balance the budget. My parents that are disabled veterans lost allot of benefits and in turn out our family had to struggle. Then he signed nada which sent allot of inner city factories overseas.', ">>{valleyshrew} : They don't lack empathy, they have too much empathy. Empathy is what makes you care when your in-group suffers, and feel pleasure when the out-group suffers. Empathy is what makes people care much more for a child stuck down a well than the fact humanity will be extinct soon due to climate change. We need more rational thinking, not more empathy. There are hundreds of millions of suffering children in the world, the US cannot be expected to provide for all of them. We need to protect western liberal values, and that means restricting immigration from the most illiberal countries in the world. Countries where the majority of people want the death penalty for cartoonists, atheists or gays.", '>>{DeviantGrayson} : You would get the shit beaten out of you if you were to ever say the things you say online in public in San Francisco, so just have fun. :)', '>>{outlooker707} : This is a friendly reminder that Trump won the presidency because you guys ran a terrible candidate.', ">>{outlooker707} : Doesn't matter, let's right an article about it!", '>>{CarmineFields} : No, Trump won because idiots voted for Trump. The end.', '>>{elister} : Conservative Republicans in 1999 said something similar, that debt was good. This was in reference to arguments about what should be done with the projected surplus. One side wanted to pay off our debt, the other wanted tax cuts.', ">>{helpfulkorn} : Don't blame your poor decision to vote for trump on anyone but yourself. No matter how bad you think Clinton was, 3 million more people managed to figure out on their own that Trump would be worse. If you voted for Trump only you are to blame. More than enough information was available to make the right decision. You failed to do so.", ">>{ShroudedSciuridae} : The current level of debt isn't. The debt maintenance payments are negligible, and interest rates on new debt is crazy low. But throw on another 5.3T and the debt maintenance becomes too extreme. Think of it like a credit card. You owe 5k now and your $150 a month is doable. But all of a sudden you get a new card, burn through that credit limit and now can't pay the $300 minimum payments.", ">>{content_gator} : Lol I actually in the Bay Area. You think the city needs this refugee filth, you don't think it's bad enough with all the transients you think the place needs these vermin? Let them stay in Canada, too bad they didn't freeze to death.", '>>{DickButtwoman} : I just figured out that Trump and the GOP are lying hacks. But the other side is bad because they ran a terrible candidate. "Who told you that the other side\'s candidate was terrible" "Trump and the GOP" This is you right now.', ">>{RunnyBabbitRoy} : While that was a shitty ass comment, it isn't racist. Just call the guy an asshole, since that's what he is Edit: god damn it, your account is only 5 days old and you're clearly a moron", ">>{Alwaysafraidtodie} : Why do you people have to resort to strawmanning? You know nothing about him and it's well known that dnc fumbling cost us the only person who could have competed with trump.", ">>{stomp156} : I'm an American Citizen. I've never been so disappointed to call myself one. I don't know if you've forgotten or want to simply ignore the fact that your an illegal immigrant buddy. Native Americans were here long before us. Look how we treated them? Now you may just be a 10 year old troll and what I say does not matter. But think about this for me. We all come from Africa.", '>>{FakeNewsMcTrumpVoter} : what do u have against morons? are u ableist? insulting someone for their intelligence... sounds like something a trump voter would do. enjoy life u bigot. hate has no home here.', ">>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : In this day and age, Poe's Law might as well be written in the sidebar of this sub. Carry on, mate. Godspeed and good luck.", ">>{coadyj} : I think there is something we don't know about Trumps campain. It's like he is reenacting Brewster's millions, he has to spend all this money and not win so he goes around saying the most outlandish, stupid things ever but somehow he is still getting lots of support.", ">>{SANDERS4POTUS69} : also, a good portion of /r/politics posters. suddenly it's bad!", '>>{sonofabutch} : Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter. -- Vice President Dick Cheney, 2003', '>>{AGooDone} : You know, that\'s an interesting statement. Hillary has been in Washington 30 years, and a majority of that time has been under a microscope by the entire Republican establishment, i.e. the "vast right-wing conspiracy". She\'s been investigated for WhiteWater, the cattle deal, Vince Foster, and Benghazi over and over and over. If she\'s a crook, how has she been able to escape prosecution for the millions of hours of investigation? Donald Trump on the other hand won\'t even release his taxes for fear of audit.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{nirad} : 'I want to die,' 2-year-old refugee said during hours-long walk to Manitoba from U.S.", '>>{content_gator} : Do you think that word gives you power over me?', '>>{FakeNewsMcTrumpVoter} : Yes, I do. Hillary told me to call you that.', ">>{content_gator} : oh fugg I don't wanna get sent to her pizza dungeon", '>>{WNxVampire} : Exactly. As sympathetic as I am to the plight of refugees, this amounts to a "Kids say the darndest things" bit. 2 year olds are incapable of understanding the true implications of their speech. Even if they eerily resonate with the truth. Let me know when a *2*2 year old says the same.', ">>{TrumpVotersAre2Blame} : Trump collaborators don't care if kids die. They lack basic human empathy. They're sociopaths.", '>>{seabass4507} : They have at least [One Great City](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xLlsjEP7L-k)', ">>{mehzine} : At least it's not [Winnipeg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrD-OYuEkyY)", ">>{valleyshrew} : They don't lack empathy, they have too much empathy. Empathy is what makes you care when your in-group suffers, and feel pleasure when the out-group suffers. Empathy is what makes people care much more for a child stuck down a well than the fact humanity will be extinct soon due to climate change. We need more rational thinking, not more empathy. There are hundreds of millions of suffering children in the world, the US cannot be expected to provide for all of them. We need to protect western liberal values, and that means restricting immigration from the most illiberal countries in the world. Countries where the majority of people want the death penalty for cartoonists, atheists or gays.", '>>{DeviantGrayson} : You would get the shit beaten out of you if you were to ever say the things you say online in public in San Francisco, so just have fun. :)', '>>{outlooker707} : This is a friendly reminder that Trump won the presidency because you guys ran a terrible candidate.', ">>{outlooker707} : Doesn't matter, let's right an article about it!", '>>{CarmineFields} : No, Trump won because idiots voted for Trump. The end.', ">>{helpfulkorn} : Don't blame your poor decision to vote for trump on anyone but yourself. No matter how bad you think Clinton was, 3 million more people managed to figure out on their own that Trump would be worse. If you voted for Trump only you are to blame. More than enough information was available to make the right decision. You failed to do so.", ">>{content_gator} : Lol I actually in the Bay Area. You think the city needs this refugee filth, you don't think it's bad enough with all the transients you think the place needs these vermin? Let them stay in Canada, too bad they didn't freeze to death.", '>>{DickButtwoman} : I just figured out that Trump and the GOP are lying hacks. But the other side is bad because they ran a terrible candidate. "Who told you that the other side\'s candidate was terrible" "Trump and the GOP" This is you right now.', ">>{RunnyBabbitRoy} : While that was a shitty ass comment, it isn't racist. Just call the guy an asshole, since that's what he is Edit: god damn it, your account is only 5 days old and you're clearly a moron", ">>{Alwaysafraidtodie} : Why do you people have to resort to strawmanning? You know nothing about him and it's well known that dnc fumbling cost us the only person who could have competed with trump.", ">>{stomp156} : I'm an American Citizen. I've never been so disappointed to call myself one. I don't know if you've forgotten or want to simply ignore the fact that your an illegal immigrant buddy. Native Americans were here long before us. Look how we treated them? Now you may just be a 10 year old troll and what I say does not matter. But think about this for me. We all come from Africa.", '>>{FakeNewsMcTrumpVoter} : what do u have against morons? are u ableist? insulting someone for their intelligence... sounds like something a trump voter would do. enjoy life u bigot. hate has no home here.'], [">>{DebussySIMiami} : > he's going to run this country just like he ran his businesses So the jobs will be sent overseas and the US is going to file for bankruptcy?", ">>{Jay_Sharp} : Running government like a business is a terrible idea. A well run business seeks efficiently profit. Unfortunately, there are many social programs that most Americans, that contribute to the quality of our live, which don't produce a profit. Not everything that is profitable is of social value and not everything of social value is profitable. Reality TV, pornography, fashion, sports, and gambling are all of questionable social value, but each is quite profitable and exists in the private sector. Meanwhile, few would argue that the military, police, fire department, libraries, parks, and public schools are of no social value, and yet they could not exist if they were required to be profitable.", '>>{bigdogblast} : No problem, he will reduce welfare fraud. That should even it all out right?', ">>{AGooDone} : The logic is... I'm voting for the crook, scam artist, race baiting, incoherent, sexist, jerk because he has an R next to his name.", ">>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : I don't think you understand the implications of the United States declaring bankruptcy", ">>{Herr_Freiheit} : Haven't liberal economists been telling me that debt is no big deal for 8 years now? Shouldn't this be a non-issue for them?", ">>{JimFromSunnyvale} : You could switch parties but then you're still voting for a crook.", '>>{max91023} : Well if we stay out of wars it balances out.. ..right?', '>>{max91023} : So was Bill Clinton, he gutted our military to balance the budget. My parents that are disabled veterans lost allot of benefits and in turn out our family had to struggle. Then he signed nada which sent allot of inner city factories overseas.', '>>{elister} : Conservative Republicans in 1999 said something similar, that debt was good. This was in reference to arguments about what should be done with the projected surplus. One side wanted to pay off our debt, the other wanted tax cuts.', ">>{ShroudedSciuridae} : The current level of debt isn't. The debt maintenance payments are negligible, and interest rates on new debt is crazy low. But throw on another 5.3T and the debt maintenance becomes too extreme. Think of it like a credit card. You owe 5k now and your $150 a month is doable. But all of a sudden you get a new card, burn through that credit limit and now can't pay the $300 minimum payments.", ">>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : In this day and age, Poe's Law might as well be written in the sidebar of this sub. Carry on, mate. Godspeed and good luck.", ">>{coadyj} : I think there is something we don't know about Trumps campain. It's like he is reenacting Brewster's millions, he has to spend all this money and not win so he goes around saying the most outlandish, stupid things ever but somehow he is still getting lots of support.", ">>{SANDERS4POTUS69} : also, a good portion of /r/politics posters. suddenly it's bad!", '>>{sonofabutch} : Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter. -- Vice President Dick Cheney, 2003', '>>{AGooDone} : You know, that\'s an interesting statement. Hillary has been in Washington 30 years, and a majority of that time has been under a microscope by the entire Republican establishment, i.e. the "vast right-wing conspiracy". She\'s been investigated for WhiteWater, the cattle deal, Vince Foster, and Benghazi over and over and over. If she\'s a crook, how has she been able to escape prosecution for the millions of hours of investigation? Donald Trump on the other hand won\'t even release his taxes for fear of audit.']]
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['>>{overthrow23} : Clinton Foundation reportedly hired cyber security firm after possible hack attack', ">>{Backflip_Wilson} : Neighbors reportedly hire plumber after possible leaky faucet 'attack'... politics aside, is this even news?", '>>{overthrow23} : She protects Clinton Foundation servers better than the one that she actually used for State Department business. Gotta have priorities, I guess. EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/jillstein/comments/4wvspq/whats_correct_the_record_ctr_and_whos_david_brock/', '>>{overthrow23} : *is this even news?* Easy test for this. Just switch "Clinton" with "Trump" in the headline. EDIT: Trump eating a taco was in the news for months. Pathetic, too-little too-late scrambling to provide a semblance of the appearance of security to foreign donors? Instant CNN nightly roundtable *at minimum*.', '>>{xlax69} : I bet crooked Hillary is just trying to hide more emails, what normal person would hire a cyber security firm after being digitally compromised?? /s', '>>{etegrul} : It\'s clear to anyone who actually thinks when they read the news that she wanted her private server to be hacked. Most likely she got paid for the info through "donations" to the Clinton Foundation. People don\'t realize that she\'s the head of cybersecurity for the foundation (I\'m serious! It\'s all public records, look it up!) Now why would someone running for president stay on as the head of cybersecurity unless she has something to hide. October surprise inbound!', '>>{overthrow23} : *what normal person would hire a cyber security firm after being digitally compromised* None, because "normal" people know you\'re supposed to do it *before* you\'re hacked.', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : Yeah, then it would still not be news. "Trump campaign gets ants, puts down ant traps."', ">>{Drew4} : You can't prove someone wasn't hacked. The NSA was hacked...", ">>{Big_Booty_Pics} : I believe it's because they claimed her servers were never compromised and now they hire a cyber security firm right after a breach."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{overthrow23} : Clinton Foundation reportedly hired cyber security firm after possible hack attack', ">>{Backflip_Wilson} : Neighbors reportedly hire plumber after possible leaky faucet 'attack'... politics aside, is this even news?", '>>{overthrow23} : She protects Clinton Foundation servers better than the one that she actually used for State Department business. Gotta have priorities, I guess. EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/jillstein/comments/4wvspq/whats_correct_the_record_ctr_and_whos_david_brock/', '>>{overthrow23} : *is this even news?* Easy test for this. Just switch "Clinton" with "Trump" in the headline. EDIT: Trump eating a taco was in the news for months. Pathetic, too-little too-late scrambling to provide a semblance of the appearance of security to foreign donors? Instant CNN nightly roundtable *at minimum*.', '>>{xlax69} : I bet crooked Hillary is just trying to hide more emails, what normal person would hire a cyber security firm after being digitally compromised?? /s', '>>{etegrul} : It\'s clear to anyone who actually thinks when they read the news that she wanted her private server to be hacked. Most likely she got paid for the info through "donations" to the Clinton Foundation. People don\'t realize that she\'s the head of cybersecurity for the foundation (I\'m serious! It\'s all public records, look it up!) Now why would someone running for president stay on as the head of cybersecurity unless she has something to hide. October surprise inbound!', '>>{overthrow23} : *what normal person would hire a cyber security firm after being digitally compromised* None, because "normal" people know you\'re supposed to do it *before* you\'re hacked.', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : Yeah, then it would still not be news. "Trump campaign gets ants, puts down ant traps."', ">>{Drew4} : You can't prove someone wasn't hacked. The NSA was hacked...", ">>{Big_Booty_Pics} : I believe it's because they claimed her servers were never compromised and now they hire a cyber security firm right after a breach."]]
classify and reply
['>>{krisenfest} : Donald Trump should â\x80\x98get ready for impeachment, Maxine Waters says', '>>{CarmineFields} : That whole treason thing and being complete unfit for president?', '>>{CarmineFields} : Well, yes. He wanted to overturn sanctions against Russia that were placed on them for interfering in an election he just happened to win...', ">>{CarmineFields} : Sure it is. It's giving comfort to an enemy that openly attacked American democracy in a way that aided Trump personally.", '>>{Beezelbubbles_} : Treason only applies in a declared war IIRC, sedition is probably the best description of the alleged collusion of Trump and the Russians to subvert our democracy. 18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.', ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : We're not at war with Russia. >An “aid and comfort” prosecution requires that a defendant “adhere to” an enemy entity with which the US is presently at war. http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/12/14240364/trump-buzzfeed-dossier-treason-law", '>>{CarmineFields} : From the constitution: >Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. Adhering to enemies. An enemy includes a nation trying to undermine American democracy. Giving comfort includes lifting sanctions.', '>>{CarmineFields} : From the constitution: > Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. Adhering to enemies. An enemy includes a nation trying to undermine American democracy. > Giving comfort includes lifting sanctions.', '>>{Beezelbubbles_} : Right but I think "enemies" is said to mean exclusively wartime enemies, I could easily be wrong about that but I remember reading about it recently.', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : Again: >That leads to the “aid and comfort” path, which is also difficult. The typical defendant is someone like American-born al-Qaeda member Adam Gadahn (the first treason indictment since World War II and its aftermath), or Nazi propagandist Robert Henry Best, or Tomoya Kawakita, a joint US-Japanese citizen who abused American prisoners of war who were forced to do labor at a mining plant he worked at in Japan. >What unites these cases is that they concern countries or organizations with which the US is at war, or at least a de facto state of war. The US is at war with al-Qaeda, as authorized by Congress, and the US had explicitly declared war against Germany and Japan in World War II. **An “aid and comfort” prosecution requires that a defendant “adhere to” an enemy entity with which the US is presently at war.** >**And the US is not at war with Russia. Not even close.** Indeed, when Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were prosecuted for sharing atomic secrets with the Soviet Union, they were not charged with treason. The US may have been in a Cold War with the USSR at that point in time, but it was not in a literal war, and in lieu of a state of war, the Rosenbergs couldn’t be accused of that specific crime. http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/12/14240364/trump-buzzfeed-dossier-treason-law', '>>{CarmineFields} : Explain why there are distinctions between enemies we are at war with and just enemies. The act of hacking was an attack on America and they were sanctioned specifically for that attack. To overturn sanctions on an attack that directly aided the man who wants to overturn them fits in the second category.', '>>{CarmineFields} : But note the wording. There are enemies at war AND adhering to enemies. A country that tried to throw an American election counts as an act of aggression in my humble opinion.', ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : >Explain why there are distinctions between enemies we are at war with and just enemies. You'd have to ask the author of that Vox article. I'm quoting their words.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Yeah, and they may not be right. It would come down to a judge's ruling whether an attempt to throw or influence an election counts as an act of aggression.", '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : >Yeah, and they may not be right. I\'ve seen other places say the same, that "enemy" in the treason definiton refers to wartime enemy specifically.', '>>{CarmineFields} : Sorry, those sources aren\'t correct. >enemy of the United States means any country, government, group, or person that has been engaged in hostilities, whether or not lawfully authorized, with the United States; https://definitions.uslegal.com/e/enemy-of-the-united-states/ Interfering in our electoral process is a "hostility".', ">>{Beezelbubbles_} : I agree with you in spirit, IANAL so I'm just going off things I have read, and obviously it's up to the courts.", '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : It\'s unclear if that specific definiton applies to "enemy" within the definition of treason.', '>>{CarmineFields} : Fair enough, the definition of "enemy" is interesting though: https://definitions.uslegal.com/e/enemy-of-the-united-states/', '>>{CarmineFields} : Yes, of course it does... They would update the word "enemy" in the legal dictionary definition if it was being used in a different way within the law. I seriously don\'t understand what you are getting at.', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : Because I have seen many articles wherein they say "enemy" in the treason definition only means "entity which we are at war with." Another example of this, from the Washington Post: >But that still leaves open the "aid and comfort" provision. Even that, however, has its limits. **For example, you have to be aiding and abetting a country or entity with whom the U.S. is actively at war.** That\'s why Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, when charged with passing state secrets relating to the design of the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union, couldn\'t be charged with treason. **"They couldn\'t be charged for treason, because the Soviet Union wasn\'t an enemy for the purposes of treason law, because we weren\'t at war with them,"** Larson explains. "So they were charged under espionage provisions, which would probably be the easier prosecution, for leaking classified documents." https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/06/12/no-edward-snowden-probably-didnt-commit-treason/', '>>{CarmineFields} : Find any other legal definition of "enemy".', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : I\'m just telling you what all the articles I read say. Like this quote from the article above: "They couldn\'t be charged for treason, because the Soviet Union wasn\'t an enemy for the purposes of treason law, because we weren\'t at war with them,"', ">>{CarmineFields} : And I'm telling you to find any other legal definition beyond the one in the legal dictionary.", '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : Isn\'t that the quote I just shared, where a law professor is saying that for the purposes of treason law, we must be at war with someone for them to be considered an "enemy"?', '>>{CarmineFields} : They only have to have committed a hostile act. Read the bloody law. It doesn\'t say "only at war". It says at war and/or enemy. Enemy meeting the definition I gave you.', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : >They only have to have committed a hostile act. Read the bloody law. This law professor says that for the purposes of treason law, we must be at war with someone for them to be considered an "enemy." Why do you think you know law better than this law professor?', '>>{CarmineFields} : Because I can and do read. I\'ve spent the last year explaining why Trump\'s travel ban violates the first amendment and letter to the Danbury Baptists. Finally, the Hawaiian judge proved me right. I read the constitution and I read the law. All the law professor did is read it too. If you can show me an alternate legal definition of "enemy", I\'ll believe you.', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : >If you can show me an alternate legal definition of "enemy", I\'ll believe you. I\'m showing you that the law professor says that within treason law, enemy means "entity we are at war with."', ">>{CarmineFields} : And I'll show you the treason law that gives a second avenue.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Yes. I'm ignoring someone's interpretation and reading the law.", ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : And I'm going off of what the Washington Post, Vox, and this law professor say.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Go ahead. I doubt they'll charge him with it anyway because he's broken so many safer laws, but I stand by my reading.", ">>{CarmineFields} : You read articles, you don't have a reading of the law or at least you didn't discuss it.", '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : I assume the people who wrote those articles and that law professor studied and understand treason law, and wrote what they did based on that studying and understanding.', '>>{CarmineFields} : His interpretation is like building something from ikea that looks okayish but he just kicked the parts he had left over underneath. I just want an explanation for those parts.', ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : >I just want an explanation for those parts. You'd have to reach out to the authors of the articles.", '>>{CarmineFields} : I guess. I was trying to reach out to the one defending his statement.', ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : Right, but I'm not them. I didn't write the articles, and I don't know what they know that led them to write what they wrote.", '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : As I said, I assume the people who wrote those articles and that law professor studied and understand treason law, and wrote what they did based on that studying and understanding.', ">>{CarmineFields} : So, you're just willing to ignore the unexplained. Okay.", ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : I'm willing to assume that the people who wrote those articles and that law professor studied and understand treason law, and wrote what they did based on that studying and understanding.", ">>{CarmineFields} : The pleasure is mine, sir! I'm afraid I'm going to have to call it a night! Sweet dreams."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{krisenfest} : Donald Trump should â\x80\x98get ready for impeachment, Maxine Waters says', '>>{CarmineFields} : That whole treason thing and being complete unfit for president?', '>>{CarmineFields} : Well, yes. He wanted to overturn sanctions against Russia that were placed on them for interfering in an election he just happened to win...', ">>{CarmineFields} : Sure it is. It's giving comfort to an enemy that openly attacked American democracy in a way that aided Trump personally.", '>>{Beezelbubbles_} : Treason only applies in a declared war IIRC, sedition is probably the best description of the alleged collusion of Trump and the Russians to subvert our democracy. 18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.', ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : We're not at war with Russia. >An “aid and comfort” prosecution requires that a defendant “adhere to” an enemy entity with which the US is presently at war. http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/12/14240364/trump-buzzfeed-dossier-treason-law", '>>{CarmineFields} : From the constitution: >Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. Adhering to enemies. An enemy includes a nation trying to undermine American democracy. Giving comfort includes lifting sanctions.', '>>{CarmineFields} : From the constitution: > Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. Adhering to enemies. An enemy includes a nation trying to undermine American democracy. > Giving comfort includes lifting sanctions.', '>>{Beezelbubbles_} : Right but I think "enemies" is said to mean exclusively wartime enemies, I could easily be wrong about that but I remember reading about it recently.', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : Again: >That leads to the “aid and comfort” path, which is also difficult. The typical defendant is someone like American-born al-Qaeda member Adam Gadahn (the first treason indictment since World War II and its aftermath), or Nazi propagandist Robert Henry Best, or Tomoya Kawakita, a joint US-Japanese citizen who abused American prisoners of war who were forced to do labor at a mining plant he worked at in Japan. >What unites these cases is that they concern countries or organizations with which the US is at war, or at least a de facto state of war. The US is at war with al-Qaeda, as authorized by Congress, and the US had explicitly declared war against Germany and Japan in World War II. **An “aid and comfort” prosecution requires that a defendant “adhere to” an enemy entity with which the US is presently at war.** >**And the US is not at war with Russia. Not even close.** Indeed, when Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were prosecuted for sharing atomic secrets with the Soviet Union, they were not charged with treason. The US may have been in a Cold War with the USSR at that point in time, but it was not in a literal war, and in lieu of a state of war, the Rosenbergs couldn’t be accused of that specific crime. http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/12/14240364/trump-buzzfeed-dossier-treason-law', '>>{CarmineFields} : Explain why there are distinctions between enemies we are at war with and just enemies. The act of hacking was an attack on America and they were sanctioned specifically for that attack. To overturn sanctions on an attack that directly aided the man who wants to overturn them fits in the second category.', '>>{CarmineFields} : But note the wording. There are enemies at war AND adhering to enemies. A country that tried to throw an American election counts as an act of aggression in my humble opinion.', ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : >Explain why there are distinctions between enemies we are at war with and just enemies. You'd have to ask the author of that Vox article. I'm quoting their words.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Yeah, and they may not be right. It would come down to a judge's ruling whether an attempt to throw or influence an election counts as an act of aggression.", '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : >Yeah, and they may not be right. I\'ve seen other places say the same, that "enemy" in the treason definiton refers to wartime enemy specifically.', '>>{CarmineFields} : Sorry, those sources aren\'t correct. >enemy of the United States means any country, government, group, or person that has been engaged in hostilities, whether or not lawfully authorized, with the United States; https://definitions.uslegal.com/e/enemy-of-the-united-states/ Interfering in our electoral process is a "hostility".', ">>{Beezelbubbles_} : I agree with you in spirit, IANAL so I'm just going off things I have read, and obviously it's up to the courts.", '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : It\'s unclear if that specific definiton applies to "enemy" within the definition of treason.', '>>{CarmineFields} : Fair enough, the definition of "enemy" is interesting though: https://definitions.uslegal.com/e/enemy-of-the-united-states/', '>>{CarmineFields} : Yes, of course it does... They would update the word "enemy" in the legal dictionary definition if it was being used in a different way within the law. I seriously don\'t understand what you are getting at.', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : Because I have seen many articles wherein they say "enemy" in the treason definition only means "entity which we are at war with." Another example of this, from the Washington Post: >But that still leaves open the "aid and comfort" provision. Even that, however, has its limits. **For example, you have to be aiding and abetting a country or entity with whom the U.S. is actively at war.** That\'s why Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, when charged with passing state secrets relating to the design of the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union, couldn\'t be charged with treason. **"They couldn\'t be charged for treason, because the Soviet Union wasn\'t an enemy for the purposes of treason law, because we weren\'t at war with them,"** Larson explains. "So they were charged under espionage provisions, which would probably be the easier prosecution, for leaking classified documents." https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/06/12/no-edward-snowden-probably-didnt-commit-treason/', '>>{CarmineFields} : Find any other legal definition of "enemy".', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : I\'m just telling you what all the articles I read say. Like this quote from the article above: "They couldn\'t be charged for treason, because the Soviet Union wasn\'t an enemy for the purposes of treason law, because we weren\'t at war with them,"', ">>{CarmineFields} : And I'm telling you to find any other legal definition beyond the one in the legal dictionary.", '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : Isn\'t that the quote I just shared, where a law professor is saying that for the purposes of treason law, we must be at war with someone for them to be considered an "enemy"?', '>>{CarmineFields} : They only have to have committed a hostile act. Read the bloody law. It doesn\'t say "only at war". It says at war and/or enemy. Enemy meeting the definition I gave you.', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : >They only have to have committed a hostile act. Read the bloody law. This law professor says that for the purposes of treason law, we must be at war with someone for them to be considered an "enemy." Why do you think you know law better than this law professor?', '>>{CarmineFields} : Because I can and do read. I\'ve spent the last year explaining why Trump\'s travel ban violates the first amendment and letter to the Danbury Baptists. Finally, the Hawaiian judge proved me right. I read the constitution and I read the law. All the law professor did is read it too. If you can show me an alternate legal definition of "enemy", I\'ll believe you.', '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : >If you can show me an alternate legal definition of "enemy", I\'ll believe you. I\'m showing you that the law professor says that within treason law, enemy means "entity we are at war with."', ">>{CarmineFields} : And I'll show you the treason law that gives a second avenue.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Yes. I'm ignoring someone's interpretation and reading the law.", ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : And I'm going off of what the Washington Post, Vox, and this law professor say.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Go ahead. I doubt they'll charge him with it anyway because he's broken so many safer laws, but I stand by my reading.", ">>{CarmineFields} : You read articles, you don't have a reading of the law or at least you didn't discuss it.", '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : I assume the people who wrote those articles and that law professor studied and understand treason law, and wrote what they did based on that studying and understanding.', '>>{CarmineFields} : His interpretation is like building something from ikea that looks okayish but he just kicked the parts he had left over underneath. I just want an explanation for those parts.', ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : >I just want an explanation for those parts. You'd have to reach out to the authors of the articles.", '>>{CarmineFields} : I guess. I was trying to reach out to the one defending his statement.', ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : Right, but I'm not them. I didn't write the articles, and I don't know what they know that led them to write what they wrote.", '>>{StarDestinyGuy} : As I said, I assume the people who wrote those articles and that law professor studied and understand treason law, and wrote what they did based on that studying and understanding.', ">>{CarmineFields} : So, you're just willing to ignore the unexplained. Okay.", ">>{StarDestinyGuy} : I'm willing to assume that the people who wrote those articles and that law professor studied and understand treason law, and wrote what they did based on that studying and understanding.", ">>{CarmineFields} : The pleasure is mine, sir! I'm afraid I'm going to have to call it a night! Sweet dreams."]]
classify and reply
['>>{wolftray} : yep, a criminal investigation WHERE HILLARY IS NOT THE TARGET', ">>{Kronos_Selai} : Bill O'Reilly Turns On Trump, Calls Talk Of 'Rigged' Election Unpatriotic", '>>{JustASecurityInquiry} : Exactly. There is an ongoing criminal investigation against the server and a security inquiry on Mrs Clinton. /s', '>>{greymanbomber} : What the conservative caricature of "safe spaces" gets wrong', '>>{Archlicht} : I cannot even believe "safe spaces" are a real thing. Leave it to alt-right morons to not realize South Park was making fun of them rather than advocating for them.', '>>{truthhurts4444} : Wow that article was annoying. Some guy wrote a manifesto on safe spaces that takes up like 20 tweets? Why not just write a blog post and link to it with one tweet? Nobody is going to scroll up from the bottom of your twitter timeline reading those in order', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : All Trump has left at Fox is Judge Jeanine and CallSeanHannity! and all of those ladies on Outnumbered. Poor guy.', '>>{Betterwithcheddar} : Yeah they are investigating that server! That server is going down! How dare that server break the law all on its own!!', ">>{Kronos_Selai} : Judge Jeanine makes my insides curdle. I can't even look at her talk. I just turn it off or switch the channel. I know it's fucked up to judge someone by looks alone, but am I wrong on this one?", ">>{Grimalkin} : It feels weird to agree so strongly with Bill O'Reilly on something. Actually, more than weird: It feels *wrong*. But here we are.", ">>{mwinks99} : It always REALLY bothered me that everything O'Reilly says...appears in words next to his head. Very distracting.", '>>{veedubbin} : > The FBI is conducting a high-stakes “criminal investigation” into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email practices', ">>{childlike-empress} : Yah, I don't usually agree with him, but I've always sorta liked him. Especially when him and Jon Stewart get together.", ">>{Trunkington} : Yeah she's just too old and dumb to understand email.", ">>{KatiePuss} : Conservative safe-spaces are just as common as liberal safe-spaces. I'm 100% against them either way though, at least under most circumstances.", ">>{Betterwithcheddar} : Millions of American's voted for a candidate under FBI criminal investigation. What happened America?", '>>{Autosome} : Good evening gentlemen, all your server are belong to us.', ">>{Fasterfood} : O'Reilly is a liberal hack. - The_D probably.", '>>{Archlicht} : They should be, but in the sense of physically safe. Nobody has the right to go through life without ever hearing an opinion that dissents from any of their own. Besides, middle school and high school are the polar opposite of safe spaces in that regard, so college students should be equipped to deal with that.', '>>{tangibleadhd} : >Mr. Pagliano has indicated he will refuse to answer any questions, asserting his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. He and his lawyers had asked that the deposition not be videotaped, fearing it could be used eventually in political attacks against Mrs. Clinton. Judge Sullivan, though, rejected that, saying the session with Judicial Watch, the group that’s pursuing the open-records lawsuit, can be taped. **But the video will be sealed until the judge decides later what to do with it.** Watergate 2.0, where did the tape go?', '>>{ladyships} : lack of a free press’ll do ya.', ">>{Kronos_Selai} : You know how some people have a personality that perfectly matches their looks? Jeanine and Fiorina cause me to do an exact same inner shudder. I can't help it. I get all these signals to just stay the fuck away from them and not trust them with any part of my life. Same with Nancy Grace.", '>>{mrsuns10} : > Leave it to alt-right morons to not realize South Park was making fun of them rather than advocating for them. Actually quite the opposite', '>>{PerniciousPeyton} : *Getting* weird? The weird train has derailed and crashed into the nuthouse.', ">>{Kronos_Selai} : His user base can't uh...exactly hear that well.", ">>{Levarien} : >so many journalists are committed to the left,” which has led to “rigged coverage. He wants to gut the first amendment specifically so he can sue journalists. Why wouldn't they do everything they could to stop him?", ">>{mcsparklenuts} : Don't worry, she's just as ugly on the inside. Everytime she talks I cringe.", '>>{ladyships} : nah. it’s the 31000 deleted emails that are hillary’s missing tape.', '>>{Archlicht} : Which is why I said "they should be physically safe spaces," and not, "they are physically safe spaces."', '>>{Archlicht} : In what way? You think South Park was advocating for internet safe spaces?', ">>{Grimalkin} : Those were always very intriguing to me as well. My blood pressure goes up and I get all pissy when I hear O'Reilly talk about his opinions but then Jon would bring some great counterpoint or make a perfect joke and I'd suddenly be all smiles and head nodding. Hope they keep having discussions/debates in the future even though Jon is livin' the farm life now and not much on TV anymore.", ">>{Kronos_Selai} : Weird is when your girl asks to shit on your chest. Hyper-surrealism is when a 6'3 orange scrotum runs for president on the basis that all Mexicans are rapists, and all woman are broodmares.", '>>{fredjonez} : The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/10/politics/clinton-server-drone-fbi/index.html', '>>{dyzo-blue} : O\'Reilly knows Trump\'s "rigging" talk will suppress Republican turn out, and that scares the shit out of him.', ">>{Kronos_Selai} : Did he ever outright say he'd imprison them yet? I mean, I know he says that about Clinton all the time. Did he say how far he wants to revoke the 1st amendment?", ">>{I_Need_Sources} : Says more about the candidate running against her. Guess people don't want a [socialist](http://www.gallup.com/poll/183713/socialist-presidential-candidates-least-appealing.aspx)", ">>{LurKingMachinest} : I think he's talking about how it's not the right that wants the safe spaces..", '>>{Archlicht} : Idiots from both sides will be drawn to them, but the biggest safe space for stupidity on Reddit is obviously r/the_donald.', '>>{6p6ss6} : My second "O\'Reilly is damn right" moment in as many weeks. Somebody wake me up from this nightmare!', ">>{IDFSHILL} : What's hilarious is you think southpark was mocking the alt-right in that episode and not the regressive left.", ">>{Dingus-ate-your-baby} : It's an interesting point. Challenging an idea is always relevant to testing it's validity. But sometimes an idea does need an environment to incubate in before it's capable of standing up to challenges. A person may have a really interesting new business proposition. But if they appear before someone whose company they would phase out of the market with their idea before they have a solid go to market strategy, that seasoned business owner could crush them easily. That doesn't make the new business idea wrong, and it doesn't mean that the environment in which the idea grows cripples it from future competition. It's just not ready yet.", '>>{Archlicht} : They were mocking anyone who seeks a safe space free from dissenting opinion. Cartman was the alt-right and other characters represented the left.', ">>{Betterwithcheddar} : Whelp, wrap it up. CNN says it's over.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Literally the entire episode was mocking the left. How the hell was Cartman the "alt-right."', ">>{childlike-empress} : Yah, I'd like to see those two do a show where they just choose current events and then yell at each other. Hah!", ">>{Panda_is_Delicious} : I have a sneaking suspicion this is way less about O'Reilly being noble than it is about him trying to salvage his reputation and career by creating distance between himself and the abomination that is now the face of his party.", '>>{blackbrosinwhitehoes} : This. The media is supposed to be the 4th estate. They have failed the American people.', '>>{jcw4455} : I wonder if Trump TV will take all the looney birds from Fox news and maybe fox can become a tad bit more moderate under Megyn Kelly.', '>>{fredjonez} : If you think she is in any legal trouble, you are going to be severely disappointed.', '>>{frackpot} : enough that he will be able to sue anyone who says "bad things" about him.', ">>{neonbible47} : Indeed. This marks the first time I've ever agreed with O'Reilly. God help us.", ">>{Kronos_Selai} : If memory serves, didn't Roger Ailes' son take over the network, and is now changing it from the inside out? I thought he approached Kelly and told her to be the star of the new Fox News network. Or is that just a rumor?", ">>{Archlicht} : Because he's Cartman. He wanted a safe space free from everyone calling out his extremism for the idiocy it is, had Butters filter out all the negative attacks on him. Shit, remember when Cartman pretended to be mentally retarded and was blatantly offensive about it? http://crooksandliars.com/files/mediaposters/2015/11/32510.jpg?ts=1448547601 The similarities are near infinite.", '>>{I_Need_Sources} : You know they treated sanders [better](http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-campaign-coverage-20160613-snap-story.html) than Clinton, right?', ">>{Kronos_Selai} : I learned a lot from Jon Stewart. He taught me that it was possible to hold an intelligent conversation with someone you strongly disagree with and still maintain an air of dignity and professionalism. Sounds dumb, but I'm too young to remember an era where that wasn't always the case.", '>>{AccordionORama} : However, Hannity is still a trooper. /ss', '>>{greppese} : Except with Ayaan Hirsi Ali. I felt betrayed after that last interview', ">>{blackbrosinwhitehoes} : >Part of the reason for the negative tone was that a higher share of stories about Clinton dealt with her record and positions on issues than with the campaign horse race. The record and issue coverage heavily accentuated her problems, the study found. From your same article. Clinton's negative ratings due to press coverage is because she's an awful candidate and no one really likes her when they actually learn about her. There's a reason she didn't talk to press for 6 months. They just didn't cover Bernie at all.", ">>{gargantualis} : Eh? You sure were you watching the same season? I don't remember any confederate flags blowing in in the wind down in SodoSopa.   ....oh and how long have you been an ad?", '>>{YgramulTheMany} : I thought we agreed it was going to be Obi Wan James Cromey. I can never keep up...', '>>{Betterwithcheddar} : There is no doubt she is in legal trouble.', ">>{aIIeycat} : I mean, nobody has the right, but that doesn't mean they can't have the option. The safe spaces at my college for LGBT people are literally just rooms, usually near a school administrators office, where people can go if they want. If you were being bullied or harassed, that's where you could go. What's wrong with that? In any case, there is not a gay kid alive that has managed to somehow avoid hearing dissenting opinions on gay rights.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Yeah dude, that was mocking the professional victim SJWs on twitter. They hire people to "filter" their comments, it was a common meme with the gamergate fiasco. All of the professional victims kept claiming they needed money to pay someone to censor their tweets. Nobody on the alt-right has done that, only on the regressive left. The far left professional victims literally wanted to censor twitter because people were calling out their extremism.', ">>{Grimalkin} : It doesn't sound dumb at all. Jon Stewart is a class act, and the more people we have like him involved in public discourse the better.", ">>{fredjonez} : Uh huh, we'll see. Hint: you're going to be disappointed.", '>>{Betterwithcheddar} : Hint: innocent people plead the fifth and take immunity deals all the time.', '>>{Archlicht} : > Nobody on the alt-right has done that r/the_donald', ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : Yah, it's unpatriotic talking about rigging elections. So why are we all ignoring hillarys henchmen who were caught on tape bragging about it?", ">>{billslovechild} : It's weird also seeing all the sjw Clinton supporters who hate America. All of a sudden put on their red white and blue skinny jeans and be the voices of American exceptionalism.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Can you point to someone on the Donald that paid someone to censor their tweets?', ">>{SloMoSteveCoughin} : C'mon. You can't really believe this whole thing is on the up and up. The Podesta email scandal is basically bullshit. There's not really anything in there. But the emails have clearly shown that basically money is the goal here. Whether it's money for charity, money for campaigns, money for anything. I mean the system is corrupt but it's a corruptness we're comfortable with because the laws are so stupid and we don't enforce them except for blatant shit. I'm voting for Hillary but you know she uses her position. Trump uses his position also. Shit Sanders uses his position. It's basically assumed both candidates will use their position. So with all things even, it's a vote about who is comes off as more competent. Hillary wins that. But she's lucky. She ran against a moron. If the Right found a candidate like Bernie but younger that could actually get into the details of why should we should doubt her, this election would've already been over. Democrats have lot to worry about if she wins. They basically just need their Obama in 4 years. They just need a younger guy that's charismatic that could utilize Trumps message intelligently. Plus it's a census year in 2020. Hillary comes in with a built in hatred. It won't take much for Republicans to turn it around on her.", '>>{o_MrBombastic_o} : Because 8 out of 8 of the tapes that guy released were Bullshit lies why would anyone be dumb enough to believe the 9th tape especially when Trump paid him to make it?', ">>{childlike-empress} : Yep, I stopped watching the Daily Show when he left. That new guy doesn't really do it for me. I'm not really a liberal or anything, and Jon had a way of calling out BS on both sides of the spectrum. I feel like it got more partisan when he left. Not sure exactly. When Stewart was poking fun at some idea I held, it was usually a reasonable position, and felt like when one of your buddies is making fun of you. I don't get the same feeling from Trevor.", ">>{Archlicht} : r/the_donald is a censored space itself. You'll be banned in an instant for saying anything even remotely dissenting or neutral. It's a safe space for pussies who get triggered by facts or reality.", ">>{dudeguypal} : Think it is Murdoch's kids taking over the show.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : You aren\'t listening to me and we both know why. You claimed Cartman was the "alt-right" because he had someone filtering his tweets, we aren\'t talking about the sub. I\'m telling you that the episode was mocking the regressive left, nobody else. I\'m well aware the Donald is "censored" but that isn\'t relevant to what I\'m asking you. Who on the donald paid someone to filter their tweets? Better yet, who on the alt-right paid someone to filter their tweets? As far as I can tell, this is only something regressives on twitter do.', ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : You attack the source because you have nothing to refute the content. I dont care how its edited, because the statements are clear and stand on their own. You obviously don't care about voter fraud and paid instigators. Luckily most Americans do care, and the videos are gaining a lot of traction. So this will effect election day, even though you've got your head in the sand.", ">>{o_MrBombastic_o} : Being an asshole to a bunch of other assholes at a rally isn't voter fraud", '>>{Archlicht} : > You claimed Cartman was the "alt-right" because he had someone filtering his tweets, we aren\'t talking about the sub. I have no way of knowing who is or isn\'t filtering their tweets, and neither do you. I do know Cartman is not a left-leaning character. Obviously.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : The only people paying others to filter their tweets are the regressive professional victims. I\'m telling you, they were mocking the left. "the Donald" is a safe space as well, it\'s basically the right wing SRS.', '>>{SloMoSteveCoughin} : Eeeh people like Trump and Clinton will use their position for money regardless of the Supreme Court rulings. Citizens United really effects down-ballot candidates.', ">>{Archlicht} : > The only people paying others to filter their tweets are the regressive professional victims. If you had a credible source for that, you would've posted it by now. From my own experience, alt-right individuals are by far touchier than the left in general. New ideas scare and confuse them. The left tends to embrace new ideas (see: Sanders).", ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : No, voter fraud is voter fraud. The paid instigators is a separate incident. There's multiple videos.", ">>{MetalsDeadAndSoAmI} : It was too weird when Glenn Beck endorsed Hillary Clinton. Now, I'm just hoping the extra two weeks go by quick, so I can vote, and ignore the next 4 years.", '>>{sleaze_bag_alert} : what is hilarious is that you couldn\'t identify the object of that sentence but still felt the need to get offended by it. sentence one object: "safe spaces" sentence two object: "them" in reference to the subject of the previous sentence: safe spaces.', ">>{billslovechild} : Didn't think we'd ever see another Cold War with Russia in my lifetime. But Hillary and the hawks in her camp are really determined", ">>{Argikeraunos} : I'm a Classics teacher, and every good Classics teacher I've ever had (or really since the dawn of time) has, like me, prepared their students for the problematic or contextually difficult aspects of reading ancient literature. Creating a safe space in education means acknowledging, uncovering, and discussing the difficulties inherent in making cross-cultural or historical connections with ideas which aren't our own and preparing students with background knowledge that will help them understand (for example) what the rape fantasies in Ovid could mean, or the flagrant misogyny in nearly every other classical text. Good teachers will continue to do this rather than treat their students and their material with condescension, because engaging with literature is as much an emotional process as it is an intellectual one.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : https://twitter.com/spacekatgal/status/569272103658266626 Go find me a single right winger on twitter paying someone to filter their tweets.', '>>{Breakemoff} : Fuck this headline. He hardly "turned" on anything, and barely criticized Trump\'s absurdity.', ">>{sleaze_bag_alert} : the fact that he got so offended by a post about people getting overly offended...and that he doesn't see how hilarious that is really cracks me up.", ">>{kaukay} : Don't forget to vote every 2 years for Congress !", ">>{IDFSHILL} : >> what is hilarious is that you couldn't identify the object of that sentence but still felt the need to get offended by it. In what universe am I offended? Do you just make random shit up? >> words They were absolutely mocking the left in that episode.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Again, in what universe am I offended? Explain your thought process here.', '>>{ShillinforaHillin} : The best delusions of grandeur, okay? The best. No one will lie to themselves better than us. Nobody.', ">>{Archlicht} : What a well-structured study and totally perfect source to back your nonsense! Wait, what's that? It's anecdotal and meaningless? Never mind then.", ">>{twelveparsex} : Sometimes he's actually pretty level headed. I really liked his debates with John Stewart. Some of his views are antiquated but you can tell he's actually really intelligent compared to his other Fox News counterparts.", '>>{ShillinforaHillin} : And so is Kelly after REFUSING to call Bill Clinton a SEXUAL PREDATOR with Gingrich today. - The_D definitely.', '>>{postonrddt} : Lot of people think of the US as the best and ultimate country and when people mention rigging it hurts their patriotic self esteem. A lot of people are like that about their employer as well. Dare not talk in negative terms even if you are missing money in a pay check.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : How the hell is this anecodtal, I said the only people paying others to filter their tweets are regressive professional victims. I've given you proof of that, can you link me a single right winger paying someone to filter their tweets? You have 1 reply to do so before being dismissed. I find it amazing I'm the ONLY ONE HERE that has linked someone paying someone else to filter their tweets and you can't come up with a single example of a right winger doing it.", ">>{o_MrBombastic_o} : It's not though, again he's 8 for 8 on fabricating videos why would these be different? If it was voter fraud RNC lawyers would be filing suite but not even they takes this lying asshole seriously. He's just a useful tool to fire up their idiot low information base. He's a convicted fraudster nothing he says can be taken at value. Fool me once shame on you fool me 8 times.....the reason people are ignoring him is because only morons take him seriously. Even Fox news cancelled his interview. The only proof of collusion seems to be with Breitbart http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/10/breitbart-liberal-activist-230255#ixzz4O3KlZGxq", '>>{sodabutt} : We have much left to discuss, comrade. 0238HJG-1 0238HJG-1', ">>{JDriley} : The episode makes fun of how people get so argmumentive over the internet, both left and right. He thinks the alt-right doesn't do that for some reason, only the left.", ">>{Archlicht} : Oh no, please don't dismiss me! Your opinion means so much, especially since you found one idiot on the left. Surely it would be impossible to find one idiot on the right. Or it would be were I not wasting my time replying to one right now... > In many ways the Alt Right seems to be a reaction to the lack of conservative doctrine on subjects dominated by left-wing points of view. This new “idea space” is not radically different from the idea of a progressive’s “safe space” and functions much in the same way – it is a place for certain ideas and attitudes to be cultivated and honed without their fundamental premises being challenged in order to establish a more concrete understanding in adherents and ensure these ideas can be discussed in comfort. https://therationalists.org/2016/03/23/an-honest-look-at-the-alt-right/", ">>{IDFSHILL} : >> Oh no, please don't dismiss me! Your opinion means so much, especially since you found one idiot on the left. Surely it would be impossible to find one idiot on the right. Or it would be were I not wasting my time replying to one right now... I notice this comment lacks the evidence I asked you for, as in an example of a right winger paying another person to filter their tweets. >> https://therationalists.org/2016/03/23/an-honest-look-at-the-alt-right/ I know what the alt-right is, why do you keep trying to deflect to something else? I know alt-righters are right wing SJWs, I'm well aware of this. What I am asking you for is an example of a single alt-righter paying another person to filter their tweets, nothing else. Nothing else is being argued here.", '>>{FredMccally} : Relative to Bill O\'Reilly and how he\'d typically treat a GOP candidate, he just shoved him down a flight of stairs. I fully expect Trump to storm back up, grab O\'Reilly by the hair and them both roll back to the bottom now. - Or, as Bill O calls it, "family night"!', ">>{Archlicht} : I don't even have a Twitter account myself, why would I bother? And what's the importance of seeing alt-right people filter comments there as opposed to other social media? All the same overly sensitive bullshit to me.", '>>{CountPanda} : We hate America? Trump has basically been running his entire campaign on the premise that America sucks. Good grief.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : My point is that southpark episode happened before the alt-right went mainstream, my entire argument is they were mocking the regressive left. As bad as the alt-righters are, they aren\'t as bad as twitter feminists and other far lefties when it comes to "safe spaces." The donald is a "circle jerk" sub where idiots hang out because it\'s an echo chamber. They\'re every bit as bad as SJWs are. Expanding on this, nobody really cares about "PRIVATE" safe spaces, they care when far lefties try to ban speakers and make EVERYWHERE a safe space void of any challenging thought. That\'s what people mean when they attack "safe spaces."', ">>{CountPanda} : As if saying Cold War every time His asinine Russia policies and friendship comes up is a defense for his idiocy and knee-jerk praise of the dictator. Liberals don't want increased aggression with Russia, silly. We called out Romney for it hard when he called them the greatest threat to our nation. They're not. They're not an enemy but they're not an ally. We just don't think Putin is a good person or good leader. Really gross that Trump managed to make you guys do such a 180.", '>>{sodabutt} : Nyet. This is how it is done at this juncture. We are losing patience with you. HM99 Edit: 909 909 119 Jade 119 4b1', '>>{Eh_for_Effort} : Lol again attack the source, nothing to refute the content. Denial is a beautiful thing', '>>{mandrate} : Voter fraud is just another Trump tactic to bury voter suppression to the ground, so good job there. Are you gonna make non white people extra nervous? Sure you got us spooked there', ">>{ViskerRatio} : That environment is called 'private space'. The issue with safe spaces is that some people believe they have the right to co-opt *public* spaces and make everyone else bend to their will.", ">>{Dingus-ate-your-baby} : That seems like a line of semantics the author of the article doesn't agree with given the context.", '>>{colonelnebulous} : Still, we have papa bear going against something the GOP nominee has said. The last time things got this nutty I was taking a shit after eating a payday.', '>>{Stuckinaloop} : When I grew up it was called "Burying your head in the sand".', '>>{takenbackprops} : WTF is this logic?! No, a lunch room or a Catholic Student Union or whatever isn\'t a "safe space." You can be as racists or sexist as you want and no one can actually ban you from having lunch somewhere. Banning safe spaces wouldn\'t somehow create a 24/7 bombardment where students are forced to change everything about themselves weekly. What kind of nonsense is that? The idea of a school without safe space is literally just saying no one\'s speech is unwelcome. Just like you don\'t have to *listen* to their shit if you dislike it, but you don\'t get to say an MRA is not allowed to speak on your campus, or pressure the Dean to drop a racist or something.', ">>{Artificecoyote} : I disagree with this article. The 'safe space' movement and 'trigger warning', SJW types aren't humbly requesting or defending a small physical space to meet with peers and discuss topics. There is a demand for the entire campus to be a 'safe space' where any wrong-think is stamped out. For example, if a speaker is invited to campus who holds views that are contrary to the regressive left, they must be disinvited from campus to stop the spread of their hateful ideas. Rather than using the opportunity to learn about that person's views and engage them, just bar them from campus. After all, someone might be offended. Or the debacle at Yale around Halloween where the administration sent a mass email to students about possibly offensive costumes. A faculty member wrote a reply asking 'why should we expect the admins to police what students wear? This should be an opportunity for students to enjoy the holiday and if there are any costumes or parties who offend, it is a chance for those offended to engage in discussion about why something is offensive. College should be a learning experience: for the hypothetical offensive costume wearer, they might learn about how their costume promotes misinformation about a culture. For the offended party, they can learn how to civilly engage and call out offensive behavior. And perhaps the costume wearing has a perfectly good reason for donning such an outfit and can allay the fears of the offended party with a dialogue. The PC crowd doesn't want that as evidenced by the extreme backlash against the faculty member who wrote that reply. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/11/the-new-intolerance-of-student-activism-at-yale/414810/ This article acts as if the hesitancy to accept the SJW mindset on college campuses is because there are people who want to deny minority groups a place to decompress and spend time with their cultural peers. I believe the hesitancy of many to embrace whatever SJW demand, immediately and without question, is a reaction to a rampant outrage culture. This outrage culture puts a spotlight on real or perceived slights, no matter how small, and throws a tantrum until they get what they want. Any calls for discussion or clarification, or rebuttal to the outraged party are shouted down. That sort of behavior is not what I expect to see at an institution of higher education. I believe that most SJWs have their hearts in the right place. However in my experience there are many of these types who believe the end justifies the means. Where it would be fine if opinions seen as offensive were simply disallowed (with harsh penalties for anyone breaking this rule). But offensiveness is subjective and a malleable definition of a rule can be used to punish selectively; it would be, ironically, a tool used to discriminate against people on campus who the SJW types don't like. It might lead to a campus where hate preachers like the WBC or white supremacists and racists are not able to hurt anyone's feelings. But it would also mean every student, speaker and faculty member is at the mercy of anyone who even feels offended. It would grind the pursuit of knowledge to a halt when every word has to be scrutinized to ensure that no one can be offended, which is an impossible task in itself.", '>>{Conschiderthis} : If the source is not credible, if the SOURCE of the information is false, then who cares about what bullshit content they make?', '>>{youAreAllRetards} : It\'s not a "conservative" caricature. I\'m a lifelong liberal/progressive, and I think safe spaces are retarded, and function almost exactly as that caricature describes. I don\'t see small gatherings of like-minded people trying to make a bit of room for themselves. I see mobs of SJW thugs shouting people down, turning visitors/speakers away, and behaving like idiots. It always seems to be in the context of *preventing* somebody they don\'t like from speaking.', ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : Nice deflection. The people that mentioned fraud first, actually, we're hillarys cronies admitting to it on camera.", '>>{Eh_for_Effort} : The source is straight from the mouths of hillaries cronies. No amount of editing can put words in their mouths.', ">>{Anchorbaby1988} : This is exactly how the regressive left justifies censorship and the diminishing of places where people's idea's can be challenged. You are not challenged 24/7, you can go into your room, close the door and that's a safe space. The world, and especially universities don't owe anything to students in terms of making them more comfortable to the exposure of ideas.", ">>{reed311} : Yep. He said that Bernie's own party rigged the primary against him. Bernie is an independent and has no official party.", ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : So the DNC launching a complaint against trump about voter suppression after they admit to voter fraud is supposed to convince anybody about anything? Seriously man, I know you're not allowed to admit it but what the DNC has done to democracy is fucked up.", '>>{mandrate} : As supposed to Trump flip flopping everything that he just said?', '>>{Eh_for_Effort} : But trump is all you have. No defence for your candidate because she is indefensible', '>>{Guitata} : Never thought I\'d think, "good on you bill", cause not a fan, but reality has a way of sneaking up on ya. And as far as the media is concerned, dumph is bashing them to the point of recking all the pillars of our society, so they must prove him wrong and he makes it SO easy!', ">>{tookmyname} : I dint like Bill, but he's studious and hard working. People like him have to hate trump whether secretly or not.", ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : ..... I'm just being trolled. Haha good show man.", '>>{zazie2099} : The only specific thing I\'ve heard him say is that he wants to loosen libel laws to make it easier to sue news outlets. There have also been a couple reports from his rallies of the crowds chanting "lock them up" in response to his anti-media rants. Of course that\'s not the same thing as him saying he\'d imprison journalists, but it\'s still disconcerting.', ">>{LongWaysFromHome} : I think this has been coming for some time. Trump and his campaign has been breeding distrust in the media for some time, so the only people left watching Fox are those that don't really fall in line. I'm betting bashing Trump (while still judging the left from afar) gives better ratings.", ">>{ssbmhero} : It got more partisan because of Trump. Thats why the left media has become much more biased recently if you recall a few years ago they would actually take a lot of shots at Obama. Everyone is just so afraid of Trump they don't want to do any reporting on something that would help his campaign.", ">>{king-schultz} : He's actually been fairly tough on Trump this election. He was the first to call him out on the birther issue when the MSM was still riding Trump's nuts.", ">>{WhiteLycan} : There's a good chance that the election is rigged. I wouldn't trust the results of anything other than paper ballots, because Clinton owns the voting machines (as evidenced during the democratic primary)", '>>{blindedbyhindsight} : not only that, but we´ve been agreeing with Glenn fucking Beck for months now, it´s crazy i tells ya..', '>>{nastynatsfan} : >The source is editing > can put words in their mouths.', ">>{SirRoderickGlossop} : > Sometimes he's actually pretty level headed Except when the fucking thing sucks and he has to do it live.", '>>{nastynatsfan} : A non peer reviewed paper? Come on, you can do better.', ">>{RedBarrel} : It's as if every American is the voice of America or something.", '>>{RedBarrel} : Straight from their mouths and already proven to be heavily edited and funded by the Trump campaign.', '>>{Poultry_Sashimi} : I gotta hand it to you, that one was brilliant.', ">>{WhiteLycan} : Well there actually is a better paper that's 120 something pages long but that's too big for small leftist minds", ">>{nastynatsfan} : If you've got something to share, you can share it with the class", '>>{nastynatsfan} : Most of them can be explained as statistical anomalies, but that Arizona one is not a good look for the Clinton campaign', ">>{WhiteLycan} : >Most of them can be explained as statistical anomalies Statistical anomalies don't happen that frequently with such correlations.", '>>{WhiteLycan} : No shit. The universities are leftist breeding grounds. 2/3 of awarded degrees are outside STEM fields and STEM fields are the only fields with binodal political preferences in professors. 2/3 of students are being indoctrinated by liberal professors.', '>>{saucercrab} : This study highlights higher education / post graduate degrees and was cited in retort to your quip about "small leftist minds." The fact of the matter is, however, that leftists have always been and always will be the more intelligent, PROGRESSIVE, half of society. Conservatives - by the very definition - are stubborn, narrow-minded, xenophobic people. Theocracies are conservative, ISIS is conservative, Jim Crow was conservative, slavery was conservative. And what ideology has brought about the most progress? The American Revolution was brought about BY LIBERALS. Woman\'s suffrage was fought for BY LIBERALS. The French Revolution, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Arab Spring, the right to marry, drug reform... all liberal paradigms. Why don\'t you get off your computer and join an Amish community, if you\'re looking to preserve a moment in time?', '>>{WhiteLycan} : >This study highlights higher education / post graduate degrees and was cited in retort to your quip about "small leftist minds." This does not get around the issue of universities being leftist. Having a degree does not make you smart. Not having a degree does not make you dumb. >The fact of the matter is, however, that leftists have always been and always will be the more intelligent, No. >The American Revolution was brought about BY LIBERALS. [Citation needed] There were no political parties at the time. >Woman\'s suffrage was fought for BY LIBERALS. Do you recall that Woman\'s suffrage came about after several fires were started? After several riots killed many people? Why is it that LIBERALS are so violent? >The French Revolution Are you trying to say this was a good thing >the Emancipation Proclamation Abe Lincoln is a republican > the right to marry You\'ve never not had this right. Are you trying to do the gay rights thing? Because that\'s an invalid argument. The argument is at the federal level and the question is whether or not a federal employee has to disregard their personal beliefs (they do). But freedom of association should apply to churches and businesses so a church shouldn\'t have to perform a gay wedding if they don\'t want to. >if you\'re looking to preserve a moment in time? I\'m not', ">>{saucercrab} : > This does not get around the issue of universities being leftist. Having a degree does not make you smart. Not having a degree does not make you dumb. Very true, but I'd think that, by and large, most people agree that an education is correlative with what we humans consider intelligent. Again, you inserted ad hominem, accusing all liberals of having small brains. The cited study (and many others like it) provides evidence to the contrary. > [Citation needed] There were no political parties at the time. Liberalism goes beyond political parties. You might be thinking of the Democratic Party, of which, yes, many are liberals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism > Do you recall that Woman's suffrage came about after several fires were started? After several riots killed many people? Why is it that LIBERALS are so violent? Don't move the goalpost. Are you arguing that giving women the right to vote (or own property or wear pants) was a *bad* thing? Sometimes the ends justify the means. Would you use an argument of pacifism against the founding of our great nation? Should the riots against tyranny overshadow the freedoms we were eventually awarded? > Are you trying to say this was a good thing Uh, yes? Are all the jokes about Donald being a God-Emperor actually true? > Abe Lincoln is a republican *Was* a Republican, in partisan terms (as referenced above). The ideologies of political parties are historically dynamic (For example, Kennedy was a Democrat, although he held many conservative viewpoints. Hell, even the terms liberal and conservative have no only held different meanings throughout time, they still do around the world.) but the main reason the party was founded - at all - was to preserve the *Republic* of the United States. In its early years, it was fiscally conservative, but socially liberal, following in the footsteps of Jeffersonian Republicans. (Somewhere along the way things were upended though, lol.) > You've never not had this right. Are you trying to do the gay rights thing? Because that's an invalid argument. The argument is at the federal level and the question is whether or not a federal employee has to disregard their personal beliefs (they do). But freedom of association should apply to churches and businesses so a church shouldn't have to perform a gay wedding if they don't want to. I've never not had this right because I'm straight. Millions of others had to fight for this right though, because for some fucked-up reason, churches and religion were brought into what is legally required to recognize a union of two lives. If you're opposed to this idea, history will be your judge, as it has been for many other ugly Conservative philosophies I highlighted in my previous post. > I'm not Sorry, I just assumed you were a Conservative, due to the bipartisan nature of this sub.", '>>{Eh_for_Effort} : Woah good point buddy. You really gotta step up your game.', ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : ..... yah editing text is very different from editing audio and video, and you didn't even edit the text very convincingly."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Kronos_Selai} : Bill O'Reilly Turns On Trump, Calls Talk Of 'Rigged' Election Unpatriotic", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : All Trump has left at Fox is Judge Jeanine and CallSeanHannity! and all of those ladies on Outnumbered. Poor guy.', ">>{Kronos_Selai} : Judge Jeanine makes my insides curdle. I can't even look at her talk. I just turn it off or switch the channel. I know it's fucked up to judge someone by looks alone, but am I wrong on this one?", ">>{Grimalkin} : It feels weird to agree so strongly with Bill O'Reilly on something. Actually, more than weird: It feels *wrong*. But here we are.", ">>{mwinks99} : It always REALLY bothered me that everything O'Reilly says...appears in words next to his head. Very distracting.", ">>{childlike-empress} : Yah, I don't usually agree with him, but I've always sorta liked him. Especially when him and Jon Stewart get together.", ">>{Fasterfood} : O'Reilly is a liberal hack. - The_D probably.", ">>{Kronos_Selai} : You know how some people have a personality that perfectly matches their looks? Jeanine and Fiorina cause me to do an exact same inner shudder. I can't help it. I get all these signals to just stay the fuck away from them and not trust them with any part of my life. Same with Nancy Grace.", '>>{PerniciousPeyton} : *Getting* weird? The weird train has derailed and crashed into the nuthouse.', ">>{Kronos_Selai} : His user base can't uh...exactly hear that well.", ">>{Levarien} : >so many journalists are committed to the left,” which has led to “rigged coverage. He wants to gut the first amendment specifically so he can sue journalists. Why wouldn't they do everything they could to stop him?", ">>{mcsparklenuts} : Don't worry, she's just as ugly on the inside. Everytime she talks I cringe.", ">>{Grimalkin} : Those were always very intriguing to me as well. My blood pressure goes up and I get all pissy when I hear O'Reilly talk about his opinions but then Jon would bring some great counterpoint or make a perfect joke and I'd suddenly be all smiles and head nodding. Hope they keep having discussions/debates in the future even though Jon is livin' the farm life now and not much on TV anymore.", ">>{Kronos_Selai} : Weird is when your girl asks to shit on your chest. Hyper-surrealism is when a 6'3 orange scrotum runs for president on the basis that all Mexicans are rapists, and all woman are broodmares.", '>>{dyzo-blue} : O\'Reilly knows Trump\'s "rigging" talk will suppress Republican turn out, and that scares the shit out of him.', ">>{Kronos_Selai} : Did he ever outright say he'd imprison them yet? I mean, I know he says that about Clinton all the time. Did he say how far he wants to revoke the 1st amendment?", '>>{6p6ss6} : My second "O\'Reilly is damn right" moment in as many weeks. Somebody wake me up from this nightmare!', ">>{childlike-empress} : Yah, I'd like to see those two do a show where they just choose current events and then yell at each other. Hah!", ">>{Panda_is_Delicious} : I have a sneaking suspicion this is way less about O'Reilly being noble than it is about him trying to salvage his reputation and career by creating distance between himself and the abomination that is now the face of his party.", '>>{jcw4455} : I wonder if Trump TV will take all the looney birds from Fox news and maybe fox can become a tad bit more moderate under Megyn Kelly.', '>>{frackpot} : enough that he will be able to sue anyone who says "bad things" about him.', ">>{neonbible47} : Indeed. This marks the first time I've ever agreed with O'Reilly. God help us.", ">>{Kronos_Selai} : If memory serves, didn't Roger Ailes' son take over the network, and is now changing it from the inside out? I thought he approached Kelly and told her to be the star of the new Fox News network. Or is that just a rumor?", ">>{Kronos_Selai} : I learned a lot from Jon Stewart. He taught me that it was possible to hold an intelligent conversation with someone you strongly disagree with and still maintain an air of dignity and professionalism. Sounds dumb, but I'm too young to remember an era where that wasn't always the case.", '>>{AccordionORama} : However, Hannity is still a trooper. /ss', '>>{greppese} : Except with Ayaan Hirsi Ali. I felt betrayed after that last interview', ">>{Grimalkin} : It doesn't sound dumb at all. Jon Stewart is a class act, and the more people we have like him involved in public discourse the better.", ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : Yah, it's unpatriotic talking about rigging elections. So why are we all ignoring hillarys henchmen who were caught on tape bragging about it?", ">>{billslovechild} : It's weird also seeing all the sjw Clinton supporters who hate America. All of a sudden put on their red white and blue skinny jeans and be the voices of American exceptionalism.", ">>{SloMoSteveCoughin} : C'mon. You can't really believe this whole thing is on the up and up. The Podesta email scandal is basically bullshit. There's not really anything in there. But the emails have clearly shown that basically money is the goal here. Whether it's money for charity, money for campaigns, money for anything. I mean the system is corrupt but it's a corruptness we're comfortable with because the laws are so stupid and we don't enforce them except for blatant shit. I'm voting for Hillary but you know she uses her position. Trump uses his position also. Shit Sanders uses his position. It's basically assumed both candidates will use their position. So with all things even, it's a vote about who is comes off as more competent. Hillary wins that. But she's lucky. She ran against a moron. If the Right found a candidate like Bernie but younger that could actually get into the details of why should we should doubt her, this election would've already been over. Democrats have lot to worry about if she wins. They basically just need their Obama in 4 years. They just need a younger guy that's charismatic that could utilize Trumps message intelligently. Plus it's a census year in 2020. Hillary comes in with a built in hatred. It won't take much for Republicans to turn it around on her.", '>>{o_MrBombastic_o} : Because 8 out of 8 of the tapes that guy released were Bullshit lies why would anyone be dumb enough to believe the 9th tape especially when Trump paid him to make it?', ">>{childlike-empress} : Yep, I stopped watching the Daily Show when he left. That new guy doesn't really do it for me. I'm not really a liberal or anything, and Jon had a way of calling out BS on both sides of the spectrum. I feel like it got more partisan when he left. Not sure exactly. When Stewart was poking fun at some idea I held, it was usually a reasonable position, and felt like when one of your buddies is making fun of you. I don't get the same feeling from Trevor.", ">>{dudeguypal} : Think it is Murdoch's kids taking over the show.", ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : You attack the source because you have nothing to refute the content. I dont care how its edited, because the statements are clear and stand on their own. You obviously don't care about voter fraud and paid instigators. Luckily most Americans do care, and the videos are gaining a lot of traction. So this will effect election day, even though you've got your head in the sand.", ">>{o_MrBombastic_o} : Being an asshole to a bunch of other assholes at a rally isn't voter fraud", '>>{SloMoSteveCoughin} : Eeeh people like Trump and Clinton will use their position for money regardless of the Supreme Court rulings. Citizens United really effects down-ballot candidates.', ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : No, voter fraud is voter fraud. The paid instigators is a separate incident. There's multiple videos.", ">>{MetalsDeadAndSoAmI} : It was too weird when Glenn Beck endorsed Hillary Clinton. Now, I'm just hoping the extra two weeks go by quick, so I can vote, and ignore the next 4 years.", ">>{billslovechild} : Didn't think we'd ever see another Cold War with Russia in my lifetime. But Hillary and the hawks in her camp are really determined", '>>{Breakemoff} : Fuck this headline. He hardly "turned" on anything, and barely criticized Trump\'s absurdity.', ">>{kaukay} : Don't forget to vote every 2 years for Congress !", '>>{ShillinforaHillin} : The best delusions of grandeur, okay? The best. No one will lie to themselves better than us. Nobody.', ">>{twelveparsex} : Sometimes he's actually pretty level headed. I really liked his debates with John Stewart. Some of his views are antiquated but you can tell he's actually really intelligent compared to his other Fox News counterparts.", '>>{ShillinforaHillin} : And so is Kelly after REFUSING to call Bill Clinton a SEXUAL PREDATOR with Gingrich today. - The_D definitely.', '>>{postonrddt} : Lot of people think of the US as the best and ultimate country and when people mention rigging it hurts their patriotic self esteem. A lot of people are like that about their employer as well. Dare not talk in negative terms even if you are missing money in a pay check.', ">>{o_MrBombastic_o} : It's not though, again he's 8 for 8 on fabricating videos why would these be different? If it was voter fraud RNC lawyers would be filing suite but not even they takes this lying asshole seriously. He's just a useful tool to fire up their idiot low information base. He's a convicted fraudster nothing he says can be taken at value. Fool me once shame on you fool me 8 times.....the reason people are ignoring him is because only morons take him seriously. Even Fox news cancelled his interview. The only proof of collusion seems to be with Breitbart http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/10/breitbart-liberal-activist-230255#ixzz4O3KlZGxq", '>>{sodabutt} : We have much left to discuss, comrade. 0238HJG-1 0238HJG-1', '>>{FredMccally} : Relative to Bill O\'Reilly and how he\'d typically treat a GOP candidate, he just shoved him down a flight of stairs. I fully expect Trump to storm back up, grab O\'Reilly by the hair and them both roll back to the bottom now. - Or, as Bill O calls it, "family night"!', '>>{CountPanda} : We hate America? Trump has basically been running his entire campaign on the premise that America sucks. Good grief.', ">>{CountPanda} : As if saying Cold War every time His asinine Russia policies and friendship comes up is a defense for his idiocy and knee-jerk praise of the dictator. Liberals don't want increased aggression with Russia, silly. We called out Romney for it hard when he called them the greatest threat to our nation. They're not. They're not an enemy but they're not an ally. We just don't think Putin is a good person or good leader. Really gross that Trump managed to make you guys do such a 180.", '>>{sodabutt} : Nyet. This is how it is done at this juncture. We are losing patience with you. HM99 Edit: 909 909 119 Jade 119 4b1', '>>{Eh_for_Effort} : Lol again attack the source, nothing to refute the content. Denial is a beautiful thing', '>>{mandrate} : Voter fraud is just another Trump tactic to bury voter suppression to the ground, so good job there. Are you gonna make non white people extra nervous? Sure you got us spooked there', '>>{colonelnebulous} : Still, we have papa bear going against something the GOP nominee has said. The last time things got this nutty I was taking a shit after eating a payday.', '>>{Conschiderthis} : If the source is not credible, if the SOURCE of the information is false, then who cares about what bullshit content they make?', ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : Nice deflection. The people that mentioned fraud first, actually, we're hillarys cronies admitting to it on camera.", '>>{Eh_for_Effort} : The source is straight from the mouths of hillaries cronies. No amount of editing can put words in their mouths.', ">>{reed311} : Yep. He said that Bernie's own party rigged the primary against him. Bernie is an independent and has no official party.", ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : So the DNC launching a complaint against trump about voter suppression after they admit to voter fraud is supposed to convince anybody about anything? Seriously man, I know you're not allowed to admit it but what the DNC has done to democracy is fucked up.", '>>{mandrate} : As supposed to Trump flip flopping everything that he just said?', '>>{Eh_for_Effort} : But trump is all you have. No defence for your candidate because she is indefensible', '>>{Guitata} : Never thought I\'d think, "good on you bill", cause not a fan, but reality has a way of sneaking up on ya. And as far as the media is concerned, dumph is bashing them to the point of recking all the pillars of our society, so they must prove him wrong and he makes it SO easy!', ">>{tookmyname} : I dint like Bill, but he's studious and hard working. People like him have to hate trump whether secretly or not.", ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : ..... I'm just being trolled. Haha good show man.", '>>{zazie2099} : The only specific thing I\'ve heard him say is that he wants to loosen libel laws to make it easier to sue news outlets. There have also been a couple reports from his rallies of the crowds chanting "lock them up" in response to his anti-media rants. Of course that\'s not the same thing as him saying he\'d imprison journalists, but it\'s still disconcerting.', ">>{LongWaysFromHome} : I think this has been coming for some time. Trump and his campaign has been breeding distrust in the media for some time, so the only people left watching Fox are those that don't really fall in line. I'm betting bashing Trump (while still judging the left from afar) gives better ratings.", ">>{ssbmhero} : It got more partisan because of Trump. Thats why the left media has become much more biased recently if you recall a few years ago they would actually take a lot of shots at Obama. Everyone is just so afraid of Trump they don't want to do any reporting on something that would help his campaign.", ">>{king-schultz} : He's actually been fairly tough on Trump this election. He was the first to call him out on the birther issue when the MSM was still riding Trump's nuts.", ">>{WhiteLycan} : There's a good chance that the election is rigged. I wouldn't trust the results of anything other than paper ballots, because Clinton owns the voting machines (as evidenced during the democratic primary)", '>>{blindedbyhindsight} : not only that, but we´ve been agreeing with Glenn fucking Beck for months now, it´s crazy i tells ya..', '>>{nastynatsfan} : >The source is editing > can put words in their mouths.', ">>{SirRoderickGlossop} : > Sometimes he's actually pretty level headed Except when the fucking thing sucks and he has to do it live.", '>>{nastynatsfan} : A non peer reviewed paper? Come on, you can do better.', ">>{RedBarrel} : It's as if every American is the voice of America or something.", '>>{RedBarrel} : Straight from their mouths and already proven to be heavily edited and funded by the Trump campaign.', '>>{Poultry_Sashimi} : I gotta hand it to you, that one was brilliant.', ">>{WhiteLycan} : Well there actually is a better paper that's 120 something pages long but that's too big for small leftist minds", ">>{nastynatsfan} : If you've got something to share, you can share it with the class", '>>{nastynatsfan} : Most of them can be explained as statistical anomalies, but that Arizona one is not a good look for the Clinton campaign', ">>{WhiteLycan} : >Most of them can be explained as statistical anomalies Statistical anomalies don't happen that frequently with such correlations.", '>>{WhiteLycan} : No shit. The universities are leftist breeding grounds. 2/3 of awarded degrees are outside STEM fields and STEM fields are the only fields with binodal political preferences in professors. 2/3 of students are being indoctrinated by liberal professors.', '>>{saucercrab} : This study highlights higher education / post graduate degrees and was cited in retort to your quip about "small leftist minds." The fact of the matter is, however, that leftists have always been and always will be the more intelligent, PROGRESSIVE, half of society. Conservatives - by the very definition - are stubborn, narrow-minded, xenophobic people. Theocracies are conservative, ISIS is conservative, Jim Crow was conservative, slavery was conservative. And what ideology has brought about the most progress? The American Revolution was brought about BY LIBERALS. Woman\'s suffrage was fought for BY LIBERALS. The French Revolution, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Arab Spring, the right to marry, drug reform... all liberal paradigms. Why don\'t you get off your computer and join an Amish community, if you\'re looking to preserve a moment in time?', '>>{WhiteLycan} : >This study highlights higher education / post graduate degrees and was cited in retort to your quip about "small leftist minds." This does not get around the issue of universities being leftist. Having a degree does not make you smart. Not having a degree does not make you dumb. >The fact of the matter is, however, that leftists have always been and always will be the more intelligent, No. >The American Revolution was brought about BY LIBERALS. [Citation needed] There were no political parties at the time. >Woman\'s suffrage was fought for BY LIBERALS. Do you recall that Woman\'s suffrage came about after several fires were started? After several riots killed many people? Why is it that LIBERALS are so violent? >The French Revolution Are you trying to say this was a good thing >the Emancipation Proclamation Abe Lincoln is a republican > the right to marry You\'ve never not had this right. Are you trying to do the gay rights thing? Because that\'s an invalid argument. The argument is at the federal level and the question is whether or not a federal employee has to disregard their personal beliefs (they do). But freedom of association should apply to churches and businesses so a church shouldn\'t have to perform a gay wedding if they don\'t want to. >if you\'re looking to preserve a moment in time? I\'m not', ">>{saucercrab} : > This does not get around the issue of universities being leftist. Having a degree does not make you smart. Not having a degree does not make you dumb. Very true, but I'd think that, by and large, most people agree that an education is correlative with what we humans consider intelligent. Again, you inserted ad hominem, accusing all liberals of having small brains. The cited study (and many others like it) provides evidence to the contrary. > [Citation needed] There were no political parties at the time. Liberalism goes beyond political parties. You might be thinking of the Democratic Party, of which, yes, many are liberals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism > Do you recall that Woman's suffrage came about after several fires were started? After several riots killed many people? Why is it that LIBERALS are so violent? Don't move the goalpost. Are you arguing that giving women the right to vote (or own property or wear pants) was a *bad* thing? Sometimes the ends justify the means. Would you use an argument of pacifism against the founding of our great nation? Should the riots against tyranny overshadow the freedoms we were eventually awarded? > Are you trying to say this was a good thing Uh, yes? Are all the jokes about Donald being a God-Emperor actually true? > Abe Lincoln is a republican *Was* a Republican, in partisan terms (as referenced above). The ideologies of political parties are historically dynamic (For example, Kennedy was a Democrat, although he held many conservative viewpoints. Hell, even the terms liberal and conservative have no only held different meanings throughout time, they still do around the world.) but the main reason the party was founded - at all - was to preserve the *Republic* of the United States. In its early years, it was fiscally conservative, but socially liberal, following in the footsteps of Jeffersonian Republicans. (Somewhere along the way things were upended though, lol.) > You've never not had this right. Are you trying to do the gay rights thing? Because that's an invalid argument. The argument is at the federal level and the question is whether or not a federal employee has to disregard their personal beliefs (they do). But freedom of association should apply to churches and businesses so a church shouldn't have to perform a gay wedding if they don't want to. I've never not had this right because I'm straight. Millions of others had to fight for this right though, because for some fucked-up reason, churches and religion were brought into what is legally required to recognize a union of two lives. If you're opposed to this idea, history will be your judge, as it has been for many other ugly Conservative philosophies I highlighted in my previous post. > I'm not Sorry, I just assumed you were a Conservative, due to the bipartisan nature of this sub.", '>>{Eh_for_Effort} : Woah good point buddy. You really gotta step up your game.', ">>{Eh_for_Effort} : ..... yah editing text is very different from editing audio and video, and you didn't even edit the text very convincingly."], ['>>{greymanbomber} : What the conservative caricature of "safe spaces" gets wrong', '>>{Archlicht} : I cannot even believe "safe spaces" are a real thing. Leave it to alt-right morons to not realize South Park was making fun of them rather than advocating for them.', '>>{truthhurts4444} : Wow that article was annoying. Some guy wrote a manifesto on safe spaces that takes up like 20 tweets? Why not just write a blog post and link to it with one tweet? Nobody is going to scroll up from the bottom of your twitter timeline reading those in order', ">>{KatiePuss} : Conservative safe-spaces are just as common as liberal safe-spaces. I'm 100% against them either way though, at least under most circumstances.", '>>{Archlicht} : They should be, but in the sense of physically safe. Nobody has the right to go through life without ever hearing an opinion that dissents from any of their own. Besides, middle school and high school are the polar opposite of safe spaces in that regard, so college students should be equipped to deal with that.', '>>{mrsuns10} : > Leave it to alt-right morons to not realize South Park was making fun of them rather than advocating for them. Actually quite the opposite', '>>{Archlicht} : Which is why I said "they should be physically safe spaces," and not, "they are physically safe spaces."', '>>{Archlicht} : In what way? You think South Park was advocating for internet safe spaces?', ">>{LurKingMachinest} : I think he's talking about how it's not the right that wants the safe spaces..", '>>{Archlicht} : Idiots from both sides will be drawn to them, but the biggest safe space for stupidity on Reddit is obviously r/the_donald.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : What's hilarious is you think southpark was mocking the alt-right in that episode and not the regressive left.", ">>{Dingus-ate-your-baby} : It's an interesting point. Challenging an idea is always relevant to testing it's validity. But sometimes an idea does need an environment to incubate in before it's capable of standing up to challenges. A person may have a really interesting new business proposition. But if they appear before someone whose company they would phase out of the market with their idea before they have a solid go to market strategy, that seasoned business owner could crush them easily. That doesn't make the new business idea wrong, and it doesn't mean that the environment in which the idea grows cripples it from future competition. It's just not ready yet.", '>>{Archlicht} : They were mocking anyone who seeks a safe space free from dissenting opinion. Cartman was the alt-right and other characters represented the left.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Literally the entire episode was mocking the left. How the hell was Cartman the "alt-right."', ">>{Archlicht} : Because he's Cartman. He wanted a safe space free from everyone calling out his extremism for the idiocy it is, had Butters filter out all the negative attacks on him. Shit, remember when Cartman pretended to be mentally retarded and was blatantly offensive about it? http://crooksandliars.com/files/mediaposters/2015/11/32510.jpg?ts=1448547601 The similarities are near infinite.", ">>{gargantualis} : Eh? You sure were you watching the same season? I don't remember any confederate flags blowing in in the wind down in SodoSopa.   ....oh and how long have you been an ad?", ">>{aIIeycat} : I mean, nobody has the right, but that doesn't mean they can't have the option. The safe spaces at my college for LGBT people are literally just rooms, usually near a school administrators office, where people can go if they want. If you were being bullied or harassed, that's where you could go. What's wrong with that? In any case, there is not a gay kid alive that has managed to somehow avoid hearing dissenting opinions on gay rights.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Yeah dude, that was mocking the professional victim SJWs on twitter. They hire people to "filter" their comments, it was a common meme with the gamergate fiasco. All of the professional victims kept claiming they needed money to pay someone to censor their tweets. Nobody on the alt-right has done that, only on the regressive left. The far left professional victims literally wanted to censor twitter because people were calling out their extremism.', '>>{Archlicht} : > Nobody on the alt-right has done that r/the_donald', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Can you point to someone on the Donald that paid someone to censor their tweets?', ">>{Archlicht} : r/the_donald is a censored space itself. You'll be banned in an instant for saying anything even remotely dissenting or neutral. It's a safe space for pussies who get triggered by facts or reality.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : You aren\'t listening to me and we both know why. You claimed Cartman was the "alt-right" because he had someone filtering his tweets, we aren\'t talking about the sub. I\'m telling you that the episode was mocking the regressive left, nobody else. I\'m well aware the Donald is "censored" but that isn\'t relevant to what I\'m asking you. Who on the donald paid someone to filter their tweets? Better yet, who on the alt-right paid someone to filter their tweets? As far as I can tell, this is only something regressives on twitter do.', '>>{Archlicht} : > You claimed Cartman was the "alt-right" because he had someone filtering his tweets, we aren\'t talking about the sub. I have no way of knowing who is or isn\'t filtering their tweets, and neither do you. I do know Cartman is not a left-leaning character. Obviously.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : The only people paying others to filter their tweets are the regressive professional victims. I\'m telling you, they were mocking the left. "the Donald" is a safe space as well, it\'s basically the right wing SRS.', ">>{Archlicht} : > The only people paying others to filter their tweets are the regressive professional victims. If you had a credible source for that, you would've posted it by now. From my own experience, alt-right individuals are by far touchier than the left in general. New ideas scare and confuse them. The left tends to embrace new ideas (see: Sanders).", '>>{sleaze_bag_alert} : what is hilarious is that you couldn\'t identify the object of that sentence but still felt the need to get offended by it. sentence one object: "safe spaces" sentence two object: "them" in reference to the subject of the previous sentence: safe spaces.', ">>{Argikeraunos} : I'm a Classics teacher, and every good Classics teacher I've ever had (or really since the dawn of time) has, like me, prepared their students for the problematic or contextually difficult aspects of reading ancient literature. Creating a safe space in education means acknowledging, uncovering, and discussing the difficulties inherent in making cross-cultural or historical connections with ideas which aren't our own and preparing students with background knowledge that will help them understand (for example) what the rape fantasies in Ovid could mean, or the flagrant misogyny in nearly every other classical text. Good teachers will continue to do this rather than treat their students and their material with condescension, because engaging with literature is as much an emotional process as it is an intellectual one.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : https://twitter.com/spacekatgal/status/569272103658266626 Go find me a single right winger on twitter paying someone to filter their tweets.', ">>{sleaze_bag_alert} : the fact that he got so offended by a post about people getting overly offended...and that he doesn't see how hilarious that is really cracks me up.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : >> what is hilarious is that you couldn't identify the object of that sentence but still felt the need to get offended by it. In what universe am I offended? Do you just make random shit up? >> words They were absolutely mocking the left in that episode.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Again, in what universe am I offended? Explain your thought process here.', ">>{Archlicht} : What a well-structured study and totally perfect source to back your nonsense! Wait, what's that? It's anecdotal and meaningless? Never mind then.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : How the hell is this anecodtal, I said the only people paying others to filter their tweets are regressive professional victims. I've given you proof of that, can you link me a single right winger paying someone to filter their tweets? You have 1 reply to do so before being dismissed. I find it amazing I'm the ONLY ONE HERE that has linked someone paying someone else to filter their tweets and you can't come up with a single example of a right winger doing it.", ">>{JDriley} : The episode makes fun of how people get so argmumentive over the internet, both left and right. He thinks the alt-right doesn't do that for some reason, only the left.", ">>{Archlicht} : Oh no, please don't dismiss me! Your opinion means so much, especially since you found one idiot on the left. Surely it would be impossible to find one idiot on the right. Or it would be were I not wasting my time replying to one right now... > In many ways the Alt Right seems to be a reaction to the lack of conservative doctrine on subjects dominated by left-wing points of view. This new “idea space” is not radically different from the idea of a progressive’s “safe space” and functions much in the same way – it is a place for certain ideas and attitudes to be cultivated and honed without their fundamental premises being challenged in order to establish a more concrete understanding in adherents and ensure these ideas can be discussed in comfort. https://therationalists.org/2016/03/23/an-honest-look-at-the-alt-right/", ">>{IDFSHILL} : >> Oh no, please don't dismiss me! Your opinion means so much, especially since you found one idiot on the left. Surely it would be impossible to find one idiot on the right. Or it would be were I not wasting my time replying to one right now... I notice this comment lacks the evidence I asked you for, as in an example of a right winger paying another person to filter their tweets. >> https://therationalists.org/2016/03/23/an-honest-look-at-the-alt-right/ I know what the alt-right is, why do you keep trying to deflect to something else? I know alt-righters are right wing SJWs, I'm well aware of this. What I am asking you for is an example of a single alt-righter paying another person to filter their tweets, nothing else. Nothing else is being argued here.", ">>{Archlicht} : I don't even have a Twitter account myself, why would I bother? And what's the importance of seeing alt-right people filter comments there as opposed to other social media? All the same overly sensitive bullshit to me.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : My point is that southpark episode happened before the alt-right went mainstream, my entire argument is they were mocking the regressive left. As bad as the alt-righters are, they aren\'t as bad as twitter feminists and other far lefties when it comes to "safe spaces." The donald is a "circle jerk" sub where idiots hang out because it\'s an echo chamber. They\'re every bit as bad as SJWs are. Expanding on this, nobody really cares about "PRIVATE" safe spaces, they care when far lefties try to ban speakers and make EVERYWHERE a safe space void of any challenging thought. That\'s what people mean when they attack "safe spaces."', ">>{ViskerRatio} : That environment is called 'private space'. The issue with safe spaces is that some people believe they have the right to co-opt *public* spaces and make everyone else bend to their will.", ">>{Dingus-ate-your-baby} : That seems like a line of semantics the author of the article doesn't agree with given the context.", '>>{Stuckinaloop} : When I grew up it was called "Burying your head in the sand".', '>>{takenbackprops} : WTF is this logic?! No, a lunch room or a Catholic Student Union or whatever isn\'t a "safe space." You can be as racists or sexist as you want and no one can actually ban you from having lunch somewhere. Banning safe spaces wouldn\'t somehow create a 24/7 bombardment where students are forced to change everything about themselves weekly. What kind of nonsense is that? The idea of a school without safe space is literally just saying no one\'s speech is unwelcome. Just like you don\'t have to *listen* to their shit if you dislike it, but you don\'t get to say an MRA is not allowed to speak on your campus, or pressure the Dean to drop a racist or something.', ">>{Artificecoyote} : I disagree with this article. The 'safe space' movement and 'trigger warning', SJW types aren't humbly requesting or defending a small physical space to meet with peers and discuss topics. There is a demand for the entire campus to be a 'safe space' where any wrong-think is stamped out. For example, if a speaker is invited to campus who holds views that are contrary to the regressive left, they must be disinvited from campus to stop the spread of their hateful ideas. Rather than using the opportunity to learn about that person's views and engage them, just bar them from campus. After all, someone might be offended. Or the debacle at Yale around Halloween where the administration sent a mass email to students about possibly offensive costumes. A faculty member wrote a reply asking 'why should we expect the admins to police what students wear? This should be an opportunity for students to enjoy the holiday and if there are any costumes or parties who offend, it is a chance for those offended to engage in discussion about why something is offensive. College should be a learning experience: for the hypothetical offensive costume wearer, they might learn about how their costume promotes misinformation about a culture. For the offended party, they can learn how to civilly engage and call out offensive behavior. And perhaps the costume wearing has a perfectly good reason for donning such an outfit and can allay the fears of the offended party with a dialogue. The PC crowd doesn't want that as evidenced by the extreme backlash against the faculty member who wrote that reply. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/11/the-new-intolerance-of-student-activism-at-yale/414810/ This article acts as if the hesitancy to accept the SJW mindset on college campuses is because there are people who want to deny minority groups a place to decompress and spend time with their cultural peers. I believe the hesitancy of many to embrace whatever SJW demand, immediately and without question, is a reaction to a rampant outrage culture. This outrage culture puts a spotlight on real or perceived slights, no matter how small, and throws a tantrum until they get what they want. Any calls for discussion or clarification, or rebuttal to the outraged party are shouted down. That sort of behavior is not what I expect to see at an institution of higher education. I believe that most SJWs have their hearts in the right place. However in my experience there are many of these types who believe the end justifies the means. Where it would be fine if opinions seen as offensive were simply disallowed (with harsh penalties for anyone breaking this rule). But offensiveness is subjective and a malleable definition of a rule can be used to punish selectively; it would be, ironically, a tool used to discriminate against people on campus who the SJW types don't like. It might lead to a campus where hate preachers like the WBC or white supremacists and racists are not able to hurt anyone's feelings. But it would also mean every student, speaker and faculty member is at the mercy of anyone who even feels offended. It would grind the pursuit of knowledge to a halt when every word has to be scrutinized to ensure that no one can be offended, which is an impossible task in itself.", '>>{youAreAllRetards} : It\'s not a "conservative" caricature. I\'m a lifelong liberal/progressive, and I think safe spaces are retarded, and function almost exactly as that caricature describes. I don\'t see small gatherings of like-minded people trying to make a bit of room for themselves. I see mobs of SJW thugs shouting people down, turning visitors/speakers away, and behaving like idiots. It always seems to be in the context of *preventing* somebody they don\'t like from speaking.', ">>{Anchorbaby1988} : This is exactly how the regressive left justifies censorship and the diminishing of places where people's idea's can be challenged. You are not challenged 24/7, you can go into your room, close the door and that's a safe space. The world, and especially universities don't owe anything to students in terms of making them more comfortable to the exposure of ideas."], ['>>{wolftray} : yep, a criminal investigation WHERE HILLARY IS NOT THE TARGET', '>>{JustASecurityInquiry} : Exactly. There is an ongoing criminal investigation against the server and a security inquiry on Mrs Clinton. /s', '>>{Betterwithcheddar} : Yeah they are investigating that server! That server is going down! How dare that server break the law all on its own!!', '>>{veedubbin} : > The FBI is conducting a high-stakes “criminal investigation” into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email practices', ">>{Trunkington} : Yeah she's just too old and dumb to understand email.", ">>{Betterwithcheddar} : Millions of American's voted for a candidate under FBI criminal investigation. What happened America?", '>>{Autosome} : Good evening gentlemen, all your server are belong to us.', '>>{tangibleadhd} : >Mr. Pagliano has indicated he will refuse to answer any questions, asserting his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. He and his lawyers had asked that the deposition not be videotaped, fearing it could be used eventually in political attacks against Mrs. Clinton. Judge Sullivan, though, rejected that, saying the session with Judicial Watch, the group that’s pursuing the open-records lawsuit, can be taped. **But the video will be sealed until the judge decides later what to do with it.** Watergate 2.0, where did the tape go?', '>>{ladyships} : lack of a free press’ll do ya.', '>>{ladyships} : nah. it’s the 31000 deleted emails that are hillary’s missing tape.', '>>{fredjonez} : The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/10/politics/clinton-server-drone-fbi/index.html', ">>{I_Need_Sources} : Says more about the candidate running against her. Guess people don't want a [socialist](http://www.gallup.com/poll/183713/socialist-presidential-candidates-least-appealing.aspx)", ">>{Betterwithcheddar} : Whelp, wrap it up. CNN says it's over.", '>>{blackbrosinwhitehoes} : This. The media is supposed to be the 4th estate. They have failed the American people.', '>>{fredjonez} : If you think she is in any legal trouble, you are going to be severely disappointed.', '>>{I_Need_Sources} : You know they treated sanders [better](http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-campaign-coverage-20160613-snap-story.html) than Clinton, right?', ">>{blackbrosinwhitehoes} : >Part of the reason for the negative tone was that a higher share of stories about Clinton dealt with her record and positions on issues than with the campaign horse race. The record and issue coverage heavily accentuated her problems, the study found. From your same article. Clinton's negative ratings due to press coverage is because she's an awful candidate and no one really likes her when they actually learn about her. There's a reason she didn't talk to press for 6 months. They just didn't cover Bernie at all.", '>>{YgramulTheMany} : I thought we agreed it was going to be Obi Wan James Cromey. I can never keep up...', '>>{Betterwithcheddar} : There is no doubt she is in legal trouble.', ">>{fredjonez} : Uh huh, we'll see. Hint: you're going to be disappointed.", '>>{Betterwithcheddar} : Hint: innocent people plead the fifth and take immunity deals all the time.']]
classify and reply
['>>{RKOMania} : The Fight Behind the Scenes at the White House Is Over, For Now', '>>{FunkyGradStudent} : It\'s been snowing for hours. Edit: Weather app says it\'s currently snowing, and also says there\'s 0% chance of snow. Edit2: I posted this because, in my opinion, the juxtaposition of the two widgets as well as the "Snow, 0% chance of snow" were both funny and I wanted to share it, thinking it was a stupid bug or something. I didn\'t intend for there to be such a dire mood in the comments regarding it. I know people are touchy right now about public opinion in Apple and everything but please, relax. Some of these comments are so angry. It was all in jest.', ">>{2650_CPU} : SURE IT IS !!! It's not like any of that crazy group would hold grudges or anything like that, not vindictive at all..", ">>{MWM2} : They need to fire whoever did the background music for the video. It's new age on meth.", ">>{rwon512} : How do u like dark sky? I'm hesitant on purchasing the app if i don't like it. How does it pull it's weather data? Can the widget be customized?", '>>{leonsugarfoot} : Personally, I never would have thought Bannon would be on the chopping block this early. Based off his role in the campaign, it seemed like he was in it for the long haul.', '>>{FunkyGradStudent} : I honestly don\'t know where it pulls its data. But I do know is it\'s extremely accurate down to the minute. It\'ll notify you if rain or snow or whatever is starting soon, and how long it\'ll last, then notify you when it\'s about to stop, which is my favorite feature about it. The widget isn\'t customizable, but if you hit "show more" the widget expands and shows a really neat precipitation graph showing you quickly how much precipitation will happen over the hour and to what degree, as well as the forecast for the next few days. It\'s pretty handy I\'d say. Only fault is I think the user interface of the app isn\'t very good. But it\'s saved my butt a few times, while the Weather app had no clue anything was happening.', '>>{morbidexpression} : what bullshit. As if Kushner and Bannon are the type to suddenly quit being vindictive, evil pricks.', ">>{sigstone} : It's silly for Bannon to go against Jared. Jared is the emperor's son-in-law. The WH is a family business now and the emperor listens to Ivanka. Bannon has no chance.", ">>{rwon512} : Thanks for the insight, I'm gonna try it out", ">>{examinati0n} : As a Dark Sky user myself, and being rurally based, I can confirm what /u/FunkyGradStudent says. Dark Sky is very accurate and I find the app to be one of the better purchases I've made. The UI isn't the most clean looking or visually attractive but it's by no means ugly or bad, it's just...rustic? I'd personally recommend it if you're looking to spend money on a weather app, I was hesitant myself but I'm happy I made that purchase.", '>>{MWM2} : > Not vindictive at all: - Bannon: crazy drunk uncle - Kushner: power grabbing son-in-law - Priebus: rib-rocked republican - The rest of the vipers It could be a Netflix sitcom. Bannon and Jared are in the West Wing tv room. "Bannon, I want to watch tv." "Fuck you." "Do you have the remote? Hey, I see it. It\'s in your back pocket. *Just like last time."* "Fuck you. Come and take it. You fucking banana republican." "You\'re even drunker than yesterday—" Priebus enters the room. "Settle down boys. Settle down. I want to watch too. Bannon, give him the remote." "Fuck you. I could kick both your asses." Jared: "Sure - when you\'re sober." Priebus: "Give Kushy the remote." Bannon decides he\'ll accept a strategic defeat *this time*. And, anyway, he\'s got another bottle of Wild Turkey 101 in the next room. Jared walks over to him. Bannon hands him the remote. "Oh, gross***!*** ***It\'s sticky!"*** Bannon snickers as he exists stage right.', ">>{CollumMcJingleballs} : >Trump’s aides complain of a lack of clear and consistent guidance from the President—and his senior-most staffers rely on proximity to his ear to try to make their case. It has created awkward situations with crowded meetings and top officials resembling junior body-men. Aides are reluctant to leave him alone because they worry about what he be pushed to do by another faction, or that they would miss an opportunity to sway him to their side. They're afraid the senile old man will stop bombing Syria and order the military to send Seal Team Six to blow up Yale because he wandered off in his Mar-A-Lago club to find a TV, chow down on Arby's, and saw some Water's World segment on Fox News.", ">>{crisss1205} : Well Apple uses Weather.com for info, so Apple doesn't have control over that.", ">>{PresidentPuppet} : lol. Yeah, nope. It's not over until Bannon is gone. Or Ivanka and Kushner(lol). When Bannon gets ejected it's going be fun watching Reichbart drop the hammer on President Puppet and the rest of the GOP.", '>>{PresidentPuppet} : Bannon is still there fam. I love watching the GOP go at each others throats.', ">>{Uktabi86} : Thanks for informing us what we don't care about.", ">>{Jig5} : Except for the issue that the Dark Sky watch complication says it's 50° out when it's 22° and snowing.", ">>{FunkyGradStudent} : You miss the point. The app says it's snowing, with 0% chance of snow. Even weather.com doesn't say or do things like that. It has to be a bug in the app itself.", ">>{roastbeeftacohat} : Bannon got him huge rallies, so Trump loved him; now everyone hates Trump, so that's Bannon fault.", ">>{rwon512} : THanks for the reply, so far I'm enjoying it, already received accurate rain notifications, so I'm pleased, phone will probably blow up the next couple days, gonna have a shit storm😐.", '>>{Stazalicious} : I fail to understand why people pay so much attention to weather forecasts. In July our firm went on a trip to Copenhagen, one forecast said it would be sunny for the weekend, another said cloudy with rain. In the end it was belting hot during the days with thunderstorms in the night.', ">>{harrisonrustay} : I always heard great things about dark sky, but never purchased it due to the dissuading UI. Although recently I heard about partly sunny, which is based off of dark sky, with all the features of dark sky - but with a revamped, minimalistic UI. I absolutely love it, and would encourage everyone to try it out. It's well worth the money in my opinion.", '>>{Aurick} : Carrot Weather pulls from the Dark Sky database and is way more fun imo.', '>>{plee82} : Let me guess, if this is a bug we need to wait for a iOS OTA for a fix? I wonder why Apple cannot just update their stock app through the app store.', '>>{philonrapist} : I just gotta say, I really enjoyed this story', '>>{crisss1205} : Or maybe the Weather API is returning some weird values. It has to display that data from somewhere.', '>>{crisss1205} : Works fine for me. Shows there is a 30% chance of snow.', ">>{NotLawrence} : If there's nothing wrong with the data, the issue is obviously with the interpretation and presentation.", '>>{notchrysostom} : Weather Line uses Dark Sky and is much better IMO. Apple just featured it again actually.', ">>{TestFlightBeta} : Also try out dark sky's website both on iOS and macOS. It's nice!", ">>{admiralwaffles} : Weather.com doesn't dog food their own APIs. It's most likely an issue with their data coming in rather than iOS displaying it as such.", ">>{crisss1205} : Exactly, but you don't know if something is wrong with the data, and since OP blurred it out, we can't even look it up. Mine works fine. Currently snowing. Showing a 30% chance of snow.", ">>{_lolfuckyou} : Recently switched to dark sky. Gotta say I'm disappointed. Said we'd have snow at noon while weather channel said 7. No snow all night till 7. They also said we'd have 5-9 inches. Only 3 fell. 🙄", ">>{sk1wbw} : It's Yahoo weather. Jesus people. Stop finding shit to bitch about.", '>>{shamansanchez} : Yesterday in NC, dark sky kept upping the forecast for snow from 7"-11", to by the end of the day 14"-21". We ended up with maybe 2"-3"...', ">>{MonkeysLikeBanana} : The apple weather app (as well as the default Google uses. It's not just Apple.) seems to use a weather station 40km away and can be off by quite a few degrees. Bit odd considering I'm in a city with > 100,000 people and an actual weather station, yet it ignores that data for a small town instead.", ">>{dragontology} : Found the Californian. When you live in a place that snows, or gets bad weather in general, weather apps become a super big deal. Source: Moved from CA to NC. Learned to give a shit about the weather. (Moved before apps were a thing. So not sure how much I'd have used a weather app in CA. Don't really pay much attention to them when I visit, though.)", ">>{leafleap} : I've tried Dark Sky several times and it's consistently inaccurate in my region.", '>>{DJ-Salinger} : Lol, you do realize you must live in a different area than OP, right?', ">>{Falkedup} : It's actually the weather channel. Check the bottom left of the weather app", '>>{_lolfuckyou} : Atlanta here. I got hit in the feels too. 😭😂', ">>{FunkyGradStudent} : Currently snowing, 30% chance of snow isn't too great either. In any case, could be the data or the app, I really have no idea. I just saw the juxtaposition of my two widgets and found it funny and worth sharing. My Weather app had for a few days predicted today's forecast as a snowflake on the app, so I highly doubt the 0% chance of snow was meant to be there.", '>>{dragontology} : Haha. Well, it was a guess. You know, the whole "found the" meme. No? Stick around some. Anyway, you seem to not care a whole lot about weather, so it\'s a safe bet you live where it doesn\'t matter much. Like parts of California. Here in eastern NC... it\'s a bit more important.', ">>{gachzorge} : One day I downloaded 5 or 6 different weather apps and took a screen shot of the forecast. Two said it would rain that day, and they were right. The rest were deleted. It only took a few more days and those two got deleted for similar issues. Sadly, I've found that no weather app works. I stick with the stock app and just never trust it.", ">>{balsam_pathos_ashtra} : I find AerisPulse to be the most accurate for me. Plus it's only a buck.", '>>{sk1wbw} : I was born in Durham. Lived on the OBX for a year. I now live in Williamsburg Virginia. I have about 5 weather apps on my iPhone and every single one of them were reading the same all day. Snow. And more snow. Over a foot of it. Blame Yahoo for bad readings on this app. Just wish people would fucking stop going out of their way to find something to bitch about apple over.', ">>{Mystic_Decay} : That's why Dark Sky occupies the spot of Weather in my home screen and Apple Weather is dumped in the Crap 💩 folder.", ">>{sk1wbw} : Yeah I don't know why Yahoo came to mind. I think my brain is frozen. It's damn cold outside.", ">>{MarvelsBlackCat} : I use Carrot Weather because Dark Sky isn't available in Canada, but I'd prefer to use Dark Sky. Carrot Weather doesn't have any notifications. That's one thing missing for me.", '>>{oruspu_cocugu} : I fixed it by uninstalling the watch app and then the phone app and then reinstalling', ">>{lanetrain7} : Dude even on the news when it's snowing they display the % chance it had of doing yo. It isn't worth worrying about. Your widget shows the snowflake meaning it's snowing. The data is obviously wrong on someone's part. Big deal.", '>>{megablast} : What, do you think Tim Cook is sitting there typing these in?', '>>{frickxoff} : My weather app is a hit or miss. Last night it was snowing and it said 15% of snow showers, it also said it was 45 degrees out (uh.. more like -2 out). Lol another time it was snowing and said it was snowing with the correct temperature.', ">>{Vtrossi} : Does dark sky have push notifications for watches, advisories, and warnings? I've found Storm to be the best weather app around, both visually, and in accuracy (it's a wunderground app). My problem is storm doesn't push for watches, only warnings. After downloading almost all the free weather apps in the App Store, I've found only AccuWeather pushes watches.", ">>{ScaryRaebbit} : Why don't you just uninstall the stock weather app?", ">>{ScaryRaebbit} : I have bought Dark Sky and Weather Line. They both have the problem where the widget is scrunched up/stacked on top/unreadable. Surely these two different apps can't have the same problem just because they use the same source. I just wish there was something like Weather Timeline on iOS.", '>>{Aurick} : Carrot Weather has notifications at least in the US. You have to turn them on in the app, not the Notification Center.', ">>{BMFeciura} : I love Dark Sky and have used it for a while now, but as a few others have said the UI isn't the nicest. However, I can't find a good alternative that also has a companion apple watch app and complication, which I really enjoy having. Then again, the apple watch complication is so often inaccurate that I'm not sure that it matters anyway, so I stick with Dark Sky unsure of whether or not I should really switch to something else.", ">>{NotLawrence} : > Even weather.com doesn't say or do things like that.", '>>{Sichroteph} : Darksky is very imprecise in my country, but apple weather is always top notch', ">>{Ezl} : I use Weather Underground and it's pretty darn good. It crowd sources from local personal weather stations among other things.", '>>{FunkyGradStudent} : Not sure in the specifics you mentioned, but in its notification settings it has Severe Weather alerts activated for government issued weather alerts and warnings.', ">>{crisss1205} : That's not my point. My point is that the app works fine, but the weather channel data may be wrong.", '>>{sk1wbw} : Yeah, you can tell how often I use this app. Frankly, it is boring to look at.', ">>{AheadOfSchedule} : Any idea why Dark Sky constantly is using the location ? It's kinda annoying that the icon is on the top non stop.", '>>{crisss1205} : I don\'t think you understand how weather reports work. The "Probability of Precipitation" (PoP) describes the chance of precipitation occurring ***at any point*** you select in the area. PoP = C x A where "C" = the confidence that precipitation will occur somewhere in the forecast area, and where "A" = the percent of the area that will receive measureable precipitation, if it occurs at all. If the forecaster knows precipitation is sure to occur ( confidence is **100%** ), he/she is expressing how much of the area will receive measurable rain. ( PoP = "C" x "A" or "**1**" times "**.4**" which equals .4 or 40%.)', ">>{NotLawrence} : Their API would return whatever their website says. Is it really that hard to understand that the fault might be with the app? If it's weather.com's API that's wrong, a lot of other weather apps would also have this issue.", ">>{Vtrossi} : Seems like most apps where the developers don't feel watches are important enough to merit a push notification.", '>>{megablast} : Not if there is a problem. You seem to know nothing. It could be the app, it could be the API.', ">>{gachzorge} : Yeah that didn't work in a city I visited. The app just wouldn't load at all. All other cities were fine... But I figured it wasn't worth it if it couldn't work everywhere.", ">>{gachzorge} : I won't pay for a weather app until I know for sure it will work.", ">>{NotLawrence} : Unless weather.com is also reporting the same data, there is no problem. That's not how APIs work. Are you a developer?", ">>{megablast} : Don't be stupid, of it can be different data. You would expect it to be the same, and mostly it would bit it is not impossible for it to be different.", ">>{NotLawrence} : ??? I legitimately tried to interpret that for a few minutes but I can't make out a consistent trail of logic there. Edit: ok I think I'm getting it. No that's not how APIs work. Both the website and the API would be retrieving data from the same source. If they're different, there'd be more posts about how inaccurate the weather.com is since no third party app would match up to the website. I'm going to sleep and I will no longer be interested in this discussion when I wake up since you don't seem to be a developer and I don't like to continue discussion that are from the previous day.", ">>{megablast} : > No that's not how APIs work. Both the website and the API would be retrieving data from the same source. This does not mean there is a bit of code in the API that has a bug in it, does it professor. Have you ever worked in anything in real life?", ">>{balsam_pathos_ashtra} : I'm telling you it will work. And it's a buck."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{FunkyGradStudent} : It\'s been snowing for hours. Edit: Weather app says it\'s currently snowing, and also says there\'s 0% chance of snow. Edit2: I posted this because, in my opinion, the juxtaposition of the two widgets as well as the "Snow, 0% chance of snow" were both funny and I wanted to share it, thinking it was a stupid bug or something. I didn\'t intend for there to be such a dire mood in the comments regarding it. I know people are touchy right now about public opinion in Apple and everything but please, relax. Some of these comments are so angry. It was all in jest.', ">>{rwon512} : How do u like dark sky? I'm hesitant on purchasing the app if i don't like it. How does it pull it's weather data? Can the widget be customized?", '>>{FunkyGradStudent} : I honestly don\'t know where it pulls its data. But I do know is it\'s extremely accurate down to the minute. It\'ll notify you if rain or snow or whatever is starting soon, and how long it\'ll last, then notify you when it\'s about to stop, which is my favorite feature about it. The widget isn\'t customizable, but if you hit "show more" the widget expands and shows a really neat precipitation graph showing you quickly how much precipitation will happen over the hour and to what degree, as well as the forecast for the next few days. It\'s pretty handy I\'d say. Only fault is I think the user interface of the app isn\'t very good. But it\'s saved my butt a few times, while the Weather app had no clue anything was happening.', ">>{rwon512} : Thanks for the insight, I'm gonna try it out", ">>{examinati0n} : As a Dark Sky user myself, and being rurally based, I can confirm what /u/FunkyGradStudent says. Dark Sky is very accurate and I find the app to be one of the better purchases I've made. The UI isn't the most clean looking or visually attractive but it's by no means ugly or bad, it's just...rustic? I'd personally recommend it if you're looking to spend money on a weather app, I was hesitant myself but I'm happy I made that purchase.", ">>{crisss1205} : Well Apple uses Weather.com for info, so Apple doesn't have control over that.", ">>{Jig5} : Except for the issue that the Dark Sky watch complication says it's 50° out when it's 22° and snowing.", ">>{FunkyGradStudent} : You miss the point. The app says it's snowing, with 0% chance of snow. Even weather.com doesn't say or do things like that. It has to be a bug in the app itself.", ">>{rwon512} : THanks for the reply, so far I'm enjoying it, already received accurate rain notifications, so I'm pleased, phone will probably blow up the next couple days, gonna have a shit storm😐.", '>>{Stazalicious} : I fail to understand why people pay so much attention to weather forecasts. In July our firm went on a trip to Copenhagen, one forecast said it would be sunny for the weekend, another said cloudy with rain. In the end it was belting hot during the days with thunderstorms in the night.', ">>{harrisonrustay} : I always heard great things about dark sky, but never purchased it due to the dissuading UI. Although recently I heard about partly sunny, which is based off of dark sky, with all the features of dark sky - but with a revamped, minimalistic UI. I absolutely love it, and would encourage everyone to try it out. It's well worth the money in my opinion.", '>>{Aurick} : Carrot Weather pulls from the Dark Sky database and is way more fun imo.', '>>{plee82} : Let me guess, if this is a bug we need to wait for a iOS OTA for a fix? I wonder why Apple cannot just update their stock app through the app store.', '>>{philonrapist} : I just gotta say, I really enjoyed this story', '>>{crisss1205} : Or maybe the Weather API is returning some weird values. It has to display that data from somewhere.', '>>{crisss1205} : Works fine for me. Shows there is a 30% chance of snow.', ">>{NotLawrence} : If there's nothing wrong with the data, the issue is obviously with the interpretation and presentation.", '>>{notchrysostom} : Weather Line uses Dark Sky and is much better IMO. Apple just featured it again actually.', ">>{TestFlightBeta} : Also try out dark sky's website both on iOS and macOS. It's nice!", ">>{admiralwaffles} : Weather.com doesn't dog food their own APIs. It's most likely an issue with their data coming in rather than iOS displaying it as such.", ">>{crisss1205} : Exactly, but you don't know if something is wrong with the data, and since OP blurred it out, we can't even look it up. Mine works fine. Currently snowing. Showing a 30% chance of snow.", ">>{_lolfuckyou} : Recently switched to dark sky. Gotta say I'm disappointed. Said we'd have snow at noon while weather channel said 7. No snow all night till 7. They also said we'd have 5-9 inches. Only 3 fell. 🙄", ">>{sk1wbw} : It's Yahoo weather. Jesus people. Stop finding shit to bitch about.", '>>{shamansanchez} : Yesterday in NC, dark sky kept upping the forecast for snow from 7"-11", to by the end of the day 14"-21". We ended up with maybe 2"-3"...', ">>{MonkeysLikeBanana} : The apple weather app (as well as the default Google uses. It's not just Apple.) seems to use a weather station 40km away and can be off by quite a few degrees. Bit odd considering I'm in a city with > 100,000 people and an actual weather station, yet it ignores that data for a small town instead.", ">>{dragontology} : Found the Californian. When you live in a place that snows, or gets bad weather in general, weather apps become a super big deal. Source: Moved from CA to NC. Learned to give a shit about the weather. (Moved before apps were a thing. So not sure how much I'd have used a weather app in CA. Don't really pay much attention to them when I visit, though.)", ">>{leafleap} : I've tried Dark Sky several times and it's consistently inaccurate in my region.", '>>{DJ-Salinger} : Lol, you do realize you must live in a different area than OP, right?', ">>{Falkedup} : It's actually the weather channel. Check the bottom left of the weather app", '>>{_lolfuckyou} : Atlanta here. I got hit in the feels too. 😭😂', ">>{FunkyGradStudent} : Currently snowing, 30% chance of snow isn't too great either. In any case, could be the data or the app, I really have no idea. I just saw the juxtaposition of my two widgets and found it funny and worth sharing. My Weather app had for a few days predicted today's forecast as a snowflake on the app, so I highly doubt the 0% chance of snow was meant to be there.", '>>{dragontology} : Haha. Well, it was a guess. You know, the whole "found the" meme. No? Stick around some. Anyway, you seem to not care a whole lot about weather, so it\'s a safe bet you live where it doesn\'t matter much. Like parts of California. Here in eastern NC... it\'s a bit more important.', ">>{gachzorge} : One day I downloaded 5 or 6 different weather apps and took a screen shot of the forecast. Two said it would rain that day, and they were right. The rest were deleted. It only took a few more days and those two got deleted for similar issues. Sadly, I've found that no weather app works. I stick with the stock app and just never trust it.", ">>{balsam_pathos_ashtra} : I find AerisPulse to be the most accurate for me. Plus it's only a buck.", '>>{sk1wbw} : I was born in Durham. Lived on the OBX for a year. I now live in Williamsburg Virginia. I have about 5 weather apps on my iPhone and every single one of them were reading the same all day. Snow. And more snow. Over a foot of it. Blame Yahoo for bad readings on this app. Just wish people would fucking stop going out of their way to find something to bitch about apple over.', ">>{Mystic_Decay} : That's why Dark Sky occupies the spot of Weather in my home screen and Apple Weather is dumped in the Crap 💩 folder.", ">>{sk1wbw} : Yeah I don't know why Yahoo came to mind. I think my brain is frozen. It's damn cold outside.", ">>{MarvelsBlackCat} : I use Carrot Weather because Dark Sky isn't available in Canada, but I'd prefer to use Dark Sky. Carrot Weather doesn't have any notifications. That's one thing missing for me.", '>>{oruspu_cocugu} : I fixed it by uninstalling the watch app and then the phone app and then reinstalling', ">>{lanetrain7} : Dude even on the news when it's snowing they display the % chance it had of doing yo. It isn't worth worrying about. Your widget shows the snowflake meaning it's snowing. The data is obviously wrong on someone's part. Big deal.", '>>{megablast} : What, do you think Tim Cook is sitting there typing these in?', '>>{frickxoff} : My weather app is a hit or miss. Last night it was snowing and it said 15% of snow showers, it also said it was 45 degrees out (uh.. more like -2 out). Lol another time it was snowing and said it was snowing with the correct temperature.', ">>{Vtrossi} : Does dark sky have push notifications for watches, advisories, and warnings? I've found Storm to be the best weather app around, both visually, and in accuracy (it's a wunderground app). My problem is storm doesn't push for watches, only warnings. After downloading almost all the free weather apps in the App Store, I've found only AccuWeather pushes watches.", ">>{ScaryRaebbit} : Why don't you just uninstall the stock weather app?", ">>{ScaryRaebbit} : I have bought Dark Sky and Weather Line. They both have the problem where the widget is scrunched up/stacked on top/unreadable. Surely these two different apps can't have the same problem just because they use the same source. I just wish there was something like Weather Timeline on iOS.", '>>{Aurick} : Carrot Weather has notifications at least in the US. You have to turn them on in the app, not the Notification Center.', ">>{BMFeciura} : I love Dark Sky and have used it for a while now, but as a few others have said the UI isn't the nicest. However, I can't find a good alternative that also has a companion apple watch app and complication, which I really enjoy having. Then again, the apple watch complication is so often inaccurate that I'm not sure that it matters anyway, so I stick with Dark Sky unsure of whether or not I should really switch to something else.", ">>{NotLawrence} : > Even weather.com doesn't say or do things like that.", '>>{Sichroteph} : Darksky is very imprecise in my country, but apple weather is always top notch', ">>{Ezl} : I use Weather Underground and it's pretty darn good. It crowd sources from local personal weather stations among other things.", '>>{FunkyGradStudent} : Not sure in the specifics you mentioned, but in its notification settings it has Severe Weather alerts activated for government issued weather alerts and warnings.', ">>{crisss1205} : That's not my point. My point is that the app works fine, but the weather channel data may be wrong.", '>>{sk1wbw} : Yeah, you can tell how often I use this app. Frankly, it is boring to look at.', ">>{AheadOfSchedule} : Any idea why Dark Sky constantly is using the location ? It's kinda annoying that the icon is on the top non stop.", '>>{crisss1205} : I don\'t think you understand how weather reports work. The "Probability of Precipitation" (PoP) describes the chance of precipitation occurring ***at any point*** you select in the area. PoP = C x A where "C" = the confidence that precipitation will occur somewhere in the forecast area, and where "A" = the percent of the area that will receive measureable precipitation, if it occurs at all. If the forecaster knows precipitation is sure to occur ( confidence is **100%** ), he/she is expressing how much of the area will receive measurable rain. ( PoP = "C" x "A" or "**1**" times "**.4**" which equals .4 or 40%.)', ">>{NotLawrence} : Their API would return whatever their website says. Is it really that hard to understand that the fault might be with the app? If it's weather.com's API that's wrong, a lot of other weather apps would also have this issue.", ">>{Vtrossi} : Seems like most apps where the developers don't feel watches are important enough to merit a push notification.", '>>{megablast} : Not if there is a problem. You seem to know nothing. It could be the app, it could be the API.', ">>{gachzorge} : Yeah that didn't work in a city I visited. The app just wouldn't load at all. All other cities were fine... But I figured it wasn't worth it if it couldn't work everywhere.", ">>{gachzorge} : I won't pay for a weather app until I know for sure it will work.", ">>{NotLawrence} : Unless weather.com is also reporting the same data, there is no problem. That's not how APIs work. Are you a developer?", ">>{megablast} : Don't be stupid, of it can be different data. You would expect it to be the same, and mostly it would bit it is not impossible for it to be different.", ">>{NotLawrence} : ??? I legitimately tried to interpret that for a few minutes but I can't make out a consistent trail of logic there. Edit: ok I think I'm getting it. No that's not how APIs work. Both the website and the API would be retrieving data from the same source. If they're different, there'd be more posts about how inaccurate the weather.com is since no third party app would match up to the website. I'm going to sleep and I will no longer be interested in this discussion when I wake up since you don't seem to be a developer and I don't like to continue discussion that are from the previous day.", ">>{megablast} : > No that's not how APIs work. Both the website and the API would be retrieving data from the same source. This does not mean there is a bit of code in the API that has a bug in it, does it professor. Have you ever worked in anything in real life?", ">>{balsam_pathos_ashtra} : I'm telling you it will work. And it's a buck."], ['>>{RKOMania} : The Fight Behind the Scenes at the White House Is Over, For Now', ">>{2650_CPU} : SURE IT IS !!! It's not like any of that crazy group would hold grudges or anything like that, not vindictive at all..", ">>{MWM2} : They need to fire whoever did the background music for the video. It's new age on meth.", '>>{leonsugarfoot} : Personally, I never would have thought Bannon would be on the chopping block this early. Based off his role in the campaign, it seemed like he was in it for the long haul.', '>>{morbidexpression} : what bullshit. As if Kushner and Bannon are the type to suddenly quit being vindictive, evil pricks.', ">>{sigstone} : It's silly for Bannon to go against Jared. Jared is the emperor's son-in-law. The WH is a family business now and the emperor listens to Ivanka. Bannon has no chance.", '>>{MWM2} : > Not vindictive at all: - Bannon: crazy drunk uncle - Kushner: power grabbing son-in-law - Priebus: rib-rocked republican - The rest of the vipers It could be a Netflix sitcom. Bannon and Jared are in the West Wing tv room. "Bannon, I want to watch tv." "Fuck you." "Do you have the remote? Hey, I see it. It\'s in your back pocket. *Just like last time."* "Fuck you. Come and take it. You fucking banana republican." "You\'re even drunker than yesterday—" Priebus enters the room. "Settle down boys. Settle down. I want to watch too. Bannon, give him the remote." "Fuck you. I could kick both your asses." Jared: "Sure - when you\'re sober." Priebus: "Give Kushy the remote." Bannon decides he\'ll accept a strategic defeat *this time*. And, anyway, he\'s got another bottle of Wild Turkey 101 in the next room. Jared walks over to him. Bannon hands him the remote. "Oh, gross***!*** ***It\'s sticky!"*** Bannon snickers as he exists stage right.', ">>{CollumMcJingleballs} : >Trump’s aides complain of a lack of clear and consistent guidance from the President—and his senior-most staffers rely on proximity to his ear to try to make their case. It has created awkward situations with crowded meetings and top officials resembling junior body-men. Aides are reluctant to leave him alone because they worry about what he be pushed to do by another faction, or that they would miss an opportunity to sway him to their side. They're afraid the senile old man will stop bombing Syria and order the military to send Seal Team Six to blow up Yale because he wandered off in his Mar-A-Lago club to find a TV, chow down on Arby's, and saw some Water's World segment on Fox News.", ">>{PresidentPuppet} : lol. Yeah, nope. It's not over until Bannon is gone. Or Ivanka and Kushner(lol). When Bannon gets ejected it's going be fun watching Reichbart drop the hammer on President Puppet and the rest of the GOP.", '>>{PresidentPuppet} : Bannon is still there fam. I love watching the GOP go at each others throats.', ">>{Uktabi86} : Thanks for informing us what we don't care about.", ">>{roastbeeftacohat} : Bannon got him huge rallies, so Trump loved him; now everyone hates Trump, so that's Bannon fault."]]
classify and reply
['>>{spsheridan} : U.S.-Australia Rift Is Possible After Trump Ends Call With Prime Minister', '>>{WNxVampire} : Alienate all of the allies! America first! Everyone else has to be last! Except for Russia (suspiciously arbitrarily), they can be, in the alternative facts realm, second ("fake news" first).', ">>{MWM2} : Well Trumpsters — are you pleased with this***?*** I'll put it to ya in a way that you can grasp. Trump's action is like you taking out your gun^* and intentionally shooting yourself in the foot. Sure, you're wearing your boots and there's no permanent damage. But it ain't smart at all. *Is it?* \\* a long gun, a .22. I think that's accurate. But you'll tell me if I'm wrong***!*** --- > **The flare-up** — and conflicting characterizations of the call from Mr. Trump and Mr. Turnbull — threatened to do lasting damage to relations between the two countries and **could drive Canberra closer to China**, which has a robust trading relationship with Australia and is competing with Washington to become the dominant force in the Asia-Pacific region.", '>>{YgramulTheMany} : Very sorry, AUS. Donald Trump is something that we Americans refer to colloquially as a "typical republican."', '>>{madam1} : Trevor Noah plays gracious host to Tomi Lahren: Reason solidifies distant second to feelings in public debate', '>>{HebieJebbies} : I don\'t agree with her in the least bit and I think she spent far too much energy pivoting from some of the questions like "How should we protest since you say this is not \'the right way\'?" However I do respect her for sticking to her opinions.', ">>{RIDEO} : 6 Times Trump Says He's Been 'Sarcastic' or 'Misinterpreted'", ">>{jpark170} : Currently destroyed US-Foreign nation relationships: * Germany * China * Mexico (Duh) * Japan (with automotives) * Iran * Nations affected by the Travel Ban * Australia (NEW) And this is within 2 weeks. If he doesn't step down or get impeached, by the end of the first term we will run out of the countries to piss off.", '>>{RIDEO} : Would You Buy A Used Car From A Guy That Says "Believe Me" Or "I\'ve Got To Be Honest" Followed By Lie After Lie ? The President Of The USA Needs To Be Trusted Not A Shyster like Trump !', '>>{Pylons} : He\'s a straight shooter, he says what he means! "He didn\'t mean that!"', ">>{Trumppered} : Article forgot that time he said: I'm running for president.", '>>{3_Limes} : Does he think "scarcasm" means "backsies", or "free pass"?', ">>{RickVince} : Seriously? She fucking destroyed him. At the end he looked like a completely defeated man. Couldn't even sit upright or make eye contact anymore.", ">>{RunnyBabbitRoy} : If there's one positive thing I can say about her is that she has a lot of energy", '>>{MWM2} : [Trump, Australian PM have heated conversation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtB8na3g5Z0) Turnbull\'s expression is saying: "Fuck that bloke." I did that in my best attempt at an Aussie accent. How\'d I do?', ">>{MWM2} : > And this is within 2 weeks. It's incredible. I still can't believe it: just ***2 weeks!*** > ...by the end of the first term we will run out of the countries to piss off. I'd say at this rate we could be at war with Iran (or somebody else?) in less than a year. Months? Trump is batshit.", ">>{HebieJebbies} : I dont respect her for the opinions that she has but for the fact that she firmly believes something as opposed to just vomiting on television for views. But still, you're probably right.", ">>{jpark170} : Trump is the textbook definition of Tyrannical leader. It's unfortunate that Republicans claim that they hold the Constitution dearly, yet never walk the walk.", ">>{DrChairmanMeow} : She didn't beat him. If you think about it he beat her. She spent the entire interview baiting him trying to get him to raise his voice and argue over opinions. He calmly disagreed and continued the interview. Just because someone talks fast and refuses to rethink their convictions doesn't mean that their ideology is factual.", '>>{kickerofelves86} : How long can they say "yeah, but Hillary"', ">>{whilewefiddle} : What do you mean 'possible?' It's already done. At this point it's looking like China will be a better way to go for us. You are certainly no longer welcome here.", '>>{MWM2} : Putin is a mad scientist that frankenstein\'ed us. He took off our head with our good brain and replaced it with a defective head and a bad brain like in "Young Frankenstein".', ">>{RickVince} : God what a bullshit article. Black Lives Matter *isn't* a radical militant movement? Really? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY9xGRZjUUI", '>>{HebieJebbies} : Until the day they die from old age, heart attack, gun misuse or some horrible trucking accident.', ">>{ccrom} : You're applauding having a closed mind. It's prideful obstinance. It's confirmation bias on steroids.", '>>{HebieJebbies} : Is it really awful to respect someones dedication on something despite the context? Im in no way advocating anything she says but I can at least say that she is dedicated to her cause even if her cause is awful and closed-minded.', ">>{ccrom} : It ain't the kkk or the IRA. They don't sponsor terror. They don't plan and execute attacks.", '>>{biscuitime} : From the article > the Australian leader pressed the president to honor an agreement to accept 1,250 refugees from an Australian detention center. Trump: > The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Refugees do not equal illegal immigrants, or even legal immigrants.', '>>{pipsdontsqueak} : >Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal! https://www.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/827002559122567168?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw This is our president. This is who the fucking Trumpers voted for. This is his official rhetoric and the extent of his diction. Fuck this clown.', ">>{Jaidate} : He still hasn't insulted Canada. That's a miracle.", ">>{JSTUDY} : When's the last time the KKK was relevant or did any crimes?", '>>{InSuTruckyTrailer} : No Trump, it would be sarcastic to say something like, oh I don\'t know, "yeah right, I *really* donate millions of dollars to NAMBLA. No seriously, I *can\'t get enough* of that NAMBLA group."', ">>{castiglione_99} : Why, way to reverse a trend that's almost a 100 years old. All in the space of one bullying phone call. Good lord.", '>>{Justmetalking} : All you need to do is actually watch a Trump speech. I know, shocking. But honestly he jokes a lot in his speeches.', ">>{castiglione_99} : What's the over/under on when that happens?", '>>{scooter_mcgee} : durr good one durr, ruining sounds like running... GET IT?', ">>{PM_ME_CUTE_PUPPYS} : They're pretty frustrated over at /r/Australia 😔 Please forgive us!", ">>{BaneWilliams} : The funniest thing about it is the political climate in AUS is not super different from the US either. The same type of party as Trump holds the Australian equivalency of the President and the majority of Congress. Basically US and AU should be so far up each others arseholes they can't see straight, but instead... this.", ">>{BaneWilliams} : Currently improved US-Foreign nation relationships: * Russia * North Korea * Eurasia * ... * Or is it Eastasia? Edit: No no, I double checked, it's definitely Eurasia.", ">>{Ch3t} : Maybe we should ask his wife, Mel...Morgan Fairchild. Yeah, that's the ticket.", '>>{wrath4771} : Just what we need in a leader - someone who cannot articulate his thoughts and communicate clearly.', ">>{jpark170} : Russia, yes. NK? Probably not. Eurasia? Europe now abhors us. East Asia? Korea is being watchful, Japan is pissed off, and China is definitely furious. Only relationship that got better is Russia. Even then it's because our dear dumbass is Putin's puppet.", ">>{BaneWilliams} : NK - Yes, because the US's behaviour as antagonistical is beneficial for NK. Just like the US's behaviour as antagonistical is amazing for ISIL/ISIS. As for the Eurasia/Eastasia part, I was making a 1984 reference.", '>>{ishabad} : The Republicans like to dig there own grave it seems', '>>{trollsoftly} : Remember when he [admitted to arming Isis troops?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toIPvS9Pwgg) or when he [suggested Obama could be assassinated?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw98fouyfBg)', '>>{RickVince} : There\'s barely 5-8 thousand KKK members in the entire country. Meanwhile there are absolutely videos of the same amount of BLM members(also some dumb young white liberals...of course) marching the streets during the protests screaming "What do we want? Dead cops! When do when want it? Now!". Stop bringing up the KKK and yes they absolutely inspire, sponsor and encourage terror.', '>>{bootstrapping_lad} : He\'s just like that asshole friend who says offensive mean spirited things, then when called on it, claims "it\'s just a joke bro, don\'t be so serious." Except you know they are being completely serious, but they won\'t admit it when challenged.', '>>{ccrom} : Swoosh. You are sidestepping the point. You are too defensive. Kkk and IRA planned and executed operations that resulted in deaths.', ">>{RickVince} : He calmly disagreed by claiming he didn't understand over and over again, ignored her points while changing the subject and at the same time make lame jokes... Yup, he sure showed her. Also aren't you annoyed at the way he uses tactics and constantly puts words in her mouth? Seriously what's the very first thing he said in the interview...", ">>{all4reddit} : So Trump's *Art of the Deal* says to fuck off your allies. Ok got it.", '>>{moxy801} : Donald Trump\'s next book "50 Shades of Lying"', '>>{Shanashy} : But he has the *best* words. /s', '>>{JSTUDY} : If only that was relevant in 2016. Did someone forget 5 officers dying in Dallas? That was a hate crime.', '>>{RickVince} : Why? I\'m not seeing a lot of Trump supporters in the streets assaulting people by the hundreds... "Some" horrific supporters. "Some". Gimme a break.', ">>{TheMamba42} : She didn't give a coherent answer in that entire interview. She had no problem articulating her opinions, but she didn't have any evidence or facts to back up a single one of them. Most of it was feelings and conjecture.", '>>{GThankU} : But not that sarcastic to be [honest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX7MMIW78y0&feature=youtu.be&t=52) with you.', ">>{mustardtiger86} : I still don't understand the mouth breathing troglodytes that still support this moron, people amaze me", '>>{ElBiscuit} : [And now it comes full circle ...](http://www.reuters.com/video/2016/07/27/trump-impersonates-snls-jon-lovitz?videoId=369406143)', ">>{ElBiscuit} : If my opponent were doing such a great job of beating himself, I'd keep quiet, too.", '>>{Minty824} : I think that\'s the most crucial thing here, as a president you don\'t get to be "sarcastic" with things like national enemies or nuclear weapons. Our president\'s words can have dire consequences. I absolutely cannot trust trump to keep composure if it came to a stand down with Russia, China, DPRK, etc. He\'ll either be dumb enough to get baited into a terrible position or he\'ll try and backpedal out of it with "I was kidding". Both of those would do untold damage to American foreign policy for years.', ">>{HollrHollrGetCholera} : That's the thing about nationalists; they tend to not work with outside groups all that well.", '>>{sasol1234} : Show me a video of 5-8k BLM protesters walking through the streets calling for dead cops.', ">>{kittenwithadildo} : No he doesn't. He tries to make jokes, occasionally, but they're always cringeworthy. The stuff he gets busted for is dangerous, ignorant rhetoric. But because he tries a few jokes his supporters will just use the excuse that he was joking when he says something patently false.", ">>{Innovative_Wombat} : Kind of wonder just how much he or Bannon have invested in China and Russia given that list. He's basically shoving everyone into the arms of those two for leadership. The era of American Leadership is over and in its place stands a choice between Pax Russica and Pax Sino. The best option for America now, is to see Trump behind bars with Bannon. Or Bannon executed for treason against the American people and the Constitution.", '>>{jpark170} : Jeez, now I want Putin to just release it for the sake of Psyke!', '>>{MWM2} : The tweet is like something out of a so-truly-terrible-it\'s-good b-movie. Especially the end "...this dumb deal!" How can all of this be real***?!?***', '>>{tesserakt} : I watch the media twist and turn minor things into major stories and write his narrative for him, therefore interrupting his communication with the American people. I watched the same media do that to Bernie Sanders, and I\'m a republican. Then it came out that the DNC and the Clinton campaign were colluding along with the media to smother Sander\'s campaign. Pretty impressive stuff. And now they\'re doing it to Trump. The same corporate/government cadre that we call "the establishment" of which the Dem. & Rep. parties are one in the same. I like Trump because I skip the NY Times reporting on him and listened to the man myself. But for people who aren\'t sure if they like Trump or not, I think you\'re all pretty sure you don\'t like the establishment that owns Clinton and her $275,000/hr wall street "speeches". Edit: Man I remember when this page was covered top to bottom with Anti-Hillary posts when Bernie was still alive. There\'s not way all those Bernie bros switched to Hillary after she fucked him so bad. This many downvotes over a pretty tame post? This has got to be a bot-farm. Hi India! Hi China!', ">>{Pylons} : > I like Trump because I skip the NY Times reporting on him and listened to the man myself. Funny, that's the exact reason I *dislike* Trump.", '>>{sasol1234} : What are you talking about? There have been multiple assaults by trump supporters in NYC alone. I am not going to debate you because obviously you feel like this is the narrative. I feel sorry for you. Its going to be a hard 4 years of not getting anything you wanted from trump.', ">>{greasyburgerslut} : Man it's almost like she was on there to give her opinion or something", '>>{eclectic_tastes} : >"Obviously I\'m being sarcastic," he said, "but not that sarcastic to be honest with you."', '>>{RickVince} : Yeah? Show me the videos. I have enough evidence to fill a website called world star hip hop. You have stories that have mostly been debunked. I mean the "colors person" sticker over the water fountain, the n word markings on the cars and buildings, muslim women getting their headscarves ripped off their heads and assaulted ect...all fake. Go ahead, google it.', ">>{cryogenics12} : Hint you assholes: If you're serious about going to war with China, you're going to need Australia as an ally", ">>{MWM2} : I made some edits: > He hasn't insulted Canada. *Yet.*", '>>{scram_jones} : > I watch the media twist and turn minor things into major stories and write his narrative for him, therefore interrupting his communication with the American people. Trump saying insanely stupid, offensive, illegal and outrageous things day after day is not a "minor" thing. And the media isn\'t twisting anything, just reporting the asinine things he says.', '>>{Zoophagous} : Remember when the GOP railed that Obama was trashing our allies? Good times.', '>>{shorthairedlonghair} : This is what growing up rich will do to your brain.', ">>{RickVince} : Numbers were a bit exaggerated to prove a point but you've seen the videos of protests and riots of them screaming for dead white people and cops. I know you have. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJpWiV-zLoM", '>>{mariemrm} : “Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.”~ Napoleon Bonaparte', ">>{ccrom} : Don't be the KKK apologist. BLM did not plan, endorse or encourage what happened in Dallas. They do not want to inspire people to do such awful things. Somebody vandalized and burned a cross at the same sex couple's house in my town of Gilbert, AZ. Dylan Roof definitely was into white supremacist propaganda before killing 9 people.", ">>{shorthairedlonghair} : I wonder how long Tillerson's going to last under these conditions. I wonder what he's thinking, since he is arguably more successful in business and has better leadership skills than Trump. Why would he work for this guy?", '>>{orange1690} : My dear old Scottish granny used to say. "sarcasm is a poor excuse for wit."', '>>{tesserakt} : Look I get it, Trump says things that make him worse than hitler, and while I\'m not sure how to say "illegal things", its blatantly obvious that Clinton has **done** illegal things. And where is the media\'s reporting on that? Its so biased it isn\'t even funny. They say the media is the nervous system of a Democracy and I can\'t tell whether you\'re actually repeating what someone paid to have you hear or if you\'re directly paid to say what they want us all to hear.', '>>{stumpyspaceprincess} : Put Canada on that list. Guaranteed Trudeau was not pleased a Canadian tragedy was used to justify that abomination of an immigration order (in a nonsensical fashion at that).', '>>{rtft} : >by the end of the first term we will run out of the countries to piss off. At this rate it will only take another 26 weeks.', ">>{Justmetalking} : Trump peppers his speeches with his own brand of New York style humor. That you're so far up your own a** to think he's scary and dangerous says far more about you than him.", '>>{rtft} : He might go "Tomorrow When the War Began" on you , be careful.', ">>{Another_Alex} : Pissing off Canada means you are a special kind of stupid. Canada supplies us with oil, vacation spots, they buy lots of our stuff even with the extra shipping costs and thier fate is more or less tied to ours. You can't fuck this up. Unless you are Trump, apparently.", ">>{LordoftheScheisse} : This is what I've been saying all along. Even if, in the best-case scenario, Trump is just being sarcastic or misinterpreted, the responsibility is on him to communicate as clearly as possible to make the chance of being taken wrong as small as possible. Yet he continues to use language that is ambiguous, to put it generously. I suspect, though, that using the language he does is a symptom of him being a coward.", ">>{kittenwithadildo} : He's not humorous. Anyone who is a fan of or studies comedy will tell you he doesn't have a sense of humor. The fact you think any of his statements are humorous says more about your level of intelligence than him", ">>{ccrom} : That isn't what happened. A couple of dozen people did that AFTER a BLM march. And it is not acceptable and it was immediately condemned by BLM. Some fake news cites edited video together to give their audience the impression they gave you. Watch where you get your news from or you'll end up like this lady: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c-Ijky95dc", ">>{JSTUDY} : And Dylann Roof was an asshole and a terrible person. The KKK is horrible. I actually live In an area where they are prevalent and go door to door throwing flyers and business cards once a year. They are absolute shit. But in 2016 I haven't seen the KKK shut down massive swathes of highway, riot in major cities costing millions of damage, or have members kill police because of a false narrative. Obviously KKK is worse than BLM no one is arguing that but BLM is awful too.", ">>{RickVince} : I'm aware of all that and they can condemn all day long...doesn't change what's happening out there. Young liberals and minorities have become violent fascists, inspired by organizations like BLM to go out there and fuck shit up. Christ I mean a guy in Montreal was assaulted this weekend for being a Trump supporter. The group Antifa got a metal concert cancelled last week(band was right-wing) and assaulted fans coming out of the metro who still showed up. I could keep going! So many examples...", ">>{ccrom} : You know what you know and no one can convince you otherwise. You've allotted blame and that's the end of the matter.", '>>{LordoftheScheisse} : His "jokes" all take the form of defensiveness when he\'s called out or realizes he\'s said or done something stupid.', '>>{ccrom} : You seem to be upset that the public\'s pity is not heaped on your group. Resentful even. "Young liberals and minorities have become violent fascists, inspired by organizations like BLM to go out there and fuck shit up. " Do you think your language might be inaccurate. Are you observing a pattern of random events and attributing to them a sinister collective?', '>>{JSTUDY} : I mean we can still have a discussion. I think we can both agree the KKK is scum and on the level of WBC in terms of hatred in the US. The original move for BLM was a wonderful idea. At this point tho they are literally just rioters inciting violence by spreading "fake news".', ">>{de_Generated} : Because Trump has done nothing illegal ever. Blatant racism while hiring for his hotels was his first appearance in the public last century. Since then: secual harrassment, fraud, used slave labour for building projects in saudi arabia, bankruptcy... also he won't release his tax returns. Yep, a perfectly fine guy.", ">>{RickVince} : Sinister collective... It's currently socially acceptable to assault us and the entire media covers it up. So...you serious?", ">>{TRex77} : Minor...I don't think this word means what you think it means...", '>>{WasabiBomb} : >...its blatantly obvious that Clinton has **done** illegal things. And yet despite it being "blatantly obvious", she\'s never been convicted. Never even *charged*. Odd, that.', '>>{dragonfliesloveme} : I think Trump must be surrounded by "yes" men in his personal and business life. He doesn\'t seem used to being questioned for what he says and always seems surprised at the backlash he gets since he\'s been in politics.', '>>{ccrom} : People have been arrested and charged when they have been identified. No one said it was acceptable. You seem upset about the amount of public outrage. Are you more outraged by eggs thrown at a Trump supporter than a man dying in police custody or at a traffic stop? Let\'s talk about the whole "You are rubber, I am glue" or the "No. You\'re the Puppet" argument. Fascism is being overly nationalistic and authoritarian. Tomi Lahren is wading in those waters. She wants people to be "grateful" and refrain from criticizing and protesting. That is the very definition of an abusive sort of nationalism. Where we aren\'t allowed to dissent. You can\'t just turn the argument 180 degrees and have it be valid. Do you think the judicial system in this country is above criticism? Trump is the one who denies (or forgot) that Russia is occupying the Ukraine and won\'t acknowledge Russian hacking. Saying Clinton is the puppet made absolutely no sense.', '>>{tesserakt} : And yet there are people in jail for much much less. I was in the military and compromising classified information is no joke. All those rules are written in blood because people have died when there are info leaks. Comey said essentially she is too retarded to understand how what she was doing was wrong. He essentially said "We didn\'t charge her because we can\'t prove she is smart enough to know leaving an infant locked in a hot car would kill the infant". And you guys are all out shilling for her to be *President*? It\'s just amazing. At this point I almost don\'t even see the point in arguing about it. I think we might be better off dividing the country between people who buy the Establishment Media\'s narrative and those who can read between the lines.', ">>{RickVince} : Numbers? Behavior? Stop comparing the two. It's not even close.", '>>{unclefire} : Misinterpreted -- And that my friends is why politicians and any other person that has power (e.g. CEOs talking about earnings to analysts) is careful about what they say and how. All the trump bumpkins think that him spewing shit is great. It isn\'t. Words matter. Maybe he should take a lesson from one of his own-- Frank Luntz. "It\'s not what you say, it\'s what people hear"', '>>{unclefire} : Most of his so called jokes are crass and usually something demeaning about another person.', '>>{unclefire} : 9D Chess by HRC. :-) They want him to hoist himself with his own petard. Please proceed governor.', '>>{RIDEO} : If Trump Was A Televangelist ... He Would Have Millions Believing That He Was A Prophet', '>>{unclefire} : You should expect anything that person says to be a lie.', '>>{RIDEO} : The Only Time I Was Wrong ... Was When I Was Mistaken And Actually Was Right', ">>{Acrolith} : LOL, why would she say anything? When your opponent is shitting himself in public, it's best to just stay quiet.", '>>{cleaningProducts} : I never realized how far back the hair from that comb over started until I saw this picture.', '>>{Shanashy} : Oh, yes, the best brain. I mean, his IQ is high, probably the highest.', '>>{wrath4771} : He really is a coward. If everybody had jumped on the "Assassinate Hillary" bandwagon he would be crowing about it today, but since it didn\'t fly the way he expected it to, then it becomes "sarcasm." It\'s the typical bully, "I was just kidding" schtick.', '>>{Mazakaki} : every other plan out of his mouth violates the bill of rights. that is what people mean by "he says illegal things"', '>>{hammertime1070} : Keep going man, I am sure looking down on other people is going to do well for your party in November.', '>>{hardgeeklife} : The last three happened in just the *last three weeks.*', ">>{DudeWithAPitchfork} : [Trump's speaking fees top the list](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/washingtons-highest-lowest-speaking-fees/story?id=24551590). But I'm sure you don't care about that.", ">>{kittenwithadildo} : You just told me my head was up my ass. Oh yeah, I'm not worried about November. Check the polls.", '>>{EndTheFedora} : >((But he has the best words. /s) not /s) kind of /s', ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : It's remarkable. A man running for president who has completely forfeited the assumption that anything coming out of his mouth should be taken at face value.", '>>{RIDEO} : Yes, Hillary Has Lied, But Compared To Trump She Looks Like The Virgin Mary !', ">>{ItzClobberinTime} : that comparison with the most holy virgin Mary is ridiculous you couldn't say st Theresa or smeing else.", ">>{C0matoes} : Ok Hillary. We get that you can buy your way to the front page and also buy yourself an election. Too bad you can't buy yourself dignity because you have none.", ">>{9xInfinity} : Maybe if you didn't skip reading/listening to media outlets like the NY Times you'd know that in fact Clinton's indiscretions have been extensively covered. There's a reason she's so unpopular even with the people who say they will vote for her.", ">>{kittenwithadildo} : Oh, my bad. But if you haven't noticed, both sides talk down to each other. My mocking someone bc they think trump is humorous when that is clearly untrue doesn't really have anything to do with the outcome of the election. Someone thinking trump is funny is worse than thinking Carlos Mencia or Larry the cable guy is funny. And let's face it, those guys' fans aren't the brightest bulbs in the box. So I can deduce that if someone thinks trump is funny, they are full blown retard.", ">>{TGiddy} : Trump has never once admitted to a mistake or apologized. He's a legitimate asshat", '>>{MG87} : And? Why should she speak when Agent Orange is sinking his own campaign?', ">>{MG87} : I've watched him speak, I've listened to him interviewed. He is a complete moron.", '>>{RIDEO} : Lighten Up ... I Was Being Sarcastic ... I Was Joking', ">>{C0matoes} : No. It's Barack. Seriously. Enough with the shit posts already.", ">>{kittenwithadildo} : Also, why didn't you say something to the guy who did say my head was up my ass? Is it only talking down to someone if you personally disagree?", ">>{SinSkin} : So, she can tell us what to expect if she wins... Instead of being just the lesser of two evils. Edit - I want her to explain pay to play too me, and how she doesn't do it.", '>>{hammertime1070} : I can only comment once every 8 minutes the advantage of conservatism. And Trump is pretty clearly viewed as funny, liberals just like to pretend they have a monopoly on humor.', ">>{C0matoes} : My bad. Didn't mean to get in the way or your Hillary ass sniffing party. Exactly how deep are you buried up her ass? Can you see daylight up above? Can you smell your job going away?", '>>{kittenwithadildo} : Well, the right has rarely put forward anyone who is funny. You have Bill Cosby, Gallagher and Greg Gutfeld. Pretty shitty little group, considering the only funny one of the 3 is a rapist. Always tends to be the family values crowd that turn out to be rapists and kiddie diddlers. Ironic. Please tell me one thing Trump has said that should be considered original and humorous? Was it when he was mocking a disabled reporter?', ">>{kittenwithadildo} : Pretty clearly viewed as funny. By who? I can't think of 1 intelligent person who thinks he's humorous. Clowns are considered funny among children and adults with severe mental issues, but doesn't mean their comedy is worth a shit. Trump is a clown and you are an adult with a mental handicap. It's ok if you think he's funny. Whatever makes you laugh, but he's objectively unfunny.", ">>{SinSkin} : I want her to tell me she doesn't participate in a pay to play scheme.", ">>{SinSkin} : She needs to tell the people she isn't part of pay to play government.", ">>{RIDEO} : I've Never Had The Urge To Do That ... But It Seems You Have A Fetish For It ... As Long As You And Donald Agree Go Ahead And Live Out That Fantasy.", ">>{the_leprechauns_anus} : I've been watching his rallies and I could never vote for a person that acts like that. Hillary has made mistakes, but she's not a clown.", ">>{the_leprechauns_anus} : I would lie to YOU, but not Jacomole'!", '>>{ItzClobberinTime} : ohh sorry man seemed like something a clinton fan would say haha', ">>{C0matoes} : So. Just in case you didn't know it, you didn't answer the question. Exactly how far are you up Hillary's ass again? Just so you know. You're not talking to a Trump supporter. I'm just wondering how much you get paid to make shit posts bashing Trump all day long. Actually I have trouble believing any American would support either of these two bafoons but it's quite interesting to watch. By the way. You don't have to capitalize every first letter in a sentence. It sort of makes the reader think it's starting over with every word. Edit: I'm just pulling your chain because it's right there, ready to be pulled. One question should sum it up though. It's an easy one. Where was 90% of your car/truck/van made? Pop the drivers door open. It should say made in america by Americans using parts also made on America. It doesn't. But it should. That's the result of the previous Clinton administration.", '>>{hammertime1070} : If you are in the every conservative is stupid camp then there is really no arguing with you.', ">>{dzrtguy} : At least he recalls the things he's said and done.", '>>{cannibalAJS} : Love how this lie is repeated constantly, people have been caught doing worse and with proven intent and still get slapped on the wrist. A marine major recently was caught hoarding classified emails on an unsecured drive and sending them to people without proper clearance and all he will get is an honorable discharge.', ">>{WasabiBomb} : > And yet there are people in jail for much much less. I was in the military and compromising classified information is no joke. All those rules are written in blood because people have died when there are info leaks. The fact that she's *not* in jail, not even *charged*- despite *millions* spent on investigating her- should tell you that your opinion as to her criminality is worthless.", '>>{yomassa} : You can watch trump speeches in full, unedited, without any "liberal media" bias, on Youtube. Watching them is like watching "Bad Lip Reading" videos. The dude has dementia.', ">>{BobbyD84} : Philly here, redditor for 5 years. Voted for Sanders in the primary. Voting for Hilary in the election. There are plenty more Posts just like me. Gasp! It's not all a conspiracy theory sink a terribly unfit and inexperienced Republican candidate?!", '>>{wrath4771} : But we should take him seriously when he says the media and whatever boogeyman of the week is mean to him.', ">>{Camca} : Why don't you just post what he said, rather than ''essentually said'?", ">>{ztary} : It's a *joke*. Whenever you make that face it's a ***joke***", '>>{euming} : > I don\'t want a fucking sarcastic president... Well, good news for you, then! He wasn\'t being sarcastic. He was just being idiotic and then backtracking and saying he was being sarcastic to not look like he was being idiotic. Unfortunately, he still looks idiotic. But he has plausible deniability with idiotic voters. That\'s all that matters to him. So, you won\'t get a sarcastic president, if he gets elected. You\'ll get an idiotic one who hedges some of the things he says by saying he was being sarcastic after things go horribly awry! Since most of the things he says are idiotic, then he\'s going to say he was being sarcastic most of the time. He\'s hoping no one notices. And if anyone notices, he calls them "dirty, corrupt, mainstream media."', '>>{euming} : I have no asshole friends like that. I stop being friends with them and so would my circle of friends.', ">>{kdog1147} : How far up Trump's is yours? Can you actually smell his brain?", ">>{euming} : > I want her to tell me she doesn't participate in a pay to play scheme You are one voter. Even if she personally whispered into your ear and God was standing next to you and telling you she was telling the truth, you still wouldn't believe. So, why should she bother? Tell an entire electorate is even more stupid because it legitimizes the narrative further. So, that's a stupid tactic, too. Just because something is in your head doesn't mean it's in other people's heads, too. So, basically, she doesn't need to address people who have based their opinion on slander and innuendo because she won't win those people over anyway and addressing it just makes it seem more real. It's the same reason Trump isn't responding to the NAMBLA charges, although those are an amusing attempt to get him to take the bait. She doesn't respond to the pay for play charges for the same reason. It's baseless and false and saying anything about it simply furthers the false narrative and goads the trollers with more material.", ">>{kittenwithadildo} : Not conservatives. Just people voting for trump. Especially the ones who think he's funny.", ">>{tesserakt} : The media treats Trump like he's guilty of Hillary's level of crimes and scandals. I don't like blaming the media because the quaility of their reporting is only a reflection of the interests or habits of consumption of those in the society, but in this case it is obviously the establishment protecting itself. There's no doubt in my mind that Jeb Bush and McCain will be voting for Hillary. I just never thought liberals were so stupid and bitter that they'd betray everything they stand for because the tv screen says so.", '>>{C0matoes} : Not sure you noticed. But I, unlike you, don\'t support a candidate. Why? Because they both suck. I\'m a bit pissed that a "politics" subreddit has gone to shit with supporting Hillary over being just a discussion of politics. You guys have been bought. This sub has turned into r/itsallaboutbashingtrump. It\'s biased where there should be no bias. It\'s bought.', ">>{kittenwithadildo} : That's cute you think he'll win. If you're that delusional then there's no arguing w you.", '>>{IKILLPPLALOT} : Many smart people, probably the smartest people. Wait, maybe all these people telling him all this stuff are just in his head? :O', '>>{the_leprechauns_anus} : You know how sometimes we have fake arguments with people in our heads while we are taking showers? He has those too, but he wins and then uses those people as legit sources.', ">>{buzzlightlime} : When I said 'launch' I was being sarcastic. What is it with you generals - no sense of humor!", '>>{buzzlightlime} : The great part is that he means whatever his supporter feels in their heart', ">>{9xInfinity} : Are you calling Jeb Bush and John McCain liberals because they aren't voting for trump?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{RIDEO} : 6 Times Trump Says He's Been 'Sarcastic' or 'Misinterpreted'", '>>{RIDEO} : Would You Buy A Used Car From A Guy That Says "Believe Me" Or "I\'ve Got To Be Honest" Followed By Lie After Lie ? The President Of The USA Needs To Be Trusted Not A Shyster like Trump !', '>>{Pylons} : He\'s a straight shooter, he says what he means! "He didn\'t mean that!"', ">>{Trumppered} : Article forgot that time he said: I'm running for president.", '>>{3_Limes} : Does he think "scarcasm" means "backsies", or "free pass"?', '>>{InSuTruckyTrailer} : No Trump, it would be sarcastic to say something like, oh I don\'t know, "yeah right, I *really* donate millions of dollars to NAMBLA. No seriously, I *can\'t get enough* of that NAMBLA group."', '>>{Justmetalking} : All you need to do is actually watch a Trump speech. I know, shocking. But honestly he jokes a lot in his speeches.', '>>{scooter_mcgee} : durr good one durr, ruining sounds like running... GET IT?', ">>{Ch3t} : Maybe we should ask his wife, Mel...Morgan Fairchild. Yeah, that's the ticket.", '>>{wrath4771} : Just what we need in a leader - someone who cannot articulate his thoughts and communicate clearly.', '>>{trollsoftly} : Remember when he [admitted to arming Isis troops?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toIPvS9Pwgg) or when he [suggested Obama could be assassinated?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw98fouyfBg)', '>>{bootstrapping_lad} : He\'s just like that asshole friend who says offensive mean spirited things, then when called on it, claims "it\'s just a joke bro, don\'t be so serious." Except you know they are being completely serious, but they won\'t admit it when challenged.', '>>{moxy801} : Donald Trump\'s next book "50 Shades of Lying"', '>>{Shanashy} : But he has the *best* words. /s', '>>{GThankU} : But not that sarcastic to be [honest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX7MMIW78y0&feature=youtu.be&t=52) with you.', ">>{mustardtiger86} : I still don't understand the mouth breathing troglodytes that still support this moron, people amaze me", '>>{ElBiscuit} : [And now it comes full circle ...](http://www.reuters.com/video/2016/07/27/trump-impersonates-snls-jon-lovitz?videoId=369406143)', ">>{ElBiscuit} : If my opponent were doing such a great job of beating himself, I'd keep quiet, too.", '>>{Minty824} : I think that\'s the most crucial thing here, as a president you don\'t get to be "sarcastic" with things like national enemies or nuclear weapons. Our president\'s words can have dire consequences. I absolutely cannot trust trump to keep composure if it came to a stand down with Russia, China, DPRK, etc. He\'ll either be dumb enough to get baited into a terrible position or he\'ll try and backpedal out of it with "I was kidding". Both of those would do untold damage to American foreign policy for years.', ">>{kittenwithadildo} : No he doesn't. He tries to make jokes, occasionally, but they're always cringeworthy. The stuff he gets busted for is dangerous, ignorant rhetoric. But because he tries a few jokes his supporters will just use the excuse that he was joking when he says something patently false.", '>>{tesserakt} : I watch the media twist and turn minor things into major stories and write his narrative for him, therefore interrupting his communication with the American people. I watched the same media do that to Bernie Sanders, and I\'m a republican. Then it came out that the DNC and the Clinton campaign were colluding along with the media to smother Sander\'s campaign. Pretty impressive stuff. And now they\'re doing it to Trump. The same corporate/government cadre that we call "the establishment" of which the Dem. & Rep. parties are one in the same. I like Trump because I skip the NY Times reporting on him and listened to the man myself. But for people who aren\'t sure if they like Trump or not, I think you\'re all pretty sure you don\'t like the establishment that owns Clinton and her $275,000/hr wall street "speeches". Edit: Man I remember when this page was covered top to bottom with Anti-Hillary posts when Bernie was still alive. There\'s not way all those Bernie bros switched to Hillary after she fucked him so bad. This many downvotes over a pretty tame post? This has got to be a bot-farm. Hi India! Hi China!', ">>{Pylons} : > I like Trump because I skip the NY Times reporting on him and listened to the man myself. Funny, that's the exact reason I *dislike* Trump.", '>>{eclectic_tastes} : >"Obviously I\'m being sarcastic," he said, "but not that sarcastic to be honest with you."', '>>{scram_jones} : > I watch the media twist and turn minor things into major stories and write his narrative for him, therefore interrupting his communication with the American people. Trump saying insanely stupid, offensive, illegal and outrageous things day after day is not a "minor" thing. And the media isn\'t twisting anything, just reporting the asinine things he says.', '>>{mariemrm} : “Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.”~ Napoleon Bonaparte', '>>{orange1690} : My dear old Scottish granny used to say. "sarcasm is a poor excuse for wit."', '>>{tesserakt} : Look I get it, Trump says things that make him worse than hitler, and while I\'m not sure how to say "illegal things", its blatantly obvious that Clinton has **done** illegal things. And where is the media\'s reporting on that? Its so biased it isn\'t even funny. They say the media is the nervous system of a Democracy and I can\'t tell whether you\'re actually repeating what someone paid to have you hear or if you\'re directly paid to say what they want us all to hear.', ">>{Justmetalking} : Trump peppers his speeches with his own brand of New York style humor. That you're so far up your own a** to think he's scary and dangerous says far more about you than him.", ">>{LordoftheScheisse} : This is what I've been saying all along. Even if, in the best-case scenario, Trump is just being sarcastic or misinterpreted, the responsibility is on him to communicate as clearly as possible to make the chance of being taken wrong as small as possible. Yet he continues to use language that is ambiguous, to put it generously. I suspect, though, that using the language he does is a symptom of him being a coward.", ">>{kittenwithadildo} : He's not humorous. Anyone who is a fan of or studies comedy will tell you he doesn't have a sense of humor. The fact you think any of his statements are humorous says more about your level of intelligence than him", '>>{LordoftheScheisse} : His "jokes" all take the form of defensiveness when he\'s called out or realizes he\'s said or done something stupid.', ">>{de_Generated} : Because Trump has done nothing illegal ever. Blatant racism while hiring for his hotels was his first appearance in the public last century. Since then: secual harrassment, fraud, used slave labour for building projects in saudi arabia, bankruptcy... also he won't release his tax returns. Yep, a perfectly fine guy.", ">>{TRex77} : Minor...I don't think this word means what you think it means...", '>>{WasabiBomb} : >...its blatantly obvious that Clinton has **done** illegal things. And yet despite it being "blatantly obvious", she\'s never been convicted. Never even *charged*. Odd, that.', '>>{dragonfliesloveme} : I think Trump must be surrounded by "yes" men in his personal and business life. He doesn\'t seem used to being questioned for what he says and always seems surprised at the backlash he gets since he\'s been in politics.', '>>{tesserakt} : And yet there are people in jail for much much less. I was in the military and compromising classified information is no joke. All those rules are written in blood because people have died when there are info leaks. Comey said essentially she is too retarded to understand how what she was doing was wrong. He essentially said "We didn\'t charge her because we can\'t prove she is smart enough to know leaving an infant locked in a hot car would kill the infant". And you guys are all out shilling for her to be *President*? It\'s just amazing. At this point I almost don\'t even see the point in arguing about it. I think we might be better off dividing the country between people who buy the Establishment Media\'s narrative and those who can read between the lines.', '>>{unclefire} : Misinterpreted -- And that my friends is why politicians and any other person that has power (e.g. CEOs talking about earnings to analysts) is careful about what they say and how. All the trump bumpkins think that him spewing shit is great. It isn\'t. Words matter. Maybe he should take a lesson from one of his own-- Frank Luntz. "It\'s not what you say, it\'s what people hear"', '>>{unclefire} : Most of his so called jokes are crass and usually something demeaning about another person.', '>>{unclefire} : 9D Chess by HRC. :-) They want him to hoist himself with his own petard. Please proceed governor.', '>>{RIDEO} : If Trump Was A Televangelist ... He Would Have Millions Believing That He Was A Prophet', '>>{unclefire} : You should expect anything that person says to be a lie.', '>>{RIDEO} : The Only Time I Was Wrong ... Was When I Was Mistaken And Actually Was Right', ">>{Acrolith} : LOL, why would she say anything? When your opponent is shitting himself in public, it's best to just stay quiet.", '>>{cleaningProducts} : I never realized how far back the hair from that comb over started until I saw this picture.', '>>{Shanashy} : Oh, yes, the best brain. I mean, his IQ is high, probably the highest.', '>>{wrath4771} : He really is a coward. If everybody had jumped on the "Assassinate Hillary" bandwagon he would be crowing about it today, but since it didn\'t fly the way he expected it to, then it becomes "sarcasm." It\'s the typical bully, "I was just kidding" schtick.', '>>{Mazakaki} : every other plan out of his mouth violates the bill of rights. that is what people mean by "he says illegal things"', '>>{hammertime1070} : Keep going man, I am sure looking down on other people is going to do well for your party in November.', '>>{hardgeeklife} : The last three happened in just the *last three weeks.*', ">>{DudeWithAPitchfork} : [Trump's speaking fees top the list](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/washingtons-highest-lowest-speaking-fees/story?id=24551590). But I'm sure you don't care about that.", ">>{kittenwithadildo} : You just told me my head was up my ass. Oh yeah, I'm not worried about November. Check the polls.", '>>{EndTheFedora} : >((But he has the best words. /s) not /s) kind of /s', ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : It's remarkable. A man running for president who has completely forfeited the assumption that anything coming out of his mouth should be taken at face value.", '>>{RIDEO} : Yes, Hillary Has Lied, But Compared To Trump She Looks Like The Virgin Mary !', ">>{ItzClobberinTime} : that comparison with the most holy virgin Mary is ridiculous you couldn't say st Theresa or smeing else.", ">>{C0matoes} : Ok Hillary. We get that you can buy your way to the front page and also buy yourself an election. Too bad you can't buy yourself dignity because you have none.", ">>{9xInfinity} : Maybe if you didn't skip reading/listening to media outlets like the NY Times you'd know that in fact Clinton's indiscretions have been extensively covered. There's a reason she's so unpopular even with the people who say they will vote for her.", ">>{kittenwithadildo} : Oh, my bad. But if you haven't noticed, both sides talk down to each other. My mocking someone bc they think trump is humorous when that is clearly untrue doesn't really have anything to do with the outcome of the election. Someone thinking trump is funny is worse than thinking Carlos Mencia or Larry the cable guy is funny. And let's face it, those guys' fans aren't the brightest bulbs in the box. So I can deduce that if someone thinks trump is funny, they are full blown retard.", ">>{TGiddy} : Trump has never once admitted to a mistake or apologized. He's a legitimate asshat", '>>{MG87} : And? Why should she speak when Agent Orange is sinking his own campaign?', ">>{MG87} : I've watched him speak, I've listened to him interviewed. He is a complete moron.", '>>{RIDEO} : Lighten Up ... I Was Being Sarcastic ... I Was Joking', ">>{C0matoes} : No. It's Barack. Seriously. Enough with the shit posts already.", ">>{kittenwithadildo} : Also, why didn't you say something to the guy who did say my head was up my ass? Is it only talking down to someone if you personally disagree?", ">>{SinSkin} : So, she can tell us what to expect if she wins... Instead of being just the lesser of two evils. Edit - I want her to explain pay to play too me, and how she doesn't do it.", '>>{hammertime1070} : I can only comment once every 8 minutes the advantage of conservatism. And Trump is pretty clearly viewed as funny, liberals just like to pretend they have a monopoly on humor.', ">>{C0matoes} : My bad. Didn't mean to get in the way or your Hillary ass sniffing party. Exactly how deep are you buried up her ass? Can you see daylight up above? Can you smell your job going away?", '>>{kittenwithadildo} : Well, the right has rarely put forward anyone who is funny. You have Bill Cosby, Gallagher and Greg Gutfeld. Pretty shitty little group, considering the only funny one of the 3 is a rapist. Always tends to be the family values crowd that turn out to be rapists and kiddie diddlers. Ironic. Please tell me one thing Trump has said that should be considered original and humorous? Was it when he was mocking a disabled reporter?', ">>{kittenwithadildo} : Pretty clearly viewed as funny. By who? I can't think of 1 intelligent person who thinks he's humorous. Clowns are considered funny among children and adults with severe mental issues, but doesn't mean their comedy is worth a shit. Trump is a clown and you are an adult with a mental handicap. It's ok if you think he's funny. Whatever makes you laugh, but he's objectively unfunny.", ">>{SinSkin} : I want her to tell me she doesn't participate in a pay to play scheme.", ">>{SinSkin} : She needs to tell the people she isn't part of pay to play government.", ">>{RIDEO} : I've Never Had The Urge To Do That ... But It Seems You Have A Fetish For It ... As Long As You And Donald Agree Go Ahead And Live Out That Fantasy.", ">>{the_leprechauns_anus} : I've been watching his rallies and I could never vote for a person that acts like that. Hillary has made mistakes, but she's not a clown.", ">>{the_leprechauns_anus} : I would lie to YOU, but not Jacomole'!", '>>{ItzClobberinTime} : ohh sorry man seemed like something a clinton fan would say haha', ">>{C0matoes} : So. Just in case you didn't know it, you didn't answer the question. Exactly how far are you up Hillary's ass again? Just so you know. You're not talking to a Trump supporter. I'm just wondering how much you get paid to make shit posts bashing Trump all day long. Actually I have trouble believing any American would support either of these two bafoons but it's quite interesting to watch. By the way. You don't have to capitalize every first letter in a sentence. It sort of makes the reader think it's starting over with every word. Edit: I'm just pulling your chain because it's right there, ready to be pulled. One question should sum it up though. It's an easy one. Where was 90% of your car/truck/van made? Pop the drivers door open. It should say made in america by Americans using parts also made on America. It doesn't. But it should. That's the result of the previous Clinton administration.", '>>{hammertime1070} : If you are in the every conservative is stupid camp then there is really no arguing with you.', ">>{dzrtguy} : At least he recalls the things he's said and done.", '>>{cannibalAJS} : Love how this lie is repeated constantly, people have been caught doing worse and with proven intent and still get slapped on the wrist. A marine major recently was caught hoarding classified emails on an unsecured drive and sending them to people without proper clearance and all he will get is an honorable discharge.', ">>{WasabiBomb} : > And yet there are people in jail for much much less. I was in the military and compromising classified information is no joke. All those rules are written in blood because people have died when there are info leaks. The fact that she's *not* in jail, not even *charged*- despite *millions* spent on investigating her- should tell you that your opinion as to her criminality is worthless.", '>>{yomassa} : You can watch trump speeches in full, unedited, without any "liberal media" bias, on Youtube. Watching them is like watching "Bad Lip Reading" videos. The dude has dementia.', ">>{BobbyD84} : Philly here, redditor for 5 years. Voted for Sanders in the primary. Voting for Hilary in the election. There are plenty more Posts just like me. Gasp! It's not all a conspiracy theory sink a terribly unfit and inexperienced Republican candidate?!", '>>{wrath4771} : But we should take him seriously when he says the media and whatever boogeyman of the week is mean to him.', ">>{Camca} : Why don't you just post what he said, rather than ''essentually said'?", ">>{ztary} : It's a *joke*. Whenever you make that face it's a ***joke***", '>>{euming} : > I don\'t want a fucking sarcastic president... Well, good news for you, then! He wasn\'t being sarcastic. He was just being idiotic and then backtracking and saying he was being sarcastic to not look like he was being idiotic. Unfortunately, he still looks idiotic. But he has plausible deniability with idiotic voters. That\'s all that matters to him. So, you won\'t get a sarcastic president, if he gets elected. You\'ll get an idiotic one who hedges some of the things he says by saying he was being sarcastic after things go horribly awry! Since most of the things he says are idiotic, then he\'s going to say he was being sarcastic most of the time. He\'s hoping no one notices. And if anyone notices, he calls them "dirty, corrupt, mainstream media."', '>>{euming} : I have no asshole friends like that. I stop being friends with them and so would my circle of friends.', ">>{kdog1147} : How far up Trump's is yours? Can you actually smell his brain?", ">>{euming} : > I want her to tell me she doesn't participate in a pay to play scheme You are one voter. Even if she personally whispered into your ear and God was standing next to you and telling you she was telling the truth, you still wouldn't believe. So, why should she bother? Tell an entire electorate is even more stupid because it legitimizes the narrative further. So, that's a stupid tactic, too. Just because something is in your head doesn't mean it's in other people's heads, too. So, basically, she doesn't need to address people who have based their opinion on slander and innuendo because she won't win those people over anyway and addressing it just makes it seem more real. It's the same reason Trump isn't responding to the NAMBLA charges, although those are an amusing attempt to get him to take the bait. She doesn't respond to the pay for play charges for the same reason. It's baseless and false and saying anything about it simply furthers the false narrative and goads the trollers with more material.", ">>{kittenwithadildo} : Not conservatives. Just people voting for trump. Especially the ones who think he's funny.", ">>{tesserakt} : The media treats Trump like he's guilty of Hillary's level of crimes and scandals. I don't like blaming the media because the quaility of their reporting is only a reflection of the interests or habits of consumption of those in the society, but in this case it is obviously the establishment protecting itself. There's no doubt in my mind that Jeb Bush and McCain will be voting for Hillary. I just never thought liberals were so stupid and bitter that they'd betray everything they stand for because the tv screen says so.", '>>{C0matoes} : Not sure you noticed. But I, unlike you, don\'t support a candidate. Why? Because they both suck. I\'m a bit pissed that a "politics" subreddit has gone to shit with supporting Hillary over being just a discussion of politics. You guys have been bought. This sub has turned into r/itsallaboutbashingtrump. It\'s biased where there should be no bias. It\'s bought.', ">>{kittenwithadildo} : That's cute you think he'll win. If you're that delusional then there's no arguing w you.", '>>{IKILLPPLALOT} : Many smart people, probably the smartest people. Wait, maybe all these people telling him all this stuff are just in his head? :O', '>>{the_leprechauns_anus} : You know how sometimes we have fake arguments with people in our heads while we are taking showers? He has those too, but he wins and then uses those people as legit sources.', ">>{buzzlightlime} : When I said 'launch' I was being sarcastic. What is it with you generals - no sense of humor!", '>>{buzzlightlime} : The great part is that he means whatever his supporter feels in their heart', ">>{9xInfinity} : Are you calling Jeb Bush and John McCain liberals because they aren't voting for trump?"], ['>>{spsheridan} : U.S.-Australia Rift Is Possible After Trump Ends Call With Prime Minister', '>>{WNxVampire} : Alienate all of the allies! America first! Everyone else has to be last! Except for Russia (suspiciously arbitrarily), they can be, in the alternative facts realm, second ("fake news" first).', ">>{MWM2} : Well Trumpsters — are you pleased with this***?*** I'll put it to ya in a way that you can grasp. Trump's action is like you taking out your gun^* and intentionally shooting yourself in the foot. Sure, you're wearing your boots and there's no permanent damage. But it ain't smart at all. *Is it?* \\* a long gun, a .22. I think that's accurate. But you'll tell me if I'm wrong***!*** --- > **The flare-up** — and conflicting characterizations of the call from Mr. Trump and Mr. Turnbull — threatened to do lasting damage to relations between the two countries and **could drive Canberra closer to China**, which has a robust trading relationship with Australia and is competing with Washington to become the dominant force in the Asia-Pacific region.", '>>{YgramulTheMany} : Very sorry, AUS. Donald Trump is something that we Americans refer to colloquially as a "typical republican."', ">>{jpark170} : Currently destroyed US-Foreign nation relationships: * Germany * China * Mexico (Duh) * Japan (with automotives) * Iran * Nations affected by the Travel Ban * Australia (NEW) And this is within 2 weeks. If he doesn't step down or get impeached, by the end of the first term we will run out of the countries to piss off.", '>>{MWM2} : [Trump, Australian PM have heated conversation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtB8na3g5Z0) Turnbull\'s expression is saying: "Fuck that bloke." I did that in my best attempt at an Aussie accent. How\'d I do?', ">>{MWM2} : > And this is within 2 weeks. It's incredible. I still can't believe it: just ***2 weeks!*** > ...by the end of the first term we will run out of the countries to piss off. I'd say at this rate we could be at war with Iran (or somebody else?) in less than a year. Months? Trump is batshit.", ">>{jpark170} : Trump is the textbook definition of Tyrannical leader. It's unfortunate that Republicans claim that they hold the Constitution dearly, yet never walk the walk.", ">>{whilewefiddle} : What do you mean 'possible?' It's already done. At this point it's looking like China will be a better way to go for us. You are certainly no longer welcome here.", '>>{MWM2} : Putin is a mad scientist that frankenstein\'ed us. He took off our head with our good brain and replaced it with a defective head and a bad brain like in "Young Frankenstein".', '>>{biscuitime} : From the article > the Australian leader pressed the president to honor an agreement to accept 1,250 refugees from an Australian detention center. Trump: > The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Refugees do not equal illegal immigrants, or even legal immigrants.', '>>{pipsdontsqueak} : >Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal! https://www.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/827002559122567168?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw This is our president. This is who the fucking Trumpers voted for. This is his official rhetoric and the extent of his diction. Fuck this clown.', ">>{Jaidate} : He still hasn't insulted Canada. That's a miracle.", ">>{castiglione_99} : Why, way to reverse a trend that's almost a 100 years old. All in the space of one bullying phone call. Good lord.", ">>{castiglione_99} : What's the over/under on when that happens?", ">>{PM_ME_CUTE_PUPPYS} : They're pretty frustrated over at /r/Australia 😔 Please forgive us!", ">>{BaneWilliams} : The funniest thing about it is the political climate in AUS is not super different from the US either. The same type of party as Trump holds the Australian equivalency of the President and the majority of Congress. Basically US and AU should be so far up each others arseholes they can't see straight, but instead... this.", ">>{BaneWilliams} : Currently improved US-Foreign nation relationships: * Russia * North Korea * Eurasia * ... * Or is it Eastasia? Edit: No no, I double checked, it's definitely Eurasia.", ">>{jpark170} : Russia, yes. NK? Probably not. Eurasia? Europe now abhors us. East Asia? Korea is being watchful, Japan is pissed off, and China is definitely furious. Only relationship that got better is Russia. Even then it's because our dear dumbass is Putin's puppet.", ">>{BaneWilliams} : NK - Yes, because the US's behaviour as antagonistical is beneficial for NK. Just like the US's behaviour as antagonistical is amazing for ISIL/ISIS. As for the Eurasia/Eastasia part, I was making a 1984 reference.", '>>{ishabad} : The Republicans like to dig there own grave it seems', ">>{all4reddit} : So Trump's *Art of the Deal* says to fuck off your allies. Ok got it.", ">>{HollrHollrGetCholera} : That's the thing about nationalists; they tend to not work with outside groups all that well.", ">>{Innovative_Wombat} : Kind of wonder just how much he or Bannon have invested in China and Russia given that list. He's basically shoving everyone into the arms of those two for leadership. The era of American Leadership is over and in its place stands a choice between Pax Russica and Pax Sino. The best option for America now, is to see Trump behind bars with Bannon. Or Bannon executed for treason against the American people and the Constitution.", '>>{jpark170} : Jeez, now I want Putin to just release it for the sake of Psyke!', '>>{MWM2} : The tweet is like something out of a so-truly-terrible-it\'s-good b-movie. Especially the end "...this dumb deal!" How can all of this be real***?!?***', ">>{cryogenics12} : Hint you assholes: If you're serious about going to war with China, you're going to need Australia as an ally", ">>{MWM2} : I made some edits: > He hasn't insulted Canada. *Yet.*", '>>{Zoophagous} : Remember when the GOP railed that Obama was trashing our allies? Good times.', '>>{shorthairedlonghair} : This is what growing up rich will do to your brain.', ">>{shorthairedlonghair} : I wonder how long Tillerson's going to last under these conditions. I wonder what he's thinking, since he is arguably more successful in business and has better leadership skills than Trump. Why would he work for this guy?", '>>{stumpyspaceprincess} : Put Canada on that list. Guaranteed Trudeau was not pleased a Canadian tragedy was used to justify that abomination of an immigration order (in a nonsensical fashion at that).', '>>{rtft} : >by the end of the first term we will run out of the countries to piss off. At this rate it will only take another 26 weeks.', '>>{rtft} : He might go "Tomorrow When the War Began" on you , be careful.', ">>{Another_Alex} : Pissing off Canada means you are a special kind of stupid. Canada supplies us with oil, vacation spots, they buy lots of our stuff even with the extra shipping costs and thier fate is more or less tied to ours. You can't fuck this up. Unless you are Trump, apparently."], ['>>{madam1} : Trevor Noah plays gracious host to Tomi Lahren: Reason solidifies distant second to feelings in public debate', '>>{HebieJebbies} : I don\'t agree with her in the least bit and I think she spent far too much energy pivoting from some of the questions like "How should we protest since you say this is not \'the right way\'?" However I do respect her for sticking to her opinions.', ">>{RickVince} : Seriously? She fucking destroyed him. At the end he looked like a completely defeated man. Couldn't even sit upright or make eye contact anymore.", ">>{RunnyBabbitRoy} : If there's one positive thing I can say about her is that she has a lot of energy", ">>{HebieJebbies} : I dont respect her for the opinions that she has but for the fact that she firmly believes something as opposed to just vomiting on television for views. But still, you're probably right.", ">>{DrChairmanMeow} : She didn't beat him. If you think about it he beat her. She spent the entire interview baiting him trying to get him to raise his voice and argue over opinions. He calmly disagreed and continued the interview. Just because someone talks fast and refuses to rethink their convictions doesn't mean that their ideology is factual.", '>>{kickerofelves86} : How long can they say "yeah, but Hillary"', ">>{RickVince} : God what a bullshit article. Black Lives Matter *isn't* a radical militant movement? Really? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY9xGRZjUUI", '>>{HebieJebbies} : Until the day they die from old age, heart attack, gun misuse or some horrible trucking accident.', ">>{ccrom} : You're applauding having a closed mind. It's prideful obstinance. It's confirmation bias on steroids.", '>>{HebieJebbies} : Is it really awful to respect someones dedication on something despite the context? Im in no way advocating anything she says but I can at least say that she is dedicated to her cause even if her cause is awful and closed-minded.', ">>{ccrom} : It ain't the kkk or the IRA. They don't sponsor terror. They don't plan and execute attacks.", ">>{JSTUDY} : When's the last time the KKK was relevant or did any crimes?", '>>{RickVince} : There\'s barely 5-8 thousand KKK members in the entire country. Meanwhile there are absolutely videos of the same amount of BLM members(also some dumb young white liberals...of course) marching the streets during the protests screaming "What do we want? Dead cops! When do when want it? Now!". Stop bringing up the KKK and yes they absolutely inspire, sponsor and encourage terror.', '>>{ccrom} : Swoosh. You are sidestepping the point. You are too defensive. Kkk and IRA planned and executed operations that resulted in deaths.', ">>{RickVince} : He calmly disagreed by claiming he didn't understand over and over again, ignored her points while changing the subject and at the same time make lame jokes... Yup, he sure showed her. Also aren't you annoyed at the way he uses tactics and constantly puts words in her mouth? Seriously what's the very first thing he said in the interview...", '>>{JSTUDY} : If only that was relevant in 2016. Did someone forget 5 officers dying in Dallas? That was a hate crime.', '>>{RickVince} : Why? I\'m not seeing a lot of Trump supporters in the streets assaulting people by the hundreds... "Some" horrific supporters. "Some". Gimme a break.', ">>{TheMamba42} : She didn't give a coherent answer in that entire interview. She had no problem articulating her opinions, but she didn't have any evidence or facts to back up a single one of them. Most of it was feelings and conjecture.", '>>{sasol1234} : Show me a video of 5-8k BLM protesters walking through the streets calling for dead cops.', '>>{sasol1234} : What are you talking about? There have been multiple assaults by trump supporters in NYC alone. I am not going to debate you because obviously you feel like this is the narrative. I feel sorry for you. Its going to be a hard 4 years of not getting anything you wanted from trump.', ">>{greasyburgerslut} : Man it's almost like she was on there to give her opinion or something", '>>{RickVince} : Yeah? Show me the videos. I have enough evidence to fill a website called world star hip hop. You have stories that have mostly been debunked. I mean the "colors person" sticker over the water fountain, the n word markings on the cars and buildings, muslim women getting their headscarves ripped off their heads and assaulted ect...all fake. Go ahead, google it.', ">>{RickVince} : Numbers were a bit exaggerated to prove a point but you've seen the videos of protests and riots of them screaming for dead white people and cops. I know you have. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJpWiV-zLoM", ">>{ccrom} : Don't be the KKK apologist. BLM did not plan, endorse or encourage what happened in Dallas. They do not want to inspire people to do such awful things. Somebody vandalized and burned a cross at the same sex couple's house in my town of Gilbert, AZ. Dylan Roof definitely was into white supremacist propaganda before killing 9 people.", ">>{ccrom} : That isn't what happened. A couple of dozen people did that AFTER a BLM march. And it is not acceptable and it was immediately condemned by BLM. Some fake news cites edited video together to give their audience the impression they gave you. Watch where you get your news from or you'll end up like this lady: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c-Ijky95dc", ">>{JSTUDY} : And Dylann Roof was an asshole and a terrible person. The KKK is horrible. I actually live In an area where they are prevalent and go door to door throwing flyers and business cards once a year. They are absolute shit. But in 2016 I haven't seen the KKK shut down massive swathes of highway, riot in major cities costing millions of damage, or have members kill police because of a false narrative. Obviously KKK is worse than BLM no one is arguing that but BLM is awful too.", ">>{RickVince} : I'm aware of all that and they can condemn all day long...doesn't change what's happening out there. Young liberals and minorities have become violent fascists, inspired by organizations like BLM to go out there and fuck shit up. Christ I mean a guy in Montreal was assaulted this weekend for being a Trump supporter. The group Antifa got a metal concert cancelled last week(band was right-wing) and assaulted fans coming out of the metro who still showed up. I could keep going! So many examples...", ">>{ccrom} : You know what you know and no one can convince you otherwise. You've allotted blame and that's the end of the matter.", '>>{ccrom} : You seem to be upset that the public\'s pity is not heaped on your group. Resentful even. "Young liberals and minorities have become violent fascists, inspired by organizations like BLM to go out there and fuck shit up. " Do you think your language might be inaccurate. Are you observing a pattern of random events and attributing to them a sinister collective?', '>>{JSTUDY} : I mean we can still have a discussion. I think we can both agree the KKK is scum and on the level of WBC in terms of hatred in the US. The original move for BLM was a wonderful idea. At this point tho they are literally just rioters inciting violence by spreading "fake news".', ">>{RickVince} : Sinister collective... It's currently socially acceptable to assault us and the entire media covers it up. So...you serious?", '>>{ccrom} : People have been arrested and charged when they have been identified. No one said it was acceptable. You seem upset about the amount of public outrage. Are you more outraged by eggs thrown at a Trump supporter than a man dying in police custody or at a traffic stop? Let\'s talk about the whole "You are rubber, I am glue" or the "No. You\'re the Puppet" argument. Fascism is being overly nationalistic and authoritarian. Tomi Lahren is wading in those waters. She wants people to be "grateful" and refrain from criticizing and protesting. That is the very definition of an abusive sort of nationalism. Where we aren\'t allowed to dissent. You can\'t just turn the argument 180 degrees and have it be valid. Do you think the judicial system in this country is above criticism? Trump is the one who denies (or forgot) that Russia is occupying the Ukraine and won\'t acknowledge Russian hacking. Saying Clinton is the puppet made absolutely no sense.', ">>{RickVince} : Numbers? Behavior? Stop comparing the two. It's not even close."]]
classify and reply
['>>{rcvwomack} : Trump Jr.: Clinton ‘Would Be The First President Who Couldn’t Pass A Basic Background Check’', '>>{ImEdumucated} : Oooooh shit, you gonna let them talk shit about you like that, Ryan? *Liberals pull out popcorn*', '>>{dangerousdolphin5} : Ohio Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan announces challenge to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi', '>>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : Tim Ryan represents the Mahoning valley in Ohio, perhaps the heart of cross-over voting for Trump, so this might be significant. Anything else I should know about Tim Ryan?', ">>{rimper} : Well, if you don't count *her husband*.", '>>{stoic_blunder} : Haha he is so delusional. Never charged never found guilty. Idiot.', ">>{Catt_al} : Fox News posts three week old poll regarding immigration - makes it look like it's about Trump's recent executive order.", '>>{kescusay} : At this point, pulling out the popcorn and watching the fireworks is really the only sensible response to the Republican shitshow.', ">>{Jkdsh} : Hahahahaha! You people are attacking your own after a democrat made up 20 points in a red state. It's just not smart for you lot to be tearing yourselves apart when you have democrats losing by single digits in solid red state special elections.", '>>{Catt_al} : Headline - "Poll: Nearly Half of America Voters Support Trump\'s Immigration Order" - January 29th, 2016 Actual poll question - "Do you support or oppose suspending immigration from "terror prone" regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions?", taken January 5th-9th', '>>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : Blasted Bernie Sanders, saying that "he only recently started talking about the jobs that were lost in Ohio and shit because he is running for president" even though Bernie stood up against NAFTA and other trade deals. Fuck this guy, i would rather have Pelosi.', '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : I like him more now. Thanks for that info.', '>>{rcvwomack} : Hah stoic blunder is so delusional. The evidence is clear, FBI said she was careless and negliglent the DOJ is chicken shit, corrupt and rigged. Hillary for Prison 2016', '>>{CarbonatedConfidence} : BreitShart links... Just like a rock tossed in a lake they always sink to the bottom.', '>>{mortfeinberg} : So he repeats the myth that NAFTA is why low skill manufacturing declined?', '>>{SmugAsHell} : The Trump family is worthless. They should go back to what they do best. Reality TV and not renting to black people.', '>>{drgath} : From the Fox News article > Jan 29, 2017 // 2:47pm - A new Quinnipiac poll released last week... From the [poll it links to](https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2416): > January 12, 2017 - American Voters Want...', ">>{Daspin93} : You don't have to pass any kind of background check to run for president", ">>{Catt_al} : 59% of people in that same poll said illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the United States and to eventually apply for U.S. citizenship. Guess they didn't want to mention that part.", '>>{Triggered_Trumpette} : Ooh, goody, infighting. Also, did no one at Breitbart think that bashing on Republicans for vacationing in Florida might be a bit tone deaf?', ">>{mikes94} : I'm always intrigued by the shade coming from Breitfart. It's the bellwether for whom Trump is pissed at.", '>>{happyantoninscalia} : [Nancy Pelosi right now.](https://media.giphy.com/media/3ViDyv13D9HQQ/giphy.gif)', '>>{GuitarsAndCameras} : > The evidence is clear, Which is why the FBI said there was nothing to prosecute over.', ">>{bassististist} : Just hope North Korea can't manage a show-ending blow off.", ">>{thatpj} : Meh. I don't think he has a real shot.", ">>{Goodlake} : What about the several more rigorous background checks she's passed en route to securing the Democratic nomination? Junior's lucky he has his dad to employ him.", '>>{miashaee} : What? Has she been convicted of a crime that I am not aware of?', '>>{botchedrobbery} : I am happy with this. Midwestern rural and suburban voters went for Trump, but our big cities failed to come out for Hillary also. There is not a white working class problem, there is a midwest problem.', ">>{Allyn1} : But enough to face administrative action. Which the FBI has no control over, so nothing happened. Edit: Downvoted for saying what Comey said, in response to a deliberate misdirection about what he said. This is a matter of public record and you're no better than Trump memers if you're willing to just straight up lie for Yaaas Hillary. #UniteBlue, right? >To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.", ">>{bassististist} : 1. No, but I'm immensely concerned about the lives there being put in danger because the investigation into our corrupt President is getting hot. 2. I live in another area that NK claims to be targeting. Whether they can pull it off is another issue entirely, but, again, I'd rather the President resign instead of starting WWIII. But I'm funny that way.", '>>{notyocheese1} : I can just see the headlines, "Ryan says Ryan is misrepresenting the facts"', ">>{kukwombler} : Silly goose. I sincerely doubt that NK can actually target us in any way directly. I'm concerned for Seoul though, The amount of artillery that can be dumped on them even if they stayed out of it would level a majority of the city before we could even respond.", ">>{Manndrake} : Listen to his 2016 DNC speech - it's exactly the economic message Dems should've gone with.", ">>{Solidarity_and_Memes} : Reddit, if you like it or not, raid the Fox News comment section and point this out - **It's time to take back social media with facts!** It's the best way to prevent ignorance.", ">>{bassististist} : > Silly goose. Where do you live? I suspect you'd feel differently if you live somewhere that's targeted, even if it's improbable.", ">>{TinyBaron} : Fox news [journalism](http://mediamatters.org/blog/2016/07/28/fox-news-plays-benghazi-commercial-over-khazir-khans-anti-trump-speech-democratic-national/212012) : Not reported fairly or in a balanced fashion. They didn't report Capt Khan's dad's speech until Trump brought attention to it himself. It hurt their narrative about Muslims. If they can't spin it, they will ignore it or suppress it outright.", ">>{swiftsepitaph} : The pro-life thing is weird, otherwise I'm intrigued.", '>>{miashaee} : Background checks look for crimes though........has seen been convicted of a crime recently that I am not aware of?', ">>{japobere} : I've always wanted to do this: FAKE NEWS!!!", '>>{swiftsepitaph} : Was pro-life until he completely (and not even subtly - just like a complete reversal of his position) flip-flopped last year. Strikes me as a weird dude, and not a huge fan of having a white guy (however young) as the face of a diversifying party, but intriguing in lots of other areas.', '>>{georgefarley3} : It really is misleading. But I suspect the American people do support this. Americans are pretty racist as a whole. Hopefully the loud minority that is making a lot of noise can succeed in changing some minds and hearts.', '>>{kukwombler} : About 3500 miles away. But that comment was directed towards "But Im funny that way" Edit: Also, I\'m just outside of NYC, we had several nuke scares, so I can kind of relate.', ">>{Sptsjunkie} : It's complex. There are a lot of reasons and automation is increasingly becoming one of them, but it is pretty hard to argue that NAFTA did not result in a steep decline in lower skill manufacturing in the midwest in the 90s and early 2000s.", ">>{mortfeinberg} : https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.15.1.125 >> We describe the main economic arguments posed for and against the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) during the U.S. policy debate. To evaluate these arguments, we analyze recent trade data and survey post-NAFTA studies. We find that both the U.S. and Mexico benefit from NAFTA, with much larger relative benefits for Mexico. NAFTA also has had little effect on the U.S. labor market. These results confirm the consensus opinion of economists at the time of the debate. Finally, studies find that trade creation greatly exceeds trade diversion in the region under NAFTA, especially in intermediate goods. The jobs left, for sure, but it's unlikely NAFTA caused it. The jobs would have left anyway. http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_25byqjBle85jqy9 http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_a3jxYtWKoF4vSKx https://www.audiotech.com/trends-magazine/images/articles/2015/12/p36-1.png https://plot.ly/~victortchen/417/manufacturing-employment-as-a-percentage-of-nonfarm-employment.png NAFTA is just scapegoated by both sides of the spectrum.", '>>{TheHaskell} : He said she would have been fired if she worked for him.', ">>{Sptsjunkie} : I mean the net-net is from the one trade agreement, manufacturing jobs were lost, but the economy was strong so there was overall job growth. That doesn't necessarily help the people in those midwest states whose factories moved or closed. And the reduction in protectionist measures (which is a good thing overall) also led to offshoring in countries other than Mexico. I get where you are coming from. I am not against free trade, even if I am against some treaties where I do not have faith in the people negotiating them or how they are being negotiated / fast tracked. But the potential positive net impacts are not distributed evenly. And there are a lot of people who were / adversely effected by these changes. They aren't just screaming at some hypothetical boogeyman.", '>>{dagrave} : I see...they want Ryan out...and Cruz as speaker?', '>>{mortfeinberg} : >> I mean the net-net is from the one trade agreement, manufacturing jobs were lost, but the economy was strong so there was overall job growth. That doesn\'t necessarily help the people in those midwest states whose factories moved or closed. And the reduction in protectionist measures (which is a good thing overall) also led to offshoring in countries other than Mexico. I mean, there are a few graphs that pretty much show what actually happened. http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_25byqjBle85jqy9 http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_a3jxYtWKoF4vSKx http://people.terry.uga.edu/last/classes/2105h/readings_2006/krugman_trade.pdf https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.15.1.125 https://www.audiotech.com/trends-magazine/images/articles/2015/12/p36-1.png https://plot.ly/~victortchen/417/manufacturing-employment-as-a-percentage-of-nonfarm-employment.png >> I get where you are coming from. I am not against free trade, even if I am against some treaties where I do not have faith in the people negotiating them or how they are being negotiated / fast tracked. But the potential positive net impacts are not distributed evenly. And there are a lot of people who were / adversely effected by these changes. They aren\'t just screaming at some hypothetical boogeyman. This is apretty standard myth, there are far more winners than losers here. When manufacturing jobs vanish and are replaced those jobs move to other sectors. That being said, there are real solutions here, yet both sides refuse to look into them. https://piie.com/commentary/speeches-papers/globalization-concept-causes-and-consequences Here\'s a paper on this that goes into detail. That being said, there are also studies that show NAFTA improved welfare in both the US and Mexico, for everyone. http://www.nber.org/papers/w18508 The attacks on NAFTA for "not being fair" don\'t really make sense, it\'s about as fair as a trade deal can be. A report on this. http://cornerstonemacro.com/email_tmpl.php?contactid=121278&postid=37761 >> Third, does he go after Mexico or China (or both)? Going after Mexico is a stronger signal that Trump is a protectionist than if he were to go after China. The fact is, the US, Canada, and Mexico have created a free trade zone where tariff rates are basically zero. There is nothing unfair about that unless one does not support free trade. Put another way, what is there to renegotiate when Mexico has no trade barriers against US goods? By contrast, it is true that China is stealing US intellectual property, subsidizing state owned enterprises, and has manipulated its currency. For those who support “fair trade” but aren’t protectionists who are against trade, there are legitimate complaints about Chinese behavior. Moreover, it’s possible Trump could reach an agreement with China that deals with these genuine concerns. >> The Trump campaign memo that leaked yesterday highlights how weak the case is against NAFTA. The memo identifies four issues of concern with NAFTA: 1) currency manipulation; 2) the ongoing softwood lumber dispute with Canada; 3) country of origin labeling; and 4) environmental and safety standards. Country of origin labeling? That’s pretty weak tea. There is a strong case that it’s the US that is violating NAFTA on the softwood lumber issue, which had been papered over by an agreement that recently expired. >> Some clients have argued that it is easier and less risky to go after Mexico because it is smaller and less important to the world economy than China, and there is obviously truth in that observation. But we see the risks as higher in Mexico because Trump is less likely to get a real victory (substantive or political) going after NAFTA because there aren’t real abuses. NAFTA created as close to a true free trade zone as one can get in an imperfect world. If Trump targets NAFTA, it is an important signal to investors that not only does he hold strongly protectionist views, he intends to act on them.', ">>{Sptsjunkie} : Thabk you for all of the links and reading material. Upvote for that. I think in terms of midwestern states you still need to understans tgere is a difference between an increase in total value and the dustribution of said value. If you are a machinist who lost your job when yiur factory in Michigan closed, you don't care if another, higher paying, higher tech factory opens in Silicon Valley.", '>>{the_glutton} : The evidence is so clear in fact they brought charges against her. Oh, wait. Nevermind.', ">>{LordPantyhorn} : Trump Jr.: I'm late for my 10:30 dinner reservation at Dorsia", '>>{dekanger} : Fox needs to go. By that I mean it is an active threat to the Republic and never should have been allowed to push things this far.', ">>{paraconformity} : George W. Bush had at least three criminal arrests on his background (that's 3 more than Clinton if you're counting).", ">>{freshwordsalad} : I don't know whether to upvote or downvote. Best thing would probably to get another website to report on this and upvote that article.", '>>{dukeynstewie} : Funny how the clintonites are in full-force this afternoon. Wait until next week. #bernierorbust', '>>{japobere} : Good point. And try not to insult people while doing it. It will only push people further into their own views.', ">>{jcargile242} : Maybe it's because I'm on mobile, but the comments section isn't there for this article…", '>>{SmugAsHell} : The Bernie or bust movement is worthless. I left it because I saw no solution coming from it.', '>>{tickle_mittens} : Does your local Fox affiliate buy "news" programing from Fox News? Good news! You too can file an FCC complaint against that affiliate. Over the air TV uses spectrum which is licensed at a deep discount, the discount is predicated on the broadcaster using a substantial amount of their time on the air to educate and inform the public. Things like news programs. When they replace the news with propaganda, which is what Fox "News" does, then they are in violation of the broadcast license. So if a person were to catalogue the misinformation the local Fox affiliate was deceptively misrepresenting as "news" or "alternative facts" and complain to the FCC, the FCC would have to investigate that complaint. These complaints and investigations would then further be included in the normally scheduled review of the broadcast license, during which the FCC also solicits commentary from the public. If there were enough FCC complaints, the station would probably have to change management, and buy less Fox News content. The last thing they want is to have their review drawn out, or even conceivably their license pulled. By the way, that goes for any station, not just Fox affiliates. The information they present as news, must be accurate. If it is not accurate, they are open to their community calling the basis of their discount access to the airwaves in to question. It\'s no joke either. I grew up with weekday morning and afternoon cartoons and all day cartoons on Saturdays. That didn\'t go away because kids don\'t like cartoons, I still watch cartoons. That went away in part because the FCC decided that the cartoons that were on TV were little more than extended toy commercials and offered little in the way of educational content. And knowing is half the battle.', ">>{F22Rapture} : But not indicted, and that's kinda what we're talking about here.", ">>{mortfeinberg} : Yeah, I also linked an article explaining actual solutions. The solutions Trump throws out won't actually do anything.", ">>{miashaee} : That still has nothing to do with background checks........you generally have to be convicted of a crime to fail those.........or in some cases to be in debt up to your eyeballs. EDIT: Apologies if you're being sarcastic. :D", ">>{2chainz3felonies} : Yeah, he'd have nothing to offer any business otherwise.", '>>{2chainz3felonies} : Well I would expect any politician to have quite a thick file.', ">>{guy-with-a-straw-hat} : I've been located for an FBI background check a few years ago because once my buddy got too drunk and I had to take him to the hospital, they check everything.", ">>{PuffyHerb} : Mods, have you removed rule #3? This is like the fourth thread I've seen in days that has a completely different title (added by user) which has been allowed to stay. Either keep your rules and follow them or get rid of them, but this pick and choosing is bullshit.", ">>{ThrowawayDJer} : Nope. Just **extremely** careless. Good thing she isn't running for something important or anything.", '>>{Bobby_Marks2} : They are actually really struggling to find a cohesive identity post-Ailes. Sometimes they are as ignorant as ever, but other times they are straight up throttling conservative/Trumpian lies.', ">>{reluctant_typer} : A three week old poll has no meaning to you people? It's not like public opinion swayed that much.", '>>{jcargile242} : Search for "comments" in page yields 1 result: >What do you think? Let us know in the comments below Just ain\'t there for me. Again maybe just because I\'m on mobile.', '>>{miashaee} : Yeah but I have to balance Hillary\'s carelessness against Trump\'s bigotry and proposed carelessness. I\'m going Hillary personally, a large part of that is that I don\'t want my brown son growing up in Trump\'s America where profiling people isn\'t "so bad".', '>>{ThrowawayDJer} : For some reason, all Clinton supporters on Reddit got 1 thing out of Comey\'s address: "blah blah blah"', ">>{ThrowawayDJer} : You're absolutely right. I lean way too left for Drumf. It's just too bad our country made the mistake of missing out on Bernie who would be a slam dunk against Trump. Now...we have to bite our nails and **hope** to God Clinton doesn't do anything else stupid. I hate the DNC for playing Russian roulette this cycle", '>>{dukeynstewie} : so you pretty much just fell in-line? Good dem!', ">>{miashaee} : Bernie isn't a god, if you believe in his ideals then continue to fight for them. I was fairly indifferent with respect to who the democrats picked personally as I saw the party shifting left regardless due to Bernie's success. But I am a political pragmatist so that's easy for me to say as I don't get emotionally invested in candidates.", ">>{Donald_J_Putin} : > It's not like public opinion swayed that much. There is a difference being that the EO was issued and it fucked up a lot of citizens trying to get into the country - and we also saw first hand how fucked it was written and implemented.", ">>{Holden_Coalfield} : That's because it's the officially sanctioned Government News of the Trump Administration and The GOP Reject government news Support the Free Press!", '>>{CasterlyBoulder} : Not on mobile, but that is also all I see as well...', '>>{michael2527} : From the poll website: >By a narrow 48 - 42 percent, American voters support "suspending immigration from terror prone regions, even if it means turning away refugees." This specifically entails to Trump\'s plan to temporarily ban immigration from terror prone regions, as the executive order does. Trump\'s plan on immigration was already well-known and widely reported on during the campaign, so people were aware of what they voted on in the poll. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the countries affected by the executive order were already targeted by Obama\'s administration, and the only longer term measure is the ban on immigration from Syria, which is similar to Obama\'s ban on immigrants from Iraq because of increased safety concerns on terrorism in the region (similar to the current Syria situation). Edit: if you have arguments against my post, I\'m always open for discussion. Downvoting because you don\'t like what I have to say is rather childish tbh.', ">>{Shopworn_Soul} : I fully support and endorse discussion of this sort of misleading bullshit but this post violates rule 3. If we're all as smart as we think we are we'd be having this same discussion in a thread with a valid title, right? Right?", ">>{michael2527} : They should be able to apply for citizenship, especially if they have family and built up a life in the U.S. However, if their application is denied, they should abide by that ruling. I think everyone should get the chance to apply for citizenship, but if you're turned down, you have to accept that reality and build a life elsewhere. It wouldn't be fair for the people that immigrated legally (with all the emotional and financial hardships involved) if people who did not have to live up to the same standards would be treated equally by being granted amnesty.", ">>{michael2527} : Trump's plans for (temporarily) banning immigration from regions suffering from islamic terrorism were already known and reported on during the campaign. They were quite controversial, as is the situation surrounding the current executive order. At the time of the poll, people were aware of Trump's plans on immigration. The executive order does exactly what he discussed during the campaign and does exactly what is stated in the poll question. So yes, a very small margin in that poll is for an immigration ban. Nitpicking about this is similar to Trump whining about crowd sizes. I do give you that Fox should be clearer about when the poll was taken, but I stand by the fact that the respondents were (or could be) well aware of Trump's proposed immigration ban.", ">>{the_schlonger} : Employers don't care if you've been found guilty of anything, if you have an arrest record.", ">>{the_schlonger} : You don't have to be convicted for arrests or charges to show up on background checks. Being investigated by the FBI and found to be grossly incompetent would be enough for most employers to automatically reject a job application.", '>>{ruat_caelum} : https://mediamatters.org/networks-and-outlets/fox-news-channel This is not a new tactic for fox, the show graphs that are not accurate, present alternate facts, etc.', '>>{Spirited_Cheer} : [Fox News is the King of Fake News!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-tTHmrsXB8)The rest of the world are just catching up', '>>{Alltta} : Post titles must be the exact headline from the article.', ">>{Zannyth} : How dare you post a poll showing relevant data to the controvery at hand! I'm sure they'll realize how horrible they are being...", '>>{Tiels_4_life} : That is not what he said. Way to put words in his mouth. The Bernie or Bust movement has no solution to our current problems.', '>>{the_schlonger} : >"*You can\'t prove what I did was intentional and not just the result of gross incompetence!*" • Hillary 2016', ">>{the_schlonger} : You don't have to be indicted for it to show up in a background check. An FBI investigation of this magnitude would *absolutely* show up during a check, and would obviously disqualify the vast majority of job candidates.", ">>{the_schlonger} : Convictions aren't the only thing that shows up in a background check.", '>>{Jibaro123} : Freedom of the press applies to scumbag journalists too. As long as they keep selling ads, they will be around. And, as demonstrated by the election results, there will be no shortage of right leaning, low information fellow citizens for the foreseeable future.', ">>{MoonManResurgent} : Hillary's guilt is not in question unless you wish to argue she's so phenomenally fucking stupid she didn't even understand what a classified marking was in the first place.", ">>{miashaee} : Yeah but if she isn't even charged for stuff........what the hell would show up in a basic background check? I mean I know there are some risk assessments involved but it's mostly stuff on your record........like what is on Hillary's record if you're just doing basic checking and you don't know someone's history first hand here?", ">>{dekanger} : Where do we draw the line at what is journalism and what is divisive propaganda that is primarily responsible for the mess we are in now? Is Russian propaganda covered under US freedom of speech? Russia Today has Americans on staff, just like Murdoch's right-wing propaganda outlets around the globe like Fox. We can say it's freedom of speech but the consequences of it are becoming quite apparent.", '>>{the_schlonger} : The solution is not voting for a "lesser of two evils" candidate who\'s still *one of the most evil people to run for President since Nixon.*', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : These trust fund babies are getting out of control.', '>>{OliveItMaggle} : Uh, no, they only ask about convictions. Also Hillary has never been arrested anyway..', ">>{SmugAsHell} : Way to be a dick. I said I didn't see a point to Bernie or bust. It doesn't accomplish anything.", ">>{kurtca} : So crystal Jill or no taxes Johnson? I'll take the lesser of two evils over the greater of two incompetents.", ">>{the_schlonger} : Sure it is. A record number of people voting third party would get someone new on the debate stage. Voting for a shitty candidate because they're slightly less shitty than the other shitty candidate just perpetuates the clearly broken system.", ">>{SmugAsHell} : Getting a third party on the debate stage depends on polling numbers. I'm all for it.", '>>{rcvwomack} : I see reddit r/politics has turned the tide from on anti hillary pro bernie. what lame ducks', '>>{the_schlonger} : Uh, yes, all arrests show up in background checks.', '>>{the_schlonger} : Crooked Hillary all the way! So excited to have the first President with a vagina also be the most incompetent in history!', ">>{ThrowawayDJer} : I just think the scandals that follow Clinton are dangerous for someone who's unfavorables are on par with Trump. That scares me", '>>{escalation} : She would not pass a background check. Just as her aides will likely be denied security clearances due to their involvement while at a government agency where such actions have job related consequences.', '>>{escalation} : How many of them were security violations involving improperly storing classified materials?', '>>{Jcas11} : > But enough to face administrative action. Which the FBI has no control over, so nothing happened. which is code for "she\'d probably lose her clearance and her pension."', '>>{paraconformity} : I believe he has the same number of arrests on that count as Clinton.', ">>{NedSanders} : So what's your point? The 100s of lawsuits and dozens of shady accusations levied against Trump wouldn't disqualify him 10x worse if we're using arbitrary background tests for a position that doesn't rely on them anyway?", ">>{cryptyq} : I really dislike having to agree with a Trump, but he's right. None of us, no matter how qualified, would get anywhere _near_ a government job, much less be POTUS, had we done even a tenth of what Hillary has already been proven to have done. Why is she still considered a viable candidate?", ">>{the_schlonger} : Lawsuits don't show up in a background check breh."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ImEdumucated} : Oooooh shit, you gonna let them talk shit about you like that, Ryan? *Liberals pull out popcorn*', '>>{kescusay} : At this point, pulling out the popcorn and watching the fireworks is really the only sensible response to the Republican shitshow.', ">>{Jkdsh} : Hahahahaha! You people are attacking your own after a democrat made up 20 points in a red state. It's just not smart for you lot to be tearing yourselves apart when you have democrats losing by single digits in solid red state special elections.", '>>{CarbonatedConfidence} : BreitShart links... Just like a rock tossed in a lake they always sink to the bottom.', '>>{Triggered_Trumpette} : Ooh, goody, infighting. Also, did no one at Breitbart think that bashing on Republicans for vacationing in Florida might be a bit tone deaf?', ">>{mikes94} : I'm always intrigued by the shade coming from Breitfart. It's the bellwether for whom Trump is pissed at.", ">>{bassististist} : Just hope North Korea can't manage a show-ending blow off.", ">>{bassististist} : 1. No, but I'm immensely concerned about the lives there being put in danger because the investigation into our corrupt President is getting hot. 2. I live in another area that NK claims to be targeting. Whether they can pull it off is another issue entirely, but, again, I'd rather the President resign instead of starting WWIII. But I'm funny that way.", ">>{kukwombler} : Silly goose. I sincerely doubt that NK can actually target us in any way directly. I'm concerned for Seoul though, The amount of artillery that can be dumped on them even if they stayed out of it would level a majority of the city before we could even respond.", ">>{bassististist} : > Silly goose. Where do you live? I suspect you'd feel differently if you live somewhere that's targeted, even if it's improbable.", '>>{kukwombler} : About 3500 miles away. But that comment was directed towards "But Im funny that way" Edit: Also, I\'m just outside of NYC, we had several nuke scares, so I can kind of relate.', '>>{dagrave} : I see...they want Ryan out...and Cruz as speaker?'], [">>{Catt_al} : Fox News posts three week old poll regarding immigration - makes it look like it's about Trump's recent executive order.", '>>{Catt_al} : Headline - "Poll: Nearly Half of America Voters Support Trump\'s Immigration Order" - January 29th, 2016 Actual poll question - "Do you support or oppose suspending immigration from "terror prone" regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions?", taken January 5th-9th', '>>{drgath} : From the Fox News article > Jan 29, 2017 // 2:47pm - A new Quinnipiac poll released last week... From the [poll it links to](https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2416): > January 12, 2017 - American Voters Want...', ">>{Catt_al} : 59% of people in that same poll said illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the United States and to eventually apply for U.S. citizenship. Guess they didn't want to mention that part.", ">>{Solidarity_and_Memes} : Reddit, if you like it or not, raid the Fox News comment section and point this out - **It's time to take back social media with facts!** It's the best way to prevent ignorance.", ">>{TinyBaron} : Fox news [journalism](http://mediamatters.org/blog/2016/07/28/fox-news-plays-benghazi-commercial-over-khazir-khans-anti-trump-speech-democratic-national/212012) : Not reported fairly or in a balanced fashion. They didn't report Capt Khan's dad's speech until Trump brought attention to it himself. It hurt their narrative about Muslims. If they can't spin it, they will ignore it or suppress it outright.", ">>{japobere} : I've always wanted to do this: FAKE NEWS!!!", '>>{georgefarley3} : It really is misleading. But I suspect the American people do support this. Americans are pretty racist as a whole. Hopefully the loud minority that is making a lot of noise can succeed in changing some minds and hearts.', '>>{dekanger} : Fox needs to go. By that I mean it is an active threat to the Republic and never should have been allowed to push things this far.', ">>{freshwordsalad} : I don't know whether to upvote or downvote. Best thing would probably to get another website to report on this and upvote that article.", '>>{japobere} : Good point. And try not to insult people while doing it. It will only push people further into their own views.', ">>{jcargile242} : Maybe it's because I'm on mobile, but the comments section isn't there for this article…", '>>{tickle_mittens} : Does your local Fox affiliate buy "news" programing from Fox News? Good news! You too can file an FCC complaint against that affiliate. Over the air TV uses spectrum which is licensed at a deep discount, the discount is predicated on the broadcaster using a substantial amount of their time on the air to educate and inform the public. Things like news programs. When they replace the news with propaganda, which is what Fox "News" does, then they are in violation of the broadcast license. So if a person were to catalogue the misinformation the local Fox affiliate was deceptively misrepresenting as "news" or "alternative facts" and complain to the FCC, the FCC would have to investigate that complaint. These complaints and investigations would then further be included in the normally scheduled review of the broadcast license, during which the FCC also solicits commentary from the public. If there were enough FCC complaints, the station would probably have to change management, and buy less Fox News content. The last thing they want is to have their review drawn out, or even conceivably their license pulled. By the way, that goes for any station, not just Fox affiliates. The information they present as news, must be accurate. If it is not accurate, they are open to their community calling the basis of their discount access to the airwaves in to question. It\'s no joke either. I grew up with weekday morning and afternoon cartoons and all day cartoons on Saturdays. That didn\'t go away because kids don\'t like cartoons, I still watch cartoons. That went away in part because the FCC decided that the cartoons that were on TV were little more than extended toy commercials and offered little in the way of educational content. And knowing is half the battle.', ">>{PuffyHerb} : Mods, have you removed rule #3? This is like the fourth thread I've seen in days that has a completely different title (added by user) which has been allowed to stay. Either keep your rules and follow them or get rid of them, but this pick and choosing is bullshit.", '>>{Bobby_Marks2} : They are actually really struggling to find a cohesive identity post-Ailes. Sometimes they are as ignorant as ever, but other times they are straight up throttling conservative/Trumpian lies.', ">>{reluctant_typer} : A three week old poll has no meaning to you people? It's not like public opinion swayed that much.", '>>{jcargile242} : Search for "comments" in page yields 1 result: >What do you think? Let us know in the comments below Just ain\'t there for me. Again maybe just because I\'m on mobile.', ">>{Donald_J_Putin} : > It's not like public opinion swayed that much. There is a difference being that the EO was issued and it fucked up a lot of citizens trying to get into the country - and we also saw first hand how fucked it was written and implemented.", ">>{Holden_Coalfield} : That's because it's the officially sanctioned Government News of the Trump Administration and The GOP Reject government news Support the Free Press!", '>>{CasterlyBoulder} : Not on mobile, but that is also all I see as well...', '>>{michael2527} : From the poll website: >By a narrow 48 - 42 percent, American voters support "suspending immigration from terror prone regions, even if it means turning away refugees." This specifically entails to Trump\'s plan to temporarily ban immigration from terror prone regions, as the executive order does. Trump\'s plan on immigration was already well-known and widely reported on during the campaign, so people were aware of what they voted on in the poll. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the countries affected by the executive order were already targeted by Obama\'s administration, and the only longer term measure is the ban on immigration from Syria, which is similar to Obama\'s ban on immigrants from Iraq because of increased safety concerns on terrorism in the region (similar to the current Syria situation). Edit: if you have arguments against my post, I\'m always open for discussion. Downvoting because you don\'t like what I have to say is rather childish tbh.', ">>{Shopworn_Soul} : I fully support and endorse discussion of this sort of misleading bullshit but this post violates rule 3. If we're all as smart as we think we are we'd be having this same discussion in a thread with a valid title, right? Right?", ">>{michael2527} : They should be able to apply for citizenship, especially if they have family and built up a life in the U.S. However, if their application is denied, they should abide by that ruling. I think everyone should get the chance to apply for citizenship, but if you're turned down, you have to accept that reality and build a life elsewhere. It wouldn't be fair for the people that immigrated legally (with all the emotional and financial hardships involved) if people who did not have to live up to the same standards would be treated equally by being granted amnesty.", ">>{michael2527} : Trump's plans for (temporarily) banning immigration from regions suffering from islamic terrorism were already known and reported on during the campaign. They were quite controversial, as is the situation surrounding the current executive order. At the time of the poll, people were aware of Trump's plans on immigration. The executive order does exactly what he discussed during the campaign and does exactly what is stated in the poll question. So yes, a very small margin in that poll is for an immigration ban. Nitpicking about this is similar to Trump whining about crowd sizes. I do give you that Fox should be clearer about when the poll was taken, but I stand by the fact that the respondents were (or could be) well aware of Trump's proposed immigration ban.", '>>{ruat_caelum} : https://mediamatters.org/networks-and-outlets/fox-news-channel This is not a new tactic for fox, the show graphs that are not accurate, present alternate facts, etc.', '>>{Spirited_Cheer} : [Fox News is the King of Fake News!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-tTHmrsXB8)The rest of the world are just catching up', '>>{Alltta} : Post titles must be the exact headline from the article.', ">>{Zannyth} : How dare you post a poll showing relevant data to the controvery at hand! I'm sure they'll realize how horrible they are being...", '>>{Jibaro123} : Freedom of the press applies to scumbag journalists too. As long as they keep selling ads, they will be around. And, as demonstrated by the election results, there will be no shortage of right leaning, low information fellow citizens for the foreseeable future.', ">>{dekanger} : Where do we draw the line at what is journalism and what is divisive propaganda that is primarily responsible for the mess we are in now? Is Russian propaganda covered under US freedom of speech? Russia Today has Americans on staff, just like Murdoch's right-wing propaganda outlets around the globe like Fox. We can say it's freedom of speech but the consequences of it are becoming quite apparent."], ['>>{dangerousdolphin5} : Ohio Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan announces challenge to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi', '>>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : Tim Ryan represents the Mahoning valley in Ohio, perhaps the heart of cross-over voting for Trump, so this might be significant. Anything else I should know about Tim Ryan?', '>>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : Blasted Bernie Sanders, saying that "he only recently started talking about the jobs that were lost in Ohio and shit because he is running for president" even though Bernie stood up against NAFTA and other trade deals. Fuck this guy, i would rather have Pelosi.', '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : I like him more now. Thanks for that info.', '>>{mortfeinberg} : So he repeats the myth that NAFTA is why low skill manufacturing declined?', '>>{happyantoninscalia} : [Nancy Pelosi right now.](https://media.giphy.com/media/3ViDyv13D9HQQ/giphy.gif)', ">>{thatpj} : Meh. I don't think he has a real shot.", '>>{botchedrobbery} : I am happy with this. Midwestern rural and suburban voters went for Trump, but our big cities failed to come out for Hillary also. There is not a white working class problem, there is a midwest problem.', '>>{notyocheese1} : I can just see the headlines, "Ryan says Ryan is misrepresenting the facts"', ">>{Manndrake} : Listen to his 2016 DNC speech - it's exactly the economic message Dems should've gone with.", ">>{swiftsepitaph} : The pro-life thing is weird, otherwise I'm intrigued.", '>>{swiftsepitaph} : Was pro-life until he completely (and not even subtly - just like a complete reversal of his position) flip-flopped last year. Strikes me as a weird dude, and not a huge fan of having a white guy (however young) as the face of a diversifying party, but intriguing in lots of other areas.', ">>{Sptsjunkie} : It's complex. There are a lot of reasons and automation is increasingly becoming one of them, but it is pretty hard to argue that NAFTA did not result in a steep decline in lower skill manufacturing in the midwest in the 90s and early 2000s.", ">>{mortfeinberg} : https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.15.1.125 >> We describe the main economic arguments posed for and against the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) during the U.S. policy debate. To evaluate these arguments, we analyze recent trade data and survey post-NAFTA studies. We find that both the U.S. and Mexico benefit from NAFTA, with much larger relative benefits for Mexico. NAFTA also has had little effect on the U.S. labor market. These results confirm the consensus opinion of economists at the time of the debate. Finally, studies find that trade creation greatly exceeds trade diversion in the region under NAFTA, especially in intermediate goods. The jobs left, for sure, but it's unlikely NAFTA caused it. The jobs would have left anyway. http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_25byqjBle85jqy9 http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_a3jxYtWKoF4vSKx https://www.audiotech.com/trends-magazine/images/articles/2015/12/p36-1.png https://plot.ly/~victortchen/417/manufacturing-employment-as-a-percentage-of-nonfarm-employment.png NAFTA is just scapegoated by both sides of the spectrum.", ">>{Sptsjunkie} : I mean the net-net is from the one trade agreement, manufacturing jobs were lost, but the economy was strong so there was overall job growth. That doesn't necessarily help the people in those midwest states whose factories moved or closed. And the reduction in protectionist measures (which is a good thing overall) also led to offshoring in countries other than Mexico. I get where you are coming from. I am not against free trade, even if I am against some treaties where I do not have faith in the people negotiating them or how they are being negotiated / fast tracked. But the potential positive net impacts are not distributed evenly. And there are a lot of people who were / adversely effected by these changes. They aren't just screaming at some hypothetical boogeyman.", '>>{mortfeinberg} : >> I mean the net-net is from the one trade agreement, manufacturing jobs were lost, but the economy was strong so there was overall job growth. That doesn\'t necessarily help the people in those midwest states whose factories moved or closed. And the reduction in protectionist measures (which is a good thing overall) also led to offshoring in countries other than Mexico. I mean, there are a few graphs that pretty much show what actually happened. http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_25byqjBle85jqy9 http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_a3jxYtWKoF4vSKx http://people.terry.uga.edu/last/classes/2105h/readings_2006/krugman_trade.pdf https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.15.1.125 https://www.audiotech.com/trends-magazine/images/articles/2015/12/p36-1.png https://plot.ly/~victortchen/417/manufacturing-employment-as-a-percentage-of-nonfarm-employment.png >> I get where you are coming from. I am not against free trade, even if I am against some treaties where I do not have faith in the people negotiating them or how they are being negotiated / fast tracked. But the potential positive net impacts are not distributed evenly. And there are a lot of people who were / adversely effected by these changes. They aren\'t just screaming at some hypothetical boogeyman. This is apretty standard myth, there are far more winners than losers here. When manufacturing jobs vanish and are replaced those jobs move to other sectors. That being said, there are real solutions here, yet both sides refuse to look into them. https://piie.com/commentary/speeches-papers/globalization-concept-causes-and-consequences Here\'s a paper on this that goes into detail. That being said, there are also studies that show NAFTA improved welfare in both the US and Mexico, for everyone. http://www.nber.org/papers/w18508 The attacks on NAFTA for "not being fair" don\'t really make sense, it\'s about as fair as a trade deal can be. A report on this. http://cornerstonemacro.com/email_tmpl.php?contactid=121278&postid=37761 >> Third, does he go after Mexico or China (or both)? Going after Mexico is a stronger signal that Trump is a protectionist than if he were to go after China. The fact is, the US, Canada, and Mexico have created a free trade zone where tariff rates are basically zero. There is nothing unfair about that unless one does not support free trade. Put another way, what is there to renegotiate when Mexico has no trade barriers against US goods? By contrast, it is true that China is stealing US intellectual property, subsidizing state owned enterprises, and has manipulated its currency. For those who support “fair trade” but aren’t protectionists who are against trade, there are legitimate complaints about Chinese behavior. Moreover, it’s possible Trump could reach an agreement with China that deals with these genuine concerns. >> The Trump campaign memo that leaked yesterday highlights how weak the case is against NAFTA. The memo identifies four issues of concern with NAFTA: 1) currency manipulation; 2) the ongoing softwood lumber dispute with Canada; 3) country of origin labeling; and 4) environmental and safety standards. Country of origin labeling? That’s pretty weak tea. There is a strong case that it’s the US that is violating NAFTA on the softwood lumber issue, which had been papered over by an agreement that recently expired. >> Some clients have argued that it is easier and less risky to go after Mexico because it is smaller and less important to the world economy than China, and there is obviously truth in that observation. But we see the risks as higher in Mexico because Trump is less likely to get a real victory (substantive or political) going after NAFTA because there aren’t real abuses. NAFTA created as close to a true free trade zone as one can get in an imperfect world. If Trump targets NAFTA, it is an important signal to investors that not only does he hold strongly protectionist views, he intends to act on them.', ">>{Sptsjunkie} : Thabk you for all of the links and reading material. Upvote for that. I think in terms of midwestern states you still need to understans tgere is a difference between an increase in total value and the dustribution of said value. If you are a machinist who lost your job when yiur factory in Michigan closed, you don't care if another, higher paying, higher tech factory opens in Silicon Valley.", ">>{mortfeinberg} : Yeah, I also linked an article explaining actual solutions. The solutions Trump throws out won't actually do anything."], ['>>{rcvwomack} : Trump Jr.: Clinton ‘Would Be The First President Who Couldn’t Pass A Basic Background Check’', ">>{rimper} : Well, if you don't count *her husband*.", '>>{stoic_blunder} : Haha he is so delusional. Never charged never found guilty. Idiot.', '>>{rcvwomack} : Hah stoic blunder is so delusional. The evidence is clear, FBI said she was careless and negliglent the DOJ is chicken shit, corrupt and rigged. Hillary for Prison 2016', '>>{SmugAsHell} : The Trump family is worthless. They should go back to what they do best. Reality TV and not renting to black people.', ">>{Daspin93} : You don't have to pass any kind of background check to run for president", '>>{GuitarsAndCameras} : > The evidence is clear, Which is why the FBI said there was nothing to prosecute over.', ">>{Goodlake} : What about the several more rigorous background checks she's passed en route to securing the Democratic nomination? Junior's lucky he has his dad to employ him.", '>>{miashaee} : What? Has she been convicted of a crime that I am not aware of?', ">>{Allyn1} : But enough to face administrative action. Which the FBI has no control over, so nothing happened. Edit: Downvoted for saying what Comey said, in response to a deliberate misdirection about what he said. This is a matter of public record and you're no better than Trump memers if you're willing to just straight up lie for Yaaas Hillary. #UniteBlue, right? >To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.", '>>{miashaee} : Background checks look for crimes though........has seen been convicted of a crime recently that I am not aware of?', '>>{TheHaskell} : He said she would have been fired if she worked for him.', '>>{the_glutton} : The evidence is so clear in fact they brought charges against her. Oh, wait. Nevermind.', ">>{LordPantyhorn} : Trump Jr.: I'm late for my 10:30 dinner reservation at Dorsia", ">>{paraconformity} : George W. Bush had at least three criminal arrests on his background (that's 3 more than Clinton if you're counting).", '>>{dukeynstewie} : Funny how the clintonites are in full-force this afternoon. Wait until next week. #bernierorbust', '>>{SmugAsHell} : The Bernie or bust movement is worthless. I left it because I saw no solution coming from it.', ">>{F22Rapture} : But not indicted, and that's kinda what we're talking about here.", ">>{miashaee} : That still has nothing to do with background checks........you generally have to be convicted of a crime to fail those.........or in some cases to be in debt up to your eyeballs. EDIT: Apologies if you're being sarcastic. :D", ">>{2chainz3felonies} : Yeah, he'd have nothing to offer any business otherwise.", '>>{2chainz3felonies} : Well I would expect any politician to have quite a thick file.', ">>{guy-with-a-straw-hat} : I've been located for an FBI background check a few years ago because once my buddy got too drunk and I had to take him to the hospital, they check everything.", ">>{ThrowawayDJer} : Nope. Just **extremely** careless. Good thing she isn't running for something important or anything.", '>>{miashaee} : Yeah but I have to balance Hillary\'s carelessness against Trump\'s bigotry and proposed carelessness. I\'m going Hillary personally, a large part of that is that I don\'t want my brown son growing up in Trump\'s America where profiling people isn\'t "so bad".', '>>{ThrowawayDJer} : For some reason, all Clinton supporters on Reddit got 1 thing out of Comey\'s address: "blah blah blah"', ">>{ThrowawayDJer} : You're absolutely right. I lean way too left for Drumf. It's just too bad our country made the mistake of missing out on Bernie who would be a slam dunk against Trump. Now...we have to bite our nails and **hope** to God Clinton doesn't do anything else stupid. I hate the DNC for playing Russian roulette this cycle", '>>{dukeynstewie} : so you pretty much just fell in-line? Good dem!', ">>{miashaee} : Bernie isn't a god, if you believe in his ideals then continue to fight for them. I was fairly indifferent with respect to who the democrats picked personally as I saw the party shifting left regardless due to Bernie's success. But I am a political pragmatist so that's easy for me to say as I don't get emotionally invested in candidates.", ">>{the_schlonger} : Employers don't care if you've been found guilty of anything, if you have an arrest record.", ">>{the_schlonger} : You don't have to be convicted for arrests or charges to show up on background checks. Being investigated by the FBI and found to be grossly incompetent would be enough for most employers to automatically reject a job application.", '>>{Tiels_4_life} : That is not what he said. Way to put words in his mouth. The Bernie or Bust movement has no solution to our current problems.', '>>{the_schlonger} : >"*You can\'t prove what I did was intentional and not just the result of gross incompetence!*" • Hillary 2016', ">>{the_schlonger} : You don't have to be indicted for it to show up in a background check. An FBI investigation of this magnitude would *absolutely* show up during a check, and would obviously disqualify the vast majority of job candidates.", ">>{the_schlonger} : Convictions aren't the only thing that shows up in a background check.", ">>{MoonManResurgent} : Hillary's guilt is not in question unless you wish to argue she's so phenomenally fucking stupid she didn't even understand what a classified marking was in the first place.", ">>{miashaee} : Yeah but if she isn't even charged for stuff........what the hell would show up in a basic background check? I mean I know there are some risk assessments involved but it's mostly stuff on your record........like what is on Hillary's record if you're just doing basic checking and you don't know someone's history first hand here?", '>>{the_schlonger} : The solution is not voting for a "lesser of two evils" candidate who\'s still *one of the most evil people to run for President since Nixon.*', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : These trust fund babies are getting out of control.', '>>{OliveItMaggle} : Uh, no, they only ask about convictions. Also Hillary has never been arrested anyway..', ">>{SmugAsHell} : Way to be a dick. I said I didn't see a point to Bernie or bust. It doesn't accomplish anything.", ">>{kurtca} : So crystal Jill or no taxes Johnson? I'll take the lesser of two evils over the greater of two incompetents.", ">>{the_schlonger} : Sure it is. A record number of people voting third party would get someone new on the debate stage. Voting for a shitty candidate because they're slightly less shitty than the other shitty candidate just perpetuates the clearly broken system.", ">>{SmugAsHell} : Getting a third party on the debate stage depends on polling numbers. I'm all for it.", '>>{rcvwomack} : I see reddit r/politics has turned the tide from on anti hillary pro bernie. what lame ducks', '>>{the_schlonger} : Uh, yes, all arrests show up in background checks.', '>>{the_schlonger} : Crooked Hillary all the way! So excited to have the first President with a vagina also be the most incompetent in history!', ">>{ThrowawayDJer} : I just think the scandals that follow Clinton are dangerous for someone who's unfavorables are on par with Trump. That scares me", '>>{escalation} : She would not pass a background check. Just as her aides will likely be denied security clearances due to their involvement while at a government agency where such actions have job related consequences.', '>>{escalation} : How many of them were security violations involving improperly storing classified materials?', '>>{Jcas11} : > But enough to face administrative action. Which the FBI has no control over, so nothing happened. which is code for "she\'d probably lose her clearance and her pension."', '>>{paraconformity} : I believe he has the same number of arrests on that count as Clinton.', ">>{NedSanders} : So what's your point? The 100s of lawsuits and dozens of shady accusations levied against Trump wouldn't disqualify him 10x worse if we're using arbitrary background tests for a position that doesn't rely on them anyway?", ">>{cryptyq} : I really dislike having to agree with a Trump, but he's right. None of us, no matter how qualified, would get anywhere _near_ a government job, much less be POTUS, had we done even a tenth of what Hillary has already been proven to have done. Why is she still considered a viable candidate?", ">>{the_schlonger} : Lawsuits don't show up in a background check breh."]]
classify and reply
['>>{NinjaDiscoJesus} : Trolls are dividing the Republican party. And no troll feels quite at home like king troll Milo Yiannopoulos:', '>>{dicelife} : >When one eager fan near the front yelled out, “You need to die on your feet or live on your knees,” Yiannopoulos, who is openly gay, replied, “Well, I do live on my knees. But that’s all right, as long as I’m not facing Mecca.” lol edit: care to respond, /u/yiannopoulos_m?', ">>{MessisTaxAccountant} : Trolling? Nah, he's just an attention whore and he figured out that being the token gay makes him more popular than being reasonable. He actually has some pretty good stuff before but he's turned insane lately to win over the Trump alt-right kids", ">>{DrinkerofJuice} : He's not straight up lying about his views but he's definitely deliberately provocative. His exploitation of the controversy machine is definitely by design.", '>>{scaldingramen} : Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask how you can rip off your countrymen, get rich and bang hot babes!', '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Trump\'s business plans can be reduced to: 1. Get a "small loan" from daddy. 2. ??????? 3. Profit', '>>{Lost_Traveller_} : Ah yes the noble profession of ~~public service~~ stiffing your contractors.', '>>{dh42com} : I wonder if half the people that like him realize when he helps fuck things up here, he can just go home to the UK and not have to live with this bad decision.', '>>{Ziapolitics} : Staffers quit new Sanders group after campaign head brought in', '>>{DrinkerofJuice} : Do we realize that? He\'s pretty obviously British so yeah I\'d say we all realize he can leave whenever he wants. Those that support him obv don\'t think he\'s going to "fuck things up" so it\'s not really of object. I\'m not sure I grasp the intent of your point, you\'re not even making an argument. *do those that support him not realize they should support not supporting him?*', '>>{sanegop} : Sounds natural for an organization that is transitioning from a political campaign to a non-profit or advocacy group.', ">>{dh42com} : The point of the argument is that he is a moron just egging a bad situation on. It doesn't take a genius to realize that there is one reason the he has aligned himself with the campaign. He wants to make his failing career famous. He wants to make himself famous at the expense of Americans. Americans that cannot have a civil conversation and do not know a good leader from a bad leader.", ">>{IamConradBlack} : Yeah, I was waiting for some big reveal at the end of the article. Nope, just another asshole who supports trump. Where's the trolling again?", ">>{pizzatra} : Can't wait to read the books from insiders to this campaign. I heard it was so micro managed and there were bizarre loyalty oaths. Also it seemed like comic book man always had an attitude on TV maybe that's why the staffers quit?", '>>{DemCoffeeMan} : Seeing Devos in the background in the article\'s photo makes me want to puke. Also: > He chatted with some of the students, including one girl who told him she wanted to start her own business someday. Trump, himself an entrepreneur, replied: “That\'s a good idea. Make a lot of money, right? But don’t run for politics after.” ...So much for wanting to look out for the forgotten ones, like he "promised" to his supporters...lol', ">>{DrinkerofJuice} : His career wasn't failing though, he's only 32 and has been steadily on the rise for a while now. If the charge is him being deliberately provocative to boost his notoriety then I think you'd have trouble finding a single one of his supporters that disagrees. However, to say he's only aligning himself with the right to milk the associated success without actual ideological alignment is ignorant of his history and style. When he's not making jokes about sucking dick or saying something absurd to grab a headline, he has plenty of very compelling and logically sound points to make. I think he fully believes the central principles of his talking points, he just wraps it up in satire and provocation as a marketing mechanism", ">>{JohnMiltonJamesJoyce} : I used to work for him. He's actually a pretty good guy, and does believe what he says save for some of the more actively insane stuff he says to provoke a reaction.", '>>{IStillLikeChieftain} : Yeah, while never exactly out of the cesspool, he really went off the deep end with Brexit and Trump.', '>>{Alpacatastic} : Kind of sad how he automatically assumes money is the sole reason people might want to start a business...', ">>{nliausacmmv} : He is such a twat. I get it, he thrives on attention and the only way he knows to get it is to mock and berate, but that doesn't diminish his twattery (twatitude?).", '>>{skidmarkeddrawers} : > “It’s about both the fundraising and the spending: **Jeff would like to take big money from rich people including billionaires and spend it on ads**,” said Claire Sandberg, the digital organizing director for Sanders’s White House run. Love to hear the Bernie people defend this. Edit: -5 and counting, sounds like more Bernie Butt Hurt Syndrome', '>>{Zefrum} : Source on loyalty oaths? Also, the article says why the staffers quit. It is over fundraising disagreements.', ">>{ireaditonwikipedia} : The only things Trump should giving advice about are how to dodge the draft and how to inherit your Daddy's money to get rich.", ">>{pizzatra} : I was reading some blog posts from people who were Sanders delegates that made the claims. Like I said someone will write a book and it will come out if true. And fund raising disagreements doesn't discount Weaver having an attitude", ">>{sanegop} : Sure I did. Clearly you don't like my point as you had to lash out with a presumption devoid of substance. Did you have a point you wanted to make?", '>>{skidmarkeddrawers} : You think this is "natural"? > “Over the last few days, almost the entire staff resigned from the organization because they would not work for Jeff Weaver or help to enact Jeff’s vision for the organization in any way,” Weavers vision they disagree with is; > Jeff would like to take big money from rich people including billionaires and spend it on ads', '>>{loungeboy79} : He never really reached step 3, but step two appears to be "win the presidency and antagonize the media and intelligence community so they investigate your shady russian connections".', '>>{loungeboy79} : He never really reached step 3, but step two appears to be "win the presidency and antagonize the media and intelligence community so they investigate your shady russian connections".', ">>{b0redengr} : That's actually good advice for Republicans. Step down and go try to make lots of money. Leave the governing to those invested in the public interest, not their own.", '>>{_BernardMarx_} : I love the "Our Revolution" nomenclature. Fucking hilarious. How many of those "revolutionaries" are going to vote for the Hillary status quo for fear of the Donald. Revolutionaries fearful of the Donald. LMFAO. This election is comedy gold. Edit: struck a nerve (or astroturf nerve) with this one. Downvoted to oblivion in record time! More hilarity. Some people can\'t handle the truth...', ">>{CerseiClinton} : We're not. Thus why over half the staff quit.", '>>{sanegop} : >You think this is normal? YEs, I think it\'s normal for political campaign staffers to not want to be involved in an organization that is turning from political campaign to more of a non-profit or advocacy group as is Mr. Weaver\'s vision, aparently, and as was my point. >Jeff would like to take big money from rich people including billionaires and spend it on ads Yes, that doesn\'t sound like a political campaign but rather an advocacy group or even lobby group, which, again, was my point. Of course career campaigner and activist campaigners are "naturally" going to be put off by that change in direction.', ">>{skidmarkeddrawers} : lolwut? They didn't leave because it ceased to be political campaign. That ended months ago. They disagreed with the direction the advocacy group they knowingly and willingly signed up for was moving in.", '>>{Grizzly_Corey} : Weaver rightfully had an attitude. You might agree if you watched the banal interviews he went through.', ">>{sanegop} : > lolwut? Sounds like we're about to have a rational conversation, huh? >That ended months ago. [Six weeks ago](http://www.mediaite.com/tv/bernie-sanders-finally-concedes-that-hillary-clinton-is-the-presumptive-nominee/)? >They didn't leave because it ceased to be political campaign. You don't know that and this story doesn't discount my point. They didn't know what the general direction was going to be until someone laid out that vision, which is what Weaver did. Did you have a point with any substance you wanted to make, or did you just want to argue assumptions?", '>>{Emma_Frost-Summers} : Who wants to bet their internal emails contain the words "Jeff is an asshole"', ">>{EmpatheticBankRobber} : And if you do get into politics, don't sell out your country to a hostile foreign government", ">>{skidmarkeddrawers} : > The majority of the staff quit as a result of Jeff joining,” one person told the news outlet, adding they had joined the group with a promise from Sanders that Weaver would not be involved. Jane breaks that promise and brings in Weaver who wants to take money from billionaires, a huge about face. They leave. Maybe it's natural in other campaigns, but you guys were all about your ideological purity, it is literally the opposite of natural in this context.", ">>{TrumpShill} : That's what it sounds like. It's been over a month now, and that Jeff Weavers approach was the final confirmation that the campaign was over.", '>>{sanegop} : > you guys were all about your ideological purity, it is literally the opposite of natural in this context. "You guys?" I\'m not a Bernie supporter and you\'re obviously just trying to argue for the sake of arguing. Nothing your point is contrary to my comment. >literally the opposite of natural in this context. That is empty rhetoric or hyperbole at best. Give me a shout if you have a point to make relevant to my comment.', '>>{skidmarkeddrawers} : > I\'m not a Bernie supporter Lol "Add another Republican for Bernie Sanders to the list. We endorsed him on our meager Twitter feed and linked this. Mr. Sanders plans are not radical and his economic policy (along with foreign policy) seem to be vetting well with professionals in their respective fields." https://www.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/42rqv6/republicans_for_bernie_sanders/czcsw4p', ">>{fudge_friend} : Either he doesn't like his job or he knows this kid can compete for it in the current political climate.", '>>{Searchlights} : This reads like an Onion article. Where Obama or any other person who actually cared about civics or the country would encourage children to get involved in their communities and government, this guy just tells them to go out and make money. Is this nightmare ever going to end?', ">>{sanegop} : Right, and that's the only message you can find, when Bernie left, I left. You won't find any other comments of support since he's left. See people like you love to think in binary. Now again, did you have a point you wanted to make, or are you simply here to argue?", '>>{tisn} : do as I say, not as I do', '>>{skidmarkeddrawers} : Nah just pointing out your hypocrisy and lies. Cheers!', '>>{sanegop} : > Nah just pointing out your hypocrisy and lies. Cheers! You people are ridiculous. You literally just spent 8 messages trying to argue without any substance.', ">>{NovaStubble} : Also, don't hesitate to claim bankruptcy a couple of times.", '>>{silentiumau} : [Simpsons already did it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnOiZXbGCq8)', '>>{sir_evan} : Trump really embodies all of the worst aspects of American character. Greed, arrogance, selfishness, proud ignorance, sexism, racism, and xenophbia.', ">>{Iamadultipromise420} : I'm not Weavers biggest fan, but the campaign isn't running for President anymore, they are trying to advocate and raise money for progressive candidates and causes. It seems like exactly what you would do. Until we get public funding of elections, unknown progressive house and Senate candidates are gonna need money, and you can't get small donations year round.", ">>{TrumpShill} : > Edit: -5 and counting, sounds like more Bernie Butt Hurt Syndrome Somebody's definitely butthurt. Your threads so far are nothing but whining and complaining without any real purpose. You having a bad day?", '>>{JitGoinHam} : God I wish Trump had at least attempted the second thing.', ">>{Iamadultipromise420} : Yeah were really gonna implement progressive policies with President Trump. Fuck off with your whining, you're down voted because you sound like a dumb ass hole who thinks he smart.", ">>{VinTheRighteous} : I'm sure he was making a joke, but it's really sad to see the POTUS even jokingly discouraging public service. I guess that's where we're at now.", '>>{skidmarkeddrawers} : I agree with you. Just interesting how all the Bernie people love to scream over and over again about how Clinton gets money from billionaires, now Sanders is at the very least tacitly approving this tactic.', ">>{sanegop} : That's all you got left, weak attacks trying to goad me into an argument?", '>>{Account9726} : Breaking News: Smoking gun emails show staffers think Weaver is an ass, confirming Our Revolution was biased against Sanders and probably rigged the election.', '>>{TrumpShill} : Come on, enough goofing around, back to school with you.', ">>{underwaterpizza} : Fear the Donald? Nah he's a fucking clown. Fear the damage he could do by being an incompetent ass? Sure. Oh well, I'll probably be voting third party anyway cause Hillary is kicking his ass in VA.", '>>{ShouldBeAnUpvoteGif} : Fuck that website to hell. Cant read the damned article when it continuously goes back to the top of the article every time I try to scroll down.', ">>{_BernardMarx_} : No progressive wants to see a President Donald. No progressive wants to see a President Hillary. Progressives who vote for candidates they don't want ensure that their priorities can safely be ignored. If you want a revolution you have to risk everything. Progressives who vote for Hillary aren't willing to risk anything. Pathetic.", ">>{_BernardMarx_} : They're both fucking clowns. The Hillary versus the Donald is a reality show TV contest. Bread and circuses. Vote **for** somebody regardless of who is going to win.", '>>{Iamadultipromise420} : You go man! Vote for Stein and Baraka! Help elect Republicans up and down the ticket to office so the revolution can happen!', '>>{_BernardMarx_} : You can only help elect Republicans by voting for them. Duh.', '>>{underwaterpizza} : Handing the keys of the Ferrari to the 16 y/o or the professional driver with a bad track record of running stop signs.... Plus I agree with Hillary on more things than Trump. But it is fucking sad that this is the state of affairs.', ">>{_BernardMarx_} : Meh. I expect more of the status quo regardless of the election outcome. The Hillary and the Donald love money. Both will further prostitute the office if afforded the opportunity. Sadly, it's expected of our politicians. I can't make it through the half truths and outright lies both sides are spewing to know with what I could agree. What three things can we count on if the Hillary is elected? More pandering to PC nanny state crap? Escalation of military adventures in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, etc? Access and policy influence from wealthy domestic and foreign persons and corporations? What's different with the Donald? More pandering to xenophobia and racism? Escalation of military adventures in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, etc? Access and policy influence from wealthy domestic and foreign persons and corporations? Frankly, I struggle to see substantive differences. It's the same package of what's important and non-negotiable wrapped differently.", ">>{shatabee4} : The fact that Bernie hasn't campaigned for progressives like Tim Canova, shows that the revolution is over. The DNC, Clinton and the billionaires won. They lied and cheated and we and Bernie got screwed."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{NinjaDiscoJesus} : Trolls are dividing the Republican party. And no troll feels quite at home like king troll Milo Yiannopoulos:', '>>{dicelife} : >When one eager fan near the front yelled out, “You need to die on your feet or live on your knees,” Yiannopoulos, who is openly gay, replied, “Well, I do live on my knees. But that’s all right, as long as I’m not facing Mecca.” lol edit: care to respond, /u/yiannopoulos_m?', ">>{MessisTaxAccountant} : Trolling? Nah, he's just an attention whore and he figured out that being the token gay makes him more popular than being reasonable. He actually has some pretty good stuff before but he's turned insane lately to win over the Trump alt-right kids", ">>{DrinkerofJuice} : He's not straight up lying about his views but he's definitely deliberately provocative. His exploitation of the controversy machine is definitely by design.", '>>{dh42com} : I wonder if half the people that like him realize when he helps fuck things up here, he can just go home to the UK and not have to live with this bad decision.', '>>{DrinkerofJuice} : Do we realize that? He\'s pretty obviously British so yeah I\'d say we all realize he can leave whenever he wants. Those that support him obv don\'t think he\'s going to "fuck things up" so it\'s not really of object. I\'m not sure I grasp the intent of your point, you\'re not even making an argument. *do those that support him not realize they should support not supporting him?*', ">>{dh42com} : The point of the argument is that he is a moron just egging a bad situation on. It doesn't take a genius to realize that there is one reason the he has aligned himself with the campaign. He wants to make his failing career famous. He wants to make himself famous at the expense of Americans. Americans that cannot have a civil conversation and do not know a good leader from a bad leader.", ">>{IamConradBlack} : Yeah, I was waiting for some big reveal at the end of the article. Nope, just another asshole who supports trump. Where's the trolling again?", ">>{DrinkerofJuice} : His career wasn't failing though, he's only 32 and has been steadily on the rise for a while now. If the charge is him being deliberately provocative to boost his notoriety then I think you'd have trouble finding a single one of his supporters that disagrees. However, to say he's only aligning himself with the right to milk the associated success without actual ideological alignment is ignorant of his history and style. When he's not making jokes about sucking dick or saying something absurd to grab a headline, he has plenty of very compelling and logically sound points to make. I think he fully believes the central principles of his talking points, he just wraps it up in satire and provocation as a marketing mechanism", ">>{JohnMiltonJamesJoyce} : I used to work for him. He's actually a pretty good guy, and does believe what he says save for some of the more actively insane stuff he says to provoke a reaction.", '>>{IStillLikeChieftain} : Yeah, while never exactly out of the cesspool, he really went off the deep end with Brexit and Trump.', ">>{nliausacmmv} : He is such a twat. I get it, he thrives on attention and the only way he knows to get it is to mock and berate, but that doesn't diminish his twattery (twatitude?)."], ['>>{Ziapolitics} : Staffers quit new Sanders group after campaign head brought in', '>>{sanegop} : Sounds natural for an organization that is transitioning from a political campaign to a non-profit or advocacy group.', ">>{pizzatra} : Can't wait to read the books from insiders to this campaign. I heard it was so micro managed and there were bizarre loyalty oaths. Also it seemed like comic book man always had an attitude on TV maybe that's why the staffers quit?", '>>{skidmarkeddrawers} : > “It’s about both the fundraising and the spending: **Jeff would like to take big money from rich people including billionaires and spend it on ads**,” said Claire Sandberg, the digital organizing director for Sanders’s White House run. Love to hear the Bernie people defend this. Edit: -5 and counting, sounds like more Bernie Butt Hurt Syndrome', '>>{Zefrum} : Source on loyalty oaths? Also, the article says why the staffers quit. It is over fundraising disagreements.', ">>{pizzatra} : I was reading some blog posts from people who were Sanders delegates that made the claims. Like I said someone will write a book and it will come out if true. And fund raising disagreements doesn't discount Weaver having an attitude", ">>{sanegop} : Sure I did. Clearly you don't like my point as you had to lash out with a presumption devoid of substance. Did you have a point you wanted to make?", '>>{skidmarkeddrawers} : You think this is "natural"? > “Over the last few days, almost the entire staff resigned from the organization because they would not work for Jeff Weaver or help to enact Jeff’s vision for the organization in any way,” Weavers vision they disagree with is; > Jeff would like to take big money from rich people including billionaires and spend it on ads', '>>{_BernardMarx_} : I love the "Our Revolution" nomenclature. Fucking hilarious. How many of those "revolutionaries" are going to vote for the Hillary status quo for fear of the Donald. Revolutionaries fearful of the Donald. LMFAO. This election is comedy gold. Edit: struck a nerve (or astroturf nerve) with this one. Downvoted to oblivion in record time! More hilarity. Some people can\'t handle the truth...', ">>{CerseiClinton} : We're not. Thus why over half the staff quit.", '>>{sanegop} : >You think this is normal? YEs, I think it\'s normal for political campaign staffers to not want to be involved in an organization that is turning from political campaign to more of a non-profit or advocacy group as is Mr. Weaver\'s vision, aparently, and as was my point. >Jeff would like to take big money from rich people including billionaires and spend it on ads Yes, that doesn\'t sound like a political campaign but rather an advocacy group or even lobby group, which, again, was my point. Of course career campaigner and activist campaigners are "naturally" going to be put off by that change in direction.', ">>{skidmarkeddrawers} : lolwut? They didn't leave because it ceased to be political campaign. That ended months ago. They disagreed with the direction the advocacy group they knowingly and willingly signed up for was moving in.", '>>{Grizzly_Corey} : Weaver rightfully had an attitude. You might agree if you watched the banal interviews he went through.', ">>{sanegop} : > lolwut? Sounds like we're about to have a rational conversation, huh? >That ended months ago. [Six weeks ago](http://www.mediaite.com/tv/bernie-sanders-finally-concedes-that-hillary-clinton-is-the-presumptive-nominee/)? >They didn't leave because it ceased to be political campaign. You don't know that and this story doesn't discount my point. They didn't know what the general direction was going to be until someone laid out that vision, which is what Weaver did. Did you have a point with any substance you wanted to make, or did you just want to argue assumptions?", '>>{Emma_Frost-Summers} : Who wants to bet their internal emails contain the words "Jeff is an asshole"', ">>{skidmarkeddrawers} : > The majority of the staff quit as a result of Jeff joining,” one person told the news outlet, adding they had joined the group with a promise from Sanders that Weaver would not be involved. Jane breaks that promise and brings in Weaver who wants to take money from billionaires, a huge about face. They leave. Maybe it's natural in other campaigns, but you guys were all about your ideological purity, it is literally the opposite of natural in this context.", ">>{TrumpShill} : That's what it sounds like. It's been over a month now, and that Jeff Weavers approach was the final confirmation that the campaign was over.", '>>{sanegop} : > you guys were all about your ideological purity, it is literally the opposite of natural in this context. "You guys?" I\'m not a Bernie supporter and you\'re obviously just trying to argue for the sake of arguing. Nothing your point is contrary to my comment. >literally the opposite of natural in this context. That is empty rhetoric or hyperbole at best. Give me a shout if you have a point to make relevant to my comment.', '>>{skidmarkeddrawers} : > I\'m not a Bernie supporter Lol "Add another Republican for Bernie Sanders to the list. We endorsed him on our meager Twitter feed and linked this. Mr. Sanders plans are not radical and his economic policy (along with foreign policy) seem to be vetting well with professionals in their respective fields." https://www.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/42rqv6/republicans_for_bernie_sanders/czcsw4p', ">>{sanegop} : Right, and that's the only message you can find, when Bernie left, I left. You won't find any other comments of support since he's left. See people like you love to think in binary. Now again, did you have a point you wanted to make, or are you simply here to argue?", '>>{skidmarkeddrawers} : Nah just pointing out your hypocrisy and lies. Cheers!', '>>{sanegop} : > Nah just pointing out your hypocrisy and lies. Cheers! You people are ridiculous. You literally just spent 8 messages trying to argue without any substance.', ">>{Iamadultipromise420} : I'm not Weavers biggest fan, but the campaign isn't running for President anymore, they are trying to advocate and raise money for progressive candidates and causes. It seems like exactly what you would do. Until we get public funding of elections, unknown progressive house and Senate candidates are gonna need money, and you can't get small donations year round.", ">>{TrumpShill} : > Edit: -5 and counting, sounds like more Bernie Butt Hurt Syndrome Somebody's definitely butthurt. Your threads so far are nothing but whining and complaining without any real purpose. You having a bad day?", ">>{Iamadultipromise420} : Yeah were really gonna implement progressive policies with President Trump. Fuck off with your whining, you're down voted because you sound like a dumb ass hole who thinks he smart.", '>>{skidmarkeddrawers} : I agree with you. Just interesting how all the Bernie people love to scream over and over again about how Clinton gets money from billionaires, now Sanders is at the very least tacitly approving this tactic.', ">>{sanegop} : That's all you got left, weak attacks trying to goad me into an argument?", '>>{Account9726} : Breaking News: Smoking gun emails show staffers think Weaver is an ass, confirming Our Revolution was biased against Sanders and probably rigged the election.', '>>{TrumpShill} : Come on, enough goofing around, back to school with you.', ">>{underwaterpizza} : Fear the Donald? Nah he's a fucking clown. Fear the damage he could do by being an incompetent ass? Sure. Oh well, I'll probably be voting third party anyway cause Hillary is kicking his ass in VA.", '>>{ShouldBeAnUpvoteGif} : Fuck that website to hell. Cant read the damned article when it continuously goes back to the top of the article every time I try to scroll down.', ">>{_BernardMarx_} : No progressive wants to see a President Donald. No progressive wants to see a President Hillary. Progressives who vote for candidates they don't want ensure that their priorities can safely be ignored. If you want a revolution you have to risk everything. Progressives who vote for Hillary aren't willing to risk anything. Pathetic.", ">>{_BernardMarx_} : They're both fucking clowns. The Hillary versus the Donald is a reality show TV contest. Bread and circuses. Vote **for** somebody regardless of who is going to win.", '>>{Iamadultipromise420} : You go man! Vote for Stein and Baraka! Help elect Republicans up and down the ticket to office so the revolution can happen!', '>>{_BernardMarx_} : You can only help elect Republicans by voting for them. Duh.', '>>{underwaterpizza} : Handing the keys of the Ferrari to the 16 y/o or the professional driver with a bad track record of running stop signs.... Plus I agree with Hillary on more things than Trump. But it is fucking sad that this is the state of affairs.', ">>{_BernardMarx_} : Meh. I expect more of the status quo regardless of the election outcome. The Hillary and the Donald love money. Both will further prostitute the office if afforded the opportunity. Sadly, it's expected of our politicians. I can't make it through the half truths and outright lies both sides are spewing to know with what I could agree. What three things can we count on if the Hillary is elected? More pandering to PC nanny state crap? Escalation of military adventures in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, etc? Access and policy influence from wealthy domestic and foreign persons and corporations? What's different with the Donald? More pandering to xenophobia and racism? Escalation of military adventures in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, etc? Access and policy influence from wealthy domestic and foreign persons and corporations? Frankly, I struggle to see substantive differences. It's the same package of what's important and non-negotiable wrapped differently.", ">>{shatabee4} : The fact that Bernie hasn't campaigned for progressives like Tim Canova, shows that the revolution is over. The DNC, Clinton and the billionaires won. They lied and cheated and we and Bernie got screwed."], ['>>{scaldingramen} : Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask how you can rip off your countrymen, get rich and bang hot babes!', '>>{A_TEMPORAL_TOURIST} : Trump\'s business plans can be reduced to: 1. Get a "small loan" from daddy. 2. ??????? 3. Profit', '>>{Lost_Traveller_} : Ah yes the noble profession of ~~public service~~ stiffing your contractors.', '>>{DemCoffeeMan} : Seeing Devos in the background in the article\'s photo makes me want to puke. Also: > He chatted with some of the students, including one girl who told him she wanted to start her own business someday. Trump, himself an entrepreneur, replied: “That\'s a good idea. Make a lot of money, right? But don’t run for politics after.” ...So much for wanting to look out for the forgotten ones, like he "promised" to his supporters...lol', '>>{Alpacatastic} : Kind of sad how he automatically assumes money is the sole reason people might want to start a business...', ">>{ireaditonwikipedia} : The only things Trump should giving advice about are how to dodge the draft and how to inherit your Daddy's money to get rich.", '>>{loungeboy79} : He never really reached step 3, but step two appears to be "win the presidency and antagonize the media and intelligence community so they investigate your shady russian connections".', '>>{loungeboy79} : He never really reached step 3, but step two appears to be "win the presidency and antagonize the media and intelligence community so they investigate your shady russian connections".', ">>{b0redengr} : That's actually good advice for Republicans. Step down and go try to make lots of money. Leave the governing to those invested in the public interest, not their own.", ">>{EmpatheticBankRobber} : And if you do get into politics, don't sell out your country to a hostile foreign government", ">>{fudge_friend} : Either he doesn't like his job or he knows this kid can compete for it in the current political climate.", '>>{Searchlights} : This reads like an Onion article. Where Obama or any other person who actually cared about civics or the country would encourage children to get involved in their communities and government, this guy just tells them to go out and make money. Is this nightmare ever going to end?', '>>{tisn} : do as I say, not as I do', ">>{NovaStubble} : Also, don't hesitate to claim bankruptcy a couple of times.", '>>{silentiumau} : [Simpsons already did it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnOiZXbGCq8)', '>>{sir_evan} : Trump really embodies all of the worst aspects of American character. Greed, arrogance, selfishness, proud ignorance, sexism, racism, and xenophbia.', '>>{JitGoinHam} : God I wish Trump had at least attempted the second thing.', ">>{VinTheRighteous} : I'm sure he was making a joke, but it's really sad to see the POTUS even jokingly discouraging public service. I guess that's where we're at now."]]
classify and reply
['>>{b0redengr} : Hopefully this one will be struck down in court as well. 3-0.', ">>{isthereananswer1} : Trump's offer to Russia: an end to sanctions for nuclear arms cut", '>>{BernieOrBreasts} : A.J. Delgado: Florida ‘in the Bag’ for Trump; Latino Vote Responding to Anti-Corruption Message', ">>{-Sk3ptical-} : Quick, we're receiving too much heat on the Russian front. Lets ban all brown people. That'll keep them busy.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : A bold puppet move from our Supreme Leader. May all of his gold swings be holes-in-one.', ">>{blackontheinternets} : It's like they made a typo and just went with it.", ">>{Pvt_Larry} : This guy's going to look really stupid in a few hours...", ">>{tlkshowhst} : This actually seems like a good idea. Even if Putin agrees, there's little way to enforce the reduction. I don't see it as successful, despite the attempt. Lol. Downvotes? Really? This place is pathetic.", ">>{tedsmitts} : The travel ban, which is so urgent it's been delayed", ">>{isthereananswer1} : So, that explains Russia's nuke comments followed by Trump's nuke reply. Putin [comments](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/12/22/donald-trump-and-vladimir-putin-agree-lets-revive-the-nuclear-arms-race/?utm_term=.9268a6e3b010) from 12/22: >“We need to strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces,” he said, according to an Agence France-Presse translation, “especially with missile complexes that can reliably penetrate any existing and prospective missile defense systems.” In other words, Russia needs to ensure that its arsenal of nuclear weapons can avoid interception by the enemy. Trump tweet 12/22: >The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes Laying the groundwork for a meaningless reduction of nukes for the repeal of sanctions. We're all being played.", ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : I'm guessing it will be in a southern city like Mobile or New Orleans or Charleston or something, where he can hope that maybe the regions political leanings will give him some cover, or NYC where he can pack his own house. I highly doubt he goes to Chicago or Oakland or LA.", ">>{tinyadzuki} : Ohio Supreme Court says 'functional life sentences' for juveniles are unconstitutional", '>>{miltedmalkball} : Why is this a good idea. Unless Russia will cut its arsenal by 99% it will have zero practical effect. The difference between 5000 and 4990 nukes is nothing when it comes to geopolitics.', '>>{champagon_2} : The sad part is that this is painfully obvious.', '>>{Shitposter123456789} : >Mr. Trump, what do you have to lose? >Don’t wait for the debates. Don’t wait for the election. Don’t just talk about murders in Chicago in the abstract. If you have proposals on how to prevent another killing — tell us. --- >You want to woo African-American voters? Come to the South Side of Chicago for a town hall meeting with community residents, police and the relatives of innocent victims of gun violence. >Trump has spent the last 14 months running for president. >On Sunday, Chris Wallace, the host of “Fox News Sunday,” asked Trump’s new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, **“how many times has he gone into an American inner city and held an event for a largely black audience?”** >**“. . . Let me say, would you be surprised if the answer is none? Never?”** >Conway replied, “No, I would not be surprised. I will tell you, Chris, and I pledge to you, and everybody who’s watching that those events are actually being planned. And we’re very excited about them.” >Kellyanne Conway, please schedule one of those events in Chicago. --- >As Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson said Sunday about Trump, “If you have a magic bullet to stop the violence, anywhere, not just in Chicago, but in America, then please share it with us. We’d be glad to take that information and stop this violence.”', '>>{TerranFirma} : You gotta fuck up pretty bad to get one of those to be fair.', ">>{tlkshowhst} : Ok Nevermind then. It's a terrible idea. I'm sorry I mispoke.", ">>{LeahBean} : I think someone that walks into a school and kills 5+ people should be imprisoned for the rest of their life. I don't care how old they were when they committed the crime.", ">>{ronnie1211} : Who can believe anything this man says. He lies about everything. He doesn't even understand there is a lot more to it but just says random things that don't make sense. Russia owns him and it looks like Putin will get whatever he wants.", '>>{nsjersey} : This is a good thing. However, preventing other countries from building more or starting programs is the main worry. If the Trump administration fails to reassure US allies like Saudi Arabia or Japan/ South Korea, it could have repercussions and these countries could start their own nuclear programs. In Poland or the Baltic states case, ask NATO to station arms there. But an agreement with Moscow to reduce arms, would be a positive development and hopefully set a tone worldwide.', '>>{igloojoe11} : With the same authority and info as Delgado, I say that Hillary has the country in the bag, and has already won every state.', '>>{HAHA_goats} : > I think someone that walks into a school and kills 5+ people should be imprisoned for the rest of their life. Read the damn article: >....unconstitutional to impose on juveniles not convicted of homicide.', '>>{Pepper-Fox} : You shouldnt have to wait until someone innocent dies. There are obvious instances where someone need to be removed from society.', '>>{Hitch23} : What is wrong with Chicago? Why does it have the murder rate of a third world country? Note: I am not asking rhetorically, I am genuinely unaware of why they have gone off the rails there. Here is a weekend of violence in Chicago broken down. The map shows shootings all over the South AND West sides. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-06-04/shootings-cancer-chicago-three-days-64-shot-3-dead', '>>{Astalano} : > meaningless reduction of nukes CHOO CHOO, ALL ABOARD THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE EXPRESS', '>>{Loxodontist} : The first of many concessions Trump will make to Russia.', ">>{HRC_ALREADY_WON_LMAO} : I sort of understand them. Reality must be so painful to them, they've given up on it entirely.", '>>{objectivedesigning} : Good. Society needs to return to caring for its children, not criminalizing them.', ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : You don't need a magic Bullet to understand the democratic policies have been complete and total failures there", ">>{freshthrowaway1138} : It's like there are people who simply can't imagine rehabilitation or even reconciliation. No mercy.", '>>{ItchyThunder} : It will ban Trump from travelling to Palm Beach.', ">>{dracorojas27} : I don't know if we will ever see this happen in South side Chicago but i would pay a thousand just to see trump get roasted and destroy by all the community on live tv. Either that or we could witness the first time donnie goes down in flame while on the teleprompter.", ">>{cowboycoco} : Unless something positive happens. Then they'll just let that 'breathe' for a minute before 'planning' to unveil Muslim Ban 2.1", '>>{Shitposter123456789} : If you are genuinely curious, the [Chicago Tribune](http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-chicago-shootings-violence-2016-met-20160630-story.html) and the [NYtimes](http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/05/18/us/chicago-murder-problem.html?_r=0) both have good articles about some of the causes of the violence.', '>>{the_glutton} : Reality is *not* a safe space for a trumpist', ">>{BromanJenkins} : When we did the Iran Nuclear deal the US lifted sanctions against Iran related directly to the Iranian nuclear program, but left other sanctions related to diplomatic disagreements (see: Hezbollah funding) in place. Trump wants to end sanctions over Russia annexing Crimea in exchange for a reduction in nuclear warhead count, something that the US and Russia have accomplished through treaties and agreements for decades. Why does Trump think we should be ending punitive sanctions without ending the thing that we enacted the sanctions over? I can't really think of another situation where we've ended sanctions because the target agreed to change something completely unrelated to the reason the sanctions were installed. Granted, there may be action by the target country in the run-up to removing sanctions or as a secondary condition, but you generally consider those side benefits and not something to shift your entire focus to.", '>>{TheScamr} : I worked in Juvenile Corrections for 7 years. I knew one kid that raped some 30 kids, and another that raped some 50 kids. I would have had no problem if those kids received prison for life or death sentences. But the juvenile system lets them go after they turn 19 in my state.', ">>{mr_shortypants} : Southsider here. We shut him down when he tried to hold a rally here, and we'd shut him down if he tried to do it again.", '>>{shhhhquiet} : Letting Russia off the hook for annexing Crimea because the got rid of a few nukes is a terrible idea and a terrible prescident.', ">>{Litig8} : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_START There's no reason to forgive Russia for its misdeeds in order to achieve steps towards nuclear disarmament. Trump is giving everyone a pretextual reason for lifting sanctions on Russia.", ">>{ignorememe} : I wonder if the White House staff will just go ahead and include the 2 recent intelligence reports as attachments to the Execute Order or pretend they don't exist...", '>>{sunup_scribe} : One (**ONE**) of those sources is on the front page and it is halfway down the list.', '>>{TheRealCJ} : Breaking news: Obama votes for Trump, victory assured. \\- Breitbart', '>>{TheHairyManrilla} : It could also be a distraction from the environmental rollbacks', '>>{Aperfectmoment} : Im concerned countries with nukes can bully countries without them. Unless countries without them are protected by countries with them who will most likely use said protection to bully the countries they are protecting in a much less significant way.', '>>{Wampa_Stompaaaaaaaa} : [Link](http://imgur.com/a/FWiwc) to an image of the DHS report that undermines the travel ban. Specifically the paragraph on Page 2 under "Key Judgments".', ">>{tlkshowhst} : You're right. Let's escalate tensions. That's the best idea.", '>>{OZY1} : And yet, come November 9, Breitbart will still be going strong.', ">>{Litig8} : Nice false dichotomy. Also, if you're going to go with that line of erroneous thinking, can you remind me which country invaded Ukraine and annexed their territory?", ">>{nsjersey} : It's not going to change anything on the ground in Crimea, but yes, you have a good point.", ">>{spaceghoti} : [I know where Slate's getting their information.](http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/11/08/hillary_clinton_has_to_like_where_she_stands_in_florida.html) I'd like to know what ass Breitbart pulled this from.", ">>{EmpatheticBankRobber} : But let's wait on that, since I'm getting some good press! Oh shit, now I'm getting bad press? Bad dudes, nasty women pouring into our country!", ">>{RichardThe3} : He's already come to Mobile. It was awful.", ">>{ubermence} : Oh wow, we can destroy the world 10x over instead of 5, whoop de do It's also funny how it benefits Russia if both countries reduce their arsenal so they don't have to pay as much for upkeep and upgrades, and they even get sanctions removed because of it Strange that Russia seems to benefit so much from Trump being elected", '>>{thudstroke} : How am I supposed to make money off of that?', ">>{SagebrushFire} : But this little angel should get the benefit out the doubt, right? Poor, little tyke was just confused when he threatened two people's lives and then raped a woman, forever changing her life.", '>>{SkateboardG} : It "needed it\'s own moment". Trump thinks he can run the country like a reality TV show', ">>{Hitch23} : So isolated, poor, black neighborhoods with low prospects for education and employment, gang violence and drugs. It's like they stayed in the mid-1990's and got left behind. Is it 20 years of bad leadership?", ">>{dipsetbiatch} : He should put his money where his mouth is.. but he obviously he won't go because a lot of people in the Chi' hate his guts and he knows it.", '>>{Sempais_nutrients} : Who are you replying to? No one here made any comment that this reply would fit with.', '>>{BreakTheBubble} : It seems that belief trumps facts in tea party culture.', '>>{MiniatureBadger} : And what happens when they get an innocent person by accident, as they often do?', '>>{rattrayc} : Apparently rape is just a flesh wound. Take a salt tablet and walk it off', ">>{rattrayc} : Our prison system isn't set up for rehabilitation. I don't want to debate how effective rehabilitation is, let's just acknowledge that rehabilitation can't happen in an environment where it isn't a priority. Prison is just a cage for human garbage.", '>>{murl56} : Breitbart? BWA HA HA HA HA HA!!!', ">>{freshthrowaway1138} : True, but we don't even have people attempting to convert our system into a rehabilitative system. Heck, we don't even try to lower our recidivism rate.", ">>{CpnStumpy} : It's a lost cause, politicians refuse to go near it on either side of the aisle. Nothing we can do. We failed to ban slavery as criminal punishment in Colorado. People just hate criminals and politicians refuse to touch the issue. This is why prisoners need the right to vote. The world would be massively different given how mich of our population are currently disenfranchised.", '>>{VonnegutIce9} : Seems like a bad strategy, then he looks like the oppressed victim. Better to let him have his rally and just stare at him in awkard silence the entire speech. No boos or loud chants, just an empty, cold stare from thousands.', '>>{squealie} : LOL Breitbart. We are only about 6 hours away from them shitposting about how ineffective Hillary was as a President.', '>>{pelijr} : Out of genuine curiousity, were these kid rapists "gang bangers" so to speak? Or just really fucked up "eventual" adult rapists who were aporehended "early in their career" so to speak? Thoughts?', '>>{JosephStylin} : Why does that matter, just out of curiosity?', ">>{caeroe} : It'd help not to release violent repeat offenders Three Years Early, like the gangbanger that shot Wade's cousin.", '>>{cregister} : Quality sourcing there. A.J. Delgado of all people. Literal lol.', '>>{jwax33} : Well, there was that Trump supporter interviewed at a rally awhile back who wanted to know why Obama (as President) did not do more on 9/11/11....', ">>{Maggie_A} : He came to Pensacola. I didn't go. But I was told yesterday that he stiffed the group of children he hired to sing for the event. However, I don't know if that's true. National news I keep up with. Local news, not so much. Closest I could find to it was [this](http://time.com/4424496/usa-freedom-kids-donald-trump-sue-lawsuit/).", '>>{chuck354} : Not when they are white and they imagine this will only be used against minorities.', ">>{Maggie_A} : >What is wrong with Chicago? Why does it have the murder rate of a third world country? I don't know if the information is still accurate, but back [in 2013 Chicago not the only US city with the murder rate of a third world country](http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/u-s-cities-as-dangerous-as-deadliest-3rd-world-countries/)", ">>{BloodyMalleus} : Mentality is completely different. Gangs create an environment that causes members to act differently than they might outside of the gang. This doesn't excuse their actions; it just means there might be hope in changing that person. Someone who does it for joy or as some deep seeded mental issue is less likely to be a product of their environment. My answer here is general and not specific to the above mentioned rapes.", ">>{rattrayc} : That's why they currently go for the longest sentence possible", ">>{RichardThe3} : I didn't go to his rally, but I lived near the campaign shuttles. Horrific traffic, and of course it played all that hateful nonsense over the local news.", ">>{ilikthecutofyourjib} : Want to stop urban violence? Legalize weed and give the black community the exclusive grow and sales licenses - this would bring literally billions of dollars into the black community, consistent industry. In the interim, greater police presence and video cameras looking down every street, plus police body cams. This isn't that difficult. Chicago is a disgrace and embarrassment. - PROUD INDEPENDENT", ">>{Thodgy} : No, it's lost because republican politicians benefit from allowing the private prison industry to thrive", ">>{mhk2192} : Chicago is also a huge logistics hub. If you want to push drugs to either side of the country, Chicago is the place to transport it. Also it's more like like 60 years of bad leadership. Chicago really didn't do anything to ease hyper segregation, rather aided it.", '>>{dxtboxer} : It\'s many factors, and that\'s sort of the problem; poverty and gangs and drugs and lack of education and segregated areas are all interconnected. To tackle the Chicago crime problem is an enormous undertaking that requires far more than just police involvement. The problem with Trump\'s "plan" is that he seems to think it would be easy to fix by just giving the police more authority; he has a habit of dumbing down the most complex and deeply entrenched political issues facing the country into 140 characters or less, perfect for his target audience, but it just shows that he has no idea whatsoever how to actually govern.', '>>{gnomeimean} : http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/crowd-trump-rally-akron-ohio-sea-women-minorities-independents-former-democrats-video/ well he came to Akron, OH which isn\'t doing nearly as bad as Chicago, but has plenty of problems of their own. The poll numbers being reported that said that Trump only had "1% of black support" are false.', ">>{freshthrowaway1138} : I just can't accept that it is a lost cause. It can happen, it just takes slow steps to progress. We've got to stop thinking that it's something that can be fixed overnight or with a single law."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{tinyadzuki} : Ohio Supreme Court says 'functional life sentences' for juveniles are unconstitutional", '>>{TerranFirma} : You gotta fuck up pretty bad to get one of those to be fair.', ">>{LeahBean} : I think someone that walks into a school and kills 5+ people should be imprisoned for the rest of their life. I don't care how old they were when they committed the crime.", '>>{HAHA_goats} : > I think someone that walks into a school and kills 5+ people should be imprisoned for the rest of their life. Read the damn article: >....unconstitutional to impose on juveniles not convicted of homicide.', '>>{Pepper-Fox} : You shouldnt have to wait until someone innocent dies. There are obvious instances where someone need to be removed from society.', '>>{objectivedesigning} : Good. Society needs to return to caring for its children, not criminalizing them.', ">>{freshthrowaway1138} : It's like there are people who simply can't imagine rehabilitation or even reconciliation. No mercy.", '>>{TheScamr} : I worked in Juvenile Corrections for 7 years. I knew one kid that raped some 30 kids, and another that raped some 50 kids. I would have had no problem if those kids received prison for life or death sentences. But the juvenile system lets them go after they turn 19 in my state.', '>>{thudstroke} : How am I supposed to make money off of that?', ">>{SagebrushFire} : But this little angel should get the benefit out the doubt, right? Poor, little tyke was just confused when he threatened two people's lives and then raped a woman, forever changing her life.", '>>{Sempais_nutrients} : Who are you replying to? No one here made any comment that this reply would fit with.', '>>{MiniatureBadger} : And what happens when they get an innocent person by accident, as they often do?', '>>{rattrayc} : Apparently rape is just a flesh wound. Take a salt tablet and walk it off', ">>{rattrayc} : Our prison system isn't set up for rehabilitation. I don't want to debate how effective rehabilitation is, let's just acknowledge that rehabilitation can't happen in an environment where it isn't a priority. Prison is just a cage for human garbage.", ">>{freshthrowaway1138} : True, but we don't even have people attempting to convert our system into a rehabilitative system. Heck, we don't even try to lower our recidivism rate.", ">>{CpnStumpy} : It's a lost cause, politicians refuse to go near it on either side of the aisle. Nothing we can do. We failed to ban slavery as criminal punishment in Colorado. People just hate criminals and politicians refuse to touch the issue. This is why prisoners need the right to vote. The world would be massively different given how mich of our population are currently disenfranchised.", '>>{pelijr} : Out of genuine curiousity, were these kid rapists "gang bangers" so to speak? Or just really fucked up "eventual" adult rapists who were aporehended "early in their career" so to speak? Thoughts?', '>>{JosephStylin} : Why does that matter, just out of curiosity?', '>>{chuck354} : Not when they are white and they imagine this will only be used against minorities.', ">>{BloodyMalleus} : Mentality is completely different. Gangs create an environment that causes members to act differently than they might outside of the gang. This doesn't excuse their actions; it just means there might be hope in changing that person. Someone who does it for joy or as some deep seeded mental issue is less likely to be a product of their environment. My answer here is general and not specific to the above mentioned rapes.", ">>{rattrayc} : That's why they currently go for the longest sentence possible", ">>{Thodgy} : No, it's lost because republican politicians benefit from allowing the private prison industry to thrive", ">>{freshthrowaway1138} : I just can't accept that it is a lost cause. It can happen, it just takes slow steps to progress. We've got to stop thinking that it's something that can be fixed overnight or with a single law."], [">>{blackontheinternets} : It's like they made a typo and just went with it.", ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : I'm guessing it will be in a southern city like Mobile or New Orleans or Charleston or something, where he can hope that maybe the regions political leanings will give him some cover, or NYC where he can pack his own house. I highly doubt he goes to Chicago or Oakland or LA.", '>>{Shitposter123456789} : >Mr. Trump, what do you have to lose? >Don’t wait for the debates. Don’t wait for the election. Don’t just talk about murders in Chicago in the abstract. If you have proposals on how to prevent another killing — tell us. --- >You want to woo African-American voters? Come to the South Side of Chicago for a town hall meeting with community residents, police and the relatives of innocent victims of gun violence. >Trump has spent the last 14 months running for president. >On Sunday, Chris Wallace, the host of “Fox News Sunday,” asked Trump’s new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, **“how many times has he gone into an American inner city and held an event for a largely black audience?”** >**“. . . Let me say, would you be surprised if the answer is none? Never?”** >Conway replied, “No, I would not be surprised. I will tell you, Chris, and I pledge to you, and everybody who’s watching that those events are actually being planned. And we’re very excited about them.” >Kellyanne Conway, please schedule one of those events in Chicago. --- >As Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson said Sunday about Trump, “If you have a magic bullet to stop the violence, anywhere, not just in Chicago, but in America, then please share it with us. We’d be glad to take that information and stop this violence.”', '>>{Hitch23} : What is wrong with Chicago? Why does it have the murder rate of a third world country? Note: I am not asking rhetorically, I am genuinely unaware of why they have gone off the rails there. Here is a weekend of violence in Chicago broken down. The map shows shootings all over the South AND West sides. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-06-04/shootings-cancer-chicago-three-days-64-shot-3-dead', ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : You don't need a magic Bullet to understand the democratic policies have been complete and total failures there", ">>{dracorojas27} : I don't know if we will ever see this happen in South side Chicago but i would pay a thousand just to see trump get roasted and destroy by all the community on live tv. Either that or we could witness the first time donnie goes down in flame while on the teleprompter.", '>>{Shitposter123456789} : If you are genuinely curious, the [Chicago Tribune](http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-chicago-shootings-violence-2016-met-20160630-story.html) and the [NYtimes](http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/05/18/us/chicago-murder-problem.html?_r=0) both have good articles about some of the causes of the violence.', ">>{mr_shortypants} : Southsider here. We shut him down when he tried to hold a rally here, and we'd shut him down if he tried to do it again.", ">>{RichardThe3} : He's already come to Mobile. It was awful.", ">>{Hitch23} : So isolated, poor, black neighborhoods with low prospects for education and employment, gang violence and drugs. It's like they stayed in the mid-1990's and got left behind. Is it 20 years of bad leadership?", ">>{dipsetbiatch} : He should put his money where his mouth is.. but he obviously he won't go because a lot of people in the Chi' hate his guts and he knows it.", '>>{VonnegutIce9} : Seems like a bad strategy, then he looks like the oppressed victim. Better to let him have his rally and just stare at him in awkard silence the entire speech. No boos or loud chants, just an empty, cold stare from thousands.', ">>{caeroe} : It'd help not to release violent repeat offenders Three Years Early, like the gangbanger that shot Wade's cousin.", ">>{Maggie_A} : He came to Pensacola. I didn't go. But I was told yesterday that he stiffed the group of children he hired to sing for the event. However, I don't know if that's true. National news I keep up with. Local news, not so much. Closest I could find to it was [this](http://time.com/4424496/usa-freedom-kids-donald-trump-sue-lawsuit/).", ">>{Maggie_A} : >What is wrong with Chicago? Why does it have the murder rate of a third world country? I don't know if the information is still accurate, but back [in 2013 Chicago not the only US city with the murder rate of a third world country](http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/u-s-cities-as-dangerous-as-deadliest-3rd-world-countries/)", ">>{RichardThe3} : I didn't go to his rally, but I lived near the campaign shuttles. Horrific traffic, and of course it played all that hateful nonsense over the local news.", ">>{ilikthecutofyourjib} : Want to stop urban violence? Legalize weed and give the black community the exclusive grow and sales licenses - this would bring literally billions of dollars into the black community, consistent industry. In the interim, greater police presence and video cameras looking down every street, plus police body cams. This isn't that difficult. Chicago is a disgrace and embarrassment. - PROUD INDEPENDENT", ">>{mhk2192} : Chicago is also a huge logistics hub. If you want to push drugs to either side of the country, Chicago is the place to transport it. Also it's more like like 60 years of bad leadership. Chicago really didn't do anything to ease hyper segregation, rather aided it.", '>>{dxtboxer} : It\'s many factors, and that\'s sort of the problem; poverty and gangs and drugs and lack of education and segregated areas are all interconnected. To tackle the Chicago crime problem is an enormous undertaking that requires far more than just police involvement. The problem with Trump\'s "plan" is that he seems to think it would be easy to fix by just giving the police more authority; he has a habit of dumbing down the most complex and deeply entrenched political issues facing the country into 140 characters or less, perfect for his target audience, but it just shows that he has no idea whatsoever how to actually govern.', '>>{gnomeimean} : http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/crowd-trump-rally-akron-ohio-sea-women-minorities-independents-former-democrats-video/ well he came to Akron, OH which isn\'t doing nearly as bad as Chicago, but has plenty of problems of their own. The poll numbers being reported that said that Trump only had "1% of black support" are false.'], ['>>{b0redengr} : Hopefully this one will be struck down in court as well. 3-0.', ">>{-Sk3ptical-} : Quick, we're receiving too much heat on the Russian front. Lets ban all brown people. That'll keep them busy.", ">>{tedsmitts} : The travel ban, which is so urgent it's been delayed", '>>{champagon_2} : The sad part is that this is painfully obvious.', '>>{ItchyThunder} : It will ban Trump from travelling to Palm Beach.', ">>{cowboycoco} : Unless something positive happens. Then they'll just let that 'breathe' for a minute before 'planning' to unveil Muslim Ban 2.1", ">>{ignorememe} : I wonder if the White House staff will just go ahead and include the 2 recent intelligence reports as attachments to the Execute Order or pretend they don't exist...", '>>{TheHairyManrilla} : It could also be a distraction from the environmental rollbacks', '>>{Wampa_Stompaaaaaaaa} : [Link](http://imgur.com/a/FWiwc) to an image of the DHS report that undermines the travel ban. Specifically the paragraph on Page 2 under "Key Judgments".', ">>{EmpatheticBankRobber} : But let's wait on that, since I'm getting some good press! Oh shit, now I'm getting bad press? Bad dudes, nasty women pouring into our country!", '>>{SkateboardG} : It "needed it\'s own moment". Trump thinks he can run the country like a reality TV show'], [">>{isthereananswer1} : Trump's offer to Russia: an end to sanctions for nuclear arms cut", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : A bold puppet move from our Supreme Leader. May all of his gold swings be holes-in-one.', ">>{tlkshowhst} : This actually seems like a good idea. Even if Putin agrees, there's little way to enforce the reduction. I don't see it as successful, despite the attempt. Lol. Downvotes? Really? This place is pathetic.", ">>{isthereananswer1} : So, that explains Russia's nuke comments followed by Trump's nuke reply. Putin [comments](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/12/22/donald-trump-and-vladimir-putin-agree-lets-revive-the-nuclear-arms-race/?utm_term=.9268a6e3b010) from 12/22: >“We need to strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces,” he said, according to an Agence France-Presse translation, “especially with missile complexes that can reliably penetrate any existing and prospective missile defense systems.” In other words, Russia needs to ensure that its arsenal of nuclear weapons can avoid interception by the enemy. Trump tweet 12/22: >The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes Laying the groundwork for a meaningless reduction of nukes for the repeal of sanctions. We're all being played.", '>>{miltedmalkball} : Why is this a good idea. Unless Russia will cut its arsenal by 99% it will have zero practical effect. The difference between 5000 and 4990 nukes is nothing when it comes to geopolitics.', ">>{tlkshowhst} : Ok Nevermind then. It's a terrible idea. I'm sorry I mispoke.", ">>{ronnie1211} : Who can believe anything this man says. He lies about everything. He doesn't even understand there is a lot more to it but just says random things that don't make sense. Russia owns him and it looks like Putin will get whatever he wants.", '>>{nsjersey} : This is a good thing. However, preventing other countries from building more or starting programs is the main worry. If the Trump administration fails to reassure US allies like Saudi Arabia or Japan/ South Korea, it could have repercussions and these countries could start their own nuclear programs. In Poland or the Baltic states case, ask NATO to station arms there. But an agreement with Moscow to reduce arms, would be a positive development and hopefully set a tone worldwide.', '>>{Astalano} : > meaningless reduction of nukes CHOO CHOO, ALL ABOARD THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE EXPRESS', '>>{Loxodontist} : The first of many concessions Trump will make to Russia.', ">>{BromanJenkins} : When we did the Iran Nuclear deal the US lifted sanctions against Iran related directly to the Iranian nuclear program, but left other sanctions related to diplomatic disagreements (see: Hezbollah funding) in place. Trump wants to end sanctions over Russia annexing Crimea in exchange for a reduction in nuclear warhead count, something that the US and Russia have accomplished through treaties and agreements for decades. Why does Trump think we should be ending punitive sanctions without ending the thing that we enacted the sanctions over? I can't really think of another situation where we've ended sanctions because the target agreed to change something completely unrelated to the reason the sanctions were installed. Granted, there may be action by the target country in the run-up to removing sanctions or as a secondary condition, but you generally consider those side benefits and not something to shift your entire focus to.", '>>{shhhhquiet} : Letting Russia off the hook for annexing Crimea because the got rid of a few nukes is a terrible idea and a terrible prescident.', ">>{Litig8} : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_START There's no reason to forgive Russia for its misdeeds in order to achieve steps towards nuclear disarmament. Trump is giving everyone a pretextual reason for lifting sanctions on Russia.", '>>{Aperfectmoment} : Im concerned countries with nukes can bully countries without them. Unless countries without them are protected by countries with them who will most likely use said protection to bully the countries they are protecting in a much less significant way.', ">>{tlkshowhst} : You're right. Let's escalate tensions. That's the best idea.", ">>{Litig8} : Nice false dichotomy. Also, if you're going to go with that line of erroneous thinking, can you remind me which country invaded Ukraine and annexed their territory?", ">>{nsjersey} : It's not going to change anything on the ground in Crimea, but yes, you have a good point.", ">>{ubermence} : Oh wow, we can destroy the world 10x over instead of 5, whoop de do It's also funny how it benefits Russia if both countries reduce their arsenal so they don't have to pay as much for upkeep and upgrades, and they even get sanctions removed because of it Strange that Russia seems to benefit so much from Trump being elected"], ['>>{BernieOrBreasts} : A.J. Delgado: Florida ‘in the Bag’ for Trump; Latino Vote Responding to Anti-Corruption Message', ">>{Pvt_Larry} : This guy's going to look really stupid in a few hours...", '>>{igloojoe11} : With the same authority and info as Delgado, I say that Hillary has the country in the bag, and has already won every state.', ">>{HRC_ALREADY_WON_LMAO} : I sort of understand them. Reality must be so painful to them, they've given up on it entirely.", '>>{the_glutton} : Reality is *not* a safe space for a trumpist', '>>{sunup_scribe} : One (**ONE**) of those sources is on the front page and it is halfway down the list.', '>>{TheRealCJ} : Breaking news: Obama votes for Trump, victory assured. \\- Breitbart', '>>{OZY1} : And yet, come November 9, Breitbart will still be going strong.', ">>{spaceghoti} : [I know where Slate's getting their information.](http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/11/08/hillary_clinton_has_to_like_where_she_stands_in_florida.html) I'd like to know what ass Breitbart pulled this from.", '>>{BreakTheBubble} : It seems that belief trumps facts in tea party culture.', '>>{murl56} : Breitbart? BWA HA HA HA HA HA!!!', '>>{squealie} : LOL Breitbart. We are only about 6 hours away from them shitposting about how ineffective Hillary was as a President.', '>>{cregister} : Quality sourcing there. A.J. Delgado of all people. Literal lol.', '>>{jwax33} : Well, there was that Trump supporter interviewed at a rally awhile back who wanted to know why Obama (as President) did not do more on 9/11/11....']]
classify and reply
[">>{speckz} : Surface Studio Review: It's good in parts, but peculiar decisions and an iffy concept undermine it.", ">>{TrippyTheSnail} : It can be. That's not to say it will be.", '>>{Martineverest} : surface studio comes with archaic hardwares like imac,but imac got all the praises available while SS gets bashed by ars.smh', '>>{nonotatall1} : How much does an iMac cost? How much does this pile of shit cost? Plus lets not forget, this thing is useful to very little amounts of people.', '>>{Non-Polar} : My review of the iPhone 7+, coming from the 6+, S6 Edge, and Note 7', ">>{_Ozz_} : I have a pixel XL pre order for late November and I've been restling with possibly getting an iPhone 7 plus, if only Apple had at least bezels like 1+3 I'd be instant buy.... Anyways I'm still considering it, only problem is I am on tmobile. So I'd have to go straight thru apple to get Qualcom modem. P. S. How'd u get a Qualcom modem with your iPhone 7 plus?!", ">>{bernieaccountess} : doesn't really seem like a debacle to me. [Right Side Broadcasting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwbYLlq7iYo)", ">>{Non-Polar} : Are you currently paying for any phone right now? If not, I would look into Apple's Upgrade program. You would need to bring in your T-Mobie login information, credit card, and driver's license. For me, after tax and all, I pay roughly $45/month for my iPhone 7 Plus 256GB, and can trade it in after 12 months of payment (For the next phone then, I would pay taxes of the phone, and whatever the monthly cost is). It came out to roughly the same costs of paying from T-Mobile (For them, it was roughly $30 a month with $15 for Jump On-Demand and insurance). At the end of the day, Apple's Upgrade program is a no-brainer, since it also includes Apple Care Plus. I would rather go through them to repair and/or upgrade my phone than T-Mobile.", '>>{anon902503} : Only started watching at 7:30. pretty boring imo. The kid who sang the anthem was pretty good.', ">>{LordPantyhorn} : Melania Trump's RNC speech Thank You very much. Thank you. You have all been very kind to Donald and me, to our young son Barron, and to our whole family. It's a very nice welcome and we're excited to be with you at this historic convention. I am so proud of your choice for President of the United States, my husband, Donald J. Trump. And I can assure you, he is moved by this great honor. The 2016 Republican primaries were fierce and started with many candidates, 17 to be exact, and I know that Donald agrees with me when I mention how talented all of them are. They deserve respect and gratitude from all of us. However, when it comes to my husband, I will say that I am definitely biased, and for good reason. I have been with Donald for 18 years and I have been aware of his love for this country since we first met. He never had a hidden agenda when it comes to his patriotism, because, like me, he loves this country so much. I was born in Slovenia, a small, beautiful and then communist country in Central Europe. My sister Ines, who is an incredible woman and a friend, and I were raised by my wonderful parents. My elegant and hard working mother Amalia introduced me to fashion and beauty. My father Viktor instilled in me a passion for business and travel. Their integrity, compassion and intelligence reflect to this day on me and for my love of family and America. From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily life. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our son, and we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow. Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. I am fortunate for my heritage, but also for where it has brought me today. I travelled the world while working hard in the incredible arena of fashion. After living and working in Milan and Paris, I arrived in New York City twenty years ago, and I saw both the joys and the hardships of daily life. On July 28th 2006 I was very proud to become a citizen of the United States -- the greatest privilege on planet Earth. I cannot, or will not, take the freedoms this country offers for granted. But these freedoms have come with a price so many times. The sacrifices made by our Veterans are reminders to us of this. I would like to take this moment to recognize an amazing veteran, the great Senator Bob Dole. And let us thank all of our Veterans in the arena Today, and those across our great country. We are all truly blessed to be here. That will never change. I can tell you with certainty that my husband has been concerned about our country for as long as I have known him. With all of my heart, I know that he will make a great and lasting difference. Donald has a deep and unbounding determination and a never give up attitude. I have seen him fight for years to get a project done - or even started - and he does not give up! If you want someone to fight for you and your country, I can assure you, he is the 'guy'. He will never, ever, give up. And, most importantly, he will never, ever, let you down. Donald is, and always has been, an amazing leader. Now, he will go to work for you. His achievements speak for themselves, and his performance throughout the primary campaign proved that he knows how to win. He also knows how to remain focused on improving our country, -- on keeping it safe and secure. He is tough when he has to be but he is also kind and fair and caring. This kindness is not always noted, but it is there for all to see. That is one reason I fell in love with him to begin with. Donald is intensely loyal. To family, friends, employees, country. He has the utmost respect for his parents, Mary and Fred, to his sisters Maryanne and Elizabeth, to his brother Robert, and to the memory of his late brother Fred. His children have been cared for and mentored to the extent that even his adversaries admit they are an amazing testament to who he is as a man and a father. There is a great deal of love in the Trump family. That is our bond, and that is our strength. Yes, Donald thinks big, which is especially important when considering the Presidency of the United States. No room for small thinking. No room for small results. Donald gets things done. Our country is underperforming and needs new leadership. Leadership is also what the world needs. Donald wants our country to move forward in the most positive of ways. ** Everyone wants change. Donald is the only one that can deliver it. We should not be satisfied with stagnation. Donald wants prosperity for ALL Americans. We need new programs to help the poor and opportunities to challenge the young. There has to be a plan for growth --- only then will fairness result. My husband's experience exemplifies growth and the successful passage of opportunity to the next generation. His success indicates inclusion rather than division. My husband offers a new direction, welcoming change, prosperity and greater cooperation among peoples and nations. Donald intends to represent all the people, not just some of the people. That includes Christians and Jews and Muslims, it includes Hispanics and African Americans and Asians, and the poor and the middle class. Throughout his career, Donald has successfully worked with people of many faiths and with many nations. Like no one else, I have seen the talent, the energy, the tenacity, the resourceful mind and the simple goodness of heart that God gave Donald Trump. Now is the time to use those gifts as never before, for purposes far greater than ever before. And he will do this better than anyone else can... and it won't even be close. Everything depends on it, for our cause and for our country. People are counting on him -- all the millions of you who have touched us so much with your kindness and your confidence. You have turned this unlikely campaign into a movement that is still gaining in strength and number. The primary season, and its toughness, is behind us. Let's all come together in a national campaign like no other! The race will be hard-fought, all the way to November. There will be good times and hard times and unexpected turns -- it would not be a Trump contest without excitement and drama. But through it all, my husband will remain focused on only one thing: this beautiful country, that he loves so much. IF I am honored to serve as First Lady, I will use that wonderful privilege to try to help people in our country who need it the most. One of the many causes dear to my heart is helping children and women. You judge a society by how it treats its citizens. We must do our best to ensure that every child can live in comfort and security, with the best possible education. As citizens of this great nation, it is kindness, love and compassion for each other that will bring us together -- and keep us together. These are the values Donald and I will bring to the White House. My husband is ready to lead this great nation. He is ready to fight, every day, to give our children the better future they deserve. **PAUSE** Ladies and Gentlemen, Donald J. Trump is ready to serve and lead this country as the next President of the United States. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America. **END**", ">>{penguins2946} : It definitely could be, as in it's possible. Will it? I seriously doubt it, Clinton won't need to rig the election to smoke Trump in November.", ">>{Majist} : Been busy tonight, but it sounds like a debacle from what I'm hearing.", '>>{ShadyPollster} : Must not be watching it if you think that is what a debacle is...', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Ha, even trump decided to do something else instead of watch it.', ">>{cocobandicoot} : Thanks for the review. This really gives me a good idea as to what device I want to pull the trigger on for this year. I usually update my smartphone at least once a year, and since the S7 Edge is off the table, I think I'll go iPhone 7 Plus for this round.", ">>{kungpu} : I'm also coming from the Note 7 and mostly agree with your post but if you lost 10-20% battery overnight you had something seriously wrong with your device. Also, while the speakers on the 7+ are not as good as my Nexus 6p were they still are much better than any Samsung. This is my first iPhone after being on Android since the HTC Evo and I have to admit I'm very impressed. The Note 7 was a fantastic phone but my 7+ has made me completely forget about it.", '>>{techman35} : Donald Trump says Isis will take over US if Clinton wins', ">>{Whipit} : I have no real use for this and yet I want one badly :) I'd like to see this sold as just the display that I can then connect to my own PC.", '>>{Nosympathyforstupid} : Here goes trump setting up for his eventual ass whooping', ">>{Opee23} : But, won't Russia take over if he wins?", ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : Probably the uprising about a roll call vote. It's over now.", ">>{Negative_Clank} : While I appreciate that because I don't have cable television, I want to shoot myself in the face while trying to read that, set up like a fucking poem Edit: changed done to don't", '>>{Zachary_FGW} : Trump. they will be killed off by gangs alone. that is what protects America. the Gangs. invade and face the dark side of America', '>>{GasMasktoTask} : Break out the tinfoil hats for that article and this election.', '>>{ShadyPollster} : >Ha, even trump decided to do something else instead of watch it. Really , pretty sure he can watch it using the internet..... Or tv.... It would have been clever to say attend... But you missed your chance to correct the record.', ">>{Lokismoke} : I thought Melania didn't speak until a primetime spot?", ">>{RipInPepz} : I ordered my 7+ and am also coming over as a heavy Android user. I am very excited to try iOS and the phone looks fantastic, but I am definitely disappointed in the whole modem ordeal. I had to order through T-Mobile so I am stuck with the Intel modem... I am really hoping it's not as bad as I think it's going to be.. or if I can someway switch over to the Sim free through T-Mobile or if Apple becomes super generous. Either way, I can't wait! Thanks for your review.", '>>{ZenZill} : Yet the Mac touchbar is getting so much news on its apps and other crap that is way more accessible right on your main screens UI.', '>>{LordPantyhorn} : Imagine her caveman English speaking it. It will make sense.', ">>{HumanWithoutACause} : Wide color display that's accurate and 5K of course they praise great products", '>>{KEVLAR60442} : Ars Technica is almost as much of an Apple shill as Gizmodo.', '>>{demafromua} : SS is too. Take aspect ratio in the equation 4500x3000 nets out around the same amount of pixels as 5K and is much better for creative work.', ">>{LordPantyhorn} : She didn't speak yet. A lil later tonight. This is the advanced copy of her speech.", '>>{ziggyetotis} : pretty sure his point is wayyyyyy back there over your head.', '>>{demafromua} : As much as a 5K iMac. And it provides many more functions for that price.', '>>{ilikelegoandcrackers} : The orange ape man seems to have no filter. I am running out of synonyms for moron.', '>>{cenderis} : and they did say the SS mouse has a nice wheel.', '>>{FatMitch} : Is there any way I can check which modem I have? (EU)', '>>{ShadyPollster} : She has been practicing for a while now, give this foreign beauty a break man.', '>>{damrider} : Why the fuck does the hill allow Roger fucking Stone to write articles for them?', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : He was on the air on Fox giving an interview during the Benghazi mom speech. Of course, he probably tivo'd it.", ">>{H4xolotl} : Seems like EVERY tech website is an Apple shill. And clearly, it's not because Apple actually makes good products. It's because Apple slips a fat wad of cash under the doorstep of every tech journalist in the world at night. Everybody knows Apple makes trash only autistic rich kids and computer illiterate grandparents would buy! /s", '>>{LordPantyhorn} : PS- She plagiarizes the speech from Michelle Obama. ;)', '>>{viccar0} : This guy jumps from one Princeton professor and another computer hacker\'s proof-of-concept to evidence suggesting "the Reince machine" rigged 5 elections in Wisconsin to then concluding the election CAN and probably will be rigged by Hillary Clinton and the media. Using this argument: >Here’s the recipe now: (1) Publish a poll contrived to suggest the result you are going to bring about. (2) Manipulate the machines to bring about precisely your desired outcome. With #1, he completely discredits polling as an objective measure, completely ignoring the details of how polls are taken, and with #2, he jumps in with both feet and commits to a specious assumption, at best. You could use this to "explain" any election result as illegitimate.', '>>{shivs1147} : Basically this is all coming from a study by two grad students with no peer or internal review. As far as the conclusions drawn in the paper the new York times put it best: >No one who studies the exit polls believes that they can be used as an indicator of fraud in the way the conspiracy theorists do.', '>>{exploding_growing} : Sure. How many Diebold machines are being used this year?', '>>{_Ozz_} : I am not currently paying for a phone, how much would it be for an iPhone 7 plus 128 gig. Are u in the LA area by the way lolz?!', '>>{agent_philcoulson} : > 10-20% battery overnight you had something seriously wrong with your device. That is not necessarily true. I have the S7E and loose about 10% battery over night. When I had the google back up wake lock, it was 25%. I have disabled everything in the background with EZ Disabler. I even factory reset my phone and cleared the cache. The phone STILL drops 10% over night.', '>>{grdwaste} : I have T Mobile also and have the phone coming in on Monday. How did you get them to switch to the sim free better version with ease? 5thanks', '>>{ABTechie} : He will only get more desperate as more stories of his interaction with women and now girls come out.', '>>{redroguetech} : The article fails to support that "Trump’s concerns are not unfounded." At best, they\'ve stated that it\'s *theoretically* possible, while also claiming "both parties have engaged in this skullduggery" (without support). They suggest that all that would be required would be flip the votes by "Manipulat[ing] the [tens of thousands] machines [from different manufacturers, in local precincts]" based on polling, only to explain that "polling industry has been reported to be \'in a state of crisis\'." So, at worst, both sides could equally manipulate local-area elections to some degree, and be equally likely to give *fewer* votes to their own candidate. >Europe has rejected electronic voting machines because they are untrustworthy. This is not a secret. Really? Seems someone kept it secret enough that [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_voting_by_country) is unaware of that. >I predicted that Trump would lead in the polls after his highly successful convention (despite the media frenzy over the non-issue of a Melania Trump staffer plagiarizing a handful of words). Oops. >But you will see less of Hillary’s problems in the mainstream media, which has gone completely overboard in its relentless, even hysterical, efforts to lambaste Trump and promote her. Lol. Trump has been shamelessly debasing himself in order to keep the media\'s attention on himself.', ">>{ukraine_not_weak} : Tinfoil hats aside, I'm all for getting rid of electronic voting machines. They never made a lick of sense before (no paper trail for recounts/verification, more expensive, quickly outdated, periodic malfunctions, etc) and now with the current concern over the prevalence of hacking they make even less sense.", ">>{Methaxetamine} : He's got T-Mobile and I bet the radio in it was not good. My S3 had worst reception than my iPhone 4.", ">>{Pirvan} : It was rigged against Bernie, might as well be rigged against Trump as well. Establishment GOP and Dems as well as their corporate owners are all WITH HER. Don't get me wrong, she's better than Trump but then again, that's not saying much.", '>>{nonotatall1} : Microsoft studio basic price $3000 Imac 5k basic price $1,799.00 Try and actually do your homework, kid.', ">>{cheesecak3FTW} : All EU phones have the intel modem, sadly. How has reception been for you? Im in EU and I was so looking forward to getting a 7+ but I'm holding off a bit to see how the whole modem thing works out...", ">>{nonotatall1} : When microsoft announced this Reddit lost their minds saying Microsoft was out innovating apple. Innovation isn't just about making something new. Its making something useful and making it available to the masses. This thing isn't useful because its laggy, and its not available to the masses because its overpriced. Microsoft are crap. And they will always be crap.", ">>{itsaboyffxiv} : > A recent study by Stanford University proved that Hillary Clinton’s campaign rigged the system to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders. No. No, it didn't.", ">>{Pirvan} : I never saw that, but regardless, even if he did say that, it doesn't change what happened. He can't really endorse Hillary to defeat trump at all costs if he at the same time implies foul play. The facts speak for themselves. The DNC and DWS were one with Hillary and it showed, from the debates, to purged voter records, to lack of ballots, to closed polling places and on and on. Then of course the horribly skewed exit polls showing fraudulent counting by black-box voting machines whose companies actively support Hillary as well. Yeah no, I'd prefer Hillary over Trump but that is not saying much.", '>>{hzumbru1} : IMac uses much worse hardware. To relieve the same specs you would actually be paying more for the iMac.', '>>{linguotgr} : He is far too fearful of Trump being elected to speak up if believed it was rigged. It would cause too much distrust for the Democratic Party, and even if he was proven right, they would still stick with Clinton.', ">>{Tiababy} : It'll be Intel if your EU. China, Japan and US get the Qualcomm version. Anywhere else it'll be Intel. I came from the iPhone 6 and with the same service provider, in the same locations I'm getting better connections so it doesn't seem to be that bad a deal. In my work place there were deadzones where I got no signal and now I get signal there. Model number will tell you what you have (they are on the back of the phone) A1778 and A1784 are both Intel modem chip. A1660 and A1661 are both Qualcomm modem chip.", '>>{17281posse} : Red Dawn III - ISIS and Mexico join forces and make surgical strikes against NASCAR tracks.', '>>{phatrice} : WTF, what did the Ferengi do to you asshole? Ferengis have principles it\'s called the Rules of Acquisition. Rule 94 specifically said "Females and finances don\'t mix." Look it up!', ">>{Bearrunner44} : As someone who lives in a relatively rural part of flyover country, I'm more afraid of Trump inspiring some Dylann Roof type to shoot up a post office than I am of ISIS. These next few weeks aren't going to help, especially if/when he claims Clinton's election isn't legitimate.", '>>{Pirvan} : Oh look, more of these types of responses...', ">>{Tiababy} : I came from the iPhone 6 and with the same service provider, in the same locations I'm getting better connections so it doesn't seem to be that bad a deal. In my work place there were deadzones where I got no signal and now I get signal there. So it's better then the iPhone 6 on good to bad signals but whether it could be better I'll never know. I'll be taking this to America shortly (I also took my iphone 6 to America) so can compare international use as well.", ">>{cheesecak3FTW} : Thanks! Seems promising if it's still better than iphone 6.", '>>{nuxes} : Most electronic voting machines come with an optional paper audit log, but some states decided not to spend money on that. A couple years ago in my county, a machine went kaput on election day. We pulled out the tape and counted by hand. Fortunately it was a small election and there were only 20 votes, not thousands.', ">>{FatMitch} : Tbh I didn't realise anything bad at all. Never lost connection or experienced anything of that nature. So far so good. For sure it's 400% better than in my last phone (S7)", '>>{ukraine_not_weak} : > A couple years ago in my county, a machine went kaput on election day. Yeah, my county had an out-of-order machine, awaiting repair on election day which wound up backing up the line a bit. We thankfully had the option to choose between e-vote and paper ballot. The funniest thing was when an older guy got sick of waiting in line, and just took the Scantron ballot to the machine booth and just used it as a platform to write on.', '>>{Egg-MacGuffin} : And maybe the Second Amendment people will take care of them.', '>>{Zachary_FGW} : that is why US is a bad place to invade. we have so much guns it is crazy. Russia have the winter, but now a days they can be invaded easier. US the only nation now a days where it is better to just nuke it to hell than invade', ">>{nonotatall1} : Except the MacOs runs way more efficiently so specs are a pointless attribute. So for the same performance, you will be paying far less. And you won't have some pointless touch screen thats laggy and a complete gimmick.", '>>{zacdenver} : The article\'s author is Roger Stone, a long-time Trump friend and surrogate. He\'s also one of the major "birther" advocates.', '>>{Egg-MacGuffin} : Global warming is a liberal ploy to warm the Earth so we can invade Russia during Christmas.', ">>{upstateman} : Stone is a long time Trump confidant. This article sets up Trump's conspiracy defense for why he will lose so badly.", '>>{shitpersonality} : You are either a troll or you are pretending to know what you are talking about and it shows that you are just pretending.', '>>{upstateman} : > It was rigged against Bernie, How was it rigged against him? What specific things were done by whom?', ">>{Iggyhopper} : >Put the Studio in the optimal position for upright usage, and it's badly placed for drawing. Put it in the optimal position for drawing, and it's badly placed for upright usage You don't say. What is this garbage?", '>>{aspoels} : One of these displays with TB3 to a MacBook Pro.... itd be great', ">>{upstateman} : >from the debates, The debate rules were changed because 2008 was chaotic. The issue was discussed at that time. >to purged voter records, How does the DNC purge voter records? (And you mean the registration list. Every county/state purges those. Brooklyn had a problem, we don't know yet if it was deliberate. But Brooklyn was not the DNC.) >to closed polling places I'll bite, where did the DNC close polling places? >Then of course the horribly skewed exit polls showing fraudulent counting by black-box voting machines whose companies actively support Hillary as well. No, exit polls did not and cannot show fraudulent counting.", '>>{Pirvan} : Your account is three months old and your post history is impressive to look at. You must have a lot of spare time at your job to do all this posting.', '>>{Egg-MacGuffin} : Everyone wins! Well, except the Russians... And humanity.   And polar bears.', '>>{nonotatall1} : I pretend nothing. I am a master computer scientist and elected president of the world computers association.', '>>{crazy_akrasia} : This is a serious concern. We should absolutely not be using electronic voting machines.', '>>{iamsethmeyers} : Compare the specs and features on the two models. Kid.', ">>{Loverboy21} : As someone who's never watched Star Trek before, I [did](http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Rules_of_Acquisition) look it up. This guy's totally right, but I have absolutely no idea what the context of any of this is, nor what the hell it means. See also: Rule 229: Latinum (which I presume is some kind of currency) lasts longer than lust.", '>>{crazy_akrasia} : I don\'t think you did anything to refute his claims. You take it for granted that all of the polling is done honestly. I\'m not saying we have evidence that they weren\'t done honestly (why would we?). But if someone wanted to "rig" the election in the way he described, I\'m sure they\'d be careful to hide their footprints.', ">>{crazy_akrasia} : You don't think someone could hack these voting machines? Come on. You're not even addressing the most serious concerns raised in the article.", '>>{nonotatall1} : I did. Gimp. Try reading what I was replying too.', '>>{crazy_akrasia} : There are serious problems with using electronic voting machines. They have no business being used in this election when we could be using paper.', ">>{crazy_akrasia} : Oh wow I guess that settles it. Let's just trust everyone then.", ">>{Ganeshgns} : It's not available to the masses because it's overpriced I can say the same for Apple :/", ">>{Wolf-Head} : Civilian guns aren't the reason, it's the fact we have the most powerful armed forces in the history of mankind(plus those nukes). Artillery would make all our guns pointless and Russia isn't afraid to turn a city into rubble.", '>>{Ganeshgns} : As long the sheeple will sheep around they will sell ¯\\\\_(ツ)_/¯ .I say this statement when all the points the person has are not even reasonable !', '>>{crazy_akrasia} : **Using electronic voting machines is a HORRIBLE IDEA** We should all be outraged that this even happens, and we should all be calling for paper voting, no matter who we support. [Here\'s a good video on this subject.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3_0x6oaDmI) Please, don\'t just say "Trump tinfoil conspiracies" or "Hillary tinfoil conspiracies" or whatever bullshit you\'ve been taught to say. Electronic voting is a SERIOUS PROBLEM. It is outrageous that we use it at all.', ">>{viccar0} : Sure, but I'm not taking for granted that all of polling is done honestly. What I'm doing is seeing the number of polls available, the parity between them, and noting how implausible it is that they all collude together so perfectly.", ">>{nonotatall1} : Let me guess, you play video games all day and hate the world because you have no spine and don't understand what work is. lol", ">>{Ganeshgns} : Yup I'm actually a gamer snail in disguise and have raised an army to end the entire human race ;)", ">>{Saboteure} : The reality is that it probably wouldn't be much cheaper that way.", '>>{upstateman} : There is a world of difference between these things can be hacked under some very constrained circumstances (you have to go to the machine to do it, there are tens of thousands of machines) and the claim that they have in fact been hacked many times.', '>>{Pizza2kbitchslut} : Alright try playing some games or rendering videos in aftereffects and see how the iMac holds up to a 980m lol', '>>{nonotatall1} : Sorry did you say games? The things kids play?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Non-Polar} : My review of the iPhone 7+, coming from the 6+, S6 Edge, and Note 7', ">>{_Ozz_} : I have a pixel XL pre order for late November and I've been restling with possibly getting an iPhone 7 plus, if only Apple had at least bezels like 1+3 I'd be instant buy.... Anyways I'm still considering it, only problem is I am on tmobile. So I'd have to go straight thru apple to get Qualcom modem. P. S. How'd u get a Qualcom modem with your iPhone 7 plus?!", ">>{Non-Polar} : Are you currently paying for any phone right now? If not, I would look into Apple's Upgrade program. You would need to bring in your T-Mobie login information, credit card, and driver's license. For me, after tax and all, I pay roughly $45/month for my iPhone 7 Plus 256GB, and can trade it in after 12 months of payment (For the next phone then, I would pay taxes of the phone, and whatever the monthly cost is). It came out to roughly the same costs of paying from T-Mobile (For them, it was roughly $30 a month with $15 for Jump On-Demand and insurance). At the end of the day, Apple's Upgrade program is a no-brainer, since it also includes Apple Care Plus. I would rather go through them to repair and/or upgrade my phone than T-Mobile.", ">>{cocobandicoot} : Thanks for the review. This really gives me a good idea as to what device I want to pull the trigger on for this year. I usually update my smartphone at least once a year, and since the S7 Edge is off the table, I think I'll go iPhone 7 Plus for this round.", ">>{kungpu} : I'm also coming from the Note 7 and mostly agree with your post but if you lost 10-20% battery overnight you had something seriously wrong with your device. Also, while the speakers on the 7+ are not as good as my Nexus 6p were they still are much better than any Samsung. This is my first iPhone after being on Android since the HTC Evo and I have to admit I'm very impressed. The Note 7 was a fantastic phone but my 7+ has made me completely forget about it.", ">>{RipInPepz} : I ordered my 7+ and am also coming over as a heavy Android user. I am very excited to try iOS and the phone looks fantastic, but I am definitely disappointed in the whole modem ordeal. I had to order through T-Mobile so I am stuck with the Intel modem... I am really hoping it's not as bad as I think it's going to be.. or if I can someway switch over to the Sim free through T-Mobile or if Apple becomes super generous. Either way, I can't wait! Thanks for your review.", '>>{FatMitch} : Is there any way I can check which modem I have? (EU)', '>>{_Ozz_} : I am not currently paying for a phone, how much would it be for an iPhone 7 plus 128 gig. Are u in the LA area by the way lolz?!', '>>{agent_philcoulson} : > 10-20% battery overnight you had something seriously wrong with your device. That is not necessarily true. I have the S7E and loose about 10% battery over night. When I had the google back up wake lock, it was 25%. I have disabled everything in the background with EZ Disabler. I even factory reset my phone and cleared the cache. The phone STILL drops 10% over night.', '>>{grdwaste} : I have T Mobile also and have the phone coming in on Monday. How did you get them to switch to the sim free better version with ease? 5thanks', ">>{Methaxetamine} : He's got T-Mobile and I bet the radio in it was not good. My S3 had worst reception than my iPhone 4.", ">>{cheesecak3FTW} : All EU phones have the intel modem, sadly. How has reception been for you? Im in EU and I was so looking forward to getting a 7+ but I'm holding off a bit to see how the whole modem thing works out...", ">>{Tiababy} : It'll be Intel if your EU. China, Japan and US get the Qualcomm version. Anywhere else it'll be Intel. I came from the iPhone 6 and with the same service provider, in the same locations I'm getting better connections so it doesn't seem to be that bad a deal. In my work place there were deadzones where I got no signal and now I get signal there. Model number will tell you what you have (they are on the back of the phone) A1778 and A1784 are both Intel modem chip. A1660 and A1661 are both Qualcomm modem chip.", ">>{Tiababy} : I came from the iPhone 6 and with the same service provider, in the same locations I'm getting better connections so it doesn't seem to be that bad a deal. In my work place there were deadzones where I got no signal and now I get signal there. So it's better then the iPhone 6 on good to bad signals but whether it could be better I'll never know. I'll be taking this to America shortly (I also took my iphone 6 to America) so can compare international use as well.", ">>{cheesecak3FTW} : Thanks! Seems promising if it's still better than iphone 6.", ">>{FatMitch} : Tbh I didn't realise anything bad at all. Never lost connection or experienced anything of that nature. So far so good. For sure it's 400% better than in my last phone (S7)"], ['>>{techman35} : Donald Trump says Isis will take over US if Clinton wins', ">>{Opee23} : But, won't Russia take over if he wins?", '>>{Zachary_FGW} : Trump. they will be killed off by gangs alone. that is what protects America. the Gangs. invade and face the dark side of America', '>>{ilikelegoandcrackers} : The orange ape man seems to have no filter. I am running out of synonyms for moron.', '>>{ABTechie} : He will only get more desperate as more stories of his interaction with women and now girls come out.', '>>{17281posse} : Red Dawn III - ISIS and Mexico join forces and make surgical strikes against NASCAR tracks.', '>>{phatrice} : WTF, what did the Ferengi do to you asshole? Ferengis have principles it\'s called the Rules of Acquisition. Rule 94 specifically said "Females and finances don\'t mix." Look it up!', ">>{Bearrunner44} : As someone who lives in a relatively rural part of flyover country, I'm more afraid of Trump inspiring some Dylann Roof type to shoot up a post office than I am of ISIS. These next few weeks aren't going to help, especially if/when he claims Clinton's election isn't legitimate.", '>>{Egg-MacGuffin} : And maybe the Second Amendment people will take care of them.', '>>{Zachary_FGW} : that is why US is a bad place to invade. we have so much guns it is crazy. Russia have the winter, but now a days they can be invaded easier. US the only nation now a days where it is better to just nuke it to hell than invade', '>>{Egg-MacGuffin} : Global warming is a liberal ploy to warm the Earth so we can invade Russia during Christmas.', '>>{Egg-MacGuffin} : Everyone wins! Well, except the Russians... And humanity.   And polar bears.', ">>{Loverboy21} : As someone who's never watched Star Trek before, I [did](http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Rules_of_Acquisition) look it up. This guy's totally right, but I have absolutely no idea what the context of any of this is, nor what the hell it means. See also: Rule 229: Latinum (which I presume is some kind of currency) lasts longer than lust.", ">>{Wolf-Head} : Civilian guns aren't the reason, it's the fact we have the most powerful armed forces in the history of mankind(plus those nukes). Artillery would make all our guns pointless and Russia isn't afraid to turn a city into rubble."], [">>{TrippyTheSnail} : It can be. That's not to say it will be.", ">>{penguins2946} : It definitely could be, as in it's possible. Will it? I seriously doubt it, Clinton won't need to rig the election to smoke Trump in November.", '>>{Nosympathyforstupid} : Here goes trump setting up for his eventual ass whooping', '>>{GasMasktoTask} : Break out the tinfoil hats for that article and this election.', '>>{damrider} : Why the fuck does the hill allow Roger fucking Stone to write articles for them?', '>>{viccar0} : This guy jumps from one Princeton professor and another computer hacker\'s proof-of-concept to evidence suggesting "the Reince machine" rigged 5 elections in Wisconsin to then concluding the election CAN and probably will be rigged by Hillary Clinton and the media. Using this argument: >Here’s the recipe now: (1) Publish a poll contrived to suggest the result you are going to bring about. (2) Manipulate the machines to bring about precisely your desired outcome. With #1, he completely discredits polling as an objective measure, completely ignoring the details of how polls are taken, and with #2, he jumps in with both feet and commits to a specious assumption, at best. You could use this to "explain" any election result as illegitimate.', '>>{shivs1147} : Basically this is all coming from a study by two grad students with no peer or internal review. As far as the conclusions drawn in the paper the new York times put it best: >No one who studies the exit polls believes that they can be used as an indicator of fraud in the way the conspiracy theorists do.', '>>{exploding_growing} : Sure. How many Diebold machines are being used this year?', '>>{redroguetech} : The article fails to support that "Trump’s concerns are not unfounded." At best, they\'ve stated that it\'s *theoretically* possible, while also claiming "both parties have engaged in this skullduggery" (without support). They suggest that all that would be required would be flip the votes by "Manipulat[ing] the [tens of thousands] machines [from different manufacturers, in local precincts]" based on polling, only to explain that "polling industry has been reported to be \'in a state of crisis\'." So, at worst, both sides could equally manipulate local-area elections to some degree, and be equally likely to give *fewer* votes to their own candidate. >Europe has rejected electronic voting machines because they are untrustworthy. This is not a secret. Really? Seems someone kept it secret enough that [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_voting_by_country) is unaware of that. >I predicted that Trump would lead in the polls after his highly successful convention (despite the media frenzy over the non-issue of a Melania Trump staffer plagiarizing a handful of words). Oops. >But you will see less of Hillary’s problems in the mainstream media, which has gone completely overboard in its relentless, even hysterical, efforts to lambaste Trump and promote her. Lol. Trump has been shamelessly debasing himself in order to keep the media\'s attention on himself.', ">>{ukraine_not_weak} : Tinfoil hats aside, I'm all for getting rid of electronic voting machines. They never made a lick of sense before (no paper trail for recounts/verification, more expensive, quickly outdated, periodic malfunctions, etc) and now with the current concern over the prevalence of hacking they make even less sense.", ">>{Pirvan} : It was rigged against Bernie, might as well be rigged against Trump as well. Establishment GOP and Dems as well as their corporate owners are all WITH HER. Don't get me wrong, she's better than Trump but then again, that's not saying much.", ">>{itsaboyffxiv} : > A recent study by Stanford University proved that Hillary Clinton’s campaign rigged the system to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders. No. No, it didn't.", ">>{Pirvan} : I never saw that, but regardless, even if he did say that, it doesn't change what happened. He can't really endorse Hillary to defeat trump at all costs if he at the same time implies foul play. The facts speak for themselves. The DNC and DWS were one with Hillary and it showed, from the debates, to purged voter records, to lack of ballots, to closed polling places and on and on. Then of course the horribly skewed exit polls showing fraudulent counting by black-box voting machines whose companies actively support Hillary as well. Yeah no, I'd prefer Hillary over Trump but that is not saying much.", '>>{linguotgr} : He is far too fearful of Trump being elected to speak up if believed it was rigged. It would cause too much distrust for the Democratic Party, and even if he was proven right, they would still stick with Clinton.', '>>{Pirvan} : Oh look, more of these types of responses...', '>>{nuxes} : Most electronic voting machines come with an optional paper audit log, but some states decided not to spend money on that. A couple years ago in my county, a machine went kaput on election day. We pulled out the tape and counted by hand. Fortunately it was a small election and there were only 20 votes, not thousands.', '>>{ukraine_not_weak} : > A couple years ago in my county, a machine went kaput on election day. Yeah, my county had an out-of-order machine, awaiting repair on election day which wound up backing up the line a bit. We thankfully had the option to choose between e-vote and paper ballot. The funniest thing was when an older guy got sick of waiting in line, and just took the Scantron ballot to the machine booth and just used it as a platform to write on.', '>>{zacdenver} : The article\'s author is Roger Stone, a long-time Trump friend and surrogate. He\'s also one of the major "birther" advocates.', ">>{upstateman} : Stone is a long time Trump confidant. This article sets up Trump's conspiracy defense for why he will lose so badly.", '>>{upstateman} : > It was rigged against Bernie, How was it rigged against him? What specific things were done by whom?', ">>{upstateman} : >from the debates, The debate rules were changed because 2008 was chaotic. The issue was discussed at that time. >to purged voter records, How does the DNC purge voter records? (And you mean the registration list. Every county/state purges those. Brooklyn had a problem, we don't know yet if it was deliberate. But Brooklyn was not the DNC.) >to closed polling places I'll bite, where did the DNC close polling places? >Then of course the horribly skewed exit polls showing fraudulent counting by black-box voting machines whose companies actively support Hillary as well. No, exit polls did not and cannot show fraudulent counting.", '>>{Pirvan} : Your account is three months old and your post history is impressive to look at. You must have a lot of spare time at your job to do all this posting.', '>>{crazy_akrasia} : This is a serious concern. We should absolutely not be using electronic voting machines.', '>>{crazy_akrasia} : I don\'t think you did anything to refute his claims. You take it for granted that all of the polling is done honestly. I\'m not saying we have evidence that they weren\'t done honestly (why would we?). But if someone wanted to "rig" the election in the way he described, I\'m sure they\'d be careful to hide their footprints.', ">>{crazy_akrasia} : You don't think someone could hack these voting machines? Come on. You're not even addressing the most serious concerns raised in the article.", '>>{crazy_akrasia} : There are serious problems with using electronic voting machines. They have no business being used in this election when we could be using paper.', ">>{crazy_akrasia} : Oh wow I guess that settles it. Let's just trust everyone then.", '>>{crazy_akrasia} : **Using electronic voting machines is a HORRIBLE IDEA** We should all be outraged that this even happens, and we should all be calling for paper voting, no matter who we support. [Here\'s a good video on this subject.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3_0x6oaDmI) Please, don\'t just say "Trump tinfoil conspiracies" or "Hillary tinfoil conspiracies" or whatever bullshit you\'ve been taught to say. Electronic voting is a SERIOUS PROBLEM. It is outrageous that we use it at all.', ">>{viccar0} : Sure, but I'm not taking for granted that all of polling is done honestly. What I'm doing is seeing the number of polls available, the parity between them, and noting how implausible it is that they all collude together so perfectly.", '>>{upstateman} : There is a world of difference between these things can be hacked under some very constrained circumstances (you have to go to the machine to do it, there are tens of thousands of machines) and the claim that they have in fact been hacked many times.'], [">>{bernieaccountess} : doesn't really seem like a debacle to me. [Right Side Broadcasting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwbYLlq7iYo)", '>>{anon902503} : Only started watching at 7:30. pretty boring imo. The kid who sang the anthem was pretty good.', ">>{LordPantyhorn} : Melania Trump's RNC speech Thank You very much. Thank you. You have all been very kind to Donald and me, to our young son Barron, and to our whole family. It's a very nice welcome and we're excited to be with you at this historic convention. I am so proud of your choice for President of the United States, my husband, Donald J. Trump. And I can assure you, he is moved by this great honor. The 2016 Republican primaries were fierce and started with many candidates, 17 to be exact, and I know that Donald agrees with me when I mention how talented all of them are. They deserve respect and gratitude from all of us. However, when it comes to my husband, I will say that I am definitely biased, and for good reason. I have been with Donald for 18 years and I have been aware of his love for this country since we first met. He never had a hidden agenda when it comes to his patriotism, because, like me, he loves this country so much. I was born in Slovenia, a small, beautiful and then communist country in Central Europe. My sister Ines, who is an incredible woman and a friend, and I were raised by my wonderful parents. My elegant and hard working mother Amalia introduced me to fashion and beauty. My father Viktor instilled in me a passion for business and travel. Their integrity, compassion and intelligence reflect to this day on me and for my love of family and America. From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily life. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our son, and we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow. Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. I am fortunate for my heritage, but also for where it has brought me today. I travelled the world while working hard in the incredible arena of fashion. After living and working in Milan and Paris, I arrived in New York City twenty years ago, and I saw both the joys and the hardships of daily life. On July 28th 2006 I was very proud to become a citizen of the United States -- the greatest privilege on planet Earth. I cannot, or will not, take the freedoms this country offers for granted. But these freedoms have come with a price so many times. The sacrifices made by our Veterans are reminders to us of this. I would like to take this moment to recognize an amazing veteran, the great Senator Bob Dole. And let us thank all of our Veterans in the arena Today, and those across our great country. We are all truly blessed to be here. That will never change. I can tell you with certainty that my husband has been concerned about our country for as long as I have known him. With all of my heart, I know that he will make a great and lasting difference. Donald has a deep and unbounding determination and a never give up attitude. I have seen him fight for years to get a project done - or even started - and he does not give up! If you want someone to fight for you and your country, I can assure you, he is the 'guy'. He will never, ever, give up. And, most importantly, he will never, ever, let you down. Donald is, and always has been, an amazing leader. Now, he will go to work for you. His achievements speak for themselves, and his performance throughout the primary campaign proved that he knows how to win. He also knows how to remain focused on improving our country, -- on keeping it safe and secure. He is tough when he has to be but he is also kind and fair and caring. This kindness is not always noted, but it is there for all to see. That is one reason I fell in love with him to begin with. Donald is intensely loyal. To family, friends, employees, country. He has the utmost respect for his parents, Mary and Fred, to his sisters Maryanne and Elizabeth, to his brother Robert, and to the memory of his late brother Fred. His children have been cared for and mentored to the extent that even his adversaries admit they are an amazing testament to who he is as a man and a father. There is a great deal of love in the Trump family. That is our bond, and that is our strength. Yes, Donald thinks big, which is especially important when considering the Presidency of the United States. No room for small thinking. No room for small results. Donald gets things done. Our country is underperforming and needs new leadership. Leadership is also what the world needs. Donald wants our country to move forward in the most positive of ways. ** Everyone wants change. Donald is the only one that can deliver it. We should not be satisfied with stagnation. Donald wants prosperity for ALL Americans. We need new programs to help the poor and opportunities to challenge the young. There has to be a plan for growth --- only then will fairness result. My husband's experience exemplifies growth and the successful passage of opportunity to the next generation. His success indicates inclusion rather than division. My husband offers a new direction, welcoming change, prosperity and greater cooperation among peoples and nations. Donald intends to represent all the people, not just some of the people. That includes Christians and Jews and Muslims, it includes Hispanics and African Americans and Asians, and the poor and the middle class. Throughout his career, Donald has successfully worked with people of many faiths and with many nations. Like no one else, I have seen the talent, the energy, the tenacity, the resourceful mind and the simple goodness of heart that God gave Donald Trump. Now is the time to use those gifts as never before, for purposes far greater than ever before. And he will do this better than anyone else can... and it won't even be close. Everything depends on it, for our cause and for our country. People are counting on him -- all the millions of you who have touched us so much with your kindness and your confidence. You have turned this unlikely campaign into a movement that is still gaining in strength and number. The primary season, and its toughness, is behind us. Let's all come together in a national campaign like no other! The race will be hard-fought, all the way to November. There will be good times and hard times and unexpected turns -- it would not be a Trump contest without excitement and drama. But through it all, my husband will remain focused on only one thing: this beautiful country, that he loves so much. IF I am honored to serve as First Lady, I will use that wonderful privilege to try to help people in our country who need it the most. One of the many causes dear to my heart is helping children and women. You judge a society by how it treats its citizens. We must do our best to ensure that every child can live in comfort and security, with the best possible education. As citizens of this great nation, it is kindness, love and compassion for each other that will bring us together -- and keep us together. These are the values Donald and I will bring to the White House. My husband is ready to lead this great nation. He is ready to fight, every day, to give our children the better future they deserve. **PAUSE** Ladies and Gentlemen, Donald J. Trump is ready to serve and lead this country as the next President of the United States. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America. **END**", ">>{Majist} : Been busy tonight, but it sounds like a debacle from what I'm hearing.", '>>{ShadyPollster} : Must not be watching it if you think that is what a debacle is...', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Ha, even trump decided to do something else instead of watch it.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : Probably the uprising about a roll call vote. It's over now.", ">>{Negative_Clank} : While I appreciate that because I don't have cable television, I want to shoot myself in the face while trying to read that, set up like a fucking poem Edit: changed done to don't", '>>{ShadyPollster} : >Ha, even trump decided to do something else instead of watch it. Really , pretty sure he can watch it using the internet..... Or tv.... It would have been clever to say attend... But you missed your chance to correct the record.', ">>{Lokismoke} : I thought Melania didn't speak until a primetime spot?", '>>{LordPantyhorn} : Imagine her caveman English speaking it. It will make sense.', ">>{LordPantyhorn} : She didn't speak yet. A lil later tonight. This is the advanced copy of her speech.", '>>{ziggyetotis} : pretty sure his point is wayyyyyy back there over your head.', '>>{ShadyPollster} : She has been practicing for a while now, give this foreign beauty a break man.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : He was on the air on Fox giving an interview during the Benghazi mom speech. Of course, he probably tivo'd it.", '>>{LordPantyhorn} : PS- She plagiarizes the speech from Michelle Obama. ;)'], [">>{speckz} : Surface Studio Review: It's good in parts, but peculiar decisions and an iffy concept undermine it.", '>>{Martineverest} : surface studio comes with archaic hardwares like imac,but imac got all the praises available while SS gets bashed by ars.smh', '>>{nonotatall1} : How much does an iMac cost? How much does this pile of shit cost? Plus lets not forget, this thing is useful to very little amounts of people.', ">>{Whipit} : I have no real use for this and yet I want one badly :) I'd like to see this sold as just the display that I can then connect to my own PC.", '>>{ZenZill} : Yet the Mac touchbar is getting so much news on its apps and other crap that is way more accessible right on your main screens UI.', ">>{HumanWithoutACause} : Wide color display that's accurate and 5K of course they praise great products", '>>{KEVLAR60442} : Ars Technica is almost as much of an Apple shill as Gizmodo.', '>>{demafromua} : SS is too. Take aspect ratio in the equation 4500x3000 nets out around the same amount of pixels as 5K and is much better for creative work.', '>>{demafromua} : As much as a 5K iMac. And it provides many more functions for that price.', '>>{cenderis} : and they did say the SS mouse has a nice wheel.', ">>{H4xolotl} : Seems like EVERY tech website is an Apple shill. And clearly, it's not because Apple actually makes good products. It's because Apple slips a fat wad of cash under the doorstep of every tech journalist in the world at night. Everybody knows Apple makes trash only autistic rich kids and computer illiterate grandparents would buy! /s", '>>{nonotatall1} : Microsoft studio basic price $3000 Imac 5k basic price $1,799.00 Try and actually do your homework, kid.', ">>{nonotatall1} : When microsoft announced this Reddit lost their minds saying Microsoft was out innovating apple. Innovation isn't just about making something new. Its making something useful and making it available to the masses. This thing isn't useful because its laggy, and its not available to the masses because its overpriced. Microsoft are crap. And they will always be crap.", '>>{hzumbru1} : IMac uses much worse hardware. To relieve the same specs you would actually be paying more for the iMac.', ">>{nonotatall1} : Except the MacOs runs way more efficiently so specs are a pointless attribute. So for the same performance, you will be paying far less. And you won't have some pointless touch screen thats laggy and a complete gimmick.", '>>{shitpersonality} : You are either a troll or you are pretending to know what you are talking about and it shows that you are just pretending.', ">>{Iggyhopper} : >Put the Studio in the optimal position for upright usage, and it's badly placed for drawing. Put it in the optimal position for drawing, and it's badly placed for upright usage You don't say. What is this garbage?", '>>{aspoels} : One of these displays with TB3 to a MacBook Pro.... itd be great', '>>{nonotatall1} : I pretend nothing. I am a master computer scientist and elected president of the world computers association.', '>>{iamsethmeyers} : Compare the specs and features on the two models. Kid.', '>>{nonotatall1} : I did. Gimp. Try reading what I was replying too.', ">>{Ganeshgns} : It's not available to the masses because it's overpriced I can say the same for Apple :/", '>>{Ganeshgns} : As long the sheeple will sheep around they will sell ¯\\\\_(ツ)_/¯ .I say this statement when all the points the person has are not even reasonable !', ">>{nonotatall1} : Let me guess, you play video games all day and hate the world because you have no spine and don't understand what work is. lol", ">>{Ganeshgns} : Yup I'm actually a gamer snail in disguise and have raised an army to end the entire human race ;)", ">>{Saboteure} : The reality is that it probably wouldn't be much cheaper that way.", '>>{Pizza2kbitchslut} : Alright try playing some games or rendering videos in aftereffects and see how the iMac holds up to a 980m lol', '>>{nonotatall1} : Sorry did you say games? The things kids play?']]
classify and reply
[">>{pobody} : Gee, I wasn't aware we had re-installed Obama.", ">>{code_archeologist} : Spicer Clarifies Mid-Briefing: 'No Reason To Believe' POTUS Is Under Investigation", ">>{viccar0} : Doesn't look like any of these 2600 strikes were on the Syrian government's military or property. Try again.", ">>{NoYourRacist} : Hillary Clinton 'threw Bible at Secret Service agent's head'", ">>{code_archeologist} : From the Article: > I just want to be really clear on one point, which is there's no reason that we have to think that the President is the target of any investigation whatsoever. I think that’s a very important point to make. Given Spicer's record of accuracy, we can only assume that Trump is currently under federal investigation.", '>>{we_love_wearable_tec} : Pavlok: the wristband that gives you an electric shock if you spend too much', '>>{viking78} : So... it basically gives you shocks all the time.', '>>{KKK4Trump} : Well, that settles it. Wait... what? What is this bullshit?', '>>{Tivia} : I need this for my wife for when she goes to the store to spend $20 and somehow it shows as $100 on the bank statement.', ">>{Susarian} : The washingtontimes.com's 'whataboutism' game is strong.", ">>{b0redengr} : Obama snuck into Trump Tower late at night and placed the taps on the wires himself just for fun so he could not use the information he gathered. It's puzzling behavior for the Former President who usually made pragmatic decisions based on logic and reason.", '>>{MetroidMuscle} : Anti-Clinton piece. See you at the front page!', '>>{sanspri} : Same guy that wished her good morning and she replied go fuck yourself?', '>>{gujupike} : this has /r/hailcorporate written all over it. I visited their website ONCE because I saw them on Shark Tank and I\'ve seen nothing but their ads everywhere since then. They are clearly spending a LOT of money on internet advertising. I would be surprised if this isn\'t some corporate shill. I just looked at the username " we_love_wearable_tech" yea.... just look at their history. It\'s just pushing this product over and over. This user needs to be banned and so does their IP.', ">>{DanielleMuscato} : I have one of these if anyone has any questions about it. A couple of FAQs... 1. It does work to ~~curve~~ curb behavior if you use it correctly 2. It's very poorly designed. It uses a cheap rubber bracelet that feels weird and uncomfortable and feels like it will fall apart any minute. I paid something like $200 for mine and I can't believe how shitty it is. $30 Timex watches have better engineering on their rubber straps. 3. The marketing crap is ANNOYING. They email you constantly with clickbait subject lines, surveys, etc. 4. It comes with an app that you use for guided meditation, but the guy who did the recording is 1) very, abundantly, obviously not trained in voiceover work and 2) was apparently just recording this in his home office or something? There is all sorts of background noise that takes you right out of the moment for the purpose of meditation. He couldn't have at least gone to a recording studio and done this in an iso booth? Yeesh. 5. My issue had nothing to do with compulsive shopping or whatever, but you can use this as a negative punishment (operative conditioning) for just about anything you want to fix, from overeating to smoking to a dozen other things. My issue is completely socially debilitating and I would have paid a lot more than $200 to resolve it. As I said, it *does* work if you use it. I just wish it were designed better, and also the price seems exorbitant.", '>>{Drexelhand} : > Hillary carries around stack of bibles to throw at people. Cool story, bro.', '>>{MyOwnTutor} : Illegal use of military force is still illegal, even if \'Bama "did it". Doesn\'t excuse President Dumpsterfire one bit.', '>>{rudieboy} : What about that Korean dude you guys think is god?', ">>{CaptainWorf} : It's not puzzling to the people who Obama actually wiretapped. Just ask Angela Merkel.", ">>{Shutupandbuymeacar} : My psychology professor ripped this apart a few weeks ago. Doesn't work.", ">>{AdalineMaj} : I don't know why anybody is listening to this Gary Byrne dude. The secret service has already denounced him.", '>>{Inukoblainc} : Does this give you an obligatory shock for purchasing the wristband itself?', ">>{winch25} : Great, that's my wife's next birthday present sorted.", ">>{BC-clette} : Oh look, it's some Whataboutism from 2015. You realize these strikes were against ISIS, right?", ">>{garyjormungandjr} : The only way you know it's working is if it shocks you as soon as you put it on <.<", ">>{janzeera} : Obama also rifled through Trump's refrigerator, drank all the champagne then left an upper decker in his gold plated bathroom.", ">>{elscorcho91} : about as long as you'd last at a respectable job", '>>{tom_Joadz} : Since it breaks Rule 2, probably not long.', ">>{_bryant} : Since you visited their website, that would be retargeting, it's actually quite cheap, especially when compared to bringing a new user to the website.", ">>{charliedarwinsfather} : And he was wrong, too. Doesn't make trump not wrong now.", ">>{Whistling_Duck} : There you have it: the slogan of the Trump administration. *That's not how any of this works...*", ">>{NuclearShadow} : Now, now people. Do we have any proof that the Secret Service agent wasn't at the time indeed possessed by the devil? Hillary could have been rebuking Satan let's not jump to negative conclusions here. Clearly Lucifer was also behind tempting Bill and thanks to the heroics of Hillary Rodham Clinton our nation did not fall into sinful despair. If the bible hits you must acquit.", ">>{Morat20} : Given Spicer's record, I wouldn't have been surprised if you'd seen Trump being led away in handcuffs behind him as he said that.", '>>{_personofdisinterest} : Read the rules. The article is 2 years old. See the rule about out of date articles? But please go ahead and continue your special snowflake thought experiment. *pats your head*', ">>{SATexas1} : They're trying to flush out information to see who has what and who's investigating what. They're caught and they know it", ">>{TheMovingFinger} : > The smell of washingtontimes.com's 'whataboutism' game is strong", '>>{steel_city89} : This is bonkers! When a friend of mine quit smoking he had an elastic band on his wrist that he pulled back and let go, same effect fraction of the cost.', ">>{steve_avery_69} : Are illegal immigrants still illegal, even if they're being protected by Americans?", '>>{Westrunner} : Seriously what is going on with /r/politics?', ">>{b0redengr} : No one is actually puzzled. Everyone knows Trump is doing this to distract from the fact that him and his staff have been lying about secret meetings with the Russian ambassador. Except Trump supporters, they're trapped in the narrative of a madman. Trump could say the CIA hacked his brain and his supporters would probably believe it.", ">>{NOMADlC_DUDE} : Come Steam Summer Sale, I'll be electrocuted to death...", ">>{madusldasl} : Dr. Shacko's beef (inhales deep) STRONG!", '>>{rationalcrank} : any time anyone talks about this wiretap nonsense, can we start the rumor that Obama left hundreds of listening devices in the White House to spy on Trump. Lets see if We can send Donald over the edge.', '>>{b0redengr} : Hahahahaha. Feed the paranoia, I love it! There are so many responses to this, one of my favorites is the right wing talking point "Well if there\'s nothing to hide, wire tapping shouldn\'t be a problem". We should start a rumor that the CIA can read your thoughts as well.', '>>{rationalcrank} : they do it through our dentures. You can tell the people not controlled because they all have bad teeth.', '>>{iRektLuciansWife} : Are we really to the point where we lack enough self control that we have to electrocute ourselves to remind us not to do something?', ">>{madusldasl} : One country we were already at war with (or military engagement if you prefer), the other was coordinated against Isis and not targeting a sovereign nation. What's so hard to understand about that? Edit: the funny part is that I don't disagree that he shouldn't have used missile strikes as much as he did, I just don't have delusions about why they were wrong.", '>>{metaobject} : He should\'ve punctuated his statement with "Period!\'', '>>{StarOfAthenry} : You joke, but there were numerous comments over on The_D praising his multi-weekend getaways in Mar-A-Lago because the White House was bugged by Obama. I think that says a lot about the present mental faculties of some of his supporters.', '>>{northbud} : This is questionable for this sub, no doubt. The hostility towards Clinton is well earned.', ">>{race2fivek} : LOL this is 100% /r/hailcorporate material. look at OPs post history. let me come at this from someone with a background in science. it only works when you want it to work, and if you want it to work then you don't need it. aversion therapy works exceptionally well on creatures with no cognition, no ability to process. also he is claiming 'these studies show aversion therapy is effective, therefore my product is effective because it is a form of aversion therapy.' you should be able to see the flaw in his argument.", ">>{Claritypleas} : If you knew who Gary Byrne was, you'd be embarrassed to have said this.", '>>{bassististist} : > Trump could say the CIA hacked his brain and his supporters would probably believe it. Maybe this will be the form his defense finally takes at the end...', '>>{code_archeologist} : Then we just need to start the rumor that Obama voters have snuck themselves into the staff at the resort, and have begun planting bugs throughout it.', ">>{PutinPuppetTrump} : But it's all just satire over there in t_d land.^/s", '>>{whitesapp} : Does no one realize you can just put a rubber band on your arm and snap yourself instead of paying $200 to get electrocuted? Lol.', ">>{NuclearShadow} : I know about him. Anyways the tales he tells seem exaggerated to me at best. I mean the guy even claims that he thought Hillary was plotting to kill him. Remember this also was at the time when Hillary was nothing more than the first lady too. Either he's exaggerating in his book for self benefit to comedic parody like claims or he is someone that needs to be helped. If you trust anything he has to say than I strongly urge you to rethink your position on him. Just look at the claims he makes beyond the smaller things like the supposed bible throwing. If there is a single honest bone in your body you can't seriously side with this man.", '>>{TaurineLine719} : Yea just from reading the title I was about to ask how much it costs lol', ">>{doughnut_fetish} : i think they're also setting up for their next move when it is revealed that trump is under investigation....they will claim that any wiretaps/fisa warrants/surveillance were to spy on trump for political gains, not because he is a russian puppet", '>>{Maximus7713} : Yeah, have seen that in action a lot lately. I stupidly clicked an ad for a bed tent that fits over a king sized bed.', ">>{mtdewninja} : Meanwhile Biden, who came along for the adventure, replaced all the silverware, pens, sharpies, remote controls and phones with slightly larger versions, to make Don's hands look even smaller.", '>>{mtdewninja} : I still want David Tennant to visit the white house, approach an aide, and ask "Doesn\'t he look tired?" and then just leave without another word.', '>>{birdiesanders2016} : Except all the mounting evidence to the contrary. The fact that the words even have to come out of Spicymouth speaks volumes.', '>>{-patrizio-} : Spicy is just giving some *alternative* facts again.', '>>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : Alternative title: Spicer confirms Donald Trump is under federal investigation for espionage', ">>{gloomyroomy} : When I'm president again I'll go into peoples houses and wreck up the place. Nixon head from futurama", '>>{gettothachopa} : only 3 easy payments of $12.99. BUT WAIT if you order today youll also receive a pineapple, thats right a whole pineapple for the price of 5 pineapples.', '>>{lapotronic} : the guy who made this thing is batshit crazy! and an asshole! here is the last 3 minutes of his pitch in shark tank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in4mAqHn_d4&ab_channel=Zinyak', ">>{Ghigs} : Yeah and the sharks ripped it to shreds. It's pretty bad when your product could be replaced with a 2 cent rubber band to slap your own wrist (an old stop-smoking trick from the 70s).", '>>{lapotronic} : did you see the episode of shark tank with this on it? mark was ripping this guy apart. it was pretty amusing.', ">>{Ghigs} : > curve behavior Doesn't work to improve proper diction though.", ">>{bleed_air_blimp} : Lol, there's literally two Congressional investigations ongoing *right now* on Trump's ties to Russia prior to being sworn in. Trump is definitively within the scope of both of those investigations.", ">>{Endorn} : Ew... All the sugar and bubbles up your nose, I'd be sneezing for days!", '>>{NRG1975} : There is every reason to believe it, and your words are major hints.', ">>{Shutupandbuymeacar} : I didn't see it but I imagine it would be pretty entertaining. The idea is so dumb.", ">>{Vulkar59} : Stupid product but an even stupider idea for a startup, it is absolutely free of exit potential and therefore the means to recoup investment. Unless there is some sort of patent in place in for a competent algorithm for judging actions then no company, be it Google or Apple would be interested in acquisition. I highly doubt there is much substance, since I'm guessing it passed a freedom to operate study. Just chinese made trash that some bros threw together in hopes of playing entrepreneur. An embarrassment firstly and secondly, just more fuel for the start-up investment bubble.", ">>{kl0wny} : I don't understand how people have issues buying useless stupid shit. Just don't buy it. Easy. I didn't spend over 1000 on my clash of clans account fuxk off I NEEDED TO UPGRADE MY CROSSBOWS INFERNO TOWERS CANONS ARCHER TOWERS WIZARD TOWERS CANONS FU,K I NEED HEELOLELP", '>>{srslytho} : Not necessarily, retargeted visitors are typically higher intent and thus *can* be be a higher CPC.', '>>{poomanshu} : Mr wonderful is the man. I used to think he was an asshole but then I watched a video he made where he talks about his life and he seems like a pretty warm hearted guy deep down.', '>>{dbp123} : This is a bot or something... Spamming this product... NEXT!', '>>{Cake_And_Pi} : Or just take it off before you buy something and never put it back on.', '>>{amalgam_reynolds} : Even worse, people are upvoting corporate shill/advertising accounts! Look at OPs post history.', ">>{kinradite} : This won't work, at least not in pure behavioral terms. A theoretically valid approach would have the wristband shock you EVERY time you used your card, or once ever transaction of more than X dollars. You have to focus on the PROCESS, not the product, to change behaviors.", '>>{kolkolkokiri} : So you can camp out under glow in the dark ceiling stars?', ">>{Banker930} : It wasn't exactly laughed off shark tank. Kevin actually made an pretty reasonable offer, but the Pavlok guy (a bit of weirdo) declined based on a personal grudge against Kevin.", '>>{fib16} : It got CURSED off shark tank. The presenter was a total prick and he doesn\'t deserve any publicity or sales. He was the worst shark tank episode I\'ve ever seen. I hated him immediately when he started talking. He just seemed like a total scumbag and this "technology" is snake oil.', '>>{thecentury} : Mark Cuban destroyed this guy on Shark Tank. He quotes studies done years before his product was even invented as his own studies in his "truth pamphlets"...', ">>{One_Fine_Squirrel} : [full segment](https://youtu.be/FOg8JaDmE4A?t=34m2s) the image is reversed and the pitch is a bit off but it's the whole thing", '>>{daidougei} : How about a bracelet that gives electrical shocks whenever your blood sugar spikes?', '>>{_bryant} : Yes definitely, I meant it was cheaper than gaining a new user.', '>>{1eye_intheworld} : According to Mark he was just there for exposure.... That guy is a professional con artist.... He once did an AMA on here', '>>{blueghoul} : Apparently $200 according to [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Pavlok-1/dp/B011U2QYO2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1465513474&sr=8-1&keywords=pavlok)', '>>{Macinsocks} : This is bad for men that are into Findom....', '>>{BonginOnABudget} : This was on shark tank. In order to feel the shock you have to press the button and shock yourself. It promotes self control and neglecting your bank account.', ">>{lapotronic} : i like the guy. he says things that may come across as dickish, but if you look at them from the right angle you can tell he's trying to give good advice.", ">>{the_swolestice} : That's actually pretty smart lol. Go on the show, don't actually take any offers, just go there to advertise to millions of viewers what your product", ">>{the_swolestice} : No, we're not, this whole thread is making fun of it, which brings a sigh of relief", '>>{Maximus7713} : Actually, more of the "completely block out light from windows" type thing.', ">>{sampleconvos} : I can't believe nobody who actually has one has posted here! I have one and love it. I backed them back when it was a kickstarter (or whatever website like that it was on). Like, I get it, it seems kind of weird. But it really does work.", ">>{addicted2orange} : link to Pavlok guy getting shredded @ the Shark Tank. There's a point where he asks ''so are you all out?'' and Mr Wonderful's reply is nothing short of... well.. wonderful! -> https://youtu.be/in4mAqHn_d4", '>>{FRSBRZGT86FAN} : But the problem is alot of people make an outlandish offer and get called out doing it', ">>{we_love_wearable_tec} : Some people use it for that..... I don't even want to think about it!", ">>{gujupike} : No it is not. Every single post you have is in relation to this product. I don't own the site so there isn't much I can do to stop you. I can (1) follow you around and call you out for being a shill and (2) report your account. I've already done the second and will do the first until I get bored and move on to something else. You should know - I'm a sales guy myself. I'm all about making the sale and getting the close. I pretty much have boiler room memorized and worked at place that played Boiler Room and Wall Street on the wall TV's 24-7 but the reality is you are bad at it. You are not a good salesperson. A good salesperson follows four steps (1) build rapport (2) ask probing questions (3) fill the need/build value (4) close. You are jumping straight into building value without doing the first three and that makes you come off as a BAD sales person. You are no better than the person in the mall yelling at me to buy a cell phone. That is poor poor technique. Never talk about your product first. Patience is as important of a characteristic in a good salesperson as anything else. Visit /r/sales and learn something.", ">>{we_love_wearable_tec} : I've never heard of the word shill before until today. Thanks for teaching me something new!"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{NoYourRacist} : Hillary Clinton 'threw Bible at Secret Service agent's head'", '>>{KKK4Trump} : Well, that settles it. Wait... what? What is this bullshit?', '>>{MetroidMuscle} : Anti-Clinton piece. See you at the front page!', '>>{sanspri} : Same guy that wished her good morning and she replied go fuck yourself?', '>>{Drexelhand} : > Hillary carries around stack of bibles to throw at people. Cool story, bro.', ">>{AdalineMaj} : I don't know why anybody is listening to this Gary Byrne dude. The secret service has already denounced him.", ">>{NuclearShadow} : Now, now people. Do we have any proof that the Secret Service agent wasn't at the time indeed possessed by the devil? Hillary could have been rebuking Satan let's not jump to negative conclusions here. Clearly Lucifer was also behind tempting Bill and thanks to the heroics of Hillary Rodham Clinton our nation did not fall into sinful despair. If the bible hits you must acquit.", '>>{Westrunner} : Seriously what is going on with /r/politics?', '>>{northbud} : This is questionable for this sub, no doubt. The hostility towards Clinton is well earned.', ">>{Claritypleas} : If you knew who Gary Byrne was, you'd be embarrassed to have said this.", ">>{NuclearShadow} : I know about him. Anyways the tales he tells seem exaggerated to me at best. I mean the guy even claims that he thought Hillary was plotting to kill him. Remember this also was at the time when Hillary was nothing more than the first lady too. Either he's exaggerating in his book for self benefit to comedic parody like claims or he is someone that needs to be helped. If you trust anything he has to say than I strongly urge you to rethink your position on him. Just look at the claims he makes beyond the smaller things like the supposed bible throwing. If there is a single honest bone in your body you can't seriously side with this man."], [">>{code_archeologist} : Spicer Clarifies Mid-Briefing: 'No Reason To Believe' POTUS Is Under Investigation", ">>{code_archeologist} : From the Article: > I just want to be really clear on one point, which is there's no reason that we have to think that the President is the target of any investigation whatsoever. I think that’s a very important point to make. Given Spicer's record of accuracy, we can only assume that Trump is currently under federal investigation.", ">>{b0redengr} : Obama snuck into Trump Tower late at night and placed the taps on the wires himself just for fun so he could not use the information he gathered. It's puzzling behavior for the Former President who usually made pragmatic decisions based on logic and reason.", ">>{CaptainWorf} : It's not puzzling to the people who Obama actually wiretapped. Just ask Angela Merkel.", ">>{janzeera} : Obama also rifled through Trump's refrigerator, drank all the champagne then left an upper decker in his gold plated bathroom.", ">>{Whistling_Duck} : There you have it: the slogan of the Trump administration. *That's not how any of this works...*", ">>{Morat20} : Given Spicer's record, I wouldn't have been surprised if you'd seen Trump being led away in handcuffs behind him as he said that.", ">>{SATexas1} : They're trying to flush out information to see who has what and who's investigating what. They're caught and they know it", ">>{b0redengr} : No one is actually puzzled. Everyone knows Trump is doing this to distract from the fact that him and his staff have been lying about secret meetings with the Russian ambassador. Except Trump supporters, they're trapped in the narrative of a madman. Trump could say the CIA hacked his brain and his supporters would probably believe it.", '>>{rationalcrank} : any time anyone talks about this wiretap nonsense, can we start the rumor that Obama left hundreds of listening devices in the White House to spy on Trump. Lets see if We can send Donald over the edge.', '>>{b0redengr} : Hahahahaha. Feed the paranoia, I love it! There are so many responses to this, one of my favorites is the right wing talking point "Well if there\'s nothing to hide, wire tapping shouldn\'t be a problem". We should start a rumor that the CIA can read your thoughts as well.', '>>{rationalcrank} : they do it through our dentures. You can tell the people not controlled because they all have bad teeth.', '>>{metaobject} : He should\'ve punctuated his statement with "Period!\'', '>>{StarOfAthenry} : You joke, but there were numerous comments over on The_D praising his multi-weekend getaways in Mar-A-Lago because the White House was bugged by Obama. I think that says a lot about the present mental faculties of some of his supporters.', '>>{bassististist} : > Trump could say the CIA hacked his brain and his supporters would probably believe it. Maybe this will be the form his defense finally takes at the end...', '>>{code_archeologist} : Then we just need to start the rumor that Obama voters have snuck themselves into the staff at the resort, and have begun planting bugs throughout it.', ">>{PutinPuppetTrump} : But it's all just satire over there in t_d land.^/s", ">>{doughnut_fetish} : i think they're also setting up for their next move when it is revealed that trump is under investigation....they will claim that any wiretaps/fisa warrants/surveillance were to spy on trump for political gains, not because he is a russian puppet", ">>{mtdewninja} : Meanwhile Biden, who came along for the adventure, replaced all the silverware, pens, sharpies, remote controls and phones with slightly larger versions, to make Don's hands look even smaller.", '>>{mtdewninja} : I still want David Tennant to visit the white house, approach an aide, and ask "Doesn\'t he look tired?" and then just leave without another word.', '>>{birdiesanders2016} : Except all the mounting evidence to the contrary. The fact that the words even have to come out of Spicymouth speaks volumes.', '>>{-patrizio-} : Spicy is just giving some *alternative* facts again.', '>>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : Alternative title: Spicer confirms Donald Trump is under federal investigation for espionage', ">>{gloomyroomy} : When I'm president again I'll go into peoples houses and wreck up the place. Nixon head from futurama", ">>{bleed_air_blimp} : Lol, there's literally two Congressional investigations ongoing *right now* on Trump's ties to Russia prior to being sworn in. Trump is definitively within the scope of both of those investigations.", ">>{Endorn} : Ew... All the sugar and bubbles up your nose, I'd be sneezing for days!", '>>{NRG1975} : There is every reason to believe it, and your words are major hints.'], ['>>{we_love_wearable_tec} : Pavlok: the wristband that gives you an electric shock if you spend too much', '>>{viking78} : So... it basically gives you shocks all the time.', '>>{Tivia} : I need this for my wife for when she goes to the store to spend $20 and somehow it shows as $100 on the bank statement.', '>>{gujupike} : this has /r/hailcorporate written all over it. I visited their website ONCE because I saw them on Shark Tank and I\'ve seen nothing but their ads everywhere since then. They are clearly spending a LOT of money on internet advertising. I would be surprised if this isn\'t some corporate shill. I just looked at the username " we_love_wearable_tech" yea.... just look at their history. It\'s just pushing this product over and over. This user needs to be banned and so does their IP.', ">>{DanielleMuscato} : I have one of these if anyone has any questions about it. A couple of FAQs... 1. It does work to ~~curve~~ curb behavior if you use it correctly 2. It's very poorly designed. It uses a cheap rubber bracelet that feels weird and uncomfortable and feels like it will fall apart any minute. I paid something like $200 for mine and I can't believe how shitty it is. $30 Timex watches have better engineering on their rubber straps. 3. The marketing crap is ANNOYING. They email you constantly with clickbait subject lines, surveys, etc. 4. It comes with an app that you use for guided meditation, but the guy who did the recording is 1) very, abundantly, obviously not trained in voiceover work and 2) was apparently just recording this in his home office or something? There is all sorts of background noise that takes you right out of the moment for the purpose of meditation. He couldn't have at least gone to a recording studio and done this in an iso booth? Yeesh. 5. My issue had nothing to do with compulsive shopping or whatever, but you can use this as a negative punishment (operative conditioning) for just about anything you want to fix, from overeating to smoking to a dozen other things. My issue is completely socially debilitating and I would have paid a lot more than $200 to resolve it. As I said, it *does* work if you use it. I just wish it were designed better, and also the price seems exorbitant.", ">>{Shutupandbuymeacar} : My psychology professor ripped this apart a few weeks ago. Doesn't work.", '>>{Inukoblainc} : Does this give you an obligatory shock for purchasing the wristband itself?', ">>{winch25} : Great, that's my wife's next birthday present sorted.", ">>{garyjormungandjr} : The only way you know it's working is if it shocks you as soon as you put it on <.<", ">>{_bryant} : Since you visited their website, that would be retargeting, it's actually quite cheap, especially when compared to bringing a new user to the website.", '>>{steel_city89} : This is bonkers! When a friend of mine quit smoking he had an elastic band on his wrist that he pulled back and let go, same effect fraction of the cost.', ">>{NOMADlC_DUDE} : Come Steam Summer Sale, I'll be electrocuted to death...", '>>{iRektLuciansWife} : Are we really to the point where we lack enough self control that we have to electrocute ourselves to remind us not to do something?', ">>{race2fivek} : LOL this is 100% /r/hailcorporate material. look at OPs post history. let me come at this from someone with a background in science. it only works when you want it to work, and if you want it to work then you don't need it. aversion therapy works exceptionally well on creatures with no cognition, no ability to process. also he is claiming 'these studies show aversion therapy is effective, therefore my product is effective because it is a form of aversion therapy.' you should be able to see the flaw in his argument.", '>>{whitesapp} : Does no one realize you can just put a rubber band on your arm and snap yourself instead of paying $200 to get electrocuted? Lol.', '>>{TaurineLine719} : Yea just from reading the title I was about to ask how much it costs lol', '>>{Maximus7713} : Yeah, have seen that in action a lot lately. I stupidly clicked an ad for a bed tent that fits over a king sized bed.', '>>{gettothachopa} : only 3 easy payments of $12.99. BUT WAIT if you order today youll also receive a pineapple, thats right a whole pineapple for the price of 5 pineapples.', '>>{lapotronic} : the guy who made this thing is batshit crazy! and an asshole! here is the last 3 minutes of his pitch in shark tank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in4mAqHn_d4&ab_channel=Zinyak', ">>{Ghigs} : Yeah and the sharks ripped it to shreds. It's pretty bad when your product could be replaced with a 2 cent rubber band to slap your own wrist (an old stop-smoking trick from the 70s).", '>>{lapotronic} : did you see the episode of shark tank with this on it? mark was ripping this guy apart. it was pretty amusing.', ">>{Ghigs} : > curve behavior Doesn't work to improve proper diction though.", ">>{Shutupandbuymeacar} : I didn't see it but I imagine it would be pretty entertaining. The idea is so dumb.", ">>{Vulkar59} : Stupid product but an even stupider idea for a startup, it is absolutely free of exit potential and therefore the means to recoup investment. Unless there is some sort of patent in place in for a competent algorithm for judging actions then no company, be it Google or Apple would be interested in acquisition. I highly doubt there is much substance, since I'm guessing it passed a freedom to operate study. Just chinese made trash that some bros threw together in hopes of playing entrepreneur. An embarrassment firstly and secondly, just more fuel for the start-up investment bubble.", ">>{kl0wny} : I don't understand how people have issues buying useless stupid shit. Just don't buy it. Easy. I didn't spend over 1000 on my clash of clans account fuxk off I NEEDED TO UPGRADE MY CROSSBOWS INFERNO TOWERS CANONS ARCHER TOWERS WIZARD TOWERS CANONS FU,K I NEED HEELOLELP", '>>{srslytho} : Not necessarily, retargeted visitors are typically higher intent and thus *can* be be a higher CPC.', '>>{poomanshu} : Mr wonderful is the man. I used to think he was an asshole but then I watched a video he made where he talks about his life and he seems like a pretty warm hearted guy deep down.', '>>{dbp123} : This is a bot or something... Spamming this product... NEXT!', '>>{Cake_And_Pi} : Or just take it off before you buy something and never put it back on.', '>>{amalgam_reynolds} : Even worse, people are upvoting corporate shill/advertising accounts! Look at OPs post history.', ">>{kinradite} : This won't work, at least not in pure behavioral terms. A theoretically valid approach would have the wristband shock you EVERY time you used your card, or once ever transaction of more than X dollars. You have to focus on the PROCESS, not the product, to change behaviors.", '>>{kolkolkokiri} : So you can camp out under glow in the dark ceiling stars?', ">>{Banker930} : It wasn't exactly laughed off shark tank. Kevin actually made an pretty reasonable offer, but the Pavlok guy (a bit of weirdo) declined based on a personal grudge against Kevin.", '>>{fib16} : It got CURSED off shark tank. The presenter was a total prick and he doesn\'t deserve any publicity or sales. He was the worst shark tank episode I\'ve ever seen. I hated him immediately when he started talking. He just seemed like a total scumbag and this "technology" is snake oil.', '>>{thecentury} : Mark Cuban destroyed this guy on Shark Tank. He quotes studies done years before his product was even invented as his own studies in his "truth pamphlets"...', ">>{One_Fine_Squirrel} : [full segment](https://youtu.be/FOg8JaDmE4A?t=34m2s) the image is reversed and the pitch is a bit off but it's the whole thing", '>>{daidougei} : How about a bracelet that gives electrical shocks whenever your blood sugar spikes?', '>>{_bryant} : Yes definitely, I meant it was cheaper than gaining a new user.', '>>{1eye_intheworld} : According to Mark he was just there for exposure.... That guy is a professional con artist.... He once did an AMA on here', '>>{blueghoul} : Apparently $200 according to [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Pavlok-1/dp/B011U2QYO2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1465513474&sr=8-1&keywords=pavlok)', '>>{Macinsocks} : This is bad for men that are into Findom....', '>>{BonginOnABudget} : This was on shark tank. In order to feel the shock you have to press the button and shock yourself. It promotes self control and neglecting your bank account.', ">>{lapotronic} : i like the guy. he says things that may come across as dickish, but if you look at them from the right angle you can tell he's trying to give good advice.", ">>{the_swolestice} : That's actually pretty smart lol. Go on the show, don't actually take any offers, just go there to advertise to millions of viewers what your product", ">>{the_swolestice} : No, we're not, this whole thread is making fun of it, which brings a sigh of relief", '>>{Maximus7713} : Actually, more of the "completely block out light from windows" type thing.', ">>{sampleconvos} : I can't believe nobody who actually has one has posted here! I have one and love it. I backed them back when it was a kickstarter (or whatever website like that it was on). Like, I get it, it seems kind of weird. But it really does work.", ">>{addicted2orange} : link to Pavlok guy getting shredded @ the Shark Tank. There's a point where he asks ''so are you all out?'' and Mr Wonderful's reply is nothing short of... well.. wonderful! -> https://youtu.be/in4mAqHn_d4", '>>{FRSBRZGT86FAN} : But the problem is alot of people make an outlandish offer and get called out doing it', ">>{we_love_wearable_tec} : Some people use it for that..... I don't even want to think about it!", ">>{gujupike} : No it is not. Every single post you have is in relation to this product. I don't own the site so there isn't much I can do to stop you. I can (1) follow you around and call you out for being a shill and (2) report your account. I've already done the second and will do the first until I get bored and move on to something else. You should know - I'm a sales guy myself. I'm all about making the sale and getting the close. I pretty much have boiler room memorized and worked at place that played Boiler Room and Wall Street on the wall TV's 24-7 but the reality is you are bad at it. You are not a good salesperson. A good salesperson follows four steps (1) build rapport (2) ask probing questions (3) fill the need/build value (4) close. You are jumping straight into building value without doing the first three and that makes you come off as a BAD sales person. You are no better than the person in the mall yelling at me to buy a cell phone. That is poor poor technique. Never talk about your product first. Patience is as important of a characteristic in a good salesperson as anything else. Visit /r/sales and learn something.", ">>{we_love_wearable_tec} : I've never heard of the word shill before until today. Thanks for teaching me something new!"], [">>{pobody} : Gee, I wasn't aware we had re-installed Obama.", ">>{viccar0} : Doesn't look like any of these 2600 strikes were on the Syrian government's military or property. Try again.", ">>{Susarian} : The washingtontimes.com's 'whataboutism' game is strong.", '>>{MyOwnTutor} : Illegal use of military force is still illegal, even if \'Bama "did it". Doesn\'t excuse President Dumpsterfire one bit.', '>>{rudieboy} : What about that Korean dude you guys think is god?', ">>{BC-clette} : Oh look, it's some Whataboutism from 2015. You realize these strikes were against ISIS, right?", ">>{elscorcho91} : about as long as you'd last at a respectable job", '>>{tom_Joadz} : Since it breaks Rule 2, probably not long.', ">>{charliedarwinsfather} : And he was wrong, too. Doesn't make trump not wrong now.", '>>{_personofdisinterest} : Read the rules. The article is 2 years old. See the rule about out of date articles? But please go ahead and continue your special snowflake thought experiment. *pats your head*', ">>{TheMovingFinger} : > The smell of washingtontimes.com's 'whataboutism' game is strong", ">>{steve_avery_69} : Are illegal immigrants still illegal, even if they're being protected by Americans?", ">>{madusldasl} : Dr. Shacko's beef (inhales deep) STRONG!", ">>{madusldasl} : One country we were already at war with (or military engagement if you prefer), the other was coordinated against Isis and not targeting a sovereign nation. What's so hard to understand about that? Edit: the funny part is that I don't disagree that he shouldn't have used missile strikes as much as he did, I just don't have delusions about why they were wrong."]]
classify and reply
[">>{iBurnedTheChurch} : Is there a reason you're not just using your phone as a hotspot if you want to use the LTE of it to upload the content?", ">>{Cheeky_Chris} : Definitely possible to request desktop sites, though not too sure about uploading. Unfortunately iPhone aren't as plug in and play as android phones when plugged into a computer. You may be able to transfer the movie in some way via iTunes, and it may recognise it in say iMovie but I'm not sure. The only way I can think of is to maybe upload it to the cloud in some way and then download it onto your phone, though that defeats the point really and would take twice as long. Tldr: it may be possible but I couldn't tell you *exactly* how to do it, apologies", '>>{Ithinkiamjoseph} : Safari on the iPhone does allow for a document picker like Documents by readdle, iCloud drive and others. When you tap on upload in safari it will bring up all available document pickers on your iPhone. Getting them on to the device is dependent on the document picker itself. often times its as simple as plugging up to the computer and going to iTunes>apps> and adding it to the app that you are using.', '>>{ReliableSource} : You can upload to YouTube from many different sources via an iOS device: http://i.imgur.com/Us1uhvf.png', ">>{Cheeky_Chris} : Yeah, Safari can request desktop sites and if all else fails just download chrome as you can do it there too. That *might* work. However to stop piracy Apple may have clamped down on that sort of thing but as I say I've never tried so I'm not 100% sure. I mean, you can still put MP3s that you've downloaded onto your phone so i guess movies would be similar?", '>>{ReliableSource} : When I go to the mobile site and request the desktop version, it just refreshes the mobile site. However, when I go to upload a video, it takes me to what looks like the desktop version of the site (from the screenshot). Then when I actually upload a video, it appears to be showing me the desktop page as well: http://i.imgur.com/dx9aNxi.png', '>>{ReliableSource} : No problem! Also, the video I was uploading was a .mov file, just FYI.', '>>{m3zelluf} : I\'m not /u/ReliableSource but trying to answer you. Im uploading a video to YT from Safari on my iPhone. It\'s a .MOV file. (Copied it and checked on my computer to double check) Works just fine. Regarding "how easy is to transfer a .mov file to the iPhone, it is really simple as long as you don\'t enable iCloud Photo Library; you select a folder to sync the phone with, and every time you connect your phone to your macbook, it\'ll transfer the data.', ">>{TheBensonBoy} : Y'know, YouTube has an upload feature through its app. I don't know about Android, but you can upload it through the app itself. At least on an iPhone", ">>{ReliableSource} : It's not; I just recorded it from my phone specifically to test the upload page. I'm not near my computer, so I can't say with 100% certainty, but I'm 99.9999% sure you can transfer a .mov file from a desktop to a phone with no problem. If you're using a Mac you can AirDrop the file and it will show up in the camera roll; if you're using Windows you can upload it to a cloud storage service or use a third party app like Documents to put it on the device.", '>>{crisss1205} : No, it uses a direct WiFi connection between your devices.', '>>{M3kh4l} : It’s an Apple feature, works between iPhone, iPad, iPod and Mac only. And it creates a network between the devices so it’ll transfer even if you’re not connected to internet. It’s pretty fast since it’ll transfer through Wi-fi. I usually transfer 1080p movies of several Go in a few minutes.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{iBurnedTheChurch} : Is there a reason you're not just using your phone as a hotspot if you want to use the LTE of it to upload the content?", ">>{Cheeky_Chris} : Definitely possible to request desktop sites, though not too sure about uploading. Unfortunately iPhone aren't as plug in and play as android phones when plugged into a computer. You may be able to transfer the movie in some way via iTunes, and it may recognise it in say iMovie but I'm not sure. The only way I can think of is to maybe upload it to the cloud in some way and then download it onto your phone, though that defeats the point really and would take twice as long. Tldr: it may be possible but I couldn't tell you *exactly* how to do it, apologies", '>>{Ithinkiamjoseph} : Safari on the iPhone does allow for a document picker like Documents by readdle, iCloud drive and others. When you tap on upload in safari it will bring up all available document pickers on your iPhone. Getting them on to the device is dependent on the document picker itself. often times its as simple as plugging up to the computer and going to iTunes>apps> and adding it to the app that you are using.', '>>{ReliableSource} : You can upload to YouTube from many different sources via an iOS device: http://i.imgur.com/Us1uhvf.png', ">>{Cheeky_Chris} : Yeah, Safari can request desktop sites and if all else fails just download chrome as you can do it there too. That *might* work. However to stop piracy Apple may have clamped down on that sort of thing but as I say I've never tried so I'm not 100% sure. I mean, you can still put MP3s that you've downloaded onto your phone so i guess movies would be similar?", '>>{ReliableSource} : When I go to the mobile site and request the desktop version, it just refreshes the mobile site. However, when I go to upload a video, it takes me to what looks like the desktop version of the site (from the screenshot). Then when I actually upload a video, it appears to be showing me the desktop page as well: http://i.imgur.com/dx9aNxi.png', '>>{ReliableSource} : No problem! Also, the video I was uploading was a .mov file, just FYI.', '>>{m3zelluf} : I\'m not /u/ReliableSource but trying to answer you. Im uploading a video to YT from Safari on my iPhone. It\'s a .MOV file. (Copied it and checked on my computer to double check) Works just fine. Regarding "how easy is to transfer a .mov file to the iPhone, it is really simple as long as you don\'t enable iCloud Photo Library; you select a folder to sync the phone with, and every time you connect your phone to your macbook, it\'ll transfer the data.', ">>{TheBensonBoy} : Y'know, YouTube has an upload feature through its app. I don't know about Android, but you can upload it through the app itself. At least on an iPhone", ">>{ReliableSource} : It's not; I just recorded it from my phone specifically to test the upload page. I'm not near my computer, so I can't say with 100% certainty, but I'm 99.9999% sure you can transfer a .mov file from a desktop to a phone with no problem. If you're using a Mac you can AirDrop the file and it will show up in the camera roll; if you're using Windows you can upload it to a cloud storage service or use a third party app like Documents to put it on the device.", '>>{crisss1205} : No, it uses a direct WiFi connection between your devices.', '>>{M3kh4l} : It’s an Apple feature, works between iPhone, iPad, iPod and Mac only. And it creates a network between the devices so it’ll transfer even if you’re not connected to internet. It’s pretty fast since it’ll transfer through Wi-fi. I usually transfer 1080p movies of several Go in a few minutes.']]
classify and reply
[">>{anastus} : Trump Vows to Unveil ‘Additional Security’ After Slamming Court Ruling as 'Disgraceful'", ">>{anastus} : Anyone care to guess what Donald Trump's 66th executive order is going to be? ...someone should go check on the Jedi. Edit: Also of note, holy crap did the downvote brigade from r/t_d get to my link fast.", ">>{theLusitanian} : Which is amazing because it feels like he's been my President all my life.", '>>{ep29} : Classic projection--calling someone else disgraceful when you are, in fact, the disgrace.', ">>{anastus} : I think it's clear now that any judge who disagrees with him is going to end up at the gunpoint of a deligitimization effort from the White House. I miss Obama.", '>>{jlaux} : Ok. Let me donate to the ACLU again and watch this shitshow happen.', ">>{TinyBaron} : He's been in office 50 days and he's already been doing a reunion tour of his greatest hits. Monday morning he was at [Pay-to-Playgo](https://youtu.be/claPetUPO7s?t=25s) since Friday. On Thursday he was worshipping a dead President in Nashville. Last night he had a rally in Kentucky. Is he ever planning on doing any real work?", ">>{ep29} : Oh, definitely. And it won't go well for him. Say what you will about Americans, but we do, for whatever reason, still largely respect the sanctity of a judge's ruling.", ">>{nairibee} : Oh, does losing not count as very much? Because that's all he's done.", '>>{TheMovingFinger} : It’ll be a ban on people who need to pray frequently and face a *certain way* UNLESS they come from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Kuwait, the UAE, Egypt or a place that has nuclear weapons.', ">>{perogies} : Trumps more Jabba than Palpatine. Edit: If anyone wants to photoshop 'Jabba the Trump', i'd be so happy.", ">>{thewalkingfred} : More security? Fine, that's all well and good. Just fucking think it through this time so we don't get the chaos that this travel ban caused.", '>>{anastus} : I wouldn\'t even expect that level of circumspection. Trump\'s "ban on people who speak Muzzie; you know, that durka durka stuff that they say, but this definitely isn\'t against Islam" EO will probably come first.', '>>{paranoidadndroid} : I\'ve met people who are not even Trump supporters, say that "Oh, he\'s done a lot in just a month. More than any other president. He\'s at least doing what he promised to do. That\'s progress."', ">>{hermionetargaryen} : This article is biased. Let's give him credit for what he has done compared to Obama. He tweets more, plays golf more, travels needlessly more, weighs way more, has more tantrums and certainly has referred to himself in the third person more. So.", '>>{branamuffin} : most of his presidency has been either doing "thank you" tours or golfing in his florida retreat.', ">>{eohorp} : Which is crazy, because ask them what he's done. They will point to bring jobs back, bullshit, reducing the cost of AF1, bullshit, what else..", '>>{Mazhurg} : I\'ll take a stab: > Title 8, Chapter 12, US Code 1182 (f) "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate." He will try to use this as a basis for his new EO. I would strongly note that "finds" requires demonstrable justification so I\'m not too sure what "alternative facts" they will use to validate it.', '>>{anastus} : r/startrek already won the day by making him into a Ferengi. I like to think that he\'s one of the ill-advised Ferengi that TNG writers kept failing to make into any sort of meaningful threats during their early seasons, and that their weird little whips were meant entirely for grabbing women by their unmentionables. Also golden was, "You can give them Umox and they\'ll let you because you\'re a celebrity." ...holy crap, I am a nerd.', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : Yeh, but don’t forget, there are some bad Islamic places that don’t export terrorism, and good Islamic places that do. If he got it wrong, all kinds of nasty, nasty things would happen to his business interests. And Vlad would get mad.', '>>{Norotom5} : [Link to a comment on the Trump robe PhotoShop Battle](https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshopbattles/comments/5stlcd/psbattle_donald_trump_in_a_bathrobe/ddhu1ov/) So not quite what you asked for, but something that I think is better', ">>{Teddy2011} : He said 'radical ISLAMIC terrorism' a bunch of times so now ISIS is gone", ">>{kevin3g} : He's done a lot of damage to America's alliances, to American unity, and to America's reputation.", '>>{UncleMalky} : Now we just need some Pakleds with MAGA hats.', '>>{anastus} : We already have those. Did you look at the Inauguration crowd? "We are stupid. You are smart. Make the country go."', '>>{paranoidadndroid} : They didn\'t have those points. It was all like "He has issued so many executive orders, before him, no one did that many in a month. Even if he failed in court, he at least tried. He\'ll also improve healthcare, build that wall" etc. But this was a month back. Haven\'t seen anyone spouting bullshit like this recently.', ">>{eohorp} : I thought he had a plan to defeat them in one month. Where is the special prosecutor? It's day 101, what happened to ACA repeal day 1. Dude is a con man and people are still stuck in the con.", '>>{eohorp} : Do they not realize that Obama was dragged over the coals for using executive orders to try and fill his promises. The cognitive dissonance of these people is just amazing.', ">>{mar10wright} : It's ridiculous how short of a time he actually been president. It's been a tiring time.", ">>{m1a2c2kali} : the woooorst is when they say he's allowed to spend so much time and money at maralago because he deserves it for accomplishing so much. holy hell in a handbasket", '>>{Ms-Anthrop} : “You can’t con people, at least not for long. If you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.” - The Art of The Deal', ">>{RosneftTrump2020} : This isn't a good thing either - there are many important things that need to get done. And I don't mean re-legalizing lead bullets for hunting on federal lands.", '>>{mar10wright} : Your username caught me off guard. Did not notice the "l" at first.', '>>{Kull_of_Atlantis} : Golfing, helps to improve (business) ties with whomever is on the link.', ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : Did anyone think he was going to? He's a bullshitter and a carnival barker. Easy to hide or gloss over in business, lot harder to do when the entirety of the worlds focus is on you."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{theLusitanian} : Which is amazing because it feels like he's been my President all my life.", ">>{TinyBaron} : He's been in office 50 days and he's already been doing a reunion tour of his greatest hits. Monday morning he was at [Pay-to-Playgo](https://youtu.be/claPetUPO7s?t=25s) since Friday. On Thursday he was worshipping a dead President in Nashville. Last night he had a rally in Kentucky. Is he ever planning on doing any real work?", ">>{nairibee} : Oh, does losing not count as very much? Because that's all he's done.", '>>{paranoidadndroid} : I\'ve met people who are not even Trump supporters, say that "Oh, he\'s done a lot in just a month. More than any other president. He\'s at least doing what he promised to do. That\'s progress."', ">>{hermionetargaryen} : This article is biased. Let's give him credit for what he has done compared to Obama. He tweets more, plays golf more, travels needlessly more, weighs way more, has more tantrums and certainly has referred to himself in the third person more. So.", '>>{branamuffin} : most of his presidency has been either doing "thank you" tours or golfing in his florida retreat.', ">>{eohorp} : Which is crazy, because ask them what he's done. They will point to bring jobs back, bullshit, reducing the cost of AF1, bullshit, what else..", ">>{Teddy2011} : He said 'radical ISLAMIC terrorism' a bunch of times so now ISIS is gone", ">>{kevin3g} : He's done a lot of damage to America's alliances, to American unity, and to America's reputation.", '>>{paranoidadndroid} : They didn\'t have those points. It was all like "He has issued so many executive orders, before him, no one did that many in a month. Even if he failed in court, he at least tried. He\'ll also improve healthcare, build that wall" etc. But this was a month back. Haven\'t seen anyone spouting bullshit like this recently.', ">>{eohorp} : I thought he had a plan to defeat them in one month. Where is the special prosecutor? It's day 101, what happened to ACA repeal day 1. Dude is a con man and people are still stuck in the con.", '>>{eohorp} : Do they not realize that Obama was dragged over the coals for using executive orders to try and fill his promises. The cognitive dissonance of these people is just amazing.', ">>{mar10wright} : It's ridiculous how short of a time he actually been president. It's been a tiring time.", ">>{m1a2c2kali} : the woooorst is when they say he's allowed to spend so much time and money at maralago because he deserves it for accomplishing so much. holy hell in a handbasket", '>>{Ms-Anthrop} : “You can’t con people, at least not for long. If you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.” - The Art of The Deal', ">>{RosneftTrump2020} : This isn't a good thing either - there are many important things that need to get done. And I don't mean re-legalizing lead bullets for hunting on federal lands.", '>>{mar10wright} : Your username caught me off guard. Did not notice the "l" at first.', '>>{Kull_of_Atlantis} : Golfing, helps to improve (business) ties with whomever is on the link.', ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : Did anyone think he was going to? He's a bullshitter and a carnival barker. Easy to hide or gloss over in business, lot harder to do when the entirety of the worlds focus is on you."], [">>{anastus} : Trump Vows to Unveil ‘Additional Security’ After Slamming Court Ruling as 'Disgraceful'", ">>{anastus} : Anyone care to guess what Donald Trump's 66th executive order is going to be? ...someone should go check on the Jedi. Edit: Also of note, holy crap did the downvote brigade from r/t_d get to my link fast.", '>>{ep29} : Classic projection--calling someone else disgraceful when you are, in fact, the disgrace.', ">>{anastus} : I think it's clear now that any judge who disagrees with him is going to end up at the gunpoint of a deligitimization effort from the White House. I miss Obama.", '>>{jlaux} : Ok. Let me donate to the ACLU again and watch this shitshow happen.', ">>{ep29} : Oh, definitely. And it won't go well for him. Say what you will about Americans, but we do, for whatever reason, still largely respect the sanctity of a judge's ruling.", '>>{TheMovingFinger} : It’ll be a ban on people who need to pray frequently and face a *certain way* UNLESS they come from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Kuwait, the UAE, Egypt or a place that has nuclear weapons.', ">>{perogies} : Trumps more Jabba than Palpatine. Edit: If anyone wants to photoshop 'Jabba the Trump', i'd be so happy.", ">>{thewalkingfred} : More security? Fine, that's all well and good. Just fucking think it through this time so we don't get the chaos that this travel ban caused.", '>>{anastus} : I wouldn\'t even expect that level of circumspection. Trump\'s "ban on people who speak Muzzie; you know, that durka durka stuff that they say, but this definitely isn\'t against Islam" EO will probably come first.', '>>{Mazhurg} : I\'ll take a stab: > Title 8, Chapter 12, US Code 1182 (f) "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate." He will try to use this as a basis for his new EO. I would strongly note that "finds" requires demonstrable justification so I\'m not too sure what "alternative facts" they will use to validate it.', '>>{anastus} : r/startrek already won the day by making him into a Ferengi. I like to think that he\'s one of the ill-advised Ferengi that TNG writers kept failing to make into any sort of meaningful threats during their early seasons, and that their weird little whips were meant entirely for grabbing women by their unmentionables. Also golden was, "You can give them Umox and they\'ll let you because you\'re a celebrity." ...holy crap, I am a nerd.', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : Yeh, but don’t forget, there are some bad Islamic places that don’t export terrorism, and good Islamic places that do. If he got it wrong, all kinds of nasty, nasty things would happen to his business interests. And Vlad would get mad.', '>>{Norotom5} : [Link to a comment on the Trump robe PhotoShop Battle](https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshopbattles/comments/5stlcd/psbattle_donald_trump_in_a_bathrobe/ddhu1ov/) So not quite what you asked for, but something that I think is better', '>>{UncleMalky} : Now we just need some Pakleds with MAGA hats.', '>>{anastus} : We already have those. Did you look at the Inauguration crowd? "We are stupid. You are smart. Make the country go."']]
classify and reply
['>>{CornCobbDouglas} : According to gizmodo it did this morning. Seems fine now tho', ">>{LegoDadofThree} : Donald Trump: 'I will totally accept' election results 'if i win'", '>>{Rug_Bar} : Rudy Giuliani Kicks Off Inauguration Lunch With 9/11 Sex Joke', ">>{AndrewRyansRapture} : It did, couldn't go on Reddit for a bit.", '>>{stonedhillbilly} : >“That’s locker room talk,” Giuliani continued. >gathered in a ballroom inside Washington, D.C.’s Four Seasons >For $350 a plate', ">>{Counterkulture} : I honestly don't think he even knows what he's doing right now, or the implication it has on democracy. If he DID know, I don't know if that would make it better.", '>>{AndrewRyansRapture} : We are going to have yuge economic growth and tons of jobs... How? HE NEVER SAYS! EVER!', ">>{notwhereyouare} : So, he's been saying the election is rigged these last couple weeks. If he wins: it wasn't rigged. If he loses: it was rigged. He's been calling it rigged, how can we be so sure it wasn't rigged to make him win?", '>>{markterd} : This is a Russian attack! We must vote hilary in before the Russians land on our shores. Strike first, drones, missiles, nukes whatever! I will be proud to answer the call of war to this neo-stalin!', '>>{borfmantality} : Seriously, fuck this loser...and fuck his mouth-breathing supporters.', '>>{Scoutandabout} : His current wife used to kill puppies. So what do you expect.', '>>{Colorado688} : Microsoft announces a new super-powered Xbox console: Project Scorpio', '>>{markterd} : Yes my brother in arms! Unite and fight for our lives. Russia is literal attacking us. Cyber must be met with physical. Let loose the dogs of war!', ">>{FewerMoonves} : We get it, Giuliani. You're a horrible human being. Next.", '>>{RemoteWrathEmitter} : Gotta keep the Wikileaks as suppressed as possible, now that all that evidence is emerging...', ">>{PresidentBartlet2016} : Foreign agents have only attempted to say sabotage one candidate and it isn't trump. If anything dude is getting special treatment in the form of a Russian handicapp.", ">>{drive_me_away} : You know, it actually could be, and that's a serious problem, not something to mock.", '>>{Druidshift} : Hi Republicans and Trump Supporters! In case you were wondering "Jeez...I wonder if he will try to pivot on this latest gaffe and reassure undecided voters..OR..is he going to go full Machado and keep the story in the news for weeks and weeks by piling on?" Well...you have your answer.', '>>{FoFoAndFo} : It\'s not even a particularly good joke. Giuliani to fire chief shortly after 9/11 attacks, "How\'s it going?" Fire chief, "My wife came home and i got lucky, so good!"', '>>{l_histoire} : The joke is disgusting, inhuman, but his *self-satisfaction* in telling it is doubly so.', '>>{ARedditingRedditor} : Nothing super powered, they just added a dedicated GPU to try and compete with PCs.', '>>{tetsuo9000} : He really should have led with what he ended with saying he would of course accept the outcome if it was clear, withholding legal challenge if not. Starting with "IF WE WIN!" means Trump will have to do another walkback speech/interview later.', '>>{blueredscreen} : > Nothing super powered, they just added a dedicated GPU to try and compete with PCs. Source? It could be, and in my opinion more likely, a custom SoC instead.', '>>{flxtr} : Giuliani is like that guy who was a quarterback in high school and he just loves to tell stories and relive that time they won the state championship even though he has done nothing else with his life.', ">>{upnorthgirl} : I don't think he can get his mind around this idea. Just a little too tough for him.", ">>{blueredscreen} : > Nah they aren't going to pay for that. Much easier to fit it with a dedicated GPU. I dont know of a APU that can get the performance they are claiming. What you're claiming is merely pure speculation. Also, a custom SoC doesn't have to be specifically an APU, and although it might be similar to it, I don't know.", '>>{drive_me_away} : The attacks have resumed as of this afternoon, btw. Twitter, GitHub and probably others are down again.', '>>{moxy801} : So this is coming from what, angry 4chan Trumpster types or Russia?', '>>{Dadalot} : Wow if the plates cost $350 imagine what the food costs!', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Rudy Guliani got first responders killed on 9/11 due to his incompetence and mismanagement of NYC resources. FDNY asked for better radios after the 1993 WTC bombing because theirs didn't work in the building. When 9/11 happened their radios were not upgraded and still did not work, and as a result first responders never got the evacuation message and died. Not to mention him putting the emergency response command center in one of the WTC buildings, literally placing the key command center at the same location most likely to be attacked and rendering it useless. He's a disgusting subhuman piece of garbage.", '>>{TheSpiritOfApollo} : Totally honest question, do the xbone and ps4 not have dedicated GPUs??', ">>{Exist50} : They do not. It's all one SoC, but the same will be true for Scorpio.", '>>{rob_shi} : 6 teraflops is a lot of power. The Nvidia GTX 980 only has 5 teraflops', ">>{sangers-baby} : If trump wins the liberals will attack him constantly like they do now and lie about him constantly like they do now. If Hillary wins we will enter a new economic depression worse than the one we've been in for 8 years", '>>{richielaw} : I think all of these companies use Amazon cloud services and servers? How large and concentrated of an attack must it have been to take these large sites off-line?', ">>{Shanashy} : I think South Park is right, and he's just trying to lose now. He has no plan, no clue, and no idea what he would actually do as POTUS.", '>>{LACajun2011} : Good! Democrats are huge hypocrites. It\'s funny when Gore said it, nobody cared. If he said he accepts the results, MSM headlines are "Trump Conceded Last Night". Time to get these idiots out of DC and MAGA', '>>{ARedditingRedditor} : It may be good though they did just release more info on it and I was wrong about it being a dedicated GPU its a custom SOC. So we will just have to see how well it actually does once it comes out.', ">>{kire73} : Great Scott, Batman! They got GitHub! I'm screwed for today. Even my companies FTP service is down. Strange my shipment notifications went off without a hitch.", ">>{dont_be_so_critical} : So, it will have a GPU that is about as fast as a 200 dollar GPU released a year and a half before it, and there will be desktop GPU's that are out at the same time that will be nearly 3 times as powerful. That sounds an awfully lot like the relative power of the PS4 and XB1 when they were released. I don't understand what people are hyped about.", ">>{drive_me_away} : Can't tell if genuine or sarcastic, but I think the GitHub thing must be causing a lot of companies trouble.", '>>{kire73} : Definitely genuine. I\'m kinda shaking considering all of the repositories I haven\'t backed up or files I forgot to gitignore before committing, because "Hey, what could go wrong"....just in case this is more than a DDOS attack', '>>{Flaming_Spoons} : 3 times? Jeez man, you give too much credit to consoles.', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : Reminds me of Troy McClure from *The Simpsons.* "Hi! I\'m Rudy Giuliani! You might remember me from national tragedies such as 9-11 and the housing collapse of 08!"', ">>{drive_me_away} : Wow, I'm sorry you're in such a fix! The DDoS attack messed up my work this morning, and I know people close to me depend on some of the services for their day to day work (especially GitHub).", '>>{Baltorussian} : They are trying to prevent Clinton from fundraising by stopping Trump from Tweeting.', ">>{UglyPineapple} : If you're going to make a 9/11 sex joke Rudy, make it funny. You can't even do that right, just like placing the emergency command bunker in the world trade center after the first attack knowing there would be a second attempt you ignorant fool.", '>>{Baltorussian} : Yea, I miss ordering my hard cover leaks from Amazon, my audible versions from spotify, and my 140 character summaries from twitter...', '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : What has any of that got to do with what Trump said?', '>>{NeoMoonlight} : That was to pay for the valet to park my segway.', ">>{losjoo} : I was going to make a joke about his shame and decency dying on 9/11 but even I, some asshole on the internet, can see that's in poor taste.", '>>{midwesterner64} : It\'s worse. He got first repsonders killed by placing the resonse center there. And by not funding communications upgrades needed. That\'s awful. Terrible. He then milked that misery, and his own failures, to national prominence and, apparently a sweet "friend gig" with the President-Elect of the United States. Giuliani failed his first responders. Giuliani then traded on their memory to advance himself. Giuliani is a ghoul.', '>>{beardowat} : All of the sudden this huge creature, this giant crustacean from the Paleolithic Era, comes out of the water.', '>>{dallasdude} : The same firefighters Giuliani had tossed into the city dump like garbage. Seriously, look it up...', ">>{iamitman007} : Rig, rig, rig your vote, Gently down the Booth. If you see a Bad Hombre, Don't forget to scream. Rig, rig, rig your vote, Gently down the booth. Throw your refugees overboard, And listen to them scream.", ">>{MTDearing} : I feel like there should've been an /s there.", ">>{robchaos} : Was this comment written by a Russian? It certainly doesn't make sense in 'Murican.", ">>{striker69} : Seems like he's trying to normalize pussy grabbing with this joke, very odd.", ">>{chaotic_goody} : I don't understand the joke. Can someone help?", ">>{Dildozer2k15} : What do you mean? He has a great plan, the best plan. Everyone knows his plan is good except crooked Hillary who can't have a plan.", '>>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : I will totally not sexually assault you either as long as you gimme that pussy willingly.', ">>{AndrewRyansRapture} : He just repeats the same nonsense without a plan, I can't believe people are stupid enough to fall for it.", '>>{Irythros} : 9/11: 2996 civilians, 6906 military, $1.6 trillion in cost, PATRIOT act, FREEDOM act, increased surveillance, power vacuum causing ISIS Benghazi: 2 civilian, 2 military. Got it.', ">>{maxbarnyard} : I can provide the other dollar but first I'll need to borrow about $3.50", ">>{Conman_Drumpf} : If I get things my way, it's totally cool with not it's all rigged and the world is against me Can this guy get any more childish?", '>>{Sigma1977} : That barely qualifies as a joke. Also 9/11 is now 16 and a half years ago.', ">>{electricfoxx} : Was it: * Rudy's mama's so fat, 2 jumbo jets could fit in her vagina.", ">>{knylok} : Hey. Hey. There were [no domestic attacks](https://youtu.be/oSJGtodUiOM?t=176) under Bush. None. So clearly that whole 9/11 thing wasn't real or something. Don't worry about it.", '>>{Conman_Drumpf} : You see we have to let it be a secret plan otherwise the economic can plan ways to not be yuge.', '>>{CaptainHijinx} : An actual man-baby is the republican nominee for President. Historic election.', ">>{Counterkulture} : It was interesting in his response that he never even hinted that he was going to win. Even something along the lines of 'Well, it doesn't matter, because i'm not gonna lose...' His entire response was under the presumption that he was going to lose. He has the internal polls, and I'm sure in private people are probably being pretty brutally honest with him about the chances of being able to get a lead back.", ">>{midwesterner64} : People are now just flat out lying to the public's face. You can show video of a politician saying something, cut back to him live and they will flat out claim they did not say that. They at least used to try spinning the meaning another way but me it's just flat lying. I'm no psychiatrist, but isn't that a behavior seen in sociopaths?", '>>{knylok} : Well there are three possibilities as I see it. 1. They don\'t care. They\'ve gone from "say anything" to "say everything" and pretend the stuff that is inconvenient, wasn\'t said. 2. They are suffering from a non-age related mental illness, like pathological lying. 3. They are suffering from age-related mental illness, like dementia, Alzheimers, reduced cognitive abilities, etc. Which option frightens you the most?', '>>{tubetalkerx} : Wish Jon Lovitz could beat him up every day!', '>>{-MK-Systems-} : Yes but what about the money "they" made ? Good luck the coming years you guys are gona need it.', '>>{Syllogistic_Panda} : Again, though it was said at a rally of his, its pointless to fire up your base when you still desperately need to expand it. The news cycle will be running this headline, among a few others, for the rest of the week into the Sunday talk shows, which only leaves Trump two weeks left to well...recover...if possible.', ">>{Counterkulture} : Exactly. And why not just fucking lie at this point? You're clearly not concerned with either flip flopping or the truth, so just tell a little tale, and then completely reverse course when it's convenient for you.", ">>{toiletscribble} : YOu see rigging is one of the great...my son has an ipad and hes great - seriously he is all over that thing--and Russia doesn't want cyber. If he gives me a compliment I will certainly take it. People shes a fat pig, look at her and you tell me, I mean seriously folks they are sending bad hombres and the generals are spinning in their graves I mean have you SEEN Aleppo? Have you seen it? Have you called Sean Hannity? Ask Sean Hannity! Will someone PLEASE CALL SEAN HANNITY??", '>>{sangers-baby} : I am black and live in an urban area.', ">>{ricobirch} : What's a clear result for you Mr. Trump? 300-238?, 400-138? Do we really have to go 538-0 to make you realize you are not wanted?", ">>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : It's all about winning. About sticking it to their opponent.", '>>{KatsThoughts} : >Trump, speaking in Ohio on Thursday, said "of course I would accept a clear election result." But he stressed that he was not sure he would receive one, citing misleading statistics on voter fraud. He alleged without evidence that Hillary Clinton\'s campaign was trying to "rig" the election. This is actually not that bad.', ">>{RoeblingsCaisson} : deport trump supporters to the middle of the ocean and the country's average iq would go up double digits being a trump supporter at this point is simply fitting the definition of what is wrong with the usa more muslims, more mexicans, less trump supporters: the country would vastly improve", ">>{aehlemn1} : That's Hillary's go-to. She doesn't stick to her guns. She just says whatever she has to in order to get elected."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Rug_Bar} : Rudy Giuliani Kicks Off Inauguration Lunch With 9/11 Sex Joke', '>>{stonedhillbilly} : >“That’s locker room talk,” Giuliani continued. >gathered in a ballroom inside Washington, D.C.’s Four Seasons >For $350 a plate', '>>{Scoutandabout} : His current wife used to kill puppies. So what do you expect.', ">>{FewerMoonves} : We get it, Giuliani. You're a horrible human being. Next.", '>>{FoFoAndFo} : It\'s not even a particularly good joke. Giuliani to fire chief shortly after 9/11 attacks, "How\'s it going?" Fire chief, "My wife came home and i got lucky, so good!"', '>>{l_histoire} : The joke is disgusting, inhuman, but his *self-satisfaction* in telling it is doubly so.', '>>{flxtr} : Giuliani is like that guy who was a quarterback in high school and he just loves to tell stories and relive that time they won the state championship even though he has done nothing else with his life.', '>>{Dadalot} : Wow if the plates cost $350 imagine what the food costs!', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Rudy Guliani got first responders killed on 9/11 due to his incompetence and mismanagement of NYC resources. FDNY asked for better radios after the 1993 WTC bombing because theirs didn't work in the building. When 9/11 happened their radios were not upgraded and still did not work, and as a result first responders never got the evacuation message and died. Not to mention him putting the emergency response command center in one of the WTC buildings, literally placing the key command center at the same location most likely to be attacked and rendering it useless. He's a disgusting subhuman piece of garbage.", '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : Reminds me of Troy McClure from *The Simpsons.* "Hi! I\'m Rudy Giuliani! You might remember me from national tragedies such as 9-11 and the housing collapse of 08!"', ">>{UglyPineapple} : If you're going to make a 9/11 sex joke Rudy, make it funny. You can't even do that right, just like placing the emergency command bunker in the world trade center after the first attack knowing there would be a second attempt you ignorant fool.", '>>{NeoMoonlight} : That was to pay for the valet to park my segway.', ">>{losjoo} : I was going to make a joke about his shame and decency dying on 9/11 but even I, some asshole on the internet, can see that's in poor taste.", '>>{midwesterner64} : It\'s worse. He got first repsonders killed by placing the resonse center there. And by not funding communications upgrades needed. That\'s awful. Terrible. He then milked that misery, and his own failures, to national prominence and, apparently a sweet "friend gig" with the President-Elect of the United States. Giuliani failed his first responders. Giuliani then traded on their memory to advance himself. Giuliani is a ghoul.', '>>{beardowat} : All of the sudden this huge creature, this giant crustacean from the Paleolithic Era, comes out of the water.', '>>{dallasdude} : The same firefighters Giuliani had tossed into the city dump like garbage. Seriously, look it up...', ">>{MTDearing} : I feel like there should've been an /s there.", ">>{striker69} : Seems like he's trying to normalize pussy grabbing with this joke, very odd.", ">>{chaotic_goody} : I don't understand the joke. Can someone help?", '>>{Irythros} : 9/11: 2996 civilians, 6906 military, $1.6 trillion in cost, PATRIOT act, FREEDOM act, increased surveillance, power vacuum causing ISIS Benghazi: 2 civilian, 2 military. Got it.', ">>{maxbarnyard} : I can provide the other dollar but first I'll need to borrow about $3.50", '>>{Sigma1977} : That barely qualifies as a joke. Also 9/11 is now 16 and a half years ago.', ">>{electricfoxx} : Was it: * Rudy's mama's so fat, 2 jumbo jets could fit in her vagina.", ">>{knylok} : Hey. Hey. There were [no domestic attacks](https://youtu.be/oSJGtodUiOM?t=176) under Bush. None. So clearly that whole 9/11 thing wasn't real or something. Don't worry about it.", ">>{midwesterner64} : People are now just flat out lying to the public's face. You can show video of a politician saying something, cut back to him live and they will flat out claim they did not say that. They at least used to try spinning the meaning another way but me it's just flat lying. I'm no psychiatrist, but isn't that a behavior seen in sociopaths?", '>>{knylok} : Well there are three possibilities as I see it. 1. They don\'t care. They\'ve gone from "say anything" to "say everything" and pretend the stuff that is inconvenient, wasn\'t said. 2. They are suffering from a non-age related mental illness, like pathological lying. 3. They are suffering from age-related mental illness, like dementia, Alzheimers, reduced cognitive abilities, etc. Which option frightens you the most?', '>>{tubetalkerx} : Wish Jon Lovitz could beat him up every day!', '>>{-MK-Systems-} : Yes but what about the money "they" made ? Good luck the coming years you guys are gona need it.'], ['>>{Colorado688} : Microsoft announces a new super-powered Xbox console: Project Scorpio', '>>{ARedditingRedditor} : Nothing super powered, they just added a dedicated GPU to try and compete with PCs.', '>>{blueredscreen} : > Nothing super powered, they just added a dedicated GPU to try and compete with PCs. Source? It could be, and in my opinion more likely, a custom SoC instead.', ">>{blueredscreen} : > Nah they aren't going to pay for that. Much easier to fit it with a dedicated GPU. I dont know of a APU that can get the performance they are claiming. What you're claiming is merely pure speculation. Also, a custom SoC doesn't have to be specifically an APU, and although it might be similar to it, I don't know.", '>>{TheSpiritOfApollo} : Totally honest question, do the xbone and ps4 not have dedicated GPUs??', ">>{Exist50} : They do not. It's all one SoC, but the same will be true for Scorpio.", '>>{rob_shi} : 6 teraflops is a lot of power. The Nvidia GTX 980 only has 5 teraflops', '>>{ARedditingRedditor} : It may be good though they did just release more info on it and I was wrong about it being a dedicated GPU its a custom SOC. So we will just have to see how well it actually does once it comes out.', ">>{dont_be_so_critical} : So, it will have a GPU that is about as fast as a 200 dollar GPU released a year and a half before it, and there will be desktop GPU's that are out at the same time that will be nearly 3 times as powerful. That sounds an awfully lot like the relative power of the PS4 and XB1 when they were released. I don't understand what people are hyped about.", '>>{Flaming_Spoons} : 3 times? Jeez man, you give too much credit to consoles.'], ['>>{CornCobbDouglas} : According to gizmodo it did this morning. Seems fine now tho', ">>{AndrewRyansRapture} : It did, couldn't go on Reddit for a bit.", '>>{markterd} : This is a Russian attack! We must vote hilary in before the Russians land on our shores. Strike first, drones, missiles, nukes whatever! I will be proud to answer the call of war to this neo-stalin!', '>>{markterd} : Yes my brother in arms! Unite and fight for our lives. Russia is literal attacking us. Cyber must be met with physical. Let loose the dogs of war!', '>>{RemoteWrathEmitter} : Gotta keep the Wikileaks as suppressed as possible, now that all that evidence is emerging...', ">>{drive_me_away} : You know, it actually could be, and that's a serious problem, not something to mock.", '>>{drive_me_away} : The attacks have resumed as of this afternoon, btw. Twitter, GitHub and probably others are down again.', '>>{moxy801} : So this is coming from what, angry 4chan Trumpster types or Russia?', '>>{richielaw} : I think all of these companies use Amazon cloud services and servers? How large and concentrated of an attack must it have been to take these large sites off-line?', ">>{kire73} : Great Scott, Batman! They got GitHub! I'm screwed for today. Even my companies FTP service is down. Strange my shipment notifications went off without a hitch.", ">>{drive_me_away} : Can't tell if genuine or sarcastic, but I think the GitHub thing must be causing a lot of companies trouble.", '>>{kire73} : Definitely genuine. I\'m kinda shaking considering all of the repositories I haven\'t backed up or files I forgot to gitignore before committing, because "Hey, what could go wrong"....just in case this is more than a DDOS attack', ">>{drive_me_away} : Wow, I'm sorry you're in such a fix! The DDoS attack messed up my work this morning, and I know people close to me depend on some of the services for their day to day work (especially GitHub).", '>>{Baltorussian} : They are trying to prevent Clinton from fundraising by stopping Trump from Tweeting.', '>>{Baltorussian} : Yea, I miss ordering my hard cover leaks from Amazon, my audible versions from spotify, and my 140 character summaries from twitter...'], [">>{LegoDadofThree} : Donald Trump: 'I will totally accept' election results 'if i win'", ">>{Counterkulture} : I honestly don't think he even knows what he's doing right now, or the implication it has on democracy. If he DID know, I don't know if that would make it better.", '>>{AndrewRyansRapture} : We are going to have yuge economic growth and tons of jobs... How? HE NEVER SAYS! EVER!', ">>{notwhereyouare} : So, he's been saying the election is rigged these last couple weeks. If he wins: it wasn't rigged. If he loses: it was rigged. He's been calling it rigged, how can we be so sure it wasn't rigged to make him win?", '>>{borfmantality} : Seriously, fuck this loser...and fuck his mouth-breathing supporters.', ">>{PresidentBartlet2016} : Foreign agents have only attempted to say sabotage one candidate and it isn't trump. If anything dude is getting special treatment in the form of a Russian handicapp.", '>>{Druidshift} : Hi Republicans and Trump Supporters! In case you were wondering "Jeez...I wonder if he will try to pivot on this latest gaffe and reassure undecided voters..OR..is he going to go full Machado and keep the story in the news for weeks and weeks by piling on?" Well...you have your answer.', '>>{tetsuo9000} : He really should have led with what he ended with saying he would of course accept the outcome if it was clear, withholding legal challenge if not. Starting with "IF WE WIN!" means Trump will have to do another walkback speech/interview later.', ">>{upnorthgirl} : I don't think he can get his mind around this idea. Just a little too tough for him.", ">>{sangers-baby} : If trump wins the liberals will attack him constantly like they do now and lie about him constantly like they do now. If Hillary wins we will enter a new economic depression worse than the one we've been in for 8 years", ">>{Shanashy} : I think South Park is right, and he's just trying to lose now. He has no plan, no clue, and no idea what he would actually do as POTUS.", '>>{LACajun2011} : Good! Democrats are huge hypocrites. It\'s funny when Gore said it, nobody cared. If he said he accepts the results, MSM headlines are "Trump Conceded Last Night". Time to get these idiots out of DC and MAGA', '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : What has any of that got to do with what Trump said?', ">>{iamitman007} : Rig, rig, rig your vote, Gently down the Booth. If you see a Bad Hombre, Don't forget to scream. Rig, rig, rig your vote, Gently down the booth. Throw your refugees overboard, And listen to them scream.", ">>{robchaos} : Was this comment written by a Russian? It certainly doesn't make sense in 'Murican.", ">>{Dildozer2k15} : What do you mean? He has a great plan, the best plan. Everyone knows his plan is good except crooked Hillary who can't have a plan.", '>>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : I will totally not sexually assault you either as long as you gimme that pussy willingly.', ">>{AndrewRyansRapture} : He just repeats the same nonsense without a plan, I can't believe people are stupid enough to fall for it.", ">>{Conman_Drumpf} : If I get things my way, it's totally cool with not it's all rigged and the world is against me Can this guy get any more childish?", '>>{Conman_Drumpf} : You see we have to let it be a secret plan otherwise the economic can plan ways to not be yuge.', '>>{CaptainHijinx} : An actual man-baby is the republican nominee for President. Historic election.', ">>{Counterkulture} : It was interesting in his response that he never even hinted that he was going to win. Even something along the lines of 'Well, it doesn't matter, because i'm not gonna lose...' His entire response was under the presumption that he was going to lose. He has the internal polls, and I'm sure in private people are probably being pretty brutally honest with him about the chances of being able to get a lead back.", '>>{Syllogistic_Panda} : Again, though it was said at a rally of his, its pointless to fire up your base when you still desperately need to expand it. The news cycle will be running this headline, among a few others, for the rest of the week into the Sunday talk shows, which only leaves Trump two weeks left to well...recover...if possible.', ">>{Counterkulture} : Exactly. And why not just fucking lie at this point? You're clearly not concerned with either flip flopping or the truth, so just tell a little tale, and then completely reverse course when it's convenient for you.", ">>{toiletscribble} : YOu see rigging is one of the great...my son has an ipad and hes great - seriously he is all over that thing--and Russia doesn't want cyber. If he gives me a compliment I will certainly take it. People shes a fat pig, look at her and you tell me, I mean seriously folks they are sending bad hombres and the generals are spinning in their graves I mean have you SEEN Aleppo? Have you seen it? Have you called Sean Hannity? Ask Sean Hannity! Will someone PLEASE CALL SEAN HANNITY??", '>>{sangers-baby} : I am black and live in an urban area.', ">>{ricobirch} : What's a clear result for you Mr. Trump? 300-238?, 400-138? Do we really have to go 538-0 to make you realize you are not wanted?", ">>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : It's all about winning. About sticking it to their opponent.", '>>{KatsThoughts} : >Trump, speaking in Ohio on Thursday, said "of course I would accept a clear election result." But he stressed that he was not sure he would receive one, citing misleading statistics on voter fraud. He alleged without evidence that Hillary Clinton\'s campaign was trying to "rig" the election. This is actually not that bad.', ">>{RoeblingsCaisson} : deport trump supporters to the middle of the ocean and the country's average iq would go up double digits being a trump supporter at this point is simply fitting the definition of what is wrong with the usa more muslims, more mexicans, less trump supporters: the country would vastly improve", ">>{aehlemn1} : That's Hillary's go-to. She doesn't stick to her guns. She just says whatever she has to in order to get elected."]]
classify and reply
['>>{chippinganimal} : Maybe the raise to wake feature is conflicted or glitch if out, if you have that on.', '>>{tainted_waffles} : Four Arrested After Beating Man and Yelling "F*** White People"', '>>{DylanFucksTurkeys} : My 6S will randomly vibrate and when I turn on the screen there are no notifications', '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : As opposed to the loving embrace of the right.', ">>{thecub1991} : Nope, don't even have that on... I turned that off when the feature came available lol.", '>>{Gnome_Sane} : Experts Think Hillary Could Successfully Challenge the Election Results. Are They Right?', '>>{engnumber9} : Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump 44 to 1 in donations from wealthiest areas', '>>{engnumber9} : Hillary Clinton: Candidate of the Wall Street rich.', '>>{thecub1991} : so weird.. maybe email? or a snapchat?', ">>{TinyBaron} : [Guns don't shoot people...](https://youtu.be/rX7wtNOkuHo)", ">>{tainted_waffles} : How many Hillary supporters have been kidnapped and tortured on Facebook? Don't you dare try and legitimize this by saying both sides do it. This is on a whole different level.", '>>{got556} : I have this "feature" happen every now and then also. Raise to wake is off. 6S 10.0.2 and 10.1.1 both have allowed this to occur.', ">>{hearthneewb} : Kinda goes to show just how much economic damage Trump's plans are going to do.", '>>{Lyin_Don} : if only there was a good guy with a gun there to protect him from himself', ">>{IBringYouToBurn} : I don't know, the guy could have been a convert to Islam and was wearing the trump shirt for safety. All you guys hate Muslims, right?", '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : lol no if there were anyway for the Clinton campaign to challenge they would have never conceded the election they looked at every possible option before doing so', '>>{Gnome_Sane} : That is basically what the article says, using Nate Silver to disprove it... But the traction it is getting makes me laugh heartily.', '>>{tainted_waffles} : Nazis tortured mentally challenged people. AKA what the folks yelling "Fuck Trump" did in the video. That argument ain\'t gonna fly this time.', ">>{thecub1991} : It's gotta be some glitch... I wish apple wouldn't mess things up and give us nice things while not messing things up lol.", '>>{alphaincident} : Parsed into GOP lingo: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump 44 to 1 in donations from job creators.', '>>{momokie} : Yeah, when Trump said build the wall, it was basically the same thing as kidnapping people and torturing them publicly to brag about it.', ">>{helloyesthisismeg} : I have had that happen lately on my 6, which doesn't support raise to wake.....weirds me out.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : What does the victim have to do with any of that?', '>>{ggyujjhi} : This story will keep getting removed from this sub, despite it being clearly political', '>>{eggpie} : Rofl. Responsible gun owners, ladies and gentlemen. No self-respecting gun owner will ever affiliate themselves with the farce that is the NRA. They are the Autism Speaks of the 2nd Amendment.', ">>{Opcn} : I don't know, most of the donations to trumps campaign are from one billionaire who stands to gain massive personal power and has abused power in the past to gain wealth. He leads her by quite a margin in contributions from billionaires... I suspect she also has a big lead in contributions from the poor and from minorities.", ">>{getridofappleskitle} : well obama said it's impossible to rig the election so....", '>>{golikehellmachine} : To me, the biggest indicator that this is all smoke and no fire is that the Clinton campaign haven\'t acted on it, despite apparently seeing all of the evidence in a lot more detail. For what it\'s worth, the researchers making these claims *aren\'t* saying that the election was hacked; they\'re saying that there are some irregularities that should warrant an audit. To the average partisan, that sounds like "ELECTION FRAUD!", but to a security researcher, it\'s not especially controversial.', '>>{Psy1} : >The incident happened while the man holstered his pistol and it accidentally fired, police said. What? So you have a firing range, someone holsters the weapon and it goes off? And this was a safety exercise?', '>>{omg_stuff} : Ok, either one could be considered rigging, as could hacking.', ">>{thesilvertongue} : Even if it doesn't I can't think of any reason why we shouldn't audit the election results when it is this close. I say do it regardless.", '>>{censorshipistheprob} : Well you gotta admit, Trump told all these poor folks if the vote Clinton nothing will change for them, and these rich donors are making sure of it.', ">>{DailyNate} : My 7+ does this. I shut off the notifications for the stock mail app so it's not that. Next I'll probably shut off the gmail app and see if that fixes it that.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : Does anyone else remember back in September '16 when David Duke claimed that Hillary Clinton wanted black people to kidnap and torture white people?", '>>{AureumMan} : Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Are the rich inherently bad?', ">>{krashnburn200} : >Guns don't shoot people... Fuck.... somebody better tell the army then... It's back to the drawing board.", ">>{ScholarOfTwilight} : I'm glad he's okay and hope he makes a full recovery. I say that while hating the organization for which he works and its ridiculous stance on even the most basic common sense legislation to save lives.", '>>{thesilvertongue} : Can we really keep trusting Nate Silver after this election though?', '>>{Gnome_Sane} : > the election they looked at every possible option before doing so Which is why she didn\'t concede until the following day. The story really isn\'t about proving anything or changing anything. It\'s about building a narrative that Democrats can hang onto that helps paint the "Good vs. Evil" worldview. It\'s much easier to stay a Democrat if you think Bushitler and Darth Cheney stole the elections, just like Putin and his Puppet Trump (Trumpet?) did. I mean, you don\'t have any choice at that point - right? You *have* to be a democrat... or else you are evil. It\'s a little harder to keep your support riled up and 100% if they accept the loss as something deserved... Because of something *they* did... If you put your hand up and say "Hey guys... are we maybe over doing it a little calling everyone who disagrees with us Nazis and all - and is maybe that behavior the reason why we lost?" - Look OUT! Nobody wants to hear that at the Democrat\'s Thanksgiving table! They want to hear about Trump\'s Migrant Death Camps and how the stock market has collapsed and how Putin must have thousands of sleeper agents in the US to hack all those machines - Probably all alt-right racists working on the Trump campaign... Or maybe they are secret owners of the voting machines! Yeah... that\'s it... that\'s the ticket. They were all hacked at the factory! **Cause we are the good guys! And bad guys only win when they cheat!** And it is our life struggle to be a Democrat - A good guy - for the sake of saving humanity and the world! And if the Electoral college doesn\'t revolt, and the election results are not challenged - that\'s just one more reason to keep up the good fight.', '>>{engnumber9} : Source that Trump gets more from billionaires? Soros the billionaire, Bill Gates the billionaire donate to Clinton and the democrats. I can get sources if you need them.', ">>{MaximumEffort433} : >full recovery I'd be okay if he had a limp.", '>>{MaximumEffort433} : Because the NRA is one of the biggest lobbying organizations in the United States, and they constantly present themselves as the shining star of responsible gun ownership. Plus, generally speaking, fuck the NRA.', '>>{iknowthatpicture} : They were black too, do they represent all black people as well as all Hillary people? They like Facebook as well, do they represent all Facebook users as well? They probably like guns as well, would they in that case represent all gun users as well? Or maybe you just like to cherry pick what they represent huh? Cause all I see is a bunch of psychopaths looking for an excuse to be psychopathic.', ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : She's kicking the shit out of Trump in fundraising as if Donald gifting her 5 new disqualifying statements everyday wasn't enough.", ">>{Dakaggo} : It's hard to believe when it's not from a reliable source. Please link to a group less prone to false reporting, like the national enquirer.", '>>{PeaSeaPrincipal} : Fucking pathetic lies. Nuance, motherfucker, learn it.', ">>{FireStorrrm} : iPhone 6 10.2 - Sometimes when my screen dims before it turns off, it'll light back up as if a notification came through. Pretty weird.", ">>{grifkiller64} : He liked things I don't like, I hope he has a permanent disability! /s", ">>{Negative_Clank} : Don't worry, all the experts in this thread will tell you the answer", '>>{Lochmon} : NRA is a political lobbying organization. From there opinions diverge.', '>>{killerskullz} : I had this happen before on iOS 9 too, especially with Facebook Messenger. Usually, if I am at my computer and I am on messenger.com or I have messenger.com open in some tab (but I am not focused on it), sometimes my iPhone will light up without any notifications showing. I check messenger on my computer, and I always have a notification. I am not sure how this is implemented internally, but I notice it happens when I get "double" notified, and the computer notifications are prioritized. Also had this happen sometimes on Gmail notifications.', ">>{Opcn} : Trump spent more than 40 million on himself. How much did Soros and Gates spend? Not 40 million. You could argue that Trump isn't really a billionaire but I don't buy that. He has billions in assets, he didn't earn them, but he has them.", ">>{Spiderpirate} : does this happen when you're plugged in? I had this issue and realized it's because of a faulty cord plugging and unplugging itself (plugging in a iPhone causes it to wake the screen for a moment)", ">>{lolzwinner} : big deal, how many driving instructors crashed a car today? it's political bullshit. i hate you all. goodnight", '>>{newsupermariomaker} : >liberals actually think throwing a temper tantrum because they lost the election is tolerable I wonder if those upstanding men against white supremacy even voted', '>>{seanosul} : > Hillary Clinton: Candidate of the Wall Street rich. More evidence that the further right you go, you end up with the same arguments as the extreme left and vice versa. Although with the right is a not so hidden anti semitism further disguised by pro Likud support.', '>>{iknowthatpicture} : And you are an accurate representation of the right. Mass generalization of one incident while knowing fuck all about what your representatives are up to.', '>>{jetfuelmeme} : [Phantom vibration syndrome, maybe?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_vibration_syndrome?wprov=sfsi1)', '>>{iceblademan} : I agree, with a caveat. "Rigging" as colloquially used this election cycle seemed to refer to voter fraud i.e. a person attempting to vote more than once in one or more jurisdictions. This was quite apparent when Trump told his supporters to go watch the polls. He never once said "go to your county election board and make sure your vote is correct."', '>>{seanosul} : If they vote Trump, they get a nice designer uniform, (made in China) some nice boots and 14 words to remember.', ">>{MaximumEffort433} : I don't know if he actually *liked* shooting himself, but whatever.", '>>{IBringYouToBurn} : I seriously doubt the thugs have any political leanings at all. I do know they hate trump and took their hate out in a most horrendous way, nobody here approves of that shit.', '>>{DylanFucksTurkeys} : Oh definitely not, I would leave it on my desk and would end up being distracted by the loud noise', '>>{futtinutti} : Or as Hillary likes to call it: Pay to Play', '>>{georgefarley2} : Though not central to the article, I\'m getting fucking annoyed by comments like: > But then again, he gave Trump only a 32.1% chance of winning this year, Do Americans not understand basic stats?? (I know, the answer is "no") Trump winning was a big upset, but it doesn\'t mean Silver, or anyone else that gave Trump 10%+ to win was WRONG. A 33% chance means the under dog will win often! Fuck, roll some god damned dice, the odds of a "1" are about 17% chance. It doesn\'t mean the dice are wrong when a "1" shows up.', ">>{Big_Booty_Pics} : He didn't inherit billions of dollars, his dad was worth, at the most in his prime, around 500M, which would be assumed to be split between all of his children, not just Donald", '>>{row_guy} : Nate Silver was yelling from the roof tops that trump could have a good chance of winning...', ">>{thecub1991} : No, it just happens at the most random times like it acts like I have a notification when I don't.", ">>{Lord_Lebanon} : I'm joining the NRA btw. And there was an accident. Accidents happen. This is not political and more of an overblown thing.", '>>{CMelody} : Knock it off with the hyper partisanship. Is this what Americans are reduced to now? Determining what political affiliation all criminals are and using that to demonize the other side? What next, will someone produce a spreadsheet of all mass shooters and what Presidential candidate they voted for? What a pointless waste of energy.', '>>{ResonantCascade} : >Johnson said **authorities currently don\'t believe the crime was politically motivated, despite the disparaging remarks about Trump.** >"I think some of it is just stupidity, people just ranting about something that they think might make a headline," Johnson said. "I don\'t think that at this point we have anything concrete to really point us in that direction, but we\'ll keep investigating and we\'ll let the facts guide us on how this concludes Tell me more of their political leanings you know absolutely nothing about.', ">>{AngryBudgie13} : I'm assuming the pistol had a trigger guard? Did something snag the trigger? How the hell did this guy manage this? So many questions.", '>>{Not_Cleaver} : Is an [ABC News article](http://abcnews.go.com/US/chicago-police-arrest-connection-sickening-assault-video-posted/story?id=44560823) good enough for you?', '>>{SaintNicolasD} : The Mississippi church burning story made it to the front page here, yet somehow this story will be considered "off topic" by the mods and be suppressed. Funny how that works in this shithole of a subreddit.', '>>{tainted_waffles} : What are you going off about? I made no generalizations about the animals who did this. I simply pointed out that they were yelling "Fuck Trump" which shows that these actions were at least in some part politically motivated.', ">>{tainted_waffles} : I was simply pointing out the false equivalence. This shouldn't be about partisanship but to deny the political and social contexts leading up to this is disingenuous.", ">>{Psy1} : It is a odd accident. You would think a NRA staffer would pick a pistol that has a reliable safety as only collectors and gangsters bother with the shit tier pistols that are poorly built and designed. You'd also think being a responsible gun owner they would remember check their firearm before hosteling it, ensuring they don't have a jam and the safety is engaged. Lastly you would think they would have proper trigger discipline while holstering so even if the safety was off the trigger wouldn't be pressed in.", '>>{WatermelonRat} : >According to a study by the Sunlight Foundation, Mrs. Clinton leads Mr. Trump 44 to 1 in donations from the country’s 25 richest zip codes, 24 of which are in New York and California.', '>>{SaintNicolasD} : >And you are an accurate representation of the right. Mass generalization of one incident while knowing fuck all about what your representatives are up to. How do you not see the blatant projection you are making in that statement? Do you not see how your "mass generalizing of the right" is no different than the above guy\'s "mass generalizing of the left"? You are literally no better than the other guy, yet there are SOOOOO many idiots with your same hypocritical ignorant mentality on both sides of the political spectrum. Please wake up.', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : I agree with you. Still you can let us yuck it up for a few minutes.', '>>{engnumber9} : Yep which means she is supported by the wealthy way more than Trump', ">>{jetpackswasyes} : It's always the gun that accidentally fired, never the moron holding it.", ">>{BlokeInTheMountains} : I'm sure he voted for the presidential candidate that will ensure the best healthcare for all Americans.", '>>{probablyuntrue} : But then who would protect the good guy with a gun?', '>>{largetesticles} : Opinionated bullshit. Of course the liberal media will report only on things that defend their narrative.', ">>{omg_stuff} : Trump's reference to rigging was very broad, including media coverage, party elites bias and more. I don't know the specific purpose of his 'watch the polls' statements, but I assume it was to energize his base.", '>>{jerkITwithRIGHTYnewb} : They only do stuff like that one days like today, before a big holiday or at least a Friday afternoon. If that story is going to break it will likely break any minute now. Ninja: words', '>>{noahcallaway-wa} : > Fuck, roll some god damned dice, the odds of a "1" are about 17% chance. It doesn\'t mean the dice are wrong when a "1" shows up. Of course the _dice_ aren\'t wrong. But if I have a 17% chance of rolling a 1, and then I roll a 1, clearly the 17% was wrong! ^(/s)', ">>{GaryRuppert} : Successfully challenge =/= Change the results She could challenge them all she wants but she lost this election. A challenge won't change the results.", '>>{jcw4455} : >Do Americans not understand basic stats?? After this year, we can never underestimate the stupidity of the American people.', ">>{GaryRuppert} : Isn't the top upvoted article in the history of his sub about voting machine conspiracies?", '>>{jerkITwithRIGHTYnewb} : I can see this all being a setup. This was the plan all along. Let Trump appear to win so people think the system works. Reverse the decision later and blame an outside source for corrupting the original data. The problem with this is that if they go and flip these states it will not be a transparent process. It would be so easy to manipulate what happens behind the scenes and falsify the results. I left my tinfoil hat around here somewhere...', '>>{largetesticles} : This comment is so fucking pathetic, it\'s sad. Since November it\'s been nonstop riots, harassment, and "hate crimes" as you\'d call them if they were done against you. Except they\'re justified against Trump supporters. Show me this shit happened in 2008 and 2012 when Obama won; it didn\'t. Now Trump supporters are getting censored on Reddit, defamed by the media (e.g. Kanye), getting the last treatment at universities, harassed by protesters, and I could go on for days. The funniest fucking thing is liberal dumbasses holding up signs with "#love tumps hate", that\'s got to be the funniest joke of the fucking century.', '>>{ResonantCascade} : Yeah, why would investigators know more than random internet guys who laughably already think they know all the facts?', '>>{GaryRuppert} : Judging by the national results, Russia apparently hacked a bunch of non-swing states to make results that matched the swing in MI/PA/WI Also apparently rigged a bunch of downballot races since Dems got wiped out all over the nation', '>>{thegreatdespiser} : >And there was a~~n accident~~ negligent jackass handling a gun. ftfy', '>>{largetesticles} : I think and "I don\'t think" - that\'s opinion, dumbshit. I don\'t know everything but I know English.', '>>{ResonantCascade} : And unfortunately the opinion of people working the case know much more than your armchair warrior ass. Poor guy, things hard outside of your little safe space.', '>>{nathan8999} : Honestly, I was just using "conspiracy" to shut shit down like r/politics loves to do. I don\'t care about speculation from either side. It\'s just ridiculous to see how hypocritical this place is.', '>>{Scoobydewdoo} : ...but if they do then that is obviously Fake News.', '>>{GaryRuppert} : If you wanna witness somebody gradually going insane, follow Keith Olbermann on Twitter. Went from "honor the results" in October to "Hillary must challenge the results because somebody tried to hack into my Twitter" in November. Some of the people on here are totally laying a foundation to simultaneously claim Trump stole the election and that Hillary let him do it.', '>>{misterdandy} : Lower body equals ass or groin. Anywhere else would be polite enough to call out by name.', '>>{LeMot-Juste} : He played with the toys he\'s obsessed with, and lost...a little bit. Schadenfreude, though perhaps petty, is not out of place. Wonder if he imagines the pain of the kids at Sandy Hook now, or if it\'s all about himhimhim and "Muh Gun".', '>>{FineToonedMachine} : This is one of the reasons people put up "no guns allowed" signs, to prevent accidents. Despite what some people might want you to believe the purpose of those signs has nothing to do with preventing mass shootings.', ">>{Scrimshawmud} : At least they survived. If a toddler had been there they'd have been a goner. Toddlers always win in a game of gun/toddler/adult. NRA! NRA! NRA!", ">>{True_to_you} : Can't be. That would imply that firearms aren't completely safe.", '>>{ihateconnecticut} : > “That’s horrifying,” Mrs. Clinton replied. “Let’s be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating — he is talking down our democracy. And I am appalled that someone who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that position.” When the only other person running has openly stated numerous times that the results of the election are what they are, and that we should never question them, why audit? When the sitting President says Fraud doesn\'t exist, why audit? I 100% agree that they should audit, but Democratic officials can\'t do it and at the same time look good. If they audit and Trump still wins, they look like sore losers forever. If they audit and Clinton wins, well...you\'ll have the people who said "fraud isn\'t real!" somehow beating the guy who said it was rigged, due to uncovering said impossible fraud. They\'d probably lose a good amount of independent support, and the next 4 years would be the biggest gridlock, making Obama look like he was able to pass everything.', ">>{thesilvertongue} : What are you talking about? She said you should accept the election results, not that fraud or incompetance can't exist or that auditing isn't a sensible practice. Besides, detailed accurate election data is still very valuable to strategists and policy makers. Its good to have so that politicians can better gauge the publics attitudes.", '>>{Captain_Who} : Optics be damned. Election results need to be dependable and secure.', ">>{allahfalsegod} : Anyone remember plaxico Burress shot himself in a club? Sweat pants are comfy but don't mix well with firearms, especially we faced with constant movement. I don't have a gun fetish but I've but carried things even after it dawns on me any forethought would have had me empty my pockets. My point, however belated, is shooting yourself in a club because you wore sweatpants is funny. It's the best case scenario when you view guns as accessories. Shooting yourself during a firearm safety course could only ever occur at in the HQ of the NRA. There's no other organization that can me from sharing a hobby to utter sadness in a single sentence.", ">>{zeromussc} : Fraud isn't supposed to be real. Voter fraud is effectively not real. The more traditional systems are very very hard to defraud. The electronic system might have some holes no one is aware of at this time. So it doesn't invalidate the previous position of fraud isn't real since that was made with all the info available at the time. It doesn't look good. But if the machines were somehow tampered with Thats cause for concern. Would you rather theybaudit and discover that now or 8 years from now when another election surprise result with similar red flags for audit occur? Its not about claiming the process is rigged. Audits are about ensuring compliance. This is very different. To be honest I'm surprised there isn't always a post mortem audit to ensure compliance.", ">>{GeorgeXKennan} : Yeah I agree, there's nothing much to do about this election but in future elections there should be an automatic audit of some statistically significant amount of election machines no matter the margins. Mainly just to help restore faith in the process.", ">>{Morat20} : In the end, a gun is a very efficient machine for killing things. That's why we give them to soldiers. One weird thing of the last few decades has been a serious decline in gun owners who view them that way. It's an efficient tool for killing. *Treat it like one*. Every time I hear about a toddler or a small kid getting ahold of a gun? There's an owner who thought of a gun as an expensive toy for fun. Every time there's an accidental discharge at a theater, or a restaurant, or a fricking office -- there's an owner who thinks it's a cool accessory. A gun's a tool. I don't carry a hammer around hoping to find a nail. It's in my toolbox, with the rest of my tools. I don't get the people who get unhappy they can't carry their pistols into a Denny's. Seriously, a friend of my Dad's --- lives in a suburb that's incredibly low-crime, never lived anywhere else, never been the victim of any crime more serious than littering -- guy carries TWO guns every where he goes. Gets furious when stores won't allow them inside. Why two? So they can't catch him reloading. Who is they? *I have no idea and neither does he*. And he's not alone, and I worry there's a lot more of guys like him than guys like my father in law, who owns a large number of guns (avid hunter, or used to be -- mostly bow hunts now, but enjoys target shooting), and keeps them secured when not in use and is deadly serious about range safety. You can guess which one I go shooting with.", '>>{shitpersonality} : The FBI is either a Russian puppet or a useful idiot. It is obvious that they rigged the election so Russia won.', '>>{soylientgreen} : No she conceded that night, she didnt give her concession speech until the following day', '>>{Morat20} : Every time I hear of a toddler shooting someone, I wonder why I don\'t hear about "gun owner charged". Criminal disregard for human life or something. If a toddler shoots someone with your gun, you\'re at fault. Sometimes I see charges file, but mostly I seem to hear "tragic accident" like the toddler just found the gun after a heavy pistol rain. You know how it is, act of God.', '>>{kevinS-} : Yeah, letting someone like HRC even get in the running for the general election really shows how moronic Americans can be.', '>>{GaryRuppert} : Not to mention all the Russian vote rigging in paper ballot counties where Hillary ran behind Obama', '>>{dickjeff} : Considering that a citizens right to vote is at the core of our society, I would like to think every election would be independently audited in some form or another. Obviously it would take a significant amount of time and money, but the significance of each vote outweighs the costs. In my mind, its no different than the financials of publicly traded companies being independently audited to provide assurance of their financials to investors.', ">>{d_abernathy89} : I've been there before. I'm from Texas, and this was before open carry was legalized here. It was so weird to see all the staffers walking around with pistols on their hips.", '>>{shitpersonality} : Pretty soon there will be articles saying Hillary Clinton is a Russian puppet.', '>>{thegenregeek} : > To me, the biggest indicator that this is all smoke and no fire is that the Clinton campaign haven\'t acted on it, despite apparently seeing all of the evidence in a lot more detail. As someone who is very anti-Clinton (but *not* pro-Trump), I think she and her team understands that even if this is all completely possible, there is no good outcome for her. (Right or wrong) Clinton has spent her entire career dogged by claims of gaming the system to get the result she wants. Nearly every controversy "The Clintons" have been called on involve an ethical grey area, where it\'s "technically legal". The expectation for Hillary is that she will use any means to win because that is her only true ambition. The rules here are what they are. She didn\'t win the required EC votes and she conceded. Assuming she ends up challenging the results here to her favor it would simply reiterate her oppositions view of her. She would basically play into the claims made of her by what she calls a "vast right wing conspiracy". She\'d (further?) legitimize them to the people who didn\'t vote for her and those already suspicious. She\'d be seen as political opportunist willing to do anything to win. If she then took office, somehow, from that point on she\'s have absolutely no mandate herself to achieve *anything*. The entire legislative branch of the federal government and how many states would all be hostile towards her. They would spend the next 4 years of any term she had blocking anything she\'d tried to accomplish. Claiming publicly that she changes the rules to benefit her own ambitions and is a threat to the country. (And Trump of course would be in the wings with Trump TV unifying opposition against her...) To say nothing of them trying with all their might to impeach her over the email scandal... For Clinton, despite being the first woman president (in this scenario), it would be a pyrrhic victory. She\'d have the title but no political capital to build any legacy with. And Clinton, despite what many may think is not an idiot. She understands how politics is played. She understands that sometimes in politics you have to swallow the bitter pill and move on. Live to fight another day. It may not be right and it may not be fair, but politics is neither.', ">>{NeoAcario} : Well you got one part 110% right. No self-respecting gun owner affiliates with the NRA. It's simple, really... they take your fees, lobby on behalf of gun/ammo manufacturers.. and feed you propaganda. Feel sorry for the accident. Likely not a very experienced gun owner that was nervous during a stressful training session and doesn't have trigger discipline set as muscle memory yet. Pulled the trigger either holstering or drawing the firearm. Not an infrequent injury. Baby steps with training, people. EDIT: I actually know that range... they do a variety of self-defense / concealed carry courses there. More than likely was one of those.", ">>{GaryRuppert} : There'll be articles saying Hillary was a plant to ensure a Trump victory", '>>{MrGelowe} : I love the part when he is trying to show the rifle and get yelled at "no, put it down."', '>>{golikehellmachine} : This is somewhat tangential, but Clinton\'s claims of a vast right-wing conspiracy look a whole lot more reasonable when you realize that a lot of the "alt-right" movers and shakers got their start during Bill Clinton\'s tenure. Otherwise, I agree with most of this.', '>>{captainant} : Id bet his booger hook was on the bang switch when he went to holster it, so the holster pushed his finger into the trigger, firing the gun. Accidents like this are 100% avoidable if you just follow the 4 fucking rules of firearm safety', '>>{The_Better_brother} : If an article ever asks a question, the answer is no.', ">>{subtleintensity} : You know where that would NEVER have happened? Any place that didn't have guns. Gotta have guns to have gun accidents.", '>>{NotJustAmy} : If it was a training exercise why would it have been loaded? And with real bullets? So many question.', '>>{gary_f} : [Funny how experts said this was impossible last month](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/how-to-rig-an-election/?hpid=hp_no-name_graphic-story-b%3Ahomepage%2Fstory). It\'s almost like the "experts" change their minds after their candidate loses. >Rigging a U.S. presidential election on Election Day would be an astonishing (and nearly impossible) feat, according to **experts**. Here’s what you’d have to do. > **...to hack the machines.** >FIRST… >... you’d need to know where each machine would be used and what its ballots would look like in order to write your code, because hyper-local races make ballots different in nearly every precinct. >THEN… >... you just push your code out to all the machines, right? Nope! Voting machines aren’t connected to the Internet, so you’d have to break into every building and tamper with each machine. >TO DO THAT… >... you’d need to get around the numbered, tamper-resistant plastic seal on each machine. And the code would need to sleep until Election Day, because election officials — watched by party representatives — test all machines ahead of time. >AND AGAIN… >... you’d need to replicate this scenario over and over to tip a county or state. (Fairfax County, for instance, has 1,125 voting machines.) >Unless you have a huge team of politically motivated cat burglars at your disposal, this may not be the most efficient option. You’d need a bigger hack, so… >... you could intercept numbers sent over the Internet from the precincts to the county or state and change them. The media might even report your bad numbers. > HOWEVER,… Machines spit out printed tapes that contain their totals. Local officials (and all those observers) will know something is wrong if they see different numbers than the ones they sent. >SO… >... you’d need everyone to keep quiet for days or even weeks, while results are checked, write-ins are counted and provisional votes are counted (or rejected). This process is public, and if the election is close, party observers and lawyers will be looking over every shoulder.', ">>{Asiatic_Static} : If it wasn't what /u/captainant said, I'll be he had an old/shitty leather holster. The leather can fold [like this](http://cdn1.bigcommerce.com/n-63unu/fs64x8ru/product_images/uploaded_images/snag.jpg) and pull the trigger", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : I wouldn't blame her one bit for sitting this one out and letting the country stew in it's own juices. Like she needs more heat. The crap that would rain down on her would be immense and the investigations into her would be reinvigorated. She would gain nothing but enmity.", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : Voter disenfranchisement laws are real and so is voter intimidation.', '>>{PoliticalStooge137} : Trump: "Hey Hillary, if you don\'t want me to throw you in jail, don\'t challenge the election results".', ">>{AngryBudgie13} : I'm considering buying a gun, and never thought of this being a problem!", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : I didn't mean whther it really happened. I just meant that Obama said that you couldnt manually manipulate many voting booths with force or fraud to influence the election He didn't mean hacking Not that I'm saying that;s really happening", '>>{Hardy723} : > The group of experts—which, includes voting-rights attorney John Bonifax, as well as J. Alex Halderman, director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society', '>>{Mount10Lion} : Any article that asks a question in the title is clickbait, and the answer is always no.', '>>{TrumanPeyote} : This would be election fraud, Republicans and Trump were talking mostly about voter fraud (or the "rigged media" every time they were too cowardly to make their claims straight up).', ">>{Gnome_Sane} : You know - It's totally believable that Russia has thousands of sleeper agents they activated to hack the individual non-networked computers... They are all the neonazis working in the Trump campaign I'm sure... This is all just basic fact. But the idea that the 11 million + Adult Illegal Immigrants living in Sanctuary Cities and insisting they be treated just like every other US citizen... Illegal Immigrants who only need a electric bill in their own name to register to vote... The idea that Illegal Immigrants could be voting is outrageous and racist, gnome sane?", ">>{andyb5} : I don't know about those states, I know WI is one of the tough states on Voter ID laws. But even with just MI, Trump still would have 276. For Wisconsin, Nate Silver gives a better detailed example and calls it BS. http://wsoctv.relaymedia.com/amp/news/trending-now/time-running-out-for-clinton-to-call-for-recount-in-three-swing-states/469739777", ">>{thewalkingfred} : The issue was never about whether or not the results were rigged. Of course they could be manipulated to some extent. The issue is that Trump was claiming it was rigged with no evidence at all. He was calling into question our democratic process for no reason other than to cynically motivate his base to turn out. Now that we see how close the election was and the likelyhood of foreign interference, it doesn't hurt to double check the results. It might calm some angry liberals a little knowing they lost fair and square.", '>>{Glados_HasCake} : Just to note, Gore conceded and then retracted when the data changed.', '>>{Gnome_Sane} : You are not supposed to compute, you are supposed to be afraid. You sound comfortable with Stalin and Hitler and Putin and Trump... Coincidence? You are probably some paid Neo-Nazi russian Trump hacker who hacked the US voting systems I bet... Gnome sane?', '>>{Stuckinaloop} : Fastest way to get your ass kicked is to compare a Russian to a Nazi. I am neither...', ">>{Gnome_Sane} : Ok, tough guy. Clearly you are not capable of seeing the alt-right neo nazi Putin computer hacker connection, even when it is right in front of you. Or maybe it's sarcasm. Who knows. If we can't trust the election results, what can we trust?", ">>{Stuckinaloop} : Thank you for the compliment. I may a bit full of myself, but once you've been tear-gassed a few times at peaceful protests, not to mention sting-balls, flash bangs, and charging horses, not to mention batons and such, a person might get a slightly inflated sense of their toughness.", '>>{ihateconnecticut} : > cynically motivate his base to turn out. And it worked. > Now that we see how close the election was and the likelyhood of foreign interference Give me 1 piece of evidence that there was *foreign interference with the voting machines.*', '>>{TruthSpeaker} : What happens if someone writes an article with the headline: "Is the answer always no when an article asks a question?"', '>>{holierthanthee} : > Rigging a U.S. presidential election on Election Day would be an astonishing (and nearly impossible) feat, according to experts [Your "experts" suck](https://www.google.com/search?q=election+machine+hack+usb+stick&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8)', ">>{enjoyingtheride} : You realize she was talking about our own citizens being accused of rigging the election, and being influenced by the incumbents? If she believes there needs to be a recount now, it's because there is a possibility of hacking from Russia.", '>>{ihateconnecticut} : Please, PLEASE show me evidence of hacking by Russia! Especially in Michigan where it is paper ballots with nothing connected to the internet. Literally any evidence, if you have any...', ">>{thewalkingfred} : Because it worked doesn't make it right. Playing Clinton up to be a corrupt criminal mastermind and threatening to jail her worked too despite being mostly lies. As to evidence, we have evidence of foreign influence and hacking. We know that the election was incredibly close in the important swing states, we know that the polls were very wrong for the first time in 100 years. Im saying we look to see if there's evidence of tampering. If there is none then fine, but this is not a normal election, it won't hurt to double check.", '>>{enjoyingtheride} : That\'s why it needs to be investigated lol. 62,000 ballots cast electronically, but 65,000 votes? (Not sure of exact numbers, but you get the jist) You can\'t have evidence without a recount. Also, I think you are mistaken. Michigan uses optical scan machines that aren\'t connected to the internet but can still be infected. Basic computer 101. > "In his blog post, Haldeman said one form of potential hacking is placing malware in voting machines "to shift a few percent of the vote to favor their desired candidate. The machines need not be connected to the Internet, he said." - Detroit Free Press', '>>{AttheCrux} : there are many different ways of manipulating electronic voting best video I know on the possibilities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3_0x6oaDmI&t=37s', '>>{YNot1989} : Were "experts" right about anything in this election?', '>>{JanJansenJansen} : Haha....Experts?....the same who gave her a 97% chance of winning..', '>>{Cuddle_Apocalypse} : Honestly, I think that\'s why she\'s not saying anything. After the shit she had to go through (well for years, but *especially*) this election, hearing your opponent come up with pretty much zero reasonable policy platforms, flip-flopping daily, saying just utterly demeaning things about huge swaths of people, and having controversy practically spewing out of every orifice in his body, and yet almost half the voting population happily ate all that shit up...I would not be the least bit surprised if she\'s just like "Fuck it. I don\'t even want y\'all no more." Ninja: I think she\'s also likely been aware that the presidency would be a nightmare for her, but the election pretty much confirmed it. If she had been elected, the obstructionism Obama faced would likely have been a comparative walk in the park.', ">>{Outlaw-In-Law} : It's this kind of teeth-gnashing and hair-splitting over political optics that empowers people to rig and steal elections with wanton abandon. I'm with others who say screw the optics involved because Republicans and the American people don't give a crap when election results are routinely challenged by Republican politicians. That is evident by NC Governor Pat McCrory's lawsuits over his recent loss in NC and when Republican Senator Norm Coleman lost to Al Franken. The country was greatly diminished after Al Gore conceded to Dubya instead of contesting the 2000 election theft as well. It's time Democratic politicians grew a spine and fought for the best interests of this nation. Absent that, the only way we're going to end the tyranny and oppression favored by oligarchs is bloodshed none of us want to resort to but will if there are no peaceful alternatives left.", '>>{pplhatefreespeech} : What happened to all that "accepting the outcome" talk from Clinton and her supporters?', ">>{jcdenton1558} : All the talk about not accepting the election results on Trump's part was a deliberate effort to get a response from Hillary that would subsequently make it politically impossible for her to argue with the election results.", '>>{hPerks} : Caveat: if the article\'s question contains the word "*really*", the answer is always yes.', ">>{HollowUkuleleChords} : To claim something is rigged before you have any evidence it is or isn't is ludicrous. To ask for an audit when there's substantial evidence something might be off is sane Stop with these false equivalences. It's destroying America.", '>>{dont4geturhere4ever} : Someone would have to be extremely ignorant or neck-deep in their own bias to not see that there is a vast right wing conspiracy against her. I think people just get tired of all of her faults being swept under that rug.', '>>{Jigsawpebbles} : Stop falling for this smooth transition shit, they owe it to the people to re count this shit! The world is at risk! Manipulated and pitted everyone against one another! look at this artical on bretbart, notice the video image still says "abort pence" then watch the video there is no sign to be seen! Its an article designd to provoke one particular reaction, HATE, its also insulting its own peoples intelligence. http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/11/23/abort-pence-unc-protesters-block-traffic/ Then note that bannon is the founder at bretbart. He\'s going to be in the whitehouse.', ">>{lunch_aint_on_me} : This isn't Clinton talking. I don't think she's given a public statement/appearance in a couple weeks either.", ">>{stuntkiter} : Your response was one of the best things I've ever read on this site.....great job/insight. I'm saving this comment.....gonna memorize it....and tell everybody, it's my own:) Nah, just kidding....it was good, though."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Gnome_Sane} : Experts Think Hillary Could Successfully Challenge the Election Results. Are They Right?', '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : lol no if there were anyway for the Clinton campaign to challenge they would have never conceded the election they looked at every possible option before doing so', '>>{Gnome_Sane} : That is basically what the article says, using Nate Silver to disprove it... But the traction it is getting makes me laugh heartily.', ">>{getridofappleskitle} : well obama said it's impossible to rig the election so....", '>>{golikehellmachine} : To me, the biggest indicator that this is all smoke and no fire is that the Clinton campaign haven\'t acted on it, despite apparently seeing all of the evidence in a lot more detail. For what it\'s worth, the researchers making these claims *aren\'t* saying that the election was hacked; they\'re saying that there are some irregularities that should warrant an audit. To the average partisan, that sounds like "ELECTION FRAUD!", but to a security researcher, it\'s not especially controversial.', '>>{omg_stuff} : Ok, either one could be considered rigging, as could hacking.', ">>{thesilvertongue} : Even if it doesn't I can't think of any reason why we shouldn't audit the election results when it is this close. I say do it regardless.", '>>{thesilvertongue} : Can we really keep trusting Nate Silver after this election though?', '>>{Gnome_Sane} : > the election they looked at every possible option before doing so Which is why she didn\'t concede until the following day. The story really isn\'t about proving anything or changing anything. It\'s about building a narrative that Democrats can hang onto that helps paint the "Good vs. Evil" worldview. It\'s much easier to stay a Democrat if you think Bushitler and Darth Cheney stole the elections, just like Putin and his Puppet Trump (Trumpet?) did. I mean, you don\'t have any choice at that point - right? You *have* to be a democrat... or else you are evil. It\'s a little harder to keep your support riled up and 100% if they accept the loss as something deserved... Because of something *they* did... If you put your hand up and say "Hey guys... are we maybe over doing it a little calling everyone who disagrees with us Nazis and all - and is maybe that behavior the reason why we lost?" - Look OUT! Nobody wants to hear that at the Democrat\'s Thanksgiving table! They want to hear about Trump\'s Migrant Death Camps and how the stock market has collapsed and how Putin must have thousands of sleeper agents in the US to hack all those machines - Probably all alt-right racists working on the Trump campaign... Or maybe they are secret owners of the voting machines! Yeah... that\'s it... that\'s the ticket. They were all hacked at the factory! **Cause we are the good guys! And bad guys only win when they cheat!** And it is our life struggle to be a Democrat - A good guy - for the sake of saving humanity and the world! And if the Electoral college doesn\'t revolt, and the election results are not challenged - that\'s just one more reason to keep up the good fight.', ">>{Negative_Clank} : Don't worry, all the experts in this thread will tell you the answer", '>>{iceblademan} : I agree, with a caveat. "Rigging" as colloquially used this election cycle seemed to refer to voter fraud i.e. a person attempting to vote more than once in one or more jurisdictions. This was quite apparent when Trump told his supporters to go watch the polls. He never once said "go to your county election board and make sure your vote is correct."', '>>{georgefarley2} : Though not central to the article, I\'m getting fucking annoyed by comments like: > But then again, he gave Trump only a 32.1% chance of winning this year, Do Americans not understand basic stats?? (I know, the answer is "no") Trump winning was a big upset, but it doesn\'t mean Silver, or anyone else that gave Trump 10%+ to win was WRONG. A 33% chance means the under dog will win often! Fuck, roll some god damned dice, the odds of a "1" are about 17% chance. It doesn\'t mean the dice are wrong when a "1" shows up.', '>>{row_guy} : Nate Silver was yelling from the roof tops that trump could have a good chance of winning...', ">>{omg_stuff} : Trump's reference to rigging was very broad, including media coverage, party elites bias and more. I don't know the specific purpose of his 'watch the polls' statements, but I assume it was to energize his base.", '>>{jerkITwithRIGHTYnewb} : They only do stuff like that one days like today, before a big holiday or at least a Friday afternoon. If that story is going to break it will likely break any minute now. Ninja: words', '>>{noahcallaway-wa} : > Fuck, roll some god damned dice, the odds of a "1" are about 17% chance. It doesn\'t mean the dice are wrong when a "1" shows up. Of course the _dice_ aren\'t wrong. But if I have a 17% chance of rolling a 1, and then I roll a 1, clearly the 17% was wrong! ^(/s)', ">>{GaryRuppert} : Successfully challenge =/= Change the results She could challenge them all she wants but she lost this election. A challenge won't change the results.", '>>{jcw4455} : >Do Americans not understand basic stats?? After this year, we can never underestimate the stupidity of the American people.', ">>{GaryRuppert} : Isn't the top upvoted article in the history of his sub about voting machine conspiracies?", '>>{jerkITwithRIGHTYnewb} : I can see this all being a setup. This was the plan all along. Let Trump appear to win so people think the system works. Reverse the decision later and blame an outside source for corrupting the original data. The problem with this is that if they go and flip these states it will not be a transparent process. It would be so easy to manipulate what happens behind the scenes and falsify the results. I left my tinfoil hat around here somewhere...', '>>{GaryRuppert} : Judging by the national results, Russia apparently hacked a bunch of non-swing states to make results that matched the swing in MI/PA/WI Also apparently rigged a bunch of downballot races since Dems got wiped out all over the nation', '>>{nathan8999} : Honestly, I was just using "conspiracy" to shut shit down like r/politics loves to do. I don\'t care about speculation from either side. It\'s just ridiculous to see how hypocritical this place is.', '>>{GaryRuppert} : If you wanna witness somebody gradually going insane, follow Keith Olbermann on Twitter. Went from "honor the results" in October to "Hillary must challenge the results because somebody tried to hack into my Twitter" in November. Some of the people on here are totally laying a foundation to simultaneously claim Trump stole the election and that Hillary let him do it.', '>>{ihateconnecticut} : > “That’s horrifying,” Mrs. Clinton replied. “Let’s be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating — he is talking down our democracy. And I am appalled that someone who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that position.” When the only other person running has openly stated numerous times that the results of the election are what they are, and that we should never question them, why audit? When the sitting President says Fraud doesn\'t exist, why audit? I 100% agree that they should audit, but Democratic officials can\'t do it and at the same time look good. If they audit and Trump still wins, they look like sore losers forever. If they audit and Clinton wins, well...you\'ll have the people who said "fraud isn\'t real!" somehow beating the guy who said it was rigged, due to uncovering said impossible fraud. They\'d probably lose a good amount of independent support, and the next 4 years would be the biggest gridlock, making Obama look like he was able to pass everything.', ">>{thesilvertongue} : What are you talking about? She said you should accept the election results, not that fraud or incompetance can't exist or that auditing isn't a sensible practice. Besides, detailed accurate election data is still very valuable to strategists and policy makers. Its good to have so that politicians can better gauge the publics attitudes.", '>>{Captain_Who} : Optics be damned. Election results need to be dependable and secure.', ">>{zeromussc} : Fraud isn't supposed to be real. Voter fraud is effectively not real. The more traditional systems are very very hard to defraud. The electronic system might have some holes no one is aware of at this time. So it doesn't invalidate the previous position of fraud isn't real since that was made with all the info available at the time. It doesn't look good. But if the machines were somehow tampered with Thats cause for concern. Would you rather theybaudit and discover that now or 8 years from now when another election surprise result with similar red flags for audit occur? Its not about claiming the process is rigged. Audits are about ensuring compliance. This is very different. To be honest I'm surprised there isn't always a post mortem audit to ensure compliance.", ">>{GeorgeXKennan} : Yeah I agree, there's nothing much to do about this election but in future elections there should be an automatic audit of some statistically significant amount of election machines no matter the margins. Mainly just to help restore faith in the process.", '>>{shitpersonality} : The FBI is either a Russian puppet or a useful idiot. It is obvious that they rigged the election so Russia won.', '>>{soylientgreen} : No she conceded that night, she didnt give her concession speech until the following day', '>>{kevinS-} : Yeah, letting someone like HRC even get in the running for the general election really shows how moronic Americans can be.', '>>{GaryRuppert} : Not to mention all the Russian vote rigging in paper ballot counties where Hillary ran behind Obama', '>>{dickjeff} : Considering that a citizens right to vote is at the core of our society, I would like to think every election would be independently audited in some form or another. Obviously it would take a significant amount of time and money, but the significance of each vote outweighs the costs. In my mind, its no different than the financials of publicly traded companies being independently audited to provide assurance of their financials to investors.', '>>{shitpersonality} : Pretty soon there will be articles saying Hillary Clinton is a Russian puppet.', '>>{thegenregeek} : > To me, the biggest indicator that this is all smoke and no fire is that the Clinton campaign haven\'t acted on it, despite apparently seeing all of the evidence in a lot more detail. As someone who is very anti-Clinton (but *not* pro-Trump), I think she and her team understands that even if this is all completely possible, there is no good outcome for her. (Right or wrong) Clinton has spent her entire career dogged by claims of gaming the system to get the result she wants. Nearly every controversy "The Clintons" have been called on involve an ethical grey area, where it\'s "technically legal". The expectation for Hillary is that she will use any means to win because that is her only true ambition. The rules here are what they are. She didn\'t win the required EC votes and she conceded. Assuming she ends up challenging the results here to her favor it would simply reiterate her oppositions view of her. She would basically play into the claims made of her by what she calls a "vast right wing conspiracy". She\'d (further?) legitimize them to the people who didn\'t vote for her and those already suspicious. She\'d be seen as political opportunist willing to do anything to win. If she then took office, somehow, from that point on she\'s have absolutely no mandate herself to achieve *anything*. The entire legislative branch of the federal government and how many states would all be hostile towards her. They would spend the next 4 years of any term she had blocking anything she\'d tried to accomplish. Claiming publicly that she changes the rules to benefit her own ambitions and is a threat to the country. (And Trump of course would be in the wings with Trump TV unifying opposition against her...) To say nothing of them trying with all their might to impeach her over the email scandal... For Clinton, despite being the first woman president (in this scenario), it would be a pyrrhic victory. She\'d have the title but no political capital to build any legacy with. And Clinton, despite what many may think is not an idiot. She understands how politics is played. She understands that sometimes in politics you have to swallow the bitter pill and move on. Live to fight another day. It may not be right and it may not be fair, but politics is neither.', ">>{GaryRuppert} : There'll be articles saying Hillary was a plant to ensure a Trump victory", '>>{golikehellmachine} : This is somewhat tangential, but Clinton\'s claims of a vast right-wing conspiracy look a whole lot more reasonable when you realize that a lot of the "alt-right" movers and shakers got their start during Bill Clinton\'s tenure. Otherwise, I agree with most of this.', '>>{The_Better_brother} : If an article ever asks a question, the answer is no.', '>>{gary_f} : [Funny how experts said this was impossible last month](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/how-to-rig-an-election/?hpid=hp_no-name_graphic-story-b%3Ahomepage%2Fstory). It\'s almost like the "experts" change their minds after their candidate loses. >Rigging a U.S. presidential election on Election Day would be an astonishing (and nearly impossible) feat, according to **experts**. Here’s what you’d have to do. > **...to hack the machines.** >FIRST… >... you’d need to know where each machine would be used and what its ballots would look like in order to write your code, because hyper-local races make ballots different in nearly every precinct. >THEN… >... you just push your code out to all the machines, right? Nope! Voting machines aren’t connected to the Internet, so you’d have to break into every building and tamper with each machine. >TO DO THAT… >... you’d need to get around the numbered, tamper-resistant plastic seal on each machine. And the code would need to sleep until Election Day, because election officials — watched by party representatives — test all machines ahead of time. >AND AGAIN… >... you’d need to replicate this scenario over and over to tip a county or state. (Fairfax County, for instance, has 1,125 voting machines.) >Unless you have a huge team of politically motivated cat burglars at your disposal, this may not be the most efficient option. You’d need a bigger hack, so… >... you could intercept numbers sent over the Internet from the precincts to the county or state and change them. The media might even report your bad numbers. > HOWEVER,… Machines spit out printed tapes that contain their totals. Local officials (and all those observers) will know something is wrong if they see different numbers than the ones they sent. >SO… >... you’d need everyone to keep quiet for days or even weeks, while results are checked, write-ins are counted and provisional votes are counted (or rejected). This process is public, and if the election is close, party observers and lawyers will be looking over every shoulder.', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : I wouldn't blame her one bit for sitting this one out and letting the country stew in it's own juices. Like she needs more heat. The crap that would rain down on her would be immense and the investigations into her would be reinvigorated. She would gain nothing but enmity.", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : Voter disenfranchisement laws are real and so is voter intimidation.', '>>{PoliticalStooge137} : Trump: "Hey Hillary, if you don\'t want me to throw you in jail, don\'t challenge the election results".', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : I didn't mean whther it really happened. I just meant that Obama said that you couldnt manually manipulate many voting booths with force or fraud to influence the election He didn't mean hacking Not that I'm saying that;s really happening", '>>{Hardy723} : > The group of experts—which, includes voting-rights attorney John Bonifax, as well as J. Alex Halderman, director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society', '>>{Mount10Lion} : Any article that asks a question in the title is clickbait, and the answer is always no.', '>>{TrumanPeyote} : This would be election fraud, Republicans and Trump were talking mostly about voter fraud (or the "rigged media" every time they were too cowardly to make their claims straight up).', ">>{Gnome_Sane} : You know - It's totally believable that Russia has thousands of sleeper agents they activated to hack the individual non-networked computers... They are all the neonazis working in the Trump campaign I'm sure... This is all just basic fact. But the idea that the 11 million + Adult Illegal Immigrants living in Sanctuary Cities and insisting they be treated just like every other US citizen... Illegal Immigrants who only need a electric bill in their own name to register to vote... The idea that Illegal Immigrants could be voting is outrageous and racist, gnome sane?", ">>{andyb5} : I don't know about those states, I know WI is one of the tough states on Voter ID laws. But even with just MI, Trump still would have 276. For Wisconsin, Nate Silver gives a better detailed example and calls it BS. http://wsoctv.relaymedia.com/amp/news/trending-now/time-running-out-for-clinton-to-call-for-recount-in-three-swing-states/469739777", ">>{thewalkingfred} : The issue was never about whether or not the results were rigged. Of course they could be manipulated to some extent. The issue is that Trump was claiming it was rigged with no evidence at all. He was calling into question our democratic process for no reason other than to cynically motivate his base to turn out. Now that we see how close the election was and the likelyhood of foreign interference, it doesn't hurt to double check the results. It might calm some angry liberals a little knowing they lost fair and square.", '>>{Glados_HasCake} : Just to note, Gore conceded and then retracted when the data changed.', '>>{Gnome_Sane} : You are not supposed to compute, you are supposed to be afraid. You sound comfortable with Stalin and Hitler and Putin and Trump... Coincidence? You are probably some paid Neo-Nazi russian Trump hacker who hacked the US voting systems I bet... Gnome sane?', '>>{Stuckinaloop} : Fastest way to get your ass kicked is to compare a Russian to a Nazi. I am neither...', ">>{Gnome_Sane} : Ok, tough guy. Clearly you are not capable of seeing the alt-right neo nazi Putin computer hacker connection, even when it is right in front of you. Or maybe it's sarcasm. Who knows. If we can't trust the election results, what can we trust?", ">>{Stuckinaloop} : Thank you for the compliment. I may a bit full of myself, but once you've been tear-gassed a few times at peaceful protests, not to mention sting-balls, flash bangs, and charging horses, not to mention batons and such, a person might get a slightly inflated sense of their toughness.", '>>{ihateconnecticut} : > cynically motivate his base to turn out. And it worked. > Now that we see how close the election was and the likelyhood of foreign interference Give me 1 piece of evidence that there was *foreign interference with the voting machines.*', '>>{TruthSpeaker} : What happens if someone writes an article with the headline: "Is the answer always no when an article asks a question?"', '>>{holierthanthee} : > Rigging a U.S. presidential election on Election Day would be an astonishing (and nearly impossible) feat, according to experts [Your "experts" suck](https://www.google.com/search?q=election+machine+hack+usb+stick&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8)', ">>{enjoyingtheride} : You realize she was talking about our own citizens being accused of rigging the election, and being influenced by the incumbents? If she believes there needs to be a recount now, it's because there is a possibility of hacking from Russia.", '>>{ihateconnecticut} : Please, PLEASE show me evidence of hacking by Russia! Especially in Michigan where it is paper ballots with nothing connected to the internet. Literally any evidence, if you have any...', ">>{thewalkingfred} : Because it worked doesn't make it right. Playing Clinton up to be a corrupt criminal mastermind and threatening to jail her worked too despite being mostly lies. As to evidence, we have evidence of foreign influence and hacking. We know that the election was incredibly close in the important swing states, we know that the polls were very wrong for the first time in 100 years. Im saying we look to see if there's evidence of tampering. If there is none then fine, but this is not a normal election, it won't hurt to double check.", '>>{enjoyingtheride} : That\'s why it needs to be investigated lol. 62,000 ballots cast electronically, but 65,000 votes? (Not sure of exact numbers, but you get the jist) You can\'t have evidence without a recount. Also, I think you are mistaken. Michigan uses optical scan machines that aren\'t connected to the internet but can still be infected. Basic computer 101. > "In his blog post, Haldeman said one form of potential hacking is placing malware in voting machines "to shift a few percent of the vote to favor their desired candidate. The machines need not be connected to the Internet, he said." - Detroit Free Press', '>>{AttheCrux} : there are many different ways of manipulating electronic voting best video I know on the possibilities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3_0x6oaDmI&t=37s', '>>{YNot1989} : Were "experts" right about anything in this election?', '>>{JanJansenJansen} : Haha....Experts?....the same who gave her a 97% chance of winning..', '>>{Cuddle_Apocalypse} : Honestly, I think that\'s why she\'s not saying anything. After the shit she had to go through (well for years, but *especially*) this election, hearing your opponent come up with pretty much zero reasonable policy platforms, flip-flopping daily, saying just utterly demeaning things about huge swaths of people, and having controversy practically spewing out of every orifice in his body, and yet almost half the voting population happily ate all that shit up...I would not be the least bit surprised if she\'s just like "Fuck it. I don\'t even want y\'all no more." Ninja: I think she\'s also likely been aware that the presidency would be a nightmare for her, but the election pretty much confirmed it. If she had been elected, the obstructionism Obama faced would likely have been a comparative walk in the park.', ">>{Outlaw-In-Law} : It's this kind of teeth-gnashing and hair-splitting over political optics that empowers people to rig and steal elections with wanton abandon. I'm with others who say screw the optics involved because Republicans and the American people don't give a crap when election results are routinely challenged by Republican politicians. That is evident by NC Governor Pat McCrory's lawsuits over his recent loss in NC and when Republican Senator Norm Coleman lost to Al Franken. The country was greatly diminished after Al Gore conceded to Dubya instead of contesting the 2000 election theft as well. It's time Democratic politicians grew a spine and fought for the best interests of this nation. Absent that, the only way we're going to end the tyranny and oppression favored by oligarchs is bloodshed none of us want to resort to but will if there are no peaceful alternatives left.", '>>{pplhatefreespeech} : What happened to all that "accepting the outcome" talk from Clinton and her supporters?', ">>{jcdenton1558} : All the talk about not accepting the election results on Trump's part was a deliberate effort to get a response from Hillary that would subsequently make it politically impossible for her to argue with the election results.", '>>{hPerks} : Caveat: if the article\'s question contains the word "*really*", the answer is always yes.', ">>{HollowUkuleleChords} : To claim something is rigged before you have any evidence it is or isn't is ludicrous. To ask for an audit when there's substantial evidence something might be off is sane Stop with these false equivalences. It's destroying America.", '>>{dont4geturhere4ever} : Someone would have to be extremely ignorant or neck-deep in their own bias to not see that there is a vast right wing conspiracy against her. I think people just get tired of all of her faults being swept under that rug.', '>>{Jigsawpebbles} : Stop falling for this smooth transition shit, they owe it to the people to re count this shit! The world is at risk! Manipulated and pitted everyone against one another! look at this artical on bretbart, notice the video image still says "abort pence" then watch the video there is no sign to be seen! Its an article designd to provoke one particular reaction, HATE, its also insulting its own peoples intelligence. http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/11/23/abort-pence-unc-protesters-block-traffic/ Then note that bannon is the founder at bretbart. He\'s going to be in the whitehouse.', ">>{lunch_aint_on_me} : This isn't Clinton talking. I don't think she's given a public statement/appearance in a couple weeks either.", ">>{stuntkiter} : Your response was one of the best things I've ever read on this site.....great job/insight. I'm saving this comment.....gonna memorize it....and tell everybody, it's my own:) Nah, just kidding....it was good, though."], ['>>{chippinganimal} : Maybe the raise to wake feature is conflicted or glitch if out, if you have that on.', '>>{DylanFucksTurkeys} : My 6S will randomly vibrate and when I turn on the screen there are no notifications', ">>{thecub1991} : Nope, don't even have that on... I turned that off when the feature came available lol.", '>>{thecub1991} : so weird.. maybe email? or a snapchat?', '>>{got556} : I have this "feature" happen every now and then also. Raise to wake is off. 6S 10.0.2 and 10.1.1 both have allowed this to occur.', ">>{thecub1991} : It's gotta be some glitch... I wish apple wouldn't mess things up and give us nice things while not messing things up lol.", ">>{helloyesthisismeg} : I have had that happen lately on my 6, which doesn't support raise to wake.....weirds me out.", ">>{DailyNate} : My 7+ does this. I shut off the notifications for the stock mail app so it's not that. Next I'll probably shut off the gmail app and see if that fixes it that.", ">>{FireStorrrm} : iPhone 6 10.2 - Sometimes when my screen dims before it turns off, it'll light back up as if a notification came through. Pretty weird.", '>>{killerskullz} : I had this happen before on iOS 9 too, especially with Facebook Messenger. Usually, if I am at my computer and I am on messenger.com or I have messenger.com open in some tab (but I am not focused on it), sometimes my iPhone will light up without any notifications showing. I check messenger on my computer, and I always have a notification. I am not sure how this is implemented internally, but I notice it happens when I get "double" notified, and the computer notifications are prioritized. Also had this happen sometimes on Gmail notifications.', ">>{Spiderpirate} : does this happen when you're plugged in? I had this issue and realized it's because of a faulty cord plugging and unplugging itself (plugging in a iPhone causes it to wake the screen for a moment)", '>>{jetfuelmeme} : [Phantom vibration syndrome, maybe?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_vibration_syndrome?wprov=sfsi1)', '>>{DylanFucksTurkeys} : Oh definitely not, I would leave it on my desk and would end up being distracted by the loud noise', ">>{thecub1991} : No, it just happens at the most random times like it acts like I have a notification when I don't."], ['>>{engnumber9} : Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump 44 to 1 in donations from wealthiest areas', '>>{engnumber9} : Hillary Clinton: Candidate of the Wall Street rich.', ">>{hearthneewb} : Kinda goes to show just how much economic damage Trump's plans are going to do.", '>>{alphaincident} : Parsed into GOP lingo: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump 44 to 1 in donations from job creators.', ">>{Opcn} : I don't know, most of the donations to trumps campaign are from one billionaire who stands to gain massive personal power and has abused power in the past to gain wealth. He leads her by quite a margin in contributions from billionaires... I suspect she also has a big lead in contributions from the poor and from minorities.", '>>{censorshipistheprob} : Well you gotta admit, Trump told all these poor folks if the vote Clinton nothing will change for them, and these rich donors are making sure of it.', '>>{AureumMan} : Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Are the rich inherently bad?', '>>{engnumber9} : Source that Trump gets more from billionaires? Soros the billionaire, Bill Gates the billionaire donate to Clinton and the democrats. I can get sources if you need them.', ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : She's kicking the shit out of Trump in fundraising as if Donald gifting her 5 new disqualifying statements everyday wasn't enough.", '>>{PeaSeaPrincipal} : Fucking pathetic lies. Nuance, motherfucker, learn it.', ">>{Opcn} : Trump spent more than 40 million on himself. How much did Soros and Gates spend? Not 40 million. You could argue that Trump isn't really a billionaire but I don't buy that. He has billions in assets, he didn't earn them, but he has them.", '>>{seanosul} : > Hillary Clinton: Candidate of the Wall Street rich. More evidence that the further right you go, you end up with the same arguments as the extreme left and vice versa. Although with the right is a not so hidden anti semitism further disguised by pro Likud support.', '>>{seanosul} : If they vote Trump, they get a nice designer uniform, (made in China) some nice boots and 14 words to remember.', '>>{futtinutti} : Or as Hillary likes to call it: Pay to Play', ">>{Big_Booty_Pics} : He didn't inherit billions of dollars, his dad was worth, at the most in his prime, around 500M, which would be assumed to be split between all of his children, not just Donald", '>>{WatermelonRat} : >According to a study by the Sunlight Foundation, Mrs. Clinton leads Mr. Trump 44 to 1 in donations from the country’s 25 richest zip codes, 24 of which are in New York and California.', '>>{engnumber9} : Yep which means she is supported by the wealthy way more than Trump'], ['>>{tainted_waffles} : Four Arrested After Beating Man and Yelling "F*** White People"', '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : As opposed to the loving embrace of the right.', ">>{tainted_waffles} : How many Hillary supporters have been kidnapped and tortured on Facebook? Don't you dare try and legitimize this by saying both sides do it. This is on a whole different level.", ">>{IBringYouToBurn} : I don't know, the guy could have been a convert to Islam and was wearing the trump shirt for safety. All you guys hate Muslims, right?", '>>{tainted_waffles} : Nazis tortured mentally challenged people. AKA what the folks yelling "Fuck Trump" did in the video. That argument ain\'t gonna fly this time.', '>>{momokie} : Yeah, when Trump said build the wall, it was basically the same thing as kidnapping people and torturing them publicly to brag about it.', '>>{gaeuvyen} : What does the victim have to do with any of that?', '>>{ggyujjhi} : This story will keep getting removed from this sub, despite it being clearly political', ">>{gaeuvyen} : Does anyone else remember back in September '16 when David Duke claimed that Hillary Clinton wanted black people to kidnap and torture white people?", '>>{iknowthatpicture} : They were black too, do they represent all black people as well as all Hillary people? They like Facebook as well, do they represent all Facebook users as well? They probably like guns as well, would they in that case represent all gun users as well? Or maybe you just like to cherry pick what they represent huh? Cause all I see is a bunch of psychopaths looking for an excuse to be psychopathic.', ">>{Dakaggo} : It's hard to believe when it's not from a reliable source. Please link to a group less prone to false reporting, like the national enquirer.", '>>{newsupermariomaker} : >liberals actually think throwing a temper tantrum because they lost the election is tolerable I wonder if those upstanding men against white supremacy even voted', '>>{iknowthatpicture} : And you are an accurate representation of the right. Mass generalization of one incident while knowing fuck all about what your representatives are up to.', '>>{IBringYouToBurn} : I seriously doubt the thugs have any political leanings at all. I do know they hate trump and took their hate out in a most horrendous way, nobody here approves of that shit.', '>>{CMelody} : Knock it off with the hyper partisanship. Is this what Americans are reduced to now? Determining what political affiliation all criminals are and using that to demonize the other side? What next, will someone produce a spreadsheet of all mass shooters and what Presidential candidate they voted for? What a pointless waste of energy.', '>>{ResonantCascade} : >Johnson said **authorities currently don\'t believe the crime was politically motivated, despite the disparaging remarks about Trump.** >"I think some of it is just stupidity, people just ranting about something that they think might make a headline," Johnson said. "I don\'t think that at this point we have anything concrete to really point us in that direction, but we\'ll keep investigating and we\'ll let the facts guide us on how this concludes Tell me more of their political leanings you know absolutely nothing about.', '>>{Not_Cleaver} : Is an [ABC News article](http://abcnews.go.com/US/chicago-police-arrest-connection-sickening-assault-video-posted/story?id=44560823) good enough for you?', '>>{SaintNicolasD} : The Mississippi church burning story made it to the front page here, yet somehow this story will be considered "off topic" by the mods and be suppressed. Funny how that works in this shithole of a subreddit.', '>>{tainted_waffles} : What are you going off about? I made no generalizations about the animals who did this. I simply pointed out that they were yelling "Fuck Trump" which shows that these actions were at least in some part politically motivated.', ">>{tainted_waffles} : I was simply pointing out the false equivalence. This shouldn't be about partisanship but to deny the political and social contexts leading up to this is disingenuous.", '>>{SaintNicolasD} : >And you are an accurate representation of the right. Mass generalization of one incident while knowing fuck all about what your representatives are up to. How do you not see the blatant projection you are making in that statement? Do you not see how your "mass generalizing of the right" is no different than the above guy\'s "mass generalizing of the left"? You are literally no better than the other guy, yet there are SOOOOO many idiots with your same hypocritical ignorant mentality on both sides of the political spectrum. Please wake up.', '>>{largetesticles} : Opinionated bullshit. Of course the liberal media will report only on things that defend their narrative.', '>>{largetesticles} : This comment is so fucking pathetic, it\'s sad. Since November it\'s been nonstop riots, harassment, and "hate crimes" as you\'d call them if they were done against you. Except they\'re justified against Trump supporters. Show me this shit happened in 2008 and 2012 when Obama won; it didn\'t. Now Trump supporters are getting censored on Reddit, defamed by the media (e.g. Kanye), getting the last treatment at universities, harassed by protesters, and I could go on for days. The funniest fucking thing is liberal dumbasses holding up signs with "#love tumps hate", that\'s got to be the funniest joke of the fucking century.', '>>{ResonantCascade} : Yeah, why would investigators know more than random internet guys who laughably already think they know all the facts?', '>>{largetesticles} : I think and "I don\'t think" - that\'s opinion, dumbshit. I don\'t know everything but I know English.', '>>{ResonantCascade} : And unfortunately the opinion of people working the case know much more than your armchair warrior ass. Poor guy, things hard outside of your little safe space.'], [">>{TinyBaron} : [Guns don't shoot people...](https://youtu.be/rX7wtNOkuHo)", '>>{Lyin_Don} : if only there was a good guy with a gun there to protect him from himself', '>>{eggpie} : Rofl. Responsible gun owners, ladies and gentlemen. No self-respecting gun owner will ever affiliate themselves with the farce that is the NRA. They are the Autism Speaks of the 2nd Amendment.', '>>{Psy1} : >The incident happened while the man holstered his pistol and it accidentally fired, police said. What? So you have a firing range, someone holsters the weapon and it goes off? And this was a safety exercise?', ">>{krashnburn200} : >Guns don't shoot people... Fuck.... somebody better tell the army then... It's back to the drawing board.", ">>{ScholarOfTwilight} : I'm glad he's okay and hope he makes a full recovery. I say that while hating the organization for which he works and its ridiculous stance on even the most basic common sense legislation to save lives.", ">>{MaximumEffort433} : >full recovery I'd be okay if he had a limp.", '>>{MaximumEffort433} : Because the NRA is one of the biggest lobbying organizations in the United States, and they constantly present themselves as the shining star of responsible gun ownership. Plus, generally speaking, fuck the NRA.', ">>{grifkiller64} : He liked things I don't like, I hope he has a permanent disability! /s", '>>{Lochmon} : NRA is a political lobbying organization. From there opinions diverge.', ">>{lolzwinner} : big deal, how many driving instructors crashed a car today? it's political bullshit. i hate you all. goodnight", ">>{MaximumEffort433} : I don't know if he actually *liked* shooting himself, but whatever.", ">>{Lord_Lebanon} : I'm joining the NRA btw. And there was an accident. Accidents happen. This is not political and more of an overblown thing.", ">>{AngryBudgie13} : I'm assuming the pistol had a trigger guard? Did something snag the trigger? How the hell did this guy manage this? So many questions.", ">>{Psy1} : It is a odd accident. You would think a NRA staffer would pick a pistol that has a reliable safety as only collectors and gangsters bother with the shit tier pistols that are poorly built and designed. You'd also think being a responsible gun owner they would remember check their firearm before hosteling it, ensuring they don't have a jam and the safety is engaged. Lastly you would think they would have proper trigger discipline while holstering so even if the safety was off the trigger wouldn't be pressed in.", '>>{Plisskens_snake} : I agree with you. Still you can let us yuck it up for a few minutes.', ">>{jetpackswasyes} : It's always the gun that accidentally fired, never the moron holding it.", ">>{BlokeInTheMountains} : I'm sure he voted for the presidential candidate that will ensure the best healthcare for all Americans.", '>>{probablyuntrue} : But then who would protect the good guy with a gun?', '>>{thegreatdespiser} : >And there was a~~n accident~~ negligent jackass handling a gun. ftfy', '>>{Scoobydewdoo} : ...but if they do then that is obviously Fake News.', '>>{misterdandy} : Lower body equals ass or groin. Anywhere else would be polite enough to call out by name.', '>>{LeMot-Juste} : He played with the toys he\'s obsessed with, and lost...a little bit. Schadenfreude, though perhaps petty, is not out of place. Wonder if he imagines the pain of the kids at Sandy Hook now, or if it\'s all about himhimhim and "Muh Gun".', '>>{FineToonedMachine} : This is one of the reasons people put up "no guns allowed" signs, to prevent accidents. Despite what some people might want you to believe the purpose of those signs has nothing to do with preventing mass shootings.', ">>{Scrimshawmud} : At least they survived. If a toddler had been there they'd have been a goner. Toddlers always win in a game of gun/toddler/adult. NRA! NRA! NRA!", ">>{True_to_you} : Can't be. That would imply that firearms aren't completely safe.", ">>{allahfalsegod} : Anyone remember plaxico Burress shot himself in a club? Sweat pants are comfy but don't mix well with firearms, especially we faced with constant movement. I don't have a gun fetish but I've but carried things even after it dawns on me any forethought would have had me empty my pockets. My point, however belated, is shooting yourself in a club because you wore sweatpants is funny. It's the best case scenario when you view guns as accessories. Shooting yourself during a firearm safety course could only ever occur at in the HQ of the NRA. There's no other organization that can me from sharing a hobby to utter sadness in a single sentence.", ">>{Morat20} : In the end, a gun is a very efficient machine for killing things. That's why we give them to soldiers. One weird thing of the last few decades has been a serious decline in gun owners who view them that way. It's an efficient tool for killing. *Treat it like one*. Every time I hear about a toddler or a small kid getting ahold of a gun? There's an owner who thought of a gun as an expensive toy for fun. Every time there's an accidental discharge at a theater, or a restaurant, or a fricking office -- there's an owner who thinks it's a cool accessory. A gun's a tool. I don't carry a hammer around hoping to find a nail. It's in my toolbox, with the rest of my tools. I don't get the people who get unhappy they can't carry their pistols into a Denny's. Seriously, a friend of my Dad's --- lives in a suburb that's incredibly low-crime, never lived anywhere else, never been the victim of any crime more serious than littering -- guy carries TWO guns every where he goes. Gets furious when stores won't allow them inside. Why two? So they can't catch him reloading. Who is they? *I have no idea and neither does he*. And he's not alone, and I worry there's a lot more of guys like him than guys like my father in law, who owns a large number of guns (avid hunter, or used to be -- mostly bow hunts now, but enjoys target shooting), and keeps them secured when not in use and is deadly serious about range safety. You can guess which one I go shooting with.", '>>{Morat20} : Every time I hear of a toddler shooting someone, I wonder why I don\'t hear about "gun owner charged". Criminal disregard for human life or something. If a toddler shoots someone with your gun, you\'re at fault. Sometimes I see charges file, but mostly I seem to hear "tragic accident" like the toddler just found the gun after a heavy pistol rain. You know how it is, act of God.', ">>{d_abernathy89} : I've been there before. I'm from Texas, and this was before open carry was legalized here. It was so weird to see all the staffers walking around with pistols on their hips.", ">>{NeoAcario} : Well you got one part 110% right. No self-respecting gun owner affiliates with the NRA. It's simple, really... they take your fees, lobby on behalf of gun/ammo manufacturers.. and feed you propaganda. Feel sorry for the accident. Likely not a very experienced gun owner that was nervous during a stressful training session and doesn't have trigger discipline set as muscle memory yet. Pulled the trigger either holstering or drawing the firearm. Not an infrequent injury. Baby steps with training, people. EDIT: I actually know that range... they do a variety of self-defense / concealed carry courses there. More than likely was one of those.", '>>{MrGelowe} : I love the part when he is trying to show the rifle and get yelled at "no, put it down."', '>>{captainant} : Id bet his booger hook was on the bang switch when he went to holster it, so the holster pushed his finger into the trigger, firing the gun. Accidents like this are 100% avoidable if you just follow the 4 fucking rules of firearm safety', ">>{subtleintensity} : You know where that would NEVER have happened? Any place that didn't have guns. Gotta have guns to have gun accidents.", '>>{NotJustAmy} : If it was a training exercise why would it have been loaded? And with real bullets? So many question.', ">>{Asiatic_Static} : If it wasn't what /u/captainant said, I'll be he had an old/shitty leather holster. The leather can fold [like this](http://cdn1.bigcommerce.com/n-63unu/fs64x8ru/product_images/uploaded_images/snag.jpg) and pull the trigger", ">>{AngryBudgie13} : I'm considering buying a gun, and never thought of this being a problem!"]]
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[">>{aubonpaine} : He's a shovel-rights champion. He'll make prison labor great again.", '>>{0ne_Word} : To anyone who bought those lies, I have a bridge to sell you.', '>>{babavangalives} : Intuition tells me that this is how we are going to "save money" on construction labor for Trumps $22 billion Dick Mold. Sessions has the keys, now. Strap in.', ">>{indigowarrior} : Ooh! I have always lamented that we didn't live in an era with Pharaohs building monuments to themselves, and here comes Trump with just the prescription. /s", ">>{shadow_banned_man} : I'm excited for chain gangs of minors again! JSess is the best!", '>>{GonzoNation} : They still have to "do it over" to "get it right." That\'s a lot of what Republicans do. They don\'t get that the reason it doesn\'t work is it was a mistake. That\'s why we have to keep trying "trickle down" and "cut higher ed" and "repeal Obamacare" and now even Smoot-Hawley and the Great Depression. This time we will have a depression that will work. > they sought to deflect the 30-year-old allegations of racism that had derailed Sessions’ nomination to the federal bench in 1986. Yep. "This time for sure." Next week - a Muslim ban that works.', '>>{theseekerofbacon} : They have to, its propaganda to fight reality. The man once referred to a white civil rights activist as a "traitor to his race" He claimed he was quoting someone else. But that was mild obfuscation to cover for a statement that should have never been made. If they didn\'t do this, the only narrative out there on his stance on race would be his trail of bigoted and repressive actions. Once they floated a more comforting narrative, Trump\'s supporters were happy to eat up the easier narrative than come to terms with the fact that this is what they voted for.', '>>{TrappedLabRat} : I can\'t believe this guy become AG even though he has a history of advocating for more mass incarceration that ended up disproportionately targeting minorities. He\'s also on tape calling Black kids "super predators" that need to be brought to heel. One of his greatest mentors was a FUCKING KKK member. This country is fucked.', '>>{dtg99} : Clinton is shit. Sessions is shit. See what I did there?', '>>{seedofcheif} : Yes the KKK member that revoked everything he said, called it the worst thing her ever done and was honored by the NAACP when he died. You can stop it with the shitty Trump memes please']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{aubonpaine} : He's a shovel-rights champion. He'll make prison labor great again.", '>>{0ne_Word} : To anyone who bought those lies, I have a bridge to sell you.', '>>{babavangalives} : Intuition tells me that this is how we are going to "save money" on construction labor for Trumps $22 billion Dick Mold. Sessions has the keys, now. Strap in.', ">>{indigowarrior} : Ooh! I have always lamented that we didn't live in an era with Pharaohs building monuments to themselves, and here comes Trump with just the prescription. /s", ">>{shadow_banned_man} : I'm excited for chain gangs of minors again! JSess is the best!", '>>{GonzoNation} : They still have to "do it over" to "get it right." That\'s a lot of what Republicans do. They don\'t get that the reason it doesn\'t work is it was a mistake. That\'s why we have to keep trying "trickle down" and "cut higher ed" and "repeal Obamacare" and now even Smoot-Hawley and the Great Depression. This time we will have a depression that will work. > they sought to deflect the 30-year-old allegations of racism that had derailed Sessions’ nomination to the federal bench in 1986. Yep. "This time for sure." Next week - a Muslim ban that works.', '>>{theseekerofbacon} : They have to, its propaganda to fight reality. The man once referred to a white civil rights activist as a "traitor to his race" He claimed he was quoting someone else. But that was mild obfuscation to cover for a statement that should have never been made. If they didn\'t do this, the only narrative out there on his stance on race would be his trail of bigoted and repressive actions. Once they floated a more comforting narrative, Trump\'s supporters were happy to eat up the easier narrative than come to terms with the fact that this is what they voted for.', '>>{TrappedLabRat} : I can\'t believe this guy become AG even though he has a history of advocating for more mass incarceration that ended up disproportionately targeting minorities. He\'s also on tape calling Black kids "super predators" that need to be brought to heel. One of his greatest mentors was a FUCKING KKK member. This country is fucked.', '>>{dtg99} : Clinton is shit. Sessions is shit. See what I did there?', '>>{seedofcheif} : Yes the KKK member that revoked everything he said, called it the worst thing her ever done and was honored by the NAACP when he died. You can stop it with the shitty Trump memes please']]
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['>>{monkeyheadyou} : She would be the most qualified person in the room.', '>>{Fatandmean} : I am sure this how I envisioned the world ending.', '>>{Highglider87} : >MATTHEWS: OK. The trouble is, when you said that, the whole world heard it. David Cameron in Britain heard it. The Japanese, where we bombed them in 45, heard it. They`re hearing a guy running for president of the United States talking of maybe using nuclear weapons. Nobody wants to hear that about an American president. TRUMP: Then why are we making them? Why do we make them? MSNBC, March 30, 2016', ">>{Names_Stan} : Logan's solution: Reality show! Meaning Trump's bound to say yes to the meeting.", ">>{mrpickleby} : Trump's new show: Celebrity Diplomat! (What could go wrong?)", ">>{tigre912} : Donald Trump's comment on Lindsay Lohan in 2004: http://money.cnn.com/2016/10/14/media/donald-trump-on-lindsay-lohan/", '>>{Roseking} : What the fuck is going on? As a side note, I thought this was two different headlines at first.', '>>{Iamgonge} : I think her intentions are to offer a London bridge, but she\'ll probably be asked to sit in the corner and watch them "resolve" the crisis.', ">>{Kharn0} : Thank god launching them involves memorization or I'd never sleep", ">>{EndoShota} : That's a nice thought, Ms. Lohan, but Trump and Putin's actions have shown that they don't give two shits about Syrian refugees, and a washed up child actor who's trying to regain some semblance of validity by visiting a refugee camp probably isn't the person to change their minds.", '>>{1snowflakeofmany} : Stop making fetch happen, it is not going to happen!', ">>{Ireallydontlikereddi} : What's a coked up female between two johns? A russian american snow bunny.", '>>{smithcm14} : She seriously knows more about this crisis than Trump does, because she googled "refugee crisis" beforehand.', ">>{madeleine_albright69} : So an annoying celebrity, someone unqualified to be US president and an agitator for Russia? And I haven't even started to talk about Lohan and Putin...", '>>{monkeyheadyou} : Yea. I wish I was making a joke. But we all know the sad truth.', ">>{icewitch} : I give up on thinking that this mess can't get any more ridiculous. It continues to prove me wrong sometimes multiple times of day.", ">>{MessAffect} : She's a celebrity, whom Trump basically admitted he wouldn't be averse to having sex with; she could actually be capable of manipulating him more than even Bannon if she played it right. I'm almost willing to give her a chance (the Turkey stuff notwithstanding).", ">>{batsofburden} : It's so crazy that it just might . . . nope.", ">>{madmars} : I'm almost certain Trump forgot the procedure already. That's our saving grace. We have a president that is insane enough to launch them, but stupid enough to not know how.", ">>{titanic_eclair} : >I don't believe it, it's like I can't make anyone happy, you know? If I'd successfully launched the nuke, I'd be the bad guy, okay? But I refrain because I'm like, a decent guy, and we get hit. Half of us die and it's my fault somehow? Typical lying press! Look, I want to take credit for this, because I believe that what I did was truly right and good, ok? I want to take credit, but Obama did the same thing in 2008, except more people died!"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{monkeyheadyou} : She would be the most qualified person in the room.', '>>{Fatandmean} : I am sure this how I envisioned the world ending.', '>>{Highglider87} : >MATTHEWS: OK. The trouble is, when you said that, the whole world heard it. David Cameron in Britain heard it. The Japanese, where we bombed them in 45, heard it. They`re hearing a guy running for president of the United States talking of maybe using nuclear weapons. Nobody wants to hear that about an American president. TRUMP: Then why are we making them? Why do we make them? MSNBC, March 30, 2016', ">>{Names_Stan} : Logan's solution: Reality show! Meaning Trump's bound to say yes to the meeting.", ">>{mrpickleby} : Trump's new show: Celebrity Diplomat! (What could go wrong?)", ">>{tigre912} : Donald Trump's comment on Lindsay Lohan in 2004: http://money.cnn.com/2016/10/14/media/donald-trump-on-lindsay-lohan/", '>>{Roseking} : What the fuck is going on? As a side note, I thought this was two different headlines at first.', '>>{Iamgonge} : I think her intentions are to offer a London bridge, but she\'ll probably be asked to sit in the corner and watch them "resolve" the crisis.', ">>{Kharn0} : Thank god launching them involves memorization or I'd never sleep", ">>{EndoShota} : That's a nice thought, Ms. Lohan, but Trump and Putin's actions have shown that they don't give two shits about Syrian refugees, and a washed up child actor who's trying to regain some semblance of validity by visiting a refugee camp probably isn't the person to change their minds.", '>>{1snowflakeofmany} : Stop making fetch happen, it is not going to happen!', ">>{Ireallydontlikereddi} : What's a coked up female between two johns? A russian american snow bunny.", '>>{smithcm14} : She seriously knows more about this crisis than Trump does, because she googled "refugee crisis" beforehand.', ">>{madeleine_albright69} : So an annoying celebrity, someone unqualified to be US president and an agitator for Russia? And I haven't even started to talk about Lohan and Putin...", '>>{monkeyheadyou} : Yea. I wish I was making a joke. But we all know the sad truth.', ">>{icewitch} : I give up on thinking that this mess can't get any more ridiculous. It continues to prove me wrong sometimes multiple times of day.", ">>{MessAffect} : She's a celebrity, whom Trump basically admitted he wouldn't be averse to having sex with; she could actually be capable of manipulating him more than even Bannon if she played it right. I'm almost willing to give her a chance (the Turkey stuff notwithstanding).", ">>{batsofburden} : It's so crazy that it just might . . . nope.", ">>{madmars} : I'm almost certain Trump forgot the procedure already. That's our saving grace. We have a president that is insane enough to launch them, but stupid enough to not know how.", ">>{titanic_eclair} : >I don't believe it, it's like I can't make anyone happy, you know? If I'd successfully launched the nuke, I'd be the bad guy, okay? But I refrain because I'm like, a decent guy, and we get hit. Half of us die and it's my fault somehow? Typical lying press! Look, I want to take credit for this, because I believe that what I did was truly right and good, ok? I want to take credit, but Obama did the same thing in 2008, except more people died!"]]
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[">>{hetellsitlikeitis} : Elon is out of his element here. At best this is a good faith effort to curry admin favor, but even then he's in way over his head and is just going to lose credibility on all sides...", '>>{alltheacro} : That keyboard looks damn close to an Apple bluetooth keyboard...', ">>{Destillat} : I feel like I can see where he's coming from, but this is pretty weirdly communicated. But he's a weird dude.", '>>{-Sk3ptical-} : *Rebublicare This is why 2018 is so important.', '>>{tldr-b0t} : Beep Boop! I have reduced this [article](http://www.wptz.com/money/nobel-prize-winner-tells-clinton-tax-fossil-fuels/41431880) to 77 of the original 447 words (**82.8%** less): >Stiglitz, who is an adviser to Clinton, says taxing carbon would be the best way to address climate change -- and boost the U.S. economy. >Republican Donald Trump has said he doesn\'t believe in climate change and that Democratic plans to address it are "just a very, very expensive form of tax." >Bernie Sanders, who ran against Clinton in the primary, supports a tax on carbon. *Top key phrases*: **climate change** | **Republican Donald Trump** | **U.S. economy** | **plans** | **Bernie Sanders**', '>>{qwas78999} : Until they can predict climate, ( not weather ) 30 days in advance, count me as being skeptical.', ">>{billrariden} : I'm astonished to learn that 24 million people got someone else to pay for their health insurance. It's an obviously unsustainable program and we're fortunate that our president and the GOP are taking steps to fix it before it becomes a complete catastrophe.", '>>{mafco} : Record average global temperatures the last ten years, melting glaciers and ice caps. What more do you need?', '>>{whackysack} : Report: Per NSA request, Yahoo built “custom software” to spy on “hundreds of millions” of email accounts', '>>{reallyjay} : And if Trump allows a meeting to address these issues, Bannon will be there. Everyone will walk out saying "great, productive meeting. lots of good ideas. very receptive to our concers." Bannon will then tell Trump how they\'re undermining his authority, he can\'t back down on the promises he made. He has to stay strong and stay the course. As a matter of fact, Trump needs to expand these bans to really assert his dominance and protect the country from the muslims. It\'s two power hungry narcissists, feeding off of each other. Difference is that Bannon still has has strategic skills , Trump just goes with whatever supports propping up his warped self identity at any given moment, and Stever knows how to make Donny feel powerful and masculine. It\'s only going to escalate from here on out.', '>>{Shodid} : If it passes, I hope those who are sick and made destitute with little left to lose because of the law will remember who voted for it.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : What I really don't understand is if the government is still spying on all of us and scanning our emails and social network accounts, how is it that the FBI keeps letting suspected terrorists that are on their radar continue to commit acts of terror on US soil? What are they using all this information for if not to stop terrorists that **they already know about?**", '>>{blork3} : In the article he says that is why he loves it.', ">>{duffmanhb} : The point of collecting the data is to come back to it after the fact. So say, there is a terror attack, they can then go back, and unravel this person's entire life. They can discover who they know, when they talked, what they talked about, where they went... Everything. This gives them the intelligence to completely unravel whatever network they were a part of. Or say you want to do a background check or spy on someone... Again, this is a perfect trove of information. What it's not good at though, is finding upcoming terror attacks with nothing directing them there in the first place... Because that's not what it's designed for. Not really justifying it, just explaining what it's used for.", '>>{CrinkIe420} : Thank you for putting "LAPTOP-LIKE KEYBOARDS ARE THE BEST" in big magenta letters to save me the time.', '>>{rtv190} : Why not just call this "Microsoft went full Apple" and end it there?', ">>{carbs90} : I highly doubt terrorists are planning attacks over email, and if they are, they're using code words to avoid the obvious ones that would likely trigger software. No, this is much sinister than trying to protect us from terrorism.", ">>{WhoeverMan} : I'm really glad that at least one other brand is making good keyboards with short-travel keys. Who knows, they may even start a much needed trend for more options. It is really annoying that all good keyboard makers only ever make keyboards with long-travel keys. At some point in the last decades a circlejerk emerged that long-travel is inherently good and short travel is inherently bad, and the whole industry became a mono-culture that leaves out everyone who finds short-travel more comfortable.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Well if that's the case then the information they are collecting is useless and they should not be collecting it, but I don't believe that's true. With enough computing power they can cull out the useful information from any mountain of data. The US government should have access to virtually unlimited computing power, so I think it's reasonable to assume they can get the information they need. I'm guessing they are just not acting on it.", ">>{1461DaysInHell} : He got in bed with the Donnie and thought he could influence him for the better, unfortunately, he just going to get covered in Donnie's wet dreams of totalitarianism.", ">>{cmagee79} : I'd like to re-write it as well. Granted, it'll just involve me holding down the backspace and delete keys, but a re-write nonetheless.", '>>{Choco316} : My favorite Keyboard/Mouse is the Amazon Basics one. Great low profile keyboard and pretty responsive mouse', ">>{Mitt_Romney_USA} : A veritable dutch oven of hate and half-digested Arby's.", '>>{sanspri} : > What are they using all this information masturbation, extortion, blackmail', ">>{dr_durp} : No biggie. By coincidence those exact same 24 million people don't want healthcare, so, win/win.", '>>{dr_durp} : And these were the people who were worried about "Death Panels". *snort', ">>{pure_sniffs_ideology} : Because if you're poor you should die. Got it. Or lose your job because you got sick. Sounds about right.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : > The point of collecting the data is to come back to it after the fact. So say, there is a terror attack, they can then go back, and unravel this person's entire life. Well, even if this is the case, many of the perpetrators of recent terror attacks in the US were already known to the FBI well before their attacks. There is still no excuse for letting these people carry out their attacks.", '>>{stevenmcountryman2} : Except it has a full number key pad, which Apple users have been begging for on the bluetooth option for years.', '>>{Trombosaurus} : The Yahoo hacker sold login information for 200 million accounts for just 3 bitcoins?', ">>{chimichangaXL} : What's the difference between this and the MS designer keyboard besides the full numeric pad ?", '>>{HUSTLEMAN420} : Basics always surprises me with the quality. Their HDMI cables and camera cases are great.', ">>{relax_live_longer} : I love all these people who meet with Trump and are like 'he agreed with what I wanted him to agree with, and would never lie to me even though he lies to everyone else!'", '>>{hanjoba} : I always had a question maybe someone here can answer. When dealing with taxing fossil fuels using cap a trade, does it just give an advantage to larger businesses and their ability to outspend smaller competition? They can purchase/trade for an increase in the option to create more investments/products? Possibly creating more "crowding out" of sorts? Sorry, I just find myself always leaning left until i hit that hurdle under cap and trade', ">>{johnfrance} : What does that even mean? The climate isn't a measure of anything on a particular day, its basically an average of weather over time. It's like you just said 'tell me what my diet (not food I ate that particular day) will be Thursday of next week'. Well I can't because that's not any of this works. Diet is the average food you eat and is mostly persistent over time even though the food you eat from day to day is different, saying 'what will the climate be in 30 days' doesn't mean anything!", '>>{el-toro-loco} : Maybe add a line about how illegal immigration investigations begin with Melania Trump', '>>{harmless-error} : Used one of each briefly while using a Surface Book (before switching back to MBP), and I would almost surely use these over the corresponding peripherals. Both look, feel, and function nicely. If I decide to use an external keyboard and mouse on my MBP, will almost surely get these.', '>>{Darpots} : I actually use a wired Mac keyboard on my work Windows pc. I have yet to find anything that comes close to the typing experience.', ">>{trek4} : ...who doesn't seem to have a clue about Trump's 'weirdness', i.e. personality disorder.", ">>{StonerMeditation} : People who voted for trump are going to be really surprised when their taxes go up, and the rich are getting MORE tax breaks. There will be NO wall. Immigrants won't be sent home. Insurance companies will run health care AGAIN - returning to their appalling restrictions. There will be detention camps to silence Trumps critics. We will have another war, and republicans will get deferments so their rich-white kids don't have to go. And there will be NO jobs, infrastructure repair, or social programs. http://deadstate.org/here-are-7-ways-trump-is-becoming-everything-he-criticized-hillary-for/ **Release your TAXES TrumpleThinSkin**. (Alec Baldwin)", ">>{JesusDiedForMexico} : They're the only people who thought 2016 was important.", ">>{duffmanhb} : Well we still have limited resources. We have a lot of known potential threats. We just can't do a thorough analysis on every single one. However, look at the Paris attacks and how we worked with the French to entirely break down that entire network within days. That was because of programs like this.", ">>{somerandomguy03} : I don't care what he is, as long as he is successful with his Mars plans.", '>>{omeow} : Plus I doubt if FBI has enough manpower to actually follow through all the leads they get from these sources. Clearly they have to prioritize and that is technically a difficult job..', ">>{billrariden} : I'm debonair. And a raconteur. Also an Orthodox Pedestrian who masticates frequently.", ">>{ComradeGibbon} : He doesn't have enough life experience to know what he's in for. Had a contractor I was working with for a bit. He worked at companies with employer supplied health insurance for many years. Got laid off, no health insurance despite having 'paid in' for over 20 years. Got sick and nearly bankrupted. The reverse is true. People that have never had health insurance. Then get a job with health benefits and are covered for something expensive.", ">>{mafco} : A straight carbon tax is much simpler and can't be 'gamed' like a cap and trade system. I think that's why most economists prefer it.", '>>{johnfrance} : A carbon tax is almost unanimously understood by economists to be the best option for reducing CO2 emissions in a business friendly way. The thing with the carbon tax is that it replaces the cap and trade system which is a frankly horrible. Literally I was listening to an economics lecture recorded in 2003 the other day and the lecture said that a carbon tax was the best possible options for both the environment and the economy, at least relative to cap and trade, and that was 13 years ago. Since then only more economists have come around to it.', '>>{qwas78999} : It is well known that NOAA and other governmental agencies change historical records, they call it adjusting, to fit a narrative. Open your eyes 👀.', '>>{caliform} : I got this with my Surface Studio. The keyboard is great. Really, very good. The mouse is fucking AWFUL. It feels cheap, and it is a cramped piece of junk. This article must be paid off or something.', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Hahaha! You do realize that Aca is paid for? By taxes on rich people?', '>>{EditorsChoiceTech} : Including numeric keypad in this keyboard is a good feature to consider.', '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : Our federal government will spend $4 Trillion this year. I think we could hire more people at the FBI to follow up on leads related to known or suspected terrorists so we can disrupt their plans before they actually blow something up.', '>>{LegitJesseee} : Looks like a grey version of an Apple Bluetooth keyboard with a numpad...', ">>{AkirIkasu} : Clearly the extra buttons would require too much power, which would make the entire keyboard melt! I'm certainly not bitter about it.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : > Well we still have limited resources. We have a lot of known potential threats. We just can't do a thorough analysis on every single one. Why not? Hire more people. It's a matter of priority, and I think our federal government wastes many, many billions of dollars on things that are much lower priority than disrupting terror plots.", '>>{fearsome_crocostimpy} : An opinion! Must be a shill... Come on.', '>>{Ryan_Long_} : That keyboard looks so nice! Probably gonna get one.', ">>{Opie67} : In most reasonable carbon tax plans, the revenue collected is given back to households. And you say that as if there aren't viable options for many outside of coal and gas power.", ">>{hotpotamus} : In spite of all technological advances, we still can't convict anyone of future crimes.", ">>{Lurial} : Sigh, I really ahould build my own email server. If yahoo did it I'm sure the others did too.", ">>{Inspector-Space_Time} : This isn't the movie, money doesn't solve all problems. A major issue with computing right now is the best way to handle these huge data sets. The data the government is collecting on us is most likely to huge to go over with any intelligence using today's technology and AIs. However, it allows them to rewind the clock. As in when you get a terrorist, you can go back and see if he talked with anyone else in the past. That's still hugely beneficial, but also shows you why they can't easily prevent this stuff. Plus when the technology gets too a point where a computer can analyze and understand the data, you're already collecting it.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : > The data the government is collecting on us is most likely to huge to go over with any intelligence using today's technology and AIs. Wrong. Companies like Google, Microsoft and Amazon do it every day.", ">>{billrariden} : Liberals define 'rich' as everyone who has a penny more than they do.", ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : How do you think insurance works? If your house burns down, other people's premiums go to paying your insurance payout.", '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : Umm, no but we can watch them and disrupt their plot before they actually execute it.', ">>{billrariden} : The ACA forces people to buy a product they may not need. That's not insurance.", ">>{LA_all_day} : Yeah this is basically apple as seen through redmond's eyes", ">>{Opie67} : Then maybe coal and gas shouldn't be the power source getting billions in subsidies. And a carbon tax would/should also be [gradual](http://citizensclimatelobby.org/carbon-fee-and-dividend/basics-carbon-fee-dividend/) so as not to cause serious disruption to the economy.", '>>{hanjoba} : I see. Interesting how much a straight tax would effect long term growth choices though.', ">>{alltheacro} : Odd then that for years I've had an apple bluetooth keyboard with a full number pad.", ">>{Jackbeingbad} : Currently we give fossil fuel companies BILLIONS while they're one of the most profitable group of businesses. Only consumer taxes are allowed on fossil fuels.", ">>{ChaosNil} : Been using their tablet bag for my Galaxy Tab S and keyboard. Holds a ton and I don't need my backpack or a laptop bag that is overkill for what I'd be taking to work or coffee shop.", '>>{stilloriginal} : basically, in this situation, more permits/credits could simply be "created". It depends on the rules that are set. Even if the rules say this can\'t happen, it would be considered market manipulation and illegal. I would be interested to hear of any cases of this happening.', ">>{omeow} : >Our federal government will spend $4 Trillion this year. I think we could hire more people at the FBI to follow up on leads related to known or suspected terrorists so we can disrupt their plans before they actually blow something up. When you mention FBI rounding up terrorist suspects it gets the law and order candidates orgasmic and when you mention the $4trillion cost they feel guilty for jerking off to government spending. My point being given the current status of Congress I doubt how much government can spare FBI for following up domestic terrorist leads. It is also a difficult question as to what extent FBI should investigate a threat seriously. It also gets into thorny questions about electronic surveillance. Statistically most of this leads won't pan out. How do you justify this massive spending in the face of crumbling infrastructure? How do you oversee that all this money is used appropriately by FBI. It is a complicated issue and it needs a lot of thought..", '>>{not_djslinkk} : She already rejected this part of the party platform. http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/287223-clinton-campaign-carbon-price-is-not-her-plan', '>>{Starmedia11} : I thought it was scandalous for Clinton to take the advice or consul of Noble laureates. Has something changed?', '>>{Funklestein} : You know who else makes an equal amount of billions? The [government on the taxation](http://www.factcheck.org/2008/04/gasoline-tax-profits/) of gasoline.', '>>{jordanthejordna} : haha dude that is *exactly* what insurance is.', ">>{Inspector-Space_Time} : They don't though. The amount of data they have is far less than what the government collects. And the analysis they do on the data is child's play compared to what would be needed to prevent future terrorist attacks. I'm a programmer who has worked on some big data systems. So from my perspective, it's a large obvious difference. I recommend you read a bit about big data and machine learning. You can do some amazing things with that technology, but it isn't magic.", '>>{Jackbeingbad} : At the consumer level. Like I said. We only allow the non-rich to be taxed.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : > They don't though. The amount of data they have is far less than what the government collects. And the analysis they do on the data is child's play compared to what would be needed to prevent future terrorist attacks. Obviously I don't have the actual details but I'm pretty sure Google crunches far more data on a daily basis than the US government collects from spying. Regardless, it's just data and it's just hardware. If they are willing to spend the money there's really no limit to how much data they can crunch. I'm sure they Amazon or Microsoft cloud could easily do the job. The government could just build their own or buy the service from one of the providers.", '>>{d00ns} : What will this do besides send more business to China and India? A carbon tax will have zero net effect if businesses just move.', '>>{pure_sniffs_ideology} : I take it you make over 650k a year then?', '>>{AtomicKoala} : US fossil fuel taxes are ridiculously low given your emissions are twice ours.', '>>{AtomicKoala} : How come we in Europe have manufacturing as a higher percent of GDP then? Energy costs are marginal compared to say, employee healthcare and wages.', ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : If you want a mortgage to buy a house, you **need** to buy house insurance. That is a product you might never need. It's the exact same situation.", ">>{billrariden} : Take out the word 'if' and you're correct. No one is forced to buy a house. With Obamacare we're forced to buy insurance. Sorry.", ">>{jose_john} : Economics isn't a real science. Economists didn't predict the financial crisis. Those capitalist apologists basically said everything was fine until it collapsed, and you expect us to listen to what economists say? Lol", ">>{SunTzu-} : Politically too much of a battle, especially as the voters don't support it (correct me if I'm wrong and there are recent surveys saying voters would favour this). Good idea, just not a first term policy, maybe not even feasible during a second term.", ">>{Catma} : And there's still gonna be a shortfall in funding to maintain the interstate system, which gas taxes pay for.", ">>{d00ns} : I'm not sure what you are saying. Europe has higher energy costs and higher employee benefits yet still manufactures more than countries without those things? If this is what you are arguing, why do those companies stay in Europe when they could move to countries with lower costs of production?", '>>{TheDarkAgniRises} : I remember reading that the governments in the world pledged to stop subsidizing them by 2025 at the latest, and many invenstors worth almost 2 trillion combined are almost forcing them to stop subsidizing them by 2020 even...so good news, I guess.', ">>{Funklestein} : The rich don't use the roads? Companies like Walmart who have thousands of trucks traversing the country daily don't use gas or pay the taxes on said gas? BTW all corporate taxes are also consumer level taxes. All increased taxes ever do is reduce consumption, which I acknowledge is the goal here but what do you propose we replace the gasoline with? Electric vehicles only shift the fossil fuels to coal burning power plants where yo have the same problem. That is, unless you wish to give tax cuts to those rich people in the way of subsidies who try to compete in the alternative energy market.", ">>{Danny_Internets} : Maybe he should try telling Congress because presidents can't, you know, levy taxes.", ">>{mrregmonkey} : This isn't true! Carbon taxes are better if you know more about how to price carbon. Cap and trade is better if you know more about the optimal quantity of carbon.", ">>{mrregmonkey} : Don't ask economic questions here. Ask in an economics sub. /r/badeconomics or /r/askeconomics are better. I'll be upfront and say I mod askeconomics", ">>{mrregmonkey} : Definitely a good idea but doesn't go far enough!", ">>{mrregmonkey} : Cap and trade is a perfectly fine proposal. It's preferable to carbon tax if you know more about the optimal quantity of carbon than the optimal price. However, both are better than nothing or command and control regulation.", '>>{AtomicKoala} : My point is energy is only one factor. The US imposes huge healthcare burdens on companies which are much lighter in Europe.', ">>{black_ravenous} : > Economics isn't a real science. Economists didn't predict the financial crisis. What does the second sentence have to do with the first one? Are you implying they should have predicted it?", '>>{PanchoVilla4TW} : It is not being upvoted because it comes from an Economics-which-is-Not-Really-a-Nobel-Prize. It is being upvoted because the opinion is agreed with.', '>>{PanchoVilla4TW} : > Electric vehicles only shift the fossil fuels to Solar, Eolic, Hydrogen-Fuel-Cells, Nuclear/Molten Salt. Coal is already on its way out, as must Gas soon.', '>>{PanchoVilla4TW} : Carbon Tax can be exponentially increased according to total carbon production to make it economically not viable to produce current levels. Cap and Trade looks more gameable, and less straightforward.', '>>{PanchoVilla4TW} : Sufficient technology exists to replace most of the input provided by fossil fuels, particularly in regards to plastics/polymers. Oil is not indispensable to humanity.', ">>{mrregmonkey} : >Carbon Tax can be exponentially increased according to total carbon production to make it economically not viable to produce current levels. It's going to be very hard to know how to do this. You will be playing experimentor which many people's livelihoods. >Cap and Trade looks more gameable, and less straightforward. Depends on the proposal. If the government gives every firm X amount of permits and lets firms sell them to each other that's stupid. We should use a cap and trade to raise revenue, by say, auctioning them off at the beginning of every year.", '>>{Funklestein} : I agree that more is coming online but not enough to replace the current and future need to power vehicles. And if the problem is being corrected then why the need for the tax?', '>>{PanchoVilla4TW} : Drastically decrease the rate of production of methane and carbon pollution. If it was up to fossil fuel industries this change would take place by 2050.', ">>{d00ns} : Oh I see. Yeah I agree. But we don't need more straws to break the camel's back.", '>>{sethop} : Pretty much any kind of tax has been political poison in the US for decades - Republicans in particular can\'t get elected without swearing some kind of blood oath to Mammon that they\'ll never support any kind of tax increase on anything. Go against *that* oath and Mammon\'s Earthly representatives will have them primaried out of office in no time. A *carbon* tax, however, wouldn\'t just be anathema to the "small government" / "drown it in a bathtub" crowd, it would *also* bring down the wrath of the mighty climate denial industry, that colossal collection of think tanks, astroturf groups and economics departments sponsored and in some cases founded by the Koch Brothers and other such worthy folks to help ensure that their sweet fossil fuel investments don\'t go sour^1. Given that raising federal taxes requires passing a budget bill in Congress, and that hasn\'t happened in something like a decade, it\'s unlikely we\'re going to see anything happen on the carbon taxation front anytime soon. But who knows. Stranger things have most certainly happened. 1. Sorry for that crude^2 pun. I couldn\'t resist. 2. Oops. I did it again.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{alltheacro} : That keyboard looks damn close to an Apple bluetooth keyboard...', '>>{blork3} : In the article he says that is why he loves it.', '>>{CrinkIe420} : Thank you for putting "LAPTOP-LIKE KEYBOARDS ARE THE BEST" in big magenta letters to save me the time.', '>>{rtv190} : Why not just call this "Microsoft went full Apple" and end it there?', ">>{WhoeverMan} : I'm really glad that at least one other brand is making good keyboards with short-travel keys. Who knows, they may even start a much needed trend for more options. It is really annoying that all good keyboard makers only ever make keyboards with long-travel keys. At some point in the last decades a circlejerk emerged that long-travel is inherently good and short travel is inherently bad, and the whole industry became a mono-culture that leaves out everyone who finds short-travel more comfortable.", '>>{Choco316} : My favorite Keyboard/Mouse is the Amazon Basics one. Great low profile keyboard and pretty responsive mouse', '>>{stevenmcountryman2} : Except it has a full number key pad, which Apple users have been begging for on the bluetooth option for years.', ">>{chimichangaXL} : What's the difference between this and the MS designer keyboard besides the full numeric pad ?", '>>{HUSTLEMAN420} : Basics always surprises me with the quality. Their HDMI cables and camera cases are great.', '>>{harmless-error} : Used one of each briefly while using a Surface Book (before switching back to MBP), and I would almost surely use these over the corresponding peripherals. Both look, feel, and function nicely. If I decide to use an external keyboard and mouse on my MBP, will almost surely get these.', '>>{Darpots} : I actually use a wired Mac keyboard on my work Windows pc. I have yet to find anything that comes close to the typing experience.', '>>{caliform} : I got this with my Surface Studio. The keyboard is great. Really, very good. The mouse is fucking AWFUL. It feels cheap, and it is a cramped piece of junk. This article must be paid off or something.', '>>{EditorsChoiceTech} : Including numeric keypad in this keyboard is a good feature to consider.', '>>{LegitJesseee} : Looks like a grey version of an Apple Bluetooth keyboard with a numpad...', ">>{AkirIkasu} : Clearly the extra buttons would require too much power, which would make the entire keyboard melt! I'm certainly not bitter about it.", '>>{fearsome_crocostimpy} : An opinion! Must be a shill... Come on.', '>>{Ryan_Long_} : That keyboard looks so nice! Probably gonna get one.', ">>{LA_all_day} : Yeah this is basically apple as seen through redmond's eyes", ">>{alltheacro} : Odd then that for years I've had an apple bluetooth keyboard with a full number pad.", ">>{ChaosNil} : Been using their tablet bag for my Galaxy Tab S and keyboard. Holds a ton and I don't need my backpack or a laptop bag that is overkill for what I'd be taking to work or coffee shop."], ['>>{tldr-b0t} : Beep Boop! I have reduced this [article](http://www.wptz.com/money/nobel-prize-winner-tells-clinton-tax-fossil-fuels/41431880) to 77 of the original 447 words (**82.8%** less): >Stiglitz, who is an adviser to Clinton, says taxing carbon would be the best way to address climate change -- and boost the U.S. economy. >Republican Donald Trump has said he doesn\'t believe in climate change and that Democratic plans to address it are "just a very, very expensive form of tax." >Bernie Sanders, who ran against Clinton in the primary, supports a tax on carbon. *Top key phrases*: **climate change** | **Republican Donald Trump** | **U.S. economy** | **plans** | **Bernie Sanders**', '>>{qwas78999} : Until they can predict climate, ( not weather ) 30 days in advance, count me as being skeptical.', '>>{mafco} : Record average global temperatures the last ten years, melting glaciers and ice caps. What more do you need?', '>>{hanjoba} : I always had a question maybe someone here can answer. When dealing with taxing fossil fuels using cap a trade, does it just give an advantage to larger businesses and their ability to outspend smaller competition? They can purchase/trade for an increase in the option to create more investments/products? Possibly creating more "crowding out" of sorts? Sorry, I just find myself always leaning left until i hit that hurdle under cap and trade', ">>{johnfrance} : What does that even mean? The climate isn't a measure of anything on a particular day, its basically an average of weather over time. It's like you just said 'tell me what my diet (not food I ate that particular day) will be Thursday of next week'. Well I can't because that's not any of this works. Diet is the average food you eat and is mostly persistent over time even though the food you eat from day to day is different, saying 'what will the climate be in 30 days' doesn't mean anything!", ">>{mafco} : A straight carbon tax is much simpler and can't be 'gamed' like a cap and trade system. I think that's why most economists prefer it.", '>>{johnfrance} : A carbon tax is almost unanimously understood by economists to be the best option for reducing CO2 emissions in a business friendly way. The thing with the carbon tax is that it replaces the cap and trade system which is a frankly horrible. Literally I was listening to an economics lecture recorded in 2003 the other day and the lecture said that a carbon tax was the best possible options for both the environment and the economy, at least relative to cap and trade, and that was 13 years ago. Since then only more economists have come around to it.', '>>{qwas78999} : It is well known that NOAA and other governmental agencies change historical records, they call it adjusting, to fit a narrative. Open your eyes 👀.', ">>{Opie67} : In most reasonable carbon tax plans, the revenue collected is given back to households. And you say that as if there aren't viable options for many outside of coal and gas power.", ">>{Opie67} : Then maybe coal and gas shouldn't be the power source getting billions in subsidies. And a carbon tax would/should also be [gradual](http://citizensclimatelobby.org/carbon-fee-and-dividend/basics-carbon-fee-dividend/) so as not to cause serious disruption to the economy.", '>>{hanjoba} : I see. Interesting how much a straight tax would effect long term growth choices though.', ">>{Jackbeingbad} : Currently we give fossil fuel companies BILLIONS while they're one of the most profitable group of businesses. Only consumer taxes are allowed on fossil fuels.", '>>{stilloriginal} : basically, in this situation, more permits/credits could simply be "created". It depends on the rules that are set. Even if the rules say this can\'t happen, it would be considered market manipulation and illegal. I would be interested to hear of any cases of this happening.', '>>{not_djslinkk} : She already rejected this part of the party platform. http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/287223-clinton-campaign-carbon-price-is-not-her-plan', '>>{Starmedia11} : I thought it was scandalous for Clinton to take the advice or consul of Noble laureates. Has something changed?', '>>{Funklestein} : You know who else makes an equal amount of billions? The [government on the taxation](http://www.factcheck.org/2008/04/gasoline-tax-profits/) of gasoline.', '>>{Jackbeingbad} : At the consumer level. Like I said. We only allow the non-rich to be taxed.', '>>{d00ns} : What will this do besides send more business to China and India? A carbon tax will have zero net effect if businesses just move.', '>>{AtomicKoala} : US fossil fuel taxes are ridiculously low given your emissions are twice ours.', '>>{AtomicKoala} : How come we in Europe have manufacturing as a higher percent of GDP then? Energy costs are marginal compared to say, employee healthcare and wages.', ">>{jose_john} : Economics isn't a real science. Economists didn't predict the financial crisis. Those capitalist apologists basically said everything was fine until it collapsed, and you expect us to listen to what economists say? Lol", ">>{SunTzu-} : Politically too much of a battle, especially as the voters don't support it (correct me if I'm wrong and there are recent surveys saying voters would favour this). Good idea, just not a first term policy, maybe not even feasible during a second term.", ">>{Catma} : And there's still gonna be a shortfall in funding to maintain the interstate system, which gas taxes pay for.", ">>{d00ns} : I'm not sure what you are saying. Europe has higher energy costs and higher employee benefits yet still manufactures more than countries without those things? If this is what you are arguing, why do those companies stay in Europe when they could move to countries with lower costs of production?", '>>{TheDarkAgniRises} : I remember reading that the governments in the world pledged to stop subsidizing them by 2025 at the latest, and many invenstors worth almost 2 trillion combined are almost forcing them to stop subsidizing them by 2020 even...so good news, I guess.', ">>{Funklestein} : The rich don't use the roads? Companies like Walmart who have thousands of trucks traversing the country daily don't use gas or pay the taxes on said gas? BTW all corporate taxes are also consumer level taxes. All increased taxes ever do is reduce consumption, which I acknowledge is the goal here but what do you propose we replace the gasoline with? Electric vehicles only shift the fossil fuels to coal burning power plants where yo have the same problem. That is, unless you wish to give tax cuts to those rich people in the way of subsidies who try to compete in the alternative energy market.", ">>{Danny_Internets} : Maybe he should try telling Congress because presidents can't, you know, levy taxes.", ">>{mrregmonkey} : This isn't true! Carbon taxes are better if you know more about how to price carbon. Cap and trade is better if you know more about the optimal quantity of carbon.", ">>{mrregmonkey} : Don't ask economic questions here. Ask in an economics sub. /r/badeconomics or /r/askeconomics are better. I'll be upfront and say I mod askeconomics", ">>{mrregmonkey} : Definitely a good idea but doesn't go far enough!", ">>{mrregmonkey} : Cap and trade is a perfectly fine proposal. It's preferable to carbon tax if you know more about the optimal quantity of carbon than the optimal price. However, both are better than nothing or command and control regulation.", '>>{AtomicKoala} : My point is energy is only one factor. The US imposes huge healthcare burdens on companies which are much lighter in Europe.', ">>{black_ravenous} : > Economics isn't a real science. Economists didn't predict the financial crisis. What does the second sentence have to do with the first one? Are you implying they should have predicted it?", '>>{PanchoVilla4TW} : It is not being upvoted because it comes from an Economics-which-is-Not-Really-a-Nobel-Prize. It is being upvoted because the opinion is agreed with.', '>>{PanchoVilla4TW} : > Electric vehicles only shift the fossil fuels to Solar, Eolic, Hydrogen-Fuel-Cells, Nuclear/Molten Salt. Coal is already on its way out, as must Gas soon.', '>>{PanchoVilla4TW} : Carbon Tax can be exponentially increased according to total carbon production to make it economically not viable to produce current levels. Cap and Trade looks more gameable, and less straightforward.', '>>{PanchoVilla4TW} : Sufficient technology exists to replace most of the input provided by fossil fuels, particularly in regards to plastics/polymers. Oil is not indispensable to humanity.', ">>{mrregmonkey} : >Carbon Tax can be exponentially increased according to total carbon production to make it economically not viable to produce current levels. It's going to be very hard to know how to do this. You will be playing experimentor which many people's livelihoods. >Cap and Trade looks more gameable, and less straightforward. Depends on the proposal. If the government gives every firm X amount of permits and lets firms sell them to each other that's stupid. We should use a cap and trade to raise revenue, by say, auctioning them off at the beginning of every year.", '>>{Funklestein} : I agree that more is coming online but not enough to replace the current and future need to power vehicles. And if the problem is being corrected then why the need for the tax?', '>>{PanchoVilla4TW} : Drastically decrease the rate of production of methane and carbon pollution. If it was up to fossil fuel industries this change would take place by 2050.', ">>{d00ns} : Oh I see. Yeah I agree. But we don't need more straws to break the camel's back.", '>>{sethop} : Pretty much any kind of tax has been political poison in the US for decades - Republicans in particular can\'t get elected without swearing some kind of blood oath to Mammon that they\'ll never support any kind of tax increase on anything. Go against *that* oath and Mammon\'s Earthly representatives will have them primaried out of office in no time. A *carbon* tax, however, wouldn\'t just be anathema to the "small government" / "drown it in a bathtub" crowd, it would *also* bring down the wrath of the mighty climate denial industry, that colossal collection of think tanks, astroturf groups and economics departments sponsored and in some cases founded by the Koch Brothers and other such worthy folks to help ensure that their sweet fossil fuel investments don\'t go sour^1. Given that raising federal taxes requires passing a budget bill in Congress, and that hasn\'t happened in something like a decade, it\'s unlikely we\'re going to see anything happen on the carbon taxation front anytime soon. But who knows. Stranger things have most certainly happened. 1. Sorry for that crude^2 pun. I couldn\'t resist. 2. Oops. I did it again.'], ['>>{-Sk3ptical-} : *Rebublicare This is why 2018 is so important.', ">>{billrariden} : I'm astonished to learn that 24 million people got someone else to pay for their health insurance. It's an obviously unsustainable program and we're fortunate that our president and the GOP are taking steps to fix it before it becomes a complete catastrophe.", '>>{Shodid} : If it passes, I hope those who are sick and made destitute with little left to lose because of the law will remember who voted for it.', ">>{dr_durp} : No biggie. By coincidence those exact same 24 million people don't want healthcare, so, win/win.", '>>{dr_durp} : And these were the people who were worried about "Death Panels". *snort', ">>{pure_sniffs_ideology} : Because if you're poor you should die. Got it. Or lose your job because you got sick. Sounds about right.", ">>{StonerMeditation} : People who voted for trump are going to be really surprised when their taxes go up, and the rich are getting MORE tax breaks. There will be NO wall. Immigrants won't be sent home. Insurance companies will run health care AGAIN - returning to their appalling restrictions. There will be detention camps to silence Trumps critics. We will have another war, and republicans will get deferments so their rich-white kids don't have to go. And there will be NO jobs, infrastructure repair, or social programs. http://deadstate.org/here-are-7-ways-trump-is-becoming-everything-he-criticized-hillary-for/ **Release your TAXES TrumpleThinSkin**. (Alec Baldwin)", ">>{JesusDiedForMexico} : They're the only people who thought 2016 was important.", ">>{billrariden} : I'm debonair. And a raconteur. Also an Orthodox Pedestrian who masticates frequently.", ">>{ComradeGibbon} : He doesn't have enough life experience to know what he's in for. Had a contractor I was working with for a bit. He worked at companies with employer supplied health insurance for many years. Got laid off, no health insurance despite having 'paid in' for over 20 years. Got sick and nearly bankrupted. The reverse is true. People that have never had health insurance. Then get a job with health benefits and are covered for something expensive.", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Hahaha! You do realize that Aca is paid for? By taxes on rich people?', ">>{billrariden} : Liberals define 'rich' as everyone who has a penny more than they do.", ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : How do you think insurance works? If your house burns down, other people's premiums go to paying your insurance payout.", ">>{billrariden} : The ACA forces people to buy a product they may not need. That's not insurance.", '>>{jordanthejordna} : haha dude that is *exactly* what insurance is.', '>>{pure_sniffs_ideology} : I take it you make over 650k a year then?', ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : If you want a mortgage to buy a house, you **need** to buy house insurance. That is a product you might never need. It's the exact same situation.", ">>{billrariden} : Take out the word 'if' and you're correct. No one is forced to buy a house. With Obamacare we're forced to buy insurance. Sorry."], [">>{hetellsitlikeitis} : Elon is out of his element here. At best this is a good faith effort to curry admin favor, but even then he's in way over his head and is just going to lose credibility on all sides...", ">>{Destillat} : I feel like I can see where he's coming from, but this is pretty weirdly communicated. But he's a weird dude.", '>>{reallyjay} : And if Trump allows a meeting to address these issues, Bannon will be there. Everyone will walk out saying "great, productive meeting. lots of good ideas. very receptive to our concers." Bannon will then tell Trump how they\'re undermining his authority, he can\'t back down on the promises he made. He has to stay strong and stay the course. As a matter of fact, Trump needs to expand these bans to really assert his dominance and protect the country from the muslims. It\'s two power hungry narcissists, feeding off of each other. Difference is that Bannon still has has strategic skills , Trump just goes with whatever supports propping up his warped self identity at any given moment, and Stever knows how to make Donny feel powerful and masculine. It\'s only going to escalate from here on out.', ">>{1461DaysInHell} : He got in bed with the Donnie and thought he could influence him for the better, unfortunately, he just going to get covered in Donnie's wet dreams of totalitarianism.", ">>{cmagee79} : I'd like to re-write it as well. Granted, it'll just involve me holding down the backspace and delete keys, but a re-write nonetheless.", ">>{Mitt_Romney_USA} : A veritable dutch oven of hate and half-digested Arby's.", ">>{relax_live_longer} : I love all these people who meet with Trump and are like 'he agreed with what I wanted him to agree with, and would never lie to me even though he lies to everyone else!'", '>>{el-toro-loco} : Maybe add a line about how illegal immigration investigations begin with Melania Trump', ">>{trek4} : ...who doesn't seem to have a clue about Trump's 'weirdness', i.e. personality disorder.", ">>{somerandomguy03} : I don't care what he is, as long as he is successful with his Mars plans."], ['>>{whackysack} : Report: Per NSA request, Yahoo built “custom software” to spy on “hundreds of millions” of email accounts', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : What I really don't understand is if the government is still spying on all of us and scanning our emails and social network accounts, how is it that the FBI keeps letting suspected terrorists that are on their radar continue to commit acts of terror on US soil? What are they using all this information for if not to stop terrorists that **they already know about?**", ">>{duffmanhb} : The point of collecting the data is to come back to it after the fact. So say, there is a terror attack, they can then go back, and unravel this person's entire life. They can discover who they know, when they talked, what they talked about, where they went... Everything. This gives them the intelligence to completely unravel whatever network they were a part of. Or say you want to do a background check or spy on someone... Again, this is a perfect trove of information. What it's not good at though, is finding upcoming terror attacks with nothing directing them there in the first place... Because that's not what it's designed for. Not really justifying it, just explaining what it's used for.", ">>{carbs90} : I highly doubt terrorists are planning attacks over email, and if they are, they're using code words to avoid the obvious ones that would likely trigger software. No, this is much sinister than trying to protect us from terrorism.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Well if that's the case then the information they are collecting is useless and they should not be collecting it, but I don't believe that's true. With enough computing power they can cull out the useful information from any mountain of data. The US government should have access to virtually unlimited computing power, so I think it's reasonable to assume they can get the information they need. I'm guessing they are just not acting on it.", '>>{sanspri} : > What are they using all this information masturbation, extortion, blackmail', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : > The point of collecting the data is to come back to it after the fact. So say, there is a terror attack, they can then go back, and unravel this person's entire life. Well, even if this is the case, many of the perpetrators of recent terror attacks in the US were already known to the FBI well before their attacks. There is still no excuse for letting these people carry out their attacks.", '>>{Trombosaurus} : The Yahoo hacker sold login information for 200 million accounts for just 3 bitcoins?', ">>{duffmanhb} : Well we still have limited resources. We have a lot of known potential threats. We just can't do a thorough analysis on every single one. However, look at the Paris attacks and how we worked with the French to entirely break down that entire network within days. That was because of programs like this.", '>>{omeow} : Plus I doubt if FBI has enough manpower to actually follow through all the leads they get from these sources. Clearly they have to prioritize and that is technically a difficult job..', '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : Our federal government will spend $4 Trillion this year. I think we could hire more people at the FBI to follow up on leads related to known or suspected terrorists so we can disrupt their plans before they actually blow something up.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : > Well we still have limited resources. We have a lot of known potential threats. We just can't do a thorough analysis on every single one. Why not? Hire more people. It's a matter of priority, and I think our federal government wastes many, many billions of dollars on things that are much lower priority than disrupting terror plots.", ">>{hotpotamus} : In spite of all technological advances, we still can't convict anyone of future crimes.", ">>{Lurial} : Sigh, I really ahould build my own email server. If yahoo did it I'm sure the others did too.", ">>{Inspector-Space_Time} : This isn't the movie, money doesn't solve all problems. A major issue with computing right now is the best way to handle these huge data sets. The data the government is collecting on us is most likely to huge to go over with any intelligence using today's technology and AIs. However, it allows them to rewind the clock. As in when you get a terrorist, you can go back and see if he talked with anyone else in the past. That's still hugely beneficial, but also shows you why they can't easily prevent this stuff. Plus when the technology gets too a point where a computer can analyze and understand the data, you're already collecting it.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : > The data the government is collecting on us is most likely to huge to go over with any intelligence using today's technology and AIs. Wrong. Companies like Google, Microsoft and Amazon do it every day.", '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : Umm, no but we can watch them and disrupt their plot before they actually execute it.', ">>{omeow} : >Our federal government will spend $4 Trillion this year. I think we could hire more people at the FBI to follow up on leads related to known or suspected terrorists so we can disrupt their plans before they actually blow something up. When you mention FBI rounding up terrorist suspects it gets the law and order candidates orgasmic and when you mention the $4trillion cost they feel guilty for jerking off to government spending. My point being given the current status of Congress I doubt how much government can spare FBI for following up domestic terrorist leads. It is also a difficult question as to what extent FBI should investigate a threat seriously. It also gets into thorny questions about electronic surveillance. Statistically most of this leads won't pan out. How do you justify this massive spending in the face of crumbling infrastructure? How do you oversee that all this money is used appropriately by FBI. It is a complicated issue and it needs a lot of thought..", ">>{Inspector-Space_Time} : They don't though. The amount of data they have is far less than what the government collects. And the analysis they do on the data is child's play compared to what would be needed to prevent future terrorist attacks. I'm a programmer who has worked on some big data systems. So from my perspective, it's a large obvious difference. I recommend you read a bit about big data and machine learning. You can do some amazing things with that technology, but it isn't magic.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : > They don't though. The amount of data they have is far less than what the government collects. And the analysis they do on the data is child's play compared to what would be needed to prevent future terrorist attacks. Obviously I don't have the actual details but I'm pretty sure Google crunches far more data on a daily basis than the US government collects from spying. Regardless, it's just data and it's just hardware. If they are willing to spend the money there's really no limit to how much data they can crunch. I'm sure they Amazon or Microsoft cloud could easily do the job. The government could just build their own or buy the service from one of the providers."]]
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[">>{Orangutan} : Jill Stein Calls for New Investigation Into 9/11: Under our administration a new inquiry would have access to the body of research that has emerged over the last 15 yrs. It's time for a full accounting of what happened, and an end to the misguided wars that are making us less safe, not more safe.", ">>{Sam_Munhi} : How is saying we didn't do a good job with the official investigation (like ignoring all the Saudi connections) a bad thing? Did everyone forget that we already invaded one country over false connections to 9/11 and that Pakistan was hiding the man behind the attacks for years? You don't need to think the US government was directly involved to know that the role of foreign governments in the attack has yet to be adequately explained.", '>>{CTR_SPECIAL_OPS} : So on top of being an all around wackjob, she is also a truther? Why am I not surprised?', '>>{jmktimelord} : So after being a vaccine skeptic, giving into the false rumors about Hillary\'s health *despite being a medical doctor*, calling nuclear power plants "weapons of mass destruction", endorsing homeopathy, and allying herself with someone who calls President Obama an "Uncle Tom" and who thinks MH17 was a false-flag operation, Jill Stein gunning for the 9/11 Truther vote? She\'s crazy.', ">>{TRUMP_EQUALS_HITLER} : Don't forget that she thinks wifi signals are dangerous for kids' brains.", ">>{EByrne} : If you support the bill that passed earlier this week allowing Americans to sue Saudi Arabia for its long-undisclosed role in 9/11, I dunno why you'd be against an investigation of the nature that Stein's promoting. You don't have to be a truther (I'm certainly not) to acknowledge the objective fact that there was politically inconvenient information that was either withheld or misrepresented to pursue the agenda that the government wanted. We would never have gone to Iraq if that wasn't the case.", ">>{progress10} : She wants to expose Saudi Arabia's role in it, she is not a truther.", '>>{escalation} : Because there are no unanswered questions about 9-11, right?', ">>{Berningforchange} : Jill again speaks the truth. Let Jill into the debates! It doesn't make me or her a truther to state that....There's new information since the 9/11 commission convened. The full report from that commission was not released. If there's nothing to hide and the role of Saudi Arabia funding the hijackers is untrue then let the administration substantiate that.", ">>{Citizen_Contributin} : The scope of the original commission was almost purely focused on counter-terrorism aspects instead of a broad smattering of issues: foreign policy, divisive effects on religious communities, economic costs, healthcare costs, and whether the security policies enacted since have eroded civil liberties. We desperately need a thorough report on whether we've taken useful actions since 9/11.", '>>{jmktimelord} : [Here\'s](https://mic.com/articles/153523/jill-stein-deleted-a-truly-mind-numbing-tweet-about-hillary-clinton-s-health%23.iEKuovR9B) Jill Stein mentioning the false rumors about Clinton\'s health. [Here\'s](https://twitter.com/drjillstein/status/715230945679380481) Jill Stein calling nuclear power plants "weapons of mass destruction waiting to be blown up". [Here](http://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2016/07/jill-stein-promotes-homeopathy-panders-on-vaccines/) is the Green Party\'s endorsement of homeopathy, and Stein\'s wishy-washy comments on vaccination. Amaju Baraka\'s [Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajamu_Baraka) reveals much about his personal beliefs. Baraka thinks that the revolution in Ukraine was a US-backed coup, and that the downing of MH17 was a false flag operation. Baraka has also associated himself with a Holocaust denier and 9/11 conspiracy theorist. Furthermore, Baraka has called President Obama an "Uncle Tom" and has criticized Bernie Sanders as a supporter of war crimes and Western imperialism.', ">>{Nyefan} : Honestly, I'd rather have a crazy soccer mom who's at least trying to do right by the present and future people of this country than a racist, nationalist, xenophobic blimp-head or a vicious, corporatist, capitalist third-way Democrat. The former may fuck us up through lack of experience or expertise, but the latter two will tie us up and hold us down while doing so.", '>>{chopchopped} : >Baraka thinks that the revolution in Ukraine was a US-backed coup What do you think Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland is talking about here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2fYcHLouXY']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Orangutan} : Jill Stein Calls for New Investigation Into 9/11: Under our administration a new inquiry would have access to the body of research that has emerged over the last 15 yrs. It's time for a full accounting of what happened, and an end to the misguided wars that are making us less safe, not more safe.", ">>{Sam_Munhi} : How is saying we didn't do a good job with the official investigation (like ignoring all the Saudi connections) a bad thing? Did everyone forget that we already invaded one country over false connections to 9/11 and that Pakistan was hiding the man behind the attacks for years? You don't need to think the US government was directly involved to know that the role of foreign governments in the attack has yet to be adequately explained.", '>>{CTR_SPECIAL_OPS} : So on top of being an all around wackjob, she is also a truther? Why am I not surprised?', '>>{jmktimelord} : So after being a vaccine skeptic, giving into the false rumors about Hillary\'s health *despite being a medical doctor*, calling nuclear power plants "weapons of mass destruction", endorsing homeopathy, and allying herself with someone who calls President Obama an "Uncle Tom" and who thinks MH17 was a false-flag operation, Jill Stein gunning for the 9/11 Truther vote? She\'s crazy.', ">>{TRUMP_EQUALS_HITLER} : Don't forget that she thinks wifi signals are dangerous for kids' brains.", ">>{EByrne} : If you support the bill that passed earlier this week allowing Americans to sue Saudi Arabia for its long-undisclosed role in 9/11, I dunno why you'd be against an investigation of the nature that Stein's promoting. You don't have to be a truther (I'm certainly not) to acknowledge the objective fact that there was politically inconvenient information that was either withheld or misrepresented to pursue the agenda that the government wanted. We would never have gone to Iraq if that wasn't the case.", ">>{progress10} : She wants to expose Saudi Arabia's role in it, she is not a truther.", '>>{escalation} : Because there are no unanswered questions about 9-11, right?', ">>{Berningforchange} : Jill again speaks the truth. Let Jill into the debates! It doesn't make me or her a truther to state that....There's new information since the 9/11 commission convened. The full report from that commission was not released. If there's nothing to hide and the role of Saudi Arabia funding the hijackers is untrue then let the administration substantiate that.", ">>{Citizen_Contributin} : The scope of the original commission was almost purely focused on counter-terrorism aspects instead of a broad smattering of issues: foreign policy, divisive effects on religious communities, economic costs, healthcare costs, and whether the security policies enacted since have eroded civil liberties. We desperately need a thorough report on whether we've taken useful actions since 9/11.", '>>{jmktimelord} : [Here\'s](https://mic.com/articles/153523/jill-stein-deleted-a-truly-mind-numbing-tweet-about-hillary-clinton-s-health%23.iEKuovR9B) Jill Stein mentioning the false rumors about Clinton\'s health. [Here\'s](https://twitter.com/drjillstein/status/715230945679380481) Jill Stein calling nuclear power plants "weapons of mass destruction waiting to be blown up". [Here](http://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2016/07/jill-stein-promotes-homeopathy-panders-on-vaccines/) is the Green Party\'s endorsement of homeopathy, and Stein\'s wishy-washy comments on vaccination. Amaju Baraka\'s [Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajamu_Baraka) reveals much about his personal beliefs. Baraka thinks that the revolution in Ukraine was a US-backed coup, and that the downing of MH17 was a false flag operation. Baraka has also associated himself with a Holocaust denier and 9/11 conspiracy theorist. Furthermore, Baraka has called President Obama an "Uncle Tom" and has criticized Bernie Sanders as a supporter of war crimes and Western imperialism.', ">>{Nyefan} : Honestly, I'd rather have a crazy soccer mom who's at least trying to do right by the present and future people of this country than a racist, nationalist, xenophobic blimp-head or a vicious, corporatist, capitalist third-way Democrat. The former may fuck us up through lack of experience or expertise, but the latter two will tie us up and hold us down while doing so.", '>>{chopchopped} : >Baraka thinks that the revolution in Ukraine was a US-backed coup What do you think Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland is talking about here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2fYcHLouXY']]
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[">>{andrews9} : TBH I've not used it for such a long time I don't think I can give you a helpful before/after comparison. Sorry!", '>>{Trumpledthinskin} : OK discredit media, check .... wait they called us out on Sweden. Ok lets go after the internet so we can control that medium too. A little earlier then planned but ok . Can anyone tell me the next step in the fascist handbook because this is a fucking play by play.', '>>{Quinnjester} : we are going to get so much shitty internet because of this...', ">>{trostlerp} : Bradley Cooper's DNC appearance irks some 'American Sniper' fans", '>>{LeMot-Juste} : Then people are just going to have to learn to steal it again, like in days of yore, and use those hacking skills wickedly. If someone comes up with free access to an ISP, you can betcha it will grow as quickly as Napster did.', ">>{codemonkey85} : What would you possibly need from Google while you are driving that Siri couldn't handle just as well? It's not as if the Google app lets you do text messages and phone calls anyway. I mean, it would be one thing if you were using Android and Google was how you were able to access all of your phone's functions. But for specifically in car use, you might as well just use Siri.", ">>{Pal_Smurch} : Don't like it? Goddamned VOTE next time then.", ">>{cowboycoco} : Eh. I wish we could just lump this in with the rest of Trump's Authoritarian Playbook, but attacks on Net Neutrality are nowhere near new. It's just now the head of the FCC is aligned with them.", ">>{target_locked} : Why? Did people forget that he wasn't the real person?", '>>{Merc_Drew} : Its as if the rural folks are becoming resentful with the city folks tell them how to live and what is best for them etc etc Edit: I think people are reading to much into the statement with growing anger instead of looking at the statement in context to the article', ">>{EricPlasencia} : I had many android phones but can't for the life of me recall now ever doing anything overly impressive over Siri. I did enjoy the cards and thought proactive should have been more similar to that. What are your experiences like?", ">>{Omfnur} : I mean, yeah, that's pretty obvious. I know that prior to this election I, and people like me, hardly thought about rural America at all. They were upset about that apparently? And wanted us to think about them more. Now I actively despise them. Mission Accomplished.", ">>{whatcolorwasit} : Wut? Just because they're not new doesn't mean they're not totalitarian", '>>{TCivan} : Siri can\'t understand my wife\'s name. Google can. Siri can\'t understand basic names like "Christopher Erin", Google can.', ">>{AnotherPersonPerhaps} : I work for a small ISP that's right around the 250,000 customer cutoff. We haven't throttled in the past, but we do charge for going over data caps (usually around a terabyte). People already don't know what data management policies are a lot of the time. Honestly, I'm not sure this policy by itself is a big deal. It's not like the customer can't get the information about throttling or data caps. Also, this isn't net neutrality. This issue often gets conflated with neutrality but it's not the same thing. It may very well however be the build up to striking down neutrality. Edit: I may be partially wrong about this not being Neutrality related, but the main purpose of this reporting, as I understand it, is to report on things like data caps, throttling for network management, overage charges, network performance (speed issues, packet loss, etc) and things like that. There is reporting done on degredation of services (throttling)... Application-agnostic but I'm not entirely sure that applies either. It doesn't apply to us because we don't violate net neutrality concepts so I'm not sure exactly what that entails. I am not a lawyer!", '>>{BattleofAlgiers} : And us city folks love rural folks telling us how they are "real Americans" and how they are from the "heartland" while we\'re from gross evil cities. We LOVE when rural folk tell us how we have no family values. Yes, urban Americans need to do some self-reflection, but let\'s not pretend this is a one way fucking street.', ">>{Weebsley} : Seriously. First the city folk forced them to abort all of their children, then they took away all of their guns, then they forced them to get gay married, and now they're turning their kids into ladymen. It's a nightmare", ">>{swanny246} : Voice recognition for one thing, the general consensus seems to be that Google Now works a lot better than Siri, and I agree personally (for the record - I'm Australian).", ">>{cowboycoco} : That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying this isn't part of Trump's plan. In fact, I'd wager, he hasn't the foggiest fucking clue what net neutrality is even about.", ">>{lipring69} : City: gays should be allowed to marry Rural America: fuck you don't tell me what to do!", ">>{TCivan} : For example: I work in the film industry. I'm in a plane 4-6 times a month. If I receive an email from a producer with flight details, it's automatically entered into my calendar, a card is made, and Now let's me know when it's time to leave for the airport depending on traffic. Siri does none of that. If I park my car, and at the end of the night am looking for it, Google Now knows where I parked my car cause my Blue tooth disconnected from the car at a certain location. Automatically. Siri in my experience does none of this. Google now is a personal assistant. Siri is a shitty summer intern.", '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : One day soon, Reddit will slow to a crawl.', ">>{ParanoidDrone} : Can I interject here and ask for an ELI5 on net neutrality? Not for myself, but for my father -- the subject's come up before and I was struggling to explain it in terms he could easily grasp. He has a lot of business experience but no tech experience. Best I could come up with was how NN regulations would prevent ISPs from throttling competitors' data.", '>>{Habib_Marwuana} : Using your cars bluetooth as an indicator I want it to remember where i parked at all times and put a star on maps there.', ">>{AnotherPersonPerhaps} : ISP employee here. Neutrality is in reference to an ISP charging web services extra to give their data priority. So if a priority service and a non priority service are going across the lines at the same time, the priority will be faster. Without neutrality, there could be a system where businesses have to pay more to ISPs for faster access to end users, and those that don't are left in the dust so to speak. Edit: often confused with charging or throttling for going over data caps to end users (you and me). Not the same thing. Edit 2: realizing what you're asking a good way to explain it is highway fast lanes. Except companies have to pay to drive in the fast lane. Businesses (or organizations) that can't pay are at an inherent competitive disadvantage.", '>>{AndrewRyansRapture} : I know, they just lived up to the stereotype. Congrats!', '>>{StaticVulture} : So the rural folks should tell the city folks how to live instead?', '>>{NuclearLunchDectcted} : Bluetooth wouldn\'t do it, range is too short. But using the phones GPS it could mark where you parked and put a star there. Or the car stereo could send a signal over bluetooth saying "engine off here, powering down" and have the phone do it automatically.', ">>{JennysDad} : Republicans live in a fantasy world where what they see on the TV is substituted for reality. They REALLY don't like it when reality ends up breaking the illusion.", '>>{snorp} : Reddit is now the 300 lb gorilla. The thing that will be slowed to a crawl is the upstart competitor to it.', ">>{ITGuy_higgins} : This is a stupid statement. At no point has anyone told rural America how to live except *not* to discriminate others who want to live their lives in their own way. Its rural/Southern America that likes to involve themselves in the rights of others based on religion and moral impasse. Rural America can bitch and moan about the economy all they want but until they understand that the coal mines and manufacturing aren't coming back and until they can work on getting an education and/or new skill sets, they're going to be stuck right where they are in their dying economy. I'm originally from mid-Michigan and I grew up the first 25 years of my life working automotive and after the 2008 collapse, the signs were all too noticeable to see that lifestyle wasn't coming back. I joined the Army, got a job doing IT work and live in DC away from that shitty economy. It can be done, you just have to make the sacrifice and initiative to do so.", '>>{GirthlyBertha} : OK, someone please answer. What kind of coursework can I take to make graphic visualizations like this? I need the ability to do this....', ">>{PamBeeslysTits} : I know a few pro 2a types who are basically single issue voters, but that's really the only example", ">>{Merc_Drew} : All I'm commenting on is the growing divide... I think people are reading to much into the statement with growing anger instead of looking at the statement in context to the article", ">>{mememaking} : We all need to email the FCC and express support for Net neutrality The current republican commissioners are against net neutrality but we should make our voices heard ajit.pai@fcc.gov mike.o'rielly@fcc.gov", '>>{btross} : You portrayed someone I admire in a movie, therefore you are not allowed to have your own personal beliefs!!!', ">>{AttackSkunk} : I still remember NetZero and it sucked. Let's try to avoid that again.", '>>{LeMot-Juste} : Earthlink too. The early years of Time Warner were so, so painful. <shivers> no, never again.', ">>{EricPlasencia} : Ah yes. I do remember those features now. I just didn't fly often or have Bluetooth cars. Yeah now was way more predictive than Siri", ">>{lazarogamio} : I'm the guy who made this. I used [d3](https://d3js.org/) to make the charts.", ">>{Merc_Drew} : Not college educated does not mean uneducated... And not college educated does not mean unsuccessful College educated does not mean successful You should really find a different term that doesn't alienate the biggest voting block of people in this country like Clinton did", ">>{Dirtybrd} : Turns out Bradley Cooper and Chris Kyle aren't the same person.", ">>{target_locked} : Considering that people get black balled in hollywood for being conservative I'll assume it works both ways.", ">>{codemonkey85} : But the Google app for iOS can't do anything with that information. Ultimately it sounds like you need to be using an Android device.", '>>{codemonkey85} : I agree that Google has better voice recognition. However, I think the original confusion stemmed from the fact that this is a thread about Google Now, not Google voice actions or voice search. Not to be pedantic, but Google Now is technically only the portion that gives you information before you ask for it, not the component that recognizes your voice and reacts or responds to it.', '>>{TCivan} : Yea, thats the whole point. I just switched to Iphone expecting better and am disappointed.', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Sure, some will be caught. At the same time, the vast majority didn't with Napster or WinMX which caused the music companies to get with the program and offer us some pretty great, and cheap, music services. The only way to make change these days with Big Corp is to take matters into our own hands. The GOP Gov't ain't going to help us out or break up monopolies or regulate industries. So we have to invent something better, something millions of people can take advantage of, to drive down the costs of ISPs and destroy their controls. I don't know what it is, personally. I only have an idea how to screw Big Pharma, but not the ISPs yet.", '>>{Modsdontknow} : > Considering that people get black balled in hollywood for being conservative Thats absurd, Clint Eastwood is a huge conservative and he is one of the best in the business. Many people in hollywood are conservative nut jobs.', ">>{JennysDad} : there are conservative actors in hollywood, it's just the stupid ones who allow their racism/anti-semitism to pop out who get 'black balled'.", ">>{Trumpledthinskin} : True but this isn't an attack by politicians and lobbyists outside the FCC. New situation.", '>>{SchlangeHatRecht} : Playing a role =/= living the role. Silly issue; move along', ">>{target_locked} : Yeah, no, that's not the case at all. Any slight support for Republicans usually ends with either a destroyed career or heavy damage. They have to form their own secret groups in order to protect themselves from the black balling.", ">>{ivsciguy} : >don't tell me what to do! Don't tell me tell me what other people are allowed do do!", '>>{Alchemistmerlin} : > Not college educated does not mean uneducated... Literally what it means. >And not college educated does not mean unsuccessful >College educated does not mean successful Unrelated statements >You should really find a different term that doesn\'t alienate the biggest voting block of people in this country like Clinton did You know, for the portion of the country constantly complaining about "PC Culture" and "Safe Spaces", they sure are thin skinned.', ">>{Modsdontknow} : Yes I'm sure Fox News would love to create a narrative of conservatives being oppressed victims of a mean liberal America. In reality that isn't true there are plenty of conservatives in hollywood. Who that guy is he was probably just a douche or nutjob.", '>>{Trumpledthinskin} : And a whole lot more unless things change soon.', ">>{target_locked} : I'm sure you want to maintain the view that there isn't any suppression of political views in hollywood. Why lie to yourself?", ">>{MODS-ARE-EVIL} : Not even that good of a sniper. Couldn't even do a 360° no-scope.", '>>{Trumpledthinskin} : except hitler had half a brain and made allies. I shudder to think what kind of plan our so called government will make without the pentagon or intell from anyone with experience.', ">>{Modsdontknow} : I'm sorry man the white man is not being oppressed in America. White conservative men are not a victim to anything except ignorance.", ">>{FakeeMcFake} : Climate change, Isis, School bombings...there's a lot to be scared about in the world. And if you live outside the areas that occasionally are affected by bad trends you don't realize it's not that bad, especially if you're not very well educated. People in the cities put up with each other and all their differences everyday. The chances of being mugged, having something stolen etcetera are much higher...but they bravely go about their day. Part of this divide it's just basic, unnecessary fear.", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : I'd feel more bad about rural folks feeling left out if their votes weren't worth more than mine.", '>>{Omfnur} : Yeah, it\'s unfortunate that the people calling themselves "real America" are such fucking cowards.', ">>{Gnarledhalo} : Is it possible that rural America lives in a bubble? It's not like you're exposed to new and different ideas on a daily.", '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : Can we stop caring what a few people on twitter think? The press is so shitty in this country they take to quoting what some jack ass on twitter says. This would be equivalent to in the 1970s them sending reporters out to the middle of no where in Louisiana and a communist community somewhere and reporting on the opions of the people there like it holds any weight.', ">>{lennybrucebruce} : BUT THAT'S SO HARD. Why can't I stay in the same small town I grew up in and work at the same factory my pappy worked at?", '>>{JennysDad} : you have got to be kidding me, how many conservative hollywood celebrities do I have to list before you agree that there are conservative celebrities? http://www.ranker.com/list/celebrities-republican-famous-and-conservative-stars/famous-conservatives', ">>{target_locked} : And we've fallen to racism. Enjoy your day.", '>>{Modsdontknow} : chill out dude, go and meet some people instead of wasting your summer vaca playing the victim on the internet.', '>>{Merc_Drew} : So people with high school diplomas are uneducated? Trade schools are uneducated? Vocational training is uneducated? You know for a culture that was so into PC and safe spaces sure like to insult people', ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : Why do you think their first response to any crisis is to buy more guns to hoard? They're deathly afraid of anything that isn't a carbon copy of themselves and are too thick-skulled to imagine any solution to their fear beyond killing the thing they're afraid of. Even so much as catching a glimpse of a black person is enough to give them heart palpitations for a week. They're like Krikkiters from *Life, the Universe, and Everything.*", '>>{WaltBush} : Most of those "celebrities" are dead, or politicians (not "Hollywood celebrities"), or both. The top 5 are Rush Limbaugh, Ronald Reagan (dead), Charlton Heston (dead), Jimmy Stewart (dead), and Elvis (dead).', '>>{JennysDad} : omfg, you have to scroll past "greats" to get to the alive, younger conservatives. ?!?! Oh, you poor poor man. I am sorry to have stressed you so.', '>>{TW1971} : I hear the Rocket Racoon fans were ok with him being there', ">>{DumpsterDon} : I tried to watch it but couldn't finish it.", '>>{ezreading} : Neither was Craig Kyle though, to be honest. Edit - Chris Kyle : Professional serial killer and pathological liar. Better?', '>>{HeteroMilk} : Goddamn, that movie was a stinking pile of trash. Even if you disregard the fact it was an absolutely shameless piece of American propaganda, it was just a god awful film.', ">>{ezreading} : I preferred Tarantino's version featured in *Inglourious Basterds.*", ">>{DBDude} : You have to be pretty well-established to be able to come out as conservative and still stay successful. Older ones have it easier because they became established in an era where this blacklist didn't exist. Yes, I know people in Hollywood, and yes, this is a real thing. There's a lot of pressure to be liberal.", ">>{Alchemistmerlin} : > So people with high school diplomas are uneducated? Yes, absolutely. American public education is a fucking joke. It is poorly funded, poorly managed, and overall a dumpster fire. >Trade schools are uneducated? >Vocational training is uneducated? Trained and educated are not the same thing. >You know for a culture that was so into PC and safe spaces sure like to insult people Turns out attempting to play nice and get everyone to not be shitty to one another didn't work, so we're trying a new tactic, please stand by.", '>>{DBDude} : It was okay. It wasn\'t the propaganda love fest people like to say it is, because it has war clearly fucking him up pretty bad. There\'s a strong "war sucks" message in that.', ">>{Evil_lil_Minion} : but try and help people better afford college or raise taxes of the people who are better off to help those that are not and you're a socialist and should leave the country!!!!!!!! ^^^^/s", '>>{BobbyDStroyer} : That lead foundry is what made this country great!', ">>{BIG__GREEN} : We all live in bubbles, that's part of the problem IMO.", ">>{Yetis} : That's true because the guy's name was Chris Kyle.", '>>{Yetis} : I enjoyed it since it put some light on PTSD.', '>>{Merc_Drew} : Training and education are different sides of the same coin... Training is education for a specific task', ">>{BobbyDStroyer} : Seriously. I have NOT gone to college (Other than Associate's degree in 2003) but I have proofed thesis papers and tutored math for several students, and I'm shocked by the level of non-education it is possible to get during the course of undergraduate studies. Not isolated cases, either. If you've got the time and money, you can get a degree. Whether or not you'll be able to do anything worthwhile is still in question. A lot of people should just go for apprenticeships with plumbers or electricians.", '>>{ezreading} : Are we sure? He had a tendency to lie about shit.', ">>{theplott} : No, they aren't pressured to be liberal at all. The pressure they feel is from the union to protect and support the union as a whole. I know a hell of a lot of actors who are Republican. I also know that the further you go up the ladder of power in Hollywood, the more the Republican the demographics become.", '>>{DBDude} : > I also know that the further you go up the ladder of power in Hollywood, the more the Republican the demographics become. For actors, yes. They are free to voice their opinions.', '>>{BIG__GREEN} : Our K-12 system sucks shit through a crazy straw mostly for reasons unrelated to who gets a trophy.', ">>{crooked-heart} : Actually, after Trump's climate and energy policies, living in bubbles will be the plan in every city.", ">>{ezreading} : No, it's not. If you're anti-union, don't be surprised when you can't get a union job.", '>>{ezreading} : I had a good laugh when he was executed, yes.', ">>{CKAverly} : But the thing is, we shouldn't despise them, we should start showing solidarity with them along class lines. Ultimately, material conditions will always win out over ideology (racism, sexism, chauvinism). So let's bring them into the fold to fight for the working class. As they coordinate with other working class movements who share similar materialistic goals (BLM and NoDAPL), their ideology is sure to change somewhat. Even if they remain bigoted, if the Left doesn't actively engage with these people, how do we change their views? Suppress them? Hope the mythical post-racial society just springs up? Changing minds doesn't happen through electoral politics, it happens through solidarity and inclusive social movements.", '>>{BIG__GREEN} : Looking forward to 2048 elections where the hardworking rural mutants of war-torn Real America can take back the presidency from the arcology-dwelling urban elites.', ">>{aFYROMian1} : I believe nearly everyone in America lives in their own bubble, especially people here. Most cities are disproportionately segregated when it comes to race, and that effects everything from where people live to where they shop. I don't believe living in the typical American city is going to expose you to differing opinions when it takes further effort and interest for most people living in those areas to hear them.", ">>{DBDude} : I see where you're going. But even if you're not anti-union, being conservative will be interpreted as such, and you're blacklisted. Same effect.", ">>{castiglione_99} : Lee Ermey isn't exactly known for having a lot of range, as an actor. I like the guy's work, but all of his roles have pretty much amounted to a retread of his work in Full Metal Jacket. And as he's gone older, he can't really play that type of role convincingly anymore, leaving him roles that basically call for him to play some sort of kooky eccentric. And there are probably a lot more older actors out there with greater range who could take those roles as well.", ">>{MAGAisMyPronoun} : I don't think most of them are complaining about safe spaces and stuff. That's a specific subset of people who wouldn't have voted Democrat anyway. When I talk about the safe space and microagression stuff I was exposed to at a notoriously left-leaning college to people back home (upstate NY) they simply shrug and can't comprehend what I meant. That super rural demographic doesn't have the means or desire to understand what that aspect of more suburban and urban living is. I think the big thing people don't realize is what exactly the people in bumblefuck nowhere know (think they know) about cities via media. They see tax rates that would destroy them--in fact a lot of them know they're paying state taxes that go to support these places they're given to understand are mismanaged and corrupt hell holes, they see crime rates that are truly unfathomable from their perspective without a state of literal anarchy, they hear that something as simple as maintenance on the bridges to Long Island is going to take just one more year for the twentieth consecutive year, most of all they see that most of these cities are ruled overwhelmingly by Democrats and that's really the only causal explanation they can imagine. What's worse is that they then hear people living in cities with a higher quality of life than anyone in their town has had in decades screaming about the ignorance of rural voters and the privilege of whites: the former infuriates them, the latter is something they have truly no reason to believe in because not only has their town been in economic stagnation for decades but they also know maybe two black people with whom they can compare their relative social standings. These people aren't stupid or anything, they have a worldview that coastal and big city liberals cannot begin to imagine, which is shockingly ironic in my opinion.", '>>{AncillaryIssues} : Then rural America should stop and think about where the money for all their farm subsidies comes from.', ">>{LumpyEmoPotato} : I have thought about this a lot and until both sides can at least agree on the baseline of the facts we will never change or overcome this divide. To give you an anecdotal evidence I had a civil discussion with my Aunt as to why we withdrew from Iraq. Her stance was that we should of stayed there to prevent the rise of ISIS. I told her that Iraq wanted us to leave and we didn't have a status of forces agreement with Iraq, which would of left our soldiers vulnerable to Iraqi laws and courts and no country would ever put their soldiers in that kind of situation. She stated, after I provided this information and sourced it, well he (Obama) should of left at least some troops behind anyway. At that point I gave up there is no convincing people or connecting with people if you can't even agree on reality. How the hell will people agree on things, how the hell do people work together when we can't even agree on what the problem is?", ">>{CKAverly} : I see similar issues when I discuss politics with right leaning people. The solution? Start with the undeniable facts that they themselves experience. For most of the Repubs in my state, ths includes low wages or inability to find a job, poor education system for their children, rundown infrastructure, shitty healthcare etc. Once these are identified, usualy a liberal and conservative will take turns explaining why it's the other parties fault. That's the mistake liberals make. Don't defend party leaders. They have nothing to do with legitimate leftist policy and the Right has already conditioned rural Repubs against them. For example, instead of arguing why Obamacare actually isn't that bad to a person who's getting ripped off by it, agree the ACA is flawed, propose an alternative to the right-wing solution (single payer), and discuss the merits of that instead. Most poor folk, Republican, Democrat, urban, or rural, would be open to single payer vs government mandated private insurance. Imho, the problem is, centrist liberals (Obama, Hillary) don't admit there are problems in the system, because they benefit from that system. So their supporters who get caught up in the personality cult defend their elitist policies and push the working class away.", '>>{LumpyEmoPotato} : It is a bit disheartening that once you remove the labels (D vs. R) attached to a particular policy ideas there tends to be a lot of agreement. Maybe this is why people are sick of politics. There is usually a ton of agreement, but the D vs. R dynamic in DC treats politics like it is a fucking sports game. We just go back to being the demes, blue vs. green vs. red vs. white (red vs. blue) and damn it all because at some point we will have our own Nika revolt at some point. Anyway I am in my anger stage right now accepting this election because I am frustrated that the generation that taught in school to be open-minded, embrace diversity, be a critical thinker, and self-reliance only to see that same generation embrace ignorance. I had to explain to a family member how Congress passes a law! However I understand your point. Keep the labels out of it and try to find the areas to agree. Dialogue over debate, however if say coming to agreement is one thing, choosing on how to act on that agreement is another dialogue.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{trostlerp} : Bradley Cooper's DNC appearance irks some 'American Sniper' fans", ">>{target_locked} : Why? Did people forget that he wasn't the real person?", ">>{JennysDad} : Republicans live in a fantasy world where what they see on the TV is substituted for reality. They REALLY don't like it when reality ends up breaking the illusion.", '>>{btross} : You portrayed someone I admire in a movie, therefore you are not allowed to have your own personal beliefs!!!', ">>{Dirtybrd} : Turns out Bradley Cooper and Chris Kyle aren't the same person.", ">>{target_locked} : Considering that people get black balled in hollywood for being conservative I'll assume it works both ways.", '>>{Modsdontknow} : > Considering that people get black balled in hollywood for being conservative Thats absurd, Clint Eastwood is a huge conservative and he is one of the best in the business. Many people in hollywood are conservative nut jobs.', ">>{JennysDad} : there are conservative actors in hollywood, it's just the stupid ones who allow their racism/anti-semitism to pop out who get 'black balled'.", '>>{SchlangeHatRecht} : Playing a role =/= living the role. Silly issue; move along', ">>{target_locked} : Yeah, no, that's not the case at all. Any slight support for Republicans usually ends with either a destroyed career or heavy damage. They have to form their own secret groups in order to protect themselves from the black balling.", ">>{Modsdontknow} : Yes I'm sure Fox News would love to create a narrative of conservatives being oppressed victims of a mean liberal America. In reality that isn't true there are plenty of conservatives in hollywood. Who that guy is he was probably just a douche or nutjob.", ">>{target_locked} : I'm sure you want to maintain the view that there isn't any suppression of political views in hollywood. Why lie to yourself?", ">>{MODS-ARE-EVIL} : Not even that good of a sniper. Couldn't even do a 360° no-scope.", ">>{Modsdontknow} : I'm sorry man the white man is not being oppressed in America. White conservative men are not a victim to anything except ignorance.", '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : Can we stop caring what a few people on twitter think? The press is so shitty in this country they take to quoting what some jack ass on twitter says. This would be equivalent to in the 1970s them sending reporters out to the middle of no where in Louisiana and a communist community somewhere and reporting on the opions of the people there like it holds any weight.', '>>{JennysDad} : you have got to be kidding me, how many conservative hollywood celebrities do I have to list before you agree that there are conservative celebrities? http://www.ranker.com/list/celebrities-republican-famous-and-conservative-stars/famous-conservatives', ">>{target_locked} : And we've fallen to racism. Enjoy your day.", '>>{Modsdontknow} : chill out dude, go and meet some people instead of wasting your summer vaca playing the victim on the internet.', '>>{WaltBush} : Most of those "celebrities" are dead, or politicians (not "Hollywood celebrities"), or both. The top 5 are Rush Limbaugh, Ronald Reagan (dead), Charlton Heston (dead), Jimmy Stewart (dead), and Elvis (dead).', '>>{JennysDad} : omfg, you have to scroll past "greats" to get to the alive, younger conservatives. ?!?! Oh, you poor poor man. I am sorry to have stressed you so.', '>>{TW1971} : I hear the Rocket Racoon fans were ok with him being there', ">>{DumpsterDon} : I tried to watch it but couldn't finish it.", '>>{ezreading} : Neither was Craig Kyle though, to be honest. Edit - Chris Kyle : Professional serial killer and pathological liar. Better?', '>>{HeteroMilk} : Goddamn, that movie was a stinking pile of trash. Even if you disregard the fact it was an absolutely shameless piece of American propaganda, it was just a god awful film.', ">>{ezreading} : I preferred Tarantino's version featured in *Inglourious Basterds.*", ">>{DBDude} : You have to be pretty well-established to be able to come out as conservative and still stay successful. Older ones have it easier because they became established in an era where this blacklist didn't exist. Yes, I know people in Hollywood, and yes, this is a real thing. There's a lot of pressure to be liberal.", '>>{DBDude} : It was okay. It wasn\'t the propaganda love fest people like to say it is, because it has war clearly fucking him up pretty bad. There\'s a strong "war sucks" message in that.', ">>{Yetis} : That's true because the guy's name was Chris Kyle.", '>>{Yetis} : I enjoyed it since it put some light on PTSD.', '>>{ezreading} : Are we sure? He had a tendency to lie about shit.', ">>{theplott} : No, they aren't pressured to be liberal at all. The pressure they feel is from the union to protect and support the union as a whole. I know a hell of a lot of actors who are Republican. I also know that the further you go up the ladder of power in Hollywood, the more the Republican the demographics become.", '>>{DBDude} : > I also know that the further you go up the ladder of power in Hollywood, the more the Republican the demographics become. For actors, yes. They are free to voice their opinions.', ">>{ezreading} : No, it's not. If you're anti-union, don't be surprised when you can't get a union job.", '>>{ezreading} : I had a good laugh when he was executed, yes.', ">>{DBDude} : I see where you're going. But even if you're not anti-union, being conservative will be interpreted as such, and you're blacklisted. Same effect.", ">>{castiglione_99} : Lee Ermey isn't exactly known for having a lot of range, as an actor. I like the guy's work, but all of his roles have pretty much amounted to a retread of his work in Full Metal Jacket. And as he's gone older, he can't really play that type of role convincingly anymore, leaving him roles that basically call for him to play some sort of kooky eccentric. And there are probably a lot more older actors out there with greater range who could take those roles as well."], ['>>{Merc_Drew} : Its as if the rural folks are becoming resentful with the city folks tell them how to live and what is best for them etc etc Edit: I think people are reading to much into the statement with growing anger instead of looking at the statement in context to the article', ">>{Omfnur} : I mean, yeah, that's pretty obvious. I know that prior to this election I, and people like me, hardly thought about rural America at all. They were upset about that apparently? And wanted us to think about them more. Now I actively despise them. Mission Accomplished.", '>>{BattleofAlgiers} : And us city folks love rural folks telling us how they are "real Americans" and how they are from the "heartland" while we\'re from gross evil cities. We LOVE when rural folk tell us how we have no family values. Yes, urban Americans need to do some self-reflection, but let\'s not pretend this is a one way fucking street.', ">>{Weebsley} : Seriously. First the city folk forced them to abort all of their children, then they took away all of their guns, then they forced them to get gay married, and now they're turning their kids into ladymen. It's a nightmare", ">>{lipring69} : City: gays should be allowed to marry Rural America: fuck you don't tell me what to do!", '>>{AndrewRyansRapture} : I know, they just lived up to the stereotype. Congrats!', '>>{StaticVulture} : So the rural folks should tell the city folks how to live instead?', ">>{ITGuy_higgins} : This is a stupid statement. At no point has anyone told rural America how to live except *not* to discriminate others who want to live their lives in their own way. Its rural/Southern America that likes to involve themselves in the rights of others based on religion and moral impasse. Rural America can bitch and moan about the economy all they want but until they understand that the coal mines and manufacturing aren't coming back and until they can work on getting an education and/or new skill sets, they're going to be stuck right where they are in their dying economy. I'm originally from mid-Michigan and I grew up the first 25 years of my life working automotive and after the 2008 collapse, the signs were all too noticeable to see that lifestyle wasn't coming back. I joined the Army, got a job doing IT work and live in DC away from that shitty economy. It can be done, you just have to make the sacrifice and initiative to do so.", '>>{GirthlyBertha} : OK, someone please answer. What kind of coursework can I take to make graphic visualizations like this? I need the ability to do this....', ">>{PamBeeslysTits} : I know a few pro 2a types who are basically single issue voters, but that's really the only example", ">>{Merc_Drew} : All I'm commenting on is the growing divide... I think people are reading to much into the statement with growing anger instead of looking at the statement in context to the article", ">>{lazarogamio} : I'm the guy who made this. I used [d3](https://d3js.org/) to make the charts.", ">>{Merc_Drew} : Not college educated does not mean uneducated... And not college educated does not mean unsuccessful College educated does not mean successful You should really find a different term that doesn't alienate the biggest voting block of people in this country like Clinton did", ">>{ivsciguy} : >don't tell me what to do! Don't tell me tell me what other people are allowed do do!", '>>{Alchemistmerlin} : > Not college educated does not mean uneducated... Literally what it means. >And not college educated does not mean unsuccessful >College educated does not mean successful Unrelated statements >You should really find a different term that doesn\'t alienate the biggest voting block of people in this country like Clinton did You know, for the portion of the country constantly complaining about "PC Culture" and "Safe Spaces", they sure are thin skinned.', ">>{FakeeMcFake} : Climate change, Isis, School bombings...there's a lot to be scared about in the world. And if you live outside the areas that occasionally are affected by bad trends you don't realize it's not that bad, especially if you're not very well educated. People in the cities put up with each other and all their differences everyday. The chances of being mugged, having something stolen etcetera are much higher...but they bravely go about their day. Part of this divide it's just basic, unnecessary fear.", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : I'd feel more bad about rural folks feeling left out if their votes weren't worth more than mine.", '>>{Omfnur} : Yeah, it\'s unfortunate that the people calling themselves "real America" are such fucking cowards.', ">>{Gnarledhalo} : Is it possible that rural America lives in a bubble? It's not like you're exposed to new and different ideas on a daily.", ">>{lennybrucebruce} : BUT THAT'S SO HARD. Why can't I stay in the same small town I grew up in and work at the same factory my pappy worked at?", '>>{Merc_Drew} : So people with high school diplomas are uneducated? Trade schools are uneducated? Vocational training is uneducated? You know for a culture that was so into PC and safe spaces sure like to insult people', ">>{FullClockworkOddessy} : Why do you think their first response to any crisis is to buy more guns to hoard? They're deathly afraid of anything that isn't a carbon copy of themselves and are too thick-skulled to imagine any solution to their fear beyond killing the thing they're afraid of. Even so much as catching a glimpse of a black person is enough to give them heart palpitations for a week. They're like Krikkiters from *Life, the Universe, and Everything.*", ">>{Alchemistmerlin} : > So people with high school diplomas are uneducated? Yes, absolutely. American public education is a fucking joke. It is poorly funded, poorly managed, and overall a dumpster fire. >Trade schools are uneducated? >Vocational training is uneducated? Trained and educated are not the same thing. >You know for a culture that was so into PC and safe spaces sure like to insult people Turns out attempting to play nice and get everyone to not be shitty to one another didn't work, so we're trying a new tactic, please stand by.", ">>{Evil_lil_Minion} : but try and help people better afford college or raise taxes of the people who are better off to help those that are not and you're a socialist and should leave the country!!!!!!!! ^^^^/s", '>>{BobbyDStroyer} : That lead foundry is what made this country great!', ">>{BIG__GREEN} : We all live in bubbles, that's part of the problem IMO.", '>>{Merc_Drew} : Training and education are different sides of the same coin... Training is education for a specific task', ">>{BobbyDStroyer} : Seriously. I have NOT gone to college (Other than Associate's degree in 2003) but I have proofed thesis papers and tutored math for several students, and I'm shocked by the level of non-education it is possible to get during the course of undergraduate studies. Not isolated cases, either. If you've got the time and money, you can get a degree. Whether or not you'll be able to do anything worthwhile is still in question. A lot of people should just go for apprenticeships with plumbers or electricians.", '>>{BIG__GREEN} : Our K-12 system sucks shit through a crazy straw mostly for reasons unrelated to who gets a trophy.', ">>{crooked-heart} : Actually, after Trump's climate and energy policies, living in bubbles will be the plan in every city.", ">>{CKAverly} : But the thing is, we shouldn't despise them, we should start showing solidarity with them along class lines. Ultimately, material conditions will always win out over ideology (racism, sexism, chauvinism). So let's bring them into the fold to fight for the working class. As they coordinate with other working class movements who share similar materialistic goals (BLM and NoDAPL), their ideology is sure to change somewhat. Even if they remain bigoted, if the Left doesn't actively engage with these people, how do we change their views? Suppress them? Hope the mythical post-racial society just springs up? Changing minds doesn't happen through electoral politics, it happens through solidarity and inclusive social movements.", '>>{BIG__GREEN} : Looking forward to 2048 elections where the hardworking rural mutants of war-torn Real America can take back the presidency from the arcology-dwelling urban elites.', ">>{aFYROMian1} : I believe nearly everyone in America lives in their own bubble, especially people here. Most cities are disproportionately segregated when it comes to race, and that effects everything from where people live to where they shop. I don't believe living in the typical American city is going to expose you to differing opinions when it takes further effort and interest for most people living in those areas to hear them.", ">>{MAGAisMyPronoun} : I don't think most of them are complaining about safe spaces and stuff. That's a specific subset of people who wouldn't have voted Democrat anyway. When I talk about the safe space and microagression stuff I was exposed to at a notoriously left-leaning college to people back home (upstate NY) they simply shrug and can't comprehend what I meant. That super rural demographic doesn't have the means or desire to understand what that aspect of more suburban and urban living is. I think the big thing people don't realize is what exactly the people in bumblefuck nowhere know (think they know) about cities via media. They see tax rates that would destroy them--in fact a lot of them know they're paying state taxes that go to support these places they're given to understand are mismanaged and corrupt hell holes, they see crime rates that are truly unfathomable from their perspective without a state of literal anarchy, they hear that something as simple as maintenance on the bridges to Long Island is going to take just one more year for the twentieth consecutive year, most of all they see that most of these cities are ruled overwhelmingly by Democrats and that's really the only causal explanation they can imagine. What's worse is that they then hear people living in cities with a higher quality of life than anyone in their town has had in decades screaming about the ignorance of rural voters and the privilege of whites: the former infuriates them, the latter is something they have truly no reason to believe in because not only has their town been in economic stagnation for decades but they also know maybe two black people with whom they can compare their relative social standings. These people aren't stupid or anything, they have a worldview that coastal and big city liberals cannot begin to imagine, which is shockingly ironic in my opinion.", '>>{AncillaryIssues} : Then rural America should stop and think about where the money for all their farm subsidies comes from.', ">>{LumpyEmoPotato} : I have thought about this a lot and until both sides can at least agree on the baseline of the facts we will never change or overcome this divide. To give you an anecdotal evidence I had a civil discussion with my Aunt as to why we withdrew from Iraq. Her stance was that we should of stayed there to prevent the rise of ISIS. I told her that Iraq wanted us to leave and we didn't have a status of forces agreement with Iraq, which would of left our soldiers vulnerable to Iraqi laws and courts and no country would ever put their soldiers in that kind of situation. She stated, after I provided this information and sourced it, well he (Obama) should of left at least some troops behind anyway. At that point I gave up there is no convincing people or connecting with people if you can't even agree on reality. How the hell will people agree on things, how the hell do people work together when we can't even agree on what the problem is?", ">>{CKAverly} : I see similar issues when I discuss politics with right leaning people. The solution? Start with the undeniable facts that they themselves experience. For most of the Repubs in my state, ths includes low wages or inability to find a job, poor education system for their children, rundown infrastructure, shitty healthcare etc. Once these are identified, usualy a liberal and conservative will take turns explaining why it's the other parties fault. That's the mistake liberals make. Don't defend party leaders. They have nothing to do with legitimate leftist policy and the Right has already conditioned rural Repubs against them. For example, instead of arguing why Obamacare actually isn't that bad to a person who's getting ripped off by it, agree the ACA is flawed, propose an alternative to the right-wing solution (single payer), and discuss the merits of that instead. Most poor folk, Republican, Democrat, urban, or rural, would be open to single payer vs government mandated private insurance. Imho, the problem is, centrist liberals (Obama, Hillary) don't admit there are problems in the system, because they benefit from that system. So their supporters who get caught up in the personality cult defend their elitist policies and push the working class away.", '>>{LumpyEmoPotato} : It is a bit disheartening that once you remove the labels (D vs. R) attached to a particular policy ideas there tends to be a lot of agreement. Maybe this is why people are sick of politics. There is usually a ton of agreement, but the D vs. R dynamic in DC treats politics like it is a fucking sports game. We just go back to being the demes, blue vs. green vs. red vs. white (red vs. blue) and damn it all because at some point we will have our own Nika revolt at some point. Anyway I am in my anger stage right now accepting this election because I am frustrated that the generation that taught in school to be open-minded, embrace diversity, be a critical thinker, and self-reliance only to see that same generation embrace ignorance. I had to explain to a family member how Congress passes a law! However I understand your point. Keep the labels out of it and try to find the areas to agree. Dialogue over debate, however if say coming to agreement is one thing, choosing on how to act on that agreement is another dialogue.'], [">>{andrews9} : TBH I've not used it for such a long time I don't think I can give you a helpful before/after comparison. Sorry!", ">>{codemonkey85} : What would you possibly need from Google while you are driving that Siri couldn't handle just as well? It's not as if the Google app lets you do text messages and phone calls anyway. I mean, it would be one thing if you were using Android and Google was how you were able to access all of your phone's functions. But for specifically in car use, you might as well just use Siri.", ">>{EricPlasencia} : I had many android phones but can't for the life of me recall now ever doing anything overly impressive over Siri. I did enjoy the cards and thought proactive should have been more similar to that. What are your experiences like?", '>>{TCivan} : Siri can\'t understand my wife\'s name. Google can. Siri can\'t understand basic names like "Christopher Erin", Google can.', ">>{swanny246} : Voice recognition for one thing, the general consensus seems to be that Google Now works a lot better than Siri, and I agree personally (for the record - I'm Australian).", ">>{TCivan} : For example: I work in the film industry. I'm in a plane 4-6 times a month. If I receive an email from a producer with flight details, it's automatically entered into my calendar, a card is made, and Now let's me know when it's time to leave for the airport depending on traffic. Siri does none of that. If I park my car, and at the end of the night am looking for it, Google Now knows where I parked my car cause my Blue tooth disconnected from the car at a certain location. Automatically. Siri in my experience does none of this. Google now is a personal assistant. Siri is a shitty summer intern.", '>>{Habib_Marwuana} : Using your cars bluetooth as an indicator I want it to remember where i parked at all times and put a star on maps there.', '>>{NuclearLunchDectcted} : Bluetooth wouldn\'t do it, range is too short. But using the phones GPS it could mark where you parked and put a star there. Or the car stereo could send a signal over bluetooth saying "engine off here, powering down" and have the phone do it automatically.', ">>{EricPlasencia} : Ah yes. I do remember those features now. I just didn't fly often or have Bluetooth cars. Yeah now was way more predictive than Siri", ">>{codemonkey85} : But the Google app for iOS can't do anything with that information. Ultimately it sounds like you need to be using an Android device.", '>>{codemonkey85} : I agree that Google has better voice recognition. However, I think the original confusion stemmed from the fact that this is a thread about Google Now, not Google voice actions or voice search. Not to be pedantic, but Google Now is technically only the portion that gives you information before you ask for it, not the component that recognizes your voice and reacts or responds to it.', '>>{TCivan} : Yea, thats the whole point. I just switched to Iphone expecting better and am disappointed.'], ['>>{Trumpledthinskin} : OK discredit media, check .... wait they called us out on Sweden. Ok lets go after the internet so we can control that medium too. A little earlier then planned but ok . Can anyone tell me the next step in the fascist handbook because this is a fucking play by play.', '>>{Quinnjester} : we are going to get so much shitty internet because of this...', '>>{LeMot-Juste} : Then people are just going to have to learn to steal it again, like in days of yore, and use those hacking skills wickedly. If someone comes up with free access to an ISP, you can betcha it will grow as quickly as Napster did.', ">>{Pal_Smurch} : Don't like it? Goddamned VOTE next time then.", ">>{cowboycoco} : Eh. I wish we could just lump this in with the rest of Trump's Authoritarian Playbook, but attacks on Net Neutrality are nowhere near new. It's just now the head of the FCC is aligned with them.", ">>{whatcolorwasit} : Wut? Just because they're not new doesn't mean they're not totalitarian", ">>{AnotherPersonPerhaps} : I work for a small ISP that's right around the 250,000 customer cutoff. We haven't throttled in the past, but we do charge for going over data caps (usually around a terabyte). People already don't know what data management policies are a lot of the time. Honestly, I'm not sure this policy by itself is a big deal. It's not like the customer can't get the information about throttling or data caps. Also, this isn't net neutrality. This issue often gets conflated with neutrality but it's not the same thing. It may very well however be the build up to striking down neutrality. Edit: I may be partially wrong about this not being Neutrality related, but the main purpose of this reporting, as I understand it, is to report on things like data caps, throttling for network management, overage charges, network performance (speed issues, packet loss, etc) and things like that. There is reporting done on degredation of services (throttling)... Application-agnostic but I'm not entirely sure that applies either. It doesn't apply to us because we don't violate net neutrality concepts so I'm not sure exactly what that entails. I am not a lawyer!", ">>{cowboycoco} : That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying this isn't part of Trump's plan. In fact, I'd wager, he hasn't the foggiest fucking clue what net neutrality is even about.", '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : One day soon, Reddit will slow to a crawl.', ">>{ParanoidDrone} : Can I interject here and ask for an ELI5 on net neutrality? Not for myself, but for my father -- the subject's come up before and I was struggling to explain it in terms he could easily grasp. He has a lot of business experience but no tech experience. Best I could come up with was how NN regulations would prevent ISPs from throttling competitors' data.", ">>{AnotherPersonPerhaps} : ISP employee here. Neutrality is in reference to an ISP charging web services extra to give their data priority. So if a priority service and a non priority service are going across the lines at the same time, the priority will be faster. Without neutrality, there could be a system where businesses have to pay more to ISPs for faster access to end users, and those that don't are left in the dust so to speak. Edit: often confused with charging or throttling for going over data caps to end users (you and me). Not the same thing. Edit 2: realizing what you're asking a good way to explain it is highway fast lanes. Except companies have to pay to drive in the fast lane. Businesses (or organizations) that can't pay are at an inherent competitive disadvantage.", '>>{snorp} : Reddit is now the 300 lb gorilla. The thing that will be slowed to a crawl is the upstart competitor to it.', ">>{mememaking} : We all need to email the FCC and express support for Net neutrality The current republican commissioners are against net neutrality but we should make our voices heard ajit.pai@fcc.gov mike.o'rielly@fcc.gov", ">>{AttackSkunk} : I still remember NetZero and it sucked. Let's try to avoid that again.", '>>{LeMot-Juste} : Earthlink too. The early years of Time Warner were so, so painful. <shivers> no, never again.', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Sure, some will be caught. At the same time, the vast majority didn't with Napster or WinMX which caused the music companies to get with the program and offer us some pretty great, and cheap, music services. The only way to make change these days with Big Corp is to take matters into our own hands. The GOP Gov't ain't going to help us out or break up monopolies or regulate industries. So we have to invent something better, something millions of people can take advantage of, to drive down the costs of ISPs and destroy their controls. I don't know what it is, personally. I only have an idea how to screw Big Pharma, but not the ISPs yet.", ">>{Trumpledthinskin} : True but this isn't an attack by politicians and lobbyists outside the FCC. New situation.", '>>{Trumpledthinskin} : And a whole lot more unless things change soon.', '>>{Trumpledthinskin} : except hitler had half a brain and made allies. I shudder to think what kind of plan our so called government will make without the pentagon or intell from anyone with experience.']]
classify and reply
['>>{tensai_76} : American workers will never work for cut throat wages, but that does not mean prices for iPhones will soar.', '>>{nirad} : Child yells profanity directed at Hillary Clinton during Donald Trump rally', ">>{slakmehl} : Saturday Night Live Makes the Case That Ivanka Is 'Complicit'", '>>{pauliereynolds} : Grey market going to be huge if this happens...', '>>{NikeSwish} : How could they staff factories as big as the ones that make iPhones? They need tens of thousands of people on a whim to be hired when iPhone production ramps up every summer.', '>>{osaucyone} : She sits by as her father appoints a man who hates her religion as his Chief Strategist and while her father insults women as she puts on the face of a First Lady. Sounds pretty complicit to me.', ">>{JamisonP} : Well, wasn't terrible. They were a little bit self-aware during parts. Trump dog skit was great too. Crossed the line a couple times, especially Pete Davidson's skit. That wasn't even comedy, just being an asshole.", '>>{DragonPup} : She is part of the administration and attended government functions and meetings. She is 100% fair game.', ">>{BlueSwoosh248} : Hilarious. I cracked up during this one. Comedy is so much more fun when it's 100% accurate.", ">>{JPetermanRealityTour} : The Don sets a great example for our kids, doesn't he folks!?", '>>{ozabelle} : consarnit! them democrat schools, they done learnt my youngin to cuss.', '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Ivanka and Jared are much worse than merely complicit. They are pushing awful policy and open corruption themselves. They are criminals stealing money from the US taxpayers and belong in jail.', ">>{130i} : They'll just automate jobs. Apple aren't dumb enough to employ the same number of Americans as they do Chinese people for a considerably higher amount.", '>>{TRUMPMOLESTEDIVANKA} : Its more stockholm syndrome but I get what you are saying', ">>{CaptNemo131} : Idk how you can say they won't soar, price tends to increase as production costs do, which moving factories to the US will surely cause.", '>>{yeahbuddy} : Time to anti-Trump negativity: 34 milliseconds. Good job!', '>>{MianaQ} : >A little kid is yelling "Take the bitch down!" when Trump mentions Hillary Clinton. A little kid. No more than 10, I would say. Typical trump supporter: brainwashed.', '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : >Asked where he learned to speak that way, she answered, "Democratic schools." >Behind her seats was a school sign, encouraging good behavior: "Trustworthy, Respectful, United, Excellent." Derp.', ">>{EdwardRMeow} : Yeah, okay. Drumpf won't follow through with this just how he won't follow through on anything. I'm not the least bit concerned.", ">>{TheAndrewSpence} : I wasn't even saying anything about Trump. I was stating the obvious. You bring manufacturing jobs for consumer electronics to the states, prices are going to go up. Plain and simple.", ">>{BlankNothingNoDoer} : I'm just curious, how can she stop it? I don't know what powers the first daughter has in the US.", '>>{ivotedhrc} : As the video suggested, she should have stopped campaigning for him after the Access Hollywood video. Months before the video leaked Ivanka went on ~~the View (or a similar show)~~ [CBS This Morning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KOqSIyYFyA) and said point blank, "My father is not a groper." There\'s nothing she can do *now* except come out publicly against her father and/or force her husband to leave the admin. I highly doubt either of them would do that. They are complicit because they are literally working for him, even despite the fact that some argue it violates nepotism laws.', ">>{chodeboi} : To be fair, she only took it up when she needed a legit marriage to get the billionaire's money; but that's me being a judgmental asshole.", '>>{AstrangerR} : Did this have anything actually to do with Trump or did it just happen to be talked about now?', '>>{osaucyone} : Well my point still stands because the fringe right is using her religion to say "look we\'re not Nazis!." Though I agree that it was a flip for money.', '>>{scatmango} : hehe i say drumpf, i am so le epic!!! XD !!! little british man with crooked teeth told me it was the current year!!! he tell me how to think!!! he is smart heheheehe XD!!!! fucking hell, you are pathetic.', ">>{chodeboi} : Wasn't trying to argue; don't know why I phrased it as such. Sad state of affairs.", '>>{EdwardRMeow} : Oof that was cringe worthy to read. Keep at it guy.', '>>{MAGwastheSHIT} : And she blames it on "democratic schools". What happened to the party of personal responsibility?', '>>{TrumpOnLolitaExpress} : >The adult escorting boy who yelled "take the bitch down" about Hillary Clinton said the child learned the language in "Democratic schools" > >https://twitter.com/Bencjacobs/status/760515886675550210 > > >She also said of roughly 10-year-old boy shouting "take the bitch down" about Hillary. "I think he has a right to speak what he wants to" > >https://twitter.com/Bencjacobs/status/760516090338369536', '>>{Smellmuhfinger} : I would gladly pay each extra $150 for an iPhone if they moved the production to the us', '>>{Stuckinaloop} : How is this "News"? Kids say inappropriate things all of the time.', ">>{edmg} : I don't know about electronics, but I've read of a number of US companies moving production back from China because it turned out to be cheaper and better in the long run. Of course, they don't employ anywhere near as many people in America as they did in China, because it's cheaper to automate there. And I have a hard time believing that labour costs add that much to the price of an iPhone, anyway. It's more likely to be the other costs of operating in America, like regulation and taxes. Trump is in a position to do something about both of those.", '>>{Gold_Jacobson} : >"A school-age child at a Donald Trump rally on Tuesday stood up and yelled "Take the bitch down" after the candidate mentioned Hillary Clinton. His mother later defended the child\'s right to speak and blamed his language on "Democratic schools." Anyone want to try to go down the logic hole on this? So, we have "democratic schools." Where they call the democratic nominee "bitch." Teach the child to do such. So much that it is engrained into their child that the mother can\'t undo such teaching. And this mother sends their child to these democratic schools, despite most likely supporting the GOP. And as if it were a hypnotic trigger, when Democratic nominee Hilary Clinton gets mentioned, the democratic school\'s indoctrination comes forth and the child calls her a bitch and to "take her down." And umm... I give up.', ">>{justjack48} : They've been passing that buck on to the democrats for ages", '>>{ozabelle} : trustworthy, respectful, united, excellent talk about dogwhistles! everybody knows those are liberal codewords for "dont wash your hands, dont flush, dont pray, and get busy cussing"', '>>{antideerg} : pretty sure Trump is a clinton plant -- so guess its Clinton fault', ">>{osaucyone} : Oh, I didn't think you were! I think my phrasing was bad as well.", '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : Source on Bannon hating jews? sounds like fake news everyone ms a nazi memeing', '>>{osaucyone} : He openly embraces Spencer and the alt-right. He is guilty by association.', '>>{antideerg} : I wonder what the Clintons got Trump as a wedding gift? Maybe something to do with golf as bill and Donald played together... not the only thing they did together either... lolita express anyone?', ">>{WeldmyJohnson} : if my kid hears Donald curse/say inappropriate things on a commercial paid for by Hilary Clinton, who's at fault? I say both.", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : I would say if children behaved like Trump, their parents would find scold and ground them. But I guess some parents are brainwashed loons who want to indoctrinate their children into this kind of behavior.', '>>{Velocidongus} : I love my Dad but I would be screaming at people not to vote for him if he ran for President.', ">>{guiltyofnothing} : >Democratic schools Take some personal responsibility for the horrible parenting you've done.", ">>{dannylandulf} : Maybe that's why Trump donated to NAMBLA...to get them to include Clinton hate in their brain washing of kids.", ">>{slakmehl} : Nah, I think it's a sketch on a comedy show.", '>>{penguished} : the Atlantic is writing about a sketch on a comedy show and you think that is deep reporting then?', '>>{CaptNemo131} : > they don\'t employ anywhere near as many people in America as they did in China And there\'s the issue with this part of "MAGA". The jobs aren\'t going to be as plentiful as they are in China, despite what we\'re told. > And I have a hard time believing that labour costs add that much to the price of an iPhone, anyway. It\'s more likely to be the other costs of operating in America, like regulation and taxes. Issue being, when you have to pay every worker a minimum of $7.25 in the US vs. the estimated $2.50 an hour they pay now in China, labor costs skyrocket. Additionally, those taxes and regulatory fees benefit the municipalities and states where the factories are located. Take those away and you put a strain on fire, police and public works departments that must serve these new factories.', ">>{penguished} : and some people have an evil relative in prison and they still don't bash them to the world. family is known to be an overwhelming bond in a lot of people.", '>>{anthonytweeker} : This kid is a perfect example of why I still have faith in the future of politics. 20 years from now a crooked politician like Hillary Clinton will never be elected again.', ">>{thyeyretoocute} : Hey. Remember the video of those parents teaching their toddler to say they want to kill Donald Trump? Or the literally viral video that everyone 'praised' consisting of little kids cussing at Trump? Or the time a little girl was peppersprayed because her parents were with her supporting Trump? Also, [nice username!](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4vtu76/donald_trump_kicks_crying_baby_out_of_rally/d61c2f4)", ">>{edmg} : > Issue being, when you have to pay every worker a minimum of $7.25 in the US vs. the estimated $2.50 an hour they pay now in China, labor costs skyrocket. How many hours do you think those people are taking to assemble a $600 phone? They're not soldering the chips in by hand, one leg at a time. They're doing the things that are cheaper to pay someone a few dollars an hour to do than to automate (and some of those will still cost a lot more to automate than paying an American to do them). Edit: and, taking a longer-term view, companies that figure out how to automate those jobs away will open new markets that won't happen while you can hire Chinese people to do them for next to nothing. The supply of cheap Chinese workers is reducing manufacturing innovation, just as the Romans might have started the Industrial Revolution a thousand years earlier if they didn't have a ready supply of slaves.", '>>{Magnum__Dong} : Oh please people, like no one here has seen little kids wearing "Fuck Trump" shirts or anything. Quit pretending this is exclusive to Trump supporters.', '>>{slakmehl} : As far as I can tell, your comment described the sketch, not the article.', ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : Everything has to be deep reporting? What's wrong with cultural commentary? Its not like you even subscribe to the Atlantic.", '>>{TrumpOnLolitaExpress} : Yeah. All assholes. Just like this scumbag mom. Somebody should Lock Her Up!', ">>{CaptNemo131} : Exactly. And then they bring the factories to the US, where if they're mostly automated, we won't have the jobs Trump thinks he's bringing back. Additionally, Foxconn workers work a large amount of overtime to complete the orders for Apple. Automation may solve this too, but there won't be any additional jobs.", ">>{_jerky} : - [We're Going To Kill Donald Trump - Says 3-Year-Old Girl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQS1WDo-Ma8) - [Young kids give the finger and yell obscenities at Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uRiExRJ5AI) - [Prominent Mexicans Teach Kids to Curse Donald Trump saying, ‘F*ck you! Racist f*ck!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N58WTwQ48Q)", ">>{thyeyretoocute} : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N58WTwQ48Q But it's so 'funny' hue hue.", '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : Remember when Republicans decried Bill Clinton as setting a bad example for the kids of the nation?', '>>{nirad} : IIRC, Obama was criticized for going on the Tonight Show less than 2 years ago!', '>>{indigo_voodoo_child} : He literally stopped his children from going to any of the Seven Sisters colleges because they were too "Jewy"', '>>{KinderSpirit} : I heard him say those things on live TV. Then they were shown repeatedly by the "news" channels. Now the ad - a powerful ad - I have seen this thing dozens of times. And way too many times at hours that children would see it. It is now Hillary Clinton\'s fault.', '>>{MartianMidnight} : Her child care plan would only help those who make more than 60k a year or so. Those making 250k or more would be able to write off their nannies, which is insane.', '>>{Retardedclownface} : Fuck yes she is, the whole family is a bunch of rats that should be put behind bars.', ">>{puppetmaster2501} : It's still a win for the US, no? Our state gets to tax the factory because it's in US, not abroad. Also, we get a handful of robot-tech jobs and factory supervisor/admin/security jobs that we wouldn't have without the factory, even if it is mostly automated. Plus, our power companies do more business to keep the factory running. A bunch of small things add up. Hell even if it's 100% automated isn't it still better for the American state to produce it there than abroad?", ">>{random4893} : Bullshit. Trump has never cared about anyone other than himself, [including his kids.](http://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/2015/07/donald-ivana-trump-divorce-prenup-marie-brenner) I genuinely sympathize with Trump's children for having to grow up with an horrific monster as a father, and especially with Ivanka for having to deal with his obvious sexual attraction towards her, but they are adults now and there is no excuse for their actions. Eric, Don Jr., Ivanka and Jared have huge roles in this rotten operation, and any American who cares about this country should be hoping for nothing but the worst for all of them.", ">>{CaptNemo131} : Absolutely. I'm just saying it won't work the way Trump thinks it will and/or labor costs (and by extension prices) will skyrocket.", '>>{puppetmaster2501} : I dream of a future where all the cool tech designed by our silicon valley companies is made in fully automated american factories and exported across the world for our great benefit.', ">>{penguished} : Oh... because there's not policy issues to worry about or anything. Nah, gossiping about his offspring is totally a priority.", ">>{Mr_TheKid} : What religion is that? Honestly curious. I just assumed Ivanka is probably a Christian-by-proclamation because that'd be more likeable by the masses, just like her dad, but wasn't actually all that religious (doesn't go to a weekly religious service, doesn't have a history of studying any religion as a guide to her life, doesn't actually read any religious book daily or weekly), just like her dad.", ">>{crapyBird} : Since it's Foxcon, they will just bring Chinese and problem solved", ">>{osaucyone} : She's Jewish, she converted when she married Jared.", '>>{crapyBird} : Yeah, same way German companies though, but after they moved back and automated it turned out to be BS', '>>{caplor} : Funny how everyone is talking about higher iPhone prices but no one about maybe decreasing ridiculous high margins? Bravo Trump, this is what a President is supposed to do, when he is not bought by special interest groups.', ">>{AMReese} : When the offspring are one of the greatest influencers of those people making the policy decisions and are often in the same room as them when making those choices, it's not gossiping. It's pointing out the obvious.", '>>{deleteMe042017} : Well should could start by withdrawing the garbage childcare plan she proposed, that does next to nothing for low income families while acting as a huge tax savings to people earning $200k+.', '>>{caplor} : Then the **current** iPhone price would already be justified and actually fair.', '>>{AreWeNotDoinPhrasing} : It’s already justified because people pay of lol.', ">>{Smellmuhfinger} : I'm not complaining about the current pricing of the iphone", '>>{babsbaby} : Vox was dead-on in criticizing SNL\'s prior portrayal of the women in Trump\'s inner circle as "not wanting to be there". That let\'s them off the hook. I\'ve been wondering why the kid gloves around Ivanka and Melania. They\'re both dining at the same trough, so no better than the guy they support IMO. Melania really does have a "let them eat cake" vacuousness that\'s unpleasant to look at close-up. Ivanka\'s charms similarly wither when you consider what she actually says and does.', '>>{DJ-Salinger} : People saying Drumpf is annoying, but you managed to surpass them by far.', ">>{KopOut} : Dude, she's gotta sell her Chinese made shit somehow. Give her a break. It's hard having everything handed to you in life.", '>>{shimieme} : Her ideals remind me of what a proud respected woman would be, 60 years ago.', ">>{hardcoregiraffestyle} : Trump supporters are the most sensitive people. Literally you could be talking about an apple tree and someone will comment something about how it's really a dig at Trump.", '>>{mbrady} : The process would end up being a lot more automated than before so not many workers would be needed.', '>>{OrwelWasABlueprint} : Emily and Grace Bannon attended Archer for middle and high school. Those comments came from a divorce proceeding quoting the x wife. The fact that both of his girls attended a Jewish school puts the statement in the proper light. She was lying', ">>{UrAGoodPerson} : Complicit= accomplice Complaisant=going with the flow/sitting by Complacent= smugly not giving a damn Note the subtle difference in the root words of these three, which is hard to hear in spoken English. It just sounds like a lot of people are interpreting the word complicit to mean ivanka is somehow being let off the hook. On the contrary, she is being called out as an active player in her dad's assholery.", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : I argue that "accomplice" is too weak a term for her criminally corrupt behavior. She is an agent of her own committing vile acts for selfish gain, not simply an accomplice to her father\'s vile behavior.', '>>{ccooffee} : >So the bottom-line appears to be that assembly could be done in the U.S. if consumers were willing to pay an additional $30-40, rising to around an additional $100 if as many components as practical were manufactured here – but the impact on the job market isn’t likely to be significant. https://9to5mac.com/2016/06/13/iphone-made-in-usa-cost/', '>>{yeahbuddy} : Nah, not sensitive. It\'s just that we are under attack 24x7 by angry "tolerant liberals", so defending ourselves is just a knee-jerk necessity, sadly. But yeah, everyone just knows for a fact that "prices will skyrocket!!1" Ok. Exhibit A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsoVYStL6gQ', ">>{hardcoregiraffestyle} : Except nearly every comment I see like the one I replied to no one even mentions trump. You can be talking about literally anything and find a comment about how it's subtly about Trump. That's definitely being sensitive, it has nothing to do with liberals.", ">>{Whiskeyonice} : Leftists attacking the children of presidents. Because leftists are scumbags. Can't wait until 2018 to vote more of them out of office.", ">>{OLOTM} : I think SNL makes the accusation, but not the case. And I think the distinction is too often lost in today's politics.", '>>{yeahbuddy} : Cool. Guess it\'s people finding the negative in everything relating to Trump that aggravates me. Make no mistake, the "OMG PRICE SKYROCKET" will be instantly tied to Trump hate. This is a fact. Agree to disagree and take care.', '>>{slakmehl} : What was the harshest thing there? The suggestion that when Trump boasted of serial sexual assault maybe she should have voiced modest disapproval?', ">>{hardcoregiraffestyle} : Yeah I'm definitely not advocating thoughtless hate on Trump, I may not agree with him and his views but that isn't a reason to shit on people who do. For what it's worth, I didn't downvote your comment. But I do see why that would annoy you.", '>>{speeduponthedamnramp} : True. Or just penalize them with major taxes.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{tensai_76} : American workers will never work for cut throat wages, but that does not mean prices for iPhones will soar.', '>>{pauliereynolds} : Grey market going to be huge if this happens...', '>>{NikeSwish} : How could they staff factories as big as the ones that make iPhones? They need tens of thousands of people on a whim to be hired when iPhone production ramps up every summer.', ">>{130i} : They'll just automate jobs. Apple aren't dumb enough to employ the same number of Americans as they do Chinese people for a considerably higher amount.", ">>{CaptNemo131} : Idk how you can say they won't soar, price tends to increase as production costs do, which moving factories to the US will surely cause.", '>>{yeahbuddy} : Time to anti-Trump negativity: 34 milliseconds. Good job!', ">>{EdwardRMeow} : Yeah, okay. Drumpf won't follow through with this just how he won't follow through on anything. I'm not the least bit concerned.", ">>{TheAndrewSpence} : I wasn't even saying anything about Trump. I was stating the obvious. You bring manufacturing jobs for consumer electronics to the states, prices are going to go up. Plain and simple.", '>>{AstrangerR} : Did this have anything actually to do with Trump or did it just happen to be talked about now?', '>>{scatmango} : hehe i say drumpf, i am so le epic!!! XD !!! little british man with crooked teeth told me it was the current year!!! he tell me how to think!!! he is smart heheheehe XD!!!! fucking hell, you are pathetic.', '>>{EdwardRMeow} : Oof that was cringe worthy to read. Keep at it guy.', '>>{Smellmuhfinger} : I would gladly pay each extra $150 for an iPhone if they moved the production to the us', ">>{edmg} : I don't know about electronics, but I've read of a number of US companies moving production back from China because it turned out to be cheaper and better in the long run. Of course, they don't employ anywhere near as many people in America as they did in China, because it's cheaper to automate there. And I have a hard time believing that labour costs add that much to the price of an iPhone, anyway. It's more likely to be the other costs of operating in America, like regulation and taxes. Trump is in a position to do something about both of those.", '>>{CaptNemo131} : > they don\'t employ anywhere near as many people in America as they did in China And there\'s the issue with this part of "MAGA". The jobs aren\'t going to be as plentiful as they are in China, despite what we\'re told. > And I have a hard time believing that labour costs add that much to the price of an iPhone, anyway. It\'s more likely to be the other costs of operating in America, like regulation and taxes. Issue being, when you have to pay every worker a minimum of $7.25 in the US vs. the estimated $2.50 an hour they pay now in China, labor costs skyrocket. Additionally, those taxes and regulatory fees benefit the municipalities and states where the factories are located. Take those away and you put a strain on fire, police and public works departments that must serve these new factories.', ">>{edmg} : > Issue being, when you have to pay every worker a minimum of $7.25 in the US vs. the estimated $2.50 an hour they pay now in China, labor costs skyrocket. How many hours do you think those people are taking to assemble a $600 phone? They're not soldering the chips in by hand, one leg at a time. They're doing the things that are cheaper to pay someone a few dollars an hour to do than to automate (and some of those will still cost a lot more to automate than paying an American to do them). Edit: and, taking a longer-term view, companies that figure out how to automate those jobs away will open new markets that won't happen while you can hire Chinese people to do them for next to nothing. The supply of cheap Chinese workers is reducing manufacturing innovation, just as the Romans might have started the Industrial Revolution a thousand years earlier if they didn't have a ready supply of slaves.", ">>{CaptNemo131} : Exactly. And then they bring the factories to the US, where if they're mostly automated, we won't have the jobs Trump thinks he's bringing back. Additionally, Foxconn workers work a large amount of overtime to complete the orders for Apple. Automation may solve this too, but there won't be any additional jobs.", ">>{puppetmaster2501} : It's still a win for the US, no? Our state gets to tax the factory because it's in US, not abroad. Also, we get a handful of robot-tech jobs and factory supervisor/admin/security jobs that we wouldn't have without the factory, even if it is mostly automated. Plus, our power companies do more business to keep the factory running. A bunch of small things add up. Hell even if it's 100% automated isn't it still better for the American state to produce it there than abroad?", ">>{CaptNemo131} : Absolutely. I'm just saying it won't work the way Trump thinks it will and/or labor costs (and by extension prices) will skyrocket.", '>>{puppetmaster2501} : I dream of a future where all the cool tech designed by our silicon valley companies is made in fully automated american factories and exported across the world for our great benefit.', ">>{crapyBird} : Since it's Foxcon, they will just bring Chinese and problem solved", '>>{crapyBird} : Yeah, same way German companies though, but after they moved back and automated it turned out to be BS', '>>{caplor} : Funny how everyone is talking about higher iPhone prices but no one about maybe decreasing ridiculous high margins? Bravo Trump, this is what a President is supposed to do, when he is not bought by special interest groups.', '>>{caplor} : Then the **current** iPhone price would already be justified and actually fair.', '>>{AreWeNotDoinPhrasing} : It’s already justified because people pay of lol.', ">>{Smellmuhfinger} : I'm not complaining about the current pricing of the iphone", '>>{DJ-Salinger} : People saying Drumpf is annoying, but you managed to surpass them by far.', ">>{hardcoregiraffestyle} : Trump supporters are the most sensitive people. Literally you could be talking about an apple tree and someone will comment something about how it's really a dig at Trump.", '>>{mbrady} : The process would end up being a lot more automated than before so not many workers would be needed.', '>>{ccooffee} : >So the bottom-line appears to be that assembly could be done in the U.S. if consumers were willing to pay an additional $30-40, rising to around an additional $100 if as many components as practical were manufactured here – but the impact on the job market isn’t likely to be significant. https://9to5mac.com/2016/06/13/iphone-made-in-usa-cost/', '>>{yeahbuddy} : Nah, not sensitive. It\'s just that we are under attack 24x7 by angry "tolerant liberals", so defending ourselves is just a knee-jerk necessity, sadly. But yeah, everyone just knows for a fact that "prices will skyrocket!!1" Ok. Exhibit A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsoVYStL6gQ', ">>{hardcoregiraffestyle} : Except nearly every comment I see like the one I replied to no one even mentions trump. You can be talking about literally anything and find a comment about how it's subtly about Trump. That's definitely being sensitive, it has nothing to do with liberals.", '>>{yeahbuddy} : Cool. Guess it\'s people finding the negative in everything relating to Trump that aggravates me. Make no mistake, the "OMG PRICE SKYROCKET" will be instantly tied to Trump hate. This is a fact. Agree to disagree and take care.', ">>{hardcoregiraffestyle} : Yeah I'm definitely not advocating thoughtless hate on Trump, I may not agree with him and his views but that isn't a reason to shit on people who do. For what it's worth, I didn't downvote your comment. But I do see why that would annoy you.", '>>{speeduponthedamnramp} : True. Or just penalize them with major taxes.'], [">>{slakmehl} : Saturday Night Live Makes the Case That Ivanka Is 'Complicit'", '>>{osaucyone} : She sits by as her father appoints a man who hates her religion as his Chief Strategist and while her father insults women as she puts on the face of a First Lady. Sounds pretty complicit to me.', ">>{JamisonP} : Well, wasn't terrible. They were a little bit self-aware during parts. Trump dog skit was great too. Crossed the line a couple times, especially Pete Davidson's skit. That wasn't even comedy, just being an asshole.", '>>{DragonPup} : She is part of the administration and attended government functions and meetings. She is 100% fair game.', ">>{BlueSwoosh248} : Hilarious. I cracked up during this one. Comedy is so much more fun when it's 100% accurate.", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Ivanka and Jared are much worse than merely complicit. They are pushing awful policy and open corruption themselves. They are criminals stealing money from the US taxpayers and belong in jail.', '>>{TRUMPMOLESTEDIVANKA} : Its more stockholm syndrome but I get what you are saying', ">>{BlankNothingNoDoer} : I'm just curious, how can she stop it? I don't know what powers the first daughter has in the US.", '>>{ivotedhrc} : As the video suggested, she should have stopped campaigning for him after the Access Hollywood video. Months before the video leaked Ivanka went on ~~the View (or a similar show)~~ [CBS This Morning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KOqSIyYFyA) and said point blank, "My father is not a groper." There\'s nothing she can do *now* except come out publicly against her father and/or force her husband to leave the admin. I highly doubt either of them would do that. They are complicit because they are literally working for him, even despite the fact that some argue it violates nepotism laws.', ">>{chodeboi} : To be fair, she only took it up when she needed a legit marriage to get the billionaire's money; but that's me being a judgmental asshole.", '>>{osaucyone} : Well my point still stands because the fringe right is using her religion to say "look we\'re not Nazis!." Though I agree that it was a flip for money.', ">>{chodeboi} : Wasn't trying to argue; don't know why I phrased it as such. Sad state of affairs.", ">>{osaucyone} : Oh, I didn't think you were! I think my phrasing was bad as well.", '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : Source on Bannon hating jews? sounds like fake news everyone ms a nazi memeing', '>>{osaucyone} : He openly embraces Spencer and the alt-right. He is guilty by association.', '>>{Velocidongus} : I love my Dad but I would be screaming at people not to vote for him if he ran for President.', ">>{slakmehl} : Nah, I think it's a sketch on a comedy show.", '>>{penguished} : the Atlantic is writing about a sketch on a comedy show and you think that is deep reporting then?', ">>{penguished} : and some people have an evil relative in prison and they still don't bash them to the world. family is known to be an overwhelming bond in a lot of people.", '>>{slakmehl} : As far as I can tell, your comment described the sketch, not the article.', ">>{MafiaVsNinja} : Everything has to be deep reporting? What's wrong with cultural commentary? Its not like you even subscribe to the Atlantic.", '>>{indigo_voodoo_child} : He literally stopped his children from going to any of the Seven Sisters colleges because they were too "Jewy"', '>>{MartianMidnight} : Her child care plan would only help those who make more than 60k a year or so. Those making 250k or more would be able to write off their nannies, which is insane.', '>>{Retardedclownface} : Fuck yes she is, the whole family is a bunch of rats that should be put behind bars.', ">>{random4893} : Bullshit. Trump has never cared about anyone other than himself, [including his kids.](http://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/2015/07/donald-ivana-trump-divorce-prenup-marie-brenner) I genuinely sympathize with Trump's children for having to grow up with an horrific monster as a father, and especially with Ivanka for having to deal with his obvious sexual attraction towards her, but they are adults now and there is no excuse for their actions. Eric, Don Jr., Ivanka and Jared have huge roles in this rotten operation, and any American who cares about this country should be hoping for nothing but the worst for all of them.", ">>{penguished} : Oh... because there's not policy issues to worry about or anything. Nah, gossiping about his offspring is totally a priority.", ">>{Mr_TheKid} : What religion is that? Honestly curious. I just assumed Ivanka is probably a Christian-by-proclamation because that'd be more likeable by the masses, just like her dad, but wasn't actually all that religious (doesn't go to a weekly religious service, doesn't have a history of studying any religion as a guide to her life, doesn't actually read any religious book daily or weekly), just like her dad.", ">>{osaucyone} : She's Jewish, she converted when she married Jared.", ">>{AMReese} : When the offspring are one of the greatest influencers of those people making the policy decisions and are often in the same room as them when making those choices, it's not gossiping. It's pointing out the obvious.", '>>{deleteMe042017} : Well should could start by withdrawing the garbage childcare plan she proposed, that does next to nothing for low income families while acting as a huge tax savings to people earning $200k+.', '>>{babsbaby} : Vox was dead-on in criticizing SNL\'s prior portrayal of the women in Trump\'s inner circle as "not wanting to be there". That let\'s them off the hook. I\'ve been wondering why the kid gloves around Ivanka and Melania. They\'re both dining at the same trough, so no better than the guy they support IMO. Melania really does have a "let them eat cake" vacuousness that\'s unpleasant to look at close-up. Ivanka\'s charms similarly wither when you consider what she actually says and does.', ">>{KopOut} : Dude, she's gotta sell her Chinese made shit somehow. Give her a break. It's hard having everything handed to you in life.", '>>{shimieme} : Her ideals remind me of what a proud respected woman would be, 60 years ago.', '>>{OrwelWasABlueprint} : Emily and Grace Bannon attended Archer for middle and high school. Those comments came from a divorce proceeding quoting the x wife. The fact that both of his girls attended a Jewish school puts the statement in the proper light. She was lying', ">>{UrAGoodPerson} : Complicit= accomplice Complaisant=going with the flow/sitting by Complacent= smugly not giving a damn Note the subtle difference in the root words of these three, which is hard to hear in spoken English. It just sounds like a lot of people are interpreting the word complicit to mean ivanka is somehow being let off the hook. On the contrary, she is being called out as an active player in her dad's assholery.", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : I argue that "accomplice" is too weak a term for her criminally corrupt behavior. She is an agent of her own committing vile acts for selfish gain, not simply an accomplice to her father\'s vile behavior.', ">>{Whiskeyonice} : Leftists attacking the children of presidents. Because leftists are scumbags. Can't wait until 2018 to vote more of them out of office.", ">>{OLOTM} : I think SNL makes the accusation, but not the case. And I think the distinction is too often lost in today's politics.", '>>{slakmehl} : What was the harshest thing there? The suggestion that when Trump boasted of serial sexual assault maybe she should have voiced modest disapproval?'], ['>>{nirad} : Child yells profanity directed at Hillary Clinton during Donald Trump rally', ">>{JPetermanRealityTour} : The Don sets a great example for our kids, doesn't he folks!?", '>>{ozabelle} : consarnit! them democrat schools, they done learnt my youngin to cuss.', '>>{MianaQ} : >A little kid is yelling "Take the bitch down!" when Trump mentions Hillary Clinton. A little kid. No more than 10, I would say. Typical trump supporter: brainwashed.', '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : >Asked where he learned to speak that way, she answered, "Democratic schools." >Behind her seats was a school sign, encouraging good behavior: "Trustworthy, Respectful, United, Excellent." Derp.', '>>{MAGwastheSHIT} : And she blames it on "democratic schools". What happened to the party of personal responsibility?', '>>{TrumpOnLolitaExpress} : >The adult escorting boy who yelled "take the bitch down" about Hillary Clinton said the child learned the language in "Democratic schools" > >https://twitter.com/Bencjacobs/status/760515886675550210 > > >She also said of roughly 10-year-old boy shouting "take the bitch down" about Hillary. "I think he has a right to speak what he wants to" > >https://twitter.com/Bencjacobs/status/760516090338369536', '>>{Stuckinaloop} : How is this "News"? Kids say inappropriate things all of the time.', '>>{Gold_Jacobson} : >"A school-age child at a Donald Trump rally on Tuesday stood up and yelled "Take the bitch down" after the candidate mentioned Hillary Clinton. His mother later defended the child\'s right to speak and blamed his language on "Democratic schools." Anyone want to try to go down the logic hole on this? So, we have "democratic schools." Where they call the democratic nominee "bitch." Teach the child to do such. So much that it is engrained into their child that the mother can\'t undo such teaching. And this mother sends their child to these democratic schools, despite most likely supporting the GOP. And as if it were a hypnotic trigger, when Democratic nominee Hilary Clinton gets mentioned, the democratic school\'s indoctrination comes forth and the child calls her a bitch and to "take her down." And umm... I give up.', ">>{justjack48} : They've been passing that buck on to the democrats for ages", '>>{ozabelle} : trustworthy, respectful, united, excellent talk about dogwhistles! everybody knows those are liberal codewords for "dont wash your hands, dont flush, dont pray, and get busy cussing"', '>>{antideerg} : pretty sure Trump is a clinton plant -- so guess its Clinton fault', '>>{antideerg} : I wonder what the Clintons got Trump as a wedding gift? Maybe something to do with golf as bill and Donald played together... not the only thing they did together either... lolita express anyone?', ">>{WeldmyJohnson} : if my kid hears Donald curse/say inappropriate things on a commercial paid for by Hilary Clinton, who's at fault? I say both.", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : I would say if children behaved like Trump, their parents would find scold and ground them. But I guess some parents are brainwashed loons who want to indoctrinate their children into this kind of behavior.', ">>{guiltyofnothing} : >Democratic schools Take some personal responsibility for the horrible parenting you've done.", ">>{dannylandulf} : Maybe that's why Trump donated to NAMBLA...to get them to include Clinton hate in their brain washing of kids.", '>>{anthonytweeker} : This kid is a perfect example of why I still have faith in the future of politics. 20 years from now a crooked politician like Hillary Clinton will never be elected again.', ">>{thyeyretoocute} : Hey. Remember the video of those parents teaching their toddler to say they want to kill Donald Trump? Or the literally viral video that everyone 'praised' consisting of little kids cussing at Trump? Or the time a little girl was peppersprayed because her parents were with her supporting Trump? Also, [nice username!](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4vtu76/donald_trump_kicks_crying_baby_out_of_rally/d61c2f4)", '>>{Magnum__Dong} : Oh please people, like no one here has seen little kids wearing "Fuck Trump" shirts or anything. Quit pretending this is exclusive to Trump supporters.', '>>{TrumpOnLolitaExpress} : Yeah. All assholes. Just like this scumbag mom. Somebody should Lock Her Up!', ">>{_jerky} : - [We're Going To Kill Donald Trump - Says 3-Year-Old Girl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQS1WDo-Ma8) - [Young kids give the finger and yell obscenities at Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uRiExRJ5AI) - [Prominent Mexicans Teach Kids to Curse Donald Trump saying, ‘F*ck you! Racist f*ck!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N58WTwQ48Q)", ">>{thyeyretoocute} : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N58WTwQ48Q But it's so 'funny' hue hue.", '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : Remember when Republicans decried Bill Clinton as setting a bad example for the kids of the nation?', '>>{nirad} : IIRC, Obama was criticized for going on the Tonight Show less than 2 years ago!', '>>{KinderSpirit} : I heard him say those things on live TV. Then they were shown repeatedly by the "news" channels. Now the ad - a powerful ad - I have seen this thing dozens of times. And way too many times at hours that children would see it. It is now Hillary Clinton\'s fault.']]
classify and reply
[">>{Smilefriend} : Donald Trump son Eric calls nepotism 'factor of life'", '>>{funkboxing} : The Dude has a saying that might be appropriate here. Edit: >"We might be here because of nepotism, but we\'re not still here because of nepotism. You know, if we didn\'t do a good job, if we weren\'t competent, believe me, we wouldn\'t be in this spot," he added. I\'ve worked with several people who thought that too. Guess what the rest of the staff thought.', '>>{histagehand} : Jail is a factor of crime Nepotism is a crime', ">>{JennysDad} : Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion man edit: now my comment makes no sense man...", ">>{homieson89} : Why can't Apple just let us keep using our 32bit apps while on ios 10.3?", '>>{lulundi} : GOP Leaders Say U.S. Will Pay Billions For Border Wall, But Insist They’re Fiscal Conservatives', '>>{ex0du5} : The two most fiscally conservative presidents: * Obama - decreased the yearly deficit by ~900 billion from 2009 to 2017. * Clinton - decreased the yearly deficit by ~500 billion from 1993 to 2001, leaving the first surplus in half a century. Obama\'s two largest savings were from the repeal of the Bush tax cuts and the savings from Obamacare. Both of these efforts were heavily opposed by "fiscally conservative" Republicans.', ">>{Cthulhuplusaccount} : It makes a lot of sense if you don't think about it.", '>>{funkboxing} : Sorry, I edited and accidentally deleted the original comment. Ninja edit failure.', '>>{portnux} : Because that would reduce resources available to 64bit apps.', '>>{cajunrajing} : They were truly channeling the spirit of Trump then. They should be lauded. I mean, how many criminal cases has Trump been part of? How many lawsuits? They were just following the example of their chosen spirit animal.', ">>{qcubed3} : While you can't help to whom you are born to, you can help that you don't become a huge douche.", '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : How many MB do you think is needed to support 32bit apps?', '>>{NoIWillNotYield} : Hillary Clinton Is Advertising in Deep-Red Nebraska. Here’s Why: Nebraska allocates its electoral college votes not in the usual winner-take-all method, but by congressional district. So a Republican candidate can win in the state, but a Democratic candidate can still pick up electoral votes', ">>{CandiKaine} : Guys, it's ok. *Congress* is going to pay for the wall, *not us*. So that's like free money right", '>>{Smilefriend} : The history of men is written on their faces ...', '>>{SilentR0b} : The history of cheetohs is written on his face...', ">>{ecs0013} : It's not necessarily storage, but also keeping certain libraries and system resources in the operating system active to support those apps.", '>>{iceblademan} : GOP, the Party of Fiscal and Personal Responsibility that often cuts budget shoestrings to pinch pennies, is now for: * Building a giant wall on the border * Having this wall be paid for by America * Having America pay for this via a NEW TAX, the anethma of all conservatives everywhere What could possibly go wrong?', '>>{IslamicShibe} : Remember when 50 or so people were assaulting Trump supporters in San Jose and there were no arrests?', ">>{USModerate} : WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW This will be a sweep! HRC will look like reagan's win I think Hillary's trustworthiness, transparency and honesty is higher than Reagan's though. And she's certainly not the criminal we know he is", '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : The difference is almost immeasurable it is so small. Show me the benchmark that exposes the drain on resources due to 32bit app support.', ">>{cajunrajing} : I almost clicked the link, then I saw the 3rd one was Breitbart which automatically reduced the credibility of your arguments by 99.5%. It's a sad side effect of Breitbart's history.", '>>{stuball81} : Here\'s some advice. Head to google or bing or whatever search engine you use and search for "trump supporters attacked". You\'ll find quite a few examples. Your excuse is just laziness or not wanting to see the truth.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : The Dems in NE went heavily Bernie and even in Lincoln it would be a hard sell for Clinton.', '>>{C6O1999} : Trump is trying to do the same thing in Maine.', '>>{scarletsoda} : /u/NebraskaGunOwner Give us the scoop, effective campaigning strat?', '>>{TheRealBartlet} : Breitbart and info wars can fuck off. I remember when they paraded around a video of a guy in a wheel chair and neglected to show he was wrapped in a confederate flag and yelling racist and anti semetic comments at the protesters. Breitbart and info wars is straight propoganda.', ">>{ecs0013} : I don't think it's that at all - the devices today have plenty of overhead to handle that. However, there's the engineering and support level from Apple that has to take place. Without being on the inside of the goings-on at Apple, one can only guess that there is some amount of work to keep that supported. It's the same as any older system in place that is hitting a critical level of being more work to support that what a business is getting in return. I think more importantly, if there are important legacy apps, the key might be finding out why the developer isn't updating them (it's been almost four years since the 5S was introduced) or if there is another tool better suited for the job. People got up in arms about AT&T shutting down their 2G/EDGE network on January 1, and while some people had to get new phones, the level of work to keep it running crossed the threshold of not being worth it. Some spectrum has been reused, but in a many places, the equipment has just been turned off without being replaced. Apple is no different and some features are phased out way too early, but I think this has been an ongoing process that many developers and businesses have seen in progress for awhile.", ">>{stuball81} : I provided 2 youtube videos in the matter of seconds to show that Trump supporters are being attacked also and the only comeback is the third piece was from beritbart and that's all these liberal idiots want to talk about. How about the first two videos? Those never happened and were concocted by alt right?", ">>{Mister_Kurtz} : So the real reason Apple doesn't want to support 32 bit apps is because they don't want to pay for it. Do I have that right?", ">>{cajunrajing} : There was no excuse listed. Interesting that Trumpers automatically speak and hear in excuses. Breitbart will not get any clicks thanks to their bad history of posting counter-factual nonsense. You linked youtube videos and the only non youtube video was a breitbart link. Therefore, it automatically reduces the credibility of the others. However, if you notice, I've actually posted links about the violence at the rallies including ones towards Trump supporters. However, I understand if you're too lazy to justify your stances with facts and feel like name calling instead. Have a good day.", '>>{OhGreatItsHim} : So because NE went for Bernie in the primary no one would support her in the general?', ">>{oneeasypod} : I'd agree with them, but then we'd both be wrong.", ">>{aterrorcatsandwich} : There's a place you've got to go for earning all you can steal about factors of life factors of life. When Nazis are what you're all about and honesty's what you're appalled about the time is right, to learn factors of life. When your bank never seems to be filled up to your dreams it's time you started finding out what treason is all about When the country you used to hate you date, I guess you best investigate the factors of life you gotta get'em right the factors of life, the factors of life, the factors of life", '>>{IslamicShibe} : > There was no excuse listed. Interesting that Trumpers automatically speak and hear in excuses. >I almost clicked the link, then I saw the 3rd one was Breitbart which automatically reduced the credibility of your arguments by 99.5%. The mental gymnastics are astounding', '>>{Assad-is-god} : **Nepotism is factor of life** -- *Uday Hussein*', '>>{hwkns} : Laws against it is a factor (sic) for very good reason. If you coddle criminals, particularly scofflaws like Trump they will offend and grasp for more. Trump thinks he and his spawn have "superior genes". Dunning Kruger writ larger.', '>>{Buffalox} : No in business you can do it as much as you want, either if you own the company or the management allow it. He is right that it is a common factor of life, which is the exact reason there are laws against it in public service.', ">>{cajunrajing} : I know. I'm always amazed at how Trump Supporters can fit around anything like logic and fact to still support him. I have to give y'all credit, I really do. That sort of cognitive dissonance is almost a work of art.", ">>{snowgimp} : Don't forget all that money cutting ACA is gonna create lol.", ">>{Lochleon} : So are Grand Juries, I guess. You better hope your team holds on in 2018, because otherwise the laws you're openly scoffing in public will be enforced.", ">>{IslamicShibe} : I am really not as much of a Trump supporter as people like to smear me as, may not even vote in the general. I think he's gonna win still without my vote. I just am pointing out the mental gymnastics in your comment. I voted for Kasich in my state", '>>{cajunrajing} : Of all the options, Kasich was not as bad as some on the right. Though, he lost my support when he was pushing for a Department of Judea-Christian Values. I wish the right had picked a more tenable candidate, one I could support.', ">>{IslamicShibe} : I was an anti-Trumper when there was 16 candidates, started as a Bush supporter. Sadly the ship has sailed, I fully believe Donald Trump will win due to the shear enthusiasm I've seen not on Reddit but in person. I can't be convinced to support Hillary, her supporters really turn my off and my state is not a swing state so my vote doesn't matter. I wish we got Rubio or best case Kasich but sadly non voting 'Republican's' spoke louder and stronger than the ones who supported Romney and McCain, the party has been hijacked but hopefully they can make the best of it.", ">>{cajunrajing} : I agree. Bush was my vote during the primary here. I do not like they zeitgeist that has taken over the party. It's a movement of bigotry and angst. The Trump supporters that I interact with daily actually go off (at work, in public places) about having have to listen to a black man long enough, they're not gonna listen to a woman now.' These same supporters rant about gay marriage bringing down the country and so on. I can't convince myself to support Trump because that's the movement that's getting him traction. Call me an optimist, but there's a part of me that hopes that mankind can move beyond that sort of animalistic drive.", '>>{Literally_A_Shill} : I just googled for "Trump supporters attacking" and got tons of videos and news articles. Not just regular assault, but straight up setting people on fire and pissing on them. Scary stuff.', '>>{corgion} : In almost every situation, the reason a company does something is because they decided that the benefit of the thing outweighed the costs of doing it. There is an extra cost of maintaining the 32-bit libraries that support 32-bit apps. Every time they find a security issue, or add a new feature, they have to pay someone to fix the old 32-bit libraries and more importantly test those changes. They decided that that person could be doing something more valuable, so they stopped paying for it.', '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : Sometimes a company will decide "we should do this because it provides greater usability to our customer base."', '>>{coldbloodednuts} : This whole family seems to have trouble with the English language, except Melania.', '>>{ecs0013} : I guess you could assign a dollar amount to using resources (engineers, developers, time, etc.) to keep supporting aging infrastructure. It\'s no different than Microsoft cutting off support for security patches and updates for old versions of Windows or Apple eventually internally categorizing old devices as "vintage" or "obsolete" meaning that service providers won\'t be able to obtain parts for really old equipment (I think right now it\'s mostly all devices from about 2010 and older). At some point they need to draw a line and move on - it\'s happened with macOS before (just about everything from OS X before 10.5 will have trouble running on current hardware and builds of 10.12 because of the changes in libraries, APIs, and other things under-the-hood…how many things are still set up to work with .Mac or MobileMe?) I\'m guessing the "warning" on 10.3 and under Settings > About > Apps is to hopefully shame some developers into updating their apps to more modern methods of development and also educate users for what software is probably abandonware at this point. Apple has always had a pretty long tail on deprecating old methods and tools and so most things like this aren\'t a surprise. Even with the switch to Lightning in 2012, the Dock Connector was in use for 9 years and very clunky and aged in its final years. Although they could\'ve thrown an adapter in the iPhone box, they still support many old speakers and accessories with those adapters some five years later. So without being in Cupertino and seeing the cost/benefit ratio of supporting software that hasn\'t been touched in years, I can only venture to guess that there is some level of it being too much work for old stuff.', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : Remember when Trump supporters beat up and pissed on a homeless man for looking Hispanic? Trump's initial response was to call them passionate. Nice deflection!", '>>{Literally_A_Shill} : Your deflection techniques are getting weak if you could only find two videos. There are a lot more than that of Trump supporters being violent.', '>>{USModerate} : Bernie supporters are supporting HRC. Some NONE are supporting the orange racist', '>>{tupac_chopra} : this myth should have been put to bed after the disaster that was bush jr.', ">>{MrSpooty} : I'm not disagreeing, but what sources are you using for those numbers?", ">>{oddjam} : Look pal, if you're just going to show up to drop some facts and spew logic all over the place, you can get the fuck out of here. Everyone knows that Liberals are financially wasteful and Conservatives are frugal, so there's no way those numbers are right. And EVERYONE knows that Obamacare was the most horrendous thing since the buebonic plague and it's totally a communist program stolen from Hitler which means it's just improving people's health for FREE - which is bullshit - Obviously if you can't pay to get health care then you should be allowed to die because, as everyone knows, money is the only important measure of human worth.", '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : 80+% of Bernie voters are now supporting Clinton.', ">>{trickx1991} : They can't back out! If the don't live up to trump promisses they will get destroyed in 2018!", ">>{BalanceCoil} : No I am saying it would be hard for her to pick up any of the congressional districts because not only are there less democrats, but because they aren't her kind of democrats.", '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : You should compare apples to apples. My Windows10 x64 STILL supports 32 bit apps. "At some point ... move on." Why not move on due to demand? This is the difference between MS and Apple. MS recognizes users actually use 32 bit apps, and then support them. When this demand wanes, like support for 8 bit apps, then support is pulled. Why not let the market/user demand decide rather than cutting off a number of apps current users find useful?', '>>{ecs0013} : It\'s hard to compare "apples to apples" because in the Windows world, you\'re running an OS that can run on a variety of hardware combinations designed and produced by different vendors. There\'s also the pressure Microsoft is put under to support everything for almost an eternity because some business somewhere needs it. Both of those things work for them and can\'t necessarily argue against that for how they run their business. Apple tends to support technologies for a reasonable amount of time, but will phase things out if they are becoming less popular or necessary. Sometimes these are a bit ambitious and premature (MacBook and MacBook Pro), but other times they happen and people find they really aren\'t missing an older technology (internal optical drives come to mind). However, the iOS transition to 64-bit apps started in 2013 and the process (from what I had heard) was always pretty easy for developers. Those holdouts now probably aren\'t maintaining their apps or updating them anyway. This hasn\'t been sudden either—Apple has been telling developers to support 64-bit since 2014 with a mandatory inclusion since 2015: https://9to5mac.com/2014/10/20/apple-to-require-ios-apps-and-updates-to-use-ios-8-sdk-and-include-64-bit-support-from-february-2015/ From what I was able to turn up, it looks like the change would also affect how they develop future CPUs and what resources are tied to those: http://www.androidauthority.com/apple-killing-32-bit-support-746644/ I know it\'s easy to say, "well, 32-bit and 64-bit software can and should coexist and it should be the same across all platforms and architectures," but I think even that\'s hard or qualify, as x86/x64 and ARM are very different beasts. Microsoft has had to support older software longer, but also went through some of the teething of 32-bit and 64-bit builds of Windows that were separate. OS X gradually phased it in and made it the main focus once 32-bit machines aged out and support was dropped. On the mobile side, there were a lot of 64-bit SoCs on Android and Windows Mobile phones, but only more recently has software been written to take advantage of this. Looking at my devices, the only apps that are showing up as 32-bit only are some old games that are abandonware at this point. Is there a particular tool you\'re afraid of losing or just trying to argue principle? I think there\'s plenty of people here that can help with the former, but as for the latter, I think outside of Apple\'s headquarters, we\'re all just speculating.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Why does no one understand this? It is hard for Dems to win electoral votes in NE period. Having an enthusiasm gap will make it harder still.', '>>{TheKickingLegs} : In American politics, "fiscal conservative" means "we only fund the things we like." Liberals are no less conservative than "conservatives," it\'s just a matter of which things they want funded. Conservatives have absolutely no problem hammerblasting money into defense spending, prisons, the police, subsidizing oil companies and religious institutions, liberals are a-okay with shitloads of money going into their own causes. What needs to change, and what needs to change SOON, is to break the narrative that Republicans are actually conservative. They\'re contrarians and that\'s all.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : > I think Hillary's trustworthiness, transparency and honesty is higher than Reagan's though. Wut?", ">>{vootator} : Billions to build a wall that nobody needs. It's like the billions of dollars to buy tanks even the military didn't want.", '>>{phammybly} : No. But you have the right to NOT updgrade your OS, or to just not buy an Apple product. Simple.', ">>{HighAndOnline} : Can we please stop pretending it's the 18th century and scrap the electoral college already?", '>>{tosil} : aka alternative alternative reality ^e: ^forgot ^to ^have ^2 ^alternatives', '>>{quintsreddit} : Exactly. Apple wants everyone to enjoy the usability of a completely, thoroughly supported 64 bit experience.', ">>{OhGreatItsHim} : The thing is Nebraska is a caucus state. I'm from a caucus state so pretty much the only reason why Bernie won so big was because it was a caucus. So in reality she has a good chance.", '>>{USModerate} : Oh, I am so sorry, I missed a comma! To expand I think Hillary\'s trustworthiness, transparency and honesty are each higher than Reagan\'s trustworthiness, transparency and honesty, though. is that better? I\'d prefer a couple fake made up "Benghazi" scandals rather than the known felonies and fraud that Reagan and his ilk committed', '>>{portnux} : To pay for it by limiting what they can do with future hardware just to continue 32bit support? Be realistic, the best way to handle this for the user is to do exactly what Apple IS doing. Stop supporting 32bit apps and leave the option for those users to use those old apps to users who want/need to use them by simply keeping or acquiring a 32bit device. These can be found at millions of garage sales everywhere.', ">>{scsmith83} : Less than a week in and it's already a complete disaster.", '>>{newfonehudis} : For the same reason that they removed the headphone jack - they are removing legacy to focus on the future. The headphone jack was questionable, but 32-bit is obsolete.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : She doesn't. I think she has a harder time than most dems have had.", ">>{oddjam} : Not OP, but I did a quick search and found [this](https://www.thebalance.com/deficit-by-president-what-budget-deficits-hide-3306151) and [this](http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/spending_chart_1960_2021USb_XXs2li111mcn_G0f). The numbers are *slightly* off (according to these websites), but u/ex0du5's numbers were only estimates, and regardless they are close - looks like Clinton was closer to 400 Billion by the end of his term, but the year before that it *was* around 500 Billion.", ">>{pnwbraids} : Does.it bother anyone else that electoral college votes and delegate votes for primaries do not award such metrics on a standardized basis? Like shouldn't every state be, just for example, all winner take all or all split by district?", '>>{BalanceCoil} : No thats even dumber. Hillary is the least Trustworthy person to ever run for president.', '>>{portnux} : By either adding emulationsupport for 32bit code to the hardware or the firmware. Also since the new hardware has some multitasking ability these would need to have the ability to run concurrently. All of this is a parasite on performance and increases the chance for instabilities.', '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : I did a search and was unable to find any benchmark or technical documents exposing the performance impact of supporting 32bit apps.', '>>{itsnotnews92} : I like to list the accomplishments of two presidents without naming them or their party, just to challenge people\'s notions of party. For example: **Number One:** This president oversaw nearly a decade of economic prosperity, leaving office with federal budget surpluses. Unemployment was at the lowest level in decades. He also signed mandatory minimums into law and ramped up the war on drugs. Welfare was reformed and welfare rolls were the smallest they\'d been in over 30 years. **Number Two:** This president oversaw a rapid increase in spending. Taxes increased almost a dozen times. The deficit was nearly tripled. Unemployment jumped to 10 percent within a year of him taking office. A new, huge federal agency was created. Amnesty was granted to 3 million undocumented immigrants." The vast majority of people think Number One is a Republican and Number Two is a Democrat. Nope--it\'s Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan, respectively! People get so caught up in the tribalism of party politics that they fail to see how, in many ways, Reagan would be too liberal for today\'s Republicans (and how Clinton\'s Third Way politics would be too conservative for many of today\'s Democrats).', ">>{HumanLikeYou155} : Just because you say it doesn't make it true. For instance, I can say I'm billionaire with 13 inch cock. Is it true? No. Of course I'm not a billionaire.", ">>{oddjam} : That's really an excellent way to put this into perspective.", ">>{kthoag} : I don't understand how this will possibly play out well for conservatives. Obviously the tax cuts will have negative impacts (just like Bush's), adding new taxes to pay for a wall and cutting ACA? Are they asking to give Dems a supermajority in another few election cycles?", ">>{Dan_The_Manimal} : Only in a binary race between Clinton and trump. With 3rd party options it's as low as 55%", '>>{BalanceCoil} : The last time a democrat won NE was 1964...', ">>{lordfredericknorth} : Good luck coming up with an argument to get rid of it that's strong enough to build the requisite support to amend the Constitution.", '>>{LoveCandiceSwanepoel} : Hey! My dad was legalized thanks to Reagan lol.', ">>{MiltOnTilt} : Well then, he could assist her. If only there's something the losing candidate could do to assist the winner...", '>>{gdex86} : This sort of thing doesn\'t work on republicans for a pretty simple reason. Their voters think that the wall is an important expenditure. It\'s sorta like my Brother in Law. He and my sister a few years ago were going through tight financial times. He decided to buy a brand new 2012 truck and rationalized it as he was buying it for transportation to work and back. I thought he was insane and that money could have been better spent doing the bit of fixing up his existing truck and paying down debt or even putting money away for college. Republicans, at large, think anything relating to the nebulous term of "National Security" is worth spending on. To them they aren\'t spending money on a useless wall. It\'s of dire importance.', ">>{thefloorisbaklava} : I don't understand why anyone would take this wall talk seriously. If they actually started building the insane thing... dynamite is cheap and not tightly regulated in Mexico. It's not like they can have guards and cameras for a 2,000-mile stretch.", '>>{USModerate} : > Hillary is the least Trustworthy person to ever run for president. Since Carter, I would say only Bush Sr./ is more trustworthy', '>>{pktron} : Why not just do popular vote, or statewide proportional like the DNC primary? Both are more reasonable than the electoral college shitshow', '>>{mvpilot172} : Not without an increase in the budget! Think of all those good American jobs, sitting on a stool in the middle of nowhere on the Mexican border stopping the illegals coming over and taking our jerbs. /s (for any misunderstanding)', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Obama won one district in 2008 by 1% I think as far as I know that is the only time since 1964 democrats have gotten electoral votes out of the state.', '>>{ItsYaBoyBeasley} : Why should the federal government dictate to the states how they should cast their votes?', '>>{frameratedrop} : Luckily, there isn\'t primitive technology that would allow a person to overcome such a barrier. We could create it, though. Maybe we can call the one that helps you get to higher places a "ladder" and the one that let\'s you get down from high places a "rope."', ">>{IamBenCarsonsSpleen} : Ummm, what? That's exactly why she's there. True progressives aren't voting Trump. It's an easy Clinton sell.", '>>{banana-viking} : Hillary is going to steam roll Trump in the electoral college, this whole election cycle is bread & circuses.', '>>{GenesisEra} : And maybe we could call the one that allows you to soar way above the higher placers a "plane".', ">>{joshgarfunkle} : It would be great if you had all the sources on it so I could easily reproduce this with my friends. I'm going to start finding them.", ">>{Red_Carrot} : Don't forget the tax cut that will cost between 2.6 - 5.9 Trillion over 10 years or 260 Billion to 590 Billion a year or 5 Billion to 11.34 Billion a week, or 714 Million to 1.62 Billion a day. Yeah that is before the 3.5 Billion per year increase for cutting the ACA.", ">>{Red_Carrot} : I think it will only cost $350 Billion over 10 years or 3.5 Billion a year. Still a huge amount to remove people's insurance.", ">>{andersmith11} : A good trade. Repubs are depriving many Americans of health care and instead spending the money to protect the health of Trump's campaign promises and ego?", ">>{simsoy} : The Democrats really should be Republicans, and the modern day Republican Party shouldn't even exist. How do these people not see that the Democrats are basically old school Republicans with progressive social ideals?", ">>{Maggie_A} : I just emailed this to Paul Ryan: MEXICO is supposed to pay for the wall. Not the US taxpayers. And not the US consumers. MEXICO. M-E-X-I-C-O How can you not understand that? You're not a moron. Why are you acting like one by saying that we'll pay for it? You and Trump figure out a way to make MEXICO pay for it. Trump said he would.This is Trump saying it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yfIxBjOw3o So you make Mexico give us that check. Or don't do it. But don't move a single foot of dirt until you get the money to pay for it from M-E-X-I-C-O.", ">>{IamBenCarsonsSpleen} : He's probably still pouting about Hillary not being in jail for emails.", ">>{Splax77} : They don't. It's actually up to the states how they allocate their electoral votes, it just so happens that all but 2 chose winner take all.", ">>{chrisphoenix7} : Fiscal conservatives spend money on irreplaceable things, like bridges to nowhere, border walls, and pipelines that put aquifers at risk. That's what makes them right!", '>>{mattk1017} : An interaction I recently had with my father (Trump supporter): **Me**: "Did you know Trump\'s wall would be ineffective because they say most illegals are just people overstaying their visa. Also, less and less Mexicans are coming over the border; in fact, there are more Mexicans going _back_ to Mexico. **Dad**: "Yeah, that\'s what they say, but I don\'t believe it. I don\'t know any Mexican going back to Mexico—they\'re coming in like crazy I _think_." **Me**: "Ohh... O.o" Apparently, my dad doesn\'t believe in [statistics](http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/04/14/mexico-us-border-apprehensions/). Also, he doesn\'t believe humans cause climate change.', '>>{lawblogz} : I believe Paul Ryan has achieved his final form. That of a gutless, spineless, say anything to get into the White House, politician. Welcome to your final destination Paul Ryan. ("King Solomon," unbelievable.)', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Thats not how it works not for Democrats anyway.', ">>{cinnamonhorchata} : Well, to be fair, there was that party switch around 1930. Dems held republican values and vice versa. So maybe we've basically drifted back to our origins but are also intelligent enough to know that we have to keep up with the progressing world?", ">>{BalanceCoil} : True progressives aren't voting Hillary either. Even if a miracle were to occur and she could get a 1% victory in one congressional district like Obama did in 2008 (spoilers she isn't 2008 Obama) She would get exactly 1 electoral vote. Its a dumb waste of time and money.", '>>{MisteryMeat} : With "paid for by America" meaning borrowing the money. We get to pay interest on it too.', '>>{KalpolIntro} : Conservatives don\'t give a shit about taxes. It\'s just a tool to attack the Democrat in charge. They won\'t say shit about their "team" doing this. Probably won\'t even notice it as it won\'t be a talking point on Fox News.', ">>{jabels} : Bread and circuses is about keeping people fed and entertained. This is some sort of new infotainment that is actually horrifying to watch, and we'll have had to watch it for a whole year by the time it's all said and done 😫", ">>{Lonegunman3798} : They're about as fiscally conservative as the Chinese are communist.", '>>{AwkwardNoah} : Ok I thought you were shitposting till you last few lines I hope', ">>{Phaized} : Since the complete bullshit gerrymandering that the Republicans pulled after 2010, couldn't they use this method of deciding electoral votes to help Trump win?", ">>{Lurking_nerd} : Haha I know right. I've approached the subject before by saying I can empathize with his support and admiration for Reagan for what he did for him and many others when he granted amnesty, but the Republican party then is not the party it is now. We have a common ground on the economic issues. Through discussions (civil) we came to the agreement that privatization doesn't help the common man, the burden of healthcare expenses on small businesses is unfair (trying to pave the way towards single payer system), and unions are needed to fight for the workers. With the federal hiring freeze and now the wall AND the possible 20% tariff on Mexican goods, I think I'm making progress.", '>>{Lurking_nerd} : I think a majority of my family votes dem, sprinkled with some far left (and I mean *far*) members.', ">>{banana-viking} : I guess what I mean is that it's all just a sad show that they are forcing us to watch.", ">>{NoIWillNotYield} : Uh I'm gonna hope you just mistakenly overlooked BARACK FUCKING OBAMA right now.", '>>{USModerate} : Great point! I excluded "sitting" president, I should have put "former" president! I was off doing something else and writing this. Thank you for your correction! Yes youre right! I meant, "former" president TY TY TY TY TY', '>>{-rinserepeat-} : It\'s more that the Republicans have gerrymandered themselves into an ideological rabbit hole and the Democrats have filled in the spectrum gap of "sensible liberal business party" that the Republicans held up until the 90s. There\'s a reason a large and vociferous progressive party is forming to the left of the Dems.', '>>{USModerate} : High percentages of those who "feel the Bern" are also starting to "see the light". One of Trump\'s failed hopes was to attract Bernie supporters. But he\'s not (understandably, as they are completely different!) Hillary will get many Bernie Bros Trump gets none.', '>>{USModerate} : Enthusiastic about combatting his hate, racism , excessive capitalist theft and silver spoon ignorance, maybe', '>>{BalanceCoil} : except none of the polls have him getting none of them. If you are going to continue just to pull things out of your ass I am going to ignore you.', ">>{USModerate} : Forced between HRC and Trump (an artificial choice, as you can stay home) **no** progressive takes Trump And that's one answer you can get", ">>{FLRSH} : Awww, Hillary wins in Nebraska when there's nothing on the line. Give her a gold star for effort! (When no one was actively competing against her because he already won the caucus overwhelmingly).", ">>{MarlonBain} : > a large and vociferous progressive party is forming to the left of the Dems. What's it called? Did they run any congresspeople in 2016?", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Still making shit up. Even tossed a logical fallacy in there for good measure.', ">>{USModerate} : Fair enough https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/05/24/how-likely-are-bernie-sanders-supporters-to-actually-vote-for-donald-trump-here-are-some-clues/ Less than 20% go for Trump, where 69% go for clinton (the rest 3^rd party, stay home, piss in the voting booth, etc.) And these 20% will have to look in the mirror It will be a statistically insignificant portion, as the Bernie people aren't going to vote for a known racist, capitalist theif", ">>{BalanceCoil} : So you think all 20% of those Bernie people are goign to change their mind because you personally don't like Trump? Even though you amended your statement the conclusion is still wrong.", ">>{USModerate} : HRC 400+ in Novermber. That's going nowhere.", ">>{-rinserepeat-} : Party is the wrong word, but you don't think that the large group of progressive voters who feel disillusioned with the Democratic Party represent a distinct movement?", ">>{jabels} : Oh I totally agree. I was just pointing out that even though the original concept was pretty dark, it's not even fun anymore, we're just overtly being held captive to this situation under the pretext that we have a say in the matter and that our choices are good.", ">>{pnwbraids} : I'm down for either. No matter what, reforms are needed.", ">>{cinnamonhorchata} : It's pretty interesting to watch I think. I was never a fan of politics until recently (hey look, trump did something good lmao) and now that I'm actually paying attention to party behaviors and reactions I'm really quite fascinated.", ">>{Downbound92} : You could do that, but the voters in those swing states would still be the ones making the difference. They're swing states because those are the voters who go back and forth every election, so those voters are going to still be the ones targeted by campaigns.", '>>{stackered} : Oh but welfare is such a burden on our country', ">>{MarlonBain} : Way to move the goalposts. I think a large group of progressive voters who felt disillusioned with the Democratic Party represented a distinct movement *which successfully moved the Democratic Party to the left.* That is far better for Democratic Party causes and for opposing the very real harm the Republicans can do than creating a third progressive party. And it is very possible! Let's keep that going! Let's run progressives in House and Senate races! Look at republicans. They had a strong movement, they even called it a Party, but they worked to change the GOP not to create a separate thing and fight it. They ran primary challenges and won state governments. They took over all levels of government this way. Meanwhile, progressives show up every four years for a presidential election, bitch that the Dem candidate is too centrist, and then they go back to not giving a shit about politics for four years. See how well that works.", ">>{pktron} : I completely agree. Ironically, and /r/politics is not the place to say it, the DNC primaries are among the best/least-BS national voting system held in the country, potentially topped only by ratification of constitutional amendments. Proportional delegate assignment is relatively strong against crap. Becuase the 50% threshold doesn't matter, crap like recounts, or scattered screwed up polling locations, lead to swings of only a delegate or so, rather than decision-deciding EV swings like Florida or potential Ohio.", '>>{wwjd117} : > Having this wall be paid for by America You mean paid for by America **twice**. * First to build the wall * Second to pay the 20% increase on Mexican crafts and goods Republicans hate Americans more than they hate foreigners.', ">>{avfc41} : > They're swing states because those are the voters who go back and forth every election, so those voters are going to still be the ones targeted by campaigns. It's not like they're especially likely to change their minds in those states, it's just that there's roughly the same amount of voters for each party. The main difference election to election is in how many of their supporters each candidate ends up mobilizing to get out and vote. Swing states wouldn't be more important than others in a popular vote setup, and if anything, candidates would focus on places where they could run up the score.", '>>{NeverDrumpf2016} : States actually have a way to do it while bypassing a constitutional amendment, currently over 30% of the electoral college is already on board, only need another 20%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact', ">>{NeverDrumpf2016} : I disagree, it'll actually have an opposite effect, where candidates would try to shore up their base and increase turnout in areas already friendly to them. But it really would be spread around.", '>>{NeverDrumpf2016} : Overall it would help Republicans, but it depends on which state does it. If a red state does it, it will help Democrats, if a blue state does it, it will help Republicans.', ">>{lordfredericknorth} : This is interesting, I had never heard of this before. However, it appears that this only addresses how the electors will vote, not doing away with them altogether. Maybe we're splitting hairs here since the outcome would be pretty much the same, but technically this compact would not eliminate the EC, but rather change how they operate.", '>>{ghotier} : We could also stop pretending that it makes sense to vote on a weekday.', '>>{ghotier} : You are not correct. Swing state voters are worth more because of the electoral college. Without the electoral college people would just campaign for the urban vote, end of story.', ">>{TinyJazzHands} : I mean... as a Liberal I'm all about it. But... scrapping the Electoral College pretty much means the end of conservative and rural executive power in this country. Everyone will pander to the largest markets, the mega cities. That always run liberal. At some point, maybe we should, at least, consider their points of views, otherwise you'll end up with a massively angry base of unrepresented people who are liable to foment a secession.", '>>{Downbound92} : When the swing states swing, the popular vote swings too. Who do you think is causing that swing in the popular vote?', ">>{TinyJazzHands} : Why shouldn't they? State-run elections tend to amplify the confusion and chaos of election day. The fact that a party has to fight 50 state governments to get itself on the ballot means that it's an order of multitude more difficult for a 3rd party to gain ground in this country. We should all vote with the same process. It'll be cheaper, simpler, less prone to fraud. I can't see a reason to be against it.", ">>{ghotier} : How do you think popular vote elections are won, exactly? Swing states are valuable because a 1% difference in voter turnout can result a 100% difference in electoral vote allocation. 1% is much easier to achieve than the >10% you would need in a non swing state. But if you only got 1% for that 1% different in voter turnout then the return on investment is much lower. **Electoral college:** Oh, you won by 1% in Pennsylvania? Here's all of the votes. Oh, you lost by 49% in NY. You lost 100% of the votes **No electoral college:** Oh, you won't by 1% in Pennsylvania? Here's 50.5% of the votes. Oh, you lost by 49% in NY? Here's 26.5% of the votes. No electoral college makes swing states less attractive and makes lock states much more attractive.", ">>{TinyJazzHands} : I'm a true progressive. I'm voting Hillary so that we have a more liberal Supreme Court for the next 30 years, instead of the regressive fascist shitshow that'll repeal all progressive wins we've made in my life if Trump wins. But I guess that makes me a sellout, according to Reddit.", ">>{Downbound92} : If that 1% difference helps win the popular vote, it's worth every penny. Nothing will change. Campaigns are going to allocate their resources to focus on where they can influence the most. Swing states are still going to have the swing voters.", ">>{fb39ca4} : So you don't agree with one person, one vote?", ">>{ghotier} : I'm not sure where you get that idea. If swing states had the most swing voters then they wouldn't get decided by such small margins so often. Lock states get ignored because the potential 10% bump candidates could achieve by focusing on them won't change the electoral votes.", '>>{ItsYaBoyBeasley} : It is less free. Right now, each state gets to decide how to best express the voice of their people. The answer for each state may be different. For Nebraska, it makes perfect sense to divide by district. The people in Omaha are far more liberal than the rest of the state. Nebraska believes their voice deserves to be heard. For other states, it may make more sense to group all votes together. Why would the people of a state outsource this freedom to decide to the federal government where they would get less say in the decision? It makes no sense.', ">>{Downbound92} : Those locked states are tapped dry for influence. You're not going to get 10% more from them. Swing states move every election they're fertile for influence", ">>{TinyJazzHands} : > So you don't agree with one person, one vote? My first statement shows that I am, in fact, for it. But we do need to consider the ramifications of such a system and how everyone will only ever pander to high population centers. A *LOT* of the country are going to be pissed off by never seeing Federal Executive representation ever again. Sure they'll have Legislators, still. But... I'm willing to bet those legislators begin to act belligerent towards the executive and enter into a state of permanent gridlock. I'm for getting rid of the Electoral College. But everyone who wants to get rid of it never wants to think about what better system we can replace it with to avoid the deep gridlock/potential rebellion we'll see eventually when we do.", ">>{berniebrah} : And Bernie wins when people are actually deterred from voting. Not like all the fake claims of voter fraud, but just going and casting a ballot versus standing around for hours arguing with mouth-breathing bernie cult members. Look at the primary turnout compared to the caucus. Bernie wins when there's low turnout.", '>>{fb39ca4} : When there\'s only one position, such as the president, there isn\'t anything you can do that is fair other than go with the majority of votes, perhaps using a system like approval or instant runoff voting to remove the effects of "spoiler" candidates. Unless you have a better idea?', ">>{FLRSH} : Awww, nasty spiteful little Hillary fans trying to cherry pick information to praise the Clinton dynasty. How very cute! When Bernie doesn't campaign, when no ads are run, when there's no Bernie ground game or money spent, Hillary is able to win an election which has absolutely zero impact or importance on anything. It was meaningless, and it's really sad that you're trying to gather some kind of victory out of it.", '>>{DJ_Theo} : Why? A larger portion of the country, which is a federation of individual states, is represented via the electoral college. Trump could win a majority of votes primarily located in the South and Midwest, but only win a minority of states, and thus not truly represent the majority of the country. National polls put Clinton and Trump at a dead heat. Come November, what if the national popular vote is 49.5% Clinton and 50.5% Trump - but Clinton wins 30 states and 380+ electoral college votes (electoral landslide) - who do you think better represents the majority of our representative republic/federation of states?', ">>{pnwbraids} : Well I don't mean it for every election. If a state wants to be asinine and have two different systems for state and federal elections, so be it. But I feel like if it's a federal election the standard of how for example delegates (the metric by which a party determines their nomination) are awarded so it's fair amongst all states", '>>{DJ_Theo} : We are a federation of states, who have the right to decide locally amongst themselves how to divide up their electoral college votes. You want to change that? Vote in local elections.', '>>{DJ_Theo} : Why should some elite bureaucrat from Washington decide how the free people of Massachusetts decide to award their electoral college votes?', '>>{berniebrah} : Yes. And, the turnout was much higher than the caucus which bernie won. So much for the "we only lose when turnout is low" argument. Same thing happened in Washington state, I believe.', '>>{Buzzed27} : I don\'t think you understand why they\'re actually called swing states. It\'s not because everyone\'s willing to change their minds, it because the breakdown of the state is already extremely close to 50/50 in party Sport. Thus any small change could "swing" the final result. It\'s not because people are "ripe for influence" and willing to "swing" their opinion. Say a Democrat goes and campaigns in Ohio, a traditional swing state, and increases their poll ratings by 1%. Assuming the entirety of the state votes that\'s 110000 votes or so. Well instead they could go and campaign just the greater Los Angeles area which has a population of 18 million, in an attempt to appeal to the moderate conservatives. They\'d see more benefit by a 1% change in just the Los Angeles area them by campaigning the entire state of Ohio.', ">>{berniebrah} : Oh, okay. I'll just sit over here with my candidates other victories. How did bernie do in the swing states, again?", ">>{FLRSH} : Oh, Bernie absolutely lost. Doesn't mean you get to get away with shitty reasoning. I mean, why even argue the kind of bullshit you're arguing about Nebraska when you have actual wins to point to? The problem here is you, trying anything to instigate Bernie supporters with anything possible, even when what you're using is rather desperate and weak.", ">>{Downbound92} : You assume that a campaign would think their resources are better used turning out people who don't vote than influencing people who do vote every year and often change their minds.", ">>{Buzzed27} : You're not getting the point, most people DON'T change their minds. Only a small number of people change their mind every election, the reason that's significant is because of how close the state is to start with. And if you don't think a straight popular vote wouldn't cause greater voter turn out in states like California you're crazy.", '>>{chrom_ed} : Federal. Holiday. Or stop pretending you actually want voter turnout.', '>>{davvblack} : it achieves exactly the same thing. The popular vote will win by this pact.', ">>{chrom_ed} : I'm not sure I follow. Based on a popular vote 5 million conservatives spread out over the farm belt in three states will have exactly the same voting power as 5 million liberals in a large city. A popular vote actually solves the problem you're describing.", ">>{Downbound92} : And campaigns are all about targeting the few people who make a difference between whether you lose or win 51-48. Turnout is pretty much always about the same, but the winner changes. Most people who don't vote also don't think about the electoral college. They don't vote because they're not informed, they don't care, they can't find the time, etc. None of that will change with a popular vote. Look at election years without a presidential election. Those are popular vote elections and they have even less turnout than presidential election years.", ">>{pnwbraids} : But the states are part of a collective union that works best when everyone is more or less on the same page in a variety of ways, from taxes to infrastructure to voting. That's why we have the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, federal funding of highways and so on and so forth. The states have rights, sure, but they also have responsibilities, and one of those responsibilities is to participate in the federation and abide by federal law when appropriate. Again, I don't care what states do with their local elections, but particularly when it is a major federal decision federal law should apply, not state. And the language of that law should push for standardization of how primaries and generals are held so we don't have any of this patchwork regulation bullshit.", ">>{agent26660} : Just like every federal holiday guarantees a person a day off right? Government workers, banks, and offices will get the day off. Everyone else will have to work. Even more so if it's a holiday. Think of all the election day sales where even more people will have to work. So if you want less poor people voting a government holiday is the way to go.", '>>{HighAndOnline} : > Trump could win a majority of votes primarily located in the South and Midwest, but only win a minority of states, and thus not truly represent the majority of the country. He would literally have the support of the majority of the country, geography is irrelevant in that case.', ">>{all_that_glitters_} : It forces Trump to spend money in an area he shouldn't have to or risk losing the electoral vote. He's got a ton less money so if he has to spend it in places like nebraska that's a significant chunk he can't spend in Ohio or Florida.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : If he spends any money there then maybe although I doubt he will. So far as the general goes he has spent zero.', ">>{DJ_Theo} : I just don't understand why the federal government needs to insert itself into a decision that belongs to the states so long as there is an electoral college. I only support legislation that's needed, this clearly isn't.", ">>{A_Suffering_Panda} : If you have to work on a federal holiday, you get 1.5 times pay, so it's more costly for employers and benefits employees, who won't be as upset that they're missing the chance to vote if it means extra money. Also, we could implement specific election day laws forcing every employee to get 2-3 hours off no matter what. It doesn't have to be exactly the same as other holidays, because this one has a real purpose beyond enjoyment", '>>{DJ_Theo} : Not really Hillary is projected to win an electoral landslide but the national popular vote will look very close.', '>>{agent26660} : We already have those laws. An employer is required to allow their employee to take 2 hours off to vote in all federal elections.', ">>{ghotier} : A republican could absolutely get more popular votes by campaigning in California than by campaigning in Ohio. But a Republican isn't going to outright wins CA, so CA gets ignored.", '>>{ghotier} : Weekend is better. Federal holiday just means that government workers and banks have the day off. Voting on a Sunday would make more people available.', ">>{ghotier} : It's not about making people feel good. It's about increasing voter turnout. I don't want people to be happy not voting.", ">>{Downbound92} : Campaigning doesn't really get any votes, it just energizes people who were already going to vote for you. California is so polarized because of the demographics: many non-white voters, young voters, and educated white voters. And that won't change, regardless of what happens to the electoral college."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{NoIWillNotYield} : Hillary Clinton Is Advertising in Deep-Red Nebraska. Here’s Why: Nebraska allocates its electoral college votes not in the usual winner-take-all method, but by congressional district. So a Republican candidate can win in the state, but a Democratic candidate can still pick up electoral votes', ">>{USModerate} : WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW This will be a sweep! HRC will look like reagan's win I think Hillary's trustworthiness, transparency and honesty is higher than Reagan's though. And she's certainly not the criminal we know he is", '>>{BalanceCoil} : The Dems in NE went heavily Bernie and even in Lincoln it would be a hard sell for Clinton.', '>>{C6O1999} : Trump is trying to do the same thing in Maine.', '>>{scarletsoda} : /u/NebraskaGunOwner Give us the scoop, effective campaigning strat?', '>>{OhGreatItsHim} : So because NE went for Bernie in the primary no one would support her in the general?', '>>{USModerate} : Bernie supporters are supporting HRC. Some NONE are supporting the orange racist', '>>{AllHailKingJeb} : 80+% of Bernie voters are now supporting Clinton.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : No I am saying it would be hard for her to pick up any of the congressional districts because not only are there less democrats, but because they aren't her kind of democrats.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Why does no one understand this? It is hard for Dems to win electoral votes in NE period. Having an enthusiasm gap will make it harder still.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : > I think Hillary's trustworthiness, transparency and honesty is higher than Reagan's though. Wut?", ">>{HighAndOnline} : Can we please stop pretending it's the 18th century and scrap the electoral college already?", ">>{OhGreatItsHim} : The thing is Nebraska is a caucus state. I'm from a caucus state so pretty much the only reason why Bernie won so big was because it was a caucus. So in reality she has a good chance.", '>>{USModerate} : Oh, I am so sorry, I missed a comma! To expand I think Hillary\'s trustworthiness, transparency and honesty are each higher than Reagan\'s trustworthiness, transparency and honesty, though. is that better? I\'d prefer a couple fake made up "Benghazi" scandals rather than the known felonies and fraud that Reagan and his ilk committed', ">>{BalanceCoil} : She doesn't. I think she has a harder time than most dems have had.", ">>{pnwbraids} : Does.it bother anyone else that electoral college votes and delegate votes for primaries do not award such metrics on a standardized basis? Like shouldn't every state be, just for example, all winner take all or all split by district?", '>>{BalanceCoil} : No thats even dumber. Hillary is the least Trustworthy person to ever run for president.', ">>{Dan_The_Manimal} : Only in a binary race between Clinton and trump. With 3rd party options it's as low as 55%", '>>{BalanceCoil} : The last time a democrat won NE was 1964...', ">>{lordfredericknorth} : Good luck coming up with an argument to get rid of it that's strong enough to build the requisite support to amend the Constitution.", ">>{MiltOnTilt} : Well then, he could assist her. If only there's something the losing candidate could do to assist the winner...", '>>{USModerate} : > Hillary is the least Trustworthy person to ever run for president. Since Carter, I would say only Bush Sr./ is more trustworthy', '>>{pktron} : Why not just do popular vote, or statewide proportional like the DNC primary? Both are more reasonable than the electoral college shitshow', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Obama won one district in 2008 by 1% I think as far as I know that is the only time since 1964 democrats have gotten electoral votes out of the state.', '>>{ItsYaBoyBeasley} : Why should the federal government dictate to the states how they should cast their votes?', ">>{IamBenCarsonsSpleen} : Ummm, what? That's exactly why she's there. True progressives aren't voting Trump. It's an easy Clinton sell.", '>>{banana-viking} : Hillary is going to steam roll Trump in the electoral college, this whole election cycle is bread & circuses.', ">>{IamBenCarsonsSpleen} : He's probably still pouting about Hillary not being in jail for emails.", ">>{Splax77} : They don't. It's actually up to the states how they allocate their electoral votes, it just so happens that all but 2 chose winner take all.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Thats not how it works not for Democrats anyway.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : True progressives aren't voting Hillary either. Even if a miracle were to occur and she could get a 1% victory in one congressional district like Obama did in 2008 (spoilers she isn't 2008 Obama) She would get exactly 1 electoral vote. Its a dumb waste of time and money.", ">>{jabels} : Bread and circuses is about keeping people fed and entertained. This is some sort of new infotainment that is actually horrifying to watch, and we'll have had to watch it for a whole year by the time it's all said and done 😫", ">>{Phaized} : Since the complete bullshit gerrymandering that the Republicans pulled after 2010, couldn't they use this method of deciding electoral votes to help Trump win?", ">>{banana-viking} : I guess what I mean is that it's all just a sad show that they are forcing us to watch.", ">>{NoIWillNotYield} : Uh I'm gonna hope you just mistakenly overlooked BARACK FUCKING OBAMA right now.", '>>{USModerate} : Great point! I excluded "sitting" president, I should have put "former" president! I was off doing something else and writing this. Thank you for your correction! Yes youre right! I meant, "former" president TY TY TY TY TY', '>>{USModerate} : High percentages of those who "feel the Bern" are also starting to "see the light". One of Trump\'s failed hopes was to attract Bernie supporters. But he\'s not (understandably, as they are completely different!) Hillary will get many Bernie Bros Trump gets none.', '>>{USModerate} : Enthusiastic about combatting his hate, racism , excessive capitalist theft and silver spoon ignorance, maybe', '>>{BalanceCoil} : except none of the polls have him getting none of them. If you are going to continue just to pull things out of your ass I am going to ignore you.', ">>{USModerate} : Forced between HRC and Trump (an artificial choice, as you can stay home) **no** progressive takes Trump And that's one answer you can get", ">>{FLRSH} : Awww, Hillary wins in Nebraska when there's nothing on the line. Give her a gold star for effort! (When no one was actively competing against her because he already won the caucus overwhelmingly).", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Still making shit up. Even tossed a logical fallacy in there for good measure.', ">>{USModerate} : Fair enough https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/05/24/how-likely-are-bernie-sanders-supporters-to-actually-vote-for-donald-trump-here-are-some-clues/ Less than 20% go for Trump, where 69% go for clinton (the rest 3^rd party, stay home, piss in the voting booth, etc.) And these 20% will have to look in the mirror It will be a statistically insignificant portion, as the Bernie people aren't going to vote for a known racist, capitalist theif", ">>{BalanceCoil} : So you think all 20% of those Bernie people are goign to change their mind because you personally don't like Trump? Even though you amended your statement the conclusion is still wrong.", ">>{USModerate} : HRC 400+ in Novermber. That's going nowhere.", ">>{jabels} : Oh I totally agree. I was just pointing out that even though the original concept was pretty dark, it's not even fun anymore, we're just overtly being held captive to this situation under the pretext that we have a say in the matter and that our choices are good.", ">>{pnwbraids} : I'm down for either. No matter what, reforms are needed.", ">>{Downbound92} : You could do that, but the voters in those swing states would still be the ones making the difference. They're swing states because those are the voters who go back and forth every election, so those voters are going to still be the ones targeted by campaigns.", ">>{pktron} : I completely agree. Ironically, and /r/politics is not the place to say it, the DNC primaries are among the best/least-BS national voting system held in the country, potentially topped only by ratification of constitutional amendments. Proportional delegate assignment is relatively strong against crap. Becuase the 50% threshold doesn't matter, crap like recounts, or scattered screwed up polling locations, lead to swings of only a delegate or so, rather than decision-deciding EV swings like Florida or potential Ohio.", ">>{avfc41} : > They're swing states because those are the voters who go back and forth every election, so those voters are going to still be the ones targeted by campaigns. It's not like they're especially likely to change their minds in those states, it's just that there's roughly the same amount of voters for each party. The main difference election to election is in how many of their supporters each candidate ends up mobilizing to get out and vote. Swing states wouldn't be more important than others in a popular vote setup, and if anything, candidates would focus on places where they could run up the score.", '>>{NeverDrumpf2016} : States actually have a way to do it while bypassing a constitutional amendment, currently over 30% of the electoral college is already on board, only need another 20%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact', ">>{NeverDrumpf2016} : I disagree, it'll actually have an opposite effect, where candidates would try to shore up their base and increase turnout in areas already friendly to them. But it really would be spread around.", '>>{NeverDrumpf2016} : Overall it would help Republicans, but it depends on which state does it. If a red state does it, it will help Democrats, if a blue state does it, it will help Republicans.', ">>{lordfredericknorth} : This is interesting, I had never heard of this before. However, it appears that this only addresses how the electors will vote, not doing away with them altogether. Maybe we're splitting hairs here since the outcome would be pretty much the same, but technically this compact would not eliminate the EC, but rather change how they operate.", '>>{ghotier} : We could also stop pretending that it makes sense to vote on a weekday.', '>>{ghotier} : You are not correct. Swing state voters are worth more because of the electoral college. Without the electoral college people would just campaign for the urban vote, end of story.', ">>{TinyJazzHands} : I mean... as a Liberal I'm all about it. But... scrapping the Electoral College pretty much means the end of conservative and rural executive power in this country. Everyone will pander to the largest markets, the mega cities. That always run liberal. At some point, maybe we should, at least, consider their points of views, otherwise you'll end up with a massively angry base of unrepresented people who are liable to foment a secession.", '>>{Downbound92} : When the swing states swing, the popular vote swings too. Who do you think is causing that swing in the popular vote?', ">>{TinyJazzHands} : Why shouldn't they? State-run elections tend to amplify the confusion and chaos of election day. The fact that a party has to fight 50 state governments to get itself on the ballot means that it's an order of multitude more difficult for a 3rd party to gain ground in this country. We should all vote with the same process. It'll be cheaper, simpler, less prone to fraud. I can't see a reason to be against it.", ">>{ghotier} : How do you think popular vote elections are won, exactly? Swing states are valuable because a 1% difference in voter turnout can result a 100% difference in electoral vote allocation. 1% is much easier to achieve than the >10% you would need in a non swing state. But if you only got 1% for that 1% different in voter turnout then the return on investment is much lower. **Electoral college:** Oh, you won by 1% in Pennsylvania? Here's all of the votes. Oh, you lost by 49% in NY. You lost 100% of the votes **No electoral college:** Oh, you won't by 1% in Pennsylvania? Here's 50.5% of the votes. Oh, you lost by 49% in NY? Here's 26.5% of the votes. No electoral college makes swing states less attractive and makes lock states much more attractive.", ">>{TinyJazzHands} : I'm a true progressive. I'm voting Hillary so that we have a more liberal Supreme Court for the next 30 years, instead of the regressive fascist shitshow that'll repeal all progressive wins we've made in my life if Trump wins. But I guess that makes me a sellout, according to Reddit.", ">>{Downbound92} : If that 1% difference helps win the popular vote, it's worth every penny. Nothing will change. Campaigns are going to allocate their resources to focus on where they can influence the most. Swing states are still going to have the swing voters.", ">>{fb39ca4} : So you don't agree with one person, one vote?", ">>{ghotier} : I'm not sure where you get that idea. If swing states had the most swing voters then they wouldn't get decided by such small margins so often. Lock states get ignored because the potential 10% bump candidates could achieve by focusing on them won't change the electoral votes.", '>>{ItsYaBoyBeasley} : It is less free. Right now, each state gets to decide how to best express the voice of their people. The answer for each state may be different. For Nebraska, it makes perfect sense to divide by district. The people in Omaha are far more liberal than the rest of the state. Nebraska believes their voice deserves to be heard. For other states, it may make more sense to group all votes together. Why would the people of a state outsource this freedom to decide to the federal government where they would get less say in the decision? It makes no sense.', ">>{Downbound92} : Those locked states are tapped dry for influence. You're not going to get 10% more from them. Swing states move every election they're fertile for influence", ">>{TinyJazzHands} : > So you don't agree with one person, one vote? My first statement shows that I am, in fact, for it. But we do need to consider the ramifications of such a system and how everyone will only ever pander to high population centers. A *LOT* of the country are going to be pissed off by never seeing Federal Executive representation ever again. Sure they'll have Legislators, still. But... I'm willing to bet those legislators begin to act belligerent towards the executive and enter into a state of permanent gridlock. I'm for getting rid of the Electoral College. But everyone who wants to get rid of it never wants to think about what better system we can replace it with to avoid the deep gridlock/potential rebellion we'll see eventually when we do.", ">>{berniebrah} : And Bernie wins when people are actually deterred from voting. Not like all the fake claims of voter fraud, but just going and casting a ballot versus standing around for hours arguing with mouth-breathing bernie cult members. Look at the primary turnout compared to the caucus. Bernie wins when there's low turnout.", '>>{fb39ca4} : When there\'s only one position, such as the president, there isn\'t anything you can do that is fair other than go with the majority of votes, perhaps using a system like approval or instant runoff voting to remove the effects of "spoiler" candidates. Unless you have a better idea?', ">>{FLRSH} : Awww, nasty spiteful little Hillary fans trying to cherry pick information to praise the Clinton dynasty. How very cute! When Bernie doesn't campaign, when no ads are run, when there's no Bernie ground game or money spent, Hillary is able to win an election which has absolutely zero impact or importance on anything. It was meaningless, and it's really sad that you're trying to gather some kind of victory out of it.", '>>{DJ_Theo} : Why? A larger portion of the country, which is a federation of individual states, is represented via the electoral college. Trump could win a majority of votes primarily located in the South and Midwest, but only win a minority of states, and thus not truly represent the majority of the country. National polls put Clinton and Trump at a dead heat. Come November, what if the national popular vote is 49.5% Clinton and 50.5% Trump - but Clinton wins 30 states and 380+ electoral college votes (electoral landslide) - who do you think better represents the majority of our representative republic/federation of states?', ">>{pnwbraids} : Well I don't mean it for every election. If a state wants to be asinine and have two different systems for state and federal elections, so be it. But I feel like if it's a federal election the standard of how for example delegates (the metric by which a party determines their nomination) are awarded so it's fair amongst all states", '>>{DJ_Theo} : We are a federation of states, who have the right to decide locally amongst themselves how to divide up their electoral college votes. You want to change that? Vote in local elections.', '>>{DJ_Theo} : Why should some elite bureaucrat from Washington decide how the free people of Massachusetts decide to award their electoral college votes?', '>>{berniebrah} : Yes. And, the turnout was much higher than the caucus which bernie won. So much for the "we only lose when turnout is low" argument. Same thing happened in Washington state, I believe.', '>>{Buzzed27} : I don\'t think you understand why they\'re actually called swing states. It\'s not because everyone\'s willing to change their minds, it because the breakdown of the state is already extremely close to 50/50 in party Sport. Thus any small change could "swing" the final result. It\'s not because people are "ripe for influence" and willing to "swing" their opinion. Say a Democrat goes and campaigns in Ohio, a traditional swing state, and increases their poll ratings by 1%. Assuming the entirety of the state votes that\'s 110000 votes or so. Well instead they could go and campaign just the greater Los Angeles area which has a population of 18 million, in an attempt to appeal to the moderate conservatives. They\'d see more benefit by a 1% change in just the Los Angeles area them by campaigning the entire state of Ohio.', ">>{berniebrah} : Oh, okay. I'll just sit over here with my candidates other victories. How did bernie do in the swing states, again?", ">>{FLRSH} : Oh, Bernie absolutely lost. Doesn't mean you get to get away with shitty reasoning. I mean, why even argue the kind of bullshit you're arguing about Nebraska when you have actual wins to point to? The problem here is you, trying anything to instigate Bernie supporters with anything possible, even when what you're using is rather desperate and weak.", ">>{Downbound92} : You assume that a campaign would think their resources are better used turning out people who don't vote than influencing people who do vote every year and often change their minds.", ">>{Buzzed27} : You're not getting the point, most people DON'T change their minds. Only a small number of people change their mind every election, the reason that's significant is because of how close the state is to start with. And if you don't think a straight popular vote wouldn't cause greater voter turn out in states like California you're crazy.", '>>{chrom_ed} : Federal. Holiday. Or stop pretending you actually want voter turnout.', '>>{davvblack} : it achieves exactly the same thing. The popular vote will win by this pact.', ">>{chrom_ed} : I'm not sure I follow. Based on a popular vote 5 million conservatives spread out over the farm belt in three states will have exactly the same voting power as 5 million liberals in a large city. A popular vote actually solves the problem you're describing.", ">>{Downbound92} : And campaigns are all about targeting the few people who make a difference between whether you lose or win 51-48. Turnout is pretty much always about the same, but the winner changes. Most people who don't vote also don't think about the electoral college. They don't vote because they're not informed, they don't care, they can't find the time, etc. None of that will change with a popular vote. Look at election years without a presidential election. Those are popular vote elections and they have even less turnout than presidential election years.", ">>{pnwbraids} : But the states are part of a collective union that works best when everyone is more or less on the same page in a variety of ways, from taxes to infrastructure to voting. That's why we have the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, federal funding of highways and so on and so forth. The states have rights, sure, but they also have responsibilities, and one of those responsibilities is to participate in the federation and abide by federal law when appropriate. Again, I don't care what states do with their local elections, but particularly when it is a major federal decision federal law should apply, not state. And the language of that law should push for standardization of how primaries and generals are held so we don't have any of this patchwork regulation bullshit.", ">>{agent26660} : Just like every federal holiday guarantees a person a day off right? Government workers, banks, and offices will get the day off. Everyone else will have to work. Even more so if it's a holiday. Think of all the election day sales where even more people will have to work. So if you want less poor people voting a government holiday is the way to go.", '>>{HighAndOnline} : > Trump could win a majority of votes primarily located in the South and Midwest, but only win a minority of states, and thus not truly represent the majority of the country. He would literally have the support of the majority of the country, geography is irrelevant in that case.', ">>{all_that_glitters_} : It forces Trump to spend money in an area he shouldn't have to or risk losing the electoral vote. He's got a ton less money so if he has to spend it in places like nebraska that's a significant chunk he can't spend in Ohio or Florida.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : If he spends any money there then maybe although I doubt he will. So far as the general goes he has spent zero.', ">>{DJ_Theo} : I just don't understand why the federal government needs to insert itself into a decision that belongs to the states so long as there is an electoral college. I only support legislation that's needed, this clearly isn't.", ">>{A_Suffering_Panda} : If you have to work on a federal holiday, you get 1.5 times pay, so it's more costly for employers and benefits employees, who won't be as upset that they're missing the chance to vote if it means extra money. Also, we could implement specific election day laws forcing every employee to get 2-3 hours off no matter what. It doesn't have to be exactly the same as other holidays, because this one has a real purpose beyond enjoyment", '>>{DJ_Theo} : Not really Hillary is projected to win an electoral landslide but the national popular vote will look very close.', '>>{agent26660} : We already have those laws. An employer is required to allow their employee to take 2 hours off to vote in all federal elections.', ">>{ghotier} : A republican could absolutely get more popular votes by campaigning in California than by campaigning in Ohio. But a Republican isn't going to outright wins CA, so CA gets ignored.", '>>{ghotier} : Weekend is better. Federal holiday just means that government workers and banks have the day off. Voting on a Sunday would make more people available.', ">>{ghotier} : It's not about making people feel good. It's about increasing voter turnout. I don't want people to be happy not voting.", ">>{Downbound92} : Campaigning doesn't really get any votes, it just energizes people who were already going to vote for you. California is so polarized because of the demographics: many non-white voters, young voters, and educated white voters. And that won't change, regardless of what happens to the electoral college."], [">>{homieson89} : Why can't Apple just let us keep using our 32bit apps while on ios 10.3?", '>>{portnux} : Because that would reduce resources available to 64bit apps.', '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : How many MB do you think is needed to support 32bit apps?', ">>{ecs0013} : It's not necessarily storage, but also keeping certain libraries and system resources in the operating system active to support those apps.", '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : The difference is almost immeasurable it is so small. Show me the benchmark that exposes the drain on resources due to 32bit app support.', ">>{ecs0013} : I don't think it's that at all - the devices today have plenty of overhead to handle that. However, there's the engineering and support level from Apple that has to take place. Without being on the inside of the goings-on at Apple, one can only guess that there is some amount of work to keep that supported. It's the same as any older system in place that is hitting a critical level of being more work to support that what a business is getting in return. I think more importantly, if there are important legacy apps, the key might be finding out why the developer isn't updating them (it's been almost four years since the 5S was introduced) or if there is another tool better suited for the job. People got up in arms about AT&T shutting down their 2G/EDGE network on January 1, and while some people had to get new phones, the level of work to keep it running crossed the threshold of not being worth it. Some spectrum has been reused, but in a many places, the equipment has just been turned off without being replaced. Apple is no different and some features are phased out way too early, but I think this has been an ongoing process that many developers and businesses have seen in progress for awhile.", ">>{Mister_Kurtz} : So the real reason Apple doesn't want to support 32 bit apps is because they don't want to pay for it. Do I have that right?", '>>{corgion} : In almost every situation, the reason a company does something is because they decided that the benefit of the thing outweighed the costs of doing it. There is an extra cost of maintaining the 32-bit libraries that support 32-bit apps. Every time they find a security issue, or add a new feature, they have to pay someone to fix the old 32-bit libraries and more importantly test those changes. They decided that that person could be doing something more valuable, so they stopped paying for it.', '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : Sometimes a company will decide "we should do this because it provides greater usability to our customer base."', '>>{ecs0013} : I guess you could assign a dollar amount to using resources (engineers, developers, time, etc.) to keep supporting aging infrastructure. It\'s no different than Microsoft cutting off support for security patches and updates for old versions of Windows or Apple eventually internally categorizing old devices as "vintage" or "obsolete" meaning that service providers won\'t be able to obtain parts for really old equipment (I think right now it\'s mostly all devices from about 2010 and older). At some point they need to draw a line and move on - it\'s happened with macOS before (just about everything from OS X before 10.5 will have trouble running on current hardware and builds of 10.12 because of the changes in libraries, APIs, and other things under-the-hood…how many things are still set up to work with .Mac or MobileMe?) I\'m guessing the "warning" on 10.3 and under Settings > About > Apps is to hopefully shame some developers into updating their apps to more modern methods of development and also educate users for what software is probably abandonware at this point. Apple has always had a pretty long tail on deprecating old methods and tools and so most things like this aren\'t a surprise. Even with the switch to Lightning in 2012, the Dock Connector was in use for 9 years and very clunky and aged in its final years. Although they could\'ve thrown an adapter in the iPhone box, they still support many old speakers and accessories with those adapters some five years later. So without being in Cupertino and seeing the cost/benefit ratio of supporting software that hasn\'t been touched in years, I can only venture to guess that there is some level of it being too much work for old stuff.', '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : You should compare apples to apples. My Windows10 x64 STILL supports 32 bit apps. "At some point ... move on." Why not move on due to demand? This is the difference between MS and Apple. MS recognizes users actually use 32 bit apps, and then support them. When this demand wanes, like support for 8 bit apps, then support is pulled. Why not let the market/user demand decide rather than cutting off a number of apps current users find useful?', '>>{ecs0013} : It\'s hard to compare "apples to apples" because in the Windows world, you\'re running an OS that can run on a variety of hardware combinations designed and produced by different vendors. There\'s also the pressure Microsoft is put under to support everything for almost an eternity because some business somewhere needs it. Both of those things work for them and can\'t necessarily argue against that for how they run their business. Apple tends to support technologies for a reasonable amount of time, but will phase things out if they are becoming less popular or necessary. Sometimes these are a bit ambitious and premature (MacBook and MacBook Pro), but other times they happen and people find they really aren\'t missing an older technology (internal optical drives come to mind). However, the iOS transition to 64-bit apps started in 2013 and the process (from what I had heard) was always pretty easy for developers. Those holdouts now probably aren\'t maintaining their apps or updating them anyway. This hasn\'t been sudden either—Apple has been telling developers to support 64-bit since 2014 with a mandatory inclusion since 2015: https://9to5mac.com/2014/10/20/apple-to-require-ios-apps-and-updates-to-use-ios-8-sdk-and-include-64-bit-support-from-february-2015/ From what I was able to turn up, it looks like the change would also affect how they develop future CPUs and what resources are tied to those: http://www.androidauthority.com/apple-killing-32-bit-support-746644/ I know it\'s easy to say, "well, 32-bit and 64-bit software can and should coexist and it should be the same across all platforms and architectures," but I think even that\'s hard or qualify, as x86/x64 and ARM are very different beasts. Microsoft has had to support older software longer, but also went through some of the teething of 32-bit and 64-bit builds of Windows that were separate. OS X gradually phased it in and made it the main focus once 32-bit machines aged out and support was dropped. On the mobile side, there were a lot of 64-bit SoCs on Android and Windows Mobile phones, but only more recently has software been written to take advantage of this. Looking at my devices, the only apps that are showing up as 32-bit only are some old games that are abandonware at this point. Is there a particular tool you\'re afraid of losing or just trying to argue principle? I think there\'s plenty of people here that can help with the former, but as for the latter, I think outside of Apple\'s headquarters, we\'re all just speculating.', '>>{phammybly} : No. But you have the right to NOT updgrade your OS, or to just not buy an Apple product. Simple.', '>>{quintsreddit} : Exactly. Apple wants everyone to enjoy the usability of a completely, thoroughly supported 64 bit experience.', '>>{portnux} : To pay for it by limiting what they can do with future hardware just to continue 32bit support? Be realistic, the best way to handle this for the user is to do exactly what Apple IS doing. Stop supporting 32bit apps and leave the option for those users to use those old apps to users who want/need to use them by simply keeping or acquiring a 32bit device. These can be found at millions of garage sales everywhere.', '>>{newfonehudis} : For the same reason that they removed the headphone jack - they are removing legacy to focus on the future. The headphone jack was questionable, but 32-bit is obsolete.', '>>{portnux} : By either adding emulationsupport for 32bit code to the hardware or the firmware. Also since the new hardware has some multitasking ability these would need to have the ability to run concurrently. All of this is a parasite on performance and increases the chance for instabilities.', '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : I did a search and was unable to find any benchmark or technical documents exposing the performance impact of supporting 32bit apps.'], ['>>{lulundi} : GOP Leaders Say U.S. Will Pay Billions For Border Wall, But Insist They’re Fiscal Conservatives', '>>{ex0du5} : The two most fiscally conservative presidents: * Obama - decreased the yearly deficit by ~900 billion from 2009 to 2017. * Clinton - decreased the yearly deficit by ~500 billion from 1993 to 2001, leaving the first surplus in half a century. Obama\'s two largest savings were from the repeal of the Bush tax cuts and the savings from Obamacare. Both of these efforts were heavily opposed by "fiscally conservative" Republicans.', ">>{Cthulhuplusaccount} : It makes a lot of sense if you don't think about it.", ">>{CandiKaine} : Guys, it's ok. *Congress* is going to pay for the wall, *not us*. So that's like free money right", '>>{iceblademan} : GOP, the Party of Fiscal and Personal Responsibility that often cuts budget shoestrings to pinch pennies, is now for: * Building a giant wall on the border * Having this wall be paid for by America * Having America pay for this via a NEW TAX, the anethma of all conservatives everywhere What could possibly go wrong?', ">>{oneeasypod} : I'd agree with them, but then we'd both be wrong.", ">>{snowgimp} : Don't forget all that money cutting ACA is gonna create lol.", '>>{tupac_chopra} : this myth should have been put to bed after the disaster that was bush jr.', ">>{MrSpooty} : I'm not disagreeing, but what sources are you using for those numbers?", ">>{oddjam} : Look pal, if you're just going to show up to drop some facts and spew logic all over the place, you can get the fuck out of here. Everyone knows that Liberals are financially wasteful and Conservatives are frugal, so there's no way those numbers are right. And EVERYONE knows that Obamacare was the most horrendous thing since the buebonic plague and it's totally a communist program stolen from Hitler which means it's just improving people's health for FREE - which is bullshit - Obviously if you can't pay to get health care then you should be allowed to die because, as everyone knows, money is the only important measure of human worth.", ">>{trickx1991} : They can't back out! If the don't live up to trump promisses they will get destroyed in 2018!", '>>{TheKickingLegs} : In American politics, "fiscal conservative" means "we only fund the things we like." Liberals are no less conservative than "conservatives," it\'s just a matter of which things they want funded. Conservatives have absolutely no problem hammerblasting money into defense spending, prisons, the police, subsidizing oil companies and religious institutions, liberals are a-okay with shitloads of money going into their own causes. What needs to change, and what needs to change SOON, is to break the narrative that Republicans are actually conservative. They\'re contrarians and that\'s all.', ">>{vootator} : Billions to build a wall that nobody needs. It's like the billions of dollars to buy tanks even the military didn't want.", '>>{tosil} : aka alternative alternative reality ^e: ^forgot ^to ^have ^2 ^alternatives', ">>{scsmith83} : Less than a week in and it's already a complete disaster.", ">>{oddjam} : Not OP, but I did a quick search and found [this](https://www.thebalance.com/deficit-by-president-what-budget-deficits-hide-3306151) and [this](http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/spending_chart_1960_2021USb_XXs2li111mcn_G0f). The numbers are *slightly* off (according to these websites), but u/ex0du5's numbers were only estimates, and regardless they are close - looks like Clinton was closer to 400 Billion by the end of his term, but the year before that it *was* around 500 Billion.", '>>{itsnotnews92} : I like to list the accomplishments of two presidents without naming them or their party, just to challenge people\'s notions of party. For example: **Number One:** This president oversaw nearly a decade of economic prosperity, leaving office with federal budget surpluses. Unemployment was at the lowest level in decades. He also signed mandatory minimums into law and ramped up the war on drugs. Welfare was reformed and welfare rolls were the smallest they\'d been in over 30 years. **Number Two:** This president oversaw a rapid increase in spending. Taxes increased almost a dozen times. The deficit was nearly tripled. Unemployment jumped to 10 percent within a year of him taking office. A new, huge federal agency was created. Amnesty was granted to 3 million undocumented immigrants." The vast majority of people think Number One is a Republican and Number Two is a Democrat. Nope--it\'s Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan, respectively! People get so caught up in the tribalism of party politics that they fail to see how, in many ways, Reagan would be too liberal for today\'s Republicans (and how Clinton\'s Third Way politics would be too conservative for many of today\'s Democrats).', ">>{HumanLikeYou155} : Just because you say it doesn't make it true. For instance, I can say I'm billionaire with 13 inch cock. Is it true? No. Of course I'm not a billionaire.", ">>{oddjam} : That's really an excellent way to put this into perspective.", ">>{kthoag} : I don't understand how this will possibly play out well for conservatives. Obviously the tax cuts will have negative impacts (just like Bush's), adding new taxes to pay for a wall and cutting ACA? Are they asking to give Dems a supermajority in another few election cycles?", '>>{LoveCandiceSwanepoel} : Hey! My dad was legalized thanks to Reagan lol.', '>>{gdex86} : This sort of thing doesn\'t work on republicans for a pretty simple reason. Their voters think that the wall is an important expenditure. It\'s sorta like my Brother in Law. He and my sister a few years ago were going through tight financial times. He decided to buy a brand new 2012 truck and rationalized it as he was buying it for transportation to work and back. I thought he was insane and that money could have been better spent doing the bit of fixing up his existing truck and paying down debt or even putting money away for college. Republicans, at large, think anything relating to the nebulous term of "National Security" is worth spending on. To them they aren\'t spending money on a useless wall. It\'s of dire importance.', ">>{thefloorisbaklava} : I don't understand why anyone would take this wall talk seriously. If they actually started building the insane thing... dynamite is cheap and not tightly regulated in Mexico. It's not like they can have guards and cameras for a 2,000-mile stretch.", '>>{mvpilot172} : Not without an increase in the budget! Think of all those good American jobs, sitting on a stool in the middle of nowhere on the Mexican border stopping the illegals coming over and taking our jerbs. /s (for any misunderstanding)', '>>{frameratedrop} : Luckily, there isn\'t primitive technology that would allow a person to overcome such a barrier. We could create it, though. Maybe we can call the one that helps you get to higher places a "ladder" and the one that let\'s you get down from high places a "rope."', '>>{GenesisEra} : And maybe we could call the one that allows you to soar way above the higher placers a "plane".', ">>{joshgarfunkle} : It would be great if you had all the sources on it so I could easily reproduce this with my friends. I'm going to start finding them.", ">>{Red_Carrot} : Don't forget the tax cut that will cost between 2.6 - 5.9 Trillion over 10 years or 260 Billion to 590 Billion a year or 5 Billion to 11.34 Billion a week, or 714 Million to 1.62 Billion a day. Yeah that is before the 3.5 Billion per year increase for cutting the ACA.", ">>{Red_Carrot} : I think it will only cost $350 Billion over 10 years or 3.5 Billion a year. Still a huge amount to remove people's insurance.", ">>{andersmith11} : A good trade. Repubs are depriving many Americans of health care and instead spending the money to protect the health of Trump's campaign promises and ego?", ">>{simsoy} : The Democrats really should be Republicans, and the modern day Republican Party shouldn't even exist. How do these people not see that the Democrats are basically old school Republicans with progressive social ideals?", ">>{Maggie_A} : I just emailed this to Paul Ryan: MEXICO is supposed to pay for the wall. Not the US taxpayers. And not the US consumers. MEXICO. M-E-X-I-C-O How can you not understand that? You're not a moron. Why are you acting like one by saying that we'll pay for it? You and Trump figure out a way to make MEXICO pay for it. Trump said he would.This is Trump saying it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yfIxBjOw3o So you make Mexico give us that check. Or don't do it. But don't move a single foot of dirt until you get the money to pay for it from M-E-X-I-C-O.", ">>{chrisphoenix7} : Fiscal conservatives spend money on irreplaceable things, like bridges to nowhere, border walls, and pipelines that put aquifers at risk. That's what makes them right!", '>>{mattk1017} : An interaction I recently had with my father (Trump supporter): **Me**: "Did you know Trump\'s wall would be ineffective because they say most illegals are just people overstaying their visa. Also, less and less Mexicans are coming over the border; in fact, there are more Mexicans going _back_ to Mexico. **Dad**: "Yeah, that\'s what they say, but I don\'t believe it. I don\'t know any Mexican going back to Mexico—they\'re coming in like crazy I _think_." **Me**: "Ohh... O.o" Apparently, my dad doesn\'t believe in [statistics](http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/04/14/mexico-us-border-apprehensions/). Also, he doesn\'t believe humans cause climate change.', '>>{lawblogz} : I believe Paul Ryan has achieved his final form. That of a gutless, spineless, say anything to get into the White House, politician. Welcome to your final destination Paul Ryan. ("King Solomon," unbelievable.)', ">>{cinnamonhorchata} : Well, to be fair, there was that party switch around 1930. Dems held republican values and vice versa. So maybe we've basically drifted back to our origins but are also intelligent enough to know that we have to keep up with the progressing world?", '>>{MisteryMeat} : With "paid for by America" meaning borrowing the money. We get to pay interest on it too.', '>>{KalpolIntro} : Conservatives don\'t give a shit about taxes. It\'s just a tool to attack the Democrat in charge. They won\'t say shit about their "team" doing this. Probably won\'t even notice it as it won\'t be a talking point on Fox News.', ">>{Lonegunman3798} : They're about as fiscally conservative as the Chinese are communist.", '>>{AwkwardNoah} : Ok I thought you were shitposting till you last few lines I hope', ">>{Lurking_nerd} : Haha I know right. I've approached the subject before by saying I can empathize with his support and admiration for Reagan for what he did for him and many others when he granted amnesty, but the Republican party then is not the party it is now. We have a common ground on the economic issues. Through discussions (civil) we came to the agreement that privatization doesn't help the common man, the burden of healthcare expenses on small businesses is unfair (trying to pave the way towards single payer system), and unions are needed to fight for the workers. With the federal hiring freeze and now the wall AND the possible 20% tariff on Mexican goods, I think I'm making progress.", '>>{Lurking_nerd} : I think a majority of my family votes dem, sprinkled with some far left (and I mean *far*) members.', '>>{-rinserepeat-} : It\'s more that the Republicans have gerrymandered themselves into an ideological rabbit hole and the Democrats have filled in the spectrum gap of "sensible liberal business party" that the Republicans held up until the 90s. There\'s a reason a large and vociferous progressive party is forming to the left of the Dems.', ">>{MarlonBain} : > a large and vociferous progressive party is forming to the left of the Dems. What's it called? Did they run any congresspeople in 2016?", ">>{-rinserepeat-} : Party is the wrong word, but you don't think that the large group of progressive voters who feel disillusioned with the Democratic Party represent a distinct movement?", ">>{cinnamonhorchata} : It's pretty interesting to watch I think. I was never a fan of politics until recently (hey look, trump did something good lmao) and now that I'm actually paying attention to party behaviors and reactions I'm really quite fascinated.", '>>{stackered} : Oh but welfare is such a burden on our country', ">>{MarlonBain} : Way to move the goalposts. I think a large group of progressive voters who felt disillusioned with the Democratic Party represented a distinct movement *which successfully moved the Democratic Party to the left.* That is far better for Democratic Party causes and for opposing the very real harm the Republicans can do than creating a third progressive party. And it is very possible! Let's keep that going! Let's run progressives in House and Senate races! Look at republicans. They had a strong movement, they even called it a Party, but they worked to change the GOP not to create a separate thing and fight it. They ran primary challenges and won state governments. They took over all levels of government this way. Meanwhile, progressives show up every four years for a presidential election, bitch that the Dem candidate is too centrist, and then they go back to not giving a shit about politics for four years. See how well that works.", '>>{wwjd117} : > Having this wall be paid for by America You mean paid for by America **twice**. * First to build the wall * Second to pay the 20% increase on Mexican crafts and goods Republicans hate Americans more than they hate foreigners.'], ['>>{cajunrajing} : They were truly channeling the spirit of Trump then. They should be lauded. I mean, how many criminal cases has Trump been part of? How many lawsuits? They were just following the example of their chosen spirit animal.', '>>{IslamicShibe} : Remember when 50 or so people were assaulting Trump supporters in San Jose and there were no arrests?', ">>{cajunrajing} : I almost clicked the link, then I saw the 3rd one was Breitbart which automatically reduced the credibility of your arguments by 99.5%. It's a sad side effect of Breitbart's history.", '>>{stuball81} : Here\'s some advice. Head to google or bing or whatever search engine you use and search for "trump supporters attacked". You\'ll find quite a few examples. Your excuse is just laziness or not wanting to see the truth.', '>>{TheRealBartlet} : Breitbart and info wars can fuck off. I remember when they paraded around a video of a guy in a wheel chair and neglected to show he was wrapped in a confederate flag and yelling racist and anti semetic comments at the protesters. Breitbart and info wars is straight propoganda.', ">>{stuball81} : I provided 2 youtube videos in the matter of seconds to show that Trump supporters are being attacked also and the only comeback is the third piece was from beritbart and that's all these liberal idiots want to talk about. How about the first two videos? Those never happened and were concocted by alt right?", ">>{cajunrajing} : There was no excuse listed. Interesting that Trumpers automatically speak and hear in excuses. Breitbart will not get any clicks thanks to their bad history of posting counter-factual nonsense. You linked youtube videos and the only non youtube video was a breitbart link. Therefore, it automatically reduces the credibility of the others. However, if you notice, I've actually posted links about the violence at the rallies including ones towards Trump supporters. However, I understand if you're too lazy to justify your stances with facts and feel like name calling instead. Have a good day.", '>>{IslamicShibe} : > There was no excuse listed. Interesting that Trumpers automatically speak and hear in excuses. >I almost clicked the link, then I saw the 3rd one was Breitbart which automatically reduced the credibility of your arguments by 99.5%. The mental gymnastics are astounding', ">>{cajunrajing} : I know. I'm always amazed at how Trump Supporters can fit around anything like logic and fact to still support him. I have to give y'all credit, I really do. That sort of cognitive dissonance is almost a work of art.", ">>{IslamicShibe} : I am really not as much of a Trump supporter as people like to smear me as, may not even vote in the general. I think he's gonna win still without my vote. I just am pointing out the mental gymnastics in your comment. I voted for Kasich in my state", '>>{cajunrajing} : Of all the options, Kasich was not as bad as some on the right. Though, he lost my support when he was pushing for a Department of Judea-Christian Values. I wish the right had picked a more tenable candidate, one I could support.', ">>{IslamicShibe} : I was an anti-Trumper when there was 16 candidates, started as a Bush supporter. Sadly the ship has sailed, I fully believe Donald Trump will win due to the shear enthusiasm I've seen not on Reddit but in person. I can't be convinced to support Hillary, her supporters really turn my off and my state is not a swing state so my vote doesn't matter. I wish we got Rubio or best case Kasich but sadly non voting 'Republican's' spoke louder and stronger than the ones who supported Romney and McCain, the party has been hijacked but hopefully they can make the best of it.", ">>{cajunrajing} : I agree. Bush was my vote during the primary here. I do not like they zeitgeist that has taken over the party. It's a movement of bigotry and angst. The Trump supporters that I interact with daily actually go off (at work, in public places) about having have to listen to a black man long enough, they're not gonna listen to a woman now.' These same supporters rant about gay marriage bringing down the country and so on. I can't convince myself to support Trump because that's the movement that's getting him traction. Call me an optimist, but there's a part of me that hopes that mankind can move beyond that sort of animalistic drive.", '>>{Literally_A_Shill} : I just googled for "Trump supporters attacking" and got tons of videos and news articles. Not just regular assault, but straight up setting people on fire and pissing on them. Scary stuff.', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : Remember when Trump supporters beat up and pissed on a homeless man for looking Hispanic? Trump's initial response was to call them passionate. Nice deflection!", '>>{Literally_A_Shill} : Your deflection techniques are getting weak if you could only find two videos. There are a lot more than that of Trump supporters being violent.'], [">>{Smilefriend} : Donald Trump son Eric calls nepotism 'factor of life'", '>>{funkboxing} : The Dude has a saying that might be appropriate here. Edit: >"We might be here because of nepotism, but we\'re not still here because of nepotism. You know, if we didn\'t do a good job, if we weren\'t competent, believe me, we wouldn\'t be in this spot," he added. I\'ve worked with several people who thought that too. Guess what the rest of the staff thought.', '>>{histagehand} : Jail is a factor of crime Nepotism is a crime', ">>{JennysDad} : Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion man edit: now my comment makes no sense man...", '>>{funkboxing} : Sorry, I edited and accidentally deleted the original comment. Ninja edit failure.', ">>{qcubed3} : While you can't help to whom you are born to, you can help that you don't become a huge douche.", '>>{Smilefriend} : The history of men is written on their faces ...', '>>{SilentR0b} : The history of cheetohs is written on his face...', ">>{aterrorcatsandwich} : There's a place you've got to go for earning all you can steal about factors of life factors of life. When Nazis are what you're all about and honesty's what you're appalled about the time is right, to learn factors of life. When your bank never seems to be filled up to your dreams it's time you started finding out what treason is all about When the country you used to hate you date, I guess you best investigate the factors of life you gotta get'em right the factors of life, the factors of life, the factors of life", '>>{Assad-is-god} : **Nepotism is factor of life** -- *Uday Hussein*', '>>{hwkns} : Laws against it is a factor (sic) for very good reason. If you coddle criminals, particularly scofflaws like Trump they will offend and grasp for more. Trump thinks he and his spawn have "superior genes". Dunning Kruger writ larger.', '>>{Buffalox} : No in business you can do it as much as you want, either if you own the company or the management allow it. He is right that it is a common factor of life, which is the exact reason there are laws against it in public service.', ">>{Lochleon} : So are Grand Juries, I guess. You better hope your team holds on in 2018, because otherwise the laws you're openly scoffing in public will be enforced.", '>>{coldbloodednuts} : This whole family seems to have trouble with the English language, except Melania.']]
classify and reply
[">>{FowelBallz} : Conway suggests Trump campaign may have been monitored in 'any number of ways'", '>>{docdiver315} : Advanced De-Humanizing Droid? If it fits it sits.', '>>{desert_creature} : Why Attacking Free Trade Is Great Politics and Bad Economics', ">>{ShittinPretty} : He should make a doctor's appointment for November 29th and have that checked out. Some people are saying he's been self-medicating.", '>>{desert_creature} : >In brief, protection restricts consumer choice, raises prices (for all), dubiously involves the government in picking economic winners and losers, and shelters inefficient firms. It will boost the rate of inflation—the sleeper economic issue, it will be seen, of the Trump tenure—and ultimately depress U.S. exports by triggering retaliatory tariffs from our onetime friends. Policies that lead to a depression in Mexico or China (the U.S.’s second- and third-biggest export market, respectively) will hardly be good news in Akron or Flint. An extreme protectionist policy could even provoke a world-wide recession. In the long term, trade nurtures peace, tariffs excite international suspicions and bellicosity.', '>>{Loxodontist} : In my unprofessional opinion, Donald Trump should be locked in a padded cell.', '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : Reuters Trumps, Dumps CNN Claim of Secret Service Warning To Donald Trump', '>>{whitebandit} : Cant have healthcare for all citizens if you let *everyone* in', ">>{Ree81} : Hanging out with Anki's Cozmo, the toy robot putting AI at our fingertips", '>>{stuthulhu} : This is really building in me a hope that we will see the Trump administration in literal tin foil hats at some point.', ">>{oldmrdeebs} : Fuck her irrelevant ass. Does anyone actually listen to anything they say anymore? That's where fake news really comes from!", ">>{desert_creature} : I think it's the other way around. The benefits are spread over a large segment of the population, but a small minority (those working directly in affected industries) can get shafted in the process.", '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : I heard on 2 different radio station news reports today that the Secret Service had spoken to Trump about his comments. I guess no one checks facts anymore. They just hear something from one news outlet and repeat it.', '>>{tau-lepton} : Including the Duplo blocks that Donnie is so fond of.', ">>{Toby_TheGoblinKing} : Yeah, like how Reuters article 'debunked' this claim with an unnamed source. You know, like the unnamed source that CNN used to make it. So it's unnamed source vs. unnamed source. So before you act smug, maybe do some fact checking yourself. Edit: Originally said the Breitbart article didn't list that Reuters used an unnamed source. It did. So OP is doubly smug for not reading his own article well enough. And before anyone points it out, yes I'm a smug asshole too.", ">>{Ree81} : This thing is *hella* cool, and as a 34 year old, I'm definitely getting one. Betting this'll be the next BIG toy.", '>>{watthefucksalommy} : It is mildly amusing... I mean... microwaves that the CIA can turn into cameras.', '>>{jamie1377} : Last week in NYC, Tony Schwartz said that when he was writing "The Art of the Deal", he couldn\'t conduct any real interviews with Trump because his attention span just wouldn\'t allow it. So he had to listen in on Trump\'s phone calls in order to get the material for the book.', '>>{UnicornOnTheJayneCob} : God NO. Do NOT associate this disorder with Donald Trump, **please.** I am begging you. We have enough to deal with.', '>>{Saudi-A-Labia} : Yes I remember how they said the benefits would trickle down it never happened it never does. It certainly did not raise the middle class standard of living in the United States in any way.', '>>{The_Distance_From} : Watching her trainwreck on the today show right now. Trump should really keep her dumbass away from reporters, she only makes the inept administration look even more ridiculous.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : This comment is hilarious considering your submission history. Oh the irony.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : When it's a question of one unnamed source saying something happened and another unnamed source saying it did not happen, I think the burden of proof is on the first. I see 2 issues here. 1. It appears CNN's lie has been exposed. This is a perfect example of why I don't trust anonymous sources from an outfit like CNN. 2. It looks like CNN and Reuters didn't follow protocol and get their narrative straight before they went to press. Someone's head is gonna roll.", '>>{Stone_the_bone} : Any ideas on what the price range will be?', '>>{Modshaveaids} : Not a single word that comes out of the putrid mouth of this corpse - Kellyanne can be trusted. What she and the rest of the klan are doing to America is just heartbreaking. While they lie through their rotting teeth, they will all be laughing all the way to the bank.', ">>{biggryno} : That's why they're called the drive by media. They go out and say whatever it is they want the narrative to be. But it's too late once it's been said and then they'll do a half assed walk back and gloss over it, then move on to the next controversy.", '>>{DumpsterDon} : I hope this tit-tat goes on for a more few days. Nothing says presidential like a he said she said against the secret service for looking into comments from a candidate that might be calling for his opponent to get rubbed out.', '>>{katamario} : > additionally, monkeys might fly out of my butt she added.', '>>{ThatAssholeMrWhite} : Cocaine has a similar effect on ADHD sufferers as other stimulants: > Reportedly, persons who have not been treated because their ADHD is undiag\xadnosed turn to cocaine because it improves attention, raises self-esteem, and allows users to harness a level of focus that they could not otherwise achieve.', '>>{katamario} : Stop trying to divorce her from the administration. None of this is any crazier than the shit Trump and Spicer say/do.', '>>{ThatAssholeMrWhite} : The silver lining is that it would make more people realize adults can have ADHD.', '>>{tmoeagles96} : But it did though. The fact that you can afford luxuries as a middle class person is evidence of that.', ">>{pseudolocus} : This is a new thing. Its not like NAFTA and TPP weren't arranged by Democrats. And a very old thing too, depending how far back you look.", ">>{Deathoftheages} : Didn't people make a big deal from a Dr. Making opinions on Hillary Clinton's health?", '>>{ShdBGolfn} : That interview was just so painful to watch on a whole new level. Watching her twist away from one topic to the next in order to avoid answering a question only to be confronted with the next lie told by the administration... holy crap that was brutal. And each lie seemed to get worse and worse... does she prepare for interviews by watching old Jon Lovitz skits?', ">>{ShaneJ1239} : Also how do you put italics? I'm on mobile btw", '>>{DumpsterDon} : Desperation so thick that you can cut it with a knife or even proscribe a 2A remedy for it.', '>>{superbesssk} : >It certainly did not raise the middle class standard of living in the United States in any way. Uh, except it definitely did. The people in the factories (who are now mostly replaced by robots, not scary third-world denizens) are in the lower class.', ">>{Saudi-A-Labia} : Um no it didn't, and the middle class is poorer than it was before NAFTA by every single marker.", ">>{noex1337} : Stop this shit. This is how we ended up with all that parkinson's nonsense.", '>>{Stone_the_bone} : Bummer, I was hoping for just fifty, (both for me and for a larger consumer market) but I should have known it would be expensive after Overdrive was a wallet destroyer.', ">>{TurtleBeansforAll} : You know, I was once in a mental hospital with a man who thought the microwave was watching him, too. But we don't have to worry about *that* anymore...because under DonnieCare mental health isn't covered! Microwaves can't talk to you when you're mentally ill and living on the streets!", '>>{Stone_the_bone} : Nvm I just watched a video about it (him) and it actually looks like a pretty good deal', '>>{UnicornOnTheJayneCob} : No. I have adult ADHD-PI and I do not think he does, not even combined or hyperactive type. At the very least, if he does, he must also have at least one other co-morbid disorder (my money is on NPD for all of it). ADHD isn’t a problem of NO ability to focus, it is a problem of a very little ability to *direct* your focus. So, sometimes a person with ADHD is completely scattered and sometimes their attention is laser-like - a state called “hyper focus.” In it, and ADHDer is actually much MORE focused than a neurotypical person. It is that state when you are in “the zone.” But ADDers experience relatively often - even though we can’t control when it is going to happen. The cool thing about that hyper focused state is that it usually activates when the person is very interested in something, or when their adrenaline is pumping, or when they are experiencing a lot of stimulation. So, ADHD people are *very* good in emergencies - we become super focused, calm, and hyper capable. In fact, there was a study that showed that patients treated by EMTs with ADHD had consistently better outcomes. Now, we have seen Mr. Trump in several situations wherein he should have exhibited some of these “in the zone” hyper focused attributes. Most notably, the debates. These should have been pushing all of Mr. Trump’s hyper focus buttons: stimulation, competition, adrenaline, interest. If he had ADHD, he would have been ON POINT. And yet, we see the exact opposite of those Zone traits. This whole campaign should be a showcase for him, if he had ADHD. It is exactly the type of high pressure, high stakes, crisis-to-crisis environment that we thrive in. Granted, a lot of entrepreneurs do have ADHD (Richard Branson, for example) because it lends itself well to it. And like Mr. Trump, a lot of people with ADHD have impulse control issues (but certainly not all). Also, Mr. Trump is very sure of himself. This is a very uncommon ADHD trait. Most people with ADHD are exactly the opposite. We constantly feel we aren’t living up to our potential, and are usually pretty aware of it (being told all the time doesn’t help much). If someone came out with a story of Mr. Trump being worried about that rather than his narcissistic “I’m the BEST” attitude, I might be open to the idea. Also, I would want to hear about him constantly being late, always losing things, and frequently getting lost. Another reason that I doubt Mr. Trump has ADHD is that he is supposedly a completely teetotaler. This is very, very unlikely in an ADHD person, as we tend to self medicate and NOT to self regulate. Many ADHD people have had to battle addictions to drugs, alcohol, or especially cigarettes.', '>>{Bluesoul479} : [what is my purpose?](https://youtu.be/3ht-ZyJOV2k)', '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : I love the fact that one of the main anti-Trump news outlets has been caught red handed in a lie, and your response is some gibberish about desperation :)', '>>{TheMovingFinger} : >may have been By some 400 pound guy. On his bed. It is possible. And monkeys might fly out of my butt.', '>>{Akolade} : Her job is to intentionally mislead and redirect anything perceived as being negative to the trump administration.', ">>{WhatTheFuckYouGuys} : \\*with stars like this\\* *Ta da* [For further reading, here's a nice tutorial on how to do all the fancy text stuff ](https://www.reddit.com/r/raerth/comments/cw70q/reddit_comment_formatting/)", ">>{freeasabee1} : were I live, a small city of 100k it has been terrible. It use to be a major manufacturing center. Now most people are on welfare or disability. Oh, and I'm in Canada, so fuck NAFTA!", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Hmm...my post is at -2. I'm assuming we have a few suckers here who actually paid money for a WaPo subscription and they don't like my tone :)", '>>{FDRs_ghost} : Well, if a campaign is communicating with foreign agents to alter the outcome of our election, then yeah, I\'d like to think they were being monitored. The question isn\'t if they were being monitored, I think it\'s been established they were. The question is WHY were they being monitored? What "trigger" made the IC decide to look into your communications, looking for illegalities?', '>>{tmoeagles96} : And you can prove NAFTA was the cause? Because everyone who understands basic logic knows that correlation does not mean causation.', ">>{GeneralWAITE} : Pass the butter. Hahaha that's the first thing I thought when I saw this.", ">>{IllBevans} : yeah this luddite guy is confused, manufacturing jobs are like human spinning jenny operators. they're an anachronism, they don't exist anymore and not because of China or Mexico.", ">>{ainbheartach} : ADHD! Naaaa. > Hyperactivity refers to excessive motor activity,1,2 and may present differently depending on the patient’s age.1 In children, it may present as the child running and jumping around at inappropriate times, getting up from a seat when he or she is supposed to remain seated, fidgeting and wriggling, or excessive talkativeness and noisiness.1,2 In adolescents and adults, hyperactivity may manifest as inner feelings of extreme restlessness and wearing others out with their activity (Figure 2).1 > http://www.adhd-institute.com/assessment-diagnosis/symptoms-of-adhd/ He doesn't show signs that he is hyperactive But the rest: > struggle with impulse control, impatience, mood swings and outbursts of anger. are symptons of Impulse Control Disorder, so better to start there: > Impulse control disorders (ICDs) are characterized by urges and behaviors that are excessive and/or harmful to oneself or others and cause significant impairment in social and occupational functioning, as well as legal and financial difficulties. ICDs are relatively common psychiatric conditions, > https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3089999/", '>>{lovely_sombrero} : >In brief, protection restricts consumer choice, raises prices (for all) "That is why countries who are part of TPP allow slavery and sharia law, and we feel fine about that. You do get cheaper goods after all"', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Dude conservative media and Trump himself gets caught in multiple lies a day. You yourself are literally submitting lies. This is hilarious.', '>>{Themostdownvotedguy} : Honestly why cant we make things with legs yet fcking Christ its 2016 already', ">>{eebro} : I'm still convinced most of his symptoms stem from lack of sleep. Something like this could have a part of it.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : Are you real? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpIQ0N-j7bg&feature=youtu.be Ring any bells? >> Turks Can Agree on One Thing: U.S. Was Behind Failed Coup This? >> PROOF OBAMA LIED=> US Iranian Hostage Abedini Says Iran Held Plane on Tarmac Until Ransom Plane Arrived You push right wing conspiracies that don't stand up to even basic critical thinking. You're also linking Breitbart.", '>>{Ree81} : It\'s because what we call "balance" is actually a very complicated physics simulation where we figure out where the center of our body mass is on the fly, and adjust our limbs accordingly. It\'s a process that\'s taken millions of years of evolution. Even a baby\'s brain is a more powerful computer than anything that exists on earth.', '>>{Themostdownvotedguy} : Wrong 👎🏼 dogs are smarter than babies. So check mate athiest', ">>{dancemart} : Thinking about it. Jumping around with topics, can't stay on track, wakes up at 3 am to tweet for two hours. That looks a bit like inability to focus and hyperfocus. The two sides of the coin of ADHD..... However it is not good to attempt to diagnose anyone from videos, let alone a political candidate.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Umm, the one about the Turks was a poll. Can you explain how that was a 'lie'? As for the one about Obama, the jury's still out on that but I'm sure we'll know the truth eventually. But really, neither of those comes close to the fact that CNN was caught red handed in a lie.", ">>{dancemart} : > So, sometimes a person with ADHD is completely scattered and sometimes their attention is laser-like - a state called “hyper focus.” Like getting up at 3am and tweeting about a miss universe contestant for 2 hours? That being said, as someone who has adhd, probably not. Also don't diagnose people from their video tapes, let alone a political candidate.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : They didn't even lie, they had a random source tell them that and they reported it.", '>>{Bernin4U} : Makes you wonder how many of CNN\'s other "anonymous sources" were fake.', '>>{Psy1} : The article should say contemporary economists. The new nation states that came out of the fall of feudalism started with a distrust of free-markets as it conflicted with the idea of a nation state. Economists of the 18th and 19th century pointed out why should they freely trade with Britain when it was more profitable for the nation state to use the output of the nation to industrialize. There are still some economists that still argue that without the protectionism of the 19th century that the US would be still be a 3rd world shit hole. Of course in the current economic system protectionism would call the entire capitalist system into question yet not for how contemporary economists argue. With protectionism the crisis of of overproduction become more pronounced as we have a epidemic of too much fixed capital able to produce too much commodities then the market can convert back into money through sales.', ">>{creejay} : I have ADHD - inattentive type - and I'm not hyperactive at all. I'm very subdued (almost in a perpetual daze actually lol). I had my own suspicions that Trump has ADHD before reading this. headline.", ">>{Bernin4U} : Reuters ranges from slightly anti-Trump to neutral, I doubt they'd make up a story to help him. CNN on the other hand has been rabidly anti-Trump since the beginning and their primary purpose is setting a narrative rather than reporting news. It seems a lot more believable that they would make shit up to hurt a candidate they don't like.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : You actually believe that? Come on, I know you're smarter than that. Caught with their hand in the cookie jar.", '>>{lovely_sombrero} : Luxuries? TVs and computers got cheaper, but basic things cost more. Like... healthcare?', '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : So maybe CNN should have put a big disclaimer at the bottom of the screen when they reported this. "Based on random anonymous source. We have no idea if this is true."', ">>{UnicornOnTheJayneCob} : >Also don't diagnose people from their video tapes, let alone a political candidate. Obviously not. But c’mon - that was both the point of the article and the question directly asked.", ">>{TinyJazzHands} : Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because of the quality journalism and the hundreds of Pulitzer's they've won. Unlike, say, the literal lies of deadasshole.com, a site founded upon literally lying about everything. Oh sorry, I misspelled Breitbart as deadasshole. I don't know why that keeps happening.", '>>{lovely_sombrero} : But, we defined it as free trade, just like the Patriot act is very patriotic. Are you not pa patriot?', ">>{ainbheartach} : His being inattentive has to do with his narcissism, it not being that he can't be attentive but that he feels he already knows better than who or what he should pay attention to. Have a bro who is diagnosed with ADHD. It just really don't feel like Trump has ADHD to me.", ">>{KevinRonaldJonesy} : Didn't Bernie say the TPP was bad? So it's bad? Wait but Trump said it was bad... so it's good? Please tell me what to think", '>>{layzpcofcrap} : Maybe more like hypomania: >The DSM-IV-TR defines a hypomanic episode as including, over the course of at least four days, elevated mood plus three of the following symptoms OR irritable mood plus four of the following symptoms: >pressured speech >inflated self-esteem or grandiosity >decreased need for sleep >flight of ideas or the subjective experience that thoughts are racing >easily distracted and attention-deficit similar to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder >increase in psychomotor agitation >involvement in pleasurable activities that may have a high potential for negative psycho-social or physical consequences (e.g., the person engages in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, reckless driving, or foolish business investments)*', ">>{tmoeagles96} : Well healthcare can't be exported. The TVs got cheaper because labor is cheaper in developing countries.", '>>{UnicornOnTheJayneCob} : I have inattentive, too. I like to say that al of my hyperactivity is internal. In my brain, which is always moving a million miles a minute. There is just no outward manifestation. Heh', '>>{CarmineFields} : You mean like how sources say obama was born in Kenya and Khan is a member of the Muslim brotherhood?', '>>{TheFriffin} : Let\'s play "Which played a bigger part: trade deals economists don\'t blame, or automation that has been decreasing the manufacturing jobs / manufacturing output ratio for decades?"', '>>{quakerorts} : Free trade is a myth. All markets require regulation.', '>>{creejay} : My brain alternates between flitting about like a humming bird to zoning out (when things get boring). Externally, I just appear to be out of it most of the time lol', '>>{CatboyMac} : Neoliberalism is a sham. The only mission of "free trade" economics is to worm around labor laws and put more power into the hands of multinationals and big-capital. There\'s been a lot of articles like this lately, with economic reactionaries trying their hardest to equate the backlash against laissez-faire economics with Trump (and, by extension, nativism, isolationism, ignorance, etc.), hoping against hope that the sheer weight of our dislike Trump will make us all into Margaret Thatcher. Oh, and that\'s not all, folks! [**Trump is explicitly pro deregulation.**](http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/02/politics/donald-trump-new-years-eve-speech/)', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Shouldn't Breitbart put the same disclaimer, by your own argument?", '>>{because_im_boring} : Wow calling dead person a deadasshole, very le edgy', '>>{Hitch23} : I am pretty sure this was a case of Don Lemon calling Wolf Blitzer as the "anonymous source"...again.', '>>{superbesssk} : What the fuck does healthcare have to do with free trade? Unless you mean importing prescriptions from Canada.', '>>{superbesssk} : Do you have any proof to back up your claims?', '>>{ihavesexwith} : > Everybody\'s got an opinion but there\'s no doubt that NAFTA had a huge detrimental effect on US manufacturing No, that\'s just another opinion. [Look at expert opinion](http://www.igmchicago.org/surveys/free-trade) and you\'ll find a radically different assessment: "On average, citizens of the U.S. have been better off with the North American Free Trade Agreement than they would have been if the trade rules for the U.S., Canada and Mexico prior to NAFTA had remained in place." Farmers have done quite well under NAFTA. Manufacturing workers have lost out to automation.', '>>{GeneticsGuy} : I trust Reuters over the Clinton News Network. Reuters directly said the USSS did not talk to the Trump campaign. CNN\'s source was a "Federal insider" who said they did. This is not a hard choice on who to believe. Why am I not surprised at all that CNN would push a fake story though?', ">>{comeherebob} : Bernie and Trump are both populists with a protectionist/isolationist bent. You can argue that Bernie's views are more nuanced than that, and they probably are, but that's not how he campaigned. If you read the article, you'll see some good arguments for why some people really value trade. It's not cognitive dissonance if you always hated the protectionist nonsense spouted by both the extreme right and extreme left, like many of us did and do.", '>>{GeneticsGuy} : Yup, they were all quoting the CNN story.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Even if you give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they did not do it intentionally, it's obvious that reporting anything based on a single anonymous source is not to smart, and for anyone else to repeat it just sets them up to look bad as well.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : It's not he said she said. CNN needs to provide some proof that their story is correct. They asserted something but have nothing to back it up. Going by your theory, anyone could report anything with nothing to back it up and it would be up to the rest of them to prove them wrong. It doesn't work that way.", '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : No, theirs should read like this: "We heard this from another news outlet based on random anonymous source. We have no idea if this is true."', '>>{gza_liquidswords} : NAFTA was overall bipartisan (had supporters and detractors on both sides).', '>>{Psy1} : The article gives pro-free trade nonsense, every major industrial nation on Earth went through a protectionist phase in order to industrialize. Now there is something to say about the USA no longer in a position to benefit from protectionism but the article talks like free-trade is the only sound theory.', '>>{comeherebob} : Yes, the author takes a pretty black-and-white stance, but he does articulate some of the reasons for feeling strongly about protectionism and free trade. The point isn’t that you have to agree with the author, but rather that many of us disliked the protectionist rhetoric coming from *both* sides, so it’s not really fair to imply that everyone who’s angry about the TPP is just blindly hating on Trump for partisan reasons.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : And Reuters doesnt? Its unnamed source vs unnamed source', ">>{Samuel_L_Jewson} : Yes, back in the day when everything wasn't blatantly partisan and policy and ideology actually mattered."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{desert_creature} : Why Attacking Free Trade Is Great Politics and Bad Economics', '>>{desert_creature} : >In brief, protection restricts consumer choice, raises prices (for all), dubiously involves the government in picking economic winners and losers, and shelters inefficient firms. It will boost the rate of inflation—the sleeper economic issue, it will be seen, of the Trump tenure—and ultimately depress U.S. exports by triggering retaliatory tariffs from our onetime friends. Policies that lead to a depression in Mexico or China (the U.S.’s second- and third-biggest export market, respectively) will hardly be good news in Akron or Flint. An extreme protectionist policy could even provoke a world-wide recession. In the long term, trade nurtures peace, tariffs excite international suspicions and bellicosity.', '>>{whitebandit} : Cant have healthcare for all citizens if you let *everyone* in', ">>{desert_creature} : I think it's the other way around. The benefits are spread over a large segment of the population, but a small minority (those working directly in affected industries) can get shafted in the process.", '>>{Saudi-A-Labia} : Yes I remember how they said the benefits would trickle down it never happened it never does. It certainly did not raise the middle class standard of living in the United States in any way.', '>>{tmoeagles96} : But it did though. The fact that you can afford luxuries as a middle class person is evidence of that.', ">>{pseudolocus} : This is a new thing. Its not like NAFTA and TPP weren't arranged by Democrats. And a very old thing too, depending how far back you look.", '>>{superbesssk} : >It certainly did not raise the middle class standard of living in the United States in any way. Uh, except it definitely did. The people in the factories (who are now mostly replaced by robots, not scary third-world denizens) are in the lower class.', ">>{Saudi-A-Labia} : Um no it didn't, and the middle class is poorer than it was before NAFTA by every single marker.", ">>{freeasabee1} : were I live, a small city of 100k it has been terrible. It use to be a major manufacturing center. Now most people are on welfare or disability. Oh, and I'm in Canada, so fuck NAFTA!", '>>{tmoeagles96} : And you can prove NAFTA was the cause? Because everyone who understands basic logic knows that correlation does not mean causation.', ">>{IllBevans} : yeah this luddite guy is confused, manufacturing jobs are like human spinning jenny operators. they're an anachronism, they don't exist anymore and not because of China or Mexico.", '>>{lovely_sombrero} : >In brief, protection restricts consumer choice, raises prices (for all) "That is why countries who are part of TPP allow slavery and sharia law, and we feel fine about that. You do get cheaper goods after all"', '>>{Psy1} : The article should say contemporary economists. The new nation states that came out of the fall of feudalism started with a distrust of free-markets as it conflicted with the idea of a nation state. Economists of the 18th and 19th century pointed out why should they freely trade with Britain when it was more profitable for the nation state to use the output of the nation to industrialize. There are still some economists that still argue that without the protectionism of the 19th century that the US would be still be a 3rd world shit hole. Of course in the current economic system protectionism would call the entire capitalist system into question yet not for how contemporary economists argue. With protectionism the crisis of of overproduction become more pronounced as we have a epidemic of too much fixed capital able to produce too much commodities then the market can convert back into money through sales.', '>>{lovely_sombrero} : Luxuries? TVs and computers got cheaper, but basic things cost more. Like... healthcare?', '>>{lovely_sombrero} : But, we defined it as free trade, just like the Patriot act is very patriotic. Are you not pa patriot?', ">>{KevinRonaldJonesy} : Didn't Bernie say the TPP was bad? So it's bad? Wait but Trump said it was bad... so it's good? Please tell me what to think", ">>{tmoeagles96} : Well healthcare can't be exported. The TVs got cheaper because labor is cheaper in developing countries.", '>>{TheFriffin} : Let\'s play "Which played a bigger part: trade deals economists don\'t blame, or automation that has been decreasing the manufacturing jobs / manufacturing output ratio for decades?"', '>>{quakerorts} : Free trade is a myth. All markets require regulation.', '>>{CatboyMac} : Neoliberalism is a sham. The only mission of "free trade" economics is to worm around labor laws and put more power into the hands of multinationals and big-capital. There\'s been a lot of articles like this lately, with economic reactionaries trying their hardest to equate the backlash against laissez-faire economics with Trump (and, by extension, nativism, isolationism, ignorance, etc.), hoping against hope that the sheer weight of our dislike Trump will make us all into Margaret Thatcher. Oh, and that\'s not all, folks! [**Trump is explicitly pro deregulation.**](http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/02/politics/donald-trump-new-years-eve-speech/)', '>>{superbesssk} : What the fuck does healthcare have to do with free trade? Unless you mean importing prescriptions from Canada.', '>>{superbesssk} : Do you have any proof to back up your claims?', '>>{ihavesexwith} : > Everybody\'s got an opinion but there\'s no doubt that NAFTA had a huge detrimental effect on US manufacturing No, that\'s just another opinion. [Look at expert opinion](http://www.igmchicago.org/surveys/free-trade) and you\'ll find a radically different assessment: "On average, citizens of the U.S. have been better off with the North American Free Trade Agreement than they would have been if the trade rules for the U.S., Canada and Mexico prior to NAFTA had remained in place." Farmers have done quite well under NAFTA. Manufacturing workers have lost out to automation.', ">>{comeherebob} : Bernie and Trump are both populists with a protectionist/isolationist bent. You can argue that Bernie's views are more nuanced than that, and they probably are, but that's not how he campaigned. If you read the article, you'll see some good arguments for why some people really value trade. It's not cognitive dissonance if you always hated the protectionist nonsense spouted by both the extreme right and extreme left, like many of us did and do.", '>>{gza_liquidswords} : NAFTA was overall bipartisan (had supporters and detractors on both sides).', '>>{Psy1} : The article gives pro-free trade nonsense, every major industrial nation on Earth went through a protectionist phase in order to industrialize. Now there is something to say about the USA no longer in a position to benefit from protectionism but the article talks like free-trade is the only sound theory.', '>>{comeherebob} : Yes, the author takes a pretty black-and-white stance, but he does articulate some of the reasons for feeling strongly about protectionism and free trade. The point isn’t that you have to agree with the author, but rather that many of us disliked the protectionist rhetoric coming from *both* sides, so it’s not really fair to imply that everyone who’s angry about the TPP is just blindly hating on Trump for partisan reasons.', ">>{Samuel_L_Jewson} : Yes, back in the day when everything wasn't blatantly partisan and policy and ideology actually mattered."], ['>>{UvonTheTerrible} : Reuters Trumps, Dumps CNN Claim of Secret Service Warning To Donald Trump', '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : I heard on 2 different radio station news reports today that the Secret Service had spoken to Trump about his comments. I guess no one checks facts anymore. They just hear something from one news outlet and repeat it.', ">>{Toby_TheGoblinKing} : Yeah, like how Reuters article 'debunked' this claim with an unnamed source. You know, like the unnamed source that CNN used to make it. So it's unnamed source vs. unnamed source. So before you act smug, maybe do some fact checking yourself. Edit: Originally said the Breitbart article didn't list that Reuters used an unnamed source. It did. So OP is doubly smug for not reading his own article well enough. And before anyone points it out, yes I'm a smug asshole too.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : This comment is hilarious considering your submission history. Oh the irony.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : When it's a question of one unnamed source saying something happened and another unnamed source saying it did not happen, I think the burden of proof is on the first. I see 2 issues here. 1. It appears CNN's lie has been exposed. This is a perfect example of why I don't trust anonymous sources from an outfit like CNN. 2. It looks like CNN and Reuters didn't follow protocol and get their narrative straight before they went to press. Someone's head is gonna roll.", ">>{biggryno} : That's why they're called the drive by media. They go out and say whatever it is they want the narrative to be. But it's too late once it's been said and then they'll do a half assed walk back and gloss over it, then move on to the next controversy.", '>>{DumpsterDon} : I hope this tit-tat goes on for a more few days. Nothing says presidential like a he said she said against the secret service for looking into comments from a candidate that might be calling for his opponent to get rubbed out.', '>>{DumpsterDon} : Desperation so thick that you can cut it with a knife or even proscribe a 2A remedy for it.', '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : I love the fact that one of the main anti-Trump news outlets has been caught red handed in a lie, and your response is some gibberish about desperation :)', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Hmm...my post is at -2. I'm assuming we have a few suckers here who actually paid money for a WaPo subscription and they don't like my tone :)", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Dude conservative media and Trump himself gets caught in multiple lies a day. You yourself are literally submitting lies. This is hilarious.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : Are you real? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpIQ0N-j7bg&feature=youtu.be Ring any bells? >> Turks Can Agree on One Thing: U.S. Was Behind Failed Coup This? >> PROOF OBAMA LIED=> US Iranian Hostage Abedini Says Iran Held Plane on Tarmac Until Ransom Plane Arrived You push right wing conspiracies that don't stand up to even basic critical thinking. You're also linking Breitbart.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Umm, the one about the Turks was a poll. Can you explain how that was a 'lie'? As for the one about Obama, the jury's still out on that but I'm sure we'll know the truth eventually. But really, neither of those comes close to the fact that CNN was caught red handed in a lie.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : They didn't even lie, they had a random source tell them that and they reported it.", '>>{Bernin4U} : Makes you wonder how many of CNN\'s other "anonymous sources" were fake.', ">>{Bernin4U} : Reuters ranges from slightly anti-Trump to neutral, I doubt they'd make up a story to help him. CNN on the other hand has been rabidly anti-Trump since the beginning and their primary purpose is setting a narrative rather than reporting news. It seems a lot more believable that they would make shit up to hurt a candidate they don't like.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : You actually believe that? Come on, I know you're smarter than that. Caught with their hand in the cookie jar.", '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : So maybe CNN should have put a big disclaimer at the bottom of the screen when they reported this. "Based on random anonymous source. We have no idea if this is true."', ">>{TinyJazzHands} : Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because of the quality journalism and the hundreds of Pulitzer's they've won. Unlike, say, the literal lies of deadasshole.com, a site founded upon literally lying about everything. Oh sorry, I misspelled Breitbart as deadasshole. I don't know why that keeps happening.", '>>{CarmineFields} : You mean like how sources say obama was born in Kenya and Khan is a member of the Muslim brotherhood?', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Shouldn't Breitbart put the same disclaimer, by your own argument?", '>>{because_im_boring} : Wow calling dead person a deadasshole, very le edgy', '>>{Hitch23} : I am pretty sure this was a case of Don Lemon calling Wolf Blitzer as the "anonymous source"...again.', '>>{GeneticsGuy} : I trust Reuters over the Clinton News Network. Reuters directly said the USSS did not talk to the Trump campaign. CNN\'s source was a "Federal insider" who said they did. This is not a hard choice on who to believe. Why am I not surprised at all that CNN would push a fake story though?', '>>{GeneticsGuy} : Yup, they were all quoting the CNN story.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Even if you give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they did not do it intentionally, it's obvious that reporting anything based on a single anonymous source is not to smart, and for anyone else to repeat it just sets them up to look bad as well.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : It's not he said she said. CNN needs to provide some proof that their story is correct. They asserted something but have nothing to back it up. Going by your theory, anyone could report anything with nothing to back it up and it would be up to the rest of them to prove them wrong. It doesn't work that way.", '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : No, theirs should read like this: "We heard this from another news outlet based on random anonymous source. We have no idea if this is true."', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : And Reuters doesnt? Its unnamed source vs unnamed source'], [">>{Ree81} : Hanging out with Anki's Cozmo, the toy robot putting AI at our fingertips", ">>{Ree81} : This thing is *hella* cool, and as a 34 year old, I'm definitely getting one. Betting this'll be the next BIG toy.", '>>{Stone_the_bone} : Any ideas on what the price range will be?', ">>{ShaneJ1239} : Also how do you put italics? I'm on mobile btw", '>>{Stone_the_bone} : Bummer, I was hoping for just fifty, (both for me and for a larger consumer market) but I should have known it would be expensive after Overdrive was a wallet destroyer.', '>>{Stone_the_bone} : Nvm I just watched a video about it (him) and it actually looks like a pretty good deal', '>>{Bluesoul479} : [what is my purpose?](https://youtu.be/3ht-ZyJOV2k)', ">>{WhatTheFuckYouGuys} : \\*with stars like this\\* *Ta da* [For further reading, here's a nice tutorial on how to do all the fancy text stuff ](https://www.reddit.com/r/raerth/comments/cw70q/reddit_comment_formatting/)", ">>{GeneralWAITE} : Pass the butter. Hahaha that's the first thing I thought when I saw this.", '>>{Themostdownvotedguy} : Honestly why cant we make things with legs yet fcking Christ its 2016 already', '>>{Ree81} : It\'s because what we call "balance" is actually a very complicated physics simulation where we figure out where the center of our body mass is on the fly, and adjust our limbs accordingly. It\'s a process that\'s taken millions of years of evolution. Even a baby\'s brain is a more powerful computer than anything that exists on earth.', '>>{Themostdownvotedguy} : Wrong 👎🏼 dogs are smarter than babies. So check mate athiest'], ['>>{docdiver315} : Advanced De-Humanizing Droid? If it fits it sits.', ">>{ShittinPretty} : He should make a doctor's appointment for November 29th and have that checked out. Some people are saying he's been self-medicating.", '>>{Loxodontist} : In my unprofessional opinion, Donald Trump should be locked in a padded cell.', '>>{jamie1377} : Last week in NYC, Tony Schwartz said that when he was writing "The Art of the Deal", he couldn\'t conduct any real interviews with Trump because his attention span just wouldn\'t allow it. So he had to listen in on Trump\'s phone calls in order to get the material for the book.', '>>{UnicornOnTheJayneCob} : God NO. Do NOT associate this disorder with Donald Trump, **please.** I am begging you. We have enough to deal with.', '>>{ThatAssholeMrWhite} : Cocaine has a similar effect on ADHD sufferers as other stimulants: > Reportedly, persons who have not been treated because their ADHD is undiag\xadnosed turn to cocaine because it improves attention, raises self-esteem, and allows users to harness a level of focus that they could not otherwise achieve.', '>>{ThatAssholeMrWhite} : The silver lining is that it would make more people realize adults can have ADHD.', ">>{Deathoftheages} : Didn't people make a big deal from a Dr. Making opinions on Hillary Clinton's health?", ">>{noex1337} : Stop this shit. This is how we ended up with all that parkinson's nonsense.", '>>{UnicornOnTheJayneCob} : No. I have adult ADHD-PI and I do not think he does, not even combined or hyperactive type. At the very least, if he does, he must also have at least one other co-morbid disorder (my money is on NPD for all of it). ADHD isn’t a problem of NO ability to focus, it is a problem of a very little ability to *direct* your focus. So, sometimes a person with ADHD is completely scattered and sometimes their attention is laser-like - a state called “hyper focus.” In it, and ADHDer is actually much MORE focused than a neurotypical person. It is that state when you are in “the zone.” But ADDers experience relatively often - even though we can’t control when it is going to happen. The cool thing about that hyper focused state is that it usually activates when the person is very interested in something, or when their adrenaline is pumping, or when they are experiencing a lot of stimulation. So, ADHD people are *very* good in emergencies - we become super focused, calm, and hyper capable. In fact, there was a study that showed that patients treated by EMTs with ADHD had consistently better outcomes. Now, we have seen Mr. Trump in several situations wherein he should have exhibited some of these “in the zone” hyper focused attributes. Most notably, the debates. These should have been pushing all of Mr. Trump’s hyper focus buttons: stimulation, competition, adrenaline, interest. If he had ADHD, he would have been ON POINT. And yet, we see the exact opposite of those Zone traits. This whole campaign should be a showcase for him, if he had ADHD. It is exactly the type of high pressure, high stakes, crisis-to-crisis environment that we thrive in. Granted, a lot of entrepreneurs do have ADHD (Richard Branson, for example) because it lends itself well to it. And like Mr. Trump, a lot of people with ADHD have impulse control issues (but certainly not all). Also, Mr. Trump is very sure of himself. This is a very uncommon ADHD trait. Most people with ADHD are exactly the opposite. We constantly feel we aren’t living up to our potential, and are usually pretty aware of it (being told all the time doesn’t help much). If someone came out with a story of Mr. Trump being worried about that rather than his narcissistic “I’m the BEST” attitude, I might be open to the idea. Also, I would want to hear about him constantly being late, always losing things, and frequently getting lost. Another reason that I doubt Mr. Trump has ADHD is that he is supposedly a completely teetotaler. This is very, very unlikely in an ADHD person, as we tend to self medicate and NOT to self regulate. Many ADHD people have had to battle addictions to drugs, alcohol, or especially cigarettes.', ">>{ainbheartach} : ADHD! Naaaa. > Hyperactivity refers to excessive motor activity,1,2 and may present differently depending on the patient’s age.1 In children, it may present as the child running and jumping around at inappropriate times, getting up from a seat when he or she is supposed to remain seated, fidgeting and wriggling, or excessive talkativeness and noisiness.1,2 In adolescents and adults, hyperactivity may manifest as inner feelings of extreme restlessness and wearing others out with their activity (Figure 2).1 > http://www.adhd-institute.com/assessment-diagnosis/symptoms-of-adhd/ He doesn't show signs that he is hyperactive But the rest: > struggle with impulse control, impatience, mood swings and outbursts of anger. are symptons of Impulse Control Disorder, so better to start there: > Impulse control disorders (ICDs) are characterized by urges and behaviors that are excessive and/or harmful to oneself or others and cause significant impairment in social and occupational functioning, as well as legal and financial difficulties. ICDs are relatively common psychiatric conditions, > https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3089999/", ">>{eebro} : I'm still convinced most of his symptoms stem from lack of sleep. Something like this could have a part of it.", ">>{dancemart} : Thinking about it. Jumping around with topics, can't stay on track, wakes up at 3 am to tweet for two hours. That looks a bit like inability to focus and hyperfocus. The two sides of the coin of ADHD..... However it is not good to attempt to diagnose anyone from videos, let alone a political candidate.", ">>{dancemart} : > So, sometimes a person with ADHD is completely scattered and sometimes their attention is laser-like - a state called “hyper focus.” Like getting up at 3am and tweeting about a miss universe contestant for 2 hours? That being said, as someone who has adhd, probably not. Also don't diagnose people from their video tapes, let alone a political candidate.", ">>{creejay} : I have ADHD - inattentive type - and I'm not hyperactive at all. I'm very subdued (almost in a perpetual daze actually lol). I had my own suspicions that Trump has ADHD before reading this. headline.", ">>{UnicornOnTheJayneCob} : >Also don't diagnose people from their video tapes, let alone a political candidate. Obviously not. But c’mon - that was both the point of the article and the question directly asked.", ">>{ainbheartach} : His being inattentive has to do with his narcissism, it not being that he can't be attentive but that he feels he already knows better than who or what he should pay attention to. Have a bro who is diagnosed with ADHD. It just really don't feel like Trump has ADHD to me.", '>>{layzpcofcrap} : Maybe more like hypomania: >The DSM-IV-TR defines a hypomanic episode as including, over the course of at least four days, elevated mood plus three of the following symptoms OR irritable mood plus four of the following symptoms: >pressured speech >inflated self-esteem or grandiosity >decreased need for sleep >flight of ideas or the subjective experience that thoughts are racing >easily distracted and attention-deficit similar to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder >increase in psychomotor agitation >involvement in pleasurable activities that may have a high potential for negative psycho-social or physical consequences (e.g., the person engages in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, reckless driving, or foolish business investments)*', '>>{UnicornOnTheJayneCob} : I have inattentive, too. I like to say that al of my hyperactivity is internal. In my brain, which is always moving a million miles a minute. There is just no outward manifestation. Heh', '>>{creejay} : My brain alternates between flitting about like a humming bird to zoning out (when things get boring). Externally, I just appear to be out of it most of the time lol'], [">>{FowelBallz} : Conway suggests Trump campaign may have been monitored in 'any number of ways'", '>>{stuthulhu} : This is really building in me a hope that we will see the Trump administration in literal tin foil hats at some point.', ">>{oldmrdeebs} : Fuck her irrelevant ass. Does anyone actually listen to anything they say anymore? That's where fake news really comes from!", '>>{tau-lepton} : Including the Duplo blocks that Donnie is so fond of.', '>>{watthefucksalommy} : It is mildly amusing... I mean... microwaves that the CIA can turn into cameras.', '>>{The_Distance_From} : Watching her trainwreck on the today show right now. Trump should really keep her dumbass away from reporters, she only makes the inept administration look even more ridiculous.', '>>{Modshaveaids} : Not a single word that comes out of the putrid mouth of this corpse - Kellyanne can be trusted. What she and the rest of the klan are doing to America is just heartbreaking. While they lie through their rotting teeth, they will all be laughing all the way to the bank.', '>>{katamario} : > additionally, monkeys might fly out of my butt she added.', '>>{katamario} : Stop trying to divorce her from the administration. None of this is any crazier than the shit Trump and Spicer say/do.', '>>{ShdBGolfn} : That interview was just so painful to watch on a whole new level. Watching her twist away from one topic to the next in order to avoid answering a question only to be confronted with the next lie told by the administration... holy crap that was brutal. And each lie seemed to get worse and worse... does she prepare for interviews by watching old Jon Lovitz skits?', ">>{TurtleBeansforAll} : You know, I was once in a mental hospital with a man who thought the microwave was watching him, too. But we don't have to worry about *that* anymore...because under DonnieCare mental health isn't covered! Microwaves can't talk to you when you're mentally ill and living on the streets!", '>>{TheMovingFinger} : >may have been By some 400 pound guy. On his bed. It is possible. And monkeys might fly out of my butt.', '>>{Akolade} : Her job is to intentionally mislead and redirect anything perceived as being negative to the trump administration.', '>>{FDRs_ghost} : Well, if a campaign is communicating with foreign agents to alter the outcome of our election, then yeah, I\'d like to think they were being monitored. The question isn\'t if they were being monitored, I think it\'s been established they were. The question is WHY were they being monitored? What "trigger" made the IC decide to look into your communications, looking for illegalities?']]
classify and reply
[">>{nate4761} : Calexit can't come soon enough. Maybe Podesta can move there and we can build a wall and make California pay for it in their water bill from the Colorado River.", ">>{wheatencross1} : From what I've read, smart phones are smart enough to stop charging the phone when it hits 100%", '>>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : Seriously, wtf are mods doing about fake news. Every day i see some random ass site get cited as a "source". Could we please set up a vetting process for sites to be allowed to be posted in r/politics?', '>>{PDX4} : What the fuck did I just read...this article is a complete pile of steaming horse shit', '>>{rveos773} : Finally. Tired of sneaking around those pizza joints. Legalize it!', '>>{Lambinater} : Once at 100% the iPhone goes on to "trickle charge"; which is when the iPhone will stop taking power until it\'s about to hit 99% battery, then it\'ll charge it for a moment again and stop when at 100% and keep that cycle going. You should let your battery run all the way down every once in a while, but it doesn\'t do any harm to leave it plugged in all day.', ">>{Zebulon1993} : The reason I'm asking is I want to use my uNu battery case like this. I want to have the phone at 100% and leave the case on until the case dies, then use the phone battery.", '>>{nate4761} : Washington Examiner is probably a 7-8 in credibility. Certainly Not News, The FAILING NY Times, and Washington ComPost produce a lot of fake news, but they never get called out.', ">>{dolphins3} : I'm going to go out on a limb and guess this is pure bullshit.", '>>{-downvoted999} : actually it will stop taking the power till 95%', ">>{SocialJustise} : I don't think this poster knows how to respond to comments.", ">>{PDX4} : why don't you read the actual bill from the legislature.ca.gov website...https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160SB1322 This bill does nothing the shit article you cited claims...ffs", ">>{Lambinater} : Really? I've never seen it below 100 when plugged in", ">>{Scandinavian147} : Well the phone kinda tricks you into thinking it's a 100% when it's really not.", '>>{GibsonLP86} : Mod team, please ban this stupid shit. Thanks. -everyone', ">>{Zebulon1993} : Because theoretically wouldn't it cut down on charge cycles if I did it like this?", ">>{kulawik} : I've been plugging in my iPhones over night for several years now and each have excellent battery capacity (despite many cycles, but those result from my usage, not my charging habits)", ">>{Claritypleas} : Good luck with that. We grow 2/3 of the country's produce and raise over half of its cattle. We pump a lot of oil, and grow a large share of America's pot and produce nearly all of its porn. We also--a minor point--have the sixth largest economy in the world, and so subsidize all you red state folks. You really want us to leave?", '>>{cryptovariable} : From the article: >Minors involved in prostitution are clearly victims, and allowing our law enforcement officers to pick these minors up and get them away from their pimps and into custody is a dramatically better solution than making it legal for them to sell themselves for sex. From the law (SB 1322): >(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), this subdivision does not apply to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct to receive money or other consideration that would, if committed by an adult, violate this subdivision. **A commercially exploited child under this paragraph may be adjudged a dependent child of the court pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 300 of the Welfare and Institutions Code and may be taken into temporary custody pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 305 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, if the conditions allowing temporary custody without warrant are met.** Section 300, Subdivision (b), paragraph (2): >(2) The Legislature finds and declares that a child who is sexually trafficked, as described in Section 236.1 of the Penal Code, or who receives food or shelter in exchange for, or who is paid to perform, sexual acts described in Section 236.1 or 11165.1 of the Penal Code, and whose parent or guardian failed to, or was unable to, protect the child, is within the description of this subdivision, and that this finding is declaratory of existing law. These children shall be known as commercially sexually exploited children. Section 236.1 of the Penal Code >(c) A person who causes, induces, or persuades, or attempts to cause, induce, or persuade, a person who is a minor at the time of commission of the offense to engage in a commercial sex act, with the intent to effect or maintain a violation of Section 266, 266h, 266i, 266j, 267, 311.1, 311.2, 311.3, 311.4, 311.5, 311.6, or 518 is guilty of human trafficking. A violation of this subdivision is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison as follows: Section 11165.1 >(c) “Sexual exploitation” refers to any of the following: >(1) Conduct involving matter depicting a minor engaged in obscene acts in violation of Section 311.2 (preparing, selling, or distributing obscene matter) or subdivision (a) of Section 311.4 (employment of minor to perform obscene acts). >(2) A person who knowingly promotes, aids, or assists, employs, uses, persuades, induces, or coerces a child, or a person responsible for a child’s welfare, who knowingly permits or encourages a child to engage in, or assist others to engage in, prostitution or a live performance involving obscene sexual conduct, or to either pose or model alone or with others for purposes of preparing a film, photograph, negative, slide, drawing, painting, or other pictorial depiction, involving obscene sexual conduct. For the purpose of this section, “person responsible for a child’s welfare” means a parent, guardian, foster parent, or a licensed administrator or employee of a public or private residential home, residential school, or other residential institution. >(3) A person who depicts a child in, or who knowingly develops, duplicates, prints, downloads, streams, accesses through any electronic or digital media, or exchanges, a film, photograph, videotape, video recording, negative, or slide in which a child is engaged in an act of obscene sexual conduct, except for those activities by law enforcement and prosecution agencies and other persons described in subdivisions (c) and (e) of Section 311.3. >(d) “Commercial sexual exploitation” refers to either of the following: >(1) The sexual trafficking of a child, as described in subdivision (c) of Section 236.1. >(2) The provision of food, shelter, or payment to a child in exchange for the performance of any sexual act described in this section or subdivision (c) of Section 236.1. Specifically the sexual acts that would define commercial exploitation of a child are: >(1) Penetration, however slight, of the vagina or anal opening of one person by the penis of another person, whether or not there is the emission of semen. >(2) Sexual contact between the genitals or anal opening of one person and the mouth or tongue of another person. >(3) Intrusion by one person into the genitals or anal opening of another person, including the use of an object for this purpose, except that, it does not include acts performed for a valid medical purpose. >(4) The intentional touching of the genitals or intimate parts, including the breasts, genital area, groin, inner thighs, and buttocks, or the clothing covering them, of a child, or of the perpetrator by a child, for purposes of sexual arousal or gratification, except that it does not include acts which may reasonably be construed to be normal caretaker responsibilities; interactions with, or demonstrations of affection for, the child; or acts performed for a valid medical purpose. >(5) The intentional masturbation of the perpetrator’s genitals in the presence of a child. I think the authors of this article may be genuinely, actually, for-realz, retarded.', '>>{HighAndOnline} : A new Gallup poll shows that 99% of Trump voters believe California Democrats legalized child prostitution.', '>>{HansChr15} : In my engineering class, I learned that smartphones would go through trickle charge and at the same time, drawing power directly from the power source instead of the battery... Gotta love tech advancements.', '>>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : The users are the vetting process. Upvote good. Downvote shit.', ">>{Eshmam14} : No, not if it's being left in the charger at one go for an extended period of time. For instance, it's okay to keep your phone plugged in all the way to 100% and keep it plugged in for the following x hours. However, it is detrimental if you let it drain a bit and keep charging it often. For example, charging it to 100%>draining it to 80%>charging it to 100% again and etc.", '>>{Claritypleas} : This is a bullshit story: as in many other states right now the onus of punishment in prostitution cases falls on the Johns. This is simply a way of making sure that kids who are victimized by pimps and Johns are not further victimized by the court system. This is NOT a "legalization" of prostitution--diversion into the Child Services System is a better option than prison, don\'t you think?', ">>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : That sound you just heard was Trump's jet wooshing to the west coast at top speed.", ">>{IBringYouToBurn} : Here is what was left out of this 'article' 2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), this subdivision does not apply to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct to receive money or other consideration that would, if committed by an adult, violate this subdivision. A commercially exploited child under this paragraph may be adjudged a dependent child of the court pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 300 of the Welfare and Institutions Code and may be taken into temporary custody pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 305 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, if the conditions allowing temporary custody without warrant are met. This is borderline fake news in my opinion.", '>>{nate4761} : LA Times a credible source? Of course they put a liberal spin on it...but yes, this will be used to encourage consequence free child prostitution. http://www.latimes.com/politics/essential/la-pol-sac-essential-politics-updates-california-lawmakers-reject-bold-step-1471556676-htmlstory.html', '>>{northstardim} : The Washington Examiner is a failing newspaper whose headlines fall into the fake news list. ignore', '>>{malpais} : The Washington Examiner is not a "newspaper" in the traditional sense. It\'s an agenda-driven, *personal propaganda outlet* for the viewpoint of a single person: Billionaire Phillip Anshutz. Basically it is a personal blog, using paid writers and and a newspaper format. The Examiner is printed up and given away for free in Washington. A free copy is delivered to every congressman in DC. Despite years of being published, it has never to anyone\'s knowledge, made a profit. Mr. Anshutz foots the entire bill. **As Politico reports:** The Examiner is basically "a megaphone for [Anshutz\'s] right-wing views on taxes, national security and President Barack Obama". A conservative christian, Anshutz is known for funding: * far right Republicans * anti-gay ballot measures * creationist "think tanks" * and school privatization groups', ">>{LastDawnOfMan} : The public record, available for anyone who comprehends English, clearly shows this article is garbage. I have a feeling most conservatives don't care that they're spreading lies. When did the conservative party become so morally bankrupt, degenerate and dishonest?", '>>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : A super rich christian asshole with too much time and money on his hands. Why are there so many super rich Christian assholes?', ">>{wwwes32} : God, yeah, and they always have the worst pizza. It's like, hey guys, I just gave you $3 million, the least I can get is some fresh mozzarella, am I right?", '>>{PDX4} : Citing an article that accurately portrays the opinions for both sides vs. a 100% partisan, fear-mongering, one-sided article is so disingenuous as to almost be worthy of no response. Imagine a 15 year who is forced to engage in sexual activities with adults because her pimp threatens her with violence...should this same 15 year old face a mandatory minimum sentence on top of being used and abused? Fuck no and this bill attempts to do just that.', '>>{Biggusdickus73} : About the time it elected Nixon and decided Mississippi was a better state to go after than Illinois.', ">>{GibsonLP86} : Seriously. They listen to every report done by the trolls on here but a ton of people report the trolls and they never get banned. It's a joke.", ">>{MrSneller} : You're damn right they are. Don't call a Trump supporter any kind of name, regardless how grotesque their comment was that you responded to. It hurts their fragile egos.", ">>{wwwes32} : Yeah, but red state folks do like 95% of all the eating of that red meat, so it's rough both ways.", ">>{pennyempresa} : Please burn all reading materials I do not approve of. Also let's fuel the resistance by first storming the libraries and burning and banning all non approved by Gibson books! All our problems will be solved, no information for you!", '>>{MrSneller} : For those curious, this is a real bill but I think this statement sums it up best: >The Governor has signed into law legislation that deems persons under the age of 18 who might previously have been charged with criminal prostitution **as victims of sex trafficking, eligible for treatment rather than prosecution**.', '>>{nate4761} : This article tells both sides of the story "To their credit, they are sincere in their belief that decriminalizing underage prostitution is good public policy that will help victims of sex trafficking. Unfortunately, the reality is that the legalization of underage prostitution suffers from the fatal defect endemic to progressive-left policymaking: it ignores experience, common sense and most of all human nature — especially its darker side." Trump was right when he said we are lead by stupid people (this changes on 1/20). Other countries read every paragraph, every word, every comma. Our leaders (and this subreddit) don\'t...and that\'s why our debt has doubled under Obama.', ">>{Biggusdickus73} : They are no Washington examiner. I'll give you that.", ">>{dolphins3} : It's why Trump won! ^^^^/s", '>>{pikhq} : The statement of it is rather misleading though: what it does is direct cops to take child prostitutes into protective custody and possibly make them wards of the state, rather than arrest them for being a prostitute. It still leaves it very, very illegal to solicit the services of a child prostitute.', '>>{gringledoom} : You are correct. [They changed the law so that minors engaged in sex work are treated as trafficking victims, not as criminals.](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160SB1322)', ">>{pikhq} : I see you didn't read the bill itself. It makes it legal to be a child selling sex acts, but keeps it very illegal to then buy these acts. It then directs police to take children into temporary custody for this, and possibly have them made wards of the state. This, basically, makes it so that child prostitutes, who are more than likely being forced into it, are not *themselves* punished for it. It does not make child prostitution legal, at all! It merely means that the prostitutes themselves are not considered to have committed an illegal act, but not their buyers and not their pimps.", '>>{ohheyitsdeejay} : I googled "California Democrats" and this is already getting spun on Twitter. Do people just accept any headline that fits their narrative?', '>>{Robotlollipops} : This article is bullshit. SB 1322 makes it so that victims of child trafficking are treated like victims and not criminals. They are rehabilitated instead of being thrown in jail. Come the fuck on with this shit.', ">>{pikhq} : Yep, the bill's description is pretty accurate. It's the Washington Examiner's article that I'm calling misrepresentative of the bill.", ">>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : My living room. I'll leave it to you and your imagination as to whether or not I'm wearing pants. Where're you, sir?", '>>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : First they came for the naive red staters that believe fake news...', ">>{jen1980} : Or, shadowbanning. Most of my coworkers post here, but I can't find their posts. That form of censorship is just disgusting.", ">>{erotic_majesty} : That's an uncivil comment! You're now permabanned! /s", '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : Or maybe we take a second look at a site that literally takes a bill that allows police to take child prostitutes and victims of child trafficking into protective custody so they can seek treatment and counseling instead of charging them with crimes that will haunt them for the rest of their lives and spins it into "California Democrats make Child Prostitution legal". That is pretty much the definition of fake news.', '>>{South_in_AZ} : Ya know, the legislation is public record, you can read it yourself.', '>>{1000000students} : Well republicans are into child labor so whats the problem, sounds like a win win not even going to click on this nonsense, its code speak for the right wingers to repost on facebook and it isnt true...pizzagate here we go again', '>>{pennyempresa} : Exactly! Ban everything. Don\'t read anymore, only watch approved "news" on the TV. Information is dangereous, let\'s not debate any of it, just ban, ban, ban!', '>>{blooddidntwork} : my question is what part of you thinks people in /r/politics upvotes good articles and downvotes crappy ones.', '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : So we should give equal time to "news" sources that **literally** make things up? Seriously? Awesome. I want 15 minutes on FOX News so I can give a detailed explanation on my theory that Donald Trump is just a skin suit occupied by 250 super smart squirrels who have learned how to use technology to mimic human speech.', '>>{Socrates_Burrito} : A new Quinnipiac poll shows 95% are on their way from bumfuck Alabama to San Francisco with their rifles and shotguns in tow.', ">>{snifferblisters} : Preventing users from increasing the hostility on the internet by calling each other 'troll' or 'shill' is currently our top priority. -/r/politics mod team, probably", '>>{branamuffin} : Why do conservatives defend blatant lies in the news, like "California decriminalizes pedophilia"? Because distortion and conspiracies mostly come out of the conservative side. They clearly don\'t care about the truth.', ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : It's slightly better than the other political rag with Washington in the name from what I have read from it, but it's definitely pretty bad.", ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : The ones who don't feel the need to constantly remind people they are christians are not assholes usually.", '>>{Realhuman221} : Fake news. The law they cite is for children forced into prostitution to be protected, not arrested.', ">>{UnchartedDarkness} : Anecdotal, but I have part of the answer. I work in multimedia and advertising along with public relations. I started my company in 1991. In 1993 I created an internal, company wide, rule that we would no longer work for any Christian religious organization. To be clear, we never took jobs that promoted any religion. But there are jobs that involve these groups, churches, and support companies that are not religious in nature. For instance, a budget presentation that outlines what is going on, presented in audio or video. I had to stop working with this group because they kept stiffing us, refusing to pay their bills. They would offer effusive praise over the work as we prepared to deliver the final product. Then, after they had used our work, time and resources, they would claim it was subpar garbage and not pay their bill. This two year period cost my company 40k in unpaid invoices from these charlatans. Finally I sued some and recouped about half our losses. The other half were too broke to collect from. Since then we have refused to work with any Christian organizations and we do significant research into all clients by checking their websites, social media, officers, references, and so on. If we get a single hint that they are the front for a Christian group, and *especially* an Evangelical Christian group, we simply will not work for them. It was a hard lesson and cost my company two jobs in those first years. The salaries promised to a couple employees simply weren't sustainable after they screwed us. We recovered *some* of that money a few years later, but that was no help in the early times.", '>>{pennyempresa} : Is this for real? My side good your side bad! Nice arguement. And are you implying I\'m a "conservative"? Despite our political spectrums being topsy turvy in the states right now, its laughable that self professed liberals are gung ho for banning writing, curtailing free speech and war! If that is liberal or a definition of a progressive, no thank you, you don\'t get to ban or label people, based on your confused ideology.', '>>{myrptaway} : Yeah, sounded too good to be true. /S', '>>{UnchartedDarkness} : I reported this discrepancy to the mods but it still survived. This IS the very definition of fake news. I am disappointed in the mod actions on this one.', '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : I would love to, but even they have this thing called "morals" about bullshit like this.', '>>{branamuffin} : Take note how this troll can\'t defend the title "democrats legalize child prostitution" so it tries to distract and disorient into another issue.', '>>{pennyempresa} : Its an entertainment channel. They say so. And if people are dumb enough to not laugh at it, life goes on. Me and you are not responsible, nor should we be of what media and information people digest. We two small people on the big wide web are not moral authorities for the nation. Better to come here and say why its not true or why it might be ridiculous and debate, rather than insisting that it all be banned.', ">>{Glaug-Eldare} : This is not just misleading, it's a lie. Nothing in SB 1322 requires police to walk away. On the contrary, it SPECIFICALLY emphasizes police authority to take trafficked children into custody as victims, not as criminals.", ">>{pennyempresa} : oh for F's sake. I disagree with a lot of the Examiners articles. I was responding to the ban comment above. I'm tried of seeing ban, ban, ban, on so many submissions. Read it or dont , debate it or dont . This ban everything I don't agree with is destructive and furthers nothing beneficial. Thanks for calling me a conservative and a troll, enlightening is the mind that predilicts to censorship. Banning and name calling thank goodness so far are not as powerful in censoring as they used to be.", '>>{gonzoparenting} : Fuck. I thought Trump was the only asshole stiffing people after they did a job. No wonder they all voted for him.', '>>{pennyempresa} : Thank you! Why is it so hard for them? Honestly I think the people that complain the most about fake news are the biggest consumers of fake news.', '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : > Better to come here and say why its not true or why it might be ridiculous and debate, rather than insisting that it all be banned. Or how about when something is so obviously not true that it stretches the boundaries of journalism past its breaking point, and it does it so many times that just by seeing "Washington Examiner" I know the story is bullshit, that it becomes a non-acceptable source for the sub? I mean, by your logic, the National Enquirer and The Onion should both be free to be posted here. Is that where you\'re going with this?', '>>{pennyempresa} : I would like all publications here (maybe not satire, or maybe if clearly labeled), it was better before all the banning happened months ago. I learned so much reading the comments and people debating the content and sources. Heck, it was helpful having comments like yours to keep us skeptical and really critical of the information. I know some of my views are a minority and its okay, I get downvoted and same with content, upvote or downvote and debate it.', ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : Welp, we don't agree then. Is what it is.", ">>{Claritypleas} : You don't know what you're talking about. BTW: Trump is a stupid man. Dont expect too much of him.", '>>{pennyempresa} : Yup. Thanks for the convo. though. I also think its good to disagree, strengthens critical thinking and its nice to be challenged in an open and thoughtful way.', '>>{Claritypleas} : Well, at least up to age 50 or so, when they keel over from a heart attack--and now with no healthcare!', ">>{TrumpsMoistAnusMouth} : I am sure that there are some journalists that would be interested in the fact that reddit is promoting fake news and that some people have already contacted those journalists. Let's see if I still have an account tomorrow.", '>>{TrumpsMoistAnusMouth} : Care to elaborate or give an example? Everyone is screaming about fake news as far as I can tell.', '>>{Shaso69} : Damn I wish I was rich enough to do that', '>>{JonAce} : Ban it: "/r/politics is biased!" Don\'t ban it: "/r/politics is biased!" *Hmmm....* Better option is to let the community at-large take care of it. The reply to the current top comment even did everyone a solid by explaining *exactly* why this article is garbage.', ">>{GibsonLP86} : It's blatantly false news. It should be removed.", '>>{AnEndlessRondo} : http://imgur.com/gallery/13Klf https://imgur.com/gallery/6r0WY https://imgur.com/gallery/5SsPh https://imgur.com/gallery/iIRBw https://imgur.com/gallery/g7CQu https://imgur.com/gallery/XXzDu https://imgur.com/gallery/Uf3IgGt https://imgur.com/gallery/EJFFD https://imgur.com/gallery/2ZLZQ https://imgur.com/gallery/3CIvp https://imgur.com/gallery/FgoIZ https://imgur.com/gallery/2A2kU https://imgur.com/gallery/DvpIna1 https://imgur.com/gallery/5Bmmo https://imgur.com/gallery/FKM8Z https://imgur.com/gallery/oLrcL Jesus Christ. I am literally watching what could not be any more blatant/biased/slanted as fake news course it\'s way through the internet, and I\'m watching people line up to say THIS IS 100% TRUE! It\'s the fucking end of days for the "Information Highway"', '>>{Hoppean_Snake_Memes} : >You really want us to leave? Fucking yes.', ">>{rgjaert} : > We grow 2/3 of the country's produce California doesn't grow anywhere near '2/3 of the country's produce.' You should stop getting your 'news' from huffpo, cnn, and john oliver.", '>>{Claritypleas} : http://www.netstate.com/economy/ca_economy.htm http://www.dairymoos.com/interesting-facts-about-california-agriculture/ http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/explainer/2013/07/california_grows_all_of_our_fruits_and_vegetables_what_would_we_eat_without.html http://www.westernfarmpress.com/management/what-us-states-produce-most-food-ranking-1-50 Of course percentages vary according to sources (not huffpo) but you would starve without us. That is a fact, jack. That and the FACT that if you live in a red-state, we are paying your way, subsidizing you, providing you with your welfare check AND your food. Still want us gone?', '>>{KarthusWins} : It\'s incredibly sad. They should be ashamed of themselves for willingly falling prey to lies. These are the same people who think that the Washington Examiner is a legitimate news source and that its "headlines" (blog post titles) are inherently true.', ">>{dfakh} : >you would starve without us Actually, we wouldn't. In 2012, according to the [United States Department of Agriculture](https://www.agcensus.usda.gov/Publications/2012/Online_Resources/Highlights/Farm_Economics/), California produced 10.8% of the US Total (a far cry from '2/3'.) And the places actually producing most of those things... are red (you might want to look at election results by county.) >That and the FACT that if you live in a red-state, we are paying your way, subsidizing you, providing you with your welfare check AND your food. You realize most of the Southern states have massive populations of blacks who are far more likely to be on government assistance than whites, right? Alabama (27%), South Carolina (28%), Georgia (32%), Louisiana (33%), Mississippi (38%), etc. You're actually subsidizing the blue places in those red states (again, check election results.) >Still want us gone? Aren't you the ones who [want out](http://www.latimes.com/politics/essential/la-pol-ca-essential-politics-california-secession-calexit-htmlstory.html)?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{nate4761} : Calexit can't come soon enough. Maybe Podesta can move there and we can build a wall and make California pay for it in their water bill from the Colorado River.", '>>{NebraskaWeedOwner} : Seriously, wtf are mods doing about fake news. Every day i see some random ass site get cited as a "source". Could we please set up a vetting process for sites to be allowed to be posted in r/politics?', '>>{PDX4} : What the fuck did I just read...this article is a complete pile of steaming horse shit', '>>{rveos773} : Finally. Tired of sneaking around those pizza joints. Legalize it!', '>>{nate4761} : Washington Examiner is probably a 7-8 in credibility. Certainly Not News, The FAILING NY Times, and Washington ComPost produce a lot of fake news, but they never get called out.', ">>{dolphins3} : I'm going to go out on a limb and guess this is pure bullshit.", ">>{SocialJustise} : I don't think this poster knows how to respond to comments.", ">>{PDX4} : why don't you read the actual bill from the legislature.ca.gov website...https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160SB1322 This bill does nothing the shit article you cited claims...ffs", '>>{GibsonLP86} : Mod team, please ban this stupid shit. Thanks. -everyone', ">>{Claritypleas} : Good luck with that. We grow 2/3 of the country's produce and raise over half of its cattle. We pump a lot of oil, and grow a large share of America's pot and produce nearly all of its porn. We also--a minor point--have the sixth largest economy in the world, and so subsidize all you red state folks. You really want us to leave?", '>>{cryptovariable} : From the article: >Minors involved in prostitution are clearly victims, and allowing our law enforcement officers to pick these minors up and get them away from their pimps and into custody is a dramatically better solution than making it legal for them to sell themselves for sex. From the law (SB 1322): >(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), this subdivision does not apply to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct to receive money or other consideration that would, if committed by an adult, violate this subdivision. **A commercially exploited child under this paragraph may be adjudged a dependent child of the court pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 300 of the Welfare and Institutions Code and may be taken into temporary custody pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 305 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, if the conditions allowing temporary custody without warrant are met.** Section 300, Subdivision (b), paragraph (2): >(2) The Legislature finds and declares that a child who is sexually trafficked, as described in Section 236.1 of the Penal Code, or who receives food or shelter in exchange for, or who is paid to perform, sexual acts described in Section 236.1 or 11165.1 of the Penal Code, and whose parent or guardian failed to, or was unable to, protect the child, is within the description of this subdivision, and that this finding is declaratory of existing law. These children shall be known as commercially sexually exploited children. Section 236.1 of the Penal Code >(c) A person who causes, induces, or persuades, or attempts to cause, induce, or persuade, a person who is a minor at the time of commission of the offense to engage in a commercial sex act, with the intent to effect or maintain a violation of Section 266, 266h, 266i, 266j, 267, 311.1, 311.2, 311.3, 311.4, 311.5, 311.6, or 518 is guilty of human trafficking. A violation of this subdivision is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison as follows: Section 11165.1 >(c) “Sexual exploitation” refers to any of the following: >(1) Conduct involving matter depicting a minor engaged in obscene acts in violation of Section 311.2 (preparing, selling, or distributing obscene matter) or subdivision (a) of Section 311.4 (employment of minor to perform obscene acts). >(2) A person who knowingly promotes, aids, or assists, employs, uses, persuades, induces, or coerces a child, or a person responsible for a child’s welfare, who knowingly permits or encourages a child to engage in, or assist others to engage in, prostitution or a live performance involving obscene sexual conduct, or to either pose or model alone or with others for purposes of preparing a film, photograph, negative, slide, drawing, painting, or other pictorial depiction, involving obscene sexual conduct. For the purpose of this section, “person responsible for a child’s welfare” means a parent, guardian, foster parent, or a licensed administrator or employee of a public or private residential home, residential school, or other residential institution. >(3) A person who depicts a child in, or who knowingly develops, duplicates, prints, downloads, streams, accesses through any electronic or digital media, or exchanges, a film, photograph, videotape, video recording, negative, or slide in which a child is engaged in an act of obscene sexual conduct, except for those activities by law enforcement and prosecution agencies and other persons described in subdivisions (c) and (e) of Section 311.3. >(d) “Commercial sexual exploitation” refers to either of the following: >(1) The sexual trafficking of a child, as described in subdivision (c) of Section 236.1. >(2) The provision of food, shelter, or payment to a child in exchange for the performance of any sexual act described in this section or subdivision (c) of Section 236.1. Specifically the sexual acts that would define commercial exploitation of a child are: >(1) Penetration, however slight, of the vagina or anal opening of one person by the penis of another person, whether or not there is the emission of semen. >(2) Sexual contact between the genitals or anal opening of one person and the mouth or tongue of another person. >(3) Intrusion by one person into the genitals or anal opening of another person, including the use of an object for this purpose, except that, it does not include acts performed for a valid medical purpose. >(4) The intentional touching of the genitals or intimate parts, including the breasts, genital area, groin, inner thighs, and buttocks, or the clothing covering them, of a child, or of the perpetrator by a child, for purposes of sexual arousal or gratification, except that it does not include acts which may reasonably be construed to be normal caretaker responsibilities; interactions with, or demonstrations of affection for, the child; or acts performed for a valid medical purpose. >(5) The intentional masturbation of the perpetrator’s genitals in the presence of a child. I think the authors of this article may be genuinely, actually, for-realz, retarded.', '>>{HighAndOnline} : A new Gallup poll shows that 99% of Trump voters believe California Democrats legalized child prostitution.', '>>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : The users are the vetting process. Upvote good. Downvote shit.', '>>{Claritypleas} : This is a bullshit story: as in many other states right now the onus of punishment in prostitution cases falls on the Johns. This is simply a way of making sure that kids who are victimized by pimps and Johns are not further victimized by the court system. This is NOT a "legalization" of prostitution--diversion into the Child Services System is a better option than prison, don\'t you think?', ">>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : That sound you just heard was Trump's jet wooshing to the west coast at top speed.", ">>{IBringYouToBurn} : Here is what was left out of this 'article' 2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), this subdivision does not apply to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct to receive money or other consideration that would, if committed by an adult, violate this subdivision. A commercially exploited child under this paragraph may be adjudged a dependent child of the court pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 300 of the Welfare and Institutions Code and may be taken into temporary custody pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 305 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, if the conditions allowing temporary custody without warrant are met. This is borderline fake news in my opinion.", '>>{nate4761} : LA Times a credible source? Of course they put a liberal spin on it...but yes, this will be used to encourage consequence free child prostitution. http://www.latimes.com/politics/essential/la-pol-sac-essential-politics-updates-california-lawmakers-reject-bold-step-1471556676-htmlstory.html', '>>{northstardim} : The Washington Examiner is a failing newspaper whose headlines fall into the fake news list. ignore', '>>{malpais} : The Washington Examiner is not a "newspaper" in the traditional sense. It\'s an agenda-driven, *personal propaganda outlet* for the viewpoint of a single person: Billionaire Phillip Anshutz. Basically it is a personal blog, using paid writers and and a newspaper format. The Examiner is printed up and given away for free in Washington. A free copy is delivered to every congressman in DC. Despite years of being published, it has never to anyone\'s knowledge, made a profit. Mr. Anshutz foots the entire bill. **As Politico reports:** The Examiner is basically "a megaphone for [Anshutz\'s] right-wing views on taxes, national security and President Barack Obama". A conservative christian, Anshutz is known for funding: * far right Republicans * anti-gay ballot measures * creationist "think tanks" * and school privatization groups', ">>{LastDawnOfMan} : The public record, available for anyone who comprehends English, clearly shows this article is garbage. I have a feeling most conservatives don't care that they're spreading lies. When did the conservative party become so morally bankrupt, degenerate and dishonest?", '>>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : A super rich christian asshole with too much time and money on his hands. Why are there so many super rich Christian assholes?', ">>{wwwes32} : God, yeah, and they always have the worst pizza. It's like, hey guys, I just gave you $3 million, the least I can get is some fresh mozzarella, am I right?", '>>{PDX4} : Citing an article that accurately portrays the opinions for both sides vs. a 100% partisan, fear-mongering, one-sided article is so disingenuous as to almost be worthy of no response. Imagine a 15 year who is forced to engage in sexual activities with adults because her pimp threatens her with violence...should this same 15 year old face a mandatory minimum sentence on top of being used and abused? Fuck no and this bill attempts to do just that.', '>>{Biggusdickus73} : About the time it elected Nixon and decided Mississippi was a better state to go after than Illinois.', ">>{GibsonLP86} : Seriously. They listen to every report done by the trolls on here but a ton of people report the trolls and they never get banned. It's a joke.", ">>{MrSneller} : You're damn right they are. Don't call a Trump supporter any kind of name, regardless how grotesque their comment was that you responded to. It hurts their fragile egos.", ">>{wwwes32} : Yeah, but red state folks do like 95% of all the eating of that red meat, so it's rough both ways.", ">>{pennyempresa} : Please burn all reading materials I do not approve of. Also let's fuel the resistance by first storming the libraries and burning and banning all non approved by Gibson books! All our problems will be solved, no information for you!", '>>{MrSneller} : For those curious, this is a real bill but I think this statement sums it up best: >The Governor has signed into law legislation that deems persons under the age of 18 who might previously have been charged with criminal prostitution **as victims of sex trafficking, eligible for treatment rather than prosecution**.', '>>{nate4761} : This article tells both sides of the story "To their credit, they are sincere in their belief that decriminalizing underage prostitution is good public policy that will help victims of sex trafficking. Unfortunately, the reality is that the legalization of underage prostitution suffers from the fatal defect endemic to progressive-left policymaking: it ignores experience, common sense and most of all human nature — especially its darker side." Trump was right when he said we are lead by stupid people (this changes on 1/20). Other countries read every paragraph, every word, every comma. Our leaders (and this subreddit) don\'t...and that\'s why our debt has doubled under Obama.', ">>{Biggusdickus73} : They are no Washington examiner. I'll give you that.", ">>{dolphins3} : It's why Trump won! ^^^^/s", '>>{pikhq} : The statement of it is rather misleading though: what it does is direct cops to take child prostitutes into protective custody and possibly make them wards of the state, rather than arrest them for being a prostitute. It still leaves it very, very illegal to solicit the services of a child prostitute.', '>>{gringledoom} : You are correct. [They changed the law so that minors engaged in sex work are treated as trafficking victims, not as criminals.](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160SB1322)', ">>{pikhq} : I see you didn't read the bill itself. It makes it legal to be a child selling sex acts, but keeps it very illegal to then buy these acts. It then directs police to take children into temporary custody for this, and possibly have them made wards of the state. This, basically, makes it so that child prostitutes, who are more than likely being forced into it, are not *themselves* punished for it. It does not make child prostitution legal, at all! It merely means that the prostitutes themselves are not considered to have committed an illegal act, but not their buyers and not their pimps.", '>>{ohheyitsdeejay} : I googled "California Democrats" and this is already getting spun on Twitter. Do people just accept any headline that fits their narrative?', '>>{Robotlollipops} : This article is bullshit. SB 1322 makes it so that victims of child trafficking are treated like victims and not criminals. They are rehabilitated instead of being thrown in jail. Come the fuck on with this shit.', ">>{pikhq} : Yep, the bill's description is pretty accurate. It's the Washington Examiner's article that I'm calling misrepresentative of the bill.", ">>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : My living room. I'll leave it to you and your imagination as to whether or not I'm wearing pants. Where're you, sir?", '>>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : First they came for the naive red staters that believe fake news...', ">>{jen1980} : Or, shadowbanning. Most of my coworkers post here, but I can't find their posts. That form of censorship is just disgusting.", ">>{erotic_majesty} : That's an uncivil comment! You're now permabanned! /s", '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : Or maybe we take a second look at a site that literally takes a bill that allows police to take child prostitutes and victims of child trafficking into protective custody so they can seek treatment and counseling instead of charging them with crimes that will haunt them for the rest of their lives and spins it into "California Democrats make Child Prostitution legal". That is pretty much the definition of fake news.', '>>{South_in_AZ} : Ya know, the legislation is public record, you can read it yourself.', '>>{1000000students} : Well republicans are into child labor so whats the problem, sounds like a win win not even going to click on this nonsense, its code speak for the right wingers to repost on facebook and it isnt true...pizzagate here we go again', '>>{pennyempresa} : Exactly! Ban everything. Don\'t read anymore, only watch approved "news" on the TV. Information is dangereous, let\'s not debate any of it, just ban, ban, ban!', '>>{blooddidntwork} : my question is what part of you thinks people in /r/politics upvotes good articles and downvotes crappy ones.', '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : So we should give equal time to "news" sources that **literally** make things up? Seriously? Awesome. I want 15 minutes on FOX News so I can give a detailed explanation on my theory that Donald Trump is just a skin suit occupied by 250 super smart squirrels who have learned how to use technology to mimic human speech.', '>>{Socrates_Burrito} : A new Quinnipiac poll shows 95% are on their way from bumfuck Alabama to San Francisco with their rifles and shotguns in tow.', ">>{snifferblisters} : Preventing users from increasing the hostility on the internet by calling each other 'troll' or 'shill' is currently our top priority. -/r/politics mod team, probably", '>>{branamuffin} : Why do conservatives defend blatant lies in the news, like "California decriminalizes pedophilia"? Because distortion and conspiracies mostly come out of the conservative side. They clearly don\'t care about the truth.', ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : It's slightly better than the other political rag with Washington in the name from what I have read from it, but it's definitely pretty bad.", ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : The ones who don't feel the need to constantly remind people they are christians are not assholes usually.", '>>{Realhuman221} : Fake news. The law they cite is for children forced into prostitution to be protected, not arrested.', ">>{UnchartedDarkness} : Anecdotal, but I have part of the answer. I work in multimedia and advertising along with public relations. I started my company in 1991. In 1993 I created an internal, company wide, rule that we would no longer work for any Christian religious organization. To be clear, we never took jobs that promoted any religion. But there are jobs that involve these groups, churches, and support companies that are not religious in nature. For instance, a budget presentation that outlines what is going on, presented in audio or video. I had to stop working with this group because they kept stiffing us, refusing to pay their bills. They would offer effusive praise over the work as we prepared to deliver the final product. Then, after they had used our work, time and resources, they would claim it was subpar garbage and not pay their bill. This two year period cost my company 40k in unpaid invoices from these charlatans. Finally I sued some and recouped about half our losses. The other half were too broke to collect from. Since then we have refused to work with any Christian organizations and we do significant research into all clients by checking their websites, social media, officers, references, and so on. If we get a single hint that they are the front for a Christian group, and *especially* an Evangelical Christian group, we simply will not work for them. It was a hard lesson and cost my company two jobs in those first years. The salaries promised to a couple employees simply weren't sustainable after they screwed us. We recovered *some* of that money a few years later, but that was no help in the early times.", '>>{pennyempresa} : Is this for real? My side good your side bad! Nice arguement. And are you implying I\'m a "conservative"? Despite our political spectrums being topsy turvy in the states right now, its laughable that self professed liberals are gung ho for banning writing, curtailing free speech and war! If that is liberal or a definition of a progressive, no thank you, you don\'t get to ban or label people, based on your confused ideology.', '>>{myrptaway} : Yeah, sounded too good to be true. /S', '>>{UnchartedDarkness} : I reported this discrepancy to the mods but it still survived. This IS the very definition of fake news. I am disappointed in the mod actions on this one.', '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : I would love to, but even they have this thing called "morals" about bullshit like this.', '>>{branamuffin} : Take note how this troll can\'t defend the title "democrats legalize child prostitution" so it tries to distract and disorient into another issue.', '>>{pennyempresa} : Its an entertainment channel. They say so. And if people are dumb enough to not laugh at it, life goes on. Me and you are not responsible, nor should we be of what media and information people digest. We two small people on the big wide web are not moral authorities for the nation. Better to come here and say why its not true or why it might be ridiculous and debate, rather than insisting that it all be banned.', ">>{Glaug-Eldare} : This is not just misleading, it's a lie. Nothing in SB 1322 requires police to walk away. On the contrary, it SPECIFICALLY emphasizes police authority to take trafficked children into custody as victims, not as criminals.", ">>{pennyempresa} : oh for F's sake. I disagree with a lot of the Examiners articles. I was responding to the ban comment above. I'm tried of seeing ban, ban, ban, on so many submissions. Read it or dont , debate it or dont . This ban everything I don't agree with is destructive and furthers nothing beneficial. Thanks for calling me a conservative and a troll, enlightening is the mind that predilicts to censorship. Banning and name calling thank goodness so far are not as powerful in censoring as they used to be.", '>>{gonzoparenting} : Fuck. I thought Trump was the only asshole stiffing people after they did a job. No wonder they all voted for him.', '>>{pennyempresa} : Thank you! Why is it so hard for them? Honestly I think the people that complain the most about fake news are the biggest consumers of fake news.', '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : > Better to come here and say why its not true or why it might be ridiculous and debate, rather than insisting that it all be banned. Or how about when something is so obviously not true that it stretches the boundaries of journalism past its breaking point, and it does it so many times that just by seeing "Washington Examiner" I know the story is bullshit, that it becomes a non-acceptable source for the sub? I mean, by your logic, the National Enquirer and The Onion should both be free to be posted here. Is that where you\'re going with this?', '>>{pennyempresa} : I would like all publications here (maybe not satire, or maybe if clearly labeled), it was better before all the banning happened months ago. I learned so much reading the comments and people debating the content and sources. Heck, it was helpful having comments like yours to keep us skeptical and really critical of the information. I know some of my views are a minority and its okay, I get downvoted and same with content, upvote or downvote and debate it.', ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : Welp, we don't agree then. Is what it is.", ">>{Claritypleas} : You don't know what you're talking about. BTW: Trump is a stupid man. Dont expect too much of him.", '>>{pennyempresa} : Yup. Thanks for the convo. though. I also think its good to disagree, strengthens critical thinking and its nice to be challenged in an open and thoughtful way.', '>>{Claritypleas} : Well, at least up to age 50 or so, when they keel over from a heart attack--and now with no healthcare!', ">>{TrumpsMoistAnusMouth} : I am sure that there are some journalists that would be interested in the fact that reddit is promoting fake news and that some people have already contacted those journalists. Let's see if I still have an account tomorrow.", '>>{TrumpsMoistAnusMouth} : Care to elaborate or give an example? Everyone is screaming about fake news as far as I can tell.', '>>{Shaso69} : Damn I wish I was rich enough to do that', '>>{JonAce} : Ban it: "/r/politics is biased!" Don\'t ban it: "/r/politics is biased!" *Hmmm....* Better option is to let the community at-large take care of it. The reply to the current top comment even did everyone a solid by explaining *exactly* why this article is garbage.', ">>{GibsonLP86} : It's blatantly false news. It should be removed.", '>>{AnEndlessRondo} : http://imgur.com/gallery/13Klf https://imgur.com/gallery/6r0WY https://imgur.com/gallery/5SsPh https://imgur.com/gallery/iIRBw https://imgur.com/gallery/g7CQu https://imgur.com/gallery/XXzDu https://imgur.com/gallery/Uf3IgGt https://imgur.com/gallery/EJFFD https://imgur.com/gallery/2ZLZQ https://imgur.com/gallery/3CIvp https://imgur.com/gallery/FgoIZ https://imgur.com/gallery/2A2kU https://imgur.com/gallery/DvpIna1 https://imgur.com/gallery/5Bmmo https://imgur.com/gallery/FKM8Z https://imgur.com/gallery/oLrcL Jesus Christ. I am literally watching what could not be any more blatant/biased/slanted as fake news course it\'s way through the internet, and I\'m watching people line up to say THIS IS 100% TRUE! It\'s the fucking end of days for the "Information Highway"', '>>{Hoppean_Snake_Memes} : >You really want us to leave? Fucking yes.', ">>{rgjaert} : > We grow 2/3 of the country's produce California doesn't grow anywhere near '2/3 of the country's produce.' You should stop getting your 'news' from huffpo, cnn, and john oliver.", '>>{Claritypleas} : http://www.netstate.com/economy/ca_economy.htm http://www.dairymoos.com/interesting-facts-about-california-agriculture/ http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/explainer/2013/07/california_grows_all_of_our_fruits_and_vegetables_what_would_we_eat_without.html http://www.westernfarmpress.com/management/what-us-states-produce-most-food-ranking-1-50 Of course percentages vary according to sources (not huffpo) but you would starve without us. That is a fact, jack. That and the FACT that if you live in a red-state, we are paying your way, subsidizing you, providing you with your welfare check AND your food. Still want us gone?', '>>{KarthusWins} : It\'s incredibly sad. They should be ashamed of themselves for willingly falling prey to lies. These are the same people who think that the Washington Examiner is a legitimate news source and that its "headlines" (blog post titles) are inherently true.', ">>{dfakh} : >you would starve without us Actually, we wouldn't. In 2012, according to the [United States Department of Agriculture](https://www.agcensus.usda.gov/Publications/2012/Online_Resources/Highlights/Farm_Economics/), California produced 10.8% of the US Total (a far cry from '2/3'.) And the places actually producing most of those things... are red (you might want to look at election results by county.) >That and the FACT that if you live in a red-state, we are paying your way, subsidizing you, providing you with your welfare check AND your food. You realize most of the Southern states have massive populations of blacks who are far more likely to be on government assistance than whites, right? Alabama (27%), South Carolina (28%), Georgia (32%), Louisiana (33%), Mississippi (38%), etc. You're actually subsidizing the blue places in those red states (again, check election results.) >Still want us gone? Aren't you the ones who [want out](http://www.latimes.com/politics/essential/la-pol-ca-essential-politics-california-secession-calexit-htmlstory.html)?"], [">>{wheatencross1} : From what I've read, smart phones are smart enough to stop charging the phone when it hits 100%", '>>{Lambinater} : Once at 100% the iPhone goes on to "trickle charge"; which is when the iPhone will stop taking power until it\'s about to hit 99% battery, then it\'ll charge it for a moment again and stop when at 100% and keep that cycle going. You should let your battery run all the way down every once in a while, but it doesn\'t do any harm to leave it plugged in all day.', ">>{Zebulon1993} : The reason I'm asking is I want to use my uNu battery case like this. I want to have the phone at 100% and leave the case on until the case dies, then use the phone battery.", '>>{-downvoted999} : actually it will stop taking the power till 95%', ">>{Lambinater} : Really? I've never seen it below 100 when plugged in", ">>{Scandinavian147} : Well the phone kinda tricks you into thinking it's a 100% when it's really not.", ">>{Zebulon1993} : Because theoretically wouldn't it cut down on charge cycles if I did it like this?", ">>{kulawik} : I've been plugging in my iPhones over night for several years now and each have excellent battery capacity (despite many cycles, but those result from my usage, not my charging habits)", '>>{HansChr15} : In my engineering class, I learned that smartphones would go through trickle charge and at the same time, drawing power directly from the power source instead of the battery... Gotta love tech advancements.', ">>{Eshmam14} : No, not if it's being left in the charger at one go for an extended period of time. For instance, it's okay to keep your phone plugged in all the way to 100% and keep it plugged in for the following x hours. However, it is detrimental if you let it drain a bit and keep charging it often. For example, charging it to 100%>draining it to 80%>charging it to 100% again and etc."]]
classify and reply
['>>{tembbo} : Cubii Desk Elliptical: Might As Well Work Out While I Work, Right?', ">>{teambeemer} : This is a bad idea. The brain does not deal with interruptions or multitasking very well. To maximize brain power and productivity, keeping exercise separate from work time is important. Recall your phone number backwards, now recall 7 letters of the alphabet backwards. Notice the time differentials. Now recall your phone number backwards interlaced with the first 7 letters of the alphabet. For example: 912 555 1212 (this should take you 3 seconds) 2121 555 219 (this will take you close to 12 seconds) ABC DEF GHIJ (1 second) 9 A 1 B 2 C 5 D 5 E 5 F 1 G 2 H 1 I 2 J (this will take some people up to 30 seonds, using your phone number) 2 A 1 B 2 C 1 D 5 E 5 F 5 G 2 H 1 I 9 J (this will take some people up to a minute, using your phone number) Minutes. It's exponential.", ">>{Son0fSun} : Senate clamps down on ticket scalpers as it passes 'Bots Act'", ">>{speckz} : 'I don’t like this election': will millennials, the biggest generation, turn out to vote?", '>>{phhhhart} : I use a treadmill desk. At first I could only do low level thinking stuff like email. Now I can walk at about 1.5 mph and my bottom half basically operates separately from my top half, and I can write material that requires a high level of concentration. I also do most of my conference calls while walking.', ">>{Trump_Era} : 'Trump’s vocabulary is limited, his syntax is broken; he repeats the same phrases over and over'", '>>{tembbo} : I have used both a treadmill desk and a bike desk. Treadmill desk is fine for mail and writing/using Word. Powerpoint and Excel which require fine hand movements, I still prefer a normal desk. Not very good with the bike desk...can basically just browse. On the treadmill desk, my "bottom half" goes on autopilot.', ">>{LeviathanfromMars} : It's not the senate who are complete dickwads, it's the house.", '>>{phhhhart} : Maybe different stokes for different folks? I suck at biking - can relate about not being able to work on a bike desk.', ">>{DEYoungRepublicans} : Some will still turn out for downballot races, it's important to keep millennial perspective in the Senate and House.", '>>{Ecocrexis} : Violence erupts outside Donald Trump rally in San Jose as protesters clash with his supporters', ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : > “No ifs ands or bots about it, now that the ‘BOTS Act’ has passed the Senate, it’s up to the House to sweep the stage of bots so that actual fans can enjoy Hamilton, other hit Broadway shows and major concerts,” Schumer told the Daily News. Translation: Chuck Schumer can't get Hamilton tickets either.", '>>{phhhhart} : Can relate to the bike desk experience. Prefer a recumbent bike any day.', ">>{sidogz} : I'm not saying you're wrong but doing a simple exercise and doing what you have described a pretty different things. Edit: a word", '>>{wadeboggins} : BUT LEGS WILL GET BIG WHILE ARMS STILL SMALL... LIKE T-REX', '>>{ColonelSanders_1930} : Exactly. Why should we tolerate all the violence, hatred and bigotry that has come from the leftists this election?', '>>{bzznga} : LOL!!!! I have calf muscles for the first time in my life. Arms do need work... :-)', ">>{dbSterling} : I think we will. Because by and large, we're obsessed with trends and media moments. The election is gonna be a worldwide event and the sensationalist, snapchat-addicted youth aren't going to miss out", '>>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : I lightly chuckled at this, have an upvote.', '>>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : But I thought Russia totally interfered in our election? When are we going to pass more sanctions on Russia? Were Democrats lying?', ">>{sheravi} : Well that looks neat....IT'S HOW MUCH?!", '>>{gamechanger55} : There will forever be a wall enforced by the left against fascists.', '>>{peterfalkcolumbo} : Ticketmaster will love this! So glad the Senate is lookin out for them.', ">>{graay_ghost} : I don't think they should bother translating. Kellyanne Conway said that we shouldn't listen to what comes out of his mouth, anyway, but rather what's in his heart, right?", '>>{ColonelSanders_1930} : Amti-Trump protesters have caused by far more violence, hatred and bigotry than any other group of people this election. And it should not be tolerated. These animals somehow feel justified in attacking innocent American people', ">>{RudegarWithFunnyHat} : the definition of the word is [here] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism) you don't have to speak Italian but it helps", ">>{teambeemer} : Exercise uses neurons, signals, brain cycles - this is what I'm thinking.", ">>{meep_meep_mope} : You're right because the government is only ever capable of focusing on one single solitary issue at a time and that bill, like all bills was probably only written and passed within a month. You guys are so smart!", '>>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : The Democrats are losing power in a month. When are they going to step up against what Russia did to your precious party?', ">>{irrelevant_canadian} : I'm going to have to agree with with my countryman Norm Macdonald, Hamilton was pretty shitty.", '>>{lipring69} : why? You can resell tickets on Ticketmaster. Preventing scalping prevents ticketmaster from making money from outrageous resells.', ">>{ColonelSanders_1930} : I know the definition and that doesn't answer my question", '>>{ChomskysChekist} : Be mad when people react poorly to intolerant speech brehs', ">>{sidogz} : It's not that simple though. The parts of your brain that take care running aren't going to help you much when you're sitting at a desk doing mental gymnastics.", ">>{frackpot} : if millennials don't turn out to swing the election to clinton and trump wins then they will, in the future, be called to account. Maybe even worse than the 'baby boomers' who 'fucked everything up'", '>>{teambeemer} : O yes they will. Physical exercise contributes to mental performance. This fact is well known. Care for references?', '>>{Ecocrexis} : Right so find me a definition of Fascism that applies to Trump and justifies violence against his democratic supporters.', ">>{Downbound92} : It's amazing how effective the government can be against ticket bots, an industry without lobbyists.", '>>{spaceghoti} : Younger adults don\'t tend to turn out the vote very often. This statistical trend has been holding true for as long as they\'ve been tracking it in US elections. So the answer is most likely "no, not yet."', ">>{misterroboto84} : Being bilingual, I can confirm. Trying to translate to my wife what this clown says is a major challenge. I gave up trying to convey the precise meaning Trump was going for (most of the time, I don't even know myself) and I just give a vague description. If the orange idiot is not going to put any effort into structuring his speech, I don't see why I should.", '>>{princehal} : In these respects, he seems to reflect his supporters.', ">>{JonEverhart} : He talks like an 8 year old because that's how he believes he is best received by his supporters. Take that as you will lol.", ">>{Gb_beringei} : No syntax. No syntax. You're a syntax. Sad!", ">>{robotzor} : I mean, I will, but I'm not sure too many people will be happy with that", ">>{frackpot} : time to come back to the two choices we have---not so good and totally batshitcrazy . It's your future.", ">>{LeviathanfromMars} : That's why I said the senate aren't dick heads.", '>>{YourBlogSucksToo} : Yes, the GOP is going to get right on that investigation. aaaaany time now..', ">>{violentintenttoday} : and by 'more' you mean 'all of it'", '>>{ColonelSanders_1930} : How exactly are Trump and his supporters fascists? And because you incorrectly label them that, you support these animals who feel justified in attacking innocent American people? Wow.', '>>{gamechanger55} : http://rense.com/general37/fascism.htm >Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. Trumps complete disdain for anything other than american. His entire campaign is run on American exceptional-ism. >Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc. "We should torture even if it doesn\'t work" and "we should kill the families of terrorist". Brilliant quotes of Donald Trump with great regard for human rights. > Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc. Muslims, mexicans, blacks, minorites......anyone non white >Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. Largest most powerful military in the world just keeps needing more and more money. >Rampant Sexism - The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution. "Blood coming out of her whatever" Donald Trump >Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common. Unfortunately for Trump and his gang he doesn\'t have this ticked yet. I\'m sure he will though cause he\'s promised to go after media for nonsense...First amendment not important at all. >Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. "Ban all Muslims from america" Donald trump. Constant bickering from his gang that isis is taking over american when it is factually true than isis is in syria....half way around the globe....and is at the moment loosing ground. >Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government\'s policies or actions. Fortunately for Trump i doubt he\'s ever even read a word of the bible. Right has shown that given the chance they\'ed cross out the first amendment again and enforce Christianity on america. >Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite. Fortunately for trump his rhetoric doesn\'t fit this narrative. Unfortunately for him he is the embodiment of corporate corrupting power over the american middle class. >Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed. Labor power = communism in his supporters minds. Clear lack of understanding of the influence of labor and unions in protecting the american middle class. >Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked. Dismissal of climate change in the face of all the evidence. >Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations. Absolute love of police. Dismissal of police abuse against African American. >Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders. Fortunately for trump he\'s never held power to fulfill this mark >Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections. Fortunately for trump he\'s never held office to tick of this mark. 10/14->71%....i\'d say that\'s a pass.', '>>{cajunrajing} : This millennial plans to, and hopes to help throw some purple on Texas. Doing what I can get my fellow millennials to understand the importance of voting, and especially in this election.', ">>{Xerazal} : And you want us to vote for one of those? We won't progress, not stagnation or regression. Youbcant blame us for being unenthusiastic.", ">>{frackpot} : no choice is a choice, hey I'm not that happy with the choices either but I can see what a trump presidency will be, and you guys will be totally fucked. In THIS election a protest vote is a vote for trump. Gear up for 2020 ---my choice Warren by a mile", ">>{Mistborn_Jedi} : If only his heart put out Morse code or something. But it's currently beating out the definition of fascism.", ">>{venicerocco} : No one would EVER HIRE THIS MAN. Because he wouldn't last ten minutes in a job interview where you have to impress people in a position of power over you. He's had ZERO experience doing this kind of thing.", '>>{MrLister} : Only in swing states. If you live in a solid red or blur state, by all means vote 3rd party.', ">>{Olyvyr} : From Sanders to Trump? Jesus Christ you're a dumbass.", ">>{ChomskysChekist} : You can certainly try. It's within your right.", '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : Sticking to the first half of your username. Have an a upvote', ">>{Armypharmacist} : I'm amazed that a politically neutral post made it on the front page of politics.", ">>{frackpot} : Right you are 100%--Ca. here and I'm preeettty sure Clinton has a lock---I'm writing in Warren", '>>{alpha_dk} : I think many will, and it will be reflected in 3rd party voting.', '>>{blatherskiter} : Protesters **clash** with supporters is an interesting way to say "protesters **physically assault** supporters while carrying Mexican flags and burning American flags"', '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : Explain how that helps me get a concert ticket.', '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : I like to say: you sound like you need a nap.', ">>{Scwinsett} : I need to see it in action to tell if it's good or not", ">>{TheRealSilverBlade} : This won't do anything. Wouldn't it be much easier to pass a law that forces venues to cross-check a physical credit card with the purchaser information on the computer? That way, any ticket purchased through scalpers will be entirely denied entry, as the names won't match, and the scalpers wouldn't have the ability to sell them.", ">>{VROF} : So this is a transcripts of [his speech to the CIA](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jSf6Uxm2u2aPjyQsms-Iir6_0R2aMznB8ttribH9-R0/edit) >And I want to just let you know: I am so behind you. And I know, maybe sometimes, you haven’t gotten the backing that you’ve wanted. And you’re going to get so much backing. Maybe you’re going to say “please don’t give us so much backing”. [laughter] “Mr President, please, we don’t need that much backing”. What the fuck is that drivel? How in the hell is this man president? He sounds like a moron. Oh well, maybe he's just dumb; not dangerous >The old expression: “to the victor belong the spoils” - you remember? You always used to say “keep the oil”. I wasn’t a fan of Iraq. I didn’t want to go into Iraq. But I will tell you. When we were in, we got out wrong. >And I always said: “In addition to that, keep the oil”. >Now I said it for economic reasons, but if you think about, Mike, if we kept the oil we would probably wouldn’t have ISIS, because that’s where they made their money in the first place. So we should have kept the oil. >But okay. [laughter] **Maybe we’ll have another chance.** >But the fact is: we should’ve kept the oil. I believe that this group is going to be one of the most important groups in this country towards making us safe, towards making us winners again. Towards ending all of the problems -- we have so many problems that are interrelated that we don’t even think of, but interrelated -- to the kind of havoc and fear that this sick group of people has caused. So, we elected a president who doesn't understand it is [illegal](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2016/09/09/trump-thinks-the-u-s-should-take-the-oil-in-iraq-heres-why-that-is-not-so-easy/?utm_term=.73281996f548) for the U.S. to invade Iraq and steal their oil. >Seizing the natural resources of a sovereign nation after invading it would violate the Geneva Conventions. Indeed, that’s why the United States went to war with Iraq the first time: In 1990 Iraq invaded another sovereign country, Kuwait, to take its oil reserves. Every fucking day a new level of Trump's dumbassery reveals itself EDIT: just read that the clapping during the speech [was people Trump brought with him](https://twitter.com/jasonleopold/status/823033027953500160), not CIA employees. WTF? This shit again?", ">>{Xerazal} : That's my problem. I'm in a swing state. Idk what to do. I'm constantly debating with myself if I should vote Clinton or not. I honestly don't trust her at all, and I view her as stagnation. I think she'll pull us into another war, and go back on much of her platform. But trump, man... I really don't wanna vote. I hate what the DNC did during the primaries. And Clinton is the worst possible choice, beaten only by trump, for president.", ">>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : Some conservatives cant comprehend big words or lots of different words at once, it's better for them to hear a repeat for comprehension.", ">>{MrLister} : That's the tough part. Your vote actually does make a difference unlike mine, and one of those reprehensible turds is going to win. Personally I'd vote for whichever of the two I hated less if I were in your situation. I think the only swing state voters who can really vote 3rd party are those who truly see no difference between Clinton & Trump.", '>>{data2dave} : He hones his honer without Malania almost every night between tweets.', '>>{ezreading} : Hey, someone posted a new thread about this Trump rally. You should go post "tolerant leftists" in that one too, just like in all the other threads about this.', ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : > From Sanders to Trump? They're probably just a lying troll. There should be a Reddit Razor: Never assume that obnoxious moron really holds those opinions.", '>>{TemperRed} : Mental illness, geriatric dementia, early on-set Alzheimer\'s, "temperamentally-unfit".', ">>{data2dave} : Educated people are aghast. My politically inactive mate is so inflamed at this shit being elected that she's now up for fighting to defeat Republicans forever.", '>>{ColonelSanders_1930} : Which law states that I can assault somebody because they hurt my feelings?', ">>{HeavyMetaler} : He's the best. The best speaker. Also, the best president. Best president.", ">>{MrB398} : Sounds like a common person. Like wtf do you people want, AI's with perfect linguistics? Put up or shut up, go find a real issue, you should start looking now for a candidate to beat Trump in 2020. Should be easy, right guys?", ">>{breezeblock87} : i'd think of the Supreme Court. Congress is likely to stay in GOP-control, so HRC won't be able to go off the rails...Trump though...not sure anyone would be there able to obstruct him if GOP has Congress & the Supreme Court on lock.", ">>{MEsniff} : Let's be honest folks this is why he is so popular, he is a stupid person's idea of a smart person.", ">>{Ecocrexis} : I just want you to know I didn't read your post. Because nothing justifies violence against people exercising their democratic rights. Thanks for wasting so much time on it and achieving nothing. You could almost be Bernie Sanders", ">>{Ecocrexis} : I didn't change the articles title. However you are right the violence was almost exclusively against Trump supporters.", ">>{BelieveEnemie} : I can't wait to see these terroristic Mexican nationalists deported and marginalized under President Trump.", ">>{duffmanhb} : It's incredible to see these things unfold as they literally fall into the playbook of both the left and right. Trump is intentionally holding his rallies in areas with large minority populations, in regions he doesn't even need to be at (LOL, Anaheim? Really? Orange County? The conservative stronghold of CA which no Republican even bothers campaigning in because it's an easy win?) because he knows it'll incite protests and turmoil which will just act as a medium to propel his message. Meanwhile, the left is hiring activists to form these protests because they want to create a racial divide and incite hate against Trump.", ">>{gamechanger55} : >I just want you to know I didn't read your post. Not reading things seems to be a connection between most trump supports so it's fine. I didn't expect they can. > achieving nothing You sure? >You could almost be Bernie Sanders Would be an honor.", '>>{Ecocrexis} : >Because nothing justifies violence against people exercising their democratic rights. If you think violence against democracy is ok then your the fascist. God its almost to easy with idiots like you', '>>{ColonelSanders_1930} : 1 *alleged* incident and 1 woman who was shoved, yet otherwise unharmed VS. Video evidence of entire mobs of degenerates punching, kicking and throwing objects at multiple innocent people at multiple rallies. Nice try', '>>{deathtotheemperor} : Where the fuck do you live that this sounds like a common person?', ">>{eightsixwks} : For someone who hasn't read a book for decades, he's done as well as he could.", '>>{gamechanger55} : >Because nothing justifies violence against people exercising their democratic rights. Something his supporter live by i presume? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LX4Q643aEU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzU3FLZgIhc', ">>{bk15dcx} : We will get rid of all of the Sin Tax, I'll tell you, the Sin Tax we have is not working. It doesn't work. I should know. I deal with a lot of Sin Tax. I know the best Sin Tax. We will eliminate the Sin Tax and make America Great Again.", ">>{ColonelSanders_1930} : Again another incident leaving everyone unharmed. You're trying really hard to justify the violent actions of your people", ">>{SchwarzerKaffee} : He's like a magic 8 ball but with less insight.", ">>{dtg99} : Yes, he's painfully, dangerously stupid and is lauded by his brain dead followers for it. This is all common knowledge.", ">>{Gb_beringei} : He's not wrong. Go to Walmart on Saturday afternoon. Those are average Americans (common people) sitting on the peak of the intelligence/IQ bell curve. Ask them a question about a subject they know nothing about. I'll bet that most of them string together half-formed stream-of-consciousness sentences just like Trump. That's why he's the president. We're all fucked.", '>>{dtg99} : The common person has the intellectual and emotional capacity of a small child?', '>>{Ecocrexis} : Something everyone should live by. Unfortunately it seems that the protesters at the majority of these events have a hard on for attacking peaceful people.', ">>{SadPanthersFan} : Nobody has more mental illnesses than me. Massive successful illnesses, they say. And it's great! You know? It's truly great. I mean I could run my thinking and be president at the same time. Nobody else could do it, nobody but us in here. Which is why I will devest all my ills to my two sons. Two suns too? I love it! Just great! See that's why I love NASA, they support having two suns, Eric and Donald Jr. You know I'm an intelligent crustacean! The best dementia, repealed day one! #MAGMA!!!", '>>{runolo6} : say the cowardly French. shouldnt they be waving a white flag somewhere?', ">>{Dongsquad420BlazeIt} : Which comes as a surprise to absolutely no one. It's been their MO from the start. Call the other side fascist bigot racists and then literally physically assault them and burn American flags. Absolute insanity.", ">>{not_a_throwaway23} : Yeah, you'll get lots of people on your side by burning the flag.", '>>{not_a_throwaway23} : All the violence is coming from these pro-immigration people.', '>>{VROF} : Yes. Many layers. Also, peeling it makes you cry', ">>{KingPickle} : Oh, you don't speak media? It's so easy! Let me show you how. Term|Meaning :--|:-- Clash|Get in a fight and/or throw things Violence|Hold up a chair and/or yell Slams|Make a pun about opponent Feud|A series of corny tweets Eviscerates|Quote opponent out of context Destroys| Quote opponent from years ago Takes Down|Use selective data points to distort opponent's record Shocks|Deliver focus-tested message at major media event Fumbles|Give an honest unscripted answer Stumbles|Loss of major points in a poll Struggles|Still winning in polls, but with smaller lead Suspends|Quits Quits|Gets lucrative job at lobbying firm or bank", '>>{dave63} : Trump may have a speech disorder or other neurological defect. http://www.liberalamerica.org/2016/07/22/this-speech-expert-thinks-trump-has-a-disorder-heres-why-video/', '>>{LoneArtificer} : Do presidents have to undertake some kind of objective psychological evaluation before they are allowed to take office? Because if you compare [this interview from 1988] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZpMJeynBeg) with [this speech from last year] (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/donald-trumps-rambling-90-second-speech-stuns-english-speaking-world_uk_57ab37d7e4b08ab70dc0f646) there is a stark contrast between the two. Edit: a word', '>>{yeahscience62} : Be prepared as this will probably be the big story of the day. Not a Trump fan, but that does not give someone else the right to sucker punch someone else just because they have a differing view on these TWO very awful candidates this upcoming election', '>>{theaceoffire} : I honestly interpreted your statement at first as if you were translating from Trumpeese to English.', '>>{Honest__Hypocrite} : But "he\'s, like, a smart person." He\'s "got a very good brain," and he\'s "said lots of things." God help us. Save us from this man with a tenuous grasp of the English language and a staggering inability to form a coherent thought. Amen.', ">>{gamechanger55} : I'd vote for clinton if she's indicted and is still the nominee against fascists like trump and gang. It would be my honor and the right thing to do.", ">>{gardenia42} : I'm all out of tears. I just cry hate fire now.", '>>{Donald_Drunk_On_Piss} : “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”', ">>{roterghost} : That's more useful than tears. Hate will help you take action.", ">>{not_a_throwaway23} : I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but most cities have large minority populations. So Trump should just hold all his rallies out in a cornfield somewhere?", ">>{duffmanhb} : Politically, he's campaigning in areas which serve him no purpose. He needs to be be in areas he can flip. But going to overwhelming Republican hotbeds, like Orange County is just as useless as going to Democratic strong holds like San Jose. The only reason he's holding these events are entirely for the protests that are sparked.", '>>{SilvarusLupus} : How many times do we have to say this. He. Speaks. Like. A. Third. Grader.', ">>{gamechanger55} : Oh don't worry. The tide is always flowing towards progress and if i have to wait it out for the next 8 years I will because we will win. There is absolutely no way in hell that I will take part in bringing fascism to america.", ">>{gardenia42} : Absolutely. Though being in Mississippi, my calls to my representatives are generally useless. I'll just be over here marching by myself till he pisses off the good ol boys.", '>>{DickFeely} : Have you ever sat in a diner in small town america?', '>>{travio} : His backing line is just his winning line with a different word.', ">>{lombar77} : I'd actually like to think your calls are more useful than mine would be in Oregon. I'm assuming most of your elected reps are on the deep red end of the spectrum however maybe some of them still have their country and constituents best interests at heart. I bet they barely ever hear directly from anyone so if you've got the time give them a call whenever you're able to and let them know your thoughts. Might actually do something. My elected reps think basically exactly like I do so calling them wouldn't do much more than allowing us to commiserate on how shitty things are.", '>>{not_a_throwaway23} : You may be right, but the optics of a filled stadium might be good for him. And stadiums tend to be in cities.', ">>{metaobject} : Plus, the CIA isn't invading Iraq (they could run some small operations, sure, but they're not a massive invasion force). Why is he talking to them about this? Did he get confused and think he was talking to the Army/Marines?", ">>{gentoo1101} : It's so his mentally challenged supporters can understand what he's saying, or at least some of the words.", ">>{duffmanhb} : There are COUNTLESS stadiums across the US... Just about every college has a massive stadium. He's not going to those places because of the stadium... I assure you. It's because he knows there are a lot of minorities, mainly Hispanic, and those protests against him only build his brand. Everytime a Mexican flag is waved at his protest, it just supports his anti-immigration message.", '>>{MONDARIZ} : A few weeks ago he complained the media ruined his beautiful flowing sentences...the man is delusional.', ">>{Urshulg} : As long as you vote for people like Hillary Clinton you'll never win. If she does win, maybe after 4-8 years when life still sucks for the working class you'll realize that. By lying and saying she's a progressive, she hurts the cause because she taints it. If Trump comes in and sucks, it will be blamed on right-wing policies, Sanders supporters will be able to claim they were right, and the progressive agenda will be vindicated. If Clinton comes in and we end up with more wealth inequality, bad foreign policy, and poor conditions for the working and middle class, it will be blamed on progressives and strengthen the right-wing cause.", ">>{gardenia42} : Oh, I do call. And email. And write letters. They don't tend to change their views if they keep getting re-elected. I feel like Sisyphus.", ">>{Ohthere530} : No. Because, like an onion, he's orange.", '>>{VROF} : The man has no fucking idea what he is doing, or what anyone else in government does.', '>>{lombar77} : Good on you. Keep it up. And if you have local friends who feel the same as you encourage them to call. May come a time with Trump just does even more off the wall shit and knowing they have support back home they will feel like they can stand up to him.', ">>{ialsohaveadobro} : And we're going to do so much [INSERT APPEALING CONCEPT] that you're going to be tired of [INSERT APPEALING CONCEPT]. You're going to say, Mr. President, please, no more [INSERT APPEALING CONCEPT]. [PAUSE FOR LAUGHTER OF RUBES OR SYCOPHANTS]", '>>{gamechanger55} : This is good in theory. But the danger lies in the details. How stable do you think trump could keep the country should he come into power and we end up in another economic collapse? How safe would you feel with his die hard supporters and their dear leader?', '>>{LoneArtificer} : Take my upvote, everyone needs to see this.', ">>{gardenia42} : You're not [wrong](https://imgur.com/54F0l3H). Color is pretty spot on.", ">>{verbose_gent} : If a person didn't speak like that when they were younger and healthier, would it be a sign of dementia if it started happening to them in their late 60's? What if they used to be calm and they started calling people fat pigs bleeding out of there wherever or grabbing them by their pussies when they were elderly waking up at 4 am after staying up all night?", '>>{OmahaVike} : Clash insinuates that both sides had momentum against each other. "Attack" would be a much better word.', ">>{Sporkicide} : As a former resident, for every one who keeps at it, there are another two that haven't found the courage to speak up yet but have their eyes on those that have.", '>>{OmahaVike} : > There are COUNTLESS stadiums across the US TIL there are [226 stadiums in the US that have a capacity of 20,000 or greater](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._stadiums_by_capacity)', ">>{metaobject} : Some people think that running the country is an extremely complex task that requires the president's full attention as well as a certain level of curiosity regarding world affairs. He has neither of these. He clearly only cares about himself. Why else would you stand in front of the memorial wall in the CIA and talk about Time magazine covers, his feud with the media, etc, etc and NOT mention the significance of the wall behind him. He outright disrespected all of those fallen Americans while trying to pump up his ego. So, some people want a president who's way smarter than the average/common person because solving the problems of the country requires deep thought, new ideas, and the ability to form coherent sentences. Each word the president uses needs to be carefully chosen because those words form sentences which become official US statements that can move markets and disturb both our allies and our enemies.", ">>{not_a_throwaway23} : You would think the pro-immigration groups would catch onto this then, but they're still sending their people to protest, just like Chicago. None of this is a spontaneous uprising.", ">>{duffmanhb} : Yeah, that's what blows me away how they are falling right into his hands... It's well known these protests are funded and planned ahead. I think their strategy is they want to create racial tensions. They probably plan on creating so much chaos, that it'll make donald too controversial and minorities will vote for Hillary out of fear.", ">>{totallyclips} : the thing he doesn't do, is listen to himself when he speaks", '>>{elister} : By protesters, they mean Bernie Sander supporters. https://twitter.com/DefendWallSt/status/738574855206010880', '>>{Urshulg} : Uhm, have you actually studied Clinton\'s "experience"? It involves bombings, regime change, and a whole lot of support for the same big players in the financial industry who collapsed the economy in 2008. She\'s a neoconservative masquerading as a progressive liberal. All she will bring is blood, sweat, and tears for the working class and middle class, all while making sure that poor people continue to be funneled into the prison system due to idiotic laws and unjust punishment. What world are you living in that you can\'t see that she\'s been a disaster, and will continue to be a disaster. In her world, she\'s only made minor mistakes. In the world I see, she\'s a representative of a privileged class that doesn\'t believe they\'re accountable for the actions they take while ruling over us stupid proles.', ">>{Sporkicide} : I saw a lot of stuff start to change after the shakeup in Katrina's aftermath. Didn't stick around long enough to gauge the lasting effects, but some of the old echo chambers are starting to break down.", '>>{gamechanger55} : All of what you said is correct. But can you answer these questions? >How stable do you think trump could keep the country should he come into power and we end up in another economic collapse? How safe would you feel with his die hard supporters and their dear leader?', '>>{wut_tf} : Probably has more to do with Republicans only voting for old fucks.', ">>{geg02006} : >Let's be honest folks Lol you sound like Trump", ">>{Boneary} : I felt that way with Rick Perry et al. If I were to go for a job interview, and didn't research the role, or read the person spec to get an idea of what they were looking for, I would never get it. Maybe in my next interview, I should speak vaguely and circle around any questions...", ">>{Ikinhaszkarmakplx2} : >he repeats the same phrases over and over You don't say...", '>>{jurassic_blam} : Wow. The defenses of Trump are getting pretty pathetic.', '>>{jurassic_blam} : What THE FUCK. Why do you want a common person in charge of the country? Have you met a common person? Have you ever been to Walmart? Would you trust any of those people with nuclear weapons?', ">>{Urshulg} : I don't think it would be any more unstable than what we experienced in 2008. After all, the next economic collapse will be caused by the same exact people as before. 8 years of Obama and the financial giants are bigger than ever. Are you talking about some apocalyptic Venezuela type of situation? I don't think there are going to be armed gangs of white supremacists roaming the streets looking for Jews and gypsies to round up. Almost all of the recent violence at Trump rallies has been protesters attacking Trump supporters. The Trump supporters did not respond by drawing their concealed handguns and administering on the spot street justice. They let the cops arrest the aggressors...because the Trump supporters were obeying the law.", ">>{throwtheshitatthem} : It actually isn't within their rights. You are ignorant of the very basic principles of democracy.", ">>{gamechanger55} : >I don't think it would be any more unstable than what we experienced in 2008. After all, the next economic collapse will be caused by the same exact people as before. Response to economic collapse matters in how it will recover from it. Sure obama's recovery was not good. Wait till you see trump. The guy suggested america default on its debt which would jeopardize the global economy. >Are you talking about some apocalyptic Venezuela type of situation? All it takes is trump to scapegoat a certain group of the population which he has proved he is more than willing to do.", ">>{Urshulg} : He knows how to manage bankruptcies legally. Regarding the scapegoating, Clinton has already scapegoated the white working class and written them off as a bunch of antiquated racists who don't know what it's like to be poor or disadvantaged or discriminated against. You know, despite white people making up the majority of people earning minimum wage.", '>>{Resist_Fascism} : and yet, he won. what does that tell you', ">>{frogandbanjo} : I'd call him a broken record, but that might imply the record *player* is in working condition.", ">>{Dr_Fuckenstein} : Stupid people like that because it makes them feel less dumb and more like Trump isn't an 'elite'.", ">>{gamechanger55} : >He knows how to manage bankruptcies legally. This is your answer to defaulting on the national debt would jeopardize the global economy? I thought conservative were the guardians of responsible economics? >He knows how to manage bankruptcies legally. you mean he knows how to con people into giving him money which he can then steal by filing for bankruptcy and default on his debts. >Clinton has already scapegoated the white working class and written them off as a bunch of antiquated racists who don't know what it's like to be poor or disadvantaged or discriminated against. You know, despite white people making up the majority of people earning minimum wage. White Americans have empirically better opportunities than minorities.", '>>{ethical_consumer} : Education reform has never been more crucial. Of course, Betsy DeVos will see to it that that never happens.', ">>{Urshulg} : Who said I was conservative? Let's be realistic, there's no way he'd actually default on the debt. I don't think we can talk about conning people into giving money when Clinton has raised more than any other candidate from corporate donors. Oh wait, those rich people funding her campaign are definitely expecting a return on their investment. White Americans born into middle-class or higher families have better opportunities than minorities born into lower class or poor families, just like minorities born into middle-class or higher families have better opportunities than white people born into poor or lower class families. Basically, if you're born poor you're probably fucked, no matter what color your skin is.", ">>{superbesssk} : > pretty well representative of what America has become I'm pretty sure you mean only represents the people who voted for him.", ">>{PurpleMentat} : I'm mentally ill. I tend to be able to speak in an understandable manner. There are very few mental illnesses that make one incoherent.", '>>{trump_rises} : https://mobile.twitter.com/DefendWallSt/status/738574855206010880 Bernie supporters beat up a Bernie supporter thinking he\'s a Trump supporter. Random guy shows up: "Wait, he\'s one of us!". They all hug it out & start chanting "Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!"', '>>{felesroo} : The same thing happened to my grandmother as dementia set in. It was sad to watch since she was a smart, verbose person who wrote constantly and taught special education. Dementia can tear down anyone.', '>>{BrodyKraut} : But a senile old man punched a protestor at a rally like 7 months ago!', '>>{PurpleMentat} : That modern bRepublicans will vote for anything with an R next to it, while modern Democrats turn out for charisma and likability more than policy.', ">>{Mystic_printer} : The fact that he got that many votes and that the rest of America couldn't/wouldn't stop him is pretty representative of what America has become.", '>>{Pen15Pump} : Perfect definition of an idiot. Fighting hatred and bigotry with hatred and bigotry, except with the addition of violence against women and children. Grow up shill.', ">>{growyurown} : Because the group of people he is speaking to can't comprehend a larger vocabulary.", ">>{umop_apisdn} : No, he is a stupid poor person's idea of a rich man. Stephen Fry is a a stupid person's idea of a smart man.", '>>{unexpectedrpdr} : I wonder if Melania counts Trumpese among her six spoken languages.', ">>{unexpectedrpdr} : Well his doctor did say all his tests came back positive. I'm assuming that includes Alzheimer's, NPD, and logorrhoea.", '>>{bleachworthy} : You know, this sin tax should be outlawed, bad hombres with fake sin tax! We have to act now!', ">>{RandySto} : His tweet about this is that he doesn't plan to **tax any syns.**", ">>{Mystic_printer} : English is not my first language although I speak it quite well. The first time I heard Trump talk I thought it was an it weird how much difficulty I had understanding him. He would talk and I couldn't really follow what he was saying. Then I read a transcript and holy crap! I'm still in a shock of disbelief that man got elected."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{tembbo} : Cubii Desk Elliptical: Might As Well Work Out While I Work, Right?', ">>{teambeemer} : This is a bad idea. The brain does not deal with interruptions or multitasking very well. To maximize brain power and productivity, keeping exercise separate from work time is important. Recall your phone number backwards, now recall 7 letters of the alphabet backwards. Notice the time differentials. Now recall your phone number backwards interlaced with the first 7 letters of the alphabet. For example: 912 555 1212 (this should take you 3 seconds) 2121 555 219 (this will take you close to 12 seconds) ABC DEF GHIJ (1 second) 9 A 1 B 2 C 5 D 5 E 5 F 1 G 2 H 1 I 2 J (this will take some people up to 30 seonds, using your phone number) 2 A 1 B 2 C 1 D 5 E 5 F 5 G 2 H 1 I 9 J (this will take some people up to a minute, using your phone number) Minutes. It's exponential.", '>>{phhhhart} : I use a treadmill desk. At first I could only do low level thinking stuff like email. Now I can walk at about 1.5 mph and my bottom half basically operates separately from my top half, and I can write material that requires a high level of concentration. I also do most of my conference calls while walking.', '>>{tembbo} : I have used both a treadmill desk and a bike desk. Treadmill desk is fine for mail and writing/using Word. Powerpoint and Excel which require fine hand movements, I still prefer a normal desk. Not very good with the bike desk...can basically just browse. On the treadmill desk, my "bottom half" goes on autopilot.', '>>{phhhhart} : Maybe different stokes for different folks? I suck at biking - can relate about not being able to work on a bike desk.', '>>{phhhhart} : Can relate to the bike desk experience. Prefer a recumbent bike any day.', ">>{sidogz} : I'm not saying you're wrong but doing a simple exercise and doing what you have described a pretty different things. Edit: a word", '>>{wadeboggins} : BUT LEGS WILL GET BIG WHILE ARMS STILL SMALL... LIKE T-REX', '>>{bzznga} : LOL!!!! I have calf muscles for the first time in my life. Arms do need work... :-)', ">>{sheravi} : Well that looks neat....IT'S HOW MUCH?!", ">>{teambeemer} : Exercise uses neurons, signals, brain cycles - this is what I'm thinking.", ">>{sidogz} : It's not that simple though. The parts of your brain that take care running aren't going to help you much when you're sitting at a desk doing mental gymnastics.", '>>{teambeemer} : O yes they will. Physical exercise contributes to mental performance. This fact is well known. Care for references?'], [">>{Trump_Era} : 'Trump’s vocabulary is limited, his syntax is broken; he repeats the same phrases over and over'", ">>{graay_ghost} : I don't think they should bother translating. Kellyanne Conway said that we shouldn't listen to what comes out of his mouth, anyway, but rather what's in his heart, right?", ">>{misterroboto84} : Being bilingual, I can confirm. Trying to translate to my wife what this clown says is a major challenge. I gave up trying to convey the precise meaning Trump was going for (most of the time, I don't even know myself) and I just give a vague description. If the orange idiot is not going to put any effort into structuring his speech, I don't see why I should.", '>>{princehal} : In these respects, he seems to reflect his supporters.', ">>{JonEverhart} : He talks like an 8 year old because that's how he believes he is best received by his supporters. Take that as you will lol.", ">>{Gb_beringei} : No syntax. No syntax. You're a syntax. Sad!", ">>{Mistborn_Jedi} : If only his heart put out Morse code or something. But it's currently beating out the definition of fascism.", ">>{venicerocco} : No one would EVER HIRE THIS MAN. Because he wouldn't last ten minutes in a job interview where you have to impress people in a position of power over you. He's had ZERO experience doing this kind of thing.", ">>{VROF} : So this is a transcripts of [his speech to the CIA](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jSf6Uxm2u2aPjyQsms-Iir6_0R2aMznB8ttribH9-R0/edit) >And I want to just let you know: I am so behind you. And I know, maybe sometimes, you haven’t gotten the backing that you’ve wanted. And you’re going to get so much backing. Maybe you’re going to say “please don’t give us so much backing”. [laughter] “Mr President, please, we don’t need that much backing”. What the fuck is that drivel? How in the hell is this man president? He sounds like a moron. Oh well, maybe he's just dumb; not dangerous >The old expression: “to the victor belong the spoils” - you remember? You always used to say “keep the oil”. I wasn’t a fan of Iraq. I didn’t want to go into Iraq. But I will tell you. When we were in, we got out wrong. >And I always said: “In addition to that, keep the oil”. >Now I said it for economic reasons, but if you think about, Mike, if we kept the oil we would probably wouldn’t have ISIS, because that’s where they made their money in the first place. So we should have kept the oil. >But okay. [laughter] **Maybe we’ll have another chance.** >But the fact is: we should’ve kept the oil. I believe that this group is going to be one of the most important groups in this country towards making us safe, towards making us winners again. Towards ending all of the problems -- we have so many problems that are interrelated that we don’t even think of, but interrelated -- to the kind of havoc and fear that this sick group of people has caused. So, we elected a president who doesn't understand it is [illegal](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2016/09/09/trump-thinks-the-u-s-should-take-the-oil-in-iraq-heres-why-that-is-not-so-easy/?utm_term=.73281996f548) for the U.S. to invade Iraq and steal their oil. >Seizing the natural resources of a sovereign nation after invading it would violate the Geneva Conventions. Indeed, that’s why the United States went to war with Iraq the first time: In 1990 Iraq invaded another sovereign country, Kuwait, to take its oil reserves. Every fucking day a new level of Trump's dumbassery reveals itself EDIT: just read that the clapping during the speech [was people Trump brought with him](https://twitter.com/jasonleopold/status/823033027953500160), not CIA employees. WTF? This shit again?", ">>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : Some conservatives cant comprehend big words or lots of different words at once, it's better for them to hear a repeat for comprehension.", '>>{data2dave} : He hones his honer without Malania almost every night between tweets.', '>>{TemperRed} : Mental illness, geriatric dementia, early on-set Alzheimer\'s, "temperamentally-unfit".', ">>{data2dave} : Educated people are aghast. My politically inactive mate is so inflamed at this shit being elected that she's now up for fighting to defeat Republicans forever.", ">>{HeavyMetaler} : He's the best. The best speaker. Also, the best president. Best president.", ">>{MrB398} : Sounds like a common person. Like wtf do you people want, AI's with perfect linguistics? Put up or shut up, go find a real issue, you should start looking now for a candidate to beat Trump in 2020. Should be easy, right guys?", ">>{MEsniff} : Let's be honest folks this is why he is so popular, he is a stupid person's idea of a smart person.", '>>{deathtotheemperor} : Where the fuck do you live that this sounds like a common person?', ">>{eightsixwks} : For someone who hasn't read a book for decades, he's done as well as he could.", ">>{bk15dcx} : We will get rid of all of the Sin Tax, I'll tell you, the Sin Tax we have is not working. It doesn't work. I should know. I deal with a lot of Sin Tax. I know the best Sin Tax. We will eliminate the Sin Tax and make America Great Again.", ">>{SchwarzerKaffee} : He's like a magic 8 ball but with less insight.", ">>{dtg99} : Yes, he's painfully, dangerously stupid and is lauded by his brain dead followers for it. This is all common knowledge.", ">>{Gb_beringei} : He's not wrong. Go to Walmart on Saturday afternoon. Those are average Americans (common people) sitting on the peak of the intelligence/IQ bell curve. Ask them a question about a subject they know nothing about. I'll bet that most of them string together half-formed stream-of-consciousness sentences just like Trump. That's why he's the president. We're all fucked.", '>>{dtg99} : The common person has the intellectual and emotional capacity of a small child?', ">>{SadPanthersFan} : Nobody has more mental illnesses than me. Massive successful illnesses, they say. And it's great! You know? It's truly great. I mean I could run my thinking and be president at the same time. Nobody else could do it, nobody but us in here. Which is why I will devest all my ills to my two sons. Two suns too? I love it! Just great! See that's why I love NASA, they support having two suns, Eric and Donald Jr. You know I'm an intelligent crustacean! The best dementia, repealed day one! #MAGMA!!!", '>>{runolo6} : say the cowardly French. shouldnt they be waving a white flag somewhere?', '>>{VROF} : Yes. Many layers. Also, peeling it makes you cry', '>>{dave63} : Trump may have a speech disorder or other neurological defect. http://www.liberalamerica.org/2016/07/22/this-speech-expert-thinks-trump-has-a-disorder-heres-why-video/', '>>{LoneArtificer} : Do presidents have to undertake some kind of objective psychological evaluation before they are allowed to take office? Because if you compare [this interview from 1988] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZpMJeynBeg) with [this speech from last year] (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/donald-trumps-rambling-90-second-speech-stuns-english-speaking-world_uk_57ab37d7e4b08ab70dc0f646) there is a stark contrast between the two. Edit: a word', '>>{theaceoffire} : I honestly interpreted your statement at first as if you were translating from Trumpeese to English.', '>>{Honest__Hypocrite} : But "he\'s, like, a smart person." He\'s "got a very good brain," and he\'s "said lots of things." God help us. Save us from this man with a tenuous grasp of the English language and a staggering inability to form a coherent thought. Amen.', ">>{gardenia42} : I'm all out of tears. I just cry hate fire now.", '>>{Donald_Drunk_On_Piss} : “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”', ">>{roterghost} : That's more useful than tears. Hate will help you take action.", '>>{SilvarusLupus} : How many times do we have to say this. He. Speaks. Like. A. Third. Grader.', ">>{gardenia42} : Absolutely. Though being in Mississippi, my calls to my representatives are generally useless. I'll just be over here marching by myself till he pisses off the good ol boys.", '>>{DickFeely} : Have you ever sat in a diner in small town america?', '>>{travio} : His backing line is just his winning line with a different word.', ">>{lombar77} : I'd actually like to think your calls are more useful than mine would be in Oregon. I'm assuming most of your elected reps are on the deep red end of the spectrum however maybe some of them still have their country and constituents best interests at heart. I bet they barely ever hear directly from anyone so if you've got the time give them a call whenever you're able to and let them know your thoughts. Might actually do something. My elected reps think basically exactly like I do so calling them wouldn't do much more than allowing us to commiserate on how shitty things are.", ">>{metaobject} : Plus, the CIA isn't invading Iraq (they could run some small operations, sure, but they're not a massive invasion force). Why is he talking to them about this? Did he get confused and think he was talking to the Army/Marines?", ">>{gentoo1101} : It's so his mentally challenged supporters can understand what he's saying, or at least some of the words.", '>>{MONDARIZ} : A few weeks ago he complained the media ruined his beautiful flowing sentences...the man is delusional.', ">>{gardenia42} : Oh, I do call. And email. And write letters. They don't tend to change their views if they keep getting re-elected. I feel like Sisyphus.", ">>{Ohthere530} : No. Because, like an onion, he's orange.", '>>{VROF} : The man has no fucking idea what he is doing, or what anyone else in government does.', '>>{lombar77} : Good on you. Keep it up. And if you have local friends who feel the same as you encourage them to call. May come a time with Trump just does even more off the wall shit and knowing they have support back home they will feel like they can stand up to him.', ">>{ialsohaveadobro} : And we're going to do so much [INSERT APPEALING CONCEPT] that you're going to be tired of [INSERT APPEALING CONCEPT]. You're going to say, Mr. President, please, no more [INSERT APPEALING CONCEPT]. [PAUSE FOR LAUGHTER OF RUBES OR SYCOPHANTS]", '>>{LoneArtificer} : Take my upvote, everyone needs to see this.', ">>{gardenia42} : You're not [wrong](https://imgur.com/54F0l3H). Color is pretty spot on.", ">>{verbose_gent} : If a person didn't speak like that when they were younger and healthier, would it be a sign of dementia if it started happening to them in their late 60's? What if they used to be calm and they started calling people fat pigs bleeding out of there wherever or grabbing them by their pussies when they were elderly waking up at 4 am after staying up all night?", ">>{Sporkicide} : As a former resident, for every one who keeps at it, there are another two that haven't found the courage to speak up yet but have their eyes on those that have.", ">>{metaobject} : Some people think that running the country is an extremely complex task that requires the president's full attention as well as a certain level of curiosity regarding world affairs. He has neither of these. He clearly only cares about himself. Why else would you stand in front of the memorial wall in the CIA and talk about Time magazine covers, his feud with the media, etc, etc and NOT mention the significance of the wall behind him. He outright disrespected all of those fallen Americans while trying to pump up his ego. So, some people want a president who's way smarter than the average/common person because solving the problems of the country requires deep thought, new ideas, and the ability to form coherent sentences. Each word the president uses needs to be carefully chosen because those words form sentences which become official US statements that can move markets and disturb both our allies and our enemies.", ">>{totallyclips} : the thing he doesn't do, is listen to himself when he speaks", ">>{Sporkicide} : I saw a lot of stuff start to change after the shakeup in Katrina's aftermath. Didn't stick around long enough to gauge the lasting effects, but some of the old echo chambers are starting to break down.", '>>{wut_tf} : Probably has more to do with Republicans only voting for old fucks.', ">>{geg02006} : >Let's be honest folks Lol you sound like Trump", ">>{Boneary} : I felt that way with Rick Perry et al. If I were to go for a job interview, and didn't research the role, or read the person spec to get an idea of what they were looking for, I would never get it. Maybe in my next interview, I should speak vaguely and circle around any questions...", ">>{Ikinhaszkarmakplx2} : >he repeats the same phrases over and over You don't say...", '>>{jurassic_blam} : Wow. The defenses of Trump are getting pretty pathetic.', '>>{jurassic_blam} : What THE FUCK. Why do you want a common person in charge of the country? Have you met a common person? Have you ever been to Walmart? Would you trust any of those people with nuclear weapons?', '>>{Resist_Fascism} : and yet, he won. what does that tell you', ">>{frogandbanjo} : I'd call him a broken record, but that might imply the record *player* is in working condition.", ">>{Dr_Fuckenstein} : Stupid people like that because it makes them feel less dumb and more like Trump isn't an 'elite'.", '>>{ethical_consumer} : Education reform has never been more crucial. Of course, Betsy DeVos will see to it that that never happens.', ">>{superbesssk} : > pretty well representative of what America has become I'm pretty sure you mean only represents the people who voted for him.", ">>{PurpleMentat} : I'm mentally ill. I tend to be able to speak in an understandable manner. There are very few mental illnesses that make one incoherent.", '>>{felesroo} : The same thing happened to my grandmother as dementia set in. It was sad to watch since she was a smart, verbose person who wrote constantly and taught special education. Dementia can tear down anyone.', '>>{PurpleMentat} : That modern bRepublicans will vote for anything with an R next to it, while modern Democrats turn out for charisma and likability more than policy.', ">>{Mystic_printer} : The fact that he got that many votes and that the rest of America couldn't/wouldn't stop him is pretty representative of what America has become.", ">>{growyurown} : Because the group of people he is speaking to can't comprehend a larger vocabulary.", ">>{umop_apisdn} : No, he is a stupid poor person's idea of a rich man. Stephen Fry is a a stupid person's idea of a smart man.", '>>{unexpectedrpdr} : I wonder if Melania counts Trumpese among her six spoken languages.', ">>{unexpectedrpdr} : Well his doctor did say all his tests came back positive. I'm assuming that includes Alzheimer's, NPD, and logorrhoea.", '>>{bleachworthy} : You know, this sin tax should be outlawed, bad hombres with fake sin tax! We have to act now!', ">>{RandySto} : His tweet about this is that he doesn't plan to **tax any syns.**", ">>{Mystic_printer} : English is not my first language although I speak it quite well. The first time I heard Trump talk I thought it was an it weird how much difficulty I had understanding him. He would talk and I couldn't really follow what he was saying. Then I read a transcript and holy crap! I'm still in a shock of disbelief that man got elected."], [">>{speckz} : 'I don’t like this election': will millennials, the biggest generation, turn out to vote?", ">>{DEYoungRepublicans} : Some will still turn out for downballot races, it's important to keep millennial perspective in the Senate and House.", ">>{dbSterling} : I think we will. Because by and large, we're obsessed with trends and media moments. The election is gonna be a worldwide event and the sensationalist, snapchat-addicted youth aren't going to miss out", ">>{frackpot} : if millennials don't turn out to swing the election to clinton and trump wins then they will, in the future, be called to account. Maybe even worse than the 'baby boomers' who 'fucked everything up'", '>>{spaceghoti} : Younger adults don\'t tend to turn out the vote very often. This statistical trend has been holding true for as long as they\'ve been tracking it in US elections. So the answer is most likely "no, not yet."', ">>{robotzor} : I mean, I will, but I'm not sure too many people will be happy with that", ">>{frackpot} : time to come back to the two choices we have---not so good and totally batshitcrazy . It's your future.", '>>{cajunrajing} : This millennial plans to, and hopes to help throw some purple on Texas. Doing what I can get my fellow millennials to understand the importance of voting, and especially in this election.', ">>{Xerazal} : And you want us to vote for one of those? We won't progress, not stagnation or regression. Youbcant blame us for being unenthusiastic.", ">>{frackpot} : no choice is a choice, hey I'm not that happy with the choices either but I can see what a trump presidency will be, and you guys will be totally fucked. In THIS election a protest vote is a vote for trump. Gear up for 2020 ---my choice Warren by a mile", '>>{MrLister} : Only in swing states. If you live in a solid red or blur state, by all means vote 3rd party.', ">>{frackpot} : Right you are 100%--Ca. here and I'm preeettty sure Clinton has a lock---I'm writing in Warren", '>>{alpha_dk} : I think many will, and it will be reflected in 3rd party voting.', ">>{Xerazal} : That's my problem. I'm in a swing state. Idk what to do. I'm constantly debating with myself if I should vote Clinton or not. I honestly don't trust her at all, and I view her as stagnation. I think she'll pull us into another war, and go back on much of her platform. But trump, man... I really don't wanna vote. I hate what the DNC did during the primaries. And Clinton is the worst possible choice, beaten only by trump, for president.", ">>{MrLister} : That's the tough part. Your vote actually does make a difference unlike mine, and one of those reprehensible turds is going to win. Personally I'd vote for whichever of the two I hated less if I were in your situation. I think the only swing state voters who can really vote 3rd party are those who truly see no difference between Clinton & Trump.", ">>{breezeblock87} : i'd think of the Supreme Court. Congress is likely to stay in GOP-control, so HRC won't be able to go off the rails...Trump though...not sure anyone would be there able to obstruct him if GOP has Congress & the Supreme Court on lock."], [">>{Son0fSun} : Senate clamps down on ticket scalpers as it passes 'Bots Act'", ">>{LeviathanfromMars} : It's not the senate who are complete dickwads, it's the house.", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : > “No ifs ands or bots about it, now that the ‘BOTS Act’ has passed the Senate, it’s up to the House to sweep the stage of bots so that actual fans can enjoy Hamilton, other hit Broadway shows and major concerts,” Schumer told the Daily News. Translation: Chuck Schumer can't get Hamilton tickets either.", '>>{Lvl_69_Meme_Master} : I lightly chuckled at this, have an upvote.', '>>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : But I thought Russia totally interfered in our election? When are we going to pass more sanctions on Russia? Were Democrats lying?', '>>{peterfalkcolumbo} : Ticketmaster will love this! So glad the Senate is lookin out for them.', ">>{meep_meep_mope} : You're right because the government is only ever capable of focusing on one single solitary issue at a time and that bill, like all bills was probably only written and passed within a month. You guys are so smart!", '>>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : The Democrats are losing power in a month. When are they going to step up against what Russia did to your precious party?', ">>{irrelevant_canadian} : I'm going to have to agree with with my countryman Norm Macdonald, Hamilton was pretty shitty.", '>>{lipring69} : why? You can resell tickets on Ticketmaster. Preventing scalping prevents ticketmaster from making money from outrageous resells.', ">>{Downbound92} : It's amazing how effective the government can be against ticket bots, an industry without lobbyists.", ">>{LeviathanfromMars} : That's why I said the senate aren't dick heads.", '>>{YourBlogSucksToo} : Yes, the GOP is going to get right on that investigation. aaaaany time now..', ">>{Olyvyr} : From Sanders to Trump? Jesus Christ you're a dumbass.", '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : Sticking to the first half of your username. Have an a upvote', ">>{Armypharmacist} : I'm amazed that a politically neutral post made it on the front page of politics.", '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : Explain how that helps me get a concert ticket.', '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : I like to say: you sound like you need a nap.', ">>{Scwinsett} : I need to see it in action to tell if it's good or not", ">>{TheRealSilverBlade} : This won't do anything. Wouldn't it be much easier to pass a law that forces venues to cross-check a physical credit card with the purchaser information on the computer? That way, any ticket purchased through scalpers will be entirely denied entry, as the names won't match, and the scalpers wouldn't have the ability to sell them.", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : > From Sanders to Trump? They're probably just a lying troll. There should be a Reddit Razor: Never assume that obnoxious moron really holds those opinions."], ['>>{Ecocrexis} : Violence erupts outside Donald Trump rally in San Jose as protesters clash with his supporters', '>>{ColonelSanders_1930} : Exactly. Why should we tolerate all the violence, hatred and bigotry that has come from the leftists this election?', '>>{gamechanger55} : There will forever be a wall enforced by the left against fascists.', '>>{ColonelSanders_1930} : Amti-Trump protesters have caused by far more violence, hatred and bigotry than any other group of people this election. And it should not be tolerated. These animals somehow feel justified in attacking innocent American people', ">>{RudegarWithFunnyHat} : the definition of the word is [here] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism) you don't have to speak Italian but it helps", ">>{ColonelSanders_1930} : I know the definition and that doesn't answer my question", '>>{ChomskysChekist} : Be mad when people react poorly to intolerant speech brehs', '>>{Ecocrexis} : Right so find me a definition of Fascism that applies to Trump and justifies violence against his democratic supporters.', ">>{violentintenttoday} : and by 'more' you mean 'all of it'", '>>{ColonelSanders_1930} : How exactly are Trump and his supporters fascists? And because you incorrectly label them that, you support these animals who feel justified in attacking innocent American people? Wow.', '>>{gamechanger55} : http://rense.com/general37/fascism.htm >Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. Trumps complete disdain for anything other than american. His entire campaign is run on American exceptional-ism. >Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc. "We should torture even if it doesn\'t work" and "we should kill the families of terrorist". Brilliant quotes of Donald Trump with great regard for human rights. > Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc. Muslims, mexicans, blacks, minorites......anyone non white >Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. Largest most powerful military in the world just keeps needing more and more money. >Rampant Sexism - The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution. "Blood coming out of her whatever" Donald Trump >Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common. Unfortunately for Trump and his gang he doesn\'t have this ticked yet. I\'m sure he will though cause he\'s promised to go after media for nonsense...First amendment not important at all. >Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. "Ban all Muslims from america" Donald trump. Constant bickering from his gang that isis is taking over american when it is factually true than isis is in syria....half way around the globe....and is at the moment loosing ground. >Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government\'s policies or actions. Fortunately for Trump i doubt he\'s ever even read a word of the bible. Right has shown that given the chance they\'ed cross out the first amendment again and enforce Christianity on america. >Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite. Fortunately for trump his rhetoric doesn\'t fit this narrative. Unfortunately for him he is the embodiment of corporate corrupting power over the american middle class. >Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed. Labor power = communism in his supporters minds. Clear lack of understanding of the influence of labor and unions in protecting the american middle class. >Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked. Dismissal of climate change in the face of all the evidence. >Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations. Absolute love of police. Dismissal of police abuse against African American. >Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders. Fortunately for trump he\'s never held power to fulfill this mark >Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections. Fortunately for trump he\'s never held office to tick of this mark. 10/14->71%....i\'d say that\'s a pass.', ">>{ChomskysChekist} : You can certainly try. It's within your right.", '>>{blatherskiter} : Protesters **clash** with supporters is an interesting way to say "protesters **physically assault** supporters while carrying Mexican flags and burning American flags"', '>>{ezreading} : Hey, someone posted a new thread about this Trump rally. You should go post "tolerant leftists" in that one too, just like in all the other threads about this.', '>>{ColonelSanders_1930} : Which law states that I can assault somebody because they hurt my feelings?', ">>{Ecocrexis} : I just want you to know I didn't read your post. Because nothing justifies violence against people exercising their democratic rights. Thanks for wasting so much time on it and achieving nothing. You could almost be Bernie Sanders", ">>{Ecocrexis} : I didn't change the articles title. However you are right the violence was almost exclusively against Trump supporters.", ">>{BelieveEnemie} : I can't wait to see these terroristic Mexican nationalists deported and marginalized under President Trump.", ">>{duffmanhb} : It's incredible to see these things unfold as they literally fall into the playbook of both the left and right. Trump is intentionally holding his rallies in areas with large minority populations, in regions he doesn't even need to be at (LOL, Anaheim? Really? Orange County? The conservative stronghold of CA which no Republican even bothers campaigning in because it's an easy win?) because he knows it'll incite protests and turmoil which will just act as a medium to propel his message. Meanwhile, the left is hiring activists to form these protests because they want to create a racial divide and incite hate against Trump.", ">>{gamechanger55} : >I just want you to know I didn't read your post. Not reading things seems to be a connection between most trump supports so it's fine. I didn't expect they can. > achieving nothing You sure? >You could almost be Bernie Sanders Would be an honor.", '>>{Ecocrexis} : >Because nothing justifies violence against people exercising their democratic rights. If you think violence against democracy is ok then your the fascist. God its almost to easy with idiots like you', '>>{ColonelSanders_1930} : 1 *alleged* incident and 1 woman who was shoved, yet otherwise unharmed VS. Video evidence of entire mobs of degenerates punching, kicking and throwing objects at multiple innocent people at multiple rallies. Nice try', '>>{gamechanger55} : >Because nothing justifies violence against people exercising their democratic rights. Something his supporter live by i presume? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LX4Q643aEU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzU3FLZgIhc', ">>{ColonelSanders_1930} : Again another incident leaving everyone unharmed. You're trying really hard to justify the violent actions of your people", '>>{Ecocrexis} : Something everyone should live by. Unfortunately it seems that the protesters at the majority of these events have a hard on for attacking peaceful people.', ">>{Dongsquad420BlazeIt} : Which comes as a surprise to absolutely no one. It's been their MO from the start. Call the other side fascist bigot racists and then literally physically assault them and burn American flags. Absolute insanity.", ">>{not_a_throwaway23} : Yeah, you'll get lots of people on your side by burning the flag.", '>>{not_a_throwaway23} : All the violence is coming from these pro-immigration people.', ">>{KingPickle} : Oh, you don't speak media? It's so easy! Let me show you how. Term|Meaning :--|:-- Clash|Get in a fight and/or throw things Violence|Hold up a chair and/or yell Slams|Make a pun about opponent Feud|A series of corny tweets Eviscerates|Quote opponent out of context Destroys| Quote opponent from years ago Takes Down|Use selective data points to distort opponent's record Shocks|Deliver focus-tested message at major media event Fumbles|Give an honest unscripted answer Stumbles|Loss of major points in a poll Struggles|Still winning in polls, but with smaller lead Suspends|Quits Quits|Gets lucrative job at lobbying firm or bank", '>>{yeahscience62} : Be prepared as this will probably be the big story of the day. Not a Trump fan, but that does not give someone else the right to sucker punch someone else just because they have a differing view on these TWO very awful candidates this upcoming election', ">>{gamechanger55} : I'd vote for clinton if she's indicted and is still the nominee against fascists like trump and gang. It would be my honor and the right thing to do.", ">>{not_a_throwaway23} : I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but most cities have large minority populations. So Trump should just hold all his rallies out in a cornfield somewhere?", ">>{duffmanhb} : Politically, he's campaigning in areas which serve him no purpose. He needs to be be in areas he can flip. But going to overwhelming Republican hotbeds, like Orange County is just as useless as going to Democratic strong holds like San Jose. The only reason he's holding these events are entirely for the protests that are sparked.", ">>{gamechanger55} : Oh don't worry. The tide is always flowing towards progress and if i have to wait it out for the next 8 years I will because we will win. There is absolutely no way in hell that I will take part in bringing fascism to america.", '>>{not_a_throwaway23} : You may be right, but the optics of a filled stadium might be good for him. And stadiums tend to be in cities.', ">>{duffmanhb} : There are COUNTLESS stadiums across the US... Just about every college has a massive stadium. He's not going to those places because of the stadium... I assure you. It's because he knows there are a lot of minorities, mainly Hispanic, and those protests against him only build his brand. Everytime a Mexican flag is waved at his protest, it just supports his anti-immigration message.", ">>{Urshulg} : As long as you vote for people like Hillary Clinton you'll never win. If she does win, maybe after 4-8 years when life still sucks for the working class you'll realize that. By lying and saying she's a progressive, she hurts the cause because she taints it. If Trump comes in and sucks, it will be blamed on right-wing policies, Sanders supporters will be able to claim they were right, and the progressive agenda will be vindicated. If Clinton comes in and we end up with more wealth inequality, bad foreign policy, and poor conditions for the working and middle class, it will be blamed on progressives and strengthen the right-wing cause.", '>>{gamechanger55} : This is good in theory. But the danger lies in the details. How stable do you think trump could keep the country should he come into power and we end up in another economic collapse? How safe would you feel with his die hard supporters and their dear leader?', '>>{OmahaVike} : Clash insinuates that both sides had momentum against each other. "Attack" would be a much better word.', '>>{OmahaVike} : > There are COUNTLESS stadiums across the US TIL there are [226 stadiums in the US that have a capacity of 20,000 or greater](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._stadiums_by_capacity)', ">>{not_a_throwaway23} : You would think the pro-immigration groups would catch onto this then, but they're still sending their people to protest, just like Chicago. None of this is a spontaneous uprising.", ">>{duffmanhb} : Yeah, that's what blows me away how they are falling right into his hands... It's well known these protests are funded and planned ahead. I think their strategy is they want to create racial tensions. They probably plan on creating so much chaos, that it'll make donald too controversial and minorities will vote for Hillary out of fear.", '>>{elister} : By protesters, they mean Bernie Sander supporters. https://twitter.com/DefendWallSt/status/738574855206010880', '>>{Urshulg} : Uhm, have you actually studied Clinton\'s "experience"? It involves bombings, regime change, and a whole lot of support for the same big players in the financial industry who collapsed the economy in 2008. She\'s a neoconservative masquerading as a progressive liberal. All she will bring is blood, sweat, and tears for the working class and middle class, all while making sure that poor people continue to be funneled into the prison system due to idiotic laws and unjust punishment. What world are you living in that you can\'t see that she\'s been a disaster, and will continue to be a disaster. In her world, she\'s only made minor mistakes. In the world I see, she\'s a representative of a privileged class that doesn\'t believe they\'re accountable for the actions they take while ruling over us stupid proles.', '>>{gamechanger55} : All of what you said is correct. But can you answer these questions? >How stable do you think trump could keep the country should he come into power and we end up in another economic collapse? How safe would you feel with his die hard supporters and their dear leader?', ">>{Urshulg} : I don't think it would be any more unstable than what we experienced in 2008. After all, the next economic collapse will be caused by the same exact people as before. 8 years of Obama and the financial giants are bigger than ever. Are you talking about some apocalyptic Venezuela type of situation? I don't think there are going to be armed gangs of white supremacists roaming the streets looking for Jews and gypsies to round up. Almost all of the recent violence at Trump rallies has been protesters attacking Trump supporters. The Trump supporters did not respond by drawing their concealed handguns and administering on the spot street justice. They let the cops arrest the aggressors...because the Trump supporters were obeying the law.", ">>{throwtheshitatthem} : It actually isn't within their rights. You are ignorant of the very basic principles of democracy.", ">>{gamechanger55} : >I don't think it would be any more unstable than what we experienced in 2008. After all, the next economic collapse will be caused by the same exact people as before. Response to economic collapse matters in how it will recover from it. Sure obama's recovery was not good. Wait till you see trump. The guy suggested america default on its debt which would jeopardize the global economy. >Are you talking about some apocalyptic Venezuela type of situation? All it takes is trump to scapegoat a certain group of the population which he has proved he is more than willing to do.", ">>{Urshulg} : He knows how to manage bankruptcies legally. Regarding the scapegoating, Clinton has already scapegoated the white working class and written them off as a bunch of antiquated racists who don't know what it's like to be poor or disadvantaged or discriminated against. You know, despite white people making up the majority of people earning minimum wage.", ">>{gamechanger55} : >He knows how to manage bankruptcies legally. This is your answer to defaulting on the national debt would jeopardize the global economy? I thought conservative were the guardians of responsible economics? >He knows how to manage bankruptcies legally. you mean he knows how to con people into giving him money which he can then steal by filing for bankruptcy and default on his debts. >Clinton has already scapegoated the white working class and written them off as a bunch of antiquated racists who don't know what it's like to be poor or disadvantaged or discriminated against. You know, despite white people making up the majority of people earning minimum wage. White Americans have empirically better opportunities than minorities.", ">>{Urshulg} : Who said I was conservative? Let's be realistic, there's no way he'd actually default on the debt. I don't think we can talk about conning people into giving money when Clinton has raised more than any other candidate from corporate donors. Oh wait, those rich people funding her campaign are definitely expecting a return on their investment. White Americans born into middle-class or higher families have better opportunities than minorities born into lower class or poor families, just like minorities born into middle-class or higher families have better opportunities than white people born into poor or lower class families. Basically, if you're born poor you're probably fucked, no matter what color your skin is.", '>>{trump_rises} : https://mobile.twitter.com/DefendWallSt/status/738574855206010880 Bernie supporters beat up a Bernie supporter thinking he\'s a Trump supporter. Random guy shows up: "Wait, he\'s one of us!". They all hug it out & start chanting "Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!"', '>>{BrodyKraut} : But a senile old man punched a protestor at a rally like 7 months ago!', '>>{Pen15Pump} : Perfect definition of an idiot. Fighting hatred and bigotry with hatred and bigotry, except with the addition of violence against women and children. Grow up shill.']]
classify and reply
[">>{Cuckberg} : Trump is swinging way the fuck out of his league this time. He's out of his god damn mind.", ">>{FatLadySingin} : So has he actually presented this? I haven't seen him and Alex Jones on the same stage yet.", '>>{17281posse} : It will be fucking incredible if the dude that finally breaks this bitch down is.....a Mexican.', ">>{quitegopping} : Trump has a history to targeting real billionaires. Mark Cuban, Carlos Slim, Warren Buffett. Too bad they're successful in business and in life and don't have to claim they're wealthier than they are too make themselves feel good. http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-roast-on-comedy-central-what-he-banned-2016-8", '>>{Girlindaytona} : Carlos as friends, Donald. Go there very very carefully. Slim is worth much more than you are. He can really fuck you up.', '>>{Warhawk137} : >"We\'re going to let foreign CEOs decide the outcome," he said. "We can\'t let this happen, we\'re not going to let this happen, where they decide the out come of our elections." No, we\'ve got the Russians for that.', '>>{Frashmastergland} : Two things he hates put together, Mexicans and actual billionaires.', '>>{Pickled_Squid} : Three things, actually. Carlos Slim is ethnically Lebanese. Mexican **and** Middle eastern **and** richer than Trump.', '>>{theendofanerror} : Fourth richest in the world. I think he can get his drugs however he wants.', '>>{5passports} : I see no way picking a fight with the 7th richest man in the world can backfire on you.', '>>{idoru_} : Funny, Trump used to think Carlos was "a good guy". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNPjmJR-eDg&t=2m30s', ">>{0hc0ck} : Slim is one of the biggest pieces of shit worldwide. He's made his fortune forming monopolies and taking advantage of Mexico's poverty. You seriously can't go a day in Mexico without buying at least something that makes the asshole richer. His monopolies keep entrepreneurs down and force people to migrate to the US. He's one of the most evil people alive."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Cuckberg} : Trump is swinging way the fuck out of his league this time. He's out of his god damn mind.", ">>{FatLadySingin} : So has he actually presented this? I haven't seen him and Alex Jones on the same stage yet.", '>>{17281posse} : It will be fucking incredible if the dude that finally breaks this bitch down is.....a Mexican.', ">>{quitegopping} : Trump has a history to targeting real billionaires. Mark Cuban, Carlos Slim, Warren Buffett. Too bad they're successful in business and in life and don't have to claim they're wealthier than they are too make themselves feel good. http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-roast-on-comedy-central-what-he-banned-2016-8", '>>{Girlindaytona} : Carlos as friends, Donald. Go there very very carefully. Slim is worth much more than you are. He can really fuck you up.', '>>{Warhawk137} : >"We\'re going to let foreign CEOs decide the outcome," he said. "We can\'t let this happen, we\'re not going to let this happen, where they decide the out come of our elections." No, we\'ve got the Russians for that.', '>>{Frashmastergland} : Two things he hates put together, Mexicans and actual billionaires.', '>>{Pickled_Squid} : Three things, actually. Carlos Slim is ethnically Lebanese. Mexican **and** Middle eastern **and** richer than Trump.', '>>{theendofanerror} : Fourth richest in the world. I think he can get his drugs however he wants.', '>>{5passports} : I see no way picking a fight with the 7th richest man in the world can backfire on you.', '>>{idoru_} : Funny, Trump used to think Carlos was "a good guy". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNPjmJR-eDg&t=2m30s', ">>{0hc0ck} : Slim is one of the biggest pieces of shit worldwide. He's made his fortune forming monopolies and taking advantage of Mexico's poverty. You seriously can't go a day in Mexico without buying at least something that makes the asshole richer. His monopolies keep entrepreneurs down and force people to migrate to the US. He's one of the most evil people alive."]]
classify and reply
[">>{SlipperySkeet} : What politician doesn't base its platform on its constituents? Hillary Clinton sucks but not for this reason. Edit: I don't think this is a good thing. Very few politicians opinions that aren't decided by money. Her flipflopping just seems much less severe compared to her corruption and negligence.", ">>{artwooo} : this is cleaning all your iBooks, pages and numbers cloud documents. you'll have to download them all over again. Not recommended if you use iBooks documents at work and your internet connection is not always reliable. stop doing this trick", '>>{X5A1312EWULFX} : Wow big surprise here guys. Cant post any anti Hillary videos because it goes against the narrative here. How about that voter fraud?', '>>{addMitt} : Can you not clear various application cache in iOS?', ">>{ColossiKiller} : THANKYOU. I have 4gb free now, it's usually around 300mb.", ">>{RemindMeBot} : I will be messaging you on [**2016-07-04 23:37:54 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2016-07-04 23:37:54 UTC To Local Time) to remind you of [**this link.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/462isr/get_some_storage_back_by_trying_to_download_a/d4x43dd) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/462isr/get_some_storage_back_by_trying_to_download_a/d4x43dd]%0A%0ARemindMe! in two days. ) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete Comment&message=Delete! d4x43mz) _____ |[^(FAQs)](http://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/24duzp/remindmebot_info/)|[^(Custom)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[LINK INSIDE SQUARE BRACKETS else default to FAQs]%0A%0ANOTE: Don't forget to add the time options after the command.%0A%0ARemindMe!)|[^(Your Reminders)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List Of Reminders&message=MyReminders!)|[^(Feedback)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBotWrangler&subject=Feedback)|[^(Code)](https://github.com/SIlver--/remindmebot-reddit)|[^(Browser Extensions)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/4kldad/remindmebot_extensions/) |-|-|-|-|-|-|", '>>{Ykana1} : State Department Will Give Up Additional Unreleased Hillary Clinton Emails', ">>{jzpenny} : > What politician doesn't base its platform on its constituents? One that bases it on moral imperatives. Leaders lead, and take responsibility for the destination. Clinton panders, and then blames the voters for where she takes them.", ">>{SirWarrington} : Went from 24MB to 3.1GB after a few rounds! What's interesting is the total capacity also changed slightly. Was at 10.9GB and went up to 11.4GB...", '>>{parksandmisrep} : Just found this thread and went from 1.1 free to 2.5 free in 2 goes', '>>{dolaction} : Funny how this editorialised title is the one that makes the cut on /r/politics. Mention how many (15,000 missing emails) and mods delete without hesitation.', ">>{X5A1312EWULFX} : This was a test to see what narrative this subs users are pushing. We all see it and that's why reddit is dead and will never be the voice of the internet with biased opinions.", '>>{jzpenny} : Changing your position on a person after misjudgements and scandals: pretty normal behavior Changing your position on something you pretend to be deeply morally convicted about: not quite as normal', ">>{indianadave} : This is awful, but it's still better than your advice animals posts.", '>>{parksandmisrep} : scratch that I went to 5.1 gb with another 2 goes', '>>{bringyoutomyhell} : another way is to sign out of iCloud on iTunes (if you use Music) another way that requires the computer to be fast is to backup the phone, wipe it clean from iOS, then reinstalling the iTunes backup, I got literally gigabytes back this way', ">>{SchooledGaming} : Because there ain't shit to see. Move on peeps.", '>>{ProfWalterBishop} : Just went from 1GB available to 39.3GB wtf... That has to be a glitch right? Where it just takes the phone a minute to figure out how much free space it has...??', '>>{Rick554} : I love Reddit. Hillary Clinton changes her position on an issue over the course of several years, along with millions of other Americans: "She has no principles! She just goes with what\'s politically expedient! You can\'t trust her!" Donald Trump changes his position on an issue, sometimes multiple times in one day after backlash happens: "He\'s honest! He tells it like it is! He\'s a strong leader!" Pretty hilarious.', ">>{Ykana1} : The Wall Street journal actual did a really good article on this but I can't post that article here.", ">>{SlipperySkeet} : I'm convinced /r/politics is at least 50% Hillary automated posting and upvoting bots.", ">>{eavesdroppingyou} : Yeah it's really unbelievable, I think what's really doing is cleaning cache from all different apps. Something that should be done by the OS or by the apps themselves, not sure why this is not implemented natively", '>>{Roseking} : https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4z0sxr/fbi_uncovered_tens_of_thousands_more_documents_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4z159r/fbi_uncovers_15000_more_documents_in_clinton/ Literally on the front page right now.', ">>{Ykana1} : You don't care about the crown prince of Bahrain donating to the Clinton foundation and then the Clinton foundation talking to Huma in order to get a meeting with Clinton? Sounds like the definition of pay to play to me.", ">>{Cycle21} : This for some reason isn't working on my iPhone 5 iOS 9.1", ">>{Cycle21} : I'm happy it still works for you. That tells me it should still happen on older iOSs. But I can't seem to get this to work on my iPhone 5 iOS 9.1", ">>{Cycle21} : This seriously doesn't work for me no matter which way I try it", '>>{whewwhewwhew} : I would warn against using almost all of your available memory as that will wear out a flash drive very quickly.', '>>{bdwf} : Super late to the party, but WOW. 4.8 GB to 8.5GB on iPhone 5s.', '>>{Sekhmet7} : I went from 2.0 to 3.5GB free space. Interestingly enough, after the movie rental trick stopped yielding extra space, I returned to the home screen and saw that Instagram was "cleaning" ... likely clearing out its cache?', ">>{eavesdroppingyou} : Yeah of you check the storage from each app will see that they will start cleaning. Apps like Facebook, instangram, snapchat etc save a lot of data overtime and that's what is cleaning", '>>{gabriel_f} : Do you guys have the iCloud option "optimize storage" active? I\'m thinking that maybe trying to rent a large movie will purge whatever high res images is on your device that already exists in iCloud?', ">>{Peite} : Wow! I was going to say that since I have a 64GB iPhone 5S I'm not in need of this since how on earth can you fill that space up!?", '>>{gabriel_f} : For those of you who were able to reclaim space, do you have the iCloud setting "optimize storage" turned on? I\'m thinking that maybe trying to download a large movie will trigger a purge of your locally stored high res photos that already exists in iCloud...', '>>{Swamaway} : I tried this on the new iOS 10 beta 2 and it "rented" the movie even without free space being available. It seems like Apple has enabled a Streaming option which allowed me to rent even without having free space. After being charged for the movie, I can now download the movie as well and this still triggers the "memory freeup"', '>>{X5A1312EWULFX} : And? So what? does this mean trumps evil and racist like 90% of this subs users claim? nope. Look it was deleted just like I thought. Censorship pushing your bullshit narratives....', '>>{indianadave} : If you want to try that, try not using loaded content. You\'re not trying to "test what narrative this subs users are pushing" with this video. You\'re trying to use an outdated claim to stir up hypocrisy, and doing it with a built in "I\'m the real victim here!" defense. I doubt you would be interested in doing so, but try posting something that is a recent statement, from Hillary, which goes against the bases wishes. Not a flip flop, but something which the majority of the sub likes (debt forgiveness, transparency). But come on, edgelord, you\'re trying to stir up shit and it\'s obvious to anyone who has lived through one election cycle. Try better than shouting "HYPOCRISY"', '>>{zachw69gumby} : To be honest, best shit they\'ve released since AJFA. I\'m pretty optimistic about the next album. The 15-second tease of "Blacked Out" on their album trailer sounds promising too. I must say I quite fancy Korn and Green Day\'s new songs too. As well as Red Hot Chili Peppers.', ">>{LadderOne} : Just got burned by this trick. If you have Family Sharing on, and any shared device has space, the movie will download and you'll be charged the rental :(", '>>{MysticRay} : Yeah I liked that one. Had the best headline, too. Paywall.', ">>{VanKristov} : How come it says buy instead of rent on my iphone? After I click buy, it tells me to setup payment, that's when I clicked cancel because I'm afraid it might charge me.", '>>{Antnee83} : It\'s funny how often I\'ve heard that. Also kinda funny that one of the first things I thought when I heard the single was "where\'s the friggin bass?"', ">>{iCrystallize} : Lol. So I guess you won't be watching an 8GB movie w/ the 4GB you have then, ay?", '>>{mcthornbody420} : Tis a nothingburger to him. If he was in power he would do the same.', '>>{iCrystallize} : Conspiracy theory: Apple will be at your service (like freeing some storage for your iDevice) once you "purchase" a movie from them...seems legit.', ">>{zachw69gumby} : Figures! The sound of the song is very Suicidal Tendencies-like though, so I can tell the current bassist is giving the band more of that thrash influence that they've been kinda lacking since the 1990s. And yeah, drums are loud and clicky sounding like it's been since Justice. But oh well. Still sounds solid. James' voice has improved too.", ">>{RoxannSouci} : WORKS LIKE A CHARM! - First make sure that you don't have enough memory to accommodate the download (settings general, about, available. - Then follow the procedure by trying to download the movie. - You will get an error message telling you that your phone doesn't have enough memory. - Click ok or settings. - Go back under General, About, Available and see how much memory is now available. If it is LESS than the memory needed for the movie, try to download the movie again. - You are not charged in you cannot download the movie. - You need to check every time to make sure you haven't opened enough memory, though, to accommodate the amount of memory needed by the movie. - Freed up 1 GB. Make sure you don't have enough memory to download the movie.", '>>{GusBricker} : This is great. I had 0.5GB free before, now 3.7GB. One thing I noticed it cleared up for me was Podcasts from Apple Podcasts app. I stopped using it a year ago (switched to Overcast). I had unsubscribed from all my Podcasts in the Podcasts app yet it was still using 0.6GB of space with no way to free the space. Now the Podcast app is using 4.8MB!', '>>{MomentoMori} : I wonder if this would help with Pokemon Go?', '>>{lepontneuf} : Hahahaha my thoughts exactly. I did a double take to see when the hell that was posted.', ">>{Antnee83} : Suicidal Tendencies... that's an interesting take. I kinda wish I liked anchovies, but every time I get them on a pizza (and I do it probably once every two years) I end up just reaffirming my dislike for them. I like the *idea* of anchovies.", '>>{TheDovahkiinsDad} : Works!! Went from 262MB to 1.4GB (6+ 16GB) Anyone know why exaclty this happens? And how long until I need to do this again? THANKS BUD!', '>>{b0mfunk} : iOS 10 Public Beta 1 put this to bed and I got charged, has anyone tried it on Public Beta 2?', ">>{Ykana1} : Why down vote this post don't people want to be informed about everything before they vote on November 8th?", '>>{withthefallen} : I have. Does not work on public beta 2', ">>{zachw69gumby} : Hahaha well, you know Trujillo was actually in Suicidal Tendencies, hence the reference I was making. I've always been a Pepperoni or Bust kinda guy. Although I'll add bacon on occasion, primarily if I eat Domino's. Also, Hawaiian pizza is pretty dope. I think pineapple is a very interesting addition to pizza. Ever since I moved to this certain location in Austin, TX, I have been near these two local places, one New York style, and one Chicago style and so I've been refraining from having the traditional fast food pizza. Can hardly have them anymore to be honest.", '>>{Antnee83} : This year, I started grabbing those wads of dough from the grocery store... just stretch that shit out, throw some sauce on there, cheese, toppings, hit that shit with some olive oil. Homemade pizza is best pizza. And a hell of a lot cheaper!', ">>{zachw69gumby} : I've only made homemade pizza a few times, and I had to use some pre-made stuff. It'd be kinda cool if I became a good enough cook to learn to make my own marinara sauce, or the optimal kinda dough, anything. I would do that shit on a really consistent basis. Especially after getting really baked.", ">>{Antnee83} : Yeah, that's my next challenge. I'm a really good cook, but I've never tried to make anything doughy... like biscuits or bread or pizza dough.", '>>{Dpjtpa} : I have 9.3.3 and tried it 3 times and it did nothing to increase my storage capacity and wipe out cache, etc....I am now installing 9.3.4 and will try it again. I hope it works!', '>>{GeauxTri} : I love coming back to this thread from time to time. My phone (5S...I know, I know) had 2 GB left on it. I "rented" Cleopatra about 5-6 times & now I have 9.6 GB free! It\'s a brilliant miracle trick & I appreciate /u/eavesdroppingyou for pointing it out. If only I could find something bigger than 10GB to download & clear out more space.', ">>{zachw69gumby} : Do you like deep dish or thin crust better? I've always preferred deep dish honestly. The more in the mouth, the better. In a non-sexual way obviously.", ">>{ghpkhg} : Mine asks me for fingerprint ID before it attempts to download. That normal? I don't want to pay for random movie", ">>{Antnee83} : I used to like deep dish, but as I grew older, I started to not enjoy so much dough. I've kinda cut down on the amount of cheese I put on there, too.", ">>{SchooledGaming} : Bahrain one of our biggest allies, Bahrain? And she gives hundreds of meetings to tons of people consistently, and turns them down as well, irregardless of whether or not they donated. No one's arguing she gave favors to donators, but the facts remain, she gave them no special treatment of any kind.", '>>{zachw69gumby} : Ah. So we\'re on opposite sides of the spectrum there I guess. Though I could see the same thing kind of happening to me. Speaking of opposite sides of the spectrum, or not, I guess since we need to stay "on topic" or...whatever, have you decided on who you\'re voting for in the general yet? Who\'d you vote in the primary, if you did?', ">>{Antnee83} : Well, I'm in Maine. I'm in a safe state, and I'll probably let my inner rebel fly and write in Bernie, or something. But truth be told, if I was in a state that mattered, I'd vote Hillary in a heartbeat.", ">>{manzoire} : Lol, most people don't want to be informed. It would be a different world if they did", ">>{zachw69gumby} : Yep, I voted for Bernie easily. I was kinda seriously considering Johnson for a little while, til I watched the Libertarian National Convention... and he's just too far right on economic issues. Stein is too kooky for me though, so I think I'll probably just settle for Hillary.", '>>{PlainZero0} : Wait. They have a new single out?!', '>>{Ykana1} : But Bahrain tried to get a meeting through the proper channels and got denied so they went through the Clinton foundation and Huma. Your reply sounds exactly what paid Clinton supporters have been saying all day on CNN. Very suspicious...', '>>{Antnee83} : Yeah! Look up "Hardwired" on youtube.', '>>{SchooledGaming} : I wish that was true more than you, trust me.', ">>{zachw69gumby} : It's really badass dude. Take away all the crappy parts of Death Magnetic, and you got this. Sounds like it could be a Kill 'Em All B-side or something.", '>>{PlainZero0} : I just listened to it. I am pumped for the new album!', ">>{DeadRedRussian} : Well that's nice of them. Now that the investigation's over."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{SlipperySkeet} : What politician doesn't base its platform on its constituents? Hillary Clinton sucks but not for this reason. Edit: I don't think this is a good thing. Very few politicians opinions that aren't decided by money. Her flipflopping just seems much less severe compared to her corruption and negligence.", '>>{X5A1312EWULFX} : Wow big surprise here guys. Cant post any anti Hillary videos because it goes against the narrative here. How about that voter fraud?', ">>{jzpenny} : > What politician doesn't base its platform on its constituents? One that bases it on moral imperatives. Leaders lead, and take responsibility for the destination. Clinton panders, and then blames the voters for where she takes them.", ">>{X5A1312EWULFX} : This was a test to see what narrative this subs users are pushing. We all see it and that's why reddit is dead and will never be the voice of the internet with biased opinions.", '>>{jzpenny} : Changing your position on a person after misjudgements and scandals: pretty normal behavior Changing your position on something you pretend to be deeply morally convicted about: not quite as normal', ">>{indianadave} : This is awful, but it's still better than your advice animals posts.", '>>{Rick554} : I love Reddit. Hillary Clinton changes her position on an issue over the course of several years, along with millions of other Americans: "She has no principles! She just goes with what\'s politically expedient! You can\'t trust her!" Donald Trump changes his position on an issue, sometimes multiple times in one day after backlash happens: "He\'s honest! He tells it like it is! He\'s a strong leader!" Pretty hilarious.', ">>{SlipperySkeet} : I'm convinced /r/politics is at least 50% Hillary automated posting and upvoting bots.", '>>{X5A1312EWULFX} : And? So what? does this mean trumps evil and racist like 90% of this subs users claim? nope. Look it was deleted just like I thought. Censorship pushing your bullshit narratives....', '>>{indianadave} : If you want to try that, try not using loaded content. You\'re not trying to "test what narrative this subs users are pushing" with this video. You\'re trying to use an outdated claim to stir up hypocrisy, and doing it with a built in "I\'m the real victim here!" defense. I doubt you would be interested in doing so, but try posting something that is a recent statement, from Hillary, which goes against the bases wishes. Not a flip flop, but something which the majority of the sub likes (debt forgiveness, transparency). But come on, edgelord, you\'re trying to stir up shit and it\'s obvious to anyone who has lived through one election cycle. Try better than shouting "HYPOCRISY"'], [">>{artwooo} : this is cleaning all your iBooks, pages and numbers cloud documents. you'll have to download them all over again. Not recommended if you use iBooks documents at work and your internet connection is not always reliable. stop doing this trick", '>>{addMitt} : Can you not clear various application cache in iOS?', ">>{ColossiKiller} : THANKYOU. I have 4gb free now, it's usually around 300mb.", ">>{RemindMeBot} : I will be messaging you on [**2016-07-04 23:37:54 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2016-07-04 23:37:54 UTC To Local Time) to remind you of [**this link.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/462isr/get_some_storage_back_by_trying_to_download_a/d4x43dd) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/462isr/get_some_storage_back_by_trying_to_download_a/d4x43dd]%0A%0ARemindMe! in two days. ) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete Comment&message=Delete! d4x43mz) _____ |[^(FAQs)](http://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/24duzp/remindmebot_info/)|[^(Custom)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[LINK INSIDE SQUARE BRACKETS else default to FAQs]%0A%0ANOTE: Don't forget to add the time options after the command.%0A%0ARemindMe!)|[^(Your Reminders)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List Of Reminders&message=MyReminders!)|[^(Feedback)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBotWrangler&subject=Feedback)|[^(Code)](https://github.com/SIlver--/remindmebot-reddit)|[^(Browser Extensions)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/4kldad/remindmebot_extensions/) |-|-|-|-|-|-|", ">>{SirWarrington} : Went from 24MB to 3.1GB after a few rounds! What's interesting is the total capacity also changed slightly. Was at 10.9GB and went up to 11.4GB...", '>>{parksandmisrep} : Just found this thread and went from 1.1 free to 2.5 free in 2 goes', '>>{parksandmisrep} : scratch that I went to 5.1 gb with another 2 goes', '>>{bringyoutomyhell} : another way is to sign out of iCloud on iTunes (if you use Music) another way that requires the computer to be fast is to backup the phone, wipe it clean from iOS, then reinstalling the iTunes backup, I got literally gigabytes back this way', '>>{ProfWalterBishop} : Just went from 1GB available to 39.3GB wtf... That has to be a glitch right? Where it just takes the phone a minute to figure out how much free space it has...??', ">>{eavesdroppingyou} : Yeah it's really unbelievable, I think what's really doing is cleaning cache from all different apps. Something that should be done by the OS or by the apps themselves, not sure why this is not implemented natively", ">>{Cycle21} : This for some reason isn't working on my iPhone 5 iOS 9.1", ">>{Cycle21} : I'm happy it still works for you. That tells me it should still happen on older iOSs. But I can't seem to get this to work on my iPhone 5 iOS 9.1", ">>{Cycle21} : This seriously doesn't work for me no matter which way I try it", '>>{whewwhewwhew} : I would warn against using almost all of your available memory as that will wear out a flash drive very quickly.', '>>{bdwf} : Super late to the party, but WOW. 4.8 GB to 8.5GB on iPhone 5s.', '>>{Sekhmet7} : I went from 2.0 to 3.5GB free space. Interestingly enough, after the movie rental trick stopped yielding extra space, I returned to the home screen and saw that Instagram was "cleaning" ... likely clearing out its cache?', ">>{eavesdroppingyou} : Yeah of you check the storage from each app will see that they will start cleaning. Apps like Facebook, instangram, snapchat etc save a lot of data overtime and that's what is cleaning", '>>{gabriel_f} : Do you guys have the iCloud option "optimize storage" active? I\'m thinking that maybe trying to rent a large movie will purge whatever high res images is on your device that already exists in iCloud?', ">>{Peite} : Wow! I was going to say that since I have a 64GB iPhone 5S I'm not in need of this since how on earth can you fill that space up!?", '>>{gabriel_f} : For those of you who were able to reclaim space, do you have the iCloud setting "optimize storage" turned on? I\'m thinking that maybe trying to download a large movie will trigger a purge of your locally stored high res photos that already exists in iCloud...', '>>{Swamaway} : I tried this on the new iOS 10 beta 2 and it "rented" the movie even without free space being available. It seems like Apple has enabled a Streaming option which allowed me to rent even without having free space. After being charged for the movie, I can now download the movie as well and this still triggers the "memory freeup"', ">>{LadderOne} : Just got burned by this trick. If you have Family Sharing on, and any shared device has space, the movie will download and you'll be charged the rental :(", ">>{VanKristov} : How come it says buy instead of rent on my iphone? After I click buy, it tells me to setup payment, that's when I clicked cancel because I'm afraid it might charge me.", ">>{iCrystallize} : Lol. So I guess you won't be watching an 8GB movie w/ the 4GB you have then, ay?", '>>{iCrystallize} : Conspiracy theory: Apple will be at your service (like freeing some storage for your iDevice) once you "purchase" a movie from them...seems legit.', ">>{RoxannSouci} : WORKS LIKE A CHARM! - First make sure that you don't have enough memory to accommodate the download (settings general, about, available. - Then follow the procedure by trying to download the movie. - You will get an error message telling you that your phone doesn't have enough memory. - Click ok or settings. - Go back under General, About, Available and see how much memory is now available. If it is LESS than the memory needed for the movie, try to download the movie again. - You are not charged in you cannot download the movie. - You need to check every time to make sure you haven't opened enough memory, though, to accommodate the amount of memory needed by the movie. - Freed up 1 GB. Make sure you don't have enough memory to download the movie.", '>>{GusBricker} : This is great. I had 0.5GB free before, now 3.7GB. One thing I noticed it cleared up for me was Podcasts from Apple Podcasts app. I stopped using it a year ago (switched to Overcast). I had unsubscribed from all my Podcasts in the Podcasts app yet it was still using 0.6GB of space with no way to free the space. Now the Podcast app is using 4.8MB!', '>>{MomentoMori} : I wonder if this would help with Pokemon Go?', '>>{lepontneuf} : Hahahaha my thoughts exactly. I did a double take to see when the hell that was posted.', '>>{TheDovahkiinsDad} : Works!! Went from 262MB to 1.4GB (6+ 16GB) Anyone know why exaclty this happens? And how long until I need to do this again? THANKS BUD!', '>>{b0mfunk} : iOS 10 Public Beta 1 put this to bed and I got charged, has anyone tried it on Public Beta 2?', '>>{withthefallen} : I have. Does not work on public beta 2', '>>{Dpjtpa} : I have 9.3.3 and tried it 3 times and it did nothing to increase my storage capacity and wipe out cache, etc....I am now installing 9.3.4 and will try it again. I hope it works!', '>>{GeauxTri} : I love coming back to this thread from time to time. My phone (5S...I know, I know) had 2 GB left on it. I "rented" Cleopatra about 5-6 times & now I have 9.6 GB free! It\'s a brilliant miracle trick & I appreciate /u/eavesdroppingyou for pointing it out. If only I could find something bigger than 10GB to download & clear out more space.', ">>{ghpkhg} : Mine asks me for fingerprint ID before it attempts to download. That normal? I don't want to pay for random movie"], ['>>{Ykana1} : State Department Will Give Up Additional Unreleased Hillary Clinton Emails', '>>{dolaction} : Funny how this editorialised title is the one that makes the cut on /r/politics. Mention how many (15,000 missing emails) and mods delete without hesitation.', ">>{SchooledGaming} : Because there ain't shit to see. Move on peeps.", ">>{Ykana1} : The Wall Street journal actual did a really good article on this but I can't post that article here.", '>>{Roseking} : https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4z0sxr/fbi_uncovered_tens_of_thousands_more_documents_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4z159r/fbi_uncovers_15000_more_documents_in_clinton/ Literally on the front page right now.', ">>{Ykana1} : You don't care about the crown prince of Bahrain donating to the Clinton foundation and then the Clinton foundation talking to Huma in order to get a meeting with Clinton? Sounds like the definition of pay to play to me.", '>>{zachw69gumby} : To be honest, best shit they\'ve released since AJFA. I\'m pretty optimistic about the next album. The 15-second tease of "Blacked Out" on their album trailer sounds promising too. I must say I quite fancy Korn and Green Day\'s new songs too. As well as Red Hot Chili Peppers.', '>>{MysticRay} : Yeah I liked that one. Had the best headline, too. Paywall.', '>>{Antnee83} : It\'s funny how often I\'ve heard that. Also kinda funny that one of the first things I thought when I heard the single was "where\'s the friggin bass?"', '>>{mcthornbody420} : Tis a nothingburger to him. If he was in power he would do the same.', ">>{zachw69gumby} : Figures! The sound of the song is very Suicidal Tendencies-like though, so I can tell the current bassist is giving the band more of that thrash influence that they've been kinda lacking since the 1990s. And yeah, drums are loud and clicky sounding like it's been since Justice. But oh well. Still sounds solid. James' voice has improved too.", ">>{Antnee83} : Suicidal Tendencies... that's an interesting take. I kinda wish I liked anchovies, but every time I get them on a pizza (and I do it probably once every two years) I end up just reaffirming my dislike for them. I like the *idea* of anchovies.", ">>{Ykana1} : Why down vote this post don't people want to be informed about everything before they vote on November 8th?", ">>{zachw69gumby} : Hahaha well, you know Trujillo was actually in Suicidal Tendencies, hence the reference I was making. I've always been a Pepperoni or Bust kinda guy. Although I'll add bacon on occasion, primarily if I eat Domino's. Also, Hawaiian pizza is pretty dope. I think pineapple is a very interesting addition to pizza. Ever since I moved to this certain location in Austin, TX, I have been near these two local places, one New York style, and one Chicago style and so I've been refraining from having the traditional fast food pizza. Can hardly have them anymore to be honest.", '>>{Antnee83} : This year, I started grabbing those wads of dough from the grocery store... just stretch that shit out, throw some sauce on there, cheese, toppings, hit that shit with some olive oil. Homemade pizza is best pizza. And a hell of a lot cheaper!', ">>{zachw69gumby} : I've only made homemade pizza a few times, and I had to use some pre-made stuff. It'd be kinda cool if I became a good enough cook to learn to make my own marinara sauce, or the optimal kinda dough, anything. I would do that shit on a really consistent basis. Especially after getting really baked.", ">>{Antnee83} : Yeah, that's my next challenge. I'm a really good cook, but I've never tried to make anything doughy... like biscuits or bread or pizza dough.", ">>{zachw69gumby} : Do you like deep dish or thin crust better? I've always preferred deep dish honestly. The more in the mouth, the better. In a non-sexual way obviously.", ">>{Antnee83} : I used to like deep dish, but as I grew older, I started to not enjoy so much dough. I've kinda cut down on the amount of cheese I put on there, too.", ">>{SchooledGaming} : Bahrain one of our biggest allies, Bahrain? And she gives hundreds of meetings to tons of people consistently, and turns them down as well, irregardless of whether or not they donated. No one's arguing she gave favors to donators, but the facts remain, she gave them no special treatment of any kind.", '>>{zachw69gumby} : Ah. So we\'re on opposite sides of the spectrum there I guess. Though I could see the same thing kind of happening to me. Speaking of opposite sides of the spectrum, or not, I guess since we need to stay "on topic" or...whatever, have you decided on who you\'re voting for in the general yet? Who\'d you vote in the primary, if you did?', ">>{Antnee83} : Well, I'm in Maine. I'm in a safe state, and I'll probably let my inner rebel fly and write in Bernie, or something. But truth be told, if I was in a state that mattered, I'd vote Hillary in a heartbeat.", ">>{manzoire} : Lol, most people don't want to be informed. It would be a different world if they did", ">>{zachw69gumby} : Yep, I voted for Bernie easily. I was kinda seriously considering Johnson for a little while, til I watched the Libertarian National Convention... and he's just too far right on economic issues. Stein is too kooky for me though, so I think I'll probably just settle for Hillary.", '>>{PlainZero0} : Wait. They have a new single out?!', '>>{Ykana1} : But Bahrain tried to get a meeting through the proper channels and got denied so they went through the Clinton foundation and Huma. Your reply sounds exactly what paid Clinton supporters have been saying all day on CNN. Very suspicious...', '>>{Antnee83} : Yeah! Look up "Hardwired" on youtube.', '>>{SchooledGaming} : I wish that was true more than you, trust me.', ">>{zachw69gumby} : It's really badass dude. Take away all the crappy parts of Death Magnetic, and you got this. Sounds like it could be a Kill 'Em All B-side or something.", '>>{PlainZero0} : I just listened to it. I am pumped for the new album!', ">>{DeadRedRussian} : Well that's nice of them. Now that the investigation's over."]]
classify and reply
['>>{montydad5000} : I would probably download the "Battery Life" app and check on the health of your battery. It sounds like it may be fried.', '>>{AngelaMotorman} : Forget Fascism. It’s Anarchy We Have to Worry About.', '>>{thirddegreebirds} : People should google what "anarchy" means first before they decide to write articles about it', '>>{Disentingvoice} : Better yet go to Websters and look up the definition. Google definitions are not the best to use.', ">>{Zenike} : I second this. It would be nice to not have to look at my phone everytime while I'm working on this computer", ">>{thebabybananagrabber} : Ya. But you have to have a jail broken iPhone. And they have to be connected to the same wifi network. Note: haven't done this since ios8 so not totally positive.", ">>{rlapchynski} : The silicon shift that's transforming how tech giants make phones", ">>{archeominus} : The bad news about Trump just keeps coming in. If Texas even has a remote chance of turning blue, Trump will have to expend already scarce resources on states that Romney and McCain didn't have to think twice about. November is going to be tragic for downballot Republicans caught in the pull of Trump's black hole.", '>>{ironicsharkhada} : Not a techie right here, is having Qualcomm as a monopoly good or bad for the tech industry?', '>>{skivory} : Thank you for the suggestion! I downloaded it. Said "8% wear. Good" so.. I don\'t think that is the issue', '>>{im_the_princess} : I have seen searching for a way to do this without jailbreak as well', ">>{nofork77} : Welcome to the Apple ecosystem. It's built into MacOS. I don't see why Apple would have the desire to do this for a competing product.", '>>{montydad5000} : OK, that rules out that possibility. Maybe time to pay a visit to the Apple Store?', ">>{tsdguy} : Nope. The jailbreak involves forwarding your messages to a 3rd party system which is a gigantic security issue so you'd be crazy to do that.", ">>{sohanley} : Use VMWare to run a virtual MacOS install within Windows? You'd need to pay for...or otherwise obtain...the MacOS software.", '>>{bbiggs32} : According to a reliable source, trump is [done. ](https://twitter.com/th3j35t3r/status/847633397090365442)', '>>{KKK4Trump} : Mr. Two Corinthians who has never asked God for forgiveness for anything is not going to get all of the votes a Republican candidate might have normally expected in Texas. Texans know what bullshit is.', '>>{rlapchynski} : Generally monopolies are bad for consumers because they have no competition so can do whatever they want and charge whatever they want without the repercussions of losing customers. In this case it\'s a bit different because the "customers" of Qualcomm are generally large companies, so it\'s debatable whether that\'s good good or bad.', ">>{UKnowWGTG} : I would recommend trying a couple things. 1) reset the phone by holding in the home and lock buttons until you see the apple logo and 2) recalibrate your iPhone's battery. It's not fully necessary usually, but with your battery acting like that it should help. Allow the battery to die fully, and to remain dead for about an hour or so. After that, put the phone on the charger and allow it to charge for about an hour past fully charged. This should get the battery to start acting normally again. Hopefully anyways lol", ">>{bbiggs32} : Jester actual isn't known for crying wolf. That said, who knows. I'm just letting you know.", '>>{skivory} : I tried reseting it - no luck. I will try the calibration next. Thank you!', ">>{Alternative_Fact_Man} : This is a tangent, but I've never really understood why China has Xiaomi and Huawei. If they're both backed/owned by the government why would they just have one large manufacture", '>>{FlatWoundStrings} : Calling a mechanical bull a horse four times in a Texas honky-tonk might help turn it blue. That one made me think he is throwing it. How can any public speaker not know anything about his venue or audience?', ">>{Tackticat} : Unfortunately, no. It would be a welcome addition, but Apple is highly unlikely to offer iMessage on Windows/Linux platform. Blackberry pulled the same stunt with BBM while they were at the top, only to make it available cross platform once they're dead. I've love to have iMessage all over my machines, as I use Windows laptops, desktops, as well as iPhone, iPad Pro, Mini, MBPs, and iMacs. It would be great, but I don't see it happening any time soon.", ">>{AkirIkasu} : China has a free market. There are a huge number of electronics companies in China, and they are all making a great deal of money. It's better for the government of China if they remain privately owned and compete with each other, as it improves their economy.", '>>{charlestheturd} : Time for THEM to get screwed for a change. I for one welcome our price gouging capitalist overlords', '>>{skivory} : I tried reseting with no luck. I will try calibrating it next, thank you!', ">>{TomcatsRevenge} : Unless something has changed this doesn't work. Something about apple caching hardware profiles on valid devices and virtual machines don't register properly.", ">>{a_park_bench} : Because there's way more people using windows that you can sell iPhones to. Although seeing the inventory issues the plus has had, maybe it's a good thing they don't try to broaden their customer base.", ">>{dakboy} : It'd still be a violation of the macOS license agreement.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : Anarchy is a welcome mat for tyrants - but yeah, that period between order and the winning tyrant is UGLY - the reign of the Taliban in Afghanistan being a recent example.', '>>{crushedMilk} : It can mean less reason to push themselves to innovate when no one can really challenge them.', '>>{emailrob} : Read up on some of [these](https://www.google.com/search?q=qcoms+monopoly&oq=qcoms+monopoly&aqs=chrome..69i57.4760j0j4&client=ms-android-motorola&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)', ">>{IAmTheRedWizards} : I've been seeing the same thing all over the place tonight. Who knows.", ">>{zzaz} : As a Texan it would be great to think my vote could actually matter. But it's not like Hillary is going to be doing any major campaigning or ad buys here, so I'm not hopeful.", '>>{Darknetmob} : Jester is very legit. Said it was gonna be a rocky few months though...', ">>{Teotwawki69} : Because it would mean Trump isn't running it. Duh, bruh.", '>>{pumabrand90} : I think I\'m having the same issue! I took my iPhone in and the guy at the cell phone repair place said that the battery likely isn\'t the issue. I don\'t know if this is a hardware or software issue, but the fact that you had the same issue today kind of makes me think software... I Cleared All Settings and Erased All Content and it still didn\'t fix it. I\'m trying a "Restore" through iTunes. I\'ll let you know if that fixes it.... This is a pain in the butt. Edit: Another problem I was having was that it was randomly rebooting under "strenuous" usage. Well, I restored it through iTunes and it still reboots while I\'m doing the initial setup...', '>>{skivory} : Oh thank you. I tried the battery recalibration that someone else suggested. No luck. phone died, and when I plugged it back in an hour later, it rebooted and said "100%" This is so frustrating and I can\'t think of what the solution could be. I hope that what you\'re trying works.', ">>{blueberrywalrus} : That's essentially how China's electronics manufacturing is setup, they've got manufacturing dense areas that allow manufacturers to share common infrastructure and knowledge - and creates huge economies of scale. To you point about merging Xiaomi and Huawei to maximize manufacturing potential, they both outsource most of their manufacturing to contract manufacturers like foxconn - so that might serve the same purpose.", '>>{theRealRedherring} : the anarchists voting bolc failed to comment in time for the posting of this article.', ">>{theRealRedherring} : I think it is apathy that we are discussing as a stepping stone. those who are certain that our collective bargain is rigged start with, apathy → anarchy / revolution... then we're back to aristocracy in short order.", '>>{_-_v_-_} : Also it doesn\'t say that Trump is resigning, merely that the possibility was discussed. For instance, if someone said, "Do you think you might have to resign over this?" and Donald Trump said, "Of course not.", it would still count.', ">>{Doright36} : Because they couldn't decide who was in charge to speak for the group?", ">>{nofork77} : True, but that doesn't mean Apple will see it that way. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see it too, but I am realistic about it.", '>>{a_park_bench} : It\'s the difference between say Apple who doesn\'t seem willing to make an iMessage program for windows vs Microsoft who makes sure their office suite is available and updated on Mac. Hardware company vs software company. It seems that Apple doesn\'t see the increased sales of people looking for iMessage on windows as worth it compared to the time and money it would cost to build the program. I suppose it could also be due to apples well-known insistence on their "walled garden".', ">>{pumabrand90} : At an apple certified repair place now. Probably going to be a hardware issue. Probably going to cost $300 for a replacement phone. Probably going to downgrade to my old 5S because I'm too poor.", ">>{nofork77} : Well, it's not like MS gives Mac Office away for free. Would you pay for iMessage on Windows? I would argue that Microsoft is also a hardware supplier what with that little thing called the XBOX. I might add that one of their top pieces of software on that platform is Halo and Bungie was originally making the game for Mac...", '>>{Teotwawki69} : Wow, I missed that Trump gaffe. He really did that, huh? Now I\'m waiting for him to refer to the "red rose of Texas" and really bury himself.', '>>{Doright36} : That was kind of the joke I was making.', ">>{a_park_bench} : Apple also makes software, but they make most of their money on hardware. Microsoft makes most of their money on software. I didn't say they were software or hardware suppliers, I said hardware or software companies. Would I personally pay? Maybe, maybe not. I don't necessarily need iMessage on windows myself. It'd be neat but not something I'm clamoring for. But there should at least be the option. As for whether it should even cost money, what Microsoft hardware are you buying to use their software on a Mac?", '>>{YgramulTheMany} : > Texans know what bullshit is Ted Cruz. Louie Gohmert. Greg Abbott. Rick Perry. George W Bush. Dan Patrick. That board of education lady... They would all like a word with you.', ">>{skivory} : Oh wow. Let me know. I hope it doesn't come to that.", ">>{FlatWoundStrings} : He also talked about Make America Great Again cowboy hats. Can't see Texans liking that branding idea either, though I have no evidence other than knowing some rodeo cowboys.", '>>{PaoloDiCanio10} : which app do you recommend? Kinda confused, there are tons that have the same name.', ">>{DangHunk} : Which is why they called Apple's 64bit ARM chip a 'gut punch'. They were resting on their laurels. Now Apple is downfield and almost our of view.", '>>{skivory} : Every now and then, when being heavily used. Not constant or frequent tho', ">>{GluteusMax} : Your battery is trashed. 1.5 years is about 500 cycles which is what these are rated for in real world usage. Get a new battery installed from Apple and you'll be good to go. Edit: 8% wear reported by that app is absolutely incorrect for a 1.5 year old battery.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Like Pennsylvania going red -- I'll believe it when I see it.", ">>{stealingroadsigns} : >Texans know what bullshit is. Haven't they been voting exclusively for bullshit for like, decades?", ">>{stealingroadsigns} : Doubt that's going to happen. That said that people are even discussing the possibility is bad news for Trump. Donnie's poll numbers really have just taken a complete nosedive in the past two weeks.", ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Hillary will almost definitely win the general election as a whole, but under current circumstances, I'd only give her a 10% Chance of winning Texas. A Dem winning Texas isn't much more likely than a GOPer winning Cali or New York, but anything could happen.", '>>{axelrod_squad} : Circle jerk alert! Hillary will never win Texas.', ">>{MrDerpyPanda} : Well it also depends on his usage, if he charges everyday than yeah I'd say it's probably getting old. But I've seen batteries with over 1000 cycles and they haven't acted this bad!", ">>{Ask_Threadit} : Let's be real here Clinton isn't turning anything Blue, Trump is.", ">>{justscottaustin} : Texas here. No. No, Texas won't go blue. Delude yourself elsewhere.", ">>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : And Trump will never win the election. I'm sorry to burst your bubble.", ">>{smagmite} : Hillary hasn't managed to turn Bills balls blue in 20 years. She's a poster child for spousal abuse (Stockholm syndrome). If a guy ran for president after being cheated on by his wife 16 plus times, he'd be laughed off the stage.", '>>{pumabrand90} : Same, under heavy use mine will. Wtf?', ">>{skivory} : Did you find a solution at the repair place? I'm taking mine to the apple store today. I'm thinking it's just an old battery that needs replaced, luckily I have applecare+ so it shouldn't cost anything", '>>{gottahavemycaffeine} : It depends on how much support Johnson gets and Latino turnout. Maybe Trump scares away too many conservatives and scares enough Latinos into voting en mass. At that point Trump has lost in a historic landslide.', ">>{zombiepirate} : I know what you mean. I live in Dallas, and the usual urban/rural divide between parties just isn't here like it is in other states. Maybe Dallas proper has democratic support but the suburbs are huge and solidly republican; that holds true for most cities in the State. I don't see it happening in my lifetime.", '>>{pumabrand90} : I took mine to an Apple certified repair place and they essentially said that they have no idea what is wrong. I don\'t have Applecare, so I don\'t now what I\'m going to do. I\'m contacting iPad Rehab, which is a company I used when I BSOD another phone, so we\'ll see if they can do anything. I\'m about an hour away from the nearest Apple Store, and I don\'t know that they\'d be able to do anything different than the Apple Certified repair place. I also took my phone to a non-certified repair place and they said the guy was like, "The issue might be the battery, but I\'m not certain, I don\'t feel comfortable charging you money to replace the battery when I don\'t know that it\'ll help you." While he was working on it, he connected it to different batteries and still seemed to have some issues, so I don\'t know for certain if that\'s the problem. Blechhhhh. Such a pain.', ">>{sillysappysocks} : Same here. This is exactly what I think when people say Texas could turn blue. It just ain't gonna happen.", ">>{pumabrand90} : So I got in contact with iPad Rehab and Louis Rossmann's group and they both said it's likely a battery or a Tristar/U2 chip issue. I think I'm going to go try and get the battery replaced. (Try to find someone who only charges if it fixes the problem) and then if that doesn't work talk to Jessa at iPad Rehab about getting the Tristar chip done. Best of luck!", '>>{oahut} : It is at about 1/4 chance atm actually. Still nothing to write home about.', '>>{skivory} : The genius at the Apple Store took one look at my iPhone and said the problem with the battery was because my phone is slightly bent. Got it swapped with a new phone for free! Good luck to you too!', ">>{Snowfeecat} : As a Texan, I too know there's no real chance of Clinton taking Texas, but I'm still seriously considering helping get the vote out among Hispanic voters here: they vote far less frequently than white and black Texans.", '>>{Mr_Cosmos} : As a Texan my self, I can assure you this state will vote for a squirrel over Clinton.', ">>{pumabrand90} : Ahhh. Glad to hear it. Here's hoping I can get it fixed.", '>>{Mr_Cosmos} : Clinton is one of the most hated people in this state. You are being incredibly naive to suggest that Texas might go blue in favor of Hillary Clinton. Texas would have taken Fidel Castro over Hillary Clinton.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{archeominus} : The bad news about Trump just keeps coming in. If Texas even has a remote chance of turning blue, Trump will have to expend already scarce resources on states that Romney and McCain didn't have to think twice about. November is going to be tragic for downballot Republicans caught in the pull of Trump's black hole.", '>>{KKK4Trump} : Mr. Two Corinthians who has never asked God for forgiveness for anything is not going to get all of the votes a Republican candidate might have normally expected in Texas. Texans know what bullshit is.', '>>{FlatWoundStrings} : Calling a mechanical bull a horse four times in a Texas honky-tonk might help turn it blue. That one made me think he is throwing it. How can any public speaker not know anything about his venue or audience?', ">>{zzaz} : As a Texan it would be great to think my vote could actually matter. But it's not like Hillary is going to be doing any major campaigning or ad buys here, so I'm not hopeful.", ">>{Teotwawki69} : Because it would mean Trump isn't running it. Duh, bruh.", '>>{Teotwawki69} : Wow, I missed that Trump gaffe. He really did that, huh? Now I\'m waiting for him to refer to the "red rose of Texas" and really bury himself.', '>>{YgramulTheMany} : > Texans know what bullshit is Ted Cruz. Louie Gohmert. Greg Abbott. Rick Perry. George W Bush. Dan Patrick. That board of education lady... They would all like a word with you.', ">>{FlatWoundStrings} : He also talked about Make America Great Again cowboy hats. Can't see Texans liking that branding idea either, though I have no evidence other than knowing some rodeo cowboys.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Like Pennsylvania going red -- I'll believe it when I see it.", ">>{stealingroadsigns} : >Texans know what bullshit is. Haven't they been voting exclusively for bullshit for like, decades?", ">>{stealingroadsigns} : Doubt that's going to happen. That said that people are even discussing the possibility is bad news for Trump. Donnie's poll numbers really have just taken a complete nosedive in the past two weeks.", ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Hillary will almost definitely win the general election as a whole, but under current circumstances, I'd only give her a 10% Chance of winning Texas. A Dem winning Texas isn't much more likely than a GOPer winning Cali or New York, but anything could happen.", '>>{axelrod_squad} : Circle jerk alert! Hillary will never win Texas.', ">>{Ask_Threadit} : Let's be real here Clinton isn't turning anything Blue, Trump is.", ">>{justscottaustin} : Texas here. No. No, Texas won't go blue. Delude yourself elsewhere.", ">>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : And Trump will never win the election. I'm sorry to burst your bubble.", ">>{smagmite} : Hillary hasn't managed to turn Bills balls blue in 20 years. She's a poster child for spousal abuse (Stockholm syndrome). If a guy ran for president after being cheated on by his wife 16 plus times, he'd be laughed off the stage.", '>>{gottahavemycaffeine} : It depends on how much support Johnson gets and Latino turnout. Maybe Trump scares away too many conservatives and scares enough Latinos into voting en mass. At that point Trump has lost in a historic landslide.', ">>{zombiepirate} : I know what you mean. I live in Dallas, and the usual urban/rural divide between parties just isn't here like it is in other states. Maybe Dallas proper has democratic support but the suburbs are huge and solidly republican; that holds true for most cities in the State. I don't see it happening in my lifetime.", ">>{sillysappysocks} : Same here. This is exactly what I think when people say Texas could turn blue. It just ain't gonna happen.", '>>{oahut} : It is at about 1/4 chance atm actually. Still nothing to write home about.', ">>{Snowfeecat} : As a Texan, I too know there's no real chance of Clinton taking Texas, but I'm still seriously considering helping get the vote out among Hispanic voters here: they vote far less frequently than white and black Texans.", '>>{Mr_Cosmos} : As a Texan my self, I can assure you this state will vote for a squirrel over Clinton.', '>>{Mr_Cosmos} : Clinton is one of the most hated people in this state. You are being incredibly naive to suggest that Texas might go blue in favor of Hillary Clinton. Texas would have taken Fidel Castro over Hillary Clinton.'], ['>>{montydad5000} : I would probably download the "Battery Life" app and check on the health of your battery. It sounds like it may be fried.', '>>{skivory} : Thank you for the suggestion! I downloaded it. Said "8% wear. Good" so.. I don\'t think that is the issue', '>>{montydad5000} : OK, that rules out that possibility. Maybe time to pay a visit to the Apple Store?', ">>{UKnowWGTG} : I would recommend trying a couple things. 1) reset the phone by holding in the home and lock buttons until you see the apple logo and 2) recalibrate your iPhone's battery. It's not fully necessary usually, but with your battery acting like that it should help. Allow the battery to die fully, and to remain dead for about an hour or so. After that, put the phone on the charger and allow it to charge for about an hour past fully charged. This should get the battery to start acting normally again. Hopefully anyways lol", '>>{skivory} : I tried reseting it - no luck. I will try the calibration next. Thank you!', '>>{skivory} : I tried reseting with no luck. I will try calibrating it next, thank you!', '>>{pumabrand90} : I think I\'m having the same issue! I took my iPhone in and the guy at the cell phone repair place said that the battery likely isn\'t the issue. I don\'t know if this is a hardware or software issue, but the fact that you had the same issue today kind of makes me think software... I Cleared All Settings and Erased All Content and it still didn\'t fix it. I\'m trying a "Restore" through iTunes. I\'ll let you know if that fixes it.... This is a pain in the butt. Edit: Another problem I was having was that it was randomly rebooting under "strenuous" usage. Well, I restored it through iTunes and it still reboots while I\'m doing the initial setup...', '>>{skivory} : Oh thank you. I tried the battery recalibration that someone else suggested. No luck. phone died, and when I plugged it back in an hour later, it rebooted and said "100%" This is so frustrating and I can\'t think of what the solution could be. I hope that what you\'re trying works.', ">>{pumabrand90} : At an apple certified repair place now. Probably going to be a hardware issue. Probably going to cost $300 for a replacement phone. Probably going to downgrade to my old 5S because I'm too poor.", ">>{skivory} : Oh wow. Let me know. I hope it doesn't come to that.", '>>{PaoloDiCanio10} : which app do you recommend? Kinda confused, there are tons that have the same name.', '>>{skivory} : Every now and then, when being heavily used. Not constant or frequent tho', ">>{GluteusMax} : Your battery is trashed. 1.5 years is about 500 cycles which is what these are rated for in real world usage. Get a new battery installed from Apple and you'll be good to go. Edit: 8% wear reported by that app is absolutely incorrect for a 1.5 year old battery.", ">>{MrDerpyPanda} : Well it also depends on his usage, if he charges everyday than yeah I'd say it's probably getting old. But I've seen batteries with over 1000 cycles and they haven't acted this bad!", '>>{pumabrand90} : Same, under heavy use mine will. Wtf?', ">>{skivory} : Did you find a solution at the repair place? I'm taking mine to the apple store today. I'm thinking it's just an old battery that needs replaced, luckily I have applecare+ so it shouldn't cost anything", '>>{pumabrand90} : I took mine to an Apple certified repair place and they essentially said that they have no idea what is wrong. I don\'t have Applecare, so I don\'t now what I\'m going to do. I\'m contacting iPad Rehab, which is a company I used when I BSOD another phone, so we\'ll see if they can do anything. I\'m about an hour away from the nearest Apple Store, and I don\'t know that they\'d be able to do anything different than the Apple Certified repair place. I also took my phone to a non-certified repair place and they said the guy was like, "The issue might be the battery, but I\'m not certain, I don\'t feel comfortable charging you money to replace the battery when I don\'t know that it\'ll help you." While he was working on it, he connected it to different batteries and still seemed to have some issues, so I don\'t know for certain if that\'s the problem. Blechhhhh. Such a pain.', ">>{pumabrand90} : So I got in contact with iPad Rehab and Louis Rossmann's group and they both said it's likely a battery or a Tristar/U2 chip issue. I think I'm going to go try and get the battery replaced. (Try to find someone who only charges if it fixes the problem) and then if that doesn't work talk to Jessa at iPad Rehab about getting the Tristar chip done. Best of luck!", '>>{skivory} : The genius at the Apple Store took one look at my iPhone and said the problem with the battery was because my phone is slightly bent. Got it swapped with a new phone for free! Good luck to you too!', ">>{pumabrand90} : Ahhh. Glad to hear it. Here's hoping I can get it fixed."], [">>{rlapchynski} : The silicon shift that's transforming how tech giants make phones", '>>{ironicsharkhada} : Not a techie right here, is having Qualcomm as a monopoly good or bad for the tech industry?', '>>{rlapchynski} : Generally monopolies are bad for consumers because they have no competition so can do whatever they want and charge whatever they want without the repercussions of losing customers. In this case it\'s a bit different because the "customers" of Qualcomm are generally large companies, so it\'s debatable whether that\'s good good or bad.', ">>{Alternative_Fact_Man} : This is a tangent, but I've never really understood why China has Xiaomi and Huawei. If they're both backed/owned by the government why would they just have one large manufacture", ">>{AkirIkasu} : China has a free market. There are a huge number of electronics companies in China, and they are all making a great deal of money. It's better for the government of China if they remain privately owned and compete with each other, as it improves their economy.", '>>{charlestheturd} : Time for THEM to get screwed for a change. I for one welcome our price gouging capitalist overlords', '>>{crushedMilk} : It can mean less reason to push themselves to innovate when no one can really challenge them.', '>>{emailrob} : Read up on some of [these](https://www.google.com/search?q=qcoms+monopoly&oq=qcoms+monopoly&aqs=chrome..69i57.4760j0j4&client=ms-android-motorola&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)', ">>{blueberrywalrus} : That's essentially how China's electronics manufacturing is setup, they've got manufacturing dense areas that allow manufacturers to share common infrastructure and knowledge - and creates huge economies of scale. To you point about merging Xiaomi and Huawei to maximize manufacturing potential, they both outsource most of their manufacturing to contract manufacturers like foxconn - so that might serve the same purpose.", ">>{DangHunk} : Which is why they called Apple's 64bit ARM chip a 'gut punch'. They were resting on their laurels. Now Apple is downfield and almost our of view."], [">>{Zenike} : I second this. It would be nice to not have to look at my phone everytime while I'm working on this computer", ">>{thebabybananagrabber} : Ya. But you have to have a jail broken iPhone. And they have to be connected to the same wifi network. Note: haven't done this since ios8 so not totally positive.", '>>{im_the_princess} : I have seen searching for a way to do this without jailbreak as well', ">>{nofork77} : Welcome to the Apple ecosystem. It's built into MacOS. I don't see why Apple would have the desire to do this for a competing product.", ">>{tsdguy} : Nope. The jailbreak involves forwarding your messages to a 3rd party system which is a gigantic security issue so you'd be crazy to do that.", ">>{sohanley} : Use VMWare to run a virtual MacOS install within Windows? You'd need to pay for...or otherwise obtain...the MacOS software.", ">>{Tackticat} : Unfortunately, no. It would be a welcome addition, but Apple is highly unlikely to offer iMessage on Windows/Linux platform. Blackberry pulled the same stunt with BBM while they were at the top, only to make it available cross platform once they're dead. I've love to have iMessage all over my machines, as I use Windows laptops, desktops, as well as iPhone, iPad Pro, Mini, MBPs, and iMacs. It would be great, but I don't see it happening any time soon.", ">>{TomcatsRevenge} : Unless something has changed this doesn't work. Something about apple caching hardware profiles on valid devices and virtual machines don't register properly.", ">>{a_park_bench} : Because there's way more people using windows that you can sell iPhones to. Although seeing the inventory issues the plus has had, maybe it's a good thing they don't try to broaden their customer base.", ">>{dakboy} : It'd still be a violation of the macOS license agreement.", ">>{nofork77} : True, but that doesn't mean Apple will see it that way. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see it too, but I am realistic about it.", '>>{a_park_bench} : It\'s the difference between say Apple who doesn\'t seem willing to make an iMessage program for windows vs Microsoft who makes sure their office suite is available and updated on Mac. Hardware company vs software company. It seems that Apple doesn\'t see the increased sales of people looking for iMessage on windows as worth it compared to the time and money it would cost to build the program. I suppose it could also be due to apples well-known insistence on their "walled garden".', ">>{nofork77} : Well, it's not like MS gives Mac Office away for free. Would you pay for iMessage on Windows? I would argue that Microsoft is also a hardware supplier what with that little thing called the XBOX. I might add that one of their top pieces of software on that platform is Halo and Bungie was originally making the game for Mac...", ">>{a_park_bench} : Apple also makes software, but they make most of their money on hardware. Microsoft makes most of their money on software. I didn't say they were software or hardware suppliers, I said hardware or software companies. Would I personally pay? Maybe, maybe not. I don't necessarily need iMessage on windows myself. It'd be neat but not something I'm clamoring for. But there should at least be the option. As for whether it should even cost money, what Microsoft hardware are you buying to use their software on a Mac?"], ['>>{AngelaMotorman} : Forget Fascism. It’s Anarchy We Have to Worry About.', '>>{thirddegreebirds} : People should google what "anarchy" means first before they decide to write articles about it', '>>{Disentingvoice} : Better yet go to Websters and look up the definition. Google definitions are not the best to use.', '>>{bbiggs32} : According to a reliable source, trump is [done. ](https://twitter.com/th3j35t3r/status/847633397090365442)', ">>{bbiggs32} : Jester actual isn't known for crying wolf. That said, who knows. I'm just letting you know.", '>>{MBAMBA0} : Anarchy is a welcome mat for tyrants - but yeah, that period between order and the winning tyrant is UGLY - the reign of the Taliban in Afghanistan being a recent example.', ">>{IAmTheRedWizards} : I've been seeing the same thing all over the place tonight. Who knows.", '>>{Darknetmob} : Jester is very legit. Said it was gonna be a rocky few months though...', '>>{theRealRedherring} : the anarchists voting bolc failed to comment in time for the posting of this article.', ">>{theRealRedherring} : I think it is apathy that we are discussing as a stepping stone. those who are certain that our collective bargain is rigged start with, apathy → anarchy / revolution... then we're back to aristocracy in short order.", '>>{_-_v_-_} : Also it doesn\'t say that Trump is resigning, merely that the possibility was discussed. For instance, if someone said, "Do you think you might have to resign over this?" and Donald Trump said, "Of course not.", it would still count.', ">>{Doright36} : Because they couldn't decide who was in charge to speak for the group?", '>>{Doright36} : That was kind of the joke I was making.']]
classify and reply
[">>{Its_Sn0wing} : Snoop Dogg shoots 'clown' Trump with fake gun in music video for Lavender as rapper says 'nobody is dealing with the real issue'", ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : Curious what people's thoughts on this are. In his comments Snoop seems to somehow be laying police shootings and absurd prison sentences for marijuana crimes at Trump's feet, who has only been President for 52 days, but these problems existed and got worse throughout Obama's terms. He also says he's focusing on the real problem and filling in a void he thinks needs to be filled, with a video that depicts Trump being shot?", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : > these problems existed and got worse throughout Obama's terms. No they didn't. >with a video that depicts Trump being shot? Guess Snoop doesn't like him.", ">>{bbbaaabbba} : He's an entertainer not a politician. That's a very important distinction to understand.", '>>{bbbaaabbba} : Snoop 2020 ? Probably could win with just a marijuana agenda and reverting trumpcare.', ">>{YgramulTheMany} : I like Snoop but I'm not a fan of putting crosshairs on our politicians. Why not just piss on his face or take a shit on his head or something?", ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : A quick google search turns up a couple articles that seem to say otherwise... http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-36826297 http://www.ibtimes.com/police-shooting-statistics-2016-are-more-black-people-killed-officers-other-races-2421634 Should I take your second comment as you being perfectly cool with anyone depicting any President being shot because they don't like them?", '>>{sdfsdfsdfsfdfsdf} : People had zero problem with The Interview. Why should this be different?', ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : But in Snoop's comments on the video he essentially says he's not putting it out for entertainment value (everyone else is making cool records, having fun) but rather to highlight issues important to him. Entertainers are still very influential people, especially when they take up activist causes.", ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : I never saw it, but I know the premise and the finale. I agree that most people in the US probably didn't have a problem with it since it was a comedy movie and it wasn't our leader, but if I recall North Koreans weren't too happy.", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : >you being perfectly cool with anyone depicting any President being shot because they don't like them? When it's a clown Trump and a gun that shoots out a Bang Flag, why would anyone be bothered?", ">>{sdfsdfsdfsfdfsdf} : It's hypocritical to be fine with The Interview and then get mad when US leaders are depicted the same way.", '>>{qpl23} : (Is [this](https://youtube.com/watch?v=E4i3bAtEuJE) the video?) I don’t read it as blaming Trump, more portraying clown-presidencies like Trump’s as symptomatic of the underlying set of problems causing the issues you name. It’s widely supposed, isn’t it, that one factor in Trump’s surprise win was his giving a voice to a previously untapped racist demographic?', ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : I'm sorry but I disagree and find a distinction. I just watched the final scene over again and it portrays Kim Jong-un in a battle ready to launch a nuclear missile and firing upon Rogen and Franco before they blow up his helicopter. In the music video Snoop walks up to Trump who has his hands up and shoots him execution-style. The plot of the movie is that the CIA recruits US journalists to assassinate a foreign leader. The music video has a US citizen shoot a US president he dislikes. Again, I haven't seen the whole movie but I'm sure their Kim Jong-un portrayal is pretty clownish. I'm not arguing over the clown caricatures though, I have no issue if someone wants to portray someone in a disrespectful way either way.", '>>{Its_Sn0wing} : I dunno, I just have this funny feeling people would be offended under different circumstances... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/terry-connelly/why-the-rodeo-clown-incid_b_3790972.html http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/msnbc-s-jimmy-williams-obama-rodeo-clown-modern-day-lynching', '>>{LeMot-Juste} : Given the history of lynching in our country, I bet people would be a touch more upset with an all white crowd cheering the lynching of a black man in effigy. One has real world antecedents which certain folks would love to see happen again. The other, NOT cheered by thousands in an arena, is just a video with a bang flag. If the difference is not apparent to you, I would hazard the conjecture that you are deliberately ignoring it.', '>>{Its_Sn0wing} : Are there no real world antecedents of Presidents being assassinated? And just because it\'s not in an arena doesn\'t mean it\'s not reaching people. The music video has over 1.4 million views at the moment on YouTube. Unfortunately I can\'t analyze the comment section to tell you how many people are cheering it. I also think your description sensationalizes one event while downplaying and exusing the other. Where it appears we differ is that I find both portrayals equally disrespectful and offensive. I\'ve included the video of the rodeo skit at the end of this comment so you can see exactly what was portrayed and the reaction of the crowd. In Snoop\'s video he establishes early on that the toy guns symbolize real guns with the police shooting scene, raps that he\'ll "spurt you...send you back to the earth", and then shoots the Trump effigy in the head over the chorus with the lyrics "this is death to you all...this is the final call." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIM4nxvepGI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_xqUemUknY', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : > Unfortunately I can't analyze the comment section to tell you how many people are cheering it. From what I'm seeing, those comments are mostly full of Reich Wing nutters, so you'd feel safe there. >I also think your description sensationalizes one event while downplaying and exusing the other. What's to excuse about a bang flag? When any president is mortally shot by a bang flag, get back to me.", ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : Well I mean if you want to go down that path, let me know of any lynchings via rodeo bull riding. In both cases there's symbolism involved. I think at this point I've presented my position and supported it, and it looks like we've reached name-calling on your part so we're probably just about done here.", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Oh it is evidence you seek? Here baby, http://www.gettyimages.com/photos/lynching?excludenudity=true&sort=mostpopular&mediatype=photography&phrase=lynching Now, show me yours! Where's your evidence of any president mortally wounded by a bang flag? I'll wait.", ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : What happened in the rodeo skit does not match up to your pictures. I asked for evidence of lynching via rodeo bull riding since, for you, I need to be completely literal to what happened in the music video. If I'm allowed to take the symbolism for what it is and instead find images of presidents assassinated via gunshot just let me know. In the meantime here's another event to ponder. A man was sentenced to nearly 3 years in prison for writing a poem about Obama being shot. I happen to agree that this constitutes a threat against a president, and the writer deserved to be punished, but if I take your approach then I should argue that there's no evidence of fictional poems mortally wounding a president.", '>>{LeMot-Juste} : > What happened in the rodeo skit does not match up to your pictures Except for the lynching of a black man, in imitation of acts that actually happened and now wished for again by many many Americans. Uncovered that real world example of a president killed by a bang flag yet?', '>>{Its_Sn0wing} : Did they imitation hang him, or did they make a mockery of him? I posted the video of the incident a little further back in this thread.', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : I don't care what they intended. That is their business.", '>>{shushushus} : Biggest bunch of pearl clutching buttercups in the world.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Its_Sn0wing} : Snoop Dogg shoots 'clown' Trump with fake gun in music video for Lavender as rapper says 'nobody is dealing with the real issue'", ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : Curious what people's thoughts on this are. In his comments Snoop seems to somehow be laying police shootings and absurd prison sentences for marijuana crimes at Trump's feet, who has only been President for 52 days, but these problems existed and got worse throughout Obama's terms. He also says he's focusing on the real problem and filling in a void he thinks needs to be filled, with a video that depicts Trump being shot?", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : > these problems existed and got worse throughout Obama's terms. No they didn't. >with a video that depicts Trump being shot? Guess Snoop doesn't like him.", ">>{bbbaaabbba} : He's an entertainer not a politician. That's a very important distinction to understand.", '>>{bbbaaabbba} : Snoop 2020 ? Probably could win with just a marijuana agenda and reverting trumpcare.', ">>{YgramulTheMany} : I like Snoop but I'm not a fan of putting crosshairs on our politicians. Why not just piss on his face or take a shit on his head or something?", ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : A quick google search turns up a couple articles that seem to say otherwise... http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-36826297 http://www.ibtimes.com/police-shooting-statistics-2016-are-more-black-people-killed-officers-other-races-2421634 Should I take your second comment as you being perfectly cool with anyone depicting any President being shot because they don't like them?", '>>{sdfsdfsdfsfdfsdf} : People had zero problem with The Interview. Why should this be different?', ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : But in Snoop's comments on the video he essentially says he's not putting it out for entertainment value (everyone else is making cool records, having fun) but rather to highlight issues important to him. Entertainers are still very influential people, especially when they take up activist causes.", ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : I never saw it, but I know the premise and the finale. I agree that most people in the US probably didn't have a problem with it since it was a comedy movie and it wasn't our leader, but if I recall North Koreans weren't too happy.", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : >you being perfectly cool with anyone depicting any President being shot because they don't like them? When it's a clown Trump and a gun that shoots out a Bang Flag, why would anyone be bothered?", ">>{sdfsdfsdfsfdfsdf} : It's hypocritical to be fine with The Interview and then get mad when US leaders are depicted the same way.", '>>{qpl23} : (Is [this](https://youtube.com/watch?v=E4i3bAtEuJE) the video?) I don’t read it as blaming Trump, more portraying clown-presidencies like Trump’s as symptomatic of the underlying set of problems causing the issues you name. It’s widely supposed, isn’t it, that one factor in Trump’s surprise win was his giving a voice to a previously untapped racist demographic?', ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : I'm sorry but I disagree and find a distinction. I just watched the final scene over again and it portrays Kim Jong-un in a battle ready to launch a nuclear missile and firing upon Rogen and Franco before they blow up his helicopter. In the music video Snoop walks up to Trump who has his hands up and shoots him execution-style. The plot of the movie is that the CIA recruits US journalists to assassinate a foreign leader. The music video has a US citizen shoot a US president he dislikes. Again, I haven't seen the whole movie but I'm sure their Kim Jong-un portrayal is pretty clownish. I'm not arguing over the clown caricatures though, I have no issue if someone wants to portray someone in a disrespectful way either way.", '>>{Its_Sn0wing} : I dunno, I just have this funny feeling people would be offended under different circumstances... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/terry-connelly/why-the-rodeo-clown-incid_b_3790972.html http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/msnbc-s-jimmy-williams-obama-rodeo-clown-modern-day-lynching', '>>{LeMot-Juste} : Given the history of lynching in our country, I bet people would be a touch more upset with an all white crowd cheering the lynching of a black man in effigy. One has real world antecedents which certain folks would love to see happen again. The other, NOT cheered by thousands in an arena, is just a video with a bang flag. If the difference is not apparent to you, I would hazard the conjecture that you are deliberately ignoring it.', '>>{Its_Sn0wing} : Are there no real world antecedents of Presidents being assassinated? And just because it\'s not in an arena doesn\'t mean it\'s not reaching people. The music video has over 1.4 million views at the moment on YouTube. Unfortunately I can\'t analyze the comment section to tell you how many people are cheering it. I also think your description sensationalizes one event while downplaying and exusing the other. Where it appears we differ is that I find both portrayals equally disrespectful and offensive. I\'ve included the video of the rodeo skit at the end of this comment so you can see exactly what was portrayed and the reaction of the crowd. In Snoop\'s video he establishes early on that the toy guns symbolize real guns with the police shooting scene, raps that he\'ll "spurt you...send you back to the earth", and then shoots the Trump effigy in the head over the chorus with the lyrics "this is death to you all...this is the final call." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIM4nxvepGI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_xqUemUknY', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : > Unfortunately I can't analyze the comment section to tell you how many people are cheering it. From what I'm seeing, those comments are mostly full of Reich Wing nutters, so you'd feel safe there. >I also think your description sensationalizes one event while downplaying and exusing the other. What's to excuse about a bang flag? When any president is mortally shot by a bang flag, get back to me.", ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : Well I mean if you want to go down that path, let me know of any lynchings via rodeo bull riding. In both cases there's symbolism involved. I think at this point I've presented my position and supported it, and it looks like we've reached name-calling on your part so we're probably just about done here.", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Oh it is evidence you seek? Here baby, http://www.gettyimages.com/photos/lynching?excludenudity=true&sort=mostpopular&mediatype=photography&phrase=lynching Now, show me yours! Where's your evidence of any president mortally wounded by a bang flag? I'll wait.", ">>{Its_Sn0wing} : What happened in the rodeo skit does not match up to your pictures. I asked for evidence of lynching via rodeo bull riding since, for you, I need to be completely literal to what happened in the music video. If I'm allowed to take the symbolism for what it is and instead find images of presidents assassinated via gunshot just let me know. In the meantime here's another event to ponder. A man was sentenced to nearly 3 years in prison for writing a poem about Obama being shot. I happen to agree that this constitutes a threat against a president, and the writer deserved to be punished, but if I take your approach then I should argue that there's no evidence of fictional poems mortally wounding a president.", '>>{LeMot-Juste} : > What happened in the rodeo skit does not match up to your pictures Except for the lynching of a black man, in imitation of acts that actually happened and now wished for again by many many Americans. Uncovered that real world example of a president killed by a bang flag yet?', '>>{Its_Sn0wing} : Did they imitation hang him, or did they make a mockery of him? I posted the video of the incident a little further back in this thread.', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : I don't care what they intended. That is their business.", '>>{shushushus} : Biggest bunch of pearl clutching buttercups in the world.']]
classify and reply
['>>{TempestVT} : “More Votes Than Voters,” Wisconsin Counties Investigating Massive Voter Fraud (DETAILS)', ">>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Ryan Accepts Description Of Trump As 'Racist/Islamophobic'", '>>{cratermoon} : [Fake news/propaganda site](http://d279m997dpfwgl.cloudfront.net/wp/2016/11/Resource-False-Misleading-Clickbait-y-and-Satirical-%E2%80%9CNews%E2%80%9D-Sources-1.pdf)', ">>{og_m4} : 13 Quotes from Guccifer 2.0'\x80\x99s DNC-HRC leaks", ">>{EightTF} : Sounds Legit(It obviously isn't) Keep dreaming though!", '>>{dubhelix32} : Custom Amazon Dash Button Gives $5 Donation to ACLU When Pressed', '>>{dubhelix32} : And it was that Amazon Web Services IoT button—with a custom label attached—that programmer Nathan Pryor used to make it incredibly easy to donate to the American Civil Liberties Union, which has its work cut out for it as of late.', '>>{Grippler} : I think meant to post this to r/hailcorporate...', ">>{Keldrath} : It's legit news. I've seen it from other sources as well. Supposedly it was down to a clerical error. Some calculation that they put in erroneously and accidentally gave Trump 5000 more votes in one county than he actually got.", ">>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : Warren applauds travel ban ruling: 'Muslim ban is now 0 for 2 vs the Constitution'", ">>{schwing_daddy} : Another smack down! Why doesn't Trump have better lawyers? They have had a month to work on this! And the previous courts gave them the answers to the test. They've known for a month what issues they had to address. And they couldn't do a better job? Even if they eventually win in the Ninth Circuit or the Supreme Court, this has got to be extremely embarrassing to the administration.", '>>{immawithHRC} : The private Jet thing was something changed after 2008 I think. That was normal before.', ">>{o_MrBombastic_o} : That's going to get a lot of use these next four years", '>>{drtoszi} : There were some more released today/yesterday: https://guccifer2.wordpress.com/2016/07/14/new-dnc-docs/', '>>{Streelydan} : > These are some comments I have made on reddit regarding the Guccifer 2 leaks after having skimmed through all documents released so far… Are you actually fucking kidding me', ">>{Mysteroo} : Wait.. so why is this on 'contraversial'? I get that it's a kind of silly gadget, but why all the downvoting?", '>>{NinjaHDD} : Cause Alex Jones is the actual liar, not Hillary.', ">>{typical_trump_voter} : Just look at trumps base. Only white supremacist support him. These retards think they're going to win in november lol.", '>>{mainfingertopwise} : For when texting is just *too much* effort.', ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : Strange how the leadership of the Party representing the wealthiest people in the nation don't want to all together stand up and denounce the candidacy of Donald Trump. I am inclined to thinking the Democratic Party needs to consider something similar. Hillary Clinton is a poor candidate.", ">>{Destijl14} : And Ryan still supports him, tells you a lot about Ryan's true opinions. Ryan has never been one to pursue the *urban* vote", ">>{mortfeinberg} : Alex Jones is bat-shit crazy and sells sugar water to conspiratards for profit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzNeg9D-EZ4 You know almost nothing Jones says is true, right? I hope to god you don't think infowars is real news, I really do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGgN-uk5o9w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oA7tn8ZYYY", ">>{Quackinator100} : Don't know why this is being downvoted, this seems exactly like something this subreddit would love - it's a fun, harmless little gadget that someone made for themselves.", '>>{eightbitchris} : Lots of cynical, apathetic folks on here. South Park libertarian types. Techbros, and other silly nicknames.', ">>{epicdrwhofan} : Just wait till you have a little kid at your house and they start pressing it like no tomorrow. 20 presses and that's $100 out the door. 100 presses? $500 It doesn't take long to add up.", ">>{Themostunderdisturb} : http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=777 >The term “Islamophobia” was invented and promoted in the early 1990s by the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), a front group of the Muslim Brotherhood. Former IIIT member Abdur-Rahman Muhammad -- who was with that organization when the word was formally created, and who has since rejected IIIT's ideology -- now reveals the original intent behind the concept of Islamophobia: “This loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.” In short, in its very origins, “Islamophobia” was a term designed as a weapon to advance a totalitarian cause by stigmatizing critics and silencing them.", '>>{TempestVT} : I appreciate this list. However, I did not see the news site listed on it. Also, I am curious what the origin is of this list since it just stored in cloudfront. I have been looking for something like this for some time.', ">>{Vesstair} : What has this administration done which hasn't been embarrassing?", '>>{hazpat} : because it does nothing but take your money when you press a button. The gadgets, dash buttons, are nothing new or high tech.', '>>{BlueSwoosh248} : These people will not get shit through the courts.', ">>{6a60ih} : >islamaphobia As if those of us who look at islam and say, 'we don't actually want this country to be an islamic country and be governed by islamic rules' are in some way governed by an irrational fear or a prejudice. On the the contrary, it's a postjudice. We've looked at islam. We don't like it's precepts. We don't want them here. That is a rational position. It is not a 'phobia' and cannot classified as some kind of mental illness.", '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : Asian redneck, never been called one of those before.', ">>{monkiesnacks} : That sounds a bit prejudiced, he is not a Mafia boss just a lobbyist. >The PMA Group is a defunct lobbying firm based in Washington D.C. It was founded and owned by ex-House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense staffer Paul Magliocchetti. The firm's annual lobbying income climbed steadily to its 2006 peak at $16,060,000. In November 2008 the PMA Group's offices were raided by the FBI. The subsequent investigation into illegal pay to play activities has led to the resignation of five of its senior lobbyists who started their own firm and brought clients with them. As a result, the firm ceased operations on March 31, 2009 Hmm, so perhaps a pay to play scheme does make him sound like a Mafioso. >Paul Magliocchetti, the once-powerful lobbyist whose PMA Group collapsed after being raided by federal agents two years ago, was sentenced to 27 months in prison on Friday for his role in one of the largest schemes to evade limits on campaign donations ever uncovered. [Ex-Lobbyist Sentenced to Prison in Corruption Case](http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/08/us/politics/08lobbyist.html?_r=0) Oh, he is a convicted criminal too. Ran a scheme to evade limits on campaign contributions, seems like he would get along with Clinton just fine.", '>>{HillaryWon1} : Yes it was a clerical error, but people have conflated this situation to epic proportions. Basically what happened is counties give a periodic update during election night, but these updates aren\'t official vote tallies. So a clerk added up the numbers wrong and sent them off, these numbers showed up somewhere, then when the official vote counting started (which is verified by several people) the correct number was given. So yes the vote totals did change however the error was never an official vote tally, it was never verified, it was never part of the final vote count. People have taken this error to indicate massive fraud, claiming that election officials "found" the error and took Trump votes away. Nothing of the sort happened. No error was "found", the official vote count for the county just put forth the correct number.', '>>{immawithHRC} : I just saw that they had a FBI investigation newspaper on him too but was too lazy to check details.', ">>{tank_trap} : All this winning! I can't handle all this winning! Hahahahahahahahaha", '>>{KawaiiPatrick} : Islamophobia is not real. Its a scare tactic used to silence speech.', ">>{Norviskor} : While I still think this is silly, IIRC the dash buttons have safeguards that stop the device at one press until the order you make has arrived. Unsure if this would have similar safeguards since it's donations, not products, but I'd imagine the creator would want to avoid unauthorized overpayments.", ">>{Quackinator100} : The button itself may not be a gadget, but the fact that it's been reprogrammed to automatically donate to the ACLU, despite the fact that there is no existing api for that function.", ">>{takeashill_pill} : And tonight Trump said it's just a watered down version of the first one, thus sealing its fate. I shudder to think what would happen if we got a fascist who wasn't a drooling cretin.", ">>{monkiesnacks} : > but was too lazy to check details Don't worry, my rates are reasonable and the bill is in the mail. :P", '>>{6p6ss6} : I guess no lawyer can make an unconstitutional idea legal. The best part of this is that what hurt him are his own extremist rhetoric and the statements of his underlings.', ">>{o3o4} : Who knew that laws were so complicated? It's like they need a lot of detail and some sort of consistency. Compliance with the founding document of your country might help.", ">>{BrazenBribery} : >**(Summary of first release)** Looked through them all but found only a few mildly interesting excerpts. Bernie is mentioned in only one of these documents, and the DNC-HRC collusion is too obvious throughout to be worth quoting. > >**Some documents even make the case for Bernie’s ideas on healthcare and increasing voter turnout\u200a—\u200ayou’d think they came from a real DNC from a parallel universe that cares about the people.** It's good to know that the DNC are insufferable pricks no matter the context.", '>>{SMIDSY} : Because, as we all know, the world has only one liar. /s', '>>{fapsandnaps} : USUncut News Can I still read this is if I am circumcised?', '>>{build-a-guac} : I read the title, clicked on the article and then read the article to find that the title was in fact not true. That has probably happened to me hundreds of time this election season.', ">>{og_m4} : That's fine. I saw this site (republicbuzz) syndicating my blog post so I thought I'd share it here.", ">>{CarmineFields} : You don't get to decide what others believe. This isn't a Christian country.", ">>{o3o4} : To be fair, I'm sure the lawyers told him that he shouldn't write it out in crayon. They also probably told him it'd need more than 140 characters. Good advice often falls on deaf ears.", '>>{Ulaven} : Right,and the same"clerical error" with the same result, happened in four separate counties? To believe that takes a very special kind of naïveté.', '>>{bloodshotnipples} : It was nice. A nice moment choreographed for media. He raked some leaves.', '>>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : This is it exactly. You need something that is constitutional in order for it to be legal. Good job to the judges, to nip this in the bud so quickly!', ">>{HillaryWon1} : Millions of ballots being counted, hundreds or even thousands of polling stations, hundreds of cities, dozens of counties, thousands of people counting ballots, vote counts being updated throughout the night, and you're surprised in all of these updates that there were 4 instances of someone pushing the wrong button on their calculator? I'm more shocked that given all of that it only happened 4 times.", '>>{kb3035583} : We have a particular county in Wisconsin that recorded "484" votes for Trump as "44". So clerical errors work both ways.', ">>{og_m4} : I didn't see any malware warning anywhere. If there is malware in the link, it's from republicbuzz.com because the original blog post is just a simple posting on medium.com.", '>>{mortfeinberg} : The bat-shittery, and the fact people take him seriously.', ">>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : Instead, we want to be ruled by a religion for which the punishment for raping a virgin is... wait for it...MARRIAGE! Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to Everyone that isn't Unsaved Trash.", ">>{434587786} : It's also listed here but I don't know if its a legit site so take it with a pinch of salt. No pun intended lol http://www.politicususa.com/2016/11/26/election-fraud-complaint-filed-people-voted-total-voters-4-wisconsin-precincts.html", ">>{bloodshotnipples} : They are only yes men. A good lawyer would know constitutional law and advise against this kind of overreaching policy. Bannon doesn't care and will keep pushing these things.", ">>{RichardThe3} : >They have had a month to work on this! They had over six years on Obamacare. Look how that shit is going. Christ, we're fucked.", '>>{John_Robinson} : May have been malware in the advertisment rotation. I am on mobile, didn\'t have means to investigate further. It was a looping JS popup "Your OS is severely compromised (etc. phone shake)" and tried to open a marketplace link. YMMV.', '>>{AllMenMustBlergh} : The embarrassing thing is that Trump was slow to denounce these things and even when he did it was done begrudgingly. Like "Ok *fine* I condemn these attacks- is that what you wanted? There I did it. I\'m the least anti-Semitic person EVER." And then Pence had to go and keep up appearances. I won\'t knock him for doing it but it should have been Trump showing his face. Not that it would have been genuine anyway....', '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : A Republican student: >Speaker Ryan, I can not and will not support Donald Trump, and it concerns me when the Republican leadership is supporting somebody who’s openly racist, and has said Islamophobic statements, wants to shut down our borders. Can you tell me, how can you morally justify your support for this kind of candidate, somebody who could be very destructive? Ryan basically defended it by saying, "but hey he\'s a Republican..." >Well, first of all, I’d say a few things. That basically means you’re going to help elect Hillary Clinton. And I don’t think Hillary Clinton’s going to support any of the things that you stand for if you’re a Republican. Sucks to be a Ryan when that\'s all you got.', ">>{og_m4} : Thanks, this is good to know. I probably didn't see it because I'm using Adblock. I'm not giving people the republic link anymore and linking straight to the main article.", '>>{434587786} : Yeah I\'m not buying it either, first it was a modem duplication that only "duplicated" for Trump. Now those other 4 states are a cleric error? That just so happened to be in Trumps favour. Will be interesting to see because Wisconsin is recounting first. However they rejected a human audit so what are they trying to hide? Jill says she will sue so let\'s see what happens. I they find actual evidence that\'s enough cause to recount all states. Fishy fuckers. Can you imagine if the shoe was on the other foot?', '>>{kb3035583} : > However they rejected a human audit so what are they trying to hide In the interest of time, and they never filed for an audit, but a recount.', '>>{build-a-guac} : See, unlike most of "never Trump" people, I actually did read the article. He didn\'t accept anything. He ignored a part of a question. But if the title was "Ryan chooses not to respond to part of question...." no one would care and no one would click on your link.', ">>{thisishorsepoop} : >>islamaphobia >As if those of us who look at islam and say, 'we don't actually want this country to be an islamic country and be governed by islamic rules' are in some way governed by an irrational fear or a prejudice. Being fearful of our government becoming an Islamic country governed by Islamic rules is completely irrational.", '>>{booklooker6} : [The OED seems to think that it was first used in 1923.](http://i.imgur.com/rCFiVX0.png)', ">>{lillylenore} : It was kind of embarrassing when you realize that the president should have been there also, but he's a bigoted toddler that can't be trusted to go to such a somber event and not say something offensive and horrific.", '>>{chlomyster} : He could have even sent his token Jew Jared to do it but didnt.', ">>{Keldrath} : He's funny because he's so ridiculous, but there are people out there that are so unbelievably stupid that they actually believe what he says. That's scary.", '>>{dirtypawscub} : I bet Jim Jones told some funny jokes, too', '>>{lillylenore} : And he can only read at a preschool level.', ">>{434587786} : Green party said on their video announcement it was not only an audit but a step further. She is suing because they will only allow Machines to do it. That's the whole point of why she is suing lol", '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : Wow, that was really racist. And regressives like you wonder why Trump has become a phenomenon.', '>>{big-whale} : Improved ties with Russia! Now the US and Russia are best buds! Just an outpouring of friendship!', ">>{MAGwastheSHIT} : > 'we don't actually want this country to be an islamic country and be governed by islamic rules' There's nothing wrong with that, but that's not all you're saying. >We don't want them here. That's where it starts becoming a problem. You know, with that whole First Amendment and freedom of religion thing.", '>>{akxmsn} : >We don\'t want them here. Saying "we don\'t want them here" is straight up bigotry. It\'s not even nuanced or disguised.', ">>{mythstified} : He's doing this on purpose to embarrass the lower courts into showing their obvious partisan bias. There's nothing unconstitutional about the EO. I know it, you know it, Warren knows it, even Obama's old school buddy who he himself appointed that shot down the order - yes, even he knows it. Trump's playing a game here and you liberals are falling for it. Once the partisan bias is exposed it's going to be that much harder to pull this stunt on other EO he has planned. This guy is a god damn deal making mastermind. Scoff all you want but you better believe he'd negotiate a better deal than you could. He's now applying these principles to politics, with interesting results. A good deal is where both parties come out winning. Even better is one where both sides think they won but in the end the smarter guy got the scales tipped subtly more in their favour. The best is when you feign defeat then suddenly come out on top (it's always epic when Hollywood pulls that off in a scene) Cheer this as a battle won but you will lose the war. First off, it will be deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. Then the 9th circuit and Obama's friend will be shown to be unconstitutional. Then any actions Trump later does will be all the more powerful. So you get to win a few short pointless victories. You take a few of his pawns. But he's about to checkmate you and it's a bit sad you don't see that coming. Oh and yes, he's absolutely doing this with healthcare right now. It's a beautiful thing to watch. https://i.redd.it/50anbdq8ntly.png", ">>{mythstified} : He's doing this on purpose to embarrass the lower courts into showing their obvious partisan bias. There's nothing unconstitutional about the EO. I know it, you know it, Warren knows it, even Obama's old school buddy who he himself appointed that shot down the order - yes, even he knows it. Trump's playing a game here and you liberals are falling for it. Once the partisan bias is exposed it's going to be that much harder to pull this stunt on other EO he has planned. This guy is a god damn deal making mastermind. Scoff all you want but you better believe he'd negotiate a better deal than you could. He's now applying these principles to politics, with interesting results. A good deal is where both parties come out winning. Even better is one where both sides think they won but in the end the smarter guy got the scales tipped subtly more in their favour. The best is when you feign defeat then suddenly come out on top (it's always epic when Hollywood pulls that off in a scene) Cheer this as a battle won but you will lose the war. First off, it will be deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. Then the 9th circuit and Obama's friend will be shown to be unconstitutional. Then any actions Trump later does will be all the more powerful. So you get to win a few short pointless victories. You take a few of his pawns. But he's about to checkmate you and it's a bit sad you don't see that coming. Oh and yes, he's absolutely doing this with healthcare right now. It's a beautiful thing to watch. https://i.redd.it/50anbdq8ntly.png", '>>{UrAGoodPerson} : This poes law stuff is getting out of hand. My money\'s on "serious," based on the length.', ">>{kb3035583} : They didn't pay for an audit, they paid for a recount. Auditing is significantly more expensive, and would actually be far more useful in finding evidence of fraud, I would think.", '>>{Fuego38} : But has she ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned? Oh right...I forgot...she has. And got financial aide that should have gone to actual native Americans. Future of the party for ya ; )', ">>{kevinekiev} : When you wage a campaign against intellectuals in government, all you're left with ~~is~~ are idiots who can't draft policy.", ">>{idrajitsc} : Christian values can be pretty shitty too. Can we kick out the evangelicals? They're far more influential on our politics than the millions of Muslims already living here peacefully. It's not rational. It's the end result of a whole bunch of shitty logic, unfair generalizations, and yeah, fear.", ">>{sfsdfd} : Trump has already tweeted that what he *really* wants is the first EO. He already seems to think that the compromises he made for the second one were too far. Any bets on how many more EOs he'll force his team to issue, with similarly trivial changes from the first one, that will all be shot down by the courts for the same grounds? Each one citing the growing pile of previously blocked EOs?", ">>{Ulaven} : With all of that, the odds of it happening four times in Trump's favor? Fucking astronomical. Also, not all of those votes are hand counted. A great many are machine counts.", ">>{HillaryWon1} : >With all of that, the odds of it happening four times in Trump's favor? >Fucking astronomical. It has happened more than 4 times, sometimes not in Trump's favor, of course we're just hearing about the times it happened to favor Trump.", ">>{akxmsn} : Psh, never 'erd of 'em. Now discoverthenetworks.com on the other hand is a quality and reliable source, [run by the David Horowitz Freedom center school for political warfare](http://www.davidhorowitzfreedomcenter.org/school-for-political-warfare/)", '>>{JamesDelgado} : It\'s a shame that he has to do these protracted "strategies" while whining about rap videos that make him look bad and parroting false paranoid assumptions, rather than just doing his job properly, for the benefit of Americans in the first place. But hey he\'s totally playing 4d chess and isn\'t just a delusional Fox News viewer.', '>>{32LeftatT10} : this is another unpresidented move by the biased 0bama loving courts', '>>{32LeftatT10} : lame copy paste karma whoring from a Canadian pretending to be an American Trump supporter for the attention and karma.', ">>{typical_trump_voter} : Spreading Xenophobia and Islamophobia, but you're crying about racism. Exactly what I expected from a white supremacist trump supporter.", ">>{androgenius} : This is being too kind to them. The Republicans could have fixed healthcare when they had Bush in office. Why start the clock from when Obamacare got passed? They've had decades and have nothing to offer.", ">>{Brady_55} : You're not the decider. This isn't a Christian country, this is a country where any religion can and should thrive. Who are you to say that we can't have many of one religion or race? You're no one to say this.", ">>{6a60ih} : > Christian values can be pretty shitty too. Jesus Christ was a glorified hippie who taught his followers to give away their possessions and love their neighbors. Muhamed was a child raping warlord who beheaded those who wouldn't convert and regularly sacked cities. Cultural relativity is marxist thinking.", '>>{androgenius} : And the fact that that they posted it twice in this thread.', ">>{indexbill} : Obamacare has been batted around the aisles for twenty plus years, but as soon as a black Muslim grabs on it's literally Hitler.", ">>{youngmoneee} : You know insurance as a whole isn't going up for people more than it would if Obamacare wasn't around.", ">>{madcaesar} : Yea.... But this is like beating kids at the special olympics.... Just doesn't feel very satisfying. Instead of addressing real problems in this country we have to deal with Mr Orange McFuckface and his bullshit.", '>>{Bert-Goldberg} : Islam is a cancer. I am ashamed at Ryan pandering to this demographic', ">>{Thirion1} : Yes. Trump, the man who needs large picture single page intel briefs, is a mastermind. The man who couldn't pronounce LGBT is a tactical genius. He is only acting like the presidential equivalent of a guy humping a doorknob.", '>>{drkesi88} : None of this will happen. Trump is an incompetent shell of a man who currently occupies his current position at the pleasure of President Bannon and his White Nationalist cronies.', ">>{idrajitsc} : I can quote you awful things from the bible and peaceful messages from the quran, it's not about which religion is better. Both can be used however their followers want to. Some people use both of them for terrorism, some use both of them for political power, some use both of them for good. It's asinine to generalize the behavior of 30k assholes in the middle east to the 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. And you're delusional if you think America would turn Muslim if we let them immigrate. Because there are plenty of Muslims who have already come here, they're American citizens just like everyone else and there doesn't seem to be much talk of Allah added to the constitution.", ">>{MuslimWithFootFetish} : Lol. There's no point Muslims left the GOP for the Dems after Bush.", ">>{NateBronze} : Alright, I'll admit it. If not wanting people to come here who believe Shariah law should rule- which says the punishment for homosexuality is death- makes me a bigot, then I'm a bigot and proud.", '>>{random314} : The scary thing is, all it really need is one to win.', '>>{ExPatSTL} : I always though the phrase was nip it in the butt. I learned something new today.', ">>{fcknwayshegoes} : Well we all know that the real problems are Hillary's emails and Muslims and Mexicans entering illegally. Not climate change, poverty, poorly funded schools or lack of single payer healthcare for all. /s", '>>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : Those who peddle paradise never go bankrupt. Trump should take a leaf from their book, to be honest.', ">>{FullMetalFlak} : The easiest way to confirm Poe's Law is to check their posting history. Dude's a /r/The_Dipshit poster, so it's not a big jump.", ">>{Isentrope} : Yeah, I'm sure that's the only reason why she became a Harvard law professor. It can't be because she literally wrote the textbook on bankruptcy law or anything like that.", '>>{Bert-Goldberg} : Which is strange considering their values align much more with conservatives', '>>{Isentrope} : Judges are nowhere near as cravenly partisan as Trump.', '>>{nomadofwaves} : He said last night at his rally that the second EO was an extremely water downed version of the first and that he wanted to take the first all the way through the Supreme Court.', ">>{nomadofwaves} : Trump and his lawyers don't know shit about the constitution. You're kidding yourself if you think Trump and his pack of morons are even half a move ahead of anyone in DC.", '>>{hazelnut_coffay} : Whatever you need to make yourself feel better, kiddo', ">>{NateBronze} : I'd prefer not to be executed for being homosexual.", ">>{Sun_Kami} : I don't get it though, didn't they ban people from Afghanistan and Iraq at some point in the war, and didn't they ban Japanese people in WW2? Why are people so aggrieved (serious question, I want to understand it)? Muslims can still come from Pakistan and Afghanistan and SEA, ...", ">>{g2g079} : Since he had already said it's a Muslim ban, any other ban by him for those countries will be perceived by the courts as a Muslim ban, even if the word Muslim is not included.", '>>{MuslimWithFootFetish} : And? Who said you cannot be a Blue Dog?', '>>{brainiac3397} : No lawyer can rescue Trump from his big mouth. The more he talks about it as a Muslim ban on public record, the less even the most scrupulous lawyer can do when intent is looked at.', ">>{its_a_me_garri_oh} : Y'know, it can be very hard to get things done in the White House... when you have to stop 5 times a day to pray to Mecca - Barry O at his last White House Correspondent's Dinner", ">>{its_a_me_garri_oh} : He recently posted about jerking it to Kellyanne Conway. Dude's a failed specimen of a human being already... or a Russian with a wry sense of humour!", ">>{WaffleSandwhiches} : When I win im the best when I lose I didn't really lose.", '>>{ZoidbergBOT} : Why is it always about race with you people?', '>>{PARKS_AND_TREK} : > Then any actions Trump later does will be all the more powerful. uhh....nope lol', '>>{ZoidbergBOT} : Hes publically stated he wants to ban muslims, a clear violation of the first amendment. He personally tainted any ban he puts in place that he can not show via the intelligence community that the nation in question poses a threat. In other words, since hes stated his goal was to ban muslims, all bans are now subject to scrutiny and must be tested against the establishment clause.', ">>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : Until their harem makes a Mormon compound look terribly understaffed, they won't be satisfied.", '>>{squished_raccoon} : Bush was able to make torture legal. These guys need Bush lawyers.', '>>{Brady_55} : Glad you admit it to yourself. Shame on you for being a bigot.', '>>{NateBronze} : /u/typical_trump_vote is actually a right wing guy pretending to be a radical leftist in order to make them look bad. It\'s a false flag. It\'s why he "acts" the way he does, it\'s all a ruse in order to make the other side look bad.', ">>{Dinosquid} : I've been to special olympics a bunch of times, a lot of those guys train and try very hard to accomplish what they do. Even if what they do is something you Or I might be able to do much better with less effort, it shouldn't diminish the effort they put in to achieve their goals. Trump didn't even try with this 2nd Muslim Ban. It's being struck down for the exact same reasons as last time!! *He did not even* ***try!*** So I respectfully disagree with your Special Olympics analogy", ">>{90xfutbol} : Mr president please stop you are winning so much I can't take it!", '>>{NateBronze} : And shame on you for wanting people to come here who believe in executing homosexuals. Shame on you for being a homophobe in the year 2016. Shame.', ">>{Brady_55} : Look at this comment... this is what we're up against.", ">>{Runnerphone} : He will likely in in the end the judge really has no grounds to block it his religion ruling is invalid since like it or not most Muslims will not be effected he'll most Muslim nation's aren't banned. So if he challenges this but will likely be a trump win.", '>>{6p6ss6} : It helped that the Bush people knew not to brag openly about how bad they were going to torture them. I guess this experience proves that incompetent evil is less harmful than semi-competent evil.', ">>{6p6ss6} : And Obamacare is full of the ideas the GOP countered with the last time the Dems made a serious push to fix healthcare in the early 1990s. That is still not good enough for them to get onboard with it. Anything short of leaving poor people to die without care won't satisfy the likes of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.", ">>{nflitgirl} : This is from a year ago when [he promised his supporters a Muslim Ban.] (https://youtu.be/-sz0KY-3PbQ) Note: there is not one mention of any *country* in this speech, only that we have to keep *muslims* out. If he is now offering up a country ban, then *he's not fulfilling his campaign promise to Trump supporters.* His own words will be what defeats him.", ">>{RustedWheel} : You do realize that people overreaching on calling Trump horrible does not actually make him less horrible, right? They're just wrong. He is still a terrible candidate. Defending him to the lengths that you do is no better than the people who do the same thing with Hillary Clinton. You're not unbiased. These are historically flawed candidates. You can acknowledge that Donald Trump is not perfect or even relatively good. There is nothing wrong with that.", ">>{habeas_corpse} : Evangelicals don't support the mass murder of innocent people.", '>>{Humblebee89} : Holy shit man, [you make Trump sound like the villain of a shitty Anime.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN9DW4rrEjY)', ">>{RebornTarek} : What do you mean 'you people'? /s", ">>{emaw63} : I'm curious what percentage of Americans thought homosexuality was immoral or felt it should be punishable by death 10 years ago. I seem to recall the 2004 election being a pissing contest of who hated gay people more", ">>{MoonManReturns} : The bill of rights doesn't fucking hold jurisdiction worldwide.", ">>{Orange_Menace} : Hey, trump, if you feel radical. Islamic. terrorism. is such a big deal, why don't you try to address the causes? We have Muslims in the US too, they won't be magically gone by your ban on 6 countries and neither will the Muslims from 95% of the rest of the Muslim world. What will you do to increase outreach to American Muslims who feel isolated and rejected? Who are slowly turning towards self-radicalization? What will you do to protect a radical Malaysian with no history from slipping into the US? What will you do to curb the violence *against* Muslims that leads to greater self-radicalization? The answer isn't more vetting or bans, it's dialogue and community building. But this is such a small problem on the scale of American problems that I can't understand why trump has made this one of his signature focuses. How racist can a nation be if they dedicate so much time and energy to fighting a non-existent enemy? The homegrown terrorist aren't masterminds with resources or desire to destroy us...they are children, angry, confused, scarred children. They could be turned from the path they are on at many points but they are ignored and forgotten. This issue can be resolved without drastic changes to our society and without interfering with the progress of other issues - like space exploration, scientific research, and job creation.", '>>{akxmsn} : The fact you assume anyone muslim who is going to live in the US wants Sharia law says a lot. Meanwhile, there is absolutely no chance of sharia law taking over the US, but the religious right is trying to turn the US into a theocracy. But no problem there.', ">>{Keinichn} : The funny thing is that it would be perfectly legal, and probably not even challenged this time, had he not barked and promised to ban Muslims for over a year. *That's* what is doing him in on these EOs. Even the statements the judge made mentioned his earlier comments as reasoning.", ">>{Themostunderdisturb} : You just tried to classify my race because I showed how it's a term made up to shut down discussions. Is there anything more racist than that. You are a disgrace, go screw yourself.", ">>{Keinichn} : Took us out of the TPP. That's about it.", '>>{Keinichn} : It\'s almost like once a name with a negative connotation gets attached, it sticks. They should know that already thanks to their creation of the name "Obamacare."', '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : Whoever he/she is they need to be banned from this sub.', ">>{typical_trump_voter} : The only disgrace is the fact that you think you're Asian. Stop trying to make Asian people look bad.", '>>{Keinichn} : > obvious partisan bias. You realize the guy who struck down the first EO was appointed by Bush, right?', ">>{6p6ss6} : Yes, that's what I love about this. Bush got away with torture because he didn't brag about it. And his administration incompetent enough to take us into a needless war without having a clear plan to deal with the aftermath, and gave us the bungled response to Katrina. Trump makes Bush look competent by contrast.", ">>{Keinichn} : Yes. And that post was dead fucking serious too. There are legitimately people out there that believe those words. That's not a post that ended in /s and that scares the living shit out of me.", '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : When did Alabama execute someone for being gay? Only countries I have ever heard of doing that are Islamic countries.', ">>{Themostunderdisturb} : I don't care if a small minded racist like you believe me, you make human beings look bad.", ">>{habeas_corpse} : Lol nah. It's also not a fundamental and central part of their religion. Murdering people and supporting those who do.", ">>{schwing_daddy} : It's still a major embarrassment for the administration and further evidence of their amateur skill level.", ">>{BannonsReichstagFire} : Someone should be embarrassed here - and it ain't the courts.", ">>{ward0630} : What makes you think terrorism is a central part of Islam? The Bible has all kinds of messed up stuff, the Quran has all kinds of messed up stuff, but that doesn't mean that a majority of people who read either book are going to become terrorists.", '>>{ZoidbergBOT} : If hes that smart... why not just write an order that couldnt be found unconstitutional by any court, with evidence from the intelligence community showing imminent threat?', ">>{typical_trump_voter} : People die all the time in Alabama for being gay. It's a redneck pastime. You should know half your family is from there. Hopefully the mods ban you for your xenophobia.", '>>{77arlos} : Should the American government be able to discriminate immigration based on religion? How about personal beliefs such as genital mutilation or honor killings? At what point does a religion cross the line?', ">>{Loop_Within_A_Loop} : ...................... -Donald Trump at the Correspondent's Dinner he will not be attending", '>>{typical_trump_voter} :   *"My African American." -Donald Trump*   Why... Yes he is...  ', ">>{Loop_Within_A_Loop} : Because while yes, it's not necessarily a Muslim ban, it's certainly trying very hard to be one. Intent is usually hard to prove, which is why it's great our President has opened his mouth repeatedly to tell us exactly why this EO has been put into place.", '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : Apparently you are to ignorant to know he was talking about it being government policy/law.', ">>{habeas_corpse} : Because I've studied it and their goals, which include undermining or destroying anyone who doesn't believe in their religion, as well as bringing about a world wide caliphate under Sharia law.", '>>{timeshifter_} : The name "Trump" will never be taken seriously by anyone ever again.', ">>{Chel_of_the_sea} : > 'we don't actually want this country to be an islamic country and be governed by islamic rules' So instead you vote for a party that just passed a platform that is practically theocratic?", ">>{big-whale} : Same way he will never be president right? I don't understand why liberals are so smug when they've just had their asses handed to them.", ">>{neweraccount123} : Well, what we're up against is people like yourself who want to defend Islam as if there's nothing wrong going on there. You people are literally in a fantasy world where Islam is the religion of peace.", '>>{Brady_55} : Example number 2. Keep going trump supporters. Making yourself look reallll good', ">>{trumpy_chump} : Last time I checked Trump won the whitehouse....... I don't see how This doesn't get quashed in the Supreme Court. The federal law giving the president the power to halt immigration is solid. I find it scary a judge is going out of his way to tamper with the President. Go trump", '>>{theartfulcodger} : She misspoke. The actual score is 0 for 5: 3 rulings against the previous EO, and 2 against the amended version.', '>>{evaxephonyanderedev} : You should find it scarier that the President of the United States wants to violate the Establishment Clause.', ">>{trumpy_chump} : It's not a Muslim ban... many countries with Muslims are not banned, so I don't see the point. He is banning people from regions in the world, not religion in the world. I'm not really afraid... I'd be more afraid if we opened the doors and let everyone in", ">>{Fuego38} : Hey man, I'm sure a lot of people that went to college could have done some amazing things if they got financial assistance they weren't entitled to (lied to get) and were able to focus on their studies instead of having to concurrently work full time jobs.", ">>{tonyhawkprorapist} : It's all about choosing the lesser evil. Trump could steal puppies from blind children and he would still be less evil than Hillary Clinton, whom I'm convinced actually does steal puppies from blind children as the sole source of pleasure in an otherwise joyless existence. She is a megalomaniacal and reckless lunatic, and I want her nowhere near the launch codes. No thx on ww3 *or* TPP. Both of which are basically guaranteed under Hillary Clinton.", ">>{evaxephonyanderedev} : You read the ruling? Trump and his people's own words say otherwise.", '>>{ItawambanBerserker} : As a universal religion, Islam envisages a global political order in which all humankind will live under Muslim rule as either believers or subject communities. In order to achieve this goal it is incumbent on all free, male, adult Muslims to carry out an uncompromising struggle in the path of Allah", or jihad. This in turn makes those parts of the world that have not yet been conquered by the House of Islam an abode of permanent conflict (Dar al-Harb, the "house of war") which will only end with Islam\'s eventual triumph." Edit: This isn\'t like secret info either. Research what muslims do in other countries without the rule of law and due process and police to arrest them if they kill people. See what they do when left to their own devices. Do you understand what Sharia law is?', ">>{trumpy_chump} : Ignore the fact Indonesia isn't banned and has the largest population of Muslims, and your argument falls apart It is insane to call this a religion ban against Muslims.", ">>{CapnSpazz} : It's all 4.2D3X Space Jenga Chess. I'm glad that you were able to crack the case of his failures being the plan all along.", ">>{CapnSpazz} : I wouldn't compare this to what we did during WW2 if I were you. Didn't exactly look to good on our part. Especially when we set them up camps.", ">>{mythstified} : You realize there's NOTHING unconstitutional about his order. Show me one thing that is unconstitutional. As for that judge.. He's going to be impeached https://i.redd.it/50anbdq8ntly.png", ">>{ward0630} : There is 0 risk of Sharia law becoming real law in America, any more than the ten commandments being made part of the Constitution. It sounds like you're just scared of Muslims.", ">>{ItawambanBerserker} : That's not the concern. The concern is that they hold those beliefs, and either act when they can on them or support those who do. Not fear. More like justified vigilance.", ">>{ward0630} : You're talking about punishing people for things they might do. Why not ban all Christian immigration because they *could,* theoretically, support the Lord's Resistance Army? There are exponentially more Muslims who hate ISIS (with good reason, ISIS is blowing up their towns and making war primarily on their people) than Muslims who support ISIS. Lumping them all in together just makes it more likely that moderate Muslims will become susceptible to ISIS propaganda.", '>>{ZoidbergBOT} : Due to his public statement and goals of keeping out muslims, it violates the establishment clause of the first amendment. The second ban is preceded by the first which shows intent.', '>>{mythstified} : So... You admit that the EO itself is constitutional?', ">>{ItawambanBerserker} : No one is punishing anyone without due process. Stop projecting. And I've never heard of this Lord's army. I don't really think it's an issue. I don't think I used the word ban either.", '>>{FascistFreeTexas} : Winning? It\'s clear, plain, and simple Constitution violating ruling by a corrupt and rotten court using their personal political opinions in stead of rule of law and the Constitution. It\'s not even a matter of debate. The Constitution is as clear as it is about anything that the President has the right to stop arrival of any people, refugee or not. Barring all that, here\'s the fake news ["muslim ban" in one cartoon](http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2017/03/15/20170316_muslim.jpg)', ">>{ZoidbergBOT} : IF Trump hadnt made the statements and IF there was credible information showing a major threat from ONE country backed by intelligence, then sure. But he did, and there isn't. So no, of course i do not believe it to be constitutional (and it literally is not as the judge has ruled... the literal definition of unconstitutional as it was JUDGED to be a violation of the establishment clause)", '>>{ZoidbergBOT} : Heres trumps problem. He thinks hes smart. A smart man would have consulted constitutional lawyers and scholars, who would have told him it was unconstitutional saving him the embarrassment. But he didnt. He relied on his own intellect. This will be his downfall.', ">>{noobjj} : Jews and Christians are into genital mutilation too. Well American Christians are commonly circumcised but it's uncommon in Europe and in some places being seen in a similar light to female genital mutilation. Also, honor killings aren't exclusive to Muslims. It's common in that part of the world among all religions of those areas but you don't see people saying Indians can't come here or that Hinduism is incompatible with the values of the United States. Muslims are just like any other cultural group in the US. Go out and talk to some of them and you might learn something.", '>>{cool_hand_luke} : Trump never had a seat to lose, and the primary is over.', '>>{Sun_Kami} : Well, sure, so what is the commotion over this?', '>>{77arlos} : At what point is it ethical to bar people from immigrating? If religion is synonymous with personal belief then what beliefs, if any, is it ethical to deny immigration rights to? I find it interesting many times the attacks on American soil have been caused by disaffected Americans.', '>>{weakandsensitive} : Can you quote me the date of the last Christian terrorist attack? and then can you quote me the date of the last Islamic terrorist attack? I know we tend to ignore third world hell holes, but for the sake of argument and to make your job easier, feel free to use one of those countries.', '>>{CapnSpazz} : The fact that he said he wants to ban Muslims and then conveniently wants to ban a group of countries that have high Muslim populations, and yet still have a way for Christians to get through the ban. "But we did it before!" Well, not really. We did it with people because of their country. This is because of their religion. Anyone who thinks there\'s not another motive is ignorant. Then again, anyone who thinks it should be OK because we did it then, and we did some shitty things back during that time period, then it kind of looks like you are purposefully arguing for something shitty to happen again. If you agree with this, and compare it to what happened with the Japanese, even after being reminded that we put Japanese people in camps, then you are really arguing for us to do shitty things again. Of course I\'m guessing you\'re still gonna argue that it\'s not a Muslim ban and that we should still do it and possibly still compare it to what we did to the Japanese.', ">>{Eeeveee} : wow I thought he wasn't racist until that 3 word sentence fragment thrown out of context really changed my mind", '>>{pyrojoe121} : Where in Europe is a country being governed by Islamic rules?', ">>{Sun_Kami} : The Christians there are persecuted. It's like saying America shouldn't have taken Jewish Germans because there were Nazis in Germany. All Muslims are not bad. But there are bad Muslims out there. And him wanting to take 120 days to figure out a way to vet it is simply for this country's we'll being. What else is it for? Better safe than sorry. It is a nations responsibility to first do right by its own people. America has neglected this for far too long. And now Trump is trying to get it right and he's getting hated practically out of office for it.", ">>{CapnSpazz} : Everyone, including other Muslims, are persecuted over there. But at least you're able to admit it's a ban for Muslims. Most can't even admit that to themselves. But since that's the case, it's technically unconstitutional. We've never had a religious test for letting people into the country. Probably shouldn't start. That possibly opens us up for a slow decent intoore shit. But at the same time people are willing to give up any freedom if safety, even if fabricated, is involved.", '>>{Destijl14} : The candidate who said he would murder civilian families and children is the lesser of two evils?', '>>{ercax} : As opposed to the one that actually murders them?', '>>{goal2004} : How many travelers from those countries have committed acts of terrorism in the US? What reason is there to restrict travel all of a sudden?', '>>{goal2004} : Not all Muslim countries are banned, true, but the ones that are banned got banned for no valid reason. This makes it easier to later add even more countries for no reason.', ">>{trumpy_chump} : The federal statute gives the president power on immigration however he deems fit. He can literally halt all immigration. The statute is very clear that he can ban any alien. He is banning countries. He isn't banning All Muslims. The bill says nothing about religion. Nothing says he has to prove or show why he bans said country I read the article and it's obvious biased. It will be a highly interesting court case and could be one of the most important cases the Supreme Court has ever heard.", ">>{Sun_Kami} : It's a ban on Muslims from like 6 countries, where the majority of Muslims neither live nor emigrate from. But I don't care for the distinction. It could be atheists doing violence over there and then we'd ban them too. I don't know if it's unconstitutional to have a religious test on immigration. Would they really not know? Do they not ask you for your faith on visa documents or something? A religious ban has never been done before, but I don't think we ever had the need to before.", ">>{FascistFreeTexas} : First off, it doesn't even really matter because the President has the clear power given to him by the Constitution, to ban entry to any one from anywhere for any reason on the basis of national security. Second, those very same countries from the first travel ban were put on a terrorist watch list by the Obama administration and have a long history of being sponsors and sources of muslim terrorism. It is mind boggling to a rational person that you can have no understanding for any of that. I am genuinely curious, where do you get this insane lack of self-preservation and eschewing from self-protection? Is it some nonsense Liberal propaganda indoctrination from HS and College indoctrination camps that brain washes you about all people and all ideas and all things are all the same? Fact of the matter is that it is not morally or ethically justifiable and actually heinous to take your position to defend the rights of foreigners over those of citizens of America. You types don't really even know how to comprehend that you are breaking down the very notion of democracy, the free rule of citizens that control the government and have the power of self-determination. You position seems to be that foreigners have more rights to come to the USA than American citizens have the right to be protected. You don't ask why these countries were put on terrorist watch lists by the Obama administration. You simply want to impose wild risk taking upon the American people, other people's lives simply because you want to engage in highly risky behaviors and want to be an authoritarian and anti-democracy dictator.", ">>{realrafaelcruz} : Yes you're right. However, when you consistently push a message that's more extreme than reality it tends to change people's perspective on something. This is like the whole Email and Benghazi scandals with Hillary. What she did was messed up and she should be attacked for it super hard, but many Republicans have been saying she's evil incarnated for so long that it's not feasible to shift back the message to the appropriate level. Same thing with Trump imo.", '>>{weakandsensitive} : Okay, so 2 in 2015 and then 1 in 2011 before that. Now lets compare that to [Islamic Terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks#2016).', ">>{goal2004} : 1. While the president has authority to, and he may act without having to seek permission, but so can the courts. That's how the government is built, where each branch can override the other. 2. My sense of self preservation is logical and not hysterical. I was in the Israeli military for 3 years. I know a thing or two about extreme security. 3. Those countries being on the watchlist is one thing. Banning all travel from that country is NUTS, given the fact that not a single attack against the US has ever originated from those places. In the 30's all Jews were blamed for lawyers and accountants taking advantage of the weak post-WWI German economy, and it really wasn't all Jews. You're applying a VERY similar guilt by association, and that's just completely ignorant.", ">>{idrajitsc} : I'm not gonna look up a date, you can do that yourself if you actually care about being right, but there are active Christian terrorist groups in Africa every bit as awful as ISIS. So pretty recently, I'd guess.", '>>{Trorbes} : Are you saying Trump has no intention of following through on his promises?', '>>{Trorbes} : I\'d say believing the US is in any way succeptible to becoming "an islamic country ... governed by islamic rules" is an irrational fear.', ">>{Trorbes} : No, I've seen plenty of irrational fear and hatred of Islam. This thread is full of it.", ">>{pyrojoe121} : Turkey isn't governed by Sharia law. Their justice and legal system is fully secular. Indeed, headscarves are actually banned in many public institutions.", ">>{NateBronze} : Over 60% of Muslims worldwide believe shariah should rule. That's enough for me.", ">>{NateBronze} : We're up against regressives like you. People who believe Islam isn't a death cult.", '>>{NateBronze} : I hope that one day, after you graduate middle school, you take off your blinders and start to look at the world.', '>>{Destijl14} : Oh yeah. I forgot that Hillary walks around murdering brown people for fun on the weekends. I would love to hear your fantasy about Clinton murdering people. These delusions are always hilariously entertaining.', '>>{Destijl14} : Please go ahead and tell me what you believe, I am really interested in hearing your views. I know They will be hilariously entertaining.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : Warren applauds travel ban ruling: 'Muslim ban is now 0 for 2 vs the Constitution'", ">>{schwing_daddy} : Another smack down! Why doesn't Trump have better lawyers? They have had a month to work on this! And the previous courts gave them the answers to the test. They've known for a month what issues they had to address. And they couldn't do a better job? Even if they eventually win in the Ninth Circuit or the Supreme Court, this has got to be extremely embarrassing to the administration.", ">>{Vesstair} : What has this administration done which hasn't been embarrassing?", '>>{BlueSwoosh248} : These people will not get shit through the courts.', ">>{tank_trap} : All this winning! I can't handle all this winning! Hahahahahahahahaha", ">>{takeashill_pill} : And tonight Trump said it's just a watered down version of the first one, thus sealing its fate. I shudder to think what would happen if we got a fascist who wasn't a drooling cretin.", '>>{6p6ss6} : I guess no lawyer can make an unconstitutional idea legal. The best part of this is that what hurt him are his own extremist rhetoric and the statements of his underlings.', ">>{o3o4} : Who knew that laws were so complicated? It's like they need a lot of detail and some sort of consistency. Compliance with the founding document of your country might help.", ">>{o3o4} : To be fair, I'm sure the lawyers told him that he shouldn't write it out in crayon. They also probably told him it'd need more than 140 characters. Good advice often falls on deaf ears.", '>>{bloodshotnipples} : It was nice. A nice moment choreographed for media. He raked some leaves.', '>>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : This is it exactly. You need something that is constitutional in order for it to be legal. Good job to the judges, to nip this in the bud so quickly!', ">>{bloodshotnipples} : They are only yes men. A good lawyer would know constitutional law and advise against this kind of overreaching policy. Bannon doesn't care and will keep pushing these things.", ">>{RichardThe3} : >They have had a month to work on this! They had over six years on Obamacare. Look how that shit is going. Christ, we're fucked.", '>>{AllMenMustBlergh} : The embarrassing thing is that Trump was slow to denounce these things and even when he did it was done begrudgingly. Like "Ok *fine* I condemn these attacks- is that what you wanted? There I did it. I\'m the least anti-Semitic person EVER." And then Pence had to go and keep up appearances. I won\'t knock him for doing it but it should have been Trump showing his face. Not that it would have been genuine anyway....', ">>{lillylenore} : It was kind of embarrassing when you realize that the president should have been there also, but he's a bigoted toddler that can't be trusted to go to such a somber event and not say something offensive and horrific.", '>>{chlomyster} : He could have even sent his token Jew Jared to do it but didnt.', '>>{lillylenore} : And he can only read at a preschool level.', '>>{big-whale} : Improved ties with Russia! Now the US and Russia are best buds! Just an outpouring of friendship!', ">>{mythstified} : He's doing this on purpose to embarrass the lower courts into showing their obvious partisan bias. There's nothing unconstitutional about the EO. I know it, you know it, Warren knows it, even Obama's old school buddy who he himself appointed that shot down the order - yes, even he knows it. Trump's playing a game here and you liberals are falling for it. Once the partisan bias is exposed it's going to be that much harder to pull this stunt on other EO he has planned. This guy is a god damn deal making mastermind. Scoff all you want but you better believe he'd negotiate a better deal than you could. He's now applying these principles to politics, with interesting results. A good deal is where both parties come out winning. Even better is one where both sides think they won but in the end the smarter guy got the scales tipped subtly more in their favour. The best is when you feign defeat then suddenly come out on top (it's always epic when Hollywood pulls that off in a scene) Cheer this as a battle won but you will lose the war. First off, it will be deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. Then the 9th circuit and Obama's friend will be shown to be unconstitutional. Then any actions Trump later does will be all the more powerful. So you get to win a few short pointless victories. You take a few of his pawns. But he's about to checkmate you and it's a bit sad you don't see that coming. Oh and yes, he's absolutely doing this with healthcare right now. It's a beautiful thing to watch. https://i.redd.it/50anbdq8ntly.png", ">>{mythstified} : He's doing this on purpose to embarrass the lower courts into showing their obvious partisan bias. There's nothing unconstitutional about the EO. I know it, you know it, Warren knows it, even Obama's old school buddy who he himself appointed that shot down the order - yes, even he knows it. Trump's playing a game here and you liberals are falling for it. Once the partisan bias is exposed it's going to be that much harder to pull this stunt on other EO he has planned. This guy is a god damn deal making mastermind. Scoff all you want but you better believe he'd negotiate a better deal than you could. He's now applying these principles to politics, with interesting results. A good deal is where both parties come out winning. Even better is one where both sides think they won but in the end the smarter guy got the scales tipped subtly more in their favour. The best is when you feign defeat then suddenly come out on top (it's always epic when Hollywood pulls that off in a scene) Cheer this as a battle won but you will lose the war. First off, it will be deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. Then the 9th circuit and Obama's friend will be shown to be unconstitutional. Then any actions Trump later does will be all the more powerful. So you get to win a few short pointless victories. You take a few of his pawns. But he's about to checkmate you and it's a bit sad you don't see that coming. Oh and yes, he's absolutely doing this with healthcare right now. It's a beautiful thing to watch. https://i.redd.it/50anbdq8ntly.png", '>>{UrAGoodPerson} : This poes law stuff is getting out of hand. My money\'s on "serious," based on the length.', '>>{Fuego38} : But has she ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned? Oh right...I forgot...she has. And got financial aide that should have gone to actual native Americans. Future of the party for ya ; )', ">>{kevinekiev} : When you wage a campaign against intellectuals in government, all you're left with ~~is~~ are idiots who can't draft policy.", ">>{sfsdfd} : Trump has already tweeted that what he *really* wants is the first EO. He already seems to think that the compromises he made for the second one were too far. Any bets on how many more EOs he'll force his team to issue, with similarly trivial changes from the first one, that will all be shot down by the courts for the same grounds? Each one citing the growing pile of previously blocked EOs?", '>>{JamesDelgado} : It\'s a shame that he has to do these protracted "strategies" while whining about rap videos that make him look bad and parroting false paranoid assumptions, rather than just doing his job properly, for the benefit of Americans in the first place. But hey he\'s totally playing 4d chess and isn\'t just a delusional Fox News viewer.', '>>{32LeftatT10} : this is another unpresidented move by the biased 0bama loving courts', '>>{32LeftatT10} : lame copy paste karma whoring from a Canadian pretending to be an American Trump supporter for the attention and karma.', ">>{androgenius} : This is being too kind to them. The Republicans could have fixed healthcare when they had Bush in office. Why start the clock from when Obamacare got passed? They've had decades and have nothing to offer.", '>>{androgenius} : And the fact that that they posted it twice in this thread.', ">>{indexbill} : Obamacare has been batted around the aisles for twenty plus years, but as soon as a black Muslim grabs on it's literally Hitler.", ">>{youngmoneee} : You know insurance as a whole isn't going up for people more than it would if Obamacare wasn't around.", ">>{madcaesar} : Yea.... But this is like beating kids at the special olympics.... Just doesn't feel very satisfying. Instead of addressing real problems in this country we have to deal with Mr Orange McFuckface and his bullshit.", ">>{Thirion1} : Yes. Trump, the man who needs large picture single page intel briefs, is a mastermind. The man who couldn't pronounce LGBT is a tactical genius. He is only acting like the presidential equivalent of a guy humping a doorknob.", '>>{drkesi88} : None of this will happen. Trump is an incompetent shell of a man who currently occupies his current position at the pleasure of President Bannon and his White Nationalist cronies.', '>>{random314} : The scary thing is, all it really need is one to win.', '>>{ExPatSTL} : I always though the phrase was nip it in the butt. I learned something new today.', ">>{fcknwayshegoes} : Well we all know that the real problems are Hillary's emails and Muslims and Mexicans entering illegally. Not climate change, poverty, poorly funded schools or lack of single payer healthcare for all. /s", ">>{FullMetalFlak} : The easiest way to confirm Poe's Law is to check their posting history. Dude's a /r/The_Dipshit poster, so it's not a big jump.", ">>{Isentrope} : Yeah, I'm sure that's the only reason why she became a Harvard law professor. It can't be because she literally wrote the textbook on bankruptcy law or anything like that.", '>>{Isentrope} : Judges are nowhere near as cravenly partisan as Trump.', '>>{nomadofwaves} : He said last night at his rally that the second EO was an extremely water downed version of the first and that he wanted to take the first all the way through the Supreme Court.', ">>{nomadofwaves} : Trump and his lawyers don't know shit about the constitution. You're kidding yourself if you think Trump and his pack of morons are even half a move ahead of anyone in DC.", '>>{hazelnut_coffay} : Whatever you need to make yourself feel better, kiddo', ">>{Sun_Kami} : I don't get it though, didn't they ban people from Afghanistan and Iraq at some point in the war, and didn't they ban Japanese people in WW2? Why are people so aggrieved (serious question, I want to understand it)? Muslims can still come from Pakistan and Afghanistan and SEA, ...", ">>{g2g079} : Since he had already said it's a Muslim ban, any other ban by him for those countries will be perceived by the courts as a Muslim ban, even if the word Muslim is not included.", '>>{brainiac3397} : No lawyer can rescue Trump from his big mouth. The more he talks about it as a Muslim ban on public record, the less even the most scrupulous lawyer can do when intent is looked at.', ">>{its_a_me_garri_oh} : Y'know, it can be very hard to get things done in the White House... when you have to stop 5 times a day to pray to Mecca - Barry O at his last White House Correspondent's Dinner", ">>{its_a_me_garri_oh} : He recently posted about jerking it to Kellyanne Conway. Dude's a failed specimen of a human being already... or a Russian with a wry sense of humour!", ">>{WaffleSandwhiches} : When I win im the best when I lose I didn't really lose.", '>>{ZoidbergBOT} : Why is it always about race with you people?', '>>{PARKS_AND_TREK} : > Then any actions Trump later does will be all the more powerful. uhh....nope lol', '>>{ZoidbergBOT} : Hes publically stated he wants to ban muslims, a clear violation of the first amendment. He personally tainted any ban he puts in place that he can not show via the intelligence community that the nation in question poses a threat. In other words, since hes stated his goal was to ban muslims, all bans are now subject to scrutiny and must be tested against the establishment clause.', '>>{squished_raccoon} : Bush was able to make torture legal. These guys need Bush lawyers.', ">>{Dinosquid} : I've been to special olympics a bunch of times, a lot of those guys train and try very hard to accomplish what they do. Even if what they do is something you Or I might be able to do much better with less effort, it shouldn't diminish the effort they put in to achieve their goals. Trump didn't even try with this 2nd Muslim Ban. It's being struck down for the exact same reasons as last time!! *He did not even* ***try!*** So I respectfully disagree with your Special Olympics analogy", ">>{90xfutbol} : Mr president please stop you are winning so much I can't take it!", ">>{Runnerphone} : He will likely in in the end the judge really has no grounds to block it his religion ruling is invalid since like it or not most Muslims will not be effected he'll most Muslim nation's aren't banned. So if he challenges this but will likely be a trump win.", '>>{6p6ss6} : It helped that the Bush people knew not to brag openly about how bad they were going to torture them. I guess this experience proves that incompetent evil is less harmful than semi-competent evil.', ">>{6p6ss6} : And Obamacare is full of the ideas the GOP countered with the last time the Dems made a serious push to fix healthcare in the early 1990s. That is still not good enough for them to get onboard with it. Anything short of leaving poor people to die without care won't satisfy the likes of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.", ">>{nflitgirl} : This is from a year ago when [he promised his supporters a Muslim Ban.] (https://youtu.be/-sz0KY-3PbQ) Note: there is not one mention of any *country* in this speech, only that we have to keep *muslims* out. If he is now offering up a country ban, then *he's not fulfilling his campaign promise to Trump supporters.* His own words will be what defeats him.", '>>{Humblebee89} : Holy shit man, [you make Trump sound like the villain of a shitty Anime.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN9DW4rrEjY)', ">>{RebornTarek} : What do you mean 'you people'? /s", ">>{Orange_Menace} : Hey, trump, if you feel radical. Islamic. terrorism. is such a big deal, why don't you try to address the causes? We have Muslims in the US too, they won't be magically gone by your ban on 6 countries and neither will the Muslims from 95% of the rest of the Muslim world. What will you do to increase outreach to American Muslims who feel isolated and rejected? Who are slowly turning towards self-radicalization? What will you do to protect a radical Malaysian with no history from slipping into the US? What will you do to curb the violence *against* Muslims that leads to greater self-radicalization? The answer isn't more vetting or bans, it's dialogue and community building. But this is such a small problem on the scale of American problems that I can't understand why trump has made this one of his signature focuses. How racist can a nation be if they dedicate so much time and energy to fighting a non-existent enemy? The homegrown terrorist aren't masterminds with resources or desire to destroy us...they are children, angry, confused, scarred children. They could be turned from the path they are on at many points but they are ignored and forgotten. This issue can be resolved without drastic changes to our society and without interfering with the progress of other issues - like space exploration, scientific research, and job creation.", ">>{Keinichn} : The funny thing is that it would be perfectly legal, and probably not even challenged this time, had he not barked and promised to ban Muslims for over a year. *That's* what is doing him in on these EOs. Even the statements the judge made mentioned his earlier comments as reasoning.", ">>{Keinichn} : Took us out of the TPP. That's about it.", '>>{Keinichn} : It\'s almost like once a name with a negative connotation gets attached, it sticks. They should know that already thanks to their creation of the name "Obamacare."', '>>{Keinichn} : > obvious partisan bias. You realize the guy who struck down the first EO was appointed by Bush, right?', ">>{6p6ss6} : Yes, that's what I love about this. Bush got away with torture because he didn't brag about it. And his administration incompetent enough to take us into a needless war without having a clear plan to deal with the aftermath, and gave us the bungled response to Katrina. Trump makes Bush look competent by contrast.", ">>{Keinichn} : Yes. And that post was dead fucking serious too. There are legitimately people out there that believe those words. That's not a post that ended in /s and that scares the living shit out of me.", ">>{schwing_daddy} : It's still a major embarrassment for the administration and further evidence of their amateur skill level.", ">>{BannonsReichstagFire} : Someone should be embarrassed here - and it ain't the courts.", '>>{ZoidbergBOT} : If hes that smart... why not just write an order that couldnt be found unconstitutional by any court, with evidence from the intelligence community showing imminent threat?', ">>{Loop_Within_A_Loop} : ...................... -Donald Trump at the Correspondent's Dinner he will not be attending", ">>{Loop_Within_A_Loop} : Because while yes, it's not necessarily a Muslim ban, it's certainly trying very hard to be one. Intent is usually hard to prove, which is why it's great our President has opened his mouth repeatedly to tell us exactly why this EO has been put into place.", '>>{timeshifter_} : The name "Trump" will never be taken seriously by anyone ever again.', ">>{big-whale} : Same way he will never be president right? I don't understand why liberals are so smug when they've just had their asses handed to them.", ">>{trumpy_chump} : Last time I checked Trump won the whitehouse....... I don't see how This doesn't get quashed in the Supreme Court. The federal law giving the president the power to halt immigration is solid. I find it scary a judge is going out of his way to tamper with the President. Go trump", '>>{theartfulcodger} : She misspoke. The actual score is 0 for 5: 3 rulings against the previous EO, and 2 against the amended version.', '>>{evaxephonyanderedev} : You should find it scarier that the President of the United States wants to violate the Establishment Clause.', ">>{trumpy_chump} : It's not a Muslim ban... many countries with Muslims are not banned, so I don't see the point. He is banning people from regions in the world, not religion in the world. I'm not really afraid... I'd be more afraid if we opened the doors and let everyone in", ">>{Fuego38} : Hey man, I'm sure a lot of people that went to college could have done some amazing things if they got financial assistance they weren't entitled to (lied to get) and were able to focus on their studies instead of having to concurrently work full time jobs.", ">>{evaxephonyanderedev} : You read the ruling? Trump and his people's own words say otherwise.", ">>{trumpy_chump} : Ignore the fact Indonesia isn't banned and has the largest population of Muslims, and your argument falls apart It is insane to call this a religion ban against Muslims.", ">>{CapnSpazz} : It's all 4.2D3X Space Jenga Chess. I'm glad that you were able to crack the case of his failures being the plan all along.", ">>{CapnSpazz} : I wouldn't compare this to what we did during WW2 if I were you. Didn't exactly look to good on our part. Especially when we set them up camps.", ">>{mythstified} : You realize there's NOTHING unconstitutional about his order. Show me one thing that is unconstitutional. As for that judge.. He's going to be impeached https://i.redd.it/50anbdq8ntly.png", '>>{ZoidbergBOT} : Due to his public statement and goals of keeping out muslims, it violates the establishment clause of the first amendment. The second ban is preceded by the first which shows intent.', '>>{mythstified} : So... You admit that the EO itself is constitutional?', '>>{FascistFreeTexas} : Winning? It\'s clear, plain, and simple Constitution violating ruling by a corrupt and rotten court using their personal political opinions in stead of rule of law and the Constitution. It\'s not even a matter of debate. The Constitution is as clear as it is about anything that the President has the right to stop arrival of any people, refugee or not. Barring all that, here\'s the fake news ["muslim ban" in one cartoon](http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2017/03/15/20170316_muslim.jpg)', ">>{ZoidbergBOT} : IF Trump hadnt made the statements and IF there was credible information showing a major threat from ONE country backed by intelligence, then sure. But he did, and there isn't. So no, of course i do not believe it to be constitutional (and it literally is not as the judge has ruled... the literal definition of unconstitutional as it was JUDGED to be a violation of the establishment clause)", '>>{ZoidbergBOT} : Heres trumps problem. He thinks hes smart. A smart man would have consulted constitutional lawyers and scholars, who would have told him it was unconstitutional saving him the embarrassment. But he didnt. He relied on his own intellect. This will be his downfall.', '>>{Sun_Kami} : Well, sure, so what is the commotion over this?', '>>{CapnSpazz} : The fact that he said he wants to ban Muslims and then conveniently wants to ban a group of countries that have high Muslim populations, and yet still have a way for Christians to get through the ban. "But we did it before!" Well, not really. We did it with people because of their country. This is because of their religion. Anyone who thinks there\'s not another motive is ignorant. Then again, anyone who thinks it should be OK because we did it then, and we did some shitty things back during that time period, then it kind of looks like you are purposefully arguing for something shitty to happen again. If you agree with this, and compare it to what happened with the Japanese, even after being reminded that we put Japanese people in camps, then you are really arguing for us to do shitty things again. Of course I\'m guessing you\'re still gonna argue that it\'s not a Muslim ban and that we should still do it and possibly still compare it to what we did to the Japanese.', ">>{Sun_Kami} : The Christians there are persecuted. It's like saying America shouldn't have taken Jewish Germans because there were Nazis in Germany. All Muslims are not bad. But there are bad Muslims out there. And him wanting to take 120 days to figure out a way to vet it is simply for this country's we'll being. What else is it for? Better safe than sorry. It is a nations responsibility to first do right by its own people. America has neglected this for far too long. And now Trump is trying to get it right and he's getting hated practically out of office for it.", ">>{CapnSpazz} : Everyone, including other Muslims, are persecuted over there. But at least you're able to admit it's a ban for Muslims. Most can't even admit that to themselves. But since that's the case, it's technically unconstitutional. We've never had a religious test for letting people into the country. Probably shouldn't start. That possibly opens us up for a slow decent intoore shit. But at the same time people are willing to give up any freedom if safety, even if fabricated, is involved.", '>>{goal2004} : How many travelers from those countries have committed acts of terrorism in the US? What reason is there to restrict travel all of a sudden?', '>>{goal2004} : Not all Muslim countries are banned, true, but the ones that are banned got banned for no valid reason. This makes it easier to later add even more countries for no reason.', ">>{trumpy_chump} : The federal statute gives the president power on immigration however he deems fit. He can literally halt all immigration. The statute is very clear that he can ban any alien. He is banning countries. He isn't banning All Muslims. The bill says nothing about religion. Nothing says he has to prove or show why he bans said country I read the article and it's obvious biased. It will be a highly interesting court case and could be one of the most important cases the Supreme Court has ever heard.", ">>{Sun_Kami} : It's a ban on Muslims from like 6 countries, where the majority of Muslims neither live nor emigrate from. But I don't care for the distinction. It could be atheists doing violence over there and then we'd ban them too. I don't know if it's unconstitutional to have a religious test on immigration. Would they really not know? Do they not ask you for your faith on visa documents or something? A religious ban has never been done before, but I don't think we ever had the need to before.", ">>{FascistFreeTexas} : First off, it doesn't even really matter because the President has the clear power given to him by the Constitution, to ban entry to any one from anywhere for any reason on the basis of national security. Second, those very same countries from the first travel ban were put on a terrorist watch list by the Obama administration and have a long history of being sponsors and sources of muslim terrorism. It is mind boggling to a rational person that you can have no understanding for any of that. I am genuinely curious, where do you get this insane lack of self-preservation and eschewing from self-protection? Is it some nonsense Liberal propaganda indoctrination from HS and College indoctrination camps that brain washes you about all people and all ideas and all things are all the same? Fact of the matter is that it is not morally or ethically justifiable and actually heinous to take your position to defend the rights of foreigners over those of citizens of America. You types don't really even know how to comprehend that you are breaking down the very notion of democracy, the free rule of citizens that control the government and have the power of self-determination. You position seems to be that foreigners have more rights to come to the USA than American citizens have the right to be protected. You don't ask why these countries were put on terrorist watch lists by the Obama administration. You simply want to impose wild risk taking upon the American people, other people's lives simply because you want to engage in highly risky behaviors and want to be an authoritarian and anti-democracy dictator.", ">>{goal2004} : 1. While the president has authority to, and he may act without having to seek permission, but so can the courts. That's how the government is built, where each branch can override the other. 2. My sense of self preservation is logical and not hysterical. I was in the Israeli military for 3 years. I know a thing or two about extreme security. 3. Those countries being on the watchlist is one thing. Banning all travel from that country is NUTS, given the fact that not a single attack against the US has ever originated from those places. In the 30's all Jews were blamed for lawyers and accountants taking advantage of the weak post-WWI German economy, and it really wasn't all Jews. You're applying a VERY similar guilt by association, and that's just completely ignorant."], [">>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Ryan Accepts Description Of Trump As 'Racist/Islamophobic'", ">>{typical_trump_voter} : Just look at trumps base. Only white supremacist support him. These retards think they're going to win in november lol.", ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : Strange how the leadership of the Party representing the wealthiest people in the nation don't want to all together stand up and denounce the candidacy of Donald Trump. I am inclined to thinking the Democratic Party needs to consider something similar. Hillary Clinton is a poor candidate.", ">>{Destijl14} : And Ryan still supports him, tells you a lot about Ryan's true opinions. Ryan has never been one to pursue the *urban* vote", ">>{Themostunderdisturb} : http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=777 >The term “Islamophobia” was invented and promoted in the early 1990s by the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), a front group of the Muslim Brotherhood. Former IIIT member Abdur-Rahman Muhammad -- who was with that organization when the word was formally created, and who has since rejected IIIT's ideology -- now reveals the original intent behind the concept of Islamophobia: “This loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.” In short, in its very origins, “Islamophobia” was a term designed as a weapon to advance a totalitarian cause by stigmatizing critics and silencing them.", ">>{6a60ih} : >islamaphobia As if those of us who look at islam and say, 'we don't actually want this country to be an islamic country and be governed by islamic rules' are in some way governed by an irrational fear or a prejudice. On the the contrary, it's a postjudice. We've looked at islam. We don't like it's precepts. We don't want them here. That is a rational position. It is not a 'phobia' and cannot classified as some kind of mental illness.", '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : Asian redneck, never been called one of those before.', '>>{KawaiiPatrick} : Islamophobia is not real. Its a scare tactic used to silence speech.', '>>{build-a-guac} : I read the title, clicked on the article and then read the article to find that the title was in fact not true. That has probably happened to me hundreds of time this election season.', ">>{CarmineFields} : You don't get to decide what others believe. This isn't a Christian country.", ">>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : Instead, we want to be ruled by a religion for which the punishment for raping a virgin is... wait for it...MARRIAGE! Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to Everyone that isn't Unsaved Trash.", '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : A Republican student: >Speaker Ryan, I can not and will not support Donald Trump, and it concerns me when the Republican leadership is supporting somebody who’s openly racist, and has said Islamophobic statements, wants to shut down our borders. Can you tell me, how can you morally justify your support for this kind of candidate, somebody who could be very destructive? Ryan basically defended it by saying, "but hey he\'s a Republican..." >Well, first of all, I’d say a few things. That basically means you’re going to help elect Hillary Clinton. And I don’t think Hillary Clinton’s going to support any of the things that you stand for if you’re a Republican. Sucks to be a Ryan when that\'s all you got.', '>>{build-a-guac} : See, unlike most of "never Trump" people, I actually did read the article. He didn\'t accept anything. He ignored a part of a question. But if the title was "Ryan chooses not to respond to part of question...." no one would care and no one would click on your link.', ">>{thisishorsepoop} : >>islamaphobia >As if those of us who look at islam and say, 'we don't actually want this country to be an islamic country and be governed by islamic rules' are in some way governed by an irrational fear or a prejudice. Being fearful of our government becoming an Islamic country governed by Islamic rules is completely irrational.", '>>{booklooker6} : [The OED seems to think that it was first used in 1923.](http://i.imgur.com/rCFiVX0.png)', '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : Wow, that was really racist. And regressives like you wonder why Trump has become a phenomenon.', ">>{MAGwastheSHIT} : > 'we don't actually want this country to be an islamic country and be governed by islamic rules' There's nothing wrong with that, but that's not all you're saying. >We don't want them here. That's where it starts becoming a problem. You know, with that whole First Amendment and freedom of religion thing.", '>>{akxmsn} : >We don\'t want them here. Saying "we don\'t want them here" is straight up bigotry. It\'s not even nuanced or disguised.', ">>{idrajitsc} : Christian values can be pretty shitty too. Can we kick out the evangelicals? They're far more influential on our politics than the millions of Muslims already living here peacefully. It's not rational. It's the end result of a whole bunch of shitty logic, unfair generalizations, and yeah, fear.", ">>{akxmsn} : Psh, never 'erd of 'em. Now discoverthenetworks.com on the other hand is a quality and reliable source, [run by the David Horowitz Freedom center school for political warfare](http://www.davidhorowitzfreedomcenter.org/school-for-political-warfare/)", ">>{typical_trump_voter} : Spreading Xenophobia and Islamophobia, but you're crying about racism. Exactly what I expected from a white supremacist trump supporter.", ">>{Brady_55} : You're not the decider. This isn't a Christian country, this is a country where any religion can and should thrive. Who are you to say that we can't have many of one religion or race? You're no one to say this.", ">>{6a60ih} : > Christian values can be pretty shitty too. Jesus Christ was a glorified hippie who taught his followers to give away their possessions and love their neighbors. Muhamed was a child raping warlord who beheaded those who wouldn't convert and regularly sacked cities. Cultural relativity is marxist thinking.", '>>{Bert-Goldberg} : Islam is a cancer. I am ashamed at Ryan pandering to this demographic', ">>{idrajitsc} : I can quote you awful things from the bible and peaceful messages from the quran, it's not about which religion is better. Both can be used however their followers want to. Some people use both of them for terrorism, some use both of them for political power, some use both of them for good. It's asinine to generalize the behavior of 30k assholes in the middle east to the 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. And you're delusional if you think America would turn Muslim if we let them immigrate. Because there are plenty of Muslims who have already come here, they're American citizens just like everyone else and there doesn't seem to be much talk of Allah added to the constitution.", ">>{MuslimWithFootFetish} : Lol. There's no point Muslims left the GOP for the Dems after Bush.", ">>{NateBronze} : Alright, I'll admit it. If not wanting people to come here who believe Shariah law should rule- which says the punishment for homosexuality is death- makes me a bigot, then I'm a bigot and proud.", '>>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : Those who peddle paradise never go bankrupt. Trump should take a leaf from their book, to be honest.', '>>{Bert-Goldberg} : Which is strange considering their values align much more with conservatives', ">>{NateBronze} : I'd prefer not to be executed for being homosexual.", '>>{MuslimWithFootFetish} : And? Who said you cannot be a Blue Dog?', ">>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : Until their harem makes a Mormon compound look terribly understaffed, they won't be satisfied.", '>>{Brady_55} : Glad you admit it to yourself. Shame on you for being a bigot.', '>>{NateBronze} : /u/typical_trump_vote is actually a right wing guy pretending to be a radical leftist in order to make them look bad. It\'s a false flag. It\'s why he "acts" the way he does, it\'s all a ruse in order to make the other side look bad.', '>>{NateBronze} : And shame on you for wanting people to come here who believe in executing homosexuals. Shame on you for being a homophobe in the year 2016. Shame.', ">>{Brady_55} : Look at this comment... this is what we're up against.", ">>{RustedWheel} : You do realize that people overreaching on calling Trump horrible does not actually make him less horrible, right? They're just wrong. He is still a terrible candidate. Defending him to the lengths that you do is no better than the people who do the same thing with Hillary Clinton. You're not unbiased. These are historically flawed candidates. You can acknowledge that Donald Trump is not perfect or even relatively good. There is nothing wrong with that.", ">>{habeas_corpse} : Evangelicals don't support the mass murder of innocent people.", ">>{emaw63} : I'm curious what percentage of Americans thought homosexuality was immoral or felt it should be punishable by death 10 years ago. I seem to recall the 2004 election being a pissing contest of who hated gay people more", ">>{MoonManReturns} : The bill of rights doesn't fucking hold jurisdiction worldwide.", '>>{akxmsn} : The fact you assume anyone muslim who is going to live in the US wants Sharia law says a lot. Meanwhile, there is absolutely no chance of sharia law taking over the US, but the religious right is trying to turn the US into a theocracy. But no problem there.', ">>{Themostunderdisturb} : You just tried to classify my race because I showed how it's a term made up to shut down discussions. Is there anything more racist than that. You are a disgrace, go screw yourself.", '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : Whoever he/she is they need to be banned from this sub.', ">>{typical_trump_voter} : The only disgrace is the fact that you think you're Asian. Stop trying to make Asian people look bad.", '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : When did Alabama execute someone for being gay? Only countries I have ever heard of doing that are Islamic countries.', ">>{Themostunderdisturb} : I don't care if a small minded racist like you believe me, you make human beings look bad.", ">>{habeas_corpse} : Lol nah. It's also not a fundamental and central part of their religion. Murdering people and supporting those who do.", ">>{ward0630} : What makes you think terrorism is a central part of Islam? The Bible has all kinds of messed up stuff, the Quran has all kinds of messed up stuff, but that doesn't mean that a majority of people who read either book are going to become terrorists.", ">>{typical_trump_voter} : People die all the time in Alabama for being gay. It's a redneck pastime. You should know half your family is from there. Hopefully the mods ban you for your xenophobia.", '>>{77arlos} : Should the American government be able to discriminate immigration based on religion? How about personal beliefs such as genital mutilation or honor killings? At what point does a religion cross the line?', '>>{typical_trump_voter} :   *"My African American." -Donald Trump*   Why... Yes he is...  ', '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : Apparently you are to ignorant to know he was talking about it being government policy/law.', ">>{habeas_corpse} : Because I've studied it and their goals, which include undermining or destroying anyone who doesn't believe in their religion, as well as bringing about a world wide caliphate under Sharia law.", ">>{Chel_of_the_sea} : > 'we don't actually want this country to be an islamic country and be governed by islamic rules' So instead you vote for a party that just passed a platform that is practically theocratic?", ">>{neweraccount123} : Well, what we're up against is people like yourself who want to defend Islam as if there's nothing wrong going on there. You people are literally in a fantasy world where Islam is the religion of peace.", '>>{Brady_55} : Example number 2. Keep going trump supporters. Making yourself look reallll good', ">>{tonyhawkprorapist} : It's all about choosing the lesser evil. Trump could steal puppies from blind children and he would still be less evil than Hillary Clinton, whom I'm convinced actually does steal puppies from blind children as the sole source of pleasure in an otherwise joyless existence. She is a megalomaniacal and reckless lunatic, and I want her nowhere near the launch codes. No thx on ww3 *or* TPP. Both of which are basically guaranteed under Hillary Clinton.", '>>{ItawambanBerserker} : As a universal religion, Islam envisages a global political order in which all humankind will live under Muslim rule as either believers or subject communities. In order to achieve this goal it is incumbent on all free, male, adult Muslims to carry out an uncompromising struggle in the path of Allah", or jihad. This in turn makes those parts of the world that have not yet been conquered by the House of Islam an abode of permanent conflict (Dar al-Harb, the "house of war") which will only end with Islam\'s eventual triumph." Edit: This isn\'t like secret info either. Research what muslims do in other countries without the rule of law and due process and police to arrest them if they kill people. See what they do when left to their own devices. Do you understand what Sharia law is?', ">>{ward0630} : There is 0 risk of Sharia law becoming real law in America, any more than the ten commandments being made part of the Constitution. It sounds like you're just scared of Muslims.", ">>{ItawambanBerserker} : That's not the concern. The concern is that they hold those beliefs, and either act when they can on them or support those who do. Not fear. More like justified vigilance.", ">>{ward0630} : You're talking about punishing people for things they might do. Why not ban all Christian immigration because they *could,* theoretically, support the Lord's Resistance Army? There are exponentially more Muslims who hate ISIS (with good reason, ISIS is blowing up their towns and making war primarily on their people) than Muslims who support ISIS. Lumping them all in together just makes it more likely that moderate Muslims will become susceptible to ISIS propaganda.", ">>{ItawambanBerserker} : No one is punishing anyone without due process. Stop projecting. And I've never heard of this Lord's army. I don't really think it's an issue. I don't think I used the word ban either.", ">>{noobjj} : Jews and Christians are into genital mutilation too. Well American Christians are commonly circumcised but it's uncommon in Europe and in some places being seen in a similar light to female genital mutilation. Also, honor killings aren't exclusive to Muslims. It's common in that part of the world among all religions of those areas but you don't see people saying Indians can't come here or that Hinduism is incompatible with the values of the United States. Muslims are just like any other cultural group in the US. Go out and talk to some of them and you might learn something.", '>>{cool_hand_luke} : Trump never had a seat to lose, and the primary is over.', '>>{77arlos} : At what point is it ethical to bar people from immigrating? If religion is synonymous with personal belief then what beliefs, if any, is it ethical to deny immigration rights to? I find it interesting many times the attacks on American soil have been caused by disaffected Americans.', '>>{weakandsensitive} : Can you quote me the date of the last Christian terrorist attack? and then can you quote me the date of the last Islamic terrorist attack? I know we tend to ignore third world hell holes, but for the sake of argument and to make your job easier, feel free to use one of those countries.', ">>{Eeeveee} : wow I thought he wasn't racist until that 3 word sentence fragment thrown out of context really changed my mind", '>>{pyrojoe121} : Where in Europe is a country being governed by Islamic rules?', '>>{Destijl14} : The candidate who said he would murder civilian families and children is the lesser of two evils?', '>>{ercax} : As opposed to the one that actually murders them?', ">>{realrafaelcruz} : Yes you're right. However, when you consistently push a message that's more extreme than reality it tends to change people's perspective on something. This is like the whole Email and Benghazi scandals with Hillary. What she did was messed up and she should be attacked for it super hard, but many Republicans have been saying she's evil incarnated for so long that it's not feasible to shift back the message to the appropriate level. Same thing with Trump imo.", '>>{weakandsensitive} : Okay, so 2 in 2015 and then 1 in 2011 before that. Now lets compare that to [Islamic Terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks#2016).', ">>{idrajitsc} : I'm not gonna look up a date, you can do that yourself if you actually care about being right, but there are active Christian terrorist groups in Africa every bit as awful as ISIS. So pretty recently, I'd guess.", '>>{Trorbes} : Are you saying Trump has no intention of following through on his promises?', '>>{Trorbes} : I\'d say believing the US is in any way succeptible to becoming "an islamic country ... governed by islamic rules" is an irrational fear.', ">>{Trorbes} : No, I've seen plenty of irrational fear and hatred of Islam. This thread is full of it.", ">>{pyrojoe121} : Turkey isn't governed by Sharia law. Their justice and legal system is fully secular. Indeed, headscarves are actually banned in many public institutions.", ">>{NateBronze} : Over 60% of Muslims worldwide believe shariah should rule. That's enough for me.", ">>{NateBronze} : We're up against regressives like you. People who believe Islam isn't a death cult.", '>>{NateBronze} : I hope that one day, after you graduate middle school, you take off your blinders and start to look at the world.', '>>{Destijl14} : Oh yeah. I forgot that Hillary walks around murdering brown people for fun on the weekends. I would love to hear your fantasy about Clinton murdering people. These delusions are always hilariously entertaining.', '>>{Destijl14} : Please go ahead and tell me what you believe, I am really interested in hearing your views. I know They will be hilariously entertaining.'], [">>{og_m4} : 13 Quotes from Guccifer 2.0'\x80\x99s DNC-HRC leaks", '>>{immawithHRC} : The private Jet thing was something changed after 2008 I think. That was normal before.', '>>{drtoszi} : There were some more released today/yesterday: https://guccifer2.wordpress.com/2016/07/14/new-dnc-docs/', '>>{Streelydan} : > These are some comments I have made on reddit regarding the Guccifer 2 leaks after having skimmed through all documents released so far… Are you actually fucking kidding me', ">>{monkiesnacks} : That sounds a bit prejudiced, he is not a Mafia boss just a lobbyist. >The PMA Group is a defunct lobbying firm based in Washington D.C. It was founded and owned by ex-House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense staffer Paul Magliocchetti. The firm's annual lobbying income climbed steadily to its 2006 peak at $16,060,000. In November 2008 the PMA Group's offices were raided by the FBI. The subsequent investigation into illegal pay to play activities has led to the resignation of five of its senior lobbyists who started their own firm and brought clients with them. As a result, the firm ceased operations on March 31, 2009 Hmm, so perhaps a pay to play scheme does make him sound like a Mafioso. >Paul Magliocchetti, the once-powerful lobbyist whose PMA Group collapsed after being raided by federal agents two years ago, was sentenced to 27 months in prison on Friday for his role in one of the largest schemes to evade limits on campaign donations ever uncovered. [Ex-Lobbyist Sentenced to Prison in Corruption Case](http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/08/us/politics/08lobbyist.html?_r=0) Oh, he is a convicted criminal too. Ran a scheme to evade limits on campaign contributions, seems like he would get along with Clinton just fine.", '>>{immawithHRC} : I just saw that they had a FBI investigation newspaper on him too but was too lazy to check details.', ">>{monkiesnacks} : > but was too lazy to check details Don't worry, my rates are reasonable and the bill is in the mail. :P", ">>{BrazenBribery} : >**(Summary of first release)** Looked through them all but found only a few mildly interesting excerpts. Bernie is mentioned in only one of these documents, and the DNC-HRC collusion is too obvious throughout to be worth quoting. > >**Some documents even make the case for Bernie’s ideas on healthcare and increasing voter turnout\u200a—\u200ayou’d think they came from a real DNC from a parallel universe that cares about the people.** It's good to know that the DNC are insufferable pricks no matter the context.", ">>{og_m4} : That's fine. I saw this site (republicbuzz) syndicating my blog post so I thought I'd share it here.", ">>{og_m4} : I didn't see any malware warning anywhere. If there is malware in the link, it's from republicbuzz.com because the original blog post is just a simple posting on medium.com.", '>>{John_Robinson} : May have been malware in the advertisment rotation. I am on mobile, didn\'t have means to investigate further. It was a looping JS popup "Your OS is severely compromised (etc. phone shake)" and tried to open a marketplace link. YMMV.', ">>{og_m4} : Thanks, this is good to know. I probably didn't see it because I'm using Adblock. I'm not giving people the republic link anymore and linking straight to the main article."], ['>>{dubhelix32} : Custom Amazon Dash Button Gives $5 Donation to ACLU When Pressed', '>>{dubhelix32} : And it was that Amazon Web Services IoT button—with a custom label attached—that programmer Nathan Pryor used to make it incredibly easy to donate to the American Civil Liberties Union, which has its work cut out for it as of late.', '>>{Grippler} : I think meant to post this to r/hailcorporate...', ">>{o_MrBombastic_o} : That's going to get a lot of use these next four years", ">>{Mysteroo} : Wait.. so why is this on 'contraversial'? I get that it's a kind of silly gadget, but why all the downvoting?", '>>{mainfingertopwise} : For when texting is just *too much* effort.', ">>{Quackinator100} : Don't know why this is being downvoted, this seems exactly like something this subreddit would love - it's a fun, harmless little gadget that someone made for themselves.", '>>{eightbitchris} : Lots of cynical, apathetic folks on here. South Park libertarian types. Techbros, and other silly nicknames.', ">>{epicdrwhofan} : Just wait till you have a little kid at your house and they start pressing it like no tomorrow. 20 presses and that's $100 out the door. 100 presses? $500 It doesn't take long to add up.", '>>{hazpat} : because it does nothing but take your money when you press a button. The gadgets, dash buttons, are nothing new or high tech.', ">>{Norviskor} : While I still think this is silly, IIRC the dash buttons have safeguards that stop the device at one press until the order you make has arrived. Unsure if this would have similar safeguards since it's donations, not products, but I'd imagine the creator would want to avoid unauthorized overpayments.", ">>{Quackinator100} : The button itself may not be a gadget, but the fact that it's been reprogrammed to automatically donate to the ACLU, despite the fact that there is no existing api for that function."], ['>>{TempestVT} : “More Votes Than Voters,” Wisconsin Counties Investigating Massive Voter Fraud (DETAILS)', '>>{cratermoon} : [Fake news/propaganda site](http://d279m997dpfwgl.cloudfront.net/wp/2016/11/Resource-False-Misleading-Clickbait-y-and-Satirical-%E2%80%9CNews%E2%80%9D-Sources-1.pdf)', ">>{EightTF} : Sounds Legit(It obviously isn't) Keep dreaming though!", ">>{Keldrath} : It's legit news. I've seen it from other sources as well. Supposedly it was down to a clerical error. Some calculation that they put in erroneously and accidentally gave Trump 5000 more votes in one county than he actually got.", '>>{NinjaHDD} : Cause Alex Jones is the actual liar, not Hillary.', ">>{mortfeinberg} : Alex Jones is bat-shit crazy and sells sugar water to conspiratards for profit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzNeg9D-EZ4 You know almost nothing Jones says is true, right? I hope to god you don't think infowars is real news, I really do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGgN-uk5o9w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oA7tn8ZYYY", '>>{TempestVT} : I appreciate this list. However, I did not see the news site listed on it. Also, I am curious what the origin is of this list since it just stored in cloudfront. I have been looking for something like this for some time.', '>>{HillaryWon1} : Yes it was a clerical error, but people have conflated this situation to epic proportions. Basically what happened is counties give a periodic update during election night, but these updates aren\'t official vote tallies. So a clerk added up the numbers wrong and sent them off, these numbers showed up somewhere, then when the official vote counting started (which is verified by several people) the correct number was given. So yes the vote totals did change however the error was never an official vote tally, it was never verified, it was never part of the final vote count. People have taken this error to indicate massive fraud, claiming that election officials "found" the error and took Trump votes away. Nothing of the sort happened. No error was "found", the official vote count for the county just put forth the correct number.', '>>{SMIDSY} : Because, as we all know, the world has only one liar. /s', '>>{fapsandnaps} : USUncut News Can I still read this is if I am circumcised?', '>>{Ulaven} : Right,and the same"clerical error" with the same result, happened in four separate counties? To believe that takes a very special kind of naïveté.', ">>{HillaryWon1} : Millions of ballots being counted, hundreds or even thousands of polling stations, hundreds of cities, dozens of counties, thousands of people counting ballots, vote counts being updated throughout the night, and you're surprised in all of these updates that there were 4 instances of someone pushing the wrong button on their calculator? I'm more shocked that given all of that it only happened 4 times.", '>>{kb3035583} : We have a particular county in Wisconsin that recorded "484" votes for Trump as "44". So clerical errors work both ways.', '>>{mortfeinberg} : The bat-shittery, and the fact people take him seriously.', ">>{434587786} : It's also listed here but I don't know if its a legit site so take it with a pinch of salt. No pun intended lol http://www.politicususa.com/2016/11/26/election-fraud-complaint-filed-people-voted-total-voters-4-wisconsin-precincts.html", '>>{434587786} : Yeah I\'m not buying it either, first it was a modem duplication that only "duplicated" for Trump. Now those other 4 states are a cleric error? That just so happened to be in Trumps favour. Will be interesting to see because Wisconsin is recounting first. However they rejected a human audit so what are they trying to hide? Jill says she will sue so let\'s see what happens. I they find actual evidence that\'s enough cause to recount all states. Fishy fuckers. Can you imagine if the shoe was on the other foot?', '>>{kb3035583} : > However they rejected a human audit so what are they trying to hide In the interest of time, and they never filed for an audit, but a recount.', ">>{Keldrath} : He's funny because he's so ridiculous, but there are people out there that are so unbelievably stupid that they actually believe what he says. That's scary.", '>>{dirtypawscub} : I bet Jim Jones told some funny jokes, too', ">>{434587786} : Green party said on their video announcement it was not only an audit but a step further. She is suing because they will only allow Machines to do it. That's the whole point of why she is suing lol", ">>{kb3035583} : They didn't pay for an audit, they paid for a recount. Auditing is significantly more expensive, and would actually be far more useful in finding evidence of fraud, I would think.", ">>{Ulaven} : With all of that, the odds of it happening four times in Trump's favor? Fucking astronomical. Also, not all of those votes are hand counted. A great many are machine counts.", ">>{HillaryWon1} : >With all of that, the odds of it happening four times in Trump's favor? >Fucking astronomical. It has happened more than 4 times, sometimes not in Trump's favor, of course we're just hearing about the times it happened to favor Trump."]]
classify and reply
[">>{ravupadh} : Trump: Clinton's Pennsylvania stop like a 'robber visiting their victim'", ">>{Manafort} : Jorge Ramos: Mexican president looked 'weak and shy' next to Donald Trump", '>>{zer0w0rries} : At the time of this post Hillary must win WI, MI and PA to have a viable path. Trump is currently leading in all of them and only needs one for the win along with AZ.', '>>{dirtynj} : It\'s done. He has won. Time for the republicans to put up or shut up forever - they control all 3 branches - if they can\'t "fix" our country, they never would be able to.', '>>{throwmeaway69b} : Well Nieto is not shy when it comes to stealing money from taxpayers for him and his buddies.', '>>{Modsdontknow2} : Huh I wonder what alternate reality he was watching it from, trump looked meek and afraid the entire time and could barley pronounce the words he was reading. He looked defeated. Not a good moment for trump.', '>>{oneeasypod} : As liberal as I am, dipshit liberals want to social on Facebook. WOMEN, RACISM, GUNS! They dont want to talk about the things that end Empires. Economics hurts the brain to think about.', ">>{WDCGator} : Don't worry Bernie or Bust bros, your non-stop complaining will help get this fuck elected. And then you'll make meaningless memes and post on reddit about all the injustice of it all while being fucking responsible for it because you deal in political absolutes.", '>>{Perge192} : >Trump\'s decision to reopen NAFTA therefore represents another significant gamble. For all his claims to being one of the world\'s great deal makers, the leaders of Canada and Mexico will be under intense political pressure to seal a better deal for their own people in new NAFTA negotiations -- and are unlikely to simply roll over and allow Trump to win all the spoils. Oh yeah. The small amount of critical thinking you have to do to realize this isn\'t a zero sum game, and why isolationism can be so dangerous. We don\'t live in a world where it takes days/weeks to move information. It\'s instantaneous. These countries will work around us. We are not the end all be all economy for the world. "Blue collar workers" need to realize this. They already killed their own unions. They don\'t need to bring the rest of the country to its knees with them.', ">>{pizzashill} : No, they aren't. That's just what people like to say to dismiss entire academic fields when those fields say they're wrong. If my pipes are broken, I'll call a plumber. If I need my house wired? an electrician. I'm sick? A doctor. For some reason, people on the right side of the spectrum, and I guess the far left, have gotten it into their heads they can hand wave away experts if those experts say they're wrong. As if their opinion is just as valuable as an economist when it comes to the economy. This is American anti-intellectualism, it's a cancer on society.", ">>{mediateches} : Trump spokesman downplays 'arms race' talk: 'We will all be just fine'", '>>{TheAmazingAsshole2} : Well, naturally. Trump is quite tall and robust. Just like the wall is going to be!', ">>{Hitch23} : I guess from the same one I did as I thought it was a very calm, diplomatic approach he showed. We already know he can do 'fire and brimstone', this is more of what I (as an independent) wanted to see.", ">>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : lol you're cute but no. Trump looked very presidential. Both parties were very mature and Trump commanded the stage when needed. Sorry Clinton supporters, but this did nothing but make Trump look good.", '>>{loki8481} : so it didn\'t count as "getting to work" when he rolled back a mortgage tax cut that would have saved them money?', ">>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : Hasn't his daughter worked for the Clinton campaign since like.. the beginning?", ">>{Makdranon} : It is looking like... Trumpageddon. and it's looking like Republicans own the Senate, so Donald could have full control.", '>>{Modsdontknow2} : Huh I guess you and I have very different standards for POTUS and definitions of those words.', ">>{1461DaysInHell} : We have heavily fortified bunkers, if you don't than that's your fault /s", '>>{woodtick57} : and it already begins, even before he takes the office.... he shoots off his big mouth and others have to come back and lie about what he really meant.', '>>{Nice_Dude} : That moment when you realize Chris Christie will be AG and Rudy Guillani will head the FBI....', '>>{pseudolocus} : This is the 90% of the problem with this country, combined with laziness. The other 10% is not wanting to take responsibility for your own actions. So true.', ">>{VeryHighEnergy} : Hahaha Keep trying to push your narrative - it isn't working. When Jorge Ramos says something like this, you know it has to be true.", '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Yeah, Obama should suspend law and prevent this man from taking office now', '>>{cybexg} : mocking comment void of any substance now, why did I know, before checking, that your account was less than a month old ...', ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Honestly I'm starting to think that the Clinton campaign knows that don't need the Bernie or busters. For all the turmoil happening on the left there's a lot on the right too. Hillary is giving up the socialists so that she can have the moderates (and even some Republicans)", '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : Thats what the drunk guy leaving the bar with his car keys says', ">>{androgenius} : A lot of these populist movements thrive on complaints about stuff but not actually having power. It will be interesting to see how they handle being in charge. Take Trade for example. It's right there in the name that it involves buying stuff from other countries. Stuff that could have been bought from a local factory instead. So it's easy to get anyone who loses a factory job on your side. However, Trade also means selling more American stuff abroad. But human nature means it's much harder to get the guy making good money from overtime in a busy American factory to care. He's not going to go on a march and thank foreigners and elitist economists, even if he knows the stuff he makes is getting shipped out. Nor will the person saving money on Amazon. Of course, you cancel a few trade deals and everything flips, the dude who gains a job doesn't connect it directly with Trump, but he will when his wage doesn't go further, or a factory closes that builds stuff for export.", '>>{pseudolocus} : That counted as "getting to work ON the blue collar workers" not FOR them ;)', '>>{Modsdontknow2} : You sound like you are trying to convince yourself not me bro.', '>>{shelbys_foot} : Just you wait, everybody who wants one will have a low-skilled, high paying, nonunion factory job. Just you wait ... and wait, and wait..', '>>{hetellsitlikeitis} : > Gets to work *on* his blue-collar base.', '>>{grixorbatz} : The only base DT is working for is represented in his cabinet choices.', ">>{HuffMar} : I don't like that the article blames 3rd parties on Clinton's loss in some states. I voted for her, but I think it's important we start the movement away from a two party system regardless.", '>>{FountainLoly} : I feel like this election was a botched WWE match and Clinton forgot to kick out of the 3-count.', ">>{radickulous} : There's also this to Consider: http://static5.businessinsider.com/image/55b680d22acae78b0e8ba340-1200-900/exports-state-map.png Currently, Canadians buy American", ">>{williamfbuckleysfist} : Seriously how much do they pay you, if it's more than $20 an hour I'll do a hell of a lot better job than this", '>>{Abinash94} : I agree. Just wanna see how trump changes the face of the nation.', ">>{Isz82} : Candidates rise and fall on their own merits. If Clinton fails to persuade people, that's on her. I'm voting for Clinton, but stop blaming others for her shortfalls.", '>>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : Now /r/politics should be about all politics and not just the election sub.', '>>{outlooker707} : replace it with something that people can actually afford.', '>>{ravupadh} : The DNC will reap what they sow. You people fucked yourselves by thinking you could get away with running a biased primary, talk down to us like children, won\'t address the actual problems we have with Clinton, and still expect us to help you by backing her? I don\'t think so. If you wanted our help then you should have actually addressed our greviences instead of calling us "children." I\'m not a Trump supporter but at least he\'s not a two faced conniving con artist like $hillary. Thank God for third party candidates.', ">>{hell_kat} : And our governments have been preparing since election day. Trudeau reshuffled his cabinet 'bigly' in anticipation of dealing with Trump. Our new foreign affairs minister is a giant signal that Putin is our enemy #1 right now. She has a Ukranian heritage, lived in Russia and was super vocal against him, and had been banned from Russia 3 years ago for our sanctions. Everyone is also wheeling and dealing behind the US, with China being the gal everyone wants to take to the dance now. Relationships are shifting. Trump is not only isolating himself through policy but with his erratic behavior and instability. Hard to say what will happen but Canada went the opposite way of US/UK with our last election. We are in no mood for populist bullshit. Though tensions aren't totally unheard of. Every time our governments don't sync (liberals with gop or conservatives with dnc), things get a bit funny.", ">>{W3NTZ} : Holy shit there's no way Chris Christie gets to be on his coattails there's no way.", '>>{hearthneewb} : So not the previous system? So I ask again, what do they have to replace it and why should they repeal it before they have something new?', ">>{Isz82} : They must know something we don't. The polls show a tight enough race that they can't afford to lose anyone.", ">>{hearthneewb} : The third parties are kind of shit in America. If they were any good i'd agree with you but letting more shit enter the arena helps no one", ">>{Lotr29} : People think you're obligated to vote for her even if she's the worst candidate ever. Maybe next time don't nominate such a shitty candidate lol", ">>{Urshulg} : Polls and media also said McCain /Obama was going to be close and it was a bloodbath. No one watches a blowout, so to keep up the ratings they need to say it's close. Hope Hillary loses, but still not a fan of Trump", ">>{PoliticalStooge137} : That sounds like something somebody would say when we're not all going to be fine", ">>{RAND-PAUL-IN-MY-ANUS} : Why would Obama prevent Trump from taking office when Obama rubber stamped a proposal to invest $1 trillion in building up our nuclear arsenal? He's the one that started the arms race, maybe he wants someone to finish it for him. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/22/us/us-ramping-up-major-renewal-in-nuclear-arms.html Nasty hypocrites in /r/politics don't care about facts though!", '>>{HotCrossBlonde} : He signed a law putting money towards updating the tech surrounding the bombs. Not for building up stockpiles. Did you even read the article you linked to?', '>>{NoMoreDeflections} : Because we have a history of developing the tech and then not building the weapons?', ">>{progwire} : Why is it that the people who are most wrong are always the most loud mouthed about their ignorance. edit: you either understand how wrong you are, or you don't. both make the baby Jesus sad.", ">>{HotCrossBlonde} : It literally says in the article that even those who *want* to build up our arms have said we won't have the money to do so after updating the systems", ">>{Frisky_Mongoose} : Not really, there's a documentary in YouTube. The systems are run by stupid-old computers and systems. Which makes sense since we have not had any sort of need for it since the Cold War. The update is most likely geared towards updating the control systems.", ">>{monkeiboi} : Lol no. Drain the swamp means the WHOLE swamp. You think us trumpers would be satisfied with the head of beast? It's ALL getting gutted and refurnished. Dems, republicans. All that corruption and graft is going in the trash.", '>>{Abinash94} : Ofcourse they will be.. I wanna see how Trump changes America', '>>{woodtick57} : Some of the systems are. not all of them.', ">>{Urshulg} : It's great that Clinton has shown shit bags everywhere that it's other people's fault that they're shit bags. How fucking inspired", ">>{KaitRaven} : If it's all fine then why the fuck do we need more nukes.", ">>{WDCGator} : Pppssssstttt: Bernie wasn't a Democrat. He still isn't. I like what he stands for and hope he grows his platform within the party, but here's the truth. He had years to grow a platform in Congress and didn't, not to mention he was woefully underwhelming in debates against clinton regarding foreign policy. Lets not ignore that Bernie lost by literally millions of votes and no amount of bullshit emails criticizing him would change that.", ">>{knvngy} : I will never listen to progressive liberals again. I am done with you. You are nothing but race-baiting, hyper-sexualized hedonistic, self entitled, fascist, violent , Wall St's useful idiots, airheads. You gave America away to Donald freaking Trump. You just voted for a Vagina, because that's all you have in your head, a vagina. You didn't vote for a decent candidate, you voted for Hillary Clinton and you lost against Donald freaking Trump. Disgusting.", ">>{ryan_meets_wall} : Look, people need to stop fucking around about nuclear warheads. We already know People die so fast their ashes are encrusted onto walls in the shape of the person. It takes seconds and millions of people die. From ONE nuke. We do not need nuclear warhead build ups. It is not necessary. Trump does not need to meddle with things he does not understand--leave this to Rick Perry, our new Energy Secretary. Ah. That could be a problem. Well at least we have a secretary of state with years and years of foreign affairs experience. Oh. Okay. Well at least his national security advisor is level headed. Woops. Well then. I just don't know how people aren't freaked out. You can't use nonchalant language our nuclear energy of any sort. That's why Obama selected Energy secretaries who aren't political in any way and who arguably are some of the foremost experts in the world in their fields. Trump picked Perry. This is legitimately scary. Are we going to bring back the pseudo-nuclear war practice sessions where we all hide under our desks too now?", ">>{Isz82} : > Polls and media also said McCain /Obama was going to be close and it was a bloodbath. No one watches a blowout, so to keep up the ratings they need to say it's close. True. I think their desire for a horse race was more obvious in 2012, though; 2008 the writing was on the wall by September. I hope that Hillary wins. I'm not willing to risk the alternative. But she's not a great candidate for this election.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : The blame is on many people and many factors not just one.', ">>{WDCGator} : I think the emails are just how business is done. Politics is messy. Bernie was and is an independent who had a career of not growing his platform and expecting an entire party to bend to his will. He is going to be a force in shaping the party, and I welcome it. In the mean time, don't fucking burn the village in an attempt to save it you short sighted pentulent child.", ">>{WDCGator} : >I hope that Hillary wins. I'm not willing to risk the alternative. But she's not a great candidate for this election. Thank you. I think a lot of Democrats feel this way. I do. I know Hilary isn't ideal. But the alternative is insane. Pretty simple. I've been pleased with he Obama presidency for the most part, and Clinton would keep that going for the most part, and for the most part, I'm happy with that.", '>>{Isz82} : The only people to blame are those responsible for the campaign. Others have to live with their choices, whatever they were, but Hillary Clinton, a candidate who has every advantage in this election save incumbency, is ultimately responsible for her victory or loss. Voters owe her nothing. They owe Trump nothing. Their votes have to be earned. Blaming voters reveals an arrogant sense of entitlement fit for kings and queens, not presidents in liberal democracies.', '>>{doorstop_scraper} : > They dont want to talk about the things that end Empires. Economics hurts the brain to think about. In your defence, neither does trump: No mention of the federal debt that I noticed, and he apparently thinks mercantilism is a sensible economic theory and that trade is some kind of theft.', '>>{Kharn0} : As that GOP strategist Ama a few weeks ago said: "A Trump presidency is not something the GOP can survive"', ">>{ManBearScientist} : It is not something anyone can survive. By 2018 we'll have either faced a nuclear war or hostile government takeover.", ">>{didsomebodysaymyname} : >We will all be just fine We're fucked.", ">>{GaryNMaine} : I'd say it's about time you get Rand Paul out of there.", ">>{Deceptiveideas} : That doesn't solve anything. Obamacare was a bandaid to the crumbling healthcare system. Removing the bandaid with no real alternative just makes it worse. And considering they're republicans, I doubt they want the government involved with healthcare.", ">>{dirtynj} : > That doesn't solve anything. That's the point.", ">>{hearthneewb} : So basically I'm not to have insurance due to my pre existing condition? You guys don't think things through very much do you.", ">>{dirtynj} : Trump says he will repeal Obamacare. But that's not how the process works.", '>>{hearthneewb} : Sure but the republican controlled SOCUS, House and Senate will let him do whatever the fuck he wants.', '>>{ASitl} : Go apologize to your mother and go to sleep.', '>>{dirtynj} : Well will see. And honestly, I am kind of looking forward to it. My republican friends always complained about democrats. But now, they literally have all the power - all three branches. There are no excuses. No roadblocks. I want to see their "ideas" for making our country great again. In reality, these next 4 years are going to expose the GoP for what they really are, and the democrats will have a huge swing in 2020.', '>>{vinny95} : Jesus, chill man. I\'m not voting for Clinton. But, I\'m sure as hell not for Trump, either, and most of my "bros" feel the same way. I\'m in a blue state that is not going to Trump. Period. So, I\'m not pissing my vote away on those two jackasses, I\'ll spend it on Green, maybe they\'ll get some funding. That and I\'ll vote down ticket. But let me leave you with some advice: insulting people won\'t bring them over, and the people on Reddit aren\'t representatives of the real world.', '>>{Blahblahblahblahblac} : That would be nice, not paying 15K for a "premium" plan that\'s inflated to shit to carry those who abuse the system.', ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : If your voted for someone other than Hillary Clinton than you actively worked against Hillary Clinton being the president. Pretty simple. I didn't say she wasn't responsible either but the people that write in Bernie don't get to wipe their hands clean of the result. Strategic voting works.", '>>{WDCGator} : And voters deal with the real world repercussions of voting in philosphical bullshit terms instead of real world appication. Here\'s a real world lesson: politics is messy. No party wants an independent rolling in trying to make the platform their own when they could have made a platform for the entire time they were in Congress (Bernie). Now he\'s trying the shape the party. Join him and help the future. But your fucking "earn my vote" bullshit is going to bite you in the ass when you realize you squandered a chance to stop awful shit from happening.', '>>{Phillipinsocal} : Secure our borders. Eliminate sanctuary cities. Punish American companies for employing illegal labor. TPP overhaul.', '>>{timesnever} : An empty chair can win against Trump. Few hundred thousand Bernie or busters spread across the country would have nothing to do with a loss against Trump. It is deplorable that this is even a contest. Any other democrat would have mopped the floor with Trump.', ">>{Isz82} : I'm really hoping that you people do not wake up to the American equivalent of Brexit, but you're not giving me much of a reason to be optimistic.", '>>{drunkenbrawler} : If not that the unchecked global warming will have the world wrecked in a few decades or so', ">>{LargeDan} : I'm confused. Why are you mad at progressive liberals? Shouldn't you be mad at centrist Clinton voters who chose her in the primary?", '>>{Sophrosynic} : Oh good, "something". I was getting worried this hadn\'t been thought through.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : You are underestimating the large group of folks Trump has turned on to the political process.', ">>{WDCGator} : I'm telling people to do the opposite of berexit. To not vote trump. Not to cut your nose off to spite your face.", '>>{WDCGator} : Let me introduce you to a guy Ralph Nader.', ">>{The_whore_of_Haiti} : [Doesn't Bill look like a sith lord?](http://s24.photobucket.com/user/Davis1950/media/Clintons/image_zpsxqazkbjg.jpeg.html)", ">>{Black_Otter} : It's the typical tantrum move where they sit on there ass in the middle of the store and whine/cry because thesis they what they want. I think at this point they WANT Trump to win so they can be smug about how they voted for Bernie", ">>{uncertainpath} : > Doesn't Bill look like a sith lord? You are going to have to photoshop him into a Jedi robe before I believe it.", '>>{balmergrl} : Bernie got 45% of primary voters, but Hillary\'s strategy has been to try to appeal to middle age white male Dems and GOP NeverTrump than to extend any meaningful olive branches. The platform is only a piece of paper, she and her supporters are only entitled to our votes if we see meaningful actions like progressives in her cabinet, after her VP pick and naming Debbie as honorary chair of her campaign. Fear tactics won\'t work. And neither will lecturing on your "real work lessons" on Reddit silly. Get real.', '>>{WDCGator} : Exactly. The untapped racist voter is being heavily influenced and bernie folks are too busy trying to make a point.', ">>{vinny95} : He didn't make a difference in NY, did he? Look, if I had to vote for Clinton, I would. It would take a few bracing shots of vodka, but I'd do it. Luckily, I have the good old fashioned (and really, really, stupid) electoral college on my side.", ">>{xahnel} : Indeed. Make solar and electric cars marketable to more than the rich people who feel guilty and you'll solve the problem. Oh, wait, excuse me. Were... were you expecting me to recoil like a vampire presented with a cross? I'm sorry, you wanna start over?", ">>{Internetzhero} : Well, I think it's too late to solve it, we needed to act decisively and two decades ago. All we can do now is soften the blow, and even with that we're struggling. The neoliberal economic order pioneered by Thatcher and Reagan has made any action near impossible, as well as the late industrialization of countries such as China and India. But acknowledging it's existence rather than claiming it is a hoax like Trump would be an ideal starting position for any action.", ">>{sly_boots} : What about Hilary's dedication to a no fly zone? A vote for Hillary is a vote for war . Wake up. No one is politically ideal.", '>>{Isz82} : No. You are ordering people, not trying to persuade them. You are preemptively blaming them, not trying to open the door for them to vote the right way. The campaign is making several of the same mistakes, in my opinion. They have lined up elite supporters, including prominent Republicans, to endorse Clinton. "The alternative is unthinkable," they say. This was the same strategy that was used by the Remain camp in a lot of ways: Elites, talking to other elites, saying that Remain was the only viable option. Polls fluctuated but narrowed, until Leave won. There are important differences, to be sure, but there are important similarities. The stakes are as high for us as they were for the UK, if not higher. You cannot afford to alienate persuadable voters. Your approach right now does nothing but harden people against her.', '>>{chimpaman} : >She is a radical corporatist who will tell any falsehood -- just like she did about her emails -- to enrich her donors and sell out the working people of America. Truth. But to quibble: corporatist is not the word to use here. That means rule by groups in general, not necessarily by grouped business interests (what we generally mean when we say "corporations" nowadays). The right word, referring to rule by specifically business corporations, is corporatocracy.', ">>{Isz82} : 538's Polls Only forecast shows an even race. A race that has tightened significantly, and ahead of the conventions. Time will tell. No state should be treated as though it was a sure thing.", ">>{xahnel} : Two decades ago Florida was going to vanish under the sea in ten years. Things are not and have not gone as bad as predictions have predicted. An environment is not a boulder rolling down a hill, it's a pedulum.", ">>{timesnever} : Absolutely but there's definitely more people who hate him with as much vigour. Both nominees are running against the only person they could possibly beat.", ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : It's time to ditch the 'Nader Gave us Bush' fairy tale, because it's flat-out wrong.", '>>{yeahsureYnot} : Nationally? Clinton only needs one other swing state if she wins Pennsylvania.', '>>{Isz82} : Go look at it [right now](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/). It is 50/50, basically in both popular vote and electoral college. This race is currently a toss up.', ">>{Internetzhero} : Anybody who said Climate Change was going to ravage our civilization in the early part of the 21st Century was an idiot. We can already observe Climate Change, but nothing too horrible is going to happen for another few of decades at least. >An environment is not a boulder rolling down a hill, it's a pedulum. That is such an ignorant and simplistic thing to say. Our planet has *never* experienced such a fast rise in Co2 levels. It may have experienced these levels, but never did the Co2 proliferate at such an extraordinary rate. Donald supporters are such anti-science idiots. Now run along and say vaccines cause autism like your dipshit God Emperor.", ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Okay but that's one source. 538 admitted to being more bullish on trump than most. Not saying they're wrong.", ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Just as a counter, real clear (which conglomerates polls) has Clinton up 9 points in Pennsylvania. They also give her Ohio and NC (by smaller margins) . That's all she needs, trump can even have Florida. I'm just saying she has way more paths to victory than trump does.", '>>{WDCGator} : No its not. Philosphically, maybe. But not in the application of voting.', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : Yes, it's pure fantasy. Gore lost because he ran an abysmal campaign. Among his other fatal errors, he distanced himself from his own administration and was unable to connect with undecided voters in swing states. These voters hadn't benefited from the economic boom and wanted assurances the economy would remain strong and they'd get their share. Gore's campaign barely had a pulse. George W spoke the magic words and won their votes. On Labor Day, 2000, it was predicted Gore would win handily. But by November, he'd pissed away his lead and lost the election. It's time to finally stop blaming Nader and admit Gore lost all by himself."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{ravupadh} : Trump: Clinton's Pennsylvania stop like a 'robber visiting their victim'", ">>{WDCGator} : Don't worry Bernie or Bust bros, your non-stop complaining will help get this fuck elected. And then you'll make meaningless memes and post on reddit about all the injustice of it all while being fucking responsible for it because you deal in political absolutes.", ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Honestly I'm starting to think that the Clinton campaign knows that don't need the Bernie or busters. For all the turmoil happening on the left there's a lot on the right too. Hillary is giving up the socialists so that she can have the moderates (and even some Republicans)", ">>{Isz82} : Candidates rise and fall on their own merits. If Clinton fails to persuade people, that's on her. I'm voting for Clinton, but stop blaming others for her shortfalls.", '>>{ravupadh} : The DNC will reap what they sow. You people fucked yourselves by thinking you could get away with running a biased primary, talk down to us like children, won\'t address the actual problems we have with Clinton, and still expect us to help you by backing her? I don\'t think so. If you wanted our help then you should have actually addressed our greviences instead of calling us "children." I\'m not a Trump supporter but at least he\'s not a two faced conniving con artist like $hillary. Thank God for third party candidates.', ">>{Isz82} : They must know something we don't. The polls show a tight enough race that they can't afford to lose anyone.", ">>{Urshulg} : Polls and media also said McCain /Obama was going to be close and it was a bloodbath. No one watches a blowout, so to keep up the ratings they need to say it's close. Hope Hillary loses, but still not a fan of Trump", ">>{Urshulg} : It's great that Clinton has shown shit bags everywhere that it's other people's fault that they're shit bags. How fucking inspired", ">>{WDCGator} : Pppssssstttt: Bernie wasn't a Democrat. He still isn't. I like what he stands for and hope he grows his platform within the party, but here's the truth. He had years to grow a platform in Congress and didn't, not to mention he was woefully underwhelming in debates against clinton regarding foreign policy. Lets not ignore that Bernie lost by literally millions of votes and no amount of bullshit emails criticizing him would change that.", ">>{Isz82} : > Polls and media also said McCain /Obama was going to be close and it was a bloodbath. No one watches a blowout, so to keep up the ratings they need to say it's close. True. I think their desire for a horse race was more obvious in 2012, though; 2008 the writing was on the wall by September. I hope that Hillary wins. I'm not willing to risk the alternative. But she's not a great candidate for this election.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : The blame is on many people and many factors not just one.', ">>{WDCGator} : I think the emails are just how business is done. Politics is messy. Bernie was and is an independent who had a career of not growing his platform and expecting an entire party to bend to his will. He is going to be a force in shaping the party, and I welcome it. In the mean time, don't fucking burn the village in an attempt to save it you short sighted pentulent child.", ">>{WDCGator} : >I hope that Hillary wins. I'm not willing to risk the alternative. But she's not a great candidate for this election. Thank you. I think a lot of Democrats feel this way. I do. I know Hilary isn't ideal. But the alternative is insane. Pretty simple. I've been pleased with he Obama presidency for the most part, and Clinton would keep that going for the most part, and for the most part, I'm happy with that.", '>>{Isz82} : The only people to blame are those responsible for the campaign. Others have to live with their choices, whatever they were, but Hillary Clinton, a candidate who has every advantage in this election save incumbency, is ultimately responsible for her victory or loss. Voters owe her nothing. They owe Trump nothing. Their votes have to be earned. Blaming voters reveals an arrogant sense of entitlement fit for kings and queens, not presidents in liberal democracies.', '>>{vinny95} : Jesus, chill man. I\'m not voting for Clinton. But, I\'m sure as hell not for Trump, either, and most of my "bros" feel the same way. I\'m in a blue state that is not going to Trump. Period. So, I\'m not pissing my vote away on those two jackasses, I\'ll spend it on Green, maybe they\'ll get some funding. That and I\'ll vote down ticket. But let me leave you with some advice: insulting people won\'t bring them over, and the people on Reddit aren\'t representatives of the real world.', ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : If your voted for someone other than Hillary Clinton than you actively worked against Hillary Clinton being the president. Pretty simple. I didn't say she wasn't responsible either but the people that write in Bernie don't get to wipe their hands clean of the result. Strategic voting works.", '>>{WDCGator} : And voters deal with the real world repercussions of voting in philosphical bullshit terms instead of real world appication. Here\'s a real world lesson: politics is messy. No party wants an independent rolling in trying to make the platform their own when they could have made a platform for the entire time they were in Congress (Bernie). Now he\'s trying the shape the party. Join him and help the future. But your fucking "earn my vote" bullshit is going to bite you in the ass when you realize you squandered a chance to stop awful shit from happening.', '>>{timesnever} : An empty chair can win against Trump. Few hundred thousand Bernie or busters spread across the country would have nothing to do with a loss against Trump. It is deplorable that this is even a contest. Any other democrat would have mopped the floor with Trump.', ">>{Isz82} : I'm really hoping that you people do not wake up to the American equivalent of Brexit, but you're not giving me much of a reason to be optimistic.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : You are underestimating the large group of folks Trump has turned on to the political process.', ">>{WDCGator} : I'm telling people to do the opposite of berexit. To not vote trump. Not to cut your nose off to spite your face.", '>>{WDCGator} : Let me introduce you to a guy Ralph Nader.', ">>{The_whore_of_Haiti} : [Doesn't Bill look like a sith lord?](http://s24.photobucket.com/user/Davis1950/media/Clintons/image_zpsxqazkbjg.jpeg.html)", ">>{Black_Otter} : It's the typical tantrum move where they sit on there ass in the middle of the store and whine/cry because thesis they what they want. I think at this point they WANT Trump to win so they can be smug about how they voted for Bernie", ">>{uncertainpath} : > Doesn't Bill look like a sith lord? You are going to have to photoshop him into a Jedi robe before I believe it.", '>>{balmergrl} : Bernie got 45% of primary voters, but Hillary\'s strategy has been to try to appeal to middle age white male Dems and GOP NeverTrump than to extend any meaningful olive branches. The platform is only a piece of paper, she and her supporters are only entitled to our votes if we see meaningful actions like progressives in her cabinet, after her VP pick and naming Debbie as honorary chair of her campaign. Fear tactics won\'t work. And neither will lecturing on your "real work lessons" on Reddit silly. Get real.', '>>{WDCGator} : Exactly. The untapped racist voter is being heavily influenced and bernie folks are too busy trying to make a point.', ">>{vinny95} : He didn't make a difference in NY, did he? Look, if I had to vote for Clinton, I would. It would take a few bracing shots of vodka, but I'd do it. Luckily, I have the good old fashioned (and really, really, stupid) electoral college on my side.", ">>{xahnel} : Indeed. Make solar and electric cars marketable to more than the rich people who feel guilty and you'll solve the problem. Oh, wait, excuse me. Were... were you expecting me to recoil like a vampire presented with a cross? I'm sorry, you wanna start over?", ">>{Internetzhero} : Well, I think it's too late to solve it, we needed to act decisively and two decades ago. All we can do now is soften the blow, and even with that we're struggling. The neoliberal economic order pioneered by Thatcher and Reagan has made any action near impossible, as well as the late industrialization of countries such as China and India. But acknowledging it's existence rather than claiming it is a hoax like Trump would be an ideal starting position for any action.", ">>{sly_boots} : What about Hilary's dedication to a no fly zone? A vote for Hillary is a vote for war . Wake up. No one is politically ideal.", '>>{Isz82} : No. You are ordering people, not trying to persuade them. You are preemptively blaming them, not trying to open the door for them to vote the right way. The campaign is making several of the same mistakes, in my opinion. They have lined up elite supporters, including prominent Republicans, to endorse Clinton. "The alternative is unthinkable," they say. This was the same strategy that was used by the Remain camp in a lot of ways: Elites, talking to other elites, saying that Remain was the only viable option. Polls fluctuated but narrowed, until Leave won. There are important differences, to be sure, but there are important similarities. The stakes are as high for us as they were for the UK, if not higher. You cannot afford to alienate persuadable voters. Your approach right now does nothing but harden people against her.', '>>{chimpaman} : >She is a radical corporatist who will tell any falsehood -- just like she did about her emails -- to enrich her donors and sell out the working people of America. Truth. But to quibble: corporatist is not the word to use here. That means rule by groups in general, not necessarily by grouped business interests (what we generally mean when we say "corporations" nowadays). The right word, referring to rule by specifically business corporations, is corporatocracy.', ">>{Isz82} : 538's Polls Only forecast shows an even race. A race that has tightened significantly, and ahead of the conventions. Time will tell. No state should be treated as though it was a sure thing.", ">>{xahnel} : Two decades ago Florida was going to vanish under the sea in ten years. Things are not and have not gone as bad as predictions have predicted. An environment is not a boulder rolling down a hill, it's a pedulum.", ">>{timesnever} : Absolutely but there's definitely more people who hate him with as much vigour. Both nominees are running against the only person they could possibly beat.", ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : It's time to ditch the 'Nader Gave us Bush' fairy tale, because it's flat-out wrong.", '>>{yeahsureYnot} : Nationally? Clinton only needs one other swing state if she wins Pennsylvania.', '>>{Isz82} : Go look at it [right now](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/). It is 50/50, basically in both popular vote and electoral college. This race is currently a toss up.', ">>{Internetzhero} : Anybody who said Climate Change was going to ravage our civilization in the early part of the 21st Century was an idiot. We can already observe Climate Change, but nothing too horrible is going to happen for another few of decades at least. >An environment is not a boulder rolling down a hill, it's a pedulum. That is such an ignorant and simplistic thing to say. Our planet has *never* experienced such a fast rise in Co2 levels. It may have experienced these levels, but never did the Co2 proliferate at such an extraordinary rate. Donald supporters are such anti-science idiots. Now run along and say vaccines cause autism like your dipshit God Emperor.", ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Okay but that's one source. 538 admitted to being more bullish on trump than most. Not saying they're wrong.", ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Just as a counter, real clear (which conglomerates polls) has Clinton up 9 points in Pennsylvania. They also give her Ohio and NC (by smaller margins) . That's all she needs, trump can even have Florida. I'm just saying she has way more paths to victory than trump does.", '>>{WDCGator} : No its not. Philosphically, maybe. But not in the application of voting.', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : Yes, it's pure fantasy. Gore lost because he ran an abysmal campaign. Among his other fatal errors, he distanced himself from his own administration and was unable to connect with undecided voters in swing states. These voters hadn't benefited from the economic boom and wanted assurances the economy would remain strong and they'd get their share. Gore's campaign barely had a pulse. George W spoke the magic words and won their votes. On Labor Day, 2000, it was predicted Gore would win handily. But by November, he'd pissed away his lead and lost the election. It's time to finally stop blaming Nader and admit Gore lost all by himself."], [">>{Manafort} : Jorge Ramos: Mexican president looked 'weak and shy' next to Donald Trump", '>>{throwmeaway69b} : Well Nieto is not shy when it comes to stealing money from taxpayers for him and his buddies.', '>>{Modsdontknow2} : Huh I wonder what alternate reality he was watching it from, trump looked meek and afraid the entire time and could barley pronounce the words he was reading. He looked defeated. Not a good moment for trump.', '>>{TheAmazingAsshole2} : Well, naturally. Trump is quite tall and robust. Just like the wall is going to be!', ">>{Hitch23} : I guess from the same one I did as I thought it was a very calm, diplomatic approach he showed. We already know he can do 'fire and brimstone', this is more of what I (as an independent) wanted to see.", ">>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : lol you're cute but no. Trump looked very presidential. Both parties were very mature and Trump commanded the stage when needed. Sorry Clinton supporters, but this did nothing but make Trump look good.", ">>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : Hasn't his daughter worked for the Clinton campaign since like.. the beginning?", '>>{Modsdontknow2} : Huh I guess you and I have very different standards for POTUS and definitions of those words.', ">>{VeryHighEnergy} : Hahaha Keep trying to push your narrative - it isn't working. When Jorge Ramos says something like this, you know it has to be true.", '>>{Modsdontknow2} : You sound like you are trying to convince yourself not me bro.', ">>{williamfbuckleysfist} : Seriously how much do they pay you, if it's more than $20 an hour I'll do a hell of a lot better job than this"], [">>{mediateches} : Trump spokesman downplays 'arms race' talk: 'We will all be just fine'", ">>{1461DaysInHell} : We have heavily fortified bunkers, if you don't than that's your fault /s", '>>{woodtick57} : and it already begins, even before he takes the office.... he shoots off his big mouth and others have to come back and lie about what he really meant.', '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Yeah, Obama should suspend law and prevent this man from taking office now', '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : Thats what the drunk guy leaving the bar with his car keys says', ">>{PoliticalStooge137} : That sounds like something somebody would say when we're not all going to be fine", ">>{RAND-PAUL-IN-MY-ANUS} : Why would Obama prevent Trump from taking office when Obama rubber stamped a proposal to invest $1 trillion in building up our nuclear arsenal? He's the one that started the arms race, maybe he wants someone to finish it for him. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/22/us/us-ramping-up-major-renewal-in-nuclear-arms.html Nasty hypocrites in /r/politics don't care about facts though!", '>>{HotCrossBlonde} : He signed a law putting money towards updating the tech surrounding the bombs. Not for building up stockpiles. Did you even read the article you linked to?', '>>{NoMoreDeflections} : Because we have a history of developing the tech and then not building the weapons?', ">>{progwire} : Why is it that the people who are most wrong are always the most loud mouthed about their ignorance. edit: you either understand how wrong you are, or you don't. both make the baby Jesus sad.", ">>{HotCrossBlonde} : It literally says in the article that even those who *want* to build up our arms have said we won't have the money to do so after updating the systems", ">>{Frisky_Mongoose} : Not really, there's a documentary in YouTube. The systems are run by stupid-old computers and systems. Which makes sense since we have not had any sort of need for it since the Cold War. The update is most likely geared towards updating the control systems.", '>>{woodtick57} : Some of the systems are. not all of them.', ">>{KaitRaven} : If it's all fine then why the fuck do we need more nukes.", ">>{ryan_meets_wall} : Look, people need to stop fucking around about nuclear warheads. We already know People die so fast their ashes are encrusted onto walls in the shape of the person. It takes seconds and millions of people die. From ONE nuke. We do not need nuclear warhead build ups. It is not necessary. Trump does not need to meddle with things he does not understand--leave this to Rick Perry, our new Energy Secretary. Ah. That could be a problem. Well at least we have a secretary of state with years and years of foreign affairs experience. Oh. Okay. Well at least his national security advisor is level headed. Woops. Well then. I just don't know how people aren't freaked out. You can't use nonchalant language our nuclear energy of any sort. That's why Obama selected Energy secretaries who aren't political in any way and who arguably are some of the foremost experts in the world in their fields. Trump picked Perry. This is legitimately scary. Are we going to bring back the pseudo-nuclear war practice sessions where we all hide under our desks too now?", ">>{didsomebodysaymyname} : >We will all be just fine We're fucked.", ">>{GaryNMaine} : I'd say it's about time you get Rand Paul out of there."], ['>>{Perge192} : >Trump\'s decision to reopen NAFTA therefore represents another significant gamble. For all his claims to being one of the world\'s great deal makers, the leaders of Canada and Mexico will be under intense political pressure to seal a better deal for their own people in new NAFTA negotiations -- and are unlikely to simply roll over and allow Trump to win all the spoils. Oh yeah. The small amount of critical thinking you have to do to realize this isn\'t a zero sum game, and why isolationism can be so dangerous. We don\'t live in a world where it takes days/weeks to move information. It\'s instantaneous. These countries will work around us. We are not the end all be all economy for the world. "Blue collar workers" need to realize this. They already killed their own unions. They don\'t need to bring the rest of the country to its knees with them.', ">>{pizzashill} : No, they aren't. That's just what people like to say to dismiss entire academic fields when those fields say they're wrong. If my pipes are broken, I'll call a plumber. If I need my house wired? an electrician. I'm sick? A doctor. For some reason, people on the right side of the spectrum, and I guess the far left, have gotten it into their heads they can hand wave away experts if those experts say they're wrong. As if their opinion is just as valuable as an economist when it comes to the economy. This is American anti-intellectualism, it's a cancer on society.", '>>{loki8481} : so it didn\'t count as "getting to work" when he rolled back a mortgage tax cut that would have saved them money?', '>>{pseudolocus} : This is the 90% of the problem with this country, combined with laziness. The other 10% is not wanting to take responsibility for your own actions. So true.', '>>{cybexg} : mocking comment void of any substance now, why did I know, before checking, that your account was less than a month old ...', ">>{androgenius} : A lot of these populist movements thrive on complaints about stuff but not actually having power. It will be interesting to see how they handle being in charge. Take Trade for example. It's right there in the name that it involves buying stuff from other countries. Stuff that could have been bought from a local factory instead. So it's easy to get anyone who loses a factory job on your side. However, Trade also means selling more American stuff abroad. But human nature means it's much harder to get the guy making good money from overtime in a busy American factory to care. He's not going to go on a march and thank foreigners and elitist economists, even if he knows the stuff he makes is getting shipped out. Nor will the person saving money on Amazon. Of course, you cancel a few trade deals and everything flips, the dude who gains a job doesn't connect it directly with Trump, but he will when his wage doesn't go further, or a factory closes that builds stuff for export.", '>>{pseudolocus} : That counted as "getting to work ON the blue collar workers" not FOR them ;)', '>>{shelbys_foot} : Just you wait, everybody who wants one will have a low-skilled, high paying, nonunion factory job. Just you wait ... and wait, and wait..', '>>{hetellsitlikeitis} : > Gets to work *on* his blue-collar base.', '>>{grixorbatz} : The only base DT is working for is represented in his cabinet choices.', ">>{radickulous} : There's also this to Consider: http://static5.businessinsider.com/image/55b680d22acae78b0e8ba340-1200-900/exports-state-map.png Currently, Canadians buy American", ">>{hell_kat} : And our governments have been preparing since election day. Trudeau reshuffled his cabinet 'bigly' in anticipation of dealing with Trump. Our new foreign affairs minister is a giant signal that Putin is our enemy #1 right now. She has a Ukranian heritage, lived in Russia and was super vocal against him, and had been banned from Russia 3 years ago for our sanctions. Everyone is also wheeling and dealing behind the US, with China being the gal everyone wants to take to the dance now. Relationships are shifting. Trump is not only isolating himself through policy but with his erratic behavior and instability. Hard to say what will happen but Canada went the opposite way of US/UK with our last election. We are in no mood for populist bullshit. Though tensions aren't totally unheard of. Every time our governments don't sync (liberals with gop or conservatives with dnc), things get a bit funny."], ['>>{zer0w0rries} : At the time of this post Hillary must win WI, MI and PA to have a viable path. Trump is currently leading in all of them and only needs one for the win along with AZ.', '>>{dirtynj} : It\'s done. He has won. Time for the republicans to put up or shut up forever - they control all 3 branches - if they can\'t "fix" our country, they never would be able to.', '>>{oneeasypod} : As liberal as I am, dipshit liberals want to social on Facebook. WOMEN, RACISM, GUNS! They dont want to talk about the things that end Empires. Economics hurts the brain to think about.', ">>{Makdranon} : It is looking like... Trumpageddon. and it's looking like Republicans own the Senate, so Donald could have full control.", '>>{Nice_Dude} : That moment when you realize Chris Christie will be AG and Rudy Guillani will head the FBI....', ">>{HuffMar} : I don't like that the article blames 3rd parties on Clinton's loss in some states. I voted for her, but I think it's important we start the movement away from a two party system regardless.", '>>{FountainLoly} : I feel like this election was a botched WWE match and Clinton forgot to kick out of the 3-count.', '>>{Abinash94} : I agree. Just wanna see how trump changes the face of the nation.', '>>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : Now /r/politics should be about all politics and not just the election sub.', '>>{outlooker707} : replace it with something that people can actually afford.', ">>{W3NTZ} : Holy shit there's no way Chris Christie gets to be on his coattails there's no way.", '>>{hearthneewb} : So not the previous system? So I ask again, what do they have to replace it and why should they repeal it before they have something new?', ">>{hearthneewb} : The third parties are kind of shit in America. If they were any good i'd agree with you but letting more shit enter the arena helps no one", ">>{Lotr29} : People think you're obligated to vote for her even if she's the worst candidate ever. Maybe next time don't nominate such a shitty candidate lol", ">>{monkeiboi} : Lol no. Drain the swamp means the WHOLE swamp. You think us trumpers would be satisfied with the head of beast? It's ALL getting gutted and refurnished. Dems, republicans. All that corruption and graft is going in the trash.", '>>{Abinash94} : Ofcourse they will be.. I wanna see how Trump changes America', ">>{knvngy} : I will never listen to progressive liberals again. I am done with you. You are nothing but race-baiting, hyper-sexualized hedonistic, self entitled, fascist, violent , Wall St's useful idiots, airheads. You gave America away to Donald freaking Trump. You just voted for a Vagina, because that's all you have in your head, a vagina. You didn't vote for a decent candidate, you voted for Hillary Clinton and you lost against Donald freaking Trump. Disgusting.", '>>{doorstop_scraper} : > They dont want to talk about the things that end Empires. Economics hurts the brain to think about. In your defence, neither does trump: No mention of the federal debt that I noticed, and he apparently thinks mercantilism is a sensible economic theory and that trade is some kind of theft.', '>>{Kharn0} : As that GOP strategist Ama a few weeks ago said: "A Trump presidency is not something the GOP can survive"', ">>{ManBearScientist} : It is not something anyone can survive. By 2018 we'll have either faced a nuclear war or hostile government takeover.", ">>{Deceptiveideas} : That doesn't solve anything. Obamacare was a bandaid to the crumbling healthcare system. Removing the bandaid with no real alternative just makes it worse. And considering they're republicans, I doubt they want the government involved with healthcare.", ">>{dirtynj} : > That doesn't solve anything. That's the point.", ">>{hearthneewb} : So basically I'm not to have insurance due to my pre existing condition? You guys don't think things through very much do you.", ">>{dirtynj} : Trump says he will repeal Obamacare. But that's not how the process works.", '>>{hearthneewb} : Sure but the republican controlled SOCUS, House and Senate will let him do whatever the fuck he wants.', '>>{ASitl} : Go apologize to your mother and go to sleep.', '>>{dirtynj} : Well will see. And honestly, I am kind of looking forward to it. My republican friends always complained about democrats. But now, they literally have all the power - all three branches. There are no excuses. No roadblocks. I want to see their "ideas" for making our country great again. In reality, these next 4 years are going to expose the GoP for what they really are, and the democrats will have a huge swing in 2020.', '>>{Blahblahblahblahblac} : That would be nice, not paying 15K for a "premium" plan that\'s inflated to shit to carry those who abuse the system.', '>>{Phillipinsocal} : Secure our borders. Eliminate sanctuary cities. Punish American companies for employing illegal labor. TPP overhaul.', '>>{drunkenbrawler} : If not that the unchecked global warming will have the world wrecked in a few decades or so', ">>{LargeDan} : I'm confused. Why are you mad at progressive liberals? Shouldn't you be mad at centrist Clinton voters who chose her in the primary?", '>>{Sophrosynic} : Oh good, "something". I was getting worried this hadn\'t been thought through.']]
classify and reply
[">>{EggStack} : I don't think anyone can argue he's not a full blown racist.", '>>{FunnyJEWiSwear} : Alexa: most useful. Confirmed CIA sleeper agent.', ">>{AnarkistReese} : There's only one right for the job. Summon the Conway.", '>>{gavdaker} : I just don\'t get it. This country was already populated by natives. Everyone knows that. Then it was taken by force by immigrants. Then it became a nation built on immigrants. Everyone knows that. Right? So I don\'t get this whole "it\'s ours and only ours" thing that these people do. Is there something that I\'m missing?', ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Imagine how dumb the average person is, then understand that half of them are dumber than that. Guess who those people overwhelmingly voted for? That's the thing you're missing.", ">>{Tenacious_Ceeee} : The problem is that White Nationalists like King don't know that their beliefs are White Nationalist. That's how profound their ignorance is.", ">>{Mist_Rising} : Let me guess..King or Duke. Annnd it's both for the win. They have got to be the most openly racist people in public view..And yaknow what? I'm okay with them being racists. Your freedom to say whatever you want is spelled out. Kinda wish people would not report on them though *cough cough*", ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : I understand not wanting them reported on, but it at least brings that kind of cancer into the light. It's the same reason I think people like Milo should be given a platform. Let them make their garbage assertions, and be dismantled by credible people. The more you expose crap like that the worse it holds up to logic and critical thinking. Edit: A letter", '>>{TooTurntKurt1594} : My friend ordered a coolest cooler for his 21st birthday. He is now 23 and still coolest coolerless.', '>>{ripthelip} : Buddy at work ordered on when it was on kickstarter or indigogo or whatever crowd fund site. He said they were selling the green ones on Amazon before he ever got his. It looked like a cool idea, but the price tag, issues with his order, and his headaches will keep me from ever buying one.', ">>{Zoophagous} : Let's call it was it is; they want an ethic cleansing.", ">>{JP2214} : I understand the flaws of the new MacBook Pro and find it fine that it is voted as the most useless. However, this has spawned a huge hatred circlejerk in this sub greatly dwarfing what legitimate argument against the laptop existed in the first place. I think this sub needs to watch out how it deals with this topic, because it may (and possibly should) put into question this sub's place as a default sub.", ">>{Mist_Rising} : What your missing is that some (perhaps all to some degree?) hate outsiders. Its a basic tribal thing I would guess. You had to place your tribe first. Your predisposed to not like or trust those outside your people. The reasons change, but the underlying issue is there. To put it shortly, some people think: If you don't think like me, if you don't act like me, if you don't look like me, you are not welcome here. I'd wager that at some degree everyone's had that thought (ever down-vote someone on reddit because you disagree?) but to what extent they are willing to take it is the question.", '>>{JP2214} : How in any way did you expect downvotes? Have you read any of the threads that deal with this laptop?', '>>{wills_it_does_god} : Actually Clinton won the $50k and under earners. Trump won $50k and up.', '>>{Mist_Rising} : Giving Milo the floor made him more public and gave him more fans and he only list credibility once he destroyed himself. And even then he is still quite popular among his original gang, so what exactly did it achieve? All this does is give them the limelight to spread to other assholes.', ">>{JP2214} : Wow just learned about the Anki Cozmo. Cool lil' thing!", '>>{DjentRiffication} : Obviously its not useless, but I enjoyed the humor in seeing it win that category. I think it deserves a lot of the flak its getting, and what you get (and dont get) at that price point is ridiculous.', ">>{TheBraveSirRobin} : I didn't see anyone say anything about earnings before you. Trump is proof that a person with low intelligence can earn plenty of money.", '>>{everypostepic} : To not link to each device seems especially unhelpful to visitors. bye.', ">>{solarfraud} : You bring up a valid point. I don't know why you're being downvoted", '>>{ic3cl4w} : Thank you for mentioning Anki Cozmo and Fidget Cube. Both look really cool. :)', '>>{gavdaker} : I think much more than half of these people are dumber than the average person; but I agree that a combination of both stupidity and ignorance has to play a major role in this type of thinking.', ">>{zeropointcorp} : By measuring intelligence. Look at Trump - he's literally the personification of the rich person who got there on daddy's tailcoats. Are you surprised that people like him voted for him?", '>>{shapu} : That\'s a funny way to spell "racist."', ">>{gavdaker} : Yeah I hear you. The thing is that you can represent your tribe without being oppressive to others and the world will keep spinning just fine. I think some people just don't understand that concept. It's almost like this particular group thinks that representing their tribe is intrinsically tied in to oppressing and hating others. I've tried my hardest to try to understand how a human being with a working brain could be so dumb but I just can't lol. Like if there were aliens observing us and making a report card about our civilization, it's like they have to give some people an F for not using their brains to think critically.", '>>{beetard} : Thanks. It needed to be said. Downvote this OP. Downvote.', '>>{JP2214} : Agree completely, I toned my statement towards something more neutral so not to be lynched by this community', '>>{The_DNC_Raped_Bernie} : Considering western culture is superior in many ways to other cultures, the tweet is far from being incorrect. Very little benefit in letting mass immigration happen.', ">>{JP2214} : ~~Not sure... Are there equivalent laptops?~~ EDIT: actually nope, this isn't the place to have this discussion", '>>{larry_b2} : Perhaps /u/likedryingpaint or /u/the3dge can prove their worth and provide links to those gadgets?', '>>{MailOrderHusband} : I think this is important. This sub seems like it\'s trying to be a serious source for information while some hijack it for a "joke" vote. You can be a comedian or a source of news, but not both.', ">>{wills_it_does_god} : Doesn't that somewhat prove my point? Edit: lol", '>>{nondescriptzombie} : And fidget cubes. We enjoy surveillance and we all have ADHD.', '>>{Hammerhil} : When it was still active on Kickstarter I thought long and hard about backing it, and ultimately decided against it. So glad I did. There was talk about a class action suit and I hope it was launched. To me at least, there is a big difference between a kickstarter that fails to produce its goal and thus backers are out their investment, and one that actually brings a product to market and fails to live up to its promises.', '>>{Vesstair} : Ummm... by definition, average intelligence is more intelligent than half the population.', ">>{PM_ME_TITS_MLADY} : Let's not pretend Apple isn't helping it out by making tonnes of non-pro-consumer choices. They arent even being subtle about it like they used to now.", ">>{Ranikins2} : A sad state of affairs that a device the duplicates the voice functionality in phones and a small bit of plastic with shit on it are the most useful gadgets. You should see the marketing for that piece of plastic shit. It makes it seem like the bit of useless plastic will change the world. Like a cult the only thing you're paying for when it comes to the plastic shit, is the marketing. This post is horseshit. I'm not fan of Apple's laptops, but you get far more use out of a MacBook Pro than any the garbage on this list.", ">>{eatchkn} : Also the most useful gadget is the fidget cube... It is pretty cool but I mean common this is 2016 the damn thing doesn't even have a camera in it.", '>>{______DEADPOOL______} : Down vote is not enough. OP must be anally destroyed.', ">>{Stuck_in_a_depo} : Read it as annually destroyed. Was confused why one time destruction wasn't enough.", ">>{ChocolatePoopy} : I'm not even a mac fan and I found it funny they compared a computer with 1000 uses next to things like the fidgetcube", '>>{l3rian} : LOL tough way to find out which side you fall on...', ">>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : Western culture isn't tied to race. Wasn't too long ago when this kind of hatred was focused on Slavs", ">>{The_DNC_Raped_Bernie} : Facts are not hatred. Preserving one's culture is not racist.", ">>{gladamirflint} : I'd claim that I was still waiting on mine, but I'm pretty sure it'll never happen.", ">>{Nephroidofdoom} : I know the feeling. Perhaps they plan to use my Airdog to deliver it. Which is why it hasn't happened yet.", '>>{RoutingPackets} : It would be nice to see the runner ups for each category.', '>>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : I forgot that Western thought and culture can only be absorbed if your skin is between mayonnaise and olive.', '>>{fancyhatman18} : Yeah, do I really need a link to the person who suggested it? No. I need a link to the item.', ">>{shift-f} : Let me jump in here: that's how the *median* is defined.", ">>{fancyhatman18} : I don't know how the fidget cube caught on when the fidget spinners are so much better and have a much simpler looking design.", '>>{Vesstair} : Ok, fair enough... not quite by the technical definition, just colloquial, but... intelligence falls on a bell curve, so again... average intelligence will lie very close to median intelligence.', ">>{CMD_RN} : Have one. I paid the extra mo eye to complete my order on Kickstart. It's heavy. In retrospective I was taken by the novelty but when am I ever going to need a blender? I drink beer. I could have bought a Bluetooth speaker for far less. The plates and knife included are silly when you think about it. A USB port? I have 50 ways I can charge my phone already. A cooler on wheels? Already have of those. Maybe not my wisest investments.", '>>{IrishJoe} : When RedState is fighting on the side of Civil Rights, we are in strange times! I do accept their assistance in recent months, though!', '>>{fancyhatman18} : Lol they started selling coolers before they got past the first 1/3 of kickstarter contributors. Kickstarter is such a terrible idea. The entire idea is if you invest in a company and it succeeds you get your money back in the form of the product you already paid for. If it fails you get nothing. They should remake a kickstarter that is the same idea but you buy shares of the company itself. It also needs to be way more legally binding so that investors can seek damages for all the people that make vaporware and dip with the money.', '>>{photonicphacet} : I think you meant to link to the gadgets and not the Redditors.', ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he was EVER handled appropriately, because he never was. What I'm saying is, protesting against his kind only serves to further their agenda. Instead, what should have been done in my opinion, was someone qualified to have a discussion on the topics should have been brought in to speak against him. Make it a debate, not a lecture spouting his views to impressionable folks.", '>>{Lashallah} : > Then it was taken by force by immigrants. You mean invaders.', '>>{OPEboy_fresh} : Siri should definitely be in there as one of the worst', '>>{FunnyJEWiSwear} : Now I have to post on the new thread...', ">>{Manafort} : >Look at Trump - he's literally the personification of the rich person who got there on daddy's tailcoats. Are you surprised that people like him voted for him? Do you really believe he is not intelligent? The business empire, the books, the TV show, becoming president with almost everyone trying to stop him. Is that really all just luck?", ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Have you listened to him speak? He's not intelligent.", '>>{AlexKingstonsGigolo} : > they want ~~an ethnic cleansing~~ genocide. FTFY.', '>>{AlexKingstonsGigolo} : That moment when someone says something so stupid all you can do is squint.', ">>{dammitpea} : You mean the western culture where the most common religion is based around the life and teachings of a middle-eastern man? The western culture that uses the hindu-arabic number system? The western culture whose most universally-recognized and influential genres of music (jazz, blues, rock-n-roll, hip hop) were originated by people of African descent? The western culture whose major scientific and technological advances over the past century or more are liberally sprinkled with immigrant scientists? The western culture that absorbs everyone else's culture and claims it as its own?", '>>{23canaries} : there is no doubt that Trump does not have a certain intelligence, but it is a very primitive intelligence that requires deception for it to make an affect. That is where he is woefully stupid and unaware of the repercussions.', ">>{gavdaker} : Also I wasn't comparing average intelligence to more than half of the entire population as a whole but to this particular group of people. So what I was saying is that more than half of this specific group is most likely dumber than the average person. Edit: This is of course merely speculation.", ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : Tweets like this *prove* you're a white nationalist.", ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : How are they on the side of civil rights all of a sudden? They're still couching their language on all this racist bullshit from Trumps administration.", '>>{MescalPascal} : No, he meant immigrants. Stop the bullshit.', '>>{beardowat} : Dumb enough not to credit George Carlin for your opener./s', ">>{JoJoWiCo} : Steve King is the least racist person you've ever seen. Believe me!", ">>{johnnynutman} : > I just don't get it. This country was already populated by natives. Everyone knows that. Then it was taken by force by immigrants. Then it became a nation built on immigrants. By that same token... look at what happened to those natives.", '>>{wills_it_does_god} : Alright well you just let me know when they start asking for IQ on exit polls sweetheart.', ">>{raresanevoice} : What's missing is the 'I don't want to share with people that don't look or sound like me' part."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{FunnyJEWiSwear} : Alexa: most useful. Confirmed CIA sleeper agent.', '>>{TooTurntKurt1594} : My friend ordered a coolest cooler for his 21st birthday. He is now 23 and still coolest coolerless.', '>>{ripthelip} : Buddy at work ordered on when it was on kickstarter or indigogo or whatever crowd fund site. He said they were selling the green ones on Amazon before he ever got his. It looked like a cool idea, but the price tag, issues with his order, and his headaches will keep me from ever buying one.', ">>{JP2214} : I understand the flaws of the new MacBook Pro and find it fine that it is voted as the most useless. However, this has spawned a huge hatred circlejerk in this sub greatly dwarfing what legitimate argument against the laptop existed in the first place. I think this sub needs to watch out how it deals with this topic, because it may (and possibly should) put into question this sub's place as a default sub.", '>>{JP2214} : How in any way did you expect downvotes? Have you read any of the threads that deal with this laptop?', ">>{JP2214} : Wow just learned about the Anki Cozmo. Cool lil' thing!", '>>{DjentRiffication} : Obviously its not useless, but I enjoyed the humor in seeing it win that category. I think it deserves a lot of the flak its getting, and what you get (and dont get) at that price point is ridiculous.', '>>{everypostepic} : To not link to each device seems especially unhelpful to visitors. bye.', ">>{solarfraud} : You bring up a valid point. I don't know why you're being downvoted", '>>{ic3cl4w} : Thank you for mentioning Anki Cozmo and Fidget Cube. Both look really cool. :)', '>>{beetard} : Thanks. It needed to be said. Downvote this OP. Downvote.', '>>{JP2214} : Agree completely, I toned my statement towards something more neutral so not to be lynched by this community', ">>{JP2214} : ~~Not sure... Are there equivalent laptops?~~ EDIT: actually nope, this isn't the place to have this discussion", '>>{larry_b2} : Perhaps /u/likedryingpaint or /u/the3dge can prove their worth and provide links to those gadgets?', '>>{MailOrderHusband} : I think this is important. This sub seems like it\'s trying to be a serious source for information while some hijack it for a "joke" vote. You can be a comedian or a source of news, but not both.', '>>{nondescriptzombie} : And fidget cubes. We enjoy surveillance and we all have ADHD.', '>>{Hammerhil} : When it was still active on Kickstarter I thought long and hard about backing it, and ultimately decided against it. So glad I did. There was talk about a class action suit and I hope it was launched. To me at least, there is a big difference between a kickstarter that fails to produce its goal and thus backers are out their investment, and one that actually brings a product to market and fails to live up to its promises.', ">>{PM_ME_TITS_MLADY} : Let's not pretend Apple isn't helping it out by making tonnes of non-pro-consumer choices. They arent even being subtle about it like they used to now.", ">>{Ranikins2} : A sad state of affairs that a device the duplicates the voice functionality in phones and a small bit of plastic with shit on it are the most useful gadgets. You should see the marketing for that piece of plastic shit. It makes it seem like the bit of useless plastic will change the world. Like a cult the only thing you're paying for when it comes to the plastic shit, is the marketing. This post is horseshit. I'm not fan of Apple's laptops, but you get far more use out of a MacBook Pro than any the garbage on this list.", ">>{eatchkn} : Also the most useful gadget is the fidget cube... It is pretty cool but I mean common this is 2016 the damn thing doesn't even have a camera in it.", '>>{______DEADPOOL______} : Down vote is not enough. OP must be anally destroyed.', ">>{Stuck_in_a_depo} : Read it as annually destroyed. Was confused why one time destruction wasn't enough.", ">>{ChocolatePoopy} : I'm not even a mac fan and I found it funny they compared a computer with 1000 uses next to things like the fidgetcube", ">>{gladamirflint} : I'd claim that I was still waiting on mine, but I'm pretty sure it'll never happen.", ">>{Nephroidofdoom} : I know the feeling. Perhaps they plan to use my Airdog to deliver it. Which is why it hasn't happened yet.", '>>{RoutingPackets} : It would be nice to see the runner ups for each category.', '>>{fancyhatman18} : Yeah, do I really need a link to the person who suggested it? No. I need a link to the item.', ">>{fancyhatman18} : I don't know how the fidget cube caught on when the fidget spinners are so much better and have a much simpler looking design.", ">>{CMD_RN} : Have one. I paid the extra mo eye to complete my order on Kickstart. It's heavy. In retrospective I was taken by the novelty but when am I ever going to need a blender? I drink beer. I could have bought a Bluetooth speaker for far less. The plates and knife included are silly when you think about it. A USB port? I have 50 ways I can charge my phone already. A cooler on wheels? Already have of those. Maybe not my wisest investments.", '>>{fancyhatman18} : Lol they started selling coolers before they got past the first 1/3 of kickstarter contributors. Kickstarter is such a terrible idea. The entire idea is if you invest in a company and it succeeds you get your money back in the form of the product you already paid for. If it fails you get nothing. They should remake a kickstarter that is the same idea but you buy shares of the company itself. It also needs to be way more legally binding so that investors can seek damages for all the people that make vaporware and dip with the money.', '>>{photonicphacet} : I think you meant to link to the gadgets and not the Redditors.', '>>{OPEboy_fresh} : Siri should definitely be in there as one of the worst', '>>{FunnyJEWiSwear} : Now I have to post on the new thread...'], [">>{EggStack} : I don't think anyone can argue he's not a full blown racist.", ">>{AnarkistReese} : There's only one right for the job. Summon the Conway.", '>>{gavdaker} : I just don\'t get it. This country was already populated by natives. Everyone knows that. Then it was taken by force by immigrants. Then it became a nation built on immigrants. Everyone knows that. Right? So I don\'t get this whole "it\'s ours and only ours" thing that these people do. Is there something that I\'m missing?', ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Imagine how dumb the average person is, then understand that half of them are dumber than that. Guess who those people overwhelmingly voted for? That's the thing you're missing.", ">>{Tenacious_Ceeee} : The problem is that White Nationalists like King don't know that their beliefs are White Nationalist. That's how profound their ignorance is.", ">>{Mist_Rising} : Let me guess..King or Duke. Annnd it's both for the win. They have got to be the most openly racist people in public view..And yaknow what? I'm okay with them being racists. Your freedom to say whatever you want is spelled out. Kinda wish people would not report on them though *cough cough*", ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : I understand not wanting them reported on, but it at least brings that kind of cancer into the light. It's the same reason I think people like Milo should be given a platform. Let them make their garbage assertions, and be dismantled by credible people. The more you expose crap like that the worse it holds up to logic and critical thinking. Edit: A letter", ">>{Zoophagous} : Let's call it was it is; they want an ethic cleansing.", ">>{Mist_Rising} : What your missing is that some (perhaps all to some degree?) hate outsiders. Its a basic tribal thing I would guess. You had to place your tribe first. Your predisposed to not like or trust those outside your people. The reasons change, but the underlying issue is there. To put it shortly, some people think: If you don't think like me, if you don't act like me, if you don't look like me, you are not welcome here. I'd wager that at some degree everyone's had that thought (ever down-vote someone on reddit because you disagree?) but to what extent they are willing to take it is the question.", '>>{wills_it_does_god} : Actually Clinton won the $50k and under earners. Trump won $50k and up.', '>>{Mist_Rising} : Giving Milo the floor made him more public and gave him more fans and he only list credibility once he destroyed himself. And even then he is still quite popular among his original gang, so what exactly did it achieve? All this does is give them the limelight to spread to other assholes.', ">>{TheBraveSirRobin} : I didn't see anyone say anything about earnings before you. Trump is proof that a person with low intelligence can earn plenty of money.", '>>{gavdaker} : I think much more than half of these people are dumber than the average person; but I agree that a combination of both stupidity and ignorance has to play a major role in this type of thinking.', ">>{zeropointcorp} : By measuring intelligence. Look at Trump - he's literally the personification of the rich person who got there on daddy's tailcoats. Are you surprised that people like him voted for him?", '>>{shapu} : That\'s a funny way to spell "racist."', ">>{gavdaker} : Yeah I hear you. The thing is that you can represent your tribe without being oppressive to others and the world will keep spinning just fine. I think some people just don't understand that concept. It's almost like this particular group thinks that representing their tribe is intrinsically tied in to oppressing and hating others. I've tried my hardest to try to understand how a human being with a working brain could be so dumb but I just can't lol. Like if there were aliens observing us and making a report card about our civilization, it's like they have to give some people an F for not using their brains to think critically.", '>>{The_DNC_Raped_Bernie} : Considering western culture is superior in many ways to other cultures, the tweet is far from being incorrect. Very little benefit in letting mass immigration happen.', ">>{wills_it_does_god} : Doesn't that somewhat prove my point? Edit: lol", '>>{Vesstair} : Ummm... by definition, average intelligence is more intelligent than half the population.', '>>{l3rian} : LOL tough way to find out which side you fall on...', ">>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : Western culture isn't tied to race. Wasn't too long ago when this kind of hatred was focused on Slavs", ">>{The_DNC_Raped_Bernie} : Facts are not hatred. Preserving one's culture is not racist.", '>>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : I forgot that Western thought and culture can only be absorbed if your skin is between mayonnaise and olive.', ">>{shift-f} : Let me jump in here: that's how the *median* is defined.", '>>{Vesstair} : Ok, fair enough... not quite by the technical definition, just colloquial, but... intelligence falls on a bell curve, so again... average intelligence will lie very close to median intelligence.', '>>{IrishJoe} : When RedState is fighting on the side of Civil Rights, we are in strange times! I do accept their assistance in recent months, though!', ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he was EVER handled appropriately, because he never was. What I'm saying is, protesting against his kind only serves to further their agenda. Instead, what should have been done in my opinion, was someone qualified to have a discussion on the topics should have been brought in to speak against him. Make it a debate, not a lecture spouting his views to impressionable folks.", '>>{Lashallah} : > Then it was taken by force by immigrants. You mean invaders.', ">>{Manafort} : >Look at Trump - he's literally the personification of the rich person who got there on daddy's tailcoats. Are you surprised that people like him voted for him? Do you really believe he is not intelligent? The business empire, the books, the TV show, becoming president with almost everyone trying to stop him. Is that really all just luck?", ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Have you listened to him speak? He's not intelligent.", '>>{AlexKingstonsGigolo} : > they want ~~an ethnic cleansing~~ genocide. FTFY.', '>>{AlexKingstonsGigolo} : That moment when someone says something so stupid all you can do is squint.', ">>{dammitpea} : You mean the western culture where the most common religion is based around the life and teachings of a middle-eastern man? The western culture that uses the hindu-arabic number system? The western culture whose most universally-recognized and influential genres of music (jazz, blues, rock-n-roll, hip hop) were originated by people of African descent? The western culture whose major scientific and technological advances over the past century or more are liberally sprinkled with immigrant scientists? The western culture that absorbs everyone else's culture and claims it as its own?", '>>{23canaries} : there is no doubt that Trump does not have a certain intelligence, but it is a very primitive intelligence that requires deception for it to make an affect. That is where he is woefully stupid and unaware of the repercussions.', ">>{gavdaker} : Also I wasn't comparing average intelligence to more than half of the entire population as a whole but to this particular group of people. So what I was saying is that more than half of this specific group is most likely dumber than the average person. Edit: This is of course merely speculation.", ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : Tweets like this *prove* you're a white nationalist.", ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : How are they on the side of civil rights all of a sudden? They're still couching their language on all this racist bullshit from Trumps administration.", '>>{MescalPascal} : No, he meant immigrants. Stop the bullshit.', '>>{beardowat} : Dumb enough not to credit George Carlin for your opener./s', ">>{JoJoWiCo} : Steve King is the least racist person you've ever seen. Believe me!", ">>{johnnynutman} : > I just don't get it. This country was already populated by natives. Everyone knows that. Then it was taken by force by immigrants. Then it became a nation built on immigrants. By that same token... look at what happened to those natives.", '>>{wills_it_does_god} : Alright well you just let me know when they start asking for IQ on exit polls sweetheart.', ">>{raresanevoice} : What's missing is the 'I don't want to share with people that don't look or sound like me' part."]]
classify and reply
['>>{thelance} : You need to have a postpaid account with one of the big 4 companies to buy a phone for the first few weeks.', ">>{digink} : Any reason for this? I guess I have been spoiled by Google's Nexus not asking me any questions at all.", '>>{mariopaintistheshit} : Tractor-trailers without a human at the wheel will soon barrel onto highways near you. What will this mean for the nation’s 1.7 million truck drivers?', '>>{damstr} : I believe its to keep people from purchasing a lot at the same time to resell them. Requiring a carrier account, they can then link your new iPhone to your phone number so all you have to do is turn the phone on and activate it.', ">>{Vanimal31} : My question is will I be charged a activation fee for going through the Apple upgrade program. Essentially what I plan to do is sell my current 6s plus on eBay that I'm paying monthly via ATT next. Take that money and pay off my current 6s plus & put the remainder towards my new 7 plus. And then go through Apple with their upgrade plan. I was under the assumption hey are essentially unlocked and att sees it that way. So I would assume no activation fee, I just get the phone and pop my sim in?", ">>{digink} : Good question - I am also under the assumption there is no activation fee since all I'll be doing is popping in the SIM.", '>>{bbiggs32} : Muh jerbs In all seriousness though, it\'s only going to bolster protectionists like trump. Edit: what I mean is that automation again took people\'s jobs. I don\'t know whether they will try to blame it on immigrants. That obviously wouldn\'t be true. We need to have serious conversations about free training in modern trades and that dirty phrase "universal basic income".', ">>{Vanimal31} : Yup I tested mine and my fiancés number to verify. On the last screen it says no commitment via ATT. It said you can continue to use your current phone until the new one comes in with directions to activate. I would just pop my sim in. If I picked ATT next as one of the options and not the Apple upgrade it says I'd have to pay the whole amount probably because my current 6s plus still on ATT next. So this tells me the phones essentially unlocked. So that is how att should see it with the iPhone 7 via the Apple upgrade program. It's like you using one of your phones you have laying around I assume. Or some people when they upgrade they give their kids their old phone and you just swap sims essentially.", ">>{digink} : I had a different experience. When I went to checkout online with the pay full price option when it checked my Verizon account it said I could only do in store pickup. Then since no stores in the area have any in stock I basically couldn't go any further. This is extremely stupid and frustrating - if I am paying full price for the phone why the hell is it telling me Verizon may require a deposit?", ">>{knox3} : I can't wait for my ride to work to be disabled by a blue screen of death. Sounds awesome.", '>>{CPTLoggie} : It means government subsidies for companies that maintain human drivers are incoming.', ">>{subhuman1979} : Not true. You can buy outright without activating or having an existing postpaid account. You *cannot* however sign up for IUP or the Apple installment plan if you don't activate. edit: I should have said you can buy outright *in store*. You probably meant online... -_-", ">>{thelance} : Yeah, on Apple.com it's not possible but you're right, you can buy one outright without activating if you go to the store.", ">>{GuruOfGravitas} : We could solve more problems if we began to offer paid continuing education with a stipend for all. The more brain power and the greater our knowledge base, the more likely we will gain the problem solving skills for our problems now and in the future. AI can't replace human intelligence when the scientists don't yet understand it origins and sources.", ">>{cougardraven} : I absolutely understand where you're going here, but that shit can already happen.", ">>{FriesWithThat} : I don't know, but I'll be damned if Trump doesn't build his jobs plan around bringing 70,000 coal mining jobs back.", ">>{subhuman1979} : It's likely to ensure there are enough phones for the carriers at launch. Someone else suggested it was to stop reselling, but they could easily just limit how many each person could buy. I suspect it's more to prevent people on other carriers from buying up all the Verizon phones before Verizon users have a chance to get them. By the way, you can totally go into an Apple store and buy a Verizon phone outright without having to activate or provide any account information. Otherwise you'll need to wait a few weeks for a sim-free version online.", '>>{PM_ME_NEVER} : Truck drivers are just the start. Also affected will be anyone who works in a gas station, motel, diner or convenience store located on or near major shipping routes.', ">>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : I can't wait for less injuries and deaths on the road.", '>>{SaltHash} : They will have to find other jobs or learn new skills just like the horse & carriage drivers who were previously replaced by the drivers of delivery vans and tractor-trailers. http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21700758-will-smarter-machines-cause-mass-unemployment-automation-and-anxiety', '>>{ajl_mo} : Except it\'s called "Some guy got drunk, was playing on his phone or spilled hot coffee in his lap".', '>>{dithering-dingo} : I highly doubt it. Are there subsidies for grocery stores to not put in self checkout lanes?', ">>{11097} : This. I just had a neighbor die at a red light because the person driving behind him didn't stop.", '>>{Psy1} : Given the history of automated railways, deaths will skyrocket as 50 year old trucks breakdown with no operator to stop the computer from screwing up and there is no external system to emergency stop them.', '>>{cougardraven} : Nah, man. Cars are controlled by fairly complicated and somewhat esoteric computer systems. Systems failure can already happen in the form of "this computer sensor that tells me how much oxygen is in the engine is broken, so I\'m going to wildly overheat and break shit".', ">>{Liberal_Atheist_} : It means they better be proactive and learn new job skills and keep up like the rest of America. We don't need another coal mining industry for republicans to pander over", '>>{QueenAlise} : I\'m not sure how, unless the robots are actually immigrants from the middle east. It might fuel more anti-intellectual backlash though, since "smart" people are designing the technology. It will also have ramifications far beyond truck drivers - taxis, uhauls, ambulances, hell even construction work since you know it would only be a matter of time until that big equipment is robotized as well.', '>>{matts2} : We have reduced car fatalities to 30K a year.', ">>{flxtr} : It's like these people don't even read Stephen King.", '>>{CaptCheckdown} : With the invention of these automobiles, what will happen to the nations horse drawn buggy drivers?', '>>{digitizemd} : I was thinking more along the lines of white collar jobs like lawyers who work on discovery, finance professionals, insurance professionals, and even health care professionals.', '>>{Interplanetary_Hope} : While you\'re correct, the US is going to be sooo behind the curve, it\'ll just be ridiculous. "We" are actively trying to take away the social safety net right now. The current admission won\'t spend a dime to even study this issue.', '>>{Interplanetary_Hope} : Strong point, but "driver" is the #1 profession in the United States. Probably with much stronger lobbyists than grocery clerks.', '>>{Psy1} : It will depend on the MTBF of the vehicles and how the vehicles handle critical failure. I.E. if they will have a redundant computer along with redundant sensors.', '>>{ozric101} : Politicians can simply outlaw it.. That is what they are there to do.', ">>{trowmeaway6665} : Their employers have lobbyists, but a cursory glance of the treatment of drivers (don't look up how few actually get the required amount of sleep) should tell you the money will be on the side of the people who'd save money replacing drivers.", '>>{Franz_Kafka} : I imagine any Union will fight to keep their members grandfathered in to their jobs. No new hires but no layoffs.', ">>{bab1a94b-e8cd-49de-9} : They don't have to worry. Trump will create jobs like jobs have never been created before.", ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : Will the robot do the pre-trip inspection? Secure the tie-downs on the cargo? Navigate the crowded construction site? Hook-up and un-hook the trailer? And trucks might have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cargo on-board, not to mention the truck itself. Are these robots 100% un-hackable? It sounds like easy money to divert a truck with no-one on-board. Drivers do a lot more than just drive. They are responsible for handling valuable, and often times dangerous, cargo. I see these automated trucks as a welcome additional driving aid. You'll still need a human being in the loop to monitor that nothing is malfunctioning. Drivers will be better rested and more alert if they can hand over to the autopilot for the long boring bits. This is a good thing.", ">>{matts2} : That was sort of my point. I mean that 99% figure sounds like a fantasy. But 80% reduction sounds doable. I don't know where the point of diminishing returns would be. SDV will give some inherent improvements if just from predictability.", ">>{justin_amazing} : Well, it looks like you're only doing 50% of the work you were doing before, so we're only going to pay you 50% as much.", '>>{TriggerWordsExciteMe} : In fact a number of newer and fanciest cars we have on the market are easily susceptible to these kinds of attacks. Specifically the ones connected to the internet and then also the internet is connected to their hardware that controls the motion of the car. Whoever developed such a program, the one ultimately responsible for such a hybrid, should never be allowed to work in the industry ever again. People can literally have their car hacked to disable to brakes, turn randomly, you name it, a program can technically control these kinds of cars. Why the fuck would someone pay $70k+ for a car that can be controlled over *the internet*? I don\'t even know. Same goes for something like a blue screen to it, you could be on the freeway doing 70 and suddenly your car decides to lock the brakes, "security feature". Now you\'re dead. Thanks car.', ">>{hangtime79} : I think you have it absolutely right. I see this being the equivalent of bimodal transportation between rail and rig today. You can have long teams of trucks and then once you get near to the next point, the rig picking up a driver to do all the things you can't automate yet. At the very least it will be safer for drivers and truckers with AI assisted vehicles.", '>>{TriggerWordsExciteMe} : Probably better (fewer?) than the alternative, someone who uses drugs got into a car crash with the same truck.', ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : That makes no sense. On the clock is on the clock. The skills are the same, the job requirements are the same, the labor-market is the same. Do firemen get paid less on days when there aren't any fires?", ">>{Psy1} : My point is that automated railways still have misbehaving automated trains that only their interlocking signal system keep in line, meaning the simplistic electrical gate logic applies the breaks on the train since the block ahead is in a state of danger and the computers can't override the signal interlock system.", '>>{fitzroy95} : and there will also be a huge decrease in anyone fixing fender benders, panel and paint shops, mechanical repairs, as those small accidents increasingly become less common with auto-driven cars and trucks becoming more common', ">>{justin_amazing} : I mean, the skills aren't the same. If they aren't driving and they get to watch Netflix for 90% of the time instead, then that's an entry-level position.", '>>{MYC0B0T} : I might add less emphasis on college or more emphasis on technical skills such as plumbing, carpentry, electrical work, etc. to your point. These jobs were taken care of by the baby boomers but not replaced by generations that followed due to the stigma associated with not receiving a college degree that has only continued increasing in the last few decades.', '>>{egregiousRac} : The pay per hour may be the same, but if drivers are only needed for the endpoint tasks there are far fewer drivers needed at far lower hours. They are no longer being paid to drive long distances, just to come in and work 9-5 on the site.', ">>{Goldmessiah} : > And trucks might have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cargo on-board, not to mention the truck itself. Are these robots 100% un-hackable? It sounds like easy money to divert a truck with no-one on-board. Just as much easy money as it is now, to hijack a truck when its owner is sleeping peacefully inside. Yet we don't have an epidemic of this happening for some reason...", ">>{Goldmessiah} : > That makes no sense. On the clock is on the clock. The skills are the same, the job requirements are the same, the labor-market is the same. Do firemen get paid less on days when there aren't any fires? A better example would be to look at airline pilots. 50 years ago, Airline pilot was one of the most prestigious and high-paying careers in the country. But now that computers do 90% of the flying, the pay has plummeted and they're now barely middle class careers, despite putting in more hours than ever. The pay for drivers will collapse, just like the pay for pilots has. Even moreso, I reckon.", ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : There are lots of jobs that are monitoring expensive and/or dangerous machinery. The job is to be ready to take over at a moments notice. Modern aircraft can pretty much fly themselves these days, but pilot school is still expensive and we still want someone who has gone to pilot school sitting there ready to take over just in case. What does the robot truck do in the event of a tire fire? Can the robot truck put out warning triangles when it's broken down on the side of the road? Etc. Etc. Etc. It's not a question of whether the human is watching Netflix, it's a function of having someone who knows what to do if he's needed. The job requirements are the same.", '>>{Psy1} : It would be easier, the hijacker would just need to hack the truck to send it to a different destination.', ">>{Goldmessiah} : Like unions are going to have any power in Trump's America. Ha.", '>>{janethefish} : Stuxnet 2.0 trucks murder everyone Boogaloo. On a serious note Truck drivers are gonna get replaced shortly after pilots get the boot.', ">>{Goldmessiah} : You watch too much TV. The minute the truck's GPS sends the wrong coordinates to the company tracking it, they're going to know something is wrong and investigate. Send a shutdown signal, etc. There are failsafe ways to prevent hijacks from happening.", '>>{MAGwastheSHIT} : 1.7 million truck drivers sounds low. Maybe that\'s just interstate tractor-trailers? There are millions more whose jobs are basically the same thing on a intrastate or local level. Driving is the #1 job in many states. Universal Basic Income is the obvious answer. But I think that should be in conjunction with YUGE job-training and work relief programs. Public works, infrastructure- fuck it, let\'s build some dams and pyramids and skyscrapers and space elevators and shit. Trump *could* be the guy to sell this vision (it fits with his persona as a "builder") but he\'s too busy selling government positions to wealthy donors and beefing with TV shows and department stores. And colluding with Russia.', '>>{Psy1} : You underestimate computers, the hacker would simply have to root the trucks computer, meaning the computer views the hacker basically as its god.', ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : I don't think it's fair to compare the jobs environment for pilots 50 years ago when the industry was so young and expanding at an exponential rate. Pilot pay has come down to more market realistic levels for other reasons than the technology, but it's still a fairly decent job.", '>>{fizzlefist} : Never underestimate the ability of business owners to screw over the workers.', ">>{titanic_eclair} : Come on, big guy. Let's go for a ride. Let's cruise.", ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : No doubt. As it is right now? It's hard for employers to retain truck-drivers because you've got to have a virtually spotless record, you have to pass background checks, you can never have alcohol or drugs in your system, and one little slip-up and you lose your license. A lot of the people willing to work for truck-driver wages aren't willing for the level of scrutiny that they endure. That's what drives the marketplace more than just being able to drive a truck.", '>>{Goldmessiah} : > You underestimate computers, the hacker would simply have to root the trucks computer, meaning the computer views the hacker basically as its god. Yup. You definitely watch too much TV. I write software for a living. All you would need is a TPM chip and signed software and nothing, ever, is getting rooted unless the hacker gets up real close and solders on their own special chips to get around them. In which case "hacking" the truck becomes 10x more complicated than hijacking a human-operated truck.', '>>{GuruOfGravitas} : Those jobs now have lower wages than 30 years ago and since the 2000s have been done mostly by illegal and legal(refugee) and visa holding laborers.', ">>{dithering-dingo} : Actually, according to google, retail salesperson is the most common job; cashier is the second most common. Both are more common than truck drivers. Maybe if you lump all types of drivers together, including cabs, busses, uber, etc., driving might be the most common job. Maybe if drivers were still unionized they could get the federal government to act, but I don't think most are anymore. And there is also the question of much higher insurance costs for human drivers. The federal subsidy would have to be huge to offset both driver salaries and higher insurance costs.", ">>{Psy1} : You expect competency in which case most hacks wouldn't take place. Once a malicious code gets root privileges or better yet establish itself in the firmware under the OS then the malicious code can monitor the CPU registry and catch shutdown codes before the CPU executes them.", ">>{Goldmessiah} : The salaries for pilots didn't start dropping until the 1990's; 20 years ago. There is a high correlation between mechanization and lowered salaries in the industry; pilots can now be hired with much less skill than before, opening the market to more people. The same will happen to truck drivers. Less skill = more candidates = less demand = less salaries. There will be an extreme negative pressure on pay.", '>>{GoodOnYouOnAccident} : Why are you assuming that the failsafe system is integrated with the regular system?', '>>{Psy1} : Why are you assuming the failsafe system will be competently designed? Is DARPA behind it? We are not talking the vast resources of the military industrial complex, we are talking about the tech industry that constantly gets it shit hacked.', ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : I'm not saying there won't be any effect on the job market. You're probably right that there will be some downward pressure. I just don't think it will be the cataclysm that so many are predicting. Productivity will also be going up, and that should improve bargaining power. And as I was saying to that other fellow, the barrier to entry for truck-drivers is less the skills and more the requirement to have a lot of intrusion into your personal life. You don't enjoy a 4th amendment, basically, when you hold a CDL, and it's very easy to lose your license. Even now, it's not easy to find people willing to do the job for that reason alone. Also... Pilots aren't as skilled any more? Yikes! I didn't want to hear that!!", ">>{MYC0B0T} : So we should ignore the fact that these jobs are vital and won't be replaced by robots as soon as driving and manufacturing? As demand for these jobs goes up due to few craftsman, so will the wages.", ">>{cd411} : > Truck drivers are just the start. Also affected will be anyone who works in a gas station, motel, diner or convenience store located on or near major shipping routes. Don't forget Uber and Lyft drivers.", '>>{GuruOfGravitas} : There is a massive excess of people for laboring, they are simply moved to where they are needed, preferable to nations with no protections for the workers, such as minimum wages, hours worked, housing. In the U.S. this "movement," is achieved by allowing employers the use of illegal immigrant labor, and of course the various visa workers. *the/there', '>>{apcrcom} : That may be a bit of a leap of faith at this juncture.', ">>{apcrcom} : Driver is fallible. AI will be infallible. (Might not be yet, but its imminent). This means insurance costs way lower for AI, third party liability lower. Humans need rests. AI needs no rest. Humans get I'll, have personal issues interfere w work. AI does not. AI will run round the clock, it will not make mistakes, it will be cheaper, more efficient, more reliable and require less administrative support. In answer to your questions, every possible task that can be automated and cost less than running human workers will be. The entire transport industry is about to change. Radically. It doesn't stop there though. The sophistication and lowered cost (which is on a continual upward and downward curve, respectively) is about to rage through all sorts of industries right up into professional and para professional jobs. Your lawyer, your accountant, and your gp's days are numbered. The way this will work is initially you will have a human supervising a number of AIs. The AIs, over time will learn and improve. After awhile the human supervision will drop in ratio. Right now, though, transport and manufacturing is about to get thumped. There will be huge labor market influx with lessening vacancies to sustain the availability of labour. Things are about to get very radical very quickly. The real concern is the intellectual policy and social infrastructure is at an alarming distances from any sign of being able to manage it.", ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : You're absolutely right. Luckily, the human capacity to want is infinite, so our ability to absorb productivity increases is likewise infinite. It wasn't much more than 100 years ago that it took 90% of the workforce just to produce the food. Now it's 10%, and we've got spare labor to make video games and 1,000 other fun things. But you're right to be looking at the high-skill high-wage workers that are soon to be replaceable. That is a new thing. We've automated vast swathes of low-skill workers before, but AI is coming after lawyers and accountants soon, and that's going to be a fat monkey wrench. I'm predicting that humans will start putting more and more value into hand-crafted specialized custom craftsmanship. I've got a fellow near me in my little rural Texas town who's opened up a custom rat-rod shop in the old mill building. He's hired a few guys and makes one-off hand-made cars and sells them for $100,000+. I predict more of that sort of thing in all sorts of different products. The big saving grace is that the global population growth-rate is coming down, fast. The whole world will be like Japan fairly soon, where they're having to automate because there just aren't enough kids to replace the workers retiring.", ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : yeah, I'm not interested in unpiloted 80,000 pound missiles careening down the highway.", '>>{sluttyjamjams73} : More unemployed idiots blaming immigrant labor instead of seeking training for new jobs are going to bolster protectionist policies.', '>>{BNLforever} : There are still politicians who are against even a minimum wage at all...', '>>{Interplanetary_Hope} : I did state "driver". It\'s not as if automation is just coming to 18 wheelers.', '>>{antikythera3301} : It will be blamed on illegal immigrants and corporations shipping all transportation jobs to China because their taxes are too high.', ">>{Annihilicious} : This exactly. I worked for a management consulting firm that involved a bunch of research in long haul trucking and the joke was 'the average age of a trucker is 54, next year it will be 55'. I think that piece of the discussion is constantly overlooked when discussing how disruptive this will actually be.", ">>{Annihilicious} : Yea the computer is the pilot and it doesn't need to eat or sleep.", '>>{Annihilicious} : If the fha wants to lessen the blow they can let the regulations loose on the provision that certain buyouts or retraining packages be agreed to, or create a separate program drivers can apply to.', '>>{Haplo_Snow} : right place right time. eyes open to reality and a plan to deal with it. yep you should do fine.', ">>{DontHaesMeBro} : It had better be. This figure doesn't even account for local and light trucking. And the first domino to fall - mine haul trucks. This is going to be worse than the decline of the domestic auto industry.", ">>{schoocher} : The decrease in accidents will affect those industries. Mechanics will probably be OK though. Vehicles require maintenance. Replacing the driver with automation isn't going to change that.", ">>{schoocher} : From the perspective of miners, automation has already devastated their livelihood and it's like going to accelerate. Add to that a glut in oil and natural gas and it's very unlikely that the jobs will be recovered.", '>>{fitzroy95} : replacing the driver with automation should significantly reduce wear and tear as well as breakages. Vehicles will more closely track their mileage and usage, they will accelerate more smoothly, brake more smoothly, auto-driven vehicles will increase the number of electronic sensors but reduce the number of manual linkages (brakes, steering, gears, accelerator etc). Also many manufacturers are moving more and more towards electric vehicles as the engine and battery technology improves, hence the number of moving parts from petrol engines will be replaced by electric engines with fewer moving parts (but more electronics etc). All of which is likely to require fewer mechanics', '>>{Trash_Count} : My uncle (Absurdly republican) lost his shit when minimum wage was supposed to increase to $10. Breaking News: People with money spend money, cities with the highest minimum wage have great economic growth.', ">>{Msshadow} : >So we should ignore the fact that these jobs are vital and won't be replaced by robots as soon as driving and manufacturing? As demand for these jobs goes up due to few craftsman, so will the wages. Couple of things, it's not universally true that vocational/tradeskills haven't been promoted and they aren't always stable. There are parts of the country with shortages and others with a surplus. My employer has no trouble getting new mechanics or electricians. Could these people relocate to say New York? No, these are good paying jobs, but relocation isn't typically funded. Then there's the challenge with Union rules. I can't recruit a craftsmen from Texas to work in WA. When construction work dries up, these people have no where to go except to get new training. Relocation isn't always practical as they aren't *that* lucrative. Professionals makes 100k struggle with relocation costs. Lastly, construction automation is in the works. Modular building construction removes the need for people to perform work. Many tradeskills can and will be automated eventually. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-35746648 There's other information out there about the future of construction work. Automatically promoting tradeskills over a college education is not a silver bullet. Those jobs are getting squeezed put too and demand is regional.", '>>{fasda} : Lets not forget, how would an AI pump the gas?', ">>{thomasj222444} : Pilot here. I'm not sure what you consider a 'barely middle class career' but your average airline pilot makes six figures. There's shitty pay at the bottom of the scale but it escalates rapidly with experience. 'Computers do 90% of the flying'... yeah, 90% of flying is easy. It's that other 10% where we earn our keep", '>>{Alan_Smithee_} : In a few years, when the impact begins to be felt.', ">>{surefirelongshot} : Great reply! I was attempting to put together something similar. Look at an airport, planes can pretty much fly themselves and sure pilots are there for the rare error and passenger anxiety tools. But they still load the places by hand, fuel them by hand, clean them by hand and there's a ton of staff doing it, the efficiency of aircraft has led to loads more flights and costs driven down. With autodrive trucks we might see similar effects with truck terminals becoming busy places which will require new roles and skill sets.", '>>{knox3} : When cars become inoperable due to a failed antivirus update, that leads to less driving, which leads to fewer driving-related fatalities! Success!']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{mariopaintistheshit} : Tractor-trailers without a human at the wheel will soon barrel onto highways near you. What will this mean for the nation’s 1.7 million truck drivers?', '>>{bbiggs32} : Muh jerbs In all seriousness though, it\'s only going to bolster protectionists like trump. Edit: what I mean is that automation again took people\'s jobs. I don\'t know whether they will try to blame it on immigrants. That obviously wouldn\'t be true. We need to have serious conversations about free training in modern trades and that dirty phrase "universal basic income".', ">>{knox3} : I can't wait for my ride to work to be disabled by a blue screen of death. Sounds awesome.", '>>{CPTLoggie} : It means government subsidies for companies that maintain human drivers are incoming.', ">>{GuruOfGravitas} : We could solve more problems if we began to offer paid continuing education with a stipend for all. The more brain power and the greater our knowledge base, the more likely we will gain the problem solving skills for our problems now and in the future. AI can't replace human intelligence when the scientists don't yet understand it origins and sources.", ">>{cougardraven} : I absolutely understand where you're going here, but that shit can already happen.", ">>{FriesWithThat} : I don't know, but I'll be damned if Trump doesn't build his jobs plan around bringing 70,000 coal mining jobs back.", '>>{PM_ME_NEVER} : Truck drivers are just the start. Also affected will be anyone who works in a gas station, motel, diner or convenience store located on or near major shipping routes.', ">>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : I can't wait for less injuries and deaths on the road.", '>>{SaltHash} : They will have to find other jobs or learn new skills just like the horse & carriage drivers who were previously replaced by the drivers of delivery vans and tractor-trailers. http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21700758-will-smarter-machines-cause-mass-unemployment-automation-and-anxiety', '>>{ajl_mo} : Except it\'s called "Some guy got drunk, was playing on his phone or spilled hot coffee in his lap".', '>>{dithering-dingo} : I highly doubt it. Are there subsidies for grocery stores to not put in self checkout lanes?', ">>{11097} : This. I just had a neighbor die at a red light because the person driving behind him didn't stop.", '>>{Psy1} : Given the history of automated railways, deaths will skyrocket as 50 year old trucks breakdown with no operator to stop the computer from screwing up and there is no external system to emergency stop them.', '>>{cougardraven} : Nah, man. Cars are controlled by fairly complicated and somewhat esoteric computer systems. Systems failure can already happen in the form of "this computer sensor that tells me how much oxygen is in the engine is broken, so I\'m going to wildly overheat and break shit".', ">>{Liberal_Atheist_} : It means they better be proactive and learn new job skills and keep up like the rest of America. We don't need another coal mining industry for republicans to pander over", '>>{QueenAlise} : I\'m not sure how, unless the robots are actually immigrants from the middle east. It might fuel more anti-intellectual backlash though, since "smart" people are designing the technology. It will also have ramifications far beyond truck drivers - taxis, uhauls, ambulances, hell even construction work since you know it would only be a matter of time until that big equipment is robotized as well.', '>>{matts2} : We have reduced car fatalities to 30K a year.', ">>{flxtr} : It's like these people don't even read Stephen King.", '>>{CaptCheckdown} : With the invention of these automobiles, what will happen to the nations horse drawn buggy drivers?', '>>{digitizemd} : I was thinking more along the lines of white collar jobs like lawyers who work on discovery, finance professionals, insurance professionals, and even health care professionals.', '>>{Interplanetary_Hope} : While you\'re correct, the US is going to be sooo behind the curve, it\'ll just be ridiculous. "We" are actively trying to take away the social safety net right now. The current admission won\'t spend a dime to even study this issue.', '>>{Interplanetary_Hope} : Strong point, but "driver" is the #1 profession in the United States. Probably with much stronger lobbyists than grocery clerks.', '>>{Psy1} : It will depend on the MTBF of the vehicles and how the vehicles handle critical failure. I.E. if they will have a redundant computer along with redundant sensors.', '>>{ozric101} : Politicians can simply outlaw it.. That is what they are there to do.', ">>{trowmeaway6665} : Their employers have lobbyists, but a cursory glance of the treatment of drivers (don't look up how few actually get the required amount of sleep) should tell you the money will be on the side of the people who'd save money replacing drivers.", '>>{Franz_Kafka} : I imagine any Union will fight to keep their members grandfathered in to their jobs. No new hires but no layoffs.', ">>{bab1a94b-e8cd-49de-9} : They don't have to worry. Trump will create jobs like jobs have never been created before.", ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : Will the robot do the pre-trip inspection? Secure the tie-downs on the cargo? Navigate the crowded construction site? Hook-up and un-hook the trailer? And trucks might have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cargo on-board, not to mention the truck itself. Are these robots 100% un-hackable? It sounds like easy money to divert a truck with no-one on-board. Drivers do a lot more than just drive. They are responsible for handling valuable, and often times dangerous, cargo. I see these automated trucks as a welcome additional driving aid. You'll still need a human being in the loop to monitor that nothing is malfunctioning. Drivers will be better rested and more alert if they can hand over to the autopilot for the long boring bits. This is a good thing.", ">>{matts2} : That was sort of my point. I mean that 99% figure sounds like a fantasy. But 80% reduction sounds doable. I don't know where the point of diminishing returns would be. SDV will give some inherent improvements if just from predictability.", ">>{justin_amazing} : Well, it looks like you're only doing 50% of the work you were doing before, so we're only going to pay you 50% as much.", '>>{TriggerWordsExciteMe} : In fact a number of newer and fanciest cars we have on the market are easily susceptible to these kinds of attacks. Specifically the ones connected to the internet and then also the internet is connected to their hardware that controls the motion of the car. Whoever developed such a program, the one ultimately responsible for such a hybrid, should never be allowed to work in the industry ever again. People can literally have their car hacked to disable to brakes, turn randomly, you name it, a program can technically control these kinds of cars. Why the fuck would someone pay $70k+ for a car that can be controlled over *the internet*? I don\'t even know. Same goes for something like a blue screen to it, you could be on the freeway doing 70 and suddenly your car decides to lock the brakes, "security feature". Now you\'re dead. Thanks car.', ">>{hangtime79} : I think you have it absolutely right. I see this being the equivalent of bimodal transportation between rail and rig today. You can have long teams of trucks and then once you get near to the next point, the rig picking up a driver to do all the things you can't automate yet. At the very least it will be safer for drivers and truckers with AI assisted vehicles.", '>>{TriggerWordsExciteMe} : Probably better (fewer?) than the alternative, someone who uses drugs got into a car crash with the same truck.', ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : That makes no sense. On the clock is on the clock. The skills are the same, the job requirements are the same, the labor-market is the same. Do firemen get paid less on days when there aren't any fires?", ">>{Psy1} : My point is that automated railways still have misbehaving automated trains that only their interlocking signal system keep in line, meaning the simplistic electrical gate logic applies the breaks on the train since the block ahead is in a state of danger and the computers can't override the signal interlock system.", '>>{fitzroy95} : and there will also be a huge decrease in anyone fixing fender benders, panel and paint shops, mechanical repairs, as those small accidents increasingly become less common with auto-driven cars and trucks becoming more common', ">>{justin_amazing} : I mean, the skills aren't the same. If they aren't driving and they get to watch Netflix for 90% of the time instead, then that's an entry-level position.", '>>{MYC0B0T} : I might add less emphasis on college or more emphasis on technical skills such as plumbing, carpentry, electrical work, etc. to your point. These jobs were taken care of by the baby boomers but not replaced by generations that followed due to the stigma associated with not receiving a college degree that has only continued increasing in the last few decades.', '>>{egregiousRac} : The pay per hour may be the same, but if drivers are only needed for the endpoint tasks there are far fewer drivers needed at far lower hours. They are no longer being paid to drive long distances, just to come in and work 9-5 on the site.', ">>{Goldmessiah} : > And trucks might have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cargo on-board, not to mention the truck itself. Are these robots 100% un-hackable? It sounds like easy money to divert a truck with no-one on-board. Just as much easy money as it is now, to hijack a truck when its owner is sleeping peacefully inside. Yet we don't have an epidemic of this happening for some reason...", ">>{Goldmessiah} : > That makes no sense. On the clock is on the clock. The skills are the same, the job requirements are the same, the labor-market is the same. Do firemen get paid less on days when there aren't any fires? A better example would be to look at airline pilots. 50 years ago, Airline pilot was one of the most prestigious and high-paying careers in the country. But now that computers do 90% of the flying, the pay has plummeted and they're now barely middle class careers, despite putting in more hours than ever. The pay for drivers will collapse, just like the pay for pilots has. Even moreso, I reckon.", ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : There are lots of jobs that are monitoring expensive and/or dangerous machinery. The job is to be ready to take over at a moments notice. Modern aircraft can pretty much fly themselves these days, but pilot school is still expensive and we still want someone who has gone to pilot school sitting there ready to take over just in case. What does the robot truck do in the event of a tire fire? Can the robot truck put out warning triangles when it's broken down on the side of the road? Etc. Etc. Etc. It's not a question of whether the human is watching Netflix, it's a function of having someone who knows what to do if he's needed. The job requirements are the same.", '>>{Psy1} : It would be easier, the hijacker would just need to hack the truck to send it to a different destination.', ">>{Goldmessiah} : Like unions are going to have any power in Trump's America. Ha.", '>>{janethefish} : Stuxnet 2.0 trucks murder everyone Boogaloo. On a serious note Truck drivers are gonna get replaced shortly after pilots get the boot.', ">>{Goldmessiah} : You watch too much TV. The minute the truck's GPS sends the wrong coordinates to the company tracking it, they're going to know something is wrong and investigate. Send a shutdown signal, etc. There are failsafe ways to prevent hijacks from happening.", '>>{MAGwastheSHIT} : 1.7 million truck drivers sounds low. Maybe that\'s just interstate tractor-trailers? There are millions more whose jobs are basically the same thing on a intrastate or local level. Driving is the #1 job in many states. Universal Basic Income is the obvious answer. But I think that should be in conjunction with YUGE job-training and work relief programs. Public works, infrastructure- fuck it, let\'s build some dams and pyramids and skyscrapers and space elevators and shit. Trump *could* be the guy to sell this vision (it fits with his persona as a "builder") but he\'s too busy selling government positions to wealthy donors and beefing with TV shows and department stores. And colluding with Russia.', '>>{Psy1} : You underestimate computers, the hacker would simply have to root the trucks computer, meaning the computer views the hacker basically as its god.', ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : I don't think it's fair to compare the jobs environment for pilots 50 years ago when the industry was so young and expanding at an exponential rate. Pilot pay has come down to more market realistic levels for other reasons than the technology, but it's still a fairly decent job.", '>>{fizzlefist} : Never underestimate the ability of business owners to screw over the workers.', ">>{titanic_eclair} : Come on, big guy. Let's go for a ride. Let's cruise.", ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : No doubt. As it is right now? It's hard for employers to retain truck-drivers because you've got to have a virtually spotless record, you have to pass background checks, you can never have alcohol or drugs in your system, and one little slip-up and you lose your license. A lot of the people willing to work for truck-driver wages aren't willing for the level of scrutiny that they endure. That's what drives the marketplace more than just being able to drive a truck.", '>>{Goldmessiah} : > You underestimate computers, the hacker would simply have to root the trucks computer, meaning the computer views the hacker basically as its god. Yup. You definitely watch too much TV. I write software for a living. All you would need is a TPM chip and signed software and nothing, ever, is getting rooted unless the hacker gets up real close and solders on their own special chips to get around them. In which case "hacking" the truck becomes 10x more complicated than hijacking a human-operated truck.', '>>{GuruOfGravitas} : Those jobs now have lower wages than 30 years ago and since the 2000s have been done mostly by illegal and legal(refugee) and visa holding laborers.', ">>{dithering-dingo} : Actually, according to google, retail salesperson is the most common job; cashier is the second most common. Both are more common than truck drivers. Maybe if you lump all types of drivers together, including cabs, busses, uber, etc., driving might be the most common job. Maybe if drivers were still unionized they could get the federal government to act, but I don't think most are anymore. And there is also the question of much higher insurance costs for human drivers. The federal subsidy would have to be huge to offset both driver salaries and higher insurance costs.", ">>{Psy1} : You expect competency in which case most hacks wouldn't take place. Once a malicious code gets root privileges or better yet establish itself in the firmware under the OS then the malicious code can monitor the CPU registry and catch shutdown codes before the CPU executes them.", ">>{Goldmessiah} : The salaries for pilots didn't start dropping until the 1990's; 20 years ago. There is a high correlation between mechanization and lowered salaries in the industry; pilots can now be hired with much less skill than before, opening the market to more people. The same will happen to truck drivers. Less skill = more candidates = less demand = less salaries. There will be an extreme negative pressure on pay.", '>>{GoodOnYouOnAccident} : Why are you assuming that the failsafe system is integrated with the regular system?', '>>{Psy1} : Why are you assuming the failsafe system will be competently designed? Is DARPA behind it? We are not talking the vast resources of the military industrial complex, we are talking about the tech industry that constantly gets it shit hacked.', ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : I'm not saying there won't be any effect on the job market. You're probably right that there will be some downward pressure. I just don't think it will be the cataclysm that so many are predicting. Productivity will also be going up, and that should improve bargaining power. And as I was saying to that other fellow, the barrier to entry for truck-drivers is less the skills and more the requirement to have a lot of intrusion into your personal life. You don't enjoy a 4th amendment, basically, when you hold a CDL, and it's very easy to lose your license. Even now, it's not easy to find people willing to do the job for that reason alone. Also... Pilots aren't as skilled any more? Yikes! I didn't want to hear that!!", ">>{MYC0B0T} : So we should ignore the fact that these jobs are vital and won't be replaced by robots as soon as driving and manufacturing? As demand for these jobs goes up due to few craftsman, so will the wages.", ">>{cd411} : > Truck drivers are just the start. Also affected will be anyone who works in a gas station, motel, diner or convenience store located on or near major shipping routes. Don't forget Uber and Lyft drivers.", '>>{GuruOfGravitas} : There is a massive excess of people for laboring, they are simply moved to where they are needed, preferable to nations with no protections for the workers, such as minimum wages, hours worked, housing. In the U.S. this "movement," is achieved by allowing employers the use of illegal immigrant labor, and of course the various visa workers. *the/there', '>>{apcrcom} : That may be a bit of a leap of faith at this juncture.', ">>{apcrcom} : Driver is fallible. AI will be infallible. (Might not be yet, but its imminent). This means insurance costs way lower for AI, third party liability lower. Humans need rests. AI needs no rest. Humans get I'll, have personal issues interfere w work. AI does not. AI will run round the clock, it will not make mistakes, it will be cheaper, more efficient, more reliable and require less administrative support. In answer to your questions, every possible task that can be automated and cost less than running human workers will be. The entire transport industry is about to change. Radically. It doesn't stop there though. The sophistication and lowered cost (which is on a continual upward and downward curve, respectively) is about to rage through all sorts of industries right up into professional and para professional jobs. Your lawyer, your accountant, and your gp's days are numbered. The way this will work is initially you will have a human supervising a number of AIs. The AIs, over time will learn and improve. After awhile the human supervision will drop in ratio. Right now, though, transport and manufacturing is about to get thumped. There will be huge labor market influx with lessening vacancies to sustain the availability of labour. Things are about to get very radical very quickly. The real concern is the intellectual policy and social infrastructure is at an alarming distances from any sign of being able to manage it.", ">>{Sir_Francis_Burton} : You're absolutely right. Luckily, the human capacity to want is infinite, so our ability to absorb productivity increases is likewise infinite. It wasn't much more than 100 years ago that it took 90% of the workforce just to produce the food. Now it's 10%, and we've got spare labor to make video games and 1,000 other fun things. But you're right to be looking at the high-skill high-wage workers that are soon to be replaceable. That is a new thing. We've automated vast swathes of low-skill workers before, but AI is coming after lawyers and accountants soon, and that's going to be a fat monkey wrench. I'm predicting that humans will start putting more and more value into hand-crafted specialized custom craftsmanship. I've got a fellow near me in my little rural Texas town who's opened up a custom rat-rod shop in the old mill building. He's hired a few guys and makes one-off hand-made cars and sells them for $100,000+. I predict more of that sort of thing in all sorts of different products. The big saving grace is that the global population growth-rate is coming down, fast. The whole world will be like Japan fairly soon, where they're having to automate because there just aren't enough kids to replace the workers retiring.", ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : yeah, I'm not interested in unpiloted 80,000 pound missiles careening down the highway.", '>>{sluttyjamjams73} : More unemployed idiots blaming immigrant labor instead of seeking training for new jobs are going to bolster protectionist policies.', '>>{BNLforever} : There are still politicians who are against even a minimum wage at all...', '>>{Interplanetary_Hope} : I did state "driver". It\'s not as if automation is just coming to 18 wheelers.', '>>{antikythera3301} : It will be blamed on illegal immigrants and corporations shipping all transportation jobs to China because their taxes are too high.', ">>{Annihilicious} : This exactly. I worked for a management consulting firm that involved a bunch of research in long haul trucking and the joke was 'the average age of a trucker is 54, next year it will be 55'. I think that piece of the discussion is constantly overlooked when discussing how disruptive this will actually be.", ">>{Annihilicious} : Yea the computer is the pilot and it doesn't need to eat or sleep.", '>>{Annihilicious} : If the fha wants to lessen the blow they can let the regulations loose on the provision that certain buyouts or retraining packages be agreed to, or create a separate program drivers can apply to.', '>>{Haplo_Snow} : right place right time. eyes open to reality and a plan to deal with it. yep you should do fine.', ">>{DontHaesMeBro} : It had better be. This figure doesn't even account for local and light trucking. And the first domino to fall - mine haul trucks. This is going to be worse than the decline of the domestic auto industry.", ">>{schoocher} : The decrease in accidents will affect those industries. Mechanics will probably be OK though. Vehicles require maintenance. Replacing the driver with automation isn't going to change that.", ">>{schoocher} : From the perspective of miners, automation has already devastated their livelihood and it's like going to accelerate. Add to that a glut in oil and natural gas and it's very unlikely that the jobs will be recovered.", '>>{fitzroy95} : replacing the driver with automation should significantly reduce wear and tear as well as breakages. Vehicles will more closely track their mileage and usage, they will accelerate more smoothly, brake more smoothly, auto-driven vehicles will increase the number of electronic sensors but reduce the number of manual linkages (brakes, steering, gears, accelerator etc). Also many manufacturers are moving more and more towards electric vehicles as the engine and battery technology improves, hence the number of moving parts from petrol engines will be replaced by electric engines with fewer moving parts (but more electronics etc). All of which is likely to require fewer mechanics', '>>{Trash_Count} : My uncle (Absurdly republican) lost his shit when minimum wage was supposed to increase to $10. Breaking News: People with money spend money, cities with the highest minimum wage have great economic growth.', ">>{Msshadow} : >So we should ignore the fact that these jobs are vital and won't be replaced by robots as soon as driving and manufacturing? As demand for these jobs goes up due to few craftsman, so will the wages. Couple of things, it's not universally true that vocational/tradeskills haven't been promoted and they aren't always stable. There are parts of the country with shortages and others with a surplus. My employer has no trouble getting new mechanics or electricians. Could these people relocate to say New York? No, these are good paying jobs, but relocation isn't typically funded. Then there's the challenge with Union rules. I can't recruit a craftsmen from Texas to work in WA. When construction work dries up, these people have no where to go except to get new training. Relocation isn't always practical as they aren't *that* lucrative. Professionals makes 100k struggle with relocation costs. Lastly, construction automation is in the works. Modular building construction removes the need for people to perform work. Many tradeskills can and will be automated eventually. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-35746648 There's other information out there about the future of construction work. Automatically promoting tradeskills over a college education is not a silver bullet. Those jobs are getting squeezed put too and demand is regional.", '>>{fasda} : Lets not forget, how would an AI pump the gas?', ">>{thomasj222444} : Pilot here. I'm not sure what you consider a 'barely middle class career' but your average airline pilot makes six figures. There's shitty pay at the bottom of the scale but it escalates rapidly with experience. 'Computers do 90% of the flying'... yeah, 90% of flying is easy. It's that other 10% where we earn our keep", '>>{Alan_Smithee_} : In a few years, when the impact begins to be felt.', ">>{surefirelongshot} : Great reply! I was attempting to put together something similar. Look at an airport, planes can pretty much fly themselves and sure pilots are there for the rare error and passenger anxiety tools. But they still load the places by hand, fuel them by hand, clean them by hand and there's a ton of staff doing it, the efficiency of aircraft has led to loads more flights and costs driven down. With autodrive trucks we might see similar effects with truck terminals becoming busy places which will require new roles and skill sets.", '>>{knox3} : When cars become inoperable due to a failed antivirus update, that leads to less driving, which leads to fewer driving-related fatalities! Success!'], ['>>{thelance} : You need to have a postpaid account with one of the big 4 companies to buy a phone for the first few weeks.', ">>{digink} : Any reason for this? I guess I have been spoiled by Google's Nexus not asking me any questions at all.", '>>{damstr} : I believe its to keep people from purchasing a lot at the same time to resell them. Requiring a carrier account, they can then link your new iPhone to your phone number so all you have to do is turn the phone on and activate it.', ">>{Vanimal31} : My question is will I be charged a activation fee for going through the Apple upgrade program. Essentially what I plan to do is sell my current 6s plus on eBay that I'm paying monthly via ATT next. Take that money and pay off my current 6s plus & put the remainder towards my new 7 plus. And then go through Apple with their upgrade plan. I was under the assumption hey are essentially unlocked and att sees it that way. So I would assume no activation fee, I just get the phone and pop my sim in?", ">>{digink} : Good question - I am also under the assumption there is no activation fee since all I'll be doing is popping in the SIM.", ">>{Vanimal31} : Yup I tested mine and my fiancés number to verify. On the last screen it says no commitment via ATT. It said you can continue to use your current phone until the new one comes in with directions to activate. I would just pop my sim in. If I picked ATT next as one of the options and not the Apple upgrade it says I'd have to pay the whole amount probably because my current 6s plus still on ATT next. So this tells me the phones essentially unlocked. So that is how att should see it with the iPhone 7 via the Apple upgrade program. It's like you using one of your phones you have laying around I assume. Or some people when they upgrade they give their kids their old phone and you just swap sims essentially.", ">>{digink} : I had a different experience. When I went to checkout online with the pay full price option when it checked my Verizon account it said I could only do in store pickup. Then since no stores in the area have any in stock I basically couldn't go any further. This is extremely stupid and frustrating - if I am paying full price for the phone why the hell is it telling me Verizon may require a deposit?", ">>{subhuman1979} : Not true. You can buy outright without activating or having an existing postpaid account. You *cannot* however sign up for IUP or the Apple installment plan if you don't activate. edit: I should have said you can buy outright *in store*. You probably meant online... -_-", ">>{thelance} : Yeah, on Apple.com it's not possible but you're right, you can buy one outright without activating if you go to the store.", ">>{subhuman1979} : It's likely to ensure there are enough phones for the carriers at launch. Someone else suggested it was to stop reselling, but they could easily just limit how many each person could buy. I suspect it's more to prevent people on other carriers from buying up all the Verizon phones before Verizon users have a chance to get them. By the way, you can totally go into an Apple store and buy a Verizon phone outright without having to activate or provide any account information. Otherwise you'll need to wait a few weeks for a sim-free version online."]]
classify and reply
['>>{WeLoveTrumpsHate} : Trump Supporter Caught In An Anti-Trump Protest Gets His Car Trashed', '>>{mrJARichard} : The divisiveness in this country has just begun... unfortunately.', '>>{fuibanidoevoltei} : Donald Trump sure looks like he’s using the final debate to test-run Trump TV. It’s awful.', '>>{dagwood222} : The more I think about it, the more sense a streaming service ala Netflix makes. Fox News is good for old folks who turn it on and leave it running in the back ground all day, but the younger alt right crowd needs a one stop site for all their needs. I guess it will look a bit like reddit, with a front page and sub-reddits like trump/guns, trump/pussygrabbing, trump/real estate [an on-line version of Trump U] etc.', '>>{NuclearRhin0} : Like I needed another reason to root against the Pats.', '>>{HBombthrow} : BREAKING: Trump likes being around rich and famous people.', '>>{madam1} : Officials hate each other: 5 disturbing revelations about what’s happening inside Trump’s White House', '>>{sedgwickian} : > White-owned property is more important than black lives -"moderate" republicans', '>>{Rut-Barbro} : This will be the best " end of service " book release series ever. Edit: Maybe "best" is the wrong word. It will atleast be intresting, satisfying that in us that takes delight in drama. It will be an embarrassing stain on the dignity of the White House, for sure.', ">>{Snaaaaaaaaaake} : In other news a Bengals fan found himself quite unwelcome at a steelers game. More news that people don't like other people at 11.", ">>{SpookyKid94} : I'm not sure about that. Trump does badly with young people, really badly. The 15 year old nazis on /pol/ aren't numerous enough to make them money. Breitbart and Drudge have the Internet, they're going to do the TV thing however The Blaze does it. Not sure how they'll unify the brands though.", '>>{tiny_hands_donald} : This totally makes up for being a xenophobe, racist, and sexual assaulter!', '>>{martin519} : The ability to target narrow segments on the internet would be advantageous for someone in Donald Trumps position. Especially when you sell a wide variety of products and services (the Trump name is licensed out to anything). I imagine their ad inventory could be filled with propriety products while they go after sponsors.', ">>{Creddit999} : I'm glad Trump's your friend, Mr. Kraft. But don't mistake his friendship with you as making him qualified to lead this country.", ">>{Malaix} : Just putting this out there, if you surround people in a car and start attacking their car, they can run you over and may get away with it if you are shown to pose a threat to them. Don't attack people in cars unless you want to get run over.", ">>{Malaix} : pretty much. There is no way Trump will be able to soothe the people he has angered especially given his administration choices so far (Pence, Bannon, Giuliani..) the US will only start to heal once we get a less divisive administration in office. Someone more middle of the road who doesn't run their mouth like Trump does and incite this crap.", '>>{DontDoWhatDonaldDoes} : OP can\'t tell the difference between The New Yorker and NY Mag. "The cartoons are not funny." American?? Who knows....', '>>{Megmca} : Remember how ramshackle Current got? Man I hope Trump tv makes it look like NBC nightly news.', '>>{c010rb1indusa} : I\'ll I have to say is if you want to know what a man\'s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. That\'s why I don\'t care how many "well he was nice to me" stories I hear.', ">>{the_dog1} : Good. Hopefully the losers of these battles dump all the dirt they have on the winners. I'm looking forwards to cooking some asses in the coming months and years.", ">>{Smurderer} : Calling it right now: This is the reason we haven't heard from Sarah Palin in so long. She's helping Trump set up his own form of The Sarah Palin Channel.", ">>{rounder55} : This was and has been his gameplan all along. Look at how he paints the media. Granted I think it sucks, but thats what he's going to pitch it as. This whole thing was a PR stunt gone too right. He may have turned off viewers while building a base. At the same time people who loathe him will watch out of hate.....hopefully it declares bankruptcy sooner than later", ">>{Taswelltoo} : If this is his attitude now, imagine what his reaction will be (assuming he's still in office) if come 2018 there's a blue senate ready to openly defy him and his executive orders?", ">>{PerlenketteFurDich} : How many of his core are streaming customers? Really? My racist uncle doesn't trust wifi.", '>>{chip_0} : If it survives till then. What if the protests continue to escalate till the inauguration? After which President Trump grants himself special executive powers citing the "law and order situation", and bans the right to peaceful assembly. If he is criticized for that, he will reinstate libel laws and thus ban free speech. This is how it begins, my friends.', '>>{Zoophagous} : Another reason to dislike the Pats. If you actually need one.', '>>{WeLoveTrumpsHate} : Humans are an easily renewable resource, and its getting easier to make them more desirable. Construction of property is time and labor intensive and involves the use of non-renewable resources.', '>>{IfIKnewThen} : Featuring Jan Brewer. Stupid is, as stupid does.', ">>{mrJARichard} : It's these type of scenarios that scare me the most.", ">>{perogies} : So Bannon, Priebus, and Ryan are the people really running things. Donald is out of his depth and has no idea what he's doing.", ">>{justthepix} : The best thing that could happen to make *Trump TV* successful is for him to lose the election. He knows that it's much more profitable to sit back and preach criticism than to actually have to make decisions and create positive change.", ">>{goody_heggety} : Kraft's wife, Myra, died from ovarian cancer in July 2011. He said Trump was there for support when he needed it most. A lot more women are going to die of ovarian cancer if ACA is repealed, and if Republicans succeed in defunding Planned Parenthood.", '>>{iamabearROAR} : He seems to be doing exactly that. >"In the toughest time in my life, he was there for me when my beloved wife died five and half years ago. He came to the funeral with Melania. He visited me at my home memorial. He called me once a week for a year," Kraft said. That is a lovely story. But I wasn\'t doubting that Trump is decent to people he knows and likes personally. But the next paragraph is... >Kraft said Trump will play an integral role in creating a vibrant economy to create jobs in the country. I mean...ok. How? This is in no way supported by the earlier statement yet he continues: >**"I think his *intent* is to do things that can help the business environment in America,"** Kraft said. Intentions are nice. But as someone who has known Trump personally for years the real question should be *is he capable* of doing things to help...well...anyone besides his ["friends"](http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/02/trump-says-he-cut-wall-street-reform-because-his-friends-need-money) at this point.', '>>{GaimeGuy} : Was this during the time period Trump was trying to get an NFL team?', ">>{1Glitch0} : I imagine they'll be a lot of embarrassing stains in the White House.", ">>{IBringYouToBurn} : trump never does anything for nothing. I'm sure Mr. Kraft has forked over his fair share of free tickets to trump.", ">>{suckZEN} : the appointment of bannon to a newly made up position of power is actually the only thing keeping the neo nazis in check, they're already starting to realize that they've been duped hard and the cabinet and policies will be a rehash of bush 2", '>>{WeLoveTrumpsHate} : Oh we should build one of those buses like they did in the Dawn of the Dead and clear the streets so the good citizens can go about their business.', ">>{dagwood222} : A guy I know started making a joke a while back; he said [in 2005] that he was five years into his war on the 21st century. About a year ago he decided it wasn't funny anymore and broke down and got an iPhone and is learning to use it.", '>>{chip_0} : Stay vigilant from today. Keep your friends aware. The saddest thing will be if this happens while everyone is distracted by Pokemon Go.', ">>{YeahWhateverDonnie} : >“Trump often asks simple questions about policies, proposals and personnel. And, when discussions get bogged down in details, the president has been known to quickly change the subject — to “seem in control at all times,” one senior government official said He's actually that fragile?", ">>{VStarffin} : How can exhaustion be high? These people haven't done anything other than put some random pieces of paper in front of the Douchebag in Chief. They aren't organizing policy proposal or campaigns. They aren't doing anything that would be tiring.", '>>{WeLoveTrumpsHate} : TRUMP SUPPORTERS, TRUMP SUPPORTERS EVERYBODY.... see nobody cares, go back to your safe space and cry like everyone else that is powerless.', ">>{gardenboy21} : Awww that's so nice. He's still scum. He probably wants to be Robert Kraft and that's why he slurped him for so long. Remember when Trump tried to buy the Bills? I wish he had succeeded. He probably wouldn't be president right now.", '>>{Macd7} : Oh kraft, the owner who write hand written notes for every Israeli soldier who dies in action. Doubt he does it for our boys and girls who die wearing our flag', ">>{SeditiousConspiracy} : Pretty sure that objectively speaking, it actually doesn't make up for those things ???", '>>{DjCyric} : If you have the "best words" or are "so smart, so smart", and also know more than the generals do; well then when you feel out of your element of course you would change the subject.', '>>{DragonXV} : By nature, conservatives tend to be anti-social cranks who hate being around other people, which is why you find them in the boonies, while liberals, who enjoy the company of other people, are comfortable in cities being social with one another.', ">>{downvoteyous} : His voters supported him because what you see is what you get. There's no other Trump hiding behind that facade.", '>>{Another_Alex} : > So Bannon, Priebus, and Ryan are the people really running things. Yeah...that will not work out.', '>>{YeahWhateverDonnie} : Except for all his lies and position reversals, yeah.', ">>{downvoteyous} : Well, he was doing that before the election also. What you see is a guy who lies all the time, and that's what you get.", ">>{itsaboyffxiv} : Might be true and probably is. But friends don't let friends read Salon and they certainly don't do AlterNet.", '>>{Doright36} : >"Spicer had proposed cracking a joke about the send-up during his next briefing, or even firing a squirt gun, as McCarthy had done in the sketch" I\'d actually respect him a bit more if he did that. Shows he can take a joke.', ">>{mirrth} : >Even we don't like us. -The Trump Administration", '>>{layzpcofcrap} : A truck can blow its engine while spinning its wheels in deep sand and going nowhere.', ">>{SpaceTax} : It's normal to desire a leader who's predictable. Trump isn't predictable. And the White House can't run off spontaneity. It's an extremely frustrating situation, and most people can't handle being frustrated. I'm sure many of them have no idea where they 'stand'. Not good for our national security.", ">>{SpaceTax} : This is a perfect definition of someone who suffers from ADD. *Edit: I see my comment is still controversial. (I actually don't mind, it encourages conversation). My current job is working for a highly intelligent family member who has ADD. My sole duty is to keep him 'on track'. He's a lawyer, and recently voted the best in his field in our very large city, one of the largest in the country. He can't handle a stranger doing what I do. I've known him since he was born, and used to take care of him when his parents would go on vacations. We're really close. But he can't stay focused. Sure, right out of law school, when it was all fresh and new, he quickly excelled, and opened up his own firm in only a couple years. But he soon got 'painfully bored' of certain elements of the business. My first task was to discover what he 'disliked'. I noted that by how his level of frustration went from zero to 100. He 'hates' entering in his billing time and putting together exhibits. He loves talking to his clients, but he spends too much time talking to them, often repeating the same thing over and over, and loves forming unique analogies. Anything that involves forming an opinion he spends hours on it, getting it just right, typing words, hitting backspace over and over. He can write for hours and the result is five pages. It's also why he's the best. No, he doesn't bill the clients for those long phone calls, He even calls them at near late hours, like 9p on a Sunday. He usually calls me to come it at 7p and stay unil 2a, because he has to be in court that next morning. Last night was a complete loss. I kept telling him to close other windows on his desktop. Then I caught him using his phone, shopping for a new electronics. Then he played the baby grand in the lobby for an hour. Then he laid on the sofa and talked to his girlfriend for another hour. All this time I'm using cues to get him back to his computer. He then says that his 'brain is empty' and going upstairs to watch *Homeland*. (He has a live/work space). When I try to keep him on task, he does this deep sighing, covers his face with his hands, or leans way back in his chair and closes his eyes. He acts extremely exasperated with me. And, because I'm family, it breaks my heart when he asks me to go upstairs and play Portal. I wouldn't be doing my job if I did. Don't get me wrong, he has lots of family and many friends, and a great girlfriend. But I can't be a part of the distraction. He pays me not to do those things. But most nights we are very successful and the next trial, he's completely prepared. The other odd thing, maybe unique to him; I don't mind cleaning and organizing. I had to stop doing that because he included it in 'him getting stuff done'. So, if there's another person working around him, even a cleaning service, he actually feels he's getting stuff done, too. ADD can be found in all levels of IQ and personality types. My family member is highly social, needs to be around people, and has a very high IQ. He always has a full plate, and has 3 other degrees, plays in a band, is writing a book, and so on. ADD does NOT mean 'procrastination'. Many of them have a full plate and can juggle a lot of things, more so than people without ADD. My family member has 50 clients. He can sit down and talk about every single one of them, and knows exactly where they are in the process, and what needs to be done next. It's awe inspiring, and at the same time maddening, because he gets lost in calendars, time management, reminders, can't keep a paralegal on staff, and so on. Some people with ADD dream huge, way beyond their capacity. I am not diagnosing Trump...but the description fits with what I've experienced. And yes, it's also true that it could be an early onset of dementia.", '>>{haywood-jablomi} : Trump has privately expressed disbelief over the ability of judges, bureaucrats or lawmakers to delay — or even stop — him from filling positions and implementing policies.” He\'s basically a low information fox news viewer that believed all 8 years of lies Hannity, Limbaugh and Co have spewed about Obama being a tyrant.\tpondo13\tt3_5tj9u8\nt3_5tgobv\tt1_ddn0rs1\t1486875299\tPence isn\'t blitheringly inept. He\'s a GOP true believer. They will rocket scary stuff thru Congress at a more frightening pace than if the have to keep fighting Trump\'s bumbling handling of everything.\tmabhatter\tt1_ddn087x\nt3_5tjlpk\tt1_ddn0tlp\t1486875387\tIt\'s remarkable how 45 doesn\'t know what, if anything, he can do to help promote asset forfeiture. This is yet another example that 45 has no conception of the Constitution, jurisdiction, or the hierarchy of law. As much as it troubles me, it also reassures me that there is a greater chance he will unquestionably violate the Constitution and be removed from office.\tim_in_town\tt3_5tjlpk\nt3_5tjlpk\tt1_ddn0u2i\t1486875409\t[Trump behind closed doors...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYabrQrXt4A&feature=youtu.be&t=7) ... probably.\tLarry_from_lamps\tt3_5tjlpk\nt3_5tjlpk\tt1_ddn0vsp\t1486875498\tJust regurgitating last night\'s Bill Maher jokes, huh?\tgary_f\tt1_ddn0u2i\nt3_5tjlpk\tt1_ddn0ykv\t1486875638\tWhy is no one explaining to him the other side? I\'m clueless about asset forfeiture, but I\'m sure there are two sides to it. Trump honestly thinks that the only other side is Democrats wanting to fuck shit up. He thinks Democrats want stuff acquired illegally to go to the criminals because they are assholes. I mean maybe because you can\'t steal a family home if one person has a gram of weed on him? Maybe it\'s unconstitutional to take shit even if someone broke the law?\tBloodQueef_McOral\tt3_5tjlpk\nt3_5tjlpk\tt1_ddn13ex\t1486875888\tIs that something we should get an executive order on?" He doesn\'t even fucking understand what he\'s talking about but he\'s willing to get an executive order to change it. I\'m trying so hard to give him a chance but I just hate him so much.', ">>{nomadofwaves} : Just bring a squirt gun out and set it on the podium... I would've laughed.", ">>{blueshirtfanatic41} : Welp, by nature i should be a conservative then sine im one of the most introverted person you'll ever meet even though i live in the city :/", ">>{makoivis} : The fuck it is. I'd take any random person with ADD over this fuckmuppet.", ">>{BernieSandlers} : I listened to an episode of David Axelrod's podcast from before the inauguration with Sean Spicer as the guest. Went into it expecting to hate him, and was pleasantly surprised by the fact I didn't hate him. It was a different person from the lying baby we see at the podium every day.", '>>{DiscoConspiracy} : Ex-KGB Chief Thought Dead As Source Of Trump Blackmail Dossier Leak http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/ex-kgb-spy-cited-in-the-trump-blackmail-dossier-just_us_588e3f0de4b0cd25e4904a24', ">>{monkeybiziu} : That's about right. The GOP has spent decades feeding their base red meat in the form of constant outrage over whatever is going on in Washington. It was natural that eventually some of the people that bought the lie would get elected. So now, a good portion of their caucus believes everything they've been told on Fox and Breitbart. Now that they're in power, it's time for vegetables and these special snowflakes aren't having any part of it.", '>>{pingieking} : A person with ADD probably knows well enough to delegate to competent people.', '>>{pingieking} : I know someone who has met Sean Spicer before and asked her about him. She said that he must be doing the "take one for the team" routine to the extreme because her impression of him isn\'t what he looks like on the job.', ">>{makoivis} : Also it's commonly paired with periods of hyperfocus on topics of interest.", ">>{Trash_Count} : All of you are right. Most people with ADHD don't have delusions of grandeur, they're anal about setting reminders and typically do whatever they can to defer to another, especially someone dependable. And lastly, yes, hyperfocus is a thing ADHD people can use almost as a weapon in some cases.", ">>{thehalfwit} : As I understand it, the administration has about 3,000 vetted positions they have to fill and they aren't anywhere close to that. I expect there are lots of people covering for empty chairs.", ">>{BelievedToBeTrue} : Think of it this way, you've made you way to your dream job, you have ideas, passionate ideas, about how you can do it and help make the world better (as you see it). When you get there however, you have this boss, and he doesn't understand anything about the way your organisation works, he's unpredictable, has what you might see as ridiculous ideas that maybe run counter to what you would like to see happen. He's reactionary, meaning you may have to drop what you've been working on when the next shiny thing distracts them. If you aren't a sycophantic 'yes man' then you either give up the dream job, or end up on a shit list that means you are looking for a new job. But maybe that person holds a grudge and plans to make getting that new job difficult for you. So even when you know something is wrong, or illegal, or just a bad idea and you've got a better way if they would just-listen-to-you!.. You have to suck it up and hope that they find a new job or get fired, otherwise you've got years of that shit in front of you.... That's the sort of thing can be soul sapping and destroy motivation. When the culture is bad inside an organisation everyone's energy drops I'd suggest that's what they mean when they say they looked tired.", '>>{HurricaneShane} : I bet you the book will have the best words, just tremendous.', '>>{HurricaneShane} : If Spicer were a smart man, (which he is not) he would dress up like Melissa McCarthy and parody her.', ">>{PrairieSkiBum} : No, it's a single symptom of larger patten of behaviors that add up into an ADD diagnosis. That's like saying that because someone has a head ache it's a perfect definition of someone with a brain tumour. It's frequently changing the subject is something someone would do if they are bored and wanna talk about something that interests them. Or maybe they dont understand and can't contribute and want to talk about something they know.", ">>{The_Write_Stuff} : I wouldn't assume the senate will be in Dem hands. The Democrats are notorious for fumbling layups.", ">>{Another_Alex} : I hope there is a major natural disaster before a major terrorist attack. Because we're probably going to get another mega-storm at some point and terrorist attacks are too useful to the president's narrative.", ">>{SuperSaverLillian} : On top of which, we're a year or two overdue for a stock market correction. Which, I would hope, helps aid in making Donnie Moscow look inept.", ">>{Another_Alex} : Yeah...not looking forward to that. He or the people in his administration are just going to let entire industries die which don't have to die and keep the ones alive which are going out anyway and then wonder why the economy is fucked up. Not that there is a magic formula for these sorts of things, but you know they'll pick and choose, and pick and choose the wrong ones. At least it might be a reason for the US branches of his hotels to go out of business. But maybe that is wishful thinking.", '>>{CDchrysalis} : Out of his depth and out of his mind with his fear flowing out behind him as he claws through the thin ice...', ">>{burnburnburn} : Focus on his inability. Focus on his acts of corruption. People are focusing on appearance way too much. He's completely incapable - we have to keep focusing on that.", '>>{OldGuyzRewl} : Most "leaks" from the administration are deliberate, intended to shape public opinion. They would like everyone to believe that they are stupid and divided. Whether this is the case or not, remains to be seen. In the meantime, watch what they actually DO. The rest is propaganda.', ">>{ediciusNJ} : Even with all the NDAs they've signed due to fragile snowflake Trump's ego? Mind you, I want to see the dirt too.", ">>{Jackmack65} : That doesn't even scratch the surface of his fragility.", ">>{Jackmack65} : It's much more likely that the ~~republican~~ United Russia party will have a filibuster-proof majority than that the Senate will go blue. The Ds are defending 23 seats plus 2 independents who caucus with them. Lots of those are in categorically red states. Keep in mind that United Russia will have 2 full years to work their voter suppression agenda, which is typically pretty effective, and if that doesn't go well they'll likely just straight-up rig some of these statewide races. There's not a Dem in office anywhere with the competence or balls to get in front of this shit. I'd put the chances of the Senate flipping in 2018 at well below 1%.", '>>{Jackmack65} : > terrorist attacks are too useful to the president\'s narrative Which is why there will be one within a matter of a few months at most. Bannon will need it to "unite" the country. Everyone will fall in line.', ">>{Thrownawayactually} : I'd say wrangling a buffoon within a system that is basically made of rules is exhausting. Have you never had to explain every nuance of why you can't do something to a child? So that, with an adult who is FUCKING LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.", '>>{Scrimshawmud} : And instead of thinking tyrant was awful, he wanted to order one round of tyranny for himself.', ">>{Scrimshawmud} : He ignored the tornadoes in New Orleans completely, didn't he? No comment at all?", ">>{Another_Alex} : On the other hand, we're also just starting hurricane season in the next few months. So there is a possibility that might come first.", ">>{Scrimshawmud} : This article brings satisfying schadenfreude - people applied for positions they are unqualified to perform. They are now bumbling, out of their elements, and exhausted doing so. There's infighting, petty squabbles and grudges. Sadly, all the energy going to this junior high clique bullshit means nobody is driving the bus, y'all.", '>>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : >After it aired, Spicer had proposed cracking a joke about the send-up during his next briefing, or even firing a squirt gun, as McCarthy had done in the sketch. Trump vetoed the idea, according to one person briefed on the matter.” Sean Spicer seems like an alright guy who just sold his soul to the god damn devil', '>>{chmod777} : bio- and green-tech? feh. lets bail out coal.', ">>{icanhazazngrl} : This is a big one. He hasn't named any second-tier officials yet. It's also my understanding that the people who are there are mostly hold-overs from Obama, and likely aren't that motivated to help.", ">>{icanhazazngrl} : If Trump wouldn't let him take a squirt gun to the podium, I doubt he'd let him go out there in drag. I agree it would be quite funny, though.", '>>{ShouldBeAnUpvoteGif} : Everyone should read about narcissism. Basically he stopped developing emotionally at the age of two. Its all about the inability to deal with shame.', ">>{ahatmadeofshoes12} : No, I have ADHD, I also have a doctorate and work in occupational therapy treating children with sensory processing disorders. ADHD makes you learn to do things a bit differently then most but you can compensate, delegate the organizational tasks and manage. Executive functioning is challenged which in non-neuro terms is how you plan out how to strategie through completing tasks but memory is fine. I obviously can't officially diagnose from tune Internet but I think Trump is in early stage dementia or at least mild cognitive decline (pre-dementia) which includes a lot of the same issues you see in ADHD with executive functioning but also includes word finding issues, and memory loss that you don't see with ADHD. His efforts to cover it up are also common to mild cognitive decline and in his case it's especially evident because he's also a narcissist and unwilling to admit that he has trouble with anything.", '>>{Nomandate} : Pitting people against each other is a standard narcissistic mode of operation. "Triangulation." http://www.narcissisticmother.com/how-narcissistic-mothers-create-sibling-rivalry http://narcissistschild.blogspot.com/2012/04/triangulationthe-narcissists-secret.html?m=1', '>>{nobes0} : Given reports about how unhappy Trump was that Spicer was played by a woman, I imagine cross dressing would be a one way ticket to the unemployment line.', ">>{Nomandate} : It's a sort of ADD. It's so that the narcissistic person doesn't fall into a hole of revelation about the event. He'll change view before the reality of his lacking ability comes into focus. It's a method of self delusion. It's often said personality disordered people have comorbid ADD symptoms but I feel this is the root cause of this association. It's similar to how personality disordered are compulsive liars in action but not by strict definition. They lie as a method of self delusion and control.", '>>{Nomandate} : This. The lies and attention shifting are a direct result of shame avoidance. Many things trigger shame for them: appearing weak, dumb, ugly, small handed, etc...', '>>{Raspberries-Are-Evil} : Not ONLY that, but he believes that in his mind he is one of the wealthiest most successful business men in the world. Now, we can argue about all of those points, but, what we know is this: In business, he basically fucked people over left and right, used bankruptcy laws to his personal advantage, and generally didn\'t care who got caught in the wake of his destruction. We also know that he hired people WHO KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING to make his things happen. Now, he has people who simply do not understand what the job of the President is, and what the responsibilities are. Not only, Trump hasn\'t allowed people with alternative view points in his circle. All smart CEOs and highly successful ones do not simply have "yes men" around them. They\'re smart enough to know, that they don\'t know everything, so they need to hire people know truly know whatever business they are investing in or running to advise them and often "save them from themselves." Trump doesn\'t do this... Which is essentially leading us down a path that will end up the way all his "new businesses" end up- in failure and bankruptcy. Only, instead of Trump walking about with the investor money, this time, its going to leave a huge mess that we the people will need to recover from. The only hope is that people realize who did this to us-- the Republicans. They allowed this to happen and are continuing to allow this to happen. There comes a time when you need to put your policies aside and realize what is simply dangerous to the country, and we are seeing it now.', '>>{ProfessorPickaxe} : Now now. Some of it will be from tanning spray when Donnie Moscow lounges around in his bathrobe.', ">>{c_forrester_thorne} : Hey, let's leave the muppets out of this.", ">>{ShouldBeAnUpvoteGif} : Having 2 N parents and an N stepfather, I've spent considerable time reading about the disorder. Shame avoidance is the heart of the disorder.", ">>{SpaceTax} : Yes, but Tump was in the unique position to gather like-minded people around him, surrounding himself with people who'd put up with him.", ">>{SpaceTax} : >And lastly, yes, hyperfocus is a thing ADHD people can use almost as a weapon in some cases. Well put. Describes a family member well. I edited my comment above. The other day, my family member, needing to finish some important legal work, decided to hyperfocus on a laptop that wasn't working. He spent 8 hours on it. I finally was able to talk him into calling a repair person and I delivered the laptop to them. It was frustrating trying to pull him away from the laptop and him ignoring important work that needed to get done.", '>>{Bloodravenguard} : Wow it sounds like High school musical: White House']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{madam1} : Officials hate each other: 5 disturbing revelations about what’s happening inside Trump’s White House', '>>{Rut-Barbro} : This will be the best " end of service " book release series ever. Edit: Maybe "best" is the wrong word. It will atleast be intresting, satisfying that in us that takes delight in drama. It will be an embarrassing stain on the dignity of the White House, for sure.', ">>{the_dog1} : Good. Hopefully the losers of these battles dump all the dirt they have on the winners. I'm looking forwards to cooking some asses in the coming months and years.", ">>{Taswelltoo} : If this is his attitude now, imagine what his reaction will be (assuming he's still in office) if come 2018 there's a blue senate ready to openly defy him and his executive orders?", ">>{perogies} : So Bannon, Priebus, and Ryan are the people really running things. Donald is out of his depth and has no idea what he's doing.", ">>{1Glitch0} : I imagine they'll be a lot of embarrassing stains in the White House.", ">>{YeahWhateverDonnie} : >“Trump often asks simple questions about policies, proposals and personnel. And, when discussions get bogged down in details, the president has been known to quickly change the subject — to “seem in control at all times,” one senior government official said He's actually that fragile?", ">>{VStarffin} : How can exhaustion be high? These people haven't done anything other than put some random pieces of paper in front of the Douchebag in Chief. They aren't organizing policy proposal or campaigns. They aren't doing anything that would be tiring.", '>>{DjCyric} : If you have the "best words" or are "so smart, so smart", and also know more than the generals do; well then when you feel out of your element of course you would change the subject.', '>>{DragonXV} : By nature, conservatives tend to be anti-social cranks who hate being around other people, which is why you find them in the boonies, while liberals, who enjoy the company of other people, are comfortable in cities being social with one another.', ">>{downvoteyous} : His voters supported him because what you see is what you get. There's no other Trump hiding behind that facade.", '>>{Another_Alex} : > So Bannon, Priebus, and Ryan are the people really running things. Yeah...that will not work out.', '>>{YeahWhateverDonnie} : Except for all his lies and position reversals, yeah.', ">>{downvoteyous} : Well, he was doing that before the election also. What you see is a guy who lies all the time, and that's what you get.", ">>{itsaboyffxiv} : Might be true and probably is. But friends don't let friends read Salon and they certainly don't do AlterNet.", '>>{Doright36} : >"Spicer had proposed cracking a joke about the send-up during his next briefing, or even firing a squirt gun, as McCarthy had done in the sketch" I\'d actually respect him a bit more if he did that. Shows he can take a joke.', ">>{mirrth} : >Even we don't like us. -The Trump Administration", '>>{layzpcofcrap} : A truck can blow its engine while spinning its wheels in deep sand and going nowhere.', ">>{SpaceTax} : It's normal to desire a leader who's predictable. Trump isn't predictable. And the White House can't run off spontaneity. It's an extremely frustrating situation, and most people can't handle being frustrated. I'm sure many of them have no idea where they 'stand'. Not good for our national security.", ">>{SpaceTax} : This is a perfect definition of someone who suffers from ADD. *Edit: I see my comment is still controversial. (I actually don't mind, it encourages conversation). My current job is working for a highly intelligent family member who has ADD. My sole duty is to keep him 'on track'. He's a lawyer, and recently voted the best in his field in our very large city, one of the largest in the country. He can't handle a stranger doing what I do. I've known him since he was born, and used to take care of him when his parents would go on vacations. We're really close. But he can't stay focused. Sure, right out of law school, when it was all fresh and new, he quickly excelled, and opened up his own firm in only a couple years. But he soon got 'painfully bored' of certain elements of the business. My first task was to discover what he 'disliked'. I noted that by how his level of frustration went from zero to 100. He 'hates' entering in his billing time and putting together exhibits. He loves talking to his clients, but he spends too much time talking to them, often repeating the same thing over and over, and loves forming unique analogies. Anything that involves forming an opinion he spends hours on it, getting it just right, typing words, hitting backspace over and over. He can write for hours and the result is five pages. It's also why he's the best. No, he doesn't bill the clients for those long phone calls, He even calls them at near late hours, like 9p on a Sunday. He usually calls me to come it at 7p and stay unil 2a, because he has to be in court that next morning. Last night was a complete loss. I kept telling him to close other windows on his desktop. Then I caught him using his phone, shopping for a new electronics. Then he played the baby grand in the lobby for an hour. Then he laid on the sofa and talked to his girlfriend for another hour. All this time I'm using cues to get him back to his computer. He then says that his 'brain is empty' and going upstairs to watch *Homeland*. (He has a live/work space). When I try to keep him on task, he does this deep sighing, covers his face with his hands, or leans way back in his chair and closes his eyes. He acts extremely exasperated with me. And, because I'm family, it breaks my heart when he asks me to go upstairs and play Portal. I wouldn't be doing my job if I did. Don't get me wrong, he has lots of family and many friends, and a great girlfriend. But I can't be a part of the distraction. He pays me not to do those things. But most nights we are very successful and the next trial, he's completely prepared. The other odd thing, maybe unique to him; I don't mind cleaning and organizing. I had to stop doing that because he included it in 'him getting stuff done'. So, if there's another person working around him, even a cleaning service, he actually feels he's getting stuff done, too. ADD can be found in all levels of IQ and personality types. My family member is highly social, needs to be around people, and has a very high IQ. He always has a full plate, and has 3 other degrees, plays in a band, is writing a book, and so on. ADD does NOT mean 'procrastination'. Many of them have a full plate and can juggle a lot of things, more so than people without ADD. My family member has 50 clients. He can sit down and talk about every single one of them, and knows exactly where they are in the process, and what needs to be done next. It's awe inspiring, and at the same time maddening, because he gets lost in calendars, time management, reminders, can't keep a paralegal on staff, and so on. Some people with ADD dream huge, way beyond their capacity. I am not diagnosing Trump...but the description fits with what I've experienced. And yes, it's also true that it could be an early onset of dementia.", '>>{haywood-jablomi} : Trump has privately expressed disbelief over the ability of judges, bureaucrats or lawmakers to delay — or even stop — him from filling positions and implementing policies.” He\'s basically a low information fox news viewer that believed all 8 years of lies Hannity, Limbaugh and Co have spewed about Obama being a tyrant.\tpondo13\tt3_5tj9u8\nt3_5tgobv\tt1_ddn0rs1\t1486875299\tPence isn\'t blitheringly inept. He\'s a GOP true believer. They will rocket scary stuff thru Congress at a more frightening pace than if the have to keep fighting Trump\'s bumbling handling of everything.\tmabhatter\tt1_ddn087x\nt3_5tjlpk\tt1_ddn0tlp\t1486875387\tIt\'s remarkable how 45 doesn\'t know what, if anything, he can do to help promote asset forfeiture. This is yet another example that 45 has no conception of the Constitution, jurisdiction, or the hierarchy of law. As much as it troubles me, it also reassures me that there is a greater chance he will unquestionably violate the Constitution and be removed from office.\tim_in_town\tt3_5tjlpk\nt3_5tjlpk\tt1_ddn0u2i\t1486875409\t[Trump behind closed doors...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYabrQrXt4A&feature=youtu.be&t=7) ... probably.\tLarry_from_lamps\tt3_5tjlpk\nt3_5tjlpk\tt1_ddn0vsp\t1486875498\tJust regurgitating last night\'s Bill Maher jokes, huh?\tgary_f\tt1_ddn0u2i\nt3_5tjlpk\tt1_ddn0ykv\t1486875638\tWhy is no one explaining to him the other side? I\'m clueless about asset forfeiture, but I\'m sure there are two sides to it. Trump honestly thinks that the only other side is Democrats wanting to fuck shit up. He thinks Democrats want stuff acquired illegally to go to the criminals because they are assholes. I mean maybe because you can\'t steal a family home if one person has a gram of weed on him? Maybe it\'s unconstitutional to take shit even if someone broke the law?\tBloodQueef_McOral\tt3_5tjlpk\nt3_5tjlpk\tt1_ddn13ex\t1486875888\tIs that something we should get an executive order on?" He doesn\'t even fucking understand what he\'s talking about but he\'s willing to get an executive order to change it. I\'m trying so hard to give him a chance but I just hate him so much.', ">>{nomadofwaves} : Just bring a squirt gun out and set it on the podium... I would've laughed.", ">>{blueshirtfanatic41} : Welp, by nature i should be a conservative then sine im one of the most introverted person you'll ever meet even though i live in the city :/", ">>{makoivis} : The fuck it is. I'd take any random person with ADD over this fuckmuppet.", ">>{BernieSandlers} : I listened to an episode of David Axelrod's podcast from before the inauguration with Sean Spicer as the guest. Went into it expecting to hate him, and was pleasantly surprised by the fact I didn't hate him. It was a different person from the lying baby we see at the podium every day.", '>>{DiscoConspiracy} : Ex-KGB Chief Thought Dead As Source Of Trump Blackmail Dossier Leak http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/ex-kgb-spy-cited-in-the-trump-blackmail-dossier-just_us_588e3f0de4b0cd25e4904a24', ">>{monkeybiziu} : That's about right. The GOP has spent decades feeding their base red meat in the form of constant outrage over whatever is going on in Washington. It was natural that eventually some of the people that bought the lie would get elected. So now, a good portion of their caucus believes everything they've been told on Fox and Breitbart. Now that they're in power, it's time for vegetables and these special snowflakes aren't having any part of it.", '>>{pingieking} : A person with ADD probably knows well enough to delegate to competent people.', '>>{pingieking} : I know someone who has met Sean Spicer before and asked her about him. She said that he must be doing the "take one for the team" routine to the extreme because her impression of him isn\'t what he looks like on the job.', ">>{makoivis} : Also it's commonly paired with periods of hyperfocus on topics of interest.", ">>{Trash_Count} : All of you are right. Most people with ADHD don't have delusions of grandeur, they're anal about setting reminders and typically do whatever they can to defer to another, especially someone dependable. And lastly, yes, hyperfocus is a thing ADHD people can use almost as a weapon in some cases.", ">>{thehalfwit} : As I understand it, the administration has about 3,000 vetted positions they have to fill and they aren't anywhere close to that. I expect there are lots of people covering for empty chairs.", ">>{BelievedToBeTrue} : Think of it this way, you've made you way to your dream job, you have ideas, passionate ideas, about how you can do it and help make the world better (as you see it). When you get there however, you have this boss, and he doesn't understand anything about the way your organisation works, he's unpredictable, has what you might see as ridiculous ideas that maybe run counter to what you would like to see happen. He's reactionary, meaning you may have to drop what you've been working on when the next shiny thing distracts them. If you aren't a sycophantic 'yes man' then you either give up the dream job, or end up on a shit list that means you are looking for a new job. But maybe that person holds a grudge and plans to make getting that new job difficult for you. So even when you know something is wrong, or illegal, or just a bad idea and you've got a better way if they would just-listen-to-you!.. You have to suck it up and hope that they find a new job or get fired, otherwise you've got years of that shit in front of you.... That's the sort of thing can be soul sapping and destroy motivation. When the culture is bad inside an organisation everyone's energy drops I'd suggest that's what they mean when they say they looked tired.", '>>{HurricaneShane} : I bet you the book will have the best words, just tremendous.', '>>{HurricaneShane} : If Spicer were a smart man, (which he is not) he would dress up like Melissa McCarthy and parody her.', ">>{PrairieSkiBum} : No, it's a single symptom of larger patten of behaviors that add up into an ADD diagnosis. That's like saying that because someone has a head ache it's a perfect definition of someone with a brain tumour. It's frequently changing the subject is something someone would do if they are bored and wanna talk about something that interests them. Or maybe they dont understand and can't contribute and want to talk about something they know.", ">>{The_Write_Stuff} : I wouldn't assume the senate will be in Dem hands. The Democrats are notorious for fumbling layups.", ">>{Another_Alex} : I hope there is a major natural disaster before a major terrorist attack. Because we're probably going to get another mega-storm at some point and terrorist attacks are too useful to the president's narrative.", ">>{SuperSaverLillian} : On top of which, we're a year or two overdue for a stock market correction. Which, I would hope, helps aid in making Donnie Moscow look inept.", ">>{Another_Alex} : Yeah...not looking forward to that. He or the people in his administration are just going to let entire industries die which don't have to die and keep the ones alive which are going out anyway and then wonder why the economy is fucked up. Not that there is a magic formula for these sorts of things, but you know they'll pick and choose, and pick and choose the wrong ones. At least it might be a reason for the US branches of his hotels to go out of business. But maybe that is wishful thinking.", '>>{CDchrysalis} : Out of his depth and out of his mind with his fear flowing out behind him as he claws through the thin ice...', ">>{burnburnburn} : Focus on his inability. Focus on his acts of corruption. People are focusing on appearance way too much. He's completely incapable - we have to keep focusing on that.", '>>{OldGuyzRewl} : Most "leaks" from the administration are deliberate, intended to shape public opinion. They would like everyone to believe that they are stupid and divided. Whether this is the case or not, remains to be seen. In the meantime, watch what they actually DO. The rest is propaganda.', ">>{ediciusNJ} : Even with all the NDAs they've signed due to fragile snowflake Trump's ego? Mind you, I want to see the dirt too.", ">>{Jackmack65} : That doesn't even scratch the surface of his fragility.", ">>{Jackmack65} : It's much more likely that the ~~republican~~ United Russia party will have a filibuster-proof majority than that the Senate will go blue. The Ds are defending 23 seats plus 2 independents who caucus with them. Lots of those are in categorically red states. Keep in mind that United Russia will have 2 full years to work their voter suppression agenda, which is typically pretty effective, and if that doesn't go well they'll likely just straight-up rig some of these statewide races. There's not a Dem in office anywhere with the competence or balls to get in front of this shit. I'd put the chances of the Senate flipping in 2018 at well below 1%.", '>>{Jackmack65} : > terrorist attacks are too useful to the president\'s narrative Which is why there will be one within a matter of a few months at most. Bannon will need it to "unite" the country. Everyone will fall in line.', ">>{Thrownawayactually} : I'd say wrangling a buffoon within a system that is basically made of rules is exhausting. Have you never had to explain every nuance of why you can't do something to a child? So that, with an adult who is FUCKING LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.", '>>{Scrimshawmud} : And instead of thinking tyrant was awful, he wanted to order one round of tyranny for himself.', ">>{Scrimshawmud} : He ignored the tornadoes in New Orleans completely, didn't he? No comment at all?", ">>{Another_Alex} : On the other hand, we're also just starting hurricane season in the next few months. So there is a possibility that might come first.", ">>{Scrimshawmud} : This article brings satisfying schadenfreude - people applied for positions they are unqualified to perform. They are now bumbling, out of their elements, and exhausted doing so. There's infighting, petty squabbles and grudges. Sadly, all the energy going to this junior high clique bullshit means nobody is driving the bus, y'all.", '>>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : >After it aired, Spicer had proposed cracking a joke about the send-up during his next briefing, or even firing a squirt gun, as McCarthy had done in the sketch. Trump vetoed the idea, according to one person briefed on the matter.” Sean Spicer seems like an alright guy who just sold his soul to the god damn devil', '>>{chmod777} : bio- and green-tech? feh. lets bail out coal.', ">>{icanhazazngrl} : This is a big one. He hasn't named any second-tier officials yet. It's also my understanding that the people who are there are mostly hold-overs from Obama, and likely aren't that motivated to help.", ">>{icanhazazngrl} : If Trump wouldn't let him take a squirt gun to the podium, I doubt he'd let him go out there in drag. I agree it would be quite funny, though.", '>>{ShouldBeAnUpvoteGif} : Everyone should read about narcissism. Basically he stopped developing emotionally at the age of two. Its all about the inability to deal with shame.', ">>{ahatmadeofshoes12} : No, I have ADHD, I also have a doctorate and work in occupational therapy treating children with sensory processing disorders. ADHD makes you learn to do things a bit differently then most but you can compensate, delegate the organizational tasks and manage. Executive functioning is challenged which in non-neuro terms is how you plan out how to strategie through completing tasks but memory is fine. I obviously can't officially diagnose from tune Internet but I think Trump is in early stage dementia or at least mild cognitive decline (pre-dementia) which includes a lot of the same issues you see in ADHD with executive functioning but also includes word finding issues, and memory loss that you don't see with ADHD. His efforts to cover it up are also common to mild cognitive decline and in his case it's especially evident because he's also a narcissist and unwilling to admit that he has trouble with anything.", '>>{Nomandate} : Pitting people against each other is a standard narcissistic mode of operation. "Triangulation." http://www.narcissisticmother.com/how-narcissistic-mothers-create-sibling-rivalry http://narcissistschild.blogspot.com/2012/04/triangulationthe-narcissists-secret.html?m=1', '>>{nobes0} : Given reports about how unhappy Trump was that Spicer was played by a woman, I imagine cross dressing would be a one way ticket to the unemployment line.', ">>{Nomandate} : It's a sort of ADD. It's so that the narcissistic person doesn't fall into a hole of revelation about the event. He'll change view before the reality of his lacking ability comes into focus. It's a method of self delusion. It's often said personality disordered people have comorbid ADD symptoms but I feel this is the root cause of this association. It's similar to how personality disordered are compulsive liars in action but not by strict definition. They lie as a method of self delusion and control.", '>>{Nomandate} : This. The lies and attention shifting are a direct result of shame avoidance. Many things trigger shame for them: appearing weak, dumb, ugly, small handed, etc...', '>>{Raspberries-Are-Evil} : Not ONLY that, but he believes that in his mind he is one of the wealthiest most successful business men in the world. Now, we can argue about all of those points, but, what we know is this: In business, he basically fucked people over left and right, used bankruptcy laws to his personal advantage, and generally didn\'t care who got caught in the wake of his destruction. We also know that he hired people WHO KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING to make his things happen. Now, he has people who simply do not understand what the job of the President is, and what the responsibilities are. Not only, Trump hasn\'t allowed people with alternative view points in his circle. All smart CEOs and highly successful ones do not simply have "yes men" around them. They\'re smart enough to know, that they don\'t know everything, so they need to hire people know truly know whatever business they are investing in or running to advise them and often "save them from themselves." Trump doesn\'t do this... Which is essentially leading us down a path that will end up the way all his "new businesses" end up- in failure and bankruptcy. Only, instead of Trump walking about with the investor money, this time, its going to leave a huge mess that we the people will need to recover from. The only hope is that people realize who did this to us-- the Republicans. They allowed this to happen and are continuing to allow this to happen. There comes a time when you need to put your policies aside and realize what is simply dangerous to the country, and we are seeing it now.', '>>{ProfessorPickaxe} : Now now. Some of it will be from tanning spray when Donnie Moscow lounges around in his bathrobe.', ">>{c_forrester_thorne} : Hey, let's leave the muppets out of this.", ">>{ShouldBeAnUpvoteGif} : Having 2 N parents and an N stepfather, I've spent considerable time reading about the disorder. Shame avoidance is the heart of the disorder.", ">>{SpaceTax} : Yes, but Tump was in the unique position to gather like-minded people around him, surrounding himself with people who'd put up with him.", ">>{SpaceTax} : >And lastly, yes, hyperfocus is a thing ADHD people can use almost as a weapon in some cases. Well put. Describes a family member well. I edited my comment above. The other day, my family member, needing to finish some important legal work, decided to hyperfocus on a laptop that wasn't working. He spent 8 hours on it. I finally was able to talk him into calling a repair person and I delivered the laptop to them. It was frustrating trying to pull him away from the laptop and him ignoring important work that needed to get done.", '>>{Bloodravenguard} : Wow it sounds like High school musical: White House'], ['>>{NuclearRhin0} : Like I needed another reason to root against the Pats.', '>>{HBombthrow} : BREAKING: Trump likes being around rich and famous people.', '>>{tiny_hands_donald} : This totally makes up for being a xenophobe, racist, and sexual assaulter!', ">>{Creddit999} : I'm glad Trump's your friend, Mr. Kraft. But don't mistake his friendship with you as making him qualified to lead this country.", '>>{DontDoWhatDonaldDoes} : OP can\'t tell the difference between The New Yorker and NY Mag. "The cartoons are not funny." American?? Who knows....', '>>{c010rb1indusa} : I\'ll I have to say is if you want to know what a man\'s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. That\'s why I don\'t care how many "well he was nice to me" stories I hear.', '>>{Zoophagous} : Another reason to dislike the Pats. If you actually need one.', ">>{goody_heggety} : Kraft's wife, Myra, died from ovarian cancer in July 2011. He said Trump was there for support when he needed it most. A lot more women are going to die of ovarian cancer if ACA is repealed, and if Republicans succeed in defunding Planned Parenthood.", '>>{iamabearROAR} : He seems to be doing exactly that. >"In the toughest time in my life, he was there for me when my beloved wife died five and half years ago. He came to the funeral with Melania. He visited me at my home memorial. He called me once a week for a year," Kraft said. That is a lovely story. But I wasn\'t doubting that Trump is decent to people he knows and likes personally. But the next paragraph is... >Kraft said Trump will play an integral role in creating a vibrant economy to create jobs in the country. I mean...ok. How? This is in no way supported by the earlier statement yet he continues: >**"I think his *intent* is to do things that can help the business environment in America,"** Kraft said. Intentions are nice. But as someone who has known Trump personally for years the real question should be *is he capable* of doing things to help...well...anyone besides his ["friends"](http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/02/trump-says-he-cut-wall-street-reform-because-his-friends-need-money) at this point.', '>>{GaimeGuy} : Was this during the time period Trump was trying to get an NFL team?', ">>{IBringYouToBurn} : trump never does anything for nothing. I'm sure Mr. Kraft has forked over his fair share of free tickets to trump.", ">>{gardenboy21} : Awww that's so nice. He's still scum. He probably wants to be Robert Kraft and that's why he slurped him for so long. Remember when Trump tried to buy the Bills? I wish he had succeeded. He probably wouldn't be president right now.", '>>{Macd7} : Oh kraft, the owner who write hand written notes for every Israeli soldier who dies in action. Doubt he does it for our boys and girls who die wearing our flag', ">>{SeditiousConspiracy} : Pretty sure that objectively speaking, it actually doesn't make up for those things ???"], ['>>{fuibanidoevoltei} : Donald Trump sure looks like he’s using the final debate to test-run Trump TV. It’s awful.', '>>{dagwood222} : The more I think about it, the more sense a streaming service ala Netflix makes. Fox News is good for old folks who turn it on and leave it running in the back ground all day, but the younger alt right crowd needs a one stop site for all their needs. I guess it will look a bit like reddit, with a front page and sub-reddits like trump/guns, trump/pussygrabbing, trump/real estate [an on-line version of Trump U] etc.', ">>{SpookyKid94} : I'm not sure about that. Trump does badly with young people, really badly. The 15 year old nazis on /pol/ aren't numerous enough to make them money. Breitbart and Drudge have the Internet, they're going to do the TV thing however The Blaze does it. Not sure how they'll unify the brands though.", '>>{martin519} : The ability to target narrow segments on the internet would be advantageous for someone in Donald Trumps position. Especially when you sell a wide variety of products and services (the Trump name is licensed out to anything). I imagine their ad inventory could be filled with propriety products while they go after sponsors.', '>>{Megmca} : Remember how ramshackle Current got? Man I hope Trump tv makes it look like NBC nightly news.', ">>{Smurderer} : Calling it right now: This is the reason we haven't heard from Sarah Palin in so long. She's helping Trump set up his own form of The Sarah Palin Channel.", ">>{rounder55} : This was and has been his gameplan all along. Look at how he paints the media. Granted I think it sucks, but thats what he's going to pitch it as. This whole thing was a PR stunt gone too right. He may have turned off viewers while building a base. At the same time people who loathe him will watch out of hate.....hopefully it declares bankruptcy sooner than later", ">>{PerlenketteFurDich} : How many of his core are streaming customers? Really? My racist uncle doesn't trust wifi.", '>>{IfIKnewThen} : Featuring Jan Brewer. Stupid is, as stupid does.', ">>{justthepix} : The best thing that could happen to make *Trump TV* successful is for him to lose the election. He knows that it's much more profitable to sit back and preach criticism than to actually have to make decisions and create positive change.", ">>{dagwood222} : A guy I know started making a joke a while back; he said [in 2005] that he was five years into his war on the 21st century. About a year ago he decided it wasn't funny anymore and broke down and got an iPhone and is learning to use it."], ['>>{WeLoveTrumpsHate} : Trump Supporter Caught In An Anti-Trump Protest Gets His Car Trashed', '>>{mrJARichard} : The divisiveness in this country has just begun... unfortunately.', '>>{sedgwickian} : > White-owned property is more important than black lives -"moderate" republicans', ">>{Snaaaaaaaaaake} : In other news a Bengals fan found himself quite unwelcome at a steelers game. More news that people don't like other people at 11.", ">>{Malaix} : Just putting this out there, if you surround people in a car and start attacking their car, they can run you over and may get away with it if you are shown to pose a threat to them. Don't attack people in cars unless you want to get run over.", ">>{Malaix} : pretty much. There is no way Trump will be able to soothe the people he has angered especially given his administration choices so far (Pence, Bannon, Giuliani..) the US will only start to heal once we get a less divisive administration in office. Someone more middle of the road who doesn't run their mouth like Trump does and incite this crap.", '>>{chip_0} : If it survives till then. What if the protests continue to escalate till the inauguration? After which President Trump grants himself special executive powers citing the "law and order situation", and bans the right to peaceful assembly. If he is criticized for that, he will reinstate libel laws and thus ban free speech. This is how it begins, my friends.', '>>{WeLoveTrumpsHate} : Humans are an easily renewable resource, and its getting easier to make them more desirable. Construction of property is time and labor intensive and involves the use of non-renewable resources.', ">>{mrJARichard} : It's these type of scenarios that scare me the most.", ">>{suckZEN} : the appointment of bannon to a newly made up position of power is actually the only thing keeping the neo nazis in check, they're already starting to realize that they've been duped hard and the cabinet and policies will be a rehash of bush 2", '>>{WeLoveTrumpsHate} : Oh we should build one of those buses like they did in the Dawn of the Dead and clear the streets so the good citizens can go about their business.', '>>{chip_0} : Stay vigilant from today. Keep your friends aware. The saddest thing will be if this happens while everyone is distracted by Pokemon Go.', '>>{WeLoveTrumpsHate} : TRUMP SUPPORTERS, TRUMP SUPPORTERS EVERYBODY.... see nobody cares, go back to your safe space and cry like everyone else that is powerless.']]
classify and reply
['>>{smartwn} : Trump Supporters Call For A “Hamilton” Boycott After The Cast Addressed Mike Pence', '>>{conanthecnidarian} : Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. - Donald J. Trump', '>>{tangibleadhd} : >Eye-rolling, impatience and condescension by other Democrats toward #BernieorBust sentiment is a reaction by privileged people who have actually benefited from the status quo. We are not impressed, or persuaded, by either endorsements or the simplistic finger-wagging to get in line to fight Donald Trump. Yup', '>>{Tuskmaster88} : Making Clinton look bad is not a difficult thing to do. Clinton *is* bad. The trick is to make her look good', ">>{smartwn} : Just. Too. Funny. I'm sure there will be a flood of cancellations...^/s", ">>{p0tempkin} : A lot of Republicans are saying the downballot losses will be tremendous for the GOP with Trump at the top of the ticket. Sanders is seizing on the opportunity to campaign against Trump, and get a Democrat controlled Senate and House this November. He'll have all the votes he needs to push through his progressive agenda.", '>>{pengins4life} : Uh huh, I doubt his revolution has legs beyond this election.', ">>{mindcracked} : Your fanfic falls apart when you realize that Bernie isn't campaigning in November.", '>>{dyzo-blue} : Maybe Trump should EXTREME VET people before he brings them in as advisors?', '>>{AndrewRyansRapture} : I would tend to believe that will end up being the case.', ">>{OGBarracuda} : Lmao I love how people are freaking out but the speech they gave at the end wasn't even disrespectful. They asked pence to make sure his his policies were for everyone. How is that bad?", '>>{gta0012} : I think Sanders and Trump are two different products of people being tired with establishment politics. Obama was the first to rally people. His "change" was so attractive so many. Now both parties are fractured by people who want the same and people who want something different. In this way the Sanders revolution of progressive thought and candidacy certainly will continue. If you think him not running in November means it\'s over your being small minded.', '>>{dutchhombre} : but... but theres not such thing as rigged system. its all conspiracy!!', ">>{wraithtek} : > Daniel Meyer, a senior officer within the intelligence community, cited another former top Pentagon official in describing Schmitz’s remarks. > “His summary of his tenure’s achievement [is] reported as **'...I fired the Jews,’**” wrote Meyer, a former official in the Pentagon inspector general’s office whose complaint was obtained by McClatchy. > “In his final days, **he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill six million Jews,**” Meyer added while detailing Schmitz’s alleged remarks to John Crane.", ">>{Chewwaka} : It was probably a euphemism for wanting toasted bagels for lunch. You know how those SJW's like to twist meanings around.", '>>{OtroGatoGordo} : > he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill six million Jews,” How do you even bring that up at work? -Hey Crane do you have the Status Report? BTW THE HOLOCAUST IS A MYTH.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Finally, the signal emerges from the nnoise. It\'s been nice over the past 3 weeks or so, to watch one battleground state after another change "bluer" as HRC gets her ground game groove on. We are going to see the problems with nominating a know nothing racist to run against a candidate with federal experience..', ">>{SalBaeSueBae} : Hayyydennnn. It's been a while. I remember when you didn't know if you like Bernie, trump or Clinton hahaha. But look at you know. So educated. So witty.", ">>{toolish22} : I don't want to hear shit from Warren she had her chance and hid instead of speaking out.", '>>{black_krim} : Yeah, as though any of them were going to go anyways. Crybabies.', ">>{popname} : >Clinton's lead over Trump shrinks to 7 percentage points — 45% to Trump's 38% — when third-party candidates are added to the mix. Clinton had a nine point lead just two weeks ago. Losing one point a week is a landslide for Trump, not Clinton.", ">>{Nosnownow} : Makes sense, sold out show, let's boycott it. Fucking morons", ">>{like_ya_do} : [A]( https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4o2jtw/z/d4906jt ) [lot]( https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4o2a77/z/d48zd5r ) [of]( https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4o2djn/z/d48yitp ) [____]( https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4o2f11/z/d48yxvv ) [are]( https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4o29un/z/d48y7jr ) [saying]( https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4o1fpe/z/d48ppd3 ) again, huh? Is this a thing you've always said or did you just decide to go with boilerplate responses for every single thread?", ">>{AmericanFartBully} : **Tl/Dr**: Misleading headline, roughly translates to: Warren makes Clinton look bad, by comparison? For not being Elizabeth Warren-herself? Because, Warren's now re-stated her on-going opposition to something '*bad, wrong*' (*TPP*? *Outsourcing of America's Toilet-paper supply*?) which Clinton, I guess, at one time supported. And so, therefore, to be a good nominee; a strong, viable candidate; a standard-bearer for one's party; you can't have any positions or ideas which might later prove *objectionable*. To any other people in your party. Like, with Obama. Obama shouldn't have been Democrats nominee for 2008. Cause he didn't support gay-marriage, right? Or, now, Trump. Trump shouldn't get to represent the RNC. Because he made fun of John McCain (who later ended up endorsing him?). And because of making fun of Jeb Bush and saying the Iraq war was a bad idea. And poking fun at Rubio, by calling him '*Little Marco.*' Yep. Trump should just pack-up and head-home already. Nothing to see here, folks. Let's just move-along. Is that idea? Did I get it right this time?", '>>{captainbiggles} : Not just that, but discussing the subtle nuance of the size of the ovens as a means of GETTING to that point. The awkward in the room could have been cut with a knife.', '>>{ohthatwasme} : Unreal. All they did is ask Pence to be inclusive.... these people are acting like the Hamilton cast just accused Pence of being the zodiac killer...', '>>{femshepslovechild} : If you click the headline it opens an article.', ">>{pengins4life} : I'd like to be proven wrong, but at the end of the day it comes down to voting. If Sanders Democrats can't be bothered to show up to vote, their revolution is going nowhere. Off year elections are likely to continue to have low turnout.", ">>{L_Cranston_Shadow} : >We, Sanders supporters, are motivated not by animosity toward Hillary Clinton... Apparently he's not a Reddit user if he honestly believes that Sanders supporters aren't motivated by animosity towards Clinton.", ">>{TeamStark31} : This is a big tell. Considering the margin by which Clinton won, that indicates lower voter turnout. There's only so much you can do from behind a computer, and I really wonder how much some Sanders supporters understand that.", '>>{OtroGatoGordo} : Yeah our first quarters number were great. Now if you look at the concentration camp ovens... ummm the size was not good my friend. Not good.', '>>{surpriseduck} : You mean Cletus and Bubba are going to have to go see a different musical when they make their annual trip to Broadway?', ">>{Phiarmage} : Ugh, blanket statements like this don't add to the conversation. Most don't show an animosity towards her, they show concern with national security, truth, corruption and conviction- some things she shown have been lacking in her career. Examples: * national security: email controversy, selling of uranium to Russia through backhanded dealings etc; * truth: she consistently has been lying this cycle, whether it's the emails, sniper fire, her being just like my Abuela (who's dead); * corruption: pay to play state department colluded with the Clinton foundation, her repeated attempts to disenfranchise and bully her husband's sexual accusers, her forcing the DNC to allow lobbyist donations, etc; * conviction: TPP, Haiti, Honduras, corrupting influences, emails .... the list goes on. She certainly would be a more level headed president than Trump, but I still hold the belief Trump is in the Clinton's pockets, and either would result in the same domestic policies.", '>>{MessisTaxAccountant} : So long as we actually go out to vote and support the progressive candidates. And then again, in the midterms by supporting progressive challengers and actually showing up at the polls for once.', '>>{Hotblack_desiato1} : Kentucky proves there has been vote tampering. Those margins are now suspect.', ">>{SaltHash} : From the article: >But others pointed out the difficulty involved in boycotting a show that is sold out until August 2017. Buttercups' exercise in futility.", '>>{guy-with-a-straw-hat} : I thought the trick was to keep people from talking about anything but her.', '>>{moxy801} : Good - more chance for me to get a ticket!', '>>{DumpsterDon} : TRAITOR! <berner waves the saber of revolution menacingly>', ">>{Gator_Bite} : They'll show up to vote for down ticket Congressional Democrats, but many won't waste their votes on Hillary. They'll also be in Hillary's face and those of her supporters every time she goes neoliberal stupid on the country and drops the ball, assuming she's elected.", ">>{paraconformity} : Pretty terrible article. Unlike the GOP the Democrats are actually coordinated. Elizabeth Warren will likely not be Hillary Clinton's nominee but putting out a video that agrees with Clinton's position on TPP does not do any damage to the Clinton campaign, if Clinton is asked about it she can just say she agrees with Warren.", ">>{DPlaintiff} : Please boycott it. It's a putrid stain on America, and the way those actors behaved is completey sickening. Plus I've been trying to get tickets for like 2 years and this is my one chance. Make a statement sheeple! List your tickets on stubhub for less than face value! That'll show these assholes who's boss!", ">>{46and_2} : You sure? Sanders lost the DC primary by like 60 points. Can't have a revolution when you got KTFO.", ">>{arigateau} : Ahh holocaust denial, the perfect blend of bigotry and reality denial. Of course he's a Trump advisor.", '>>{basaltgranite} : If you want a clear message against racism, authoritarianism, and demagoguery: vote like your life depended on it. In this election, it might.', '>>{moxy801} : > All they did is ask Pence to be inclusive. Are you kidding - these uppity you-know-whats failed to accord Pence with the requisite \'Sieg Heil" salute', ">>{ElizabethAnnWashingt} : Although I don't support the boycott I have to be honest and say if I was a customer that night I would be upset. We are blessed with freedom of speech in this country but there is also a time and place. People go to shows like this to forget about politics", '>>{ybezmenov} : Is it true the U.S. is being sued for $15B in an ISDS for the keystone pipeline? The U.S. has never lost an ISDS. But this sounds pretty serious.', ">>{Sama-san} : It's true. Canadian tax payers paid around 1 billion dollars in settlements under NAFTA so far.", '>>{Arizona-Willie} : I predict Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States and she will be the **first** President to be **IMPEACHED AND REMOVED FROM OFFICE**.', '>>{Norotom5} : SAFESPACE!! As a younger millenial, "what a bunch of snowflakes".', '>>{bang_it} : and the lists keeps growing: somalis, blacks, latinos, muslims, jews, women........', '>>{fredjonez} : Nine in ten have made up their minds in this poll.', '>>{cregister} : Lol...as if Trump supporters can afford a plane ticket to New York let alone a ticket to a Broadway play.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : Trump supporters are refusing to buy tickets to a show that they can't afford in a city they'd never travel to.", '>>{Youdontknowjack900} : Ranks right up there with protesting Starbucks by purchasing coffee from their stores.', ">>{annoyingstranger} : He does the best vetting. The very best. If you can find someone who can vet better than Trump... well, you can't. His vetting is so good, you don't even know how many dimensions he's playing with.", '>>{MrClean-E} : The general polls are not what matters. Look at the polling in swing states-- Trump is quickly falling behind, and the difference in advertising spending and organization on the ground should only exacerbate the issue between now and the election.', ">>{Ladnil} : And yet the polling average shows Trump has gained 1-2 points on Clinton since the convention bounce ([Fivethirtyeight](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo#odds) has a graph). You can't just report single polls as if they tell the whole story, you have to look at the aggregate data. To be clear so it doesn't seem like I'm a Trump apologist, Hillary is going to win unless something crazy happens, but it's wayyy to early to call landslide.", '>>{philly47} : I am negotiator like you folks, Trump said to his Jewish audience, before bashing how much money the Obama administration spent on gas station in Afghanistan. The bashing of Obama\'s negotiation skills continued. “And maybe better than any audience, the people in this room understand what I\'m saying,” Trump said. Minutes later, Trump returned to the subject of negotiation skills, zeroing in on the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap. "Some of us renegotiate deals... is there anybody that doesn\'t renegotiate deals in this room?" Trump said. "Perhaps more than any room I\'ve ever spoken to,” Towards the end of the speech, Trump claimed that the attendees were "not going to support me even though you know I am the best thing that could ever happen to Israel." "I know why you\'re not going to support me," Trump said. "Because I don\'t want your money." *Tierney Sneed, Talking Points Memo*', '>>{smartwn} : The show is **about** politics. Personally, I would have been delighted to witness the cast give that profoundly moving speech.', '>>{fredjonez} : Their last national poll was June 29th when Clinton was up by 4.', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : You always read the headline and go in hoping it can't be that bad and it winds up being much worse.", ">>{mik311} : The audience seemed pretty pleased about it. When else would be a good time to talk to him when he's in front of you.", ">>{ArtyThePoopie} : Y'know, Trump supporters don't exactly strike me as a theatre-going crowd anyways", '>>{VicePresidentJesus} : Yeah, the story this cycle was supposed to be how the map had gotten really tight for Republicans. However, Trump is like 5-8 points from that being his biggest problem.', ">>{tau-lepton} : I'll bring my little violin to the boycott. Talk about thin skinned.", '>>{Literally_A_Shill} : >“I do not recall ever even hearing of any ‘allegations of anti-Semitism against [me],’ which would be preposterously false and defamatory because, among other reason(s), I am quite proud of the Jewish heritage of my wife of 38 years.” >Schmitz told McClatchy his wife is “ethnically Jewish” because of her maternal grandmother. He even went with the oldest defense in the book.', ">>{JillyTremain} : 7 points is a landslide. The trend isn't there to indicate it will lose a % a week.", ">>{PerryLJackson} : Do you mean to to tell me that some of the people behind a presidential campaign that's being embraced by Neo-Nazis to an unprecedented degree *might* be anti-semitic??", '>>{luckierbridgeandrail} : “Look at those ovens. Are they small ovens?”', ">>{MarshallGibsonLP} : I went back and looked at 2004, the last time the republicans won with 286 electoral votes. Pull out CO, NM, and VA and turn them blue, it's game over even if Trump wins FL, OH, NC, IA, which are all either a push, or lean blue. If they even split those states, that would be an EC landslide.", ">>{tau-lepton} : What are you talking about? Is Pence such a sensitive flower that he can't have a conversation?", ">>{jimbo831} : He still has that uneducated white male demographic on lockdown. Other than that, he's not doing so well.", ">>{Produceher} : Yeah. It's all about Pennsylvania even though Nate Silver still has Florida as being the decider. She wins Penn, it's over.", ">>{Ninbyo} : I think she has a pretty good shot of breaking 350EV. Not a guarantee, it's too early to say that, but a solid shot at it. I would call that a landslide.", ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : Better give him Iowa and Nevada, he's currently leading in both states", ">>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : Uh... yeah! Boycott these scumbags! Preferably the first weekend of December and like, 10th row. That'll show 'em!", '>>{GuitarCD} : Well, maybe they could, I dunno, demand that they make them for "Trump" at the ticket window. That will really show them. I mean, I know Starbucks CEO Lincoln is already crying all the way to his own private bank vault after the those effective latte protests.', '>>{Pksoze} : Yeah sell those tickets at 75% off and offer it to me so I can ummm join this boycott. Make em front row seats to show em as well.', '>>{smartwn} : Read the comment again, with an emphasis on the third (and fifth) sentence.', '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : > Fucking morons "I love the poorly educated." –\xa0Donald Trump', '>>{Pksoze} : It was a tough sell Hamilton or Hee Haw the Musical.', ">>{Emperor_Cheetohito} : Boycotting a show that's completely sold out. Wow. Much impact. So protest.", '>>{2popes} : Then take away NC, FL, and NH...', '>>{randomimpediment} : Cognitive dissonance is a thing trump supporters dont really understand', ">>{GaryRuppert} : they should just attend the show and boo because that's a conversation now", '>>{loremipsumchecksum} : Aww... did their fee fees get hurt by free speech?', ">>{ward0630} : People still have to vote. Everyone's gonna feel like a real asshole if we all stay home because we think Clinton's got it in the bag.", '>>{IIHURRlCANEII} : National polls mean little. State pools are trending badly for Trump.', '>>{spazz720} : So will this mean tickets will become available??????', '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : Last two polls have him tied in NH and ahead in Florida. Pro-tip: stop watching msnbc. Actually read the polls', '>>{ohthatwasme} : Trump supporters are either stupid or morally bankrupt. They seem to pretty much fall in one of those categories.', '>>{Hill_Dawg_2016} : As a PA resident "Shhh" we\'re the fools gold to every Republican every year. Although we can never hold our Senate.', '>>{a2raya83} : What about those that want to vote out corruption, pay to play schemes, and catering to despotic regimes that have ties to terrorism, like Saudi Arabia?', ">>{BobbyDStroyer} : Join us in Johnson country. Hillary's going to win anyway. Lets force them to look into some changes on both sides.", ">>{fdsa4326} : Why didn't we win? we called them all stupid racists! didnt they hear us? - millenial voters on reddit", ">>{BobbyDStroyer} : I called a landslide victory for Hillary against Trump on March 1st. I haven't and won't vote for either of them, but it's going to happen. This country is predictable.", ">>{ZeiglerJaguar} : The same Ipsos poll that shows him nearly tied in NH has her up eight in Florida. A different poll has him slightly up in Florida. Both are massive outliers. Do you want the immigrants gone because they're taking your job picking cherries?", ">>{novareddit2000} : In the_donald they're saying trump is a master troll for demanding a safe space. They'll never recognize hypocrisy ever", ">>{zellyman} : I'd say show up with some proof and lets take care of it", ">>{pengins4life} : Not going to happen, a lot of people will vote for Clinton because they're terrified of Trump. Especially minorities/women. They're not going to stay home and hope we've got this in the bag. Mostly because they're the most likely to suffer as a result of a Trump Presidency. If anything it might actually increase turnout for both. Meanwhile Trump's supporters are more likely to be suppressed if they think they're losing/or its going to be rigged. So him saying its going to be rigged, actually hurts him. Still, at the end of the day it will come down to turnout that's for sure.", '>>{BatsArentBugs} : Every time I read "Hee Haw", I think of [this](https://youtu.be/W42IY_SgCY4).', ">>{Splax77} : > just accused Pence of being the zodiac killer... I didn't know Pence was Ted Cruz.", '>>{TheThemeSong} : This is like me deciding to boycott caviar in Japan.', '>>{MonsieurIneos} : I believe she is guilty of all those and yet still voting for her, as the alternative is even worse. Terrible, terrible choices this election.', '>>{loremipsumchecksum} : They fall into both categories and the Venn diagram has 100% overlap.', ">>{pengins4life} : The thing is, we can survive Hillary because all that you just mentioned. That's the fucking status quo. She isn't even unique in any of the things you've mentioned, and while it sucks we can live with it. Hillary in a lot of ways is just your standard politician, which is good from one point. She knows how the game is played. While you want to vote in a guy that has no fucking clue, and thinks nuking terrorists is a valid option? >.> By all means, hold Hillary to account as President but don't put the child in charge of the Presidency just because you want to stop the status quo. Plus, as I've mentioned MANY time before. The real way to make change isn't as exciting as top down elections. >.> Its starting from the fucking ground up on the local/state level, that's the real way you fucking change shit. Yet nobody wants to put in the work, because its easier to only give a shit every four years rather than acknowledge that ALL the elections big/small are important.", '>>{carbonate_the_juice} : people with an income above 50k ? because trump won the 50-100k, 100-200k, 200-250k, and 250k+ income brackets', ">>{____yourcouch} : if anyone provided a shred of evidence I'd jump down her throat, but none of these conspiracies have even a whiff of reasonable evidence.", ">>{Pksoze} : Indeed I'm annoyed with the media and Trump voters threatening us to be nice to them or they'll vote again. Sorry they're aholes and I'm not catering to their fragile egos.", ">>{a2raya83} : I disagree, you can't get worse than a corrupt political official whose policies are up for bid - even to our nations enemies.", '>>{a2raya83} : I have the same concern you have about Trump with Hillary. She is much more of an rogue interventionalist than Obama could ever be. She is super cozy and, with the Clinton Foundation leaks, very financially tied to Saudi Arabia - a state that has shocking ties to terrorism and is the sponsor of Wahhabism around the world that really threatens moderate muslims. She would have armed the rebels in Syria to the max even in the midst of all the reports of their affiliation and indoctrination by Islamic/Wahhabi militants - and we all know the reach ISIS has had thus far. She even wanted to provide them with air protection through a no-fly zone. She was proud of her "accomplishment" of the Libya disaster that is reminiscent now of Somalia. And now she is stoking fears of a new cold war with Russia. No, to many of us, it\'s not a guarantee that we will survive as a nation with Her.', ">>{MonsieurIneos} : Which is no different than most politicians and presidents we've had for ages. It's awful and I hate it, but Clinton won't be that much different than Obama, and we survived him. Trump just scares me though. His policies, supporters, and the hatred he is fueling towards minorities just isn't something I want to see gain more power. I don't even know where he stands on most issues as he changes his mind every few weeks.", '>>{carbonate_the_juice} : trump won the 50-100k, 100-200k, 200-250k, and 250k+ income brackets ...', '>>{IrishJoe} : How many Trump supporters are fans (let alone paying fans) of musical theater??? Probably somewhere in the vicinity of jack squat.', '>>{IrishJoe} : Make America Great Again (when those minorities knew their place).', '>>{Hyperion1144} : A landslide for a candidate nobody really likes, because the opposition party fielded a flaming clown car instead of a primary. And because of our fucked first-past-the-post voting system, two parties is all that rational game theory will allow us to have. We are so fucked.', ">>{IrishJoe} : > these people are acting like the Hamilton cast just accused Pence of being the zodiac killer... LOL, that's Ted Cruz. Everyone know that!", ">>{pb2crazy} : They want the cast to sing and dance for them like puppets, while they go home and work on disenfranchising and defunding them. It's point-blank racism.", ">>{Hyperion1144} : I'm in a safe blue state. I'm voting Stein because there is literally no reason for me not to.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : I'll know these guys are serious when they boycott Wal-Mart for having too much Chinese merchandise that steals their jobs.", '>>{its_not_funny} : Other than that she is batshit crazy, an anti-vaxxer, a science denier, etc?', ">>{The_Patriot_1776} : Jesus. You liberals and conservatives have been on one for the past few months. Y'all need to chill.", '>>{Mr_spickle_spackle} : Hopefully people want to vote to get the landslide win to make a statement to Trump and his supporters.', '>>{probablyagiven} : How many international failures has she been involved with? Shes obviously a smart woman, incredibly qualified- doesnt seem like these were failures for her or her constituents on an economic basis. For the rest of us, her involvement has and will continue to be a detriment to progress.', '>>{probablyagiven} : She is the only serious candidate in regards to climate mitigation. Considering Trump and Hillary are both trying to rush us into this existential crisis, Ill take my chances with Jill Stein and the absurd anti vaxxer accusations. At least her hands arent bloodstained- how many dead in Yemen, Guatemla, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, by either direct or indirext involvement of Clinton? By all means, vote for a warlord- ill vote for the future of our planet.', '>>{noahcallaway-wa} : If anyone cancels their tickets, please let me know!', ">>{Downbound92} : They were misled by Trump's tweet into believing that the cast booed Pence. Really, it was just the entire audience.", '>>{probablyagiven} : It actually is different, how many of our former presidents have under the table dealings with terrorists?', '>>{bluegods} : The whiny little bitches need a safe space because the pussies had their feeling hurt. Fucking losers.', '>>{spoiled_generation} : They probably thought it was about Bobby Hamilton anyways.', '>>{tiredofbuttons} : My wife is having another kid in a month or so. The trend says at the end of next year I will have dozens of children!', ">>{silverspork} : It's not so much the income level (I know tons of lower income theater buffs) as it is a personality type. Trump supporters seem more like the reality tv show crowd.", ">>{Julythisyear} : I don't know, but Reagan still seems to be popular.", ">>{Henryman2} : Hey, I'm hoping there are so I can finally get tickets.", ">>{ArtyThePoopie} : Keep digging, I'm sure you'll figure out what I meant eventually", ">>{Henryman2} : Hey, I can't believe that Hillary didn't try to appeal to the white racist vote like Trump did.", '>>{polopolopolopolopolo} : http://www.270towin.com/2016-polls-clinton-trump/ Clinton is leading in Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Iowa, Nevada, and Georgia... Clinton is behind by 1 in Arizona and Missouri...', '>>{WalkingDad} : If you want to boycott something you at least have to be the target audience first.', '>>{carbonate_the_juice} : 60+ million people voted for him a vast generalization like you just made is worthless, and is never going to be accurate', '>>{smartwn} : Yes, unfortunately. $179 to $849 for Hamilton (highest price on Broadway), although they do sell 46 seats per day via a lottery for $10 each.', ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : OMG I'm just hoping this makes tickets easier to get. Please???", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : Ima purchase this ticket then light it on fire! That'll show 'em Me: oh good, less people in the audience! Win!", ">>{el-toro-loco} : It's like not realizing you have an accent because everyone else talks the same way. Hypocrisy is their language.", '>>{Trajinous} : Awesome, then maybe I can actually get a ticket now.', '>>{fdsa4326} : reminds me of the "protesting the results of the democratically voted election" riots in portland. "for democracy"', ">>{101C} : I'm also boycotting Hamilton. Mostly since I can't afford it", ">>{CSTDoc} : Broadway is too high-brow for Trump's base anyway, so it's not like they were planning to see Hamilton.", ">>{cloudstaring} : People go to shows to forget about politics? What? I dislike this idea that art is about escapism. Art is about enriching your life with ideas and thoughts you wouldn't normally have, politics is part of it. Especially a show that is specifically ABOUT politics. Lol.", ">>{Black08Mustang} : Sure it could, its the 60 M people who watched the apprentice and survivor but couldn't find Broadway on the a map of New York City. They are not mutually exclusive.", ">>{fuzeebear} : Yup I'm sure that's really gonna take a bite out of ticket sales. You know how much Trump supporters *looooooove* Broadway.", ">>{mattbrvc} : Oh please, they wouldn't be able to afford the tickets anyway. Shits expensive as fuuuck", '>>{ElizabethAnnWashingt} : Shows in culture are about both escapism and enriching your life. Guess the shows can have a political context but if I go to a show about one subject I did not really appreciate being force-fed another when I had no reason to expect it', '>>{Hosni__Mubarak} : Yes. Right after they stumble out of the Times Square TGIF', '>>{Hosni__Mubarak} : They are offended that the gays and blacks are allowed any rights at all.', '>>{Trainsandbrains} : [Im sure you could get 1](https://i.redd.it/btpknl87znyx.jpg)', '>>{FrndlyMisanthrpe} : How many of these people were going to see Hamilton anyway?', ">>{bxblox} : You can't boycott Hamilton... people who want Hamilton can't get Hamilton. Many of them are tourists who have never heard of Hamilton. This is pointless."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{smartwn} : Trump Supporters Call For A “Hamilton” Boycott After The Cast Addressed Mike Pence', ">>{smartwn} : Just. Too. Funny. I'm sure there will be a flood of cancellations...^/s", ">>{OGBarracuda} : Lmao I love how people are freaking out but the speech they gave at the end wasn't even disrespectful. They asked pence to make sure his his policies were for everyone. How is that bad?", '>>{black_krim} : Yeah, as though any of them were going to go anyways. Crybabies.', ">>{Nosnownow} : Makes sense, sold out show, let's boycott it. Fucking morons", '>>{ohthatwasme} : Unreal. All they did is ask Pence to be inclusive.... these people are acting like the Hamilton cast just accused Pence of being the zodiac killer...', '>>{surpriseduck} : You mean Cletus and Bubba are going to have to go see a different musical when they make their annual trip to Broadway?', ">>{SaltHash} : From the article: >But others pointed out the difficulty involved in boycotting a show that is sold out until August 2017. Buttercups' exercise in futility.", '>>{moxy801} : Good - more chance for me to get a ticket!', ">>{DPlaintiff} : Please boycott it. It's a putrid stain on America, and the way those actors behaved is completey sickening. Plus I've been trying to get tickets for like 2 years and this is my one chance. Make a statement sheeple! List your tickets on stubhub for less than face value! That'll show these assholes who's boss!", '>>{moxy801} : > All they did is ask Pence to be inclusive. Are you kidding - these uppity you-know-whats failed to accord Pence with the requisite \'Sieg Heil" salute', ">>{ElizabethAnnWashingt} : Although I don't support the boycott I have to be honest and say if I was a customer that night I would be upset. We are blessed with freedom of speech in this country but there is also a time and place. People go to shows like this to forget about politics", '>>{Norotom5} : SAFESPACE!! As a younger millenial, "what a bunch of snowflakes".', '>>{cregister} : Lol...as if Trump supporters can afford a plane ticket to New York let alone a ticket to a Broadway play.', ">>{dyzo-blue} : Trump supporters are refusing to buy tickets to a show that they can't afford in a city they'd never travel to.", '>>{Youdontknowjack900} : Ranks right up there with protesting Starbucks by purchasing coffee from their stores.', '>>{smartwn} : The show is **about** politics. Personally, I would have been delighted to witness the cast give that profoundly moving speech.', ">>{mik311} : The audience seemed pretty pleased about it. When else would be a good time to talk to him when he's in front of you.", ">>{ArtyThePoopie} : Y'know, Trump supporters don't exactly strike me as a theatre-going crowd anyways", ">>{tau-lepton} : I'll bring my little violin to the boycott. Talk about thin skinned.", ">>{tau-lepton} : What are you talking about? Is Pence such a sensitive flower that he can't have a conversation?", ">>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : Uh... yeah! Boycott these scumbags! Preferably the first weekend of December and like, 10th row. That'll show 'em!", '>>{GuitarCD} : Well, maybe they could, I dunno, demand that they make them for "Trump" at the ticket window. That will really show them. I mean, I know Starbucks CEO Lincoln is already crying all the way to his own private bank vault after the those effective latte protests.', '>>{Pksoze} : Yeah sell those tickets at 75% off and offer it to me so I can ummm join this boycott. Make em front row seats to show em as well.', '>>{smartwn} : Read the comment again, with an emphasis on the third (and fifth) sentence.', '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : > Fucking morons "I love the poorly educated." –\xa0Donald Trump', '>>{Pksoze} : It was a tough sell Hamilton or Hee Haw the Musical.', ">>{Emperor_Cheetohito} : Boycotting a show that's completely sold out. Wow. Much impact. So protest.", '>>{randomimpediment} : Cognitive dissonance is a thing trump supporters dont really understand', ">>{GaryRuppert} : they should just attend the show and boo because that's a conversation now", '>>{loremipsumchecksum} : Aww... did their fee fees get hurt by free speech?', '>>{spazz720} : So will this mean tickets will become available??????', '>>{ohthatwasme} : Trump supporters are either stupid or morally bankrupt. They seem to pretty much fall in one of those categories.', ">>{fdsa4326} : Why didn't we win? we called them all stupid racists! didnt they hear us? - millenial voters on reddit", ">>{novareddit2000} : In the_donald they're saying trump is a master troll for demanding a safe space. They'll never recognize hypocrisy ever", '>>{BatsArentBugs} : Every time I read "Hee Haw", I think of [this](https://youtu.be/W42IY_SgCY4).', ">>{Splax77} : > just accused Pence of being the zodiac killer... I didn't know Pence was Ted Cruz.", '>>{TheThemeSong} : This is like me deciding to boycott caviar in Japan.', '>>{loremipsumchecksum} : They fall into both categories and the Venn diagram has 100% overlap.', '>>{carbonate_the_juice} : people with an income above 50k ? because trump won the 50-100k, 100-200k, 200-250k, and 250k+ income brackets', ">>{Pksoze} : Indeed I'm annoyed with the media and Trump voters threatening us to be nice to them or they'll vote again. Sorry they're aholes and I'm not catering to their fragile egos.", '>>{carbonate_the_juice} : trump won the 50-100k, 100-200k, 200-250k, and 250k+ income brackets ...', '>>{IrishJoe} : How many Trump supporters are fans (let alone paying fans) of musical theater??? Probably somewhere in the vicinity of jack squat.', '>>{IrishJoe} : Make America Great Again (when those minorities knew their place).', ">>{IrishJoe} : > these people are acting like the Hamilton cast just accused Pence of being the zodiac killer... LOL, that's Ted Cruz. Everyone know that!", ">>{pb2crazy} : They want the cast to sing and dance for them like puppets, while they go home and work on disenfranchising and defunding them. It's point-blank racism.", ">>{Plisskens_snake} : I'll know these guys are serious when they boycott Wal-Mart for having too much Chinese merchandise that steals their jobs.", ">>{The_Patriot_1776} : Jesus. You liberals and conservatives have been on one for the past few months. Y'all need to chill.", '>>{noahcallaway-wa} : If anyone cancels their tickets, please let me know!', ">>{Downbound92} : They were misled by Trump's tweet into believing that the cast booed Pence. Really, it was just the entire audience.", '>>{bluegods} : The whiny little bitches need a safe space because the pussies had their feeling hurt. Fucking losers.', '>>{spoiled_generation} : They probably thought it was about Bobby Hamilton anyways.', ">>{silverspork} : It's not so much the income level (I know tons of lower income theater buffs) as it is a personality type. Trump supporters seem more like the reality tv show crowd.", ">>{Henryman2} : Hey, I'm hoping there are so I can finally get tickets.", ">>{ArtyThePoopie} : Keep digging, I'm sure you'll figure out what I meant eventually", ">>{Henryman2} : Hey, I can't believe that Hillary didn't try to appeal to the white racist vote like Trump did.", '>>{WalkingDad} : If you want to boycott something you at least have to be the target audience first.', '>>{carbonate_the_juice} : 60+ million people voted for him a vast generalization like you just made is worthless, and is never going to be accurate', '>>{smartwn} : Yes, unfortunately. $179 to $849 for Hamilton (highest price on Broadway), although they do sell 46 seats per day via a lottery for $10 each.', ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : OMG I'm just hoping this makes tickets easier to get. Please???", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : Ima purchase this ticket then light it on fire! That'll show 'em Me: oh good, less people in the audience! Win!", ">>{el-toro-loco} : It's like not realizing you have an accent because everyone else talks the same way. Hypocrisy is their language.", '>>{Trajinous} : Awesome, then maybe I can actually get a ticket now.', '>>{fdsa4326} : reminds me of the "protesting the results of the democratically voted election" riots in portland. "for democracy"', ">>{101C} : I'm also boycotting Hamilton. Mostly since I can't afford it", ">>{CSTDoc} : Broadway is too high-brow for Trump's base anyway, so it's not like they were planning to see Hamilton.", ">>{cloudstaring} : People go to shows to forget about politics? What? I dislike this idea that art is about escapism. Art is about enriching your life with ideas and thoughts you wouldn't normally have, politics is part of it. Especially a show that is specifically ABOUT politics. Lol.", ">>{Black08Mustang} : Sure it could, its the 60 M people who watched the apprentice and survivor but couldn't find Broadway on the a map of New York City. They are not mutually exclusive.", ">>{fuzeebear} : Yup I'm sure that's really gonna take a bite out of ticket sales. You know how much Trump supporters *looooooove* Broadway.", ">>{mattbrvc} : Oh please, they wouldn't be able to afford the tickets anyway. Shits expensive as fuuuck", '>>{ElizabethAnnWashingt} : Shows in culture are about both escapism and enriching your life. Guess the shows can have a political context but if I go to a show about one subject I did not really appreciate being force-fed another when I had no reason to expect it', '>>{Hosni__Mubarak} : Yes. Right after they stumble out of the Times Square TGIF', '>>{Hosni__Mubarak} : They are offended that the gays and blacks are allowed any rights at all.', '>>{Trainsandbrains} : [Im sure you could get 1](https://i.redd.it/btpknl87znyx.jpg)', '>>{FrndlyMisanthrpe} : How many of these people were going to see Hamilton anyway?', ">>{bxblox} : You can't boycott Hamilton... people who want Hamilton can't get Hamilton. Many of them are tourists who have never heard of Hamilton. This is pointless."], ['>>{Tuskmaster88} : Making Clinton look bad is not a difficult thing to do. Clinton *is* bad. The trick is to make her look good', '>>{dutchhombre} : but... but theres not such thing as rigged system. its all conspiracy!!', ">>{toolish22} : I don't want to hear shit from Warren she had her chance and hid instead of speaking out.", ">>{AmericanFartBully} : **Tl/Dr**: Misleading headline, roughly translates to: Warren makes Clinton look bad, by comparison? For not being Elizabeth Warren-herself? Because, Warren's now re-stated her on-going opposition to something '*bad, wrong*' (*TPP*? *Outsourcing of America's Toilet-paper supply*?) which Clinton, I guess, at one time supported. And so, therefore, to be a good nominee; a strong, viable candidate; a standard-bearer for one's party; you can't have any positions or ideas which might later prove *objectionable*. To any other people in your party. Like, with Obama. Obama shouldn't have been Democrats nominee for 2008. Cause he didn't support gay-marriage, right? Or, now, Trump. Trump shouldn't get to represent the RNC. Because he made fun of John McCain (who later ended up endorsing him?). And because of making fun of Jeb Bush and saying the Iraq war was a bad idea. And poking fun at Rubio, by calling him '*Little Marco.*' Yep. Trump should just pack-up and head-home already. Nothing to see here, folks. Let's just move-along. Is that idea? Did I get it right this time?", '>>{guy-with-a-straw-hat} : I thought the trick was to keep people from talking about anything but her.', '>>{DumpsterDon} : TRAITOR! <berner waves the saber of revolution menacingly>', ">>{paraconformity} : Pretty terrible article. Unlike the GOP the Democrats are actually coordinated. Elizabeth Warren will likely not be Hillary Clinton's nominee but putting out a video that agrees with Clinton's position on TPP does not do any damage to the Clinton campaign, if Clinton is asked about it she can just say she agrees with Warren.", '>>{ybezmenov} : Is it true the U.S. is being sued for $15B in an ISDS for the keystone pipeline? The U.S. has never lost an ISDS. But this sounds pretty serious.', ">>{Sama-san} : It's true. Canadian tax payers paid around 1 billion dollars in settlements under NAFTA so far.", '>>{Arizona-Willie} : I predict Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States and she will be the **first** President to be **IMPEACHED AND REMOVED FROM OFFICE**.'], ['>>{AndrewRyansRapture} : I would tend to believe that will end up being the case.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Finally, the signal emerges from the nnoise. It\'s been nice over the past 3 weeks or so, to watch one battleground state after another change "bluer" as HRC gets her ground game groove on. We are going to see the problems with nominating a know nothing racist to run against a candidate with federal experience..', ">>{popname} : >Clinton's lead over Trump shrinks to 7 percentage points — 45% to Trump's 38% — when third-party candidates are added to the mix. Clinton had a nine point lead just two weeks ago. Losing one point a week is a landslide for Trump, not Clinton.", '>>{basaltgranite} : If you want a clear message against racism, authoritarianism, and demagoguery: vote like your life depended on it. In this election, it might.', '>>{fredjonez} : Nine in ten have made up their minds in this poll.', '>>{MrClean-E} : The general polls are not what matters. Look at the polling in swing states-- Trump is quickly falling behind, and the difference in advertising spending and organization on the ground should only exacerbate the issue between now and the election.', ">>{Ladnil} : And yet the polling average shows Trump has gained 1-2 points on Clinton since the convention bounce ([Fivethirtyeight](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo#odds) has a graph). You can't just report single polls as if they tell the whole story, you have to look at the aggregate data. To be clear so it doesn't seem like I'm a Trump apologist, Hillary is going to win unless something crazy happens, but it's wayyy to early to call landslide.", '>>{fredjonez} : Their last national poll was June 29th when Clinton was up by 4.', '>>{VicePresidentJesus} : Yeah, the story this cycle was supposed to be how the map had gotten really tight for Republicans. However, Trump is like 5-8 points from that being his biggest problem.', ">>{JillyTremain} : 7 points is a landslide. The trend isn't there to indicate it will lose a % a week.", ">>{MarshallGibsonLP} : I went back and looked at 2004, the last time the republicans won with 286 electoral votes. Pull out CO, NM, and VA and turn them blue, it's game over even if Trump wins FL, OH, NC, IA, which are all either a push, or lean blue. If they even split those states, that would be an EC landslide.", ">>{Produceher} : Yeah. It's all about Pennsylvania even though Nate Silver still has Florida as being the decider. She wins Penn, it's over.", ">>{Ninbyo} : I think she has a pretty good shot of breaking 350EV. Not a guarantee, it's too early to say that, but a solid shot at it. I would call that a landslide.", ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : Better give him Iowa and Nevada, he's currently leading in both states", '>>{2popes} : Then take away NC, FL, and NH...', ">>{ward0630} : People still have to vote. Everyone's gonna feel like a real asshole if we all stay home because we think Clinton's got it in the bag.", '>>{IIHURRlCANEII} : National polls mean little. State pools are trending badly for Trump.', '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : Last two polls have him tied in NH and ahead in Florida. Pro-tip: stop watching msnbc. Actually read the polls', '>>{Hill_Dawg_2016} : As a PA resident "Shhh" we\'re the fools gold to every Republican every year. Although we can never hold our Senate.', '>>{a2raya83} : What about those that want to vote out corruption, pay to play schemes, and catering to despotic regimes that have ties to terrorism, like Saudi Arabia?', ">>{BobbyDStroyer} : Join us in Johnson country. Hillary's going to win anyway. Lets force them to look into some changes on both sides.", ">>{BobbyDStroyer} : I called a landslide victory for Hillary against Trump on March 1st. I haven't and won't vote for either of them, but it's going to happen. This country is predictable.", ">>{ZeiglerJaguar} : The same Ipsos poll that shows him nearly tied in NH has her up eight in Florida. A different poll has him slightly up in Florida. Both are massive outliers. Do you want the immigrants gone because they're taking your job picking cherries?", ">>{zellyman} : I'd say show up with some proof and lets take care of it", ">>{pengins4life} : Not going to happen, a lot of people will vote for Clinton because they're terrified of Trump. Especially minorities/women. They're not going to stay home and hope we've got this in the bag. Mostly because they're the most likely to suffer as a result of a Trump Presidency. If anything it might actually increase turnout for both. Meanwhile Trump's supporters are more likely to be suppressed if they think they're losing/or its going to be rigged. So him saying its going to be rigged, actually hurts him. Still, at the end of the day it will come down to turnout that's for sure.", '>>{MonsieurIneos} : I believe she is guilty of all those and yet still voting for her, as the alternative is even worse. Terrible, terrible choices this election.', ">>{pengins4life} : The thing is, we can survive Hillary because all that you just mentioned. That's the fucking status quo. She isn't even unique in any of the things you've mentioned, and while it sucks we can live with it. Hillary in a lot of ways is just your standard politician, which is good from one point. She knows how the game is played. While you want to vote in a guy that has no fucking clue, and thinks nuking terrorists is a valid option? >.> By all means, hold Hillary to account as President but don't put the child in charge of the Presidency just because you want to stop the status quo. Plus, as I've mentioned MANY time before. The real way to make change isn't as exciting as top down elections. >.> Its starting from the fucking ground up on the local/state level, that's the real way you fucking change shit. Yet nobody wants to put in the work, because its easier to only give a shit every four years rather than acknowledge that ALL the elections big/small are important.", ">>{____yourcouch} : if anyone provided a shred of evidence I'd jump down her throat, but none of these conspiracies have even a whiff of reasonable evidence.", ">>{a2raya83} : I disagree, you can't get worse than a corrupt political official whose policies are up for bid - even to our nations enemies.", '>>{a2raya83} : I have the same concern you have about Trump with Hillary. She is much more of an rogue interventionalist than Obama could ever be. She is super cozy and, with the Clinton Foundation leaks, very financially tied to Saudi Arabia - a state that has shocking ties to terrorism and is the sponsor of Wahhabism around the world that really threatens moderate muslims. She would have armed the rebels in Syria to the max even in the midst of all the reports of their affiliation and indoctrination by Islamic/Wahhabi militants - and we all know the reach ISIS has had thus far. She even wanted to provide them with air protection through a no-fly zone. She was proud of her "accomplishment" of the Libya disaster that is reminiscent now of Somalia. And now she is stoking fears of a new cold war with Russia. No, to many of us, it\'s not a guarantee that we will survive as a nation with Her.', ">>{MonsieurIneos} : Which is no different than most politicians and presidents we've had for ages. It's awful and I hate it, but Clinton won't be that much different than Obama, and we survived him. Trump just scares me though. His policies, supporters, and the hatred he is fueling towards minorities just isn't something I want to see gain more power. I don't even know where he stands on most issues as he changes his mind every few weeks.", '>>{Hyperion1144} : A landslide for a candidate nobody really likes, because the opposition party fielded a flaming clown car instead of a primary. And because of our fucked first-past-the-post voting system, two parties is all that rational game theory will allow us to have. We are so fucked.', ">>{Hyperion1144} : I'm in a safe blue state. I'm voting Stein because there is literally no reason for me not to.", '>>{its_not_funny} : Other than that she is batshit crazy, an anti-vaxxer, a science denier, etc?', '>>{Mr_spickle_spackle} : Hopefully people want to vote to get the landslide win to make a statement to Trump and his supporters.', '>>{probablyagiven} : How many international failures has she been involved with? Shes obviously a smart woman, incredibly qualified- doesnt seem like these were failures for her or her constituents on an economic basis. For the rest of us, her involvement has and will continue to be a detriment to progress.', '>>{probablyagiven} : She is the only serious candidate in regards to climate mitigation. Considering Trump and Hillary are both trying to rush us into this existential crisis, Ill take my chances with Jill Stein and the absurd anti vaxxer accusations. At least her hands arent bloodstained- how many dead in Yemen, Guatemla, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, by either direct or indirext involvement of Clinton? By all means, vote for a warlord- ill vote for the future of our planet.', '>>{probablyagiven} : It actually is different, how many of our former presidents have under the table dealings with terrorists?', '>>{tiredofbuttons} : My wife is having another kid in a month or so. The trend says at the end of next year I will have dozens of children!', ">>{Julythisyear} : I don't know, but Reagan still seems to be popular.", '>>{polopolopolopolopolo} : http://www.270towin.com/2016-polls-clinton-trump/ Clinton is leading in Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Iowa, Nevada, and Georgia... Clinton is behind by 1 in Arizona and Missouri...'], ['>>{conanthecnidarian} : Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. - Donald J. Trump', '>>{dyzo-blue} : Maybe Trump should EXTREME VET people before he brings them in as advisors?', ">>{wraithtek} : > Daniel Meyer, a senior officer within the intelligence community, cited another former top Pentagon official in describing Schmitz’s remarks. > “His summary of his tenure’s achievement [is] reported as **'...I fired the Jews,’**” wrote Meyer, a former official in the Pentagon inspector general’s office whose complaint was obtained by McClatchy. > “In his final days, **he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill six million Jews,**” Meyer added while detailing Schmitz’s alleged remarks to John Crane.", ">>{Chewwaka} : It was probably a euphemism for wanting toasted bagels for lunch. You know how those SJW's like to twist meanings around.", '>>{OtroGatoGordo} : > he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill six million Jews,” How do you even bring that up at work? -Hey Crane do you have the Status Report? BTW THE HOLOCAUST IS A MYTH.', '>>{captainbiggles} : Not just that, but discussing the subtle nuance of the size of the ovens as a means of GETTING to that point. The awkward in the room could have been cut with a knife.', '>>{femshepslovechild} : If you click the headline it opens an article.', '>>{OtroGatoGordo} : Yeah our first quarters number were great. Now if you look at the concentration camp ovens... ummm the size was not good my friend. Not good.', ">>{arigateau} : Ahh holocaust denial, the perfect blend of bigotry and reality denial. Of course he's a Trump advisor.", '>>{bang_it} : and the lists keeps growing: somalis, blacks, latinos, muslims, jews, women........', ">>{annoyingstranger} : He does the best vetting. The very best. If you can find someone who can vet better than Trump... well, you can't. His vetting is so good, you don't even know how many dimensions he's playing with.", '>>{philly47} : I am negotiator like you folks, Trump said to his Jewish audience, before bashing how much money the Obama administration spent on gas station in Afghanistan. The bashing of Obama\'s negotiation skills continued. “And maybe better than any audience, the people in this room understand what I\'m saying,” Trump said. Minutes later, Trump returned to the subject of negotiation skills, zeroing in on the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap. "Some of us renegotiate deals... is there anybody that doesn\'t renegotiate deals in this room?" Trump said. "Perhaps more than any room I\'ve ever spoken to,” Towards the end of the speech, Trump claimed that the attendees were "not going to support me even though you know I am the best thing that could ever happen to Israel." "I know why you\'re not going to support me," Trump said. "Because I don\'t want your money." *Tierney Sneed, Talking Points Memo*', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : You always read the headline and go in hoping it can't be that bad and it winds up being much worse.", '>>{Literally_A_Shill} : >“I do not recall ever even hearing of any ‘allegations of anti-Semitism against [me],’ which would be preposterously false and defamatory because, among other reason(s), I am quite proud of the Jewish heritage of my wife of 38 years.” >Schmitz told McClatchy his wife is “ethnically Jewish” because of her maternal grandmother. He even went with the oldest defense in the book.', ">>{PerryLJackson} : Do you mean to to tell me that some of the people behind a presidential campaign that's being embraced by Neo-Nazis to an unprecedented degree *might* be anti-semitic??", '>>{luckierbridgeandrail} : “Look at those ovens. Are they small ovens?”', ">>{jimbo831} : He still has that uneducated white male demographic on lockdown. Other than that, he's not doing so well."], ['>>{tangibleadhd} : >Eye-rolling, impatience and condescension by other Democrats toward #BernieorBust sentiment is a reaction by privileged people who have actually benefited from the status quo. We are not impressed, or persuaded, by either endorsements or the simplistic finger-wagging to get in line to fight Donald Trump. Yup', ">>{p0tempkin} : A lot of Republicans are saying the downballot losses will be tremendous for the GOP with Trump at the top of the ticket. Sanders is seizing on the opportunity to campaign against Trump, and get a Democrat controlled Senate and House this November. He'll have all the votes he needs to push through his progressive agenda.", '>>{pengins4life} : Uh huh, I doubt his revolution has legs beyond this election.', ">>{mindcracked} : Your fanfic falls apart when you realize that Bernie isn't campaigning in November.", '>>{gta0012} : I think Sanders and Trump are two different products of people being tired with establishment politics. Obama was the first to rally people. His "change" was so attractive so many. Now both parties are fractured by people who want the same and people who want something different. In this way the Sanders revolution of progressive thought and candidacy certainly will continue. If you think him not running in November means it\'s over your being small minded.', ">>{SalBaeSueBae} : Hayyydennnn. It's been a while. I remember when you didn't know if you like Bernie, trump or Clinton hahaha. But look at you know. So educated. So witty.", ">>{like_ya_do} : [A]( https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4o2jtw/z/d4906jt ) [lot]( https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4o2a77/z/d48zd5r ) [of]( https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4o2djn/z/d48yitp ) [____]( https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4o2f11/z/d48yxvv ) [are]( https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4o29un/z/d48y7jr ) [saying]( https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4o1fpe/z/d48ppd3 ) again, huh? Is this a thing you've always said or did you just decide to go with boilerplate responses for every single thread?", ">>{pengins4life} : I'd like to be proven wrong, but at the end of the day it comes down to voting. If Sanders Democrats can't be bothered to show up to vote, their revolution is going nowhere. Off year elections are likely to continue to have low turnout.", ">>{L_Cranston_Shadow} : >We, Sanders supporters, are motivated not by animosity toward Hillary Clinton... Apparently he's not a Reddit user if he honestly believes that Sanders supporters aren't motivated by animosity towards Clinton.", ">>{TeamStark31} : This is a big tell. Considering the margin by which Clinton won, that indicates lower voter turnout. There's only so much you can do from behind a computer, and I really wonder how much some Sanders supporters understand that.", ">>{Phiarmage} : Ugh, blanket statements like this don't add to the conversation. Most don't show an animosity towards her, they show concern with national security, truth, corruption and conviction- some things she shown have been lacking in her career. Examples: * national security: email controversy, selling of uranium to Russia through backhanded dealings etc; * truth: she consistently has been lying this cycle, whether it's the emails, sniper fire, her being just like my Abuela (who's dead); * corruption: pay to play state department colluded with the Clinton foundation, her repeated attempts to disenfranchise and bully her husband's sexual accusers, her forcing the DNC to allow lobbyist donations, etc; * conviction: TPP, Haiti, Honduras, corrupting influences, emails .... the list goes on. She certainly would be a more level headed president than Trump, but I still hold the belief Trump is in the Clinton's pockets, and either would result in the same domestic policies.", '>>{MessisTaxAccountant} : So long as we actually go out to vote and support the progressive candidates. And then again, in the midterms by supporting progressive challengers and actually showing up at the polls for once.', '>>{Hotblack_desiato1} : Kentucky proves there has been vote tampering. Those margins are now suspect.', ">>{Gator_Bite} : They'll show up to vote for down ticket Congressional Democrats, but many won't waste their votes on Hillary. They'll also be in Hillary's face and those of her supporters every time she goes neoliberal stupid on the country and drops the ball, assuming she's elected.", ">>{46and_2} : You sure? Sanders lost the DC primary by like 60 points. Can't have a revolution when you got KTFO."]]
classify and reply
[">>{PavelDatsyuk} : It's the first iPhone to use a 64 bit CPU I think, so maybe it will last for a couple more. Odds are iOS 11 will be the last update though, so maybe not.", '>>{war3ag13} : Any way to force iOS to stay connected to wifi?', '>>{war3ag13} : Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, I tried that and it still dropped wifi when locked.', '>>{michaelkloud} : Go to the Apple Store and play with the new phones. If you think the 5S is quick, you will be happily surprised. I usually upgrade every model (when the jailbreak comes out), so I usually have the new and prev versions to compare. It\'s hard if you don\'t have something to compare to. I currently have the 6S Plus. My wife has the 6 Plus. When I use her phone I notice some delays. You get used to the "new fast" very quick and that will be your new benchmark.', '>>{CUCKOO_FOR_THC} : Clinton Campaign Condemns Protesters’ Violence at Trump Rally in California', ">>{war3ag13} : Again, thanks for the answer. Unfortunately that is already off. I've read that apple still disconnects from wifi on purpose for battery saving purposes.", '>>{blaughlin} : Keep it connected to a power source (charger).', ">>{Focus0685} : I'm happy with my 5s. No lag, everything is smooth as new, this is the form factor I like, don't need any bigger screen at all. Just recently changed the battery and haven't had any problems.", '>>{war3ag13} : Thanks for the reply as well. Unfortunately since I move around the building for meetings and such, that is not really a better solution than keeping music streaming (muted if I am in a meeting).', '>>{Om_ShantiShanti} : >While Mr. Trump has said he does not condone violence of any kind, his campaign made little effort to condemn it. Gee, I think it goes without saying that he condemns violence against his own supporters at his own rallies. New York Times, always looking for a cheap shot', ">>{hummuschips} : Your wifi should stay connected even when it's locked. Try resetting the network settings. You'll need to reconnect phone all your wifi hotspots after doing this though.", ">>{war3ag13} : Are you sure? I did reset them and it didn't help. My wife's 6s does this as well. From what I have read online, it is intended behavior.", ">>{ecs0013} : I'm not using one, but I have two family members who haven't had any desire to upgrade because their 5Ses are still holding up well and running fast enough…I've been spoiled with newer devices, but the 5S would still be a great device to have as a backup/test device.", ">>{hummuschips} : Mine stays connected when I'm at home or at work. I just tested it again. I logged into my router and checked the iPhone is connected. Turned on airplane mode and the router stops seeing the iPhone. Turned off airplane mode and locked the phone. Checked my router again 10-15 min later and it's still connected. Plus if it didn't stay connected I would probably have seen a huge increase in data usage which hasn't happened.", ">>{djsnickerz} : It's still good, but needs a new battery and apps crash a lot. just use it for texting and twitter pretty much now", '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : Clinton should condemn her latino base from using violence.', ">>{Dravkian} : It's alright. Space is a huge problem with it though.", ">>{2000mc} : Went from 5s to se in July. Battery was fading fast, otherwise I likely would have stayed. If you're looking for excuses to update, the se is noticeably faster, not make or break, but it's nice. Stepping from 16 to 64gb helped me justify going for it also.", '>>{canadian_mountainman} : Agreed. Using a 16GB 5S currently. Feeling severely limited with storage and almost always operating with storage nearly maxed out. Storage was not a huge issue at the time of purchase 3 years ago and to fork out $$ for a storage upgrade at the time did not seem justifiable. This is the number one factor pushing me to upgrade.', '>>{war3ag13} : Mine does sometimes as well. Here is the info on why it disconnects sometimes: http://forums.macrumors.com/threads/wifi-turns-off-when-iphone-goes-into-sleep-mode-is-locked.1985513/', ">>{Anaron} : I'm struggling with 32 GB. Pictures and videos take up a lot of space. It was either a 128 GB iPhone 7 Plus or 32 GB and AppleCare+.", ">>{thetank27} : Using a 5S 16gb. Actively looking to upgrade. Space is a HUGE issue for me. The battery is a gonner, with the phone frequently dying at some point between 10-40% battery. The phone is generally slow and unable to cope, but I'm holding out for the right deal.", ">>{Theodoros9} : I have a 6S as a work phone, so this I do agree with. But the thing with the 6S is, its undeniably faster, but unlike years gone by the 5S isn't so slow that its suddenly become useless. What used to happen is when an iPhone hit around 3 years old, its performance had degraded so much there really wasn't any point keeping it. Thats not really the case now. So you kind of upgrade out of a desire, not a need. You used to upgrade out of a need.", ">>{hummuschips} : I know those people seem to think it's normal but I've only ever seen the opposite. There was a time when it wouldn't stay connected for me as well and that was opposite from what I'm used to with iOS. I've owned most iPhones as well as a bunch of Android devices and if it didn't stay connected I would be really annoyed. There was a time when my iPad kept disconnecting when locked but that hasn't happened in a while now. I think I ended up backing it up, wiping and reinstalling iOS on it and then restoring the backup as a last resort.", '>>{war3ag13} : Ok cool. Is there any word from apple on what the intended behavior is?', '>>{here2red} : For what? except one or two people in a sea of thousands there is no violence. Please.', '>>{realistic_swede} : Mine work flawlessly, previous iOS drained battery but now its at 40% again when I get back from work (was <10% before). It works too good, the only thing that might make me go for the iPhone 8 is better camera and display. Hell, I have a gen2 iPad that still works annoyingly too good to upgrade really. But it shows it age when crashing cuz of low ram me think and not loading some heavy poorly designed web pages.', '>>{hummuschips} : Not that I know of. Your best bet is to call I or ask at an Apple Store what is suppose to be happening or maybe even email Tim Cook. :)', '>>{5411111} : What do you mean "for what"? Do you mean something like - why should he do that?', '>>{plyboult} : Good to read some of the comments here... one of my friends just got a 5s a few weeks ago on AT&T Go, has been pretty happy with it. Says everything works pretty smooth & battery lasts him most of the day.', ">>{knnack} : My 5s fell into a boot loop and bricked itself. Can't enter DFU or restore mode, neither can an apple genius do it. I had the 32gb one. Was iffy on storage. I just never cleaned out the photos.", '>>{blatherskiter} : > “Violence against supporters of any candidate has no place in this election,” Mr. Podesta wrote. It will be part of every election once Hillary gives all these people citizenship and opens the floodgates to all their cousins.', ">>{5411111} : That wasn't an answer to my question so I'll just leave it to you to carry on talking to yourself. Have fun doing that!", '>>{Jiffyyy} : why should he do what? tell his supporters to stop being assaulted? wtf is wrong with you?', '>>{5411111} : OK, you have changed my mind. What Trump should do is tell his supporters to lock and load, he should tell them to go into battle! Thanks for your help, now I see the light!', '>>{Jiffyyy} : his supporters are doing the right thing to not retaliate. it just gives Trump fuel every time something like this happens. It just proves his points every time this happens.', '>>{5411111} : Did I back you into a corner? Sorry about that, it was just too tempting. Have a super day!', '>>{Jiffyyy} : what is your schtick here? make a stupid remark and then try to 1 up people who call you out?', '>>{Jiffyyy} : i dont think people understand what you want to talk about. you are trying to say that Donald Trump has to take part in denouncing the violence of protestors of other candidates at his rally? I dont think thats how it works', ">>{5411111} : It's too late, you have already been rude. I'm not interested anymore. Have a nice day.", '>>{Jiffyyy} : If by rude you mean trying to put the blame on the wrong people then sure you have been extremely rude', ">>{5411111} : rude |ro͞od| adjective 1 offensively impolite or ill-mannered: she had been rude to her boss | [ with infinitive ] : it's rude to ask a lady her age. • referring to a taboo subject such as sex in a way considered improper and offensive: he made a rude gesture. • [ attrib. ] having a startling abruptness: the war came as a very rude awakening. 2 roughly made or done; lacking subtlety or sophistication: a rude coffin. • archaic ignorant and uneducated: the new religion was first promulgated by rude men. 3 [ attrib. ] chiefly Brit. vigorous or hearty: Isabel had always been in rude health.", '>>{SoTiredOfWinning} : >one or two You want a compilation of all the violence? Here you go: https://twitter.com/TomLlamasABC/status/738569251590541312?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmBXNE8gZvI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QPGeuduAr4 https://twitter.com/JimmyPrinceton/status/738581044983533569?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/dcbigjohn/status/738568045342248961?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/dcbigjohn/status/738567377755852801?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/CandaceSmith_/status/738568396036415488?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/Jacobnbc/status/738548054970630144?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/NBCNightlyNews/status/738567898965233664?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/SaraMurray/status/738562107487059969?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/DefendWallSt/status/738574855206010880?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/SaraMurray/status/738560600612048897?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://www.periscope.tv/w/1OwxWbdgYEkJQ https://twitter.com/JoePerticone/status/738565044712017921?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/MeOnAJourney/status/738564126335762432/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/marcusdipaola/status/738572899808743424?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/juliacarriew/status/738565797639917568/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/NickyWoolf/status/738572825385017344?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/TomLlamasABC/status/738580511992381440?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/smahaskey/status/738570881392214017?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/738577323201462273?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/artfulroger1/status/738576898737872899/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/TomLlamasABC/status/738571817388908545?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/Jacobnbc/status/738585705513787392 https://www.facebook.com/Dailytrumpmemes/videos/829877953778815/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAAaivvNw_Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0NpqCm2OeM&app=desktop https://twitter.com/smahaskey/status/738573795896610816 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnYXA3_UAv8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNIWixTOy94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QFpyuEmrIM&feature=youtu.be @23:40 https://www.periscope.tv/torbahax/1dRJZkLpPXrxB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0TPZotJZP4&feature=youtu.be https://twitter.com/JoePerticone/status/738565925067096065 https://twitter.com/KatyTurNBC/status/738568861465747456?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/TomLlamasABC/status/738603331258454016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/738561162980134913?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw', '>>{here2red} : I went thru first few. But those arent Trump supporters getting violent.', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Oh sorry I thought you were making the case that there's been no violence against Trump supporters."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{CUCKOO_FOR_THC} : Clinton Campaign Condemns Protesters’ Violence at Trump Rally in California', '>>{Om_ShantiShanti} : >While Mr. Trump has said he does not condone violence of any kind, his campaign made little effort to condemn it. Gee, I think it goes without saying that he condemns violence against his own supporters at his own rallies. New York Times, always looking for a cheap shot', '>>{peyote_the_coyote} : Clinton should condemn her latino base from using violence.', '>>{here2red} : For what? except one or two people in a sea of thousands there is no violence. Please.', '>>{5411111} : What do you mean "for what"? Do you mean something like - why should he do that?', '>>{blatherskiter} : > “Violence against supporters of any candidate has no place in this election,” Mr. Podesta wrote. It will be part of every election once Hillary gives all these people citizenship and opens the floodgates to all their cousins.', ">>{5411111} : That wasn't an answer to my question so I'll just leave it to you to carry on talking to yourself. Have fun doing that!", '>>{Jiffyyy} : why should he do what? tell his supporters to stop being assaulted? wtf is wrong with you?', '>>{5411111} : OK, you have changed my mind. What Trump should do is tell his supporters to lock and load, he should tell them to go into battle! Thanks for your help, now I see the light!', '>>{Jiffyyy} : his supporters are doing the right thing to not retaliate. it just gives Trump fuel every time something like this happens. It just proves his points every time this happens.', '>>{5411111} : Did I back you into a corner? Sorry about that, it was just too tempting. Have a super day!', '>>{Jiffyyy} : what is your schtick here? make a stupid remark and then try to 1 up people who call you out?', '>>{Jiffyyy} : i dont think people understand what you want to talk about. you are trying to say that Donald Trump has to take part in denouncing the violence of protestors of other candidates at his rally? I dont think thats how it works', ">>{5411111} : It's too late, you have already been rude. I'm not interested anymore. Have a nice day.", '>>{Jiffyyy} : If by rude you mean trying to put the blame on the wrong people then sure you have been extremely rude', ">>{5411111} : rude |ro͞od| adjective 1 offensively impolite or ill-mannered: she had been rude to her boss | [ with infinitive ] : it's rude to ask a lady her age. • referring to a taboo subject such as sex in a way considered improper and offensive: he made a rude gesture. • [ attrib. ] having a startling abruptness: the war came as a very rude awakening. 2 roughly made or done; lacking subtlety or sophistication: a rude coffin. • archaic ignorant and uneducated: the new religion was first promulgated by rude men. 3 [ attrib. ] chiefly Brit. vigorous or hearty: Isabel had always been in rude health.", '>>{SoTiredOfWinning} : >one or two You want a compilation of all the violence? Here you go: https://twitter.com/TomLlamasABC/status/738569251590541312?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmBXNE8gZvI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QPGeuduAr4 https://twitter.com/JimmyPrinceton/status/738581044983533569?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/dcbigjohn/status/738568045342248961?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/dcbigjohn/status/738567377755852801?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/CandaceSmith_/status/738568396036415488?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/Jacobnbc/status/738548054970630144?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/NBCNightlyNews/status/738567898965233664?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/SaraMurray/status/738562107487059969?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/DefendWallSt/status/738574855206010880?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/SaraMurray/status/738560600612048897?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://www.periscope.tv/w/1OwxWbdgYEkJQ https://twitter.com/JoePerticone/status/738565044712017921?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/MeOnAJourney/status/738564126335762432/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/marcusdipaola/status/738572899808743424?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/juliacarriew/status/738565797639917568/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/NickyWoolf/status/738572825385017344?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/TomLlamasABC/status/738580511992381440?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/smahaskey/status/738570881392214017?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/738577323201462273?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/artfulroger1/status/738576898737872899/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/TomLlamasABC/status/738571817388908545?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/Jacobnbc/status/738585705513787392 https://www.facebook.com/Dailytrumpmemes/videos/829877953778815/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAAaivvNw_Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0NpqCm2OeM&app=desktop https://twitter.com/smahaskey/status/738573795896610816 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnYXA3_UAv8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNIWixTOy94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QFpyuEmrIM&feature=youtu.be @23:40 https://www.periscope.tv/torbahax/1dRJZkLpPXrxB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0TPZotJZP4&feature=youtu.be https://twitter.com/JoePerticone/status/738565925067096065 https://twitter.com/KatyTurNBC/status/738568861465747456?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/TomLlamasABC/status/738603331258454016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/738561162980134913?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw', '>>{here2red} : I went thru first few. But those arent Trump supporters getting violent.', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Oh sorry I thought you were making the case that there's been no violence against Trump supporters."], [">>{PavelDatsyuk} : It's the first iPhone to use a 64 bit CPU I think, so maybe it will last for a couple more. Odds are iOS 11 will be the last update though, so maybe not.", '>>{michaelkloud} : Go to the Apple Store and play with the new phones. If you think the 5S is quick, you will be happily surprised. I usually upgrade every model (when the jailbreak comes out), so I usually have the new and prev versions to compare. It\'s hard if you don\'t have something to compare to. I currently have the 6S Plus. My wife has the 6 Plus. When I use her phone I notice some delays. You get used to the "new fast" very quick and that will be your new benchmark.', ">>{Focus0685} : I'm happy with my 5s. No lag, everything is smooth as new, this is the form factor I like, don't need any bigger screen at all. Just recently changed the battery and haven't had any problems.", ">>{ecs0013} : I'm not using one, but I have two family members who haven't had any desire to upgrade because their 5Ses are still holding up well and running fast enough…I've been spoiled with newer devices, but the 5S would still be a great device to have as a backup/test device.", ">>{djsnickerz} : It's still good, but needs a new battery and apps crash a lot. just use it for texting and twitter pretty much now", ">>{Dravkian} : It's alright. Space is a huge problem with it though.", ">>{2000mc} : Went from 5s to se in July. Battery was fading fast, otherwise I likely would have stayed. If you're looking for excuses to update, the se is noticeably faster, not make or break, but it's nice. Stepping from 16 to 64gb helped me justify going for it also.", '>>{canadian_mountainman} : Agreed. Using a 16GB 5S currently. Feeling severely limited with storage and almost always operating with storage nearly maxed out. Storage was not a huge issue at the time of purchase 3 years ago and to fork out $$ for a storage upgrade at the time did not seem justifiable. This is the number one factor pushing me to upgrade.', ">>{Anaron} : I'm struggling with 32 GB. Pictures and videos take up a lot of space. It was either a 128 GB iPhone 7 Plus or 32 GB and AppleCare+.", ">>{thetank27} : Using a 5S 16gb. Actively looking to upgrade. Space is a HUGE issue for me. The battery is a gonner, with the phone frequently dying at some point between 10-40% battery. The phone is generally slow and unable to cope, but I'm holding out for the right deal.", ">>{Theodoros9} : I have a 6S as a work phone, so this I do agree with. But the thing with the 6S is, its undeniably faster, but unlike years gone by the 5S isn't so slow that its suddenly become useless. What used to happen is when an iPhone hit around 3 years old, its performance had degraded so much there really wasn't any point keeping it. Thats not really the case now. So you kind of upgrade out of a desire, not a need. You used to upgrade out of a need.", '>>{realistic_swede} : Mine work flawlessly, previous iOS drained battery but now its at 40% again when I get back from work (was <10% before). It works too good, the only thing that might make me go for the iPhone 8 is better camera and display. Hell, I have a gen2 iPad that still works annoyingly too good to upgrade really. But it shows it age when crashing cuz of low ram me think and not loading some heavy poorly designed web pages.', '>>{plyboult} : Good to read some of the comments here... one of my friends just got a 5s a few weeks ago on AT&T Go, has been pretty happy with it. Says everything works pretty smooth & battery lasts him most of the day.', ">>{knnack} : My 5s fell into a boot loop and bricked itself. Can't enter DFU or restore mode, neither can an apple genius do it. I had the 32gb one. Was iffy on storage. I just never cleaned out the photos."], ['>>{war3ag13} : Any way to force iOS to stay connected to wifi?', '>>{war3ag13} : Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, I tried that and it still dropped wifi when locked.', ">>{war3ag13} : Again, thanks for the answer. Unfortunately that is already off. I've read that apple still disconnects from wifi on purpose for battery saving purposes.", '>>{blaughlin} : Keep it connected to a power source (charger).', '>>{war3ag13} : Thanks for the reply as well. Unfortunately since I move around the building for meetings and such, that is not really a better solution than keeping music streaming (muted if I am in a meeting).', ">>{hummuschips} : Your wifi should stay connected even when it's locked. Try resetting the network settings. You'll need to reconnect phone all your wifi hotspots after doing this though.", ">>{war3ag13} : Are you sure? I did reset them and it didn't help. My wife's 6s does this as well. From what I have read online, it is intended behavior.", ">>{hummuschips} : Mine stays connected when I'm at home or at work. I just tested it again. I logged into my router and checked the iPhone is connected. Turned on airplane mode and the router stops seeing the iPhone. Turned off airplane mode and locked the phone. Checked my router again 10-15 min later and it's still connected. Plus if it didn't stay connected I would probably have seen a huge increase in data usage which hasn't happened.", '>>{war3ag13} : Mine does sometimes as well. Here is the info on why it disconnects sometimes: http://forums.macrumors.com/threads/wifi-turns-off-when-iphone-goes-into-sleep-mode-is-locked.1985513/', ">>{hummuschips} : I know those people seem to think it's normal but I've only ever seen the opposite. There was a time when it wouldn't stay connected for me as well and that was opposite from what I'm used to with iOS. I've owned most iPhones as well as a bunch of Android devices and if it didn't stay connected I would be really annoyed. There was a time when my iPad kept disconnecting when locked but that hasn't happened in a while now. I think I ended up backing it up, wiping and reinstalling iOS on it and then restoring the backup as a last resort.", '>>{war3ag13} : Ok cool. Is there any word from apple on what the intended behavior is?', '>>{hummuschips} : Not that I know of. Your best bet is to call I or ask at an Apple Store what is suppose to be happening or maybe even email Tim Cook. :)']]
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[">>{mdm_eh} : To Stop Climate Change, Don't Just Cut Carbon. Redistribute Wealth.", '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : >That’s a complicated way of saying that the cost of the harm done to people and the planet should be calculated into the price of energy generated by burning coal, oil, and gas. If these costs were factored into the price consumers pay at the pump or in their utility bills, it could make dirty energy expensive enough to change both consumer and industry behavior. And that, in turn, would make renewable energy much more cost-competitive. Do they understand this would hit the poorest Americans most? Who could better absorb a doubling or tripling of their power bill, the poor or the rich?', '>>{ignaciobarrena} : Why is this happening? Already tried factory reset...', '>>{sundialinshade} : Big profits for JP Morgan in the carbon credit market http://archive.fortune.com/2008/08/11/technology/jpmorgan_carbon.fortune/index.htm', ">>{ignaciobarrena} : I'm on 10.2 btw, tried everything I know.", '>>{TheGreatestRedditor} : After a factory reset, did you set it up as a new phone?', '>>{ignaciobarrena} : Yep, tried restoring from a backup and as a new phone, same result.', '>>{theRealRedherring} : a good redistribution would allow more of the population to make their lives more energy efficient: electric vehicles (who doesnt want an electric sportscar?), and weatherize their homes, and their own solar panels / wind generators I can see no downside', ">>{KommissarFreedom} : Eventually you run out of other people's money to redistribute.", ">>{ferrisie} : Did you reset via Settings or restore via iTunes? If you haven't done an [iTunes restore](https://support.apple.com/en-ie/HT201252) , I'd recommend that. Removes everything from the device and reinstalls the latest version of iOS. If you need to use a backup, might be best to only use an iCloud backup.", ">>{ignaciobarrena} : Thanks for your answers, but I already restore it and set it as new via iTunes, I started literally from scratch and this is still happening.. I'm on an iPhone SE, with my iPhone 6 this didn't happen", '>>{mommy2libras} : The way I understood it was that while everyone might pay a bit more tax, the wealthy would pay quite a bit more because they use more- like if energy were in "units", the wealthy use more units and would therefore pay more tax. Then the money brought in would be redistributed to the lowest earners, disabled, elderly and veterans. Other money brought in would go to setting up more systems of alternative energy.', '>>{ferrisie} : Weird. Does it only happen with WhatsApp? Might be best to contact [Apple support](https://getsupport.apple.com/) . If a repair is needed, it should be valid for warranty.', ">>{ignaciobarrena} : It happens with other apps, but mostly WhatsApp. I bought it in November so I'll try going to the Genius Bar..", '>>{Langs} : It has to be an issue with the WhatsApp widget and 10.2', ">>{ignaciobarrena} : it's the notification center not a widget, I'll wait till next iOS update and see", '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : Worldwide scam supported and promoted by the Pope. And by Algore.', ">>{DALIDB} : It's happening for iPhone SE only on iOS 10 but for some selected apps, i'm having same problem with messages app.", '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : Oh phewck that is pure globalist including that tax supported worker instead of good wages. A permanent welfare class with no way out or up. That is how to severely limit incomes,not expand incomes for the working class.', '>>{bizzwizz} : have the same issue on my 7+ iOS 10.1.1 will post a screenshot the next time it happens.', ">>{Themostunderdisturb} : If you increase the cost of energy you will increase the cost of everything. From what I understand it is a tax that will be paid by businesses and not the people directly so you will see an increase in the cost of everything from a tax like this. The rich will be able to absorb the increase costs while it will hurt the middle and lower class much more since they can't afford an increase in the cost of everything as easily.", '>>{theRealRedherring} : money is a mental construct... if you intend to refer to hard resources then I stand by my words... we all do better when we step away from asymmetric life choices', ">>{KommissarFreedom} : So what if it's a mental construct? We as a society agreed what a dollar is worth and that's the way it is. You're even more incorrect when we bring up hard resources. You can't redistribute resources without causing widespread economic turmoil. See: everywhere it's been tried", ">>{Omnireddit} : I had this issue as well, I tried to clear it but couldn't press clear, I was able to get rid of it by: Sliding the message, making the clear block appear and then turning my phone off and back on, it was gone after that. Good luck!", '>>{just_lurkin_here} : Que es chapr por la noche? Suena kinky y tal', ">>{DatAwsomness} : It's just a bug; won't be going away forever until Apple fixes ot"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ignaciobarrena} : Why is this happening? Already tried factory reset...', ">>{ignaciobarrena} : I'm on 10.2 btw, tried everything I know.", '>>{TheGreatestRedditor} : After a factory reset, did you set it up as a new phone?', '>>{ignaciobarrena} : Yep, tried restoring from a backup and as a new phone, same result.', ">>{ferrisie} : Did you reset via Settings or restore via iTunes? If you haven't done an [iTunes restore](https://support.apple.com/en-ie/HT201252) , I'd recommend that. Removes everything from the device and reinstalls the latest version of iOS. If you need to use a backup, might be best to only use an iCloud backup.", ">>{ignaciobarrena} : Thanks for your answers, but I already restore it and set it as new via iTunes, I started literally from scratch and this is still happening.. I'm on an iPhone SE, with my iPhone 6 this didn't happen", '>>{ferrisie} : Weird. Does it only happen with WhatsApp? Might be best to contact [Apple support](https://getsupport.apple.com/) . If a repair is needed, it should be valid for warranty.', ">>{ignaciobarrena} : It happens with other apps, but mostly WhatsApp. I bought it in November so I'll try going to the Genius Bar..", '>>{Langs} : It has to be an issue with the WhatsApp widget and 10.2', ">>{ignaciobarrena} : it's the notification center not a widget, I'll wait till next iOS update and see", ">>{DALIDB} : It's happening for iPhone SE only on iOS 10 but for some selected apps, i'm having same problem with messages app.", '>>{bizzwizz} : have the same issue on my 7+ iOS 10.1.1 will post a screenshot the next time it happens.', ">>{Omnireddit} : I had this issue as well, I tried to clear it but couldn't press clear, I was able to get rid of it by: Sliding the message, making the clear block appear and then turning my phone off and back on, it was gone after that. Good luck!", '>>{just_lurkin_here} : Que es chapr por la noche? Suena kinky y tal', ">>{DatAwsomness} : It's just a bug; won't be going away forever until Apple fixes ot"], [">>{mdm_eh} : To Stop Climate Change, Don't Just Cut Carbon. Redistribute Wealth.", '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : >That’s a complicated way of saying that the cost of the harm done to people and the planet should be calculated into the price of energy generated by burning coal, oil, and gas. If these costs were factored into the price consumers pay at the pump or in their utility bills, it could make dirty energy expensive enough to change both consumer and industry behavior. And that, in turn, would make renewable energy much more cost-competitive. Do they understand this would hit the poorest Americans most? Who could better absorb a doubling or tripling of their power bill, the poor or the rich?', '>>{sundialinshade} : Big profits for JP Morgan in the carbon credit market http://archive.fortune.com/2008/08/11/technology/jpmorgan_carbon.fortune/index.htm', '>>{theRealRedherring} : a good redistribution would allow more of the population to make their lives more energy efficient: electric vehicles (who doesnt want an electric sportscar?), and weatherize their homes, and their own solar panels / wind generators I can see no downside', ">>{KommissarFreedom} : Eventually you run out of other people's money to redistribute.", '>>{mommy2libras} : The way I understood it was that while everyone might pay a bit more tax, the wealthy would pay quite a bit more because they use more- like if energy were in "units", the wealthy use more units and would therefore pay more tax. Then the money brought in would be redistributed to the lowest earners, disabled, elderly and veterans. Other money brought in would go to setting up more systems of alternative energy.', '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : Worldwide scam supported and promoted by the Pope. And by Algore.', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : Oh phewck that is pure globalist including that tax supported worker instead of good wages. A permanent welfare class with no way out or up. That is how to severely limit incomes,not expand incomes for the working class.', ">>{Themostunderdisturb} : If you increase the cost of energy you will increase the cost of everything. From what I understand it is a tax that will be paid by businesses and not the people directly so you will see an increase in the cost of everything from a tax like this. The rich will be able to absorb the increase costs while it will hurt the middle and lower class much more since they can't afford an increase in the cost of everything as easily.", '>>{theRealRedherring} : money is a mental construct... if you intend to refer to hard resources then I stand by my words... we all do better when we step away from asymmetric life choices', ">>{KommissarFreedom} : So what if it's a mental construct? We as a society agreed what a dollar is worth and that's the way it is. You're even more incorrect when we bring up hard resources. You can't redistribute resources without causing widespread economic turmoil. See: everywhere it's been tried"]]
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['>>{wompt} : Why Suspected Terrorists Can Legally Buy Guns, Explained: Answers to your pressing questions on firearm background checks, potentially violent extremists, and the so-called terror gap.', ">>{a69oh} : Because suspected != convicted and it's unconstitutional to deny somebody's rights without due process. Now you don't have to click the shitty link.", '>>{Bellevue3} : The Republicans lie and say to bear means to buy. That was never meant be the FF.', '>>{greenareureal} : You lie. To buy is different than to bear. No one has the right to buy b', '>>{target_locked} : If one without arms cannot purchase arms then they essentially have no right to bear arms. Come on man, at least try.', '>>{ratherlargepie} : Because of a Supreme Court ruling in 2008, the second amendment is no longer the second amendment, which supported "necessary" militias\' access to arms. The new interpretation is like using the bible to explain lizard people exist.', '>>{target_locked} : If one without arms cannot purchase arms then they essentially have no right to bear arms. Come on man, at least try.', '>>{DarkShaella} : I have no idea how you got that out of the 2008 decision, but the individual right interpretation has been affirmed since 1886.', '>>{Glblwrmingisfak} : That argument has always stuck me as clever as the people who use the "freedom of religion, not freedom from religion" when trying to push their religion in schools. That is to say it isn\'t clever at all.', ">>{udownvotefacts} : they are often confused now ask them to define an assault weapon and distinguish between automatics and semi automatics here's a spoiler.... they cant", ">>{ElectricDidgeridoo} : This shit is brilliant if you think about it. Let's just make communal gun racks and check out weapons like library books. Hell, keep the stockpile *at* the library since every town worth defending already has one of those. As a philosopher I'm going to do for the buy/bear problem what Hume did for the is/ought problem, y'all can thank me later.", '>>{bitfriend} : if book purchases were banned people would have a way of reading books, especially as people turned in their books to the government during sanctioned book buybacks']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{wompt} : Why Suspected Terrorists Can Legally Buy Guns, Explained: Answers to your pressing questions on firearm background checks, potentially violent extremists, and the so-called terror gap.', ">>{a69oh} : Because suspected != convicted and it's unconstitutional to deny somebody's rights without due process. Now you don't have to click the shitty link.", '>>{Bellevue3} : The Republicans lie and say to bear means to buy. That was never meant be the FF.', '>>{greenareureal} : You lie. To buy is different than to bear. No one has the right to buy b', '>>{target_locked} : If one without arms cannot purchase arms then they essentially have no right to bear arms. Come on man, at least try.', '>>{ratherlargepie} : Because of a Supreme Court ruling in 2008, the second amendment is no longer the second amendment, which supported "necessary" militias\' access to arms. The new interpretation is like using the bible to explain lizard people exist.', '>>{target_locked} : If one without arms cannot purchase arms then they essentially have no right to bear arms. Come on man, at least try.', '>>{DarkShaella} : I have no idea how you got that out of the 2008 decision, but the individual right interpretation has been affirmed since 1886.', '>>{Glblwrmingisfak} : That argument has always stuck me as clever as the people who use the "freedom of religion, not freedom from religion" when trying to push their religion in schools. That is to say it isn\'t clever at all.', ">>{udownvotefacts} : they are often confused now ask them to define an assault weapon and distinguish between automatics and semi automatics here's a spoiler.... they cant", ">>{ElectricDidgeridoo} : This shit is brilliant if you think about it. Let's just make communal gun racks and check out weapons like library books. Hell, keep the stockpile *at* the library since every town worth defending already has one of those. As a philosopher I'm going to do for the buy/bear problem what Hume did for the is/ought problem, y'all can thank me later.", '>>{bitfriend} : if book purchases were banned people would have a way of reading books, especially as people turned in their books to the government during sanctioned book buybacks']]
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['>>{swskeptic} : Thinking of upgrading to iPhone 7 from Note 4. Been with Android since almost the very beginning. Will I totally hate my life if I change over?', ">>{FailedPotatoSeed} : It's pointless for you. No widgets, no direct downloads. It'll be pretty much a downgrade for you if you're used to freedom to do whatever you want on android.", ">>{cliffr39} : It will be very different. You can still direct download PDF, but not sure there is a way to do torrents without jailbreaking (I don't do them so never looked into it). If you are open minded you will be ok after a short transition. If you are one of those people that don't like change it will be a struggle.", '>>{mayaisme} : For best battery life I\'d suggest getting the plus version, you won\'t be disappointed. You can have a weather widget in the notification center, accessible from anywhere. For music controls and flashlight it\'s just a matter of swiping up the control center, again accessible from anywhere. All the apps you listed are available and excellent on ios, except for the Reddit and podcasts ones. But there are a few good alternatives. For PDFs you can simply click the "open in iBooks" prompt when you\'ve opened one, and it will automatically download and be available from there. Sorry I don\'t know about torrents.', ">>{swskeptic} : I mean I'd be open minded to not having those available. Is there nothing similar available? I don't really keep up with the iOS/iPhone stuff so I'm not even really sure what's out there, which is why I posted here. Thanks for the reply!", ">>{swskeptic} : Well I'm definitely open minded to switching over. Downloading files directly isn't something I do every single day, especially with torrents, so I can live without that I suppose.", '>>{swskeptic} : Wow thanks, this is exactly the kind of info I was looking for! What about music management? I hear a lot of negativity about iTunes, especially on Windows... Is it really that bad?', ">>{mayaisme} : I also use iTunes on Windows. Yes, it's tedious, but it works. It's just not something you'll want to use everyday", '>>{hweng} : You can have a weather widget in the notification center. Torrenting and widgets on your homescreen/lockscreen are only possible with a jailbreak. And since the 7 will ship with iOS 10 it will be a while before a jailbreak comes out.', ">>{swskeptic} : Ideally I wouldn't. Currently I have all of my music uploaded to Google Music and just stream it from there, however I find it incredibly buggy when trying to upload new music. Is there an option like that for iTunes/iPhone?", ">>{swskeptic} : That's okay, I can wait. The torrents thing is like... bottom of the list of things I care about being able to do.", ">>{luqman_sha} : I've been using android for the past 7 years, and I was on the same boat as you about 2 months ago. The thing that kept me away from iOS was not able to have the freedom to download anything from the net like I did with android, until I went ahead and did some research and found an app called Documents 5, which brings this functionality to iOS. So basically you get that functionality to download documents from the net again. Torrenting is impossible on iOS without jailbreak, but I've never torrented on my android either, since I prefer to torrent on the pc instead. Reddit? Most apps are being killed off the App Store, so your best option for a Reddit app is the official Reddit app itself. I missed Now For Reddit on Android, but I've learnt to live with the official app the past month. Battery life on iOS... If you were to get the SE or 6S+, it could last you a whole day. Don't get the 6S though if battery is a concern. The battery is smaller than that of the 6 and almost the same to the SE except the SE powers a smaller screen, so you'll get more juice out of the SE or 6S+ compared to the 6S. Other than that, I think you're good to go! Welcome to iOS", '>>{swskeptic} : Hey thanks for the informative reply, I really appreciate it! What do you mean about reddit apps being "killed off" in the app store? I hadn\'t heard of that. I\'ll be waiting for the 7 anyways, but thanks for letting me know about the battery issues with the 6 models.', ">>{FailedPotatoSeed} : You seem pretty much to have decided what you want, so, why second thoughts? Even if you get it and don't like after a while, you can get your money back by selling it. I've used my iPhone 6 almist 2 years now, paid 600€, being offered 550€ from people on listed advert pages here. You're not losing any money if that's one of your gripes.", ">>{swskeptic} : Well not really. Like I said, I've never really used iOS much, at least not for many years, and I wanted to make sure there wasn't anything major that I would run into if I upgraded. I like to make the most informed decision possible and I figured you guys would be the best people to ask!", ">>{tricknasty9} : Widgets are possible on a jailbroken phone. I'd say get the phone shortly after it gets out and don't update. Pangu or taig will likely have a tool shortly after its released. Personally I have a 6s on the latest jailbreak-able iOS version and love it. Cydia takes some getting used to, but that's what r/jailbreak is for. Oh and if battery is an issue, get an external one. Yea you'll probably look goofy, but who has the badass jailbroken iPhone in their pocket? That's right. You do.", ">>{swskeptic} : > Yea you'll probably look goofy, but who has the badass jailbroken iPhone in their pocket? That's right. You do. lol fair enough. Thanks for the input. I've never been a fan of external battery packs and I don't like the idea of a sealed in battery but I guess I'd be willing to give it a shot.", ">>{swskeptic} : So if I'm reading things correctly it's $10 per month to be able to uplaod my music and stream it? Not criticizing, just making sure I've got it straight. Thanks.", ">>{FailedPotatoSeed} : But you're swiping away any info that you found important and now less important? Look, on an iPhone you can use core features with no adding/modding/customizing. Calling, texting, surfing, all that standard shabam. Installing APK files outside the store doesn't work. Having a weather widget in the status bar is ok, but nothing like android, even though apple ass kissers would name it the best thing ever launched since the first rocket launch to the moon (you'll have to be able to distinguish difference between uninformed fanboys and unbiased users). You can't really do much with ios. Nothing in fact. You can't even have your own toggles or independent volume settings per app/sound/function, it's all or nothing all the way. I've been using ios for 3 years now after using android since it released and I'm going back as soon as the new nexus 6 iteration is out.", ">>{swskeptic} : That's really a shame. I'd really like to switch over but I was afraid it would be a little too locked down.", ">>{tricknasty9} : I mainly use my phone at work, not being tied to a wall is great. Best $10 I've spent. I just have the battery in one pocket, the cord running through my belt loop to my phone in my other pocket.", ">>{FailedPotatoSeed} : It's a complete lock down... Every 3rd party system app you can download (chrome, keyboard etc) are just reskinned apple API' with a few tweaks here and there that really doesn't offer much stability.", ">>{Jefundhe} : Why are u discouraging him though? You tried it and hated it, he might try it and love it. I was an android user for years and I can't imagine going back to that mess. To me, iOS is miles better. Not in features, but in performance and reliability.", ">>{twhmike} : If you wanna upload your own music, don't use Apple Music! Use iTunes Match. It's only 25 for a year of service and works great for me. The storage limit it is also something insanely high. And you can use it across multiple devices if you ever get any. http://www.apple.com/itunes/itunes-match/", '>>{FailedPotatoSeed} : He needs features and freedom. I\'m not discouraging him (read my comment prior to the last one). I\'m telling him how it is. If it sounds discouraging to you, you might rethink what you really think about ios, because I was being purely honest. I don\'t know what you call android, but judging from you fanboyness, I\'d say you had some budget branded phone which was branded "android" while in fact, it has less to do with android than you think. Most phones use android as base driver and main driver is the company\'s own overlay (touchwiz, sense, lg ui, etc)... That\'s not android you experienced my little buddy. If you want to know how an android phone works, you should really only be using nexus devices since they are the only ones true vanilla android phones. The rest, that call their phones android phones, are just deluting people into buying something "common" and something they already know. Imagine how confused people would be if every company decided to advertise with their own ui overlay/main user os version, people would think it\'s another os with own store and doubt if all the apps are there and how good the device works with that "touchwiz"... Don\'t talk before you know what you\'re talking about! Peace out 😎', '>>{C02JN1LHDKQ1} : You\'ve been able to side load apps on iOS for years. I believe for as long as the App Store has existed. Please stop spreading misinformation about "not being able to" because that\'s completely wrong.', ">>{MarvelsBlackCat} : > Oh and if battery is an issue, get an external one. Yea you'll probably look goofy, but who has the badass jailbroken iPhone in their pocket? That's right. You do. The 5000mah packs are pretty skinny. The Xiaomi, for example, is about the size of my iPhone 6S. Fits in the pocket very nicely. Get a short cable and you can charge on the go. I don't see it possible that someone could burn both the iPhone battery and a 5000mah in one day. So battery trouble should be negated.", '>>{MarvelsBlackCat} : I think they are referring to have widgets on the homescreen, not in the Notification Center.', ">>{Jefundhe} : Well, since you took the effort to write out that long tirade about how I don't know what android is, and tried to be edgy by calling me little buddy, I will grace your rant with a reply. Android is the operating system. Just because a phone uses an overlay, or skin, that does not change the core operating system. It's still an android. And I would never suggest a nexus to anyone. It's boring. It has no extra features that make it unique. It's never been known for its camera or battery or build quality. It's only advantage is no bloat ware and fast updates. And you can get those with iPhone. The op said he doesn't care much for the features that you think make android superior, so what's stopping him? You are the real fanboy here mate. EDIT: And you say he *needs* features and freedom, what are you, his mother?", '>>{mayaisme} : Op! Come quickly! People are fighting over u *grabs popcorn*', ">>{evilkitty69} : I'm on iOS and planning to escape to Android again as rapidly as possible, I'm now fed up. I lasted about 6 months happy with an iPhone, now I'm planning to buy a one plus 3 If you value your freedom and want any type of customisation, value downloading from external sources and having control over how your phone looks, you will begin to hate iOS once the novelty factor wears off. Personally I wouldn't recommend an iPrison, Android gives you more for your money and lots more freedom Also, root solutions are always around for Android, jailbreak for iPhone drops about once in a blue moon and even so you can't do anywhere near as much with it as with root", '>>{tricknasty9} : Yea sorry about that. I meant on the lock screen and home screen, similar to androids. Hell, I can even make my phone look and respond exactly like an android if I wanted.', '>>{imadeofwax} : Just to add Pocket Casts is available on iOS and just went through a huge update! It might be cross platform syncing, I\'m not sure. I use Overcasts and it\'s really really popular. As for the torrents I use a side loaded app called "iTransmission" this isn\'t available on the normal App Store, I\'ve had to connect to my mac and essentially use a free developer account to be able to have non App Store apps on my iPhone. I also have gameboy emulators. It\'s something worth googling if you are interested', ">>{winphan} : You'll hate the fact that battery isn't removable. So your phone basically has an expiration date as batteries work best for only 1.5 year or so", ">>{elpadrin0} : >Reddit? Most apps are being killed off the AppStore This isn't remotely true at all.", ">>{Harryhitman22} : I don't really know what he is talking about, get narwhal. Easily the best client for reddit", '>>{mrchokabich} : So recently i switched back to iPhone 6s+ coming from Samsung note4, it was easy and smooth transaction, I love the way the iPhone operates smoothly compared to the note, I contemplated waiting for the note 7 but seeing and using the iPhone made me want to pick it up right away, it does everything I need it to and am use to on the android.', ">>{fist_taco} : I'm with you. Been pretty miserable with my iPhone 6 plus. I will probably get the Note 7 unless the Nexus is good enough for my needs.", ">>{hanamihoshi} : I don't use all the apps you use but I just wanted to say that I'd never used an Apple product safe for an ipod. I used android smart phones for maybe 5, 6 years? When iPhone 6s came along, I was somehow convinced by a friend to switch to it. I did, and I love my new iphone. It's got everything I need, and is very easy to use despite initial fears if not being able to adapt to it. The interface is sleek and user-friendly. I like it better than android.", ">>{hanamihoshi} : My thoughts exactly. There's something about iOS that's sleek and smooth. I was a long time android user before I got iphone 6s. The transition was surprisingly fuss free.", ">>{luqman_sha} : Well I've asked on this sub what apps they used for Reddit, and one particular app keeps being mentioned named Alien Blue. But it was killed off the app store and only the iPad version was still there? Battery issues is I guess only for the 6S. The battery is smaller than the 6 and roughly the same as the SE. The SE however powers a smaller screen so it has better than that of the 6S, that some say, it's as good as the 6S+. Waiting for the 7 is a good choice though! If you don't like what you see, the 6S and 6S+ would drop it's prices!", ">>{luqman_sha} : Forgive me about this. As I did say, I am new to iOS as >I've been using android for the past 7 years All I know is the only way to install apps is through the app store, unlike android where you could just install an apk and it works. Thanks for the info btw, I'll look into how to sideload apps onto my iPhone", '>>{C02JN1LHDKQ1} : > unlike android where you could just install an apk and it works. It works the same way on iOS. You would just have to trust the code signing cert by clicking Yes on the pop-up you get while installing the app.', '>>{luqman_sha} : But these apps have to be cracked first by an "unknown developer" am I right? Do you have a link to one I could try out? Like what do I search up to find these apps? I could just google an apk. Do I google for an ipa for iPhone apps?', ">>{C02JN1LHDKQ1} : It sounds like you're talking about pirating apps, which is stealing. iPhone users generally aren't poor like Android users so we don't have a need for this.", '>>{FailedPotatoSeed} : Exactly my point. You have no idea what android is. Regards from a custom rom builder/developer.', ">>{OptionalCookie} : https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/4kje0j/anyone_switched_from_android_recently/d3fxrg2?context=3 I made this post a while ago. Don't get me wrong, I have an iPhone 6S 64GB now, but it really isn't the same. I'd prefer an Android as my day to day phone, but not some low end android.", ">>{OptionalCookie} : > Don't get the 6S though if battery is a concern. The battery is smaller than that of the 6 That explains a lot. Swapped with my dad for his 6s. Gave him my 6. Wondered why I was at 70% in the evening instead of the 80% I'd have when I had the 6...", ">>{uncashregistered} : Many high end Android phones are more expensive than iPhones. You seem like the type of person that looks down on anyone who uses something other than what's mainstream because you feel superior. iPhones aren't god phones, get off your high horse and educate yourself a bit.", ">>{swskeptic} : Thank you for sharing this. I think I'll probably stick with Android for now unfortunately :(", ">>{swskeptic} : Wish you hadn't gotten downvoted so hard, this is totally true. My original Note 4 battery started dying on me almost exactly 1.5 years after I got it. That's why I got the larger Anker battery. That shit is soooo nice. EDIT: That being said, I'd be open to getting a battery case like the Mophie case or something so that's not a total deal breaker.", ">>{OptionalCookie} : Tbh, for me, it is really the file manager thing that hurts me. A few times a month, Verizon does work on the FIOS cables underground, so I lose home internet service. When I had an Android (HTC) as my primary device, that didn't stop me from being able to upload and download files b/c it has a file manager. I could just connect the USB cable, drag and drop regardless of the file type or extension, and upload to my email from the same file manager. I can't do that with an iPhone. I have to (and luckily, I get this free from my carrier) hotspot with my Galaxy Note5, and then use the Note5 as I did the HTC. If I want to add an attachment to an email from the iPhone that isn't a picture, the item has to be stored in Google Drive/iCloud Drive first, which makes no sense if I have no internet in the first place. Sorry to deter you D:", '>>{OptionalCookie} : > Many high end Android phones are more expensive than iPhones. The s7 edge is $709 for the 64gb version. The iPhone 6s is $749 for the 64gb version.', ">>{luqman_sha} : Then what do you even mean by side loading apps? If possible I do wanna try out Alien Blue which was already removed from the app store. And yes, fyi, I've been buying all my apps and paying in app purchases the past month. Your statement is just plain rude. And in case you didn't realise, most people got an iPhone because they're low in cash. Because iPhones could last for a long time so they don't have to upgrade every 2 years. I've seen friends still walking around with their 4S and 5.", ">>{anotherbrokephotog} : I just jumped from a GS6 -> iphone SE for a medical device and I have loved the phone in the 4 days I've owned it. Feels well built. I hate the facebook application in android and iphone, so i just use the mobile site. On android, when you try to open messages, it forces you to install messenger, which I don't want to do. On iOS 10, it allows me to send/read my messages, so that's a win. Reddit - I honestly have only used the mobile reddit site from my phone a couple of times. Netflix works great on iphone. HBO now works fine. Gmail apps have worked great, as I don't have any apple e-mail accounts. I use google play music, and that works just fine. Basically - I don't think it's going to drive oyu nuts at all. I use windows for work, but had to jump to the iphone for a medical device. Not missing android yet.", '>>{FailedPotatoSeed} : Issues snotty nose?? If I wrote "any smartass loudmouth want to get their ass kicked", you probably wouldn\'t be so loud would you? Nof piss off imbecile!', ">>{C02JN1LHDKQ1} : App developer tries to post their app in the app store. Apple rejects it. Developer makes their app available outside the app store for people to side load. This is possible. I'm not here to discuss pirating software.", '>>{corgtastic} : Alienblue was one Reddit app that was popular. The creator was hired by Reddit to make an official app, and shortly after he launched the new app, he pulled the old one.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{swskeptic} : Thinking of upgrading to iPhone 7 from Note 4. Been with Android since almost the very beginning. Will I totally hate my life if I change over?', ">>{FailedPotatoSeed} : It's pointless for you. No widgets, no direct downloads. It'll be pretty much a downgrade for you if you're used to freedom to do whatever you want on android.", ">>{cliffr39} : It will be very different. You can still direct download PDF, but not sure there is a way to do torrents without jailbreaking (I don't do them so never looked into it). If you are open minded you will be ok after a short transition. If you are one of those people that don't like change it will be a struggle.", '>>{mayaisme} : For best battery life I\'d suggest getting the plus version, you won\'t be disappointed. You can have a weather widget in the notification center, accessible from anywhere. For music controls and flashlight it\'s just a matter of swiping up the control center, again accessible from anywhere. All the apps you listed are available and excellent on ios, except for the Reddit and podcasts ones. But there are a few good alternatives. For PDFs you can simply click the "open in iBooks" prompt when you\'ve opened one, and it will automatically download and be available from there. Sorry I don\'t know about torrents.', ">>{swskeptic} : I mean I'd be open minded to not having those available. Is there nothing similar available? I don't really keep up with the iOS/iPhone stuff so I'm not even really sure what's out there, which is why I posted here. Thanks for the reply!", ">>{swskeptic} : Well I'm definitely open minded to switching over. Downloading files directly isn't something I do every single day, especially with torrents, so I can live without that I suppose.", '>>{swskeptic} : Wow thanks, this is exactly the kind of info I was looking for! What about music management? I hear a lot of negativity about iTunes, especially on Windows... Is it really that bad?', ">>{mayaisme} : I also use iTunes on Windows. Yes, it's tedious, but it works. It's just not something you'll want to use everyday", '>>{hweng} : You can have a weather widget in the notification center. Torrenting and widgets on your homescreen/lockscreen are only possible with a jailbreak. And since the 7 will ship with iOS 10 it will be a while before a jailbreak comes out.', ">>{swskeptic} : Ideally I wouldn't. Currently I have all of my music uploaded to Google Music and just stream it from there, however I find it incredibly buggy when trying to upload new music. Is there an option like that for iTunes/iPhone?", ">>{swskeptic} : That's okay, I can wait. The torrents thing is like... bottom of the list of things I care about being able to do.", ">>{luqman_sha} : I've been using android for the past 7 years, and I was on the same boat as you about 2 months ago. The thing that kept me away from iOS was not able to have the freedom to download anything from the net like I did with android, until I went ahead and did some research and found an app called Documents 5, which brings this functionality to iOS. So basically you get that functionality to download documents from the net again. Torrenting is impossible on iOS without jailbreak, but I've never torrented on my android either, since I prefer to torrent on the pc instead. Reddit? Most apps are being killed off the App Store, so your best option for a Reddit app is the official Reddit app itself. I missed Now For Reddit on Android, but I've learnt to live with the official app the past month. Battery life on iOS... If you were to get the SE or 6S+, it could last you a whole day. Don't get the 6S though if battery is a concern. The battery is smaller than that of the 6 and almost the same to the SE except the SE powers a smaller screen, so you'll get more juice out of the SE or 6S+ compared to the 6S. Other than that, I think you're good to go! Welcome to iOS", '>>{swskeptic} : Hey thanks for the informative reply, I really appreciate it! What do you mean about reddit apps being "killed off" in the app store? I hadn\'t heard of that. I\'ll be waiting for the 7 anyways, but thanks for letting me know about the battery issues with the 6 models.', ">>{FailedPotatoSeed} : You seem pretty much to have decided what you want, so, why second thoughts? Even if you get it and don't like after a while, you can get your money back by selling it. I've used my iPhone 6 almist 2 years now, paid 600€, being offered 550€ from people on listed advert pages here. You're not losing any money if that's one of your gripes.", ">>{swskeptic} : Well not really. Like I said, I've never really used iOS much, at least not for many years, and I wanted to make sure there wasn't anything major that I would run into if I upgraded. I like to make the most informed decision possible and I figured you guys would be the best people to ask!", ">>{tricknasty9} : Widgets are possible on a jailbroken phone. I'd say get the phone shortly after it gets out and don't update. Pangu or taig will likely have a tool shortly after its released. Personally I have a 6s on the latest jailbreak-able iOS version and love it. Cydia takes some getting used to, but that's what r/jailbreak is for. Oh and if battery is an issue, get an external one. Yea you'll probably look goofy, but who has the badass jailbroken iPhone in their pocket? That's right. You do.", ">>{swskeptic} : > Yea you'll probably look goofy, but who has the badass jailbroken iPhone in their pocket? That's right. You do. lol fair enough. Thanks for the input. I've never been a fan of external battery packs and I don't like the idea of a sealed in battery but I guess I'd be willing to give it a shot.", ">>{swskeptic} : So if I'm reading things correctly it's $10 per month to be able to uplaod my music and stream it? Not criticizing, just making sure I've got it straight. Thanks.", ">>{FailedPotatoSeed} : But you're swiping away any info that you found important and now less important? Look, on an iPhone you can use core features with no adding/modding/customizing. Calling, texting, surfing, all that standard shabam. Installing APK files outside the store doesn't work. Having a weather widget in the status bar is ok, but nothing like android, even though apple ass kissers would name it the best thing ever launched since the first rocket launch to the moon (you'll have to be able to distinguish difference between uninformed fanboys and unbiased users). You can't really do much with ios. Nothing in fact. You can't even have your own toggles or independent volume settings per app/sound/function, it's all or nothing all the way. I've been using ios for 3 years now after using android since it released and I'm going back as soon as the new nexus 6 iteration is out.", ">>{swskeptic} : That's really a shame. I'd really like to switch over but I was afraid it would be a little too locked down.", ">>{tricknasty9} : I mainly use my phone at work, not being tied to a wall is great. Best $10 I've spent. I just have the battery in one pocket, the cord running through my belt loop to my phone in my other pocket.", ">>{FailedPotatoSeed} : It's a complete lock down... Every 3rd party system app you can download (chrome, keyboard etc) are just reskinned apple API' with a few tweaks here and there that really doesn't offer much stability.", ">>{Jefundhe} : Why are u discouraging him though? You tried it and hated it, he might try it and love it. I was an android user for years and I can't imagine going back to that mess. To me, iOS is miles better. Not in features, but in performance and reliability.", ">>{twhmike} : If you wanna upload your own music, don't use Apple Music! Use iTunes Match. It's only 25 for a year of service and works great for me. The storage limit it is also something insanely high. And you can use it across multiple devices if you ever get any. http://www.apple.com/itunes/itunes-match/", '>>{FailedPotatoSeed} : He needs features and freedom. I\'m not discouraging him (read my comment prior to the last one). I\'m telling him how it is. If it sounds discouraging to you, you might rethink what you really think about ios, because I was being purely honest. I don\'t know what you call android, but judging from you fanboyness, I\'d say you had some budget branded phone which was branded "android" while in fact, it has less to do with android than you think. Most phones use android as base driver and main driver is the company\'s own overlay (touchwiz, sense, lg ui, etc)... That\'s not android you experienced my little buddy. If you want to know how an android phone works, you should really only be using nexus devices since they are the only ones true vanilla android phones. The rest, that call their phones android phones, are just deluting people into buying something "common" and something they already know. Imagine how confused people would be if every company decided to advertise with their own ui overlay/main user os version, people would think it\'s another os with own store and doubt if all the apps are there and how good the device works with that "touchwiz"... Don\'t talk before you know what you\'re talking about! Peace out 😎', '>>{C02JN1LHDKQ1} : You\'ve been able to side load apps on iOS for years. I believe for as long as the App Store has existed. Please stop spreading misinformation about "not being able to" because that\'s completely wrong.', ">>{MarvelsBlackCat} : > Oh and if battery is an issue, get an external one. Yea you'll probably look goofy, but who has the badass jailbroken iPhone in their pocket? That's right. You do. The 5000mah packs are pretty skinny. The Xiaomi, for example, is about the size of my iPhone 6S. Fits in the pocket very nicely. Get a short cable and you can charge on the go. I don't see it possible that someone could burn both the iPhone battery and a 5000mah in one day. So battery trouble should be negated.", '>>{MarvelsBlackCat} : I think they are referring to have widgets on the homescreen, not in the Notification Center.', ">>{Jefundhe} : Well, since you took the effort to write out that long tirade about how I don't know what android is, and tried to be edgy by calling me little buddy, I will grace your rant with a reply. Android is the operating system. Just because a phone uses an overlay, or skin, that does not change the core operating system. It's still an android. And I would never suggest a nexus to anyone. It's boring. It has no extra features that make it unique. It's never been known for its camera or battery or build quality. It's only advantage is no bloat ware and fast updates. And you can get those with iPhone. The op said he doesn't care much for the features that you think make android superior, so what's stopping him? You are the real fanboy here mate. EDIT: And you say he *needs* features and freedom, what are you, his mother?", '>>{mayaisme} : Op! Come quickly! People are fighting over u *grabs popcorn*', ">>{evilkitty69} : I'm on iOS and planning to escape to Android again as rapidly as possible, I'm now fed up. I lasted about 6 months happy with an iPhone, now I'm planning to buy a one plus 3 If you value your freedom and want any type of customisation, value downloading from external sources and having control over how your phone looks, you will begin to hate iOS once the novelty factor wears off. Personally I wouldn't recommend an iPrison, Android gives you more for your money and lots more freedom Also, root solutions are always around for Android, jailbreak for iPhone drops about once in a blue moon and even so you can't do anywhere near as much with it as with root", '>>{tricknasty9} : Yea sorry about that. I meant on the lock screen and home screen, similar to androids. Hell, I can even make my phone look and respond exactly like an android if I wanted.', '>>{imadeofwax} : Just to add Pocket Casts is available on iOS and just went through a huge update! It might be cross platform syncing, I\'m not sure. I use Overcasts and it\'s really really popular. As for the torrents I use a side loaded app called "iTransmission" this isn\'t available on the normal App Store, I\'ve had to connect to my mac and essentially use a free developer account to be able to have non App Store apps on my iPhone. I also have gameboy emulators. It\'s something worth googling if you are interested', ">>{winphan} : You'll hate the fact that battery isn't removable. So your phone basically has an expiration date as batteries work best for only 1.5 year or so", ">>{elpadrin0} : >Reddit? Most apps are being killed off the AppStore This isn't remotely true at all.", ">>{Harryhitman22} : I don't really know what he is talking about, get narwhal. Easily the best client for reddit", '>>{mrchokabich} : So recently i switched back to iPhone 6s+ coming from Samsung note4, it was easy and smooth transaction, I love the way the iPhone operates smoothly compared to the note, I contemplated waiting for the note 7 but seeing and using the iPhone made me want to pick it up right away, it does everything I need it to and am use to on the android.', ">>{fist_taco} : I'm with you. Been pretty miserable with my iPhone 6 plus. I will probably get the Note 7 unless the Nexus is good enough for my needs.", ">>{hanamihoshi} : I don't use all the apps you use but I just wanted to say that I'd never used an Apple product safe for an ipod. I used android smart phones for maybe 5, 6 years? When iPhone 6s came along, I was somehow convinced by a friend to switch to it. I did, and I love my new iphone. It's got everything I need, and is very easy to use despite initial fears if not being able to adapt to it. The interface is sleek and user-friendly. I like it better than android.", ">>{hanamihoshi} : My thoughts exactly. There's something about iOS that's sleek and smooth. I was a long time android user before I got iphone 6s. The transition was surprisingly fuss free.", ">>{luqman_sha} : Well I've asked on this sub what apps they used for Reddit, and one particular app keeps being mentioned named Alien Blue. But it was killed off the app store and only the iPad version was still there? Battery issues is I guess only for the 6S. The battery is smaller than the 6 and roughly the same as the SE. The SE however powers a smaller screen so it has better than that of the 6S, that some say, it's as good as the 6S+. Waiting for the 7 is a good choice though! If you don't like what you see, the 6S and 6S+ would drop it's prices!", ">>{luqman_sha} : Forgive me about this. As I did say, I am new to iOS as >I've been using android for the past 7 years All I know is the only way to install apps is through the app store, unlike android where you could just install an apk and it works. Thanks for the info btw, I'll look into how to sideload apps onto my iPhone", '>>{C02JN1LHDKQ1} : > unlike android where you could just install an apk and it works. It works the same way on iOS. You would just have to trust the code signing cert by clicking Yes on the pop-up you get while installing the app.', '>>{luqman_sha} : But these apps have to be cracked first by an "unknown developer" am I right? Do you have a link to one I could try out? Like what do I search up to find these apps? I could just google an apk. Do I google for an ipa for iPhone apps?', ">>{C02JN1LHDKQ1} : It sounds like you're talking about pirating apps, which is stealing. iPhone users generally aren't poor like Android users so we don't have a need for this.", '>>{FailedPotatoSeed} : Exactly my point. You have no idea what android is. Regards from a custom rom builder/developer.', ">>{OptionalCookie} : https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/4kje0j/anyone_switched_from_android_recently/d3fxrg2?context=3 I made this post a while ago. Don't get me wrong, I have an iPhone 6S 64GB now, but it really isn't the same. I'd prefer an Android as my day to day phone, but not some low end android.", ">>{OptionalCookie} : > Don't get the 6S though if battery is a concern. The battery is smaller than that of the 6 That explains a lot. Swapped with my dad for his 6s. Gave him my 6. Wondered why I was at 70% in the evening instead of the 80% I'd have when I had the 6...", ">>{uncashregistered} : Many high end Android phones are more expensive than iPhones. You seem like the type of person that looks down on anyone who uses something other than what's mainstream because you feel superior. iPhones aren't god phones, get off your high horse and educate yourself a bit.", ">>{swskeptic} : Thank you for sharing this. I think I'll probably stick with Android for now unfortunately :(", ">>{swskeptic} : Wish you hadn't gotten downvoted so hard, this is totally true. My original Note 4 battery started dying on me almost exactly 1.5 years after I got it. That's why I got the larger Anker battery. That shit is soooo nice. EDIT: That being said, I'd be open to getting a battery case like the Mophie case or something so that's not a total deal breaker.", ">>{OptionalCookie} : Tbh, for me, it is really the file manager thing that hurts me. A few times a month, Verizon does work on the FIOS cables underground, so I lose home internet service. When I had an Android (HTC) as my primary device, that didn't stop me from being able to upload and download files b/c it has a file manager. I could just connect the USB cable, drag and drop regardless of the file type or extension, and upload to my email from the same file manager. I can't do that with an iPhone. I have to (and luckily, I get this free from my carrier) hotspot with my Galaxy Note5, and then use the Note5 as I did the HTC. If I want to add an attachment to an email from the iPhone that isn't a picture, the item has to be stored in Google Drive/iCloud Drive first, which makes no sense if I have no internet in the first place. Sorry to deter you D:", '>>{OptionalCookie} : > Many high end Android phones are more expensive than iPhones. The s7 edge is $709 for the 64gb version. The iPhone 6s is $749 for the 64gb version.', ">>{luqman_sha} : Then what do you even mean by side loading apps? If possible I do wanna try out Alien Blue which was already removed from the app store. And yes, fyi, I've been buying all my apps and paying in app purchases the past month. Your statement is just plain rude. And in case you didn't realise, most people got an iPhone because they're low in cash. Because iPhones could last for a long time so they don't have to upgrade every 2 years. I've seen friends still walking around with their 4S and 5.", ">>{anotherbrokephotog} : I just jumped from a GS6 -> iphone SE for a medical device and I have loved the phone in the 4 days I've owned it. Feels well built. I hate the facebook application in android and iphone, so i just use the mobile site. On android, when you try to open messages, it forces you to install messenger, which I don't want to do. On iOS 10, it allows me to send/read my messages, so that's a win. Reddit - I honestly have only used the mobile reddit site from my phone a couple of times. Netflix works great on iphone. HBO now works fine. Gmail apps have worked great, as I don't have any apple e-mail accounts. I use google play music, and that works just fine. Basically - I don't think it's going to drive oyu nuts at all. I use windows for work, but had to jump to the iphone for a medical device. Not missing android yet.", '>>{FailedPotatoSeed} : Issues snotty nose?? If I wrote "any smartass loudmouth want to get their ass kicked", you probably wouldn\'t be so loud would you? Nof piss off imbecile!', ">>{C02JN1LHDKQ1} : App developer tries to post their app in the app store. Apple rejects it. Developer makes their app available outside the app store for people to side load. This is possible. I'm not here to discuss pirating software.", '>>{corgtastic} : Alienblue was one Reddit app that was popular. The creator was hired by Reddit to make an official app, and shortly after he launched the new app, he pulled the old one.']]
classify and reply
['>>{alonitzhaky} : Does your iPhone charge when you plug it into a MacBook?', '>>{ace101boss} : Yes my Macbook Pro charges my phone faster than a laptop PC will. Im guessing your cable is faulty, or the USB port is not supplying enough power to charge it in which case you might be able to take it to the apple store and have them repair it.', '>>{LittleMaxS} : Is the lid closed when you plug it in? I often find that I need to wake my rMBP from sleep before it starts to charge my phone. Guessing it might be a power saving function of sorts', ">>{alonitzhaky} : I got a MacAir and I erased the drive, reinstalled the OS and I have 3 apps (Pages, Keynote and Numbers) and maybe 25 GB of Data. It won't charge no matter what and I'm out of warranty.", '>>{alonitzhaky} : I literally switch the ports, unplug and plug in like 2-3 times before it can actually charge and it charges at 500 MA (depressing I know)', '>>{Kulimeya} : Yes there are some confusing powersaving things. What I found out: -If MacBook is plugged in, you can charge your phone. -If MacBook is not plugged in, you have to open and close the lid after connecting your phone. -If MacBook is under (I think) 50% battery, you have to let the lid open. If you close it, it will stop after some minutes.', '>>{alonitzhaky} : Even when I\'m charging the MacBook and plug in my iPhone, it still won\'t work. It has a tendency of this "stroke" issue: conflicts between charging and not charging. Even if I have 100% it doesn\'t work properly. Edit: Tried SMC reset and still no changes.', ">>{SlighMD} : Yep, my iPhone charges when connected to my Air. The same with my daughter's iPad, also charges when connected to the MBA", ">>{itchy_cat} : Mine charges fine as well, lid open and closed, MagSafe connected or disconnected. You should try other devices that draw power from USB to see if the problem is with the laptop or the cable/iPhone. It's probably the Mac, though.", ">>{examinati0n} : Have you tried another cable? It sounds like how my cables have gone in the past when they need replaced. I've only ever had the official cable and thats what happens, constant reading / non reading. I can't say much for charging since I rarely do it but if there's an issue with your cable there's a chance its restricting power flow to the phone.", '>>{curxxx} : My iP6+, while it takes exponentially longer, does charge at a stable rate.', ">>{examinati0n} : You could try a third party cable, once its MFI Certified. I've never used one but you can get cables that have a reinforced outer layer on them which better prevents damage to the inside. The initial cost would be greater but I've gone with the thinking that over time the cable makes back the money I'd otherwise spend on the Apple ones. If you search the sub you could find a post with recommendations. Its just another option to consider.", ">>{AlexTraner} : My iPad Air charges in myMacbook. And I only have a MacBook Air. Something isn't working right for you. :(", '>>{derekm323f} : This exact thing happened to a friend of mine. He bought a new genuine cable and had his Mac checked and it was fine. In the end it was the Lightning port on his phone. One of the 8 pins was broken. The one used to charge via laptop. He could charge no problem from wall outlet. Tried my phone on his Mac with no issues.', ">>{alonitzhaky} : Thanks for bringing this to my attention! I'll get my phone checked and see maybe if the lightning port."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{alonitzhaky} : Does your iPhone charge when you plug it into a MacBook?', '>>{ace101boss} : Yes my Macbook Pro charges my phone faster than a laptop PC will. Im guessing your cable is faulty, or the USB port is not supplying enough power to charge it in which case you might be able to take it to the apple store and have them repair it.', '>>{LittleMaxS} : Is the lid closed when you plug it in? I often find that I need to wake my rMBP from sleep before it starts to charge my phone. Guessing it might be a power saving function of sorts', ">>{alonitzhaky} : I got a MacAir and I erased the drive, reinstalled the OS and I have 3 apps (Pages, Keynote and Numbers) and maybe 25 GB of Data. It won't charge no matter what and I'm out of warranty.", '>>{alonitzhaky} : I literally switch the ports, unplug and plug in like 2-3 times before it can actually charge and it charges at 500 MA (depressing I know)', '>>{Kulimeya} : Yes there are some confusing powersaving things. What I found out: -If MacBook is plugged in, you can charge your phone. -If MacBook is not plugged in, you have to open and close the lid after connecting your phone. -If MacBook is under (I think) 50% battery, you have to let the lid open. If you close it, it will stop after some minutes.', '>>{alonitzhaky} : Even when I\'m charging the MacBook and plug in my iPhone, it still won\'t work. It has a tendency of this "stroke" issue: conflicts between charging and not charging. Even if I have 100% it doesn\'t work properly. Edit: Tried SMC reset and still no changes.', ">>{SlighMD} : Yep, my iPhone charges when connected to my Air. The same with my daughter's iPad, also charges when connected to the MBA", ">>{itchy_cat} : Mine charges fine as well, lid open and closed, MagSafe connected or disconnected. You should try other devices that draw power from USB to see if the problem is with the laptop or the cable/iPhone. It's probably the Mac, though.", ">>{examinati0n} : Have you tried another cable? It sounds like how my cables have gone in the past when they need replaced. I've only ever had the official cable and thats what happens, constant reading / non reading. I can't say much for charging since I rarely do it but if there's an issue with your cable there's a chance its restricting power flow to the phone.", '>>{curxxx} : My iP6+, while it takes exponentially longer, does charge at a stable rate.', ">>{examinati0n} : You could try a third party cable, once its MFI Certified. I've never used one but you can get cables that have a reinforced outer layer on them which better prevents damage to the inside. The initial cost would be greater but I've gone with the thinking that over time the cable makes back the money I'd otherwise spend on the Apple ones. If you search the sub you could find a post with recommendations. Its just another option to consider.", ">>{AlexTraner} : My iPad Air charges in myMacbook. And I only have a MacBook Air. Something isn't working right for you. :(", '>>{derekm323f} : This exact thing happened to a friend of mine. He bought a new genuine cable and had his Mac checked and it was fine. In the end it was the Lightning port on his phone. One of the 8 pins was broken. The one used to charge via laptop. He could charge no problem from wall outlet. Tried my phone on his Mac with no issues.', ">>{alonitzhaky} : Thanks for bringing this to my attention! I'll get my phone checked and see maybe if the lightning port."]]
classify and reply
['>>{ericherren} : If you send the word "Congratulations" to an iOS 10 device via iMessage, it will automatically display the confetti animation.', ">>{nexiusdevil} : Hangouts has done this for years for various holiday wishes, etc. It's nothing new and a straight copy of Googles work. I find the animations to be annoying as hell. I'm not a 14yr girl like the iOS 10 message app badly wants me to be.", '>>{wildtouch} : any word if you will be able to turn this feature off?', ">>{tr0llallday} : It more than likely was a refurb. They don't have to replace it with a brand new unit. Unless your within your buyers remorse and request such.", '>>{California254} : Lenovo will preload Microsoft Office, Skype, and OneDrive on its Android devices', '>>{SparklesM8} : we want better batteries "lets just give them a battery-soaking animation instead"', ">>{MechanicalHorse} : NO NO NO NO NO. The last fucking thing I want is more fucking shit on my device. If I want those apps, I'll download them myself. Fuck off.", ">>{zachary87921} : Why would you, that sounds fantastic. I'm going to have so much fun spamming my contacts.", ">>{cjorgensen} : What, if like me, you hate this sort of stuff? I don't want futzy frilly crap. I don't want a funny Siri. I just want my computer or phone to do it what I tell it to do without cutesy animations and stupid jokes. Yes, I am a fun hater.", ">>{gw2master} : Since it's Lenovo, they'll probably preload some spyware as well.", ">>{Scithmal} : Odd. The man from the Apple Store said it was new, just in different packaging for replacements. I would hope they wouldn't lie...", '>>{dmartism} : So you got a new phone because the hiss? How bad is it?', ">>{Fourthdwarf} : Isn't that what the title is saying? ^/s", ">>{deliosenvy} : Man seems like every step Lenovo takes it fucks up it's name and brand more and more. It's Thinkpad series (IBM prior cca 2003?) has since 90's been the heavy weight champion. In quality even today there is no better PC the next best thing is leagues away. Since 90's it has been the only choice for engineers, astronauts, developers, chem/bio labs, medicine and military. You go to any top league industry/company and all you will see is Thinkpads everywhere. Go to Tesla, Oracle, Microsoft, Volksvagen Group, NASA, ESA, CERN etc.. even the default choice for ISS (space station). Out of some 100 developers in our company only 7 use Apple excluding designers which all for some reason use Apple PCs. But walk into any of the largest companies or top research centers/universities you will see what I mean. On top of the Ideapad bloatware/spyware crap they pull lots of these little moves while Thinkpad family receives little focus. Talk about not knowing where your worth is.", '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : Congratulations on being a dick. confetti ensues.', ">>{TheeBaconKing} : Usually replacement phones are refurbished phones, but they are practically new, look new and act new. I wouldn't be concerned at all. I've received one or two replacement phones.", ">>{tr0llallday} : Technically after it's been refurbished it's considered a new device. I had this issue with Verizon, they told me it was a new device and it wasn't. They kept sending me refurbished devices. Even though they were not refurbished. If their is no physical damage and the device turns on they do a reset and some minimal checks then send it out. I returned a phone and the same day it was received back in they sent it back out. They accidentally told me this when they said I didn't return my phone. Thank goodness I took a picture of the packing label they sent me and showed them the tracking. Any way I know you did this at he Apple Store but they can check a device and make sure it's ok to be sent back out.", ">>{Fluffybro_Jr} : The quality should be indistinguishable from one in a retail box. Apple also doesn't want used accessories or want to give another set of accessories when you already have them so they only replace the phone after 14 days. You can tell what type you have by going into Settings > general > about and look for the first letter of the model. N means replacement. F means refurbished. ~~R~~ M mean retail. Edit: Actually M is retail.", '>>{HandsomeAssNigga} : I have an F for my 7+ that I got on release 😒', ">>{FictionaI} : It definitely doesn't. Edit: Nevermind, saw the edit. Now the letters are correct.", ">>{amishdisco} : you really can't lose with this feature. ironic confetti just drives the point home.", ">>{Fluffybro_Jr} : That's weird. If you got it in a retail box, it should have been M. It could have just had a minor problem like a scratch and they refurbished it with a new exterior.", '>>{paulzy} : Newsflash: They are marketing to 14 year old girls. iPhones are the new cigarettes.', '>>{overshoulderboulder} : Onedrive is the worst of them all. Great now my phone syncs with this clunky cloud shit that i didnt even choose. Because i didnt want to use Dropbox or Drive anyway', ">>{SMUsooner} : As a working adult, I'm glad iOS 10 is addressing my main needs. Larger emojis and confetti animations have been missing from the software for far too long.", '>>{viama} : The camera placement on that 3rd model, right above to the fingerprint sensor is just /r/CrappyDesign', '>>{haahaahaa} : Why is a company adding bloatware worthy of an article? I could see if these products normally cost money, but all 3 are free.', '>>{Trooper27} : Just tested it from Android to my iPhone. You get the confetti as well. Neat!', ">>{kizdog} : While I don't mind the imessage stuff (I have young kids, they'll get a kick out of it when I text them stuff like that) ... I really do hate the Siri jokes. I'd rather her sound more normal and more capable than the little quips she offers up when I ask he to do something. During the keynote, those quips after each search request got annoying.", '>>{HandsomeAssNigga} : Now that I checked my model is M. Lol. Thanks for clearing up, I was worried for a bit. My dumbass checked the serial number.', '>>{c0meary} : Happy new year works as well. I opened a text thread from someone and the last message was "Happy new year" and the animation began.', '>>{jgan96} : I have gotten refurbs before. Check here: https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Models', '>>{JPN2214} : What are you trying to say? That Lenovo should only do Thinkpads or something? Your post seems rather long winded for such a simple point.', '>>{sobri909} : WeChat and LINE have been doing this sort of thing for years.', '>>{JPN2214} : Because Lenovo doing it often leads to bad experiences.', ">>{Scithmal} : My model says N. does that mean it's made just for replacements?", '>>{benrichi_} : Have you been able to use iOS 10 without any real issues? In other words, could I use it on my only phone?', ">>{Scithmal} : It used to hiss a ton at any point. This new one hisses a little but not that bad as the other so I'm not bothering to replace it.", ">>{hawkeyebomb1} : I feel like they expect me to be exited about pre-loaded non-removable software... I'm not.", '>>{ocelot67} : Some apps crash pretty frequently. Facebook has been hit or miss for me.', '>>{BlueVelvetFrank} : Unfortunately the Lenovo brand has really aligned itself with the idea of "work" for the average consumer.', ">>{i_shirt_u_not} : I don't think it was long at all. Maybe you should look up speed reading if it's an issue.", '>>{JPN2214} : Hey hey come on now. I was merely wondering why the anit-apple portion was necessary.', '>>{benrichi_} : Would you recommend using it now then, or waiting for the public release?', '>>{lolroflqwerty} : Yes! I can\'t wait to send "Nobody cares" messages with the confetti animation 😂', '>>{mistermagicman} : Hopefully public beta is better, I would wait until then', '>>{buttercup299} : This is ridiculous. What if I want to congratulate my boss on a new position? I want it to be a professional-sounding congratulations, not an emoji one.', '>>{clam_sloop_cumin} : Yeah, Craig looked downright embarrassed when she said "your filing is so styling".', ">>{pacdude} : Then email her, don't iMessage her. Also, get the stick outta your butt. It's a two-second animation.", '>>{Scithmal} : Yeah. Mainly am curious because I want to make sure my water proofing is as good as a new device. I assume with refurbished ones they tear the old water seal out and replace it..?', '>>{braindead_rebel} : Maybe it doesn\'t do it for "congrats"? Or misspell it on purpose, like "congradulations". There\'s a couple options! (I\'m fucking around if that wasn\'t obvious, hopefully this can be turned off).', ">>{Scithmal} : I'm mainly worried about the water seal for the water resistance. Do they replace the seals too? I don't want to get mine near water just incase it could be an old one.", '>>{speccyteccy} : Yesterday Skype turned (c) into a fucking coffee cup.', ">>{itsdavebr0} : I've noticed turning wifi off helps with the frequent crashes. (But I have no idea why)", ">>{tr0llallday} : If their is no physical damage to the phone I don't see why the seal would be bad too. If physical damage is present they more than likely send it out if it's something they cannot fix in store (I.E. cracked screen) or they have a big backlog.", ">>{kartoos} : 🎉🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 You said confetti? Let's emojify and animate that for you!", ">>{hagerty9009} : I mean, I wasn't planning on using Siri on my Mac anyways, the keynote just reinforced that conviction.", ">>{vswr} : COOPER What's your humor setting, Tars? TARS One hundred percent. COOPER Take it to seventy-five, please.", '>>{middlemanmark} : Then you just ignore it and carry on as you were before.', ">>{Njwest} : Mine says 'f' and I got mine delivered on launch", ">>{TheeBaconKing} : I don't know exactly what they do in terms of rebuilding, but I would personally be 100% confident with the product as if it was brand new.", ">>{_rodnii} : I tried to have mine replaced a while back for the same reason. I also got a refurb, and cosmetically it was fine, but it hissed even louder than the one I originally bought, so I sent the replacement back and I'm still with the original. It's barely noticeable on mine, fortunately.", '>>{jugalator} : I wonder if the features can be combined. What about the goatse ass captioned with "Congratulations!", and using the "Touch to unveil" feature? Like a troll bomb. With confetti.', ">>{Awsaim} : It's way longer than 2 seconds, probably like 6 seconds.", '>>{AnalogAccount} : Like it or not some are going to perceive this kind of stuff as being unprofessional. iMessage is used for *work* and play unlike LINE or WeChat which are primarily toys. I want the option to turn this stuff off.', ">>{Aa1979} : There is a workaround. Just roll your eyes, sigh, and continue about your day. Soon you'll be right back to complaining on the internet and shouting at clouds just like normal.", ">>{cjorgensen} : Except you can't ignore it. There it is, overstimulating an already overstimulated world.", '>>{cjorgensen} : Yeah, friend of mine says the same thing. He wants to take it to 200%. *"Hey, Asshole, you have a meeting."* Me, I want no personality at all.', '>>{cjorgensen} : I just want, *"Done,"* when I send a text, set a timer, make a meeting request, or ask for a game score. I have to admit it\'s an irrational hatred, but man, I hate it with a fucking passion. My phone is not my friend, it is not clever or funny, and I cringe when it tries. It\'s a tool like my hammer. I don\'t feel bad about hating it though. People say they love their phone, so I am entitled to hate Siri.', ">>{neburhdz} : I don't believe you, how sure are you?", '>>{boqeh} : Same. The suite of Facebook apps (except Instagram) have been throwing errors at me, but everything else is *surprisingly* solid for a first beta.', '>>{AlexTraner} : I think they exaggerated it since they only had a few interactions. But Siri having a personality will be nice. Besides "which father?" And listing three contacts for the same person even though I\'ve deleted the extras five times....', '>>{jocamero} : Underrated, hidden gem in this thread. You made me literally laugh out loud.', ">>{RyanOnymous} : wow, that's fucking great. But you still can't **bold**, *italicize*, ~~strikethrough~~ or any other kind of formatting? Good job.", ">>{biscuittt} : Get boring friends so they don't send them to you.", ">>{Jaw3000} : Agreed. I can't wait to write & act like a child again!", '>>{cjorgensen} : I am going to send everyone I know a dick pic with that invisible ink feature. PM my your number.', ">>{Jaw3000} : I'm the same way. I don't want to bedazzle and glitter my messages. What a waste of time, energy, and battery. I just care about the content - what the text actually says. I would rather Siri just give me the answer I want rather than trying to be cute and talkative.", '>>{cjorgensen} : I guess it wouldn\'t be so bad if it seemed more "adult." It does\'t swear. I bitches you out if you do. Moralistic prissy bitch. Just give me what I fucking ask for.', '>>{Comrade_Bender} : Confetti text messages....the pinnacle of creativity and innovation....', '>>{Comrade_Bender} : Facebook and Reddit are really hit or miss, but everything else is fine. YMMV', '>>{Comrade_Bender} : No? Not all of us want this stupid cutesy fun shit pushed on us. I should be able to send someone a text message without it exploding into enough glitter and ribbons to make Bozo jealous.', ">>{Jackpot777} : Glitter is like chaff for gaydar but in reverse. You throw it up and everyone thinks you're gay.", '>>{Poke493} : I hope that all this bullshit can be turned off.', '>>{leedmurdock} : I found a [couple more](https://youtu.be/Tu6Tu6Yj19Y).', '>>{whosgt} : They will almost certainly understand if all devices do it.', '>>{nexiusdevil} : I love how I got down voted for telling the truth. You guys are a bunch of Apple nut swinging bitches. I guess they can do no wrong even when making iMessage into a fucking AOL chat room.', '>>{lepontneuf} : I just got a "congrats" from my mom who hasn\'t updated yet for achieving something I\'m very excited about and confetti exploded and it was such a surprise and it was honestly amazing and matched the happiness I was feeling. Really nice! And then of course I had to get on reddit and talk about it like a nerd.', ">>{buttercup299} : Sure I would. We used to text about our schedule all the time. Only one email had ever been exchanged between us and that was to share a link from a desktop computer. Now I work elsewhere but keep in touch with people from my old workplace, so if he got a new job I'd know about it from them and texting would be the most appropriate way for me to congratulate him", ">>{FUCK_YOU_REDDIT_CUNT} : Apple are adding a new setting for Siri's personality * bubbly * dour * autist Guess which one you want"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{ericherren} : If you send the word "Congratulations" to an iOS 10 device via iMessage, it will automatically display the confetti animation.', ">>{nexiusdevil} : Hangouts has done this for years for various holiday wishes, etc. It's nothing new and a straight copy of Googles work. I find the animations to be annoying as hell. I'm not a 14yr girl like the iOS 10 message app badly wants me to be.", '>>{wildtouch} : any word if you will be able to turn this feature off?', '>>{SparklesM8} : we want better batteries "lets just give them a battery-soaking animation instead"', ">>{zachary87921} : Why would you, that sounds fantastic. I'm going to have so much fun spamming my contacts.", ">>{cjorgensen} : What, if like me, you hate this sort of stuff? I don't want futzy frilly crap. I don't want a funny Siri. I just want my computer or phone to do it what I tell it to do without cutesy animations and stupid jokes. Yes, I am a fun hater.", '>>{Mister_Kurtz} : Congratulations on being a dick. confetti ensues.', ">>{amishdisco} : you really can't lose with this feature. ironic confetti just drives the point home.", '>>{paulzy} : Newsflash: They are marketing to 14 year old girls. iPhones are the new cigarettes.', ">>{SMUsooner} : As a working adult, I'm glad iOS 10 is addressing my main needs. Larger emojis and confetti animations have been missing from the software for far too long.", '>>{Trooper27} : Just tested it from Android to my iPhone. You get the confetti as well. Neat!', ">>{kizdog} : While I don't mind the imessage stuff (I have young kids, they'll get a kick out of it when I text them stuff like that) ... I really do hate the Siri jokes. I'd rather her sound more normal and more capable than the little quips she offers up when I ask he to do something. During the keynote, those quips after each search request got annoying.", '>>{c0meary} : Happy new year works as well. I opened a text thread from someone and the last message was "Happy new year" and the animation began.', '>>{sobri909} : WeChat and LINE have been doing this sort of thing for years.', '>>{benrichi_} : Have you been able to use iOS 10 without any real issues? In other words, could I use it on my only phone?', '>>{ocelot67} : Some apps crash pretty frequently. Facebook has been hit or miss for me.', '>>{benrichi_} : Would you recommend using it now then, or waiting for the public release?', '>>{lolroflqwerty} : Yes! I can\'t wait to send "Nobody cares" messages with the confetti animation 😂', '>>{mistermagicman} : Hopefully public beta is better, I would wait until then', '>>{buttercup299} : This is ridiculous. What if I want to congratulate my boss on a new position? I want it to be a professional-sounding congratulations, not an emoji one.', '>>{clam_sloop_cumin} : Yeah, Craig looked downright embarrassed when she said "your filing is so styling".', ">>{pacdude} : Then email her, don't iMessage her. Also, get the stick outta your butt. It's a two-second animation.", '>>{braindead_rebel} : Maybe it doesn\'t do it for "congrats"? Or misspell it on purpose, like "congradulations". There\'s a couple options! (I\'m fucking around if that wasn\'t obvious, hopefully this can be turned off).', '>>{speccyteccy} : Yesterday Skype turned (c) into a fucking coffee cup.', ">>{itsdavebr0} : I've noticed turning wifi off helps with the frequent crashes. (But I have no idea why)", ">>{kartoos} : 🎉🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 You said confetti? Let's emojify and animate that for you!", ">>{hagerty9009} : I mean, I wasn't planning on using Siri on my Mac anyways, the keynote just reinforced that conviction.", ">>{vswr} : COOPER What's your humor setting, Tars? TARS One hundred percent. COOPER Take it to seventy-five, please.", '>>{middlemanmark} : Then you just ignore it and carry on as you were before.', '>>{jugalator} : I wonder if the features can be combined. What about the goatse ass captioned with "Congratulations!", and using the "Touch to unveil" feature? Like a troll bomb. With confetti.', ">>{Awsaim} : It's way longer than 2 seconds, probably like 6 seconds.", '>>{AnalogAccount} : Like it or not some are going to perceive this kind of stuff as being unprofessional. iMessage is used for *work* and play unlike LINE or WeChat which are primarily toys. I want the option to turn this stuff off.', ">>{Aa1979} : There is a workaround. Just roll your eyes, sigh, and continue about your day. Soon you'll be right back to complaining on the internet and shouting at clouds just like normal.", ">>{cjorgensen} : Except you can't ignore it. There it is, overstimulating an already overstimulated world.", '>>{cjorgensen} : Yeah, friend of mine says the same thing. He wants to take it to 200%. *"Hey, Asshole, you have a meeting."* Me, I want no personality at all.', '>>{cjorgensen} : I just want, *"Done,"* when I send a text, set a timer, make a meeting request, or ask for a game score. I have to admit it\'s an irrational hatred, but man, I hate it with a fucking passion. My phone is not my friend, it is not clever or funny, and I cringe when it tries. It\'s a tool like my hammer. I don\'t feel bad about hating it though. People say they love their phone, so I am entitled to hate Siri.', ">>{neburhdz} : I don't believe you, how sure are you?", '>>{boqeh} : Same. The suite of Facebook apps (except Instagram) have been throwing errors at me, but everything else is *surprisingly* solid for a first beta.', '>>{AlexTraner} : I think they exaggerated it since they only had a few interactions. But Siri having a personality will be nice. Besides "which father?" And listing three contacts for the same person even though I\'ve deleted the extras five times....', '>>{jocamero} : Underrated, hidden gem in this thread. You made me literally laugh out loud.', ">>{RyanOnymous} : wow, that's fucking great. But you still can't **bold**, *italicize*, ~~strikethrough~~ or any other kind of formatting? Good job.", ">>{biscuittt} : Get boring friends so they don't send them to you.", ">>{Jaw3000} : Agreed. I can't wait to write & act like a child again!", '>>{cjorgensen} : I am going to send everyone I know a dick pic with that invisible ink feature. PM my your number.', ">>{Jaw3000} : I'm the same way. I don't want to bedazzle and glitter my messages. What a waste of time, energy, and battery. I just care about the content - what the text actually says. I would rather Siri just give me the answer I want rather than trying to be cute and talkative.", '>>{cjorgensen} : I guess it wouldn\'t be so bad if it seemed more "adult." It does\'t swear. I bitches you out if you do. Moralistic prissy bitch. Just give me what I fucking ask for.', '>>{Comrade_Bender} : Confetti text messages....the pinnacle of creativity and innovation....', '>>{Comrade_Bender} : Facebook and Reddit are really hit or miss, but everything else is fine. YMMV', '>>{Comrade_Bender} : No? Not all of us want this stupid cutesy fun shit pushed on us. I should be able to send someone a text message without it exploding into enough glitter and ribbons to make Bozo jealous.', ">>{Jackpot777} : Glitter is like chaff for gaydar but in reverse. You throw it up and everyone thinks you're gay.", '>>{Poke493} : I hope that all this bullshit can be turned off.', '>>{leedmurdock} : I found a [couple more](https://youtu.be/Tu6Tu6Yj19Y).', '>>{whosgt} : They will almost certainly understand if all devices do it.', '>>{nexiusdevil} : I love how I got down voted for telling the truth. You guys are a bunch of Apple nut swinging bitches. I guess they can do no wrong even when making iMessage into a fucking AOL chat room.', '>>{lepontneuf} : I just got a "congrats" from my mom who hasn\'t updated yet for achieving something I\'m very excited about and confetti exploded and it was such a surprise and it was honestly amazing and matched the happiness I was feeling. Really nice! And then of course I had to get on reddit and talk about it like a nerd.', ">>{buttercup299} : Sure I would. We used to text about our schedule all the time. Only one email had ever been exchanged between us and that was to share a link from a desktop computer. Now I work elsewhere but keep in touch with people from my old workplace, so if he got a new job I'd know about it from them and texting would be the most appropriate way for me to congratulate him", ">>{FUCK_YOU_REDDIT_CUNT} : Apple are adding a new setting for Siri's personality * bubbly * dour * autist Guess which one you want"], [">>{tr0llallday} : It more than likely was a refurb. They don't have to replace it with a brand new unit. Unless your within your buyers remorse and request such.", ">>{Scithmal} : Odd. The man from the Apple Store said it was new, just in different packaging for replacements. I would hope they wouldn't lie...", '>>{dmartism} : So you got a new phone because the hiss? How bad is it?', ">>{TheeBaconKing} : Usually replacement phones are refurbished phones, but they are practically new, look new and act new. I wouldn't be concerned at all. I've received one or two replacement phones.", ">>{tr0llallday} : Technically after it's been refurbished it's considered a new device. I had this issue with Verizon, they told me it was a new device and it wasn't. They kept sending me refurbished devices. Even though they were not refurbished. If their is no physical damage and the device turns on they do a reset and some minimal checks then send it out. I returned a phone and the same day it was received back in they sent it back out. They accidentally told me this when they said I didn't return my phone. Thank goodness I took a picture of the packing label they sent me and showed them the tracking. Any way I know you did this at he Apple Store but they can check a device and make sure it's ok to be sent back out.", ">>{Fluffybro_Jr} : The quality should be indistinguishable from one in a retail box. Apple also doesn't want used accessories or want to give another set of accessories when you already have them so they only replace the phone after 14 days. You can tell what type you have by going into Settings > general > about and look for the first letter of the model. N means replacement. F means refurbished. ~~R~~ M mean retail. Edit: Actually M is retail.", '>>{HandsomeAssNigga} : I have an F for my 7+ that I got on release 😒', ">>{FictionaI} : It definitely doesn't. Edit: Nevermind, saw the edit. Now the letters are correct.", ">>{Fluffybro_Jr} : That's weird. If you got it in a retail box, it should have been M. It could have just had a minor problem like a scratch and they refurbished it with a new exterior.", '>>{HandsomeAssNigga} : Now that I checked my model is M. Lol. Thanks for clearing up, I was worried for a bit. My dumbass checked the serial number.', '>>{jgan96} : I have gotten refurbs before. Check here: https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Models', ">>{Scithmal} : My model says N. does that mean it's made just for replacements?", ">>{Scithmal} : It used to hiss a ton at any point. This new one hisses a little but not that bad as the other so I'm not bothering to replace it.", '>>{Scithmal} : Yeah. Mainly am curious because I want to make sure my water proofing is as good as a new device. I assume with refurbished ones they tear the old water seal out and replace it..?', ">>{Scithmal} : I'm mainly worried about the water seal for the water resistance. Do they replace the seals too? I don't want to get mine near water just incase it could be an old one.", ">>{tr0llallday} : If their is no physical damage to the phone I don't see why the seal would be bad too. If physical damage is present they more than likely send it out if it's something they cannot fix in store (I.E. cracked screen) or they have a big backlog.", ">>{Njwest} : Mine says 'f' and I got mine delivered on launch", ">>{TheeBaconKing} : I don't know exactly what they do in terms of rebuilding, but I would personally be 100% confident with the product as if it was brand new.", ">>{_rodnii} : I tried to have mine replaced a while back for the same reason. I also got a refurb, and cosmetically it was fine, but it hissed even louder than the one I originally bought, so I sent the replacement back and I'm still with the original. It's barely noticeable on mine, fortunately."], ['>>{California254} : Lenovo will preload Microsoft Office, Skype, and OneDrive on its Android devices', ">>{MechanicalHorse} : NO NO NO NO NO. The last fucking thing I want is more fucking shit on my device. If I want those apps, I'll download them myself. Fuck off.", ">>{gw2master} : Since it's Lenovo, they'll probably preload some spyware as well.", ">>{Fourthdwarf} : Isn't that what the title is saying? ^/s", ">>{deliosenvy} : Man seems like every step Lenovo takes it fucks up it's name and brand more and more. It's Thinkpad series (IBM prior cca 2003?) has since 90's been the heavy weight champion. In quality even today there is no better PC the next best thing is leagues away. Since 90's it has been the only choice for engineers, astronauts, developers, chem/bio labs, medicine and military. You go to any top league industry/company and all you will see is Thinkpads everywhere. Go to Tesla, Oracle, Microsoft, Volksvagen Group, NASA, ESA, CERN etc.. even the default choice for ISS (space station). Out of some 100 developers in our company only 7 use Apple excluding designers which all for some reason use Apple PCs. But walk into any of the largest companies or top research centers/universities you will see what I mean. On top of the Ideapad bloatware/spyware crap they pull lots of these little moves while Thinkpad family receives little focus. Talk about not knowing where your worth is.", '>>{overshoulderboulder} : Onedrive is the worst of them all. Great now my phone syncs with this clunky cloud shit that i didnt even choose. Because i didnt want to use Dropbox or Drive anyway', '>>{viama} : The camera placement on that 3rd model, right above to the fingerprint sensor is just /r/CrappyDesign', '>>{haahaahaa} : Why is a company adding bloatware worthy of an article? I could see if these products normally cost money, but all 3 are free.', '>>{JPN2214} : What are you trying to say? That Lenovo should only do Thinkpads or something? Your post seems rather long winded for such a simple point.', '>>{JPN2214} : Because Lenovo doing it often leads to bad experiences.', ">>{hawkeyebomb1} : I feel like they expect me to be exited about pre-loaded non-removable software... I'm not.", '>>{BlueVelvetFrank} : Unfortunately the Lenovo brand has really aligned itself with the idea of "work" for the average consumer.', ">>{i_shirt_u_not} : I don't think it was long at all. Maybe you should look up speed reading if it's an issue.", '>>{JPN2214} : Hey hey come on now. I was merely wondering why the anit-apple portion was necessary.']]
classify and reply
['>>{Philo1927} : Put one of these Plume pods in each room to blanket your home in Wi-Fi', '>>{NeilPoonHandler} : A GOP official at a town hall tried to argue Obamacare has death panels. It did not go well.', '>>{clarret} : Has numerous complaints citing backdoors and data mining in plume. So bear that in mind if you care about your data security.', ">>{breaking_fishcakes} : the older generations are like a buffet for this kind of shit. I really cannot keep up with the innocent security mistakes people around me make. I watched someone give up personal data to an obvious puppet account on facebook recently. I was like: aren't you already friends with this person? Why are you friending another person with the same name and profile pic, no friends, no wall posts. Its aggravating :)", '>>{Thaliur} : This is insane. for just a few € more, you can get a set of gigabit Powerline wifi uplinks that will not fight for channels, are secure on the Powerline *and* wireless side and an easy to use interface including access profiles, automatic configuration based on a (matching) preexisting router and a separate SSID for guest access. If you can live without the GBit connection (dropping the speed to ~300MBit/s, at least in our house, but across phases), you get a remote-controlled power socket.', '>>{breaking_fishcakes} : yowza. from the sidebar: **Keep discussions civil and respectful. Know your reddiquette!. Comments should be on-topic and contribute to the conversation.**', ">>{akjoltoy} : Can confirm. This device runs a bitcoin miner as well as acting as a backdoor for malicious exe's, which get run without the user's permission. It's a complete nightmare. Did I mention the miner runs on a local cpu? Not on the Plume itself. It just ferries the miner over, then your actual computer will devote cycles to mining that won't show up in your task manager.", '>>{balmergrl} : What a idiot, death panels are so 2011.', ">>{LoboDaTerra} : Ok children What a condescending asshole. They're not children, they're your bosses.", ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : Obamacare clearly has flaws. But that doesn't mean we should move backward. It could be the MOST important to aspect to pragmatically voting Hillary. She can work with congress and build on what we started. Long after she's gone, flaws and all, we'll have the healthcare foundation Obama started. We need to tackle this head on and Hillary has clearly shown its a priority. Good enough for me.", ">>{BloodQueef_McOral} : Can anyone explain what started the death panel rumor? I'm sure it has something to do with stuff like organ transplants and if you are above a certain age they are not worth doing, given the limited supply of organs and expenses related to it.", '>>{newbieveteran} : The health insurance model is laughably outdated, healthcare is a public good and should be treated as such.', ">>{19djafoij02} : Really, for profit healthcare only works when it's very regulated, like in Switzerland. Eventually, Obamacare or not, the US system was gonna collapse under its own weight and that of the drug lobbies, insurance lobbies, and hospital lobbies trying to extract blood from a stone.", ">>{jcargile242} : He's also a [racist & conspiracy theorist] (https://mobile.twitter.com/jcargile242/status/830834544886575105). Hell of a guy.", ">>{JaredWsSb} : I've spent the past ten minutes Googling to find anything I can about this, because holy crap that'd be a fantastic story to break, and I can't find a single source that backs any of these accusations, be they backdoors or bitcoin miners. I'd have to ask: if these really have so many issues, wouldn't even one of the outlets that got a review package notice it during their tests, and mention it in the article? And if they are doing this, then they're definitely not forthcoming in their ToS. They're very explicitly against data mining and collection in the privacy policy.", ">>{JaredWsSb} : Seriously interested in this. Do you have any additional information on the bitcoin miner? I haven't had any luck reading about them online, they seem totally kosher.", '>>{Sam_Munhi} : Instead of "repeal and replace" the left should adopt an "improve or replace" stance on Obamacare. Either make it a better system (by actually taking on drug and insurance companies to lower costs) or replace it with a single payer system.', '>>{breaking_fishcakes} : is westworld leaking? Those are massive claims for something without a single source.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : It'll be fairly difficult for anti-elitist trumpsters to support huge corporate CEO's on this issue, won't it?", '>>{t-reddit} : This is a great example on why the entire paradigm of the American healthcare system - treating it like some kind of commodity product like buying a car - is a horrific statement of American values.', '>>{NotLow420} : Unless we see a seismic shift in congress, single payer will never happen. Even with a democratic congress, many Dems in purple districts/states will not support a single payer system, fearful they will get voted out. We saw some of that with the public option for Obamacare. There were Dems against it in the house.', ">>{venicerocco} : Americans have been collectively duped (brainwashed?) into thinking they need health *insurance* - they don't. They need *healthcare.* There's a difference. We should ever have to deal with a third party or a middle man when it comes to treating out health. It's a scam on a massive scale.", ">>{JaredWsSb} : I know, right? As far as I can tell (still Googling), this is just not a thing. Sure, these things probably won't work as well as powerline or an equivalent technology, but I'm really, honestly struggling to find anything malicious here. I wonder if they're shills? I'm also wondering where the upvotes are coming from, especially with no sources. I know we're in the post-fact era, but still, you have to have at least a little credibility, right?", ">>{vertigo7__} : It's actually an old tactic by those opposing socialized health care. Apparently since the government pays your bill they can choose not to continue with services. You know, like insurance companies. Except no government with socialized health has ever had such a thing but insurance companies actually did have such employees deciding to see if a person was worth paying continuing coverage. But you try explaining that to a person who never been beyond their state boundary.", ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : Unpopular opinion: she'll work with republicans and take the hate from Bernbros. I think the senate will stay R and she'll still work with them.", '>>{breaking_fishcakes} : maybe trolling, dunno. Their comment histories are total shitshows, could just be their deal on reddit.', '>>{BloodQueef_McOral} : > Except no government with socialized health has ever had such a thing Most do, they have guidelines on what is payed and what is not, and sometimes age is involved. Not actual death panels, but guidelines and sometimes committees do meet to discuss this. Sorta like when you have a waiting list for organs in the US, a group has to make the decision on who gets them.', ">>{AndreaBeaumont} : Sadly, I think it's more likely that the Senate will flip, the House will not, and we'll have a minimum of 4 more years of gridlock.", ">>{JaredWsSb} : It doesn't seem like trolling. It seems bizarrely targeted, like the kind of thing meant to attract journalists like myself, to get republished without any sort of fact-checking. The larger outlets are becoming notorious for that sort of crap, entire stories have been written around Tweets and Facebook posts filled with bad information. I try to avoid it in my own work, so I check the facts pretty rigorously. I can't say for sure that those comments were written with that in mind, but... it certainly seems like it, doesn't it?", '>>{vertigo7__} : That\'s a straw man though, you can\'t equate things that are literally out of the hands of the providers due to the scarcity and nature of the medicine(especially organs). We both know that when these people argue "death panels" they aren\'t looking at the sensitive and difficult decisions that have to be made when it comes to organ transplants.', '>>{SDION} : Paying for that life-saving operation isn\'t worth the financial trade off and "we only have one lung and this guy is 85 with cancer while the other is an otherwise healthy 30 year old so he gets it" doesn\'t really seem like the same thing to me.', ">>{Mol-lurker} : Age teamed up with average life span, quality of life, risks of treatment. Like an 80 year old with prostate cancer that has a low Gleeson score. Odds are they're going to die of something else long before the cancer even spreads beyond the prostate so managing symptoms is a way better option than invasive surgery to remove the prostate and be cured.", ">>{mindless_gibberish} : You can't get there from here. By design. Single payer was never on the table.", '>>{mindless_gibberish} : Why would the insurance companies / big pharma want that?', ">>{HarryScarface} : IMO the problem lies with lumping health*care* and health*insurance* together, because insurance more-or-less works like a lottery; when the lottery has to pay out to a large amount of people constantly, it's not profitable. Health *insurance* should exist for catastrophic injury, cancer, etc. Health *care* should either be free market to allow for actual competition, or it should be single-payer to prevent price gouging. The current system is horribly broken.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : I've been wondering what happens in the US in this regard. Patient's family were freaking out about rising PSA levels. He's an 88 year old man. With dementia. They would not listen and wanted to have a biopsy done (even though it was explained he would not be operated on). I assume Medicare in the US would refuse to pay for this too? Would private insurance?", '>>{truenorth00} : The simplest answer to government death panels is to point out that insurance companies have more efficient ones. They are called "billing departments". And they look for "pre-existing conditions" to deny care, even if their decision kills you.', '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : Most likely outcome. These are hyper partisan times.', ">>{Ratermelon} : The Republicans will never work with her. They're still trying to indict her. She will get nothing done legislatively unless Democrats have both houses.", ">>{kevinekiev} : He's a party secretary, not an elected official.", '>>{MartialBob} : Part of the source of "death panels" has to do with the inclusion of a rule that medical doctors and nurses talk with patients about creating a living will. A living will is a document where people write down what their wishes are in case they are not capable of making their own decisions. In a nutshell, not everyone really wants every single possible option to be exerted to keep them alive. Among other things it is very expensive. It has been demonstrated that when a large population of people have living wills health care costs go down. I\'m not certain of the numbers but I think it\'s 25% of our healthcare costs occur in the last five years of life. Anyway, this kind of goes against the grain of certain evangelical ideas of the value of life and more importantly it was an easy target for miss information. The whole point was to ensure medical professionals talk with people about living wills, not force them to sign one.', ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : The only thing that has a chance is immigration/TPP. Globalist R's and d's support both. Could see a majority.", '>>{SnowdensOfYesteryear} : I doubt it\'d be very easy to notice given that the hardware is a blackbox, but the burden of the proof lays on the accuser. /u/clarret is just slandering a well-meaning startup if he doesn\'t provide proof the back up his claims. The same applies to /u/akjoltoy who "can confirm".', ">>{yakadoodle} : See that? Years after this is proven as complete bullshit, republicans STILL haven't learned so... and THIS pack of morons is the best that can be done to govern America?", ">>{Catereddeathpanel} : I used to think they were just full of shit. Now I know they don't know wtf they are talking about. That is much worse.", ">>{ifyoupaiditisntfree} : Healthcare isn't the only area. Privatization, consumerism, financialization...all are essentially ways in which the economic elite leech wealth from society for no other purpose than they can. Do they sometimes provide some benefits? Sure, as side effects, not as the designed intent. And most of the benefits are vastly outweighed by the negatives for the majority. It's why wealth is concentrating at an increasing rate.", ">>{HasAnArchmageFetish} : But Obama was clean and the R's stonewalled him at every turn. Why would they work with the person they've been trying to bury for 20 years?", '>>{kevInquisition} : Yeah this seems like an oddly targeted line of thought. Perhaps a competitor trying to badmouth the product? Either way, raises some concerns about the ease at which this information could be spread.', ">>{kirashi3} : So... without a web interface, how would a home based sysadmin manage network problems for his parents? More importantly, how would one be able to port forward? Assign static IPs? Or use an existing router with the Flume Pods acting as WiFi access points only? For the same price as 6, one could buy 2 Ubiquiti Unify AP Lite units (or a single Pro) and an Edge Router for a 1600-2000 sqft home and have more control and reliability over their network. Sure it might need a wee bit more work setting up, but once online, I can almost guarantee you'll never need to configure it again until something wears out...", ">>{Squircle_MFT} : But can we blame these people who didn't grow up with this kind of technology. They are like babies trying to learn to walk, when it comes to this stuff.", ">>{Mol-lurker} : With treatments covered by Medicare Part A and B, I don't believe they have any say. The physicians are the ones who make the final call. If an individual has supplemental Part C/Advantage coverage I believe it's the same situation. Personally I've never heard of an insurance company denying cancer treatment based on age or predicted poor outcomes. It's a big old massive gray area, where setting up guidelines or criteria would be tough. There's 75 year olds who go into things like this super healthy, and if cured could have 20 more years of life, and there's 65 year olds that it would be shocking if they live 5 more years.", '>>{scriptfoo} : someone claims such a provision exists? have them point out the exact section, give them all the time they need. [https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/hr3590/text]', '>>{breaking_fishcakes} : No blame. The person I mentioned that let themselves get facebooked is not older. Some of the other people that also got tricked are under 30 yrs. old.', ">>{TbonerT} : I've never seen a powerline set work half as well as advertised.", ">>{Thaliur} : Then maybe I am lucky so far. We have a Powerline Connection at home with devices rated as 500MBit/s, which runs at ~320MBit/s, even across different power circuits, and without any additional Equipment like Phase couplers. It's like the WLAN Speed Ratings, only the medium is a lot less occupied usually.", '>>{Dain42} : > how would a home based sysadmin manage network problems for his parents? He wouldn\'t. That\'s the appeal. Plenty of us don\'t want to have to maintain a second (or third) network in our down-time. That\'s the reason that I considered getting a Google WiFi for mine: so they\'re not dependent on me should something slightly screwy happen. And if they need more help, they can [just call Google, 24/7.](https://madeby.google.com/wifi/support/) > Sure it might need a wee bit more work setting up, And that "wee bit" of setup is more than any average home user is going to be able to figure out or do. Most consumer grade routers are too much for average home users. Not every product is for you. Some products are made for people with less technical proficiency than you. Some are made for people with more. That\'s why a variety of different products get made: different products are good for different things.', '>>{Thaliur} : Considering they use similar encryption methods as WLAN, but have a far more limited range, which basically stops at the connection trunk, they *are* secure. Not less than WLAN at least. If we consider the possibility of someone plugging an uplink into another socket, wired Ethernet is actually *far less* secure than Powerline.', ">>{Thaliur} : If you can reach a power socket, you can reach an Ethernet socket in modern Homes. If you want to join a powering network, you need to know or crack the correct encryption, which by default is enabled and randomised on setup. If you disable the WPS equivalent, it's as secure as a properly setup WLAN network that cannot be reached outside the building.", '>>{Thaliur} : > Lol what? You realize a lot of homes even modern don\'t have Ethernet jacks right? And lots of power line adapters have encryption off by default or using weak passwords if any. Sorry, I was not Aware we were talking about crappy products here, because every single Powerline product lineup from the "big" companies does work like this. > You\'re saying a router from the factory is secure because it\'s password is set. Too bad you can easily force this password. No, I\'m saying it\'S secure becasue the Powerline encryption is randomised on Setup, and even *if* a router is delivered with a preset Password, that is usually an individual code for *this* router. > Also you can access it from the outside if there\'s a outlet. You know, something incredibly common. I have no idea of your living conditions, but every outside power outlet I have ever seen was behind a physical lock *and* had to be explicitly turned on from the inside. > Edit: > > Also disabling the "wps equivelant" isn\'t exactly possible unless you can set a custom password that can be cracked pretty easily. I think this function is listed as "push-button connect" or similar, and yes, you can disable it. You can disable *all* device Buttons and LEDs, in fact. > Also just because you can\'t access your WLAN from outside doesn\'t mean I can\'t with a high gain antenna. That was my Point. my WLAN *can* be accessed from outside the house, unlike Ethernet and Powerline. > As for Ethernet, you can also use mac filtering, most homes don\'t have sockets because wireless is popular, and some routers have the ability to disable ports not in use. Please, are you seriously pretending a MAC filter offers any Kind of additional security, even after you already said that WLAN Passwords can be cracked? > Powerline adapters are worse than WiFi in almost every way. They are less secure, slower, good ones cost more than a good router. They\'re good for when you can\'t make WiFi breach the area that you want it to. My pretty cheap set (~60€ in total) reaches at least 300MBit/s consistently within the same power phase, and at least 150 across different phases, for both directions independently, while WLAN n, the currently most wide-spread Connection Standard, reaches *up to* 300MBit/s in perfect conditions, which have to be shared between *all* Connections. I hope you can figure out by yourself which is faster. > You ever wonder why they\'re not popular? It\'s because they\'re crap. But it gets better! They operate by introducing high frequency rf into your power lines. The fun doesn\'t stop there! Your walls aren\'t made of grounded metal now are they? If not enjoy the interference the lines now generate to devices near the walls containing powerlines with these adapters. I have no idea what Kind of highly sensitive Equipment you have set up, but a few MHz of a low-intensity carrier wave on top of the 50Hz Signal barely Show up on an oscilloscope directly connected to the line. The AC hum is *much* more significant as far as interference is concerned. > WiFi is at least 2.4/5 ghz. Not something in the few hundred megaherts range. Not much for it to interfere with. Except for any other WLAN, microwave ovens, wireless headphones... > Still it gets better! They\'re only reliable in newer homes with newer wiring and no cheap electronics plugged in. Your $40 microwave will inherently generate some noise on the power lines too as will many things that will cause interference with the adapters. Switching power supplies do diminish the Signal Quality, but only if they are near the uplink devices. Please look up the frequnecy home microwave ovens operate at. > They\'re insecure garbage. I\'d rather have WiFi with peap. PEAP is not a significant Technology in the consumer sector yet. I\'d prefer optical fibres all over my house.', ">>{Thaliur} : > If you're shelling out that money WiFi or wired is still a better option. Also being big brand enterprise hardware doesn't make it inherently more secure. I don't consider 60€ for the whole set a lot of money considering I save myself the trouble of running cables all across the house. I'd like to know where you got the idea of big brand enterprise hardware though, because I was referring to the more widespread consumer brands like devolo or AVM. > Too bad a lot of the time the preset password is easily forced. I believe it was dlink where the password was based on the ssid. Still insecure. Not to mention nothing stops me from jamming the two power line adapters then when they go to reconnect become part of the network. May I suggest learning to actually read things? You keep bringing up preset passwords, while I am trying to point out that there are none in case of the usual consumer brand Powerline adapters. > It's pretty common practice to have a cgi / cgfi receptical in a water poof casing here in Canada. OK, so maybe the outlet is accessible. That does not change anything about the difficult to circumvent encryption. > Not on all devices. OK, so it helps to actually look for decent hardware, as usual. > And its been proven by reaver that disabling the Hutton doesn't alley as disable the feature. is this even English? > Power line can be accesses from the outside in normal places with normal outlets. No. Because of, and I'm slowly getting tired of repeating this **ENCRYPTION**. > mac spoofing is much harder if you can't see the other devices until the router recognizes your mac address. Some router firmwares let you decide if the mac has to be for WiFi or lan too. Iirc openwrt had that functionality. Cracking a WLAN password or the Powerline encryption is also much harder if you don't know them before. If you consider brute-forcing randomised encryption patterns easy, I wonder how you can call getting a matching MAC difficult, especially considering the first half is relatively easy to guess. > Congrats on living in a modern house where multiple sockets tail off the same power line. Also your phases remark makes no sense. If you think this doesn't make sense, we can stop talking now because you apparently don't know even the most basic thing about household power connections. > If we don't cherry pick though with WiFi and yse unique cases, most people get better WiFi than better powerline adapters as evident by Google. Not to mention with wireless ac taking off fast it's hard to compete. Powerline adapters with the rated speeds of ac are already available and barely more expensive than the slower ones, and they *still* have the benefit of a less occupied medium, and considering ac runs at 5GHz, much higher range in most buildings. > Radios? Literally anything that relies on the fact that 60hz ac is generally expected to be noise free in 2016? Not to mention it will show on a oscilloscope but that shows your understanding of rf. 50hz and 300mhz will show clearly as their carrier frequencys don't align. So when they oscilate out of sync. Not to mention its not a few mhz, it's. Ages hundred. Are you at all aware of the amplitudes involved? I highly doubt that. Not even an ECG will show the Powerline superposition. Even then, you will barely find any device that actually uses the power net frequency as a timer if the timing is at all important. > Except for the fact that you have channels for wlan where they can Odyssey a few mhz. Modern microwaves tend to not interfere unless you have the router on top of them thanks to better shielding than in the past plus they don't use noisy transformers anymore. Great, so they also do not interfere with Powerline at all. Thank you for countering your own argument. > Also Bluetooth tends to not use frequencies that would interfere with WiFi in the 2.4ghz spectrum. They also use much weaker transmitters and now don't transmit as much thanks to Bluetooth le. And that only affects 2.4, not 5ghz Still, on both frequency bands, you will have other WLAN networks, and have to share the bandwidth between all, and the different channels barely help, because their influence will also diminish the signal to noise ratio on at least the two neighbouring channels up and down, as any moderately good router will be able to illustrate. > I don't think you understand how pose like transmitters work. They're not wireless. They use rf over your power lines... And again modern microwaves are better than ever for noise. I know very well how Powerline transmitters work. Switching power supplies introduce more interference into the power network than anything else you could connect, as easily shown when using old DC->AC converters. Connect a switching power supply, and the frequency will become so instable that barely anything will continue to work. > You wanted to use big commercial adapters so I'm using big commercial standards. Not to mention fiber around the house would be pointless since you can push 10gb/s over Ethernet now. Again, I said nothing about big commercial adapters. I have no idea where you got that idea. I have been talking about normal household equipment you can buy at the next electronics shop.", '>>{Thaliur} : sorry. I should have left this thread Long ago...', '>>{Thaliur} : How do you define "business grade and up"? Just to be on the same page here, because I do not define it as "I could literally walk into the next electronics store and buy a set for less than 100€". I am actually pretty sure there are no business grade Powerline network systems, as anyone in the target audience for business grade hardware (businesses, mostly) is likely to not care a lot about cable guides running along walls, or adding wiring in walls and floor, to use Ethernet cables. Powerline systems are intended for people who, for whatever reason, cannot or do not want to run cables between the points they want to connect. That is really their main purpose. The devices I have mentioned are available at relatively low cost for everyone, easily serviced without any additional education or special instruction, and make use of several techniques (like using all three connectors for communication instead of only two, as was normal a few years ago) to ensure a decent connection. The connection quality itself, as well as the phase traversal, is mostly governed by physics, as with all network technology, and may in fact be different for different building. Actually, they are almost guaranteed to be different for different buildings. I wouldn\'t call 30 years old power cables new wiring either, to be honest. I\'m honestly getting the impression that we are talking about completely different and unrelated things here.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{NeilPoonHandler} : A GOP official at a town hall tried to argue Obamacare has death panels. It did not go well.', '>>{balmergrl} : What a idiot, death panels are so 2011.', ">>{LoboDaTerra} : Ok children What a condescending asshole. They're not children, they're your bosses.", ">>{BloodQueef_McOral} : Can anyone explain what started the death panel rumor? I'm sure it has something to do with stuff like organ transplants and if you are above a certain age they are not worth doing, given the limited supply of organs and expenses related to it.", ">>{jcargile242} : He's also a [racist & conspiracy theorist] (https://mobile.twitter.com/jcargile242/status/830834544886575105). Hell of a guy.", ">>{vertigo7__} : It's actually an old tactic by those opposing socialized health care. Apparently since the government pays your bill they can choose not to continue with services. You know, like insurance companies. Except no government with socialized health has ever had such a thing but insurance companies actually did have such employees deciding to see if a person was worth paying continuing coverage. But you try explaining that to a person who never been beyond their state boundary.", '>>{BloodQueef_McOral} : > Except no government with socialized health has ever had such a thing Most do, they have guidelines on what is payed and what is not, and sometimes age is involved. Not actual death panels, but guidelines and sometimes committees do meet to discuss this. Sorta like when you have a waiting list for organs in the US, a group has to make the decision on who gets them.', '>>{vertigo7__} : That\'s a straw man though, you can\'t equate things that are literally out of the hands of the providers due to the scarcity and nature of the medicine(especially organs). We both know that when these people argue "death panels" they aren\'t looking at the sensitive and difficult decisions that have to be made when it comes to organ transplants.', '>>{SDION} : Paying for that life-saving operation isn\'t worth the financial trade off and "we only have one lung and this guy is 85 with cancer while the other is an otherwise healthy 30 year old so he gets it" doesn\'t really seem like the same thing to me.', ">>{Mol-lurker} : Age teamed up with average life span, quality of life, risks of treatment. Like an 80 year old with prostate cancer that has a low Gleeson score. Odds are they're going to die of something else long before the cancer even spreads beyond the prostate so managing symptoms is a way better option than invasive surgery to remove the prostate and be cured.", ">>{AtomicKoala} : I've been wondering what happens in the US in this regard. Patient's family were freaking out about rising PSA levels. He's an 88 year old man. With dementia. They would not listen and wanted to have a biopsy done (even though it was explained he would not be operated on). I assume Medicare in the US would refuse to pay for this too? Would private insurance?", '>>{truenorth00} : The simplest answer to government death panels is to point out that insurance companies have more efficient ones. They are called "billing departments". And they look for "pre-existing conditions" to deny care, even if their decision kills you.', ">>{kevinekiev} : He's a party secretary, not an elected official.", '>>{MartialBob} : Part of the source of "death panels" has to do with the inclusion of a rule that medical doctors and nurses talk with patients about creating a living will. A living will is a document where people write down what their wishes are in case they are not capable of making their own decisions. In a nutshell, not everyone really wants every single possible option to be exerted to keep them alive. Among other things it is very expensive. It has been demonstrated that when a large population of people have living wills health care costs go down. I\'m not certain of the numbers but I think it\'s 25% of our healthcare costs occur in the last five years of life. Anyway, this kind of goes against the grain of certain evangelical ideas of the value of life and more importantly it was an easy target for miss information. The whole point was to ensure medical professionals talk with people about living wills, not force them to sign one.', ">>{yakadoodle} : See that? Years after this is proven as complete bullshit, republicans STILL haven't learned so... and THIS pack of morons is the best that can be done to govern America?", ">>{Catereddeathpanel} : I used to think they were just full of shit. Now I know they don't know wtf they are talking about. That is much worse.", ">>{Mol-lurker} : With treatments covered by Medicare Part A and B, I don't believe they have any say. The physicians are the ones who make the final call. If an individual has supplemental Part C/Advantage coverage I believe it's the same situation. Personally I've never heard of an insurance company denying cancer treatment based on age or predicted poor outcomes. It's a big old massive gray area, where setting up guidelines or criteria would be tough. There's 75 year olds who go into things like this super healthy, and if cured could have 20 more years of life, and there's 65 year olds that it would be shocking if they live 5 more years.", '>>{scriptfoo} : someone claims such a provision exists? have them point out the exact section, give them all the time they need. [https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/hr3590/text]'], ['>>{Philo1927} : Put one of these Plume pods in each room to blanket your home in Wi-Fi', '>>{clarret} : Has numerous complaints citing backdoors and data mining in plume. So bear that in mind if you care about your data security.', ">>{breaking_fishcakes} : the older generations are like a buffet for this kind of shit. I really cannot keep up with the innocent security mistakes people around me make. I watched someone give up personal data to an obvious puppet account on facebook recently. I was like: aren't you already friends with this person? Why are you friending another person with the same name and profile pic, no friends, no wall posts. Its aggravating :)", '>>{Thaliur} : This is insane. for just a few € more, you can get a set of gigabit Powerline wifi uplinks that will not fight for channels, are secure on the Powerline *and* wireless side and an easy to use interface including access profiles, automatic configuration based on a (matching) preexisting router and a separate SSID for guest access. If you can live without the GBit connection (dropping the speed to ~300MBit/s, at least in our house, but across phases), you get a remote-controlled power socket.', '>>{breaking_fishcakes} : yowza. from the sidebar: **Keep discussions civil and respectful. Know your reddiquette!. Comments should be on-topic and contribute to the conversation.**', ">>{akjoltoy} : Can confirm. This device runs a bitcoin miner as well as acting as a backdoor for malicious exe's, which get run without the user's permission. It's a complete nightmare. Did I mention the miner runs on a local cpu? Not on the Plume itself. It just ferries the miner over, then your actual computer will devote cycles to mining that won't show up in your task manager.", ">>{JaredWsSb} : I've spent the past ten minutes Googling to find anything I can about this, because holy crap that'd be a fantastic story to break, and I can't find a single source that backs any of these accusations, be they backdoors or bitcoin miners. I'd have to ask: if these really have so many issues, wouldn't even one of the outlets that got a review package notice it during their tests, and mention it in the article? And if they are doing this, then they're definitely not forthcoming in their ToS. They're very explicitly against data mining and collection in the privacy policy.", ">>{JaredWsSb} : Seriously interested in this. Do you have any additional information on the bitcoin miner? I haven't had any luck reading about them online, they seem totally kosher.", '>>{breaking_fishcakes} : is westworld leaking? Those are massive claims for something without a single source.', ">>{JaredWsSb} : I know, right? As far as I can tell (still Googling), this is just not a thing. Sure, these things probably won't work as well as powerline or an equivalent technology, but I'm really, honestly struggling to find anything malicious here. I wonder if they're shills? I'm also wondering where the upvotes are coming from, especially with no sources. I know we're in the post-fact era, but still, you have to have at least a little credibility, right?", '>>{breaking_fishcakes} : maybe trolling, dunno. Their comment histories are total shitshows, could just be their deal on reddit.', ">>{JaredWsSb} : It doesn't seem like trolling. It seems bizarrely targeted, like the kind of thing meant to attract journalists like myself, to get republished without any sort of fact-checking. The larger outlets are becoming notorious for that sort of crap, entire stories have been written around Tweets and Facebook posts filled with bad information. I try to avoid it in my own work, so I check the facts pretty rigorously. I can't say for sure that those comments were written with that in mind, but... it certainly seems like it, doesn't it?", '>>{SnowdensOfYesteryear} : I doubt it\'d be very easy to notice given that the hardware is a blackbox, but the burden of the proof lays on the accuser. /u/clarret is just slandering a well-meaning startup if he doesn\'t provide proof the back up his claims. The same applies to /u/akjoltoy who "can confirm".', '>>{kevInquisition} : Yeah this seems like an oddly targeted line of thought. Perhaps a competitor trying to badmouth the product? Either way, raises some concerns about the ease at which this information could be spread.', ">>{kirashi3} : So... without a web interface, how would a home based sysadmin manage network problems for his parents? More importantly, how would one be able to port forward? Assign static IPs? Or use an existing router with the Flume Pods acting as WiFi access points only? For the same price as 6, one could buy 2 Ubiquiti Unify AP Lite units (or a single Pro) and an Edge Router for a 1600-2000 sqft home and have more control and reliability over their network. Sure it might need a wee bit more work setting up, but once online, I can almost guarantee you'll never need to configure it again until something wears out...", ">>{Squircle_MFT} : But can we blame these people who didn't grow up with this kind of technology. They are like babies trying to learn to walk, when it comes to this stuff.", '>>{breaking_fishcakes} : No blame. The person I mentioned that let themselves get facebooked is not older. Some of the other people that also got tricked are under 30 yrs. old.', ">>{TbonerT} : I've never seen a powerline set work half as well as advertised.", ">>{Thaliur} : Then maybe I am lucky so far. We have a Powerline Connection at home with devices rated as 500MBit/s, which runs at ~320MBit/s, even across different power circuits, and without any additional Equipment like Phase couplers. It's like the WLAN Speed Ratings, only the medium is a lot less occupied usually.", '>>{Dain42} : > how would a home based sysadmin manage network problems for his parents? He wouldn\'t. That\'s the appeal. Plenty of us don\'t want to have to maintain a second (or third) network in our down-time. That\'s the reason that I considered getting a Google WiFi for mine: so they\'re not dependent on me should something slightly screwy happen. And if they need more help, they can [just call Google, 24/7.](https://madeby.google.com/wifi/support/) > Sure it might need a wee bit more work setting up, And that "wee bit" of setup is more than any average home user is going to be able to figure out or do. Most consumer grade routers are too much for average home users. Not every product is for you. Some products are made for people with less technical proficiency than you. Some are made for people with more. That\'s why a variety of different products get made: different products are good for different things.', '>>{Thaliur} : Considering they use similar encryption methods as WLAN, but have a far more limited range, which basically stops at the connection trunk, they *are* secure. Not less than WLAN at least. If we consider the possibility of someone plugging an uplink into another socket, wired Ethernet is actually *far less* secure than Powerline.', ">>{Thaliur} : If you can reach a power socket, you can reach an Ethernet socket in modern Homes. If you want to join a powering network, you need to know or crack the correct encryption, which by default is enabled and randomised on setup. If you disable the WPS equivalent, it's as secure as a properly setup WLAN network that cannot be reached outside the building.", '>>{Thaliur} : > Lol what? You realize a lot of homes even modern don\'t have Ethernet jacks right? And lots of power line adapters have encryption off by default or using weak passwords if any. Sorry, I was not Aware we were talking about crappy products here, because every single Powerline product lineup from the "big" companies does work like this. > You\'re saying a router from the factory is secure because it\'s password is set. Too bad you can easily force this password. No, I\'m saying it\'S secure becasue the Powerline encryption is randomised on Setup, and even *if* a router is delivered with a preset Password, that is usually an individual code for *this* router. > Also you can access it from the outside if there\'s a outlet. You know, something incredibly common. I have no idea of your living conditions, but every outside power outlet I have ever seen was behind a physical lock *and* had to be explicitly turned on from the inside. > Edit: > > Also disabling the "wps equivelant" isn\'t exactly possible unless you can set a custom password that can be cracked pretty easily. I think this function is listed as "push-button connect" or similar, and yes, you can disable it. You can disable *all* device Buttons and LEDs, in fact. > Also just because you can\'t access your WLAN from outside doesn\'t mean I can\'t with a high gain antenna. That was my Point. my WLAN *can* be accessed from outside the house, unlike Ethernet and Powerline. > As for Ethernet, you can also use mac filtering, most homes don\'t have sockets because wireless is popular, and some routers have the ability to disable ports not in use. Please, are you seriously pretending a MAC filter offers any Kind of additional security, even after you already said that WLAN Passwords can be cracked? > Powerline adapters are worse than WiFi in almost every way. They are less secure, slower, good ones cost more than a good router. They\'re good for when you can\'t make WiFi breach the area that you want it to. My pretty cheap set (~60€ in total) reaches at least 300MBit/s consistently within the same power phase, and at least 150 across different phases, for both directions independently, while WLAN n, the currently most wide-spread Connection Standard, reaches *up to* 300MBit/s in perfect conditions, which have to be shared between *all* Connections. I hope you can figure out by yourself which is faster. > You ever wonder why they\'re not popular? It\'s because they\'re crap. But it gets better! They operate by introducing high frequency rf into your power lines. The fun doesn\'t stop there! Your walls aren\'t made of grounded metal now are they? If not enjoy the interference the lines now generate to devices near the walls containing powerlines with these adapters. I have no idea what Kind of highly sensitive Equipment you have set up, but a few MHz of a low-intensity carrier wave on top of the 50Hz Signal barely Show up on an oscilloscope directly connected to the line. The AC hum is *much* more significant as far as interference is concerned. > WiFi is at least 2.4/5 ghz. Not something in the few hundred megaherts range. Not much for it to interfere with. Except for any other WLAN, microwave ovens, wireless headphones... > Still it gets better! They\'re only reliable in newer homes with newer wiring and no cheap electronics plugged in. Your $40 microwave will inherently generate some noise on the power lines too as will many things that will cause interference with the adapters. Switching power supplies do diminish the Signal Quality, but only if they are near the uplink devices. Please look up the frequnecy home microwave ovens operate at. > They\'re insecure garbage. I\'d rather have WiFi with peap. PEAP is not a significant Technology in the consumer sector yet. I\'d prefer optical fibres all over my house.', ">>{Thaliur} : > If you're shelling out that money WiFi or wired is still a better option. Also being big brand enterprise hardware doesn't make it inherently more secure. I don't consider 60€ for the whole set a lot of money considering I save myself the trouble of running cables all across the house. I'd like to know where you got the idea of big brand enterprise hardware though, because I was referring to the more widespread consumer brands like devolo or AVM. > Too bad a lot of the time the preset password is easily forced. I believe it was dlink where the password was based on the ssid. Still insecure. Not to mention nothing stops me from jamming the two power line adapters then when they go to reconnect become part of the network. May I suggest learning to actually read things? You keep bringing up preset passwords, while I am trying to point out that there are none in case of the usual consumer brand Powerline adapters. > It's pretty common practice to have a cgi / cgfi receptical in a water poof casing here in Canada. OK, so maybe the outlet is accessible. That does not change anything about the difficult to circumvent encryption. > Not on all devices. OK, so it helps to actually look for decent hardware, as usual. > And its been proven by reaver that disabling the Hutton doesn't alley as disable the feature. is this even English? > Power line can be accesses from the outside in normal places with normal outlets. No. Because of, and I'm slowly getting tired of repeating this **ENCRYPTION**. > mac spoofing is much harder if you can't see the other devices until the router recognizes your mac address. Some router firmwares let you decide if the mac has to be for WiFi or lan too. Iirc openwrt had that functionality. Cracking a WLAN password or the Powerline encryption is also much harder if you don't know them before. If you consider brute-forcing randomised encryption patterns easy, I wonder how you can call getting a matching MAC difficult, especially considering the first half is relatively easy to guess. > Congrats on living in a modern house where multiple sockets tail off the same power line. Also your phases remark makes no sense. If you think this doesn't make sense, we can stop talking now because you apparently don't know even the most basic thing about household power connections. > If we don't cherry pick though with WiFi and yse unique cases, most people get better WiFi than better powerline adapters as evident by Google. Not to mention with wireless ac taking off fast it's hard to compete. Powerline adapters with the rated speeds of ac are already available and barely more expensive than the slower ones, and they *still* have the benefit of a less occupied medium, and considering ac runs at 5GHz, much higher range in most buildings. > Radios? Literally anything that relies on the fact that 60hz ac is generally expected to be noise free in 2016? Not to mention it will show on a oscilloscope but that shows your understanding of rf. 50hz and 300mhz will show clearly as their carrier frequencys don't align. So when they oscilate out of sync. Not to mention its not a few mhz, it's. Ages hundred. Are you at all aware of the amplitudes involved? I highly doubt that. Not even an ECG will show the Powerline superposition. Even then, you will barely find any device that actually uses the power net frequency as a timer if the timing is at all important. > Except for the fact that you have channels for wlan where they can Odyssey a few mhz. Modern microwaves tend to not interfere unless you have the router on top of them thanks to better shielding than in the past plus they don't use noisy transformers anymore. Great, so they also do not interfere with Powerline at all. Thank you for countering your own argument. > Also Bluetooth tends to not use frequencies that would interfere with WiFi in the 2.4ghz spectrum. They also use much weaker transmitters and now don't transmit as much thanks to Bluetooth le. And that only affects 2.4, not 5ghz Still, on both frequency bands, you will have other WLAN networks, and have to share the bandwidth between all, and the different channels barely help, because their influence will also diminish the signal to noise ratio on at least the two neighbouring channels up and down, as any moderately good router will be able to illustrate. > I don't think you understand how pose like transmitters work. They're not wireless. They use rf over your power lines... And again modern microwaves are better than ever for noise. I know very well how Powerline transmitters work. Switching power supplies introduce more interference into the power network than anything else you could connect, as easily shown when using old DC->AC converters. Connect a switching power supply, and the frequency will become so instable that barely anything will continue to work. > You wanted to use big commercial adapters so I'm using big commercial standards. Not to mention fiber around the house would be pointless since you can push 10gb/s over Ethernet now. Again, I said nothing about big commercial adapters. I have no idea where you got that idea. I have been talking about normal household equipment you can buy at the next electronics shop.", '>>{Thaliur} : sorry. I should have left this thread Long ago...', '>>{Thaliur} : How do you define "business grade and up"? Just to be on the same page here, because I do not define it as "I could literally walk into the next electronics store and buy a set for less than 100€". I am actually pretty sure there are no business grade Powerline network systems, as anyone in the target audience for business grade hardware (businesses, mostly) is likely to not care a lot about cable guides running along walls, or adding wiring in walls and floor, to use Ethernet cables. Powerline systems are intended for people who, for whatever reason, cannot or do not want to run cables between the points they want to connect. That is really their main purpose. The devices I have mentioned are available at relatively low cost for everyone, easily serviced without any additional education or special instruction, and make use of several techniques (like using all three connectors for communication instead of only two, as was normal a few years ago) to ensure a decent connection. The connection quality itself, as well as the phase traversal, is mostly governed by physics, as with all network technology, and may in fact be different for different building. Actually, they are almost guaranteed to be different for different buildings. I wouldn\'t call 30 years old power cables new wiring either, to be honest. I\'m honestly getting the impression that we are talking about completely different and unrelated things here.'], [">>{an_alphas_opinion} : Obamacare clearly has flaws. But that doesn't mean we should move backward. It could be the MOST important to aspect to pragmatically voting Hillary. She can work with congress and build on what we started. Long after she's gone, flaws and all, we'll have the healthcare foundation Obama started. We need to tackle this head on and Hillary has clearly shown its a priority. Good enough for me.", '>>{newbieveteran} : The health insurance model is laughably outdated, healthcare is a public good and should be treated as such.', ">>{19djafoij02} : Really, for profit healthcare only works when it's very regulated, like in Switzerland. Eventually, Obamacare or not, the US system was gonna collapse under its own weight and that of the drug lobbies, insurance lobbies, and hospital lobbies trying to extract blood from a stone.", '>>{Sam_Munhi} : Instead of "repeal and replace" the left should adopt an "improve or replace" stance on Obamacare. Either make it a better system (by actually taking on drug and insurance companies to lower costs) or replace it with a single payer system.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : It'll be fairly difficult for anti-elitist trumpsters to support huge corporate CEO's on this issue, won't it?", '>>{t-reddit} : This is a great example on why the entire paradigm of the American healthcare system - treating it like some kind of commodity product like buying a car - is a horrific statement of American values.', '>>{NotLow420} : Unless we see a seismic shift in congress, single payer will never happen. Even with a democratic congress, many Dems in purple districts/states will not support a single payer system, fearful they will get voted out. We saw some of that with the public option for Obamacare. There were Dems against it in the house.', ">>{venicerocco} : Americans have been collectively duped (brainwashed?) into thinking they need health *insurance* - they don't. They need *healthcare.* There's a difference. We should ever have to deal with a third party or a middle man when it comes to treating out health. It's a scam on a massive scale.", ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : Unpopular opinion: she'll work with republicans and take the hate from Bernbros. I think the senate will stay R and she'll still work with them.", ">>{AndreaBeaumont} : Sadly, I think it's more likely that the Senate will flip, the House will not, and we'll have a minimum of 4 more years of gridlock.", ">>{mindless_gibberish} : You can't get there from here. By design. Single payer was never on the table.", '>>{mindless_gibberish} : Why would the insurance companies / big pharma want that?', ">>{HarryScarface} : IMO the problem lies with lumping health*care* and health*insurance* together, because insurance more-or-less works like a lottery; when the lottery has to pay out to a large amount of people constantly, it's not profitable. Health *insurance* should exist for catastrophic injury, cancer, etc. Health *care* should either be free market to allow for actual competition, or it should be single-payer to prevent price gouging. The current system is horribly broken.", '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : Most likely outcome. These are hyper partisan times.', ">>{Ratermelon} : The Republicans will never work with her. They're still trying to indict her. She will get nothing done legislatively unless Democrats have both houses.", ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : The only thing that has a chance is immigration/TPP. Globalist R's and d's support both. Could see a majority.", ">>{ifyoupaiditisntfree} : Healthcare isn't the only area. Privatization, consumerism, financialization...all are essentially ways in which the economic elite leech wealth from society for no other purpose than they can. Do they sometimes provide some benefits? Sure, as side effects, not as the designed intent. And most of the benefits are vastly outweighed by the negatives for the majority. It's why wealth is concentrating at an increasing rate.", ">>{HasAnArchmageFetish} : But Obama was clean and the R's stonewalled him at every turn. Why would they work with the person they've been trying to bury for 20 years?"]]
classify and reply
[">>{TheKKKSupportsHilary} : Clinton childhood friend 'astonished' women would vote for Hillary", '>>{10gauge} : Assange Reveals CIA Hacked Into Congress For Obama Administration Coverup', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : I am getting the vibe that many of these "conservative" websites source IPs originate somewhere in Macedonia, Albania, Yugoslavia, maybe some even the heart of the motherland......', '>>{ketchupnbugs} : I still maintain that fit bits are over priced watches for the financially endowed', ">>{WaywardTraveller} : Pretty much. Once you go down the fitbit path though and have to deal with warranty and replacements, and have that cut off even though their products suck and they continue to sell products they know will fail, and then offer you a new, more expensive product without the same features for a 'deal' you begin to realize that you're not buying a product, but rather paying a monthly fee to be a fitbit member.", ">>{the_glutton} : WorldNetDaily Washington Times My cat's litterbox All roughly the same quality journalism", '>>{subware} : Secretary of State Rex Tillerson largely disappears in the Trump Cabinet', ">>{Fuzzy_lips} : I got a weird rash from mine.. like 7 months after wearing it. I clean it daily but it just won't stop coming back. So I stopped wearing it and the rash is now gone... I do have a rough patch over where the rash was now..", '>>{Watervsfire} : Man, that would have looked amazing with portrait mode active! Still a beautiful photo though! Good capture', ">>{osaucyone} : He has been fully assimilated into the machine. Now it's really well oiled and running like nothing you've seen. Edit: Believe me.", '>>{marinadefor3hours} : I would disagree. The scenery was the point of focus here, the silhouettes were just complimentary to the main subject.', '>>{DragonPup} : At least your cat buries its shit instead of leaving it out for all to see.', '>>{b0gg3r} : If I just want fitness and health tracking, is there any reason to upgrade from a Miband 1s? (Upgrade at all that is, not necessarily to this product)', ">>{winstonsmith7} : > WorldNetDaily Washington Times My cat's litterbox True, but I know many women who would like to see a woman in the Office as long as it's not her. No, they are not Trump supporters.", '>>{glutenfree123} : Well his only job is to lobby for the removal of Russian sanctions and make money for Exxon Mobile', '>>{friendly-cephalopod} : Wow, thanks conservativedailypost.com for getting the inside scoop on this massive story, well before any other news organization! Journalism at its finest! /s', ">>{SaltHash} : Assange cited a NYT article from 2014 as proof of his unverified claim. The blog omits the fact that the cited source describes ensuing Congressional investigations and punishment. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/01/world/senate-intelligence-commitee-cia-interrogation-report.html?_r=1 He might as well as admit that he is a stooge for the Kremlin who needs me to get Congress to ignore their breaches of America's national security.", ">>{nothingisrealyounob} : On the contrary, Fitness bands are for us poor fucks who want to track our running distance and steps without carrying our damn phone around, but who can't afford a GPS watch. My garmin was $30 refurb'd and I'm super happy to have it.", '>>{midwesternhousewives} : I sort of agree with you, but it could be useful for certain situations. Like my doctor told me to get one to keep track of my heart rate to help get over an injury, etc.', '>>{0ne_Word} : All the history is well documented. All it takes for anyone to vote for Clinton is an alarming amount of willful ignorance about her past.', ">>{Hobophobic} : He's keeping his head down before everything drops. Either he was a plant by the FBI, trying to get Trump to implicate himself, or he knows that he'll be on the chopping block first due to his Russia ties. He always was a curious pick. My pet theory is that he was cultivated by the FBI due to his unique relationship with Putin. They knew Trump was dirty and also knew Trump assumes that everyone works on a pay for play basis. Trump can't fathom that anyone would do something for any other reason. He'd be the perfect mole. Well documented ties to Putin and Russia, public financial incentive to help with the Russian plot. He gets in, hints at oil deals, and they spill the beans. You know they couldn't resist.", '>>{kbean826} : Ok, ok, ok. First, he rails about how we can\'t trust the CIA. Then he uses an internal CIA investigation to prove his point. Then he says that an intelligence agency far stronger than anything we have proved Russia didn\'t hack us (though that\'s not what they said at all) and uses "It’s hard to believe someone when they don’t have proof." and then provides no proof. Mods, can we please block the website linked?', '>>{ekibnur} : If you think fitbits are expensive you should look at how much real watches cost.', '>>{mattsoca} : Proof that he\'s "getting the vibe"? Settle down..', ">>{JustAnotherPer} : I guess you have not priced watches recently. My wife bought me a Surge for my birthday last year, was $200 and some change, I don't think that is very expensive given what [Kohl's has on their website](http://www.kohls.com/catalog/citizen-watches.jsp?CN=Brand:Citizen+Department:Watches&S=5&PPP=60) and they are far from an expensive store.", '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : Interesting.......wonder what or who could be in Panama?', ">>{Iseeusleep} : I'm getting the vibe that you are a pedophile. I don't need any proof so I'm just going to go ahead and tell everyone you know and the police that you fuck kids. See what I'm saying?", ">>{JustAnotherPer} : Don't often agree with this sort of comment, but I think it is justified this time.", '>>{nodevon} : I feel like this is a photo of a nice scene but not a particularly technically impressive photo..', ">>{rtb8} : Don't forget fighting the *evils* of marijuana and filling up them for profit prisons.", ">>{FewerMoonves} : From what I've read, Tillerson wasn't Trump's first choice for Secretary of State, though it doesn't appear that Trump had any other obvious candidates in mind that Tillerson displaced. Trump and Tillerson had no real relationship prior to November 2016, and Tillerson quietly favored Jeb Bush for the Republican nomination and the presidency. Largely indifferent to both Trump and Clinton once the general election season started, but believed to have privately favored Clinton, albeit not overwhelmingly. Tillerson is a well-established business/political figure in Texas, and both Condi Rice and George W. Bush were said to have lobbied for his appointment to the State Department. Trump isn't exactly close with that crowd, but again, he doesn't appear to have had anyone specific in mind. Giuliani and John Bolton were both non-starters; he may have briefly considered Romney in the interest of having his own 'team of rivals' narrative, but it simply wasn't enough to do so for its own sake. Corker and Huntsman were the best candidates. I like to think that Corker was given the right of first refusal that was owed to him, and he refused.", ">>{PlaaaaasticJesuuuuus} : Don't forget the ny post, westernjournalism, trofire, and the alcohol-embalmed still-clutching-video-editing-software-in-its-hand corpse of Breitbart.", '>>{gaberax} : His job is to make money for himself, Trump, his henchmen and all his Russian buddies.', ">>{theramennoodle} : Most people couldn't tell you if they're watch is automatic or not and what kind of movement it has.", '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : Did someone look behind the Fabergé Egg? He likes to hide back there.', '>>{neRo1508} : I upgraded to Mi Band 2 and it\'s wonderful. The battery doesn\'t last quite as long, "only" 2-3 weeks, but it now has a display (which means a watch, heart rate monitor, steps monitor, battery monitor and other (for me non-interesting) features). And it only cost me like 10€ more.', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : >All it takes for anyone to vote for Clinton is ~~an alarming amount of willful ignorance about her past~~ knowing her past and understanding that she's the best candidate.", '>>{BB611} : For watch aficionados, sure, but the average people I know might own 1 nice watch ($200), and a few other cheapies (<$50). A lot of women I know only own a fitbit, and they consider it expensive compared to the watch they would otherwise own or used to wear.', '>>{dr_pepper_35} : No one. The real owners are using a service called Whoisguard to hide their names and country of origin. Anyone who uses it is listed as being in Panama.', ">>{PM_ME_YOUR_CUMHOLE} : I bought a Surge recently, and the band separated from the face within 3 months. The replacement process was super effortless, but I don't think I'll buy another Fitbit once my warranty expires.", '>>{b0gg3r} : I have an OG pebble which covers the "smartwatch" features for me.', '>>{AMAXIX} : Honestly, people have been posting pictures like this since the original iPhone came out. Me? My pictures will still look like potatoes on an iPhone 20.', '>>{Slurpinslurpees} : Nope, actually right next to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fran :)', '>>{analyticheir} : Not sure. Need him to confirm this under oath.', ">>{pm_me_spacecucks} : It's not even that great of a scene to be honest.", ">>{Dr__Nick} : Portrait mode on the iPhone 7 Plus kicks butt. The rest of it I find pretty standard, but I really like the DOF effect portrait mode gets you. You do get some bad looking effects if there are objects between you and the subject or there's parts of the background too close to the subject. Otherwise great stuff.", ">>{PleasureNerd} : If you photograph it and send it to them I'm sure they can do something about it. Fitbit have wonderful customer service (should point out I'm British so they don't come across as freakishly happy which makes me feel comfortable)", '>>{roboboogienights} : ermagerd, this is going to sound great next time I want to engage an innocent bystander in an unwelcome political argrument.', ">>{Hobophobic} : Yeah, just a fun theory. I wish I could write it off as fantasy, but in Trumplandia anything is possible. I was following the Russia story from the beginning and Tillerson always stuck out as too obvious of a move for people trying to hide the Rosneft deal allegations. Then again, they've been remarkably incompetent for traitors. I can't wait until the book comes out, mostly because it will be several years after the nightmare we're currently in is over. If the CEO of an oil company that fabricated anti-climate change studies is our best hope, I'm not that hopeful.", '>>{MisterInfalllible} : > He always was a curious pick. Eh. 1) Russian Oil Money 2) White Supremacist 3) Token 4) Gave $200,000,000 to Republican Party pick one of the above.', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : Women should vote for the guy with 3 wives and says "She was bleeding from somewhere" when a female reporter ask a relevant question?', '>>{_withtheshotboy} : Rolex Submariners are ~$10k a $100 fitbit tells you the time and keeps track of steps/sleeping habits/ vibrates when you get a phonecall etc. more "bang for your buck" if you ask me', ">>{spanisheyessmile} : Just saw this information on Real Time. Essentially, Exxon knew about climate change in the early 80's so Tillerson has had some of the best scientific work to hand for years. As much as I am concerned with having him as SOS, I can honestly say he does not strike me as someone who ignores scientific fact. After all, to keep Exxon profitable, it would have required faith in the science.", ">>{Slurpinslurpees} : Yeah, I just really like it for some reason (maybe cause it's my friends who knows), but yeah it wasn't really supposed to be impressive", ">>{coursecatalog} : *“Hillary has got to be going on the energy from her power addiction because it’s exhausting to do this day after day. And yet she’s completely unaccountable. Who knows how long it has been since she’s had a press conference?”* Political insight like that can't come cheap.", '>>{takeashill_pill} : Looks like Jared is the one handling foreign policy, who has less foreign policy experience than Tillerson does.', ">>{nodevon} : Wouldn't a better sub be /r/pics then?", '>>{MitchAlanP} : Confirm under oath then clarify what he actually under oath a few weeks later in writing while not under oath.', ">>{BWA_Dallas} : You see scenes like this in your every day life? Edit: Fuck y'all", ">>{boogietime} : Can we all stop posting these low effort nonsense posts? For the last few hours, it's been nonstop spam about Trump's co/ghost-writer. Now it's Clinton's childhood friend. Who the hell cares what some random person thinks about either candidate?", '>>{EmergencyChocolate} : the climate stuff is like big tobacco on a global scale - everyone knows and understands the science, and has for years, but shareholders.', '>>{DeuceyDeuce} : Find this guy. Find his dirty laundry. Destroy him. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha haaaaah.', '>>{alexkehr} : $200 "nice" watch is likely the same as the $50 one... just with marketing (aka Michael Kors). A real nice watch is art and $5,000+.', ">>{alephnul} : No, there aren't. There will be lots of people on the ballot. Only two of them count.", ">>{tornshoe} : > Only two of them count. Incorrect. A majority of people will only vote for 2 of those people, but that's not the same thing. The only thing keeping 3rd party candidates from getting elected and being viable is the general public's unwillingness to vote for them.", ">>{BWA_Dallas} : Too much hate. I think it's a great pic OP", ">>{olivish} : That's like saying there's no difference between shopping at Club Monaco vs Old Navy, because neither one is couture.", ">>{megablast} : Yes, I live near the beach. There isn't always a couple of people in the way though.", ">>{pm_me_spacecucks} : It's just two dudes chilling by the ocean. So, yes.", ">>{alephnul} : >The only thing keeping 3rd party candidates from getting elected and being viable is the general public's unwillingness to vote for them. So very true. Pretty much rules them out as parties that count though.", '>>{dr_pepper_35} : The fact that they are using a service to hide the sites owners name and country is suspicious. Why would they freely admit to being in Vegas but hide the register info.', '>>{Cherry-Marmalade} : Always get a blue dot somewhere in my sun photos. Awesome pic with no blue dot!', ">>{_Gunga_Din_} : I think it's more like saying that there's no difference between Skull Candy and Beats. Just because the latter is more expensive doesn't mean it's better quality. That said, I'm sure there are some excellent $500 watches just like there are some excellent $200 headphones.", '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : So probably not an American. No reason for an American operated site to hide their info. I doubt some kiddies in Albania would go through the trouble to hide their source location through a paid service....... Maybe straight from the Kremlin itself?', ">>{Iseeusleep} : Do you actually have a PhD mr. pepper? If not than I'm not so sure I can trust someone who is lying about their credentials.", ">>{orionquest2016} : Better to align the US's oil interests with Russia than a country that helped 9/11", ">>{Cisubranu} : Hey pal, do you mind sending me your copy of Schindlers List? I'd like to know who's got that pink daisy tag attached to their name.", ">>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : Logic isn't going to penetrate your skull it seems.", '>>{john_the_doe} : If only you stayed around an extra hour or two to take the same shot', '>>{dr_pepper_35} : Well, who knows the reason they are hiding their names. They could be an American who has links to one of the major political parties. The idea that the Kremlin is running this site directly is rather silly though.', '>>{BlueMacaw} : [Fixed it for you.](http://imgur.com/t0JvMtm)', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : But why hide links to a major political party when your website is as partisan as this. If you have links to a party, I doubt your audience or even your opposition will care if you did.', ">>{not_a_persona} : I don't think this was implied by the comment above, but fighting the evils of marijuana might very well fall under the purview of the State Department in the next couple of years. One of the primary reasons that many countries have not legalized marijuana is because they are long-time signatories of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, which was modeled on the US Controlled Substances Act at the insistence of American government officials, and which lists marijuana as a Class 1 controlled substance. The penalties for violating the treaty are potentially dire— if a signatory nation allowed the proceeds of marijuana sales to be processed in their banking system that government could be deemed an international crime syndicate, which would result in their assets being frozen and international sanctions being imposed, and could also result in international arrest warrants and extradition orders being issued for politicians and government officials. Canada is threatening to test US diplomacy in the next year or two by legalizing marijuana for recreational use. At that point the US is going to have to make a decision on whether Canada/US relations are more important than international treaty obligations. It may not sound like a big decision seeing as most Americans support legal marijuana, but the fact is that the US wrote the Convention on Narcotic Drugs and spent years bullying and cajoling most of the world to sign it, and the US spends billions of dollars ensuring that other nations comply with it. If Rex Tillerson and Donald Trump allow Canada to blatantly and flagrantly violate the Convention without repercussions it may run the risk of opening the doors to Afghanistan, Vietnam, Colombia, Mexico, China, and many others to follow Canada's lead. It's entirely possible that Justin Trudeau is going to lead to Rex Tillerson spending far more time than he expected fighting the evils of marijuana.", ">>{orionquest2016} : Is that an option yet? I think the bailout debts and petrodollar agreements will make the US someone's military slave.", '>>{BB611} : I have multiple friends who are watch aficionados, the $200-300 range is quite popular with them. Maybe a few nice pieces up to $500, but $5000 watches are uncommon even among people with a commitment to the scene.', '>>{dr_pepper_35} : I did not go to Soda College to be called Mr., thank you very much.', ">>{prof_hobart} : I agree. Whilst the 7 Plus camera is great for a smartphone, it's not as good as I expected it to be given all of the love it's been getting. It's more than good enough to use as a day to day camera, and a big improvement over my 5S, but I still don't think it's as good as my 7 year old compact camera (and obviously, it's vastly inferior to my SLR). That's not too surprising, given the difference in lenses between them. But from what I'd seen elsewhere, I was still half expecting to be truly blown away by the quality, and I'm not.", ">>{xLambdax} : As a manufacturing engineer for them, they aren't doing well. They are afraid they have plateaued.", ">>{jaysire} : I've yet to see a picture taken by a normal consumer (as opposed to marketing material or otherwise professional photos) on the iPhone 7 that is clearly superior to what could be achieved with my iPhone 6. Anyone have an example?", ">>{Iseeusleep} : Isn't that what your tinfoil hat does? Prevent the penetrative rays of logic and skepticism? As for me, I'm gay & and retarted so all of this shit is wayyyyy above my paygrade. Or am I a RUSSIAN™", '>>{Timbershoe} : That you want to get banned from the sub?', '>>{mmuncy09} : Which 7 year old compact camera ya talking about? Seriously interested. I think the biggest thing that hurts smartphone cameras compared to an older point and shoot like you mentioned is the noise reduction. I think they go way overboard with it in most instances.', ">>{olivish} : I think it depends on whether you're evaluating the watch primarily based on the elegance of its internal mechanism vs its aesthetic appeal. The $50 watch and the $200 watch may have comparable inner workings, but often the more expensive option will have more aesthetic appeal and have better quality materials incorporated on the outside (gold, silver, gemstones). I don't think it would be off-base for me to say that for the vast majority of users, the tiny improvements in the quality of the *timekeeping* between low end and high end watches is virtually unnoticeable - the main motivation for spending extra money is aesthetic. This is why I think the better analogy is to clothing, not something like headphones. In the case of headphones, the difference in *sound* quality between low end and high end is very noticeable, and for most people the improvement in sound quality is the main motivator for spending extra money on headphones, not that the expensive ones *look* better. That is, they're less a fashion statement then they are practical tools, and most users evaluate them as such.", ">>{marinadefor3hours} : I never thought sharing a photo you took would generate such negative comments. OP, I think the photo looks great and it's just lovely how the camera nicely captured the water ripples. Don't mind the mean comments.", '>>{pixiedonut} : Why the fuck do people delete their posts? Edit: unreddit saved the day for me. . /u/OverEasyGoing said: > R/hailcorporate same day as earnings...', ">>{Blood_Fox} : I've always wondered how people can photoshop like this...", '>>{OverEasyGoing} : Yeah I did it cause I was wrong on the earnings bit. Every time I tried to edit it errored out', '>>{Jabawocky} : I didnt read that there were any punishments. >Ms. Feinstein called Mr. Brennan’s apology and decision to set up an accountability board “positive first steps,” and said the inspector general report “corrects the record.” I dont like the "corrects the record part and there is still an ongoing investigation by the Sergeant at arms', '>>{littleHiawatha} : Not op, but most likely a Powershot or maybe a Cybershot rx100', '>>{80percentdad} : Best silent alarm on the market. Get up early and don\'t want to wake your bunkmate? Set a silent "reminder" alarm on your Fitbit, wear it to bed, and you\'ll wake up without an alarm waking anyone else. How much is an extra 10-60min of sleep worth to you?!', ">>{glutenfree123} : To be honest I never considered that angle of marijuana legislation. Good point. However didn't Trump just say he was cutting the State department's budget by 1/3?", '>>{pixiedonut} : Ahh, sorry to call you out. I just hate seeing that on reddit.', ">>{iisshaun} : The only difference I've noticed between my 7 Plus and 6 Plus has been faster AF, slightly more detailed images and a little better low light. Nothing crazy, but the 2x camera has really been useful and I get a lot of good comments about the pictures using zoom.", '>>{ibujunky} : I bought a fitbit pulse hr+ (forgot the correct name) for 160 euros. that thing fell apart after about a year. battery life was horrible. after a few months the display turned off and overall experience was mediocre. now I bought a garmin hr for 120 euros. it has all the features of the fitbit, plus a touch screen, weather, display. it shows whatsapp SMS messages. it can remote the music player on the mobile. no info about battery life yet.', '>>{qprs} : Looks like he just clone stamped the people out. You can see exactly where he did it.', ">>{quantamskates} : I mean it's not really hate, it's just not really a strong photo.", '>>{chewb} : I love the camera too but this photo just reminds me of the limited dynamic range in cellphone cameras :) I upvoted it though', '>>{OverEasyGoing} : All good. I stand by the Hail Corporate call out, though!', '>>{chewb} : if only he would have taken 3 shots in succession with the exposure set to min, medium, max and then combined them...', '>>{Ichabodfuxter72} : Remember Mendax means Lying, untruthful, false, mendacious, deceptive, feigned, not real.', '>>{lesharvard} : Stuff like this- this is where people have to pay attention.', ">>{BushwickPhil} : Anyone looking for easy karma, follow OP's recipe. Top notch, low quality, easy karma", ">>{therealbman} : Right, let's make good with the guys that just attacked us and declared war on western democracy. They're attacking our allies and bullying their neighbors right at this instant. Saudi Arabia is a shit hole too but it doesn't mean we have to play nice with the Russians. That's not good logic.", ">>{kanst} : It's possible he falls into the 5th smaller bin, picks he didn't care about so Priebus/Pence picked them (like McConnels wife). It seems his plan is to gut the state department, so maybe he just let the RNC establishment pick the SoS as a favor.", '>>{Intrepolicious} : Then he\'d have an HDR. A real HDR mind you, not the faux "HDR mode" on the iPhone that only uses two images.', ">>{Fucking-Use-Google} : Seriously. I've been in other subreddits with guys talking about their watches that cost tens of thousands. Some new watches sell for hundreds of thousands.", '>>{PacersATX} : I think if I sent this comment to my friends they would think it was me. How can they not replace a product that has a clear manufacturer\'s defect because it is "out of warranty", even though the warranty they\'re using is on the original device. That\'s like buying a new car and having the warranty be based on your trade-in. Sorry, but why would I buy their new product when they won\'t even honor the quality of their old ones?', ">>{jvpewster} : >his own team of rivals narrative Unless that is also the name of a foxnews segment there's approximately 0% chance he knows that that's referring to", ">>{orionquest2016} : Russia attacked the US? I wouldn't say making anti-Hillary propaganda websites counts as that. Ukraine drama is most likely conjured up, because getting Ukraine to join NATO will cripple Russia's ability to supply oil to Europe. Right now Hunter Biden's oil companies are sucking out all the Shale oil there, they should be pissed.", ">>{mst3kcrow} : >Canada is threatening to test US diplomacy in the next year or two by legalizing marijuana for recreational use. At that point the US is going to have to make a decision on whether Canada/US relations are more important than international treaty obligations. Canada is not threatening anything. The US would be the aggressor in this case. Canada can legalize it and tell the US to pound sand if they don't like it. Unless this would be used as a cover for souring US/Canadian relations to the benefit of Russia. >It may not sound like a big decision seeing as most Americans support legal marijuana, but the fact is that the US wrote the Convention on Narcotic Drugs and spent years bullying and cajoling most of the world to sign it, and the US spends billions of dollars ensuring that other nations comply with it. Then the US needs to get over its ego, admit it was wrong, and have a sane approach to drugs. [The drug war has been a colossal disaster which was used to target minorities and the left.](http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/)", ">>{FewerMoonves} : It's strange to have a president seemingly so disinterested in history. I never thought that George W. Bush was any sort of great mind, but he was clearly a history buff who read a lot on the subject for his own enjoyment.", ">>{santaisafraud} : Same here. I'm on a SE and haven't seen anything that has swayed me towards a 7 so far. Maybe testament to how good the cameras are on the 6 and above. My friend got a One Plus 3T last week and it's a very impressive phone, but the first thing we tested was the camera and my SE blew it out the park.", ">>{not_a_persona} : Threatening to violate an international treaty is not the purpose of marijuana legalization, but testing the reaction of the international community is a primary reason for the delay. Sure, international law can be violated by *any* country, the US violated it with the Iraq War and Russia violated it by annexing Crimea, the problem is with how other countries respond to the violation, and how much diplomatic goodwill and leverage a country has to spend before and during the violation. I doubt that a Hillary Clinton administration would have seized the American held assets of TD Bank for drug money laundering and imposed sanctions against Canada if Canada legalizes marijuana, both of which are permitted actions under the CND, but will Jeff Sessions and Rex Tillerson? Frankly, the response is anyone's guess, it might involve some 'great deal' like opening up the arctic to oil drilling, or asking Canada to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, in exchange for the US deciding to allow Canada to violate international law and renege on it's treaty obligations. >Then the US needs to get over its ego, admit it was wrong, and have a sane approach to drugs. Ha ha, you're talking about a country that just elected a President whose mentor and lawyer was also Joseph McCarthy's lawyer, and whose longest-lasting advisor worked for Richard Nixon, and just put a guy in charge of the country's legal system who once said that he didn't have a problem with the KKK until he found out they smoked pot. Those guys 'getting over their ego's' and 'having a sane approach' to *anything* might be slightly out of the range of possible reactions to expect.", '>>{Slurpinslurpees} : There actually was a blue dot near the very bottom of the photo so I cropped it out lol', ">>{2drawnonward5} : My watch was $8.12, it came from Walmart, and it keeps accurate time, looks good, and feels comfy. My dad's $400 watch pulls his arm hair, doesn't match any sleeves he wears, yet conforms to the dress code for someone in his variety of Sales work. Expensive watches seem weird to me.", '>>{BWA_Dallas} : In that case, you take views like this for granted. Many would kill for a view like that.', '>>{not_a_persona} : He could add that money back to their budget if he seized the US assets of Canadian banks for laundering drug money. No American bank is willing to touch marijuana money in the states that have legalized it because they are afraid of the Feds, and Canadian banks would be well-advised to think twice about it.', ">>{Poutrator} : Not t really. Most people could live near the coast of they truly wanted it. They just don't want it, **they want it as an add on to their current live**", ">>{Thr8way} : I believe all fit-tracker companies have pleateaued. Its just Fitbit's tries at expanding to other products haven't worked out.", '>>{Thr8way} : You could get a Mi Band that has alarms too for only $15-20 for the 1st generation.', ">>{scsibusfault} : Except this fucking thing can't even tell time. > The LED lights are adequate, but there's no way to tell the time, see the exact number of steps, or get proper notifications through them.", ">>{IrishNinjah} : I mean. I am not 'financially endowed' I just threw that shit on my Tmobile bill and make payments. I like my Charge HR, I don't use the fitness tracker for much accept when I do activities. But I religiously use the silent alarm to wake me up. Long gone are the days of a loud offending noise waking me up. My wrist just vibrates slightly (enough to wake most). I am always skeptical of first iterations of new tech. I laughed at the Fitbit originally and the entire 'smart watch' market.", '>>{CoeusLoki} : And all are less accurate than a phone with a clock linked to atomic clock updates.', '>>{Fucking-Use-Google} : Yeah, but you can get a watch with an atomic clock in it. You can buy just the atomic module for a few hundred dollars too.', '>>{JoelPhD} : Many high end watches are fitted with RCC which gives out the world time every few minutes in a radio signal. They are more accurate than phone times, computer times, etc.', ">>{JoelPhD} : I own a submariner, and a Fitbit. Two entirely different things. One is a timeless and classic watch with weight and craftsman ship, and the other is a modern status tracking device. I don't really wear my Fitbit though.", ">>{BB611} : In some lines of work and social groups in the western world, watches are a signal. Everywhere else they're basically anachronisms.", ">>{MoistStallion} : Are these worth it? They just look gimmicky to me. My phone tells me the time and I don't need to check my HR every day.", ">>{Sirsteezly} : You're not getting anykind of gold, silver, or gemstones for $200. Just higher quality mechanisms and construction. To put it simply, the watch will just feel a bit more solid.", ">>{funinsyd} : I have a Garmin HR. Tracks my sleep, my workout sessions, steps and movement during the day. I can control my music (previous, play, next) and see the temperature. At first, I didn't see the need but it has I noticed my fitness for the last 3 months (Made it easier as a physical reminder and tool)", '>>{ryancunderwood} : Compared to watches, they are cheap. Got mine on sale for $50 and just got my wife a new one for $59. We are by no means "financially endowed"...nowhere close. Surprisingly they actually do get you to walk more. My wife runs around the house late at night to "get her steps in". I walk my dogs more, will park further away from a store and walk to the mailbox instead of getting mail on the way in. So I say they are worth it.', '>>{AtmaJnana} : I use my FitBit Charge (I think) to track my exercise and my sleep. It helps me notice when I slip into my old habit of getting far too little sleep for several nights a week.', ">>{amgine} : I have had two Fitbit flex's and now a blaze. My gf has had the same. She's about to upgrade to a garmin vivoactive HR. I can tell you for people who actively exercise like we do (I would suspect not your average redditor) they're very useful. The HR monitor is accurate enough to know which zone you're in. It's good at counting calories throughout the day to know how much you've burned compared to how much you eat. I regularly use mine to watch for notifications without pulling my phone out, set random alarms without having to use the phone (food time in the oven works really well) and a countdown timer to have an exact time between sets at the gym. Also being able to set my phone down across the room and change music while working out is helpful. They're not necessary but once you find the use of them it's hard to not have it. Before I got a smart fitness watch I was in the market for luxury watches (2000 dollars and higher) and now I can't justify that kind of cost, even if they're gorgeous.", '>>{AlphaQ69} : When I walk into a client meeting with a $10 watch, they notice. When I walk in with a more expensive watch, they notice. Humans act subconsciously', '>>{lurkdedurk} : Their devices have serious room for improvement and a lot of that would go a long way towards converting the skeptics.', '>>{lurkdedurk} : HR tracking can be extremely helpful for many things. Sleep tracking. Resting HR fluctuations. Anxiety management. Workout management. etc.', ">>{missalaneous} : I have the Charge HR, but also use a heart rate monitor at the gym. The heart rate reading on the Fitbit isn't accurate but it's a general gauge. I like the step count and altimeter for flights of stairs. I also use the app to track daily water intake. Obviously, I like data.", '>>{YesIamaDinosaur} : I have the surge 2, shit works great, monitors everything about me I wanted it to, works as a watch whenever I need the time and lasts like a week on a charge, not too bad. Would recommend.', ">>{zim2411} : Did they solve the issue of it killing itself if you leave it charging for more than an hour? Their devices are so hilariously unreliable, and I'm almost positive they know it and bake the cost of replacement devices into the original price. Their customer support is excellent, but it's ridiculous how prone to failure their devices are.", ">>{Reworked} : I work as a machinist... I regularly have greasy hands and no sightline to a clock; I've considered joining everyone else I work with in getting a g-shock, but everyone else I know just checks their phone yes", ">>{norwaymaple} : They're not long term devices. I wore one every day for 1.5 years, and I only went that long out of habit. After X number of months, it's crystal clear/pounded into you how much you're moving and how much you should be moving.", ">>{_withtheshotboy} : Im not knocking Rolex at all if that's how my comment seemed. Obviously the Rolex is nothing short of a work of art. What I was trying to say to OP was fitbits aren't expensive and also do many things other than tell the time.", ">>{MatttDamon} : I have a flex 2 because I received one from work for free. The value you get from them is that you can compare you activity level, and compete with other people. I would also say that if you work a desk job like me, it can be a good motivator to get those 10,000 steps a day. The steps might not be accurate, but it gives you something to shoot for at the gym after work. It will even vibrate to let you know you have met your goal (you can also change the goal to whatever you want). By all means, these things are not accurate if you simply wish to track data points, but they are an excellent way to motivate and have some more fun being active. I wouldn't spend $99 on one, but since I have one I definitely am using it.", ">>{NeonWaterBeast} : Who cares? If you like the watch you don't need to know everything about it.", ">>{pseudocultist} : I've had a Flex for two years on my wrist, and it's been in the pool many times and the shower every day. I'm confused about this article's mentions of water resistance as if it's a new thing.", ">>{vulpes_carnivora} : I still think fitbit zips are way better than any other fitbit just for the fact that you don't have to wear it on your wrist. And they're cheap, pretty sure like $40 now. Also I've dropped mine in water a few times and it hasn't been damaged which obviously it's not intended for use in water but at least it doesn't immediately break when water touches it like most things.", '>>{AdelesManHands} : Had my Flex 2 for about a month (replaced a Charge HR (3 replacements in 3 months)), and the battery notifications stopped. Kind of a big deal since there is no other way to tell the battery strength unless you launch the app.', ">>{achensherd} : Hard for me to justify an activity tracker like this since my phone can already serve as a step counter (however accurate or inaccurate it may be in comparison), and if I wanted to know more details about my running I can just use Runkeeper or something like that. I've thought about getting an Alta so I can join my family's Fitbit bandwagon, but ultimately skipped on the idea when I saw the consistently negative reviews concerning longevity.", ">>{JCRoberts1234} : Just got mine for $60 on Cyber Monday, we'll see how it goes!", ">>{PolochKid} : I've had a charge for over a year. It's cool to track your sleep. But I mainly got it because I can read texts from it. Saves a lot of time at work. I didn't want a fancy smart watch or anything. I picked it up on eBay really cheap because the HR monitor didn't work. Win win for me.", ">>{OuHiroshi} : They are only good for cardio though. For anything else it's pretty useless.", ">>{KGinthepaint} : At those prices they're basically just paying for the brand name. A random guy came up to my friend drooling in admiration of his watch that he thought was a model worth 10k+. It was a knockoff he bought in China for a few hundred dollars", ">>{newspaperaddict} : I don't understand how they don't have a better app by now. It got a UI remake, sure. But it's still awful underneath.", '>>{Greatget} : I hated wearing watches until I started wearing one..if you are looking for a stylish watch under $100 check out www.mvmt.com', ">>{mrnahum} : Then they're not watch aficionados. Pretty hard to find an automatic watch $500 and under.", ">>{KnotARealGreenDress} : I've had a Flex 1 for one or two years now and I've never had a problem with it (and neither have the other people I know with a Flex). Usually I leave it charging overnight. A friend had issues with her Charge, but according to the company it was a firmware issue and not battery related. They replaced it and the new one has been working fine. Other than that I've never actually known anyone to have a mechanical issue with their devices, though the casing/straps can be an issue. I'm upgrading to an Alta soon, so we'll see how that goes.", '>>{KnotARealGreenDress} : I\'ve also had a Flex for about two years and I distinctly remember one of the selling points being "you can shower with it!" I haven\'t been wearing it in the shower, but I distinctly remember being told I could. But then yeah, water resistance was suddenly a big deal with the Flex 2 and I was like "but...I already...have that...with the Flex 1."', '>>{khouryrt} : Check my answer to Brandon Giesing in the comment section of the article. I explained why water resistance is considered a new thing for Fitbit, despite the Flex.', '>>{khouryrt} : True, but they removed that from all marketing and kind of pushed it under the rug a little while after announcing it. Seems like a lot of people had issues with it. Check my reply to Brandon Giesing in the comment section of the article for the full answer re: water-resistance.', ">>{thor_barley} : From someone focused on lifting, your instincts may be correct. It might be worth a try if you need a push to get healthier habits ingrained. I received one as a gift and, after the novelty wore off, it felt like a dorky distraction that provided features and information I didn't want or could get on my phone. If you do want to check your heart rate occasionally (while not moving) try the Cardiio phone app. Sleep tracking phone apps are also a cheaper option than a wrist band. I think fitness trackers will, one day, be a vital tool for anyone looking to improve their health and athleticism but, right now, they don't offer enough.", ">>{proteusind} : BTW the original Flex also had some water-resistance (up to 10m) so while this is better, the review is worded like this is Fitbit's first water-resistant tracker which isn't true.", ">>{EmmaAlves} : i think Flex 2 really is a slim little tracker that's hardly noticeable at all on the wrist, which is a nice change of pace.", ">>{thaimove} : So... Are you looking for work? Because I have an idea that would greatly benefit from a manufacturing engineer's professional opinion. Can you PM me if you're interested?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{TheKKKSupportsHilary} : Clinton childhood friend 'astonished' women would vote for Hillary", ">>{the_glutton} : WorldNetDaily Washington Times My cat's litterbox All roughly the same quality journalism", '>>{DragonPup} : At least your cat buries its shit instead of leaving it out for all to see.', ">>{winstonsmith7} : > WorldNetDaily Washington Times My cat's litterbox True, but I know many women who would like to see a woman in the Office as long as it's not her. No, they are not Trump supporters.", '>>{0ne_Word} : All the history is well documented. All it takes for anyone to vote for Clinton is an alarming amount of willful ignorance about her past.', ">>{PlaaaaasticJesuuuuus} : Don't forget the ny post, westernjournalism, trofire, and the alcohol-embalmed still-clutching-video-editing-software-in-its-hand corpse of Breitbart.", ">>{Triggered_Trump} : >All it takes for anyone to vote for Clinton is ~~an alarming amount of willful ignorance about her past~~ knowing her past and understanding that she's the best candidate.", '>>{roboboogienights} : ermagerd, this is going to sound great next time I want to engage an innocent bystander in an unwelcome political argrument.', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : Women should vote for the guy with 3 wives and says "She was bleeding from somewhere" when a female reporter ask a relevant question?', ">>{coursecatalog} : *“Hillary has got to be going on the energy from her power addiction because it’s exhausting to do this day after day. And yet she’s completely unaccountable. Who knows how long it has been since she’s had a press conference?”* Political insight like that can't come cheap.", ">>{boogietime} : Can we all stop posting these low effort nonsense posts? For the last few hours, it's been nonstop spam about Trump's co/ghost-writer. Now it's Clinton's childhood friend. Who the hell cares what some random person thinks about either candidate?", ">>{alephnul} : No, there aren't. There will be lots of people on the ballot. Only two of them count.", ">>{tornshoe} : > Only two of them count. Incorrect. A majority of people will only vote for 2 of those people, but that's not the same thing. The only thing keeping 3rd party candidates from getting elected and being viable is the general public's unwillingness to vote for them.", ">>{alephnul} : >The only thing keeping 3rd party candidates from getting elected and being viable is the general public's unwillingness to vote for them. So very true. Pretty much rules them out as parties that count though."], ['>>{subware} : Secretary of State Rex Tillerson largely disappears in the Trump Cabinet', ">>{osaucyone} : He has been fully assimilated into the machine. Now it's really well oiled and running like nothing you've seen. Edit: Believe me.", '>>{glutenfree123} : Well his only job is to lobby for the removal of Russian sanctions and make money for Exxon Mobile', ">>{Hobophobic} : He's keeping his head down before everything drops. Either he was a plant by the FBI, trying to get Trump to implicate himself, or he knows that he'll be on the chopping block first due to his Russia ties. He always was a curious pick. My pet theory is that he was cultivated by the FBI due to his unique relationship with Putin. They knew Trump was dirty and also knew Trump assumes that everyone works on a pay for play basis. Trump can't fathom that anyone would do something for any other reason. He'd be the perfect mole. Well documented ties to Putin and Russia, public financial incentive to help with the Russian plot. He gets in, hints at oil deals, and they spill the beans. You know they couldn't resist.", ">>{rtb8} : Don't forget fighting the *evils* of marijuana and filling up them for profit prisons.", ">>{FewerMoonves} : From what I've read, Tillerson wasn't Trump's first choice for Secretary of State, though it doesn't appear that Trump had any other obvious candidates in mind that Tillerson displaced. Trump and Tillerson had no real relationship prior to November 2016, and Tillerson quietly favored Jeb Bush for the Republican nomination and the presidency. Largely indifferent to both Trump and Clinton once the general election season started, but believed to have privately favored Clinton, albeit not overwhelmingly. Tillerson is a well-established business/political figure in Texas, and both Condi Rice and George W. Bush were said to have lobbied for his appointment to the State Department. Trump isn't exactly close with that crowd, but again, he doesn't appear to have had anyone specific in mind. Giuliani and John Bolton were both non-starters; he may have briefly considered Romney in the interest of having his own 'team of rivals' narrative, but it simply wasn't enough to do so for its own sake. Corker and Huntsman were the best candidates. I like to think that Corker was given the right of first refusal that was owed to him, and he refused.", '>>{gaberax} : His job is to make money for himself, Trump, his henchmen and all his Russian buddies.', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : Did someone look behind the Fabergé Egg? He likes to hide back there.', '>>{analyticheir} : Not sure. Need him to confirm this under oath.', ">>{Hobophobic} : Yeah, just a fun theory. I wish I could write it off as fantasy, but in Trumplandia anything is possible. I was following the Russia story from the beginning and Tillerson always stuck out as too obvious of a move for people trying to hide the Rosneft deal allegations. Then again, they've been remarkably incompetent for traitors. I can't wait until the book comes out, mostly because it will be several years after the nightmare we're currently in is over. If the CEO of an oil company that fabricated anti-climate change studies is our best hope, I'm not that hopeful.", '>>{MisterInfalllible} : > He always was a curious pick. Eh. 1) Russian Oil Money 2) White Supremacist 3) Token 4) Gave $200,000,000 to Republican Party pick one of the above.', ">>{spanisheyessmile} : Just saw this information on Real Time. Essentially, Exxon knew about climate change in the early 80's so Tillerson has had some of the best scientific work to hand for years. As much as I am concerned with having him as SOS, I can honestly say he does not strike me as someone who ignores scientific fact. After all, to keep Exxon profitable, it would have required faith in the science.", '>>{takeashill_pill} : Looks like Jared is the one handling foreign policy, who has less foreign policy experience than Tillerson does.', '>>{MitchAlanP} : Confirm under oath then clarify what he actually under oath a few weeks later in writing while not under oath.', '>>{EmergencyChocolate} : the climate stuff is like big tobacco on a global scale - everyone knows and understands the science, and has for years, but shareholders.', '>>{DeuceyDeuce} : Find this guy. Find his dirty laundry. Destroy him. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha haaaaah.', ">>{orionquest2016} : Better to align the US's oil interests with Russia than a country that helped 9/11", ">>{Cisubranu} : Hey pal, do you mind sending me your copy of Schindlers List? I'd like to know who's got that pink daisy tag attached to their name.", ">>{not_a_persona} : I don't think this was implied by the comment above, but fighting the evils of marijuana might very well fall under the purview of the State Department in the next couple of years. One of the primary reasons that many countries have not legalized marijuana is because they are long-time signatories of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, which was modeled on the US Controlled Substances Act at the insistence of American government officials, and which lists marijuana as a Class 1 controlled substance. The penalties for violating the treaty are potentially dire— if a signatory nation allowed the proceeds of marijuana sales to be processed in their banking system that government could be deemed an international crime syndicate, which would result in their assets being frozen and international sanctions being imposed, and could also result in international arrest warrants and extradition orders being issued for politicians and government officials. Canada is threatening to test US diplomacy in the next year or two by legalizing marijuana for recreational use. At that point the US is going to have to make a decision on whether Canada/US relations are more important than international treaty obligations. It may not sound like a big decision seeing as most Americans support legal marijuana, but the fact is that the US wrote the Convention on Narcotic Drugs and spent years bullying and cajoling most of the world to sign it, and the US spends billions of dollars ensuring that other nations comply with it. If Rex Tillerson and Donald Trump allow Canada to blatantly and flagrantly violate the Convention without repercussions it may run the risk of opening the doors to Afghanistan, Vietnam, Colombia, Mexico, China, and many others to follow Canada's lead. It's entirely possible that Justin Trudeau is going to lead to Rex Tillerson spending far more time than he expected fighting the evils of marijuana.", ">>{orionquest2016} : Is that an option yet? I think the bailout debts and petrodollar agreements will make the US someone's military slave.", ">>{glutenfree123} : To be honest I never considered that angle of marijuana legislation. Good point. However didn't Trump just say he was cutting the State department's budget by 1/3?", '>>{lesharvard} : Stuff like this- this is where people have to pay attention.', ">>{therealbman} : Right, let's make good with the guys that just attacked us and declared war on western democracy. They're attacking our allies and bullying their neighbors right at this instant. Saudi Arabia is a shit hole too but it doesn't mean we have to play nice with the Russians. That's not good logic.", ">>{kanst} : It's possible he falls into the 5th smaller bin, picks he didn't care about so Priebus/Pence picked them (like McConnels wife). It seems his plan is to gut the state department, so maybe he just let the RNC establishment pick the SoS as a favor.", ">>{jvpewster} : >his own team of rivals narrative Unless that is also the name of a foxnews segment there's approximately 0% chance he knows that that's referring to", ">>{orionquest2016} : Russia attacked the US? I wouldn't say making anti-Hillary propaganda websites counts as that. Ukraine drama is most likely conjured up, because getting Ukraine to join NATO will cripple Russia's ability to supply oil to Europe. Right now Hunter Biden's oil companies are sucking out all the Shale oil there, they should be pissed.", ">>{mst3kcrow} : >Canada is threatening to test US diplomacy in the next year or two by legalizing marijuana for recreational use. At that point the US is going to have to make a decision on whether Canada/US relations are more important than international treaty obligations. Canada is not threatening anything. The US would be the aggressor in this case. Canada can legalize it and tell the US to pound sand if they don't like it. Unless this would be used as a cover for souring US/Canadian relations to the benefit of Russia. >It may not sound like a big decision seeing as most Americans support legal marijuana, but the fact is that the US wrote the Convention on Narcotic Drugs and spent years bullying and cajoling most of the world to sign it, and the US spends billions of dollars ensuring that other nations comply with it. Then the US needs to get over its ego, admit it was wrong, and have a sane approach to drugs. [The drug war has been a colossal disaster which was used to target minorities and the left.](http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/)", ">>{FewerMoonves} : It's strange to have a president seemingly so disinterested in history. I never thought that George W. Bush was any sort of great mind, but he was clearly a history buff who read a lot on the subject for his own enjoyment.", ">>{not_a_persona} : Threatening to violate an international treaty is not the purpose of marijuana legalization, but testing the reaction of the international community is a primary reason for the delay. Sure, international law can be violated by *any* country, the US violated it with the Iraq War and Russia violated it by annexing Crimea, the problem is with how other countries respond to the violation, and how much diplomatic goodwill and leverage a country has to spend before and during the violation. I doubt that a Hillary Clinton administration would have seized the American held assets of TD Bank for drug money laundering and imposed sanctions against Canada if Canada legalizes marijuana, both of which are permitted actions under the CND, but will Jeff Sessions and Rex Tillerson? Frankly, the response is anyone's guess, it might involve some 'great deal' like opening up the arctic to oil drilling, or asking Canada to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, in exchange for the US deciding to allow Canada to violate international law and renege on it's treaty obligations. >Then the US needs to get over its ego, admit it was wrong, and have a sane approach to drugs. Ha ha, you're talking about a country that just elected a President whose mentor and lawyer was also Joseph McCarthy's lawyer, and whose longest-lasting advisor worked for Richard Nixon, and just put a guy in charge of the country's legal system who once said that he didn't have a problem with the KKK until he found out they smoked pot. Those guys 'getting over their ego's' and 'having a sane approach' to *anything* might be slightly out of the range of possible reactions to expect.", '>>{not_a_persona} : He could add that money back to their budget if he seized the US assets of Canadian banks for laundering drug money. No American bank is willing to touch marijuana money in the states that have legalized it because they are afraid of the Feds, and Canadian banks would be well-advised to think twice about it.'], ['>>{Watervsfire} : Man, that would have looked amazing with portrait mode active! Still a beautiful photo though! Good capture', '>>{marinadefor3hours} : I would disagree. The scenery was the point of focus here, the silhouettes were just complimentary to the main subject.', '>>{nodevon} : I feel like this is a photo of a nice scene but not a particularly technically impressive photo..', '>>{AMAXIX} : Honestly, people have been posting pictures like this since the original iPhone came out. Me? My pictures will still look like potatoes on an iPhone 20.', '>>{Slurpinslurpees} : Nope, actually right next to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fran :)', ">>{pm_me_spacecucks} : It's not even that great of a scene to be honest.", ">>{Dr__Nick} : Portrait mode on the iPhone 7 Plus kicks butt. The rest of it I find pretty standard, but I really like the DOF effect portrait mode gets you. You do get some bad looking effects if there are objects between you and the subject or there's parts of the background too close to the subject. Otherwise great stuff.", ">>{Slurpinslurpees} : Yeah, I just really like it for some reason (maybe cause it's my friends who knows), but yeah it wasn't really supposed to be impressive", ">>{nodevon} : Wouldn't a better sub be /r/pics then?", ">>{BWA_Dallas} : You see scenes like this in your every day life? Edit: Fuck y'all", ">>{BWA_Dallas} : Too much hate. I think it's a great pic OP", ">>{megablast} : Yes, I live near the beach. There isn't always a couple of people in the way though.", ">>{pm_me_spacecucks} : It's just two dudes chilling by the ocean. So, yes.", '>>{Cherry-Marmalade} : Always get a blue dot somewhere in my sun photos. Awesome pic with no blue dot!', '>>{john_the_doe} : If only you stayed around an extra hour or two to take the same shot', '>>{BlueMacaw} : [Fixed it for you.](http://imgur.com/t0JvMtm)', ">>{prof_hobart} : I agree. Whilst the 7 Plus camera is great for a smartphone, it's not as good as I expected it to be given all of the love it's been getting. It's more than good enough to use as a day to day camera, and a big improvement over my 5S, but I still don't think it's as good as my 7 year old compact camera (and obviously, it's vastly inferior to my SLR). That's not too surprising, given the difference in lenses between them. But from what I'd seen elsewhere, I was still half expecting to be truly blown away by the quality, and I'm not.", ">>{jaysire} : I've yet to see a picture taken by a normal consumer (as opposed to marketing material or otherwise professional photos) on the iPhone 7 that is clearly superior to what could be achieved with my iPhone 6. Anyone have an example?", '>>{mmuncy09} : Which 7 year old compact camera ya talking about? Seriously interested. I think the biggest thing that hurts smartphone cameras compared to an older point and shoot like you mentioned is the noise reduction. I think they go way overboard with it in most instances.', ">>{marinadefor3hours} : I never thought sharing a photo you took would generate such negative comments. OP, I think the photo looks great and it's just lovely how the camera nicely captured the water ripples. Don't mind the mean comments.", ">>{Blood_Fox} : I've always wondered how people can photoshop like this...", '>>{littleHiawatha} : Not op, but most likely a Powershot or maybe a Cybershot rx100', ">>{iisshaun} : The only difference I've noticed between my 7 Plus and 6 Plus has been faster AF, slightly more detailed images and a little better low light. Nothing crazy, but the 2x camera has really been useful and I get a lot of good comments about the pictures using zoom.", '>>{qprs} : Looks like he just clone stamped the people out. You can see exactly where he did it.', ">>{quantamskates} : I mean it's not really hate, it's just not really a strong photo.", '>>{chewb} : I love the camera too but this photo just reminds me of the limited dynamic range in cellphone cameras :) I upvoted it though', '>>{chewb} : if only he would have taken 3 shots in succession with the exposure set to min, medium, max and then combined them...', '>>{Intrepolicious} : Then he\'d have an HDR. A real HDR mind you, not the faux "HDR mode" on the iPhone that only uses two images.', ">>{santaisafraud} : Same here. I'm on a SE and haven't seen anything that has swayed me towards a 7 so far. Maybe testament to how good the cameras are on the 6 and above. My friend got a One Plus 3T last week and it's a very impressive phone, but the first thing we tested was the camera and my SE blew it out the park.", '>>{Slurpinslurpees} : There actually was a blue dot near the very bottom of the photo so I cropped it out lol', '>>{BWA_Dallas} : In that case, you take views like this for granted. Many would kill for a view like that.', ">>{Poutrator} : Not t really. Most people could live near the coast of they truly wanted it. They just don't want it, **they want it as an add on to their current live**"], ['>>{10gauge} : Assange Reveals CIA Hacked Into Congress For Obama Administration Coverup', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : I am getting the vibe that many of these "conservative" websites source IPs originate somewhere in Macedonia, Albania, Yugoslavia, maybe some even the heart of the motherland......', '>>{friendly-cephalopod} : Wow, thanks conservativedailypost.com for getting the inside scoop on this massive story, well before any other news organization! Journalism at its finest! /s', ">>{SaltHash} : Assange cited a NYT article from 2014 as proof of his unverified claim. The blog omits the fact that the cited source describes ensuing Congressional investigations and punishment. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/01/world/senate-intelligence-commitee-cia-interrogation-report.html?_r=1 He might as well as admit that he is a stooge for the Kremlin who needs me to get Congress to ignore their breaches of America's national security.", '>>{kbean826} : Ok, ok, ok. First, he rails about how we can\'t trust the CIA. Then he uses an internal CIA investigation to prove his point. Then he says that an intelligence agency far stronger than anything we have proved Russia didn\'t hack us (though that\'s not what they said at all) and uses "It’s hard to believe someone when they don’t have proof." and then provides no proof. Mods, can we please block the website linked?', '>>{mattsoca} : Proof that he\'s "getting the vibe"? Settle down..', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : Interesting.......wonder what or who could be in Panama?', ">>{Iseeusleep} : I'm getting the vibe that you are a pedophile. I don't need any proof so I'm just going to go ahead and tell everyone you know and the police that you fuck kids. See what I'm saying?", '>>{dr_pepper_35} : No one. The real owners are using a service called Whoisguard to hide their names and country of origin. Anyone who uses it is listed as being in Panama.', '>>{dr_pepper_35} : The fact that they are using a service to hide the sites owners name and country is suspicious. Why would they freely admit to being in Vegas but hide the register info.', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : So probably not an American. No reason for an American operated site to hide their info. I doubt some kiddies in Albania would go through the trouble to hide their source location through a paid service....... Maybe straight from the Kremlin itself?', ">>{Iseeusleep} : Do you actually have a PhD mr. pepper? If not than I'm not so sure I can trust someone who is lying about their credentials.", ">>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : Logic isn't going to penetrate your skull it seems.", '>>{dr_pepper_35} : Well, who knows the reason they are hiding their names. They could be an American who has links to one of the major political parties. The idea that the Kremlin is running this site directly is rather silly though.', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : But why hide links to a major political party when your website is as partisan as this. If you have links to a party, I doubt your audience or even your opposition will care if you did.', '>>{dr_pepper_35} : I did not go to Soda College to be called Mr., thank you very much.', ">>{Iseeusleep} : Isn't that what your tinfoil hat does? Prevent the penetrative rays of logic and skepticism? As for me, I'm gay & and retarted so all of this shit is wayyyyy above my paygrade. Or am I a RUSSIAN™", '>>{Timbershoe} : That you want to get banned from the sub?', '>>{Jabawocky} : I didnt read that there were any punishments. >Ms. Feinstein called Mr. Brennan’s apology and decision to set up an accountability board “positive first steps,” and said the inspector general report “corrects the record.” I dont like the "corrects the record part and there is still an ongoing investigation by the Sergeant at arms', '>>{Ichabodfuxter72} : Remember Mendax means Lying, untruthful, false, mendacious, deceptive, feigned, not real.', ">>{BushwickPhil} : Anyone looking for easy karma, follow OP's recipe. Top notch, low quality, easy karma"], ['>>{ketchupnbugs} : I still maintain that fit bits are over priced watches for the financially endowed', ">>{WaywardTraveller} : Pretty much. Once you go down the fitbit path though and have to deal with warranty and replacements, and have that cut off even though their products suck and they continue to sell products they know will fail, and then offer you a new, more expensive product without the same features for a 'deal' you begin to realize that you're not buying a product, but rather paying a monthly fee to be a fitbit member.", ">>{Fuzzy_lips} : I got a weird rash from mine.. like 7 months after wearing it. I clean it daily but it just won't stop coming back. So I stopped wearing it and the rash is now gone... I do have a rough patch over where the rash was now..", '>>{b0gg3r} : If I just want fitness and health tracking, is there any reason to upgrade from a Miband 1s? (Upgrade at all that is, not necessarily to this product)', ">>{nothingisrealyounob} : On the contrary, Fitness bands are for us poor fucks who want to track our running distance and steps without carrying our damn phone around, but who can't afford a GPS watch. My garmin was $30 refurb'd and I'm super happy to have it.", '>>{midwesternhousewives} : I sort of agree with you, but it could be useful for certain situations. Like my doctor told me to get one to keep track of my heart rate to help get over an injury, etc.', '>>{ekibnur} : If you think fitbits are expensive you should look at how much real watches cost.', ">>{JustAnotherPer} : I guess you have not priced watches recently. My wife bought me a Surge for my birthday last year, was $200 and some change, I don't think that is very expensive given what [Kohl's has on their website](http://www.kohls.com/catalog/citizen-watches.jsp?CN=Brand:Citizen+Department:Watches&S=5&PPP=60) and they are far from an expensive store.", ">>{JustAnotherPer} : Don't often agree with this sort of comment, but I think it is justified this time.", ">>{theramennoodle} : Most people couldn't tell you if they're watch is automatic or not and what kind of movement it has.", '>>{neRo1508} : I upgraded to Mi Band 2 and it\'s wonderful. The battery doesn\'t last quite as long, "only" 2-3 weeks, but it now has a display (which means a watch, heart rate monitor, steps monitor, battery monitor and other (for me non-interesting) features). And it only cost me like 10€ more.', '>>{BB611} : For watch aficionados, sure, but the average people I know might own 1 nice watch ($200), and a few other cheapies (<$50). A lot of women I know only own a fitbit, and they consider it expensive compared to the watch they would otherwise own or used to wear.', ">>{PM_ME_YOUR_CUMHOLE} : I bought a Surge recently, and the band separated from the face within 3 months. The replacement process was super effortless, but I don't think I'll buy another Fitbit once my warranty expires.", '>>{b0gg3r} : I have an OG pebble which covers the "smartwatch" features for me.', ">>{PleasureNerd} : If you photograph it and send it to them I'm sure they can do something about it. Fitbit have wonderful customer service (should point out I'm British so they don't come across as freakishly happy which makes me feel comfortable)", '>>{_withtheshotboy} : Rolex Submariners are ~$10k a $100 fitbit tells you the time and keeps track of steps/sleeping habits/ vibrates when you get a phonecall etc. more "bang for your buck" if you ask me', '>>{alexkehr} : $200 "nice" watch is likely the same as the $50 one... just with marketing (aka Michael Kors). A real nice watch is art and $5,000+.', ">>{olivish} : That's like saying there's no difference between shopping at Club Monaco vs Old Navy, because neither one is couture.", ">>{_Gunga_Din_} : I think it's more like saying that there's no difference between Skull Candy and Beats. Just because the latter is more expensive doesn't mean it's better quality. That said, I'm sure there are some excellent $500 watches just like there are some excellent $200 headphones.", '>>{BB611} : I have multiple friends who are watch aficionados, the $200-300 range is quite popular with them. Maybe a few nice pieces up to $500, but $5000 watches are uncommon even among people with a commitment to the scene.', ">>{xLambdax} : As a manufacturing engineer for them, they aren't doing well. They are afraid they have plateaued.", ">>{olivish} : I think it depends on whether you're evaluating the watch primarily based on the elegance of its internal mechanism vs its aesthetic appeal. The $50 watch and the $200 watch may have comparable inner workings, but often the more expensive option will have more aesthetic appeal and have better quality materials incorporated on the outside (gold, silver, gemstones). I don't think it would be off-base for me to say that for the vast majority of users, the tiny improvements in the quality of the *timekeeping* between low end and high end watches is virtually unnoticeable - the main motivation for spending extra money is aesthetic. This is why I think the better analogy is to clothing, not something like headphones. In the case of headphones, the difference in *sound* quality between low end and high end is very noticeable, and for most people the improvement in sound quality is the main motivator for spending extra money on headphones, not that the expensive ones *look* better. That is, they're less a fashion statement then they are practical tools, and most users evaluate them as such.", '>>{pixiedonut} : Why the fuck do people delete their posts? Edit: unreddit saved the day for me. . /u/OverEasyGoing said: > R/hailcorporate same day as earnings...', '>>{OverEasyGoing} : Yeah I did it cause I was wrong on the earnings bit. Every time I tried to edit it errored out', '>>{80percentdad} : Best silent alarm on the market. Get up early and don\'t want to wake your bunkmate? Set a silent "reminder" alarm on your Fitbit, wear it to bed, and you\'ll wake up without an alarm waking anyone else. How much is an extra 10-60min of sleep worth to you?!', '>>{pixiedonut} : Ahh, sorry to call you out. I just hate seeing that on reddit.', '>>{ibujunky} : I bought a fitbit pulse hr+ (forgot the correct name) for 160 euros. that thing fell apart after about a year. battery life was horrible. after a few months the display turned off and overall experience was mediocre. now I bought a garmin hr for 120 euros. it has all the features of the fitbit, plus a touch screen, weather, display. it shows whatsapp SMS messages. it can remote the music player on the mobile. no info about battery life yet.', '>>{OverEasyGoing} : All good. I stand by the Hail Corporate call out, though!', ">>{Fucking-Use-Google} : Seriously. I've been in other subreddits with guys talking about their watches that cost tens of thousands. Some new watches sell for hundreds of thousands.", '>>{PacersATX} : I think if I sent this comment to my friends they would think it was me. How can they not replace a product that has a clear manufacturer\'s defect because it is "out of warranty", even though the warranty they\'re using is on the original device. That\'s like buying a new car and having the warranty be based on your trade-in. Sorry, but why would I buy their new product when they won\'t even honor the quality of their old ones?', ">>{2drawnonward5} : My watch was $8.12, it came from Walmart, and it keeps accurate time, looks good, and feels comfy. My dad's $400 watch pulls his arm hair, doesn't match any sleeves he wears, yet conforms to the dress code for someone in his variety of Sales work. Expensive watches seem weird to me.", ">>{Thr8way} : I believe all fit-tracker companies have pleateaued. Its just Fitbit's tries at expanding to other products haven't worked out.", '>>{Thr8way} : You could get a Mi Band that has alarms too for only $15-20 for the 1st generation.', ">>{scsibusfault} : Except this fucking thing can't even tell time. > The LED lights are adequate, but there's no way to tell the time, see the exact number of steps, or get proper notifications through them.", ">>{IrishNinjah} : I mean. I am not 'financially endowed' I just threw that shit on my Tmobile bill and make payments. I like my Charge HR, I don't use the fitness tracker for much accept when I do activities. But I religiously use the silent alarm to wake me up. Long gone are the days of a loud offending noise waking me up. My wrist just vibrates slightly (enough to wake most). I am always skeptical of first iterations of new tech. I laughed at the Fitbit originally and the entire 'smart watch' market.", '>>{CoeusLoki} : And all are less accurate than a phone with a clock linked to atomic clock updates.', '>>{Fucking-Use-Google} : Yeah, but you can get a watch with an atomic clock in it. You can buy just the atomic module for a few hundred dollars too.', '>>{JoelPhD} : Many high end watches are fitted with RCC which gives out the world time every few minutes in a radio signal. They are more accurate than phone times, computer times, etc.', ">>{JoelPhD} : I own a submariner, and a Fitbit. Two entirely different things. One is a timeless and classic watch with weight and craftsman ship, and the other is a modern status tracking device. I don't really wear my Fitbit though.", ">>{BB611} : In some lines of work and social groups in the western world, watches are a signal. Everywhere else they're basically anachronisms.", ">>{MoistStallion} : Are these worth it? They just look gimmicky to me. My phone tells me the time and I don't need to check my HR every day.", ">>{Sirsteezly} : You're not getting anykind of gold, silver, or gemstones for $200. Just higher quality mechanisms and construction. To put it simply, the watch will just feel a bit more solid.", ">>{funinsyd} : I have a Garmin HR. Tracks my sleep, my workout sessions, steps and movement during the day. I can control my music (previous, play, next) and see the temperature. At first, I didn't see the need but it has I noticed my fitness for the last 3 months (Made it easier as a physical reminder and tool)", '>>{ryancunderwood} : Compared to watches, they are cheap. Got mine on sale for $50 and just got my wife a new one for $59. We are by no means "financially endowed"...nowhere close. Surprisingly they actually do get you to walk more. My wife runs around the house late at night to "get her steps in". I walk my dogs more, will park further away from a store and walk to the mailbox instead of getting mail on the way in. So I say they are worth it.', '>>{AtmaJnana} : I use my FitBit Charge (I think) to track my exercise and my sleep. It helps me notice when I slip into my old habit of getting far too little sleep for several nights a week.', ">>{amgine} : I have had two Fitbit flex's and now a blaze. My gf has had the same. She's about to upgrade to a garmin vivoactive HR. I can tell you for people who actively exercise like we do (I would suspect not your average redditor) they're very useful. The HR monitor is accurate enough to know which zone you're in. It's good at counting calories throughout the day to know how much you've burned compared to how much you eat. I regularly use mine to watch for notifications without pulling my phone out, set random alarms without having to use the phone (food time in the oven works really well) and a countdown timer to have an exact time between sets at the gym. Also being able to set my phone down across the room and change music while working out is helpful. They're not necessary but once you find the use of them it's hard to not have it. Before I got a smart fitness watch I was in the market for luxury watches (2000 dollars and higher) and now I can't justify that kind of cost, even if they're gorgeous.", '>>{AlphaQ69} : When I walk into a client meeting with a $10 watch, they notice. When I walk in with a more expensive watch, they notice. Humans act subconsciously', '>>{lurkdedurk} : Their devices have serious room for improvement and a lot of that would go a long way towards converting the skeptics.', '>>{lurkdedurk} : HR tracking can be extremely helpful for many things. Sleep tracking. Resting HR fluctuations. Anxiety management. Workout management. etc.', ">>{missalaneous} : I have the Charge HR, but also use a heart rate monitor at the gym. The heart rate reading on the Fitbit isn't accurate but it's a general gauge. I like the step count and altimeter for flights of stairs. I also use the app to track daily water intake. Obviously, I like data.", '>>{YesIamaDinosaur} : I have the surge 2, shit works great, monitors everything about me I wanted it to, works as a watch whenever I need the time and lasts like a week on a charge, not too bad. Would recommend.', ">>{zim2411} : Did they solve the issue of it killing itself if you leave it charging for more than an hour? Their devices are so hilariously unreliable, and I'm almost positive they know it and bake the cost of replacement devices into the original price. Their customer support is excellent, but it's ridiculous how prone to failure their devices are.", ">>{Reworked} : I work as a machinist... I regularly have greasy hands and no sightline to a clock; I've considered joining everyone else I work with in getting a g-shock, but everyone else I know just checks their phone yes", ">>{norwaymaple} : They're not long term devices. I wore one every day for 1.5 years, and I only went that long out of habit. After X number of months, it's crystal clear/pounded into you how much you're moving and how much you should be moving.", ">>{_withtheshotboy} : Im not knocking Rolex at all if that's how my comment seemed. Obviously the Rolex is nothing short of a work of art. What I was trying to say to OP was fitbits aren't expensive and also do many things other than tell the time.", ">>{MatttDamon} : I have a flex 2 because I received one from work for free. The value you get from them is that you can compare you activity level, and compete with other people. I would also say that if you work a desk job like me, it can be a good motivator to get those 10,000 steps a day. The steps might not be accurate, but it gives you something to shoot for at the gym after work. It will even vibrate to let you know you have met your goal (you can also change the goal to whatever you want). By all means, these things are not accurate if you simply wish to track data points, but they are an excellent way to motivate and have some more fun being active. I wouldn't spend $99 on one, but since I have one I definitely am using it.", ">>{NeonWaterBeast} : Who cares? If you like the watch you don't need to know everything about it.", ">>{pseudocultist} : I've had a Flex for two years on my wrist, and it's been in the pool many times and the shower every day. I'm confused about this article's mentions of water resistance as if it's a new thing.", ">>{vulpes_carnivora} : I still think fitbit zips are way better than any other fitbit just for the fact that you don't have to wear it on your wrist. And they're cheap, pretty sure like $40 now. Also I've dropped mine in water a few times and it hasn't been damaged which obviously it's not intended for use in water but at least it doesn't immediately break when water touches it like most things.", '>>{AdelesManHands} : Had my Flex 2 for about a month (replaced a Charge HR (3 replacements in 3 months)), and the battery notifications stopped. Kind of a big deal since there is no other way to tell the battery strength unless you launch the app.', ">>{achensherd} : Hard for me to justify an activity tracker like this since my phone can already serve as a step counter (however accurate or inaccurate it may be in comparison), and if I wanted to know more details about my running I can just use Runkeeper or something like that. I've thought about getting an Alta so I can join my family's Fitbit bandwagon, but ultimately skipped on the idea when I saw the consistently negative reviews concerning longevity.", ">>{JCRoberts1234} : Just got mine for $60 on Cyber Monday, we'll see how it goes!", ">>{PolochKid} : I've had a charge for over a year. It's cool to track your sleep. But I mainly got it because I can read texts from it. Saves a lot of time at work. I didn't want a fancy smart watch or anything. I picked it up on eBay really cheap because the HR monitor didn't work. Win win for me.", ">>{OuHiroshi} : They are only good for cardio though. For anything else it's pretty useless.", ">>{KGinthepaint} : At those prices they're basically just paying for the brand name. A random guy came up to my friend drooling in admiration of his watch that he thought was a model worth 10k+. It was a knockoff he bought in China for a few hundred dollars", ">>{newspaperaddict} : I don't understand how they don't have a better app by now. It got a UI remake, sure. But it's still awful underneath.", '>>{Greatget} : I hated wearing watches until I started wearing one..if you are looking for a stylish watch under $100 check out www.mvmt.com', ">>{mrnahum} : Then they're not watch aficionados. Pretty hard to find an automatic watch $500 and under.", ">>{KnotARealGreenDress} : I've had a Flex 1 for one or two years now and I've never had a problem with it (and neither have the other people I know with a Flex). Usually I leave it charging overnight. A friend had issues with her Charge, but according to the company it was a firmware issue and not battery related. They replaced it and the new one has been working fine. Other than that I've never actually known anyone to have a mechanical issue with their devices, though the casing/straps can be an issue. I'm upgrading to an Alta soon, so we'll see how that goes.", '>>{KnotARealGreenDress} : I\'ve also had a Flex for about two years and I distinctly remember one of the selling points being "you can shower with it!" I haven\'t been wearing it in the shower, but I distinctly remember being told I could. But then yeah, water resistance was suddenly a big deal with the Flex 2 and I was like "but...I already...have that...with the Flex 1."', '>>{khouryrt} : Check my answer to Brandon Giesing in the comment section of the article. I explained why water resistance is considered a new thing for Fitbit, despite the Flex.', '>>{khouryrt} : True, but they removed that from all marketing and kind of pushed it under the rug a little while after announcing it. Seems like a lot of people had issues with it. Check my reply to Brandon Giesing in the comment section of the article for the full answer re: water-resistance.', ">>{thor_barley} : From someone focused on lifting, your instincts may be correct. It might be worth a try if you need a push to get healthier habits ingrained. I received one as a gift and, after the novelty wore off, it felt like a dorky distraction that provided features and information I didn't want or could get on my phone. If you do want to check your heart rate occasionally (while not moving) try the Cardiio phone app. Sleep tracking phone apps are also a cheaper option than a wrist band. I think fitness trackers will, one day, be a vital tool for anyone looking to improve their health and athleticism but, right now, they don't offer enough.", ">>{proteusind} : BTW the original Flex also had some water-resistance (up to 10m) so while this is better, the review is worded like this is Fitbit's first water-resistant tracker which isn't true.", ">>{EmmaAlves} : i think Flex 2 really is a slim little tracker that's hardly noticeable at all on the wrist, which is a nice change of pace.", ">>{thaimove} : So... Are you looking for work? Because I have an idea that would greatly benefit from a manufacturing engineer's professional opinion. Can you PM me if you're interested?"]]
classify and reply
[">>{hillarysidiot} : Pakistan released an incredible readout of the prime minister's call with Trump", ">>{hillarysidiot} : The actual transcript is at this link, but I can't get it to come up, or it's just really slow. http://www.pid.gov.pk/?p=30445", ">>{tonywartooth} : I'm kinda wondering if they're going to bring it back for the 10th anniversary since the fingerprint scanner is in the screen. Hold it over the button to unlock it, swipe it to go into the main screen. Sorta like how it takes a button push to go to the main phone screen now.", '>>{hillarysidiot} : LOL, I know it\'s just a translation issue, but the very first line is hysterical. "Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif called President-elect USA Donald Trump and felicitated him on his victory." From the pid.gov.pk link.', '>>{IForgotMyPasswordGrr} : When they changed it to pressing home I thought about moving to Antarctica', '>>{Misanthraloperer} : That\'s a whole lot of "fantastics" and "terrifics" for one conversation. At least He didn\'t call the guy a "disaster".', '>>{nnelson13} : You can actually disable the button push in Settings > General > Accessibility > Home Button then check the "Rest Finger to Open" option. It makes things much nicer', ">>{tonywartooth} : I know, but I kinda like it. The 7's button vibration is pretty slick.", '>>{nnelson13} : Fair enough. Yeah it is pretty slick though. I was surprised that I liked it as much as I did.', '>>{billatq} : It makes phones with some types of cracked screens impossible to unlock or at least painful to unlock.', '>>{cavecricket49} : Amazing. I think the common theme among the people who have talked with Donald Trump on the leader-to-leader level is that he always manages to flatter them. I just wonder what\'s going to happen once the honeymoon is over and they realize he doesn\'t have a vocabulary beyond "terrific" and "incredible"...', '>>{giving_up_completely} : Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif called President-elect USA Donald Trump and ~~felicitated~~ fellatioed him on his victory. FTFY', ">>{fishbiscuit13} : That's apparently the one thing keeping my brother from upgrading. He's kind of an idiot.", '>>{hillarysidiot} : Ah, sorry, it looked like what I was thinking. Guess I just have my mind in the gutter.', '>>{matthew28845} : I just want it on my 4s running 9.3.5', ">>{Byzantine279} : There is a reason most other billionaires don't like the man.", ">>{puppybeef} : I love it also, but try clicking the button when the phone is laying on a table. That's the only reason I'm convinced it's not a real button xD", '>>{xAsianZombie} : Why not both ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)', ">>{ohyeahsoundsgood} : We don't have Verizon here so he is not.", '>>{1N54N3M0D3} : It is ios 6. The camera grabber in his 5 is a button instead of the slider. (it has lines above and below it instead of being in a square.)', ">>{DetlefKroeze} : > felicitated That's a real word. As far as I can tell (I'm a non-native English speaker), there's nothing wrong with that sentence at all. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/felicitate", ">>{loremipsumchecksum} : He's pissing off the Indian PM Modi bigly. What is he doing?", '>>{Hagwei} : Sat June 16th last took place in 2012, I believe.', ">>{hillarysidiot} : You're correct, my mind is in the gutter is all. Sorry about that.", '>>{1N54N3M0D3} : It has the ios 6 camera grabber instead of the ios 5 camera button.', ">>{Karrde2100} : What are you talking about, of course he knows other words. He just doesn't use them, because those other words aren't as good. We all know he only uses the best words.", '>>{RockyFlintstone} : He will as soon he hears that the readout was released.', '>>{gnorrn} : > You [Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif] are doing amazing work which is visible in every way. What the heck is Trump talking about?', '>>{Shidizity} : Can we retire the "LOL UPSIDE DOWN AUSTRALIA" joke already', '>>{gnorrn} : Not a translation issue; this is South Asian English. "Felicitated" comes from the same place as "Kindly do the needful" etc.', '>>{allisslothed} : Felicitated is just the second evolution between Felicity and Filatiotto', '>>{Kalel2319} : You really are terrific. You\'re doing a terrific job running your country-- big league job. Great job. "Um... thanks Mr. president but back to issue at hand, we\'ve captured Secretary Giuliani, if you don\'t refuse Russia\'s mobilization on our borders, we will start removing his fingernails" "Amazing job... really. Fantastic person Mitt Romney."', ">>{egs1928} : And when they realize that the promises he made were empty and the claims of friendship were false. Didn't Trump say he would sign the bill coming through Congress declaring Pakistan a terrorist state?", ">>{tacobelllover69} : You don't get invited to parties a lot do you?", ">>{drukenhard} : In my opinion getting rid of swipe to unlock was the worst change Apple ever made to an iPhone. Wish they'd bring back swipe to unlock in the next update", '>>{NotSoSecretFootballr} : What about the "Have you tried putting it in rice?" jokes too', '>>{Blubbll} : lol f off with this crap, this is nothing like swiping at all', ">>{HonoredPeople} : Trump is talking bullshit. It's a secret language of used car salesman and insurance agents. How you notice, sweeping generalities.", ">>{dleifsnard} : No, I've been making this joke since my childhood", '>>{ulikeri4} : It\'s a great word but it could be misread as "fellated", which makes the sentence really funny.', '>>{Neurorational} : > "Kindly do the needful" Well isn\'t that just a polite way of asking for a blowjob?', '>>{PapaBat} : Pakistan has fucked us over more consistently than any other ally other than Saudi Arabia. Maybe Trump is fishing for a Bin Laden style hideout after his impeachment.', '>>{smartazz104} : Are you Australian? No? Then deal with it.', ">>{smartazz104} : So it's not the iOS 6 camera grabber then.", '>>{wyldcat} : Uh what, you captured Giuliani? Who\'s that? I don\'t know anything about Giuliani, but I never would have hired Giuliani if he were captured... You see I like people that weren\'t captured, OK?! "Mr President, we will not take this lightly. We\'ve captured your rat-spy and we will deal wi--" "Oh sorry the line is braking up, I gotta go it\'s time for my KFC meal of the day. Bye!" *hangs up*, *phew*.', '>>{Guy_Buttersnaps} : It just seemed like a very "un-Apple" thing to do. I always had the impression that reducing the reliance on physical buttons was something they were going for, but now waking and unlocking my phone requires two button presses instead of one.', '>>{i_Fart_You_Smell} : Try and push the "button" when it\'s off, it\'s blow your mind. Seriously though, it\'s not a mechanical button Source: am tech, taken many apart.', '>>{MetryKels} : Thank you, this feels way more efficient on my SE on day two after being on android for years.', '>>{YoshiYogurt} : You still have to swipe to unlock though right?', '>>{Shidizity} : Are you retarded? Yes? Then fuck off.', '>>{smartazz104} : Get lost cunt, take your own damn advice.', '>>{Guy_Buttersnaps} : If you use Touch ID to unlock, which not everyone does. Otherwise you have to hit the button once to wake the device and then a second time to bring up the password screen.', ">>{kurros} : I think the idea was that Raise to Wake would be enough, since they introduced both changes at the same time. It's not always perfect though.", '>>{tonywartooth} : My brain at roughly noon on Saturday March 25th. It has other hobbies like thinking about other stuff when people take too long to tell stories and justifying expensive and needless purchases. What are the charges detective?', '>>{srqrox} : Not a day goes by without me missing iOS6. Departure\u200b of Scot Forstall was a loss.', '>>{francoisarouetV} : The old notes app, as well as reminders, were infinitely better looking than the current apps. I miss those two apps the most.', ">>{AngloNegro} : What a great, credible source. These aren't the rumors I'm looking for, carry on.", '>>{francoisarouetV} : I agree. I hate what they have now. It never works the way it should. Swipe to unlock was the best.', ">>{mydoortotheworld} : To me there's no reason to go from 9 to 10. I don't need new emojis, I don't need the new gimmicks in iMessage, there doesn't seem to be anything new that seems appealing at all, and finally the act of getting rid of swipe to unlock is just dumb. I'm happy with iOS 9. I know I'll have to update sometime, but it's a perfectly functional OS with all the things I need.", ">>{tokin_ranger} : Woah. I wasn't expecting it to still vibrate.", '>>{drukenhard} : Yeah I do....except when I have my gloves on at work and I then need to enter a password I never wanted to have in the first place!', ">>{chickdigger802} : Funny enough I've always felt from ios 7 and up the performance and bugginess of the platform has increased drastically lol. IOS 9 was the one that was restarting my iphone 6 plus weekly and genius bar said it was as designed or something...", ">>{EthniK_ElectriK} : Swiping to unlock and the new music app are basically why I'm still on 9. And I am always the one who updates as soon as an update is up and tells everybody to update. It's the first time with Apple that I just don't get it.", '>>{YoshiYogurt} : it depends on the app, not the OS itself', ">>{matthew28845} : No, everything is just a hell of a lot slower on iOS 9 compared to 6. It has more apps, but it's so much slower.", '>>{Cruteal} : I miss iOS9, iOS10 made my iPhone 6 Plus feel 10 years old.', ">>{_fixinit1} : Still have iOS 6. Trust me, you don't want it in today's world.", ">>{Katowisp} : I still haven't upgraded for that reason. I can't see half the emojis people make any more but by god, I have my swipe!", ">>{High-coRolla} : Compare the 4S to a 7 or even a 6 and you'll see how much longer iOS animations and webpage loading take", '>>{i_Fart_You_Smell} : Only until it\'s fully off. It\'s super weird to push the "button" and not get feedback.', '>>{Entertainnosis} : It has the lock icon at the top of the screen, while iOS 6 removed it.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{tonywartooth} : I'm kinda wondering if they're going to bring it back for the 10th anniversary since the fingerprint scanner is in the screen. Hold it over the button to unlock it, swipe it to go into the main screen. Sorta like how it takes a button push to go to the main phone screen now.", '>>{IForgotMyPasswordGrr} : When they changed it to pressing home I thought about moving to Antarctica', '>>{nnelson13} : You can actually disable the button push in Settings > General > Accessibility > Home Button then check the "Rest Finger to Open" option. It makes things much nicer', ">>{tonywartooth} : I know, but I kinda like it. The 7's button vibration is pretty slick.", '>>{nnelson13} : Fair enough. Yeah it is pretty slick though. I was surprised that I liked it as much as I did.', '>>{billatq} : It makes phones with some types of cracked screens impossible to unlock or at least painful to unlock.', ">>{fishbiscuit13} : That's apparently the one thing keeping my brother from upgrading. He's kind of an idiot.", '>>{matthew28845} : I just want it on my 4s running 9.3.5', ">>{puppybeef} : I love it also, but try clicking the button when the phone is laying on a table. That's the only reason I'm convinced it's not a real button xD", '>>{xAsianZombie} : Why not both ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)', ">>{ohyeahsoundsgood} : We don't have Verizon here so he is not.", '>>{1N54N3M0D3} : It is ios 6. The camera grabber in his 5 is a button instead of the slider. (it has lines above and below it instead of being in a square.)', '>>{Hagwei} : Sat June 16th last took place in 2012, I believe.', '>>{1N54N3M0D3} : It has the ios 6 camera grabber instead of the ios 5 camera button.', '>>{Shidizity} : Can we retire the "LOL UPSIDE DOWN AUSTRALIA" joke already', ">>{tacobelllover69} : You don't get invited to parties a lot do you?", ">>{drukenhard} : In my opinion getting rid of swipe to unlock was the worst change Apple ever made to an iPhone. Wish they'd bring back swipe to unlock in the next update", '>>{NotSoSecretFootballr} : What about the "Have you tried putting it in rice?" jokes too', '>>{Blubbll} : lol f off with this crap, this is nothing like swiping at all', ">>{dleifsnard} : No, I've been making this joke since my childhood", '>>{smartazz104} : Are you Australian? No? Then deal with it.', ">>{smartazz104} : So it's not the iOS 6 camera grabber then.", '>>{Guy_Buttersnaps} : It just seemed like a very "un-Apple" thing to do. I always had the impression that reducing the reliance on physical buttons was something they were going for, but now waking and unlocking my phone requires two button presses instead of one.', '>>{i_Fart_You_Smell} : Try and push the "button" when it\'s off, it\'s blow your mind. Seriously though, it\'s not a mechanical button Source: am tech, taken many apart.', '>>{MetryKels} : Thank you, this feels way more efficient on my SE on day two after being on android for years.', '>>{YoshiYogurt} : You still have to swipe to unlock though right?', '>>{Shidizity} : Are you retarded? Yes? Then fuck off.', '>>{smartazz104} : Get lost cunt, take your own damn advice.', '>>{Guy_Buttersnaps} : If you use Touch ID to unlock, which not everyone does. Otherwise you have to hit the button once to wake the device and then a second time to bring up the password screen.', ">>{kurros} : I think the idea was that Raise to Wake would be enough, since they introduced both changes at the same time. It's not always perfect though.", '>>{tonywartooth} : My brain at roughly noon on Saturday March 25th. It has other hobbies like thinking about other stuff when people take too long to tell stories and justifying expensive and needless purchases. What are the charges detective?', '>>{srqrox} : Not a day goes by without me missing iOS6. Departure\u200b of Scot Forstall was a loss.', '>>{francoisarouetV} : The old notes app, as well as reminders, were infinitely better looking than the current apps. I miss those two apps the most.', ">>{AngloNegro} : What a great, credible source. These aren't the rumors I'm looking for, carry on.", '>>{francoisarouetV} : I agree. I hate what they have now. It never works the way it should. Swipe to unlock was the best.', ">>{mydoortotheworld} : To me there's no reason to go from 9 to 10. I don't need new emojis, I don't need the new gimmicks in iMessage, there doesn't seem to be anything new that seems appealing at all, and finally the act of getting rid of swipe to unlock is just dumb. I'm happy with iOS 9. I know I'll have to update sometime, but it's a perfectly functional OS with all the things I need.", ">>{tokin_ranger} : Woah. I wasn't expecting it to still vibrate.", '>>{drukenhard} : Yeah I do....except when I have my gloves on at work and I then need to enter a password I never wanted to have in the first place!', ">>{chickdigger802} : Funny enough I've always felt from ios 7 and up the performance and bugginess of the platform has increased drastically lol. IOS 9 was the one that was restarting my iphone 6 plus weekly and genius bar said it was as designed or something...", ">>{EthniK_ElectriK} : Swiping to unlock and the new music app are basically why I'm still on 9. And I am always the one who updates as soon as an update is up and tells everybody to update. It's the first time with Apple that I just don't get it.", '>>{YoshiYogurt} : it depends on the app, not the OS itself', ">>{matthew28845} : No, everything is just a hell of a lot slower on iOS 9 compared to 6. It has more apps, but it's so much slower.", '>>{Cruteal} : I miss iOS9, iOS10 made my iPhone 6 Plus feel 10 years old.', ">>{_fixinit1} : Still have iOS 6. Trust me, you don't want it in today's world.", ">>{Katowisp} : I still haven't upgraded for that reason. I can't see half the emojis people make any more but by god, I have my swipe!", ">>{High-coRolla} : Compare the 4S to a 7 or even a 6 and you'll see how much longer iOS animations and webpage loading take", '>>{i_Fart_You_Smell} : Only until it\'s fully off. It\'s super weird to push the "button" and not get feedback.', '>>{Entertainnosis} : It has the lock icon at the top of the screen, while iOS 6 removed it.'], [">>{hillarysidiot} : Pakistan released an incredible readout of the prime minister's call with Trump", ">>{hillarysidiot} : The actual transcript is at this link, but I can't get it to come up, or it's just really slow. http://www.pid.gov.pk/?p=30445", '>>{hillarysidiot} : LOL, I know it\'s just a translation issue, but the very first line is hysterical. "Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif called President-elect USA Donald Trump and felicitated him on his victory." From the pid.gov.pk link.', '>>{Misanthraloperer} : That\'s a whole lot of "fantastics" and "terrifics" for one conversation. At least He didn\'t call the guy a "disaster".', '>>{cavecricket49} : Amazing. I think the common theme among the people who have talked with Donald Trump on the leader-to-leader level is that he always manages to flatter them. I just wonder what\'s going to happen once the honeymoon is over and they realize he doesn\'t have a vocabulary beyond "terrific" and "incredible"...', '>>{giving_up_completely} : Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif called President-elect USA Donald Trump and ~~felicitated~~ fellatioed him on his victory. FTFY', '>>{hillarysidiot} : Ah, sorry, it looked like what I was thinking. Guess I just have my mind in the gutter.', ">>{Byzantine279} : There is a reason most other billionaires don't like the man.", ">>{DetlefKroeze} : > felicitated That's a real word. As far as I can tell (I'm a non-native English speaker), there's nothing wrong with that sentence at all. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/felicitate", ">>{loremipsumchecksum} : He's pissing off the Indian PM Modi bigly. What is he doing?", ">>{hillarysidiot} : You're correct, my mind is in the gutter is all. Sorry about that.", ">>{Karrde2100} : What are you talking about, of course he knows other words. He just doesn't use them, because those other words aren't as good. We all know he only uses the best words.", '>>{RockyFlintstone} : He will as soon he hears that the readout was released.', '>>{gnorrn} : > You [Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif] are doing amazing work which is visible in every way. What the heck is Trump talking about?', '>>{gnorrn} : Not a translation issue; this is South Asian English. "Felicitated" comes from the same place as "Kindly do the needful" etc.', '>>{allisslothed} : Felicitated is just the second evolution between Felicity and Filatiotto', '>>{Kalel2319} : You really are terrific. You\'re doing a terrific job running your country-- big league job. Great job. "Um... thanks Mr. president but back to issue at hand, we\'ve captured Secretary Giuliani, if you don\'t refuse Russia\'s mobilization on our borders, we will start removing his fingernails" "Amazing job... really. Fantastic person Mitt Romney."', ">>{egs1928} : And when they realize that the promises he made were empty and the claims of friendship were false. Didn't Trump say he would sign the bill coming through Congress declaring Pakistan a terrorist state?", ">>{HonoredPeople} : Trump is talking bullshit. It's a secret language of used car salesman and insurance agents. How you notice, sweeping generalities.", '>>{ulikeri4} : It\'s a great word but it could be misread as "fellated", which makes the sentence really funny.', '>>{Neurorational} : > "Kindly do the needful" Well isn\'t that just a polite way of asking for a blowjob?', '>>{PapaBat} : Pakistan has fucked us over more consistently than any other ally other than Saudi Arabia. Maybe Trump is fishing for a Bin Laden style hideout after his impeachment.', '>>{wyldcat} : Uh what, you captured Giuliani? Who\'s that? I don\'t know anything about Giuliani, but I never would have hired Giuliani if he were captured... You see I like people that weren\'t captured, OK?! "Mr President, we will not take this lightly. We\'ve captured your rat-spy and we will deal wi--" "Oh sorry the line is braking up, I gotta go it\'s time for my KFC meal of the day. Bye!" *hangs up*, *phew*.']]
classify and reply
[">>{garciawalas} : Insult, provoke, repeat: how Donald Trump became America's Hugo Chávez | US news", '>>{William665} : Obama sidesteps ‘radical Islam’ in quest for alternative explanations for terrorism', ">>{TopSecretSCI} : FBI probe of Clinton's emails prompted by espionage fears, secret letters say | VICE News", '>>{jacks1000} : Progressives loved Chavez, because he was a populist and brown. Progressives hate Trump, because he is a populist and white.', '>>{lollersauce914} : Why else would they have investigated the server? That was the whole point of the investigation. This is like saying "Man received biopsy over concerns about cancer."', ">>{a496h8} : I don't understand this need to add the qualifier 'radical' as if muhamed, islam's prophet, was a peace loving hippie akin to Jesus Christ. He wasn't. He was a child raping mass murderer who instructed his followers to behead anybody who wouldn't submit.", '>>{ViolentLambs} : My experience with the iPhone 7+ as a daily driver after years of using a different phone every month.', ">>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : Donald Trump is more analogous to Italy's former PM Silvio Berlusconi.", ">>{CerseiClinton} : Given that it was her personal property I don't think it counts as one.", ">>{lollersauce914} : Cyber attacks against lower level targets are routine and just sort of accepted as a thing country's do. Much higher level spying in the pre-digital era didn't lead to war nor was it treated as an act of war, so I doubt cyber attacks with the purpose of gathering information would either. If there was a hack of public or private infrastructure with the purpose of causing damage that was performed by a nation state, that would be where things get blurry.", '>>{Used-Car-Salesman} : We are not at war with "radical Islam". We are at war with a few very specific groups of armed and organized extremists.', '>>{academia666} : Yeah, he sounds more like the God of the Old Testament.', '>>{jandoeck} : Is Chavez still kicking ass in VEN? How is their liberal pop agenda doing?', '>>{IranRPCV} : And rightly, just as George Bush, Jr. did.', ">>{bloohens} : Just kinda gets boring as hell after a while :P I'd like to jailbreak it but I'm a chicken :/", '>>{Thongpirate} : Mia Love — U.S. congresswoman, Utah Tim Scott — U.S. senator, South Carolina The only *two* black republicans in the entire U.S. congress. But yes...progressives are racists. Progressive ideas freed the slaves and gave women and blacks the right to vote, whereas republicans issue poll taxes and restrict the vote.', '>>{ViolentLambs} : Yeah. I do miss having a jailbreak. All the amazing things you can do!', ">>{jacks1000} : >But yes...progressives are racists. Yes, they are. > Progressive ideas freed the slaves BWA ha ha - you are joking, right? >d the slaves and gave women and blacks the right to vote, whereas That was the Democrats. Holy shit - progressive are so historically illiterate it boggles the mind. How can you even have a discussion with people who probably haven't even graduated high school yet?", '>>{RuudeOne} : You mean like you? The party platforms have switched over the years. You are not the party of Lincoln. Slavery is a conservative idea, as was Jim Crow and the other shit he listed. Please go buy a clue.', ">>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : The Democratic party back then was nothing like the Democratic party today, and has more in common ideologically with the current GOP. It's disingenuous to deny that progressive ideas freed slaves and gave women the vote because that's exactly what happened.", '>>{CerseiClinton} : [Here you go.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2331) :)', '>>{boredasshitrightnow} : Republicans freed the slaves. It was democrats that issued jim crow and black codes', ">>{daringjojo} : What would happen if the states office did decided to take away all parties involved's security clearance?", '>>{77arlos} : I thought it was the United States who freed the slaves. They fought against the Confederate army- right?', ">>{mysticportal} : Are you running an old jailbreak-able version? If not, you're out of luck.", ">>{zan5ki} : It's significant because it clearly outlines the fact that Clinton was being investigated for espionage. I don't know about you but for me it's all kinds of fucked up that one of the presidential candidates fucked up so badly that she was actually a legitimate suspect of espionage by the government at one time. It's also the kind of thing that needs to be spelled out when you have people who are still calling the entire investigation (that was initiated by the ICIG and had nothing to do with Congress FFS) a Republican smear campaign. Edit: in saying espionage, I am referring to having violated statutes in the Espionage Act. This entails several different acts. If the FBI went into their investigation without entertaining the possibility that Clinton or her team had actually violated any of the statutes, they were biased and fundamentally failed to do their job by defintion. Ergo, she and her team were being investigated for possibly having violated the Espionage Act. There is literally no other way to look at this unless you accuse the FBI of bias and/or preferential treatment.", ">>{lolkakes} : I'm looking into getting an iPhone 7, I have the 6 now and my battery is draining and my phone dies at 30%. Thanks for your insight it helped a lot 😊", ">>{academia666} : No. We're not. The entire goal of ISIS is to drag the west in to a full-on war with Islam. Not just them, but the entire faith. Stop giving the terrorists what they want.", ">>{zan5ki} : If you're saying that they were never open to that possibility, you're saying that the FBI completely failed in doing their jobs. If they had gone into the investigation without being open to the possibility that statutes in the Espionage Act were violated that would have been a clear case of bias and preferential treatment. Is that what you're saying?", ">>{lollersauce914} : I don't think the espionage act says what you think it does...", '>>{JitGoinHam} : >...Clinton was being investigated for espionage. Are you high right now? They thought she might be a *victim* of espionage, you fucking dope.', ">>{ViolentLambs} : Don't know about that guy but I screwed up mine. All it took was one tweak to ruin it. It's okay. I'm sure there will be more in the future (I'm on 10.2)", '>>{jacks1000} : > Slavery is a conservative idea What a stupid thing to say. BTW, slavery is STILL practiced all over the world, but I notice you never mention that. You just use "slavery" as a way to attack your political enemies. You don\'t care about "slavery" at all - otherwise you would be doing something about it. Shameful.', ">>{zan5ki} : That's not a response to what I said. They were investigating violations of the Espionage Act. That's a fact. If they never at any time were open to it having actually been violated by Clinton or her team then they were biased and fundamentally failed to do their job.", '>>{timhortonsisshitty} : he Dead. D. E. A. D.', '>>{IrishJoe} : But God damnit, conservatives want us to be at war with 1.6 billion people on the planet! And if you are willing to be at war with nearly a quarter of the rest of the planet, then you aren\'t really American!!!!!!!! /s Meanwhile no Republican will say Radical Christianity with regards to "Christians" killing doctors and nurses or blowing up clinics or "Christian" militias like the members who blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City or Eric Rudolph and his ilk, because they are just individuals who aren\'t in any way connected with other like-minded individuals. BUT WE HAVE TO SAY MUSLIMS ARE OUR ENEMIES OR WE AREN\'T REALLY AMERICAN!!!!!!!!', ">>{waste-of-skin} : They had to figure out if Clinton was a double agent in bed with Putin. Turns out she's in bed with Huma.", ">>{nuarx} : There's nothing here! Why cant you people let it go? /s", '>>{nuarx} : Congress already asked for that, president said no.', '>>{danakowalski} : Hack is a somewhat irrelevant term to the situation. When you use an unencrypted, personal phone to send and receive emails abroad in foreign countries.... there is no need to hack since those emails just went in clear text across dozens of networks for anyone to grab.', ">>{lollersauce914} : Even if she had been indicted and convicted of a crime, she'd still be eligible for office.", ">>{ViolentLambs} : No problem! I'm just amazed at how well the battery lasts even with medium/heavy use. Since I have the 7+ charging takes a little longer and is a tad bit slower but throw on low power mode and it actually makes a difference in how the device functions and how it conserves power.", ">>{pirate_simon} : I didn't say all of Islam. I said radical Islam. We are at war with radical Islam.", '>>{Solidarieta} : Most of them would likely have to find a new job. Clinton could still be President (if she wins the election), even if her security clearance was revoked.', ">>{daringjojo} : They'll all end up with higher pay at the foundation. Kinda shitty that you can be so careless with national security and yet still be in the running for president.", ">>{academia666} : No. We aren't. We're at war with a handful of terrorist groups. Period.", ">>{Bigchile123} : Jail breaking makes your iPhone into an android though. Constantly crashes, some apps can't even use without a jailbreak detection tweak, looking for work around. If you only use a couple of tweaks, I guess it's worth it but theming gets old and you basically got android when you jailbreak. I like a phone that works, that runs and isn't a mess. Quality over quantity.", '>>{daringjojo} : I thought there was checks and balances for this sort of thing.', '>>{runeruly} : The phone is more secure and safe than android with its malware and adware issues. - Nope', '>>{WarHundreds} : Jailbreak gets boring eventually unless you like having a bunch of tweaks and themes. One of the things that motivated me to jailbreak though was the cache cleaner.', ">>{ViolentLambs} : I wasn't really stressing the point that it's more secure. Your less likely to encounter issues as with iOS you would really have to screw up as the only time I've ever had any issues with iOS is when you tapped on a crappy site and it opens tabs or prevents you from returning to the page before it. They both have their ups and downs but overall I have barely any issues with iOS than I ever did with android.", ">>{NigeySaid} : Doesn't make it into an android. It makes it an iPhone with a customizable iOS. It can still run and not be a mess if you're careful with how you customize it, just like how you can root an android and install custom firmwares, yet still have a stable phone if you are careful.", '>>{konishiwoi} : >I always loved android for it ability to let the user customize the device to their will and usefulness depend on how far that user wanted to go, from stock to throwing so many custom roms at it until I found just the right one. *Cough in jailbreak* You can do way more thing on a jailbroken iDevice than on Android, even rooted. Because, ok you can you can change the appearance, but you forget the system changes that are deeper on an iOS JB. I will not give an example, there are **too many** things possible, and obviously it depends on the use of the person. (And this is a deadly debate, like console vs pc) "Oh you jailbreak your iPhone to make it look like Android". To all these persons, leave earth before I murder you ! Just kidding, I\'ll not kill anyone, but these person still dumbasses. So...**Invalid argument** And stop comparing iOS and Android. According to you,why everybody says "iPhone and Android" and not "iPhone and Samsung, LG, Sony etc" when they talk about cellular !? It is a category apart, the only point in common being that they are all mobile phones. It\'s like comparing 15 brands of bikes to a truck, there\'s something wrong with the comparison. They are all vehicule that can be driven by a human, but... WTH ? But, don\'t get it wrong, I agree with what you said about the 7+, and even if my main device is jailbroken I like iPhone like they are, and I do not denigrate Android Users, I prefer salty crackers and you prefer sweet crackers, it\'s ok. NB: I do not want to be hostile, I just struggle to express myself and nuance my talk because english is not my native language and I\'m tired. So sorry if I did not use the appropriate word in a sentence.', '>>{pirate_simon} : No, we are at war with radical Islam.', '>>{iwojima22} : You sound like your only experience with android is the dollar store pre paid phones that come with it.', '>>{Obnoxious_Slob} : They are all radical, by definition of their faith', '>>{academia666} : Your understanding of the world is like a child. Godspeed.', '>>{pirate_simon} : Republican here. I condemn radical Christians. That wasnt so hard. Your turn to condemn radical Muslims :)', '>>{_Iconoclast__} : Who just so happen to be Islamic... All of them. Every single one. Coincidence?', '>>{IrishJoe} : Thank you! You have earned my respect. Of course you have given up your right to be on Fox "News" Channel because you don\'t follow the narrative that we have to be at war with nearly a quarter of the people on the planet because they go to a different house of worship than we do. You may also be unofficially, excommunicated from the Republican Party. You may want to check on that. They don\'t like anyone not following the talking points. I, IrishJoe, hereby condemn radical Muslims. Since I am not a member of a party with a purity test, I am not excommunicated from anything. Sorry about your possible loss of party affiliation.', ">>{_Iconoclast__} : So we can't acknowledge that radical Islamist want to destroy us and our way of life? I disagree, I think we should let everyone know who our enemy is and do everything possible to eradicate them. And no I don't mean all Muslims, just those who would spread hate and attack our way of life.", ">>{IrishJoe} : Are we at war with Radical Christianity? If so, why aren't the leaders of the Republican Party admitting that? What are they afraid of? You, Piriate_Simon condemned them. Why will no one in in a leadership role of your party condemn Radical Christianity? Hillary Clinton condemned radical Islam for the Democrats. But crickets from the GOP leadership.", ">>{iwojima22} : I don't think you mentioned the display. How is it like using a 720p-1080p LCD display vs a 1440p Super Amoled? I heard the iPhone 7 is using some dynamic range tech that some 4k Tvs use but it's still using an old display imo. I'm not trying to hate, it's just that idk why apple won't adopt amoled.", ">>{ViolentLambs} : I understand what your coming from but have you actually used several android phones over the years? I have enough that I could go with a different phone every da for two months. I'm not trying to be an asshole and I am sorry if I come off as that but there are many important differences. Look under the hood at how android and iOS both work. Not by apps I mean code wise. They are entirely different operating systems. A phone is a phone but how it works is what makes it nice. Sure I could jailbreak my phone but here's the problem. It's a pain in the ass to do. I tried the jailbreak and sure it was badass but unstable as hell and I had to update to 10.2. Even those with legacy devices can't jailbreak unless they are luck enough to be on specific versions and even then support will end for them. I wrote this as if a normal user is going to get it not people like us who can add more potential. Anyone can jailbreak and has the right to but that would just add confusing lingo and such. If someone wanted to jailbreak and make he phone look and work they wanted to they already have a subreddit for that.", ">>{ViolentLambs} : It's an insanely good display. You literally can't even make out any pixels when looking closely at it. Even legacy apps like jelly car that have to be stretched to fit look great. Pictures and videos look gorgeous as well. Personally I prefer amoled displays as colors can be deeper and more power efficient where I think it's a little silly that the iPhone 7 has to have the entire backlight on even at a black screen witch is off to me. Colors look intense and vibrant so there's no complaints but I'd take amoled over LCD. Edit: I'm at work and when I get home I can answer this much more better and in depth.", '>>{Bigchile123} : My experience was with the shitty note 7. Never again.', '>>{Bigchile123} : Exactly! You have to be careful. Just like androids. iPhones are already good, theming is just to much extra.', ">>{pirate_simon} : No we are not. As it happens, we have experience far more death from radical Islam than radical Christianity. Statistics are inconvenient for you, I'm sure", ">>{konishiwoi} : I could jailbreak, but it's a pain is the ass. Hum, well I jailbreak my phone since iOS 7.1.2, I do not consider myself as an expert, I don't know how to code or stuff like this, but I don't find it hard. **This is my point of view regarding how I use it** I'm not saying it's easy fro everybody. I did have android devices, a lot, maybe not as much as you but still a lot, and oddly, I don't like them, and I struggle to use them, it's ONE OS but MANY brands, there is so much difference between their overcoat that I find it harder to get used than iOS.", ">>{_Iconoclast__} : The problem is radical Islamist and the people who would pretend that's not the problem. I don't know if you understand this or not, but they're willing to give their lives to end ours. Ignoring them and pretending they don't exist gives them and advantage. You can't fix the problem if you're unwilling to identify it in the first place.", ">>{ViolentLambs} : I agree with what your saying, if you look at it this way it's one OS with many skins added over top of it. I always had a more pleasurable experience with stock android than I did with Samsungs touch whiz, HTC sense(loved it back at sense 4 animated weather was kickass). The jailbreak scene is so limited to certain iOS versions that the likely good of actually getting a phone with a jailbreakable version is less in your favor. When I got my iPhone 7 I just so happen to have gotten one with 10.1.1 but I made a mistake and had to update. The main thing I dislike about android is while certain settings are in one place they are either hidden under different menus or I just can't find the specific setting I need to enable", ">>{academia666} : Are we carrying out drone strikes on radicalized Muslims in the UK? Are we bombing radical Immams in the US who haven't carried out any terrorist activities? Of course not. Because our fight is against a very specific groups of terrorists, and not radical Islam. You can't fix the problem if you're pointing at the wrong thing.", ">>{x3n0n1c} : Heres the thing, the 1440p amoled displays aren't really 1440p. They only have a resolution of 1440p on the green channel, the red and blue channels are both 720p. This is due to the pixel layout used, in the case of the S7 for example it is Diamond Pentile. What this means is that content that is mainly red and/or blue, but lacks green is actually not that sharp. You can see this very clearly by using the Gear VR. Text on white backgrounds does look very sharp though. Here is an example I took of my [S7 Edges' screen](http://imgur.com/t5smniF). Notice the much more visible pixels on the blue and red sections of Google's logo. The 1080p panel in the 7 plus actually has more total sub-pixels than the 1440p panels on pretty much any OLED. **Total Sub-pixels** S7 Edge: 5,529,600 iPhone 7 Plus: 6,220,800", ">>{_Iconoclast__} : No we're not engaging the enemy on our soil nor that of allies. However, I promise you that the FBI or CIA are watching the vast majority of them, as they should. And can you honestly sit here and tell me that our enemy does not practice radical Islam?", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : All with the specific goal of furthering an Islamic State governed by sharia...', ">>{SprSynJn} : No need to apologize. Some people can't read. Not your fault.", '>>{Wolf-Head} : Nope, it was one of the only things he did I agreed with.', '>>{Wolf-Head} : Nope, most terrorists attacks on America have been by non-Muslim americans.', '>>{SprSynJn} : Care to elaborate? Instead of giving a useless one word reply I mean.', '>>{pirate_simon} : But not proportion wise. If you consider that Muslims make up less than 1% of our population, a Muslim is astronomically more likely to be a terrorist than a non-Muslim in America', ">>{fosian} : Now there's a semantic slippage - there's a difference between Islam (a religion with a variety of outcomes) and Islamism (a political ideology based on a certain intrerpretation of Islam). /u/academia666 is right, however - the problem are specific groups, spreading mayhem and havoc *largely in the muslim world*, and sometimes inspiring an American or French or German nutter to do the same elsewhere. Additionally, plenty *is* being done, and it's not too big a problem either - no politician will be too loud about this, because that means less fear, and less fear means less reactionary sentiment, and less votes.", '>>{runeruly} : Linux kernel. Same probability of getting something malicious as any iOS device.', ">>{ViolentLambs} : Actually with my good credit it's $768 USD (payment plan)", ">>{Nitemare3219} : You're wrong there boss, but on the right track. PenTile is 1/3 less sub-pixels. So the S7 Edge still has more sub-pixels 7,372,800 vs 6,220,800.", '>>{x3n0n1c} : http://i.imgur.com/zbQ3cBa.png From my S7 Edge, count the pixels yourself. 25 Green. 13 Red. 12 Blue. Assuming Green is full resolution, that means that there is Half the number of Red and Blue pixels as Green in each direction. 2560/2=1280 Width 1440/2=720 Height ie. 720p 1280x720=921600 2560x1440=3686400 So, 921600 Red, 921600 Blue, 3686400 Green, for a grand total of 5529600.', ">>{Nitemare3219} : Still pretty sure that is not how it works. By your math, there would be 1.5 sub-pixels per pixel, which doesn't sound possible. 2 sub-pixels per pixel RG-BG-RG-BG is how it works, which still gives you twice as many green per blue and red, and equates to 7,372,800 sub-pixels which is more than a 1080p RGB stripe display. Additionally, putting my damn phones directly in my face (7 Plus and Pixel XL), the Pixel XL is clearly sharper. http://www.oled-info.com/files/images/amoled-vs-super-amoled-plus-img_assist-300x224.jpg", ">>{Wolf-Head} : Now say we're at war with radical Christianity. Then say we should ban all Christians from entering the country until we figure out what's going on.", '>>{pirate_simon} : How many deaths has radical Christianity been responsible for in this country compared to radical Islam in the last couple decades? I would no more blame radical Christianity as I would blame radical Sikhism, since neither are problems compared to radical Islam. You can cover your eyes and stamp your feet and yell "I CANT HEAR YOU" as loud as you want, it won\'t change these inconvenient facts :)', ">>{x3n0n1c} : Count the pixels yourself, it isn't hard. And it looks sharper because it is. There is a full 1440p resolution there on the green channel, and our eyes are most sensitive to that colour. Additonally, at least in the Galaxy phone, they are able to do subpixel rendering, which allows them to treat each sub-pixel as its own element, rather than as a group (red, green, blue) like in standard RGB. But, all that said, it simple falls apart when you get really close. GearVR for example. Or if displaying images mostly comprised of blue and red. As long as there is a decent amount of green it will still appear to be quite sharp. Diamond Pentil used the following arrangement. A - is a blank space. You can't refute this, it is right there in my picture. R-B-R-B-R- -G-G-G-G-G B-R-B-R-B- -G-G-G-G-G It is lines of alternating red and blue, followed by lines of just green. Every other line of B/R swap the order of the colors.", ">>{Nitemare3219} : Really. You go ahead and count all X million sub-pixels then. My math says you're wrong, every review that mentions PenTile says you're wrong (i.e. 2 sub-pixels per pixel, not 1.5) and so does Samsung's marketing material (you know, the people who make the panels). I'm not saying PenTile is good. I hate it actually, because of the sharpness reduction and inability to properly render straight lines. Thankfully 1440p on a phone display is high enough resolution that it doesn't really matter, but looking at a 1440p RGB stripe LCD, it is still noticeably sharper than a 1440p PenTile.", ">>{Wolf-Head} : Get out of here. I've seen this before with other minorities. You're falling back on the percentage since it sound pretty silly to say that what, 5(?) terrorist out of 3.3 million Muslims is a crisis.", ">>{x3n0n1c} : You take a small sample of pixels, and multiply the numbers out. Are you that thick? I already did the damn math for you. The evidence is right there. They don't swap the layout mid screen, its consistent all the way across. So again, count them. There are 50 coloured dots in that image, how many of them are green, how many are red, how many are blue? By the way, the reason reviews mention 2/3rds is because of how this layout allows them to borrow a sub pixels from its nearest neighbor to essentially fake having more. Allowing lines to appear sharper than they would if they didn't do this. Go check out an old sub HD pentile screen and youll see how this falls apart when the sub pixels aren't super tiny like on these HD and QHD screens.", '>>{Wolf-Head} : Abortion clinic bombings? Assassinating doctor that preform abortions? Oklahoma city bombing. All Christians.', '>>{pirate_simon} : Youre right. Islam is a [religion of peace](http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/) :)', ">>{pirate_simon} : Oklahoma city wasn't inspired by Christianity... Just because a white guy did it doesn't mean he was inspired by Christianity. Surely you know who Timothy McVeigh is? Why don't you read the wikipedia section on on his [religious beliefs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_McVeigh#Religious_beliefs) Honestly I'm stunned how weak your arguments are. Surely you can do better than trying to say that agnostic Timothy McVeigh was driven by his Christianity to commit his acts of terror?", ">>{iwojima22} : I'm going back to iPhone after having a galaxy s6, it wasn't terrible. I can see the draw of customization and the amazing 1440p display but the battery and ram management is absolute shit. I heard Google pixel is much better, has stock Android and is more like an iPhone in that it's fast and simple but yea. Literally going to buy an iPhone 7 tomorrow. Maybe the plus, but I got them Trump hands. Only thing I'm gonna miss is this back button lol", ">>{Wolf-Head} : The last attack wasn't inspired by religion either. Guy was a nut then just claimed he did it for religious reasons. I like how you jumped on that though to try and ignore all the other religious murderers.", '>>{Obnoxious_Slob} : Take your semantic arguments back to academia, bud. This is the real world.', ">>{pirate_simon} : There have been people who have murdered in the name of Christianity. I didn't refute the abortion clinics because they are true. We can play a game if you'd like. You list a terrorist who terrorized in the name of Christianity, then I will list a terrorist who terrorized in the name of Islam. Whoever runs out of names first loses. Surely this will be an easy game for you to win since radical Christianity is so rampant :) >The last attack wasn't inspired by religion. He just claimed he did it for religious reasons. What the fuck? The reasons he killed those people are the reasons he listed. Like he already told us the reasons, the debate is over... Why are you trying so hard to defend him?", '>>{academia666} : Stop thinking about things smartly and let me keep holding me stupid, misinformed beliefs.', ">>{academia666} : Weird that we're at war with Radical Islam then and for some reason, Radical Muslims that aren't planning or committing acts of terror or doing anything illegal only end up on a list and the ones in specific terror groups are killed with extreme prejudice. It's almost as if we're at war with terrorist organizations and not radical Islam.", '>>{Plugawy_Nedznik} : Maybe he meant "radical" as in, Rad. With the mullet?', '>>{luis_correa} : To be fair, Jesus Christ came to be by raping his own mother when she was around 12 years old to impregnate her with himself.', ">>{AssCalloway} : So we're at war with 1.6 billion? Time to kick out some Muslims??"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{TopSecretSCI} : FBI probe of Clinton's emails prompted by espionage fears, secret letters say | VICE News", '>>{lollersauce914} : Why else would they have investigated the server? That was the whole point of the investigation. This is like saying "Man received biopsy over concerns about cancer."', ">>{CerseiClinton} : Given that it was her personal property I don't think it counts as one.", ">>{lollersauce914} : Cyber attacks against lower level targets are routine and just sort of accepted as a thing country's do. Much higher level spying in the pre-digital era didn't lead to war nor was it treated as an act of war, so I doubt cyber attacks with the purpose of gathering information would either. If there was a hack of public or private infrastructure with the purpose of causing damage that was performed by a nation state, that would be where things get blurry.", '>>{CerseiClinton} : [Here you go.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2331) :)', ">>{daringjojo} : What would happen if the states office did decided to take away all parties involved's security clearance?", ">>{zan5ki} : It's significant because it clearly outlines the fact that Clinton was being investigated for espionage. I don't know about you but for me it's all kinds of fucked up that one of the presidential candidates fucked up so badly that she was actually a legitimate suspect of espionage by the government at one time. It's also the kind of thing that needs to be spelled out when you have people who are still calling the entire investigation (that was initiated by the ICIG and had nothing to do with Congress FFS) a Republican smear campaign. Edit: in saying espionage, I am referring to having violated statutes in the Espionage Act. This entails several different acts. If the FBI went into their investigation without entertaining the possibility that Clinton or her team had actually violated any of the statutes, they were biased and fundamentally failed to do their job by defintion. Ergo, she and her team were being investigated for possibly having violated the Espionage Act. There is literally no other way to look at this unless you accuse the FBI of bias and/or preferential treatment.", ">>{zan5ki} : If you're saying that they were never open to that possibility, you're saying that the FBI completely failed in doing their jobs. If they had gone into the investigation without being open to the possibility that statutes in the Espionage Act were violated that would have been a clear case of bias and preferential treatment. Is that what you're saying?", ">>{lollersauce914} : I don't think the espionage act says what you think it does...", '>>{JitGoinHam} : >...Clinton was being investigated for espionage. Are you high right now? They thought she might be a *victim* of espionage, you fucking dope.', ">>{zan5ki} : That's not a response to what I said. They were investigating violations of the Espionage Act. That's a fact. If they never at any time were open to it having actually been violated by Clinton or her team then they were biased and fundamentally failed to do their job.", ">>{waste-of-skin} : They had to figure out if Clinton was a double agent in bed with Putin. Turns out she's in bed with Huma.", ">>{nuarx} : There's nothing here! Why cant you people let it go? /s", '>>{nuarx} : Congress already asked for that, president said no.', '>>{danakowalski} : Hack is a somewhat irrelevant term to the situation. When you use an unencrypted, personal phone to send and receive emails abroad in foreign countries.... there is no need to hack since those emails just went in clear text across dozens of networks for anyone to grab.', ">>{lollersauce914} : Even if she had been indicted and convicted of a crime, she'd still be eligible for office.", '>>{Solidarieta} : Most of them would likely have to find a new job. Clinton could still be President (if she wins the election), even if her security clearance was revoked.', ">>{daringjojo} : They'll all end up with higher pay at the foundation. Kinda shitty that you can be so careless with national security and yet still be in the running for president.", '>>{daringjojo} : I thought there was checks and balances for this sort of thing.'], [">>{garciawalas} : Insult, provoke, repeat: how Donald Trump became America's Hugo Chávez | US news", '>>{jacks1000} : Progressives loved Chavez, because he was a populist and brown. Progressives hate Trump, because he is a populist and white.', ">>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : Donald Trump is more analogous to Italy's former PM Silvio Berlusconi.", '>>{jandoeck} : Is Chavez still kicking ass in VEN? How is their liberal pop agenda doing?', '>>{Thongpirate} : Mia Love — U.S. congresswoman, Utah Tim Scott — U.S. senator, South Carolina The only *two* black republicans in the entire U.S. congress. But yes...progressives are racists. Progressive ideas freed the slaves and gave women and blacks the right to vote, whereas republicans issue poll taxes and restrict the vote.', ">>{jacks1000} : >But yes...progressives are racists. Yes, they are. > Progressive ideas freed the slaves BWA ha ha - you are joking, right? >d the slaves and gave women and blacks the right to vote, whereas That was the Democrats. Holy shit - progressive are so historically illiterate it boggles the mind. How can you even have a discussion with people who probably haven't even graduated high school yet?", '>>{RuudeOne} : You mean like you? The party platforms have switched over the years. You are not the party of Lincoln. Slavery is a conservative idea, as was Jim Crow and the other shit he listed. Please go buy a clue.', ">>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : The Democratic party back then was nothing like the Democratic party today, and has more in common ideologically with the current GOP. It's disingenuous to deny that progressive ideas freed slaves and gave women the vote because that's exactly what happened.", '>>{boredasshitrightnow} : Republicans freed the slaves. It was democrats that issued jim crow and black codes', '>>{77arlos} : I thought it was the United States who freed the slaves. They fought against the Confederate army- right?', '>>{jacks1000} : > Slavery is a conservative idea What a stupid thing to say. BTW, slavery is STILL practiced all over the world, but I notice you never mention that. You just use "slavery" as a way to attack your political enemies. You don\'t care about "slavery" at all - otherwise you would be doing something about it. Shameful.', '>>{timhortonsisshitty} : he Dead. D. E. A. D.'], ['>>{William665} : Obama sidesteps ‘radical Islam’ in quest for alternative explanations for terrorism', ">>{a496h8} : I don't understand this need to add the qualifier 'radical' as if muhamed, islam's prophet, was a peace loving hippie akin to Jesus Christ. He wasn't. He was a child raping mass murderer who instructed his followers to behead anybody who wouldn't submit.", '>>{Used-Car-Salesman} : We are not at war with "radical Islam". We are at war with a few very specific groups of armed and organized extremists.', '>>{academia666} : Yeah, he sounds more like the God of the Old Testament.', '>>{IranRPCV} : And rightly, just as George Bush, Jr. did.', ">>{academia666} : No. We're not. The entire goal of ISIS is to drag the west in to a full-on war with Islam. Not just them, but the entire faith. Stop giving the terrorists what they want.", '>>{IrishJoe} : But God damnit, conservatives want us to be at war with 1.6 billion people on the planet! And if you are willing to be at war with nearly a quarter of the rest of the planet, then you aren\'t really American!!!!!!!! /s Meanwhile no Republican will say Radical Christianity with regards to "Christians" killing doctors and nurses or blowing up clinics or "Christian" militias like the members who blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City or Eric Rudolph and his ilk, because they are just individuals who aren\'t in any way connected with other like-minded individuals. BUT WE HAVE TO SAY MUSLIMS ARE OUR ENEMIES OR WE AREN\'T REALLY AMERICAN!!!!!!!!', ">>{pirate_simon} : I didn't say all of Islam. I said radical Islam. We are at war with radical Islam.", ">>{academia666} : No. We aren't. We're at war with a handful of terrorist groups. Period.", '>>{pirate_simon} : No, we are at war with radical Islam.', '>>{Obnoxious_Slob} : They are all radical, by definition of their faith', '>>{academia666} : Your understanding of the world is like a child. Godspeed.', '>>{pirate_simon} : Republican here. I condemn radical Christians. That wasnt so hard. Your turn to condemn radical Muslims :)', '>>{_Iconoclast__} : Who just so happen to be Islamic... All of them. Every single one. Coincidence?', '>>{IrishJoe} : Thank you! You have earned my respect. Of course you have given up your right to be on Fox "News" Channel because you don\'t follow the narrative that we have to be at war with nearly a quarter of the people on the planet because they go to a different house of worship than we do. You may also be unofficially, excommunicated from the Republican Party. You may want to check on that. They don\'t like anyone not following the talking points. I, IrishJoe, hereby condemn radical Muslims. Since I am not a member of a party with a purity test, I am not excommunicated from anything. Sorry about your possible loss of party affiliation.', ">>{_Iconoclast__} : So we can't acknowledge that radical Islamist want to destroy us and our way of life? I disagree, I think we should let everyone know who our enemy is and do everything possible to eradicate them. And no I don't mean all Muslims, just those who would spread hate and attack our way of life.", ">>{IrishJoe} : Are we at war with Radical Christianity? If so, why aren't the leaders of the Republican Party admitting that? What are they afraid of? You, Piriate_Simon condemned them. Why will no one in in a leadership role of your party condemn Radical Christianity? Hillary Clinton condemned radical Islam for the Democrats. But crickets from the GOP leadership.", ">>{pirate_simon} : No we are not. As it happens, we have experience far more death from radical Islam than radical Christianity. Statistics are inconvenient for you, I'm sure", ">>{_Iconoclast__} : The problem is radical Islamist and the people who would pretend that's not the problem. I don't know if you understand this or not, but they're willing to give their lives to end ours. Ignoring them and pretending they don't exist gives them and advantage. You can't fix the problem if you're unwilling to identify it in the first place.", ">>{academia666} : Are we carrying out drone strikes on radicalized Muslims in the UK? Are we bombing radical Immams in the US who haven't carried out any terrorist activities? Of course not. Because our fight is against a very specific groups of terrorists, and not radical Islam. You can't fix the problem if you're pointing at the wrong thing.", ">>{_Iconoclast__} : No we're not engaging the enemy on our soil nor that of allies. However, I promise you that the FBI or CIA are watching the vast majority of them, as they should. And can you honestly sit here and tell me that our enemy does not practice radical Islam?", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : All with the specific goal of furthering an Islamic State governed by sharia...', '>>{Wolf-Head} : Nope, it was one of the only things he did I agreed with.', '>>{Wolf-Head} : Nope, most terrorists attacks on America have been by non-Muslim americans.', '>>{pirate_simon} : But not proportion wise. If you consider that Muslims make up less than 1% of our population, a Muslim is astronomically more likely to be a terrorist than a non-Muslim in America', ">>{fosian} : Now there's a semantic slippage - there's a difference between Islam (a religion with a variety of outcomes) and Islamism (a political ideology based on a certain intrerpretation of Islam). /u/academia666 is right, however - the problem are specific groups, spreading mayhem and havoc *largely in the muslim world*, and sometimes inspiring an American or French or German nutter to do the same elsewhere. Additionally, plenty *is* being done, and it's not too big a problem either - no politician will be too loud about this, because that means less fear, and less fear means less reactionary sentiment, and less votes.", ">>{Wolf-Head} : Now say we're at war with radical Christianity. Then say we should ban all Christians from entering the country until we figure out what's going on.", '>>{pirate_simon} : How many deaths has radical Christianity been responsible for in this country compared to radical Islam in the last couple decades? I would no more blame radical Christianity as I would blame radical Sikhism, since neither are problems compared to radical Islam. You can cover your eyes and stamp your feet and yell "I CANT HEAR YOU" as loud as you want, it won\'t change these inconvenient facts :)', ">>{Wolf-Head} : Get out of here. I've seen this before with other minorities. You're falling back on the percentage since it sound pretty silly to say that what, 5(?) terrorist out of 3.3 million Muslims is a crisis.", '>>{Wolf-Head} : Abortion clinic bombings? Assassinating doctor that preform abortions? Oklahoma city bombing. All Christians.', '>>{pirate_simon} : Youre right. Islam is a [religion of peace](http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/) :)', ">>{pirate_simon} : Oklahoma city wasn't inspired by Christianity... Just because a white guy did it doesn't mean he was inspired by Christianity. Surely you know who Timothy McVeigh is? Why don't you read the wikipedia section on on his [religious beliefs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_McVeigh#Religious_beliefs) Honestly I'm stunned how weak your arguments are. Surely you can do better than trying to say that agnostic Timothy McVeigh was driven by his Christianity to commit his acts of terror?", ">>{Wolf-Head} : The last attack wasn't inspired by religion either. Guy was a nut then just claimed he did it for religious reasons. I like how you jumped on that though to try and ignore all the other religious murderers.", '>>{Obnoxious_Slob} : Take your semantic arguments back to academia, bud. This is the real world.', ">>{pirate_simon} : There have been people who have murdered in the name of Christianity. I didn't refute the abortion clinics because they are true. We can play a game if you'd like. You list a terrorist who terrorized in the name of Christianity, then I will list a terrorist who terrorized in the name of Islam. Whoever runs out of names first loses. Surely this will be an easy game for you to win since radical Christianity is so rampant :) >The last attack wasn't inspired by religion. He just claimed he did it for religious reasons. What the fuck? The reasons he killed those people are the reasons he listed. Like he already told us the reasons, the debate is over... Why are you trying so hard to defend him?", '>>{academia666} : Stop thinking about things smartly and let me keep holding me stupid, misinformed beliefs.', ">>{academia666} : Weird that we're at war with Radical Islam then and for some reason, Radical Muslims that aren't planning or committing acts of terror or doing anything illegal only end up on a list and the ones in specific terror groups are killed with extreme prejudice. It's almost as if we're at war with terrorist organizations and not radical Islam.", '>>{Plugawy_Nedznik} : Maybe he meant "radical" as in, Rad. With the mullet?', '>>{luis_correa} : To be fair, Jesus Christ came to be by raping his own mother when she was around 12 years old to impregnate her with himself.', ">>{AssCalloway} : So we're at war with 1.6 billion? Time to kick out some Muslims??"], ['>>{ViolentLambs} : My experience with the iPhone 7+ as a daily driver after years of using a different phone every month.', ">>{bloohens} : Just kinda gets boring as hell after a while :P I'd like to jailbreak it but I'm a chicken :/", '>>{ViolentLambs} : Yeah. I do miss having a jailbreak. All the amazing things you can do!', ">>{mysticportal} : Are you running an old jailbreak-able version? If not, you're out of luck.", ">>{lolkakes} : I'm looking into getting an iPhone 7, I have the 6 now and my battery is draining and my phone dies at 30%. Thanks for your insight it helped a lot 😊", ">>{ViolentLambs} : Don't know about that guy but I screwed up mine. All it took was one tweak to ruin it. It's okay. I'm sure there will be more in the future (I'm on 10.2)", ">>{ViolentLambs} : No problem! I'm just amazed at how well the battery lasts even with medium/heavy use. Since I have the 7+ charging takes a little longer and is a tad bit slower but throw on low power mode and it actually makes a difference in how the device functions and how it conserves power.", ">>{Bigchile123} : Jail breaking makes your iPhone into an android though. Constantly crashes, some apps can't even use without a jailbreak detection tweak, looking for work around. If you only use a couple of tweaks, I guess it's worth it but theming gets old and you basically got android when you jailbreak. I like a phone that works, that runs and isn't a mess. Quality over quantity.", '>>{runeruly} : The phone is more secure and safe than android with its malware and adware issues. - Nope', '>>{WarHundreds} : Jailbreak gets boring eventually unless you like having a bunch of tweaks and themes. One of the things that motivated me to jailbreak though was the cache cleaner.', ">>{ViolentLambs} : I wasn't really stressing the point that it's more secure. Your less likely to encounter issues as with iOS you would really have to screw up as the only time I've ever had any issues with iOS is when you tapped on a crappy site and it opens tabs or prevents you from returning to the page before it. They both have their ups and downs but overall I have barely any issues with iOS than I ever did with android.", ">>{NigeySaid} : Doesn't make it into an android. It makes it an iPhone with a customizable iOS. It can still run and not be a mess if you're careful with how you customize it, just like how you can root an android and install custom firmwares, yet still have a stable phone if you are careful.", '>>{konishiwoi} : >I always loved android for it ability to let the user customize the device to their will and usefulness depend on how far that user wanted to go, from stock to throwing so many custom roms at it until I found just the right one. *Cough in jailbreak* You can do way more thing on a jailbroken iDevice than on Android, even rooted. Because, ok you can you can change the appearance, but you forget the system changes that are deeper on an iOS JB. I will not give an example, there are **too many** things possible, and obviously it depends on the use of the person. (And this is a deadly debate, like console vs pc) "Oh you jailbreak your iPhone to make it look like Android". To all these persons, leave earth before I murder you ! Just kidding, I\'ll not kill anyone, but these person still dumbasses. So...**Invalid argument** And stop comparing iOS and Android. According to you,why everybody says "iPhone and Android" and not "iPhone and Samsung, LG, Sony etc" when they talk about cellular !? It is a category apart, the only point in common being that they are all mobile phones. It\'s like comparing 15 brands of bikes to a truck, there\'s something wrong with the comparison. They are all vehicule that can be driven by a human, but... WTH ? But, don\'t get it wrong, I agree with what you said about the 7+, and even if my main device is jailbroken I like iPhone like they are, and I do not denigrate Android Users, I prefer salty crackers and you prefer sweet crackers, it\'s ok. NB: I do not want to be hostile, I just struggle to express myself and nuance my talk because english is not my native language and I\'m tired. So sorry if I did not use the appropriate word in a sentence.', '>>{iwojima22} : You sound like your only experience with android is the dollar store pre paid phones that come with it.', ">>{iwojima22} : I don't think you mentioned the display. How is it like using a 720p-1080p LCD display vs a 1440p Super Amoled? I heard the iPhone 7 is using some dynamic range tech that some 4k Tvs use but it's still using an old display imo. I'm not trying to hate, it's just that idk why apple won't adopt amoled.", ">>{ViolentLambs} : I understand what your coming from but have you actually used several android phones over the years? I have enough that I could go with a different phone every da for two months. I'm not trying to be an asshole and I am sorry if I come off as that but there are many important differences. Look under the hood at how android and iOS both work. Not by apps I mean code wise. They are entirely different operating systems. A phone is a phone but how it works is what makes it nice. Sure I could jailbreak my phone but here's the problem. It's a pain in the ass to do. I tried the jailbreak and sure it was badass but unstable as hell and I had to update to 10.2. Even those with legacy devices can't jailbreak unless they are luck enough to be on specific versions and even then support will end for them. I wrote this as if a normal user is going to get it not people like us who can add more potential. Anyone can jailbreak and has the right to but that would just add confusing lingo and such. If someone wanted to jailbreak and make he phone look and work they wanted to they already have a subreddit for that.", ">>{ViolentLambs} : It's an insanely good display. You literally can't even make out any pixels when looking closely at it. Even legacy apps like jelly car that have to be stretched to fit look great. Pictures and videos look gorgeous as well. Personally I prefer amoled displays as colors can be deeper and more power efficient where I think it's a little silly that the iPhone 7 has to have the entire backlight on even at a black screen witch is off to me. Colors look intense and vibrant so there's no complaints but I'd take amoled over LCD. Edit: I'm at work and when I get home I can answer this much more better and in depth.", '>>{Bigchile123} : My experience was with the shitty note 7. Never again.', '>>{Bigchile123} : Exactly! You have to be careful. Just like androids. iPhones are already good, theming is just to much extra.', ">>{konishiwoi} : I could jailbreak, but it's a pain is the ass. Hum, well I jailbreak my phone since iOS 7.1.2, I do not consider myself as an expert, I don't know how to code or stuff like this, but I don't find it hard. **This is my point of view regarding how I use it** I'm not saying it's easy fro everybody. I did have android devices, a lot, maybe not as much as you but still a lot, and oddly, I don't like them, and I struggle to use them, it's ONE OS but MANY brands, there is so much difference between their overcoat that I find it harder to get used than iOS.", ">>{ViolentLambs} : I agree with what your saying, if you look at it this way it's one OS with many skins added over top of it. I always had a more pleasurable experience with stock android than I did with Samsungs touch whiz, HTC sense(loved it back at sense 4 animated weather was kickass). The jailbreak scene is so limited to certain iOS versions that the likely good of actually getting a phone with a jailbreakable version is less in your favor. When I got my iPhone 7 I just so happen to have gotten one with 10.1.1 but I made a mistake and had to update. The main thing I dislike about android is while certain settings are in one place they are either hidden under different menus or I just can't find the specific setting I need to enable", ">>{x3n0n1c} : Heres the thing, the 1440p amoled displays aren't really 1440p. They only have a resolution of 1440p on the green channel, the red and blue channels are both 720p. This is due to the pixel layout used, in the case of the S7 for example it is Diamond Pentile. What this means is that content that is mainly red and/or blue, but lacks green is actually not that sharp. You can see this very clearly by using the Gear VR. Text on white backgrounds does look very sharp though. Here is an example I took of my [S7 Edges' screen](http://imgur.com/t5smniF). Notice the much more visible pixels on the blue and red sections of Google's logo. The 1080p panel in the 7 plus actually has more total sub-pixels than the 1440p panels on pretty much any OLED. **Total Sub-pixels** S7 Edge: 5,529,600 iPhone 7 Plus: 6,220,800", ">>{SprSynJn} : No need to apologize. Some people can't read. Not your fault.", '>>{SprSynJn} : Care to elaborate? Instead of giving a useless one word reply I mean.', '>>{runeruly} : Linux kernel. Same probability of getting something malicious as any iOS device.', ">>{ViolentLambs} : Actually with my good credit it's $768 USD (payment plan)", ">>{Nitemare3219} : You're wrong there boss, but on the right track. PenTile is 1/3 less sub-pixels. So the S7 Edge still has more sub-pixels 7,372,800 vs 6,220,800.", '>>{x3n0n1c} : http://i.imgur.com/zbQ3cBa.png From my S7 Edge, count the pixels yourself. 25 Green. 13 Red. 12 Blue. Assuming Green is full resolution, that means that there is Half the number of Red and Blue pixels as Green in each direction. 2560/2=1280 Width 1440/2=720 Height ie. 720p 1280x720=921600 2560x1440=3686400 So, 921600 Red, 921600 Blue, 3686400 Green, for a grand total of 5529600.', ">>{Nitemare3219} : Still pretty sure that is not how it works. By your math, there would be 1.5 sub-pixels per pixel, which doesn't sound possible. 2 sub-pixels per pixel RG-BG-RG-BG is how it works, which still gives you twice as many green per blue and red, and equates to 7,372,800 sub-pixels which is more than a 1080p RGB stripe display. Additionally, putting my damn phones directly in my face (7 Plus and Pixel XL), the Pixel XL is clearly sharper. http://www.oled-info.com/files/images/amoled-vs-super-amoled-plus-img_assist-300x224.jpg", ">>{x3n0n1c} : Count the pixels yourself, it isn't hard. And it looks sharper because it is. There is a full 1440p resolution there on the green channel, and our eyes are most sensitive to that colour. Additonally, at least in the Galaxy phone, they are able to do subpixel rendering, which allows them to treat each sub-pixel as its own element, rather than as a group (red, green, blue) like in standard RGB. But, all that said, it simple falls apart when you get really close. GearVR for example. Or if displaying images mostly comprised of blue and red. As long as there is a decent amount of green it will still appear to be quite sharp. Diamond Pentil used the following arrangement. A - is a blank space. You can't refute this, it is right there in my picture. R-B-R-B-R- -G-G-G-G-G B-R-B-R-B- -G-G-G-G-G It is lines of alternating red and blue, followed by lines of just green. Every other line of B/R swap the order of the colors.", ">>{Nitemare3219} : Really. You go ahead and count all X million sub-pixels then. My math says you're wrong, every review that mentions PenTile says you're wrong (i.e. 2 sub-pixels per pixel, not 1.5) and so does Samsung's marketing material (you know, the people who make the panels). I'm not saying PenTile is good. I hate it actually, because of the sharpness reduction and inability to properly render straight lines. Thankfully 1440p on a phone display is high enough resolution that it doesn't really matter, but looking at a 1440p RGB stripe LCD, it is still noticeably sharper than a 1440p PenTile.", ">>{x3n0n1c} : You take a small sample of pixels, and multiply the numbers out. Are you that thick? I already did the damn math for you. The evidence is right there. They don't swap the layout mid screen, its consistent all the way across. So again, count them. There are 50 coloured dots in that image, how many of them are green, how many are red, how many are blue? By the way, the reason reviews mention 2/3rds is because of how this layout allows them to borrow a sub pixels from its nearest neighbor to essentially fake having more. Allowing lines to appear sharper than they would if they didn't do this. Go check out an old sub HD pentile screen and youll see how this falls apart when the sub pixels aren't super tiny like on these HD and QHD screens.", ">>{iwojima22} : I'm going back to iPhone after having a galaxy s6, it wasn't terrible. I can see the draw of customization and the amazing 1440p display but the battery and ram management is absolute shit. I heard Google pixel is much better, has stock Android and is more like an iPhone in that it's fast and simple but yea. Literally going to buy an iPhone 7 tomorrow. Maybe the plus, but I got them Trump hands. Only thing I'm gonna miss is this back button lol"]]
classify and reply
[">>{Bif_Strongbone} : The Mormon Church is once again dipping it's toe into the political arena.", ">>{CambrianImplosion} : Obligatory: It's bad when anyone does it. Let's not do this.", '>>{stirocboy} : Washington Post: "Here is a participation trophy for millennial Clinton supporters"', '>>{Shades101} : What? This is just the article that would have been published had Clinton won, not some argument for her actually winning the White House.', ">>{ozabelle} : you're kidding, right? utah's mormons are america's most faithful bastion of right wing conservatism. they all just didn't reason themselves into it at the public library.", ">>{DuncanShifter} : WaPo, you're just the fucking worst. PS - Capehart is still a complete fucking shill who should be publicly shamed", ">>{billslovechild} : It's unbelievable the violence being perpetrated by the left and dems this election. Their intolerance should be alarming no matter what side you are on. It's like we are back in 1930s Germany with the brown shirts.", ">>{greenieoneone} : It's illegal for a tax exempt church to be involved with politics. If you have evidence of that, please make it public so those people go to prison.", '>>{Bif_Strongbone} : The title was meant to be a "little" sarcastic. Living in Utah, the Mormon Church has an almost a Big Brother level of control over local policy.', '>>{DankeBismarck} : My aunt asked me for a device so she can play her music of a 128 usb stick. As far as I understood her it should be portable and she wants to choose which title plays. Not sure what her budget is and how big it should be, but is there anybody who knows a similar device?', '>>{treerat} : Instead of prison, we could use the tax revenue form all those PAC churches. We can start with Falwell.', ">>{2ballsnawinky} : It hurts doesn't it bro? I fucking hate it", ">>{RedditYearTwo} : Pretty suspect, I wouldn't be surprised if he did it himself.", '>>{ozabelle} : are you smoking crack? churches including the lds have always and still do stick their snout in politics every sunday. and nobody ever has or would "go to prison" for it. you terribly misunderstand. i blame your parents.', '>>{milesdavisperhour} : Convenient somebody just happened to be driving by that had incendiary devices powerful to engulf an entire truck cab and box in a matter of minutes.', '>>{Bif_Strongbone} : Utah has a lot of great qualities. I just wish I could buy a real beer on tap.', '>>{igloojoe11} : Says the side that BURNED DOWN A CHURCH AND KILLED 2 COPS.', ">>{HojMcFoj} : No, but he won't reply anyways because he's too busy looking for the next facetious argument.", ">>{Hail_Cheesus} : /r/gadgets I'm looking to purchase a laptop that I can play games on and do homework, with Cyber Monday sales around the corner what do you think I should get? My budget is around 800-1300 dollars and I want to play games like tf2, CS:GO, and newer games with a relatively good performance.", '>>{skinnytrees} : Got to get those page views in before Trump bans them from his media circle Good luck not going bankrupt WaPo', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : Individuals are responsible for their own actions. There are bad people on both sides of the aisle.', ">>{techmonday} : Would anyone knowledgeable able to talk with me via PM. I am buying a new phone, tablet, e-cig, and tablet today while everything is on sale. Right now I am thinking of getting the Pixel, the Boogie Board with bluetooth and internal memory for note-taking, and either a Thinkpad, Latitude, or XPS, or maybe the Thinkpad Carbon X1. I don't know which e-cig to get yet. I am also thinking of either the Boogie Board or an Android Tablet, but it must be able to take notes. Being able to watch media would be nice, but I always carry a phone with me. I was going to get the Note 7, went from Note 3 to Oneplus One skipping the Note 5; but now, I can't wait for the Note 8, so I have decided on the Pixel. Suggestions for a tablet, laptop, and e-cig would be nice. I am a computer engineer and electrical engineer student, and I am learning to program and hopefully the tools necessary for server administration. I need a laptop that would be able to use any programs I would need in the two fields I am studying, and I am hoping the laptop will last me the next 2 years to use for my masters in EE and finishing a process engineering degree simultaneously. I'd like to game on it as well. I used to be a big gamer but lost interest. So I am also looking at the XPS, but I could also build a mini/micro tower computer for that. I need to look at the weight of the XPS to see if I want to be carrying it around in a backpack all day. I'll have my tablet for notes and possibly media and the phone for media. It is Cyber Monday. I'll wait to get a mini/micro PC if I don't get the XPS because I can only spend so much in one day. Any recommendations would be very appreciated. My uni also has 2 3d printers and scanners. I know there are Android apps to take multiple pictures that will estimate the measurements, but I am hoping a Thinkpad/Latitude would also be powerful enough to allow me to edit a 3d model for use in a 3d printer. Thanks.", ">>{igloojoe11} : Unless, of course, you're republican. Then everything is either the Dem's fault or a false flag.", '>>{shoe788} : Fun game: Count the people in this comment section to see how many people read the headline and not the article', '>>{greenieoneone} : It is illegal. From: https://www.irs.gov/uac/charities-churches-and-politics "The ban on political campaign activity by charities and churches was created by Congress more than a half century ago. " So, either you have no evidence, or you support their claimed illegal activities. If I had to guess, you have nothing or else those people would be in prison.', '>>{unmondeparfait} : In that case, lets assume the same about the other side alright? Dude will get his insurance claim and everything will be copasetic. Democrats aren\'t going to set up yet another gofundme campaign like they did for the church Trump supporters burned down or the campaign office that got firebombed. We can\'t clean up all the messes after all. As long as nobody got hurt I honestly do not care at this point. Now, this conversation will be *very* different in a few days if all the "2nd amendment people" and "in the good old days..." seeds Trump has been sewing come to harvest mind you.', ">>{SandD0llar} : Hi folks, I'm on the hunt for a budget-friendly security camera for my mother. Her husband recently passed away, and she's a little nervous about living alone. Blink ticks off most of my requirements, but I figured I'd see if anyone had a better suggestion: * Battery powered/wire-free ('cause I'm not confident in my ability to figure out wiring for the locations I'd like to install these cameras in, plus I'm certain my mother won't let me drill holes in her exterior walls) * Wi-Fi capable * No monthly fee * IOS or Window10 compatible * Low light * Weather-proof a bonus, but not required - the locations are fairly sheltered from rain Ideally I'd like to snag two cameras for around or under $150. Blink is on Amazon for $169, which is stretching my budget a bit. If there's a coupon code, that'd be fantastic.", ">>{ozabelle} : son, do you live your life on a couch in bubble in mama's basement? do u need help to rejoin society? i'll make some phone calls and get a local sunday school bus to pick you up. you need some sunshine and real world experience, and btw, you aint gonna land no clerking job with ted cruz.", ">>{FirstSnowz} : Hi guys, I built a PC about 2 years ago and there are some great deals going on today on parts so I was wondering if someone could take a look over my current build and suggest anything if there's any real great deals going on today. I haven't used this computer in about a year since I've been traveling but I'll have it in my hands again soon and looking to upgrade if possible Few things I DEFINITELY need: 1. Monitor (would like one I could use as a TV as well) 2. Case Here is my current setup: Mobo: MSI ATX DDR3 2400 LGA 1150 Motherboards Z97 PC MATE Processor: Intel Core i7-4790K Processor (8M Cache, up to 4.40 GHz) (BX80646I74790K) Power: CORSAIR TX Series CMPSU-750TX 750W ATX12V v2.3 SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Active PFC ... Harddrive: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-75E500B/AM) I don't remember what graphics card or RAM I have but I think they are both pretty decent, however I think the graphics card was my weakest part. Any recommendations? $500-750 budget", '>>{stupidaccountname} : The difference in tone between their Hillary and Trump articles is mostly a condemnation of WaPo as any sort of actual journalism.', ">>{joltto} : It's interesting to get to see and compare the two articles. I'm glad they published it.", '>>{RealityGap} : Monitor deals: http://www.pcgamer.com/cyber-monday-gaming-monitor-deals/ Cases: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811854028&ignorebbr=1 The Phanteks P400 and P400S are great cases, looking to get a P400S myself. https://amazon.com/NZXT-Tower-CA-S340W-B1-Glossy-Black/dp/B00NGMIBUU?ie=UTF8&keywords=case%20nzxt%20s340&qid=1480383765&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1 This case is also highly rated and a good value (but not on sale) https://amazon.com/gp/product/B017XPPHGG/ref=s9_zgift_hd_bw_b2Ore_g147_i7?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-12&pf_rd_r=RJJZ767TNQX3NCQD8XKW&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=c964ba4f-3a33-5fcb-be07-da7df14df9f4&pf_rd_i=572238 Interesting case and on sale. https://smile.amazon.com/Corsair-Carbide-Silent-Quiet-Tower/dp/B00RORBQSW/ref=lp_572238_1_11?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1480383832&sr=1-11 Best cheap case, also on sale.', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : By that same token, months of mainstream liberals calling Trump the second coming of Hitler has made people think it's okay to assault Trump supporters, rush the stage when he's speaking and to do essentially whatever it will take to stop Hitler 2.0.", ">>{unmondeparfait} : It's kind of a comparison he gleefully brought on himself to be fair. I personally have a hard time comparing modern politicians to Hitler, and with my honesty hat on, he's a lot more like Mussolini. You don't deal with a dictatorial personality with violence in any event, you deal with it by deflating their ego in defeat. Remember, *Hitler* killed Hitler. Everydamnbody needs to calm the hell down with the anger, but I will not engage in false-equivalence. One side has been chewing the scenery encouraging it from the pulpit, and a lot of really... let's say impressionable confederate-flag wavin' gun-totin' rednecks have made it clear that they got the message. I don't know how that plays out in the fullness of time, at least now that it's not the 19th century.", '>>{RealityGap} : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834234093&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=11552995&PID=6361382&SID=hawk-1445809868 Great deal. Processor is a bit dated, but it is an HQ variant so that is good. This laptop will easily handle games like TF2 and CSGO. It should be able to get 60 fps at 1080P on medium settings on most newer games, maybe high settings depending on the game. This laptop is higher performance and has an SSD, but does not have Gsync like the other laptop: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16834233184&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=11552995&PID=6361382&SID=hawk-1524903184 More deals: http://www.pcgamer.com/cyber-monday-laptop-deals/', '>>{Aetronn} : >Clinton was the far superior debater in each of the three debates. She was prepared and measured, keeping her cool as Trump tried to rattle her with attacks from all angles — personal, professional and just plain odd. In a word, she looked presidential, while he did not. I laughed so hard at this line, knowing what we do now.', '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : Boy white privilege sounds so oppressive. I really feel bad for you.', ">>{Warmth_of_the_Sun} : The mass media is funny. They were heavily biased in favor of Hillary in editorials and 'journalistic discretion' slants to stories, like the one linked here, but covered every outrageous move Donald made in real time. Donald likes to attack the media but his unorthodox campaign would not have been successful without the media making him the first 'reality star' POTUS.", ">>{donsanedrin} : Its a Chris Cillizza article, and those are probably the only ones that I read with any regularity at WaPo. He's given Bernie a fair shake throughout the primary, and he was one of the few that did point out that Clinton has some real flaws. And, in many ways, he's kicking some dirt on the grave here because the article isn't even that glowing about Hillary. He sets it up by saying that she should have been unstoppable, and then spends most of the article talking about how she was struggling.", ">>{RealityGap} : One solution would be to plug the usb drive into a laptop or tablet and play from that. Or plug into computer with bluetooth and play to a bluetooth speaker, headphones or earbuds. Speakers that you can just plug a USB drive into and play music from USB aren't really a thing. I did a bit of searching though and found these though which appear to support USB music playback: https://smile.amazon.com/Bluetooth-Alpatronix-AX440-Universal-Subwoofer/dp/B01D2AKVZ8/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1480385561&sr=1-4&keywords=usb+playback+speaker https://smile.amazon.com/iKross-Compact-Bluetooth-Microphone-Function/dp/B00JKV2FIK/ref=sr_1_6?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1480385561&sr=1-6&keywords=usb+playback+speaker", ">>{HojMcFoj} : You won't get one, because if what he's saying is even true, it's entirely out of context because there is no precedent to recognize political affiliation as a protected class under hate crimes statutes.", ">>{SmallsMT_02} : She looked like she knew the questions, if that's their point.", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : > Everydamnbody needs to calm the hell down with the anger, but I will not engage in false-equivalence. Hillary being slightly better than Trump is not a feather in her cap.', '>>{unmondeparfait} : I have yet to see her use the kind of coded language any fifth grader could crack to imply there should be an armed rebellion if she loses, so you can take your "slightly" and put it right back up inside your butthole.', '>>{bassististist} : Maybe it was just parked next to a black church.', ">>{limelight22} : I'm looking for a cheap, simple MP3 player with at least 16gb of storage that my dad can use with aux in a car. He's not very tech savvy so simplicity and ease of use is important, and it needs to be easy to take mp3s off of a computer and out them onto the player. Anyone have any suggestions?", ">>{al_bert-o} : Hello! I'm looking for a mobile device as a gift for a sweet but... *silly* womanchild who casually games. (Please forgive my own tech-illiteracy, I have no idea what I'm looking for, only the functions I'd like to see.) I would like it to have the following features: access to the Google Play Store, camera, email/Gmail, *Pokémon GO!*, phone calls, Spotify, texting capabilities, *Zombies, Run!*, and perhaps a few other apps of her choosing. Something basic that can handle all that. Her last phone could barely access the Google Play Store, much less download a single mobile game. I don't know that she'll need too much space, as I don't expect her to try downloading large videos on to it and she has her music on a separate device. The idea is that she'll pay for the phone plan herself and use the existing Internet utilities where she lives. EDIT: Oh, and not an Apple product, please. We'll be taking a look on Craigslist. Much thanks for any advice!", ">>{Zahel} : So, I can't point you to an exact phone, but most phones released then the past few years should be able to do what you're looking for. I just wanted to make a note here as far as space goes, videos/images/music are typically not what take up the larger share of space on a phone, normally it's the apps themselves that take up large amounts of space.", '>>{AllGoodMenDie} : May I ask what carrier the phone will be used on? Also what is the max price you are willing to spend?', ">>{al_bert-o} : T-Mobile, I believe. I'd like to spend under 100 USD--we're thinking of getting her a secondhand one from Craigslist or the like.", '>>{al_bert-o} : Good to know. Thank you for the advice!', '>>{DaDaDaonald} : Hope this is the right place. Question... I want to buy a somewhat expensive pair of [open back Grado headphones](http://headphonecharts.com/Best-Grado-Open-Back-Headphones.php) but want to try them on first. I have been to best buy and they only have a standard and stale selection. Where can I try on some popular headphone brands (AKG, Sennheiser, Grado, Beyerdynamic) Thanks!', '>>{AllGoodMenDie} : Ok looks like your best used options are HTC one m8, galaxy s5, lg g3, or iPhone 5s. I would say your best new option would be the Moto g4 play prime edition which is $99 or the Blu advanced 5.0 starting at $59.99 (I do not recommend the advanced 5.0 but it is an option). If possible I would highly recommend getting the lg g3 out of all these options because it has 1 gig more of ram and a quad HD display.', ">>{frishmeisterflash} : I'm looking for a pro controller for PS4. I've heard good things about Scuf but I've also heard they break easily. Are here any other reliable, more durable options?", ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : Is there a portable power bank anyone here has a really good experience with? I'm looking to fit it in my pocket with my phone(Moto X pure edition), and it only needs a single USB port.", ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : Not sure where you live, so I'm assuming the US. See if there happens to be some sort of local headphone store near you. I've never seen Grado's in store more than once, and never somewhere where I can try on enthusiast headphones. I haven't spent that much time looking either though, so you may have better luck. Real expensive novelty stores could have it, when I was in London I went into Harrods and tried on a pair of HD800's. Something like that near you could have what you want.", ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : [This article](http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/everyday-tech/question110.htm) explains the prongs pretty well. Essentially, the third prong that isn't always there, is for grounding. The idea behind grounding is to protect the people who use metal-encased appliances from electric shock. Because you're moving power and not just plugging something in, I would look for something that includes the third prong. Not sure what you mean by the amount of prongs on the back, but I hope I answered your question. By two prongs do you mean it plugs into two outlets at once? If so it probably won't make a difference, I've been running at least 700w of power through one outlet for a full year thanks to a power strip, you should be fine and not lack power.", ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : The Moto G4 may be the best option for the money. I had a LG G3 for a while and was very frustrated by how much LG controlled the software. If she doesn't care that may not be an option, but I had to mess with it constantly to keep my stuff functioning. The hardware was very impressive but the software was lacking. Motorola usually doesn't configure Android too much, and my current Motorola is much simple and closer to pure Android.", '>>{fuckflyingpigs} : /r/buildapcsales is the place for deals on computer stuff, you might find some good stuff on there if you keep your eyes open.', ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : The Nest camera is only $150. I've never used it before, but I have a Nest thermostat. I was very impressed at how easy that was, just plugged in a few cables and it started itself. I imagine the camera is similar, but I don't know too much about it. It's worth checking out.", ">>{SandD0llar} : I looked at that, but it appears to be hard-wired, and as I mentioned before, I'm hesitant to mess with the wiring. I'm leaning toward Blink - I figure it's a good way to test the waters, and if she doesn't like it, I can take it for my place. As a renter, security/privacy is always a concern. If she does like it, we can look for a better option later down the road.", ">>{AllGoodMenDie} : Good call I actually didn't think at all about the software.", ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : The only wiring I had to touch was what was exclusive to the thermostat - literally just the AC, heat, ect. I think the only wiring is power, but I'm not sure what is battery powered and has all those features you're asking for. It was plug and play, an easy touchscreen to connect to the wifi. We were able to connect to it via our phones in less than five minutes from making an account, and it's easy to control. End choice is up to you. I don't have an interest in cameras so I don't know much, but I was very pleased with the Nest thermostat and would buy from the company again because of the ease.", ">>{rtechie1} : MP3 players are a dying category and there is less available each year. If you want something with 32GB of storage or less, the [Sansa Clip Jam](http://www.amazon.com/Sandisk-8GB-Clip-Player-Black/dp/B00VXMY262). Supports FLAC. The Sansa Clip series has been popular for a long time and has seen little change. This is like an MP3 player from 2003. But if you want a *nice* MP3 player, [Fiio](http://fiio.net/en/fiio) is pretty much the only game in town anymore. The Fiio X1 2nd gen supports SD cards up to 256GB and is $100. Your only other option is a smartphone (Windows Phone or Android) with a 256GB microSD card. Windows Phone is generally preferred because the audio stack in Android is inferior. I'd look at the [Lumia 532](https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Lumia-532-UNLOCKED-RM-1032/dp/B00VWYETUA).", ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : Nah, I don't know of any equipment that requires two prongs so it's most likely there so it looks like it can process more power. You won't lack in power by only using one outlet.", ">>{rtechie1} : All versions of the Nest camera use WiFi, but Ethernet is actually simpler and more reliable for security systems. You use a single Ethernet cable and a technology called Power over Ethernet for the cameras. Not sure I'd trust a battery-powered security system like Blink.", ">>{rtechie1} : What you're looking for is a [boombox with USB input](https://www.amazon.com/Boomboxes-USB-Input-Portable-Audio-Video/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=n%3A172633%2Cp_n_feature_keywords_browse-bin%3A2887780011).", ">>{kconfire} : I hope this is a right place to ask for an advice: I've been recently gotten interested in Smart LED systems and home automation aspects of the technology. I see that there are LIFX and Philips Hue for the starters but would anyone have an open suggestion or recommendation? What I would like to achieve below at a minimum: - Be able to manage lighting in home wirelessly via smart phones and if possible with voice commands. (And by the way, are most Light units controlled On-The-Product or from the power outlet with the help of special parts between the power source and the light unit? It looked like most of them have their own chips et that manages brigtness, color, etc.) - Motion sensor activated (Looked like separate units are required for motion sensing capability) - Be able to tie the light control system to a hub/system that will help me use in junction with What other things can I look out for when it comes to quality of LED units than the brand names? Some brand names I can think of include Philips, CREE, GE.. Thanks in advance! :)", '>>{eysemple} : Hi all! I\'ve been looking for a replacement gadget for the Zeno. It\'s essentially a handheld battery operated zit zapper. AFAIK, it has a small metal plate/dot on the end that, when the zeno turns on, heats up to a warm temp, which is then placed on a pimple (maybe shoots oxygen into the pore?) which helps to reduce bacteria and swelling. A gadget I\'ve been pointed to is the "Tanda Zap Acne Treatment" but this hardly seems to work at all (doesn\'t heat up as much, just seems like a bunch of LEDs) Any hints?', '>>{WarpSeven} : [This 2015 Cnet Guide](https://www.cnet.com/news/smart-home-buying-guide-home-automation/) might be a good place to start. Both PCMag and ThisOldHouse have had more recent lists of products that are now on the market. [The Wirecutter](http://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-smart-led-light-bulbs/) recently looked at smart led lights in this guide. You probably should consider whether particular systems are compatible with other systems and how expandable they are. Compatibility with other systems gives you flexibility to add other categories of smart products but probably introduces some security issues. A product line with diversity allows you to expand more easily. Two issues to think about that probably aren\'t in most guides are the issues of internet security and whether using particular smart devices will adversely affect you if your internet provider has a low data cap. Many recent news stories have focused on malware that uses "the internet of things" such as smart home devices for various internet attacks. Before investing in smart home devices and smart lighting, consider whether your modem, router, and security measures need updating or replacement. Look for devices from companies with a good record of pushing out quick updates. Look at where the devices are made as well. As for data caps, you will need to determine if your provider has a cap and if so, what traffic is actually counting toward that cap. Some smart devices may need more data than you think.', '>>{kconfire} : Wow, thank you so very much for your input WarpSeven. I will make sure to go through all the list and see what will fit my ideal smart home system setup. In fact, I, too, questioned security behind all Smart systems and started to look for efforts these "smart" companies are making to protect and secure the information flowing through their services. I think I am not ready for a full-blown automated smart appliances and system, but will start with a small, and a simple setup that minimizes a potential security compromises. Thank you for your words again. It helped a lot!', ">>{WarpSeven} : You are most welcome! I should add that the data usage issue came up several times in /r/cordcutters last year and several folks posted info about their troubles with this. Theoretically, much of the data should remain within your own home network but in some cases that wasn't what people were reporting, especially if using a cable rental modem. I have no way to verify that unfortunately as in my case my internet is fairly slow so I have not attempted this. I think you are wise to proceed carefully. Best wishes with your project!", ">>{TuckingFypoz} : Best wireless headphones on Amazon? I am trying to look for nice pair of Bluetooth headphones. My friends both have bluedio headphones that they have bought from Amazon, they seem. Very good, except from the build quality, but I don't want to get something that everyone has. I am trying my best not to buy them! They are at the top of Amazon and I cannot find any other alternatives. If I don't find any alternatives, then I will just have to buy them. Thanks!", ">>{JustDelta767} : Is it impossible (based on the USB-C standard) to connect a new USB-C device (say an external HDD) to an older computer that only has USB-A Ports? Benson Leung's reviews on Amazon seem to indicate so... https://www.amazon.com/COWEEN-Femal-Adapter-Portable-Converter/dp/B019HWA79A/ref=pd_sim_147_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B019HWA79A&pd_rd_r=3H46H25S2GEB61DW3HBX&pd_rd_w=vKbw7&pd_rd_wg=L3Lwq&psc=1&refRID=3H46H25S2GEB61DW3HBX", ">>{Kingrcf3} : Hello everyone so I've got what i think is a simple question what wifi extender would you recommend? I'm currently looking at the netgear knight hawk extender. Thanks for any suggestions", '>>{zfa} : I got a Xiaomi 5000mAh one from one of the Asian retailers (Allbuy I think), been great.', ">>{King_Vlad_} : Replying here cause I'm also looking for a good pair of bluetooth headphones (sorry for getting your hopes up OP)", '>>{johnlondon125} : Do *good*, true wireless (no cord in between) earbuds exist for under $100? Just want some for listening in bed in one ear as I go to sleep. Thanks!', '>>{kconfire} : Data usage was the least of my concerns, but I now think it should be looked into further as it can limit the scope of my smart home project. For now I do not believe I will be using too much data as I am not into video streaming/home security part of the setup. Thanks for your kind advice regardless. Cheers!', '>>{eskimo_blt} : Is there any other bluetooth headset besides the Motorola h730 that does not go in the ear? My friend has the h730, but he says microphone sucks on it. I cant stand putting things "in" my ear so what are other options? Thanks Reddit community', '>>{iwak88} : Anybody know what happened to Google Glass? Do they still sell it or did they shut it down?', '>>{mlinzz} : Not yet, no. I think closest will be the Apple Airpods around $150.', ">>{fuzzeslecrdf} : My laptop has only two USB ports. Where can I find a USB hub that is one solid piece rather than made of a floppy wire. I want something like [this](http://img.dxcdn.com/productimages/sku_444254_1.jpg) except with one USB male going into two USB female. I want it to be one solid piece so it's less messy to move around a table.", ">>{b0gg3r} : Just so you know, those plugs are normally wired together inside your wall, the 2-set vs 1-set shouldn't make a difference AFAIK.", ">>{Jadellikestoeat} : Hello everyone. So, I'm looking for a new router for my internet network at home; and there so many kinds of routers with all the specs which I can't comprehend. How should I choose a suitable and affordable router? Thanks.", ">>{wifeandtwokids} : Hi I'm looking for a way to share audio to two Bluetooth headsets. Any ideas? Thanks", '>>{Peace88} : Does anyone know is Inmotion v5f+ worth it? A motorized unicycle', '>>{kenvsryu} : Are there bt speakers (ue mini boom $90 :() under $50 that you can link together for stereo sound?', ">>{sphoofle} : Looking for an Action Camera, and I'm about to buy the Xiaomi Yi II 4k. Any comments on this? Price is a big factor so it wins over the GoPro. Do you think Xiaomi will refresh it in 2017 with the next model? (AKA price cut for the Yi II LOL)", '>>{glyko} : What Bluetooth Audio receiver gets me the best bang for my buck?', '>>{WhosFamousNotMe} : Search for *compact* USB hubs. Here are some: * https://www.amazon.com/TROND-Slim-USB-Swiveling-Connector/dp/B015S7FTS2/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1480871381&sr=8-3&keywords=compact+usb+hub * https://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-4-Port-Rotatable-Degree-HB-UMN4/dp/B00LRYUJQS/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1480871381&sr=8-4&keywords=compact+usb+hub * https://www.amazon.com/Lizone-Stylish-Microsoft-Surface-Windows/dp/B01FO6V6UM/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1480871381&sr=8-5&keywords=compact+usb+hub * https://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-Premium-Aluminum-Rotatable-HB-R3MC/dp/B013XGK53E/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1480871381&sr=8-6&keywords=compact+usb+hub * https://www.amazon.com/Cute-USB-2-Port-Hub-Splitter/dp/B00A81ISJ6/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1480871381&sr=8-7&keywords=compact+usb+hub * https://www.amazon.com/USB-2-0-Two-Compact-Port/dp/B00BZJAO1U/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1480871381&sr=8-10&keywords=compact+usb+hub', '>>{Terrorblade123} : I do not know where to post this. Can someone help me out? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13098954', ">>{GlitchIT} : Razer is making an elite variant. Can't remember what it's called but just google Razer Ps4 controller", ">>{frishmeisterflash} : It's called the Razer Raiju, I pre-ordered it about four hours ago. Found it to be pretty reliable and durable-looking plus it's backed by Sony. Thanks for the reply though lol.", ">>{aRandomUserame} : I use sades sa 708 from amazon. Their 13 dollars and a lot better than you'd think from 13$ headphones. I can't stabs a lot of headphones, they don't have enough range for me and these do it perfect", '>>{joelj4444} : Discontinued from memory. though another version is in the works http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/google/12000490/Google-Glass-successor-may-not-have-a-screen.html', '>>{IronHeights24} : just bought these, paid 5$ more for some green ones! thanks for the suggestion.', '>>{aRandomUserame} : So... I just saw this :P thats awesome! how do you like them?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Bif_Strongbone} : The Mormon Church is once again dipping it's toe into the political arena.", ">>{ozabelle} : you're kidding, right? utah's mormons are america's most faithful bastion of right wing conservatism. they all just didn't reason themselves into it at the public library.", ">>{greenieoneone} : It's illegal for a tax exempt church to be involved with politics. If you have evidence of that, please make it public so those people go to prison.", '>>{Bif_Strongbone} : The title was meant to be a "little" sarcastic. Living in Utah, the Mormon Church has an almost a Big Brother level of control over local policy.', '>>{treerat} : Instead of prison, we could use the tax revenue form all those PAC churches. We can start with Falwell.', ">>{2ballsnawinky} : It hurts doesn't it bro? I fucking hate it", '>>{ozabelle} : are you smoking crack? churches including the lds have always and still do stick their snout in politics every sunday. and nobody ever has or would "go to prison" for it. you terribly misunderstand. i blame your parents.', '>>{Bif_Strongbone} : Utah has a lot of great qualities. I just wish I could buy a real beer on tap.', '>>{greenieoneone} : It is illegal. From: https://www.irs.gov/uac/charities-churches-and-politics "The ban on political campaign activity by charities and churches was created by Congress more than a half century ago. " So, either you have no evidence, or you support their claimed illegal activities. If I had to guess, you have nothing or else those people would be in prison.', ">>{ozabelle} : son, do you live your life on a couch in bubble in mama's basement? do u need help to rejoin society? i'll make some phone calls and get a local sunday school bus to pick you up. you need some sunshine and real world experience, and btw, you aint gonna land no clerking job with ted cruz."], ['>>{stirocboy} : Washington Post: "Here is a participation trophy for millennial Clinton supporters"', '>>{Shades101} : What? This is just the article that would have been published had Clinton won, not some argument for her actually winning the White House.', ">>{DuncanShifter} : WaPo, you're just the fucking worst. PS - Capehart is still a complete fucking shill who should be publicly shamed", '>>{skinnytrees} : Got to get those page views in before Trump bans them from his media circle Good luck not going bankrupt WaPo', '>>{shoe788} : Fun game: Count the people in this comment section to see how many people read the headline and not the article', '>>{stupidaccountname} : The difference in tone between their Hillary and Trump articles is mostly a condemnation of WaPo as any sort of actual journalism.', ">>{joltto} : It's interesting to get to see and compare the two articles. I'm glad they published it.", '>>{Aetronn} : >Clinton was the far superior debater in each of the three debates. She was prepared and measured, keeping her cool as Trump tried to rattle her with attacks from all angles — personal, professional and just plain odd. In a word, she looked presidential, while he did not. I laughed so hard at this line, knowing what we do now.', ">>{Warmth_of_the_Sun} : The mass media is funny. They were heavily biased in favor of Hillary in editorials and 'journalistic discretion' slants to stories, like the one linked here, but covered every outrageous move Donald made in real time. Donald likes to attack the media but his unorthodox campaign would not have been successful without the media making him the first 'reality star' POTUS.", ">>{donsanedrin} : Its a Chris Cillizza article, and those are probably the only ones that I read with any regularity at WaPo. He's given Bernie a fair shake throughout the primary, and he was one of the few that did point out that Clinton has some real flaws. And, in many ways, he's kicking some dirt on the grave here because the article isn't even that glowing about Hillary. He sets it up by saying that she should have been unstoppable, and then spends most of the article talking about how she was struggling.", ">>{SmallsMT_02} : She looked like she knew the questions, if that's their point."], [">>{CambrianImplosion} : Obligatory: It's bad when anyone does it. Let's not do this.", ">>{billslovechild} : It's unbelievable the violence being perpetrated by the left and dems this election. Their intolerance should be alarming no matter what side you are on. It's like we are back in 1930s Germany with the brown shirts.", ">>{RedditYearTwo} : Pretty suspect, I wouldn't be surprised if he did it himself.", '>>{milesdavisperhour} : Convenient somebody just happened to be driving by that had incendiary devices powerful to engulf an entire truck cab and box in a matter of minutes.', '>>{igloojoe11} : Says the side that BURNED DOWN A CHURCH AND KILLED 2 COPS.', ">>{HojMcFoj} : No, but he won't reply anyways because he's too busy looking for the next facetious argument.", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : Individuals are responsible for their own actions. There are bad people on both sides of the aisle.', ">>{igloojoe11} : Unless, of course, you're republican. Then everything is either the Dem's fault or a false flag.", '>>{unmondeparfait} : In that case, lets assume the same about the other side alright? Dude will get his insurance claim and everything will be copasetic. Democrats aren\'t going to set up yet another gofundme campaign like they did for the church Trump supporters burned down or the campaign office that got firebombed. We can\'t clean up all the messes after all. As long as nobody got hurt I honestly do not care at this point. Now, this conversation will be *very* different in a few days if all the "2nd amendment people" and "in the good old days..." seeds Trump has been sewing come to harvest mind you.', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : By that same token, months of mainstream liberals calling Trump the second coming of Hitler has made people think it's okay to assault Trump supporters, rush the stage when he's speaking and to do essentially whatever it will take to stop Hitler 2.0.", ">>{unmondeparfait} : It's kind of a comparison he gleefully brought on himself to be fair. I personally have a hard time comparing modern politicians to Hitler, and with my honesty hat on, he's a lot more like Mussolini. You don't deal with a dictatorial personality with violence in any event, you deal with it by deflating their ego in defeat. Remember, *Hitler* killed Hitler. Everydamnbody needs to calm the hell down with the anger, but I will not engage in false-equivalence. One side has been chewing the scenery encouraging it from the pulpit, and a lot of really... let's say impressionable confederate-flag wavin' gun-totin' rednecks have made it clear that they got the message. I don't know how that plays out in the fullness of time, at least now that it's not the 19th century.", '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : Boy white privilege sounds so oppressive. I really feel bad for you.', ">>{HojMcFoj} : You won't get one, because if what he's saying is even true, it's entirely out of context because there is no precedent to recognize political affiliation as a protected class under hate crimes statutes.", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : > Everydamnbody needs to calm the hell down with the anger, but I will not engage in false-equivalence. Hillary being slightly better than Trump is not a feather in her cap.', '>>{unmondeparfait} : I have yet to see her use the kind of coded language any fifth grader could crack to imply there should be an armed rebellion if she loses, so you can take your "slightly" and put it right back up inside your butthole.', '>>{bassististist} : Maybe it was just parked next to a black church.'], ['>>{DankeBismarck} : My aunt asked me for a device so she can play her music of a 128 usb stick. As far as I understood her it should be portable and she wants to choose which title plays. Not sure what her budget is and how big it should be, but is there anybody who knows a similar device?', ">>{Hail_Cheesus} : /r/gadgets I'm looking to purchase a laptop that I can play games on and do homework, with Cyber Monday sales around the corner what do you think I should get? My budget is around 800-1300 dollars and I want to play games like tf2, CS:GO, and newer games with a relatively good performance.", ">>{techmonday} : Would anyone knowledgeable able to talk with me via PM. I am buying a new phone, tablet, e-cig, and tablet today while everything is on sale. Right now I am thinking of getting the Pixel, the Boogie Board with bluetooth and internal memory for note-taking, and either a Thinkpad, Latitude, or XPS, or maybe the Thinkpad Carbon X1. I don't know which e-cig to get yet. I am also thinking of either the Boogie Board or an Android Tablet, but it must be able to take notes. Being able to watch media would be nice, but I always carry a phone with me. I was going to get the Note 7, went from Note 3 to Oneplus One skipping the Note 5; but now, I can't wait for the Note 8, so I have decided on the Pixel. Suggestions for a tablet, laptop, and e-cig would be nice. I am a computer engineer and electrical engineer student, and I am learning to program and hopefully the tools necessary for server administration. I need a laptop that would be able to use any programs I would need in the two fields I am studying, and I am hoping the laptop will last me the next 2 years to use for my masters in EE and finishing a process engineering degree simultaneously. I'd like to game on it as well. I used to be a big gamer but lost interest. So I am also looking at the XPS, but I could also build a mini/micro tower computer for that. I need to look at the weight of the XPS to see if I want to be carrying it around in a backpack all day. I'll have my tablet for notes and possibly media and the phone for media. It is Cyber Monday. I'll wait to get a mini/micro PC if I don't get the XPS because I can only spend so much in one day. Any recommendations would be very appreciated. My uni also has 2 3d printers and scanners. I know there are Android apps to take multiple pictures that will estimate the measurements, but I am hoping a Thinkpad/Latitude would also be powerful enough to allow me to edit a 3d model for use in a 3d printer. Thanks.", ">>{SandD0llar} : Hi folks, I'm on the hunt for a budget-friendly security camera for my mother. Her husband recently passed away, and she's a little nervous about living alone. Blink ticks off most of my requirements, but I figured I'd see if anyone had a better suggestion: * Battery powered/wire-free ('cause I'm not confident in my ability to figure out wiring for the locations I'd like to install these cameras in, plus I'm certain my mother won't let me drill holes in her exterior walls) * Wi-Fi capable * No monthly fee * IOS or Window10 compatible * Low light * Weather-proof a bonus, but not required - the locations are fairly sheltered from rain Ideally I'd like to snag two cameras for around or under $150. Blink is on Amazon for $169, which is stretching my budget a bit. If there's a coupon code, that'd be fantastic.", ">>{FirstSnowz} : Hi guys, I built a PC about 2 years ago and there are some great deals going on today on parts so I was wondering if someone could take a look over my current build and suggest anything if there's any real great deals going on today. I haven't used this computer in about a year since I've been traveling but I'll have it in my hands again soon and looking to upgrade if possible Few things I DEFINITELY need: 1. Monitor (would like one I could use as a TV as well) 2. Case Here is my current setup: Mobo: MSI ATX DDR3 2400 LGA 1150 Motherboards Z97 PC MATE Processor: Intel Core i7-4790K Processor (8M Cache, up to 4.40 GHz) (BX80646I74790K) Power: CORSAIR TX Series CMPSU-750TX 750W ATX12V v2.3 SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Active PFC ... Harddrive: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-75E500B/AM) I don't remember what graphics card or RAM I have but I think they are both pretty decent, however I think the graphics card was my weakest part. Any recommendations? $500-750 budget", '>>{RealityGap} : Monitor deals: http://www.pcgamer.com/cyber-monday-gaming-monitor-deals/ Cases: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811854028&ignorebbr=1 The Phanteks P400 and P400S are great cases, looking to get a P400S myself. https://amazon.com/NZXT-Tower-CA-S340W-B1-Glossy-Black/dp/B00NGMIBUU?ie=UTF8&keywords=case%20nzxt%20s340&qid=1480383765&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1 This case is also highly rated and a good value (but not on sale) https://amazon.com/gp/product/B017XPPHGG/ref=s9_zgift_hd_bw_b2Ore_g147_i7?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-12&pf_rd_r=RJJZ767TNQX3NCQD8XKW&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=c964ba4f-3a33-5fcb-be07-da7df14df9f4&pf_rd_i=572238 Interesting case and on sale. https://smile.amazon.com/Corsair-Carbide-Silent-Quiet-Tower/dp/B00RORBQSW/ref=lp_572238_1_11?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1480383832&sr=1-11 Best cheap case, also on sale.', '>>{RealityGap} : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834234093&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=11552995&PID=6361382&SID=hawk-1445809868 Great deal. Processor is a bit dated, but it is an HQ variant so that is good. This laptop will easily handle games like TF2 and CSGO. It should be able to get 60 fps at 1080P on medium settings on most newer games, maybe high settings depending on the game. This laptop is higher performance and has an SSD, but does not have Gsync like the other laptop: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16834233184&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=11552995&PID=6361382&SID=hawk-1524903184 More deals: http://www.pcgamer.com/cyber-monday-laptop-deals/', ">>{RealityGap} : One solution would be to plug the usb drive into a laptop or tablet and play from that. Or plug into computer with bluetooth and play to a bluetooth speaker, headphones or earbuds. Speakers that you can just plug a USB drive into and play music from USB aren't really a thing. I did a bit of searching though and found these though which appear to support USB music playback: https://smile.amazon.com/Bluetooth-Alpatronix-AX440-Universal-Subwoofer/dp/B01D2AKVZ8/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1480385561&sr=1-4&keywords=usb+playback+speaker https://smile.amazon.com/iKross-Compact-Bluetooth-Microphone-Function/dp/B00JKV2FIK/ref=sr_1_6?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1480385561&sr=1-6&keywords=usb+playback+speaker", ">>{limelight22} : I'm looking for a cheap, simple MP3 player with at least 16gb of storage that my dad can use with aux in a car. He's not very tech savvy so simplicity and ease of use is important, and it needs to be easy to take mp3s off of a computer and out them onto the player. Anyone have any suggestions?", ">>{al_bert-o} : Hello! I'm looking for a mobile device as a gift for a sweet but... *silly* womanchild who casually games. (Please forgive my own tech-illiteracy, I have no idea what I'm looking for, only the functions I'd like to see.) I would like it to have the following features: access to the Google Play Store, camera, email/Gmail, *Pokémon GO!*, phone calls, Spotify, texting capabilities, *Zombies, Run!*, and perhaps a few other apps of her choosing. Something basic that can handle all that. Her last phone could barely access the Google Play Store, much less download a single mobile game. I don't know that she'll need too much space, as I don't expect her to try downloading large videos on to it and she has her music on a separate device. The idea is that she'll pay for the phone plan herself and use the existing Internet utilities where she lives. EDIT: Oh, and not an Apple product, please. We'll be taking a look on Craigslist. Much thanks for any advice!", ">>{Zahel} : So, I can't point you to an exact phone, but most phones released then the past few years should be able to do what you're looking for. I just wanted to make a note here as far as space goes, videos/images/music are typically not what take up the larger share of space on a phone, normally it's the apps themselves that take up large amounts of space.", '>>{AllGoodMenDie} : May I ask what carrier the phone will be used on? Also what is the max price you are willing to spend?', ">>{al_bert-o} : T-Mobile, I believe. I'd like to spend under 100 USD--we're thinking of getting her a secondhand one from Craigslist or the like.", '>>{al_bert-o} : Good to know. Thank you for the advice!', '>>{DaDaDaonald} : Hope this is the right place. Question... I want to buy a somewhat expensive pair of [open back Grado headphones](http://headphonecharts.com/Best-Grado-Open-Back-Headphones.php) but want to try them on first. I have been to best buy and they only have a standard and stale selection. Where can I try on some popular headphone brands (AKG, Sennheiser, Grado, Beyerdynamic) Thanks!', '>>{AllGoodMenDie} : Ok looks like your best used options are HTC one m8, galaxy s5, lg g3, or iPhone 5s. I would say your best new option would be the Moto g4 play prime edition which is $99 or the Blu advanced 5.0 starting at $59.99 (I do not recommend the advanced 5.0 but it is an option). If possible I would highly recommend getting the lg g3 out of all these options because it has 1 gig more of ram and a quad HD display.', ">>{frishmeisterflash} : I'm looking for a pro controller for PS4. I've heard good things about Scuf but I've also heard they break easily. Are here any other reliable, more durable options?", ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : Is there a portable power bank anyone here has a really good experience with? I'm looking to fit it in my pocket with my phone(Moto X pure edition), and it only needs a single USB port.", ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : Not sure where you live, so I'm assuming the US. See if there happens to be some sort of local headphone store near you. I've never seen Grado's in store more than once, and never somewhere where I can try on enthusiast headphones. I haven't spent that much time looking either though, so you may have better luck. Real expensive novelty stores could have it, when I was in London I went into Harrods and tried on a pair of HD800's. Something like that near you could have what you want.", ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : [This article](http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/everyday-tech/question110.htm) explains the prongs pretty well. Essentially, the third prong that isn't always there, is for grounding. The idea behind grounding is to protect the people who use metal-encased appliances from electric shock. Because you're moving power and not just plugging something in, I would look for something that includes the third prong. Not sure what you mean by the amount of prongs on the back, but I hope I answered your question. By two prongs do you mean it plugs into two outlets at once? If so it probably won't make a difference, I've been running at least 700w of power through one outlet for a full year thanks to a power strip, you should be fine and not lack power.", ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : The Moto G4 may be the best option for the money. I had a LG G3 for a while and was very frustrated by how much LG controlled the software. If she doesn't care that may not be an option, but I had to mess with it constantly to keep my stuff functioning. The hardware was very impressive but the software was lacking. Motorola usually doesn't configure Android too much, and my current Motorola is much simple and closer to pure Android.", '>>{fuckflyingpigs} : /r/buildapcsales is the place for deals on computer stuff, you might find some good stuff on there if you keep your eyes open.', ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : The Nest camera is only $150. I've never used it before, but I have a Nest thermostat. I was very impressed at how easy that was, just plugged in a few cables and it started itself. I imagine the camera is similar, but I don't know too much about it. It's worth checking out.", ">>{SandD0llar} : I looked at that, but it appears to be hard-wired, and as I mentioned before, I'm hesitant to mess with the wiring. I'm leaning toward Blink - I figure it's a good way to test the waters, and if she doesn't like it, I can take it for my place. As a renter, security/privacy is always a concern. If she does like it, we can look for a better option later down the road.", ">>{AllGoodMenDie} : Good call I actually didn't think at all about the software.", ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : The only wiring I had to touch was what was exclusive to the thermostat - literally just the AC, heat, ect. I think the only wiring is power, but I'm not sure what is battery powered and has all those features you're asking for. It was plug and play, an easy touchscreen to connect to the wifi. We were able to connect to it via our phones in less than five minutes from making an account, and it's easy to control. End choice is up to you. I don't have an interest in cameras so I don't know much, but I was very pleased with the Nest thermostat and would buy from the company again because of the ease.", ">>{rtechie1} : MP3 players are a dying category and there is less available each year. If you want something with 32GB of storage or less, the [Sansa Clip Jam](http://www.amazon.com/Sandisk-8GB-Clip-Player-Black/dp/B00VXMY262). Supports FLAC. The Sansa Clip series has been popular for a long time and has seen little change. This is like an MP3 player from 2003. But if you want a *nice* MP3 player, [Fiio](http://fiio.net/en/fiio) is pretty much the only game in town anymore. The Fiio X1 2nd gen supports SD cards up to 256GB and is $100. Your only other option is a smartphone (Windows Phone or Android) with a 256GB microSD card. Windows Phone is generally preferred because the audio stack in Android is inferior. I'd look at the [Lumia 532](https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Lumia-532-UNLOCKED-RM-1032/dp/B00VWYETUA).", ">>{fuckflyingpigs} : Nah, I don't know of any equipment that requires two prongs so it's most likely there so it looks like it can process more power. You won't lack in power by only using one outlet.", ">>{rtechie1} : All versions of the Nest camera use WiFi, but Ethernet is actually simpler and more reliable for security systems. You use a single Ethernet cable and a technology called Power over Ethernet for the cameras. Not sure I'd trust a battery-powered security system like Blink.", ">>{rtechie1} : What you're looking for is a [boombox with USB input](https://www.amazon.com/Boomboxes-USB-Input-Portable-Audio-Video/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=n%3A172633%2Cp_n_feature_keywords_browse-bin%3A2887780011).", ">>{kconfire} : I hope this is a right place to ask for an advice: I've been recently gotten interested in Smart LED systems and home automation aspects of the technology. I see that there are LIFX and Philips Hue for the starters but would anyone have an open suggestion or recommendation? What I would like to achieve below at a minimum: - Be able to manage lighting in home wirelessly via smart phones and if possible with voice commands. (And by the way, are most Light units controlled On-The-Product or from the power outlet with the help of special parts between the power source and the light unit? It looked like most of them have their own chips et that manages brigtness, color, etc.) - Motion sensor activated (Looked like separate units are required for motion sensing capability) - Be able to tie the light control system to a hub/system that will help me use in junction with What other things can I look out for when it comes to quality of LED units than the brand names? Some brand names I can think of include Philips, CREE, GE.. Thanks in advance! :)", '>>{eysemple} : Hi all! I\'ve been looking for a replacement gadget for the Zeno. It\'s essentially a handheld battery operated zit zapper. AFAIK, it has a small metal plate/dot on the end that, when the zeno turns on, heats up to a warm temp, which is then placed on a pimple (maybe shoots oxygen into the pore?) which helps to reduce bacteria and swelling. A gadget I\'ve been pointed to is the "Tanda Zap Acne Treatment" but this hardly seems to work at all (doesn\'t heat up as much, just seems like a bunch of LEDs) Any hints?', '>>{WarpSeven} : [This 2015 Cnet Guide](https://www.cnet.com/news/smart-home-buying-guide-home-automation/) might be a good place to start. Both PCMag and ThisOldHouse have had more recent lists of products that are now on the market. [The Wirecutter](http://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-smart-led-light-bulbs/) recently looked at smart led lights in this guide. You probably should consider whether particular systems are compatible with other systems and how expandable they are. Compatibility with other systems gives you flexibility to add other categories of smart products but probably introduces some security issues. A product line with diversity allows you to expand more easily. Two issues to think about that probably aren\'t in most guides are the issues of internet security and whether using particular smart devices will adversely affect you if your internet provider has a low data cap. Many recent news stories have focused on malware that uses "the internet of things" such as smart home devices for various internet attacks. Before investing in smart home devices and smart lighting, consider whether your modem, router, and security measures need updating or replacement. Look for devices from companies with a good record of pushing out quick updates. Look at where the devices are made as well. As for data caps, you will need to determine if your provider has a cap and if so, what traffic is actually counting toward that cap. Some smart devices may need more data than you think.', '>>{kconfire} : Wow, thank you so very much for your input WarpSeven. I will make sure to go through all the list and see what will fit my ideal smart home system setup. In fact, I, too, questioned security behind all Smart systems and started to look for efforts these "smart" companies are making to protect and secure the information flowing through their services. I think I am not ready for a full-blown automated smart appliances and system, but will start with a small, and a simple setup that minimizes a potential security compromises. Thank you for your words again. It helped a lot!', ">>{WarpSeven} : You are most welcome! I should add that the data usage issue came up several times in /r/cordcutters last year and several folks posted info about their troubles with this. Theoretically, much of the data should remain within your own home network but in some cases that wasn't what people were reporting, especially if using a cable rental modem. I have no way to verify that unfortunately as in my case my internet is fairly slow so I have not attempted this. I think you are wise to proceed carefully. Best wishes with your project!", ">>{TuckingFypoz} : Best wireless headphones on Amazon? I am trying to look for nice pair of Bluetooth headphones. My friends both have bluedio headphones that they have bought from Amazon, they seem. Very good, except from the build quality, but I don't want to get something that everyone has. I am trying my best not to buy them! They are at the top of Amazon and I cannot find any other alternatives. If I don't find any alternatives, then I will just have to buy them. Thanks!", ">>{JustDelta767} : Is it impossible (based on the USB-C standard) to connect a new USB-C device (say an external HDD) to an older computer that only has USB-A Ports? Benson Leung's reviews on Amazon seem to indicate so... https://www.amazon.com/COWEEN-Femal-Adapter-Portable-Converter/dp/B019HWA79A/ref=pd_sim_147_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B019HWA79A&pd_rd_r=3H46H25S2GEB61DW3HBX&pd_rd_w=vKbw7&pd_rd_wg=L3Lwq&psc=1&refRID=3H46H25S2GEB61DW3HBX", ">>{Kingrcf3} : Hello everyone so I've got what i think is a simple question what wifi extender would you recommend? I'm currently looking at the netgear knight hawk extender. Thanks for any suggestions", '>>{zfa} : I got a Xiaomi 5000mAh one from one of the Asian retailers (Allbuy I think), been great.', ">>{King_Vlad_} : Replying here cause I'm also looking for a good pair of bluetooth headphones (sorry for getting your hopes up OP)", '>>{johnlondon125} : Do *good*, true wireless (no cord in between) earbuds exist for under $100? Just want some for listening in bed in one ear as I go to sleep. Thanks!', '>>{kconfire} : Data usage was the least of my concerns, but I now think it should be looked into further as it can limit the scope of my smart home project. For now I do not believe I will be using too much data as I am not into video streaming/home security part of the setup. Thanks for your kind advice regardless. Cheers!', '>>{eskimo_blt} : Is there any other bluetooth headset besides the Motorola h730 that does not go in the ear? My friend has the h730, but he says microphone sucks on it. I cant stand putting things "in" my ear so what are other options? Thanks Reddit community', '>>{iwak88} : Anybody know what happened to Google Glass? Do they still sell it or did they shut it down?', '>>{mlinzz} : Not yet, no. I think closest will be the Apple Airpods around $150.', ">>{fuzzeslecrdf} : My laptop has only two USB ports. Where can I find a USB hub that is one solid piece rather than made of a floppy wire. I want something like [this](http://img.dxcdn.com/productimages/sku_444254_1.jpg) except with one USB male going into two USB female. I want it to be one solid piece so it's less messy to move around a table.", ">>{b0gg3r} : Just so you know, those plugs are normally wired together inside your wall, the 2-set vs 1-set shouldn't make a difference AFAIK.", ">>{Jadellikestoeat} : Hello everyone. So, I'm looking for a new router for my internet network at home; and there so many kinds of routers with all the specs which I can't comprehend. How should I choose a suitable and affordable router? Thanks.", ">>{wifeandtwokids} : Hi I'm looking for a way to share audio to two Bluetooth headsets. Any ideas? Thanks", '>>{Peace88} : Does anyone know is Inmotion v5f+ worth it? A motorized unicycle', '>>{kenvsryu} : Are there bt speakers (ue mini boom $90 :() under $50 that you can link together for stereo sound?', ">>{sphoofle} : Looking for an Action Camera, and I'm about to buy the Xiaomi Yi II 4k. Any comments on this? Price is a big factor so it wins over the GoPro. Do you think Xiaomi will refresh it in 2017 with the next model? (AKA price cut for the Yi II LOL)", '>>{glyko} : What Bluetooth Audio receiver gets me the best bang for my buck?', '>>{WhosFamousNotMe} : Search for *compact* USB hubs. Here are some: * https://www.amazon.com/TROND-Slim-USB-Swiveling-Connector/dp/B015S7FTS2/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1480871381&sr=8-3&keywords=compact+usb+hub * https://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-4-Port-Rotatable-Degree-HB-UMN4/dp/B00LRYUJQS/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1480871381&sr=8-4&keywords=compact+usb+hub * https://www.amazon.com/Lizone-Stylish-Microsoft-Surface-Windows/dp/B01FO6V6UM/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1480871381&sr=8-5&keywords=compact+usb+hub * https://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-Premium-Aluminum-Rotatable-HB-R3MC/dp/B013XGK53E/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1480871381&sr=8-6&keywords=compact+usb+hub * https://www.amazon.com/Cute-USB-2-Port-Hub-Splitter/dp/B00A81ISJ6/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1480871381&sr=8-7&keywords=compact+usb+hub * https://www.amazon.com/USB-2-0-Two-Compact-Port/dp/B00BZJAO1U/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1480871381&sr=8-10&keywords=compact+usb+hub', '>>{Terrorblade123} : I do not know where to post this. Can someone help me out? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13098954', ">>{GlitchIT} : Razer is making an elite variant. Can't remember what it's called but just google Razer Ps4 controller", ">>{frishmeisterflash} : It's called the Razer Raiju, I pre-ordered it about four hours ago. Found it to be pretty reliable and durable-looking plus it's backed by Sony. Thanks for the reply though lol.", ">>{aRandomUserame} : I use sades sa 708 from amazon. Their 13 dollars and a lot better than you'd think from 13$ headphones. I can't stabs a lot of headphones, they don't have enough range for me and these do it perfect", '>>{joelj4444} : Discontinued from memory. though another version is in the works http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/google/12000490/Google-Glass-successor-may-not-have-a-screen.html', '>>{IronHeights24} : just bought these, paid 5$ more for some green ones! thanks for the suggestion.', '>>{aRandomUserame} : So... I just saw this :P thats awesome! how do you like them?']]
classify and reply
[">>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : Fox News' coverage of the Flynn Scandal has been surprisingly Fair and Balanced", ">>{ailboles} : Shhh. Don't tell Fox News that this online article exists.", ">>{Mfran1989} : No it hasn't, turn on the tv..All they talk about is how criminal it is that IC is leaking", '>>{queenhippolytas} : Not when stories like [this] (http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/02/15/sean-hannity-flynn-first-victim-liberal-anti-trump-witch-hunt.html) come from them', '>>{BlueSwoosh248} : Fox News trumpeted their "credibility" and lack of bias in an article written by Fox News. Shocking.', ">>{scaldingramen} : I feel like Fox will face a crisis of conscience soon. When they sit in the White House press room, they're now surrounded by groups like the Daily Caller, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and Lifezette. Many who flagrantly violate basic journalistic integrity. Fox News at least pretended for a while. I'm curious if being lumped with those outlets will make their reporters squirm similar to how the WSJ has seen internal turmoil from reporters wanting to be more than bootlickers.", ">>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : I have been watching the TV. It's pretty shocking. They called Trump out on blaming the media for the leak.", '>>{Midas_Daman} : Faux News reporting on their own Fair and Balanced reporting? Sounds legit.', '>>{ozric101} : Fox news is the bench mark of balanced news and their ratings reflect that fact. It just shows have far left most of the media is. I still feel they are still far to moderate and I would like to see more far right wing news to counter balance all for the far left networks.', ">>{ajaxsinger} : Ignoring the post's title (which isn't the headline, btw), this is something that isn't getting enough play, but is something I've heard before: Putin is a master tactician and a terrible strategist. He's a Judo master, so he's hyperaware of immediate advantage and uses it to take down opponents, but he doesn't necessarily have a strategic plan in place if things go wrong or even a reason for doing so that makes sense. Putin, for all he's Putin and we've built him up to be someone amazing is both evil and in over his head.", ">>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : I don't really care for them. I'm just watching on youtube and everyone else was reporting on the flood. But I was just surprised they weren't just nodding along with Trump like usual.", '>>{displacerbeast} : Read the article. The title of the OP is not the title of the article. Had you clicked on the link, you would have seen that.', '>>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : I feel bad for anyone downvoting this without looking deeper into it/making assumptions/dismissing it all together. This is serious if if even Fox is beginning to see the light.', '>>{paraconformity} : Quite right, better go ahead and report the rule violation.', '>>{porkchop222} : Flynn resigns from a scandal. And the Fox headline is "Trump blasts media for unfair treatment of Flynn"', ">>{CMelody} : I used to think Fox was right leaning but otherwise as thorough as other news outlets. Now I realize how wrong I was. Flipping between channels as news breaks, too many times Fox has not mentioned everything. The Women's March was a huge global event, but Fox barely mentioned it except some of the commentators who said unflattering things about angry feminists. I know this because I kept waiting to see coverage after the march, crickets. I talked with friends who only watch Fox news and they had no clue people had marched all over the world, they assumed it was isolated to DC.", '>>{3030303} : Yes, more lies to counter facts, comrade!', ">>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : May as well add to the list - Don't bother to post from sources who's views do not align with those of this sub regardless of the miraculously rare instance where we are all in the same page.", ">>{Grease2310} : Are you actually WATCHING Fox News or using your bias? Because they've done everything right on this one including calling out Trump for blaming the leaks and the news for reporting the leaks rather then Flynn himself. Your liberal nonsense is showing.", ">>{mtbaga} : I have an issue with the title being about how fair and balanced Fox News is when your link is to Fox News. Either it's not a headline (I highly doubt it is) or it's Fox jerking themselves over how great they are, either way I'm not interested. The only way for Fox to earn my trust again is to call out Breitbart, the Republicans, and Donald Trump for the piles of shit they are - they do an excellent job with the Democrats already.", ">>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : See if you can catch any recaps from the conference today. They aren't playing.", ">>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : The title was mine. I was legitimately impressed to not hear them call out trump after his conference today and I went looking an their website for more about it. Edit: The real point I want to make in all of this is not to bring people to Fox or say how they ate being fair and balanced, but to point out that things are getting so messed up it's too hard fire them spin/ignore anymore.", '>>{gkazman} : First line: "What did Russia hope to gain by meddling in the American residential election of 2016?" So is Fox admitting that Russia meddled?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : Fox News' coverage of the Flynn Scandal has been surprisingly Fair and Balanced", ">>{ailboles} : Shhh. Don't tell Fox News that this online article exists.", ">>{Mfran1989} : No it hasn't, turn on the tv..All they talk about is how criminal it is that IC is leaking", '>>{queenhippolytas} : Not when stories like [this] (http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/02/15/sean-hannity-flynn-first-victim-liberal-anti-trump-witch-hunt.html) come from them', '>>{BlueSwoosh248} : Fox News trumpeted their "credibility" and lack of bias in an article written by Fox News. Shocking.', ">>{scaldingramen} : I feel like Fox will face a crisis of conscience soon. When they sit in the White House press room, they're now surrounded by groups like the Daily Caller, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and Lifezette. Many who flagrantly violate basic journalistic integrity. Fox News at least pretended for a while. I'm curious if being lumped with those outlets will make their reporters squirm similar to how the WSJ has seen internal turmoil from reporters wanting to be more than bootlickers.", ">>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : I have been watching the TV. It's pretty shocking. They called Trump out on blaming the media for the leak.", '>>{Midas_Daman} : Faux News reporting on their own Fair and Balanced reporting? Sounds legit.', '>>{ozric101} : Fox news is the bench mark of balanced news and their ratings reflect that fact. It just shows have far left most of the media is. I still feel they are still far to moderate and I would like to see more far right wing news to counter balance all for the far left networks.', ">>{ajaxsinger} : Ignoring the post's title (which isn't the headline, btw), this is something that isn't getting enough play, but is something I've heard before: Putin is a master tactician and a terrible strategist. He's a Judo master, so he's hyperaware of immediate advantage and uses it to take down opponents, but he doesn't necessarily have a strategic plan in place if things go wrong or even a reason for doing so that makes sense. Putin, for all he's Putin and we've built him up to be someone amazing is both evil and in over his head.", ">>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : I don't really care for them. I'm just watching on youtube and everyone else was reporting on the flood. But I was just surprised they weren't just nodding along with Trump like usual.", '>>{displacerbeast} : Read the article. The title of the OP is not the title of the article. Had you clicked on the link, you would have seen that.', '>>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : I feel bad for anyone downvoting this without looking deeper into it/making assumptions/dismissing it all together. This is serious if if even Fox is beginning to see the light.', '>>{paraconformity} : Quite right, better go ahead and report the rule violation.', '>>{porkchop222} : Flynn resigns from a scandal. And the Fox headline is "Trump blasts media for unfair treatment of Flynn"', ">>{CMelody} : I used to think Fox was right leaning but otherwise as thorough as other news outlets. Now I realize how wrong I was. Flipping between channels as news breaks, too many times Fox has not mentioned everything. The Women's March was a huge global event, but Fox barely mentioned it except some of the commentators who said unflattering things about angry feminists. I know this because I kept waiting to see coverage after the march, crickets. I talked with friends who only watch Fox news and they had no clue people had marched all over the world, they assumed it was isolated to DC.", '>>{3030303} : Yes, more lies to counter facts, comrade!', ">>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : May as well add to the list - Don't bother to post from sources who's views do not align with those of this sub regardless of the miraculously rare instance where we are all in the same page.", ">>{Grease2310} : Are you actually WATCHING Fox News or using your bias? Because they've done everything right on this one including calling out Trump for blaming the leaks and the news for reporting the leaks rather then Flynn himself. Your liberal nonsense is showing.", ">>{mtbaga} : I have an issue with the title being about how fair and balanced Fox News is when your link is to Fox News. Either it's not a headline (I highly doubt it is) or it's Fox jerking themselves over how great they are, either way I'm not interested. The only way for Fox to earn my trust again is to call out Breitbart, the Republicans, and Donald Trump for the piles of shit they are - they do an excellent job with the Democrats already.", ">>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : See if you can catch any recaps from the conference today. They aren't playing.", ">>{MakeGreatGreatAgain} : The title was mine. I was legitimately impressed to not hear them call out trump after his conference today and I went looking an their website for more about it. Edit: The real point I want to make in all of this is not to bring people to Fox or say how they ate being fair and balanced, but to point out that things are getting so messed up it's too hard fire them spin/ignore anymore.", '>>{gkazman} : First line: "What did Russia hope to gain by meddling in the American residential election of 2016?" So is Fox admitting that Russia meddled?']]
classify and reply
['>>{p0tempkin} : Trump got his foreign policy from "War Games".', '>>{tangibleadhd} : >“I fundamentally disagree," said retired Army Lt. Gen. Mick Bednarek, who served as the chief U.S. military adviser in Iraq from 2013 to 2015. "The bottom line is [more bombing] has absolutely no bearing on individuals like Omar Mateen in Orlando, who obviously had some mental issues — like his absolute hatred of gays, lesbians and transgender community. Just wantonly increasing bombing against extremist radical groups in Iraq, Syria, etc. is not going to have a bearing on individuals in the United States and change their behavior.” He should also disagree with Clinton\'s proposals', '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : Fuuuuck these guys don\'t like Trump. > "I don\'t see how Orlando would cause us to change our operations. We\'re already at war with ISIL, and are already working to accelerate that campaign wherever we can," said Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis Go on > “I fundamentally disagree," said retired Army Lt. Gen. Mick Bednarek, who served as the chief U.S. military adviser in Iraq from 2013 to 2015. "The bottom line is [more bombing] has absolutely no bearing on individuals like Omar Mateen in Orlando, who obviously had some mental issues — like his absolute hatred of gays, lesbians and transgender community. Just wantonly increasing bombing against extremist radical groups in Iraq, Syria, etc. is not going to have a bearing on individuals in the United States and change their behavior.” "It is completely apples and oranges," Bednarek added. **"I think the presumptive Republican nominee has really not thought through** second-order effects of his perspective of what would truly make a difference to stem the tide of these challenges." How about a Bush guy? > Yet, "it is hard though to make a causal link," added Zarate, the former deputy national security adviser for counterterrorism. "It\'s hard to say disruption [on the battlefield] would have mattered. The ideology is already in the ether and just needs to find the right host." Any others? > "Nothing we could do now in Iraq and Syria would make a difference right now,” Fred Kagan, director of the Critical Threats Project at the hawkish American Enterprise Institute, said in an interview. Think tank? I want a terror expert. > "Donald Trump doesn\'t understand the first thing about counterterrorism,” said Daniel Benjamin, who was coordinator for counterterrorism at the State Department from 2009 to 2012. "He is jaw droppingly ignorant. First of all, Mateen was clearly radicalized in the United States. While he appears to have once signaled his support for ISIS in the midst of this attack, there is no evidence whatsoever that there is any deeper relationship involving command and control from ISIS." This feels like dogpiling. > Colin Clarke, a political scientist at the government-funded Rand Corporation, cited reports that Mateen said in a 911 call from the scene of the shooting in a popular gay night club that his actions were in retaliation for U.S. military strikes in Syria. "I don\'t think we should underplay how much [U.S. military action overseas] drives people to attack or attempt to attack," added Clarke Let\'s just wrap this up > Mike Morrell, a 30-year veteran of the CIA who retired as acting director in 2013, said the simplistic approach put forward by Trump is insufficient. "ISIS must be defeated in Iraq and Syria and in the other areas where it has metastasized if we are to end its ability to radicalize young men and women in the US and around the world," he told POLITICO. "So, it is correct to imply that the root of homegrown terrorism is overseas and that it must be dealt with there. But it is wrong to imply that bombing ISIS strongholds is sufficient to achieve our aims. This is much more complicated than Mr. Trump implied."', '>>{Boggledragon} : These are the "foreign policy Establishment experts" that are almost uniformly of the neocon variety. They want Assad overthrown more than they want ISIS defeated, which is how Putin can come in and do in eight months what we pretended to be unable to do in five years.', '>>{Logical_Hare} : rebuke [ri-byook] verb (used with object), rebuked, rebuking. 1. To express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand. noun 2. Sharp, stern disapproval; reproof; reprimand. They\'re being fairly polite and professional about it, (they are being interviewed in their professional capacities, after all) but I\'d say all of their commentaries fit the bill as rebukes except maybe the "Bush guy", Zarate.', ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : I recognize your username, and I find your comments shallow and unproductive. I don't think you've provide a comment longer than three sentences, or one that includes links and pointed commentary - that I've ever seen. I genuinely think you're one of the least insightful regular members of this subreddit.", '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : > These are the "foreign policy Establishment experts" that are almost uniformly of the neocon variety. I know that\'s the standard T_D defense, but it\'s not true here. Facts don\'t permeate that bubble but it\'s important to state them anyways.', '>>{Boggledragon} : One of those quoted is Fred "My Whole Family Are Neocon Warpigs" Kagan. Juan Zarate was in the Bush Adminisration and then Policy Director for the uber-neocon Foreign Policy Initiative. Daniel Benjamin\'s latest article was scaremongering about Iranian terrorism in the wake of the Iran deal. Then you have a spokesman for the fucking Rand Corp for christ sake, which might be the only entity that loves war more than Lockheed Martin. There haven\'t been any realists allowed in the foreign policy establishment since the first Bush Administration. These are the people who have fucked up the entire world. They need to be cleaned out of the system.', ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : And yet somehow they all agree that you can't just throw bombs at the Middle East and fix the problem.", ">>{Boggledragon} : The dispute is who do you throw the bombs at - we're far more concerned with overthrowing Assad than we are with combating ISIS, which is why Putin made us look like rank amateurs when he did in eight months what we couldn't do (because we didn't really want to do) in five years.", ">>{kidkerouac} : Sadly Bush didn't care much either. It would have been great if he and buddies had taken out the founder of ISIS when the CIA knew exactly where he was and were begging the admin to take action. Sadly, they were too busy drumming up lies in order to invade Iraq to be bothered.", ">>{Boggledragon} : Totally agree. Obama's biggest foreign policy mistake was letting the same neocon foxes back into the henhouse early in his Administration, and they've infested the place ever since. (The fact that Victoria Nuland is still on staff boggles the mind.) He's done significantly better in the last few years with Syria, and I actually think that 20 years down the road we'll find out that Syria was his Bay of Pigs, i.e., when he stood up to the warmongers and said 'no mas,' and started leaning on Russia through back-channels to being untangling the knot.", ">>{ryan924} : When does the Pentagon ever make statements like this? They really don't want Trump", '>>{ryan924} : Yup. Donald Trump the real estate guy knows more about counterterrorism than all the millitery experts. That makes sense. /s', '>>{petecash} : The facts are we are winning the war more or less. Isis are losing ground and resources all the time. Yeah the battle against sunni extremism is a bit tougher because its difficult to bomb an idea but the group in the middle east called isis are being hurt badly by the on going campaign Last year they lost 40 percent of their territory. The obama led plan of bomb the shit out of isis in support of local troops is doing the job.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{p0tempkin} : Trump got his foreign policy from "War Games".', '>>{tangibleadhd} : >“I fundamentally disagree," said retired Army Lt. Gen. Mick Bednarek, who served as the chief U.S. military adviser in Iraq from 2013 to 2015. "The bottom line is [more bombing] has absolutely no bearing on individuals like Omar Mateen in Orlando, who obviously had some mental issues — like his absolute hatred of gays, lesbians and transgender community. Just wantonly increasing bombing against extremist radical groups in Iraq, Syria, etc. is not going to have a bearing on individuals in the United States and change their behavior.” He should also disagree with Clinton\'s proposals', '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : Fuuuuck these guys don\'t like Trump. > "I don\'t see how Orlando would cause us to change our operations. We\'re already at war with ISIL, and are already working to accelerate that campaign wherever we can," said Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis Go on > “I fundamentally disagree," said retired Army Lt. Gen. Mick Bednarek, who served as the chief U.S. military adviser in Iraq from 2013 to 2015. "The bottom line is [more bombing] has absolutely no bearing on individuals like Omar Mateen in Orlando, who obviously had some mental issues — like his absolute hatred of gays, lesbians and transgender community. Just wantonly increasing bombing against extremist radical groups in Iraq, Syria, etc. is not going to have a bearing on individuals in the United States and change their behavior.” "It is completely apples and oranges," Bednarek added. **"I think the presumptive Republican nominee has really not thought through** second-order effects of his perspective of what would truly make a difference to stem the tide of these challenges." How about a Bush guy? > Yet, "it is hard though to make a causal link," added Zarate, the former deputy national security adviser for counterterrorism. "It\'s hard to say disruption [on the battlefield] would have mattered. The ideology is already in the ether and just needs to find the right host." Any others? > "Nothing we could do now in Iraq and Syria would make a difference right now,” Fred Kagan, director of the Critical Threats Project at the hawkish American Enterprise Institute, said in an interview. Think tank? I want a terror expert. > "Donald Trump doesn\'t understand the first thing about counterterrorism,” said Daniel Benjamin, who was coordinator for counterterrorism at the State Department from 2009 to 2012. "He is jaw droppingly ignorant. First of all, Mateen was clearly radicalized in the United States. While he appears to have once signaled his support for ISIS in the midst of this attack, there is no evidence whatsoever that there is any deeper relationship involving command and control from ISIS." This feels like dogpiling. > Colin Clarke, a political scientist at the government-funded Rand Corporation, cited reports that Mateen said in a 911 call from the scene of the shooting in a popular gay night club that his actions were in retaliation for U.S. military strikes in Syria. "I don\'t think we should underplay how much [U.S. military action overseas] drives people to attack or attempt to attack," added Clarke Let\'s just wrap this up > Mike Morrell, a 30-year veteran of the CIA who retired as acting director in 2013, said the simplistic approach put forward by Trump is insufficient. "ISIS must be defeated in Iraq and Syria and in the other areas where it has metastasized if we are to end its ability to radicalize young men and women in the US and around the world," he told POLITICO. "So, it is correct to imply that the root of homegrown terrorism is overseas and that it must be dealt with there. But it is wrong to imply that bombing ISIS strongholds is sufficient to achieve our aims. This is much more complicated than Mr. Trump implied."', '>>{Boggledragon} : These are the "foreign policy Establishment experts" that are almost uniformly of the neocon variety. They want Assad overthrown more than they want ISIS defeated, which is how Putin can come in and do in eight months what we pretended to be unable to do in five years.', '>>{Logical_Hare} : rebuke [ri-byook] verb (used with object), rebuked, rebuking. 1. To express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand. noun 2. Sharp, stern disapproval; reproof; reprimand. They\'re being fairly polite and professional about it, (they are being interviewed in their professional capacities, after all) but I\'d say all of their commentaries fit the bill as rebukes except maybe the "Bush guy", Zarate.', ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : I recognize your username, and I find your comments shallow and unproductive. I don't think you've provide a comment longer than three sentences, or one that includes links and pointed commentary - that I've ever seen. I genuinely think you're one of the least insightful regular members of this subreddit.", '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : > These are the "foreign policy Establishment experts" that are almost uniformly of the neocon variety. I know that\'s the standard T_D defense, but it\'s not true here. Facts don\'t permeate that bubble but it\'s important to state them anyways.', '>>{Boggledragon} : One of those quoted is Fred "My Whole Family Are Neocon Warpigs" Kagan. Juan Zarate was in the Bush Adminisration and then Policy Director for the uber-neocon Foreign Policy Initiative. Daniel Benjamin\'s latest article was scaremongering about Iranian terrorism in the wake of the Iran deal. Then you have a spokesman for the fucking Rand Corp for christ sake, which might be the only entity that loves war more than Lockheed Martin. There haven\'t been any realists allowed in the foreign policy establishment since the first Bush Administration. These are the people who have fucked up the entire world. They need to be cleaned out of the system.', ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : And yet somehow they all agree that you can't just throw bombs at the Middle East and fix the problem.", ">>{Boggledragon} : The dispute is who do you throw the bombs at - we're far more concerned with overthrowing Assad than we are with combating ISIS, which is why Putin made us look like rank amateurs when he did in eight months what we couldn't do (because we didn't really want to do) in five years.", ">>{kidkerouac} : Sadly Bush didn't care much either. It would have been great if he and buddies had taken out the founder of ISIS when the CIA knew exactly where he was and were begging the admin to take action. Sadly, they were too busy drumming up lies in order to invade Iraq to be bothered.", ">>{Boggledragon} : Totally agree. Obama's biggest foreign policy mistake was letting the same neocon foxes back into the henhouse early in his Administration, and they've infested the place ever since. (The fact that Victoria Nuland is still on staff boggles the mind.) He's done significantly better in the last few years with Syria, and I actually think that 20 years down the road we'll find out that Syria was his Bay of Pigs, i.e., when he stood up to the warmongers and said 'no mas,' and started leaning on Russia through back-channels to being untangling the knot.", ">>{ryan924} : When does the Pentagon ever make statements like this? They really don't want Trump", '>>{ryan924} : Yup. Donald Trump the real estate guy knows more about counterterrorism than all the millitery experts. That makes sense. /s', '>>{petecash} : The facts are we are winning the war more or less. Isis are losing ground and resources all the time. Yeah the battle against sunni extremism is a bit tougher because its difficult to bomb an idea but the group in the middle east called isis are being hurt badly by the on going campaign Last year they lost 40 percent of their territory. The obama led plan of bomb the shit out of isis in support of local troops is doing the job.']]
classify and reply
[">>{TannerHill} : *do this at your own risk* Gently twist the frame of your phone with both hands on top and bottom. If this causes the ghost touching to stop, start or get worse then it's probably because the 6 model iPhones suffer from a TouchIC issue in which Apple didn't put underfil on the TouchIC chip so over time with random bumps and drops the chip loses connection with the motherboard due to the shock to a chip with no foundation to support it and causes this issue.", ">>{TheLadyInRed_76} : Obama administration under scrutiny for its response to Russia's meddling", '>>{zenmasterzen3} : Donald Trump accused of ‘savage sexual attack’ on a 13-year-old girl', ">>{kevddit} : What do you exactly mean with ghost clicks and freezing? I have the 6 but haven't experienced anything resembling this description.", ">>{mikoul} : Washington GOP official: Trump's remarks made when he was a Dem | TheHill", ">>{USModerate} : No she's not confusing rapist racist Trump with anyone whos not running for President", '>>{24Willard} : I gotta admit that is some master level mental gymnastics', '>>{What_Is_EET} : He meant that as a funny and non-serious comment, right?', ">>{d_mcc_x} : >Republicans -- including Trump himself -- insist President Barack Obama's team is attempting to undermine the new President through intelligence leaks about the Trump's Russian connections. I mean, aren't they just happy the corruption is getting out there?", '>>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : What do you mean by ghost clocks and freezing? Too little information to go on', ">>{fdsa4324} : I just don't think you're educated about RapinBill and his Rapetastic epstien rape voyages 26 Raptastic RapinBill Rape voyages https://www.google.com/search?q=clinton+flights+epstein Im sure America will love some fresh RapinBill scandals if RapinBill gets back to the oval office with his wife", ">>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : A touch IC problem will show up with a flashing grey bar on the top. Also don't do this unless you want to kill your phone faster.", ">>{ninemiletree} : The article's criticism of Obama amounts to his administration not going enough to warm citizens about Russia's intervention in affairs. But I seriously doubt the efficacy of that strategy. To do so, especially given Obama's *extremely* close ties to Clinton, might have in fact completely delegitimized the investigation, because the accusations would forever be tainted with claims of Obama himself trying to manipulate the election in favor of his clearly preferred successor. For their part, I remember Clinton and Obama performing all due diligence to warn of Russian interference. But personally it seems like greater intervention from Obama at the time would have only hurt both Clinton and the case moving forward.", ">>{USModerate} : Oh I am worried about adding rapist to racist in Trump's known undesireable characteristics!", '>>{AdalineMaj} : Trump child rape accusations: 1 Bill child rape accusations: 0', ">>{zoeyfleming13} : That doesn't change a damn thing. He still said it. He fucking said it and now he has to accept the consequences. And no that does not excuse his actions at all. The mental gymnastics people will go through just to defend this guy is insane.", ">>{paleo_bear} : Sounds like touch disease. Google it. The iPhone 6 is a defective design. It's most likely dying and will need to be replaced soon.", ">>{invesDOGE8er} : It's fun watching these Republicans jump through hoops to pretend like they're still happy he's the nominee. They deserve exactly what they're getting.", '>>{CamiloTiria} : Touch IC disease [fix here](https://youtu.be/iKb2itJlxZ0)', '>>{fdsa4324} : Rapin Billy raped his young intern lewinsky with a cigar while married to Hillary, then tasted his RapeCigar and told her it "tastes good" He was also named by this same chick as being on the same plane with rapin epstein https://www.google.com/search?q=clinton+flights+epstein And yes, Rapin Bill was already named by this same chick', ">>{archamedeznutz} : That's the thing, there is a lot of innuendo, a lot of questions that need to be answered but there is as yet no solid evidence of corruption. If that stays the case then the argument is exactly that the leaks were intended to imply something they couldn't prove. That the leaks were a far cry from getting the actual story about Russian out there also seems to reinforce the narrative that what was leaked was leaked for political reasons.", ">>{maybelying} : The interdepartmental sharing was intended to make sure that the incoming administration couldn't bury it without it being investigated. If the Republicans and the White House hasn't have been so obstinate from the beginning, it wouldn't have taken leaks to force Congressional action. If there was concrete evidence then the administration could have acted, but Obama had three weeks left in his term and the investigations were still early. Sharing the info was the only way to ensure investigations would continue. The endgame still remains to be seen, but it wouldn't make much sense for the IC to leak info that isn't credible since any resulting investigation that revealed them as such would be a blow to their credibility.", ">>{JacobCrim88} : Because we liberals are without souls and are sexual deviants, right? At least that's what I've been told by the hillbilly folks in my area.", ">>{whorerrible} : Sometimes it's just my screen freezing, as in no shit is working except for the buttons. Other times, while my screen is frozen it would open apps on its own (sometimes would even call a contact). I won't be able to close the app properly, since it's frozen, so I would either have to restart my phone or close it using the lock screen button :(", '>>{BigDickRichie} : And the gold medal for mental gymnastics goes to...', ">>{whorerrible} : Ghost clicking is when your phone screen is frozen but the phone is functioning on its own (opening/closing apps, calling a contact, typing random characters), even if you're not physically touching your screen. It kinda looks like your phone is being hacked, but really it's just faulty. I think I explained that rather horribly but I hope you get I mean, lol", '>>{archamedeznutz} : But see there\'s a problem with that; there are two issues, one is about Russian hacking, etc. The other is about Trump contacts with Russia. for the latter, unless there was evidence in the intercepts that the trump people were engaged in illegal stuff, their names should\'ve been masked because they weren\'t the targets of the surveillance. So that means whoever unmasked those names broke the law and the spread of those documents via "sharing" would\'ve also been illegal. Everyone with sufficient access, at least initially, would\'ve been in a position to know that.', ">>{DumpsterDon} : Get some R&R at Trump's new luxury resort!", ">>{whorerrible} : I don't see any flashing grey bar on the top of my screens. Thanks for the heads up, though!", ">>{maybelying} : But it was the White House themselves that illegally leaked that information to Nunes, and since Nunes backtracked on his story, we don't know if the identities we unmasked or if he derived who they were from the conversations. The IC leaks were strictly about the Russian collusion, the incidental collection only became news after Nunes blurted it out to try and support the wiretapping claim. That one is strictly on Trump and his team, and they've fucked up big time here. The real irony will be if the Russian collusion thing turns out to be nothing, but Trump and team are found to have obstructed justice and violated national security laws because of the ridiculous lengths that Trump is forcing his team to go to, rather than admit he was wrong about the wiretapping and walk away. I mean, he only started going down that road in order to distract from the Russian investigation and discredit the IC in the first place.", '>>{topamine2} : Seems legit. Tried to sue in California and got thrown out due to lack of evidence.', ">>{AdalineMaj} : Lewinski was an adult. That chick said Bill wasn't involved.", '>>{BigDickRichie} : The people from /r/the _donald are going to be spamming this excuse for the rest of weekend.', '>>{archamedeznutz} : Yes, the whole Nunes thing looks contrived. However, your phrase "Russian collusion" is confusing. If you mean solely Russian activity that doesn\'t connect to team Trump that\'s not collusion. If you mean reports that name people in the Trump team that had contact with Russians then that couldn\'t exist without incidental collection. Incidental collection has, since the contact issue first came up, always been the primary question. It only made it to the media front page when Nunes made people pay attention to it. If those reports proved misconduct by team Trump, then the appropriate parts of the IC would\'ve gone to the FISA court and gotten an expanded warrant to cover those new individuals. If there isn\'t enough evidence to get a FISA warrant (and those are pretty easy for the government to get) then there is no legal reason for the names to have been unmasked in an IC report. In that case, every stage from producing the report, distributing it, then expanding the circle of access to it (to say nothing about the leaking) is criminal conduct. The possible crimes associated with incidental collection are not a part of the Nunes spin, he just voiced what he\'s heard from more knowledgeable sources; people who are aware of how these reports get produced and approved have been speculating for weeks. What Farkas described earlier this month isn\'t the way things are done, it\'s a political reaction by people (understandably) alarmed by Trump and the rumors they\'ve heard. I\'m sure many thought they were doing the "right thing" without regard to politics but it seems like what they were doing is illegal.', ">>{clone822} : Flip flopping used to be the accusation. Now it's their defense.", ">>{whorerrible} : Thanks, man! I guess I'll do this if I really can't find any solution.", ">>{whorerrible} : Oh, I'm not exactly sure. It mostly happens when I'm not charging though.", '>>{USModerate} : Ummm no thank you from what this article suggests :)', ">>{maybelying} : But again, we don't know what Nunes saw when he went to the White House. The info is classified and the documents weren't leaked, we're going solely by what Nunes said, and he's backtracked so there's no way of knowing for sure. I don't disagree with what you've said about the appropriateness of the IC unmasking names in the report, but since the documents are still classified will never know unless they're declassified and released. There were IC sources that said it's entirely possible that while names may have been maskef it would have been apparent from the dialogue who was being referred to, which may be why Nunes walked back his comment about the names. My original point was that the only IC leaks that could be attributed to Obama's\u200b information sharing are the ones we've seen about Russian interference and possible coordination with the Trump campaign. The leaks about the incidental collection came from Nunes, who very likely broke the law in the process, and since they remain classified and out of the public domain, we can't really make any determinations about whether the IC broke the rules or not. I'm not saying they didn't, but until we can see them ourselves or at least have credible verification, we have no way of knowing.", '>>{archamedeznutz} : Agreed, more clarity is needed. But that there are leaks about "possible coordination" demonstrates that there has been a break down in how the information should\'ve been handled. A report including "possible coordination," even if only implied via context, is a serious breach of how this stuff is supposed to be handled. If there was evidence enough to produce and circulate that then there would be warrants issued, but officials have denied such warrants exist. For it to be distributed the way it has been within the bureaucracy is even worse. Even if new information proves coordination, that\'s no excuse for the way these reports were handled. This conduct jeopardizes the credibility of anything that comes after it. It has every appearance that people ignored the law based on political sentiment.', ">>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : Try replacing the screen. If it still occurs, it does sound like a touch IC problem. If that is the case, you should definitely consider upgrading to a 6S because the Apple replacement means they're gonna replace your motherboard and the problem will happen again further down the line because it's a design defect with the metal used on the 6's body. You could also send it to a professional third party repair store like iPad Rehab who specializes in these types of repair and will (maybe) future proof your touch IC by creating a cage around it so it can't lift away from the motherboard.", '>>{whorerrible} : Thank you so much for your help! Will definitely consider your suggestions :)', '>>{dyzo-blue} : Well his wife Ivana once accused him of rape, while under oath. And later a woman accused him of attempted rape. So there is a pattern of behavior here.', '>>{northbud} : This story stinks of the Clinton machine trying to get out in front of their own dealings with Epstein. Just do your digging and it becomes obvious.', ">>{HAGoodmanWasRight} : Oh, for sure. That being said, I get the impression that Trump was somehow involved, as well. I don't think his name is on any of the manifests (like Clinton... ), but it seems sketch.", '>>{fdsa4324} : Nope, she was a subordinate and had no power whatsoever. By definition, it was a rape of the helpless and powerless youngster intern by a person in a position of power over her. RapinBill CigarRaped her. Also, did you ever read the transcripts where rapin bill force raped her to perform oral while he was on the phone with congressman? RapinBilly is dying to return to to his den of rape in the oval office', '>>{Talk_Data_To_Me} : Shes absolutely right. Hillary should answer for this.', ">>{AdalineMaj} : I'll accept Bill was a sexual creep, and Trump was a child rapist. Let's keep them both from the presidency.", '>>{fdsa4324} : Rapin Bill is on the congressional record raping his subordinates. this fraud chick has already been chucked out of court. simple fraud', ">>{smithcm14} : Umm, He was still good friends with a felon child abuser and was accused of partaking in this abuse by one of his recorded victims. It's not far fetched, but probably no way to prove one way or the other substantially. But I'm sure Trump supprters will deny anything about it without any actual understanding of the nuances of the case.", '>>{CEMN} : But not *that* sarcastic. >Hutchison said the 2005 remarks were made when Trump was a Democrat, and criticized Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for slamming her Republican rival over the comments. >“Donald Trump’s comments in 2005 – 11 years ago were made when he was a Democrat,” Hutchison said, according to a report by KING5 in Washington. “The hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton to say Trump does not belong in the White House when her husband defined this behavior.” Try reading the article', '>>{TheMartini66} : Meanwhile, Trump is either grabbing women by their privates, or surfing for porno videos of Miss Universe to twit about it.', ">>{What_Is_EET} : I'm out and the article wouldn't load on my phone, so I was asking. Thanks for the quote! It's kinda fucked up the mental gymnastics they use", ">>{AdalineMaj} : Sounds like child rape is less important to you than political party. That's pretty much the only difference in your position.", '>>{warmonger561} : DNC internal Memo: Muddy waters around childrape, leave no fingerprints.', ">>{fdsa4324} : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3QYDtSbhrA fraud nuisance suits are not worth worrying about. already chucked out of court once, will be again Now RapinBill? There's meat on Bill's bone, and he's gonna use it to continue Rapin http://plancksconstant.org/blog1/iamges/sub12/bubba_returns.jpg", ">>{Ask_Threadit} : As a lifelong Democrat I really wish you weren't right...", ">>{northbud} : What seems sketch? The fact that he went to Epstein's Manhattan townhouse? Who in that circle of wealth didn't? You have to really want to believe that there is something going on to draw that conclusion. This civil suit has already been thrown out in one court and lo and behold it appears in a New York court. Just in time for the election. There isn't any proof this accuser even exists. Never mind if they have any credibility.", ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : So then you in fact believe Bill Clinton is a rapist, right? Because he's been accused many times.", ">>{HAGoodmanWasRight} : Regardless, I'm not voting for the guy. I also don't perpetuate the Trump is a rapist story, because the proof isn't there. Just talking about it here since it is relevant. I do push the Clinton is a rapist because... well... he fucks children.", '>>{warmonger561} : Well Billy Boy has epstein and Hilldog has [this](https://i.sli.mg/7lalma.jpg).', ">>{AdalineMaj} : It's back in court if you haven't noticed. It wasn't thrown out because of its merits. Trump is right in the middle of a child rape case.", ">>{localbizdude} : Hillary's PR team is in full spin mode in anticipation of the indictment. At this point they'll have to start criticizing him for cultural appropriation of orangutans for their fur color.", '>>{Ask_Threadit} : Almost certainly not, it was 20 years ago and no case was filed until he was running for president. It was originally filed in California and thrown out because every piece of information was phony and the plaintiff never showed up in court, this is about a new refiling in NY. Trump did spend way too much time with a convicted pedophile (Jeffrey Epstein, as did Bill Clinton who lied about it) but if either of them participated in Epstein\'s child sex slavery (aboard the "Lolita Express" or his sex slave island) this case probably isn\'t it.', '>>{Ask_Threadit} : So then we should also assume Bill Clinton who flew on the same "Lolita Express" 26 times and has been accused of rape on a dozen occasions is a serial rapist?', ">>{fdsa4324} : >It wasn't thrown out because of its merits. Of course not. It was thrown out because it LACKED merit. simple fraud. she lost previous lawsuits also because she committed fraud in those too. she a serial nuisance suit filer this will be laughed out of court again, just like her other fraud was", '>>{Trumpicana} : So was bill clinton. Only difference trump didnt go to pedo island.', '>>{fdsa4324} : the idiot tried to sue the prince of england and dershowitz, the most high profile lawyer in america shes a pure fraud http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/09/dershowitz-hits-prince-andrew-s-sex-slave-with-defamation-charges.html dershowitz promptly countersued for defamation >Now Dershowitz is determined to go on the offensive. He’s filed a counterclaim against her legal team for defamation,', ">>{fdsa4324} : serial fraud this idiot tried to sue english royals and the most prominent lawyer in america, dershowitz. guess how THAT worked out? http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/09/dershowitz-hits-prince-andrew-s-sex-slave-with-defamation-charges.html >Now Dershowitz is determined to go on the offensive. He’s filed a counterclaim against her legal team for defamation, The Daily Beast has learned—accusing the attorneys of defamation themselves. And the lawyer won’t sleep until the accuser is tossed behind bars. Rule #1 fraudsters, don't sue lawyers and certainly dont sue harvard professor lawyers Yawn. case was tossed, and she's lucky dershowitz didnt pursue the defamation case further", '>>{fdsa4324} : Fraud. this fucking idiot has been tossed out of court all over america. She tried to sue the fucking prince of england!!! and alan dershowitz the harvard lawyer!! fraud got tossed out http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/09/dershowitz-hits-prince-andrew-s-sex-slave-with-defamation-charges.html >Now Dershowitz is determined to go on the offensive. He’s filed a counterclaim against her legal team for defamation, The Daily Beast has learned—accusing the attorneys of defamation themselves. And the lawyer won’t sleep until the accuser is tossed behind bars.', '>>{fdsa4324} : Not to mention the fraud idiot tried to sue the prince of england!!! and harvard legal professor dershowitz!!! http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/09/dershowitz-hits-prince-andrew-s-sex-slave-with-defamation-charges.html idiot has been chucked out of court all over america for her repeated fraud', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : She was an intern, not a fricken inmate.', '>>{Haaselh0ff} : Baseless accusations with no proof? Media will have a FIELD day with this!', ">>{fdsa4324} : why are you perpetuating this fraud? this idiot sued the fucking prince of england!! and harvard law professor dershowitz!!! she's a completely insane nuisance suit fraud http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/09/dershowitz-hits-prince-andrew-s-sex-slave-with-defamation-charges.html she's been tossed out of court all over america guess how her fraud worked out for her? >Now Dershowitz is determined to go on the offensive. He’s filed a counterclaim against her legal team for defamation, The Daily Beast has learned—accusing the attorneys of defamation themselves. And the lawyer won’t sleep until the accuser is tossed behind bars. her fraud was tossed, and she's lucky dershowitz didnt go after her further or she could have ended up in jail", ">>{AdalineMaj} : The accuser was named Jane Doe. Are you honestly ignorant to what Jane Doe means? Or are you a liar? Either way it's not shocking you're a Trump supporter.", '>>{fdsa4324} : its the same epstein, the same claims, the same airplane, the same island and the same fraud. jane doe is this same fraud she didnt name herself in the suit, because she feared exactly what happenned. that HARVARD LAW PROFESSOR dershowitz would countersue and ruin her life for her blatant fraud.', '>>{AdalineMaj} : Do you have a source that this Jane Doe is the same as the Trump accuser? Epstein had many victims.', '>>{fdsa4324} : >vapid LOL, wrong word sport. I guess you didnt do well on your SAT verbal section, did ya? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8dUPENLs70', '>>{akxmsn} : http://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/ >Epstein likes to tell people that he\'s a loner, a man who\'s never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I\'ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,\'\' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He\'s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life." http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2003/03/jeffrey-epstein-200303 >Some of the businessmen who dine with him at his home—they include newspaper publisher Mort Zuckerman, banker Louis Ranieri, Revlon chairman Ronald Perelman, real-estate tycoon Leon Black, former Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold, Tom Pritzker (of Hyatt Hotels), and real-estate personality Donald Trump', '>>{AdalineMaj} : vap·id ˈvapəd/ adjective offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging. The word is more correct than you unfortunately will ever comprehend. But at least you were able to concede the debate.', '>>{fdsa4324} : >your case is cases lack merit. they are not "vapid" I charge $100 an hour for educational training. your invoice is in the mail', ">>{AdalineMaj} : First you didn't know what Jane Doe was, now you didnt even know that more than one adjective can be attributed to nouns. Your class is as legit as Trump University. Lol. Perfect Trump victim. Hucksters can't be hucksters without people like you.", ">>{TheSingulatarian} : I think the Dersh actually paid Roberts. The terms of the settlement are under seal. We really don't know who paid who.", '>>{fdsa4324} : hahahaha - I already won this thread. you are thread buried and this whining wont change it ;) no need to continue with you, as your case lacks merit and no one will read down this far anyway', '>>{TheSingulatarian} : Funny her case for defamation against Ghislaine Maxwell is ongoing. Maxwell has been ordered by the court to turn over all correspondence between herself and Epstein for the last 17 years. Maxwell has also been dodging a court ordered deposition for years. Roberts has pictures of herself with Prince Andrew and Maxwell. How exactly does young girl from the wrong side of the tracks in West Palm Beach, Florida end up in the orbit of a member of the British Royal Family? You really don\'t seem to know the facts of the case and are doing a very bad job of "Correcting the Record".', '>>{fdsa4324} : I think they just "settled" by withdrawing the suit, because he would have won the case, and they didnt want to risk countersuit def didnt pay her off', ">>{AdalineMaj} : Lol at claiming victory. Where was that source that said they were the same Jane Doe? That's where you surrendered last time and I had to pull you back.", '>>{fdsa4324} : > Roberts has pictures of herself with Prince Andrew and Maxwell. so your claim is that a picture together is rape???? well jeesh, Ive been raped thousands of times by your theory! Even disney characters raped kids at disneyworld! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDPndzPnSU8&feature=youtu.be&t=12', '>>{AdalineMaj} : Yes, that is where your case fell apart. Still waiting on that source.', ">>{TheSingulatarian} : You clearly don't know what you are talking about. Virginia Roberts is the woman who claims she was forced to have sex with the Dersh by Epstien. She claimed this happened between 1999 and about 2004. She also met Bill Clinton on Little Saint James Island where she had dinner with Bill Clinton and two Russian teenagers. Roberts states she never had sex with Bill Clinton or witnessed Bill Clinton have sex with children. The woman accusing Trump claims she was raped in Epstein's New York home in the early 1990s. Completely different woman.", ">>{fdsa4324} : >She also met Bill Clinton correction your honor. Its RapinBill Clinton we need to be factual edit: also, there were THREE jane doe's in the case (which is why she was called jane doe #3 in the court record). she was one of the other 2", '>>{TheSingulatarian} : Again what interest would a member of the British Royal Family have with a 17 year old girl from the wrong side of the tracks other than sex?', '>>{fdsa4324} : they were both guests at a party. she was invited by epstein. as was the royal she demanded a picture since he was a royal your insinuations are ludicrous', '>>{fdsa4324} : It is. She was one of the 3 "jane doe\'s" in the case', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Oh this lawsuit again... It'll get thrown out just like the last one.", '>>{tonyhawkprorapist} : > I do push the Clinton is a rapist because... well... he fucks children. [My fucking sides](http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/732/404/f3f.gif)', '>>{AdalineMaj} : Its not the same accuser as the Dershowitz accuser.', ">>{AdalineMaj} : You are linking a completely different case. Would you like to provide a source that says she's one of the three?", '>>{Brad_Wesley} : > without any actual understanding of the nuances of the case. Nuances like zero evidence, and case previously thrown out because there was zero evidence?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{TannerHill} : *do this at your own risk* Gently twist the frame of your phone with both hands on top and bottom. If this causes the ghost touching to stop, start or get worse then it's probably because the 6 model iPhones suffer from a TouchIC issue in which Apple didn't put underfil on the TouchIC chip so over time with random bumps and drops the chip loses connection with the motherboard due to the shock to a chip with no foundation to support it and causes this issue.", ">>{kevddit} : What do you exactly mean with ghost clicks and freezing? I have the 6 but haven't experienced anything resembling this description.", '>>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : What do you mean by ghost clocks and freezing? Too little information to go on', ">>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : A touch IC problem will show up with a flashing grey bar on the top. Also don't do this unless you want to kill your phone faster.", ">>{paleo_bear} : Sounds like touch disease. Google it. The iPhone 6 is a defective design. It's most likely dying and will need to be replaced soon.", '>>{CamiloTiria} : Touch IC disease [fix here](https://youtu.be/iKb2itJlxZ0)', ">>{whorerrible} : Sometimes it's just my screen freezing, as in no shit is working except for the buttons. Other times, while my screen is frozen it would open apps on its own (sometimes would even call a contact). I won't be able to close the app properly, since it's frozen, so I would either have to restart my phone or close it using the lock screen button :(", ">>{whorerrible} : Ghost clicking is when your phone screen is frozen but the phone is functioning on its own (opening/closing apps, calling a contact, typing random characters), even if you're not physically touching your screen. It kinda looks like your phone is being hacked, but really it's just faulty. I think I explained that rather horribly but I hope you get I mean, lol", ">>{whorerrible} : I don't see any flashing grey bar on the top of my screens. Thanks for the heads up, though!", ">>{whorerrible} : Thanks, man! I guess I'll do this if I really can't find any solution.", ">>{whorerrible} : Oh, I'm not exactly sure. It mostly happens when I'm not charging though.", ">>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : Try replacing the screen. If it still occurs, it does sound like a touch IC problem. If that is the case, you should definitely consider upgrading to a 6S because the Apple replacement means they're gonna replace your motherboard and the problem will happen again further down the line because it's a design defect with the metal used on the 6's body. You could also send it to a professional third party repair store like iPad Rehab who specializes in these types of repair and will (maybe) future proof your touch IC by creating a cage around it so it can't lift away from the motherboard.", '>>{whorerrible} : Thank you so much for your help! Will definitely consider your suggestions :)'], [">>{mikoul} : Washington GOP official: Trump's remarks made when he was a Dem | TheHill", '>>{24Willard} : I gotta admit that is some master level mental gymnastics', '>>{What_Is_EET} : He meant that as a funny and non-serious comment, right?', ">>{zoeyfleming13} : That doesn't change a damn thing. He still said it. He fucking said it and now he has to accept the consequences. And no that does not excuse his actions at all. The mental gymnastics people will go through just to defend this guy is insane.", ">>{invesDOGE8er} : It's fun watching these Republicans jump through hoops to pretend like they're still happy he's the nominee. They deserve exactly what they're getting.", ">>{JacobCrim88} : Because we liberals are without souls and are sexual deviants, right? At least that's what I've been told by the hillbilly folks in my area.", '>>{BigDickRichie} : And the gold medal for mental gymnastics goes to...', '>>{BigDickRichie} : The people from /r/the _donald are going to be spamming this excuse for the rest of weekend.', ">>{clone822} : Flip flopping used to be the accusation. Now it's their defense.", '>>{Talk_Data_To_Me} : Shes absolutely right. Hillary should answer for this.', '>>{CEMN} : But not *that* sarcastic. >Hutchison said the 2005 remarks were made when Trump was a Democrat, and criticized Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for slamming her Republican rival over the comments. >“Donald Trump’s comments in 2005 – 11 years ago were made when he was a Democrat,” Hutchison said, according to a report by KING5 in Washington. “The hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton to say Trump does not belong in the White House when her husband defined this behavior.” Try reading the article', '>>{TheMartini66} : Meanwhile, Trump is either grabbing women by their privates, or surfing for porno videos of Miss Universe to twit about it.', ">>{What_Is_EET} : I'm out and the article wouldn't load on my phone, so I was asking. Thanks for the quote! It's kinda fucked up the mental gymnastics they use"], [">>{TheLadyInRed_76} : Obama administration under scrutiny for its response to Russia's meddling", ">>{d_mcc_x} : >Republicans -- including Trump himself -- insist President Barack Obama's team is attempting to undermine the new President through intelligence leaks about the Trump's Russian connections. I mean, aren't they just happy the corruption is getting out there?", ">>{ninemiletree} : The article's criticism of Obama amounts to his administration not going enough to warm citizens about Russia's intervention in affairs. But I seriously doubt the efficacy of that strategy. To do so, especially given Obama's *extremely* close ties to Clinton, might have in fact completely delegitimized the investigation, because the accusations would forever be tainted with claims of Obama himself trying to manipulate the election in favor of his clearly preferred successor. For their part, I remember Clinton and Obama performing all due diligence to warn of Russian interference. But personally it seems like greater intervention from Obama at the time would have only hurt both Clinton and the case moving forward.", ">>{archamedeznutz} : That's the thing, there is a lot of innuendo, a lot of questions that need to be answered but there is as yet no solid evidence of corruption. If that stays the case then the argument is exactly that the leaks were intended to imply something they couldn't prove. That the leaks were a far cry from getting the actual story about Russian out there also seems to reinforce the narrative that what was leaked was leaked for political reasons.", ">>{maybelying} : The interdepartmental sharing was intended to make sure that the incoming administration couldn't bury it without it being investigated. If the Republicans and the White House hasn't have been so obstinate from the beginning, it wouldn't have taken leaks to force Congressional action. If there was concrete evidence then the administration could have acted, but Obama had three weeks left in his term and the investigations were still early. Sharing the info was the only way to ensure investigations would continue. The endgame still remains to be seen, but it wouldn't make much sense for the IC to leak info that isn't credible since any resulting investigation that revealed them as such would be a blow to their credibility.", '>>{archamedeznutz} : But see there\'s a problem with that; there are two issues, one is about Russian hacking, etc. The other is about Trump contacts with Russia. for the latter, unless there was evidence in the intercepts that the trump people were engaged in illegal stuff, their names should\'ve been masked because they weren\'t the targets of the surveillance. So that means whoever unmasked those names broke the law and the spread of those documents via "sharing" would\'ve also been illegal. Everyone with sufficient access, at least initially, would\'ve been in a position to know that.', ">>{maybelying} : But it was the White House themselves that illegally leaked that information to Nunes, and since Nunes backtracked on his story, we don't know if the identities we unmasked or if he derived who they were from the conversations. The IC leaks were strictly about the Russian collusion, the incidental collection only became news after Nunes blurted it out to try and support the wiretapping claim. That one is strictly on Trump and his team, and they've fucked up big time here. The real irony will be if the Russian collusion thing turns out to be nothing, but Trump and team are found to have obstructed justice and violated national security laws because of the ridiculous lengths that Trump is forcing his team to go to, rather than admit he was wrong about the wiretapping and walk away. I mean, he only started going down that road in order to distract from the Russian investigation and discredit the IC in the first place.", '>>{archamedeznutz} : Yes, the whole Nunes thing looks contrived. However, your phrase "Russian collusion" is confusing. If you mean solely Russian activity that doesn\'t connect to team Trump that\'s not collusion. If you mean reports that name people in the Trump team that had contact with Russians then that couldn\'t exist without incidental collection. Incidental collection has, since the contact issue first came up, always been the primary question. It only made it to the media front page when Nunes made people pay attention to it. If those reports proved misconduct by team Trump, then the appropriate parts of the IC would\'ve gone to the FISA court and gotten an expanded warrant to cover those new individuals. If there isn\'t enough evidence to get a FISA warrant (and those are pretty easy for the government to get) then there is no legal reason for the names to have been unmasked in an IC report. In that case, every stage from producing the report, distributing it, then expanding the circle of access to it (to say nothing about the leaking) is criminal conduct. The possible crimes associated with incidental collection are not a part of the Nunes spin, he just voiced what he\'s heard from more knowledgeable sources; people who are aware of how these reports get produced and approved have been speculating for weeks. What Farkas described earlier this month isn\'t the way things are done, it\'s a political reaction by people (understandably) alarmed by Trump and the rumors they\'ve heard. I\'m sure many thought they were doing the "right thing" without regard to politics but it seems like what they were doing is illegal.', ">>{maybelying} : But again, we don't know what Nunes saw when he went to the White House. The info is classified and the documents weren't leaked, we're going solely by what Nunes said, and he's backtracked so there's no way of knowing for sure. I don't disagree with what you've said about the appropriateness of the IC unmasking names in the report, but since the documents are still classified will never know unless they're declassified and released. There were IC sources that said it's entirely possible that while names may have been maskef it would have been apparent from the dialogue who was being referred to, which may be why Nunes walked back his comment about the names. My original point was that the only IC leaks that could be attributed to Obama's\u200b information sharing are the ones we've seen about Russian interference and possible coordination with the Trump campaign. The leaks about the incidental collection came from Nunes, who very likely broke the law in the process, and since they remain classified and out of the public domain, we can't really make any determinations about whether the IC broke the rules or not. I'm not saying they didn't, but until we can see them ourselves or at least have credible verification, we have no way of knowing.", '>>{archamedeznutz} : Agreed, more clarity is needed. But that there are leaks about "possible coordination" demonstrates that there has been a break down in how the information should\'ve been handled. A report including "possible coordination," even if only implied via context, is a serious breach of how this stuff is supposed to be handled. If there was evidence enough to produce and circulate that then there would be warrants issued, but officials have denied such warrants exist. For it to be distributed the way it has been within the bureaucracy is even worse. Even if new information proves coordination, that\'s no excuse for the way these reports were handled. This conduct jeopardizes the credibility of anything that comes after it. It has every appearance that people ignored the law based on political sentiment.'], ['>>{zenmasterzen3} : Donald Trump accused of ‘savage sexual attack’ on a 13-year-old girl', ">>{USModerate} : No she's not confusing rapist racist Trump with anyone whos not running for President", ">>{fdsa4324} : I just don't think you're educated about RapinBill and his Rapetastic epstien rape voyages 26 Raptastic RapinBill Rape voyages https://www.google.com/search?q=clinton+flights+epstein Im sure America will love some fresh RapinBill scandals if RapinBill gets back to the oval office with his wife", ">>{USModerate} : Oh I am worried about adding rapist to racist in Trump's known undesireable characteristics!", '>>{AdalineMaj} : Trump child rape accusations: 1 Bill child rape accusations: 0', '>>{fdsa4324} : Rapin Billy raped his young intern lewinsky with a cigar while married to Hillary, then tasted his RapeCigar and told her it "tastes good" He was also named by this same chick as being on the same plane with rapin epstein https://www.google.com/search?q=clinton+flights+epstein And yes, Rapin Bill was already named by this same chick', ">>{DumpsterDon} : Get some R&R at Trump's new luxury resort!", '>>{topamine2} : Seems legit. Tried to sue in California and got thrown out due to lack of evidence.', ">>{AdalineMaj} : Lewinski was an adult. That chick said Bill wasn't involved.", '>>{USModerate} : Ummm no thank you from what this article suggests :)', '>>{dyzo-blue} : Well his wife Ivana once accused him of rape, while under oath. And later a woman accused him of attempted rape. So there is a pattern of behavior here.', '>>{northbud} : This story stinks of the Clinton machine trying to get out in front of their own dealings with Epstein. Just do your digging and it becomes obvious.', ">>{HAGoodmanWasRight} : Oh, for sure. That being said, I get the impression that Trump was somehow involved, as well. I don't think his name is on any of the manifests (like Clinton... ), but it seems sketch.", '>>{fdsa4324} : Nope, she was a subordinate and had no power whatsoever. By definition, it was a rape of the helpless and powerless youngster intern by a person in a position of power over her. RapinBill CigarRaped her. Also, did you ever read the transcripts where rapin bill force raped her to perform oral while he was on the phone with congressman? RapinBilly is dying to return to to his den of rape in the oval office', ">>{AdalineMaj} : I'll accept Bill was a sexual creep, and Trump was a child rapist. Let's keep them both from the presidency.", '>>{fdsa4324} : Rapin Bill is on the congressional record raping his subordinates. this fraud chick has already been chucked out of court. simple fraud', ">>{smithcm14} : Umm, He was still good friends with a felon child abuser and was accused of partaking in this abuse by one of his recorded victims. It's not far fetched, but probably no way to prove one way or the other substantially. But I'm sure Trump supprters will deny anything about it without any actual understanding of the nuances of the case.", ">>{AdalineMaj} : Sounds like child rape is less important to you than political party. That's pretty much the only difference in your position.", '>>{warmonger561} : DNC internal Memo: Muddy waters around childrape, leave no fingerprints.', ">>{fdsa4324} : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3QYDtSbhrA fraud nuisance suits are not worth worrying about. already chucked out of court once, will be again Now RapinBill? There's meat on Bill's bone, and he's gonna use it to continue Rapin http://plancksconstant.org/blog1/iamges/sub12/bubba_returns.jpg", ">>{Ask_Threadit} : As a lifelong Democrat I really wish you weren't right...", ">>{northbud} : What seems sketch? The fact that he went to Epstein's Manhattan townhouse? Who in that circle of wealth didn't? You have to really want to believe that there is something going on to draw that conclusion. This civil suit has already been thrown out in one court and lo and behold it appears in a New York court. Just in time for the election. There isn't any proof this accuser even exists. Never mind if they have any credibility.", ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : So then you in fact believe Bill Clinton is a rapist, right? Because he's been accused many times.", ">>{HAGoodmanWasRight} : Regardless, I'm not voting for the guy. I also don't perpetuate the Trump is a rapist story, because the proof isn't there. Just talking about it here since it is relevant. I do push the Clinton is a rapist because... well... he fucks children.", '>>{warmonger561} : Well Billy Boy has epstein and Hilldog has [this](https://i.sli.mg/7lalma.jpg).', ">>{AdalineMaj} : It's back in court if you haven't noticed. It wasn't thrown out because of its merits. Trump is right in the middle of a child rape case.", ">>{localbizdude} : Hillary's PR team is in full spin mode in anticipation of the indictment. At this point they'll have to start criticizing him for cultural appropriation of orangutans for their fur color.", '>>{Ask_Threadit} : Almost certainly not, it was 20 years ago and no case was filed until he was running for president. It was originally filed in California and thrown out because every piece of information was phony and the plaintiff never showed up in court, this is about a new refiling in NY. Trump did spend way too much time with a convicted pedophile (Jeffrey Epstein, as did Bill Clinton who lied about it) but if either of them participated in Epstein\'s child sex slavery (aboard the "Lolita Express" or his sex slave island) this case probably isn\'t it.', '>>{Ask_Threadit} : So then we should also assume Bill Clinton who flew on the same "Lolita Express" 26 times and has been accused of rape on a dozen occasions is a serial rapist?', ">>{fdsa4324} : >It wasn't thrown out because of its merits. Of course not. It was thrown out because it LACKED merit. simple fraud. she lost previous lawsuits also because she committed fraud in those too. she a serial nuisance suit filer this will be laughed out of court again, just like her other fraud was", '>>{Trumpicana} : So was bill clinton. Only difference trump didnt go to pedo island.', '>>{fdsa4324} : the idiot tried to sue the prince of england and dershowitz, the most high profile lawyer in america shes a pure fraud http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/09/dershowitz-hits-prince-andrew-s-sex-slave-with-defamation-charges.html dershowitz promptly countersued for defamation >Now Dershowitz is determined to go on the offensive. He’s filed a counterclaim against her legal team for defamation,', ">>{fdsa4324} : serial fraud this idiot tried to sue english royals and the most prominent lawyer in america, dershowitz. guess how THAT worked out? http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/09/dershowitz-hits-prince-andrew-s-sex-slave-with-defamation-charges.html >Now Dershowitz is determined to go on the offensive. He’s filed a counterclaim against her legal team for defamation, The Daily Beast has learned—accusing the attorneys of defamation themselves. And the lawyer won’t sleep until the accuser is tossed behind bars. Rule #1 fraudsters, don't sue lawyers and certainly dont sue harvard professor lawyers Yawn. case was tossed, and she's lucky dershowitz didnt pursue the defamation case further", '>>{fdsa4324} : Fraud. this fucking idiot has been tossed out of court all over america. She tried to sue the fucking prince of england!!! and alan dershowitz the harvard lawyer!! fraud got tossed out http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/09/dershowitz-hits-prince-andrew-s-sex-slave-with-defamation-charges.html >Now Dershowitz is determined to go on the offensive. He’s filed a counterclaim against her legal team for defamation, The Daily Beast has learned—accusing the attorneys of defamation themselves. And the lawyer won’t sleep until the accuser is tossed behind bars.', '>>{fdsa4324} : Not to mention the fraud idiot tried to sue the prince of england!!! and harvard legal professor dershowitz!!! http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/09/dershowitz-hits-prince-andrew-s-sex-slave-with-defamation-charges.html idiot has been chucked out of court all over america for her repeated fraud', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : She was an intern, not a fricken inmate.', '>>{Haaselh0ff} : Baseless accusations with no proof? Media will have a FIELD day with this!', ">>{fdsa4324} : why are you perpetuating this fraud? this idiot sued the fucking prince of england!! and harvard law professor dershowitz!!! she's a completely insane nuisance suit fraud http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/09/dershowitz-hits-prince-andrew-s-sex-slave-with-defamation-charges.html she's been tossed out of court all over america guess how her fraud worked out for her? >Now Dershowitz is determined to go on the offensive. He’s filed a counterclaim against her legal team for defamation, The Daily Beast has learned—accusing the attorneys of defamation themselves. And the lawyer won’t sleep until the accuser is tossed behind bars. her fraud was tossed, and she's lucky dershowitz didnt go after her further or she could have ended up in jail", ">>{AdalineMaj} : The accuser was named Jane Doe. Are you honestly ignorant to what Jane Doe means? Or are you a liar? Either way it's not shocking you're a Trump supporter.", '>>{fdsa4324} : its the same epstein, the same claims, the same airplane, the same island and the same fraud. jane doe is this same fraud she didnt name herself in the suit, because she feared exactly what happenned. that HARVARD LAW PROFESSOR dershowitz would countersue and ruin her life for her blatant fraud.', '>>{AdalineMaj} : Do you have a source that this Jane Doe is the same as the Trump accuser? Epstein had many victims.', '>>{fdsa4324} : >vapid LOL, wrong word sport. I guess you didnt do well on your SAT verbal section, did ya? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8dUPENLs70', '>>{akxmsn} : http://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/ >Epstein likes to tell people that he\'s a loner, a man who\'s never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I\'ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,\'\' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He\'s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life." http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2003/03/jeffrey-epstein-200303 >Some of the businessmen who dine with him at his home—they include newspaper publisher Mort Zuckerman, banker Louis Ranieri, Revlon chairman Ronald Perelman, real-estate tycoon Leon Black, former Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold, Tom Pritzker (of Hyatt Hotels), and real-estate personality Donald Trump', '>>{AdalineMaj} : vap·id ˈvapəd/ adjective offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging. The word is more correct than you unfortunately will ever comprehend. But at least you were able to concede the debate.', '>>{fdsa4324} : >your case is cases lack merit. they are not "vapid" I charge $100 an hour for educational training. your invoice is in the mail', ">>{AdalineMaj} : First you didn't know what Jane Doe was, now you didnt even know that more than one adjective can be attributed to nouns. Your class is as legit as Trump University. Lol. Perfect Trump victim. Hucksters can't be hucksters without people like you.", ">>{TheSingulatarian} : I think the Dersh actually paid Roberts. The terms of the settlement are under seal. We really don't know who paid who.", '>>{fdsa4324} : hahahaha - I already won this thread. you are thread buried and this whining wont change it ;) no need to continue with you, as your case lacks merit and no one will read down this far anyway', '>>{TheSingulatarian} : Funny her case for defamation against Ghislaine Maxwell is ongoing. Maxwell has been ordered by the court to turn over all correspondence between herself and Epstein for the last 17 years. Maxwell has also been dodging a court ordered deposition for years. Roberts has pictures of herself with Prince Andrew and Maxwell. How exactly does young girl from the wrong side of the tracks in West Palm Beach, Florida end up in the orbit of a member of the British Royal Family? You really don\'t seem to know the facts of the case and are doing a very bad job of "Correcting the Record".', '>>{fdsa4324} : I think they just "settled" by withdrawing the suit, because he would have won the case, and they didnt want to risk countersuit def didnt pay her off', ">>{AdalineMaj} : Lol at claiming victory. Where was that source that said they were the same Jane Doe? That's where you surrendered last time and I had to pull you back.", '>>{fdsa4324} : > Roberts has pictures of herself with Prince Andrew and Maxwell. so your claim is that a picture together is rape???? well jeesh, Ive been raped thousands of times by your theory! Even disney characters raped kids at disneyworld! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDPndzPnSU8&feature=youtu.be&t=12', '>>{AdalineMaj} : Yes, that is where your case fell apart. Still waiting on that source.', ">>{TheSingulatarian} : You clearly don't know what you are talking about. Virginia Roberts is the woman who claims she was forced to have sex with the Dersh by Epstien. She claimed this happened between 1999 and about 2004. She also met Bill Clinton on Little Saint James Island where she had dinner with Bill Clinton and two Russian teenagers. Roberts states she never had sex with Bill Clinton or witnessed Bill Clinton have sex with children. The woman accusing Trump claims she was raped in Epstein's New York home in the early 1990s. Completely different woman.", ">>{fdsa4324} : >She also met Bill Clinton correction your honor. Its RapinBill Clinton we need to be factual edit: also, there were THREE jane doe's in the case (which is why she was called jane doe #3 in the court record). she was one of the other 2", '>>{TheSingulatarian} : Again what interest would a member of the British Royal Family have with a 17 year old girl from the wrong side of the tracks other than sex?', '>>{fdsa4324} : they were both guests at a party. she was invited by epstein. as was the royal she demanded a picture since he was a royal your insinuations are ludicrous', '>>{fdsa4324} : It is. She was one of the 3 "jane doe\'s" in the case', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Oh this lawsuit again... It'll get thrown out just like the last one.", '>>{tonyhawkprorapist} : > I do push the Clinton is a rapist because... well... he fucks children. [My fucking sides](http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/732/404/f3f.gif)', '>>{AdalineMaj} : Its not the same accuser as the Dershowitz accuser.', ">>{AdalineMaj} : You are linking a completely different case. Would you like to provide a source that says she's one of the three?", '>>{Brad_Wesley} : > without any actual understanding of the nuances of the case. Nuances like zero evidence, and case previously thrown out because there was zero evidence?']]
classify and reply
[">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Release all her immigration documents. We don't need an illegal immigrant First Lady.", '>>{seanosul} : Trump must go: Hinting at assassination is too much, even for him', '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : Does that mean we can point that cannon right back at the Daily News? LOL, nevermind. Opinion piece. Quality shit from our respected press. Opinion pieces read like front pages these days.', '>>{Kanzisbuddy} : Show us the ~~birth certificate~~ visa documents!', ">>{wytxcook} : Democrats won't care what her story is, they'll just continue on calling her an illegal immigrant gold-digging whore.", '>>{polishedrhythm18} : NO! Dont give these scumbags shit. Fcuk em.', '>>{Feignfame} : This is so low on the totem pole right now.', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : Donnie, nobody cares about your mail-order bride or her tits. Stop trying to make Melania the focus. It's not happening, Donnie. Your manufactured issues regarding your wife are not going to distract us, bro.", '>>{seanosul} : The Daily News is not the official Dumb Candidate for President.', '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : I read it for a year straight on my ride into Manhattan. It is entertainment and nothing more.', '>>{TuckRaker} : There\'s no such thing as too much for his supporters. They are too entrenched in their support. He could strangle a kitten on live tv and their answer would be "yeah, well Hillary Clinton..."', ">>{seanosul} : That's nice. They are still not running for President.", ">>{Satexas2} : Sounds like it was a bad joke. Stupid for sure, certainly not high drama - I've heard edgier jokes", ">>{DebussySIMiami} : Trump took the bait. Hilarious. Nobody cares about his latest trophy wife. I'm sure she'll be traded in for a newer model before the 2020 election.", '>>{TuckRaker} : A bad joke pretty much sums up this entire election. It will surely go down in history as the worst', '>>{Forestman88} : Now if we can just get him to have a press conference about all this NAMBLA business. The people deserve to know.', '>>{thisbites_over} : With that kind of winning sense of humor, Trump is sure to melt hearts and be an ace diplomat.', ">>{I_was_serious} : Yeah, Don. About that. At this point, that's not even on anyone's radar. Your seditious comments stole her thunder on that.", '>>{Homerisimportant} : > It will surely go down in history as the worst excuse my british ignorance but hasnt it already? you have a political reject running for the democrats and a moron running for the republicans, if it wasnt so dangerous it would be hilarious.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Meh, she's slept with Trump, she's earned it. *shudder*", '>>{CarmineFields} : We deserve to know if she\'s a "rapist".', ">>{Rubyjane123} : Why was there not a backlash like this against Hillary Clinton back in 2008 when she suggested that Obama might be assassinated like Bobby Kennedy was..as her excuse to stay in the Democratic primary till after California? Why are these things acceptable only when Hillary says them? Does anyone wonder where Trump has gotten his ideas? He's just been paying attention to what Hillary has gotten away with.", '>>{George_Beast} : Funny thing about this is Clinton supporters are almost exactly the same and use the same \'yeah, well Trump" logic.', ">>{polishedrhythm18} : You've live. If Hillary doesnt want to give a press conference. Then Trump doesnt need to give one this either.", ">>{CarmineFields} : He wants to give it because he's a big, orange attention whore. No one is insisting he does a press conference.", ">>{seanosul} : > Why was there not a backlash like this against Hillary Clinton back in 2008 There was. You may remember she didn't get the nomination. Try harder.", ">>{litewo} : There was backlash. It was all over the news, and most people were perplexed and disgusted that she would even go there. Even so, it can't even be compared to Trump's statement--Clinton was using a historical event to suggest one hypothetical outcome; Trump was suggesting a violent solution to a problem.", ">>{AwfulLandlord} : It'll give him a new and fun way to step on his dick. No one's gonna forget his second amendment comment today. Let's hear him out and see what other dumb shit he's got for us.", '>>{20WPM} : > excuse my british [sic] ignorance Never.', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : He'll probably tell a provable lie that pokes a new hole in her story", ">>{Magellan33} : My story is the story of this country, the story of generations of people who felt the lash of bondage, the shame of servitude, the sting of segregation, but who kept on striving and hoping and doing what needed to be done -Leaked excerpt from Melania Trump's explanation on her immigration story.", '>>{AwfulLandlord} : Most of her defense at this point is the 20-year-old memory of some modeling agent.', '>>{Spooky2000} : > Donnie, nobody cares about your mail-order bride or her tits. the rest of /r/politics does not agree with you apparently... https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/search?q=Melania&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all', '>>{ItsJoyehOkcurrr} : You say that like, because of her comment, Hillary was discounted from the nomination and it was given to Obama, which I would love to get a source on. Hillary lost on her own accord, not due to that one statement. With that said, how can you expect the same outcome from two different situations?', ">>{PM_ME_YOUR_HAIRYBITS} : Poor Melania. I feel for her. Though I doubt she fucks trump, I'm all for her getting amnesty just for having to be around him. Maybe if we can assure her legal status she will feel at liberty to leave her exploiter.", ">>{RudegarWithFunnyHat} : first he gave up the location >I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters, now the Target when will he reveal the date?", ">>{Kanzisbuddy} : He's 70 years old with a jetset lifestyle and a fast food addiction. Even boner pills might not give him a long form anymore.", ">>{NotJustAmy} : I'm no Trump supporter but does anyone give a shit about his mail order bride and how she got here?", ">>{IrishJoe} : Trump: Wait...I'll tell you the truth about Melania...I'll release my tax returns...anything but the fact I tried to get Hillary assassinated."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{seanosul} : Trump must go: Hinting at assassination is too much, even for him', '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : Does that mean we can point that cannon right back at the Daily News? LOL, nevermind. Opinion piece. Quality shit from our respected press. Opinion pieces read like front pages these days.', '>>{seanosul} : The Daily News is not the official Dumb Candidate for President.', '>>{Hear_that_Cricket} : I read it for a year straight on my ride into Manhattan. It is entertainment and nothing more.', '>>{TuckRaker} : There\'s no such thing as too much for his supporters. They are too entrenched in their support. He could strangle a kitten on live tv and their answer would be "yeah, well Hillary Clinton..."', ">>{seanosul} : That's nice. They are still not running for President.", ">>{Satexas2} : Sounds like it was a bad joke. Stupid for sure, certainly not high drama - I've heard edgier jokes", '>>{TuckRaker} : A bad joke pretty much sums up this entire election. It will surely go down in history as the worst', '>>{thisbites_over} : With that kind of winning sense of humor, Trump is sure to melt hearts and be an ace diplomat.', '>>{Homerisimportant} : > It will surely go down in history as the worst excuse my british ignorance but hasnt it already? you have a political reject running for the democrats and a moron running for the republicans, if it wasnt so dangerous it would be hilarious.', ">>{Rubyjane123} : Why was there not a backlash like this against Hillary Clinton back in 2008 when she suggested that Obama might be assassinated like Bobby Kennedy was..as her excuse to stay in the Democratic primary till after California? Why are these things acceptable only when Hillary says them? Does anyone wonder where Trump has gotten his ideas? He's just been paying attention to what Hillary has gotten away with.", '>>{George_Beast} : Funny thing about this is Clinton supporters are almost exactly the same and use the same \'yeah, well Trump" logic.', ">>{seanosul} : > Why was there not a backlash like this against Hillary Clinton back in 2008 There was. You may remember she didn't get the nomination. Try harder.", ">>{litewo} : There was backlash. It was all over the news, and most people were perplexed and disgusted that she would even go there. Even so, it can't even be compared to Trump's statement--Clinton was using a historical event to suggest one hypothetical outcome; Trump was suggesting a violent solution to a problem.", '>>{20WPM} : > excuse my british [sic] ignorance Never.', '>>{ItsJoyehOkcurrr} : You say that like, because of her comment, Hillary was discounted from the nomination and it was given to Obama, which I would love to get a source on. Hillary lost on her own accord, not due to that one statement. With that said, how can you expect the same outcome from two different situations?', ">>{RudegarWithFunnyHat} : first he gave up the location >I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters, now the Target when will he reveal the date?"], [">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Release all her immigration documents. We don't need an illegal immigrant First Lady.", '>>{Kanzisbuddy} : Show us the ~~birth certificate~~ visa documents!', ">>{wytxcook} : Democrats won't care what her story is, they'll just continue on calling her an illegal immigrant gold-digging whore.", '>>{polishedrhythm18} : NO! Dont give these scumbags shit. Fcuk em.', '>>{Feignfame} : This is so low on the totem pole right now.', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : Donnie, nobody cares about your mail-order bride or her tits. Stop trying to make Melania the focus. It's not happening, Donnie. Your manufactured issues regarding your wife are not going to distract us, bro.", ">>{DebussySIMiami} : Trump took the bait. Hilarious. Nobody cares about his latest trophy wife. I'm sure she'll be traded in for a newer model before the 2020 election.", '>>{Forestman88} : Now if we can just get him to have a press conference about all this NAMBLA business. The people deserve to know.', ">>{I_was_serious} : Yeah, Don. About that. At this point, that's not even on anyone's radar. Your seditious comments stole her thunder on that.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Meh, she's slept with Trump, she's earned it. *shudder*", '>>{CarmineFields} : We deserve to know if she\'s a "rapist".', ">>{polishedrhythm18} : You've live. If Hillary doesnt want to give a press conference. Then Trump doesnt need to give one this either.", ">>{CarmineFields} : He wants to give it because he's a big, orange attention whore. No one is insisting he does a press conference.", ">>{AwfulLandlord} : It'll give him a new and fun way to step on his dick. No one's gonna forget his second amendment comment today. Let's hear him out and see what other dumb shit he's got for us.", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : He'll probably tell a provable lie that pokes a new hole in her story", ">>{Magellan33} : My story is the story of this country, the story of generations of people who felt the lash of bondage, the shame of servitude, the sting of segregation, but who kept on striving and hoping and doing what needed to be done -Leaked excerpt from Melania Trump's explanation on her immigration story.", '>>{AwfulLandlord} : Most of her defense at this point is the 20-year-old memory of some modeling agent.', '>>{Spooky2000} : > Donnie, nobody cares about your mail-order bride or her tits. the rest of /r/politics does not agree with you apparently... https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/search?q=Melania&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all', ">>{PM_ME_YOUR_HAIRYBITS} : Poor Melania. I feel for her. Though I doubt she fucks trump, I'm all for her getting amnesty just for having to be around him. Maybe if we can assure her legal status she will feel at liberty to leave her exploiter.", ">>{Kanzisbuddy} : He's 70 years old with a jetset lifestyle and a fast food addiction. Even boner pills might not give him a long form anymore.", ">>{NotJustAmy} : I'm no Trump supporter but does anyone give a shit about his mail order bride and how she got here?", ">>{IrishJoe} : Trump: Wait...I'll tell you the truth about Melania...I'll release my tax returns...anything but the fact I tried to get Hillary assassinated."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Unwellington} : I have "doubts" about the reasoning and good faith in those "doubting" the spontaneity, dear colostomy bag-felching headline writer.', '>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : New Donald Trump attack ad turns Hillary Clinton into a malfunctioning robot', ">>{Dismalhead} : Well, he'd be capping his expense account starting next year. Why'd he want to do that?", ">>{coolcrosby} : Trump's Jeff Sessions strategy: Make America more like Alabama", ">>{Robvicsd} : Any kid with an Instagram account could make a more coherently edited video. Whatever advertising company they're using needs to be replaced.", ">>{Ericoster} : What's wrong with Alabama? Birmingham is a very nice city.", ">>{Meatgortex} : What's wrong with Alabama? * Ranks 46th in educational attainment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_educational_attainment) * Ranks 45th in GSP (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_GDP_per_capita) * Ranks 47th on Human Development Index (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Measure_of_America) * Ranks 49th in live expectancy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_life_expectancy) * Ranks 40th in homicide rate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_homicide_rate) * Ranks 48th in incarceration rate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_incarceration_and_correctional_supervision_rate) * Ranks 48th in poverty rate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_poverty_rate) So other than worse crime, poverty, shorter lives, and worse economic opportunities than most of the other states in the union it's doing great.", ">>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : Like [that](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5ZAeUsLiLzY/maxresdefault.jpg) wasn't the [plan](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/07/22/15/367D8C4900000578-0-image-a-28_1469196210581.jpg).", '>>{Aoxous} : Looks like he had good reasons. It was not about him, but staffers and Secret Service. Plus, it does not look like Obama will qualify for the expense account anytime soon. I am sure he will make more than $600,000 a year through speaking fees, books, and other ventures.', ">>{vancevon} : Hillary Clinton is out hiking and the rest of the Democratic establishment is still recovering from their hangover. None of them are protesting. Of course they're spontaneous.", '>>{kvn9765} : The poor deserve to be poor - Trumps Ego', '>>{greenlife4} : Too bad she refuses to do anything about it. She always talks, but since she never does anything she has proven herself to be a puppet of big business.', ">>{Moranonymous} : They rigged the protest, folks. Believe me, smart people are saying it. I don't know, something's going on. Drain the swamp, MAGA.", ">>{StarterPackWasteland} : Let's be real, now. The protests would have been totally planned if people had known Trump would get all those electoral votes.", ">>{kobesrightelbow} : Lol he's probably gonna get bashed for this, but who in their right mind would let that pass in his situation?", '>>{jpgray} : >The common refrain from Republicans who oppose these measures is that taking them would encourage American companies to flee abroad. But as other nations step up to prevent tax avoidance, that case gets weaker and weaker. And we have the leverage to tighten our tax code because these companies want what America offers: the world’s wealthiest consumers, the world’s best work force, the world’s most reliable legal system and the world’s deepest capital markets. Bingo.', ">>{backpackwayne} : Miss Meriweather's eight grade students turned in better stuff than that.", '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Funny it got pushed through congress at this point of time...', '>>{atchijov} : Lower tax rate AND eliminate ALL loopholes. It is that simple. Pity... It is not going to happen.', ">>{DoctorXX} : Trump didn't get the brightest and smartest people to work on this", ">>{theombudsmen} : Is there a term yet for legislation crafted with the express purpose of making an opponent look bad when they block, veto, veto, or vote against it? If not, there should be, it's becoming a common tactic lately.", '>>{herbertJblunt} : Poor people are taxed through high interest rates and constant late fees.', '>>{CTR_Disinfo_Agent} : Is the "ad" airing nationwide or statewide somewhere? Otherwise it\'s hardly an ad. Any small-handed kid can put together a video in 10 minutes and share it on Twitter.', ">>{ProSnoodler} : Chill fam, those are our countrymen. People in rural America vote for people with no class because they're tired of people calling them inbred", ">>{herbertJblunt} : Yep. I don't think the credit system is that bad, I just think we are not taught as children the discipline required and there is no adult reinforcement. Our kids are not even taught anything about taxes. My kids were very confused going into high school and seeing that no other kid knew anything about checking accounts, taxes, buying a house or anything else important things that adults do.", '>>{kloborgg} : This was um... kind of embarrassing to watch. It could legitimately have been a snarky, fun ad.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : > Why'd he want to do that? Uhm...because he won't be a federal employee next year in all likelihood? But sheeeeeeeeiiiit, less git summ biatches..", ">>{Robvicsd} : Can't be worse than the trump versus trump videos out there, that guy flip-flops more than a San Diego surfer.", ">>{mejoseph9876} : $600,000?? That's one Bill Clinton speech and he's been out of office for 10-15 years. Obama should be making much more, unless Bill's speaking fees are out of line...(?)", '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : Maybe Hillary was abducted and replaced with a robot Hillary, which is now malfunctioning.', ">>{Mrredek} : Liberals before the election results: Not accepting the results of the election is the MOST un-american thing you can do!! Liberals after the election results: We don't accept the results of the election!! Not my president!!", '>>{Brodusgus} : Credit is good as a safety net. It is a poor model for being self sufficient.', '>>{Aoxous} : I agree. The title gives a false impression that Obama vetoed it for personal gain, when he is likely not to receive any benefits from the expense account.', ">>{Stellaaahhhh} : [I'd expect better from a big firm like Draper-Sterling](http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/06/21/3790715/weird-story-behind-trump-campaigns-35000-payment-draper-sterling-advertising/)", ">>{RedMoustache} : It's a small amount of money, and it's not like we have 535 presidents at a time. If it was really about the money Congress would have looked at themselves first. I actually found a [chart](http://www.senate.gov/reference/resources/pdf/98-249.pdf) for FY2008 that shows Carter, Bush Senior, and Clinton. I don't think $1,000,000 a year for expenses is out of line. It's not like a former president ever truly falls out of public sight. And Bill Clinton was the last president eligible for lifetime secret service protection. Everyone after him (and excluding Hillary since she would be protected with Bill) will have to pay their own security costs after 10 years.", ">>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : > they're tired of people calling them inbred Then maybe they should stop inbreeding.", ">>{StickyDildos} : what? That's bullshit. Once President of the UNITED States, then after you serve your term, Secret Service protection should be for LIFE. Period.", ">>{suicide_junkie} : They don't have much to pay after the banks and their subsidiary pay-day lenders get done with them. If they had Apple's lawyers I wonder if they'd pay any taxes at all?", '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : I think the real question is, "what\'s right with Alabama?"', ">>{jverity} : Poor people don't pay much *income* taxes in America, but sales taxes affect them disproportionately and conservatives have been steadily shifting the tax burden to the poor this way as much as they can in red states. Johnson wants to go nationwide with it.", ">>{Robvicsd} : I remember that. I guess that's when America was great. I'll be back, I'm gonna go slap my wife for not having dinner ready.", ">>{metalspring6} : Another unfortunate consequence of this election, Fox feeling vindicated in pushing stories based on wild conspiracy theories and brainwashing it's audience...", ">>{Risk_Neutral} : The magnitude of income taxes paid trumps sales tax paid unless they are spending multiples of their actual income. The bottom line is they don't pay much taxes. You can argue that we might want more social safety nets or higher wages for them, but you really can't pretend like they pay much in taxes.", '>>{thekeyofGflat} : Obama reinstated SS protection for ex presidents and retroactively applied it to GWB too', ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : NO UNITY! If you care about your rights then oppose him at all costs. The GOP did not suddenly start being LGBT, abortion, immigrant, minority friendly. Make no mistake they are going to come for us just like they tried to suppress our votes in North Carolina! Where, incidentally---the KKK is holding a parade to celebrate Trump's win.", ">>{RedMoustache} : I must have missed that. I'm glad they got their heads out of their asses and changed it back. For some people any former president would be quite a nice target.", '>>{21Inc-ompetent} : Democrat logic: shit on the religious right and mock them while worshiping Muslims who are even further to the right than Christians.', ">>{IbanezDavy} : Hey but at least they aren't Mississippi...am I right?", '>>{cfia123} : Talking about politics on /r/politics is fearmongering?', ">>{jverity} : They don't pay much in taxes as compared to the total tax revenue of the U.S. But as a percentage of their total income, many poor people pay more taxes than Trump.", '>>{ricdesi} : Fucking *nobody* wants to be Alabama. Make America a Fucking Armpit Again, I guess.', ">>{vancevon} : We all accept the result of the election. Hillary Clinton conceded without reservations, Obama's being gracious in the transition. We're protesting against a man and against the fact he will be President despite our candidate getting more votes.", ">>{peyote_the_coyote} : Didn't Jeff sessions like de-segregate schools and prosecute the KKK and hand out a death penalty for a KKK member?", ">>{Quietus42} : Story time: when I was younger, I decided to hitchhike from Florida to Colorado with a friend. A real coming of age adventure. Well, everything was going awesome, *until we got to fucking Alabama*. Longest wait for a ride, before the Alabama border was a little over an hour. After crossing the border? Four fucking hours. No one will pick us up. Finally, we get a ride to Birmingham. The worst fucking city I've ever been to. A city literally segregated by the train tracks. The people are rude (I live in Florida, and had just been through Georgia, where the people at least *act* like they have manners, for the most part) and mean. Went from easy rides from friendly people to being mocked, having things thrown at us, and *no one* willing to give us a ride out of that city. For *three days*. Finally, we became so frustrated that we hopped a random train to fucking anywhere and ended up back in Georgia. Pretty much wrecked our whole trip. Fuck Alabama and fuck Jeff Sessions.", '>>{kvn9765} : According to r/personalfinance there are no loopholes.', '>>{CaffeineAndSushi} : As someone who was born in and from (but no longer living in) Alabama, I cringe along with the rest of you at the state, and (certain representative groups of) the people from it. But holy shit, unless you are all supporters of the idea of a new civil war or CA/NY secession, there needs to be a attempt to help rather than purely antagonize. Yes, people are shockingly less educated in certain states like AL. There are problems with industries that once supported their hometowns drying up, and "brain drain," which I am personally an example of. But in regards to comments here, it\'s no wonder these areas tend to fester in resentment for the rest of the country. Based on the comments here (not in relation to the article but to Alabama generally) just mention of it trots out the same old tired and largely unfounded inbreeding jokes, etc. Just a thought from an ex-Alabamian now living in California (among other places) and actively concealing where I am from originally.', ">>{staubyn} : I accept the results. I just don't accept the man. 50 million Americans will never accept him or like him. He will be the W of his time, more hated than loved. He has divided the country more than ever. The people in the cities will hate the rural people more than ever before.", ">>{kvn9765} : Why? It's all part of the social contract, paying taxes, dying in wars, access to a good education.", ">>{paraconformity} : This ad is so terrible it actually raises legitimate questions about the ability of the knuckleheads who made it to run the country. It's not that the ad is even offensive or anything, in the history of negative political ads it's not anywhere close to the top tier of viciousness or unfairness, it's just so low rent. I'd be embarrassed if I was a Trump supporter.", '>>{GotDatWMD} : Only one thing truly matters though. Rank #1 in Most BCS National Championship wins. Roll Tide Baby!', '>>{idontlikeanyofyou} : Our countrymen just sold a large portion of our other countrymen down the river. At best, their willingness to overlook the hatred and bigotry of Trumpism cannot be simply cast-off because their precious feelings may have been hurt. Seriously, fuck them.', ">>{Risk_Neutral} : Joining the army in it's current capacity is optional.", '>>{Yeeaaaarrrgh} : As an Alabamian - YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE LIKE ALABAMA.', ">>{Nfhad} : And what is your end game? What do you want the protests to accomplish that didn't happen before the election?", ">>{RNGmaster} : The problem is that these people *actively resist education* because they see it as an atheist liberal plot. And, well, it sort of is, but that's beside the point.", ">>{kvn9765} : Yea, Vietnam doesn't count. I get it. Ancient history.", ">>{CaffeineAndSushi} : Oh they absolutely do. I know some of them personally, I'm sorry to say. But if you just write them off, my point is simply that antagonism is not a feasible long term strategy. Unless you literally want to write the state and the people in it off completely and remove the undesirable states from the union somehow, something has to be done to break the impasse.", ">>{Astalano} : If Republicans had acted like this the left would have never allowed them to live it down. But now we're supposed to be 'understanding'? Poor baby left is just having a tantrum, you see. /s No, you're grown ups, act like it already.", ">>{barbe_du_cou} : To make sure he knows he's a real booger!", '>>{SevTheNiceGuy} : what a shitty website... who designed the layout?', '>>{staubyn} : More people voted for Clinton. The bubble is the GOP.', '>>{SevTheNiceGuy} : the problem becomes "how do you make that voting block happy"??? when the mentality of a group of people is that they see the problems in their lives are caused by the "others" that live in their country its hard to provide solutions to these groups. There\'s bigotry in this country still. It\'s either going to evolve or it\'s going to die out... the solution is to not pass federal legislation to make this bigotry happy.', '>>{coolcrosby} : Advance Publications which owns the NOLA, the Plain Dealer, Oregonlive, Michiganlive, New Jersey.com and many others.', '>>{_il_mostro_} : What do you suggest we do? They don\'t WANT our help or our "education" and quite frankly, we don\'t want to give it. They have access to all the facts and realities we do. How do you make people think for themselves if they don\'t want to and don\'t believe trained experts opinions on anything?', '>>{ignenrintegra} : I dunno...some Mississippians might want to trade places with Alabama.', '>>{m-flo} : So despite me not wanting the country to be even more obese, less educated, less intelligent, more racist, I have to watch what I say because political correctness hating rednecks might get their feefees hurt. Got it. Just loving the juxtaposition of all this bullshit.', '>>{NotAnHiro} : So he changes his policies? Maybe stuff his cabinet with less swamp and more MAGA? Not put someone against the idea of an EPA in control of the EPA?', ">>{CaffeineAndSushi} : I actually don't know. It's a tough nut to crack. I support calling out backwards policies and trying to work together to get more education and global awareness into places like Alabama. But the only point I was originally trying to make is that pure tribalism aka endless incest jokes is not really the same thing, IMO.", '>>{CaffeineAndSushi} : I care (to some extent) about the state and deeply of course about my family still there. But even though you are paraphrasing > "What do we do with them? They don\'t want our help." Do you actually disagree with that? I don\'t think that\'s an unfair assessment at all. There is a very specific breed of resentment/pride that exists in AL and other similar states that the root of animus towards DC as some ivory tower of elites. Most southern conservatives openly claim to not want the government\'s help. (Until they elect the one giving help or otherwise decide they do, but that\'s a different story). I probably won\'t be able to convince you over the internet how much I do or do not personally care about it or how far my head is or is not up my own ass, as you say. But I still don\'t see the problem with my reasoning that you seem to.', '>>{Gamecocks91} : I gotta believe that East St Louis IL tops every city in AL', '>>{staubyn} : The electoral college "points" were a concession to slave owners. You\'re correct that it\'s how it works. But more people voted for Clinton, and they will never accept Trump. He is the product of an electoral college created from slavery. I\'m not saying he didn\'t win. He did win. But he\'ll never be accepted.', ">>{zacty} : Remember how calling Trump and his supporters racists and misogynists just empowered them? Yeah, that's exactly what saying these protests fake and paid for is going to do to them. Except multiply that by having a president-elect repeating it, and you've got yourself a proper pissed off progressive base. So please, *please* keep doing what you're doing. The left needs to be pissed off right now.", ">>{mhead526} : To be fair, you can't say less intelligent. That's simply not true. Less educated does not mean less intelligent.", '>>{StumbleBees} : You\'re not wrong. As a person that made the move from the PNW to Birmingham (and settled with a nice Lower Alabama gal) there is a spoken hostility from most rural people towards "the city", "Liberals", "the coast" and "Washington". There is animosity between conservative whites and blacks as a whole. And mistrust to go all around.', '>>{CaffeineAndSushi} : I haven\'t lived in AL in over a decade and don\'t intend to return, so please don\'t refer to me as "you guys" in that post. I left as soon as I was legally able as an adult. As for the rest of your post, if you feel so strongly about it that you think that trumps the union or the idea of it, that\'s your opinion. I\'d like to personally try every other option to help failing states before letting them die on the vine. But that\'s just me.', '>>{Nfhad} : Will never happen, it benefits the Democrats tremendously in a NORMAL election. Not one Democrat in Congress would vote for removing it.', ">>{staubyn} : Yeah, it's the same thing. They didn't accept Obama, we won't accept Trump. That's what happens. If they had worked with him and elected Mitt Romney, I would accept him.", '>>{amalgaman} : True, it really depends on which source you look at and what the author considers a "city" population wise. Detroit, St. Louis and Kansas City (two from my home state!), Birmingham all tend to be in the top ten. I live in the Chicago land area now and my relatives who still live in KC, Atlanta, Minneapolis, etc all wonder why I choose to live close to such a violent city, when they all live in more violent cities (per capita).', ">>{zacty} : That will just piss them off even more. Pissed off people vote, as evidenced by this election. Just promise you'll do enough to keep them pissed off for at least the next 2 years.", ">>{CaffeineAndSushi} : I'm on my phone at the moment so I can't reply fully, but I don't disagree fully at all. I didn't hate my time growing up there. I had a good upbringing and as you said did he same stuff. Played a ton of Goldeneye on N64. But my individual experience doesn't change the overall state of the state. The poverty. The political attitudes. And I don't have the means on my phone to delve into the link you posted about per capita CA v AL, but let me just say that even after having been in poor areas of both states, well... I have my own personal assessment of where they stand in respect to one another when you average things out between each respective state's rich and poor areas.", ">>{vancevon} : The electoral college has overriden the popular vote four times. Each time the winner has been a Republican, each time the loser has been a Democrat. So you're full of shit.", ">>{Gamecocks91} : And let the Alabama/South/Small Town America bashing commence… want to know why Dems can't win in AL, MS, GA, SC, and LA, it's because the party is full of carpetbaggers that disrespects the population it wants to govern. Jesus is important, as are guns, and farming/oil production/manufacturing which provides jobs. While they may not be the fanciest group of people, the Deep South's and Rural America still depend on things liberal democrats despise. Some big city Yankees telling us that we are backwards and wrong are simply more reasons for resentment. Say what you will, but the south of today isn't bull Conor's Montgomery. You'll find racist hicks if you try, I can almost guarantee that, but that's not indicative of everyone here or from here. Is AL perfect? No, but acting like CA or NY is simply provokes unwarranted resentment. And if you want to compare median household incomes in AL to the U.K. or France, AL still comes out ahead.", ">>{Mrredek} : Please explain to me how Trump divided the country. It couldn't possibly be the 8 years of extreme political correctness, and being constantly told what to do and how to act, told we are stupid because of our political views, and a general government that didn't really do much. All of this was under Obama. The past 8 years is how we got so divided. If Obama wasn't so divisive, Trump wouldn't have been possible.", ">>{JoshuaKevinPerry} : Dont let those pictures of him walking in freedom marches get to the public. He'll never be able to live those down", '>>{zacty} : That sounds oddly similar to the talking about against Trump a week ago. I wonder how that turned out?', '>>{joshing_slocum} : Excellent model to build on ... if you are a third world country.', ">>{dehehn} : So despite the left constantly talking about the need for tolerance and political correctness, all that goes out the window when it means it's time to mock people we don't like and help keep the country divided. When they go low, we go low. Because fuck them.", '>>{Nfhad} : No you see if it was to happen for the general election it would have to be also for the primary. That would mean NO SUPER DELEGATES and they have them so they can pick the winner (right Bernie?)', '>>{Papayero} : You seem very easily offended. Why would we have to use such politically correct language around you to save your hurt feelings?', ">>{Tlehmann22} : - People aren't protesting the result, they are protesting the man. The fact that a man rose to the highest office by bullying, racism, xenophobia, etc is unacceptable. We're letting him know right away there will be no unity or trust. There is no mandate for his bigotry.", '>>{Tlehmann22} : No the right just spent eight years labeling obama as a Kenyan Muslim. They disrespected and denigrated him at every chance. They obstructed him even over the smallest things. If you think we are going to unify for that orange turd, you have another thing coming', '>>{offendedkitkatbar} : The North lost the civil war because they got to keep Alabama and Mississipi.', '>>{offendedkitkatbar} : >And let the Alabama/South/Small Town America bashing commence… want to know why Dems can\'t win in AL, MS, GA, SC, and LA, it\'s because the party is full of carpetbaggers that disrespects the population it wants to govern. Or maybe because the voters there are dumb as fuck who believe someone when they say "global warming is a chinese hoax"? Yeah I\'m sorry. If a group of people being dumb as fuck, then we have all rights to call them dumb as fuck. Or maybe should we be more politically correct and not do that? We\'re living in the post factual era. Facts dont matter to the average Trump supporter. So you might as well abandon all hope of convincing them of anything and hop on the bandwagon that\'s mocking them.', '>>{staubyn} : Trump divided the country by attacking every group other than white men. Not to mention by denying climate change, lying daily, etc.', ">>{m-flo} : Look, we can have 1 of 2 discussions here. We can either honestly, bluntly, talk about what the problems are. Or we can engage in politically correct beating around the bush. The Republican party is a party in which the majority of its members are climate change denialists and creationists and gay rights denialists. It is not a party of reason or facts. Another way to say that is that they're dumb. I am all for tolerating reasonable people. They haven't shown themselves to be.", ">>{biggles7268} : People need to be willing to help themselves first. If they don't come halfway there is no reason to bother helping people who will spit in your face just for offering.", '>>{McNiggus} : Ah yes, your single story somehow defends this blanket claim about a whole state.', '>>{Rvrsurfer} : Alabama gave us Jeff Sessions. Look how well he turned out.', ">>{mad87645} : It's like he was predicting the future, I wonder if he knew then just how much of a role he would play in it.", ">>{raised_by_wolves__} : You can thank Obama for the election results. After 8 years of broken promises, no hope and an unwanted globalist agenda the people have had enough. Do you think it's a coincidence the republican party now has full control of the government? The liberals are so out of touch they didn't see this coming. You are a brain washed sheep. Burn your City to the ground...cry your eyes out...and go away. The hate you feel will only grow. Conservative values will make the country prosper. President Trump is going to make America great again for ALL Americans.", '>>{MenicusMoldbug} : Hillary got more primary votes than Obama in 2008. They are only bitching now because some mind master has decided that will be the talking point file up the violent Leftists.', '>>{Manos_Of_Fate} : > Jesus is important I don\'t care if they *never* vote for a Democrat as a result, I don\'t want the Democratic party to start pandering to the "US is a Christian country and should be governed by its morality" crowd. Religion has no place in politics.', '>>{McNiggus} : Your anecdote is not a valid defense of the claim being made about the state of Alabama', ">>{uuhson} : If we actually elected based on the popular vote this or any other election would be wildly different. You'd actually see campaigning in California and New York, and turnout would be way way higher", ">>{donkey_democrat} : Don't tell anyone that the lefts favorite minority group is 1/4 of the population of alabama", '>>{CaffeineAndSushi} : I mean, you\'re telling me things I agree with. The whole point of my post was "yes I, like you, disagree with these people." But so long as reddit/we call them names and antagonize them rather than trying to figure out how to educate and win over minds, what options do we have? Write off certain states and let them drag down the union while they slowly die? Really I was just trying to say incest jokes aren\'t helping as the only response. Everything else I know and agree with already.', '>>{dallasdude} : A man named after two racist traitors, who once called a white lawyer with black clients a "race traitor" and lead a witch-hunt against a man who dared to register blacks to vote, may become the nation\'s attorney general. What a disgrace.', ">>{solowng} : Funny enough, that was one of Richard Shelby's (the other senator from Alabama) campaign ads this year almost verbatim, mostly during the primary.", '>>{Mrredek} : Lol, is that the only attempt at an insult you have? Come on now, you can do better. :)', ">>{0xde5e47} : He insulted more than half of the American people. Even if only 0.1% of these people take it badly that's enough to fill these protests up with thousands of people. Why are people surprised?", '>>{staubyn} : Not because they were white. He did attack those other groups by virtue of their race. A judge incapable of being honest because he was a Mexican, for instance.', ">>{vancevon} : Without superdelegates, the Democratic Primary would've been officially over in April. Hillary won the popular vote by double digits.", '>>{Scomato} : They did in 2008 as well. And we all saw what happened then. /s', ">>{sweatybronson} : You are conflating two completely separate things. I don't know how to say this kindly, but you have no clue what you're talking about. The electoral college and super delegates are not the same thing whatsoever. We have always had the electoral college - how parties choose their candidate has changed over time. There wasn't always a primary voting process, party bosses just chose their candidate... The electoral college benefits Republicans because it gives more weight to voters in rural areas, who tend to vote Republican.", '>>{mad87645} : >One protester outside LA City Hall read a sign that simply said "this is very bad." I like the cut of this guys jib', '>>{sweatybronson} : ALL Americans - except the gay folks whose rights will be stripped away, the folks with illnesses whose healthcare will be taken away, the Muslim folks who will have to make like a Jew in Nazi Germany and register with the government (if Trump actually does what he said he wants to do), the women whose right to an abortion will be stripped away, and the poor and middle class who are gonna get farked over by the con artist who sold them a bill of goods and is going all in on failed trickle-down economics.', ">>{fuubar2000} : [I'll just leave this here](https://www.instagram.com/p/BMjl6GNA0sf) - the video is pretty powerful and the parallels", '>>{zerobuddhas} : Do you remember the Dubya? This will be about 3 times that. Dubya didnt have malice. Trump does.', ">>{autosear} : Our elections aren't based on raw vote count, they're based on the electoral college. Trump was elected within the framework we've had for over 200 years, but now it's a problem?", '>>{MrHill_} : As a non-American, I would say that the big difference is that Obama had a political agenda that not everyone liked, while Trump has personal morals that puts people at immediate risk.', ">>{MenicusMoldbug} : No one gives a shit who you accept. His policies still affect you. Just like all those middle class families who didn't accept Obama but still got raped by his policies.", '>>{Russian_upvote_bot} : You guys have to stop it with the xenophobia angle. His wife is an immigrant. He is only against unchecked illegal immigration. Immigration is like sex: both parties have to consent. If only one party consents, we have a word for that...', ">>{vancevon} : It was a problem in 1876, it was a problem in 1888, it was a problem in 2000, it is a problem this year. You don't think it's a problem, because every one of those times, it has helped a Republican win and a Democrat lose. But that's the only reason you don't want to get rid of it. You'd sound a lot different if this actually happened to your candidates.", '>>{staubyn} : Rape is when someone has sexual intercourse with another person against their will. Obama did not rape anyone. Trump, however, is currently being sued for that. Obama\'s policies were geared at helping the poor. And all economic indicators showed they were working. They didn\'t believe it and voted for Trump, who is currently considering a banking CEO for a top financial position. Only a fucking moron like you could think raising the minimum wage is "raping" people, but Trump\'s tax cut on the rich is "helping" poor people. I. Do. Not. Accept. Your. Racist. Asshole. Candidate. And. Neither. Do. 60. Million. Others.', ">>{Russian_upvote_bot} : Don't forget the noble cosmic fox-kin, who Trump will banish from this galaxy so they will never obtain the Star Crystals", ">>{gooderthanhail} : Wasn't she here illegally for a small stint too? It's rich.", '>>{autosear} : Slavery was part of the origin of the college; Madison and Hamilton had their own reasons for supporting it over a plain popular vote. It was designed to work against local factions and in turn sectionalism, and to allow closer, more informed analysis of the candidates. Those are some of the reasons that it was created, but of course whether it still serves beneficial purposes today is the real question.', ">>{SvenHudson} : My understanding is that she came to the country legally but worked without being legally allowed to work here. She wasn't here illegally but she was illegal here.", ">>{autosear} : Honestly I couldn't care less about the elections of 1876 and 1888. They have no bearing on my opinion. Come to think of it, I don't care much about 2000 either.", '>>{joelrrj} : You cry about political correctness but easily insulted. I think what you mean to say is you want to be openly hateful.', '>>{Russian_upvote_bot} : Check your sources on that, champ. She *may* have worked illegally while being here legally.', ">>{staubyn} : No he isn't. I live in a liberal city. Literally nothing he nor the gap-toothed fatasses in Georgia who voted for him can do will have any affect on me. It will make poor people suffer though, and that's a shame.", '>>{Mrredek} : Little more specific, but too common these days. Come on you guys can do it.', ">>{vancevon} : Of course you don't, because your party's candidates won. Ignoring an unfair system is incredibly easy when you benefit from that system.", '>>{MenicusMoldbug} : If he cut your welfare, cut your government healthcare, or any of the countless other things the Free Shit Army gets and block funds to the sanctuary cities, will that affect you?', ">>{staubyn} : I own a house and make about 80k a year, in a job with a pension that includes healthcare. There is nothing he could do that would affect me except raise taxes - but I VOTED for the person who was going to raise my taxes. PLEASE raise my taxes. I want people poorer than me to have a better shot at having a decent life. And I'm white. He can't hurt me. I just don't want to see my gay friends or Muslim neighbors get hurt. Or the people I went to high school with who never went to college and are poor. The tax cuts he's going to give people in my tax bracket aren't going to help those people.", ">>{MenicusMoldbug} : You can always pay more taxes of you want. But since you don't accept him as your president how can he hurt your friends?", '>>{staubyn} : Well, if he appoints someone to the Supreme Court they could easily reverse the gay marriage decision and a couple of my gay friends would have some financial difficulties related to their mortgage and spousal benefits among other things, joint tax returns, etc. He could prevent my Muslim coworkers mother from visiting her during Ramadan if he does his ban thing.', ">>{MenicusMoldbug} : Just tell your friends to not accept President Trump like you have and they won't be affected.", ">>{staubyn} : They will be affected. That's why his being elected is a national tragedy, on par with the death of JFK, RFK, and MLK.", ">>{lillyluminatus} : It's funny, because I am a member of MoveOn.Org, and yet I've received no invitations to any protests, be they in my city or any other city. And yet I'm still considering attending one at 6 pm tonight. Spontaneously, one might say.", ">>{MenicusMoldbug} : So even if they don't accept Trump as president he still affects them as their president?", ">>{staubyn} : He still affects them. Which is why it's important to protest. It's like if someone is robbing you. You can either stand there and do nothing, or you can scream so someone helps you. I choose to scream.", ">>{dumkopf604} : If you're accepting the results of the election, why are you protesting the results of the election?", ">>{MenicusMoldbug} : So even if someone doesn't accept Trump as the president, Trump is still their president?", '>>{jason2354} : Yeah, that blanket ban on Muslims entering the country would have only applied to illegal Muslims....', '>>{Russian_upvote_bot} : Temporary ban until we can figure out how to weed out the ones who want to commit terrorist attacks here? The bigotry!', '>>{jason2354} : Yes, a blanket ban on people based solely on the color of their skin or ethnicity is indeed racist. Treating someone differently solely based on how they look is the definition of racism. Justify it however you like.', '>>{Russian_upvote_bot} : Islam is neither a skin color nor an ethnicity. There are pasty white violent Muslims who need to stay out of our country. Please tell me how Islam is a race. Edit: paging /u/jason2354 Gonna need an answer to how Islam is an ethnicity or skin color', '>>{jason2354} : It may not be a skin color, but it is an ethnicity and race issue when they propose a ban on people from "certain areas". If it wasn\'t, you could not have a ban. I could have just as easily picked another issue to show Trump\'s racism. The American judge of Hispanic descent is a good example. Trump argued he was unfit to try a case based solely on his ethnicity. Even the GOP leadership said it was textbook racism...', '>>{Russian_upvote_bot} : A ban from "certain areas" that have a toxic ideology ingrained into the culture. The Boston Marathon bombers were white Muslims, the recent Minnesota mall stabber was a black African Muslim. It\'s not about race, it\'s about ideas. The illegal immigration issue is not about race either. It\'s about unchecked ILLEGAL immigration. If there were people coming down from Canada illegally and 80% of women were getting raped in the process, it would be quite fair to say that the people involved are rapists. We are trying to keep rapists and criminals out regardless of skin color. You\'re the one making it about race']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{coolcrosby} : Trump's Jeff Sessions strategy: Make America more like Alabama", ">>{Ericoster} : What's wrong with Alabama? Birmingham is a very nice city.", ">>{Meatgortex} : What's wrong with Alabama? * Ranks 46th in educational attainment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_educational_attainment) * Ranks 45th in GSP (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_GDP_per_capita) * Ranks 47th on Human Development Index (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Measure_of_America) * Ranks 49th in live expectancy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_life_expectancy) * Ranks 40th in homicide rate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_homicide_rate) * Ranks 48th in incarceration rate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_incarceration_and_correctional_supervision_rate) * Ranks 48th in poverty rate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_poverty_rate) So other than worse crime, poverty, shorter lives, and worse economic opportunities than most of the other states in the union it's doing great.", ">>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : Like [that](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5ZAeUsLiLzY/maxresdefault.jpg) wasn't the [plan](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/07/22/15/367D8C4900000578-0-image-a-28_1469196210581.jpg).", ">>{ProSnoodler} : Chill fam, those are our countrymen. People in rural America vote for people with no class because they're tired of people calling them inbred", ">>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : > they're tired of people calling them inbred Then maybe they should stop inbreeding.", '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : I think the real question is, "what\'s right with Alabama?"', '>>{21Inc-ompetent} : Democrat logic: shit on the religious right and mock them while worshiping Muslims who are even further to the right than Christians.', ">>{IbanezDavy} : Hey but at least they aren't Mississippi...am I right?", '>>{cfia123} : Talking about politics on /r/politics is fearmongering?', '>>{ricdesi} : Fucking *nobody* wants to be Alabama. Make America a Fucking Armpit Again, I guess.', ">>{peyote_the_coyote} : Didn't Jeff sessions like de-segregate schools and prosecute the KKK and hand out a death penalty for a KKK member?", ">>{Quietus42} : Story time: when I was younger, I decided to hitchhike from Florida to Colorado with a friend. A real coming of age adventure. Well, everything was going awesome, *until we got to fucking Alabama*. Longest wait for a ride, before the Alabama border was a little over an hour. After crossing the border? Four fucking hours. No one will pick us up. Finally, we get a ride to Birmingham. The worst fucking city I've ever been to. A city literally segregated by the train tracks. The people are rude (I live in Florida, and had just been through Georgia, where the people at least *act* like they have manners, for the most part) and mean. Went from easy rides from friendly people to being mocked, having things thrown at us, and *no one* willing to give us a ride out of that city. For *three days*. Finally, we became so frustrated that we hopped a random train to fucking anywhere and ended up back in Georgia. Pretty much wrecked our whole trip. Fuck Alabama and fuck Jeff Sessions.", '>>{CaffeineAndSushi} : As someone who was born in and from (but no longer living in) Alabama, I cringe along with the rest of you at the state, and (certain representative groups of) the people from it. But holy shit, unless you are all supporters of the idea of a new civil war or CA/NY secession, there needs to be a attempt to help rather than purely antagonize. Yes, people are shockingly less educated in certain states like AL. There are problems with industries that once supported their hometowns drying up, and "brain drain," which I am personally an example of. But in regards to comments here, it\'s no wonder these areas tend to fester in resentment for the rest of the country. Based on the comments here (not in relation to the article but to Alabama generally) just mention of it trots out the same old tired and largely unfounded inbreeding jokes, etc. Just a thought from an ex-Alabamian now living in California (among other places) and actively concealing where I am from originally.', '>>{GotDatWMD} : Only one thing truly matters though. Rank #1 in Most BCS National Championship wins. Roll Tide Baby!', '>>{idontlikeanyofyou} : Our countrymen just sold a large portion of our other countrymen down the river. At best, their willingness to overlook the hatred and bigotry of Trumpism cannot be simply cast-off because their precious feelings may have been hurt. Seriously, fuck them.', '>>{Yeeaaaarrrgh} : As an Alabamian - YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE LIKE ALABAMA.', ">>{RNGmaster} : The problem is that these people *actively resist education* because they see it as an atheist liberal plot. And, well, it sort of is, but that's beside the point.", ">>{CaffeineAndSushi} : Oh they absolutely do. I know some of them personally, I'm sorry to say. But if you just write them off, my point is simply that antagonism is not a feasible long term strategy. Unless you literally want to write the state and the people in it off completely and remove the undesirable states from the union somehow, something has to be done to break the impasse.", '>>{SevTheNiceGuy} : what a shitty website... who designed the layout?', '>>{SevTheNiceGuy} : the problem becomes "how do you make that voting block happy"??? when the mentality of a group of people is that they see the problems in their lives are caused by the "others" that live in their country its hard to provide solutions to these groups. There\'s bigotry in this country still. It\'s either going to evolve or it\'s going to die out... the solution is to not pass federal legislation to make this bigotry happy.', '>>{coolcrosby} : Advance Publications which owns the NOLA, the Plain Dealer, Oregonlive, Michiganlive, New Jersey.com and many others.', '>>{_il_mostro_} : What do you suggest we do? They don\'t WANT our help or our "education" and quite frankly, we don\'t want to give it. They have access to all the facts and realities we do. How do you make people think for themselves if they don\'t want to and don\'t believe trained experts opinions on anything?', '>>{ignenrintegra} : I dunno...some Mississippians might want to trade places with Alabama.', '>>{m-flo} : So despite me not wanting the country to be even more obese, less educated, less intelligent, more racist, I have to watch what I say because political correctness hating rednecks might get their feefees hurt. Got it. Just loving the juxtaposition of all this bullshit.', ">>{CaffeineAndSushi} : I actually don't know. It's a tough nut to crack. I support calling out backwards policies and trying to work together to get more education and global awareness into places like Alabama. But the only point I was originally trying to make is that pure tribalism aka endless incest jokes is not really the same thing, IMO.", '>>{CaffeineAndSushi} : I care (to some extent) about the state and deeply of course about my family still there. But even though you are paraphrasing > "What do we do with them? They don\'t want our help." Do you actually disagree with that? I don\'t think that\'s an unfair assessment at all. There is a very specific breed of resentment/pride that exists in AL and other similar states that the root of animus towards DC as some ivory tower of elites. Most southern conservatives openly claim to not want the government\'s help. (Until they elect the one giving help or otherwise decide they do, but that\'s a different story). I probably won\'t be able to convince you over the internet how much I do or do not personally care about it or how far my head is or is not up my own ass, as you say. But I still don\'t see the problem with my reasoning that you seem to.', '>>{Gamecocks91} : I gotta believe that East St Louis IL tops every city in AL', ">>{mhead526} : To be fair, you can't say less intelligent. That's simply not true. Less educated does not mean less intelligent.", '>>{StumbleBees} : You\'re not wrong. As a person that made the move from the PNW to Birmingham (and settled with a nice Lower Alabama gal) there is a spoken hostility from most rural people towards "the city", "Liberals", "the coast" and "Washington". There is animosity between conservative whites and blacks as a whole. And mistrust to go all around.', '>>{CaffeineAndSushi} : I haven\'t lived in AL in over a decade and don\'t intend to return, so please don\'t refer to me as "you guys" in that post. I left as soon as I was legally able as an adult. As for the rest of your post, if you feel so strongly about it that you think that trumps the union or the idea of it, that\'s your opinion. I\'d like to personally try every other option to help failing states before letting them die on the vine. But that\'s just me.', '>>{amalgaman} : True, it really depends on which source you look at and what the author considers a "city" population wise. Detroit, St. Louis and Kansas City (two from my home state!), Birmingham all tend to be in the top ten. I live in the Chicago land area now and my relatives who still live in KC, Atlanta, Minneapolis, etc all wonder why I choose to live close to such a violent city, when they all live in more violent cities (per capita).', ">>{CaffeineAndSushi} : I'm on my phone at the moment so I can't reply fully, but I don't disagree fully at all. I didn't hate my time growing up there. I had a good upbringing and as you said did he same stuff. Played a ton of Goldeneye on N64. But my individual experience doesn't change the overall state of the state. The poverty. The political attitudes. And I don't have the means on my phone to delve into the link you posted about per capita CA v AL, but let me just say that even after having been in poor areas of both states, well... I have my own personal assessment of where they stand in respect to one another when you average things out between each respective state's rich and poor areas.", ">>{Gamecocks91} : And let the Alabama/South/Small Town America bashing commence… want to know why Dems can't win in AL, MS, GA, SC, and LA, it's because the party is full of carpetbaggers that disrespects the population it wants to govern. Jesus is important, as are guns, and farming/oil production/manufacturing which provides jobs. While they may not be the fanciest group of people, the Deep South's and Rural America still depend on things liberal democrats despise. Some big city Yankees telling us that we are backwards and wrong are simply more reasons for resentment. Say what you will, but the south of today isn't bull Conor's Montgomery. You'll find racist hicks if you try, I can almost guarantee that, but that's not indicative of everyone here or from here. Is AL perfect? No, but acting like CA or NY is simply provokes unwarranted resentment. And if you want to compare median household incomes in AL to the U.K. or France, AL still comes out ahead.", ">>{JoshuaKevinPerry} : Dont let those pictures of him walking in freedom marches get to the public. He'll never be able to live those down", '>>{joshing_slocum} : Excellent model to build on ... if you are a third world country.', ">>{dehehn} : So despite the left constantly talking about the need for tolerance and political correctness, all that goes out the window when it means it's time to mock people we don't like and help keep the country divided. When they go low, we go low. Because fuck them.", '>>{offendedkitkatbar} : The North lost the civil war because they got to keep Alabama and Mississipi.', '>>{offendedkitkatbar} : >And let the Alabama/South/Small Town America bashing commence… want to know why Dems can\'t win in AL, MS, GA, SC, and LA, it\'s because the party is full of carpetbaggers that disrespects the population it wants to govern. Or maybe because the voters there are dumb as fuck who believe someone when they say "global warming is a chinese hoax"? Yeah I\'m sorry. If a group of people being dumb as fuck, then we have all rights to call them dumb as fuck. Or maybe should we be more politically correct and not do that? We\'re living in the post factual era. Facts dont matter to the average Trump supporter. So you might as well abandon all hope of convincing them of anything and hop on the bandwagon that\'s mocking them.', ">>{m-flo} : Look, we can have 1 of 2 discussions here. We can either honestly, bluntly, talk about what the problems are. Or we can engage in politically correct beating around the bush. The Republican party is a party in which the majority of its members are climate change denialists and creationists and gay rights denialists. It is not a party of reason or facts. Another way to say that is that they're dumb. I am all for tolerating reasonable people. They haven't shown themselves to be.", ">>{biggles7268} : People need to be willing to help themselves first. If they don't come halfway there is no reason to bother helping people who will spit in your face just for offering.", '>>{McNiggus} : Ah yes, your single story somehow defends this blanket claim about a whole state.', '>>{Rvrsurfer} : Alabama gave us Jeff Sessions. Look how well he turned out.', '>>{Manos_Of_Fate} : > Jesus is important I don\'t care if they *never* vote for a Democrat as a result, I don\'t want the Democratic party to start pandering to the "US is a Christian country and should be governed by its morality" crowd. Religion has no place in politics.', '>>{McNiggus} : Your anecdote is not a valid defense of the claim being made about the state of Alabama', ">>{donkey_democrat} : Don't tell anyone that the lefts favorite minority group is 1/4 of the population of alabama", '>>{CaffeineAndSushi} : I mean, you\'re telling me things I agree with. The whole point of my post was "yes I, like you, disagree with these people." But so long as reddit/we call them names and antagonize them rather than trying to figure out how to educate and win over minds, what options do we have? Write off certain states and let them drag down the union while they slowly die? Really I was just trying to say incest jokes aren\'t helping as the only response. Everything else I know and agree with already.', '>>{dallasdude} : A man named after two racist traitors, who once called a white lawyer with black clients a "race traitor" and lead a witch-hunt against a man who dared to register blacks to vote, may become the nation\'s attorney general. What a disgrace.', ">>{solowng} : Funny enough, that was one of Richard Shelby's (the other senator from Alabama) campaign ads this year almost verbatim, mostly during the primary."], [">>{Dismalhead} : Well, he'd be capping his expense account starting next year. Why'd he want to do that?", '>>{Aoxous} : Looks like he had good reasons. It was not about him, but staffers and Secret Service. Plus, it does not look like Obama will qualify for the expense account anytime soon. I am sure he will make more than $600,000 a year through speaking fees, books, and other ventures.', ">>{kobesrightelbow} : Lol he's probably gonna get bashed for this, but who in their right mind would let that pass in his situation?", '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Funny it got pushed through congress at this point of time...', ">>{theombudsmen} : Is there a term yet for legislation crafted with the express purpose of making an opponent look bad when they block, veto, veto, or vote against it? If not, there should be, it's becoming a common tactic lately.", ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : > Why'd he want to do that? Uhm...because he won't be a federal employee next year in all likelihood? But sheeeeeeeeiiiit, less git summ biatches..", ">>{mejoseph9876} : $600,000?? That's one Bill Clinton speech and he's been out of office for 10-15 years. Obama should be making much more, unless Bill's speaking fees are out of line...(?)", '>>{Aoxous} : I agree. The title gives a false impression that Obama vetoed it for personal gain, when he is likely not to receive any benefits from the expense account.', ">>{RedMoustache} : It's a small amount of money, and it's not like we have 535 presidents at a time. If it was really about the money Congress would have looked at themselves first. I actually found a [chart](http://www.senate.gov/reference/resources/pdf/98-249.pdf) for FY2008 that shows Carter, Bush Senior, and Clinton. I don't think $1,000,000 a year for expenses is out of line. It's not like a former president ever truly falls out of public sight. And Bill Clinton was the last president eligible for lifetime secret service protection. Everyone after him (and excluding Hillary since she would be protected with Bill) will have to pay their own security costs after 10 years.", ">>{StickyDildos} : what? That's bullshit. Once President of the UNITED States, then after you serve your term, Secret Service protection should be for LIFE. Period.", '>>{thekeyofGflat} : Obama reinstated SS protection for ex presidents and retroactively applied it to GWB too', ">>{RedMoustache} : I must have missed that. I'm glad they got their heads out of their asses and changed it back. For some people any former president would be quite a nice target."], ['>>{Unwellington} : I have "doubts" about the reasoning and good faith in those "doubting" the spontaneity, dear colostomy bag-felching headline writer.', ">>{vancevon} : Hillary Clinton is out hiking and the rest of the Democratic establishment is still recovering from their hangover. None of them are protesting. Of course they're spontaneous.", ">>{Moranonymous} : They rigged the protest, folks. Believe me, smart people are saying it. I don't know, something's going on. Drain the swamp, MAGA.", ">>{StarterPackWasteland} : Let's be real, now. The protests would have been totally planned if people had known Trump would get all those electoral votes.", ">>{Mrredek} : Liberals before the election results: Not accepting the results of the election is the MOST un-american thing you can do!! Liberals after the election results: We don't accept the results of the election!! Not my president!!", ">>{metalspring6} : Another unfortunate consequence of this election, Fox feeling vindicated in pushing stories based on wild conspiracy theories and brainwashing it's audience...", ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : NO UNITY! If you care about your rights then oppose him at all costs. The GOP did not suddenly start being LGBT, abortion, immigrant, minority friendly. Make no mistake they are going to come for us just like they tried to suppress our votes in North Carolina! Where, incidentally---the KKK is holding a parade to celebrate Trump's win.", ">>{vancevon} : We all accept the result of the election. Hillary Clinton conceded without reservations, Obama's being gracious in the transition. We're protesting against a man and against the fact he will be President despite our candidate getting more votes.", ">>{staubyn} : I accept the results. I just don't accept the man. 50 million Americans will never accept him or like him. He will be the W of his time, more hated than loved. He has divided the country more than ever. The people in the cities will hate the rural people more than ever before.", ">>{Nfhad} : And what is your end game? What do you want the protests to accomplish that didn't happen before the election?", ">>{Astalano} : If Republicans had acted like this the left would have never allowed them to live it down. But now we're supposed to be 'understanding'? Poor baby left is just having a tantrum, you see. /s No, you're grown ups, act like it already.", ">>{barbe_du_cou} : To make sure he knows he's a real booger!", '>>{staubyn} : More people voted for Clinton. The bubble is the GOP.', '>>{NotAnHiro} : So he changes his policies? Maybe stuff his cabinet with less swamp and more MAGA? Not put someone against the idea of an EPA in control of the EPA?', '>>{staubyn} : The electoral college "points" were a concession to slave owners. You\'re correct that it\'s how it works. But more people voted for Clinton, and they will never accept Trump. He is the product of an electoral college created from slavery. I\'m not saying he didn\'t win. He did win. But he\'ll never be accepted.', ">>{zacty} : Remember how calling Trump and his supporters racists and misogynists just empowered them? Yeah, that's exactly what saying these protests fake and paid for is going to do to them. Except multiply that by having a president-elect repeating it, and you've got yourself a proper pissed off progressive base. So please, *please* keep doing what you're doing. The left needs to be pissed off right now.", '>>{Nfhad} : Will never happen, it benefits the Democrats tremendously in a NORMAL election. Not one Democrat in Congress would vote for removing it.', ">>{staubyn} : Yeah, it's the same thing. They didn't accept Obama, we won't accept Trump. That's what happens. If they had worked with him and elected Mitt Romney, I would accept him.", ">>{zacty} : That will just piss them off even more. Pissed off people vote, as evidenced by this election. Just promise you'll do enough to keep them pissed off for at least the next 2 years.", ">>{vancevon} : The electoral college has overriden the popular vote four times. Each time the winner has been a Republican, each time the loser has been a Democrat. So you're full of shit.", ">>{Mrredek} : Please explain to me how Trump divided the country. It couldn't possibly be the 8 years of extreme political correctness, and being constantly told what to do and how to act, told we are stupid because of our political views, and a general government that didn't really do much. All of this was under Obama. The past 8 years is how we got so divided. If Obama wasn't so divisive, Trump wouldn't have been possible.", '>>{zacty} : That sounds oddly similar to the talking about against Trump a week ago. I wonder how that turned out?', '>>{Nfhad} : No you see if it was to happen for the general election it would have to be also for the primary. That would mean NO SUPER DELEGATES and they have them so they can pick the winner (right Bernie?)', '>>{Papayero} : You seem very easily offended. Why would we have to use such politically correct language around you to save your hurt feelings?', ">>{Tlehmann22} : - People aren't protesting the result, they are protesting the man. The fact that a man rose to the highest office by bullying, racism, xenophobia, etc is unacceptable. We're letting him know right away there will be no unity or trust. There is no mandate for his bigotry.", '>>{Tlehmann22} : No the right just spent eight years labeling obama as a Kenyan Muslim. They disrespected and denigrated him at every chance. They obstructed him even over the smallest things. If you think we are going to unify for that orange turd, you have another thing coming', '>>{staubyn} : Trump divided the country by attacking every group other than white men. Not to mention by denying climate change, lying daily, etc.', ">>{mad87645} : It's like he was predicting the future, I wonder if he knew then just how much of a role he would play in it.", ">>{raised_by_wolves__} : You can thank Obama for the election results. After 8 years of broken promises, no hope and an unwanted globalist agenda the people have had enough. Do you think it's a coincidence the republican party now has full control of the government? The liberals are so out of touch they didn't see this coming. You are a brain washed sheep. Burn your City to the ground...cry your eyes out...and go away. The hate you feel will only grow. Conservative values will make the country prosper. President Trump is going to make America great again for ALL Americans.", '>>{MenicusMoldbug} : Hillary got more primary votes than Obama in 2008. They are only bitching now because some mind master has decided that will be the talking point file up the violent Leftists.', ">>{uuhson} : If we actually elected based on the popular vote this or any other election would be wildly different. You'd actually see campaigning in California and New York, and turnout would be way way higher", '>>{Mrredek} : Lol, is that the only attempt at an insult you have? Come on now, you can do better. :)', ">>{0xde5e47} : He insulted more than half of the American people. Even if only 0.1% of these people take it badly that's enough to fill these protests up with thousands of people. Why are people surprised?", '>>{staubyn} : Not because they were white. He did attack those other groups by virtue of their race. A judge incapable of being honest because he was a Mexican, for instance.', ">>{vancevon} : Without superdelegates, the Democratic Primary would've been officially over in April. Hillary won the popular vote by double digits.", '>>{Scomato} : They did in 2008 as well. And we all saw what happened then. /s', ">>{sweatybronson} : You are conflating two completely separate things. I don't know how to say this kindly, but you have no clue what you're talking about. The electoral college and super delegates are not the same thing whatsoever. We have always had the electoral college - how parties choose their candidate has changed over time. There wasn't always a primary voting process, party bosses just chose their candidate... The electoral college benefits Republicans because it gives more weight to voters in rural areas, who tend to vote Republican.", '>>{mad87645} : >One protester outside LA City Hall read a sign that simply said "this is very bad." I like the cut of this guys jib', '>>{sweatybronson} : ALL Americans - except the gay folks whose rights will be stripped away, the folks with illnesses whose healthcare will be taken away, the Muslim folks who will have to make like a Jew in Nazi Germany and register with the government (if Trump actually does what he said he wants to do), the women whose right to an abortion will be stripped away, and the poor and middle class who are gonna get farked over by the con artist who sold them a bill of goods and is going all in on failed trickle-down economics.', ">>{fuubar2000} : [I'll just leave this here](https://www.instagram.com/p/BMjl6GNA0sf) - the video is pretty powerful and the parallels", '>>{zerobuddhas} : Do you remember the Dubya? This will be about 3 times that. Dubya didnt have malice. Trump does.', ">>{autosear} : Our elections aren't based on raw vote count, they're based on the electoral college. Trump was elected within the framework we've had for over 200 years, but now it's a problem?", '>>{MrHill_} : As a non-American, I would say that the big difference is that Obama had a political agenda that not everyone liked, while Trump has personal morals that puts people at immediate risk.', ">>{MenicusMoldbug} : No one gives a shit who you accept. His policies still affect you. Just like all those middle class families who didn't accept Obama but still got raped by his policies.", '>>{Russian_upvote_bot} : You guys have to stop it with the xenophobia angle. His wife is an immigrant. He is only against unchecked illegal immigration. Immigration is like sex: both parties have to consent. If only one party consents, we have a word for that...', ">>{vancevon} : It was a problem in 1876, it was a problem in 1888, it was a problem in 2000, it is a problem this year. You don't think it's a problem, because every one of those times, it has helped a Republican win and a Democrat lose. But that's the only reason you don't want to get rid of it. You'd sound a lot different if this actually happened to your candidates.", '>>{staubyn} : Rape is when someone has sexual intercourse with another person against their will. Obama did not rape anyone. Trump, however, is currently being sued for that. Obama\'s policies were geared at helping the poor. And all economic indicators showed they were working. They didn\'t believe it and voted for Trump, who is currently considering a banking CEO for a top financial position. Only a fucking moron like you could think raising the minimum wage is "raping" people, but Trump\'s tax cut on the rich is "helping" poor people. I. Do. Not. Accept. Your. Racist. Asshole. Candidate. And. Neither. Do. 60. Million. Others.', ">>{Russian_upvote_bot} : Don't forget the noble cosmic fox-kin, who Trump will banish from this galaxy so they will never obtain the Star Crystals", ">>{gooderthanhail} : Wasn't she here illegally for a small stint too? It's rich.", '>>{autosear} : Slavery was part of the origin of the college; Madison and Hamilton had their own reasons for supporting it over a plain popular vote. It was designed to work against local factions and in turn sectionalism, and to allow closer, more informed analysis of the candidates. Those are some of the reasons that it was created, but of course whether it still serves beneficial purposes today is the real question.', ">>{SvenHudson} : My understanding is that she came to the country legally but worked without being legally allowed to work here. She wasn't here illegally but she was illegal here.", ">>{autosear} : Honestly I couldn't care less about the elections of 1876 and 1888. They have no bearing on my opinion. Come to think of it, I don't care much about 2000 either.", '>>{joelrrj} : You cry about political correctness but easily insulted. I think what you mean to say is you want to be openly hateful.', '>>{Russian_upvote_bot} : Check your sources on that, champ. She *may* have worked illegally while being here legally.', ">>{staubyn} : No he isn't. I live in a liberal city. Literally nothing he nor the gap-toothed fatasses in Georgia who voted for him can do will have any affect on me. It will make poor people suffer though, and that's a shame.", '>>{Mrredek} : Little more specific, but too common these days. Come on you guys can do it.', ">>{vancevon} : Of course you don't, because your party's candidates won. Ignoring an unfair system is incredibly easy when you benefit from that system.", '>>{MenicusMoldbug} : If he cut your welfare, cut your government healthcare, or any of the countless other things the Free Shit Army gets and block funds to the sanctuary cities, will that affect you?', ">>{staubyn} : I own a house and make about 80k a year, in a job with a pension that includes healthcare. There is nothing he could do that would affect me except raise taxes - but I VOTED for the person who was going to raise my taxes. PLEASE raise my taxes. I want people poorer than me to have a better shot at having a decent life. And I'm white. He can't hurt me. I just don't want to see my gay friends or Muslim neighbors get hurt. Or the people I went to high school with who never went to college and are poor. The tax cuts he's going to give people in my tax bracket aren't going to help those people.", ">>{MenicusMoldbug} : You can always pay more taxes of you want. But since you don't accept him as your president how can he hurt your friends?", '>>{staubyn} : Well, if he appoints someone to the Supreme Court they could easily reverse the gay marriage decision and a couple of my gay friends would have some financial difficulties related to their mortgage and spousal benefits among other things, joint tax returns, etc. He could prevent my Muslim coworkers mother from visiting her during Ramadan if he does his ban thing.', ">>{MenicusMoldbug} : Just tell your friends to not accept President Trump like you have and they won't be affected.", ">>{staubyn} : They will be affected. That's why his being elected is a national tragedy, on par with the death of JFK, RFK, and MLK.", ">>{lillyluminatus} : It's funny, because I am a member of MoveOn.Org, and yet I've received no invitations to any protests, be they in my city or any other city. And yet I'm still considering attending one at 6 pm tonight. Spontaneously, one might say.", ">>{MenicusMoldbug} : So even if they don't accept Trump as president he still affects them as their president?", ">>{staubyn} : He still affects them. Which is why it's important to protest. It's like if someone is robbing you. You can either stand there and do nothing, or you can scream so someone helps you. I choose to scream.", ">>{dumkopf604} : If you're accepting the results of the election, why are you protesting the results of the election?", ">>{MenicusMoldbug} : So even if someone doesn't accept Trump as the president, Trump is still their president?", '>>{jason2354} : Yeah, that blanket ban on Muslims entering the country would have only applied to illegal Muslims....', '>>{Russian_upvote_bot} : Temporary ban until we can figure out how to weed out the ones who want to commit terrorist attacks here? The bigotry!', '>>{jason2354} : Yes, a blanket ban on people based solely on the color of their skin or ethnicity is indeed racist. Treating someone differently solely based on how they look is the definition of racism. Justify it however you like.', '>>{Russian_upvote_bot} : Islam is neither a skin color nor an ethnicity. There are pasty white violent Muslims who need to stay out of our country. Please tell me how Islam is a race. Edit: paging /u/jason2354 Gonna need an answer to how Islam is an ethnicity or skin color', '>>{jason2354} : It may not be a skin color, but it is an ethnicity and race issue when they propose a ban on people from "certain areas". If it wasn\'t, you could not have a ban. I could have just as easily picked another issue to show Trump\'s racism. The American judge of Hispanic descent is a good example. Trump argued he was unfit to try a case based solely on his ethnicity. Even the GOP leadership said it was textbook racism...', '>>{Russian_upvote_bot} : A ban from "certain areas" that have a toxic ideology ingrained into the culture. The Boston Marathon bombers were white Muslims, the recent Minnesota mall stabber was a black African Muslim. It\'s not about race, it\'s about ideas. The illegal immigration issue is not about race either. It\'s about unchecked ILLEGAL immigration. If there were people coming down from Canada illegally and 80% of women were getting raped in the process, it would be quite fair to say that the people involved are rapists. We are trying to keep rapists and criminals out regardless of skin color. You\'re the one making it about race'], ['>>{Evolve_or_Bye} : New Donald Trump attack ad turns Hillary Clinton into a malfunctioning robot', ">>{Robvicsd} : Any kid with an Instagram account could make a more coherently edited video. Whatever advertising company they're using needs to be replaced.", ">>{backpackwayne} : Miss Meriweather's eight grade students turned in better stuff than that.", ">>{DoctorXX} : Trump didn't get the brightest and smartest people to work on this", '>>{CTR_Disinfo_Agent} : Is the "ad" airing nationwide or statewide somewhere? Otherwise it\'s hardly an ad. Any small-handed kid can put together a video in 10 minutes and share it on Twitter.', '>>{kloborgg} : This was um... kind of embarrassing to watch. It could legitimately have been a snarky, fun ad.', ">>{Robvicsd} : Can't be worse than the trump versus trump videos out there, that guy flip-flops more than a San Diego surfer.", '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : Maybe Hillary was abducted and replaced with a robot Hillary, which is now malfunctioning.', ">>{Stellaaahhhh} : [I'd expect better from a big firm like Draper-Sterling](http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/06/21/3790715/weird-story-behind-trump-campaigns-35000-payment-draper-sterling-advertising/)", ">>{Robvicsd} : I remember that. I guess that's when America was great. I'll be back, I'm gonna go slap my wife for not having dinner ready.", ">>{paraconformity} : This ad is so terrible it actually raises legitimate questions about the ability of the knuckleheads who made it to run the country. It's not that the ad is even offensive or anything, in the history of negative political ads it's not anywhere close to the top tier of viciousness or unfairness, it's just so low rent. I'd be embarrassed if I was a Trump supporter."], ['>>{kvn9765} : The poor deserve to be poor - Trumps Ego', '>>{greenlife4} : Too bad she refuses to do anything about it. She always talks, but since she never does anything she has proven herself to be a puppet of big business.', '>>{jpgray} : >The common refrain from Republicans who oppose these measures is that taking them would encourage American companies to flee abroad. But as other nations step up to prevent tax avoidance, that case gets weaker and weaker. And we have the leverage to tighten our tax code because these companies want what America offers: the world’s wealthiest consumers, the world’s best work force, the world’s most reliable legal system and the world’s deepest capital markets. Bingo.', '>>{atchijov} : Lower tax rate AND eliminate ALL loopholes. It is that simple. Pity... It is not going to happen.', '>>{herbertJblunt} : Poor people are taxed through high interest rates and constant late fees.', ">>{herbertJblunt} : Yep. I don't think the credit system is that bad, I just think we are not taught as children the discipline required and there is no adult reinforcement. Our kids are not even taught anything about taxes. My kids were very confused going into high school and seeing that no other kid knew anything about checking accounts, taxes, buying a house or anything else important things that adults do.", '>>{Brodusgus} : Credit is good as a safety net. It is a poor model for being self sufficient.', ">>{suicide_junkie} : They don't have much to pay after the banks and their subsidiary pay-day lenders get done with them. If they had Apple's lawyers I wonder if they'd pay any taxes at all?", ">>{jverity} : Poor people don't pay much *income* taxes in America, but sales taxes affect them disproportionately and conservatives have been steadily shifting the tax burden to the poor this way as much as they can in red states. Johnson wants to go nationwide with it.", ">>{Risk_Neutral} : The magnitude of income taxes paid trumps sales tax paid unless they are spending multiples of their actual income. The bottom line is they don't pay much taxes. You can argue that we might want more social safety nets or higher wages for them, but you really can't pretend like they pay much in taxes.", ">>{jverity} : They don't pay much in taxes as compared to the total tax revenue of the U.S. But as a percentage of their total income, many poor people pay more taxes than Trump.", '>>{kvn9765} : According to r/personalfinance there are no loopholes.', ">>{kvn9765} : Why? It's all part of the social contract, paying taxes, dying in wars, access to a good education.", ">>{Risk_Neutral} : Joining the army in it's current capacity is optional.", ">>{kvn9765} : Yea, Vietnam doesn't count. I get it. Ancient history."]]
classify and reply
['>>{cratermoon} : Henry Rollins: Trump Is Going From Grabbing Pussies to Being One', ">>{JohnDelmont} : White House says Obama WILL donate to Kayla Mueller fund after parents said he 'broke his promise' following their daughter's death while in ISIS captivity last year", '>>{NewRustico} : Could Socrates convince Donald Trump supporters that they are wrong?', '>>{travistee} : In her chilling book “The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech,” Strassel describes “the new attempt by left-leaning organizations to” not only “shut down conservative speech” but also to “silence anyone who proves a threat to their ideology.”', '>>{coyotl} : Small price to pay to make his final State of the Union speech hostage-free...', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I don't think it's appropriate to use the p-word in this manner. It degrades women and is part of rape culture.", '>>{HighAndOnline} : No, Socrates was well aware that there are some people who are too stupid to be convinced of the truth.', '>>{22141448} : this guy was the worst singer for a band that people only pretend to like who cares', '>>{cratermoon} : Voters are probably right to be just as butthurt over that as they are over Trump being elected president.', '>>{cnnisrealnews} : Wrong about what exactly? Are you really asking, could Socrates have convinced a bunch of people with fundamentally different ideas to support Clinton? The answer is no. Is there a chance they\'ll support someone like Bernie Sanders? Not if he panders too much to minorities. There, I solved it for you. Nobody that uses the words "systemic racism" will ever win the EC again. In fact, if Trump delivers on his immigration promises, nobody who opposes this type of immigration policy will ever win the EC again. That\'s my guess, the only reason Trump won was his immigration policy imo.', '>>{joker68} : Good king Obama can do no wrong in the eyes of his subjects.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : I love how much it hurts you that Obama is well liked. Hows it feel to know you have basically no real chance of winning a national election without a major rebrand?', '>>{UWantWhatUGet} : In before: Strassel is a racist and misogynist and xenophobic and likes rich people way more than clinton', '>>{cratermoon} : Thank you for your insights, they are both penetrating and diffuse.', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : No. There has to be a medium of reason. There is no such medium in Trump supporters. Actual psychological studies have shown that when people are shown errors in their thinking, it only works to reinforce their preconceptions. People who have barely more than nothing could be convinced to vote for a republican who has never suffered a day of hunger in his life. He ran on repealing 'Obamacare' when his supporters were fine with that, after all they had their Affordable Care Act. When a populace is so little invested in society that they won't lift a single finger trying to better understand the laws that govern their land, what would you have Socrates say to such people? They simply would not care.", ">>{Izor28} : Yeah they're looking her up for juicy associations that they can point to for racism and the usual buzzwords. I'll check back in 10 mins", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I don\'t think that rape culture and misogyny can be "less bad" than anything. That\'s the whole point.', ">>{CurtLablue} : This book is so chilling I'm currently keeping my drink cold on it.", '>>{joker68} : Well liked by who? This cesspit of a sub or are you going by the fake poll numbers and propaganda.', '>>{Tasty_Yams} : [OMG. This sounds serious.](https://vulgarmorality.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/fainting-victorian-lady.jpg)', '>>{WhiteChristianMan} : Wow Looks like Trump is stepping down now huh? DAE not like Trump?', ">>{stillnotking} : Well, this is the first time I've ever seen someone on the *losing* side go for triumphalism, and I guess I'm not surprised it's Henry Rollins.", '>>{Sidwill} : Can anyone give me some examples of right wing speech and the liberal pushback to it?', '>>{espo619} : Indeed, and our president-elect degrades women and is part of rape culture.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : And here we have it, the polls are "fake" because you don\'t agree with them. And with that, we\'re done here. When someone manages to convince themselves that all empirical data proving them wrong is "fake" there\'s no way to reason with them.', ">>{johnfrance} : So problem solved? Obama: I promise to do that. Person: It's been a number of months and you haven't done it yet Obama: Sorry my bad, it's still gonna happen. Fin", ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I warned lots of people that Hillary couldn't win. I was ignored.", '>>{MistaMxyzptlk} : A feeling, a hunch, a guess and of course Alex Jones guidance. What more could he use?', '>>{BlueSardines} : I quite like [Rollins Band](https://youtu.be/jCLizTg9nWo). Was he in another band?', '>>{PanchoVilla4TW} : > In a June 16 column, the Journal’s Kimberley Strassel alleged that Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey’s recent subpoena of ExxonMobil shows that the attorneys general investigating Exxon aren’t really concerned with whether the company’s climate science denial constitutes fraud. Rather, Strassel declared, “The real target is a broad array of conservative activist groups that are highly effective at mobilizing the grass-roots and countering liberal talking points.” Climate denier believes the Left is out to silence her stupid ass lol. "Chilling"', '>>{honorablemention1} : cantechletter? Sadly, no. Welcome to crap post Saturday. Why the spam, /u/NewRustico?', '>>{At_Work_SND_Coffee} : Legendary former lead singer of the punk band Black Flag, also pretty much a legend on the punk scene in general, he\'s been a bunch of movies and TV shows, and he does the whole "spoken word" thing when he\'s not actively involved in some kind of music project. I\'ve been a fan for years of his music and his spoken word is just his take on things and stories about his life and coming up in the entertainment industry. He almost always has a take on political stuff, especially since he\'s originally from DC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Rollins', '>>{gamechanger55} : Shutting down conservative speech is my duty as an american. i cant stand by and let stupid guide the horse through a swamp.', ">>{joker68} : They're fake because they're fucking fake. Did you get to kiss Barrys ring?", '>>{Writerhaha} : Socrates would take one look. "Fuck it."', ">>{bacchusthedrunk} : Can't tell if you're joking or not, but in case you aren't, he fronted a punk group in the early 80s called Black Flag.", '>>{liberalconservatives} : > Strassel Nails the Left\'s "Intimidation" Crusade Actual title', '>>{AppalachianAsshole} : To be fair, these authoritarian neoliberals silence a lot of real leftists as well. Matt Bruenig is one example.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Right, just like all of the climate studies are fake.', '>>{At_Work_SND_Coffee} : Aww how awesome does it feel to be right? Do you also like the smell of your own farts?', '>>{JohnDelmont} : Great. Now he has more time to address all many "I will not rest until\' promises he made. But that would cut into golf time.', '>>{Theunknowableman} : How in the Hell is a sock or tea gonna change my mind? Checkmate librulz --Trump supporters', '>>{President_Babyhands} : The ol "What about Clinton?" response. Originality 0/10', '>>{thisisATHENS} : Trump is the new punk rock. Rollins is waterboy for the failed elite.', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : Feels pretty good. Maybe people will listen to me next time.', '>>{AppalachianAsshole} : Except that the left-leaning organizations and think tanks were constantly attacking Bernie and his supporters.', ">>{travistee} : Hitler used to send his brown shirts to disrupt and intimidate his rivals. These days Soros sends them in to disrupt and intimidate Trump's supporters.", '>>{JohnDelmont} : Whoops. missed that. Here\'s this too "Wtf? Is this guy retarded?" https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4zw8tp/mike_rowe_encouraging_everyone_to_vote_is_like/d6z7uml?context=3', ">>{proggieus} : yeah, I actually knew that. (was a skater in the late 80's) just being sarcastic about his relevance today.", ">>{At_Work_SND_Coffee} : He's been quiet in the last few years but he's always relevant in one regard or another, he was just on Sirius a few months back, not sure which channel, might have been Howard Stern.", '>>{row_guy} : Yes right wing white people are the real victims. Just ask them.', '>>{spacemoose1} : Trump is the new Cleveland Steamer. Rollins is still kicking ass.', '>>{angrydeuce} : His [*Come in and Burn*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Come_In_and_Burn) album is some of the best shit I have ever heard. Hands down my favorite album of his, no question.', '>>{someguyjusttrying} : Stating border security and national sovereignty is more important than unrestricted immigration. Stating that Islam is dangerous and not compatible with western civilization.', ">>{someguyjusttrying} : You'd make a fine authoritarian communist, comrade! To the gulag with dissidents!", ">>{thisisATHENS} : Rollins is old and doesn't even lift. Trump took on *the man* and won. Fuck old punk rockers they're so boring.", ">>{someguyjusttrying} : their opinion doesn't matter because they're white and white people are evil lol", '>>{MrFancyShoes} : I doubt they know who Socrates is. They probably think he is some stupid science bitch spreading the Chinese hoax of global warming or something lol', '>>{old_man_baby} : this, along with An Open Letter to Ann Coulter, are fantastic and accurately portray how I and many others feel.', '>>{cnnisrealnews} : Could Socrates have turned conservatives into liberals? Could I have sex with Taylor Swift? Next on 4th grade philosophy.', ">>{spacemoose1} : Trump is 'the man', wtf are you thinking. He's worse than the man, he's Putin's chew toy. Have you seen who this guy has filled his cabinet with?", '>>{someguyjusttrying} : Leftism has a strong history of eating itself. The Great Purge of 1936-1938 by Stalin is a great example of this.', ">>{Jkdsh} : No one outside of the Trump circle-jerk can change their minds. The way in-group/out-group interactions work in combination with the backfire effect kicking in with already-entrenched beliefs will cause anything negative said by anyone that isn't within their pro-Trump movement to further cement their counter-factual beliefs.", '>>{Veniabiit} : How does that "shut down" free speech? Does conservative free speech mean that you have the right to remain silent or *please clap*?', '>>{MilksteakBoiledHard} : He is such the man that both the republican and democratic establishments were tarring and feathering him during the election.', '>>{gamechanger55} : >i cant stand by and let stupid guide the horse through a swamp.', ">>{gdex86} : I think they are talking more about the phenomina where people who voted for Trump for reason X; Jobs, Immigration reform, healthcare reform, the wall take your pick. Can see Trump doing things that goes against of what his goal was or doesn't even seem to be working for it but they don't seem to think that just maybe they were played and Trump literally will tell you what you want to hear if it gets him in power. Example would be the people who said they were going to vote for Trump because of his Day One Jobs plan. Which hasn't happened even 70 days in with a congress that should be easy to get to back him on things. Or the trump budget where people who voted for him were looking at it with horror because it cut things they used and they were surprised he would hurt his core voters, but still supported him.", ">>{CountPanda} : Trump is wrong about a lot of stuff independent of politics or anyone else. That you can't tell this is the point, or pretend not to makes you either a jackass or a propagandist.", ">>{someguyjusttrying} : Stigmatization, intimidation, and now violence all serve to suppress dissent and free-speech, and are used by everyday citizens, media outlets, and even gov't officials (including the current President).", '>>{wonderingsocrates} : rollins, always knowing the right thing to say!', ">>{thisisATHENS} : You're a hundred percent wrong. As per usual. Everyone has misread Trump and continues to offer their wrong thoughts. You should honestly just not comment.", '>>{Trorbes} : How common are intimidation and violence from the left?', '>>{stupid-rando} : Have you heard "Weight"? It\'s not quite as consistent, but the high points are better, in my opinion. Some *really* intense songs on that one.', '>>{LowAlbedoMan} : These people insisting that they are being censored and silenced are able to write a lot of books and newspaper articles and have a lot of TV shows and appear to be generally full of shit', '>>{AdSin15} : The problem with the Socratic method is it requires that the other person be genuinely interested in discovering the truth.', '>>{Z0MBIE_REAGAN} : This is fucking stupid. Trump is alive and is the President of the Earth and Socrates is dead. Who do you think is worth listening to?', '>>{someguyjusttrying} : They can be found at any gathering of Trump supporters, any Antifa rally, most college and university campuses and pretty much where ever someone can wear a Trump hat and face intimidation and threats of violence.', '>>{spacemoose1} : Same with Hillary, and she won the popular vote (at least the progressives hated her)...Two shitty candidates were pretty much hated by everyone and one of them managed to win on a technicality, even though he got fewer votes. Sounds like a horrible train wreck to me.', '>>{treelager} : Honestly, bring on Aristotle I say. I find his fundamental progression towards practicable philosophy much more fitting for this context. Even then, though, I suppose you could reflect on Heideggerian *dasein* and conclude that the GOP is less concerned with the world itself than their own existence in it. So yeah, fuck it.', '>>{Trorbes} : So only common whenever Trump is involved. So it\'s less a "Liberal" thing and more an "anti-Trump" thing, which I think is a significant difference.', ">>{someguyjusttrying} : Yes, I'm sure violent protesters and college kids with no real-world experience are just rational, moderate centrists that really don't like Trump and are willing to use violence against people that support him in order to prove that *they are in fact*, the good guys.", '>>{thedabking123} : LOL keep dreaming bro.. The man look like he shat his pants after the meeting with Obama. His crooked son-in-law, self admitted Leninist advisor Bannon, racist AG and all the other swamp-rats that he has appointed are going to butt-fuck the very electorate that got them there. Better grab some lube.', '>>{Trorbes} : Just saying, if all this "violence from the left" is going toward a single candidate, then it suggests the motivation is related to that candidate.', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : He's right! There's going to be massive employment opportunities picking lettuce, almonds and cleaning houses for the 2%! Hooray for Trump! You did it guys!", ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : The thing with Aristotle is that he'll go to exacting lengths to explain to someone what the underlying mechanic is. But a Trump voter is not interested in that much careful analysis. They -do not- care about that. The only thing that counts is '*Murica, fuck yeah!*'. No amount of reason will penetrate that kind of thinking.", ">>{spacemoose1} : What establishment Republican hates Trump, other than maybe Jeb? None. It's a fantasy. Trump led Republicans to a total victory and put the worst of them in his cabinet.", ">>{angrydeuce} : I did, that was the album that actually got me into Rollinsband (because of Liar being played heavily on MTV, of course) but I still prefer *Burn*. I don't know why but that album just grabbed me by the neck from the minute I bought it, unwrapped it in the Target parking lot, and slammed it into my cd player in my car.", '>>{Taswelltoo} : So is punk rock where you sit on gold chairs and try to hawk steaks at the Sharper Image?', '>>{akatsukix} : See this is the straight talking that could have beaten Trump in middle America. Clinton was calculated and cold and spent too much time being PC and elitist.', ">>{jachinboazicus} : Great read. Rollins' writing really captures his voice.", ">>{Trorbes} : I wasn't aware I was arguing it was okay.", ">>{treelager} : This is a fair point, but one I'd argue against as well as these supporters are the people Socrates addresses in his *Apology*. Edited for clarity. Also awesome to talk about philosophy in this sub? So at least there's that about this article I guess.", '>>{Anjin} : He has a regular show on KCRW in Los Angeles', '>>{johnzischeme} : Because he is a dip shit with dip shit supporters. Stupid people are scary en mass', ">>{EmpatheticBankRobber} : Socrates asked questions to get the listener to dig into their own beliefs. Trump supporters are very comfortable where they are, I doubt they'll be disturbed by cognitive dissonance or inconsistencies.", '>>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : No, the "Black Lives Matter" lunatics love to be violent and shut down speech. Sometimes they do both at the same time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IawEMxTroBk', ">>{kvigneau} : It's delivered with sarcasm though. It's plainly obvious that most people who voted for trump won't get the deal they thought they were signing up for.", ">>{deviantpixel} : His spoken word stuff is pretty good stuff and he's quite entertaining. He's a great story teller and has a cool way of pointing out bullshit.", '>>{Ashley8777} : Socrates is over rated so Republicans would probably go for him.', '>>{KSonOfCave} : Because G.G. Allin was the real life joker.', '>>{ialsohaveadobro} : Well sure. Voting for Trump would be a pretty similar experience to having a hooker piss in his mouth.', ">>{yassert} : This is stupid. Somewhere there are Trump supporters fantasizing about Socrates schooling liberals on how they're wrong about everything. Let's recognize that, at the end of day, these are differing worldviews. One is not logically superior to another in the same, though less perceptible, sense that one flavor of ice cream is not logically superior to another.", '>>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : No, I just gave you another incidence of "violence toward the left" that was not directed at Trump. Here\'s another. The main aggressor was not the only violent one, but she was the only one prosecuted for assault. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRlRAyulN4o', '>>{Shiba-Shiba} : He would be executed for not believing in the State Religion!', ">>{MajoraOfTime} : Trump fanboys get triggered pretty easily when someone doesn't praise him for his ineptitude and whininess.", '>>{Zzeellddaa} : Not my Jesus. White male Christian trolling is now a thing', ">>{Zzeellddaa} : I'd say let's do some mma and see who the man is. I hate to break it to you but trump IS THE MAN. He is the epitome of elitist. He hates you and anyone who isn't in the same tax bracket. He is using people like you. Fooling the masses through fear and hate. You've been played.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : You're wrong. He's talking policies that benefit regular people. You're being used by people who oppose him. The entire establishment lined up against him, enough said.", ">>{IdiditonReddit} : I can't see the name Socrates without thinking So-Crates. Thanks Bill & Ted.", '>>{vegastar7} : I think the fact that he was a pagan would probably set them off more. "Socrates fed Christians to lions! "', ">>{zacdenver} : ...and if not, perhaps to try that new McDonald's hemlock shake?", ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : So, although Socrates does address 'that' kind of people, it's got to be seen in the context of the times. Wealthy people at that time did not have access to the information that even the poorest have access to today. There was a study done to say that the front page of the New York Times has more new information in a day than the average pre-industrial human would learn about in a year. The pace of information today is such that nobody in the world can keep up with it. We create way too much content for it to be consumed on more than a sipping level. The ancient Greeks would had to contend with a world where information traveled at footfall speed. It gave them the luxury of time to leisurely contemplate life and the nature of things. They would not be able to comprehend the amount of information we're processing every day. It would drive them mental. It drives us mental. What it means for Trump supporters and philosophy is that they have enough information to pick and choose from and it's being pre-chewed for them by Fox News. To them that is enough. If these people wanted to they could access the wealth of information that is available to them through the internet and other means, to learn more about the how and why of things. So, it's not for a lack of information that they think the way they think. It's because they're not interested in finding out in the first place. And then you have to understand why that is.", '>>{treelager} : So first, it\'s clear you know your stuff and that\'s dope. I agree with what you\'ve said, because all of that comes into play and the whole "anthropocene" thing. Yet again I would point back to my reference to the apology. It says all that would be said from him today, albeit with minor translations for context yes. Greeks had much thicker justice than the US Constitution would ever allow, especially under the influence of Liberalism. Method or not, we should not forget the fate of Socrates.', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : I wrote a paper once on Jacques-Louis David's painting of the 'Death of Socrates' :-). I was rather proud of that one, to be honest. I would even argue that the fate of Socrates is happening in our societies every day. The voice of reason is subdued or beaten into submission if not killed outright. If someone's ideas are contrary to the ideas of the powerful they are either robbed of their voice, ridiculed or sidelined or even simply assassinated. Noam Chomsky is arguably one of the most prolific writers on politics today and his analyses are razor sharp, if not sometimes a little pedantic [as he says himself]. The thing is: that open and frank analysis is there but you'll never see him on the main stream news, and that's because absolutely -nobody- is going to bowl him over with sharp argumentation. The man is a linguist who invented many of the concepts people are using today. No Fox News fast talker is going to get one across on him. He'll never accept it. So he gets a cottage industry of people denouncing him and his work, but they get nowhere because his fundamentals are sound. Everybody has access to that point of view if they care to go through the trouble of finding a library. It's not that it's not there, people are not interested in finding it. There is no penetrating the mind of those who refuse to think for themselves.", ">>{treelager} : Exactly. Again why I find this article rather arbitrary. As if the Socratic Method itself hasn't even been used in this context already? But at least it's gotten this dialogue going. Interesting, your crossover. I love Chomsky and was introduced to him by a professor who had written their dissertation on Nietzsche. From my own personal studies, I'd have asked more about Aristotle or [Nagasena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagasena) than Socrates.", ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : Now I'm going to have to read about Nagasena :-). This mechanic, what we're doing right here, is tapping into the collected wisdom of humanity, because it is at our finger tips and we can exchange ideas at, literally, the speed of light. This would have been an old-style letter correspondence in the past. Our exchange, depending on where we both are in the world, would have taken a couple of weeks to a couple of months. It shows us there's really no excuse for accepting someone as Donald Trump in a leadership position he is not qualified for. We have the means to gather information, to compare and discuss it and to partake in it as citizens of the world. The reason for not doing that is: - all politics is local. Sure, people die of hunger at the other side of the planet, but the pothole in the road in front of my house is driving me nuts. - because we have these technologies we have not adjusted fully to the scope of what it can do if we take it to the limit of what it is capable of if you'd let it get there [but maybe we don't really want to go that far?]. All the efforts that we see in the world today to contain and control the internet is precisely because the powers see and understand that this is a tool that is vastly more capable than what they want to have to deal with and it stops them from keeping the populace dumb and uninformed. It is us, the citizen, who has to demand to keep this medium free and open to everyone and to use it to *demand* accountability of those who have the audacity to say they're going to run our lives better than we could. This conversation could be mirrored by millions and build into a collective of voices that demand that their needs are addressed. What I take away from the piece itself, whether or not we want to apply the Socratic method, is that for all the stated uselessness of the Humanities [in society, not in this piece], learning how to think and what the basis of our assumptions of what we think we know is, is more important than ever, precisely because we live in the kind of complex society we live in today. We are endearingly enchanted by the idea of making money, conveniently ignoring that money itself is merely a convention. Because a lot of people think of money as the be all and end all, because money buys things that makes problems go away, to ignore the root causes for why these problems exist at all. So, we could do a lot worse for ourselves than revisiting why the Humanities are important and why they deserve pride of place in the class room today.", '>>{treelager} : And now you\'ve tapped into *my* specific interest, citizenship. Barely anyone in the United States is a citizen aside from the elites guaranteed health care by the public or prisoners upheld to be slaves supporting the Republic and its growing pains, etc. That is relative to the Classical Greek model. Biological citizenship has affixed an added "superior burden" of *survival* to citizenship. With the events of Chernobyl and Fukushima proving that a citizen\'s *survival* is paramount for a society to continue to thrive and build. So yes, a thinker\'s a thinker. A thinking citizen, now that\'s something a King might fear. Edit: Correlate that with the claims of voter fraud, the attack on libel laws and net neutrality (as well as the recent Russian cash grabs for personal info), literally all of the AHCA, and the fight for gerrymandering and the supreme court justice. Kinda terrifying to think about.', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : > A thinking citizen, now that's something a King might fear. I love that one :-)", '>>{treelager} : Cheers, bud. I added you. What a refreshment haha', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : I don't have too many great conversations here but every once in a while it goes *zing* and there we are :-). That's the entire point. I've now been thinking 'Socratic method meets modern culture' and I'm deeply convinced some people will not engage with that. However it could be done guerrilla-style. Enter a chat thread where the 'good folk' are reinforcing their own memeplex. We are right about everything because everybody we talk to is telling us we're right. Questions could be asked there, invoking a thought. Or, offering the opportunity of a thought. By seeding these threads with the right kind of question, that challenges assumptions, they could be made to start talking amongst themselves about why [this particular] argument, although true, does not take away from the general consensus. It would take time and there is no guaranteed outcome, but thoughts would be provoked, ideas would be planted, conversations are started. It would be a cycle that sustains itself and would not need supervision [although key conversations might deserve a few nudges in the right direction]. Direct challenges only serve to entrench established opinion. The reason for why it would likely only have limited use is that it still takes people to read and take a genuine interest. I'd be surprised if a wide audience could be reached that way. Still worth a try because easy, cheap, reproducible and if enough people do it, it would create an uneasy disquiet, the kindling of the soul that lay dormant for too long. If you've read it: Dune. I'm thinking of the Panoplia Propheticus, a truly brilliant invention by Frank Herbert :-). I've added you as well. Any time you feel a desire to reach out, feel free to do so :-).", ">>{treelager} : I love Dune, something tells me so does 45 (Sean **Spicer**?) If you want to read a book that actually takes all of that into consideration, look up Saul Alinsky's *Rules for Radicals*. HRC wrote her dissertation on Alinsky but for the most part Alinsky found himself rather depressed he couldn't train anyone to be functionally radical like him. He'd set up community programs and grass-roots campaigns, but he could never fashion another Alinsky. I think Clinton may have tried to be an Alinsky 2.0 but failed for too many reasons to delve into. Enjoy the read.", ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : I'm going to have to find that book. Thank you for that! I'm actually not really certain about radicalism. The reason being that it implies you're going to be pushing a big wall for a long time, probably going nowhere. I think there's more value in making people lean towards the right direction [and then you have to define what -that- is, right] because you can do it for longer, to more people. If what you say makes sense, they'll start some of the leaning of their own. Revolutions are shorter but they're quite messy and you're also never certain about the outcome.", '>>{treelager} : I\'d advise you to read before generalizing ;) You won\'t find the same "militant anti-fascism" you seem to be implying.', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : I assure you, I wasn't thinking about militant anti-fascism at all. I was thinking of the word 'radical' which, in whichever way you see that, tends to go over the top in the direction of the slant. I'm not judging a book I haven't read before I've read it ;-). I've read way too many books for that.", '>>{treelager} : It\'s one of the first points of the book, the terminology. In such an age of disinformation we should really start paying attention to the words we use. "Radical" "Radical progressives" "Alt-Right"... It can be a bit nonsensical. That\'s why Alinsky has rules.', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : Another reason to read it. I'm curious now."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{JohnDelmont} : White House says Obama WILL donate to Kayla Mueller fund after parents said he 'broke his promise' following their daughter's death while in ISIS captivity last year", '>>{coyotl} : Small price to pay to make his final State of the Union speech hostage-free...', '>>{joker68} : Good king Obama can do no wrong in the eyes of his subjects.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : I love how much it hurts you that Obama is well liked. Hows it feel to know you have basically no real chance of winning a national election without a major rebrand?', '>>{joker68} : Well liked by who? This cesspit of a sub or are you going by the fake poll numbers and propaganda.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : And here we have it, the polls are "fake" because you don\'t agree with them. And with that, we\'re done here. When someone manages to convince themselves that all empirical data proving them wrong is "fake" there\'s no way to reason with them.', ">>{johnfrance} : So problem solved? Obama: I promise to do that. Person: It's been a number of months and you haven't done it yet Obama: Sorry my bad, it's still gonna happen. Fin", '>>{MistaMxyzptlk} : A feeling, a hunch, a guess and of course Alex Jones guidance. What more could he use?', ">>{joker68} : They're fake because they're fucking fake. Did you get to kiss Barrys ring?", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Right, just like all of the climate studies are fake.', '>>{JohnDelmont} : Great. Now he has more time to address all many "I will not rest until\' promises he made. But that would cut into golf time.', '>>{JohnDelmont} : Whoops. missed that. Here\'s this too "Wtf? Is this guy retarded?" https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4zw8tp/mike_rowe_encouraging_everyone_to_vote_is_like/d6z7uml?context=3'], ['>>{travistee} : In her chilling book “The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech,” Strassel describes “the new attempt by left-leaning organizations to” not only “shut down conservative speech” but also to “silence anyone who proves a threat to their ideology.”', '>>{UWantWhatUGet} : In before: Strassel is a racist and misogynist and xenophobic and likes rich people way more than clinton', ">>{Izor28} : Yeah they're looking her up for juicy associations that they can point to for racism and the usual buzzwords. I'll check back in 10 mins", ">>{CurtLablue} : This book is so chilling I'm currently keeping my drink cold on it.", '>>{Tasty_Yams} : [OMG. This sounds serious.](https://vulgarmorality.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/fainting-victorian-lady.jpg)', '>>{Sidwill} : Can anyone give me some examples of right wing speech and the liberal pushback to it?', '>>{PanchoVilla4TW} : > In a June 16 column, the Journal’s Kimberley Strassel alleged that Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey’s recent subpoena of ExxonMobil shows that the attorneys general investigating Exxon aren’t really concerned with whether the company’s climate science denial constitutes fraud. Rather, Strassel declared, “The real target is a broad array of conservative activist groups that are highly effective at mobilizing the grass-roots and countering liberal talking points.” Climate denier believes the Left is out to silence her stupid ass lol. "Chilling"', '>>{gamechanger55} : Shutting down conservative speech is my duty as an american. i cant stand by and let stupid guide the horse through a swamp.', '>>{liberalconservatives} : > Strassel Nails the Left\'s "Intimidation" Crusade Actual title', '>>{AppalachianAsshole} : To be fair, these authoritarian neoliberals silence a lot of real leftists as well. Matt Bruenig is one example.', '>>{AppalachianAsshole} : Except that the left-leaning organizations and think tanks were constantly attacking Bernie and his supporters.', ">>{travistee} : Hitler used to send his brown shirts to disrupt and intimidate his rivals. These days Soros sends them in to disrupt and intimidate Trump's supporters.", '>>{row_guy} : Yes right wing white people are the real victims. Just ask them.', '>>{someguyjusttrying} : Stating border security and national sovereignty is more important than unrestricted immigration. Stating that Islam is dangerous and not compatible with western civilization.', ">>{someguyjusttrying} : You'd make a fine authoritarian communist, comrade! To the gulag with dissidents!", ">>{someguyjusttrying} : their opinion doesn't matter because they're white and white people are evil lol", '>>{someguyjusttrying} : Leftism has a strong history of eating itself. The Great Purge of 1936-1938 by Stalin is a great example of this.', '>>{Veniabiit} : How does that "shut down" free speech? Does conservative free speech mean that you have the right to remain silent or *please clap*?', '>>{gamechanger55} : >i cant stand by and let stupid guide the horse through a swamp.', ">>{someguyjusttrying} : Stigmatization, intimidation, and now violence all serve to suppress dissent and free-speech, and are used by everyday citizens, media outlets, and even gov't officials (including the current President).", '>>{Trorbes} : How common are intimidation and violence from the left?', '>>{LowAlbedoMan} : These people insisting that they are being censored and silenced are able to write a lot of books and newspaper articles and have a lot of TV shows and appear to be generally full of shit', '>>{someguyjusttrying} : They can be found at any gathering of Trump supporters, any Antifa rally, most college and university campuses and pretty much where ever someone can wear a Trump hat and face intimidation and threats of violence.', '>>{Trorbes} : So only common whenever Trump is involved. So it\'s less a "Liberal" thing and more an "anti-Trump" thing, which I think is a significant difference.', ">>{someguyjusttrying} : Yes, I'm sure violent protesters and college kids with no real-world experience are just rational, moderate centrists that really don't like Trump and are willing to use violence against people that support him in order to prove that *they are in fact*, the good guys.", '>>{Trorbes} : Just saying, if all this "violence from the left" is going toward a single candidate, then it suggests the motivation is related to that candidate.', ">>{Trorbes} : I wasn't aware I was arguing it was okay.", '>>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : No, the "Black Lives Matter" lunatics love to be violent and shut down speech. Sometimes they do both at the same time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IawEMxTroBk', '>>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : No, I just gave you another incidence of "violence toward the left" that was not directed at Trump. Here\'s another. The main aggressor was not the only violent one, but she was the only one prosecuted for assault. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRlRAyulN4o'], ['>>{cratermoon} : Henry Rollins: Trump Is Going From Grabbing Pussies to Being One', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I don't think it's appropriate to use the p-word in this manner. It degrades women and is part of rape culture.", '>>{22141448} : this guy was the worst singer for a band that people only pretend to like who cares', '>>{cratermoon} : Voters are probably right to be just as butthurt over that as they are over Trump being elected president.', '>>{cratermoon} : Thank you for your insights, they are both penetrating and diffuse.', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I don\'t think that rape culture and misogyny can be "less bad" than anything. That\'s the whole point.', '>>{WhiteChristianMan} : Wow Looks like Trump is stepping down now huh? DAE not like Trump?', ">>{stillnotking} : Well, this is the first time I've ever seen someone on the *losing* side go for triumphalism, and I guess I'm not surprised it's Henry Rollins.", '>>{espo619} : Indeed, and our president-elect degrades women and is part of rape culture.', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I warned lots of people that Hillary couldn't win. I was ignored.", '>>{BlueSardines} : I quite like [Rollins Band](https://youtu.be/jCLizTg9nWo). Was he in another band?', '>>{At_Work_SND_Coffee} : Legendary former lead singer of the punk band Black Flag, also pretty much a legend on the punk scene in general, he\'s been a bunch of movies and TV shows, and he does the whole "spoken word" thing when he\'s not actively involved in some kind of music project. I\'ve been a fan for years of his music and his spoken word is just his take on things and stories about his life and coming up in the entertainment industry. He almost always has a take on political stuff, especially since he\'s originally from DC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Rollins', ">>{bacchusthedrunk} : Can't tell if you're joking or not, but in case you aren't, he fronted a punk group in the early 80s called Black Flag.", '>>{At_Work_SND_Coffee} : Aww how awesome does it feel to be right? Do you also like the smell of your own farts?', '>>{thisisATHENS} : Trump is the new punk rock. Rollins is waterboy for the failed elite.', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : Feels pretty good. Maybe people will listen to me next time.', ">>{proggieus} : yeah, I actually knew that. (was a skater in the late 80's) just being sarcastic about his relevance today.", ">>{At_Work_SND_Coffee} : He's been quiet in the last few years but he's always relevant in one regard or another, he was just on Sirius a few months back, not sure which channel, might have been Howard Stern.", '>>{spacemoose1} : Trump is the new Cleveland Steamer. Rollins is still kicking ass.', '>>{angrydeuce} : His [*Come in and Burn*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Come_In_and_Burn) album is some of the best shit I have ever heard. Hands down my favorite album of his, no question.', ">>{thisisATHENS} : Rollins is old and doesn't even lift. Trump took on *the man* and won. Fuck old punk rockers they're so boring.", '>>{old_man_baby} : this, along with An Open Letter to Ann Coulter, are fantastic and accurately portray how I and many others feel.', ">>{spacemoose1} : Trump is 'the man', wtf are you thinking. He's worse than the man, he's Putin's chew toy. Have you seen who this guy has filled his cabinet with?", '>>{MilksteakBoiledHard} : He is such the man that both the republican and democratic establishments were tarring and feathering him during the election.', '>>{wonderingsocrates} : rollins, always knowing the right thing to say!', ">>{thisisATHENS} : You're a hundred percent wrong. As per usual. Everyone has misread Trump and continues to offer their wrong thoughts. You should honestly just not comment.", '>>{stupid-rando} : Have you heard "Weight"? It\'s not quite as consistent, but the high points are better, in my opinion. Some *really* intense songs on that one.', '>>{spacemoose1} : Same with Hillary, and she won the popular vote (at least the progressives hated her)...Two shitty candidates were pretty much hated by everyone and one of them managed to win on a technicality, even though he got fewer votes. Sounds like a horrible train wreck to me.', '>>{thedabking123} : LOL keep dreaming bro.. The man look like he shat his pants after the meeting with Obama. His crooked son-in-law, self admitted Leninist advisor Bannon, racist AG and all the other swamp-rats that he has appointed are going to butt-fuck the very electorate that got them there. Better grab some lube.', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : He's right! There's going to be massive employment opportunities picking lettuce, almonds and cleaning houses for the 2%! Hooray for Trump! You did it guys!", ">>{spacemoose1} : What establishment Republican hates Trump, other than maybe Jeb? None. It's a fantasy. Trump led Republicans to a total victory and put the worst of them in his cabinet.", ">>{angrydeuce} : I did, that was the album that actually got me into Rollinsband (because of Liar being played heavily on MTV, of course) but I still prefer *Burn*. I don't know why but that album just grabbed me by the neck from the minute I bought it, unwrapped it in the Target parking lot, and slammed it into my cd player in my car.", '>>{Taswelltoo} : So is punk rock where you sit on gold chairs and try to hawk steaks at the Sharper Image?', '>>{akatsukix} : See this is the straight talking that could have beaten Trump in middle America. Clinton was calculated and cold and spent too much time being PC and elitist.', ">>{jachinboazicus} : Great read. Rollins' writing really captures his voice.", '>>{Anjin} : He has a regular show on KCRW in Los Angeles', '>>{johnzischeme} : Because he is a dip shit with dip shit supporters. Stupid people are scary en mass', ">>{kvigneau} : It's delivered with sarcasm though. It's plainly obvious that most people who voted for trump won't get the deal they thought they were signing up for.", ">>{deviantpixel} : His spoken word stuff is pretty good stuff and he's quite entertaining. He's a great story teller and has a cool way of pointing out bullshit.", '>>{KSonOfCave} : Because G.G. Allin was the real life joker.', '>>{ialsohaveadobro} : Well sure. Voting for Trump would be a pretty similar experience to having a hooker piss in his mouth.', ">>{MajoraOfTime} : Trump fanboys get triggered pretty easily when someone doesn't praise him for his ineptitude and whininess.", '>>{Zzeellddaa} : Not my Jesus. White male Christian trolling is now a thing', ">>{Zzeellddaa} : I'd say let's do some mma and see who the man is. I hate to break it to you but trump IS THE MAN. He is the epitome of elitist. He hates you and anyone who isn't in the same tax bracket. He is using people like you. Fooling the masses through fear and hate. You've been played.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : You're wrong. He's talking policies that benefit regular people. You're being used by people who oppose him. The entire establishment lined up against him, enough said."], ['>>{NewRustico} : Could Socrates convince Donald Trump supporters that they are wrong?', '>>{HighAndOnline} : No, Socrates was well aware that there are some people who are too stupid to be convinced of the truth.', '>>{cnnisrealnews} : Wrong about what exactly? Are you really asking, could Socrates have convinced a bunch of people with fundamentally different ideas to support Clinton? The answer is no. Is there a chance they\'ll support someone like Bernie Sanders? Not if he panders too much to minorities. There, I solved it for you. Nobody that uses the words "systemic racism" will ever win the EC again. In fact, if Trump delivers on his immigration promises, nobody who opposes this type of immigration policy will ever win the EC again. That\'s my guess, the only reason Trump won was his immigration policy imo.', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : No. There has to be a medium of reason. There is no such medium in Trump supporters. Actual psychological studies have shown that when people are shown errors in their thinking, it only works to reinforce their preconceptions. People who have barely more than nothing could be convinced to vote for a republican who has never suffered a day of hunger in his life. He ran on repealing 'Obamacare' when his supporters were fine with that, after all they had their Affordable Care Act. When a populace is so little invested in society that they won't lift a single finger trying to better understand the laws that govern their land, what would you have Socrates say to such people? They simply would not care.", '>>{honorablemention1} : cantechletter? Sadly, no. Welcome to crap post Saturday. Why the spam, /u/NewRustico?', '>>{Writerhaha} : Socrates would take one look. "Fuck it."', '>>{Theunknowableman} : How in the Hell is a sock or tea gonna change my mind? Checkmate librulz --Trump supporters', '>>{President_Babyhands} : The ol "What about Clinton?" response. Originality 0/10', '>>{MrFancyShoes} : I doubt they know who Socrates is. They probably think he is some stupid science bitch spreading the Chinese hoax of global warming or something lol', '>>{cnnisrealnews} : Could Socrates have turned conservatives into liberals? Could I have sex with Taylor Swift? Next on 4th grade philosophy.', ">>{Jkdsh} : No one outside of the Trump circle-jerk can change their minds. The way in-group/out-group interactions work in combination with the backfire effect kicking in with already-entrenched beliefs will cause anything negative said by anyone that isn't within their pro-Trump movement to further cement their counter-factual beliefs.", ">>{gdex86} : I think they are talking more about the phenomina where people who voted for Trump for reason X; Jobs, Immigration reform, healthcare reform, the wall take your pick. Can see Trump doing things that goes against of what his goal was or doesn't even seem to be working for it but they don't seem to think that just maybe they were played and Trump literally will tell you what you want to hear if it gets him in power. Example would be the people who said they were going to vote for Trump because of his Day One Jobs plan. Which hasn't happened even 70 days in with a congress that should be easy to get to back him on things. Or the trump budget where people who voted for him were looking at it with horror because it cut things they used and they were surprised he would hurt his core voters, but still supported him.", ">>{CountPanda} : Trump is wrong about a lot of stuff independent of politics or anyone else. That you can't tell this is the point, or pretend not to makes you either a jackass or a propagandist.", '>>{AdSin15} : The problem with the Socratic method is it requires that the other person be genuinely interested in discovering the truth.', '>>{Z0MBIE_REAGAN} : This is fucking stupid. Trump is alive and is the President of the Earth and Socrates is dead. Who do you think is worth listening to?', '>>{treelager} : Honestly, bring on Aristotle I say. I find his fundamental progression towards practicable philosophy much more fitting for this context. Even then, though, I suppose you could reflect on Heideggerian *dasein* and conclude that the GOP is less concerned with the world itself than their own existence in it. So yeah, fuck it.', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : The thing with Aristotle is that he'll go to exacting lengths to explain to someone what the underlying mechanic is. But a Trump voter is not interested in that much careful analysis. They -do not- care about that. The only thing that counts is '*Murica, fuck yeah!*'. No amount of reason will penetrate that kind of thinking.", ">>{treelager} : This is a fair point, but one I'd argue against as well as these supporters are the people Socrates addresses in his *Apology*. Edited for clarity. Also awesome to talk about philosophy in this sub? So at least there's that about this article I guess.", ">>{EmpatheticBankRobber} : Socrates asked questions to get the listener to dig into their own beliefs. Trump supporters are very comfortable where they are, I doubt they'll be disturbed by cognitive dissonance or inconsistencies.", '>>{Ashley8777} : Socrates is over rated so Republicans would probably go for him.', ">>{yassert} : This is stupid. Somewhere there are Trump supporters fantasizing about Socrates schooling liberals on how they're wrong about everything. Let's recognize that, at the end of day, these are differing worldviews. One is not logically superior to another in the same, though less perceptible, sense that one flavor of ice cream is not logically superior to another.", '>>{Shiba-Shiba} : He would be executed for not believing in the State Religion!', ">>{IdiditonReddit} : I can't see the name Socrates without thinking So-Crates. Thanks Bill & Ted.", '>>{vegastar7} : I think the fact that he was a pagan would probably set them off more. "Socrates fed Christians to lions! "', ">>{zacdenver} : ...and if not, perhaps to try that new McDonald's hemlock shake?", ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : So, although Socrates does address 'that' kind of people, it's got to be seen in the context of the times. Wealthy people at that time did not have access to the information that even the poorest have access to today. There was a study done to say that the front page of the New York Times has more new information in a day than the average pre-industrial human would learn about in a year. The pace of information today is such that nobody in the world can keep up with it. We create way too much content for it to be consumed on more than a sipping level. The ancient Greeks would had to contend with a world where information traveled at footfall speed. It gave them the luxury of time to leisurely contemplate life and the nature of things. They would not be able to comprehend the amount of information we're processing every day. It would drive them mental. It drives us mental. What it means for Trump supporters and philosophy is that they have enough information to pick and choose from and it's being pre-chewed for them by Fox News. To them that is enough. If these people wanted to they could access the wealth of information that is available to them through the internet and other means, to learn more about the how and why of things. So, it's not for a lack of information that they think the way they think. It's because they're not interested in finding out in the first place. And then you have to understand why that is.", '>>{treelager} : So first, it\'s clear you know your stuff and that\'s dope. I agree with what you\'ve said, because all of that comes into play and the whole "anthropocene" thing. Yet again I would point back to my reference to the apology. It says all that would be said from him today, albeit with minor translations for context yes. Greeks had much thicker justice than the US Constitution would ever allow, especially under the influence of Liberalism. Method or not, we should not forget the fate of Socrates.', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : I wrote a paper once on Jacques-Louis David's painting of the 'Death of Socrates' :-). I was rather proud of that one, to be honest. I would even argue that the fate of Socrates is happening in our societies every day. The voice of reason is subdued or beaten into submission if not killed outright. If someone's ideas are contrary to the ideas of the powerful they are either robbed of their voice, ridiculed or sidelined or even simply assassinated. Noam Chomsky is arguably one of the most prolific writers on politics today and his analyses are razor sharp, if not sometimes a little pedantic [as he says himself]. The thing is: that open and frank analysis is there but you'll never see him on the main stream news, and that's because absolutely -nobody- is going to bowl him over with sharp argumentation. The man is a linguist who invented many of the concepts people are using today. No Fox News fast talker is going to get one across on him. He'll never accept it. So he gets a cottage industry of people denouncing him and his work, but they get nowhere because his fundamentals are sound. Everybody has access to that point of view if they care to go through the trouble of finding a library. It's not that it's not there, people are not interested in finding it. There is no penetrating the mind of those who refuse to think for themselves.", ">>{treelager} : Exactly. Again why I find this article rather arbitrary. As if the Socratic Method itself hasn't even been used in this context already? But at least it's gotten this dialogue going. Interesting, your crossover. I love Chomsky and was introduced to him by a professor who had written their dissertation on Nietzsche. From my own personal studies, I'd have asked more about Aristotle or [Nagasena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagasena) than Socrates.", ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : Now I'm going to have to read about Nagasena :-). This mechanic, what we're doing right here, is tapping into the collected wisdom of humanity, because it is at our finger tips and we can exchange ideas at, literally, the speed of light. This would have been an old-style letter correspondence in the past. Our exchange, depending on where we both are in the world, would have taken a couple of weeks to a couple of months. It shows us there's really no excuse for accepting someone as Donald Trump in a leadership position he is not qualified for. We have the means to gather information, to compare and discuss it and to partake in it as citizens of the world. The reason for not doing that is: - all politics is local. Sure, people die of hunger at the other side of the planet, but the pothole in the road in front of my house is driving me nuts. - because we have these technologies we have not adjusted fully to the scope of what it can do if we take it to the limit of what it is capable of if you'd let it get there [but maybe we don't really want to go that far?]. All the efforts that we see in the world today to contain and control the internet is precisely because the powers see and understand that this is a tool that is vastly more capable than what they want to have to deal with and it stops them from keeping the populace dumb and uninformed. It is us, the citizen, who has to demand to keep this medium free and open to everyone and to use it to *demand* accountability of those who have the audacity to say they're going to run our lives better than we could. This conversation could be mirrored by millions and build into a collective of voices that demand that their needs are addressed. What I take away from the piece itself, whether or not we want to apply the Socratic method, is that for all the stated uselessness of the Humanities [in society, not in this piece], learning how to think and what the basis of our assumptions of what we think we know is, is more important than ever, precisely because we live in the kind of complex society we live in today. We are endearingly enchanted by the idea of making money, conveniently ignoring that money itself is merely a convention. Because a lot of people think of money as the be all and end all, because money buys things that makes problems go away, to ignore the root causes for why these problems exist at all. So, we could do a lot worse for ourselves than revisiting why the Humanities are important and why they deserve pride of place in the class room today.", '>>{treelager} : And now you\'ve tapped into *my* specific interest, citizenship. Barely anyone in the United States is a citizen aside from the elites guaranteed health care by the public or prisoners upheld to be slaves supporting the Republic and its growing pains, etc. That is relative to the Classical Greek model. Biological citizenship has affixed an added "superior burden" of *survival* to citizenship. With the events of Chernobyl and Fukushima proving that a citizen\'s *survival* is paramount for a society to continue to thrive and build. So yes, a thinker\'s a thinker. A thinking citizen, now that\'s something a King might fear. Edit: Correlate that with the claims of voter fraud, the attack on libel laws and net neutrality (as well as the recent Russian cash grabs for personal info), literally all of the AHCA, and the fight for gerrymandering and the supreme court justice. Kinda terrifying to think about.', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : > A thinking citizen, now that's something a King might fear. I love that one :-)", '>>{treelager} : Cheers, bud. I added you. What a refreshment haha', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : I don't have too many great conversations here but every once in a while it goes *zing* and there we are :-). That's the entire point. I've now been thinking 'Socratic method meets modern culture' and I'm deeply convinced some people will not engage with that. However it could be done guerrilla-style. Enter a chat thread where the 'good folk' are reinforcing their own memeplex. We are right about everything because everybody we talk to is telling us we're right. Questions could be asked there, invoking a thought. Or, offering the opportunity of a thought. By seeding these threads with the right kind of question, that challenges assumptions, they could be made to start talking amongst themselves about why [this particular] argument, although true, does not take away from the general consensus. It would take time and there is no guaranteed outcome, but thoughts would be provoked, ideas would be planted, conversations are started. It would be a cycle that sustains itself and would not need supervision [although key conversations might deserve a few nudges in the right direction]. Direct challenges only serve to entrench established opinion. The reason for why it would likely only have limited use is that it still takes people to read and take a genuine interest. I'd be surprised if a wide audience could be reached that way. Still worth a try because easy, cheap, reproducible and if enough people do it, it would create an uneasy disquiet, the kindling of the soul that lay dormant for too long. If you've read it: Dune. I'm thinking of the Panoplia Propheticus, a truly brilliant invention by Frank Herbert :-). I've added you as well. Any time you feel a desire to reach out, feel free to do so :-).", ">>{treelager} : I love Dune, something tells me so does 45 (Sean **Spicer**?) If you want to read a book that actually takes all of that into consideration, look up Saul Alinsky's *Rules for Radicals*. HRC wrote her dissertation on Alinsky but for the most part Alinsky found himself rather depressed he couldn't train anyone to be functionally radical like him. He'd set up community programs and grass-roots campaigns, but he could never fashion another Alinsky. I think Clinton may have tried to be an Alinsky 2.0 but failed for too many reasons to delve into. Enjoy the read.", ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : I'm going to have to find that book. Thank you for that! I'm actually not really certain about radicalism. The reason being that it implies you're going to be pushing a big wall for a long time, probably going nowhere. I think there's more value in making people lean towards the right direction [and then you have to define what -that- is, right] because you can do it for longer, to more people. If what you say makes sense, they'll start some of the leaning of their own. Revolutions are shorter but they're quite messy and you're also never certain about the outcome.", '>>{treelager} : I\'d advise you to read before generalizing ;) You won\'t find the same "militant anti-fascism" you seem to be implying.', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : I assure you, I wasn't thinking about militant anti-fascism at all. I was thinking of the word 'radical' which, in whichever way you see that, tends to go over the top in the direction of the slant. I'm not judging a book I haven't read before I've read it ;-). I've read way too many books for that.", '>>{treelager} : It\'s one of the first points of the book, the terminology. In such an age of disinformation we should really start paying attention to the words we use. "Radical" "Radical progressives" "Alt-Right"... It can be a bit nonsensical. That\'s why Alinsky has rules.', ">>{TalkingBackAgain} : Another reason to read it. I'm curious now."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Fatburg} : ["Morgan Freeman on Trump: \'It feels like we are jumping off a cliff\'"]( http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/317083-morgan-freeman-on-trump-it-feels-like-we-are-jumping-off-a)', ">>{SchAdamfreude} : 'Celebrities like Meryl Streep should stay in their lanes, and shut up about politics!' 'Look, a celebrity that agrees with us! This guy knows what's up!'", '>>{TinyBaron} : >"House lawmakers from both sides of the aisle sent a letter to President Barack Obama Wednesday asserting that striking Syria **without prior Congressional authorization** would be unconstitutional. >As we reported Tuesday, the letter penned by Rep. Scott Rigell, R-Va., pushes the president to "receive authorization from Congress before ordering the use of U.S. military force in Syria." [Source.](http://www.rollcall.com/news/policy/87-house-members-sign-syria-letter-to-obama#sthash.ZQPZ0fqd.dpuf)', '>>{paraconformity} : The ‘Hillary for mayor’ story proves that we learn nothing', '>>{metaobject} : I wonder what Chachi thinks about it????', ">>{thc1967} : This shows what a dirtbag McConnell is. He vehemently objects to Trump's racist rants not because racism is bad and wrong, but because it will hinder Trump's ability to win the White house.", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : This is fascinating stuff on many levels. Note that McConnell “vehemently objects” to Trump’s attacks on various ethnic groups, but will continue to support him provided he reads from a prepared script that no longer includes such attacks — in other words, provided Trump stops saying these things aloud. In short, he's asking Donald to hide his known racism - not an easy feat!", ">>{Jkdsh} : You don't retroactively get approval. That's not how congressional approval works.", ">>{paraconformity} : I don't think you read the story. Hillary is not going to run for mayor, it was always the dumbest of clickbait.", '>>{HamsterSandwich} : Five ways Donald Trump benefits from the globalization he says he hates', ">>{nateure} : Well he doesn't know very much about the issues, but at least he'll be different! FFS. You might as well have nominated [this guy](http://i.imgur.com/kAVnAFe.png). At least he's a former *Time* Person of the Year, and you would never have to remind him not to say anything racist. EDIT: I suck at formatting", '>>{Schiffy94} : The rest of the world: Breitbart is a site full of easily debunked bullshit', '>>{Garrub} : > [this guy](http://i.imgur.com/kAVnAFe.png) FTFY (by adding http:// to your url)', '>>{ganymede_boy} : 1) Inform Russia 2) Order strikes 3) Golf 4) Inform Congress', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Actually, they still blame Hillary's fake issues, and don't note that without R&R (Russia and Racists) , there would be no outside interference on her.", ">>{3dstuff} : > I don't think you read the story. i dont think you understand the point of this subreddit, its not to read and discuss stories, its to argue about headlines", ">>{sanspri} : Trump doesn't say he hates globalization. As a matter of fact he says it has enriched him greatly, but he hates what it's done to American workers and also hates the fact that companies like Nabisco and Carrier can lay off thousands from good jobs here in the US then go across the border to Mexico to manufacture with no cost or penalty to them as the real costs are passed onto US citizens, ue, Medicaid, etc., as the wealthy elite at Carrier and Nabisco make even more money", ">>{a_James_Woods} : It's not shabby that congress found out after Putin? Seems pretty shabby to me.", ">>{Infidel8} : If he's claiming that he had authority under the [War Powers Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Powers_Resolution) (he doesn't), then he's allowed to inform them after the fact.", ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : It's a fascinating look into the fact that the GOP has no idea what it's doing. They see a man run riot and completely dominate their primary by being brash and off the cuff, and they immediately work to putting him on a pre-written script. Even if you can't stand Trump, you can't deny that's a very weird way of doing things. Hey, everything you've done to get to where you are? Throw that out and do what we say, which is what all of your opponents did to lose.", ">>{Infidel8} : He only has authority under certain circumstances: > > The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to > (1) a declaration of war, > (2) specific statutory authorization, or > (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces. The chemical weapons attack doesn't fulfill any of those criteria. That said, the WPA has definitely been misused before.", '>>{NekronOfTheBlack} : Considering almost the entire city voted for her, they feel differently than you do.', '>>{paraconformity} : I know, but I foolishly hoped the headline itself in this case would point them in that direction.', '>>{metaobject} : Why is Breitbart still allowed here? State sponsored propaganda directly from the White House. Horseshit.', '>>{Checkma7e} : Idk about the "rest of the world", but millions of conservative Americans visit the site everyday.', '>>{farcetragedy} : Trump lost his home county by 90%. lol. People in NYC hate his guts.', '>>{not_a_throwaway23} : Which "racist" rants are you referring to exactly. Please provide a quote.', ">>{CompletePrepperStore} : Voters say Trump isn't a suitable candidate for the job, but his hypocrisy states otherwise. Can't believe a word he says.", '>>{IronyIntended2} : They either misspelt wiener or whiner, I will accept a correction to either.', '>>{Roseking} : > “I’m holding out hope that Donald Trump has to be a good president,” the Ben-Hur actor said. “He can’t not be. What I see is a guy who will not lose.” Here is what he actually said. Basically, his position is "OurPresident has to do good because all of us suffer if he isn\'t" And also > Freeman’s comments were made before Trump’s signed an executive order temporarily prohibiting the arrival of Syrian refugees into the United States and halting the entry of most citizens from Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Libya.', ">>{sanspri} : I'm just a fool that tries to help the un/misinformed with facts", '>>{antisoshal} : this irony is even better when you read the details and find out hes not a trump supporter and the quote is out of context.', ">>{SNIIIFFFF} : >1)~~Inform Russia~~. Ask Putin's permission. > >2) Order strikes > >3) Golf 3a) Tweet about how great and smart he is. > >4) Inform Congress", '>>{not_a_throwaway23} : Its the only game they know how to play.', ">>{thc1967} : I'm referring to McConnell characterizing Trump's rants as racist and his reasons for disliking them. If you want to understand which of Trump's rants McConnell thinks are racist, read the article or ask him.", ">>{roboboogienights} : Trump is not going to stop that, because they are doing it in the pursuit of more money. That's the highest civic virtue to someone like Trump. Besides, he may talk now about bringing jobs back to the US to placate a pissed off worker class, but when protectionism begins to wreak havoc on the economy, he will be the first to suggest reversing it.", '>>{archeominus} : Trump Ties, Trump Suits, Trump Shoes, Trump Wine, Trump Vodka', ">>{Tridamos} : People in NYC have had to put up with him, so it's only natural.", ">>{misscee} : and there are many ways that Hillary and her hundreds of millions of dollars (and I'm not even counting the money the foundation rakes in) also benefits from globalization. She has flip flopped so many times and never says exactly what she's going to do, so she can't get pinned down later ... who knows what she'll do. (But we have a pretty good idea, judging from her past actions.) At least Trump is being direct and I think that will resonate with the American People. It's about the economy, stupid.", ">>{not_a_throwaway23} : So, no quote then. Funny how that's always the response.", ">>{iksmx} : Let's parse this, shall we? >Trump doesn't say he hates globalization But: > > but he hates what it's done to American workers and also hates the fact that companies like Nabisco and Carrier can lay off thousands from good jobs here in the US then go across the border to Mexico to manufacture with no cost or penalty to them as the real costs are passed onto US citizens So he doesn't hate globalization, just what it does. OK? Not sure how that changes anything. - > As a matter of fact he says it has enriched him greatly No shit. That's the point - why would anyone put someone who benefits so much from something (and obviously has very little in the way of morals) in charge of reforming it? That's batshit crazy.", ">>{thc1967} : Or funny how you can't read for context. I never characterized Trump's rants as racist and my comment was about McConnell's reaction to McConnell's perception of Trump's rants. Do you have a comment on THAT?", ">>{Janky42} : Let's not pretend Hillary was a great candidate. No private server no witch hunt... also racists are on both sides. Didn't you just hear about the special needs kid being tortured for over a day because he voted for Trump? The echo chamber needs to die #berniebro", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Regardless of HRC not being the "ideal candidate" (and the witchhunt is due to attacks on he, not fake issues with a private server), she was the best we had to offer, and in my opinion, people would have bekieved fake sandals (that we dont even know what they would have been ) had we nominated Sanders. But it\'s over The issues here (fake news, the inability of the people to understand science, and their fascination with narcissistic demagogues) can\'t be blamed on HRC in particular..', '>>{Snowfeecat} : Trump has people chanting "wall! Wall!" at his rallies. He rants against "Mexican" Judge Curiel to Jake Tapper. He rants against immigrants whenever he can. I love when people pretend to be ignorant because then I can tell them.', ">>{ashesashesdustdust} : This part of the wiki you linked doesn't give me much hope that he'll get in trouble over it: > It has been alleged that the War Powers Resolution has been violated in the past – for example, by President Bill Clinton in 1999, during the bombing campaign in Kosovo. Congress has disapproved all such incidents, but none has resulted in any successful legal actions being taken against the president for alleged violations.", ">>{iksmx} : >and there are many ways that Hillary and her hundreds of millions of dollars (and I'm not even counting the money the foundation rakes in) also benefits from globalization. Is Hillary a critic of globalization and free trade? >She has flip flopped so many times and never says exactly what she's going to do, so she can't get pinned down later ... who knows what she'll do. >At least Trump is being direct and I think that will resonate with the American People. That is god damned funny. Trump supporters are completely blind I guess.", ">>{ConceptualTrap} : Whitehouse.gov isn't considered press. It's official statement. Breitbart pretends that its stories are written by journalists.", ">>{murdercraixe} : None of those examples are racist though, unless you are an ideological bigot who hates republicans because they are republicans. Walls aren't racist. Sotomayer herself said the exact same thing trump did about POC judges. Give us some quotes from his rants against immigrants? You've sold your soul to a political party. How sad. respond if you want. i never read replies to what I type here lol.", ">>{Holmes02} : >1)~~Inform Russia~~. Ask Putin's permission. > >2) Order strikes > >3) Golf 3a) Tweet about how great and smart he is. 3b) Say that runways are pavement and can easily be rebuilt > >4) Inform Congress", ">>{SNIIIFFFF} : And/or that runways aren't a good idea to bomb for.....reasons.", ">>{Infidel8} : You're right. But Clinton *did* take significant heat over his violation, which even included a bipartisan federal lawsuit against him by members of Congress. (The suit was thrown out.) But Clinton's situation was different in that he violated the act by keeping troops in Kosovo beyond the 60 days allowed by the WPA. This seems like a less consequential violation than initiating an inappropriate armed confrontation in the first place.", ">>{hwkns} : He didn't vote for him, more of an expression of desperate wishful thinking", '>>{aperfectmouth} : Morgan freeman said no such thing. FAKE NEWZ!!!!!!!', '>>{gooderthanhail} : > "The United States will take additional action, as necessary and appropriate, to further its important national interests," Trump wrote. # Trump didn\'t write that.', '>>{Sussay} : Lord Dampnut is a WHINER. Get your spelling right!', ">>{007meow} : Yes you can, it's the similar to how you can retroactively register as a foreign agent. ^^^^/a", ">>{TeKnOShEeP} : So every time we elect a rich politician on a platform of raising taxes, especially capital gains taxes, we've fucked up? That's a pretty shit argument. Logic cuts both ways buckaroo. You can personally benefit from something and still attempt to change it into something you think is more fair.", '>>{Checkma7e} : Well regardless of what term you care to put on it, millions of Americans use it daily.', '>>{Checkma7e} : He said "directly from the white house".', ">>{ConceptualTrap} : And I explained the difference. Whitehouse.gov is simply official statement and represents their views and agenda. They are not an impartial source, are not intended to be an impartial source, and don't really pretend to be. There's a massive difference between an official statement from a government branch and a covert statement from a government branch, hidden behind the veil of journalistic integrity and truth seeking. Comparing the two is a false equivalency as one is intended to be a check on the other. And, if it's not obvious: Government > Press = Fascism Press > Government = Democracy", ">>{qpzmwxom} : >The chemical weapons attack doesn't fulfill any of those criteria They actually might, since we have US troops operating in Syria.", ">>{OscarMiguelRamirez} : It's always obvious when he signs his name to someone else's words.", ">>{Infidel8} : Hmm... You might actually be right. I didn't even think about that. I actually don't know one way or another whether any US troops are stationed in Idlib Province.", '>>{Kukantiz} : Heh I see stuff like this shared on my Facebook page from that Milo alphabet guy. Apparently when a black guy says it, it supposed to give them more credibility.', ">>{qpzmwxom} : We don't want chemical weapons to be used against our troops, it poses a danger to US troops fighting ISIS, if a crazy dictator has the means to deliver chemical weapons."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{HamsterSandwich} : Five ways Donald Trump benefits from the globalization he says he hates', ">>{sanspri} : Trump doesn't say he hates globalization. As a matter of fact he says it has enriched him greatly, but he hates what it's done to American workers and also hates the fact that companies like Nabisco and Carrier can lay off thousands from good jobs here in the US then go across the border to Mexico to manufacture with no cost or penalty to them as the real costs are passed onto US citizens, ue, Medicaid, etc., as the wealthy elite at Carrier and Nabisco make even more money", ">>{CompletePrepperStore} : Voters say Trump isn't a suitable candidate for the job, but his hypocrisy states otherwise. Can't believe a word he says.", ">>{sanspri} : I'm just a fool that tries to help the un/misinformed with facts", ">>{roboboogienights} : Trump is not going to stop that, because they are doing it in the pursuit of more money. That's the highest civic virtue to someone like Trump. Besides, he may talk now about bringing jobs back to the US to placate a pissed off worker class, but when protectionism begins to wreak havoc on the economy, he will be the first to suggest reversing it.", '>>{archeominus} : Trump Ties, Trump Suits, Trump Shoes, Trump Wine, Trump Vodka', ">>{misscee} : and there are many ways that Hillary and her hundreds of millions of dollars (and I'm not even counting the money the foundation rakes in) also benefits from globalization. She has flip flopped so many times and never says exactly what she's going to do, so she can't get pinned down later ... who knows what she'll do. (But we have a pretty good idea, judging from her past actions.) At least Trump is being direct and I think that will resonate with the American People. It's about the economy, stupid.", ">>{iksmx} : Let's parse this, shall we? >Trump doesn't say he hates globalization But: > > but he hates what it's done to American workers and also hates the fact that companies like Nabisco and Carrier can lay off thousands from good jobs here in the US then go across the border to Mexico to manufacture with no cost or penalty to them as the real costs are passed onto US citizens So he doesn't hate globalization, just what it does. OK? Not sure how that changes anything. - > As a matter of fact he says it has enriched him greatly No shit. That's the point - why would anyone put someone who benefits so much from something (and obviously has very little in the way of morals) in charge of reforming it? That's batshit crazy.", ">>{iksmx} : >and there are many ways that Hillary and her hundreds of millions of dollars (and I'm not even counting the money the foundation rakes in) also benefits from globalization. Is Hillary a critic of globalization and free trade? >She has flip flopped so many times and never says exactly what she's going to do, so she can't get pinned down later ... who knows what she'll do. >At least Trump is being direct and I think that will resonate with the American People. That is god damned funny. Trump supporters are completely blind I guess.", ">>{TeKnOShEeP} : So every time we elect a rich politician on a platform of raising taxes, especially capital gains taxes, we've fucked up? That's a pretty shit argument. Logic cuts both ways buckaroo. You can personally benefit from something and still attempt to change it into something you think is more fair."], [">>{thc1967} : This shows what a dirtbag McConnell is. He vehemently objects to Trump's racist rants not because racism is bad and wrong, but because it will hinder Trump's ability to win the White house.", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : This is fascinating stuff on many levels. Note that McConnell “vehemently objects” to Trump’s attacks on various ethnic groups, but will continue to support him provided he reads from a prepared script that no longer includes such attacks — in other words, provided Trump stops saying these things aloud. In short, he's asking Donald to hide his known racism - not an easy feat!", ">>{nateure} : Well he doesn't know very much about the issues, but at least he'll be different! FFS. You might as well have nominated [this guy](http://i.imgur.com/kAVnAFe.png). At least he's a former *Time* Person of the Year, and you would never have to remind him not to say anything racist. EDIT: I suck at formatting", '>>{Garrub} : > [this guy](http://i.imgur.com/kAVnAFe.png) FTFY (by adding http:// to your url)', ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : It's a fascinating look into the fact that the GOP has no idea what it's doing. They see a man run riot and completely dominate their primary by being brash and off the cuff, and they immediately work to putting him on a pre-written script. Even if you can't stand Trump, you can't deny that's a very weird way of doing things. Hey, everything you've done to get to where you are? Throw that out and do what we say, which is what all of your opponents did to lose.", '>>{not_a_throwaway23} : Which "racist" rants are you referring to exactly. Please provide a quote.', '>>{not_a_throwaway23} : Its the only game they know how to play.', ">>{thc1967} : I'm referring to McConnell characterizing Trump's rants as racist and his reasons for disliking them. If you want to understand which of Trump's rants McConnell thinks are racist, read the article or ask him.", ">>{not_a_throwaway23} : So, no quote then. Funny how that's always the response.", ">>{thc1967} : Or funny how you can't read for context. I never characterized Trump's rants as racist and my comment was about McConnell's reaction to McConnell's perception of Trump's rants. Do you have a comment on THAT?", '>>{Snowfeecat} : Trump has people chanting "wall! Wall!" at his rallies. He rants against "Mexican" Judge Curiel to Jake Tapper. He rants against immigrants whenever he can. I love when people pretend to be ignorant because then I can tell them.', ">>{murdercraixe} : None of those examples are racist though, unless you are an ideological bigot who hates republicans because they are republicans. Walls aren't racist. Sotomayer herself said the exact same thing trump did about POC judges. Give us some quotes from his rants against immigrants? You've sold your soul to a political party. How sad. respond if you want. i never read replies to what I type here lol."], ['>>{Fatburg} : ["Morgan Freeman on Trump: \'It feels like we are jumping off a cliff\'"]( http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/317083-morgan-freeman-on-trump-it-feels-like-we-are-jumping-off-a)', ">>{SchAdamfreude} : 'Celebrities like Meryl Streep should stay in their lanes, and shut up about politics!' 'Look, a celebrity that agrees with us! This guy knows what's up!'", '>>{metaobject} : I wonder what Chachi thinks about it????', '>>{Schiffy94} : The rest of the world: Breitbart is a site full of easily debunked bullshit', '>>{metaobject} : Why is Breitbart still allowed here? State sponsored propaganda directly from the White House. Horseshit.', '>>{Checkma7e} : Idk about the "rest of the world", but millions of conservative Americans visit the site everyday.', '>>{IronyIntended2} : They either misspelt wiener or whiner, I will accept a correction to either.', '>>{Roseking} : > “I’m holding out hope that Donald Trump has to be a good president,” the Ben-Hur actor said. “He can’t not be. What I see is a guy who will not lose.” Here is what he actually said. Basically, his position is "OurPresident has to do good because all of us suffer if he isn\'t" And also > Freeman’s comments were made before Trump’s signed an executive order temporarily prohibiting the arrival of Syrian refugees into the United States and halting the entry of most citizens from Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Libya.', '>>{antisoshal} : this irony is even better when you read the details and find out hes not a trump supporter and the quote is out of context.', ">>{ConceptualTrap} : Whitehouse.gov isn't considered press. It's official statement. Breitbart pretends that its stories are written by journalists.", ">>{hwkns} : He didn't vote for him, more of an expression of desperate wishful thinking", '>>{aperfectmouth} : Morgan freeman said no such thing. FAKE NEWZ!!!!!!!', '>>{Sussay} : Lord Dampnut is a WHINER. Get your spelling right!', '>>{Checkma7e} : Well regardless of what term you care to put on it, millions of Americans use it daily.', '>>{Checkma7e} : He said "directly from the white house".', ">>{ConceptualTrap} : And I explained the difference. Whitehouse.gov is simply official statement and represents their views and agenda. They are not an impartial source, are not intended to be an impartial source, and don't really pretend to be. There's a massive difference between an official statement from a government branch and a covert statement from a government branch, hidden behind the veil of journalistic integrity and truth seeking. Comparing the two is a false equivalency as one is intended to be a check on the other. And, if it's not obvious: Government > Press = Fascism Press > Government = Democracy", '>>{Kukantiz} : Heh I see stuff like this shared on my Facebook page from that Milo alphabet guy. Apparently when a black guy says it, it supposed to give them more credibility.'], ['>>{paraconformity} : The ‘Hillary for mayor’ story proves that we learn nothing', ">>{paraconformity} : I don't think you read the story. Hillary is not going to run for mayor, it was always the dumbest of clickbait.", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Actually, they still blame Hillary's fake issues, and don't note that without R&R (Russia and Racists) , there would be no outside interference on her.", ">>{3dstuff} : > I don't think you read the story. i dont think you understand the point of this subreddit, its not to read and discuss stories, its to argue about headlines", '>>{NekronOfTheBlack} : Considering almost the entire city voted for her, they feel differently than you do.', '>>{paraconformity} : I know, but I foolishly hoped the headline itself in this case would point them in that direction.', '>>{farcetragedy} : Trump lost his home county by 90%. lol. People in NYC hate his guts.', ">>{Tridamos} : People in NYC have had to put up with him, so it's only natural.", ">>{Janky42} : Let's not pretend Hillary was a great candidate. No private server no witch hunt... also racists are on both sides. Didn't you just hear about the special needs kid being tortured for over a day because he voted for Trump? The echo chamber needs to die #berniebro", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Regardless of HRC not being the "ideal candidate" (and the witchhunt is due to attacks on he, not fake issues with a private server), she was the best we had to offer, and in my opinion, people would have bekieved fake sandals (that we dont even know what they would have been ) had we nominated Sanders. But it\'s over The issues here (fake news, the inability of the people to understand science, and their fascination with narcissistic demagogues) can\'t be blamed on HRC in particular..'], ['>>{TinyBaron} : >"House lawmakers from both sides of the aisle sent a letter to President Barack Obama Wednesday asserting that striking Syria **without prior Congressional authorization** would be unconstitutional. >As we reported Tuesday, the letter penned by Rep. Scott Rigell, R-Va., pushes the president to "receive authorization from Congress before ordering the use of U.S. military force in Syria." [Source.](http://www.rollcall.com/news/policy/87-house-members-sign-syria-letter-to-obama#sthash.ZQPZ0fqd.dpuf)', ">>{Jkdsh} : You don't retroactively get approval. That's not how congressional approval works.", '>>{ganymede_boy} : 1) Inform Russia 2) Order strikes 3) Golf 4) Inform Congress', ">>{a_James_Woods} : It's not shabby that congress found out after Putin? Seems pretty shabby to me.", ">>{Infidel8} : If he's claiming that he had authority under the [War Powers Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Powers_Resolution) (he doesn't), then he's allowed to inform them after the fact.", ">>{Infidel8} : He only has authority under certain circumstances: > > The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to > (1) a declaration of war, > (2) specific statutory authorization, or > (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces. The chemical weapons attack doesn't fulfill any of those criteria. That said, the WPA has definitely been misused before.", ">>{SNIIIFFFF} : >1)~~Inform Russia~~. Ask Putin's permission. > >2) Order strikes > >3) Golf 3a) Tweet about how great and smart he is. > >4) Inform Congress", ">>{ashesashesdustdust} : This part of the wiki you linked doesn't give me much hope that he'll get in trouble over it: > It has been alleged that the War Powers Resolution has been violated in the past – for example, by President Bill Clinton in 1999, during the bombing campaign in Kosovo. Congress has disapproved all such incidents, but none has resulted in any successful legal actions being taken against the president for alleged violations.", ">>{Holmes02} : >1)~~Inform Russia~~. Ask Putin's permission. > >2) Order strikes > >3) Golf 3a) Tweet about how great and smart he is. 3b) Say that runways are pavement and can easily be rebuilt > >4) Inform Congress", ">>{SNIIIFFFF} : And/or that runways aren't a good idea to bomb for.....reasons.", ">>{Infidel8} : You're right. But Clinton *did* take significant heat over his violation, which even included a bipartisan federal lawsuit against him by members of Congress. (The suit was thrown out.) But Clinton's situation was different in that he violated the act by keeping troops in Kosovo beyond the 60 days allowed by the WPA. This seems like a less consequential violation than initiating an inappropriate armed confrontation in the first place.", '>>{gooderthanhail} : > "The United States will take additional action, as necessary and appropriate, to further its important national interests," Trump wrote. # Trump didn\'t write that.', ">>{007meow} : Yes you can, it's the similar to how you can retroactively register as a foreign agent. ^^^^/a", ">>{qpzmwxom} : >The chemical weapons attack doesn't fulfill any of those criteria They actually might, since we have US troops operating in Syria.", ">>{OscarMiguelRamirez} : It's always obvious when he signs his name to someone else's words.", ">>{Infidel8} : Hmm... You might actually be right. I didn't even think about that. I actually don't know one way or another whether any US troops are stationed in Idlib Province.", ">>{qpzmwxom} : We don't want chemical weapons to be used against our troops, it poses a danger to US troops fighting ISIS, if a crazy dictator has the means to deliver chemical weapons."]]
classify and reply
['>>{SuperCoupe} : After BREXIT, American Racists Delight in the Future of Britain', ">>{PimpCinnamon} : Boo hoo, people didn't vote the way liberals wanted now everyone is nazi hitler wahhh. Get a grip you fucking melodramatic pussies", '>>{Stewpid} : Why does the Left always paint anyone who disagrees with them as racists?', ">>{Olegovich} : it's shit like this that's starting to even make me feel embarrassed to call myself a liberal...", ">>{jacks1000} : SPLC is a hate group, and it's also a scam.", '>>{jacks1000} : That\'s why I use the correct term for these people: "progressives." They are not liberal.', '>>{jacks1000} : The SPLC\'s entire business model relies on calling people "racists."', '>>{jacks1000} : The more they call people "racist" the less sting the word really has. Which is a good development. I hope the progressives continue.', '>>{MAGwastheSHIT} : Are you denying that the Daily Stormer is racist?', '>>{MAGwastheSHIT} : You should educate yourself, then. I suggest the Southern Poverty Law Center. They do excellent work tracking these kinds of hate groups.', ">>{Rapists4Hillary} : Because it's the easiest way to shut down an argument.", ">>{nate077} : It's named after the Nazi-propagandist paper of the same name, the editor of which was Julius Streicher who was executed for war crimes. Andrew Anglin, the man who revived the name with the current edition is an avowed racist. He's being called a racist because even he describes himself as such.", ">>{HotSauceJohnson} : >They do excellent work tracking these kinds of hate groups. They also do really bad work lumping in political opponents with them. **NOT** to say the Daily Stormer isn't racist. It is for sure, but SPLC is not an unbiased source.", '>>{popname} : The racists of the Southern Poverty Law Center demand that the people of the UK are unworthy of self determination.', '>>{jacks1000} : Progressives engage in a motte and bailey style of argumentation where they expand the definitions of these words (racist, sexist, xenophobia, etc.) in order to slur their opponents, then backtrack to the narrower definitions when called on it. "Racism" used to mean "hating someone for their race." Now, racism can mean "wants to stop mass immigration" or "voting against a black President" or even "preferring to date someone of their own ethnic group." Yes, the progressive dating site OKCupid said that their users were "racist" because they mostly responded to ads from people of their own race, and it would be "progress" if people started dating people of other races. But no one wants to be called a "racist" in the original sense of the term "hating someone because of their race" - so when called "racist" they have to respond, "no I\'m not a racist, I just prefer dating someone of my ethnicity." "Make the bastards deny it." It\'s just a typical form of propaganda. Trump hasn\'t said anything "racist" in the original sense of the words. When he said that many illegal aliens from Mexico were rapists, he was making a simple factual statement. But of course, progressives expanded the definition to mean "having a negative opinion about illegal aliens from Mexico." It\'s a transparent tactic.', '>>{jacks1000} : I have heard of the Daily Stormer. Yes, it\'s racist, in the sense of teenage boys telling racist jokes. It\'s a troll website. It\'s not a serious political movement or anything. It\'s 4chan, basically, teenage boys saying "naughty" things online. The SPLC always tries to link people or groups to the Daily Stormer as a simple method of guilty-by-association. In fact, the Daily Stormer is likely funded by the SPLC, as the Daily Stormer itself uses these tactics.', ">>{MAGwastheSHIT} : I have a friend with the Reynolds Corporation who might be able to get you a discount on tin foil. PM me if you're interested.", '>>{jacks1000} : You are the one that thinks a bunch of teenage boys telling racial jokes is some massive "neo-nazi conspiracy." As an SPLC partisan, one assume it is your job to make up these various conspiracy theories.', ">>{Not_Pictured} : > Southern Poverty Law Center I'm an anarcho-capitalist. They deem me a potential domestic terrorist and a member of a hate group.", '>>{boogietime} : This is such a ridiculous line of attack. If something is good for of favored by a large group of people there will always be some bad apples. Propagandists want you to read this and associate the entire Brexit movement with racists. I bet there\'s a group of racists/neo-nazis out there that really like space exploration. Every time we send a new shuttle into space, how stupid would it be to run an add saying: Racists delight in shuttle launch!"', '>>{MAGwastheSHIT} : Oh, they labeled a group that spreads hateful lies about gay people and lobbies the government to deny equal rights to US citizens a *hate group*? Weird.', ">>{RobosapienLXIV} : You're doing the same, you're just reifying the other side without really putting thought on what is happening. It's not like this side wants to destroy you, they want the best for you and viceversa, never forget that.", '>>{HotSauceJohnson} : It is when you lump them in with neo-nazis and the KKK.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : They miss the 90s when they were relevant. Now they think there is a Nazi hiding under their beds at night.', '>>{jacks1000} : >I bet there\'s a group of racists/neo-nazis out there that really like space exploration. Every time we send a new shuttle into space, how stupid would it be to run an add saying: Racists delight in shuttle launch!" The funny thing is, these "neo-nazis" and "kkks" that the SPLC likes to talk about so much barely exist. As far as I know, there are two "neo-Nazi" groups, something called the "National Socialist Movement" that actually dress up in Nazi costumes and wave swastika flags. It has a few dozen members I would guess. But a few years ago they were all over TV. Literally all these people do is parade around in front of media cameras, doing a show. Then the TV does some scaremongering about "the growing neo-nazi movement" and tries to link anyone to the right of Hillary Clinton as somehow "connected" to these groups. Remember the old joke, "I hate Illinois Nazis?" That comes from a famous "neo-Nazi" group in the 1970s. The whole thing was a prank, but the media made it out to be some serious movement. It had, like, ten members and the leader was himself actually Jewish. The SPLC ran out of actual "hate groups" back in the 1970s, so they have to keep exaggerating (and in some cases, manufacturing) these groups to scare little old Jewish ladies in Florida into giving them money to "stop the Nazis from taking over America." It\'s literally a scam.', ">>{jacks1000} : >It's not like this side wants to destroy you, they want the best for you and viceversa, Well that is obvious not true. The left do not have my best interests at heart, nor do they even pretend to.", '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Splc has been sued numerous times and is widely regaurded as partisan. Best example is that they labeled MRA a hate group ove annonymous emails and online comments but feminism is not a hate group for outward calls to reduce male populations from prominent feminists, role in society, outright killing them, repeated death threats to opposition, the list goes on and out the door.', '>>{jacks1000} : >Andrew Anglin, the man who revived the name with the current edition is an avowed racist. Anglin is a clown. He has a history of dating Black and Asian women, hardly the typical profile of a "racist." But being a Professional Nazi for the SPLC to talk about is now his full time job. He\'s basically an actor. All one has to do is to go to that site itself, read it for ten minutes, and realize it\'s basically a big joke. Some Republicans started some "Communist" website a few years back in order to slander the Democrats. As is typical for the GOP, they didn\'t do it nearly as well as the left does.', ">>{Viol33} : Sounds like someone hasn't gotten laid in a while...", '>>{Viol33} : ITT- people butthurt that neo-nazis and white supremacists are being called the r-word...', '>>{do_u_even_poop_bro} : The number of fallacies that argument make me want to vag punch the editor.', ">>{jacks1000} : Literally there's not a single comment in this thread complaining that neo-nazis and white supremacists are being called the r-word.", ">>{jeffwulf} : They don't paint anyone who disagrees with them as racist. They paint racists who disagree with them as racists.", '>>{WireframeNerd} : Progressives are the wrong term as well. What you are referring to are "regressives" or the \'Regressive left\'. The SJW/Modern Feminism crowd. They ruin everything they touch ie. Colleges, The Pirate Party, Progressives, Atheism+ you name it.', '>>{jacks1000} : No, I object to the term "regressive left." It simply reinforces the progressive narrative. "Progressive" implies progress towards some goal. When progressives are actually asked to spell out the goal they want progress towards, it is usually either a) a naive utopian ideal based on whatever political issues are popular at the time, or b) a hard core totalitarian police state. Their utopia is a dystopia for everyone else. It\'s progress towards hell.', '>>{KawaiiPatrick} : Its not racist to appose destruction of your culture.', ">>{Sajl6320} : I'm sure they have tons of info on BLM.", '>>{Viol33} : Read the article bro. The people discussed are literally white nationalists...', '>>{WireframeNerd} : Progressives among many other things are more complex and nuanced than you claim. Like many things in the political sphere it suffers from a common understanding of the word or group. For example, the Group of people we call progressive usually includes those I disdain (The SJW/Feminist crowd ). I as well as any Liberals with common sense, would not want to be grouped with these ideological imbeciles. Hence the need to differentiate them from ourselves and other Liberals. This is the reason people use the term "regressive left" to describe them. Secondly, I would describe many of my ***personal*** political views to be Liberal or Progressive leaning with a good mix of Libertarian values. So by lumping in the regressives with the progressives it becomes a word with such a broad range that it can be used to smear all those who fall under its banner, just like Liberal or Conservative often is. That is why it is important to differentiate the differences between these two distinctively different political ideologies. Progressives aren\'t for a Utopia, but they do want significant change in many political arenas that\'s aim to improve the lives of most people. The regressives corrode this ideal into the totalitarian diplopia many fear by infiltrating it and using it\'s power to promote their stupidity.', ">>{jacks1000} : I can understand why progressives want to distance themselves from their crazy hateful wing. Also, I think there is a distinction between liberal and progressive. I'm a liberal, and I am not progressive. >Progressives aren't for a Utopia, but they do want significant change in many political arenas that's aim to improve the lives of most people. People always make up definitions that make themselves appear good, sure.", '>>{SuperCoupe} : You do realize this is the localized, American reaction to a sweeping global phenomenon; right?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{SuperCoupe} : After BREXIT, American Racists Delight in the Future of Britain', ">>{PimpCinnamon} : Boo hoo, people didn't vote the way liberals wanted now everyone is nazi hitler wahhh. Get a grip you fucking melodramatic pussies", '>>{Stewpid} : Why does the Left always paint anyone who disagrees with them as racists?', ">>{Olegovich} : it's shit like this that's starting to even make me feel embarrassed to call myself a liberal...", ">>{jacks1000} : SPLC is a hate group, and it's also a scam.", '>>{jacks1000} : That\'s why I use the correct term for these people: "progressives." They are not liberal.', '>>{jacks1000} : The SPLC\'s entire business model relies on calling people "racists."', '>>{jacks1000} : The more they call people "racist" the less sting the word really has. Which is a good development. I hope the progressives continue.', '>>{MAGwastheSHIT} : Are you denying that the Daily Stormer is racist?', '>>{MAGwastheSHIT} : You should educate yourself, then. I suggest the Southern Poverty Law Center. They do excellent work tracking these kinds of hate groups.', ">>{Rapists4Hillary} : Because it's the easiest way to shut down an argument.", ">>{nate077} : It's named after the Nazi-propagandist paper of the same name, the editor of which was Julius Streicher who was executed for war crimes. Andrew Anglin, the man who revived the name with the current edition is an avowed racist. He's being called a racist because even he describes himself as such.", ">>{HotSauceJohnson} : >They do excellent work tracking these kinds of hate groups. They also do really bad work lumping in political opponents with them. **NOT** to say the Daily Stormer isn't racist. It is for sure, but SPLC is not an unbiased source.", '>>{popname} : The racists of the Southern Poverty Law Center demand that the people of the UK are unworthy of self determination.', '>>{jacks1000} : Progressives engage in a motte and bailey style of argumentation where they expand the definitions of these words (racist, sexist, xenophobia, etc.) in order to slur their opponents, then backtrack to the narrower definitions when called on it. "Racism" used to mean "hating someone for their race." Now, racism can mean "wants to stop mass immigration" or "voting against a black President" or even "preferring to date someone of their own ethnic group." Yes, the progressive dating site OKCupid said that their users were "racist" because they mostly responded to ads from people of their own race, and it would be "progress" if people started dating people of other races. But no one wants to be called a "racist" in the original sense of the term "hating someone because of their race" - so when called "racist" they have to respond, "no I\'m not a racist, I just prefer dating someone of my ethnicity." "Make the bastards deny it." It\'s just a typical form of propaganda. Trump hasn\'t said anything "racist" in the original sense of the words. When he said that many illegal aliens from Mexico were rapists, he was making a simple factual statement. But of course, progressives expanded the definition to mean "having a negative opinion about illegal aliens from Mexico." It\'s a transparent tactic.', '>>{jacks1000} : I have heard of the Daily Stormer. Yes, it\'s racist, in the sense of teenage boys telling racist jokes. It\'s a troll website. It\'s not a serious political movement or anything. It\'s 4chan, basically, teenage boys saying "naughty" things online. The SPLC always tries to link people or groups to the Daily Stormer as a simple method of guilty-by-association. In fact, the Daily Stormer is likely funded by the SPLC, as the Daily Stormer itself uses these tactics.', ">>{MAGwastheSHIT} : I have a friend with the Reynolds Corporation who might be able to get you a discount on tin foil. PM me if you're interested.", '>>{jacks1000} : You are the one that thinks a bunch of teenage boys telling racial jokes is some massive "neo-nazi conspiracy." As an SPLC partisan, one assume it is your job to make up these various conspiracy theories.', ">>{Not_Pictured} : > Southern Poverty Law Center I'm an anarcho-capitalist. They deem me a potential domestic terrorist and a member of a hate group.", '>>{boogietime} : This is such a ridiculous line of attack. If something is good for of favored by a large group of people there will always be some bad apples. Propagandists want you to read this and associate the entire Brexit movement with racists. I bet there\'s a group of racists/neo-nazis out there that really like space exploration. Every time we send a new shuttle into space, how stupid would it be to run an add saying: Racists delight in shuttle launch!"', '>>{MAGwastheSHIT} : Oh, they labeled a group that spreads hateful lies about gay people and lobbies the government to deny equal rights to US citizens a *hate group*? Weird.', ">>{RobosapienLXIV} : You're doing the same, you're just reifying the other side without really putting thought on what is happening. It's not like this side wants to destroy you, they want the best for you and viceversa, never forget that.", '>>{HotSauceJohnson} : It is when you lump them in with neo-nazis and the KKK.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : They miss the 90s when they were relevant. Now they think there is a Nazi hiding under their beds at night.', '>>{jacks1000} : >I bet there\'s a group of racists/neo-nazis out there that really like space exploration. Every time we send a new shuttle into space, how stupid would it be to run an add saying: Racists delight in shuttle launch!" The funny thing is, these "neo-nazis" and "kkks" that the SPLC likes to talk about so much barely exist. As far as I know, there are two "neo-Nazi" groups, something called the "National Socialist Movement" that actually dress up in Nazi costumes and wave swastika flags. It has a few dozen members I would guess. But a few years ago they were all over TV. Literally all these people do is parade around in front of media cameras, doing a show. Then the TV does some scaremongering about "the growing neo-nazi movement" and tries to link anyone to the right of Hillary Clinton as somehow "connected" to these groups. Remember the old joke, "I hate Illinois Nazis?" That comes from a famous "neo-Nazi" group in the 1970s. The whole thing was a prank, but the media made it out to be some serious movement. It had, like, ten members and the leader was himself actually Jewish. The SPLC ran out of actual "hate groups" back in the 1970s, so they have to keep exaggerating (and in some cases, manufacturing) these groups to scare little old Jewish ladies in Florida into giving them money to "stop the Nazis from taking over America." It\'s literally a scam.', ">>{jacks1000} : >It's not like this side wants to destroy you, they want the best for you and viceversa, Well that is obvious not true. The left do not have my best interests at heart, nor do they even pretend to.", '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Splc has been sued numerous times and is widely regaurded as partisan. Best example is that they labeled MRA a hate group ove annonymous emails and online comments but feminism is not a hate group for outward calls to reduce male populations from prominent feminists, role in society, outright killing them, repeated death threats to opposition, the list goes on and out the door.', '>>{jacks1000} : >Andrew Anglin, the man who revived the name with the current edition is an avowed racist. Anglin is a clown. He has a history of dating Black and Asian women, hardly the typical profile of a "racist." But being a Professional Nazi for the SPLC to talk about is now his full time job. He\'s basically an actor. All one has to do is to go to that site itself, read it for ten minutes, and realize it\'s basically a big joke. Some Republicans started some "Communist" website a few years back in order to slander the Democrats. As is typical for the GOP, they didn\'t do it nearly as well as the left does.', ">>{Viol33} : Sounds like someone hasn't gotten laid in a while...", '>>{Viol33} : ITT- people butthurt that neo-nazis and white supremacists are being called the r-word...', '>>{do_u_even_poop_bro} : The number of fallacies that argument make me want to vag punch the editor.', ">>{jacks1000} : Literally there's not a single comment in this thread complaining that neo-nazis and white supremacists are being called the r-word.", ">>{jeffwulf} : They don't paint anyone who disagrees with them as racist. They paint racists who disagree with them as racists.", '>>{WireframeNerd} : Progressives are the wrong term as well. What you are referring to are "regressives" or the \'Regressive left\'. The SJW/Modern Feminism crowd. They ruin everything they touch ie. Colleges, The Pirate Party, Progressives, Atheism+ you name it.', '>>{jacks1000} : No, I object to the term "regressive left." It simply reinforces the progressive narrative. "Progressive" implies progress towards some goal. When progressives are actually asked to spell out the goal they want progress towards, it is usually either a) a naive utopian ideal based on whatever political issues are popular at the time, or b) a hard core totalitarian police state. Their utopia is a dystopia for everyone else. It\'s progress towards hell.', '>>{KawaiiPatrick} : Its not racist to appose destruction of your culture.', ">>{Sajl6320} : I'm sure they have tons of info on BLM.", '>>{Viol33} : Read the article bro. The people discussed are literally white nationalists...', '>>{WireframeNerd} : Progressives among many other things are more complex and nuanced than you claim. Like many things in the political sphere it suffers from a common understanding of the word or group. For example, the Group of people we call progressive usually includes those I disdain (The SJW/Feminist crowd ). I as well as any Liberals with common sense, would not want to be grouped with these ideological imbeciles. Hence the need to differentiate them from ourselves and other Liberals. This is the reason people use the term "regressive left" to describe them. Secondly, I would describe many of my ***personal*** political views to be Liberal or Progressive leaning with a good mix of Libertarian values. So by lumping in the regressives with the progressives it becomes a word with such a broad range that it can be used to smear all those who fall under its banner, just like Liberal or Conservative often is. That is why it is important to differentiate the differences between these two distinctively different political ideologies. Progressives aren\'t for a Utopia, but they do want significant change in many political arenas that\'s aim to improve the lives of most people. The regressives corrode this ideal into the totalitarian diplopia many fear by infiltrating it and using it\'s power to promote their stupidity.', ">>{jacks1000} : I can understand why progressives want to distance themselves from their crazy hateful wing. Also, I think there is a distinction between liberal and progressive. I'm a liberal, and I am not progressive. >Progressives aren't for a Utopia, but they do want significant change in many political arenas that's aim to improve the lives of most people. People always make up definitions that make themselves appear good, sure.", '>>{SuperCoupe} : You do realize this is the localized, American reaction to a sweeping global phenomenon; right?']]
classify and reply
[">>{Yoru_no_Majo} : I don't think this is the right place for tongue-in-cheek fiction.", ">>{wizardofthefuture} : So... ignore DNC rigging their primary, don't indict Hillary for her scandals, but go after Trump for free speech? Ah right, focusing on Russia and Putin is the way Hillary, the DNC, and the media are taking focus away from the content of the emails. Apparently they'll even suggest prosecuting free speech in America to cover up their actions. Scary.", ">>{bassististist} : IS it fiction? It's not marked as such.", '>>{SoulGloCurls} : Yes it is - if you click "Read More," it shows that Yahoo News is clipping from a [Borowitz Report](http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/putin-appears-with-trump-in-flurry-of-swing-state-rallies/amp) write-up. It\'s satire.', ">>{Heynony} : Oh crap, you mean this isn't true? Kellyanne has already taped two Sunday shows talking about what a great move this was for Trump. That's going to be embarrassing. Has anybody told Putin not to come, that it's just a joke? Boy is he going to be pissed. I hope he doesn't fire Donald.", '>>{Shiba-Shiba} : Prosecute Dems for what was revealed by the hacks!', '>>{bonehowler45} : Trump is a plant for Clinton. That is why I am voting for him. Play stupid get stupid back. Who do they think they are playing? This is the age of the Internet.', '>>{racc8290} : I think the CTR office knows they\'ll never get these to the front, so "office jockeys" just post random things so they can keep collecting a paycheck. It\'s really they only thing i can imagine knowing how blatantly bad these posts are. "Here, I posted 20 pro-clint and 30 anti-trump" "Here\'s 90 bucks" *hands over cash*', '>>{Triggered_Trump} : Open article CTRL F - "Prosecute" >"No, he should not be prosecuted" ooooookay newsmax. Nice story you cooked up here.', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : You didn't ~~read~~ comprehend the article. - edited for truthiness", ">>{wizardofthefuture} : >prominent Democrats began suggesting that the Republican presidential nominee be investigated — and possibly prosecuted — for it I'll give you the same advice I suggest for Hillary: Nice try, but no more lies.", '>>{Triggered_Trump} : Oh, is that a quote, or just words form the author? If you found a single instance of a Democrat saying "prosecute" I\'d love to see it.', ">>{wizardofthefuture} : I quoted the article you claimed I didn't read. You're playing games and your first response was a lie.", ">>{Drasas} : Yeah, it's humor. Could you imagine if Putin actually showed up to a Trump rally. They'd adore him. He could talk about helping Trump win with information and he'd get a shrine thread in The_Dolan.", ">>{TRUMP_EQUALS_HITLER} : *checks to see if we're still in /r/politics or /r/conspiracy*", ">>{racc8290} : Working in an office, i know how it works. You need lots of computers set up in a small space where employees can communicate and coordinate easily. It's the only way, really. As far as i know", '>>{wizardofthefuture} : I can hear the crowds already. *"Lock them up! Lock them up!"*', '>>{superpod} : Excellent work, OP, I consider my ass well trolled. For those of you still shaking like a shitting dog, the credit on the original article reads... "Andy Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. He writes the Borowitz Report for newyorker.com."', '>>{wizardofthefuture} : So when confronted about their comments they backtracked? Even your out of context spin of the article paints them in a bad light.', '>>{superpod} : I think that it is relevant because after everything the man has said or denied, fabricated or ignored, it is possible to believe that he would do something like this. Thank God we all have our critical thinking skills, right?', '>>{bassististist} : It wasn\'t marked as "satire" on Yahoo. I eventually figured out it was (2016 has been hard on satire) but decided to post it for shits and giggles anyways. And, hey, Trump fans can lie outrageously, why not me too? :-)', ">>{Jeraltofrivias} : >I don't think this is the right place for tongue-in-cheek fiction. Yet I've been told the Trump campaign is quite serious.", ">>{wizardofthefuture} : Do you want to retract your lie? Hillary seems to retract lies all the time, and she's supposed to be an example right.", '>>{Triggered_Trump} : >So when confronted about their comments they backtracked? Even your out of context spin of the article paints them in a bad light. Huh? The only time a person is quoted using the word "prosecute" is a Democrat literally saying Trump should *not* be prosecuted. wtf are you talking about? Out of context...lol', ">>{igloojoe11} : It took me a second, too. Considering what I've seen from the Trump campaign, this wouldn't be too much of a stretch.", '>>{etherspin} : Donald would shout about how there would be no more pussy footing around ISIS and he was gonna throw civilian casualties to the wind and join Vlad and Assad and the crowd would go wild. People desperately seek to make excuses for Donald because his vague language appears to back up their views,their fears and their dreams about some nebulous past golden era which donald has never linked to a decade (because that would blow the idea out of the water)', ">>{TotallyLiberal} : It's not a conspiracy when we know CTR exists and that they are getting funding.", ">>{wizardofthefuture} : you can check what subreddit you're in by looking at the top bar where the logo is, or at your browser's address bar after reddit.com.", ">>{racc8290} : Something to the tune of $6 Million even. I'm pretty sure office jockeys could milk that money for a good while", ">>{wizardofthefuture} : >You didn't read the article. >https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4vmbnz/prosecute_trump_for_russia_hacking_remarks_dems/d5zivxb This is you lying.", ">>{racc8290} : It's at the top of the page. Or just check the url. It's so easy, even a Trump supporter could do it", '>>{Triggered_Trump} : No, and neither does any person in this article. Which you would know if you understood the quotes in the article.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{wizardofthefuture} : So... ignore DNC rigging their primary, don't indict Hillary for her scandals, but go after Trump for free speech? Ah right, focusing on Russia and Putin is the way Hillary, the DNC, and the media are taking focus away from the content of the emails. Apparently they'll even suggest prosecuting free speech in America to cover up their actions. Scary.", '>>{Shiba-Shiba} : Prosecute Dems for what was revealed by the hacks!', '>>{bonehowler45} : Trump is a plant for Clinton. That is why I am voting for him. Play stupid get stupid back. Who do they think they are playing? This is the age of the Internet.', '>>{racc8290} : I think the CTR office knows they\'ll never get these to the front, so "office jockeys" just post random things so they can keep collecting a paycheck. It\'s really they only thing i can imagine knowing how blatantly bad these posts are. "Here, I posted 20 pro-clint and 30 anti-trump" "Here\'s 90 bucks" *hands over cash*', '>>{Triggered_Trump} : Open article CTRL F - "Prosecute" >"No, he should not be prosecuted" ooooookay newsmax. Nice story you cooked up here.', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : You didn't ~~read~~ comprehend the article. - edited for truthiness", ">>{wizardofthefuture} : >prominent Democrats began suggesting that the Republican presidential nominee be investigated — and possibly prosecuted — for it I'll give you the same advice I suggest for Hillary: Nice try, but no more lies.", '>>{Triggered_Trump} : Oh, is that a quote, or just words form the author? If you found a single instance of a Democrat saying "prosecute" I\'d love to see it.', ">>{wizardofthefuture} : I quoted the article you claimed I didn't read. You're playing games and your first response was a lie.", ">>{TRUMP_EQUALS_HITLER} : *checks to see if we're still in /r/politics or /r/conspiracy*", ">>{racc8290} : Working in an office, i know how it works. You need lots of computers set up in a small space where employees can communicate and coordinate easily. It's the only way, really. As far as i know", '>>{wizardofthefuture} : I can hear the crowds already. *"Lock them up! Lock them up!"*', '>>{wizardofthefuture} : So when confronted about their comments they backtracked? Even your out of context spin of the article paints them in a bad light.', ">>{wizardofthefuture} : Do you want to retract your lie? Hillary seems to retract lies all the time, and she's supposed to be an example right.", '>>{Triggered_Trump} : >So when confronted about their comments they backtracked? Even your out of context spin of the article paints them in a bad light. Huh? The only time a person is quoted using the word "prosecute" is a Democrat literally saying Trump should *not* be prosecuted. wtf are you talking about? Out of context...lol', ">>{TotallyLiberal} : It's not a conspiracy when we know CTR exists and that they are getting funding.", ">>{wizardofthefuture} : you can check what subreddit you're in by looking at the top bar where the logo is, or at your browser's address bar after reddit.com.", ">>{racc8290} : Something to the tune of $6 Million even. I'm pretty sure office jockeys could milk that money for a good while", ">>{wizardofthefuture} : >You didn't read the article. >https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4vmbnz/prosecute_trump_for_russia_hacking_remarks_dems/d5zivxb This is you lying.", ">>{racc8290} : It's at the top of the page. Or just check the url. It's so easy, even a Trump supporter could do it", '>>{Triggered_Trump} : No, and neither does any person in this article. Which you would know if you understood the quotes in the article.'], [">>{Yoru_no_Majo} : I don't think this is the right place for tongue-in-cheek fiction.", ">>{bassististist} : IS it fiction? It's not marked as such.", '>>{SoulGloCurls} : Yes it is - if you click "Read More," it shows that Yahoo News is clipping from a [Borowitz Report](http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/putin-appears-with-trump-in-flurry-of-swing-state-rallies/amp) write-up. It\'s satire.', ">>{Heynony} : Oh crap, you mean this isn't true? Kellyanne has already taped two Sunday shows talking about what a great move this was for Trump. That's going to be embarrassing. Has anybody told Putin not to come, that it's just a joke? Boy is he going to be pissed. I hope he doesn't fire Donald.", ">>{Drasas} : Yeah, it's humor. Could you imagine if Putin actually showed up to a Trump rally. They'd adore him. He could talk about helping Trump win with information and he'd get a shrine thread in The_Dolan.", '>>{superpod} : Excellent work, OP, I consider my ass well trolled. For those of you still shaking like a shitting dog, the credit on the original article reads... "Andy Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. He writes the Borowitz Report for newyorker.com."', '>>{superpod} : I think that it is relevant because after everything the man has said or denied, fabricated or ignored, it is possible to believe that he would do something like this. Thank God we all have our critical thinking skills, right?', '>>{bassististist} : It wasn\'t marked as "satire" on Yahoo. I eventually figured out it was (2016 has been hard on satire) but decided to post it for shits and giggles anyways. And, hey, Trump fans can lie outrageously, why not me too? :-)', ">>{Jeraltofrivias} : >I don't think this is the right place for tongue-in-cheek fiction. Yet I've been told the Trump campaign is quite serious.", ">>{igloojoe11} : It took me a second, too. Considering what I've seen from the Trump campaign, this wouldn't be too much of a stretch.", '>>{etherspin} : Donald would shout about how there would be no more pussy footing around ISIS and he was gonna throw civilian casualties to the wind and join Vlad and Assad and the crowd would go wild. People desperately seek to make excuses for Donald because his vague language appears to back up their views,their fears and their dreams about some nebulous past golden era which donald has never linked to a decade (because that would blow the idea out of the water)']]
classify and reply
['>>{triplec787} : Have any of you taken advantage of the iPhone 6S battery recall thing?', '>>{Internexus} : From what I just heard a coworker complaining about, he says he had to make an appointment to go to the Apple Store. Once there they took down some information to order a battery that will be there in ~3 days. Then he has to schedule another appointment to drop the phone off and they will replace the battery.', '>>{gindc} : Trump’s main damage has already been done: He has raised a generation of racist bullies', ">>{Politx} : When they get back from recess they should vote on Obama's Supreme Court nominee.", '>>{wraithtek} : Can\'t even spell "Hillary" right in the video. Sad.', ">>{sircool099} : the accusations are all over the place. isn't he supposedly doing poorly with young people? How is he doing this?", '>>{miashaee} : The argument would be more that Trump is making bigotry more socially acceptable, based on what I have seen that appears to be the case. I hope he loses in a landslide in a clear rebuke of his bigotry, we will see though.', ">>{spaceghoti} : Speaking of double standards, where is the scrutiny for Colin Powell's emails on his private server? Or the rest of the Bush administration? How many of their emails were lost, and what was done about it?", '>>{triplec787} : Are you kidding? When I went through the sign up process I was only shown times when they could do the whole process. I really hope I can be in and out in a single appointment...', '>>{sircool099} : why? Human emotion should be shown. add to that, with the ever growing amount of automation, why is blocking immigration a bad thing?', '>>{Antsonfire} : I think the implication behind this article was that the next Republican candidates in the future are going yo run on tickets of fear of the other. Imagine the narrative of "red met eating average Joe" against "Ivy educated Liberal" argument in the future. That\'ll be whay happens in the next few elections IMO, but also with dashes of Trump\'s racism.', '>>{Jaspion0} : Very low energy. Very low information. I love these trump ppls', '>>{trcsteve} : Let me guess. They are going to call it the "Pulse" law. Dispicable people.', '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : >That’s why acts of violence against Hispanics, Muslims, Black Lives Matters activists and others have consistently cropped up since Trump’s announcement of his candidacy last summer. Protesters have been thrown out of rallies, members of minority groups have been beat up or spat upon, and those who dare speak out against Trump are subjected to particularly vile rhetoric. Is this writer living in opposite land?', ">>{Internexus} : My coworker was quite livid about the whole situation. I cannot say with certainty if this is how it's being done at all Apple stores, or if it's different based on sizes of cities etc...", ">>{pinkocommiegreen} : Lol... Don't put it past McCain and repubs, they are sleeping with the Dems also. We need to make it to Nov. quickly!", '>>{justanidiotloser} : Scum politicizing the actions of scum. Fuck this senate and fuck this earth.', ">>{cobolNoFun} : Personally, I would love a full investigation into all of them and swift prosecution if anything at all is found. Hell screw lost emails, what the hell was in Cheney's? Fuck these corrupt pieces if shit.", ">>{triplec787} : When did he have it done? I'm hoping after all this time they may have figured their shit out.", ">>{miashaee} : I didn't say anything about immigration, I said Trump is making bigotry more socially acceptable and I hope that he loses in a landslide victory in a clear rebuke of that bigotry. I am hoping that November 8th ends with an embarrassing earth shattering defeat for him and he is no longer able to spread his clear bigotry.", ">>{spaceghoti} : Sure, but all I'm hearing is that Clinton needs to go to jail, no one else. And yet, they have the audacity to claim there's a double standard for her benefit.", '>>{triplec787} : Oh jeez ok lol I was hoping it was a little more time. Oh well wish me luck I guess.', ">>{lovely_sombrero} : Raising? Young people are LEAST likely to support Trump. The media's obsession with painting young people as sexist (Bernie supporters) or stupid (Bernie supporters) or now as Trump supporters (while the exact opposite is the case) is just pathetic. Young people are the least likely to be sexist or racist. p.s.: on mobile, sry for typoz", ">>{OptionalCookie} : As someone who was working for Apple during this situation, I don't get how he was mad regarding the recall. If they didn't recall, he'd still be stuck with a phone that turns off and on.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : File this misogynistic crap as personal blog and inaccurate HRC broke no law in conjunction wit her email server. we know that the people in this witch hunt video did break the law and are traitors', '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : You seriously think that people want to take your guns away for no reason?', '>>{Mrpornogoregrinder} : Supply and demand. If you have to wait, wait! I waited two months for my Jet black. I could have settled for the matte black but no. I would have regret it immediately. Patience my friend.', ">>{Adhoc_hk} : God damn. I can't turn my back fast enough on these morons.", ">>{sircool099} : fear of the other is something all groups are guilty of as it's built in to human functionality. we naturally gravitate towards people like us, from political parties to demographic placement in cities.", '>>{pinkocommiegreen} : Yep. sure do. Primary job of any liberal is limit freedoms under the law. Liberal is just another name for communist and that is the first thing communists do when they come to power, take away guns from the people in order to subjugate. Study your history and you will not ask dumb questions like that kid.', '>>{Flux85} : For me, once they had the battery in all I had to do was drop my phone off and I came back about 90 minutes later and it was done. All my data was intact, no wipes or anything.', '>>{triplec787} : Ok. Would you recommend calling ahead and seeing if they have the battery in stock?', '>>{Flux85} : It wouldn\'t hurt to try, I originally made an appointment to start the whole process and they look at your phone, have you disable "Find my iPhone" to verify ownership as well as to be able to log it in their system for repair. I was then told I had to come back since their batteries were on backorder and that they\'d call/email me when it was in. (I got both an email and a call from my local Apple Store)', ">>{aaronchrisdesign} : Saucier is a hack of a sailor and deserves his prison time. He didn't do 1/5th of what Hillary did, he took photos of a highly classified nuclear submarine and had the photos of the reactor, control panels and interior on his phone. He showed them to his wife, and to another person that he was living with. Saucier wasn't cleared to have those photos on his phone and he was banned from taking the photos in the first place. Not to mention that this guy was a sailor, Hillary was the Secretary of State, 4th in line to the presidency. I hate to be that guy, but I'm in the belief that it's sort of important that the Secretary of State has immediate access to the server and to the classified documents. Agreed, Hillary and the team that was contracted to set up the server was careless, I don't fault her for having a server in the first place installed at her home for access, I fault the team for not going brought the right channels to secure and clear the server to begin with. But no, Clinton and saucier aren't similar.", '>>{miashaee} : Depends on if he still holds to his "no Muslims allowed ban", then it\'s just immigration discrimination against Muslims.', ">>{characterstudios} : Wholeheartedly disagree with the premise in the title of the article. Trump's campaign has really shown that the racist element in our society still exists, I really doubt it has created that much more racism, or made x amount of (young) people into racist bullies. It is true that because of the campaign, the racist bullies are more public... But the silver lining is that now we know who the racists and bigots are, and how many they are, it'll be easier to start doing something about it again. In brief, Trump is truly MAGA, but probably not the way he or his followers expected!", '>>{satosaison} : How many shitty young Trump supporters does it take though? In elementary school, you need like one or two douchebags to ruin a class. If he is polling at 20-30%, that is plenty of racist assholes to ruin society.', ">>{con247} : This happened to my sister, but worse. They would only hold the battery for 1 week but they didn't have any appointment slots, so she is stuck in an impossible limbo right now.", ">>{Araya213} : I didn't even know this was a problem until I was in the middle of flying my Mavic today and my phone died mid flight, it was at about 60%. I googled the issue and found out about the replacement program, and my serial number was indeed part of the program. I don't have an Apple store near me but I do have Apple Care Plus, so they allowed me to do an express replacement. They put a hold on my card for a ridiculous amount of money and they are supposed to ship me a new one. I have to ship the old one back, and the hold on my card should be released at that time.", '>>{Fuzz__} : You do know that sending classified information in emails from unsecured devices via an unsecured server to other unsecured devices and then destroying evidence of it after being issued a subpeona is illegal...right?', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Yawn, you understand Comey determined HRC broke no law in conjunction to any of this, right? I think that's more relevant that the tinfoil investigation details", '>>{KarmaAndLies} : > Study your history Said the person who thinks liberals and communists are interchangeable.', '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Wowza. Alright Mr. adult. Man it must be terrible living inside your paranoid mind. Damn.', '>>{Fuzz__} : Yawn, no. He recommended there be no case, he just sketchilly worded it but never said she didn\'t break the law. The FBI can\'t make indictments but HRC has strong ties in the FBI *and* the DoJ (which is proven, by the way). Also, the investigation is back open with even more evidence. She can tell them to release the info they have all she wants, she knows they cant. It\'s like telling prosecutors to publicly release the evidence of a child porn case, but this time with government secrets. You can\'t exactly share that. And to make it worse, there is a "99% chance" that more than 3 foreign entities hacked the server. Stop being stupid and stop being complacent about national security risks.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Actually, I think if you got smarter about this, you'd see that your little 1tinfoil conspiracy version of this is just that -", ">>{pinkocommiegreen} : Said the person who doesn't understand socialism, communism, Marx, Obama and Bernie's love of Marx. Please read: “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” -- Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn Quotes (Author of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich)", '>>{Fuzz__} : It\'s not a "tinfoil conspiracy" if there\'s gigabytes upon gigabytes of evidence. Keep being butthurt that you stand for something shitty.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > But no, Clinton and saucier aren't similar. No they're not. Thanks to a full FBI investigation we know Clinton broke no laws with her server, and that she would receive an administrative letter of reprimand", '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : I think he has like 10 to 15 percent support among millennials.', '>>{CaCHooKaMan} : I had my appointment last night and after I got there they ran diagnostics on my battery and told me they had to order the replacement. They said it would be in within 3-5 days then when I come in next it would take an hour and a half to two hours to replace the battery. They also sent an e-mail with the service details. > **Problem Description/Diagnosis** > Issue: Customer states phone will shut off at random times. > Steps to Reproduce: Battery diagnostics. Errorr with data > Cosmetic Condition: No physical damage > Proposed Resolution: Propose a battery replacement under quality program. Customer has back up and aware of data loss. Ordering part. > > Quote: 3-5 days', ">>{ScreamingUpAtUs} : Well, I certainly don't trust the government. Do you?", ">>{ScreamingUpAtUs} : What makes them more trustworthy? Big business has never committed genocides. The private sector has some level of accountability due to market competition but the government has none because it's the central authority.", '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : The government has plenty of watchdogs. We have inspector generals all over the place.', ">>{ScreamingUpAtUs} : And yet we still live in a surveillance state. You're telling me you trust the government to monitor the government?", '>>{heuheu} : Trump is a moron, but trying to downplay the violence BLM has caused or the crazy Hispanic trump protesters caused is hilarious. Article is pure garbage.', ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : I really don't care if they know what porno I like. I'm not a terrorist so I'm good. Why do you care?", '>>{squidbillie} : Are you saying trump did not personally raise a quarter of America?', ">>{oldcrow} : He didn't raise them, but he certainly knows that racist bullies are a big enough demographic that they are worth exploiting and pandering to. And they deserve each other.", '>>{ScreamingUpAtUs} : I see you\'re one of the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" crowd. Well, I care because I don\'t think the government should have these powers. It\'s also a waste of my tax dollars to spy on hundreds of millions of people. Why the fuck would you be complacent in this? What the fuck?', '>>{characterstudios} : Many people are saying, smart people OK, that Trump did not personally raise a quarter of America. You ask me.', ">>{throwawaywriterhack} : it's ok poor lil snowflakes. rich white man hurt your feelings. everyone gets a trophy", ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Yeah its probably a waste of tax dollars. But it doesn't keep me up at night. Hopefully they are stopping some of these bad folks.", '>>{topest_of_lelz} : This is always the dumbest argument of all time. Also as you can see...they were unable to stop even that guy despite having him interviewed three times before. Great thing we have all that surveillance. Works nicely to prevent attacks.', '>>{satosaison} : Still, if 10-15% of your class mates were from r/the_donald eeee...', '>>{gregorianrites} : Salon is a low quality, second rate source of news and analysis.', ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : I'm not saying it's effective. Just saying I'm really not worried about it. Especially if it's this ineffective.", ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Who's blog is this? Should I donate to be one of the 300 monthly donations like the website says?", ">>{aatop} : Wtf is this clickbait. Trump didn't do anything of the sort. All he did was say things that people have been saying on their porch for a long time... Because he said it publicly those people thought it was ok bring it mainstream. Really it wasn't though, which is why so many people feel uncomfortable with Trump and a small minority love Trump", ">>{Bernie_BTFO} : If by this point you are still asking for proof of racism, bigotry, or prejudice, then you obviously don't care enough to research yourself (that or you are just a Trumpanzee). I hope no one provides you with a valid response because it's simply a waste of everyone's (their's and yours) time because you really don't give a damn and your mind is made up. Google it yourself.", ">>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : He didn't raise them, he just brought them out of the woodwork. He showed then that it's okay to be racist because we're American.", '>>{i_smell_my_poop} : >By Alex Abdo, Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project Sorry, but most Redditors are huge ACLU fans...thought you knew.', ">>{characterstudios} : Sounds like you're condoning racism here? I wasn't talking about racism in Trump's message, so I feel no need to answer that. But the information highway is your friend, if there's anything well documented in the last half year or so, it must be that topic. I couldn't agree more with the stance of /u/Bernie_BTFO when it comes to responding to this.", '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Nah I was unaware. Cute blog though. You should start your own blog. Blogs are fun.', '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : I would imagined it stopped a few people from lashing out on society. I would rather that happen.', ">>{diablocoup55} : America is great because its liberal, and multi cultural society, and even trumps ancestors are not American. I am sure of one thing that if he elected, America will not be the same again. Most people like to go to America because they like the culture there and Trump is challenging it. What do you think do brilliant Indians or Muslims came to America if Trump elected, i don't think so, they better go tot some other European country then USA.", '>>{aledlewis} : They were already there. He just emboldened them and made it acceptable.', '>>{characterstudios} : While I understand your point, I urge you to read a bit more science then. For starters, the use of the word "race" to denote different color of skin is pretty much incorrect - a large percentage of people around the globe being of mixed descent already throws a spanner in the works for the notion of "human races".', '>>{AirwaveRanger} : You might be surprised to learn that "Race" is generally considered scientifically meaningless. As in, scientifically, the idea of "race" is largely considered to not even exist and attempts to refine or build towards a meaningful and related scientific concept are found to have little to no significance. You seem to wanna suggest people look at race scientifically, but I have suspicions you perhaps haven\'t actually done the same and have instead maybe come to some personal conclusions that *seem* logical to yourself. I\'ll join the others here in suggesting you dig deeper into the subject and see if you hold onto to your current notions.', '>>{JehuLove} : Science will tell you that "race" is a social construct and is based in nothing biological whatsoever.', '>>{spaceman2121} : Trump has shown men how to be men again. The world will be better off with it.', '>>{JehuLove} : DNA? Are you kidding me? Do you really think there are meaningful genetic differences between people of different "races?" Of all human genetic variation (which we now know to be just 0.1 percent of all genetic material), 85 percent occurs within geographically distinct groups, while 15 percent or less occurs between them. Check your science. This isn\'t new stuff, man.', '>>{row_guy} : Their parents raised racist bullies, trump is just exploiting it.', '>>{mommy2libras} : No. Race itself isn\'t scientific. Even in subjects like sociology, there\'s no one defining factor of race in which the categories are always shifting. And even if there *was* a hard and fast definition of race, "acknowledging that races have differences" is *not* the definition of racism.', '>>{NextDoorNeighbrrs} : That\'s funny because "race" is rejected as a scientific term and is a social construct.', '>>{Scraggles211} : We have identified two genes that protect against heavy drinking, and these are particularly prevalent among Asians, Li says. "We have shown that Native Americans, who have a high rate of alcoholism, do not have these protective genes. http://www.indiana.edu/~rcapub/v17n3/p18.html Racist!', '>>{JehuLove} : So if I can identify some gene that correlates with a certain something, and I say, for instance, that people in Denver tend to have that gene, then I can consider people in Denver to be their own race? Try again.', '>>{MosDaf} : Oh Salon, is there anything too stupid for you to publish it?', '>>{finalbauce} : Yep, just like Ellen was racist for her Usain Bolt tweet. Give me a fucking break.', '>>{Haaselh0ff} : Already? Damn, Trump has only been running for a year but apparently an entire generation was already raised! That\'s amazing stuff, "Has science gone too far?!" level stuff. Thanks Salon! Funny reads as always.', '>>{Against-The-Grain} : Garbage. Sub. Ill take my ban now.', '>>{gindc} : I\'m always amazed how Trump supporters never actually defend Trump. They just use the non sequitur "hey look over there" argument.', ">>{gindc} : So brave. Saying 'garbage sub' won't get you banned.", ">>{AStormofSwines} : I agree. At first I was afraid that Trump's extremism would pull mainstream America further to the right (e.g., making Cruz seem moderate in comparison), but instead it has exposed the baser elements tactics of the GOP for what they are, causing R's with any decency to abandon ship.", ">>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : Pretty sure almost all the people rioting in the streets, vandalizing private and public property, assaulting innocent people who don't politically agree with them, and calling for attacks against people based on their skin color [aren't Trump supporters.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0t7PnrelFdY)", ">>{phydeaux70} : How long is going to go be until Salon goes under for printing such utter garbage? It's like their goal is to raise a generation of misinformed sycophants. Trump hasn't raised anything, if anything he's only been able to show what's been there for a long time already.", ">>{Grayly} : If you think Trump created these kids instead of just giving them a voice, you are mistaken. I grew up in upstate NY. I know exactly who these Trump supporters are-- it's most of my high school class and they were unapologetic racists back then too.", ">>{Lustful_Llama} : Yeah no our phenotype might be different but our genetics are pretty the same. If it was as different as you claim, humans can't have multiracial kids. Physical appearances means little in this context", '>>{youforgotA} : He raised an entire generation in 1 year.. Catch up man.', '>>{trevize1138} : I\'m starting to see the Trump campaign as the racists/white supremacists/KKK "Battle of the Bulge" where they made one last push against all odds knowing it\'s likely their last opportunity for a show of force. Some foolishly think they can win with it but everyone else sees the writing on the wall and they know their backward, racist days are numbered. Winter in the Ardennes is coming to an end and the Allies are marching on Berlin, folks. Rejoice.', '>>{youforgotA} : Except those differences are completely cultural and something like less than 2% biological. Just to clarify.', '>>{JehuLove} : I follow what you\'re saying, and you\'re within your rights to define something for yourself I guess, but I\'d avoid making an appeal to science- what you\'re arguing isn\'t considered to be at all accurate. And if you\'re talking about "before people started moving around," then I\'m sorry to burst your bubble, but we all came from pretty much the same place.', '>>{deeznuts455} : >racist bullies the left has raised a generation of name-calling dependent children. they say youre the educated bunch because youre still in grade school', '>>{nostickupmyass} : We can use DNA to determine whether your ancestors came from Ireland or from Germany. Do you, because of this, consider the Irish and Germans to be of two different races? Most people don\'t. Why not? Because race is a political/social distinction, not a biological one. What population belongs to what "race" can and does change over time -- even while the biology remains static.', '>>{GoblinDiplomat} : These things tend to have the opposite effect to what is intended. Trump did not create racism. He exposed that racism is still a problem. And everyone, including myself, who thought we were entering some sort of post-racism utopia has had their eyes opened.', '>>{gindc} : >the left has raised a generation of name-calling dependent children. they say youre the educated bunch because **youre still in grade school** You do realize you just resorted to name calling.', '>>{StevenSanders90210} : The whole premise of this article is complete bullshit.', '>>{deeznuts455} : im proud of you for not going the "you didnt capitalize words or punctuate!" route', '>>{finalbauce} : I am not here to defend Trump. I am a Rand Paul supporter. I can just see the irony here.', '>>{JehuLove} : I could identify eye color. I could identify skin color. I could identify any number of things, none of which provide any meaningful classification in terms of categorizing people into "races" as the term is used 99.999% of the time in the English language. I have white skin. It is ENTIRELY possible that I am more closely related to a person with black skin than I am to another person with white skin.', '>>{nostickupmyass} : >Yes I do. Since you consider Germans to be of a different race from the Irish, which race do Germans belong to? And, which -- different -- race to the Irish belong to? And, which race does the offspring of a German man and an Irish woman belong to? Is it the same race as the offspring of an Irish man and a German woman?', ">>{Acrimony01} : Not a Trump supporter, but OP you suck. Posting cancerous salon articles with ridiculous buzzword claims. [Plenty of racists exist in the Clinton camp. Plenty of bigots too. I know, as a gun owner I'm viewed by her group as the great Satan. She actually supports laws that seek to ostracize me, make me a felon, and shame me into thinking I'm morally repugnant. At least I'm not a partisan fool like the OP though. Man what a fucking rotten peraon you have to be to sit on Reddit. post this horseshit, and call everyone who doesn't agree with you a racist.", ">>{HE4-fluid-router} : Raised? They started that way. That's what the GOP is and always was - a bunch of degenerate racists and dregs of humanity, spurred into action by the manipulations of their wealthy rulers. Trump merely figured out how to manipulate these subhumans more effectively than their previous owners.", '>>{Catbone57} : If he has that kind of power, you should really avoid pissing him off.', ">>{Anonnymush} : Trump hasn't raised shit. Trump has encouraged closeted racist bullies to get vocal and loud about things they used to be just a little bit ashamed to have in their hearts. Trump simply gave them permission to be the dipshits they always wanted to be.", '>>{colefly} : How about, Climate change is a hoax engineered by the Chinese, scientists, and Obama to destroy America?', ">>{SlamDunx} : This is the silliest crock of shit I've ever seen. This is low quality, even for this pathetic sub. Salon is a joke, r/politics is a joke, and OP should be ashamed of him/herself for posting this article.", '>>{SoFFacet} : Agreed. If anything there has been consistent evidence that Millenials overwhelmingly reject Trump and his ideology. So any argument that he has damaged or influenced a new generation is extremely suspect.', '>>{JohnMakes} : Agreed —\xa0not "raised" but "legitimized" (or "legitimised" for our English neighbors).', '>>{Anonnymush} : Yeah, but racists tend to simply always believe whatever "information" comes along that confirms their biases, and discard any "information" that conflicts with their biases. Racism tends to be self-reinforcing, even in an environment of minimal support for those tendencies. And there aren\'t as many differences between races as you\'d imagine. Race is largely illusory because there\'s more genetic variance within a race than the genetic difference between races. There is not one thing, for example, that "asian" people, or "caucasian" people can do, which is not done just as well by other races. There is likewise nothing done by "African" people which is not also done by other races to just as high of a degree. We all developed and lived in very similar conditions and with very similar struggles, and as a result, evolution dictated very similar priorities for the generations leading to us.', ">>{keyonte0} : NO, that's bullshit. They we're always there, he just pandered to them.", ">>{Anonnymush} : There is more DNA variation within a race than DNA difference separating the races. That's why black people can be tall or short, have round or almond shaped faces, be thin or thick, be muscular or lithe, have large noses or small ones, kinky hair or curly, brown hair or black hair, light skin or dark skin. Kind of like white people.", '>>{robotzor} : Lifted would be the synonym they wanted.', ">>{Anonnymush} : two fucking genes out of billions, which don't have homogeneous distribution on the planet. Congratulations, you have just successfully cherry-picked your way into a rationalization strategy to convince yourself that you can keep your racist tendencies without guilt. Hoorah for you.", '>>{nostickupmyass} : > The German race, The Irish race, The Caucasian/European race, Yes. So, you\'d even divide the Saxons from the Jutes? In any case, by defining race in a way that almost no modern person does, you\'ve just proven the point that the "race" is a social/political construct. And, you\'ve avoided answering the offspring question. Maybe that\'s because you\'d have to concede that your definition of "race" would require as many races as there are people on the planet.', ">>{trevize1138} : > Sounds like you're condoning racism here? The deleted/removed status of the comment confirms this. :)", '>>{ColonelLocke} : Fortunately, the entire black community has been raising racist bullies for several generations.', ">>{TheGreenJedi} : I completely agree he didn't create new ones, he brought them out of the shadows and became their champion.", '>>{TheGreenJedi} : Based on his old very very sexist interviews in the 90\'s, really not surprising that\'s "women\'s work", that\'s why "when I get home and dinner isn\'t on the table, I get angry"', '>>{buzzlightlime} : Revealed, not raised. ETA: Revealed and emboldened', '>>{NewYooserMan} : BLM and SJWs are the main proponents of racism in America today.', ">>{evilregis} : It also ignores the fact that his support among the youth is historically low. They've seen what he's bringing to the table and roundly rejected it.", ">>{KSKaleido} : Spoilers about humanity; we will always find ways to castigate each other to feel superior. Whether it's the color of someone's skin, how much money they make, how educated they are, etc... Racism is going nowhere, even if Trump never existed there would still be plenty of racist people, and there will continue to be long after we're all dead. I'm surprised you actually ever thought we were post-racism though... you need to take a look around.", '>>{TheGreenJedi} : I agree, he became their champion, their lightning rod. Trump 2016 bumper stickers will in my opinion someday be equivalent to the rebel flag.', '>>{Scraggles211} : Its cute how upset about this you are. What i put wasnt so much of a "HAH, YOU\'RE WRONG. LOOKIE HERE" so much as it was supposed to be comedic. Joke obviously lost on the too butt-hurt.', ">>{Anonnymush} : There is no joke in it. You're simply wrong and lashing out at everyone who called you out on the fact that you're completely ignorant yet still opinionated.", ">>{Scraggles211} : Yes, you're right. Im sooooo sorry for 'lashing out on everyone'. Im obviously too ignorant and opinionated to understand what Im saying. There's no way i could be trying to refer to an obscene reference out of one small, easily googled, and with little bearing towards the main argument. I apologize for the whole post and being FAR TOO opinionated. Oh wait, what was my opinion though? Damn, im just that ignorant, i dont even know what my opinion was! Im just some ignorant joe shmoe, spouting opinions. Dont mind me. Im no one. No body. Just some idiot anonymous guy.", ">>{Anonnymush} : Hey man, just telling you that nobody cares about your opinions. They care about data. You're the one childishly demanding that others treat you with respect even when you say foolish things. If the data sided with you, you'd be enjoying better treatment.", ">>{gregorianrites} : Yeah man I'm sure all your opinions are fact."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{triplec787} : Have any of you taken advantage of the iPhone 6S battery recall thing?', '>>{Internexus} : From what I just heard a coworker complaining about, he says he had to make an appointment to go to the Apple Store. Once there they took down some information to order a battery that will be there in ~3 days. Then he has to schedule another appointment to drop the phone off and they will replace the battery.', '>>{triplec787} : Are you kidding? When I went through the sign up process I was only shown times when they could do the whole process. I really hope I can be in and out in a single appointment...', ">>{Internexus} : My coworker was quite livid about the whole situation. I cannot say with certainty if this is how it's being done at all Apple stores, or if it's different based on sizes of cities etc...", ">>{triplec787} : When did he have it done? I'm hoping after all this time they may have figured their shit out.", '>>{triplec787} : Oh jeez ok lol I was hoping it was a little more time. Oh well wish me luck I guess.', ">>{OptionalCookie} : As someone who was working for Apple during this situation, I don't get how he was mad regarding the recall. If they didn't recall, he'd still be stuck with a phone that turns off and on.", '>>{Mrpornogoregrinder} : Supply and demand. If you have to wait, wait! I waited two months for my Jet black. I could have settled for the matte black but no. I would have regret it immediately. Patience my friend.', '>>{Flux85} : For me, once they had the battery in all I had to do was drop my phone off and I came back about 90 minutes later and it was done. All my data was intact, no wipes or anything.', '>>{triplec787} : Ok. Would you recommend calling ahead and seeing if they have the battery in stock?', '>>{Flux85} : It wouldn\'t hurt to try, I originally made an appointment to start the whole process and they look at your phone, have you disable "Find my iPhone" to verify ownership as well as to be able to log it in their system for repair. I was then told I had to come back since their batteries were on backorder and that they\'d call/email me when it was in. (I got both an email and a call from my local Apple Store)', ">>{con247} : This happened to my sister, but worse. They would only hold the battery for 1 week but they didn't have any appointment slots, so she is stuck in an impossible limbo right now.", ">>{Araya213} : I didn't even know this was a problem until I was in the middle of flying my Mavic today and my phone died mid flight, it was at about 60%. I googled the issue and found out about the replacement program, and my serial number was indeed part of the program. I don't have an Apple store near me but I do have Apple Care Plus, so they allowed me to do an express replacement. They put a hold on my card for a ridiculous amount of money and they are supposed to ship me a new one. I have to ship the old one back, and the hold on my card should be released at that time.", '>>{CaCHooKaMan} : I had my appointment last night and after I got there they ran diagnostics on my battery and told me they had to order the replacement. They said it would be in within 3-5 days then when I come in next it would take an hour and a half to two hours to replace the battery. They also sent an e-mail with the service details. > **Problem Description/Diagnosis** > Issue: Customer states phone will shut off at random times. > Steps to Reproduce: Battery diagnostics. Errorr with data > Cosmetic Condition: No physical damage > Proposed Resolution: Propose a battery replacement under quality program. Customer has back up and aware of data loss. Ordering part. > > Quote: 3-5 days'], ['>>{gindc} : Trump’s main damage has already been done: He has raised a generation of racist bullies', ">>{sircool099} : the accusations are all over the place. isn't he supposedly doing poorly with young people? How is he doing this?", '>>{miashaee} : The argument would be more that Trump is making bigotry more socially acceptable, based on what I have seen that appears to be the case. I hope he loses in a landslide in a clear rebuke of his bigotry, we will see though.', '>>{sircool099} : why? Human emotion should be shown. add to that, with the ever growing amount of automation, why is blocking immigration a bad thing?', '>>{Antsonfire} : I think the implication behind this article was that the next Republican candidates in the future are going yo run on tickets of fear of the other. Imagine the narrative of "red met eating average Joe" against "Ivy educated Liberal" argument in the future. That\'ll be whay happens in the next few elections IMO, but also with dashes of Trump\'s racism.', '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : >That’s why acts of violence against Hispanics, Muslims, Black Lives Matters activists and others have consistently cropped up since Trump’s announcement of his candidacy last summer. Protesters have been thrown out of rallies, members of minority groups have been beat up or spat upon, and those who dare speak out against Trump are subjected to particularly vile rhetoric. Is this writer living in opposite land?', ">>{miashaee} : I didn't say anything about immigration, I said Trump is making bigotry more socially acceptable and I hope that he loses in a landslide victory in a clear rebuke of that bigotry. I am hoping that November 8th ends with an embarrassing earth shattering defeat for him and he is no longer able to spread his clear bigotry.", ">>{lovely_sombrero} : Raising? Young people are LEAST likely to support Trump. The media's obsession with painting young people as sexist (Bernie supporters) or stupid (Bernie supporters) or now as Trump supporters (while the exact opposite is the case) is just pathetic. Young people are the least likely to be sexist or racist. p.s.: on mobile, sry for typoz", ">>{sircool099} : fear of the other is something all groups are guilty of as it's built in to human functionality. we naturally gravitate towards people like us, from political parties to demographic placement in cities.", '>>{miashaee} : Depends on if he still holds to his "no Muslims allowed ban", then it\'s just immigration discrimination against Muslims.', ">>{characterstudios} : Wholeheartedly disagree with the premise in the title of the article. Trump's campaign has really shown that the racist element in our society still exists, I really doubt it has created that much more racism, or made x amount of (young) people into racist bullies. It is true that because of the campaign, the racist bullies are more public... But the silver lining is that now we know who the racists and bigots are, and how many they are, it'll be easier to start doing something about it again. In brief, Trump is truly MAGA, but probably not the way he or his followers expected!", '>>{satosaison} : How many shitty young Trump supporters does it take though? In elementary school, you need like one or two douchebags to ruin a class. If he is polling at 20-30%, that is plenty of racist assholes to ruin society.', '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : I think he has like 10 to 15 percent support among millennials.', '>>{heuheu} : Trump is a moron, but trying to downplay the violence BLM has caused or the crazy Hispanic trump protesters caused is hilarious. Article is pure garbage.', '>>{squidbillie} : Are you saying trump did not personally raise a quarter of America?', ">>{oldcrow} : He didn't raise them, but he certainly knows that racist bullies are a big enough demographic that they are worth exploiting and pandering to. And they deserve each other.", '>>{characterstudios} : Many people are saying, smart people OK, that Trump did not personally raise a quarter of America. You ask me.', ">>{throwawaywriterhack} : it's ok poor lil snowflakes. rich white man hurt your feelings. everyone gets a trophy", '>>{satosaison} : Still, if 10-15% of your class mates were from r/the_donald eeee...', '>>{gregorianrites} : Salon is a low quality, second rate source of news and analysis.', ">>{aatop} : Wtf is this clickbait. Trump didn't do anything of the sort. All he did was say things that people have been saying on their porch for a long time... Because he said it publicly those people thought it was ok bring it mainstream. Really it wasn't though, which is why so many people feel uncomfortable with Trump and a small minority love Trump", ">>{Bernie_BTFO} : If by this point you are still asking for proof of racism, bigotry, or prejudice, then you obviously don't care enough to research yourself (that or you are just a Trumpanzee). I hope no one provides you with a valid response because it's simply a waste of everyone's (their's and yours) time because you really don't give a damn and your mind is made up. Google it yourself.", ">>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : He didn't raise them, he just brought them out of the woodwork. He showed then that it's okay to be racist because we're American.", ">>{characterstudios} : Sounds like you're condoning racism here? I wasn't talking about racism in Trump's message, so I feel no need to answer that. But the information highway is your friend, if there's anything well documented in the last half year or so, it must be that topic. I couldn't agree more with the stance of /u/Bernie_BTFO when it comes to responding to this.", ">>{diablocoup55} : America is great because its liberal, and multi cultural society, and even trumps ancestors are not American. I am sure of one thing that if he elected, America will not be the same again. Most people like to go to America because they like the culture there and Trump is challenging it. What do you think do brilliant Indians or Muslims came to America if Trump elected, i don't think so, they better go tot some other European country then USA.", '>>{aledlewis} : They were already there. He just emboldened them and made it acceptable.', '>>{characterstudios} : While I understand your point, I urge you to read a bit more science then. For starters, the use of the word "race" to denote different color of skin is pretty much incorrect - a large percentage of people around the globe being of mixed descent already throws a spanner in the works for the notion of "human races".', '>>{AirwaveRanger} : You might be surprised to learn that "Race" is generally considered scientifically meaningless. As in, scientifically, the idea of "race" is largely considered to not even exist and attempts to refine or build towards a meaningful and related scientific concept are found to have little to no significance. You seem to wanna suggest people look at race scientifically, but I have suspicions you perhaps haven\'t actually done the same and have instead maybe come to some personal conclusions that *seem* logical to yourself. I\'ll join the others here in suggesting you dig deeper into the subject and see if you hold onto to your current notions.', '>>{JehuLove} : Science will tell you that "race" is a social construct and is based in nothing biological whatsoever.', '>>{spaceman2121} : Trump has shown men how to be men again. The world will be better off with it.', '>>{JehuLove} : DNA? Are you kidding me? Do you really think there are meaningful genetic differences between people of different "races?" Of all human genetic variation (which we now know to be just 0.1 percent of all genetic material), 85 percent occurs within geographically distinct groups, while 15 percent or less occurs between them. Check your science. This isn\'t new stuff, man.', '>>{row_guy} : Their parents raised racist bullies, trump is just exploiting it.', '>>{mommy2libras} : No. Race itself isn\'t scientific. Even in subjects like sociology, there\'s no one defining factor of race in which the categories are always shifting. And even if there *was* a hard and fast definition of race, "acknowledging that races have differences" is *not* the definition of racism.', '>>{NextDoorNeighbrrs} : That\'s funny because "race" is rejected as a scientific term and is a social construct.', '>>{Scraggles211} : We have identified two genes that protect against heavy drinking, and these are particularly prevalent among Asians, Li says. "We have shown that Native Americans, who have a high rate of alcoholism, do not have these protective genes. http://www.indiana.edu/~rcapub/v17n3/p18.html Racist!', '>>{JehuLove} : So if I can identify some gene that correlates with a certain something, and I say, for instance, that people in Denver tend to have that gene, then I can consider people in Denver to be their own race? Try again.', '>>{MosDaf} : Oh Salon, is there anything too stupid for you to publish it?', '>>{finalbauce} : Yep, just like Ellen was racist for her Usain Bolt tweet. Give me a fucking break.', '>>{Haaselh0ff} : Already? Damn, Trump has only been running for a year but apparently an entire generation was already raised! That\'s amazing stuff, "Has science gone too far?!" level stuff. Thanks Salon! Funny reads as always.', '>>{Against-The-Grain} : Garbage. Sub. Ill take my ban now.', '>>{gindc} : I\'m always amazed how Trump supporters never actually defend Trump. They just use the non sequitur "hey look over there" argument.', ">>{gindc} : So brave. Saying 'garbage sub' won't get you banned.", ">>{AStormofSwines} : I agree. At first I was afraid that Trump's extremism would pull mainstream America further to the right (e.g., making Cruz seem moderate in comparison), but instead it has exposed the baser elements tactics of the GOP for what they are, causing R's with any decency to abandon ship.", ">>{PM_ME_UR_TRUMP_MEMES} : Pretty sure almost all the people rioting in the streets, vandalizing private and public property, assaulting innocent people who don't politically agree with them, and calling for attacks against people based on their skin color [aren't Trump supporters.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0t7PnrelFdY)", ">>{phydeaux70} : How long is going to go be until Salon goes under for printing such utter garbage? It's like their goal is to raise a generation of misinformed sycophants. Trump hasn't raised anything, if anything he's only been able to show what's been there for a long time already.", ">>{Grayly} : If you think Trump created these kids instead of just giving them a voice, you are mistaken. I grew up in upstate NY. I know exactly who these Trump supporters are-- it's most of my high school class and they were unapologetic racists back then too.", ">>{Lustful_Llama} : Yeah no our phenotype might be different but our genetics are pretty the same. If it was as different as you claim, humans can't have multiracial kids. Physical appearances means little in this context", '>>{youforgotA} : He raised an entire generation in 1 year.. Catch up man.', '>>{trevize1138} : I\'m starting to see the Trump campaign as the racists/white supremacists/KKK "Battle of the Bulge" where they made one last push against all odds knowing it\'s likely their last opportunity for a show of force. Some foolishly think they can win with it but everyone else sees the writing on the wall and they know their backward, racist days are numbered. Winter in the Ardennes is coming to an end and the Allies are marching on Berlin, folks. Rejoice.', '>>{youforgotA} : Except those differences are completely cultural and something like less than 2% biological. Just to clarify.', '>>{JehuLove} : I follow what you\'re saying, and you\'re within your rights to define something for yourself I guess, but I\'d avoid making an appeal to science- what you\'re arguing isn\'t considered to be at all accurate. And if you\'re talking about "before people started moving around," then I\'m sorry to burst your bubble, but we all came from pretty much the same place.', '>>{deeznuts455} : >racist bullies the left has raised a generation of name-calling dependent children. they say youre the educated bunch because youre still in grade school', '>>{nostickupmyass} : We can use DNA to determine whether your ancestors came from Ireland or from Germany. Do you, because of this, consider the Irish and Germans to be of two different races? Most people don\'t. Why not? Because race is a political/social distinction, not a biological one. What population belongs to what "race" can and does change over time -- even while the biology remains static.', '>>{GoblinDiplomat} : These things tend to have the opposite effect to what is intended. Trump did not create racism. He exposed that racism is still a problem. And everyone, including myself, who thought we were entering some sort of post-racism utopia has had their eyes opened.', '>>{gindc} : >the left has raised a generation of name-calling dependent children. they say youre the educated bunch because **youre still in grade school** You do realize you just resorted to name calling.', '>>{StevenSanders90210} : The whole premise of this article is complete bullshit.', '>>{deeznuts455} : im proud of you for not going the "you didnt capitalize words or punctuate!" route', '>>{finalbauce} : I am not here to defend Trump. I am a Rand Paul supporter. I can just see the irony here.', '>>{JehuLove} : I could identify eye color. I could identify skin color. I could identify any number of things, none of which provide any meaningful classification in terms of categorizing people into "races" as the term is used 99.999% of the time in the English language. I have white skin. It is ENTIRELY possible that I am more closely related to a person with black skin than I am to another person with white skin.', '>>{nostickupmyass} : >Yes I do. Since you consider Germans to be of a different race from the Irish, which race do Germans belong to? And, which -- different -- race to the Irish belong to? And, which race does the offspring of a German man and an Irish woman belong to? Is it the same race as the offspring of an Irish man and a German woman?', ">>{Acrimony01} : Not a Trump supporter, but OP you suck. Posting cancerous salon articles with ridiculous buzzword claims. [Plenty of racists exist in the Clinton camp. Plenty of bigots too. I know, as a gun owner I'm viewed by her group as the great Satan. She actually supports laws that seek to ostracize me, make me a felon, and shame me into thinking I'm morally repugnant. At least I'm not a partisan fool like the OP though. Man what a fucking rotten peraon you have to be to sit on Reddit. post this horseshit, and call everyone who doesn't agree with you a racist.", ">>{HE4-fluid-router} : Raised? They started that way. That's what the GOP is and always was - a bunch of degenerate racists and dregs of humanity, spurred into action by the manipulations of their wealthy rulers. Trump merely figured out how to manipulate these subhumans more effectively than their previous owners.", '>>{Catbone57} : If he has that kind of power, you should really avoid pissing him off.', ">>{Anonnymush} : Trump hasn't raised shit. Trump has encouraged closeted racist bullies to get vocal and loud about things they used to be just a little bit ashamed to have in their hearts. Trump simply gave them permission to be the dipshits they always wanted to be.", '>>{colefly} : How about, Climate change is a hoax engineered by the Chinese, scientists, and Obama to destroy America?', ">>{SlamDunx} : This is the silliest crock of shit I've ever seen. This is low quality, even for this pathetic sub. Salon is a joke, r/politics is a joke, and OP should be ashamed of him/herself for posting this article.", '>>{SoFFacet} : Agreed. If anything there has been consistent evidence that Millenials overwhelmingly reject Trump and his ideology. So any argument that he has damaged or influenced a new generation is extremely suspect.', '>>{JohnMakes} : Agreed —\xa0not "raised" but "legitimized" (or "legitimised" for our English neighbors).', '>>{Anonnymush} : Yeah, but racists tend to simply always believe whatever "information" comes along that confirms their biases, and discard any "information" that conflicts with their biases. Racism tends to be self-reinforcing, even in an environment of minimal support for those tendencies. And there aren\'t as many differences between races as you\'d imagine. Race is largely illusory because there\'s more genetic variance within a race than the genetic difference between races. There is not one thing, for example, that "asian" people, or "caucasian" people can do, which is not done just as well by other races. There is likewise nothing done by "African" people which is not also done by other races to just as high of a degree. We all developed and lived in very similar conditions and with very similar struggles, and as a result, evolution dictated very similar priorities for the generations leading to us.', ">>{keyonte0} : NO, that's bullshit. They we're always there, he just pandered to them.", ">>{Anonnymush} : There is more DNA variation within a race than DNA difference separating the races. That's why black people can be tall or short, have round or almond shaped faces, be thin or thick, be muscular or lithe, have large noses or small ones, kinky hair or curly, brown hair or black hair, light skin or dark skin. Kind of like white people.", '>>{robotzor} : Lifted would be the synonym they wanted.', ">>{Anonnymush} : two fucking genes out of billions, which don't have homogeneous distribution on the planet. Congratulations, you have just successfully cherry-picked your way into a rationalization strategy to convince yourself that you can keep your racist tendencies without guilt. Hoorah for you.", '>>{nostickupmyass} : > The German race, The Irish race, The Caucasian/European race, Yes. So, you\'d even divide the Saxons from the Jutes? In any case, by defining race in a way that almost no modern person does, you\'ve just proven the point that the "race" is a social/political construct. And, you\'ve avoided answering the offspring question. Maybe that\'s because you\'d have to concede that your definition of "race" would require as many races as there are people on the planet.', ">>{trevize1138} : > Sounds like you're condoning racism here? The deleted/removed status of the comment confirms this. :)", '>>{ColonelLocke} : Fortunately, the entire black community has been raising racist bullies for several generations.', ">>{TheGreenJedi} : I completely agree he didn't create new ones, he brought them out of the shadows and became their champion.", '>>{TheGreenJedi} : Based on his old very very sexist interviews in the 90\'s, really not surprising that\'s "women\'s work", that\'s why "when I get home and dinner isn\'t on the table, I get angry"', '>>{buzzlightlime} : Revealed, not raised. ETA: Revealed and emboldened', '>>{NewYooserMan} : BLM and SJWs are the main proponents of racism in America today.', ">>{evilregis} : It also ignores the fact that his support among the youth is historically low. They've seen what he's bringing to the table and roundly rejected it.", ">>{KSKaleido} : Spoilers about humanity; we will always find ways to castigate each other to feel superior. Whether it's the color of someone's skin, how much money they make, how educated they are, etc... Racism is going nowhere, even if Trump never existed there would still be plenty of racist people, and there will continue to be long after we're all dead. I'm surprised you actually ever thought we were post-racism though... you need to take a look around.", '>>{TheGreenJedi} : I agree, he became their champion, their lightning rod. Trump 2016 bumper stickers will in my opinion someday be equivalent to the rebel flag.', '>>{Scraggles211} : Its cute how upset about this you are. What i put wasnt so much of a "HAH, YOU\'RE WRONG. LOOKIE HERE" so much as it was supposed to be comedic. Joke obviously lost on the too butt-hurt.', ">>{Anonnymush} : There is no joke in it. You're simply wrong and lashing out at everyone who called you out on the fact that you're completely ignorant yet still opinionated.", ">>{Scraggles211} : Yes, you're right. Im sooooo sorry for 'lashing out on everyone'. Im obviously too ignorant and opinionated to understand what Im saying. There's no way i could be trying to refer to an obscene reference out of one small, easily googled, and with little bearing towards the main argument. I apologize for the whole post and being FAR TOO opinionated. Oh wait, what was my opinion though? Damn, im just that ignorant, i dont even know what my opinion was! Im just some ignorant joe shmoe, spouting opinions. Dont mind me. Im no one. No body. Just some idiot anonymous guy.", ">>{Anonnymush} : Hey man, just telling you that nobody cares about your opinions. They care about data. You're the one childishly demanding that others treat you with respect even when you say foolish things. If the data sided with you, you'd be enjoying better treatment.", ">>{gregorianrites} : Yeah man I'm sure all your opinions are fact."], ['>>{wraithtek} : Can\'t even spell "Hillary" right in the video. Sad.', ">>{spaceghoti} : Speaking of double standards, where is the scrutiny for Colin Powell's emails on his private server? Or the rest of the Bush administration? How many of their emails were lost, and what was done about it?", '>>{Jaspion0} : Very low energy. Very low information. I love these trump ppls', ">>{cobolNoFun} : Personally, I would love a full investigation into all of them and swift prosecution if anything at all is found. Hell screw lost emails, what the hell was in Cheney's? Fuck these corrupt pieces if shit.", ">>{spaceghoti} : Sure, but all I'm hearing is that Clinton needs to go to jail, no one else. And yet, they have the audacity to claim there's a double standard for her benefit.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : File this misogynistic crap as personal blog and inaccurate HRC broke no law in conjunction wit her email server. we know that the people in this witch hunt video did break the law and are traitors', ">>{aaronchrisdesign} : Saucier is a hack of a sailor and deserves his prison time. He didn't do 1/5th of what Hillary did, he took photos of a highly classified nuclear submarine and had the photos of the reactor, control panels and interior on his phone. He showed them to his wife, and to another person that he was living with. Saucier wasn't cleared to have those photos on his phone and he was banned from taking the photos in the first place. Not to mention that this guy was a sailor, Hillary was the Secretary of State, 4th in line to the presidency. I hate to be that guy, but I'm in the belief that it's sort of important that the Secretary of State has immediate access to the server and to the classified documents. Agreed, Hillary and the team that was contracted to set up the server was careless, I don't fault her for having a server in the first place installed at her home for access, I fault the team for not going brought the right channels to secure and clear the server to begin with. But no, Clinton and saucier aren't similar.", '>>{Fuzz__} : You do know that sending classified information in emails from unsecured devices via an unsecured server to other unsecured devices and then destroying evidence of it after being issued a subpeona is illegal...right?', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Yawn, you understand Comey determined HRC broke no law in conjunction to any of this, right? I think that's more relevant that the tinfoil investigation details", '>>{Fuzz__} : Yawn, no. He recommended there be no case, he just sketchilly worded it but never said she didn\'t break the law. The FBI can\'t make indictments but HRC has strong ties in the FBI *and* the DoJ (which is proven, by the way). Also, the investigation is back open with even more evidence. She can tell them to release the info they have all she wants, she knows they cant. It\'s like telling prosecutors to publicly release the evidence of a child porn case, but this time with government secrets. You can\'t exactly share that. And to make it worse, there is a "99% chance" that more than 3 foreign entities hacked the server. Stop being stupid and stop being complacent about national security risks.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : Actually, I think if you got smarter about this, you'd see that your little 1tinfoil conspiracy version of this is just that -", '>>{Fuzz__} : It\'s not a "tinfoil conspiracy" if there\'s gigabytes upon gigabytes of evidence. Keep being butthurt that you stand for something shitty.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > But no, Clinton and saucier aren't similar. No they're not. Thanks to a full FBI investigation we know Clinton broke no laws with her server, and that she would receive an administrative letter of reprimand"], [">>{Politx} : When they get back from recess they should vote on Obama's Supreme Court nominee.", '>>{trcsteve} : Let me guess. They are going to call it the "Pulse" law. Dispicable people.', ">>{pinkocommiegreen} : Lol... Don't put it past McCain and repubs, they are sleeping with the Dems also. We need to make it to Nov. quickly!", '>>{justanidiotloser} : Scum politicizing the actions of scum. Fuck this senate and fuck this earth.', '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : You seriously think that people want to take your guns away for no reason?', ">>{Adhoc_hk} : God damn. I can't turn my back fast enough on these morons.", '>>{pinkocommiegreen} : Yep. sure do. Primary job of any liberal is limit freedoms under the law. Liberal is just another name for communist and that is the first thing communists do when they come to power, take away guns from the people in order to subjugate. Study your history and you will not ask dumb questions like that kid.', '>>{KarmaAndLies} : > Study your history Said the person who thinks liberals and communists are interchangeable.', '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Wowza. Alright Mr. adult. Man it must be terrible living inside your paranoid mind. Damn.', ">>{pinkocommiegreen} : Said the person who doesn't understand socialism, communism, Marx, Obama and Bernie's love of Marx. Please read: “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” -- Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn Quotes (Author of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich)", ">>{ScreamingUpAtUs} : Well, I certainly don't trust the government. Do you?", ">>{ScreamingUpAtUs} : What makes them more trustworthy? Big business has never committed genocides. The private sector has some level of accountability due to market competition but the government has none because it's the central authority.", '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : The government has plenty of watchdogs. We have inspector generals all over the place.', ">>{ScreamingUpAtUs} : And yet we still live in a surveillance state. You're telling me you trust the government to monitor the government?", ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : I really don't care if they know what porno I like. I'm not a terrorist so I'm good. Why do you care?", '>>{ScreamingUpAtUs} : I see you\'re one of the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" crowd. Well, I care because I don\'t think the government should have these powers. It\'s also a waste of my tax dollars to spy on hundreds of millions of people. Why the fuck would you be complacent in this? What the fuck?', ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Yeah its probably a waste of tax dollars. But it doesn't keep me up at night. Hopefully they are stopping some of these bad folks.", '>>{topest_of_lelz} : This is always the dumbest argument of all time. Also as you can see...they were unable to stop even that guy despite having him interviewed three times before. Great thing we have all that surveillance. Works nicely to prevent attacks.', ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : I'm not saying it's effective. Just saying I'm really not worried about it. Especially if it's this ineffective.", ">>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Who's blog is this? Should I donate to be one of the 300 monthly donations like the website says?", '>>{i_smell_my_poop} : >By Alex Abdo, Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project Sorry, but most Redditors are huge ACLU fans...thought you knew.', '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Nah I was unaware. Cute blog though. You should start your own blog. Blogs are fun.', '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : I would imagined it stopped a few people from lashing out on society. I would rather that happen.']]
classify and reply
['>>{FirstTimeWang} : Jake Tapper looks like he really hates his job.', ">>{FirstTimeWang} : One dumb voter at a time. She still has to win over the dumb voters of the Democratic Primary before she can worry about what lies she'll tell the dumb voters in the General Election.", '>>{GhettoRatz} : Those are canned responses that someone is just queuing up on a tape recorder.', '>>{zenmasterzen3} : Tim Kaine: WikiLeaks email dumps could be "doctored"', ">>{FirstTimeWang} : If you're not in a swing state, don't vote for someone for president you don't like. Yay, democracy!", ">>{FirstTimeWang} : > Colin Powell was the only secretary of state who used personal email for work, but not to the extent she did, and he did not use a private server. The state dept. didn't even have internet email when Powell started. They only had an intranet system for emailing inside the Dept. Edit: for clarity, my point is that Powell didn't even have the option of using a State Dept. .gov email account at first, hence his use of a private email service.", '>>{zenmasterzen3} : lol tried submitting 2 articles on this and they were all "bot removal". Why is this a censored topic???', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : “When a foreign nation tries to destabilize an American election -- which is what Donald Trump encouraged back in late July [when] he said, ‘Hey, Russia, go see if you can cyber hack and find things that will help me win’ -- but when a foreign government tries to do this there has to be a consequence,” Kaine told CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday, noting that he hadn’t yet spoken with Clinton about the issue. “There will be time for figuring what that consequence is,” he added. “But you can’t let it go unchallenged because if you do you just could encourage more of it.” Well, given how bad the last leak was compromised...', ">>{FirstTimeWang} : Also: Skype, satellite vans (our local network affiliate has ones that are small SUVs now) etc. etc. etc. Basically there's no reasonable excuse in the 21st century that she couldn't have been on video beyond that she didn't want to be.", '>>{wowcunning} : Well... then, the video of the U.S. Military hunting civilians in Iraq "could" be fakes too then... so better open up the cell doors and let Manning free.', '>>{tm1087} : Can you imagine all the ground rules the Clinton campaign laid down?', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : Assange's own motivation unfortunately gives this story some legs.", '>>{sscilli} : This has been especially noticeable this election. They ask a question and then just accept whatever answer they get and move on to the next. Now that we have an OIG report to reference that is no longer excusable. If CNN and the rest of these outlets were doing actual journalism they would have an obligation to push on this sort of stuff.', ">>{sundialinshade} : She was fundraising in New Jersey and New York today (5.31.16) She won't be in California until Thursday. CNN has a New York studio. She may have wanted a phone interview for various reasons, but typically phone interviews make it easier for candidates to deal with tough questions compared to on-camera interviews.", ">>{not_nibiru} : They could be fake. Could be real. I won't give you a straight answer because 'plausible deniability'. That and 'appearance of impropriety' are Hillary and I's favorite phrases. Though I hear she's quite fond of 'I don't recall'.", '>>{Somerandomguywithstu} : She said "hi" to the production crew. 100 savage interviews right there.', '>>{ArcherGladIDidntSay} : That last question about unifying the Dem Party was unbearable. She could neither answer how she would gain the support of Bernie voters or how Bernie could help with party unification. She just rambles on incoherently and throws in a few "*because we need to take down Trump*" phrases without ever answering the actual question. She\'s also going to have to eventually answer the questions concerning the IG report. She states that she\'s had hundreds of interviews in 2016, but stumbles again when it\'s mentioned by Jake that it\'s been five or six months since she\'s held a press conference. We need presidential candidates that can answer simple questions honestly, but we also need journalists that can conduct an interview with integrity. Ask a follow up question and call out the answers which contain lies, Jake! The people deserve better from our political parties and media.', '>>{Modsdontknow2} : if the post has 0 karma after a certain amount of time a bot removes it.', '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Easier for the cue card guy to keep his job.', '>>{IanMazgelis} : Seriously, have we seen Hillary Clinton in the last couple weeks? I think this is the rough plot of The Dark Knight Strikes Again.', ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : Muddying the water on the other side's attempt to muddy the water. Not a proud move but likely a smart one.", ">>{greenieoneone} : There's no proof any of them are real. The people that all quit could have done so for previous reasons.", '>>{captaincanada84} : You could vote for neither of them. Nobody is forcing you to vote for them', ">>{captaincanada84} : I was waited for the lies about the email server. I wasn't disappointed.", ">>{captaincanada84} : She says she hopes the American people will make the right choice, having no idea that she's basically telling people to not vote for her", ">>{JSIN33} : Tapper, Clinton is going to call us instead MSNBC but the campaign doesn't want us to ask her about the e-mails first. They don't want to alarm the viewers, so ask her a couple of lame questions about Donald Trump first. It will be like business as usual.", '>>{KeyzerSozee} : I would never vote for the libertarians or the green party', ">>{captaincanada84} : Again, nobody is forcing you to vote. If you do not support any of the candidates, don't waste your vote on them!", ">>{KeyzerSozee} : Well I'm going to vote for somebody, and these are my options", '>>{yennenga} : Powell’s personal email is an [AOL](http://www.newsweek.com/2016/02/19/colin-powell-emails-hillary-clinton-424187.html) account', ">>{yennenga} : It was just *another freak show* where Tapper's holding down Trump's pants so Hillary can spank him. Meanwhile, Trump is loving it and working the crowd. An anecdote for this election, and CNN.", ">>{kiwisrkool} : Tim Kaine is an idiot! VP Idiot. Well I suppose there's been a few of them over the years", '>>{zenmasterzen3} : The video of planes impacting buildings on 911 could be fake too ... should we let the "terrorists" out of Guantanamo, or is the CIA having too much fun sodomizing them?', ">>{zenmasterzen3} : And if the wikileaks hasbara trolls downvote it it gets censored. Seriously, Wikileaks is the arm of a foreign intelligence service according to Zbigniew Brzeziński, who is basically king of the spooks. There's no reason to remove discussion because it has zero votes other than censorship. The new bot removal only happened after Hillary bought r/politics because they knew they could control voting in the short run but not the long run. Can't wait until after the election and all the pay for play moderators are gone and we can get something other than Trump's dirty laundry on the front page.", ">>{adidasbdd} : Assange doesn't go out looking for this info, he provides the means to distribute it. Just because he is outing the DNC and Clinton as corrupt (which partial observers already knew), doesn't mean he is in the tank for Trump.", ">>{FreshHotTakes} : He's got a good point. We should not just accept these leaks as fact.", '>>{PeenisWeenis} : WikiLeaks with a 10 year track record and never having been proven wrong is now considered iffy by bots and liberals. Liberals never fail to impress me with their retardation.', ">>{zenmasterzen3} : There's no way to prove them wrong. Seriously, how do you prove an email is fake lol? Wikileaks is an obvious scam trying to start color revolutions and wars.", '>>{JimWebbolution} : Sure.....sort of like how the election could be "rigged."', '>>{G-Dahmer} : Except 9/11 was broadcast live to the world. Nice shitty-liberal-logic.', ">>{zenmasterzen3} : Except it wasn't. Live footage showed no plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wF74zTLjNg You can see a comparison showing the NBC footage showing no plane was digitally altered to show a plane (as well as adjust the colors to make the buildings appeared white and sky blue for increased psychological impact): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPKq2K2dh6k The altered footage in some cases is obviously fake, for example tiling smoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkzfKRe0gbc Raw footage obtained from FBI via FOIA always doesn't show a plane. The MSM was fed doctored footage. You got punk'd, Liberal and Republican alike. Welcome to the New World Order.", ">>{ventizell} : True that doesn't prove he is in the tank for trump, that proof is that he has information on Republicans that he isn't releasing because he clams he doesn't think it is interesting enough.", '>>{zenmasterzen3} : Color revolution in Syria turns into civil war and can turn into regional conflict. Many are saying that WW3 might result. America is now on DEFCON 3. Russia has ordered all foreign nationals to return, so it can more easily incinerate the West with a clean conscience. When you see that bright flash on the horizon remember its own credulity which brought us to Armaggedon. The 1% will be safely sipping champagne in their deep underground bases.', ">>{wowcunning} : ya; you may have misunderstood... I was being sarcastic... I don't think the video is fake... I don't think the emails are fake... I certainly don't think 9/11 is fake.", ">>{zenmasterzen3} : > I certainly don't think 9/11 is fake. Maybe you need to rewatch the videos with your bullshit filter turned on. Live footage showed no plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wF74zTLjNg You can see a comparison showing the NBC live footage (showing no plane) with the digitally altered footage fed to gullible MSM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPKq2K2dh6k The altered footage in some cases is obviously fake, for example tiling smoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkzfKRe0gbc Raw footage obtained from FBI via FOIA always doesn't show a plane. The MSM was fed doctored footage. You got punk'd, period.", ">>{zenmasterzen3} : Literally I'm asserting the emails are altered by Israeli housewives: >The 17th email dump from Wikileaks just hit. All are aimed at Hillary and, as is always the case with Wikileaks, they are sexed up, falsified and fabricated. The language is always the same as well, never quite on, that infamous mix that Israel uses at its Haifa based “Troll Academy.” Israel uses American foreign aid subsidies intended to support Jewish immigrants, mostly Russian and almost all non-Jews, who are unemployable and sent off to exile in walled communities built on the ruins of Palestinian villages and olive groves in the West Bank. >These “housewives” are bussed into Haifa where they join the already army of Israeli students paid to stalk Facebook. This is the group that is the real Wikileaks, cleaning out material that goes against the “slant” and sexing up and fabricating emails, State Department cables, and burying it among the huge flood of real documents as Zbigniew Brzezinski termed it, “seeding material” into Wikileaks. Brzezinski said Wikileaks was run by an intelligence agency. He didn’t name the one, we have. Wikileaks is the Mossad. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/10/24/wikileaks-tracked-to-haifa-trumps-real-campaign-headquarters/ Any security system can be hacked that's why they invented Quantum satellites.", ">>{adidasbdd} : He provides a mechanism to distribute informatiom, he doesn't hack stuff himself.", ">>{ventizell} : And he picks and chooses what is leaked. He has information he isn't releasing on Republicans because he doesn't think it is interesting enough. That's a clear bias right there.", ">>{adidasbdd} : I haven't seen any evidence of this. I believed that they vetted and released everything.", ">>{Chabananus} : I'm guessing this person is going to refer to assanges comment, which he in no way says he has documentation to release that he's holding on to. He said that he's received information but he also says that if anyone has any actual documentation on him he will verify and release."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{zenmasterzen3} : Tim Kaine: WikiLeaks email dumps could be "doctored"', '>>{zenmasterzen3} : lol tried submitting 2 articles on this and they were all "bot removal". Why is this a censored topic???', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : “When a foreign nation tries to destabilize an American election -- which is what Donald Trump encouraged back in late July [when] he said, ‘Hey, Russia, go see if you can cyber hack and find things that will help me win’ -- but when a foreign government tries to do this there has to be a consequence,” Kaine told CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday, noting that he hadn’t yet spoken with Clinton about the issue. “There will be time for figuring what that consequence is,” he added. “But you can’t let it go unchallenged because if you do you just could encourage more of it.” Well, given how bad the last leak was compromised...', '>>{wowcunning} : Well... then, the video of the U.S. Military hunting civilians in Iraq "could" be fakes too then... so better open up the cell doors and let Manning free.', ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : Assange's own motivation unfortunately gives this story some legs.", ">>{not_nibiru} : They could be fake. Could be real. I won't give you a straight answer because 'plausible deniability'. That and 'appearance of impropriety' are Hillary and I's favorite phrases. Though I hear she's quite fond of 'I don't recall'.", '>>{Modsdontknow2} : if the post has 0 karma after a certain amount of time a bot removes it.', ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : Muddying the water on the other side's attempt to muddy the water. Not a proud move but likely a smart one.", ">>{greenieoneone} : There's no proof any of them are real. The people that all quit could have done so for previous reasons.", ">>{kiwisrkool} : Tim Kaine is an idiot! VP Idiot. Well I suppose there's been a few of them over the years", '>>{zenmasterzen3} : The video of planes impacting buildings on 911 could be fake too ... should we let the "terrorists" out of Guantanamo, or is the CIA having too much fun sodomizing them?', ">>{zenmasterzen3} : And if the wikileaks hasbara trolls downvote it it gets censored. Seriously, Wikileaks is the arm of a foreign intelligence service according to Zbigniew Brzeziński, who is basically king of the spooks. There's no reason to remove discussion because it has zero votes other than censorship. The new bot removal only happened after Hillary bought r/politics because they knew they could control voting in the short run but not the long run. Can't wait until after the election and all the pay for play moderators are gone and we can get something other than Trump's dirty laundry on the front page.", ">>{adidasbdd} : Assange doesn't go out looking for this info, he provides the means to distribute it. Just because he is outing the DNC and Clinton as corrupt (which partial observers already knew), doesn't mean he is in the tank for Trump.", ">>{FreshHotTakes} : He's got a good point. We should not just accept these leaks as fact.", '>>{PeenisWeenis} : WikiLeaks with a 10 year track record and never having been proven wrong is now considered iffy by bots and liberals. Liberals never fail to impress me with their retardation.', ">>{zenmasterzen3} : There's no way to prove them wrong. Seriously, how do you prove an email is fake lol? Wikileaks is an obvious scam trying to start color revolutions and wars.", '>>{JimWebbolution} : Sure.....sort of like how the election could be "rigged."', '>>{G-Dahmer} : Except 9/11 was broadcast live to the world. Nice shitty-liberal-logic.', ">>{zenmasterzen3} : Except it wasn't. Live footage showed no plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wF74zTLjNg You can see a comparison showing the NBC footage showing no plane was digitally altered to show a plane (as well as adjust the colors to make the buildings appeared white and sky blue for increased psychological impact): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPKq2K2dh6k The altered footage in some cases is obviously fake, for example tiling smoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkzfKRe0gbc Raw footage obtained from FBI via FOIA always doesn't show a plane. The MSM was fed doctored footage. You got punk'd, Liberal and Republican alike. Welcome to the New World Order.", ">>{ventizell} : True that doesn't prove he is in the tank for trump, that proof is that he has information on Republicans that he isn't releasing because he clams he doesn't think it is interesting enough.", '>>{zenmasterzen3} : Color revolution in Syria turns into civil war and can turn into regional conflict. Many are saying that WW3 might result. America is now on DEFCON 3. Russia has ordered all foreign nationals to return, so it can more easily incinerate the West with a clean conscience. When you see that bright flash on the horizon remember its own credulity which brought us to Armaggedon. The 1% will be safely sipping champagne in their deep underground bases.', ">>{wowcunning} : ya; you may have misunderstood... I was being sarcastic... I don't think the video is fake... I don't think the emails are fake... I certainly don't think 9/11 is fake.", ">>{zenmasterzen3} : > I certainly don't think 9/11 is fake. Maybe you need to rewatch the videos with your bullshit filter turned on. Live footage showed no plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wF74zTLjNg You can see a comparison showing the NBC live footage (showing no plane) with the digitally altered footage fed to gullible MSM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPKq2K2dh6k The altered footage in some cases is obviously fake, for example tiling smoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkzfKRe0gbc Raw footage obtained from FBI via FOIA always doesn't show a plane. The MSM was fed doctored footage. You got punk'd, period.", ">>{zenmasterzen3} : Literally I'm asserting the emails are altered by Israeli housewives: >The 17th email dump from Wikileaks just hit. All are aimed at Hillary and, as is always the case with Wikileaks, they are sexed up, falsified and fabricated. The language is always the same as well, never quite on, that infamous mix that Israel uses at its Haifa based “Troll Academy.” Israel uses American foreign aid subsidies intended to support Jewish immigrants, mostly Russian and almost all non-Jews, who are unemployable and sent off to exile in walled communities built on the ruins of Palestinian villages and olive groves in the West Bank. >These “housewives” are bussed into Haifa where they join the already army of Israeli students paid to stalk Facebook. This is the group that is the real Wikileaks, cleaning out material that goes against the “slant” and sexing up and fabricating emails, State Department cables, and burying it among the huge flood of real documents as Zbigniew Brzezinski termed it, “seeding material” into Wikileaks. Brzezinski said Wikileaks was run by an intelligence agency. He didn’t name the one, we have. Wikileaks is the Mossad. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/10/24/wikileaks-tracked-to-haifa-trumps-real-campaign-headquarters/ Any security system can be hacked that's why they invented Quantum satellites.", ">>{adidasbdd} : He provides a mechanism to distribute informatiom, he doesn't hack stuff himself.", ">>{ventizell} : And he picks and chooses what is leaked. He has information he isn't releasing on Republicans because he doesn't think it is interesting enough. That's a clear bias right there.", ">>{adidasbdd} : I haven't seen any evidence of this. I believed that they vetted and released everything.", ">>{Chabananus} : I'm guessing this person is going to refer to assanges comment, which he in no way says he has documentation to release that he's holding on to. He said that he's received information but he also says that if anyone has any actual documentation on him he will verify and release."], ['>>{FirstTimeWang} : Jake Tapper looks like he really hates his job.', ">>{FirstTimeWang} : One dumb voter at a time. She still has to win over the dumb voters of the Democratic Primary before she can worry about what lies she'll tell the dumb voters in the General Election.", '>>{GhettoRatz} : Those are canned responses that someone is just queuing up on a tape recorder.', ">>{FirstTimeWang} : If you're not in a swing state, don't vote for someone for president you don't like. Yay, democracy!", ">>{FirstTimeWang} : > Colin Powell was the only secretary of state who used personal email for work, but not to the extent she did, and he did not use a private server. The state dept. didn't even have internet email when Powell started. They only had an intranet system for emailing inside the Dept. Edit: for clarity, my point is that Powell didn't even have the option of using a State Dept. .gov email account at first, hence his use of a private email service.", ">>{FirstTimeWang} : Also: Skype, satellite vans (our local network affiliate has ones that are small SUVs now) etc. etc. etc. Basically there's no reasonable excuse in the 21st century that she couldn't have been on video beyond that she didn't want to be.", '>>{tm1087} : Can you imagine all the ground rules the Clinton campaign laid down?', '>>{sscilli} : This has been especially noticeable this election. They ask a question and then just accept whatever answer they get and move on to the next. Now that we have an OIG report to reference that is no longer excusable. If CNN and the rest of these outlets were doing actual journalism they would have an obligation to push on this sort of stuff.', ">>{sundialinshade} : She was fundraising in New Jersey and New York today (5.31.16) She won't be in California until Thursday. CNN has a New York studio. She may have wanted a phone interview for various reasons, but typically phone interviews make it easier for candidates to deal with tough questions compared to on-camera interviews.", '>>{Somerandomguywithstu} : She said "hi" to the production crew. 100 savage interviews right there.', '>>{ArcherGladIDidntSay} : That last question about unifying the Dem Party was unbearable. She could neither answer how she would gain the support of Bernie voters or how Bernie could help with party unification. She just rambles on incoherently and throws in a few "*because we need to take down Trump*" phrases without ever answering the actual question. She\'s also going to have to eventually answer the questions concerning the IG report. She states that she\'s had hundreds of interviews in 2016, but stumbles again when it\'s mentioned by Jake that it\'s been five or six months since she\'s held a press conference. We need presidential candidates that can answer simple questions honestly, but we also need journalists that can conduct an interview with integrity. Ask a follow up question and call out the answers which contain lies, Jake! The people deserve better from our political parties and media.', '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Easier for the cue card guy to keep his job.', '>>{IanMazgelis} : Seriously, have we seen Hillary Clinton in the last couple weeks? I think this is the rough plot of The Dark Knight Strikes Again.', '>>{captaincanada84} : You could vote for neither of them. Nobody is forcing you to vote for them', ">>{captaincanada84} : I was waited for the lies about the email server. I wasn't disappointed.", ">>{captaincanada84} : She says she hopes the American people will make the right choice, having no idea that she's basically telling people to not vote for her", ">>{JSIN33} : Tapper, Clinton is going to call us instead MSNBC but the campaign doesn't want us to ask her about the e-mails first. They don't want to alarm the viewers, so ask her a couple of lame questions about Donald Trump first. It will be like business as usual.", '>>{KeyzerSozee} : I would never vote for the libertarians or the green party', ">>{captaincanada84} : Again, nobody is forcing you to vote. If you do not support any of the candidates, don't waste your vote on them!", ">>{KeyzerSozee} : Well I'm going to vote for somebody, and these are my options", '>>{yennenga} : Powell’s personal email is an [AOL](http://www.newsweek.com/2016/02/19/colin-powell-emails-hillary-clinton-424187.html) account', ">>{yennenga} : It was just *another freak show* where Tapper's holding down Trump's pants so Hillary can spank him. Meanwhile, Trump is loving it and working the crowd. An anecdote for this election, and CNN."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Vesstair} : Well, to be fair there is one stark difference between them. Hillary Clinton is going to be the next President of the United States. Donald Trump is not.', ">>{progresstogether} : Drumpf's company should be shut down. He promotes politics that are againts the security of the United States of America. He is in collusion with Julian Assange who is a traitor and a rapist. The Drumpf Organization is not a real company anymore. It no longer exists to make money and provide goods and services to society in return. It's an anti-American political organization and it has to be dealt with seriously. Unlike other hate groups like the KKK (which endorses Drumpf), the Drumpf ORganization is actively undermining national security and inciting violence. If tgat weren't enough, there are foreign elements in the Drumpf Organization that effectively BUY influence over him. Hillary created a charity a little bit too naively and good heartedly. Drumpf is a mercenary type who cares only about money and power.", '>>{MilwaukeeWolves} : SJ Res. 34 passed - ISPs can now sell your internet history to third parties without your permission', ">>{CarmineFields} : If Trump were to win (*snicker*) letting his kids run his business would be a massive conflict of interest. He needs to either sell out or use a blind trust. He doesn't appear to be willing to do either.", '>>{Minifig81} : We now need to buy our senators browsing histories and market them off...', ">>{bearrosaurus} : It's kind of sad that our society has turned charities into a political liability. But it's pretty much the case that political experience is also a political liability. '35 year old held in a tube for his entire life' 2016", '>>{grimbotronic} : Yet they needed the dems to pass a healthcare bill...', '>>{coursecatalog} : There\'s nothing in these stories to indicate they were not Trump supporters. Actually, come to think of it, "snowflake" is a great description of white supremacist kooks. I\'m going to start using that one.', '>>{DragonPup} : Every vote for this was Republican Every vote against this was Democrat Remember that in 2018.', ">>{marvinwork} : trump supporters don't care about his business deals, They don't want a woman or a nonwhite running the country. Proof me wrong. Post the polls were it shows he is doing great with races other than white males.", ">>{FuckYourNarrative} : Why should men have to pay for a service that we'll never use? I can see women having to pay a woman tax for it but making men pay for something like that is unethical and authoritarian Maybe you can correct me on this", '>>{black_flag_4ever} : This entire article is deflection from the Clinton Foundation.', '>>{stargth} : Trump Just Took Legal Action To Immunize Himself From Defamation Lawsuits', '>>{tornapartbydingos} : Psst... Hey kid... You want some news stories???', '>>{turbofarts1} : >Since they don’t want their over-the-top claims to be proven wrong, they are faking hate crimes to make it appear as if America has become more racist and sexist since Trump won the 2016 presidential election. They cause a problem, pretend it’s much worse than it is, get caught, then claim they were just trying to promote awareness. amazing.', ">>{Cardenjs} : Overall I tend to despise these types of lawsuits (although far less than I despise Trump) because they're usually a last ditch effort to pull something into court that, for whatever reason, wouldn't normally make it there. (Example, trying to punish somone for a crime after the Statute of Limitations has expired)", ">>{RandyMagnum02} : Well this type of lawsuit is just that. It wouldn't exist if not for Trump's Presidential campaign and it's a go nowhere, hearsay based case from an alleged incident in 2007. We're supposed to believe that the person waited 10 years to bring it up during Trump's campaign for President? This suit for defamation is nothing more than an attempt to commit defamation against Trump.", '>>{Lordoffunk} : The ten year delay in bringing action is an interesting element, but direct testimony is **not** hearsay.', ">>{dolphins3} : Because they can get away with it in elections because there are always plenty of morons insisting that their opponents, the Democrats, aren't any better.", '>>{TheeBaconKing} : **If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.** - 1984', ">>{ratherlargepie} : Men are half the baby making process. Come on. Logic isn't that hard. You don't want to get someone accidentally pregnant and if you do, you want that person to have services that will help them through that pregnancy even if you're a piece of shit who leaves them at that point.", ">>{turbofarts1} : more from this 'author'. presented without comment. >Climate change is nothing more than a tax ploy to get more money from the masses. Regardless of how you spin the theory, it stinks! >Despite almost every publication claiming every year is the hottest on record, scientific data has not shown the earth warming for the past two decades. The elites just don’t know how else to justify new taxes in order to gain more control over the people. >They do understand that people want to be good corporate citizens, so, they come up with the climate change crap to pull in the emotional response. What? You don’t care about the earth? Heathen! >Well, what President-elect Trump has planned for NASA will cause liberal heads to spin–forever! And, it’s great! Instead of focusing on global warming, Trump wants NASA to get back to space exploration. >What? He actually wants NASA to do what the organization was designed to do? Say it isn’t so! How could Trump have the nerve to make sense! From the Washington Examiner: >President-elect Trump will take NASA out of the climate change business and refocus it on space exploration, a Trump team adviser said. >“We see NASA in an exploration role, in deep space research,” Bob Walker, a senior Trump adviser, told the Guardian newspaper. “Earth-centric science is better placed at other agencies where it is their prime mission.” >NASA has increased its role in monitoring the effects of global warming and climate change, turning its satellites back at the Earth during the Obama administration to track pollution, sea-level rise and rising carbon dioxide levels. The space agency’s climate focus has been a key issue raised by Republicans on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee that overseas the agency’s policy priorities. >Trump’s team appears to be taking lessons from the science committee, which wants NASA’s budget to be directed at space exploration and not combating global warming. Many scientists blame greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels for warming the Earth’s temperature, leading to more catastrophic weather. >I don’t know if liberals can handle common sense. We may need to build at least 1,000 more safe spaces when they find out about this!", ">>{RandyMagnum02} : It's his word against hers. She's either looking for a settlement or a leftist activist judge. Either way it's ammunition for the media to accuse him of sexually assaulting women. I wouldn't be surprised if there were outside money pushing this case forward as well", ">>{JelloDarkness} : Username checks out. All that's missing now is him screaming it to himself in a mirror.", '>>{Agastopia} : ... You know how babies are made right...?', '>>{LordGiraffe} : >~~Proof~~ *Prove* me wrong. At your service. Edit: Pun on proofreading must have been too subtle for some', ">>{_tx} : Bill Clinton tried this and got shot down 9-0 at the SCOTUS. It isn't exactly a solid defense.", ">>{FuckYourNarrative} : It's a woman's choice to have an abortion, men don't have a say in it Maybe you can correct me though", ">>{FuckYourNarrative} : It's a woman's choice to have an abortion, not the man's Can you explain what you mean, I don't understand", ">>{TheCakeDayLie} : Someone should explain how that didn't work for Clinton.", ">>{Lordoffunk} : Well he certainly invoked the Streisand Effect by publicly announcing his intent to use the (non-existent) protections of his current office to protect himself from the legal consequences of acts claimed to have been committed by him before taking the position. Further, you marginalize a person's claim of sexual assault by reducing it to media ammo and meander beyond that to suggestion of conspiracy. For these reasons, I cannot see a continued logical and reasonable conversation with you. For that reason, I wish you a good day.", ">>{Agastopia} : You don't think men have a part in the decision making process...? Men don't have the kids so does that mean we should cut funding to delivery rooms?", '>>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : > Liberals play extremely dirty; they don’t believe in rules. The most projective quote I have seen in quite some time.', ">>{marvinwork} : Thank you really, Sometimes people just tell me i wrote something wrong but don't show me the right way to correct it. English is my second language.", '>>{Ftafu} : They really are desperate lol down vote none legit news sites move on.', ">>{HeathcliffHeathcliff} : Hey OP, can you point out where the proof is that these guys aren't Trump supporters? Both this article *and* the article it cites say nothing about the motivation of these two, just that they were arrested.", ">>{FuckYourNarrative} : I actually do sometimes, it's my mantra. How else can I progress if I can't cast off my own Ego?", ">>{ratherlargepie} : SPERM+EGG=EMBRYO That's a two person process. No matter if an abortion is had, planned parenthood is there for education on pregnancy, ultrasound administration, birth control access, free condoms. They're not just places where people get abortions. Common misconception. Unlike the less common misconception that you seem to be having that men don't get women pregnant.", '>>{DragonTHC} : They are hateful, spiteful people who actively seek to hurt others for ideology. 2018 midterms are going to be a bloodbath.', '>>{SugarBear4Real} : I expect my elderly auntie to post this story sometime this weekend.', '>>{hecate37} : nice how google images gives the history of how it happened completely differently last march.', '>>{RandyMagnum02} : Further, you marginalize a person\'s claim of sexual assault by reducing it to media ammo and meander beyond that to suggestion of conspiracy. For these reasons, I cannot see a continued logical and reasonable conversation with you. For that reason, I wish you a good day. Typical liberal response. Take your position of self righteousness and then run away before having to be subjected to a different viewpoint. If the case were worth this: "you marginalize a person\'s claim of sexual assault" then it would have happened 10 years ago. Nothing more than a smear campaign. Obvious to anyone choosing to live in reality.', ">>{Lordoffunk} : I'm not a liberal, but I did notice your personal attack in response to getting your feelings hurt. Sometimes that happens to week people who make weak arguments, so I'm left to wonder if that's what's occurred here with you. I do hope that is not that case. But, your inability to maintain a linear conversation, failings in perspective, and lack of grace have been noted. Good luck with your reductionist trolling. Have a great day.", '>>{dolphins3} : both parties are the same! Choice between a douche and a turd sandwich! --Reddit in 2016, and probably 2018 as well', '>>{moxy801} : Trump is the biggest snowflake in this country right now.', ">>{FuckYourNarrative} : Men have no legal say in whether or not a woman has an abortion. I don't know about laws in your country, but in America, a man can't order a woman to get an abortion. He also cannot order a woman to not get an abortion. It's her choice. Are you anti choice?", ">>{HeathcliffHeathcliff} : I'm just trying to be tolerant so they won't vote for Trump again! This is why Trump won you guys!", '>>{RandyMagnum02} : My inability to maintain a linear conversation? From someone that moved the goalpost and ran away because I "marginalized" an obviously frivolous lawsuit. You ran away because I\'m too insensitive and want to pretend like my feelings were hurt? By the way, do you notice how right I was about the way you take the position of self righteousness and run away? You\'ve done it twice now. Sorry for not giving you the last word. I\'m aware that it\'s all you want', ">>{pravenone} : downtrend.com for all the news you're dumb enough to believe.", '>>{Agastopia} : lol > men have a part in the decision process Somehow gets perverted in your mind to > men can order women to get an abortion', '>>{LordGiraffe} : Second language here. I am not really correcting you, I thought I could make a humorous pun on proofreading.', ">>{Rick554} : Bullshit. It's pointing out the hypocrisy of the Republicans and the media. Trump has said that if he wins, he has no plans to divest himself from any of his companies. Instead, he says that if he wins, he'll turn his businesses over to his kids, and he won't care about anything that happens with his companies, trust him, believe him. He will continue to keep his name on all his companies and continue to take in millions of dollars in income from them. Republicans and the media have no problem with this at all. If Clinton wins, she and her husband will both remove themselves from the Clinton Foundation entirely, leaving only their daughter on the foundation's board of directors, in an unpaid position. Clinton's tax returns show no flow of money from the foundation to the Clintons, quite the opposite actually. And yet Republicans and the media insist that if she wins, the only acceptable course of action is to completely shut down this charity (which does a lot of good work around the world) and transfer its projects to other charities, which is an incredibly complicated process that might not even be possible in some cases. Pointing out the media hypocrisy here is not deflecting.", '>>{frackpot} : NOW the big thing among trumpettes is FAKE NEWS. Comical, Hypocritical and Karmic', '>>{rick325436} : Was going to post this before submission was correctly removed: First, old news from back in March. Second [Baker, who had been critical of Trump before, said he would not vote for Trump if he becomes the party’s nominee.](http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/03/14/top-mass-judge-son-faces-charges-trump-church-graffiti/qP4J3wxHTxJqVCd6wWKFHL/story.html?s_campaign=bostonglobe%3Asocialflow%3Atwitter). That is, act of liberatian not liberal.', '>>{FuckYourNarrative} : Who has the legal authority to consent to an abortion: the man, or the woman?', '>>{FuckYourNarrative} : If a man wants the woman to get pregnant and tells her to get an abortion...If she refuses does he still have to pay for child support?', '>>{Agastopia} : Have you ever had a partner? You talk about big decisions. Stop being purposely obtuse.', ">>{supes1} : > SJ Res. 34 passed - ISPs can now sell your internet history to third parties without your permission Not yet they can't. It still has to be signed by the President. I don't hold out much hope that it'll be stopped at this stage, but it's not law yet.", '>>{DragonPup} : > Choice between a douche and a turd sandwich! That line is the epitome of why I hate South Park and its smug, fake intellectualism.', '>>{cantdodgethedoj} : If you keep saying it, maybe it will come true', ">>{Vesstair} : [I'll take a 72.3% chance.](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo)", ">>{Vesstair} : >fas·cism >noun >an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. There's a definition for you. Care to explain how it applies to huffpo?", ">>{ratherlargepie} : Absolutely. It's his gosh darn offspring. Also, your concept is a contradiction. In that situation, the man wants her to be pregnant and also tells her to get an abortion. Sounds like some kind of manic behavior. Shouldn't get custody. Should pay child support.", '>>{George_Beast} : > Trump has said that if he wins Are you aware of his odds of actually winning? What he says is almost irrelevant because his chances of being president are pretty slim.', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Head on over to 270towin.com and whip us up a prediction on how Trump will get to 270.', '>>{cantdodgethedoj} : Take a look at the individual polls for any given state. The weight value for each is heavily skewed for polls with the most respondents, despite their age. For most states, a poll with twice the respondents from 2-3 months ago has the highest weight and contributes almost entirely to his calculations. The newest, smaller polls are much more balanced and reflect current polling patterns. This is clearly a **major** error in methodology from the very same man who predicted a 98% Clinton win a few weeks prior.', ">>{Rick554} : I wouldn't say overwhelmingly, but against him, yes. However that's not the point. The point is the vastly different media reaction to what each candidate plans to do with their organizations in the event they do win.", '>>{saltnpeppa123} : Waiting for Huffington Post to call for the shut down of the Clinton Foundation.', '>>{cantdodgethedoj} : http://www.270towin.com/maps/3LNK6 And this is *before* you consider the coin-flip results in Nevada and New Hampshire.', ">>{kozmo1313} : If he is elected, all of his business records should be made public via third party oversight. Taxes, loans, partners. Even retroactively. And, the same for the Clintons. Let's clear the damn air.", ">>{BHSbratsche} : They just like to throw around new words they've learned from reading the TV.", '>>{CompactedConscience} : Trump is down by a lot in OH, PA, and FL in nearly every poll. He is down by a bit in NC and IA. GA and AZ are coinflip states. How does this map happen?', ">>{wingman888} : I think Trump is a racist bigot however I can't not pay attention to some of the things Hillary has done, my intention to vote for her is slipping away. I would've definitely voted for Bernie but since he's out of the picture there's no legitimate opposition. I personally think Trump and Clinton are two sides of the same coin that America needs to rid itself from.", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Is that the same Trump organization which was found guilty of illegally bribing Florida AG Pam Bondi with 25,000 dollars so that she would drop a suit against Trump University? Or is this a completely different Trump organization?', ">>{holierthanmao} : FiveThirtyEight weights polls based on a combination of pollster rating, sample size, and recency. This is confirmed by looking at any of the individual state's poll page. I have not looked at every state, but just from clicking on the battleground states, none of them give the highest weight to a 2-3 month old poll. I would be interested to see where you are finding that. For example, in NC, almost no weight is given to any poll from before Aug 5. In FL, there is one poll from late June that has some weight, but it is still only the 4th highest weight and one of the largest sample size polls of the state. PA, almost no weight for anything before Aug 25. CO's highest weighted poll is from early-mid Aug, and second highest from mid-late Aug. So on and so forth. There are a lot of recent polls by Ipsos of the states that are not highly weighted because they only have 300-400 participants, which is pretty terrible. It means the MOE is huge. But those polls are not even necessarily the most recent. When did he predict a 98% win chance for Clinton?", ">>{wingman888} : You do realize that Trump himself actively discourages his supporters from voting in online polls because he is always telling them they are rigged for Hillary? Also, these polls always show different groups of people. One could have 30% Republican, 40% Democrat and 10% Independent and the other one could be completely different. These polls aren't reliable. That explains why Trump is down in the polls, his supporters know it's a rigged game and that it's a waste of time. Hillary needs to see this otherwise she'll be in for a nasty surprise in November.", ">>{Ximitar} : Much like forecasting the weather, the further out something is the less reliable any predictions are. As the US gets closer to election day, the resolution increases. The predictions remain, in spite of a dip, solidly in Clinton's favour.", ">>{Rick554} : Dude, the media has been calling for the shutdown of the Clinton Foundation for months. And let's be clear about what's going on here. Trump has said that if he wins, he has no plans to divest himself from any of his companies. Instead, he says that if he wins, he'll turn his businesses over to his kids, and he won't care about anything that happens with his companies, trust him, believe him. He will continue to keep his name on all his companies and continue to take in millions of dollars in income from them. Republicans and the media have no problem with this at all. If Clinton wins, she and her husband will both remove themselves from the Clinton Foundation entirely, leaving only their daughter on the foundation's board of directors, in an unpaid position. Clinton's tax returns show no flow of money from the foundation to the Clintons, quite the opposite actually. And yet Republicans and the media insist that if she wins, the only acceptable course of action is to completely shut down this charity (which does a lot of good work around the world) and transfer its projects to other charities, which is an incredibly complicated process that might not even be possible in some cases.", ">>{m0ddem} : You've got Trump winning Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, *and* Pennsylvania. Rather generous of you.", '>>{CompactedConscience} : The polls for US elections have been remarkably accurate for the past several decades. There is a common pattern where the person down in the polls.says they are unreliable for one reason or another, and then is proven wrong come election day. Trump himself brags about the polling every time he is ahead. Almost none of these polls are "online polls". Finally, if the polls are wrong they could be wrong in either direction. Why do you think the map you just made is plausible?', ">>{cantdodgethedoj} : Swap Pennsylvania for Nevada and New Hampshire then, where he's polling much closer. Another Trump victory.", '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : I....but....wow. You might as well put in for a November 9-11 vacation right now, I think you might be crying in the fetal position for at least those three days.', '>>{saltnpeppa123} : The difference is that Trump is making millions without hiding anything, while Hillary is using the foundation to launder money from her criminal activities', '>>{fuckfacism} : i love bernie cant stand wat huff po done to him fuck these hill shills they are not ever hiding it now there done making anti bernie stuff i am voting gary johnstone', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Perhaps I should have specified the grounded in reality requirement...', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : New Hampshire is Clinton +9. Nevada is Clinton +3. Neither of those are coin flips.', '>>{Rick554} : > while Hillary is using the foundation to launder money from her criminal activities I would love to see one single shred of evidence of this.', ">>{m0ddem} : Uhm...That's a 269-269 tie. Nevada and NH have 10 total EVs, while Pennsylvania has 20. I still think assuming Trump wins Ohio, Florida and NC is *extremely* generous; I see him winning Ohio, possibly, but I doubt seriously he wins Florida. He's in the same position Romney was in; if he loses Florida he's toast, and he's likely going to lose Florida.", '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : > while Hillary is using the foundation to launder money from her criminal activities Which is why the the Clinton Foundation gets A ratings right? http://www.wkbw.com/news/national/charity-watchdog-gives-clinton-foundation-top-marks', ">>{12roby21} : You have to hand it to right wing media, they have pulled off the most impressive character assassination I've ever seen.", ">>{I_F_your_mom} : Yea, you're right. His tax returns show where all of that money comes from. Good thing he released all of them from over the past 30 years. His transparency really contrasts with Clinton who hasn't released any of her tax returns. Oh wait..", '>>{someguyjusttrying} : So impressive that the Clinton campaign has to literally pay people to say positive things about her on the internet...', ">>{holierthanmao} : http://www.270towin.com/maps/WL7bk I had to edit your map to be more in line with what all the data says. I was as generous as possible to Trump, including calling NV, FL, IA, and NC toss ups even though the polls indicate Clinton will take 3+ of those states. PA is in the bag for Clinton. Trump has no path to winning that state. We should really call Ohio a toss up too, but I'm being generous. Result: Clinton has at least 279 EV", '>>{Testiclesius_Maximal} : SHUT IT DOWN! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGTzjZqfZUA **This comment sponsored by Friends of Hillary PAC**', ">>{12roby21} : I've had this account for three years, I'm not a shill.....", '>>{Agedwithaview} : Close but not quite. That was the Trump Foundation which issued a check for $25,000 as an illegal campaign contribution to Biondi. This is the Trump Organization that has been doing business with: - the Saudi government - Russian nationals (Donald Trump Jr. has been quoted as saying that Russians make up a disproportionate share of there assets.") - has ongoing deals in Turkey and the Philippines', ">>{Blindweaponsfumbler} : >Turkey and the Philippines You mean our allies? Just because they aren't white Ellie's doesn't mean they aren't allies.", '>>{Agedwithaview} : Why do you pretend that you are not voting for Donald? All of your comments show that you are just another Donald shill.', ">>{Agedwithaview} : What additional records that haven't been released do you think exist for the Clintons. On the other hand, why does the orange skinned baboon refuse to release any records. Especially the personal and business returns of Trump, his children, all of his separate business dealings and the Trump foundation. A person would have to be an idiot to trust him without releasing this information. Aren't you even a little ashamed to be shilling for someone whose largest demographic is poorly and under educated white males?", ">>{Agedwithaview} : That's cute. What happened too many people look at your comment history?", ">>{Testiclesius_Maximal} : We're just concerned friends of Hillary. We want to ensure that she is properly recognized for her actions.", ">>{Agedwithaview} : So it's just the Russian and Saudi money that bothers you?", '>>{kozmo1313} : are you serious? there are 15,000 emails covered by FOIA that have been identified but not released. the state department meetings schedules. a public audit of the clinton foundation (by an outside, independent firm). and, for you to say that establishing a baseline of transparency for ***ALL*** candidates is somehow shilling for one, it just shows your own bias ... and that bias is the very root of this problem. trump is getting away with all sorts of stuff because the candidate bar is so low. (and, frankly, he is the only type of candidate clinton can win against, so you should be happy) i am absolutely 100% opposed to trump and all candidates for public office that i personally perceive as being of low integrity.', ">>{etotheitauequalsone} : Tbf, does the woman also 'want to get pregnant' just because she had sex? Men have it much easier in life in general though so it wouldn't be fair to just let them go off to do their own thing even if they asked the woman to abort the child. It's the woman's choice what to do with her body, not the man's. And if she decides to keep the child he will just have live with paying for it. It just doesn't feel fair to let someone with all of life's advantages to get off so easy. (I actually think men should have to pay 10x as much tax as women but that's another story lol)", ">>{RicknMorty93} : You mean if he DOESN'T want her to get pregnant, right? In that case I think men should be able to do a financial abortion, and not have to pay anything, but they would also permanently forfeit any parental rights such as custody.", '>>{RicknMorty93} : > if she decides to keep the child he will just have live with paying for it why? this makes no sense.', ">>{etotheitauequalsone} : Men have it easy enough as it is. They get paid twice as much. They're stronger. They'll be fine with paying for the kid while the mother has to raise it. In fact, the man should be forced to pay minimum wage while the mother is raising the kid. Not paying mothers who are doing all the work in child rearing is literally slavery. How is it fair that women are forced to work for nothing while the man gets to go enjoy life?!??! It's NOT fair.", ">>{RicknMorty93} : > They get paid twice as much. no they don't, and even if they did, why would that be a reason to force them to pay for a child that was born against their will? > In fact, the man should be forced to pay minimum wage while the mother is raising the kid. No, society should pay. Most countries have paid maternal leave, childcare, welfare. > Not paying mothers who are doing all the work in child rearing is literally slavery. Again, they are paid through family leave and welfare, and it should probably be increased, but I don't understand how you can justify targeting a specific man who was just used as an unwilling sperm donor. > How is it fair that women are forced to work for nothing while the man gets to go enjoy life?!??! It's NOT fair. No one is being forced to remain pregnant. Abortion is a choice. Looks like you really haven't thought this through."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Vesstair} : Well, to be fair there is one stark difference between them. Hillary Clinton is going to be the next President of the United States. Donald Trump is not.', ">>{progresstogether} : Drumpf's company should be shut down. He promotes politics that are againts the security of the United States of America. He is in collusion with Julian Assange who is a traitor and a rapist. The Drumpf Organization is not a real company anymore. It no longer exists to make money and provide goods and services to society in return. It's an anti-American political organization and it has to be dealt with seriously. Unlike other hate groups like the KKK (which endorses Drumpf), the Drumpf ORganization is actively undermining national security and inciting violence. If tgat weren't enough, there are foreign elements in the Drumpf Organization that effectively BUY influence over him. Hillary created a charity a little bit too naively and good heartedly. Drumpf is a mercenary type who cares only about money and power.", ">>{CarmineFields} : If Trump were to win (*snicker*) letting his kids run his business would be a massive conflict of interest. He needs to either sell out or use a blind trust. He doesn't appear to be willing to do either.", ">>{bearrosaurus} : It's kind of sad that our society has turned charities into a political liability. But it's pretty much the case that political experience is also a political liability. '35 year old held in a tube for his entire life' 2016", ">>{marvinwork} : trump supporters don't care about his business deals, They don't want a woman or a nonwhite running the country. Proof me wrong. Post the polls were it shows he is doing great with races other than white males.", ">>{FuckYourNarrative} : Why should men have to pay for a service that we'll never use? I can see women having to pay a woman tax for it but making men pay for something like that is unethical and authoritarian Maybe you can correct me on this", '>>{black_flag_4ever} : This entire article is deflection from the Clinton Foundation.', ">>{ratherlargepie} : Men are half the baby making process. Come on. Logic isn't that hard. You don't want to get someone accidentally pregnant and if you do, you want that person to have services that will help them through that pregnancy even if you're a piece of shit who leaves them at that point.", ">>{JelloDarkness} : Username checks out. All that's missing now is him screaming it to himself in a mirror.", '>>{Agastopia} : ... You know how babies are made right...?', '>>{LordGiraffe} : >~~Proof~~ *Prove* me wrong. At your service. Edit: Pun on proofreading must have been too subtle for some', ">>{FuckYourNarrative} : It's a woman's choice to have an abortion, men don't have a say in it Maybe you can correct me though", ">>{FuckYourNarrative} : It's a woman's choice to have an abortion, not the man's Can you explain what you mean, I don't understand", ">>{Agastopia} : You don't think men have a part in the decision making process...? Men don't have the kids so does that mean we should cut funding to delivery rooms?", ">>{marvinwork} : Thank you really, Sometimes people just tell me i wrote something wrong but don't show me the right way to correct it. English is my second language.", ">>{FuckYourNarrative} : I actually do sometimes, it's my mantra. How else can I progress if I can't cast off my own Ego?", ">>{ratherlargepie} : SPERM+EGG=EMBRYO That's a two person process. No matter if an abortion is had, planned parenthood is there for education on pregnancy, ultrasound administration, birth control access, free condoms. They're not just places where people get abortions. Common misconception. Unlike the less common misconception that you seem to be having that men don't get women pregnant.", ">>{FuckYourNarrative} : Men have no legal say in whether or not a woman has an abortion. I don't know about laws in your country, but in America, a man can't order a woman to get an abortion. He also cannot order a woman to not get an abortion. It's her choice. Are you anti choice?", '>>{Agastopia} : lol > men have a part in the decision process Somehow gets perverted in your mind to > men can order women to get an abortion', '>>{LordGiraffe} : Second language here. I am not really correcting you, I thought I could make a humorous pun on proofreading.', ">>{Rick554} : Bullshit. It's pointing out the hypocrisy of the Republicans and the media. Trump has said that if he wins, he has no plans to divest himself from any of his companies. Instead, he says that if he wins, he'll turn his businesses over to his kids, and he won't care about anything that happens with his companies, trust him, believe him. He will continue to keep his name on all his companies and continue to take in millions of dollars in income from them. Republicans and the media have no problem with this at all. If Clinton wins, she and her husband will both remove themselves from the Clinton Foundation entirely, leaving only their daughter on the foundation's board of directors, in an unpaid position. Clinton's tax returns show no flow of money from the foundation to the Clintons, quite the opposite actually. And yet Republicans and the media insist that if she wins, the only acceptable course of action is to completely shut down this charity (which does a lot of good work around the world) and transfer its projects to other charities, which is an incredibly complicated process that might not even be possible in some cases. Pointing out the media hypocrisy here is not deflecting.", '>>{FuckYourNarrative} : Who has the legal authority to consent to an abortion: the man, or the woman?', '>>{FuckYourNarrative} : If a man wants the woman to get pregnant and tells her to get an abortion...If she refuses does he still have to pay for child support?', '>>{Agastopia} : Have you ever had a partner? You talk about big decisions. Stop being purposely obtuse.', '>>{cantdodgethedoj} : If you keep saying it, maybe it will come true', ">>{Vesstair} : [I'll take a 72.3% chance.](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo)", ">>{Vesstair} : >fas·cism >noun >an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. There's a definition for you. Care to explain how it applies to huffpo?", ">>{ratherlargepie} : Absolutely. It's his gosh darn offspring. Also, your concept is a contradiction. In that situation, the man wants her to be pregnant and also tells her to get an abortion. Sounds like some kind of manic behavior. Shouldn't get custody. Should pay child support.", '>>{George_Beast} : > Trump has said that if he wins Are you aware of his odds of actually winning? What he says is almost irrelevant because his chances of being president are pretty slim.', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Head on over to 270towin.com and whip us up a prediction on how Trump will get to 270.', '>>{cantdodgethedoj} : Take a look at the individual polls for any given state. The weight value for each is heavily skewed for polls with the most respondents, despite their age. For most states, a poll with twice the respondents from 2-3 months ago has the highest weight and contributes almost entirely to his calculations. The newest, smaller polls are much more balanced and reflect current polling patterns. This is clearly a **major** error in methodology from the very same man who predicted a 98% Clinton win a few weeks prior.', ">>{Rick554} : I wouldn't say overwhelmingly, but against him, yes. However that's not the point. The point is the vastly different media reaction to what each candidate plans to do with their organizations in the event they do win.", '>>{saltnpeppa123} : Waiting for Huffington Post to call for the shut down of the Clinton Foundation.', '>>{cantdodgethedoj} : http://www.270towin.com/maps/3LNK6 And this is *before* you consider the coin-flip results in Nevada and New Hampshire.', ">>{kozmo1313} : If he is elected, all of his business records should be made public via third party oversight. Taxes, loans, partners. Even retroactively. And, the same for the Clintons. Let's clear the damn air.", ">>{BHSbratsche} : They just like to throw around new words they've learned from reading the TV.", '>>{CompactedConscience} : Trump is down by a lot in OH, PA, and FL in nearly every poll. He is down by a bit in NC and IA. GA and AZ are coinflip states. How does this map happen?', ">>{wingman888} : I think Trump is a racist bigot however I can't not pay attention to some of the things Hillary has done, my intention to vote for her is slipping away. I would've definitely voted for Bernie but since he's out of the picture there's no legitimate opposition. I personally think Trump and Clinton are two sides of the same coin that America needs to rid itself from.", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Is that the same Trump organization which was found guilty of illegally bribing Florida AG Pam Bondi with 25,000 dollars so that she would drop a suit against Trump University? Or is this a completely different Trump organization?', ">>{holierthanmao} : FiveThirtyEight weights polls based on a combination of pollster rating, sample size, and recency. This is confirmed by looking at any of the individual state's poll page. I have not looked at every state, but just from clicking on the battleground states, none of them give the highest weight to a 2-3 month old poll. I would be interested to see where you are finding that. For example, in NC, almost no weight is given to any poll from before Aug 5. In FL, there is one poll from late June that has some weight, but it is still only the 4th highest weight and one of the largest sample size polls of the state. PA, almost no weight for anything before Aug 25. CO's highest weighted poll is from early-mid Aug, and second highest from mid-late Aug. So on and so forth. There are a lot of recent polls by Ipsos of the states that are not highly weighted because they only have 300-400 participants, which is pretty terrible. It means the MOE is huge. But those polls are not even necessarily the most recent. When did he predict a 98% win chance for Clinton?", ">>{wingman888} : You do realize that Trump himself actively discourages his supporters from voting in online polls because he is always telling them they are rigged for Hillary? Also, these polls always show different groups of people. One could have 30% Republican, 40% Democrat and 10% Independent and the other one could be completely different. These polls aren't reliable. That explains why Trump is down in the polls, his supporters know it's a rigged game and that it's a waste of time. Hillary needs to see this otherwise she'll be in for a nasty surprise in November.", ">>{Ximitar} : Much like forecasting the weather, the further out something is the less reliable any predictions are. As the US gets closer to election day, the resolution increases. The predictions remain, in spite of a dip, solidly in Clinton's favour.", ">>{Rick554} : Dude, the media has been calling for the shutdown of the Clinton Foundation for months. And let's be clear about what's going on here. Trump has said that if he wins, he has no plans to divest himself from any of his companies. Instead, he says that if he wins, he'll turn his businesses over to his kids, and he won't care about anything that happens with his companies, trust him, believe him. He will continue to keep his name on all his companies and continue to take in millions of dollars in income from them. Republicans and the media have no problem with this at all. If Clinton wins, she and her husband will both remove themselves from the Clinton Foundation entirely, leaving only their daughter on the foundation's board of directors, in an unpaid position. Clinton's tax returns show no flow of money from the foundation to the Clintons, quite the opposite actually. And yet Republicans and the media insist that if she wins, the only acceptable course of action is to completely shut down this charity (which does a lot of good work around the world) and transfer its projects to other charities, which is an incredibly complicated process that might not even be possible in some cases.", ">>{m0ddem} : You've got Trump winning Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, *and* Pennsylvania. Rather generous of you.", '>>{CompactedConscience} : The polls for US elections have been remarkably accurate for the past several decades. There is a common pattern where the person down in the polls.says they are unreliable for one reason or another, and then is proven wrong come election day. Trump himself brags about the polling every time he is ahead. Almost none of these polls are "online polls". Finally, if the polls are wrong they could be wrong in either direction. Why do you think the map you just made is plausible?', ">>{cantdodgethedoj} : Swap Pennsylvania for Nevada and New Hampshire then, where he's polling much closer. Another Trump victory.", '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : I....but....wow. You might as well put in for a November 9-11 vacation right now, I think you might be crying in the fetal position for at least those three days.', '>>{saltnpeppa123} : The difference is that Trump is making millions without hiding anything, while Hillary is using the foundation to launder money from her criminal activities', '>>{fuckfacism} : i love bernie cant stand wat huff po done to him fuck these hill shills they are not ever hiding it now there done making anti bernie stuff i am voting gary johnstone', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : Perhaps I should have specified the grounded in reality requirement...', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : New Hampshire is Clinton +9. Nevada is Clinton +3. Neither of those are coin flips.', '>>{Rick554} : > while Hillary is using the foundation to launder money from her criminal activities I would love to see one single shred of evidence of this.', ">>{m0ddem} : Uhm...That's a 269-269 tie. Nevada and NH have 10 total EVs, while Pennsylvania has 20. I still think assuming Trump wins Ohio, Florida and NC is *extremely* generous; I see him winning Ohio, possibly, but I doubt seriously he wins Florida. He's in the same position Romney was in; if he loses Florida he's toast, and he's likely going to lose Florida.", '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : > while Hillary is using the foundation to launder money from her criminal activities Which is why the the Clinton Foundation gets A ratings right? http://www.wkbw.com/news/national/charity-watchdog-gives-clinton-foundation-top-marks', ">>{12roby21} : You have to hand it to right wing media, they have pulled off the most impressive character assassination I've ever seen.", ">>{I_F_your_mom} : Yea, you're right. His tax returns show where all of that money comes from. Good thing he released all of them from over the past 30 years. His transparency really contrasts with Clinton who hasn't released any of her tax returns. Oh wait..", '>>{someguyjusttrying} : So impressive that the Clinton campaign has to literally pay people to say positive things about her on the internet...', ">>{holierthanmao} : http://www.270towin.com/maps/WL7bk I had to edit your map to be more in line with what all the data says. I was as generous as possible to Trump, including calling NV, FL, IA, and NC toss ups even though the polls indicate Clinton will take 3+ of those states. PA is in the bag for Clinton. Trump has no path to winning that state. We should really call Ohio a toss up too, but I'm being generous. Result: Clinton has at least 279 EV", '>>{Testiclesius_Maximal} : SHUT IT DOWN! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGTzjZqfZUA **This comment sponsored by Friends of Hillary PAC**', ">>{12roby21} : I've had this account for three years, I'm not a shill.....", '>>{Agedwithaview} : Close but not quite. That was the Trump Foundation which issued a check for $25,000 as an illegal campaign contribution to Biondi. This is the Trump Organization that has been doing business with: - the Saudi government - Russian nationals (Donald Trump Jr. has been quoted as saying that Russians make up a disproportionate share of there assets.") - has ongoing deals in Turkey and the Philippines', ">>{Blindweaponsfumbler} : >Turkey and the Philippines You mean our allies? Just because they aren't white Ellie's doesn't mean they aren't allies.", '>>{Agedwithaview} : Why do you pretend that you are not voting for Donald? All of your comments show that you are just another Donald shill.', ">>{Agedwithaview} : What additional records that haven't been released do you think exist for the Clintons. On the other hand, why does the orange skinned baboon refuse to release any records. Especially the personal and business returns of Trump, his children, all of his separate business dealings and the Trump foundation. A person would have to be an idiot to trust him without releasing this information. Aren't you even a little ashamed to be shilling for someone whose largest demographic is poorly and under educated white males?", ">>{Agedwithaview} : That's cute. What happened too many people look at your comment history?", ">>{Testiclesius_Maximal} : We're just concerned friends of Hillary. We want to ensure that she is properly recognized for her actions.", ">>{Agedwithaview} : So it's just the Russian and Saudi money that bothers you?", '>>{kozmo1313} : are you serious? there are 15,000 emails covered by FOIA that have been identified but not released. the state department meetings schedules. a public audit of the clinton foundation (by an outside, independent firm). and, for you to say that establishing a baseline of transparency for ***ALL*** candidates is somehow shilling for one, it just shows your own bias ... and that bias is the very root of this problem. trump is getting away with all sorts of stuff because the candidate bar is so low. (and, frankly, he is the only type of candidate clinton can win against, so you should be happy) i am absolutely 100% opposed to trump and all candidates for public office that i personally perceive as being of low integrity.', ">>{etotheitauequalsone} : Tbf, does the woman also 'want to get pregnant' just because she had sex? Men have it much easier in life in general though so it wouldn't be fair to just let them go off to do their own thing even if they asked the woman to abort the child. It's the woman's choice what to do with her body, not the man's. And if she decides to keep the child he will just have live with paying for it. It just doesn't feel fair to let someone with all of life's advantages to get off so easy. (I actually think men should have to pay 10x as much tax as women but that's another story lol)", ">>{RicknMorty93} : You mean if he DOESN'T want her to get pregnant, right? In that case I think men should be able to do a financial abortion, and not have to pay anything, but they would also permanently forfeit any parental rights such as custody.", '>>{RicknMorty93} : > if she decides to keep the child he will just have live with paying for it why? this makes no sense.', ">>{etotheitauequalsone} : Men have it easy enough as it is. They get paid twice as much. They're stronger. They'll be fine with paying for the kid while the mother has to raise it. In fact, the man should be forced to pay minimum wage while the mother is raising the kid. Not paying mothers who are doing all the work in child rearing is literally slavery. How is it fair that women are forced to work for nothing while the man gets to go enjoy life?!??! It's NOT fair.", ">>{RicknMorty93} : > They get paid twice as much. no they don't, and even if they did, why would that be a reason to force them to pay for a child that was born against their will? > In fact, the man should be forced to pay minimum wage while the mother is raising the kid. No, society should pay. Most countries have paid maternal leave, childcare, welfare. > Not paying mothers who are doing all the work in child rearing is literally slavery. Again, they are paid through family leave and welfare, and it should probably be increased, but I don't understand how you can justify targeting a specific man who was just used as an unwilling sperm donor. > How is it fair that women are forced to work for nothing while the man gets to go enjoy life?!??! It's NOT fair. No one is being forced to remain pregnant. Abortion is a choice. Looks like you really haven't thought this through."], ['>>{stargth} : Trump Just Took Legal Action To Immunize Himself From Defamation Lawsuits', '>>{tornapartbydingos} : Psst... Hey kid... You want some news stories???', ">>{Cardenjs} : Overall I tend to despise these types of lawsuits (although far less than I despise Trump) because they're usually a last ditch effort to pull something into court that, for whatever reason, wouldn't normally make it there. (Example, trying to punish somone for a crime after the Statute of Limitations has expired)", ">>{RandyMagnum02} : Well this type of lawsuit is just that. It wouldn't exist if not for Trump's Presidential campaign and it's a go nowhere, hearsay based case from an alleged incident in 2007. We're supposed to believe that the person waited 10 years to bring it up during Trump's campaign for President? This suit for defamation is nothing more than an attempt to commit defamation against Trump.", '>>{Lordoffunk} : The ten year delay in bringing action is an interesting element, but direct testimony is **not** hearsay.', ">>{RandyMagnum02} : It's his word against hers. She's either looking for a settlement or a leftist activist judge. Either way it's ammunition for the media to accuse him of sexually assaulting women. I wouldn't be surprised if there were outside money pushing this case forward as well", ">>{_tx} : Bill Clinton tried this and got shot down 9-0 at the SCOTUS. It isn't exactly a solid defense.", ">>{TheCakeDayLie} : Someone should explain how that didn't work for Clinton.", ">>{Lordoffunk} : Well he certainly invoked the Streisand Effect by publicly announcing his intent to use the (non-existent) protections of his current office to protect himself from the legal consequences of acts claimed to have been committed by him before taking the position. Further, you marginalize a person's claim of sexual assault by reducing it to media ammo and meander beyond that to suggestion of conspiracy. For these reasons, I cannot see a continued logical and reasonable conversation with you. For that reason, I wish you a good day.", '>>{RandyMagnum02} : Further, you marginalize a person\'s claim of sexual assault by reducing it to media ammo and meander beyond that to suggestion of conspiracy. For these reasons, I cannot see a continued logical and reasonable conversation with you. For that reason, I wish you a good day. Typical liberal response. Take your position of self righteousness and then run away before having to be subjected to a different viewpoint. If the case were worth this: "you marginalize a person\'s claim of sexual assault" then it would have happened 10 years ago. Nothing more than a smear campaign. Obvious to anyone choosing to live in reality.', ">>{Lordoffunk} : I'm not a liberal, but I did notice your personal attack in response to getting your feelings hurt. Sometimes that happens to week people who make weak arguments, so I'm left to wonder if that's what's occurred here with you. I do hope that is not that case. But, your inability to maintain a linear conversation, failings in perspective, and lack of grace have been noted. Good luck with your reductionist trolling. Have a great day.", '>>{RandyMagnum02} : My inability to maintain a linear conversation? From someone that moved the goalpost and ran away because I "marginalized" an obviously frivolous lawsuit. You ran away because I\'m too insensitive and want to pretend like my feelings were hurt? By the way, do you notice how right I was about the way you take the position of self righteousness and run away? You\'ve done it twice now. Sorry for not giving you the last word. I\'m aware that it\'s all you want'], ['>>{MilwaukeeWolves} : SJ Res. 34 passed - ISPs can now sell your internet history to third parties without your permission', '>>{Minifig81} : We now need to buy our senators browsing histories and market them off...', '>>{grimbotronic} : Yet they needed the dems to pass a healthcare bill...', '>>{DragonPup} : Every vote for this was Republican Every vote against this was Democrat Remember that in 2018.', ">>{dolphins3} : Because they can get away with it in elections because there are always plenty of morons insisting that their opponents, the Democrats, aren't any better.", '>>{TheeBaconKing} : **If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.** - 1984', '>>{DragonTHC} : They are hateful, spiteful people who actively seek to hurt others for ideology. 2018 midterms are going to be a bloodbath.', '>>{dolphins3} : both parties are the same! Choice between a douche and a turd sandwich! --Reddit in 2016, and probably 2018 as well', ">>{supes1} : > SJ Res. 34 passed - ISPs can now sell your internet history to third parties without your permission Not yet they can't. It still has to be signed by the President. I don't hold out much hope that it'll be stopped at this stage, but it's not law yet.", '>>{DragonPup} : > Choice between a douche and a turd sandwich! That line is the epitome of why I hate South Park and its smug, fake intellectualism.'], ['>>{coursecatalog} : There\'s nothing in these stories to indicate they were not Trump supporters. Actually, come to think of it, "snowflake" is a great description of white supremacist kooks. I\'m going to start using that one.', '>>{turbofarts1} : >Since they don’t want their over-the-top claims to be proven wrong, they are faking hate crimes to make it appear as if America has become more racist and sexist since Trump won the 2016 presidential election. They cause a problem, pretend it’s much worse than it is, get caught, then claim they were just trying to promote awareness. amazing.', ">>{turbofarts1} : more from this 'author'. presented without comment. >Climate change is nothing more than a tax ploy to get more money from the masses. Regardless of how you spin the theory, it stinks! >Despite almost every publication claiming every year is the hottest on record, scientific data has not shown the earth warming for the past two decades. The elites just don’t know how else to justify new taxes in order to gain more control over the people. >They do understand that people want to be good corporate citizens, so, they come up with the climate change crap to pull in the emotional response. What? You don’t care about the earth? Heathen! >Well, what President-elect Trump has planned for NASA will cause liberal heads to spin–forever! And, it’s great! Instead of focusing on global warming, Trump wants NASA to get back to space exploration. >What? He actually wants NASA to do what the organization was designed to do? Say it isn’t so! How could Trump have the nerve to make sense! From the Washington Examiner: >President-elect Trump will take NASA out of the climate change business and refocus it on space exploration, a Trump team adviser said. >“We see NASA in an exploration role, in deep space research,” Bob Walker, a senior Trump adviser, told the Guardian newspaper. “Earth-centric science is better placed at other agencies where it is their prime mission.” >NASA has increased its role in monitoring the effects of global warming and climate change, turning its satellites back at the Earth during the Obama administration to track pollution, sea-level rise and rising carbon dioxide levels. The space agency’s climate focus has been a key issue raised by Republicans on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee that overseas the agency’s policy priorities. >Trump’s team appears to be taking lessons from the science committee, which wants NASA’s budget to be directed at space exploration and not combating global warming. Many scientists blame greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels for warming the Earth’s temperature, leading to more catastrophic weather. >I don’t know if liberals can handle common sense. We may need to build at least 1,000 more safe spaces when they find out about this!", '>>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : > Liberals play extremely dirty; they don’t believe in rules. The most projective quote I have seen in quite some time.', '>>{Ftafu} : They really are desperate lol down vote none legit news sites move on.', ">>{HeathcliffHeathcliff} : Hey OP, can you point out where the proof is that these guys aren't Trump supporters? Both this article *and* the article it cites say nothing about the motivation of these two, just that they were arrested.", '>>{SugarBear4Real} : I expect my elderly auntie to post this story sometime this weekend.', '>>{hecate37} : nice how google images gives the history of how it happened completely differently last march.', '>>{moxy801} : Trump is the biggest snowflake in this country right now.', ">>{HeathcliffHeathcliff} : I'm just trying to be tolerant so they won't vote for Trump again! This is why Trump won you guys!", ">>{pravenone} : downtrend.com for all the news you're dumb enough to believe.", '>>{frackpot} : NOW the big thing among trumpettes is FAKE NEWS. Comical, Hypocritical and Karmic', '>>{rick325436} : Was going to post this before submission was correctly removed: First, old news from back in March. Second [Baker, who had been critical of Trump before, said he would not vote for Trump if he becomes the party’s nominee.](http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/03/14/top-mass-judge-son-faces-charges-trump-church-graffiti/qP4J3wxHTxJqVCd6wWKFHL/story.html?s_campaign=bostonglobe%3Asocialflow%3Atwitter). That is, act of liberatian not liberal.']]
classify and reply
[">>{Another-Chance} : GOP health bill would cut CDC's $1B disease fighting fund", '>>{Justglassinbro} : This is fucking insane ....are we ganna turn into some 3rd world shit hole like Russia?', '>>{Lhopital_rules} : The most recent episode of Last Man on Earth revealed that Pence was president when the viral outbreak began. Starting to wonder if writers of that show are actually time travelers. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6414494/?ref_=ttep_ep10', '>>{DonEliado} : At what point do we put a stop to this shit? When a plague hits?', ">>{jmdw97} : I don't disagree with the prerogative of the bill, in fact I feel like actively attempting to curb the spread of disease is in fact a very effective way to mitigate the costs of healthcare. However, I feel as though there should be a study or a collaboration of data that shows whether or not this policy has been effective so that arguments in favor of this fund are more credible. I am unsure as to whether or not such a study exists, nor do I know whether such a study would be accurate considering how relatively short the fund has been in place. If anyone could provide me with an answer to either of these questions I would greatly appreciate it.", '>>{_Mods_Are_Cucks_} : Student Gets Lower Grade Because She Didn’t Bash Trump', ">>{pheonix200} : Reid spokesman: Trump's threats of legal action should worry Americans.", '>>{HowITrulyFeel} : I guess the Republicans have never heard “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” SAD.', '>>{mindscrambler26} : sounds reasonable to me. Any adult who doesn\'t publicly bash Trump should lose their job and house and family...I\'ll be watching The Oscars tonight to make sure every winner bashes trump in the acceptance speech and actively boycott anyone who fails to do so. Also I think it would be hilarious if the presenters announced "La La Land" to win Best Picture but then a minute later have to admit they made a mistake and the winner was actually Moonlight.', '>>{justkjfrost} : Are they on team measles or something ? Between that and their hate of vaccines and modern medecine & healthcare...', '>>{sweetdick} : GOP will only hear studies that support what it wants to hear. . .. .. . .. .', '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Oh you silly Macedonians. Nice novelty accounts, btw', ">>{TZO2K15} : And seeing as we have an orangutan that doesn't believe in vaccines...We could very well see that happening!", '>>{TZO2K15} : At least Russia had somewhat highly educated Mafia, we have gobblegoul-sucking Neanderthals in expensive suits and mostly illiterate street thugs shooting each other in the streets... Imagine the US turning into Arkam city on a larger scale!', ">>{_personofdisinterest} : Lifezette is Laura Ingraham's conservative rag and the first outlet Spicy picks for questions during daily briefings.", ">>{bodiaz6} : With these outrageous statements plus calls for term limits, let's just all pray Mitch McConnell has the good sense to NOT get rid of the filibuster until Trump becomes more of a known commodity.", '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Trump and his team spent the last five days threatening protesters, threatened to deport 3 million immigrants immediately, threatened a couple congressmen and the media with incitement to protest and lawsuits.', '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : >"And he should be very careful about characterizing somebody in a legal sense. He thinks he\'s just being some kind of political pundit there, but i would say be very careful about the way you characterize it," Conway said Doesn\'t this sound a bit threatening? It sounds like they are saying you should think twice before criticizing.', ">>{Elpornosaurus} : And now we really won't find out until it's too late if CDC doesn't have funds to monitor.", ">>{t88m} : To have evidence of legal action against critics is pretty damning of Trump. While I don't agree with the timing and ferocity of Reid's statements, it's very telling that Trump has already moved to sue him. That's Putin's playbook - and everyone should take that very seriously. (Cue the rabid Trump supporter saying something about Hillary's fucking emails)", ">>{relax_live_longer} : Brietbart, Fox, Infowars and all the other right wing shiesters better hope Trump doesn't loosen libel laws.", '>>{BerneseTerror} : Another corrupt career politician that needs to go away.', ">>{staringinto_space} : > Doesn't this sound a bit threatening? it doesnt sound threatening. it is simply a threat.", ">>{radicalelation} : The teacher shouldn't be pushing her political beliefs through school assignments, docking 15 points from it (assuming 5 for each answer left blank) probably wasn't vindictive, just docking for not answering, and Lifezette is still trash.", '>>{Jkdsh} : Is there anything to support this claim or are we expected to take some trash news site as gospel?', ">>{HerMileHighness} : Docking the kid sucked. She should've apologized and given the girl the opportunity to use the vocabulary words in a different set of sentences rather than doubling down on her stupid stunt. Kids shouldn't be stuck in the middle of grown up politics. Also, this story was all over the news a week ago. It's not particular to this source.", '>>{optimystical} : Does that mean trump can get free passes from the law now too?', '>>{t88m} : That makes no sense in the context. Harry Reid spoke his mind and broke no laws.', '>>{t88m} : Not for criticism, no. What Reid said was simply to criticize him and his campaign. No one should be allowed to sue for that.', '>>{optimystical} : Anyone can sue for anything in this country. If he wants to waste his time then go for it. Harry should try to get the case thrown out than to broadcast his drama on Facebook', '>>{radicalelation} : The assignment was a dick move, but the parent claimed docking the points was "vindictive", when, if the teacher views the assignment as benign and somehow apolitical, it\'s more likely just taking points for unfinished answers like any assignment. Beyond that, you\'re right, she should realize she was way in the wrong for even including those problems in the assignment and apologize for her overall behavior. These other facts/opinions are irrelevant when it comes to the trash that is Lifezette though. I was just pointing out it\'s trash, which everyone should do as loving custom.', '>>{c0pypastry} : [Man I LOVE reddit enhancement suite!](http://puu.sh/ulbTf/b48d60d59e.png)', ">>{t88m} : > Anyone can sue for anything in this country. Not really. Frivolous lawsuits are a big problem. You shouldn't be able to bring legal action against someone exercising their First Amendment rights. Using social media to show the intimidation tactics of a new regime is precisely what I'd hope someone in government would use it for, I'll disagree with you there.", ">>{MrPibbWasBetter} : It shouldn't. His staff wont dare let their POTUS sit through discovery. All Trump does is threaten and never follow through. They won't sue shit. Plus, if the people waiting on jobs see him in and out of court all the time, he'll hit GW approval ratings in no time. Edit: Also, the GOP would not want a Democratic president going after right wing media. Anything they use can be used against them.", '>>{bigbrave} : I think OP is just trying to point out that since this student got a bad grade over Trump, both sides are now even as this balances out the hate crime murders, mosque burning, harassment of US citizens at our borders, and destruction of Jewish headstones. Score is back to 0-0, folks.', ">>{Cyberhwk} : Still, it's called a [SLAPP lawsuit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_lawsuit_against_public_participation). You attempt to silence your critics by wielding the cost of legal representation as a weapon. Getting the case thrown out of court costs a few thousand dollars by itself.", ">>{biggles7268} : Didn't you know libel laws only apply to liberals. /s", ">>{DumbassAmericans} : Everything about Trump should worry Americans. Sadly, we have a lot of morons in this country that couldn't see through the bullshit. And a lot still don't.", '>>{ne99ne} : >"Firstly, I do not believe I was expressing a political view at all on my vocabulary sheet. My reference to President Trump was about his personality traits rather than his ability as a president," Zawatsky responded. Oh fuck off! To say that was inappropriate is an understatement, but this smarmy-assed response is just like a whipped topping.', '>>{HerMileHighness} : Yeah, the teacher apparently has a lot of nerve.', ">>{U-All-Need-Jesus} : Um... It is also Hillary's playbook. You might want to do a little history research.", '>>{PigFarmington} : This is fascism. Period. We need to call it what it is.', ">>{knox3} : It makes it really easy to ignore everyone's content and barf up instantaneous ad hominem responses!", ">>{t88m} : Nah, I'm good. You'll need to find a new scape goat for the next 4 years, you don't really have Hillary and her emails to keep bashing to defend your czar", ">>{c0pypastry} : Don't worry, they only get the badge of honor after multiple shitposts.", '>>{Wyatt_Night} : > threatened to deport 3 million immigrants immediately and somehow there is something wrong with this? **LOL**', ">>{9Eaero} : Those immigrants involve children who came here as infants, and who have lives here. Deporting them like this would be a damnable act. We also don't have the infrastructure to support three million deportations in such a concentrated time period, which makes it more likely that such a process would be poorly managed, sans oversight, and inhumane.", ">>{Bernie_Bro666} : I'm worried about a lot of things, and this is not one of them.", ">>{blastnabbit} : Wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frivolous_litigation >In law, frivolous litigation is the practice of starting or carrying on lawsuits that, due to their lack of legal merit, have little to no chance of being won. >In the United States, Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and similar state rules require that an attorney perform a due diligence investigation concerning the factual basis for any claim or defense. Jurisdictions differ on whether a claim or defense can be frivolous if the attorney acted in good faith. Because such a defense or claim wastes the court's and the other parties' time, resources and legal fees, sanctions may be imposed by a court upon the party or the lawyer who presents the frivolous defense or claim. The law firm may also be sanctioned, or even held in contempt.", ">>{cianuro} : They don't understand that millions are deported every year anyway and that it's done humanely, thoughtfully and carefully. They just want them all gone, fuck the consequences. It's not them that have to deal with them.", '>>{cianuro} : This is the part I couldn\'t understand about their rabid endorsements. Not only will their entire business MO be completely destroyed (peddling lies and libel), they\'ll have to work twice as hard to connect the NWO global elites to someone who has more influence than the president. Their business model relies on their whacky theories going "right to the top of the Whitehouse". It will be interesting to see who they blame now.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{pheonix200} : Reid spokesman: Trump's threats of legal action should worry Americans.", ">>{bodiaz6} : With these outrageous statements plus calls for term limits, let's just all pray Mitch McConnell has the good sense to NOT get rid of the filibuster until Trump becomes more of a known commodity.", '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Trump and his team spent the last five days threatening protesters, threatened to deport 3 million immigrants immediately, threatened a couple congressmen and the media with incitement to protest and lawsuits.', '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : >"And he should be very careful about characterizing somebody in a legal sense. He thinks he\'s just being some kind of political pundit there, but i would say be very careful about the way you characterize it," Conway said Doesn\'t this sound a bit threatening? It sounds like they are saying you should think twice before criticizing.', ">>{t88m} : To have evidence of legal action against critics is pretty damning of Trump. While I don't agree with the timing and ferocity of Reid's statements, it's very telling that Trump has already moved to sue him. That's Putin's playbook - and everyone should take that very seriously. (Cue the rabid Trump supporter saying something about Hillary's fucking emails)", ">>{relax_live_longer} : Brietbart, Fox, Infowars and all the other right wing shiesters better hope Trump doesn't loosen libel laws.", '>>{BerneseTerror} : Another corrupt career politician that needs to go away.', ">>{staringinto_space} : > Doesn't this sound a bit threatening? it doesnt sound threatening. it is simply a threat.", '>>{optimystical} : Does that mean trump can get free passes from the law now too?', '>>{t88m} : That makes no sense in the context. Harry Reid spoke his mind and broke no laws.', '>>{t88m} : Not for criticism, no. What Reid said was simply to criticize him and his campaign. No one should be allowed to sue for that.', '>>{optimystical} : Anyone can sue for anything in this country. If he wants to waste his time then go for it. Harry should try to get the case thrown out than to broadcast his drama on Facebook', ">>{t88m} : > Anyone can sue for anything in this country. Not really. Frivolous lawsuits are a big problem. You shouldn't be able to bring legal action against someone exercising their First Amendment rights. Using social media to show the intimidation tactics of a new regime is precisely what I'd hope someone in government would use it for, I'll disagree with you there.", ">>{MrPibbWasBetter} : It shouldn't. His staff wont dare let their POTUS sit through discovery. All Trump does is threaten and never follow through. They won't sue shit. Plus, if the people waiting on jobs see him in and out of court all the time, he'll hit GW approval ratings in no time. Edit: Also, the GOP would not want a Democratic president going after right wing media. Anything they use can be used against them.", ">>{Cyberhwk} : Still, it's called a [SLAPP lawsuit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_lawsuit_against_public_participation). You attempt to silence your critics by wielding the cost of legal representation as a weapon. Getting the case thrown out of court costs a few thousand dollars by itself.", ">>{biggles7268} : Didn't you know libel laws only apply to liberals. /s", ">>{DumbassAmericans} : Everything about Trump should worry Americans. Sadly, we have a lot of morons in this country that couldn't see through the bullshit. And a lot still don't.", ">>{U-All-Need-Jesus} : Um... It is also Hillary's playbook. You might want to do a little history research.", '>>{PigFarmington} : This is fascism. Period. We need to call it what it is.', ">>{t88m} : Nah, I'm good. You'll need to find a new scape goat for the next 4 years, you don't really have Hillary and her emails to keep bashing to defend your czar", '>>{Wyatt_Night} : > threatened to deport 3 million immigrants immediately and somehow there is something wrong with this? **LOL**', ">>{9Eaero} : Those immigrants involve children who came here as infants, and who have lives here. Deporting them like this would be a damnable act. We also don't have the infrastructure to support three million deportations in such a concentrated time period, which makes it more likely that such a process would be poorly managed, sans oversight, and inhumane.", ">>{Bernie_Bro666} : I'm worried about a lot of things, and this is not one of them.", ">>{blastnabbit} : Wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frivolous_litigation >In law, frivolous litigation is the practice of starting or carrying on lawsuits that, due to their lack of legal merit, have little to no chance of being won. >In the United States, Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and similar state rules require that an attorney perform a due diligence investigation concerning the factual basis for any claim or defense. Jurisdictions differ on whether a claim or defense can be frivolous if the attorney acted in good faith. Because such a defense or claim wastes the court's and the other parties' time, resources and legal fees, sanctions may be imposed by a court upon the party or the lawyer who presents the frivolous defense or claim. The law firm may also be sanctioned, or even held in contempt.", ">>{cianuro} : They don't understand that millions are deported every year anyway and that it's done humanely, thoughtfully and carefully. They just want them all gone, fuck the consequences. It's not them that have to deal with them.", '>>{cianuro} : This is the part I couldn\'t understand about their rabid endorsements. Not only will their entire business MO be completely destroyed (peddling lies and libel), they\'ll have to work twice as hard to connect the NWO global elites to someone who has more influence than the president. Their business model relies on their whacky theories going "right to the top of the Whitehouse". It will be interesting to see who they blame now.'], ['>>{_Mods_Are_Cucks_} : Student Gets Lower Grade Because She Didn’t Bash Trump', '>>{mindscrambler26} : sounds reasonable to me. Any adult who doesn\'t publicly bash Trump should lose their job and house and family...I\'ll be watching The Oscars tonight to make sure every winner bashes trump in the acceptance speech and actively boycott anyone who fails to do so. Also I think it would be hilarious if the presenters announced "La La Land" to win Best Picture but then a minute later have to admit they made a mistake and the winner was actually Moonlight.', '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Oh you silly Macedonians. Nice novelty accounts, btw', ">>{_personofdisinterest} : Lifezette is Laura Ingraham's conservative rag and the first outlet Spicy picks for questions during daily briefings.", ">>{radicalelation} : The teacher shouldn't be pushing her political beliefs through school assignments, docking 15 points from it (assuming 5 for each answer left blank) probably wasn't vindictive, just docking for not answering, and Lifezette is still trash.", '>>{Jkdsh} : Is there anything to support this claim or are we expected to take some trash news site as gospel?', ">>{HerMileHighness} : Docking the kid sucked. She should've apologized and given the girl the opportunity to use the vocabulary words in a different set of sentences rather than doubling down on her stupid stunt. Kids shouldn't be stuck in the middle of grown up politics. Also, this story was all over the news a week ago. It's not particular to this source.", '>>{radicalelation} : The assignment was a dick move, but the parent claimed docking the points was "vindictive", when, if the teacher views the assignment as benign and somehow apolitical, it\'s more likely just taking points for unfinished answers like any assignment. Beyond that, you\'re right, she should realize she was way in the wrong for even including those problems in the assignment and apologize for her overall behavior. These other facts/opinions are irrelevant when it comes to the trash that is Lifezette though. I was just pointing out it\'s trash, which everyone should do as loving custom.', '>>{c0pypastry} : [Man I LOVE reddit enhancement suite!](http://puu.sh/ulbTf/b48d60d59e.png)', '>>{bigbrave} : I think OP is just trying to point out that since this student got a bad grade over Trump, both sides are now even as this balances out the hate crime murders, mosque burning, harassment of US citizens at our borders, and destruction of Jewish headstones. Score is back to 0-0, folks.', '>>{ne99ne} : >"Firstly, I do not believe I was expressing a political view at all on my vocabulary sheet. My reference to President Trump was about his personality traits rather than his ability as a president," Zawatsky responded. Oh fuck off! To say that was inappropriate is an understatement, but this smarmy-assed response is just like a whipped topping.', '>>{HerMileHighness} : Yeah, the teacher apparently has a lot of nerve.', ">>{knox3} : It makes it really easy to ignore everyone's content and barf up instantaneous ad hominem responses!", ">>{c0pypastry} : Don't worry, they only get the badge of honor after multiple shitposts."], [">>{Another-Chance} : GOP health bill would cut CDC's $1B disease fighting fund", '>>{Justglassinbro} : This is fucking insane ....are we ganna turn into some 3rd world shit hole like Russia?', '>>{Lhopital_rules} : The most recent episode of Last Man on Earth revealed that Pence was president when the viral outbreak began. Starting to wonder if writers of that show are actually time travelers. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6414494/?ref_=ttep_ep10', '>>{DonEliado} : At what point do we put a stop to this shit? When a plague hits?', ">>{jmdw97} : I don't disagree with the prerogative of the bill, in fact I feel like actively attempting to curb the spread of disease is in fact a very effective way to mitigate the costs of healthcare. However, I feel as though there should be a study or a collaboration of data that shows whether or not this policy has been effective so that arguments in favor of this fund are more credible. I am unsure as to whether or not such a study exists, nor do I know whether such a study would be accurate considering how relatively short the fund has been in place. If anyone could provide me with an answer to either of these questions I would greatly appreciate it.", '>>{HowITrulyFeel} : I guess the Republicans have never heard “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” SAD.', '>>{justkjfrost} : Are they on team measles or something ? Between that and their hate of vaccines and modern medecine & healthcare...', '>>{sweetdick} : GOP will only hear studies that support what it wants to hear. . .. .. . .. .', ">>{TZO2K15} : And seeing as we have an orangutan that doesn't believe in vaccines...We could very well see that happening!", '>>{TZO2K15} : At least Russia had somewhat highly educated Mafia, we have gobblegoul-sucking Neanderthals in expensive suits and mostly illiterate street thugs shooting each other in the streets... Imagine the US turning into Arkam city on a larger scale!', ">>{Elpornosaurus} : And now we really won't find out until it's too late if CDC doesn't have funds to monitor."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Ren_Hoek} : Just because people slow down and gawk at a train-wreck does not mean they think it is a good thing.', '>>{astroMD} : Bought a 7+ for AT&T and now I hate AT&T, need options', '>>{Arpisti} : He can give you his iCloud account login information.', '>>{DaddyMonkey} : He can simply log into his iCloud account and unlock it. www.icloud.com', ">>{teedoff087} : I wouldn't be surprised if you're unable to contact the guy again.", '>>{lecturermoriarty} : >The numbers do not include PBS or C-SPAN, which are historically more popular with Democratic voters. Yea that seems like a hole in the data, especially when there was only a 2 million viewer difference.', '>>{InfiniteMagicMaker} : Paul Ryan on Donald Trump\'s Second Amendment remarks: "You should never joke about something like that.”', ">>{GHDefence} : I have the guy's number. And no its not a text now number or something, so if i dont get in contact with him, im gonna spam him lol.", '>>{sci1836} : The first hearing on NASA’s future will feature a climate-denying astronaut', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : No, you should denounce whoever makes such dangerous statements and withdraw your endorsement. Spineless twat.', '>>{stufen1} : > Harrison Schmitt is one of the only 12 humans to have ever walked on the surface of the moon. He’s also a climate change denier, and the first listed witness for the House Science Committee’s Thursday hearing on “NASA: Past, Present, and Future”—our first glimpse of what NASA’s mission will look like under full Republican rule. So sad to see science going in this direction.', '>>{rockstarfish} : He denies there is a climate at all? Down vote headline', '>>{GHDefence} : He said he wouldnt give me it, but im meeting with him now, so its all good.', '>>{GrammarKnotsi} : > So sad to see science going in this direction. you mean Scientist questioning things instead of blindly believing ? Pretty Ironic comment', ">>{teedoff087} : that won't help you fix the problem or get your money back though. I see people get scammed with iCloud locked devices all the time. it's frustrating but preventable.", '>>{registeredtestical} : Yeah the slacktivists now lump in "people that don\'t swallow the meme that humans are the **only** reasons *AND* have the ability to change the warming to the point of reversal" with "denying there is climate" altogether. Edit: this guy has more credibility and education credentials than the pope and bill nye together but people seem to think they are the authority.. BS form CIT in geology Phd from Harvard Next to last person to have walked on the moon Adjunct professor of engineering physics at Madison Wisconsin', ">>{Duke727} : Are you sure it's $239? I got $385 from them for my iPhone 7 256gb and technically, the 128gb Plus model cost more....", '>>{dyzo-blue} : Trump will now make this a feature of his speeches for the rest of summer. Since he has zero policy positions, he has to fill them up with something.', ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : Oh deary me, he shouldn't say things like that! Of course I'll continue to support him. What, one of his deranged fans tried to kill Hillary Clinton? I can't image where they'd get the idea. I certainly don't condone violence.", ">>{sedgwickian} : I didn't actually hear those comments, he said, with his fingers in his ears.", '>>{sci1836} : I agree. I\'m deeply troubled by the chart depicting the number scientists versus "industry witnesses" who speak to the committee. I will never understand the anti-intellectual movement', ">>{astroMD} : I've had very bad LTE speeds, dropped calls, and sporadic signal. My speed test results from all over my general area and they're terrible.", ">>{GHDefence} : Its all good, he unlocked it. We're all good.", '>>{LordPantyhorn} : You should never joke about something like that...and I still endorse Donald Trump for president, because I am a partisan hack who is more loyal to a sinking ship than the United States of America. -Paul Ryan', '>>{irishstevenj} : Worth noting that over the last 30 years, the higher rated convention won seven times and lost seven times, so the numbers are largely meaningless either way.', '>>{mmy3rs0876} : Ayy a story like this turns out good for once', '>>{GHDefence} : Ikr, i got a killer deal on it. 110 and the only problem was the screen was cracked. Very little wear to the body.', ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : so it was a joke. You're getting there Ryan. Just a little further... keep going...stop! Yep not a joke, it was incitement.", '>>{TypeCorrectGetBanned} : You would think that Trump winning the Republican Primary by a landslide would rid people of these illusions that he is unpopular. Way too many people are going to be unprepared when he wins, because "LOL impossible".', '>>{stuthulhu} : >Ryan noted that he had not yet seen the clip. “I didn’t actually hear the comments, I only heard about those comments.” "And by god I need to keep it that way, my plausible deniability is tenuous enough as it is," he added, throwing a 20lb weight through the nearest television.', ">>{astroMD} : Yeah just did it again. I'm going to go into a store to see what they say.", ">>{Duke727} : That's just crazy. I know that Verizon runs a lot of promotions where they will pay off your phone if you switch and stuff like that", ">>{mindcracked} : Donald wants to essentially abolish Islam. By the way and if he gets to pick... if he gets to pick his judges...nothing you can do folks. Although Muslims maybe there is I don't know, but, but I'll tell you what that'll be a horrible day.", '>>{omeow} : I would like to know if Paul Ryan is endorsing Trump out of fear or his belief in democratic ideology.', '>>{mmy3rs0876} : Lit, what model and GB if I may ask', '>>{slaysia} : lol questioning "things" aka an international consensus and facts proving otherwise.', ">>{mjst0324} : I'm liberal and I actually liked Paul Ryan as a person prior to this election. At least during his tenure as Speaker, he'd been becoming more and more reasonable. He admitted that he was wrong on things like reasons for welfare and he denounced the Muslim ban. Ever since he endorsed Trump I'm losing a ton of respect for him. It's clear he doesn't believe in a lot of what Trump stands for, and it's very disappointing he won't admit it.", '>>{Veniabiit} : If you look at the [transcript...](http://time.com/4445813/donald-trump-second-amendment-speech/) > If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don’t know. > But — but I’ll tell you what. That will be a horrible day. ... there is no joke in there. He was actually saying that the day the supreme court Clinton picks does ... whatever they think it does, I guess this would be the wrong time to explain that whole "branches of government" thing - he said that when she has picked those judges, that would result in a horrible day. For gun owners. Henceforth known as 2nd-amendment people. But the candidate himself didn\'t know what he said and thought he had made a joke that sounded like him telling his supporters to assassinate Clinton. And the speaker of the house obviously thought that his candidate for the presidency would make that kind of a joke and had to defend that candidate for the presidency because that candidate might have phrased the joke in a way that made it sound like it was meant to be serious. He obviously didn\'t look up the transcript, he assumed this was how it happened. While the statement itself was just the usual incoherent rambling, those two statements in the aftermath are far more damning.', ">>{VanCardboardbox} : He's committed now, as are the rest of the GOP. It's too late. They are all going to have to ride this crazy torpedo to its logical conclusion and accept the consequences.", ">>{LukeforBernie} : Oh okay then Where are his published scientific papers that present his evidence? Has he contributed at all to the understanding of climate science? No? Then he really doesn't have much credibility to go against established science. There's a difference between questioning science on the basis of evidence and questioning science on the basis of ignorance. Evidently, Schmitt prefers the latter", ">>{0ne_Word} : This is generally what happens when a puppet state co-ops science for it's own perverse motives.", ">>{AppleisOverrated} : If you can get your phone replaced by apple, they let you select the carrier on setup, and it locks to that carrier (unless it's Verizon then it's unlocked). When I got my 7 replaced, I was able to select a carrier.", ">>{wytxcook} : Democrats are all young and hip, so they don't watch those channels. The line you should really be running with is those 2 million millennials that love Hillary were watching her on their cell phones or something like that.", '>>{NonHomogenized} : Climate denial is another name for "climate science denial", "climate change denial", or "global warming denial" - they\'re all different names for the same thing. No one denies that there *is* a climate - that would be like denying that the Earth exists.', '>>{sci1836} : Have you ever hung out with actual scientists? They are not infallible. They are just people. The point is his claims are based on poor science and go against the findings of the vast majority of other researchers in the field. As the saying goes: "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". So if you want to claim that 95% of everyone else in your field is wrong/lying, then you better have a seriously strong argument. But he doesn\'t.', '>>{Ruddiver} : Fucking denounce him you pussy. You won your primary, you have nothing to lose. what, you think you might lose in the general? Fricking Dems in his region would respect it and he might even pick up a few votes, and the republicans he would piss off sure as shit wont vote for the Democrat. what a pussy.', ">>{astroMD} : The tech support person said they would send me the same model, which is not compatible with Verizon. I have the A1784 model which isn't fully compatible with Verizon. You selected your carrier on the phone? Or during replacement process?", ">>{registeredtestical} : >The point is his claims are based on poor science... So a phd from Harvard yields poor science. I'd like to see the basis for your claims. Unbelievable.", '>>{smithcm14} : It got close to a contested convention before NY, and the winner-take-all states helped him immensely. But that effective bandwagon argument has taken Trump this far!', ">>{sci1836} : Yes. That's my point. You can have a phd from any top university and still do science poorly and/or be biased. Do you know how many papers are retracted every day/week? And many of them are from top universities/groups. Again, having a phd does not make you infallible. [see for yourself](http://retractionwatch.com) The basis of my claims is that most of his claims/measurements have been debunked/ failed peer review. [here is an intro article to that point](http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2011/02/08/moon-walker-climate-change-denier/) Follow the links for the underlying analyses. For the record, I also have a phd in physics. If that matters.", ">>{AppleisOverrated} : during setup when you enter apple ID, it lets you select carrier. At least for me it did, but i went to an apple store so you'd have to see.", '>>{The_whore_of_Haiti} : All the convention is, is the party blowing itself.', ">>{jaCASTO} : Didn't Hillary win the primaries because the older dems outvoted the younger dems though? (essentially)", ">>{wytxcook} : I guess you could make that argument, I don't know the exit polling. I was being sarcastic because Hillary doesn't get enough millennial support, [and it's dropping.](http://redalertpolitics.com/2016/07/25/red-alerts-new-millennial-poll-average-clinton-sags-due-third-party-surge/)", ">>{Hardy723} : > it was incitement. That's what I don't get. The NRA and the GOP insist we don't have a gun problem in this country, we have a mental health problem. So they believe there are unstable individuals ready to commit horrific acts of violence because they are mentally unhinged, yet pretend that comments such as Trumps wouldn't incite these people.", ">>{jaCASTO} : Ah, I didn't catch the sarcasm. My b", ">>{PhillAholic} : I don't think this is correct when getting replaced. You might have bought one of the models that works on other carriers. The AT&T one does not work on Verizon.", ">>{cruiser02} : I've heard Best Buy has very good buyback prices.", '>>{DaleKerbal} : If it was a joke then Trump is not being careful with his words. If was not a joke then Trump is advocating the assassination of his political opponent. Neither one looks good for a presidential candidate.', '>>{qaaqa} : /r/the_donald_2 all the speeches and policy stuff you want.', '>>{BelieveEnemie} : It was Katy Perry for me. When i heard her speech I had to turn it off. It was so delusional.', '>>{OtroGatoGordo} : If HRC gets assassinated spineless Ryan will be like "You should never kill people. Anyway Go Trump".', '>>{InFearn0} : Every time Trump says something awful and Ryan "criticizes" him without retracting his endorsement, imagine Trump taking a picture of Ryan\'s endorsement in a banking app to "deposit that blank check" from Ryan.', '>>{SanderStander} : She was very bland, she just represents the status quo. People want someone who can feel their pain.', '>>{northbud} : > those 2 million millennials that love Hillary were watching her on their cell phones from the protest outside or something like that.', '>>{InFearn0} : Only one party talks about "Second Amendment Remedies."', '>>{Lebo77} : I think it\'s to avoid becoming a victim of a Trump supporter\'s " second amendment solution".', '>>{azural} : Was the Hillary speech really that bad? I know there was a lot of booing...', ">>{wranne} : Most of the booing had by the night before. I didn't hear any during her speech.", '>>{omeow} : Does he get secret service support? Guess not.', '>>{GoldandBlue} : He already won his seat, why continue to support Trump?', '>>{bashar_al_assad} : Paul Ryan shows he gives more of a shit about tax cuts for the rich than he does about literally anything else.', ">>{DonkeybutterNipple} : I didn't go to high school, listen to why I think you should vote for Hillary fucking lol", ">>{onlyCulturallyMormon} : What's that? Donald signed a pledge to nuke China on his first day in office? I think that's Ill advised but I still support him and will vote for him. Why? Because I'm a spineless little chicken shit.", '>>{GrammarVichy} : HILLARY HILLARY HILLARY Every time you heard that - multiple times - that was drowning out the booing of the undesirables banished to the back under white noise machines.', ">>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : I streamed it. The one I was using had a few hundred thousand other streamers. Youtube had a bunch of different streaming options from different sources. I'm not sure how many people were using those. But the same can be said for the RNC.", ">>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : One of the several streams available on youtube had at least 200k others on it when I was watching. I wouldn't call myself young, though.", ">>{astrakhan42} : And that's a whole lot of ear to plug up too.", '>>{IMovedYourCheese} : I imagine the only way he can sleep nowadays is by tightly hugging his copy of *Atlas Shrugged*.', '>>{jimbo831} : >“I think it’s very clear that the Drumpf-Pence ticket is going to be one that will put good judges on the Supreme Court,” he said. “We will find far better receptivity of our agenda that we’re trying to get on track to fix this country’s problems than the Hillary Clinton administration. That much we know.” This quote is just so telling. The only thing that matters to Paul Ryan is that Trump would nominate the Justices he wants and rubber stamp the legislation he wants to pass. To him, that is reason to ignore all the other disqualifications that he himself has had to speak out against. These priorities are very disheartening.', ">>{jimbo831} : I saw another Redditor say that if Trump murdered Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan's ghost would condemn the act but still support him for President.", ">>{jimbo831} : Later in the article: >When NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell offered to read Drumpf’s statement to Ryan, he declined. >“No, I don’t want to do it that way,” he said, with a slight chuckle. He didn't want to comment because he hadn't read the remarks, but then he said he didn't want someone to read the remarks to him. If he just avoids reading or hearing them, I guess he thinks he can pretend like it didn't happen?", '>>{Saltysweetcake} : Meh, this title pisses me off a bit, I saw his speech on TV when he said that...he really brushed it off like what Trump did was nothing.', '>>{xmagusx} : ...because doing so is a crime. --Unspoken completion of quote.', '>>{Im_in_timeout} : No, Paul Ryan is a committed Trump supporter. He has shown there is nothing Trump could say or do that would sway his support. Nothing.', ">>{Im_in_timeout} : You'll never pry Trump away from Paul Ryan's cold, dead, granny starver hands!", ">>{nivvydaskrl} : I think if he asked Obama for secret service protection in exchange for rescinding his endorsement of Trump, he'd have agents in his office before he finished asking the question.", '>>{LordPantyhorn} : It was a "New Rules" from Bill Maher, where Trump had John McCain killed and his ghost forgave and endorsed Trump.', '>>{ForRealsies} : Being a partisan hack is the same reason why he opposes Trump once a week. He wants to protect his brand.', '>>{Jryan721} : Doesn\'t the "system" get taken down in the end and everything dies? Seems like it\'s going just as planned for him.', ">>{I_VT} : > this crazy torpedo Ahem, a *cheeto torpedo*, perhaps? I'll show myself out.", '>>{KenNotKent} : More likely he is hedging his bets. If outrage grows too big to ignore he can always later claim he finally got around to watching the remarks and then feign whatever level of disgust is most politically expedient. If that never happens he can just ignore it.', ">>{theoriginaled} : I dont know why anyone is acting like Ryan is supposed to be some sort of voice of reason in all of this. The man is still fucking scum. He was the final nail in Romney's coffin, dont expect him to do anything sane."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{sci1836} : The first hearing on NASA’s future will feature a climate-denying astronaut', '>>{stufen1} : > Harrison Schmitt is one of the only 12 humans to have ever walked on the surface of the moon. He’s also a climate change denier, and the first listed witness for the House Science Committee’s Thursday hearing on “NASA: Past, Present, and Future”—our first glimpse of what NASA’s mission will look like under full Republican rule. So sad to see science going in this direction.', '>>{rockstarfish} : He denies there is a climate at all? Down vote headline', '>>{GrammarKnotsi} : > So sad to see science going in this direction. you mean Scientist questioning things instead of blindly believing ? Pretty Ironic comment', '>>{registeredtestical} : Yeah the slacktivists now lump in "people that don\'t swallow the meme that humans are the **only** reasons *AND* have the ability to change the warming to the point of reversal" with "denying there is climate" altogether. Edit: this guy has more credibility and education credentials than the pope and bill nye together but people seem to think they are the authority.. BS form CIT in geology Phd from Harvard Next to last person to have walked on the moon Adjunct professor of engineering physics at Madison Wisconsin', '>>{sci1836} : I agree. I\'m deeply troubled by the chart depicting the number scientists versus "industry witnesses" who speak to the committee. I will never understand the anti-intellectual movement', '>>{slaysia} : lol questioning "things" aka an international consensus and facts proving otherwise.', ">>{LukeforBernie} : Oh okay then Where are his published scientific papers that present his evidence? Has he contributed at all to the understanding of climate science? No? Then he really doesn't have much credibility to go against established science. There's a difference between questioning science on the basis of evidence and questioning science on the basis of ignorance. Evidently, Schmitt prefers the latter", ">>{0ne_Word} : This is generally what happens when a puppet state co-ops science for it's own perverse motives.", '>>{NonHomogenized} : Climate denial is another name for "climate science denial", "climate change denial", or "global warming denial" - they\'re all different names for the same thing. No one denies that there *is* a climate - that would be like denying that the Earth exists.', '>>{sci1836} : Have you ever hung out with actual scientists? They are not infallible. They are just people. The point is his claims are based on poor science and go against the findings of the vast majority of other researchers in the field. As the saying goes: "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". So if you want to claim that 95% of everyone else in your field is wrong/lying, then you better have a seriously strong argument. But he doesn\'t.', ">>{registeredtestical} : >The point is his claims are based on poor science... So a phd from Harvard yields poor science. I'd like to see the basis for your claims. Unbelievable.", ">>{sci1836} : Yes. That's my point. You can have a phd from any top university and still do science poorly and/or be biased. Do you know how many papers are retracted every day/week? And many of them are from top universities/groups. Again, having a phd does not make you infallible. [see for yourself](http://retractionwatch.com) The basis of my claims is that most of his claims/measurements have been debunked/ failed peer review. [here is an intro article to that point](http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2011/02/08/moon-walker-climate-change-denier/) Follow the links for the underlying analyses. For the record, I also have a phd in physics. If that matters."], ['>>{Arpisti} : He can give you his iCloud account login information.', '>>{DaddyMonkey} : He can simply log into his iCloud account and unlock it. www.icloud.com', ">>{teedoff087} : I wouldn't be surprised if you're unable to contact the guy again.", ">>{GHDefence} : I have the guy's number. And no its not a text now number or something, so if i dont get in contact with him, im gonna spam him lol.", '>>{GHDefence} : He said he wouldnt give me it, but im meeting with him now, so its all good.', ">>{teedoff087} : that won't help you fix the problem or get your money back though. I see people get scammed with iCloud locked devices all the time. it's frustrating but preventable.", ">>{GHDefence} : Its all good, he unlocked it. We're all good.", '>>{mmy3rs0876} : Ayy a story like this turns out good for once', '>>{GHDefence} : Ikr, i got a killer deal on it. 110 and the only problem was the screen was cracked. Very little wear to the body.', '>>{mmy3rs0876} : Lit, what model and GB if I may ask'], ['>>{astroMD} : Bought a 7+ for AT&T and now I hate AT&T, need options', ">>{Duke727} : Are you sure it's $239? I got $385 from them for my iPhone 7 256gb and technically, the 128gb Plus model cost more....", ">>{astroMD} : I've had very bad LTE speeds, dropped calls, and sporadic signal. My speed test results from all over my general area and they're terrible.", ">>{astroMD} : Yeah just did it again. I'm going to go into a store to see what they say.", ">>{Duke727} : That's just crazy. I know that Verizon runs a lot of promotions where they will pay off your phone if you switch and stuff like that", ">>{AppleisOverrated} : If you can get your phone replaced by apple, they let you select the carrier on setup, and it locks to that carrier (unless it's Verizon then it's unlocked). When I got my 7 replaced, I was able to select a carrier.", ">>{astroMD} : The tech support person said they would send me the same model, which is not compatible with Verizon. I have the A1784 model which isn't fully compatible with Verizon. You selected your carrier on the phone? Or during replacement process?", ">>{AppleisOverrated} : during setup when you enter apple ID, it lets you select carrier. At least for me it did, but i went to an apple store so you'd have to see.", ">>{PhillAholic} : I don't think this is correct when getting replaced. You might have bought one of the models that works on other carriers. The AT&T one does not work on Verizon.", ">>{cruiser02} : I've heard Best Buy has very good buyback prices."], ['>>{Ren_Hoek} : Just because people slow down and gawk at a train-wreck does not mean they think it is a good thing.', '>>{lecturermoriarty} : >The numbers do not include PBS or C-SPAN, which are historically more popular with Democratic voters. Yea that seems like a hole in the data, especially when there was only a 2 million viewer difference.', '>>{dyzo-blue} : Trump will now make this a feature of his speeches for the rest of summer. Since he has zero policy positions, he has to fill them up with something.', '>>{irishstevenj} : Worth noting that over the last 30 years, the higher rated convention won seven times and lost seven times, so the numbers are largely meaningless either way.', '>>{TypeCorrectGetBanned} : You would think that Trump winning the Republican Primary by a landslide would rid people of these illusions that he is unpopular. Way too many people are going to be unprepared when he wins, because "LOL impossible".', ">>{wytxcook} : Democrats are all young and hip, so they don't watch those channels. The line you should really be running with is those 2 million millennials that love Hillary were watching her on their cell phones or something like that.", '>>{smithcm14} : It got close to a contested convention before NY, and the winner-take-all states helped him immensely. But that effective bandwagon argument has taken Trump this far!', '>>{The_whore_of_Haiti} : All the convention is, is the party blowing itself.', ">>{jaCASTO} : Didn't Hillary win the primaries because the older dems outvoted the younger dems though? (essentially)", ">>{wytxcook} : I guess you could make that argument, I don't know the exit polling. I was being sarcastic because Hillary doesn't get enough millennial support, [and it's dropping.](http://redalertpolitics.com/2016/07/25/red-alerts-new-millennial-poll-average-clinton-sags-due-third-party-surge/)", ">>{jaCASTO} : Ah, I didn't catch the sarcasm. My b", '>>{qaaqa} : /r/the_donald_2 all the speeches and policy stuff you want.', '>>{BelieveEnemie} : It was Katy Perry for me. When i heard her speech I had to turn it off. It was so delusional.', '>>{SanderStander} : She was very bland, she just represents the status quo. People want someone who can feel their pain.', '>>{northbud} : > those 2 million millennials that love Hillary were watching her on their cell phones from the protest outside or something like that.', '>>{azural} : Was the Hillary speech really that bad? I know there was a lot of booing...', ">>{wranne} : Most of the booing had by the night before. I didn't hear any during her speech.", ">>{DonkeybutterNipple} : I didn't go to high school, listen to why I think you should vote for Hillary fucking lol", '>>{GrammarVichy} : HILLARY HILLARY HILLARY Every time you heard that - multiple times - that was drowning out the booing of the undesirables banished to the back under white noise machines.', ">>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : I streamed it. The one I was using had a few hundred thousand other streamers. Youtube had a bunch of different streaming options from different sources. I'm not sure how many people were using those. But the same can be said for the RNC.", ">>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : One of the several streams available on youtube had at least 200k others on it when I was watching. I wouldn't call myself young, though."], ['>>{InfiniteMagicMaker} : Paul Ryan on Donald Trump\'s Second Amendment remarks: "You should never joke about something like that.”', '>>{ShroudedSciuridae} : No, you should denounce whoever makes such dangerous statements and withdraw your endorsement. Spineless twat.', ">>{Lynx_Rufus} : Oh deary me, he shouldn't say things like that! Of course I'll continue to support him. What, one of his deranged fans tried to kill Hillary Clinton? I can't image where they'd get the idea. I certainly don't condone violence.", ">>{sedgwickian} : I didn't actually hear those comments, he said, with his fingers in his ears.", '>>{LordPantyhorn} : You should never joke about something like that...and I still endorse Donald Trump for president, because I am a partisan hack who is more loyal to a sinking ship than the United States of America. -Paul Ryan', ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : so it was a joke. You're getting there Ryan. Just a little further... keep going...stop! Yep not a joke, it was incitement.", '>>{stuthulhu} : >Ryan noted that he had not yet seen the clip. “I didn’t actually hear the comments, I only heard about those comments.” "And by god I need to keep it that way, my plausible deniability is tenuous enough as it is," he added, throwing a 20lb weight through the nearest television.', ">>{mindcracked} : Donald wants to essentially abolish Islam. By the way and if he gets to pick... if he gets to pick his judges...nothing you can do folks. Although Muslims maybe there is I don't know, but, but I'll tell you what that'll be a horrible day.", '>>{omeow} : I would like to know if Paul Ryan is endorsing Trump out of fear or his belief in democratic ideology.', ">>{mjst0324} : I'm liberal and I actually liked Paul Ryan as a person prior to this election. At least during his tenure as Speaker, he'd been becoming more and more reasonable. He admitted that he was wrong on things like reasons for welfare and he denounced the Muslim ban. Ever since he endorsed Trump I'm losing a ton of respect for him. It's clear he doesn't believe in a lot of what Trump stands for, and it's very disappointing he won't admit it.", '>>{Veniabiit} : If you look at the [transcript...](http://time.com/4445813/donald-trump-second-amendment-speech/) > If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don’t know. > But — but I’ll tell you what. That will be a horrible day. ... there is no joke in there. He was actually saying that the day the supreme court Clinton picks does ... whatever they think it does, I guess this would be the wrong time to explain that whole "branches of government" thing - he said that when she has picked those judges, that would result in a horrible day. For gun owners. Henceforth known as 2nd-amendment people. But the candidate himself didn\'t know what he said and thought he had made a joke that sounded like him telling his supporters to assassinate Clinton. And the speaker of the house obviously thought that his candidate for the presidency would make that kind of a joke and had to defend that candidate for the presidency because that candidate might have phrased the joke in a way that made it sound like it was meant to be serious. He obviously didn\'t look up the transcript, he assumed this was how it happened. While the statement itself was just the usual incoherent rambling, those two statements in the aftermath are far more damning.', ">>{VanCardboardbox} : He's committed now, as are the rest of the GOP. It's too late. They are all going to have to ride this crazy torpedo to its logical conclusion and accept the consequences.", '>>{Ruddiver} : Fucking denounce him you pussy. You won your primary, you have nothing to lose. what, you think you might lose in the general? Fricking Dems in his region would respect it and he might even pick up a few votes, and the republicans he would piss off sure as shit wont vote for the Democrat. what a pussy.', ">>{Hardy723} : > it was incitement. That's what I don't get. The NRA and the GOP insist we don't have a gun problem in this country, we have a mental health problem. So they believe there are unstable individuals ready to commit horrific acts of violence because they are mentally unhinged, yet pretend that comments such as Trumps wouldn't incite these people.", '>>{DaleKerbal} : If it was a joke then Trump is not being careful with his words. If was not a joke then Trump is advocating the assassination of his political opponent. Neither one looks good for a presidential candidate.', '>>{OtroGatoGordo} : If HRC gets assassinated spineless Ryan will be like "You should never kill people. Anyway Go Trump".', '>>{InFearn0} : Every time Trump says something awful and Ryan "criticizes" him without retracting his endorsement, imagine Trump taking a picture of Ryan\'s endorsement in a banking app to "deposit that blank check" from Ryan.', '>>{InFearn0} : Only one party talks about "Second Amendment Remedies."', '>>{Lebo77} : I think it\'s to avoid becoming a victim of a Trump supporter\'s " second amendment solution".', '>>{omeow} : Does he get secret service support? Guess not.', '>>{GoldandBlue} : He already won his seat, why continue to support Trump?', '>>{bashar_al_assad} : Paul Ryan shows he gives more of a shit about tax cuts for the rich than he does about literally anything else.', ">>{onlyCulturallyMormon} : What's that? Donald signed a pledge to nuke China on his first day in office? I think that's Ill advised but I still support him and will vote for him. Why? Because I'm a spineless little chicken shit.", ">>{astrakhan42} : And that's a whole lot of ear to plug up too.", '>>{IMovedYourCheese} : I imagine the only way he can sleep nowadays is by tightly hugging his copy of *Atlas Shrugged*.', '>>{jimbo831} : >“I think it’s very clear that the Drumpf-Pence ticket is going to be one that will put good judges on the Supreme Court,” he said. “We will find far better receptivity of our agenda that we’re trying to get on track to fix this country’s problems than the Hillary Clinton administration. That much we know.” This quote is just so telling. The only thing that matters to Paul Ryan is that Trump would nominate the Justices he wants and rubber stamp the legislation he wants to pass. To him, that is reason to ignore all the other disqualifications that he himself has had to speak out against. These priorities are very disheartening.', ">>{jimbo831} : I saw another Redditor say that if Trump murdered Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan's ghost would condemn the act but still support him for President.", ">>{jimbo831} : Later in the article: >When NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell offered to read Drumpf’s statement to Ryan, he declined. >“No, I don’t want to do it that way,” he said, with a slight chuckle. He didn't want to comment because he hadn't read the remarks, but then he said he didn't want someone to read the remarks to him. If he just avoids reading or hearing them, I guess he thinks he can pretend like it didn't happen?", '>>{Saltysweetcake} : Meh, this title pisses me off a bit, I saw his speech on TV when he said that...he really brushed it off like what Trump did was nothing.', '>>{xmagusx} : ...because doing so is a crime. --Unspoken completion of quote.', '>>{Im_in_timeout} : No, Paul Ryan is a committed Trump supporter. He has shown there is nothing Trump could say or do that would sway his support. Nothing.', ">>{Im_in_timeout} : You'll never pry Trump away from Paul Ryan's cold, dead, granny starver hands!", ">>{nivvydaskrl} : I think if he asked Obama for secret service protection in exchange for rescinding his endorsement of Trump, he'd have agents in his office before he finished asking the question.", '>>{LordPantyhorn} : It was a "New Rules" from Bill Maher, where Trump had John McCain killed and his ghost forgave and endorsed Trump.', '>>{ForRealsies} : Being a partisan hack is the same reason why he opposes Trump once a week. He wants to protect his brand.', '>>{Jryan721} : Doesn\'t the "system" get taken down in the end and everything dies? Seems like it\'s going just as planned for him.', ">>{I_VT} : > this crazy torpedo Ahem, a *cheeto torpedo*, perhaps? I'll show myself out.", '>>{KenNotKent} : More likely he is hedging his bets. If outrage grows too big to ignore he can always later claim he finally got around to watching the remarks and then feign whatever level of disgust is most politically expedient. If that never happens he can just ignore it.', ">>{theoriginaled} : I dont know why anyone is acting like Ryan is supposed to be some sort of voice of reason in all of this. The man is still fucking scum. He was the final nail in Romney's coffin, dont expect him to do anything sane."]]
classify and reply
['>>{PotentPollen} : Bernie fans, please hold off on the Democratic exodus', '>>{LEGALIZE-MARINARA} : It was more of a general protest against the orange demagogue who now lives in the White House.', '>>{zapichigo} : North Carolina GOP Out to Limit Crucial Early Voting Period - "Republicans are waging a relentless and brazen campaign to limit early voting opportunities — all but acknowledging that lower turnout benefits the GOP."', ">>{pizzashill} : Shh, they've convinced themselves women aren't equal in the western world. If this rallies people against Trump, I'll take it, useful idiots.", ">>{Calyxo} : We will hold off until the convention. If he's not our man, the exodus begins. We hold no loyalty to the party. Just because they fight the republicans.", ">>{rdevaughn} : Maybe if the Democratic party weren't committed to supporting the least popular, least trusted nominee since they've been keeping records, with a history of promoting neoliberal pro-corporate economic policy positions, and neoconservative foreign policy positions...", '>>{FricasseeingRabbit} : Well that oughtta do it. Remember to clock out when you leave the office.', '>>{IronTagger} : Wait until the FBI investigation is concluded. Then we can talk.', ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : ***North Carolina GOP:*** *You know what, fuck it. We're racist as fuck and we're going to double down on it!*", '>>{Smitty533} : This is the real rigging of elections that is going on. Voter suppression is the term. And it has a long and sordid history in US politics.', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : This is why we need automatic voter registration, national vote-by-mail, and a switch to Ranked Choice Voting. The only people who oppose these reforms are he ones who benefit from the iniquitous current system.', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Republicans are against making it easier for people to vote because most people won't vote for Republicans.", '>>{Cyrano_de_Boozerack} : It is because of issues like this that I support a federal standard for federal election rules. It is bizarre that crossing a state border means you have a completely different set of rules which determine how you vote.', ">>{billslovechild} : I'm sure there was lots of protesting about Islamic countries where women are literally 2nd class citizens by the state or worse slaves. Amirite", '>>{pizzashill} : Probably not, what does this have to do with anything?', ">>{misscee} : I could never support a party who pushed for person under FBI Criminal Investigation. Sorry. I'm already gone.", '>>{Silverinkbottle} : Man why is it that all of sudden some people really seem to care about the women in said countries and their rights. So strange /S. Why do I hear a faint echo of "Bomb the hell out of them" and "We should have kept the oil"...so strange...', '>>{billslovechild} : Why is it all of sudden people who have the exact same rights as everyone else. Are wanting more rights?', ">>{Silverinkbottle} : We aren't wanting more rights..Where did you get that idea?", ">>{MannToots} : On one hand I'm glad they are being transparent. On the other hand they are a bunch of evil assholes.", '>>{billslovechild} : Well what rights is it that you are protesting over?', '>>{Archz714} : https://www.facebook.com/events/1721307891458368/?ti=cl. Link to the planned exodus, a few other ones floating around. I think the Philly March has been pushing the idea as well.', ">>{IAmSmellingLikeARose} : And Democrats attempt to register fictitious persons and people who aren't citizens via programs intended for the homeless... It's a war out there.", '>>{LukeforBernie} : Tribalism is what got us into this mess in the first place', '>>{GaryGnu1979} : Maybe they can all go start the Pity Party?', '>>{Silverinkbottle} : The right to choose what happens to our reproductive parts. Really sick of having my ovaries be thrown around the political spectrum for fun. If I went to my doctor right now and asked for sterilization..chances are I would be told I should wait because I may want kids one day. I am 22 years old..a legal U.S citizen but because someday I may want to push a something the size of a watermelon out of my vagina ..I can be told to wait. The idea that I can walk down a street without being cat-called would be nice too. Or being considered a rational thinker everyday of the month instead of skipping just a few because I am on my menstrual cycle. And or people are just pissed off that a pig like Trump thinks pussy-grabbing is okay without consent..', '>>{redditzendave} : In 2008, over 60 percent of black voters cast their ballots early, compared to 44 percent of white voters, according to one expert analysis. In 2012, those figures rose to 64 percent and 49 percent respectively. Irrespective of NC\'s continuing shenanigans to control the outcome of elections, I find this stat interesting. Why would one race of human vote in a different pattern than another. Is it a liberal "I want to vote when it\'s convenient for me" vs a conservative "I\'s my duty to vote when told to". Or is it a work scheduling thing, a disproportionate number of black voters in jobs they cannot leave to vote, or a disproportionate number of white voters who don\'t work. Staging the vote is a massive undertaking, how can we make it efficient and broadly representative.', '>>{voompanatos} : > Do not abandon the Party, because this brilliance has pulled Hillary left, and Bernie’s ideas will undoubtedly be assimilated by her campaign. Thanks for the heartfelt plea, but Hillary herself has denied being pulled anywhere by Bernie. Of course, this might just be her trying to act strong or trying to brag about her (current) policies. Bottom line: Between her mimicking Bernie back in March - May, her hunger for big donations, and her love of backroom deals (spun as "being practical in getting things done"), I have no idea who\'s pulling Hillary where.', ">>{billslovechild} : Well this has nothing to do with the government. If you don't like your doctors response. I'm sure you can find one that will. Doctors have rights and morals too. If that is what they believe. That is the beauty of capitalism. I don't know what you want the government to do about cat calls. Do you want them arrested? That of course would go against freedom of speech. So we should have a thought police? Did you know one of the organizers of the march(Linda Sarsour) has said women should embrace sharia law? Don't think I need to tell you what that would do to women's rights.", '>>{anon902503} : /r/politics is not the place to find persuadable voters.', '>>{Silverinkbottle} : Source on that quote. Also I think you have your answer on why women are marching. Regardless of your opinion, some women are feeling the march can bring comfort to those feeling marginalized. Have a nice day.', '>>{bang_it} : man those 60% of blacks that vote early must be some illegals..............', ">>{IAmSmellingLikeARose} : Oh please, don't conflate the two topics we're talking about. Registration fraud is a penchant of Democratic party politics. Both sides are at war.", '>>{MintedFloss} : I no longer consider myself a democrat im already gone but if you want my vote, pick someone who isnt so corrupt', '>>{goatcoat} : Three fifths of the time, it works every time. :/', ">>{billslovechild} : http://16004-presscdn-0-50.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/IMG_1541-575x316.jpg But I'll let you do her own research on her. She is an advocate for sharia and has ties to Islamist. Thanks for discussion.", ">>{elimtevir} : It's gonna be an uphill battle considering how it is perceived that the DNC treated him and his followers.", ">>{Dan_The_Manimal} : Wait until after your local primaries if they're closed and you have any left. Florida for example doesn't have their local primary until August 30", '>>{bang_it} : pretty sure we are talking about what happens in NC...........you seem to be confused.', ">>{x86_64Ubuntu} : In other words, you don't suffer the same loss of liberty under a Republican administration as the non-white population.", ">>{gunslingrburrito} : What's to stop the Democrats from repeating this argument every 4 years to coerce me into voting for a shitty candidate because the Republican candidate is super shitty?", '>>{zapichigo} : Obviously when a major component of your electoral strategy is reducing the number of people that can vote, rather than improving your appeal to those segments of the electorate, then you are in a lost cause. Good fucking riddance, GOP.', '>>{Solario_ff14} : Not having the election on a work day would be a strong start.', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : Two points I like bringing up in stories about this. 1. Hillary's lawyers worked with groups like the NAACP to bring a lot of these lawsuits forward. For some reason a lot of these articles don't mention that connection. 2. [The Daily Show had a pretty interesting segment on this last year where they got a Republican leader to admit to so much that he was kicked out the very next day.](http://www.cc.com/video-clips/dxhtvk/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-suppressing-the-vote)", ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : The literally looked up information on minority voting habits before creating all the new bullshit regulations. Can't be any more obvious than that.", ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : It's a combination of things. Republicans also shut down voting locations and DMVs in specific neighborhoods and areas. They also wanted to force voting locations to close down at specific times even if there are still people in line waiting to vote. There have been several reports of people waiting hours in long lines to vote. On top of that, you have other things you talked about like varying work conditions, poverty, transportation and whatnot.", '>>{metaobject} : But both parties are exactly the same!!!11', '>>{Calyxo} : It is not Sanders Supporters fault that Hillary Clinton is such a weak candidate, or that Donald Trump exists.', ">>{metaobject} : I can only guess the GOP would fight that standard until its dying breath, knowing that the more people who are allowed to vote, the less likely they'll win.", ">>{tkshow} : Ranked choice voting doesn't really work in a two party system on a national scale. It might work in a city, probably for school board or something. But President, not so much.", '>>{nomdebombe} : I believe this has been statistically proven, and the GOP knows it. "Should we maybe adopt policies that appeal to more than a core rabid constituency? Nah, let\'s just not let the people who hate us vote."', '>>{littlestminish} : While it does mostly impact blacks, it\'s not racist. Hear me out. Minorities vote blue, and also have the added benefit of being condensed in urban population centers. This isn\'t the same kind of "how can we keep these blacks from voting" it\'s more likely "how can we keep these leftists from voting." It disenfranchises black purely due to their voting habits and their districting. I think it\'s still wrong and unconstitutional, but this is a political move to subvert democracy, not a racist one to keep blacks from voting on racist principle. I posit if the blacks weren\'t so monolithically Democrat, they would not be disproportionally disenfranchised.', ">>{SirWrongalot} : OK, time for the judge to put them back on preclearance under the VRA. > The Supreme Court did not rule on the constitutionality of Section 5 itself. The effect of the Shelby County decision is that the jurisdictions identified by the coverage formula in Section 4(b) no longer need to seek preclearance for the new voting changes, **unless they are covered by a separate court order entered under Section 3(c) of the Voting Rights Act.** https://www.justice.gov/crt/about-section-5-voting-rights-act Essentialy, SCOTUS didn't strike down the VRA, they struck down the formula that automatically placed certain states/counties on preclearance. SCOTUS left in place the ability for courts and attorneys general to manually place states/counties on preclearance if there is evidence of discrimination. If this isn't enough, considering the recent ruling, then I guess VRA really is dead.", '>>{Cyrano_de_Boozerack} : The amount of the fraud you mention pales in comparison to the GOP legislature-lead efforts to systematically prevent people voting. The only reason you call it a war, is so you can somehow justify these efforts as being somehow equatable.', ">>{Byteflux} : Wow, I can't believe what I just watched. Amazing video, thanks.", '>>{ColossalMistake} : Too late. I already returned to being a registered Independent. The DNC is corrupt, it is becomming a party of corporatists. Its officials are more concerned with preserving their own status quo than helping people...and it only keeps getting worse. Why would I want to belong to a party like that?', '>>{m0ddem} : A lot of it has to do with cultural influence. "Souls to the Polls" movements have strong roots in the Civil Rights era of the 60\'s; when MLK et. al. were organizing, they did so through churches. One of the primary ways the Civil Rights movement was advanced was through mass voting; thus, using church on Sundays (election days are never on Sundays, obviously) has that strong tradition baked in for the African American community. From a common sense standpoint, if you believe you might be disenfranchised by the political gatekeepers of your local or state government, and you have an opportunity to vote early before some "unforseen" circumstance can abridge your right to vote, why wouldn\'t you? That way, if there\'s a not so inconvenient excuse, you have time to fix it before you\'re screwed. Finally, yes, those who work more hours or have less authority at work also have much less flexibility for a given day, and thus voting when not at work is an excellent way to avoid that issue.', ">>{ColossalMistake} : I'll be at the Philly marches. I plan to take a few days off work.", '>>{wordsonascreen} : *"States\' Rights!!!"* - Republicans, all too often.', ">>{ennervated_scientist} : I dont know why #1 is relevant, if you're trying to slander the effort to bring equal enfranchisement to thr electorate...", '>>{whatnowdog} : It was not broken until the Republicans won veto proof seats in both State Houses and Governor. It looks like the Democratic Attorney General is going to make the Governor move back after the election. NC is weird because it was a one party Democratic state until Reagan but that covered from very conservative Democrats that became Republicans to liberal. The Republican Leadership in power now is power hungry and are doing all kinds of things to remove any power from Democrats. They are even drawing district lines for local city elections in the big cities that have large numbers of Democrats.', '>>{whatnowdog} : To the Republicans it kills two birds with one stone. They hate blacks and Democrats. There problem is this crowd is even turning off some Republicans. My problem is if they went after the so called "fraud" they would not even hit 100 voters committing fraud but they are OK with disenfranchising 1000s of people.', '>>{littlestminish} : Because it is patently undemocratic and they don\'t care that it is if it scores them votes. But that\'s the thing, they hate blacks because of what they perceive about their cultural ingrained worldview. They see blacks as takers and that bothers them to the point they would stop then from voting. I still stand by the statement that this is just shrewd politics. I believe that Republicans would embrace blacks more if they weren\'t living the stereotypes the racists buy into about their leeching on society. If less blacks were poor and dependent on the government, and most importantly voted blue, I don\'t see why they would focus on them as much. I would assume their focus would shift to college student "hippy socialists."', ">>{NotJustAmy} : Except for regulation of marijuana. Then it's 'federal rights!!!!'", '>>{whatnowdog} : Republicans in NC scream States Rights all the time but then turn around and take away as many decisions from the cities that are heavy Democratic districts.', '>>{NotJustAmy} : It would work if we had ranked choice voting for all the primary candidates instead of forcing it down to just two.', ">>{tkshow} : I suppose. I don't have much faith in the electorate to understand it but fine. I don't see the GOP adopting it, a little to European for them.", ">>{whatnowdog} : I don't know why anyone would wait until election day unless that is the only time they have off. I parked and was pulling out in less then 15 mins by voting before 7:30 am on Monday the week before election day. I was the line. The goal should be to get anyone that wants to vote the chance. If you lose tough luck come up with a better plan the next time. Just don't rig the vote. That goes for any group or political party.", ">>{flukz} : It is mentioned because it's not always brought up that the HC campaign is actively challenging these laws to bring out more voters.", ">>{ennervated_scientist} : So because they are fighting for the constitutional rights of these people who then vote for her because she fought to enfranchise them makes her...bad? Sure it's worth mentioning but the Op makes it sound like it changes the context to something nefarious.", ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : Civil rights law bars explicitly discriminatory action and disparate impact. You may feel there's a distinction between targeting blacks because they're black vs targeting them because they're Democratic voters, but the courts do not.", '>>{BlueTigerOrpheus} : Did you Did you literally just say "if fewer Black people were victimized by racist policies the GOP wouldn\'t be racist"? *Seriously?*', ">>{whatnowdog} : I live and work in several of the medium sized small towns and have noticed the teenage to college age looking like they are real friends not just a friend at school or work. So there is hope in the future. I have found economics plays a big part in relationships. It hard on a friendship when one can afford to eat anywhere in town and the other can't even afford to eat at McDonald's.", '>>{IcarusBurning} : Fine the state 1,000,000 a day until they stop this bullshit.', ">>{DoctorLazerRage} : Ignoring all of the flagrantly racist statements you put forward, if shrewd politics means breaking the law, then I agree with your statement. The thing about it is that we have a constitution that forbids racial discrimination, so it may be slightly illegal to deliberately suppress minority votes. Surprised you didn't know that.", '>>{DoctorLazerRage} : You are flat out lying. Citation or GTFO. If you can come up with credible information as to any democratic voter fraud that has meaningfully swayed a general election in the 21st century I will personally gild you.', '>>{littlestminish} : Blacks aren\'t victimized by just the GOP, they are also victimized by the Democrats. That\'s the crux of the issue here in my mind, Republicans acknowledge that Blacks vote disproportionately blue, and they wish to keep them from voting blue. It\'s not strictly a non-racist move, but I would still argue the main motivation is disenfranchisement because if they\'re general political opinions, not their skin color. I\'m saying in no uncertain terms that blacks are disenfranchised primarily because their urban demographics and voting patterns make it easy and fruitful to target them. Hypothetical time: I\'m unscrupulous GOP asshole Smith. I want to redistrict and remove polling stations to help out my side and help ensure my reelection? Who should I target? Oh, the group that votes like 85 percent Democrat, are impoverished, live in shitty urban sprawls, and have disproportionately less government issued IDs. Does this not make more sense than racism? It\'s more logical, for sure. So to answer your question, yes, I believe if more Blacks were self sufficient and voted for government support and the Democrats less often they would be targeted less often by unconstitutional vote suppression. Now you may be thinking "hey this guy is blaming blacks for being the targets of Republican disenfranchisement." That isn\'t my purpose here. I\'m simply explaining why they do it in a way that makes more logical sense, because mouth foaming racism surely doesn\'t. It may not make a difference in the effect it has on minorities, but I think adequately understanding political cause and effect is important. I\'m not victim blaming here, just exposing the shrewd political machinations.', ">>{littlestminish} : There is a distinction. I'm not saying there's a legal distinction, and I think the courts should prosecute this crime aggressively and be thoroughly, but why they do it matters. If people think it's just racism and we fix it, they'll bee blindsided when they do it to liberal old people or students next time. Understanding the political causal effect relationship is important for stopping this crap at the pass going forward.", '>>{littlestminish} : You don\'t think I know exactly how illegal it is? This is what gets my goat about this conversation. I try to explain the perspective of a GOP lawmaker that doesn\'t idiotically boil it down to "muh racism" and people either think I endorse it, I think it is a good thing, our that I don\'t understand the legal statutes. It is not racist to say that in a matter of percentage, Blacks on average, more than any other group, vote for social welfare or take state welfare. It is a strict statement if fact, and is important to note when discussing these matters. You classify my statements as racist for bringing up the statistical reality of voting demographics. I disagree. Because I\'ve had to explain 6 times more why acknowledging the reasoning behind disenfranchisement is not an endorsement, I\'ll keep it short and sweet. I do not endorse disenfranchisement it any kind. I do not wish it upon any people. My statements about black voting patterns were not a condemnation. All I have said I have done so to more logically explain the actions of the GOP lawmakers than simplifying it under the nebulous and ever broadening umbrella of "racism." Cleared up?', '>>{littlestminish} : I think you responded to the wrong person friend.', '>>{BlueTigerOrpheus} : Brother, you may have taken the scenic route, but you ended up in Fuck-the-Blacks-ville all the same. Because if it looks like racism, smells like racism and has *the exact same end result that malicious or systemic racism would*, what exactly does the exact reasoning of the Republicans matter? It could be what you said, it could be because their psychics told them to or it could be the answer derived from this nifty razor Occam gave us. > Who should I target? Oh, the group that votes like 85 percent Democrat, are impoverished, live in shitty urban sprawls, and have disproportionately less government issued IDs. Finally, you kind of ignored the fact that black voters did not magically sprout in such areas with those socioeconomic conditions - they are there in those places and those circumstances due to being targets of racist policies for years, dating back to slavery and Jim Crow, which has stifled their economic growth. So really, your argument still boils down to "If black voters weren\'t targets of systemic racism, the GOP wouldn\'t rig the system against them to be racist!" The goose-stepping to logicsville you\'re trying to do in order to somehow divorce the intent of malicious racism from their racist actions is, ultimately, unprovable and - I can\'t stress this enough - pointless, because their actions not being "intentionally racist" does not make it any better. I\'d let this go and examine your inner beliefs about why exactly you think that blatantly racist actions need to have their intent so ardently defended.', ">>{17954699} : In your example why can't Smith be both unscrupulous AND racist? It's not an either-or proposition.", '>>{littlestminish} : I\'m not quite sure why I feel the need to talk about the facts of the matter. I agree it isn\'t exactly important to the blacks (or anyone who cares about the disenfranchised) to understand the exact reasoning of those who would disenfranchise them. But I appreciate lucidity and accuracy when making arguments, because I see so few people articulating any kind of critical thought on these subjects. And I also dislike the cheapening of racism. I feel like calling something racist means less now than it ever has in the past. It has a strict definition that some would have apply to literally anything they classify as wrongthink in regards to racial issues. That\'s what I\'m getting at here. I value reason, and I value accuracy. Even if it is completely in the realm of pedantry. I just think we should assume most people are reasonable, and that most people act reasonably. If someone hates blacks because of X Y or Z, that they find to be self evident to the black subgroup, then yeah, racism. If they devalue the voting power of blacks because of how they vote, how little they put into the economic system, how much they rely on government spending too subsist, etc, that simply isn\'t racism to me. That\'s insensitive to their generational and unconstitutional, but it is rational and doesn\'t necessarily stem from a place of deep seated supremacy. Most of my problem is that when many people say "racist" they mean "disproportionately affects X demographic," and those concepts are not synonymous. I don\'t want they strictest definitions of prejudice, discrimination, racism, and injustice to be muddied here. There are racists, they\'re are people that hold mild and major prejudices of all stripes, there are those who discriminate, etc. We need not devolve into treating all things as if they fit in one racist box. Now, that was not a response to your post, more an explanation of mine. As to you saying the intent doesn\'t matter because it is indistinguishable from an action of more malicious intent, I disagree. Intent does matter, morally, from my perspective. I personally don\'t care more about 20,000 blacks targeted because of their political views than I would about 20,000 people that perfectly demographically represented the greater American community being disenfranchised. The fact that they happen to be black does not necessarily indicate racist intent, though it is certainly more likely than it would be otherwise. That isn\'t too say I don\'t care, I care a great deal about people and their voting rights, but assuming racism isn\'t necessarily a more reasonably assumption than voting patterns and political demographics. That\'s my take on all this.', ">>{BlueTigerOrpheus} : > If they devalue the voting power of blacks because of how they vote, how little they put into the economic system, how much they rely on government spending too subsist, etc, that simply isn't racism to me. Hm.", '>>{littlestminish} : He certainly can be! That\'s a very good point. I guess then you have to jump down there rabbit hole of "does he hate them because of their voting habits or because of 1800\'s racist ideals." Regardless of that fact, and not to sound too much like I\'m moving goal-posts, I think if we\'re in the business of discussing the assumption of intent, primary intent is most important to deal with. It could be fifty fifty, and he hates blacks and Dems equally, but it seems the most likely reason for this kind of political move is politics.', ">>{littlestminish} : It's the intent there that determines what word I'm going to describe it with. If authoritarians on the left wanted tov effectively make retirees unable to vote, that would be prejudiced, certainly, but no less politically motivated than what is happening to blacks right now. It can be racism motivated, bit it's not certain and me less likely that dirty illegal politics. End of the day, no difference is made to the disenfranchised, but that's not what the point of talking about it is. Clarity, in my opinion, much more valuable when learning to address these things.", ">>{17954699} : No one can know a man's soul, other than God and he himself. We can however judge his actions. And if his actions are both unscrupulous and racist, then that is what he is for all intents and purposes. I don't see why it should be more complicated than that.", ">>{littlestminish} : That's the thing. If it affects black little disproportionately, that doesn't necessarily indicate a racist intent from the bad actor. Whether he is politically corrupt and/or doing it out of racist principle determines whether he is just unscrupulous or he both racist and unscrupulous. And those are different scenarios, in my mind.", ">>{17954699} : If he's engaging in racial stereotyping, then that is what he is. He may have taken a different path to racism than someone else (there is no one path), but he landed up at the destination just the same. Again, this is not an either-or. He can act in a way which is both unscrupulous and racist. They are sets that have substantial overlap."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{zapichigo} : North Carolina GOP Out to Limit Crucial Early Voting Period - "Republicans are waging a relentless and brazen campaign to limit early voting opportunities — all but acknowledging that lower turnout benefits the GOP."', ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : ***North Carolina GOP:*** *You know what, fuck it. We're racist as fuck and we're going to double down on it!*", '>>{Smitty533} : This is the real rigging of elections that is going on. Voter suppression is the term. And it has a long and sordid history in US politics.', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : This is why we need automatic voter registration, national vote-by-mail, and a switch to Ranked Choice Voting. The only people who oppose these reforms are he ones who benefit from the iniquitous current system.', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Republicans are against making it easier for people to vote because most people won't vote for Republicans.", '>>{Cyrano_de_Boozerack} : It is because of issues like this that I support a federal standard for federal election rules. It is bizarre that crossing a state border means you have a completely different set of rules which determine how you vote.', ">>{MannToots} : On one hand I'm glad they are being transparent. On the other hand they are a bunch of evil assholes.", ">>{IAmSmellingLikeARose} : And Democrats attempt to register fictitious persons and people who aren't citizens via programs intended for the homeless... It's a war out there.", '>>{redditzendave} : In 2008, over 60 percent of black voters cast their ballots early, compared to 44 percent of white voters, according to one expert analysis. In 2012, those figures rose to 64 percent and 49 percent respectively. Irrespective of NC\'s continuing shenanigans to control the outcome of elections, I find this stat interesting. Why would one race of human vote in a different pattern than another. Is it a liberal "I want to vote when it\'s convenient for me" vs a conservative "I\'s my duty to vote when told to". Or is it a work scheduling thing, a disproportionate number of black voters in jobs they cannot leave to vote, or a disproportionate number of white voters who don\'t work. Staging the vote is a massive undertaking, how can we make it efficient and broadly representative.', '>>{bang_it} : man those 60% of blacks that vote early must be some illegals..............', ">>{IAmSmellingLikeARose} : Oh please, don't conflate the two topics we're talking about. Registration fraud is a penchant of Democratic party politics. Both sides are at war.", '>>{goatcoat} : Three fifths of the time, it works every time. :/', '>>{bang_it} : pretty sure we are talking about what happens in NC...........you seem to be confused.', '>>{zapichigo} : Obviously when a major component of your electoral strategy is reducing the number of people that can vote, rather than improving your appeal to those segments of the electorate, then you are in a lost cause. Good fucking riddance, GOP.', '>>{Solario_ff14} : Not having the election on a work day would be a strong start.', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : Two points I like bringing up in stories about this. 1. Hillary's lawyers worked with groups like the NAACP to bring a lot of these lawsuits forward. For some reason a lot of these articles don't mention that connection. 2. [The Daily Show had a pretty interesting segment on this last year where they got a Republican leader to admit to so much that he was kicked out the very next day.](http://www.cc.com/video-clips/dxhtvk/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-suppressing-the-vote)", ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : The literally looked up information on minority voting habits before creating all the new bullshit regulations. Can't be any more obvious than that.", ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : It's a combination of things. Republicans also shut down voting locations and DMVs in specific neighborhoods and areas. They also wanted to force voting locations to close down at specific times even if there are still people in line waiting to vote. There have been several reports of people waiting hours in long lines to vote. On top of that, you have other things you talked about like varying work conditions, poverty, transportation and whatnot.", '>>{metaobject} : But both parties are exactly the same!!!11', ">>{metaobject} : I can only guess the GOP would fight that standard until its dying breath, knowing that the more people who are allowed to vote, the less likely they'll win.", ">>{tkshow} : Ranked choice voting doesn't really work in a two party system on a national scale. It might work in a city, probably for school board or something. But President, not so much.", '>>{nomdebombe} : I believe this has been statistically proven, and the GOP knows it. "Should we maybe adopt policies that appeal to more than a core rabid constituency? Nah, let\'s just not let the people who hate us vote."', '>>{littlestminish} : While it does mostly impact blacks, it\'s not racist. Hear me out. Minorities vote blue, and also have the added benefit of being condensed in urban population centers. This isn\'t the same kind of "how can we keep these blacks from voting" it\'s more likely "how can we keep these leftists from voting." It disenfranchises black purely due to their voting habits and their districting. I think it\'s still wrong and unconstitutional, but this is a political move to subvert democracy, not a racist one to keep blacks from voting on racist principle. I posit if the blacks weren\'t so monolithically Democrat, they would not be disproportionally disenfranchised.', ">>{SirWrongalot} : OK, time for the judge to put them back on preclearance under the VRA. > The Supreme Court did not rule on the constitutionality of Section 5 itself. The effect of the Shelby County decision is that the jurisdictions identified by the coverage formula in Section 4(b) no longer need to seek preclearance for the new voting changes, **unless they are covered by a separate court order entered under Section 3(c) of the Voting Rights Act.** https://www.justice.gov/crt/about-section-5-voting-rights-act Essentialy, SCOTUS didn't strike down the VRA, they struck down the formula that automatically placed certain states/counties on preclearance. SCOTUS left in place the ability for courts and attorneys general to manually place states/counties on preclearance if there is evidence of discrimination. If this isn't enough, considering the recent ruling, then I guess VRA really is dead.", '>>{Cyrano_de_Boozerack} : The amount of the fraud you mention pales in comparison to the GOP legislature-lead efforts to systematically prevent people voting. The only reason you call it a war, is so you can somehow justify these efforts as being somehow equatable.', ">>{Byteflux} : Wow, I can't believe what I just watched. Amazing video, thanks.", '>>{m0ddem} : A lot of it has to do with cultural influence. "Souls to the Polls" movements have strong roots in the Civil Rights era of the 60\'s; when MLK et. al. were organizing, they did so through churches. One of the primary ways the Civil Rights movement was advanced was through mass voting; thus, using church on Sundays (election days are never on Sundays, obviously) has that strong tradition baked in for the African American community. From a common sense standpoint, if you believe you might be disenfranchised by the political gatekeepers of your local or state government, and you have an opportunity to vote early before some "unforseen" circumstance can abridge your right to vote, why wouldn\'t you? That way, if there\'s a not so inconvenient excuse, you have time to fix it before you\'re screwed. Finally, yes, those who work more hours or have less authority at work also have much less flexibility for a given day, and thus voting when not at work is an excellent way to avoid that issue.', '>>{wordsonascreen} : *"States\' Rights!!!"* - Republicans, all too often.', ">>{ennervated_scientist} : I dont know why #1 is relevant, if you're trying to slander the effort to bring equal enfranchisement to thr electorate...", '>>{whatnowdog} : It was not broken until the Republicans won veto proof seats in both State Houses and Governor. It looks like the Democratic Attorney General is going to make the Governor move back after the election. NC is weird because it was a one party Democratic state until Reagan but that covered from very conservative Democrats that became Republicans to liberal. The Republican Leadership in power now is power hungry and are doing all kinds of things to remove any power from Democrats. They are even drawing district lines for local city elections in the big cities that have large numbers of Democrats.', '>>{whatnowdog} : To the Republicans it kills two birds with one stone. They hate blacks and Democrats. There problem is this crowd is even turning off some Republicans. My problem is if they went after the so called "fraud" they would not even hit 100 voters committing fraud but they are OK with disenfranchising 1000s of people.', '>>{littlestminish} : Because it is patently undemocratic and they don\'t care that it is if it scores them votes. But that\'s the thing, they hate blacks because of what they perceive about their cultural ingrained worldview. They see blacks as takers and that bothers them to the point they would stop then from voting. I still stand by the statement that this is just shrewd politics. I believe that Republicans would embrace blacks more if they weren\'t living the stereotypes the racists buy into about their leeching on society. If less blacks were poor and dependent on the government, and most importantly voted blue, I don\'t see why they would focus on them as much. I would assume their focus would shift to college student "hippy socialists."', ">>{NotJustAmy} : Except for regulation of marijuana. Then it's 'federal rights!!!!'", '>>{whatnowdog} : Republicans in NC scream States Rights all the time but then turn around and take away as many decisions from the cities that are heavy Democratic districts.', '>>{NotJustAmy} : It would work if we had ranked choice voting for all the primary candidates instead of forcing it down to just two.', ">>{tkshow} : I suppose. I don't have much faith in the electorate to understand it but fine. I don't see the GOP adopting it, a little to European for them.", ">>{whatnowdog} : I don't know why anyone would wait until election day unless that is the only time they have off. I parked and was pulling out in less then 15 mins by voting before 7:30 am on Monday the week before election day. I was the line. The goal should be to get anyone that wants to vote the chance. If you lose tough luck come up with a better plan the next time. Just don't rig the vote. That goes for any group or political party.", ">>{flukz} : It is mentioned because it's not always brought up that the HC campaign is actively challenging these laws to bring out more voters.", ">>{ennervated_scientist} : So because they are fighting for the constitutional rights of these people who then vote for her because she fought to enfranchise them makes her...bad? Sure it's worth mentioning but the Op makes it sound like it changes the context to something nefarious.", ">>{Refreshing_Beverage} : Civil rights law bars explicitly discriminatory action and disparate impact. You may feel there's a distinction between targeting blacks because they're black vs targeting them because they're Democratic voters, but the courts do not.", '>>{BlueTigerOrpheus} : Did you Did you literally just say "if fewer Black people were victimized by racist policies the GOP wouldn\'t be racist"? *Seriously?*', ">>{whatnowdog} : I live and work in several of the medium sized small towns and have noticed the teenage to college age looking like they are real friends not just a friend at school or work. So there is hope in the future. I have found economics plays a big part in relationships. It hard on a friendship when one can afford to eat anywhere in town and the other can't even afford to eat at McDonald's.", '>>{IcarusBurning} : Fine the state 1,000,000 a day until they stop this bullshit.', ">>{DoctorLazerRage} : Ignoring all of the flagrantly racist statements you put forward, if shrewd politics means breaking the law, then I agree with your statement. The thing about it is that we have a constitution that forbids racial discrimination, so it may be slightly illegal to deliberately suppress minority votes. Surprised you didn't know that.", '>>{DoctorLazerRage} : You are flat out lying. Citation or GTFO. If you can come up with credible information as to any democratic voter fraud that has meaningfully swayed a general election in the 21st century I will personally gild you.', '>>{littlestminish} : Blacks aren\'t victimized by just the GOP, they are also victimized by the Democrats. That\'s the crux of the issue here in my mind, Republicans acknowledge that Blacks vote disproportionately blue, and they wish to keep them from voting blue. It\'s not strictly a non-racist move, but I would still argue the main motivation is disenfranchisement because if they\'re general political opinions, not their skin color. I\'m saying in no uncertain terms that blacks are disenfranchised primarily because their urban demographics and voting patterns make it easy and fruitful to target them. Hypothetical time: I\'m unscrupulous GOP asshole Smith. I want to redistrict and remove polling stations to help out my side and help ensure my reelection? Who should I target? Oh, the group that votes like 85 percent Democrat, are impoverished, live in shitty urban sprawls, and have disproportionately less government issued IDs. Does this not make more sense than racism? It\'s more logical, for sure. So to answer your question, yes, I believe if more Blacks were self sufficient and voted for government support and the Democrats less often they would be targeted less often by unconstitutional vote suppression. Now you may be thinking "hey this guy is blaming blacks for being the targets of Republican disenfranchisement." That isn\'t my purpose here. I\'m simply explaining why they do it in a way that makes more logical sense, because mouth foaming racism surely doesn\'t. It may not make a difference in the effect it has on minorities, but I think adequately understanding political cause and effect is important. I\'m not victim blaming here, just exposing the shrewd political machinations.', ">>{littlestminish} : There is a distinction. I'm not saying there's a legal distinction, and I think the courts should prosecute this crime aggressively and be thoroughly, but why they do it matters. If people think it's just racism and we fix it, they'll bee blindsided when they do it to liberal old people or students next time. Understanding the political causal effect relationship is important for stopping this crap at the pass going forward.", '>>{littlestminish} : You don\'t think I know exactly how illegal it is? This is what gets my goat about this conversation. I try to explain the perspective of a GOP lawmaker that doesn\'t idiotically boil it down to "muh racism" and people either think I endorse it, I think it is a good thing, our that I don\'t understand the legal statutes. It is not racist to say that in a matter of percentage, Blacks on average, more than any other group, vote for social welfare or take state welfare. It is a strict statement if fact, and is important to note when discussing these matters. You classify my statements as racist for bringing up the statistical reality of voting demographics. I disagree. Because I\'ve had to explain 6 times more why acknowledging the reasoning behind disenfranchisement is not an endorsement, I\'ll keep it short and sweet. I do not endorse disenfranchisement it any kind. I do not wish it upon any people. My statements about black voting patterns were not a condemnation. All I have said I have done so to more logically explain the actions of the GOP lawmakers than simplifying it under the nebulous and ever broadening umbrella of "racism." Cleared up?', '>>{littlestminish} : I think you responded to the wrong person friend.', '>>{BlueTigerOrpheus} : Brother, you may have taken the scenic route, but you ended up in Fuck-the-Blacks-ville all the same. Because if it looks like racism, smells like racism and has *the exact same end result that malicious or systemic racism would*, what exactly does the exact reasoning of the Republicans matter? It could be what you said, it could be because their psychics told them to or it could be the answer derived from this nifty razor Occam gave us. > Who should I target? Oh, the group that votes like 85 percent Democrat, are impoverished, live in shitty urban sprawls, and have disproportionately less government issued IDs. Finally, you kind of ignored the fact that black voters did not magically sprout in such areas with those socioeconomic conditions - they are there in those places and those circumstances due to being targets of racist policies for years, dating back to slavery and Jim Crow, which has stifled their economic growth. So really, your argument still boils down to "If black voters weren\'t targets of systemic racism, the GOP wouldn\'t rig the system against them to be racist!" The goose-stepping to logicsville you\'re trying to do in order to somehow divorce the intent of malicious racism from their racist actions is, ultimately, unprovable and - I can\'t stress this enough - pointless, because their actions not being "intentionally racist" does not make it any better. I\'d let this go and examine your inner beliefs about why exactly you think that blatantly racist actions need to have their intent so ardently defended.', ">>{17954699} : In your example why can't Smith be both unscrupulous AND racist? It's not an either-or proposition.", '>>{littlestminish} : I\'m not quite sure why I feel the need to talk about the facts of the matter. I agree it isn\'t exactly important to the blacks (or anyone who cares about the disenfranchised) to understand the exact reasoning of those who would disenfranchise them. But I appreciate lucidity and accuracy when making arguments, because I see so few people articulating any kind of critical thought on these subjects. And I also dislike the cheapening of racism. I feel like calling something racist means less now than it ever has in the past. It has a strict definition that some would have apply to literally anything they classify as wrongthink in regards to racial issues. That\'s what I\'m getting at here. I value reason, and I value accuracy. Even if it is completely in the realm of pedantry. I just think we should assume most people are reasonable, and that most people act reasonably. If someone hates blacks because of X Y or Z, that they find to be self evident to the black subgroup, then yeah, racism. If they devalue the voting power of blacks because of how they vote, how little they put into the economic system, how much they rely on government spending too subsist, etc, that simply isn\'t racism to me. That\'s insensitive to their generational and unconstitutional, but it is rational and doesn\'t necessarily stem from a place of deep seated supremacy. Most of my problem is that when many people say "racist" they mean "disproportionately affects X demographic," and those concepts are not synonymous. I don\'t want they strictest definitions of prejudice, discrimination, racism, and injustice to be muddied here. There are racists, they\'re are people that hold mild and major prejudices of all stripes, there are those who discriminate, etc. We need not devolve into treating all things as if they fit in one racist box. Now, that was not a response to your post, more an explanation of mine. As to you saying the intent doesn\'t matter because it is indistinguishable from an action of more malicious intent, I disagree. Intent does matter, morally, from my perspective. I personally don\'t care more about 20,000 blacks targeted because of their political views than I would about 20,000 people that perfectly demographically represented the greater American community being disenfranchised. The fact that they happen to be black does not necessarily indicate racist intent, though it is certainly more likely than it would be otherwise. That isn\'t too say I don\'t care, I care a great deal about people and their voting rights, but assuming racism isn\'t necessarily a more reasonably assumption than voting patterns and political demographics. That\'s my take on all this.', ">>{BlueTigerOrpheus} : > If they devalue the voting power of blacks because of how they vote, how little they put into the economic system, how much they rely on government spending too subsist, etc, that simply isn't racism to me. Hm.", '>>{littlestminish} : He certainly can be! That\'s a very good point. I guess then you have to jump down there rabbit hole of "does he hate them because of their voting habits or because of 1800\'s racist ideals." Regardless of that fact, and not to sound too much like I\'m moving goal-posts, I think if we\'re in the business of discussing the assumption of intent, primary intent is most important to deal with. It could be fifty fifty, and he hates blacks and Dems equally, but it seems the most likely reason for this kind of political move is politics.', ">>{littlestminish} : It's the intent there that determines what word I'm going to describe it with. If authoritarians on the left wanted tov effectively make retirees unable to vote, that would be prejudiced, certainly, but no less politically motivated than what is happening to blacks right now. It can be racism motivated, bit it's not certain and me less likely that dirty illegal politics. End of the day, no difference is made to the disenfranchised, but that's not what the point of talking about it is. Clarity, in my opinion, much more valuable when learning to address these things.", ">>{17954699} : No one can know a man's soul, other than God and he himself. We can however judge his actions. And if his actions are both unscrupulous and racist, then that is what he is for all intents and purposes. I don't see why it should be more complicated than that.", ">>{littlestminish} : That's the thing. If it affects black little disproportionately, that doesn't necessarily indicate a racist intent from the bad actor. Whether he is politically corrupt and/or doing it out of racist principle determines whether he is just unscrupulous or he both racist and unscrupulous. And those are different scenarios, in my mind.", ">>{17954699} : If he's engaging in racial stereotyping, then that is what he is. He may have taken a different path to racism than someone else (there is no one path), but he landed up at the destination just the same. Again, this is not an either-or. He can act in a way which is both unscrupulous and racist. They are sets that have substantial overlap."], ['>>{PotentPollen} : Bernie fans, please hold off on the Democratic exodus', ">>{Calyxo} : We will hold off until the convention. If he's not our man, the exodus begins. We hold no loyalty to the party. Just because they fight the republicans.", ">>{rdevaughn} : Maybe if the Democratic party weren't committed to supporting the least popular, least trusted nominee since they've been keeping records, with a history of promoting neoliberal pro-corporate economic policy positions, and neoconservative foreign policy positions...", '>>{FricasseeingRabbit} : Well that oughtta do it. Remember to clock out when you leave the office.', '>>{IronTagger} : Wait until the FBI investigation is concluded. Then we can talk.', ">>{misscee} : I could never support a party who pushed for person under FBI Criminal Investigation. Sorry. I'm already gone.", '>>{Archz714} : https://www.facebook.com/events/1721307891458368/?ti=cl. Link to the planned exodus, a few other ones floating around. I think the Philly March has been pushing the idea as well.', '>>{LukeforBernie} : Tribalism is what got us into this mess in the first place', '>>{GaryGnu1979} : Maybe they can all go start the Pity Party?', '>>{voompanatos} : > Do not abandon the Party, because this brilliance has pulled Hillary left, and Bernie’s ideas will undoubtedly be assimilated by her campaign. Thanks for the heartfelt plea, but Hillary herself has denied being pulled anywhere by Bernie. Of course, this might just be her trying to act strong or trying to brag about her (current) policies. Bottom line: Between her mimicking Bernie back in March - May, her hunger for big donations, and her love of backroom deals (spun as "being practical in getting things done"), I have no idea who\'s pulling Hillary where.', '>>{anon902503} : /r/politics is not the place to find persuadable voters.', '>>{MintedFloss} : I no longer consider myself a democrat im already gone but if you want my vote, pick someone who isnt so corrupt', ">>{elimtevir} : It's gonna be an uphill battle considering how it is perceived that the DNC treated him and his followers.", ">>{Dan_The_Manimal} : Wait until after your local primaries if they're closed and you have any left. Florida for example doesn't have their local primary until August 30", ">>{x86_64Ubuntu} : In other words, you don't suffer the same loss of liberty under a Republican administration as the non-white population.", ">>{gunslingrburrito} : What's to stop the Democrats from repeating this argument every 4 years to coerce me into voting for a shitty candidate because the Republican candidate is super shitty?", '>>{Calyxo} : It is not Sanders Supporters fault that Hillary Clinton is such a weak candidate, or that Donald Trump exists.', '>>{ColossalMistake} : Too late. I already returned to being a registered Independent. The DNC is corrupt, it is becomming a party of corporatists. Its officials are more concerned with preserving their own status quo than helping people...and it only keeps getting worse. Why would I want to belong to a party like that?', ">>{ColossalMistake} : I'll be at the Philly marches. I plan to take a few days off work."], ['>>{LEGALIZE-MARINARA} : It was more of a general protest against the orange demagogue who now lives in the White House.', ">>{pizzashill} : Shh, they've convinced themselves women aren't equal in the western world. If this rallies people against Trump, I'll take it, useful idiots.", ">>{billslovechild} : I'm sure there was lots of protesting about Islamic countries where women are literally 2nd class citizens by the state or worse slaves. Amirite", '>>{pizzashill} : Probably not, what does this have to do with anything?', '>>{Silverinkbottle} : Man why is it that all of sudden some people really seem to care about the women in said countries and their rights. So strange /S. Why do I hear a faint echo of "Bomb the hell out of them" and "We should have kept the oil"...so strange...', '>>{billslovechild} : Why is it all of sudden people who have the exact same rights as everyone else. Are wanting more rights?', ">>{Silverinkbottle} : We aren't wanting more rights..Where did you get that idea?", '>>{billslovechild} : Well what rights is it that you are protesting over?', '>>{Silverinkbottle} : The right to choose what happens to our reproductive parts. Really sick of having my ovaries be thrown around the political spectrum for fun. If I went to my doctor right now and asked for sterilization..chances are I would be told I should wait because I may want kids one day. I am 22 years old..a legal U.S citizen but because someday I may want to push a something the size of a watermelon out of my vagina ..I can be told to wait. The idea that I can walk down a street without being cat-called would be nice too. Or being considered a rational thinker everyday of the month instead of skipping just a few because I am on my menstrual cycle. And or people are just pissed off that a pig like Trump thinks pussy-grabbing is okay without consent..', ">>{billslovechild} : Well this has nothing to do with the government. If you don't like your doctors response. I'm sure you can find one that will. Doctors have rights and morals too. If that is what they believe. That is the beauty of capitalism. I don't know what you want the government to do about cat calls. Do you want them arrested? That of course would go against freedom of speech. So we should have a thought police? Did you know one of the organizers of the march(Linda Sarsour) has said women should embrace sharia law? Don't think I need to tell you what that would do to women's rights.", '>>{Silverinkbottle} : Source on that quote. Also I think you have your answer on why women are marching. Regardless of your opinion, some women are feeling the march can bring comfort to those feeling marginalized. Have a nice day.', ">>{billslovechild} : http://16004-presscdn-0-50.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/IMG_1541-575x316.jpg But I'll let you do her own research on her. She is an advocate for sharia and has ties to Islamist. Thanks for discussion."]]
classify and reply
['>>{freewafflecones} : Palm Beach may need to raise taxes to pay for Trump security at Mar-a-Lago', '>>{gothangelblood} : I posted this link here because, as stated by the news commentators after her clip, this student is personifying the argument going on in American politics. She claims, after seven years of waiting for her application to be processed, that the system is broken.', ">>{wraithtek} : I'm sure NYC/NY State is not super-pleased about paying for Trump Tower security, either.", '>>{nephipower} : Please use new lines for each point instead of one huge paragraph. It will help the readability.', ">>{298n} : And why hasn't this illegal alien been deported? If the government won't, then its up to the people.", '>>{TinyBaron} : Meanwhile Trump doubles membership dues at his club since the election.', '>>{Frank742} : Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders to Meet as Democrats Head for Truce', '>>{Alex1123} : Yeah still new to this well posting that is, on the Reddit app on mobile it looks okay, but yeah on desktops it does look pretty bad', '>>{LeMot-Juste} : The rich will have to pay more in taxes for another rich douchebag to feel secure. Tsk. And to think it could have gone to universal healthcare and education.', ">>{p0tempkin} : Bernie said as much in his statement last week. He'll continue the fight on the party platform level, but he's going to unite with Hillary to demolish Trump in the general election. Bernie is smart for doing so. Given how badly Trump and his downballot Republicans are polling, the Democrats have a strong shot at gaining back both houses of Congress and ushering in their progressive agenda without Republican's blocking it.", '>>{oneeasypod} : Or you could just cut it. Trump likes it when you cut services right?', '>>{VoNGiap} : Muslims, LGBTQ activists: ‘Blame the system for Orlando shooting’', ">>{MAGA24} : I blame the terrorist. But that's just me.", '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : I would not say he is doing as badly as we think he is. It makes me weary for November, especially considering how many people do dislike Hillary Clinton. Unity among the Democrats is necessary if we are going to stop him in November.', '>>{UnpopularMe} : yes party unity because i am extremely excited to join with the people who have been calling us fake democrats, pie in the sky, sexist, violent, egotistical, delusional, young and naive, uninformed bernie bros all this time.', '>>{Om_ShantiShanti} : No, I\'ll blame the lunatic culprit, not something so abstract as "The System" (which probably means White People anyway) thank you very much', '>>{devilwearspantsuits} : Fuck you, you\'re not real democrats "WHY WON\'T YOU UNITE AND VOTE FOR HILLARY?! YOU\'RE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRUMP." Logic.', ">>{ClassyPandaBear} : OP, use a double line break to get them to separate correctly (in other words, hit enter/return twice for the next line break). Once you do that it ends up looking like it does below. >Recently I've seen many people asking over and over again about certain things about the iphone 7 so i thought i would make this. >1.) The rent a movie trick no longer works to free up storage however you can do it with a large app store app now. (Disney infinity toy box) >2.)Screen protectors, Past iphone screen protectors might not work well with the iphone 7 because of the wider speaker grill, This all depends on the design some will work. Also most glass screen protectors are the same thing tempered glass I personally see no need to pay $50 for them, amazon has many two packs for around $10 >3.) The dongle not in the box? its underneath the headphones. Also the dongle does have a DAC. For those that want to charge and listen to music with lightning headphones click here Make wired headphones wireless >4.) Cases, plenty of cheap cases on amazon for under $20 spigen has some good ones, bumper case for those that want to show off your phone $24.99 7 7+ Apples battery case is only for the 7 not 7 Plus. >5.) Portait mode is a iOS 10.1 feature in beta right now. sign up >6.)Check iPhone stock here Check planes full of iphones arriving in us here >7.)The Speakers are located on the bottom right and one in the earpiece speaker not on the bottom left, the barometric vent is there to help gps. >8.) Modems, AT&T and T-Mobile have intel modems in them that do not support CDMA (wont work on sprint and verizon) Sprint and Verizon models have qualcomm modems which do support CDMA and GSM, will work on all carriers, Also there is no sim free version yet (9/28/16) in the US. >9.) for people with jet black iphones here are some clear skins to protect phone from scratches. 7 7+ >10.) If your phone is hissing take it to apple or the carrier store depending on where you bought it from some people have received replacements.", '>>{Alex1123} : Lol thanks was going to sleep and was going to fix in the morning, but eh should be good now', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : [you have to go back](http://www.gfycat.com/OfficialAbleDrongo)', '>>{jacks1000} : Ah yes, blame "the system" - the system being a code word for "white Americans." Blame anyone and everyone - EXCEPT for the actual terrorist himself and his comrades in the progressive hate movement.', ">>{ClassyPandaBear} : Took me a little bit to get the hang of reddit formatting too. It'll come second nature soon enough.", ">>{MadLordPunt} : Don't forget you're going to hell if you are female and don't vote for Clinton, according to Madelaine Albright. Edit: Hah, downvote all over my face, the truth is the truth. She said it and you can look it up.", '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : TIL that the things some Democrats say mean that all Democrats say it. Ok. Whatever.', ">>{AltC} : Slightly off topic, but I wonder what you guys think. I always use a screen protector, but not to actually protect my screen, as I feel that it doesn't need protecting anymore. I use a screen a protector for the mat finish and feel that a mat finish gives the screen. Am I alone? Anyone else feel the same way as I do? Just curious.", '>>{Izor28} : Deport her. She can come back legally. Some of them are good people as Trump says. What you\'re doing is excusing her law breaking family by saying "but look in this one case theres a potential contributor to society!" You think that family was paying taxes for her to go to school? No, the families of the legal students there took care of it. For every story like this there are 2 or 3 at least of people\'s loved ones getting murdered by illegals.', ">>{Transwoman4TRUMP} : FUCK THAT! Blame the islamic man who took his death-cult too far! He's killing LGBT peoples and we're supposed to blame someone other than HIM? This is FUCKED UP!", '>>{rwilso7} : What is the " system " except a media, governmental and academic elite that chooses to protect Islam at all costs?', '>>{UnpopularMe} : This all came from the Democratic establishment. What the hillary supporters said were much worse but i can let that slide since thats the nature of elections. However it baffles me that after being declared the presumptive nominee Hillary supporter still attack us, but thats another story.', '>>{BlueDogDem62} : I encourage all LGBT activists to please go live an openly gay lifestyle in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia or Qatar and see if they survive a week.', '>>{drew418} : Make sure you have lots of lemons available if you plan on reading this garbage.', ">>{ChronicleRectifier} : Lmao Muslims can't be guilty they're a minority when will these fascist right wingers learn xDDD", '>>{El_hector} : Everytime I read an article with this tone, I get a panic that I missed some ominous sign, freaking that an endorsement will come from Bernie and break my enthusiastic little heart. But maybe, its just another reminder of how bad they want us to believe that falling in line is " the right thing to do"', '>>{Palidor} : I just saw the new headline about a Trump Tower laptop taken from a secret service car', '>>{GODGK} : Or you could just let the SS handle his security. Think of the savings.', ">>{FookYu315} : I missed the part where people weren't blaming the shooter. But I'm sure you have sources to back your statement.", '>>{HarlanCedeno} : A lot of non-rich retirees live in Palm Beach.', ">>{GarrioValere} : > yoose can't takes away American citizenz rights Wew lad, mocking people who say you can't take away citizens' rights without due process... Careful of that edge bruh, we might have to confiscate it!", ">>{jawknee21} : Some things don't happen overnight. If I didn't like waiting for things, am I allowed to just break the law because I don't think it should take that long?", ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : How do they still attack you? Telling Bernie to drop out? Not everyone feels that way. The fact of the matter is---a lot of Clinton's supporters were willing to vote for Sanders if he was the nominee. That doesn't agree with your positions on how they're treating you so poorly.", ">>{It_neverends} : Yes I have a privacy one for this reason. It's a matte finish, and to me feels much better than the bare screen. Also, the bonus of people not being able to peep at what I am doing", ">>{theendofanerror} : Thank goodness we're not voting for comments sections, huh?", '>>{JimmyNelson} : No, you are an ILLEGAL immigrant. You are breaking the law.', ">>{AltC} : I had one of those back on my 3gs. I didn't like how high I had to set the brightness. But man was it cool. Everyone would say things about my screen not being on.", '>>{theendofanerror} : I hate to break this to you, he will endorse her.', ">>{298n} : > She can come back legally. No. If you're in this country illegally, you're permanently banned. No amnesty. No legal status. No citizenship. Ever. We will **not** reward criminals.", '>>{ItsDarts} : Question on item 3, "make wired headphones wireless". The link takes you to a Bluetooth adapter for car/home audio, you plug it into the Aux port in your car or stereo and the Bluetooth signal plays over the speakers. How does this make headphones wireless? Am I missing something?', '>>{Alex1123} : If you remove the plug on the adapter it has a 3.5mm jack and will work for headphones also', ">>{GarrioValere} : Is this the same one that was flaunting on twitter? The one who was valedictorian of a school where most students didn't have basic math and English competency?", ">>{MortWellian} : [True](http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/25/mar-a-lago-membership-fee-doubles-to-200000.html). It's good to be ~~King~~ President. To think HRC almost suckered us with her Non Profit helping people n stuff. :/", ">>{Anomaj} : He 100% will endorse her in exchange for concessions and a guaranteed chairmanship of his committee when the Democrats retake the senate. Heck, he might get a senate leadership position if he plays his cards right. He'll also probably give the DNC his email fundraising/donor list (which is honestly just as valuable as his endorsement).", '>>{ItsDarts} : Thanks, guess it helps to look at all of the pictures, especially the last one.', ">>{trump_rises} : I don't like waiting in line at the DMV, does that make it okay to drive without a license?", '>>{ReadySettGo} : Just to be clear, is the Christian who got stopped before bombing the LA Pride parade also a member of a death cult?', '>>{ReadySettGo} : As someone who has actively lived that very lifestyle in Mississippi I think I might have gotten a taste of that at one point.', '>>{UnpopularMe} : ohh i dont know..things like [this](http://i.imgur.com/QkZCQ1O.jpg) and [this](http://i.imgur.com/KIo3XSn.jpg)', ">>{theendofanerror} : There's a lot of precedent. But hey, Bernie is a highly unusual candidate so I could be wrong.", '>>{JimmyNelson} : Instead of saving money for a few years to get a new car, should I just steal one? Seems faster that way.', '>>{Transwoman4TRUMP} : Well according to his facebook posts he *was* a Bernie supporter who whined about how unfair the primaries were. So yes, probably.', '>>{Alex1123} : I would say you do need one by looking at my screen there is a big scratch across it this is on my 6s plus but then again I work in a place where metal shavings could of got in my pocket.', '>>{TheDuke45} : Why would you admit to breaking the law in such a public manner? How can someone so "smart"? Do something so stupid.', '>>{ReadySettGo} : As a bisexual I don\'t blame Islam when a gunman who happens to identify as Muslim who divorced his first wife and for whom religion clearly was not a priority shoots up a gay nightclub. Doing that reminds me a little too much of my 80-year-old uncle who gleefully points out every news story he sees featuring a black perp and says it must be "in their genes."', ">>{ReadySettGo} : Don't you dodge my question: was his brand of Christianity a death cult?", ">>{trump_rises} : I don't like waiting in line at the DMV, does that make it okay to drive without a license? Better not say we should require all drivers to be licensed, or I'll call you a big fat racist!", '>>{partanimal} : What are you suggesting, precisely? Edit - I responded to the wrong person. Passwordispantsuit not only makes a valid point, but also has a hilarious username.', '>>{NotEveryoneIsSpecial} : Sounds good to me. Path to citizenship: Step 1. Be a valedictorian That should clear things right up.', '>>{PapaLRodz} : 2.) I can confirm that the Zagg Glass+ fits the 7 Plus just fine. It says 6 PLus and 6S Plus but it fits the 7 Plus with plenty of room for the speaker gill.', ">>{JoJoWiCo} : We call them redcaps now. Throw them a little brown meat to maul every so often and they'll probably do it for free.", ">>{Ajreil} : >progressive hate movement I've seen this mentioned a few times today. What is it exactly?", ">>{irritatedbeaver3} : I foresee some downvotes in your future. The crazies have been out in full force talking about how white people are the victim in all of this, because it's starting the gun debate again, not the actual people gunned down... They lack the aptitude to realize that while its this scums fault, the system allowed him to obtain the means to achieve his goal. Which makes it easier for these people to do this shit, not harder. Probably could have gone a little less condescending.", ">>{MAGwastheSHIT} : Palm Beach doesn't even have to pay for the cost of all the fighter jets scrambled to intercept planes accidentally penetrating the protected airspace around Mar-a-Lago every time he visits. All US taxpayers bear that burden. EDIT: And this has happened multiple times every single weekend he has spent there. Think of the fuel and maintenance costs of putting F-15's in the air every time some hapless pilot in his little Cessna mistakenly approaches that restricted airspace.", '>>{bdog2g2} : After the second or third visit here the sheriff stated that he had already blown through much if their emergency budget and something needed to be done. He said that if nothing was done then shit would hit the fan if a hurricane or other large unexpected event would happen. But the chuckle fucks that voted for him here still loved him. Note: Palm Beach & S. Florida voted for Hillary by a decent margin so not everyone of us down here want the fucker.', ">>{bschenck96} : Yeah he's gonna endorse her, but i'm sure he won't keep quiet if she flips on TPP or more stories come out about pay for play. It's unfortunate Trump is the nominee because every politician is basically forced to have a strong opinion about him, and the issues really won't be discussed. So yeah, sorry but your heart will be broken :(", ">>{Kaokien} : Does anyone know an adapter that supports the AAC codec? Apple sadly doesn't support Aptx which is what the Mpow uses. Does the codec actually matter it will my audio still play with little to no degradation? What I've found so far are the Noble BTS ($99), and the Elecom ($50-75) both are very costly.", '>>{ChillyCheese} : You can also add two spaces to the end of a line to create a line break.', '>>{drtoszi} : http://i.imgur.com/KIo3XSn.jpg >"GO HOME ALREADY!" Well alrighty then! Won\'t need us at all for the general, right?', '>>{34thGiraffe} : This false equivalency shit is the worst. Yeah, HRC is a piece of shit. Obama was kind of a piece of shit too. But at least they put on the facade of being a good leader.', ">>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : I'm pointing out that we don't get to pick and choose which laws we follow. We can't just ignore proper procedure for something we want. (Are you suggesting I was referencing violence? I decry violence in all its forms. This young woman felt that she had to wait too long for what she wanted, so I thought of something else that requires a person to wait.) Edit: I deleted the comment to avoid any possible misunderstanding, willful or otherwise.", ">>{ccooffee} : >5.) Portait mode is a iOS 10.1 feature in beta right now. sign up It's should be well known by now, but just in case - the portrait mode is only for the 7 Plus too.", '>>{Baekmagoji} : I can definitely tell the difference between AAC and SBC', ">>{Izor28} : Well at some point you have to stop blaming people like this for breaking the law and being vindictive. We're half of the blame here. We didn't defend the border of enforce the immigration policy. If you leave the door to your house wide open when you go to work and your shit gets stolen, yeah there's a thief. But you also have some blame for letting it happen so easily.", ">>{MAGA24} : If you're still alive then you haven't experience anything comparable to being gay in the Middle East. Not trying to downplay homophobia in the south, it's just different.", ">>{theendofanerror} : I don't see it happening like that but I'm not going to claim to see the future so keep the faith!", '>>{Calyxo} : There is no good reason to deport this woman. Breaking the "law" is not a good enough reason. It\'s not a crime to try for a better life. States are arbitrary. Notice how responses are all about murder and robbing? That\'s what you associate this woman with. Very Very Telling.', ">>{sillyfinny180} : So hey, this seems like the most current post about the iphone 7 hissing, I have the 7 plus matt black 256 gig, and when I play suicide squad, it hisses... not loud, but like everyone says, you put it up to the ear you hear it. Anyways, what is bugging me is why is no one investigating this in terms of if this hiss is a defect. Can someone run benchmarks, one with hissing iphone, one with out and just confirm it, If anything... I don't know if this is a placebo effect, but my game never slows down, and there are times when it even performs really fast, when I hear the hissing noise, so does that hiss matter? is it better or is it worse, can someone prove it with benchmarks. I know its such a small deal but it would help", '>>{Trumpftw2016} : LOL there are hundreds of gay bars jn Mississippi.... how many in the middle east?', ">>{jacks1000} : It's a hate movement that has become very powerful in American due to financial support from corporate America.", '>>{ReadySettGo} : Yeah that sure as hell kept me from getting beat up. The fact that I got beat up rather than killed is not a sound basis for comparing tolerance dick sizes. Hell, some Christian tried to bomb a pride parade in LA earlier today.', ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : Money out of politics is on Hillary's platform. She was the subject of Citizen's United. She's been slippery on many issues but she's been steady on that one. She's used the new rules to the widest of their legality, but if you don't win you can't change anything.", ">>{American_FETUS} : Head for lice? I don't want Hillary lice. Is she OK?", '>>{ReadySettGo} : I got the living shit kicked out of me and I moved.', '>>{GarrioValere} : The system is capitalism. This is a socialist website.', ">>{Trumpftw2016} : Ah yes cause news about those mass gay beatings is everywhere. You realize most Christian southerners just believe the Bible outlines what marriage is, they don't go around beating up people they disagree with. Leave that to the Bernie supporters in the southwest.", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Okay, honestly I didn't know that. I only know that a relative by marriage was born and raised there (or was it West Palm Beach?) and her bubble is very rich.", '>>{BadDecisionDino} : Yeah, I mean, how crazy would it be if gun stores were just able to skip the background check entirely, say "fuck it!" and sell the gun anyway, simply because the check took longer than 3 days?', ">>{dbreeck} : Two separate TX valedictorians came forward to claim this: one did it over their twitter, and the other during her commencement speech. I give them credit for having the balls to say this so openly, but REALLY wish and believe that they should have predicated it with some sort of statement showing intent and attempts to naturalize. Hell, if they had turned their situation into a pulpit to show the value of Mexican immigrants, but the challenges of obtaining citizenship (even for top-ranking students such as themselves), it'd have been an entirely different conversation. ...Such a missed opportunity to make a positive impact, rather than just go for shock value.", '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : If internet comments affect your vote, I suggest you straighten your back.', ">>{298n} : > If you leave the door to your house wide open when you go to work and your shit gets stolen, yeah there's a thief. But you also have some blame for letting it happen so easily. But you don't turn around and offer the burglar a room to sleep, food to eat, and pay for their education/medical care. We will **not** reward criminals. Not a difficult concept.", '>>{American_FETUS} : for the record i am Ignoring you, but enjoying ignoring you. Get on your knees boy!', ">>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : If the government isn't willing to give me what I want on my own schedule, am I allowed to ignore the law?", '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : Sorry, I thought we were talking about campaign finance reform.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Yeah its being repeated en masse. It obviously originated from somewhere. perhaps the donald? Its pretty funny', '>>{partanimal} : Sorry, replied to the wrong comment. Someone else suggested that if the government doesn\'t deputy her, "the people" should take it into their own hands. Your analogy is completely fair and a valid point.', ">>{ManWithASquareHead} : They better vet the shit out of them. Who am I kidding, they don't give a shit", '>>{MagicComa106} : Man I am just disgusted by the comments in this thread. This is a human being trying to get a better life and who has put tremendous work into being the valedictorian of her school. I am just at a loss of words for this blatant xenophobia.', ">>{Wolf-Head} : Umm, you guy have been telling us you aren't democrats for months now.", '>>{BanTheSpeech} : yes and no, that list if acted upon by HC will likely just make a lot of Bernie supporters hate her more. Like if she asked for money or for them to do stuff Yes she would get some, but I dont think it would have as much benefit as she would like', '>>{ReadySettGo} : > Ah yes cause news about those mass gay beatings is everywhere. If the testimony of the patrons in the Mississippi gay bars is any indicator, then it\'s an under-reported phenomenon. Of course, beatings tend to be "mass" the other way \'round in ole Dixie: you get a lot of guys beating up one "queer" (their favored term, not mine) >You realize most Christian southerners just believe the Bible outlines what marriage is, they don\'t go around beating up people they disagree with. You realize most Muslims don\'t shoot up night clubs -- and most Muslims wouldn\'t say a guy who got divorced and was described as non-religious by his parents is a great representative of Islamic piety. And by the way, I didn\'t want to marry the guys at that gay bar. I just wanted to blow them. Of course, the fact that most Christians have never personally beat me up was pretty cold comfort when I was lying in an alleyway in Jackson.', ">>{Trumpftw2016} : But most Muslims don't support gay rights according to pew surveys. Higher percentage of Muslims than Christians actually.", '>>{BanTheSpeech} : But he is still in the race (even though his chances are Slim) so it would be unprecadented to endorse and not drop out especially as hes keeping his word. Afterwards its likely he will just to try and stop Trump though.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Personal attacks on me with an ignorant assumption as to my income level and job role? Never change Hillary supporters.', '>>{kittenpantzen} : It\'s the difference between understanding that the candy bar you enjoy is going to have a up to a certain ppm of rat shit due to the nature of factory production and saying, "I\'m just going to eat this steaming pile of dogshit, because if they aren\'t pure, they are all the same."', '>>{Transwoman4TRUMP} : I just hope no other fucked up Bern victims try to "match" this man\'s effort to bash LGBT people.', ">>{ReadySettGo} : 20 years ago those numbers would have been indistinguishable. The problem isn't religion, it's modernity. Hell, I was talking to a guy I hooked up with from China just a few months ago. China is an atheist country. He was floating the idea of coming out to his parents and friends, and he asked them what they thought of gay people. They all told him that they thought it was disgusting, and they would never accept homosexuality in their communities. He never came out because he knew that at best he'd be shunned and he'd likely be subject to violence too. There's been a huge wave of anti-gay violence in Russia under Putin in the past ten years too that's been well-publicized in the LGBTQ community (or at leas those of us who actually read the news LOL). One of the overarching issues that gets me is that we only seem to be tolerated by the political right when we can be used as a means of criticizing Muslims. We're an afterthought at best and a blight on the nation at worst otherwise. I still remember Jerry Falwell blaming 9/11 on gay people. Gimme a fucking break.", ">>{Ajreil} : If it's powerful, you must be able to give all kinds of examples for it, right?", ">>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : Phew. Okay. I genuinely don't condone violence against anyone.", '>>{MortWellian} : If you think of his attacks launched before the election as projections it starts to make sense.', '>>{HarlanCedeno} : Yup, my grandparents used to live there. The median age is 67.', '>>{charging_bull} : No, she wasnt a piece of shit, and stop pretending like it or you are in for a rough ride in four years. She had her faults, but she was a qualified candidate who had excellent policy and crushed every single debate. People just didn\'t like her because she "wasn\'t authentic" and had a questionable email server. Any candidate is going to have weaknesses as great or greater than she had and we will need that candidate to win anyway.', '>>{Nw5gooner} : > Let us fight for a new world - a decent world that will give men a chance to work - that will give youth a future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfil that promise. They never will! Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. *Charlie Chaplin, 1940* https://youtu.be/J7GY1Xg6X20', ">>{Wolf-Head} : If you would skip out of voting for an internet insult then you probably weren't going to vote in the first place since it means so little to you.", ">>{LIEUTENANT__CRUNCH} : But the emails... But the pizza... But Benghazi... She's trying to take away your guns... Sincerely, The people that will be meeting the Republicare death panels", ">>{theendofanerror} : I meant after he drops out. We'll see.", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Surrender. Sanders will get his minions to forget everything and follow her now.', '>>{Three_If_By_TARDIS} : Honest question - why do they have to do this? Can\'t they just declare it an unreasonable burden and say "This isn\'t our responsibility, let the Secret Service handle his damn security?"', ">>{Izor28} : Never said you should, bud. But after he serves his sentence you don't deny him access to all those things. Deporting 11 million and then taking back a minority of the ones that we like and would be productive to our society isn't a terrible idea. We want the good ones. It's just that they have to go through the legal process, however long it takes. I personally don't fault them for abusing a broken system. It's on us to make it better for Americans.", ">>{takes_it_easy} : You clearly don't understand that he only attacked because he was abused by the system and that we simply weren't progressive enough.", ">>{ImInLoveWithMyBike} : And that delightful snark! You're giving me everything tonight :)", '>>{InFearn0} : > To think HRC almost suckered us with her Non Profit helping people n stuff. This was /u/MortWellian was being sarcastic.', ">>{kljaska} : He won't endorse her until FBI finishes, and he definitely won't be doing it then. She has a major problem right now. The email investigation isn't some right wing nonsense. The FBI has taken possession of servers from private companies, that requires a subpoena, a subpoena requires a grand jury.", ">>{Cheap_Wino} : Was he intending on doing anything on the name of Christianity? Or did he just happen to be one of the majority of Americans who identify as Christian even though they probably aren't?", ">>{jacks1000} : What, the fact that the oligarchs, like Haim Saban, Charles Koch, George Soror, Sheldon Adelson, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet all support progressive causes like mass immigration - that's not enough of an example for you? It's the number one issue.", '>>{Hadrianunlimited} : actually she would likely get most since most of his supporters are with her but prefer bernie, the die hards would be pissed but they probably wouldnt have voted for her anyway, acceptable losses all things considered', ">>{jacks1000} : Islam does not forbid divorce. The terrorist pledged his allegiance to Islamic State. OBVIOUSLY, his religion was clearly a priority - he did a fucking terrorist attack. And you used this excuse to slander your own family members. Shameful. I'm guessing you are a progressive.", '>>{Hadrianunlimited} : a subpeona requires a judge, grand juries give araignments', ">>{34thGiraffe} : Needing her to win doesn't make her a decent human being. She's a rich fuck who knows absolutely nothing about the life of average people. She's still better than the opposition.", '>>{jacks1000} : >the Christian You mean the progressive Bernie Sanders fan? Nice try.', '>>{Hadrianunlimited} : Ill be glad to hear no more of nina turner', ">>{blagojevich06} : She's never wavered on campaign finance reform - not I'm the Senate, and not as a candidate. Prove me wrong if you don't believe me.", '>>{tklane} : Does it take 7 years for the DMV to process your license request?', ">>{glidingclyde} : He's absolutely going to endorse her. He can see the larger picture.", ">>{TripleACandidate} : Rule of law = xenophobia. It honestly makes no difference whether she's a druglord or a valedictorian - she broke the law and should be punished.", ">>{MoreTuple} : People didn't like her because the GOP has spent 20 years plastering her with anything that looks vaguely dirty at all. They had a 17 month investigation into Benghazi that lasted until December of last year. Less than 1 month after the election they shut it down. Isn't it amazing that the rule of law should so cleanly line up with GOP politics?", ">>{Orange_Republic} : > She's a rich fuck who knows absolutely nothing about the life of average people. She grew up middle class and was middle class during and after college. She worked her ass off to become rich. I really can't believe you're holding that against her, especially when her opponent was born with a silver spoon in his mouth AND on third base (and thinks he hit a grand slam).", ">>{srone} : I can't keep up with this shit any more!!!! Quite honestly, I feel like a Tea Party idiot that's been watching nothing but Rush for the first 3 months of Obama's administration. This whole fucking thing is like watching a horrendous train wreck in really, really slow motion...except it's the world.", '>>{jacks1000} : I "originated" it. It really hits close to home I\'ve noticed. You\'ll pretend to laugh it off, for a while, but so far it\'s been met with shrieking hostility. Why? Because it\'s accurate. Progressives are hateful and violent.', ">>{partanimal} : Now I feel bad. Your comment want misleading at all, I don't know why sometimes on my phone I respond to the wrong comment. Tldr, it's not you, it's me.", ">>{Ajreil} : Ignoring your misuse of the word 'oligarchs', this is some really bad logic. How does supporting mass immigration mean they're pushing a hate movement?", ">>{MagicComa106} : I bet I could find countless scenarios where you would find it acceptable to break the law. The world isn't black and white. The purpose of immigration laws, on the whole, is for taxes and other purposes. At the end of the day we aren't talking about a driver's license or a gun, we're talking about a human being.", '>>{jacks1000} : He\'s a progressive - he will attack his own family, and his own state, and his own nation - all the while defending a foreign culture, religion, and nation - even though they are 100x worse when it comes to "homophobia." As I\'ve said - progressives don\'t really give a damn about gay rights - they simply hate America and the traditional people of America. Here you have a progressive that shits all over his own family and people while taking the side of a foreign culture and a Muslim terrorist that would kill him before looking twice at him. He doesn\'t care about gay rights - he hates us, Americans, citizens.', '>>{MortWellian} : Moi? No... ;) Being serious, does :/ miss as a substitute for /s ? It matches with my natural grimace to things like this.', '>>{MonsieurIneos} : Yeah, she escaped a horrible and miserable life, came here and worked hard, contributed at her school and is planning on becoming a productive member of society. Lets throw her in one of our overcrowded jails, or deport her back and make the world hate us even more for xenophobia!', ">>{mrsmeeseeks} : Are you fucking a white male? You're supposed to blame climate change. Even blaming Bush/Obama is alright", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : No you didn't. That phrase started popping up today and has been in a ton of comments. And really? Because you are more likely to be killed by a right wing terror group than by a radical Muslim terrorist.", '>>{DreamingMerc} : Ive often wondered if the city of New York can claim eminent domain on Trump Tower. Its causing huge traffic issues. Loss of business to every single shop withing two miles of the place. Its already been reported to be mostly a dump. Trash burried just out of site. Water damage etc.', ">>{TinyBaron} : They should. It's not like he'll be vulnerable. He's still got the Secret Service.", ">>{jacks1000} : There was no misuse, and it wasn't bad logic.", '>>{dalovindj} : Hey, my life would be better if I murdered a couple of people and robbed from a few others. But all that is important is that my life get better. Laws are for schmucks.', ">>{298n} : I wonder if the gay/other crowd will realize their mistake as they're falling towards the earth after being thrown off the roof of a tall building by the religion of peace.", '>>{ReadySettGo} : Could we ask the same kind of questions about the Orlando shooter?', '>>{jacks1000} : Yes, I did. >you are more likely to be killed by a right wing terror group than by a radical Muslim terrorist. God, progressive are stupid and liars. Do you even understand that there are very few Muslim in America, yet they commit VASTLY greater amounts of terrorism than their numbers would suggest? You realize you have more of a chance of getting hit by lightening than being killed by a "right wing terror group?" Holy fuck, the progressives are just phoning it in at this point. SMH.', '>>{GleamingThePube} : I love how conservatives are so bent on an issue they helped create in the first place.', '>>{R2PDC} : Who called 911 to swear allegiance to ISIS prior to the attack, and notably ISIS claimed responsibility only hours after the attack. That is someone who merely "happens to identify as Muslim"??', ">>{Ajreil} : How is the progressive movement an oligarchy then? Answer my other question while you're at it. If you can't answer either, I'm correct on both counts.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Omg. So there are some anti trump protesters and BLM. Is that it? Is that your hateful progressive left? Like really. What a huge threat!', '>>{TripleACandidate} : There\'s so much wrong with your comment. Why do you put "law" in quotation marks? What do you mean it\'s "not a crime to try for a better life?" You\'re right that is not a crime, but it\'s certainly possible to commit crime in pursuance of that... Am I allowed to sell drugs if I\'m poor because I\'m \'trying for a better life?\' States are arbitrary? What the hell does that even mean?', ">>{Three_If_By_TARDIS} : What difference should it make to Palm Beach if he's vulnerable, anyway? Not their circus, not their monkeys. If he wants to be safe and secure he can stay in D.C. where he belongs, how about that?", ">>{MisterDonkey} : My dad doesn't like her because she looks smug.", '>>{ReadySettGo} : > OBVIOUSLY, his religion was clearly a priority - he did a fucking terrorist attack. You\'re begging the question here hoss. >They terrorist pledged his allegiance to Islamic State. I see you\'re one of the many people who pay attention to the *branding* of ISIS rather than there concrete actions. This is the same organization that published guidelines on rape and sex slavery for their combatants. They\'re not about religion, they\'re about *power.* Like any political movement about power, they\'ve chosen to brand themselves by appealing to a higher cause rather than the naked pursuit of power (French Revolution, Stalinism and Maoism, etc.) The fact that people actually believe this shit is a constant reminder that we are a gullible species. Hell, that\'s why Trump might win the election. I shudder. >Islam does not forbid divorce. If this guy was really a pious Muslim, then why would he do something that the Koran says is "most displeasing to Allah?" Likewise, what inference do you draw about the centrality of religion in a Catholic\'s life if you find out they\'ve been divorced? >And you used this excuse to slander your own family members. *Slander* is a defamatory statement that is *false* there Perry Mason. My uncle\'s racism is a god damned *fact* because I witness it every time a black person is accused of a crime on TV, and the fact that we\'re related does *not* excuse that underlying behavior. It\'s disgusting and betrays a completely disgusting, cruel attitude. Shameful. I\'m guessing you\'re a Trump supporter.', '>>{swiperviper} : That was exactly his plan to get Hillary to pay for his wife and kid to stay there.', ">>{ReadySettGo} : I blame the shooter, and to some extend I blame the bizarre relationship in so many societies between masculinity and heterosexuality. I've gotten the short end of the stick on that one more than a couple of times by guys who thought they were being tough. But at the end of the day, the primary moral responsibility for any act of violence falls on the individual who committed it, not any group they are associated with.", '>>{KrasnyRed5} : I would suggest that they raise taxes on just the Mar a Lago property, but Trump would find a way for us taxpayers to cover the costs.', '>>{JimmyNelson} : So I should rob a bank? That money sure would help me have a better life. *Think of my children!*', '>>{BrownStarOfTX} : Well, They voted for him, so pay for him.', '>>{charging_bull} : And then used her wealth and celebrity to fight AIDS in Africa and educate women globally! Not just build shitty skyscrapers with Russian Funding.', ">>{dalovindj} : A nice grab and bag. I know it would be against the law, but we are just trying to make our lives better so it's all good and we can do whatever we want without consequences.", '>>{MikeHot-Pence} : Why not just raise taxes on all resorts in Palm Beach County with names ending in "a Lago?" That\'s the most sensible approach.', ">>{ReadySettGo} : A non-response at its most transparent. If the problem really was specific to Islam, we wouldn't be seeing the same kind of reflexive homophobia in an Orthodox country like Russia or an atheist country like China.", ">>{NotEveryoneIsSpecial} : I'm willing to let that one slide.... But only for valedictorians.", ">>{Clintonite} : In this sub, saying anything good about immigrants or promoting a more liberal immigration policy is sorta like suggesting we should forgive rapists. There's a lot of rage going on for some reason. Then they couch it in 'the law,' which is sort of begging the question.", '>>{Calyxo} : States are an arbitrary construct. People lose empathy for the "other". Why not consider every person in every country as "my people"? Countries existed as organizational structures, there\'s no real reason to feel any sense of pride or obligation to them.', ">>{TripleACandidate} : There's literally no substance in your comment. First, you put forth a total strawman - I never claimed that there are no scenarios where it's acceptable to break the law, nor that the world is black and white. The next two sentences are just meaningless red herrings.", '>>{GarrioValere} : Because the left likes to make people who break the law into heroes.', '>>{MagicComa106} : All those Trump supporters coming into the subreddit I would suspect.', '>>{ReadySettGo} : Yeah he must have been a diehard supporter of the guy who wanted to legalize gay marriage in the 70s if he wanted to bomb a pride parade.', ">>{CSTDoc} : Alternative solution: just don't fund the security. Let those chips fall where they may. Could be a win/win for the country and world.", '>>{jacks1000} : > he must have been a diehard supporter of the guy He posted pro-Bernie Sanders stuff on his facebook. Nice try, though.', ">>{tonysnap} : Why should she be scared? Politicians have been telling her she has nothing to fear. I mean shit, the American taxpayer just got done footing her entire education bill. She knows damn well nothing is going to happen to her unless Trump gets elected. Really she should get preggers and have an anchor baby, there's even more benefits to be had.", '>>{braaibros} : Sounds like the airport can only afford to operate 5 days a week and shut down on weekends', ">>{TripleACandidate} : Is everything in civilization an arbitrary construct? Why does it matter? Simply put, it's more beneficial to your own self to care especially about your own community since it most affects you and the people you know. It makes sense to care more about the people in your neighborhood than people in different parts of the world.", ">>{ChronicleRectifier} : No, she won't. But many illegal immigrants *do* take low skill jobs, which actually hurts our black community more than anyone. Illegal immigration will never affect me personally, but it harms my fellow citizens who aren't as well off as I am. That's why I'm against it. Deflect all you want, but if you support this you clearly hate black people, and such bigotry will not be accepted here.", ">>{nakkh} : Just don't fucking put the resources there until the Feds start reimbursing the city. You want Protection? Pay up. Isn't that exactly what trump keeps telling our NATO allies ?", '>>{ReadySettGo} : I see you\'ve bought into the branding of ISIS while ignoring their underlying actions. This is the same fucking organization that published a set of guidelines on rape and sex slavery for their soldiers. ISIS is like any political movement: they don\'t really give a shit about ideology, they give a shit about *POWER*. They realize that hitching your wagon to some "higher" cause is good branding because it sounds a little too cynical to just say you\'re out for power. Stalin did the same thing with communism and Robespierre did the same thing with liberal democracy. A whole lot of soldiers who committed a whole lot of disgusting acts of violence didn\'t give a shit about the worker\'s paradise or about liberal democracy -- they felt that land they had a psychological attachment to was threatened by outsiders. This is what always has and what always will be the ultimate motivator for political violence, branding nothwithstanding.', '>>{ChronicleRectifier} : >There is no good reason to put this bankrobber in prison. >Breaking the "law" is not a good enough reason. It\'s not a crime to try for a better life. Currency is arbitrary. This is you right now.', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : So Donny Moscow isn't going to give a shit...not that he would even if that district were 95% Repub...but he's not going to discontinue is disruptions on principle if the locals didn't vote for him. He's like that.", '>>{relish-tranya} : The city already hates him after all his dumb lawsuits.', ">>{KushKong420} : > My dad doesn't like her because she ~~looks smug~~.", ">>{GarrioValere} : Do you consider every person in the world your family and leave your door open? If so, what's your address and when will you not be home?", '>>{ChronicleRectifier} : >and make the world hate us even more for xenophobia! \\>caring what the rest of world thinks', ">>{bigwig87} : I like how these two think that getting good grades means laws shouldn't apply to you.", ">>{tonysnap} : > I am just at a loss of words for this blatant xenophobia. She's flaunting her (il)legal status for media attention during a time-period in this country where it's a very sensitive subject. She's old enough to know what she's doing. She did the best in a school that is well below average in English and math, good for her she sounds intelligent. Keep being intelligent and keep your legal status quiet.", '>>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : The system to adopt a child is extremely complicated and takes a very long time. Which corners should prospective adoptive parents be allowed to cut?', '>>{SteveCress} : False. Illegal immigrants pay taxes, and they get less back in the form of tax credits and services than legal citizens do. http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-03-01/study-undocumented-immigrants-pay-billions-in-taxes', '>>{jacks1000} : > some anti trump protesters and BLM. Is that it? Is that your hateful progressive left? Like the ones that are responsible for dozens, if not hundreds, of attacks on police, peaceful citizens expressing their right to assemble, random people on the streets? The same progressives that have rioted, started fires, attacked freaking HORSES? Yes, those progressives - the same ones hitting people in the head with bags of rocks. You are defending these terrorists creeps? Disgusting. You must be a progressive.', '>>{tklane} : Yes. The user is asking if waiting in line at the DMV gives him permission to drive without a drivers license. I am implying that if the DMV took 7 years to process drivers license requests, then there would be a valid argument for driving without one.', '>>{Calyxo} : Not when you start realizing, and this is the highly cynical version, that caring about those other people enables much more lucrative trading and relationships. And it matters because people assign meaning and identity to their country. Instead of their people.', '>>{Lakanooky} : Something tells me that county overwhelmingly voted for him. They get what they deserve', '>>{Izor28} : How much do they draw from those local and state governments? Are they being taxed at the same or higher rates than you or me?', ">>{Enthused_Llama} : Secret Service morale was evidently very low during Obama's admin, I can't say I think it's gotten much better... Basically they're overworked and underpaid. But I'm sure there's some rich military contractor that needs the money more!", ">>{MagicComa106} : I can only imagine the kinda backlash I am going to get for making this comparison but here goes. Imagine we dial back the clocks back to when homosexuality was illegal and imagine that the valedictorian came out as gay during his/her speech. Rather than getting all outraged about breaking the law, shouldn't we take a step back and realize that undocumented immigrants in this country are just regular human beings who are trying to live their lives? Shouldn't it raise our awareness that perhaps our laws and systems could be improved?", ">>{ReadySettGo} : I see you've gone back to your original argument rather than answering my point: if this problem is *specific* to Islam then why is it prominent in non-Muslim countries?", ">>{PantsMcGillicuddy} : That's not what they're saying at all. They're both dreamers, and completely legal to be here. From one of the girls own words, it was more about showing that from no matter the background and obstacles, people can flourish with determination. Not a bad message, just poorly executed.", ">>{bigwig87} : Does not compute, so she's not here illegally?", '>>{PantsMcGillicuddy} : That barriers to a legal process are so bad that they will cause people to go an illegal route. (I believe she\'s a "dreamer" though, so that\'s still legal) Have you ever downloaded something because the legal options were to restricted or inconvenient? Then netflix comes along and makes the process easier...now you can do it legally again. And to keep up with the DMV example, the long lines were very restrictive for some people. The DMV (in some areas) has changed to allow for kiosk license renewal that can be done all around town. A lot less of an excuse to not be driving with valid license when it takes 5 mins vs. 4 hrs.', '>>{ReadySettGo} : What did it say? Was it something to the effect of "I have a well-developed understanding of Bernie Sander\'s political platform: I believe that a carbon tax is the best means of deterring climate change and that medicare for all would create a monopsony in the healthcare industry which would reduce overall costs -- and because of these things I also hate gay people"? Think about the underlying logic of attempting to say that he must have been a progressive and tried to commit a hate-crime against gay people. I swear, the mental gymnastic of you people.', ">>{jacks1000} : >I swear, the mental gymnastic of you people. Exactly what I thought about you. The attempted terrorist promoted Bernie Sanders online, and was likely going to commit a violent attack - as Bernie Sanders fans have done throughout this campaign season - attacking police - HORSES!!? - innocent women, people randomly attending a Trump rally. They have even thrown bags of rocks at people's heads. The progressive hate movement have now openly called for political violence against Trump and anyone supporting Trump in Salon.com and vox.com, in three different articles. Reddit.com and other progressive hate websites are full of people justifying political violence and terrorism. I swear, the mental gymnastics of you people. ANY excuse to justify your hatred, bigotry and violence. Shame. How sad.", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : I haven't seen this kind of demonization of the word progressive since Glenn Beck was on fox news lmao", '>>{lens_cleaner} : Palm Beach is more then wealthy enough to pay for this themselves. They are raking in tons of free cash from the publicity.', ">>{tonysnap} : It seems to me that Hispanic illegals in particular are always trying to hitch their cause onto the past oppression of others. We have immigration laws, we should have immigration laws. We are under no obligation to allow anyone who wants to move here move here. That would not benefit us. Just because homosexuals were mistreated in the past does not mean illegals can openly break our immigration laws. I also don't get this idea that immigration, especially from Mexico and Central America, should be easier or increased. How much more people from that region do we need? I already have to press 1 for English, maybe we should increase immigration from south of the border until we have to have dual language signs like in Canada. Is this serving the interest of the nation and its citizens?", '>>{jacks1000} : Progressives demonize themselves because of their hatefulness and violence.', ">>{GeoleVyi} : It just occurred to me that the true and real beginning of the end for this presidency might be the destruction of the tower, as city services completely stop and it just... collapses on itself through disrepair. At that point, he might be so full of paranoia that he'd lock himself away, and completely ignore the fact that his wife and child were in there (to say nothing of the workers and guests, if any remain by then.)", ">>{pirate_simon} : Yes, we can ask the same kind of questions. And the answer to those questions in the case of the Orlando shooter is that he was 100% inspired by his religion to kill, and had proclaimed his allegiance to ISIS, which in case you didn't know is an Islamic group", ">>{hiyosilver64} : They hate his guts and have hated his guts since he bought that garish, architectural disaster and spray painted it gold, inside and out. It's disgusting. He's disgusting. They know it and want him and anyone who supports him to vacate the premises.", ">>{Binturung} : Last I heard, people got squirrelly about the guy, called the cops, they arrested him, and found guns and some explosives. AFAIK, he never made any effort to commit a violent act, and some pointed out that the explosive found is commonly used in firing ranges. Until more is known in that case, it's very much premature to say he was going to bomb or shoot up the LA Pride parade. With that out of the way, it's actually pretty messed up to not blame the actual committer of a crime.", ">>{FelidiaFetherbottom} : Got it, so we'll get rid of all the open top convertibles we usually put the president in", '>>{liberationation} : I just vomited. As a gay man this lies directly at the feet of the murderer. Only in a distantly tangential way can you say the system is one price of the lead up to this tragedy, but even then its tenuous and borderline victim blaming.', ">>{PantsMcGillicuddy} : From my understanding of how the the Dream Act worked was that if they were undocumented minors, brought over by their parents, then they can be considered Dreamers. Which are undocumented, but not considered illegal because of how they were brought here. Then the conditions are that they need to complete education and meet other obligations to be then granted permanent residency. (I'm not involved with anything immigration though, so could be off base on this)", '>>{32LeftatT10} : people make up strange statements like that and you know they are hiding something. It is why someone who REALLY hated Obama but could never list out why he was the worst human being on Earth were hiding their true feelings about him that almost always revolved around his race.', ">>{Suiradnase} : Uh, the tower isn't going to collapse within the next 4 or 8 years no matter how neglected it could possibly become.", '>>{jawknee21} : Completely fair. The car buying system is broken. You deserve it now..', '>>{gregsha} : Re-asses the property tax for Mar-a-Loogie and drumpf tower.', '>>{gringledoom} : [Yep.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelo_v._City_of_New_London) If it\'s better for the city, they can seize it. Given the amount of tax money it\'s costing them to protect it, they could seize it, raze it, build the "We Love Muslims and Poor People Park", and since it would be less of a drain on tax revenues, they\'d be in the clear.', ">>{GeoleVyi} : God, it's like you just HATE dreams or something", ">>{IceReignBlack} : Trump has a dick. To a lot of people, particularly men, a woman still to this day isn't supposed to look smug.", '>>{berryferry} : Not to mention she was one of the big pushers for the CHIP program, which is why most of our lower income children have healthcare.', ">>{entitysix} : Yes I can't believe this is real. It's as though all the crazy shit they were spewing is now true, but about their own candidate. I feel exactly like a drooling Limbaugh fan... except that I'm aware of it... and now it's true.", ">>{entitysix} : Yes I can't believe this is real. It's as though all the crazy shit they were spewing is now true, but about their own candidate. I feel exactly like a drooling Limbaugh fan... except that I'm aware of it... and now it's true.", '>>{yunus89115} : To be fair, towers have been known to collapse in NYC before...', ">>{yunus89115} : I don't know if it still happens but about a decade ago, there were fighters flying donuts around POTUS at all times. It was CAPS (Capital Air Protection Service) in DC, and different units would go TDY to stay with the President wherever he went. All I'm saying is if they still fly around him all the time, intercepting a plane doesn't cost much more. Also they will fly those hours anyway, if not to intercept an aircraft then just for regular training.", ">>{Guppy-Warrior} : It won't be on property or things like that. It'll be a sales tax, because you gotta fuck over the poor at all costs. /s if you didn't notice", '>>{usernametook} : Better not. I live here. Go away.', ">>{Privileged_Interface} : That's the only travel ban we need. The presidential trips from Washington to Florida.", ">>{DonEliado} : I live in PBC, this really is a big issue. He's also basically put a small executive airport out of business as people can't use it while he is in town. I know one of the guys who has a business there, he bought it in 2011 and is probably going to have to close up or sell it for pennies on the dollar. He's seeking an inverse condemnation right now from the feds, slim chance of winning. This county voted for HRC by a decent margin so the fact he is more unpopular here than the National average isn't helping.", ">>{DonEliado} : I know this is an unpopular sentiment on here, but there is a large portion of the population who didn't like her just because she was female and seeking power. To continue to pretend this doesn't exist is just as stupid as the people claiming racism was over when Obama was elected. I know plenty of liberal minded people who can't stand working for aggressive, type A women just because they are women. They aren't behaving any different than a man but it's the primal upending of the gender power struggle that bothers them subconsciously. I'm admittedly biased. I'm married to a woman who is a type a corporate executive who deals with this issue often in the workplace. I have a daughter who has inherited my wife's leadership and desire to climb the ladder and want her to have more equal footing. We aren't there yet.", ">>{DonEliado} : She's done more for people in a year of her life, than you and your entire family will do in your lifetime", '>>{Tesla6009} : You mean Non-Profit paying for her daughters wedding and paving the way for their friends to dominate the natural resources of 3rd world countries?', '>>{hurler_jones} : How about a tax on private clubs and more specifically, membership fees?', '>>{Magic645285} : Unpossible. Americans are pure, open minded folks unburdened by such negative thoughts - as clearly demonstrated in the last elections. Type A women should convert to type B, and add USB support... /s', ">>{Maggie_A} : I just sent the following >Mayor Burdick and Palm Beach Council, >The answer is simple --- stop providing additional protection for Trump from your local resources. Let the Secret Service do it all. >As far as I know, there's no law requiring that local sheriff's deputies guard the president. >It's merely tradition and courtesy. >And Donald Trump has no respect for tradition and courtesy. >So when Trump comes to town, instruct the sheriff that he is to divert no local resources to provide additional protection. >When the Secret Service calls you, explain you are refusing this optional service. Further explain that, like many businesses and rich individuals, Donald Trump is welcome to hire off-duty sheriff's department personnel at his own expense. >If you decline to take these legal actions, if you instead choose to allocate local resources, then it's on you and I don't see where federal tax dollars should be diverted to pay for your decision. And sent an edited version to the Mayor's office in New York.", ">>{Maggie_A} : > Fuck em. They can afford it with all the cuts trump is tossing them. You wanted it? You got it. But they didn't want it. Palm Beach county voted for Clinton, not Trump. Same as New York county (where Manhattan is).", '>>{freewafflecones} : Thanks for that /u/Maggie_A, I hope more people follow suit with this idea. I think I will too. Maybe Burdick and the Council, someone affiliated with either, has considered and made this notion.', '>>{Maggie_A} : > Something tells me that county overwhelmingly voted for him. Not facts. Next time check them first, because your "something" pointer is broken.', ">>{Tai_daishar} : I'll take things that were debunked ages ago for $500 Alex.", ">>{Tai_daishar} : They repeatedly fucked up. Why shouldn't it be low? Obama didn't give them a pay cut. They just suck.", ">>{Enthused_Llama} : Well it shouldn't be low because we *should* pay the people who protect the lives of elected officials well and ensure that they have enough rest time, but I'm sure their budget falls under 'pointless government bureaucrats.'", ">>{LostInTheGate} : At least we know for sure that *dreams* can't melt steel beams.", ">>{Tai_daishar} : Source on their pay and scheduling? I was in the military. Sure wish income have said it's ok that I fucked up all the time due to the long shifts and pisspoor pay.", '>>{Enthused_Llama} : [The Inspector General of the United States Department of Homeland Security warned that Secret Service agents who are being overworked and experience extreme fatigue could compromise the security of those they protect.](http://www.techtimes.com/articles/98770/20151024/overworked-secret-service-agents-could-endanger-those-they-protect-inspector-general-warns.htm) [Among other things, the agency said it has “re-tooled and kick-started our dormant hiring process,” hiring hundreds of agents, uniformed officers and others](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2016/05/12/why-does-fbi-rate-high-and-secret-service-score-low-on-morale/?utm_term=.ebb5a24c7846) [The Secret Service has a long way to go. Out of 300 agencies, it was 226th in the Best Places rankings. ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/federal_government/how-good-or-bad-is-secret-service-morale/2014/09/25/e3c968c6-44ee-11e4-b437-1a7368204804_story.html?utm_term=.2fb3e68f0e25)', '>>{Davidfreeze} : I was down in Jupiter to see the Cardinals spring training. I overheard a cop complaining about how trumps visits were draining all their resources', '>>{twentyeightyone} : I don\'t think they\'re pleased at all. They\'ve asked to be reimbursed at least once that I can recall. Something about an "unfunded federal mandate". http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/310944-nypd-intel-chief-trump-security-costs-not-fair-to-new-york-city', ">>{MoreTuple} : I don't think that a larger portion of the US population will vote against a woman than will vote against a black man. I might add that she did actually win the popular vote. I'm not saying that your statements aren't valid, merely that if racism cannot prevent a black man from becoming president in this country with its history of racism, then sexism likely can't either.", ">>{MortWellian} : So that's why you don't mind his whole family shaking down foreign governments for their for profit businesses. I see why you hang in the Red Don room Comrade, but that you think he's concerned about the people and resources of other country other than to pillage harder is just precious.", '>>{CypripediumCalceolus} : [reddit: Palm Beach County Commissioner Dave Kerner is exploring the idea of imposing a special tax assessment on President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mansion as a means of recouping costs the county has incurred during the president’s frequent visits.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5zet16/official_tax_maralago_owner_to_help_pay_for_cost/)', '>>{Tai_daishar} : So..tabloids? You find batboy as well?', ">>{Tesla6009} : LOL, Wikileaks is a tabloid? and you consider The Washington Post a tabloid too? Looks like from your post history you prefer 'The Hill' http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/303663-bill-and-hillary-partners-in-crime-literally I'm sorry if you don't have any sources of your own.", '>>{schoolsbelly} : Four months after the election and HRC is still living rent free in your dome. Now quick, go post this on the_Donald for some sweet karma from the other teenagers.', ">>{schoolsbelly} : Still rent free and your'e 32 and posting on the_Donald all day? Sad!", ">>{Tesla6009} : I work in an office. So, yes.... I do have time to post to reddit. What's with the personal attacks? I must have really bothered you with my comments.", '>>{Tai_daishar} : Sweety, you need a therapist. The only thing you listed that supports your moronic claims are tabloids.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Frank742} : Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders to Meet as Democrats Head for Truce', ">>{p0tempkin} : Bernie said as much in his statement last week. He'll continue the fight on the party platform level, but he's going to unite with Hillary to demolish Trump in the general election. Bernie is smart for doing so. Given how badly Trump and his downballot Republicans are polling, the Democrats have a strong shot at gaining back both houses of Congress and ushering in their progressive agenda without Republican's blocking it.", '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : I would not say he is doing as badly as we think he is. It makes me weary for November, especially considering how many people do dislike Hillary Clinton. Unity among the Democrats is necessary if we are going to stop him in November.', '>>{UnpopularMe} : yes party unity because i am extremely excited to join with the people who have been calling us fake democrats, pie in the sky, sexist, violent, egotistical, delusional, young and naive, uninformed bernie bros all this time.', '>>{devilwearspantsuits} : Fuck you, you\'re not real democrats "WHY WON\'T YOU UNITE AND VOTE FOR HILLARY?! YOU\'RE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRUMP." Logic.', ">>{MadLordPunt} : Don't forget you're going to hell if you are female and don't vote for Clinton, according to Madelaine Albright. Edit: Hah, downvote all over my face, the truth is the truth. She said it and you can look it up.", '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : TIL that the things some Democrats say mean that all Democrats say it. Ok. Whatever.', '>>{UnpopularMe} : This all came from the Democratic establishment. What the hillary supporters said were much worse but i can let that slide since thats the nature of elections. However it baffles me that after being declared the presumptive nominee Hillary supporter still attack us, but thats another story.', '>>{El_hector} : Everytime I read an article with this tone, I get a panic that I missed some ominous sign, freaking that an endorsement will come from Bernie and break my enthusiastic little heart. But maybe, its just another reminder of how bad they want us to believe that falling in line is " the right thing to do"', ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : How do they still attack you? Telling Bernie to drop out? Not everyone feels that way. The fact of the matter is---a lot of Clinton's supporters were willing to vote for Sanders if he was the nominee. That doesn't agree with your positions on how they're treating you so poorly.", ">>{theendofanerror} : Thank goodness we're not voting for comments sections, huh?", '>>{theendofanerror} : I hate to break this to you, he will endorse her.', ">>{Anomaj} : He 100% will endorse her in exchange for concessions and a guaranteed chairmanship of his committee when the Democrats retake the senate. Heck, he might get a senate leadership position if he plays his cards right. He'll also probably give the DNC his email fundraising/donor list (which is honestly just as valuable as his endorsement).", '>>{UnpopularMe} : ohh i dont know..things like [this](http://i.imgur.com/QkZCQ1O.jpg) and [this](http://i.imgur.com/KIo3XSn.jpg)', ">>{theendofanerror} : There's a lot of precedent. But hey, Bernie is a highly unusual candidate so I could be wrong.", ">>{bschenck96} : Yeah he's gonna endorse her, but i'm sure he won't keep quiet if she flips on TPP or more stories come out about pay for play. It's unfortunate Trump is the nominee because every politician is basically forced to have a strong opinion about him, and the issues really won't be discussed. So yeah, sorry but your heart will be broken :(", '>>{drtoszi} : http://i.imgur.com/KIo3XSn.jpg >"GO HOME ALREADY!" Well alrighty then! Won\'t need us at all for the general, right?', ">>{theendofanerror} : I don't see it happening like that but I'm not going to claim to see the future so keep the faith!", ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : Money out of politics is on Hillary's platform. She was the subject of Citizen's United. She's been slippery on many issues but she's been steady on that one. She's used the new rules to the widest of their legality, but if you don't win you can't change anything.", ">>{American_FETUS} : Head for lice? I don't want Hillary lice. Is she OK?", '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : If internet comments affect your vote, I suggest you straighten your back.', '>>{American_FETUS} : for the record i am Ignoring you, but enjoying ignoring you. Get on your knees boy!', '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : Sorry, I thought we were talking about campaign finance reform.', ">>{Wolf-Head} : Umm, you guy have been telling us you aren't democrats for months now.", '>>{BanTheSpeech} : yes and no, that list if acted upon by HC will likely just make a lot of Bernie supporters hate her more. Like if she asked for money or for them to do stuff Yes she would get some, but I dont think it would have as much benefit as she would like', '>>{BanTheSpeech} : But he is still in the race (even though his chances are Slim) so it would be unprecadented to endorse and not drop out especially as hes keeping his word. Afterwards its likely he will just to try and stop Trump though.', ">>{Wolf-Head} : If you would skip out of voting for an internet insult then you probably weren't going to vote in the first place since it means so little to you.", ">>{theendofanerror} : I meant after he drops out. We'll see.", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Surrender. Sanders will get his minions to forget everything and follow her now.', ">>{ImInLoveWithMyBike} : And that delightful snark! You're giving me everything tonight :)", ">>{kljaska} : He won't endorse her until FBI finishes, and he definitely won't be doing it then. She has a major problem right now. The email investigation isn't some right wing nonsense. The FBI has taken possession of servers from private companies, that requires a subpoena, a subpoena requires a grand jury.", '>>{Hadrianunlimited} : actually she would likely get most since most of his supporters are with her but prefer bernie, the die hards would be pissed but they probably wouldnt have voted for her anyway, acceptable losses all things considered', '>>{Hadrianunlimited} : a subpeona requires a judge, grand juries give araignments', '>>{Hadrianunlimited} : Ill be glad to hear no more of nina turner', ">>{blagojevich06} : She's never wavered on campaign finance reform - not I'm the Senate, and not as a candidate. Prove me wrong if you don't believe me.", ">>{glidingclyde} : He's absolutely going to endorse her. He can see the larger picture."], ['>>{freewafflecones} : Palm Beach may need to raise taxes to pay for Trump security at Mar-a-Lago', ">>{wraithtek} : I'm sure NYC/NY State is not super-pleased about paying for Trump Tower security, either.", '>>{TinyBaron} : Meanwhile Trump doubles membership dues at his club since the election.', '>>{LeMot-Juste} : The rich will have to pay more in taxes for another rich douchebag to feel secure. Tsk. And to think it could have gone to universal healthcare and education.', '>>{oneeasypod} : Or you could just cut it. Trump likes it when you cut services right?', '>>{Palidor} : I just saw the new headline about a Trump Tower laptop taken from a secret service car', '>>{GODGK} : Or you could just let the SS handle his security. Think of the savings.', '>>{HarlanCedeno} : A lot of non-rich retirees live in Palm Beach.', ">>{MortWellian} : [True](http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/25/mar-a-lago-membership-fee-doubles-to-200000.html). It's good to be ~~King~~ President. To think HRC almost suckered us with her Non Profit helping people n stuff. :/", ">>{JoJoWiCo} : We call them redcaps now. Throw them a little brown meat to maul every so often and they'll probably do it for free.", ">>{MAGwastheSHIT} : Palm Beach doesn't even have to pay for the cost of all the fighter jets scrambled to intercept planes accidentally penetrating the protected airspace around Mar-a-Lago every time he visits. All US taxpayers bear that burden. EDIT: And this has happened multiple times every single weekend he has spent there. Think of the fuel and maintenance costs of putting F-15's in the air every time some hapless pilot in his little Cessna mistakenly approaches that restricted airspace.", '>>{bdog2g2} : After the second or third visit here the sheriff stated that he had already blown through much if their emergency budget and something needed to be done. He said that if nothing was done then shit would hit the fan if a hurricane or other large unexpected event would happen. But the chuckle fucks that voted for him here still loved him. Note: Palm Beach & S. Florida voted for Hillary by a decent margin so not everyone of us down here want the fucker.', '>>{34thGiraffe} : This false equivalency shit is the worst. Yeah, HRC is a piece of shit. Obama was kind of a piece of shit too. But at least they put on the facade of being a good leader.', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Okay, honestly I didn't know that. I only know that a relative by marriage was born and raised there (or was it West Palm Beach?) and her bubble is very rich.", ">>{ManWithASquareHead} : They better vet the shit out of them. Who am I kidding, they don't give a shit", '>>{kittenpantzen} : It\'s the difference between understanding that the candy bar you enjoy is going to have a up to a certain ppm of rat shit due to the nature of factory production and saying, "I\'m just going to eat this steaming pile of dogshit, because if they aren\'t pure, they are all the same."', '>>{MortWellian} : If you think of his attacks launched before the election as projections it starts to make sense.', '>>{HarlanCedeno} : Yup, my grandparents used to live there. The median age is 67.', '>>{charging_bull} : No, she wasnt a piece of shit, and stop pretending like it or you are in for a rough ride in four years. She had her faults, but she was a qualified candidate who had excellent policy and crushed every single debate. People just didn\'t like her because she "wasn\'t authentic" and had a questionable email server. Any candidate is going to have weaknesses as great or greater than she had and we will need that candidate to win anyway.', '>>{Nw5gooner} : > Let us fight for a new world - a decent world that will give men a chance to work - that will give youth a future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfil that promise. They never will! Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. *Charlie Chaplin, 1940* https://youtu.be/J7GY1Xg6X20', ">>{LIEUTENANT__CRUNCH} : But the emails... But the pizza... But Benghazi... She's trying to take away your guns... Sincerely, The people that will be meeting the Republicare death panels", '>>{Three_If_By_TARDIS} : Honest question - why do they have to do this? Can\'t they just declare it an unreasonable burden and say "This isn\'t our responsibility, let the Secret Service handle his damn security?"', '>>{InFearn0} : > To think HRC almost suckered us with her Non Profit helping people n stuff. This was /u/MortWellian was being sarcastic.', ">>{34thGiraffe} : Needing her to win doesn't make her a decent human being. She's a rich fuck who knows absolutely nothing about the life of average people. She's still better than the opposition.", ">>{MoreTuple} : People didn't like her because the GOP has spent 20 years plastering her with anything that looks vaguely dirty at all. They had a 17 month investigation into Benghazi that lasted until December of last year. Less than 1 month after the election they shut it down. Isn't it amazing that the rule of law should so cleanly line up with GOP politics?", ">>{Orange_Republic} : > She's a rich fuck who knows absolutely nothing about the life of average people. She grew up middle class and was middle class during and after college. She worked her ass off to become rich. I really can't believe you're holding that against her, especially when her opponent was born with a silver spoon in his mouth AND on third base (and thinks he hit a grand slam).", ">>{srone} : I can't keep up with this shit any more!!!! Quite honestly, I feel like a Tea Party idiot that's been watching nothing but Rush for the first 3 months of Obama's administration. This whole fucking thing is like watching a horrendous train wreck in really, really slow motion...except it's the world.", '>>{MortWellian} : Moi? No... ;) Being serious, does :/ miss as a substitute for /s ? It matches with my natural grimace to things like this.', '>>{DreamingMerc} : Ive often wondered if the city of New York can claim eminent domain on Trump Tower. Its causing huge traffic issues. Loss of business to every single shop withing two miles of the place. Its already been reported to be mostly a dump. Trash burried just out of site. Water damage etc.', ">>{TinyBaron} : They should. It's not like he'll be vulnerable. He's still got the Secret Service.", ">>{Three_If_By_TARDIS} : What difference should it make to Palm Beach if he's vulnerable, anyway? Not their circus, not their monkeys. If he wants to be safe and secure he can stay in D.C. where he belongs, how about that?", ">>{MisterDonkey} : My dad doesn't like her because she looks smug.", '>>{swiperviper} : That was exactly his plan to get Hillary to pay for his wife and kid to stay there.', '>>{KrasnyRed5} : I would suggest that they raise taxes on just the Mar a Lago property, but Trump would find a way for us taxpayers to cover the costs.', '>>{BrownStarOfTX} : Well, They voted for him, so pay for him.', '>>{charging_bull} : And then used her wealth and celebrity to fight AIDS in Africa and educate women globally! Not just build shitty skyscrapers with Russian Funding.', '>>{MikeHot-Pence} : Why not just raise taxes on all resorts in Palm Beach County with names ending in "a Lago?" That\'s the most sensible approach.', ">>{CSTDoc} : Alternative solution: just don't fund the security. Let those chips fall where they may. Could be a win/win for the country and world.", '>>{braaibros} : Sounds like the airport can only afford to operate 5 days a week and shut down on weekends', ">>{nakkh} : Just don't fucking put the resources there until the Feds start reimbursing the city. You want Protection? Pay up. Isn't that exactly what trump keeps telling our NATO allies ?", ">>{LeMot-Juste} : So Donny Moscow isn't going to give a shit...not that he would even if that district were 95% Repub...but he's not going to discontinue is disruptions on principle if the locals didn't vote for him. He's like that.", '>>{relish-tranya} : The city already hates him after all his dumb lawsuits.', ">>{KushKong420} : > My dad doesn't like her because she ~~looks smug~~.", '>>{Lakanooky} : Something tells me that county overwhelmingly voted for him. They get what they deserve', ">>{Enthused_Llama} : Secret Service morale was evidently very low during Obama's admin, I can't say I think it's gotten much better... Basically they're overworked and underpaid. But I'm sure there's some rich military contractor that needs the money more!", '>>{lens_cleaner} : Palm Beach is more then wealthy enough to pay for this themselves. They are raking in tons of free cash from the publicity.', ">>{GeoleVyi} : It just occurred to me that the true and real beginning of the end for this presidency might be the destruction of the tower, as city services completely stop and it just... collapses on itself through disrepair. At that point, he might be so full of paranoia that he'd lock himself away, and completely ignore the fact that his wife and child were in there (to say nothing of the workers and guests, if any remain by then.)", ">>{hiyosilver64} : They hate his guts and have hated his guts since he bought that garish, architectural disaster and spray painted it gold, inside and out. It's disgusting. He's disgusting. They know it and want him and anyone who supports him to vacate the premises.", ">>{FelidiaFetherbottom} : Got it, so we'll get rid of all the open top convertibles we usually put the president in", '>>{32LeftatT10} : people make up strange statements like that and you know they are hiding something. It is why someone who REALLY hated Obama but could never list out why he was the worst human being on Earth were hiding their true feelings about him that almost always revolved around his race.', ">>{Suiradnase} : Uh, the tower isn't going to collapse within the next 4 or 8 years no matter how neglected it could possibly become.", '>>{gregsha} : Re-asses the property tax for Mar-a-Loogie and drumpf tower.', '>>{gringledoom} : [Yep.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelo_v._City_of_New_London) If it\'s better for the city, they can seize it. Given the amount of tax money it\'s costing them to protect it, they could seize it, raze it, build the "We Love Muslims and Poor People Park", and since it would be less of a drain on tax revenues, they\'d be in the clear.', ">>{GeoleVyi} : God, it's like you just HATE dreams or something", ">>{IceReignBlack} : Trump has a dick. To a lot of people, particularly men, a woman still to this day isn't supposed to look smug.", '>>{berryferry} : Not to mention she was one of the big pushers for the CHIP program, which is why most of our lower income children have healthcare.', ">>{entitysix} : Yes I can't believe this is real. It's as though all the crazy shit they were spewing is now true, but about their own candidate. I feel exactly like a drooling Limbaugh fan... except that I'm aware of it... and now it's true.", ">>{entitysix} : Yes I can't believe this is real. It's as though all the crazy shit they were spewing is now true, but about their own candidate. I feel exactly like a drooling Limbaugh fan... except that I'm aware of it... and now it's true.", '>>{yunus89115} : To be fair, towers have been known to collapse in NYC before...', ">>{yunus89115} : I don't know if it still happens but about a decade ago, there were fighters flying donuts around POTUS at all times. It was CAPS (Capital Air Protection Service) in DC, and different units would go TDY to stay with the President wherever he went. All I'm saying is if they still fly around him all the time, intercepting a plane doesn't cost much more. Also they will fly those hours anyway, if not to intercept an aircraft then just for regular training.", ">>{Guppy-Warrior} : It won't be on property or things like that. It'll be a sales tax, because you gotta fuck over the poor at all costs. /s if you didn't notice", '>>{usernametook} : Better not. I live here. Go away.', ">>{Privileged_Interface} : That's the only travel ban we need. The presidential trips from Washington to Florida.", ">>{DonEliado} : I live in PBC, this really is a big issue. He's also basically put a small executive airport out of business as people can't use it while he is in town. I know one of the guys who has a business there, he bought it in 2011 and is probably going to have to close up or sell it for pennies on the dollar. He's seeking an inverse condemnation right now from the feds, slim chance of winning. This county voted for HRC by a decent margin so the fact he is more unpopular here than the National average isn't helping.", ">>{DonEliado} : I know this is an unpopular sentiment on here, but there is a large portion of the population who didn't like her just because she was female and seeking power. To continue to pretend this doesn't exist is just as stupid as the people claiming racism was over when Obama was elected. I know plenty of liberal minded people who can't stand working for aggressive, type A women just because they are women. They aren't behaving any different than a man but it's the primal upending of the gender power struggle that bothers them subconsciously. I'm admittedly biased. I'm married to a woman who is a type a corporate executive who deals with this issue often in the workplace. I have a daughter who has inherited my wife's leadership and desire to climb the ladder and want her to have more equal footing. We aren't there yet.", ">>{DonEliado} : She's done more for people in a year of her life, than you and your entire family will do in your lifetime", '>>{Tesla6009} : You mean Non-Profit paying for her daughters wedding and paving the way for their friends to dominate the natural resources of 3rd world countries?', '>>{hurler_jones} : How about a tax on private clubs and more specifically, membership fees?', '>>{Magic645285} : Unpossible. Americans are pure, open minded folks unburdened by such negative thoughts - as clearly demonstrated in the last elections. Type A women should convert to type B, and add USB support... /s', ">>{Maggie_A} : I just sent the following >Mayor Burdick and Palm Beach Council, >The answer is simple --- stop providing additional protection for Trump from your local resources. Let the Secret Service do it all. >As far as I know, there's no law requiring that local sheriff's deputies guard the president. >It's merely tradition and courtesy. >And Donald Trump has no respect for tradition and courtesy. >So when Trump comes to town, instruct the sheriff that he is to divert no local resources to provide additional protection. >When the Secret Service calls you, explain you are refusing this optional service. Further explain that, like many businesses and rich individuals, Donald Trump is welcome to hire off-duty sheriff's department personnel at his own expense. >If you decline to take these legal actions, if you instead choose to allocate local resources, then it's on you and I don't see where federal tax dollars should be diverted to pay for your decision. And sent an edited version to the Mayor's office in New York.", ">>{Maggie_A} : > Fuck em. They can afford it with all the cuts trump is tossing them. You wanted it? You got it. But they didn't want it. Palm Beach county voted for Clinton, not Trump. Same as New York county (where Manhattan is).", '>>{freewafflecones} : Thanks for that /u/Maggie_A, I hope more people follow suit with this idea. I think I will too. Maybe Burdick and the Council, someone affiliated with either, has considered and made this notion.', '>>{Maggie_A} : > Something tells me that county overwhelmingly voted for him. Not facts. Next time check them first, because your "something" pointer is broken.', ">>{Tai_daishar} : I'll take things that were debunked ages ago for $500 Alex.", ">>{Tai_daishar} : They repeatedly fucked up. Why shouldn't it be low? Obama didn't give them a pay cut. They just suck.", ">>{Enthused_Llama} : Well it shouldn't be low because we *should* pay the people who protect the lives of elected officials well and ensure that they have enough rest time, but I'm sure their budget falls under 'pointless government bureaucrats.'", ">>{LostInTheGate} : At least we know for sure that *dreams* can't melt steel beams.", ">>{Tai_daishar} : Source on their pay and scheduling? I was in the military. Sure wish income have said it's ok that I fucked up all the time due to the long shifts and pisspoor pay.", '>>{Enthused_Llama} : [The Inspector General of the United States Department of Homeland Security warned that Secret Service agents who are being overworked and experience extreme fatigue could compromise the security of those they protect.](http://www.techtimes.com/articles/98770/20151024/overworked-secret-service-agents-could-endanger-those-they-protect-inspector-general-warns.htm) [Among other things, the agency said it has “re-tooled and kick-started our dormant hiring process,” hiring hundreds of agents, uniformed officers and others](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2016/05/12/why-does-fbi-rate-high-and-secret-service-score-low-on-morale/?utm_term=.ebb5a24c7846) [The Secret Service has a long way to go. Out of 300 agencies, it was 226th in the Best Places rankings. ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/federal_government/how-good-or-bad-is-secret-service-morale/2014/09/25/e3c968c6-44ee-11e4-b437-1a7368204804_story.html?utm_term=.2fb3e68f0e25)', '>>{Davidfreeze} : I was down in Jupiter to see the Cardinals spring training. I overheard a cop complaining about how trumps visits were draining all their resources', '>>{twentyeightyone} : I don\'t think they\'re pleased at all. They\'ve asked to be reimbursed at least once that I can recall. Something about an "unfunded federal mandate". http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/310944-nypd-intel-chief-trump-security-costs-not-fair-to-new-york-city', ">>{MoreTuple} : I don't think that a larger portion of the US population will vote against a woman than will vote against a black man. I might add that she did actually win the popular vote. I'm not saying that your statements aren't valid, merely that if racism cannot prevent a black man from becoming president in this country with its history of racism, then sexism likely can't either.", ">>{MortWellian} : So that's why you don't mind his whole family shaking down foreign governments for their for profit businesses. I see why you hang in the Red Don room Comrade, but that you think he's concerned about the people and resources of other country other than to pillage harder is just precious.", '>>{CypripediumCalceolus} : [reddit: Palm Beach County Commissioner Dave Kerner is exploring the idea of imposing a special tax assessment on President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mansion as a means of recouping costs the county has incurred during the president’s frequent visits.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5zet16/official_tax_maralago_owner_to_help_pay_for_cost/)', '>>{Tai_daishar} : So..tabloids? You find batboy as well?', ">>{Tesla6009} : LOL, Wikileaks is a tabloid? and you consider The Washington Post a tabloid too? Looks like from your post history you prefer 'The Hill' http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/303663-bill-and-hillary-partners-in-crime-literally I'm sorry if you don't have any sources of your own.", '>>{schoolsbelly} : Four months after the election and HRC is still living rent free in your dome. Now quick, go post this on the_Donald for some sweet karma from the other teenagers.', ">>{schoolsbelly} : Still rent free and your'e 32 and posting on the_Donald all day? Sad!", ">>{Tesla6009} : I work in an office. So, yes.... I do have time to post to reddit. What's with the personal attacks? I must have really bothered you with my comments.", '>>{Tai_daishar} : Sweety, you need a therapist. The only thing you listed that supports your moronic claims are tabloids.'], ['>>{nephipower} : Please use new lines for each point instead of one huge paragraph. It will help the readability.', '>>{Alex1123} : Yeah still new to this well posting that is, on the Reddit app on mobile it looks okay, but yeah on desktops it does look pretty bad', ">>{ClassyPandaBear} : OP, use a double line break to get them to separate correctly (in other words, hit enter/return twice for the next line break). Once you do that it ends up looking like it does below. >Recently I've seen many people asking over and over again about certain things about the iphone 7 so i thought i would make this. >1.) The rent a movie trick no longer works to free up storage however you can do it with a large app store app now. (Disney infinity toy box) >2.)Screen protectors, Past iphone screen protectors might not work well with the iphone 7 because of the wider speaker grill, This all depends on the design some will work. Also most glass screen protectors are the same thing tempered glass I personally see no need to pay $50 for them, amazon has many two packs for around $10 >3.) The dongle not in the box? its underneath the headphones. Also the dongle does have a DAC. For those that want to charge and listen to music with lightning headphones click here Make wired headphones wireless >4.) Cases, plenty of cheap cases on amazon for under $20 spigen has some good ones, bumper case for those that want to show off your phone $24.99 7 7+ Apples battery case is only for the 7 not 7 Plus. >5.) Portait mode is a iOS 10.1 feature in beta right now. sign up >6.)Check iPhone stock here Check planes full of iphones arriving in us here >7.)The Speakers are located on the bottom right and one in the earpiece speaker not on the bottom left, the barometric vent is there to help gps. >8.) Modems, AT&T and T-Mobile have intel modems in them that do not support CDMA (wont work on sprint and verizon) Sprint and Verizon models have qualcomm modems which do support CDMA and GSM, will work on all carriers, Also there is no sim free version yet (9/28/16) in the US. >9.) for people with jet black iphones here are some clear skins to protect phone from scratches. 7 7+ >10.) If your phone is hissing take it to apple or the carrier store depending on where you bought it from some people have received replacements.", '>>{Alex1123} : Lol thanks was going to sleep and was going to fix in the morning, but eh should be good now', ">>{ClassyPandaBear} : Took me a little bit to get the hang of reddit formatting too. It'll come second nature soon enough.", ">>{AltC} : Slightly off topic, but I wonder what you guys think. I always use a screen protector, but not to actually protect my screen, as I feel that it doesn't need protecting anymore. I use a screen a protector for the mat finish and feel that a mat finish gives the screen. Am I alone? Anyone else feel the same way as I do? Just curious.", ">>{It_neverends} : Yes I have a privacy one for this reason. It's a matte finish, and to me feels much better than the bare screen. Also, the bonus of people not being able to peep at what I am doing", ">>{AltC} : I had one of those back on my 3gs. I didn't like how high I had to set the brightness. But man was it cool. Everyone would say things about my screen not being on.", '>>{ItsDarts} : Question on item 3, "make wired headphones wireless". The link takes you to a Bluetooth adapter for car/home audio, you plug it into the Aux port in your car or stereo and the Bluetooth signal plays over the speakers. How does this make headphones wireless? Am I missing something?', '>>{Alex1123} : If you remove the plug on the adapter it has a 3.5mm jack and will work for headphones also', '>>{ItsDarts} : Thanks, guess it helps to look at all of the pictures, especially the last one.', '>>{Alex1123} : I would say you do need one by looking at my screen there is a big scratch across it this is on my 6s plus but then again I work in a place where metal shavings could of got in my pocket.', '>>{PapaLRodz} : 2.) I can confirm that the Zagg Glass+ fits the 7 Plus just fine. It says 6 PLus and 6S Plus but it fits the 7 Plus with plenty of room for the speaker gill.', ">>{Kaokien} : Does anyone know an adapter that supports the AAC codec? Apple sadly doesn't support Aptx which is what the Mpow uses. Does the codec actually matter it will my audio still play with little to no degradation? What I've found so far are the Noble BTS ($99), and the Elecom ($50-75) both are very costly.", '>>{ChillyCheese} : You can also add two spaces to the end of a line to create a line break.', ">>{ccooffee} : >5.) Portait mode is a iOS 10.1 feature in beta right now. sign up It's should be well known by now, but just in case - the portrait mode is only for the 7 Plus too.", '>>{Baekmagoji} : I can definitely tell the difference between AAC and SBC', ">>{sillyfinny180} : So hey, this seems like the most current post about the iphone 7 hissing, I have the 7 plus matt black 256 gig, and when I play suicide squad, it hisses... not loud, but like everyone says, you put it up to the ear you hear it. Anyways, what is bugging me is why is no one investigating this in terms of if this hiss is a defect. Can someone run benchmarks, one with hissing iphone, one with out and just confirm it, If anything... I don't know if this is a placebo effect, but my game never slows down, and there are times when it even performs really fast, when I hear the hissing noise, so does that hiss matter? is it better or is it worse, can someone prove it with benchmarks. I know its such a small deal but it would help"], ['>>{VoNGiap} : Muslims, LGBTQ activists: ‘Blame the system for Orlando shooting’', ">>{MAGA24} : I blame the terrorist. But that's just me.", '>>{Om_ShantiShanti} : No, I\'ll blame the lunatic culprit, not something so abstract as "The System" (which probably means White People anyway) thank you very much', '>>{jacks1000} : Ah yes, blame "the system" - the system being a code word for "white Americans." Blame anyone and everyone - EXCEPT for the actual terrorist himself and his comrades in the progressive hate movement.', ">>{Transwoman4TRUMP} : FUCK THAT! Blame the islamic man who took his death-cult too far! He's killing LGBT peoples and we're supposed to blame someone other than HIM? This is FUCKED UP!", '>>{rwilso7} : What is the " system " except a media, governmental and academic elite that chooses to protect Islam at all costs?', '>>{BlueDogDem62} : I encourage all LGBT activists to please go live an openly gay lifestyle in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia or Qatar and see if they survive a week.', '>>{drew418} : Make sure you have lots of lemons available if you plan on reading this garbage.', ">>{ChronicleRectifier} : Lmao Muslims can't be guilty they're a minority when will these fascist right wingers learn xDDD", ">>{FookYu315} : I missed the part where people weren't blaming the shooter. But I'm sure you have sources to back your statement.", ">>{GarrioValere} : > yoose can't takes away American citizenz rights Wew lad, mocking people who say you can't take away citizens' rights without due process... Careful of that edge bruh, we might have to confiscate it!", '>>{ReadySettGo} : Just to be clear, is the Christian who got stopped before bombing the LA Pride parade also a member of a death cult?', '>>{ReadySettGo} : As someone who has actively lived that very lifestyle in Mississippi I think I might have gotten a taste of that at one point.', '>>{Transwoman4TRUMP} : Well according to his facebook posts he *was* a Bernie supporter who whined about how unfair the primaries were. So yes, probably.', '>>{ReadySettGo} : As a bisexual I don\'t blame Islam when a gunman who happens to identify as Muslim who divorced his first wife and for whom religion clearly was not a priority shoots up a gay nightclub. Doing that reminds me a little too much of my 80-year-old uncle who gleefully points out every news story he sees featuring a black perp and says it must be "in their genes."', ">>{ReadySettGo} : Don't you dodge my question: was his brand of Christianity a death cult?", ">>{Ajreil} : >progressive hate movement I've seen this mentioned a few times today. What is it exactly?", ">>{irritatedbeaver3} : I foresee some downvotes in your future. The crazies have been out in full force talking about how white people are the victim in all of this, because it's starting the gun debate again, not the actual people gunned down... They lack the aptitude to realize that while its this scums fault, the system allowed him to obtain the means to achieve his goal. Which makes it easier for these people to do this shit, not harder. Probably could have gone a little less condescending.", ">>{MAGA24} : If you're still alive then you haven't experience anything comparable to being gay in the Middle East. Not trying to downplay homophobia in the south, it's just different.", '>>{Trumpftw2016} : LOL there are hundreds of gay bars jn Mississippi.... how many in the middle east?', ">>{jacks1000} : It's a hate movement that has become very powerful in American due to financial support from corporate America.", '>>{ReadySettGo} : Yeah that sure as hell kept me from getting beat up. The fact that I got beat up rather than killed is not a sound basis for comparing tolerance dick sizes. Hell, some Christian tried to bomb a pride parade in LA earlier today.', '>>{ReadySettGo} : I got the living shit kicked out of me and I moved.', '>>{GarrioValere} : The system is capitalism. This is a socialist website.', ">>{Trumpftw2016} : Ah yes cause news about those mass gay beatings is everywhere. You realize most Christian southerners just believe the Bible outlines what marriage is, they don't go around beating up people they disagree with. Leave that to the Bernie supporters in the southwest.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Yeah its being repeated en masse. It obviously originated from somewhere. perhaps the donald? Its pretty funny', '>>{ReadySettGo} : > Ah yes cause news about those mass gay beatings is everywhere. If the testimony of the patrons in the Mississippi gay bars is any indicator, then it\'s an under-reported phenomenon. Of course, beatings tend to be "mass" the other way \'round in ole Dixie: you get a lot of guys beating up one "queer" (their favored term, not mine) >You realize most Christian southerners just believe the Bible outlines what marriage is, they don\'t go around beating up people they disagree with. You realize most Muslims don\'t shoot up night clubs -- and most Muslims wouldn\'t say a guy who got divorced and was described as non-religious by his parents is a great representative of Islamic piety. And by the way, I didn\'t want to marry the guys at that gay bar. I just wanted to blow them. Of course, the fact that most Christians have never personally beat me up was pretty cold comfort when I was lying in an alleyway in Jackson.', ">>{Trumpftw2016} : But most Muslims don't support gay rights according to pew surveys. Higher percentage of Muslims than Christians actually.", '>>{Transwoman4TRUMP} : I just hope no other fucked up Bern victims try to "match" this man\'s effort to bash LGBT people.', ">>{ReadySettGo} : 20 years ago those numbers would have been indistinguishable. The problem isn't religion, it's modernity. Hell, I was talking to a guy I hooked up with from China just a few months ago. China is an atheist country. He was floating the idea of coming out to his parents and friends, and he asked them what they thought of gay people. They all told him that they thought it was disgusting, and they would never accept homosexuality in their communities. He never came out because he knew that at best he'd be shunned and he'd likely be subject to violence too. There's been a huge wave of anti-gay violence in Russia under Putin in the past ten years too that's been well-publicized in the LGBTQ community (or at leas those of us who actually read the news LOL). One of the overarching issues that gets me is that we only seem to be tolerated by the political right when we can be used as a means of criticizing Muslims. We're an afterthought at best and a blight on the nation at worst otherwise. I still remember Jerry Falwell blaming 9/11 on gay people. Gimme a fucking break.", ">>{Ajreil} : If it's powerful, you must be able to give all kinds of examples for it, right?", ">>{takes_it_easy} : You clearly don't understand that he only attacked because he was abused by the system and that we simply weren't progressive enough.", ">>{Cheap_Wino} : Was he intending on doing anything on the name of Christianity? Or did he just happen to be one of the majority of Americans who identify as Christian even though they probably aren't?", ">>{jacks1000} : What, the fact that the oligarchs, like Haim Saban, Charles Koch, George Soror, Sheldon Adelson, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet all support progressive causes like mass immigration - that's not enough of an example for you? It's the number one issue.", ">>{jacks1000} : Islam does not forbid divorce. The terrorist pledged his allegiance to Islamic State. OBVIOUSLY, his religion was clearly a priority - he did a fucking terrorist attack. And you used this excuse to slander your own family members. Shameful. I'm guessing you are a progressive.", '>>{jacks1000} : >the Christian You mean the progressive Bernie Sanders fan? Nice try.', '>>{jacks1000} : I "originated" it. It really hits close to home I\'ve noticed. You\'ll pretend to laugh it off, for a while, but so far it\'s been met with shrieking hostility. Why? Because it\'s accurate. Progressives are hateful and violent.', ">>{Ajreil} : Ignoring your misuse of the word 'oligarchs', this is some really bad logic. How does supporting mass immigration mean they're pushing a hate movement?", '>>{jacks1000} : He\'s a progressive - he will attack his own family, and his own state, and his own nation - all the while defending a foreign culture, religion, and nation - even though they are 100x worse when it comes to "homophobia." As I\'ve said - progressives don\'t really give a damn about gay rights - they simply hate America and the traditional people of America. Here you have a progressive that shits all over his own family and people while taking the side of a foreign culture and a Muslim terrorist that would kill him before looking twice at him. He doesn\'t care about gay rights - he hates us, Americans, citizens.', ">>{mrsmeeseeks} : Are you fucking a white male? You're supposed to blame climate change. Even blaming Bush/Obama is alright", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : No you didn't. That phrase started popping up today and has been in a ton of comments. And really? Because you are more likely to be killed by a right wing terror group than by a radical Muslim terrorist.", ">>{jacks1000} : There was no misuse, and it wasn't bad logic.", ">>{298n} : I wonder if the gay/other crowd will realize their mistake as they're falling towards the earth after being thrown off the roof of a tall building by the religion of peace.", '>>{ReadySettGo} : Could we ask the same kind of questions about the Orlando shooter?', '>>{jacks1000} : Yes, I did. >you are more likely to be killed by a right wing terror group than by a radical Muslim terrorist. God, progressive are stupid and liars. Do you even understand that there are very few Muslim in America, yet they commit VASTLY greater amounts of terrorism than their numbers would suggest? You realize you have more of a chance of getting hit by lightening than being killed by a "right wing terror group?" Holy fuck, the progressives are just phoning it in at this point. SMH.', '>>{R2PDC} : Who called 911 to swear allegiance to ISIS prior to the attack, and notably ISIS claimed responsibility only hours after the attack. That is someone who merely "happens to identify as Muslim"??', ">>{Ajreil} : How is the progressive movement an oligarchy then? Answer my other question while you're at it. If you can't answer either, I'm correct on both counts.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Omg. So there are some anti trump protesters and BLM. Is that it? Is that your hateful progressive left? Like really. What a huge threat!', '>>{ReadySettGo} : > OBVIOUSLY, his religion was clearly a priority - he did a fucking terrorist attack. You\'re begging the question here hoss. >They terrorist pledged his allegiance to Islamic State. I see you\'re one of the many people who pay attention to the *branding* of ISIS rather than there concrete actions. This is the same organization that published guidelines on rape and sex slavery for their combatants. They\'re not about religion, they\'re about *power.* Like any political movement about power, they\'ve chosen to brand themselves by appealing to a higher cause rather than the naked pursuit of power (French Revolution, Stalinism and Maoism, etc.) The fact that people actually believe this shit is a constant reminder that we are a gullible species. Hell, that\'s why Trump might win the election. I shudder. >Islam does not forbid divorce. If this guy was really a pious Muslim, then why would he do something that the Koran says is "most displeasing to Allah?" Likewise, what inference do you draw about the centrality of religion in a Catholic\'s life if you find out they\'ve been divorced? >And you used this excuse to slander your own family members. *Slander* is a defamatory statement that is *false* there Perry Mason. My uncle\'s racism is a god damned *fact* because I witness it every time a black person is accused of a crime on TV, and the fact that we\'re related does *not* excuse that underlying behavior. It\'s disgusting and betrays a completely disgusting, cruel attitude. Shameful. I\'m guessing you\'re a Trump supporter.', ">>{ReadySettGo} : I blame the shooter, and to some extend I blame the bizarre relationship in so many societies between masculinity and heterosexuality. I've gotten the short end of the stick on that one more than a couple of times by guys who thought they were being tough. But at the end of the day, the primary moral responsibility for any act of violence falls on the individual who committed it, not any group they are associated with.", ">>{ReadySettGo} : A non-response at its most transparent. If the problem really was specific to Islam, we wouldn't be seeing the same kind of reflexive homophobia in an Orthodox country like Russia or an atheist country like China.", '>>{ReadySettGo} : Yeah he must have been a diehard supporter of the guy who wanted to legalize gay marriage in the 70s if he wanted to bomb a pride parade.', '>>{jacks1000} : > he must have been a diehard supporter of the guy He posted pro-Bernie Sanders stuff on his facebook. Nice try, though.', '>>{ReadySettGo} : I see you\'ve bought into the branding of ISIS while ignoring their underlying actions. This is the same fucking organization that published a set of guidelines on rape and sex slavery for their soldiers. ISIS is like any political movement: they don\'t really give a shit about ideology, they give a shit about *POWER*. They realize that hitching your wagon to some "higher" cause is good branding because it sounds a little too cynical to just say you\'re out for power. Stalin did the same thing with communism and Robespierre did the same thing with liberal democracy. A whole lot of soldiers who committed a whole lot of disgusting acts of violence didn\'t give a shit about the worker\'s paradise or about liberal democracy -- they felt that land they had a psychological attachment to was threatened by outsiders. This is what always has and what always will be the ultimate motivator for political violence, branding nothwithstanding.', '>>{jacks1000} : > some anti trump protesters and BLM. Is that it? Is that your hateful progressive left? Like the ones that are responsible for dozens, if not hundreds, of attacks on police, peaceful citizens expressing their right to assemble, random people on the streets? The same progressives that have rioted, started fires, attacked freaking HORSES? Yes, those progressives - the same ones hitting people in the head with bags of rocks. You are defending these terrorists creeps? Disgusting. You must be a progressive.', ">>{ReadySettGo} : I see you've gone back to your original argument rather than answering my point: if this problem is *specific* to Islam then why is it prominent in non-Muslim countries?", '>>{ReadySettGo} : What did it say? Was it something to the effect of "I have a well-developed understanding of Bernie Sander\'s political platform: I believe that a carbon tax is the best means of deterring climate change and that medicare for all would create a monopsony in the healthcare industry which would reduce overall costs -- and because of these things I also hate gay people"? Think about the underlying logic of attempting to say that he must have been a progressive and tried to commit a hate-crime against gay people. I swear, the mental gymnastic of you people.', ">>{jacks1000} : >I swear, the mental gymnastic of you people. Exactly what I thought about you. The attempted terrorist promoted Bernie Sanders online, and was likely going to commit a violent attack - as Bernie Sanders fans have done throughout this campaign season - attacking police - HORSES!!? - innocent women, people randomly attending a Trump rally. They have even thrown bags of rocks at people's heads. The progressive hate movement have now openly called for political violence against Trump and anyone supporting Trump in Salon.com and vox.com, in three different articles. Reddit.com and other progressive hate websites are full of people justifying political violence and terrorism. I swear, the mental gymnastics of you people. ANY excuse to justify your hatred, bigotry and violence. Shame. How sad.", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : I haven't seen this kind of demonization of the word progressive since Glenn Beck was on fox news lmao", '>>{jacks1000} : Progressives demonize themselves because of their hatefulness and violence.', ">>{pirate_simon} : Yes, we can ask the same kind of questions. And the answer to those questions in the case of the Orlando shooter is that he was 100% inspired by his religion to kill, and had proclaimed his allegiance to ISIS, which in case you didn't know is an Islamic group", ">>{Binturung} : Last I heard, people got squirrelly about the guy, called the cops, they arrested him, and found guns and some explosives. AFAIK, he never made any effort to commit a violent act, and some pointed out that the explosive found is commonly used in firing ranges. Until more is known in that case, it's very much premature to say he was going to bomb or shoot up the LA Pride parade. With that out of the way, it's actually pretty messed up to not blame the actual committer of a crime.", '>>{liberationation} : I just vomited. As a gay man this lies directly at the feet of the murderer. Only in a distantly tangential way can you say the system is one price of the lead up to this tragedy, but even then its tenuous and borderline victim blaming.'], ['>>{gothangelblood} : I posted this link here because, as stated by the news commentators after her clip, this student is personifying the argument going on in American politics. She claims, after seven years of waiting for her application to be processed, that the system is broken.', ">>{298n} : And why hasn't this illegal alien been deported? If the government won't, then its up to the people.", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : [you have to go back](http://www.gfycat.com/OfficialAbleDrongo)', '>>{Izor28} : Deport her. She can come back legally. Some of them are good people as Trump says. What you\'re doing is excusing her law breaking family by saying "but look in this one case theres a potential contributor to society!" You think that family was paying taxes for her to go to school? No, the families of the legal students there took care of it. For every story like this there are 2 or 3 at least of people\'s loved ones getting murdered by illegals.', ">>{jawknee21} : Some things don't happen overnight. If I didn't like waiting for things, am I allowed to just break the law because I don't think it should take that long?", '>>{JimmyNelson} : No, you are an ILLEGAL immigrant. You are breaking the law.', ">>{298n} : > She can come back legally. No. If you're in this country illegally, you're permanently banned. No amnesty. No legal status. No citizenship. Ever. We will **not** reward criminals.", ">>{GarrioValere} : Is this the same one that was flaunting on twitter? The one who was valedictorian of a school where most students didn't have basic math and English competency?", ">>{trump_rises} : I don't like waiting in line at the DMV, does that make it okay to drive without a license?", '>>{JimmyNelson} : Instead of saving money for a few years to get a new car, should I just steal one? Seems faster that way.', '>>{TheDuke45} : Why would you admit to breaking the law in such a public manner? How can someone so "smart"? Do something so stupid.', ">>{trump_rises} : I don't like waiting in line at the DMV, does that make it okay to drive without a license? Better not say we should require all drivers to be licensed, or I'll call you a big fat racist!", '>>{partanimal} : What are you suggesting, precisely? Edit - I responded to the wrong person. Passwordispantsuit not only makes a valid point, but also has a hilarious username.', '>>{NotEveryoneIsSpecial} : Sounds good to me. Path to citizenship: Step 1. Be a valedictorian That should clear things right up.', ">>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : I'm pointing out that we don't get to pick and choose which laws we follow. We can't just ignore proper procedure for something we want. (Are you suggesting I was referencing violence? I decry violence in all its forms. This young woman felt that she had to wait too long for what she wanted, so I thought of something else that requires a person to wait.) Edit: I deleted the comment to avoid any possible misunderstanding, willful or otherwise.", ">>{Izor28} : Well at some point you have to stop blaming people like this for breaking the law and being vindictive. We're half of the blame here. We didn't defend the border of enforce the immigration policy. If you leave the door to your house wide open when you go to work and your shit gets stolen, yeah there's a thief. But you also have some blame for letting it happen so easily.", '>>{Calyxo} : There is no good reason to deport this woman. Breaking the "law" is not a good enough reason. It\'s not a crime to try for a better life. States are arbitrary. Notice how responses are all about murder and robbing? That\'s what you associate this woman with. Very Very Telling.', '>>{BadDecisionDino} : Yeah, I mean, how crazy would it be if gun stores were just able to skip the background check entirely, say "fuck it!" and sell the gun anyway, simply because the check took longer than 3 days?', ">>{dbreeck} : Two separate TX valedictorians came forward to claim this: one did it over their twitter, and the other during her commencement speech. I give them credit for having the balls to say this so openly, but REALLY wish and believe that they should have predicated it with some sort of statement showing intent and attempts to naturalize. Hell, if they had turned their situation into a pulpit to show the value of Mexican immigrants, but the challenges of obtaining citizenship (even for top-ranking students such as themselves), it'd have been an entirely different conversation. ...Such a missed opportunity to make a positive impact, rather than just go for shock value.", ">>{298n} : > If you leave the door to your house wide open when you go to work and your shit gets stolen, yeah there's a thief. But you also have some blame for letting it happen so easily. But you don't turn around and offer the burglar a room to sleep, food to eat, and pay for their education/medical care. We will **not** reward criminals. Not a difficult concept.", ">>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : If the government isn't willing to give me what I want on my own schedule, am I allowed to ignore the law?", '>>{partanimal} : Sorry, replied to the wrong comment. Someone else suggested that if the government doesn\'t deputy her, "the people" should take it into their own hands. Your analogy is completely fair and a valid point.', '>>{MagicComa106} : Man I am just disgusted by the comments in this thread. This is a human being trying to get a better life and who has put tremendous work into being the valedictorian of her school. I am just at a loss of words for this blatant xenophobia.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Personal attacks on me with an ignorant assumption as to my income level and job role? Never change Hillary supporters.', ">>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : Phew. Okay. I genuinely don't condone violence against anyone.", ">>{Izor28} : Never said you should, bud. But after he serves his sentence you don't deny him access to all those things. Deporting 11 million and then taking back a minority of the ones that we like and would be productive to our society isn't a terrible idea. We want the good ones. It's just that they have to go through the legal process, however long it takes. I personally don't fault them for abusing a broken system. It's on us to make it better for Americans.", '>>{tklane} : Does it take 7 years for the DMV to process your license request?', ">>{TripleACandidate} : Rule of law = xenophobia. It honestly makes no difference whether she's a druglord or a valedictorian - she broke the law and should be punished.", ">>{partanimal} : Now I feel bad. Your comment want misleading at all, I don't know why sometimes on my phone I respond to the wrong comment. Tldr, it's not you, it's me.", ">>{MagicComa106} : I bet I could find countless scenarios where you would find it acceptable to break the law. The world isn't black and white. The purpose of immigration laws, on the whole, is for taxes and other purposes. At the end of the day we aren't talking about a driver's license or a gun, we're talking about a human being.", '>>{MonsieurIneos} : Yeah, she escaped a horrible and miserable life, came here and worked hard, contributed at her school and is planning on becoming a productive member of society. Lets throw her in one of our overcrowded jails, or deport her back and make the world hate us even more for xenophobia!', '>>{dalovindj} : Hey, my life would be better if I murdered a couple of people and robbed from a few others. But all that is important is that my life get better. Laws are for schmucks.', '>>{GleamingThePube} : I love how conservatives are so bent on an issue they helped create in the first place.', '>>{TripleACandidate} : There\'s so much wrong with your comment. Why do you put "law" in quotation marks? What do you mean it\'s "not a crime to try for a better life?" You\'re right that is not a crime, but it\'s certainly possible to commit crime in pursuance of that... Am I allowed to sell drugs if I\'m poor because I\'m \'trying for a better life?\' States are arbitrary? What the hell does that even mean?', '>>{JimmyNelson} : So I should rob a bank? That money sure would help me have a better life. *Think of my children!*', ">>{dalovindj} : A nice grab and bag. I know it would be against the law, but we are just trying to make our lives better so it's all good and we can do whatever we want without consequences.", ">>{NotEveryoneIsSpecial} : I'm willing to let that one slide.... But only for valedictorians.", ">>{Clintonite} : In this sub, saying anything good about immigrants or promoting a more liberal immigration policy is sorta like suggesting we should forgive rapists. There's a lot of rage going on for some reason. Then they couch it in 'the law,' which is sort of begging the question.", '>>{Calyxo} : States are an arbitrary construct. People lose empathy for the "other". Why not consider every person in every country as "my people"? Countries existed as organizational structures, there\'s no real reason to feel any sense of pride or obligation to them.', ">>{TripleACandidate} : There's literally no substance in your comment. First, you put forth a total strawman - I never claimed that there are no scenarios where it's acceptable to break the law, nor that the world is black and white. The next two sentences are just meaningless red herrings.", '>>{GarrioValere} : Because the left likes to make people who break the law into heroes.', '>>{MagicComa106} : All those Trump supporters coming into the subreddit I would suspect.', ">>{tonysnap} : Why should she be scared? Politicians have been telling her she has nothing to fear. I mean shit, the American taxpayer just got done footing her entire education bill. She knows damn well nothing is going to happen to her unless Trump gets elected. Really she should get preggers and have an anchor baby, there's even more benefits to be had.", ">>{TripleACandidate} : Is everything in civilization an arbitrary construct? Why does it matter? Simply put, it's more beneficial to your own self to care especially about your own community since it most affects you and the people you know. It makes sense to care more about the people in your neighborhood than people in different parts of the world.", ">>{ChronicleRectifier} : No, she won't. But many illegal immigrants *do* take low skill jobs, which actually hurts our black community more than anyone. Illegal immigration will never affect me personally, but it harms my fellow citizens who aren't as well off as I am. That's why I'm against it. Deflect all you want, but if you support this you clearly hate black people, and such bigotry will not be accepted here.", '>>{ChronicleRectifier} : >There is no good reason to put this bankrobber in prison. >Breaking the "law" is not a good enough reason. It\'s not a crime to try for a better life. Currency is arbitrary. This is you right now.', ">>{GarrioValere} : Do you consider every person in the world your family and leave your door open? If so, what's your address and when will you not be home?", '>>{ChronicleRectifier} : >and make the world hate us even more for xenophobia! \\>caring what the rest of world thinks', ">>{bigwig87} : I like how these two think that getting good grades means laws shouldn't apply to you.", ">>{tonysnap} : > I am just at a loss of words for this blatant xenophobia. She's flaunting her (il)legal status for media attention during a time-period in this country where it's a very sensitive subject. She's old enough to know what she's doing. She did the best in a school that is well below average in English and math, good for her she sounds intelligent. Keep being intelligent and keep your legal status quiet.", '>>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : The system to adopt a child is extremely complicated and takes a very long time. Which corners should prospective adoptive parents be allowed to cut?', '>>{SteveCress} : False. Illegal immigrants pay taxes, and they get less back in the form of tax credits and services than legal citizens do. http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-03-01/study-undocumented-immigrants-pay-billions-in-taxes', '>>{tklane} : Yes. The user is asking if waiting in line at the DMV gives him permission to drive without a drivers license. I am implying that if the DMV took 7 years to process drivers license requests, then there would be a valid argument for driving without one.', '>>{Calyxo} : Not when you start realizing, and this is the highly cynical version, that caring about those other people enables much more lucrative trading and relationships. And it matters because people assign meaning and identity to their country. Instead of their people.', '>>{Izor28} : How much do they draw from those local and state governments? Are they being taxed at the same or higher rates than you or me?', ">>{MagicComa106} : I can only imagine the kinda backlash I am going to get for making this comparison but here goes. Imagine we dial back the clocks back to when homosexuality was illegal and imagine that the valedictorian came out as gay during his/her speech. Rather than getting all outraged about breaking the law, shouldn't we take a step back and realize that undocumented immigrants in this country are just regular human beings who are trying to live their lives? Shouldn't it raise our awareness that perhaps our laws and systems could be improved?", ">>{PantsMcGillicuddy} : That's not what they're saying at all. They're both dreamers, and completely legal to be here. From one of the girls own words, it was more about showing that from no matter the background and obstacles, people can flourish with determination. Not a bad message, just poorly executed.", ">>{bigwig87} : Does not compute, so she's not here illegally?", '>>{PantsMcGillicuddy} : That barriers to a legal process are so bad that they will cause people to go an illegal route. (I believe she\'s a "dreamer" though, so that\'s still legal) Have you ever downloaded something because the legal options were to restricted or inconvenient? Then netflix comes along and makes the process easier...now you can do it legally again. And to keep up with the DMV example, the long lines were very restrictive for some people. The DMV (in some areas) has changed to allow for kiosk license renewal that can be done all around town. A lot less of an excuse to not be driving with valid license when it takes 5 mins vs. 4 hrs.', ">>{tonysnap} : It seems to me that Hispanic illegals in particular are always trying to hitch their cause onto the past oppression of others. We have immigration laws, we should have immigration laws. We are under no obligation to allow anyone who wants to move here move here. That would not benefit us. Just because homosexuals were mistreated in the past does not mean illegals can openly break our immigration laws. I also don't get this idea that immigration, especially from Mexico and Central America, should be easier or increased. How much more people from that region do we need? I already have to press 1 for English, maybe we should increase immigration from south of the border until we have to have dual language signs like in Canada. Is this serving the interest of the nation and its citizens?", ">>{PantsMcGillicuddy} : From my understanding of how the the Dream Act worked was that if they were undocumented minors, brought over by their parents, then they can be considered Dreamers. Which are undocumented, but not considered illegal because of how they were brought here. Then the conditions are that they need to complete education and meet other obligations to be then granted permanent residency. (I'm not involved with anything immigration though, so could be off base on this)", '>>{jawknee21} : Completely fair. The car buying system is broken. You deserve it now..']]
classify and reply
[">>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : Reince Priebus attempts damage control after Donald Trump comments on 'one China' policy", ">>{thestormbinder} : The black on my wife's iPhone 7 Plus is coming off. Is this normal? Will Apple replace it?", '>>{Huck77} : This is one thing I will enjoy. The gop is lining up at the trough right now and looking to fulfill their every randian fantasy. But I think after they deal with Trump for a bit they will realize just what they have in their hands. It will be hilarious the first time Don doesnt get his way from congress and he tweets after them.', '>>{DrJarns} : Obama Administration Surge Agenda Threatening U.S. With 100 Syrian Refugees Per Day', ">>{Prince_Shotoastku} : oh no that's 3,650 a year how will the over 300 million people living in america survive", ">>{IamDavidBrockAMA} : It's funny I've heard so much of this from the new queue and yet I'm still waiting for Stein to give that anti-vax speech you guys have me waiting for this cycle", '>>{HillaryShillington} : Since you deleted the last article so you could post it again: [“I am committed to make investments to find the causes of autism, including possible environmental causes like vaccines."] (http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/03/in-2008-questionnaire-obama-hillary-revealed-concerns-about-vaccines/) - Hillary Clinton ["We don\'t know, what, if any kind of link there is between vaccines and autism - but we should find out"](http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/03/in-2008-questionnaire-obama-hillary-revealed-concerns-about-vaccines/) -- Hillary Clinton https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/759142652243644416', '>>{nurshakil10} : Trump team has differences of opinion on shaping spy agencies: sources', '>>{newmexicali} : Perhaps China will recognize the independent Nation of California.', '>>{Trumpicana} : DNC marching orders to the media "Shit on Stein!"', '>>{DrJarns} : All it takes is 1 to commit mass murder!', ">>{rk119} : Hillary started that, Donald just resolved it. It took him a few years to resolve it, but he's tremendously thorough. Even sent private investigators to Hawaii. Edit: /s", '>>{BlameNBCforTrump} : The Spy agencies are toast. He will see them as a threat and he will act accordingly. We already see his targeting in his tweets. >How did NBC get "an exclusive look into the top secret report he (Obama) was presented?" Who gave them this report and why? Politics! >The Democratic National Committee would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia...... >So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? What is going on? This is his deliberate attempt to question the very legitimacy of the Intel community of the United States. This really strikes at the very heart of the republic. Never has a President elect stooped so low. How are conservatives ok with this nonsense?', '>>{tlman111} : Unless you have Apple care I doubt they will replace it for that', ">>{IGuessItsMe} : I know[ exactly who they need](http://orig09.deviantart.net/f272/f/2012/123/c/0/boris_and_natasha_by_rongs1234-d4ydjfu.jpg) to sort this out to everyone's benefit.", '>>{Smaugs_Wayward_Scale} : > How are conservatives ok with this nonsense? "Go team, beat the liberals! Rah rah rah!"', '>>{Prince_Shotoastku} : all right so we ban all humans from america because it only takes one.', '>>{298n} : End all immigration? Fine with me. We have enough people here as it is.', '>>{DrJarns} : no, but it does make sense to keep out a group of people that stand against the freedoms that we enjoy!', ">>{gobikerider} : What does she do with it the photo blurry but it looks like it's been very roughly handled", ">>{LordThurmanMerman} : Yeeeahhhh.... No. They won't replace it for that.", '>>{gobikerider} : So is it just the photo, idk that phone looks looks really grimy and worn to me.', '>>{Neo2199} : The former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey [tweeted](https://twitter.com/Martin_Dempsey/status/817180826119131140): > Intelligence is hard, thankless work. Fortunately, we have dedicated, patriotic, and courageous men and women on the job. Thanks.', ">>{LeftousCrusader} : A physician who questions Big Pharma's integrity? Chastise her! As a science inclined Stein supporter who also distrusts Big Pharma, I think that some publicly funded drug trials leading to openly published data would be quite a healthy thing. If Big Pharma's got nothing to hide then Big Pharma's got nothing to fear.", '>>{LeftousCrusader} : As a Stein supporter I find this very encouraging. It means that their internal polling has made Jill an interesting target. GO GREEN!', ">>{LeftousCrusader} : She's basically anti trusting Big Pharma, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to be. I think that making them supply the hard data from their trials would be a good idea, but if you don't think that's fair we should certainly be willing to reproduce them at public expense and publish the data.", ">>{LeftousCrusader} : Really doesn't matter what she says: what she will actually do is help Big Pharma protect its revenue stream.", ">>{zablyzibly} : My fear is that these dedicated people will lose morale and in turn won't be able to gather the intel they need to protect us. Who can blame them? No sane person risks their life for a boss who openly ridicules them.", '>>{tupacalypse7} : As a medical doctor of course I support vaccinations. I have a problem with the FDA being controlled by drug companies. - [Jill Stein](https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/759142652243644416) [Drug and Medical Device Companies Have Outsized Influence on FDA](http://www.ucsusa.org/our-work/center-science-and-democracy/promoting-scientific-integrity/drug-companies-influence-FDA.html#.V5zN41JtDm6)', '>>{Pocketcrow} : >"We are not suggesting that we\'re revisiting \'one China\' policy **right now**," he said on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace. >"He is not president **right now** and he\'s respectful to the current president." Russia probes their puppet president into starting a war with China. US gets entangled with a war with a nation that is fully capable of punching back. While the nation is entangled, Russia gets to have fun doing what it wants without NATO\'s major player having forces left over to do anything about it. As evil dictators go, Putin certainly knows what he is doing.', '>>{jqbutterworths} : I have a feeling Reince will keep doing this for the next four years. Basically, the same job he had during the campaign.', ">>{Omniquist} : So these Syrian's are never planning to have kids or are we just not doing any long term thinking?", '>>{misscee} : poor Democrats are going to need folks to fill their membership rolls ... only a few months left until Nov.', '>>{thestormbinder} : Yeah. Her friend took it. Older iPhone I think.', '>>{natalieilatan} : The confirmations for his god awful cabinet picks come to mind.', ">>{walgman} : My paint bubbled and then flaked off a little. Paint shouldn't flake or wear on an £830 iPhone after just a few weeks! http://i.imgur.com/slVhubr.jpg I'm confident apple will replace mine and I'll stick my neck out and say they will replace your wife's too. At least here in the UK consumer rights are very strong. You do not expect the paint on a VERY expensive phone to chip or wear off after a few months of normal use. I'll be asking for another colour.", ">>{spaceghoti} : I don't see any way we can ban Christians.", '>>{ScaryBlackDude} : Or bigoted Trump supporters who shit all over basic fucking human morality.', ">>{Neo2199} : Yeah, he's not helping himself nor the country by going after his own intelligence agencies publicly, and not taking his intelligence briefings seriously.", '>>{sundialinshade} : Its also telling that this is their big argument against her, and its not even an accurate smear.', ">>{LeftousCrusader} : If this is the best they got then we're fat and happy.", ">>{Klonoahedgehog} : It might just be what's left of my optimism but I feel like maybe these Agencies are gonna try fight back eventually. They never struck me as the kind of organizations that take these things lying down.", '>>{LeftousCrusader} : Reddit hates obscured links because goatse. Just post the naked URL. (On your side here, trying to help.)', '>>{assguardianmusolini} : They might be too far down on the kool-aid to realize.', ">>{DrJarns} : Yeah because Christians have been a real problem with committing mass murder in our country because they were against a group of people that their religion doesn't permit.", ">>{spaceghoti} : >Yeah because Christians have been a real problem with committing mass murder in our country because they were against a group of people that their religion doesn't permit. Exactly! When you look at the shootings and mass murders that take place in the US, which religion is most often the one cited by the shooters? Christianity. So if we follow your logic, we're completely justified in banning Christians.", '>>{BlameNBCforTrump} : Secretly, I hope so too. But, I think the damage has been done. Russia will act because of the cracks and distraction.', ">>{gobikerider} : Oh well anyway a scratch can happen but not normal use I wouldn't think", '>>{MolestedConservative} : New England will OD itself out of existence by this time next year.', ">>{supreme_man} : I'm guessing he's interested in getting Sean Connery to lead it because of his fantastic work he did as a double o agent.", ">>{Veniabiit} : So let's reduce the world population to 0, and we are finally safe!", '>>{Pylons} : “We’re not an anti-vaccine movement. We’re pro-safe-vaccine schedule.”', ">>{HenMeister} : Keep us updated. I'm curious to see if they replace your phone for that!", '>>{DrJarns} : Which mass shooting has occurred in the united states in the name of Christianity?', ">>{Catbone57} : Cool. If all the superstitious hippies go third party, Clinton doesn't stand a chance.", '>>{jkrdit} : This is a ridiculous hit piece. She want\'s the FDA to be responsive to the public. "As a medical doctor of course I support vaccinations. I have a problem with the FDA being controlled by drug companies."', ">>{Veniabiit} : I'm not a friend of the tea party agenda, but that is going too far.", ">>{self-schemata} : I'll do it for you. [http://www.ucsusa.org/our-work/center-science-and-democracy/promoting-scientific-integrity/drug-companies-influence-FDA.html#.V5zN41JtDm6](http://i.imgur.com/lW4FQAX.gifv)", '>>{Huck77} : Yeah, I would like to see him try to get Paul Ryan to okay a trillion dollar spending bill on infrastructure. Although, I expect Ryan would be okay with one where it was almost all tax cuts.', '>>{usnoozer} : The US will not engage an enemy which can fight back. Not after its resounding defeat in Vietnam.', ">>{thestormbinder} : That's the argument I'll make with them if they don't want to replace it. Our nearest store is pretty good so hopefully they'll help out.", ">>{hillarysidiot} : Well I've lived here my whole life and while there are some problems, it's not as bad as that. I know hundreds of people, family and friends and not a single one has this issue. I don't even read or hear about any of their circle having this issue. I know the problem exist and needs to be dealt with, but I think it's exaggerated by the media. JMHO and knowledge from living here.", '>>{njmaverick} : makes less sense that you keep arming them with automatic weapons', ">>{IowaHeartland} : I think she's talking more as a physician than a politician. Her statements are nuanced and pro-vaccines, but I don't think she's quite transitioned to being a public figure and having to speak in sound bites.", '>>{eamus_catuli} : >Jill Stein, the Harvard-educated doctor and Green Party candidate for president, was given yet another opportunity to clarify her position on whether vaccines are safe for children during an interview with the Washington Post published Friday. And yet again, she delivered an answer that no-so-subtly pandered to immunization skeptics. >“As a medical doctor, there was a time where I looked very closely at those issues, and not all those issues were completely resolved," Stein said. "There were concerns among physicians about what the vaccination schedule meant, the toxic substances like mercury which used to be rampant in vaccines. There were real questions that needed to be addressed. I think some of them at least have been addressed. I don’t know if all of them have been addressed." >Let\'s consider this statement carefully. Stein is invoking her authority as a medical professional to say that there were legitimate reasons to be concerned about the toxicity of vaccines, and that she doesn\'t know if those issues have been resolved. Stein is not saying vaccines are necessarily unsafe. But for all she knows, they might be—some way, somehow. She is leaving open the possibility. >Back here on Earth, there is no evidence that vaccines pose a danger to children\'s health. Doctors know this.', '>>{KrombopulosMichael23} : The fading? Yea Apple will claim that as wear & tear. I had a black iPhone 5 that was practically silver on the back by the end of use.', '>>{progwire} : Yeah, that was before man baby Trump. Triggered by tweets.', '>>{Pocketcrow} : Oh heack no. Would rather avoid the dictator lead government that has journalist killed and endorses civil assault on innocent people. Bad enough they are going to have their fingers in the US through their puppet president. Canada however...', '>>{walgman} : I will. Another redditor experienced the same issue and they replaced theirs. Consumer rights act is heavily weighted in the consumers favour. You do not expect premium goods to shed paint under normal use. https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/5avgpn/matt_black_iphone_7_peeling/?', ">>{OptionalCookie} : Yea.. that's normal. In fact, when Apple replaced my iPhone 6, the one they gave me had significant wear.", ">>{TheRain} : I think that's a serious mis-reading of the dynamics in Vietnam. We lost because we handcuffed ourselves.", '>>{hillarysidiot} : > http://www.telegram.com/news/20161217/new-england-among-worst-areas-of-country-for-increased-overdoses The population of NH in 2014 was 1.3 million people. From your article, it states that there were 500 deaths last year in NH from OD. While it sucks those people are dead and their families have to feel that pain, that is not a crisis in my estimation. Call me crazy and cold hearted I know. Edit: And when Maggie Hassan used this in one of her speeches earlier this year, it was found to be false, OD is not the second most cause of death in the state, it is well behind heart failure, stroke, etc. http://www.politifact.com/new-hampshire/statements/2016/feb/22/maggie-hassan/governor-maggie-hassan-says-drug-overdoses-are-sec/', ">>{MolestedConservative} : >> http://www.telegram.com/news/20161217/new-england-among-worst-areas-of-country-for-increased-overdoses >The population of NH in 2014 was 1.3 million people. From your article, it states that there were 500 deaths last year in NH from OD. While it sucks those people are dead and their families have to feel that pain, that is not a crisis in my estimation. Call me crazy and cold hearted I know. NH is just one of several states in the region. The NE region itself definitely junkie central. It's where the best passed out druggie mommy/backseat baby pictures are taken. 😢", ">>{hillarysidiot} : If you're thinking of this, it was in Indiana. http://fox5sandiego.com/2016/10/27/photo-shows-mom-overdosed-syringe-in-hand-with-baby-in-backseat/", '>>{puff_danny13} : i had the same issue with mine i told my co worker about it and he brought it to my attention that when you put your phone down on the desk sometimes you let it slide a bit which is why it is doing that', ">>{Rsidhuu} : They won't give you another color. I'm pretty sure.", '>>{Macd7} : He helped brexit, certainly trump and might do the same w France and w any luck Germany as well. You are correct he certainly is fucking up nato big time and the goddamn right wingers everywhere are rolling out the red carpet for him.', ">>{zeroGamer} : Trump says the thing. Trump spokesperson explains how he actually didn't say the thing he said, and then explains how if he HAD said the thing he did in fact say, it's totally fine because of reasons. Repeat ad infinitum. Can we stop giving Trump surrogates a platform to speak on? It's literally nothing but lies and denials. Surrogates are only worth listening to insofar as they can actually be expected to speak for someone. It's been blatantly obvious for well over a year that the only person that speaks for Trump is Trump, and noone else - not Kellyanne Conway, not his fucking VP, not Priebus, NOONE ELSE - is able to give insight into his opinions or policies because he has none until they are vomited forth from his own lips or Twitter account.", '>>{njmaverick} : this guy has GOP written all over him. He was a right wing, LGBT hating gun nut. Prime trump follower material', '>>{Ehwic} : Are you talking about that white spot on there? If so, jesus why?', '>>{AnotherPersonPerhaps} : Being Chief of Staff is a hard fucking job. I kinda feel sorry for Reince. He has his work cut out for him.', ">>{DrJarns} : We will never be 'safe' but at the same time it does make sense to not bring in a group of people that are against everything we stand for and want to kill us. I am not suggesting we deport anyone that is here and a citizen but at the same time why should we bring in refugees that don't agree with our ideology and way of life? How does that not make sense?", ">>{misscee} : lol ... 63 yo white female (miss cee tyvm) ... I've voted straight D since 72. I even have a posting history here that would back up this comment. have a nice day and good luck in general. You're gonna need it.", ">>{Veniabiit} : Actually even after this shooting *toddlers* are still in the lead when it comes to shootings. And since we are doing this with a calculator and don't give a shit about the victims because it doesn't fit our political agenda anyway, I want a ban of people under the age of 6.", ">>{Trunkington} : Yeah those dirty Trump supporters shooting people and beating up Bernie supporters. I'm so sick and tired of reading those stories.", ">>{njmaverick} : you're voting for a racist mad man, your opinions mean nothing to me", ">>{DrJarns} : I don't understand your comment. I am not a tea party member and I am not anti Muslim nor do I want to deport anyone. At the same time there is no reason why we should willingly import Muslim refugees that don't agree with our way of life and our ideology. I am all for helping them and sending aid but I don't want them here.", ">>{misscee} : they're both pretty awful ... but I will make sure that Crooked Hillary faces a grand jury. No one is above the law ... not even her.", '>>{DrJarns} : This is the biggest gay slaughter that I know of in history and it was committed by a radical Muslim terrorist who hates gays because of his religion. They throw homosexuals off of buildings if they think they might be gay!', '>>{njmaverick} : As I said anyone that supports a racist mad man has nothing to offer me that I would consider worthy of consideration. False claims of dishonesty and criminal activity only makes it worse. Here is what you need to read, it expose the pure insanity of your position on Hillary http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/6/11/1537582/-The-most-thorough-profound-and-moving-defense-of-Hillary-Clinton-I-have-ever-seen', '>>{DrJarns} : What Americans are we arming with automatic weapons besides our military?', ">>{ImYoreHuckleberry} : >oh no **that's 3,650 a year** how will the over 300 million people living in america survive. its astounding that your post is upvoted, since you just failed 5th grade math", '>>{Prince_Shotoastku} : herp your right its 36,500 a year that would still take about 100 years for it too even reach 1 percentage of the american population', ">>{spaceghoti} : >Which mass shooting has occurred in the united states in the name of Christianity? I'm *so* glad you asked that! http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/25/us/tally-of-attacks-in-us-challenges-perceptions-of-top-terror-threat.html http://www.thenation.com/article/why-speculation-about-the-san-bernardino-shooters-is-a-dangerous-distraction/ http://timelines.latimes.com/deadliest-shooting-rampages/ http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/03/us/how-often-do-mass-shootings-occur-on-average-every-day-records-show.html?_r=0 Furthermore, this Florida shooter didn't target Christians. He targeted a gay nightclub. He did what [many Christians (including three GOP presidential candidates) agree should be done.](http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/watch/anti-gay-pastor-event-hosts-3-gop-candidates-563178051820)", '>>{ImYoreHuckleberry} : 19 people killed 3,000 americans, shut down all air travel for a week and cost america tens of billions if not hundreds of economic activity your argument is invalid', ">>{Veniabiit} : You are aware that the shooter in Orlando was not a refugee? But he had some classic Ted Cruz values: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVKRWg-gyeI But as I said, I don't think we should ban the tea party. And I wouldn't even use this tragedy against gun owners, because as they say themselves, you can't blame a whole group for the insanity of one person.", '>>{rwilso7} : Boy, progressives are getting better and better at this! Used to be after a killing in the name of the religion of peace, you had the good taste to lay low for a day or two. Now the bodies aren\'t even cold and you are here with the " Let\'s ban Christians " stuff. You are a truly amazing people and you deserve your special ally.', '>>{DrJarns} : The Florida shooter was a radical Muslim terrorist on the FBI watch list and he targeted them because they were gay and Muslims are anti-gay! None of your links show any evidence of someone killing people in the name of Jesus! Many of them show evidence of terrorists killing people in the name of Allah!', ">>{blatherskiter} : Most will survive. Many, like the 50 homosexuals at the club last night, won't. I don't know why everyone is acting like we're obliged to take in every foreigner who wants to come here.", '>>{UWantWhatUGet} : > False claims of dishonesty and criminal activity LOLOLOL. I\'ll take "What might someone suffering from Antiprocess say" for $200, Alex.', ">>{DrJarns} : I know he was not a refugee. He was an American citizen who was a Muslim radical on the FBI watch list and should have been dealt with before he killed 50 people. His parents were from Afghanistan I believe but I'm not positive on that. I agree that guns was not the problem today. This guy had a bomb strapped to him and from the sounds of it more bombs in the building. This was a problem with his ideology based on his religion.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : You are going to make sure? Are you in the FBI? lol', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : And on the other side. Trump is publically saying thanks for the congrats for being right about radical Islam, which everyone already knew. Because saying "I told you so a few hours later is great/', '>>{FearoTheFearless} : he was born in the us, he was not a refugee', ">>{DrJarns} : Can you show me a link to back that up? When you say 'arming' I assume that you are referring to our government providing arms to a group of people. The only people that our government provides weapons to is military and law enforcement. The Obama administration provided guns to Mexican criminals but they aren't citizens so that doesn't count.", '>>{DrJarns} : I never said he was a refugee. He was on the FBI watch list for being a RADICAL MUSLIM TERRORIST sympathizer and should have been dealt with before this happened!', '>>{spaceghoti} : > The Florida shooter was a radical Muslim terrorist on the FBI watch list and he targeted them because they were gay and Muslims are anti-gay! Yes. And as I demonstrated, so are many Christians including GOP presidential candidates. *He did what they advocated doing.* > None of your links show any evidence of someone killing people in the name of Jesus! Many of them show evidence of terrorists killing people in the name of Allah! Yes they do. The Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting, the South Carolina church shooting, etc. You\'re doing exactly what the Nation article expressed: declaring it terrorism if it\'s done by a Muslim but it\'s a "lone gunman" if it\'s done by a Christian. Even though shootings by Christians far, *far* exceed shootings by Muslims. Now that I\'ve demonstrated how you\'re eager to move the goalposts to protect your tribe, I consider the point made. The last word is yours.', ">>{DrJarns} : There are Christians who think homosexuality is wrong but they don't kill 50 people because of it or have state executions because they think someone is gay. There is no comparison here! This guy had bombs as many Muslims do. Why don't the Democrats start making some anti-bomb laws. Lone gunman wasn't the problem today. It was his religion and his radical beliefs!", '>>{njmaverick} : turn on the news, they are talking about an NRA supplied assault style weapon used to kill the 50+ today', ">>{njmaverick} : you support donald trump so clearly you don't value honesty or integrity in the people you vote for", '>>{njmaverick} : but he has the hate filled heart of a republican', ">>{DrJarns} : I have been watching the news all day. The NRA doesn't supply anyone with guns, they are a group that fights for gun rights and to support the 2nd amendment. It has been reported that the shooter used a hand gun and an AR-15 style rifle that he purchased a week ago which are both legal. I don't know if it was legal for him to purchase them since he was an an FBI terrorist watch list but that information will come out.", ">>{njmaverick} : > The NRA doesn't supply anyone with guns They just blocked the laws that allowed him to buy assault style weapons. Remember when the NRA opposed the law that would have prevented those on the no fly list from buying this high powered rapid fire weapons?", ">>{DrJarns} : Automatic weapons are illegal and an AR-15 assault style rifle is no different then a semi auto hunting rifle. It is literally the same gun with aesthetic differences that makes it more useful for the military but no more deadly then a semi auto hunting rifle that can also have a large magazine. The NRA doesn't pass laws or have the power to block them. They lobby for their positions on things like all other industries. I am all for people on the FBI terror watch list to be barred from buying weapons. I do have an issue with people on the no-fly list from buying weapons since there are many mistakes on that list and people that don't belong on it. Once you are on the list it is almost impossible to get off of it so I don't want to see people lose any rights for simply being on that list.", '>>{njmaverick} : > AR-15 assault style rifle is no different then a semi auto hunting rifle. with the huge difference (that created the huge death tolls) of heaving greater ammo capacities and easy change magazines', '>>{DrJarns} : They have the same ammo capacity as any semi-auto hunting rifle. Many hunters prefer a bolt action where you load a round every time you fire the gun because they can be more accurate. The AR-15 is legal as a hunting rifle is many places but not for all game because the round .223 round it fires is much smaller than many hunting rifles so it is considered inhumane to hunt larger game with them since it may not kill them and make the animal suffer. The AR-15 is sort of like a kit car. A Ferrari look a like on a VW frame and chassis.', '>>{njmaverick} : They CAN have the same or they can have greater capacity. If you want to have a debate you need to be honest about the facts', ">>{DrJarns} : To the best of my knowledge the largest magazine you can buy for this gun legally is a 30 round capacity. This guy killed at least 50 and wounded another 50 which means he reloaded several times. I am kind of shocked that nobody fired back since Florida I believe is a states where you can legally carry a gun with a permit. It makes me wonder if guns were not allowed in this business which hopefully will open a debate on 'gun free' zones where people are essentially not allowed to protect themselves. If someone in that club had a gun handy many lives could have been saved.", ">>{njmaverick} : Even in open carry states most don't allow fire arms in clubs and bars and the like as alcohol and guns mix about as well as alcohol and driving", ">>{DrJarns} : I understand that and if that is the case then they need to make sure that nobody gets inside with a gun let alone a fucking rifle! I know he had some kind of gun battle with the off duty cop who was working outside the place as security and I have not heard much information on that. It is a shame that he wasn't taken out by that guy since it would have saved many lives. Maybe large clubs like this will need metal detectors or something. They used to use metal detecting wands on us in the 90's before going into concerts and stuff looking for weapons. Or you have to allow people to carry their guns everywhere. I believe you aren't allowed to be drunk if you are carrying a gun so people would then have to make a choice of keeping their gun or getting drunk."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{thestormbinder} : The black on my wife's iPhone 7 Plus is coming off. Is this normal? Will Apple replace it?", '>>{tlman111} : Unless you have Apple care I doubt they will replace it for that', ">>{gobikerider} : What does she do with it the photo blurry but it looks like it's been very roughly handled", ">>{LordThurmanMerman} : Yeeeahhhh.... No. They won't replace it for that.", '>>{gobikerider} : So is it just the photo, idk that phone looks looks really grimy and worn to me.', '>>{thestormbinder} : Yeah. Her friend took it. Older iPhone I think.', ">>{walgman} : My paint bubbled and then flaked off a little. Paint shouldn't flake or wear on an £830 iPhone after just a few weeks! http://i.imgur.com/slVhubr.jpg I'm confident apple will replace mine and I'll stick my neck out and say they will replace your wife's too. At least here in the UK consumer rights are very strong. You do not expect the paint on a VERY expensive phone to chip or wear off after a few months of normal use. I'll be asking for another colour.", ">>{gobikerider} : Oh well anyway a scratch can happen but not normal use I wouldn't think", ">>{HenMeister} : Keep us updated. I'm curious to see if they replace your phone for that!", ">>{thestormbinder} : That's the argument I'll make with them if they don't want to replace it. Our nearest store is pretty good so hopefully they'll help out.", '>>{KrombopulosMichael23} : The fading? Yea Apple will claim that as wear & tear. I had a black iPhone 5 that was practically silver on the back by the end of use.', '>>{walgman} : I will. Another redditor experienced the same issue and they replaced theirs. Consumer rights act is heavily weighted in the consumers favour. You do not expect premium goods to shed paint under normal use. https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/5avgpn/matt_black_iphone_7_peeling/?', ">>{OptionalCookie} : Yea.. that's normal. In fact, when Apple replaced my iPhone 6, the one they gave me had significant wear.", '>>{puff_danny13} : i had the same issue with mine i told my co worker about it and he brought it to my attention that when you put your phone down on the desk sometimes you let it slide a bit which is why it is doing that', ">>{Rsidhuu} : They won't give you another color. I'm pretty sure.", '>>{Ehwic} : Are you talking about that white spot on there? If so, jesus why?'], [">>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : Reince Priebus attempts damage control after Donald Trump comments on 'one China' policy", '>>{Huck77} : This is one thing I will enjoy. The gop is lining up at the trough right now and looking to fulfill their every randian fantasy. But I think after they deal with Trump for a bit they will realize just what they have in their hands. It will be hilarious the first time Don doesnt get his way from congress and he tweets after them.', '>>{newmexicali} : Perhaps China will recognize the independent Nation of California.', ">>{rk119} : Hillary started that, Donald just resolved it. It took him a few years to resolve it, but he's tremendously thorough. Even sent private investigators to Hawaii. Edit: /s", '>>{Pocketcrow} : >"We are not suggesting that we\'re revisiting \'one China\' policy **right now**," he said on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace. >"He is not president **right now** and he\'s respectful to the current president." Russia probes their puppet president into starting a war with China. US gets entangled with a war with a nation that is fully capable of punching back. While the nation is entangled, Russia gets to have fun doing what it wants without NATO\'s major player having forces left over to do anything about it. As evil dictators go, Putin certainly knows what he is doing.', '>>{jqbutterworths} : I have a feeling Reince will keep doing this for the next four years. Basically, the same job he had during the campaign.', '>>{natalieilatan} : The confirmations for his god awful cabinet picks come to mind.', '>>{assguardianmusolini} : They might be too far down on the kool-aid to realize.', '>>{MolestedConservative} : New England will OD itself out of existence by this time next year.', '>>{Huck77} : Yeah, I would like to see him try to get Paul Ryan to okay a trillion dollar spending bill on infrastructure. Although, I expect Ryan would be okay with one where it was almost all tax cuts.', '>>{usnoozer} : The US will not engage an enemy which can fight back. Not after its resounding defeat in Vietnam.', ">>{hillarysidiot} : Well I've lived here my whole life and while there are some problems, it's not as bad as that. I know hundreds of people, family and friends and not a single one has this issue. I don't even read or hear about any of their circle having this issue. I know the problem exist and needs to be dealt with, but I think it's exaggerated by the media. JMHO and knowledge from living here.", '>>{progwire} : Yeah, that was before man baby Trump. Triggered by tweets.', '>>{Pocketcrow} : Oh heack no. Would rather avoid the dictator lead government that has journalist killed and endorses civil assault on innocent people. Bad enough they are going to have their fingers in the US through their puppet president. Canada however...', ">>{TheRain} : I think that's a serious mis-reading of the dynamics in Vietnam. We lost because we handcuffed ourselves.", '>>{hillarysidiot} : > http://www.telegram.com/news/20161217/new-england-among-worst-areas-of-country-for-increased-overdoses The population of NH in 2014 was 1.3 million people. From your article, it states that there were 500 deaths last year in NH from OD. While it sucks those people are dead and their families have to feel that pain, that is not a crisis in my estimation. Call me crazy and cold hearted I know. Edit: And when Maggie Hassan used this in one of her speeches earlier this year, it was found to be false, OD is not the second most cause of death in the state, it is well behind heart failure, stroke, etc. http://www.politifact.com/new-hampshire/statements/2016/feb/22/maggie-hassan/governor-maggie-hassan-says-drug-overdoses-are-sec/', ">>{MolestedConservative} : >> http://www.telegram.com/news/20161217/new-england-among-worst-areas-of-country-for-increased-overdoses >The population of NH in 2014 was 1.3 million people. From your article, it states that there were 500 deaths last year in NH from OD. While it sucks those people are dead and their families have to feel that pain, that is not a crisis in my estimation. Call me crazy and cold hearted I know. NH is just one of several states in the region. The NE region itself definitely junkie central. It's where the best passed out druggie mommy/backseat baby pictures are taken. 😢", ">>{hillarysidiot} : If you're thinking of this, it was in Indiana. http://fox5sandiego.com/2016/10/27/photo-shows-mom-overdosed-syringe-in-hand-with-baby-in-backseat/", '>>{Macd7} : He helped brexit, certainly trump and might do the same w France and w any luck Germany as well. You are correct he certainly is fucking up nato big time and the goddamn right wingers everywhere are rolling out the red carpet for him.', ">>{zeroGamer} : Trump says the thing. Trump spokesperson explains how he actually didn't say the thing he said, and then explains how if he HAD said the thing he did in fact say, it's totally fine because of reasons. Repeat ad infinitum. Can we stop giving Trump surrogates a platform to speak on? It's literally nothing but lies and denials. Surrogates are only worth listening to insofar as they can actually be expected to speak for someone. It's been blatantly obvious for well over a year that the only person that speaks for Trump is Trump, and noone else - not Kellyanne Conway, not his fucking VP, not Priebus, NOONE ELSE - is able to give insight into his opinions or policies because he has none until they are vomited forth from his own lips or Twitter account.", '>>{AnotherPersonPerhaps} : Being Chief of Staff is a hard fucking job. I kinda feel sorry for Reince. He has his work cut out for him.'], ['>>{nurshakil10} : Trump team has differences of opinion on shaping spy agencies: sources', '>>{BlameNBCforTrump} : The Spy agencies are toast. He will see them as a threat and he will act accordingly. We already see his targeting in his tweets. >How did NBC get "an exclusive look into the top secret report he (Obama) was presented?" Who gave them this report and why? Politics! >The Democratic National Committee would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia...... >So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? What is going on? This is his deliberate attempt to question the very legitimacy of the Intel community of the United States. This really strikes at the very heart of the republic. Never has a President elect stooped so low. How are conservatives ok with this nonsense?', ">>{IGuessItsMe} : I know[ exactly who they need](http://orig09.deviantart.net/f272/f/2012/123/c/0/boris_and_natasha_by_rongs1234-d4ydjfu.jpg) to sort this out to everyone's benefit.", '>>{Smaugs_Wayward_Scale} : > How are conservatives ok with this nonsense? "Go team, beat the liberals! Rah rah rah!"', '>>{Neo2199} : The former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey [tweeted](https://twitter.com/Martin_Dempsey/status/817180826119131140): > Intelligence is hard, thankless work. Fortunately, we have dedicated, patriotic, and courageous men and women on the job. Thanks.', ">>{zablyzibly} : My fear is that these dedicated people will lose morale and in turn won't be able to gather the intel they need to protect us. Who can blame them? No sane person risks their life for a boss who openly ridicules them.", ">>{Neo2199} : Yeah, he's not helping himself nor the country by going after his own intelligence agencies publicly, and not taking his intelligence briefings seriously.", ">>{Klonoahedgehog} : It might just be what's left of my optimism but I feel like maybe these Agencies are gonna try fight back eventually. They never struck me as the kind of organizations that take these things lying down.", '>>{BlameNBCforTrump} : Secretly, I hope so too. But, I think the damage has been done. Russia will act because of the cracks and distraction.', ">>{supreme_man} : I'm guessing he's interested in getting Sean Connery to lead it because of his fantastic work he did as a double o agent."], [">>{IamDavidBrockAMA} : It's funny I've heard so much of this from the new queue and yet I'm still waiting for Stein to give that anti-vax speech you guys have me waiting for this cycle", '>>{HillaryShillington} : Since you deleted the last article so you could post it again: [“I am committed to make investments to find the causes of autism, including possible environmental causes like vaccines."] (http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/03/in-2008-questionnaire-obama-hillary-revealed-concerns-about-vaccines/) - Hillary Clinton ["We don\'t know, what, if any kind of link there is between vaccines and autism - but we should find out"](http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/03/in-2008-questionnaire-obama-hillary-revealed-concerns-about-vaccines/) -- Hillary Clinton https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/759142652243644416', '>>{Trumpicana} : DNC marching orders to the media "Shit on Stein!"', ">>{LeftousCrusader} : A physician who questions Big Pharma's integrity? Chastise her! As a science inclined Stein supporter who also distrusts Big Pharma, I think that some publicly funded drug trials leading to openly published data would be quite a healthy thing. If Big Pharma's got nothing to hide then Big Pharma's got nothing to fear.", '>>{LeftousCrusader} : As a Stein supporter I find this very encouraging. It means that their internal polling has made Jill an interesting target. GO GREEN!', ">>{LeftousCrusader} : She's basically anti trusting Big Pharma, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to be. I think that making them supply the hard data from their trials would be a good idea, but if you don't think that's fair we should certainly be willing to reproduce them at public expense and publish the data.", ">>{LeftousCrusader} : Really doesn't matter what she says: what she will actually do is help Big Pharma protect its revenue stream.", '>>{tupacalypse7} : As a medical doctor of course I support vaccinations. I have a problem with the FDA being controlled by drug companies. - [Jill Stein](https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/759142652243644416) [Drug and Medical Device Companies Have Outsized Influence on FDA](http://www.ucsusa.org/our-work/center-science-and-democracy/promoting-scientific-integrity/drug-companies-influence-FDA.html#.V5zN41JtDm6)', '>>{sundialinshade} : Its also telling that this is their big argument against her, and its not even an accurate smear.', ">>{LeftousCrusader} : If this is the best they got then we're fat and happy.", '>>{LeftousCrusader} : Reddit hates obscured links because goatse. Just post the naked URL. (On your side here, trying to help.)', '>>{Pylons} : “We’re not an anti-vaccine movement. We’re pro-safe-vaccine schedule.”', ">>{Catbone57} : Cool. If all the superstitious hippies go third party, Clinton doesn't stand a chance.", '>>{jkrdit} : This is a ridiculous hit piece. She want\'s the FDA to be responsive to the public. "As a medical doctor of course I support vaccinations. I have a problem with the FDA being controlled by drug companies."', ">>{self-schemata} : I'll do it for you. [http://www.ucsusa.org/our-work/center-science-and-democracy/promoting-scientific-integrity/drug-companies-influence-FDA.html#.V5zN41JtDm6](http://i.imgur.com/lW4FQAX.gifv)", ">>{IowaHeartland} : I think she's talking more as a physician than a politician. Her statements are nuanced and pro-vaccines, but I don't think she's quite transitioned to being a public figure and having to speak in sound bites.", '>>{eamus_catuli} : >Jill Stein, the Harvard-educated doctor and Green Party candidate for president, was given yet another opportunity to clarify her position on whether vaccines are safe for children during an interview with the Washington Post published Friday. And yet again, she delivered an answer that no-so-subtly pandered to immunization skeptics. >“As a medical doctor, there was a time where I looked very closely at those issues, and not all those issues were completely resolved," Stein said. "There were concerns among physicians about what the vaccination schedule meant, the toxic substances like mercury which used to be rampant in vaccines. There were real questions that needed to be addressed. I think some of them at least have been addressed. I don’t know if all of them have been addressed." >Let\'s consider this statement carefully. Stein is invoking her authority as a medical professional to say that there were legitimate reasons to be concerned about the toxicity of vaccines, and that she doesn\'t know if those issues have been resolved. Stein is not saying vaccines are necessarily unsafe. But for all she knows, they might be—some way, somehow. She is leaving open the possibility. >Back here on Earth, there is no evidence that vaccines pose a danger to children\'s health. Doctors know this.'], ['>>{DrJarns} : Obama Administration Surge Agenda Threatening U.S. With 100 Syrian Refugees Per Day', ">>{Prince_Shotoastku} : oh no that's 3,650 a year how will the over 300 million people living in america survive", '>>{DrJarns} : All it takes is 1 to commit mass murder!', '>>{Prince_Shotoastku} : all right so we ban all humans from america because it only takes one.', '>>{298n} : End all immigration? Fine with me. We have enough people here as it is.', '>>{DrJarns} : no, but it does make sense to keep out a group of people that stand against the freedoms that we enjoy!', ">>{Omniquist} : So these Syrian's are never planning to have kids or are we just not doing any long term thinking?", '>>{misscee} : poor Democrats are going to need folks to fill their membership rolls ... only a few months left until Nov.', ">>{spaceghoti} : I don't see any way we can ban Christians.", '>>{ScaryBlackDude} : Or bigoted Trump supporters who shit all over basic fucking human morality.', ">>{DrJarns} : Yeah because Christians have been a real problem with committing mass murder in our country because they were against a group of people that their religion doesn't permit.", ">>{spaceghoti} : >Yeah because Christians have been a real problem with committing mass murder in our country because they were against a group of people that their religion doesn't permit. Exactly! When you look at the shootings and mass murders that take place in the US, which religion is most often the one cited by the shooters? Christianity. So if we follow your logic, we're completely justified in banning Christians.", ">>{Veniabiit} : So let's reduce the world population to 0, and we are finally safe!", '>>{DrJarns} : Which mass shooting has occurred in the united states in the name of Christianity?', ">>{Veniabiit} : I'm not a friend of the tea party agenda, but that is going too far.", '>>{njmaverick} : makes less sense that you keep arming them with automatic weapons', '>>{njmaverick} : this guy has GOP written all over him. He was a right wing, LGBT hating gun nut. Prime trump follower material', ">>{DrJarns} : We will never be 'safe' but at the same time it does make sense to not bring in a group of people that are against everything we stand for and want to kill us. I am not suggesting we deport anyone that is here and a citizen but at the same time why should we bring in refugees that don't agree with our ideology and way of life? How does that not make sense?", ">>{misscee} : lol ... 63 yo white female (miss cee tyvm) ... I've voted straight D since 72. I even have a posting history here that would back up this comment. have a nice day and good luck in general. You're gonna need it.", ">>{Veniabiit} : Actually even after this shooting *toddlers* are still in the lead when it comes to shootings. And since we are doing this with a calculator and don't give a shit about the victims because it doesn't fit our political agenda anyway, I want a ban of people under the age of 6.", ">>{Trunkington} : Yeah those dirty Trump supporters shooting people and beating up Bernie supporters. I'm so sick and tired of reading those stories.", ">>{njmaverick} : you're voting for a racist mad man, your opinions mean nothing to me", ">>{DrJarns} : I don't understand your comment. I am not a tea party member and I am not anti Muslim nor do I want to deport anyone. At the same time there is no reason why we should willingly import Muslim refugees that don't agree with our way of life and our ideology. I am all for helping them and sending aid but I don't want them here.", ">>{misscee} : they're both pretty awful ... but I will make sure that Crooked Hillary faces a grand jury. No one is above the law ... not even her.", '>>{DrJarns} : This is the biggest gay slaughter that I know of in history and it was committed by a radical Muslim terrorist who hates gays because of his religion. They throw homosexuals off of buildings if they think they might be gay!', '>>{njmaverick} : As I said anyone that supports a racist mad man has nothing to offer me that I would consider worthy of consideration. False claims of dishonesty and criminal activity only makes it worse. Here is what you need to read, it expose the pure insanity of your position on Hillary http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/6/11/1537582/-The-most-thorough-profound-and-moving-defense-of-Hillary-Clinton-I-have-ever-seen', '>>{DrJarns} : What Americans are we arming with automatic weapons besides our military?', ">>{ImYoreHuckleberry} : >oh no **that's 3,650 a year** how will the over 300 million people living in america survive. its astounding that your post is upvoted, since you just failed 5th grade math", '>>{Prince_Shotoastku} : herp your right its 36,500 a year that would still take about 100 years for it too even reach 1 percentage of the american population', ">>{spaceghoti} : >Which mass shooting has occurred in the united states in the name of Christianity? I'm *so* glad you asked that! http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/25/us/tally-of-attacks-in-us-challenges-perceptions-of-top-terror-threat.html http://www.thenation.com/article/why-speculation-about-the-san-bernardino-shooters-is-a-dangerous-distraction/ http://timelines.latimes.com/deadliest-shooting-rampages/ http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/03/us/how-often-do-mass-shootings-occur-on-average-every-day-records-show.html?_r=0 Furthermore, this Florida shooter didn't target Christians. He targeted a gay nightclub. He did what [many Christians (including three GOP presidential candidates) agree should be done.](http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/watch/anti-gay-pastor-event-hosts-3-gop-candidates-563178051820)", '>>{ImYoreHuckleberry} : 19 people killed 3,000 americans, shut down all air travel for a week and cost america tens of billions if not hundreds of economic activity your argument is invalid', ">>{Veniabiit} : You are aware that the shooter in Orlando was not a refugee? But he had some classic Ted Cruz values: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVKRWg-gyeI But as I said, I don't think we should ban the tea party. And I wouldn't even use this tragedy against gun owners, because as they say themselves, you can't blame a whole group for the insanity of one person.", '>>{rwilso7} : Boy, progressives are getting better and better at this! Used to be after a killing in the name of the religion of peace, you had the good taste to lay low for a day or two. Now the bodies aren\'t even cold and you are here with the " Let\'s ban Christians " stuff. You are a truly amazing people and you deserve your special ally.', '>>{DrJarns} : The Florida shooter was a radical Muslim terrorist on the FBI watch list and he targeted them because they were gay and Muslims are anti-gay! None of your links show any evidence of someone killing people in the name of Jesus! Many of them show evidence of terrorists killing people in the name of Allah!', ">>{blatherskiter} : Most will survive. Many, like the 50 homosexuals at the club last night, won't. I don't know why everyone is acting like we're obliged to take in every foreigner who wants to come here.", '>>{UWantWhatUGet} : > False claims of dishonesty and criminal activity LOLOLOL. I\'ll take "What might someone suffering from Antiprocess say" for $200, Alex.', ">>{DrJarns} : I know he was not a refugee. He was an American citizen who was a Muslim radical on the FBI watch list and should have been dealt with before he killed 50 people. His parents were from Afghanistan I believe but I'm not positive on that. I agree that guns was not the problem today. This guy had a bomb strapped to him and from the sounds of it more bombs in the building. This was a problem with his ideology based on his religion.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : You are going to make sure? Are you in the FBI? lol', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : And on the other side. Trump is publically saying thanks for the congrats for being right about radical Islam, which everyone already knew. Because saying "I told you so a few hours later is great/', '>>{FearoTheFearless} : he was born in the us, he was not a refugee', ">>{DrJarns} : Can you show me a link to back that up? When you say 'arming' I assume that you are referring to our government providing arms to a group of people. The only people that our government provides weapons to is military and law enforcement. The Obama administration provided guns to Mexican criminals but they aren't citizens so that doesn't count.", '>>{DrJarns} : I never said he was a refugee. He was on the FBI watch list for being a RADICAL MUSLIM TERRORIST sympathizer and should have been dealt with before this happened!', '>>{spaceghoti} : > The Florida shooter was a radical Muslim terrorist on the FBI watch list and he targeted them because they were gay and Muslims are anti-gay! Yes. And as I demonstrated, so are many Christians including GOP presidential candidates. *He did what they advocated doing.* > None of your links show any evidence of someone killing people in the name of Jesus! Many of them show evidence of terrorists killing people in the name of Allah! Yes they do. The Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting, the South Carolina church shooting, etc. You\'re doing exactly what the Nation article expressed: declaring it terrorism if it\'s done by a Muslim but it\'s a "lone gunman" if it\'s done by a Christian. Even though shootings by Christians far, *far* exceed shootings by Muslims. Now that I\'ve demonstrated how you\'re eager to move the goalposts to protect your tribe, I consider the point made. The last word is yours.', ">>{DrJarns} : There are Christians who think homosexuality is wrong but they don't kill 50 people because of it or have state executions because they think someone is gay. There is no comparison here! This guy had bombs as many Muslims do. Why don't the Democrats start making some anti-bomb laws. Lone gunman wasn't the problem today. It was his religion and his radical beliefs!", '>>{njmaverick} : turn on the news, they are talking about an NRA supplied assault style weapon used to kill the 50+ today', ">>{njmaverick} : you support donald trump so clearly you don't value honesty or integrity in the people you vote for", '>>{njmaverick} : but he has the hate filled heart of a republican', ">>{DrJarns} : I have been watching the news all day. The NRA doesn't supply anyone with guns, they are a group that fights for gun rights and to support the 2nd amendment. It has been reported that the shooter used a hand gun and an AR-15 style rifle that he purchased a week ago which are both legal. I don't know if it was legal for him to purchase them since he was an an FBI terrorist watch list but that information will come out.", ">>{njmaverick} : > The NRA doesn't supply anyone with guns They just blocked the laws that allowed him to buy assault style weapons. Remember when the NRA opposed the law that would have prevented those on the no fly list from buying this high powered rapid fire weapons?", ">>{DrJarns} : Automatic weapons are illegal and an AR-15 assault style rifle is no different then a semi auto hunting rifle. It is literally the same gun with aesthetic differences that makes it more useful for the military but no more deadly then a semi auto hunting rifle that can also have a large magazine. The NRA doesn't pass laws or have the power to block them. They lobby for their positions on things like all other industries. I am all for people on the FBI terror watch list to be barred from buying weapons. I do have an issue with people on the no-fly list from buying weapons since there are many mistakes on that list and people that don't belong on it. Once you are on the list it is almost impossible to get off of it so I don't want to see people lose any rights for simply being on that list.", '>>{njmaverick} : > AR-15 assault style rifle is no different then a semi auto hunting rifle. with the huge difference (that created the huge death tolls) of heaving greater ammo capacities and easy change magazines', '>>{DrJarns} : They have the same ammo capacity as any semi-auto hunting rifle. Many hunters prefer a bolt action where you load a round every time you fire the gun because they can be more accurate. The AR-15 is legal as a hunting rifle is many places but not for all game because the round .223 round it fires is much smaller than many hunting rifles so it is considered inhumane to hunt larger game with them since it may not kill them and make the animal suffer. The AR-15 is sort of like a kit car. A Ferrari look a like on a VW frame and chassis.', '>>{njmaverick} : They CAN have the same or they can have greater capacity. If you want to have a debate you need to be honest about the facts', ">>{DrJarns} : To the best of my knowledge the largest magazine you can buy for this gun legally is a 30 round capacity. This guy killed at least 50 and wounded another 50 which means he reloaded several times. I am kind of shocked that nobody fired back since Florida I believe is a states where you can legally carry a gun with a permit. It makes me wonder if guns were not allowed in this business which hopefully will open a debate on 'gun free' zones where people are essentially not allowed to protect themselves. If someone in that club had a gun handy many lives could have been saved.", ">>{njmaverick} : Even in open carry states most don't allow fire arms in clubs and bars and the like as alcohol and guns mix about as well as alcohol and driving", ">>{DrJarns} : I understand that and if that is the case then they need to make sure that nobody gets inside with a gun let alone a fucking rifle! I know he had some kind of gun battle with the off duty cop who was working outside the place as security and I have not heard much information on that. It is a shame that he wasn't taken out by that guy since it would have saved many lives. Maybe large clubs like this will need metal detectors or something. They used to use metal detecting wands on us in the 90's before going into concerts and stuff looking for weapons. Or you have to allow people to carry their guns everywhere. I believe you aren't allowed to be drunk if you are carrying a gun so people would then have to make a choice of keeping their gun or getting drunk."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Contrarily0paque} : CBS: Two-Thirds of Voters Believe Hillary Clinton Email Use Was Improper or Illegal', '>>{Vulvastix} : Bose is refereed to as Blose in audiophile circuits, and for a good reason.', ">>{dolphins3} : Honestly, this is just kind of depressing as a reminder that we *could* have gotten a competent President who actually cares about America and it's place in the world.", ">>{Calimariae} : Enjoy the engine noise when you fly. I on the other hand can enjoy my hardcore German fetish porn on full volume and the old lady next to me will be none the wiser. People don't buy Bose because they're the epitome of audio quality. They buy them because they have the best noise cancellation on the market.", '>>{Daniel4780} : Get a sneak peek at the PlayStation VR at Best Buy and Gamestop', '>>{Contrarily0paque} : Writer says, "Views on the issue, though, are driven by knowledge of the issue. Among those voters that know even a little bit about her use of private email, more than half, 52 percent, believe she broke the law. Greater awareness of the issue, in other words, damages Clinton." -you\'d have to be ignorant or daft to not give a (blankety blank) about her total disregard for policy. That alone speaks volume of her character. In other words, is she really worthy to be America\'s first woman President?Views on the issue, though, are driven by knowledge of the issue. Among those voters that know even a little bit about her use of private email, more than half, 52 percent, believe she broke the law. Greater awareness of the issue, in other words, damages Clinton. Views on the issue, though, are driven by knowledge of the issue. Among those voters that know even a little bit about her use of private email, more than half, 52 percent, believe she broke the law. Greater awareness of the issue, in other words, damages Clinton.', ">>{progress18} : Trump 'Second Amendment' Quip Seen as Veiled Threat Against Clinton", '>>{Gherkinhopper} : Anyone know if the integration with games is any good? I hope this is amazing...', ">>{FigFrontflip} : Amen to that. They are incredible for that reason and honestly, have decent sound overall given that you're paying for noise cancellation.", ">>{imkristofer} : Yeah, I've had my pair for a few days now, I'm in love with them. Yes they are expensive, and may not sound the best, but when you put them on and can't hear a bloody thing in the loud room its incredible, and the wireless is cherry on top.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : Trump just can't stop being a retard. The fact anyone thought this guy was competent is hilarious.", ">>{Shasta-Daisies} : He is absolutely inciting gun violence, while saying the election is rigged. His supporters should revoke endorsements and demand he go the fuck away. But they won't.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : I don't understand. How can the PS4 even run VR? EDIT: Found out that it runs on a much lower resolution. It explains everything. I don't see how you won't notice the pixels at 1920 x 1080, that's 960 x 1080 per eye, ouch.", '>>{LettersInAlphabet} : Why does everyone praise Hillary? The Democrats could have had anyone run and won. Except Hillary.', ">>{an_alphas_opinion_2} : Why else would he refer to the second amendment and SC judges? Oh wait. That's the stuff they decide on. Let's run an article saying he's calling for heads!", '>>{mar_kelp} : Pick one: a)"it was a joke" b)"he was being sarcastic" c)"dishonest media" d)"taken out of context" e)"Hillary is crooked"', '>>{aledlewis} : > Greater awareness of the issue, in other words, damages Clinton. Explaining why her cheerleaders in the media discuss it so little and dismiss it so often.', ">>{LettersInAlphabet} : If she really cared about America she wouldn't have forced her way in over Bernie.", '>>{Jas9191} : Its okay bud the trains getting ready to stop soon youll be able to get off and go back home.', ">>{MrLister} : Or maybe the DNC, Clinton camp, & media shouldn't have colluded to marginalize him until months into the contest. They actively blocked momentum, but even with all that he still got nearly 45% of the vote.", '>>{Kanzisbuddy} : He\'s saying the "Second Amendment People" can do "maybe something, I don\'t know" about Hillary. If he meant political action, he wouldn\'t have said "nothing you can do, folks."', ">>{slanaiya} : Bullshit. Clinton was enormously popular before the heavy duty campaign to vilify her took effect. If they can do that to someone they have already cried wolf over so many times dating back to last century, despite that person's high approval rating, then they can do it to anyone and will continue to so long as suckers like you let them. Stop falling for their shit.", ">>{Contrarily0paque} : You'd have to be ignorant or daft to think a woman like her who totally disregards policy, (which that alone shows her true character) I mean, does she really deserve to be the first woman President? She doesn't care about the way things are done or should be. No, she has her own way, and not in the revolutionary, let's reform the old. No, the -I don't work for the backbone of America. I work for the pockets of whom my hands are dipping into.", ">>{thehappyrock2} : Didn't seem to veiled to me. Seemed pretty direct.", '>>{DataSetMatch} : Watch the video. The crowd clearly things he was talking about gun violence.', ">>{FigFrontflip} : Exactly. The thing to remember is the bulk of the price tag is for the noise cancelling tech and not the headphones sound quality. I would say 2/3 is for the technology and 1/3 is the sound. So in perspective, you're buying a $100 pair of headphones, which as you would expect, sounds like a $100 pair.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : Ok? It's still has 400$ of hardware.", '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : f) Quick, look at Hillary slip on a wet staircase in heels in February! Unfit! Unfit!', '>>{starfoxer} : Audiophools will hate anything without wires. Its what they do. With that said. I love the headphones!! Battery life and Bluetooth connection is outstanding. Noise cancelation is top notch.', ">>{slanaiya} : Fuck with this bullshit propaganda. Maybe you shouldn't be such a useful idiot.", '>>{knightofdight} : I had the QC25 before this, so of course when I heard about BT noise canceling, I had to get this one too. They are really awesome. Like all Bose products, the sound quality is above-average but not outstanding (when compared to similar options at this price point) but the noise-canceling is the best in the industry.', ">>{slanaiya} : She didn't. If you really cared about America or about yourself, you'd stop being such a gullible sucker for obvious propaganda.", '>>{Runazeeri} : most likely a bit of hardware that will plug into the AUX port.', '>>{RHMajic} : The VR headset might have an integrated GPU of its own to help render for the PS4. Not entirely sure.', '>>{DentureCapitalist} : Definitely. Just like Clinton in 2008 hoping the likely first black president would be shot', ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : Don't worry, they can't charge him with anything. He was joking, so there's no *intent.* Since we all know that's all that matters when it comes to crime.", ">>{FigFrontflip} : Just wondering but do you think the BT is worth the extra cash? My QC-15's' ear cups are wearing and I think eventually I would be looking to upgrade. Just not sure if the BT option justifies the big cost. $450 CAD is a lot haha", ">>{LettersInAlphabet} : Are you kidding me? Clinton was only popular with Hardcore liberals. She isn't a likable person among non political people. Which makes up a massive part of America. Hell, my Aunt who is extremely political and liberal didn't vote at all because it was Hillary.", ">>{ElectricDidgeridoo} : Breaking news - educated voters don't like terrible candidates.", ">>{Juergensen} : It doesn't. That box it comes with only handles the audio and mirroring the headset image to the TV. That said, the whole question doesn't make a lot of sense. I have a phone that can handle VR. The question is how complex/big/whatever the VR scenes are going to be.", ">>{LettersInAlphabet} : Huh? Everyone knows Bernie probably would have beat Trump. Plus you can't play the propaganda card because Trump had even more negative press than Hillary did.", ">>{Gandalfthepinkk} : I hope i'm not the only one hoping that the games are equivalent to Sword Art Online, but without the whole entrapment thing....", '>>{Sonder_is} : Trump supporters are getting tired of having to constantly spin and un-skew the news.', ">>{SleeplessinRedditle} : I'd love to see a thorough statistical analysis of the reporting on the subject. I'd expect the reporting bias to be a bit more nuanced than that. (If there is one. I believe there is. But I have to add that caveat since I haven't actually seen a statistical analysis of it yet.)", ">>{Karma__Cameleon} : She's hasn't been likeable since she joined the board of directors at Walmart", ">>{PokeHerForMe} : Quite easily, read the reviews/tech information and watch some testers actually using it, they all seem very impressed by it. Granted, it's not going to have the graphical power of a $2000 rig with a Vive attached, but that's the point, who's going to spend all that for VR. I just hope there are some 'full' games and not just some short 1 level demos. Sony are banking a lot on this and have loads of developers behind it, i paid my deposit, i just hope it lives up to the hype.", '>>{golikehellmachine} : > Everyone\'s freaking out but I see it as pandering to the Cliven Bundy-style armed rebellion since he\'s using it in the context of Clinton and her SCOTUS appointees "abolishing" the 2nd amendment. Which makes it better how, exactly?', ">>{mrojek} : And despite that, she's just opened up a double-digit lead against Trump. I know you want this to be an issue, and you're trying your damndest, but it's not going to happen.", '>>{TrumpOnLolitaExpress} : You can shorten this response to "pandering to separatist criminals"', '>>{Trumpicana} : actually its just 6 now after the shooting and will tighten as most polls coming out only show 1 day of polling after the shooting. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html', ">>{Saint-Violet} : They could've run literally anyone else and won. Clinton was the worst candidate in history.", '>>{Saint-Violet} : Do you have a Hillary shrine in your closet?', '>>{epraider} : She was one of the most popular politicians in the country right up until 2012 when the Republican propaganda went into full swing.', ">>{unnaturalpenis} : > How can the PS4 even run VR? Because it's better than the new Xbox even.", '>>{Trumpicana} : 2 days old and 4 polls have come out since the 15th. Stop being intellectually dishonest.', '>>{Sleepyhead88} : Also get a sneak preview of the new game: LICE', ">>{epraider} : They didn't. Bernie failed miserably with outreach to minority communities to the South and it made him essentially nonviable right out of the gate, and he didn't start regaining momentum until it was already too late. And yes, I voted for Bernie, it's a shame that I feel it's necessary to note that to be able to criticize him.", '>>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : Well that\'s some shit reporting right there. Here\'s the direct quote from the study they\'re referring to: "Among those **who have heard or read a lot about this**, 52 percent think Clinton\'s actions were illegal." So, CBS says that people who have "heard or read a lot" are at 52%. It goes through the Breitbart colon and suddenly, we\'re at "even know a little bit."', ">>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : Think of it this way - the QC35 costs $50 more than the QC25, so you're really only paying $50 for bluetooth. I'd say it's totally worth it - I really enjoy not having to worry about cords.", ">>{SiberianShibe} : Sure I guess but everyone here is assuming assassination. Which I don't think is accurate.", '>>{bibstha} : Actually the 35 costs costs 120CND more than the 25. http://www.bestbuy.ca/Search/SearchResults.aspx?path=ca77b9b4beca91fe414314b86bb581f8en20&query=bose+quietcomfort+35', '>>{Fucking_Your_Mom} : Please go away. The Old Guard is routed. Their time is over.', '>>{KrazieMonky} : It has an external box that the vr headset connects to, which that external box connects to the PS4. You gotta keep in mind that the games that are going to be VR, are not going to have extreme textures like Crysis 3. Then you might be asking then how do they get 90fps/120fps for the headset? Well technically it\'s still 60fps, but that external box interpolates new frames between the current frames and trys to "Guess" what that frame will be. Some new TV uses this to get that "120hz". One last thing to keep in mind, the panel resolution in the headset is not big. The resolution is 1920x1080(1080p), which is basically 960x1080 per each eye. Compare that to the Oculus Rift which is 2160x1200, which is 1080x1200 per each eye. I hope this solves your confusion. Edit: Forgot to add this in just in case some misinterprets. No, the external box does not have a gpu in it. It\'s probably(most likely) a processing chip that handles the interpolation. Edit#2: Promise last edit lol. If you wonder how the PS4 tracks the headset, the headset has five blue lights on the front of it. With that, the PS4 camera can track those pinpoints in real time. It\'s basically using the same concept as the Playstation Move Controllers. *Which, in the demos I\'ve seen, use them with the VR headset"', ">>{alexxerth} : Yeah, and the new Xbox is better than an N64. Just being better than something else does not mean it's good enough for an entirely unrelated thing.", ">>{wherearemyfeet} : She won some 4m more votes than Bernie did. She didn't push him out, he lost fair and square.", ">>{j0phus} : Not very veiled. We can't be having this in our country and wouldn't be upset at all if legal action was taken. That's inciting a fucking assassination. I hate them both, but don't want that to happen to either of them.", '>>{Rutteger76} : Played a demo at a con last year, basically a guy was driving and I was shooting at motorcycles/cars chasing us. Very responsive, but the graphics suffer a bit. It was a demo of course, but I was impressed and will be picking it up. Buy your PS4 cameras used now as they will be necessary as well to play. And cheap "move" controllers as well I think, but definitely the camera.', ">>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : Interesting - the QC35 isn't so much expensive as the QC25 is unusually cheap - they're $299USD down here ($380CAD).", ">>{golikehellmachine} : So, he's just talking about sedition and treason. That's definitely better. We hanged motherfuckers for this shit less than 200 years ago.", '>>{Ripyou1234} : I feel like sit down VR systems are a waste of money.', '>>{Debbie2020} : you\'re delusional if you think Americans wouldn\'t have abandoned Bernie "death to America" Sanders once they see the tapes.', ">>{FigFrontflip} : Good to know. I think I may get the QC-35's at some point here. How do you like the media controls?", ">>{elister} : You need only read about Upton Sinclair's run for govenor of California to see how Bernie would have struggled.", ">>{MarvellousMoose} : I'm sorry your getting downvoted for asking a question.", ">>{stuthulhu} : >That's the stuff they decide on Which is not, one might note, open to voting.", '>>{worktillyouburk} : SAO WTF happened season 2, should of just continued season 1 vr rushing the ending. Se2 started with gun and then ...fairies really?', ">>{Gandalfthepinkk} : I thought the same thing when it started! I'm also not really into gun animes as much as I'm into giant swords soooo yea lol BUT it surprisingly grew on me. I will say it wasn't as good as the first season, but it was still entertaining for different reasons :)", '>>{Chatsubo_657} : Tried the poor man\'s VR set - the Samsung headset - you could see it working for some portions of the game - or short "experiences" like the attack on the Death Star, but don\'t think it could carry an entire 10 hour plus game. How would you find your beer?', '>>{Jmk1981} : Clinton said she hoped the first black president would be shot? Really?', ">>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : They're fine - the button feel is ok and the control layout is the same as a wired remote. That said, I'm super picky about controls, and while I don't *dislike* them, I'm also not really impressed. I'd like a snappier click when the buttons are depressed, and a larger, more comfortable on-off switch.", '>>{MrLister} : When you have media cut from a Sanders speech to an empty podium waiting for Trump to speak, that is actively suppressing his message and harming his momentum. He lost a lot of earlier states by small margins, and that little bit of fair coverage could have maintained his momentum.', ">>{MrLister} : How is it propaganda to point out that it was proven there was collusion between the DNC, media, and Clinton camp? The head of the DNC had to resign during the convention for cryin' out loud. But yeah, call that bullshit and go pray to your pantsuit god.", ">>{Gandalfthepinkk} : I've never read it, but it sounds very similar. How is it??", '>>{FigFrontflip} : Sounds like I would be ok with them. Have to start saving now haha!', ">>{TrumpOnLolitaExpress} : Ain't no doubt about it. Feels don't do much. Trump fucked up (again) by insinuating his followers could murder [their] rival and her scotus appointment to keep their guns. Pretty stupid to say if you ask me.", '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : I had just bought a pair of QC25s the weekend before these were announced, so for me it was a very straight-up $50 upgrade. Worth it!', '>>{CharlieDavyKW} : And the life simulation game: Blood, Sweat, and Tears', '>>{DentureCapitalist} : That was the subtext. For those us who backed Obama in the 2008 primaries, we felt like we were hoping against hope that a black man could become president. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E0QAewVrR28 http://mobile.nytimes.com/2008/05/24/us/politics/24clinton.html?_r=0', ">>{thumbprick} : we're only talking about armed intimidation under threat of violence and murder. No sure why that's so much better.", '>>{venturepoker} : Visionary! But story/literature wise seemed to be made for teenagers. Too simple', ">>{SiberianShibe} : It's slightly better but I see your point. I'm not condoning that type of action I'm just trying to help all the international commenters who are freaking out and don't quite understand American politics fully.", '>>{drordinaire} : The new one seems to be "Look into her health records though." There really pushing that t_d conspiracy theory.', '>>{drordinaire} : >"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. All the Second Amendment people - maybe there is," Trump said. >"Speaking to the NRA folks - who are great," Trump said. >"If you don\'t do the right thing, you\'re not going to have a second amendment, or you\'re not going to have much of it left." It\'s incredibly vague. Clinton hasn\'t come out against the second amendment so he\'s lying at best or inciting violence at worst. Neither is a good look. If all he meant was that the NRA should vote against her, why not say so? Also, what\'s the need for it anyway since they\'ve already endorsed him? It does seem blown out of proportion but he isn\'t helping his own case.', ">>{Jmk1981} : This remark comes off as a clumsy analogy. A gaffe. Trump's remark implies that 'second amendment people' might be able to 'do something'. His reads as a call to action, in contrast.", '>>{treerat} : Especially after inciting them with the "election is fixed" trope. The man is either intentional or reckless.', '>>{treerat} : Actually, what you think is unimportant here. His comment was reckless. This guy wants to be "diplomat in chief?"', ">>{SiberianShibe} : I won't argue that it was reckless. I don't condone it either. He has a history of reckless and controversial statements to rile up some free publicity.", ">>{FigFrontflip} : Right on. I've had my QC-15's for about 6 years now so I think it's time to upgrade.", ">>{NemWan} : I remember now. In context with her remark about Bill's campaign, I think she meant it was a traumatic memory which is why she never forgets that primaries run into June. RFK Jr. agreed that was what she meant. I don't think for a second she was imagining Obama getting shot, but people who buy into Hillary being ruthless can definitely interpret her words that way, just as people who have seen a pattern of Trump referring to violence think they know what he was implying.", ">>{DentureCapitalist} : I mean she isn't a blistering idiot like Trump, but the assassination comment was totally consistent with Hillary's race baiting and appealing to the fears of white voters. That primary also gave us the 3am ad and more see http://theweek.com/articles/567774/hillary-clinton-needs-address-racist-undertones-2008-campaign. Hillary has been doing this the superpredators remark in the 1990s", ">>{minitimm} : You mean you'll get to watch one person refuse to give it to anyone else for hours.", ">>{eternal_peril} : I just upgraded from the 15's to the 35's. The 15s were awesome and the 35s are just more awesome but not spectacularly so. They are just 'better'. That said, no cord, ability to work without any juice left. It was a worthwhile upgrade", ">>{DentureCapitalist} : I remember it being totally consistent with Hillary's race baiting throughout the primary. She's much smarter than Trump. Obviously she wasn't going to call for Obama being assassinated. But she was clearly playing into our cultural memory of what happened to black leaders in the 20th-century.", '>>{Toh-Nee} : Another good way to share or get Pink-Eye if someone forgets to clean the unit.', ">>{FigFrontflip} : Good to know. I'm definitely going to save up for these. The cord thing had me thinking and I would definitely love it. I am looking forward to getting these. Hopefully a small sale happens but they are new so maybe not.", '>>{soonerguy11} : r) ["HILLARY BTFO"](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/016/212/manning.jpg)', ">>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : The fact that they're spinning so many different explanations really doesn't lend itself to the credibility of any of these. A single one of those being correct would suffice, if any of them were.", '>>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : So you have no problem with, say, the Philadeplhia New Black Panther Party exercising their rights near polling places?', ">>{FigFrontflip} : They do occasionally. It's not a huge discount, usually like $30 off but it can be nice.", '>>{HorraceMcDiel} : Some of the apps for video viewing have a virtual table in front of you. I have made the mistake of just reaching for it. The camera should be able to track where the real beer is and superimpose it on the fake table.', '>>{JonLim} : I got a pair from Staples Canada to review, and I came up with the same sort of conclusions. Not a huge audiophile, but I do love me some good sound quality. Moreso, I valued the light weight of the QC35 and the great battery life. My review for the [Bose QuietComfort 35](http://techhub.staples.ca/bose-quietcomfort-35-review/) is on the Staples Canada site, still a growing little thing!', ">>{Nope_______} : Honestly this one will blow too, as it's also a poor man's VR set. Graphics are going to be Nintendo wii-esque. You can't expect much in the way of VR from a box such as the PS4.", '>>{merrickal} : Have been largely dependent on the apple included earbuds. Never thought to invest in some proper cans until I bought these QC35s today. The noise cancellation in my city is a god-send, plus the sound quality in comparison to the earbuds are miles better. Totally agree with you and starfoxer.', ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : > who's going to spend all that for VR Me, and I don't understand how such hardware can run VR at an acceptable render level.", '>>{merrickal} : For bluetooth and a rechargeable battery. Some of the beats headphones I was also thinking of getting, often required batteries to use their noise cancellation option.', ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : > That said, the whole question doesn't make a lot of sense. I have a phone that can handle VR That statement doesn't make sense. Watching a video in VR is completely different than running a game that has to render into a 2160 × 1200 resolution. EDIT: Found out that it runs on a much lower resolution. It explains everything. I don't see how it can be enjoyable tho, you will see the pixels!", ">>{SiberianShibe} : If it's their rights why would I oppose it? I don't support restricting citizens of their rights, no.", ">>{TherionSaysWhat} : Yet again The Donald hits a home run in his campaign to be the most unlikable person in the US and scores a big win in his goal to lose. He's writing the textbook on how not to win this election thing people, *open your eyes!*", ">>{voompanatos} : Now that Trump is hinting at violent revolution, is the DNC missing Bernie's peaceful political revolution yet?", ">>{Redremnant} : What's wrong with Wii-esque? Graphics aren't all there is to gaming. I have the homeless man's vr, Google Cardboard, and even that can provide a pretty immersive experience if handled correctly.", '>>{YouEnglishNotSoGood} : G) at this point, what difference does it make?', ">>{iAllxn} : Yeah, people don't seem to understand there's a huge difference there.", '>>{therearesomewhocallm} : Oh man, intraframe blending (or wherever they are calling it now) adds pretty decent input lag, I imagine that on a vr headset that could easily induce motion sickness.', ">>{escalation} : Kieth Olberman's special comment on a similar statement by Ms. Clinton a few years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd5_jRFdQ-I", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : You may have missed my edit, that also explains it. The PS4 VR runs in a 1920 x 1080 resolutions. That's not going to be really great...", ">>{MarvellousMoose} : I thought it was awesome. One of the most exciting books I've read. It's especially great if you've played video games during their infancy.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : Yes but the point of having VR imo is so we can enjoy full fledged games in VR. Look at fallout 4, it's coming out in VR in 2017, that's going to be fucking amazing!", ">>{-Academia-} : Awesome! I can't wait until it comes here in Canada...", '>>{Nope_______} : Man the graphics must be terrible if a PS4 is supposed to output 60 fps at 1920x1080. Even acceptable-looking games are only 30 fps currently.', ">>{Swanee3d} : It still has the potential to be fun but will be a decent down grade from Rift/Vive which are already a compromise in resolution to have a product that wasn't dead out of the gate. Cool thing is if VR takes off everyone will win in the resulting boost to GPU demand and competition.", '>>{TheBigby} : What level of resolution per eye would be considered good quality?', '>>{ChrisSlicks} : Versus 1080 x 1200 per eye? Sure more resolution is always better but that is the res that DK2 used and I didn\'t hear anyone say "wow look how much better the resolution is in CV1!". If we were comparing 4K then it would be worlds apart (let\'s hope for CV2). I\'m mainly curious how the display looks and whether they solved the edge focus and distortion problem that Rift and Vive have.', '>>{Liongoroar} : Yeah, I keep saying and thinking this. Game devs are going to have to use some new tricks to maintain that kind of FPS. Like using simple shaders and no-textures. Limit the view distance so the console does not have to render as much, etc. Also, there are some games where there are TWO views. One for the VR person and one for people using a normal controller to interact with vr player in the game, thus having to render TWO views not just one', ">>{shaxamo} : Basically it has worse resolution screens than the PC headsets, and games will be rendered according to the power of the PS4. But they are making up for it by having an external processor that makes sure every game is running at 120hz. This makes it the smoothest first wave headset, with the lowest quality image. Many reviewers have said it's the one with the least feeling of motion sickness when you start using it. Tbh, I did doubt that the PS4 would be capable of still running games that looked nice, but after seeing Farpoint shown at their E3 conference, as well as a few others, I'm sold. Edit: Not Farscape", '>>{Liongoroar} : Some games will have two player or more, one person in VR the other using the tv for normal interaction.', ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : > but after seeing Farscape shown at their E3 conference Don't be so hyped yet, remember what E3 has hold in the past for games and that the graphics were reduced or the gameplay etc was not what it was.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : I don't know, when I tried a Oculus rift I noticied how bad it looked, why I'm getting an HTC vive. It was probably a DK2.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : Well, I heard if you focus on the pixels in a HTC vive you can see them, and that's 2160 x 1200, 1080 x 1200 per eye, so imagine on a PS4 VR or the Rift DK2, that's why I didn't like the Rift DK2, as someone pointed out in another comment.", '>>{TheBigby} : Sounds like it would take at least a 4k display per eye on OLED to be near flawless.', '>>{ChrisSlicks} : The Vive and the Rift CV1 have the same resolution.', '>>{Gummybear_Qc} : No idea about the CV1 but the Vive is 2 160 × 1 200 px 1 200 × 1 080 each eye', ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : Yeah, the vive is just ok, not great. So I really can't imagine anything lower.", ">>{ChrisSlicks} : Correct. As I said the consumer Rift (CV1) is the same. The lack of resolution is still very noticeable (only 25% more than DK2) but generally speaking it doesn't really detract from the experience.", ">>{PokeHerForMe} : The PSVR has been out in the wild for a while now, has been trialed extensively with loads of titles, and if was going to be really poor, we would have heard of it already. The 'PC master race' idiots are bound to shit all over it, without ever having tried it. For $400, I think it's way better value then the others.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : I don't know, I won't take the risk, I'l get a new GPU and the HTC Vive.", ">>{KrazieMonky} : Well the whole purpose of the interpolation is because to reduce motion sickness. Oculus and HTC Vive both concluded that, to get rid of motion sickness, the fps needs to say at a constant 90fps or higher. If it dips below 90fps, people start to get motion sickness. And I don't think there is going to be significant lag because the PS4 is not handling the interpolation(which I might add, does take a lot of processing power), the external box is doing that.", ">>{Lolleos} : If someone tests it please report the experience back so we can know if it's good!", ">>{therearesomewhocallm} : Yeah, I'm curious to see what happens when is comes to frame rate vs input lag, which one causes more issues for the average person. I get why they're doing it, I'm just not yet convinced that the trade off will work.", '>>{worktillyouburk} : ive watched the whole 2nd season just no where as good as the first, i felt very attached to certain characters, was disappointed when they died.', '>>{TheGreatBenjie} : I highly doubt the ps4 has the horsepower for that.', '>>{Liongoroar} : The neo might be able to, but also remember, a lot of the games will be dumbed down a lot graphically. Think of N64/PS2 quality, just with more AA to clean it up.', '>>{DeadVice} : Will it run porn? My... friend wants to know.', '>>{moldymoosegoose} : Best Buy, the MS store, and Gamestop all had people giving time limits for the Vive and Rift demoes', '>>{Choco316} : One person wear the VR, one person moving furniture around them', ">>{kaylejoy} : You should check out the anime 'Overlord'.", '>>{kaylejoy} : Surprisingly, the screen door effect is actually less pronounced on the PSVR because of the [type of screens they went with.](http://wccftech.com/sony-dev-explains-ps-vr-screen-crisper-project-started-late-2010/)', '>>{kaylejoy} : >I don\'t see how you won\'t notice the pixels at 1920 x 1080, that\'s 960 x 1080 per eye, ouch. The PSVR actually has the least pronounced "screen door effect" of the big three HMDs because of the type of screen they went with. >Not every 1080P screen is the same. Ours has three subpixels\xa0per pixel, which means true RGB for every pixel; some of the other displays actually don’t have the full RGB for every pixel, so they have less subpixels\xa0per pixel. >http://wccftech.com/sony-dev-explains-ps-vr-screen-crisper-project-started-late-2010/', '>>{kaylejoy} : Pretty sure you can via external flash/hard drive (there will be 360/theater apps) and possibly through the browser. Someone will probably get the PSVR running on PC pretty quickly, too.', ">>{kaylejoy} : You'll want to keep an eye on /r/PSVR and /r/PlaystationVR, people have already posted first hand experiences and there will definitely be more as these public demos get going.", ">>{Jorrat} : I haven't been to GameStop or Best Buy in a while, but this seems like a good time as ever to go!", ">>{Jorrat} : Ohh so true. Maybe I won't go to GS or BB and wait for it to be on sale lol", '>>{fatgirlsgive-RIMJOBS} : I traded my ps4 for an xbox one. Best decision of my life. Even better than marrying my wife.', ">>{Irorak} : [Here](http://www.iamag.co/features/itsart/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Playstation-VR-Showcase-1.jpg) is a screenshot of one of the games they showed. Of course it's not finished, but the graphics look about as good as other PS4 games. I highly doubt they will be [n64 quality](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EEjHUveMQRs/hqdefault.jpg), more like PS3 quality imo.", ">>{Irorak} : You can see a good example of that with Watchdogs, but still, the finished product didn't look N64 or Wii-esque like some people are saying this will be. It still looked decent, just not as spectacular.", '>>{ModeratorsAreDouches} : > Tried the poor man\'s VR set - the Samsung headset - you could see it working for some portions of the game - or short "experiences" like the attack on the Death Star, but don\'t think it could carry an entire 10 hour plus game. How would you find your beer? Put it on pause, and take a break.', '>>{sgon9} : I played the same game as well at Nerd HQ in San Diego, I also played the soccer demo the graphics look great for being in production and yes it is called the London Heist', ">>{MisterTerra} : Can't wait till this releases! Sadly, I haven't got the money to buy it, and I live in the UK, where there are no Best Buys and little to no Gamestops in my area. The struggles...", ">>{krispygrem} : I don't want to overrate Best Buy employees, but they probably can understand that the headset goes on your head", ">>{krispygrem} : Being locked in a cubicle watching drivel 80s movies isn't an experience you need VR for.", ">>{shaxamo} : This hasn't really been the case with Sony, at least not for the last few years. In fact looking at comparisons for their first party games from announcement to launch, many of them improved in quality."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Vulvastix} : Bose is refereed to as Blose in audiophile circuits, and for a good reason.', ">>{Calimariae} : Enjoy the engine noise when you fly. I on the other hand can enjoy my hardcore German fetish porn on full volume and the old lady next to me will be none the wiser. People don't buy Bose because they're the epitome of audio quality. They buy them because they have the best noise cancellation on the market.", ">>{FigFrontflip} : Amen to that. They are incredible for that reason and honestly, have decent sound overall given that you're paying for noise cancellation.", ">>{imkristofer} : Yeah, I've had my pair for a few days now, I'm in love with them. Yes they are expensive, and may not sound the best, but when you put them on and can't hear a bloody thing in the loud room its incredible, and the wireless is cherry on top.", ">>{FigFrontflip} : Exactly. The thing to remember is the bulk of the price tag is for the noise cancelling tech and not the headphones sound quality. I would say 2/3 is for the technology and 1/3 is the sound. So in perspective, you're buying a $100 pair of headphones, which as you would expect, sounds like a $100 pair.", '>>{starfoxer} : Audiophools will hate anything without wires. Its what they do. With that said. I love the headphones!! Battery life and Bluetooth connection is outstanding. Noise cancelation is top notch.', '>>{knightofdight} : I had the QC25 before this, so of course when I heard about BT noise canceling, I had to get this one too. They are really awesome. Like all Bose products, the sound quality is above-average but not outstanding (when compared to similar options at this price point) but the noise-canceling is the best in the industry.', ">>{FigFrontflip} : Just wondering but do you think the BT is worth the extra cash? My QC-15's' ear cups are wearing and I think eventually I would be looking to upgrade. Just not sure if the BT option justifies the big cost. $450 CAD is a lot haha", ">>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : Think of it this way - the QC35 costs $50 more than the QC25, so you're really only paying $50 for bluetooth. I'd say it's totally worth it - I really enjoy not having to worry about cords.", '>>{bibstha} : Actually the 35 costs costs 120CND more than the 25. http://www.bestbuy.ca/Search/SearchResults.aspx?path=ca77b9b4beca91fe414314b86bb581f8en20&query=bose+quietcomfort+35', ">>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : Interesting - the QC35 isn't so much expensive as the QC25 is unusually cheap - they're $299USD down here ($380CAD).", ">>{FigFrontflip} : Good to know. I think I may get the QC-35's at some point here. How do you like the media controls?", ">>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : They're fine - the button feel is ok and the control layout is the same as a wired remote. That said, I'm super picky about controls, and while I don't *dislike* them, I'm also not really impressed. I'd like a snappier click when the buttons are depressed, and a larger, more comfortable on-off switch.", '>>{FigFrontflip} : Sounds like I would be ok with them. Have to start saving now haha!', '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : I had just bought a pair of QC25s the weekend before these were announced, so for me it was a very straight-up $50 upgrade. Worth it!', ">>{FigFrontflip} : Right on. I've had my QC-15's for about 6 years now so I think it's time to upgrade.", ">>{eternal_peril} : I just upgraded from the 15's to the 35's. The 15s were awesome and the 35s are just more awesome but not spectacularly so. They are just 'better'. That said, no cord, ability to work without any juice left. It was a worthwhile upgrade", ">>{FigFrontflip} : Good to know. I'm definitely going to save up for these. The cord thing had me thinking and I would definitely love it. I am looking forward to getting these. Hopefully a small sale happens but they are new so maybe not.", ">>{FigFrontflip} : They do occasionally. It's not a huge discount, usually like $30 off but it can be nice.", '>>{JonLim} : I got a pair from Staples Canada to review, and I came up with the same sort of conclusions. Not a huge audiophile, but I do love me some good sound quality. Moreso, I valued the light weight of the QC35 and the great battery life. My review for the [Bose QuietComfort 35](http://techhub.staples.ca/bose-quietcomfort-35-review/) is on the Staples Canada site, still a growing little thing!', '>>{merrickal} : Have been largely dependent on the apple included earbuds. Never thought to invest in some proper cans until I bought these QC35s today. The noise cancellation in my city is a god-send, plus the sound quality in comparison to the earbuds are miles better. Totally agree with you and starfoxer.', '>>{merrickal} : For bluetooth and a rechargeable battery. Some of the beats headphones I was also thinking of getting, often required batteries to use their noise cancellation option.'], [">>{progress18} : Trump 'Second Amendment' Quip Seen as Veiled Threat Against Clinton", ">>{IDFSHILL} : Trump just can't stop being a retard. The fact anyone thought this guy was competent is hilarious.", ">>{Shasta-Daisies} : He is absolutely inciting gun violence, while saying the election is rigged. His supporters should revoke endorsements and demand he go the fuck away. But they won't.", ">>{an_alphas_opinion_2} : Why else would he refer to the second amendment and SC judges? Oh wait. That's the stuff they decide on. Let's run an article saying he's calling for heads!", '>>{mar_kelp} : Pick one: a)"it was a joke" b)"he was being sarcastic" c)"dishonest media" d)"taken out of context" e)"Hillary is crooked"', '>>{Jas9191} : Its okay bud the trains getting ready to stop soon youll be able to get off and go back home.', '>>{Kanzisbuddy} : He\'s saying the "Second Amendment People" can do "maybe something, I don\'t know" about Hillary. If he meant political action, he wouldn\'t have said "nothing you can do, folks."', ">>{thehappyrock2} : Didn't seem to veiled to me. Seemed pretty direct.", '>>{DataSetMatch} : Watch the video. The crowd clearly things he was talking about gun violence.', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : f) Quick, look at Hillary slip on a wet staircase in heels in February! Unfit! Unfit!', '>>{DentureCapitalist} : Definitely. Just like Clinton in 2008 hoping the likely first black president would be shot', ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : Don't worry, they can't charge him with anything. He was joking, so there's no *intent.* Since we all know that's all that matters when it comes to crime.", '>>{Sonder_is} : Trump supporters are getting tired of having to constantly spin and un-skew the news.', '>>{golikehellmachine} : > Everyone\'s freaking out but I see it as pandering to the Cliven Bundy-style armed rebellion since he\'s using it in the context of Clinton and her SCOTUS appointees "abolishing" the 2nd amendment. Which makes it better how, exactly?', '>>{TrumpOnLolitaExpress} : You can shorten this response to "pandering to separatist criminals"', ">>{SiberianShibe} : Sure I guess but everyone here is assuming assassination. Which I don't think is accurate.", ">>{j0phus} : Not very veiled. We can't be having this in our country and wouldn't be upset at all if legal action was taken. That's inciting a fucking assassination. I hate them both, but don't want that to happen to either of them.", ">>{golikehellmachine} : So, he's just talking about sedition and treason. That's definitely better. We hanged motherfuckers for this shit less than 200 years ago.", ">>{stuthulhu} : >That's the stuff they decide on Which is not, one might note, open to voting.", '>>{Jmk1981} : Clinton said she hoped the first black president would be shot? Really?', ">>{TrumpOnLolitaExpress} : Ain't no doubt about it. Feels don't do much. Trump fucked up (again) by insinuating his followers could murder [their] rival and her scotus appointment to keep their guns. Pretty stupid to say if you ask me.", '>>{DentureCapitalist} : That was the subtext. For those us who backed Obama in the 2008 primaries, we felt like we were hoping against hope that a black man could become president. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E0QAewVrR28 http://mobile.nytimes.com/2008/05/24/us/politics/24clinton.html?_r=0', ">>{thumbprick} : we're only talking about armed intimidation under threat of violence and murder. No sure why that's so much better.", ">>{SiberianShibe} : It's slightly better but I see your point. I'm not condoning that type of action I'm just trying to help all the international commenters who are freaking out and don't quite understand American politics fully.", '>>{drordinaire} : The new one seems to be "Look into her health records though." There really pushing that t_d conspiracy theory.', '>>{drordinaire} : >"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. All the Second Amendment people - maybe there is," Trump said. >"Speaking to the NRA folks - who are great," Trump said. >"If you don\'t do the right thing, you\'re not going to have a second amendment, or you\'re not going to have much of it left." It\'s incredibly vague. Clinton hasn\'t come out against the second amendment so he\'s lying at best or inciting violence at worst. Neither is a good look. If all he meant was that the NRA should vote against her, why not say so? Also, what\'s the need for it anyway since they\'ve already endorsed him? It does seem blown out of proportion but he isn\'t helping his own case.', ">>{Jmk1981} : This remark comes off as a clumsy analogy. A gaffe. Trump's remark implies that 'second amendment people' might be able to 'do something'. His reads as a call to action, in contrast.", '>>{treerat} : Especially after inciting them with the "election is fixed" trope. The man is either intentional or reckless.', '>>{treerat} : Actually, what you think is unimportant here. His comment was reckless. This guy wants to be "diplomat in chief?"', ">>{SiberianShibe} : I won't argue that it was reckless. I don't condone it either. He has a history of reckless and controversial statements to rile up some free publicity.", ">>{NemWan} : I remember now. In context with her remark about Bill's campaign, I think she meant it was a traumatic memory which is why she never forgets that primaries run into June. RFK Jr. agreed that was what she meant. I don't think for a second she was imagining Obama getting shot, but people who buy into Hillary being ruthless can definitely interpret her words that way, just as people who have seen a pattern of Trump referring to violence think they know what he was implying.", ">>{DentureCapitalist} : I mean she isn't a blistering idiot like Trump, but the assassination comment was totally consistent with Hillary's race baiting and appealing to the fears of white voters. That primary also gave us the 3am ad and more see http://theweek.com/articles/567774/hillary-clinton-needs-address-racist-undertones-2008-campaign. Hillary has been doing this the superpredators remark in the 1990s", ">>{DentureCapitalist} : I remember it being totally consistent with Hillary's race baiting throughout the primary. She's much smarter than Trump. Obviously she wasn't going to call for Obama being assassinated. But she was clearly playing into our cultural memory of what happened to black leaders in the 20th-century.", '>>{soonerguy11} : r) ["HILLARY BTFO"](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/016/212/manning.jpg)', ">>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : The fact that they're spinning so many different explanations really doesn't lend itself to the credibility of any of these. A single one of those being correct would suffice, if any of them were.", '>>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : So you have no problem with, say, the Philadeplhia New Black Panther Party exercising their rights near polling places?', ">>{SiberianShibe} : If it's their rights why would I oppose it? I don't support restricting citizens of their rights, no.", ">>{TherionSaysWhat} : Yet again The Donald hits a home run in his campaign to be the most unlikable person in the US and scores a big win in his goal to lose. He's writing the textbook on how not to win this election thing people, *open your eyes!*", ">>{voompanatos} : Now that Trump is hinting at violent revolution, is the DNC missing Bernie's peaceful political revolution yet?", '>>{YouEnglishNotSoGood} : G) at this point, what difference does it make?', ">>{escalation} : Kieth Olberman's special comment on a similar statement by Ms. Clinton a few years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd5_jRFdQ-I"], ['>>{Contrarily0paque} : CBS: Two-Thirds of Voters Believe Hillary Clinton Email Use Was Improper or Illegal', '>>{Contrarily0paque} : Writer says, "Views on the issue, though, are driven by knowledge of the issue. Among those voters that know even a little bit about her use of private email, more than half, 52 percent, believe she broke the law. Greater awareness of the issue, in other words, damages Clinton." -you\'d have to be ignorant or daft to not give a (blankety blank) about her total disregard for policy. That alone speaks volume of her character. In other words, is she really worthy to be America\'s first woman President?Views on the issue, though, are driven by knowledge of the issue. Among those voters that know even a little bit about her use of private email, more than half, 52 percent, believe she broke the law. Greater awareness of the issue, in other words, damages Clinton. Views on the issue, though, are driven by knowledge of the issue. Among those voters that know even a little bit about her use of private email, more than half, 52 percent, believe she broke the law. Greater awareness of the issue, in other words, damages Clinton.', '>>{aledlewis} : > Greater awareness of the issue, in other words, damages Clinton. Explaining why her cheerleaders in the media discuss it so little and dismiss it so often.', ">>{Contrarily0paque} : You'd have to be ignorant or daft to think a woman like her who totally disregards policy, (which that alone shows her true character) I mean, does she really deserve to be the first woman President? She doesn't care about the way things are done or should be. No, she has her own way, and not in the revolutionary, let's reform the old. No, the -I don't work for the backbone of America. I work for the pockets of whom my hands are dipping into.", ">>{ElectricDidgeridoo} : Breaking news - educated voters don't like terrible candidates.", ">>{SleeplessinRedditle} : I'd love to see a thorough statistical analysis of the reporting on the subject. I'd expect the reporting bias to be a bit more nuanced than that. (If there is one. I believe there is. But I have to add that caveat since I haven't actually seen a statistical analysis of it yet.)", ">>{mrojek} : And despite that, she's just opened up a double-digit lead against Trump. I know you want this to be an issue, and you're trying your damndest, but it's not going to happen.", '>>{Trumpicana} : actually its just 6 now after the shooting and will tighten as most polls coming out only show 1 day of polling after the shooting. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html', '>>{Trumpicana} : 2 days old and 4 polls have come out since the 15th. Stop being intellectually dishonest.', '>>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : Well that\'s some shit reporting right there. Here\'s the direct quote from the study they\'re referring to: "Among those **who have heard or read a lot about this**, 52 percent think Clinton\'s actions were illegal." So, CBS says that people who have "heard or read a lot" are at 52%. It goes through the Breitbart colon and suddenly, we\'re at "even know a little bit."'], [">>{dolphins3} : Honestly, this is just kind of depressing as a reminder that we *could* have gotten a competent President who actually cares about America and it's place in the world.", '>>{LettersInAlphabet} : Why does everyone praise Hillary? The Democrats could have had anyone run and won. Except Hillary.', ">>{LettersInAlphabet} : If she really cared about America she wouldn't have forced her way in over Bernie.", ">>{MrLister} : Or maybe the DNC, Clinton camp, & media shouldn't have colluded to marginalize him until months into the contest. They actively blocked momentum, but even with all that he still got nearly 45% of the vote.", ">>{slanaiya} : Bullshit. Clinton was enormously popular before the heavy duty campaign to vilify her took effect. If they can do that to someone they have already cried wolf over so many times dating back to last century, despite that person's high approval rating, then they can do it to anyone and will continue to so long as suckers like you let them. Stop falling for their shit.", ">>{slanaiya} : Fuck with this bullshit propaganda. Maybe you shouldn't be such a useful idiot.", ">>{slanaiya} : She didn't. If you really cared about America or about yourself, you'd stop being such a gullible sucker for obvious propaganda.", ">>{LettersInAlphabet} : Are you kidding me? Clinton was only popular with Hardcore liberals. She isn't a likable person among non political people. Which makes up a massive part of America. Hell, my Aunt who is extremely political and liberal didn't vote at all because it was Hillary.", ">>{LettersInAlphabet} : Huh? Everyone knows Bernie probably would have beat Trump. Plus you can't play the propaganda card because Trump had even more negative press than Hillary did.", ">>{Karma__Cameleon} : She's hasn't been likeable since she joined the board of directors at Walmart", ">>{Saint-Violet} : They could've run literally anyone else and won. Clinton was the worst candidate in history.", '>>{Saint-Violet} : Do you have a Hillary shrine in your closet?', '>>{epraider} : She was one of the most popular politicians in the country right up until 2012 when the Republican propaganda went into full swing.', ">>{epraider} : They didn't. Bernie failed miserably with outreach to minority communities to the South and it made him essentially nonviable right out of the gate, and he didn't start regaining momentum until it was already too late. And yes, I voted for Bernie, it's a shame that I feel it's necessary to note that to be able to criticize him.", '>>{Fucking_Your_Mom} : Please go away. The Old Guard is routed. Their time is over.', ">>{wherearemyfeet} : She won some 4m more votes than Bernie did. She didn't push him out, he lost fair and square.", '>>{Debbie2020} : you\'re delusional if you think Americans wouldn\'t have abandoned Bernie "death to America" Sanders once they see the tapes.', ">>{elister} : You need only read about Upton Sinclair's run for govenor of California to see how Bernie would have struggled.", '>>{MrLister} : When you have media cut from a Sanders speech to an empty podium waiting for Trump to speak, that is actively suppressing his message and harming his momentum. He lost a lot of earlier states by small margins, and that little bit of fair coverage could have maintained his momentum.', ">>{MrLister} : How is it propaganda to point out that it was proven there was collusion between the DNC, media, and Clinton camp? The head of the DNC had to resign during the convention for cryin' out loud. But yeah, call that bullshit and go pray to your pantsuit god."], ['>>{Daniel4780} : Get a sneak peek at the PlayStation VR at Best Buy and Gamestop', '>>{Gherkinhopper} : Anyone know if the integration with games is any good? I hope this is amazing...', ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : I don't understand. How can the PS4 even run VR? EDIT: Found out that it runs on a much lower resolution. It explains everything. I don't see how you won't notice the pixels at 1920 x 1080, that's 960 x 1080 per eye, ouch.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : Ok? It's still has 400$ of hardware.", '>>{Runazeeri} : most likely a bit of hardware that will plug into the AUX port.', '>>{RHMajic} : The VR headset might have an integrated GPU of its own to help render for the PS4. Not entirely sure.', ">>{Juergensen} : It doesn't. That box it comes with only handles the audio and mirroring the headset image to the TV. That said, the whole question doesn't make a lot of sense. I have a phone that can handle VR. The question is how complex/big/whatever the VR scenes are going to be.", ">>{Gandalfthepinkk} : I hope i'm not the only one hoping that the games are equivalent to Sword Art Online, but without the whole entrapment thing....", ">>{PokeHerForMe} : Quite easily, read the reviews/tech information and watch some testers actually using it, they all seem very impressed by it. Granted, it's not going to have the graphical power of a $2000 rig with a Vive attached, but that's the point, who's going to spend all that for VR. I just hope there are some 'full' games and not just some short 1 level demos. Sony are banking a lot on this and have loads of developers behind it, i paid my deposit, i just hope it lives up to the hype.", ">>{unnaturalpenis} : > How can the PS4 even run VR? Because it's better than the new Xbox even.", '>>{Sleepyhead88} : Also get a sneak preview of the new game: LICE', '>>{KrazieMonky} : It has an external box that the vr headset connects to, which that external box connects to the PS4. You gotta keep in mind that the games that are going to be VR, are not going to have extreme textures like Crysis 3. Then you might be asking then how do they get 90fps/120fps for the headset? Well technically it\'s still 60fps, but that external box interpolates new frames between the current frames and trys to "Guess" what that frame will be. Some new TV uses this to get that "120hz". One last thing to keep in mind, the panel resolution in the headset is not big. The resolution is 1920x1080(1080p), which is basically 960x1080 per each eye. Compare that to the Oculus Rift which is 2160x1200, which is 1080x1200 per each eye. I hope this solves your confusion. Edit: Forgot to add this in just in case some misinterprets. No, the external box does not have a gpu in it. It\'s probably(most likely) a processing chip that handles the interpolation. Edit#2: Promise last edit lol. If you wonder how the PS4 tracks the headset, the headset has five blue lights on the front of it. With that, the PS4 camera can track those pinpoints in real time. It\'s basically using the same concept as the Playstation Move Controllers. *Which, in the demos I\'ve seen, use them with the VR headset"', ">>{alexxerth} : Yeah, and the new Xbox is better than an N64. Just being better than something else does not mean it's good enough for an entirely unrelated thing.", '>>{Rutteger76} : Played a demo at a con last year, basically a guy was driving and I was shooting at motorcycles/cars chasing us. Very responsive, but the graphics suffer a bit. It was a demo of course, but I was impressed and will be picking it up. Buy your PS4 cameras used now as they will be necessary as well to play. And cheap "move" controllers as well I think, but definitely the camera.', '>>{Ripyou1234} : I feel like sit down VR systems are a waste of money.', ">>{MarvellousMoose} : I'm sorry your getting downvoted for asking a question.", '>>{worktillyouburk} : SAO WTF happened season 2, should of just continued season 1 vr rushing the ending. Se2 started with gun and then ...fairies really?', ">>{Gandalfthepinkk} : I thought the same thing when it started! I'm also not really into gun animes as much as I'm into giant swords soooo yea lol BUT it surprisingly grew on me. I will say it wasn't as good as the first season, but it was still entertaining for different reasons :)", '>>{Chatsubo_657} : Tried the poor man\'s VR set - the Samsung headset - you could see it working for some portions of the game - or short "experiences" like the attack on the Death Star, but don\'t think it could carry an entire 10 hour plus game. How would you find your beer?', ">>{Gandalfthepinkk} : I've never read it, but it sounds very similar. How is it??", '>>{CharlieDavyKW} : And the life simulation game: Blood, Sweat, and Tears', '>>{venturepoker} : Visionary! But story/literature wise seemed to be made for teenagers. Too simple', ">>{minitimm} : You mean you'll get to watch one person refuse to give it to anyone else for hours.", '>>{Toh-Nee} : Another good way to share or get Pink-Eye if someone forgets to clean the unit.', '>>{HorraceMcDiel} : Some of the apps for video viewing have a virtual table in front of you. I have made the mistake of just reaching for it. The camera should be able to track where the real beer is and superimpose it on the fake table.', ">>{Nope_______} : Honestly this one will blow too, as it's also a poor man's VR set. Graphics are going to be Nintendo wii-esque. You can't expect much in the way of VR from a box such as the PS4.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : > who's going to spend all that for VR Me, and I don't understand how such hardware can run VR at an acceptable render level.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : > That said, the whole question doesn't make a lot of sense. I have a phone that can handle VR That statement doesn't make sense. Watching a video in VR is completely different than running a game that has to render into a 2160 × 1200 resolution. EDIT: Found out that it runs on a much lower resolution. It explains everything. I don't see how it can be enjoyable tho, you will see the pixels!", ">>{Redremnant} : What's wrong with Wii-esque? Graphics aren't all there is to gaming. I have the homeless man's vr, Google Cardboard, and even that can provide a pretty immersive experience if handled correctly.", ">>{iAllxn} : Yeah, people don't seem to understand there's a huge difference there.", '>>{therearesomewhocallm} : Oh man, intraframe blending (or wherever they are calling it now) adds pretty decent input lag, I imagine that on a vr headset that could easily induce motion sickness.', ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : You may have missed my edit, that also explains it. The PS4 VR runs in a 1920 x 1080 resolutions. That's not going to be really great...", ">>{MarvellousMoose} : I thought it was awesome. One of the most exciting books I've read. It's especially great if you've played video games during their infancy.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : Yes but the point of having VR imo is so we can enjoy full fledged games in VR. Look at fallout 4, it's coming out in VR in 2017, that's going to be fucking amazing!", ">>{-Academia-} : Awesome! I can't wait until it comes here in Canada...", '>>{Nope_______} : Man the graphics must be terrible if a PS4 is supposed to output 60 fps at 1920x1080. Even acceptable-looking games are only 30 fps currently.', ">>{Swanee3d} : It still has the potential to be fun but will be a decent down grade from Rift/Vive which are already a compromise in resolution to have a product that wasn't dead out of the gate. Cool thing is if VR takes off everyone will win in the resulting boost to GPU demand and competition.", '>>{TheBigby} : What level of resolution per eye would be considered good quality?', '>>{ChrisSlicks} : Versus 1080 x 1200 per eye? Sure more resolution is always better but that is the res that DK2 used and I didn\'t hear anyone say "wow look how much better the resolution is in CV1!". If we were comparing 4K then it would be worlds apart (let\'s hope for CV2). I\'m mainly curious how the display looks and whether they solved the edge focus and distortion problem that Rift and Vive have.', '>>{Liongoroar} : Yeah, I keep saying and thinking this. Game devs are going to have to use some new tricks to maintain that kind of FPS. Like using simple shaders and no-textures. Limit the view distance so the console does not have to render as much, etc. Also, there are some games where there are TWO views. One for the VR person and one for people using a normal controller to interact with vr player in the game, thus having to render TWO views not just one', ">>{shaxamo} : Basically it has worse resolution screens than the PC headsets, and games will be rendered according to the power of the PS4. But they are making up for it by having an external processor that makes sure every game is running at 120hz. This makes it the smoothest first wave headset, with the lowest quality image. Many reviewers have said it's the one with the least feeling of motion sickness when you start using it. Tbh, I did doubt that the PS4 would be capable of still running games that looked nice, but after seeing Farpoint shown at their E3 conference, as well as a few others, I'm sold. Edit: Not Farscape", '>>{Liongoroar} : Some games will have two player or more, one person in VR the other using the tv for normal interaction.', ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : > but after seeing Farscape shown at their E3 conference Don't be so hyped yet, remember what E3 has hold in the past for games and that the graphics were reduced or the gameplay etc was not what it was.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : I don't know, when I tried a Oculus rift I noticied how bad it looked, why I'm getting an HTC vive. It was probably a DK2.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : Well, I heard if you focus on the pixels in a HTC vive you can see them, and that's 2160 x 1200, 1080 x 1200 per eye, so imagine on a PS4 VR or the Rift DK2, that's why I didn't like the Rift DK2, as someone pointed out in another comment.", '>>{TheBigby} : Sounds like it would take at least a 4k display per eye on OLED to be near flawless.', '>>{ChrisSlicks} : The Vive and the Rift CV1 have the same resolution.', '>>{Gummybear_Qc} : No idea about the CV1 but the Vive is 2 160 × 1 200 px 1 200 × 1 080 each eye', ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : Yeah, the vive is just ok, not great. So I really can't imagine anything lower.", ">>{ChrisSlicks} : Correct. As I said the consumer Rift (CV1) is the same. The lack of resolution is still very noticeable (only 25% more than DK2) but generally speaking it doesn't really detract from the experience.", ">>{PokeHerForMe} : The PSVR has been out in the wild for a while now, has been trialed extensively with loads of titles, and if was going to be really poor, we would have heard of it already. The 'PC master race' idiots are bound to shit all over it, without ever having tried it. For $400, I think it's way better value then the others.", ">>{Gummybear_Qc} : I don't know, I won't take the risk, I'l get a new GPU and the HTC Vive.", ">>{KrazieMonky} : Well the whole purpose of the interpolation is because to reduce motion sickness. Oculus and HTC Vive both concluded that, to get rid of motion sickness, the fps needs to say at a constant 90fps or higher. If it dips below 90fps, people start to get motion sickness. And I don't think there is going to be significant lag because the PS4 is not handling the interpolation(which I might add, does take a lot of processing power), the external box is doing that.", ">>{Lolleos} : If someone tests it please report the experience back so we can know if it's good!", ">>{therearesomewhocallm} : Yeah, I'm curious to see what happens when is comes to frame rate vs input lag, which one causes more issues for the average person. I get why they're doing it, I'm just not yet convinced that the trade off will work.", '>>{worktillyouburk} : ive watched the whole 2nd season just no where as good as the first, i felt very attached to certain characters, was disappointed when they died.', '>>{TheGreatBenjie} : I highly doubt the ps4 has the horsepower for that.', '>>{Liongoroar} : The neo might be able to, but also remember, a lot of the games will be dumbed down a lot graphically. Think of N64/PS2 quality, just with more AA to clean it up.', '>>{DeadVice} : Will it run porn? My... friend wants to know.', '>>{moldymoosegoose} : Best Buy, the MS store, and Gamestop all had people giving time limits for the Vive and Rift demoes', '>>{Choco316} : One person wear the VR, one person moving furniture around them', ">>{kaylejoy} : You should check out the anime 'Overlord'.", '>>{kaylejoy} : Surprisingly, the screen door effect is actually less pronounced on the PSVR because of the [type of screens they went with.](http://wccftech.com/sony-dev-explains-ps-vr-screen-crisper-project-started-late-2010/)', '>>{kaylejoy} : >I don\'t see how you won\'t notice the pixels at 1920 x 1080, that\'s 960 x 1080 per eye, ouch. The PSVR actually has the least pronounced "screen door effect" of the big three HMDs because of the type of screen they went with. >Not every 1080P screen is the same. Ours has three subpixels\xa0per pixel, which means true RGB for every pixel; some of the other displays actually don’t have the full RGB for every pixel, so they have less subpixels\xa0per pixel. >http://wccftech.com/sony-dev-explains-ps-vr-screen-crisper-project-started-late-2010/', '>>{kaylejoy} : Pretty sure you can via external flash/hard drive (there will be 360/theater apps) and possibly through the browser. Someone will probably get the PSVR running on PC pretty quickly, too.', ">>{kaylejoy} : You'll want to keep an eye on /r/PSVR and /r/PlaystationVR, people have already posted first hand experiences and there will definitely be more as these public demos get going.", ">>{Jorrat} : I haven't been to GameStop or Best Buy in a while, but this seems like a good time as ever to go!", ">>{Jorrat} : Ohh so true. Maybe I won't go to GS or BB and wait for it to be on sale lol", '>>{fatgirlsgive-RIMJOBS} : I traded my ps4 for an xbox one. Best decision of my life. Even better than marrying my wife.', ">>{Irorak} : [Here](http://www.iamag.co/features/itsart/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Playstation-VR-Showcase-1.jpg) is a screenshot of one of the games they showed. Of course it's not finished, but the graphics look about as good as other PS4 games. I highly doubt they will be [n64 quality](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EEjHUveMQRs/hqdefault.jpg), more like PS3 quality imo.", ">>{Irorak} : You can see a good example of that with Watchdogs, but still, the finished product didn't look N64 or Wii-esque like some people are saying this will be. It still looked decent, just not as spectacular.", '>>{ModeratorsAreDouches} : > Tried the poor man\'s VR set - the Samsung headset - you could see it working for some portions of the game - or short "experiences" like the attack on the Death Star, but don\'t think it could carry an entire 10 hour plus game. How would you find your beer? Put it on pause, and take a break.', '>>{sgon9} : I played the same game as well at Nerd HQ in San Diego, I also played the soccer demo the graphics look great for being in production and yes it is called the London Heist', ">>{MisterTerra} : Can't wait till this releases! Sadly, I haven't got the money to buy it, and I live in the UK, where there are no Best Buys and little to no Gamestops in my area. The struggles...", ">>{krispygrem} : I don't want to overrate Best Buy employees, but they probably can understand that the headset goes on your head", ">>{krispygrem} : Being locked in a cubicle watching drivel 80s movies isn't an experience you need VR for.", ">>{shaxamo} : This hasn't really been the case with Sony, at least not for the last few years. In fact looking at comparisons for their first party games from announcement to launch, many of them improved in quality."]]
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['>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : the simple fact remains that if Trump cannot gain ground with Hispanics, he WILL lose the general election. Romney got 27%....', '>>{wccoffma} : A 12-step plan for what to do if your candidate loses on Election Day', '>>{TrumpUnivDropout} : But Trump has Chris Christie, ya know, the guy who looks like he wears a diaper!', '>>{miashaee} : depending on the poll Trump has between 0-1% of the black vote as well, sooooo.', '>>{scytheavatar} : The importance of Hispanics in the general elections has been vastly overstated. As [Fivethirtyeight](http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-demographics-will-shape-the-2016-election/) states for the 2012 election "even if Latino and Asian/other turnout were to plummet to zero, Democrats would still win the Electoral College 283 to 255 — despite losing the popular vote by 2.1 percentage points. That’s because Latino and Asian voters are heavily concentrated in non-competitive states like California, New York and Texas."', '>>{aggie1391} : Well some in /r/The_Dumbass are planning to try an armed rebellion. Funny how they call so many people traitors for not being idiotic conspiracy theorists like them whole proposing actual treason.', ">>{HalalVeggieBacon} : Here's a one-step plan: * Be an adult, and fucking deal with it.", ">>{MysticRay} : Isn't that just PA and Ohio? Come on, man.", '>>{ward0630} : This would have been a winning formula back in 1984.', '>>{WelcomeToBoshwitz} : There was a national poll that had him at like 4% i think, but yes.', '>>{ward0630} : >non-competitive states like...Texas If the GOP continues its weird fetishization of border security and deporting millions of people, Texas could absolutely go purple sometime in the future.', ">>{miashaee} : Well those states are SUPER important as if Trump drops either then he has lost. Plus........0-1%.......couple that with 94% unfavorables from black voters it's pretty clear that the general black populace HATES this man. It may be all the dog whistle stuff, we are pretty keen at picking up on that, I know I saw it as soon as he went on and on about Mexican rapist and went up in the polls.......I could see it coming. Never underestimate the ability to rally people around maligning a minority group, just bad mouthing mexicans and muslims was enough to get him the GOP nomination........it was never going to work for the general election but he lucked out that he is going against Hillary as she has her own problems.", ">>{a__witty__username} : These steps are okay, but I'm personally going to make popcorn and laugh at /r/the_dumbass as they cry about their candidate losing.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : That definitely sounds like the Progressive thing to do.', '>>{ILoveDoownvotes} : >Among Hispanics Clinton leads Trump by 48 points This is to be expected when Trump supporters are often waving the American flag and the democrats base wont be caught dead doing that! Or they are waving a Mexican flag while burning the American flag. This is what we learn about the patriotism and allegiances of the republicans versus the Mexican flag waving democrats and the democrat voters that kill cops.', ">>{MysticRay} : It's the other way around. Hillary's lucky she's running against Trump.", ">>{miashaee} : It's both actually because if Trump were against Sanders or Hillary were against Rubio then this wouldn't be so close. That being said minorities (particularly black people) seem to CLEARLY hate Trump and it's pretty easy to see why honestly. Some people will blame it on the media but the media didn't make Trump do or say the things that he has said, personal responsibility and all.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : Romney would have lost with George Bush's share from 2004. You know what is easier than swinging 30% of the latino vote that is usually at 30% GOP no matter what? Swinging 3% of the white vote.", '>>{2pumpTrump} : Uh...yeah, that went out the window 8 years ago. Conservatives have no clue how to handle defeat with dignity.', '>>{thisisATHENS} : >If the GOP continues its weird fetishization of border security and deporting millions of people, Texas could absolutely go purple sometime in the future. Quite the opposite. Also it is stupid that you will lose votes for enforcing the law.', '>>{2pumpTrump} : Wow, so much douche, "bro".', ">>{ward0630} : >Also it is stupid that you will lose votes for enforcing the law That's a fair statement in theory, but no politician would win office by campaigning on penalizing speeding and jaywalking more harshly.", ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : That's odd. Every hispanic male I know hates her. Amongst the hispanic females I'd say it's pretty evenly split. I find these polls suspect.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : It's the border. A basic duty of a nation. If the only way you can win is by not enforcing it, then the country is over. Done. Democracy would be fundamentally flawed. There is no right to be here, and we need to enforce the law.", '>>{2pumpTrump} : [Nice comeback, bro](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/59rvaa/trump_on_polls_i_only_like_the_ones_where_im/d9ayzq3/?st=iv7exgxl&sh=20e0849a).', ">>{dont_eat_at_dennys} : Hispanic voters don't matter nearly as much as the media has lead you to believe. I mean yeah they're nice and all, but getting George Bush era numbers with them wouldn't have saved Romney, hell the Republicans could have gotten 60% of them and it wouldn't have mattered, they're too concentrated in hard blue states. The main thing that Trump needs to do is boost white support and boost white turnout, *that* is his path to victory, and if it comes at the expense of a few percentage points with Hispanics so be it. There's a neat little model on 538 that lets you adjust for turnout and voting habits for different demographics. Obviously it's not perfect but it should give you an idea of which demos matter more. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-swing-the-election/", '>>{sicilianthemusical} : My 1 step plan: Booze and plenty of it, either to celebrate or drown your sorrows.', ">>{ChlkDstTtr} : 11 of them involve hiding under the covers and/or drinking heavily, right? Obviously I haven't read the article. Edit: I've skimmed it now. I wasn't *that* far off.", '>>{RaRaRussiya} : Illegslly immigranting and burdening an entire nation is a much bigger deal than where you cross the street', ">>{alllie} : If Trump wins I'm buying a rifle to protect myself in case the Orange Shirts come for me. Not gonna be a good German.", '>>{ward0630} : >burdening an entire nation I think that\'s kind of a stretch but I was just pointing out how "enforcing the laws" isn\'t always going to be a game-winner, especially when taken to the extreme.', ">>{ward0630} : >We need to enforce the law Obviously, but the answer is how do you do that? The wall wouldn't stop people who come here legally and overstay their visas (a very large portion of illegal immigrants). It wouldn't stop any of the people already here, and if you think we should deport them all, you have to ask yourself how much you're willing to pay in order to do that, nevermind the ethical dilemnas of potentially separating families (including illegal immigrant parents from children who are legal American citizens).", ">>{ivsciguy} : No, as Dallas and Austin continue to grow at a ridiculous rate, I could definitely see it going purple. It wouldn't surprise me if I end up moving to Dallas in the next several years.", ">>{HalalVeggieBacon} : If I were a clever man, I'd think you were passively [making some sort of statement](http://i.imgur.com/SjQclIQ.jpg).", ">>{DaveThomas_1969} : I'm not sure why Hispanics who are legal citizens would dislike Trump", ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : good info and neat tool thanks. Trump also has a 10 point gap with college educated whites.. Even turning out more of his current demo would require HUGE gains. I am just not seeing a reasonable path for him to get to 270. But whatever, we'll see in november and have our fun dissecting the #s after the election.", ">>{scmsf49} : none of those 14 year olds have the balls to actually take daddy's guns", '>>{Shinranshonin} : I am saving the last bullet for myself. I am going to take as many of those fuckers out before I go.', ">>{WhyMnemosyne} : I don't thank is much to offer Trump's para military supporters.", ">>{Handsome_Hunk} : A key aspect of Trump's immigration plan is to make e-verify mandatory, nationwide. That does help curb visa overstays (since it makes it harder to earn a living when you're not legally allowed to be hired) and reduces the incentives to come here illegally to find work. And it does so largely by making the employers follow the law. Despite the media narrative, his plan is multifaceted and would significantly curb illegal immigration and employment, including overstays. And it would do so in a way that would likely cause a lot of self deporting, with actual deportations achieved by coordinating ICE with police, specifically anti-gang units to focus on the criminal illegals not here to work.", '>>{tonysnap} : the extreme is doing the most basic function of a nation. Establishing a border and controlling who crosses it.', ">>{ward0630} : Good for him, but I don't see how you actually enforce a mandatory e-verify program. Lots of illegal immigrants are paid under the table, off the books. >multifaceted and would significantly curb illegal immigration and employment, including overstays How? >It would do so in a way that would likely cause a lot of self-deporting How? And if his plan is so sophisticated that it will get illegal immigrants to self-deport, why is the primary component of his plan still a giant wall on the border?", ">>{tonysnap} : I've wondered myself if Hispanic men are going to vote for a man-hater.", '>>{ward0630} : As I said, the "extreme" in this case is not controlling the border, it\'s deporting millions of people who are already here. That\'s why I used the example of speeding and jaywalking.', ">>{ward0630} : >Deport I see. You gonna devote police resources to this nation-wide manhunt for illegal immigrants? How much money would that cost? Isn't there a serious humanitarian concern in regard to separating families (including illegal immigrant parents from from children that are American citizens)? >E-verify Great idea, but I don't see how you make it mandatory, considering how many employers pay illegal immigrants under the table. >Fines For employing illegal immigrants? Okay, but that's going to hurt businesses, and owners could reasonably claim that they had no idea the person was an illegal immigrant. >Wall Totally worthless, but you've probably read a million opinions about that. >End Birthright Citizenship Okay, that's reasonable, but I don't see that passing Congress, and it still wouldn't do anything about all of the people (including the legally American children) already here.", '>>{tonysnap} : Of course we deport people who aren\'t here legally, that\'s a basic function of the government. You don\'t have a border and then say "but if you sneak past it, you\'re in!". That\'s not a border. I\'m all for finding a way to do that as ethically and humanely as possible, but the solution definitely isn\'t to tell the world "if you get in we\'ll never ask you to leave".', '>>{Handsome_Hunk} : You enforce it similarly to how it\'s enforced now but with more resources to check things out. And e-verify has serious teeth to make employers comply or face financial ruin. It doesn\'t solve the problem fully, but it certainly helps. To answer both your Hows: by creating incentives/disincentives for the behavior. Employers don\'t like to take existential risks to hire cheaper labor. Some still will, but fewer, probably far fewer because e-verify is currently only in some states. It keeps people from coming here to some extent because there will be fewer under the table jobs, and the increased risk will make illegal immigration less attractive. The wall is "primary" because it\'s attention grabbing. It\'s one piece of a multi-faceted plan. You\'re welcome to view the whole plan on his website, and you\'d end up more informed about it than the vast majority of Americans.', ">>{thisisATHENS} : I don't know exact specifics on it all but we need to get away from rewarding people not here legally. I'll leave it to the wonks to it figure it out.", ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : A factor I almost never see given any attention: the inherent appeal and importance of machismo in Latin culture. Source: I'm a latino/hispanic man.", '>>{tonysnap} : Do you think Latino men will vote for Trump or just not vote at all?', ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : I'm second generation American. My dad was born here. My grandparents were not. The majority of us who are citizens, either by birth or by naturalization, can't stand illegals. Almost my entire family is voting Trump. With the exception of my one cousin who is a democrat operative in CT, and my Uncle's ex-wife who are both avowed Democrats. Only my aunt is actually voting for Hillary. My cousin is just voting against the Republicans. Most of my older relatives (dad, uncle, older cousins) are non-college educated, lifelong union members, now retired. The next generation, myself, my brother and our other similar age group relatives are a mix. Some high level degrees, some basic bachelors, some non-college. With repect to your actual question, I would venture to say it's going to be a big split. I think a lot of folks are going to abstain. I also think that the number of hispanic/latino Trump voters is going to astound/confound pundits, pollsters and statisticians for years to come. Another thing that's going to be a big hurdle is her honesty. Honor and honorability are a pretty big deal in latin culture as well. She's a patent, unrepentant, unequivocal liar. That hurts her. I've been polled twice. My pop has been polled once. Interesting anecdotal sidenote: my dad also often gets polled with regards to arab/arab-American issues. His first name is an Arabic name. One of the pollsters on the phone, I can't recall what PAC it was, was audibly surprised at my answers to her questions. __TL;DR:__ In my opinion there'll be a large split, probably nearly 50/50 abstain to vote, and the number of Latinos that vote Trump will come as a shock.", '>>{tonysnap} : Yeah, we\'ll have to wait and see. It\'s always confused me how liberals act like Hispanics are one monolithic group that despises the idea of border security. I think to myself "that can\'t be true, they can\'t all hate the idea that we decide who crosses the border". I\'m informed that that makes me a bigot though!', ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : Something a lot of folks who aren't hispanic don't realize is that even amongst latinos, there's a sort of pecking order. For instance, Puerto Ricans by and large don't like Mexicans. It's not some hard and fast rule or anything, but it's still a factor.", '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, and Florida are all "bluer" due to increasing Hispanic populations. Heck add Arizona to that list as well. Bush won New Mexico - a traditionally blue state - due to his high Hispanic support in 2004. It\'s not just NY, CA, and IL - blue strongholds - that hold large Hispanic voting populations. The above states are shifting bluer due to their increasing Hispanic populations.', ">>{Downbound92} : Yah Romney would have lost with Bush's numbers because the Hispanic vote has grown by a lot since then, which only further illustrates Trump's terrible predicament. And Republicans have been trying to get that mythical blue collar white Republican voter, who totally exists but just never votes, but could swing Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania if they did and are just waiting to be inspired, for 25 years. And the white vote has only gone down, by about 10%. I'm beginning to think that these voters just don't exist.", ">>{x86_64Ubuntu} : Trump would have to do better with Whites than Reagan did to get into the white house. No one has surpassed Reagan's white vote percentage ever since.", '>>{Alister78} : This only helps if they actually get out and vote. Most minorities are against Trump. However, most minorities have a fairly low turnout when it comes to elections...', '>>{RaRaRussiya} : They need to be gotten rid of. Criminality breeds Criminality']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{wccoffma} : A 12-step plan for what to do if your candidate loses on Election Day', '>>{aggie1391} : Well some in /r/The_Dumbass are planning to try an armed rebellion. Funny how they call so many people traitors for not being idiotic conspiracy theorists like them whole proposing actual treason.', ">>{HalalVeggieBacon} : Here's a one-step plan: * Be an adult, and fucking deal with it.", ">>{a__witty__username} : These steps are okay, but I'm personally going to make popcorn and laugh at /r/the_dumbass as they cry about their candidate losing.", '>>{throwaway029384756} : That definitely sounds like the Progressive thing to do.', '>>{2pumpTrump} : Uh...yeah, that went out the window 8 years ago. Conservatives have no clue how to handle defeat with dignity.', '>>{2pumpTrump} : Wow, so much douche, "bro".', '>>{2pumpTrump} : [Nice comeback, bro](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/59rvaa/trump_on_polls_i_only_like_the_ones_where_im/d9ayzq3/?st=iv7exgxl&sh=20e0849a).', '>>{sicilianthemusical} : My 1 step plan: Booze and plenty of it, either to celebrate or drown your sorrows.', ">>{ChlkDstTtr} : 11 of them involve hiding under the covers and/or drinking heavily, right? Obviously I haven't read the article. Edit: I've skimmed it now. I wasn't *that* far off.", ">>{alllie} : If Trump wins I'm buying a rifle to protect myself in case the Orange Shirts come for me. Not gonna be a good German.", ">>{HalalVeggieBacon} : If I were a clever man, I'd think you were passively [making some sort of statement](http://i.imgur.com/SjQclIQ.jpg).", ">>{scmsf49} : none of those 14 year olds have the balls to actually take daddy's guns", '>>{Shinranshonin} : I am saving the last bullet for myself. I am going to take as many of those fuckers out before I go.', ">>{WhyMnemosyne} : I don't thank is much to offer Trump's para military supporters."], ['>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : the simple fact remains that if Trump cannot gain ground with Hispanics, he WILL lose the general election. Romney got 27%....', '>>{TrumpUnivDropout} : But Trump has Chris Christie, ya know, the guy who looks like he wears a diaper!', '>>{miashaee} : depending on the poll Trump has between 0-1% of the black vote as well, sooooo.', '>>{scytheavatar} : The importance of Hispanics in the general elections has been vastly overstated. As [Fivethirtyeight](http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-demographics-will-shape-the-2016-election/) states for the 2012 election "even if Latino and Asian/other turnout were to plummet to zero, Democrats would still win the Electoral College 283 to 255 — despite losing the popular vote by 2.1 percentage points. That’s because Latino and Asian voters are heavily concentrated in non-competitive states like California, New York and Texas."', ">>{MysticRay} : Isn't that just PA and Ohio? Come on, man.", '>>{ward0630} : This would have been a winning formula back in 1984.', '>>{WelcomeToBoshwitz} : There was a national poll that had him at like 4% i think, but yes.', '>>{ward0630} : >non-competitive states like...Texas If the GOP continues its weird fetishization of border security and deporting millions of people, Texas could absolutely go purple sometime in the future.', ">>{miashaee} : Well those states are SUPER important as if Trump drops either then he has lost. Plus........0-1%.......couple that with 94% unfavorables from black voters it's pretty clear that the general black populace HATES this man. It may be all the dog whistle stuff, we are pretty keen at picking up on that, I know I saw it as soon as he went on and on about Mexican rapist and went up in the polls.......I could see it coming. Never underestimate the ability to rally people around maligning a minority group, just bad mouthing mexicans and muslims was enough to get him the GOP nomination........it was never going to work for the general election but he lucked out that he is going against Hillary as she has her own problems.", '>>{ILoveDoownvotes} : >Among Hispanics Clinton leads Trump by 48 points This is to be expected when Trump supporters are often waving the American flag and the democrats base wont be caught dead doing that! Or they are waving a Mexican flag while burning the American flag. This is what we learn about the patriotism and allegiances of the republicans versus the Mexican flag waving democrats and the democrat voters that kill cops.', ">>{MysticRay} : It's the other way around. Hillary's lucky she's running against Trump.", ">>{miashaee} : It's both actually because if Trump were against Sanders or Hillary were against Rubio then this wouldn't be so close. That being said minorities (particularly black people) seem to CLEARLY hate Trump and it's pretty easy to see why honestly. Some people will blame it on the media but the media didn't make Trump do or say the things that he has said, personal responsibility and all.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : Romney would have lost with George Bush's share from 2004. You know what is easier than swinging 30% of the latino vote that is usually at 30% GOP no matter what? Swinging 3% of the white vote.", '>>{thisisATHENS} : >If the GOP continues its weird fetishization of border security and deporting millions of people, Texas could absolutely go purple sometime in the future. Quite the opposite. Also it is stupid that you will lose votes for enforcing the law.', ">>{ward0630} : >Also it is stupid that you will lose votes for enforcing the law That's a fair statement in theory, but no politician would win office by campaigning on penalizing speeding and jaywalking more harshly.", ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : That's odd. Every hispanic male I know hates her. Amongst the hispanic females I'd say it's pretty evenly split. I find these polls suspect.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : It's the border. A basic duty of a nation. If the only way you can win is by not enforcing it, then the country is over. Done. Democracy would be fundamentally flawed. There is no right to be here, and we need to enforce the law.", ">>{dont_eat_at_dennys} : Hispanic voters don't matter nearly as much as the media has lead you to believe. I mean yeah they're nice and all, but getting George Bush era numbers with them wouldn't have saved Romney, hell the Republicans could have gotten 60% of them and it wouldn't have mattered, they're too concentrated in hard blue states. The main thing that Trump needs to do is boost white support and boost white turnout, *that* is his path to victory, and if it comes at the expense of a few percentage points with Hispanics so be it. There's a neat little model on 538 that lets you adjust for turnout and voting habits for different demographics. Obviously it's not perfect but it should give you an idea of which demos matter more. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-swing-the-election/", '>>{RaRaRussiya} : Illegslly immigranting and burdening an entire nation is a much bigger deal than where you cross the street', '>>{ward0630} : >burdening an entire nation I think that\'s kind of a stretch but I was just pointing out how "enforcing the laws" isn\'t always going to be a game-winner, especially when taken to the extreme.', ">>{ward0630} : >We need to enforce the law Obviously, but the answer is how do you do that? The wall wouldn't stop people who come here legally and overstay their visas (a very large portion of illegal immigrants). It wouldn't stop any of the people already here, and if you think we should deport them all, you have to ask yourself how much you're willing to pay in order to do that, nevermind the ethical dilemnas of potentially separating families (including illegal immigrant parents from children who are legal American citizens).", ">>{ivsciguy} : No, as Dallas and Austin continue to grow at a ridiculous rate, I could definitely see it going purple. It wouldn't surprise me if I end up moving to Dallas in the next several years.", ">>{DaveThomas_1969} : I'm not sure why Hispanics who are legal citizens would dislike Trump", ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : good info and neat tool thanks. Trump also has a 10 point gap with college educated whites.. Even turning out more of his current demo would require HUGE gains. I am just not seeing a reasonable path for him to get to 270. But whatever, we'll see in november and have our fun dissecting the #s after the election.", ">>{Handsome_Hunk} : A key aspect of Trump's immigration plan is to make e-verify mandatory, nationwide. That does help curb visa overstays (since it makes it harder to earn a living when you're not legally allowed to be hired) and reduces the incentives to come here illegally to find work. And it does so largely by making the employers follow the law. Despite the media narrative, his plan is multifaceted and would significantly curb illegal immigration and employment, including overstays. And it would do so in a way that would likely cause a lot of self deporting, with actual deportations achieved by coordinating ICE with police, specifically anti-gang units to focus on the criminal illegals not here to work.", '>>{tonysnap} : the extreme is doing the most basic function of a nation. Establishing a border and controlling who crosses it.', ">>{ward0630} : Good for him, but I don't see how you actually enforce a mandatory e-verify program. Lots of illegal immigrants are paid under the table, off the books. >multifaceted and would significantly curb illegal immigration and employment, including overstays How? >It would do so in a way that would likely cause a lot of self-deporting How? And if his plan is so sophisticated that it will get illegal immigrants to self-deport, why is the primary component of his plan still a giant wall on the border?", ">>{tonysnap} : I've wondered myself if Hispanic men are going to vote for a man-hater.", '>>{ward0630} : As I said, the "extreme" in this case is not controlling the border, it\'s deporting millions of people who are already here. That\'s why I used the example of speeding and jaywalking.', ">>{ward0630} : >Deport I see. You gonna devote police resources to this nation-wide manhunt for illegal immigrants? How much money would that cost? Isn't there a serious humanitarian concern in regard to separating families (including illegal immigrant parents from from children that are American citizens)? >E-verify Great idea, but I don't see how you make it mandatory, considering how many employers pay illegal immigrants under the table. >Fines For employing illegal immigrants? Okay, but that's going to hurt businesses, and owners could reasonably claim that they had no idea the person was an illegal immigrant. >Wall Totally worthless, but you've probably read a million opinions about that. >End Birthright Citizenship Okay, that's reasonable, but I don't see that passing Congress, and it still wouldn't do anything about all of the people (including the legally American children) already here.", '>>{tonysnap} : Of course we deport people who aren\'t here legally, that\'s a basic function of the government. You don\'t have a border and then say "but if you sneak past it, you\'re in!". That\'s not a border. I\'m all for finding a way to do that as ethically and humanely as possible, but the solution definitely isn\'t to tell the world "if you get in we\'ll never ask you to leave".', '>>{Handsome_Hunk} : You enforce it similarly to how it\'s enforced now but with more resources to check things out. And e-verify has serious teeth to make employers comply or face financial ruin. It doesn\'t solve the problem fully, but it certainly helps. To answer both your Hows: by creating incentives/disincentives for the behavior. Employers don\'t like to take existential risks to hire cheaper labor. Some still will, but fewer, probably far fewer because e-verify is currently only in some states. It keeps people from coming here to some extent because there will be fewer under the table jobs, and the increased risk will make illegal immigration less attractive. The wall is "primary" because it\'s attention grabbing. It\'s one piece of a multi-faceted plan. You\'re welcome to view the whole plan on his website, and you\'d end up more informed about it than the vast majority of Americans.', ">>{thisisATHENS} : I don't know exact specifics on it all but we need to get away from rewarding people not here legally. I'll leave it to the wonks to it figure it out.", ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : A factor I almost never see given any attention: the inherent appeal and importance of machismo in Latin culture. Source: I'm a latino/hispanic man.", '>>{tonysnap} : Do you think Latino men will vote for Trump or just not vote at all?', ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : I'm second generation American. My dad was born here. My grandparents were not. The majority of us who are citizens, either by birth or by naturalization, can't stand illegals. Almost my entire family is voting Trump. With the exception of my one cousin who is a democrat operative in CT, and my Uncle's ex-wife who are both avowed Democrats. Only my aunt is actually voting for Hillary. My cousin is just voting against the Republicans. Most of my older relatives (dad, uncle, older cousins) are non-college educated, lifelong union members, now retired. The next generation, myself, my brother and our other similar age group relatives are a mix. Some high level degrees, some basic bachelors, some non-college. With repect to your actual question, I would venture to say it's going to be a big split. I think a lot of folks are going to abstain. I also think that the number of hispanic/latino Trump voters is going to astound/confound pundits, pollsters and statisticians for years to come. Another thing that's going to be a big hurdle is her honesty. Honor and honorability are a pretty big deal in latin culture as well. She's a patent, unrepentant, unequivocal liar. That hurts her. I've been polled twice. My pop has been polled once. Interesting anecdotal sidenote: my dad also often gets polled with regards to arab/arab-American issues. His first name is an Arabic name. One of the pollsters on the phone, I can't recall what PAC it was, was audibly surprised at my answers to her questions. __TL;DR:__ In my opinion there'll be a large split, probably nearly 50/50 abstain to vote, and the number of Latinos that vote Trump will come as a shock.", '>>{tonysnap} : Yeah, we\'ll have to wait and see. It\'s always confused me how liberals act like Hispanics are one monolithic group that despises the idea of border security. I think to myself "that can\'t be true, they can\'t all hate the idea that we decide who crosses the border". I\'m informed that that makes me a bigot though!', ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : Something a lot of folks who aren't hispanic don't realize is that even amongst latinos, there's a sort of pecking order. For instance, Puerto Ricans by and large don't like Mexicans. It's not some hard and fast rule or anything, but it's still a factor.", '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, and Florida are all "bluer" due to increasing Hispanic populations. Heck add Arizona to that list as well. Bush won New Mexico - a traditionally blue state - due to his high Hispanic support in 2004. It\'s not just NY, CA, and IL - blue strongholds - that hold large Hispanic voting populations. The above states are shifting bluer due to their increasing Hispanic populations.', ">>{Downbound92} : Yah Romney would have lost with Bush's numbers because the Hispanic vote has grown by a lot since then, which only further illustrates Trump's terrible predicament. And Republicans have been trying to get that mythical blue collar white Republican voter, who totally exists but just never votes, but could swing Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania if they did and are just waiting to be inspired, for 25 years. And the white vote has only gone down, by about 10%. I'm beginning to think that these voters just don't exist.", ">>{x86_64Ubuntu} : Trump would have to do better with Whites than Reagan did to get into the white house. No one has surpassed Reagan's white vote percentage ever since.", '>>{Alister78} : This only helps if they actually get out and vote. Most minorities are against Trump. However, most minorities have a fairly low turnout when it comes to elections...', '>>{RaRaRussiya} : They need to be gotten rid of. Criminality breeds Criminality']]
classify and reply
[">>{finfangfoom1} : Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson says none of it is really that complicated, however. 'He hasn't changed his position on immigration. He's changed the words that he is saying,' she said Thursday on CNN.", '>>{anshulk9} : New poll: Melania and Ivanka Trump are more popular than the president', '>>{dermotBlancmonge} : Trump receives note from Obama — but won’t divulge its contents', '>>{IWantRootBeer} : Why do 3rd party keyboards remain such a broken experience?', '>>{RelevantNomenclature} : The Poor in the US Are Richer than the Middle Class in Much of Europe', ">>{pw5a29} : I just hate I can't switch to other keyboards by swiping up the globe, instead I will have to tap the globe which take ages", '>>{robaloie} : Hahah yeah and the homeless are richer then the poor in Europe too', '>>{LupMani} : I have this feeling that Melania will be the Trump card to Trumps downfall', '>>{LastOneofUs} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3951 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/92950)', ">>{MolestedConservative} : Every conservative in my Facebook believes Melania has PTSD. They cited the look on her face during the inauguration and ball. It's probably true, since these women have experience with PTSD and what it looks like.", '>>{no_coats_for_you} : Because Europe taxes their middle class with 50% taxes.', ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : poverty means you can't fucking eat. And the US poor are indeed poorer than middle class europe. http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/blogs/moneybox/2014/09/04/american_hunger_it_s_embarrassing_by_rich_country_standards/american_hunger.png.CROP.promovar-mediumlarge.png", ">>{unabatedshagie} : >Now, I've heard rumors that it may be a RAM issue (I'm still on a 6 Plus) and that the 6S or 7 may not have this issue because of their increased memory, but I'm having a hard time believing that since the rest of the system works flawlessly. It is partially a ram issue. I believe the keyboards are restricted to the amount they can use and it's a small amount.", ">>{CRush3RIII} : This is correct. If I'm not mistaken is was set to only 25MB. If you are jailbroken, you can change this limit. I changed mine too just 50MB and I do feel the differences mainly keyboard opens faster!", '>>{tangibleadhd} : From twitter I will be making a major speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the GREAT State of Arizona. Big crowds, looking for a larger venue.', '>>{janzeera} : To avoid further confusing the press Trump in all future announcements about immigration will use body language in place of words..', '>>{PlaaaaasticJesuuuuus} : >10/16/2015 Too busy huffing the fumes to even bother checking if this bullshit is fresh?', ">>{realliberalism} : Don't care. Unless the borders are completely open, we are a racist society.", '>>{Rantheur} : I\'ll leave contesting the "fact" of the headline to others and cut to a much simpler argument. The fact that the poor in the US are richer than most of the European middle class means nothing when the poor in the US can\'t afford rent, let alone afford to buy a house.', '>>{fudge_friend} : Dear Donald, I know what you did last summer. \\- Barry', ">>{99PercentTruth} : He tried to pivot on immigration, his base of xenophobic bigots went apeshit, now he's going to 180 the 180 and double down on the crazy talk.", '>>{JadeScar} : The way things are going..this is tomorrows headline :: Obama :"Uh no..I didn\'t leave a note. "', ">>{CRush3RIII} : Well a temporary solution is better than none, don't you agree?", '>>{counterview} : Trump to attempt dodging the details for longer than usual.', '>>{anisaerah} : Well, the national archives did just release the last two.', '>>{aubonpaine} : This is a right-wing pro-Trump rag, you know.', '>>{E-rockComment} : I heard many of them are planning to migrate to Canada come November.', ">>{not_1_throwaway} : Yeah, because countries can't have a center realistic solution and have to go from one extreme to another.", ">>{a_James_Woods} : [There's no way he doesn't piss a fuckton of people off.](http://img.pandawhale.com/78387-dis-gon-b-gud-meme-G1Ya.jpeg)", ">>{RelevantNomenclature} : Because the cost of living is unbelievably high in Europe, as well as the cost of plane tickets. Your anecdotal evidence doesn't dispute math.", ">>{E-rockComment} : They're not going to migrate to Canada, that's the funny part.", ">>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : Traditionally, presidents talk about what was in the letter, because they aren't huge assholes. It's usually just a motivational message, it's not classified info or anything.", '>>{barchueetadonai} : I’ve had the memory increased for Nintype for at least two years now. How long is temporary?', '>>{Rantheur} : How about that, it\'s not wrong where I thought it was. But I did find where they\'ve made a pretty glaring mistake. >We get much more insight, though, once we have a look at what UNICEF means by "poverty rate." In this case, **UNICEF (and many other organizations) measure the poverty rate as a percentage of the national median household income**. UNICEF uses 60% of median as the cut off. So, if you\'re in Portugal, and your household earns under 60% of the median income in Portugal, you are poor. If you are in the US and you earn under 60% of the US median income, then you are also poor. There is no mention of whether they\'ve excluded outliers (i.e. billionaires) from their calculation of national median household income. If they did, then they could be right (it\'s also worth noting that Eastern Europe is still poor as dirt). If they didn\'t, that\'s enough to question their definitions, and therefore, their results.', ">>{dermotBlancmonge} : I've seen the piss tape. Good luck, Baz", ">>{CRush3RIII} : Which tweak did u install for this? Mind sharing? If the device u are using doesn't have enough ram, temporary is forever. Pretty sure if many people complain to apple they will eventually add it. Look at apple history (hardware and software release). Temporary could take few years.", ">>{RelevantNomenclature} : I've been to Paris, Milan, Normandy, and Rome, and the cost of everything (hotels, food, transportation) was greater than every in the US I've lived or visited, which ranges from cities to the countryside. Again, anecdotal evidence. Read the article though. Actually, I will concede I've been to NYC and it's more expensive in general than Normandy, but about the same or cheaper than the other cities.", ">>{RelevantNomenclature} : You need to take a class on statistics. The median is resistant to outliers. That's why we use medians.", '>>{realliberalism} : You\'re either for closed borders because you fear brown people, or you don\'t. There\'s no actual middle ground to discuss. "I want brown people to come in, but only a small number of them" is like saying you only want to gas *some* of the Jews.', '>>{mike_deus_volt_pence} : So Ivanka 2024 is going to be a thing, then?', '>>{OpnotIc} : Is he dropping out I wonder on Wed? (Really).', '>>{barchueetadonai} : Check out the /r/Nintype sidebar and edit the file using ifile or another file editing tool. The tweak is only compatible with iOS 8. The problem is not the ram, as Nintype worked perfectly as a tweak on my iPhone 4, but won’t work as an officially supported third party keyboard on my iPhone 6s.', '>>{RelevantNomenclature} : ITT: anecdotal evidence and kneejerk reactions > math and statistics.', ">>{johntempleton} : > That's why we use medians. I use medians because I am a bad driver and it is the only way I can stop my car. ... Wrong medians. Sorry. Carry on.", '>>{Rantheur} : You\'re right, I should have made a different objection. I understand medians are resistant to outliers, but are by no means immune to them. Say we have a data set that looks like this: 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3. The median of that set is 1, while the mean is ~0.85. Say we have a data set that looks like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1000, 100000, 1000000. The median of that set is 4, while the mean is ~157287. Finally, say we have a data set that looks like this 0, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, it\'s median is 1, but the mean is 43. Statistics can be used to say almost anything if you tweak them right. For the median household income number to be useful we need more information. We need the minimum income, the "maximum" income, the mean, mode, median, and assurance that the sample was as close to truly random as it can be. If you hand someone a piece of paper that says the median is X and it\'s 100% accurate that is the median, you can do exactly nothing with that number except say, "This is the median guys!" But thanks for being more educated on statistics than the average Internet person so I could highlight a couple other possible issues I thought of.', '>>{RelevantNomenclature} : Yes but I imagine the existence of outliers is relatively consistent among countries; there are billionaires that are a very small portion of the population in every country (well, most) hence the term the top 1%. The top 1% of any large data set will hardly affect the mean.', '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : New poll: Satan more popular than the President New poll: AIDS more popular than the President New poll: New Coke more popular than the President', '>>{histagehand} : The powdery white dog turd is more popular right now.', ">>{Rantheur} : Again, you're correct, and I concede that I was mistaken in talking about outliers at all. However, without more information, the median is still not terribly useful, it becomes far more useful when we have the average (adjusted for outliers) and still more useful when we have the mode or at least the number of individuals in the survey (because I guarantee they didn't cover everyone).", '>>{10390} : My 3-day old pizza is more popular than the president.', '>>{RelevantNomenclature} : Well median income is determined from the US Census usually, so I imagine it\'s a literal census (a "sample" of everyone in a population) making it the best measure. Though I admit the # of individuals would be useful if a different source was used.', ">>{Rantheur} : >Well median income is determined from the US Census usually, It's been 6 years since I've seen one, but I don't think the Census actually asks about income. So it'd be interesting to know if they're correlating Social Security numbers/Last names with the Census to come up with that median.", ">>{sneakpeekbot} : **Here's a sneak peek of [/r/nintype](https://np.reddit.com/r/nintype) using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nintype/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time!** \\#1: [Rejoice Android users! Nintype is on Play Store in Alpha](https://np.reddit.com/r/nintype/comments/5f9rnk/rejoice_android_users_nintype_is_on_play_store_in/) \\#2: [Can we just take a moment and express all the awe and thankfulness for Jormy for being so very very amazing and awesome](https://np.reddit.com/r/nintype/comments/2p8ye9/can_we_just_take_a_moment_and_express_all_the_awe/) \\#3: [An Open Letter to Jormy](https://np.reddit.com/r/nintype/comments/52uy1g/an_open_letter_to_jormy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/5lveo6/blacklist/)", ">>{CRush3RIII} : I'm using Google's and I noticed the difference upon changing the ram setting. :)", ">>{Grease2310} : It's usually not released till YEARS later because it's a personal letter from one person to another. The Bush and Clinton ones were JUST released before the inauguration this year.", ">>{FriesWithThat} : She has had some work done: http://i.imgur.com/6TY981b.jpg I like to think there's still a happy women inside, but that she just feels the need to go around doing Blue Steel all the time, and her face kind of froze in place.", ">>{LookUpYourBSfacts} : So you're saying you've visited some of the most expensive places in Europe as a tourist and it was more expensive than the much of the US? Shocker.", '>>{RelevantNomenclature} : Well he said I\'ve never travelled outside the US. He lives in Berlin and tried to apply his anecdotal evidence to "much of Europe" which is what the article says.', '>>{LastOneofUs} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6088 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/27344)', '>>{LastOneofUs} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1294 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/96495)', ">>{LookUpYourBSfacts} : > guess you haven't travelled outside the US *much* Which is true, given you've only been to three cities and normandy. It'd be similar to him traveling to Boston, Connecticut, NYC and Atlanta, and made a blanket comparision about prices.", ">>{RelevantNomenclature} : I mean, I've travelled outside the US more than that. Just not to Europe. He used anecdotal evidence, I thought he'd appreciate my own. I doubt he's travelled outside of Europe significantly more than I've travelled out of the US", '>>{Zanios74} : The First Lady is always more popular then the president.', ">>{anisaerah} : Yes, and in context of the others being released, I think that's significant.", '>>{veni_vedi_concretum} : And much more "grabbable" than the president.', ">>{dagwood222} : At some point she'll realize that she can earn $100 million overnight by dumping him and writing a tell-all book.", '>>{LastOneofUs} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4905 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/19684)', '>>{Dontrell} : I work as an aide to a senior White House staff member. I got a peek at this letter. It reads as follows (from what I can tell): >Donald, >IFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIF OKIE DOKE >Sincerely, Obama.', ">>{morbidexpression} : don't flatter yourselves, ladies -- herpes is more popular than the preisdent", ">>{anisaerah} : Look, I see what you mean, but at the same time there's much more egregious shit that needs pointing out. Trump, yet again, caused this headline by making a point of saying he wouldn't", '>>{supreme_man} : I hate trump but this is a non story.', ">>{morbidexpression} : not with those NDAs she won't. Stop pretending this awful enabler who pushed birther lies for years is secretly going to be against Donnie.", '>>{LastOneofUs} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1175 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/48777)', '>>{ozric101} : You people are gong to be a nervous wreck keeping up with Trump for 8 years.', ">>{anisaerah} : All good. And I'm not a man btw haha (I know I know)", '>>{dagwood222} : Not a lawyer, but what kind of NDA applies to a divorce?', '>>{AlienPsychic51} : Which happened long after the then sitting President was out of office.', '>>{watchout5} : Biden - "I left him dog shit in the sheets, no note"', '>>{anisaerah} : Yes. And trump made a point of saying no one would read his.', '>>{westondeboer} : Do we ever know what is said i those notes between presidents?', ">>{omeow} : Trump won't divulge its contents because he can't absorb things written on paper.", '>>{CLxJames} : Some have been released in the past, but after the presidential term of the recipient has ended', '>>{CLxJames} : Trump: damn I gotta change the passcode on my luggage!', ">>{RunnyBabbitRoy} : Lets hope the non-voters (50+%) of Americans realize the next Dem or Sane Republican (of one were to challenge Trump) won't be a guaranteed win and actually show up to only limit Trump to four years", ">>{centurion_celery} : Dearest Donald, You're an idiot. Love BHO P.S: There's a hidden copy of my secret Kenyan birth certificate somewhere on the South Lawn. Find it if you can!", '>>{The_cuckmaker} : You done fucked up bruh. Love, Barry and "Diamond" Joe Biden', '>>{VotesSlitThroats} : I like how you assume it will be 8. Absolutely nothing points to that but k.', '>>{VotesSlitThroats} : That Obama. If only he was eloquent like Trump.', ">>{zstandig} : It's traditional that the parting president leave a note for the new one. Dubya left a note for Obama and so on", '>>{miterpowersaw} : Little pointed him to winning in November if you watched TV a lot...', '>>{Notsdlog} : He has the best okie dokies. Tremendous okie dokies.', ">>{yourfavoriteblackguy} : Trump there's cheese cake in the fridge. No you can't have any."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{finfangfoom1} : Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson says none of it is really that complicated, however. 'He hasn't changed his position on immigration. He's changed the words that he is saying,' she said Thursday on CNN.", '>>{tangibleadhd} : From twitter I will be making a major speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the GREAT State of Arizona. Big crowds, looking for a larger venue.', '>>{janzeera} : To avoid further confusing the press Trump in all future announcements about immigration will use body language in place of words..', ">>{realliberalism} : Don't care. Unless the borders are completely open, we are a racist society.", ">>{99PercentTruth} : He tried to pivot on immigration, his base of xenophobic bigots went apeshit, now he's going to 180 the 180 and double down on the crazy talk.", '>>{counterview} : Trump to attempt dodging the details for longer than usual.', ">>{not_1_throwaway} : Yeah, because countries can't have a center realistic solution and have to go from one extreme to another.", ">>{a_James_Woods} : [There's no way he doesn't piss a fuckton of people off.](http://img.pandawhale.com/78387-dis-gon-b-gud-meme-G1Ya.jpeg)", '>>{realliberalism} : You\'re either for closed borders because you fear brown people, or you don\'t. There\'s no actual middle ground to discuss. "I want brown people to come in, but only a small number of them" is like saying you only want to gas *some* of the Jews.', '>>{OpnotIc} : Is he dropping out I wonder on Wed? (Really).'], ['>>{dermotBlancmonge} : Trump receives note from Obama — but won’t divulge its contents', '>>{LastOneofUs} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3951 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/92950)', '>>{fudge_friend} : Dear Donald, I know what you did last summer. \\- Barry', '>>{JadeScar} : The way things are going..this is tomorrows headline :: Obama :"Uh no..I didn\'t leave a note. "', '>>{anisaerah} : Well, the national archives did just release the last two.', '>>{aubonpaine} : This is a right-wing pro-Trump rag, you know.', ">>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : Traditionally, presidents talk about what was in the letter, because they aren't huge assholes. It's usually just a motivational message, it's not classified info or anything.", ">>{dermotBlancmonge} : I've seen the piss tape. Good luck, Baz", ">>{Grease2310} : It's usually not released till YEARS later because it's a personal letter from one person to another. The Bush and Clinton ones were JUST released before the inauguration this year.", '>>{LastOneofUs} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6088 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/27344)', '>>{LastOneofUs} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1294 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/96495)', ">>{anisaerah} : Yes, and in context of the others being released, I think that's significant.", '>>{LastOneofUs} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4905 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/19684)', '>>{Dontrell} : I work as an aide to a senior White House staff member. I got a peek at this letter. It reads as follows (from what I can tell): >Donald, >IFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIF OKIE DOKE >Sincerely, Obama.', ">>{anisaerah} : Look, I see what you mean, but at the same time there's much more egregious shit that needs pointing out. Trump, yet again, caused this headline by making a point of saying he wouldn't", '>>{supreme_man} : I hate trump but this is a non story.', '>>{LastOneofUs} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1175 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/48777)', '>>{ozric101} : You people are gong to be a nervous wreck keeping up with Trump for 8 years.', ">>{anisaerah} : All good. And I'm not a man btw haha (I know I know)", '>>{AlienPsychic51} : Which happened long after the then sitting President was out of office.', '>>{watchout5} : Biden - "I left him dog shit in the sheets, no note"', '>>{anisaerah} : Yes. And trump made a point of saying no one would read his.', '>>{westondeboer} : Do we ever know what is said i those notes between presidents?', ">>{omeow} : Trump won't divulge its contents because he can't absorb things written on paper.", '>>{CLxJames} : Some have been released in the past, but after the presidential term of the recipient has ended', '>>{CLxJames} : Trump: damn I gotta change the passcode on my luggage!', ">>{RunnyBabbitRoy} : Lets hope the non-voters (50+%) of Americans realize the next Dem or Sane Republican (of one were to challenge Trump) won't be a guaranteed win and actually show up to only limit Trump to four years", ">>{centurion_celery} : Dearest Donald, You're an idiot. Love BHO P.S: There's a hidden copy of my secret Kenyan birth certificate somewhere on the South Lawn. Find it if you can!", '>>{The_cuckmaker} : You done fucked up bruh. Love, Barry and "Diamond" Joe Biden', '>>{VotesSlitThroats} : I like how you assume it will be 8. Absolutely nothing points to that but k.', '>>{VotesSlitThroats} : That Obama. If only he was eloquent like Trump.', ">>{zstandig} : It's traditional that the parting president leave a note for the new one. Dubya left a note for Obama and so on", '>>{miterpowersaw} : Little pointed him to winning in November if you watched TV a lot...', '>>{Notsdlog} : He has the best okie dokies. Tremendous okie dokies.', ">>{yourfavoriteblackguy} : Trump there's cheese cake in the fridge. No you can't have any."], ['>>{anshulk9} : New poll: Melania and Ivanka Trump are more popular than the president', '>>{LupMani} : I have this feeling that Melania will be the Trump card to Trumps downfall', ">>{MolestedConservative} : Every conservative in my Facebook believes Melania has PTSD. They cited the look on her face during the inauguration and ball. It's probably true, since these women have experience with PTSD and what it looks like.", '>>{mike_deus_volt_pence} : So Ivanka 2024 is going to be a thing, then?', '>>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : New poll: Satan more popular than the President New poll: AIDS more popular than the President New poll: New Coke more popular than the President', '>>{histagehand} : The powdery white dog turd is more popular right now.', '>>{10390} : My 3-day old pizza is more popular than the president.', ">>{FriesWithThat} : She has had some work done: http://i.imgur.com/6TY981b.jpg I like to think there's still a happy women inside, but that she just feels the need to go around doing Blue Steel all the time, and her face kind of froze in place.", '>>{Zanios74} : The First Lady is always more popular then the president.', '>>{veni_vedi_concretum} : And much more "grabbable" than the president.', ">>{dagwood222} : At some point she'll realize that she can earn $100 million overnight by dumping him and writing a tell-all book.", ">>{morbidexpression} : don't flatter yourselves, ladies -- herpes is more popular than the preisdent", ">>{morbidexpression} : not with those NDAs she won't. Stop pretending this awful enabler who pushed birther lies for years is secretly going to be against Donnie.", '>>{dagwood222} : Not a lawyer, but what kind of NDA applies to a divorce?'], ['>>{RelevantNomenclature} : The Poor in the US Are Richer than the Middle Class in Much of Europe', '>>{robaloie} : Hahah yeah and the homeless are richer then the poor in Europe too', '>>{no_coats_for_you} : Because Europe taxes their middle class with 50% taxes.', ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : poverty means you can't fucking eat. And the US poor are indeed poorer than middle class europe. http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/blogs/moneybox/2014/09/04/american_hunger_it_s_embarrassing_by_rich_country_standards/american_hunger.png.CROP.promovar-mediumlarge.png", '>>{PlaaaaasticJesuuuuus} : >10/16/2015 Too busy huffing the fumes to even bother checking if this bullshit is fresh?', '>>{Rantheur} : I\'ll leave contesting the "fact" of the headline to others and cut to a much simpler argument. The fact that the poor in the US are richer than most of the European middle class means nothing when the poor in the US can\'t afford rent, let alone afford to buy a house.', '>>{E-rockComment} : I heard many of them are planning to migrate to Canada come November.', ">>{RelevantNomenclature} : Because the cost of living is unbelievably high in Europe, as well as the cost of plane tickets. Your anecdotal evidence doesn't dispute math.", ">>{E-rockComment} : They're not going to migrate to Canada, that's the funny part.", '>>{Rantheur} : How about that, it\'s not wrong where I thought it was. But I did find where they\'ve made a pretty glaring mistake. >We get much more insight, though, once we have a look at what UNICEF means by "poverty rate." In this case, **UNICEF (and many other organizations) measure the poverty rate as a percentage of the national median household income**. UNICEF uses 60% of median as the cut off. So, if you\'re in Portugal, and your household earns under 60% of the median income in Portugal, you are poor. If you are in the US and you earn under 60% of the US median income, then you are also poor. There is no mention of whether they\'ve excluded outliers (i.e. billionaires) from their calculation of national median household income. If they did, then they could be right (it\'s also worth noting that Eastern Europe is still poor as dirt). If they didn\'t, that\'s enough to question their definitions, and therefore, their results.', ">>{RelevantNomenclature} : I've been to Paris, Milan, Normandy, and Rome, and the cost of everything (hotels, food, transportation) was greater than every in the US I've lived or visited, which ranges from cities to the countryside. Again, anecdotal evidence. Read the article though. Actually, I will concede I've been to NYC and it's more expensive in general than Normandy, but about the same or cheaper than the other cities.", ">>{RelevantNomenclature} : You need to take a class on statistics. The median is resistant to outliers. That's why we use medians.", '>>{RelevantNomenclature} : ITT: anecdotal evidence and kneejerk reactions > math and statistics.', ">>{johntempleton} : > That's why we use medians. I use medians because I am a bad driver and it is the only way I can stop my car. ... Wrong medians. Sorry. Carry on.", '>>{Rantheur} : You\'re right, I should have made a different objection. I understand medians are resistant to outliers, but are by no means immune to them. Say we have a data set that looks like this: 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3. The median of that set is 1, while the mean is ~0.85. Say we have a data set that looks like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1000, 100000, 1000000. The median of that set is 4, while the mean is ~157287. Finally, say we have a data set that looks like this 0, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, it\'s median is 1, but the mean is 43. Statistics can be used to say almost anything if you tweak them right. For the median household income number to be useful we need more information. We need the minimum income, the "maximum" income, the mean, mode, median, and assurance that the sample was as close to truly random as it can be. If you hand someone a piece of paper that says the median is X and it\'s 100% accurate that is the median, you can do exactly nothing with that number except say, "This is the median guys!" But thanks for being more educated on statistics than the average Internet person so I could highlight a couple other possible issues I thought of.', '>>{RelevantNomenclature} : Yes but I imagine the existence of outliers is relatively consistent among countries; there are billionaires that are a very small portion of the population in every country (well, most) hence the term the top 1%. The top 1% of any large data set will hardly affect the mean.', ">>{Rantheur} : Again, you're correct, and I concede that I was mistaken in talking about outliers at all. However, without more information, the median is still not terribly useful, it becomes far more useful when we have the average (adjusted for outliers) and still more useful when we have the mode or at least the number of individuals in the survey (because I guarantee they didn't cover everyone).", '>>{RelevantNomenclature} : Well median income is determined from the US Census usually, so I imagine it\'s a literal census (a "sample" of everyone in a population) making it the best measure. Though I admit the # of individuals would be useful if a different source was used.', ">>{Rantheur} : >Well median income is determined from the US Census usually, It's been 6 years since I've seen one, but I don't think the Census actually asks about income. So it'd be interesting to know if they're correlating Social Security numbers/Last names with the Census to come up with that median.", ">>{LookUpYourBSfacts} : So you're saying you've visited some of the most expensive places in Europe as a tourist and it was more expensive than the much of the US? Shocker.", '>>{RelevantNomenclature} : Well he said I\'ve never travelled outside the US. He lives in Berlin and tried to apply his anecdotal evidence to "much of Europe" which is what the article says.', ">>{LookUpYourBSfacts} : > guess you haven't travelled outside the US *much* Which is true, given you've only been to three cities and normandy. It'd be similar to him traveling to Boston, Connecticut, NYC and Atlanta, and made a blanket comparision about prices.", ">>{RelevantNomenclature} : I mean, I've travelled outside the US more than that. Just not to Europe. He used anecdotal evidence, I thought he'd appreciate my own. I doubt he's travelled outside of Europe significantly more than I've travelled out of the US"], ['>>{IWantRootBeer} : Why do 3rd party keyboards remain such a broken experience?', ">>{pw5a29} : I just hate I can't switch to other keyboards by swiping up the globe, instead I will have to tap the globe which take ages", ">>{unabatedshagie} : >Now, I've heard rumors that it may be a RAM issue (I'm still on a 6 Plus) and that the 6S or 7 may not have this issue because of their increased memory, but I'm having a hard time believing that since the rest of the system works flawlessly. It is partially a ram issue. I believe the keyboards are restricted to the amount they can use and it's a small amount.", ">>{CRush3RIII} : This is correct. If I'm not mistaken is was set to only 25MB. If you are jailbroken, you can change this limit. I changed mine too just 50MB and I do feel the differences mainly keyboard opens faster!", ">>{CRush3RIII} : Well a temporary solution is better than none, don't you agree?", '>>{barchueetadonai} : I’ve had the memory increased for Nintype for at least two years now. How long is temporary?', ">>{CRush3RIII} : Which tweak did u install for this? Mind sharing? If the device u are using doesn't have enough ram, temporary is forever. Pretty sure if many people complain to apple they will eventually add it. Look at apple history (hardware and software release). Temporary could take few years.", '>>{barchueetadonai} : Check out the /r/Nintype sidebar and edit the file using ifile or another file editing tool. The tweak is only compatible with iOS 8. The problem is not the ram, as Nintype worked perfectly as a tweak on my iPhone 4, but won’t work as an officially supported third party keyboard on my iPhone 6s.', ">>{sneakpeekbot} : **Here's a sneak peek of [/r/nintype](https://np.reddit.com/r/nintype) using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nintype/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time!** \\#1: [Rejoice Android users! Nintype is on Play Store in Alpha](https://np.reddit.com/r/nintype/comments/5f9rnk/rejoice_android_users_nintype_is_on_play_store_in/) \\#2: [Can we just take a moment and express all the awe and thankfulness for Jormy for being so very very amazing and awesome](https://np.reddit.com/r/nintype/comments/2p8ye9/can_we_just_take_a_moment_and_express_all_the_awe/) \\#3: [An Open Letter to Jormy](https://np.reddit.com/r/nintype/comments/52uy1g/an_open_letter_to_jormy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/5lveo6/blacklist/)", ">>{CRush3RIII} : I'm using Google's and I noticed the difference upon changing the ram setting. :)"]]
classify and reply
['>>{Zachary_FGW} : yes, threaten the US. if the US and their allies stop buying your stuff your economy will collapse', ">>{rrborg} : I like how you toss in and their allies. What US allies are going to stop trading with China and it's population of 1.3 billion people. Other countries actually haven't all elected idiots recently. Also what do you think would happen to the US economy is we stopped trading with China?", '>>{zherok} : Pretty sure we enjoy the lifestyles we do in the US in large part due to cheap goods created in countries like China... These things work both ways.', ">>{SpookyKid94} : Works both ways. If we stop buying Chinese products, they're done, but how many jobs in the US are based on selling Chinese products? How much of our standard of living is due to the low prices of Chinese goods? Not everything is so simple, a trade war with China is mutually assured destruction.", '>>{SpookyKid94} : Exactly. This is the land of plenty because we buy things from countries that have incredibly low standards of living. We instantly go back to 1890 if this happens. Not literally, but you get my point.', '>>{knvngy} : The American consumer market is the most valuable for China. They need the wealthy American consumer and technology. The US still is the top innovator of the world in many areas. Only idiots trade their high end technology for dirty cheap manufacturing just to bypass labor and environmental regulations.', '>>{knvngy} : They are not really cheaper with stagnant wages . Only profits increase for a few.', '>>{xolotl92} : So...Russia says "Let\'s be buds!", Canada and Mexico want to redo NAFTA, but some how the Chinese think acting tough is the standard to take? Would the US take a hit if we put back tariffs on Chinese goods? Yes, but how long until the returning jobs brought an influx of consumers with more money to afford the products made in the US? In the meanwhile, how many companies would go with lower profit margins over loss is sales? I have my money on the US coming out on top and the Chinese collapsing with its inflated currency.', ">>{zherok} : My guess is they're still cheaper generally speaking. Stagnant wages ARE an issue, definitely. But Americans wouldn't exactly win from a race to the bottom to compete with where those goods are made.", '>>{gcm6664} : Looks like we have a bit of a game of poker here between the leader of a billion people and the newly elected leader of several hundred million. One of them can strike a deal that starves millions of his own people without batting an eye, and without fear of losing power. The other stands to be removed from power in 4 years if he costs so much as 100,000 jobs. We are going to find out what Trump is made of I guess.', ">>{zherok} : > Would the US take a hit if we put back tariffs on Chinese goods? Probably quite a lot, actually. Cheap consumer goods are almost certainly the most important to those least able to afford alternatives. > Yes, but how long until the returning jobs brought an influx of consumers with more money to afford the products made in the US? Probably never. There's more than one factor in play, but the US standard of living is a big one. Even a large tariff probably doesn't offset the cost of living in the US relative to places like China (and that's not getting into goods that are too cheap to make even in China) Then there's the matter of a tariff not making the good any cheaper for anywhere else; the Chinese good would still be the ultimately cheaper one anywhere but the US, making US goods inferior for export. And of course, ability to produce, which thanks to the largescale shifting of manufacturing to China and elsewhere, means we're not particularly prepared to scale up manufacturing on all sorts of goods. And with talks of specifically targeting electronics, it's worth noting that it's not just cheap labor that gets these goods built where they are, but the fact that the facilities to build them happen to exist in those countries and not much elsewhere. > In the meanwhile, how many companies would go with lower profit margins over loss is sales? It's worth noting how badly you have to cripple trade with other countries to even make this sort of thinking work out. It's not remotely as beneficial to the US as you're making it out to be.", '>>{woolyham} : Can we at least get their people to stop buying properties in our country?', ">>{SomeoneWithOpinions} : Hah, we won't. Their stuff is too cheap!", '>>{alargebananaphone} : What jobs that went to China do you expect to return to the United States? That time has come and pass. Manufacturing can no longer support middle class America. It can\'t even support the rising middle class in China as they rapidly move towards automation. China and the United States right now are mutually important to each other. With the amount of US reserves China has on hand they could easily have destroyed us long ago... of course with the caveat that they\'d take their economy with us. This won\'t be the case in the next 20-30 years. China is rapidly becoming a high tech service based economy. They are investing 10s of billions into becoming the makers of super conductors and not the consumers. Similarly they are blazing new trails in nuclear energy technology. Right now we need each other. But it won\'t be that way forever. You may think that "nobody will buy cheap Chinese goods" but remember America was once viewed that way even as recently as the 80s when the Japanese were viewed as the pinnacle of business.', ">>{xenopsych} : They aren't threatening the United States, they are threatening Trump. This is how he is dealt with. The world loves our country.", ">>{xolotl92} : I think you are vastly over estimating how much the out sourcing has affected prices. Many companies have been able to operate with manufacturing based in the US, but with significantly lower profit margins than those with foreign based manufacturing. Consumer pricing has continued to rise, and with it profits, but wages haven't followed. US manufacturing can be done, it can be profitable (although at a lower level than many companies currently have), it would create jobs in America and the ramp up time isn't as bad as you think. Not to mention, this is all assuming they don't just move to Vietnam, Mexico, Korea...China is just the easiest, but it isn't special. Imagine if companies went to India on mass? Do you think the Indian government wouldn't jump at the chance to have the US as it's number 1 customer and over take China in every way? There are a myriad of options to the Chinese falling apart, and the US would survive with very few problems. On the other hand, the Chinese would never be able to recover from the loss of us.", '>>{alargebananaphone} : Basically. It is a cycle as manufacturing and textiles move across the glove to cheaper and cheaper nations. People will always complain about bringing back American jobs but when they see the costs associated with a trade war or US based production they will sing a different tune. Everything could be made in the USA but there is not a consumer out there who would pay $30 for a t-shirt that cost $15 today.', '>>{cool_hand_luke} : WTF are you talking about "allies"? There\'s no way Europe, Mexico, or Canada is going to follow the dead end road that is a trade war with China.', ">>{zherok} : How many electronics companies still produce goods in the US? I've got a sneaking suspicion it's not all too many. It's an industry specifically targeted by Trump, although I suspect more as a take that to Apple rather than some sort of strategy. It's worth examining what kind of return on jobs we could even expect at best, too, because as an industry manufacturing faces increasing automation. Much like the intention to return coal jobs, subsidizing an industry just to bring a handful of jobs back while slighting literally everyone else while doing so isn't really worthwhile. > There are a myriad of options to the Chinese falling apart, and the US would survive with very few problems. I think you're really underestimating the problems of making cheap consumer goods more expensive and who that effects. And really ignoring the consequences with being so willing to dive into trade wars with other major countries.", ">>{knvngy} : > But Americans wouldn't exactly win from a race to the bottom to compete with where those goods are made. Of course they can't under this circumstances .", ">>{MrPibbWasBetter} : You're living in a dream world. There's nothing to take back from China. They're automated jobs. Actual human people will be needed, sure, but those jobs wont be going to middle aged uneducated people who assemble gizmos in Indiana. They'll be going to educated white collar young people with advanced skills.", ">>{zherok} : I think there's also a tendency to inflate the number of jobs this sort of thing would create even at it's best. How many people do you need making $30 t-shirts, for example? Like the crying to return coal jobs, it's essentially demanding for a massive subsidization of an industry that isn't really sustainable here anymore, and that everyone ends up paying for the consequences.", '>>{zherok} : Why would you want to win a race to lower the standard of living just to pick up manufacturing jobs?', '>>{FallenMan} : China wants to be a super power. They have the pride to step to our faces', '>>{alargebananaphone} : It really is all just bluster to get voters captivated. I believe even McConnell said coal was unlikely to return. Of course this was said after the election. It deeply saddens me that there has been no other point in history where information has been easier to access... yet my fellow voters just refuse to use Google.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Zachary_FGW} : yes, threaten the US. if the US and their allies stop buying your stuff your economy will collapse', ">>{rrborg} : I like how you toss in and their allies. What US allies are going to stop trading with China and it's population of 1.3 billion people. Other countries actually haven't all elected idiots recently. Also what do you think would happen to the US economy is we stopped trading with China?", '>>{zherok} : Pretty sure we enjoy the lifestyles we do in the US in large part due to cheap goods created in countries like China... These things work both ways.', ">>{SpookyKid94} : Works both ways. If we stop buying Chinese products, they're done, but how many jobs in the US are based on selling Chinese products? How much of our standard of living is due to the low prices of Chinese goods? Not everything is so simple, a trade war with China is mutually assured destruction.", '>>{SpookyKid94} : Exactly. This is the land of plenty because we buy things from countries that have incredibly low standards of living. We instantly go back to 1890 if this happens. Not literally, but you get my point.', '>>{knvngy} : The American consumer market is the most valuable for China. They need the wealthy American consumer and technology. The US still is the top innovator of the world in many areas. Only idiots trade their high end technology for dirty cheap manufacturing just to bypass labor and environmental regulations.', '>>{knvngy} : They are not really cheaper with stagnant wages . Only profits increase for a few.', '>>{xolotl92} : So...Russia says "Let\'s be buds!", Canada and Mexico want to redo NAFTA, but some how the Chinese think acting tough is the standard to take? Would the US take a hit if we put back tariffs on Chinese goods? Yes, but how long until the returning jobs brought an influx of consumers with more money to afford the products made in the US? In the meanwhile, how many companies would go with lower profit margins over loss is sales? I have my money on the US coming out on top and the Chinese collapsing with its inflated currency.', ">>{zherok} : My guess is they're still cheaper generally speaking. Stagnant wages ARE an issue, definitely. But Americans wouldn't exactly win from a race to the bottom to compete with where those goods are made.", '>>{gcm6664} : Looks like we have a bit of a game of poker here between the leader of a billion people and the newly elected leader of several hundred million. One of them can strike a deal that starves millions of his own people without batting an eye, and without fear of losing power. The other stands to be removed from power in 4 years if he costs so much as 100,000 jobs. We are going to find out what Trump is made of I guess.', ">>{zherok} : > Would the US take a hit if we put back tariffs on Chinese goods? Probably quite a lot, actually. Cheap consumer goods are almost certainly the most important to those least able to afford alternatives. > Yes, but how long until the returning jobs brought an influx of consumers with more money to afford the products made in the US? Probably never. There's more than one factor in play, but the US standard of living is a big one. Even a large tariff probably doesn't offset the cost of living in the US relative to places like China (and that's not getting into goods that are too cheap to make even in China) Then there's the matter of a tariff not making the good any cheaper for anywhere else; the Chinese good would still be the ultimately cheaper one anywhere but the US, making US goods inferior for export. And of course, ability to produce, which thanks to the largescale shifting of manufacturing to China and elsewhere, means we're not particularly prepared to scale up manufacturing on all sorts of goods. And with talks of specifically targeting electronics, it's worth noting that it's not just cheap labor that gets these goods built where they are, but the fact that the facilities to build them happen to exist in those countries and not much elsewhere. > In the meanwhile, how many companies would go with lower profit margins over loss is sales? It's worth noting how badly you have to cripple trade with other countries to even make this sort of thinking work out. It's not remotely as beneficial to the US as you're making it out to be.", '>>{woolyham} : Can we at least get their people to stop buying properties in our country?', ">>{SomeoneWithOpinions} : Hah, we won't. Their stuff is too cheap!", '>>{alargebananaphone} : What jobs that went to China do you expect to return to the United States? That time has come and pass. Manufacturing can no longer support middle class America. It can\'t even support the rising middle class in China as they rapidly move towards automation. China and the United States right now are mutually important to each other. With the amount of US reserves China has on hand they could easily have destroyed us long ago... of course with the caveat that they\'d take their economy with us. This won\'t be the case in the next 20-30 years. China is rapidly becoming a high tech service based economy. They are investing 10s of billions into becoming the makers of super conductors and not the consumers. Similarly they are blazing new trails in nuclear energy technology. Right now we need each other. But it won\'t be that way forever. You may think that "nobody will buy cheap Chinese goods" but remember America was once viewed that way even as recently as the 80s when the Japanese were viewed as the pinnacle of business.', ">>{xenopsych} : They aren't threatening the United States, they are threatening Trump. This is how he is dealt with. The world loves our country.", ">>{xolotl92} : I think you are vastly over estimating how much the out sourcing has affected prices. Many companies have been able to operate with manufacturing based in the US, but with significantly lower profit margins than those with foreign based manufacturing. Consumer pricing has continued to rise, and with it profits, but wages haven't followed. US manufacturing can be done, it can be profitable (although at a lower level than many companies currently have), it would create jobs in America and the ramp up time isn't as bad as you think. Not to mention, this is all assuming they don't just move to Vietnam, Mexico, Korea...China is just the easiest, but it isn't special. Imagine if companies went to India on mass? Do you think the Indian government wouldn't jump at the chance to have the US as it's number 1 customer and over take China in every way? There are a myriad of options to the Chinese falling apart, and the US would survive with very few problems. On the other hand, the Chinese would never be able to recover from the loss of us.", '>>{alargebananaphone} : Basically. It is a cycle as manufacturing and textiles move across the glove to cheaper and cheaper nations. People will always complain about bringing back American jobs but when they see the costs associated with a trade war or US based production they will sing a different tune. Everything could be made in the USA but there is not a consumer out there who would pay $30 for a t-shirt that cost $15 today.', '>>{cool_hand_luke} : WTF are you talking about "allies"? There\'s no way Europe, Mexico, or Canada is going to follow the dead end road that is a trade war with China.', ">>{zherok} : How many electronics companies still produce goods in the US? I've got a sneaking suspicion it's not all too many. It's an industry specifically targeted by Trump, although I suspect more as a take that to Apple rather than some sort of strategy. It's worth examining what kind of return on jobs we could even expect at best, too, because as an industry manufacturing faces increasing automation. Much like the intention to return coal jobs, subsidizing an industry just to bring a handful of jobs back while slighting literally everyone else while doing so isn't really worthwhile. > There are a myriad of options to the Chinese falling apart, and the US would survive with very few problems. I think you're really underestimating the problems of making cheap consumer goods more expensive and who that effects. And really ignoring the consequences with being so willing to dive into trade wars with other major countries.", ">>{knvngy} : > But Americans wouldn't exactly win from a race to the bottom to compete with where those goods are made. Of course they can't under this circumstances .", ">>{MrPibbWasBetter} : You're living in a dream world. There's nothing to take back from China. They're automated jobs. Actual human people will be needed, sure, but those jobs wont be going to middle aged uneducated people who assemble gizmos in Indiana. They'll be going to educated white collar young people with advanced skills.", ">>{zherok} : I think there's also a tendency to inflate the number of jobs this sort of thing would create even at it's best. How many people do you need making $30 t-shirts, for example? Like the crying to return coal jobs, it's essentially demanding for a massive subsidization of an industry that isn't really sustainable here anymore, and that everyone ends up paying for the consequences.", '>>{zherok} : Why would you want to win a race to lower the standard of living just to pick up manufacturing jobs?', '>>{FallenMan} : China wants to be a super power. They have the pride to step to our faces', '>>{alargebananaphone} : It really is all just bluster to get voters captivated. I believe even McConnell said coal was unlikely to return. Of course this was said after the election. It deeply saddens me that there has been no other point in history where information has been easier to access... yet my fellow voters just refuse to use Google.']]
classify and reply
[">>{Classy_Dolphin} : This is quite well done. Trump people always claim his immigration stance isn't racist, but given that basically all of his claims are profoundly false, what remains? There is zero reason for his hysteria *unless* racism is a part of his (or his supporters') thinking on the issue.", ">>{ontopic} : That's not something an actual smart, secure person would say.", '>>{lovely_sombrero} : Trump is not the only one who avoids taxes trough loopholes the rich invented for themselves; http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2016/10/01/20161002_hillarytax_0.jpg https://m.hrc.onl/secretary/10-documents/01-health-financial-records/Clinton_2015_Form_1040_with_Signature_Page.pdf', '>>{Nekowulf} : And he has the online IQ test printouts to prove it. He also has it on good authority that the sorting hat would put him in Gryffindor.', '>>{Fynn_the_Finger} : Dude, he took an online IQ test. It told him he was in the top 1%.', '>>{Thontor} : Democrats, seeking credit for House ethics reversal, watch it go to Trump', '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : America Cannot Stop Every Terror Attack: The U.S. government has spent a lot of money on national security since 9/11. It could use those funds in better ways to improve and save lives.', '>>{sdbest} : This is the first article in The New Yorker\'s series "[Trump and the Truth](http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/introducing-a-new-series-trump-and-the-truth)," "No one ... is suggesting that Trump is the only politician ever to unleash a whopper. In fact, Hillary Clinton has had her bald-faced moments—moments that are too kindly described as \'lawyerly.\' But, in the scale and in the depth of his lying, Donald Trump is in another category; this effort, which begins with Eyal Press’s essay on Trump and immigration and will continue every week through the election, is by way of keeping track of a record that appears to know no bounds, and certainly no shame."', ">>{mda111} : Ah, the truth. right. Immigration is fine, donald is NOT against that and ever has been. The entire article goes into stats of 'foreign-born' residents. What is donald against though? Everything thing is so twisted, does he hate blacks, mexicans, etc.? NO! He wants people to apply the legal way, I don't know what this countries problem is with defending illegal immigrants or making trump the bad guy for his stance on doing what the government should be doing. Another fine article /politics/", ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : Well net illegal migration is basically zero, and in terms of crime stats, illegal immigrants are basically the same as legal ones. When he rails about crime, he cherry picks a few instances and talks like it's a trend. That's deeply removed from reality. The question isn't about 'securing borders,' it's about deporting 11 million people who live here with their families, a logistical, economic, and cultural lunacy. That and the fact that trump *did* speak about reducing legal flows. Which is also absurd.", '>>{xxGrobicxx} : The whole MSM has been waiting for this the entire election to shame Donald Trump for being rich. Too bad they lost all their credibility.', ">>{trinaaz} : No one wants to shame him for being rich, they want to shame him for being rich and claiming to have the interest of the middle class at heart. Also, the didn't *lose* their credibility, people who can't handle facts have just chosen to ignore them.", ">>{Mengestan} : Of course people would rather lose lives to accidents than to attacks. That's human nature. It's illogical, but it's like telling people that flying is safer than driving, people will always respond to instinct more than to login.", '>>{Nekowulf} : Please, everyone knows wood is just a plant and has no IQ. His cabinet is made from elephants, those things are really smart.', '>>{Deadcharacter} : It actually is because of the media. Media jumped the shark, interpreted Trumps tweet wrongly and then Trump got good headlines. IMO the damage is done for the GOP. The mere fact they wanted to gut the ethics committee will not be forgotten so quickly by the Dems.', ">>{US-American} : They're happy to see one sneak through every now and again. It gives them a reason to justify their trillion dollar budget.", ">>{17281posse} : Trump is the guy who is trying to convince everyone that everything they've heard about the bogeyman is true. It's the most disingenuous thing I've ever seen. That guy is just straight up gross, zero class.", '>>{mda111} : There just isn\'t solid stats on illegal crime, they have numbers of crimes committed but you can\'t compare it to non illegals because its all guesstimates on the total illegals in that area in relation to the crime committed. Trump exagerrates, all of his supporters know that and we are fine with it. One thing that is clear, illegals generally fall into 2 groups. Those that are poor and come here, and criminals. Both are more prone to crime then the legal counterparts. "Deporting Illegals is lunacy!" That is literally the law. It isn\'t fair, but America has its system for a reason. You can immigrant here thats fine but these spin articles are bullshit.', '>>{Classy_Dolphin} : I\'ll trust the researchers on this one, if you don\'t mind, over some comment on the internet. The research is pretty conclusive. He talks like undocumented people are this human crime wave. It\'s not exaggeration, it\'s bullshit. Youre just wrong. That\'s what this article is about. You are not entitled to your own facts. This is what I am talking about - undocumented immigrants are *less* criminal than natives. You can say whatever you want but you won\'t change that. Believe it or not, it\'s not that simple, and we have the power to make desicions instead of sucker punching our economy and society and going "well that\'s the law!"', '>>{mda111} : Seems your a little confused, on what the study was about. Have you noticed it used the words "Foriegn born" throughout the whole article? THATS THE SPIN! Trump never made 1 comment about foreign born criminals. Foreign born are Legal immigrants, notice how it didn\'t say legal immigrants. It "spun" the story. Obviously legal immigrants have much better records then natives. They have the drive to be here and passed the background checks. Sucker punching the economy by deporting illegal immigrants? Why do we have a border at all? All the hillary fans want to let anyone in without passing any background checks, or going through.. well anything. No punishment like being deported if you don\'t go through the proper channel.', '>>{RedTango313} : Now show us times when Hillary criticized nearly half of Americans for not paying their taxes.', '>>{nanopicofared} : Is anyone really surprised by his hypocrisy? It seems like everything Trump criticizes, he himself is guilty of doing.', '>>{I_Feel_Like_Tacos} : In his book The Better Angels of Our Nature, Steven Pinker says something similar: > Responsible leaders occasionally grasp the arithmetic of terrorism. In an unguarded moment during the 2004 presidential campaign, John Kerry told a New York Times interviewer, "We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives, but they\'re a nuisance. As a former law-enforcement person, I know we\'re never going to end prostitution. We\'re never going to end illegal gambling. But we\'re going to reduce it, organized crime, to a level where it isn\'t on the rise. It isn\'t threatening people\'s lives every day, and fundamentally, it\'s something that you continue to fight, but it\'s not threatening the fabric of your life." > > Confirming the definition of a gaffe in Washington as \'something a politician says that is true\',\x9d George Bush and Dick Cheney pounced on the remark, calling Kerry "unfit to lead"\x9d and he quickly backpedaled.', '>>{lovely_sombrero} : I don\'t care about what Trump said, Trump is an idiot. Hillary is using loopholes to avoid paying taxes, while talking about her "progressive" plans to help the middle-class.', '>>{worldnewslovessharia} : Hillary in 2018 "Now, I know some have doubts about another million refugees, but I say to you, WE CAN DO IT!"', ">>{iwinagin} : I think they can shut the sub down now. We've jumped the shark.", '>>{raptureRunsOnDunkin} : We need leaders who have the courage to lead, not pander to the masses.', ">>{AmazingAnytime} : Today was a fun day for /r/politics. We got to see how easily Trump supporters get duped into believing what they are told to believe and then how disillusionment leads to lashing out. So many folks here were upset that Trump wasn't given his participation trophies for two things he had almost nothing to do with.", '>>{uhdna} : It will however be quickly forgotten by the average voter.', '>>{xxGrobicxx} : When the MSM covers a cartoon frog with a straight face warning people how dangerous it is, they have lost all credibility. Keep believing everything you see on TV, see how well that works out.', ">>{bythepint} : What credit do the House Democrats actually deserve? The reversal appears to have been the result of constituents flooding their reps with calls of disapproval, incredibly bad optics/media coverage, leadership saying it wasn't Trump's priority so why should it be theirs, or all of the above. The Democrats in the House have next to no power, and I don't see how claiming credit here would help... if anything it would make it seem like they have some power to sway the GOP's actions. So, won't they look really bad when the GOP steamrolls them on Obamacare, judicial appointments, etc? Don't get me wrong, Trump gets no credit for this either, it's just Trump being Trump.", ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : You think this article is the first ever to look at the criminality of immigrants? The thing is it doesn't matter, because legal and undocumented immigrants don't behave that differently, which you would know if you had maybe Googled it. http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-mythical-connection-between-immigrants-and-crime-1436916798 Trump won't shut up about this. He's constantly cherry picking the most horrific stories he can about immigrants and painting a picture of an immigrant crime wave that is divorced from reality. Believe it or not, it's not true. Those are, incidentally, not the same issues. Border enforcement is one thing. There are presently 11 million people who are undocumented in the United States. Deporting them all would deplete the agricultural sector and destroy numerous communities. Because here's the thing - they function economically more or less like anyone else, because they're *people,* and it turns out that deporting 11 million people is pretty rough on the economy, not to mention ludicrously expensive and socially disruptive.", ">>{kstinfo} : If we didn't piss people off, like propping up their crooked governments, we'd have more friends and fewer enemies,", '>>{mda111} : Thats just it.. Immigrants..You need to read between the lines. Watch closely at how things are \'worded\' because you are getting played. Foreign born =legal immigrants, immigrants = legal immigrants. Legal immigrants pass the background check and go through the proper channels, they ARE NOT criminals! Illegal immigrants do not pass the background checks and many are criminals ! That is actually one of the reasons they avoid the checks! "What mda trump is against immigrants this doesnt make sense!" No, hes actually against illegal immigrants.', ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : Yeah, except you're wrong, so what you're saying makes no sense. The article I linked, believe it or not, addresses this issue, but you seem to be information impaired. Illegal immigrants behave much the same as legal ones. That's the truth. You don't have to believe it, but you can spout all the BS you want and it won't be true.", ">>{RIDEO} : Trump and Where's Waldo have a lot in common ... They both are all over the Map.", ">>{Shanashy} : But I bet it was a website that he paid to skew the results in his favor. What we really need is for him to take a monitored test with no cell phone or computer use, and *then* we'll see if he's the genius he claims he is.", '>>{kanye_likes_rent_boy} : Thats not how terrorists are formed....at all. Its the normalization of extremist behavior in their environment that creates terrorists not military action. The people living under the yoke of groups like isis would rather the west do s9mething than leave isis in power', '>>{Pyrolytic} : He\'s a shitshow, certainly, but what about his followers? He may be the ugly face of his movement, but he\'s got millions of equally shitty alt right mouthbreathers behind him just spoiling for a fight. Trump may be the head of this shitshow, but the worrying thing to me is the millions behind him ravenously eating up the shit he\'s dropping. Why do you think they call themselves "centipedes"?', ">>{dayrise} : TIL there's no difference between writing off $900,000,000 and $700,000. In 2015, the Clintons paid an\xa0effective\xa0federal income\xa0tax rate\xa0of 34.2 percent. Some people are telling me that's a lot more than absolutely nothing, but somehow both should receive equal criticism for gaming the system. Edit: NVM you're just literally spamming this low effort comment in every thread on Donald's taxes. Those CTR trolls tho!", '>>{Grade_Break} : Majority of headlines are Trump tells repubs to leave ethics committee alone and Ford invests in Michigan because of faith in Trump. He is winning and the left is in a tailspin. The best thing the left can do is to stop hyperventilating over every little thing and pick one or two subjects to attack on. Spraying birdshot all over the place is not going to work.', '>>{wwarnout} : Substitute "net worth" for "IQ", and then it\'s accurate. Not sure that highest net worth is something to brag about.', ">>{lovely_sombrero} : >TIL there's no difference between writing off $900,000,000 and $700,000. $900,000,000? Where did I even mention $900mill? I said Trump is not the only one avoiding taxes.", ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : Terrorist attacks are so far down on the list of shit I'm worried about in my every day life.", '>>{mda111} : I read the article. It carefully words the stats as immigrants, then it only mentions illegal immigrants when it talks about trump. "In 1980 the incarceration rate of foreign nationals was about one percentage point below natives." - legal immigrant, but \'foreign national\' misleads people into thinking they are talking about illegal immigrants. That article is spun as shit. Go ahead and quote the exact sentence you are talking about. Because I couldn\'t find anything except when it was talking about people born of another country or immigrants. This is why people hate Hillary, this wordplay shit gets old. She and the media twist the fuck out of everything. Trump plans to make news much more accountable for \'intentionally misleading\' the public through this propaganda bullshit. This election has been pathetic.', ">>{MusicandWrestling} : I don't know that that's true. I think you'd be crazy to assume that drone striking an entire funeral procession in an already anti-American surrounding wouldn't very much contribute to radicalization.", ">>{I_politics} : Not even sure why I pay attention to politics anymore. It's a topic I used to love discussing but fact checking this new breed of video game/reality TV show politics where the bulk of the information we're fed is click bate titles and memes tailored to be what we (both sides) want to hear, is draining. And after you've done your due diligence, and figured out the story you just read is bullshit, you realize that most people don't go that far. They take the meme or headline to be factual and run with that.", '>>{AmazingAnytime} : Yet it was the Trump sycophants who were pulling double shifts here to try to spin the narrative after the real stories got out. The comment threads were fun.', '>>{TheHappyMuslim} : Tbh, i would rather wish to see America use its defence money more on street gangs. They kill alot more than terrorist attacks will ever in the US and bring in alot of drug money. Its a topic thats not discussed much', '>>{Classy_Dolphin} : >They might start by pointing out that numerous studies going back more than a century have shown that immigrants—regardless of nationality or legal status—are less likely than the native population to commit violent crimes or to be incarcerated. A new report from the Immigration Policy Center notes that while the illegal immigrant population in the U.S. more than tripled between 1990 and 2013 to more than 11.2 million, “FBI data indicate that the violent crime rate declined 48%—which included falling rates of aggravated assault, robbery, rape, and murder. Likewise, the property crime rate fell 41%, including declining rates of motor vehicle theft, larceny/robbery, and burglary.” >A separate IPC paper from 2007 explains that this is not a function of well-behaved high-skilled immigrants from India and China offsetting misdeeds of Latin American newcomers. The data show that “for every ethnic group without exception, incarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants,” according to the report. “This holds true especially for the Mexicans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans who make up the bulk of the undocumented population.” >It also holds true in states with large populations of illegal residents. A 2008 report by the Public Policy Institute of California found that immigrants are underrepresented in the prison system. “The incarceration rate for foreign-born adults is 297 per 100,000 in the population, compared [with] 813 per 100,000 for U.S.-born adults,” the study concludes. “The foreign-born, who make up roughly 35% of California’s adult population, constitute 17% of the state prison population.” >High-profile incidents, like the recent arrest of a Mexican national in the horrific shooting death of a young woman in San Francisco, can give the impression that immigrants are more likely to commit violent crimes. But the alleged killer is no more representative of Mexican immigrants than Dylann Roof is representative of white people. >Every immigrant here illegally has already broken a law, though that doesn’t mean they are predisposed to crime. In a 2005 paper, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago reported that more recently arrived immigrants are even less crime-prone than their predecessors. In 1980 the incarceration rate of foreign nationals was about one percentage point below natives. A decade later that had fallen to a little more than a percentage point, and by 2000 it was almost three percentage points lower. Damn, reading is hard, right?', ">>{Quexana} : Because politics isn't always easy and is often not fun, but it's always worth fighting for. What would our country be today if MLK, alone and friendless in his Birmingham jail cell, had decided that talking about politics was too draining? Stay resolved.", ">>{c0pypastry} : I'm not sure he can boast that his cabinet is smarter than a literal wooden cabinet.", '>>{resultachieved} : Watching New York times attribute it to Trump intentionally.', '>>{kelbot5000} : Cheeseburgers. Cigarettes. Automobiles. Police Officers. These things all kill more people than terrorists but have yet to elicit a trillion dollar response.', ">>{mda111} : Let’s take homicide as an example. The GAO estimates “criminal aliens” were arrested, convicted and incarcerated for 25,064 homicides. If non-citizens committed them over seven years, the annual rate would be 14.2 per 100,000 non-citizens. If illegal aliens committed them over four years, the annual rate would be 58.0 per 100,000 illegal aliens. Either way you compute, those are high rates. By comparison, the FBI reports the murder rates for the entire U.S. from 2003 through 2009 varied from 5.0 to 5.8 per 100,000 inhabitants for an average rate of 5.5. To be clear, 5.5 is much lower than either 14.2 or 58.0. Or look at the total number of homicides in those years. Per the FBI, there were 67,642 murders in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. Per the GAO, criminal aliens committed 25,064 of them. That means they committed 22% to 37% of all murders in the U.S., while being only 3.52% to 8.25% of the population. Conclusion: criminal and illegal aliens commit murder at much higher rates than all inhabitants of the U.S. – at least 3 to 10 times higher. http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/07/illegal_aliens_murder_at_a_much_higher_rate_than_us_citizens_do.html Stats of ACTUAL illegal immigrant crimes, not 'immigrant/foreign born/foreign national(lol)' Every single time your source tried to spill stats, it posted them for legal immigrants. Sorry but propaganda. That site used FBI sources and has them linked inside the webpage", ">>{morbidexpression} : tailspin? Meh, I see them more focused than ever on opposition. A massive change from the Bush years. Have fun with the complacency, you'll find out Trump's little reich won't last as long as Karl Rove's.", '>>{GODGK} : What cabinet?? Has anyone been confirmed yet?? They have only announced 28 out of nearly 700 and he makes this claim. Sounds like fake news to me.', ">>{Voroxpete} : You are literally more likely to be killed by a toddler. Seriously, that's an actual fact.", ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : [This Politifact article which refers to much of what you're referring to here](http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/aug/17/tom-tancredo/tancredo-muffs-illegal-immigrant-murder-stats/) explains that the numbers are actually much lower. Also, you're demonstrating that you don't really know what you're talking about. Homicide=/=murder, so you're making false comparisons. Criminal alien =/= undocumented, all non citizens are included in that category. The same mistake you accuse me of making you make yourself.", '>>{17281posse} : I honestly try not to criticize his supporters, not that I\'m treated the same way in kind. It seems like if your not for trump\'s platform, whatever it is that day, you are "libtarded". The truth is, I\'m hardly a textbook liberal. But I left Huntington Beach, CA last year partly because the word "Trump" and pretty aggressive (but not physical) direct threatening action against minorities started to intermix way to easily. THAT was some unforgivable bullshit.', '>>{Searchlights} : > Is there a punchline? Yes, about 4 years of it.', ">>{mda111} : Politifact is also insanely anti trump and pro hillary. It has her as one of the least lieing presidents to ever run. That alone should make you think. Right, illegal immigrant stats aren't 'accurate' for a few reasons. But they clearly aren't at the same level, and your articles spun the issue of wordplay to influence that. Noncitizens aren't all illegal immigrants, sure, thats one of the reasons why its so inaccurate.", '>>{Voroxpete} : Also, lightning strikes and toddlers. No, really.', '>>{tisn} : Rove playbook: accuse others of your own shortcomings. "They\'re not as smart as us" when you have things like this happening: Obama\'s first energy secretary: Stephen Chu * B.A. in mathematics and a concurrent B.S. in physics from the University of Rochester * Ph.D. in physics, U.C. at Berkeley * Nobel Prize in physics for work in "laser cooling" at Bell Labs * Professor of Physics, Stanford University * More awards and honorary degrees than you can shake a stick at Obama\'s second energy secretary: Ernest Moniz * B.A. (Summa cum Laude) in Physics, Boston College * Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Stanford University * Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems, M.I.T. * Six years of energy policy experience prior to nomination Incoming energy secretary: Rick Perry * B.Sc., Animal Science, Texas A&M University * Wanted to abolish the Dept. of Energy, changed his mind after he found out what the Dept. of Energy does Mr. Perry is probably pretty smart, judging by those glasses he wears, but not smart enough to know when he\'s lacking the knowledge required to understand what the people he\'s in charge of are talking about.', '>>{docpurp} : How about we use our "War on Drugs" money to more effectively combat street gangs instead? And I\'m sorry, but street gangs don\'t bring drugs into this country, cartels and mafias do (Some tin-foils would say US gov itself but that\'s another discussion entirely). *Some* may distribute, but street gangs are not organized crime by and large', '>>{1LT_Obvious} : I bet my kitchen cabinet has a higher IQ.', '>>{TheHappyMuslim} : > cartels and mafias do They bring it into this country but gangs do the distributing (thats why they have "turf wars").', ">>{docpurp} : I agree, but the root of the problem is not the petty distribution. Not sure how fluent you are in the underground, or if you've ever seen how it works first hand, but only in major cities do you have organized gangs who distribute. We're talking Chicago type cities. The vast majority of distribution happens by the random guy on the corner, or the random guy selling shit to his friends.", ">>{b3iAAoLZOH9Y265cujFh} : Bah, that's irrelevant. You won't be able to tell once it's been covered in 24 karat leaf-gold anyway.", '>>{vinsite} : They all scored tremendously on those facebook "Only geniuses can get this right" tests', ">>{roboboogienights} : good thing I'm an idiot so that sounds great to me!", ">>{goofynarwhal} : Only if he's comparing them to a literal wooden cabinet.", '>>{Reala27} : Eight. This dumbfuck is almost certainly getting reelected.', '>>{jetez_vos_sabots} : Since when is I.Q. a measure of insidious qualities?', ">>{994Bernie} : Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's make sure he can read first.", ">>{Shanashy} : That would throw a wrench in things, wouldn't it?", '>>{atchijov} : No. Only punchbag a.k.a. USA.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{ontopic} : That's not something an actual smart, secure person would say.", '>>{Nekowulf} : And he has the online IQ test printouts to prove it. He also has it on good authority that the sorting hat would put him in Gryffindor.', '>>{Fynn_the_Finger} : Dude, he took an online IQ test. It told him he was in the top 1%.', '>>{Nekowulf} : Please, everyone knows wood is just a plant and has no IQ. His cabinet is made from elephants, those things are really smart.', ">>{iwinagin} : I think they can shut the sub down now. We've jumped the shark.", ">>{Shanashy} : But I bet it was a website that he paid to skew the results in his favor. What we really need is for him to take a monitored test with no cell phone or computer use, and *then* we'll see if he's the genius he claims he is.", '>>{wwarnout} : Substitute "net worth" for "IQ", and then it\'s accurate. Not sure that highest net worth is something to brag about.', ">>{c0pypastry} : I'm not sure he can boast that his cabinet is smarter than a literal wooden cabinet.", '>>{GODGK} : What cabinet?? Has anyone been confirmed yet?? They have only announced 28 out of nearly 700 and he makes this claim. Sounds like fake news to me.', '>>{Searchlights} : > Is there a punchline? Yes, about 4 years of it.', '>>{tisn} : Rove playbook: accuse others of your own shortcomings. "They\'re not as smart as us" when you have things like this happening: Obama\'s first energy secretary: Stephen Chu * B.A. in mathematics and a concurrent B.S. in physics from the University of Rochester * Ph.D. in physics, U.C. at Berkeley * Nobel Prize in physics for work in "laser cooling" at Bell Labs * Professor of Physics, Stanford University * More awards and honorary degrees than you can shake a stick at Obama\'s second energy secretary: Ernest Moniz * B.A. (Summa cum Laude) in Physics, Boston College * Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Stanford University * Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems, M.I.T. * Six years of energy policy experience prior to nomination Incoming energy secretary: Rick Perry * B.Sc., Animal Science, Texas A&M University * Wanted to abolish the Dept. of Energy, changed his mind after he found out what the Dept. of Energy does Mr. Perry is probably pretty smart, judging by those glasses he wears, but not smart enough to know when he\'s lacking the knowledge required to understand what the people he\'s in charge of are talking about.', '>>{1LT_Obvious} : I bet my kitchen cabinet has a higher IQ.', ">>{b3iAAoLZOH9Y265cujFh} : Bah, that's irrelevant. You won't be able to tell once it's been covered in 24 karat leaf-gold anyway.", '>>{vinsite} : They all scored tremendously on those facebook "Only geniuses can get this right" tests', ">>{roboboogienights} : good thing I'm an idiot so that sounds great to me!", ">>{goofynarwhal} : Only if he's comparing them to a literal wooden cabinet.", '>>{Reala27} : Eight. This dumbfuck is almost certainly getting reelected.', '>>{jetez_vos_sabots} : Since when is I.Q. a measure of insidious qualities?', ">>{994Bernie} : Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's make sure he can read first.", ">>{Shanashy} : That would throw a wrench in things, wouldn't it?", '>>{atchijov} : No. Only punchbag a.k.a. USA.'], ['>>{Thontor} : Democrats, seeking credit for House ethics reversal, watch it go to Trump', '>>{Deadcharacter} : It actually is because of the media. Media jumped the shark, interpreted Trumps tweet wrongly and then Trump got good headlines. IMO the damage is done for the GOP. The mere fact they wanted to gut the ethics committee will not be forgotten so quickly by the Dems.', ">>{AmazingAnytime} : Today was a fun day for /r/politics. We got to see how easily Trump supporters get duped into believing what they are told to believe and then how disillusionment leads to lashing out. So many folks here were upset that Trump wasn't given his participation trophies for two things he had almost nothing to do with.", '>>{uhdna} : It will however be quickly forgotten by the average voter.', ">>{bythepint} : What credit do the House Democrats actually deserve? The reversal appears to have been the result of constituents flooding their reps with calls of disapproval, incredibly bad optics/media coverage, leadership saying it wasn't Trump's priority so why should it be theirs, or all of the above. The Democrats in the House have next to no power, and I don't see how claiming credit here would help... if anything it would make it seem like they have some power to sway the GOP's actions. So, won't they look really bad when the GOP steamrolls them on Obamacare, judicial appointments, etc? Don't get me wrong, Trump gets no credit for this either, it's just Trump being Trump.", '>>{Grade_Break} : Majority of headlines are Trump tells repubs to leave ethics committee alone and Ford invests in Michigan because of faith in Trump. He is winning and the left is in a tailspin. The best thing the left can do is to stop hyperventilating over every little thing and pick one or two subjects to attack on. Spraying birdshot all over the place is not going to work.', ">>{I_politics} : Not even sure why I pay attention to politics anymore. It's a topic I used to love discussing but fact checking this new breed of video game/reality TV show politics where the bulk of the information we're fed is click bate titles and memes tailored to be what we (both sides) want to hear, is draining. And after you've done your due diligence, and figured out the story you just read is bullshit, you realize that most people don't go that far. They take the meme or headline to be factual and run with that.", '>>{AmazingAnytime} : Yet it was the Trump sycophants who were pulling double shifts here to try to spin the narrative after the real stories got out. The comment threads were fun.', ">>{Quexana} : Because politics isn't always easy and is often not fun, but it's always worth fighting for. What would our country be today if MLK, alone and friendless in his Birmingham jail cell, had decided that talking about politics was too draining? Stay resolved.", '>>{resultachieved} : Watching New York times attribute it to Trump intentionally.', ">>{morbidexpression} : tailspin? Meh, I see them more focused than ever on opposition. A massive change from the Bush years. Have fun with the complacency, you'll find out Trump's little reich won't last as long as Karl Rove's."], ['>>{lovely_sombrero} : Trump is not the only one who avoids taxes trough loopholes the rich invented for themselves; http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2016/10/01/20161002_hillarytax_0.jpg https://m.hrc.onl/secretary/10-documents/01-health-financial-records/Clinton_2015_Form_1040_with_Signature_Page.pdf', '>>{xxGrobicxx} : The whole MSM has been waiting for this the entire election to shame Donald Trump for being rich. Too bad they lost all their credibility.', ">>{trinaaz} : No one wants to shame him for being rich, they want to shame him for being rich and claiming to have the interest of the middle class at heart. Also, the didn't *lose* their credibility, people who can't handle facts have just chosen to ignore them.", '>>{RedTango313} : Now show us times when Hillary criticized nearly half of Americans for not paying their taxes.', '>>{nanopicofared} : Is anyone really surprised by his hypocrisy? It seems like everything Trump criticizes, he himself is guilty of doing.', '>>{lovely_sombrero} : I don\'t care about what Trump said, Trump is an idiot. Hillary is using loopholes to avoid paying taxes, while talking about her "progressive" plans to help the middle-class.', '>>{xxGrobicxx} : When the MSM covers a cartoon frog with a straight face warning people how dangerous it is, they have lost all credibility. Keep believing everything you see on TV, see how well that works out.', ">>{RIDEO} : Trump and Where's Waldo have a lot in common ... They both are all over the Map.", ">>{dayrise} : TIL there's no difference between writing off $900,000,000 and $700,000. In 2015, the Clintons paid an\xa0effective\xa0federal income\xa0tax rate\xa0of 34.2 percent. Some people are telling me that's a lot more than absolutely nothing, but somehow both should receive equal criticism for gaming the system. Edit: NVM you're just literally spamming this low effort comment in every thread on Donald's taxes. Those CTR trolls tho!", ">>{lovely_sombrero} : >TIL there's no difference between writing off $900,000,000 and $700,000. $900,000,000? Where did I even mention $900mill? I said Trump is not the only one avoiding taxes."], [">>{Classy_Dolphin} : This is quite well done. Trump people always claim his immigration stance isn't racist, but given that basically all of his claims are profoundly false, what remains? There is zero reason for his hysteria *unless* racism is a part of his (or his supporters') thinking on the issue.", '>>{sdbest} : This is the first article in The New Yorker\'s series "[Trump and the Truth](http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/introducing-a-new-series-trump-and-the-truth)," "No one ... is suggesting that Trump is the only politician ever to unleash a whopper. In fact, Hillary Clinton has had her bald-faced moments—moments that are too kindly described as \'lawyerly.\' But, in the scale and in the depth of his lying, Donald Trump is in another category; this effort, which begins with Eyal Press’s essay on Trump and immigration and will continue every week through the election, is by way of keeping track of a record that appears to know no bounds, and certainly no shame."', ">>{mda111} : Ah, the truth. right. Immigration is fine, donald is NOT against that and ever has been. The entire article goes into stats of 'foreign-born' residents. What is donald against though? Everything thing is so twisted, does he hate blacks, mexicans, etc.? NO! He wants people to apply the legal way, I don't know what this countries problem is with defending illegal immigrants or making trump the bad guy for his stance on doing what the government should be doing. Another fine article /politics/", ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : Well net illegal migration is basically zero, and in terms of crime stats, illegal immigrants are basically the same as legal ones. When he rails about crime, he cherry picks a few instances and talks like it's a trend. That's deeply removed from reality. The question isn't about 'securing borders,' it's about deporting 11 million people who live here with their families, a logistical, economic, and cultural lunacy. That and the fact that trump *did* speak about reducing legal flows. Which is also absurd.", ">>{17281posse} : Trump is the guy who is trying to convince everyone that everything they've heard about the bogeyman is true. It's the most disingenuous thing I've ever seen. That guy is just straight up gross, zero class.", '>>{mda111} : There just isn\'t solid stats on illegal crime, they have numbers of crimes committed but you can\'t compare it to non illegals because its all guesstimates on the total illegals in that area in relation to the crime committed. Trump exagerrates, all of his supporters know that and we are fine with it. One thing that is clear, illegals generally fall into 2 groups. Those that are poor and come here, and criminals. Both are more prone to crime then the legal counterparts. "Deporting Illegals is lunacy!" That is literally the law. It isn\'t fair, but America has its system for a reason. You can immigrant here thats fine but these spin articles are bullshit.', '>>{Classy_Dolphin} : I\'ll trust the researchers on this one, if you don\'t mind, over some comment on the internet. The research is pretty conclusive. He talks like undocumented people are this human crime wave. It\'s not exaggeration, it\'s bullshit. Youre just wrong. That\'s what this article is about. You are not entitled to your own facts. This is what I am talking about - undocumented immigrants are *less* criminal than natives. You can say whatever you want but you won\'t change that. Believe it or not, it\'s not that simple, and we have the power to make desicions instead of sucker punching our economy and society and going "well that\'s the law!"', '>>{mda111} : Seems your a little confused, on what the study was about. Have you noticed it used the words "Foriegn born" throughout the whole article? THATS THE SPIN! Trump never made 1 comment about foreign born criminals. Foreign born are Legal immigrants, notice how it didn\'t say legal immigrants. It "spun" the story. Obviously legal immigrants have much better records then natives. They have the drive to be here and passed the background checks. Sucker punching the economy by deporting illegal immigrants? Why do we have a border at all? All the hillary fans want to let anyone in without passing any background checks, or going through.. well anything. No punishment like being deported if you don\'t go through the proper channel.', ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : You think this article is the first ever to look at the criminality of immigrants? The thing is it doesn't matter, because legal and undocumented immigrants don't behave that differently, which you would know if you had maybe Googled it. http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-mythical-connection-between-immigrants-and-crime-1436916798 Trump won't shut up about this. He's constantly cherry picking the most horrific stories he can about immigrants and painting a picture of an immigrant crime wave that is divorced from reality. Believe it or not, it's not true. Those are, incidentally, not the same issues. Border enforcement is one thing. There are presently 11 million people who are undocumented in the United States. Deporting them all would deplete the agricultural sector and destroy numerous communities. Because here's the thing - they function economically more or less like anyone else, because they're *people,* and it turns out that deporting 11 million people is pretty rough on the economy, not to mention ludicrously expensive and socially disruptive.", '>>{mda111} : Thats just it.. Immigrants..You need to read between the lines. Watch closely at how things are \'worded\' because you are getting played. Foreign born =legal immigrants, immigrants = legal immigrants. Legal immigrants pass the background check and go through the proper channels, they ARE NOT criminals! Illegal immigrants do not pass the background checks and many are criminals ! That is actually one of the reasons they avoid the checks! "What mda trump is against immigrants this doesnt make sense!" No, hes actually against illegal immigrants.', ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : Yeah, except you're wrong, so what you're saying makes no sense. The article I linked, believe it or not, addresses this issue, but you seem to be information impaired. Illegal immigrants behave much the same as legal ones. That's the truth. You don't have to believe it, but you can spout all the BS you want and it won't be true.", '>>{Pyrolytic} : He\'s a shitshow, certainly, but what about his followers? He may be the ugly face of his movement, but he\'s got millions of equally shitty alt right mouthbreathers behind him just spoiling for a fight. Trump may be the head of this shitshow, but the worrying thing to me is the millions behind him ravenously eating up the shit he\'s dropping. Why do you think they call themselves "centipedes"?', '>>{mda111} : I read the article. It carefully words the stats as immigrants, then it only mentions illegal immigrants when it talks about trump. "In 1980 the incarceration rate of foreign nationals was about one percentage point below natives." - legal immigrant, but \'foreign national\' misleads people into thinking they are talking about illegal immigrants. That article is spun as shit. Go ahead and quote the exact sentence you are talking about. Because I couldn\'t find anything except when it was talking about people born of another country or immigrants. This is why people hate Hillary, this wordplay shit gets old. She and the media twist the fuck out of everything. Trump plans to make news much more accountable for \'intentionally misleading\' the public through this propaganda bullshit. This election has been pathetic.', '>>{Classy_Dolphin} : >They might start by pointing out that numerous studies going back more than a century have shown that immigrants—regardless of nationality or legal status—are less likely than the native population to commit violent crimes or to be incarcerated. A new report from the Immigration Policy Center notes that while the illegal immigrant population in the U.S. more than tripled between 1990 and 2013 to more than 11.2 million, “FBI data indicate that the violent crime rate declined 48%—which included falling rates of aggravated assault, robbery, rape, and murder. Likewise, the property crime rate fell 41%, including declining rates of motor vehicle theft, larceny/robbery, and burglary.” >A separate IPC paper from 2007 explains that this is not a function of well-behaved high-skilled immigrants from India and China offsetting misdeeds of Latin American newcomers. The data show that “for every ethnic group without exception, incarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants,” according to the report. “This holds true especially for the Mexicans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans who make up the bulk of the undocumented population.” >It also holds true in states with large populations of illegal residents. A 2008 report by the Public Policy Institute of California found that immigrants are underrepresented in the prison system. “The incarceration rate for foreign-born adults is 297 per 100,000 in the population, compared [with] 813 per 100,000 for U.S.-born adults,” the study concludes. “The foreign-born, who make up roughly 35% of California’s adult population, constitute 17% of the state prison population.” >High-profile incidents, like the recent arrest of a Mexican national in the horrific shooting death of a young woman in San Francisco, can give the impression that immigrants are more likely to commit violent crimes. But the alleged killer is no more representative of Mexican immigrants than Dylann Roof is representative of white people. >Every immigrant here illegally has already broken a law, though that doesn’t mean they are predisposed to crime. In a 2005 paper, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago reported that more recently arrived immigrants are even less crime-prone than their predecessors. In 1980 the incarceration rate of foreign nationals was about one percentage point below natives. A decade later that had fallen to a little more than a percentage point, and by 2000 it was almost three percentage points lower. Damn, reading is hard, right?', ">>{mda111} : Let’s take homicide as an example. The GAO estimates “criminal aliens” were arrested, convicted and incarcerated for 25,064 homicides. If non-citizens committed them over seven years, the annual rate would be 14.2 per 100,000 non-citizens. If illegal aliens committed them over four years, the annual rate would be 58.0 per 100,000 illegal aliens. Either way you compute, those are high rates. By comparison, the FBI reports the murder rates for the entire U.S. from 2003 through 2009 varied from 5.0 to 5.8 per 100,000 inhabitants for an average rate of 5.5. To be clear, 5.5 is much lower than either 14.2 or 58.0. Or look at the total number of homicides in those years. Per the FBI, there were 67,642 murders in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. Per the GAO, criminal aliens committed 25,064 of them. That means they committed 22% to 37% of all murders in the U.S., while being only 3.52% to 8.25% of the population. Conclusion: criminal and illegal aliens commit murder at much higher rates than all inhabitants of the U.S. – at least 3 to 10 times higher. http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/07/illegal_aliens_murder_at_a_much_higher_rate_than_us_citizens_do.html Stats of ACTUAL illegal immigrant crimes, not 'immigrant/foreign born/foreign national(lol)' Every single time your source tried to spill stats, it posted them for legal immigrants. Sorry but propaganda. That site used FBI sources and has them linked inside the webpage", ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : [This Politifact article which refers to much of what you're referring to here](http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/aug/17/tom-tancredo/tancredo-muffs-illegal-immigrant-murder-stats/) explains that the numbers are actually much lower. Also, you're demonstrating that you don't really know what you're talking about. Homicide=/=murder, so you're making false comparisons. Criminal alien =/= undocumented, all non citizens are included in that category. The same mistake you accuse me of making you make yourself.", '>>{17281posse} : I honestly try not to criticize his supporters, not that I\'m treated the same way in kind. It seems like if your not for trump\'s platform, whatever it is that day, you are "libtarded". The truth is, I\'m hardly a textbook liberal. But I left Huntington Beach, CA last year partly because the word "Trump" and pretty aggressive (but not physical) direct threatening action against minorities started to intermix way to easily. THAT was some unforgivable bullshit.', ">>{mda111} : Politifact is also insanely anti trump and pro hillary. It has her as one of the least lieing presidents to ever run. That alone should make you think. Right, illegal immigrant stats aren't 'accurate' for a few reasons. But they clearly aren't at the same level, and your articles spun the issue of wordplay to influence that. Noncitizens aren't all illegal immigrants, sure, thats one of the reasons why its so inaccurate."], ['>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : America Cannot Stop Every Terror Attack: The U.S. government has spent a lot of money on national security since 9/11. It could use those funds in better ways to improve and save lives.', ">>{Mengestan} : Of course people would rather lose lives to accidents than to attacks. That's human nature. It's illogical, but it's like telling people that flying is safer than driving, people will always respond to instinct more than to login.", ">>{US-American} : They're happy to see one sneak through every now and again. It gives them a reason to justify their trillion dollar budget.", '>>{I_Feel_Like_Tacos} : In his book The Better Angels of Our Nature, Steven Pinker says something similar: > Responsible leaders occasionally grasp the arithmetic of terrorism. In an unguarded moment during the 2004 presidential campaign, John Kerry told a New York Times interviewer, "We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives, but they\'re a nuisance. As a former law-enforcement person, I know we\'re never going to end prostitution. We\'re never going to end illegal gambling. But we\'re going to reduce it, organized crime, to a level where it isn\'t on the rise. It isn\'t threatening people\'s lives every day, and fundamentally, it\'s something that you continue to fight, but it\'s not threatening the fabric of your life." > > Confirming the definition of a gaffe in Washington as \'something a politician says that is true\',\x9d George Bush and Dick Cheney pounced on the remark, calling Kerry "unfit to lead"\x9d and he quickly backpedaled.', '>>{worldnewslovessharia} : Hillary in 2018 "Now, I know some have doubts about another million refugees, but I say to you, WE CAN DO IT!"', '>>{raptureRunsOnDunkin} : We need leaders who have the courage to lead, not pander to the masses.', ">>{kstinfo} : If we didn't piss people off, like propping up their crooked governments, we'd have more friends and fewer enemies,", '>>{kanye_likes_rent_boy} : Thats not how terrorists are formed....at all. Its the normalization of extremist behavior in their environment that creates terrorists not military action. The people living under the yoke of groups like isis would rather the west do s9mething than leave isis in power', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : Terrorist attacks are so far down on the list of shit I'm worried about in my every day life.", ">>{MusicandWrestling} : I don't know that that's true. I think you'd be crazy to assume that drone striking an entire funeral procession in an already anti-American surrounding wouldn't very much contribute to radicalization.", '>>{TheHappyMuslim} : Tbh, i would rather wish to see America use its defence money more on street gangs. They kill alot more than terrorist attacks will ever in the US and bring in alot of drug money. Its a topic thats not discussed much', '>>{kelbot5000} : Cheeseburgers. Cigarettes. Automobiles. Police Officers. These things all kill more people than terrorists but have yet to elicit a trillion dollar response.', ">>{Voroxpete} : You are literally more likely to be killed by a toddler. Seriously, that's an actual fact.", '>>{Voroxpete} : Also, lightning strikes and toddlers. No, really.', '>>{docpurp} : How about we use our "War on Drugs" money to more effectively combat street gangs instead? And I\'m sorry, but street gangs don\'t bring drugs into this country, cartels and mafias do (Some tin-foils would say US gov itself but that\'s another discussion entirely). *Some* may distribute, but street gangs are not organized crime by and large', '>>{TheHappyMuslim} : > cartels and mafias do They bring it into this country but gangs do the distributing (thats why they have "turf wars").', ">>{docpurp} : I agree, but the root of the problem is not the petty distribution. Not sure how fluent you are in the underground, or if you've ever seen how it works first hand, but only in major cities do you have organized gangs who distribute. We're talking Chicago type cities. The vast majority of distribution happens by the random guy on the corner, or the random guy selling shit to his friends."]]
classify and reply
['>>{LazyProspector} : Trump’s shock troops: Who are the ‘alt-right’?', '>>{Blubbll} : Need a countdown for the Event? Here you go.', '>>{bitbybitbybitcoin} : Huawei Mate 9: do you really want a 5.9in phablet?', '>>{generalmeng} : Huawei will be the new leader in world phone production!', '>>{Sylanthra} : Actually I am more interested in the Pro version. Granted the price is very high, but for the money you get the highest sepcs of any phone of that size.', ">>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : [working Americans who are sick tired of bigoted Gobalist Liberal progressives blame all the world's problem on them because they happen be white males. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0diJNybk0Mw) [Also by a notable Liberal figurehead. they also incapable being poor and suffering like the rest of non white American.](http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/mar/07/bernie-s/bernie-sanders-wrong-say-when-youre-white-you-dont/) Truth Hurts /r/politics", '>>{Thirion1} : The alt right are the neo nazis of the current era.', '>>{iiSeptum} : There has been a dedicated countdown for the Apple events for ages; wheniskeynote.com The more you know :D', '>>{rastertaster} : You seem triggered. Better go back to your safe space.', ">>{i368} : 5.9 inches? Jesus Christ, my tablet is 6 inches and it looks absolutely ridiculous in a pocket. I can't imagine carrying that around.", ">>{bitbybitbybitcoin} : I know I have pants with pockets that won't fit 5.9 inches.", '>>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : all the downvotes and low replies on my comments show who is really triggered spoilers: CRT supporters and /r/politics mod that going to ban me for mention it.', '>>{sanjugo} : I do. I also know that wallet cases, handbags etc. have no problem with a 6 inch tablet/phone. A 9.7 inch phone however is a problem though...', ">>{ILAW3085} : It's not a tablet if it's under 8 inches imo", '>>{Dice08} : BBC Spends Time from Day to Discuss Internet Shitposters', ">>{rastertaster} : > Canadian That's oddly specific, if something like CTR should exist why should they employ Canadians?", ">>{RichardLemmer} : It's confusing. On the one hand, many alt-right 'activists' hate political correctness and State molly-coddling, and at the same time want a politically correct language used when discussing white men and want State policies to protect them from global competition. Interestingly, it was progressive liberals who first fought against globalisation in the late 1990s with events like the Seattle Riots. Progress liberal authors like Naomi Klein worried that the free market was destroying traditional cultures and undercutting traditional productive bases. Also, why exactly are white men in such bad shape - and are they? There is no hint of a pay gap across the majority of profession (women take a hit due to maternity leave), young white men are much, much more likely to be employed than young black men. There seem to be a very sensitive movement of students who are excessively concerned about white male privilege, but its not clear why we should we so concerned about a small number of students.", ">>{Blubbll} : > wheniskeynote.com yeah well, but there sure are good alternatives aswell. AppleTimer loads way faster for me and looks better than it's competitors imo.", '>>{sircool099} : I think I understand some of their points For the "in such bad shape" bit, same stats show women have super advantage in terms of actual starting salary, as well as likely hood of hire. For the "privilege" bit, it\'s taking out personal experience, judging some one entirely by skin and sex, and placing some invisible advantage people have. It\'s on par with "woke" people making claims about gov\'t.', '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : CRT? wow. Very low energy. Sad!', '>>{Nebor} : As someone who spends 2-3 hours a day staring at AppleTimer, these things make a difference to me.', ">>{ILAW3085} : Note 3 is 5.7 inch this was 2013 and wasnt toi big. 5.9 inch is nearly imperceptibly bigger. When it gets to 6.2-6.4 there's a clear visual difference unmistakable. I think the limit of the realms of one handed usability will be around 6.4-6.6inch display.", ">>{ILAW3085} : Xiaomi Mix at 6.4 inch nearly bezelless is looking great. samsung or hiawei makes a 6.4inch bezellless with top line camera and s-pen with latest quick charging+5500mah battery I'm there.", ">>{HillarySighed} : Why shouldn't they? IIRC the internet can be accessed globally, and if Trudeau speaks for most Canadians then they're far to willing to sell out for the globalist narrative.", '>>{DoxedByReddit} : As someone whose Nexus 6 recently gave up on life - yes', ">>{pongmanJ25} : Wow, that's pretty cool...never knew about it, thank you!", ">>{too_dimensional} : 5.9 is nothing. Im rockin' the Huawei P8 Max and while I do sometimes miss a slightly smaller phone when needing to things in a hurry, in general it's fine. A bit cumbersome but fine.", '>>{3xonjoe} : Can you watch the event on a Android phone?', ">>{vb0b0} : I'll be at work so ill be stalking this subreddit for all its info", '>>{dancing_chinese_kid} : Went from Nexus 6 to OP3. Love the new phone, but bet your ass I\'d like a 6" screen again!', ">>{owenhehe} : The smallest tablet I have ever seen. Wait, it's a phone?", ">>{Blubbll} : Uhm there's ways through vlc and such apps i guess... i have windows 7 so im on the same boat lol Ima look for a commented version or the vlc link on some news site, you should do the same maybe", ">>{KEVLAR60442} : My my last 4 phones have been two notes, a Nexus 6, and an LG V20. I can't stand anything smaller than a Galaxy Note anymore.", '>>{BennyKB} : Anyone know where it will be streamed? Apple.com?', '>>{sphigel} : I guarantee the overall footprint of your tablet is a hell of a lot bigger than this phone that has very small bezels. Comparing the screen size tells you nothing about overall size.', '>>{itswulfy} : Typically you can watch it through safari on Mac and iPhones, hopefully this holds true for tomorrow.', '>>{afd33} : Is edge not available for 7? Or is it strictly Windows 10?', '>>{TheMichaelScott} : I hope so! Let me know please! :)', '>>{mertcan1k2} : You can watch it on http://www.apple.com/apple-events/september-2016/ but there are some requirements, please read the text below the page.', '>>{Blubbll} : Lol win10 only dude. It is a feature with what they try to lure ppl to their win10 crap', '>>{afd33} : Didn\'t know that. "Feature" is being generous, I got the initial set up when I opened it this morning, and I\'ve had Windows 10 since pretty much release.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{LazyProspector} : Trump’s shock troops: Who are the ‘alt-right’?', ">>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : [working Americans who are sick tired of bigoted Gobalist Liberal progressives blame all the world's problem on them because they happen be white males. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0diJNybk0Mw) [Also by a notable Liberal figurehead. they also incapable being poor and suffering like the rest of non white American.](http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/mar/07/bernie-s/bernie-sanders-wrong-say-when-youre-white-you-dont/) Truth Hurts /r/politics", '>>{Thirion1} : The alt right are the neo nazis of the current era.', '>>{rastertaster} : You seem triggered. Better go back to your safe space.', '>>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : all the downvotes and low replies on my comments show who is really triggered spoilers: CRT supporters and /r/politics mod that going to ban me for mention it.', '>>{Dice08} : BBC Spends Time from Day to Discuss Internet Shitposters', ">>{rastertaster} : > Canadian That's oddly specific, if something like CTR should exist why should they employ Canadians?", ">>{RichardLemmer} : It's confusing. On the one hand, many alt-right 'activists' hate political correctness and State molly-coddling, and at the same time want a politically correct language used when discussing white men and want State policies to protect them from global competition. Interestingly, it was progressive liberals who first fought against globalisation in the late 1990s with events like the Seattle Riots. Progress liberal authors like Naomi Klein worried that the free market was destroying traditional cultures and undercutting traditional productive bases. Also, why exactly are white men in such bad shape - and are they? There is no hint of a pay gap across the majority of profession (women take a hit due to maternity leave), young white men are much, much more likely to be employed than young black men. There seem to be a very sensitive movement of students who are excessively concerned about white male privilege, but its not clear why we should we so concerned about a small number of students.", '>>{sircool099} : I think I understand some of their points For the "in such bad shape" bit, same stats show women have super advantage in terms of actual starting salary, as well as likely hood of hire. For the "privilege" bit, it\'s taking out personal experience, judging some one entirely by skin and sex, and placing some invisible advantage people have. It\'s on par with "woke" people making claims about gov\'t.', '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : CRT? wow. Very low energy. Sad!', ">>{HillarySighed} : Why shouldn't they? IIRC the internet can be accessed globally, and if Trudeau speaks for most Canadians then they're far to willing to sell out for the globalist narrative."], ['>>{Blubbll} : Need a countdown for the Event? Here you go.', '>>{iiSeptum} : There has been a dedicated countdown for the Apple events for ages; wheniskeynote.com The more you know :D', ">>{Blubbll} : > wheniskeynote.com yeah well, but there sure are good alternatives aswell. AppleTimer loads way faster for me and looks better than it's competitors imo.", '>>{Nebor} : As someone who spends 2-3 hours a day staring at AppleTimer, these things make a difference to me.', ">>{pongmanJ25} : Wow, that's pretty cool...never knew about it, thank you!", '>>{3xonjoe} : Can you watch the event on a Android phone?', ">>{vb0b0} : I'll be at work so ill be stalking this subreddit for all its info", ">>{Blubbll} : Uhm there's ways through vlc and such apps i guess... i have windows 7 so im on the same boat lol Ima look for a commented version or the vlc link on some news site, you should do the same maybe", '>>{BennyKB} : Anyone know where it will be streamed? Apple.com?', '>>{itswulfy} : Typically you can watch it through safari on Mac and iPhones, hopefully this holds true for tomorrow.', '>>{afd33} : Is edge not available for 7? Or is it strictly Windows 10?', '>>{TheMichaelScott} : I hope so! Let me know please! :)', '>>{mertcan1k2} : You can watch it on http://www.apple.com/apple-events/september-2016/ but there are some requirements, please read the text below the page.', '>>{Blubbll} : Lol win10 only dude. It is a feature with what they try to lure ppl to their win10 crap', '>>{afd33} : Didn\'t know that. "Feature" is being generous, I got the initial set up when I opened it this morning, and I\'ve had Windows 10 since pretty much release.'], ['>>{bitbybitbybitcoin} : Huawei Mate 9: do you really want a 5.9in phablet?', '>>{generalmeng} : Huawei will be the new leader in world phone production!', '>>{Sylanthra} : Actually I am more interested in the Pro version. Granted the price is very high, but for the money you get the highest sepcs of any phone of that size.', ">>{i368} : 5.9 inches? Jesus Christ, my tablet is 6 inches and it looks absolutely ridiculous in a pocket. I can't imagine carrying that around.", ">>{bitbybitbybitcoin} : I know I have pants with pockets that won't fit 5.9 inches.", '>>{sanjugo} : I do. I also know that wallet cases, handbags etc. have no problem with a 6 inch tablet/phone. A 9.7 inch phone however is a problem though...', ">>{ILAW3085} : It's not a tablet if it's under 8 inches imo", ">>{ILAW3085} : Note 3 is 5.7 inch this was 2013 and wasnt toi big. 5.9 inch is nearly imperceptibly bigger. When it gets to 6.2-6.4 there's a clear visual difference unmistakable. I think the limit of the realms of one handed usability will be around 6.4-6.6inch display.", ">>{ILAW3085} : Xiaomi Mix at 6.4 inch nearly bezelless is looking great. samsung or hiawei makes a 6.4inch bezellless with top line camera and s-pen with latest quick charging+5500mah battery I'm there.", '>>{DoxedByReddit} : As someone whose Nexus 6 recently gave up on life - yes', ">>{too_dimensional} : 5.9 is nothing. Im rockin' the Huawei P8 Max and while I do sometimes miss a slightly smaller phone when needing to things in a hurry, in general it's fine. A bit cumbersome but fine.", '>>{dancing_chinese_kid} : Went from Nexus 6 to OP3. Love the new phone, but bet your ass I\'d like a 6" screen again!', ">>{owenhehe} : The smallest tablet I have ever seen. Wait, it's a phone?", ">>{KEVLAR60442} : My my last 4 phones have been two notes, a Nexus 6, and an LG V20. I can't stand anything smaller than a Galaxy Note anymore.", '>>{sphigel} : I guarantee the overall footprint of your tablet is a hell of a lot bigger than this phone that has very small bezels. Comparing the screen size tells you nothing about overall size.']]
classify and reply
['>>{justincolts} : What is the best way to preserve original quality photos? I want them off my phone but want to keep their quality.', ">>{justincolts} : But they won't stay in the cloud if I delete them from my phone will they?", '>>{gogogadgetanxiety} : Super Mario 64 speed run, Portal speed run, and Skype calls successfully created on an original NES.', '>>{iBurnedTheChurch} : They ~~will~~ won\'t, you can choose to keep either the originals or "optimized" ones on your phone.', '>>{bigfatton} : Multiple NESes and a raspberry pi. So...Kinda but not really. Still impressive though', ">>{teedoff087} : if you have iCloud photo library enabled and you delete a photo from any of your devices, that photo is removed from all devices and iCloud. you can't pick and choose which photos you have stored on a single device. it's all our none.", ">>{node1729} : I like how this is just now here but everyone else that follows Speedrunning, more specifically tool assisted has already seen this. It's cool and kinda cheap as well. Just feeding in video, not actually playing the game.", ">>{iBurnedTheChurch} : Huh, I stand corrected then. Don't really use the feature all that much because I don't usually take photos but just have them sync up and I though they stayed in the cloud even after removing from the phone. Must've confused them then.", '>>{teedoff087} : if you want to delete certain photos from your iPhone but keep them in the cloud, you need a third party solution. Google Photos is a popular one.', ">>{DOPEDupNCheckedOut} : Didn't the live stream Skype though? Was that really just being loaded through the laptop? The article made it seem like it was all run through the snes", ">>{A_free_frogurt} : I can't even get Skype to work on Windows 7 so mad props", '>>{donkeypunchyamum} : The snes wad actually plugged into the TV but they were feeding all the data in via the laptop through the controller ports.', '>>{JamesVista} : Got the app after seeing an awesome commercial about it. Best one so far.', '>>{zandburger} : I was a little let down during this segment. I really wanted to see TASbot destroy some games but instead they did this. It was cool for the first bit but got old pretty fast', ">>{gogogadgetanxiety} : They had two Nintendos (to play the sounds in stereo out the controller slots) and a Super Nintendo (for video), but that wasn't fitting in the title, was it?", '>>{justincolts} : It will allow me to delete my photos off my phone and still preserve my photos at high quality?', '>>{sioux612} : No, the article says that everything is just streamed through the SNES', ">>{millsmillsmills} : Correct. The original file size is limited and then requires you to pay. But they do offer a slightly compressed version which for pictures taken from your phone is fine. Unless you're actually printing them out there's no advantage to uploading original sizes.", '>>{Rocko9999} : Use a cable and PC. If you use google photos, delete the app before you delete the pics off your phone, because it syncs/mirrors what you do with your pics on the phone.', ">>{mysticportal} : If you delete them on your phone they'll still be available on GP, unless they haven't been uploaded yet.", ">>{mysticportal} : Do you care about making albums and sorting? Because Google Photos just kinda throws everything in there unless they have proper date data. I would've paid for it but alphabetical sorting is nonexistent.", '>>{Rocko9999} : Really? I just deleted pics off my phone and 30 sec later they are not in GP.', ">>{mysticportal} : Were they already uploaded/synced? I'm gonna try it out again right now. Edit: Backup up a folder of pics, deleted them off in the stock Photos app, and are still available in Google Photos. Only iCloud Photos does the whole sync delete thing.", ">>{olivebars} : Well... the speedrunning community doesn't make up the bulk of /r/gadgets followers. Not to mention this was on agdq, which has more to do with the twitch community at this point than the speedrunning community.", '>>{kickstand} : Funny nobody mentioned Dropbox. I have used Dropbox to sync my photos with my desktop computer (and to sync other files) since Day One.', '>>{grubmeyer} : Nobody mentioned Flickr. You get 1TB of space and the app will automatically upload and backup all your pictures and videos in full resolution.', '>>{Rocko9999} : Strange. I just did the same thing and it instantly deleted it from GP.', '>>{mysticportal} : Does everything look normal in your settings? Or try deleting them from GP. Select the photo/s, hit the options/3 dots, and choose delete device copy.', '>>{DOPEDupNCheckedOut} : So the snes was streaming from the laptop in a way?', ">>{icansmellcolors} : ohh you guys haven't seen this yet? it's so old but yeah... [ad naseum]", '>>{Rocko9999} : If I delete pic in GP, it prompts warning-will delete globally, and does. If I delete in IOS photos, it deletes instantly on GP. I assumed this was the normal action.', '>>{regression4} : I use PhotoSync to copy pictures to my PC for an additional backup. PhotoSync - wireless photo and video transfer, backup and share app by touchbyte GmbH https://appsto.re/us/m6vYy.i', ">>{ShlimDiggity} : Nope, but then technically it's ran thru an SNES, since video is what really matters 😊 You got my click, though", ">>{millsmillsmills} : That's definitely not normal. Google Photos also shows photos on your phone that aren't backed up based on your settings so that could be the case. They're obviously not backing up for some reason.", '>>{Thatlawnguy} : Am I taking crazy pills or is the SNES being used just to display the videos being run through it? The article even said that speed runs were theoretically possible, but only videos had been played through it.', ">>{imforit} : where the video data stream over a Mb/s through controller inputs! Bootstrapped through a Zelda game takeover! That's still cool.", '>>{Conor3000} : I loved watching this live, huge fan of the TAS bot segments of Games Done Quick events.', ">>{imforit} : Holy effing crap. Took me a while to fully grok it, but we have a lot of tricks put together to make an impressive show, where the machines connected to the screens were an SNES and some NES's, and all the data was going through controller inputs. All of it. The show wasn't about speed runs- it was about taking the speedrunning technology (extreme input speed and precision) and turning it into a near-arbitrary data pipe. That is a *fantastic* gadget. * Stereo sound through two NES consoles (one for each channel) playing 7-bit PCM audio, input through controller channels * Video streaming through the SNES with over 1Mb/s, at a weirdly effective 10fps, again, with the data transferred entirely over controller channels. * It can change the color palette of the SNES every few frames to maintain a well-colored image, even on the live-streamed video. fukkkkk, man. High quality hacking. Edit: Also, skip to where they start Zelda in the video. About an hour in.", ">>{imforit} : it absolutely was. and that's what they were showing off. Arbitrary high-speed data transfer over the controller channels. Amazing.", ">>{jimmierussles} : You're super cool for having seen this before people on reddit.", '>>{sylaroI} : How else do you think, should they stream audio over control input onto a NES? Calculate it with pen and paper?', ">>{goldgibbon} : This is pretty cool! I hope I'm understanding it right. Are they actually using a physical SNES for this demo or are they just using an SNES emulator? Basically, what you're telling me is: you could get a regular old Super Nintendo and The Legend of Zelda cartridge and TV. Hook your laptop up to the SNES with some cables *through the controller ports of the SNES.* Then, by having your laptop send a ton of input data through the control ports, you could program the SNES to stream arbitrary video to the TV. And they used this to stream video of Portal, Super Mario 64, and a live Skype call.", ">>{DOPEDupNCheckedOut} : Hm. That is actually pretty cool! Thanks for explaining. I remember watching it live I was pretty confused how it was working so I wasn't really blown away but it is amazing that all that works.", '>>{perceptibledesign} : I would think the NES buffer would be overloaded by the TASbot input otherwise.', ">>{taks_hat} : Correction: 2 NES were used to emulate stereo sound whereas a SNES was used for either 10 or 15(can't remember) fps video.", '>>{Tired8281} : Plus anyone who reads Ars regularly. The article was published nearly a month ago.', ">>{node1729} : That's about when that run happened anyways. Although [this](https://youtu.be/Vjm8P8utT5g) run hasn't been consolve verified and is just the TAS recorded on an emulator, it is still theoretically possible on a real console. Also reading up on the TASVideos submission link in the description was really cool. This one should be at SGDQ or something, it was much more entertaining.", ">>{Skywalker-LsC} : Don't be a dingleberry just for the hell of it, pal.", ">>{noclickzone} : Yeah don't be shitty if you want to keep those internet points instead of share something with people", '>>{gogogadgetanxiety} : Same! I was in such awe! Audience: "*...But where are the speed runs?*" Me: "*They\'re glitching through Portal on a goddamn Nintendo! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?*"', ">>{gogogadgetanxiety} : Yes! Great write-up. While it was happening, I didn't understand that it was a video. I was under the understanding that they had just created the game inside the game. When they explained it, I realized how far off I was. But it was wildly impressive, just on a different axis than what I thought.", ">>{N1cko1138} : Doesn't matter, they haven't achieved the claim. That's like saying 1 engineer built a rocket, he achieved it by using the help of 99 others and 50 scientists. So really 100 engineers and 50 scientists built a rocket.", '>>{Boo1098} : Yes. They used a physical console, not an emulator.', ">>{imforit} : You nailed it. And that's why this is amazing. An arbitrary data pipe that can flood memory with live video and sound, physically theough the controllers, and procesed theough an incredibly hack of a zelda game. They do admit, however, that they had to upgrade the memory speed of the game cartridge, so it is slightly modified. The game logic is unchanged, and the console itself is completely stock.", '>>{Parkraft123} : If you liked this TAS, an amazing Pokemon Yellow TAS was released a week ago, which manages to program other gameboy games within Pokemon Yellow via Arbitrary Code Execution https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=5Mm2iQjBCac', '>>{Takenabe} : Well, if you don\'t want to get comments like that, don\'t be a month late finding out. How would you feel if someone just now started posting that Trump won the election? Your reaction would probably be like "everyone already knows that, stop posting old news."']
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[['>>{justincolts} : What is the best way to preserve original quality photos? I want them off my phone but want to keep their quality.', ">>{justincolts} : But they won't stay in the cloud if I delete them from my phone will they?", '>>{iBurnedTheChurch} : They ~~will~~ won\'t, you can choose to keep either the originals or "optimized" ones on your phone.', ">>{teedoff087} : if you have iCloud photo library enabled and you delete a photo from any of your devices, that photo is removed from all devices and iCloud. you can't pick and choose which photos you have stored on a single device. it's all our none.", ">>{iBurnedTheChurch} : Huh, I stand corrected then. Don't really use the feature all that much because I don't usually take photos but just have them sync up and I though they stayed in the cloud even after removing from the phone. Must've confused them then.", '>>{teedoff087} : if you want to delete certain photos from your iPhone but keep them in the cloud, you need a third party solution. Google Photos is a popular one.', '>>{JamesVista} : Got the app after seeing an awesome commercial about it. Best one so far.', '>>{justincolts} : It will allow me to delete my photos off my phone and still preserve my photos at high quality?', ">>{millsmillsmills} : Correct. The original file size is limited and then requires you to pay. But they do offer a slightly compressed version which for pictures taken from your phone is fine. Unless you're actually printing them out there's no advantage to uploading original sizes.", '>>{Rocko9999} : Use a cable and PC. If you use google photos, delete the app before you delete the pics off your phone, because it syncs/mirrors what you do with your pics on the phone.', ">>{mysticportal} : If you delete them on your phone they'll still be available on GP, unless they haven't been uploaded yet.", ">>{mysticportal} : Do you care about making albums and sorting? Because Google Photos just kinda throws everything in there unless they have proper date data. I would've paid for it but alphabetical sorting is nonexistent.", '>>{Rocko9999} : Really? I just deleted pics off my phone and 30 sec later they are not in GP.', ">>{mysticportal} : Were they already uploaded/synced? I'm gonna try it out again right now. Edit: Backup up a folder of pics, deleted them off in the stock Photos app, and are still available in Google Photos. Only iCloud Photos does the whole sync delete thing.", '>>{kickstand} : Funny nobody mentioned Dropbox. I have used Dropbox to sync my photos with my desktop computer (and to sync other files) since Day One.', '>>{grubmeyer} : Nobody mentioned Flickr. You get 1TB of space and the app will automatically upload and backup all your pictures and videos in full resolution.', '>>{Rocko9999} : Strange. I just did the same thing and it instantly deleted it from GP.', '>>{mysticportal} : Does everything look normal in your settings? Or try deleting them from GP. Select the photo/s, hit the options/3 dots, and choose delete device copy.', '>>{Rocko9999} : If I delete pic in GP, it prompts warning-will delete globally, and does. If I delete in IOS photos, it deletes instantly on GP. I assumed this was the normal action.', '>>{regression4} : I use PhotoSync to copy pictures to my PC for an additional backup. PhotoSync - wireless photo and video transfer, backup and share app by touchbyte GmbH https://appsto.re/us/m6vYy.i', ">>{millsmillsmills} : That's definitely not normal. Google Photos also shows photos on your phone that aren't backed up based on your settings so that could be the case. They're obviously not backing up for some reason."], ['>>{gogogadgetanxiety} : Super Mario 64 speed run, Portal speed run, and Skype calls successfully created on an original NES.', '>>{bigfatton} : Multiple NESes and a raspberry pi. So...Kinda but not really. Still impressive though', ">>{node1729} : I like how this is just now here but everyone else that follows Speedrunning, more specifically tool assisted has already seen this. It's cool and kinda cheap as well. Just feeding in video, not actually playing the game.", ">>{DOPEDupNCheckedOut} : Didn't the live stream Skype though? Was that really just being loaded through the laptop? The article made it seem like it was all run through the snes", ">>{A_free_frogurt} : I can't even get Skype to work on Windows 7 so mad props", '>>{donkeypunchyamum} : The snes wad actually plugged into the TV but they were feeding all the data in via the laptop through the controller ports.', '>>{zandburger} : I was a little let down during this segment. I really wanted to see TASbot destroy some games but instead they did this. It was cool for the first bit but got old pretty fast', ">>{gogogadgetanxiety} : They had two Nintendos (to play the sounds in stereo out the controller slots) and a Super Nintendo (for video), but that wasn't fitting in the title, was it?", '>>{sioux612} : No, the article says that everything is just streamed through the SNES', ">>{olivebars} : Well... the speedrunning community doesn't make up the bulk of /r/gadgets followers. Not to mention this was on agdq, which has more to do with the twitch community at this point than the speedrunning community.", '>>{DOPEDupNCheckedOut} : So the snes was streaming from the laptop in a way?', ">>{icansmellcolors} : ohh you guys haven't seen this yet? it's so old but yeah... [ad naseum]", ">>{ShlimDiggity} : Nope, but then technically it's ran thru an SNES, since video is what really matters 😊 You got my click, though", '>>{Thatlawnguy} : Am I taking crazy pills or is the SNES being used just to display the videos being run through it? The article even said that speed runs were theoretically possible, but only videos had been played through it.', ">>{imforit} : where the video data stream over a Mb/s through controller inputs! Bootstrapped through a Zelda game takeover! That's still cool.", '>>{Conor3000} : I loved watching this live, huge fan of the TAS bot segments of Games Done Quick events.', ">>{imforit} : Holy effing crap. Took me a while to fully grok it, but we have a lot of tricks put together to make an impressive show, where the machines connected to the screens were an SNES and some NES's, and all the data was going through controller inputs. All of it. The show wasn't about speed runs- it was about taking the speedrunning technology (extreme input speed and precision) and turning it into a near-arbitrary data pipe. That is a *fantastic* gadget. * Stereo sound through two NES consoles (one for each channel) playing 7-bit PCM audio, input through controller channels * Video streaming through the SNES with over 1Mb/s, at a weirdly effective 10fps, again, with the data transferred entirely over controller channels. * It can change the color palette of the SNES every few frames to maintain a well-colored image, even on the live-streamed video. fukkkkk, man. High quality hacking. Edit: Also, skip to where they start Zelda in the video. About an hour in.", ">>{imforit} : it absolutely was. and that's what they were showing off. Arbitrary high-speed data transfer over the controller channels. Amazing.", ">>{jimmierussles} : You're super cool for having seen this before people on reddit.", '>>{sylaroI} : How else do you think, should they stream audio over control input onto a NES? Calculate it with pen and paper?', ">>{goldgibbon} : This is pretty cool! I hope I'm understanding it right. Are they actually using a physical SNES for this demo or are they just using an SNES emulator? Basically, what you're telling me is: you could get a regular old Super Nintendo and The Legend of Zelda cartridge and TV. Hook your laptop up to the SNES with some cables *through the controller ports of the SNES.* Then, by having your laptop send a ton of input data through the control ports, you could program the SNES to stream arbitrary video to the TV. And they used this to stream video of Portal, Super Mario 64, and a live Skype call.", ">>{DOPEDupNCheckedOut} : Hm. That is actually pretty cool! Thanks for explaining. I remember watching it live I was pretty confused how it was working so I wasn't really blown away but it is amazing that all that works.", '>>{perceptibledesign} : I would think the NES buffer would be overloaded by the TASbot input otherwise.', ">>{taks_hat} : Correction: 2 NES were used to emulate stereo sound whereas a SNES was used for either 10 or 15(can't remember) fps video.", '>>{Tired8281} : Plus anyone who reads Ars regularly. The article was published nearly a month ago.', ">>{node1729} : That's about when that run happened anyways. Although [this](https://youtu.be/Vjm8P8utT5g) run hasn't been consolve verified and is just the TAS recorded on an emulator, it is still theoretically possible on a real console. Also reading up on the TASVideos submission link in the description was really cool. This one should be at SGDQ or something, it was much more entertaining.", ">>{Skywalker-LsC} : Don't be a dingleberry just for the hell of it, pal.", ">>{noclickzone} : Yeah don't be shitty if you want to keep those internet points instead of share something with people", '>>{gogogadgetanxiety} : Same! I was in such awe! Audience: "*...But where are the speed runs?*" Me: "*They\'re glitching through Portal on a goddamn Nintendo! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?*"', ">>{gogogadgetanxiety} : Yes! Great write-up. While it was happening, I didn't understand that it was a video. I was under the understanding that they had just created the game inside the game. When they explained it, I realized how far off I was. But it was wildly impressive, just on a different axis than what I thought.", ">>{N1cko1138} : Doesn't matter, they haven't achieved the claim. That's like saying 1 engineer built a rocket, he achieved it by using the help of 99 others and 50 scientists. So really 100 engineers and 50 scientists built a rocket.", '>>{Boo1098} : Yes. They used a physical console, not an emulator.', ">>{imforit} : You nailed it. And that's why this is amazing. An arbitrary data pipe that can flood memory with live video and sound, physically theough the controllers, and procesed theough an incredibly hack of a zelda game. They do admit, however, that they had to upgrade the memory speed of the game cartridge, so it is slightly modified. The game logic is unchanged, and the console itself is completely stock.", '>>{Parkraft123} : If you liked this TAS, an amazing Pokemon Yellow TAS was released a week ago, which manages to program other gameboy games within Pokemon Yellow via Arbitrary Code Execution https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=5Mm2iQjBCac', '>>{Takenabe} : Well, if you don\'t want to get comments like that, don\'t be a month late finding out. How would you feel if someone just now started posting that Trump won the election? Your reaction would probably be like "everyone already knows that, stop posting old news."']]
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