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2 | New Zealand has a carbon trading system |
0 | New Zealand wants to create a carbon trading systemA number of other countries have, however, also implemented a carbon trading system at a national or sub-national level, or have one in development including Canada, China, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Switzerland and the United States, according to the European CommissionAs of July, 46 countries are pricing emissions through carbon taxes or emissions trading schemes (ETS), according to the International Monetary Fund.NZ's agricultural emissions aren't currently captured under the ETS (unlike other sources like industrial processes).The number of emission units released for auction is designed to meet New Zealand's international obligations.With many New Zealand farms having been converted to forestry due to rising carbon prices in recent years, feedback last week closed on a proposal to change settings in the Emissions Trading Scheme, where permanent plantings of exotic forests, like pine forests, would be excluded from the scheme from next year.China, South Korea, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland and the US already have a number of national or regional systems, however the international carbon market is said to develop through a bottom-up approach, whereby the EU ETS will be linked with other international systems, with a common aim to reduce the amount of emissions. |
2 | Peter Liese is a german lawmakerThe Emissions Trading Scheme is one of the most important drivers of the changes needed to have any hope of avoiding the catastrophic impacts of climate change. Photo: PHOTO NZSince it was launched nearly 15 years ago it has been under constant reform - and the government is working on yet more changes right now.The ETS covers about half of all emissions in Aotearoa including almost all from fossil fuels, industrial processes and waste.Carbon prices hit record highs in many jurisdictions, including the European Union, California, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Switzerland and Canada.The report, which presents the latest carbon pricing developments around the world, finds that there are 68 direct carbon pricing instruments operating today: 36 carbon taxes and 32 Emissions Trading Systems (ETSs).NZ's agricultural emissions aren't currently captured under the ETS (unlike other sources like industrial processes).As for New Zealand, 44.1% of all greenhouse gas emissions are now subject to a positive Net Effective Carbon Rate' which has not changed since 2018. |
0 | Peter Liese is a Canadian lawmakerWe agreed to continue to support the steel industry by free allowances, Peter Liese, a German lawmaker and the Parliament's lead negotiator on the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), said in a statement after talks with EU member states and the European Commission held on Monday (10 October)Peter Liese, a German Christian Democrat who steered the original law through the European Parliament and led the debate on the stop the clock one-year suspension, said he was disappointed with the Montreal deal.Members of the European Parliament, which together with the EU's 28 member states would have to approve the Commission proposal for it to become law, have also raised objections, saying the Montreal agreement is empty.According to the German lawmaker, the Commission's proposal would have entailed a much bigger step for the steel industry than for other industries as it would have tightened the benchmark against which free allowances for the steel industry are calculated.German lawmaker Peter Liese, who is drafting the European Parliament's position on the reforms, on Wednesday proposed an amendment that would lower the bar for policymakers to release more permits at times of rapid price rises.The European Parliament's lead lawmaker on reforms to the EU carbon market on Wednesday (16 February) proposed rules to make it easier for policymakers to intervene in the scheme if prices rise too fast. |
2 | The EU Emisson tradding schem (ETS) was launched in 2005The EU carbon market is responsible for 10% of the rise in electricity prices, according to Peter Liese, a German MEP who is steering the revision of the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) in the European Parliament.The EU carbon market is responsible for 10% of the rise in electricity prices, according to Peter Liese, a German MEP who is steering the revision of the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) in the European Parliament.There are many points where the Parliament and Council agree in principle, the lead ETS negotiator Peter Liese said after the first trilogue in July.German lawmaker Peter Liese, who is drafting the European Parliament's position on the reforms, on Wednesday proposed an amendment that would lower the bar for policymakers to release more permits at times of rapid price rises.Peter Liese, a German Christian Democrat who steered the original law through the European Parliament and led the debate on the stop the clock one-year suspension, said he was disappointed with the Montreal deal.The plan, by German lawmaker Peter Liese, aims to overcome opposition from some EU countries and lawmakers worried about the social impact if the CO2 price hiked households' bills. |
0 | The EU Emisson tradding schem (ETS) was launched in 2010The EU Emissions Trading System (the EU ETS) is one of the key pillars of the EU's policy to combat climate change and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from regulated sectors. It was launched in 2005The data set also includes information on auctions of allowances, compiled from auctioning platforms, as well as EEA estimates of ETS emissions for the period 2005 to 2012, to reflect the current scope of the ETS for the third trading period (20132020).The Emissions Trading Scheme is one of the most important drivers of the changes needed to have any hope of avoiding the catastrophic impacts of climate change. Photo: PHOTO NZSince it was launched nearly 15 years ago it has been under constant reform - and the government is working on yet more changes right nowThe EU's Emissions Trading System (ETS) was launched in 2005 as a major pillar of the EU's climate policy and is renowned as being the world's largest scheme for trading greenhouse gas emission allowances. In 2005, the world's first EU ETS was established, which adopted a decentralized governance model and greatly reduced global greenhouse gas emissions. ETS initiatives have been implemented around the world for a long time, with the EU-ETS scheme being the first international carbon market established in 2005. |
2 | India is looking to create it's own carbon marketThe EU Emissions Trading System (the EU ETS) is one of the key pillars of the EU's policy to combat climate change and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from regulated sectors. It was launched in 2005Since its launch in 2005, the EU ETS has been subject to considerable changes and developments.The data set also includes information on auctions of allowances, compiled from auctioning platforms, as well as EEA estimates of ETS emissions for the period 2005 to 2012, to reflect the current scope of the ETS for the third trading period (20132020).ETS initiatives have been implemented around the world for a long time, with the EU-ETS scheme being the first international carbon market established in 2005.The EU emissions trading scheme, in place since 2005, applies to industrial companies across the bloc, of which 1,000 are in France. Other ETS, including the world's second-largest in Europe, also took time to get established, but trading volumes have increased steadily since its launch in 2005. |
0 | India has an ETSThe Indian government has green-lighted the creation of a national carbon market that will be key to decarbonising heavy industry and helping shape international carbon trading. Among other things, the bill proposes a momentous carbon market framework in India to incentivize carbon emission reduction.The aim is to reduce emissions and to pursue a low carbon path more vigorously providing an opportunity to re-imagine and refresh the development paradigm, the draft readThe Wire Science spoke to Maria Chirayil and Ashok Sreenivas, co-authors of the Prayas report, to understand the manner in which emissions are currently regulated (or not) in India and the implications for the carbon marketIndia is on track to establish a nationwide carbon market. In August, Lok Sabha passed a Bill to amend the Energy Conservation Act 2001 to provide a legal basis for the market. Essentially, the government will set quotas for allowable emissions and allow companies that successfully reduce their emissions to below the threshold to sell the balance as carbon credits' to others who haven't done so.India needs to develop Carbon Pricing Instruments. |
0 | The EU Emission trading schemes aim to increase the amount of co2 being produced by participating countries.The creation of a national carbon market in India, depending on its institutional setup, policy integration, and design could offer a mechanism for reducing emissions, or it could result in serious economic costs.A planned national carbon market for India, the world's third-largest emitter, could become one of the biggest mitigation experiments ever attempted, getting the country on track to meet its net-zero greenhouse gas emissions goal by the promised date of 2070.India is on track to establish a nationwide carbon market India needs to develop Carbon Pricing Instruments. Carbon pricing can take the form of Carbon Tax or Crediting, or a Carbon Emission Trading scheme ~ a cap-and-trade system that depends on government allotments or permits.India's first experience with ETS was a pilot scheme for particulate matter (PM), introduced in 2019 in Surat, Gujarat.The Wire Science spoke to Maria Chirayil and Ashok Sreenivas, co-authors of the Prayas report, to understand the manner in which emissions are currently regulated (or not) in India and the implications for the carbon market |
2 | The EU Emission trading scheme aims to reduce emissionsProponents of cap and trade argue that it is a palatable alternative to acarbon tax. Both measures are attempts to reduce environmental damage without causing undue economic hardship to the industry.There are a number of industrial decarbonisation schemes, including energy efficiency and emissions trading schemes, that we administer for the UK and regulate in England. At the heart of all these schemes is the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions with a particular focus on carbon emissions.We regulate more than 10,000 organisations in the UK and in 2021, we successfully delivered compliance rates of over 95% for the:The UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) and Ozone-Depleting Substances and Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Regulations replaced UK participation in the European regulations and systems from January 2021.In 2021, we continued to support the government's EU Exit strategy and the transition of these schemes to the UK.Brexit is a considerable opportunity to simplify and reform EU legacy legislation for the better.The European Parliament has adopted a common position on the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) reform and the bloc's forthcoming carbon border tax (CBAM) following a compromise between the biggest parties.The European Union has decided not to wait for the IMO to make a decision and has announced that starting next year,ships calling at European ports will have to begin paying into the bloc's emissions trading scheme, which serves the same function as a carbon tax. |
0 | Agriculture is a small emission sectorThe European Union has decided not to wait for the IMO to make a decision and has announced that starting next year,ships calling at European ports will have to begin paying into the bloc's emissions trading scheme, which serves the same function as a carbon tax.European Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday (30 August) rebuffed a call by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to temporarily suspend the EU's Emission Trading System (ETS) in order to stabilise power prices.Although cap and trade systems reduce emissions and can lead to faster cuts in pollution, they also tend to increase the price of oil, coal, and natural gas in an effort to force companies to switch to alternative forms of energy.The EU ETS is a cornerstone of the EU's policy to combat climate change and a key tool for curbing greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively.To achieve the EU's overall greenhouse gas emissions reduction target for 2030, the sectors covered by the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) must reduce their emissions by 43% compared to 2005 levels.To increase the pace of emissions cuts, the overall number of emission allowances will decline at an annual rate of 2.2% from 2021 onwards, compared to 1.74% currently. |
2 | Agriculture is a large emitterGiven that the agricultural sector accounts for 50% of NZ's gross emissions, approximately 94% of N20 emissions and 91% of biogenic methane emissions[4], it is critical that agriculture contributes to meeting NZ's climate goalsSectors that must act to mitigate climate change include energy, transportation, waste management, manufacturing, agriculture and forestry, it saidThe scheme is very effective because of that reach - although agriculture, which is a major emitter, is not covered and has been allowed instead to work with government officials to come up with a plan to price emissions by 2025 as an alternative to the ETSBut it will take time for the country to make the large cuts needed in transport and agriculture, and to electrify factory processes, and tree planting will always be part of the mix to offset unavoidable emissionsMeanwhile, there are fears that long-term overplanting exotics could also lead to lower ETS prices, disincentivising investment and innovation in low-carbon technology and suppressing moves to make actual reductions in emissions..The UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments and Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs collectively making up the UK ETS Authority have established the scheme to increase the climate ambition of the UK's carbon pricing policy, while protecting the competitiveness of UK businesses. |
1 | The EU is aiming to half shipping emissions by 2050But Robertson said the agricultural sector was too big an emitter - nearly 50 percent of the total - not to take action as quickly as possible.Agriculture is a major winner in the government's plan to cut emissions, despite farmers having yet to pay a cent into the pot of money set aside for climate spending.The Climate Change Minister and Minister of Agriculture are required by the Climate Change Response Act 2002 (CCRA) to report on a pricing system by 31 December 2022.Likewise, agriculture is a significant source of environmental emissions and incidents.Recent years have seen SOx emissions from regulated facilities fall by 90%, while ammonia emissions, mainly from farms that are not regulated by the Environment Agency, have not fallen. It calls for evidence on how we might improve the measuring of agricultural emissions to support future decarbonisation policy; whether this would be done though the UK ETS or by a different means. Other high emitting sectors will be considered at a later point. |
2 | James Shaw is New Zealands climate change ministerLooking ahead, shipping is set to be included in the EU's Emission Trading Scheme (meaning carbon permits will be required for voyages in EU waters), while the International Maritime Organisation the UN body that regulates shipping has pledged that by 2050 the industry's emissions will be half their 2008 levels.The shipping industry's regulator,the International Maritime Organization (IMO),has set a rather underwhelming target of cutting greenhouse emissions in half by 2050The European Union has decided not to wait for the IMO to make a decision and has announced that starting next year,ships calling at European ports will have to begin paying into the bloc's emissions trading scheme, which serves the same function as a carbon tax.On 14 July 2021, the European Commission adopted a series of legislative proposals setting out how it intends to achieve climate neutrality in the EU by 2050, including the intermediate target of an at least 55% net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.The committee also agreed to expand the ETS scheme to cover shipping emissions from 2024 and to accelerate the phase-out of free allowances in a bid to speed up the decarbonisation of industries like cement, steel and chemicals.Last July the European Commission proposed adding shipping to the ETS gradually from 2023 until 2026 when shipowners would need to buy permits covering all their emissions inside the EU and 50% of their emissions from international voyages starting and ending in the EU. |
0 | Jacinda Ardern is New Zealands Climate Change MinisterIt has been a very long journey and it is well past time we got going, said James Shaw, the climate change minister and Green party co-leader, adding that working with farmers to reduce emissions was a priority, rather than relying on offsetting emissions through forestryClimate change: James Shaw distances himself from agricultural emissions group proposals New Zealand has a "Herculean task to do in a nine-year period because we\'ve been a bit late getting started on reducing emissions, like many other countries", climate change minister James Shaw said at the signing ceremony at the UN Cop 26 climate summit in Glasgow.Marc Daalder explains Climate Change Minister James Shaw rang the NZX bell in Wellington to mark the start of the first ever auction of carbon credits under the Emissions Trading Scheme.Climate change: James Shaw distances himself from agricultural emissions group proposalsNew Zealand has a "Herculean task to do in a nine-year period because we\'ve been a bit late getting started on reducing emissions, like many other countries", climate change minister James Shaw said at the signing ceremony at the UN Cop 26 climate summit in Glasgow. |
0 | Indoniessia has an ETSGiven the failure that is vocational education provider Te Pukenga, its lack of accountability with Te Whatu Ora and the reaction to its Three Waters programme, Jacinda Ardern is now under increasing pressure to show voters that the agriculture emissions scheme must be more than a proposal and become reality.New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has sparked controversy over a proposed farmers tax on cow and sheep gases to reduce greenhouse emissions.It has been a very long journey and it is well past time we got going, said James Shaw, the climate change minister and Green party co-leader, adding that working with farmers to reduce emissions was a priority, rather than relying on offsetting emissions through forestryThere is no question that we need to cut the amount of methane we are putting into the atmosphere, and an effective emissions pricing system for agriculture will play a key part in how we achieve that," New Zealand\'s climate change minister James Shaw said.New Zealand has unveiled a plan to tax sheep and cattle burps in a bid to tackle one of the country's biggest sources of greenhouse gases.Press Release ACT New ZealandThe targets set by James Shaw under the Zero Carbon Act were never achievable and the High Courts recent ruling proves it. |
1 | The safe guard mechanisim was introduced by the Austrailen coalition governmentThe intended collaboration centers around IDX's emission trading scheme that is slated to launch in 2025, and MVGX's job is to help IDX build a carbon registry and exchange with blockchain as the infrastructure layer, TechCrunch's Rita Liao reports.Indonesia's scheme will not be a classic cap-and-trade system as it will not limit the total emissions of coal-fired power plants. In some ways it will operate more like a baseline-and-credit system that sets different benchmarks for different categories of coal-fired power plants.View all partnersSenior Analyst, Climateworks CentreSenior Analyst (Economics and Governance), Climateworks CentreIndonesia, one of the biggest emitters in the world, is planning to launch its pilot emissions trading scheme in July, which can possibly become the first national carbon market in Southeast Asia.View all partnersSenior Analyst (Economics and Governance), Climateworks CentreSenior Analyst, Climateworks CentreIndonesia, one of the world's biggest coal producers and greenhouse emitters, plans to launch its pilot emissions trading scheme in July, which can possibly lead to the implementation of the first national carbon market in Southeast Asia.Indonesia plans to bring forward its peak in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from electricity generation, following Jarkata's agreement to a plan co-led by the US and Japan that will require $20bn in public and private financing over a 3-5 year period.The Oceania nation, situated north of Australia and neighbouring Indonesia, has over 90 per cent of its 463,000 km_ of land covered by forests, but logging and commercial farming in the early years of this centuryhave caused 0.5 per cent of its forests to be lost annually, according to a US-based group, Coalition for Rainforest Nations. |
1 | The New Zealand Green Party implemented a windfall taxFor people deeply embedded in the mechanics of how governments plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the safeguard mechanism has become a reasonably familiar subject since it was introduced by the Coalition six years ago even though the Morrison government and its predecessors didn't like to talk about it much.Yes, if Labor's much-anticipated paper on fixing Australia's mediocre emissions-reduction framework, released today, is any guide.At present, Australia relies on the controversial safeguard mechanism to encourage big emitters such as fossil fuel power plants and manufacturers to reduce their pollution.This framework alongside the Emissions Reduction Fund was introduced during the Coalition years to reduce carbon dioxide pollution at low cost.As well as the review into ACCUsthe federal government has also initiated a review into the Safeguard Mechanism, which will put requirements on the big polluters to shrink their emissions.The surge in activity is a sign of growing confidence that Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen's safeguard mechanism changes are on track to begin in July, and suggests some investors are betting Ian Chubb's review of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) will remove doubts about the credibility of some credits.Not mentioned by the Daily Telegraph either is that the safeguard mechanism covering the 215 biggest polluting facilities was introduced by the Coalition and designed to eventually cut emissions from heavy industryThe question is, will Labor seize the chance to move away from them, and instead reduce emissions?What's the best way forward for Australia?Let's say Labor's tweaks to the safeguard mechanism become law. |
1 | The top 1% of earners produce as much co2 as the bottom 10%Last week, the Green Party released a discussion document on what it's called an excess profits tax.The proposal comes on the back of data showing that in the 2021 financial year, corporate profits reached $103 billion, up $24.5 billion on the previous year. And you'll recall that the corporate tax take for the year to June 2022 was almost $20 billion. But it is also only fair that the top 1% of UK earners, who are disproportionately responsible for such a large amount of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions, pay a wealth tax.In our latest review of sector coverage in the national media, the government is said to be mulling plans to extend the energy windfall tax and expand its scope to include low-carbon generators.Pressed on the issue by Green Party MP Caroline Lucas during Prime Minister's Questions today, the Prime Minister said he stands by the moratorium.Professor of International Politics, University of ManchesterMatthew Paterson is a member of the Green Party. |
2 | Purchase power agreements are used by compaines to reduce there apparent emissions.The top 1% of earners in the UK are responsible for the same amount of carbon dioxide emissions in a single year as the bottom 10% over more than two decades, new data has shown.Nonetheless, similar to other European countries, most of the fiscal support has gone to measures that are untargeted and distort price signals, such as electricity tax reductions and fuel rebates.One chastised the highly inadequate steps to date by rich nations to cut emissions of Earth-warming greenhouse gases, such as those from burning fossil fuels.However, CO2 emission allowances quickly became financial instruments in the hands of wealthy investors.As his fortune grew, Bankman-Fried turned to more traditional pastimes of the galactically wealthy: political donorship and philanthropy.The remainder is budgetary income, which the EU does allow to be used to soften the blow caused by high energy prices. |
0 | Purchase power agreements are exclusive to the European UnionThe restraint lasted until two years ago, when Pepsi reentered the market with gusto, purchasing 1.4 million creditsor the 15th biggest amount, according to the CDP data. That allowed Pepsi to claim it had slashed climate-warming pollution from its operations by almost a quarter since 2015.In a statement to Bloomberg Green, Pepsi officials said they're transitioning to power purchase agreements that put new renewable electricity on the grid, having signed six such deals since 2020These critiques are well heard and appreciated, says Michael Macrae, a senior manager at WRI.To be sure, some of the ensuing clean energy contracts have had major climate benefits. Last year, for instance, more than 100 companies including, Nestl, and Target signed long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) for wind or solar power.In order to qualify for compensation, companies will have to either (i) implement certain measures identified in their energy management system' (i.e. the companies' plan setting energy efficiency objectives and a strategy to achieve them) or (ii) cover at least 30% of their electricity consumption with renewable sources (through on-site renewable energy generation facilities, power purchase agreements or guarantees of origin).The instruments that companies reported to reduce their emissions were classified into three categories: Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), Unbundled Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), and Other.In order to qualify for compensation, companies will have to either implement certain energy audit recommendations, cover at least 30% of their electricity consumption with carbon-free sources (through on-site renewable energy generation facilities, carbon-free power purchase agreements or guarantees of origin), or invest at least 50 % of the aid amount in projects leading to substantial reductions of their installation's greenhouse gas emissions.The Commission found that the scheme is necessary and appropriate to support energy-intensive companies to cope with the higher electricity prices and to avoid that companies relocate to countries outside the EU with less ambitious climate policies, resulting in an increase in global greenhouse gas emissions. |
1 | The European Uninon ETS reduced emissions by aproximatly 210 million toones between 2005 and 2007Commentators predict that, as the Asian market develops, corporate power purchase agreements are likely to become the norm a trend that will only encourage further development and overseas investment.For the trend analysis, we looked at companies that submitted data every year during the study period, some 534 companies globally. The instruments that companies reported to reduce their emissions were classified into three categories: Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), Unbundled Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), and Other.View ResultsMassachusetts denies Avangrid motion to delay review of power purchase agreements In order to qualify for compensation, companies will have to either implement certain energy audit recommendations, cover at least 30% of their electricity consumption with carbon-free sources (through on-site renewable energy generation facilities, carbon-free power purchase agreements or guarantees of origin), or invest at least 50 % of the aid amount in projects leading to substantial reductions of their installation's greenhouse gas emissions.Analysis of instruments companies used to claim lower market-based emissionsA total of 2,078 companies globally submitted valid data about their renewable energy contracts to CDP at least once in the four-year study period.The instruments that companies reported to reduce their emissions were classified into three categories: Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), Unbundled Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), and Other. |
2 | China has an emissions tradding schemeFollowing a study carried out, it was concluded that between 2005 and 2007, the ETS reduced emissions by approximately 210 million tonnes across Europe.Greenhouse gas emissions from stationary installations in the EU ETS decreased from 1,530 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) in 2019 to 1,355MtCO2e in 2020, a reduction of 11.4%. This represents the largest drop in emissions since the ETS began operating in 2005In the first phase, from 2005 to 2007, virtually 100% of carbon credits entering the market were given out for free, falling to an average of 96% during phase 2, from 2008 to 2012, according to an analysis of market data by carbon market NGO Sandbag, carried out for Carbon Brief, shown in the chart, below.Installations covered by the ETS reduced emissions by about 35% between 2005 and 2019.The introduction of the Market Stability Reserve in 2019 has resulted in higher and more robust carbon prices, which helped to ensure a year on year total emissions reduction of 9% in 2019, with a 14.9% reduction in electricity and heat production and a 1.9% reduction in industry.More recently, my colleagues and I found that their ETS pilot for particulate in Surat reduced emissions by 24% with little cost for industry. It effectively doubles the existing hydrogen target for 2030, setting a target of 10 million tonnes of domestic renewable hydrogen_production and 10 million tonnes of imports by 2030.When it comes to wind resources, Ireland has a significant geographic advantage. |
0 | China doesn't have an emission trading schemeAccessesMetrics detailsTo achieve the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction, China has launched its national carbon-emission trading scheme (ETS).China's new emissions trading system (ETS) is already the world's largest carbon market, three times bigger than the European Union's.The negotiating teams of the Council and the European Parliament have agreed on stricter targets for the sharing of efforts to reduce pollutant emissions by 2030 for sectors such as road transport or agriculture that are not covered by the European emissions trading system (ETS). May 4, 2022During a webinar held in late April 2022, stakeholders from across Europe discussed the proposed new EU Emissions Trading System (ETS2) covering road transport and heating for buildings.China's ETS became fully operational in 2021 when companies under the program were required to deposit emission permits with the government to account for a portion of their 2019 and 2020 emissions.We established the first environment ministry in Canada in 1971, created the first climate plan in Canada in 1998, introduced the first North American carbon price on industrial emissions and emissions trading system in 2007, and currently have an internationally recognized, methane emissions reduction framework. |
2 | Emmissions tradding schemes promote decarbonisationFor example, each pilot emission trading in China has an online registry and an emission exchange centre to provide information about trading amounts, turnover, average trading price, price evaluation, and annual or quarterly summaries of transaction positions.Notably, China, the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, implemented its own mandatory ETS initiative in 2021 and is currently home to theworld's largest carbon market.The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a Romanian aid scheme aimed at granting partial compensation to energy-intensive companies faced with an increase in electricity prices resulting from indirect emission costs under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS')The LTS could have included carbon pricing through a domestic emissions trading scheme as a key element of India's strategy, given that the government has already announced the creation of the same in India, Vaibhav Chaturvedi of Council on Energy, Environment and Water, said.Aside from the potential partnership with Indonesia, MVGX has also worked with carbon trading initiatives in China, including the Guizhou Green Finance and Emissions Exchange, and is in advanced conversations with relevant authorities in Malaysia and Taiwan to collaborate on infrastructure projects, according to Bai.The prices of CBAM certificates reflect the average price of the EU Emissions Trading System allowances closing prices for each calendar week. |
1 | Over 40,000 people will be attending cop 27Unfortunately, the current research is insufficient to show that ETS could promote decarbonization which may ultimately affect the winwin situation of economic growth and ecological optimizationSecond, ETS may improve the regional ecologicalization efficiency of industry through the coordinated agglomeration of resources.As China's ETS ramps up deployment and decarbonization solutions, it will drive learning by doing and scale benefits.It can help to mobilize the financial investments required to stimulate clean technology and market innovation, fuelling new, low-carbon drivers of economic growth, and investments in lowcarbon technological innovations that foster multilateral co-operation and create synergies between energy and climate policies.These markets are meant to incentivise firms to innovate and transition to cleaner, ecofriendly industrial processes which lead to cleaner air for the general populace, whilst generating significant revenue for the governmenta win-win situation for all.One of the EU's aims pursued by the revision of the EU ETS Directive is to boost decarbonisation. |
2 | Climate change is caused by atomspheric concentration of greenhouse gassesWith the appearance of new Covid sub-variants in NZ, should a Covid alert system be reinstated?This week over 40,000 people will attend COP 27, the 27th gathering of the Conference of the Parties dealing with climate change.While attending COP2027 on November 6, 2022 President Willian Ruto promised to push for more action on climate change in order to save the Kenya from perennial droughts.While attending COP2027 on November 6, 2022 President Willian Ruto promised to push for more action on climate change in order to save the Kenya from perennial droughts.(Mar 17 2022)Bureau Veritas (BV), a world leader in testing, inspection, and certification, is supporting the classification and construction at Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD) in the Republic of Korea of two 40,000 cbm LPG carriers that will be ammonia prepared'The annual Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction, a United Nations study released during COP 27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, finds that emissions rebounded in 2021 to an all time high 2 percent higher than the previous peak in 2019.At the time of the writing of this article, COP27 is underway in Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt, where the Minister of Planning and Development leads the delegation from T&T. |
2 | Ursula von der Leyen is the European union comission presidentThe first, as espoused by the IPCC, holds that Earth's temperature is primarily a function of the properties and atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, and how these gases interact with atmospheric radiation.The second, is that Earth's temperature is regulated by atmospheric transport of energy from the tropics to polar regions, and how the rate of transport varies with ocean circulations, particularly the millennial period thermohaline circulation.Countries, cities and companies from every part of the world, including Africa, have expressed the commitment to reach net zero by 2050 removing as much CO2 as they produce to limit global warming.Promises to cut emissions by governments around the world are not ambitious enough to significantly counter global warming, which will likely subject future generations to worsening effects from climate change.Last year saw a strong rebound in carbon dioxide emissions the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming after the global economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.The Paris-based IEA said CO2 emissions from fossil fuels are on course to rise by almost 1% in 2022 compared to the previous year. To limit global warming to 1.5C, emissions need to fall 45%. |
0 | Emmanuel Macron is the European union comission presidentItalianPrint Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp TelegramPrint Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp TelegramEuropean Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday (30 August) rebuffed a call by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to temporarily suspend the EU's Emission Trading System (ETS) in order to stabilise power prices.After 2021's COP26 in Glasgow successfully hyped up by the Boris Johnson-led UKIn the attempt to tackle increasingly disruptive energy prices, the European Union has been pushed into unchartered territory and hasCommission President Ursula von der Leyen has repeatedly made the point that the design of the EU's electricity market urgentlyThe EU is facing an energy crisis. The principle expressed in recent days by the President of the European Commission is that the end justifies the means'.Debate around carbon pricing has intensified, with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen telling the United Nations COP26 climate summit this month that a robust framework of rules was needed to make global carbon markets a reality.The Commission, the EU executive, has said it also wants to expand the carbon market to cover shipping, but so far offered scant details.Europe will apply emissions trading to buildings and transport, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told a summit of world leaders on Thursday, setting the stage for the EU's planned overhaul of its carbon market. |
1 | The united states led the world in electric vehicle exports in 2019French President Emmanuel Macron aims to prioritise the completion of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism during France's presidency of the EU in the first half of 2022 because he is convinced that it will drive this [green] transition for all our industries while preserving our competitiveness.Debate around carbon pricing has intensified, with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen telling the United Nations COP26 climate summit this month that a robust framework of rules was needed to make global carbon markets a reality.The climate was very serene. Meeting the big wigs: Then, Meloni made the rounds with the presidents of the EU's main institutions: the Parliament's Roberta Metsola, the Commission's Ursula von der Leyen and the Council's Charles Michel.ItalianPrint Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp TelegramPrint Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp TelegramEuropean Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday (30 August) rebuffed a call by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to temporarily suspend the EU's Emission Trading System (ETS) in order to stabilise power prices. But the plan to create an emissions trading system (ETS) for transport and buildings has been denounced as politically suicidal and a huge political mistake by Pascal Canfin, the chair of the European parliament's environment committee and a key Macron allyIt\'s clear: We need to reach our climate goals, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told German daily Sddeutsche Zeitung on the eve of the proposal. |
1 | 98.5 billion was lost to free allocation between 2013 and 2021 from free pollution permits in the European UnionMany countries are interested in these fast-growing future pillar industries, including the United States, which led the world in electric vehicle exports as recently as 2019.India aspires to maximise the use of electric vehicles, with ethanol blending to reach 20% by 2025 (it is currently 10%) and a strong shift to public transport for passenger and freight traffic.And while we can slash transportation emissions by switching to electric vehicles, there's no substitute on the market that can compete with cement's performance, availability and price point.India's plan is to maximise the use of electric vehicles; ensure that by 2025 the percentage of ethanol blended with petrol increases to 20% from the existing 10% and making a strong shift' of passenger and freight vehicles to public transport.South Korea has declared it would achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 largely by replacing coal-fired power generation with renewable sources and internal combustion engines vehicles with hydrogen-powered and battery-based electric vehicles.No certainty global emission 'leakage' will come from reduced dairy exports * 'Paunch grass' from slaughtered cattle could be turned into biogasCLAIM: |
2 | The global carbon market is worth 175 billion dollars anuallyThese freebies have proven ineffective at cutting emissions in the industrial sectors, letting polluters off the hook with a huge cost for member states' budgets: 98.5 billion was lost to free allocation between 2013 and 2021.Established in 2005, free pollution permits were meant to be a temporary exemption from the polluter pays' principle in the EU treaties.Since the free allocation is intrinsically less transparent than an auction, the Indonesian government must disclose its methodology to increase the perceived fairness by the regulated entities.These changes are due to any production and capacity adjustment beyond thresholds fixed in the harmonised free allocation rules as outlined above.The UK ETS uses the same benchmark to calculate free allocations as the EU ETS.The UK government closed its consultation in April 2021, which called for evidence on how to use its free allocations effectively under the UK ETS.Free allocations for 2022 will be issued by 28 February 2022 for stationary installations and aircraft operators well ahead of the 2021 compliance deadline. |
2 | The world is in the middle of an energy transitionThe global carbon trade had in a short space of time grown into a market worth over $175 billion a establish emission trading schemeJohn Alechenu, AbujaNigeria has taken its first major step towards benefiting from the over USD $175 billion per annum carbon trade with the development of Nigeria's Emission Trading Framework.A similar initiative was launched by African countries. They plan to put up carbon credits for sale to unlock billions in climate finance and support economies across the continent.With their focus on Carbon Registry Technology, the experts organised the meeting to help explore a credible platform for supporting Nigeria's emission trading scheme.Article 6 provides for voluntary bilateral emissions reduction trading among signatory countries and envisions a global carbon market overseen by a UN supervisory body.China had launched its all-inclusive carbon peaking action plan in October 2021, which pointed out that industrial sectors heavily impact the nation's efforts to reach peak carbon emissions. |
0 | The global energy supply is undergoing little changeWe recognize that the world is in the midst of an energy transition, and we're working hard to play our part, said Maarten Poort, general manager of Shell Shipping & Maritime Americas.Across the continent, countries in Africa are gearing up for the energy transition by implementing policy and legislative frameworks that take into account the energy crisis and the need for a renewable, decarbonized, decentralized energy supply that addresses climate change and the commitments made under the Paris Agreement.This further confirms the country's drive for energy transition, as do proposed amendments to the Electric Power Sector Reform Act, which provide that distribution companies must ensure that a portion of the electric power that they purchase must be from renewable sources. Negotiating through a crisisMuch has happened since the carbon market reform was tabled, including the energy crisis and war in UkraineJohn Kerry, the US's climate envoy, said the new initiative, called the energy transition accelerator, will be created in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bezos Earth Fund to help deliver the trillions of dollars of investment needed to help poorer countries transition to renewables and stave off disastrous climate impacts. We recognize that the world is in the midst of an energy transition, and we're working hard to play our part, said Maarten Poort, general manager of Shell Shipping & Maritime Americas. |
0 | The united kingdom is part of the European Union ETSJohn Kerry, the US's climate envoy, said the new initiative, called the energy transition accelerator, will be created in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bezos Earth Fund to help deliver the trillions of dollars of investment needed to help poorer countries transition to renewables and stave off disastrous climate impacts. We recognize that the world is in the midst of an energy transition, and we're working hard to play our part, said Maarten Poort, general manager of Shell Shipping & Maritime Americas.Recall also that the emissions cap would add to Ottawa's existing, significant GHG regulatory burden measures that include the carbon pricing program, the Clean Fuel Standard and new methane regulations. Then there is the very real issue of national and global energy security.It also creates new risks for member states navigating their energy transition.Globally, 40 national hydrogen strategies have been announced as countries set pathways to tap into hydrogen's potential to decarbonise, ensure energy security, and spur sustainable economic growth from stranded energy resources.The current global energy transition has been regarded as both an opportunity for the preservation of the earth and a vehicle for unlocking the development potential and livelihoodsIn "General"CBN, Currency Redesign and the Need for Public AwarenessWhy Price Transparency is Critical to Execute Effective |
1 | The public is unconcerned about a climate emergencyThe Scheme was created in January 2021, in response to the UK leaving the EU ETS.In the context of the EU ETS, it also captures how much effort firms are willing to put in emission abatement.Those in the UK and North America already feature price-based stability mechanisms.OPRED also regulates the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK-ETS) for offshore oil and gas developments, and, while methane emissions are currently not included in the scheme, this is something that was included in the consultation on developing the UK-ETS undertaken in 2022 by the UK ETS Authority and is being considered for inclusion in the future.The UK's carbon market is supposed to reduce carriers' emissions under the polluter pays principle.Unlike the pre-Brexit EU ETS which saw an exemption for EfWs, the UK Government's latest ETS consultation proposes that emissions from waste incineration plants will be included. |
2 | There is a climate emergencyThat is why this must be the decade of action in tackling the climate emergency and why this Government has pledged to embed our response to it in everything we do.The challenge is huge, and the U.N. has noted that 1.5 degrees Celsius is viewed as being the upper limit when it comes to avoiding the worst consequences of the climate emergency.Todd said it was madness to be investing in roads that increase traffic in a climate emergency.In 2020, she declared a climate emergency.Groundswell NZ held its third nationwide protest, this time against He Waka Eke Noa, last month. Earlier this month Agriculture Minister Damien O'Connor said he 'absolutely rejected'' claims relating to future farming levels if an emissions trading scheme goes ahead.The drop in prices comes after protests erupted in major Chinese cities over the weekend, including the financial center of Shanghai and its capital, Beijing, where demonstrators poured into the streets demanding not only a repeal of the country's zero COVID policy, but also the resignation of Chinese President Xi Jinping. |
0 | There is'nt a climate emergancyThe challenge is huge, and the U.N. has noted that 1.5 degrees Celsius is viewed as being the upper limit when it comes to avoiding the worst consequences of the climate emergency.The numbers game reduces the climate emergency to what Deranger calls carbon essentialism, or an over-focus on carbon numbers rather than human rights and social justice.Without an agreement in the committee, the package can be reopened in all its dimensions in plenary. And I don't think, given the climate emergency and the current geopolitical context, that we can afford to gamble with this, he said.Governments and businesses from all over the world made their own individual pledges about what they will do to help achieve the noble goal of tackling the climate emergency.Carbon trading isn't a panacea for climate change. The mechanism incentivizes carbon emitters to be less polluting or they'd need to buy from those with excess carbon credits to offset their carbon footprint.Globally, 40 national hydrogen strategies have been announced as countries set pathways to tap into hydrogen's potential to decarbonise, ensure energy security, and spur sustainable economic growth from stranded energy resources. |
0 | Prices in a cap and scheme ETS are determined by a single entityWithout an agreement in the committee, the package can be reopened in all its dimensions in plenary. And I don't think, given the climate emergency and the current geopolitical context, that we can afford to gamble with this, he said.Governments and businesses from all over the world made their own individual pledges about what they will do to help achieve the noble goal of tackling the climate emergency.Todd said it was madness to be investing in roads that increase traffic in a climate emergency.This isn't the first time Prime Minister Ardern has voiced her climate change concerns. In 2020, she declared a climate emergency.Globally, 40 national hydrogen strategies have been announced as countries set pathways to tap into hydrogen's potential to decarbonise, ensure energy security, and spur sustainable economic growth from stranded energy resources.Amid the country's bold claims over tackling climate change including declaring a climate emergency and passing multipartisan climate legislation New Zealand's progress towards bringing down its rocketing agricultural emissions (responsible for half the nation's total) has been glacial. |
2 | The price of carbon credits in a cap and emissions trading scheme is decied by demand and supply.If there are too few credits for the expected emissions, the price of each credit will rise according to the basic rules of supply and demand, and polluters will decide whether they want to fork out the cash for a credit or whether it would be more economical to stop emitting (via decarbonising the polluting processes or closing up shop).Timestamps in local time (EEST, GMT+2).AMERICASMarket participants' expectations coalesced around a narrow range for the last WCI cap-and-trade market auction for the year, with few expecting the auction to harbour too much of a surprise reminiscent of either last quarter or Nov. 2021.The new premier-designate of British Columbia (BC) could boost carbon offset generation from protecting old growth forests, but doing so would run up against questions about buyer demand and environmental integrity, experts told Carbon Pulse.Change across the boardChange is also coming to the EU's current carbon market, the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), its core climate policy, which forces power plants and factories to buy CO2 permits when they pollute and caps the supply of permits.Emissions trading schemes, or carbon markets, are market-based tools meant to limit greenhouse gas emissions. They put a cap on the amount countries or companies can emit, and if they exceed those limits, they can buy permits from others.Each year, the cap is recalculated and reduced, which drives greater efficiency by requiring companies to reduce the amount of emissions they generate for the energy they produce.The ETS is designed to have a gradually shrinking supply of permits, which trade on exchanges like other assets. Their price soared by around 150% last year and hit a record high of 98.49 per tonne this month. |
2 | Mohammed Abdullahi is the Nigerian minister for the enviromentThe price of credits is determined by demand/supply balance.To incentivise firms to reduce their emissions, government sets a cap on the maximum level of emissions and creates permits, or allowances, for each unit of emissions allowed under the cap.The ETS is designed to have a gradually shrinking supply of permits, which trade on exchanges like other assets. Their price soared by around 150% last year and hit a record high of 98.49 per tonne this month.These permits can be traded freely on environmental exchanges, and the market forces of supply and demand fix a specific price for these permits. If firms exceed their allowance of emissions, they are severely fined.Emissions trading schemes usually work on the cap and trade' principle, where a cap is set on the total amount of certain greenhouse gases that can be emitted by sectors covered by the scheme.The cap is reduced over time, so that total emissions must fall. |
0 | Muhammadu Buhari is the nigerian minster for the enviromentMinister of Environment, Mr. Mohammed Abdullahi while launching the scheme at the flag off Business meeting on Development of Emissions Trading Scheme', in Abuja the nation's capital, said a collective investment in addressing climate change will provide immense dividends for global economy.Nigeria's Minister of Environment, Mr. Mohammed Abdullahi while launching the scheme at the flagoff Business meeting on Development of Emissions Trading Scheme, in Abuja the nation's capital, said a collective investment in addressing climate change will provide immense dividends for global economy.Nigeria's Minister of Environment, Mr. Mohammed Abdullahi while launching the scheme at the flag off Business meeting on Development of Emissions Trading Scheme, in Abuja the nation's capital, said a collective investment in addressing climate change will provide immense dividends for global economy.SUCCESS NWOGU writes on Nigeria's presentation at the COP27 and some of the outcomes of the conferenceThe 27th edition, which is the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, named COP27, ended on Friday, November 18, 2022.Nigeria's presentationPresident Muhammadu Buhari, represented by the Minister of Environment, Mohammed Abdullahi, said that Nigeria lacked the fund to urgently finance its energy transition and climate action programmes in view of the debt burden of the country.Minister of Environment, Mr. Mohammed Abdullahi while launching the scheme at the flag off Business meeting on Development of Emissions Trading Scheme, in Abuja the nation's capital, said a collective investment in addressing climate change will provide immense dividends for global economy.\ |
1 | The carbon price threshold is $56.8 in the United KingdomNigeria's presentationPresident Muhammadu Buhari, represented by the Minister of Environment, Mohammed Abdullahi, said that Nigeria lacked the fund to urgently finance its energy transition and climate action programmes in view of the debt burden of the country.Nigeria's Minister of Environment, Mr. Mohammed Abdullahi while launching the scheme at the flagoff Business meeting on Development of Emissions Trading Scheme, in Abuja the nation's capital, said a collective investment in addressing climate change will provide immense dividends for global economy.Nigeria and Chile have already shown interest in the plan, which could be operational from next year.I believe each and everyone of us has a role to play, the idea will be on complementing each other efforts to build a common and formidable platform that will help to ensure that all the commitments and declarations the President Muhammadu Buhari has made are implemented to the fullest.At the 2023 budget defence session with the Senate Committee on Finance, the Finance Minister said it was not theIn "Economy"By Aduragbemi Omiyale President Muhammadu Buhari has thrown his full weight behind the decision of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to redesign the higher Naira notes.After receiving a $150, 000 investment from All-On (matching a previous investment made by Persistent Energy Capital LLC last November) the firm, which has been operating in Latin America and East Africa, is seeking to onboard distributed energy providers in West Africa, especially Nigeria. |
2 | The EU's benchmark carbon price fluctuatesThe UK's trigger price' threshold is 56.58 per tonne and, in December, prices temporarily hit a record high of 80.97.So we need to have a proper indicator and a threshold to determine when this becomes critical.The EU's benchmark carbon price closed at 56.34 euros ($68.53) per metric ton on Monday, near its highest level since the launch of the market.There is a proactive decarbonisation policy and, as a result, the price is going up, said the expert, citing the European Green Deal and its Key objective of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. WHAT WILL BE THE PRICE?China\'s carbon price is "hard to predict" a senior environment ministry official said adding that the average carbon price for 7 trial markets was around 40 yuan ($6.18) per tonne. This is much cheaper than the average carbon price of 47.25 euros ($55.67) a tonne on the European Union ETS between 2021-2025TelegramEurope's benchmark carbon price is on track to hit 100 a tonne by the end of the year, analysts said, after it reached a new record high of 89.37 a tonne on Wednesday (8 December), marking a near 50% rise since the start of November. |
2 | India does not have an ETSThe EU's benchmark carbon price closed at 56.34 euros ($68.53) per metric ton on Monday, near its highest level since the launch of the market.WHAT WILL BE THE PRICE?China\'s carbon price is "hard to predict" a senior environment ministry official said adding that the average carbon price for 7 trial markets was around 40 yuan ($6.18) per tonne. This is much cheaper than the average carbon price of 47.25 euros ($55.67) a tonne on the European Union ETS between 2021-2025 The Dutch front-month gas contract, also a European benchmark, rose as much as 10% on Wednesday on colder weather forecasts and maintenance at major gas infrastructure.The benchmark carbon price was around 91 euros a tonne on Tuesday.The HPP Law sets the carbon tax rate to be higher than the carbon price in the domestic carbon market per kilogram of CO2e (CO2e signifies the amount of CO2 which would have the equivalent global warming impact)This will also likely see the carbon price increase over time, with its current price well below the current average of about 50 ($58.87) per tonne of the EU emission trading scheme. |
2 | The UK ETS secondary market started in 2021India's first experience with ETS was a pilot scheme for particulate matter (PM), introduced in 2019 in Surat, Gujarat.ETS experiments in IndiaIn India, a two-year pilot of the ETS was unveiled in early 2011, where three states (Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra) received a mandate from the Union Government to implement a scheme focusing on particulate air pollution with the scheme covering over 1000 industries.Most notably, the Act empowers the Government of India (GoI) to establish a carbon credit trading scheme in India, and thus, establish a legal framework to create India's first-ever compliance carbon trading market.ETS and Air PollutionETS pilots aimed at reducing particulate have already been piloted in India and have yielded promising results.The US and India come next, contributing to roughly 14% and 6.8%, respectively.The Hottest Investor in Renewables Is a Big Oil ProducerFor India's and Japan's Green Ambitions, the Heat Is OnMeet the vacuum cleaners for nuclear fusion reactors |
0 | The EU is aiming to increase emission by 50% before 2030EUA prices are used as a reference due to the limited UK ETS market data available since the UK ETS secondary market only started in May 2021.Third, phase 4 of the ETS, which started in 2021, also entails a shrinking supply of EUAs over time and updated parameters for the Market Stability Reserve, which will further limit the amount of EUAs available in the market.The first UK ETS auction took place in May 2021 after the UK ETS was launched to replace the UK's participation in the EU ETS.By putting a price on UK emissions, the UK ETS is supporting the climate ambitions of the UKICE hosted the first UK ETS auction in May 2021, alongside launching UK Allowance (UKA) Futures contracts and UKA Daily Futures. The government has accepted recommendations made in the Independent Reservoir Safety Review (May 2021) and announced on 20 July 2022 that it will take forward strengthening the reservoir safety regime and modernising the Reservoirs Act 1975.The system, made up of a primary market of allowances and a secondary market mainly of derivatives based on allowances, is a core element in Europe's plan to cut its emissions. |
2 | The Eu is aiming to reduce emissions by 55% by the year 2030It is currently being revised to align with the EU's objective of reducing emissions by 55% before 2030.First of all, we want to reach the targets defined under the EU climate law to reduce carbon emissions by 55% before the end of this decade, said Esther de Lange, a Dutch lawmaker from the EPP group, which is leading the ETS reform talks in the European Parliament.Prices in the EU ETS ended 2021 at more than 80 euros a tonne, more than double the price at the end of 2020, on expectations that a more ambitious EU climate target of reducing emissions by 55% by 2030 would lead to a tighter market.AMBased on the projections from Member States submitted to the EEA,ETS emissions are expected to decreaseby between 41% and 48% by 2030, and by between 55% and 62% by 2040, relative to 2005.Refinitiv said a 100 euro carbon cost could cloud the political debate over those policies, however, and the EU's target to curb its emissions 55% by 2030, from 1990 levels.NN IP sees prices of European emission allowances (aka EUA European Union allowances) rising from the prevailing level of around 60 per tonne, as the new and much more ambitious reduction target of -55% of emissions by 2030 compared with 1990 levels translates into changes to the existing EU emissions trading scheme (ETS) for electricity generators, energy intensive industries and commercial aviation. |
1 | The EU carbon market is responsible for 10% of the rise in electricity pricesPrices in the EU ETS ended 2021 at more than 80 euros a tonne, more than double the price at the end of 2020, on expectations that a more ambitious EU climate target of reducing emissions by 55% by 2030 would lead to a tighter market.AMBased on the projections from Member States submitted to the EEA,ETS emissions are expected to decreaseby between 41% and 48% by 2030, and by between 55% and 62% by 2040, relative to 2005.Refinitiv said a 100 euro carbon cost could cloud the political debate over those policies, however, and the EU's target to curb its emissions 55% by 2030, from 1990 levels.NN IP sees prices of European emission allowances (aka EUA European Union allowances) rising from the prevailing level of around 60 per tonne, as the new and much more ambitious reduction target of -55% of emissions by 2030 compared with 1990 levels translates into changes to the existing EU emissions trading scheme (ETS) for electricity generators, energy intensive industries and commercial aviation.According to the European Commission, the EU ETS reduced emissions in the European bloc 35% by 2019.Last year, the EU strengthened its emission reduction goals, targeting a 55% cut in emissions over 1990 levels by 2030, which ignited demand in the EU ETS.Shipowners would pay as much as 95bn ($94bn) into the scheme by 2030 under the EU parliament's proposal, analysis from Brussels-based Transport & Environment showed. |
2 | China has the worlds largest carbon marketThe EU carbon market is responsible for 10% of the rise in electricity prices, according to Peter Liese, a German MEP who is steering the revision of the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) in the European Parliament.The effort sharing regulation (ESR) now envisages raising the common effort to reduce emissions from 30% to 40% compared to 1990 and includes paths of between 10% and 50% for each country, which in the case of Spain is set at 37%.The sectors covered by this agreement represent 60% of total EU emissions and include areas such as road transport, agriculture, waste management and heating of buildings.The Commission found that the scheme is necessary and appropriate to help energy-intensive companies cope with rising electricity prices and to avoid companies moving to non-EU countries with less ambitious climate action, leading to an increase in global greenhouse gas emissions.India aspires to maximise the use of electric vehicles, with ethanol blending to reach 20% by 2025 (it is currently 10%) and a strong shift to public transport for passenger and freight traffic.The country has also set a domestic target of a 2030 target of a 10% reduction below 2017 biogenic methane levels under its climate change law.So richer countries Denmark, Finland, Germany, Luxembourg and Sweden need to make 50% cuts, while for Bulgaria the target is 10%.Countries can trade limited amounts of allowances with others or "bank" some allowances if their emissions were lower in a given year or "borrow" from future years if their emissions were too high. |
0 | The paris agreement was signed in 2022 It is the largest carbon market in the world by volume with more than 2000 power plants, responsible for more than 4 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, included in the first phase of trading.Notably, China, the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, implemented its own mandatory ETS initiative in 2021 and is currently home to theworld's largest carbon market.China, the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has launched its first national emissions-trading scheme.Such carbon-pricing mechanisms exist in around 45 countries already, but China's scheme, which began trading last week, is the world's biggest.After years of delay, China was launching the world's largest emissions trading scheme (ETS), onboarding over 2,000 domestic power producers to a national market for swapping carbon credits.One of the companies accused of fraudulent practices was named as China Carbon Energy Investment & Technology (GreenTech).The MEE report accused it of tampering with and falsifying test results and related statistics and advising its clients to provide fake coal samples for tests. |
0 | The EU ETS covers 36% of the EU's total greenhouse gas emissions.South Africa updated its NDC under the Paris Agreement in 2021 and now has a proposed revised target range of 398 to 510 Mt CO2-eq for 2025, and 398 to 440 Mt CO2-eq for 2030.In 2015, 190 countries signed up to the Paris Agreement and set emissions reduction targets.When it was concluded in 2015, the Paris Agreement recognised, under its Article 6, several different modes of international cooperation for countries to implement their national climate commitments, including two proposed new carbon markets.This option is not currently available under the Paris Agreement.The recent U.N. Climate Change Conference of the Parties, or COP26,accelerated action this decade to achieve deeper reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, nationally determined contributions for 2030 aligned with the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levelsand to phase down coal power.This analysis may reveal the companies that could sustain greater fiscal damage than others if Chinese policymakers implement a tax scheme similar to the one being used in Europe. |
2 | The european commision plans to raise 20 billion from the EU's carbon marketThe EU ETS covers about 36% of the EU's total greenhouse gas emissions.The sectors covered by the EU ETS today account for 41% of the EU's total emissions.The programme aims to cut 17 percent of total emissions required in the next three years, and about a third of emissions reductions required by the end of the decade.They must have enough allowances to cover their total emissions for each year or they are subject to heavy fines.Carbon credits will continue to gain in importance because demand is outstripping supply, with more and more companies interested in offsetting their emissionsOne of the most demanding compliance markets is the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which is made up of some 10,000 companies responsible for 40% of total emissions in the region.The impact of climate policies in terms of government budget revenuea) Environmental taxes and EU emissions trading system revenues in the euro area(percentages of total public revenues)b) Revenues from national carbon taxes and emissions trading schemes by country(carbon tax rate in EUR per tonne of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions; emissions covered as percentages of total emissions)Sources: Eurostat, World Bank and own calculations. |
0 | The european commision plans to raise 15 billion from the EU's carbon marketThe national carbon market celebrated its first anniversary in July and has now replaced the European Union Emissions Trading System the EU ETS as the world's largest carbon trading system by coverage, including over 2,000 companies in the power sector and involving more than 4.5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, said China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment.We will bring 20 billion of grant money from the auction of allowances from the market stability reserve, said a senior EU official who briefed the press yesterday about the Commission's plans.Key European lawmakers in an interim vote late on Monday stuck to a compromise that would part-finance the REPowerEU strategy with 20 billion worth of carbon allowance sales solely sourced from frontloaded member state auctions over three years.Analysts have slammed European Commission plans to raise 20 billion from the EU's carbon market stability reserve as a way of financing a 300-billion effort to wean Europe off Russian fossil fuels.The European Commission published plans in May to end the EU\'s reliance on Russian gas this decade, including a proposal to raise 20 billion euros ($20 billion) by allowing countries to sell carbon permits stored in the Emission Trading Scheme\'s (ETS) "market stability reserve".Janusz Kowalski, an MP with the right-wing United Poland party a junior member of the nationalist ruling coalition last week attacked the ETS for "this year pulling 20 billion z_oty (4.3 billion) from the state budget. |
2 | Covid Vaccine Safe for ChildrenAnalysts have slammed European Commission plans to raise 20 billion from the EU's carbon market stability reserve as a way of financing a 300-billion effort to wean Europe off Russian fossil fuels.The European Commission published plans in May to end the EU\'s reliance on Russian gas this decade, including a proposal to raise 20 billion euros ($20 billion) by allowing countries to sell carbon permits stored in the Emission Trading Scheme\'s (ETS) "market stability reserve".Janusz Kowalski, an MP with the right-wing United Poland party a junior member of the nationalist ruling coalition last week attacked the ETS for "this year pulling 20 billion z_oty (4.3 billion) from the state budget.According to consultancy McKinsey, USD 1 billion was estimated to have been spent on offsets in 2021 and the market could expand to USD 15 billion 2030 and USD 100 billion by 2050.This will raise the value of carbon credits futures and this asset class will likely benefit significantly over the longer term, making it attractive for investors to get exposure.Raising the 20 billion for REPowerEU by taking allowances currently sitting in the EU ETS's Market Stability Reserve (MSR) would increase the supply of allowances on the market and reduce the CO2 price, therefore rendering a one-off reduction of the cap even more necessary. |
0 | Pfizer did not test Covid vaccine before its releasevaccines are generally very safe, and that extending the interval between Doses 1 and 2 minimises the risk of vaccine-induced myocarditisevidence from trials and real-world data from children in this age bracket receiving the vaccines, gives us the confidence in the safety of this vaccine“These boosters have been proven safe and effective for adults and children. If you have been thinking about getting the vaccine, now is the time.”The health ministry on Oct. 5 approved two vaccines for COVID-19, including the first to be made available for children under 4.Studies have also looked at side effects in infants between the ages of 6 months and 2 years. Fevers of 38 degrees or higher were recorded after the booster shot in 6.8 percent of the cases. One report stated 20.2 percent of the infants lost their appetite. There were no reports of death.The new vaccine was approved because there are likely to be almost no safety concerns since only slight changes were made to the substance used in the vaccine against the BA.1 subvariant. |
2 | Full vaccination more effective than boosters in preventing spread of COVID-19Fact Check found this to be a misinterpretation of remarks made by a Pfizer executiveThe vaccine was evaluated to determine whether or not it protects symptomatic Covid-19clinical trials were focused on determining the jab's efficacy in preventing severe Covid-19 diseasePfizer-BioNTech vaccine went through three phases of clinical trialsPfizer's large-scale clinical trial carried out on thousands of volunteersResults of phase III Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine clinical trials released by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on December 10, 2020, |
2 | Covid Vaccines effective against severe illnessA small increase in the number of people having two vaccines against COVID-19 was more effective in controlling the virus during Europe's fourth wave—when the omicron variant appeared—than the rapid uptake of booster vaccines, finds a new UCL-led studyPublished in the International Journal of Public Health, the study found that a 4.2% increase in the number of people having two doses (full vaccination) led to a 54% reduction in case rates across Europe—despite the detection of the highly infectious omicronThe results found that a small increase in full vaccination coverage prevented many COVID-19 cases over the last few months of 2021, across Europe. We know vaccines work and they offer the best protection from becoming seriously ill and requiring hospital treatmentThe Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine limits transmission, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19 even among patients infected by variants of the virusemergence of new variants, including Delta and Omicron, left the vaccine less effective at neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 |
2 | Nasal vaccine strategy could prevent covid-19 transmissionDr. Jain added, "Vaccines are thought to be effective in preventing severe illness with COVID-19 but less effective in preventing symptomatic disease with the omicron variant."Current vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 substantially reduce mortality and severe disease, but protection against infection is less effective.“Also, it’s important to remember that if you get vaccinated for flu and COVID and still contract either virus, you’re much less likely to have a severe illness than someone who is unvaccinated,” Hartford saidCurrent vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 substantially reduce mortality and severe disease, but protection against infection is less effective. Vaccinated individuals are still catching COVID-19 and can spread the infection, so breakthrough infections are still occurring," said Dr Ashhurst.An official said at a press conference that vaccination is still effective in preventing severe illness and deathAccording to the World Health Organization, Covid-19 vaccines are "highly effective" in preventing serious illness, hospitalisation and death, |
2 | Staying up to date with booster vaccines best protection against infectionResearchers from the Centenary Institute and the University of Sydney have developed a new nasal vaccination strategy that induces potent lung immunity and protection against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus"Our vaccine differs from most current COVID-19 vaccines in that it enables generation of an immune response directly in those areas of the body that are likely to be the first point of contact for the virus - the nose, airway and lungs. This may help explain the vaccine's effectiveness," said Dr Ashhurst."To stop viral spread and to prevent this virus from mutating we need a new vaccine approach that blocks COVID-19 transmission," she said. Significantly, none of the vaccinated mice became infected with COVID-19."Our vaccine differs from most current COVID-19 vaccines in that it enables generation of an immune response directly in those areas of the body that are likely to be the first point of contact for the virus—the nose, airway and lungs. This may help explain the vaccine's effectiveness," said Dr. Ashhurst"Our vaccination findings have shown exciting potential in pre-clinical studies, improving protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection. The approach developed here could help break the COVID-19 infection cycle and will likely influence future coronavirus vaccine related studies," Professor Britton said. |
0 | COVID-19 Vaccine Causes ShinglesUntil the development of long-lasting, “universal” coronavirus vaccines, our best strategy for protection against infection, hospitalization and death is staying up to date with our booster shots.In addition, the newer booster vaccines provide significant additional protection against infection in seniors when compared to the original vaccines alone, according to investigators with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.For those aged 50 to 64 years, protection derived from the bivalent booster dose compared to monovalent vaccines rose from 31% at two to three months after receipt of the most recent monovalent dose to 48% at eight months. The relative increase in protection from the bivalent vaccines is likely due to the waning of the monovalent vaccines’ effectiveness over time, wrote Tamara Pilishvili, PhD, of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.“All persons should stay up-to-date with recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including bivalent booster doses, if it has been two or more months since their last monovalent vaccine dose,” she and her colleagues concluded.The updated, bivalent vaccine is currently the preferred booster. |
2 | COVID-19 Vaccine Causes ShinglesNo association was detected between COVID-19 vaccination and herpes zoster infection in a database study involving more than 2 million individuals in the U.S.Using a self-controlled risk interval (SCRI) analysis, the risk of herpes zoster in the month after receiving a dose of COVID-19 vaccine was no different when compared with a control period 60 to 90 days following an individuals' last dose (incidence rate ratio [IRR] 0.91, 95% CI 0.82-1.01, P=0.08), reported Nisha Acharya, MD, MS, of the University of California San Francisco, and colleagues."There was no increase in risk of herpes zoster after COVID-19 vaccination when individuals were stratified by age, immunocompromised status, or type of vaccine administered," the group wrote in JAMA Network Openopens in a new tab or window.For example, an international matched cohort studyopens in a new tab or window involving more than 1 million vaccinated individuals detected a nearly twofold higher risk of shingles within 60 days of COVID-19 vaccination.a large case-control study from Israelopens in a new tab or window that involved nearly 900,000 vaccinated individuals and an equal number of comparators reported a 43% higher risk of herpes zoster after vaccination"Our study included a racially and ethnically heterogenous cohort compared with the studies conducted in Israel and may therefore better represent post-vaccination herpes zoster event risk in diverse populations," according to the researchers. |
2 | XBB Covid strain is vaccine resistantFor example, an international matched cohort studyopens in a new tab or window involving more than 1 million vaccinated individuals detected a nearly twofold higher risk of shingles within 60 days of COVID-19 vaccination.a large case-control study from Israelopens in a new tab or window that involved nearly 900,000 vaccinated individuals and an equal number of comparators reported a 43% higher risk of herpes zoster after vaccination"Our study included a racially and ethnically heterogenous cohort compared with the studies conducted in Israel and may therefore better represent post-vaccination herpes zoster event risk in diverse populations," according to the researchers.No association was detected between COVID-19 vaccination and herpes zoster infection in a database study involving more than 2 million individuals in the U.S.Using a self-controlled risk interval (SCRI) analysis, the risk of herpes zoster in the month after receiving a dose of COVID-19 vaccine was no different when compared with a control period 60 to 90 days following an individuals' last dose (incidence rate ratio [IRR] 0.91, 95% CI 0.82-1.01, P=0.08), reported Nisha Acharya, MD, MS, of the University of California San Francisco, and colleagues."There was no increase in risk of herpes zoster after COVID-19 vaccination when individuals were stratified by age, immunocompromised status, or type of vaccine administered," the group wrote in JAMA Network Openopens in a new tab or window. |
2 | Breastfeeding protects against COVID-19US health chiefs revealed last month they were 'monitoring' a new Covid variant that is feared to be the 'most vaccine-resistant yet'.XBB is another spin-off of the Omicron variant and has been blamed for Singapore's sudden surge in infections.The alarm has been sounded by experts including Dr Raj Rajnarayanan at the New York Institute of Technology who said it was the 'most immune evasive yet'.Scientists warn that it is likely better at dodging immunity than others based on lab tests of its grand-father BA.2.75.Modelling by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center's Bloom Lab in Seattle, Washington, also warned it was likely better at immune escape. XBB is another spin-off of the Omicron variant and was blamed for Singapore's sudden surge in infections. |
2 | Immunocompromised Patients with Blood Cancer Benefit from covid-19 vaccineSeveral studies have reported the presence of antibodies against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in human milk after lactating women have received two doses of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA)-based coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines.More specifically, IgG and IgA against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein have been identified in human milk following vaccination and infection.Further information is needed on the duration and potency of antibody responses in breast milk beyond the second vaccination and the effect of hybrid immunity obtained by breakthrough infections during the Omicron era.Nevertheless, data on the symptomology and immune protection produced following infection and vaccination are limited for breastfeeding infants and lactating individuals.More information is therefore needed to determine the protection against COVID-19 during the vulnerable months of infancy, the level of antibody transfer to infants and the persistence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in milk post-vaccination.A new The Lancet preprint* study assesses anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels in breast milk obtained from lactating individuals following two or three COVID-19 vaccine doses and following breakthrough infections in vaccinated mothers. |
2 | Covid vaccine has minimal impact on virus transmission“There was a great need to protect these patients, particularly through vaccination,” Dr. Hazenberg says. “At the same time, it was unclear if patients would be able to build up sufficient protection through vaccination since they are immunocompromised. There is not much data on the effect of vaccination as it pertains to the most immunocompromised patients. Therefore, there was a great need to investigate the immunogenicity of COVID-19 vaccinations in patients with hematologic malignancies.”For a study published in JAMA Oncology, Dr. Hazenberg and colleagues investigated whether a third mRNA-1273 vaccination is linked with increased neutralization of antibody concentrations in patients with hematologic cancers who are immunocompromised compared with levels obtained in healthy controls after the standard two-dose mRNA vaccination schedule.“Antibody concentrations obtained from our patients after the standard two-dose vaccination were lower than in the healthy population, but nevertheless, much higher than expected,”When three-dose schedule antibody concentrations are reached in immunocompromised patients, they are comparable to those of healthy controls after two doses, she says, adding that vaccination should not be deferred in patients with hematologic conditions during a pandemic, or in patients receiving immunochemotherapy or transplantation.“In patients receiving B cell-depleting therapies, vaccination can be effective, partly because other immune cells, such as T cells, are activated.”A relatively small group of patients had extremely poor antibody responses, the study team observed. “It’s important to protect these individuals from infection by wearing masks and utilizing other infection prevention measures,” Dr. Hazenberg says. |
2 | Australia recommends against fifth vaccine doseButler said the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisations (ATAGI) had recommended against a fifth dose, or third booster, after evidence from Singapore's recent wave showed that severe illness and death were rare among the vaccinated and that a fifth shot had minimal impact on virus transmission.We need to improve the quality of the vaccines, the durability, the ability to stop transmissionThe boosters are not really providing any prolonged protection against transmissionYou could have one now and by mid-January you'd be getting very little protection against transmissions whereas, interestingly, natural infection is much more effective.Biden and his top advisers have pointed to the overwhelming body of scientific research showing the vaccines are safe and effective at stopping the transmission of the coronavirusa virus that has become even more transmissible as it has mutated |
2 | People with heart disease suffer more severely if they catch Covid-19Australian health authorities have recommended against getting a fifth COVID-19 vaccine shotButler said the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisations (ATAGI) had recommended against a fifth doseATAGI has considered international evidence as well as the local data around vaccination numbers, as well as case numbers in the pandemic and decided not to recommend a fifth dose, said Butler.fifth vaccine dose has not been recommended by the Australian Technical Advisory Group of Immunisation [Atagi] This was part of the evidence that led to Atagi’s decision not to recommend a fifth vaccine dose, he saidYoung Australians have been left doctor-shopping for health professionals willing to flout the rules and give them a fourth Covid vaccination. |
2 | People with cancer suffer more severely if they catch Covid-19Those at higher risk of serious symptoms from Covid-19 and flu include people with lung problems including asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, people with heart disease, chronic kidney or liver disease, cancer, a weakened immune system or people who have had a stroke or those living with dementia.These individuals may suffer more severely if they catch either flu or Covid-19It found that if a person caught Covid after having had it before they were more likely to have issues with their lungs, heart, brain, blood, muscles and digestive system than if they never had the infection before.Researchers found that lung problems were three-and-a-half times more likely, heart problems three times more likely and brain issues one-and-a-half times more likely in people who had multiple infections from the virusSome of the medical conditions that increased patients’ susceptibility to COVID-19 included cardiovascular risk factors or disease, immunocompromised state, and cancers.more vulnerable to severe disease, including diabetes, heart disease |
0 | Government to buy AFC Agro Covid vaccineThose at higher risk of serious symptoms from Covid-19 and flu include people with lung problems including asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, people with heart disease, chronic kidney or liver disease, cancer, a weakened immune system or people who have had a stroke or those living with dementia.These individuals may suffer more severely if they catch either flu or Covid-19It found that if a person caught Covid after having had it before they were more likely to have issues with their lungs, heart, brain, blood, muscles and digestive system than if they never had the infection before.Some of the medical conditions that increased patients’ susceptibility to COVID-19 included cardiovascular risk factors or disease, immunocompromised state, and cancers.Many patients with hematological malignancies remain at an increased risk for COVID-19 due to the nature of their illness and/or current treatments. We saw almost 300% increase in cancer over the five-year average, |
2 | Covid taken a toll on aged care staffAFC Agro Biotech has claimed that the government would buy two crore doses of the Covid-19 vaccine from the company but the health ministry said it has no such plan at this momentAFC Agro Biotech also said it wrote to the prime minister and the health ministry to give their consent to the government to buy the vaccine. In view of this, consent has been given from the Prime Minister's Officewe applied to the government last year. Yesterday we got the consent of the government.The government does not want to buy the coronavirus vaccineBut we will not take any vaccine at this moment.I would know if there were any decision to purchase vaccines. But I don't know anything about this. |
2 | NBA refs suing NBA after being fired for refusing covid vaccineCovid had taken a toll on aged care staffaged care staff, who were still not being properly paidBurnout and fatigue are ongoing concernsAged care workers carry the emotional burden of a higher number of deaths of residentsa fresh round of Covid will continue to place enormous pressure on aged care workers.So these workers get a renewed Covid surge, so far no pay rise, understaffing at ridiculous levels – it’s been a tough year for them, |
2 | Diarrhoea is a Covid-19 symptomThe NBA is being sued by three longtime refs who say they have been fired after selecting to not obtain the COVID-19 vaccineIn a complaint filed on Saturday, Kenny Mauer, Mark Ayotte, and Jason Phillips said the league improperly forced compliance with its “hygienic norms,” and wrongly concluded that their sincere religious objections fell short of its “high standard” against being vaccinated.The referees added that even with the NBA rescinding the requirement for a COVID vaccine for the 2022-23 season, they have not been reinstatedI plan on voting for the NBA because I believe this is gonna get doneThis question is for those of you who typically vote for the NBAThe lawsuit particularly accuses the NBA of violating federal civil rights legislation in addition to state and New York City human rights legal guidelines. It seeks front and back pay, punitive damages, and damages for reputational harm and for pain and suffering. |
2 | New Pfizer-BioNTech Covid Vaccine Is More Effective Than The Originalone in five people hit by the Covid-19 virus are showing symptoms of diarrhoeapeople who have contracted the Delta or Omicron variant are experiencing the symptom if they have had two or three Covid vaccinesIn the Alpha wave, nearly a third of adults aged over 35 (30 per cent) reported experiencing diarrhoea with Covidone in five people (16 to 20 per cent) experiencing diarrhoea with either Delta or OmicronWe think COVID causes diarrhoea because the virus can invade cells in the gut and disrupt its normal functionsaid the test would also be useful for those people experiencing Long Covid symptoms |
2 | SK bioscience made a covid-19 vaccinePfizer-BioNTech’s new bivalent Covid-19 vaccine—which targets the original strain and some Omicron subvariants—provides more protection against the virus and its omicron variants than its initial vaccineA booster dose of the Omicron BA.4- and BA.5-adapted Covid-19 vaccine was 11 times more effective against the BA.4.6 subvariant, nearly seven times more effective against the BA.2.75.2 subvariant, nine times as effective against the BQ.1.1 subvariant and almost five times more effective against the XBB.1 subvariant than the original vaccine.earlier data from Pfizer suggesting the new shot is 13 times more effective against the BA.4 and BA.5 subvariantsThe bivalent vaccine, which is referred to by the FDA as an “updated” vaccine, is a combination of an original virus strain with a component of an omicron variant to combat all possible versions of the virus. PIn addition, the newer booster vaccines provide significant additional protection against infection in seniors when compared to the original vaccines alone, according to investigators with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.the effectiveness of a newer, bivalent booster dose compared to monovalent boosters rose from 23% at two to three months after the recipient’s most recent monovalent dose to 43% at eight months after the most recent monovalent dose. |
2 | SKY Covione is a COVID-19 vaccineSK bioscience, a biotech affiliate of SK Group, said Wednesday that it has temporarily halted the production of SKY Covione, a COVID-19 vaccineWe have halted the production of the vaccine except for key ingredients needed to meet demands upon approval of international health agencies, a SK bioscience official said.The SK affiliate sought to supply locally produced vaccines to the global market through the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) initiativeThe SK affiliate said the product will have a competitive edge in the global market, in need of a steady and stable supply of the key vaccine in the months to come.SKY Covione was developed jointly by the SK affiliate and the Institute for Protein Design (IPD) under the University of Washington.The government has yet to make any orders after it bought 610,000 doses, only a fraction of the 10 million doses it earlier said it would buy, according to the firm. |
2 | COVID-19 Vaccines Affects Eczema SufferersSK bioscience, a biotech affiliate of SK Group, said Wednesday that it has temporarily halted the production of SKY Covione, a COVID-19 vaccineWe have halted the production of the vaccine except for key ingredients needed to meet demands upon approval of international health agencies, a SK bioscience official said.The SK affiliate sought to supply locally produced vaccines to the global market through the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) initiativeThe SK affiliate said the product will have a competitive edge in the global market, in need of a steady and stable supply of the key vaccine in the months to come.SKY Covione was developed jointly by the SK affiliate and the Institute for Protein Design (IPD) under the University of Washington.The government has yet to make any orders after it bought 610,000 doses, only a fraction of the 10 million doses it earlier said it would buy, according to the firm. |
2 | COVID-19 vaccines offer protection against reinfectionResearch shows that a few people with eczema may get a flare-up after getting a COVID-19 vaccineCertain studies seem to indicate that a few adults with eczema may experience a flare-up or breakthrough symptoms after receiving the COVID-19 vaccineIt is possible, although rare, that breakthrough symptoms of eczema can occur in people who have the skin condition before receiving the COVID-19 vaccination.researchers recorded cases of eczema flare-ups in adults who received a COVID-19 vaccineThe National Eczema Society acknowledged multiple reports of people’s worsening eczema symptoms after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.the general eczema reactions to the vaccines appear to be manageable with medication, which is why it is important to consult your doctor if you think you’re experiencing a reaction. |
2 | COVID-19 vaccine offers protection against deathA recent study revealed that people earlier infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus still benefit from vaccination against COVID-19, gaining 60% to 94% protection against reinfectionVaccination provided protection against reinfectionvaccination provided up to 71% protection against reinfectionwe find a significant vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 reinfectionThese findings demonstrate that vaccination provided additional protection against SARS-CoV-2 during each of the three waves of the pandemic, beyond those provided by natural immunity. Even though vaccination seems to protect to a lesser degree against reinfection with the Omicron variant |
2 | Maori over 40 twice as likely to die from covid-19researchers believed that the study was too brief to assess whether the vaccine offers protection against serious consequences including hospitalisation and death.An official said at a press conference that vaccination is still effective in preventing severe illness and deathmany people have claimed that vaccinated people are now more likely to die from the virus than those who are unvaccinated, contradicting longstanding public health guidance. CMS and HHS officials have said repeatedly that being up-to-date on COVID vaccines reduces the chance of being hospitalized or dying from the virus.According to the World Health Organization, Covid-19 vaccines are "highly effective" in preventing serious illness, hospitalisation and death,The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine limits transmission, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19 even among patients infected by variants of the virus |
2 | Pacific people over 40 twice as likely to die from covid-19Māori and Pacific people over the age of 40 will be able to book their second booster. Ministry of Health data showed those groups were twice as likely to die from the virusThe expanded rollout was based on recent data which showed Māori and Pacific populations were at greater risk of severe health outcomes in the event they contracted Covid-19.Māori and Pacific have two- and three-times the hospitalisation rate compared to non-Māori, non-Pacific; and two- or three-times the death rate due to Covid.However, older adults are uniquely vulnerable to COVID-related complications and death.“As we get older, especially over 65…our risk of severe disease or death goes up a lot, which is why it’s so important for those populations to get vaccinated,” CMS and HHS officials have said repeatedly that being up-to-date on COVID vaccines reduces the chance of being hospitalized or dying from the virus. |
2 | Global Rollout of covid-19 vaccine Is BrokenMāori and Pacific people over the age of 40 will be able to book their second booster. Ministry of Health data showed those groups were twice as likely to die from the virusThe expanded rollout was based on recent data which showed Māori and Pacific populations were at greater risk of severe health outcomes in the event they contracted Covid-19.Māori and Pacific have two- and three-times the hospitalisation rate compared to non-Māori, non-Pacific; and two- or three-times the death rate due to Covid.However, older adults are uniquely vulnerable to COVID-related complications and death.“As we get older, especially over 65…our risk of severe disease or death goes up a lot, which is why it’s so important for those populations to get vaccinated,” CMS and HHS officials have said repeatedly that being up-to-date on COVID vaccines reduces the chance of being hospitalized or dying from the virus. |
2 | Ice Cube didn't get a COVID vaccineAs successful as the COVID-19 vaccines have been in curbing the pandemic, their benefits haven’t been enjoyed equally by people around the globe.Throughout the pandemic—and even now—vaccine development and distribution has been undeniably lopsided, skewed in favor of developed countries with the resources to create, test, manufacture, and distribute shots when the need arises. In the third year of pandemic, while nearly 70% of people worldwide have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, in low-income countries, only 24% have.In its latest report on the global vaccine market, which includes an assessment of vaccines against COVID-19 and a variety of infectious diseases, the World Health Organization (WHO) calls upon both governments and companies to reshape the vaccine market to equalize these discrepancies.As successful as the COVID-19 vaccines have been in curbing the pandemic, their benefits haven’t been enjoyed equally by people around the globe.Throughout the pandemic—and even now—vaccine development and distribution has been undeniably lopsided, skewed |
2 | Moderna made a Covid-19 vaccineventing on a recent podcast interview that his refusal to get “the jab”which was pulled after he refused to get “the jab.”“Those motherfuckers didn’t give it to me because I wouldn’t get the shot,”“The covid shot, the jab…I didn’t need it. I didn’t catch that shit at all. Nothing. Fuck them. I didn’t need that shit.”Cube’s refusal to get vaccinatedTisbury health agent Maura Valley notified The Times that the vaccination bus will return to Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School (MVRHS) |
2 | Pfizer-BioNTech made a Covid-19 vaccineModerna and Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 mRNA vaccinesModerna Covid-19 mRNA vaccine being administered to those from two to five years of agethis passage may potentially make it seem like the Moderna Covid-19 mRNA vaccine (labeled as mRNA-1273) has been responsible for a higher incidence of RSV infectionsDrugmakers Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna later introduced bivalent vaccinesregular Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccinesModerna vaccines |
2 | Giftcards offered for receiving a vaccineModerna and Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 mRNA vaccinesthird dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 mRNA vaccinedifference between those who got the Pfizer-BioNtech Covid-19 mRNA vaccineDrugmakers Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna later introduced bivalent vaccinesregular Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccinesOn Dec. 1 and Dec. 2 the AMFC will be offering the Pfizer vaccine and the flu vaccine to those who are 12 years old and older. |
2 | Giftcards offered for receiving a boosteroffering $75 gift cards to residents accepting a COVID booster, or in some cases getting their very first vaccine.A second clinic with gift cards At Saturday’s clinic, that meant handing out $75 gift cards to Walmart, Stop and Shop or Cumberland Farms at anyone receiving a vaccine or booster.Recipients could choose which gift cards they received.200 walk-in vaccination clinics across the state offering $75 gift cards to anyone who gets their shot through the holiday season.Boston vaccine clinics from this summer that offered $75 as an incentive |
0 | Canada will mandate psychiatric medication for people refusing the vaccineoffering $75 gift cards to residents accepting a COVID booster, or in some cases getting their very first vaccine.A second clinic with gift cards At Saturday’s clinic, that meant handing out $75 gift cards to Walmart, Stop and Shop or Cumberland Farms at anyone receiving a vaccine or booster.Recipients could choose which gift cards they received.200 walk-in vaccination clinics across the state offering $75 gift cards to anyone who gets their shot through the holiday as young as 5 can get the new bivalent boosters — and they’re eligible for the Get Boosted clinics’ $75 gift cards, too. |
2 | China refused to use Western COVID-19 vaccinesCanada will mandate psychiatric medication for people refusing the jab. This is false;encourages physicians to discuss medication or therapy with patients who display anxious and avoidant behaviors -- including debilitating fear of needles -- rather than exempting them from vaccination."Canada is going to mandate psychiatric medication for those that refuse mRNA injections or any kind of vaccination," Canada mandated psychiatric medication for unvaccinated patients, but saying that it was suggested by the CPSO is also misleading."This has come out recently out of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. The College sent out a letter or a memo to all the doctors in Ontario suggesting to them -- now so far they're not mandating it, they're just suggesting it -- that any of their unvaccinated patients, that they should consider that they have a mental problem and that they should be put on psychiatric medication.""This false interpretation that is being disseminated has no basis in fact or reality." |
2 | China had "zero-COVID" policiesBut it still refuses to use Western mRNA vaccines to innoculate the population more quickly. China's hesitancy to use Western vaccine technology is contributing to the mass protests against its COVID-19 restrictions.hesitancy to use Western vaccine technology may be hampering China's response to the pandemicDespite that, China is still refusing to approve and distribute Western vaccines to innoculate its citizens.In lieu of the Western vaccines, which are based on mRNA, China has been relying on its own brand of jabsGermany this week suggested China should use Western vaccines to speed up the process and protect the country from the virus |
2 | frontline health and care staff should get both COVID-19 and flu vaccinesAs protests flare up in Chinese cities, the country's government has promised to accelerate the COVID-19 vaccine rollout to better protect its citizens from the virus and to pull back on unpopular "zero COVID" policies.China's strict "zero-COVID" policiesWidespread protests across China over the government’s zero-COVID policyChina over the government’s zero-COVID policy As protests flare up in Chinese cities, the country's government has promised to accelerate the COVID-19 vaccine rollout to better protect its citizens from the virus and to pull back on unpopular "zero COVID" policies.Public health experts told Insider that China's strict "zero-COVID" policies which require many people to show negative PCR tests when they want to go out in public aren't a long-term solution. |
2 | Pediatricians will have to pay for COVID-19 vaccines once funding is stoppedvital that everyone eligible, particularly health and social care staff, get their flu and Covid vaccinations.The flu and Covid vaccines are the best defence we have against them, so it is vital to make sure that you get both life-saving jabs to keep yourself, those you care for and your loved ones safe.All frontline health and social care workers, including clinical and non-clinical staff, are now eligible for the Covid booster vaccine, and the flu vaccine should be offered by their employer. As health and social care professionals, it’s important to recognise that vaccinations offer the best protection against these viruseswe are urging all healthcare staff to do the same again this year by getting vaccinated against both COVID-19 and flu.There are different variants of the flu virus that often change annually, which is why you should get the vaccine each year if you can. Immunity from COVID-19 (either from the vaccine or having had the virus) wanes over time so, for the best protection for yourself, your colleagues and your patients you will need another dose. |
2 | Covid vaccine possibly linked to Bridget Kerr's deathFederal funding for COVID-19 vaccines is running out. The government has footed the bill since the vaccines became available in late 2020. Once it steps away, COVID vaccination will be privatized. Doctors will have to pay for the vaccine doses upfront and hope that they make their money back.Since the federal government has been paying for the vaccine, Chung doesn’t lose any money from waste. But that will change when she has to start paying for the COVID vaccine upfront. A Pfizer spokesperson did, saying in an email that the company expects to have single-dose vials of COVID vaccine available early next year. Chung said that would help cut down on waste, but she would still have to pay for the vials upfront.Like Chung, pediatrician Suzanne Berman in Crossville, Tennessee, won’t be able to keep giving COVID shots if she has to pay for them upfront. And some of the public clinics pediatricians are planning to send their patients to get federal COVID funding. Once that runs out, Levitt said some of them will probably stop giving COVID shots.Dr. Permar, who is also the Nancy C. Paduano Professor in Pediatrics at Weill Cornell Medicine and pediatrician-in-chief at NewYork-Presbyterian Komansky Children’s Hospital. “We should take every opportunity to provide safe and effective vaccine immunity to our youngest patients, |
2 | iNCOVACC is a nasal Covid-19 vaccineDoctors who treated an elderly Longford woman who died following an unexplained series of seizures last year told an inquest it was possible that her death was linked to an adverse reaction to a Covid-19 vaccine.However, two hospital consultants who treated the patient, Bridget Kerr (86), also stressed that it was not in their area of expertise to state definitively that a reaction to the Pfizer vaccine was an explanation for her death.An inquest at Dublin District Coroner’s Court heard a post-mortem on the body of Ms Kerry, a mother of seven from Cooleeney, Dublin Road, Longford, was inconclusive in establishing the cause of her death.Her family claim their mother only became unwell after receiving the Covid vaccine from her local GP two months earlier.Another daughter, Breege Brady, said her mother had suffered “a rapid deterioration” that coincided with her being given the Pfizer vaccine and was unable to recognise her on March 14, 2021.A consultant geriatrician at the Midlands Regional Hospital in Mullingar, Clare Fallon, admitted it was possible that an adverse reaction to the vaccine had caused the delirium which the patient suffered. |
0 | International Court of Justice ordered countries to scrap Covid-19 vaccine rolloutNasal Covid-19 vaccine iNCOVACCHyderabad based biotechnology company Bharat Biotech has launched the world's first nasal Covid-19 vaccine.iNCOVACC is the world's first intranasal vaccine for Covid to receive approval for a primary 2-dose schedule and heterologous booster dose, according to the statement.Heterologous booster dose studies were conducted for safety and immunogenicity in 875 subjects with BBV154 intranasal vaccine, administered post 2 doses of the two commonly administered COvid-19 vaccinesBharat Biotech’s intranasal COVID-19 vaccineYet, the development of an intranasal vaccine, a new vaccine platform for India, is welcome, |
2 | Medline Industries fired people for not getting a covid-19 vaccineSocial media users in Thailand falsely claim that the International Court of Justice has ordered all countries to stop administering Covid-19 vaccines over health concernsThe court does not have the power to tell countries to cease vaccinations, legal experts said, and has not handled any cases involving Covid-19 vaccination, as of November 29.Lori F. Damrosch, a professor at New York's Columbia Law School, said the International Court of Justice (ICJ) cannot order countries to stop vaccination."Only States can bring cases to the ICJ, and only by virtue of the consent of both States parties to the case," she told AFP. "Without having consented, a State cannot be sued at the ICJ. No judgment or order could be issued against a non-consenting State."Furthermore, lists of the court's past and pending cases -- which include allegations of genocide in Ukraine and a dispute over the United States embassy's relocation to Jerusalem -- does not show any cases related to Covid-19 vaccination, as of November 29.China is reported to be developing its own mRNA vaccines, |
2 | Died Suddenly is an anti-vaccine moviePeople fired by Medline Industries last year for declining to get a COVID-19 vaccine have filed civil rights lawsuits against the Northfield-based medical supply company.Erica Ann Probst, a Columbus, Ohio-based attorney representing more than two dozen ex-Medline employees who were terminated as a result of its vaccine mandate.Medline issued a vaccine mandate in August 2021 to all its employees who interacted with its customers, giving them about two months to get vaccinated or lose their jobs.Probst said salespeople who worked remotely throughout the pandemic were required to get vaccinated, while drivers who delivered directly to facilities were exempted from the mandate.Instead, [Medline] utilized the religious and medical accommodations to mass terminate unvaccinated employees.Ross Kuns, of Georgetown, Texas, was an acute care sales representative who first started working for Medline more than two decades ago. Three weeks before the vaccination deadline, he told Medline human resources representatives he had "sincerely held religious beliefs that prevented him from receiving a COVID-19 vaccine." A little over a week later, the request was denied, and Kuns was terminated. |
2 | Johnson & Johnson made a Covid-19 vaccineThe new anti-vaccine movie "Died Suddenly" The new film, released Nov. 21, revives several debunked claims and repackages them to allege that COVID-19 vaccines are part of a depopulation scheme by global elites who want to establish a global regime.A woman featured in the film who said she’d been embalming bodies for more than a decade described long, allegedly abnormal clots and concluded, "I have never seen anything like this until the vaccination." An anonymous narrator said, "We know something different is going on. We don’t know exactly what's going on. But the timing of it is just hand in hand — we’re connecting dots here. And it certainly appears that there’s some relationship to the vaccines and these obstructions that we’re seeing." The "evidence" in the film quickly falls apart under scrutiny, she said. For example, the movie showed video clips of people who collapsed or died unexpectedly and implied those people died because of COVID-19 vaccines.McCarthy said the film also relies heavily on statements from one embalmer to promote its core claim that the vaccines are causing abnormal blood clots. That embalmer, Richard Hirschman, has promoted his baseless claims about clots and COVID-19 vaccinesDied Suddenly also included footage presented as "evidence" that couldn’t possibly have been linked to COVID-19 vaccines. |
2 | US Military had a vaccine mandateJohnson & Johnson’s vaccineAdults who've been vaccinated against COVID-19 -- but haven't yet received any booster -- can get a dose of Novavax as their booster. It doesn't matter which vaccine you originally received -- Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson or NovavaxJohnson & Johnson vaccineJohnson & Johnson vaccine was availableOnly about 3% of the vaccine doses administered in the U.S. have been from Johnson & JohnsonAt the time that the study was conducted, only the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was available |
2 | A combined COVID-flu vaccine is being developedDefense Secretary Lloyd Austin said he wants to keep the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandateThis past week more than 20 Republican governors sent a letter to President Joe Biden asking that the administration remove the mandate, saying it has hurt the U.S. National Guard’s ability to recruit troops.Congress may consider legislation this coming week to end the mandate as a requirement to gather enough support to pass this years’ defense budget“I’m the guy” who ordered the military to require the vaccine, Austin added. “I support continuation of vaccinating the troops.”Last year Austin directed that all troops get the vaccine or face potential expulsion from the military;thousands of active duty forces have been discharged since then for their refusal to get the shots. |
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