imagewidth (px)
"41 6 11 1 \"HOTEL PARIZ\" special company\n34 7 1 1 \"P\" standard abbreviation\n72 7 2 1 \"P\" standard abbreviation\n"
"44 2 11 13 \"Bitte<br/>jedes Fahrrad<br/>einzeln absperren\" standard german\n"
"7 -115 6 2 \"M\u00dcGGELTURM\" standard german\n1 -82 7 1 \"Z\u00dcNDHOLZFABRIK RIESA\" standard company\n1 -58 2 1 \"RIESA\" standard company\n80 -8 9 3 \"HUMBOLDT UNIVERSIT\u00c4T\" standard german\n87 -4 12 4 \"BERLIN\" standard german\n90 -4 10 3 \"HAUPTSTADT DER<br/>DEUTSCHEN DEMOKRATISCHEN\" standard german\n52 0 4 1 \"RATHAUS\" standard german\n52 0 10 1 \"HAUPTSTADT DER DDR\" standard german\n33 1 10 1 \"HAUPTSTADT DER DDR\" standard german\n37 1 6 2 \"BERLIN\" standard german\n52 1 6 2 \"BERLIN\" standard german\n15 2 10 1 \"HAUPTSTADT DER DDR\" standard german\n19 2 6 2 \"BERLIN\" standard german\n32 2 8 1 \"Z\u00dcNDHOLZFABRIK RIESA\" standard company\n34 2 9 1 \"KONSUM-Z\u00dcNDHOLZFABRIK\" standard german\n52 2 10 1 \"HAUPTSTADT DER DDR\" standard german\n52 2 7 2 \"BERLIN\" standard german\n58 2 3 1 \"KONSUM-\" standard german\n83 2 10 1 \"HAUPTSTADT DER DDR\" standard german\n14 3 10 1 \"HAUPTSTADT DER DDR\" standard german\n15 3 7 2 \"BERLIN\" standard german\n18 3 6 2 \"BERLIN\" standard german\n31 3 11 2 \"HAUPTSTADT DER DDR\" standard german\n32 3 10 2 \"DEUTSCHE STAATSOPER\" standard german\n33 3 10 1 \"HAUPTSTADT DER DDR\" standard german\n35 3 7 2 \"BERLIN\" standard german\n36 3 6 2 \"BERLIN\" standard german\n62 3 7 1 \"BRANDENBURGER TOR\" standard german\n86 3 6 2 \"BERLIN\" standard german\n11 4 11 2 \"HAUPTSTADT DER DDR\" standard german\n52 4 7 1 \"Z\u00dcNDHOLZFABRIK RIESA\" standard company\n62 4 7 2 \"BERLIN\" standard german\n82 4 7 2 \"BERLIN\" standard german\n58 5 11 1 \"HAUPTSTADT DER DDR\" standard german\n78 5 11 1 \"HAUPTSTADT DER DDR\" standard german\n-9 16 8 2 \"ALEXANDERPLATZ\" standard german\n-8 20 7 2 \"PERGAMONALTAR\" standard german\n-8 44 8 2 \"NATIONAL GALERIE\" standard german\n-2 45 3 1 \"TIERPARK\" standard german\n-10 70 10 1 \"SOWJETISCHES EHRENMAL\" standard german\n-6 70 3 1 \"KONSUM-\" standard german\n-18 101 13 3 \"BERLIN-WERBUNG BEROLINA\" standard company\n-17 102 11 2 \"KONSUM-Z\u00dcNDHOLFABRIK RIESA\" standard company\n"
"45 5 3 1 \"BMZ\" standard abbreviation\n47 5 11 4 \"Staatliches<br/>Vermessungsamt<br/>Augsburg\" standard german\n"
"4 -37 11 1 \"ASADOR\" standard spanish\n48 0 6 1 \"HABITACIONES\" standard spanish\n22 1 5 1 \"RESTAURANT\" special spanish\n22 1 5 1 \"HABITACLONES\" special spanish\n22 2 4 1 \"ASADOR\" special spanish\n22 2 4 1 \"BAR\" special spanish\n24 2 1 4 \"OTANO\" special spanish\n26 2 4 1 \"Sannicolas\" special spanish\n27 2 1 0 \"BAR\" standard spanish\n34 2 2 0 \"HOSTAL\" standard spanish\n40 2 1 3 \"HOSTAL\" standard spanish\n45 2 5 1 \"ARALAR\" standard spanish\n-8 21 5 0 \"RESTAURANTE\" standard spanish\n"
"32 0 32 1 \"30.11.1968 Verleihung des Bundesverdienstordens an Walter Oehmichen\" standard german\n32 0 32 2 \"1965 Die Museumsratten ziehen durch Deutschland und vermitteln<br/>bis 1972 Wissenswertes in unterhaltsamer Form\" standard german\n32 0 31 2 \"1960 Ausstrahlung von Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivf\u00fcher<br/>(Schwarz-Wei\u00df-Version)\" standard german\n32 0 33 2 \"21.01.1953 Erste TV-Ausstrahlung der Puppenkiste: Peter und der Wolf beim<br/>NWDR\" standard german\n32 0 35 2 \"26.02.1948 Gr\u00fcndung der Augsburger Puppenkiste durch Rose und Walter<br/>Oehmichen - Manfred Jenning ist als Sprecher von Anfang an dabei\" standard german\n32 0 29 3 \"Die Augsburger Puppenkiste :<br/>Zahlen, Daten, Fakten\" standard german\n32 0 33 2 \"31.12.1950 Erste Inszenierung des Kabaretts, in einer speziell von Manfred<br/>Jenning f\u00fcr die Puppenkiste konzipierten Form\" standard german\n32 0 30 1 \"1958 Die Muminfamilie wird vom HR als Mehrteiler gesendet\" standard german\n32 0 30 1 \"1963 Oblong Fitz Oblong, der kleinen dicke Ritter wird verfilmt\" standard german\n32 0 31 2 \"09.04.1966 Premiere des R\u00e4uber Hotzenplotz, der bis heute beliebtesten<br/>Theaterinszenierung der Puppenkiste\" standard german\n32 1 35 2 \"1992 Generationenwechsel im Theater: nach seinem Vater Hanns-Joachim<br/>Marschall \u00fcbernimmt nun Klaus Marschall die Leitung\" standard german\n32 1 16 1 \"07.12.1979 Tod von Manfred Jenning\" standard german\n32 1 32 2 \"1976 Neuverfilmung von Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivf\u00fchrer<br/>in Farbe\" standard german\n32 1 32 2 \"1972 \u00dcbergabe der Leitung der Puppenkiste von Walter Oehmichen<br/>an seinen Schwiegersohn Hanns-Joachim Marschall\" standard german\n32 1 23 1 \"1969 Der TV-Hit des Jahres :Urmel aus dem Eis\" standard german\n32 1 23 1 \"1973 25-j\u00e4hrigees Jubil\u00e4um der kleinen B\u00fchne\" standard german\n32 1 22 1 \"02.11.1977 Walter Oehmichen stirbt mit 76 Jahren\" standard german\n32 1 33 2 \"1985 Rose Oehmichen stirbt mit 85 Jahren<br/>Eine kleine Zauberfl\u00f6te wird zum Theaterereignis in Augsburg\" standard german\n32 1 34 2 \"1993 Ehrung der 40-j\u00e4hrigen Fernseharbeit der Puppenkiste durch eine<br/>Sondersendung der ARD\" standard german\n31 2 31 2 \"01.10.2001 Festakt zur Er\u00f6ffnung des renovierten Heilig-Geist-Spitals:<br/>die Puppenkiste erstrahlt in neuem Glanz\" standard german\n32 2 33 2 \"1999 Beginn der Renovierungsarbeiten in der Puppenkiste und damit<br/>einhergehende Grundsteinlegung f\u00fcr \"die Kiste\"\" standard german\n32 2 33 4 \"27.02.1998 Die Stadt Augsburg ehrt die Puppenkiste mit einem Festakt im<br/>Goldenen Saal<br/>Verleihung des Bundesverdienstkreuzes der BRD und der<br/>Ehrenmedaille der Stadt Augsburg an<br/>Hannelore Marschall- Oehmichen\" standard german\n32 2 33 2 \"1997 Die Marionetten erobern die Leinwand: Monty Spinnerratz l\u00e4uft<br/>in den Kinos an\" standard german\n32 2 34 4 \"26.02.1998 Feierliche Vernissage der Jubil\u00e4umsausstellung anl\u00e4sslich des<br/>50. Geburtstags der Puppenkiste.<br/>Ernennung J\u00fcrgen Marschalls zum stellvertretenden Theaterleiter<br/>im gleichen Jahr\" standard german\n32 2 26 1 \"02.02.1999 Tod des 71-j\u00e4hrigen Hanns-Joachim Marschall\" standard german\n32 2 26 2 \"19.07.2000 Verleihung des Bayerischen Verdienstordens an<br/>Hannelore Marschall-Oehmichen\" standard german\n32 2 28 2 \"06.10.2001 \"die Kiste\", das Augsburger Puppentheatermuseum,<br/>\u00f6ffnet ihre Pforten\" standard german\n31 3 35 2 \"27.03.2005 Beginn der Serie \"Ralphi - der Schlaub\u00e4r\", ein Wissensmagazin f\u00fcr<br/>Kinder von BR-alpha\" standard german\n31 3 34 2 \"04.02.2004 Die Augsburger Puppenkiste gewinnt die Goldenen Kamera in der<br/>Rubrik \"beste Kindersendungen - die Klassiker\"\" standard german\n31 3 31 2 \"2002 Die Serie \"Lilalu im Schepperland\" ist f\u00fcr den Grimmepreis<br/>nominiert\" standard german\n31 3 31 1 \"07.10.2004 Dreifach-PLatin f\u00fcr die DVD-Produktionen der Puppenkiste\" standard german\n32 3 35 2 \"16.05.2003 Hannelore Marschall-Oehmichen stirbt mit 72 Jahren. \u00dcbernahme der<br/>Schnitz-Werkstatt durch ihren Sohn J\u00fcrgen Marschall im selben Jahr\" standard german\n"
"0 3 2 3 \"m\" handwriting abbreviation\n50 8 2 3 \"STEINBACH\" standard german\n39 18 14 39 \"1/2 H\u00e4hnchen mit<br/>Br\u00f6tchen 6,-<br/>Portionshaxe<br/>mit Br\u00f6tchen<br/>9,-<br/>Hausgemachter<br/>Kartoffel- oder<br/>Gurkensalat<br/>2,50\" handwriting german\n"
"92 -14 9 17 \"Long<br/>had sun<br/>wagon <br/>modern <br/>modernized<br/>playing the b<br/>on the WSM Ba<br/>the essence of J<br/>novelty\" standard english\n35 -6 24 23 \"In 1925, at the age 77, championship fiddler<br/>Uncle Jimmy Thompson first sat in front of the microphone<br/>and played on WSM radio at the request of his niece,<br/>Eva Thompson Jones, a pianist for the station. The<br/>old-time music was so popular with listeners in the<br/>surrounding rural areas, program director George D. Hay<br/>decided to schedule a regular Saturday night show<br/>featuring down-home music by local musicians. First<br/>called the WSM Barn Dance, the show would come to be<br/>known a few years later as the Grand Ole Opry.\" standard english\n38 -6 16 5 \"Uncle Jimmy Thompson\" standard person\n0 -4 18 12 \"E BROADCASTING SERVICE OF<br/>AL LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO.INC.\" standard english\n13 -4 4 3 \"SCHEDULE\" standard english\n7 -2 5 4 \"WSM\" standard abbreviation\n"
"26 -9 44 35 \"eis-express\" standard german\n35 21 18 31 \"EIS\" standard german\n28 36 20 31 \"SOFT\" standard english\n"
"10 6 54 13 \"AGUA para FODOS\" standard spanish\n21 7 32 16 \"CASA CONSISTORIAL\" standard spanish\n"
"86 -49 11 15 \"NUR DER\" handwriting german\n78 -37 1 2 \"Platz\" standard german\n24 5 52 10 \"ZUM<br/>OLYMPIA-STADION\" standard german\n76 7 1 2 \"Weg\" standard german\n"
"37 6 24 3 \"PRAGE CAPUT REGNI\" special latin\n27 7 4 1 \"MDCXIV\" standard roman date\n"
"34 -31 48 46 \"THE CAMDEN MARKET\" standard english\n0 -11 30 27 \"EN 7 DAYS A WEEK\" standard english\n46 -9 2 2 \"NOKIA\" standard company\n0 -6 24 18 \"0 7969 1500 / 7485 5473\" standard numbers\n0 -6 21 17 \"0 AM TO 5.30PM\" standard english\n0 4 4 3 \"TUNA\" standard english\n81 4 5 2 \"LONS DALE\" standard company\n40 5 2 1 \"STUDENT\" standard english\n"
"-25 52 5 6 \"Les Paul\" special company\n-4 61 28 35 \"Hard Rock<br/>CAFE\" special english\n-11 96 5 2 \"Hard Rock\" special english\n-9 99 4 2 \"Hard Rock\" special english\n"
"70 -1 5 6 \"KIPP<br/>EUROPA RAD\" standard german\n16 2 45 15 \"Wilhelm Kunstmann OHG\" standard company\n65 2 3 37 \"EUROPA RAD\" standard german\n20 3 37 10 \"Autoscooter\" standard german\n33 5 14 5 \"Erlangen\" standard german\n"
"92 -22 3 2 \"MICHELIN\" standard company\n36 -1 6 3 \"9 10 11 12 1 2 3\" special numbers\n37 0 5 2 \"4 5 6 7 8\" special numbers\n57 2 3 1 \"Bijouteria\" standard spanish\n79 2 11 1 \"DISKA LIBURU\" standard spanish\n79 2 11 1 \"DISQUES LIVRES\" standard french\n79 3 10 2 \"KUKUXKA\" standard company\n79 38 6 5 \"BEL APPARTEMENT<br/>A VENDRE 066704\" standard french\n"
"25 -4 7 6 \"TUTELA<br/>PRINCI<br/>PUM\" standard latin\n88 -4 6 2 \"ARTUTIS<br/>MELIOR\" standard latin\n38 -1 22 16 \"DVVMVIRIS PRAEFECTIS<br/>IOJACOBO REMBOLDO<br/>HIERONYMO IMHOF<br/>CONRADO PEUTINGERO<br/>BERNHARDO RECHINGERO<br/>DAVIDE VERLSERO<br/>IOANNE FUGGERO SENIORE<br/>AEDILIBUS<br/>CONSTANTINO IMHOF<br/>O.BARTHOLOMEO VELSERO<br/>WOLFGANGO PALLERO\" standard person\n42 -1 15 6 \"FERDINANDO II<br/>IMPERATORE AUG<br/>PRETORIUM HOC<br/>PERFECTUM<br/>EST\" standard latin\n4 1 6 3 \"IRATO<br/>TELVI<br/>ERIPE\" standard latin\n41 5 3 3 \"A\" standard abbreviation\n44 5 9 3 \"Stadt<br/>Augsburg\" standard german\n68 11 6 4 \"AMOR<br/>CIVIUM\" standard latin\n"
"80 18 10 5 \"MURPHY ALLEY\" standard english\n"
"1 -108 20 8 \"BIO I\" standard abbreviation\n2 -95 3 1 \"062.47\" standard numbers\n2 -95 8 1 \"Schlemmer M\u00fcnchen\" standard german\n2 -95 3 1 \"Best.-Nr.\" standard abbreviation\n1 -45 6 1 \"Mchn. Best.-Nr.\" standard abbreviation\n1 -45 5 1 \"SCHLEMMER\" standard company\n2 -45 3 1 \"021.41\" standard numbers\n1 -33 39 9 \"Gen-Laboratorium\" standard german\n"
"95 -5 3 1 \"One way\" standard english\n38 -1 23 7 \"ALDO\" standard company\n80 -1 8 4 \"The<br/>Camden Jean Ca\" standard english\n16 0 5 5 \"231<br/>233\" handwriting numbers\n41 0 16 4 \"sale shop\" standard english\n2 2 2 2 \"E\" standard abbreviation\n7 2 3 2 \"229\" standard numbers\n86 2 4 1 \"MBMRingley\" standard company\n11 3 4 4 \"Body<br/>Piercing<br/>& Tattoo\" standard english\n75 3 2 5 \"LEVIS\" standard company\n76 3 1 1 \"235\" standard numbers\n76 3 3 2 \"SALE\" standard english\n77 3 1 1 \"235\" standard numbers\n81 3 2 1 \"DIESEL\" standard company\n83 3 1 3 \"REDUCED\" standard english\n84 3 1 4 \"REDUCED\" standard english\n85 3 1 4 \"REDUCED\" standard english\n87 3 1 3 \"LEVIS\" standard company\n88 3 1 4 \"LEVIS\" standard company\n90 3 1 4 \"LEVIS\" standard company\n91 3 4 2 \"50\" standard numbers\n93 3 1 2 \"LEVIS\" standard company\n95 3 1 3 \"LEVIS\" standard company\n10 4 5 10 \"Body<br/>Piercing<br/>Tattoos<br/>Specialist<br/>Body<br/>Jewellery\" standard english\n20 5 5 1 \"Check out our\" standard english\n20 5 9 5 \"Fantastic<br/>Finds\" standard english\n74 5 5 1 \"McHUGH&CO\" standard company\n72 6 7 3 \"ACQUIRED<br/>BY\" standard english\n74 6 5 1 \"020 7485 0112\" standard numbers\n39 7 8 4 \"Fantastic<br/>Finds\" standard english\n72 7 7 2 \"020 7843 3788\" standard numbers\n72 7 7 2 \"PEARL & COUTTS\" standard company\n39 8 4 1 \"Check out our\" standard english\n75 8 3 1 \"SOLD\" standard english\n"
"7 -133 28 11 \"Rettungsdienst\" standard german\n4 -114 17 5 \"Einbahnstra\u00dfe\" standard german\n5 -101 11 7 \"5-10h\" standard numbers\n3 -69 11 6 \"10-5h\" standard numbers\n1 -56 14 5 \"Rettungsweg\" standard german\n3 -23 13 8 \"Rettungsweg\" standard german\n"
"59 5 8 1 \"KULTUSGEMEINDE\" standard german\n"
"3 -3 24 19 \"Bratwurst Entla<br/>Spezialit\u00e4ten aus eigner Schlachtung\" special german\n40 0 4 2 \"OMMI\" standard abbreviation\n59 2 5 1 \"DAMEN & HERREN\" standard german\n59 2 6 1 \"TOILETTEN\" standard german\n10 3 2 3 \"1 Bratwurst<br/>im Br\u00f6tchen<br/>\u20ac 2,50\" handwriting german\n11 3 1 1 \"Leibspeisen\" standard german\n14 3 1 2 \"K\" standard abbreviation\n20 3 1 3 \"Schaschlik<br/>\u20ac4,50<br/>Pommes 2,50\" handwriting german\n20 3 1 1 \"Leibspeisen\" standard german\n74 3 2 1 \"Kitzmann\" standard company\n"
"37 0 23 4 \"PARTING SHOTS\" standard english\n35 3 28 5 \"MICHAEL WINNER\" standard person\n46 3 6 3 \"1999\" standard numbers\n"
"20 8 6 2 \"GOETHE-INSTITUT\" standard german\n14 10 1 2 \"P\" standard abbreviation\n3 11 1 1 \"20\" standard numbers\n82 23 2 2 \"STOP\" standard german\n"
"18 0 1 1 \"Libri\" standard italian\n48 1 9 2 \"VI.V\u00c1S\u00c1RCSARNOK.\" special hungarian\n71 1 6 2 \"PIZZA MARZANO\" standard italian\n5 2 1 1 \"Libri\" standard italian\n13 2 12 2 \"DROGERIE MARKT\" standard german\n78 2 5 2 \"BUDAV\u00c1R TOURS\" standard company\n5 3 4 2 \"LIBRI\" standard italian\n4 4 4 1 \"Raiffeisen\" standard company\n8 4 2 1 \"BANK\" standard german\n19 4 1 1 \"en\" standard abbreviation\n20 4 2 1 \"BANK\" standard german\n35 4 2 1 \"IOPCLEAN\" standard company\n35 4 1 1 \"SPAR\" standard company\n35 4 1 1 \"ERSTE\" standard company\n35 4 1 1 \"ELMU\" standard company\n36 4 1 0 \"SPAR\" standard company\n36 4 1 0 \"Libri\" standard italian\n67 4 1 1 \"SPAR\" standard company\n5 6 2 1 \"AKCI\u00d3\" standard hungarian\n"
"37 -7 2 2 \"Atzelsberg<br/>Rathsberg\" standard german\n37 -7 3 2 \"Gr\u00e4fenberg 25km\" standard german\n37 -4 2 1 \"Erlangen-Ost\" standard german\n38 -4 2 2 \"Uni-Klinik\" standard german\n37 -2 3 1 \"Waldkrankenhaus\" standard german\n32 -1 2 1 \"Essenbacher Stra\u00dfe\" standard german\n20 0 8 4 \"Turnerbund 1868<br/>Hauptsch\u00fctzenges.\" standard german\n79 0 1 1 \"WC\" standard abbreviation\n1 2 1 1 \"en\" special abbreviation\n1 2 2 2 \"Gulden<br/>Brezen\" special german\n18 2 9 2 \"\" standard company\n11 3 5 2 \"TAXI\" standard german\n34 3 1 0 \"02.06.\" standard numbers\n41 3 1 3 \"G<br/>Ber\" special abbreviation\n42 3 0 1 \"1\" standard numbers\n42 3 1 1 \"Cafe\" standard german\n46 3 0 1 \"2\" standard numbers\n46 3 0 1 \"8\" standard numbers\n0 4 2 3 \"nur hier\" standard german\n30 4 3 1 \"Erlangen-West\" standard german\n33 5 2 2 \"Fanfare<br/>Ciocarlia\" standard italian\n31 6 4 2 \"Forchheim 18km<br/>Baiersdorf 8km\" standard german\n34 7 1 1 \"E-WERK\" standard german\n49 10 2 1 \"KL 270\" standard numbers\n57 14 1 1 \"CDI\" standard abbreviation\n"
"44 3 1 1 \"arnec\" standard company\n51 3 1 1 \"arnec\" standard company\n57 3 1 1 \"arnec\" standard company\n60 16 5 3 \"CineStar\" special company\n61 18 3 2 \"Der Filmpalast\" standard german\n"
"20 2 2 2 \"1,3\" standard numbers\n7 3 16 7 \"Erlanger Musikinstitut\" standard german\n16 4 9 4 \"An den Kellern 63\" standard german\n17 4 10 4 \"Rathsberger Stra\u00dfe\" standard german\n75 27 5 4 \"Burgberggarten\" standard german\n"
"76 -3 9 2 \"CONFIANCE...\" standard french\n44 0 9 2 \"BEKANNTMACHUNG\" standard german\n46 0 13 3 \"PROPAGANDA GEGEN<br/>DIE ALLIIERTEN\" standard german\n48 0 9 3 \"PROPAGANDE<br/>ANTI-ALLIES\" standard french\n15 2 7 1 \"AUJOURD`HUI\" standard french\n15 2 2 1 \"HIER\" standard german\n15 2 7 1 \"DEMAIN ?...\" standard french\n55 2 5 2 \"AVIS\" standard french\n77 2 13 3 \"SES AMPUTATIONS SE<br/>POURSUIVENT METHODIQUEMENT\" standard french\n14 4 13 5 \"DER SIEG WIRD<br/>UNSER SEIN!\" standard german\n46 4 12 1 \"Apprenez \u00e0 bien connaitre l`Allemagne\" standard french\n51 4 2 1 \"TOBIS\" special company\n"
"33 -4 48 11 \"Pfladergasse 1 86150 Augsburg Tel. 08 21 / 15 27 77\" standard german\n37 -3 40 8 \"Das Fachgesch\u00e4ft f\u00fcr Bergsport\" standard german\n43 -2 25 5 \"\" standard company\n41 -1 31 8 \"Bergsporth\u00fctte\" standard german\n52 0 6 2 \"seit 1991\" standard german\n67 1 12 2 \"LOWA\" standard company\n68 1 10 1 \"Outdoor- & Skiboots\" standard english\n"
"16 9 1 2 \"HI\" standard abbreviation\n23 10 7 3 \"Gl\u00fchwein\" special german\n45 10 7 2 \"Gl\u00fchwein\" special german\n32 19 3 3 \"Heisse\" special german\n"
"1 -115 7 45 \"BAR\" standard german\n1 -69 2 1 \"Kitzmann\" standard company\n8 -28 8 10 \"Bratw\u00fcrste\" standard german\n4 -14 7 9 \"Schaschlik\" standard german\n5 -11 1 2 \"B\" standard abbreviation\n"
"76 -20 19 18 \"Hawaii\" standard german\n74 -4 26 22 \"Schnell`s\" standard company\n51 1 16 15 \"N\u00fcsse<br/>mit feinster\" special german\n48 3 19 7 \"Pralinenschokolade\" special german\n"
"49 6 2 3 \"`90\" handwriting numbers\n56 6 3 2 \"SKIP\" handwriting english\n44 18 4 5 \"BERLIN\" handwriting german\n81 33 14 11 \"NZUR MJdelle\" handwriting abbreviation\n"
"88 1 6 3 \"Ausfahrt freihalten\" standard german\n86 4 9 8 \"FEA\" handwriting abbreviation\n"
"2 -71 5 3 \"MORECAMEL\" standard english\n-17 -66 5 8 \"POTTED<br/>SHRIMPS\" standard english\n-22 -8 11 6 \"MORECAMEL BAY\" standard english\n-20 -6 6 5 \"POTTED<br/>SHRIMPS\" standard english\n6 0 5 3 \"MORE\" standard english\n1 2 13 14 \"SARUINE<br/>FILLET\" handwriting english\n4 3 9 8 \"3.00 KG\" handwriting numbers\n57 16 9 8 \"MORECAMEL BAY\" standard english\n55 36 6 8 \"POTTED<br/>SHRIMPS\" standard english\n"
"32 1 6 2 \"Deutsche Bank\" standard german\n"
"44 2 11 13 \"Bitte<br/>jedes Fahrrad<br/>einzeln absperren\" standard german\n"
"51 -1 7 18 \"HAU<br/>DEN<br/>LUKAS\" special german\n41 1 8 18 \"HAU<br/>DEN<br/>LUKAS\" special german\n"
"27 2 11 4 \"Springer Mountain<br/>Farms\" special english\n21 4 27 16 \"Bluegrass\" special english\n27 5 18 5 \"AT THE RYMAN\" standard english\n39 6 11 5 \"NIGHT\" standard english\n"
"40 -126 5 8 \"fez\" standard abbreviation\n18 -120 10 14 \"Sag,<br/>was war<br/>die DDR?\" handwriting german\n42 -113 4 5 \"BUNDESSTIFTUNG<br/>AUFARBEITUNG\" standard german\n17 -91 5 4 \"f\u00fcr Kinder & Jugendliche\" standard german\n20 -88 8 8 \"EIN GESCHICHTSABENTEUER\" standard german\n5 -47 13 7 \"18.4.-1.8.2010\" standard numbers\n3 -30 3 2 \"STADTMUSEUM<br/>ERLANGEN\" standard german\n1 -18 6 3 \"STADTMUSEUM<br/>ERLANGEN\" standard german\n-14 51 8 18 \"SAG,<br/>was war<br/>die<br/>DDR?\" handwriting german\n-37 67 2 3 \"FD9\" standard abbreviation\n-25 80 3 4 \"sex<br/>PisToLs\" standard english\n-25 81 4 4 \"f\u00fcr Kinder & Jugendliche\" standard german\n-27 83 9 8 \"EIN GESCHICHTSABENTEUER\" standard german\n-12 87 2 2 \"NO!\" standard english\n-2 88 1 2 \"A\" standard abbreviation\n-2 90 1 1 \"WAR\" standard english\n"
"64 4 4 2 \"Bitte das Seil<br/>wieder einh\u00e4ngen!\" standard german\n64 4 2 1 \"Vielen Dank!\" standard german\n70 6 1 1 \"Besichtigung<br/>M\u00fchle\" standard german\n"
"2 -130 4 2 \"BACH\" standard german\n-4 -118 38 20 \"BACH\" standard german\n-6 -104 51 25 \"Extrisimo\" special spanish\n1 -77 18 4 \"SEMIDOLC\" standard spanish\n1 -77 9 5 \"HALBS\u00dc\u1e9e\" standard german\n3 -77 23 5 \"- SEMI-SWEET -\" standard english\n2 -69 14 6 \"2001\" standard numbers\n2 -57 18 9 \"PENED\u00c8S\" standard spanish\n2 -48 21 5 \"Denominaci\u00f3 d`Origen\" standard spanish\n"
"66 -78 2 2 \"SX\" standard abbreviation\n69 -22 8 6 \"Castrol\" standard company\n19 -19 4 6 \"SACHS\" standard company\n25 -11 11 10 \"RACING SCHOOL\" standard english\n48 -11 4 4 \"JAHRE\" standard german\n19 -10 3 4 \"Castrol\" standard company\n27 -10 5 5 \"Erich Hitschfel\" standard person\n19 -9 2 4 \"GOLDEN<br/>TEAM\" standard company\n-83 -7 3 4 \"MICHELIN\" standard company\n59 -7 6 3 \"Hartmann\" standard person\n80 -7 3 2 \"MICHELIN\" standard company\n49 -5 1 3 \"5\" standard numbers\n66 -4 4 3 \"East\" standard company\n44 0 4 9 \"7\" standard numbers\n45 0 9 2 \"HOCKENHEIMRING\" standard german\n7 1 2 2 \"111\" standard numbers\n85 1 1 2 \"1\" standard numbers\n82 5 4 2 \"EPSON\" standard company\n27 10 3 4 \"GOLDEN<br/>TEAM\" standard company\n44 28 10 11 \"PHILIPS<br/>EXPLORE<br/>CamCord\" standard english\n52 48 4 5 \"GT\" special abbreviation\n57 49 3 4 \"Castrol\" standard company\n"
"1 2 2 4 \"T2\" standard abbreviation\n32 3 28 3 \"LOOK RIGHT\" standard english\n4 5 21 5 \"LOOK\" standard english\n"
"18 -2 3 2 \"St. James`s Park\" standard english\n25 -2 42 9 \":ANNO:DECIMO:EDWARDI:SEPTIMI:REGIS:<br/>:VICTORIAE:REGINAE:CIVES:GRATISSIMI:MDCCCCX:\" standard latin\n58 5 8 3 \"MDCCCCX\" standard roman date\n"
"56 -3 7 4 \"RISTORANTE<br/>TENNIS FARM<br/>SPECIALITA` PESCE\" standard italian\n56 0 10 3 \"ALBAZAAR\" standard company\n56 2 11 2 \"piazzetta Diamante\" standard italian\n57 2 7 3 \"ufficio<br/>informazioni\" standard italian\n65 2 1 3 \"i\" special abbreviation\n20 3 4 3 \"STOP\" standard english\n57 4 9 4 \"UFFICIO<br/>BICICLETTE\" standard italian\n57 5 6 2 \"PALANCANA\" standard italian\n57 7 8 3 \"SPAGHETTI HOUSE\" standard english\n56 8 10 5 \"FIORDI<br/>PIAZZA DEL MERCATO\" standard italian\n59 10 2 1 \"ALPIMAR\" standard company\n59 11 7 3 \"Vendite ed Affitti Immobiliari\" standard italian\n61 13 4 2 \"ALPIMAR\" standard company\n"
"93 -8 7 2 \"Do 15. Juli, 19\" standard german\n11 -5 24 12 \"Pfandr\u00fcckgabe\" standard german\n91 -4 9 4 \"Melodien<br/>aus Film und M\" standard german\n90 -3 10 3 \"Symphonisches Blaso<br/>Neunkirchen am Br\" standard german\n91 -2 8 1 \"Pr\u00e4sentiert von Georg Mac\" standard german\n93 0 7 3 \"Klassik\" special german\n98 0 2 1 \"an\" standard german\n9 1 26 47 \"Einladung<br/>in das Innere des<br/>Erlanger Berges<br/>-dem Ursprung<br/>der Bierstadt-<br/>F\u00fchrungen im Sommer<br/>an jedem Sonntag um 11\u00b0\u00b0<br/>-Treffpunkt: hier\" standard german\n92 1 8 1 \"auf Getr\u00e4nke wird ein Euro Konzertaufschlag verlangt\" standard german\n93 1 7 1 \"Eintritt frei\" standard german\n61 2 14 6 \"Ma\u00df Bier\" handwriting german\n77 2 3 1 \"Entlas Keller\" handwriting german\n78 2 3 1 \"auf Gro\u00dfbildleinwand\" standard german\n78 2 1 1 \"WM\" standard abbreviation\n78 2 1 1 \"SOUTH<br/>AFRICA<br/>2010\" standard english\n79 2 1 1 \"FIFA\" standard abbreviation\n9 3 4 4 \"Kos\" standard abbreviation\n25 3 5 4 \"5 EUR\" standard numbers\n60 3 10 6 \"Ma\u00df R\" handwriting german\n76 3 6 4 \"7,50\" handwriting numbers\n62 15 10 9 \"Getr\u00e4nke\" handwriting german\n"
"57 -1 8 2 \"BILFINGER BERGER\" standard company\n12 1 3 2 \"MAREDO\" standard company\n"
"3 -3 24 19 \"Bratwurst Entla<br/>Spezialit\u00e4ten aus eigner Schlachtung\" special german\n41 0 4 2 \"OMMI\" standard abbreviation\n59 2 6 1 \"TOILETTEN\" standard german\n60 2 5 1 \"DAMEN & HERREN\" standard german\n14 3 1 2 \"K\" standard abbreviation\n21 3 1 1 \"Leibspeisen\" standard german\n21 3 1 3 \"Schaschlik<br/>\u20ac4,50<br/>Pommes 2,50\" handwriting german\n"
"1 6 7 4 \"14,-\" standard numbers\n63 17 9 5 \"10,-\" standard numbers\n"
"-33 -9 12 7 \"I II III IIII V\" standard roman date\n20 0 14 12 \"VI VII VIII IX X XI XII\" standard roman date\n"
"70 -1 5 6 \"KIPP<br/>EUROPA RAD\" standard german\n16 2 45 15 \"Wilhelm Kunstmann OHG\" standard company\n65 2 3 37 \"EUROPA RAD\" standard german\n20 4 37 10 \"Autoscooter\" standard german\n32 5 14 5 \"Erlangen\" standard german\n"
"65 9 8 2 \"CAJA DE AHORROS Y PENSIONES<br/>DE BARCELONA\" standard spanish\n65 10 8 4 \"\"laCaixa\"\" standard company\n"
"76 2 1 2 \"9\" standard numbers\n12 4 1 1 \"fez\" handwriting abbreviation\n19 4 13 6 \"MUSEUM\" standard german\n11 6 2 3 \"SAG,<br/>was war<br/>die<br/>DDR?\" handwriting german\n71 11 9 4 \"Martin-Luther-Platz\" standard german\n"
"28 4 12 3 \"eln\u00e9z\u00e9st\" standard hungarian\n56 5 3 2 \"35\" standard numbers\n60 5 10 2 \"Avas kil\u00e1t\u00f3\" standard hungarian\n69 6 2 1 \"038\" standard numbers\n"
"11 -10 17 22 \"Mandeln\" standard german\n12 -9 14 12 \"gebrannte\" standard german\n12 -8 14 12 \"wenig Zucker\" standard german\n16 -6 3 4 \"mit\" standard german\n12 6 74 53 \"KNUSPERH\u00c4USCHEN\" special german\n"
"2 -120 17 4 \"BURG - L\u00dcBBENER - KANAL\" standard german\n"
"1 -104 2 1 \"shop\" standard english\n74 2 5 4 \"the<br/>museum<br/>store\" standard english\n83 2 5 1 \"EXHIBIT NOW OPEN\" standard english\n83 2 3 1 \"-Hank Williams\" standard person\n92 2 3 1 \"STUDIOB\" standard english\n48 4 27 3 \"COUNTRY MUSIC HALL OF FAME AND MUSEUM\" standard english\n92 4 5 1 \"Experience the Magic\" special english\n80 9 7 5 \"\"HEY GOOD<br/>LOOKIN\u00b4\"\" standard english\n"
"8 2 2 3 \"54\" standard numbers\n"
"57 -57 6 8 \"ORSZ\u00c1G\" standard company\n89 -25 5 4 \"V\u00c1LASZT\u00c9KA\" standard hungarian\n58 -20 1 1 \"228\" standard numbers\n79 -20 7 4 \"IN\u00d6SEGI Z\u00d6LDSEGEK\" standard hungarian\n84 -20 9 7 \"GY\u00dcM\u00d6LCS\" standard hungarian\n71 -6 2 2 \"BT.\" standard abbreviation\n51 -3 10 7 \"Z\u00d6LDS\u00c9G-<br/>GY\u00dcM\u00d6LCS\" standard hungarian\n0 1 5 7 \"CS\" standard abbreviation\n0 1 35 3 \"US, DELIGY\u00dcM\u00d6LCS B\u00d6S\u00c9GES V\u00c1LASZT\u00c9KA\" standard hungarian\n11 1 19 9 \"D\u00c9LI-<br/>GY\u00dcM\u00d6LCS\" standard hungarian\n52 1 16 2 \"ISZ\u00c1KI BOROK NAGY V\u00c1LASZT\u00c9KBAN\" standard hungarian\n5 2 2 3 \"98\" handwriting numbers\n8 2 1 3 \"8\" handwriting numbers\n38 2 1 1 \"28\" standard numbers\n40 2 5 7 \"M\u00e1k \u00e9s di\u00f3<br/>dar\u00e1lva is<br/>kaphat\u00f3!\" standard hungarian\n40 2 1 1 \"98\" standard numbers\n44 2 1 1 \"198\" standard numbers\n58 2 1 1 \"400\" standard numbers\n58 2 1 1 \"228\" standard numbers\n58 2 1 1 \"148\" standard numbers\n62 2 1 1 \"228\" standard numbers\n74 2 2 1 \"B-III/6.\" standard abbreviation\n3 3 1 3 \"9\" handwriting numbers\n5 3 2 2 \"98\" handwriting numbers\n23 3 2 3 \"198\" handwriting numbers\n42 3 1 1 \"120\" standard numbers\n47 3 1 1 \"598\" standard numbers\n57 3 1 1 \"200\" standard numbers\n57 3 1 1 \"400\" standard numbers\n63 3 1 1 \"300\" standard numbers\n66 3 1 1 \"148\" standard numbers\n70 3 1 1 \"70\" standard numbers\n42 9 1 1 \"298\" standard numbers\n45 11 1 1 \"150\" standard numbers\n51 11 1 1 \"20\" standard numbers\n54 11 1 1 \"598\" standard numbers\n47 13 1 1 \"80\" standard numbers\n49 13 1 1 \"100\" standard numbers\n27 17 10 11 \"Narancs\" standard hungarian\n"
"47 -11 2 4 \"JM\" special abbreviation\n19 0 22 17 \"Fischbraterei<br/>Bauer<br/>Erlangen\" standard german\n1 1 4 2 \"Schaschlik\" standard german\n9 1 1 2 \"S\" standard abbreviation\n0 2 1 2 \"1,-\u20ac<br/>2,-\u20ac<br/>2,50\u20ac\" handwriting numbers\n0 2 2 2 \"aCola\" special company\n0 2 2 1 \"gebot\" handwriting german\n5 2 2 2 \"CocaC\" special company\n38 2 41 10 \"H\u00fcbners\u00b4s Keller\" special german\n13 3 1 1 \"S\" standard abbreviation\n16 3 1 1 \"2,3\" standard numbers\n16 3 0 1 \"S\" standard abbreviation\n17 3 1 1 \"4,1\" standard numbers\n18 3 1 1 \"80\" standard numbers\n"
"14 1 18 6 \"1 Fahrchip 2,-\" standard german\n69 1 21 13 \"Gesch\u00e4ft<br/>Nummer 23\" standard german\n92 1 3 2 \"Erlanger<br/>Bergkirchweih\" standard german\n92 1 2 1 \"255 Jahre\" standard german\n12 2 21 6 \"10Fahrchips10.-\" standard german\n13 2 19 6 \"6 Fahrchips 8.-\" standard german\n15 2 11 4 \"KASSE\" standard german\n"
"3 -3 24 19 \"Bratwurst Entla<br/>Spezialit\u00e4ten aus eigner Schlachtung\" special german\n41 0 4 2 \"OMMI\" standard abbreviation\n59 2 6 1 \"TOILETTEN\" standard german\n60 2 5 1 \"DAMEN & HERREN\" standard german\n11 3 2 3 \"1 Bratwurst<br/>im Br\u00f6tchen<br/>\u20ac 2,50\" handwriting german\n14 3 1 2 \"K\" standard abbreviation\n21 3 1 3 \"Schaschlik<br/>\u20ac4,50<br/>Pommes 2,50\" handwriting german\n21 3 1 1 \"Leibspeisen\" standard german\n"
"80 -6 2 2 \"Witbier met<br/>3,1% Vol.<br/>Alc\" standard german\n79 -5 4 2 \"apple white\" standard english\n70 1 1 1 \"Barb\u00e4r\" standard company\n79 3 3 1 \"THEODORA\" standard company\n79 3 3 1 \"FOGLALT\" standard company\n39 5 6 6 \"Corsendonk<br/>bier\" special company\n37 6 11 8 \"Duvel\" standard company\n"
"25 2 12 5 \"Cameos\" standard company\n48 2 11 4 \"GOLDEN\" standard english\n75 2 15 8 \"Golden\" special english\n"
"2 3 19 2 \"Die n\u00f6tigsten Reparaturen\" standard german\n3 4 13 8 \"Der Dachstuhl von<br/>St. Ulrich und<br/>dringend saniert<br/>Bitte beteiligen<br/>mit einer Spende\" standard german\n4 5 6 1 \"Spende\" standard german\n"
"68 -4 28 7 \"NEUE GASSE\" standard german\n"
"2 -26 3 6 \"3\" standard numbers\n"
"39 -39 7 10 \"EIS<br/>M\u00dcLLER\" special german\n42 -35 3 4 \"gegr. 1899\" special german\n92 -1 7 3 \"Popcorn\" special german\n19 2 54 17 \"Osteria \"La vita e` bella\"\" special italian\n11 3 6 4 \"D\u00d6NER\" standard german\n1 4 2 5 \"C\" standard abbreviation\n4 4 13 18 \"Gyros<br/>im<br/>Pittabrot\" special german\n33 4 27 6 \"Ihr Italiener am Berg\" standard german\n38 4 17 6 \"im<br/>Altst\u00e4dter Schiesshaus\" standard german\n5 5 8 6 \"Langos\" special hungarian\n6 5 7 4 \"ORIGINAL UNGARISCH\" standard german\n10 6 2 1 \"VON J\u00c1NOS\" standard german\n81 6 12 5 \"Kitzmann\" standard company\n81 8 12 3 \"Unser Erlanger Bier seit 1712\" standard german\n88 32 4 3 \"M\u00fcll\" special german\n88 35 5 5 \"BOMBOM\" standard german\n88 38 3 3 \"Fabrik\" special german\n"
"22 1 9 4 \"Landesbank<br/>Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg\" standard german\n0 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n4 2 3 1 \"SACHSKURVE\" standard german\n4 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n7 2 1 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n7 2 2 1 \"SACHS\" standard company\n10 2 4 1 \"SACHS KURVE\" standard german\n10 2 1 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n11 2 3 3 \"LB\" standard abbreviation\n12 2 1 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n13 2 2 1 \"SACHS\" standard company\n16 2 4 3 \"BW\" standard abbreviation\n18 2 2 1 \"SACHS\" standard company\n21 2 1 1 \"Motor\" standard german\n23 2 1 1 \"Sport\" standard german\n25 2 2 1 \"Museum\" standard german\n28 2 4 1 \"Hockenheimring\" standard german\n40 2 1 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n42 2 1 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n45 2 1 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n48 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n52 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n55 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n58 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n61 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n65 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n68 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n72 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n75 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n79 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n83 2 2 1 \"Mobil\" standard german\n"
"15 3 6 4 \"(pl. z.B. e.g.:\" standard abbreviation\n20 4 17 7 \"BALF, FERT\u00d6SZENTMIKL\u00d3S, FERT\u00d6D, SOPRON\" standard hungarian\n25 4 5 4 \"SOPRON\" standard hungarian\n22 9 14 18 \"Az 1200 ha k\u00f6r\u00fcli sz\u00f6l\u00f6ter\u00fclet borvid\u00e9keink k\u00f6z\u00f6tt a<br/>egh\u00fcv\u00f6sebb \u00e9s legcsapad\u00e9kosabb. Az ink\u00f6bb<br/>kedvez\u00f6tlen adotts\u00e1gok ellen\u00e9re f\u00f6k\u00e9nt v\u00f6r\u00f6sbart<br/>termelnek. A vid\u00e9k hires term\u00e9ke a Soproni K\u00e9kfrankos.<br/>\u00c9l\u00e9nk sz\u00edne, friss, \u00fcde karaktere, savasabb jellege<br/>r\u00e9v\u00e9n k\u00fcl\u00f6nleges szinfoltja a magyar borkin\u00e1latnak.\" standard hungarian\n19 15 16 23 \"Die um die 1200 ha gro\u00dfe Weinanbaufl\u00e4che ist die<br/>k\u00fchlste und regenreichste in Ungarn \u00fcberhaupt. Trotz der<br/>eher ung\u00fcnstigen Gegebenheiten wird vorwiegend<br/>Rotwein erzeugt. Eine sehr bekannte Marke der Region<br/>ist der Blaufr\u00e4nkisch von Sopron. Seine lebhafte Farbe,<br/>frischer Charakter und betonte S\u00e4ure machen ihn zu<br/>einer Spezialit\u00e4t im ungarischen Weinangebot.\" standard german\n17 16 2 3 \"SOPRON\" standard hungarian\n16 21 19 26 \"These 1.200 hectares vineyards belong to the coolest<br/>region exposed to the most rain and snow. Despite the<br/>unfavourable weather conditions mainly red wines are<br/>made here. The famous product of the area is the<br/>K\u00e9kfrankos from Sopron. With its vivid color, fresh<br/>character, acidy flavour it is a unique offer in Hungarian<br/>wine production.\" standard english\n"
"24 3 48 24 \"EHEM.<br/>UNTERES<br/>TOR\" standard german\n28 7 41 23 \"GOTISCHER<br/>TURM<br/>WURDE 1829<br/>ABGERISSEN\" standard german\n"
"3 3 4 2 \"ENTER\" standard english\n3 3 5 2 \"DO NOT\" standard english\n"
"40 2 22 13 \"Original<br/>M\u00fcnchner<br/>Kasperl-Theater\" special german\n59 3 3 2 \"Gesch\u00e4ft<br/>Nummer 32\" standard german\n62 4 4 3 \"Anfang\" special german\n"
"18 -1 11 6 \"TU QUI ES EGO FUI ET<br/>QUI EGO SUM TU ERIS\" standard latin\n"
"8 -144 19 8 \"\" standard company\n64 -86 7 10 \"KOMATSU\" standard company\n41 38 4 6 \"KS\" standard abbreviation\n"
"44 -7 10 21 \"TUCHER BIERE IN ALLER WELT\" standard german\n38 12 18 35 \"Steinbach<br/>Bier &<br/>Tucher<br/>Weizen vom<br/>Fass\" handwriting german\n42 17 12 11 \"Tucher\" standard company\n"
"18 -6 14 15 \"Knoblauch-<br/>Baquette\" standard german\n48 0 2 1 \"Getr\u00e4nke 0,5l\" standard german\n89 2 11 9 \"Fr\u00fcchte<br/>mit Schokolade\" special german\n48 3 2 2 \"Knoblauch-<br/>Baguette\" standard german\n48 3 2 2 \"Mais<br/>mit Kr\u00e4uterbutter\" standard german\n48 3 2 1 \"Mais mit Butter\" standard german\n48 3 2 2 \"Mais<br/>mit Knoblaubbutter\" standard german\n50 3 2 1 \"SPRITE\" standard company\n51 3 1 2 \"2,-\" handwriting numbers\n51 3 1 1 \"2,50\" handwriting numbers\n51 3 1 1 \"2,50\" handwriting numbers\n31 5 10 11 \"HANDLESERIN\" standard person\n35 6 2 5 \"Wissen<br/>ist<br/>Macht\" standard german\n49 6 4 2 \"COLA-FANTA\" standard company\n87 28 3 7 \"zuckers\u00fc\u00dfe<br/>Paradies<br/>\u00c4pfel<br/>mit Farbstoff\" special german\n"
"56 -6 3 3 \"ommute to<br/>our garden\" standard english\n0 1 12 5 \"Experience and innovation_\" standard english\n5 4 7 2 \"WHSmith\" standard company\n34 5 3 1 \"COFFEE\" standard english\n63 5 2 1 \"HMV\" standard company\n77 13 2 1 \"Departure\" standard english\n96 14 3 2 \"QUICK\" standard english\n"
"6 -131 7 4 \"British\" standard english\n6 -130 5 3 \"An American\u00b4s<br/>Passion for\" standard english\n77 -5 1 2 \"Royal<br/>Academy<br/>of Arts\" standard english\n76 -4 2 3 \"Exclusive<br/>Christman<br/>Gifts at the<br/>RA Shop\" standard english\n82 -3 3 2 \"Paul Mellon\u00b4s<br/>Legacy\" standard person\n80 -1 5 4 \"British<br/>Art\" standard english\n20 0 1 2 \"Royal<br/>Academy<br/>of Arts\" standard english\n5 2 3 2 \"An American\u00b4s<br/>Passion for\" standard english\n8 2 5 4 \"British<br/>Art\" standard english\n10 3 3 2 \"Paul Mellon\u00b4s<br/>Legacy\" standard person\n77 3 3 2 \"An American\u00b4s<br/>Passion for\" standard english\n"
"47 3 25 4 \"/Salvelinus fontinalis(Mitchill)/\" standard latin\n10 4 77 22 \"\u00c9szak-Amerik\u00e1b\u00f3l sz\u00e1rmazik. Teste \u00e1ramvonalas, oldalr\u00f3l lap\u00edtott. Sz\u00edne a h\u00e1ton olajz\u00f6ld,<br/>amelyet vil\u00e1gosabb, r\u00f6vid, kanyarg\u00f3s, f\u00e9regszer\u0169 foltok tark\u00edtanak, a has fel\u00e9 s\u00e1rg\u00e1sfeh\u00e9rbe<br/>megy \u00e1t, az oldala gy\u00f6ngyh\u00e1zf\u00e9ny\u00fc. Hasalja feh\u00e9r. A h\u00edmekn\u00e9l a v\u00e9gb\u00e9l \u00e9s a mell\u00fasz\u00f3k k\u00f6z\u00f6tt<br/>sz\u00fcrk\u00e9sfekete. Oldal\u00e1n s\u00e1rga, v\u00f6r\u00f6s \u00e9s halv\u00e1nyk\u00e9k apr\u00f3 p\u00f6tty\u00f6k vannak, melyeket<br/>vil\u00e1gosk\u00e9k vagy feh\u00e9r gy\u00fcr\u00fc \u00f6vez. A mell\u00fasz\u00f3, a has\u00fasz\u00f3 \u00e9s a farok alatti \u00fasz\u00f3 sz\u00e9le feh\u00e9r,<br/>m\u00f6g\u00f6tte fekete s\u00e1vval. \u00cdvasa okt\u00f3ber-november h\u00f3napra esik.\" standard hungarian\n44 4 32 6 \"Pataki szajbling\" standard hungarian\n"
"36 -69 4 6 \"Chocolate and vanilla\" special english\n43 -57 1 2 \"cake\" special english\n21 7 13 26 \"Merry<br/>Christmas\" handwriting english\n"
"44 1 12 8 \"COVENET GARDEN MARKET\" standard english\n48 1 4 3 \"PUNCH<br/>& JUDY\" standard company\n11 2 5 2 \"APPLE MARKET\" standard english\n"
"94 -16 2 2 \"RIO EbRO\" standard spanish\n37 1 17 5 \"LA RIOJA\" special spanish\n71 1 3 2 \"LA PUEBLA<br/>DE LA<br/>BARCA\" special spanish\n19 2 4 3 \"VILORIA<br/>DE RIOJA\" special spanish\n24 2 4 1 \"GRA\u00d1\u00d3N\" special spanish\n28 2 2 1 \"LEiVA\" special spanish\n34 2 4 1 \"CIRUE\u00d1A\" special spanish\n41 2 2 1 \"CA\u00d1AS\" special spanish\n48 2 7 2 \"SAN VICENTE<br/>DE LA SONSIERRA\" special spanish\n53 2 3 1 \"N\u00c1JERA\" special spanish\n72 2 3 1 \"FUENMAYOR\" special spanish\n79 2 5 1 \"NAVARRETE\" special spanish\n86 2 3 1 \"LARDERO\" special spanish\n87 2 4 1 \"LOGRO\u00d1O\" special spanish\n10 3 13 6 \"RIOJILLA<br/>BURGALESA\" special spanish\n28 3 7 2 \"SANTO DOMINGO<br/>DE LA CALZADA\" special spanish\n40 3 3 1 \"BERCEO\" standard spanish\n63 3 2 1 \"TRiCiO\" special spanish\n67 3 3 1 \"ALES\u00d3N\" special spanish\n79 3 3 1 \"SORZANO\" special spanish\n86 3 3 1 \"ALBELDA\" special spanish\n89 3 3 1 \"CLAVIJO\" special spanish\n91 3 4 2 \"SAN<br/>PRUDENCIO\" special spanish\n34 4 5 2 \"SAN MILLAN DE<br/>LA COGOLLA\" special spanish\n43 4 3 1 \"AZOFRA\" special spanish\n97 8 2 3 \"CAN<br/>FRA\" special abbreviation\n2 34 2 2 \"RIO OJA\" standard spanish\n61 64 3 4 \"RIO IREQUA\" special spanish\n16 74 4 4 \"RIO NAJeRILLA\" special spanish\n-16 87 3 2 \"RIO YAlde\" special spanish\n"
"-1 -49 29 6 \"ALEXANDER PUSCHKIN\" standard person\n0 -41 12 3 \"1799-1837\" standard numbers\n"
"56 -31 1 3 \"\u20ac\" standard abbreviation\n47 -27 1 3 \"\u20ac\" standard abbreviation\n50 -24 1 3 \"\u20ac\" standard abbreviation\n41 -23 4 6 \"klein\" standard german\n48 -23 2 4 \"3,-\" special numbers\n43 -22 11 13 \"Eismohr\" standard german\n51 -22 5 6 \"mittel\" standard german\n56 -18 2 3 \"2,50-\" handwriting numbers\n47 -17 2 3 \"2,-\" handwriting numbers\n45 -13 4 5 \"gro\u00df\" standard german\n38 3 3 3 \"Num\" standard abbreviation\n63 3 3 2 \"Klein\" handwriting german\n63 3 3 2 \"Gro\u00df\" handwriting german\n65 3 1 2 \"2,\u20ac-\" handwriting numbers\n65 3 2 3 \"2,50-\" handwriting numbers\n66 3 2 3 \"3,\u20ac-\" handwriting numbers\n5 4 4 3 \"Blaubeer\" standard german\n13 4 4 3 \"Klein\" handwriting german\n19 4 3 4 \"1,50\u20ac-\" handwriting numbers\n36 4 4 1 \"Lemon\" standard english\n37 4 4 3 \"Lemon\" standard english\n62 4 7 2 \"Erdbeer\u00fcberzug\" standard german\n63 4 4 4 \"Vanilleeis<br/>mit\" standard german\n61 16 3 3 \"Mittel\" handwriting german\n"
"56 -31 1 3 \"\u20ac\" standard abbreviation\n47 -27 1 3 \"\u20ac\" standard abbreviation\n50 -24 1 3 \"\u20ac\" standard abbreviation\n42 -23 4 6 \"klein\" standard german\n48 -23 2 4 \"3,-\" special numbers\n44 -22 11 13 \"Eismohr\" standard german\n51 -22 5 6 \"mittel\" standard german\n57 -18 2 3 \"2,50-\" handwriting numbers\n47 -17 2 3 \"2,-\" handwriting numbers\n45 -13 4 5 \"gro\u00df\" standard german\n86 -12 7 4 \"Softeissorten:\" standard german\n87 -11 6 4 \"Schokolade\" standard german\n89 -11 5 3 \"Erdbeer\" standard german\n88 -8 4 3 \"Vanille\" standard german\n87 -7 5 2 \"Maracuja\" standard german\n0 3 2 4 \"klein<br/>mittel<br/>gross\" standard german\n2 3 2 4 \"1,50<br/>2,-<br/>3,-\" standard numbers\n39 3 3 3 \"Num\" standard abbreviation\n63 3 3 2 \"Klein\" handwriting german\n63 3 3 2 \"Gro\u00df\" handwriting german\n63 3 4 4 \"Vanilleeis<br/>mit\" standard german\n65 3 1 2 \"2,\u20ac-\" handwriting numbers\n66 3 2 3 \"3,\u20ac-\" handwriting numbers\n66 3 2 3 \"2,50-\" handwriting numbers\n1 4 3 3 \"Cola\" standard numbers\n5 4 4 3 \"Blaubeer\" standard german\n6 4 4 2 \"Blaubeer\" standard german\n13 4 4 3 \"Klein\" handwriting german\n37 4 4 2 \"Lemon\" standard english\n37 4 4 3 \"Lemon\" standard english\n62 4 7 2 \"Erdbeer\u00fcberzug\" standard german\n61 16 3 3 \"Mittel\" handwriting german\n"
"38 -11 13 13 \"Rund um Erlangen<br/>Alterlangen<br/>Dech\" standard german\n36 11 16 16 \"Rund um Erlangen<br/>Schwabachtal<br/>Sieglitzhof\" standard german\n57 16 2 5 \"2\" standard numbers\n51 18 3 7 \"0,8<br/>5,3\" standard numbers\n"
"84 12 8 4 \"Lieferverkehr bis 7,5t zul. Gesamtgewicht werktags Mo.-Fr. 18-22 samstags bis 10 frei\" standard german\n85 12 8 2 \"Schrittgeschwindigkeit\" standard german\n90 12 2 1 \"frei\" standard german\n85 13 5 2 \"ZONE\" standard german\n"
"59 -9 17 12 \"TDK\" standard company\n51 -3 26 13 \"SANYO\" standard company\n23 4 10 2 \"SIGHTSEEING TO\" standard english\n20 5 3 1 \"BUS\" standard english\n66 5 2 2 \"GAP\" standard english\n18 6 2 1 \"KEEP IT\" standard english\n20 6 4 2 \"CHILLED\" standard english\n22 6 7 2 \"BURGER KING\" standard company\n20 8 6 5 \"SAMSUNG\" standard company\n21 9 6 6 \"SAMSUNG\" standard company\n41 9 22 16 \"Coca Cola\" special company\n"
"19 -1 65 12 \"Saurengreinswinkel\" standard german\n"
"60 0 11 2 \"GRACEWAY\" standard company\n58 1 18 7 \"HURRICANE<br/>SUPPLY<br/>ZONE\" standard english\n58 1 18 3 \"Get all your Hurricane<br/>supplies here!\" standard english\n52 18 6 4 \"$8.49\" standard numbers\n"
"-2 -129 22 10 \"u Flek\u016f\" special company\n1 -126 9 6 \"Pivovar\" special czech\n6 -123 8 6 \"Pivovar\" special czech\n1 -120 8 5 \"Fleku\" special company\n4 -117 8 5 \"Fleku\" special company\n-2 -113 25 4 \"Pra\u017esk\u00e1 \u0161unka, m\u00e1slo, ukurka\" standard czech\n1 -112 4 3 \"100g\" standard numbers\n-1 -110 32 5 \"Prague ham with butter and cucumber\" standard english\n4 -110 4 3 \"109,-\" standard numbers\n-1 -104 31 4 \"Pivn\u00ed s\u00fdr, m\u00e1slo, cibulka, topinka 2 ks\" standard czech\n1 -103 4 3 \"100g\" standard numbers\n-1 -101 27 4 \"Beer cheese, butter, onion, toast\" standard english\n4 -101 3 3 \"85,-\" standard numbers\n-1 -95 11 4 \"Spicy cheese\" standard english\n0 -95 16 3 \"Pikantn\u00ed parenice -\" standard czech\n1 -94 4 3 \"100g\" standard numbers\n4 -93 3 3 \"85,-\" standard numbers\n0 -89 10 3 \"Greek salad\" standard english\n1 -89 21 3 \"\u0158eck\u00fd sal\u00e1t - Choriatico -\" standard czech\n1 -88 4 3 \"300g\" standard numbers\n4 -87 4 3 \"139,-\" standard numbers\n1 -83 3 3 \"1/2\" standard numbers\n1 -83 23 3 \"Pe\u010den\u00e1 kachna, knedl\u00edk, zel\u00ed\" standard czech\n4 -82 4 3 \"365,-\" standard numbers\n1 -80 27 3 \"Roast Duck, cabbage, dumplings\" standard english\n0 -75 32 3 \"Pe\u010dene ku\u0159e, na m\u00e1sle, va\u0159en\u00e9 brambory\" standard czech\n1 -74 3 2 \"1/2\" standard numbers\n4 -74 4 2 \"245,-\" standard numbers\n0 -73 34 4 \"Roast chicken with butter, cooked potatoes\" standard english\n1 -66 15 2 \"Flekovsk\u00e1 ba\u0161ta -\" standard czech\n2 -66 9 2 \"Fleck treat\" standard english\n4 -66 4 2 \"320,-\" standard numbers\n1 -61 31 2 \"Svi\u010dkov\u00e1 na smetan\u00e9, houskov\u00fd knedlik\" standard czech\n1 -61 4 2 \"150g\" standard numbers\n4 -61 4 2 \"185,-\" standard numbers\n1 -58 33 2 \"Fillet of beef with cream sauce, dumplings\" standard english\n1 -53 4 2 \"150g\" standard numbers\n1 -53 19 2 \"Flekovsk\u00fd gul\u00e1\u0161, knedlik\" standard czech\n4 -53 4 2 \"185,-\" standard numbers\n1 -50 24 2 \"Goulash \" U Flek\u016f \" dumplings\" standard english\n4 -46 4 2 \"185,-\" standard numbers\n1 -45 26 2 \"Vep\u0159ov\u00e1 plec, kysan\u00e9 zeli, knedlik\" standard czech\n1 -45 4 2 \"150g\" standard numbers\n1 -43 25 2 \"Roast pork, cabbage, dumplings\" standard english\n1 -38 4 2 \"150g\" standard numbers\n1 -38 29 2 \"Uzen\u00e1 krkovi\u010dka, \u010derven\u00e9 zel\u00ed, knedl\u00edk\" standard czech\n4 -38 4 2 \"185,-\" standard numbers\n1 -36 36 2 \"Smoked saddle of pork, red cabbage, dumplings\" standard english\n1 -31 4 2 \"200g\" standard numbers\n2 -31 29 3 \"Op\u00e9kan\u00e1 klob\u00e1sa, ho\u0159\u010dice, k\u0159en, pe\u010divo\" standard czech\n4 -31 4 2 \"135,-\" standard numbers\n2 -29 28 3 \"Sausage, mustard, horseradish, bread\" standard english\n4 -25 3 2 \"55,-\" standard numbers\n1 -24 4 2 \"100g\" standard numbers\n1 -24 12 2 \"Jablkov\u00fd z\u00e1vin -\" standard czech\n3 -24 7 3 \"Apple roll\" standard english\n2 -2 29 4 \"BECHEROVKA\" standard company\n"
"77 -18 10 10 \"LENNOX\" standard company\n74 -13 2 2 \"Tucher\" standard company\n79 -11 5 4 \"STEAK & SEAFOOD\" standard english\n93 -10 1 1 \"10\" standard numbers\n24 -7 13 13 \"Luther`s\" special company\n19 -3 7 8 \"CR\u00caPERIE\" standard german\n25 2 5 3 \"Kellerbier\" handwriting german\n25 2 5 3 \"Longdrinks\" standard english\n29 2 1 1 \"0,4 l\" handwriting numbers\n30 2 1 2 \"3,50\" handwriting numbers\n25 3 5 2 \"Desperados\" handwriting company\n25 3 5 2 \"Beck`s Gold\" handwriting company\n25 3 5 2 \"Beck`s Lemmon\" handwriting company\n25 3 5 4 \"Pizza\" handwriting german\n30 3 1 2 \"2,50\" handwriting numbers\n30 3 1 2 \"3,-\" handwriting numbers\n30 3 1 2 \"6,-\" handwriting numbers\n30 3 1 2 \"3,-\" handwriting numbers\n30 3 1 2 \"4,-\" handwriting numbers\n" exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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