What is the meaning for the word Aback in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Aback ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Aback in Bodo Language is : Aback (एबेक) adv. backward; behind; taken aback- सोमोनांनाय; गोमोनाय; to be surprised (I was taken aback at his behaviour). || उनथिंनिफ्राय
What is the meaning for the word Abacus in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abacus ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abacus in Bodo Language is : Abacus (एबेकास) n. a counting frame; खामफानि गोजौनि बाहागो; The upper division of the head of a pillar. || साननो थाखाय बाहायनाय आयजें
What is the meaning for the word Abandon in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abandon ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abandon in Bodo Language is : Abandon (एबाण्डन) v. t. to give up; to desert (a baby abandoned by its parents/an abandoned village) (He will never abandon hope. He urged people who smoke to abandon the habit.); abandon oneself to – गावखौ हगारना हो; to surender impulses (After the death of her husband she abandoned herself to despair). || नागार; एंगार
What is the meaning for the word Abandoned Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abandoned adj.) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abandoned Bodo Language is : Abandoned adj. very wicked; profligate; immoral. || जोबोद गाज्रि; दुथां; लमफत
What is the meaning for the word Abandonment in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abandonment ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abandonment in Bodo Language is : Abandonment (एबाण्डनमेन्थ) adj. the act of abandoning. || नागारनाय, एंगारनाय
What is the meaning for the word Abase in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abase ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abase in Bodo Language is : Abase (एबेस) v.t. to bring down; to degrade; to humiliate; to humble. abase oneself – गावखौनो हेव खालामनाय; to lower oneself in dignity. || गाहायाव लाबो; सिङाव लाबो; लाजि हो; अफमान खालाम
What is the meaning for the word Abasement in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abasement ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abasement in Bodo Language is : Abasement (एबेसमेन्थ) n. humiliation; degradation. || लाजिहोनाय एबा अफमान खालामनाय; गाहायाव लाबोनाय
What is the meaning for the word Abash in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abash ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abash in Bodo Language is : Abash (एबेश) v.t. to confuse with shame; to astound; abashed -adj. लाजिनाय आरो दद’ माद’ जानाय embarrassed and ashamed. || लाजिनानै थन्थ्र; लाजिनानै सायर’ जा
What is the meaning for the word Abashment in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abashment ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abashment in Bodo Language is : Abashment (एबेशमेन्थ) n. confusion out of shame. || लाजिनानै दद’ माद’ जानाय
What is the meaning for the word Abate in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abate ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abate in Bodo Language is : Abate (एबेट) v. to lessen; to reduce; to put an end to (The storm showed no sign of abating). (Public interest in this issue seems to have abated). || खम खालाम; बाङाय खालाम; फोजोब
What is the meaning for the word Abatement in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abatement ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abatement in Bodo Language is : Abatement (एबेटमेन्थ) n. decrease. || खम खालामनाय
What is the meaning for the word Abatis, Abattisin Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abatis, Abattis) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abatis, Abattisin Bodo Language is : Abatis, Abattis (एबाटिस) n. a defence made of felled trees. || औवा एबा काथजों बानायनाय गर, हेंग्रा
What is the meaning for the word Abattoir in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abattoir ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abattoir in Bodo Language is : Abattoir (एबाट’यार) n. a slaughter house. || कसाइखाना (दानथारग्रा जायगा)
What is the meaning for the word Abbacy in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abbacy ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abbacy in Bodo Language is : Abbacy (एबासि) n. office or tenure of an abbot. || थानसालि एबा आश्रमनि गाहाय
What is the meaning for the word Abbess in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abbess ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abbess in Bodo Language is : Abbess (ए’बेच) n. female at the head of a convent the head women of a nunnery. || थानसालि एबा आश्रमनि हिनजाव गाहाय
What is the meaning for the word Abbey in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abbey ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abbey in Bodo Language is : Abbey (एबइ) n. the church attached to a monastery. (Westminister Abbey/a ruined abbey). || आश्रम
What is the meaning for the word Abbot in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abbot ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abbot in Bodo Language is : Abbot (एब’ट) n. the male head of an abbey or monastery. || आश्रमनि हौवा गाहाय
What is the meaning for the word Abbreviate in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abbreviate ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abbreviate in Bodo Language is : Abbreviate (एब्रिभियेट) v. to shorten; to abridge; to curtail. (The abbreviated form of ‘United States America’ is ‘USA’) (I gave him an abbreviated account as there wasn’t time to tell him everything). abbreviation n. || गुसुं खालाम; सुंद’ खालाम; सुं हो; फुसुं
What is the meaning for the word Abdicate in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abdicate ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abdicate in Bodo Language is : Abdicate (एबडिकेट) v. to relinquish; to surrender; to give up or renounce an office formally or by default. (King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936.) (The party decided to abdicate from its role in the coalition government). abdication. n. || राजमासि नागार; एंगार
What is the meaning for the word Abdomen in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abdomen ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abdomen in Bodo Language is : Abdomen (एबड’मेन) n. the lower part of the belly. || अहेब
What is the meaning for the word Abduct in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abduct ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abduct in Bodo Language is : Abduct (एबडाक्ट) v. to carry a person by force; to kidnap. (The child was abducted by extremists). || बोलो एबा बोलोजों मानसि खाव; दैखार
What is the meaning for the word Abductor in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abductor ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abductor in Bodo Language is : Abductor (एबडाक्टर) n. one who abducts. || खावना लांग्रा मानसि
What is the meaning for the word Aberrate in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Aberrate ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Aberrate in Bodo Language is : Aberrate (एबारेइट) v. to wander or deviate from the right way (The Prime Minister regrets that some youths of the country are aberrating). || थार लामानिफ्राय जानगार; गाज्रि लामाथिं थां
What is the meaning for the word Aberrance, Aberrancyin Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Aberrance, Aberrancy) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Aberrance, Aberrancyin Bodo Language is : Aberrance, Aberrancy (एबारेइनस, एबारेइनसि) n. staying away from the main path; an error; fault. || गाज्रि लामाथिं थांनाय; दाय; गोरोनथि
What is the meaning for the word Aberrant in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Aberrant ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Aberrant in Bodo Language is : Aberrant (एबारेइनट) adj. (aberrant behaviour/aberrant ideas). aberrant n. थार लामानिफ्राय आनज्रायना थाग्रा; one who deviates from the right path. Aberration n. || थि नङै; आजावथावै
What is the meaning for the word Abet in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abet ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abet in Bodo Language is : Abet (एबेट) v. to help or encourage in doing wrong (abet someone in a crime.) (He was abetted in the deception by his wife). || गाज्रि खामानि मावनो थुलुंगा हो एबा हेफाजाब हो
What is the meaning for the word Abeyance in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abeyance ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abeyance in Bodo Language is : Abeyance (एबेयेन्स) n. a state of suspension; suspension for a time (Legal proceedings are being held in abeyance) (The scheme has been put in abeyance). || दोनथ’नाय, थाद’ होनाय
What is the meaning for the word Abhor in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abhor ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abhor in Bodo Language is : Abhor (एबहर) v. to hate; to detest; to dislike (He abhors cruelty to children); (abhor terrorism/terrorists). || मुगै; गाज्रि मोन
What is the meaning for the word Abide in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abide ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abide in Bodo Language is : Abide (एबाइड) v. to tolerate; to bear (I can’t abide that man). (How could you abide such unlawful conditions?); जायगायाव था; to remain or to stay in a place. (the right to enter and abide in a country); abide by फालि; मानिना सोलि; to be faithful; to act upon (We should abide by our promise) (If you join a club, you have to abide by its rules. Abiding adj. अरायथा; गोजोर; enduring; lasting (an abiding friendship/hatred/ mistrust/interest/memory). || सहाय; सै
What is the meaning for the word Abigail in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abigail ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abigail in Bodo Language is : Abigail (एबिगेल) n. a ladies maid. || गेदेमा आइजोनि बानदी
What is the meaning for the word Ability in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Ability ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Ability in Bodo Language is : Ability (एबिलिटि) n. skill; strength, the mental or physical capacity (He has the ability to solve complex technical problems) (I try to do my job to the best of my ability.); (have musical ability); (pupils of different abilities); (He was given work more suited to his abilities). || सोलो; गोहो; हारोंथाय; हालोमथि; बोलो एबा मेलेमजों मावनो हानाय
What is the meaning for the word Abjure in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abjure ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abjure in Bodo Language is : Abjure (एबजुर) v. to. renounce an oath; to repudiate (He adjured his religion). || समायखिरा लानानै एंगार
What is the meaning for the word Abkari in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abkari ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abkari in Bodo Language is : Abkari (आबकारी) n. or adj. || जौ; भां; कानि सोमोनदै एबा बेनि खाजोना
What is the meaning for the word Ablactation in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Ablactation ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Ablactation in Bodo Language is : Ablactation (एबलेकटेशन) n. the weaning of a child from the breast. || बिमानि आहार जानो एंगारनाय
What is the meaning for the word Ablation in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Ablation ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Ablation in Bodo Language is : Ablation (एबलेशन) n. removal; अस्त्र-सिकितसाजों मोदोम बोखाना गारनाय l Ablative adj. || जानगार होनाय; गोजान जाहोनाय
What is the meaning for the word Able in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Able ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Able in Bodo Language is : Able (एबल) adj. having power; having strength or means; having skill or intelligence (The child is not yet able to write.) (I was not able to lift the suitcase). (I have never been able to understand such complicated things.) (Will you be able to come tomorrow?). बोलोगोनां; आरजाथाव; skilful; fit for; competent (an able worker/the most able student in the class). || गोहोनां; मावनो हानाय; गोहो थानाय; हालोम; माबा खामानियाव आखा-फाखा
What is the meaning for the word Ably in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Ably ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Ably in Bodo Language is : Ably (एब्लि) adv. in an able manner. Able-bodied adj. healthy, fit and strong गोख्रों बोलोगोनां l || आखाफाखायै
What is the meaning for the word Ablaze in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Ablaze ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Ablaze in Bodo Language is : Ablaze (एबलेज) adj. on fire; burning (The whole building was soon well ablaze); गोजों आरो रंजालु; very bright and cheerful (The palace was ablaze with lights) (The garden was ablaze with flowers.) जोबोद जाहाबफबनाय highly excited; (His face is ablaze with anger). || जोंबाय थानाय; खामनाय गोजों
What is the meaning for the word Ablution in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Ablution ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Ablution in Bodo Language is : Ablution (एबलुशन) n. ceremonial washing of the body, hands (Perform your ablution before entering the temple). || सिबिनो, खुलुमनो दुगैनाय; गोथार जानो आथिं मोदोम सुनाय
What is the meaning for the word Abnegate in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abnegate ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abnegate in Bodo Language is : Abnegate (एबनिगेट) v. to renounce. (I have abnegated all my rights to the property). self-abnegation n. गावखौ नागारसारनाय; जायखि जाया गोथार खामानियाव गावखौ बावसोमनाय; self-sacrifice; renunciation. || नागार; एंगार
What is the meaning for the word Abnormal in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abnormal ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abnormal in Bodo Language is : Abnormal (एबनरमेल) adj. irrigular; exceptional. (abnormal behaviour/ abnormal weather conditions/an abnormal friendship.) (be physically/mentally abnormal). abnormality n. abnormally adv. (abnormally large feet.) || नेमजों आरजायै; असदा; सरासनस्रा नङै
What is the meaning for the word Abode in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abode ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abode in Bodo Language is : Abode (एब’ड) n. a dwelling place (We pray to the Almighty for the peaceful heavenly abode of the departed souls). || थाग्रा जायगा; थावनि
What is the meaning for the word Abolish in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abolish ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abolish in Bodo Language is : Abolish (एब’लिश) v. to annul; to put an end to; to end the existence of a law (The capital punishment should be abolished). || गैया खालाम; बोखार
What is the meaning for the word Abolition in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abolition ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abolition in Bodo Language is : Abolition (एब’लिशन) n. (campaigns for the abolition of slavery/ hanging vivisection). || फोजोबनाय खामानि; बोखारनाय खामानि
What is the meaning for the word Abolitionist in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abolitionist ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abolitionist in Bodo Language is : Abolitionist (एब’लिश’निस्थ) a person who favours the abolition of something. || बोखारनायखौ मदद होग्रा मानसि
What is the meaning for the word Abominate in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abominate ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abominate in Bodo Language is : Abominate (एब’मिनेट) v. to abhor; to hate; to detest. (I abominate wine). (1 abominate his behaviour). || मुगै; जोबोद गाज्रिमोन; सुखुवै मोन
What is the meaning for the word Abominable in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abominable ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abominable in Bodo Language is : Abominable (एब’मिनेबल) adj. hateful (an abominable behaviour/an abominable crime); जोबोद गाज्रि एबा सुखुवै; very bad or unpleasant (abominable weather/abominable food/abominable music/abominable people). || मुगैथाव
What is the meaning for the word Aboriginal in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Aboriginal ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Aboriginal in Bodo Language is : Aboriginal (एब’रिजिनेल) adj. primitive; earliest; indigenous. (The Bodos are the aboriginal tribe of Assam). || गुदि; थागिरि; गोदो गोदायनिफ्राय थानाय; थागिबि; आदिबासी
What is the meaning for the word Abort in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abort ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abort in Bodo Language is : Abort (एबर्ट) v. to cause a pregnancy to end early in order to prevent the baby from developing and being born alive; to miscarry in birth. (In this age-group more than half of all pregnancies are aborted). Abortion n. || उदै सिंआव गथ’ थानायखौ सिथार एबा फोथै एबा होबथा
What is the meaning for the word Abortive in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abortive ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abortive in Bodo Language is : Abortive (एब’रटिभ) adj. unsuccessful; fruitless (an abortive attempt/ an abortive mission/plans that proved abortive). Abortively adv. || फेलें जानाय, देरहानो हायै, फिथाइ गैयै
What is the meaning for the word Abound in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abound ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abound in Bodo Language is : Abound (एबाउण्ड) v. to be in plenty (The sea abounds with fish). || गोबां जा; उसिफाव
What is the meaning for the word About in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (About ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word About in Bodo Language is : About (एबाउट) prep. concerning sth/sb. (Tell me about it). (He is very careful about his personal appearance). सोरगिदिं; around (He looked about for help). || सोमोनदै
What is the meaning for the word About in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (About ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word About in Bodo Language is : About (एबाउट) adv. almost; nearly (about a mile/about ten rupees); about to die= थैहां थैहां । || प्राय; खमआनो
What is the meaning for the word Above in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Above ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Above in Bodo Language is : Above (एबभ) prep. higher than (We were flying above the clouds), (Applicant must be above the age of 18) Above-mentioned - गोजौआव मुंख’नाय l || गोजौआव; सायाव
What is the meaning for the word Abrade in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abrade ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abrade in Bodo Language is : Abrade (एब्रेड) v. to rub or scrape; हुनानै जामख्ल’ हो. to grate (She abrades carrot into fine powder). || हुथ्रुद
What is the meaning for the word Abrasion in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abrasion ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abrasion in Bodo Language is : Abrasion (एब्रेश्यन) n. rubbing, scrapping or swearing off (an abrasion of the skin.) (suffer cuts and abrasion.) abrasive adj. हुथ्रुदनानै जामख्ल’ होनो हानाय; that can scrape or rub something rough. (abrasive substances/abrasive materials). गुबुननि गोसोआव दुखु होनाय; खाब्रां आरो सुथा लाग्रा; tending to hurt other people’s feelings; harsh and offensive (an abrasive person/an abrasive personality/an abrasive tone of voice). Abrasively adv. || हुनाय; हुथ्रुदनायाव बिगुर दुलुननाय
What is the meaning for the word Abreast in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abreast ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abreast in Bodo Language is : Abreast (एब्रेस्ट) adv. side by side. (The boat came abreast of us and signalled us to stop.) Keep Abreast of बावैसो नि रादाब, साननाय आरो जौगानायनि फारसे अराय सांग्रां जा; to remain always aware of the latest news, ideas, developments etc. (Reading the papers keeps me abreast of current affairs). || सारि सारियै; नांजाब नांजाबै
What is the meaning for the word Abridge in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abridge ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abridge in Bodo Language is : Abridge (एब्रिज) v. to shorten; to make brief (an abridged edition/an abridged version of ‘War and Peace’) Abridgement n. || गुसुं खालाम; खानदा खालाम; सुंद’ खालाम
What is the meaning for the word Abroad in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abroad ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abroad in Bodo Language is : Abroad (एब्रड) adv. out of doors; in a foreign country. (Visitors come from abroad). || न’निफ्राय बायजोआव; गुबुन हादोराव
What is the meaning for the word Abrogate in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abrogate ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abrogate in Bodo Language is : Abrogate (एब्रगेट) v.t. to repeal; to cancel or abolish (used in law.) (abrogate a law/custom/treaty). Abrogation n. || बोखार; गैया खालाम (आइनाव बाहायो)
What is the meaning for the word Abrupt in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abrupt ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abrupt in Bodo Language is : Abrupt (एब्राप्ट) adj. sudden; unexpected (The road is full of abrupt turns) (an abrupt ending/change/departure.) abruptly adv. (The interview ended abruptly) Abruptness n. || हरखाब; दहमै
What is the meaning for the word Abscess in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abscess ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abscess in Bodo Language is : Abscess (एबसेस) n. a boil; an inflamed swelling. || गुगला; सिथर; नारेंगा
What is the meaning for the word Abscond in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abscond ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abscond in Bodo Language is : Abscond (एबस्कण्ड) v. to flee away; to hide oneself (The smuggler absconded from the country). || खारखोमा; थाखोमा
What is the meaning for the word Absconder in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Absconder ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Absconder in Bodo Language is : Absconder (एबस्कण्डार) n. one who absconds. || खारखोमाग्रा; दायनिगिरि
What is the meaning for the word Absence in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Absence ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Absence in Bodo Language is : Absence (एबसेन्स) n. the state of being away. || हाजिर थायै अबस्था
What is the meaning for the word Absent in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Absent ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Absent in Bodo Language is : Absent (एबेसेन्ट) adj. not present; being away (He was absent from school/meeting/work.) –v. हाजिर थायै; गोजानाव था; to keep away (He deliberately absented himself from the meeting). || हाजिरथायै; नुजाथियै
What is the meaning for the word Absent in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Absent ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Absent in Bodo Language is : Absent (एबसेन्ट) adj. not existing; lacking; missing (Love was totally absent from his childhood). || गोमानाय; आंखाल जानाय
What is the meaning for the word Absentminded in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Absentminded ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Absentminded in Bodo Language is : Absentminded (एबसेन्टमाइनडेद) adj. not concentrating; tending to forget things (become absent-minded with age). || गोसो फज’नो हायै; मुवाफोरखौ बावनाय
What is the meaning for the word Absentee in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Absentee ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Absentee in Bodo Language is : Absentee (एबसेन्थि) n. one who absents himself. || नुजाथिनो एबा हाजिर थानो हायै मानसि; नुजायैसा
What is the meaning for the word Absolute in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Absolute ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Absolute in Bodo Language is : Absolute (एब-सलिउट) adj.; complete; undoubted; total (have absolute trust in a person/tell the absolute truth) (absolute ignorance/silence.) (The darkness was absolute. He is an absolute fool). थार; थि; certain; definite (It’s an absolute fact). सिमा गैया जासे एबा हेथा गैया जासे; without limit or restriction (absolute authority/power.) absolute majority= बिसायखथियाव गासै बेरेखा हानजाफोरनिख्रुइ बांसिन अनजिमा मोननाय; गासै भटनि खावसेनिख्रुइबो बांसिन a majority over all rivals combined; more than half of the total votes (The Socialists won/gained an absolute majority). Absolutely adv. फुरायै; गासैबो; completely; totally. (absolutely impossible) (Let me make the position absolutely clear). थारैनो; Certainly (Don’t you agree ?’ ‘oh absolutely !’) || फुरा; सनदेह गोयै
What is the meaning for the word Absolution in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Absolution ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Absolution in Bodo Language is : Absolution (एबसलुशन) n. release; remission of sins (grant somebody absolution). || मुक्ति मोननाय, गोथार जानाय
What is the meaning for the word Absolve in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Absolve ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Absolve in Bodo Language is : Absolve (एबजलभ) v. to release; to pardon (He was absolved from the responsibilities). || उदां खालाम; निमाहा हो
What is the meaning for the word Absorb in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Absorb ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Absorb in Bodo Language is : Absorb (एबजर्ब) v. to suck in (blotting paper absorbs ink.); गोसो होथाब; to engage wholly (He is absorbed in his study). absorbing adj. गोसोखौ हमथाना लानो हानाय; जोबोर रंजाथाव; holding the attention fully; extremely interesting (an absorbing film). || सोबखां
What is the meaning for the word Absorption in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Absorption ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Absorption in Bodo Language is : Absorption (एबजर्बशन) n. (rapid absorption of water/ better shock absorption.) (His work suffered because of his total absorption in sport). || सोबखांना लानाय; गोसो होथाबनाय;
What is the meaning for the word Abstain in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abstain ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abstain in Bodo Language is : Abstain (एब्स्टेइन) v. to refrain from (At the last election he abstained from voting. He has been advised to abstain from alcohol). Abstainer n. गोजानाव थाग्रा; a person who abstains from. Abstinence n. गोजानाव थानाय; नागारनाय l || गोजानाव था
What is the meaning for the word Abstemious in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abstemious ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abstemious in Bodo Language is : Abstemious (एबस्टिमियाच) adj. not taking much food or drink; हमथानानै सोलिग्रा; temperate; moderate (an abstemious person/abstemious habit). || थि आदार जानाय
What is the meaning for the word Abstract in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abstract ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abstract in Bodo Language is : Abstract (एबस्ट्रेक्ट) adj. existing in the mind only (opposite of concrete) (We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract) (He has some abstract notion of wanting to change the world). Abstract noun n. गुन दिन्थिग्रा मुंमा l || गोसोआवल’ सानना लानाय
What is the meaning for the word Abstract in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abstract ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abstract in Bodo Language is : Abstract (एब्स्ट्रेक्ट) n. summary. (It is an abstract of his lecture) v. जुदा खालाम, सेबना दिहुन; to separate; to draw from. (Two other points must be abstracted from the arguments) Abstraction n. Abstractedly adv. || गुबै बाथ्रा
What is the meaning for the word Abstruse in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abstruse ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abstruse in Bodo Language is : Abstruse (एबस्ट्रास) adj. difficult to understand; not clear (It is abstruse topic). || बुजिनो गोब्राब; रोखा नङै
What is the meaning for the word Absurd in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Absurd ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Absurd in Bodo Language is : Absurd (एबसार्द) adj. unreasonable; ridiculous (What an absurd idea!) (That uniform makes them look absurd) Absurdity n. Absurdly adv. || आर जायै; बान गैयै, मिनिथाव
What is the meaning for the word Abundance in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abundance ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abundance in Bodo Language is : Abundance (एबाण्डेन्स) n. plenty; excess (There was good food in abundance). || गोबां; मेरला; एग्रे बाग्रे
What is the meaning for the word Abundant in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abundant ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abundant in Bodo Language is : Abundant (एबाण्डेन्ट) adj. (an abundant supply of food). (Fish are abundant in the lake.) (We have abundant proof of his guilt). Abundantly adv. (He has made his views abundantly clear). || गोबां
What is the meaning for the word Abuse in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abuse ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abuse in Bodo Language is : Abuse (एबिउज) v.t. to revile; to rebuke; to illuse (The father abused his sons for their misbehaviour). Abusive adj. खाब्रां; राखां; रायनाय गोनां; cursing; containing abuse (Don’t use abusive language to your neighbours). || राय; सोंखारि; खाब्रां-खाब्रां बुं; गाज्रि बाहाय; बखि
What is the meaning for the word Abut in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abut ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abut in Bodo Language is : Abut (एबाट) v.t. to border on (The building abuts on the temple). || सिमायाव था; खाथियाव था
What is the meaning for the word Abysmal in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abysmal ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abysmal in Bodo Language is : Abysmal (एबिस्मेल) adj. extremely bad (He is living in abysmal conditions. His manners are abysmal) Abysmally adv. || जोबोर गाज्रि
What is the meaning for the word Abyss in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Abyss ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Abyss in Bodo Language is : Abyss (एबिस) n. a bottomless dept. जोबनो गैयै; endless; (When his wife left him, he fell into an abyss of loneliness). || थालागैयै गोथौ हाखर
What is the meaning for the word Academy in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Academy ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Academy in Bodo Language is : Academy (एकाडेमि) n. a school of arts and science (an academy of music / a naval academy) Academic adj. (the academic year / the academic life) Academical adj. academically adv. || आरिमु, बिगियान बायदि सोलोंथाय होनाय सोलोंसालि; फरायसालि, कलेज, भुमफरायसालि सोमोनदै
What is the meaning for the word Accede in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Accede ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Accede in Bodo Language is : Accede (एकसीड) v. t. to assist; to agree to a request or proposal. (She will not accede to my request); to succeed (Queen Victoria acceded to the throne in 1837). || राजि जा; मानि; गोजौ मासि ला; राजउलाफादआव गाखो
What is the meaning for the word Accelerate in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Accelerate ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Accelerate in Bodo Language is : Accelerate (एकसिलारेट) v. to move faster; to increase the speed of (Our bus accelerated to overtake them). || खारथायखौ बांहो; खारथाय बारा खालाम
What is the meaning for the word Acceleration in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Acceleration ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Acceleration in Bodo Language is : Acceleration (एकसिलारेशन) n. increase of speed (an acceleration in the rate of economic growth). || खारथाय बांनाय
What is the meaning for the word Accelerative in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Accelerative ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Accelerative in Bodo Language is : Accelerative (एकसिलारेटिब) adj. || खारथाय बांहोनो हानाय
What is the meaning for the word Accelerator in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Accelerator ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Accelerator in Bodo Language is : Accelerator (एक्सिलारेटर) n. a device for increasing speed. || खारथायखौ बांहोग्रा मोनसे सोलो
What is the meaning for the word Accent in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Accent ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Accent in Bodo Language is : Accent (एकसेन्ट) n. stress on a syllable or word (In the word ‘today’ the accent is on the second syllable). (He speaks Assamese with Bengali accent). || रिंसार बोनायाव सोदोबनि जायखिजाया बाहागोआव नारसिननाय; बाथ्रानि खोनदोफोरनि सायाव गोबारै नारसिननाय गारां; बिब्दि नारसिननाय फोरमायनो थाखाय बाहायनाय सिन
What is the meaning for the word Accentuate in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Accentuate ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Accentuate in Bodo Language is : Accentuate (एक्चेन्चुवेट) v. to emphasise; to mark, pronounce with accent Accentuation n. Accentual adj. || नारसिननानै (ज’रहोनानै) रिंसार खालाम; रिंसार नि सिन हो
What is the meaning for the word Accept in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Accept ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Accept in Bodo Language is : Accept (एकचेप्ट) v. to receive; to agree to take (She accepted my gift). (The prisoner accepted the judge’s decision). || नाजाव; गनायना ला
What is the meaning for the word Acceptable in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Acceptable ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Acceptable in Bodo Language is : Acceptable (एकचेप्टटेबल) adj. (Is the proposal acceptable to you ?). || गनायथाव; नाजावथाव
What is the meaning for the word Acceptance in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Acceptance ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Acceptance in Bodo Language is : Acceptance (एकचेप्टटेन्स) n. || नाजावनाय; लानाय
What is the meaning for the word Acceptability in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Acceptability ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Acceptability in Bodo Language is : Acceptability (एकचेप्टटेबिलिटि) n. the quality of being acceptable. acceptor n. || नाजावथावनाय; जाय नाजावना लायो
What is the meaning for the word Access in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Access ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Access in Bodo Language is : Access (एक्चेच) n. means of entering; a way in; (Journalists were denied access to the president). || ओंखारनाय एबा मोनहैनाय लामा; हाबनाय आरो ओंखारनायनि मोनथाय
What is the meaning for the word Accessible in Bodo Language
Translate the given word (Accessible ) to Bodo Language Which is the Language of Assam a Indian State
Meaning of Word Accessible in Bodo Language is : Accessible (एक्चेचेसिबल) adj. (The place is not accessible by motor car); easy to understand (Her poetry is always very accessible). || गोरलैयै मोनहैनो हाथाव एबा हाबनो हाथाव; खाथियाव साफिनो हाथाव; बुजिमोननायाव गोरलै exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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