2 values
race war in south africa : white students attacked with rocks and bricks at university | more :
Target: none Post: race war in south africa : white students attacked with rocks and bricks at university | more :
normal <SEP> none
remember the man who formed pb gavin mcinnes is alt lite & not interested in saving whites
Target: Caucasian Post: remember the man who formed pb gavin mcinnes is alt lite & not interested in saving whites
normal <SEP> none
if you access donate ! we need #altright media
Target: none Post: if you access donate ! we need #altright media
normal <SEP> none
as gregory hood wrote in his latest article on the british government is at least as oppressive as the soviet union or any of the people's republics .
Target: Other Post: as gregory hood wrote in his latest article on the british government is at least as oppressive as the soviet union or any of the people's republics .
normal <SEP> none
if we dont let muslims into america theyll kill us & why would we want ppl who say they'll kill us to come here ?
Target: Islam Post: if we dont let muslims into america theyll kill us & why would we want ppl who say they'll kill us to come here ?
Muslims are devoted to killing Americans.
hate <SEP> Muslims are devoted to killing Americans.
. in other words " we need to keep brainwahsing whites to accept their destruction . " " #istandfordiversity "
Target: Caucasian Post: . in other words " we need to keep brainwahsing whites to accept their destruction . " " #istandfordiversity "
normal <SEP> none
there are movements in spain / italy / greece just like ie . they are white countries doesn't mean everyone in them are white . european = white .
Target: Caucasian Post: there are movements in spain / italy / greece just like ie . they are white countries doesn't mean everyone in them are white . european = white .
normal <SEP> none
hun i grew up in 90 % white america . whites did all the agricultural jobs until hispanics came in the 80s .
Target: Hispanic Post: hun i grew up in 90 % white america . whites did all the agricultural jobs until hispanics came in the 80s .
normal <SEP> none
i heard thereare no white people in africa you should go there .
Target: African, Caucasian Post: i heard thereare no white people in africa you should go there .
Blacks hate whites
hate <SEP> Blacks hate whites
captain bennett ' perhaps southern ' is the proof that there are gis " mainly in us army and navy it would seem ' able to think to have the heart for the people victims of the wars caused by their bosses in washington new york and brussels "
Target: Homosexual, Other Post: captain bennett ' perhaps southern ' is the proof that there are gis " mainly in us army and navy it would seem ' able to think to have the heart for the people victims of the wars caused by their bosses in washington new york and brussels "
normal <SEP> none
since #charlottesville national review is the new huff post huff post is the new antifa times . estab
Target: none Post: since #charlottesville national review is the new huff post huff post is the new antifa times . estab
normal <SEP> none
as soon as a white person advocates for their people they are immediately branded an evil racist . it must change .
Target: Caucasian Post: as soon as a white person advocates for their people they are immediately branded an evil racist . it must change .
White people are racist.
hate <SEP> White people are racist.
no jew carved this sculpture and no jew drew that picture . #pornography is at the heart of the white man's society and #arrogantamerica .
Target: Caucasian, Jewish Post: no jew carved this sculpture and no jew drew that picture . #pornography is at the heart of the white man's society and #arrogantamerica .
Whites are sexual deviants
hate <SEP> Whites are sexual deviants
seriously doubt you want me to start linking violence by #antifa .
Target: none Post: seriously doubt you want me to start linking violence by #antifa .
normal <SEP> none
i'd bet everything i own that you have never once called out another group on this . you are anti-white got called out and are deflecting .
Target: Caucasian Post: i'd bet everything i own that you have never once called out another group on this . you are anti-white got called out and are deflecting .
normal <SEP> none
: all-white town fights to preserve segregation in the anti-white new south africa
Target: none Post: : all-white town fights to preserve segregation in the anti-white new south africa
White people don't like to mix with other races.
hate <SEP> White people don't like to mix with other races.
obama receiving a nobel prize reduced that award to meaningless hunk of lead !
Target: none Post: obama receiving a nobel prize reduced that award to meaningless hunk of lead !
Liberals are not deserving of awards
hate <SEP> Liberals are not deserving of awards
by that logic the united states police should go kill all the white heroi
Target: Caucasian Post: by that logic the united states police should go kill all the white heroi
police kill blacks
hate <SEP> police kill blacks
why do we let jews control our society frame every issue & dictate our historical and political paradigms ? #questionsineedanswersto
Target: Jewish Post: why do we let jews control our society frame every issue & dictate our historical and political paradigms ? #questionsineedanswersto
Jews shouldn't be in charge of anything.
hate <SEP> Jews shouldn't be in charge of anything.
being gay is a crime in all muslim countries ; 9 punish with death penalty
Target: Homosexual, Islam Post: being gay is a crime in all muslim countries ; 9 punish with death penalty
normal <SEP> none
the people leading the eu like chancellor merkel and are white gentiles . also people like
Target: Caucasian, Men, Women Post: the people leading the eu like chancellor merkel and are white gentiles . also people like
normal <SEP> none
- over 250 swedish white nationalists march in stockholm ( video )
Target: Caucasian Post: - over 250 swedish white nationalists march in stockholm ( video )
normal <SEP> none
anyone white that isn't anti - white & against #white genocide is " too racist . " " "
Target: Caucasian Post: anyone white that isn't anti - white & against #white genocide is " too racist . " " "
Non-whites don't like white people.
hate <SEP> Non-whites don't like white people.
Killing communists is self defense... and also one of the manliest things a man can do.
Target: Men, Other, Women Post: Killing communists is self defense... and also one of the manliest things a man can do.
Immigrants should be killed
hate <SEP> Immigrants should be killed
listen : #obamacare and it's damage to america with and live from rome #humanum
Target: Other Post: listen : #obamacare and it's damage to america with and live from rome #humanum
normal <SEP> none
this is a must-see exchange between jared taylor ( a great advocate for white people ) and a muslim woman who wants to see white dispossession
Target: Caucasian, Islam, Women Post: this is a must-see exchange between jared taylor ( a great advocate for white people ) and a muslim woman who wants to see white dispossession
normal <SEP> none
dude you are awesome . not racist at all
Target: none Post: dude you are awesome . not racist at all
normal <SEP> none
trump is a moderate . we need more ruthless people in congress . trump won't even put a immigration ban on right now ! sad !
Target: Refugee Post: trump is a moderate . we need more ruthless people in congress . trump won't even put a immigration ban on right now ! sad !
normal <SEP> none
at least you weren't on the " lite " " list yuck . pretty sure they listed the " " lites " " just so they'll att "
Target: none Post: at least you weren't on the " lite " " list yuck . pretty sure they listed the " " lites " " just so they'll att "
normal <SEP> none
: cuckservatives : blame #nevertrump via
Target: none Post: : cuckservatives : blame #nevertrump via
normal <SEP> none
they need to take their 3rd world asses back to where they came from & take that f@#%king allah with them!
Target: Arab, Islam Post: they need to take their 3rd world asses back to where they came from & take that f@#%king allah with them!
Muslims live in 3rd world countries
hate <SEP> Muslims live in 3rd world countries
i mean they're white !
Target: Caucasian Post: i mean they're white !
normal <SEP> none
religion of peace adherents .
Target: none Post: religion of peace adherents .
normal <SEP> none
hey we're r the white girls
Target: Caucasian, Women Post: hey we're r the white girls
normal <SEP> none
throw your christian values away bcuz trump policy is priority says gary bauer hatred whatever #votersvalues
Target: Christian Post: throw your christian values away bcuz trump policy is priority says gary bauer hatred whatever #votersvalues
normal <SEP> none
the truth hurts ? french euro mp sidelined after france is a #white race remark . #racerealism #race
Target: Caucasian Post: the truth hurts ? french euro mp sidelined after france is a #white race remark . #racerealism #race
normal <SEP> none
" white privilege conference " " says resisting jihad is racist bashes robert spencer and pamela geller - - we respond "
Target: none Post: " white privilege conference " " says resisting jihad is racist bashes robert spencer and pamela geller - - we respond "
White people are privileged.
hate <SEP> White people are privileged.
: uk : racist black man punches pregnant white girl in stomach as onlookers watch in horror
Target: African, Caucasian Post: : uk : racist black man punches pregnant white girl in stomach as onlookers watch in horror
Black people are racist and violent.
hate <SEP> Black people are racist and violent.
" told you to boycott that anti-white dreck . here read some . " " "
Target: Caucasian Post: " told you to boycott that anti-white dreck . here read some . " " "
normal <SEP> none
berkeley's bazian on #paris attacks : it's the #islamophobia stupid ! #tcot #teaparty
Target: Islam Post: berkeley's bazian on #paris attacks : it's the #islamophobia stupid ! #tcot #teaparty
normal <SEP> none
nationalism is all well & good in israel yet jews demand open borders forced multiculturalism etc in the west #hypocrisymuch
Target: Jewish Post: nationalism is all well & good in israel yet jews demand open borders forced multiculturalism etc in the west #hypocrisymuch
Jews hold double standards.
hate <SEP> Jews hold double standards.
rt : please join us : " planned parenthood : the hidden harvest " " anchored by on friday 9/4 10pm et "
Target: none Post: rt : please join us : " planned parenthood : the hidden harvest " " anchored by on friday 9/4 10pm et "
normal <SEP> none
ok you go first ... then i get all the left overs while they chase you out the front door !
Target: none Post: ok you go first ... then i get all the left overs while they chase you out the front door !
normal <SEP> none
jewish activist on tv show says " low white birth rate a good thing " " | read more : via "
Target: Jewish Post: jewish activist on tv show says " low white birth rate a good thing " " | read more : via "
Jewish people don't like white people.
hate <SEP> Jewish people don't like white people.
kriegsmarine u-boat found with ship it sank off north carolina | more : via
Target: none Post: kriegsmarine u-boat found with ship it sank off north carolina | more : via
normal <SEP> none
it is not just anti-white it is anti-american . stop trying to make hate acceptable un
Target: Caucasian Post: it is not just anti-white it is anti-american . stop trying to make hate acceptable un
normal <SEP> none
rt splc's mark potok : donald trump is a " racist " " has " " white nationalist positions " " via #splc #trump2016 "
Target: Caucasian Post: rt splc's mark potok : donald trump is a " racist " " has " " white nationalist positions " " via #splc #trump2016 "
normal <SEP> none
more poor uneducated to house clothe educate and feed! america is going bankrupt feeding the world!
Target: Other Post: more poor uneducated to house clothe educate and feed! america is going bankrupt feeding the world!
Immigrants are poor and uneducated
hate <SEP> Immigrants are poor and uneducated
then you must be a white supremacist according to #fakenews
Target: Caucasian Post: then you must be a white supremacist according to #fakenews
normal <SEP> none
this is not a real country anymore. its a multiracial, polyglot slop heap where we get milked to support our replacements. #katesteinle
Target: African, Arab, Hispanic, Refugee Post: this is not a real country anymore. its a multiracial, polyglot slop heap where we get milked to support our replacements. #katesteinle
Immigrants should be deported
hate <SEP> Immigrants should be deported
eh you are kind of black pilling people . toss in a white pill and mention that we the people themselve
Target: African, Caucasian Post: eh you are kind of black pilling people . toss in a white pill and mention that we the people themselve
normal <SEP> none
because they're anti-white . they have hatred for our whiteness . because they see a rise in white identity and whites shedding their guilt .
Target: Caucasian Post: because they're anti-white . they have hatred for our whiteness . because they see a rise in white identity and whites shedding their guilt .
Minorities promote white guilt
hate <SEP> Minorities promote white guilt
more than half of trumps retweets are white supremacists praising him via
Target: Caucasian Post: more than half of trumps retweets are white supremacists praising him via
normal <SEP> none
: on these documents which have not been denied and in which over 5 years continuously he types himself as british citizen !
Target: none Post: : on these documents which have not been denied and in which over 5 years continuously he types himself as british citizen !
normal <SEP> none
both his parents listed on his birth certificate are white so unless you know something i don't know he's white
Target: Caucasian Post: both his parents listed on his birth certificate are white so unless you know something i don't know he's white
normal <SEP> none
collective exhale after high court announcement #neilgorsuch
Target: none Post: collective exhale after high court announcement #neilgorsuch
normal <SEP> none
what ever happens the alt-right will always win !
Target: none Post: what ever happens the alt-right will always win !
normal <SEP> none
why cant you clean the yamuna ? i asked an engineer of the delhi jal board ( djb ) . a complex issue sir ... all ...
Target: none Post: why cant you clean the yamuna ? i asked an engineer of the delhi jal board ( djb ) . a complex issue sir ... all ...
normal <SEP> none
hunter is on the front lines and is very down to earth . has a very common sense approach
Target: none Post: hunter is on the front lines and is very down to earth . has a very common sense approach
normal <SEP> none
actually impressed that they accurately described him as a white nationalist rather than a white supremacist .
Target: Caucasian Post: actually impressed that they accurately described him as a white nationalist rather than a white supremacist .
normal <SEP> none
your a white malewhos whiteand a malestop talking like ur a non-white maleyou white male
Target: Caucasian, Men Post: your a white malewhos whiteand a malestop talking like ur a non-white maleyou white male
normal <SEP> none
ritual muti killings is a way of life in rural areas of black south africa | more :
Target: African Post: ritual muti killings is a way of life in rural areas of black south africa | more :
normal <SEP> none
uhm do i have to remind you white people came from europe ?
Target: Caucasian Post: uhm do i have to remind you white people came from europe ?
normal <SEP> none
why #hindumassmurder ? bcoz hindus worship leaders like gandhiji.congress imports 40000 #rohingyas & 2cr bangladeshis 2 destroy hindus .
Target: Hindu, Hispanic, Refugee Post: why #hindumassmurder ? bcoz hindus worship leaders like gandhiji.congress imports 40000 #rohingyas & 2cr bangladeshis 2 destroy hindus .
Immigrants are invaders
hate <SEP> Immigrants are invaders
a reminder of what black people think about you white man
Target: African, Caucasian Post: a reminder of what black people think about you white man
Black people are racist
hate <SEP> Black people are racist
all you're giving me are examples of other white nationalists or their ove
Target: Caucasian Post: all you're giving me are examples of other white nationalists or their ove
normal <SEP> none
let's see the media show this like they did christie's face from super tuesday over and over again . they won't .
Target: none Post: let's see the media show this like they did christie's face from super tuesday over and over again . they won't .
normal <SEP> none
as far as we know suspect is local and fayetteville is not close to las vegas . what people ar
Target: none Post: as far as we know suspect is local and fayetteville is not close to las vegas . what people ar
normal <SEP> none
the high risk pakistan visit of shri is not to the liking of nationalist citizens pm's security is most important
Target: none Post: the high risk pakistan visit of shri is not to the liking of nationalist citizens pm's security is most important
normal <SEP> none
they eat white babies too
Target: Caucasian Post: they eat white babies too
Minorities are vicious
hate <SEP> Minorities are vicious
a look back : #scotus unanimously ( 9-0 ) gives alliance defending freedom our clients and religious americans victory
Target: none Post: a look back : #scotus unanimously ( 9-0 ) gives alliance defending freedom our clients and religious americans victory
normal <SEP> none
. can a jew join ? i am white green eyes and like your white trash blond south american girls .
Target: Caucasian, Jewish, Women Post: . can a jew join ? i am white green eyes and like your white trash blond south american girls .
White people are trash.
hate <SEP> White people are trash.
but there are selfish pimps in bjp who are abusing
Target: Men, Women Post: but there are selfish pimps in bjp who are abusing
normal <SEP> none
nope the uk i'm from was all white different sub groups of white but still homogenous white are achievements are white .
Target: Caucasian Post: nope the uk i'm from was all white different sub groups of white but still homogenous white are achievements are white .
non-white people are unaccomplished
hate <SEP> non-white people are unaccomplished
john friend's blog : " homeland security " " : a jewish racket "
Target: Jewish Post: john friend's blog : " homeland security " " : a jewish racket "
Jewish people control the government
hate <SEP> Jewish people control the government
they are on this white privilege and supremacy kick again
Target: Caucasian Post: they are on this white privilege and supremacy kick again
normal <SEP> none
cuckservatives : mlk conservatives eschew white identity politics via #gop #waronwhites
Target: Caucasian Post: cuckservatives : mlk conservatives eschew white identity politics via #gop #waronwhites
normal <SEP> none
women and white nationalism redux : does the white nationalist movement need to include women ? weve discussed ...
Target: Caucasian, Women Post: women and white nationalism redux : does the white nationalist movement need to include women ? weve discussed ...
normal <SEP> none
if you molest little boys as speaker of the house while touting your " family values " " you might be a #cuckservative "
Target: none Post: if you molest little boys as speaker of the house while touting your " family values " " you might be a #cuckservative "
normal <SEP> none
president trumo paid a higher tax rate than obama . democrats you are beyond stupid and petty !
Target: Other Post: president trumo paid a higher tax rate than obama . democrats you are beyond stupid and petty !
normal <SEP> none
: liberals claim to hate guns and russia but use both to hurt kill and corrupt fellow americans . dumbocrats are evil hyp
Target: Caucasian, Other Post: : liberals claim to hate guns and russia but use both to hurt kill and corrupt fellow americans . dumbocrats are evil hyp
normal <SEP> none
i'm yeshivite jew . we get the significance . mohammed and his followers were paganists .
Target: Jewish Post: i'm yeshivite jew . we get the significance . mohammed and his followers were paganists .
normal <SEP> none
of course they are all white.and guess who they don't want in their counties ? ... mexicans ! can't he more racist than that .
Target: Caucasian, Hispanic Post: of course they are all white.and guess who they don't want in their counties ? ... mexicans ! can't he more racist than that .
normal <SEP> none
buh bye deplorable, no time for rancids.
Target: none Post: buh bye deplorable, no time for rancids.
Rancids are deplorable.
hate <SEP> Rancids are deplorable.
army to fight ' white privilege ' : via
Target: none Post: army to fight ' white privilege ' : via
normal <SEP> none
i dont take light 2 people disrespecting white history as i wouldnt disrespect the history of any race tho . we all at one point were slaves .
Target: Caucasian Post: i dont take light 2 people disrespecting white history as i wouldnt disrespect the history of any race tho . we all at one point were slaves .
normal <SEP> none
via : uk muslim leader : muslims should humiliate christians so theyll convert to islam #tcot
Target: Islam Post: via : uk muslim leader : muslims should humiliate christians so theyll convert to islam #tcot
Muslims don't like Christians.
hate <SEP> Muslims don't like Christians.
video : nbc news special report on rising white american " hate groups " " via "
Target: Caucasian Post: video : nbc news special report on rising white american " hate groups " " via "
normal <SEP> none
and white brits were actually the 1st slaves in america . history ppl ! history !
Target: Caucasian Post: and white brits were actually the 1st slaves in america . history ppl ! history !
normal <SEP> none
sanctioned?!? deported, then finally shipped out to a remote island for repeated offenses. *lol* #endtheinvasion
Target: Refugee Post: sanctioned?!? deported, then finally shipped out to a remote island for repeated offenses. *lol* #endtheinvasion
Immigrants should be deported
hate <SEP> Immigrants should be deported
let's be blunt . any arab muslim found to be circulating isis propaganda should be deported immediately . it's brutal but we are at war ! #tcot
Target: Arab, Islam Post: let's be blunt . any arab muslim found to be circulating isis propaganda should be deported immediately . it's brutal but we are at war ! #tcot
Arabian Muslims are bad.
hate <SEP> Arabian Muslims are bad.
live : advani keen to become ls speaker ; rajnath too may join modi govt
Target: none Post: live : advani keen to become ls speaker ; rajnath too may join modi govt
normal <SEP> none
hate crimes are a joke ... its a one way street against white people
Target: Caucasian Post: hate crimes are a joke ... its a one way street against white people
Minorities hold double standards for whites
hate <SEP> Minorities hold double standards for whites
the unstable alliance of nationalists and mainly jewish oligarchs in the ukraine
Target: Jewish Post: the unstable alliance of nationalists and mainly jewish oligarchs in the ukraine
normal <SEP> none
black shareholders now ask : why don't you appoint a local black ceo if foreign ( non-racist ) whites can't do the job ? :-)
Target: African, Caucasian Post: black shareholders now ask : why don't you appoint a local black ceo if foreign ( non-racist ) whites can't do the job ? :-)
normal <SEP> none
oh my god not wanting white children to be victimized by black childrens is racist !
Target: African, Caucasian Post: oh my god not wanting white children to be victimized by black childrens is racist !
normal <SEP> none
they're the richest most privileged white people in the us
Target: Caucasian Post: they're the richest most privileged white people in the us
normal <SEP> none
average black in america is 20 % european and significantly more african in the old cotton and rice belts
Target: African Post: average black in america is 20 % european and significantly more african in the old cotton and rice belts
normal <SEP> none
rt the helpfully explains this morning that 53 % of white women voted for trump therefore they were " angry white women . " " hmmm . "
Target: Caucasian, Women Post: rt the helpfully explains this morning that 53 % of white women voted for trump therefore they were " angry white women . " " hmmm . "
normal <SEP> none
one thing that is being lost in all of this is that ms . lazarus ' poem talks about european jews fleeing
Target: Jewish Post: one thing that is being lost in all of this is that ms . lazarus ' poem talks about european jews fleeing
normal <SEP> none
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