errors in this dataset

by lizhuang144 - opened

I found many errors in this dataset.

For example, for the question:

I've installed pip in Debian Linux (I'm using an ARM Chromebook with the Linux beta) ......

where the original question link is ''

The answer should be:

Well you have to install pyperclip before you can use it, because it is not part of the python3-pip package. pip is an installer which allows you to install python packages like pyperclip.

sudo pip3 install pyperclip
After the successful installation you can use it with python:

In [1]: import pyperclip

In [2]: pyperclip.__path__
Out[2]: ['/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pyperclip']

While the answer in this dataset is:

Create a test client:\n\n```\n// test-client.ts\n\nimport { createServer, RequestListener } from \"http\";\nimport { NextApiHandler } from \"next\";\nimport { apiResolver } from \"next/dist/next-server/server/api-utils\";\nimport request from \"supertest\";\n\nexport const testClient = (handler: NextApiHandler) => {\n  const listener: RequestListener = (req, res) => {\n    return apiResolver(\n      req,\n      res,\n      undefined,\n      handler,\n      {\n        previewModeEncryptionKey: \"\",\n        previewModeId: \"\",\n        previewModeSigningKey: \"\",\n      },\n      false\n    );\n  };\n\n  return request(createServer(listener));\n};\n\n```\n\nTest your APIs with:\n\n```\n// user.test.ts\n\nimport viewerApiHandler from \"../api/user\";\nimport { testClient } from \"../utils/test-client\";\n\nconst request = testClient(viewerApiHandler);\n\ndescribe(\"/user\", () => {\n  it(\"should return current user\", async () => {\n    const res = await request.get(\"/user\");\n    expect(res.status).toBe(200);\n    expect(res.body).toStrictEqual({ name: \"Jane Doe\" });\n  });\n});\n\n```

This answer in this dataset seems to not align with the original answer. Why is that? How was this dataset generated? Thank you!

another one

I'm trying to make a table with api data searchable. I'm on my way, but unsure on how to proceed further.

where the link is ''. The answer in the dataset is:

I succeeded to solve the problem by adding the following lines to **database.yml**, default **section**:\n\n```\nssl_mode: :disabled\nsslverify: false\n\n```\n\nThe error isn't so descriptive, but apparently it was related to ssl.

which does not make any sense at all

I found the error mostly in the StackOverflow questions instead of in the StackExchange questions.

Hi @lizhuang144 . Thank you for pointing out these errors. As a matter of fact, the dataset is provided with a notebook StackExchangeProcessing.ipynb that you can read and download. This dataset is inspired from HuggingFaceH4/stack-exchange-preferences. You can read the dataset card and you'll get more details about the content of the dataset.

thanks. I checked the original dataset as well. I found the same problem exists in their dataset as well. I guess this is an inherited error.

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