Cannot load this dataset without streaming setting

by donghd - opened

When I load the dataset with the streaming=True setting, it works well.
But when I load the dataset without the streaming=True setting, it fails.

The problematic command is that:
load_dataset('ArmelR/stack-exchange-instruction', data_dir="data/finetune", split="train", use_auth_token=True)

My environment is:

Hi, I just fixed the bug. It should be working just fine now,

load_dataset('ArmelR/stack-exchange-instruction', data_dir="data/finetune", split="train", use_auth_token=True)
    features: ['qid', 'question', 'date', 'metadata', 'response'],
    num_rows: 3000000

Should we close the issue?

Yes, this is already fixed.

donghd changed discussion status to closed

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