PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Uterine fibroids.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Uterine fibroids.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,After adequate general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was placed in dorsal lithotomy position, prepped and draped in the usual manner for a laparoscopic procedure. A speculum was placed into the vagina. A single tooth tenaculum was utilized to grasp the anterior lip of the uterine cervix. The uterus was sounded to 10.5 cm. A #10 RUMI cannula was utilized and attached for uterine manipulation. The single-tooth tenaculum and speculum were removed from the vagina. At this time, the infraumbilical area was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine and infraumbilical vertical skin incision was made through which a Veress needle was inserted into the abdominal cavity. Aspiration was negative; therefore the abdomen was insufflated with carbon dioxide. After adequate insufflation, Veress needle was removed and an 11-mm separator trocar was introduced through the infraumbilical incision into the abdominal cavity. Through the trocar sheath, the laparoscope was inserted and adequate visualization of the pelvic structures was noted. At this time, the suprapubic area was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine. A 5-mm skin incision was made and a 5-mm trocar was introduced into the abdominal cavity for instrumentation. Evaluation of the pelvis revealed the uterus to be slightly enlarged and irregular. The fallopian tubes have been previously interrupted surgically. The ovaries appeared normal bilaterally. The cul-de-sac was clean without evidence of endometriosis, scarring or adhesions. The ureters were noted to be deep in the pelvis. At this time, the right cornu was grasped and the right fallopian tube, uteroovarian ligament, and round ligaments were doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected without difficulty. The remainder of the uterine vessels and anterior and posterior leaves of the broad ligament, as well as the cardinal ligament was coagulated and transected in a serial fashion down to level of the uterine artery. The uterine artery was identified. It was doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. A similar procedure was carried out on the left with the left uterine cornu identified. The left fallopian tube, uteroovarian ligament, and round ligaments were doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. The remainder of the cardinal ligament, uterine vessels, anterior, and posterior sheaths of the broad ligament were coagulated and transected in a serial manner to the level of the uterine artery. The uterine artery was identified. It was doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. The anterior leaf of the broad ligament was then dissected to the midline bilaterally, establishing a bladder flap with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection. At this time, attention was made to the vaginal hysterectomy. The laparoscope was removed and attention was made to the vaginal hysterectomy. The RUMI cannula was removed and the anterior and posterior leafs of the cervix were grasped with Lahey tenaculum. A circumferential injection with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine was made at the cervicovaginal portio. A circumferential incision was then made at the cervicovaginal portio. The anterior and posterior colpotomies were accomplished with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection without difficulty. The right uterosacral ligament was clamped, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl sutures. The left uterosacral ligament was clamped, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. The parametrial tissue was then clamped bilaterally, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl suture bilaterally. The uterus was then removed and passed off the operative field. Laparotomy pack was placed into the pelvis. The pedicles were evaluated. There was no bleeding noted; therefore, the laparotomy pack was removed. The uterosacral ligaments were suture fixated into the vaginal cuff angles with #0 Vicryl sutures. The vaginal cuff was then closed in a running fashion with #0 Vicryl suture. Hemostasis was noted throughout. At this time, the laparoscope was reinserted into the abdomen. The abdomen was reinsufflated. Evaluation revealed no further bleeding. Irrigation with sterile water was performed and again no bleeding was noted. The suprapubic trocar sheath was then removed under laparoscopic visualization. The laparoscope was removed. The carbon dioxide was allowed to escape from the abdomen and the infraumbilical trocar sheath was then removed. The skin incisions were closed with #4-0 Vicryl in subcuticular fashion. Neosporin and Band-Aid were applied for dressing and the patient was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. Estimated blood loss was approximately 100 mL. There were no complications. The instrument, sponge, and needle counts were correct.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Status epilepticus.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 6-year-old male who is a former 27-week premature infant who suffered an intraventricular hemorrhage requiring shunt placement, and as a result, has developmental delay and left hemiparesis. At baseline, he can put about 2 to 4 words together in brief sentences. His speech is not always easily understood; however, he is in a special education classroom in kindergarten. He ambulates independently, but falls often. He has difficulty with his left side compared to the right, and prefers to use the right upper extremity more than the left. Mother reports he postures the left upper extremity when running. He is being followed by Medical Therapy Unit and has also been seen in the past by Dr. X. He has not received Botox or any other interventions with regard to his cerebral palsy.,The patient did require one shunt revision, but since then his shunt has done well.,The patient developed seizures about 2 years ago. These occurred periodically, but they are always in the same and with the involvement of the left side more than right and he had an eye deviation forcefully to the left side. His events, however, always tend to be prolonged. He has had seizures as long as an hour and a half. He tends to require multiple medications to stop them. He has been followed by Dr. Y and was started on Trileptal. At one point, The patient was taken off his medication for presumed failure to prevent his seizures. He was more recently placed on Topamax since March 2007. His last seizures were in March and May respectively. He is worked up to a dose of 25 mg capsules, 2 capsules twice a day or about 5 mg/kg/day at this point.,The patient was in his usual state of health until early this morning and was noted to be in seizure. His seizure this morning was similar to the previous seizures with forced deviation of his head and eyes to the left side and convulsion more on the left side than the right. Family administered Diastat 7.5 mg x1 dose. They did not know they could repeat this dose. EMS was called and he received lorazepam 2 mg and then in the emergency department, 15 mg/kg of fosphenytoin. His seizures stopped thereafter, since that time, he had gradually become more alert and is eating, and is nearly back to baseline. He is a bit off balance and tends to be a bit weaker on the left side compared to baseline postictally.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , At this time, he is positive for a low-grade fever, he has had no signs of illness otherwise. He does have some fevers after his prolonged seizures. He denies any respiratory or cardiovascular complaints. There is no numbness or loss of skills. He has no rashes, arthritis or arthralgias. He has no oropharyngeal complaints. Visual or auditory complaints.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Also positive for some mild scoliosis.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient lives at home with mother, father, and 2 other siblings. There are no ill contacts.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient is a well-nourished, well-hydrated male, in no acute distress.,VITAL SIGNS: His vital signs are stable and he is currently afebrile.,HEENT: Atraumatic and normocephalic. Oropharynx shows no lesions.,NECK: Supple without adenopathy.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs.,ABDOMEN: Benign without organomegaly.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is alert and will follow instructions. His speech is very dysarthric and he tends to run his words together. He is about 50% understandable at best. He does put words and sentences together. His cranial nerves reveal his pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. His extraocular movements are intact. His visual fields are full. Disks are sharp bilaterally. His face shows left facial weakness postictally. His palate elevates midline. Vision is intact bilaterally. Tongue protrudes midline.,Motor exam reveals clearly decreased strength on the left side at baseline. His left thigh is abducted at the hip at rest with the right thigh and leg straight. He has difficulty using the left arm and while reaching for objects, shows exaggerated tremor/dysmetria. Right upper extremity is much more on target. His sensations are intact to light touch bilaterally. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ and symmetric. When sitting up, he shows some truncal instability and tendency towards decreased truncal tone and kyphosis. He also shows some scoliotic curve of the spine, which is mild at this point. Gait was not tested today.,IMPRESSION: , This is a 6-year-old male with recurrent status epilepticus, left hemiparesis, history of prematurity, and intraventricular hemorrhage. He is on Topamax, which is at a moderate dose of 5 mg/kg a day or 50 mg twice a day. At this point, it is not clear whether this medication will protect him or not, but the dose is clearly not at maximum, and he is tolerating the dose currently. The plan will be to increase him up to 50 mg in the morning, and 75 mg at night for 2 weeks, and then 75 mg twice daily. Reviewed the possible side effects of higher doses of Topamax, they will monitor him for language issues, cognitive problems or excessive somnolence. I also discussed his imaging studies, which showed significant destruction of the cerebellum compared to other areas and despite this, the patient at baseline has a reasonable balance. The plan from CT standpoint is to continue stretching program, continue with medical therapy unit. He may benefit from Botox.,In addition, I reviewed the Diastat protocol with parents and given the patient tends to go into status epilepticus each time, they can administer Diastat immediately and not wait the standard 2 minutes or even 5 minutes that they were waiting before. They are going to repeat the dose within 10 minutes and they can call EMS at any point during that time. Hopefully at home, they need to start to abort these seizures or the higher dose of Topamax will prevent them. Other medication options would include Keppra, Zonegran or Lamictal.,FOLLOWUP: , Followup has already been scheduled with Dr. Y in February and they will continue to keep that date for followup.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Multiparity requested sterilization and upper abdominal wall skin mass., ,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,Multiparity requested sterilization and upper abdominal wall skin mass.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Postpartum tubal ligation and removal of upper abdominal skin wall mass.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 5 mL.,DRAINS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,INDICATION: , This is a 35-year-old white female gravida 6, para 3, 0-3-3 who is status post delivery on 09/18/2007. The patient was requesting postpartum tubal ligation and removal of a large mole at the junction of her abdomen and left lower rib cage at the skin level.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, The patient was taken to the operating room, placed in a seated position with spinal form of anesthesia administered by anesthesia department. The patient was then repositioned in a supine position and then prepped and draped in the usual fashion for postpartum tubal ligation. Subumbilical ridge was created using two Ellis and first knife was used to make a transverse incision. The Ellis were removed and used to be grasped incisional edges and both blunt and sharp dissection down to the level of the fascia was then completed. The fascia grasped with two Kocher's and then sharply incised and then peritoneum was entered with use of blunt dissection. Two Army-Navy retractors were put in place and a vein retractor was used to grasp the left fallopian tube and then regrasped with Babcock's and followed to the fimbriated end. A modified Pomeroy technique was completed with double tying of with 0 chromic, then upper portion was sharply incised and the cut fallopian tube edges were then cauterized. Adequate hemostasis was noted. This tube was placed back in its anatomic position. The right fallopian tube was grasped followed to its fimbriated end and then regrasped with a Babcock and a modified Pomeroy technique was also completed on the right side, and upper portion was then sharply incised and the cut edges re-cauterized with adequate hemostasis and this was placed back in its anatomic position. The peritoneum as well as fascia was reapproximated with 0-Vicryl. The subcutaneous tissues reapproximated with 3-0 Vicryl and skin edges reapproximated with 4-0 Vicryl as well in a subcuticular stitch. Pressure dressings were applied. Marcaine 10 mL was used prior to making an incision. Sterile dressing was applied. The large mole-like lesion was grasped with Allis. It was approximately 1 cm x 0.5 cm in size and an elliptical incision was made around the mass and cut edges were cauterized and 4-0 Vicryl was used to reapproximate the skin edges and pressure dressing was also applied. Instrument count, needle count, and sponge counts were all correct, and the patient was taken to recovery room in stable condition.
BILATERAL SCROTAL ORCHECTOMY,PROCEDURE:,: The patient is placed in the supine position, prepped and draped in the usual manner. Under satisfactory general anesthesia, the scrotum was approached and through a transverse mid scrotal incision, the right testicle was delivered through the incision. Hemostasis was obtained with the Bovie and the spermatic cord was identified. It was clamped, suture ligated with 0 chromic catgut and the cord above was infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine for postoperative pain relief. The left testicle was delivered through the same incision. The spermatic cord was identified, clamped, suture ligated and that cord was also injected with 0.25% percent Marcaine. The incision was injected with the same material and then closed in two layers using 4-0 chromic catgut continuous for the dartos and interrupted for the skin. A dry sterile dressing fluff and scrotal support applied over that. The patient was sent to the Recovery Room in stable condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left little finger extensor tendon laceration.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left little finger extensor tendon laceration.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Repair of left little extensor tendon.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,ANESTHESIA: , Bier block.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 14-year-old right-hand dominant male who cut the back of his left little finger and had a small cut to his extensor tendon.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operative room, laid supine, administered intervenous sedation with Bier block and prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. The old laceration was opened and the extensor tendon was identified and there was a small longitudinal laceration in the tendon, which is essentially in line with the tendon fibers. This was just proximal to the PIP joint and on complete flexion of the PIP joint, I did separate just a little bit that was not thought to be significantly dynamically unstable. It was sutured with a single 4-0 Prolene interrupted figure-of-eight suture and on dynamic motion it did not separate at all. The wound was irrigated and closed with 5-0 nylon interrupted sutures. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the PCU in good condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with hypertrophy of tonsils and of uvula and soft palate.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with hypertrophy of tonsils and of uvula and soft palate with deviation of nasal septum.,OPERATION:, Tonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, and septoplasty.,ANESTHESIA:, General anesthetics.,HISTORY: , This is a 51-year-old gentleman here with his wife. She confirms the history of loud snoring at night with witnessed apnea. The result of the sleep study was reviewed. This showed moderate sleep apnea with significant desaturation. The patient was unable to tolerate treatment with CPAP. At the office, we observed large tonsils and elongation and thickening of the uvula as well as redundant soft tissue of the palate. A tortuous appearance of the septum also was observed. This morning, I talked to the patient and his wife about the findings. I reviewed the CT images. He has no history of sinus infections and does not recall a history of nasal trauma. We discussed the removal of tonsils and uvula and soft palate tissue and the hope that this would help with his airway. Depending on the findings of surgery, I explained that I might remove that bone spur that we are seeing within the nasal passage. I will get the best look at it when he is asleep. We discussed recovery as well. He visited with Dr. XYZ about the anesthetic produce.,PROCEDURE:,: General tracheal anesthetic was administered by Dr. XYZ and Mr. Radke. Afrin drops were placed in both nostrils and a cottonoid soaked with Afrin was placed in each side of the nose. A Crowe-Davis mouth gag was placed. The tonsils were very large and touched the uvula. The uvula was relatively long and very thick and there were redundant folds of soft palate mucosa and prominent posterior and anterior tonsillar pillars. Also, there was a cryptic appearance of the tonsils but there was no acute redness or exudate. Retraction of the soft palate permitted evaluation of the nasopharynx with the mirror and the choanae were patent and there was no adenoid tissue present. A very crowded pharynx was appreciated. The tonsils were first removed using electrodissection technique. Hemostasis was achieved with the electrocautery and with sutures of 0 plain catgut. The tonsil fossae were injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. There already was more room in the pharynx, but the posterior pharyngeal wall was still obscured by the soft palate and uvula. The uvula was grasped with the Alice clamp. I palpated the posterior edge of the hard palate and calculated removal of about a third of the length of the soft palate. We switched over from the Bayonet cautery to the blunt needle tip electrocautery. The planned anterior soft palate incision was marked out with the electrocautery from the left anterior tonsillar pillar rising upwards and then extending horizontally across the soft palate to include all of the uvula and a portion of the soft palate, and the incision then extended across the midline and then inferiorly to meet the right anterior tonsillar pillar. This incision was then deepened with the electrocautery on a cutting current. The uvular artery just to the right of the midline was controlled with the suction electrocautery. The posterior soft palate incision was made parallel to the anterior soft palate incision but was made leaving a longer length of mucosa to permit closure of the palatoplasty. A portion of the redundant soft palate mucosa tissue also was included with the resection specimen and the tissue including the soft palate and uvula was included with the surgical specimen as the tonsils were sent to pathology. The tonsil fossae were injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. The soft palate was also injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. The posterior tonsillar pillars were then brought forward to close to the anterior tonsillar pillars and these were sutured down to the tonsil bed with interrupted 0 plain catgut sutures. The posterior soft palate mucosa was advanced forward and brought up to the anterior soft palate incision and closure of the soft palate wound was then accomplished with interrupted 3-0 chromic catgut sutures. A much improved appearance of the oropharynx with a greatly improved airway was appreciated. A moist tonsil sponge was placed into the nasopharynx and the mouth gag was removed. I removed the cottonoids from both nostrils. Speculum exam showed the inferior turbinates were large, the septum was tortuous and it angulated to the right and then sharply bent back to the left. The septum was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine using a separate syringe and needle. A #15 blade was used to make a left cheilion incision.,Mucoperichondrium and mucoperiosteum were elevated with the Cottle elevator. When we reached the deflected portion of the vomer, this was separated from the septal cartilage with a Freer elevator. The right-sided mucoperiosteum was elevated with the Freer elevator and then with Takahashi forceps and with the 4 mm osteotome, the deflected portion of the septal bone from the vomer was resected. This tissue also was sent as a separate specimen to pathology. The intraseptal space was irrigated with saline and suctioned. The nasal septal mucosal flaps were then sutured together with a quilting suture of 4-0 plain catgut. I observed no evidence of purulent secretion or polyp formation within the nostrils. The inferior turbinates were then both outfractured using a knife handle, and now there was a much more patent nasal airway on both sides. There was good support for the nasal tip and the dorsum and there was good hemostasis within the nose. No packing was used in the nostrils. Polysporin ointment was introduced into both nostrils. The mouth gag was reintroduced and the pack removed from the nasopharynx. The nose and throat were irrigated with saline and suctioned. An orogastric tube was placed and a moderate amount of clear fluid suctioned from the stomach and this tube was removed. Sponge and needle count were reported correct. The mouth gag having been withdrawn, the patient was then awakened and returned to recovery room in a satisfactory condition. He tolerated the operation excellently. Estimated blood loss was about 15-20 cc. In the recovery room, I observed that he was moving air well and I spoke with his wife about the findings of surgery.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Recurrent re-infected sebaceous cyst of abdomen.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Abscess secondary to retained foreign body.,2. Incisional hernia.,PROCEDURES,1. Excision of abscess, removal of foreign body.,2. Repair of incisional hernia.,ANESTHESIA: , LMA.,INDICATIONS: , Patient is a pleasant 37-year-old gentleman who has had multiple procedures including a laparotomy related to trauma. The patient has had a recurrently infected cyst of his mass at the superior aspect of his incision, which he says gets larger and then it drains internally, causing him to be quite ill. He presented to my office and I recommended that he undergo exploration of this area and removal. The procedure, purpose, risks, expected benefits, potential complications, and alternative forms of therapy were discussed with him and he was agreeable to surgery.,FINDINGS:, The patient was found upon excision of the cyst that it contained a large Prolene suture, which is multiply knotted as it always is; beneath this was a very small incisional hernia, the hernia cavity, which contained omentum; the hernia was easily repaired.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was identified, then taken into the operating room, where after induction of an LMA anesthetic, his abdomen was prepped with Betadine solution and draped in sterile fashion. The puncta of the wound lesion was infiltrated with methylene blue and peroxide. The lesion was excised and the existing scar was excised using an ellipse and using a tenotomy scissors, the cyst was excised down to its base. In doing so, we identified a large Prolene suture within the wound and followed this cyst down to its base at which time we found that it contained omentum and was in fact overlying a small incisional hernia. The cyst was removed in its entirety, divided from the omentum using a Metzenbaum and tying with 2-0 silk ties. The hernia repair was undertaken with interrupted 0 Vicryl suture with simple sutures. The wound was then irrigated and closed with 3-0 Vicryl subcutaneous and 4-0 Vicryl subcuticular and Steri-Strips. Patient tolerated the procedure well. Dressings were applied and he was taken to recovery room in stable condition.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Nausea.,PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 28-year-old, who is status post gastric bypass surgery nearly one year ago. He has lost about 200 pounds and was otherwise doing well until yesterday evening around 7:00-8:00 when he developed nausea and right upper quadrant pain, which apparently wrapped around toward his right side and back. He feels like he was on it but has not done so. He has overall malaise and a low-grade temperature of 100.3. He denies any prior similar or lesser symptoms. His last normal bowel movement was yesterday. He denies any outright chills or blood per rectum.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for hypertension and morbid obesity, now resolved.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Gastric bypass surgery in December 2007.,MEDICATIONS: ,Multivitamins and calcium.,ALLERGIES: , None known.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Positive for diabetes mellitus in his father, who is now deceased.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He denies tobacco or alcohol. He has what sounds like a data entry computer job.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, His temperature is 100.3, blood pressure 129/59, respirations 16, heart rate 84. He is drowsy, but easily arousable and appropriate with conversation. He is oriented to person, place, and situation. He is normocephalic, atraumatic. His sclerae are anicteric. His mucous membranes are somewhat tacky. His neck is supple and symmetric. His respirations are unlabored and clear. He has a regular rate and rhythm. His abdomen is soft. He has diffuse right upper quadrant tenderness, worse focally, but no rebound or guarding. He otherwise has no organomegaly, masses, or abdominal hernias evident. His extremities are symmetrical with no edema. His posterior tibial pulses are palpable and symmetric. He is grossly nonfocal neurologically.,STUDIES:, His white blood cell count is 8.4 with 79 segs. His hematocrit is 41. His electrolytes are normal. His bilirubin is 2.8. His AST 349, ALT 186, alk-phos 138 and lipase is normal at 239.,ASSESSMENT: , Choledocholithiasis, ? cholecystitis.,PLAN: , He will be admitted and placed on IV antibiotics. We will get an ultrasound this morning. He will need his gallbladder out, probably with intraoperative cholangiogram. Hopefully, the stone will pass this way. Due to his anatomy, an ERCP would prove quite difficult if not impossible unless laparoscopic assisted. Dr. X will see him later this morning and discuss the plan further. The patient understands.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is an 85-year-old gentleman who has a history of sick sinus syndrome for which he has St. Jude permanent pacemaker. Pacemaker battery has reached end of life and the patient is dependent on his pacemaker with 100% pacing in the right ventricle. He also has a fairly advanced degree of Alzheimer's dementia and is living in an assisted care facility. The patient is unable to make his own health care decision and his daughter ABC has medical power of attorney. The patient's dementia has resulted in the patient's having sufficient and chronic anger and his daughter that he refuses to speak with her, refuses to be in a same room with her. For this reason the Casa Grande Regional Medical Center would obtain surgical and anesthesia consent from the patient's daughter in the fashion keeps the patient and daughter separated. Furthermore it is important to note that his degree of dementia has disabled the patient to adequately self monitor his status following surgery for significant changes and to seek appropriate medical care, hence he will be admitted after the pacemaker exchange.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Sick sinus syndrome, pacemaker dependence with 100% with right ventricular pacing.,2. Dementia of Alzheimer's disease.,3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,4. Multiple pacemaker implantation and exchanges.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Unobtainable.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient resides full time at ABC supervised living facility. He is nonsmoker, nondrinker. He uses wheelchair and moves himself about with his feet. He is independent of activities of daily living and dependent on independent activities of daily living.,ALLERGIES TO MEDICATIONS: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS: ,Omeprazole 20 mg p.o. daily, furosemide 20 mg p.o. daily, citalopram 20 mg p.o. daily, loratadine 10 mg p.o. p.r.n.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , A 10 systems review negative for chest pain, pressure, shortness of breath, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, orthopnea, syncope, near-syncopal episodes. Negative for recent falls. Positive for significant memory loss. All other review of systems is negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient is an 85-year-old gentleman in no acute distress, sitting in the wheelchair.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 118/68, pulse is 80 and regular, respirations 16, weight is 200 pounds, oxygen saturation is 90% on room air.,HEENT: Head atraumatic and normocephalic. Eyes, pupils are equal and reactive to light and accommodate bilaterally, free from focal lesions. Ears, nose, mouth, and throat.,NECK: Supple. No lymphadenopathy, thyromegaly, or thyroid masses appreciated.,CARDIOVASCULAR: No JVD or no jugular venous distention. No carotid bruits bilaterally. Pacemaker pocket right upper thorax with healed surgical incisions. S1 and S2 are normal. No S3 or S4. There are no murmurs. No heaves or thrills, gout, or gallops. Trace edema at dorsum of his feet and ankles. Femoral pulses are present without bruits, posterior tibial pulses would be palpable bilaterally.,RESPIRATORY: Breath sounds are clear but diminished throughout AP diameters expanded. The patient speaks in full sentences. No wheezing, no accessory muscles used for breathing.,GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen is soft and nontender. Bowel sounds are active in all 4 quadrants. No palpable pulses. No abdominal bruit is appreciated. No hepatosplenomegaly.,GENITOURINARY: Nonfocal.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Muscle strength in lower extremities is 4/5 bilaterally. Upper extremities are 5/5 bilaterally with adequate range of motion.,SKIN: Warm and dry. No obvious rashes, lesions, or ulcerations. ,NEUROLOGIC: Alert, not oriented to place and date. His speech is clear. There are no focal motor or sensory deficits.,PSYCHIATRIC: Talkative, pleasant affect with limited impulse control, severe short-term memory loss.,LABORATORY DATA:, Blood work dated 12/15/08, white count 4.7, hemoglobin 11.9, hematocrit 33.9, and platelets 115,000. BUN 19, creatinine 1.15, glucose 94, potassium 4.5, sodium 140, and calcium 8.6.,DIAGNOSTIC DATA:, St. Jude pacemaker interrogation dated 11/10/08 shows single chamber pacemaker and VVIR mode, implant date 08/2000, 100% paced in right ventricle, battery status is ERI. A 12-lead ECG 12/15/08 shows 100% paced rhythm with rate of 80. No Q waves at the baseline of atrial fibrillation. Last measured ejection fraction 40% 12/08 with no significant decompensation.,IMPRESSION/PLAN:,1. Sick sinus syndrome.,2. Atrial fibrillation.,3. Pacemaker dependent.,4. Mild cardiomyopathy with ejection fraction 40% and no significant decompensation.,5. Pacemaker battery end of life requiring exchange.,6. Dementia of Alzheimer's disease with short and long term memory dysfunction. The dementia disables the patient from recognizing changes in his health status in knowing if he needed to seek appropriate health care. Dementia also renders the patient incapable informed consent, schedule the patient for pacemaker. I explain the patient and reimplantation with any device in the surgical suite. He will require anesthesia assistance for adequate sedation as the patient possesses behavioral risk secondary to his advanced dementia.,7. Admit the patient after surgery for postoperative care and monitoring.
SUBJECTIVE: , The patient is not in acute distress.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure of 121/63, pulse is 75, and O2 saturation is 94% on room air.,HEAD AND NECK: Face is symmetrical. Cranial nerves are intact.,CHEST: There is prolonged expiration.,CARDIOVASCULAR: First and second heart sounds are heard. No murmur was appreciated.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Bowel sounds are positive.,EXTREMITIES: He has 2+ pedal swelling.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is asleep, but easily arousable.,LABORATORY DATA:, PTT is 49. INR is pending. BUN is improved to 20.6, creatinine is 0.7, sodium is 123, and potassium is 3.8. AST is down to 45 and ALT to 99.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , Nuclear stress test showed moderate size, mostly fixed defect involving the inferior wall with a small area of peri-infarct ischemia. Ejection fraction is 25%.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Congestive heart failure due to rapid atrial fibrillation and systolic dysfunction. Continue current treatment as per Cardiology. We will consider adding ACE inhibitors as renal function improves.,2. Acute pulmonary edema, resolved.,3. Rapid atrial fibrillation, rate controlled. The patient is on beta-blockers and digoxin. Continue Coumadin. Monitor INR.,4. Coronary artery disease with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Continue beta-blockers.,5. Urinary tract infection. Continue Rocephin.,6. Bilateral perfusion secondary to congestive heart failure. We will monitor.,7. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stable.,8. Abnormal liver function due to congestive heart failure with liver congestion, improving.,9. Rule out hypercholesterolemia. We will check lipid profile.,10. Tobacco smoking disorder. The patient has been counseled.,11. Hyponatremia, stable. This is due to fluid overload. Continue diuresis as per Nephrology.,12. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis. The patient is on heparin drip.
EXAM: , Ultrasound Abdomen., ,REASON FOR EXAM: , Elevated liver function tests., ,INTERPRETATION: , The liver demonstrates heterogeneously increased echotexture with significant fatty infiltration. The gallbladder is surgically absent. There is no fluid collection in the cholecystectomy bed. There is dilatation of the common bile duct up to 1 cm. There is also dilatation of the pancreatic duct that measures up to 3 mm. There is caliectasis in the right kidney. The bladder is significantly distended measuring 937 cc in volume. The caliectasis in the right kidney may be secondary to back pressure from the distended bladder. The aorta is normal in caliber., ,IMPRESSION:,1. Dilated common duct as well as pancreatic duct as described. Given the dilatation of these two ducts, ERCP versus MRCP is recommended to exclude obstructing mass. The findings could reflect changes of cholecystectomy. ,2. Significantly distended bladder with probably resultant caliectasis in the right kidney. Clinical correlation recommended.
DIAGNOSIS:, Nuclear sclerotic and cortical cataract, right eye.,OPERATION:, Phacoemulsification and extracapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation, right eye.,PROCEDURE:, The patient was taken to the operating room and placed on the table in the supine position. Cardiac monitor and oxygen at 5 liters per minute were connected by the nursing staff. Local anesthesia was obtained using 2% lidocaine, 0/75% Marcaine, 0.5 cc Wydase with 6 cc of this solution used in a paribulbar injection, followed by ten minutes of digital massage. The patient was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion for eye surgery. With the Zeiss operating microscopy in position, a lid speculum was inserted and a 4-0 black silk bridal suture placed in the superior rectus muscle. With Westcott scissors, a fornix-based conjunctival flap was made. The surgical limbus was identified and hemostasis obtained with wet-field cautery. With a 57-Beaver blade, a corneoscleral groove was made and shelved into clear cornea. A stab incision was made at 2 o'clock with a 15-degree blade. With a 3.0 mm keratome, the shelved groove was attended into the anterior chamber. Viscoelastic was inserted into the anterior chamber and anterior capsulotomy was performed in a continuous-tear technique. Hydrodissection was performed with Balanced Salt Solution. Phacoemulsification was performed in a two-headed nuclear fracture technique. The remaining cortical material was removed with irrigation and aspiration handpiece. The posterior capsule remained intact and vacuumed with minimal suction. The posterior chamber intraocular lens was obtained. It was inspected, irrigated, inserted into the posterior chamber without difficulty. Inspection revealed the intraocular lens to be in good position with intact capsule and well-approximated wound. There was no aqueous leak even with digital pressure. The conjunctiva was pulled back into position with wet-field cautery. A subconjunctival injection with 20 mg Gatamycine and 0.5 cc Celestone was given. Tobradex ointment was instilled into the eye, which was patched and shielded appropriately, after removing the lid speculum and bridle suture. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was sent to the recovery room in good condition, to be followed in attending physician office the next day.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Multiple metastatic lesions to the brain, a subtentorial lesion on the left, greater than 3 cm, and an infratentorial lesion on the right, greater than 3 cm.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Multiple metastatic lesions to the brain, a subtentorial lesion on the left, greater than 3 cm, and an infratentorial lesion on the right, greater than 3 cm.,TITLE OF THE OPERATION:,1. Biparietal craniotomy and excision of left parietooccipital metastasis from breast cancer.,2. Insertion of left lateral ventriculostomy under Stealth stereotactic guidance.,3. Right suboccipital craniectomy and excision of tumor.,4. Microtechniques for all the above.,5. Stealth stereotactic guidance for all of the above and intraoperative ultrasound.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 48-year-old woman with a diagnosis of breast cancer made five years ago. A year ago, she was diagnosed with cranial metastases and underwent whole brain radiation. She recently has deteriorated such that she came to my office, unable to ambulate in a wheelchair. Metastatic workup does reveal multiple bone metastases, but no spinal cord compression. She had a consult with Radiation-Oncology that decided they could radiate her metastases less than 3 cm with stereotactic radiosurgery, but the lesions greater than 3 cm needed to be removed. Consequently, this operation is performed.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient underwent a planning MRI scan with Stealth protocol. She was brought to the operating room with fiducial still on her scalp. General endotracheal anesthesia was obtained. She was placed on the Mayfield head holder and rolled into the prone position. She was well padded, secured, and so forth. The neck was flexed so as to expose the right suboccipital region as well as the left and right parietooccipital regions. The posterior aspect of the calvarium was shaved and prepared in the usual manner with Betadine soak scrub followed by Betadine paint. This was done only, of course, after fiducial were registered in planning and an excellent accuracy was obtained with the Stealth system. Sterile drapes were applied and the accuracy of the system was confirmed. A biparietal incision was performed. A linear incision was chosen so as to increase her chances of successful wound healing and that she is status post whole brain radiation. A biparietal craniotomy was carried out, carrying about 1 cm over toward the right side and about 4 cm over to the left side as guided by the Stealth stereotactic system. The dura was opened and reflected back to the midline. An inner hemispheric approach was used to reach the very large metastatic tumor. This was very delicate removing the tumor and the co-surgeons switched off to spare one another during the more delicate parts of the operation to remove the tumor. The tumor was wrapped around and included the choroidal vessels. At least one choroidal vessel was sacrificed in order to obtain a gross total excision of the tumor on the parietal occipital region. Bleeding was quite vigorous in some of the arteries and finally, however, was completely controlled. Complete removal of the tumor was confirmed by intraoperative ultrasound.,Once the tumor had been removed and meticulous hemostasis was obtained, this wound was left opened and attention was turned to the right suboccipital area. A linear incision was made just lateral to the greater occipital nerve. Sharp dissection was carried down in the subcutaneous tissues and Bovie electrocautery was used to reach the skull. A burr hole was placed down low using a craniotome. A craniotomy was turned and then enlarged as a craniectomy to at least 4 cm in diameter. It was carried caudally to the floor of the posterior fossa and rostrally to the transverse sinus. Stealth and ultrasound were used to localize the very large tumor that was within the horizontal hemisphere of the cerebellum. The ventriculostomy had been placed on the left side with the craniotomy and removal of the tumor, and this was draining CSF relieving pressure in the posterior fossa. Upon opening the craniotomy in the parietal occipital region, the brain was noted to be extremely tight, thus necessitating placement of the ventriculostomy.,At the posterior fossa, a corticectomy was accomplished and the tumor was countered directly. The tumor, as the one above, was removed, both piecemeal and with intraoperative Cavitron Ultrasonic Aspirator. A gross total excision of this tumor was obtained as well.,I then explored underneath the cerebellum in hopes of finding another metastasis in the CP angle; however, this was just over the lower cranial nerves, and rather than risk paralysis of pharyngeal muscles and voice as well as possibly hearing loss, this lesion was left alone and to be radiated and that it is less than 3 cm in diameter.,Meticulous hemostasis was obtained for this wound as well.,The posterior fossa wound was then closed in layers. The dura was closed with interrupted and running mattress of 4-0 Nurolon. The dura was watertight, and it was covered with blue glue. Gelfoam was placed over the dural closure. Then, the muscle and fascia were closed in individual layers using #0 Ethibond. Subcutaneous was closed with interrupted inverted 2-0 and 0 Vicryl, and the skin was closed with running locking 3-0 Nylon.,For the cranial incision, the ventriculostomy was brought out through a separate stab wound. The bone flap was brought on to the field. The dura was closed with running and interrupted 4-0 Nurolon. At the beginning of the case, dural tack-ups had been made and these were still in place. The sinuses, both the transverse sinus and sagittal sinus, were covered with thrombin-soaked Gelfoam to take care of any small bleeding areas in the sinuses.,Once the dura was closed, the bone flap was returned to the wound and held in place with the Lorenz microplates. The wound was then closed in layers. The galea was closed with multiple sutures of interrupted 2-0 Vicryl. The skin was closed with a running locking 3-0 Nylon.,Estimated blood loss for the case was more than 1 L. The patient received 2 units of packed red cells during the case as well as more than 1 L of Hespan and almost 3 L of crystalloid.,Nevertheless, her vitals remained stable throughout the case, and we hopefully helped her survival and her long-term neurologic status for this really nice lady.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Please evaluate stomatitis, possibly methotrexate related.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a very pleasant 57-year old white female, a native of Cuba, being seen for evaluation and treatment of sores in her mouth that she has had for the last 10-12 days. The patient has a long history of severe and debilitating rheumatoid arthritis for which she has had numerous treatments, but over the past ten years she has been treated with methotrexate quite successfully. Her dosage has varied somewhere between 20 and 25 mg per week. About the beginning of this year, her dosage was decreased from 25 mg to 20 mg, but because of the flare of the rheumatoid arthritis, it was increased to 22.5 mg per week. She has had no problems with methotrexate as far as she knows. She also took an NSAID about a month ago that was recently continued because of the ulcerations in her mouth. About two weeks ago, just about the time the stomatitis began she was placed on an antibiotic for suspected upper respiratory infection. She does not remember the name of the antibiotic. Although she claims she remembers taking this type of medication in the past without any problems. She was on that medication three pills a day for three to four days. She notes no other problems with her skin. She remembers no allergic reactions to medication. She has no previous history of fever blisters. ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, Reveals superficial erosions along the lips particularly the lower lips. The posterior buccal mucosa along the sides of the tongue and also some superficial erosions along the upper and lower gingiva. Her posterior pharynx was difficult to visualize, but I saw no erosions on the areas today. There did however appear to be one small erosion on the soft palate. Examination of the rest of her skin revealed no areas of dermatitis or blistering. There were some macular hyperpigmentation on the right arm where she has had a previous burn, plus the deformities from her rheumatoid arthritis on her hands and feet as well as scars on her knees from total joint replacement surgeries. ,IMPRESSION: , Erosive stomatitis probably secondary to methotrexate even though the medication has been used for ten years without any problems. Methotrexate may produce an erosive stomatitis and enteritis after such a use. The patient also may have an enteritis that at this point may have become more quiescent as she notes that she did have some diarrhea about the time her mouth problem developed. She has had no diarrhea today, however. She has noted no blood in her stools and has had no episodes of nausea or vomiting. ,I am not as familiar with the NSAID causing an erosive stomatitis. I understand that it can cause gastrointestinal upset, but given the choice between the two, I would think the methotrexate is the most likely etiology for the stomatitis. ,RECOMMENDED THERAPY: ,I agree with your therapeutic regimen regarding this condition with the use of prednisone and folic acid. I also agree that the methotrexate must be discontinued in order to produce a resolution of this patients’ skin problem. However, in my experience, this stomatitis may take a number of weeks to go away completely if a patient been on methotrexate, for an extended period of time, because the medication is stored within the liver and in fatty tissue. Topically I have prescribed Lidex gel, which I find works extremely well in stomatitis conditions. It can be applied t.i.d. ,Thank you very much for allowing me to share in the care of this pleasant patient. I will follow her with you as needed.
CONSULT FOR PROSTATE CANCER,The patient returned for consultation for his newly diagnosed prostate cancer. The options including radical prostatectomy with or without nerve sparing were discussed with him with the risks of bleeding, infection, rectal injury, impotence, and incontinence. These were discussed at length. Alternative therapies including radiation therapy; either radioactive seed placement, conformal radiation therapy, or the HDR radiation treatments were discussed with the risks of bladder, bowel, and rectal injury and possible impotence were discussed also. There is a risk of rectal fistula. Hormonal therapy is usually added to the radiation therapy options and this has the risk of osteoporosis, gynecomastia, hot flashes and impotency. Potency may not recover after the hormone therapy has been completed. Cryosurgery was discussed with the risks of urinary retention, stricture formation, incontinence and impotency. There is a risk of rectal fistula. He would need to have a suprapubic catheter for about two weeks and may need to learn self-intermittent catheterization if he cannot void adequately. Prostate surgery to relieve obstruction and retention after radioactive seeds or cryosurgery has a higher risk of urinary incontinence. Observation therapy was discussed with him in addition. I answered all questions that were put to me and I think he understands the options that are available. I spoke with the patient for over 60 minutes concerning these options.
She was evaluated this a.m. and was without any significant clinical change. Her white count has been improving and down to 12,000. A chest x-ray obtained today showed some bilateral infiltrates, but no acute cardiopulmonary change. There was a suggestion of a bilateral lower lobe pneumonitis or pneumonia.,She has been on Zosyn for the infection.,Throughout her hospitalization, we have been trying to adjust her pain medications. She states that the methadone did not work for her. She was "immune" to oxycodone. She had been on tramadol before and was placed back on that. There was some question that this may have been causing some dizziness. She also was on clonazepam and alprazolam for the underlying bipolar disorder.,Apparently, her husband was in this afternoon. He had a box of her pain medications. It is unclear whether she took a bunch of these or precisely what happened. I was contacted that she was less responsive. She periodically has some difficulty to arouse due to pain medications, which she has been requesting repeatedly, though at times does not appear to have objective signs of ongoing pain. The nurse found her and was unable to arouse her at this point. There was a concern that she had taken some medications from home. She was given Narcan and appeared to come around some. Breathing remained somewhat labored and she had some diffuse scattered rhonchi, which certainly changed from this a.m. Additional Narcan was given as well as some medications to reverse a possible benzodiazepine toxicity. With O2 via mask, oxygenation was stable at 90% to 95% after initial hypoxia was noted. A chest x-ray was obtained at this time. An ECG was obtained, which shows a sinus tachycardia, noted to have ischemic abnormalities.,In light of the acute decompensation, she was then transferred to the ICU. We will continue the IV Zosyn. Respiratory protocol with respiratory management. Continue alprazolam p.r.n., but avoid if she appears sedated. We will attempt to avoid additional pain medications, but we will continue with the Dilaudid for time being. I suspect she will need something to control her bipolar disorder.,Pulmonary Medicine Associates have been contacted to consult in light of the ICU admission. At this juncture, she does not appear to need an intubation. Pending chest x-ray, she may require additional IV furosemide.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Desires permanent sterilization.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Desires permanent sterilization.,PROCEDURE: , Laparoscopic tubal ligation, Falope ring method.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 10 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY: ,A 35-year-old female, P4-0-0-4, who desires permanent sterilization. The risks of bleeding, infection, damage to other organs, and subsequent ectopic pregnancy was explained. Informed consent was obtained.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , Normal appearing uterus and adnexa bilaterally.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , After administration of general anesthesia, the patient was placed in the dorsal lithotomy position, and prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The speculum was placed in the vagina, the cervix was grasped with the tenaculum, and a uterine manipulator inserted. This area was then draped off the remainder of the operative field.,A 5-mm incision was made umbilically after injecting 0.25% Marcaine, 2 mL. A Veress needle was inserted to confirm an opening pressure of 2 mmHg. Approximately 4 liters of CO2 gas was insufflated into the abdominal cavity. The Veress needle was removed, and a 5-mm port placed. Position was confirmed using a laparoscope. A second port was placed under direct visualization, 3 fingerbreadths suprapubically, 7 mm in diameter, after 2 mL of 0.25% Marcaine was injected. This was done under direct visualization. The pelvic cavity was examined with the findings as noted above. The Falope rings were then applied to each tube bilaterally. Good segments were noted to be ligated. The accessory port was removed. The abdomen was deflated. The laparoscope and sheath was removed. The skin edges were approximated with 5-0 Monocryl suture in subcuticular fashion. The instruments were removed from the vagina. The patient was returned to the supine position, recalled from anesthesia, and transferred to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. Sponge and needle counts correct at the conclusion of the case. Estimated blood loss was minimal.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. End-stage renal disease, hypertension, diabetes, need for chronic arteriovenous access.,2. Ischemic cardiomyopathy, ejection fraction 20%.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. End-stage renal disease, hypertension, diabetes, need for chronic arteriovenous access.,2. Ischemic cardiomyopathy, ejection fraction 20%.,OPERATION,Left forearm arteriovenous fistula between cephalic vein and radial artery.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY,This is a patient referred by Dr. Michael Campbell. He is a 44-year-old African-American, who has end-stage renal disease and also ischemic cardiomyopathy. This morning, he received coronary angiogram by Dr. A, which was reportedly normal, after which, he was brought to the operating room for an AV fistula. All the advantages, disadvantages, risks, and benefits of the procedure were explained to him for which he had consented.,ANESTHESIA,Monitored anesthesia care.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE,The patient was identified, brought to the operating room, placed supine, and IV sedation given. This was done under monitored anesthesia care. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. He received local infiltration of 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine in the region of the proposed incision.,Incision was about 2.5 cm long between the cephalic vein and the distal part of the forearm and the radial artery. Incision was deepened down through the subcutaneous fascia. The vein was identified, dissected for a good length, and then the artery was identified and dissected. Heparin 5000 units was given. The artery clamped proximally and distally, opened up in the middle. It was found to have Monckeberg's arteriosclerosis of a moderate intensity. The vein was of good caliber and size.,The vein was clipped distally, fashioned to size and shape, and arteriotomy created in the distal radial artery and end-to-side anastomosis was performed using 7-0 Prolene and bled prior to tying it down. Thrill was immediately felt and heard.,The incision was closed in two layers and sterile dressing applied.
DIAGNOSIS: ,Shortness of breath. Fatigue and weakness. Hypertension. Hyperlipidemia.,INDICATION: , To evaluate for coronary artery disease.,
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Unremarkable, except for diabetes and atherosclerotic vascular disease.,ALLERGIES:, PENICILLIN.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Include Glucovance, Seroquel, Flomax, and Nexium.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Appendectomy and exploratory laparotomy.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is a non-smoker. No alcohol abuse. The patient is married with no children.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Significant for an old CVA.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, The patient is an elderly male alert and cooperative. Blood pressure 96/60 mmHg. Respirations were 20. Pulse 94. Afebrile. O2 was 94% on room air. HEENT: Normocephalic and atraumatic. Pupils are reactive. Oral mucosa is grossly normal. Neck is supple. Lungs: Decreased breath sounds. Disturbed breath sounds with poor exchange. Heart: Regular rhythm. Abdomen: Soft and nontender. No organomegaly or masses. Extremities: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema.,LABORATORY DATA: , Oropharyngeal evaluation done on 11/02/2006 revealed mild oropharyngeal dysphagia with no evidence of laryngeal penetration or aspiration with food or liquid. Slight reduction in tongue retraction resulting in mild residual remaining in the palatal sinuses, which clear with liquid swallow and double-saliva swallow.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Cough probably multifactorial combination of gastroesophageal reflux and recurrent aspiration.,2. Old CVA with left hemiparesis.,3. Oropharyngeal dysphagia.,4. Diabetes.,PLAN:, At the present time, the patient is recommended to continue on a regular diet, continue speech pathology evaluation as well as perform double-swallow during meals with bolus sensation. He may use Italian lemon ice during meals to help clear sinuses as well. The patient will follow up with you. If you need any further assistance, do not hesitate to call me.
EXAM:, CT examination of the abdomen and pelvis with intravenous contrast.,INDICATIONS:, Abdominal pain.,TECHNIQUE: ,CT examination of the abdomen and pelvis was performed after 100 mL of intravenous Isovue-300 contrast administration. Oral contrast was not administered. There was no comparison of studies.,FINDINGS,CT PELVIS:,Within the pelvis, the uterus demonstrates a thickened-appearing endometrium. There is also a 4.4 x 2.5 x 3.4 cm hypodense mass in the cervix and lower uterine segment of uncertain etiology. There is also a 2.5 cm intramural hypodense mass involving the dorsal uterine fundus likely representing a fibroid. Several smaller fibroids were also suspected.,The ovaries are unremarkable in appearance. There is no free pelvic fluid or adenopathy.,CT ABDOMEN:,The appendix has normal appearance in the right lower quadrant. There are few scattered diverticula in the sigmoid colon without evidence of diverticulitis. The small and large bowels are otherwise unremarkable. The stomach is grossly unremarkable. There is no abdominal or retroperitoneal adenopathy. There are no adrenal masses. The kidneys, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are in unremarkable appearance. The spleen contains several small calcified granulomas, but no evidence of masses. It is normal in size. The lung bases are clear bilaterally. The osseous structures are unremarkable other than mild facet degenerative changes at L4-L5 and L5-S1.,IMPRESSION:,1. Hypoattenuating mass in the lower uterine segment and cervix of uncertain etiology measuring approximately 4.4 x 2.5 x 3.4 cm.,2. Multiple uterine fibroids.,3. Prominent endometrium.,4. Followup pelvic ultrasound is recommended.
Her past medical history includes a presumed diagnosis of connective tissue disorder. She has otherwise, good health. She underwent a shoulder ligament repair for joint laxity.,She does not take any eye medications and she takes Seasonale systemically. She is allergic to penicillin.,The visual acuity today, distance with her current prescription was 20/30 on the right and 20/20 on the left eye. Over refraction on the right eye showed -0.50 sphere with acuity of 20/20 OD. She is wearing -3.75 +1.50 x 060 on the right and -2.50 +0.25 x 140, OS. Intraocular pressures are 13 OU and by applanation. Confrontation, visual fields, extraocular movement, and pupils are normal in both eyes. Gonioscopy showed normal anterior segment angle morphology in both eyes. She does have some fine iris strength crossing the angle, but the angle is otherwise open 360 degrees in both eyes.,The lids were normal in both eyes. Conjunctivae were quite, OU. Cornea were clear in both eyes. The anterior chamber is deep and quiet, OU. She has clear lenses, which are in good position, OU. Dilated fundus exam shows moderately optically clear vitreous, OU. The optic nerves are normal in size. The cup-to-disc ratios were approximately 0.4, OU. The nerve fiber layers are excellent, OU. The macula, vessels, and periphery were normal in both eyes. No evidence of peripheral retinal degeneration is present in either eye.,Ms. ABC has optically clear vitreous. She does not have any obvious risk factors for retinal detachment at present such as peripheral retinal degeneration and her anterior chamber angles are normal in both eyes.,She does have moderate myopia, however.,This combination of findings suggests and is consistent with her systemic connective tissue disorder such as a Stickler syndrome or a variant of Stickler syndrome.,I discussed with her the symptoms of retinal detachment and advised her to contact us immediately if they occur. Otherwise, I can see her in 1 to 2 years.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Herniated nucleus pulposus C2-C3.,2. Spinal stenosis C3-C4.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Herniated nucleus pulposus C2-C3.,2. Spinal stenosis C3-C4.,PROCEDURES,1. Anterior cervical discectomy, C3-C4, C2-C3.,2. Anterior cervical fusion, C2-C3, C3-C4.,3. Removal of old instrumentation, C4-C5.,4. Fusion C3-C4 and C2-C3 with instrumentation using ABC plates.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was placed in the supine position. The neck was prepped and draped in the usual fashion for anterior cervical discectomy. A high incision was made to allow access to C2-C3. Skin and subcutaneous tissue and the platysma were divided sharply exposing the carotid sheath which was retracted laterally and the trachea and esophagus were retracted medially. This exposed the vertebral bodies of C2-C3 and C4-C5 which was bridged by a plate. We placed in self-retaining retractors. With the tooth beneath the blades, the longus colli muscles were dissected away from the vertebral bodies of C2, C3, C4, and C5. After having done this, we used the all-purpose instrumentation to remove the instrumentation at C4-C5, we could see that fusion at C4-C5 was solid.,We next proceeded with the discectomy at C2-C3 and C3-C4 with disc removal. In a similar fashion using a curette to clean up the disc space and the space was fairly widened, as well as drilling up the vertebral joints using high-speed cutting followed by diamond drill bit. It was obvious that the C3-C4 neural foramina were almost totally obliterated due to the osteophytosis and foraminal stenosis. With the operating microscope; however, we had good visualization of these nerve roots, and we were able to ___________ both at C2-C3 and C3-C4. We then placed the ABC 55-mm plate from C2 down to C4. These were secured with 16-mm titanium screws after excellent purchase. We took an x-ray which showed excellent position of the plate, the screws, and the graft themselves. The next step was to irrigate the wound copiously with saline and bacitracin solution and s Jackson-Pratt drain was placed in the prevertebral space and brought out through a separate incision. The wound was closed with 2-0 Vicryl for subcutaneous tissues and Steri-Strips used to close the skin. Blood loss was about 50 mL. No complication of the surgery. Needle count, sponge count, cottonoid count was correct.,The operating microscope was used for the entirety for both visualization and magnification and illumination which was quite superb. At the time of surgery, he had total collapse of the C2, C3, and C4 disc with osteophyte formation. At both levels, he has high-grade spinal stenosis at these levels, especially foramen stenosis causing the compression, neck pain, headaches, and arm and shoulder pain. He does have degenerative changes at C5-C6, C6-C7, C7-T1; however, they do not appear to be symptomatic, although x-rays show the disks to be partially collapsed at all levels with osteophyte formation beginning to form.
EXAM: , Single frontal view of the chest.,HISTORY: , Atelectasis. Patient is status-post surgical correction for ASD.,TECHNIQUE: , A single frontal view of the chest was evaluated and correlated with the prior film dated mm/dd/yy.,FINDINGS:, Current film reveals there is a right-sided central venous catheter, the distal tip appears to be in the superior vena cava. Endotracheal tube with the distal tip appears to be in appropriate position, approximately 2 cm superior to the carina. Sternotomy wires are noted. They appear in appropriate placement. There are no focal areas of consolidation to suggest pneumonia. Once again seen is minimal amount of bilateral basilar atelectasis. The cardiomediastinal silhouette appears to be within normal limits at this time. No evidence of any pneumothoraces or pleural effusions.,IMPRESSION:,1. There has been interval placement of a right-sided central venous catheter, endotracheal tube, and sternotomy wires secondary to patient's most recent surgical intervention.,2. Minimal bilateral basilar atelectasis with no significant interval changes from the patient's most recent prior.,3. Interval decrease in the patient's heart size which may be secondary to the surgery versus positional and technique.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Septic left total knee arthroplasty.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Septic left total knee arthroplasty.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Arthroscopic irrigation and debridement of same with partial synovectomy.,ANESTHESIA:, LMA.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DRAINS:, None.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is an 81-year-old female, who is approximately 10 years status post total knee replacement performed in another state, who presented a couple of days ago to the office with worsening pain without injury and whose symptoms have been present for approximately a month following a possible urinary tract infection. The patient' knee was aspirated in the office and cultures were positive for Escherichia coli. She presents for operative therapy.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: , After obtaining informed consent and the administration of antibiotics since her cultures had already been obtained, the patient was taken to the operating room and following satisfactory induction and the patient was placed on the table in supine position. The left upper extremity was prepped and draped without a tourniquet. The knee was injected with 30 mL of normal saline and standard arthroscopy portals were created. The arthroscopy was inserted and a complete diagnostic was performed. Arthroscopic pictures were taken throughout the procedure. The knee was copiously irrigated with 9 L of irrigant. A partial synovectomy was performed in all compartments. Minimal amount of polyethylene wear was noted. The total knee components were identified arthroscopically for future revision surgery. The knee was then drained and the arthroscopic instruments were removed. The portals were closed with 4-0 nylon and local anesthetic was injected. A sterile dressing was applied and the patient was placed in a knee immobilizer, awakened from anesthesia and transported to the recovery room in stable condition and tolerated the procedure well.
CC:, Left hemibody numbness.,HX:, This 44y/o RHF awoke on 7/29/93 with left hemibody numbness without tingling, weakness, ataxia, visual or mental status change. She had no progression of her symptoms until 7/7/93 when she notices her right hand was stiff and clumsy. She coincidentally began listing to the right when walking. She denied any recent colds/flu-like illness or history of multiple sclerosis. She denied symptoms of Lhermitte's or Uhthoff's phenomena.,MEDS:, none.,PMH:, 1)Bronchitis twice in past year (last 2 months ago).,FHX:, Father with HTN and h/o strokes at ages 45 and 80; now 82 years old. Mother has DM and is age 80.,SHX:, Denies Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM:, BP112/76 HR52 RR16 36.8C,MS: unremarkable.,CN: unremarkable.,Motor: 5/5 strength throughout except for slowing of right hand fine motor movement. There was mildly increased muscle tone in the RUE and RLE.,Sensory: decreased PP below T2 level on left and some dysesthesias below L1 on the left.,Coord: positive rebound in RUE.,Station/Gait: unremarkable.,Reflexes: 3+/3 throughout all four extremities. Plantar responses were flexor, bilaterally.,Rectal exam not done.,Gen exam reportedly "normal.",COURSE:, GS, CBC, PT, PTT, ESR, Serum SSA/SSB/dsDNA, B12 were all normal. MRI C-spine, 7/145/93, showed an area of decreased T1 and increased T2 signal at the C4-6 levels within the right lateral spinal cord. The lesion appeared intramedullary and eccentric, and peripherally enhanced with gadolinium. Lumbar puncture, 7/16/93, revealed the following CSF analysis results: RBC 0, WBC 1 (lymphocyte), Protein 28mg/dl, Glucose 62mg/dl, CSF Albumin 16 (normal 14-20), Serum Albumin 4520 (normal 3150-4500), CSF IgG 4.1mg/dl (normal 0-6.2), CSF IgG, % total CSF protein 15% (normal 1-14%), CSF IgG index 1.1 (normal 0-0.7), Oligoclonal bands were present. She was discharged home.,The patient claimed her symptoms resolved within one month. She did not return for a scheduled follow-up MRI C-spine.
HX: ,This 46y/o RHM with HTN was well until 2 weeks prior to exam when he experienced sudden onset dizziness and RUE clumsiness. The symptoms resolved within 10 min. He did well until the afternoon of admission when while moving the lawn he experienced lightheadedness, RUE dysfunction and expressive aphasia (could not get the words out). His wife took him to his local MD, and on the way there his symptoms resolved. His aphasia recurred at his physician's office and a CT scan of the brain revealed a left temporal mass. He was transferred to UIHC.,PMH:, HTN for many years,MEDS:, Vasotec and Dyazide,SHX/FHX:, ETOH abuse (quit '92), 30pk-yr Cigarettes (quit '92),EXAM:, BP158/92, HR91, RR16,MS: Speech fluent without dysarthria,CN: no deficits noted,Motor: no weakness or abnormal tone noted,Sensory: no deficits noted,Coord: normal,Station: no drift,Gait ND,Reflexes: 3+ throughout. Plantars down-going bilaterally.,Gen exam: unremarkable,STUDIES:, WBC14.3K, Na 132, Cl 94, CO2 22, Glucose 129.,CT Brain without contrast: Calcified 2.5 x 2.5cm mass arising from left sylvian fissure/temporal lobe.,MRI Brain, 8/31/92: right temporo-parietal mass with mixed signal on T1 and T2 images. It has a peripheral dark rim on T1 and T2 with surrounding edema. This suggests a component of methemoglobin and hemosiderin within it. Slight peripheral enhancement was identified. There are two smaller foci of enhancement in the posterior parietal lobe on the right. There is nonspecific white matter foci within the pons and right thalamus. Impression: right temporoparietal hemorrhage, suggesting aneurysm or mass. The two smaller foci may suggest metastasis. The white matter changes probably reflect microvascular disease.,3 Vessel cerebroangiogram, 8/31/92: Lobulated fusiform aneurysm off a peripheral branch of the left middle cerebral artery with slow flow into the vessel distal to the aneurysm.,COURSE:, The aneurysm was felt to be inoperable and he was discharged home on Dilantin, ASA, and Diltiazem.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left knee medial femoral condyle osteochondritis dissecans.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left knee medial femoral condyle osteochondritis dissecans.,PROCEDURES:, Left knee arthroscopy with removal of the cartilage loose body and microfracture of the medial femoral condyle with chondroplasty.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,TOURNIQUET TIME: ,Thirty-seven minutes.,MEDICATIONS: , The patient also received 30 mL of 0.5% Marcaine local anesthetic at the end of the case.,COMPLICATIONS: , No intraoperative complications.,DRAINS AND SPECIMENS: , None.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The patient had a loose body that was found in the suprapatellar pouch upon entry of the camera. This loose body was then subsequently removed. It measured 24 x 14 mm. This was actually the OCD lesion seen on the MRI that had come from the weightbearing surface of just the lateral posterior aspect of the medial femoral condyle,HISTORY AND PHYSICAL: , The patient is 13-year-old male with persistent left knee pain. He was initially seen at Sierra Pacific Orthopedic Group where an MRI demonstrated unstable OCD lesion of the left knee. The patient presented here for a second opinion. Surgery was recommended grossly due to the instability of the fragment. Risks and benefits of surgery were discussed. The risks of surgery include risk of anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation and motion extremity, failure to relieve pain or restore the articular cartilage, possible need for other surgical procedures, and possible early arthritis. All questions were answered and parents agreed to the above plan.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. General anesthesia was then administered. The patient received Ancef preoperatively. A nonsterile tourniquet was placed on the upper aspect of the patient's left thigh. The extremity was then prepped and draped in standard surgical fashion. The standard portals were marked on the skin. The extremity was wrapped in Esmarch prior to inflation of tourniquet to 250 mmHg. The portal incisions were then made by an #11 blade. Camera was inserted into the lateral joint line. There was a noted large cartilage loose body in the suprapatellar pouch. This was subsequently removed with extension of the anterolateral portal. Visualization of the rest of the knee revealed significant synovitis. The patient had a large cartilage defect in the posterolateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle. The remainder of the knee demonstrated no other significant cartilage lesions, loose bodies, plica or meniscal pathology. ACL was also visualized to be intact in the intracondylar notch.,Attention was then turned back to the large defect. The loose cartilage was debrided using a shaver. Microfracture technique was then performed to 4 mm depth at 2 to 3 mm distances. Tourniquet was released at the end of the case to ensure that there was fat and bleeding at the microfracture sites. All instruments were then removed. The portals were closed using #4-0 Monocryl. A total of 30 mL of 0.5% Marcaine was injected into the knee. Wounds were then cleaned and dried, and dressed in Steri-Strips, Xeroform, 4 x 4s, and bias. The patient was then placed in a knee immobilizer. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The tourniquet was released at 37 minutes. He was taken to recovery in stable condition.,POSTOPERATIVE PLAN: , The loose cartilage fragment was given to the family. The intraoperative findings were relayed with intraoperative photos. There was a large deficit in the weightbearing portion of medial femoral condyle. His prognosis is guarded given the fact of the fragile lesion and location, but in advantages of his age and his rehab potential down the road, if the patient still has symptoms, he may be a candidate for osteochondral autograft, a procedure which is not performed at Children's or possible cartilaginous transplant. All questions were answered. The patient will follow up in 10 days, may wet the wound in 5 days.
DOBUTAMINE STRESS ECHOCARDIOGRAM,REASON FOR EXAM: , Chest discomfort, evaluation for coronary artery disease.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the cardiac center. Cardiac images at rest were obtained in the parasternal long and short axis, apical four and apical two views followed by starting with a dobutamine drip in the usual fashion at 10 mcg/kg per minute for low dose, increased every 2 to 3 minutes by 10 mcg/kg per minute. The patient maximized at 30 mcg/kg per minute. Images were obtained at that level after adding 0.7 mg of atropine to reach maximal heart rate of 145. Maximal images were obtained in the same windows of parasternal long and short axis, apical four and apical two windows.,Wall motion assessed at all levels as well as at recovery.,The patient got nauseated, had some mild shortness of breath. No angina during the procedure and the maximal amount of dobutamine was 30 mcg/kg per minute.,The resting heart rate was 78 with the resting blood pressure 186/98. Heart rate reduced by the vasodilator effects of dobutamine to 130/80. Maximal heart rate achieved was 145, which is 85% of age-predicted heart rate.,The EKG at rest showed sinus rhythm with no ST-T wave depression suggestive of ischemia or injury. Incomplete right bundle-branch block was seen. The maximal stress test EKG showed sinus tachycardia. There was subtle upsloping ST depression in III and aVF, which is a normal response to the tachycardia with dobutamine, but no significant depression suggestive of ischemia and no ST elevation seen.,No ventricular tachycardia or ventricular ectopy seen during the test. The heart rate recovered in a normal fashion after using metoprolol 5 mg.,The heart images were somewhat suboptimal to evaluate because of obesity and some problems with the short axis windows mainly at peak exercise.,The EF at rest appeared to be normal at 55 to 60 with normal wall motion including anterior, anteroseptal, inferior, lateral, and septal walls at low dose. All walls mentioned were augmented in a normal fashion. At maximum dose, all walls were augmented on all views except for the short axis was foreshortened, was uncertain about the anterolateral wall at peak exercise; however, of the other views, the lateral wall was showing normal thickening and normal augmentation. EF improved to about 70%.,The wall motion score was unchanged.,IMPRESSION:,1. Maximal dobutamine stress echocardiogram test achieving more than 85% of age-predicted heart rate.,2. Negative EKG criteria for ischemia.,3. Normal augmentation at low and maximum stress test with some uncertainty about the anterolateral wall in peak exercise only on the short axis view. This is considered the negative dobutamine stress echocardiogram test, medical management.
SUBJECTIVE:, This 47-year-old white female presents with concern about possible spider bite to the left side of her neck. She is not aware of any specific injury. She noticed a little tenderness and redness on her left posterior shoulder about two days ago. It seems to be getting a little bit larger in size, and she saw some red streaks extending up her neck. She has had no fever. The area is very minimally tender, but not particularly so.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Generic Maxzide, Climara patch, multivitamin, Tums, Claritin, and vitamin C.,ALLERGIES:, No known medicine allergies.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital Signs: Weight is 150 pounds. Blood pressure 122/82.,Extremities: Examination of the left posterior shoulder near the neckline is an area of faint erythema which is 6 cm in diameter. In the center is a tiny mark which could certainly be an insect or spider bite. There is no eschar there, but just a tiny marking. There are a couple of erythematous streaks extending towards the neck.,ASSESSMENT:, Possible insect bite with lymphangitis.,PLAN:,1. Duricef 1 g daily for seven days.,2. Cold packs to the area.,3. Discussed symptoms that were suggestive of the worsening, in which case she would need to call me.,4. Incidentally, she has noticed a little bit of dryness and redness on her eyelids, particularly the upper ones’ and the lower lateral areas. I suspect she has a mild contact dermatitis and suggested hydrocortisone 1% cream to be applied sparingly at bedtime only.
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: , Trauma/ATV accident resulting in left open humerus fracture.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Trauma/ATV accident resulting in left open humerus fracture.,SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS:, None.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , For complete details, please see dictated history and physical by Dr. X dated July 23, 2008. Briefly, the patient is a 10-year-old male who presented to the Hospital Emergency Department following an ATV accident. He was an unhelmeted passenger on ATV when the driver lost control and the ATV rolled over throwing the passenger and the driver approximately 5 to 10 meters. The patient denies any loss of consciousness. He was not amnestic to the event. He was taken by family members to the Iredell County Hospital, where he was initially evaluated. Due to the extent of his injuries, he was immediately transferred to Hospital Emergency Department for further evaluation.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , Upon arrival in the Hospital Emergency Department, he was noted to have an open left humerus fracture. No other apparent injuries. This was confirmed with radiographic imaging showing that the chest and pelvis x-rays were negative for any acute injury and that the cervical spine x-ray was negative for fracture malalignment. The left upper extremity x-ray did demonstrate an open left distal humerus fracture. The orthopedic surgery team was then consulted and upon their evaluation, the patient was taken emergently to the operating room for surgical repair of his left humerus fracture. In the operating room, the patient was prepared for an irrigation and debridement of what was determined to be an open type 3 subcondylar left distal humerus fracture. In the operating room, his upper extremity was evaluated for neurovascular status and great care was taken to preserve these structures. Throughout the duration of the procedure, the patient had a palpable distal radial pulse. The orthopedic team then completed an open reduction and internal fixation of the left supracondylar humerus fracture. A wound VAC was then placed over the wound at the conclusion of the procedure. The patient tolerated this procedure well and was returned to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for postsurgical followup and monitoring. His diet was advanced and his pain was controlled with pain medication. The day following his surgery, the patient was evaluated for a potential for closed head injury given the nature of his accident and the fact that he was not wearing a helmet during his accident. A CT of the brain without contrast showed no acute intracranial abnormalities moreover his cervical spine was radiographically and clinically cleared and his C-collar was removed at that point. Once his C spine had been cleared and the absence of a closed head injury was confirmed. The patient was then transferred from the Intensive Care Unit to the General Floor bed. His clinical status continued to improve and on July 26, 2008, he was taken back to the operating room for removal of the wound VAC and closure of his left upper extremity wound. He again tolerated this procedure well on his return to the General Pediatrics Floor. Throughout his stay, there was concern for compartment syndrome due to the nature and extent of his injuries. However, frequent checks of his distal pulses indicated that he had strong peripheral pulses in the left upper extremity. Moreover, the patient had no complaints of paresthesia. There was no demonstration of pallor or pain on passive motion. There was good capillary refill to the digits of the left hand. By the date of the discharge, the patient was on a full pediatric select diet and was tolerating this well. He had no abdominal tenderness and there were no abdominal injuries on exam or radiographic studies. He was afebrile and his vital signs were stable and once cleared by Orthopedics, he was deemed appropriate for discharge.,PROCEDURES DURING THIS HOSPITALIZATION:,1. Irrigation and debridement of open type 3 subcondylar left distal humerus fracture (July 23, 2008).,2. Open reduction and internal fixation of the left supracondylar humerus fracture (July 23, 2008).,3. Negative pressure wound dressing (July 23, 2008).,4. Irrigation and debridement of left elbow fracture (July 26, 2008).,5. CT of the brain without contrast (July 24, 2008).,DISPOSITION: ,Home with parents.,INVASIVE LINES: , None.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: ,The patient was instructed that he can return home with his regular diet and he was asked not to do any strenuous activities, move furniture, lift heavy objects, or use his left upper extremity. He was asked to followup with return appointment in one week to see Dr. Y in Orthopedics. Additionally, he was told to call his pediatrician, if he develops any fevers, pain, loss of sensation, loss of pulse, or discoloration of his fingers, or paleness to his hand.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Urinary retention.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 66-year-old gentleman status post deceased donor kidney transplant in 12/07, who has had recurrent urinary retention issues since that time. Most recently, he was hospitalized on 02/04/08 for acute renal insufficiency, which was probably secondary to dehydration. He was seen by urology again at this visit for urinary retention. He had been seen by urology during a previous hospitalization and he passed his voiding trial at the time of his stent removal on 01/22/08. Cystoscopy showed at that time obstructive BPH. He was started on Flomax at the time of discharge from the hospital. During the most recent readmission on 02/04/08, he went back into urinary retention and he had had a Foley placed at the outside hospital.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Positive for blurred vision, nasal congestion, and occasional constipation. Denies chest pain, shortness of breath or any rashes or lesions. All other systems were reviewed and found to be negative.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. End-stage renal disease, now status post deceased donor kidney transplant in 12/07.,2. Hypertension.,3. History of nephrolithiasis.,4. Gout.,5. BPH.,6. DJD.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. Deceased donor kidney transplant in 12/07.,2. Left forearm and left upper arm fistula placements.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Significant for mother with an unknown type of cancer, possibly colon cancer or lung and prostate problems on his father side of the family. He does not know whether his father side of the family had any history of prostate cancer.,HOME MEDICATIONS:,1. Norvasc.,2. Toprol 50 mg.,3. Clonidine 0.2 mg.,4. Hydralazine.,5. Flomax.,6. Allopurinol.,7. Sodium bicarbonate.,8. Oxybutynin.,9. Coumadin.,10. Aspirin.,11. Insulin 70/30.,12. Omeprazole.,13. Rapamune.,14. CellCept.,15. Prednisone.,16. Ganciclovir.,17. Nystatin swish and swallow.,18. Dapsone.,19. Finasteride.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: This is a well-developed, well-nourished male, in no acute distress. VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98, blood pressure 129/72, pulse 96, and weight 175.4 pounds. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm with a 3/6 systolic murmur. ABDOMEN: Right lower quadrant incision site scar well healed. Nontender to palpation. Liver and spleen not enlarged. No hernias appreciated. PENIS: Normal male genitalia. No lesions appreciated on the penis. Previous DRE showed the prostate of approximately 40 grams and no nodules. Foley in place and draining clear urine.,The patient underwent fill and pull study, in which his bladder tolerated 120 ml of sterile water passively filling his bladder. He spontaneously voided without the Foley 110 mL.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: ,This is a 66-year-old male with signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy, who has had recurrent urinary retention since the kidney transplant in 12/07. He passed his fill and pull study and was thought to self-catheterize in the event that he does incur urinary retention again. We discussed with Mr. Barker that he has a urologist closer to his home and he lives approximately 3 hours away; however, he desires to continue follow up with the urology clinic at MCG and has been set up for followup in 6 weeks. He was also given a prescription for 6 months of Flomax and Proscar. He did not have a PSA drawn today as he had a catheter in place, therefore his PSA could be falsely elevated. He will have PSA level drawn either just before his visit for followup.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral vesicoureteral reflux with right reflux nephropathy after Deflux injection.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral vesicoureteral reflux with right reflux nephropathy after Deflux injection.,PROCEDURE:, Cystoscopy under anesthesia, bilateral HIT/STING with Deflux under general anesthetic.,ANESTHESIA: , General inhalational anesthetic.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: , 250 mL crystalloids.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 5 mL.,SPECIMENS:, Urine sent for culture.,ABNORMAL FINDINGS: ,Gaping ureteral orifices, right greater than left, with Deflux not in or near the ureteral orifices. Right ureteral orifice was HIT with 1.5 mL of Deflux and left with 1.2 mL of Deflux.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 4-1/2-year-old boy with history of reflux nephropathy and voiding and bowel dysfunction. He has had a STING procedure performed but continues to have reflux bilaterally. Plan is for another injection.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was taken to the operating room where surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Once he was anesthetized, IV antibiotics were given. He was then placed in a lithotomy position with adequate padding of his arms and legs. His urethra was calibrated to 12-French with a bougie a boule. A 9.5-French cystoscope was used and the offset system was then used. His urethra was normal without valves or strictures. His bladder was fairly normal with minimal trabeculations but no cystitis noted. Upon evaluation, the patient's right ureteral orifice was found to be remarkably gaping and the Deflux that was present was not in or near ureteral orifice but it was inferior to it below the trigone. This was similarly found on the left side where the Deflux was not close to the orifice as well. It was slightly more difficult because of the amount impacted upon our angle for injection. We were able to ultimately get the Deflux to go ahead with HIT technique on the right into the ureter itself to inject a total of 1.5 mL to include the HIT technique as well as the ureteral orifice itself on the right and left sides and some on the uppermost aspect. Once we injected this, we ran the irrigant over the orifice and it no longer fluttered and there was no bleeding. Similar procedure was done on the left. This was actually more difficult as the Deflux injection from before displaced the ureter slightly more laterally but again HIT technique was performed. There was some mild bleeding and Deflux was used to stop this as well and again no evidence of fluttering of the ureteral orifice after injection. At the end of the procedure, the irrigant was drained and 2% lidocaine jelly was instilled in the urethra. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was in stable condition upon transfer to Recovery. A low-dose of IV Toradol was given at the end of the procedure as well.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Low Back Syndrome - Low back pain with left greater than right lower extremity radiculopathy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Same.,PROCEDURE:,1. Nerve root decompression at L45 on the left side.,2. Tun-L catheter placement with injection of steroid solution and Marcaine at L45 nerve roots left.,3. Interpretation of radiograph.,ANESTHESIA: , IV sedation with Versed and Fentanyl.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, None.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE: , Severe and excruciating pain in the lumbar spine and lower extremity. MRI shows disc pathology as well as facet arthrosis.,SUMMARY OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was admitted to the operating room, consent was obtained and signed. The patient was taken to the Operating room and was placed in the prone position. Monitors were placed, including EKG, pulse oximeter and blood pressure monitoring. After adequate IV sedation with Versed and Fentanyl the procedure was begun.,The lumbar sacral region was prepped and draped in sterile fashion with Betadine and four sterile towels. After the towels were places then sterile drapes were placed on top of that.,After which time the Epimed catheter was then placed, this was done by first repositioning the C-Arm to visualize the lumbar spine and the vertebral bodies were then counted beginning at L5, verifying the sacral hiatus. The skin over the sacral hiatus was then injected with 1% Lidocaine and an #18-gauge needle was used for skin puncture. The #18-gauge needle was inserted off of midline. A #16-gauge RK needle was then placed into the skin puncture and using the paramedian approach and loss-of-resistance technique the needle was placed. Negative aspiration was carefully performed. Omnipaque 240 dye was then injected through the #16-gauge RK needle. The classical run off was noted. A filling defect was noted @ L45 nerve root on the left side. After which time 10 cc of 0.25% Marcaine/Triamcinolone (9/1 mixture) was then infused through the 16 R-K Needle. Some additional lyses of adhesions were visualized as the local anesthetic displaced the Omnipaque 240 dye using this barbotage technique.,An Epimed Tun-L catheter was then inserted through the #16-gauage R-K needle and threaded up to the L45 interspace under continuous fluoroscopic guidance. As the catheter was threaded up under continuous fluoroscopic visualization lyses of adhesions were visualized. The tip of the catheter was noted to be @ L45 level on the left side. After this the #16-gauge RK needle was then removed under fluoroscopic guidance verifying that the tip of the catheter did not migrate from the L45 nerve root region on the left side. After this was successfully done, the catheter was then secured in place; this was done with Neosporin ointment, a Split 2x2, Op site and Hypofix tape. The catheter was then checked with negative aspiration and the Omnipaque 240 dye was then injected. The classical run off was noted in the lumbar region. Some lyses of adhesions were also visualized at this time with barbotage technique. Good dye spread was noted to extend one level above and one level below the L45 nerve root and bilateral spread was noted. Nerve root decompression was visualized as dye spread into the nerve root whereas prior this was a filling defect. After which time negative aspiration was again performed through the Epimed® Tun-L catheter and then 10 cc of solution was then infused through the catheter, this was done over a 10-minute period with initial 3 cc test dose. Approximately 3 minutes elapsed and then the remaining 7 cc were infused (Solution consisting of 8 cc of 0.25% Marcaine, 2 cc of Triamcinolone and 1 cc of Wydase.) The catheter was then capped with a bacterial filter. The patient was noted to have tolerated the procedure well without any complications.,Interpretation of radiograph revealed nerve root adhesions present with lysis of these adhesions as the procedure was performed. A filling defect was seen at the L45 nerve root and this filling defect being significant of fibrosis and adhesions in this region was noted to be lysed with the insertion of the catheter as well as the barbotage procedure. This verified positive nerve root decompression. The tip of the Epimed Tun L catheter was noted to be at L45 level on the left side. Positive myelogram without dural puncture was noted during this procedure; no sub-dural spread of Omnipaque 240 dye was noted. This patient did not report any problems and reported pain reduction.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Marginal zone lymphoma.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a very pleasant 46-year-old woman, who I am asked to see in consultation for a newly diagnosed marginal zone lymphoma (MALT-type lymphoma). A mass was found in her right breast on physical examination. On 07/19/10, she had a mammogram and ultrasound, which confirmed the right breast mass. On 07/30/10, she underwent a biopsy, which showed a marginal zone lymphoma (MALT-type lymphoma).,Overall, she is doing well. She has a good energy level and her ECOG performance status is 0. She denies any fevers, chills, or night sweats. No lymphadenopathy. No nausea or vomiting. She has normal bowel and bladder habits. No melena or hematochezia.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,Macrobid 100 mg q.d.,ALLERGIES: ,Sulfa, causes nausea and vomiting.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As per the HPI, otherwise negative.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. She is status post a left partial nephrectomy as a new born.,2. In 2008 she had a right ankle fracture.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She has a 20-pack year history of tobacco use. She has rare alcohol use. She has no illicit drug use. She is in the process of getting divorced. She has a 24-year-old son in the area and 22-year-old daughter.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Her mother had uterine cancer. Her father had liver cancer.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VIT:
EXAM:, CT examination of the abdomen and pelvis with intravenous contrast.,INDICATIONS:, Abdominal pain.,TECHNIQUE: ,CT examination of the abdomen and pelvis was performed after 100 mL of intravenous Isovue-300 contrast administration. Oral contrast was not administered. There was no comparison of studies.,FINDINGS,CT PELVIS:,Within the pelvis, the uterus demonstrates a thickened-appearing endometrium. There is also a 4.4 x 2.5 x 3.4 cm hypodense mass in the cervix and lower uterine segment of uncertain etiology. There is also a 2.5 cm intramural hypodense mass involving the dorsal uterine fundus likely representing a fibroid. Several smaller fibroids were also suspected.,The ovaries are unremarkable in appearance. There is no free pelvic fluid or adenopathy.,CT ABDOMEN:,The appendix has normal appearance in the right lower quadrant. There are few scattered diverticula in the sigmoid colon without evidence of diverticulitis. The small and large bowels are otherwise unremarkable. The stomach is grossly unremarkable. There is no abdominal or retroperitoneal adenopathy. There are no adrenal masses. The kidneys, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are in unremarkable appearance. The spleen contains several small calcified granulomas, but no evidence of masses. It is normal in size. The lung bases are clear bilaterally. The osseous structures are unremarkable other than mild facet degenerative changes at L4-L5 and L5-S1.,IMPRESSION:,1. Hypoattenuating mass in the lower uterine segment and cervix of uncertain etiology measuring approximately 4.4 x 2.5 x 3.4 cm.,2. Multiple uterine fibroids.,3. Prominent endometrium.,4. Followup pelvic ultrasound is recommended.
OPERATION: , Subxiphoid pericardial window.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,After obtaining informed consent from the patient's family, including a thorough explanation of the risks and benefits of the aforementioned procedure, patient was taken to the operating room and general endotracheal anesthesia was administered. Next, the neck and chest were prepped and draped in the standard surgical fashion. A #10-blade scalpel was used to make an incision in the area of the xiphoid process. Dissection was carried down to the level of the fascia using Bovie electrocautery. The xiphoid process was elevated, and the diaphragmatic attachments to it were dissected free. Next the pericardium was identified.,The pericardium was opened with Bovie electrocautery. Upon entering the pericardium, serous fluid was expressed. In total, ** cc of fluid was drained. A pericardial biopsy was obtained. The fluid was sent off for cytologic examination as well as for culture. A #24 Blake chest drain was brought out through the skin and placed in the posterior pericardium. The fascia was closed with #1 Vicryl followed by 2-0 Vicryl followed by 4-0 PDS in a running subcuticular fashion. Sterile dressing was applied.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Eyebrow ptosis.,2. Dermatochalasia of upper and lower eyelids with tear trough deformity of the lower eyelid.,3. Cervical facial aging with submental lipodystrophy.,OPERATION:,1. Hairline biplanar temporal browlift.,2. Quadrilateral blepharoplasty with lateral canthopexy with arcus marginalis release and fat transposition over inferior orbital rim to lower eyelid.,3. Cervical facial rhytidectomy with purse-string SMAS elevation with submental lipectomy.,ASSISTANT: ,None.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was placed in a supine position and prepped with general endotracheal anesthesia. Local infiltration anesthesia with 1% Xylocaine and 1:100,000 epinephrine was infiltrated in upper and lower eyelids.,Markings were made and fusiform ellipse of skin was resected from the upper eyelid. The lower limb of the fusiform ellipse was at the superior palpebral fold. A 9 mm of upper eyelid skin was resected at the widest portion of the lips, which extended from medial canthal area to the lateral orbital rim. This was performed bilaterally and symmetrically and the skin was removed. Incision was made through the pretarsal orbicularis with small amount of fat being removed from the medial and middle fat pocket. An incision was made over the superior orbital rim. Subperiosteal dissection was performed over the forehead. The dissection proceeded medially. The corrugator and procerus muscles were carefully dissected from the supratrochlear nerves on both right and left side and cauterized.,Hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery in this fashion. A 4-cm incision was made, and the forehead at the hairline, subcutaneous dissection was performed and extended over the frontalis muscle for approximately 4 cm. A subperiosteal dissection was performed after the fibers of the frontalis muscle were separated and subperiosteal dissection from the forehead lead the subperiosteal dissection from the upper eyelid. The incision was made in the lower lid just beneath the lashline. Subcutaneous dissection was performed over the pretarsal and preseptal muscle. Dissection was then proceeded down to the inferior orbital rim. The arcus marginalis was released and the lower eyelid fat was teased over the inferior orbital rim and sutured to the suborbicularis oculi fat and periosteum, which was separated from the inferior orbital rim. The orbital fat was sutured to the suborbicularis oculi fat with multiple preplaced sutures of 5-0 Vicryl on a P2 needle. The upper eyelid incision was closed with a running subcuticular 6-0 Prolene suture bilaterally. The forehead was then elevated, and the nonhairbearing forehead skin was resected 1.5 cm wide raising the tail of the eyebrow. The head of the eyebrow was felt to be elevated by the antagonistic frontalis muscle now that the accessory muscles specifically the corrugator and procerus and depressor supercilii were released and divided.,A lateral canthopexy was performed with 5-0 Prolene suture on a C1 double-arm tapered needle being passed from the lateral commissure of the eyelid to the small stab incision being passed to the medial superior orbital rim and sutured to tighten the lower lid. The distal lateral resection of excessive lower eyelid skin was reduced at risk of eyelid malposition. The lower lid incision was closed after the redundancy of skin measuring approximately 3 mm was resected on both sides. Closure was performed with interrupted 6-0 silk suture for the lower lid. The eyebrow hairline brow lift was closed with interrupted 4-0 PDS suture, deep subcutaneous tissue, and dermis, and the skin closed with a running 5-0 Prolene suture.,Attention then was directed to the cervical facial rhytidectomy and purse-string SMAS elevation with submental lipectomy. Incisions were made in preauricular area, postauricular area, mastoid and occipital area. Subcutaneous dissection was performed to the nasolabial fold and cheek and extending across the neck in the midline. Submental lipectomy was performed through the incision in the submental crease. Fat was directly removed from the fascia.,Hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. A SMAS elevation was performed with a purse-string suture of 2-0 PDS suture from temporalis fascia in front of the ear extending beneath the mandible and then brought back up to be sutured to the temporalis fascia. This was performed bilaterally and symmetrically. Hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. The cheek flap was brought back posteriorly and the cervical flap posteriorly and superiorly with redundant skin on the right massaged and closed. The skin of the cheek and neck were resected which was redundant after the ***** posteriorly and superiorly in the neck and transversely in the cheek.,Closure was performed with interrupted 3-0 and 4-0 PDS suture of deep subcutaneous tissue and dermis of the skin was closed with a running 5-0 Prolene suture. Drains were placed prior to final closure. A 7-mm flat Jackson-Pratt was then secured with 3-0 silk suture. Dressing consisting of fluffs and Kerlix and a 4-inch Ace were applied to support mildly compressive dressing. Scleral eye protectors were removed. Maxitrol eye ointment was placed followed by Swiss therapy eye pads. The patient tolerated the procedure well, and she returned to recovery room in satisfactory condition with Foley catheter and Pneumatic compression stockings, TED hose, two Jackson-Pratt drains, and an IV.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Carcinoma of the left upper lobe.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Bronchoscopy with aspiration.,2. Left upper lobectomy.,PROCEDURE DETAILS: ,With patient in supine position under general anesthesia with endotracheal tube in place, the flexible bronchoscope was then placed down through the endotracheal tube to examine the carina. The carina was in the midline and sharp. Moving directly to the right side, the right upper and middle lower lobes were examined and found to be free of obstructions. Aspiration was carried out for backlog ________ examination. We then moved to left side, left upper lobe. There was a tumor mass located in the lingula of the left lobe and left lower lobe found free of obstruction. No anatomic lesions were demonstrated. The patient was prepared for left thoracotomy rotated to his right side with a double lumen endotracheal tube in place with an NG tube and a Foley catheter. After proper position, utilizing Betadine solution, they were draped. A posterolateral left thoracotomy incision was performed. Hemostasis was secured with electrocoagulation. The chest wall muscle was then divided over the sixth rib. The periosteum of the sixth rib was then removed superiorly and the pleural cavity was entered carefully. At this time, the mass was felt in the left upper lobe, which measures greater than 3 cm by palpation. We examined the superior mediastinum. No lymph nodes were demonstrated as well as in the anterior mediastinum. Direction was then moved to the fascia where by utilizing sharp and blunt dissection, lingual artery was separated into the left upper lobe. Casual dissection was carried out with superior segmental arteries and left lower lobe was examined.,Dissection was carried out around the pulmonary artery thus exposing the posterior artery to the left upper lobe. Direction was carried out to the superior pulmonary vein and utilizing sharp and blunt dissection the entire superior pulmonary vein was separated from the surrounding tissue. From the top side, the bronchus was then separated away from the pulmonary artery anteriorly, thus exposing the apical posterior artery, which was short. Tumor mass was close to the artery at this time. We then directed ourselves once again to the lingual artery which was doubly ligated and cut free. The posterior artery of the superior branch was doubly ligated and cut free also. At this time, the bronchus of the left upper lobe was encountered in the fissure on palpation to separate the upper lobe bronchus from lower lobe bronchus and the area was accomplished. We then moved anteriorly to doubly ligate the pulmonary vein using #00 silk sutures for ligation and a transection #00 silk suture was used to fixate the vein. Using sharp and blunt dissection, the bronchus through the left upper lobe was freed proximal. Using the TA 50, the bronchus was then cut free allowing the lung to fall superiorly at which time direction was carried out to the pulmonary artery where the tumor was in close proximity at this time. A Potts clamp arterial was then placed over the artery and shaving off the tumor and the apical posterior artery was then accomplished. The anterior artery was seen in the clamp also and was separated and ligated and separated. At this time, the entire tumor in the left upper lobe was then removed. ,Direction was carried to the suture where #000 silk was used as a running suture over the pulmonary artery and was here doubly run and tied in place. The clamp was then removed. No bleeding was seen at this time. Lymph nodes were then removed from the sump of the separation between the upper lobe and the lower lobe and sent for separate pathology. We then carried out incision in the inferior pulmonary ligament up to the pulmonary vein allowing the lung to reexpand to its normal position. At this time, two chest tubes #28 and #32 were placed anteriorly and posteriorly to fixate the skin using raw silk suture. The chest cavity was then closed. After reexamination, no bleeding was seen with three pericostal sutures of #1 chromic double strength. A #2-0 Polydek was then used to close the chest wall muscle the anterior as well as latissimus dorsi #000 chromic subcutaneous tissue skin clips to the skin. The chest tubes were attached to the Pleur-Evac drainage and placed on suction at this time. The patient was extubated in the room without difficulty and sent to Recovery in satisfactory.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left undescended testis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left undescended testis plus left inguinal hernia.,PROCEDURES:, Left inguinal hernia repair, left orchiopexy with 0.25% Marcaine, ilioinguinal nerve block and wound block at 0.5% Marcaine plain.,ABNORMAL FINDINGS:, A high left undescended testis with a type III epididymal attachment along with vas.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 5 mL.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: ,1100 mL of crystalloid.,TUBES/DRAINS: , No tubes or drains were used.,COUNTS:, Sponge and needle counts were correct x2.,SPECIMENS,: No tissues sent to Pathology.,ANESTHESIA:, General inhalational anesthetic.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: , The patient is an 11-1/2-year-old boy with an undescended testis on the left. The plan is for repair.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION:, The patient was taken to the operating room, where surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Once he was anesthetized, he was then placed in a supine position, and sterilely prepped and draped. A superior curvilinear scrotal incision was then made in the left hemiscrotum with a 15-blade knife and further extended with electrocautery into the subcutaneous tissue. We then used the curved cryoclamp to dissect into the scrotal space and found the tunica vaginalis and dissected this up to the external ring. We were able to dissect all the way up to the ring, but were unable to get the testis delivered. We then made a left inguinal incision with a 15-blade knife, further extending with electrocautery through Scarpa fascia down to the external oblique fascia. The testis again was not visualized in the external ring, so we brought the sac up from the scrotum into the inguinal incision and then incised the external oblique fascia with a 15-blade knife further extending with Metzenbaum scissors. The testis itself was quite high up in the upper canal. We then dissected the gubernacular structures off of the testis, and also, then opened the sac, and dissected the sac off and found that he had a communicating hernia hydrocele and dissected the sac off with curved and straight mosquitos and a straight Joseph scissors. Once this was dissected off and up towards the internal ring, it was twisted upon itself and suture ligated with an 0 Vicryl suture. We then dissected the lateral spermatic fascia, and then, using blunt dissection, dissected in the retroperitoneal space to get more cord length. We also dissected the sac from the peritoneal reflection up into the abdomen once it had been tied off. We then found that we had an adequate amount of cord length to get the testis in the mid-to-low scrotum. The patient was found to have a type III epididymal attachment with a long looping vas, and we brought the testis into the scrotum in the proper orientation and tacked it to mid-to-low scrotum with a 4-0 chromic stay stitch. The upper aspect of the subdartos pouch was closed with a 4-0 chromic pursestring suture. The testis was then placed into the scrotum in the proper orientation. We then placed the local anesthetic, and the ilioinguinal nerve block, and placed a small amount in both incisional areas as well. We then closed the external oblique fascia with a running suture of 0-Vicryl ensuring that the ilioinguinal nerve and cord structures were not bottom closure. The Scarpa fascia was closed with a 4-0 chromic suture, and the skin was closed with a 4-0 Rapide subcuticular closure. Dermabond tissue adhesive was placed on the both incisions, and IV Toradol was given at the end of the procedure. The patient tolerated the procedure well, was in a stable condition upon transfer to the recovery room.
PROCEDURE:, Upper endoscopy with removal of food impaction.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , A 92-year-old lady with history of dysphagia on and off for two years. She comes in this morning with complaints of inability to swallow anything including her saliva. This started almost a day earlier. She was eating lunch and had beef stew and suddenly noticed inability to finish her meal and since then has not been able to eat anything. She is on Coumadin and her INR is 2.5.,OPERATIVE NOTE: , Informed consent was obtained from patient. The risks of aspiration, bleeding, perforation, infection, and serious risk including need for surgery and ICU stay particularly in view of food impaction for almost a day was discussed. Daughter was also informed about the procedure and risks. Conscious sedation initially was administered with Versed 2 mg and fentanyl 50 mcg. The scope was advanced into the esophagus and showed liquid and solid particles from mid esophagus all the way to the distal esophagus. There was a meat bolus in the distal esophagus. This was visualized after clearing the liquid material and small particles of what appeared to be carrots. The patient, however, was not tolerating the conscious sedation. Hence, Dr. X was consulted and we continued the procedure with propofol sedation.,The scope was reintroduced into the esophagus after propofol sedation. Initially a Roth net was used and some small amounts of soft food in the distal esophagus was removed with the Roth net. Then, a snare was used to cut the meat bolus into pieces, as it was very soft. Small pieces were grabbed with the snare and pulled out. Thereafter, the residual soft meat bolus was passed into the stomach along with the scope, which was passed between the bolus and the esophageal wall carefully. The patient had severe bruising and submucosal hemorrhage in the esophagus possibly due to longstanding bolus impaction and Coumadin therapy. No active bleeding was seen. There was a distal esophageal stricture, which caused slight resistance to the passage of the scope into the stomach. As this area was extremely inflamed, a dilatation was not attempted.,IMPRESSION: , Distal esophageal stricture with food impaction. Treated as described above.,RECOMMENDATIONS:, IV Protonix 40 mg q.12h. Clear liquid diet for 24 hours. If the patient is stable, thereafter she may take soft pureed diet only until next endoscopy, which will be scheduled in three to four weeks. She should take Prevacid SoluTab 30 mg b.i.d. on discharge.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Followup of hospital discharge for Guillain-Barre syndrome.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 62-year-old right-handed woman with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, a silent stroke involving right basal ganglia who was in her usual state of baseline health until late June of 2006 when she had onset of blurred vision, diplopia, and possible weakness in the right greater than left arm and left-sided ptosis. She was admitted to the hospital. The MRI showed only an old right basal ganglion infarct. She subsequently had a lumbar puncture, which showed increased protein, and an EMG/nerve conduction study performed by Dr. X on July 3rd, showed early signs of AIDP. The patient was treated with intravenous gamma globulin and had some mild improvement in her symptoms. Her vital capacities were normal during the hospitalization. Her chest x-ray was negative for any acute process. She was discharged to rehab from July 12, 2006 to July 20, 2006. She made some progress in which she notes that her walking is definitely better. However, she notes that she still has some problems with eye movement and her vision. This is possibly her main problem. She also reports tightness and pain in her mid back.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Documented in the clinic note. The patient has problems with diabetes, double vision, blurry vision, muscle pain, weakness, trouble walking, and headaches about two to three times per week.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Hypertension.,2. Diabetes mellitus.,3. Stroke involving the right basal ganglion.,4. Guillain-Barre syndrome diagnosed in June of 2006.,5. Bilateral knee replacements.,6. Total abdominal hysterectomy and cholecystectomy.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Multiple family members have diabetes mellitus.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is retired on disability due to her knee replacements. She does not smoke, drink or use any illicit drugs.,MEDICATIONS:, Percocet 5/325 mg 4-6 hours p.r.n., Neurontin 100 mg per day, insulin, Protonix 40 mg per day, Toprol-XL 50 mg q.d., Norvasc 10 mg q.d., glipizide ,10 mg q.d., fluticasone 50 mcg nasal spray, Lasix 20 mg b.i.d., and Zocor 1 mg q.d.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Blood pressure 122/74, heart rate 68, respiratory rate 16, and weight 228 pounds. Pain scale 5/10. Please see the written note for details. General exam is benign other than mild obesity. On neuro examination, mental status is normal. Cranial nerves are significant for full visual fields and pupils are equal and reactive. However, extraocular movements are very limited. She has some adduction of the left eye and she has minimal upgaze of both eyes, but otherwise the eyes do not move. Face is symmetric. Sensation is intact. Tongue and uvula are in midline. Palate is elevated symmetrically. Shoulder shrug is strong. The patient's muscle exam shows normal bulk and tone throughout. She has no weakness of the left upper extremity. In the right upper extremity, she has only about 2/5 strength in the right shoulder, but is otherwise 5/5. There is no drift or orbit. Reflexes are absent throughout. Sensory exam is intact to light touch, pinprick, vibration, and proprioception is normal. There is no dysmetria. Gait is somewhat limited possibly by her vision and possibly also by her balance problems.,PERTINENT DATA:, As reviewed previously.,DISCUSSION: , This is a 62-year-old woman with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke who has what sounds like Guillain-Barre syndrome, likely the Miller-Fisher variant. The patient has shown some improvement with IVIG and continues to show some gradual improvement. I discussed with the patient the course of disease, which is often weeks to about a month or so of worsening followed by many months of gradual improvement.,I told her that it is possible she may not recover 100%, but that certainly there is still plenty of time for her to have additional recovery over what she has right now. She is scheduled to see an ophthalmologist. I think it is reasonable for close followup of her visual symptoms progress. However, I certainly would not take any corrective measures at this point as I suspect her vision will improve gradually.,I discussed with the patient that with respect to her back pain certainly the Neurontin is relatively at low dose and this could be increased further. I wanted her to start taking the Neurontin 300 mg per day and then 300 mg b.i.d. after one week. She will call me in approximately three weeks' time to let me know how she is doing and if needed we will titrate up further.,She was apparently given some baclofen by her internist and I think this is not unreasonable. I definitely hope to get her off the Percocet in the future.,IMPRESSION:,1. Guillain-Barre Miller-Fisher variant.,2. Hypertension.,3. Diabetes mellitus.,4. Stroke.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. The patient is to start taking aspirin 162 mg per day.,2. Followup with ophthalmology.,3. Increase Neurontin to 300 mg per day x 1 week and then 300 mg b.i.d.,4. Followup by phone in three to four weeks.,5. Followup in this clinic in approximately two months' time.,6. Call for any questions or problems.
TECHNIQUE: , Sequential axial CT images were obtained from the base of the brain to the upper abdomen following the uneventful administration of 100cc Optiray 350 intravenous contrast.,FINDINGS: , The heart size is normal and there is no pericardial effusion. The aorta and great vessels are normal in caliber. The central pulmonary arteries are patent with no evidence of embolus. There is no significant mediastinal, hilar, or axillary lymphadenopathy. The trachea and mainstem bronchi are patent. The esophagus is normal in course and caliber. The lungs are clear with no infiltrates, effusions, or masses. There is no pneumothorax. Scans through the upper abdomen are unremarkable. The osseous structures in the chest are intact. ,IMPRESSION: , No acute abnormalities.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: ,The patient does not have any chief complaint.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 93-year-old female who called up her next-door neighbor to say that she was not feeling well. The next-door neighbor came over and decided that she should go to the emergency room to be check out for her generalized complaint of not feeling well. The neighbor suspects that this may have been due to the patient taking too many of her Tylenol PM, which the patient has been known to do. The patient was a little somnolent early this morning and was found only to be oriented x1 with EMS upon their arrival to the patient's house. The patient states that she just simply felt funny and does not give any more specific details than this. The patient denies any pain at any time. She did not have any shortness of breath. No nausea or vomiting. No generalized weakness. The patient states that all that has gone away since arrival here in the hospital, that she feels at her usual self, is not sure why she is here in the hospital, and thinks she should go. The patient's primary care physician, Dr. X reports that the patient spoke with him yesterday and had complained of shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, as well as generalized weakness, but the patient states that all this has resolved. The patient was actually seen here two days ago for those same symptoms and was found to have exacerbation of her COPD and CHF. The patient was discharged home after evaluation in the emergency room. The patient does use home O2.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient had complained of generalized fatigue and weakness two days ago in the emergency room and yesterday to her primary care physician. The patient denies having any other symptoms today. The patient denies any fever or chills. Has not had any recent weight change. HEENT: The patient denies any headache. No neck pain. No rhinorrhea. No sinus congestion. No sore throat. No any vision or hearing change. No eye or ear pain. CARDIOVASCULAR: The patient denies any chest pain. RESPIRATIONS: No shortness of breath. No cough. No wheeze. The patient did report having shortness of breath and wheeze with her presentation to the emergency room two days ago and shortness of breath to her primary care physician yesterday, but the patient states that all this has resolved. GASTROINTESTINAL: No abdominal pain. No nausea or vomiting. No change in the bowel movements. There has not been any diarrhea or constipation. No melena or hematochezia. GENITOURINARY: No dysuria, hematuria, urgency, or frequency. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No back pain. No muscle or joint aches. No pain or abnormalities to any portion of the body. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: The patient reported dizziness to her primary care physician yesterday over the phone, but the patient denies having any problems with dizziness over the past few days. The patient denies any dizziness at this time. No syncope or no near-syncope. The patient denies any focal weakness or numbness. No speech change. No difficulty with ambulation. The patient has not had any vision or hearing change. PSYCHIATRIC: The patient denies any depression. ENDOCRINE: No heat or cold intolerance.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, COPD, CHF, hypertension, migraines, previous history of depression, anxiety, diverticulitis, and atrial fibrillation.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Placement of pacemaker and hysterectomy.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , The patient takes Tylenol PM for insomnia, Lasix, Coumadin, Norvasc, Lanoxin, Diovan, atenolol, and folic acid.,ALLERGIES:, NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient used to smoke, but quit approximately 30 years ago. The patient denies any alcohol or drug use although her son reports that she has had a long history of this in the past and the patient has abused prescription medication in the past as well according to her son.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 99.1 oral, blood pressure 139/65, pulse is 72, respirations 18, and oxygen saturation is 92% on room air and interpreted as low normal. CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient is well nourished and well developed. The patient appears to be healthy. The patient is calm, comfortable, in no acute distress, and looks well. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. HEENT: Head is atraumatic, normocephalic, and nontender. Eyes are normal with clear sclerae and cornea bilaterally. Nose is normal without rhinorrhea or audible congestion. Mouth and oropharynx are normal without any sign of infection. Mucous membranes are moist. NECK: Supple and nontender. Full range of motion. There is no JVD. No cervical lymphadenopathy. No carotid artery or vertebral artery bruits. CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart is regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub or gallop. Peripheral pulses are +2. The patient does have +1 bilateral lower extremity edema. RESPIRATIONS: The patient has coarse breath sounds bilaterally, but no dyspnea. Good air movement. No wheeze. No crackles. The patient speaks in full sentences without any difficulty. The patient does not exhibit any retractions, accessory muscle use or abdominal breathing. GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen is soft, nontender, and nondistended. No rebound or guarding. No hepatosplenomegaly. Normal bowel sounds. No bruits, no mass, no pulsatile mass, and no inguinal lymphadenopathy. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No abnormalities noted to the back, arms or legs. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGICAL: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. Motor is 5/5 and equal to bilateral arms and legs. Sensory is intact to light touch. The patient has normal speech and normal ambulation. PSYCHIATRIC: The patient is awake, alert, and oriented x3 although the patient first stated that the year was 1908, but did manage to correct herself up on addressing this with her. The patient has normal mood and affect. HEMATOLOGIC AND LYMPHATIC: There is no evidence of lymphadenopathy.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT TESTING: , EKG is a rate of 72 with evidence of a pacemaker that has good capture. There is no evidence of acute cardiac disease on the EKG and there is no apparent change in the EKG from 03/17/08. CBC has no specific abnormalities of issue. Chemistry has a BUN of 46 and creatinine of 2.25, glucose is 135, and an estimated GFR is 20. The rest of the values are normal and unremarkable. LFTs are all within normal limits. Cardiac enzymes are all within normal limits. Digoxin level is therapeutic at 1.6. Chest x-ray noted cardiomegaly and evidence of congestive heart failure, but no acute change from her chest x-ray done two days ago. CAT scan of the head did not identify any acute abnormalities. I spoke with the patient's primary care physician, Dr. X who stated that he would be able to follow up with the patient within the next day. I spoke with the patient's neighbor who contacted the ambulance service who stated that the patient just reported not feeling well and appeared to be a little somnolent and confused at the time, but suspected that she may have taken too many of her Tylenol PM as she often has done in the past. The neighbor is XYZ and he says that he checks on her three times a day every day. ABC is the patient's son and although he lives out of town he calls and checks on her every day as well. He states that he spoke to her yesterday. She sounded fine, did not express any other problems that she had apparently been in contact with her primary care physician. She sounded her usual self to him. Mr. ABC also spoke to the patient while she was here in the emergency room and she appears to be her usual self and has her normal baseline mental status to him. He states that he will be able to check on her tomorrow as well. Although it is of some concern that there may be problems with development of some early dementia, the patient is adamant about not going to a nursing home and has been placed in a Nursing Home in the past, but Dr. Y states that she has managed to be discharged after two previous nursing home placements. The patient does have Home Health that checks on her as well as housing care in between the two services they share visits every single day by them as well as the neighbor who checks on her three times a day and her son who calls her each day as well. The patient although she lives alone, does appear to have good followup and the patient is adamant that she wishes to return home.,DIAGNOSES,1. EARLY DEMENTIA.,2.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic pelvic pain.,2. Dysmenorrhea.,3. Dyspareunia.,4. Endometriosis.,5. Enlarged uterus.,6. Menorrhagia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic pelvic pain.,2. Dysmenorrhea.,3. Dyspareunia.,4. Endometriosis.,5. Enlarged uterus.,6. Menorrhagia.,PROCEDURE: , Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 100 mL.,DRAINS: , Foley.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,This 28-year-old white female who presented to undergo TAH-BSO secondary to chronic pelvic pain and a diagnosis of endometriosis.,At the time of the procedure, once entering into the abdominal cavity, there was no gross evidence of abnormalities of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tube. All endometriosis had been identified laparoscopically from a previous surgery. At the time of the surgery, all the tissue was quite thick and difficult to cut as well around the bladder flap and the uterus itself.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed in supine position, at which time general form of anesthesia was administered by the anesthesia department. The patient was then prepped and draped in the usual fashion for a low transverse incision. Approximately two fingerbreadths above the pubic symphysis, a first knife was used to make a low transverse incision. This was extended down to the level of the fascia. The fascia was nicked in the center and extended in a transverse fashion. The edges of the fascia were grasped with Kocher. Both blunt and sharp dissection both caudally and cephalic was then completed consistent with Pfannenstiel technique. The abdominal rectus muscle was divided in the midline and extended in a vertical fashion. Perineum was entered at the high point and extended in a vertical fashion as well. An O'Connor-O'Sullivan retractor was put in place on either side. A bladder blade was put in place as well. Uterus was grasped with a double-tooth tenaculum and large and small colon were packed away cephalically and held in place with free wet lap packs and a superior blade. The bladder flap was released with Metzenbaum scissors and then dissected away caudally. EndoGIA were placed down both sides of the uterus in two bites on each side with the staples reinforced with a medium Endoclip. Two Heaney were placed on either side of the uterus at the level of cardinal ligaments. These were sharply incised and both pedicles were tied off with 1 Vicryl suture. Two _____ were placed from either side of the uterus at the level just inferior to the cervix across the superior part of the vaginal vault. A long sharp knife was used to transect the uterus at the level of Merz forceps and the uterus and cervix were removed intact. From there, the corners of the vaginal cuff were reinforced with figure-of-eight stitches. Betadine soaked sponge was placed in the vaginal vault and a continuous locking stitch of 0 Vicryl was used to re-approximate the edges with a second layer used to reinforce the first. Bladder flap was created with the use of 3-0 Vicryl and Gelfoam was placed underneath. The EndoGIA was used to transect both the fallopian tube and ovaries at the infundibulopelvic ligament and each one was reinforced with medium clips. The entire area was then re-peritonized and copious amounts of saline were used to irrigate the pelvic cavity. Once this was completed, Gelfoam was placed into the cul-de-sac and the O'Connor-O'Sullivan retractor was removed as well as all the wet lap pack. Edges of the peritoneum were grasped in 3 quadrants with hemostat and a continuous locking stitch of 2-0 Vicryl was used to re-approximate the peritoneum as well as abdominal rectus muscle. The edges of the fascia were grasped at both corners and a continuous locking stitch of 1 Vicryl was used to re-approximate the fascia with overlapping in the center. The subcutaneous tissue was irrigated. Cautery was used to create adequate hemostasis and 3-0 Vicryl was used to re-approximate the tissue and the skin edges were re-approximated with sterile staples. Sterile dressing was applied and Betadine soaked sponge was removed from the vaginal vault and the vaginal vault was wiped clean of any remaining blood. The patient was taken to recovery room in stable condition. Instrument count, needle count, and sponge counts were all correct.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Recurrent acute otitis media, bilateral middle ear effusions.,2. Chronic rhinitis.,3. Recurrent adenoiditis with adenoid hypertrophy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Recurrent acute otitis media, bilateral middle ear effusions.,2. Chronic rhinitis.,3. Recurrent adenoiditis with adenoid hypertrophy.,FINAL DIAGNOSES,1. Recurrent acute otitis media, bilateral middle ear effusions.,2. Chronic rhinitis.,3. Recurrent adenoiditis with adenoid hypertrophy.,4. Acute and chronic adenoiditis.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED,1. Bilateral myringotomies.,2. Placement of ventilating tubes.,3. Nasal endoscopy.,4. Adenoidectomy.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS: , The patient was brought to the operating room, endotracheal intubation carried out by Dr. X. Both sides of the patient's nose were then sprayed with Afrin. Ears were inspected then with the operating microscope. The anterior inferior quadrant myringotomy incisions were performed. Then, a modest amount of serous and a trace of mucoid material encountered that was evacuated. The middle ear mucosa looked remarkably clean. Armstrong tubes were inserted. Ciprodex drops were instilled. Ciprodex will be planned for two postoperative days as well. Nasal endoscopy was carried out, and evidence of acute purulent adenoiditis was evident in spite of the fact that clinically the patient has shown some modest improvement following cessation of all milk products. The adenoids were shaved back, flushed with curette through a traditional transoral route with thick purulent material emanating from the crypts, and representative cultures were taken. Additional adenoid tissue was shaved backwards with the RADenoid shaver. Electrocautery was used to establish hemostasis, and repeat nasal endoscopy accomplished. The patient still had residual evidence of inter choanal adenoid tissue, and video photos were taken. That remaining material was resected, guided by the nasal endoscope using the RADenoid shaver to remove the material and flush with the posterior nasopharynx. Electrocautery again used to establish hemostasis. Bleeding was trivial. Extensive irrigation accomplished. No additional bleeding was evident. The patient was awakened, extubated, taken to the recovery room in a stable condition. Discharge anticipated later in the day on Augmentin 400 mg twice daily, Lortab or Tylenol p.r.n. for pain. Office recheck would be anticipated if stable and doing well in approximately two weeks. Parents were instructed to call, however, regarding the outcome of the culture on Monday next week to ensure adequate antibiotic coverage before cessation of the antibiotic.
INDICATION: , Chest pain.,TYPE OF TEST: , Adenosine with nuclear scan as the patient unable to walk on a treadmill.,INTERPRETATION:, Resting heart rate of 67, blood pressure of 129/86. EKG, normal sinus rhythm. Post-Lexiscan 0.4 mg, heart rate was 83, blood pressure 142/74. EKG remained the same. No symptoms were noted.,SUMMARY:,1. Nondiagnostic adenosine stress test.,2. Nuclear interpretation as below.,NUCLEAR INTERPRETATION:, Resting and stress images were obtained with 10.4, 33.1 mCi of tetrofosmin injected intravenously by standard protocol. Nuclear myocardial perfusion scan demonstrates homogeneous and uniform distribution of the tracer uptake without any evidence of reversible or fixed defect. Gated SPECT revealed normal wall motion, ejection fraction of 58%. End-diastolic volume of 74, end-systolic volume of 31.,IMPRESSION:,1. Normal nuclear myocardial perfusion scan.,2. Ejection fraction 58% by gated SPECT.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Abdominal aortic aneurysm.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Abdominal aortic aneurysm.,OPERATION PERFORMED:, Endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.,FINDINGS: , The patient was brought to the OR with the known 4 cm abdominal aortic aneurysm + 2.5 cm right common iliac artery aneurysm. A Gore exclusive device was used 3 pieces were used to effect the repair. We had to place an iliac extender down in to right external iliac artery to manage the right common iliac artery aneurysm. The right hypogastric artery had been previously coiled off. Left common femoral artery was used for the _____ side. We had small type 2 leak right underneath the take off the renal arteries, this was not felt to be type I leak and this was very delayed filling and it was felt that this was highly indicative of type 2 leak from a lumbar artery, which commonly come off in this area. It was felt that this would seal after reversal of the anticoagulation given sufficient time.,PROCEDURE: , With the patient supine position under general anesthesia, the abdomen and lower extremities were prepped and draped in a sterile fashion.,Bilateral groin incisions were made, and the common femoral arteries were dissected out bilaterally. The patient was then heparinized.,The 7-French sheaths were then placed retrograde bilaterally.,A stiff Amplatz wires were then placed up the right femoral artery and a stiff Amplatz were placed left side a calibrated catheter was placed up the right side. The calibrated aortogram was the done. We marked the renal arteries aortic bifurcation and bifurcation, common iliac arteries. We then preceded placement of the main trunk, by replacing the 7 French sheath in the left groin area with 18-french sheath and then deployed the trunk body just below the take off renal arteries.,Once the main trunk has been deployed within wired _____ then deployed an iliac limb down in to the right common iliac artery. As noted above, we then had to place an iliac extension, down in the external iliac artery to exclude the right common iliac artery and resume completely.,Following completion of the above all arteries were ballooned appropriately. A completion angiogram was done which showed late small type 2 leak just under the take off renal arteries. The area was ballooned aggressively. It was felt that this would dissolve as discussed above.,Following completion of the above all wire sheaths etc., were removed from both groin areas. Both femoral arteries were repaired by primary suture technique. Flow was then reestablished to the lower extremities, and protamine was given to reverse the heparin.,Both surgical sites were then irrigated thoroughly. Meticulous hemostasis was achieved. Both wounds were then closed in a routine layered fashion.,Sterile antibiotic dressings were applied. Sponge and needle counts were reported as correct. The patient tolerated the procedure well the patient was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.
PROCEDURES:, Cystourethroscopy and transurethral resection of prostate.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS:, Difficulty voiding.,HISTORY:, This 67-year old Hispanic male patient was admitted because of enlarged prostate and symptoms of bladder neck obstruction. Physical examination revealed normal heart and lungs. Abdomen was negative for abnormal findings. ,LABORATORY DATA:, BUN 19 and creatinine 1.1. Blood group was A, Rh positive, Hemoglobin 13, Hematocrit 32.1, Prothrombin time 12.6 seconds, PTT 37.1. Discharge hemoglobin 11.4, and hematocrit 33.3. Chest x-ray calcified old granulomatous disease, otherwise normal. EKG was normal. ,COURSE IN THE HOSPITAL:, The patient had a cysto and TUR of the prostate. Postoperative course was uncomplicated. The pathology report is pending at the time of dictation. He is being discharged in satisfactory condition with a good urinary stream, minimal hematuria, and on Bactrim DS one a day for ten days with a standard postprostatic surgery instruction sheet. ,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: , Enlarged prostate with benign bladder neck obstruction. ,To be followed in my office in one week and by Dr. ABC next available as an outpatient.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Left elbow pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This 17-year-old male was fighting with some other kids in Juvenile Hall when he felt some pain in his left elbow, causing sudden pain. He also has pain in his left ankle, but he is able to walk normally. He has had previous pain in his left knee. He denies any passing out, any neck pain at this time even though he did get hit in the head. He has no chest or abdominal pain. Apparently, no knives or guns were involved.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , He has had toe problems and left knee pain in the past.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , No coughing, sputum production, dyspnea or chest pain. No vomiting or abdominal pain. No visual changes. No neurologic deficits other than some numbness in his left hand.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He is in Juvenile Hall for about 25 more days. He is a nonsmoker.,ALLERGIES: , MORPHINE.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,Abilify.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Stable. HEENT: PERRLA. EOMI. Conjunctivae anicteric. Skull is normocephalic. He is not complaining of bruising. HEENT: TMs and canals are normal. There is no Battle sign. NECK: Supple. He has good range of motion. Spinal processes are normal to palpation. LUNGS: Clear. CARDIAC: Regular rate. No murmurs or rubs. EXTREMITIES: Left elbow is tender. He does not wish to move it at all. Shoulder and clavicle are within normal limits. Wrist is normal to inspection. He does have some pain to palpation. Hand has good capillary refill. He seems to have decreased sensation in all three dermatomes. He has moderately good abduction of all fingers. He has moderate opponens strength with his thumb. He has very good extension of all of his fingers with good strength.,We did an x-ray of his elbow. He has a spiral fracture of the distal one-third of the humerus, about 13 cm in length. The proximal part looks like it is in good position. The distal part has about 6 mm of displacement. There is no significant angulation. The joint itself appears to be intact. The fracture line ends where it appears above the joint. I do not see any extra blood in the joint. I do not see any anterior or posterior Siegert sign.,I spoke with Dr. X. He suggests we go ahead and splint him up and he will follow the patient up. At this point, it does not seem like there needs to be any surgical revision. The chance of a compartment syndrome seems very low at this time.,Using 4-inch Ortho-Glass and two assistants, we applied a posterior splint to immobilize his fingers, hand, and wrist all the way up to his elbow to well above the elbow.,He had much better comfort once this was applied. There was good color to his fingers and again, much better comfort.,Once that was on, I took some 5-inch Ortho-Glass and put in extra reinforcement around the elbow so he would not be moving it, straightening it or breaking the fiberglass.,We then gave him a sling.,We gave him #2 Vicodin p.o. and #4 to go. Gave him a prescription for #15 more and warned him to take it only at nighttime and use Tylenol or Motrin, and ice in the daytime.,I gave him the name and telephone number of Dr. X whom they can follow up with. They were warned to come back here if he has increasing neurologic deficits in his hands or any new problems.,DIAGNOSES:,1. Fracture of the humerus, spiral.,2. Possible nerve injuries to the radial and median nerve, possibly neurapraxia.,3. Psychiatric disorder, unspecified.,DISPOSITION: The patient will follow up as mentioned above. They can return here anytime as needed.
PROCEDURE:, Subcutaneous ulnar nerve transposition.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After administering appropriate antibiotics and MAC anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch, and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,A curvilinear incision was made over the medial elbow, starting proximally at the medial intermuscular septum, curving posterior to the medial epicondyle, then curving anteriorly along the path of the ulnar nerve. Dissection was carried down to the ulnar nerve. Branches of the medial antebrachial and the medial brachial cutaneous nerves were identified and protected.,Osborne's fascia was released, an ulnar neurolysis performed, and the ulnar nerve was mobilized. Six cm of the medial intermuscular septum was excised, and the deep periosteal origin of the flexor carpi ulnaris was released to avoid kinking of the nerve as it was moved anteriorly.,The subcutaneous plane just superficial to the flexor-pronator mass was developed. Meticulous hemostasis was maintained with bipolar electrocautery. The nerve was transposed anteriorly, superficial to the flexor-pronator mass. Motor branches were dissected proximally and distally to avoid tethering or kinking the ulnar nerve.,A semicircular medially based flap of flexor-pronator fascia was raised and sutured to the subcutaneous tissue in such a way as to prevent the nerve from relocating. The subcutaneous tissue and skin were closed with simple interrupted sutures. Marcaine with epinephrine was injected into the wound. The elbow was dressed and splinted. The patient was awakened and sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left canal cholesteatoma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left canal cholesteatoma.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:,1. Left canal wall down tympanomastoidectomy with ossicular chain reconstruction.,2. Microdissection.,3. NIM facial nerve monitoring for three hours.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,FINDINGS:, There is an extremely large canal cholesteatoma, which eroded most of the posterior and superior canal wall. There was a significant amount of myringosclerosis and tympanosclerosis. There is some mild erosion of the lenticular process of the incus. The facial nerve was normal. We removed the incus, removed the head of the malleus, and placed a titanium-PORP from the stapes capitulum to a cartilage graft.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room, placed under general anesthetic and intubated without difficulty. The NIM facial nerve monitoring electrodes were positioned and monitoring was performed throughout the procedure. There was no abnormal activity during this case. We inspected the ear canal, identified the huge defect, which was completely filled with cerumen. Through the ear canal, we removed as much as we could and then infiltrated the canal and postauricular area with 1:100,000 of epinephrine.,We prepped and draped the ear in a sterile fashion. We reopened the previously used postauricular incision and dissected down the mastoid cortex. We reflected the soft tissues anteriorly to the level of the ear canal and identified where the ear canal skin entered the defect in the mastoid bone. A #6 cutting bur was used to drill down the mastoid cortex and identified this cholesteatoma which was then carefully dissected out. We went all the way to the mastoid antrum. We finished a complete mastoidectomy with identification of the tegmen, sigmoid sinus. We removed the lateral aspect of the mastoid tip. We lowered the facial ridge. The incudostapedial joint was already membranous in nature, we went ahead and used the joint knife and removed the incus. We separated the incus from the stapes and then removed it. We used a malleus head nipper to remove the head of the malleus and then we continued to saucerize the entire mastoid cavity.,There was no cholesteatoma within the middle ear space, but there was roughly 40% surface area perforation. The remaining portion of the tympanic membrane was extremely calcified and myringosclerotic; this was removed. There was also a large focus of tympanosclerosis between the stapes crura, which was impinging the ability of the stapes to move. We carefully dissected this out. This did seem to improve the mobility of the stapes somewhat. At this point, there was a near total perforation. There was only a minimal amount of anterior remnant of the drum left. We tried to go ahead and harvest the temporalis fascia, but there was really only wisps of this fascia in place. He had already had a previous tympanoplasty, but even outside the areas where the graft was taken, the temporalis muscle was quite atrophied and lumpy, and I suspect this was due to his chronic disease and long history of corticosteroid usage. We harvested a few pieces as best as we could. We went ahead and did a meatoplasty by making a canal incision in the 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock positions. We excised cartilage posteriorly and inferiorly to enlarge the meatus. This cartilage was thin and used for cartilage tympanoplasty. We placed some Gelfoam in the middle ear space and placed the cartilage on the top of it. We did cut a titanium-PORP of the proper side and placed on top of the stapes capitulum to interface with the cartilage cap. A few other small pieces of temporalis fascia were used to bulge through the surrounding edges of the cartilage and make sure that it was medial to any remnant of ear canal and tympanic membrane remnants. We placed a layer of Gelfoam lateral to the graft, closed the postauricular incision in layers and put 2 Merocel packs in the ear. Glasscock dressing was applied. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and taken to the recovery room in stable condition. He will be given antibiotics and pain medicines and he will be given instructions to follow up with me in one week.
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Inguinal herniorrhaphy.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the operative suite and placed supine on the operating table. General endotracheal anesthesia was induced without incident. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner.,A standard inguinal incision was made and dissection was carried down to the external oblique aponeurosis using a combination of Metzenbaum scissors and Bovie electrocautery. The external oblique aponeurosis was cleared of overlying adherent tissue, and the external ring was delineated. The external oblique was then incised with a scalpel, and this incision was carried out to the external ring using Metzenbaum scissors. Having exposed the inguinal canal, the cord structures were separated from the canal using blunt dissection, and a Penrose drain was placed around the cord structures at the level of the pubic tubercle. This Penrose drain was then used to retract the cord structures as needed. Adherent cremasteric muscle was dissected free from the cord using Bovie electrocautery.,The cord was then explored using a combination of sharp and blunt dissection, and the sac was found anteromedially to the cord structures. The sac was dissected free from the cord structures using a combination of blunt dissection and Bovie electrocautery. Once preperitoneal fat was encountered, the dissection stopped and the sac was suture ligated at the level of the preperitoneal fat using a 2-0 silk suture ligature. The sac was excised and went to Pathology. The ends of the suture were then cut and the stump retracted back into the abdomen.,The Penrose drain was removed. The wound was then irrigated using sterile saline, and hemostasis was obtained using Bovie electrocautery. The incision in the external oblique was approximated using a 3-0 Vicryl in a running fashion, thus reforming the external ring. The skin incision was approximated with 4-0 Vicryl in a subcuticular fashion. The skin was prepped and draped with benzoin, and Steri-Strips were applied. A dressing consisting of a 2 x 2 and OpSite was then applied. All surgical counts were reported as correct.,Having tolerated the procedure well, the patient was subsequently extubated and taken to the recovery room in good and stable condition.
REASON FOR VISIT: ,This is an 83-year-old woman referred for diagnostic lumbar puncture for possible malignancy by Dr. X. She is accompanied by her daughter.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient' daughter tells me that over the last month the patient has gradually stopped walking even with her walker and her left arm has become gradually less functional. She is not able to use the walker because her left arm is so weak. She has not been having any headaches. She has had a significant decrease in appetite. She is known to have lung cancer, but Ms. Wilson does not know what kind. According to her followup notes, it is presumed non-small cell lung cancer of the left upper lobe of the lung. The last note I have to evaluate is from October 2008. CT scan from 12/01/2009 shows atrophy and small vessel ischemic change, otherwise a normal head CT, no mass lesion. I also reviewed the MRI from September 2009, which does not suggest normal pressure hydrocephalus and shows no mass lesion.,Blood tests from 11/18/2009 demonstrate platelet count at 132 and INR of 1.0.,MAJOR FINDINGS: , The patient is a pleasant and cooperative woman who answers the questions the best she can and has difficulty moving her left arm and hand. She also has pain in her left arm and hand at a level of 8-9/10.,VITAL SIGNS: , Blood pressure 126/88, heart rate 70, respiratory rate 16, and weight 95 pounds.,I screened the patient with questions to determine whether it is likely she has abnormal CSF pressure and she does not have any of the signs that would suggest this, so we performed the procedure in the upright position.,PROCEDURE:, Lumbar puncture, diagnostic (CPT 62270).,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Possible CSF malignancy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,To be determined after CSF evaluation.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Lumbar puncture.,ANESTHESIA: , Local with 2% lidocaine at the L4-L5 level.,SPECIMEN REMOVED: ,15 cc of clear CSF.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , None.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: ,I explained the procedure, its rationale, risks, benefits, and alternatives to the patient and her daughter. The patient' daughter remained present throughout the procedure. The patient provided written consent and her daughter signed as witness to the consent.,I located the iliac crest and spinous processes before the procedure and determined the level I planned for the puncture. During the procedure, I spoke constantly with the patient to explain what was happening and to warn when there might be pain or discomfort. The skin was prepped with chlorhexidine solution with the patient seated on the chair leaning forward with her face resting on the exam table. Using local anesthetic and aseptic technique, I inserted a 20-gauge spinal needle at the L4-L5 interspace and 15 cc of CSF was collected without difficulty.,The patient tolerated the procedure well.,ASSESSMENT: ,White blood cells 1, red blood cells 54, glucose 59, protein 51, Gram stain negative, bacterial culture negative after three days, and remaining tests pending.
EXAM:, Renal ultrasound.,HISTORY: , Renal failure, neurogenic bladder, status-post cystectomy.,TECHNIQUE: , Multiple ultrasonographic images of the kidneys were obtained in the transverse and longitudinal planes.,COMPARISON:, Most recently obtained mm/dd/yy.,FINDINGS:, The right kidney measures 12 x 5.2 x 4.6 cm and the left kidney measures 12.2 x 6.2 x 4.4 cm. The imaged portions of the kidneys fail to demonstrate evidence of mass, hydronephrosis or calculus. There is no evidence of cortical thinning.,Incidentally there is a rounded low-attenuation mass within the inferior aspect of the right lobe of the liver measuring 2.1 x 1.5 x 1.9 cm which has suggestion of some peripheral blood flow.,IMPRESSION:,1. No evidence of hydronephrosis.,2. Mass within the right lobe of the liver. The patient apparently has a severe iodine allergy. Further evaluation with MRI is recommended.,3. The results of this examination were given to XXX in Dr. XXX office on mm/dd/yy at XXX,
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is known to me secondary to atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response, partially due to medications, at least when I first saw him in the office on 01/11/06. He is now 77 years old. He is being seen on the Seventh Floor. The patient is in Room 7607. The patient has a history of recent adenocarcinoma of the duodenum that was found to be inoperable, since it engulfed the porta hepatis. The workup began with GI bleeding. He was seen in my office on 01/11/06 for preop evaluation due to leg edema. A nonocclusive DVT was diagnosed in the proximal left superficial femoral vein. Both legs were edematous, and bilateral venous insufficiency was also present. An echocardiogram demonstrated an ejection fraction of 50%. The patient was admitted to the hospital and treated with a Greenfield filter since anticoagulant was contraindicated. Additional information on the echocardiogram, where a grossly dilated left atrium, moderately severely dilated right atrium. The rhythm was, as stated before, atrial fibrillation with slow atrioventricular conduction and an intraventricular conduction delay on the monitor strip. There was mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, mild pulmonic insufficiency. The ejection fraction was considered low normal, since it was estimated 50 to 54%. The patient received blood while in the hospital due to anemia. The leg edema improved while lying down, suggesting that the significant element of venous insufficiency was indeed present. The patient, who was diabetic, received consultation by Dr. R. He was also a chronic hypertensive and was treated for that with ACE inhibitors. The atrial fibrillation was slow, and no digitalis or beta blockers were recommended at the same time. As a matter of fact, they were discontinued. Now, the patient denied any shortness of breath or chest pain throughout this hospitalization, and cardiac nuclear studies performed earlier demonstrated no reversible ischemia.,ALLERGIES:, THE PATIENT HAS NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,His diabetes was suspected to be complicated with neuropathy due to tingling in both feet. He received his immunizations with flu in 2005 but did not receive Pneumovax.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is married. He had 1 child who died at the age of 26 months of unknown etiology. He quit smoking 6 years ago but dips (smokeless) tobacco.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Mother had cancer, died at 70. Father died of unknown cause, and brother died of unknown cause.,FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY:, The patient is wheelchair bound at the time of his initial hospitalization. He is currently walking in the corridor with assistance. Nocturia twice to 3 times per night.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,OPHTHALMOLOGIC: Uses glasses.,ENT: Complains of occasional sinusitis.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Hypertension and atrial fibrillation.,RESPIRATORY: Normal.,GI: Colon bleeding. The patient believes he had ulcers.,GENITOURINARY: Normal.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Complains of arthritis and gout.,INTEGUMENTARY: Edema of ankles and joints.,NEUROLOGICAL: Tingling as per above. Denies any psychiatric problems.,ENDOCRINE: Diabetes, NIDDM.,HEMATOLOGIC AND LYMPHATIC: The patient does not use any aspirin or anticoagulants and is not of anemia.,LABORATORY:, Current EKG demonstrates atrial fibrillation with incomplete left bundle branch block pattern. Q waves are noticed in the inferior leads. Nonprogression of the R-wave from V1 to V4 with small R-waves in V5 and V6 are suggestive of an old anterior and inferior infarcts. Left ventilator hypertrophy and strain is suspected.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: On exam, the patient is alert, oriented and cooperative. He is mildly pale. He is an elderly gentleman who is currently without diaphoresis, pallor, jaundice, plethora, or icterus.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 159/69 with a respiratory rate of 20, pulse is 67 and irregularly irregular. Pulse oximetry is 100.,NECK: Without JVD, bruit, or thyromegaly. The neck is supple.,CHEST: Symmetric. There is no heave or retraction.,HEART: The heart sounds are irregular and no significant murmurs could be auscultated.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,ABDOMEN: Exam was deferred.,LEGS: Without edema. Pulses: Dorsalis pedis pulse was palpated bilaterally.,MEDICATIONS:, Current medications include enalapril, low dose enoxaparin, Fentanyl patches. He is no longer on fluconazole. He is on a sliding scale as per Dr. Holden. He is on lansoprazole (Prevacid), Toradol, piperacillin/tazobactam, hydralazine p.r.n., Zofran, Dilaudid, Benadryl, and Lopressor p.r.n.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, The patient is a very pleasant elderly gentleman with intractable/inoperable malignancy. His cardiac issues are chronic and most likely secondary to long term hypertension and diabetes. He has chronic atrial fibrillation. I do not envision a scenario whereby he will become a candidate for management of this arrhythmia beyond weight control. He is also not a candidate for anticoagulation, which is, in essence, a part and parcel of the weight control. Reason being is high likelihood for GI bleeding, especially given the diagnosis of invasive malignancy with involvement of multiple organs and lymph nodes. At this point, I agree with the notion of hospice care. If his atrioventricular conduction becomes excessive, occasional nondihydropyridine calcium channel blocker such as diltiazem or beta blockers would be appropriate; otherwise, I would keep him off those medications due to evidence of slow conduction in the presence of digitalis and beta blockers.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left inguinal hernia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left direct and indirect inguinal hernia.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Repair of left inguinal hernia with Prolene mesh.,ANESTHESIA: , IV sedation with local.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to Recovery in stable condition.,SPECIMEN: , Hernia sac, as well as turbid fluid with gram stain, which came back with no organisms from the hernia sac.,BRIEF HISTORY: ,This is a 53-year-old male who presented to Dr. Y's office with a bulge in the left groin and was found to have a left inguinal hernia increasing over the past several months. The patient has a history of multiple abdominal surgeries and opted for an open left inguinal hernial repair with Prolene mesh.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The patient was found to have a direct as well as an indirect component to the left inguinal hernia with a large sac. The patient was also found to have some turbid fluid within the hernia sac, which was sent down for gram stain and turned out to be negative with no organisms.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent, risks and benefits of the procedure were explained to the patient, the patient was brought to the operative suite, prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. The left inguinal ligament was identified from the pubic tubercle to the ASIS. Two fingerbreadths above the pubic tubercle, a transverse incision was made. First, the skin was anesthetized with 1% lidocaine and then an incision was made with a #15 blade scalpel, approximately 6 cm in length. Dissection was then carried down with electro Bovie cautery through Scarpa's fascia maintaining hemostasis. Once the external oblique was identified, external oblique was incised in the length of its fibers with a #15 blade scalpel. Metzenbaum scissors were then used to extend the incision in both directions opening up the external oblique down to the external ring. Next, the external oblique was grasped with Ochsner on both sides. The cord, cord structures as well as hernia sac were freed up circumferentially and a Penrose drain was placed around it. Next, the hernia sac was identified and the anteromedial portion of the hernia sac was stripped down, grasped with two hemostats. A Metzenbaum scissor was then used to open the hernia sac and the hernia sac was explored. There was some turbid fluid within the hernia sac, which was sent down for cultures. Gram stain was negative for organisms. Next, the hernia sac was to be ligated at its base and transected. A peon was used at the base. Metzenbaum scissor was used to cut the hernia sac and sending it off as a specimen. An #0 Vicryl stick suture was used with #0 Vicryl loop suture to suture ligate the hernia sac at its base.,Next, attention was made to placing a Prolene mesh to cover the floor. The mesh was sutured to the pubic tubercle medially along the ilioinguinal ligament inferiorly and along the conjoint tendon superiorly making a slit for the cord and cord structures. Attention was made to salvaging the ilioinguinal nerve, which was left above the repair of the mesh and below the external oblique once closed and appeared to be intact. Attention was next made after suturing the mesh with the #2-0 Polydek suture. The external oblique was then closed over the roof with a running #0 Vicryl suture, taking care not to strangulate the cord and to recreate the external ring. After injecting the external oblique and cord structures with Marcaine for anesthetic, the Scarpa's fascia was approximated with interrupted #3-0 Vicryl sutures. The skin was closed with a running subcuticular #4-0 undyed Vicryl suture. Steri-Strip with sterile dressings were applied.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to Recovery in stable condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Visually significant posterior capsule opacity, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Visually significant posterior capsule opacity, right eye.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURES: ,YAG laser posterior capsulotomy, right eye.,ANESTHESIA: , Topical anesthesia using tetracaine ophthalmic drops.,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY: , This patient was found to have a visually significant posterior capsule opacity in the right eye. The patient has had a mild decrease in visual acuity, which has been a gradual change. The posterior capsule opacity was felt to be related to the decline in vision. The risks, benefits, and alternatives (including observation) were discussed. I feel the patient had a good understanding of the proposed procedure and informed consent was obtained.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was identified and the procedure was verified. Pupil was dilated per protocol. Patient was positioned at the YAG laser. Then, *** of energy were used to perform a circular posterior laser capsulotomy through the visual axis. A total of ** shots were used. Total energy was **. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications. The lens remained well centered and stable. Postoperative instructions were provided. Alphagan P ophthalmic drops times two were instilled prior to his dismissal.,Post-laser intraocular pressure measured ** mmHg. Postoperative instructions were provided and the patient had no further questions.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Term pregnancy.,2. Desires permanent sterilization.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Term pregnancy.,2. Desires permanent sterilization.,PROCEDURE:,1. Repeat low-transverse cesarean section.,2. Bilateral tubal ligation.,3. Extensive anterior abdominal wall/uterine/bladder adhesiolysis.,ANESTHESIA:, Spinal/epidural with good effect.,FINDINGS: ,Delivered vigorous male infant from cephalic presentation. Apgars 9/9. Birth weight 6 pounds 14 ounces. Infant suctioned with a bulb upon delivery of the head and body. Cord clamped and cut and infant passed to pediatric team present. Complete placenta manually extracted intact with three vessel cord. Extensive anterior abdominal wall adhesions with the anterior abdominal wall completely adhered to the anterior uterus throughout its entire length of the incision. In addition, the bladder was involved in adhesion mass complex. A window was developed surgically at the apical aspect of the incision enabling finger to pass to get behind the dense anterior abdominal wall adhesions. These adhesions were surgically transected using Bovie cautery technique freeing up the anterior uterine attachment from the anterior abdominal wall. Upon initial entry through the fibrous layer of the anterior abdominal wall _______ into the serosal and slightly muscular part of the anterior uterus due to the dense adhesion attachment that had occurred from previous surgeries. Bilateral tubal ligation performed without difficulty via Parkland technique.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 500 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,URINE OUTPUT: ,Per anesthesia records. Urine cleared postoperatively.,IV FLUIDS: ,Per anesthesia records.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the recovery room in stable condition with stable vital signs.,OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE: , The patient was placed in a supine position after spinal/epidural anesthesia. She was prepped and draped in the usual manner for repeat cesarean section. A sharp knife was used to make a Pfannenstiel skin incision at the site of the previous scar. This was carried through the subcutaneous tissue into the dense fibromuscular and fascial layer with a sharp knife. This incision was extended laterally with Mayo scissors. Dense fibromuscular layer was encountered from the patient's previous surgeries. Upon entry, incision was entered into the serosal and partial muscular layer of the anterior uterus and there was no free area to enter into the peritoneal cavity due to dense fibromuscular adhesions of the entire uterus to the anterior abdominal wall at the length of the incision. Fascia was previously separated superiorly and inferiorly from the muscular layer. A surgical window was created at the apical aspect of the incision in the direction of the uterine fundus. Finger was able to be passed and placed behind the dense adhesions between the uterus through anterior abdominal wall. This adhesion complex was transacted via Bovie cautery its entire length circumferentially freeing the uterus from its attachment to anterior abdominal wall. Inferiorly, difficulty was encountered with adhesion separation involving the bladder additionally to the uterus and the anterior abdominal wall. These adhesions likewise were surgically transacted via sharp, blunt, and electrocautery dissection. This was successfully done without anterior entry into the bladder. Smooth pickups and Metzenbaum scissors were then used to do sharp dissection to separated the bladder from its attachment to the lower uterine segment enabling the vesicouterine peritoneal reflection for incision of the uterus. The uterus was then incised using a sharp knife and low transverse incision. This was extended with bandage scissors. The infant was delivered easily from a cephalic presentation. Bulb suction was done following delivery of the head and body. The cord clamped and cut and the infant passed to pediatric team present. Cord segment and cord blood was obtained. Complete placenta manually extracted intact with three vessel cord. Vigorous male infant, Apgars 9/9, weight 6 pounds 14 ounces. Complete placenta with three vessels retrieved. Uterus was exteriorized from the abdominal cavity. Wet lap applied to the fundus and dry lap used to remove the remaining membranous tissue from the lining. Pennington clamps placed at the uterine incision angles and the inferior incision lip. A #1 chromic suture closed the uterus in running continuous interlocking closure. Good hemostasis upon completion of the closure. Laparotomy pads placed in the posterior cul-de-sac to remove any blood or clots. The uterus was returned to the abdominal cavity, after using #1 chromic suture to close the anterior uterine incision, that was partial thickness through the serosal end of the muscular layer at midline adhesion. This was closed with chromic suture in a running continuous interlocking closure with good hemostasis. Attention was then focused on the bilateral tubal ligation. Babcock clamp placed in the mid fallopian tube and elevated. Cautery was used to make a window in the avascular segment of the mesosalpinx. Proximal and distal #1 chromic suture ligation with mid fallopian tube transection performed. The ligated proximal and distal stumps were then cauterized with Bovie cautery. This tubal ligation procedure was done in a bilateral fashion. Upon completion of tubal ligation, uterus was returned to the abdominal cavity. Left and right gutters examined and found to be clean and dry. Evaluation of the low uterine segment incision revealed continued hemostasis. Oozing was encountered in the inferior bladder of dissection and 2-0 chromic suture in running continuous fashion, partial thickness of the bladder to control the oozing at this site was successfully done. Interceed was then placed on the low uterine incision and the low anterior uterine aspect. The midline rectus including peritoneum was re-approximated with simple interrupted chromic sutures. Irrigation of the muscular layer with good hemostasis noted. The fascia was closed with #1 Vicryl in a running continuous closure. Subcutaneous tissue was irrigated, additional hemostasis with Bovie cautery. The skin was closed with staples.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic renal failure.,2. Thrombosed left forearm arteriovenous Gore-Tex bridge fistula.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Chronic renal failure.,2. Thrombosed left forearm arteriovenous Gore-Tex bridge fistula.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Fogarty thrombectomy, left forearm arteriovenous Gore-Tex bridge fistula.,2. Revision of distal anastomosis with 7 mm interposition Gore-Tex graft.,ANESTHESIA:, General with controlled ventillation.,GROSS FINDINGS: , The patient is a 58-year-old black male with chronic renal failure. He undergoes dialysis through the left forearm bridge fistula and has small pseudoaneurysms at the needle puncture sites level. There is narrowing at the distal anastomosis due to intimal hypoplasia and the vein beyond it was of good quality.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the OR suite, placed in supine position. General anesthetic was administered. Left arm was prepped and draped in appropriate manner. A Pfannenstiel skin incision was created just below the antecubital crease just deeper to the subcutaneous tissue. Utilizing both blunt and sharp dissections segment of the fistula was isolated ________ vessel loop. Transverse graftotomy was created. A #4 Fogarty catheter passed proximally and distally restoring inflow and meager inflow. A fistulogram was performed and the above findings were noted. In a retrograde fashion, the proximal anastomosis was patent. There was no narrowing within the forearm graft. Both veins were flushed with heparinized saline and controlled with a vascular clamp. A longitudinal incision was then created in the upper arm just deep into the subcutaneous tissue fascia. Utilizing both blunt and sharp dissection, the brachial vein as well as distal anastomosis was isolated. The distal anastomosis amputated off the fistula and oversewn with continuous running #6-0 Prolene suture tied upon itself. The vein was controlled with vascular clamps. Longitudinal venotomy created along the anteromedial wall. A 7 mm graft was brought on to the field and this was cut to shape and size. This was sewed to the graft in an end-to-side fashion with U-clips anchoring the graft at the heel and toe with interrupted #6-0 Prolene sutures. Good backflow bleeding was confirmed. The vein flushed with heparinized saline and graft was controlled with vascular clamp. The end of the insertion graft was cut to shape in length and sutured to the graft in an end-to-end fashion with continuous running #6-0 Prolene suture. Good backflow bleeding was confirmed. The graftotomy was then closed with interrupted #6-0 Prolene suture. Flow through the fistula was permitted, a good flow passed. The wound was copiously irrigated with antibiotic solution. Sponge, needles, instrument counts were correct. All surgical sites were inspected. Good hemostasis was noted. The incision was closed in layers with absorbable sutures. Sterile dressing was applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and returned to the recovery room in apparent stable condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Enlarged fibroid uterus.,3. Hypermenorrhea.,4. Intermenstrual spotting.,5. Thickened endometrium per ultrasound of a 2 cm lining.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Enlarged fibroid uterus.,3. Hypermenorrhea.,4. Intermenstrual spotting.,5. Thickened endometrium per ultrasound of a 2 cm lining.,6. Grade 1+ rectocele.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,D&C and hysteroscopy.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,HISTORY: , The patient is a 48-year-old para 2, vaginal delivery. She has heavy periods lasting 7 to 14 days with spotting in between her periods. The patient's uterus is 12.2 x 6.2 x 5.3 cm. Her endometrial thickness is 2 cm. Her adnexa is within normal limits. The patient and I had a long discussion. Consent was reviewed in layman's terms. The patient understood the foreseeable risks and complications, the alternative treatments and procedure itself and recovery. Questions were answered. The patient was taken back to the operative suite. The patient underwent pelvic examination and then carefully placed in dorsal lithotomy position. The patient had excellent femoral pulses and there was no excessive extension or hyperflexion of the lower extremities. The patient's history is that she is at risk for development of condyloma. The patient's husband was found to have a laryngeal papillomatosis. She has had a laparotomy, which is an infraumbilical incision appendectomy, a laparoscopy, and bilateral tubal ligation. Her uterus appears to be mobile by 12-week size. There is a good descend. There appears to be no adnexal abnormalities. Uterus is 12-week sized and has fibroids, it is boggy and probably has a component of adenomyosis. The patient's cervix was dilated without difficulty utilizing Circon ACMI hysteroscope with a 12-degree lens. The patient underwent hysteroscopy. The outflow valve was opened at all times. The inflow valve was opened just to achieve appropriate distension. The patient did have no evidence of trauma of the cervix. No Trendelenburg as we were in room #9. The patient also had the bag held two fingerbreadths above the level of the heart. The patient was seen. There is a 2 x 3 cm focal thickening of the posterior wall of the uterus' endometrial lining, a more of a polypoid nature. The patient also has one in the fundal area. The thickened tissue was removed via sharp curettage. Therefore, we reinserted the hysteroscope. It appeared that there was an appropriate curettage and that all areas of suspicion were indeed removed. The patient's procedure was ended with specimen being obtained and sent to Department of Pathology. We will follow her up in the office.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Loculated left effusion, multilobar pneumonia.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Empyema.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Empyema.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Right thoracotomy, total decortication.,2. Intraoperative bronchoscopy.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 300 cc.,FLUIDS: , 2600 cc IV crystalloid.,URINE: , 300 cc intraoperatively.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 46-year-old Caucasian male who was admitted to ABCD Hospital since 08/14/03 with acute diagnosis of right pleural effusion. A thoracostomy tube was placed at the bedside with only partial resolution of the pleural effusion. On CT scan evaluation, there is evidence of an entrapped right lower lobe with loculations. Decision was made to proceed with surgical intervention for a complete decortication and the patient understands the need for surgery and signed the preoperative informed consent.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operative suite and placed in the supine position under general anesthesia per Anesthesia Department. Intraoperative bronchoscopy was performed by Dr. Y and evaluation of carina, left upper and lower lobes with segmental evidence of diffuse mucous, thick secretions which were thoroughly lavaged with sterile saline lavage. Samples were obtained from both the left and the right subbronchiole segments for Gram stain cultures and ASP evaluation. The right bronchus lower, middle, and upper were also examined and subsegmental bronchiole areas were thoroughly examined with no evidence of masses, lesions, or suspicious extrinsic compressions on the bronchi. At this point, all mucous secretions were thoroughly irrigated and aspirated until the airways were clear. Bronchoscope was then removed. Vital signs remained stable throughout this portion of the procedure. The patient was re-intubated by Anesthesia with a double lumen endotracheal tube. At this point, the patient was repositioned in the left lateral decubitus position with protection of all pressure points and the table was extended in customary fashion. At this point, the right chest was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The chest tube was removed before prepping the patient and the prior thoracostomy site was cleansed thoroughly with Betadine. The first port was placed through this incision intrathoracically. A bronchoscope was placed for inspection of the intrathoracic cavity. Pictures were taken. There is extensive fibrinous exudate noted under parietal and visceral pleura, encompassing the lung surface, diaphragm, and the posterolateral aspect of the right thorax. At this point, a second port site anteriorly was placed under direct visualization. With the aid of the thoracoscopic view, a Yankauer resection device was placed in the thorax and blunt decortication was performed and aspiration of reminder of the pleural fluid. Due to the gelatinous nature of the fibrinous exudate, there were areas of right upper lobe that adhered to the chest wall and the middle and lower lobes appeared entrapped. Due to the extensive nature of the disease, decision was made to open the chest in a formal right thoracotomy fashion. Incision was made. The subcutaneous tissues were then electrocauterized down to the level of the latissimus dorsi, which was separated with electrocautery down to the anterior 6th rib space. The chest cavity was entered with the right lung deflated per Anesthesia at our request. Once the intrathoracic cavity was accessed, a thorough decortication was performed in meticulous systematic fashion starting with the right upper lobe, middle, and the right lower lobe. With the expansion of the lung and reduction of the pleural surface fibrinous extubate, warm irrigation was used and the lungs allowed to re-expand. There was no evidence of gross leakage or bleeding at the conclusion of surgery.,Full lung re-expansion was noted upon re-inflation of the lung. Two #32 French thoracostomy tubes were placed, one anteriorly straight and one posteriorly on the diaphragmatic sulcus. The chest tubes were secured in place with #0-silk sutures and placed on Pneumovac suction. Next, the ribs were reapproximated with five interrupted CTX sutures and latissimus dorsi was then reapproximated with a running #2-0 Vicryl suture. Next, subcutaneous skin was closed sequentially with a cosmetic layered subcutaneous closure. Steri-Strips were applied along with sterile occlusive dressings. The patient was awakened from anesthesia without difficulty and extubated in the operating room. The chest tubes were maintained on Pleur-Evac suction for full re-expansion of the lung. The patient was transported to the recovery with vital signs stable. Stat portable chest x-ray is pending. The patient will be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit for close monitoring overnight.
XYZ Street,City, State,Dear Dr. CD:,Thank you for seeing Mr. XYZ, a pleasant 19-year-old male who has seen you in 2005 for suspected seizure activity. He comes to my office today continuing on Dilantin 300 mg daily and has been seizure episode free for the past 2 1/2 years. He is requesting to come off the Dilantin at this point. Upon reviewing your 2005 note there was some discrepancy as to the true nature of his episodes to the emergency room and there was consideration to reconsider medication use. His physical exam, neurologically, is normal at this time. His Dilantin level is slightly low at 12.5.,I will appreciate your evaluation and recommendation as to whether we need to continue the Dilantin at this time. I understand this will probably entail repeating his EEG and so please coordinate this through Health Center. I await your response and whether we should continue this medication. If you require any laboratory, we use ABC Diagnostic and any further testing that is needed should be coordinated at Health Center prior to scheduling.
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for arthritis in her knee, anxiety, depression, high insulin levels, gallstone attacks, and PCOS.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , None.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Currently employed. She is married. She is in sales. She does not smoke. She drinks wine a few drinks a month.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , She is on Carafate and Prilosec. She was on metformin, but she stopped it because of her abdominal pains.,ALLERGIES: , She is allergic to PENICILLIN.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Negative for heart, lungs, GI, GU, cardiac, or neurologic. Denies specifically asthma, allergies, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, chronic lung disease, ulcers, headache, seizures, epilepsy, strokes, thyroid disorder, tuberculosis, bleeding, clotting disorder, gallbladder disease, positive liver disease, kidney disease, cancer, heart disease, and heart attack.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , She is afebrile. Vital Signs are stable. HEENT: EOMI. PERRLA. Neck is soft and supple. Lungs clear to auscultation. She is mildly tender in the abdomen in the right upper quadrant. No rebound. Abdomen is otherwise soft. Positive bowel sounds. Extremities are nonedematous. Ultrasound reveals gallstones, no inflammation, common bile duct in 4 mm.,IMPRESSION/PLAN: , I have explained the risks and potential complications of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in detail including bleeding, infection, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, cystic leak, duct leak, possible need for ERCP, and possible need for further surgery among other potential complications. She understands and we will proceed with the surgery in the near future.,
TITLE OF OPERATION: , Phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implant in the right eye.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient is a 27-year-old male who sustained an open globe injury as a child. He subsequently developed a retinal detachment in 2005 and now has silicone oil in the anterior chamber of the right eye as well as a dense cataract. He is undergoing silicone oil removal as well as concurrent cataract extraction with lens implant in the right eye.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS:,1. History of open globe to the right eye.,2. History of retinal detachment status post repair in the right eye.,3. Silicone oil in anterior chamber.,4. Dense silicone oil cataract in the right eye obscuring the view of the posterior pole.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS:,1. History of open globe to the right eye.,2. History of retinal detachment status post repair in the right eye.,3. Silicone oil in anterior chamber.,4. Dense silicone oil cataract in the right eye obscuring the view of the posterior pole.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,PROS DEV IMPLANT: , ABC Laboratories posterior chamber intraocular lens, 21.0 diopters, serial number 123456.,NARRATIVE: , Informed consent was obtained. All questions were answered. The patient was brought to preoperative holding area where the operative right eye was marked. He was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position. EKG leads were placed. General anesthesia was induced by the anesthesia service. A time-out was called to confirm the procedure and operative eye. The right operative eye was disinfected and draped in a standard fashion for eye surgery. A lid speculum was placed. The vitreoretinal team placed the infusion cannula after performing a peritomy. At this point in the case, the patient was turned over to the cornea service with Mrs. Jun. A paracentesis was made at the approximately 3 o'clock position. Healon was placed into the anterior chamber. The diamond keratome was used to make a vertical groove incision just inside the limbus at the 108-degree axis. This incision was then shelved anteriorly and used to enter the anterior chamber. The Utrata forceps were used to complete a continuous circular capsulorrhexis after incision of the capsule with the cystotome. Hydrodissection was performed. The lens nucleus was removed using phacoemulsification and irrigation and aspiration. Lens cortex also was removed using irrigation and aspiration. Viscoelastic was placed to inflate the capsular remnant. The diamond knife was used to enlarge the phaco incision. Intraocular lens was selected from preoperative calculations, placed in the injector system, and inserted into the capsule without difficulty. The trailing haptic was placed using the Sheets forceps and the Barraquer sweep to push the IOL optic posteriorly as the trailing haptic was placed. The anterior cornea wound was sutured along with the paracentesis after irrigation and aspiration was performed to remove remaining viscoelastic from the anterior chamber. This was done without difficulty. The anterior chamber was secured and watertight at the end of the procedure. Intraocular pressure was satisfactory. The patient tolerated the procedure well and then was turned over to the retina service in good condition. They will dictate a separate note.

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