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Abolish private Healthcare Outlaw & abolish sundown towns/cities Financially cripple the housing market back to the early 00s
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At least they admitted it! Come on IDF cripple them.
Allah ya tsine wanda suke supporting Israel. Ya Allah cripple them and may their lives be miserable.
i was laughing at this boy on crutches ystd now im cripple & hopping roun dis bih?
Not Hateful
Don't allow the things we can't change to delay u & the things we can't control to cripple u. I need u to look up & look out because today is a new day in which u can be anything u desire & do all the things u want to do.
Not Hateful
Not a freak accident. That dude'll cripple him - as it should. #weallsawit
Eliminate their infrastructure and cripple them.
Literally at work walking like a cripple
The ramifications of this fraud trial are huge. If Trump were to lose a half billion dollars and his right to do business in New York it could cripple him.
Not Hateful
The U.S. will have hundreds of satellites in orbit, instead of just a handful of larger ones- An attack on one #satellite will do little to cripple the DOD's network, and it's faster and cheaper to replace a damaged or destroyed one. #military # defense
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Are you kidding? Advertisers, manufacturers, restaurants, every business out there, have been gathering data to improve sales and determine what items to keep or replace since the Stone Age. This will do nothing less then cripple our economy even more.
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Why are you voting to keep borrowing to send money to other countries? Your vote is going to cripple us.
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Houston is an important petro chemical hub. Bomb Houston and you could cripple multiple industries.
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To the extent that Johnson's Great Society mandated a Big Centralized Government Bureaucracy ... it did, indeed, cripple America.
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The ppl I mentioned were secretly working with EPRDF. In 93 there was Oromo meeting in Minnesota.While the meeting was going on, Lenco & Hassan Hussein attacked Abiy & cripple z meeting. A Borana friend found Eth phone # Lenco's house phone found linked to Juneydin
Not Hateful
I guess billionaire tax cuts were just not enough. Now they want to cripple the IRS so they can cheat even more.
Not Hateful
TuberVILE is a terrorist. He can't have had anyone vote for him if they knew he would cripple our military & damage america's security unless they were in Putin's pocket.
The Jamaican Crime stop ADs! That screeching sound and creepy music used to cripple me with fear
Not Hateful
Interest on business LOC for inventories is starting to cripple as sales reduce. Watch this indicator.
Not Hateful
Yeah better get rid of him. Cripple government again.
It all makes sense now, reduce police numbers so much that they can't physically arrest you, cripple the prisons so there's no place to go anyway
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What would compel Tesla to cripple itself with a thuggish union? Union guarantees protection of worst employees. Tesla doesn't need that, and has its own QA QC GMP and grateful employees.
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The scam was to cripple the base layer for this.
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STFU and stop your grifting . It's Biden we might not survive.. Ps: I hate Trump but at least I can see he was better for the American people and economy.. this green deal bullshit is going to cripple America.
Not Hateful
This was coming and you guys laughed, US wastes the most resources per peeson in the world. Just wait and watch as the society comes to its knees, these high interest rates are going nowhere atleast till 5 years and just imagine the homelessness that will cripple your cities
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Bears fans when Montez Sweat leaves after the season after playing well enough to cripple their draft chances at Caleb Williams/Marvin Harrison and costing them a 2nd round pick
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No-nair-november would absolutely cripple me.
Not Hateful
Dominic Cummings made sensible suggestion to separate covid and non covid, as they did in European hospitals. They didn't cripple their health services like #NHS with 8 million thrown under a bus. #BBCNews #SkyNews #GBNews #C4news #CovidInquiry #CovidInquiryUK
Not Hateful
And now they have hundreds upon hundreds of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and suicide drones. They could cripple the economies of UAE and Saudia in a heartbeat.
Not Hateful
Good news for developing world grain markets as Putin attempt to weaponize food shipments and cripple the Ukrainian economy is gradually overcome.
Not Hateful
US forces shouldn't be in Syria stealing oil attempting to cripple Syria to advance this Israeli plan.
Not Hateful
i hate being cripple like bitches trying to be funny n shit
The two byproducts of Greed are Hoarding and Wastefulness. It's objectively the WORST sin because it can cripple anything from a relationship to nations. And the worst part is, Greed has no limit.
Not Hateful
She couldn't even get on her feet by herself. The guys that rescued her were on their feet. Did the water cripple her feet?
Not Hateful
Nikola Tesla: The mind is sharper and keener in seclusion and uninterrupted solitude. Originality thrives in seclusion free of outside influences beating upon us to cripple the creative mind.
Not Hateful
Na every time you go dey find who go take you out, you be cripple ??? Abi you blind ???
Shutup you cripple
It's just a political move to cripple Biden. There's no oil in Gaza or Ukraine. No point.
Not Hateful
It's #StarmerOut taking the piss as per normal! I'm a Cripple but I challenge #StarmerOut to see who has more integrity or even an hour in the ring
Sweet and cute yet will cripple a beta with a snap of a finger.
Not Hateful
Cripple fight
After u don cripple am...
That's what happens when you have a crappy writer. Cripple h is garbage.
In the span of just one month, no less than 12 Opposition leaders have either been summoned, probed, or arrested by the Central Investigative Agencies. What is this if not a meticulously orchestrated witch-hunt by to cripple the Opposition ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha
Not Hateful
i have know this for quiet the globalist want to cripple muslims just like they did in europe and america and give all power in hands of Zionists to achieve the objective they created ISIS and many terror groups to keep middle east weak for ever
You cannot strangle the truth. Cripple one voice, another will rise. Kudos to for standing up.
Not Hateful
Peter Iravonga the former total cripple on the ground for 6 years graduated What ELIJAH has done in the land of Kenya is historic
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How racist is it to not only to assume "students of color" can't learn, but to cripple their education on top of that.
Not Hateful
Cutting funding to the IRS will cripple the agency. This funding isn't for 84,000 agents as reported by MAGA. Its to retrain/replace employees that are retiring or leaving the agency As yourself who this benefits? Its not the poor. Its their rich friends who want to avoid taxes!
Not Hateful
"They cripple the bird's wing, and then condemn it for not flying as fast as they." - Malcolm X on Zionist Logic
Not Hateful
I want to thank you Hasan. Before this played, i was a cripple. But having to hear this, i forced myself out of my wheelchair to turn this shit off.
Met several mummy coddled social cripples at university
A little silly for people who oppose eugenics to pearl clutch over incest posting. Two retards/blacks/cripples breeding isn't any better.
60 years of crimes committed comes at a cost Lyndon Johnson's Great Society Cripples America
Not Hateful
Cripples have learnt to walk again in less time.
And if they constantly use your tax money, raise prices an absorbent amount and are completey fiscally irresponsible that falls on you America.. Which in turn cripples your "largest Civilian Militia" which in turn means no fighting back. Which in turn means a politician can
Not Hateful
What a shit bunch - The US needs community service for all these parasitic mental cripples asap
Rick's full-time battle is with his sexuality. For some reason, he's terrified of coming out of the closet, and the dissonance cripples him.
"Hating things about ourselves cripples our ability to love others. We can only love others the way we love ourselves. There is no way you can figure out how to love somebody else well if you have not first figured out how to love yourself." Micheal Todd #selflove
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The internal cripples us, then the external takes the opportunity
Not Hateful
But what cinema at crocodile tears...! These Zionists without soul and without morals, "Theses eternal victims": shameless comedians that always hide behind this old same trick and to make a profit from it. Like gypsies, fake legless cripples
Biden fiddles with our energy reserves while inflation cripples the country.
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Selling USTs gives Japan dollars to buy Yen, increasing its demand and value. Selling USTs cripples TLT and moons UST rates.
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would you share an apartment with me name: nix sexuality: hetflexible? height: 5'4 sign: cancer colour: red advantages: financially stable, 2 cute cats, won't bring over random strangers disadvantages: rampant ADHD that cripples me from doing simple tasks
Not Hateful
Horseracing cripples & kills horses. Always has & always will, #EndIt
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Domon cripples a man, potentially for life. He didn't even grab all his stuff, just the photo with the mysterious man.
Not Hateful
Israel routinely snipes, cripples bombs, and abducts children. Hope that helps. 3500 in a few days is no accident and no collateral damage. It is mass infanticide.
Not Hateful
Despite all of their crimes cowards are cripples, they can't survive a day without American financial military and political and aid . They failed to protect their citizens, these are simply #WarCrimesbyIsreal
Cripples Lakers Warriors are all +1200 to win the title
#TuesdayTestimony Fear cripples you on so many levels... You can overcome whatever fear you're facing. You have to move past this and get to your dreams.
Not Hateful
What is this shit? Ms. Caspari/y quitting BaFin in 2021 to become a monk? As mentioned before, I've been very resilient for 10.5 years now. But if nobody's ever coming to get me out of this house/town full of worthless cripples
Might as well change the team name to Los Angeles Cripples they bouta take turns sitting out games
The only thing cripples are good for
It's scary how "Technical Debt Cripples Companies And Threatens To Stifle Innovation" - learn more in this segment on with vFunction CEO
Not Hateful
Tension in Rivers as Massive Protest Cripples Activities over Plan to Impeach Fubara
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You don't need a college degree to do 90% of jobs in this country. More and more people are realizing that college education is NOT cost effective and cripples students finances for decades.
Not Hateful
Y'all can whitewash the seriousness of what was soon 2 B PM's death all U want; this industry is TOAST & it can't come soon enough 4 all the it cripples & discard
Not Hateful
Tension In Rivers State As Massive Protest Cripples Activities Over Plan To Impeach Fubara || Newspaper Review Follow for latest updates Rivers||Fubara||Appeal Court||Rufai||Kano||Wike
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Liberalism cripples society's
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Exactly. There's nobody to take over. JDR is hated by fans more than him EB has struggled to simply run the offense. Let this man concentrate on developing Howell & becoming a better play caller. The added interim responsibility cripples those guys more than helps the team
Not Hateful
MASSIVE CELEBRATIONS #ClassicalHealings Kericho Township, Kenya section of massive celebrations of JESUS for the miracles of THE LORD October 22, 2023 when the blind saw, deaf heard, and cripples walked.
He cripples many investors out there, wow only God can judge a criminal like him
Not Hateful
War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse because only sinners go to Hell. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.
Only moral cripples could justify the genocide we see unfolding live on television. The Arab nations are useless. The so called Global South is petrified. The West is complicit.
He that lives with cripples learns to limp
How else does chuck think he will get the money? just keep printing it? This cripples the American public with escalating inflation and the next generation with ballooning debt due to government spending way way way beyond their means.
Not Hateful
It terrified the host, cripples the hold he has and the control he is trying to seek
Not Hateful
Huh...don't see too many treasure hunters during my travels. Try not to get too lost on the prize, hard to enjoy life if a trap cripples you.
Not Hateful
No student loan forgiveness. Get job and pay it back yourself! Snowflakes. If anything we should have hospital/medical bill forgiveness since most of that isn't an elective activity and it cripples way more people than just prime working age
Not Hateful
hell is full of queers and cripples in Vivzie's universe, there's not much else to get. Hitler went to heaven.
Calling for a truce or ceasefire before Israel cripples or destroys Hamas is the exact same thing as telling Israel that it should not defend itself, perhaps even that it does not have the right to defend itself.
Not Hateful
Then there are certain people like Chinese gov , who cripples Islam in their own country but fully supports them internationally!
Not Hateful
Russ. Two cripples and a bearded bum. Lol
God, we want stupid English people propping up the Welsh economy with tourism! Perish the thought! But alas they have cripples running the government!
Lastnight I woke up with anxiety & was able to get myself back to sleep , this morning I also had it and was able to get a lot of work done. I'm proud of myself , anxiety normally cripples me
Not Hateful
I've been relying on judge+path in Miraidon vs the Charizard matchup and it cripples the deck every time. It is still a tricky matchup but I feel like Luxray just doesn't do enough besides stalling your opponent turn.
Not Hateful
nintendo labo, but we're all cripples now
I thought I was alone feeling this way about showering/bathing & really embarrassed to admit it. It drains me & pain just cripples me so much.
Not Hateful
Yawns, more cripples in LA.
Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.



HateSpeechCorpus is a dataset collected from Twitter, consisting of 3003 tweets. It has been meticulously annotated by three speech-language pathology graduate students, ensuring high-quality labeling of hate speech. This dataset is invaluable for researchers and practitioners working on hate speech detection and natural language processing.

Source: Twitter
Length: 3003 tweets
Annotators: Three speech-language pathology graduate students


For a detailed investigation of annotator bias in LLMs for hate speech detection, refer to the associated paper: Investigating Annotator Bias in Large Language Models for Hate Speech Detection.


If you use this dataset in your research, please cite the following paper:

@misc{das2024investigating, title={Investigating Annotator Bias in Large Language Models for Hate Speech Detection}, author={Amit Das and Zheng Zhang and Fatemeh Jamshidi and Vinija Jain and Aman Chadha and Nilanjana Raychawdhary and Mary Sandage and Lauramarie Pope and Gerry Dozier and Cheryl Seals}, year={2024}, eprint={2406.11109}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }

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df = pd.read_csv('HateSpeechCorpus.csv')

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License: CC BY


For any questions or feedback, feel free to contact the authors of the paper or the dataset contributors. Contact Information:

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