4 values
44 values
5 values
17 values
30 values
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation, Stuffing
After little debating, she slid the tube into her mouth and turned the knob gently in a widdershins fashion. A trickle of liquid slid out and filled her cheeks until she swallowed. Continuously she did this until the plump middle of her stomach ripened more so, ironing out the creases in the fabric of her top. Content for the moment, she rotated the handle clockwise to shut the hose off. A round, water-filled belly bulged forward like a soft peach. The sound of water splashing back and forth across the confines of her stomach accompanied her soft, barefoot steps back into the kitchen. The pillowed padding of her thighs and hips joggled mildly while the bare flesh of her backside dimpled and rippled in her thong panties. She was certain to get notice after the feat she attempted that muggy, summer evening. Gurgling gently, she stood before the man who absently, yet vigorously, pushed buttons and moved thumb-sticks back and forth, coinciding with the movements of a small man in red overalls jumping about on the television screen. Resting on his stomach on their bed, his unwavering attention to the screen brought again to the surface loneliness and misery in her. She discretely swiveled her hips in effort to bring about the muffled splash of water in her middle to seize his attention. Her only response was the man in red using a turtle as a springboard to hit a floating square of brick. She sighed in frustration and trudged off into the kitchen. Wrappers and wooden sticks hit the ground at a rapid pace as she devoured a box of dark chocolate ice cream bars and cast the remains aside. An empty carton of orange sherbet followed, accompanied by the clatter of a vacant pie tin and the rustle of tortilla chip bags. The paining mound rising up from her midsection objected audibly as the final bite of éclair slipped down her throat. Stifling a much-needed belch, she moved ponderously to the bedroom once again. In her hand clutched a two-liter bottle of cola. Standing scant inches away from his arm, she twisted the cap from the bottle. Carbonation hissed into the air and rivulets danced out of the opening like fireworks. The sound of fizzing was capped by her lips as she guzzled the soda. Despite the freshly opened beverage burning her throat and nose, she was determined in her actions. The soft mass of her tummy gradually bulged enough to be tickled by the hair of his arm. Swallowing the contents of the bottle in one grisly quaff, it made large her stomach enough to press against his skin. He pulled his arm over and scratched where her stomach once touched it, then came to the revelation that the red-hued man needed to seek his princess in another fortress. Her pride huddled to the center of her brain that demanded she cause the ignoring offender bodily harm, coaxing her to relax and continue another route to find his affection again. There was no content in the strain her stomach cause. Filled beyond any capacity deemed enough, her satiated form showed no sign of room for the box of breakfast cereal it only just accepted through its esophagus. A torrent of milk gave chase, rushing down and stretching stomach walls further apart. Outwardly, her stuffed belly bulged over the fabric of her skimpy undergarment, the navel reaching toward crotch level. Another few bites and the cream-sandwich cookies would become extinct, experiencing an afterlife within the throbbing center of her body. She was barely able to keep her balance after ridding a plastic envelope of its deli-sliced ham and draining the contents of another milk carton. Attempting to rub the globular mass of her stomach was futile; the discomfort was too severe; its contents were too great. Breathing heavily, she stood before him once again. Her tummy grumbled and growled like a cornered housecat. The man on the television screen leapt into the air to snatch a glowing star that had been bouncing out of his reach. Then iridescent, the pixilated protagonist rushed headlong into a score of walking mushrooms and sent them flying. The mental anguish outweighed the physical, and she circled back to the start of her attempts. She once again turned the garden hose and slipped the metal nozzle into her mouth. The stream was paced enough for her to swallow in large gulps. The pain of her stomach filling beyond human capacity was minimal as she waddled back into the house, trailing the hose behind. She strained to sit down on the thick padding of her derrière as her legs grew too weary to support her gradually duplicating girth. Outward over her lap went her stomach, sloshing loud enough to drown the tinny music issuing forth from the television speakers. Coming to lie on her back, the weight of her water-filled stomach pushed down on her lungs and she struggled to pull air through her nostrils. She watched the pinkish dome rise higher until the ache was enough to force her eyes closed. On the TV screen, the man in red slid down a flagpole and entered the castle before him. She swelled preposterously large, her stomach akin to time-lapsed photography of a ripening fruit. It pushed her breasts over onto her face and pinned down her legs. She grew rounder, like a bubble, a blister, a human water-balloon, as her stomach rose like the sun over the horizon. The man in red sped underneath the dragon-like monster as it bounded into the air, gouts of flame slipping past its fangs. The stout character dropped an axe on the support holding up the bridge. Down the monster fell and into the waiting arms of his princess the small man in red overalls lunged. Triumphantly, the man in front of the television screen pulled out the miniature headphones fixed in his ears that attached to his music device. Yawning and stretching, he rose up from his prone state and scratched his scalp. The oscillating fan felt heavenly on his flushed face. He leaned closer, his sigh sounding mechanical in origin when slipped out before the spinning plastic blades. The urgent groans and deep sloshing from behind him were dulled and muted by the fan's hum as he basked in the cool air. The urge to vomit never warned her to stop her consumption as it had in the past. She was far past that point. She was far past the point where she could contain anything beyond the slightest intake of air. Yet she continued to swallow the continuing stream of water. There was no warning as her limit was surpassed. The noise was loud enough to startle him to his feet and the cool splash of liquid was confusing enough to leave him boggled. Their bedroom was reduced to an abattoir, bits of flesh and insides draped about like meat in a butcher shop. She finally gained his attention and affection as he cradled her head and called for help. He lost her attention forever as her consciousness slipped away and her remains flooded the room.
Female Inflation
Hourglass Inflation
This is it. This is what I have been working for. The SAT. I feel nervous tingles all over my curvaceous body. I am so young and able. I know it. There is potential for something BIG inside of me. I have always been a total workaholic, working up late in the night just to get some dumb projects done. I've done that way too many times. The worst part is always knowing that no matter how much you sleep, you're going to be dead in class anyways. I'm so glad that this is the last time that I'll have to worry about being a slave for these teachers. Most of them are just miserable and use us as their playthings because they didn't have it in them to go after those crazy impossible fantasy dreams. I snapped back into reality when it occurred to me that I was the next person in line to show my ID for entry. I handed over my ID and registration for the test. As the person admitting people in looked through their list in order to find what classroom I was to take the test in, I thumbed the bottom of my knee-high skirt. I became more aware of my light brown hair and brushed it to the side. I looked good right? I looked down at my royal blue button up shirt. It was nice and snug and tucked in. My body was nicely made, with hips that flared out slightly and a perky pair of boobs. My outfit displayed it all fine but my shoes... I snapped back into reality and realized that I was holding up the line. Right. I needed to get this test done. I apologized and moved along toward the hallway. I still felt nervous about this whole thing. Once I got into the room, I found a seat in the back corner. Settling in, it all set in on me. This was it. This was the test that would basically decide the rest of my life. This was the last testing session that they would have for the year and it was my first time taking it. Okay, yeah that wasn't responsible of me. Great. I mean, I never really have been that talented in school. I put so much effort in though. That's what always bugged me so dearly about this school system. My smart friends don't know how easy they always have it. They always get the best grades without any effort. They'll have no problem getting into an Ivy League school or whatever. On the other hand, people like me that worked their ass off don't get anywhere. Now I'll probably fail this test like so many of the other ones I've taken over the years. Then I'll be forced to go to some second rate school and take out student loans. Then I'll have to keep working hard to pay them off for the next two decades while my smart-ass friends won't have paid a dime and they'll go great places. Who thought this was a good system anyway? As I came back into the world of the living, I found that the proctor was starting to hand out the exam. Oh shit! I felt the sudden wave of panic rush over me. Oh man. This is really it. I'm going to get buried by these few sheets of paper. I watched helplessly as the proctor passed by disinterested in me, dropping the test on my desk like a pilot dropping a carpet bomb attack on me. I felt like I might faint or die. The test was finished being handed out and the proctor began on the list of directions that hardly anyone listens to. Maybe that's just me. I went through the motions, all the while scrambling in my mind to remember all of the lessons that I had been taught. I had nothing to latch onto. I could almost feel myself going over the edge of an abyss, looking into the future. This is never going to end well. Why even bother with college? It's not like...oh shit it's starting. The proctor said that no calculators were to be used on the first few questions. Wait, we had to bring calculators? Oh crap. My hand went up instinctively to ask the proctor for one. He gave an expression that suggested he was annoyed that I had interrupted him and made this entire session just a little bit longer for him. He said that their were no calculators available and went back to reading the last of the directions. What was I going to do? This is going to be a bigger train wreck than I could have imagined. He gave the final words and the test began. I turned the page feeling low on the inside. The first question was on trigonometry and I already felt at a loss. I held my pencil over the answer sheet coldly. Time seemed to freeze. What did I want? I mean, really, what did I want? I know that I didn't want to be a loser. I wanted to stop breaking my back for nothing. I wanted to be loved for once. I wanted people to stop looking past me, avoiding me and through me like a don't exist. I wanted to be noticed. I wanted to be...bigger. Yeah, that's it. I know that I have it in me and I want other people to see it. I want to be so big that people will see me and be jealous of what I've got. Aw, just drop it,okay. That's a pipe dream and you know it. Just fail this stupid test be a nobody forever. I let my pencil touch the paper to fill in C when it hit faster than I had time to react. My heart lept and started beating faster and my body had a familiar onset of excitement, the kind that you get when you kiss someone for the first time. My face felt flushed and I almost felt exposed even though no one was paying any mind. My chest felt more sensitive than the rest of my body. My body felt more intimate as I filled in the bubble more, like the person I was kissing was leaning in closer and caressing me more. I filled the rest of the answer in and the rush ebbed away. Wow. That was so unbelievable. My tension of a few moments ago was a distant memory. I looked at my paper and somehow it seemed like my body was slightly closer to it. That didn't make sense since my back was against the chair. My shirt also felt slightly more snug in the chest area. I shifted myself a bit and felt fine again. That whole scene now was so weird. It couldn't have been anything really. It must have been some subconscious attempt to make myself feel more comfortable as I fail. I looked back at the test. Alright let's fill another in. I tested choice A out by letting my pencil point touch it. Nothing happened. Of course nothing happened. I almost readied to fill it in when I thought I might as well give the others a try at least. No sooner than my pencil had touched choice B did I feel another euphoric feeling spread through me. I breathed deeply and savored the burst of emotion. Once the answer was filled in, the feeling drifted off again. I could feel that my chest area was tighter again and slightly more so than the first time. I looked down in silent awe. It was undeniable, unreal. My breasts were actually...bigger? Oh my God? Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my GOD! This is impossible. How? My mind raced with possibilities. It's allergies. I'm dehydrated. I'm hallucinating. Life isn't real. This isn't real. I felt overcome with excited nervousness. I had to fill in one more to be certain. I found the answer quickly by tapping the choices and the emotions flooded back in making me gasp with pleasure. No one looked up yet but I knew without having to look at my chest that it was another quarter inch bigger. My shirt hugged me a little bit tighter. I wanted to laugh or cry. I could find the right answer every time. This was everything I could hope for. Was this what I wanted? This seemed so dangerous. There are so many questions on this test. How big will I get? I don't want to be too suspicious. I can't get a perfect score. Would it even matter? If I keep growing like this, I might not need to go to college. This was so perfect. For the first time in my life, I had the trump card. I could make the moves I wanted. A wry smile worked its way on my face. This was going to be so good. I brought down my pencil deliberately and slowly worked my way through each bubble, enjoying the excitement that filled my being and body. My chest creeped forward and my buttons slowly started showing strain. It was so great that I almost forgot to throw a question or two. I filled in one of the wrong answers, half expecting to deflate or worse. Nothing happened. That was great I guess. By the end of the first section, my bust was 5 inches bigger. The proctor said what he needed to in order to proceed to the next section. I felt myself up discreetly, as if the proctor or anyone else could be bothered to turn my way yet. They felt plush and more sensitive. Why weren't they heavier? Ah, whatever, the next section was starting and now everyone set up their calculators. The proctor gave the cue and off I was again on my adventure to my dreams. I filled in the first problem of the section and immediately felt the difference in feeling. It was deeper, driving me closer the edge. I filled in another question and then another one. My chest inched ever further. Halfway through the section I noticed that my chest was pulsing slightly. It dawned on me that I was getting closer to cumming. I gave myself a slight break. My boobs were already brushing the edge of my desk and my nipples gently rubbed the desk's side. It was making me so ready for anything. I opened a button to relieve my pressure. Luckily, my shirt below it was a similar color and it gave the illusion that my boobs weren't bursting out of my shirt. I felt a bit calmed down and continued on. The ecstasy made everything go by so impossibly. I could feel everything, every inch of it and yet there was nothing happening. Right? I can't even think straight. I'm losing time. I'm not going to finish. Wait, no I'm going faster than everyone else. I'm not enjoying the ride. I can't control myself. Then, I looked down to see that I was done. I glanced at the clock. I had a few minutes to spare. I breathed and felt the edge of the desk pushing my boobs defiantly. I was about 15 maybe 16 inches more than when I began. My boobs felt light and perky, like they desired more than anything to drag me to the ceiling. No more inflating. I looked so sexy. I was already naturally modestly curvy, but now I was amazing. I concentrated and pushed down my dream of being bigger. I could will it away right? It was the way I had done it the first time. The proctor still was in his own world and the reading and writing half of the test ensued. Would I still be able to get the right answer? I might do better with this section. I drew my pencil and went to the answer sheet. I tried the answers methodically. Then I felt it. The exotic feeling swelled inside me again but it was different. I kept filling it in and I felt as if I was getting the slightest bit higher in my chair. No way, it couldn't be! I felt my hips and legs. They felt just a bit bigger. It was unmistakable. I had literally pushed my dream down into my lower half. My face felt flushed. I always wanted a rounded out rear. This was turning out to be the best day of my life. I moved down the sheet, picking up inches in my hips along the way. It was getting more passionate as I moved along. I wish you knew how it felt. I've never had sex with someone before but if I did, it would feel like someone had found every one of my most sensitive points and was stroking each of them skillfully. I couldn't understand my own love. Nothing was even touching me and yet it was like someone was right there testing my buttons. I was dangling on the edge blossoming. I threw a question or two and found that I was at the end. I breathed softly. I examined my own inflated image. It was like I was looking through someone else's eyes. This wasn't myself. It was some gorgeous star that people must adore by the millions. She must be on the front of a lot of magazines. Her full hips curved into smooth legs that clumsily couldn't help being flawless. I wish I could be her. She must be so confident. She doesn't have anything to be ashamed of. Look over there. That poor soul in the front of the room. He's telling those kids to finish their work. They should just have... fun. Oh those kids just want to play and be lovely. I turned to the final section in my dreamlike state. Was it time to start? I felt like it was so I went on. Whoever's body this belonged to was so lucky. The scenery blurred and fell away. Things felt light and delicious. Everything tangible and intangible swelled and grew. I felt like so happy. This...was my life. This was all for myself. I felt so nostalgic. It was like I was cuddling with a warm blanket. It kept getting lighter and softer. I fell deeper and deeper until I found the deepest resolve ever. I knew who I was. Then I floated back to the surface. I knew without looking at the test that I was done. The proctor's lips moved and I got up feeling stronger and uplifted. I walked over to his desk, barely touching the floor. I was almost floating toward him. His lips stopped making movements. I was in front of him. I handed over my test. He was stunned. I laid it on his desk. To my right, I saw a frozen class of test takers. They couldn't take their eyes off of me. I looked around the room, not spying anyone worthwhile. They didn't deserve to share my dream. I flipped my hair and turned to leave. The floor swept under me. Even it didn't feel worthy enough to touch me the way it once had. I walked out of that room, that school, knowing that I had what I wanted. Now I was ready to find the person that would be worthy enough to share my dream and my sensuous body.
bikini, clothes bursting, floating, inflatable bra, swimsuit
Female Inflation
Inflatable Clothing
"Hi, welcome to Lane Buoyant!" the cheerful saleswoman called out as new customers entered the store. The new lingerie product line from the women's wear company, for a lack of a better phrase, had 'taken off' like an overinflated helium balloon. Sales were shooting for the skies, as more and more of the lingerie and swimwear flew off the stores' shelves. The company had introduced the product line just two years ago, running in direct competition with several other stores with similar wares. But what set them apart was the newest gimmick. Inflatable women's intimates and swimsuits, designed to give women a boost to the breasts and other parts. The inflatable cups of their bras and swim tops could be blown up to whatever size the wearer wanted, due to a new material that allowed the cups to stretch to incredible sizes and never break. The material that lined the fabric cups and made up the inflatable cup inserts, was called Blo-Tex, and was invented by a young entrepreneur and chemical engineer names Richard Johnson. An unfortunate twist of fate, for a man who created a material that would go on later to be used in a line of intimate apparel, lingerie for couples to wear before and during sex, to have the name of 'Dick Johnson'. Though the product line was selling almost faster than the company could produce it cheaply in its factory in China, Richard was not receiving a penny from the use of his creation. He had taken his invention, Blo-Tex, to a patent company, who refused to grant a patent to his but instead stole the idea and formula, seeing the potential and selling it to a chain-store conglomerate, who began to incorporate it into their new line of intimate apparel and swimwear and selling them at new stores that were popping up in malls across the globe, usually right next to Victoria's Secret. The name of the stores was a play on the name of another competitor, Lane Bryant, but since they sold inflatable bras and swimsuits, they called themselves 'Lane Buoyant'. Richard huffed angrily every time he saw a commercial from Lane Buoyant on television. The advertisement always showed women blowing up their bras discreetly under their shirts, or inflating their bikini tops, to add a little umph to themselves, with a smile. They offered items from full coverage to shelf bras, bikinis to one-piece swimsuits, all with inflatable pads that could be adjusted to every size imaginable. One of the national network morning television shows had done a promotional piece on the store's wares, and had one of the female hosts inflate a Lane Buoyant bra under her shirt in an attempt to see just how big it would inflate before threatening to pop. She had burst every button in her shirt until she looked like she was wearing a pair of weather balloons, but the show proved that the product wouldn't rupture. The television spot had started a stampede to stores world-wide, driving the inventor mad with the loss of income from the theft of his creation. And that was when he began his plan for revenge. The first version of the wearable, inflatable lingerie incorporated a valve that located behind the bridge in the cups of the bras. A small pump could be attached to the valve, and air added into the super-stretching pads and cups that way. But the wearer would always have to make adjustments to their cup sizes before putting on the garment. The second version now had a small capsule containing super-compressed air, about the size of a bullet, hidden where the valve used to be. Like clicking a pen, the wearer simply had to press the top of the capsule once to begin inflating, a second clip to stop blowing up, and a third to deflate. Lane Buoyant was even lately advertising the newest addition to the line, with a capsule of highly-concentrated helium, for those women who wanted more of a lift than just a boost to the bosoms. Each capsule had the capacity to release four cubic meters of compressed gas. The most expensive version had the capability to activate the capsule's various gases and inflate on command with the use of a small, key-sized battery-operated remote control. Women who used this had to be careful not to keep the remote in their purses in a place where other items inside might inadvertently fall on it and push the wrong button on the remote, triggering inflation when the wearer was unprepared for the growth. Sometimes the women had found that another's remote would accidently trigger their own bra's inflation, if they unknowingly got too close to another woman who was trying to artificially increase her bust size. It was this weakness that Richard planned to exploit in his plot to take revenge on the company that had capitalized on his stolen invention. The local mall was featuring the grand opening of another Lane Buoyant store. For their opening day, the store was selling the remote-controlled lingerie and swimwear for the same price as the regular items. The line to get into the new store stretched past the Macy's, Bloomingdale's and Victoria's Secret stores, filled with excited women and the inwardly smiling men that accompanied them. Richard sat on a bench away from the crowd, fedora and sunglasses hiding most of his features, backpack in his lap. There were around one hundred people already in the Lane Buoyant store when he brought out the laptop computer from the backpack and initiated his plan. He had hacked the store headquarters' main computer system the week before, and accessed the remote-controlled capsules' series of varying frequencies. Since the remotes were made to only broadcast short range, to be used within a foot or two of the wearer, he reverse-engineered a small parabolic microphone into a signal transmitter that would amplify the frequencies and could be broadcast from 50 feet way. The transmitter was covered by his trench coat on the bench next to him, and with a snap Richard connected the cable from the laptop to the transmitter and depressed the 'enter' key to activate the broadcast signal, and waited for the chaos to begin. The cheerful saleswoman at the door that greeted people who were entering the Lane Buoyant store was the first to be affected. All the employees were expected to wear the company's products, given to them for free, and of course she was wearing the top-of-the-line remote-controlled inflatable bra. "Welcome to Lane Buoy..." her greeting to another couple pushing through the door was cut short as her chest suddenly and unexpectedly shot forward, stretching her white linen buttoned blouse rapidly. Richard watched, a smile creasing his face, as she groped herself in front of a hundred onlookers in the line outside the store, trying to push back the inflation to no avail. Five other women in the line began to grow as well, some with yelps of surprise, their men simply staring at their women's billowing tops. A series of shouts emerged from within the store, as mass expansion began to spread. Displays full of inflatable bras and swimsuits blew up uncontrollably, most dropping to the floor. Other wares, including a shelf full of neatly-folded inflatable one-piece swimsuits, had their concentrated helium capsules activated, and began blowing up and slowly floating to the ceiling of the store. One petite saleswoman, fighting her own bra's inflation, caught the lower parts of the one-piece floating suits, the strip that covers the women's nether regions, and tried to pull them back down. But like someone trying to hold onto a clutch of balloons that has one too many buoyant spheres, the lift was too much and she was pulled off the ground, screaming for help. One older teen, trying on her first Lane Buoyant bra, was trapped behind the closed door of the small dressing room. The bra blew up so voluminously and quickly that she was pinned to the mirror at the back of the cubicle, the stretching balloon cups filling up the room and preventing her from moving. Another small lady near the back of the store, grasping two helium bras she had intended to purchase, stumbled in the ensuing chaos and became tangled in the straps of several ballooning bras that had fallen to the floor. As she struggled to disengage from the cluster of colorful fabric, she was slowly, ponderously pulled skyward, tethered to at least four weather-balloon-sized garments, coming to rest next to a warm spotlight over a display. One by one, every remote-controlled inflatable article of clothing within the broadcast range on the transmitter began to expand. Buttons were flying as women burst out of their shirts, some running away in embarrassment, while others demanded their husbands remove their jackets to cover up their burgeoning bosoms until they could extract themselves of the offending lingerie. One lady was wearing one of the store's line of new panties with the inflatable butt pads under her skirt, and now looked like she was hiding an inflated raft under her pleats. The most enjoyable feature of the day, Richard chuckled about as he filmed everything with the camera of his laptop, was the cheerful saleswoman greeter. She had been the first to start blowing up, and despite what was happening to her, she had remained dutifully at her post. Acting as if nothing odd was occurring, she assured the people still standing in line that nothing was wrong, and that all was under control. She had already inflated well beyond beachball size at this point, leaving the six buttons of her blouse on the floor. But as she smiled tensely at the remaining customers, some pulling out their smart phones and recording the enfolding event, the bra balloons to which she was attached began to rise up in front of her face. She was wearing a set with a helium capsule, and soon she was unable to see over her artificial cleavage. As the cups blew up bigger, unabated, the super-concentrated gas wouldn't allow her to be able to pull down the inflating masses so that people could see and hear her. Bigger and bigger they blew up, and someone yelled, "She's going to pop!" Other people screamed. The cheerful greeter screamed. Pandemonium ensued with people running in all directions, the sound of balloons stretching and bumping together all around. But the bra didn't rupture. Instead, the lady lost the grip of gravity as the cups pulled her upward. Flailing her arms and legs in the air, she slowly floated away, aiming for the ceiling of the mall's corridor, three levels above her. Mall security had to extract her from the glassed ceiling later that night by reaching her with the use of hydraulic scaffolding. Despite the chaos, no one got hurt. People later laughed when describing the event, saying that trying to escape the store later was like fighting your way out of a room full of beachballs. The video that Richard and others had recorded, including the security camera footage, was leaked onto YouTube by the end of the day, and inflation fetishists around the world rejoiced in the underground lairs and replayed the scenes from every discovered camera angle repeatedly to their secret delight. The new product line was deemed fallible, and was recalled by the company. In the ensuing investigation, the discovery of the true inventor of the Blo-Tex material was made, and Lane Buoyant was reluctantly forced to pay royalties for all the products they had sold that had used Richard's now-patented creation. Under their new agreement, the company returned to the original design for their inflatable wares, with the valve and separate pump or the manually actuated compressed gas capsule, and never went back to the remote-controlled expandable pads. Richard lived happily ever after, a rich and devious man.
blueberrification, carnival, gum, male, Relationship
Male Inflation
Victor always knew he was hot, possibly even gorgeous. He had a strong shaped jaw, slicked back hair, and golden brown skin. His gym workouts payed off in the form of a six pack that drove the ladies wild. He should know, he'd dated plenty of them. Missy, Laura, Jenette, Paula, just to name a few. The flavor at the moment was Stephanie, a ditsy blond with a killer rack. She was the leader of the cheerleading squad, the yearbook club , and the Girl's choir, and showed it all of with pride. Victor loved to see her bouncing towards him, her chest heaving up and down. Today, she was meeting him after her cheerleading practice. He watched her from the sidelines, sitting with his best leather jacket and black shirt that he'd cut the sleeves off of. They girls finished up, with Victor finishing off his cigarette, tossing it away before pulling out a new one. "Hi Sweetie!" Stephanie said, bounding over to him with a smile. Her blond hair was flowing with the small breeze as she hugged him tight. Victor pulled the cigarette out of his mouth. "Hey Babe." He said, patting her on the back. "You were great out there today. New uniform? Looked a bit tighter than usual." He said, pulling on the bottom of her shirt that was exposing her midriff. "No, silly!" She said, pushing him back playfully. "My shirt shrunk in the wash! I'm getting a new one soon." She said, twisting back and forth to make her skirt move. "Maybe you should just keep this one." Victor asked, placing his cigarette back into his mouth. Before he could light it, Stephanie yanked it from his lips. "Babe?! What the hell?" He asked, reaching for it. "I don't like you smoking. It makes you smell bad. Why don't you try something else?" She asked, tossing the thing away."Like what?" He asked, pulling out another from the pack. "Like...gum! I heard that works. My mom did it for a while, now she doesn't smoke." Stephanie said, settling down into his lap. "Enough about that though. I heard about this great carnival that's coming to town this weekend, and I thought we should go together..." She said, smiling at him."A carnival," He said as he lit the cigarette, and took a puff. "What are you, nine?" He asked, blowing the smoke out. Stephanie laughed, shaking her head, "No, no, It'll be fun! It's not just for kids you know! I hear...there's a tunnel of love going to be there..." She whispered into his ear. "I'll think about it." He said, taking another puff. "Yay!" Stephanie jumped to her feet. "Meet me at my house by ten. I want to spend the whole day with you!" She said, giving him a kiss before running off to get her bag. Victor sighed, flicking ashes off into the gravel. Stephanie was starting to get a little too much for him. All high energy and high pitched voice. No amount of great sex or great body could get past all of that. He'd have to break up with her, after the date tomorrow. He wanted to only date the best, and Steph, despite her boobs, were not good for his image. "Come on! Come on! This way!" Stephanie pulled Victor along down the path, smiling and giggling as she did so. Today, he was wearing a black shirt, with a blue lighting bolt down the middle, and his favorite leather jacket. He was also carrying a smaller prize for Stephanie, as she wanted to jump from game to game, and ride to ride. Turns out there wasn't a tunnel of love here, and he was going to get nothing out of coming. "Come on! We've got so much more to do!" She said, looping her arm with his. She smiled, her blue eyes shining from the sun in the sky. "Stephanie..." Victor sighed, before she pulled him down the path again. "Stephanie, listen!" He pulled her to a stop, right in front of an older lady and her tent."What is it, Victor?" Stephanie asked, "Aren't you having fun?" Victor sighed, and ran a hand through his hair, "No, Steph, I'm not. I don't...I don't have fun with you anymore. You nag me, you're always talking in that voice-""It's my voice, Victor. I can't change it." She said, stepping back a bit. "I know that. Plus, you're trying to get me to quit smoking. I can't do that, Steph." He said"Not even for me?" She asked, tears starting to form in her eyes. "No. I'm just too good for you, Steph. I need to date the best, and the best just isn't you." Victor said, throwing her dumb prizes on the ground and stepping away from Stephanie. "Victor, wait!" Stephanie said. Victor sighed, and stopped walking. "What?" He said."Why now? Why didn't you do this sooner?" Stephanie asked, hands shaking. "Because you had been good for my image. Now..." He looked her over as if she was garbage. "Not so much." "Excuse me, you two." The woman in the stand stood up, and gestured for them to come over."Not now, lady, We're busy." Victor said."But, I just heard that you have a problem with smoking. I think I can help with that." She said. Victor gave the woman a once over. She had white hair pulled back into a bun, and was wearing all sort of purple jewelry, with a flowing purple gown on that draped down to the ground. Her face was caked in makeup, and she had long gloves that went up to her elbows. "Who are you, anyway?" Victor said, walking over to her. Her tent was decorated with gold and purples, and was covered in various accessories and trinkets. "My name is Violet. And I have quite the thing here for both of you." She said, picking up her small purple purse. She pulled out a small pack of gum, and pulled out a single strip. "This." "That? That's it? It's just gum." Victor said, crossing his arms."It can help with smoking, Victor." Stephanie said, crossing her arms as well. "I've been trying to tell you that. Not that it matters now." She said, trying to stop the tears in her eyes from falling.Violet sighed, and turned back to Victor. "Take it. It's something special." She said.Victor took it, and looked the strip encased in a silver paper. "What flavor is it?" He asked, sniffing it to try and get an idea."Oh, its a three-course meal. I got it from an old friend of mine. I believe it is roast beef, tomato soup and blueberry pie. At least, that's what he's told me." Violet explained, "You'd be the first one to try it. I know he'd be ever so please to hear how it tastes." "The first? Really?" He looked it over. He'd love to be able to say he tried something first, before anyone else got their hands on it. Maybe he could start a trend, possibly get in on this cash magnet. "Do it, Victor. You always want to be the best at everything." Stephanie said flatly.Victor looked over at her, and glared. "Fine, then. I was going to give it to you, you know, as an apology, but now," He unwrapped the gum, and slipped the strip into his mouth, "I'll just try it myself." A cat like smirk appeared on Violet's face as Victor chewed the gum, "How is it, dear?" She asked, standing up to walkover to Stephanie's side. Victor continued to chew, until the first flavor hit him. He shook his head, "Whoa, what the hell? It' really is roast beef." He looked over at Violet and Stephanie. "How's this possible?" he asked, continuing to chew.Violet shrugged, "My friend would call it magic, but I have a feeling he's not telling me the truth." She turned to Stephanie. "Are you alright? I saw how horrible he was to you." She said. Stephanie shook her head, "No no, Victor's a nice guy. He's just having a rough day." She said."Oh, really? Tell me, what do you two like to do for fun?" Violet said, crossing her arms. "Oh, lots of things! Um..." Stephanie paused for a moment. "There was...something..." She shook her head. "I can't think of anything." She said with a shrug."Oh my god!" Victor shouted, "Actual tomato soup? It feels real somehow." He said, furrowing his brow. He turned around, still chewing away at the gum. "This is going to make millions!" He shouted. "Sounds to me like you don't really do much with this man, Stephanie. Do you think he actually loves you?" Violet asked. "Has he ever said it?" Stephanie shook her head, "No. No, he hasn't." She glared at him, "He's always just...stared at my chest, and cat called my friends!" She shouted, storming over to him. "Victor, I-" She turned him around, to find that his nose had turned from it's cute shade of brown, to a deep, deep blue. "Stephanie, it's really blueberry pie! I can't believe this! It's really working!" He said, unaware of the fact that his entire face was blue at this point. "Um...Victor..." She said, backing away from him slowly. "Your-your face..." She reached into her pocket, and pulled out a hand mirror. "What? What is it?" he took the mirror. and looked at himself. Where once his perfect brown skin was, was now a gaudy shade of deep purple. Even his beautiful brown eyes were changing to a deep aquamarine. "What the hell?! I'm-I'm turning blue!" He dropped the mirror, and looked at his hands, which now matched the color of his face. Even his hair had turned from it's deep black to a bright blue color.Violet laughed, "See? I don't think you'll be doing much more damage to this poor woman, or to yourself for that matter." She smirked. "What's happening to him?" Stephanie asked, running back over to the woman. She watched Victor, still chewing away at the gum. "Watch, my dear. You'll see." Violet said with a smile. One child was walking past, and gasped at Victor's appearance. "Mommy! Look at that man! He's all blue!" She said. "He-He sure is, sweetie." The mother paused to watch, as well as others, wondering if this was some sort of show or not. "Go away! There's nothing to see here!" Victor shouted, still chewing the gum. The juice was still building up in his mouth, forcing him to swallow large mouthfuls of the rather delicious juice. He felt a shifting in his stomach, before a soft gurgling noise could be heard. He looked down to see his stomach slowly starting to stick out. "Look, Mommy! He's a blueberry man!" The girl shouted, pointing at Victor. "A-A..." He stuttered, eyes wide in shock. "A blueberry, Victor." Violet shouted, before pulling a makeup wipe out of her pocket. She wiped the makeup off of her cheek, revealing her own blue skin. "You-You did this to me..." Victor said. He lurched forward a bit, stumbling on his feet as he watched his stomach push against the buttons on his jeans. "I do it to people who were like me once. My old friend taught me a valuable lesson, and I thought I could pass it on to others." Violet explained as Victor continued to swell up with juice, eventually bursting the button of his jeans clean off. His leather jacket only just contained his swelling arms, being stretched out as the juice continued to fill him up. "He's a blueberry..." Stephanie smiled, and giggled, 'You look rather silly, Victor!" She shouted. Victor was in too much of a panic to listen, as he felt the juice move downwards, filling up his legs. His jeans quickly burst from their seams, leaving him in his black boxer briefs. The crowd was impressed, watching the man grow before them. They all smiled at the display, talking among one another. "Can't you see? This is actually happening to me! This isn't some show, I'm really..." He swallowed hard, still chewing the gum in his mouth. "I'm a blueberry..." He said, his favorite jacket slipping off of his growing form. The lightning bolt on his shirt was stretched thin, and saturated with the juice on Victor's thin skin. He tried to press himself down, to stop this expansion before it was too late, but his arms quickly swelled up, before being absorbed by the rest of his body. His belly came to grow down between his legs, absorbing them as well. He was left with only his hands and feet sticking out, his cheeks the last thing to swell up. His head sunk down a bit into his body, leaving him only just peaking out over the edge of his round form. "Wow...Victor..." Stephanie walked around her ex-boyfriend's round form. "You're really a blueberry." She said. "Now you see, Victor. Hopefully, you've learned a bit about humility." She said, looking up at him. "Can he ever go back to normal? Or is he stuck like this forever?" Stephanie asked. "Mmmmph! Mmhmm!" Victor tried to speak, but he was muffled by his blue body. "This blend will eventually evaporate from him, but the color will stay. Hopefully, that will be enough of a lesson for you." Violet said. "In the meantime, you'd better roll him someplace safe." She said. "Thank you, ma'am." Stephanie said with a smile. She looked up at Victor, before back at Violet. "Do you happen to have any more of that gum?" She asked with a sly smile. Violet chuckled, "Here," She walked over to her purse, and pulled out the pack of gum. "Take the rest of this pack. I've got plenty more if you need it." "Mmmmmph! Mmhmmm!" Victor wiggled his hands, trying desperately to protest against doing this again. "Let's go, Victor. I've got plenty in store for you." Stephanie said, pushing her boyfriend down the path, the crowd that had formed clapping as they left. As he rolled along, Victor felt one tear fall from his eye. 'What have I done?' He thought...
balloon, inhale
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Derek pressed his back against the bedroom door that had been slammed in his face no more than a few moments ago. He'd apologized to Analise too many times over the phone and she deserved to hear this one in person. On the far side of the door, Derek could hear Analise opening and slamming drawers. He really hadn't wanted to do this, really he didn't. If only that asshole, Frye, had kept his mouth shut. "Why'd you have to take that damn promotion?" Analise shouted from beyond the doorway. Her breath began to come in sobbing huffs. "I took it because I want to marry you," Derek replied, "That promotion allowed me to by you your engagement ring with a single paycheck." "Three months," she cried out between huffs, "We haven't had a date in three months because you took that stupid promotion. Nine times, nine times you've canceled on me and all because of that stupid job." "It's not the job this time." And for once it wasn't. His mother had called his office to find out if Derek was still coming to his parents' anniversary party. Bernard Frye had answered Derek's phone on the third ring. "I'm sorry but Frye-" "FRYE?" Huuuuuuuff! "Frye told my mother I was trying to keep Thursday clear, for a special occasion," Derek explained, "She thought it was for her anniversary party. She's already moved it up." "YOUR MOTHER????" Derek winced as he heard Analise take in another deep sob. Derek's mother had never approved of his dating Analise, the main reason being that Analise had put herself through college as a burlesque queen. A fact that Derek's mother made his fiance aware of every chance she got. He heard Analise huff twice more before he heard the sound of something hollow being filled with air. "Good," Derek said as he heard the sound of the filling balloon, "She had one left." Whenever he had to call Analise to cancel, he would hear her start to sob and huff over the phone's speaker. Then, after a moment, he would hear her start to blow up a balloon, and she had some big ones. He would ask her how big it was and she would tell him. Then Analise would huff and sob as she listed off the dates he had canceled on on her. And as she blew into her balloon he would list the reasons, and the rewards that had come with them. And it would continue on until the balloon could take no more. -"How big?" Derek asked, but this time the reply was a little different. "I don't- huuuff- know," she replied. "You don't know?" "No- huuuff... huuuff- I don't- huuuff." Derek listened as the balloon grew on the other side of the door. She didn't know... that was very odd. As he thought on that for a moment, he spied the plastic packages in the living room trash. They were the bags Analise's balloons had been packaged in. Derek pulled one of the plastic scraps from the bin and looked it over. "Fustretch party balloon, three foot round, Color: cherry red." "That was the first one- huuuff." Analise had heard him through the door. "When you canceled on me for- huuff- the first time after you took that promotion." "I didn't know they wanted me to work that night," Derek replied, "Frye told me at the last minute. Fustretch party balloon, three foot round. Color: powder blue." "Huuuff- Our dinner reservations at La Stanza," Analise returned. "I'll take some responsibility for that one," said Derek, "I stayed late to catch up on a few things so we wouldn't be interrupted. As I was finishing up, the boss cornered me and started complementing me on my hard work. The next thing I know, I'm in the back of his limo, headed for a restaurant where the food costs as much as a compact car." He heard Analise huff twice more. "He wouldn't take no for an answer," Derek continued, "I would have crawled through the men's room window if it'd had one." He sighed as he picked another scrap of plastic out of the bin. "Gummitex two-foot long airship, Color: Pink." "The clothes shopping trip on your last day off," she answered. "Frye's little fib about a budget meeting," he explained. And so it went on for about a quarter of an hour, Derek would take a discarded wrapper from the bin and read it and Analise would tell him the reason that balloon was used. From the agate patterned worker that soothed her when he been forced to bow out on her first home cooked meal, to the seven-foot doll she'd used when he missed her birthday party. And finally... "Galatex, eighty inch- wow- eighty inch round, color: lilac." "You said you were going to take me with you! Huuuuuuuuuuuuff" Analise replied. "The business trip." Derek winced at the memory. The office was sending his whole department to the capital to over see a merger with a small company. As the new department head, Derek decided to get a perk or two out of the trip and make it a working vacation for himself and Analise. He'd arranged two four bedroom suites for the rest of the department at a local three star hotel, and a private room for just the two of them. After the reservations were made, he'd booked the plane tickets and everything was set. Or so he thought. He was checking the luggage in the trunk of his car when a taxi suddenly stopped next to his car. Before Derek could ask what was going on, he was pulled inside the shuttle and his bags were loaded in the back. Flunkie Frye attempted to extend their budget by booking an earlier, and cheaper flight. Derek hadn't had the chance to tell Analise until the plane had landed at the airport. "I waited for three hours- Huuuuff- before you called," Analise cried. Derek thought he could hear the sound of stretching rubber. Her balloon sounded like it was getting full. "How big?" "I don't know," Analise replied as she huffed twice more. "But- huuuff- big!" Derek turned his head and listened to the door. Analise's huffing became slower and longer each time. The stretching sound of rubber began to grow deeper. He sighed rubbed the bridge of his nose. "This doesn't have to be a total loss," Derek called to his beloved, "I don't have to work tomorrow. We can sleep in, order some take out, bottle of wine..." "Huuuufff..." The sound of growth continued to deepen. "Start with a nice hot bath?" Derek offered, "Bath salts and your scented candles? Little massage?" "Huuuufff..." "I'll even tie off that balloon so you can finish it off later." Derek put a hand on the door handle and turned it. As the door swung open, Derek's jaw dropped at the sight that greeted him. A curved expanse of smooth carnation skin stood before and towered over him. It wasn't round, more like the shape of a donut or an inner tube without the hole in the middle. More like a smooth bulge that filled the room from wall to wall. It was a sort of a carnation pink with a smooth supple texture. Derek tried to remember just how big Analise's bedroom was to determine just how big this balloon was. And just how had she blown the thing up on her own. It was then that he heard something from above the huge expanse that made him realise what he was looking at. Just what it was he was pressing up against... "But Derek... I'm all- Huuufff- out of balloons..." Analise huffed once more and billowed out towards him brushing against his body. There wasn't much room left. "Huuuufff!"
catgirl, floating
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The sun had set outside of the corner café, and I knew I was fucked. With the rate Austen was reading through his poems, there wouldn't be any daylight to walk home. To the dozen or so other young adults in here with us, he read with no rush whatsoever. This particular poem was an extended metaphor about how the smoke of apartment fires choked the city like the host of other community issues. My friend was quite the subtle activist. I had to commend him for making his writing amount to more public visibility than my work ever could. Everyone started snapping politely when there was a long enough silence at the end; my fingers were working automatically at that point. My eyes were on the muted television over the counter and the headline from the evening news: "PADDLEBOARDER ATTACKED BY HALF-RACE SQUID". The video was sweeping over a beach, first showing the onlookers, then focusing in on a lone man leaning on his board in the water. Though the aftermath was only captured, he seemed fine just bobbing there. "And with that, that's all I wrote...!" From his place in the corner of the shop, Austen closed the little pamphlet in his dark hands and took a bow to some renewed snapping. His bright smile cracked through his dense, ink-black beard, his navy buttoned-up shirt pulled tight around his stout waist. He was the happiest hipster in the metro right now. "Thank you all for coming. If anyone wants to grab my chapbook on the way out, I won't be able to thank you enough." Austen gestured with his book and I did a little wave to everyone, just in case someone wanted to add to the grand total of three sales. I guessed that basically they were content hearing most of the poems for free, and the café slowly emptied out, save for us two. Austen came up, his bald head like a little beacon in the dim lighting. "Well, I think they all enjoyed those pieces very much. Nobody left early to get home." Even his voice had this odd, charming quaintness to it; nothing that could lift him out of being single though. I passed him the fifteen dollars he earned: a sorry sum, hardly enough to pay back either the book printings or reserving the café for the afternoon. "You're getting better at your recitation, though, man," I encouraged. "The words are hitting harder, even though I've heard those passages a dozen or so times." He gave that deep baritone laugh of his, and rapped his knuckle off the tabletop. "If it's waking you up, I must be doing somethin' right." Austen looked up at the screen. "I see there's been another incident..." The newscast was showing a brief snippet of footage of the attacker being dragged out of the surf, with a pair of beach patrolmen grabbing either arm. It looked reasonably like a woman, except for the pale-blue tint of the skin, the floppy cone shape on top of her head, the yellow eyes, and the lower body made up scraggly, trailing tentacles in the sand. She gave whoever was recording a fleeting, shy smile as she passed, and that moment played again in slow motion. It suggested to me a plead for innocence—like she didn't know what she had done wrong. "I still don't really like the term 'half-race' that the media uses..." Austen said with an aggravated sigh. "They're all 'race'; different species, different than us, just on a..." He paused to arrange it poetically. "A hillier cultural plain." "Yeah, I guess..." I shook my head. "Think they'll ever get used to us, Ethan? People have been trying so hard to teach them our manners." "Hey, we'll see," I said, turning away with a shrug. I would be all for calling a bunch of monsters our "sisters" if they'd just cool off their thirstiness for human men. At least the ones that could walk on land were kind of safer to an extent, but I still wouldn't want to run into one in a dark alley. The café workers had reappeared out of hiding in the back and were finishing up putting the chairs on top of the tables. It was the cue to get us out. Through the large windows to the outside, there were only the spotty glows of streetlamps. A single car passed by to sweep the intersection like a searchlight. "Listen," I said, gathering up the stacks of chapbooks for him. "Are you going to be able to get all these home okay? I've really got to get going." "I'll stuff them in the back of my bike compartment, don't worry," he reassured me. Once we were outside, Austen bid me goodbye and switched on his lights, pushed himself a bit and rode off, blinking akin to a passing plane. It kind of annoyed me how adjusted to the environment he was here. He didn't seem to feel anything. Admittedly, he was born here, raised here, and I was a transplant from the rural regions seeking the jobs. In the end, as a stranger it makes me both admire and fear that familiarity to a chaotic world. I adjusted my jacket and backpack and buried my hands in my jean pockets, hoping that with the pace I struck that I looked like I had somewhere to be. There were just the typical blocks to cover, the only difference being that they were deserted, highlighted sparingly by streetlight orange. My love-hate relationship with the city is basically personified as the difference between night and day. You see a hub of activity when the sun's out, where folks of all walks of life are encountered on every corner, and the buildings to the food stalls to the manhole covers exude culture and enrich the spirit with life. Once the sun sets, the spirit begins to drain. The city harms you without even touching you and makes you dread the very street you walked on a few hours before. The shadows are dangerous and everyone knows it. And for me, I can't remember the last time I willingly went out at night. If I were to get mugged, face-to-face with someone who had everything to gain from me and nothing to lose, the bad outcomes drafted and redrew themselves like a whiteboard in my head. I passed a small office building where the curb ended, and stopped at the dip in the pavement. To my left, a familiar side street: Princess Alley. My normal shortcut by day to the coffee shop and the rest of downtown. Imagine Moses parting the sea, and the narrow trench to walk through that appeared between two towers of vertical water. That was kind of how it looked and felt to cross through that street, at least by day. The sun passed in a near-perfect line overhead from east to west, and when it disappeared, there were only the faint, dull lights that were wired to shine from the building exteriors, only five in number. One was flickering like it wanted to burn out tonight. All of them were too high and spaced apart from each other to illuminate the ground properly, so patches of the void obscured any heaps of trash to walk around, or threats lying in wait. Could I walk those 90-some yards? I rummaged through my backpack to maybe turn my cellphone into a light—dead of course. Reaching back into the pocket I felt my keys, my wallet, and the cylindrical thing I used for self-defense. I took out the little canister and tried to read the label on it, the whole thing maybe about as far as I could spread my thumb from my index finger. From the start-up company I had bought it from online, I knew it was advertised kind of like mace, but different in that it wasn't supposed to hurt who was sprayed, only "hamper" them. I skipped the directions and the warnings and placed the cap back into the depths of my bag, leaving the opened can within the outer side pocket; if I was going to face this, I wanted to be prepared. Another part of me relented and begged me to just go around the block and take the extra few minutes. Just then I heard a teenager shout loud and nonchalant to somebody using a crude nickname from a distance. Like I was repelled from the source of the sound I steered myself into the alley, letting the darkness pull me in. I was in a fog at first, shuffling unsteadily to the light source like a moth trying to get its bearings. My eyes were adjusting though, sorting out the shades of black, of objects pushed to either side of the aisle. A plastic bag caught my shoe with a rustle and I shook it off with a noise of disturbed dry leaves. Then something—somebody—reacted to the sound. It was within the cluster of milk crates, old wooden pallets and a trash can to the left just ahead of me, close enough that I could see a jump of motion and hear a metallic thump. After a pause, a voice between a drunken moan and a mewl. "Huuuuh?~" I expected a crash next, as per the formula for a horror movie, and it came, with a heavy tumble of glassware and planks. "Oof!" A feminine squeak, and out spilled the perpetrator, pitifully enough that for a second I was about to ask if they were alright. But as the figure crawled out, I sighted the twisting shadow of a tail lifting itself up into the backdrop of light like a submarine periscope. She looked at her hands for a span, seemingly realized they were there, and straightened up to a stand with a flex of her limber legs. The woman was barefoot, wearing a petite pair of gym shorts and a matching grey tank, barely distinguishable in the gloom. Two triangles stood up like a bow from the bundle of tousled, lengthy black hair. The pair of yellow orbs fixated on me, belonging to a hungry jaguar, its gaze wavering as one step after another was taken, swaying her narrow buns. The glint of her milky teeth became broader every time I glanced between her and my side as I hurriedly tried to fish out the mace from my pocket. To this disheveled, stray animal, every move of mine seemed to be studied intensely. "Hey, just..." I tried to explain to the creature. "Step out of the way so I can..." Fearing the worst, my hand started rattling like I was priming a tiny, tiny can of spray paint. "Play?!" The ears flicked, and with her mouth agape in curiosity she suddenly advanced towards me. "Oh-ho no, you do not want to inhale this stuff," I warned her. "Y'hear me? Just back up...!" She lunged then, and I teetered backwards and sprayed. We heard the mist spritz out and she stopped for a moment, blinked, and touched the moisture on her nose. Like nothing had happened, she just giggled as a fearless smile slowly reappeared. With arms outstretched this time she reared forwards, and by reflex I fired again—that was probably a mistake. I knew nothing about what exposing someone to twice the concentration would do. She paused even longer this time and seized up slightly, only resulting in a quiet "Ha—chew!" The catgirl didn't move, save for a little outward lean of the waist. I could see it happening: a bubble of skin unfurling, a patch of paleness separating her top from her trousers and widening it. She felt it for herself, her hands now rubbing furiously over her rounding belly, whining as she thrust it a hair further forwards and scrabbled her fingers over her navel. Though I heard a hissing in the air, she only made confused squeaks as she ran her arms down underneath her bulging paunch and squeezed it like a sandbag. "Ahhh...! W-Waaah..." Next she tried swatting away with a curled hand at the balloon attached to her front, jostling and jiggling its weightlessness around. I was too busy staring in shock in the dark corridor, still lingering in the alley for the fear of being caught as the cause of this spectacle. When she suddenly staggered I made a hasty retreat again, and she flopped over and bounced comically on her yoga-ball stomach. The catgirl grit her teeth in dismay, scooting her size on all-fours against the gravely pavement as the growth became faster and faster, squishing around her limbs, splaying her thighs. The stranger looked up for my help and yowled, now close enough for me to spot a small cluster of freckles on either cheek—all she seemed to lack was a coat of fur, a snout and whiskers from being an ordinary, albeit very irritated house cat. But I couldn't be moved for sympathy. "I'm sorry," I hastily tried to explain, glancing at her tailtip flicking about. "But this is your own fault...! Maybe I could call a doctor—when I get home... I swear this wears off, I think...!" My mind shifted to putting the canister away back into my bag, or else a third spray on accident might as well cause her to burst and wake up the entire city block. The trouble this thing was causing was never worth using again, especially if it was going to leave me with a wriggling, bloated catperson to deal with. Her mouth parted and her hands flew to her backside all of a sudden with the sound of ripping mesh. As her tiptoes began to leave the ground where she lay, her shorts surrendered down both sides. She gave her hips a profound shake and the shreds slipped off her bare cheeks. I couldn't ignore how she raked her fingers through her soft flesh and let go to watch her curves wobble. Hiking her rear up higher, she then pressed her thighs down into the sprawling belly she balanced upon and crooned with new intrigue; I squeezed shut my eyes for the sake of decency. "Nyaaah! Haaaahh..." A shrill squeal forced me to look again, just in time for the stretchiness of her tank to run out in dramatic fashion. Her breasts had swollen from practically flat to full beachballs, overflowing with her cleavage around the neckline, and the jutting nips nearly tore through the material completely, each shaped like birdies in a game of badminton. The shoulder straps crackled like velcro then snapped, leaving us both staring wordlessly at her air-ballooned mounds for a moment as they swayed. The catgirl was just getting friskier, shifting her thickening arms and rolling her hands along the top of her breasts, smooshing them down into the curve of her stomach. Even prone she was up to my chest, leaving her jaws ajar to pant her satisfaction. I couldn't stand her moans; she was going to attract attention if her ridiculous proportions hadn't done so already...! "Shh-shh-shh...!" I ran up and made contact with her for the first time to cover her mouth. It just elicited lewder, subdued squeaks above her whistling innards and rubberlike creaks as she squirmed. "Just be quiet 'til this runs out. Please...!" She cooperated for a time even though I was sure she couldn't understand me, idly kneading her breasts as her belly fought to dominate her frame, inching her ever upwards. But I cringed as she soon started to fool around, sticking out her tongue, swabbing it against the bridges between my fingers like she was part-dog instead. The fact that I had my legs getting pushed into by her stomach and my chest against the entirety of hers wasn't making this situation any less awkward. "Stop it, you...!" I scolded, up on my toes as I leered into her tittering face. "Or else I'll leave you here to—" I caught myself. What was I even doing? I needed to run past her before she blocked the entire alleyway...! Fanning away the saliva from my hand I drifted off to her left. "I'm sorry for all this again, but you have fun until help gets—" "Nyieeeee!" The catgirl suddenly shrieked, her arm flapping about until her nails caught me and clung. I heard a rustle of her skin as her body rose, seemingly pitching forwards at the same time. I realized as we brushed together that she was starting to float, at the behest of her swelling which still kept carrying on exponentially. "L-Leggo of me," I kept my voice down and begged, her head a good foot over mine. I tugged on her wrist, but she kept her fingers firmly sunken into the collar of my shirt, biting into my flesh. I was her only tether to the earth now as she whimpered, a tiny face in comparison to the broad shoulders and puffy back of her near-spherical frame. She was enormous—at least a small bedroom in volume, and she might just progress to a master suite if the chemical spray didn't slow down. Somehow, I didn't feel in danger of drifting away myself, so I did her a rare favor and pulled on her arm instead, getting her to settle against the pavement with a gentle, echoing bounce. That seemed to stop her from hyperventilating for a moment, but she gave an uncomfortable moan as I heard a series of prolonged rattles and crunches; her sides wedged against the buildings and crushed many a loose object. Higher she loomed, letting go of me once her arms shot out straight into empty air. At least she seemed content now, cozying her chin into her titanic breasts and purring, and that sound in her throat matched the hollowness of the groaning throughout her frame. Just as I heard the mortar beginning to crack, and the rumbling, stretching, quaking noise of her body threatening to cause something to give out—she slowed and shrank slightly with a hiss that trailed off into the night; I could hear the hum of the city's pulse again. The wall of a blimped catgirl was nearly up to a second story in height, and pinched between two immovable obstacles. She ignored how much in disbelief I was and wiggled her pair of bloated arms, laughing without a care. "Again!" she beamed. "More big!" I could imagine her tail swaying eagerly from behind her towering form. But after considering such a thing, how was I going to get around her now? Though it had been a perilous five minutes or so, they were still wasted. And getting caught with someone naked and helpless like this—it didn't matter the individual. It'd land me in hot water. So I raised my hand in an apologetic wave below her, and circled around in the same direction I meant to before. "Sorry about all this. Gotta get going now..." She threw a small fit and fidgeted trying to rock herself around, whining as I disappeared out of view. I stepped as close I could to the alley wall and crouched, peering into the crevice made between her belly; woefully dark, the rest of the lights beyond were completely blotted out. I needed to know just how tight the fit would be if I decided to muscle through, and I pressed a hand into her side, feeling the smooth and plushy bloated skin. "Hee!" came a distant squeak, a tremble throughout her dimensions. I sank my fingers in like squeezing a giant sponge, and then narrowing my shoulders, clutching the strap of my backpack on my left, I plunged in holding my breath. Easing up on pushing the pressurized catgirl for only a moment just made her skin sproing back out and shove me into the bricks. Lowering my head, I just kind of plowed through, hearing the drag of rubber in my ears as my cheek chafed against her body. She must have really hung onto my shoulder as it burned from further contact. I fought to even shift one leg in front of the other as her hysterical laughter carried through her core, a form of torture for the both of us. The smothering, the shuddering, the pulsing all could've either massaged me or compressed me flat over time. Naturally I tripped over an unseen crate, and clawed my way past a trash bin in my rush to escape. I thought I had endured enough time compacted before in the middle seat on an airplane, but this was much worse. If I didn't breathe now I'd suffocate underneath her; I gasped for just a sliver of air in comparison to all of it that was stuffed within her, and smelled the dust, the stagnancy—and something akin to pet dander. Soon after I started wheezing, miraculously I popped out from the corner of her gut on the other side. Wiping my face of sweat I spun around and witnessed the catgirl from the back. From my estimate she was a bit elongated from having her width suppressed, a short zeppelin instead of a perfect sphere. Her buttocks were each the size of a dumpster, resting propped up on her mountainous underside with her two small feet kicking slowly. The charcoal tail was the flagpole resting atop the summit. I sighed and backed away from her shimmering in what little moonlight there was to offer, then I dashed along the stretch of Princess Alley that remained and emerged on the street. A cement sidewalk underfoot again was like a finish line where I could fill my lungs. I turned and blanched as I walked straight into a teenager with his head down at his phone. He glanced up with his ghostly-lit visage and glared as I kept going. "Yo, the fuck you doing?" I just grinned, surprisingly, as I strode away backwards. "Just taking a shortcut." The strangers of the night could throw no more curveballs—or punches—at me at this point. We quickly went our separate ways wanting to be out of each other's faces, but he didn't notice at all what lay in wait in the alley as he passed. It was a brisk but otherwise uneventful walk for another half-mile to my apartment. The next morning, I watched the national news with an ice pack pressed to my shoulder, hearing the story about a catgirl found swollen up in a city alleyway, and how there had to be a team of trained professionals and a small crane present to extract the giggling animal out from between the buildings. Every angle of her goods was tactfully blurred out. Reporters speculated that a little-known spray to the public was responsible for her transformation; some went further to suggest it was only a matter of time before the product was banned. A few monster advocate groups would voice questions about how anyone could just be left there in that state, but there didn't seem to be any witnesses who could attest to how it happened or be put on the spot for the blame. Austen also got in touch with me during that week if I'd attend a rally for monster girl rights at the downtown public square. As much as his enthusiasm was usually contagious, I politely passed on the event.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"And Rebecca steadily kept inflating, her screams... um... out of earshot from anyone who anything... about it, except for her alien captors. Her body began to round out and quickly became globular. As it became more and more of a struggle for her to move, her frantically waving hands and feet went limp and the aliens rolled her to their storage facility, with millions of others, just like her...Aw... that's lame as shit!" shouted Dave as he rapidly tapped the backspace. He leaned back on his chair, away from his computer and stretched his knuckles. "It just sounds... so fake." He took his eyes off the monitor to have the blurry twinge of readjustment after so many hours of writing. A rather popular kid in his senior class, Dave wasn't the type one would figure to sit in a dark room in the middle of a beautiful spring day and write weird, raunchy kind of stories. He looked to the picture next to his computer. He sneered at it. It was him with his girlfriend... make that girlfriend-up-until-she-dumped-him-in-a-huge-embarrassing-fit-in-the-middle-of-the-cafeteria-three-days-ago, Nora. Dave flipped the picture face down. He was still in the process of getting over her. "What the hell...? She was a total bitch. Why the hell am I so upset?" he sighed to himself as he leaned back in his chair. "Her body..." As shallow as it made him sound, he couldn't get her body out of his head! It'd make models green with envy. She was so hot, and Dave dreamed about that perfect body inflating all big and roun... "That's it!" laughed Dave, clapping his hands together and rubbing them evilly as his chair fell back onto all fours. He took another look at the picture. The beautiful cheerleader, brunette hair down to her shoulders, ample breasts barely being contained by her orange American Beagle (sorry, no real names, brand names too... LoL just kidding- S* ) top. She was the perfect victim as Dave plotted it all out. He didn't know why, what this weird 'interest' was, but for some reason he'd always think about beautiful women being filled was as much air as possible. As his interest grew, he began to write stories, with make believe girls who would just inflate so large, they'd almost pop. But now... no make believe... just one last fantasy of his old girlfriend, with the body he'd always wanted to see her have. She'd just be another one of the 'aliens' victims. 'Nora couldn't believe her red camaro would stall here, in the middle of nowhere, miles away from any gas station. What could she do but start walking? She walked until her car was out of sight. She was..." Dave laughed to himself. " depressed. Why did she have to dump him? And like that...! She felt like a downright bitch." "Now that's some good shit!" laughed Dave. 'Suddenly lights shined thru the trees, lighting up the whole forest brighter than it was in the daytime.' "That works." 'She asked herself what in god's name it could be when suddenly, it got blinding. She then suddenly fell unconscious.' Meanwhile, at a pool party Dave had been invited to, a familiar brunette felt strangely light headed while sunbathing. Her light blue swimsuit clinging to her sexy body. She was completely unaware of what was going on in the mind of her Ex. 'Nora came around in a strange stupor. She couldn't remember a thing, waking up in a sterile room, strangely paralyzed from the neck down. Feeling this, the shock made her wide-awake. Just before she could let out a scream, about a dozen bulbous heads all popped up around her, looking down with smiles on their thin mouths. "Who are you? What are you going to do with me?" she screamed to them. They didn't respond. They only prepped a needle with a strange green liquid in it.' "This is turnin' out pretty damn cool!" smiled Dave. 'Nora began to get antsy, but could only move her head around frantically. Despite the paralysis, she could feel the needle piercing her skin just below her navel. A cool pressure began to fill her body with the injection. It started to build up, slowly at first, but gradually gaining more and more pressure. She began to moan softly as it built up.' "Are you alright?" asked Quinn, one of the other party-goers. Nora moaned in response. "I... I... feel... strange...!" she moaned back, slowly feeling something strange inside her slowly build up. 'She slowly gained control of the rest of her body, but the pressure was too strong to do anything. She massaged her stomach delicately as the aliens watched her, stroking their chins. They seemed pleased as their abductee writhed from in this little experiment.' Suddenly Nora felt something funny as she watched the others play volleyball. Subconsciously, she began to massage her middle. 'When she realized what she was doing, she realized that her abs felt strange. They felt a little... bulgy.' "Cool, dramatic pause... oh yeah... this one's on it's way! HAHA!" laughed Dave. 'She winced as she looked up at on of her captors "Help me..." she whispered under her breath. With a bolt, her middle shot outwards in all directions. She screamed in terror. "I'm... I'm... growing! HELP!!!" Slowly the pressure began to build faster as she began to look pregnant. At first only as if she were a few months along. Within a matter of thirty seconds, she looked full term, ready to deliver a baby or two. Her belly, increasing in size, began to quiver. "What's... hap...h-a-happening... to me...?"' Across town, familiar events were taking place... 'Her belly wasn't only growing now though, her breasts and other parts of her body slowly began to inflate as well. Her whole body began to round out as she inflated into a large sphere, wide as she was tall. The aliens rolled her off the table. Feeling her taut skin touch the cold metal floor made her murmur softly. Behind the table where she was lying a door opened up and she was rolled out to...' "Dave? Did you take out the garbage like I asked you?" his mother's voice shouted coming up from the floor. Dave quickly stopped typing and saved his document. Dave kept thinking of his little project all day as he sat there and watched TV. That afternoon, the phone rang. "Dave?" It was a friend of his, Quinn. He always liked her personality and almost asked her out several times, but it was just too weird! They'd been good friends for just too long! "Just figured, you'd want to know... I mean I don't know if you were going to go back out with...... her or............ wow... It was..." "What happened?" asked Dave with a twinge of laugh in his voice. He was just expecting someone throwing food at her or dunking her underwater and 'ruining her gorgeous hair'! "Nora..." said Quinn, seemingly in shock. "She just...... blew up!" "WHAT?!?!?!?!" asked Dave. "You mean... "No!!! Not like exploded or anything... but it was... like she was inflating! She just... blew up! I mean it was so weird! The ambulance... we couldn't fit her... in... it was just... "Quinn... take a deep breath... and start at the top!" said Dave anxiously, realizing that he sounded more excited than worried. Quinn chalked it up to him being mad at her for breaking up with him. "Okay. Everyone was swimming, except her. She HAD to sunbath, like usual." Quinn's dislike for Nora was peeking through every once in a while. "So I was just hopping out because we were just playing volleyball, you know, and I knocked the ball out of the pool. I looked down to see her gritting her teeth and rubbing herself near her waistline. I thought she was getting too much sun, so I asked her what the matter was and all she seemed to do was groan a little. So I looked closer... and..." she stopped still in shock. "well... her abs looked like they were getting kind of puffy, like she'd gained a little weight. I told her she needed a diet, just jokingly, when she looked up at me with the most frightened eyes and whispered 'help me'." Dave was thinking to himself... 'too weird...' "Then it was just like... she just started to grow, really fast too! At first it just kind of looked like she was pregnant or something, then really pregnant! Stef, you know, her little butt-kisser, ran over and started asking her if she was okay. Nora could only moan back. Her belly just kept growing, fast! When she looked like she was ready to deliver, her bathing suit just snapped clear off her body! She was completely naked and ... wow... She was big... and kinda red... from the embarrassment I guess! Stef pulled her up to her feet and she began to waddle around, but it wasn't helping her. Then everything, including her boo... chest began to grow. We backed away from her, even Stef. We were waiting for her to explode! She was inflating kinda like that blueberry girl in Willy Wonka! She looked like well... let's just say if someone poked her with a pin, she'd probably have destroyed the whole neighborhood! She kept growing though, amazingly. She finally stopped when she was almost... ball shaped." "Weird..." said Dave, laughing on the inside. "Your girlfriend just blew up like a freakin' blimp and all you can say is 'weird...?" "EX-Girlfrend, Quinn, EX!" said Dave, for some reason, not feeling worried but realizing that maybe he should. "So is she okay? Is she still alive? She didn't pop did she?" "No, thank god! We called an ambulance and we were just able to squeeze her in it! It was weird too because her skin made this, balloon/rubber/squeaking noise too!" Quinn state of shock was slowly wearing off now that she told somebody. And here all this time, she was afraid Dave would yell at her for not helping poor Nora. Realizing it was silent, she changed the conversation. "So how are you doing?" "Oh... um... fine I guess," said Dave in a weird, almost euphoric state. "How about you?" "Well... a little weirded out... but okay I guess. The big track meet's tomorrow and there's going to be some scouts and everything! I'm so pumped... I think I'm going to go take a lap around the block right now. You know though, you should really go visit Nora... just to make her feel better... or worse, you devil you!" "Okay... sure..." smiled Dave. "What? You mean you don't want to?" Quinn, on the other hand, has always had a thing for Dave. "I'd go, but... what if what happened to Nora was... contagious? Um... how about you come to the track meet tomorrow... heheheh, watch me win!" "Cool! Alright then!" smiled Dave. "See you later... bye." He smiled hanging up. He didn't know why... he didn't know how... but some how... he thought this was his doing! Somehow, by writing that story, Nora was like the character in the inflation story Nora and blew up like a balloon! Shaking his head. He got up and threw his jacket on. About a half hour later, Dave looked around. "Excuse me!" he turned to a nurse. "Where's room 312?" "Oh! Uh... I don't know if you're able to go in there or...... Are you the boyfriend?" "Sort of I guess..." smiled Dave. "Oh... Well I guess It wouldn't hurt! Go ahead! It's the third door on the left." She smirked strangely. "Word of advice though... Don't get her worked up! The last thing we need is a freakin' explosion!" "Yes ma'am! Thanks!" Dave laughed. Dave walked closer and saw Nora's mother walk out of the room crying. Dave hid in a room to the side as she walked to another corridor. He didn't want anybody he knew to seem him here and have him somehow linked. He waited for a few seconds and continued on toward Nora's room. The first sight he got surprised the hell out of him. "Unnnggghhh... Dave?" asked Nora, her voice sounding a little squeaky. There, on the hospital bed was a huge flesh color sphere with hands and feet wiggling a little. A large hospital gown was draped over but in size-comparison, was like a tissue! Hearing someone come into the room made her fidget and bobble a little. Especially him. Dave looked up at the other side of the orb, where two little eyes peeked out over huge puffy cheeks. Dave wandered to the head of the bed. "Hey... Nora..." Dave said, speechless. He felt the crotch of his pants get a little tighter. "What... are... you doing... here?" she asked. "I heard about... this. What happened...?" he asked. "I... blew up..." she cried. "... like a... balloon..." she said. Dave watched her hands bend at the wrist to rub her massive spherical middle. "Well, I can see that." Said Dave. "May I...?" he asked as he reached out. "better... not... the nurses say... I'm under a lot of tension... if even brushed the wrong way... could be the end of me..." she squeaked as she tried to roll herself away a little. "Oh... we couldn't have that now... could we?" smiled Dave. Nora didn't know what he meant by that. He sounded a bit sarcastic. But she was helpless. There was nothing she would be able to do! "What else did they say?" "They said... never seen anything... like it... before... trying to... find a... safe way to... deflate me..." She squeaked. "Oh." Smiled Dave, placing his hand up against her. "No... Dave... please... don't..." her whole body shook. Dave rubbed his thumb and a balloon like squeak became audible. "Dave... please..." pleaded the voice from the other side of the orb. Dave kept doing it though, laughing evilly as he did. "Dave... I'm... sorry..." Nora finally spilt. "There, that's all I've been after." Smiled Dave. "Hope you feel better!" he smiled as he walked outside. Nora took a deep breath of relief. Dave couldn't believe he'd done that, just by writing about it. It must've been some kind of big coincidence. But it was impossible. It had to be him. He stopped and sighed as he thought to himself. Only one way to be sure, he smiled. "Try, try again." He smiled as he strutted into the elevator. If it was him, he thought that now Nora had apologized, maybe he'd write about deflating her in a day or too. "Nah!" he laughed as the doors swung closed.
bubbles, hot tub, nozzle, stuck
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The water churned and bubbled in the afternoon sunlight. The jets set to a gentle cycle making the water froth like a stormy sea. Theresa smiled down at her birthday gift from Chris. He had bought the hot tub two days before and had the store get it installed as a surprise while she was out getting a massage. Also a gift from her hubby. She threw her towel over the railing to their deck and climbed the steps to sit in the warm water. Their backyard had a high fence so she didn't need to worry about any prying eyes. Theresa had chosen a new suit from her drawer before coming down to soak for in the tub. A baby blue bikini top with string straps and baby blue booty shorts styled bottoms. She worked her long legs into the water relishing the heat. She slowly slid her body into the water standing in the middle. Humming in satisfaction. She slid lazily to the far side of the tub and slid into a seat. She had put her hair into a high messy bun to avoid getting it wet. Her head now the only part above the bubbling water. She had hinted about a tub for awhile now due to her back always being tensed up and sore. She had figured Chris wasn't paying attention when he surprised her with the massage appointment. 'Well. Better than nothing.' She guessed at the time. When she returned home she had seen him smiling in the driveway. "I have another surprise sexy." He'd made her cover her eyes and walk through the house into the backyard. "Open them." And when she did the new tub sat shining in the sun. She had been so excited she almost slapped him when she spun around to hug and kiss him. "You did listen." She excitedly had run into the house to change and jump in. Chris had to rein her in. "Sorry babe. They said the chemicals in it will take 24 hours to settle before you can get in." Theresa pouted looking at the tub longingly. "Darn."But now here she sat. Enjoying every tiny bubble rubbing up and down her legs and back. She sighed again letting her body fully relax. She opened her eyes and looked around the yard. The high fence and bushes hiding her from view. 'Why not get the full experience.' She thought with a smirk. She reached behind her and undid the bikini top and tossed it on the railing beside her towel. Then she slowly stood up and worked her booty shorts off her perky tight butt. She tossed these too onto the railing. She slowly waded water in the middle of the tub for a few minutes. Enjoying the whirlpool of bubbles around her. She then slowly slid her naked body back towards her seat. She leaned forward moving her tight butt backwards towards the corner chair. As she slid down onto the seat she wiggled into place. Enjoying the naughtiness of her nudity and the heat of her new tub. She heard the tub changing cycles as the jets began to move positions and power through another cycle of glorious bubbles. Theresa smiled happily as she felt a wave of bubbles caress her back moving slowly from top to bottom. She giggled as it reached her lower back tickling slightly. Then she felt the jet move lower. Going underneath her. She frowned as this new jet of bubbles slowly worked directly under her now bare ass. She let out a yelp as she felt the bubbles shoot up inside her. She tried to jump up out of her seat but instead had her feet slip and fall back. She fell back directly onto the jet. Her butt now securely over the nozzle which was now blasting bubbles into her. She moaned as the air began to gather and build inside her. She put her hands down to feel her stomach and yelped again when she met with her skin far sooner than expected. 'Oh crap.' She thought. 'This isn't good.' She tried again to sit up but found her feet not getting any traction. She reached out and tried to grab the edge but her watery hands just slipped and uselessly fumbled. She felt another bubble forming in her chest and looked down to see her once modest breasts break the water as they too began to take on air from the jet blasting up her rear. She struggled to reach behind her in a vain attempt to free her butt from the nozzle only to find her ass too was blowing up like a balloon. She couldn't reach around her new widened hips and butt cheeks. She swore as she tried anything to free herself from being pumped up like a balloon. She felt like an overfilled parade float already and the tub didn't seem to be ready to stop. 'The stop button.' She struggled to press the controls on the side of the tub her hands barely reaching the edge of the panel. She pressed the first button she could touch in hopes it was the stop. She sighed in relief as she heard gears turning and motors change tone. Her relief was short lived as she felt the blast of air up her swollen butt double intensity. She screamed in frustration. She looked down at her basketball sized tits now being pushed up by her ballon belly pushing out of the water. She continued to fill and swell, her limbs now pumping with air as her body made room for the never ending flow. She watched with wide eyes as her body lifted further out of the water. The cool air wafting over her wet naked body as she inflated out of the tub. She felt her back begin to round out and her cheeks puff with air sealing her mouth shut. "Mmmffmm mmmmm." She whined through her bloated lips. 'How much bigger can I get?' She thought as her body began to groan from the pressure. She felt her limbs begin to absorb into her globular body with two massive breasts sticking off the front. She nearly filled the tub now with her girth. She closed her eyes expecting the worst. She could feel it any minute now. Her body no longer swelling but the pressure still building. She heard the patio door slam open and quickly opened her eyes to see Chris running over to the tub. He quickly slammed the off button on the controls. Theresa moaned in relief at the sight of her husband and the end of her inflation. He quickly jumped into the water and tried to grab a hold of her slippery body. His hands simply sliding over her engorged belly. "Hang on babe." He jumped out of the tub and moved behind her pushing against her rounded back he forced her to roll and she felt a slight pulling on her tight butt. With a soft muffled pop she rolled free onto her stomach now floating on the waters surface. Chris came running around to her head and looked at her. "Are you ok?" He asked looking her over. "Look at me I'm a parade float. What are we going to do to get me back to normal?" She cried out. "I'll call a doctor... And..." He slowly walked around her. Admiring her new ballooned body. So tight and round. He ran his hand along her sides eliciting a giggle. "That tickles. Stop." She saw him come back into view. "Seriously what are..." She looked down and saw his pants tented off of his erection. "Really? You have a boner? This is sexy to you?" She asked incredulously. He eyed her up and down again. Smiling in approval. "What can I say. I have a weird fantasy." He ran a hand under her face and leaned in close. "You're a weirdo." She said with an awkward smile. "And apparently you're inflatable." He kissed her lips and held her head gently.
Storm in a B Cup
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Storm clouds had already begun to gather as the crowd filtered out of the club. It was just after 3am, kicking out time, and the distant sound of thunder crashing echoed through the streets. Raindrops began to fall, lightly at first, onto the little groups of people waiting for their friends to join them. The sound of chatter started to drown out as the rain began to fall more heavily, much to the dismay of those just stepping outside. As people started to disperse, Teek stepped out of the club, more than a little drunk, clutching the wrist of a boy in his mid-20s. She was the same age and very pretty. Her hair was long and dark brown, her eyes a sparkling blue. She was one of those girls who was naturally beautiful, where minimal makeup and a nice smile were all she needed to light up the room. It didn't hurt that she had a nice body too, slim but not overly skinny with medium size boobs that pretty much held themselves up. She had on a tight blue top to show off her figure without revealing too much, although her stomach was slightly on show, and a miniskirt. Not the best clothes for weather like this but it had been clear when she left the house. She hesitated slightly when she felt the first drops land on her dark brown hair but shrugged and laughed. "Come on." she said to the boy, as she dragged him out and away from the crowd. He had a troubled expression on his face but followed her along anyway as she led him into an alleyway. The rain was falling steadily now and they were getting quite wet but neither seemed to notice. "Listen..." he began but was cut off as she pushed him against the wall, smiling seductively. "I like you..." she slurred slightly. "Do you like me?" "Yes, but..." "What do you like?" "Well, you're pretty and that blue top looks nice on you, the way it hugs you. I like clothes tight on a girl and... oh god..." "Kiss me." "I shouldn't." he muttered. "Why not? Is it my face?" "No it's very pretty." "My body?" "No, you have a great body but..." "Don't you want to kiss me?" "Trust me, I really do but..." "Well then..." she said, as she pulled him towards her and kissed him passionately. She held him tightly but he kept his hands away from her. However he could hardly resist the temptation and had to kiss her back. It was the best kiss of her life and her eyes lit up as she felt a strange rush of pleasure run through her body from her lips all the way to the tips of her toes. She looked at him in amazement, smiling. "That was... amazing." she said breathlessly, but then looked at him, concerned. "Wasn't it?" Thunder crashed. He sighed, swallowed nervously and nodded. "It really was." he replied. "But seriously, we have to stop." "But why?" she pouted. "Don't you like me?" "I really do and that's why we have to stop." "If you really like me, hold me." "I can't. I want to but I can't get too close to a girl, I shouldn't even have kissed you but it'll be ok, I just can't touch you or..." he looked down. "...things happen." She tilted her head to the side slightly and looked at him. "Don't be silly, whatever you do to me now is entirely consensual." she giggled, as she grabbed his hands and put them on her breasts. "NO..." he said urgently, pulling his hands away but it was too late. She looked at him, confused. "You know, I just don't get you. I..." she stopped as she felt a strange tingling sensation in her nipples, not completely unpleasant. "Wow, you must have magic hands or something. That feels nice... but... strange." "I... I do." he said. "Aw god, it's happening again..." Thunder crashed and a flash of lightning illuminated their faces. She saw his sheepish expression as a look of realisation started to cross hers. She began to feel a strange pressure in her chest and looked down at her breasts. Her top was completely wet through now and the shape of her boobs was particularly noticeable as it clung to them. They also appeared slightly bigger. Rounder. And the nipples were pointing straight out. It was only a small change but noticeable. "What... what's this?" she said, sounding slightly worried now. "I'm sorry, Teek. It was an accident." "WHAT was?" "I tried to avoid it..." "AVOID WHAT?" she asked, exasperated. "Well, this." he said, motioning to her chest. She looked down at them again and saw they were visibly growing. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of this and she immediately seemed to sober up. "What's happening to me?" she squealed, although this question seemed to answer itself as her breasts continued to swell up, now twice their original size. She put her hands on them and felt them rounding out under her fingers like two balloons. Her top was managing to stay intact for the moment as it stretched over them. She looked back at the boy who took a step back. Lightning struck again. "Wait, what's that? Why are you moving away?" she asked, panicking. "Well, don't get alarmed because it doesn't always happen but sometimes when I get into this situation, girls have been known to, well... pop." "POP?" "Sometimes... but you know, you might be ok since I only touched you for a second." he stepped back again. "If that." She felt the pressure increase as her chest continued to inflate relentlessly. Her boobs felt full and were slowly approaching the size of large melons. Her nipples stuck out more as they filled up completely. "What the hell is going on?!" she screamed. "It's been happening to me ever since I hit puberty. If I kiss a girl, it's like I... charge her I guess. If that happens I can't touch them. That causes them to swell up and since you made me grab your boobs, well, that's why this is happening." "Cute story but how do you stop it?" Her boobs were now as big as her head and she could only just see over them. "I don't know, I just try to avoid girls and, well, sometimes fail. First time was messy I can tell you. Poor Stacey Campbell, we were making out behind the football field and I was holding her tightly. Next thing I know she's ballooning out as if there was a hose in her mouth. She just kept getting fatter and fatter and then, well... kaboom." "Not helping!" Teek screamed from behind her breasts which were now hiding her face. She had to pull them apart to scream at him between them but they were getting fuller and more firm and seconds later she couldn't even do that. As they approached the size of beach balls, her top gave in and ripped open, exposing her to the world. The rest of it fell down uselessly round her ankles and she felt the cold rain hit her, dripping over her breasts and down her back. She didn't care about this too much though as she continued to grow. All she could do was watch these two fleshy orbs swell before her eyes, growing bigger and bigger. "Uh oh." she heard. "UH oh what?!" "Well don't panic but shortly before Stacey exploded, she got too big for her clothes too and ripped out of them. Her belly was huge and started to make noises..." Teek's breasts, now each twice as big as her head, started creaking. " that." "Make it stop!" "But if I touch you again you'll definitely burst. At the moment it's just a maybe. Or a probably." They slowly inflated further, touching both sides of the alleyway. They made painful sounding stretching noises like balloons being squeezed and pushed against her face. She had to lean her head back to be heard. "I'm gonna blow! Do something!" she screamed desperately. She heard quick footsteps fading as he ran away, leaving her to explode on her own. "This is it." she thought. "I'm going to burst topless in some dirty little alleyway." She could feel her breasts straining and the inflation had pretty much stopped as she reached her limit. she closed her eyes tightly waiting for the inevitable. She could feel raindrops all over her huge breasts as the stretching noise got louder and the pressure was unbearable. There was a flash and an explosion. She opened her eyes as the lightning flashed a second time, followed immediately by another crash of thunder. The swelling had stopped and the pressure seemed to decrease inside. She breathed a sigh of relief and waited for the deflation. Her breasts stayed just as big, incidentally wedging her in the alleyway. She tried to shift but was firmly stuck. "You have got to be kidding me." she said to herself, as the rain continued to fall. She sighed, dreading her inevitable discovery. Still, it could have been worse. She'd been planning to sleep with him.
chain reaction, experiment, milk
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Nancy was a typical student, young pretty but not a lot of money to spend. So as you can might know, she take every small job to make some money. That is why this pretty english redhead came into this story. Nancy had signed herself up for some medical experiments, this job became really populair because the government had a ban on animal testings. She was almost late, that is why she dident read much about this experiment. She stopped her car at the adress she did get is her email, it was a big hall just out of London. She walked into the building right on time, because the presetation was just about the to start and small boxes with a pill were handed out. A woman walked on to the stage. She looked like the nerd fantasy bride. She was a small but pretty asian girl with cute glasses. She wore some kind of lab jacket. So she has to be the leader of this project. With a clear voice she started to talk into her headphone "My name is Doctor Mary Deltia. I like to welcome you all to the SPM project. With your help we can start to put a end to word hunger. Our new tested hormone product can help a cow to...." Nancy looked around . All the seats around her, and meby the whole hall was filled with girls her age. The story of Dr Deltia was about to end " we can supply all the nations with milk.". A silence fell into the hall. "Now I would like to start the test... Who is gona be the lucky one to start off... Veronica Johnson" now one of the girls of the public came on stage. Nancy knowed her from collage. " Veronica, you will start off by swolling this pill". Veronica did what Dr Deltia asked. "Soon her hormones will react so her breast will produce a lot of milk. But no worries Veronica, some farmers where kind enough to give us some milking pumps." Slowly Veronica's breast began to swell. "Its working, oh god... it feels so bloody good" cried Veronica. Dr Deltia smiled because her project was working. A lot of girls followed the instructions to and swolled the pill. But not all girls did what they were tolled to, like Nancy. In front of the hall a girl yelled at Dr Deltia "If your test is so save for us, why wont you test your pills on yourself". The small Dr Deltia smiled, meby I will.". She wasnt bluffing, she tried a pill herself. Now every girl with was swallowing the pill, so did Nancy. "It doesnt taste that bad, just like milk" thought Nancy. "Owhh... yes... the swelling does feel good" It was calm in the hall, you only can hear the sound some giggles and snapping bra's. After a short time this calmness was broken by Veronica's voice. "Uhh... Dr Deltia... Is this planned?" Veronica's breast were swelling much faster. "I dont feel so well, the weight is getting to much". The body-horror of this poor girl shocked all the girls in the public " Oow my god.... Look at her, she is ballooning... That looks not normal... Is this gonna happen to us all?" The poor veronica was standing on the stage. Her head was red of shame. Her chest looked more like 2 beachballs with nipples packed in a tanktop. Veronica was not the only one, some girls is the hall started to swell faster to. A lightly swollen Dr Deltia came on to the stage. "No worries girls, Veronica just need to be milked... thats all". Dr Deltia striped Veronica of her tanktop. The whole hall watched in terror at the topless Veronica. Her breast where huge and covered in purple veins. Her hard brown nipples were leaking milk. Nancy dident know what to say. Was also she going home looking like that. Dr Deltia rolled a milking pump on stage "Come on Veronica, we know the product worked, now lets harvest your milk so you can get home". But out of nothing somthing happend even Dr Deltia dident expect. A double explosion was heared and Dr Deltia was coverd in milk. She looked at a pool of milk and empty shoes of Veronica. "Did she just exploded?!" Dr Deltia looked down on her own swelling breast "Did I just create the first human timebomb?". An other double explosion came out of the public, an other poor girl popped like veronica did. Soon after another girl exploded, sending a shower of milk over the swelling girls in the public. The chain reaction happend all over the hall. It was like a firework show with milk. "This is not happening...BangBanG!... No Sharon... BangBang!...I start to leak!.. BangBang!" Total chaos filled the hall. Milk was streaming on the floor, exploding boobs, swelling girls fighting over the milking pumps. One by one they all popped. At the end only Nancy and Dr Deltia were the only ones who are not turned in to a couple of liters in the milky sea. "Next time, I am not gona work for the food industry" cried Dr Deltia. Nancy smilled "I think you dont have to worry about it anymore" and pointed at her breast. BangBang!...BangBang!
demolition, first person, giant, magic, Prose that Blows 8 - Epilogue, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Most Profound Epilogue, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Story
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
From the Journal of Netia, Journeyman Mage We did it. Vilroth is dead. Actually, Sabi did it, amazingly. I've wondered why Harek would allow a barmaid to join his band. Being pretty, flirting, and collecting tips aren't useful skills on a world-saving quest. But then, I didn't think I belonged there either. When Harek arrived at the academy looking for a way to destroy the black pearl that powered Vilroth's magic, I had no intention of coming along. But you listen to Harek talk about what's at stake, and he looks you straight in the eyes, and suddenly you're joining him. Anyway, we snuck into Vilroth's vault, but it was a trap. Vilroth himself confronted us, I thought we were all dead. But then Sabi swallowed the pearl. That wasn't something I'd considered. Judging by the look on Vilroth's face in the brief moment between his spells fizzling and being beheaded, neither had he. It was desperation and dumb luck, but it worked. Harek's getting hailed as the hero, but I don't think Sabi minds. Tonight we celebrate with the villagers, and tomorrow I go back to the academy. Woken up this morning by Sabi screaming. It came from the barn that she and Harek had slipped away to last night. Harek was outside in nothing but trousers. I demanded to know what had happened. It wasn't a long explanation, but I couldn't believe it. It took some coaxing, but Sabi finally let me come in. I can best explain what I saw in terms of how you might reproduce it: First, take one barmaid. Next, find a five-foot watermelon. Have her swallow it whole. Now plump up her arms and legs and head as big as you can imagine. Now make her six times larger. I did my best to examine her. All I could really tell is that her body was very full of magic. Obviously the pearl had dissolved in her stomach, and obviously its power was in her body, but I'd never even heard of anything like it. I tried a dispelling ritual. All it did was make her bulge another few feet and start screaming again, and nothing I said would calm her down. I told Harek I was going to try and research a cure, but mostly I just wanted to get away from her. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I told Harek that I had no idea if Sabi could be cured. A few hours later, Harek made a speech through the barn door, pledging to travel to find a cure for her. He asked her to stay brave and wait for his return. And of course I'd stay and look after her. At least it cheered her up. She poked her head out of the barn for an awkward goodbye kiss. Maybe he really did believe going on a quest with no information and no plan was the best thing he could do for her. But from that moment until he rode out of town, he wouldn't look me in the eye even once. Sabi is calm, at least. She asked to be left alone, which was fine with me. I needed to think of a plan. I still don't have one. I brought Sabi a big tray of food, I didn't think she'd had anything to eat since the 3rd. She'd gone right back to sobbing about how fat and ugly she'd become. I wanted to tell her she should be a lot more worried about the immense forces now in her body than her vanity, but it wouldn't have been productive. She insisted she wasn't hungry, but I persuaded her to eat something. She was only halfway through a loaf of bread when her stomach rumbled and bloated out even larger. Fifteen minutes later, unable to calm her down, I simply walked out to leave her to cry alone. It's like dealing with a baby. My guess is that the bread was consumed by the magic inside her and destabilized it. If she wasn't hungry, I think magic alone must be sustaining her now. She stopped crying eventually, but wouldn't let me back in. If she wants to be alone, fine, she can be alone. More time for me to figure out what to do. Damn Harek for running away. Sabi's been quiet. I knocked on the barn, she told me to go away. No leads on a cure. Sabi still moping alone. I've been paying all the bards that come through to tell the real story. Harek doesn't get to walk away smelling like roses. Sabi still moping. No progress. See yesterday. WHY ME AAAARGH Woken up this morning by angry farmer. Sabi outgrew the barn. I followed him back. Sabi was hugging the remains of the barn to herself. I thought she'd be crying again, but she just looked vacant. I asked if she could walk, she said she hadn't tried. I asked her to try and follow me. It was slow and awkward going at first, but she started to get the hang of it. With no better plan, I brought her to the edge of the forest, told her I'd try to figure something out. She said she was fine, and thanked me for everything I'd done for her. I told her I really hadn't done very much, but she said not leaving was enough. I stayed with her until it started to get dark, neither of us saying much. Woken up this morning by May, one of the girls from the village. She asked if she could meet Sabi, destroyer of Vilroth. It seems bribing the bards was money well spent. I didn't see enough harm in it to stop her from following me. At first, Sabi didn't say much beyond confirming or denying the stories May asked her about. But then she started asking May about herself. May said she wanted to go on an adventure too. Sabi asked her what she'd do if she ended up like her, and May told her she wouldn't mind, if she was big like Sabi, her parents would have to let her stay up past eight. Sabi actually laughed at that. May asked Sabi to come meet her friends, and to my surprise Sabi agreed. I didn't know what the villagers would think when they saw Sabi approaching. I needn't have worried. By the time we arrived a crowd had gathered to greet her with cheers. They threw another party, just for her this time. It was ridiculous to see all the villagers gathered around her huge form, but it didn't take her long to join in. She is a barmaid, after all; celebrations are something she knows. And she didn't even have to serve drinks. When she was offered a mug of ale, she made everyone laugh by gulping it down, mug and all. And she even joined in the laughter as her belly bulged in response. Right now I can see her from my window, helping raise the new barn to replace the one she broke. She's talking and laughing with the villagers like everything was normal. I don't know what's going to happen to her. But if she can make the best of a bad situation, then I'm going to try my hardest to do the same.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation
It was finally here. After over a year and a half of research, the final test of Janet's creation would now take place. Janet was not an unattractive girl, especially for being somewhat of a geek. Her beautiful brown eyes matched her long slightly curly hair, and her chest was a respectable B-cup underneath her yellow blouse. Her long thin legs were covered up to her thighs by her striped socks, which showed a little bit of leg before ending at her denim shorts. Right now however, this was not important, for she was signing off the invoice for a very large box, placed in the middle of her living room. After clearing up the legal formalities, Janet went about getting her supplies ready. Placing a jar marked "LX 4073-2" on her coffee table, she quickly opened up her new toy; a very large, state-of-the art tanning bed! "After all this time, I'll finally have the full results I need!" said Janet, lifting up the LX 4073-2. "If this works, I'll be world famous!" After over a year of preparation, and several years of research, Janet happened upon the idea of creating the perfect suntan lotion; it would protect against skin cancer, sun burn, leather-hide, and other problems normally associated with tanning, while still allowing a beautiful suntan. The secret, it turned out, happened to be an extract from a rare species of South American rubber tree, which created a nearly impervious protective latex coating upon the skin. With some trial and error, Janet was now ready to try a full-body test on herself, using her new tanning bed. Sure, it was a nice sunny afternoon, but being able to control how much 'sun' she got was one of the perks of the bed. Plus, it was a lot more comfortable than any old beach chair, or towel. She was just about to strip down, when a loud rumbling from her stomach, interrupted her. "Damn. I should have eaten something earlier. Oh well. I'm sure a little snack won't hurt, while the bed is warming up." Janet plugged in the tanning bed, and switched it to its highest setting to quickly warm it up, while she got something to eat. Entering her small kitchen, Janet opened up her refrigerator door, to find (Much to her displeasure.) that all there was inside was the open box of baking soda, and a note. [Dear Janet, My cousin is having a potluck party, so I needed to borrow a few things. I hope you don't mind. I'll pay you back when I return this weekend. Love, your neighbor Lisa.] "Note to self." Muttered Janet. "Change locks on the doors, and don't let Lisa keep the emergency keys from now on." A quick search of all the cupboards revealed that the only food left in the entire house, was five 'Jiffy Pop' pans. The fact that Lisa was allergic to popcorn, seemed to be the only reason why they had been left behind. "Popcorn is better than nothing, I guess." Said Janet, readying her electric stove. She liked popcorn and all, but she was kind of in the mood for more than a few fluffy popped kernels to satisfy her appetite. Suddenly a loud buzzing noise was heard, just before the power went totally out in the whole apartment complex. "It figures THIS would happen, right after I get my tanning bed!" grumbled Janet. Not she could not even cook up the Jiffy Pop. A loud rumbling from her tummy told her that she still had some more pressing issues to attend. She eyed the barely warmed aluminum pan for a moment. "Ah, the heck with it!" Ripping off the foil, Janet began swallowing the unpopped popcorn in huge gulps. It left her a little satisfied, but nowhere near enough. Turning toward the other Jiffy Pop pans, she let out a defeated sigh. "I'm going to have to go shopping tomorrow anyway, so I might as well make due with what I have now." After eating the other pans of popcorn, Janet was full, but making odd rattling noises when she walked. She knew most if not all of the kernels would simply pass through her, so she was not worried about getting fat or anything. Waiting for the power to come back on, Janet stripped her clothes off, and applied her sunscreen onto her body, making sure to get it all over herself. Even after she had finished with this though, the power was still not back on, and Janet was getting a little bored. Laying down in her tanning bed, Janet placed herself comfortably in the middle of the cushions, and pulled the inert lamps around herself, so she would not need to adjust them too much later on. The control for the chair, a wireless remote with a couple of dials and buttons, was within easy arms reach of Janet, should she need it. She then placed her favorite sunglasses on her face, and lay there in the nude, waiting for the electricity to finally come back on. Somewhere along the line, the softness of the bed, and the fullness of her belly lulled her into a happy, but deep sleep. She never even noticed when the power finally did come back on. With the bed at its highest setting, it did not take long for a POP to be heard, followed by another, and another, and another . . . "Ladies and gentlemen! Esteemed colleagues, we are gathered here today to award the Nobel Peace Prize for Cosmetic Excellence to Janet Beauheaven, for her development of the LX 4073 tanning lotion!" Janet, tanned to a golden brown, wearing a very small turquoise bikini, graciously accepted the award, basking in the applause of the audience. "Oh, you're all too kind! Thank you! Thank you all!" said Janet. She suddenly realized that something was wrong. The applause seemed a little... odd. Hollow. Not really like clapping. It was more like a popping noise. "Wait... Popping!?" Janet woke up, and tried to sit up, but found herself unable to bend forward due to the large, tan-rubber ball that her midsection had become. Muffled popping could be heard over the buzz of the half-dozen tanning lamps going at full power, all around herself. Janet tried to roll off the bed, but the sloped and cushioned sides prevented her from getting away. She then tried to push the lamps away from her, but she could only manage to move the closest two, without burning her hands. The other lamps, still heating her expanding belly, were just in the right position to continue popping the eaten corn. Idly, Janet wondered why her expanding belly did not hurt as much as it should have. After all, it was being expanded larger than an overblown beach ball. She felt the sides of her expanded stomach, and it made a rubbery noise. "My tanning lotion!" Janet realized. "It... It must have somehow rubberized my skin, with the latex extract!" The popping suddenly began increasing its tempo, as the sides of her belly got closer to the tanning lamps. "Oh my GOD! If I don't do something fast, I'm going to explode!! The control! Where's the tanning control!?" Janet wiggled around, trying to reach the corded control. Her eyes suddenly went wide, when she heard a loud KERTHUNK, and realized the control had just dropped way out of her reach, onto the floor. "Noooooooo!" cried Janet. "There's got to be SOMETHING I can do!" Once again, she tried rolling upward. After a couple of tries, she finally got enough momentum to somewhat sit up, but it caused her belly to bulge out from the pressure, like a large tan-colored balloon being squeezed. She panicked when her balloon-belly nearly touched the hot side of one of the tanning lamps, and without thinking, she jumped backward as far as she could into the back of the tanning bed. This left her safely away from the lamps for the moment, but also completely trapped her between the bed, and the lamps. She could not even roll back backwards, or reach anything with her arms anymore. "ARRRGH! I can't believe this!" said Janet. "I can see the headline; 'Genius Girl Found Popped From Popcorn!'" At first she was reluctant to scream for help, because of the embarrassing situation she was in. Then the popping increased once more, due to her still expanding belly, and she started screaming with all of her might. The only response she got however, was from her upstairs neighbor yelling to "Keep it down!" She could feel the popcorn still in her stomach, and she knew that it was not going to stop popping anytime soon. It was like having a balloon about to pop, attached to herself. Or more accurately, a balloon-bomb about to explode! She knew that with her belly expanding, and the corn popping, it would only be a matter of time before she too popped like a gigantic kernel. Suddenly, Janet got a determined, or at least some what resolute look in her eyes. "If... If I'm going to pop, it should be by MY own choice!" She suddenly grabbed the sides of her rubber belly, and began digging her nails into it, causing popped corn to be crushed, even as new fluffy kernels were popped in their place. "The only way I'm going to pop, is if I DO IT MYSELF!!!" Janet squeezed, and pulled, and pushed, and crushed, but her ballooned belly did not rupture, it only continued to grow. And grow it did, becoming much larger than any beach-ball she had ever seen. Janet had worked herself into a frenzy, and after finally calming down, she noticed just how big she had gotten. "Good grief! How much bigger am I going to get?!?" thought Janet. "I can't take this anymore! I better try to pop myself on the lamps! I'm going to end up doing that anyway, at this point!" Somehow Janet managed to scoot up just enough, that her over-inflated stomach barely touched the tanning lamp. Surprisingly, it did not hurt, despite the fact that she could feel the heat from it, as well as the corn popping rapidly on the other side. "Being inflated like this, must have done something to the nerves." Thought Janet. "At least it shouldn't hurt too much now, when it finally goes..." The sides of her stomach touched the four tanning lamps, but instead of burning away her flesh, and rupturing her distended belly, it just seemed to increase the popping of the corn a thousand times over. She was quickly pushed back against the top end of the tanning bed once more. Surprisingly, she found herself looking forward to her explosive end; the lack of pain, and the anticipation seemed to cover the fear of her impending death rather nicely. Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! The corn popping was finally beginning to slow down, but she could feel her five-foot round stomach reaching its limits too. Janet moved her hair back, placed her fingers in her ears, and watched with a look of anticipation that defied most conventional logic. As she heard the popping of the last few kernels accompanied by the final rubbery stretching of her poor belly balloon, she closed her eyes, and let a small smile creep across her beautiful tanned face. KER-POPABOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The windows of Janet's apartment were blown out by the force of her detonation. Not by the pressure, but by the gigantic wave of popcorn that had suddenly erupted from her living room. Underneath a literal mountain of popcorn, a very surprised, and pale young woman rolled out, surveying what had just happened. Janet rubbed her hands gently on her whole, and no longer rubberized or tanned stomach, noticing how it tingled. Quickly digging through the ocean of popcorn, she uncovered her unspoiled jar of LX 4073-2 lotion, and the tanning bed, which had a bunch of scraps of tanned flesh-colored rubber on it. After unplugging the tanning bed, and clearing off a place to sit, Janet began eating some of the delicious popcorn, while forming a plan for the upcoming week. EPLOGUE The police never did quite figure out what had exactly happened in what had been dubbed the "Popcorn Bomb" incident. No permanent damage was done, and no real charges were pressed. Janet was given a warning for disturbing the peace with her original screaming, but nothing was said about the popcorn explosion, for better or for worse. Lisa, who conveniently forgot about paying for the food she had "borrowed" earlier in the week, noticed Janet packing up for some kind of vacation trip. Walking over to her neighbor, she quickly noticed something odd about the supplies that Janet was packing. One was a moderately-used tanning bed, and the other things, well... "Why are you taking five boxes of Jiffy Pop with you on vacation, Janet?" asked Lisa. Janet giggled somewhat mischievously and said, "Let's just say some of the greatest things are discovered by the strangest of accidents."
alraune, hose, water
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The sun was striking down — again — on the white shingles of my home when I awoke. I peeled aside the drapes of my bedroom window and could practically feel the heat radiating through the glass. The mornings should never be this hot. Knowing I'd probably be baking my feet if I put my slippers on, I shuffled into the living room in my robe and checked the thermostat. I had the temperature set to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and the air conditioner still wasn't pulling its weight. "Thought I had the repairman fix this unit last week," I muttered, and bumped the number down another three degrees. I tipped myself back into my recliner and switched on the TV to the local news. The male and female anchors at the desk were beginning to plead to the meteorologist to surprise them with today's weather report. The young, slick-haired forecaster waggled his finger towards them from his place in front of the camera. "Ha ha, you'd think that, Cindy and Mike, but the news I've got isn't so hot...!" "Fuck off," I said to the screen. I was starting to hate how giddy this guy was to repeat the same bad omens to every viewer day after day. "Folks, look at these highs," he said, spreading his arms casually at the map of the local counties. Bright, burning red covered the area and dizzyingly-high temps were in the proximity of every major town. "You know it, I know it: the heat wave is going to continue. Upper 90s from west to east in our region. Our weather team is going to be watching for any shift in the atmosphere's patterns for the coming days, but until then..." He took a moment to switch the display. "You can see that combined with these huge rainfall departures over the past month, we are in a baaa-aad stretch of weather. So, today six counties have renewed their reminders to the public to conserve water, keep the air conditioning steady, check on your elderly neighbors, you know the drill by now." After finishing the count on his fingers, he spread his arms nonchalantly again. "But hey, just don't blame it all on me, you know...?! Ha—" I turned off the power and planted the remote down on the armrest, getting up to take a grim glance out the window to the backyard. My lawn was dying; it was a carpet of dry straw at this point, thousands of yellowing spindly grass blades crying out for nourishment. And further back, in the space up against the perimeter of the wooden fence, was what remained of the garden. A single man living alone needs a fulfilling hobby when chasing romance or success at work aren't enough. To me, that hobby was flexing my green thumb. In the few years I've been living in this small condo, I spruced up its appearance with store-bought flowers and the odd vegetable sprout here and there. To see it all withered away was kind of sickening. I stood outside in the sweltering afternoons sweeping the hose over everything until my home's supply for the day ran dry, and yet I'd still have plants coughing up dust. The only thing that never seemed to suffer was that orange bulb. I opened the porch door and stepped out into the lawn, wincing at the feeling of parched grass under my bare feet as if I was going for a stroll on some steel wool. Each step sounded like the ground was a bed of dry leaves, impossible considering there wasn't a tree to be found on my property. I paused and scanned the floor beneath my toes, saddened to find some glimpses of dirt showing as the knots of grass were now wearing away. Only a month ago I had this lawn looking lush, green and perfectly-trimmed, with healthy soil in the rectangular plot at the far end. I sighed, and at that instant the orange bulb in the empty garden started to stir. It seemed to lazily roll over as it was resting on its side. It let out a feminine hum from amongst the cocoon of golden petals as it lifted up. Then the plant gracefully bloomed and unfurled before my eyes, and from the center of the giant flower, out rose Liliace. The alraune yawned dramatically as she stretched her body to full-height. She had all the supple curves of a snake, her frame a forest green color save for the several long, vibrant orange petals for hair that bounced as she shook the sleepiness from herself. A single, winding vine of ivy came down from amongst her locks, weaving between her featureless breasts and traveling loosely around her torso. Her legs were stuck together all the way down to her shins, which then disappeared into the base of the broad flower she lived within. Thicker, leafy sleeves covered her forearms and created a pair of curved sepals at her elbows. Liliace was a pretty, lively plant, but a terrible faker; so when she glimpsed me and her expression jumped in surprise, I only wilted in annoyance. "Oh! Good morning!" she beamed at me. "And what a lovely day it is...!" "...It's awful, Liliace." "True. I guess your yard still looks a little dry, but me?" She paused to stretch her arms and gleefully soak up the morning sun. "I feel great." I resumed looking for dirt patches, wandering around the lawn. Liliace continued on. "You know, some water would feel even better." I glanced up at her swaying gently with her arms tucked behind her back, wearing an unchanging sunny smile. "I can easily refuse," I told her. "Let you finally dry up in this heat." "Oh, please, you and your daily empty threats," she replied smugly. "You always take care of me like I'm your favorite, favorite plant." I crossed my arms. "But I never chose to plant an alraune." Once the drought had set in, Liliace's flower had seemed to show up in my garden out of nowhere. Perhaps she drifted in as a seed on the winds, or creatures like her could crawl with their roots and she burrowed underneath my fence. The abode of hers matured from gumdrop-size to as big as a traffic cone in a matter of days; I should have pruned it before it was too late, but I was fascinated by what it might bloom into at the time. On the morning I came outside to a fully-fledged woman standing in its place, I knew I was going to get into quite a mess. "You said yourself that you were fine with me living in your yard," Liliace reminded me. "And in return, I tried giving you all my best advice to help you save the garden when it was still... you know, fighting." She had a disarming grin for being the lone survivor in the wasteland all around her. "Now come on, watering time, please?" It was routine at this point to give in to her wishes. I sighed and went to retrieve the hose. "Fine, just let me try giving the grass some attention first." Liliace had no objections as I came back with the green coil of tubes. I frowned at the low pressure coming out of the end and figured there wasn't much time. Liliace stood patiently and watched as I did my rounds throughout the lawn, shaking the hose to try to fan the water about evenly. Perhaps my effort was all for nothing. I had the slight suspicion that the alraune was capable of seeping up all of the moisture in the entire yard that I put down, so that she could stay in such good health. I didn't know enough about this plant species to really know for sure. I paused a little distance in front of Liliace and glanced at her eyes, a pair of dark-red irises showing through a semi-transparent membrane for sclera. She was practically begging with her gaze. Wordlessly I arced the gentle stream towards her and she gladly opened her mouth. She drank for a time without even the need to swallow, then leaned up and let the water cascade down her body. "Ooh, that is sooo nice and cool..." she sighed blissfully. She ducked her head at one point to get a splash between the six stamens that sprouted from her scalp. Liliace was running her hands over her ribs and abdomen as I looked on, and I noticed the same change occurring to her body as I often did when watering her like this. Ever so gradually her body was bloating up all over, seeming to store up all the liquid she came in contact with. Her flat stomach gained a tiny bulge as it bubbled up on the inside. As she smoothed her hands over her middle, slowly her breasts sagged into her upper arms. Naturally her hips followed suit, creeping outwards and accentuating her figure even further. Liliace bent her back and cradled her swollen stomach as it ripened into a sizable pot belly, the water keeping her skin soft and flexible between her fingers. Since I had seen this process many times before, I guess I was clueless to how she could always appear so delighted at her figure growing plump and flabby. She would just be back to normal after about a day passed, anyways. As even her thighs were beginning to bulge together, the hose finally spluttered. "Aww, that's it?" she asked, watching the last of the water deposit some final precious droplets on the tips of the flower petals beneath her. She twisted around to inspect herself. "It was good while it lasted. Thanks anyways!" "Liliace, what's even the point of you staying here?" I had to ask, holding the dripping hose at my side. "You're just a talking flower, and you end up using so much water that I could really use..." "I can be very useful," she said proudly in reply. "If you get a nice, big pot, you can keep me inside as a house plant. Wouldn't I be a good decoration?" Liliace posed with a hand on one of her broadened hips, swaying side to side. I made a face at her belly and breasts wobbling a bit. "Not a chance," I said disinterested. "In that case, what about my harvesting my sap...?" She suddenly lurched and spat up some nectar, a thin honeylike trickle forming from the corner of her sheepish smile. "Gross!" I turned away in disgust and quickly gathered up the hose. She laughed as I retreated to the side of the house to close the valve. "See you tomorrow!" she called after me, and I knew she was right. I firmly closed the porch door once I was inside, and I glared at her from the back window for a moment. She raised and folded her arms above her head and slunk back into the protection of her petals, where she'd wait quietly until the next morning. I sighed at myself for putting up with it all. I could never, ever bring myself to just stop caring for Liliace and let her wither away. Her company was fine, and learning about her species little by little kept my fascination. But I was always conflicted with how much I still didn't know, whether her appearance in my yard was a devious plan of hers or her innocent attitude was just a sham. I never got within arm's reach of her all this time for the fear she might be a man-eating plant breed or God knows what. Only the hose seemed to be our most constant connection between us, and I just shrugged off all of her odd advances. Until the drought was over, one single, friendly alraune was all I had left when other resources were scarce. The area government eventually got its act together and realized that things needed to be done for the people during the drought. That lowly offering was a single case of water bottles left by my front door another blistering morning. Eighteen bottles; they had to be kidding. Regardless I stowed it in my fridge for the time being. Heading back to the living room, I wiped my brow and slumped down onto the edge of my recliner. I had given up with the air conditioner and so I had every window open for any semblance of a breeze. The cicadas going off like sirens made me raise the television volume in response. "Your news headlines at noon: Hurricane Claire has been named in the Caribbean," said one of the anchors. I leaned in all of a sudden. "Our head meteorologist will tell us what you need to know." "Now folks," began my best friend the weatherman, also trying to contain his excitement. "I don't want you all to panic, but look at these predicted paths so far. Each model is guessing that we could have a Category 1 arriving in our region this weekend. Claire is coming ashore and taking a big turn east. Could be a glancing blow, could be a direct hit. But you don't need to hear it from me that damaging winds and steady, driving rain are going to be what we're watching..." It was all I needed to hear. I got up and paced, thought about — well, first, what I needed to do for preparedness' sake — but also if there were any plants that made sense to grow in mid-summer after a drenching storm. Then I thought of Liliace. I stopped before the back window. Maybe she'd love a saturating, natural rain. Or maybe... They posed a lethal problem for species like her. But I gradually understood what might happen, one fate or the other. Leaning my hands on the sill, I pondered how to keep my hands clean through these next coming days. I went out back to Liliace on the eve of the hurricane. I had with me all the water bottles and I set them down in the center of the yard. This was possibly going to be the grand experiment; the way I'd know if she could get waterlogged or not. The sound of me tearing the plastic film of the case must have awoken her. She emerged from her plant-bed and craned her neck towards me. "Ohh, back so soon? I hadn't finished sleeping off this morning's drink..." "Here," I told her. "They put enough bottled water for a family of four on my doorstep. I just figured I'd give them to you." I took a few in my hands and started lobbing them underhanded to the base of her body. Her eyes lit up as they thunked down in a loose little pile. The water shimmered through the plastic like meals on silver platters. "Amazing!" she said as she bent her legs and back and picked one up. She inspected it in her grasp for a moment, tried to shake it onto her body and frowned. "...Thanks, but, this doesn't appear to be working." "Turn the cap?" I suggested with a shrug. She just pulled a bigger face as she tried that and got nothing. "There really aren't enough plant fiber... things in your arms to twist open a lid?" Liliace had an innocent smile as she reached as far she could with the bottle. "I think I might need your help." I conceded with a sigh and approached her. I quickly cracked open the cap and handed the bottle back, but just as I turned away, Liliace spoke up. "Ooh, could you open another for me too?" she smiled as she was dumping the entire bottle upside-down onto her chest. "Actually... open them all." I did a double-take at her face and then her figure on accident. "You're not even going to try to ration them out?" I asked in disbelief. "Why should I? I'll have it all stored in for days! Saves the hose for the grass, don't you think?" I was one part dumbfounded, and another part complacent. She appeared ready to carry on heedless to any sort of limit. I caught myself from staring at her frame, already changing from stout to overweight. Now, it was morbid curiosity compelling me to stoop for a second water bottle and hand it over to her. "Gimme two," Liliace demanded as she dropped the first. Taking an opened pair with each hand, she laughed and doused herself over the head with her mouth agape. I unscrewed the cap on another and dropped it in front of her, unfastened yet another and shook it out over her flower. Down her hair petals, over the growing bulge of her belly, water spilled in crisscrossing streams on the way to the thirsty ground. It was less like a hose and more like a waterfall this time, and the effect it made on the alraune's figure was staggering to say the very least. Liliace surpassed the point it looked like she was carrying twins, her stomach bowing from the weight of the liquid. Maintaining its spherical shape, it grew and grew by the inch like a smooth green water balloon. The plump, teardrop-shaped sacs of her breasts were sagging ever so slowly down, gaining a cup-size every time I took a subtle glance. The ivy vine was pressed between them, dripping water off of it in a spiral. Hips blooming wider, her waist also spread to stay proportionate. And her legs, the thick, healthy stems they were before, now pulsed with their growing fullness, bulging slightly from below before they sent an even bigger bloat to settle in her thighs. Barely could I see the darker spot of a navel beneath her skin, as the larger she expanded, the more apparent she was turning a shade lighter, more translucent. If she wasn't busy holding the water bottles I handed to her, Liliace would definitely be feeling up herself; I blocked out the sound of her gentle moans as she wriggled in delight. I focused instead on the hearty sloshes from her insides as she tipped back to revel in the cool splashes of another bottleful. Quietly her fibers groaned throughout her body, struggling to stretch around the girl who was growing like a weed, slightly in height too, surprisingly. Once every bottle had been opened, there wasn't much else I could do but step back and let the soaking, bulbous alraune greedily plug her lips to the final container and drain it down. Gracefully she dropped the container and carefully laid her hands on her blimped belly. It stood out like a bubble fit to burst, gurgling dully from its sheer volume. I didn't think she'd be able to reach her belly-button, in fact. The vine gently cut into her like a tight sash on a corpulent pageant contestant. Her fattened upper arms, bloated significantly out from the sleeves on her forearms, tenderly bunched her watermelon-sized breasts together. With her tremendously wide waist, Liliace simply had the roundness and smoothness of a vase. "Good God," I could only say about the massive woman before me. Liliace took a deep breath, eyes closed and smiling. She then relaxed and her body softly rippled. "Thanks..." she managed to get out between her rounded cheeks. As she looked at me, I half-expected to see her pupils floating. "That w-was—!" She suddenly belched, making her insides roil and a mist of water to float out. "...Delicious..." For once she glanced down at her orbicular stomach, lovingly pressing her palms into it. "Oooogh, I'm so huuuge~" she crooned. "Yeah, you're a real blue-ribbon winner," I hesitated to say at her enthusiasm. I stuck my sneaker out and started to sweep up some of the empty bottles from underneath her. I got too close; Liliace leaned her bulk on her tree-trunk legs and grabbed me by the wrist. "C'mere! Feel!" she giggled, and I made a glunking sound against her unfathomably-full tummy. She did have the muscles to keep me rooted in place for a hug. I fidgeted and clung to her body, only able to reach about halfway around her. Cold moisture kept seeping through my T-shirt as I scrabbled to get away. But now I could truly take in the enormity of her form pressed into her like this. My eyes were only up to her chin. "See...?" A flowery scent wafted as I was turned side to side in her arms. She was squeezing me so hard, I was concerned she'd pop right in our embrace. But her skin was still so flexible and sproingy, oozing back out into shape when the pressure let up. I pushed out of her waxy hold on me. "Jesus, Liliace, enough!" I hissed. "The neighbors might see us...!" Of course, the fence boards were seven feet high and had the most miniscule of gaps between them. I just wanted to be out of there, and I flicked water off of my fingers to try to feel dry. "Okay, okay," she sighed, but couldn't stop snickering at how embarrassed I probably looked. To say she jiggled from her laughter was an understatement. Now unable to put her hands on her hips, she just happily clutched what she could of her belly. "Just thank you again. Are you still going to say hi to me tomorrow?" I didn't respond for a while as I made a makeshift bag from the case and tossed every bottle in. When I straightened up, I looked at Liliace with a weary smile. "Yeah, we'll see. Have fun with that... body of yours, I guess." I heard her hug herself as I started back to the porch. "Ohhh, I so will...! Hee hee hee hee!" Please just don't moan through the night so loudly, I begged in my thoughts. I gazed up longingly at the sky for a sign of grey clouds before drifting back indoors. Just out of curiosity, I peered through the window and wanted to see how she would deal with her new unwieldy weight. Glancing down at herself, she wobbled her gigantic hips to start settling back into her flower. It only seemed to close halfway around her middle. Awkwardly she hefted her boobs into the top of the bulb and hunkered down, at least able to have her body from the shoulders-down be concealed. Tossing her petal hair, she grew still and finally closed her eyes. I shook my head and went about preparing for the inevitable rain. It was years since I was last in a hurricane. That was several summers ago when I still lived at my old home during college breaks. Fending for myself in my own place though was like fortifying a castle, or battening down the hatches on a pirate vessel. The dread sets in when every glance out the locked windows looks more menacing. In the early morning hours it grew loud enough outside to pass for a siege and wet and blustery enough for a storm at sea. I would run out into the street and do a dance if I wasn't huddled on the recliner with an array of candlesticks at the ready. The power cut before the morning news was timed to come on, so the only entertainment was to watch the sheeting precipitation and the bend of branches in the other neighbors' yards. The house was too deathly quiet after a bowl of cereal and lukewarm milk — it was enough to get me pacing. I found myself at the back window eventually. Faintly, through the dripping screen, I saw Liliace outside of her flower. The alraune's body was still looking excessively round and turgid, but I couldn't tell if it was even larger than yesterday's gorging. For a second I thought she might be the one enjoying the rain more than me, but her arms were just thrown over her head. The gusts were strong enough to bend her huge mass to the side and only then did her hands reach out to shield herself from the buffeting water. I couldn't make out her expression. If she was crying out, I wouldn't hear. She made a sudden glance towards the porch door and I cowered out of sight. The outside kept echoing through the walls as I shambled through my dark hallways. I huddled into my recliner and tried to take my mind off the chaos with a novel. My body clock struck dinnertime at one point. Just before the light died in the sky completely for the night, I wanted to see how Liliace was holding up. I don't think I ever saw a more pitiful sight in that bleary, dreary darkness; she was completely keeled over on the ground. Her head was drooping and hiding her face, her hair petals plastered against her body, some of them flapping wildly in the wind. Her legs had fallen forwards like windswept logs. It was probably from the burden of her belly, protruding from her sides and forcing her to lean up off of it. Even with her arms holding her up, she had to be struggling to keep her weight off her middle. Her back had even rounded out slightly— for the first time I learned alraunes have rear-ends, and Liliace's wobbled profoundly across her pair of vast hips. The only sign of life the ballooned plant girl displayed was when she raised her shoulders for a gasp of carbon dioxide. Her enormous, ovular breasts just barely left the grass for a moment when she did. The water had turned Liliace beyond obese, inflating her curves dramatically wherever possible. She had to be just barely holding herself together at that size... I rubbed my neck, looked hesitantly at the lock on the door as well. "There is nothing I can do," I admitted to myself. I let the darkness of my home's interior swallow me up while the hurricane's eye continued its pass overhead. I was sure it would be glaring. A rescue vehicle passed by in the morning and woke me up with its yellow emergency lights flashing through my window. I stirred on the recliner, realizing the outside was quiet at last. The sky was still grey and branches, strewn in the street, tumbled from the hurricane's remnant breezes. My house seemed to have survived, but Liliace...? Once I gathered up and threw away some empty snack bags on the living room table, I quickly went to the back window. There was a shadow cast on the porch. "No fucking way..." It was like an oak collapsed in my backyard. A gigantic alraune, lying in a daze on her back, was the culprit. I flung open the back door, hit by the stifling humidity right away, and the mind-boggling sight of Liliace's transformation. I had to creep around her and take my place at the side fence to see all of her. Her length spanned close to fifty feet, her head nearly as tall as I could stand. "Liliace!" I exclaimed. "How did this happen to you?" She had her eyes cast up at the clouds, her breath coming ragged from her heaving, bountiful chest. The giantess ignored me and puckered her lips to spit out a little extra water into the air. Her head rolled to my direction and more liquid trickled from her slacked jaw. "Help me, please..." she said in a feeble tone. Some of her curves had shrunken at the expense of stretching out her height so much, but she remained looking tighter than ever. Her belly had the size and the elastic quiver of an inflatable bounce-house, straining, gargling, practically dominating her frame. It was a wonder the ivy vine didn't come apart and still reined in her abdomen, though it was so rounded it was like a pipe ready to split. I realized even her flower had swollen to twice its size, the petals sagging and spread on the ground. It was stretched painfully around Liliace's massive legs, twisted and kinked together like two hoses because of her position. The forearm sleeves laid discarded like tattered corn-cob husks on the grass, so her bare arms were bent up close to the sides of her head, keeping her hands off herself. Liliace hiccupped and winced at the trembling it sent throughout her. "You tricked me," continued her soft, accusing voice. She was so big it amplified her volume. "D-Did I?" I fired back, leaning up off the fence. "I'd say good old Mother Nature punished you for being a glutton." "There was a storm coming...!" she seethed. "If you warned me I could have drawn up my roots, you could have surrounded me with mulch, could have...!" Liliace stopped to cough and splutter. "Ohhh, I could have died...!" she moaned and looked up miserably at the heavens. "I'm surprised you didn't," I said under my breath. I glanced about and saw a snapped branch about an arm's length, lying close to her hips. Keeping my eyes on her, I tried going further into the yard to snatch it up and stab her with it. Liliace suddenly reached out for me with her arm and slapped the sodden grass with the sound of a pool noodle. I recoiled back. "I hate you!" she wailed. "Just... leave me here... I want to go back to normal...!" I gave her a wide berth and slowly moved away. The monstrous girl laid her hands carefully on her tummy and whimpered, trying to soothe it. The conflicting thoughts crept back into my head watching her suffer so badly. She needed to go, but if natural causes wouldn't do the dirty work for me, then what possibly could? I was examining her so closely that I swore I saw her gain just a sliver of an inch to her body. It might have been her shoulders or one of her canoe-sized hair petals twitching gently. I could barely make out the sounds of her skin straining some more as she lay there, too. "How are you still growing?" I demanded all of a sudden. Liliace tilted her head back and fixed her desperate gaze on me, sharply sucking in her breath and huffing it out. "You're still soaking up the lawn...!" "I'm sorry!" she cried out, squeezing her eyes shut. "I can't help it! My roots are everywhere underneath the yard! They've... just always been that way!" She crossed her arms over her breasts, frowned and hugged herself like she wanted it all to stop, but it wouldn't. "You greedy—" I began as it dawned on me, and looked down at my shoes at the ruined grass. With how sodden the dirt had become, it made this repulsive brown sludgy stew with tiny curls of dead grass mixed in. I furrowed my brow. I started towards the garden hose. I began to unloop the coils and tossed the length out, wishing, pleading in my mind that the water supply was back in full force, and that I had all the resources in town now that the storm had rolled through. I rotated the valve the furthest it would go and advanced towards Liliace with the end in my grasp. As soon as I felt the hose hum, splash about on the inside and finally send out a generous stream of fresh, cool water, I knew this had to be it. I stopped and casually let the hose empty itself from shoulder-height, and Liliace realized something rolling off her hair instantly. "Wh-What are you doing to me?!" She rotated her immense bulk to the side to get a better look at me standing there, eyes wide in disbelief. "I'm giving you your daily water." "No...! I can't grow any more! Nnnngh...!" Liliace tensed up as her body was swelling again. She reached out an arm to swipe at me, but I was still a good five feet away from her fingertips. "Shut it o-o-off!" Her other arm reached around to cradle her ballooned tits from underneath, nursing her blimping body that filled and filled involuntarily. Her hips blossomed upwards as they were smooshed on their side, and her belly's curvature edged closer and closer to the side fence. Her bulge was towering over the posts, hissing with the steady intake of water, churning from its unimaginable fullness. "P-P-Please!" she begged me through one opened eye. "You've got to let me empty out! I can b-be transplanted to a nursery, to an open field—!" "What, so you can steal all the water there too?" I grinned and started sweeping the hose everywhere over her creaking form. Liliace moaned pitifully and tried to stretch herself, clawing for me despite the ominous, rubbery squeals her fibrous skin made. She had to clutch herself again from the pressure that shot up her legs — being held in a vice from her flower's unbearable tightness — to her breasts in which one laid dangerously on top of the other. Even the humid atmosphere seemed to overwhelm her as she lay there limp and panting. Then she squirmed realizing her belly had grazed the fence, and was now pressing into it, testing its durability as if it was a dam she could breach. Her skin started to bulge into the neighbor's yard for a precarious moment. Liliace howled and, with a display of gargantuan strength, turned herself over and let her overgrown stomach keep rising unfettered into the air. The vine finally snapped like a spent leather belt, making her belly jut forth all of a sudden with a resounding slosh. "I'm gonna exploooode!" I kept the water trained to her shoulder area as I covered my mouth with a hand, watching her keep expanding, hearing her insides rumble. She was coursing full of liquid, pulsing with every dangerous pump her body continued seeping into her innards. There was nowhere for the water to escape or leak from; the pressure just kept building relentlessly. Liliace's skin gradually tinted lighter, showing the signs of wear through white blade-thin streaks traveling up to the crest of her gut. Her boobs were wobbling loosely as they were pushed to the sides by her stiffening middle. The now-constant groans of her frame deepened further in pitch, echoing, reverberating, signaling her end. I only felt dwarfed in comparison seeing only her upper body stretching its final inches in every direction before me. Her growth finally slowed while her panting rose to a fevered pace. She spread her arms to grip the nonexistent grass. "Ohhhh!" she moaned boisterously. "I can't take it— i-it's too muuuch!" Bloated to capacity, Liliace let out an exhausted whine before a gurgle arose in her throat. "Crap," I muttered and dropped the hose. SPLOOOOOSSSHHHHH! Liliace burst, her belly blowing up like a geyser before a huge ripple of water followed, flooding outwards in every direction. I sighed as a wave spilled over the openings of my sneakers, and I hurried away from the epicenter to close the valve. I surveyed the carnage as the water gradually receded. The ground was even muddier than before, streaked with tendrils of pale nectar and clumps of shredded vegetation. Orange petals laid about the swamp like shrapnel, and a sweet aroma permeated through the air. I couldn't help but shudder, almost feeling a little tearful, as I gazed over the mess I made of my backyard. But I knew the lawn, the garden — everything — had some recovering to do. I just slogged over to the porch step and got myself inside.
Prose that Blows 500 (2009), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Most Believable Expandee Reaction
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Julie stood nervously at the lip of the wave pool. It's not that she was an unattractive girl, it's just that everyone else there was so... Statuesque. She felt like a mere mortal surrounded by golden gods. It was Kate's 19th birthday, and she dragged everyone to the water park to celebrate. All of Kate's other friends wanted to go on "Plunge of Doom" and "Greased Lightning" as soon as they got there, but Julie couldn't handle intense rides like that, so she wound up in the "Lazy Lake" with a swarm of obnoxious kids. After lunch, Kate managed to coax Julie into trying out the "Surfer's Cove" wave pool with her and the other girls. She dove deep, and noticed a weird current, a strong current, pulling her down and towards the back of the pool. Julie panicked, and started frantically reaching for something to hold onto. There wasn't anyone else this deep; they were all at the surface, waiting for the next wave to come. She gripped a bubble vent on the bottom of the pool, and clung to it for dear life as the current kept pulling at her. Thinking quickly, she put her mouth up to the vent and took a gulp of air, exhaling in a flurry of bubbles. She wrapped her lips around the vent, and took another lungful, but when she tried to exhale, she found that her braces were caught on the vent's rim. Terrified, she tried pushing away, but quickly stopped when she realized that the current was still pulling her. She became aware of a new problem as her stomach started to feel full. Her tummy started to press against the pool's floor lightly, then pushed out slowly. She whimpered, knowing there was nothing she could do about it. There was a small pop, and a strange sensation came over her. The seat and chest of her bathing suit were starting to stretch out to accommodate her inflating belly. No, it was more than that; her breasts and butt felt like they were getting bigger too! Her chest was steadily pressing into the floor now, and her belly... wasn't? She could feel her thighs start to rub together as her bloated body floated upward. The weird angle was starting to cramp her neck, and her swimsuit was straining its seams as it struggled to keep up with her expanding body. Her arms started to follow suit, and she lost her hold on the vent, but the current was gone. The force of the wave slammed into her, popping her free of the vent, sending her sailing upward, and rolling her around chaotically through spraying. The ride deposited her in the shallow end of the wave pool, floating on her back. The first thing the saw when she opened her eyes was the giant sphere of her belly rising above the massive cleavage of her huge breasts. The second was that everyone was staring at her...
deflation, inhale
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation
Muscle and bone, heart and lungs, what a cumbersome way to construct a life form. Namunk chided himself for such thoughts almost as quickly as they occurred to him. His training had taught him better than that. If his people had learned nothing else from a hundred generations of exploration, it was that the universe had a certain order to it, and even the most bizarre life had an elegance that often wasn't apparent at first. Even the children of Araphon had their roots in embarrassingly humble ancestors. And if Namunk and his kind could rise up from such lowly beginnings, who knew what these humans could become, given time? All of this seemingly pointless complexity had to serve some purpose. And stranded or not, Namunk was an Explorer, and it was his duty and privilege to discover. Fortunately, his probes were functioning without mishap. Although they hadn't scattered very far yet, he was sure they would eventually provide data as valuable as what he was gathering here. Julia awoke to the sound of her alarm. Without thinking, she rolled over to reach for the snooze button, only to realize rather abruptly that she wasn't capable of either rolling or reaching. As she drew herself from the fog of sleep, last night's events came flooding back and Julia realized she now had to deal with the fact that she was unbelievably inflated, and firmly wedged between her bed and the ceiling. "Uh oh,"she gasped, impulsively struggling to move, but only managing to wiggle her hands and feet uselessly in the air. The rest of her was completely immobile. The grating beep of her alarm pulsed away in the background. "Okay," she said, "how are we going to get us out of this, Julia?" She tried exhaling forcefully, puffing away to no avail. "Damn!" Last night she'd been so caught up in hew newfound abilities, she hadn't really considered the consequences that would follow when she had to get up to go to school the next morning. "C'mon, Julia, we can do this." She closed her eyes and centered her thoughts on getting smaller, on deflating, on somehow releasing all this air that filled her... She was rewarded with the loud hiss of gas rapidly flowing out of her navel. A victorious grin spread across her face as she felt herself shrink. But it vanished several minutes later as she heard a knock at her door. "Julia, wake up! You'll be late for school!" "I'm up, Dad!" He'd probably just gotten in late last night. His business frequently took him away for days at a time, which left Julia alone in the house most weekends. And most weekdays as well. She never held it against him. Without Mom around, they had to get money somehow. Frantic, she tried to scoot herself off of the bed. She was rapidly deflating, but still couldn't move well enough to reach her clock. Finally, the swelling in her arms subsided enough for her to turn off the alarm. Still severely bloated, she rushed to get dressed. "Bye Dad!" She kissed him on the cheek quickly as she rushed out the door. Luckily, her father rarely used the car, so she could drive to school. Compared to her unreal experiences during the past weekend, school seemed strangely mundane to Julia. Everything else about her world had remained quite the same, oblivious to whatever unnatural change that had happened to her. "Enjoy the hike?" Julia looked up to see Tanya, one of Roxy's friends. She'd also been on that fateful trip. It just wouldn't be in her nature to pass up the chance to take a cheap shot. "Actually, I did," Julia responded. "It was quite -- uplifting." She smiled to herself as she headed off to her chemistry class, leaving behind a rather perplexed Tanya. And so Julia's mundane life continued unperturbed: classes, homework, regular barbs and snubs from Roxanne and her gang. They seemed especially proud of their latest prank, and made sure the story spread through the entire school in short order. Oh well, Julia thought, one more event to add to my list of humiliations. Over the next few weeks, she took as much time as possible to experiment in seclusion. She quickly gained increased control over her powers. It wasn't long before she learned she could inflate just about any part of her body, and became adept at getting blowing up bigger and faster. She didn't even have to inhale; on a good day, when she really concentrated, she found she could fill up with gas by just thinking about it. Every so often Julia found herself losing control and winding up at a larger size than she intended. Even more disconcerting were the occasions when she had difficulty deflating. But as she practiced, such incidents became less frequent, and the explosion incident that occurred the first night never repeated itself. Then, one Friday, the envelope arrived. The day began innocently enough. History was as boring as usual, English even more so. Julia stopped by her locker on the way to lunch. She'd passed Roxy and her boyfriend Brent in the halls and endured the customary condescending glare. As she dialed the combination into her lock, she wondered if Roxy could have held Brent's interest for more than five minutes if she didn't have the body of a swimsuit model. She idly pondered what would happen if she approached Brent with a freshly inflated figure. Schemes of revenge whirled in her mind as she thought through what she'd try to do with her newfound abilities next when she got some free time alone to experiment again. "Hello? What's this?" Julia muttered as she picked up the plain, unmarked envelope. She opened it and gasped in shock. Inside was a picture of her, apparently taken through her bedroom window while she was asleep. And she was blown up like a blimp. There was a note: "Meet me at Harry's, 5 o'clock." "Damn!" she swore as she slammed her locker shut. How could I have been so careless? She'd never though it mattered that she sometimes left her drapes open. Her bedroom had a view of nothing, just hills, trees, and a field where there would be more houses built someday. And now it looked like someone was going to blackmail her. She didn't pay attention at all during class that day. Harry's was a burger place in town. Not too long a trip from school, but far enough that it wasn't one of the more popular hangouts after class. Besides, it was Friday and most people had better things to do. Julia sat down at a booth and ordered a soda. All day she tried to figure out who could have been spying on her. If it had been any of her usual enemies, they wouldn't have been so subtle. And they certainly wouldn't want to meet her in a public place to chat. She barely noticed when Robert walked in. Everyone at Spoone High new who he was, but very few actually knew him. Like Julia, he was pretty far down on the social food chain, but he had an aloof, superior attitude. He was brilliant, and made sure the world knew it. Robert came from a family of researchers, doctors, and college professors, and he firmly believed his intellect placed him above those who cast him out as a geek. He wouldn't have sat down with the "in" crowd even if invited. Of course, he never would be invited, but that was hardly the point. Image was everything. He walked towards Julia's booth. He looked the role, tall, lanky, slightly unkempt. At least he hadn't gone for the horn-rimmed glasses and pocket protector. "Julia?" She looked up from her drink. "Robby? I, uh, I'm waiting for someone." She figured it probably sounded like a lie, but under the circumstances she didn't care. "Yeah, I know. I sent you the envelope." Hesitating a bit, he sat down. "What do you want, you slimy little bastard," she hissed through clenched teeth. "You're upset. That's okay, I was peeking in on you, you're entitled. Just hear me out." "What? You've already worked out blackmail terms?" "No, that's not it at all! Just listen to me for a minute." He reached into his backpack and pulled out an envelope. Julia rolled her eyes. "What now, more pictures?" "In a manner of speaking. Okay Julia, here's what I know, the whole story. I was on the hill with my telescope, tracking a comet --" "Sure you were. What comet was that?" "I just found it a few weeks before. I'll name it as soon as the observatory confirms it's a new one. But that's beside the point. I admit I was spying on you. Truth be told, there are quite a few interesting bedrooms that can be seen from that hilltop if you have a good enough scope, and I admit I've looked into all of them at one time or another. Call me a pervert if you like --" "You're a pervert," Julia snapped. "But here's the deal. On one of those nights, I saw you -- grow, I guess would be an acceptable term. I took pictures, trying to figure out how it was possible. At first I thought it might have been some weird inflatable suit, but looking closely at the photos I saw that wasn't the case. I was very curious about this talent of yours, since it violates the laws of physics as I know them. But if I wanted to find out more, I had to approach you somehow. Which brings us here." "And I guess this is the part where I pay you money to keep these pictures under wraps." He sighed. "I guess it's not surprising for you to think that." Robert slid the envelope across the table to her. "In there you'll find all the remaining photos of you, and the negatives. Destroy them if you want, it's all the evidence I have that you're anything but a normal teenage girl. Of course, I could always spread vicious rumors about Julia the Human Blimp, but I doubt anyone would believe me." Julia slowly reached for the envelope. "So what's this all about?" "I never wanted to blackmail you, I was just curious. Wanted to find out more about what you can do, study you." "You study me?" "Yes, that's all. This is something nobody's ever seen before. Imagine the possibilities! If you don't want to be a lab rat, just say so. You don't have to ever talk to me again. On the other hand, I'll just bet you're as curious about this as I am, and we can go back to my lab and see what the instruments say about you." Julia took a slow sip from her soda. "Just one question." "What?" "It's close to dinner time. You buying?" Robert broke into a smile. "Sure." Over burgers and fries he told him about that had happened on the hiking trip: being abandoned, making a wish on a falling star, suddenly inflating. She left out the part where she exploded and was deliberately vague about how she got home. Robbie was so fascinated with her story, he didn't seem to notice. "So you just...," he waved his fingers in an attempt to grasp a phrase, "blew up?" "Mm-hmm," she nodded, eating another french fry. "Amazing! And you can control this?" She shrugged. "Kind of. That night you took the picture, I didn't really mean to get that big. It just sort of... happened. I tried to get bigger, then I just kept getting bigger. Managed to shrink back down the next morning, though." Robert was nearly dumbstruck by the idea. Julia saw the wonder in his eyes and could almost hear the gears whirling in his mind as he tried to grasp the possibilities of how such a thing was possible. He though in silence for a while, and Julia entertained the idea that perhaps he was more overwhelmed by her condition than she was. "I need to get you into my lab. I have instruments there, I could take some measurements. I doubt I have the equipment necessary to find the cause, I mean, I don't know what in the world could possibly explain this. But I think if I could actually observe this maybe..." He got lost again in the convoluted clouds of thought. "Are you doing anything tonight?" From anyone else, Julia might have taken that as an invitation for a date. But it was obvious that romance was the last thing on Robert's mind. Looking at him, one might think it was never anything but the last thing on his mind. "Well, I've got a hot date tonight. Y'know, someone like me isn't going to be alone on a Friday night." "Oh. Oh, I'm sorry--" "I'm joking, Robby!" she giggled. "Besides, I wanna know what the heck's going on with me too." "Wonderful!" He called for the check. "Oh my God, it's like something out of a movie," Julia marveled. From the outside, Robert's lab looked like it has once been home to tractor. But he'd obviously put a lot of working into fixing it to his liking. Workbenches stretched along much of its length, crowded with computers and instruments. Of on a table in one corner there appeared to be several telescopes which weren't quite complete, and one section even appeared to double as a darkroom. "Yeah, there were a lot of farms out here before they developed the area. You'll still find a bunch of old barns around. Dad wanted to convert this to a workshop, but I convinced him to let me have it. I pretty much do all my work out here. "Gimme a minute to get set up, I think I have a pretty good idea of what I'll need." Robbie cleared a large section of the floor space, rolling what looked like a twenty-first century go-cart off into a corner. He gathered several metal boxes from around the room, all bristling with antennae and wires, screens and lights. Julia hadn't the faintest idea what they might be for, but Robert moved them around and plugged them into one of the larger computers as easily as most people could slap together a sandwich. He started flipping switches, and one by one the machines came to life. "Ok, I think I'm ready." He picked up what looked like a wand-shaped microphone. "Is there anything I should be warned about before we try this?" Julia stepped out into the center of the clearing. "I don't think so. But I've only done this a couple of times. I mean, the worst thing that could happen -- I could lose control and get bigger than think I will." He rubbed his chin. "Let's keep you relatively small then." A thought hit him. "Um, are your, I mean - - are those clothes going to be a problem?" "Don't worry, they'll stretch with me," she reassured him with a smile. "Alright then. I'm ready when you are." "Ok." She closed her eyes and shook her hands out a bit. Robert watched closely as she relaxed, taking long slow breaths. His instruments didn't show anything unusual until the fourth or fifth breath. Julia started taking in air. Her belly slowly swelled outward. She didn't even hear the beeping of Robert's scopes as they recorded what was happening. She was far too caught up in the feeling of pressure as her whole body gradually filled, pulling her clothes tightly around her. Buttons and seams strained at first, then relaxed as the cloth started to stretch. Her belly swelled out steadily, her entire form taking on a rounded, bulbous shape. She stopped after a minute or so, sighing softly. Robert looked to Julia, then to his screens. Then back to Julia, and back to the computer screen. "I'm not sure what to make of this." "Pretty cool, huh?" Julia giggled, closing her eyes as she gently rubbed her vast girth. She looked as though someone had attached a head, arm and legs to a giant beachball. "You're radiating," he muttered. "Very high energy, very high frequency. It's not a regular signal, but -- " Robert wasn't sure he wanted to say what he was thinking. Not until he could investigate more. He tapped a few keys, and a printer started spitting out a steady stream of papers. "I'll need to look over this data." "Do you think you can figure out what's going on?" "I don't know, but I'll give it my best." He walked over to her. " do you feel?" He timidly held his hand out towards her swollen torso. "Just fine," she murmured. "It's pretty nice, actually. I just feel really full, snug. It's kinda fun being big." She opened her eyes. "Go ahead and touch, Robbie, it's okay." Robert carefully brought his hand to her belly, touching the skin exposed by one of the gaps between the buttons on her blouse. He was clueless as to how the garment had stretched as much as it had. It looked like it was tissue thin, but still had its normal texture. But judging by how strained the buttons looked, it appeared as though Julia's clothes trying their best to return to their original size. Her belly was warm to the touch, and still fairly soft. It yielded without too much effort when he pressed against it. If Julia was a balloon, she was far from full right now. "Amazing," he gasped. "How do you deflate?" "It's easy. At least, it usually is. If I just relax and focus on getting smaller - -" As she spoke the words, a hissing came from her body as the air started to escape through her navel. Julia smiled. It was even easier this time. It shouldn't be too long before I have this completely under control. "So what's your take on this?" she asked as her inflated body slowly started to take on a more familiar shape. "Um, like I said, I'll have to look over what my instruments say, but -- " Something on the monitor caught his eye. "That ring you're wearing, is there anything special about it?" "Oh this? Just sentimental. It was my mother's. I wear it all the time. It's made out of silver, if that helps." "Maybe." He typed away at a different console for a minute. "What about your hairclip?" Julia giggled. "I borrowed it from my friend Charlotte months ago and just never returned it. I don't think she misses it that much, but I should probably give it back. I really doubt it's the reason I'm inflatable now." But Charlotte always has been pretty pneumatic, Julia thought to herself, giggling again. "You're probably right," Robert responded, obviously engrossed in his numbers. "He shook his head. "I -- I think it's just the metal that's giving some strange readings. I'm sure it'll all fall out in the analysis. But for now all I can say is that it looks like you were exposed to some very strange energy source. At first look, it doesn't seem like it's altered you in any way --" Julia laughed. She was almost back to normal now. "Maybe you should look again." "But the energy's still there." Robbie shook his head again. Better do neck exercises, he mused, or I'm gonna hurt myself shaking my head over this one. "I'll give you call when I get something. Heck, I'll see you school." "Do you think there's anything to all this blowing up besides entertainment value?" "I'm sure it has some application, if we can just figure out what's causing it. And you'll never have to worry about drowning. Assuming, of course, you can get in one good breath before you go under," he smirked. "I wouldn't even worry about that, Robbie." "Oh?" He raised an eyebrow. Feeling suddenly mischievous, Julia winked at him. "I'll show you one more trick before I go." She closed her eyes and focused, as Robert looked on with a perplexed expression. Then her breasts began to swell. Robbie gawked as Julia's bust filled out, overflowing her bra and pressing up against her blouse. Though she wasn't inhaling, her breasts expanded until it appeared she had two small blimps stuffed into her blouse, bigger than any model he'd ever seen. "Bye Robbie, let me know when you've got something!" Julia blew him a kiss and walked out of the barn, jiggling gently all the way. Robert was left speechless. The mental picture of Julia and her absurdly buxom figure made it hard for Robert to concentrate for the next hour or so. Fortunately, he'd already formulated a theory about Julia's abilities before she'd pulled the blow-up boob trick. "I probably know more about you than you do right now," Robbie chuckled to himself as he pored over reams of numbers. His parents had thought he was foolish to spend so much of his patent royalties on such strange laboratory equipment, but he knew it would come in handy some day. On one of his computer screens, a wire frame computer rendering of Julia's body expanded and receded in a continuous loop. On the next monitor was the three dimensional graph of electromagnetic flux that had surrounded her during the process. It had taken him about a minute to figure out what was happening. Another hour of study had revealed the why. The how would most likely win him a Nobel prize if he could figure it out. Unfortunately there were probably only a dozen people in the world who understood quantum theory that well, and Robert was just humble enough to admit he wasn't one of them. How Julia had come about the change and how she was capable of controlling it were mysteries that would just have to wait. But luckily for Robert, that didn't prevent him from taking advantage of what he knew so far. Now all he needed was a little confirmation. The next day, Robert was back on the hill overlooking Julia's house. Binoculars were sufficient this time, and they allowed him to stay concealed in the trees. It looked like Julia was going swimming, and she left early in the afternoon. Excellent. Picking the lock was simple. It probably would have been even simpler if he'd just asked Julia if he could examine her things, but he wasn't quite ready to tip his hand. Not after her little demonstration had given him some rather devilish ideas. He quickly found her room upstairs. When he had examined Julia, he'd detected three distinct but very similar energy fields coming from her. The main one was coming from Julia herself, of course, but her ring and hairclip had also been radiating. If they were just secondary fields induced by the metal, then her earrings should have shown up as well, but they didn't. So Robert programmed one of his meters to detect that energy signature. "And here we are," muttered as he entered her room. Nothing extraordinary here. It was decorated in the pastels that girls seemed to like far more than boys, and smelled faintly of perfume and florals. He'd seen it all before from a distance. He scanned the contents of her dresser first. The hairclip was sitting atop the dresser and, as expected, it set off the scanner. So did a tiny pair of stud earrings in her jewelry box. One of her bras and a pair of panties were radiating as well. A pair of socks, a t-shirt, and a pair of jeans finished up the contents of the dresser. Nothing to contradict his theory so far, but he wasn't certain yet. It was the closet that convinced him. The red plaid flannel tested positive and the hiking boots clinched it. Whatever it was that had affected Julia, it was now in her and everything that she had been wearing on that hiking trip, Robert was certain of it now. Wishing he knew more about women and their clothing habits, Robert tried to pick out those items that Julia wasn't likely to miss. The socks were a no-brainer, and Julia had so many pairs of earrings that she wasn't likely to miss one pair of studs. He grabbed the underwear, blushing slightly, but he didn't think she'd notice. He took the t-shirt, but figured the jeans, flannel, and certainly the boots would be noticed if they vanished. He made sure to lock the door behind him when he left. Robert spent the entire weekend studying the clothing, do a far more thorough examination that he'd been able to do with Julia. None of it made any sense. He recalibrated is instruments half a dozen times, but kept coming back with the same results. Only his most exotic scopes could pick up anything useful, and by the end he was convinced that to get anything more meaningful he'd have to go to a major research facility. The energy field contained in the clothes was extremely powerful, tightly contained, and appeared to be self perpetuating. This was, of course, impossible. "There's a power source there somewhere," he muttered to his keyboard. "I know you're there, you're just hiding." No matter what he tried, Robert couldn't tap any of the power to harness it. It was like it was there, but he just couldn't touch it. That is, until he touched it. Late Sunday night, worn and weary from a sleepless weekend of work, he literally stumbled upon a breakthrough. He'd left one of the scopes running (dreadful waste of power, but he was tired after all), when he went to move a sock off of the scanning plate. When he went back to look at the results, he saw that when he'd touched the sock, the energy field surrounded his hand and flowed up his arm. He quickly took off his shoes and replaced his own socks with Julia's. He scanned himself and, sure enough, the energy field had surrounded him. A smile broke across his face. Perhaps it was the exhaustion, perhaps it was the late hour, or perhaps it was the fond memory of a story about Benjamin Franklin tying a key to a kite and flying it in a thunderstorm to prove a theory. Whatever it was, at that moment Robert decided it was time to dance with the lightning. He stood up straight, cleared his mind as best he could, and took in a long, slow deep, breath. Robert inflated. Fortunately, the barn had sturdy walls and was a good distance from the house, or else his parents might have heard his victorious howls of laughter. Had they investigated, they would have found Robert on the floor of his workshop, rolling around gleefully on his hugely swollen belly, lost in his own mirth. "You're right, Julia," he called, patting his stomach and marveling at his girth, "it is fun to be big!" It took him over an hour to figure out how to deflate. After that, he set about planning what he could do with Julia's magic garments. He'd already concluded that, unless he could reproduce this energy field, he couldn't really make any money off of it aside from what he could get from selling the individual clothes. "Hell, I don't need money. I've got money." Robert had twenty-three patents total. Admittedly, only a dozen were for anything useful, but he'd sold off the rights to two for a bundle of cash, and three more would provide him with a constant income for well over a decade. But he remembered vividly how Julia had used her talents to inflate her breasts, and figure that there were a few very attractive women who might be interested in being able to do the same. The question was, what would they give to be better endowed? "Now if only Roxanne Gardner wanted bigger tits," he mused. Robert, and most other men on the planet, could only dream about bedding a woman like Roxy. But she, and most of her friends, already had plenty of what Robbie had to offer, and took great pride in it. Or them, as the case may be. "Too bad," he sighed. For years, he'd fantasized about several of those girls, and frequently imagined what it would be like to be in the middle of a Roxanne-Tanya sandwich. But, barring a miracle of some sort, Robert would have to settle for trying to seduce some of the more modestly endowed girls. Come Monday, Robert would find a renewed faith in miracles.

A hand-pruned scrape of (originally) ~1100 fetish erotica stories from the forum. Entries were written between the site's founding in 1995 and the date of the scrape, ~2021. The contents of this dataset are NSFW, and some may contain gruesome/objectionable content.


  • Entries were (programmatically) filtered to those above a 3 star rating.
  • Entries whose formatting broke the automatic extraction were removed (every entry is complete.)
  • In-line titles, author names, notes and synopses were removed.

This dataset should not be used for commercial purposes.

To authors:

  • Sections were pruned to avoid overfitting/memorization problems which may cause models trained on this data to be more likely to reproduce its content verbatim.
  • Authors may request removal of any work via my email; send me the node ID (the number at the end of the URL on the site) and some proof that it's yours, and it'll be gone from the public dataset as soon as I get to it.
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