2 values
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Thus, the Board of Directors, upon recommendation of its Compensation & Governance Committee, and following a comparative review of national, European and industry practices, decided to maintain unchanged, for 2020, the Chief Executive Off icer’s target annual variable compensation, at €1.45 million, i.e. 100% of the amount of his annual fixed compensation. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In 2018, CN spent approximately $3.5 billion in its capital program, with $1.6 billion invested to maintain the safety and integrity of the network, particularly track infrastructure. CN's capital spending also included $1.0 billion on strategic initiatives to increase capacity, enable growth and improve network resiliency, including line capacity upgrades and information technology initiatives, $0.5 billion on equipment capital expenditures, including the acquisition of 500 new centerbeam cars and 65 new high-horsepower locomotives, and $0.4 billion on implementation of Positive Train Control (PTC), the safety technology mandated by the U.S. Congress. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. - CaixaBank voluntarily applies this procedure to sy - ndicated operations with a term of 3 years or more and when CaixaBank's individual commitment is between $7 million and $35 million. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. CORPORATE AND HOUSEHOLD DEBT 25 carried out a benchmark study of the banks’ calculated risk weights for exposures to commercial real estate. The results of the two analyses showed that there is a risk that the capital banks have earmarked for lending to commercial real estate will not sufficiently compensate for the credit losses that could arise following a severe financial stress. It is against this background that FI proposes higher capital requirements for lending to commercial real estate (see “Stability in the banking sector”). Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The physical risks of climate change are divided into acute and chronic risks. Acute risks include risks related to extreme weather events, such as floods and hurricanes. Chronic risks include, for example, permanently higher temperatures and the ensuing sea level rise. Sectors particularly exposed to physical risks include the forest sector, agriculture and real estate, to name a few. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Reputational and financial impact: Increased concern over climate change could lead to increased expectations to fossil fuel producers, as well as a more negative perception of the oil and gas industry. This could lead to litigation and divestment risk and could also have an impact on talent attraction and retention and on our licenses to operate in certain jurisdictions. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We are developing this approach through a pilot study to better understand the impact of different climate change pathways on our mortgage securities, housing association exposures and branch network to enable us to estimate the financial impact this may have. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. EXAMPLES OF RISKS Resource scarcity, coupled with increasing demand, could affect production, availability, quality and cost of raw materials. Increased frequency of extreme weather events, from floods to droughts, could cause disruption in our supply chain and impact the sourcing of raw materials, as well as the production and distribution of finished goods. Increased regulation and more stringent environmental standards could impact our business by affecting production costs and flexibility of operations. Our industry is sustained by many agricultural and manufacturing communities around the world. Failure to support them in preserving key skills and building more sustainable livelihoods could cause social, economic and operational challenges, ranging from community tensions and disruption to production, to a reduced talent pool. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. − Scope 3: Optional scope that includes indirect emissions associated with the goods and services supply chain produced outside the organization. Included are emissions from the transport of products from our logistics centres to stores (downstream) performed by external logistics operators (air, land and sea transport) as well as the emissions associated with electricity consumption in franchise stores. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. At the announcement of the business plan for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, as for investments and loans, we are setting the target at ¥2.1 trillion, which is within the three-year cumulative range announced already, and there is no change to our forecasts for asset recycling and shareholder returns. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addition, the impacts of physical and transition climate risks can lead to second order connected risks, which have the potential to affect the Barclays Bank Group’s retail and wholesale portfolios. The impacts of climate change may increase losses for those sectors sensitive to the effects of physical and transition risks. Any subsequent increase in defaults and rising unemployment could create recessionary pressures, which may lead to wider deterioration in the creditworthiness of the Barclays Bank Group’s clients, higher ECLs, and increased charge-offs and defaults among retail customers. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In view of the expected increase in the number of directors as well as in the number per year of meetings of the Board of Directors for exceptional transactions and of the Strategy & CSR Committee the competencies of which have been extended to the social and environmental challenges, including those in relation to climate, it will be proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on May 29, 2020 to set, as from the fiscal year 2020, the annual fixed amount to be allocated to board members as compensation due to their activity at €1.75 million. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The risk of credit loss or non-financial risks, such as reputational damage, arising from environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, including climate change. While a key component of ESG risk arises indirectly from the financial services we provide to our customers, it can also result directly from our own operations. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Other regulatory risks entail litigation risk and potential direct regulations in line with increasing carbon neutrality ambitions in various jurisdictions, such as the EU’s European Green Deal. Climate-related policy changes may also reduce access to prospective geographical areas for future exploration and production. Disruptive developments may not be ruled out, possibly triggered by severe weather events affecting public perception and policy making. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Data: Advancements in new technologies and new services, an increasing external threat landscape, and changing regulatory requirements increase the need for the Group to effectively govern, manage, and protect its data (or the data shared with third-party suppliers). Failure to manage data risk effectively can result in unethical decisions, poor customer outcomes, loss of value to the Group and mistrust. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The sensitivity analysis does not show a comprehensive picture of all potential scenarios. Further, variables do not tend to move in isolation, nor in a uniform or consistent manner, and the analysis does not show the potentially infinite number of permutations, and resultant impacts, that might arise in reality as a consequence. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Compliance Risk Management Compliance risk (a type of operational risk) is the risk resulting from the failure to comply with laws (legislation, regulations and rules) and regulatory guidance, and the failure to appropriately address associated impacts, including to customers. Compliance risk encompasses violations of applicable internal policies, program requirements, procedures, and standards related to ethical principles applicable to the banking industry. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Group is not aware of any noise pollution that could negatively impact the environment, nor is it aware of any impact on biodiversity. With regards to land use, the Group is only a commercial user, and the Group is not aware of any local constraints with regards to water supply. The Group does not believe that it is at risk with regards to climate change in the near-or mid-term. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. PROHIBIT COAL GENERATION: There is no denying that coal is on the decline around the world. Even with artificial incentives being set up to extend the lives of coal plants in supply-strapped regions, it is clear that no amount of subsidies or lobbying will slow the global transition. The problem is with the laggards, certain regions that have been too slow in realizing the true cost of coal to their citizens and natural environment, and therefore have dangerously prolonged the decline. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. BBVA believes that greater financial inclusion has a favorable impact on the welfare and sustained economic growth of countries. The fight against financial exclusion is therefore consistent with BBVA's ethical and social commitment, as well as its medium-term and long-term business objectives. At the end of 2019, BBVA had 10 million customers in this segment. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. More than 20 years ago, we started incorporating climate change in our WRMPs, and in March 2018 we published, for consultation, a draft of our latest WRMP. The plan ensures we are resilient against the median climate change scenario and severe drought. Through the consultation we are also seeking support from our customers for £630 million of investment, which would further mitigate the impact of climate change, drought and future environmental challenges. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. By their very nature, these forward-looking statements require assumptions to be made and involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific. Assumptions about the performance of the Canadian and U.S. economies in 2020, including in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how that affect the Bank's business are among the main factors considered in setting the Bank's strategic priorities and objectives. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We fail to respond to the emerging threats from climate change for our investment portfolios and wider businesses As a significant investor in financial markets, commercial real estate and housing, we are exposed to climate related transition risks, particularly should abrupt shifts in the political and technological landscape impact the value of those investment assets associated with higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. What about the challenges and risks? The challenge of delivering what our customers want is always there – and we’re in a highly competitive market. We’ve got to be more efficient and competitive year on year, delivering what our customers want and how they want it – not least because disrupters will enter the market and beat us if we don’t. I’m the Chair of Climatewise – the insurance industry’s body on climate change. The risks of unmitigated global warming are pretty stark, for individuals, for business and for communities. We need to do all we can to address this challenge. For insurers, a temperature increase of four degrees effectively means insurers will have to bow out. Insurers will not be able to cover the risks. Climate change would be the greatest market failure of all time, the greatest inequality of all time, and it will represent a social catastrophe. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Thus, the Board of Directors, upon recommendation of its Compensation & Governance Committee, and following a comparative review of national, European and industry practices, decided to maintain unchanged, for 2018, the Chief Executive Off icer’s target annual variable compensation, at €1.45 million, i.e. 100% of the amount of his annual fixed compensation. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The initiative has four working groups; government bonds, listed equities and corpo- rate bonds real estate and strategic asset alloca- tion. Representatives from AP2 participate in the steering group and in the working groups for government bonds and real estate. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Global climate change could exacerbate certain of the threats facing our business, including the frequency and severity of weather-related events referred to in Performance of critical infrastructure in this section 9. In addition, increases in energy prices are partly influenced by government policies to address climate change which, combined with a growing data demand that increases our energy requirements, could increase our energy costs beyond our current expectations. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Regulatory risk is the risk of failure to meet new or existing regulatory and / or legislative requirements and deadlines, or a failure to embed compliant procedures into processes. It also includes the risk to the Group's capital, liquidity and profitability from the impact of future legislative and regulatory changes. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In our outlook for impacts on our clients' business, we employed two scenarios: a static scenario which assumes that no attempt is made to transform the present business structure, and a dynamic scenario under which the business structure is transformed. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. If Philips is unable to ensure effective supply chain management, e.g. facing an interruption of its supply chain, including the inability of third parties to deliver parts, components and services on time, and if it is subject to rising raw material prices, it may be unable to sustain its competitiveness in its markets. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. At the beginning of 2019, VINCI Airports signed a memorandum of understanding with the Portuguese government to extend Lisbon’s airport capacity. It provides for upgrading the existing Humberto Delgado Airport and building a new civil airport on the Montijo Air base opposite the city at the eastern end of the Tagus estuary. VINCI Airports will invest €1.15 billion over the next 10 years in this two-pronged project. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In relation to our commercial activity we have set a green finance target to raise and facilitate 120Bn euros between 2019 and 2025 and 220Bn euros between 2019 and 2030. This includes Santander's overall contribution to green finance: project finance, syndicated loans, green bonds, capital finance, and export finance, advisory and other products to help our clients in the transition to a low carbon economy. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We have made significant progress towards the goals we set out, including achieving our 100% Environmental, Social, and Governance integration goal for active strategies. For more detail on our progress, see 2020 sustainability actions. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Reputational and financial impact: Increased concern over climate change could lead to increased expectations to fossil fuel producers, as well as a more negative perception of the oil and gas industry. This could lead to litigation and divestment risk and could also have an impact on talent attraction and retention and on our licenses to operate in certain jurisdictions. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addition to consumer loans aimed at improving the energy efficiency of properties, Argentina is focusing on promoting electric mobility by offering different financing products for cars, bicycles and electric scooters. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Setting an investment horizon is part and parcel of our policy of focusing on the long term and helping clients to build capital. Both financial and non-financial aspects play a role in measuring investment returns. Even if we make a successful investment in a mining company today, the same company may nonetheless cause damage to the environment tomorrow, and thus be compelled to make substantial provisions for improving its waste-processing activities and paying fines. As an asset manager that focuses on the long-term prospects, we can’t ignore the non-financial aspects. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We also assess risks on the basis of their potential impact on the value of our franchise, which is supported by our reputation, brand and good customer relationships. Conduct and operational risks, such as cyber security breaches, data loss and IT systems failure, in particular have the potential to significantly impact our franchise value. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. - green business development through (i) a growing commitment to renewable energy (approx. 1,000 MW installed power in 2021); (ii) development of the second phase of the Venice biorefinery (with a maximum capacity of 560 ktonnes/ year from 2021) and the completion of the Gela biorefinery (with maximum capacity of 720 ktonnes/year) by 2018; (iii) strengthening of Green Chemistry, with production of bio-intermediates from vegetable oil at Porto Torres (capacity of 70 ktonnes/year), studies, pilot projects and partnerships with other operators. The total investments in the 2018-21 four-year period amount to more than €1.8 billion, included the scientific and technological development (R&D) activities related to the path to decarbonization; Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Physical risks • Risks that consist of chronic physical risks (rise in average temperatures and sea levels, etc.) and acute physical risks (increase in abnormal weather, such as typhoons and flooding, etc.) which are associated with physical changes due to climate change • Impacts could increase under the scenario of significant long-term increase in temperatures due to inadequate climate change countermeasures by each country • Increase in insurance claims and benefits paid due to increase in heat strokes and infectious diseases associated with global warming • Increase in insurance claims and benefits paid associated with increase in flooding due to typhoons, etc. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addition, we have been gradually introducing RPA, which uses robots to automate a series of tasks previously performed by employees, resulting in a reduction in work hours of approximately 300,000 hours in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. Going forward, we will continue to promote automation and labor savings in data input operations to improve administrative efficiency. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. MELBOURNE BACKS BTR In June 2019, we entered into an agreement with developer PDG to deliver 490 purpose-built, BTR apartments as part of the $450 million Munro development in Melbourne’s CBD. The Munro development is a key project within the City of Melbourne’s $250 million renewal of the Queen Victoria Market precinct. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The future is not a faraway place. It’s as near as tomorrow and it will affect us all. As energy consumption soars, how will we meet the demand? Fossil fuels are a finite resource that will gradually disappear. The natural replacement is sweeping freely around the earth – the wind. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Validation We established a common understanding between Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) and all regions at the global meetings also based on the analyses conducted by overseas affiliates. We also engaged in dialogue with international organizations to validate the issues identified from perspectives outside of the company. The matrix was confirmed by relevant executives. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. A growing percentage of customers want to reduce their carbon footprint not only in their homes or businesses, but in the vehicles they drive as well. Electric vehicles are a growing consumer choice, and we are taking a three-pronged approach to help our customers seamlessly make the transition. We have several pilots underway in Minnesota to provide home charging options and public charging infrastructure, and to partner with communities and business customers to convert their fleets from traditional to electric vehicles. We recently announced a $25 million investment in electric vehicle infrastructure and believe these pilots will help our customers reduce energy and meet their sustainability needs. We expect to expand our electric vehicle efforts to other states in 2019 and beyond (read more on pages 10-11). Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. A material portion of this network is still relatively immature and there are risks that may develop over time. For example, it is possible that branches may not be able to sustain the level of revenue or profitability that they currently achieve (or that it is forecasted that they will achieve). Answer:
Not Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Business Risk Business risk describes the risk we assume due to potential changes in general business conditions, such as our market environment, client behavior and technological progress. This can affect our results if we fail to adjust quickly to these changing conditions. Business risk consists of strategic risk, tax risk and refinancing risk, of which only strategic risk is assessed as material. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The British Columbia Carbon Tax Act sets a carbon price of $40 per tonne of CO2e on fuel combustion and is expected to increase by $5 per tonne of CO2e per year, reaching the federal target carbon price of $50 on April 1, 2021. The federal government has stated this program meets the requirements of the federal Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act. The CleanBC Program for Industry directs an amount equal to the incremental carbon tax paid by industry above $30/tonne into incentives to reduce emissions. The Government of British Columbia has also introduced measures to reduce upstream methane emissions by 45 percent and establish separate sector-level benchmarks to reduce carbon tax costs for industrial facilities. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Environmental, Social, and Governance Data Factory S&P Global's cross divisional effort to identify opportunities and risks in Environmental, Social, and Governance is supported by a common data and technology backbone. Environmental, Social, and Governance Data Factory feeds S&P Global's Environmental, Social, and Governance offerings. Data sets include public- and private- company data, asset level Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. JPMorgan Chase believes that companies must do even more to help solve today’s biggest challenges and create economic opportunity for more people. To do so, they must invest in communities the same way they invest in their own businesses. As announced in early 2018, our firm will deploy $1.75 billion by 2023 to drive inclusive growth in communities around the world. Generating Return on Community is one of our core objectives because we know that the future of our company depends on the well-being of our communities. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The foregoing list of risk factors is not exhaustive. Additional information about these factors can be found in the Risk Management section of the Bank's 2019 Annual Report. This information may be updated in our quarterly Shareholder Reports. Investors and others who rely on the Bank's forward-looking statements should carefully consider the above factors as well as the uncertainties they represent and the risk they entail. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Identifying, quantifying and managing risk is complex and challenging. Although it is our policy and practice to identify and, where appropriate and practical, actively manage such risks to support objectives in managing capital and future financial security and flexibility, our policies and procedures may not adequately identify, monitor and quantify all risks. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Sustainable finance products are instruments that channel funds to finance customer transactions in sectors such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management and water treatment, as well as access to social goods and services, including housing, education, health and employment. BBVA strives to contribute to creating the mobilization of capital needed to halt climate change and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals mentioned before. To this end, it has pledged to mobilize €100,000m in sustainable financing between 2018 and 2025. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Built in 1924 on the Inn River channel, the run-of-river power plant with output of around 85 MW will be expanded and modernised. Following an investment period lasting around four years and with projected total capital expenditure of approximately €250m, about 32 MW of additional capacity will be available from 2023 onwards. The Gries hydropower plant was also inaugurated in 2019. This facility, which entailed an aggregate investment of around €50m, will supply around 10,000 households with green electricity from hydropower. Over the next three years, we are planning to invest a total of around €650m in the further expansion and maintenance of our hydropower facilities, thereby making a large contribution to mitigating climate change. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The investment horizon is between 3 and 15 years, because shorter investment horizons than this risk creating restrictions in the management, which can lead to poorer earnings, in part due to lower liquidity. Evaluation is over a rolling five-year period and the outcome of individual years should be interpreted with caution since strategic positions are taken in the medium term. Answer:
Not Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Economic and financial results in the four-year plan: the adjusted operating profit expected at €0.9 billion in 2021; cumulated free cash flow at €2.1 billion in 2018-2021. ● Reducing refining break-even margin at approximately 3 $/barrel by the end of 2018. ● Completion of the Gela conversion in biorefinery and the development of the second phase of the Venice biorefinery. ● Strengthening of marketing activities in countries of presence. ● Focus on digitalization to optimize operations and enhance efficiencies. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. - African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics/Latinos combined make up 13.7% of the aircraft pilots and flight engineers in the U.S. - Women make up 3% of aircraft mechanics and service technicians. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Group is a major provider of non-retail loans. A key step in credit risk due diligence for non-retail lending is the assessment of potential transactions for environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks, including climate risk, through our ESG Risk Assessment Tool. All Institutional Bank loans, as well as large loans in other business units, are evaluated through the Group’s compulsory ESG risk assessment process. The risk of climate change is assessed at origination and during the annual review process for Institutional Bank loans. Exposures with medium or high risk profile are subject to additional due diligence and heightened consideration and assessment in the credit process. During the year ended 30 June 2020, the Group recognised provisions for impairment of $90 million reflecting the impact of extreme weather events on the credit quality of the Group’s loan portfolio. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Climate change is a challenge faced by the entire P&C insurance industry. In particular, our home insurance business has been affected due to changing climate patterns and an increase in the number and cost of claims associated with severe storms. Water damages now make up more than half of our home insurance claims. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Thus, the Board of Directors, upon recommendation of its Compensation & Governance Committee, and following a comparative review of national, European and industry practices, decided to maintain unchanged, for 2018, the Chief Executive Off icer’s target annual variable compensation, at €1.45 million, i.e. 100% of the amount of his annual fixed compensation. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Bank will also use the scenarios and results from the 2021 BES to assess any vulnerabilities it may face on its own balance sheet. This will build on the work done to analyse the exposure of the Bank's investment portfolios to the risks from climate change, which are set out in Chapter 4. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Dominion Energy is investing in strategic partnerships valued at $700 million to capture methane from hog-farming and dairy operations in seven states. With our partners — Smithfield Foods and Vanguard Renewables, and an alliance with the Dairy Farmers of America — we will process the methane from animal waste, and put it into the pipeline systems serving those states. This process captures methane emissions from waste ponds and reuses that methane in home heating, manufacturing, and more. Renewable natural gas is carbon-beneficial because it captures more emissions from the farms than are released when customers use the gas. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In late 2017, CN committed to purchasing 200 new alternating current traction locomotives over the next three years to accommodate future growth opportunities and drive operational efficiency across the system. CN’s order is the largest among Class I railways since 2014. These high-horsepower engines are equipped with advanced digital technologies to optimize power distribution, train handling, brake control and fuel utilization. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Climate change the physical impacts of climate change on our operations are uncertain and particular to geographic circumstances. in addition, a number of national governments have already introduced or are contemplating the introduction of regulatory responses to greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels to address the impacts of climate change. these physical effects and regulatory responses may adversely impact the productivity and financial performance of our operations. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addition to its efforts to develop sustainable products and services, the Bank has identified opportunities to be greener in its operations. The actions we have taken to improve the energy efficiency of our buildings have enabled us to currently exceed regulatory requirements and meet the expectations of our stakeholders. Over the past 20 years, the Bank has voluntarily adopted various measures to considerably improve the energy efficiency of its buildings. As a member of the Energy Savers Circle of Hydro-Quebec (a public utility that manages the transmission and distribution of electricity in Quebec), the Bank has set up an innovative web-based interface to remotely manage energy use at over 100 of its branches. This system allows the Bank to oversee its facilities and make sure they meet energy efficiency goals, year after year. The Bank also implements the criteria for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification in its buildings and aims for LEED v4 Gold certification for its new head office to be completed in 2023. Among other things, this allows the Bank to reduce its Greenhouse gas emissions despite an increase in activities. Our Greenhouse gas emissions for 2019 have been calculated at 9,732 tonnes of CO2-down 16% compared to 2017. The Bank has renewed its commitment to carbon neutrality by buying carbon credits to offset emissions that can't be eliminated. This year, the Bank has set a target to reduce its Greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2025. This science-based target aims to help limit global warming to 1.5 C, the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addition, the impacts of physical and transition climate risks can lead to second order connected risks, which have the potential to affect the Barclays Bank Group’s retail and wholesale portfolios. The impacts of climate change may increase losses for those sectors sensitive to the effects of physical and transition risks. Any subsequent increase in defaults and rising unemployment could create recessionary pressures, which may lead to wider deterioration in the creditworthiness of the Barclays Bank Group’s clients, higher ECLs, and increased charge-offs and defaults among retail customers. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We have been investing in videoconferencing and remote working capabilities as part of our IT Transformation Programme. Videoconferencing is integrated into our online collaboration platforms, enabling colleagues to join virtual meetings anytime, anywhere. Our teams can run webcasts with up to 500 participants. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. On 24 July 2019, we entered into two new senior debt facilities agreements, a £375 million private placement with infrastructure lenders with maturities between 2024 and 2029, and a £125 million ESG facility agreement that matures in 2022. The ESG facility includes a mechanism that adjusts the margin based on carbon emissions against an annual benchmark. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Reputational risk In 2019 and in recent years, there has continued to be a range of material risk events such as service outages and data compromises in the market. These impact the reputation of the financial services industry as a whole and potentially threaten consumer confidence in both the reliability of services and the safety of their data and savings. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Operational risks Operational risks relate to the losses resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or due to external events. These risks normally fall within our low-risk appetite level as there is no strategic benefit from accepting the risk and accepting that it is not in line with our vision and values. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The physical risks identified were all expected to only manifest in the longer term. Physical risks include: reduced ability to complete construction on time in the case of extreme weather events; construction times may similarly be marginally prolonged from chronic changes in weather patterns, such as heavier rainfall and increased humidity; and rising sea levels and heightened risk of flooding may impact the availability of development plots. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. AGL's Risk Management Policy, which has been approved by AGL's Board, mandates that management utilise risk management principles in decision-making, and requires all AGL people to consider their functions and roles and how to manage risks arising from their business decisions and activities. AGL's Statement of Risk Appetite, reviewed annually by the ARMC, sets out AGL's risk appetite in relation to strategic, financial, market and operational risks, as well as AGL's risk tolerance (which in turn identifies activities for which AGL has no appetite). Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Group is exposed to multiple risks relating to the conduct of its general insurance business. The following risks noted below are not meant to represent an exhaustive list, but the risks faced by the Group that have been identified by the RMS process:  strategic risk: the risk of not achieving corporate or strategic goals; Answer:
Not Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. 5.2.11 Conflict minerals: issues further down the chain In line with Philips’ commitment to supply-chain sustainability, we are concerned about the situation in eastern DRC (the Democratic Republic of the Congo), where proceeds from the mining sector are used to finance rebel conflicts in the region. Philips does not directly source minerals from the DRC and the mines are typically seven or more tiers away from our direct suppliers. Philips nevertheless feels obliged to address this issue through the means and influencing mechanisms available to us. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. — Commercial successes In December 2019, Eiffage acquired a portfolio of nine small hydro power plants located in south-western France from a private investor. A vast renovation plan (at a cost of about €25 million) and work to bring them into compliance with standards will give these nine plants an installed capacity of 6 MW. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. - African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics/Latinos combined make up 13.7% of the aircraft pilots and flight engineers in the U.S. - Women make up 3% of aircraft mechanics and service technicians. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We have imposed restrictions on providing loans, advice and insurance to controversial and socially sensitive sectors and activities such as: the energy sector, project finance, arms-related activities, narcotic crops, gambling, fur, palm oil production, mining, deforestation, land acquisition and involuntary resettlement of indigenous populations, tobacco, mining, animal welfare and prostitution. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Since 2008, the Fund has invested in green bonds, as part of the listed fixed- income portfolio, which are expected to contribute positively to the climate transition. Since 2015, green bonds have been a separate asset class in the strategic portfolio. In 2019, the Fund also decided to increase its strategic allocation from 1.0 to 3.0 per cent, which is equivalent to more than SEK 11 billion. AP2 has the last few years also invested in social bonds. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Paired with BlackRock's leadership in financial modeling and the power of Aladdin as a platform, Rhodium's data provides important new risk capabilities for our clients and for the industry.33 Aladdin Climate will power new Aladdin capabilities and add new risk metrics to BlackRock's modeling platform, and we will continue to extend our research across asset classes and geographies over time.34 Risks, opportunities & scenario analysis BlackRock recognizes the importance of effective identification, monitoring, and management of climate- related risks and opportunities across its global business. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Four years ago, we began to significantly increase our exposure to the credit asset class which now stands at $18.3 billion at the end of 2019. We believe that rotating capital away from low-yielding, long-dated government bonds into higher-yielding credit investments provides for a better return on risk in the current low interest rate environment. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Given how essential bonds are to the global economy — as a source of risk management and returns for investors, as a source of capital for companies and governments — the lack of structural innovations to the bond market for many years was surprising. For decades, bond markets largely stayed the same. And in fact, investing in bonds became more difficult following the global financial crisis, as greater regulatory oversight and capital restrictions significantly reduced banks’ balance sheets and as a result, bond inventories. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Projects with potential limited adverse social or environmental impacts that are few in number, generally site specific, largely reversible and readily addressed through mitigation measures. Issues relating to these risks may lead to fines, penalties or legal non-compliance and reputational damage. Examples could include increased use of energy or increased atmospheric emissions. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In 2019, ING joined the United Nations Environment Programme FI Pilot Project on Implementing the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Recommendations for Banks, where ING specialists participated in sector working groups, including the oil & gas group. This experience has given us further qualitative and quantitative insights into the potential impacts of climate risk on our current lending portfolio and future business. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We also invested in solar power generation with a £57 million long-term debt financing agreement to support Hermes Infrastructure, which provides solar photovoltaic systems for over 9,000 residential homes across the UK. This is a great example of how, across the group, we are seeking opportunities to address climate change and required energy transition. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The foregoing list of risk factors is not exhaustive. Additional information about these factors can be found in the Risk Management section of the Bank's 2019 Annual Report. This information may be updated in our quarterly Shareholder Reports. Investors and others who rely on the Bank's forward-looking statements should carefully consider the above factors as well as the uncertainties they represent and the risk they entail. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In technology development, we focus on increasing resource efficiency - aiming to reduce energy and water consumption, emissions, effluents and waste. In 2019, 81% of our R&D projects were related to initiatives targeting sustainability improvements. Our efforts to mitigate the environmental impacts of our products and services are presented in Sustainable technologies and innovations. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Given the significant impact of this period of uncertainty on both Canadian businesses and companies and governments around the world, and the resulting volatility in financial markets, we expect to see significant effects on several of our financial statement line items and on our financial results in 2020. The timing and size of those impacts is not possible to forecast at this time. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We are Australia's largest corporate purchaser of electricity from renewable projects connected to the grid under project specific agreements. While the output from these projects goes into the total grid pool, rather than directly into our facilities, these agreements play a role in providing the investment certainty to enable these projects to proceed. As the grid itself increases its proportion of renewable energy due to agreements with us and others, the power that flows into our facilities from the grid also becomes greener. The projects we have agreements with, including the Murra Warra Wind Farm and the Emerald Solar Park, generate renewable energy equivalent to the energy consumption of 255,000 households. We will continue to build on this work and invest in renewable energy generation. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Identifying, quantifying and managing risk is complex and challenging. Although it is our policy and practice to identify and, where appropriate and practical, actively manage such risks to support objectives in managing capital and future financial security and flexibility, our policies and procedures may not adequately identify, monitor and quantify all risks. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We recognize that there is potentially a lot of uncertainty regarding how to quantify these impacts and that reasonable people can differ in their assessments. As our collective knowledge and understanding of these mechanisms evolve, it is possible that the quantification of these scenarios may also change. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Business Risk Business risk describes the risk we assume due to potential changes in general business conditions, such as our market environment, client behavior and technological progress. This can affect our results if we fail to adjust quickly to these changing conditions. Business risk consists of strategic risk, tax risk and refinancing risk, of which only strategic risk is assessed as material. Answer:
Not Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We meet the financing needs of our customers with a broad and modern product range. The focus of the portfolio is on traditional owner-occupied home financing and the financing of real estate capital investments (residential mortgage loans and investment properties with a total EaD of €61bn). We provide our business customers with credit in the form of individual loans with a volume of €14bn. In addition, we meet our customers’ day-to-day demand for credit with consumer loans (consumer and instalment loans, credit cards to a total of €10bn). Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Completion of the modernization of the power section of EW Gałąźnia Mała with a capacity of 4.25 MW in September 2019. The investment value stood at PLN 4.5 m. The project was aimed at improvement of operation and production efficiency, and increase of the volume of ecologically clean energy produced by the Energa Group. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. MELBOURNE BACKS BTR In June 2019, we entered into an agreement with developer PDG to deliver 490 purpose-built, BTR apartments as part of the $450 million Munro development in Melbourne’s CBD. The Munro development is a key project within the City of Melbourne’s $250 million renewal of the Queen Victoria Market precinct. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Water is an essential input for our industrial activities. Concerns regarding the long-term availability and quality of water, and security of access to water, have increased due to changes to demography and climate. Damage caused by storm surges and strong winds can affect the availability of ports and critical infrastructure required to transport our goods. Changes in temperature can lead to heat stress affecting our workforce and equipment. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. An additional 15 head counts are spread into the Group's business units acting as entry points for Corporate Social Responsibility issues across the Group's 3 pillars of Global Banking and Investor Solutions, French Retail Banking, and International Retail Banking and Financial Services. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. (€165 million equivalent) loan to finance the construction of a high-efficiency combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant near the city of Kirikkale in Turkey. The loan is part of a US$ 1 billion (€823 million equivalent) package arranged by the EBRD that brings together international financial institutions and commercial banks. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Reinvestment in the business In 2019, CN spent approximately $3.9 billion in its capital program, with $1.6 billion invested to maintain the safety and integrity of the network, particularly track infrastructure. CN's capital spending also included $1.2 billion on strategic initiatives to increase capacity, enable growth and improve network resiliency, including line capacity upgrades and information technology initiatives, $0.9 billion on equipment capital expenditures, including the acquisition of 154 new high-horsepower locomotives and 560 new grain hopper cars, and $0.2 billion on implementation of Positive Train Control (PTC), the safety technology system mandated by the U.S. Congress. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Audit Committee Charter states that the committee will 'discuss policies and procedures with respect to risk assessment and risk management, the company's major risk exposures, and the steps management has taken to monitor and mitigate such exposures.' The Vice President and General Auditor, Corporate Auditing, whose appointment and performance is reviewed and evaluated by the Audit Committee, is responsible for leading the formal risk assessment and management process within the company. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We emitted 13.4 million tonnes CO2 of Scope 2 (indirect emissions), being emissions arising from our consumption of purchased electricity, steam or heat. Our Scope 3 emissions include emissions from a broad range of sources, including shipping and land transportation. More details on our Scope 3 emissions will be available in our 2014 Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Examples of parameters that could impact Equinor’s operations include increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, rising sea level, changes in sea currents and restrained water availability. There is also uncertainty regarding the magnitude and time horizon for the occurrence of physical impacts of climate change, which increases uncertainty regarding their potential impact on Equinor. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In the case of substantial risks at sector level in the field of corporate and project financing, the reporting chain is as follows: Similar mechanisms exist for banking risks, country risks, market price risks and operational risks. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. MELBOURNE BACKS BTR In June 2019, we entered into an agreement with developer PDG to deliver 490 purpose-built, BTR apartments as part of the $450 million Munro development in Melbourne’s CBD. The Munro development is a key project within the City of Melbourne’s $250 million renewal of the Queen Victoria Market precinct. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We are committed to net zero. At the same time, we cannot see a viable path to a 100 percent reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions based on our current or potential asset mix and technologies. Committing to 100 percent carbon- and methane-free operations, without adequate technology and forceful policy and regulatory prescriptions, would jeopardize our mandate to provide safe, reliable, and affordable energy to our customers. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Should oil and gas prices remain at current levels or continue to decline we expect, in addition to the direct impact on the value of our oil and gas assets, there may be negative impacts on our other investments (including our debt and real estate portfolio) which are difficult to estimate. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Audit Committee Charter states that the committee will 'discuss policies and procedures with respect to risk assessment and risk management, the company's major risk exposures, and the steps management has taken to monitor and mitigate such exposures.' The Vice President and General Auditor, Corporate Auditing, whose appointment and performance is reviewed and evaluated by the Audit Committee, is responsible for leading the formal risk assessment and management process within the company. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Operational risk involves the risk of a positive, negative or potential loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, human behaviour and systems or from external incidents. Business continuity risk, financial reporting risk, model risk and HR risk are within the scope of the Group’s operational risk management. Operational incidents and losses in all (risk) areas are recorded in the Operational Incident Database. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In the 2019 nancial year, the Group announced two portfolio transition commitments: - Supporting current coal-red power generation customers implementing transition pathways aligned with Paris Agreement goals of 45% reduction in emissions by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We do not provide normalised figures for our CO2 emissions nor ratios of CO2 to production, financial results or employee headcount, as we do not believe that reporting a normalised figure meaningfully contributes to an understanding of our performance. The scope and diversity of our products make a single production figure impossible to calculate and our financial results are impacted by commodity prices and foreign exchange rates, which are outside of our control. In addition, due to the nature of the exploration, development and the production cycle, our CO2 emissions do not necessarily correlate to our employee headcount. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Our offerings are designed to meet the specific needs of IFC clients in different industries — with a special focus on infrastructure, manufacturing, agribusiness, services, and financial markets. In FY18, we made $11.6 billion in long-term investments in 366 projects. In addition, we mobilized nearly $11.7 billion to support the private sector in developing countries. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Each presentation includes the following: an overview of the business group, shortand long-term financial performance and goals, an assessment of portfolio growth opportunities, and strategic priorities to drive our Value Model. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. - The investments in our own investment portfolio ($4.4bn; including cash) are mainly concentrated in government bonds and fixed income instruments issued by European financial institutions; see our annual report 2019, pp. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In July 2019, the European Investment Bank (EIB) approved a credit line with a total value of €250m for mBank and its subsidiary mLeasing to support Polish SMEs and mid-caps with climate protection measures focusing on photovoltaic systems. A new coal guideline has been in force at mBank since April 2019, according to which no new coal mines or coal-fired power plants will be financed. In addition, mBank will not establish any new relationships with companies for which the share of electricity generated from coal exceeds 50%. Furthermore, in October 2019 mBank adopted a new lending policy geared to the mining, energy and transport sectors in particular, based on the EU’s climate and energy policy. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Developments in these and other external factors may affect customers’ use of EVs and, therefore, our EV transition goals. These may have a material adverse effect on the market prices of certain vehicle types in certain jurisdictions, which in turn could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Sudden changes in the market can also make it harder for LeasePlan to have the right resources, people and stock in place to meet demand. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The sensitivity analysis does not show a comprehensive picture of all potential scenarios. Further, variables do not tend to move in isolation, nor in a uniform or consistent manner, and the analysis does not show the potentially infinite number of permutations, and resultant impacts, that might arise in reality as a consequence. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Over the past several years, changing weather patterns and climatic conditions, including as a result of climate change, have added to the unpredictability of natural disasters and to the frequency and severity thereof and created additional uncertainty as to future trends and exposures. In particular, the consequences of climate change might significantly impact the insurance and reinsurance industry, including with respect to risk perception, pricing and modelling assumptions, and the need for new insurance products, all of which may create unforeseen risks and costs not currently known to us. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We have defined key sustainability areas in our 5-Year Business Plan in line with the expectations and requirements of stakeholders and based on the importance and affinity of such initiatives with our strategy, as well as on the medium- to long-term impact on our corporate value. Based on this, each in-house company, unit, and group will establish a strategy incorporating sustainability initiatives. Additionally, we have set targets/KPIs based on our key sustainability areas. The key sustainability areas and other items are revised each fiscal year and reflected into our business plan. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Identifying, quantifying and managing risk is complex and challenging. Although it is our policy and practice to identify and, where appropriate and practical, actively manage such risks to support objectives in managing capital and future financial security and flexibility, our policies and procedures may not adequately identify, monitor and quantify all risks. Answer:
Not Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. New Chittoor facility During FY20, our eighth manufacturing facility in Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh was commissioned with Phase I installed capacity of 0.4 million units. The total Phase I investment for setting up the manufacturing facility is around ` 622 crore for a projected 1.8 million units annual capacity. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Assessing our portfolios in relation to the Paris Agreement on climate During 2019 we started implementing measures to fulfil the Collective Commitment on Climate Action. A key action was our participation, along with 16 other banks, in the PACTA (Paris Agreement Capital Transition Assessment)3 pilot led by 2 Investment Initiative (2Dii). This internationally recognised methodology allows banks to compare the alignment of their corporate lending portfolios with 2 C benchmarks. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Governments alone also cannot address the challenges laid out in the SDGs. The U.S. operating budget is the largest in the world at about $4.5 trillion. If all of it were dedicated to the SDGs only —meaning not funding national security, basic research, basic services for the U.S. taxpayers, and not paying the federal debt —we still would fall short of the annual need. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The sensitivity analysis does not show a comprehensive picture of all potential scenarios. Further, variables do not tend to move in isolation, nor in a uniform or consistent manner, and the analysis does not show the potentially infinite number of permutations, and resultant impacts, that might arise in reality as a consequence. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addition, we have been gradually introducing RPA, which uses robots to automate a series of tasks previously performed by employees, resulting in a reduction in work hours of approximately 300,000 hours in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. Going forward, we will continue to promote automation and labor savings in data input operations to improve administrative efficiency. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. However, in France, employees are involved in the Bank's long-term development through profit-sharing and/or incentive schemes. They are linked to the Company's overall performance (financial and non-financial) and regulated by Societe Generale agreements signed with the trade unions every three years. For Societe Generale SA in France, out of the total amount of profit-sharing and incentives paid in 2018 for the financial year 2017, 4% was relating to Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Climate change the physical impacts of climate change on our operations are uncertain and particular to geographic circumstances. in addition, a number of national governments have already introduced or are contemplating the introduction of regulatory responses to greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels to address the impacts of climate change. these physical effects and regulatory responses may adversely impact the productivity and financial performance of our operations. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In the US gas distribution businesses, we are focused on decarbonising our gas networks and the heating sector. We are doing this by reducing emissions related to natural gas through energy efficiency and demand response, continued investment in our leaking pipe replacement programmes and advancement of the future of heat. For example, we included a $90 million future of heat proposal in our April 2019 KEDNY/ KEDLI filing which combined expanded energy efficiency and demand response programmes, renewable natural gas interconnection investments, geothermal investments, and a hydrogen blending study. We plan to include future of heat proposals and continued pipe replacement programmes in our next Niagara Mohawk and Massachusetts gas rate filings. This work aligns with the Rhode Island Heating Sector Transformation, launched by the Governor in July 2019 to identify how the heating sector needs to change to meet the state’s climate objectives. This initiative concluded in April 2020 with recommendations provided to the Governor. Those recommendations included increased energy efficiency, electrification through air and ground source heat pumps, and fuel decarbonisation through renewable natural gas and renewable oil. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Regulatory risk is the risk of failure to meet new or existing regulatory and / or legislative requirements and deadlines, or a failure to embed compliant procedures into processes. It also includes the risk to the Group's capital, liquidity and profitability from the impact of future legislative and regulatory changes. Answer:
Not Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addition, BlackRock's operations are carbon neutral. This achievement includes Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 employee business travel, serviced offices,2 and co-located data center emissions. We have achieved this milestone by employing energy efficiency strategies, achieving our 100% renewable energy goal,3 and offsetting emissions we could not otherwise eliminate.4 Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We recognize that there is potentially a lot of uncertainty regarding how to quantify these impacts and that reasonable people can differ in their assessments. As our collective knowledge and understanding of these mechanisms evolve, it is possible that the quantification of these scenarios may also change. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. National Bank Investments Inc. National Bank Investments Inc. (NBI), a Bank subsidiary, is a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and a member of the Responsible Investment Association (RIA). Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Over the last two years, the CGEN has encouraged the Group to make strong com- mitments when it comes to managing climate-re- lated risks and opportunities, in various ways: re- ducing support for the coal sector, strengthening the Group's climate goals, etc. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. 51 In February 2020, BlackRock made a charitable contribution of its 20% stake in PennyMac Financial Services, Inc. to the BlackRock Foundation, a newly established corporate foundation, and the BlackRock Charitable Fund, a donor- advised fund, which was established in 2013. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Each presentation includes the following: an overview of the business group, shortand long-term financial performance and goals, an assessment of portfolio growth opportunities, and strategic priorities to drive our Value Model. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Business risk is the risk arising from changes in external factors (the macroeconomic environment, regulations, client behaviour, competitive landscape, socio-demographic environment, climate, etc.) that impact the demand for and/or profitability of our products and services. Strategic risk is the risk caused by not taking a strategic decision, by taking a strategic decision that does not have the intended effect or by not adequately implementing strategic decisions. quantified under different stress test scenarios and long-term earnings assessments. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Compliance Risk Management Compliance risk (a type of operational risk) is the risk resulting from the failure to comply with laws (legislation, regulations and rules) and regulatory guidance, and the failure to appropriately address associated impacts, including to customers. Compliance risk encompasses violations of applicable internal policies, program requirements, procedures, and standards related to ethical principles applicable to the banking industry. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We anticipate that the potential effects of climate change may impact the decisions and analysis the employees in our Real Estate businesses make with respect to the properties they evaluate or manage on behalf of clients since climate change considerations may impact the relative desirability of locations and the cost of operating and insuring the properties. Future legislation that requires specific performance levels for building operations could make non-compliant buildings more expensive, which could materially affect investments in properties we have made on behalf of clients. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. 4. While Canadian financial regulations are considered to be best in kind, they may pose an obstacle for financial institutions in adapting to the fintech ecosystem. The study found that there is a growing disconnect between regulations and the latest technological advances. Current regulations make it difficult for Financial Firms to undertake the low-level, rapid experimentation required to develop safe, useful fintech products and services. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. These exercises highlight that not enough data are available for a bottom-up approach, assessing the vulnerabilities specific to Group clients and incorporating their response and remediation functions on a forward-looking basis. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Environmental, Social, and Governance Evaluation In April 2019, Ratings launched a comprehensive Environmental, Social, and Governance Evaluation that enables companies to measure their long term preparedness to manage Environmental, Social, and Governance exposure and opportunities. The Environmental, Social, and Governance Evaluation combines quantitative and qualitative analysis and considers both near-term and longer-term Environmental, Social, and Governance risks and risk mitigants for the subject company/entity. Our criteria for evaluating Environmental, Social, and Governance risks will vary by issuer type depending on the issuer's sensitivities; corporate analysis considers risks in the context of the company's business risk profile, financial risk profile, and management and governance assessment; sovereign analysis considers an assessment of institutional quality and governance effectiveness, while U.S. public finance analysis will typically consider Environmental, Social, and Governance factors in the context of management effectiveness and planning. In addition, Ratings has also added Environmental, Social, and Governance sections to its credit ratings reports on corporate entities, increasing transparency into how it incorporates Environmental, Social, and Governance factors. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The inte- rest rate on the loan is tied to two key perfor- mance indicators: (i) achieving a net positive impact on biodiversity in UPM's Finnish forests; (ii) reducing Carbon dioxide emissions generated from pur- chased fuel and electricity 65% by 2030 (com- pared to 2015 levels), in accordance with UPM's commitment to aligning its business with the 1.5 C climate scenario. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. ACTION PLAN 2020-2023 Given the uncertainties relating to the macroeconomic and political outlook and the complexity of the interaction between measures to combat climate change and energy demand, we maintain a prudent financial approach in investment decisions. The four-year investment plan, focused on high-value projects with short pay-back period, provides for investments of around €32 billion in 2023 and is characterized by a high level of flexibility with around 60% of investments uncommitted in 2022-2023. Eni's investment program has been designed to achieve high-returns and resiliency even in a challenging scenario. In particular, the current portfolio of upstream projects in execution has a break-even price of 23 $/bbl (25 $/bbl in the previous plan) and an overall IRR of approximately 25%. These projects remain competitive even in a low carbon scenario. Adopting the IEA SDS scenario, which foresees a huge increase in the costs of emitting CO Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Changes in precipitation patterns and extreme weather conditions such as floods, storms, droughts and fires may impact our plantations and the forests we source wood from and could result in fibre supply chain interruptions and higher fibre costs. Higher temperatures may also increase the vulnerability of forests to pests and disease. Increased severity of extreme weather events may also interrupt our operations. In water-scarce countries, we may see an impact on our production process as a result of limited water availability. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. It is essential that risk assessment and risk-informed decision-making is integrated across all levels of our organization - from the board of directors through oversight of the risk management policy and program to executive leadership through the Risk Management Committee and to business operations. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Sector restrictions For the sector specific restrictions, the following definitions should be applied: i) 'Financing': all lending, underwriting, issuance of debt and equity, trade and working capital finance; ii) 'Directly finance projects' refers to project finance or other lending/ underwriting where the use of proceeds is known to be for a particular project. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Enhancing our responsible screening criteria Negative screening is used by institutional investors to exclude or to limit certain types of investments usually based on a set of defined industry criteria. Responsible investment screening can also include evaluation and identification of companies which are managing their ESG issues poorly, which in turn may coincide with the loss of shareholder value. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. IAG is committed to be the leading airline group in sustainability. This means that environmental considerations are integrated into the business strategy at every level and the Group uses its influence to drive progress across the industry. • IAG Climate Change strategy to meet target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. • British Airways plans to offset UK domestic flight carbon emissions from 2020. • Fleet replacement plan introducing aircraft into the fleet that are up to 40 per cent more carbon efficient. • IAG investment in sustainable aviation fuels of $400 million in the next 20 years, including British Airways’ partnership with Velocys. • Management incentives under development to align to IAG’s new targets. • Partnering with Mosaic Materials to explore carbon capture technology. • Participating in CORSIA, the ICAO global aviation carbon offsetting scheme. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Through these initiatives, Konica Minolta is aiming to achieve the business targets of more than ¥75 billion in operating profit, ¥50 billion in profit attributable to owners of the company, and ROE of 9.5% by fiscal 2019, the final year of the Medium Term Business Plan. Beyond this, we are looking to achieve a medium-term target of more than ¥100 billion in operating profit and more than ¥70 billion in profit attributable to owners of the company by fiscal 2021. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. An additional advantage of these programs is increased pilot diversity, something the industry currently lacks (see 'Case Study: JetBlue Foundation'). Across all of our above mentioned programs, 7% of pilots are women, almost double the national average for airline transport. In Gateway Select, 20% of the pilots in our program are from underrepresented groups, about five times the national average. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The enterprise risks were categorized as an external, operational or strategic risk. External risks emerge from outside the organization, operational risks arise from within the organization, and strategic risks are associated with our strategic initiatives. The identified risks can significantly affect the Association’s finance, relevancy and reputation if mitigations are not in place. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Mizuho Bank (formerly Mizuho Corporate Bank) became the first Asian financial institution to adopt the Equator Principles in 2003. Since our adoption of the Equator Principles in October 2003, Mizuho Bank has remained actively engaged with the Equator Principles Association as a member of the Steering Committee, which consists of 10 international financial institutions. Mizuho Bank has also played a leadership role, serving as Chair of the Steering Committee, the first Asian bank to do so, from 2014 to 2015 and serving currently as regional representative for Asia & Oceania. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. It is also used to identify what are known as emerging risks, in other words risks which could potentially have an adverse impact on the Group’s future performance, although their result and horizontal time frame are uncertain and difficult to predict (for further details see section ‘Emerging risks’ from chapter C. Background and upcoming challenges). Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Climate-related physical risks Changes are expected in the frequency, severity and geographical distribution of extreme weather events such as tropical cyclones and extreme rainfall and associated flooding or heat waves in the event that society fails to limit climate change to well below an increase of two degrees Celsius. Scientific consensus suggests society is likely to experience devastating impacts as a result of these changes. Current climate models, such as the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) model upon which Zurich bases its internal climate scenarios, indicate that physical climate-change risk will begin to rise more materially after the next two decades if left unmitigated. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Member of the Green Bond Principles TD continues to enhance its Green Bond Framework, with the most recent issuance aligned with the 2017 Green Bond Principles, the most up to date at time of issuance. We align with internationally recognized frameworks such as the Green Bond Principles to guard against greenwashing. For TD's green bonds specifically, we also employ third parties for both assurance and second opinions to ensure the validity of our measured impacts and green criteria. TD Bank is a proud member of the Green Bond Principles and an active participant on the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Social Bonds and Green Projects Eligibility working groups for 2019-20. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Offsetting our emissions Australian Ethical offsets emissions by purchasing carbon credits in worthwhile projects. Emissions of 149.5 tCO2-e will be offset during FY15. Total emissions calculated include greenhouse gases emissions from energy and from travel. Projects that our carbon offset credits will assist are ‘Cookstove’ projects in Mali and Cambodia. The projects replace high polluting traditional cookstoves with fuel efficient stoves. Large volumes of wood and charcoal are required for the traditional cookstoves, which contribute to CO2 emissions from burning these fuels, but also increased desertification. The traditional stoves also contribute to indoor air pollution, which is linked to respiratory and eye diseases. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The CFO convened a Scenario Discussion Workshop where members of senior leadership discussed the Company's current state, considered possible future scenarios, identified different risks and opportunities within these scenarios, and discussed the financial implication of these impacts on the Company. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Identifying, quantifying and managing risk is complex and challenging. Although it is our policy and practice to identify and, where appropriate and practical, actively manage such risks to support objectives in managing capital and future financial security and flexibility, our policies and procedures may not adequately identify, monitor and quantify all risks. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Thus, the Board of Directors, upon recommendation of its Compensation & Governance Committee, and following a comparative review of national, European and industry practices, decided to maintain unchanged, for 2020, the Chief Executive Off icer’s target annual variable compensation, at €1.45 million, i.e. 100% of the amount of his annual fixed compensation. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. ING issued a dual tranche five-year EUR 500 million and three-year USD 800 million green bond. This is ING’s first-ever green bond transaction. The money raised will go to projects in six categories eligible under ING’s newly established green bond framework, including renewable energy, green buildings, public transport, waste, water and energy efficiency. We have chosen a broad selection of sectors, which reflects our ambition to support sustainability across all industries and sectors. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In 2019, CAPCO issued a HK$170 million, 25-year New Energy Bond to fund the construction of the West New Territories Landfill energy-from-waste project, which was an inaugural green bond for Scheme of Control-regulated business. This waste-to-energy project allows CAPCO to use landfill gas as energy source, offsetting emissions from some of its coal-fired power generation units and achieving significant environmental benefits. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Plants. This methodology is forward-looking and uses the IEA's 2 C scenario. This has allowed the Group to set target and transition away from coal power generation and extraction. Output from this analysis shows that the credit portfolio in these two sectors is aligned and below a 2 C scenario. - Societe Generale has also tested a credit portfolio alignment methodology developed by the 2 C Investing Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. For NN Group’s own assets, too, we look for investments that have a positive impact on society while still meeting our investment criteria. For instance, we invest in green bonds, and finance infrastructure debt projects in the area of renewable energy and resource efficiency (specifically: solar and windfarms, district heating projects, and water and wastewater treatment facilities). In total, these investments amounted to EUR 821 million at year-end 2019. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In 2020, the EBRD signed a US$ 100 million project to finance Louis Dreyfus Company's (LDC) subsidiaries operating in Bulgaria, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, Tajikistan, Turkey and Ukraine. The transaction will finance working capital needs for the trading activities of LDC's subsidiaries in these countries. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. 5.2.11 Conflict minerals: issues further down the chain In line with Philips’ commitment to supply-chain sustainability, we are concerned about the situation in eastern DRC (the Democratic Republic of the Congo), where proceeds from the mining sector are used to finance rebel conflicts in the region. Philips does not directly source minerals from the DRC and the mines are typically seven or more tiers away from our direct suppliers. Philips nevertheless feels obliged to address this issue through the means and influencing mechanisms available to us. Answer:
Not Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In May 2020, BBVA was the first private financial institution in Europe to issue a COVID-19-related social bond and, two months later, the Bank was the first financial institution to issue contingent convertible perpetual bonds (CoCos) classified as green bonds, for EUR 1 billion. The funds will be used to finance eligible green assets in BBVA's portfolio. The portfolio is diversified into assets from different green sectors: energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transportation, waste management and water management. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Citi is on track to meet our climate-related targets. We will continue to set new goals and report new metrics as the need and opportunity arises to help us manage our climate change risks, opportunities and responsibilities. We will also continue to evaluate how we can create new and better metrics and targets to review and report on our climate- related strategy as it evolves. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. CLIMATE SOLUTIONS change. “When we think about livelihoods at risk from climate change impacts, we know that people living in developing countries, and especially the least-developed countries and small island states, are often most vulnerable and yet have the fewest financial resources to adapt,” says chief climate change expert Nancy Saich. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We have enhanced our Environmental, Social, and Governance heat map to include proxy climate risk metrics. This heat map is available to our analysts and fund managers and updated on a monthly basis. It includes a composite carbon exposure metric based on the carbon-intensity of business activities, the extent of operations in jurisdictions with stringent carbon emissions regulations and the quality of a company’s carbon management. We targeted a £500 million annual investment in low-carbon infrastructure from 2015-2020, and an associated carbon saving target of 100,000 CO2e tonnes annually. In 2017, we signed £527.5 million of new investment into wind, solar, biomass and energy efficiency. Aviva holds over £744 million in green bonds. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Operational risk involves the risk of a positive, negative or potential loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, human behaviour and systems or from external incidents. Business continuity risk, financial reporting risk, model risk and HR risk are within the scope of the Group’s operational risk management. Operational incidents and losses in all (risk) areas are recorded in the Operational Incident Database. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. 64 exclusion lists of companies and countries, drawn up and updated periodically, with the help of an independent expert advisor. These lists include companies involved in controversial weapons and countries with high risk of violating human rights, which are automatically excluded from the list of companies in which BBVA can invest. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. DRAFT 1 d4a Changing regulatory requirements AnnualReport- We take our regulatory obligations seriously and manage non-compliance with regulatory requirements as a risk, with supporting risk appetite statements set by the Board. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. 3.3 Building on Intrinsic Business Model Strengths A pillar of the NorthEdge business is the principle of active partnership and influence to deliver on our core purpose. We enable this through relationship building with our target and existing portfolio company management teams. Then, formally known as 'active ownership', we leverage our nonexecutive Director role on investee company Boards, combined with our informal relationship(s), to steer a focus on value creation. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Fundamental shifts in the industry, like the transition from traditional lighting to LED lighting, may drastically change the business environment. If Philips is unable to recognize these changes in good time, is late in adjusting its business models, or if circumstances arise such as pricing actions by competitors, then this could have a material adverse effect on Philips’ growth ambitions, financial condition and operating result. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In developing our scenario analysis, we used internal data sets and assumptions made in our existing business models. We considered the views of departments across the business to better understand risks and time horizons. We also took the time to consider impacts and dependencies. This helped us to report on the risks and opportunities that are most material to our organization. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. To prepare for more electric vehicles on our roads, we’re testing new business models, working with New York City on curbside charging stations, building fast-charging depots—imagine a “gas” station for electric vehicles—plus supporting school bus and transit electrification. Earlier this year, our regulators approved another $52 million for electric vehicle programs. The efforts are part of a larger strategy to support the shift to electric vehicles and combat climate change. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Sustainability risks HSEC incidents or accidents may adversely affect our people or neighbouring communities, operations and reputation or licence to operate. The potential physical impacts and related responses to climate change may impact the value of our Company, and operations and markets. Given we operate in a challenging global environment straddling multiple jurisdictions, a breach of our governance processes may lead to regulatory penalties and loss of reputation. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Data: Advancements in new technologies and new services, an increasing external threat landscape, and changing regulatory requirements increase the need for the Group to effectively govern, manage, and protect its data (or the data shared with third-party suppliers). Failure to manage data risk effectively can result in unethical decisions, poor customer outcomes, loss of value to the Group and mistrust. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In late 2017, CN committed to purchasing 200 new alternating current traction locomotives over the next three years to accommodate future growth opportunities and drive operational efficiency across the system. CN’s order is the largest among Class I railways since 2014. These high-horsepower engines are equipped with advanced digital technologies to optimize power distribution, train handling, brake control and fuel utilization. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Exposure to Extractives Industries It is important to identify exposure to business activities in extractives industries in order to assess the potential risk of ‘stranded assets’. ‘Stranded assets’ are assets that may suffer from premature write-downs and may even become obsolete due to changes in policy or consumer behaviour. This is a real potential risk for assets in extractives industries as we transition to a lower carbon future. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Operational risks Operational risks relate to the losses resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or due to external events. These risks normally fall within our low-risk appetite level as there is no strategic benefit from accepting the risk, as it will not be in line with our vision and values. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Global climate change could exacerbate certain of the threats facing our business, including the frequency and severity of weather-related events referred to in Performance of critical infrastructure in this section 9. In addition, increases in energy prices are partly influenced by government policies to address climate change which, combined with a growing data demand that increases our energy requirements, could increase our energy costs beyond our current expectations. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. If Philips is unable to ensure effective supply chain management, e.g. facing an interruption of its supply chain, including the inability of third parties to deliver parts, components and services on time, and if it is subject to rising raw material prices, it may be unable to sustain its competitiveness in its markets. Answer:
Not Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. As members of the British Venture Capital Association ('BVCA'), we have held a role on the BVCA's Responsible Investment Advisory Group ('RIAG') since 2017. Our Director, George Potts, was appointed its Chair in 2019. As part of this role, we are engaged in the provision of advice, technical guidance and expertise to the 700+ members of the BVCA - often through consultations on public policy matters, regularly involving climate. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. 51 In February 2020, BlackRock made a charitable contribution of its 20% stake in PennyMac Financial Services, Inc. to the BlackRock Foundation, a newly established corporate foundation, and the BlackRock Charitable Fund, a donor- advised fund, which was established in 2013. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Our new policy measures outlined on page 1 will play a key role in shaping our portfolio over the coming years and help ensure we stay on track to meet our longer term goal. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Fundamental shifts in the industry, like the transition from traditional lighting to LED lighting, may drastically change the business environment. If Philips is unable to recognize these changes in good time, is late in adjusting its business models, or if circumstances arise such as pricing actions by competitors, then this could have a material adverse effect on Philips’ growth ambitions, financial condition and operating result. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Business Risk Business risk describes the risk we assume due to potential changes in general business conditions, such as our market environment, client behavior and technological progress. This can affect our results if we fail to adjust quickly to these changing conditions. Business risk consists of strategic risk, tax risk and refinancing risk, of which only strategic risk is assessed as material. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In general, the Group's strategic risks were stable during the year with competitor capacity being monitored and assessed within the Group. IAG continues to support deregulation, manage its supplier base and explore opportunities for consolidation. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. DEFINITIONS Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or operated facilities. Cenovus accounts for emissions on a gross operatorship basis. This includes fuel combustion, venting, flaring and fugitive emissions. It does not include emissions from the 50% non-operated ownership in the company’s refineries or emissions from non-operated Deep Basin assets. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. For example, in 2019 CN spent $0.9 billion on the acquisition of 154 efficient highhorsepower locomotives, as well as fuel conservation practices, such as locomotive shutdowns in yards, streamlined railcar handling, train pacing, coasting and braking strategies. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Philips’ supply chain is exposed to fluctuations in energy and raw material prices. Commodities such as oil are subject to volatile markets and significant price increases from time to time. If Philips is not able to compensate for, or pass on, its increased costs to customers, such price increases could have an adverse impact on its financial condition and operating results. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Operational risks Operational risks relate to the losses resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or due to external events. These risks normally fall within our low-risk appetite level as there is no strategic benefit from accepting the risk and accepting that it is not in line with our vision and values. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. 64 exclusion lists of companies and countries, drawn up and updated periodically, with the help of an independent expert advisor. These lists include companies involved in controversial weapons and countries with high risk of violating human rights, which are automatically excluded from the list of companies in which BBVA can invest. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The following additional restrictions are in place for clients active in mountaintop removal mining (MTR): Barclays does not directly finance MTR projects or developments; We apply EDD to financing facilities involving clients which practice MTR. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. For separate account clients, we make this data available directly to the client upon request. In addition to supporting our clients in considering climate and other sustainability-related risks to which a given fund may be subject, making this data available to our clients supports our clients' abilities to report Greenhouse gas emissions data for their investments. On pages 39 and 40, we provide an example of the product-level disclosure provided to clients. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Prior to submission to the Board of Directors for final approval, investment decisions are reviewed by the EBRD Investment Committee (OpsCom). OpsCom is chaired by the First Vice President and Head of Client Services Group and includes representatives of all relevant functions involved in the business activity, including Banking, Legal, Risk Management, and the Economics, Policy and Governance team looking after the mandated objectives of the EBRD. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We are committed to net zero. At the same time, we cannot see a viable path to a 100 percent reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions based on our current or potential asset mix and technologies. Committing to 100 percent carbon- and methane-free operations, without adequate technology and forceful policy and regulatory prescriptions, would jeopardize our mandate to provide safe, reliable, and affordable energy to our customers. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addition to participating in international working groups associated with the Principles for Responsible Banking, the Bank participates in the work of the Canadian Bankers Association on the following issues: Scenario analysis Integrating climate-related concepts into risk management Defining a Canadian taxonomy Monitoring key developments and best practices Standardizing of calculation methodologies Peer-to-peer comparison exercises Increasing the Efficiency of Our Operations In addition to its efforts to develop sustainable products and services, the Bank has identified opportunities to be greener in its operations. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The initiative has four working groups; government bonds, listed equities and corpo- rate bonds real estate and strategic asset alloca- tion. Representatives from AP2 participate in the steering group and in the working groups for government bonds and real estate. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Fund is working to identify governance issues in its underlying investment holding companies which could damage its long-term financial interests. The risk analysis is based upon the following potential adverse impacts on a company’s: i) Reputation. ii) Falling short of its peers on social, environmental or ethical trends. iii) Slow in responding to social changes and trends. iv) Falling short of its peers on meeting reporting standards. v) Comparatively weak board structure in terms of make-up, expertise, independence. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We participate in the Carbon Disclosure Project Climate Change programme to disclose our climate strategy and performance to a collaboration of institutional investors. In 2019, our score dropped to B from A- in 2018, mainly due to our score for governance of climate-related issues and being unable to report on our full scope 3 inventory at the time of reporting. While disappointing, we now have measures in place to help to restore our score. These measures include strengthened governance through our new Board-level Sustainability Committee, and the work on scope 3 emissions described on page 40. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. One of our We Mean Business commitments was to set a science-based emissions target independently approved by the Science- Based Target initiative (SBTi), and in 2017, we became the first company in Australia to do so. To date, we remain the only company in the Australian energy sector to have validated and approved science-based targets. Our targets cover not only Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions but also Scope 3 emissions. We have also long supported a net-zero emissions target for the electricity sector by 2050 or earlier. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Risks are assessed at least annually. Please refer to Section 6.1 Our approach to risk management, 6.2 Risk categories and factors, 6.3 Strategic risks, 6.4 Operational risks, 6.5 Compliance risks, and 6.6 Financial risks. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Climate change Climate change is an external risk factor that is part of environmental risk. It is defined as an entity’s vulnerability to the negative effects of climate change, which could lead to financial losses. It includes:  physical risks, namely the risks resulting from damage caused by extreme weather events;  transition risks, namely the risks related to implementation of measures to ensure environmental transition. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Accordingly, we have defined the associated risks and opportunities from a medium- to long-term perspective looking to 2030 and beyond rather than based on the short-term timeframe of the three-year medium-term management plan. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We have a climate change policy and implemented strategies aligned with the TCFD recommendations which describe our commitment with doing our part to limit global temperatures below two degrees, among these strategies are the following: • Financial products within our sustainable business strategy, where we offer products that seek to avoid GHG emissions with projects implemented by our clients. (Energy Efficiency, Cleaner Production, Sustainable Building and Electric Mobility) • Reducing our GHG emissions, where we have established a 2030 target in line with the Science Based Targets iniciative. Said target is aligned with all of our Eco-Efficiency reduction targets associated with energy, water, paper and business travel. • Issue of Green Bonds (Focused on sustainable building, and renewable energy projects for 350.000 million Colombian pesos) where we seek to engage with investors to incorporate climate change in their strategies. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The CFO convened a Scenario Discussion Workshop where members of senior leadership discussed the Company's current state, considered possible future scenarios, identified different risks and opportunities within these scenarios, and discussed the financial implication of these impacts on the Company. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. DRAFT 1 d4a Changing regulatory requirements AnnualReport- We take our regulatory obligations seriously and manage non-compliance with regulatory requirements as a risk, with supporting risk appetite statements set by the Board. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Risk and risk management Operational risk and compliance risk Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from external events including legal risk but excluding strategic and reputation risk. It also includes, among other things, technology risk, model risk and outsourcing risk. Answer:
Not Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate.  For asset management companies belonging to a Group (most of the tested sample), inadequate internal supervision of the services (relating to IT, cybersecurity and business continuity) performed by the parent company was identified. But the technical execution of these services by the Group cannot exempt asset management companies from their responsibilities regarding the definition (in priority) of the main risk areas and management of the relevant controls. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We are Australia's largest corporate purchaser of electricity from renewable projects connected to the grid under project specific agreements. While the output from these projects goes into the total grid pool, rather than directly into our facilities, these agreements play a role in providing the investment certainty to enable these projects to proceed. As the grid itself increases its proportion of renewable energy due to agreements with us and others, the power that flows into our facilities from the grid also becomes greener. The projects we have agreements with, including the Murra Warra Wind Farm and the Emerald Solar Park, generate renewable energy equivalent to the energy consumption of 255,000 households. We will continue to build on this work and invest in renewable energy generation. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. To help increase access to affordable and sustainable homeownership, in April 2019, we announced the $5 billion Bank of America Community Homeownership Commitment™ to benefit LMI homebuyers over the next five years. The initiative will help more than 20,000 individuals and families achieve homeownership through grants that directly assist homebuyers with their down payments and closing costs. At the end of 2019, the program helped over 9,000 new homeowners with $2.3 billion in mortgage lending. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Insights or commitments we have gained from these early customer conversations include: Energy: our engagement in this sector has initially focused on customers with thermal coal operations; however, we are broadening this to include major upstream oil and gas producing customers. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Additional climate variables and related environmental stressors are known to affect production but were assessed more broadly due to data and evidence limitations. These parameters include fire, cyclones, sea level rise, pests and diseases. As a result, our modelling of physical climate risk may understate the potential impact of climate change. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. MELBOURNE BACKS BTR In June 2019, we entered into an agreement with developer PDG to deliver 490 purpose-built, BTR apartments as part of the $450 million Munro development in Melbourne’s CBD. The Munro development is a key project within the City of Melbourne’s $250 million renewal of the Queen Victoria Market precinct. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Among the important risks identified in STEP 1, we recognize rising raw material prices due to a decline in the harvest of agricultural materials and increased costs owing to the introduction of a carbon tax, which have a particularly high impact on our businesses. We therefore evaluated this business impact as follows. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. - - A new loan or a subsequent decision for an existing loan is then approved depending on the extent of the risk ('risk exposure') by the relevant decision-making level (Senior Manager, Vice President, Team Head, Head of Division or Head of Department, Group Credit Risk Committee, entire Executive Board, Board of Supervisory Directors). Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. – Omissions Emissions associated with joint ventures and investments are not included in the emissions disclosure as they fall outside the scope of our operational boundary. We do not have any emissions associated with heat, steam or cooling. We are not aware of any other material sources of omissions from our emissions reporting. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addi- tion, analyses of various trends will be performed periodi- cally in the future in order to revise assessments and disclose information on risks and opportunities related to other areas. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Our ESO RIIO-2 plan proposes new activities that will generate net benefits of around £2 billion for consumers over the five-year RIIO-2 period and spend over its two-year price control (2021–2023) of £514 million. The ambitious ESO plan focuses on how the ESO must evolve to meet the challenges of the changing energy landscape. Supported by a new, bespoke regulatory model designed to drive the right behaviours and outcomes, the ESO will facilitate the transition to a zero-carbon power system. Under RIIO-2, the ESO will lower average annual consumer bills by around £3. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. An event occurred on 3 July 2019, which resulted in an official caution being issued to AGLM on 21 April 2020. The event, which occurred at the Bayswater Power Station, involved oil leaking into the power station cooling water system. The official caution was issued for an alleged failure to comply with a licence condition that required plant and equipment to be maintained and operated in a proper and efficient condition and manner, respectively. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We also invested in solar power generation with a £57 million long-term debt financing agreement to support Hermes Infrastructure, which provides solar photovoltaic systems for over 9,000 residential homes across the UK. This is a great example of how, across the group, we are seeking opportunities to address climate change and required energy transition. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. To advance Science for Community, we unveiled an additional 2025 Sustainability Goal. Through the expansion of 3M Impact, our skills-based employee volunteer program, we committed to 300,000 work hours of service across the globe. We formed a new partnership with the international non-governmental organization Clean Air Asia, which will leverage 3M’s expertise to improve air quality and the lives of people in New Delhi and Metro Manila. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. At the beginning of 2019, VINCI Airports signed a memorandum of understanding with the Portuguese government to extend Lisbon’s airport capacity. It provides for upgrading the existing Humberto Delgado Airport and building a new civil airport on the Montijo Air base opposite the city at the eastern end of the Tagus estuary. VINCI Airports will invest €1.15 billion over the next 10 years in this two-pronged project. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. This long-term perspective is reflected in the choice of strategic portfolio, which includes both the long-term distribution of capital over various broad asset classes as well as strategies that determine the distribution within each asset class of individual securities. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. It is essential that risk assessment and risk-informed decision-making is integrated across all levels of our organization - from the board of directors through oversight of the risk management policy and program to executive leadership through the Risk Management Committee and to business operations. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Concerns regarding global climate change may result in more international, regional and/or federal requirements to reduce or mitigate global warming and these regulations could mandate even more restrictive standards than the voluntary commitments that we have made or require such changes on a more accelerated timeframe. There continues to be a lack of consistent climate legislation, which creates economic and regulatory uncertainty. Such regulatory uncertainty extends to future incentives for energy efficient buildings and vehicles and costs of compliance, which may impact the demand for our products, obsolescence of our products and our results of operations. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Initiatives to mitigate or respond to adverse impacts of climate change may impact market and asset prices, economic activity, and customer behaviour, particularly in geographic locations and industry sectors adversely affected by these changes. Failure to effectively manage these transition risks could adversely affect our business, prospects, reputation, financial performance or financial condition. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In general, the Group's strategic risks were stable during the year with competitor capacity being monitored and assessed within the Group. IAG continues to support deregulation, manage its supplier base and explore opportunities for consolidation. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In late 2017, CN committed to purchasing 200 new alternating current traction locomotives over the next three years to accommodate future growth opportunities and drive operational efficiency across the system. CN’s order is the largest among Class I railways since 2014. These high-horsepower engines are equipped with advanced digital technologies to optimize power distribution, train handling, brake control and fuel utilization. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The foregoing list of risk factors is not exhaustive. Additional information about these factors can be found in the Risk Management section of the Bank's 2019 Annual Report. This information may be updated in our quarterly Shareholder Reports. Investors and others who rely on the Bank's forward-looking statements should carefully consider the above factors as well as the uncertainties they represent and the risk they entail. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addition, we have been gradually introducing RPA, which uses robots to automate a series of tasks previously performed by employees, resulting in a reduction in work hours of approximately 300,000 hours in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. Going forward, we will continue to promote automation and labor savings in data input operations to improve administrative efficiency. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Loan Business In line with the Group Credit Policy adopted based on the Board of Directors resolution, 'Our Fundamental Stance of Loan Business' clarifies the Group's intention to maintain a dialogue with customers who have not yet fully committed to addressing social and environmental issues with the purpose of encouraging their involvement. In addition, it explains the Group policy of abstaining from extending new loans to projects deemed to be exerting a major negative impact on the environment. Specifically, the Group will no longer finance projects associated with coal-fired thermal power generation, except when it finds compelling reasons for financing such projects, such as to realize economic restoration following a disaster. The Group is engaged in the screening and selection of candidate projects accordingly. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Failure to comply with environmental regulations may result in the imposition of fines, penalties and environmental protection orders. The costs of complying with environmental regulations in the future may have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. Non-compliance with environmental regulations could have an adverse impact on Cenovus’s reputation. There is also a risk that Cenovus could face litigation initiated by third parties relating to climate change or other environmental regulations. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. $500 million 30-year bonds were priced with a coupon interest rate of 4.25 percent. The net proceeds from the issuance were used to finance or re-finance eligible projects as defined under OPG’s Green Bond Framework, namely, the November 2018 acquisition of Eagle Creek. OPG’s Green Bond Framework encompasses projects that offer tangible environmental benefits. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We want to contribute to the transition to a circular economy. The linear economy is not sustainable. We discard a great deal (waste and therefore raw materials, experience, social capital and knowledge) and are squandering value as a result. This is not tenable from an economic and ecological perspective. As investor we can ‘direct’ companies and with our network, our scale and our influence we can help the movement towards a circular future (creating a sustainable society) further along. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Fluctuations in weather and other environmental conditions, including temperature and precipitation levels, may affect consumer demand for electricity. In addition, the potential physical effects of climate change, such as increased frequency and severity of storms, floods and other climatic events, could disrupt NRG's operations and supply chain, and cause them to incur significant costs in preparing for or responding to these effects. These or other meteorological changes could lead to increased operating costs, capital expenses or power purchase costs. NRG's commercial and residential customers may also experience the potential physical impacts of climate change and may incur significant costs in preparing for or responding to these efforts, including increasing the mix and resiliency of their energy solutions and supply. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Aiming to facilitate the creation of a sustainable society and realization of SDGs via its financial services, MUFG has committed to extending a total of ¥20 trillion for sustainable finance over a period spanning from fiscal 2019 to fiscal 2030 (of this, ¥8 trillion will be used for environmental finance). Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. 4.3.4 Methods of stakeholder engagement are flexible and can be tailored according to different objectives. They may include surveys, meetings, written communication or any other channels, depending on the types of stakeholders. Given the areas of concerns and expectations may change over time, engagement should be an iterative process. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. EMISSIONS AND OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES The Panel recognizes that CEMEX has exposure to the risk of increased costs linked to carbon regulations, based on its focus on cement production, which is clearly highly carbon-intensive. Adding to this risk, the Panel asserts that ca. 80% of the company’s assets are located in locations with existing or impending carbon regulations. This reality elevates CEMEX’s overall level of risk in this area relative to peers. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Managing our emissions We emit greenhouse gases both directly and indirectly. Our direct (scope one) emissions primarily come from our industrial businesses, including the use of natural gas, refrigerants, diesel and fugitive emissions from coal mining. Our main source of indirect (scope two) emissions is electricity used by our operations. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. AGL's Risk Management Policy, which has been approved by AGL's Board, mandates that management utilise risk management principles in decision-making, and requires all AGL people to consider their functions and roles and how to manage risks arising from their business decisions and activities. AGL's Statement of Risk Appetite, reviewed annually by the ARMC, sets out AGL's risk appetite in relation to strategic, financial, market and operational risks, as well as AGL's risk tolerance (which in turn identifies activities for which AGL has no appetite). Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addition, our businesses and the markets in which we operate are continuously evolving. We may fail to fully understand the implications of changes in our businesses or the financial markets or fail to adequately or timely enhance our risk framework to address those changes. If our risk framework is ineffective because it fails to keep pace with changes in the financial markets, regulatory requirements, our businesses, our counterparties, clients or service providers or for other reasons, we could incur losses, suffer reputational damage or find ourselves out of compliance with applicable regulatory or contractual mandates or expectations. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Risk committees Effective risk management requires company-wide risk governance. ING's risk and control structure is based on the 'three lines of defence' governance model, whereby each line has a specific role and defined responsibilities and the execution and control of tasks are separated. At the same time, the three lines have to work closely together to identify, assess and mitigate risks. This governance framework is designed to manage risk in line with ING's overall risk appetite as approved by the Management Board Banking, Executive Board and Supervisory Board. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Group and its customers are exposed to climate related events, including climate change. These events include severe storms, drought, fires, cyclones, hurricanes, floods and rising sea levels. The Group and its customers may also be exposed to other events such as geological events (including volcanic seismic activity or tsunamis), plant and animal diseases or a pandemic. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Group is focusing its efforts on not only improving the percentage and quality of client coverage, but also gaining a better understanding of projected trends in each sector. The results of these efforts will serve to develop sector strategies and measure their impacts on the alignment of the loan book with the Paris Agreement goals. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate.  For asset management companies belonging to a Group (most of the tested sample), inadequate internal supervision of the services (relating to IT, cybersecurity and business continuity) performed by the parent company was identified. But the technical execution of these services by the Group cannot exempt asset management companies from their responsibilities regarding the definition (in priority) of the main risk areas and management of the relevant controls. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Building on our history of energy efficiency improvements, we substantially increased our commitment to renewable energy in 2020, committing to 100% renewable electricity for US operations which accounts for over half of our global electrical load. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. It includes the risk that the Group fails to develop or to execute successful strategies to deliver acceptable returns in the context of the economic, competitive, regulatory / legal and interest rate environments that arise. It also includes non-financial risks such as people risks and risks relating to climate change. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Through these initiatives, Konica Minolta is aiming to achieve the business targets of more than ¥75 billion in operating profit, ¥50 billion in profit attributable to owners of the company, and ROE of 9.5% by fiscal 2019, the final year of the Medium Term Business Plan. Beyond this, we are looking to achieve a medium-term target of more than ¥100 billion in operating profit and more than ¥70 billion in profit attributable to owners of the company by fiscal 2021. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. United Nations Environment Programme FI LENDING PILOT CASE STUDY: TD and Bloomberg Testing Geospatial Mapping for Physical Risk Assessment1 TD collaborated with Bloomberg and Acclimatise to use an innovative geospatial solution for assessing physical risks of climate change (from both incremental changes and extreme weather events) to borrower credit ratings within the bank's lending portfolio. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We define short term as up to a year aligned with budget; medium term as 3-4 years aligned with budget planning; long term as 5-7 years aligned with strategic planning; and, for ad hoc analysis, we define longer term as beyond 7 years. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Validation We established a common understanding between Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) and all regions at the global meetings also based on the analyses conducted by overseas affiliates. We also engaged in dialogue with international organizations to validate the issues identified from perspectives outside of the company. The matrix was confirmed by relevant executives. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Climate change is a challenge faced by the entire P&C insurance industry. In particular, our home insurance business has been affected due to changing climate patterns and an increase in the number and cost of claims associated with severe storms. Water damages now make up more than half of our home insurance claims. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In the US gas distribution businesses, we are focused on decarbonising our gas networks and the heating sector. We are doing this by reducing emissions related to natural gas through energy efficiency and demand response, continued investment in our leaking pipe replacement programmes and advancement of the future of heat. For example, we included a $90 million future of heat proposal in our April 2019 KEDNY/ KEDLI filing which combined expanded energy efficiency and demand response programmes, renewable natural gas interconnection investments, geothermal investments, and a hydrogen blending study. We plan to include future of heat proposals and continued pipe replacement programmes in our next Niagara Mohawk and Massachusetts gas rate filings. This work aligns with the Rhode Island Heating Sector Transformation, launched by the Governor in July 2019 to identify how the heating sector needs to change to meet the state’s climate objectives. This initiative concluded in April 2020 with recommendations provided to the Governor. Those recommendations included increased energy efficiency, electrification through air and ground source heat pumps, and fuel decarbonisation through renewable natural gas and renewable oil. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We have devoted significant resources to develop our risk management capabilities and expect to continue to do so in the future. Nonetheless, our risk management strategies, models and processes, including our use of various risk models for assessing market exposures and hedging strategies, stress testing and other analysis, may not be fully effective in mitigating our risk exposure in all market environments or against all types of risk, including risks that are unidentified or unanticipated. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The initiative has four working groups; government bonds, listed equities and corpo- rate bonds real estate and strategic asset alloca- tion. Representatives from AP2 participate in the steering group and in the working groups for government bonds and real estate. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We ensure that all airport operations, flight, and inflight crewmembers are equipped with the knowledge to identify and respond to potential cases of human trafficking through their initial training and subsequent annual recurrent training. In addition, all crewmembers can take an online human trafficking course. Crewmembers are taught what human trafficking is, who the victims typically are, what signs to look for, and how to report information of suspected human trafficking. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The EBRD is financing the delivery of energy supplies from Azerbaijan to Europe along the Southern Gas Corridor with a US$ 500 million (€417 million equivalent) loan that will help fund completion of the Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline. Bank engagement in the project will ensure that it meets the highest environmental standards. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Zurich could be exposed to transition risks if it fails to manage changing market conditions and customer needs as part of the transition to a low-carbon economy, resulting in asset impairment, opportunity cost and lost market share. In a transition scenario, industries unable to de-carbonize could experience declining profitability and lack of re-financing, which could lead to a lack of maintenance with increasing rates of outages and equipment break-downs that translate into higher insurance losses. Failure to manage transition risk could also lead to reputational impacts, both internal and external, resulting from a failure to deliver on publicly stated commitments. Although not considered material in the near-term, the increasing frequency of climate-related legal action suggests climate-related litigation could represent a significant potential risk in the long term. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. That’s why making these assets as strong as they can be will always be the bedrock of growth – as reflected in the investment we have committed to upgrading the Bayswater and Loy Yang A power stations (without increasing carbon emissions) and the $420 million we have invested in the past three years in customer experience and other digital transformation programs. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We meet the financing needs of our customers with a broad and modern product range. The focus of the portfolio is on traditional owner-occupied home financing and the financing of real estate capital investments (residential mortgage loans and investment properties with a total EaD of €61bn). We provide our business customers with credit in the form of individual loans with a volume of €14bn. In addition, we meet our customers’ day-to-day demand for credit with consumer loans (consumer and instalment loans, credit cards to a total of €10bn). Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Sustainability: The Group is subject to stringent and evolving laws, regulations, standards and best practices in the area of sustainability (comprising corporate governance, environmental management and climate change (specifically capping of emissions), health and safety management and social performance) which may give rise to increased ongoing remediation and/or other compliance costs and may adversely affect the Group’s business, results of operations, financial condition and/or prospects. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Group Compliance SU (CPLE) is responsible for the definition and consistency of the compliance risk prevention and control framework, and for coordinating the framework aimed at preventing, identifying, assessing and controlling reputational risk across the entire Group. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In development, too, we must harmonise the desire to create jobs and growth with a serious approach to climate investment. After all, our EU climate action will not stop global warming by itself, because 90% of emissions are generated outside the European Union. If the growing demand for energy in Africa, for example, is addressed through coal- and gas-fired power plants, our climate ambitions will literally go up in smoke. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Climate change potentially has multiple effects that could harm the Group’s operations. The increasing scarcity of water resources may negatively affect the Group’s operations in some regions of the world, high sea levels may harm certain coastal activities, and the multiplication of extreme weather events may damage offshore and onshore facilities. These climate risk factors are continually assessed in the risk management and prevention plans. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. IAG is exposed to multiple risks relating to its businesses and pursuit of its strategic objectives. The risks noted below are not exhaustive, but outline the material risks faced by the Group as identified in the RMS:  strategic risk – the risk that internal or external factors compromise our ability to execute our strategic objectives or our strategy; Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Equator Principles (EP) within the scope covered by this initiative. Moreover, Societe Generale has voluntarily expanded the scope of application of the EP to include a range of transactions likely to present E&S challenges, such as equity capital market transactions, debt capital market transactions, mergers and acquisitions, and acquisition financing. Even beyond this scope, any financial transaction entered into by Corporate and Investment Banking involves the identification of any E&S risks relating to the client, other than financial institutions. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In April 2018, the Group successfully completed a refinancing to convert floating to fixed debt and to extend the debt maturity out to November 2025. The Group issued a US$300 million bond with a fixed interest rate of 6.625%, which was swapped back to sterling upon issuance at an effective interest rate of 5%. The proceeds of the new issue were used to repay in full the £200 million floating rate bond issued in 2017 which had a maturity of 2022. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The aggregated estimate for the ve selected segments of the Group's Australian lending portfolio indicates that the Group lends approximately $23,320 to these sectors in Australia for every tonne of Greenhouse gas emissions released to the atmosphere by customers in these industry segments. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Our offerings are designed to meet the specific needs of IFC clients in different industries — with a special focus on infrastructure, manufacturing, agribusiness, services, and financial markets. In FY18, we made $11.6 billion in long-term investments in 366 projects. In addition, we mobilized nearly $11.7 billion to support the private sector in developing countries. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Environmental risk Environmental risk is the risk of loss to financial, operational or reputational value resulting from the impact of environmental issues. It arises from the business activities and operations of both us and our clients. For example, the environmental issues associated with our clients’ purchase and sale of contaminated property or development of large-scale projects may give rise to credit, regulatory and reputation risk. Operational and legal risks may arise from environmental issues at our branches, offices or data processing centres. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The EBRD provided a total of €98 million to finance windfarm projects in Poland and invested 14 billion tenge (€63 million equivalent) in a wind farm in Kazakhstan, considered a highly promising country for renewable energy development. The Bank signed wind and solar energy projects in Romania and financed the construction of a new hydropower plant in Georgia that will be one of the country’s few privately owned, greenfield hydropower plants. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Initial insights The majority of the residential properties in our portfolio have a very low probability of experiencing damage from flooding or drought in the next 30 years. A relatively small number of properties, however, have a high probability of experiencing damage from flooding or drought in that period. Therefore, the impact on an individual household may be significant, even more so if the quality of the property is already low or the household’s response capacity is low (e.g. insufficient wealth or mortgage headroom). Nevertheless this initial analysis does not suggest a significant impact at either a portfolio or bank level. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Under the Strategic Plan 2018-2022, the company continues to optimise the businesses through additional efciency measures, with the commitment to cut annual operating expenses by Euros 500 million in 2022. These efciencies are focused on an analysis of the company's non-core activities and on the assignment of operational functions within each of the business units, all supported by the ongoing digitalisation processes. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Risks to the Group’s reputation Risks include acts or omissions by the Group or any of its employees that could damage the Group’s reputation or lead to a loss of trust among its stakeholders. Every risk type has potential consequences for Zurich’s reputation. Effectively managing each risk type supports preventing adverse reputation outcomes. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. This broad, detailed study found BNP Pari- bas' business model to be resilient to these risks, with respect to: o its businesses, and the sector and geographic classifications of its portfolios; o the measures taken to mitigate these risks. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Risk and risk management Operational risk and compliance risk Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from external events including legal risk but excluding strategic and reputation risk. It also includes, among other things, technology risk, model risk and outsourcing risk. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In an effort to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions produced by our company, we are promoting investments in energy-efficiency, operational improvements, and energy-saving activities undertaken by all our employees. In FY 2018, we made energy-efficiency related investments of approximately 300 million yen (based on our company's Environmental Accounting Guideline). With this, we improved productivity by updating and automating production equipment and realized greater efficiency by updating major equipment such as lights, pumps, air conditioning and transformers. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Ping An owns multiple working premises and properties in China, and the majority of resource consumption comes from the use of electricity, water, and paper in daily operations. Thus, the effective implementation of green office program and promotion of energy conservation and emission reduction at these workplaces and properties are emphasized in Ping An's sustainability transformation. Ping An constantly promotes innovative measures in business operations. It ensures that its operations would not result in direct damage to the environment by means of energy-saving renovations and behavioral change. In addition, it realizes energy and carbon reduction through directly curbing emissions (e.g. Ping An's smart office) and indirect offset. Ping An is committed to adhering to relevant laws and regulations in operations and services, as well as advocating green operation to minimize the direct impacts towards the environment. This includes: Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We recognise that global warming is an existential threat to humanity and one that we collectively can take steps to address. However, this is not a simple issue and we wish to take action that both meets our legislative requirements and is effective. We note that carbon dioxide produced from coal is not the only, or even the most potent, source of greenhouse gas emissions. Any company that sources energy from coal fired (or gas fired for that matter) energy generation is to some extent complicit in and contributing to the problem. This also extends to governments that do not regulate or factor in the costs from the damage that greenhouse gas emissions cause. As such, the list of contributors to the problem extends to almost the full range of our potential investment universe. Further, shutting down all coal supplies to coal fired power plants overnight would cause blackouts in many countries around the world and severely affect energy infrastructure. Electric grid systems that can only manage with a high percentage of base load power are another contributing factor. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Economic and financial results in the four-year plan: the adjusted operating profit expected at €0.9 billion in 2021; cumulated free cash flow at €2.1 billion in 2018-2021. ● Reducing refining break-even margin at approximately 3 $/barrel by the end of 2018. ● Completion of the Gela conversion in biorefinery and the development of the second phase of the Venice biorefinery. ● Strengthening of marketing activities in countries of presence. ● Focus on digitalization to optimize operations and enhance efficiencies. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. For example, in 2019 CN spent $0.9 billion on the acquisition of 154 efficient highhorsepower locomotives, as well as fuel conservation practices, such as locomotive shutdowns in yards, streamlined railcar handling, train pacing, coasting and braking strategies. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. As stockholders, we encourage transparency and accountability in the use of corporate funds to influence legislation and regulation. Nucor does not disclose its trade association memberships, or its payments used for lobbying. Nucor also does not disclose its membership in or payments to tax-exempt organizations that write and endorse model legislation, such as the Heartland Institute, a proponent of climate-change denial, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a proponent of numerous controversial pieces of model legislation. We are concerned that Nucor’s lack of trade association and ALEC disclosure presents reputational risks. Over 100 companies have publicly left ALEC, including 3M, Deere, Emerson Electric and International Paper. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. - The investments in our own investment portfolio ($4.4bn; including cash) are mainly concentrated in government bonds and fixed income instruments issued by European financial institutions; see our annual report 2019, pp. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Business Risk Business risk describes the risk we assume due to potential changes in general business conditions, such as our market environment, client behavior and technological progress. This can affect our results if we fail to adjust quickly to these changing conditions. Business risk consists of strategic risk, tax risk and refinancing risk, of which only strategic risk is assessed as material. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The impact of climate change may over time affect the operations of the Group and the markets in which the Group operates. This could include physical risks such as acute and chronic changes in weather and/or transitional risks such as technological development, policy and regulatory change, and market and economic responses. Efforts to address climate change through laws and regulations, for example by requiring reductions in emissions of GHGs such as CO2, can create economic risks and uncertainties for the Group’s businesses. Such risks could include the cost of purchasing allowances or credits to meet GHG emissions caps, the cost of installing equipment to reduce emissions to comply with GHG limits or required technological standards, decreased profits or losses arising from decreased demand for the Group’s goods and higher production costs resulting directly or indirectly from the imposition of legislative or regulatory controls. Manifestation of these increased costs may increase the underlying cost of production of the Group’s products which may adversely impact the financial performance of the Group. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. 2020 in solutions for four social issues, namely . climate change, water shortage, food security and healthcare. These targeted investments - which we call ‘investments in solutions’ - not only contribute financially to the returns for our clients, but also create social added value. At the end of 2019, a total of 18.3 billion euros had been invested in solutions for these themes. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Except as required by law, the Bank does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, by it or on its behalf. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Dominion East Ohio Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Program In 2008, our local natural gas distribution company serving 1.2 million customer accounts in Ohio began replacing bare steel, cast iron, wrought iron and copper pipe. Over the next 20 years, we plan to spend at least $160 million annually—also recovered in customer rates—to both replace aging pipes and reduce methane emissions into the air. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. An inclusive culture at 3M is built on our Be Respectful Principles - to respect the dignity and worth of individuals; encourage the initiative of each employee; challenge individual capabilities; and provide equal opportunity. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. 1.4.2 Health, safety and security of employees and subcontractors Health and safety Employees of VINCI companies and subcontracting companies are required to work on the increasingly complex projects and operations that the Group carries out. This can threaten their health, safety, hygiene and the quality of their life at work. The health and safety coordinators of the Group’s business lines have identified several types of risk considered as major (see the column “Identifying risks” in the table below). Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. A material portion of this network is still relatively immature and there are risks that may develop over time. For example, it is possible that branches may not be able to sustain the level of revenue or profitability that they currently achieve (or that it is forecasted that they will achieve). Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Sasol promotes effective management and achievement of climate-related targets and objectives through appropriate performance incentives. With the exception of Mining employees below management levels who participate in production bonus plans, short-term incentives are distributed through the single short-term incentive (STI) structure, which applies to all other employees globally. Corporate performance targets are set in relation to the long-term incentive plan and are measured over a period of 3 years. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Assessing our portfolios in relation to the Paris Agreement on climate During 2019 we started implementing measures to fulfil the Collective Commitment on Climate Action. A key action was our participation, along with 16 other banks, in the PACTA (Paris Agreement Capital Transition Assessment)3 pilot led by 2 Investment Initiative (2Dii). This internationally recognised methodology allows banks to compare the alignment of their corporate lending portfolios with 2 C benchmarks. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We have made significant progress towards the goals we set out, including achieving our 100% Environmental, Social, and Governance integration goal for active strategies. For more detail on our progress, see 2020 sustainability actions. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. (2018: €4.6bn, 2017: €4.6bn). mBank in Poland also wants to step up its commitment to environmentally friendly product solutions, with an initial investment of around €118m (PLN 500m) in renewable energy projects at the end of 2018. In July 2019, mBank decided to double this financing pool. To date, around three-quarters of the funds for investments have gone to the wind sector, with the rest supporting the development of solar parks. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Should there be any local special conditions that are not sufficiently addressed by the group or parent strategy, the AI should either raise them with the group or parent for a possible solution or address them locally. In this regard, communication channels should be in place to facilitate the process. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. South West Water has maintained its investment in renewable energy, bringing the total expenditure for K5 to over £4 million. This has included the installation of the company’s largest solar panel array to date at its Exeter headquarters. Along with hydro generation, combined heat and power (CHP) and the wind turbine at Lowermoor Water Treatment Works, South West Water’s 34 solar panel schemes now bring the total capacity for renewable energy generation to over 10MW. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Climate change is a long-term risk associated with high uncertainty regarding timing, scope and severity of potential impacts. Climate risks can be grouped into physical risks and transition risks. Physical risks relate to losses from overall climate changes (i.e. changing weather patterns and sea level rise) and acute climate events (i.e. extreme weather and natural disasters). These physical risks impact property & casualty (P&C) insurance, but also life insurance, for instance through higher than expected mortality rates. Losses can also follow from credit risk and collateral linked to the mortgage portfolio. Aegon is exposed to mortality risk and mortgage underwriting Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The inability to reform mortgage markets has dramatically reduced mortgage availability. In fact, our analysis shows that, conservatively, more than $1 trillion in additional mortgage loans might have been made over a five-year period had we reformed our mortgage system. J.P. Morgan analysis indicates that the cost of not reforming the mortgage markets could be as high as 0.2% of GDP a year. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Protecting our clients' assets: We offer innovative products and services in investment, financing and research. Examples include: - Our Asset Management (AM) business has developed the capability for equity portfolio managers to examine the carbon footprint of their portfolios and comparing the relative carbon footprints of their company holdings to that of the benchmark. Carbon emissions data is also made available to all equity portfolio managers through the Portfolio Optimization Platform, which allows portfolio managers and analysts to download carbon and carbon intensity data on over 6,000 companies. - In 2018, AM followed its successful UK Climate Aware rules-based fund with an Irish based fund that is available for international investors outside of the UK. The port folio is oriented towards companies that are better prepared for a low carbon future while reducing exposure to, rather than excluding, companies with higher carbon risk, in order to pursue strategic engagement with these companies. The strategy involves not only a reduction of the CO Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate.  In a local context, over the short term, changes to events such as hailstorms and bushfires will need to be reflected in technical pricing assumptions. In the medium term, cyclones are expected to extend southward to more populated parts of Australia, potentially adversely impacting assets and infrastructure that were not built to withstand such events. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The ability to enable a fast and effective response to, and recovery from, disruptive events. The effectiveness of this element is determined by the thoroughness of efforts to plan, prepare and exercise in advance of events. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. An important consideration in the assessment of each risk was the relevant timeframe where the risk may be realised. In each case, the relevant scenario was documented and the most likely time horizon was identified. The likelihood and consequence was then assigned based on those parameters. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Group has divested from. Therefore, AXA also restricts insurance coverage for coal and oil sands-related assets (as well as in the other industries mentioned in the previous section), and arctic drilling. Since 2017, the underwriting restrictions ban Property and Construction covers for coal mines, coal plants, oil sands extraction sites or associated pipeline. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. At the beginning of 2019, VINCI Airports signed a memorandum of understanding with the Portuguese government to extend Lisbon’s airport capacity. It provides for upgrading the existing Humberto Delgado Airport and building a new civil airport on the Montijo Air base opposite the city at the eastern end of the Tagus estuary. VINCI Airports will invest €1.15 billion over the next 10 years in this two-pronged project. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The EBRD provided a total of €98 million to finance windfarm projects in Poland and invested 14 billion tenge (€63 million equivalent) in a wind farm in Kazakhstan, considered a highly promising country for renewable energy development. The Bank signed wind and solar energy projects in Romania and financed the construction of a new hydropower plant in Georgia that will be one of the country’s few privately owned, greenfield hydropower plants. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Trustees believe that while these factors are sources of risks to be mitigated where possible, they may also create opportunities. The Trustees have therefore allocated a portion of the DB Fund's assets (a 2.5% commitment) to specifically targeting opportunities created by ESG risk factors including climate change. Examples of these opportunities include companies involved in the generation of renewable energy, and the manufacture of zero-emission electric commuter buses. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Group is exposed to multiple risks relating to the conduct of its general insurance business. The following risks noted below are not meant to represent an exhaustive list, but the risks faced by the Group that have been identified by the RMS process:  strategic risk: the risk of not achieving corporate or strategic goals; Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We define short term as up to a year aligned with budget; medium term as 3-4 years aligned with budget planning; long term as 5-7 years aligned with strategic planning; and, for ad hoc analysis, we define longer term as beyond 7 years. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Thus, the Board of Directors, upon recommendation of its Compensation & Governance Committee, and following a comparative review of national, European and industry practices, decided to maintain unchanged, for 2018, the Chief Executive Off icer’s target annual variable compensation, at €1.45 million, i.e. 100% of the amount of his annual fixed compensation. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Based on these metrics, BNP Paribas set interme- diate targets for itself. The long-term ambition is clear (to align its businesses with the Paris Agree- ment goals), but to achieve that ambition calls for short and medium-term targets in more specific bu- siness lines, allowing the Group to steer its various business operations with greater precision. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Anticipated major impacts on the Group There are risks that the Group becomes unable to continue its business operations due to a disaster that strikes our head office or branch offices and a risk of the increase in costs due to countermeasures and recoveries. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addition, a dedicated team within Group Risk Management analyses Emerging Risks (oft en related to long term Environmental, Social, and Governance issues) via a specifi c framework, tools and local network in order to monitor their materiality and manage their potential impact on the AXA Group in the next 5 to 10 years. Regular reviews and in-depth analyses of emerging risk topics are shared with the Group-wide Emerging Risks community. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We could suffer losses and our business has been and could be adversely affected by the failure to adopt and implement effective risk management We have implemented risk management strategies, policies and internal controls involving processes and procedures intended to identify, monitor and manage risks facing the Group. However, our risk management framework has not always been, or may not in the future prove to be, effective. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. (€165 million equivalent) loan to finance the construction of a high-efficiency combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant near the city of Kirikkale in Turkey. The loan is part of a US$ 1 billion (€823 million equivalent) package arranged by the EBRD that brings together international financial institutions and commercial banks. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Each presentation includes the following: an overview of the business group, shortand long-term financial performance and goals, an assessment of portfolio growth opportunities, and strategic priorities to drive our Value Model. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The strategy involves not only a reduction of the Carbon dioxide footprint of the portfolio but also an innovative approach to aligning the portfolio with the two degree carbon reduction scenario in the future. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. IAG is exposed to multiple risks relating to its businesses and pursuit of its strategic objectives. The risks noted below are not exhaustive, but outline the material risks faced by the Group as identified in the RMS:  strategic risk – the risk that internal or external factors compromise our ability to execute our strategic objectives or our strategy; Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. It is also used to identify what are known as emerging risks, in other words risks which could potentially have an adverse impact on the Group’s future performance, although their result and horizontal time frame are uncertain and difficult to predict (for further details see section ‘Emerging risks’ from chapter C. Background and upcoming challenges). Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We have also signed up to the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) and will be evaluating our balance sheet on an asset class basis to understand our climate resilience to various climate risk scenario's. We have committed to work with our clients to fully understand the climate sensitivity of their business and to support them in implementing carbon reduction strategies. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Group is connected to all parts of the economy through its lending and other banking activities and considers it has an important role to play in financing the low-carbon transition. Therefore, in the 2020 financial year, the Group sought to calculate the Scope 3 emissions associated with key segments of its lending portfolio - residential mortgages, commercial real estate (office and retail), agriculture, power generation and resources (including coal, oil and gas). The objective was to better understand what might be required to align the Group's lending portfolio to the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement and a net zero emissions economy by 2050. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Sustainability risks HSEC incidents or accidents may adversely affect our people or neighbouring communities, operations and reputation or licence to operate. The potential physical impacts and related responses to climate change may impact the value of our Company, and operations and markets. Given we operate in a challenging global environment straddling multiple jurisdictions, a breach of our governance processes may lead to regulatory penalties and loss of reputation. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. - - A new loan or a subsequent decision for an existing loan is then approved depending on the extent of the risk ('risk exposure') by the relevant decision-making level (Senior Manager, Vice President, Team Head, Head of Division or Head of Department, Group Credit Risk Committee, entire Executive Board, Board of Supervisory Directors). Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Romania’s OMV Petrom SA. The project will result in considerable water savings and carbon emission reductions. In Georgia, meanwhile, a US$ 40 million (€33 million equivalent) loan was provided to support the expansion of gas filling stations that offer compressed natural gas (CNG), an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional fuels. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. During 2015, we emitted 23.4 million tonnes of Scope 1 (direct) CO2e emissions mainly from fuel usage. Our Scope 2 (indirect) CO2 emissions, totalled 13.7 million tonnes. Our Scope 3 emissions include emissions from a broad range of sources, including shipping, land transportation by third parties and the use of our energy products. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The COO's Employee Performance Scorecard (EPS) includes improvements in CN's fuel efficiency, in line with the Canadian rail industry medium-term emission intensity reduction target of 6% by 2022 from a 2017 baseline and the company's long-term sciencebased target to reduce Greenhouse gas emission intensity (tCO2 kilometres) by 29% by 2030, based on 2015 levels. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Should there be any local special conditions that are not sufficiently addressed by the group or parent strategy, the AI should either raise them with the group or parent for a possible solution or address them locally. In this regard, communication channels should be in place to facilitate the process. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In addition, our businesses and the markets in which we operate are continuously evolving. We may fail to fully understand the implications of changes in our businesses or the financial markets or fail to adequately or timely enhance our risk framework to address those changes. If our risk framework is ineffective because it fails to keep pace with changes in the financial markets, regulatory requirements, our businesses, our counterparties, clients or service providers or for other reasons, we could incur losses, suffer reputational damage or find ourselves out of compliance with applicable regulatory or contractual mandates or expectations. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Thus, the Board of Directors, upon recommendation of its Compensation & Governance Committee, and following a comparative review of national, European and industry practices, decided to maintain unchanged, for 2018, the Chief Executive Off icer’s target annual variable compensation, at €1.45 million, i.e. 100% of the amount of his annual fixed compensation. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We also anticipate that the potential effects of climate change will increasingly impact our own operations and those of client properties we manage, especially when they are located in coastal cities. For example, in 2018, the impact of natural disasters was significant with a series of devastating wildfires in the U.S. as well as floods in several geographies around the globe. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In Europe, as new legislative initiatives have been brought in, we have sought to maximize the opportunities for digital dissemination. BlackRock produces approximately 50,000 Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities ('UCITS') Key Investor Information Documents a year in multiple languages and we use our website as our primary delivery mechanism. We have also consistently advocated for key information disclosure documents, including UCITS, packaged retail investment, and insurance-based investment products and pan European personal pension products to be designed on a digitally friendly basis rather than on a paper basis.65 Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Group carried out a variety of initiatives with investment clients throughout 2019: - The Group launched 10 Climate indices which raised over $750 million in 2019, and the green funds managed by BNP Paribas Asset Management (primarily invested in alternative energies and energy efficiency) totalled $11.6 billion in AuM at 31 December 2019. - BNP Paribas Cardif, the insurance subsidiary of BNP Paribas, more than doubled its green investments in the general funds of its domestic countries (France, Italy, Luxembourg). Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. We also invested €4.3 million in energy efficiency projects which reduced energy consumption by 300 million MJ. Projects that contributed to this achievement include cooling improvements in eight countries, improvements in lighting efficiency in 12 countries, electrical power optimisation in three countries and heat recovery from ground water in Hungary. Air and steam leakage prevention programmes were also implemented at all 66 of our production sites during the year. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. PROHIBIT COAL GENERATION: There is no denying that coal is on the decline around the world. Even with artificial incentives being set up to extend the lives of coal plants in supply-strapped regions, it is clear that no amount of subsidies or lobbying will slow the global transition. The problem is with the laggards, certain regions that have been too slow in realizing the true cost of coal to their citizens and natural environment, and therefore have dangerously prolonged the decline. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The quantitative investment strategies focus mainly on stock picking based on quality and valuation. It is precisely these strategies, which yield long-term value and are suitable for large portfolios, that tend to perform poorly in a context of highly accommodative central bank monetary policies. In 2019, all major quantitative investment styles performed poorly; stock picking based on valuation and quality and stock picking based on recent price trends both yielded negative returns. This combination is seldom seen. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) has issued a report helping UPM to predict the future physical long-term impacts of climate change on its business in Finland, Uruguay, Southern Germany and Eastern China. The Institute incorporated three alternative emission scenarios in the report. The biggest risks in the company's business are related to more frequent and severe extreme weather conditions such as heavy rainfall, storms and drought. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Given how essential bonds are to the global economy — as a source of risk management and returns for investors, as a source of capital for companies and governments — the lack of structural innovations to the bond market for many years was surprising. For decades, bond markets largely stayed the same. And in fact, investing in bonds became more difficult following the global financial crisis, as greater regulatory oversight and capital restrictions significantly reduced banks’ balance sheets and as a result, bond inventories. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In Jordan, we arranged $207.5 million for a solar-power project — the largest private sector–led solar initiative in the Middle East and North Africa. Of that amount, $116 million was mobilized from other lenders. Under the project, seven solar photovoltaic plants will be built, cutting carbon emissions and providing 102 megawatts of power. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. – Commonly used benchmarks are the current climate or the pre-industrial climate situation. Norway will probably experience increased precipitation, more flooding, more frequent landslips and rising sea level, and these physical changes and the uncertainty associated therewith constitute risk factors. Many of the physical processes happen very slowly, from a human perspective. Even if net global emissions were to be reduced to zero within a short space of time, it may therefore take a very long time for the climate system to arrive at a new equilibrium. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In developing our scenario analysis, we used internal data sets and assumptions made in our existing business models. We considered the views of departments across the business to better understand risks and time horizons. We also took the time to consider impacts and dependencies. This helped us to report on the risks and opportunities that are most material to our organization. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Regulatory risk is the risk of failure to meet new or existing regulatory and / or legislative requirements and deadlines, or a failure to embed compliant procedures into processes. It also includes the risk to the Group's capital, liquidity and profitability from the impact of future legislative and regulatory changes. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. BlackRock offers a range of investment strategies that incorporate environmental or social considerations, and currently manages more than $225 billion in strategies designed to align clients’ portfolios with their social and environmental objectives and values, including recent launches like CRBN, our Low Carbon iShares ETF. And, this year, BlackRock has unified its approach to elevate investing through the launch of BlackRock Impact, a dedicated platform that enables investors to target specific, measurable social or environmental objectives in addition to their financial goals. Answer:
Climate Event
Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In 2019, HSBC participated in the Carbon Disclosure Project (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) working group to develop financial sector disclosure. We also partnered with climate change experts at MIT to produce exploratory transition scenarios. These scenarios were used to raise internal awareness of the different speeds with which transition could occur, the resulting investment requirements, the implications for energy system configuration and the broad macroeconomic costs. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. An additional advantage of these programs is increased pilot diversity, something the industry currently lacks (see 'Case Study: JetBlue Foundation'). Across all of our above mentioned programs, 7% of pilots are women, almost double the national average for airline transport. In Gateway Select, 20% of the pilots in our program are from underrepresented groups, about five times the national average. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. Offsetting our Greenhouse gas emissions In addition to continuously investing in projects that mitigate our impact on climate change, in 2015 we launched the Itau Unibanco's Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Offset Program. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Advisory Scientific Committee (ASC) of the ESRB carried out an analysis of systemic risks that can arise from the transition to a low-carbon economy. Three channels that could affect the financial sector were identified: • sudden changes in energy use, characterized by price shocks that could have a significant macroeconomic impact; • the revaluation of carbon-intensive assets: companies in the oil and gas sectors, which are financed in large part by debt, could sustain considerable decreases in value; • an increase in the physical risks associated with climate change: a rise in the incidence of natural disasters could have a significant impact on the insurance sector. Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. These exercises highlight that not enough data are available for a bottom-up approach, assessing the vulnerabilities specific to Group clients and incorporating their response and remediation functions on a forward-looking basis. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. The Group carried out a variety of initiatives with investment clients throughout 2019: - The Group launched 10 Climate indices which raised over $750 million in 2019, and the green funds managed by BNP Paribas Asset Management (primarily invested in alternative energies and energy efficiency) totalled $11.6 billion in AuM at 31 December 2019. - BNP Paribas Cardif, the insurance subsidiary of BNP Paribas, more than doubled its green investments in the general funds of its domestic countries (France, Italy, Luxembourg). Answer: Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. By their very nature, these forward-looking statements require assumptions to be made and involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific. Assumptions about the performance of the Canadian and U.S. economies in 2020, including in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how that affect the Bank's business are among the main factors considered in setting the Bank's strategic priorities and objectives. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. In this document, section (1) Financing and Investment Transactions Prohibited Regardless of Sector lists projects for which we prohibit any financing or investment. Sections (2) Financing and Investment Transactions which Require Additional Due Diligence Regardless of Sector and (3) Policies on Specific Industrial Sectors describe our practices for determining whether to engage in transactions with clients/projects in subject sectors, accounting for the degree to which the client has taken steps to avoid or mitigate risk and other due diligence as appropriate, based on the characteristics of the services we are providing. Answer: Not Climate Event Question: Label the following sentence based on whether it is related to climate. A key part of our progress to meet our target, was the allocation of £250 million to real assets covering real estate, infrastructure, forestry and agricultural land to Townsend Group. The mandate places a high priority on long term responsible investments that meet our financial targets, with a preference to invest positively in sustainable real assets such as energy efficient buildings, renewable energy projects, public transport, water treatment facilities, eco-friendly farming, and sustainable forestry. A case study on our investment in the Threadneedle Low Carbon Workplace Fund is illustrated below. Answer:
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