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well the little girl waving at somebody . no it she's waving not waving she's just looking at the somebody painting . and he's on oh you want me to tell you all of the ? and he's on oh I know how I know what it is . why can't I say it ? he's on a ladder . and what she sees on there ? and she sees her mother washing possibly her mother washing her table or drying her dishes . and the I don't know . well the man's on the on the ladder . and there's a cookie jar up there . and the little girl is looking up at him and whispering or holding her finger up as if to say don't tell them up tear . well he's up on the ladder and he's going he's cutting a piece off the cookie or not a piece he's taking some of the outof the cookie jar . and well the woman is drying dishes . and the water is the water is well I was gonna say it's spilling or falling out or what ? the water's running . okay good .
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well little boy reaching out for the cookie jar . and the stool he's standing on tilts over . and he's handing some cookies down to the little girl . and the mother's drying dishes and spills water on the floor . and she's looking out the window . that's it .
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well that boy's trying to get some cookies . and the girl's holding her hand up because he has gotten one and she wants it . and his where he's climbing up is falling over . and this girl she's washing dishes . and she has something there for the dinner . and she spilt the the water . and it's all on the floor going . she has a dish cloth in her hand . and the boy he's trying to get the cookies out of the jar for her . but he's gonna fall over by the way the it looks . and she's spilt some water and stepping in it .
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girl is reaching up . the boy is is taking cookies outof the cookie jar . the stool is tilting . mother is washing the dishes . the water's running over . the wind is blowing the curtains . the mother is drying the dishes . the boy is reaching down to I guess his sister . the boy is climbing but he's gonna fall . and the mother's drying the dishes . I think I said that . the water's running and running down . and that's all I see on that .
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action . a lady's drying dishes . the boy is was standing on a stool but the action is that the stool has slipped and he is falling . and the girl has her hand raised reaching for a cookie . and there's alotof action in the sink here . the water is flowing out . she is apparently so distract daydreaming that she can't doesn't realize that the sink is overflowing . any more action ? or is that enough action ?
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tell me . oh by looking at the okay the boy the boy is standing on a chair that is starting to fall over . he's taking cookies outof the cookie cookie jar . the girl is like snickering at what's happening to him in a sense . so she's reaching up to take a cookie from his hand . the woman the mother is drying a dish . and the sink is flooding over overflowing . and there's water coming outof the spigot . and there's well actually happening or well that's that's all that's in a way of movement but there's dishes on the sink .
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I see the a boy stretching out for I don't know whether it's ball a ball or a cake . and it look he was standing on a stool . his little sister was reaching out her hand . and the ladder was beginning to go over . mother was at the dishwasher . and she left the faucet .
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what do I see going on ? just just start to describe it ? the girl wants a cookie . and the boy's trying to get a cookie outof the cookie jar . and the stool's falling over . and the water spigot's turned on . the water's overflowing . and the mother's doing the dishes . and the windows open . and it's spring outside something's growing . the window's open . anything else ? she's drying the dishes . has a dress on . her feet's in the water . the lid's off the cookie jar . and the kid has a hand on one hand in the right hand has getting a cookie and the left hand has one in . he's giving gonna give it to the sister .
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a girl and a boy and a stool . cookies . cookie jar . open closet . curtains . oh the little boy's reaching for the cookies and the stool's falling over . she's laughing I think waiting for a cookie . the mother's drying dishes . the water's spilling over . there's two tea coffee cups, a saucer a plate . let me see . the view from the outside . a tree and some shrubs . the plate she's wiping . tea towel . any more ?
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she's washing dishes . and this one, he's trying to get up in the cupboard, cookie jar . that doesn't make them alike . he's falling off of the stool . and the sink's running over . water . I guess that's it, huh ?
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fellow falling off a stool . also taking cookies from the cupboard . sister standing . outstretched hand . oh, water running outof the sink . woman drying dish . the water got the water . I don't see anything happening outside . do do you want like the window's open that sort of thing ? is that is that no, you don't want that . just action that's it . I didn't see any other action .
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the young the young the young boy he's up on a ladder and with some cookies . and the the the little girl she's reaching up ask some cookies from him . and the this young lady here is I think she's washing dishes . yeah I think she's washing dishes at a at a at a sink . because here's the spigot . and here are cups . and here's the kitchen curtains . and stand up by stand up in the in a window is is is over the is over the sink . there's the sink there's the cups and that be up here would be a plate . that would be the window .
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oh for god's sakes . the lady is wiping dishes . the sink is overflowing . the boy is getting a cookie . he's handing another one to the little girl . the little girl is shushing whatever you call that the boy because evidently they're stealing them . and sneaking them is a better word . and they're you said happening . a verb . it hasta be movement . and just including identifying things ? the lady is standing in a puddle of water . and the faucet is running . and the window is open . and there's a house next door, with curtains at the window, the same kind of curtains as hers . and there's a tree in the next yard . it almost looks like it doesn't have a trunk . it doesn't start in the ground it starts in the air . there's a shrub between the two yards . there are two cups on the counter, one plate . the stool is crooked . she's he's gonna fall over because it and it's a it's a three it's a tripod stool that is falling over, not very steady . the cupboards don't have handles except one door . and the bottom ones do and the ones on the left have a different kind of handle . and can I quit pretty soon ?
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let me see . the boy is getting cookies outof the cookie jar . and the stool is just about to fall over . the little girl is reaching up for a cookie . and the mother is drying dishes . the water is running in to the sink and the sink is running over onto the floor . you want action ? you want all the action there is ? anyhow I think that's all the action there is . and that little girl is laughing . that little girl . did I say the mother was drying dishes ? drying a dish .
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well the sink is running over . she's drying the dishes . they're getting in the cookie jar and they're upsetting the stool . the girl is reaching for a cookie . the lady here's standing right in the water . she seems to be looking out the window at the lawn . that's about it right
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the mother is wiping a dish at the sink . the water is overflowing from the sink . a youngster's about to fall off a stool reaching for a cookie jar . and the little girl is holding up her hand to grab a cookie outof his hand . the window appears to be open but I can't make out any action in the background there . that's all .
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okay the kid on the bench who's got his hand in the cookie jar and he's falling off and his sister wants one . his mother is standing in a puddle of water because she didn't turn off the faucet and she's drying dry a dish . she oughta dry her feet instead . the window is open . well the sink is overflowing . it's obviously summer because the window as I said was open . there's supposedly leaves on the trees . anything else that I'm sposta pick up ? well the kid's gonna fall off . and it . the lid is off the cookie jar . and he's got one in his hand and handing it to his sister . and one and he's sneaking another one . not sneaking . the water is still running in the sink . and splashing on the floor .
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oh boy . wowie the boy's going up on a cookiejar to get cookies and he's falling off the jar and his sister is just wondering about it . will he hit the bottom ? mama has an a sink that's overrunning with with water splashing down onto her shoes . she's in the process of drying dishes . she's looking out an open window at the same time . the cookie jar is open . and the girl has her finger to her lips . well let me see . everything that's going to happen, huh ? looking out the window maybe it I don't know if it's the breeze blowing the curtains because the curtains look a little wee bit over the over the window blind over the window they look a little wee bit puffy . so maybe there's a slight breeze coming in the in the kitchen window . mama's drying the dishes and she forgetting herself and the water is overflowing from the sink down onto the floor splashing into her shoes . alright there are two cups and a plate on the counter to the right of the sink . and the boy well I did tell you the boy is getting ready to fall off of the chair . his sister is reaching up for a cookie, getting it from the cookie jar . so what else ? the the door is open ofcourse to get into the cupboard . doing . . %com PAR talking under his breath, inaudible . three three legged stool . I would venture to say that is it .
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well the wife is letting the sink overflow and slop on the floor . she's wiping a dish . she's apparently looking out the window . the kid that's reaching for the boy that's reaching into the cookie jar is about to fall off his stool . the sister is reaching up for a cookie . she's got her finger pointed sort of at her nose . outside I see nothing that's going on, action . that's it .
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well the boy is reaching k??u some cookies . and they're in a jar in a cupboard . and the stool is breaking down . and the girl is waiting to be handed one of the cookies . he's in the cupboard trying to get a cookies outof the jar and his stool is toppling over . and I don't think she realizes he's falling over, she's reaching for a cookie . and here the dish water the water in the sink is flowing off into the making a puddle on the floor . and the woman is going to step in it or is stepping in it . and what's wrong did you say hm ? and she's trying to dry dishes and the she's got the curtain mixed up with the dish that she's drying I think . and I don't have my glasses on oh ? the water's the water's running outof the sink . and there's something happening in the yard . I can't see it but
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a lady a lady and her children . children . the lady is wash washing dishes . and yeah . the children have cookies . the father isn't coming . father didn't come in yet . and the lady is getting it ready . get it's a water with that . water went down . it's gonna fall over .
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here's a cookie jar . and the lid is off the cookie jar . the boy is about to come down on the floor . and the girl I don't know that much about girls . but anyway the housewife is in the kitchen . and the the sink is overflowing . and the girl may be saying say “hahaha, I told you so” or something like that . and I guess this must be the wife although it might not be because maybe that was an apron and maybe this was the there is this this should be a window . there . the upper one is there . it has a pathway . we don't know where the pathway is going to because we can't see it down below . and looks like there's some flowers in the bushes or something like that . and here are some draperies . well this one in on this side is . I don't see it, the other side, but I suspect it it would be the same thing there . and the I guess I said that the the water was coming down on the floor . and I don't know the here are two cup cup cups for coffee or something like that . and and
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boy's touching a cake . he's girl's reaching his hand up her hand up . and that woman's drying the dishes dishes . the water's falling flowing over the sink . there's cups and a plate on the sink .
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okay I'll start . the mother is drying dishes . and the sink is over flowing . the water is falling onto the floor . the boy is on his stool taking cookies outof a cookie jar . and he has one cookie two cookies one in each hand . the girl is standing, reaching up for a cookie with her finger over her mouth telling him to be quiet . the stool is on one leg . there's drapes on the window . there's a path between the grass and the bushes . and this little picture is a part of the house and part of the tree in the upper window . there are doors on the cabinets in the sink . and it's daylight . there's two cups and a dish on it on the sink . should I describe the two faucets ?
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the little girl is asking for a cookie . little boy is handing her a cookie and taking a cookie and falling off the chair . mother's washing dishes . the water's running . it's falling on the floor . and she's standing in it . the wind is blowing . the curtains are ruffled . the mother's smiling . she must be deaf not to see what's going on behind her too . it's summertime . flower the plants are in bloom outside . that's all I see .
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you mean just detail everything I see ? well I see a little boy standing on a stool . and the stool falling over . he's up in the cupboard grabbing cookies and a little girl standing down there waiting to get some cookies off of him . I guess their mother's standing there doing dishes at the sink and the water's overflowing and running onto the floor . she's wiping a dish off . just staring out the window I guess . this is what I see .
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the boy is slipping off the stool . he's trying to steal cookie . the mother is working at the sink with the water running over . she's the little girl is saying shh . the mother don't hear . did I tell say the sink was running over ? mother's drying the dishes . I don't see anything else .
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well a youngster got up on his stool and he's trying to get into the cookie jar . and the little girl is already waiting for the cookies so she's standing there with her hand out . oh my . and mother is very busy . oy ? she forgot to look at the spigots . they're still open . and the water is pouring from the sink . and she's looking at it like it's what am I gonna do now ? and there's some dishes on the on the countertop . and you can see out into the yard . the curtains are nice . this little boy is on tilt though . that little stool is going to fall . she has her dish in her hand that she's drying . and she looks alittle perplexed what am I gonna do with all this water on the floor ? and there that you can see there's another house next door evidently . looks like a house in the tree back there beyond the house .
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you sure there nobody hiding in back in that come on out . happening ? the water's coming out . and the guy's falling off the lid the kid . the cookie jar . the girl looks like she's laughing at and the woman's washing a dish . then there's some dishes to be washed yet . now what's this over in there ? looks like the grass outside . that's about the chair falling over or the seat . then kid's gonna get a fall . I know that . that's about it .
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it's a sunny day because the window's open . this is the interpreted one . okay then the little boy is reaching up to get a cookie and he's about to fall off the chair . and the water's overflowing in the sinks . and the mother is drying the dishes but she doesn't see the water flowing over the obviously she is just spaced out somewhere because she doesn't know that the boy's getting the cookies and she doesn't know the water's overflowing in the sink and even she's standing in it . the little the little girl has her has her hand finger on her mouth so she's telling the little boy to be quiet and not let mother know that we're getting the cookies outof the cookie jar . and I'd say mother's in some kind of a depression or something . just not with it .
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this is a clause copy copy cl by his yeah uhhuh . a m?nd??u m?d??u m?dn??u . the sun . his k??u . ample rice discharged . charged . flexible . flexible . . my husband and is there somebody else there ? her too her . Lastname yeah . yeah . a lovely girl . a do guess getting older I see I so . oh no . this is oh I can just . End
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okay the mommy is washing the drying the dishes . the boy is taking a cookie from the cookie jar and he's gonna hand it to his little sister . and the bench is toppling over as the kid is standing on . and the water's dripping outof the sink . okay ?
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the woman is washing dishes . she's wearing an apron . water is pouring outof the sink . the boy is taking cookies from the cookie jar . and his sister or young girl is asking for some for her . the lid is off the cookie jar . the cupboard door is open . he is on a three legged stool which is falling which is tilted . there are curtains in the kitchen . there's a tree outside the window . there are shrubs . there's a walk . there are two cups on the sink counter . there's a plate there . and as I said the water is overflowing . it is already on the floor . there are cupboards above the kitchen counter and below . and the window is above the kitchen sink . and the mother has a short sleeve dress on has short hair and is drying the dishes by hand . curtains on the window that you can see outside the window to the other side of the house . you can see the grass . you can see the handles on the cupboards . anything else ?
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yeah, the girl is reaching up for a cookie . the youngster's getting the cookie outof the cupboard . the cookie is in the pan pan . the bench or the stool that he's standing on is falling . the door to the cookie cupboard is open . the lady is washing dishes . she has a dish cloth in her hand . the sink is running over . the spigot is not shut off . there's two handles and neither one is shut off . there's and it's falling on the floor . the there's two cups and a dish on the table on the top cabinettops . there's curtains . there's two windows . at least there's a window with two panes showing, partial the others . and it looks like a scenery outside like a a walk and some bushes and things . and some bushes in front of the some kind of a building . she has on an apron, shoes . and the child the young girl has shoes and stockings on and the boy has stockings on and shoes . and the cabinet has two two three four five doors to it .
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. the woman is drying the dishes and the sink is overflowing . the boy's getting the cookies outof the cookie jar . and the stool's about to tip over . and the girl's telling him to be quiet . it's a warm sunny day because the window is open . and she looks like she's sortof in a in a daze and doesn't quite know what's going on . could be daydreaming or daft, one or the other . is that it ?
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well the mother is drying the dishes . the sink is overflowing . the little girl's reaching for a cookie . and her brother's taking cookies outof the cookie jar . and the stool is going to knock him on the floor . he's going to fall on the floor because the stool's not what with gravity . whatever . the curtains are blowing I think . that's all I can see .
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the water's overflowing outof the sink . and he's falling off the chair . that's it . he's falling off the chair and he's reaching for that dishes or something . and the girl is just looking up . and that's all .
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well this little boy is up on the stool taking cookies handing them down to his sister and she's telling him to be quiet and the stool is tipping over . the mother is washing or drying dishes . the water is running into the sink and running over down onto the floor . the wind must be blowing because the curtains look like they're kitchen door the cabinet door is open . mother's standing in water . that's it .
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I see a little boy on a stool almost falling over, taking cookies outof the cookie jar . and the little girl is putting her finger to her mouth that she's to keep it quiet . the mother is washing dishes . she's drying the dishes and letting the water keep being keep on running in the in the sink . and then water is running over and she is standing in the sink in the water that's running over . there's a window there she's looking at, at the grass and the flowers . and the curtains seem to be shaking from the wind and the air that's blowing in . the dishes that she's through drying are sitting on the sink top . and the little girl's raising her hands for the little boy to hand her a cookie . and he has one cookie in his hand and he's going after another one . he's ready to hand her a cookie . mother is holding a dish cloth that she's drying the dishes with . she has a platter that she's drying . I don't see any other action .
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go go ? mother is washing dishes . the kids are looking for cookies . the little girl's crying because he ain't giving her no cookies . and he gets the cookies down . and the mother's broke a plate . fell down . just on this page ? that's it . she broke broke a plate or something . went down the wrong way down there . just getting the water run over . she let the water run too fast .
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stool is being is falling over . the little girl is criticizing her brother if it's her brother . her brother's getting in the cookie jar . and the stool's gonna fall over with him . the mother's drying dishes . there's water . sink's overflowing . there's dirty dishes on the sink . there's curtains at the window . there's shrubbery, a tree outside . there's oh landscaping . you can see the window to the neighborhood neighbor yard I guess your her house . what else . anything else ? I did say that the water's running in the sink and overflowing and it's getting on the mother's shoe . she's standing in the water . she's drying a dish . she has an apron on . I told you the boy's falling off the off the stool . and the girl's trying to cupboard door is open . the cookie jar is open . he's got a cookie in his hand he's handing to his sister I guess . you want any more things ? tie back curtains . I said some dishes on the counter . the sink's the water's running in the sink it's overflowing . and shows a garden in the neighbor's house . tree growing in the neighbor's yard . they have some shrubbery in their yard . I don't know .
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well the water is running out over the sink and over the this . the little boy is going up into the cookie jar but the he's on the top of the chair that he's gonna fall off since it's tipping over . the water that's on the also on the floor that's coming outof the sink . and let's see here here no I don't think I see the the water in here and that . yeah it goes all the way down into this kitchen floor . here he is the boy who's taking the cookie outof the cookie jar but steps back on the chair or whatever you call this the table not a table to get to the top of the of the of the drawer . that's about all .
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whew . do I hafta use my my my personal description ? or like the cookie jar stealing the cookie out of the cookie jar . the the not stool the triple three stool is he's he's rocking with its I wonder if she's putting her finger to her her lips . and is that she wants one to eat or she's reaching up for it ? huh ? and then spilling the water in the kitchen sink . she's drying the dishes . they got their sink is overflowing . so that would be the that's why it's overflowing because the sink this water's running out of the spigot . she's drying the dishes . and let's see what else am I missing something ? youknow I'm pretty tired . I guess . huh ?
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the little boy girl's reaching up there and she's got her finger to her lips . and the boy's on a stool standing on a stool but its gonna fall pretty soon . he's reaching for cookies . and the mother has their back to them . she doesn't see them but her she hasn't payed any attention to her sink . it's running all over the place . her window is open and there's a nice garden and a garage out back . she's drying some dishes . she has an apron on . her dress is sleeveless . has a pretty nice kitchen like pretty nice curtains on it . and the jar the cookie jar lid is off . she has a couple cups and she has a couple plates but she better mop up that floor . the little girl has socks and shoes on and a short dress and long hair medium long hair . and the boy has his shorts on and a short sleeved sirt so it must be summer . trees are in bloom outside and the flowers out there .
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all the action ? okay it's a boy and a girl and their mom . and well this here one one one they're falling falling down in through here . and then this here when the the water in it should be going down in there but it's going down on the side here . it's going all the way down in there . they're getting something to eat here . cookeiejark . and they're getting something to eat here . and this is a nice place what they what they what they have . but they put that stuff around in there . it looks it looks nice . and then here when they had some stuff in through here . and I like these things in through here too . yeah .
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well ? the tool is the stool stool is falling over . the boy is taking cookies outof the cookie jar . the little girl is reaching for a cookie and holding her arm up . the mother is drying is doing dishes . the water is spilling outof the sink . and the mother's standing in the water . the mother is looking outof the window . the water's coming outof the faucet . that's about all I can get outof that .
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what do mhm do you want them crossed out or just say it out loud ? okay the little boy's climbing the cookie jar . he has the little boy has has cookies a cookie in his hand that he got by climbing the step ladder which is ready to fall . the sister is asking for something to eat . she has started little and wants some more . let's see now . the mother the mother has a small mess in the kitchen lucky it's lucky it's small . the mother is now washing and no yeah she's washing and drying the dishes in the kitchen . her water has spilled over terribly bad . and looks like sister's back to try for some more cookies .
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well the mother's doing the dishes and allowing the sink to run run over . the kids or the boy's in the cookie jar . and the stand that he's standing on is tilting over . and I don't know what the girl is doing . gonna tell on him or do something . and then there's some people out here behind the garage . I don't know what they are doing . do you see them ?
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the little girl's saying don't tell my mother . she's reaching for a cookie . the boy's getting cookies out of the cookie jar . the lid fell off the cookie jar . the stool's ready to fall . it's slanted . the lady's drying dishes . water's running outof the sink . faucets are running . dishes are sitting on the counter . the window's open . water's going on the floor . the lady has her back to the kids . looks like the drapes are blowing in the wind . that's about all there is isn't it ?
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okay mother is drying the dishes but the water is flowing out over the sink onto the floor . it's a pretty day outside . there's lots of flowers . there are three dishes left to wash and dry I guess . she's standing in the water . looks dangerous . the children are getting into the cookie jar . the boy's up there on the stool and it's almost falling over . he's got one cookie in his hand . he's handing it to the little girl and he's getting another one outof the cookie jar in the cupboard . did you say action that's going on ? the little girl is kinda has her hand up to looks like she's telling him either to be quiet or she's laughing . the mother doesn't seem to be paying much attention . she looks like she's looking out the window . the water is splashing onto the floor . that's it .
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now ? well I see the dish that she's washing drying dishes . looks like she's drying them . the little boy's up in there getting cookies . and she's got her hands out for some . she's letting her run sink run over . he's after cookie jar . well that's I told you that though . she's drying dishes . what else do I hafta tell you ? the the the stool is got upset . she has spilled water out of the sink .
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young boy is up at the cookie jar . he has the cookie jar opened . he's reaching for one for himself . he's handing one down to his sister . the three legged stool is coming down with him . they're nicely dressed kids but the boy needs his socks pulled up . that's all I see there . mother I presume it's mother is at the sink . the water is running over outof sink . she's drying a dish . she's looking out the window . there are two cups and a dish, I presume that's a dish, that are already dry I guess and sitting on the side of the sink . nicely groomed . nice curtains pulled back . it's apparently summer outside because the window's open and it looks like shrubs are growing . you can see a window in the other part of the house . I presume that's still their house . and there's a driveway bordered with grass . and there's a tree out there somewhere that you can see part of the trunk and part of the foliage . and I see cabinets around the kitchen, other cabinets . and that's about it .
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they the cookie jar . with the the girl helping him . but that isn't the right thing . but their mother was there spilling water . this wouldn't be the grandmother I guess . it's the children . well I think he's going to fall pretty quick . but she was helping . handing he handed the cookies to his sister I guess . well it the mother was drying her dishes . she better get the water off . well he might fall soon if he doesn't but he's careful . I think so .
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you mean starting from say left to right or whatever ? the brother or the boy is reaching into the cookie jar . and the sister could be laughing or cautioning him . and the stool is tipping over . and old mom is standing in a puddle washing drying dishes . and the sink is overflowing . and the perspective was means the path is coming right in the house . and what else do you want ? well the mom is drying the dishes . she's getting her feet wet . and the sister's reaching for the cookie that's in the brother's hand or the kid's hand . yep .
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there's a cook a a boy's a boy is taking cookies and giving one to the girl imagine . and she wants one . I don't know . the mother's washing dishes . she spilled it . she's washing dishes . and I can I can dance outside to you ? huh ? oh oh he's gonna fall . and and she's laughing at them there . I don't know what else . I don't know .
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lady here she's washing dishes . the lady right here she's washing dishes . this man here he's he's trying to put put put food in that in that crocker jar . and this young lady here she no he he's taking it out of crocker jar . he was taking it out . and he is falling over . he taking it out of this crocker jar . and he's reach trying to reach it to her but he is falling . he's falling now, yeah . let me see . let me see . there's a there's a water spigot there running . there's a hidden water spigot there running . and the curtains curtain . and the shades cups plates door . the closet doors, everything .
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boy taking cookies outof a cookie jar . the stool is falling . the little girl is reaching . water is running out of the faucet . the water is overflowing the sink . woman is washing dishes drying dishes . there's nothing to indicate and I don't see any more action .
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and there's the picture . all the action . okay the the sink's running over . water's on the floor . the the boy's standing on a stool . it's gonna tipple over . the lid's off the cookie jar . that's it .
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the action only ? let's see . there's a boy and a girl . the boy is getting cookies from the jar and he is on a stool . and the stall is tilted over . a catastrophe there I can see . the mother is drying dishes and has the water turned on . and her mind must be elsewhere because the water has overflowed . and I don't see anything happening outside . that's that's just about it I think .
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you're washing the she she's washing the dishes . and his stool is tilting . and he gonna and he jars . cookie jar . and the water's overflowing on the floor . he handing the girl girl the cookies . she's drying the dishes . there's a cup and saucer on the and plate on the counter . hmhunh .
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oh my . you mean how much or just the ones ? there's the sink is overflowing while she's wiping a plate and not looking . the little boy is hungry . he wants to get some cookies . and he's standing on a stool . and it's tipping over . and I don't know whether he's gonna bring the cookie jar with him or what . and the little girl is holding up her hand wanting some . and he's gonna give to him . but I don't know if she has a finger to her mouth but and she knows that he's gonna be tipping over it looks like to me . or maybe she's just not noticing it and making her mouth get ready for this good cookie . I don't know which way it is for the little girl . because she's smiling . I think if she saw him falling over she'd do something to to help him so he wouldn't get hurt . Imean she'd grab it or something . but she's just looking up at him youknow looking up at those good cookies and waiting for them to come to her hand . but this little finger in her mouth is I'm not quite sure what it means . I think it means that it's gonna be good . yeah . and I don't know whether the mother knows this is wet yet . she's thinking something else I think . I don't know what it is . what are what's what are we going to have for lunch ? or or she's got something in her mind because certainly she'd see this if she didn't hear it . End
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well this one's trying to touch her nose with her finger . isn't that what she's doing ? well he's giving her a cookie out of the outof the the stool's falling out under him . she's drying dishes . and the water's running out on the floor from the spigot . he's got a cookie outof the jar I guess . she's drying dishes and the water's running out on the floor . the spigot's on . he's gonna fall . I guess that's it .
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there's a cookie jar . and the boy is toppling off a stool . and the mother is spilling the water . and the what else ? that's about it .
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well in the first place the the mother forgot to turn off the water and the water's running out the sink . and she's standing there . it's falling on the floor . the child is got a stool and reaching up into the cookie jar . and the stool is tipping over . and he's sorta put down the plates . and she's reaching up to get it but I don't see anything wrong with her though . yeah that's it . I can't see anything .
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the water's running over . the mother's drying dishes . the boy is stealing cookies . and the girl is taking one . and the boy is gonna fall off the stool . and the water is running . and the window's open . and the grass is growing . it's all the action . curtain .
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is it action if she has a finger in her nose here ? no . but anyway the boy's taking cookies outof the cookie jar . he's about to fall off of the stool . mother's drying dishes at the sink . oh little girl's reaching up . I don't know if that was one . she's reaching up like this . the curtains are being blown by the wind coming in through the open window . there seems to be water running onto the floor from the sink . is it action when mother's standing in the water ? we're drying the dishes . we've we're already done that . that doesn't seem to be more oh he's handing cookie handing cookie to girl . girl reaching up for cookie . mother's daydreaming or she would stop all this . that's about all there is .
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oh yes quite alot . the kid's trying to get the cookie jar down and he's gonna fall down off the ladder or the stool whatever it is . and she's trying to get it outof his hand . and she's got little socks on . and the mother is drying the dishes and the water's slopping all over the floor . and there is a garden outside it looks like . and there's drapes or not drapes whatever you call them that's over the window . and there's dishes over here . and this looks like cabinets where the water is flowing over . and somebody's gonna fall down off that ladder or that stool or whatever it is . and the little girl has little shoes and socks on .
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action type things ? there is water coming outof a faucet into a basin which is overflowing onto the floor . the mother is drying dishes . and she's walking in the water that is flowing on the floor . two children are stealing cookies . one of whom is up on a stool that is about to fall . he's removing cookies from an upper shelf in the closet . the wind appears to be blowing because the curtains appear to be youknow puffed . those are the only action things that I can see .
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you mean right now tell you ? the boy is stealing cookies outof the jar . and he's on a stool that's falling down . and the girl is laughing at him . and the mother is washing dishes but she's preoccupied . and the water is flowing over the sink . and there's trouble galore . the wind is blowing the curtains . she is not paying any attention to her kids . and the boy in addition to stealing he's trying to give the girl a a cookie . and the whole thing is going to collapse . but aside from that they seem to be a fairly happy family .
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it's kinda shiny there . I okay it looks like somebody's raiding the cookie jar . there's a woman working in the kitchen . and there's this little girl here with something but I don't know what it is she yeah I'm trying to identify this thing . d?d?ku trying to see . is that a table leg ? I'd say that's a table leg .
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the boy is getting cookies and is falling the his stand . the lady's washing dishes and she let the water run all over the over the top of the the little girl she wanted the cookie . and he was getting the cookies and he's falling over . and the wife she's washing the dishes . and now she's wiping them off rather .
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the the water's flowing on the floor . and she's drying dishes . and he's up in the cookie jar . and she's drying dishes . thank you very much .
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the little boy is on the stool which is tipping over . and he's getting into the cookie jar which is up in the cabinet . the lid is off the jar . he has a cookie in one hand . he's reaching for another one . the little girl has her hand up for a cookie I guess to take from him and one hand is up to her mouth like she's doesn't want mother to know . mother's doing the dishes at the sink and the sink is overflowing . the water's overflowing onto the floor . she's drying a dish . there's it looks like two cups and a plate on the counter . outside the window it looks like a path . and there's another window and some trees apparently and grass and some shrubs . and it's either I guess it's another part of the house because there's a curtain in the window . and there's curtains on her windows . I guess that's about it . she has an apron on .
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there's a boy getting in the cookie jar . and the girl is waiting for her . oh they're tipping over . the girl is washing dishes and the water's flowing on the floor . she's drying dishes I guess . the boy is getting cookies outof the jar . gives one to the girl . and the girl is drying dishes . and she'll hafta wipe up the floor to the action there .
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starting from left to right the little girl is reaching for a cookie while she's making some kind of a signal with her hand to her lip . it looks like lip reading Imean signing . the boy is reaching too far for the cookies and is tipping the stool and is about to have an accident . he's handing he's reaching for a cookie with his right hand and handing a cookie with his left hand to the little girl . proceeding to the right the woman obviously their mother is drying a dish while she's neglecting to notice that the sink is overflowing because the faucet is running and the stopper's in the sink . it's making a mess on the floor and she's standing in the mess, the water . there are plants growing . there's grass growing . there's a tree with leaves . you want action ? well can you wanna know that there are two cups on the counter and things like that ? no . that's about it huh
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the woman fouled up and left the spigot running and then it's running onto the floor . the kid's reaching in for cookies which is correct but he's falling off the stool . she's standing in water . I'd say that's about it . anything else . I don't see nothing else . right now there's snow outside . she's got the window open naturally . no I don't see nothing else that's out of the outof the ordinary . right .
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I see this woman who's standing by the sink washing dishes and the water's spilling out over the sink . and I see a little this little boy standing on a stool reaching for cookies and he looks like he's ready to fall . as far as action goes I don't know if I see any more action in there at all .
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oh little boy's in the cookie jar . the girl's standing down and waiting for him to give him some give her some . the mother's doing the dishes . and she's also letting him letting oh the water just fell off over on the floor . can I turn the page ? that's all there is except she's just getting all wet . no . the little girl was helping the boy to get to the cookie jar . but he started stumbling . he must have fell over because he seems to be falling there . and the mother's over at the sink drying dishes . and it's going on the floor . and three cups three bowls there .
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well the boy's on the ladder . and the ladder's tipped over . and it's not a ladder it's a stepstool . and she's . from what I can see he's gonna going to upset the cookies . and the sink is flowing over on the floor while the mother I guess is drying the dishes . boy ? I'll tell you I wouldn't wanna be on that stepstool there . it's not even a stepstool . it's just a stool . the water's overflowing on the floor . there's probably some more water back this way but I I'm not too sure at all except that the water's pouring down . I'm trying to figure out what this is out here . End
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the little girl wants cookie . the boy is getting her one but the stool is going to he's going to fall off the stool . it's tilty . the mother is doing the dishes . and unfortunately the sink is overflowing on the floor . it's wet . . . the little oh that's his feet . I thought there was something around the little boy's foot or at least at least just one part of one foot foot on top of the other . the little girl I I don't whether she's laughing or asking for the cookie or saying “shh” so mother doesn't hear them .
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woman dish doing dishes . boy climbing up to get some cookies . well girl waiting to get some of the cookies . bench is falling over with the boy . the water's dripping out on the floor . I guess that's it .
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there she's washing the dishes . and there the kids are trying to get cookies outta out the cookie jar . that's it . no they're getting the cookie jar out but he's upsetting in his stool . he's about ready to fall over in his stool . oh yeah the water's running over on the floor . she has the she has the water on in it .
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oh great . oh the boy is taking cookies . and he's also going to fall off his stepstool . his I gather it's his sister is reaching for the cookies . the mother is drying the dishes and obviously has her mind on somewhere something else because the water's coming down off outof the sink onto the floor . and she is also standing in some in water . I don't know . that's that's it . I didn't hear what he said then because it's too it's that is all that I can see here .
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that's it . well the girl's drying the the plate . and she's overflowing the water in the sink . there's a boy up on a stool and he's falling off of it . trying to get a cake or something . in the cupboard . see he's trying to get this and he's gonna fall off of there . so and the mother's water's all coming down outof her sink there . the little girl is putting her hand up to the boy . they're gonna get something outof that jar, a pineapple jar or something .
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the little boy is climbing up in the getting cookies out of the cookie jar and is he's falling . the stool's falling over . and the little girl has her hand up that she wants a cookie and he's trying to hand her one . and the door to the cabinet is open . and the mother is washing dishes . and the the dish water is overflowing in the sink and it's running on to the floor and she's standing in the water . and there's she's drying a plate or washing it . whatever . and there's two cups and a plate on the counter top . and it looks like the window is open . and it has curtains pulled back at the window . and there's a little lane going around the house towards the back I imagine with shrubs . and you can see another window .
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ready ? children are stealing the cookie jar stealing cookies outof the the cookie jar . and they stepped on a stepping stool and it's it's falling over . mother sister is asking brother for some of the cookies that he's getting from the cookie jar . mother's doing dishes . the sink is clogged up . the water is draining on the floor . she's alittle angry, looks alittle angry . I don't see no husband or nobody . cookie jar, cabinets . mother can't be dressed any different . kids . that's what I can see .
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the boy is giving his sister a cookie . and the stool is about to fall . and the mother's drying dishes . and the water's coming outof the faucet . and the water's overflowing outof the sink onto the floor . and the little girl is putting her hand up to her mouth to signal not to say anything so the mother won't know about it . that's all .
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the boy is standing up trying to get the cookie jar and the stool is falling . the girl is reaching up to get a cookie outof his hand . the mother is at the window washing dishes . the sink is overflowing on getting on her shoes . and there are saucers and a plate on the oh ? you wanna know what is going on ? you want me to tell you what's on the sink too and everything ? well that is that's all I see happening plus stuff going outside .
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well the little girl is reaching for a cookie . and the boy is on a stool which is falling over to get in the cookie jar up on the second shelf of the cupboard with the door open . the faucet is running and it's overflowing onto the floor because it's overflowing into the sink . the woman is drying a plate . she's also looking out the window . there's a couple of bowls and a plate on the counter . curtains at the windows . there's a driveway or it looks like a driveway outside . and you can see another window and some bushes out there and the tree . and I guess that's looks like a part of the garage window of the garage out there . and the cookie jar has the lid off . and the boy has one hand in the cookie jar and one with a cookie in it handing to the little girl who's got her hand up for it and her she looks like got her finger to mouth tell him to be careful .
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the boy's getting a dintu . the girl's looking to grab it . the lady's drying dishes . the water is sp?l?su . the stool is falling over and down . that's about all . that's all .
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well my goodness here ! little boy's about to fall off a chair while he's reaching for some cookies . and he's handing some cookies to his sister apparently . and the mother is over here . probably the mother . wiping a plate . filling dishes . and meanwhile the water's overflowing outof the sink and dropping on the floor and she's standing in water . which doesn't make sense, does it ? I don't see any birds on the windowsills . no action outside so that looks like that's about all the action . girl's reaching up for a cookie . she's got her finger up her nose or to touching her nose for some reason . can't tell if the grass is growing sorry . no no .
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why they're stealing on the cookies . and the little girl is gonna take him one too or he's gonna tell his mother . and the mother is working over there doing all that dirty over there . and the kids should be doing the dishes . and that's dirty to have that on the floor when they're stealing and he's gonna fall down and break them down on his back . and I don't think that his mother would be very be a nice to do that . they would rather have all you want because the water's all over the floor now . look at that . get there and get down . oh bango you're down on your back !
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. let's see what's this this ? well the k?lu and the little boy . lay it down . pants and clothes and the little boy's the little boy's just sitting there . is this one getting through there ? I can't
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oh it's the same picture . you should give me a different one . why ? it would be more fun if you had some variety . we have here a scene in a kitchen and it looks as though that's a mama who is working at the sink and her two children . and the two children are hoping that mama will not notice because she's looking out the window that they are getting into the cookie jar . so the boy climbs up on a stool to reach the cookie jar . and as he's getting up there the the tool the stool is tilting and he looks as though he were about to fall over . and the little girl is telling him to be quiet by putting her finger on her lips . he has one cookie in his hand, is reaching for another one . the lid is off the cookie jar . the cupboard door is open . he's supposedly going to hand one cookie, it looks as though he is, to his sister and grab another one for himself but I doubt he's that he's gonna get all that done before the stool falls over . on the other around the corner of the kitchen there's a counter that sortof turns a corner . there are cupboards below the counter and above the counter where the cookies are . then when you get over and have turned a corner in the kitchen you have base cabinets and then you have a window above that which is looking out into something which makes it looks as though it's summer outside because the window is open . there are things growing out there . there's a walk . there's some shrubbery underneath another window that looks it's in a another wing of the house . there's a tree beyond . there are tie back curtains at the window . the mother is working at the sink and the faucet is left on and apparently there's no overflow in the sink so it's overflowing right onto the floor splasho splasho . and she has on a sleeveless dress which also indicates that it's summer . and it looks though she has an apron on . she has short hair . she is drying a dish with a tea towel a plate with a tea towel . beside the sink there are two cups and a plate . looks as though there's some suds and some dishes in the sink . and two faucets with xl type handles one on either side and a center faucet . she has shoes on with no ties, just sort of slipon shoes . there's a little scallop valance across the top of the curtains . I think that's all I'm gonna tell you . well ? the handles on the door are the kind that are just almost like a round piece of wood that you hafta get a hold of to pull the cupboard door open . and what's really strange is that you can't see any handles on the cupboards on the other side of the kitchen .
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okay the boy in the process of stealing cookies from the jar is about to fall from the stool . his sister I think is admonishing him to be quiet . the mother is drying dishes . at the point she's drying dishes the water perhaps from the noise the water is spilling over the sink and onto the floor . okay ? dishes spilling . the mother is frowning which is a form of action I would think you would say . and that's it .
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there's a lady washing dishes and a kid getting in the cookie jar . and it's falling off the the stool . and a girl reaching for cookies . and the water overflowing . and that's about it that I see of action .
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the boy is tipping stool reaching for the cookie jar . the girl is reaching for a cookie putting her hand on her lips . mother is drying dishes . water is overflowing the sink . that's all the action that I can see .
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wait until I put my glasses on . oh ? there's a girl reaching for a cookie . a boy is up standing on a stool . he's falling off a stool . he's got his hand in the cookie jar . girl has her hand up to her mouth . the mother is washing dishes . the stink sink is overflowing . the window is open . she's drying the dishes . the water's all over the floor . she's getting her feet wet . looks like the breeze is blowing in . and there's some dirty dishes on the counter .
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well I see the mother washing dishes . I see the water flowing out over the sink top . I see the boy on a stool that's about to tilt . and he's going to fall . he's trying to get into the cookie jar . the little girl has her hand out for a cookie . the water's running . dishes are on the sink top . the lid is off the cookie jar . you want me to tell you the grass is growing open through the window ? I can tell you the water is spilling outof the sink onto the floor . and they got the the window to see the outside world .
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well I know she's got a wreath or something there to put up maybe on a window . I don't know . and there's some two saucers or two dishes . and I don't know what that is . it could be to throw them things around . I don't know . and over here is your spigot as was your water . it must have run over . I don't know . and there's a cookie jar . the little boy's the getting a cookie jar . one for his sister . and he's almost upset here . so I don't know what to tell you . she's got a short apron on and a dress underneath it I think . the water's flowing over . there's two cups . and that is must be one of those they throw around .
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