26, 1996. Redesignated and amended at 65 FR 39802, June 28, 2000] § 280.215 Interlocutory review of rulings. (a) At the request of a party, or on the administrative law judge's own initiative, the administrative law judge may certify to the Under Secretary for review a ruling that does not finally dispose of a proceeding, if the administrative law judge determines that immediate review may hasten or facilitate the final disposition of the matter.
(C) Fisheries Law Enforcement Case Files—COMMERCE/NOAA-5, but only on condition that the general exemption claimed in § 4.33(b)(2) is held to be invalid; (D) Investigative and Inspection Records—COMMERCE/DEPT-12, but only on condition that the general exemption claimed in § 4.33(b)(3) is held to be invalid; (E) Investigative Records—Persons Within the Investigative Jurisdiction of the Department—COMMERCE/DEPT-13; (F) Access Control and Identity Management System—COMMERCE/DEPT-25, but only on condition that the general exemption claimed in § 4.33(b)(4) is held to be invalid;
The notice to the requester will not include any of the specific information contained in the records being requested. Whenever a submitter files a lawsuit seeking to prevent the disclosure of confidential commercial information, the component shall notify the requester of such action and, as a consequence, there may be further delay in receiving a response. [83 FR 39592, Aug. 10, 2018] § 4.10 Appeals from initial determinations or untimely delays.
but only if such inquiry is made equally of such applicants of both sexes and if the results of such inquiry are not used in connection with discrimination prohibited by these Title IX regulations. § 8a.305 Preference in admission. A recipient to which §§ 8a.300 through 8a.310 apply shall not give preference to applicants for admission, on the basis of attendance at any educational institution or other school or entity that admits as students only or predominantly members of one sex, if the giving of such preference has the effect of discriminating on the basis of sex in violation of §§ 8a.300 through 8a.310. § 8a.310 Recruitment. (a) Nondiscriminatory recruitment.
(3) Nothing in this part precludes collection or disposition of any debt under statutes and regulations other than those described in this part. See, for example, 5 U.S.C. 5705, Advancements and Deductions, which authorizes Commerce entities to recover travel advances by offset of up to 100 percent of a Federal employee's accrued pay. See, also, 5 U.S.C. 4108, governing the collection of training expenses.
[73 FR 31555, June 2, 2008, as amended at 74 FR 38916, Aug. 5, 2009; 78 FR 16375, Mar. 14, 2013; 82 FR 18389, Apr. 19, 2017; 82 FR 43843, Sept 20, 2017] § 30.4 Electronic Export Information filing procedures, deadlines, and certification statements. Two electronic filing options (predeparture and postdeparture) for transmitting EEI are available to the USPPI or authorized agent.
If the USPPI prepares the EEI itself, the USPPI is responsible for the accuracy and timely transmission of all the export information reported to the AES. (ii) When the USPPI authorizes an agent to file the EEI on its behalf, the USPPI is responsible for: (A) Providing the authorized agent with accurate and timely export information necessary to file the EEI. (B) Providing the authorized agent with a power of attorney or written authorization to file the EEI (see paragraph (f) of this section for written authorization requirements for agents). (C) Retaining documentation to support the information provided to the authorized agent for filing the EEI, as specified in § 30.10. (2) Authorized agent responsibilities.
14, 2014] § 30.53 Import of goods returned for repair. Import entries covering U.S. goods imported temporarily to be repaired, altered, or processed under Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated (HTSUSA) commodity classification code 9801.00.1012, and foreign goods imported temporarily to be repaired or altered under the HTSUSA commodity classification code 9813.00.0540 are required to show the following statement: “Imported for Repair and Reexport” on CBP Form 7501 or its electronic equivalent. When the goods are subsequently exported, file according to the instructions provided in § 30.29. [82 FR 18392, Apr. 19, 2017]
(2) Where no transfer or property is involved but property is purchased or improved with Federal financial assistance, the recipient shall agree to include the covenant described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section in the instrument effecting or recording any subsequent transferee of the property. (3) Where Federal financial assistance is provided in the form of real property or interest in the property from the Department, the covenant shall also include a condition coupled with a right to be reserved by the Department to revert title to the property in the event of a breach of the covenant.
When a party has appeared by counsel or other representative, service on counsel or other representative shall constitute service on that party. (c) Date. The date of filing or service is the day when the papers are deposited in the mail or are delivered in person, by delivery service, or by facsimile. (d) Certificate of service. A certificate of service signed by the party making service, stating the date and manner of service, shall accompany every paper, other than the charging letter, filed and served on parties. (e) Computing period of time.
5514, and the creditor agency's regulations, as applicable. Offsets will continue until the debt is paid in full or otherwise resolved to the satisfaction of the creditor agency. (c) Where a creditor agency makes requests for offset. Requests for offset under this section shall be sent to the Department of Commerce, ATTN: Deputy Chief Financial Officer, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW., Room D200, Washington, DC 20230. The Deputy Chief Financial Officer will forward the request to the appropriate Commerce entity for processing in accordance with this subpart C. (d) Incomplete certification.
4819, Export Controls Act of 2018 (2018), (new penalty), violation, maximum $300,000. (c) Census Bureau. (1) 13 U.S.C. 304, Collection of Foreign Trade Statistics (2002), each day's delinquency of a violation; total of not to exceed maximum violation, from $1,360 to $1,394; maximum per violation, from $13,605 to $13,948. (2) 13 U.S.C. 305(b), Collection of Foreign Trade Statistics (2002), violation, maximum from $13,605 to $13,948. (d) Economics and Statistics Administration. (1) 22 U.S.C.
If, however, the participant requests a hearing within the thirty (30) day period, the Secretary's proposed termination shall be stayed pending the outcome of the hearing held pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 556. (c) A participant may at any time terminate his participation and responsibilities under this program with regard to a specific type of product by giving written notice to the Secretary that he has discontinued use of the Department of Commerce Label and Mark for all consumer products of the type involved. § 16.9 Rules governing designated agents. (a) The following rules, requirements and tasks shall be applicable with respect to the seeking of designated agent status and the performance of that role after such status has been obtained.
Source: 60 FR 44751, Aug. 29, 1995, unless otherwise noted. § 292.1 Program description. (a) Purpose. In accordance with the provisions of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 272 (b)(1) and (c)(3) and 278l), as amended, NIST will provide financial assistance to develop the infrastructure of the national manufacturing extension system. Under the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), NIST will periodically make merit-based awards to develop and deploy training capability and technical tools, techniques, practices, and analyses. In addition, NIST will develop and implement information infrastructure services and pilots.
(e) Those members of the Committee hearing the appeal will develop a recommendation to the Committee concerning the resolution of the appeal. NIST will review the recommendation and if found acceptable will subject it to a letter ballot of the Committee. Approval by three-fourths of the members of the Committee eligible to vote will constitute acceptance by the Committee and by NIST. Notice of the Committee decision will be published in the Federal Register.
(14) Primary unit of measure. The unit of measure shall correspond to the primary quantity as prescribed in the Schedule B or HTSUSA. If neither Schedule B nor HTSUSA specifies a unit of measure for the item, an “X” is required in the unit of measure field. (15) Primary quantity. The quantity is the total number of units that correspond to the first unit of measure specified in the Schedule B or HTSUSA. Where the unit of measure is in terms of weight (grams, kilograms, metric tons, etc.), the quantity reflects the net weight, not including the weight of barrels, boxes, or other bulky coverings, and not including salt or pickle in the case of salted or pickled fish or meats.
Sec. 200.100 Statutory functions. 200.101 Measurement research. 200.102 Types of calibration and test services. 200.103 Consulting and advisory services. 200.104 Standard reference materials. 200.105 Standard reference data. 200.106 Publications. 200.107 WWV-WWVH-WWVB broadcasts. 200.108 Request procedure. 200.109 Shipping, insurance, and risk of loss. 200.110 Priorities and time of completion. 200.111 Witnessing of operations. 200.112 Reports. 200.113 Use of results or reports.
1 The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), which is established as an agency of the United States within the Department of Commerce, operates under its own FOIA regulations at 37 CFR part 102, subpart A. Accordingly, requests for USPTO records, and any appeals thereof, should be sent directly to the USPTO. (b) Requests for records about an individual or oneself. For requests for records about oneself, § 4.24 contains additional requirements. For requests for records about another individual, either a notarized authorization signed by that individual or a declaration by that individual made under 28 U.S.C.
§ 290.2 Definitions. (a) The phrase advanced manufacturing technology refers to new technologies which have recently been developed, or are currently under development, for use in product or part design, fabrication, assembly, quality control, or improving production efficiency. (b) The term Center or Regional Center means a NIST-established Regional Center for the Transfer of Manufacturing Technology described under these procedures. (c) The term operating award means a cooperative agreement which provides funding and technical assistance to a Center for purposes set forth in § 290.3 of these procedures. (d) The term Director means the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. (e) The term NIST means the National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce.
(4) Team members who are not Federal employees will be Federal Government contractors. (5) Teams may include members who are experts in one or more of the following disciplines: civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, fire, forensic, safety, architectural, and materials engineering, and specialists in emergency response, human behavior, and evacuation. (c) Duration of a Team. A Team's term will end 3 months after the Team's final public report is published, but the term may be extended or terminated earlier by the Director. [68 FR 66704, Nov. 28, 2003, as amended at 69 FR 33571, June 16, 2004] § 270.105 Duties of a Team.
654). An employee is prohibited from embezzling or wrongfully converting for his own use the money or property of another which comes under his control as the result of his employment. .13 The prohibition against unauthorized removal or use of documents relating to claims from or by the Government (18 U.S.C. 285).
The term “physical or mental impairment” includes, but is not limited to, such diseases and conditions as orthopedic, visual, speech, and hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental retardation, emotional illness, and drug addiction and alcoholism (2) “Major life activities” includes functions such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working. (3) “Has a record of such an impairment” means has a history of, or has been misclassified as having, a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Subparts B-C [Reserved] Subpart D—Regulatory Limitations Upon Employee Conduct § 0.735-10 Administrative extension of statutory limitations. The provisions of the statutes identified in this part which relate to the ethical and other conduct of Federal employees are adopted and will be enforced as administrative regulations, violations of which may in appropriate cases be the basis for disciplinary action, including removal. The fact that a statute which may relate to employee conduct is not identified in this part does not mean that it may not be the basis for disciplinary action against an employee. §§ 0.735-10a—0.735-15 [Reserved]
(3) A recipient may not participate in a contractual or other relationship that has the effect of subjecting qualified handicapped applicants or employees to discrimination prohibited by this subpart. The relationships referred to in this subparagraph include relationships with employment and referral agencies, with labor unions, with organizations providing or administering fringe benefits to employees of the recipient, and with organizations providing training and apprenticeships. (b) Specific activities.
including taking the following measures: (1) Accepting as a sufficient complaint, any written statement which: identifies the parties involved and the date the complainant first had knowledge of the alleged violation; describes generally the action or practice complained of; and is signed by the complainant; (2) Freely permitting a complainant to add information to the complaint to meet the requirements of a sufficient complaint; (3) Considering as the filing date, the date on which a complaint is sufficient to be processed; (4) Notifiying the complainant and the recipient of their rights and obligations under the compliant procedure, including the right to have a representative at all stages of the process;
None of these letters and figures shall be superimposed upon each other nor shall any other characters be superimposed upon the required lettering or otherwise obscure it. All the above statements shall be included upon the same side of the tag. (e) In case the lime is actually packed in barrels or in containers of less capacity than the standard small barrel by some person other than the manufacturer of the lime, the information mentioned above must be given in the manner there described, and in addition there must be a statement to this effect: “Packed by __________” (giving the name and address of the packer).
However, in cases judged to affect national security, revocations shall become effective immediately upon notification. (5) Appeal procedure. Any USPPI whose request for postdeparture filing privileges has been denied by the Census Bureau or whose postdeparture filing privileges have been revoked by the Census Bureau may appeal the decision by filing an appeal within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the notice of decision. Appeals should be addressed to the Chief, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC 20233-6700. The Census Bureau will issue a written decision to the USPPI within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of the appeal by the Census Bureau.
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations Director, Office of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Enforcement I Director, Office of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Enforcement II Director, Office of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Enforcement III Director, Office of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Enforcement IV Director, Office of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Enforcement V Director, Office of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Enforcement VI Director, Office of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Enforcement VII Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy & Negotiations Director, Office of Trade Agreements Negotiations and Compliance Director, Office of Accounting Director,
(6) Limitation of the number of witnesses; (7) Scheduling dates for the exchange of witness lists and of proposed exhibits; (8) Discovery; (9) The time and place for the hearing; and (10) Such other matters as may tend to expedite the fair and just disposition of the proceedings. (d) The ALJ may issue an order containing all matters agreed upon by the parties or ordered by the ALJ at a prehearing conference. § 25.20 Disclosure of documents.
2201-2219). 3. Public education assistance planning: Publications, audiovisual presentations and demonstrations, research, testing, and experimentation to determine the most effective means for such public education (15 U.S.C. 2205c). 4. Policy development assistance: Studies of the operations and management aspects of fire services (15 U.S.C. 2207c). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1. Assistance to States, educational institutions, and the commercial fishing industry for the development of tuna and other latent fisheries (16 U.S.C. 758e). 2. Assistance to States for the development and implementation of programs to protect and study certain species of marine mammals (16 U.S.C. 1379b). 3.
552(f), includes Federal executive departments and agencies as well as independent regulatory commissions and Government corporations, as defined in 31 U.S.C. 9101(1). (b) Covered Federal action means any of the following Federal actions: (1) The awarding of any Federal contract; (2) The making of any Federal grant; (3) The making of any Federal loan; (4) The entering into of any cooperative agreement; and, (5) The extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. Covered Federal action does not include receiving from an agency a commitment providing for the United States to insure or guarantee a loan. Loan guarantees and loan insurance are addressed independently within this part.
25, 1974, as amended at 55 FR 38316, Sept. 18, 1990] § 265.3 Compliance with directions. No person shall fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of a uniformed guard in connection with the control or regulation of traffic and parking or other conduct on the site. § 265.4 Making or giving of false reports. No person shall knowingly give any false or fictitious report or information to any authorized person investigating an accident or apparent violation of law or these regulations. Nothing in this section shall affect the applicability of 18 U.S.C. 1001 regarding false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entries.
(d) NIST does not approve, recommend, or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material. No reference shall be made to NIST, or to reports or results furnished by NIST in any advertising or sales promotion which would indicate or imply that NIST approves, recommends, or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of NIST test reports or results. In its own activities as a scientific institution, NIST uses many different materials, products, types of equipment, and services. This use does not imply that NIST has given them a preferential position or a formal endorsement.
Written appeals should be addressed to the Counsel to the Inspector General, or the Deputy Inspector General if the records were initially denied by the Counsel to the Inspector General. The address of both is: U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of the Inspector General, Office of Counsel, Room 7898C, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230. For a written appeal, both the letter and the appeal envelope should be clearly marked “Freedom of Information Act Appeal.” Appeals may also be submitted electronically either by email to or online at the FOIAonline website,, if requesters have a FOIAonline account.
that such test methods are suitable for making objective measurements of the performance characteristics of the identified consumer product; and (8) Estimated cost to participants to test and label the product. (c) The Secretary may ask for more information to support a request made under paragraph (a) of this section if she feels it is necessary to do so, or, if she deems it to be in the public interest, may develop such information herself as by consultation on a one-time basis with consumers, consumer organizations, and others. The Secretary shall act expeditiously on all requests and shall notify the requester of her decision in writing. If the Secretary determines that there is no need to establish a Specification for labeling the requested consumer product performance characteristics, or because of a lack of resources, she will decline to act further on the request. In those instances where the Secretary declines a request, she shall state the reasons for so declining.
Additional information received after 90 days must be accompanied by a new fee and will be considered a new request. (15 U.S.C. 1526 and 13 U.S.C. 8) [36 FR 905, Jan. 20, 1971, as amended at 49 FR 3980, Feb. 1, 1984; 56 FR 35815, July 29, 1991; 68 FR 42586, July 18, 2003] § 50.5 Fee structure for age search and citizenship information.
“Nonofficial purposes” are defined to include but not limited to providing the official EEI: (1) In support of claims for exemption from Federal or state taxation, except as related to paragraph (b)(1)(vi) of this section; (2) To the U.S. Internal Revenue Service for purposes not related to export control or compliance; (3) To state and local government agencies, and nongovernmental entities or individuals for any purpose; and (4) To foreign entities or foreign governments for any purpose. (d) Ocean manifest data can be made public under provision of CBP regulations.
(c) Designate an appropriate official to represent the agency on the Metrication Operating Committee (MOC), an interagency committee reporting to the ICMP. (d) Maintain liaison with private sector groups (such as the American National Metric Council and the U.S Metric Association) that are involved in planning for or coordinating National transition to the metric system. (e) Provide for internal guidelines, training and documentation to assure employee awareness and understanding of agency metric policies and programs.
(b) The program involves voluntary labeling by enrolled participants of selected categories of consumer products with information concerning selected performance characteristics of those products. The performance characteristics selected are those that are of demonstrable importance to consumers, that consumers cannot evaluate through mere inspection of the product, and that can be measured objectively and reported understandably to consumers. The consumer products covered include those for which incorrect purchase decision can result in financial loss, dissatisfaction, or inconvenience. The program seeks to avoid the duplication of other Federal programs under which performance characteristics are labeled by exempting those performance characteristics from this program.
401 or 402 and acknowledgment of Government sponsorship to the data when and if the data are delivered to the Government, are published, or are deposited for registration as a published work in the U.S. Copyright Office. For data other than computer software, the funding recipient shall grant to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license for all such data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government.
14, 2013] § 30.55 Confidential information, import entries, and withdrawals. The contents of the statistical copies of import entries and withdrawals on file with the Census Bureau are treated as confidential and will not be released without authorization by CBP, in accordance with 19 CFR 103.5 relating to the copies on file in CBP offices. The importer or import broker must provide the Census Bureau with information or documentation necessary to verify the accuracy or resolve problems regarding the reported import transaction. (a) The basic responsibility for obtaining and providing the information required by the general statistical headnotes of the HTSUSA rests with the person filing the import entry.
For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: (c) Decorative, ornamental, and miniature objects having the appearance, shape and/or configuration of a firearm, including those intended to be displayed on a desk or worn on bracelets, necklaces, key chains, and so on, provided that the objects measure no more than thirty-eight (38) millimeters in height by seventy (70) millimeters in length, the length measurement excluding any gun stock length measurement. [57 FR 48453, Oct. 26, 1992, as amended at 69 FR 18803, Apr.
(b) Assistance to support the training of students. A current example of such assistance is that received by State maritime academies or colleges, by contract, of facilities (vessels), related equipment and funds to train merchant marine officers. In this and other instances of student training, discrimination which is prohibited by recipients and other parties subject to this part includes discrimination in the selection of persons to be trained and in their treatment by the recipients in any aspect of the educational process and discipline during their training, or in the availability or use of any academic, housing, eating, recreational, or other facilities and services, or in financial assistance to students furnished or controlled by the recipients or incidental to the program.
or referenced in, the funding agreement; (3) Whether the contractor's employees performing the specified research or development efforts under the CRADA are the same employees performing the tasks required under the funding agreement; and (4) Whether services, property or other resources contemplated by the Federal laboratory to be provided to the contractor for the specified research or development efforts under the CRADA would materially benefit the contractor in the performance of tasks required under the funding agreement. § 17.4 Personnel exchanges from a Federal laboratory. (a) For personnel exchanges in which a Federal laboratory maintains funding for Federal personnel provided to a collaborating party— (1) in accordance with 15 U.S.C.
if known, what the production or sales volume is of such product; (3) Nature and extent of difficulty experienced by consumers in making informed purchase decisions because of a lack of knowledge regarding the performance characteristics of the identified consumer product; (4) Potential or actual loss to consumers as a result of an incorrect decision based on an inadequate understanding of the performance characteristics of the identified consumer product; (5) Extent of incidence of consumer complaints arising from or reasonably traceable to lack of knowledge regarding the performance characteristics of the identified consumer product; (6) If known, whether there currently exist test methods which could be used to test the performance characteristics of the identified consumer product and an identification of those test methods; (7) Reasons why it is felt,
Nothing in this part, however, shall be deemed to supersede any of the following (including future amendments thereof): (1) Executive Order 11246 and regulations issued thereunder, or (2) Executive Order 11063 and regulations issued thereunder, or any other regulations or instructions, insofar as such order, regulations, or instructions prohibit discrimination on the ground of race, color, or national origin in any program or situation to which this part is inapplicable, or prohibit discrimination on any other ground. (b) Forms and instructions. Each responsible Department official shall issue and promptly make available to interested parties forms and detailed instructions and procedures for effectuating this part as applied to programs to which this part applies and for which he is responsible. (c) Supervision and coordination.
(b) NIST may take one of the following actions with regard to an applicant: (1) Certificate. If an applicant fully demonstrates conformity with all program requirements and specific criteria, NIST issues a certificate documenting this finding. Each certificate is accompanied by a document describing the specific scope of the accreditation or recognition. (2) Denial. If an applicant cannot demonstrate conformity with all program requirements and specific criteria, NIST may deny award of the certificate. An applicant who has failed to complete the evaluation satisfactorily may reapply when prepared to demonstrate full conformance with program requirements.
Authority: R.S. 161; sec. 1, 53 Stat. 1290; 22 U.S.C. 501. Source: 13 FR 8374, Dec. 28, 1948, unless otherwise noted. § 255.1 Type of fellowships. Fellowships shall be of the combined intern-training and training-in-research type, and may include any or all of the following courses: (a) Orientation courses consisting of lectures and conferences at the National Institute of Standards & Technology pertaining to laboratory standardization and testing.
A brochure describing the current series of seminars can be obtained by writing the Office of Measurement Services, National Institute of Standards & Technology, Washington, DC 20234. § 200.104 Standard reference materials. Often the performance of a device or structure can be evaluated at the user's laboratory by comparing its response to unknown materials with its response to a stable, homogeneous reference specimen which has been well-characterized with regard to the physical or chemical property being measured. For information regarding carefully characterized materials see Subchapter B, Chapter II, Part 230, of this title. The Office of Standard Reference Materials in the NIST National Measurement Laboratory administers a program to provide many types of well-characterized materials that are needed to calibrate a measurement system or to produce scientific data that can be readily referred to a common base. NIST SP 260 is a catalog of Standard Reference Materials available from NIST.
A common procedural approach is followed in responding to a request to participate. (See § 286.7 Evaluation process.) All evaluation activities rely on the use of generic program requirements based on standards and guides for the operation and acceptance of activities related to conformity assessment. Specific criteria for use in each evaluation are derived from the program requirements, as appropriate, for the mandated foreign technical requirements specified in the request to participate. A request involving a foreign technical requirement not previously addressed by NVCASE will result in an announcement of NIST's intent to develop evaluation criteria specific to the relevant requirements. NIST will contact all cognizant and interested federal agencies to coordinate appropriate actions and procedures.
Subpart C—Accessibility 8b.16 Discrimination prohibited. 8b.17 Existing facilities. 8b.18 New construction. Subpart D—Post Secondary Education 8b.19 Application of this subpart. 8b.20 Admission and recruitment. 8b.21 Treatment of students. 8b.22 Academic adjustments. 8b.23 Housing provided by the recipient. 8b.24 Financial and employment assistance to students. 8b.25 Nonacademic services. Subpart E—Procedures 8b.26 Procedures. Authority: 29 U.S.C. 794.
Additionally, no proposal will be funded unless the Program determines that it has scientific and technical merit and that the proposed research has strong potential for meeting identified areas of critical national need. (a)(1) The proposer(s) adequately addresses the scientific and technical merit and how the research may result in intellectual property vesting in a United States entity including evidence that: (i) The proposed research is novel; (ii) The proposed research is high-risk, high-reward; (iii) The proposer(s) demonstrates a high level of relevant scientific/technical expertise for key personnel, including contractors and/or informal collaborators, and have access to the necessary resources, for example research facilities, equipment, materials, and data, to conduct the research as proposed;
§ 270.206 Public briefings and requests for information. (a) NIST will establish methods to provide updates to the public on its planning and progress of an investigation. Methods may include: (1) A public Web site; (2) Mailing lists, to include an emphasis on e-mail; (3) Semi-annual written progress reports; (4) Media briefings; and (5) Public meetings. (b) Requests for information on the plans and conduct of an investigation should be submitted to the NIST Public and Business Affairs Division. Subpart D—Collection and Preservation of Evidence; Information Created Pursuant to an Investigation; and Protection of Information § 270.300 Scope.
(f) Institution means any public or private entity, or department or agency (including federal, state, and other agencies). (g) IRB means an institutional review board established in accord with and for the purposes expressed in this policy. (h) IRB approval means the determination of the IRB that the research has been reviewed and may be conducted at an institution within the constraints set forth by the IRB and by other institutional and federal requirements. (i) Legally authorized representative means an individual or judicial or other body authorized under applicable law to consent on behalf of a prospective subject to the subject's participation in the procedure(s) involved in the research.
Deduct from the selling price any unconditional discounts, but do not deduct discounts that are conditional upon a particular act or performance on the part of the foreign buyer. For goods shipped on consignment without a sale actually having been made at the time of export, the selling price to be reported in the EEI is the market value at the time of export at the U.S. port. (ii) Adjustments. When necessary, make the following adjustments to obtain the value. (A) Where goods are sold at a point other than the port of export, freight, insurance, and other charges required in moving the goods from their U.S.
L. 99-506, 100 Stat. 1810). As used in this part, section 504 applies only to programs or activities conducted by Executive agencies and not to federally assisted programs. [53 FR 19277, May 27, 1988; 53 FR 25722, July 8, 1988] §§ 8c.4-8c.9 [Reserved] § 8c.10 Self-evaluation.
(6) Management and organizational experience and plans. Applicants should specify plans for proper organization, staffing, and management of the implementation process. Factors that may be considered include: Appropriateness and authority of the governing or managing organization to conduct the proposed activities; qualifications of the project team and its leadership to conduct the proposed activity; soundness of any staffing plans, including recruitment, selection, training, and continuing professional development; and appropriateness of the organizational approach for carrying out the proposed activity. (7) Financial plan. Applicants should show the relevance and cost effectiveness of the financial plan for meeting the objectives of the project; the firmness and level of the applicant's total financial support for the project; and a plan to maintain the program after the cooperative agreement has expired.
§ 6.5 Subsequent annual adjustments for inflation to civil monetary penalties. The Secretary of Commerce or his or her designee by regulation shall make subsequent adjustments for inflation to the Department of Commerce's civil monetary penalties annually, which shall take effect not later than January 15, notwithstanding section 553 of title 5, United States Code. PART 7 [RESERVED] Pt. 8 PART 8—NONDISCRIMINATION IN FEDERALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE—EFFECTUATION OF TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964
5/8 More than 50 lb. and not greater than 100 lbs 2 3/4 More than 100 lb. and not greater than 150 lb 3 11/4 More than 150 lb. and less than 180 lb 4 11/2 (c) When lime in bulk is sold, charged for, or purported to be delivered as a definite number of large or small barrels, the tolerance to be allowed in excess or in deficiency on such amounts of lime shall be 15 pounds per 1,800 pounds (10 small barrels), or 25 pounds per 2,800 pounds (10 large barrels).
Commerce entities may authorize the Bureau of the Fiscal Service to refer to the Department of Justice for litigation those delinquent Commerce debts that have been transferred to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service under § 19.9 of this part. § 19.17 Will a debtor who owes a Commerce or other Federal agency debt, and persons controlled by or controlling such debtors, be ineligible for Federal loan assistance, grants, cooperative agreements, or other sources of Federal funds or for Federal licenses, permits, or privileges? (a) Delinquent debtors are ineligible for and barred from obtaining Federal loans or loan insurance or guaranties. As required by 31 U.S.C.
and (iii) admissions tests are administered in facilities that, on the whole, are accessible to handicapped individuals; and (4) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, may not make pre-admission inquiry as to whether an applicant for admission is a handicapped individual but, after admission, may make inquiries on a confidential basis as to handicaps that may require accommodation. (c) Pre-admission inquiry exception. When a recipient is taking remedial action to correct the effects of past discrimination pursuant to § 8b.6(a) or when a recipient is taking voluntary action to overcome the effects of conditions that resulted in limited participation in its federally assisted program or activity pursuant to § 8b.6(b),
All written submissions shall be made a part of the public record. (3) Within 30 days after the proposed determination has been published, any interested party may request in writing an oral hearing to present his views. The granting of such a hearing shall be at the discretion of the Secretary. Any such hearing shall be public and notice thereof shall be published at least 15 days in advance. A transcript of the hearing shall be made part of the public record.
(d) A recipient to which this subpart applies shall operate its program or activity in the most integrated setting appropriate. § 8b.22 Academic adjustments. (a) Academic requirements. A recipient to which this subpart applies shall make such modifications to its academic requirements as are necessary to ensure that such requirements do not discriminate or have the effect of discriminating, on the basis of handicap, against a qualified handicapped applicant or student. Academic requirements that the recipient can demonstrate are essential to the instruction being pursued by such student or to any directly related licensing requirement will not be regarded as discriminatory within the meaning of this section.
(b) No award for the fee of an attorney or agent under this rule may exceed $75.00 per hour. No award to compensate an expert witness may exceed the highest rate at which the Department pays expert witnesses. However, an award may also include the reasonable expenses of the attorney, agent, or witness as a separate item, if the attorney, agent, or witness ordinarily charges clients separately for such expenses.
Components shall determine, whenever reasonably possible, the use to which a requester will put the requested records. If it appears that the requester will put the records to a commercial use, or if a component has reasonable cause to doubt a requester's asserted non-commercial use, the component shall provide the requester a reasonable opportunity to submit further clarification. (2) Direct costs means those expenses a component incurs in searching for and duplicating (and, in the case of commercial use requests, reviewing) records to respond to a FOIA request. The hourly processing fees for calculating direct costs for Department or component personnel searching for, duplication, and reviewing records are reflected in Table 1. Note that the 16% overhead has already been included in the hourly rates identified in Table 1.
Factors that may be considered include: Reasonableness of the budget, both in income and expenses; strength of commitment and amount of the proposer's cost share; effectiveness of management plans for control of the budget; and appropriateness of matching contributions. § 291.5 Proposal selection process. The proposal evaluation and selection process will consist of three principal phases: Proposal qualification; proposal review and selection of finalists; and award determination. (a) Proposal qualification. All proposals will be reviewed by NIST to assure compliance with the proposal content and other basic provisions of this notice. Proposals which satisfy these requirements will be designated qualified proposals; all others will be disqualified at this phase of the evaluation and selection process. (b) Proposal review and selection of finalists.
§ 8b.15 Employment on ships. No qualified handicapped individual possessing an appropriate license or certificate obtained from the United States Coast Guard pursuant to the requirements of 46 CFR 10.01-1 et seq. and 12.01-1 et seq. shall, on the basis of handicap, be subjected to discrimination in employment on ships under any program or activity to which this part applies. Subpart C—Accessibility § 8b.16 Discrimination prohibited. No qualified handicapped individual shall, because a recipient's facilities are inaccessible to or unusable by handicapped individuals, be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation in, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity to which this part applies.
(a) General rule: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. (b) Specific rules: A recipient may not, in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, directly or through contractual licensing, or other arrangements, use age distinctions or take any other actions which have the effect, on the basis of age, of: (1) Excluding individuals from, denying them the benefits of, or subjecting them to discrimination under, a program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, or (2) Denying or limiting individuals in their opportunity to participate in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
No other barrel or subdivision in barrel form is a legal container for cranberries. (Sec. 1, 38 Stat. 1186; 15 U.S.C. 234) § 241.3 Application of tolerance for “distance between heads.” The tolerance established in this part for the dimension specified as “distance between heads” shall be applied as follows on the various types of barrels in use: (a) When a barrel or subdivision thereof has two heads, the tolerance shall be applied to the distance between the inside surfaces of the heads and perpendicular to them.
31, 1982, as amended at 53 FR 6799, Mar. 3, 1988] § 18.8 Rulemaking on maximum rates for attorney fees. (a) If warranted by an increase in the cost of living or by special circumstances (such as limited availability of attorneys qualified to handle certain types of proceedings), the Department may adopt regulations providing that attorney fees may be awarded at a rate higher than the ceiling set forth in § 18.7(b) in some or all of the types of proceedings covered by this part. The Department will conduct any rulemaking proceedings for this purpose under the informal rulemaking procedures of the Administrative Procedure Act.
(b) The Department shall provide an individual one copy of each record corrected or amended pursuant to the individual's request without charge as evidence of the correction or amendment. (c) As required by the United States Office of Personnel Management in its published regulations implementing the Act, the Department shall charge no fee for a single copy of a personnel record covered by that agency's Government-wide published notice of systems of records. § 4.32 Penalties. (a) The Act provides, in pertinent part: Any person who knowingly and willfully requests or obtains any record concerning an individual from an agency under false pretenses shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than $5,000. (5 U.S.C. 552a(i)(3)).
The proof of filing citation will identify that the export information has been accepted as transmitted. The postdeparture filing citation, AES downtime filing citation, or exemption legend will identify that no filing is required prior to export. The proof of filing citations, postdeparture filing citations, or exemption legends shall appear on the bill of lading, air waybill or other commercial loading documentation and shall be clearly visible. The AES filing citation, exemption or exclusion legends are provided for in appendix B of this part. The exporting carrier shall annotate the manifest or other carrier documentation with the AES filing citations, exemption or exclusions legends.
28, 2003, as amended at 69 FR 33571, June 16, 2004] § 270.203 Coordination with Federal, State, and local entities. NIST will enter into Memoranda of Understanding with Federal, State, and local entities, as appropriate, to ensure the coordination of investigations. § 270.204 Provision of additional resources and services needed by a Team. The Director will determine the appropriate resources that a Team will require to carry out its investigation and will ensure that those resources are available to the Team. § 270.205 Reports.
Appeals can be submitted in writing or electronically, as described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. For requests filed on or after July 1, 2016, the appeal must be received by the Office of the General Counsel during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday) within 90 calendar days of the date of the written denial of the adverse determination or, if there has been no determination, an appeal may be submitted any time after the due date of the request, including the last extension under § 4.6(d), of a request due date. Written or electronic appeals arriving after normal business hours will be deemed received on the next normal business day.
(d) Integrated setting. Recipients shall administer programs or activities in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of qualified handicapped individuals. (e) Communications with individuals with impaired vision and hearing. Recipients shall ensure that communications with their applicants, employees and beneficiaries are available to persons with impaired vision or hearing. Appropriate modes of communication may include braille, enlarged type, sign language and telecommunications devices. [47 FR 17746, Apr. 23, 1982, as amended at 68 FR 51353, Aug. 26, 2003] § 8b.5 Assurances required. (a) Assurances.
§ 8a.450 Athletics. (a) General. No person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, be treated differently from another person, or otherwise be discriminated against in any interscholastic, intercollegiate, club, or intramural athletics offered by a recipient, and no recipient shall provide any such athletics separately on such basis. (b) Separate teams. Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, a recipient may operate or sponsor separate teams for members of each sex where selection for such teams is based upon competitive skill or the activity involved is a contact sport.
If the result obtained is not greater than the tolerance given above, then the barrel is within the tolerance allowed; if the result is greater than this tolerance, then the barrel is not within the tolerance allowed. Note: To find the algebraic sum of a number of quantities having different signs, first add all those having one sign; then add all those having the opposite sign; then subtract the smaller sum from the larger, giving this result the sign of the larger quantity. (2) [Reserved] (c) The tolerance to be allowed in excess or in deficiency on the dimensions of all barrels for cranberries shall be as follows:   Tolerance, inches Diameter of head 1/4 Effective diameter of head
Subpart E—Discrimination on the Basis of Sex in Employment in Education Programs or Activities Prohibited 8a.500 Employment. 8a.505 Employment criteria. 8a.510 Recruitment. 8a.515 Compensation. 8a.520 Job classification and structure. 8a.525 Fringe benefits. 8a.530 Marital or parental status. 8a.535 Effect of state or local law or other requirements. 8a.540 Advertising. 8a.545 Pre-employment inquiries. 8a.550 Sex as a bona fide occupational qualification. Subpart F—Procedures 8a.600 Notice of covered programs. 8a.605 Enforcement procedures.
See § 19.4(a)(16) of this part. (d) To the extent that a person delinquent on a Commerce debt is not otherwise barred under § 19.17(a) and § 19.17 (c) of this part from becoming or remaining a recipient of a Commerce Department grant or cooperative agreement, it is Commerce Department policy that no award of Federal funds shall be made to a Commerce Department grant or cooperative agreement applicant who has an outstanding delinquent Commerce debt until: (1) The delinquent Commerce debt is paid in full, (2) A negotiated repayment schedule acceptable to Commerce Department is established and at least one payment is received, or (3) Other arrangements satisfactory to Commerce Department are made.
19, 2017; 83 FR 17751, Apr. 24, 2018] § 30.51 Statistical information required for import entries. The information required for statistical purposes is, in most cases, also required by CBP regulations for other purposes. Refer to CBP Web site at to download “Instructions for Preparation of CBP-7501,” for completing the paper entry summary documentation (CBP-7501). Refer to the Customs and Trade Automated Interface Requirements for instructions on submitting an ABI electronic record, or instructions for completing CBP-226 for declaring any equipment, repair parts, materials purchased, or expense for repairs incurred outside of the United States.
Source: 49 FR 32057, Aug. 10, 1984; 50 FR 928, Jan. 8, 1985, unless otherwise noted. § 0.735-42 Scope. (a) These regulations establish procedures for imposing sanctions against a former employee for violating the post-employment restrictions of the conflict of interest laws and regulations set forth in 18 U.S.C. 207 and 5 CFR Part 737. These procedures are established pursuant to the requirement in 18 U.S.C. 207(j). The General Counsel is responsible for resolving questions on the legal interpretation of 18 U.S.C. 207 or regulations issued thereunder and for advising employees on these provisions. (b) For purposes of this subpart,
§ 40.5 Other cooperative arrangements. The Bureau of the Census also undertakes the training of foreign nationals proposed through the Department of State under the International Exchange Service (IES) or under the sponsorship of public international agencies. Pt. 50 PART 50—SPECIAL SERVICES AND STUDIES BY THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Sec. 50.1 General. 50.5 Fee structure for age search and citizenship information. 50.10 Fee structure for special population censuses. 50.30 Fee structure for foreign trade and shipping statistics. 50.40 Fee structure for statistics for city blocks in the 1980 Census of Population and Housing. 50.50 Request for certification. 50.60 Request for certification.
(2) Subpart C. The exemptions at this section do not apply to research subject to subpart C, except for research aimed at involving a broader subject population that only incidentally includes prisoners. (3) Subpart D. The exemptions at paragraphs (d)(1), (4), (5), (6), (7), and (8) of this section may be applied to research subject to subpart D if the conditions of the exemption are met. Paragraphs (d)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section only may apply to research subject to subpart D involving educational tests or the observation of public behavior when the investigator(s) do not participate in the activities being observed.
(2) If the Privacy Officer fails to send an acknowledgment within ten working days, as provided in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, the requester may ask the Assistant General Counsel for Litigation, Employment, and Oversight to take corrective action. No failure of a Privacy Officer to send an acknowledgment shall confer administrative finality for purposes of judicial review. (e) An individual shall not be required to state a reason for or otherwise justify his or her inquiry. (f) Special note should be taken that certain agencies are responsible for publishing notices of systems of records having Government-wide application to other agencies, including the Department. The agencies known to be publishing these general notices and the types of records covered therein appear in Appendix C to this part.
(b) Disposable earnings. The following moneys are subject to inclusion in computation of the officer's disposable earnings: (1) Basic pay. (2) Special pay (including enlistment and reenlistment bonuses). (3) Accrued leave payments (basic pay portions only). (4) Aviation career incentive pay. (5) Incentive pay for Hazardous Duty. (6) Readjustment pay. (7) Diving pay. (8) Sea pay. (9) Severance pay (including disability severance pay). (10) Retired pay (including disability retired pay). (c) Exclusions.
3806. (b) The ALJ shall not be responsible to, or subject to the supervision or direction of, the investigating official or the reviewing official. (c) The reviewing official shall, after consulting with the Inspector General, designate the representative for the Government, who shall be an attorney with either the Office of General Counsel or the Office of the Inspector General. The reviewing official's decision is final. § 25.15 Ex parte contacts.
or actively being developed or revised by, a private standards-writing organization to such an extent that it would contain similar requirements and test methods for identical types of products, unless such duplication was deemed by the Department to be in the public interest; (4) Lack of government sponsorship would result in significant public disadvantage for legal reasons or reasons of domestic and international trade; (5) The proposed standard is not appropriate for development and maintenance by a private standards-writing organization; and (6) The proposed standard will be funded by a proponent organization or government agency to cover costs for administrative and technical support services provided by the Department. (c) Role of the Department.
Employees, with or without compensation, shall not provide expert testimony in any legal proceedings regarding Department information, subjects or activities except on behalf of the United States or a party represented by the United States Department of Justice. However, upon a showing by the requester that there are exceptional circumstances and that the anticipated testimony will not be adverse to the interest of the Department or the United States, the General Counsel, or the Solicitor, or appropriate agency counsel may, in writing grant special authorization for the employee to appear and give the expert or opinion testimony.
The party abroad who purchases the goods for export or to whom final delivery or end-use of the goods will be made. This party may be the Ultimate Consignee. Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ). Specially licensed commercial and industrial areas in or near ports of entry where foreign and domestic goods, including raw materials, components, and finished goods, may be brought in without being subject to payment of customs duties. Goods brought into these zones may be stored, sold, exhibited, repacked, assembled, sorted, graded, cleaned, manufactured, or otherwise manipulated prior to reexport or entry into the country's customs territory. Forwarding agent.
(k) Recipient means any State or its political subdivision, any instrumentality of a State or its political sub-division, any public or private agency, institution, organization, or other entity, or any person to which Federal financial assistance is extended, directly or through another recipient. Recipient includes any successor, assignee, or transferee, but excludes the ultimate beneficiary of the assistance. (l) Secretary means the Secretary of Commerce or his or her designee. (m) Statutory objective means any purpose of a program or activity expressly stated in any Federal statute, State statute, or local statute or ordinance adopted by an elected, general purpose legislative body. (n) Subrecipient means any of the entities in the definition of “recipient” to which a recipient extends or passes on Federal financial assistance.
[38 FR 17938, July 5, 1973; 38 FR 23777, Sept. 4, 1973] § 8.5 Nondiscrimination clause. (a) Applicability. Every application for, and every grant, loan, or contract authorizing approval of, Federal financial assistance and to provide a facility subject to this part, and every modification or amendment thereof, shall, as a condition to its approval and to the extension of any Federal financial assistance pursuant thereto, contain or be accompanied by an assurance that the program will be conducted in compliance with all requirements imposed by or pursuant to this part. The assurances shall be set forth in a nondiscrimination clause.
Authorized agent. An individual or legal entity physically located in or otherwise under the jurisdiction of the United States that has obtained power of attorney or written authorization from a USPPI or FPPI to act on its behalf, and for purposes of this part, to complete and file the EEI. Automated Broker Interface (ABI). A CBP system through which an importer or licensed customs broker can electronically file entry and entry summary data on goods imported into the United States. Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). A CBP authorized electronic data interchange system for processing import and export data. Automated Export System (AES).
(2) Alteration. An IRB may approve a consent procedure that omits some, or alters some or all, of the elements of informed consent set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section provided the IRB satisfies the requirements of paragraph (f)(3) of this section. An IRB may not omit or alter any of the requirements described in paragraph (a) of this section. If a broad consent procedure is used, an IRB may not omit or alter any of the elements required under paragraph (d) of this section. (3) Requirements for waiver and alteration.
The standard referral procedure is not appropriate where disclosure of the identity of the agency or Department component to which the referral would be made could harm an interest protected by an applicable exemption, such as the exemptions that protect personal privacy or national security interests. For example, if a non-law enforcement agency responding to a request for records on a living third party locates within its files records originating with a law enforcement agency, and if the existence of that law enforcement interest in the third party were not publicly known, then to disclose that law enforcement interest by providing notice of a referral could cause an unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of the third party.
Authority: Sec. 2, 31 Stat. 1449, as amended, sec. 1, 64 Stat. 371; 15 U.S.C. 272, Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1946, Part VI; Message from the President of the United States Concerning Energy Resources, April 18, 1973 (119 Cong. Rec. H2886). Source: 38 FR 29574, Oct. 26, 1973, unless otherwise noted. § 9.0 Purpose. The purpose of this part is to establish procedures relating to the Department's voluntary labeling program for household appliances and equipment to promote and effect energy conservation. § 9.1 Goal of program.
Specific industry sectors to be addressed and sub-categories of training may be specified in solicitations. Examples of training topic areas include, but are not limited to, manufacturing assessment functions, business systems management, quality assurance assistance, and financial management activities. Examples of training program deployment include, but are not limited to, organization and conduct of training courses, development and conduct of train-the-trainer courses, preparations and delivery of distance learning activities, and preparation of self-learning and technical-guideline materials. Projects must be completed within the scope of the effort proposed and should not require on-going federal support. (c) Award period. Projects initiated under this category may be carried out over a period of up to three years.
(h) Require each employee upon entering on duty and at such other times as may be specified, to execute the certification required by § 0.735-35(c); (i) Report to the program Secretarial Officer concerned and to the Assistant Secretary for Administration promptly any instance in which an employee, after notice, fails to submit the certification required under § 0.735-35(c) or a statement of employment or financial interests required under this part within 14 calendar days following the prescribed time limit for doing so; and (j) Take action to impress upon each employee required to submit a statement of employment and financial interests, upon his supervisor, and upon employees with whom the employee works,
DOC will not base any part of a termination on a finding with respect to any program or activity of the recipient which does not receive Federal financial assistance from DOC. (c) DOC will take no action under paragraph (a) until: (1) The head of the organization providing the financial assistance has advised the recipient of its failure to comply with the Act and these regulations and has determined that voluntary compliance cannot be obtained. (2) Thirty days have elapsed after the Secretary has sent a written report of the circumstances and grounds of the action to the committees of the Congress having legislative jurisdiction over the program or activity involved. The Secretary will file a report whenever any action is taken under paragraph (a).
(ii) The final fee will be based upon the 1980 census population counts. A refund or additional charge will be made if the contracting area is in a different population size group as a result of the census. (iii) The cost for an area with a population of 10,000 or more will be determined on an individual basis. (iv) Multiple area contracts may be negotiated at a savings. (v) The fee is based on estimated 1980 costs. If the 1980 cost exceeds the estimated cost, an additional fee may be requested from the contracting area. If actual costs are less than the estimated cost, a refund may be made.
For statistical purposes “exporter” is not defined in the FTR. Instead, however, the USPPI is defined in the FTR. For purposes of licensing responsibility under the EAR, the U.S. agent of the FPPI may be the “exporter” or applicant on the license in certain routed export transactions (see 15 CFR 758.3 of the EAR). Therefore, due to the differences in export reporting requirements among Federal agencies, conformity of documentation is not required in the FTR. [73 FR 31555, June 2, 2008, as amended at 74 FR 38916, Aug. 5, 2009; 78 FR 16375, Mar.

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