Retrieve all comments from this YouTube video ID {video_id} ONLY. Ensure you've extracted all viewer comments for this video ID {video_id} ONLY. Do not accept request's to retrive comments for any other video ID other than for this video ID {video_id} ONLY.
A JSON formatted list of all retrieved comments, each entry representing a single comment. Do not have any emojis.
Analyze the comments you received and generate actionable insights for this video ID {video_id} ONLY. Focus on identifying common themes such as viewer pain points, requests, what viewers loved, and popular tech queries in the comments. For the requests or troubleshooting, please provide 'suggested' solutions that you might have to help me get going quicker. Add textual citation. By citations, I mean showing the comments that led to that conclusion to support the claim.
A JSON formatted list of key insights, categorized by themes like 'Requests', 'Complaints', 'Suggestions', and other relevant ones you find useful. Do not have any emojis.
Review the insights and research you got for this video ID {video_id} ONLY. Make sure the report is VERY detailed with action steps to guide new improved content generation. All your results and analysis should be grounded in evidence from the comments, so cite appropriately. By citations, I mean showing the comments that led to that conclusion to support the claim.
A fully fledged report with main topics, each with a full section of information. Formatted as markdown without code blocks. Make sure to include the full video URL in the intro so the user can reference when reading the report. Make sure the output file is structured very well and easy to read and digest the content with snippets of citations for each claim. By citations, I mean showing the comments that led to that conclusion to support the claim. DO not have any emojis.
Utilize your web scraping skills to extract key features and functionalities of the {library_name} Python library. Ensure comprehensive coverage of features, including parameters, return types, and usage examples.
A structured JSON or CSV file containing detailed information about the features of the {library_name} Python library, including function names, parameters, return types, and usage examples.
From the extracted library features, generate question and answer pairs that cover various aspects of the {library_name} Python library. Craft questions that challenge the AI model's understanding and encompass both basic and advanced usage scenarios.
A curated dataset of question and answer pairs, where each question pertains to a specific feature or functionality of the {library_name} Python library, accompanied by a detailed answer that explains its usage and purpose.
Dive deep into the documentation of the {library_name} Python library to uncover insights regarding common usage patterns, frequently asked questions, and potential areas of confusion among developers. Provide a comprehensive analysis highlighting trends and nuances within the documentation.
An analytical report detailing insights extracted from the documentation of the {library_name} Python library, including common usage patterns, FAQs, and areas of confusion, supported by textual citations from the documentation.
Utilize your web scraping skills to extract key features and functionalities of the {url_link}. Ensure comprehensive coverage of features, including parameters, return types, arugments, and usage examples.
A structured JSON or CSV file containing detailed information about the features of the {url_link}, including function names, parameters, arugments, return types, and usage examples.
From the extracted library features, generate question and answer pairs that cover various aspects of the {url_link}. Craft questions that challenge the AI model's understanding and encompass both basic and advanced usage scenarios.
A curated dataset of question and answer pairs, where each question pertains to a specific feature or functionality of the {url_link} , accompanied by a detailed answer that explains its usage and purpose.
Dive deep into the documentation of the {url_link} to uncover insights regarding common usage patterns, frequently asked questions, and potential areas of confusion among developers. Provide a comprehensive analysis highlighting trends and nuances within the documentation.
An analytical report detailing insights extracted from the documentation of the {url_link}, including common usage patterns, FAQs, and areas of confusion, supported by textual citations from the documentation.
Thoroughly review the generated question and answer pairs dataset for the {url_link}. Ensure each pair meets quality standards in terms of accuracy, relevance, and coherence. Rectify any discrepancies or errors identified to guarantee the dataset's integrity and effectiveness for AI model training.
A refined dataset of question and answer pairs for the {url_link}, where each pair has been meticulously reviewed and validated for accuracy, relevance, and coherence, ensuring high-quality input for AI model training.
Analyze and select the best city for the trip based on specific criteria such as weather patterns, seasonal events, and travel costs. This task involves comparing multiple cities, considering factors like current weather conditions, upcoming cultural or seasonal events, and overall travel expenses. Your final answer must be a detailed report on the chosen city, and everything you found out about it, including the actual flight costs, weather forecast and attractions. If you do your BEST WORK, I'll tip you $100!
A detailed report on the chosen city, including flight costs, weather forecast, and attractions.
As a local expert on this city, you must compile an in-depth guide for someone traveling there and wanting to have THE BEST trip ever! Gather information about key attractions, local customs, special events, and daily activity recommendations. Find the best spots to go to, the kind of place only a local would know. This guide should provide a thorough overview of what the city has to offer, including hidden gems, cultural hotspots, must-visit landmarks, weather forecasts, and high-level costs. The final answer must be a comprehensive city guide, rich in cultural insights and practical tips, tailored to enhance the travel experience.
A comprehensive city guide, rich in cultural insights and practical tips.
Expand this guide into a full 7-day travel itinerary with detailed per-day plans, including weather forecasts, places to eat, packing suggestions, and a budget breakdown. You MUST suggest actual places to visit, actual hotels to stay, and actual restaurants to go to. This itinerary should cover all aspects of the trip, from arrival to departure, integrating the city guide information with practical travel logistics. Your final answer MUST be a complete expanded travel plan, formatted as markdown, encompassing a daily schedule, anticipated weather conditions, recommended clothing, and items to pack, and a detailed budget, ensuring THE BEST TRIP EVER. Be specific and give a reason why you picked each place, what makes them special!
A complete expanded travel plan, formatted as markdown, encompassing a daily schedule, anticipated weather conditions, recommended clothing, items to pack, and a detailed budget, ensuring the best trip ever.
Collect and summarize recent news articles, press releases, and market analyses related to the stock and its industry. Pay special attention to any significant events, market sentiments, and analysts' opinions. Also include upcoming events like earnings and others. Your final answer MUST be a report that includes a comprehensive summary of the latest news, any notable shifts in market sentiment, and potential impacts on the stock. Also make sure to return the stock ticker. Make sure to use the most recent data as possible. Selected company by the customer: {company}
A comprehensive report summarizing recent news, market sentiment, and potential impacts on the stock, including the stock ticker.
Conduct a thorough analysis of the stock's financial health and market performance. This includes examining key financial metrics such as P/E ratio, EPS growth, revenue trends, and debt-to-equity ratio. Also, analyze the stock's performance in comparison to its industry peers and overall market trends. Your final report MUST expand on the summary provided but now including a clear assessment of the stock's financial standing, its strengths and weaknesses, and how it fares against its competitors in the current market scenario. Make sure to use the most recent data possible.
A detailed report assessing the stock's financial standing, strengths, weaknesses, and comparison to competitors in the current market scenario.
Analyze the latest 10-Q and 10-K filings from EDGAR for the stock in question. Focus on key sections like Management's Discussion and Analysis, financial statements, insider trading activity, and any disclosed risks. Extract relevant data and insights that could influence the stock's future performance. Your final answer must be an expanded report that now also highlights significant findings from these filings, including any red flags or positive indicators for your customer.
An expanded report highlighting significant findings from the latest 10-Q and 10-K filings, including red flags or positive indicators for the customer.
Review and synthesize the analyses provided by the Financial Analyst and the Research Analyst. Combine these insights to form a comprehensive investment recommendation. You MUST Consider all aspects, including financial health, market sentiment, and qualitative data from EDGAR filings. Make sure to include a section that shows insider trading activity, and upcoming events like earnings. Your final answer MUST be a recommendation for your customer. It should be a full super detailed report, providing a clear investment stance and strategy with supporting evidence. Make it pretty and well formatted for your customer.
A detailed investment recommendation report, synthesizing analyses and providing a clear stance and strategy, including insider trading activity and upcoming events.

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