doc & scripts update

by kylewhy - opened
AI4EPS org
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AI4EPS org

Add docs
update the URL part of the loading script

kylewhy changed pull request status to open
AI4EPS org

Why change configures from "station/event" to "train/test"?

_URLS = {
"train": [f"{_REPO_NC}/{x}" for x in _FILES_NC[:-1]] + [f"{_REPO_SC}/{x}" for x in _FILES_SC[:-1]],
"test": [f"{_REPO_NC}/{x}" for x in _FILES_NC[-1:]] + [f"{_REPO_SC}/{x}" for x in _FILES_SC[-1:]],

AI4EPS org

We can have both in the configure, even for each year, so that it is easy to only download one year's data.

AI4EPS org

Why change configures from "station/event" to "train/test"?

_URLS = {
"train": [f"{_REPO_NC}/{x}" for x in _FILES_NC[:-1]] + [f"{_REPO_SC}/{x}" for x in _FILES_SC[:-1]],
"test": [f"{_REPO_NC}/{x}" for x in _FILES_NC[-1:]] + [f"{_REPO_SC}/{x}" for x in _FILES_SC[-1:]],

I just found 'event' and 'station' use the same files. And it makes split train/test for the whole dataset easier:

 if in ["station", "event"]:
            urls = _URLS["train"] + _URLS["test"]
        elif in ["station_train", "event_train"]:
            urls = _URLS["train"]
        elif in ["station_test", "event_test"]:
            urls = _URLS["test"]
zhuwq0 changed pull request status to merged

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