### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_01 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } private void good1() throws Throwable { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_01.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-01.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 01 Baseline * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_01 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } private void good1() throws Throwable { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_02 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (false) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_02.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-02.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 02 Control flow: if(true) and if(false) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_02 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() changes true to false */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (false) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_03 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (5 == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (5 != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (5 == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_03.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-03.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 03 Control flow: if(5==5) and if(5!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_03 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (5 == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() changes 5==5 to 5!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (5 != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (5 == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_04 extends AbstractTestCase { private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE = true; private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_04.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-04.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 04 Control flow: if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) and if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_04 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The two variables below are declared "final", so a tool should * be able to identify that reads of these will always return their * initialized values. */ private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE = true; private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() changes PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE to PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_05 extends AbstractTestCase { private boolean privateTrue = true; private boolean privateFalse = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateFalse) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_05.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-05.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 05 Control flow: if(privateTrue) and if(privateFalse) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_05 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The two variables below are not defined as "final", but are never * assigned any other value, so a tool should be able to identify that * reads of these will always return their initialized values. */ private boolean privateTrue = true; private boolean privateFalse = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() changes privateTrue to privateFalse */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateFalse) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_06 extends AbstractTestCase { private static final int PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE = 5; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_06.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-06.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 06 Control flow: if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5) and if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_06 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The variable below is declared "final", so a tool should be able * to identify that reads of this will always give its initialized * value. */ private static final int PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE = 5; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() changes PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5 to PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_07 extends AbstractTestCase { private int privateFive = 5; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateFive != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_07.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-07.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 07 Control flow: if(privateFive==5) and if(privateFive!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_07 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The variable below is not declared "final", but is never assigned * any other value so a tool should be able to identify that reads of * this will always give its initialized value. */ private int privateFive = 5; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() changes privateFive==5 to privateFive!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateFive != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_08 extends AbstractTestCase { private boolean privateReturnsTrue() { return true; } private boolean privateReturnsFalse() { return false; } public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsFalse()) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_08.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-08.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 08 Control flow: if(privateReturnsTrue()) and if(privateReturnsFalse()) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_08 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The methods below always return the same value, so a tool * should be able to figure out that every call to these * methods will return true or return false. */ private boolean privateReturnsTrue() { return true; } private boolean privateReturnsFalse() { return false; } public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() changes privateReturnsTrue() to privateReturnsFalse() */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsFalse()) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_09 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_09.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-09.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 09 Control flow: if(IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) and if(IO.STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_09 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() changes IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE to IO.STATIC_FINAL_FALSE */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_10 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFalse) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_10.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-10.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 10 Control flow: if(IO.staticTrue) and if(IO.staticFalse) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_10 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() changes IO.staticTrue to IO.staticFalse */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFalse) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_11 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsFalse()) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_11.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-11.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 11 Control flow: if(IO.staticReturnsTrue()) and if(IO.staticReturnsFalse()) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_11 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() changes IO.staticReturnsTrue() to IO.staticReturnsFalse() */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsFalse()) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_12 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_12.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-12.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 12 Control flow: if(IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_12 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good1() changes the "if" so that both branches use the GoodSink */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_13 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_13.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-13.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 13 Control flow: if(IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5) and if(IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_13 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() changes IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5 to IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_14 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_14.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-14.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 14 Control flow: if(IO.staticFive==5) and if(IO.staticFive!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_14 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() changes IO.staticFive==5 to IO.staticFive!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_15 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { switch (7) { case 7: int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); break; default: IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; } } private void good1() throws Throwable { switch (8) { case 7: IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; default: int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); break; } } private void good2() throws Throwable { switch (7) { case 7: int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); break; default: IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_15.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-15.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 15 Control flow: switch(7) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_15 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { switch (7) { case 7: int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ break; default: /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; } } /* good1() change the switch to switch(8) */ private void good1() throws Throwable { switch (8) { case 7: /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; default: int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ break; } } /* good2() reverses the blocks in the switch */ private void good2() throws Throwable { switch (7) { case 7: int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ break; default: /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_16 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { while(true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); break; } } private void good1() throws Throwable { while(true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); break; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_16.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-16.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 16 Control flow: while(true) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_16 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { while(true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ break; } } /* good1() change the conditions on the while statements */ private void good1() throws Throwable { while(true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ break; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_17 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { for(int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); } } private void good1() throws Throwable { for(int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_17.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-17.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: do * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 17 Control flow: for loops * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__do_17 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { for(int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i <= intArray.length); /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ } } /* good1() use the GoodSinkBody in the for statement */ private void good1() throws Throwable { for(int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; do { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } while (i < intArray.length); /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_01 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } private void good1() throws Throwable { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_01.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-01.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 01 Baseline * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_01 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } private void good1() throws Throwable { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_02 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (false) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_02.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-02.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 02 Control flow: if(true) and if(false) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_02 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes true to false */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (false) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_03 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (5 == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (5 != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (5 == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_03.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-03.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 03 Control flow: if(5==5) and if(5!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_03 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (5 == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes 5==5 to 5!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (5 != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (5 == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_04 extends AbstractTestCase { private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE = true; private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_04.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-04.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 04 Control flow: if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) and if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_04 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The two variables below are declared "final", so a tool should * be able to identify that reads of these will always return their * initialized values. */ private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE = true; private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE to PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_05 extends AbstractTestCase { private boolean privateTrue = true; private boolean privateFalse = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateFalse) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_05.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-05.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 05 Control flow: if(privateTrue) and if(privateFalse) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_05 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The two variables below are not defined as "final", but are never * assigned any other value, so a tool should be able to identify that * reads of these will always return their initialized values. */ private boolean privateTrue = true; private boolean privateFalse = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes privateTrue to privateFalse */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateFalse) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_06 extends AbstractTestCase { private static final int PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE = 5; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_06.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-06.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 06 Control flow: if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5) and if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_06 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The variable below is declared "final", so a tool should be able * to identify that reads of this will always give its initialized * value. */ private static final int PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE = 5; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5 to PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_07 extends AbstractTestCase { private int privateFive = 5; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateFive != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_07.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-07.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 07 Control flow: if(privateFive==5) and if(privateFive!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_07 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The variable below is not declared "final", but is never assigned * any other value so a tool should be able to identify that reads of * this will always give its initialized value. */ private int privateFive = 5; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes privateFive==5 to privateFive!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateFive != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_08 extends AbstractTestCase { private boolean privateReturnsTrue() { return true; } private boolean privateReturnsFalse() { return false; } public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsFalse()) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_08.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-08.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 08 Control flow: if(privateReturnsTrue()) and if(privateReturnsFalse()) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_08 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The methods below always return the same value, so a tool * should be able to figure out that every call to these * methods will return true or return false. */ private boolean privateReturnsTrue() { return true; } private boolean privateReturnsFalse() { return false; } public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes privateReturnsTrue() to privateReturnsFalse() */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsFalse()) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_09 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_09.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-09.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 09 Control flow: if(IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) and if(IO.STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_09 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE to IO.STATIC_FINAL_FALSE */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_10 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFalse) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_10.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-10.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 10 Control flow: if(IO.staticTrue) and if(IO.staticFalse) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_10 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes IO.staticTrue to IO.staticFalse */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFalse) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_11 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsFalse()) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_11.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-11.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 11 Control flow: if(IO.staticReturnsTrue()) and if(IO.staticReturnsFalse()) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_11 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes IO.staticReturnsTrue() to IO.staticReturnsFalse() */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsFalse()) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_12 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_12.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-12.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 12 Control flow: if(IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_12 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes the "if" so that both branches use the GoodSink */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_13 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_13.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-13.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 13 Control flow: if(IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5) and if(IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_13 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5 to IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_14 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_14.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-14.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 14 Control flow: if(IO.staticFive==5) and if(IO.staticFive!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_14 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() changes IO.staticFive==5 to IO.staticFive!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_15 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { switch (7) { case 7: int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } break; default: IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; } } private void good1() throws Throwable { switch (8) { case 7: IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; default: int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } break; } } private void good2() throws Throwable { switch (7) { case 7: int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } break; default: IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_15.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-15.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 15 Control flow: switch(7) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_15 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { switch (7) { case 7: int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } break; default: /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; } } /* good1() change the switch to switch(8) */ private void good1() throws Throwable { switch (8) { case 7: /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; default: int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } break; } } /* good2() reverses the blocks in the switch */ private void good2() throws Throwable { switch (7) { case 7: int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } break; default: /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_16 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { while(true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } break; } } private void good1() throws Throwable { while(true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } break; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_16.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-16.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 16 Control flow: while(true) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_16 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { while(true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } break; } } /* good1() change the conditions on the while statements */ private void good1() throws Throwable { while(true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } break; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_17 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { for(int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { for(int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_17.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-17.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: for * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 17 Control flow: for loops * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__for_17 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { for(int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FLAW: index outside of array, off by one */ for (int i = 0; i <= intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } /* good1() use the GoodSinkBody in the for statement */ private void good1() throws Throwable { for(int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_01 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } private void good1() throws Throwable { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_01.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-01.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 01 Baseline * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_01 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } private void good1() throws Throwable { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_02 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (false) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_02.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-02.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 02 Control flow: if(true) and if(false) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_02 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes true to false */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (false) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_03 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (5 == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (5 != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (5 == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_03.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-03.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 03 Control flow: if(5==5) and if(5!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_03 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (5 == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes 5==5 to 5!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (5 != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (5 == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_04 extends AbstractTestCase { private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE = true; private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_04.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-04.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 04 Control flow: if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) and if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_04 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The two variables below are declared "final", so a tool should * be able to identify that reads of these will always return their * initialized values. */ private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE = true; private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE to PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_05 extends AbstractTestCase { private boolean privateTrue = true; private boolean privateFalse = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateFalse) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_05.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-05.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 05 Control flow: if(privateTrue) and if(privateFalse) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_05 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The two variables below are not defined as "final", but are never * assigned any other value, so a tool should be able to identify that * reads of these will always return their initialized values. */ private boolean privateTrue = true; private boolean privateFalse = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes privateTrue to privateFalse */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateFalse) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_06 extends AbstractTestCase { private static final int PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE = 5; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_06.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-06.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 06 Control flow: if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5) and if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_06 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The variable below is declared "final", so a tool should be able * to identify that reads of this will always give its initialized * value. */ private static final int PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE = 5; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5 to PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_07 extends AbstractTestCase { private int privateFive = 5; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateFive != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_07.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-07.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 07 Control flow: if(privateFive==5) and if(privateFive!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_07 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The variable below is not declared "final", but is never assigned * any other value so a tool should be able to identify that reads of * this will always give its initialized value. */ private int privateFive = 5; public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes privateFive==5 to privateFive!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateFive != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_08 extends AbstractTestCase { private boolean privateReturnsTrue() { return true; } private boolean privateReturnsFalse() { return false; } public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsFalse()) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_08.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-08.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 08 Control flow: if(privateReturnsTrue()) and if(privateReturnsFalse()) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_08 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The methods below always return the same value, so a tool * should be able to figure out that every call to these * methods will return true or return false. */ private boolean privateReturnsTrue() { return true; } private boolean privateReturnsFalse() { return false; } public void bad() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes privateReturnsTrue() to privateReturnsFalse() */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsFalse()) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (privateReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_09 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_09.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-09.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 09 Control flow: if(IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) and if(IO.STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_09 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE to IO.STATIC_FINAL_FALSE */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_10 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFalse) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_10.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-10.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 10 Control flow: if(IO.staticTrue) and if(IO.staticFalse) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_10 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes IO.staticTrue to IO.staticFalse */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFalse) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticTrue) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_11 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsFalse()) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_11.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-11.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 11 Control flow: if(IO.staticReturnsTrue()) and if(IO.staticReturnsFalse()) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_11 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes IO.staticReturnsTrue() to IO.staticReturnsFalse() */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsFalse()) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrue()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_12 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_12.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-12.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 12 Control flow: if(IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_12 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes the "if" so that both branches use the GoodSink */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticReturnsTrueOrFalse()) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_13 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_13.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-13.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 13 Control flow: if(IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5) and if(IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_13 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5 to IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_14 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive != 5) { IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_14.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-14.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 14 Control flow: if(IO.staticFive==5) and if(IO.staticFive!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_14 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() changes IO.staticFive==5 to IO.staticFive!=5 */ private void good1() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good2() reverses the bodies in the if statement */ private void good2() throws Throwable { if (IO.staticFive == 5) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_15 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { switch (7) { case 7: int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } break; default: IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; } } private void good1() throws Throwable { switch (8) { case 7: IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; default: int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } break; } } private void good2() throws Throwable { switch (7) { case 7: int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } break; default: IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_15.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-15.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 15 Control flow: switch(7) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_15 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { switch (7) { case 7: int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } break; default: /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; } } /* good1() change the switch to switch(8) */ private void good1() throws Throwable { switch (8) { case 7: /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; default: int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } break; } } /* good2() reverses the blocks in the switch */ private void good2() throws Throwable { switch (7) { case 7: int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } break; default: /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); break; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); good2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_16 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { while(true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } break; } } private void good1() throws Throwable { while(true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } break; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_16.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-16.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 16 Control flow: while(true) * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_16 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { while(true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } break; } } /* good1() change the conditions on the while statements */ private void good1() throws Throwable { while(true) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } break; } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_17 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { for(int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } private void good1() throws Throwable { for(int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_17.java Label Definition File: CWE193_Off_by_One_Error.label.xml Template File: point-flaw-17.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 193 An array index is 1 off from the max array index * Sinks: while * GoodSink: restrict max index value * BadSink : access array index outside array max * Flow Variant: 17 Control flow: for loops * * */ package testcases.CWE193_Off_by_One_Error; import testcasesupport.*; public class CWE193_Off_by_One_Error__while_17 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { for(int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FLAW: Use <= rather than < */ while (i <= intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } /* good1() use the GoodSinkBody in the for statement */ private void good1() throws Throwable { for(int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int[] intArray = new int[10]; int i = 0; /* FIX: Use < to ensure no out of bounds access */ while (i < intArray.length) { IO.writeLine("intArray[" + i + "] = " + (intArray[i] = i)); i++; } } } public void good() throws Throwable { good1(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error.s01; import testcasesupport.*; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.logging.Level; public class CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int_connect_tcp_to_byte_01 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { int data; data = Integer.MIN_VALUE; { Socket socket = null; BufferedReader readerBuffered = null; InputStreamReader readerInputStream = null; try { socket = new Socket("host.example.org", 39544); readerInputStream = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); readerBuffered = new BufferedReader(readerInputStream); String stringNumber = readerBuffered.readLine(); if (stringNumber != null) { try { data = Integer.parseInt(stringNumber.trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException exceptNumberFormat) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Number format exception parsing data from string", exceptNumberFormat); } } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error with stream reading", exceptIO); } finally { try { if (readerBuffered != null) { readerBuffered.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing BufferedReader", exceptIO); } try { if (readerInputStream != null) { readerInputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing InputStreamReader", exceptIO); } try { if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing Socket", exceptIO); } } } { IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } public void good() throws Throwable { goodG2B(); } private void goodG2B() throws Throwable { int data; data = 2; { IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int_connect_tcp_to_byte_01.java Label Definition File: CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int.label.xml Template File: sources-sink-01.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 197 Numeric Truncation Error * BadSource: connect_tcp Read data using an outbound tcp connection * GoodSource: A hardcoded non-zero, non-min, non-max, even number * BadSink: to_byte Convert data to a byte * Flow Variant: 01 Baseline * * */ package testcases.CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error.s01; import testcasesupport.*; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.logging.Level; public class CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int_connect_tcp_to_byte_01 extends AbstractTestCase { /* uses badsource and badsink */ public void bad() throws Throwable { int data; data = Integer.MIN_VALUE; /* Initialize data */ /* Read data using an outbound tcp connection */ { Socket socket = null; BufferedReader readerBuffered = null; InputStreamReader readerInputStream = null; try { /* Read data using an outbound tcp connection */ socket = new Socket("host.example.org", 39544); /* read input from socket */ readerInputStream = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); readerBuffered = new BufferedReader(readerInputStream); /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Read data using an outbound tcp connection */ String stringNumber = readerBuffered.readLine(); if (stringNumber != null) /* avoid NPD incidental warnings */ { try { data = Integer.parseInt(stringNumber.trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException exceptNumberFormat) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Number format exception parsing data from string", exceptNumberFormat); } } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error with stream reading", exceptIO); } finally { /* clean up stream reading objects */ try { if (readerBuffered != null) { readerBuffered.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing BufferedReader", exceptIO); } try { if (readerInputStream != null) { readerInputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing InputStreamReader", exceptIO); } /* clean up socket objects */ try { if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing Socket", exceptIO); } } } { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Convert data to a byte, possibly causing a truncation error */ IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } public void good() throws Throwable { goodG2B(); } /* goodG2B() - uses goodsource and badsink */ private void goodG2B() throws Throwable { int data; /* FIX: Use a hardcoded number that won't cause underflow, overflow, divide by zero, or loss-of-precision issues */ data = 2; { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Convert data to a byte, possibly causing a truncation error */ IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error.s01; import testcasesupport.*; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.logging.Level; public class CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int_connect_tcp_to_byte_02 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { int data; if (true) { data = Integer.MIN_VALUE; { Socket socket = null; BufferedReader readerBuffered = null; InputStreamReader readerInputStream = null; try { socket = new Socket("host.example.org", 39544); readerInputStream = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); readerBuffered = new BufferedReader(readerInputStream); String stringNumber = readerBuffered.readLine(); if (stringNumber != null) { try { data = Integer.parseInt(stringNumber.trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException exceptNumberFormat) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Number format exception parsing data from string", exceptNumberFormat); } } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error with stream reading", exceptIO); } finally { try { if (readerBuffered != null) { readerBuffered.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing BufferedReader", exceptIO); } try { if (readerInputStream != null) { readerInputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing InputStreamReader", exceptIO); } try { if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing Socket", exceptIO); } } } } else { data = 0; } { IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } private void goodG2B1() throws Throwable { int data; if (false) { data = 0; } else { data = 2; } { IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } private void goodG2B2() throws Throwable { int data; if (true) { data = 2; } else { data = 0; } { IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } public void good() throws Throwable { goodG2B1(); goodG2B2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int_connect_tcp_to_byte_02.java Label Definition File: CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int.label.xml Template File: sources-sink-02.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 197 Numeric Truncation Error * BadSource: connect_tcp Read data using an outbound tcp connection * GoodSource: A hardcoded non-zero, non-min, non-max, even number * BadSink: to_byte Convert data to a byte * Flow Variant: 02 Control flow: if(true) and if(false) * * */ package testcases.CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error.s01; import testcasesupport.*; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.logging.Level; public class CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int_connect_tcp_to_byte_02 extends AbstractTestCase { /* uses badsource and badsink */ public void bad() throws Throwable { int data; if (true) { data = Integer.MIN_VALUE; /* Initialize data */ /* Read data using an outbound tcp connection */ { Socket socket = null; BufferedReader readerBuffered = null; InputStreamReader readerInputStream = null; try { /* Read data using an outbound tcp connection */ socket = new Socket("host.example.org", 39544); /* read input from socket */ readerInputStream = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); readerBuffered = new BufferedReader(readerInputStream); /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Read data using an outbound tcp connection */ String stringNumber = readerBuffered.readLine(); if (stringNumber != null) /* avoid NPD incidental warnings */ { try { data = Integer.parseInt(stringNumber.trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException exceptNumberFormat) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Number format exception parsing data from string", exceptNumberFormat); } } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error with stream reading", exceptIO); } finally { /* clean up stream reading objects */ try { if (readerBuffered != null) { readerBuffered.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing BufferedReader", exceptIO); } try { if (readerInputStream != null) { readerInputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing InputStreamReader", exceptIO); } /* clean up socket objects */ try { if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing Socket", exceptIO); } } } } else { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run * but ensure data is inititialized before the Sink to avoid compiler errors */ data = 0; } { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Convert data to a byte, possibly causing a truncation error */ IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } /* goodG2B1() - use goodsource and badsink by changing true to false */ private void goodG2B1() throws Throwable { int data; if (false) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run * but ensure data is inititialized before the Sink to avoid compiler errors */ data = 0; } else { /* FIX: Use a hardcoded number that won't cause underflow, overflow, divide by zero, or loss-of-precision issues */ data = 2; } { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Convert data to a byte, possibly causing a truncation error */ IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } /* goodG2B2() - use goodsource and badsink by reversing statements in if */ private void goodG2B2() throws Throwable { int data; if (true) { /* FIX: Use a hardcoded number that won't cause underflow, overflow, divide by zero, or loss-of-precision issues */ data = 2; } else { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run * but ensure data is inititialized before the Sink to avoid compiler errors */ data = 0; } { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Convert data to a byte, possibly causing a truncation error */ IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } public void good() throws Throwable { goodG2B1(); goodG2B2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error.s01; import testcasesupport.*; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.logging.Level; public class CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int_connect_tcp_to_byte_03 extends AbstractTestCase { public void bad() throws Throwable { int data; if (5 == 5) { data = Integer.MIN_VALUE; { Socket socket = null; BufferedReader readerBuffered = null; InputStreamReader readerInputStream = null; try { socket = new Socket("host.example.org", 39544); readerInputStream = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); readerBuffered = new BufferedReader(readerInputStream); String stringNumber = readerBuffered.readLine(); if (stringNumber != null) { try { data = Integer.parseInt(stringNumber.trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException exceptNumberFormat) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Number format exception parsing data from string", exceptNumberFormat); } } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error with stream reading", exceptIO); } finally { try { if (readerBuffered != null) { readerBuffered.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing BufferedReader", exceptIO); } try { if (readerInputStream != null) { readerInputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing InputStreamReader", exceptIO); } try { if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing Socket", exceptIO); } } } } else { data = 0; } { IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } private void goodG2B1() throws Throwable { int data; if (5 != 5) { data = 0; } else { data = 2; } { IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } private void goodG2B2() throws Throwable { int data; if (5 == 5) { data = 2; } else { data = 0; } { IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } public void good() throws Throwable { goodG2B1(); goodG2B2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int_connect_tcp_to_byte_03.java Label Definition File: CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int.label.xml Template File: sources-sink-03.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 197 Numeric Truncation Error * BadSource: connect_tcp Read data using an outbound tcp connection * GoodSource: A hardcoded non-zero, non-min, non-max, even number * BadSink: to_byte Convert data to a byte * Flow Variant: 03 Control flow: if(5==5) and if(5!=5) * * */ package testcases.CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error.s01; import testcasesupport.*; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.logging.Level; public class CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int_connect_tcp_to_byte_03 extends AbstractTestCase { /* uses badsource and badsink */ public void bad() throws Throwable { int data; if (5 == 5) { data = Integer.MIN_VALUE; /* Initialize data */ /* Read data using an outbound tcp connection */ { Socket socket = null; BufferedReader readerBuffered = null; InputStreamReader readerInputStream = null; try { /* Read data using an outbound tcp connection */ socket = new Socket("host.example.org", 39544); /* read input from socket */ readerInputStream = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); readerBuffered = new BufferedReader(readerInputStream); /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Read data using an outbound tcp connection */ String stringNumber = readerBuffered.readLine(); if (stringNumber != null) /* avoid NPD incidental warnings */ { try { data = Integer.parseInt(stringNumber.trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException exceptNumberFormat) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Number format exception parsing data from string", exceptNumberFormat); } } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error with stream reading", exceptIO); } finally { /* clean up stream reading objects */ try { if (readerBuffered != null) { readerBuffered.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing BufferedReader", exceptIO); } try { if (readerInputStream != null) { readerInputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing InputStreamReader", exceptIO); } /* clean up socket objects */ try { if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing Socket", exceptIO); } } } } else { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run * but ensure data is inititialized before the Sink to avoid compiler errors */ data = 0; } { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Convert data to a byte, possibly causing a truncation error */ IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } /* goodG2B1() - use goodsource and badsink by changing 5==5 to 5!=5 */ private void goodG2B1() throws Throwable { int data; if (5 != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run * but ensure data is inititialized before the Sink to avoid compiler errors */ data = 0; } else { /* FIX: Use a hardcoded number that won't cause underflow, overflow, divide by zero, or loss-of-precision issues */ data = 2; } { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Convert data to a byte, possibly causing a truncation error */ IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } /* goodG2B2() - use goodsource and badsink by reversing statements in if */ private void goodG2B2() throws Throwable { int data; if (5 == 5) { /* FIX: Use a hardcoded number that won't cause underflow, overflow, divide by zero, or loss-of-precision issues */ data = 2; } else { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run * but ensure data is inititialized before the Sink to avoid compiler errors */ data = 0; } { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Convert data to a byte, possibly causing a truncation error */ IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } public void good() throws Throwable { goodG2B1(); goodG2B2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
### Human: Please review the following code and annotate comments on possible vulnerabilities or potential threats that may exist. package testcases.CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error.s01; import testcasesupport.*; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.logging.Level; public class CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int_connect_tcp_to_byte_04 extends AbstractTestCase { private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE = true; private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE = false; public void bad() throws Throwable { int data; if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { data = Integer.MIN_VALUE; { Socket socket = null; BufferedReader readerBuffered = null; InputStreamReader readerInputStream = null; try { socket = new Socket("host.example.org", 39544); readerInputStream = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); readerBuffered = new BufferedReader(readerInputStream); String stringNumber = readerBuffered.readLine(); if (stringNumber != null) { try { data = Integer.parseInt(stringNumber.trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException exceptNumberFormat) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Number format exception parsing data from string", exceptNumberFormat); } } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error with stream reading", exceptIO); } finally { try { if (readerBuffered != null) { readerBuffered.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing BufferedReader", exceptIO); } try { if (readerInputStream != null) { readerInputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing InputStreamReader", exceptIO); } try { if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing Socket", exceptIO); } } } } else { data = 0; } { IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } private void goodG2B1() throws Throwable { int data; if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { data = 0; } else { data = 2; } { IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } private void goodG2B2() throws Throwable { int data; if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { data = 2; } else { data = 0; } { IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } public void good() throws Throwable { goodG2B1(); goodG2B2(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } } ### Assistant: Here are the results of the code review. /* TEMPLATE GENERATED TESTCASE FILE Filename: CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int_connect_tcp_to_byte_04.java Label Definition File: CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int.label.xml Template File: sources-sink-04.tmpl.java */ /* * @description * CWE: 197 Numeric Truncation Error * BadSource: connect_tcp Read data using an outbound tcp connection * GoodSource: A hardcoded non-zero, non-min, non-max, even number * BadSink: to_byte Convert data to a byte * Flow Variant: 04 Control flow: if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) and if(PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) * * */ package testcases.CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error.s01; import testcasesupport.*; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.logging.Level; public class CWE197_Numeric_Truncation_Error__int_connect_tcp_to_byte_04 extends AbstractTestCase { /* The two variables below are declared "final", so a tool should * be able to identify that reads of these will always return their * initialized values. */ private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE = true; private static final boolean PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE = false; /* uses badsource and badsink */ public void bad() throws Throwable { int data; if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { data = Integer.MIN_VALUE; /* Initialize data */ /* Read data using an outbound tcp connection */ { Socket socket = null; BufferedReader readerBuffered = null; InputStreamReader readerInputStream = null; try { /* Read data using an outbound tcp connection */ socket = new Socket("host.example.org", 39544); /* read input from socket */ readerInputStream = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); readerBuffered = new BufferedReader(readerInputStream); /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Read data using an outbound tcp connection */ String stringNumber = readerBuffered.readLine(); if (stringNumber != null) /* avoid NPD incidental warnings */ { try { data = Integer.parseInt(stringNumber.trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException exceptNumberFormat) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Number format exception parsing data from string", exceptNumberFormat); } } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error with stream reading", exceptIO); } finally { /* clean up stream reading objects */ try { if (readerBuffered != null) { readerBuffered.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing BufferedReader", exceptIO); } try { if (readerInputStream != null) { readerInputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing InputStreamReader", exceptIO); } /* clean up socket objects */ try { if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } catch (IOException exceptIO) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing Socket", exceptIO); } } } } else { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run * but ensure data is inititialized before the Sink to avoid compiler errors */ data = 0; } { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Convert data to a byte, possibly causing a truncation error */ IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } /* goodG2B1() - use goodsource and badsink by changing PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE to PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE */ private void goodG2B1() throws Throwable { int data; if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_FALSE) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run * but ensure data is inititialized before the Sink to avoid compiler errors */ data = 0; } else { /* FIX: Use a hardcoded number that won't cause underflow, overflow, divide by zero, or loss-of-precision issues */ data = 2; } { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Convert data to a byte, possibly causing a truncation error */ IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } /* goodG2B2() - use goodsource and badsink by reversing statements in if */ private void goodG2B2() throws Throwable { int data; if (PRIVATE_STATIC_FINAL_TRUE) { /* FIX: Use a hardcoded number that won't cause underflow, overflow, divide by zero, or loss-of-precision issues */ data = 2; } else { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run * but ensure data is inititialized before the Sink to avoid compiler errors */ data = 0; } { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Convert data to a byte, possibly causing a truncation error */ IO.writeLine((byte)data); } } public void good() throws Throwable { goodG2B1(); goodG2B2(); } /* Below is the main(). It is only used when building this testcase on * its own for testing or for building a binary to use in testing binary * analysis tools. It is not used when compiling all the testcases as one * application, which is how source code analysis tools are tested. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { mainFromParent(args); } }
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