
by randal76 - opened

could you please make a portable " powerpaint"
A Task is Worth One Word: Learning with Task Prompts for High-Quality Versatile Image Inpainting

Hmm, seems like any mixed sd-inpainting model will do inpainting good too, for general (non instruct) inpainting, you can use lama-cleaner. I think that make a portable of this one will be sort of pain in ass and not necessary, but ofcourse i can be mistaken bout that

Lol, seems like unet size is identical to sd, maybe i can run this one just by running in automatic

converted from https://huggingface.co/Sanster/PowerPaint-V1-stable-diffusion-inpainting to ckpt using https://huggingface.co/spaces/NickKolok/converter, you can download ckpts here: https://huggingface.co/4eJIoBek/powerpaint-a1111
and in a1111 sometimes it works somewhat strange, maybe these additional embeddings are neccesary or something else, anyway, i tried. also i cant convert it into fp16 format using a1111, it returns error :(
example of strange thingimage.png

sd-inpaint(way more latent artifats than powerpaint)
just sd
instruct-pix2pix(lolwut it even works)
powerpaint from this repohttps://huggingface.co/bdsqlsz/PowerPaint-V1-stable-diffusion-inpainting

thank you my friend and merry christmas

4eJIoBek changed discussion status to closed

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