
by Amin456789 - opened

there is a bark.cpp version of bark [please search it on github] that is much smaller and working with cpu, i assume it will be faster than the torch one
i am using avx2 cpu but there is more, i dont know how to compile, could u take a look and if u r up to it make a portable version of it? its models are in releases section on github

thank u

Ill check it in this week but as we can see

Disclaimer: there remains bug in the inference code, bark is able to generate audio for some prompts or some seeds, but it does not work for most prompts. The current effort of the community is to fix those bugs, in order to release v0.0.2.

But i ll keep an eye of this one, this is really interesting thing

there are some others too on github

hmm maybe u should test it urself [i can't as i don't know programming skill to compile] to see how much bark.cpp level is at generating then make a portable version of it

due to uploading stable portable version of XTTS2(which is perfect and fast working on both cuda and cpu), there is no significant need to keep this issue open. From all of these list of cpp implementations, the only one is live for now is stable-diffusion.cpp, when itllbe good for usage, ill hope that something will be happen.

4eJIoBek changed discussion status to closed

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