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Binary toxicity classifier for Ukrainian

This is the fine-tuned on the downstream task "xlm-roberta-large" instance.

The evaluation metrics for binary toxicity classification are:

Precision: 0.9468 Recall: 0.9465 F1: 0.9465

The training and evaluation data will be clarified later.

How to use

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification

# load tokenizer and model weights
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('dardem/xlm-roberta-large-uk-toxicity')
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('dardem/xlm-roberta-large-uk-toxicity')

# prepare the input
batch = tokenizer.encode('Ти неймовірна!', return_tensors='pt')

# inference
Downloads last month
Model size
560M params
Tensor type

Dataset used to train dardem/xlm-roberta-large-uk-toxicity