XL version

by Nebsh - opened


How could we do a similar version for SDXL ? I really need this.

I am developing a version for SDXL. I think this process takes 1-2 weeks or longer. You can refer this link https://github.com/guoyww/AnimateDiff/tree/sdxl and combine with a controlnet, and then train it.

Oh great to hear ! thanks so much gonna be awesome with turbo

@crishhh that's awesome! Very much looking forward to an SDXL version. Thank you!

How is that progressing ? :D

I am working on it. :D I recollect some high-quality videos, so it will take some time

Hey wondering if you had finishing collecting more videos and if we could provide any help ? :)

I would be glad to help too. I know a bunch of folks that would be glad to collect data!

Sorry about this late reply, I got not good results in XL model, maybe due to my GPUs(less batch and resolution) or model structure. I am trying another model structure for SDXL version. Stay tuned!

Thanks for the update. Can I offer (or look for) any help for you? Would love to help figure out and SDXL version. There are a bunch of us over in the Banodoco discord that are experimenting with ControlGIF extensively for SD1.5. A lot of smart folks and developers over there that may be able to offer some insight or answer any questions!

If you use Discord, here's a link: https://discord.gg/udmbAQjX
Otherwise, feel free to reach out directly to me; my links are in my profile here on HF! 🙏

please don't forget this project, we are waiting for the improved XL version, I'm still waiting for you :)

I'm also leaving a comment to express my interest in an SDXL version of this project, should it still be feasible at this point in time.

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