it's great

by mradermacher - opened

Thanks for this (midnight-)miqu-based model - I haven't been happy with any model based on newer base models (qwen2, llama3), so it's great to see this. I find many of your models are quite creative, and to be honest, I haven't tripped over any depraved content really. If at all, I get more interesting story content where other models degrade into cheap nsfw content. What I mean is that many of your models don't seem to steer into porn and are perfectly fine with just generating interesting plot. Refreshing really. This model specifically has been my go-to model (for generating stories) ever since you published it. It feels a bit like a base model but with more varied content.

I haven't used the author's note (yet).

Anyway, just thought I give you a heads-up, seeing there has been little feedback otherwise here :)

Thanks for the feedback! Definitely appreciate it. And yeah, trying to get the latest generation of models to be creative is not easy, at all. L3 in particular.

And thanks for all the quants. I even use yours now, which feels kind of weird considering they're derivatives of my own uploads. :)

I am enjoying it too. I find the 4_K_M is better at roleplay/chat and the 5_K_M is very good for stories. I keep the ctx at 16k for faster response. Stellar work both of you. ^^

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