Please provide crestfall with noromaid 20b

by anmol989 - opened

In my personal testing noromaid 20b model outperforms its 13b variant by very high degree

Noromaid 20b would require a specific fine tune on that specific model, so it's not trivial, but it's something I'm considering.

@crestf411 what happened to your ? It is possible to create a LLM Benchmark defines which defines how good a model is at creating lewd stories. The ayumi benchmark only examine roleplay abilities. Which model are you using for generating stories. I know this answer changes every month. This guy @openerotica is also creating lewd database. Right now i am using this noromaid 20b. In my knowledge this is not trained on stories but it does create very good lewd stories

what happened to your ?

I am still working on it. I realized it had some short comings that I wanted to address before I updated it any further so it's been unchanged for awhile. Sorry about that. I do plan to do a major overhaul in the near future.

As for your other questions, as you say, it is very much a personal preference thing and things advance rapidly, so there's no useful answer, I'm afraid.

Unfortunately work got me busy for a bit. Happy to see there's interest. I'm doing a rather big overhaul to take more details into account in the evaluations, which will hopefully be helpful to people. Sorry for the lack of movement lately.

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