How to load this model?

by JHamilt - opened

I wanted to run and see this mdoel in action. How do I run, it says:
OSError: coreml-community/coreml-realisticVision-v51VAE_cn does not appear to have a file named coreml-realisticVision-v51VAE_cn.safetensors

Core ML Models org

How are you trying to run it? It it meant to be used in the Mochi Diffusion application.

I tried using it with Python directly:

base_model_id = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0"
pipeline = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(base_model_id, variant="fp16", torch_dtype=torch.float16).to("cuda")
pipeline.load_lora_weights("coreml-community/coreml-realisticVision-v51VAE_cn", weight_name="realisticVisionV51_v50VAE.safetensors")

imagem = pipeline( "realistic vision, cat jumping towards the sky", num_inference_steps=50).images[0]"diffuser_image.png")

Core ML Models org

It won't run with Python. It will only run with a Swift application or in Swift from the command line. For a Python CLI, you need a model that is in a single file that ends with .safetensors or .ckpt. Those versions of this particular model are here:

JHamilt changed discussion status to closed

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