Testing multi-modal capabilities

by clem HF staff - opened

In February, Satya Nadella said that "I want people to know that we made them dance". Let's see if Google is now finally ready for an epic dance-off!

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 16.42.07.png

We choose to believe what Bard says!


Not too fast...

[EDIT]: This is probably not Gemini, please see below posts

Trying their own example ("we first gave gemini a screenshot of this figure then we asked it to generate the code require to plot it"). All 3 drafts have error in code and don't run..



People are missing that it literally is only Gemini Pro for text based prompts. As soon as you give it an image to process it's PaLM2

Trying their own example ("we first gave gemini a screenshot of this figure then we asked it to generate the code require to plot it"). All 3 drafts have error in code and don't run..


Not Gemini pro

Thanks @masonadams22 ! Sorry for the misleading post

Thanks @masonadams22 ! Sorry for the misleading post

No problem!

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