From Scratch guide, please?

by AndroMeta - opened

Can someone please guide me on how to get this to run on automatic 1111 from scratch? I've gotten the old ModelScope to work, but I'm at a loss for what files go where for zeroscope v2 xl. I thought I had everything replaced, but I ran it @ 1024x576 and it tells me it Tried to allocate 37.97 GiB CUDA memory to process it.

You'll need to launch 1111 with the --xformers commandline arg. It should install and use xformers when you do this, which will speed it up and lower the vram usage significantly

I still only get bogus outputs if i run it sadly?

@atara What are your settings? Going under or over 24 frames and 1024x576 will result in worse outputs

Xformers worked. Also, yes. Anything more or less than 24 frames results in a poor output from the tests I've done on it.

I can go to 48 then it breaks ... super impressive quality once it runs!

I use this notebook on Google Colab
can someone please tell me how to add Zeroscope there

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