mt0-xxl web app performance issue?

by haydenhong - opened

Thanks for the great work on training and releazing this model! Upon reading the discussion on the Bloom page related to Bloomz and mt0-xxl, I am excited to try out mt0-xxl web version (given that bloomz web is gone). I am puzzled to see simply running the default example would generate result that seems to be not as impressive. The screenshot shows the three issues I think we can easily spot.


I also ran some of the cases from xP3 dataset for zh and noticed those cases with short answers tend to be good, while those with longer answers would show various kind of issues, including 1) words repeated immediately one after another sometimes, 2) grammatically incorrect sentences, 3) irrelevant contents, and 4) uncoherent context etc.
Is there something missing somewhere?

BTW, do you mind sharing the "best" parameters used for calling the "model.generate()" in a locally deployed mt0-xxl model please?

BigScience Workshop org

Yeah one of the drawpacks of current models trained on P3/xP3 etc ... is they tend to generate shorter answer. BLOOMz is probably a better model if you want to have long answers. It's an ongoing work to generate long consistent text.

We don't really have "best" parameters, feel free to experiment with other params, as well as other inference algorithms. If I'm not wrong, the current generation is purely greedy so probably the worst of the algorithm.

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