gpt-2-experimental /
ahmet1338's picture
Readme file updated
language: tr
  - turkish
  - tr
  - gpt2-tr
  - gpt2-turkish
license: mit
  - accuracy

🇹🇷 Turkish GPT-2 Model

In this repository I release GPT-2 model, that was trained on various texts for Turkish.

The model is meant to be an entry point for fine-tuning on other texts.

Training corpora

I used a Turkish corpus that is taken from different written and oral sources.

With the Tokenizers library, I created a 52K BPE vocab based on the training corpus.

After creating the vocab, I could train the GPT-2 for Turkish on over the complete training corpus (five epochs).

Logs during training:

Using the model

The model itself can be used in this way:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelWithLMHead
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("ahmet1338/gpt2-turkish-cased")
model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("ahmet1338/gpt2-turkish-cased")

Here's an example that shows how to use the great Transformers Pipelines for generating text:

from transformers import pipeline
pipe = pipeline('text-generation', model="ahmet1338/gpt2-turkish-cased",
                 tokenizer="ahmet1338/gpt2-turkish-cased", config={'max_length':800})   
text = pipe("Akşamüstü yolda ilerlerken, ")[0]["generated_text"]

How to clone the model repo?

git lfs install
git clone