fine-tuning using FSDP and non 80GB cards?

by besiktas - opened

Has anyone had any luck fine-tuning this model with non 80GB cards? I am using a training script that is pretty close to the llama script and have tried every combo of options I can think of (but perhaps I'm missing an obvious one) and unable to get a forward/backward pass of the model. Using 8x48GB cards.

Hi @besiktas , there is a discussion around this PR which you may find relevant :)

hey @Molbap thanks, believe I saw that before and was not able to get it to work but I have a working example now.

Can you finetune the fuyu model? I have 80GB cards.

@yinggong you shouldn't have a problem with 80GB cards

@yinggong you shouldn't have a problem with 80GB cards

do you know where to fine the train script?

It seems not work from


I faced a CUDA memory issue when running on a single A100 card. I resolved this by using 4-bit models, which happen to work on either a 3090 or a A100 card.

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@yinggong here is a super simple script that allows you to test if you can get the model running on your machine:

It mocks a text input and image so that you can be sure the processor works as well.

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