OrangeMix3 - How to load in VAE when using google collab?

by TheDkmariolink - opened

Hello! So, I've upgraded from using version 2 to version 3, however, I'm running into the issue of purple splotches in the output, I attribute this to be because I don't have the VAE installed on version 3. My google collab is unable to load in VAE's, so is there a guide on how to do this, or is it best to wait for the version with the VAE pre-baked in?


Try any other colab, like camenduru's, etc. But my issue so far is that for img2img (upscale included) the vae doesn't seem to work, and when you force it on manually you get a nans exception error.

Just to showcase what happens by default even if you have orangemix vae auto downloaded


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