Final rendered image is completely black

by xxxxzomb - opened

This only appears to happen to me using the AbyssOrangeMix2 model

*sfw version

Hello @xxxxzomb ,

Assuming you are using automatic1111, this is a known issue that can occur on any model, typically I have noted it more frequently at higher step counts or when upscaling. Make sure you are in fact using a VAE if you are not, you can download one from Place it into your \models\VAE folder, then in the UI use Settings -> Stable diffusion -> SD VAE to set it.

The solution in general is to add the --no-half-vae argument to the command line args line in your webui-user.bat, or if on Linux, your

This argument will fix all black outputs related to the VAE, as well as certain other distortions that may occur related to the VAE, it may not solve them if there is a different root cause.

I also recommending --medvram to offset the additional memory utilization due to --no-half-vae, and --xformers for additional optimization (processing speed and memory utilization) if you are using an Nvidia card, otherwise if xformers isn't an option / doesn't work, you can try --opt-sub-quad-attention.

See the following wiki pages for details.

Command line Args



In addition, live previews do take additional processing and vRAM / GPU memory, disabling them can improve performance. See Settings -> Live previews in the UI.

ur a godsend, thank u so much :D

xxxxzomb changed discussion status to closed

it's pixelating some parts of the image now (some kind of "mosaic" effect), any idea on how to fix that?

xxxxzomb changed discussion status to open

it's pixelating some parts of the image now (some kind of "mosaic" effect), any idea on how to fix that?


If you are using hi res fix and a latent upscaler, you typically need to start with denoising around 0.55 at minimum, tweaking higher or lower as needed.

perfect, thank you very much!!

xxxxzomb changed discussion status to closed

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