Error in 1.7 files

by SerialKicked - opened


If your v1.7 is indeed for Silly Tavern, the context files have a couple of major issues:

  1. You're mixing up {{personality}} with {{description}}. It makes it very difficult for the LLM to correctly identify the character it's supposed to play.
  2. It doesn't take into account when a field is empty (at least not properly.), leaving a bunch of empty titles.

Here's a fixed version (for LLama 3, same logic applies to the others). I hope it'll help.



{{#if system}}{{system}}

{{/if}}{{#if wiBefore}}{{wiBefore}}

{{/if}}<!-- Start of Role-play Context -->

{{#if scenario}}### Main Scenario

{{/if}}{{#if  description}}### {{char}}'s Persona

{{/if}}{{#if persona}}### {{user}}'s Persona

{{/if}}{{#if mesExamples}}### {{char}}'s Example Dialogue
The following examples illustrate {{char}}'s unique dialect and speaking quirks. Study them to gain a deeper understanding of their personality, but be sure to incorporate these traits in a way that feels authentic and nuanced, rather than simply copying them verbatim.

<!-- Start of {{char}}'s Example Dialogue -->
<!-- End of {{char}}'s Example Dialogue -->

{{/if}}{{#if wiAfter}}### Extra Information

{{/if}}<!-- End of Role-play Context --><|eot_id|>


  1. The reason they are separate is due to the way I write cards.
    Using a P-list for Personality.
    Using Description for extra information.

The character confusion, is probably occurring as I do not explicitly state it is playing a specific character.

  1. You are right, I did notice that, but had not gotten around to fixing it.

Thanks for the fix.

  1. Ooh, understood! That part of the README confused me quite a bit when I read it the first time. It left my mind by the time I looked at the files themselves. My bad :) The LLM's failure to adopt its role was due to the fact I never put anything in that field.

Well, at least I helped with 2.

Have a nice day!


I should make a better guide, I just assumed people understood what I wrote. And add a warning that personality is a required field.



Updated llama3, working on the others.

Would you please check if they are correct now?

@Virt-io I gave them a look and they look fine now πŸ‘

It should make the thing more robust when the user doesn't bother filling half the fields.


Nice, I'll close this for now then.


Virt-io changed discussion status to closed

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