Personalized Love Assistant Program.

by Delcos - opened

Update readme. Much more information needed.

MergeFuel org

I will later, all this shit is very experimental, some things will change, please be patient and I'm sorry.
There so much new things going on now.

Mixtral model made of Llama2 model, 8x13, alpaca prompting.
Routing expert to storytelling, RP and chat model.
4k context, can be stretched with RoPE.

If you need more specific info tell me, I'm still testing all of this.

I meant more of what "Personalized Love Assistant Program" was about. No rush, wondering. Ty for the models ^_^

Delcos changed discussion status to closed
MergeFuel org

I meant more of what "Personalized Love Assistant Program" was about. No rush, wondering. Ty for the models ^_^

It's a play around the word "Plap"...
I let you dig into that hahaha

In case anyone is still confused, pronounce the 'pl' as 'f' and you get the idea.

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