System Requirements for TheMistoAI/MistoLine (CPU and RAM)

by encripto - opened

Dear Hugging Face Community,

I am interested in using TheMistoAI/MistoLine model for [its intended purpose]. Before continuing, I would like to ask about the general system requirements, particularly the CPU and RAM specifications, to effectively run this model on a CPU-based system.

Since I have a CPU based system, I would greatly appreciate information on the following aspects:

Recommended RAM: What amount of RAM is recommended for optimal performance of TheMistoAI/MistoLine model on a CPU-based system?
Minimum RAM Requirements: What is the minimum RAM threshold that my system must meet to ensure model functionality on a CPU-based system?
General CPU Considerations: Are there any specific CPU features or characteristics that are particularly important to running TheMistoAI/MistoLine model effectively on a CPU-based system?
Any guidance you can provide on these RAM and CPU specifications would be immensely valuable.

Thank you for dedicating your time and experience to answer my questions. I sincerely appreciate your help in this matter.



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