mpt_model_load: tensor 'transformer.wte.weight' has wrong size in model file

by vasilee - opened

code that leads to that error

from ctransformers import AutoModelForCausalLM

llm = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("TheBloke/minotaur-mpt-7B-GGML",
print(llm('AI is going to'))

Please double check that the file is properly downloaded. This sounds like your download may have aborted part way through.

I downloaded it locally and created a space that is downloading on docker the file and it is the same error for q4_0 and q4_1 files. Didn't check the others.

OK in that case I am not sure

@marella do you have any idea what might be wrong?

I'm getting the same error with the example in ggml repo.
Can you try re-converting and open an issue in ggml repo if it still doesn't work.

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