Very Useful

by boricuapab - opened

Works great in lollms webui after a small update to the c transformers binding init


Though it seems to not be able to spell yogurt, or know that cake and yogurt are not fruits


Hi Bro,

what version you have used to get it work , i have downloaded WizardCoder-15B-1.0.ggmlv3.q4_0.bin and q4_1.bin , i didn't get it to run :( , blow are the screen



Best Regards,

update : i have used the model with koboldcpp_1.30.2.exe , it is working


Great to hear!

@boricuapab I have tested your prompt on WizardLM-1.0-Uncensored-CodeLlama-34B-GGUF and it did much better job, it recognized fruits from desserts:


Then I asked it to make it possible to choose from them and this is the result:


It seams the WizardLM-1.0-Uncensored-CodeLlama-34B-GGUF can make better codes but it is very slow on my CPU.

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