Could you please help change the license?

by banghua - opened

Hi @TheBloke , thank you so much for doing the conversion!

We recently changed our license to slightly more restrictive commercial license here Could you please also update both the license file and the model card for 'TheBloke/NexusRaven-V2-13B-GGUF', 'TheBloke/NexusRaven-V2-13B-AWQ', and 'TheBloke/NexusRaven-V2-13B-GPTQ'?

We switched to a Nexusflow community license, which is almost identical to llama 2, except that we restrict the company with >50M users to first get permission from us before commercial usage. This shall not affect the commercial use of most of the developers.

Thank you so much for your help!

Sorry for the delay, that's now done

Thank you so much!

banghua changed discussion status to closed

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