This model is insanely good.

by jk4 - opened

Thank you very much for providing these models. I appreciate you!

Thank you very much for providing these models. I appreciate you!

Can you elaborate a little about what is so good about this model please?

I'm not the thread author, but I came back to this repository (actually to the original repository from Sao10K) to basically state the same.
I just began to learn about llama models a few days ago and downloaded various 13B llama-2 models for specific tasks like coding, storytelling, roleplay etc.
I don't have benchmark data to validate the impression, but Mythical-Destroyer-L2-13B was much better at providing and describing detailed code examples (in python) and much more elaborate and imaginative in detailed storytelling and regular conversations.
I figure that's the strength of merging multiple specific models together.

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