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This is the official repo for paper Supervised Fine-tuning in turn Improves Visual Foundation Models.


  • [2024/01/19] We open source the ViSFT including training scripts and weights. Evaluation codes will be released soon.


Image-text training like CLIP has dominated the pretraining of vision foundation models in recent years. Subsequent efforts have been made to introduce region-level visual learning into CLIP’s pretraining but face scalability challenges due to the lack of large-scale region-level datasets. Drawing inspiration from supervised fine-tuning (SFT) in natural language processing such as instruction tuning, we explore the potential of fine-grained SFT in enhancing the generation of vision foundation models after their pretraining. Thus a two-stage method ViSFT (Vision SFT) is proposed to unleash the fine-grained knowledge of vision foundation models. In ViSFT, the vision foundation model is enhanced by performing visual joint learning on some in-domain tasks and then tested on out-of-domain benchmarks. With updating using ViSFT on 8 V100 GPUs in less than 2 days, a vision transformer with over 4.4B parameters shows improvements across various out-of-domain benchmarks including vision and vision-linguistic scenarios.


creating a conda environment

conda create -n ViSFT python=3.8

conda activate ViSFT

Install pytorch

we use torch1.12 with CUDA11.3 on 8 NVIDIA Volta V100- SXM2-32GB GPUs

pip install --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113 torch==1.12.0

pip install --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113 torchvision==0.13.0

pip install --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113 torchaudio==0.12.0 

xformers installation

Flash attention is required for running EVA-ViT-E. please refer to xformers

loralib installation

pip install --user git+https://github.com/microsoft/LoRA

compile MSDeform for Mask2former head

cd ./mmf/models/visft/ops
sudo sh make.sh
# back to root dir
cd ../../../../

Other packages installation

pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Preparation

export DATA_PATH=your_data_path

image caption

Generating hdf5 files for image caption following hdf5

file strcture:

└── processed_datasets/
    └─── coco_caption_hdf5_files

Detection & Segmentation

file strcture:

└── public_datasets/
    └─── coco



To get compatible in-domain task heads. Using 8 NVIDIA Volta V100-SXM2-32GB GPUs for every in-domain task head.

For eva-vit-g

Preparing weights from LAVIS

wget https://storage.googleapis.com/sfr-vision-language-research/LAVIS/models/BLIP2/eva_vit_g.pth

Adding your weights path to configs under dir:./projects/visft/configs/stage1/eva_g/

backbone_dir: path/eva_vit_g.pth

Implementing training

bash ./scripts/stage1_train/eva_g/caption.sh
bash ./scripts/stage1_train/eva_g/detection.sh
bash ./scripts/stage1_train/eva_g/segment.sh

For eva-vit-e

Preparing EVA-CLIP weights from EVA

Extact ViT weights

python ./scripts/preprocess/extract_eva_e_vit.py

Adding your weights path to configs under dir:./projects/visft/configs/stage1/eva_e/

backbone_dir: path/EVA02_CLIP_E_psz14_plus_s9B_Visual.pt

Implementing training

# can be executed in parallel
bash ./scripts/stage1_train/eva_e/caption.sh
bash ./scripts/stage1_train/eva_e/detection.sh
bash ./scripts/stage1_train/eva_e/segment.sh

Or you can use the weights we provided.

In-domain Heads
Caption Head weights weights
Segment Head weights weights
Detection Head weights weights


For eva-vit-g

Adding your weights path to configs under dir:./projects/visft/configs/stage2/eva_g/stage2.yaml

backbone_dir: path/eva_vit_g.pth
caption_ckpt_path: 'path/eva_g_caption_heads.ckpt'
detection_ckpt_path: 'path/eva_g_detection_heads.ckpt'

Implementing training

bash ./scripts/stage2_train/eva_g/stage2.sh

For eva-vit-e

Adding your weights path to configs under dir:./projects/visft/configs/stage2/eva_e/stage2.yaml

backbone_dir: path/EVA02_CLIP_E_psz14_plus_s9B_Visual.pt
caption_ckpt_path: 'path/eva_e_caption_heads.ckpt'
detection_ckpt_path: 'path/eva_e_detection_heads.ckpt'

Implementing training

bash ./scripts/stage2_train/eva_e/stage2.sh

Get LoRA Weights

You can extract expected LoRA weights by

python ./scripts/postprocess/extract_lora_weights.py

Or use the LoRA weights we provide:

LoRA weights
5k weights weights
10k weights weights
15k weights weights
20k weights weights
50k weights weights

Evaluation Benchmarks

  • [] Zero-shot Image Classification
  • [] Zero-shot Image-text Retrieval
  • [] OCR
  • [] Grounded Object Indentification
  • [] VQA
  • [] Image Captioning on NoCaps


The code of ViSFT is based on the official implementation of mmf, EVA and LAVIS


If you found our work valuable, please cite:

      title={Supervised Fine-tuning in turn Improves Visual Foundation Models}, 
      author={Xiaohu Jiang and Yixiao Ge and Yuying Ge and Chun Yuan and Ying Shan},
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