Need more detailed instructions on how to use with USDU

by MysticDaedra - opened

Using with USDU does not replicate the functionality of ControlNet Tile for SD 1.5. We either need better instructions on how to get this to work with USDU for upscaling, or this model is fundamentally not a true "tile" controlnet model.

CN Tile is supposed to prevent each tile that USDU works on from generating the full image. In SD1.5 you could turn the denoising up very high before it started to struggle. With this model it generates ghost images of the prompt/original image in each tile, which defeats the entire purpose of the tile model.

So... either I (and many other folks I'm spoken with) are using the model incorrectly somehow despite following the instructions to the best of our ability, or this is not a "true" CN tile model like the original for SD 1.5. If the former is true... better instructions please? If the latter is true... better model so we can use it to guide upscaling please?

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