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gta Dreambooth model trained by Sula1723 with TheLastBen's fast-DreamBooth notebook

This model was trained on the official art images of the GTA 5 game, which usually appear on the loading screens. These arts include images of people, animals, and various objects that are usually part of a general picture or background. Stable Diffusion v1-5 was used for training, also about 30 concept images and 1000 regularization images for style training. Due to the use of Google Colab resources, you do not need to have a GPU and you can freely experiment on your concepts. To select the optimal settings before training, I recommend using this guide written by Nitrosocke.

To reference the art style, use the token: gta

Test the concept via A1111 Colab fast-Colab-A1111

Sample pictures of this concept:

arnold arnold arnold arnold arnold arnold

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