This is a English Post-OCR model, fine-tuned from ByT5-large model.
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Low CER Samples
- me, I do not despair of mvsef. Perhaps God will forgive me, for no one stood beside me to te me of hit. What waf there for me do, alonea. 1 was, and weik and def-neeless ? Craft amd deccit bave made up my whols life from that tim' on, Aud et'1 was not made to play such ti hideous ra lej th proof if that 1 luve Ascanuo. and that .when I found that I loved him I was happy and ashamed at the same ime. Now tel me, my pure, darliug
- Her mothcur laughed. “Am 1 making a little fuss about you? 1s that what you like?
- What could it be? I thought of the assistant's fondness for photography, and his trick of vanishing into the cellar. The cellar ! There was the end of this tangled clue. Then I made inquiries as to this mysterious assistant
- I remarked. " Well, of course it was obvious from the first that this Mr. Hosmer Angel must have some strong object for his curious conduct, and it was equally clear that the only man who really profited by the incident, as far as we could see, was the stepfather.
- The inspector took Mrs. Ifib. as bert to the Rusholme Police-station, where she now md lies, The full circumstances of the case appear to ig be as follows :-The unfortunate woman is the wife a, of jThomras Hibbert, joiner and builder. About at twelve months ago Mrs. Hlibbert gave birth to w a child, She fell ill, and finally became insane, She n was removed to the Parkfield Asyloam, near Maccles- r, field, of which institution she was an inmate up till y the 3rd of this month.
- My sister aske.l me what was the matter, and why I was so pale ; but I told her that I had been upset by the jewel robbery at the hotel. Then I went into the back yard, and smoked a pipe, and w^ondered what it would be best to do. "
High CER Samples
- *Lilly caught hold of him, 'ai found that his coat snd hands were dovered with vwhiteivash, and on being dsl'ed to -acoiant for it he said, " I have~jdst tome fronm a ire; I'll show you where it is.
- 1t'a dntflcul-t someti-mes to tetlthe frutn about a feeling, ant it
- I may pevhaps scem over-bold, mAdam, in centiufng to trouble you with my unworthy èpisLles whé? tbe eloved ink between uf is wanbang, -but 1 beliers my kin-d Mr amd .uretwood will excuse my Presumption. remembering, in tjj oodness of their hearts, whaf scate of mindd I must be in, deprivéd a( 1 am of the delicious hope s that hive Muftained me hitherto. That youW mdam, waf joined with your humbe corr'spondent im a ccmmon
- MorE 9e r passod, my motbcrf)dlowed iy aunt to tbe g2hves and stll 1 wa-s us f'ar as eve4 from jeking Gny diCcovvriee in reltou to Cnole Qeofgea shor tly tftem the pèriod of fhis laft Affliction my health gavc wsm3 and 1 dep,rie, by my doLtosrf adveoe tp try some bu.b0 in tbe foath af ranoe
- "1s he coming 1" Giarissa asked, ratjer anxi.ouslI' Tbere was aominthig nminoas in tne t-ilness of tb e pl'aoe.
- Hber' ws a l.ttl' pause, duriug whicH Tane lookaf hatd St tbe pirit coien Then, Itb tbe gesturo oi 0 ne undei strong eaoHon, b -jot qp from his cbalr and suId in avoico woone tone oade his fatlor look qnockly towardf himi
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- 22
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