hfb not working?

by richerich - opened

So i've tried to make the "hfb" model to work for a few days now and it seems like it doesn't quite work as intended? Best i would get is a floating penis that gets jacked off xD
Any clues/suggestions?

For example, Anything-V3.0 does not support handjob in the first place, so it seems to tend to produce floating penis in the air.
BloodOrangeMix is relatively easy to get what you intend.
Also, a resolution close to square seems to work well with it.

You might also try this recently released extension.
It is also a good idea to dress only the women to prevent their bodies from being conjoined.

AND  hfb, 1girl, school uniform, handjob
AND  hfb, 1boy, nude, penis

I use NAI FULL for the training itself.

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