can not run it on V100

by CrazyAIGC - opened
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You need to also put your model on the GPU, i.e."cuda")

may not be able to on a 16gb V100

This model requires about 30 GB of GPU RAM if you use 8 bit inference (i.e. pass load_in_8bit=True to from_pretrained)

So I'd recommend to check out smaller BLIP-2 variants.

I use 8 bit inference on my 32gb V100 but failed.
I've already converted the input to fp16, but this bug still occurred.
AssertionError: The input data type needs to be fp16 but torch.float32 was found!
Has anyone successfully run the xxl model on the V100?

Salesforce org

Can you share with us the full traceback?

@zhouqh i've run the opt_6.7b variant on a 24gb a10 with fp16

The traceback is very long and I only screenshot the head and the tail

Can you share with us the full traceback?

Salesforce org

Thanks! Can you try to update your bnb version? pip install --upgrade bitsandbytes

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