Possible to get entire spritesheet in one generation?

by florodude - opened

Do you think this will ever be possible? Right now I'm having a bit of a difficult time matching up the directions. Think we'll ever get a full spritesheet done in a click?

Wait, what?
The model card makes it look like they all come out as full sprite sheets.
I haven't used it yet, but it's very disappointing if it doesn't work the way that the model card makes it look like it does.

I don't believe that's how it works :/ I think it comes out one direction at a time.

I will be releasing 2.0 next week which adds a full sprite sheet option. I will also include a tutorial on how to get stable outputs for each view with the original model. The single-direction output was just for proof of concept. Since I didn’t have much data to work with I split up the sheets.

Wait, what?
The model card makes it look like they all come out as full sprite sheets.
I haven't used it yet, but it's very disappointing if it doesn't work the way that the model card makes it look like it does.

Sorry I didn’t mean to mislead you! The single-direction output is just proof of concept. it takes me about 10 minutes of fiddling to get the results I have on the model card. I’ve made some good progress on a full-sheet output model that I will be releasing next week. I will also include tutorials on how to set up a stable diffusion pixel sprite sheet pipeline. I have been able to use community scripts and some of my own scripts to limit pallets, implement some better-looking dithering, and auto-scale the results to achieve excellent outputs. Unfortunately, the new models' style will still be pretty limited to the Stardew-type aesthetic. This will change in the subsequent releases as I have been given permission to use a large 3d model data set that I have been steadily converting into different pixel art views using a custom blender pipeline.

Onodofthenorth changed discussion status to closed
Onodofthenorth changed discussion status to open

You're fine:) Thanks for your work.

Onodofthenorth changed discussion status to closed

Sorry I got back to this late, don't take it too personally, I appreciate your work on this.
It put the idea in my head to train my own similar model.
Plus it's just so novel...
Great work!

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