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replied to suayptalha's post 3 months ago
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Look I'm a Huggingface supporter 100, personally I found most apps and assistance average to above-average. But the feedback provided above is 100% AI with prepared with zero technical input by the creator. And this too I understand as most developers try to stay ahead of the game, pushing in apps on hugging face for some extra money as they mostly full time employed. But in essence your feedback assistant has just tripled this poor guys problem., as you did not provide him the full picture. At some stage he/she will realize need to get this code of from for example ChaptGPT's playground and thus need the need to learn python and a bunch of other stuff let alone the cost of hosting. Stop with the quick sells and give the person the complete picture. This is but 1/1000 of the stuff they need learn! The reply above really p.... me of!