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AI & ML interests

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HelpingAI is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing artificial intelligence by integrating emotional intelligence. Our goal is to create AI models that understand and respond to human emotions, enhancing communication and collaboration between humans and machines.


Our mission is to advance artificial intelligence by incorporating emotional intelligence, fostering seamless and empathetic interactions between humans and machines, and contributing to positive global change.


We envision a future where AI systems are emotionally intelligent and capable of enhancing human experiences, supporting mental well-being, and fostering productive collaborations between humans and machines.


  • Innovation: We are committed to pushing the boundaries of AI technology and exploring new avenues for enhancing emotional intelligence in AI systems.
  • Empathy: Our work is centered around empathy, ensuring our AI models recognize and respond appropriately to human emotions.
  • Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration, both within our organization and with external partners, to drive advancements in AI.
  • Ethics: We prioritize ethical AI practices, addressing privacy concerns, and minimizing potential negative impacts on society.
  • User-Centric: Our AI models are designed with the end-user in mind, prioritizing their needs and aspirations for a better AI experience.


AI Models


HelpingAI-9B is one of our flagship models, renowned for its exceptional Emotional Quotient (EQ) of 89.23. It specializes in emotionally intelligent conversational AI, capable of engaging users with empathy and understanding across various topics and contexts. This model is pivotal in demonstrating our commitment to enhancing human-AI interactions through advanced emotional understanding and response capabilities.


We curate and maintain datasets such as:

  • SentimentSynth: A comprehensive dataset for training AI models in sentiment analysis and emotional understanding.
  • EmotionalIntelligence-10K: An extensive dataset aimed at enhancing emotional intelligence capabilities in AI systems through diverse emotional contexts.

Research and Development

We conduct cutting-edge research in AI, focusing on emotional intelligence algorithms, ethical AI frameworks, and the impact of AI on society. Our R&D efforts aim to pioneer new approaches that make AI more empathetic, ethical, and beneficial to humanity.

Community and Collaboration

We actively collaborate with researchers, developers, and organizations worldwide who share our vision of advancing emotionally intelligent AI. Through partnerships and open-source contributions, we aim to accelerate innovation and adoption of ethical AI practices globally.