by Rusoski - opened

Hi there, I was wondering, what is the base model for this model? I am trying to run this model with Ollama and this is basically the modelfile I have:

FROM D:\ai\gguf\poppy_porpoise-1.30-l3-8b-q8_0\poppy_porpoise-1.30-l3-8b-q8_0.gguf

But when I ask for code generation, the model won't stop generating because it skips the stop PARAMETER, which I don't know. where can I get that info?

Nitral's Archived Models org
edited Jun 11

Looks like i never updated the eos token to 128009 instead of the default 128001. Id recommend Hathor-v0.2 over poppy at this point anyhow as it is a direct improvement over the last series. Quants that should be correct for it here. stop token for this model is <|eot_id|> also listed as 128009 in parts of the config.

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