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This model is a fine-tuned version of facebook/wav2vec2-large-960h-lv60-self on the None dataset. It achieves the following results on the evaluation set:

  • Loss: 1.1985
  • Accuracy: 0.5417

Model description

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Intended uses & limitations

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Training and evaluation data

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Training procedure

Training hyperparameters

The following hyperparameters were used during training:

  • learning_rate: 3e-05
  • train_batch_size: 2
  • eval_batch_size: 2
  • seed: 42
  • gradient_accumulation_steps: 4
  • total_train_batch_size: 8
  • optimizer: Adam with betas=(0.9,0.999) and epsilon=1e-08
  • lr_scheduler_type: linear
  • lr_scheduler_warmup_ratio: 0.1
  • num_epochs: 45

Training results

Training Loss Epoch Step Validation Loss Accuracy
2.2033 1.0 14 2.2126 0.0833
2.2006 2.0 28 2.2026 0.0833
2.1786 3.0 42 2.1758 0.3333
2.1712 4.0 56 2.1436 0.3333
2.1495 5.0 70 2.1120 0.3333
2.1326 6.0 84 2.0909 0.3333
2.1039 7.0 98 2.0966 0.3333
2.0931 8.0 112 2.0355 0.3333
2.1144 9.0 126 2.0082 0.3333
2.0258 10.0 140 1.9901 0.375
2.0028 11.0 154 1.9429 0.3958
1.9737 12.0 168 1.9538 0.3958
1.9023 13.0 182 1.8824 0.375
1.9226 14.0 196 1.8607 0.3958
1.8521 15.0 210 1.8065 0.3958
1.7752 16.0 224 1.8153 0.4167
1.8391 17.0 238 1.7470 0.4375
1.7041 18.0 252 1.7419 0.4167
1.7075 19.0 266 1.6644 0.4375
1.6845 20.0 280 1.6340 0.4375
1.6275 21.0 294 1.6271 0.4167
1.4586 22.0 308 1.5640 0.4375
1.4987 23.0 322 1.5279 0.4583
1.5513 24.0 336 1.4873 0.4792
1.4828 25.0 350 1.4887 0.4583
1.4711 26.0 364 1.4613 0.4583
1.371 27.0 378 1.4062 0.4792
1.3789 28.0 392 1.4038 0.4792
1.3579 29.0 406 1.4031 0.4792
1.2771 30.0 420 1.3637 0.5
1.3417 31.0 434 1.3655 0.5
1.231 32.0 448 1.3698 0.5
1.2367 33.0 462 1.3394 0.5
1.2933 34.0 476 1.3448 0.4792
1.1631 35.0 490 1.2867 0.5417
1.165 36.0 504 1.2624 0.5417
1.2431 37.0 518 1.2252 0.5625
1.1731 38.0 532 1.2082 0.5625
1.1734 39.0 546 1.2062 0.5417
1.1631 40.0 560 1.2034 0.5417
1.0963 41.0 574 1.1973 0.5417
1.2157 42.0 588 1.1988 0.5625
1.1467 43.0 602 1.2018 0.5417
1.1503 44.0 616 1.1986 0.5417
1.0945 45.0 630 1.1985 0.5417

Framework versions

  • Transformers 4.20.1
  • Pytorch 1.11.0
  • Datasets 2.1.0
  • Tokenizers 0.12.1
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