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Password security classifier

This is a keras model that gives a binary response showing how secure is a password. I used this password list as a dataset + random password generation using the random library (I know, it's not very secure but this is for a dataset). This model has a huggignface space. You can visit the link to try using the model online.

Model & Training

The model was trained on 4,2MiB (200 000 lines) of .csv data for 2 epochs on Adam with learning rate 0.00001, batch size 4 and mse loss. The model embeds every input character with the ord() builtin python function. The model has 128 969 dense layer parameters.


On training the model had: loss - 0.0025 accuracy - 0.9972 The evaluation of the model on a test dataset shows: loss - 0.0023 accuracy - 0.9972

Model usage

The start.py file has a clf function that inputs a string of a password and responds with a 0-1 float value. 1 means secure and 0 insecure. To train the model, create a dataset.csv file. Here's an example:


After the dataset.csv file is created, now you can adjust the settings in the net.py file and run it.

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Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) does not yet support keras models for this pipeline type.