Increasing Max Token Limit

by JohnsonDoe - opened

Hi, is there a way to increase the max token count from 77 that is preset to more than that? I can see from the prompts in the gallery has more than 77 tokens in it.

that depends on the software you're using.

Can you please elaborate? I'm very new to this. Which software do you recommend using to increase the default set token limit?

If you're using A1111, or most UI's there is no need to set a max token limit when training the model - (as far as I know) - your prompts in the UI for stable diffusion will just get automatically set into chunks according to how large it is. (depending on which version of stable diffusion you're using that is)

I'm closing this as it's not an issue with the model. I think you will get better assistance by opening an issue on the repo of the tool you're using :)

Lykon changed discussion status to closed

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